#bilingual king
kalak · 1 year
The charming thing about Luke skywalker is that he's as much of a pilot as he is a jedi, and he's as much of a farmboy hick as he is a pilot.
He can list off ship names for hours and he takes meticulous care of his x-wing and he doesn’t know what a speed limit is and he takes great pleasure in doing acrobatics with a ship not designed for humans. But also compassion is his central drive and the force loves him like a sunlight does a flower; he gives everyone a second chance and he is so good with kids and he has a predilection for recklessness and danger.
But also he knows how to live on a tight budget, he thinks water fountains are cool, he likes exploring different planets, he has an outer rim accent.
And after all that, he loves hot chocolate and he thinks peace and love in the galaxy would be swag and he loves his friends.
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gavidaily · 1 year
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Araújo interviews Gavi
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Bilingual king
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crow-ooc · 4 months
corr is um. im going to assume alternia has different languages so. he knows how to speak read nd write chinese but he has the alternian equivalent of an american accent.
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sirhinkjinks · 2 years
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it's beginning to get concerning, dad
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harrylovesmitski · 1 month
if i can convince anyone to go see la chimera right now it's through this image
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tedloganshairclips · 3 months
due to my long ass history of projection i literally convinced myself english (basic) was in fact NOT luke skywalker's first language and instead one from tatooine that i totally made up and now i keep wanting to go "headcanon luke talking to threepio in his native language because he's the only one who'll understand and speak it back" and then remember no ones gonna know what the fuck im talking about
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kaplerrr · 1 year
"come again ? i don't understand."
you chuckle playfully and repeat it, slower. but still unintelligible.
you like to switch to another language to make sure no one around you can understand. when you're overwhelmed.
"you know i'm gonna need a translation, right ?"
you shrug, obviously unapologetic and unwilling to explain. you mutter a few new words.
"it's fine, i like it. that's hot"
you laugh and i know this is the only language i need to speak.
i simply love you so much, it's painful.
"you know that quote ? to have another language is to possess a second soul ? i think you're gonna live forever, sweetheart."
your playfulness turns into softness as you wrap your arms around me and gently kiss my forehead.
you whisper something else, but this time i understand.
I love you too.
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randomjreader · 1 year
Am I the only one who thinks Ford's voice dropped in our skyy x MSP? Like I swear, he raised his voice an octave when he played Chinzhilla's Por, instead of student council Por. I think Mark also has a more wide eyed, innocent feel in our skyy as compared to in the main msp. So did they intentionally switch some of their personality aspects in our skyy, even though for most of the other characters, they stayed mainly the same, just in different roles?
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sapybara · 4 months
Sapnap's cookie es aquí if you even care
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porcelaintoybox23 · 5 months
Me(23): I should be interested in people my age
Me: *develops a crush on Paul Wesley*
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furious-rogue-stuff · 2 years
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This! This, is a god-level troll from my man, Pedro the Savage. I love him so much 👏🏼
Hater: Pedro Pascal, who enjoys the luxuries of Hollywood, living in his house surrounded by luxuries and talks about inequality driving his big car on the freeway!!, these lefties like to make others believe that they live like the people in Sshile! ! They are ticks of society.
Pedro: You don’t want a selfie?
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juantheashura · 1 year
How many languages can the league speak without using the translator.
It varies a little bit.
Lat knows English and Japanese, or at least, she can *somewhat* understand Japanese- she doesn't get many chances to speak it so she's somewhat rusty with it.
Ignis knows English, French (she's a lawyer, so gotta know your roots and all), as well as some German and the barest minimum of Latin. Her parents also tried to get her to learn Chinese- but their fallout happened early enough that she doesn't know much beyond "How are you?".
Forlorn and Aki know English, Chinese, a little bit of Latin, and that weird mumbo-jumbo they almost break the MC's brain with in Chapter 5.
Nova knows English and Spanish and can begin to understand a few native dialects (from Mexico and Colombia at least). His super genius doesn't extend to immediately figuring out languages, but it does help him learn them faster (so if it'd normally take someone a year or two, he could clear learning a language in two months or so).
Mars only knows English fully, but due to his job, he can do the basics in German, French, Spanish, Chinese, etc. He doesn't know any of them well enough to hit on you, but well, he can probably offer you a cup of coffee.
Seeker knows... basically every modern language, more or less. Maybe he'd run into some trouble in southern Africa, but generally, he can make his way in any of the world's countries. He also knows Latin perfectly, as well as some Koine Greek, Old Nordic, Old Slavic, etc. As Nova can mention in... Chapter 3 or 4, I don't recall, Seeker was the one who helped him add a bunch of languages to the collar translator.
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movedto-lichthey · 1 year
𝖘. 𝖛𝖔𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖘 : speaking + singing english & japanese.
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doctorqueensanatomy · 2 years
"I treat all customers equally babes and non-babes alike" as a dude walks in and people still think Steve's straight
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louisarmpits · 10 months
We discovered recently that my sisters rescue dog understands Spanish, but none of us know Spanish 😔
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