#post spider-man: nwh
marvelous-writer · 2 years
Caught Red & Blue Handed
Summary: Peter comes home late past curfew and tries to sneak in, only it doesn’t go as he hoped. 
Whumptober Day 2: Cornered & Confrontation 
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,261
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort, fluff
Link to read on AO3
“Peter, you’re thirty-eight minutes past curfew.” Karen reminds him.
“I know, Karen. Thanks for reminding me again." Peter says with no real heat behind it as he shoots another web off to the closest building.
Tonight’s patrol had gotten a tiny bit out of hand. He started around eight tonight and it had gone very smoothly, helping an older lady across the street, stopping a few purse snatchers here and there, and even helping a little girl get her pet lizard down from a tree. How it got up there, he has no clue. Everything has been going so great tonight… up until the Tracksuit Mafia decided to start wreaking havoc—and that havoc, being robbing a block of expensive stores on 5th avenue.
Peter felt a bit out of his element here in Manhattan since he’s so used to patrolling in Queens. But since May and Happy got married, they all moved to Happy’s apartment in uptown Manhattan, overlooking the massive skyscrapers. And it’s very nice… too nice in fact. Peter misses Queens and the people there, but he still tries to make it back every chance he can get to patrol and continue keeping the streets as safe as he can. It’s just been hard lately with the Tracksuits ramping up their robberies. He’s really going to have to look into those guys.
Tonight, they decided to rob a bunch of luxury stores and a few ATM machines and started robbing another store until Peter got there. It took quite a while to take them all out and they got quite a few good hits in themselves, but Peter managed to take each and every one of them down, webbing them up outside on the street light poles before the police showed up. The whole thing took around half an hour alone, resulting in him being way past his curfew.
“Forty minutes, Peter.” Karen tells him.
Peter lets out a sigh as he twists in the air, rounding the corner of a building onto another street, firing off another web. “I know, Karen.”
He’s so screwed if May or Happy are up.
Hopefully they’re not and they went to bed.
With his luck, probably not.
Peter swings from the web and launches himself in the air, free-falling for a few quick seconds before firing off another web.
“Forty one minutes.”
“Karen, you don’t have to keep telling me.”
“I’m sorry, Peter.”
Peter lets out a sigh as he fires off another web. “It’s okay. How about you tell me the quickest way to get home?”
“Certainly,” Karen says in an upbeat tone as a map pops up in the bottom left corner of his HUD in his left mask lens. “The quickest way home is fifteen minutes. Take the next left.”
“Thanks, Karen!” Peter says as he takes a sharp left up the next street, hoping to get home sooner than fifteen minutes.
When Peter finally makes it home, he silently lands on the glass window of his bedroom and goes to lift it, only for it to stay firmly in place.
Crap. I forgot to unlock it before I left. Peter thinks to himself, closing his eyes.
The only other way in he can think of is sneaking in through the patio slider door, which is a little risky. But it’s worth a shot.
Peter starts crawling across the windows, being sure to avoid crawling anywhere near May and Happy’s room, until he makes it to the patio.
“Karen, can you deactivate the security alarm until I’m in?” Peter whispers, peering down to the patio, finding the apartment to be completely dark.
“Certainly. Just a second…” She says, silent for a few moments. “You’re all set. The alarm will turn back on in forty seconds.”
“More than enough time to sneak in.” Peter says as he flips down and lands silently in a crouch, before standing up.
He cautiously walks over to the slider door and pulls, relieved to find it unlocked as he hoped it would be. Peter pulls it open just enough before he slips inside and silently closes it behind him. He stands there for a few seconds, listening for any movement in the apartment but it’s thankfully silent, save for Happy’s snoring coming from down the hallway.
Peter lets out a soft, relieved breath as he starts to walk across the space, passing by the living room on his way towards the hallway leading to his room and to his bed.
He’s so exhausted he could just fall asleep standing up, especially after the fight with the Tracksuits.
A sharp clicking sound comes from behind him as the room is engulfed in a golden, bright light room a lamp.
Peter jumps and spins around, only to find May sitting in the loveseat by the window. She’s wearing her pajamas and bathrobe, her brows pulled together in a displeasing frown.
Oh shit.
“Spider-Man,” She greets. “You’re coming in a bit late, don’t you think?”
Peter pulls his mask off. “I know I-it’s way past curfew but there were these guys-“
May shakes her head with a sigh. “Peter. I know you’re busy and you have responsibilities as Spider-Man but you have a responsibility to come home at a reasonable hour. You know my rules. You come home by eleven-thirty and if you’re going to be late you call me. You failed to do both of those things tonight.”
Peter’s shoulders drop. “I know,” he says. “I just.. I forgot. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I kept you up waiting for me.”
May sits there and looks at him before she sighs again, this time softer as she stands up and makes her way over to him. “It’s alright. I know how busy you are out there.” She says as she pulls him into a warm hug.
Peter closes his eyes as he wraps his arms around her, breathing in her lavender perfume. The scent is so familiar and calming, it makes him want to wrap himself up in a blanket and fall asleep.
“I’m sorry I kept you up.” Peter repeats, his words muffled.
“It’s alright.”
A few long seconds pass by before May gives him one final squeeze before pulling back. She squints behind her glasses as she brings a hand up to his forehead, gently brushing her thumb against a particularly sore spot where a bruise must be forming where one of the Tracksuits managed to much him.
“Want some ice for that?” She offers.
Peter shakes his head with a small smile. “No thanks, I think I’m going to just head to bed.”
“Okay. Well you have a goodnight sleep, honey.” She says with a soft smile, hugging him again. “We’re going to have another talk about you breaking curfew in the morning, young man.” She says as she pulls away without any heat behind her words.
Peter sighs, nodding his head. “Okay.”
May kisses the side of his face. “Goodnight, love you.”
“Love you too.” Peter says with a soft smile as he heads towards his room, hearing May turn the lamp off in the living room behind him.
When Peter closes his bedroom door behind himself, he breathes out a sigh as he hits the spider emblem on his chest, feeling his suit loosen around himself, drooping off his shoulders. He pulls on a t-shirt and sweatpants before he gets into bed, letting out a relieved groan when he feels his tight and sore muscles loosen against the soft mattress.
He’s out like a light, not even a few minutes later.
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fotibrit · 2 months
Before Tony died, he never really discussed how to pass down his position in SI. Of course, he and Pepper had discussed at length that Morgan probably wouldn’t be interested. Morgan had never shown any interest in Tony or Peppers job, beyond rummaging through boxes of completed projects. Tony had been adamant that Morgan never be pressured into the company.
It must have never come up. Tony never had a protégé, had never discussed anything about the company’s future if he died to Peppers memory.
But that won’t stand with the board. Pepper is getting older, she wants more time with her daughter, and she can’t be CEO forever. But the board insists that SI is a family business, and a family member must be next in line, for publicity sake. Gotta love some nepotism, apparently.
While rifling through Tony’s old journals, Pepper finds something that gives her an idea: the name of a kid Tony used to send letters back and forth with. Apparently Tony worked with the kid wayyyy back, and they kept in touch. Harley even showed up to the funeral.
So Pepper invites Harley over, and they come up with a plan…
(A year later, Peter watches on a coffee shop TV as Pepper announces at a press conference that Tony secretly had a protégé: Harley Keener. Pepper discusses how the secret was only for those closest to Tony, but as Harley’s role expands, the public can now know.
Peter spends the walk back to his apartment trying to remember if he ever heard the name before, feeling sick to his stomach. Maybe he hadn’t been as close to Tony as he thought… maybe the spell wasn’t to blame for everything…)
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Have I mentioned I HATE the way I outline??
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Why do I always have to figure out the plan? Why can't past Sarah figure out the plan for once???
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squid-vurd · 7 months
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based on some shit I saw on twitter
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angelofthenight · 1 year
*After NWH*
Black Cat: Life’s a party, enjoy it while you can still have fun!
Holland!Peter: Life’s a party and I’m the piñata
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happy two years to the scene and movie of all time
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
Peter Maximoff as text posts and onion articles (with bonus Pietro and Spider-Man memes)
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lexlightning2002 · 1 year
The wrong universe
Part nineteen
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Part 18
Part 1
I am back :0 and I have an angsty gift for you!
Jokes aside, I am currently still in my exams, but I have the next two weeks to recover and then I will try to get more things done!
Tags: @thessm04 @huffle-ego @elderlyfish @greenmenace @rubbish78 @silvervultur3 @friendlyneighborhood-spiderblog @not-ur-mamas-mothman @mokyo-b-roual @doc-blu @ivan-the-dionysian @erikommie @lindavictoria95
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anarchyduck · 4 months
Meeting Again
Her voice is unmistakable. It rises above the loud music and even louder chatter of the party and somehow reaches his ears despite being nowhere near where she’s standing. Peter stands frozen, briefly as he listens, torn between convincing himself he imagined it and craning his head around in search of her face. As though heard by the universe, the crowd parts and he sees her. 
Her hair is shorter than it used to be and styled differently from how he remembers. She laughs at something the guy she’s talking to says. It’s louder, more carefree than he remembers but still familiar. She’s still beautiful but more so, he thinks. Changed. She looks good, he thinks. Happy. 
MJ turns her head ever so slightly and seems to meet his gaze. It takes Peter longer than it should to realize she is looking at him and he quickly averts his eyes by taking a long drink from his red plastic cup. He should probably leave. Considering how crowded the place is, it would be simple enough to slip away unnoticed. If Randy texts him later, he could just say he got tired and decided to go back to the apartment. 
Still… what are the odds that after all these years, she would be at the same party? At this party? 
Peter looks again only to see MJ lean in to whisper to the guy she’s talking to then begins to make her way over towards him. 
“Hey,” she says. Her smile is dazzling. “You’re Peter, right? From Midtown Tech?”
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sleepy-window · 1 year
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most precious boy in the whole wide world 😚❤️✨
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lazymonth · 1 year
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I have 3 spider-sona now I can make my own NWH, LOL
If you guy wonder where’s the green one come from, so she’s my first spider-sona back in 2018 I made her after watching into spider-verse
Her name is Spider-flower look like that time I got her reference from Shaymin in Pokémon, she doesn't have real name or back story or villains look like my 10 y. brain don't think anything much after walking out of cinema so me and my friend just " hey, let's make a spider-man " something like that
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fotibrit · 9 days
MJ was still wearing the necklace that Peter gave her, after the spell. This leads me to believe that the spell, in some instances, just takes what happened and reconstructs memory to write Peter out of it.
Meaning, hypothetically, if someone had peter’s high school graduation in their calender, the spell would give them some other explination for why the event matters to them.
Fic in which Peter attends his own high school graduation, but from the audience. Nobody remembers him. And, he just so happens to be seated directly behind Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, (and Tony Stark if in an AU).
He finds out that they’re here for some kid named Harley. He tries his best not to be jealous, especially concidering he doesn’t even know why Harley is. They never bothered to mention him, when they remembered Peter.
Peter leaves alone.
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femmeetart · 3 months
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"...uh what's up?" "you, apparently."
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fieldsofview · 4 months
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Spider-Man: Homesickness
Rated M | 20 Chapters | CW: Graphic Depictions of Violence | Five years after No Way Home (ft. Alt Peter Parker) The week that Peter finally learns to let people in again, despite kicking and screaming the whole way
“You’re such a fucking asshole! You drag him here under your thumb and won’t let him have a single thing for himself,” Gwen shouts out. She’s shaking under Peter’s grip, hands clenched at her sides.
He can hear the pounding of her heartbeat nearly as loud as his own.
Harry looks at her with a sharp expression. “Don’t-”
“You would do well to remember that this is not your home, Miss Stacy, no matter how much time you spend here. On my good faith, I might add,” Osborn replies dryly, looking her and Peter up and down.
Something in Osborn’s gaze catches as he skims across Peter’s face and it sends a shiver down Peter’s spine.
Osborn continues, “I could choose at any moment to remove you from the premises for trespassing. Do not force my hand.” His voice dips lower, harsher. “Our home is implicitly connected to our livelihood. Access to one begets access to the other and I have no intention of being taken advantage of.”
Fuck, Gwen has no idea what she’s getting herself into. It’s noble - commendable, even - that she wants to defend Harry, but her antagonizing Osborn will only put a target on her back. It probably has already, given that this is obviously not their first disagreement.
Every nerve in Peter screams that this Osborn is dangerous.
That Gwen is in danger.
Gwen scoffs. “Are you seriously implying-”
Peter tugs on her arm sharply, making her face him. He sets his shoulders tall and puts on the most relaxed smirk he can manage right now. Projecting his voice just louder than necessary, he says, “It’s no use, Short Stack. If he wants to be a narcissistic asshole who only cares about his precious beauty rest, you can’t stop him. Rich, old men like him are used to getting what they want and making everyone around them fall in line.”
“Peter?” Gwen looks at him in confusion and he hopes that she reads the sentiment of just go with it, please, on his face.
Osborn’s attention shifts from Gwen to Peter, eyes narrowing. “Bold words, Mister…?”
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sensesdialed · 1 year
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nihidea-art · 1 year
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Peter One 💕
might be the first of three, as you might have guessed....
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