#please they're so unintentionally funny
hipsterfrankcastle · 2 months
justified series 1 is a hilarious comedy of errors about a beautiful simpleton who must follow one rule: don't shoot people. except every day he's forced into situations where is quite literally compelled to shoot people.
walton goggins is also there.
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gavidaily · 1 year
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Araújo interviews Gavi
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fatuismooches · 1 year
What are the Harbingers like when they’re jealous?
if i can't have you baby, no one else in this world can.
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Imagine the Harbingers when they're jealous.
Pierro is at the age where it’s simply too late to get immaturely jealous. He values independence and won’t meddle too much in your affairs. Of course, he’ll be there if anything serious or dangerous happens, but with his position, you’ll need to adjust to being apart for various lengths of time. Therefore, Pierro won’t be mad when you talk to others. In fact, he’ll encourage it considering how he doesn’t want you to feel too lonely. Though, he’ll advise you to stay away from certain Harbingers… Anyway, Pierro doesn’t exactly get jealous, but rather, sad. He’s happy to see you all lively and joyful with others, someone as bright and pure as you deserve it. After all, a sinner like him has no right to dictate who you should interact with or how you should feel. At the same time, Pierro can’t help but feel a twinge of sorrowfulness. Perhaps you would be more happy without him. Unintentionally becomes more distant from you and won’t say anything until you notice first. Please sit him down and explain to him how much you love and him you’ll never leave him for anyone. He’ll appreciate that a lot.
Dottore considers himself to be smart enough now not to fall for the jealousy trap. He’s lived for hundreds of years, obtained unspeakable and great knowledge, and is able to bring even Gods to his feet. There is no reason for him ever to feel a frivolous emotion such as jealousy. He’s confident in himself, and he’s confident in you. There is no one he’s been with longer than you, and he trusts you, to continue to be a constant in his life. Even if he does get jealous, it’ll probably be by his clones hogging you and even then he could send them off with a snap of his fingers. And well, I doubt anyone else would come up to you when there’s always a version of Dottore near you. Though, there are some clones from his younger years that you can easily tell when they’re jealous. It’s honestly a bit funny but nostalgic to see how different he is. You remember when he’d get all silent whenever you had to leave your shared dorm room in the Akademiya. (He didn’t want you mingling with those incompetent scholars because he feared for your intelligence, he claimed. You knew he was just jealous and lonely.)
Columbina is a bit surprised at her jealousy. She likes to take things easy and not too seriously, so the feeling of a stab of envy is new to her, but she welcomes it. Columbina believes that this is all part of the joy of relationships, discovering new emotions and things about each other, so she won’t take it too seriously. She’ll actually be happy that she feels for you so much, that she’s able to get jealous. It’s quite an accomplishment and milestone! Though if the person ever makes you uncomfortable, they’re next on her hit list. Columbina tends not to understand the concept of personal space sometimes, so she’ll just stroll up to you and hug you from behind, or rest her head on your shoulders, whatever she’s in the mood for, and just… smile. This usually is enough for the other person to back off and leave you alone. If you ask Columbina about her jealousy, she won’t hide or deny it, and instead hum and weave a pleasing string of words about how only a fool wouldn’t be possessive of you. Perhaps she’s more devilish than we give her credit for?
Capitano is the confused one. The feeling has been following him around all day, and he can’t seem to pinpoint where or when it started. You’re going to have to notice something is a bit off with your lover because he most likely won’t go to you first. Capitano has a bit of a problem with showing vulnerability. He’s expected to be the unmoving, sturdy, and dependable Captain at all times, so having to put his walls down can be quite hard sometimes. (Even while cuddling he can be really stiff which you have to keep telling him to relax.) Though after a bit of your usual pestering and refusing to let go of him, he relents. You’ve always been persistent in helping him show emotions despite kind of failing, so what would it hurt to tell you? You always seem to know things that he doesn’t. Though he finds himself a bit abashed after the realization hits you and you struggle to tell him through laughter that he’s simply jealous. Afterward, he finds it a bit embarrassing - a high-ranking Harbinger such as him being inflicted with something like that. But Capitano is still rather grateful for you teaching him more about this emotion and how to control it. Reassures you that it won’t happen again but it wasn’t like you were complaining, you teased. He prefers if you didn’t bring this up again because he doesn’t like thinking about his moments of weakness.
Scaramouche is pissed. Furious at some person for speaking to you like that, furious at you for making him feel this way, but most importantly furious at himself for succumbing to such a stupid and exhausting human emotion. His line of thought is something like this: How dare they try to act all buddy-buddy with you? And how dare you give them that sweet smile and laugh of yours, when that’s reserved for him only? The second someone looks at you the wrong way has him completely zoned in and aware of their actions, in case they try to pull something. In moments he’ll have them shivering and running away in tears, maybe a broken bone too if he’s especially pissed. Depending on his mood and how well you comfort him, they may live to see another day. If you call him out on his jealousy, he’ll just shake his head and deflect the accusations, calling you an idiot instead (affectionately.) Will be closer and more touchy with you for the rest of the day.
The Wanderer, on the other hand, has grown to be more mature and less confrontational about it. He’s calmed down a bit from his Fatui years and admits that his way of dealing with things wasn’t the most optimal, and is doing his best to be a better lover for you. He now trusts you enough to be able to deal with things by yourself. Though, don’t think that he won’t spring into action. He’ll still stand close by, arms crossed and hat covering his expression, listening in. The moment the person says something a little too inappropriate or you start looking uncomfortable, he’s standing in front of you in a flash, glaring at the person. If they don’t get the hint, they’ll receive a personal berating from him. Teasing him for being jealous will result in him scoffing and walking away rather quickly, leaving you to run after him. 
Innocent Kabukimono doesn’t understand why he’s feeling this way! You’re just talking to a villager, someone he knows, and yet his chest is twisting and turning all painfully as he watches! A part of him just wants to go up to you and pull you away, but that wasn’t what good humans did, was it? So he just sulks and sulks with pouty cheeks, to the point Niwa is concerned for him. When Kabukimono explains what he’s feeling, he just laughs and pats him on the back, explaining the concept of jealousy, and advises the puppet to simply communicate with you about it. When Kabukimono does speak to you about it, fiddling with his veil and clothes shyly, you can’t help but coo at how cute he was being, and assure him that he’ll always be number one in your heart. When he asks for a few kisses for reassurance, you can’t help but agree.
Sandrone does not know what to do or make with this feeling. She is aware of what it is, but like, how should she go about dealing with it? She could just go up to you and drag you away, it would be quite easy for her to do that with the Automaton behind her and all. Or she could just let you be. You are quite different from her after all. You enjoy talking to other people and interacting with them, while she could care less. So Sandrone simply retreats to her little safe haven, her lab chock-fulled with her inventions and machines and then a specific section she made for little creations dedicated for you. And she works and works, well, more like tries to work but her head is steaming from how some random person can hog your attention like that. And she can no longer tolerate that. Eventually, if you don’t come back to her quick enough, she’s going to find you herself and take matters into her own hands, regardless of whatever conversation you’re having. Teasing her about it may result in one of her machines picking you up and dangling you above the floor. But she’s really just happy you’d choose her over anyone.
La Signora is another one who's quite confident in your relationship. I mean, she’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous, you two were practically made for each other. So, whenever people talk to you, she can’t help but understand since you’re so alluring. But her favorite part is showing off to everyone that hah, too bad, you’re already taken by her. As if anyone else could ever be worthy of you, she thinks, pitying those poor fools who think they ever had a chance with you. And she will make this ideology absolutely clear to anyone and everyone. She’s so tall, she probably towers over the other person and gives them a look that definitely makes them feel like a pest. She has one hand tracing over your collarbones and the other stroking your hair while she looks at the other person dead in the eye as if daring them to say something. Of course, they don’t. Signora finds the whole ordeal more amusing than anything and will laugh with you if you bring it up. Oh darling, she tells you, it’ll take a lot more than that to truly upset her. However, although she enjoys watching the hope fall out of other people’s eyes, it does get tiring sometimes. Maybe you need more matching accessories? Would a hickey do?
Pantalone is well acquainted with the feeling of jealousy. He’s felt it since he was a child, envying others for what he could not have. And now he’s climbed up and up the ladder, to the point where everyone is jealous of him instead, not the other way around. He’d never have to feel that feeling again, as he had anything a man could ever dream of. Except… he’s jealous yet again. Not over material possessions or wealth, but you. But Pantalone hides his jealousy quite well, just like he does with his other emotions, under that smile of his. Other people won’t notice but… if you look closely you may see his smile is a bit strained. Pantalome keeps up the polite persona but may throw in a few snide comments. He keeps a firm arm around your waist and ushers you out of there rather quickly. You probably shouldn’t bring it up later. Pantalone sometimes fears he will be that same boy stuck in poverty and left with nothing again, although he never expresses it. He sometimes fears he will lose you too. Don’t say anything. Simply come up from behind and hug him. Pull off that huge jacket of his. Give him lots of kisses and finally one on the lips, telling him he never needs to worry about being separated from you.
Arlecchino looks emotionless as ever but the jealousy eats her up inside. It leaves a taste in her mouth that’s more bitter than her coffee. She’s the kind of person to do something about it as soon as she feels the feeling creeping up. Does not tolerate anything from anyone (besides you) so you can be sure that she’s going to put a stop to it right away. The thing about Arlecchino is that she doesn’t even need to say anything to scare the person off. Her aura can be so icy and intimidating, downright terrifying sometimes if she felt like it. Not to mention the contempt laced in her eyes could probably kill a man. So when Arlecchino gets jealous, she doesn’t remain like that for long because the problem is solved rather quickly. Plus, she doesn’t really see anything wrong with it. She just sees it as her protecting you from creeps. So if you tease her about it she won’t really be affected by that either. Arlecchino simply kisses you on the forehead and tells you to come to play with the children instead. (Though if you tell her you enjoyed seeing her jealous, she’ll get a teeny bit surprised. She didn’t think you actually liked seeing her like that because many view her as terrifying. You still think she’s so damn hot. And cute when she suddenly can’t make eye contact with you for a few seconds.)
Childe is quite confident and secure in his relationship with you. He cherishes you deeply, and his family loves you as well. You two may not have the most time together, but when you are, you spend it to the fullest. So when he feels the nag of jealousy rising, he’s a bit surprised but plays it off as nothing. It’s just that being away from you for so long has him a bit needy. Though, a teeny tiny part of him wonders if someone else would be better for you, someone that can offer you stability, that won’t leave you waiting for months to return. He would respect your decision… but he quickly ceases that line of thinking. He knows you love him, and he loves you even more, so there was no reason to be worried. Though he might get a bit competitive with the other person, trying to show off a little. And if the person’s making you uncomfortable… well, his passive aggressiveness and less-than-friendly smile are making an appearance. Also, you’ll probably notice he’s more insistent on treating you right. Always being a gentleman and not letting you lift a finger, showering you with all the love he can muster. Childe is always ready to do everything in his power to keep the title of best boyfriend for you. Please watch him cook and clean the dishes! Look, he’s drawing a bubble bath for you right now!
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sophswritingthings · 6 months
I have more incorrect quotes on apothecary Reader and Mizu bc they're funny asf
Reader: That was so hot, Mizu.
Mizu: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Reader: I'm so in love with you.
Reader: I think I'm falling for you.
Mizu: Then get up.
Mizu: I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Reader: That's great, Mizu. Especially considering the fact we've been married for 6 fucking years.
Reader: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Mizu: Wow. They sound stupid.
Reader: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Mizu: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Reader: I guess you’re right. Hey Mizu, I love you.
Mizu: See! Just say that!
Reader: Holy fucking shit.
Mizu: If that flies over their head then, sorry Reader, but they're too dumb for you.
Reader: Mizu.
Mizu: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Reader: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Mizu: That one. I want that one.
pairing: mizu x fem!apothecary!reader
warning(s): swearing
a/n: PLEASE 😭 they’re funny as all hell. mizu wants the wet pathetic traumatized girl. I was about to write smut when I realized I had this ask
word count: 490 words / 2,717 characters
“degenerate dog. flirting with married women,” she hissed to herself.
you, on the other hand, we’re only staring at your wife with hearts in your eyes.
“that was so hot, mizu,” you cling to her arm with a smile.
she glances at you, raising an eyebrow at your words.
“I just called the man who flirted with you a degenerate dog and told him I hope he gets dragged into the depths of hell,” repeating her own words only furthered her confusion.
“god, I’m so in love with you.”
you were gazing up at her from your pile on the floor, your face flushed with a bright red color.
“I think I’m falling for you,” you whispered, your voice gentle and tender.
she offered a hand out to you, her eyes narrowed.
“than get up.”
mizu was gazing at you, her thumb rubbing over your knuckles—strands of hair falling upon her face. her blue eyes traced the features of your face over and over, as if trying to capture it in her memory permanently.
“I haven’t been sure how to tell you this,” she murmured. “but I think I’m in love with you.”
you raise an eyebrow.
“.. that’s great, mizu,��� you hiss, narrowing yourself eyes. “especially considering we’ve been married for six fucking years?”
you groaned, your arms folded across your chest.
“I’ve been dropping hints to them for the last year,” you sigh. “like, the most insanely obvious hints. and nothing! nothing!”
mizu folded her legs, taking a sip of her tea. 
“they sound stupid, (y/n),” she replies bluntly. “you sure you should be even worrying about them?”
“but they’re not stupid! that’s the problem,” you haul yourself to your feet, pacing a little. “they’re very smart. just very… dense.”
she looks at you, puzzled. “maybe just be more obvious,” she suggests. “I don’t know. just tell them “hey, I love you” and see where that goes.”
you take in a sharp inhale of breath, stopping your pacing right in front of her.
“I suppose you’re right.” you place your arms on either side of her shoulders, “I love you.”
“see? just like that,” she replies, still sipping her tea.
you raise a hand to your forehead, stepping away from her, “holy fucking hell.”
“if that flies over their head then I’m sorry, (y/n), I think they’re a bit too stupid for you—“
you narrow your eyes down at her, “mizu.”
she was standing outside the swords-smith with eiji at her side, unintentionally, subconsciously, watching you from far away.
“I need my future partner to be brave—strong—intelligent. successful, and organized,” she murmured. “like your wife once was.”
just then she watched as you dropped to your knees, holding what looked to be a dead caterpillar in your hands—tears running down your cheeks and apologizing over and over again.
she sighed, adverting her blue gaze while blushing, “is it bad I want that one?”
a/n: babe when you have more can I have them. please.
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pluckyredhead · 3 days
Please ship Orion and Lightray with me, thank you
If you've been reading my Fourth World posting, you might have noticed me mentioning Orion and Lightray's relationship. This is because they're in love and I'm obsessed with them. Please join me in grumpy/sunshine-but-they're-alien-demigods hell, with visual references below.
So Orion, as we know, is the son of Darkseid who was raised on New Genesis but has always felt different and monstrous compared to his peers. Lightray is his best friend, who thinks Orion is just the best thing since sliced bread and says so constantly.
This is literally how we're introduced to them, in New Gods #1:
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Lightray: Don't be sad. Hug time! Orion: Hugs are not for one such as me. But you're still my best friend. Lightray: Please let me enter your chambers. Orion: NO THEY ARE TOO DARK. Lightray: D:
This panel, from #6, sums up their whole dynamic really well:
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Lightray doesn't crave battle the way Orion does but he is determined to stay by his side, while Orion doesn't want Lightray to fight beside him because he thinks Lightray is too good and pure to be tainted by violence.
Zero personal space.
So one of the things about Orion is that his real face is sort of brutish and not traditionally handsome (the eyebrows are WILD), but he uses his Mother Box (like a living pocket computer that loves you) to make himself look more like the people of New Genesis. In #8, he gets into a knock-down, drag-out fight with his half-brother Kalibak that nearly kills them both, and Mother Box can't maintain the illusion (and also his face is, like, pulverized). And then this happens:
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New Gods was canceled soon after this, but when Kirby returned a decade later, he went all in on the homoerotic devotion. So Orion goes to Apokolips to kill his dad and rescue his mom, and who do you think follows him?
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That second panel makes me laugh so hard. "Here, honey, you forgot your Scooty Puff Jr!"
My favorite thing about this is that Lightray is playing dumb. He shot at Orion earlier and then said something vague about missing on purpose...but he didn't:
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HE REALLY TRIED TO WOUND ORION ENOUGH TO STOP HIS SUICIDE MISSION. And the way he just shuts his eyes and takes Orion's anger because he doesn't care what happens as long as he saves his friend's life...! (Orion doesn't hurt him, they just touch each other a lot.)
Anyway they argue for multiple pages, with Orion insisting that Lightray go home and Lightray insisting that he stay, until finally:
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This is so intensely romantic and also so unintentionally hilarious that I can't stand it. The homoerotic gazing into one another's eyes and then the stupid mutual thumbs up! Whatever is going on with that closeup of Orion in the second panel! I die!
...And you know who else dies? Orion! Or at least he comes very close (it's unclear), but is rescued by a freedom fighter named Himon and nursed back to health by Himon and his daughter Bekka. We get a little romance between Orion and Bekka, but we also get Lightray coming to visit:
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That is some FULL CONTACT wrestling, boys. Orion pinning Lightray to the ground while telling him it's good to see him is so much, but the fourth panel is even mucher. My goodness.
And then things get serious, because they both believe they are going to die in the upcoming battle (they don't), so they bid each other farewell and Lightray leaves, and then:
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Orion yells after Lightray how smart and funny he is and then collapses in despair because his friend is gone. "HOW LIKE A WANDERING STAR HE SEEMS." Oh my god, Orion.
That's it for Kirby, so I'll move on to other writers and artists, but I want to clear that I'm only sharing the most intense scenes between them. There are so many panels, from Kirby and others, of Lightray faithfully following Orion around, joyously welcoming him back to New Genesis, gently teasing him, and talking about how brave and noble he is. And of Orion only smiling for Lightray, going feral when he gets hurt, and telling him he's too good and pretty for battle. And of the two of them touching each other. A lot.
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Literally just two random examples. THEY DO THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME.
The next really big moment comes in New Gods (1995), where the Source (basically God/Heaven) becomes corrupted and Lightray goes evil and Orion has to beat him up to stop him and I will never ever ever recover from these pages:
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"You want the beast? Do you like it?" on its own is...hoo boy, SOMETHING. But it is eclipsed by the tremulous "Maybe...maybe if I can just hold him" and Orion gathering Lightray up in his arms while telling him he loves him. LIKE. THIS IS SO MUCH. (P.S. Lightray's fine don't worry. And yes, he does want the beast.)
Then we get to Orion (PLEASE read this comic) and the biggest smile Orion has ever smolt:
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Look at how happy he is!!! You need to understand that his mother died in his arms ten minutes ago and he's still like "Lightray! Omg hi!!!" (To be fair, his mother was terrible.) Plus bonus unnecessary touching, Lightray's love language being gifts, and Orion giggling and twirling his hair while going "Omg you're so smart."
(Also, when Lightray mentions his "brief but troubling visit" to Apokolips in the second panel, what's not saying is that he put on a silly disguise and went to see a fortuneteller to try to figure out if Orion's mom was lying about Darkseid not being his real dad (she was; again, she was terrible), and when the fortuneteller is like "You DARE come to Apokolips?!" he goes "I would dare anything for my friend!" I know you would, honey. I know you would.)
The next bit requires some explanation. So, as briefly as possible: Orion kills Darkseid (or so he thinks), takes over Apokolips, and tries very hard to change it for the better. He also accidentally gains possession of the Anti-Life Equation, the formula Darkseid is always searching for that eradicates free will, and gradually is driven to use it to FORCE everyone on Apokolips to be good. And Earth. And New Genesis.
Eventually, Orion is seemingly killed, but actually he's been teleported somewhere unfathomably far away, where he realizes what he's done and sinks into suicidal despair. In the midst of this, he manages to both destroy the Anti-Life Equation AND save all of reality (and nearly die in the process), but he still thinks that because he used the Equation, he's irredeemable and doesn't deserve to exist.
So when he's teleported back to Earth and captured by a human who blinds him and rigs him up to a torture device so that he can drain Orion's life force and use it to be eternally youthful, Orion just...lets it happen. Because he thinks he deserves it. For SEVEN MONTHS.
But eventually he's like "Wait...I deserve this, but probably whatever is being done with my energy is not good and I should stop it." He tries to escape but only manages to let out a single scream.
Luckily, Lightray has been searching for him nonstop for those seven months, despite the face that Orion is supposed to be dead. And then we get this:
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To be clear: this is sweet, gentle Lightray absolutely obliterating the men who kept Orion in the torture device.
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Lightray gives Orion the crushed remnants of his wrist cuffs, and Orion does a magical girl transformation about it:
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For everyone playing along at home, that's the second time Orion has canonically told Lightray that he loves him.
Anyway, Orion goes off to get revenge on the guy who did this to him (it's very satisfying, please read Orion), and then he's depressed some more until he has some brotherly bonding time with Scott and finally feels well enough to go back to New Genesis. His last line of dialogue in the series is "For it is late, and the sunrise and friend Lightray await us in the gleaming city of the gods." OKAY!
Tragically, almost every New Gods appearance after this is complete dogshit, although there is a great moment in Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps (a Rebirth series) where they need information from Orion but he's comatose so they bring in a telepath and the only word he can get out of Orion's mind is "Lightray." I'LL BET.
IN CONCLUSION: Orion and Lightray love each other so so much and I believe it is honoring Jack Kirby's legacy to think about them smooching. It's what the King would have wanted!
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vasyandii · 11 months
Giving The CoD Men Icks
But its only the ones I care about and it's based off of vibes (just for funsies!)
[Characters Included: Krueger, König,Gromsko, Nikto, Bale]
Messy eater, forgets to use a napkin because he's used to just eating under his mask
Overall just a very messy person, dirty clothes, etc. Stuff accumulates in his room
Highkey condescending?? Like if you were having trouble with a new weapon he would be like "you don't know how to use it?"
Anger issues, has not been to Anger management about it
Takes pictures like a Facebook dad. You know what I mean
Messy eating just runs in the family huh. He definitely chews hella loud and speaks with his mouth full
He's not funny, like his humor might pander to very few people so whenever he tells a joke the other KorTac ops just kinda go 😐👀 "okay buddy"
Anger issues, has been to Anger management
Mansplains, Unintentionally
Probably has gone a few days without brushing his teeth on multiple occasions
None, he is perfect
Millennial humour (derogatory)
Uses Facebook
"Yeah I'm 6'3, not a big deal tho (it is, please Date me)"
Mumbles like he knows the lyrics to a song
Has said a slur before. Just look at him and tell me this mf hasn't bc he definitely has
Type of guy who makes fun of your interests even if he obviously knows you like it
Dirty nails, dawg does not clean his gear what makes you think he'll clean his hands
Does not use the right (you're, your), (to, too, two), (there, they're, their)
Watched Breaking Bad and related to Walter White
calls dogs "doggos" or "puppos"
If you're dating him he's gonna want you to call him some stupid corny shit like "bubbas" 💀
Favourite movie is The Matrix but not for the right reasons
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chlorinecake · 7 months
🎙️ star-crossed lovers 【 薄幸な恋人 】 ⛦
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summ✩ry Forbidden sparks fly between you and Enhypen’s main dancer upon dorming together, but what happens when your bandmate threatens to expose this reckless romance?
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p✩iring idol!niki x popstar!reader ✩ EPISODE 1
genre band au, fluff, secret romance cw swearing, slightly suggestive, mild bullying, kissing, girl drama, reader is younger than Niki wc 4.5k
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"Where were you last night?” Haerin asked with a whisper, removing the tape-seal from her container of apple slices.
It was early in the morning when you, your bandmates, and the Enhypen members got up for breakfast in the Hybe cafeteria.
Getting up early proved to be a challenge, especially considering your late night adventures with Niki and unbreakable inability to sleep in beds that aren't yours.
You couldn't help but wonder how much better you would've slept if Niki stayed next to you-
"W-what are you talking about, Rinnie?" You stuttered unintentionally, taking a sip from the coffee you prayed would help you get through another busy day in Korea.
"Don't play dumb, ____. You know what I saw," she sighed, meeting your nervous eyes, "You really shouldn't be disobeying the curfew rule, not to mention how dangerous sneaking around a foreign country is."
"I appreciate your concern, Haerin, but I promise, you have nothing to worry about," you said with a smile, "I just wanted to get some extra practice time in, that's all."
The sound of approaching footsteps cut your conversation short, the Enhypen boys and your bandmates finally joining you two at the table.
"Ooo, are you guys telling secrets? I wanna hear," Jade cheered, placing her food tray on the table.
Apparently you and Haerin looked a lot more suspicious than intended, but then again, two girls whispering always looked a little fishy.
“Hehe, no secrets over here!” Haerin covered, shoving her mouth with apples to avoid anymore questions.
"Riiiight," Jungwon smirked, revealing his soft dimples, "Anyways, how’re you all enjoying the roommate pairs?”
"I’m actually quite pleased with our group, right boys?” Heeseung joked, exchanged high fives with Jake and Jay to which Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sure you guys took a while to get used to each other," he mumbled sarcastically, "What do you think about us, Serenity?"
"Hmm," she began in thought, "wellll, Sunoo's kinda vibey. He has a lot of fancy skincare products that he shares sometimes, so that’s been nice. Sunghoon's also really easy to look at so..."
"Easy to look at, huh? Is that your way of calling me hot?"
"Heyyy, I never said you could use my stuff," Sunoo blurted out, interrupting Sunghoon's attempt at flirting.
"Moving on," Serenity chirped, redirecting the convo, "What about you, Mr. Leadernim?"
Jungwon took a bite of his scrambled eggs before answering, "Honestly, Jade and Haerin remind me of my sister. We get along pretty well and they're not too troublesome, I guess."
"Yeah, Jungwon's pretty cool, too... aside from his tendency to hog the shower," Jade teased back.
“Okay, now what about you two?” Heeseung started, sending Niki a funny look that made him choke on his water.
“Alright, you can answer ____ while he keeps drowning,” Heeseung chuckled, passing Niki a napkin to wipe the water from his now shiny lips.
You still couldn't believe that he actually kissed you WITH THOSE LIPS-
“Uhhh,” you began nervously, trying to think of something normal to say, “N-Niki... w-well, he's uh... Niki, he's—”
“My GOD, the look on your face right now makes it seem like you’re in love with him or something,” Serenity gawked rudely, dramatically throwing her hands in the air as she successfully got everyone’s attention with her big mouth.
“I mean,” Niki started with a plain expression, “its not like I’m entirely against the idea of having a girl fall for me...”
“Yeah, happens all the time to guys like us,” Jake winked, immediately cringing at his own words.
Step, step, step, signaled Miss Kim’s signature black booties across the tiled cafeteria floor, “Good morning, my little minions. Now what’s going on over here with all this chatter?”
Turns out Miss Kim only worked as an activity assistant for Enhypen, though, she always had a way of waltzing into every room like she owned the place.
“Not much,” Jake answered, “We were just discussing our practice schedule for the day.”
“Mhm, so that means the few of you are well updated on your instrument rehearsals this evening, yes?”
“Instrument rehearsals,” Jade repeated yet asked.
“Exactly. Jade, Serenity, and Jay will play a guitar riff during one of the stages, so you’ll meet in the recording studio at 4pm today.”
“Sweet,” Jay smirked, playing air-guitar while mimicking the Karma instrumental.
“Also,” Miss Kim continued, “I can’t really remember, but which of you here is struggling with the choreo?”
Everyone’s eyes turned to you as you raised your hand shyly.
“Oh, ____,” she said, dragging out your name, “perfect! Niki, you’ll be skipping vocals today to help ____ catch up in the dance studio.”
You couldn’t hold back the smile that grew on your face at her words: maybe some extra dance practice wouldn't be too bad after all.
“Alright, I'm headed to the fashion department to check out your stage costumes. Heeseung and Jungwon, please make sure everyone follows today's schedule accordingly.”
“We won't let you down, Miss Kim," Jungwon nodded as the stern lady turned on her heel, beelining to the cafeterias coffee counter a few feet away from your table.
"Alright guys, you heard the boss lady. Let's wrap up breakfast and meet in 10," Heeseung said, getting up from his seat first as the rest of you followed shortly after...
To Room 10: Hybe's indoor gym and workout center.
The intense exercise routine left you feeling pretty worn out.
Your mind was mostly focused on getting all your reps in without passing out, ignoring the overflow of sweat that kept seeping from your pores. You all had just finished the last part of the workout: a mile outdoor run around Yongsan Family Park.
"And you're telling me we still have rehearsals after this?" Serenity huffed, taking yet another large gulp from her jug of Gatorade.
"Yes," Sunoo answered plainly, taking the blue drink from her hands and pouring it into a nearby bush.
"Dude, what the hell?" She yelped, backing away to avoid the splashes, "Don't tell me you're still mad about that 'skincare' thing."
"If you had any idea how many added sugars people put in that stuff, you would've poured it out yourself," Sunoo replied in a sassy voice.
"Well if it wasn't obvious, I couldn't care less about whatever you just said," she sighed, sadly watching as the blue liquid trickled past the leaves, soaking the soil, "you totally owe me a drink after this, by the way."
"Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea! We should go out for drinks tomorrow night," Jake cheered, using the back of his hand to catch his sweat, "everybody down for splitting the bill?"
"Yeah, but we can focus on that once we get back up this hill," Jay replied, encouraging the rest of you to keep on treading.
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
Later in the rehearsal studio, practice started off a bit slow with a warm up session before actually breaking down the choreography.
Apparently, the official dance composer for the upcoming stage changed a part in the performance for you and your group to follow, adding a trick move with Haerin and Jade.
Meanwhile, the Enhypen boys were working on perfecting their routines, as they had already memorized the whole thing a lot quicker than the Riot Grrlz.
The main practice session lasted close to two hours before the talent supervisor called for a break, sending the other members off so you and Niki could have the studio to yourselves.
"So what was that all about earlier?" He asked, kneeling down to stretch his legs.
"In the cafeteria this morning?"
He nodded in response, guiding you to the floor to help you stretch with him.
"Well, Haerin said she saw me last night... Sneaking out, I mean. She didn't say anything about you, but..."
You couldn't help but giggle at the way his face dropped.
"What the? I could've sworn everyone was asleep when we came back last night," he said with an awkward smile, holding onto your wrists as he pulled you toward your feet on the ground, "what'd you tell her then?"
"I told her not to worry about it, but I avoided mentioning too many details," you said, squeezing your eyes at the painful stretch you felt in your hamstrings.
"Welp, all that means is we'll have to be more careful when we sneak out again tonight," he winked, finally letting go of your wrists so you could relax.
"Tonight, huh? I'm surprised I've got you hooked so fast. What's it been, like three days?"
"Four, actually. But I'm surprised by your sudden confidence. You could hardly form a coherent sentence about me, earlier," he teased, offering you his hand to help you up from the ground.
"That had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the way you almost died while drinking water," you returned before dramatically reenacting the way he struggled, pretending to choke on the air, "I was nervous... for your safety, of course."
"Mhm. I'm sure you would've saved me though... Nothing a little mouth to mouth can't fix," he smiled, looking at your lips before looking away, trying to maintain his focus, "You remember how the choreo starts, right?"
"Uhh," you started, scratching the back of your head, "With the little arm-move-thingy?"
"Sure, you could call it that," he chuckled, "Now just follow my moves like we did at the skate park. I'll go slow at first and speed up as you catch on."
"Okay," you said, watching his movements in the mirror as if hypnotized.
It amazed you how even while practicing the moves in slow motion, he still looked effortlessly talented.
"Good!" he encouraged, observing how much you improved with the footwork compared to day one, but there was something about your hip movements that he thought looked a little stiff.
"Okay, hold on," he started, walking up to you and placing his hands at your waist, "Try to be a little more fluid with this step, otherwise it looks kinda awkward."
"Like this?" you asked, keeping his hands in place as you rolled your hips in front of him, trying to follow his instructions.
You didn't even realize how close his body was pressed against yours until a loud slam startled you both.
Niki's gaze immediately darted to the source of the sound, seeing none other than Serenity barging through the studio door, marching in with a cattiest look on her face.
"Ummm, how can I help you, officer?" Niki asked playfully, stepping away from you and crossing his arms.
That's when Sunghoon and Sunoo ran in behind her, trying to catch their breath while spitting out a few words, "We tried to stop her," Sunoo started, "but she wouldn't listen."
"Aha! I knew there was something going on between you two! Don't try to back away now, Niki! I guess you couldn't wait to loosen up each other's buttons again, huh?!" Serenity rambled, making an utter fool of herself.
"We were rehearsing the choreography, genius. Like Miss Kim told us to," You retorted, not being in the mood for her games at the moment.
"Mhm, without leaving room for Jesus, I see! Speaking of Miss Kim, just wait til I tell her about this!"
"What are you two doing here?" Niki asked the two frustrated boys, trying to redirect the conversation.
"We were in Room 10 doing our cooldown when Gossip Girl over here started interrogating Haerin," Sunghoon sighed, "One thing led to another and before we knew it, Serenity was bolting out of the gym like a crazy person."
Your eyes went to meet Serenity's frame, who stood with her hands on her hips and eyes narrowed as she wrestled with whatever angry thoughts ran through her brain.
"Ren, please don't tell Miss Kim. This was obviously a huge misunderstanding," you pleaded with her, trying to be mature about the situation.
"No… little kids like you need discipline. Though," she paused, twirling a strand of her chocolate brown hair, "I might consider keeping your little secret if you resign from being captain over the Riot Grrlz."
You scoffed at her offer, "You're delirious. And for the last time, there isn’t any secret for you to spoil, anyway."
"Fine,” she grinned, a little too wide, “I tried to be nice about this, Niki, but your girlfriend has left me with no other choice but to come clean about this matter.”
Flipping her hair, she marched towards the door, looking back as if waiting for you all to follow her, which you did, all the way to Miss Kim in the fashion department.
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
To no one’s surprise, Miss Kim wasn’t happy to see the five of you crowding her during her shift, especially not when you were given specific instructions to follow the schedule while she was away.
After Serenity expressed that their was “a breach of the rules” between you and Niki, Miss Kim summoned all of the Riot Grrlz and Enhypen members for a disciplinary meeting.
"Oddly enough, my disappointment doesn't fall on Jungwon and Heeseung, even though I put you two in charge of everything," the lady began, holding her hands behind her back as she paced around the table you were all sat at.
"Serenity has brought to my knowledge that some of your are struggling to follow the strict rules in place here. Are there any witnesses to this claim?"
Serenity kicked Haerin's leg from under the table, trying to get a word out of her, but she remained silent thankfully. You couldn't help but feel guilty though at the sight of Jungwon and Heeseung hanging their heads in shame.
"Very well then... and are any of the accused parties willing to come clean about the alleged incident?"
Niki peeked at you for a second as if waiting for you to say or not say something first.
"I..." you began timidly, "I did stay out past curfew last night, but only to practice."
This was a partial lie, but you had no intentions on bringing Niki down with you. After all, it's not like he forced you to sneak out with him, as you most definitely wanted to.
Miss Kim's eyes widened slightly at your sudden choice to speak, "Go on," she said, stopping in her tracks.
"And about what Serenity saw in the rehearsal studio... It was nothing. Me and Niki were only trying to practice like you said."
She hummed at your words, "I appreciate your honesty, ____. And Serenity, it would bring me much joy if from now on, you would focus more on working than running after silly rumors."
"Soooo," Jake started, "are we free to go now?"
"Not just yet," Kim answered, clearing her throat before continuing, "From now on, your curfew will be pushed back from 11:00pm to 8:00pm."
A loud groan filled the room at her words, but a satisfied look remained on Serenity's face until the next part of Kim's rules were announced.
"A piece of blue tape will be lined at your bedroom doors, so anyone who tries to leave after 8 will have a tough time hiding it once the tape is torn. Also, expect to be waken up extra early tomorrow for exercise. No breakfast."
"But Miss Kim," Jade began, "Maybe you can give us another chance, there's no proof, anyway."
"Proof or no proof, my rules will stand in place until further notice. And for the record, this is not a punishment."
"Yeah, more like a freaking detention center! I knew it from day one," Serenity whined, the taste of her karma unfortunately falling on the lot of you.
"If that's what you wanna call our home to multinational superstars, so be it," Kim retorted, making her way to the office door, "hopefully there will be no more disruptions for the day."
The door was closed, and with that, your busy schedules re-open and waiting to be completed.
"____," Haerin spoke quietly, shyly meeting your eyes as she walked up to you, "I'm really sorry that I brought that up this morning, Serenity must've overheard us talking."
"It's okay, Rinnie. This isn't your fault," you smiled, patting her head gently to cheer her up.
"Mhm, well that's sweet. Thanks for getting us on probation, lovebirds," Jay sighed, getting up from his seat and walking out of the room.
"Yeah, so much for stopping Serenity and her big mouth, you guys," Jake said, giving Sunghoon and Sunoo a look before walking out too.
"Guys, Miss Kim said this wasn't a punishment. Like ____ said, this isn't anyways fault," Jungwon said, trying to convince everyone to see the situation in a more positive light.
"Whatever, I'm gonna join Jay in the instrument room. Don't take too long in here, Ren," Jade sighed, running a frustrated hand through her hair before also leaving.
"Cool, I'm gonna go get lunch because I don't work well when I'm hungry," Heeseung huffed, walking past Niki and towards the door, "I taught you well, brother, but please, stay out of trouble from now on."
Serenity's initial pitiful look returned to the sassy one she wore before, watching as Jungwon, Sunoo, and Sunghoon followed after Heeseung, closing the door behind them.
And then there were three.
"Miss Kim thinks that some silly tape and a bedtime will stop you two, but just know that I'll be watching for myself," Serenity threatened, staring you and Niki down from her seat.
"Got it, officer," Niki teased, walking up to you and taking your hand in his.
"And where do you two think you're going?"
"To complete our schedules? Now we've all had enough with your Nancy Drew act. It's time to put your working face back on," you replied, mirroring her cattiness, "You're gonna be late for your rehearsals with Jade and Jay if you don't hurry up."
"Gosh, you two can be so annoying sometimes," She exclaimed, fixing her hair before marching out of the office, leaving you and Niki alone again.
With your hand still in his, he turned your body to face him, taking your face in his hands and looking at you with the most loving expression.
He just can't get enough of you.
He reached for your wrist, drawing your attention to the bracelet he gave you the other day, "You still trust me, right?"
You couldn't help but look away from his face for a second. If he held that intense eye contact with you for any longer, you're sure you were gonna explode.
"Stop, you're too shy," he giggled, turning your chin to face him one more time before kissing you on the lips, a pink hue raising to his cheeks. You got lost in his touch for a second, hardly remembering that this reckless romance is what got you in this room in the first place.
"Niki!" You yelped, suddenly feeling his hands tickle you under your shirt, "You never answered my question, silly," he chuckled, backing away as you tried fighting him off.
"I trust you, stupid, now stop tickling me before someone catches us," you sighed, trying to catch your breath from all your laughing.
This boy was making your heart do things you're sure it's never done before. Backflips, cartwheels, splits, you name it!
"So does that mean you're still down to hang out with me later tonight," he asked, pouting at you playfully, "unless, you don't think it's worth it."
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
Your evening ended on par with Miss Kim's revised schedule, everyone completing their assigned tasks before showering and heading to bed at 8 o'clock sharp. And to your surprise, she wasn't joking about the blue tape thing either.
You and Niki waited til an entire hour had passed before initiating your escape plan, just to make sure that everyone was asleep.
Dressed in the best "incognito" outfits you could find, Niki tied a few bed sheets together to make a rope, tying it to your bunkbed for you to climb out the window with.
He went first because you were too scared.
"Alright, you're coming?" He whispered from the ground, watching you shyly peek from the window.
"You look tiny from up here," you giggled, pointing at him playfully.
"____, stop stalling and get down here," he chuckled back, motioning with his hands as if encouraging you.
Sticking your right leg out the window, you said a small prayer as you gripped onto the makeshift rope, climbing down with your eyes closed to keep yourself from chickening out.
"That's it, there you go!" Niki cheered, clapping for you as you finally made it down... the 10ft wall.
"What if someone sees the rope just hanging here?"
"They won't."
"Well... what if a little raccoon were to get cold out here and sneak into our room for comfort?"
"Come on," he smiled, taking your hand in his as he skipped from the building, adjusting the sunglasses to his "costume."
He wanted to show you around the city of Seoul, taking you to one of his favorite Japanese food stands to get filled taiyaki's because they're his all time favorite. He ended up doing most of the talking while ordering, thanks to the language barrier.
You both wanted chocolate filled, so you ended up just getting one large taiyaki to share.
He tore a piece of the fish pastry's head before putting it in his mouth, careful not to get any chocolate on his face.
You took the snack from his hand before taking a small bite yourself, surprised by the initial crunchiness of the pastry that soon melted into a softer texture, coupled with an equally delightful taste.
Now you see why Niki likes these so much.
"This is crazy, you know that?" You said, taking in the beautiful city scenery that made up your surroundings.
"Of course, especially with everyone reminding me all the time. But what was that you said again? About breaking rules as long as it's worth it?"
Both of you started to walk a little slower, not really paying attention to where you were going, just enjoying each others company, "You're never gonna let me forget I said that, are you?"
"Nope," he smiled, looking into the distance, "because those are the exact words that got us here in the first place."
"And where is "here," exactly?" You challenged, going for another bite of the snack before handing it back to him.
"Alone, outside, past our curfews, holding hands in this beautiful park while dressed up as anonymous wanderers..."
You giggled in between his rambling-
"...Waiting for the right moment to kiss each other again."
A certain feeling of butterflies ran through your stomach at his words.
Was risking your career really worth all this? You'd vote one hundred and ten percent yes.
🎆 Pop!
The sight of fireworks bursted into the night sky before you two, shattering into a glittery shower of colorful sparkles.
"Oh my God," you jumped in shock at the loud noise, making Niki chuckle at your startled reaction.
"Jeez, you're gonna draw attention to us if you keep jumping like that!"
"Ahh, how was I supposed to know they were going to be fireworks tonight?"
"We're just outside of Yeouido Park. The officials here are probably rehearsing for the upcoming firework show," he said before filling his mouth with yet another bite of taiyaki.
From the looks of it, a few more people started to crowd the area, pulling out their cameras to take pictures of the occasional fireworks that splashed into the clear night sky.
"Maybe we should get going now," you said shyly, adjusting the silly scarf you wore around your neck to keep yourself undetectable.
Confused at first by your initial prompt, Niki took a look around before now seeing a few photographers pointing cameras at everyone.
"Yeahhhh, you're right, let's go before we get caught," he smiled, picking up the pace of his steps as he turned around, beelining back to the Hybe building with his hand still in yours.
The time had just hit somewhere around 10 o'clock, so you and Niki got a good hour to yourselves after your long day of work.
Luckily, his makeshift rope was still hanging outside your dorm room window when y’all got back, and once again, you successfully snuck out together undetected.
Or at least, that’s what you both thought until the morning came…
▶︎ ၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊| • • •
There was a certain news feed circulating around the web, originating on that same Korean Pop media website you were stalking before your trip.
You weren’t surprised to find Serenity with her bright blue eyes practically glued to her phone screen, announcing the blog’s title out loud as you and Niki came down together for warmups in Room 10:
Young Stars Spark Romantic Rumors After Photos of Them Kissing in Yeouido Park Circulate the Web.
Oh no, this can’t be good.
Niki had already informed you a few minutes ago about the post popping up on his phone, "There's no way we got caught. I made sure we blended in with the crowd,” he said, not being able to hide the worry growing inside him.
“And besides,” you replied while whispering, “we didn’t even kiss.”
But as to be expected, Serenity was having a field day rubbing the news in your faces.
“Starting mess at work again, I see?” Sunoo pointed, rolling his eyes at her words, but she ignored him.
“Ren, did you even look at the pictures going around?” Haerin offered as she adjusted her workout clothes, “Those people look nothing like Niki and ____.”
“Let me see,” Jade said, reaching for Serenity’s phone and scrolling past the title to analyze the pictures that revealed two older idols who didn’t even match you and Niki’s heights.
The fear boiling in your stomach suddenly disappeared.
“Oh, and their names are right here!” Serenity pointed out before zooming in, “Nevermind, I can’t even pronounce that.”
“Great, so that means we can get back to practice now, yeah?” Jungwon said, trying not to sound as annoyed as he truly was.
You and Niki just bust out laughing.
“What’s so funny,” Serenity scowled, obviously dissatisfied with the reality of the situation.
"Just the fact that you genuinely thought we'd go against Miss Kim's rules… Besides, how would we have even gotten out last night?" Niki tried, kneeling down to tighten his shoelaces, “I’m sure you checked the blue tape by our door. It stayed intact the entire night.”
“Mhm,” she hummed, obviously not wanting to engage in the conversation anymore, which you were thankful for.
The fitness coach started explaining the workout to Jake so he could translate for you and your group, outlining that the session would start with some intense weight lifting before cardio, a.k.a, a 2 mile run around the park.
Heeseung encouraged you all with his bright smile, “Alright, guys, let’s get moving!”
And that’s exactly what everyone did for the next three hours, keeping a shared goal in mind to follow Miss Kim’s activity schedule perfectly: Day five’s schedule outlining an in-person fan meeting that evening.
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🎙️ For my baby, @microwvdstrawb3rri3s, and the lovely 🐥 anon ~ Episode 3 coming soon 💕
⛦ Tags: @squoxle @ashgonedash @nikimeows @nikipedia07 @3ngene--frvr @illymontyshit @filmofhybe @whoslug @nikiiitties
🎙️ Feel free to check out more fun reads on the pinned post at my home page ~
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puppyboymikeyway · 1 month
Fun Ghoul hcs!
loves poking fun a jet to see how long it takes until he snaps. he genuinely thinks its hilarious until jet punches him in the mouth. he never learns his lesson
has tried keeping a drac as a pet one time. it ended with a very angry jet star and party poison
as much as an adrenaline junky he is, hes also really calm, especially around the girl. but he did also teach her how to say fuck and swear consistently. its about a 50/50 everyday on if youre gonna get a calm or chaotic ghoul
tried fixing the trans am one time when the battery died. did not go well
makes everyone think that hes annoyed by kobra but kobras actually his favorite person in the world. he loves getting silly little presents from the autistic guy and has kept every single one
unintentionally calls jet 'mom'
has stolen partys jacket one too many times. he is now no longer allowed to touch it :(
he also loves stealing shit just to mess with people. if you wait in the diner long enough, eventually youll hear someone cuss ghoul out for taking their blaster
basically like a golden retriever but on steroids
has a dummy drac mask that he pranks the other four with. one time, the girl ended up punching him in the nuts when he scared her
will murder anyone without hesitation if they look at the girl funny or try and pick on her or something. he is so much more protective over the girl than any of the four - even jet
loves listening to music from the radio with kobra and will throw hands if someone tries to turn it off
tried proposing to party with a ring pop one time. they didnt say no, so apparently they're married now
idk what else, reblog with more hcs please :,)
71 notes · View notes
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Summary : headcanon version¡ Miles (42! & 1610!) Hobie brown , Pavtir Prabhakar , and gwen stacy. Finding out your Mlp collection.
Miles Morales
●It all started with u beeing good at drawing horses. Miles was impressed and asked how you draw so good.
"Its cause I drew them alot"
●Miles was amazed on how knowledgeable about real facts on horses and the mythologyical one too. Unicorns? Alicorns? Pegasus? Please you can draw them blinded.
●But no matter what your explanation may be Miles just has a little suspicion that its not just cause your born to draw horses. He caught u doodling a purple oddly familiar alicorn.
"Hey what's that?" Miles pointed at your doodles as you closed your sketch book in emberassment. "nothing!"
●It was a normal day you and Miles on your dorm room studying suddenly beeing called by your roomates outside for some help. Miles was left in your dorm he was kicking his foot til he hit a box to hard making it fall down to reveal....
●You walked in to your dorm Miles brushing celestia's hair. You froze. Your soul leaving your body. Miles turned to you in a innocent smile.
"So you like my little pony? I still remember you drawing the purple one! What's her name? Sprakle Sprinkle?"
●It was funny when Miles deliberately or unintentionally mistakes the ponies name and you always corrected him. He once called chrysalis the alien pony. He called Cozy glow a crazy bitch when you forced him to watch all 9 seasons of the show including movies and mlpstopmotion videos.
●Loves the apple family and pinkie pie.
"I cant believe you watched this as a kid. I can understand how your so good at drawing horses now"
Gwen Stacy
●Gwen and you werent too close in the beginning .It was just you two were seatmates so she notice on your "subtle" referance to the show. Be it the elements of harmony colored gems sticker on your notebook. Your twilight sparkle cutiemark earings. Or just you doodling the treehouse of harmony.
"I like your earings"
"T-thank you"
●It was kind of normal of your friends picking or joking on your mlp obsession. It sometimes makes you left out since you couldnt for the life of God relate to alot of they're series of the month. It was hard for you to not cringe at Live action. You were used to animation. The live action just felt stiff compared to animation. Gwen never understood your friends she thought it was cool how you memorize ponies name cutie marks even backround ones.
●It was lunch time and Gwen went to her classroom early and theyre she saw you watching the wedding of shinning armor and cadence. Face full of food as you watch intently.
●Gwen smiled sitting next to you. "Mind if I sit next to you?" You jolted and fell of your chair luckily Gwen caught you. Eversince that day you watched mlp episodes with Gwen everylunch.
●She loved doing theories. Like why theyre never been a baby alicorn born till flurry heart. The connections of equestria magic and the human worls. Loves the idea of Discord beeing the last draconequus and finding solice in invading worlds to feel not alone.
●Loves the seaponies.
"God I love applejack love her honestyand loyalty to her family! And the cutie mark crusaders are adorable! Sweetie Pie is the cutest!"
Hobie Brown
●He didnt meet you as Hobie brown but as spider-punk. It was an accident when beating up some corrupt cops near by he saw you full pinkie pie cosplay. You wearing a pink wig with a blue , pink , and yellow cupcake dress. It caught him off guard of your ballon accecories. He got kicked in the face becuase he was distracted watching you.
●Eversince he saw you he tried seeing you again but god hates him. He couldnt find for the life of himself. He tried going to cons wandering around finding any familar cosplay. He called it a night at 3rd day going till.
"I am sorry-"
●It was you with the same pink wig , ballon clips , pink , blue and yellow cupcake dress.
"You look dench in that."
"Thank you! I worked really hard on the dress"
●Eversince that day Hobie offered to ask you about the cosplay finding out your suppose to cosplay pinkie pie from mlp. He was a little confuse at first but after watching 4 seasons he gets it. It took him a while to catch up but he thinks the show is enjoyable at the least.
●You convinced him to cosplay twilight as you cosplayed spike. Imagine him with purple glitter extensions , a pony ears and horn with wings. It was funny but he didnt mind. He was Qreally into you wearing loads of spikes on your outfit since you were cosplaying a dragon.
●When he showed up like that on a meeting with Miguel he didnt give a single crap only reapeting.
"I look awesome and you aint doing nothing about it"
●He loves discord and pinkie pie but has a soft spot for thorax.
"The changelings look cool before and after. You can't CHANGE my mind"
Pavtir Prabhakar
●200% already knew about the show. Was actually obsessed as a kid but nobody like to talk about it with him well except for you.
●You two rant about the better element and pony almost every week.
"How dare you ..."
"I am sorry-"
"You say that to Rarity" *caressing Rarity plushie backpack*
●He honestly jsut took potery just to make mlp statues why? To flex on you thats why.
●Will and have bought every single main six plushies but you have the cards of the mainsix and princesses. Even his favourite. Big Mac. This man has begged and pleqded for that card but he held it ONCE.
●How can you hate him so much? It was all for the tease and who got the best merch.
●Loves loves spike and starlight.
"C'mon trade with meeeeee"
Miles G.
●You hid your mlp intrest from him to the point he never even visited your apartment. Not once.
"Hey can we hang out your place?"
"Sorry I have a rat infestation"
●He didnt push it any further and so everytime he asked theyre was a new excuse. The bathroom sink broke. My AC isnt working well. The place is a Mess. A fire recently happend. I almost got robbed so its unsafe. Excuses and Excuses.
●But this time you can't escape. It was you having you having a fever so he had to go your apartment. Nothing out of the ordinary it wasn't to big or to small but when he entered your room.
●Your bed was surrounded with mlp plushies from the main six , to the princesses , to the ponies of pony vill and more. Rapped in a twilight cutie mark pattern blabket sick out of your mind you stood up looking at Miles in you fluttershy pajamas.
"So this is why you dont want me to come here?"
"Ughhhh ... Shut up your lucky I am sick"
●Since you getting sick it became a habit of Miles just watching an Mlp episode or two to cool off. One time Uncle Aaron walked pass him watching the mlp movie and he was flabergasted to the brim.
"The hell are you watching?"
"Something good got a problem?"
●He likes to see your collection of mlp castles his favorite the crysatl empire the little flurry heart jusg warms his heart.
●He loves fluttershy but relates to applejack about family and uses Raindbow dashed motto.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Heart, Exposed by an Aphrodisiac Premium
This is simply a fan translation and is not intended as a replacement for the game. Expect some inaccuracies and errors.
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Mitsuki: "Then let me at least make you some tea."
Mitsuki: "I just received some medicine from an acquaintance."
After informing Galileo, I took a cup from the cupboard and poured warm tea into it, mixing the medicine from a small bottle I took out of my bag.
Mitsuki: "Um, is it okay if I also drink it?"
(Faust mentioned that it also has preventive effects.)
I wouldn't mind catching his cold if it helped him get better, but he probably wouldn't want that.
(I don't think he's really a cold person.)
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Galileo: "Do as you please."
Though his words sounded indifferent, I was glad he didn't refuse.
Holding the two cups, I returned to his side.
Mitsuki: "Here, this one's for you."
We sat side by side on the sofa and sipped our tea together.
(It's not too hot, yet not too cold.)
Mitsuki: "It's my first time drinking it, but it's surprisingly easy to drink."
It didn't taste bitter at all, despite the herbs being mixed in. Even a child could easily drink it.
Galileo: "Yeah."
After savoring the tea, he placed the cup on the table and sighed.
Galileo: "It's getting hot in here."
He quietly loosened his collar, exposing his slightly sweaty neck.
Mitsuki: "He’s so sexy and beautiful..."
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Mitsuki: "!!"
(Crap, did I just say that out loud!?)
Feeling uneasy, I looked at him, and he met my gaze.
Galileo: "Funny you should say that. Neither of those words are even remotely close to me."
Mitsuki: "That's not true."
Mitsuki: "Your mysterious purple eyes, your hair, and your voice—they're all beautiful."
Without understanding why, I found myself expressing my honest feelings.
(Why am I saying these things?)
Despite feeling strange about it, I couldn't stop. Moreover, the embarrassing words spilling out of my mouth made my body feel warm.
(Even my breath feels hot. I wonder why.)
(It's as if I took some kind of weird medicine.)
At that moment, I suddenly realized something.
(Come to think of it, Faust gave me an aphrodisiac before that makes it impossible to hide one's true feelings.)
I might have left it in my bag without realizing it.
Mitsuki: "Did I mistakenly put the aphrodisiac instead of the medicine?"
Galileo: "What?"
Galileo frowned when he heard my words.
I frantically searched my bag and found another bottle.
Mitsuki: "I knew it. This one's the remedy."
Galileo: "What are you talking about?"
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry! I accidentally put a different medicine."
I bowed my head, realizing the gravity of what I'd done.
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Galileo: "Did you just say aphrodisiac?"
Mitsuki: "Well, it's more like a medicine that makes it impossible to hide your true feelings."
When I told him honestly, his eyes widened slightly.
Galileo: "A medicine that makes it impossible to hide your true feelings?"
Mitsuki: "I'm sorry, I've done something terrible."
Mitsuki: "I always end up doing something stupid. You probably hate me now. Ah!"
Once again, I panicked and covered my mouth, realizing I had said something unnecessary.
(What should I do? I'm so embarrassed.)
Mixed emotions welled up inside me, and tears started to well up.
(I'm the one who caused all this trouble, so I shouldn't cry about it.)
I gripped my hand tightly, trying to hold back my tears.
Galileo: "When did I say that I hate you?"
Mitsuki: "Eh?"
I blinked my eyes in confusion, thinking I just heard it wrong.
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Galileo: "..........."
He had the same embarrassed expression as if he had unintentionally let something slip, just like me.
Mitsuki: "But I'm always causing trouble…"
Galileo: "That's right. You keep intruding no matter how many times I warn you not to get involved, but..."
Galileo: "I've never hated you."
Galileo: "In fact, I find people like you who earnestly pursue something quite commendable."
Galileo: "Although I find you annoying, I sometimes also end up thinking about you."
Mitsuki: "!"
After he finished speaking, he furrowed his eyebrows.
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Galileo: "Seems like I unintentionally said unnecessary things. This one's a nasty potion."
(But are those really Galileo's true feelings?)
I couldn't tell if my pounding heart was due to the potion or because I’d heard his true feelings.
Mitsuki: "I'm glad you think of me that way."
Mitsuki: "Um, I also feel the same about you!"
I tried to lean forward after saying that, but my unsteady body, affected by the potion, lost its balance.
We ended up getting tangled with each other, with me almost pushing him down onto the sofa.
In a reflex to steady me, he wrapped his hands around my back, and our gazes met at a close distance, his purple eyes almost drawing me in.
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Mitsuki: "You're really beautiful."
(I can't stop myself now.)
As I felt the heat of his touch, I found myself thinking it would be okay to expose all my true feelings to him.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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delopsia · 1 year
I absolutely adored and loved the Rhett headcanons. Can we please get matching Bobby ones pretty pretty please with diabetes inducing amount of sugar on top 🥺🙏💕💕💕
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Aaaaa, thank you! I was hoping somebody would ask for a set of Bobby headcanons! :D This got a little long again 💃
✧˖° General Bob Headcanons
Snores, but very, very lightly? To the point that he sounds more like a cat purring than anything. If you tell him he does it, he goes red in the face and denies it, even if you have video evidence of it. Bobby hears snoring and immediately thinks he must be snoring loud enough to guide ships through the fog...
Bob has this funny thing where he intentionally buys damaged products. He got left out of things a lot as a kid, the last to be picked for dodgeball, was always last to be partnered up for assignments, little things that never felt all too great.
So now he's taking home a dented can of Lysol because he knows how shitty it feels to be left out.
It is so, so easy to make this man smile. You can make the dumbest joke of all time, and Bob's got a cheesy grin that's brighter than the sun itself.
Bob doesn't always have the words to describe what he's feeling or trying to say. No matter how hard he tries, those words simply don't bubble up in the ol' noggin, and he's stuck stuttering until he can come up with something.
The longer he can't find the words he wants to use, the brighter his face goes. Blushes from the tips of his ears all the way down into his chest. Poor baby looks like he's been sunburnt
Buys trinkets that remind him of his friends, and he's got an entire shelf dedicated to housing them. A glass-blown phoenix that he found in a gift shop, a plush coyote that he picked up at the zoo, a horseshoe because his momma loves horses.
Has a talent for origami. It started out as a meaningless thing to ease his nerves, but it quickly devolved into an obsession. Flowers, elephants, stars, butterflies, he knows no bounds. He's been known for leaving them in places and waiting around the corner to see who takes it. There's no better feeling than watching someone find it and take it with them.
That being said, Bob showers his significant other in them. Once he becomes comfortable, you will never know peace. There are stars in your cups, there were origami flowers lining the edge of your clawfoot bath this morning, and you've been finding hearts for months.
Hates when people stand behind him. It's more of a nervous thing than anything because there is nothing worse than thinking you're alone and sensing someone looming behind you. If Bob can find a spot where his back is to the wall, you best believe he will be there.
Bobby can play the guitar and the piano, but he's so, so shy about it. He doesn't know where to look or what to do with his eyes while he's playing it, and he really, really doesn't know what to say if you compliment him on it.
Green thumb. Every plant is safe with Robert Floyd; growing up on a farm, it's hard not to get good at growing things. From dandelions to lettuce, he can garden just about anything.
Also happens to talk to the flowers as if they can hear him. "Hi buddies, are you getting enough sunshine?" "Hold on, hold on, I'll water you in a second." "Do you need me to rotate you?"
Eats all one type of food before moving on to the next thing on his plate. It's more of a focus thing than anything; Bob just doesn't...think to switch from the mashed potatoes to the green beans until the potatoes are completely gone.
Speaking of food, Bob unintentionally gives his S/O food-themed pet names. Honey, peaches, sugar, pumpkin, sweetie. He hardly notices he's doing it; it's just one of those things that happened.
Bob could very well have his vision corrected with a simple surgery, but he chooses not to have it because he's so used to having glasses. He's been wearing glasses since he was five; they're a part of his identity at this point.
He's one of the unlucky ones who turn bright red when he drinks alcohol. Didn't realize it until someone pointed it out, and now he absolutely will not drink in public because he's afraid of turning as red as a stop light.
Drinks his coffee black. Primarily because he can never get the ratio of additives to his liking; too much creamer, but then it's too much sugar, and oh, well, would you look at that, he accidentally grabbed the salt instead of the sugar.
Animal lover to the core. Please take him to the zoo or the aquarium, he's been dying to go, but nobody will go with him :( His favorites have always been the red pandas and the jellyfish. For no reason other than he finds them cute.
Bob's got thighs for days. God, is it a sight to watch him struggle to get into his jeans. He's always gotta jump to get them past those perfectly pale thighs.
Does this thing where he gets lost in your eyes when you speak. He's listening, but good lord, he is absolutely drowning in the way your eyes twinkle as you talk to him. Chin in hand, humming along to whatever you have to say.
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aha-chuu · 8 months
I'm writing an AU rn and like
So Wriothesley woke up in hospital after (correctly) killing his foster parents and Arlecchino is just There. So Wrio doesn't know who tf she is but he's a lil broody and very "yes I deserve prison, yes I'm 13 what about it"
Arlecchino meanwhile has only just taken over the House of the Hearth and killed her own abuser so they're kinda vibing in a dysfunctional way. She really wanted to kill all the child traffickers in Fontaine but she couldn't find them yet (she's only just come back from Fatui stuffs and since she's only just taken over the HoH she doesn't have an information network to rely on).
HOWEVER by killing his foster parents (who were part of the same trafficking ring) Wriothesley unintentionally picked a thread that Arlecchino can now follow go deal with all the shitty nobles in Fontaine and save a bunch of children. She's pretty much come to see Wriothesley to tell him this and legit thank him because she genuinely really cares about the children of Fontaine and this all Sucks.
So now Wriothesley is still going to prison but Arlecchino has her eye on him. She basically sees him as her first 'child' even though he doesn't know her as 'Father' like the rest of the kids do.
(which: in this AU the reason Arlecchino was there to save Lynette was because she uncovered the nobleman involved through the info chain Wriothesley set off so there's layers here).
Wriothesley is in prison and Arlecchino sends him fun little letters (and he replies (honestly feel bad for the poor Fatuus who was stuck in Meropide as their go-between)). Importantly she never sends him anything more than morale boosts - no bribing the guards for special treatment, no rigged pankration fights, no extra credit coupons. Arlecchino loves all her children but Tough Love is as important as any other form.
So Wrio had a ten year prison sentence and everything pretty much goes as canon: he learns to thrive, garners everyone's respect and, eventually, takes control of Meropide by duelling the administrator on the day he should have been released. Arlecchino's getting all these updates and she's so so pleased at how well he's doing. He's given the 'duke' title and she's ready to give him all the desdert, he's a great son and he deserves a treat.
But there is a whole layer to this that, though Wrio & Arlecchino have been in communication for a decade, he's never learned that she's Fatui and, when he eventually does learn, he doesn't confer those two identities. Same with Arlecchino - where Lyney, Lynette and Freminet are Fatui agents, Wrio is her First child and he's disconnected from that. That's why Lyney is her heir - Wrio's almost like a pet project she took on outside of her Fatui responsibilities.
Obviously it's then funny when Lyney & co clash against Wriothesley because like. They've never met but Arlecchino definitely considers them all part of the same family. Lyney has too much of a big brother complex to have to deal with his 'Father' introducing a much bigger big brother into the fold who has also managed to do like,, everything.
Like poor Lyney cos Wrio literally went to prison at 13 and still became the third most politically powerful and richest person in Fontaine before he was 25. Forget Forbes Under Thirty, Lyney has to contend with whatever this shit is without developing issues
(Lyney is actually very cool and better suited to all the Fatui stuffs but you know. He's gotta compare himself).
So anyway the concept of the AU (Arlecchino Adoption AU???) mostly centers on all the letters Arlecchino & Wriothesley sent to each other, and then navigating the dynamic later on when the Fatui are crawling all over Fontaine and The Prophecy. Bonus points for Neuvillette's most trusted Wriothesley having this weird Arlecchino connection, and if he can be convinced to side with her, Wriothesley could fuck up all of Fontaine by having Meropide go on strike and halting all of construction. So messy.
Everyone gets to bribe Wriothesley with tea to be on their side but in reality Wriothesley is on his own side (Arlecchino's like: yes this is how to raise an independent child, Lyney: he literally shot me and convinced me he would murder my family, Arlecchino: yeah they really don't make em like they used to huh).
Also all of the letters with Arlecchino were 100% like,,, philosophical debates and historical discussion from whatever prison book Wrio just read. No parental guidance here. He met this woman once, she is not his dad - she's his pen pal. Arlecchino finds labels unimportant in this instance.
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luckstergal · 2 months
Yandere Elliott Mod is funny as hell (to me)
Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be taken seriously, this is me rambling into the void and to my friends.
I cannot believe I'm reviewing a mod, lol. Is it a review? I don't know anymore, just giving my take on it.
It's been like 2 weeks since I gave the Yandere Elliott mod a try and honestly I find it more unintentionally hilarious than off-putting in most places.
I felt that some of the moments could be interpreted as genuinely wholesome and sweet if you isolated them (but that's just how context works in a nutshell I suppose. Look, I genuinely thought the insomnia scene and the post-moonlight-jellies scene with adorable, alright?).
The fact that I have to go out of my way to play very different than I ever would have certainly modifies my overall perspective. If I played normally, the only really unsettling thing would be his unhinged letters. Well, one in particular at least. Most of the letters were campy and funny, knowing how melodramatic this character is naturally. Only 1 letter made me and 2 other people I showed it to go "Oh GOD". Everything else? Unintentionally hilarious, or wholesome if you take the obsession letters out. His stalker-schedule was funny as hell. What do I mean by that? How is the "stalker schedule" funny? The mod alters his schedule after 1 heart, so he'll periodically go spy on you on the farm. This was scary only twice for me because I didn't expect it, and there was a long gap between the first time and the second time. Once summer hit, however, it got funny. He was showing up every single day at 6:30 on the dot, except for Friday and Sunday. He was so punctual that I'd look at the clock, see he's about to show up, and prepare myself for my daily convo with him/gift giving if it's Monday and Tuesday. Man was so consistent it was hilarious.
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Even better: when he's standing there for so long, his pathfinding kinda... glitches? He'll act like there's something in front of him preventing his movement (like when a player character standing in an NPC's pathing) and suddenly just... book it across the map into the void. Practically died laughing (though I did freak out the first time it happened because I thought "WAIT THIS MOD LETS HIM CHASE YOU?" only for him to run passed and into nothingness)
It actually got a bit lonely in autumn when he stopped showing up and opted to camp outside the mines instead all day. (Elli, sweetie, Ignatius is not going there most of the time because autumn 1 is a busy season for him, come back!) The fact that I have to fully romance all the other bachelors in order to activate one of the legitimately most unhinged aspects of the mod is what throws me off. I know they're fictional characters, but I've always felt icky at multi-dating personally. Just not for me. I pick one and I stick with my decision. Reading the text in the content file is one thing, but I wanted to see the event play out for myself.
After the event, it got hilarious again completely on accident.
Cue Elli not letting Ignatius leave the farm because of his jealousy. It was winter when this happened. The Obsession Cage-Loop event is designed to where Pierre will send you 50 of a random seed packet every day to make up for the fact that you cannot leave.
Crops don't grow in winter.
The mod makes up for this fact by Pierre sending you ANCIENT FRUIT SEEDS. I had over 300 seeds by the time spring hit. Elli straight up SCAMMING Pierre during the Cage-Loop completely on accident. I'm just sitting here thinking "Dang, had I known this would have happened, I'd have activated this sooner AND kept Elli's heart-level low just to get more bang for my buck. Endless supply of Ancient Fruit Seeds just because you're jealous? Yes please!".
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After the cage-loop is over, that's pretty much it. Elli apologizes, wants to do better so you feel safe around him, is willing to just be tormented by his jealousy; etc. and things just kinda go... normal??? After that. He still has his eye-brow raising marriage lines afterwards but after everything has passed, he's not too unsettling.
He's just a weirdo who doesn't know how to handle his love.
Other than ONE letter, and the fact that I had to go OUT OF MY WAY to deliberately activate the Cage-Loop event?
This mod vanilla as fuck, lol.
And no, I didn't do the divorce event. I have a history relating to such dark thoughts and even just reading the dialogue in the content file made me uncomfortable.
Overall 10/10 good way to have spent my week between my 2.0 vtuber model work.
It also do not help at all that what makes this mod hilarious in my head is that I play as an inhuman farmer who absolutely towers over Elli in every way. Ignatius is not threatened by this obsessive weirdo in the least bit.
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For Wild Man and Wild Miss again.
Now I’m wondering how this au affects the relationship between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife. Like, I’m imagining the PC would warn them of anything they think is particularly dangerous, like Ingo and Akari and their pack in the icelands, but then Ingo just wanders in a day later, introduces himself, and tells them he’s happy to trade with them and also “please don’t catch any of the zorua or zoroark like you would normally. They’re scared of humans, and kidnapping their family even temporarily will not make them like you. Also have you met my lively daughter? Let me tell you how we met.” Does the PC know Ingo does trade with Jubilife? Do members ever see him and/or Akari there but they can’t do anything but leave because Jubilife is neutral territory and they’d be kicked out for starting a fight?
Also, more specifically, what if one day Gaeric tried to talk about that time he was defending a child against a zoroark when the Wild Man attacked and whisked the zoroark away. Rei hears this and puts two and two together.
Gaeric, in the games is a likable enough guy. I imagine nobody in the clan really dislikes him. Imagine his surprise when this Galaxy Team kid blows up at him and angrily tells him about how that experience looked from his perspective.
Jubilife is very firmly in neutral territory, so even if they don't agree with certain practices of the clans, they don't do anything about it, and it's generally agreed that they should make no comments on how the natives do things. Likewise, the Pearl and Diamond clans both agreed to not start anything within Jubilife. So, yes, while some Pearl Clan members recognize Ingo, they don't actually do anything about it other than trying to warn some of the people in Jubilife about him.
Of course, Jubilife is free to make their own opinions, and Ingo quickly proves himself to be a very friendly man. He's polite and would immediately drop what he's doing to help another person if they so request it, and he likes to brag about his little daughter to anyone who will listen.
It's hard to take anything the Pearl Clan says seriously when the guy they're trying to warn people of is some dude who shoves his daughter in everyone's faces and proudly announces that she can count to 20 all on her own, now, isn't she the smartest?
As for Gaeric, he definitely does keep that story up his sleeve to talk about sometimes, and he would absolutely get a nasty surprise when he tells it anywhere near Rei. The idea that there's anyone who's actually friends with The Wild Man is just absurd to a lot of the Pearl Clan. They didn't expect that there were people in Jubilife who actually likes him and his "daughter." They believed that Ingo is only ever there for purely business purposes.
Of course, Rei blowing up at Gaeric would be brushed off quickly. Gaeric will believe that Rei's just not that great at telling an illusion from reality, especially since Rei's just a kid. And the people of Jubilife would be forced to apologize for Rei's outburst because, again, this is neutral territory and nobody is supposed to aggravate the tentative relations they've built. Gaeric is a Warden, after all, which means he has high standing.
This isn't to say that the civilians of Jubilife would disagree with Rei's outrage. They've babysat Akari many times in the past. They remember her being brought through the gates, bloodied and crying and whimpering. Finding out the one responsible is someone deluding themselves into thinking they did an honorable thing over unfounded superstitions would put a sour taste in a lot of mouths. And that someone has political immunity. It just leaves a sense of tension, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. No one can speak up, no one is allowed to explain it.
On a different thought, I find it very funny that Ingo is just unintentionally a political time bomb. He's just going about trying to exist, take care of his daughter, etc, meanwhile he's somehow caused the most tension between the Pearl Clan and Jubilife without even doing anything. By being likable.
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bittersweetresilience · 5 months
Sentitwin fake dating AU! I gotta know man
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i love the premise a lot, so i got overexcited and shared the entire outline. romantic tropes in platonic relationships... yes, please. also, a rare crack fic from me.
Adrien, in an effort to divert suspicions on his secret identity, pretends to be dating Chat Noir. This is sort of difficult to pull off, since he is in fact Chat Noir.
Enter Félix. Jazz hands.
Félix doesn't know Adrien is Chat Noir. Félix thinks Adrien is busy and he is supposed to be pretending to be him. Félix has no idea how romance works and completely sucks at fake dating. Chat Noir thinks this is absolutely hilarious and is having the time of his life poking fun at him.
After their first date Chat Noir fesses up to knowing Félix isn't Adrien. He says Adrien told him ahead of time and he just thought it'd be funny to tease him.
Félix gets dropped off at the mansion. Whatever, he thinks. That's the end of it. He goes back into Adrien's bedroom, where the both of them have been staying. Adrien is coming out of the bathroom. He feigns a smile and asks how Félix's date went. Fine, Félix says. That's great, Adrien says. They stand in awkward silence for several minutes until Félix pretends to start reading.
Okay. Awkward. Sentitwins are actually fighting. But Adrien is in a pinch after he ran his mouth about Adrichat, and Félix loves his cousin. Come a few days Adrien says he's busy again and Félix agrees to keep fake dating.
Chat Noir and Félix hang out. Chat Noir and Félix hang out again. Chat Noir starts taking Félix to places he likes instead of torturing him. To Félix's surprise, he discovers Chat Noir is kind of tolerable. He even acknowledges why Adrien might be dating him. Meanwhile, Chat Noir is ecstatic. He gets to get away from the tension in the house and hang out with his cousin.
The secret identity suspicions fade away. But Chat Noir keeps coming around to hang out with Félix, and for some reason, Félix keeps agreeing to go on fake dates with him.
The two of them spend more and more time together. First they do things Félix wants to do. Then they do things Adrien always secretly wanted to do with him. Adrien is having a great time ignoring the fact that they're fighting at home and, as Chat Noir, bonding with him. Félix is lightening up to Chat Noir. Eventually he starts opening up about his childhood to him.
Félix now has one friend, which unlocks character development. He decides he should try to mend his relationship with his cousin. But Adrien is so happy about how things are going as Chat Noir that he keeps unintentionally blowing off Félix's olive branches to run away and transform and hang out with him.
Félix is getting kind of stressed out by this.
Chat Noir notices something is wrong, but he has no idea what. They keep hanging out, but Félix gets more and more quiet. Finally one night after Chat Noir drops him off, he breaks down and confesses he thinks he's ruined things and Adrien must hate him.
Okay. Awkward. Two seconds ago Chat Noir was feeling incredibly good about how close he was getting to Félix.
Chat Noir realizes he's lost the plot and forgotten that the whole time he was lying. He reassures Félix that Adrien loves him. Um, he knows because remember, he's dating Adrien. Adrien talks all the time about Félix. Adrien definitely misses him.
Félix takes some convincing, but he has come to trust Chat Noir, so he does appreciate this.
Chat Noir transforms back and stews in his guilt about tricking Félix into befriending him. He only dug himself a deeper hole by continuing to lie while comforting him. Félix is going to be so angry. Chat Noir has to tell him the truth. He gets in his head. It's cool, he can totally do this. He'll just have to plan the perfect day. He'll put Félix in a good mood and say and do all the right things and then he'll gently break it to him and they can be best friends again and forget about this.
Félix tries to talk to him as Adrien, and Adrien is trying to pay attention but he's distracted and doesn't notice when he says something he isn't supposed to know as Adrien.
The next day Félix stops Adrien by the door to their room. Adrien is rushing to finish preparations for the last fake date. Félix catches him by the hand and hugs him. Adrien hugs back, surprised, but then he skedaddles, which is okay, he justifies, because it's the last time, really. Félix will understand once he's explained everything.
Midway to the kitchen he realizes his finger is bare and wheels back into the bedroom, where Félix is holding his ring.
Okay. Awkward. He didn't get to explain anything.
He's expecting Félix to be angry, but Félix just starts laughing.
Of course you were always running out of the house. Of course you were always busy. Busy patting me on the shoulder and promising you loved me.
You're not mad at me? Adrien asks timidly. Oh, no, I'm furious, Félix says. But don't worry, you have a chance to make it up to me. Take me on whatever date you were planning as yourself and we'll see.
(wip ask game)
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ladyloveandjustice · 2 months
I liveblog the Odyssey (The Liveblogyssey)
'I've been listening to and reading The Odyssey (Emily Wilson's translation) and I've been rambling a lot to my partner, so I thought I would also liveblog my first impressions! I read parts of The Odyssey in high school and college but never the whole thing start to finish.
Athena spoils half the plot right off, I mean obviously I knew it already, but still. We start near the end of the story with Odysseus trapped on Calypso's island, Telemachus really upset that the suitors are EATING ALL THEIR SHEEP, and the beginning follows Telemachus around as he travels around to try to learn about his dad and if he's alive. Which... we know he is so that takes a little of the tension out of it.
(Seriously, Telemachus is very fixated on the sheep thing. I get that it's a big source of food but maybe you should be a little more concerned about your mom fending off 108 suitors bud).
Athena in disguise goes to meet and accompany him, appearing as an older man, and this translation is very simple and accessible (though there are definitely moments of beautiful prose) but this sometimes leads to really awkward lines like Telemachus telling Athena in disguise "I will give you a precious, pretty treasure as a keepsake to mark our special friendship" which like. are you hitting on him Telemachus you just said you think he's fatherly.
Telemachus is going thru it though. so you can't help but feel bad for him. "My mother says I am his son, but I can't be sure [...} I wish I were the son of someone lucky, who can grow old at home, instead the most unlucky man alive is said to be my father." Like that one of the times you feel the connection going back thousand of years so fiercely, the idea of having no connection to your father because you've never met him and he doesn't even feel like your dad, just a story, and too bad you can't be the son of someone who's around.
Meanwhile, a super unintentionally funny lin from young Mac is "The poets are not to blame for how things are, Blame Zeus." which yeah, that sums up most of Greek myth doesn't it! (also very funny of Homer to be like "be nice to poets, they're cool".) He also tells his own Mom to go back to the kitchen so he can assert to the suitors he's in charge and there's a man in this house, but we are reading a story from 8th century BC so.
Anyway he goes around with Athena travelling and learning about his dad, and honestly, the Odyssey is so funny. Love the part where Nestor is like "oh if only Athena favored you as she did her father" and Telemachus is like “Yeah Athena’s not on my side” :/ and she's just. sitting there with him and says”hmm are you sure I think she maybe is probably"
(and then she's like "btw to gods don't control who lives and who dies TELEMACHUS we can't even protect our mortal loved ones (but please ignore all the times we've actively killed people) and also! also! I think your dad should be grateful to go on a cool quest and be alive when he could have just died the second he left Troy, think about THAT!!!)
then she just randomly turns into a bird and leaves after ensuring Telemachus has good sleeping arrangements. Telemachus never reacts to this, everyone else is just like "omg Athena!!" he says nothing I assume he was just standing there in slackjawed shock for the next couple of hours and going over all the embarrassing things he said.
Also we get to see Helen! And I knew from earlier Greek studies that people today acting like she was dumb just because men found her attractive was misogynist nonsense. But now I get to be extra mad because the woman isn't just not dumb, she's really intelligent and observant!
Not only does she immediately figure out who Telemachus is because she saw him when he was a newborn (how??) and relays that during the Trojan war she was the only one able to recognize odysseus when he came to her place in disguise and gave him intel, but most importantly she talks about "the day the Greeks marched off to troy, their minds fixated on war and violence. They made my face the cause that hounded them". Just subtly calling the whole army out. She knows they didn't actually go to war for her. She knows she was just an excuse, and a weak one at that. She knows they wanted this war, they wanted this violence.
So yeah, Helen is smart as hell! Screw that "Everyone wanted Helen of Sparta I wanted someone a little smarter" shit from Epic, sexist nonsense, I'm glad that song was cut.
She also mentions that "Aphrodite made her go crazy" when she agreed to run off, which could be literally true (Aphrodite did tend to do that) or a clever way to protect her reputation after leaving her husband.
Helen also has drugs, which I imagine is a big reason everyone liked her. The total package. But uh, she also does drugs everyone's drinks without apparently telling them. With what sounds like superpowered magic weed or something, to make them mellow and calm and erase anxiety and depression. It says "Whoever drinks this mixture for the bowl will shed no tears that day not even if her mother or father should die" which uh actually seems kind of dangerous! But Telemachus is goin' thru it, so maybe he could use it. but apparently it doesn't work (or takes a long time to kick in} because Telemachus gets upset anyway and says things like "This makes it worse! Courage could not save my father's life!" and wants to go to bed. (PS she got the weed from Egypt, and it's nice that the story is very complementary about Egyptians, calling them the "healer's people").
And then we've finished Telemachus's depression session and get back to Penelope. THE SAGA CONTINUES IN PART 2.
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