#playing soccer as a kid I always looked up to messi
skylinepilot · 1 year
so so proud of messi and argentina, today is such a big day and I couldn’t be happier!!!!
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 1 month
my heart over yours | j.fleming x reader
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prompt: everyone has always said the friendship between jessie and you was too intimate. that the two of you were too close, but you never believed them until you got a girlfriend.
author notes: trying a slightly new style for this fic. i don't know rather to make this into a series or just a oneshot, so you can read this as a prologue or just a stand alone. anyways here's a fic for my canadian babygirl jessie 🙇🏽‍♀️ enjoy!
contains: ucla!jessie x reader, childhood bestie!jessie, homoerotic friendship low-key, jealous!jessie if you squint, aj not understanding shit about canada, slightly messy timeline sorry y'all 💔, super long grab a snack lay back relax
part two
playing thinkin bout you by frank ocean 🎵
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you have known jessie since she was seven years old. with her moving into your neighborhood in elementary, at first you didn't try to interact with her. she was just the girl with freckles who was always outside. the shy girl in class who you would sometimes be paired up with for meaningless assignments. jessie just didn't stand out to you; she didn't talk much during class and usually kept to herself.
it was your mother that pushed you towards being friends with her. during summer vacation, your mother thought it would be an amazing idea to put you into the local girls soccer club. you have always been an energetic kid, but that summer when you turned eight was when she had enough of you running around the house.
"it will be a great opportunity. you can get all that energy out of your system," your mother said one night when you were helping her cook; standing on a stool next to her at the counter. she pinched your cheek when she mentioned your chaotic-ness. you had scrunched your nose back then. due to the sharp pang of pain from her pinch and the internal disagreement you had with her decision.
you didn't know the first thing about soccer. you hardly watched it, only when your father would tell you to come and cuddle with him while he watched chelsea matches. "they're just kicking around a ball.." you would mumble, your head resting against his chest, and he would always playfully scold you. going on and going on about how soccer is much more than just kicking around ball. you would just nod in agreement with his words when deep down you didn't have a clue what he was on about.
that girls soccer club is what sent you right into jessie's arms. the fellow canadian was excited when she spotted you at the first practice of the summer. she didn't even know you would be coming to play soccer this summer; jessie has been meaning to talk you all school year. too intimidated to say anything. you were loud, always raising your hand in class, and had tons of friends. where would she even fit? now that jessie had the opportunity to get some type of close to you, she was ready to take it.
"we have the same cleats," she said when she approached you. a bashful smile on her lips as she looked down at you on the ground. you giggled, glancing from your cleats to hers. the two pairs of cleats were the same exact ones; a nice white base with a blue nike sign on the shoes. it seemed like you two had the same taste or at least your mothers did.
you sat up, dusting off the grass from your t-shirt. jessie offers a hand to help you up that you accept. "yeah. sorry for copying you, freckles," you joke. jessie lets out a giggle. she didn't get why being called freckles by you almost made her blush back then. she's been called it plenty of times by others at school, why was it different with you?
"it's fine. to gain my forgiveness, you just have to be my friend," the freckled girl joked back. you two fall into a conversation full of nothing while waiting for practice to start. the conversation may have been meaningless at the time, but it was the start of something great.
the friendship between jessie and you grew quickly. with you carpooling with her to practice and every game that entire summer since your parents had schedules full of work. sometimes you would even sleepover jessie's house. leading you to get to know her older brother tristan; you soon grew a sister-brother like relationship with him. with you having no siblings of yours at the time, you clung to the teasing words of his and all the extra snacks he let jessie and you get at midnight when you two were supposed to be in bed.
when school came back around, there was a small fear in jessie that you would ditch her. all of your other friends were way louder than her and seemed more interesting, but that would be the furthest thing from the truth. you keep her around, introducing her to all of your friends who already knew about jessie due to her being a champ in cross-country for the elementary school.
jessie and yours friendship grew even deeper as you two became older. not just the relationship between you two, but also the relationship between your families. your mother would always invite jessie's over for her girl nights when she had the chance. jessie's father sound found out about your father's soccer obsession and they became close over that. when jessie's mother was pregnant with elysse, jessie's younger sister, your mother was the one who threw the baby shower.
you two become so apart of each other's life that it didn't make sense for the friendship to ever falter. y'all were always together to the point that some of your friends would question your friendship.
"is jessie like your girlfriend?" said clair, one of your close friends in eighth grade (not closer than jessie and you but still), while walking to class one day. you stop in your tracks. glancing at the blonde girl who's a few steps ahead of you. she looks back at you with a questioning look, "what?"
"what do you mean, what?" you look around to see if anyone else heard her words. the hall wasn't too crowded, but it definitely wasn't empty. "no. jess is not my girlfriend, just my bestfriend," you say. shrugging off her words as you walk up to catch up with her. clair gives you a look that says i don't believe you but you ignore it because what is she on about? you aren't dating jessie. she's your bestfriend, nothing more.
clair's words stuck with you for the rest of the day. why would she even think of something like that? how could she just get the guts to ask a weird question like that?
at the end of the school day when you met up with jessie at the school doors, so you two could leave, you wanted to bring it up. fortunately you don't. instead listening to jessie ramble on about her recent non-fiction obsession that she was able to read in class. her hand is interlocked with yours as you two walk towards her mother's car. she only lets go of your hand when she slips into the backseat of the truck, patting the spot next to her to signal you to hurry up and get in.
"i was going to get in regardless," you giggle, sitting down next to her in the backseat. you shut the door once settled, saying a few words of greeting to jessie's mother before focusing all of your attention on her.
"you weren't going fast enough for me," jessie immediately grabs your hand after you snap in your seatbelt. she couldn't help herself. the feeling of your hand against hers made her feel grounded. "sorry, princess. i'll go faster next time," you joke. leaning your head against her shoulder as jessie ignores your teasing and goes back to rambling.
it takes only fifteen minutes to reach jessie and yours neighborhood. her mom pulling up into their family driveway before hopping out. telling jessie to do her laundry once jessie gets out of the car, bringing you along with her. she holds onto both of your backbags, something she always does, claiming that she doesn't want your back to be hurting from the weight.
"okay, i got it, ma," jessie says. waiting for her mom to go into the house before following after. you're still a bit drowsy from drifting off in the truck, so you just follow along. briefly waving at your mom who you catch a glance of down the street before fully being dragged into the house. jessie drops you two's backbags near the bench in the entrance hallway before pulling you to her bedroom upstairs.
the girl has been missing you all day since you two unfortunately aren't in the same class this year. not being able to hear your voice or play with your fingers when she was bored in class has been driving her insane all that; she didn't really get why, but who cares for reasoning when it's not important in the moment?
"are you going to come to my next cross-country meet?" the freckled girl says, letting go of your hand once you two are in the privacy of her bedroom. you give a tired nod, walking over to her bed to sit on it. she gives you a sharp look, not wanting you to sit on her bed with your outside clothes. you groan but still get up and move over to her closet to look through her clothes. it was a casual thing to wear jessie's clothes. she was your bestfriend, you guys share everything.
the room falls into silence as you two change. it doesn't feel awkward to change around jessie; she has seen you get changed before in the girls soccer club locker room at away games. nothing ever felt awkward with the girl. she never made anything weird; she was jessie, your jessie. you can do whatever around her without judgement.
you slip into some cotton shorts and one of jessie's weird space t-shirts while jessie changed into a tank top and pajama pants. she moves to cut on her tv. scrolling past the different apps on the smart tv before landing on youtube; throwing on some gaming video that would just be background noise for you two.
"hm, can you pull down the blackout blinds, please?" you pout at her. coming close to give her a half hug that makes her scoff.
"only if i get a real hug," jessie says. you roll your eyes in playful annoyance before pulling her into a full hug. swaying slightly as you rub at her back. jessie lets out a content sigh, taking in the scent of your coconut bodywash. the smell always calms her, she don't know why and doesn't really care to know. the hug lasts for a long moment with neither jessie or you wanting to pull away.
but unfortunately, jessie pulls away first. you give her a mock sad look before moving past her to go lay on her bed. she pulls down her blackout blinds before laying in bed beside you.
you pull her close like you always do when you two take your daily afterschool naps. it always feels like your body slots in perfectly against hers. jessie plays with your hair, letting the silence between you two settle.
you nearly drift off, but the question from clair earlier interrupts your peaceful dip into the world of sleep. is jessie like your girlfriend? rings throughout your mind. why would clair ask that? does jessie wonder the same sometimes..? you have to ask her.
jessie is already half asleep. you can tell by her slow breathing and the way she's trying to keep her eyes open, but just keep failing. she lets out a soft hum when you start to speak,
"do you think we act like girlfriends?" you ask softly. your question makes jessie open her eyes in surprise. she narrows her eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness in the room, before her glance stops on you.
"who said that?" she mumbles. it wasn't the first time someone had suggested that jessie and you were anything, but friendly. she hears the rumors around school about how people think you two are lesbians; for some reason that thought doesn't bother her much, but she would never mention that to you. it's the one thing she keeps a secret from you, locked away in the back of her mind.
you slightly shrug, your legs tangling with hers. "clair.. she gave me a look after too when i said you were just my bestfriend.." you trail off, frowning, "like i was some liar."
jessie lets out a chuckle before pressing her face against your forehead. "just your bestfriend? wow i thought we were closer than that..." she playfully says. trying to lighten the mood and get that frown off of your lips. she can hear in your voice and she hates it.
you laugh softly, "shush. you're proving their point." you give her arm a gentle pinch, making her let out a soft ow. you two joke around for a few moments before the tiredness from the day starts to really set it in. soon enough jessie stops talking, letting her eyes close and you follow soon after. happily drifting off in her arms.
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once secondary school came around, the thoughts around jessie and your friendship got even worse. the other students at school saw jessie holding your hand while also holding your bag on the first day of school and ran with it. even when you both actively denied it, nobody believed you two. in everyone else eyes you two were dating or at least on the way to that step.
even people within your friendgroup were skeptical. especially your closest friend (outside of jessie) sabrina who didn't get how you two were so attached. the friendship between jessie and you just felt deeper than she ever seen before.
when jessie got her first senior national team call-up, that's when sabrina's skeptical boiled over. while you have given up soccer near the end of eighth grade, jessie had kept going. she was always more serious about the sport than you were. it was just an outlet for your energy and when you slowly found other ways to get all that energy out, you didn't find the need for soccer anymore; that feeling was back in sixth grade, but you held out on leaving the girls soccer club until two years later because of jessie. soccer felt like y'all's thing and you wanted to keep it that way, but you couldn't keep playing it when you wanted to do other things, so eventually you left.
instead you started to work during the ninth grade school year and have been saving up to go to a concert for the following year in tenth grade. however when tenth grade year came around and jessie told you that she got a senior national team call-up, you were quick to use that money to get a ticket to brazil and a ticket for the first game where canada plays at the tournament. keeping it a secret from jessie to surprise her. you of course had to get some help from tristan since your mother wouldn't allow fifteen year old you go to an completely different continent, but still you were going.
"do you think she's going to like it?" you asked while studying with sabrina for a math test. it's two weeks before jessie had to go to camp in brazil; you have been keeping your surprise a secret for a while now and was ready to tell her the next time you saw her.
"i mean yeah, it's you we're talking about," sabrina replies. looking up from her notes to look at you. a frown grows on your lips as you notice her tone; like your question was dumb. "what do you mean it's me we're talking about?" you give her a confused look.
"you know what i mean. jessie would like anything you give her because she likes you," she says. empathizing the she likes you part. the frown on your lips deepen. her words carry some sort of annoyance. you don't reply, going back to reviewing your notes. when you don't say anything back sabrina quickly tries to make the situation better by saying, "it's not like i'm homophobic or something. i don't care that you're dating jessie."
"i'm not dating jessie!" you shout, quietening your voice after realizing how loud you were, "she's my bestfriend and i can't believe that you of all people would say something like that."
"stop lying to yourself, y/n! would you spend your money on going to an entirely different country for anyone else? for me? or serena? or any of our friends? i think not."
"they aren't jessie! sorry, but she's more important to me than anyone else. i want to be there when she first gets to be on the pitch," you reason, "it's not because i'm like inlove with her." not looking at sabrina afterwards, already knowing she's giving you a look of i don't believe you.
sabrina starts to fight against your words, but can't even get a sentence out before your phone starts vibrating; jessie's contract showing up on your screen. you look at sabrina before answering the phone.
"hey jess," you say as you get up and leave out of sabrina's room. not wanting her to hear the conversation between jessie and you after her weird.. accusation? you didn't know what to call it. you just knew you didn't want her to hear a word you were going to say to jessie. you go to sit on the top of the stairs. leaning your head against the wall as jessie speaks, "hey. i was missing you.. where are you?"
"sabrina's. we have this big math test, so she asked to study together," you say. jessie lets out a sigh on the other line. "oh.. i was going to ask if you could come over. i feel like i haven't seen you all day and we haven't taken our daily nap yet.. so," she says.
you giggle, jessie would never directly ask you to leave someone else's place to come to hers, it's rude but you can tell that's what she wants just from her voice alone. "i'll come over. we were almost done anyways," you say.
you can hear the smile on jessie's lips on the other line. "really? you don't have to.. but thanks," she says. you hang up afterwards. going back into sabrina's room to put your notebook back into your bag before texting your mom to come pick you up. sabrina was annoyed when you told her you were leaving, with her saying something about how you would blow off anyone for jessie. you just shrug her words off and went outside to wait on the porch for your mom. not wanting to stay in sabrina's house any longer.
it takes ten minutes, but you get from sabrina's to your own house. putting your backbag away in your room before running off to jessie's house. greeting her mother and father on the way to her room. letting all the tension from sabrina's fall from your shoulders as you step inside of her room. before you can say anything, jessie gets off of her bed and comes close to you. pulling you into a hug, she lets out a content sigh.
"been missing you all day," she mumbles into your neck. you smile, one of your hands rubbing at her upper back while the other is on her waist. you let out your own content sigh; you have been missing jessie the entire day as well. it wasn't normal for the two of you to go a few hours without eachother unless it's when jessie would get called up to youth national team camps and tournaments. even then she would call you every time she had the chance to, claiming she missed your voice.
she pulls towards her bed without letting you go. taking her arm from around your waist to push the covers on her bed over before pulling you down onto the bed with her.
"so clingy.." you whisper against her ear. she just chuckles, moving so that you both are fully on the bed before pulling the covers over you two. you're laying on top of her now, your thighs hugging her hips.
"told you i missed you.." she whispers back. closing her eyes; with you finally in her arms and the darkness of her room, jessie was getting sleepy.
the earlier conversation with sabrina is still on your mind, but you decide against bringing it up. jessie was used to people making assumptions about you two, so it would be no use to bring it up. instead you just let out a hum of acknowledgement, slowly becoming sleepy as well.
"missed you too.." you murmured before letting yourself drift off.
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the rest of highschool was a whirlwind for jessie and you's friendship. when you surprised her at the chile vs canada game at the tournament in brazil, she nearly cried when she saw tristan and you after the loss against chile. you were wearing one of her old soccer jerseys, the letters on the back of it basically faded away. you had even bought her flowers that she took gratefully. that night you didn't go back to your hotel room, but to jessie's. after the loss she needed the comfort and you were the right person for it. thankfully her roommate wasn't staying in the room that night, deciding to go out with the rest of the adults in the team.
you held her in your arms, reassuring her that she played well and that the loss wasn't based off her performance. chile just played a better game than canada that evening. jessie had finally let herself cry, burying her face into your chest. she only let herself cry around you; finding it too embarrassing around others. you are the only one who can truly comfort her, it was just different with you.
that following morning, jessie slept in with you. too tired from everything that happened yesterday. the rest of the day was spent in that hotel room mostly with jessie being too tired to leave her bed and refusing to let you either. you left brazil a day before the canadian national team did, with a bunch of texts from jessie coming in when you landed back in canada.
in the same school year is when jessie got recruited by ucla. she was so confused about the recruitment process and you two spent a good hour or two looking at youtube videos about how these types of trips usually go a few days before she was meant to leave. you two spent an entire week (before jessie was even getting recruited) talking about what colleges you two wanted to attend; with you thinking about going over to england for university or maybe closer to home, right next door, in america. while jessie was unsure about where she wanted to go. the soccer college scene in america was interesting to her and made the most sense for her career. also american college sounded fun, at least that's what she got from the movies and vlogs she watched over the years. jessie didn't want to be stuck in canada forever; she wanted to branch out and see new things.
when jessie went on the trip, half of her time was split between looking around campus and getting to know the team and the rest was spent talking to you on the phone. she wished you could be there with her. the freckled girl just wanted to share every experience with you; that's what bestfriends do. you missed her dearly as well while she was away. coming over to her house three times out of the week she was gone. laying in her bed in her clothes while calling her. thankfully jessie's parents didn't care if you slept over even when jessie wasn't there, they found the closeness between jessie and you cute. your parents didn't really care either. just telling you to come down the street for dinner before letting you go back to jessie's house; knowing just how much you are attached to the freckled girl.
when jessie came back to canada, you two spent nearly two days just stuck to eachother's side. jessie telling you all about what she saw and showing you all the pictures she took, for you.
the biggest hurdle of highschool was definitely when jessie made the decision to move to vancouver. nearing the middle of eleventh grade, she told you about the decision she's been pondering about ever since her first senior call-up. just thinking about the distance that would be between you two almost made her reconsider, but she realized she needed this if she wanted to further along her career. since tristan have been living in vancouver for a good few months now and training for the national team happened there, everything fell in place for jessie to go. her parents agreed once she explained why she wanted to go. now it was time to tell you.
the day she was planning to tell you, the atmosphere felt strange between you two like you knew something big was about to happen. jessie had dragged you to the park around the time of sunset, letting her mom know that nothing would happen and that two of you would be safe. she's barely swinging as she sits on the swing. her mind lost in thought about how to bring up her leaving.
however it wasn't jessie who started the conversation, but you. the young player had been acting strange all day and even the day before that, so you knew something was up. "what is it?" you ask softly, sitting on the swing next to her.
jessie bites her lips out of nervousness before saying, "i'm leaving for vancouver in a month and i'm sorry i didn't tell you, but i want to be a pro player so bad, i have to do this." her jumbled explanation makes you let out a soft laugh; jessie is intelligent, but always struggles to explain our thoughts. when her words sunk in you let out another soft laugh, this time out of disbelief. jessie's leaving..?
"what do you mean? like for a camp right? that's fine, i'll see you in a few weeks, it's fine," you look over at her. she refuses to meet your eyes and just looks down at her feet. "i mean like.. until college," she says. you fall silent, unsure on what to say. what could even be said? what were you supposed to do? beg for her to not go do something important for her career? you couldn't, so you just shut your mouth.
looking away from her to hide the tears starting to swell up in your eyes. jessie's fighting back tears of her own. jessie and you have shared practically every moment of your lives together since elementary, while away in vancouver, would she share moments with someone else? the thought makes your stomach turn.
jessie finally gets up and comes close to you. her hand moves to wipe away the tears on your face. you look up at her before standing up, grabbing onto her hand to interlock it with yours, using it to pull her close. you hide your face in her neck, still crying.
"we still can be bestfriends right?" you sob out. you don't even understand why you asked that question. of course you two can still be bestfriends, distance may make that harder but that doesn't make your bond any different. you don't get why jessie leaving feels like a piece of your heart is being cut out; why it's so painful. jessie obviously wasn't doing much better than you as she replies, "yeah. i would never let you go." you can hear the sadness in her voice.
it takes a few moments for you both to calm down. you are the first to pull away. looking at jessie to see how she was doing. the freckled girl has tear strains down her cheeks, but also a small smile on her lips. when you two's eyes meet she starts to giggle.
"you look like a mess," she pokes your cheek. you roll your eyes before saying, "you aren't much better." you playfully poke her cheek too. jessie acts like she's going to bite your finger, giggling when you pull it back.
"just don't go around making new bestfriends, okay?" you say. jessie nods before looking around you two. the sun has already set and the streetlights are now on.
"let's go before the buses stop running," she pulls you away from the swings, towards down the street where the bus stop is. you two stand side by side, holding hands, until the bus come.
you slept over her house that night. neither of you wanting to be away from eachother after something so emotional.
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the next year and half don't go as badly as you imagined. you two find time to always call and even visit eachother when able. whenever the canadian national team had games close to london, you were always quick to go if jessie was on the roster (which she usually was). time flew past quickly. with you focusing the rest of your time on doing well in school, so you could be prepared for college admissions. you decided on going to an american college after jessie told you one day that she committed to ucla. when it came time to apply to colleges, you applied for around six. with your top pick being ucla.
all of your hard work was worth it as you got into ucla. opening up your acceptance email on facetime with jessie who was ecstatic and slightly sad because she couldn't be there to celebrate with you in person, but still you two would soon be together so it was alright.
that following fall when you arrived on the ucla campus, you found jessie right away. the now eighteen year old having decided on a spot for you two to meet on campus. you two found a way to be roommates. having a blast while trying to decorate the dorm with all the stuff you two bought along; already planning to go get some more later on in the month.
getting settled into college was a challenge for you. it was different from how canadian schools worked and the ucla campus was way bigger than the secondary school you, and once jessie at one point, attended. finding all of the classes you needed to find was stressful and the huge class sizes made you uncomfortable for a small moment before you got use to it. everything wasn't all bad. ucla has a beautiful campus with tons of fun things to do. you would join a club if your major wasn't having you run around campus nearly everyday or writing papers that would lead you into the depths of the night. all the free time you had was spent with jessie.
when soccer practice started, you were always in the stands at the practice grounds. snacking on some fruit while watching some netflix show, taking your attention off of your entertainment when jessie would call for you.
"you're here to pay attention to me! not watch some show," she would say from the bottom of the stands. you always roll your eyes, but would listen to her. looking at the team push a ball around, do suicides, and other exercises wasn't the most interesting but it was fun to watch jessie be in her element. she always moved so well across the field like the movements were programmed into her. it was absolute pure skill.
the entire soccer season you somehow found a way to come to every home game. wearing one of jessie's ucla jerseys that she left in y'all's dorm. she always smiles when she spots you in the stands, giving a quick wave if it was half time. you were like her lucky charm. she played the best when you were there; maybe because she wanted to impress you? not like that's something weird, you're her bestfriend. who wouldn't want to impress their bestfriend?
jessie was one of your only friends for the majority of the first semester and half of the second semester. your major kept you busy and jessie filled in all the empty spots left over. you had two other friends outside of the canadian. a spanish exchange student by the name of gabriela who you befriended after helping her find a book section in the library one day. after that, she was determined to be your friend and you weren't going to stop her. happily studying with her when you had time which meant when you weren't studying with jessie. the other girl you befriended was a law student by the name of eva. you two always somehow ran into eachother on the huge ucla campus, so at one point you just asked her for her instagram and the rest is history. she tries to make time to hangout with you, but law school takes up so much of her day that you two usually just text. occasionally waving when you saw eachother on campus, but that was it.
jessie was still your best friend and closest friend. living in the same space strengthened the bond between you two; it just felt natural to come back into the dorm and hug jessie after a long day or for jessie to demand cuddles after a grueling practice.
it wasn't until the middle of second semester that you branched out from jessie and your other two friends. there was this huge project in one of your classes that counted towards an exam grade that you could do alone or with a partner. with how much work would be needed to be put into the project and how little time you really had to focus on just one project for one class, you decided on the partner option; much to jessie's dismay.
when you told her about how you needed to find a partner in your class for the project, she had let out a sigh. leaning back on the pillows on her bed before looking at you. "so you're going to like bring someone here?" she questioned. the soccer player cringes at the thought of someone being in y'all's space. sitting on your bed or even on the floor was too much. it wasn't like it really bothered her, the canadian just doesn't like people in her space.
"we will probably work in the library or in their dorm. i feel like ours is always a mess," you shrugged. rolling your eyes when jessie let out a sigh of relief. it wasn't really one of relief as internally jessie didn't feel so good about you spending time in someone else's dorm; she didn't get why, but does it really matter? you always studied with her and did most projects with her. of course she wouldn't be used to you having to do one with someone else.
back then jessie just shrugged off her thoughts and changed the subject to talk about how her day went. not wanting to dwell too much on a topic that now made her cringe.
you found a partner the next day. the tall blonde, sasha, who always sat next to you in class. it only made sense to ask her since you were already familiar with her. the woman had quickly agreed, claiming she didn't want to do all of that work by herself.
the rest of the semester was spent doing the project in sasha's dorm most of the time. your time was quickly consumed by her; cutting into your time with jessie, annoying the both of you. not being able to spend all of your free time with jessie was messing with you. sasha was very sweet and bubbly. way louder than jessie was. being with sasha was always a fun experience, but at the end of it you were always thinking about when you could go home.
jessie wasn't liking your attention not being on her. who would listen to her non-fiction book rambles? or stay up to three am watching 2000s classics? who else would ever play soccer with her at the park closest to ucla? no one, well no one she wanted to do those activities with. those endless moments belong to jessie and you; no one else.
"i just don't get why you're always with her," jessie says over the phone. she's in your sweater and shorts while sitting on your bed. you were out late with sasha again to finish that project. jessie hates that project; it's the reason why you weren't in bed with her right now, cuddling.
you sigh, looking at sasha who was besides you before saying, "this project is taking up much more time than i thought. wish i was there with you, i miss my bed."
"just your bed?"
"you too. shush it, freckles." jessie laughs softly after hearing you drop her childhood nickname. your short conversation is cut short by sasha who told you to help her find some more research papers to use in the project. you give jessie a small apology before hanging up.
the canadian groans when you hang up. dropping her phone down on your sheets. she lays back and just thinks about what you could be doing right now if you were here with her. your body against hers as she holds you. talking about a bunch of nothing, but it was something when it came out of your mouth.
jessie misses you; that's one thing she knows for sure.
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nearing the end of the semester when sasha and you were doing the finishing touches on the project, there was more free time for you both. you wanted to spend those few extra hours with jessie since you have been mostly seeing her in the mornings before she head off to the class and late at night when you would come back to the dorm, exhausted. you miss your bestfriend dearly. too bad for you, jessie was called up for a national team camp for two upcoming friendlies.
jessie was just as disappointed as you, clinging to your side the entire day before she was meant to leave for camp. good thing you had a rare day off. it felt like old times that day, just jessie and you. after she left, you started to hang out with sasha more just because she was someone you had the most access to. eva was drowning under exams while gabriela was living her best party girl life and you were all up for partying, but not nearly every night. that left sasha who would see almost everyday without a doubt. wanting to finish the project at least three days before the deadline, so it didn't feel you two were rushing things. with jessie gone, things got weirdly deep between sasha and you.
after finishing up the work needed for the day, sasha would ask you to stay with her for an extra hour or two. just to talk while eating. you always agreed since you didn't have nothing else to do and jessie unfortunately couldn't facetime much. you and sasha would go into deep conversations about whatever came to mind. it was fun just like anything else with sasha.
however one day the energy between the blonde and you felt different like she was holding something back. you weren't shocked when at the last session of working on the project, she stopped you from leaving after two hours of talking. what you didn't expect was what came out of her mouth,
"i really like you, y/n. would you like to go on a date with me? maybe this weekend" she asks, her hand holding onto your wrist. you stay silent for a few moments before saying, "sure."
when you got back to your dorm, you didn't even understand why you said yes. it wasn't like you were particularly interested in sasha. she was great, fun, bubbly, even quite smart, she was sasha. in your mind she wasn't super attractive. not as magnetic as a certain freckles canadian in your life, but that was an unfair comparison since no one could compare to jessie in your world.
you thought to yourself that a date with sasha wouldn't be so bad. having a casual college romance wouldn't be so bad; you want to experience college love too. while you were stuck in your thoughts, your phone vibrated. you pick it up to see jessie's contact on your screen, immediately answering the call.
she's laying on her hotel bed with her face squished against the pillow. it's dark in the room with the only light being the light from the phone screen shining on her freckled face. jessie smiles when your camera shows you. "hey.." she says, sounding almost half asleep.
"hey freckles. how was training?" you ask softly. getting comfortable on your bed.
"it was alright, but uh.." jessie licks her lips before saying, "i was wondering if you were going to come to the game this weekend. it's in san diego, you know, against the usa and if you were going to drive or fly down." you let out a soft gasp of surprise as you realized you forgot; jessie asked you to come at least one of the friendlies happening between the the north american rivals earlier that week. you have even put the date down in your calendar for the san diego one. the swamp of your usual college work and that huge project must have burned that little date from your brain.
"god, jess. i was planning to but.. sasha asked me out today and said she wanted to go on a date this weekend.." before you can finish explaining, jessie is furrowing her eyebrows at your words.
there is badly hidden irritation in jessie's voice as she says,"sasha asked you what?"
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author notes: okay, i lied! this will actually be a series, ending it off on a cliffhanger for right now 💔 i didn't proof read this so don't care about any grammatical or spelling errors, thanks!
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notjustjavierpena · 10 months
The Making of Ellie - Part I
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A/N: This DILF!Joel piece has rotted my brain for 24 hours straight. I have had absolutely no break from thinking about this, and it’s never been easier to write something.
Summary: A look into how you and Joel’s relationship is going two years in. Joel’s POV on his never-ending love for you and his extreme baby fever.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), Joel’s POV, domesticated Joel Miller, Sarah makes an appearance!!!, tooth-rotting love and fluff, they’re crazy about each other, talk about birth control and ovulation, pussy eating (joel is a cunning linguist), fingering, bit of praise kink, dirty talk, bit of body worship, breeding kink, daddy kink (if you squint real hard), slow and sensual piv sex, intense orgasms, creampie, God they are in love
Word count: 4k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49183051
Song inspiration(!!!): Too Lost In You by Sugababes
Joel comes home from work around the same time each day now — and it’s never after dinner time. He has made it his mission to make time for Sarah and you, cut down work since you moved in, because two working adults living in the house means that he can slow things down. 
His health has improved, his mood too, his fatigue has practically gone and Sarah has had more time to just be a kid, started playing soccer again, and has even taken up coaching the little league team now that she’s 16. It’s good for him. You are good for him. For both of them. 
He loves it. He takes the afternoon post-work ritual very seriously. Always texts if he should pick something up from the grocery store. Sometimes brings you flowers too, remembering that one time you’d said that you didn’t actually mind the cheap cellophane-wrapped bouquets. 
It’s interesting to him how natural it feels for him to slip right into domestic bliss with you because he never thought that he would get there again after Sarah’s mother. On top of it, he never considered himself a gentle thing, but after you, it’s like you kiss the calluses of him away. He is nothing but gentle now, even in his roughness. 
He throws the keys onto the side table by the front door after arriving home, shrugs off his jacket, and bends down to take off his boots. The sound makes you appear in the doorway. Joel notices that you’ve changed into gray sweatpants and a tank top with a strawberry on it since arriving home, basically removed anything from you that is professional and uncomfortable. Joel loves you like this because he is the only one who gets to enjoy you like this; relaxed and beautiful, hair in a messy bun on top of your head and fuzzy socks on your always-cold feet. He smiles at your radiance, then pads across the floor to kiss you hello. 
There’s something in your eyes; a flicker of mischief as you grab his wrist to look at his watch. With a grin that nearly sets his heart into overdrive, you hold his hand up so he can look at the time too. 
“It’s five minutes past,” you tut.
“Right, but I got ya something,” he says, reluctantly turning away from you to rummage through his jacket pocket. He fishes out a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and you immediately snatch it from his hands, holding it close to your chest.
“Gremlin,” he teases and you stick out your tongue at him, “No needa hide it. ‘S too sweet for me anyway.” 
“I shall save it for later then,” you walk to the kitchen and open the top cabinet that holds the mugs. You stand on your toes to reach into the very back, shirt riding up just a little, and stash the chocolate cup for later consumption.  
“Hidden from Sa-rah, the candy thief,” you purposely pronounce her name wrong for dramatic purposes. Then you lower yourself onto the soles of your feet again, not bothering to pull your top down again. Joel watches the slight reveal of the dimples on your back.
“Right,” he chuckles. 
Dear Lord, he loves you so much that it is ridiculous. In a way that makes the future look better than it ever has because it’s no longer filled with uncertainty. He knows what’s going to happen; he’ll build a house for the three of you, he’ll marry you in the Texan spring and he’ll give you as many babies as you want. He’d do it all today if he could. 
“How was work?” You interrupt his thoughts by wrapping your soft hands around the nape of his neck, resting them there. You have rosy cheeks, feel warm against his skin, with love radiating from your fingertips. 
“Good, told Tommy to handle the next few clients. Some hotshot guy comin’ into the office tomorrow,” Joel tells you, wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer. He thinks that you don’t actually care about any of this, but there’s no indication of boredom on your face.
“He building a castle or something?” You ask. 
“Somethin’ like that. Guy’s filthy rich but not from his own doin’, looking at blueprints at the end of the week. Should be interesting,” he continues, “Not that you care about that.”
“I do actually like hearing about your job,” you kiss him on the lips, peck them repeatedly until he cannot help himself and lifts you up to hug you tight. His arms rest along your back and his hands on your sides, fingers sprawled out underneath where your bra had been in the morning. You must’ve taken it off too. He loves you comfortable. 
“You just love my hands,” he retorts, nose against your cheek, “Don’t deny it. I see right through ya.”
“It’s definitely not completely wrong,” you admit when he sets you down again.
You walk back to the kitchen, too tempted by the knowledge of what is in your kitchen cabinet. You only take half, proclaiming some bullshit that you have to watch out for your blood sugar since one can never know when it’s going to get you.
Joel rolls his eyes, following you, “I can give ya some sugar.”
“Joel Miller!” You pretend to look shocked. He tastes the peanut butter in your mouth, pushes you against the counter. 
“Gross,” a teenage girl’s voice says.
“Oh right, Sarah’s home,” you announce sheepishly.
Joel pulls away to look at his daughter, “Hey kiddo. How was school?”
“You don’t care about that,” she smirks, “But if you must know, it was fine. No homework.” 
“That don’t sound like Mrs. uhhh…”
“Green, it’s Ms. Green, Dad,” Sarah says dramatically as she moves across the floor to put on shoes. Her tone turns taunting, “Go ahead and make out with your girlfriend. I’m going to soccer practice.”
“Have fun, Sarah! We’ll have dinner ready,” you chime in. 
“See ya, honey.”
The door closes behind her. The house grows quiet for a moment, but then the mischief is back in your eyes, “She’s seeing a boy.”
Joel nearly gets whiplash, not sure why his pulse spikes. He trusts his daughter to make good decisions and has taught her how since she was just a baby, “Nah, she ain’t. Just said she’s going to soccer practice.”
“Joel,” you sigh loudly, “It’s Tuesday.”
“She has practice on Thursdays.” 
“Christ,” he runs a hand over his stubble, tries to keep his composure, and ignores the urge to send her a text. 
“But you know what?” You’re back in his personal space, tugging at his arms to make him hold you close again, “Such a fun coincidence. I’m also seeing a boy.”
Joel can feel the tension seeping out of him in an instant.
“Really? ‘Cause I’m seein’ a girl. She’s real pretty,” he wishes that he could show his past self how tooth-rottingly sweet he is being with you because he’d hate it. Though if past-Joel found out who he was treating like this, he’d instantly become a goner just like present-Joel is now. 
“‘S her sweet tooth, unhinged behavior that I love the most though,” he continues. 
You whine in his arms, lean your head back and it earns you a kiss on your neck, “Don’t be like that. Not when I’m ovulating. I’ll climb you like a tree.”
It may seem innocent but Joel knows this is how you play dirty. It suddenly explains a lot. The sweatpants, the rosy cheeks, the way you glow, no bra, the cravings, why Joel wants you so bad.
Joel wouldn’t say that he is controlled by biology, and he hates the men trying to argue their way out of acting like cavemen. But looking at you right now in your stupid strawberry tank top, knowing that you’re horny and ready because your body wants to make him a daddy... Joel’s head swims. 
Something shifts in the air. You can see it on him, but Joel assumes that you wait for him to act on whatever is bubbling up in his chest and below his belt.
And act, he does. He distracts you with deep, long kisses until he can snatch you up from the ground and carry you upstairs. You squeak out a giggle but don’t fight back, enjoying the freedom of being alone with him.
“That’s why you’re so fucking sexy,” Joel says after placing you on your shared bed. He is already shedding himself of his shirt, undressing hurriedly to get close to your skin with his own as quickly as possible.
You crawl back on the bed, untying the strings of your sweatpants and yanking them down your legs. You match his urgency, but still decide to tease him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Shut your mouth,” he yanks the rest of your pants off as soon as he is naked in front of you. He throws them in the pile of his own clothes, “You know exactly what I’m talking about, dirty girl.”
You’re just about to take your top off before Joel stops you with a hand curled around the hem. He knows you’re sensitive at this point in your cycle, but it’s not why he wants to keep it on, “I love how cute you are in this shirt. Keep it on like this.” 
He crawls properly onto the bed to demonstrate and tugs the shirt up over your tits so he can still see the stupid animated fruit on the front. Afterward, he tugs your panties down your legs and off your feet. He will swear to a higher power that he can even smell it on you, sweet like strawberries and honey between your legs and it makes him feel like an animal. 
He has had baby fever for a while now, even told you his plans on giving you a whole bunch of babies and you’ve merely giggled at him, especially when he told you that twins don’t run in his family, but he is sure that nature will give him a whole litter with you. 
“Want me to eat you out?” He asks to which you whimper and nod. He doesn’t give you what you want right then and there, instead climbs up to cradle your head in his hands and gives you a long, slow kiss. He sucks on your tongue, hums into your mouth, and gets you worked up and wet before he’ll treat you right. 
“Tell me,” he says when he breaks the kiss, nosing along the bunched-up fabric of his new favorite top of yours. He sucks at the skin between your breasts, places open-mouthed kisses along the swell of the left whilst cupping the right. 
“I want you to eat my pussy,” you moan softly, running a hand over his hair as he licks a nipple. You slide your fingers into it, but you don’t tug at it unless you feel like you need to hold onto it for dear life. 
“God, you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he growls before going further down your body, his spit leaving a shine where his mouth has been, “Can’t believe I own these tits.”
He goes further down, lets out a satisfied noise when he can see between your legs, “—and this pussy.” 
“Yes, it’s yours, fuck, baby,” you sound delirious already, happy and eager to be touched, on the verge of a giggle even, “Joel, need your mou—“
You gasp loudly into the quiet bedroom. Joel has covered you with his mouth, eyes almost rolling back into his skull at the taste of your ripe cunt. He is too lost in you, a complete idiot with how head over heels he is for you, and he shows it by devouring you like he is starved. 
“Baby!” You cry out, sensitive, “Fuuuck— just like that!”
He watches your thighs twitch in his peripheral, holds you down by placing a strong hand just below your belly button, and uses his thumb on said hand to pull the hood of your clit back. He sucks the little now-hard nub into his mouth, sending you into a state where he is unsure if you can even sense the sheets underneath you. If you had superpowers, he surely would’ve made you lift off the bed as if you were possessed. 
He bobs his head a little, probably looking obscene as he hums against your clit and wiggles his head too. He looks up at you through his lashes, sees the red flush on your chest, and knows that you are close. Christ, he hasn’t been this into someone before. 
“I’m gonna— you’re gonna make me—“ you say like always, announcing your departure from reality. He keeps going, feeling your stomach jump in a stuttering manner underneath his palm with how uneven your breathing has become. 
“Fuck, I’m coming!” You sob with a yank of Joel’s hair and suddenly your thighs are shaking violently without your control. Joel can feel you coming before you announce it, your cunt clenching rapidly against his lips and your clit pulsing in his mouth as he sucks your folds into his mouth. You taste so good as a gush on slick smears his lips and chin even more. He laps it up.
You push him away when he gets too much, and he turns his head to kiss your inner thigh. You finally release the giggle that you’ve been suppressing, drunk on dopamine and Joel falls in love with you a bit more. 
“You’re fucking incredible,” you say. The hand in his hair slides down so you can affectionately run your knuckles over his cheek. He responds by gently rubbing your thighs, soothing you on top of putting such strain on your heart and your breath. You hum, “I love you so much.”
Without warning, he smacks your thigh and you sit up straight. He grins, “Love ya too, sweetheart. Think you can give me one more before I fuck ya?”
“Jesus, what’s gotten into you?” You ask genuinely as you lower onto your back again. 
“Wanna fuck a baby into you,” he replies, voice an octave lower than normal. He senses your shiver without having to look at your face, “Please. Wanna get her red and puffy so it fucking sticks.” 
You let out an involuntary moan at the idea. You want this as much as him, he hopes, and he slides two fingers into your neglected pussy whilst he waits for the green light to fill you up. He crooks them upwards, fingers the spongy spot that only seems to have been discovered by him, “Lemme in. Lemme come in you.”
You’ve been off the pill for a while with the reasoning that it wasn’t doing any good for your body. Joel had stocked up on condoms since then, actually filled the top drawer of his nightstand to the brim because honey, we’re young and healthy, red-blooded Americans. But it had planted the idea in his mind that he could potentially knock you up, and suddenly the stash of condoms was being used rapidly. 
“Okay,” you say with a half-moan, “Fuck, okay.”
Joel immediately sits up on his knees, still fucking you open on his hand. You squirm underneath his touch, trying to get a hold of your breathing this time, holding eye contact with him as he drags another orgasm from you. 
It is much less hurried and a lot more intense, muscles clamping down on his digits rhythmically as you bite your lip and close your eyes with a soft gasp. He can’t decide if he finds this more sexy. 
“Did you mean it?” He asks as he trails kisses up your belly. He kneels between your legs and places an elbow on either side of your chest so he can hold both your breasts in his hands. He squeezes them together, sucks on a nipple until you sigh deeply, and then watches them bounce back into place. 
“Yes,” you say and your voice doesn’t sound unsure at all, “Fuck yes, I want your babies. Wanted them since I saw you. Want you to make me a mommy.”
“The prettiest momma out there,” he says, euphoria evident on his face. He slides his arms underneath you, rests his head on your breasts, and hugs you close to his chest, “Wanna fuck ya.”
“Please,” you say softly, spreading your legs open for him but he has other plans. He releases you from his arms to sit up again, spreading his knees a little. His hands wrap around your ankles to lift your legs up onto his shoulders, your feet behind his ears. He leans over you afterward and bends your flexible legs backward until the front of his thighs are against the back of yours. He can go deep like this, fill you up with his come how he has wanted to for months.
He takes hold of his cock, eases it inside of your spent and warm cunt inch by inch. You feel incredible around his dick without a piece of rubber separating the two of you. He can feel the head of his dick nudge at your cervix, moaning quietly as he is engulfed by your wet, pulsating heat. 
“How are you still so fucking tight?” He groans, resting his forehead against your calf as he gives you a moment to adjust to the stretch. He knows he is big, gets a thrill out of how well you take him each time as if you were made specifically for him. There had been one time where he’d called you a trooper, and you had laughed so hard with his dick inside you that it had made him come. 
“You feel so big like this,” you say as you look down between the two of you, already sounding out of breath. Joel kisses your calf repeatedly and softly, trying to soothe your overwhelmed body. 
“Goddamn. You’re so sexy,” he praises, placing both hands on the sides of your head so he is hovering above you. He finds your hazy eyes, “Look at you.” 
He gives an experimental roll of his hips that makes you whimper, both hands reaching for the backs of his knees. You hold onto him, staring up into his eyes with that siren-like look in them, and then you moan softly.
Joel starts fucking you desperately at that. He doesn’t hurry though, keeps his hips’ movements slow and sensual to have you moaning and gasping ever so slightly at the intensity. He knows he could just give in and fuck you rough and fast, but the heavy-lidded gaze that you are giving him with your mouth hanging open is too good to spoil. 
“Joel,” you cry but it’s barely audible compared to what he sometimes drags from you. He can feel your nails dig into the flexing muscles of his thighs, creating half-moon shapes in the flesh. He switches to a rocking motion, and it sends your eyes rolling into the back of your head. You moan with your bottom lip between your teeth, “Mhm—“
“I know, baby, let it out,” he can see your pulse jumping wildly underneath the sensitive skin of your neck, feeling the heat of his orgasm pool at the base of his spine. He needs to be closer to you. 
“Lift your legs down to the sides,” he tells you gently, thrusts coming to a halt and him realizing that you’ve heard absolutely nothing. He repeats himself, waits for you to follow his instructions, and then hooks his arms underneath your knees. 
Joel gets closer to you by resting his weight on his elbows, his own body on top of your slightly contorted one. You reach for him, grabby hands in the air until he allows himself to be pulled in for a kiss. You cradle his face, make him feel safe in your arms. 
“I love you, baby,” he breathes deeply. The new position gives him an opportunity to reach deeper inside of you, and it’s accompanied by each upward snap of his pelvis causing his cockhead to push into your g-spot. It makes it difficult for you to continue kissing him, eventually simply breathing into his mouth as he has you speared on his dick. Never once do you let go of his face, thumbs on his cheekbones, and tip of your nose against his. 
“I love you,” you whisper, unable to catch your breath. Joel can feel your walls flutter around his dick, threatening to pull his own climax from him too soon. You pant, eyes burning, “You— baby, shit… you’re gonna make me come.”
“Yeah?” He speeds up a little, carding a hand through your hair and gently tugging on the bun. He coaxes you, “Gonna milk my cock into you? Make me a daddy?”
“Yeah,” you whimper wantonly, tightening your legs into his sides as you try moving with him, “Yeah, baby. Gonna make you a daddy! Fuckfuckfuck. Ah— I’m, I—“
Joel doesn’t know if he’s ever made you come like this; without all the muscle and rough touches, without the fast-paced snaps of his hips and the foul taunting from his mouth of how dirty you are. But come you do, with your brows furrowed, gaze on his and a controlled breathing that suddenly becomes erratic and uneven after you let out a high-pitched cry. 
“That’s it,” he admires you, “So good f’me.”
You clamp down on his cock so hard that he sees stars, fucks you through each convulsion of your cunt. His mouth drips with filth as he works himself toward his own pleasure, “You make me so fucking horny, baby. Wanna knock— ngh, wanna knock this pretty pussy up all the time. Give ya a whole fuckin’ litter.”
He tips over the edge not long after, heart pounding in his chest and the sensation in his balls tightening. He releases with a groan, settles deep inside of you to make sure he doesn’t waste a single drop. His orgasm pulses through his cock, swirls in his belly, and warms the small of his back. 
“Fuuuck,” he pants. He carefully removes his arms from underneath your legs before he collapses, allowing you to stretch out underneath him. You look completely fucked out, gasping feebly as he teasingly gives you another thrust before pulling out. 
You wrap your arms around him as he falls onto you, nose against the shell of his ear. He can barely lift his head when you speak, humming into your neck that vibrates as you talk, “You think other people have sex this good?”
“Nah, ‘s why everyone is so fuckin’ miserable, why they gotta build mansions with their parents’ money,” he murmurs. 
“Stop thinking about the hotshot client in bed,” you tease as you cradle his head in your arms, lifting your legs to wrap them around his waist. It seems you cannot get close enough, “You should only think about sticky, sweaty me.”
Joel finds that he doesn’t care about sticky, sweaty skin and you feeling like a furnace after three orgasms. He lays with you like this for a while, sure that you’ve drifted off to sleep at one point, until you push at his shoulder, voice back to your normal pitch as the post-orgasmic bliss has faded slowly, “Gotta pee.” 
“Sure,” he rolls off of you. The sight of your waddle to the bathroom makes him smile, eyes following the way the fleshiest part of your ass and thighs jiggle with each step. 
When you’ve closed the door behind you, Joel finds the strength to rid the bed of the dirty sheets and start dressing again. He’ll have a shower before bed, he decides, ignoring the sensitivity of sliding on boxers and jeans again. 
Hurriedly, he bounces down the stairs to the kitchen. He gets the rest of your peanut butter cup, places it on the nightstand with your clothes right beside it. 
He checks the time. There’s no point in trying to cook something up for dinner if Sarah is home from ‘practice’ soon, so he goes down into the kitchen to order pizza, heart thrumming in his chest as he hears you shout a thank you from upstairs at the discovery of the other half of your favorite snack. He is happy. So so happy.
Especially as he writes ‘pregnancy test’ into his Notes app shopping list.
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multiverse-menagerie · 7 months
I've had this buzzing around in my head since Neil posted something about Asrarion liking kids and hhhhhhhhhhhh may I please request your headcanons for the bg3 guys as dads, I am begging you
gnawing on this actually thank u
his child/ren are his entire world. his partner is still like no.2 but the kid/s will always be no.1
its an Ordeal for vampire spawn to have children, so i think that'd make Astarion even more likely to devote himself to being the best father he could be
is absolutely the type to be like "this is my partner and our child/ren, they're way to good to be talking to you but alas"
he's the soft parent too, Astarion finds it so hard to punish his child/ren. both from fear of going too far and due to how much he adores them
dress up with dad days. Astarion with small, messy pigtails.
daddy Halsin for real -wiggles eyebrows- (im sorry)
the type to load everyone up and go camping for however long, teaching the kid/s how to live off the land or showing off his wildshapes to entertain them
unwavering support for his child/ren (and his partner) - he tries his best to instill a sense of justice in his kid/s and respects any decision they make, assuming they can offer him a good reason
Halsin and his kid/s would Absolutely play little "pranks" on his partner, but its very harmless, silly stuff to make them laugh
his kid/s often begs to sleep with "bear dad", and who would he be if he declined?
i honestly think Wyll is meant to be a "girl dad" lmao but he'd adore any child
he'd grown up with a (mostly) good dad who'd taught him swordplay and other practical skills and I think Wyll would want to do the same for his child/ren
he is So. Patient. willing to hear his child out about why they broke the rules, why they're acting out. He knows that sometimes there's a good reason for what looks like a bad decision
Wyll is the bedtime parent; he tells stories the best, according to the kid/s. sometimes Wyll will drag his partner into helping him out fun scenes
makes sure to have dinner with his family everyday, regardless of what type of life he's leading. they're the Most important thing to him in the world
stay at home, soccer dad vibes
is (surprisingly?) content to let his partner go off and adventure or what have ye, while he stays home with the kid/s, sneaking in some reading or experiments once they're asleep
is All In for his kid/s extracurriculars. of course he'd be happier for more ~magical~ endeavors but even if the kid is learning sword-work or some other physical thing, he'll be there to cheer them on
maybe pushes his kid/s a little too hard in regards to studying/school. Gale works hard to reign in his expectations - he knew how hard it was on himself, why do that to his kids?
the way his kid/s will have the most ostentatious vocabulary. but they also think its funny to mimic him in an even more over-the-top way bc it makes Gale's partner laugh
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munv · 4 months
𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵, 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗵𝗮𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝘁𝗼𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗦𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗲𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗷𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗻𝗲𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂? 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼?
could you tell kaiser brain rot won? could you tell? could you tell?
September was just starting, but now looking back..you were already sick of it. Taking care of Sae was a journey in its own right, but your mother expecting a baby in possibly a few days?  You needed some fresh air. 
So that's exactly what you did.
At least..that is what you thought. 
"Where are you going?" Sae's voice rang out through the living room. Staring at you with intent, trying to figure out what exactly was your game plan for today. Your Maine coon "Miko" was currently purring at your feet. She circled you in a way that made you feel caught. Which was scary in its own little way. 
You shook a bit at the type of duo they both became, always seemingly to catch you in the act. "I'm going for a walk..I'll be back" 
Sae gave you a stern glare in response "You said we'd play soccer this week" he stepped closer with each word before he was just inches in front of you. He looked up at you judgmentally. Miko let out a small 'meow' in agreement.
The sick little shit, you would have never picked her ass up from the street all those years ago if you knew she would pick sides. "I'm taking a walk Sae, and I said this week not today." You said stepping out of the circle Miko called home before putting on your shoes.
You ruffled his hair before opening the door, "I'll be back soon. Kay?" 
"Hmph" Miko let out a dissatisfied mewl before trotting back on over to sae.  "Alright love you!" You shut the door on him once again.. just like a particular chapter.
The small boy flushed before walking away from the door "Nee-San is so weird..isn't she miko?"  The cat purred in content before making way to her corner of the house once again.
It was a random park, very random indeed. How you ended up in this neighborhood? Not even you have the answers to that question.  You walked aimlessly, at truth. It was a little bit windy but nothing that couldn't be handled. 
A few birds, a cat here and there, a small stall you picked up teriyaki from, nothing beats this type of routine. Which was the initial thought before your teriyaki was snatched out of your hands "HOLY-" The culprit? A soccer ball in all its glory.  'a soccer ball...just..took my teriyaki? am I finally reaching insanity?...oh my god, is this the world getting payback for not playing soccer with Sae?' what you failed to notice was that there was a voice calling out to you. 
before you was a young boy, most likely around your age, with messy blonde hair almost completely spilled over his shoulders with a generous shade of blue to shade his eyes. He was only a little bit taller than you, but other than that he seemed worried at your downcast expression. If the boy didn't see what the soccer ball did to your teriyaki, he would have thought he hit your dog and killed it on the spot! 
"Geht es dir gut? Oh Gott, habe ich dich irgendwo getroffen?!" at this rate he was shaking with despair and worry. Snapping out of your senses, you realized he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese, and by the time he finished spluttering, he probably had a self-realization he wasn't exactly speaking Japanese either. Now, you weren't any language on a star, but you were smart enough to know this kid was probably German or something. 
But from the worry in his voice, you could at least pick up that he was probably asking if you were ok and a hint of extra sorry's in there. "uh.." you didn't have much to say, but being on your second life did have its benefits, for you studied a bit of french and german here and there. Though French was much easier you were grateful to have at least put a bit of effort into learning German. "Mir geht es gut, danke?"
The blonde boy looked surprised, which worried you by a hell tone. Did you say it right? oh shit, did you accidentally curse him out? he gave you a small smile before waving and picking up his soccer ball to run off to..wherever he was beforehand. 
So, you lost your teriyaki, met a cute German boy, and almost got spiraled into the pearly white gates in the process by the same soccer ball that took your teriyaki; but..looking back that hit could have been a serious one, that kid had some serious potential to become a striker. 
You've decided from the short encounter today that you've had about enough, and it's about time to start your mini trek home. Well, that was the old plan before you ended up looking at Google Maps. You weren't lost! no no, it was simply called..adapting to your new surroundings, you know. The little einsteins shit where they have a destination in mind but end up soaring somewhere weird. Maybe the magic school bus would explain this better, you know where you ended up where you wanted to go but got up in a small situation and lost. This was you we were talking about though! Not lost, just a little clueless. 
You turned a corner and managed to spot the same little guy from earlier, you realized that you could've pulled out Google Translate but that would've been rude. So sucking in your ego, you approached the blonde boy and tapped his shoulder. 
You weren't all too sure as to what he was doing, just holding the soccer ball and all but he seemed pretty lonely, and you were pretty clueless right now so it was a win-win situation. Not to assume he doesn't have friends or anything right?
He looked at you with surprise again, Jesus, it looked like he wanted to express himself so badly but just couldn't. I mean, if you were in Japan with little to no Japanese skills you don't think you would be able to speak German expecting almost anyone you meet to understand you. 
quickly hoping to get this over with, you typed out something on your phone and showed it to him. Thank God your parents actually trusted younger you with a phone and an even bigger plus you knew how to use it properly this time. he looked back at the translation on your phone before looking back at you and nodding. He took it from and you carefully typed out a few responses, and to be frank with yourself, the boy you learned whos name is "Kaiser" suited him. 
If only your Sae was this nice..you wouldn't have a stroke every now and then. he gave a small laugh to one of your snarky responses on google translate before finally leading you down a path, the more you two walked and talked (more like typed) the more fun it was. 
something in the conversation went like  "you have a little sibling?" 
"yeah, i got another one on the way right now too."
"what's it like?" 
"wouldn't you like to know?" 
and some more that went into depth like 
"it's ok to feel in the dumps yknow, but you should always carry some self-respect and discipline too"
"you sound a bit old, but..i'll think about it. thanks"
"i'll ignore the 'old' person comment and your welcome"
By the time you finished sharing your last laugh, you had arrived at your destination. Waving a small goodbye and a quick hug you made it inside your home with a small content sigh.
                                                                         ITOSHI OMAKE "why."
Sae's face was adorned with a frown while staring at his mother, sometimes his eyes would stray down to the round belly she had, where his new sibling would soon come from. But that wasn't today's topic. His tone was demanding for someone of his age, and his father had to remind him sometimes of how he sounded, but he knew his son couldn't help it. 
He was just naturally blunt he supposed.
He just needed to know why.
"sae, sweetheart..you're saying it as if your older sister isn't allowed to be happy?"
That's not what he was asking, and she knew that. He wanted to know the reason why you felt so off when he went to bother you earlier. 
You weren't even gone for that long! Miko told him everything and those two have an inseparable bond, so he would know what she was saying, and she told him you met a male. Not a boy, whoever interacts with his nee-san is stripped of the same title as him. Therefore by default, he is above all those bone-picking fiends that have tried to come close to you so far.
With a huff he got up and marched his way upstairs with his cat companion, opening your door to little to no knocking whatsoever.
"who is it."
he questioned
you looked confused, of course, you'd be confused, whatever boy turned fiend it was, screwed up your perfectly healthy and beautiful brain that would help him with homework, and now you've taken a liking to it. He can't believe it! it was just a couple of days ago you rejected one of those things too! 
Did they swarm you and infect you regardless by chance?
"Sae..what on God's infected earth are you talking about?"
"That's the exact problem. It's infected, and you've become one of them." he sighed.
what the fuck was he talking about?..
"miko, hold her down, we must bring her to her senses."
before you could react, a big white main coon had already jumped unto you and suffocated you in her fur as you wriggled for air. "WHAT THE HELL?" 
Sae closed the door behind him as he approached your already struggling figure.
"don't worry nee-san..we'll fix you."
Your parents sat on the couch that day listening to screams and cries for the rest of the day.
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playroom-sekaii · 2 months
CG VBS Kaito hcs for a friend :D
(Him with the vbs babies ^w^)
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• The dad ever oh my God
• Gives all of them the silliest nicknames that either make them giggle or blush each time
• Sneaks them sweets a lot (Meiko is very annoyed by this)
• I don't know how else to word it but he's kind of like Bandit/Bluey's dad when it comes to games, they're ridiculous but he gets very into them, sometimes more than the kiddos himself
• So many uppies for all of them, but especially Kohane, she's so light that he can carry her on his back while doing basically anything
• Kohane loves games like hide and seek, or being given "horsey rides", and Kaito is always willing to provide anything of that sort she desires. Anything his little ones want they get!
• He works extra hard to make sure he doesn't scare or overstimulate her when she's little, he knows her anxiety is worse in this headspace and he wants his little mouse to feel safe!
•An loves helping at the Virtual Singers' café when she's small, and Kaito loves letting her do so! She's his little assistant, adding toppings to drinks and making sure all the pancakes are extra fluffy! It can get a little messy though, and usually the two of them are too busy enjoying their snacks to remember to clean up without Meiko reminding them >-<
• She likes it when he plays with her hair! Even if he's not the best at it, she still likes it! Mr. Kaito makes her look so silly and fun!
• Works extra hard to make sure she feels seen and paid attention to, since that wasn't a constant when she was a kid. Every word she says he's on the edge of his seat, he'll drop everything if she says she wants to show him something, she's singing? Standing ovation this'll surpass RAD WEEKEND (she's like five rn)
• Doing his best to be the greatest CG possible for Akito, not only because he knows how insecure he can be about his regression and how rough his home life can be, but also because of Kaito's greater connection to Aki's true feelings. Knows all of the little ways to make him regress (ruffling his hair, saying he's proud of him, calling him sport or kiddo, etc), Akito is grumpy whenever he manages to make him slip at first but he's grateful deep down.
• One of the few that Akito is truly open about his needs or wants with when small, even if he's a bit grumpy about it. Kaito's nothing but supportive though, and wants to help him get more comfortable with it.
• Loves playing games with him, especially soccer. When Akito's on the older end of his age range he'll put up a real fight but when he's littler Kaito usually lets him win so he doesn't have a grumpy tantrum-
• Since Toya's the littlest of the vbs kids when he's small, Kaito feels that he has to protect him the most. He's just a baby that deserves a proper chance at a good childhood! (Toya called him "Papa" once and now he'd kill for him)
• Always ready to make cookies or warm milk for this little guy! He managed to find some bottles in the café, and is working to find new flavored milks and such to make for Toya to see if he'll like them (he does, but regular chocolate milk will always be his favorite)
• Toya has fallen asleep on his lap so many times before, but it's worth it! It means he's feeling truly safe and small! Who cares if he can't feel his legs! It's for the baby!
• Sometimes when he's working with his DJ equipment he'll let Toya sit on his lap and play with them, pressing the buttons with a wide-eyed fascinated look on his face. Now he's just like Papa! Kaito's so proud.
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
A little something from our PLM couple 🥰
Title: Please Love Me Bonus 08 - The Aftermath
WC: 15,116
Tags/Warnings: angst; mentions of pregnancy/having a family; mentions of illness; fluff; explicit sexual content (making out, nipple play, thigh-riding ish, pillow missionary bc yes, unprotected vaginal sex); JK Dreamers MV behind with the exposed arm
Series Masterlist
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Jungkook’s eyes are the prettiest you’ve ever seen.
You remember how they used to look back at you when you were kids - wide and bright, curious and full of wonder; they shone like stars even during the day. 
You remember how they’d started to become livelier as you grew older - they held in them this playful mischief that was always endearing to you, even if the adults often called him out for being a rascal.
His eyes had become distant to you by the time you were in high school, though you’d still catch glimpses of them when he wasn’t looking. There was still that way it would shine like an entire galaxy, just as much as it held in them the recklessness of a teenager vying for attention. 
But Jungkook spoke his emotions through them just as much as he held his heart on his sleeves. And though you recall a time when his piercing gaze used to unsettle you when he was just coming into terms with your marriage arrangement, all that has faded away at your reality that this man is in love with you, and all you’ve been seeing is passion and care and an unyielding glimmer of trust and commitment. It’s been over 3 years and despite the rare moments of frustration and hurt that you’ve seen in them, his eyes would always show you love.
“Done staring at my face?” He teasingly mumbles with his gruff voice. 
“Not yet,” you softly smile, snuggling up to him a little closer. 
You want to hold onto this look of his a little longer - sleepy eyes and messy hair, soft against the white linens of your shared bed and the sunlight seeping through the windows. You want to hold onto it if only to forget about last night - the defeat on his face, the bottled up frustrations, the way his voice cracked as he told you how you hurt him, how he tried to control his cries, and how he’d let you walk out of that guest room to be alone and away from you. 
“You came,” you continue, gently tracing his face and missing how it felt.
“It’s hard to sleep without you,” he says, “even if we’re far apart. I don’t like waking up and not knowing if you’re there.”
The memory hits him as he utters the words - the fight from years ago and watching you walk away from him, then waking up to find that you were gone. The fear crippled him then, even more after learning about the truth. He’d promised himself after that night that unless he’s physically unable, he’ll never sleep without you, that the security of your presence and of your hold would trump any other emotion he’s feeling at the moment. Like now.
“It’s hard to sleep without you, too,” you reply, your voice almost cracking. “I’m sorry, Kook, I—”
He stops you with a shake of his head. “We don’t need to talk about it right now. It’s been a hard week.”
There’s something new in his eyes. Submission, maybe? It’s almost like he’s pleading - pleading for you to let it pass this time, to not let it linger - and all you could do is follow. This is the most that you could do for him after all that you’ve done. 
“Okay,” you hum. Perhaps the wounds are still fresh; maybe he’s letting everything still sink in. It’s much better than the past few days, and you’ll take what you can get.
He responds with a soft smile and a kiss on your forehead and one on your lips. You sigh into it and all your other thoughts melt away. Right now, this is all you need.
“I’ll make us some breakfast,” he says, slowly getting up. “The kids have a soccer game today. Are you okay to watch?”
“Of course,” you perk up, wanting so badly to be out of the house and in a place bursting with energy. “I’ll wash up and head down.”
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Jungkook’s eyes are glued to the TV while you both eat, and you convince yourself that this is him, claiming that sense of normalcy after a week of being cooped up in his home office, stressed and frustrated. You don’t want to think it has anything to do with him not knowing how to fill the silence that you both used to comfortably share. 
You place your hand on top of his once he's finished his meal, and as if it’s reflex for him, he squeezes it in response. It’s that bit of comfort you need and you don’t ask for more.
Neither one of you says much as you both get ready, choosing to let the music fill the air, the same way you do once you’re in the car. He holds your hand while he drives, though, and despite the absence of his usual affection - none of the kisses, the loving glances, the declarations of love - you know it’s somehow still there.
“Hey, everything okay?”
Yeri asks as she hugs a tutu-clad Ji-a on her lap, all ready for her ballet class after the game. 
“Yeah, just getting used to being outside, I guess,” you chuckle, appreciating the cool breeze this Saturday morning. 
“Ah, seemed like you zoned out a bit. Soojin almost hit a goal,” she informs you.
You turn towards the field and see your niece with that frustrated look on her face, the one she has on when she misses a shot. You hadn’t even noticed, as your eyes had been focused on your husband - on the sidelines with Junghyun as substitute coach for your brother. 
You’d wandered towards Jungkook’s direction almost immediately after you sat down, waiting for his usual questioning look of concern or that sweet smile he has whenever you’re separated but in the same place. But your gaze hasn’t moved, and you haven’t even realized that you’ve been absent-mindlessly looking his way, so you can tell he hasn’t even glanced at you. 
You’re both okay, you tell yourself. This is normal after a fight. You’re reminded that after last night’s confrontation, you and Jungkook hadn’t talked yet - about how you hurt him and how you can do better. Perhaps he’s still processing everything; maybe there’s still some ache left. And that should be fine; there’s nothing to worry about. 
“Yay!” Ji-a squeals, and you see Soojin celebrating on the field, running to the bench to high-five Jungkook, Junghyun, and Soyeon. 
You cheer with them, hopelessly waiting for your husband to look your way, but he never does.
He still takes your hand during lunch with your family though. He also sits next to you on your couch with his arm over the backrest when his friends decide to come over in the afternoon to play games and have dinner. And at night, he lets you lay on his chest as you both talk about the day - the kids being so excited about your upcoming family trip, Taehyung’s plan of proposing to his girlfriend, and Jimin declaring that he wants to be a dad, regardless of how it happens.
It’s what reminded you of the thoughts you’ve been having since the other night and all of the things that Jungkook had made you realize.
“Honey, I was thinking about what you said,” you say softly, eyes to the ceiling as you painfully recall. “Sometimes I think that I already know how to handle living with my condition and I figured out ways to not let it bother others but then… you’re right, about everything. It’s not something I should just brush off. I wouldn’t want you keeping things that serious from me, too.”
You look at him, apologetic eyes meeting his soft ones. “And I still have a lot to learn about being a partner, about being a wife… and being more honest and open and yeah, maybe it wouldn’t be easy for us to go through the process of pregnancy and having kids unless I’ve learned to communicate better about my needs and my struggles. Maybe… maybe it isn’t time yet.”
You’re met with silence, and you turn to Jungkook for any form of affirmation - that he’d heard you, that he agrees. 
Caught off guard, he merely nods, hoping you don’t notice the way his face falls at your words. Of all the things he’d said, that’s what he regrets the most. 
How the hell can we have our own kids if you can’t even communicate with me? If you can’t even tell me what you’re feeling? 
They ring in his head like a bad dream, one that he can’t escape from. He’d said them in a moment of frustration, of desperation, and he wants nothing more than to take them back right now, just so you won’t pass up on the one thing you want more than anything - a family. 
He hates himself for what his words have come to mean to you. Clearly, he didn’t mean that you’re not yet ready to become a mother, but it’s how you took it. And now, you’re here, believing that your inability to communicate what you’re feeling is what’s keeping you from becoming one. 
Jungkook knows you’re more than capable, and communication is something that you - that both of you - can work on. He’s the one who’s been so afraid to commit to having a family because of what it would mean for you, something he’s come to realize is also a bit selfish on his part because you’re the one who’d be physically going through the pregnancy, who’d be struggling and who’d be in pain, yet he’s the one who can’t get past all that to be able to give you something you want, which he knows deep down is something that he wants, too. 
Yet a part of him remains disappointed, that in an effort to patch up your relationship, you feel the need to concede to him, to reconsider the one thing that he knows is most important to you, to put yourself down, as if admitting that you’re not yet ready was caused by him. 
As he was days ago, he’s upset and hurt. He wants to hold you tighter, tell you that you’re wrong, assure you that you’ll both work together on communicating, and that should make everything alright moving forward. 
But as Jungkook has come to realize, he’s not all that good at dealing with complicated emotions like this, at reconciling how the person he loves the most can let him down. He’s not even over what happened last week and the words you’d both exchanged, and now here he is again, wanting to comfort you while feeling a mix of guilt and disappointment.
He decides against holding you tighter. You’ve fallen asleep already and he admits missing your soft snores and the way your warm breath hits his skin. He lets you stay there, comfortable and safe, while he wallows in his own emotions and stays up the entire night.
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Jungkook falls asleep right before the sun rises, and that means he sleeps through the entire morning and is awakened by your caresses on his arm.
He grumbles when you tell him that lunch is ready.
“Hey, honey. Come on,” you say, removing the bangs off his forehead and kissing it. “I had Mrs. Na make tangsuyuk. I know you’ve been craving it.”
“Oh, she’s here?” He asks, eyes now half open.
“Mother made her come over to send me tea and fruits and I thought to ask her to prepare our lunch,” you respond.”
“Okay. I’ll be down in a bit.”
You excitedly wait for him in the dining room. You’d wanted to go for a walk in the park with him earlier but he slept in. You can’t imagine how tired he is so you let him be. You’re thinking that perhaps you can spend the afternoon watching movies or something, perhaps cuddle and make up for the week that was. 
But Jungkook doesn’t seem to want any quiet, as he puts the TV on blast while he watches soccer highlights. You don’t get any word in as his eyes are glued to the screen. You only get to say anything when he checks his phone and groans, dropping it on the table seemingly out of frustration.
“Everything okay?” You ask.
“Yeah, just work stuff,” he responds dryly. “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Well, then do you want to—”
“Is Mrs. Na staying?” He unknowingly interjects. “I was planning to go to the gym in the afternoon but I don’t want you to be alone.”
“Oh, I can ask her to,” you say dejectedly, masking the disappointment. “But yeah, you should go to relieve your stress. Will you be gone long?”
“Not sure,” he shrugs. “I’ll let you know.”
You nod and pick on your food now, suddenly losing your appetite. You don’t miss the thought that right before you and Jungkook had that confrontation, he’d gone to the gym as you suggested so that he could spend time on his own because he didn’t seem to want to spend it with you. That was just 2 days ago, and now he’s going back. You hate to think it’s the same reason and he’s only being subtle about it now.
Maybe it’s still too much for him. Maybe he hasn’t gotten over what happened the other night. That’s a lot to process, you remind yourself; even you haven’t done it because you don’t know how to. But he’s the one who doesn’t want to talk about it, and you hate to think that this time, he’s the one avoiding it, masking it, sweeping it under the rug until he’s finally ready to face it. 
You both finish your lunch and Jungkook heads to your room to fix up. He gives you a forehead kiss before he leaves. 
“Text me, okay?” You remind him.
“I will. Text me, too, if you, uh, if you feel anything.”
It’s 3 hours later when you send a message. 
Hey, Kook. Mrs. Na and I will bake some cakes. Craving for anything specific? ☺️
But he doesn’t reply. An hour later, you check on him again.
Hey, honey. Hope you’re not overworking yourself. What time will you be home?
And again.
Kook? Will you be back in time for dinner?
And again.
Everything okay?
He finally replies at 7PM, 6 hours after he left. 
Sorry. Was about to leave earlier but my boxing trainer got back from his leave so we did some rounds. He convinced me to get a massage so I did. Masseuse was great. She got rid of my knots. 
Oh and yeah, I’ll be home in 20.
Jungkook reads your messages over and over again. He isn’t the type to not text back when it comes to you, and you know that. He regularly uses you as his daily journal, in fact, sending you memes or texts of what he’s doing or what he’s seen on the way to somewhere. 
It isn’t like him to not update you about anything for this long unless he’s physically incapable. In this case, he’d purposely avoided his phone, knowing there would be a message or two from you. And he couldn’t bring himself to read them when the reason why he’s here is to rid himself of all the emotions that he’s feeling for and because of you.
He feels that staying at home with you would give you both an opportunity to talk about what happened, and he’s not yet ready for that. 
Every time he thinks of what he felt as he recalls that day of driving to the hospital to you, he feels numb and useless. There’s that feeling of dread and paralyzing fear. There’s also that disbelief that you could hide something so important from him, and this is always mixed with a tinge of betrayal alongside the resounding pain. He just wants to hold you in his arms to make all the ache go away, but the way you look at him burns. He wants to hear your voice and know you’re okay but he doesn’t want your apologies. 
He thought hearing you speak that night would calm his heart. He thought crawling into bed with you right after just so he can keep his promise of not spending a night away from you would push him towards forgiveness and acceptance. He thought that talking about the fight to someone would help him make sense of things. 
But he’s still left with a slew of emotions that he doesn’t know what to do with, that he doesn’t know how to make sense of or control. It’s why he decided to pass up on spending this lazy Sunday with you and head to the gym instead so he could release whatever he needs to release in there and not to you again. 
He promised himself after that night, seeing you cry and looking helpless and apologetic, that he wouldn’t unload all his thoughts and feelings about you to you. Much as you’re still his daily journal, he reckons that maybe, not when it comes to you. If he needs to be apart from you to save you from his own inability to understand and temper what he feels, then he will. He just hopes he doesn’t push you too far. 
Was love always this hard? Is it meant to be? Isn’t it supposed to be natural? Of course, your situation is different. You were both thrust into this arrangement and were lucky enough to fall in love. But after learning, isn’t it supposed to be easy, effortless? Like the love is just overflowing, unyielding, easy to understand?
And as you reply with your sweetness still echoing through - Oh Kook, get some rest when you get here. Is there anything else you want? Just let me know. Can’t wait to see you ☺️ - he can’t help it; his heart just breaks even more for you.
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Jungkook comes home to handmade pasta and a chicken dish that you said Mrs. Na taught you to make. You also didn’t know what cake he wanted so you made cheesecake cups and a chocolate one and another one with mangoes. It’s delicious, as he expected, and your joyful face as you were making these while thinking of him flashes in his mind. He hates that he missed it, but he also knows that spending the entire day at the gym was the best thing that he could’ve done.
He does the dishes while you linger in the kitchen, asking about the most mundane things. Perhaps it’s to fill the silence, or maybe to convince you - or him - that things are normal. 
Any time that Jungkook feels like you’ll bring up something from the other night or the past week, he gets to you first, asking about other trivial things, too. In truth, he’s just scared of how another conversation with you about your issues would go. He’s learning now that he’s not good with communication, too.
How does he tell you he loves you without downplaying how you disappointed him? How does he tell you that you hurt him without hurting you back? How can he verbalize all these things he’s feeling without looking so helpless to you? 
Your voice shakes him out of his thoughts, and he realizes he’s been rinsing the same bowl for the past 5 minutes. 
“Yeah?” He asks, not making eye contact. 
He hears you sigh and he briefly closes his eyes to brace himself for another question or statement he’s probably not ready for while also thinking of something to possibly change the topic, but instead you ask if he’s going to work tomorrow.
“Uh, yeah. I have to check one of the sites,” he replies. “Have Mrs. Na come over tomorrow, okay? You’ll be fine here?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you hum, looking away now. “I’ll go to the studio on Tuesday, though. I confirmed 2 classes.”
“Oh, okay,” he huffs. “You’re cleared to go back to work?”
“Dr. Kwon cleared me. As long as I don’t do anything strenuous or too stressful, it’s back to normal for me,” you state. “Plus, I miss the kids. I need some joy and laughter to fill my days. It’s… it’s been a while.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath to keep himself from asking further. He chooses to gloss over the insinuation that there hasn’t been anything worthy of joy and laughter in your days this past week. He doesn’t want to get into it right now.
“Okay then, if he says so.”
You wait for a follow up - perhaps his usual instruction to be careful and call me for anything, but it doesn’t come. There’s no playful banter, either. There’s no invite for a movie or wine and chocolate at the balcony like how your Sundays usually are, and you’ve come to think yourself silly for even expecting it. 
He yawns and it’s your cue, so you tell him to go to bed and prepare for what surely is gonna be another long week ahead.
“What about you?” He asks.
“I’ll drink my tea on the balcony. It’s a nice night,” you reply, wanting to be alone with your thoughts. And well, for him to miss you even for just a little bit.
“Alright, just don’t stay up too late, yeah? It’s cold out.”
You nod and his gaze on you lingers, his eyes telling you that he wants to say more - do more - but that he chooses to hold back. And you let him, thinking that if it’s time he still needs to sort out his feelings, then that’s what you’ll give him. He still speaks to you, after all, and sleeps next to you. Given all that’s happened, you know you can’t complain.
But he kisses your forehead, and suddenly you feel like crying. But you hold back, knowing that the tension would just build and neither of you seems ready to face it. 
The lone tear eventually falls though, an hour later after you’ve had your tea and you’ve washed up. The lights are off in the room save for your bedside lamp, and you can see the rise and fall of Jungkook’s chest as he peacefully sleeps on his back. You lay on your side, facing away from him. It’s shortly after when you feel him shift and then his arm wraps around your middle.
“Goodnight,” he whispers.
He loves you. So much. You know this. But it’s the unsaid things that you’re afraid of, that you worry about. It’s knowing he has more to say but that he doesn’t seem to want to share them with you. It’s missing the routines and habits. It’s the uneasiness of possibly doing or saying something again that would make everything boil over. It’s the insecurity of all your faults and shortcomings surfacing. It’s the fear of not knowing how to handle it the next time you’re faced with them again. 
It’s wanting to hold his hand despite it all and knowing that you’d go through this over and over again if it means loving each other much better at the end of it. 
You pull his arm tighter around you and sigh into his hold, taking as much as you possibly can.
“Goodnight,” you whisper back. “Sleep well, Kook.”
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The cafe across the street from the art studio is chic and cozy. It’s an apartment that was transformed into a commercial space and it’s retained its homey feel, a perfect fit in this neighborhood that lets you forget for a moment that you’re in the middle of the buzzing city of Seoul. 
It’s also where you’re meeting Junghyun this Tuesday mid-morning, as he’s coming from an early meeting with an investor nearby.
“Hi,” you greet him with a hug, exhaling deeply as if you haven’t had something that comforting in a while. And well, you really haven’t. 
“Looked like you really needed that, huh,” he smiles kindly.
“I did. I still do,” you respond. 
It’s the statement that leads you to narrating the past week with your husband to the older man - from the cold treatment, the confrontation, and how that night ended.
Junghyun merely nods, hums, and sips his coffee.
“Jungkook brought you up, you know?” You say softly. “About how I trust you the way I do and that I don’t do the same with him.”
“I know,” Junghyun replies, surprising you. “He told me.”
“When? He talked to you about it? What did he say?”
“He mentioned it. During the soccer game, in the middle of coaching,” he chuckles, remembering how he and his brother went from drawing plays and encouraging the little kids to talking seriously about your marriage. “He didn’t go into detail the way you just did but he said he lost it, said a bunch of things that he regrets, and that hearing about you being in the ER from me triggered something in him. Deja vu for him, I guess, because I’m the one who told him about your sickness.”
“What else did he say?”
“He apologized to me, said that he shouldn’t have brought me into it, that he feels silly for being jealous and I told him that he doesn’t have a reason to be.”
“Oh,” you sigh. “I didn’t know he felt that way.”
“Is that all that you don’t know?” He pushes.
You shake your head no, and Junghyun has that look again like he knows there’s more, and like always, you give in. You talk about feeling distant from your husband, how - despite the care and the goodnight hug and kiss - he still feels so far away, like he’s deliberately creating space between the both of you with only his hand out far enough to let you know that he’s still there, but not close enough for you to feel that he wants things back to the way they were. Or that he’s ready for it.
“I mean, it’s much better than how we were last week and that’s at least something to be thankful for. But I…” you continue, feeling the tears forming in your eyes. “I don’t know how to make him talk to me. I don’t know what he’s feeling, I don’t know how to make it up to him or to make things better. I don’t know… I don’t know how to make him want me again.”
“Hey, I’m sure he does,” Junghyun nudges your knee. “You both just experienced something scary, okay? And then had to deal with the consequences of you keeping things from him. Those are a lot of emotions to process and manage. I can tell that he’s having a hard time. Especially when expressing those emotions caused you some hurt, too. You know that he can’t stand to see or even know you’re crying, like right now.”
Junghyun takes the napkin from the table and wipes your tears, thinking how he’s not used to this sight because you rarely ever become emotional like this. 
“I keep crying, I don’t know why,” you sniff.
“It’s because you’re not used to Jungkook not expressing himself, that’s why,” he states. “He always wears his heart on his sleeves, unafraid to speak his mind. He may be unhinged sometimes but it’s because he always keeps the door open - for you to read him, to comfort him… It’s just not the case right now. And that’s hurting you, too.”
“Why… why is he keeping me out this time?” You wonder, your voice shaking. 
“Maybe he’s not yet ready to talk about it. But if it’s bothering you that much, then assert yourself and don’t give him a choice,” he advises. “___, my brother loves you beyond I or even he can express. He won’t be able to resist you. But maybe he’s also just used to you being the one keeping things in and him being the assertive one. But you have to fight for him, too, you know? Face the issue and talk to him. I told him the same thing but he just shrugged. So if it’s not him then it should be you. You have to. I’m sure you miss him just as much as he misses you.”
“I miss him a lot,” you pout. “I miss him so much.”
“Then do something about it.”
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When Junghyun advised you to do something about missing your husband, perhaps he wasn’t thinking of you going to the office with a surprise lunch for Jungkook. You recall him saying this morning that he was just gonna have a meeting in the morning and then stay in the office to work on reports. 
You walk in the reception area outside his room, beef noodle soup in hand, and ask his secretary if he can be disturbed.
“Oh, he’s still in a meeting, Mrs. Jeon,” So-hee informs you. “It was extended so Mr. Jeon and Ms. Wong decided to have lunch. He did say they’re almost done some time ago so—”
A woman and a man’s joint laughter interrupts her, and your husband and his companion - an investor for his project - walk in, clearly still enjoying their conversation. You’re thankful you at least get to hear his laugh and his excited voice this time. There’s that boyish smile you miss, too.
“___, hey,” he calls you worriedly and walks up to you. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, honey. I just wanted to, uh,” you respond, looking at the meal you brought. “I thought you haven’t had lunch yet so I got you something but you can uh… I guess I’ll just take this home and—”
“No, I’ll take it,” he says, taking the bag from your hands. “I just have to give something to Ms. Wong and I’ll get back to you, okay?”
You nod in reply and smile at the woman who greets you. You watch them walk to his room and from the half opened door, you see him go through some documents that he gives to her. She walks out and bows at you, and that’s what you hear Jungkook call your name.
He’s leaning on his desk facing the door when you enter, his smile with less vigor this time. You had planned on checking up on him, stupidly thinking you’d have an opening to ask how he’s feeling. Clearly, this isn’t the time nor place to be talking about something so personal, but after speaking with Junghyun earlier, you just had this urge to see your husband, comfort him in some way, and seek his affirmation about the both of you.
“The soup smells good, but we just had lunch, I’m sorry,” he says. “I’ll have this for snacks, I promise.”
“It’s okay, Kook. No need to force it,” you smile. 
“Fuck, you came here to surprise me with lunch and I’m not even eating it,” he sighs. “And Father called for another meeting in a bit and I—”
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” you assure him. “I just thought of dropping by uninvited and I didn’t expect you to be free. I just wanted to see you, that’s all. But I’ll go and prepare for my afternoon class.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Kook,” you force a smile.
Jungkook takes the container out of the bag and that’s when he sees it - a napkin doodle of a man, perhaps him, kissing a woman, perhaps you, on the forehead. 
Something he’s learned about you is that you skirt around conversations when you’re afraid or uncomfortable to have them. He’d long figured out that you’re not as expressive with words as you are with your art. You’d said once that you don’t “keep emotions in” or bottle them inside because you don’t want to talk about or face them; you just express them in other ways, like through painting or doodles - brush strokes and curved lines of feelings that you can’t verbalize, sometimes because you can’t find the words and other times, because words aren’t enough.
He sees beyond the unsure smile and the way you’re clasping your hands together. And right as you say goodbye and turn around to pull open the door, he puts his hand over yours and pushes it close again.
“You didn’t just come here to bring me lunch,” he says softly, seeing right through you. “You wanted to tell me something.”
Trapped between him and the door, you turn your head and look up to face him. You want to say that while yes, you wanted to talk, it’s also not the right time. You want to say that it can wait tonight, that you’ll be okay, that he should focus on his work and not worry about you. 
But you let yourself be selfish, brave, unhinged. 
“You feel distant, Kook,” you finally say, voice like a whisper. “I want to reach out but I don’t know how.”
The sight before him is one that breaks his heart, perhaps more than seeing you in tears. Your eyes are glassy, clearly on the brink of crying, and your lips are quivering; you have to nibble and bite them to stop. This hurts him more because he knows you’re holding yourself back, and when you finally let go and let it all out, it’ll probably be when you’re back home, alone, where he can’t comfort you, hold you.
“I…” he starts, on the brink of losing it, too. “I know, and I’m so sorry.”
There’s a beat of silence where you just look at each other, and it’s Jungkook who looks away first. 
“I kept it all in last week because you were the one who needed care and attention,” he continues. “And I just couldn’t hold it back anymore that’s why that night happened, and I’m so sorry for that, too.”
You shake your head no but he counters, saying that he shouldn’t have said things the way he did, that he knows he could’ve talked to you more calmly. 
“But I just… I’m left with so many feelings that I don’t know how to deal with. I’m not used to this much, and this intense, nor this contradicting.” 
He covers his eyes with his hand, and much as you want to hug him and make the pain go away, somehow you know that you have to swim through this - face all this, and you can only do that with that distance in between the two of you. 
“It was the secrets, the worry, the concern over how we’re gonna move forward without hurting each other even more… and then that guilt over what I said, and you, taking it to heart.”
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“You said that maybe you aren’t ready for a family,” he recalls. “Because I said you can’t communicate well with me and I—”
“Kook, hey, that’s not on you,” you interject, rushing towards him now and taking his hands in yours. “I know that I have to learn to be better and that’s part of us preparing to become parents, like what we said we’d do.”
“Yes, but you didn’t think of that until I said something,” he counters. “It’s just like you pausing on doing your own pieces for exhibitions - your dream - so you could keep your job at the firm and continue teaching the kids. And now, you want to pause from becoming a mother, too. You’re holding out on things and I just… I hate myself for that, for making you doubtful. For not knowing how to ease your pain. But I’m also upset with you for hiding things from me, for conceding all the time, and for hurting me. But I also hurt you and I… fuck, it’s just a lot. And I don’t know what to do. You’re who I run to about everything but suddenly, I find it difficult to do that.”
Jungkook is heaving by the time he finishes. It’s a lot to take in for you, too. 
Your thoughts crumble when So-hee knocks on the door, informing your husband that the meeting his father called for is starting already, and they need him there right now.
“I’m coming,” he calls out, then turns to you. “I’ve been distant because I don’t want to unload this all on you. Because I want to protect you from all this,” he adds, pointing to his heart. “I just… I guess I just need more time. I’m sorry.”
Another female voice echoes from the other side of the door, the tapping much louder and more firm this time.
“Mr. Jeon, please don’t make your father wait,” the elder’s secretary says. “He has a flight to New York in a few hours. He asks that you be in the boardroom in 5 minutes, no more.”
“Alright, I’ll be there,” he groans, looking at you apologetically. “I have to go, but I’ll see you at home, okay?”
“Of course,” you huff, knowing you don’t have a choice but to let him go. “I’ll see you.”
And just like your drawing, he pulls you close and kisses your forehead. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, before opening the door and running to the elevator. 
You release a deep breath and wipe the tears that immediately flowed once he left. 
You ground yourself in Jungkook’s office, looking around and taking it all in - the lavender oil from the humidifier that he got because it’s your favorite scent, the painting behind his chair that you made, the framed photos of both of you during your trips that were taken.
There’s a lot of you in here, and it’s the most comfort you’ve received other than Junghyun’s hug earlier. 
“We’ll fix this,” you comfort yourself this time. “We’re gonna be okay.”
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Jungkook’s father’s urgent meeting turned out to be the introduction to what would become a full day one. There are several things to iron out in their different offices. The directors currently in Japan will meet with the team there, which means that both Jeon sons will have to go to Busan to troubleshoot and regroup. 
Plans were constantly drawn up. Dinner was eaten during the discussions, and it’s not until 10PM when it ended and Jungkook was able to leave the office. He still had to take urgent calls during the ride home, and that caused him to enter your loft at 11, only to see you curled under a light blanket on the couch, asleep.
You were waiting for him, he sighs to himself. You’d come to his office earlier because you wanted to see him, talk to him, and you waited only to be let down that he hadn’t come home early enough. And now, he has to leave early the next day for a trip until the end of the week. 
While that would mean alone time for him to regroup as well, it also means keeping the earlier conversation in limbo. There’s more to say but there aren’t resolutions to what was said. And you have to process what he did get to say on your own and do it all alone. 
Like clockwork, given the numerous times you waited for him to come home only for you to fall asleep, Jungkook takes you in his arms. Flushed against his chest, you shift and make yourself comfortable in his hold, merely mumbling his name when you feel like you’re moving.
He lays you in bed and tucks you in, removing the strands of hair from your face so he can see you clearly. There’s a tinge of sadness even when you’re asleep, and he wants to be able to wipe that away. 
After Jungkook has washed up, he lies next to you who has now moved to face his side on the bed. He kisses your forehead and he lingers.
“We’ll fix this,” he whispers, “I promise.”
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Jungkook settles on leaving a note on your bedside about needing to travel to Busan early that Wednesday. He sends you a message about staying until Saturday for meetings and site visits, ending with an apology and an assurance that you’ll talk when he gets back.
You reply by lunchtime, and you’re never up that late, so he assumes that you sat on his message for a while before acknowledging it. 
It’s okay, Kook, your text reads. Don’t forget to get some rest and I’ll see you in a few days. I love you. 
Jungkook reads it over and over again, mad at himself for not feeling like returning your words of affection when it used to be a reflex for him. He loves you, obviously, but he feels hypocritical to be saying it when he’s being the way he is. He lingers when he exits to his Home Screen then sighs after looking at your smiling face for a little bit before locking his phone. 
“Not gonna call her?” Junghyun asks from next to him. 
They decided to just take one car so they can attend meetings together and discuss their action steps during the 4-hour drive to Busan. It was a long trip and they’re on the way to the office after a lunch meeting with an investor. 
“Nah, we’ll probably just say the same things. Except, it’ll be awkward,” Jungkook sighs again.
There’s a beat of silence before Junghyun speaks. “I saw her yesterday, you know? I was in the area and we had coffee.” Jungkook nods, so the older man continues. “It’s a lot for her, too. She’s not used to being on this side of it - clueless, unsure, insecure. She’s scared, Kook. She’s scared that she’s doing this all wrong.”
“I’m scared, too,” the younger man finally says. “And confused, and worried. And I miss her so much. But I couldn’t even fucking text her that I love her back because I feel like I’m lying to her. I yelled at her, said shit I shouldn’t have, made her upset, spent days away from her… all that on top of being angry and disappointed over what happened.”
Junghyun has known that his little brother thrives on clarity, on rules and standards that he’s set up for himself. He hates being told what to do, and in the instances when he’s unsure about things, he figures things out and sticks by what he’s come to know, whether it’s by looking at the world around him or experiencing them by himself. Love, it seems, is something he’s come to understand through the former.
“You know, the feeling or emotion of love is actually just a part of love. It’s not love itself,” Junghyun says. “Being upset with her, missing her, worrying about her, not feeling like being around her… that’s part of love, too. I shouldn’t be spelling this to you anymore because I’m sure you know it already but love isn’t just what you feel for someone, it’s something you share with them. So all the fun, happy stuff and the not so good ones? You share those with her as well.”
“For the longest time, I just kept thinking that things are supposed to be effortless, especially between us,” Jungkook now says. “Considering how we started, I felt like the beginning was the hardest part, and it was only because I didn’t love her then yet. And now I do, so much, but then I still feel all this.”
“Remember the time some years ago when Yeri and I fought?” Junghyun asks. “I mentioned it in passing because it was really getting to me; I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. We slept in separate rooms for an entire week.”
“Seriously?” Jungkook exclaims. “You’re both the chillest people I know. I didn’t think you’d fight bad enough to an extent that you’d sleep separately.”
“Well, the ‘chillest’ people lose their cool sometimes. Work was driving me up a wall, she was an overworked resident at the hospital… we said things we shouldn’t have and then we stopped saying anything to each other after that,” Junghyun narrates. “We just wanted to be alone. So I slept in the guest room for a week but everyday, I drew her a bath the way she wanted so she could relax once she got home. And every morning, she prepared me a snack box because I was doing field visits everyday. Sure, we were going through our own shit, we didn’t feel like talking, couldn’t stand each other at some point. But the love didn’t stop, nor paused or decreased. It was just… there, expressed differently. And I just knew, after we made up, that I could never love any other person the way I love her, and I knew she felt the same about me.”
“So things really work that way, huh? I feel so fucking naive,” Jungkook chuckles. “I guess I was stuck on the honeymoon phase we’ve been on for years. It was easy to not be upset or angry with her over trivial things. And then when it got serious, I guess I freaked out. I didn’t think I could feel this towards her.”
“Well, those things really happen, especially as you go through married life and then family life. You love ___ so much but it hurts, I get that,” Junghyun adds. “It’s cliche because it’s true. And this isn’t the toxic shit - it’s just how healthy relationships actually are. There’s an unbelievable level of trust and faith to be able to admit that the person you love hurt you, but you still love them with your whole being despite that. It may seem confusing to you but it’s normal, and as long as it’s not constant and you actually grow and be better after, it’s actually good.”
Perhaps it’s the idealist in him. Maybe it’s being a rookie in love, Jungkook thinks, that’s why he had such high standards when it came to your relationship, thinking that fights could easily be resolved and that negative feelings would immediately go away. 
He nods and takes his older brother’s words in. There’s a reason Jungkook always ran to him - wise beyond his years and able to just take everything in, reflect on them, then use them to be better. 
Their time alone is cut short when they arrive at the office, and nothing about the issue is mentioned again for the rest of the day. Jungkook spends the evening in his hotel room with his 5th cup of coffee and his eyes glued to his laptop screen until you message at 10PM that you’re off to bed. 
He thinks back to what his brother had said and how love, at times like this, can be expressed in different ways. He picks up the phone and makes a call.
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Jungkook used to like drawing flowers. You didn’t buy into the tough and reckless guy act when you were younger since you knew about the kid who drew carnations and peonies and freesias during class. You remember receiving a card from an unnamed sender one time, and then crying when you lost it a year later. 
Ever since you got married, he’s gone past the secret drawings to giving you actual flowers whenever he can. He knows you like them fresh to be placed in your hand painted vases around your apartment, and he’s told you several times that he likes seeing your smile whenever you receive them. 
You wish he could see the one you have on right now, as you gaze at the bouquet of peonies and irises that just got delivered to your apartment that Thursday morning. There’s no dedication on it, and you take it as Jungkook not knowing what to say but wanting to tell you that he loves you, or that he misses you, or that he can’t wait to come home. You hope it’s all of those things.
You send him a photo of them placed in a vase on your bedside table with a message of thanks. 
They’re pretty. I’m glad you like them, he replies. We have a full day of risk assessment planning and stuff. I’ll call you when I can.
Your smile only drops a little at the latter part of the text, but you can’t really complain. He’s been managing his team from home the past week because of you and now, he needs to focus on them completely. And given how you both left the conversation from the other night unfinished, you suppose that he’s not ready to deal with the tension again, so you let it go.
Minhyuk’s coming over for lunch then he’ll take me to work, you message back. And I’ll have dinner with the girls. Will also go to Soyeon’s place tomorrow to hang out with the twins.
You want to let him know that you won’t be alone for the next 2 days in case he’s wondering. You think he doesn’t want to nag but you want to relieve him of that worry, so you update him first. 
Okay, good. You take care, he responds, sounding serious and unfamiliar. You’d figured that he’s like that when he doesn’t know what to say, especially as he fails to call that day and instead settles with an apology for their extended meeting. 
The next morning, you receive a pastry and dessert spread in time for breakfast - mini croissants, egg custards, macarons, eclairs, and chocolate-coated strawberries. 
Something to keep you company while I’m away, the card reads. 
He’s always spoiled you with flowers and desserts, and they’re most special when they’re a surprise and when you’re missing him like this. You feel a mix of emotions as you eat them - you’re happy that he’s telling you he loves you by giving you the things you love, but you also can’t help but think that he’s doing so because he can’t say it, something you’re not used to because he says it everyday and every chance he gets. 
It’s how love is in a relationship like this, you think - there’s no one way to feel it, there’s no one way to show it. But one way isn’t better than the rest; sometimes we just do and say what we can. 
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“So, flowers and desserts, huh?” Junghyun asks from next to Jungkook in the car. “Is that like drawing a bath or preparing a snack box?” 
“She told you?” 
“Yeah, to tell me that they made her week,” Junghyun smiles. “Which means… you haven’t called her yet.”
“Work’s driving me nuts and Father won’t get off my ass,” Jungkook reasons. “I’m irritable and I don’t want to unload on her.”
“That all?” The old man arches an eyebrow.
There’s a beat of silence before Jungkook responds. “I’m being petty. If she thinks that work is the most important thing for me, then my focus will be on that.”
“Seriously, Kook?” Junghyun scoffs. “Of course that’s not what she thinks. And right, real petty of you. So many times before when Father’s on our ass, you wouldn’t shut up about wanting to go home to your wife because being next to her makes you forget about all your problems.”
“Yeah, and I still stand by that,” Jungkook replies, his eyes going soft at the idea of being in your arms. His heart aches at the thought, though, because he can’t seem to get over his own reasons for being upset with you even if all that he wants to do is hold and kiss you. “But I just feel like I haven’t gotten over what happened. I mean, I’m sort of over the fear. She updates me everyday about how she’s feeling and that appeases me because then I know she’s open about it, even if I know it’s partly out of guilt. The rest… I don’t know, I’ve been sort of avoiding processing them.”
“Okay, so there are a lot of thoughts and feelings,” Junghyun responds, knowing that the hour-long trip to one of the work sites this Friday afternoon is enough to help his younger brother make sense of things. “So then let's go through each one. What exactly made you so upset that first time?”
“I guess it was just the thought that I wouldn’t put her first - that she’d keep things from me so I won’t worry, even if it’s at her expense. And that she wouldn’t put me first - that much as she’s who I run to for everything, it’s not the same with her. I think those hurt the most.”
Junghyun rests on the idea. Being the one person who knows you both so well, he can’t disagree more. 
“But you think of it differently. You approach things differently, Kook,” he starts.” That’s how she shows her love - trying to make things easy for you in whatever way, and then that’s how you show your love - running to her, giving her all your attention. They’re different but it doesn’t mean they’re wrong, it just means that there are other ways to love people, that there are ways we put people first. That’s yours, and that’s hers.”
Jungkook’s face relaxes and a small pout forms on his face, so Junghyun continues. 
“Don’t you see? Loving each other means you get to show each other that. That maybe, the instances where she brushes things off is her way of saying that she puts your comfort and peace of mind first, and the way you tell her every little thing is your way of showing that you want her involved in every little thing about your day. And both are totally fine, you just have to talk about it. And I know this has been incredibly hard for you but trust me - once you’ve talked about it, things will feel lighter. They’ll only get better from here.”
“But I can’t let her just brush things off if it’s about her health,” Jungkook counters. “You know that. I can’t let her think that it’s okay because it isn’t.”
“I know, and I think she’s realized that. I understand the frustration when it comes to her. Trust me, I’ve seen it,” the older man responds. “But that’s what you get from someone who’s wanted to stay out of the spotlight her whole life because she’d seen the challenges people went through for her, just to make sure she’s safe. She’s not a burden, we know that. But you get to show her that; that worrying about her doesn’t mean she’s a burden, that any difficulty on her end isn’t a burden. That any time she expresses what she feels isn’t a burden. Listen to her. If she says she’s fine, show her that you believe her. Show her that she can be honest without the consequences.”
Like a loose screw that’s finally been fixed, it all makes sense to Jungkook. Maybe it’s after yesterday’s conversation and the time he took for a bath last night that allowed him to think. Maybe it was imagining your smile in receiving the flowers and desserts and wanting so badly to see it. Or maybe it’s because it’s his brother, and Junghyun is the only person who knows you as well as he knows Jungkook, and that makes all the difference.
“You know her so well, don’t you?” Jungkook says now with a small smile, feeling much lighter than he did minutes ago. “I… I know there’s still a lot to learn about her and about me in relation to her. I guess I never really looked at it that way.”
“You were the rowdy kid who was always so hard to control, and it was easy to notice her discomfort around people while you had all the attention,” Junghyun chuckles. “I just learned to not panic when she’d talk to me, to not act like I know better, to not speak over what she’s feeling or what she thinks she needs. I never thought it was my place - I’m not her brother nor her best friend - and then I realized that’s exactly the person she needed me to be. She’s so much more than her sickness, you know that. So don’t let it be the thing that keeps you both apart.”
“I won’t,” Jungkook huffs. “Fuck it, I won’t.”
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“Did the kids tire you?” Soyeon asks as she drives off from their place to drop you off at yours. “Sorry, I just needed someone to hang with them while I had my meeting. I hope it was okay.”
“Are you kidding me? I love spending time with the twins and see just how much they take after you,” you state. “I mean, we played house and I was the babysitter while Sunghoon was the gardener and Soojin was ‘working from home’ while talking to her ‘husband who’s on a business trip’ over the phone like… she was calling him sweetheart and stuff and it was so adorable but also kinda scary. I wouldn’t wanna cross that child. She’s feisty.”
“Yeah, Min-jun said to soften a little bit in front of them but I said that was his job,” your sister responds. “But they love me, said they wouldn’t change anything about me. They’re sweet, those rascals.”
“I think it has a lot to do with seeing Min-jun take all of you in and love you the way he does. It’s beautiful to see,” you smile. “But uh, does Soojin really have a husband who’s on a business trip or is she just copying that line from you?”
“Ah, her brother said she has a crush on this kid who’s on a vacation abroad and that was just her pretending. You know, normal kid stuff,” Soyeon laughs. 
“How is that normal? Were we play-pretending or have husbands at that age?” You exclaim.
“Yeah, we did. I mean, didn’t our parents drill into our minds that we had to have a family when we got older?” She rolls her eyes playfully. “It was just how our world always worked. I know I pretended Joon-ki was mine and you pretended yours was Jungkook. That was so cute.”
“What?!” You exclaim at what is clearly news to you. “I’ve never heard this story.”
“I just remembered it! You were around the twins’ age and we were playing house in the garden. We told you to call your husband and you whisper-yelled ‘Kookie,’” she narrates, her eyes growing with affection at the memory. “Oh my god, it's so clear to me again. That was the cutest thing! I asked Junghyun if Kook was minding you already and being sweet and he said no, but that he saw his brother drawing some flowers and then you told Junghyun that someone left you a drawing of flowers under your desk. He told us and we all got so giddy.”
Junghyun was the only person you told about that, and you didn’t know he shared it with anyone else. In the minds of pre-teens, which he and your sister and brother were then, perhaps it was something worth gushing over. In your innocent mind, you thought it was sweet, even if little Jungkook barely spoke to you during those times. You remember the older Jeon telling you that his little brother is like that - even if at times he seems aloof or distant, there’s a caring and sweet boy underneath, and it was something that always stuck with you.
Perhaps he never outgrew that side of him. Even if you broke his heart by keeping things from him - like when 4-year old you didn’t want to play in the playground - he’s still that same boy who’d send you flowers despite not wanting to talk to you. A small smile forms on your face at the thought. 
You and your sister spend the rest of the car ride talking about the games you played and growing up with the Jeons until you reach your place. You bid her goodbye and head straight to the bathroom, choosing a fresh scent for your bath to remind you of Jungkook. 
It’s 9PM by the time you get to bed, wanting nothing more than to fall asleep immediately so you could wake up to Saturday, and that means finally having your husband back. 
Recalling your growing up years gave you that warm feeling, especially as you thought back to how you and Jungkook just always circled around each other but never close enough to be anything more than childhood friends. There was always something special though, and now you’re both here, married and as in love as any 2 people can get. Even if that means spending days apart and not getting to hear his voice.
Right on cue, your phone rings and your heart leaps when his face shows up on your screen. He hasn’t called in days; Junghyun has said enough of all the meetings and troubleshooting that their father has been making them do, and it’s been hard to focus on anything else. He’s always been more graceful under pressure though, so he’s where you get your news about your husband from. 
But Jungkook video calling you is more than enough now. He’s still in his work attire with the hotel room in the background, so you think he just got back from dinner. His eyes look tired, and you can tell all he wants is to lay in bed and sleep.
Seeing him somehow hits you more than you imagined. There’s this incredible amount of love you feel for this man that you can’t even properly verbalize. Brush strokes and drawings don’t even seem to be enough sometimes, which is how you prefer to express things to him. 
At these moments when you’re overwhelmed with what you feel, whether it’s adoration or apology, you just want to hold him, feel him against your skin and trace his body with your fingers and hands and everything else. You want to map out his entirety with your lips. You want to look in his eyes so he can see the things you can’t say. 
You miss him so much you can cry. And you almost do. 
You adjust yourself on the bed so you can wipe away your lone tear. “Hey, honey. How are you?” You greet.
“Hey. Just came from another dinner meeting,” he replies. “Sorry I got to call just now. Going to bed already?
“No worries, Kook,” you smile. “And yeah. I want to sleep right away so I can wake up to you here tomorrow. Needy wife things,” you joke. “What time do you get back?”
“Oh, we have that investor’s meeting in the morning so probably around after lunch?” He replies, not missing the way your face falls a little. 
“Alright. I’ll keep myself busy in the morning, then.”
You nibble your lips to keep yourself from crying. The thought of waiting for more than 12 more hours before seeing him is making your heart ache, but you know it’s better than another day away. You just have to be patient, you think to yourself. Then you’ll apologize for whatever else you need to apologize for and resolve whatever else is keeping you both from going back to how things were before. You want him so badly, but all you do is hug the pillow - his pillow - tightly and imagine it’s him. 
“Okay,” he says softly. He lingers, as he just looks at you without saying anything else. “Now get some rest.”
“Okay,” you whisper back, savoring the way he looks. It’s as if time is suspended and you’re just gazing at each other.
He speaks first. “Goodnight, babe. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight,” you answer, your voice getting stuck in your throat. You hope he doesn’t notice how close you are to losing it. 
You drop the call and let yourself cry on his pillow, his scent filling the space and giving you the comfort that you need. He’ll be home, you remind yourself. He’ll be home soon.
At a 23rd floor hotel room in Busan, Jungkook stares at his Home Screen photo of you. He’d seen you nibble your lips and dig your face on the pillow. You were close to crying again and he didn’t want to ask what happened, knowing that it might just prompt you to actually cry and he wouldn’t be there to comfort you.
But then again, you’re probably crying now and he still isn’t there. This is what hurts him more - knowing that you’re all alone when you’re letting yourself go. 
He doesn’t want another night of this - of you alone, of him holding back and missing you so badly. And like that string that constantly tugs on his heart to do something, he follows.
Jungkook calls his brother. “Move tomorrow’s meeting to lunch. I’m driving home tonight.”
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The drive back to Seoul on a Friday night isn’t the best for someone who’s rushing to get home to his wife, but Jungkook still tries his best by speeding when he can and taking all the shortcuts he knows. It’s almost 1AM by the time he arrives, and he takes a deep breath as he opens the front door, knowing that he has to be as quiet as possible so as not to scare you, even if he wants to run up to your bedroom and kiss you crazy.
This whole week has been such a roller coaster of emotions for him, and from his brother’s words, to the call with you earlier, and all the moments in between, he’s left at the top - full of love and affection for you and he just wants to be able to tell you, show you.
Junghyun didn’t ask any more questions after the call; he just knew, and it’s the kind of support that Jungkook is grateful for.
He tiptoes up the stairs and turns on his bedside lamp, spotting the flowers that he sent the other day on your night table. You’re lying comfortably, sleeping soundly, wearing one of his loose university shirts. You’re on your side, your leg and arm around his pillow, and he smiles to himself; that’s how he sleeps when you’re away, too. 
He whispers your name. “Hey, babe. I’m here. I came home early. Can you wake up for me?”
He repeats the words a few more times before your eyes slowly open. 
You blink repeatedly as if to make sense of what you’re seeing, and when Jungkook says hey and shows you that smile you’ve missed so much, you realize it’s real. He’s real, and he’s home.
“Kook?” You ask, sitting up, taking in the work attire you just saw on the screen hours ago. “What are you doing here? You… you have a meeting in the morning.”
“I know,” he replies, sitting on the bed to face you. “I had it moved to lunch so I can drive home tonight. So I can be with you.”
“Why?” You croak. 
Your eyes are swollen, crusty. “Because I didn’t want you to cry alone.”
You’re caught off guard but you try to lie, even if you know he won’t buy it. “I… I didn’t.”
“Are you sure?”
You turn away and that’s when a tear falls, one of many that you shed this whole week, and you’re not even a crier.
But Jungkook catches it, wipes it with his thumb and then cups your cheek as he moves closer to you. 
“I hate it when you cry,” he says, “even more when it’s because of me, and especially when I’m not around to hold you.”
You close your eyes and savor his touch. “I hate crying, too,” you whisper. “Please, Kook, please just hold me.”
“Baby, come here.”
He pulls you by your waist and onto his lap, and with his strength, he shifts to lean against the headboard so he can hug you even tighter. You find refuge in his neck and you take him in - his scent, his warmth, and the way his body fits so perfectly against yours. They’re what keep you from crying even harder, and both of you just sit there for a while, savoring being in each other’s arms again.
You finally pull away, wanting to see his face. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you, too, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not calling, for the things I said, for being—”
“None of that, Kook,” you interject. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who does.”
“We both do,” he says. “We won’t be able to move on if you think it’s all on you. And I’m not perfect either. But it’s never just on one person. We share the burden, right? We share the responsibility, so that’s what we’ll do. I apologize and you let me, you apologize and I’ll let you. Deal?”
You sit next to him on the bed with his arm still around your waist. You look at him as his free hand traces patterns on your bare thighs. 
“I’m sorry for the things I said and how I said them,” he starts. “I’m sorry for not listening to you and not trusting that you’d tell me the truth. I’m sorry for being distant. I just didn’t know what to say. I had these mixed emotions, you know? I love you so much but I was so upset and I couldn’t seem to get over it. Hyung told me that it’s normal, and I guess I’m new to this, you know? Obviously being married but also…” he trails, intertwining his fingers with yours now. “Just loving someone. I’ve never done it with anyone; I’ve never truly loved anyone before you. I always copped out when it got hard and tense, so I’m sorry for letting all that affect me, for letting it affect us.”
“Okay, Kook,” you reply, your eyes softening at his words. You kiss his hand before you speak. 
“And I’m sorry for keeping things from you, for not trusting you enough that you’d put me first,” you say. “It’s just my default state, I guess, but you’re my husband and these are things that I should be most honest with you about because my sickness doesn’t just affect me, it affects you, too. I’m sorry, for sometimes not being more forward about how I feel, for letting things just fall away because I don’t like confrontations. Those things scare me but I need to be braver, more honest, more trusting.”
“Okay,” he says this time, kissing your hand as well. “I also want to apologize for what I said, about us having kids. I didn’t mean for you to take it that you’re not ready because we haven’t gotten our communication skills all figured out yet. I don’t ever want you to think that you’re not ready because of that, because of what I said. Do you still feel that way?”
“No,” you shake your head. “It was a bandaid idea, I guess, agreeing with what you said just because I believed it would help us. I thought about it more and no, I don’t mean what I said.”
“Good,” he smiles, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear and cupping your cheek. “Can we do that every time? Not dismiss what we want to apologize for and then talk about things openly? With trust and love?”
You nod, savoring the feel of him again. “And then we can kiss and make up?” 
“Of course,” he smirks. “That’s the next order of business.”
He pulls you closer, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, hot and heavy, turning needy in seconds. You both sigh into it at the same time, definitely missing each other’s tastes, having been without it for days. Your tongues fight for dominance and he wins, digging deep into you before exploring further and nibbling your lips as he enjoys the playful yet desperate way you both take each other in. 
It’s your turn to dominate after, pulling on the long strands of hair that frame his face, as if you want him closer than he’s physically able. You climb back on his lap, wanting nothing more than to eliminate the clothing in between. You hold onto kissing him for longer, even as you slow down once you start to lose breath, and he nudges your nose to get your attention.
“Hmm, needy wife things indeed,” he teases. 
You sit up and pout. “You didn’t mind me for days. I think I deserve to be needy.”
“Baby, you don’t need a reason to be. You know I like it when you are, it makes me hard.”
You snort, shifting a bit to feel that he is, indeed, semi-hard.
“So, then is making love to your needy wife the next order of business?”
“It is, but…” he says, making you pout again, and Jungkook has to restrain himself from taking you right then and there. He knows that just like him, you want to express things through your bodies, and he wants it to be perfect. “I’ve been out all day and I smell like yakiniku because that’s what we had for dinner.”
“You smell perfect,” you shake your head, already unbuttoning his top, slowly revealing his toned chest and immediately kissing it.
“Thanks for the ego boost, babe, but seriously. I need a bath so I can be all clean and take you until we fall asleep. I’ll be quick, I promise.”
“Fine,” you sigh, facing him then getting off his lap. You know he’s right, though. His stamina would let you go on all night until you both fall asleep, and you know he likes his bath. It’s a good thing he looks best after it.
He chuckles as he gets off the bed, smirking when he sees you bite your lips the moment he undoes the rest of his buttons and removes his polo. With his messy long hair, tattooed arm, and bare torso against his black slacks, Jungkook looks like the perfect husband. 
“Don’t miss me too much,” he teases, stealing another kiss before running to the bathroom.
You laugh at his antics, and much as you want him right now, you also welcome the bit of time you have to process what happened, to take everything in, and let go of all your worries.
He came home, drove 4 hours from Busan to get to you so you wouldn’t be alone, so he could apologize, so you don’t have to wait until tomorrow to see him. The way he loves you is so sure, contrary to what he may think. The way he loves you is the only way you want to be loved. 
You hear the shower turn off and you call out to him. “Kook, are you done?”
“Coming!” He yells, and you feel like a giggly love struck girl as you lie on the bed. 
He exits the bathroom and stands before the bed, wet hair pushed back with droplets of water still hanging on his body. He’s completely naked, and you squeeze your thighs at the heavenly sight.
“Why is this still on?” He asks as he hovers over you and tugs your - his - shirt. 
“So you can take it off,” you smirk, and the way the playfulness in Jungkook’s eyes turns to pure desire is hypnotic. 
His hands start on your lower legs, his fingers ghosting over the skin before he reaches the hem of your top. He grips it then pulls it over your head, taking in the sight of you bare underneath him. His eyes map your body, and you feel the shiver as they do. His effect on you is immediate, something that he feels himself once his thigh slots in between your legs and you can’t help but jerk and rub against him.
“Wet already?” He smirks.
You nod in response. “It’s been a while.”
“I know. There’s a lot of stored energy now.”
You gush over his teasing. Typical of him, including sounding like it’s a threat. 
His hand moves to your cheek, cupping it before his thumb traces your lower lip, teasing you even more. 
You slowly lick the tip before taking his digit in your mouth, sucking like you know he wants you to, and you can’t help but moan at the act. 
“Fuck, baby,” he growls. 
He retrieves his wet thumb and then uses it to trace circles on your pert nipple. You close your eyes as you feel the tension slowly build, and you can’t wait for what’s to come.
Liking your reaction, he hums, then goes ahead to attack your neck, nibbling and licking as he wishes. He knows just how to work your sensitive spot there, causing you to grind harder against his thigh. You feel it tighten, bracing itself for your beating.
Jungkook moves to your shoulder, softly kissing the skin there, and then trailing down your chest. He gazes at the tiger lily tattoo in the middle like he always does, humming once he makes it to your free breast. With his fingers on one and his mouth on the other, you feel like you could explode any minute. Once your grinding gets erratic, he slows down.
“Wait, baby. You can’t do strenuous activities, right? Is sex considered strenuous?” He furrows his brows. 
“Well, that depends on the sex. I have the stamina of a normal person, I don’t know about you,” you chuckle. 
“I’ll go slow, then.”
“Or… you can go however you like and I’ll tell you when it’s too much,” you counter. “Trust me?”
“Trust you,” he smiles, shifting his body now as he continues to kiss down your torso. 
He feels the shivers on your skin and the way you’re panting, and he’s barely even done anything. The wet patch on your silk undies makes him hum in satisfaction, and much as he wants to tease you further, he also can’t wait himself - to taste you, to feel all of you. 
Jungkook slowly removes your last piece of clothing. You meet his eyes the moment he licks a strip on your cunt, and you see that familiar look of lust and adoration. 
He repeats his movement with a bit of variation each time - swirling on your bud, sucking, licking the lips, teasing your hole. You slowly get lost in the feel of his tongue on your skin, and you know you want more.
“Inside me please, Kook,” you pant, eyes closed as he now licks the back of your thighs while he thumbs your aching clit. “Want you so much.”
He removes himself from your pussy, facing you now with his slick-stained mouth and chin. He makes a show of wiping your essence off his face then licking his fingers. “Don’t want to waste it,” he always says. 
Taking your cheek in his hand, he kisses you again. There’s this fervent way he does it, like he gets completely lost when his mouth is on yours. It’s messy and needy but loving just the same. 
You feel his incredibly hard dick against your tummy, and you whisper once more. “Please.”
He removes himself from you and gets on his knees. He spreads out your thighs, presenting him with a view that sends shockwaves through him once more. You’re glimmering and throbbing, and he can only hope he doesn’t go too hard and hurt you in the process.
Lifting your ass a little, Jungkook puts a pillow underneath and finds the perfect angle with you elevated like this. With your legs bent on the side, he slowly makes his way in. You both watch in a daze as his cock slides perfectly inside your cunt, disappearing before he pulls back and pushes against you once more. 
You feel him so deep within you, and with this angle, he’s hitting the exact spot you want him to. But as you look up at him, you see the view that makes you go absolutely feral. 
His damp hair has slightly curled. It gets to his face so he combs it back. With his head tilted, you see the sight of his gorgeous neck, down to his chest and his pert nipples that you can’t wait to nibble on. Your eyes move to the line in the middle of his torso, his abs taut and so pronounced; the way his hips move shows his v-line in action, and you moan when he pushes deeper after he sees where you’re focused on.
“Like that, baby?” He smirks.
“Yes. Keep going, please.”
He follows, gripping your thighs tighter to secure your body as he pushes with more fervor this time. He tilts his head back again and bites his lower lip, clearly liking the feel of you as he mouths curses every time. 
The tattoos decorating his one arm is beautiful. The colors pop out and they come to life when he moves. It’s contrasted by his other arm - fair, smooth, dotted by beauty marks. The lines that form when he flexes makes you lose it even more, and with his rough hands spreading you apart and his moans of how tight and perfect you are, the tension slowly builds until you’re reaching your peak.
“Close, Kook. I’m close.”
He heeds your call and knows exactly what to do. He removes the pillow and lays you flat on your back, your legs now flushed against your chest as Jungkook comes closer. His mouth meets yours once again as he thrusts even harder, deeper inside of you. You moan into the kiss and you’re hypnotized. There are tears in your eyes as you take all of him in, even more when his lips move to your neck, and he licks and kisses your sensitive spot that has you keening. 
You rarely curse but the words echo in your head. It’s filled with him and his touch and his moans and you feel that familiar coil in your belly. You’re so close, and when your mouth opens with no sound coming out, Jungkook knows it, too. So he drags himself inside you, letting you feel all of it. 
“You’re so good for me, baby. Fuck, you’re so good,” he groans. “Keep taking it, yeah?”
You moan your yes but you don’t know if any sound comes out.
Jungkook feels you tighten around his cock, so he lifts himself a little so he could fondle your breast, knowing it gets you even more going. You feel the sensation intensify, and with his movements combined, you let out a scream that accompanies your release. 
It’s so good, and it feels like it’s not ending. You feel yourself get wetter and wetter, and the journey after the high feels slower. 
“Kook, honey. Come for me, please,” you heave. “I want to feel your cum inside me. I want that, baby.”
Jungkook goes feral at your words, as you plead for him to empty himself inside you. So he thrusts even harder, faster, losing his rhythm as he just follows what his body wants. He’s reaching even deeper, and you pull on his hair to get him to come closer.
You know what gets him going, so you make sure your voice reaches his ears. 
“You fuck me so well, baby,” you pant, knowing that the rare times you’re vulgar turns him on even more. “You feel so good inside me, so hard and so good. You’re mine, baby. And I’m yours.”
“Fuuuuck, baby. Fuck, you sound so good,” he whines. “Fuck, I’m so close.”
“Just keep going, I can take it. I can take all of you,” you moan again. “I want all of you, want to feel your hot cum inside me.”
His thrusts are sloppy, and you feel his body quivering as he nears his peak. You lick his mouth before whispering, “I love you, Kook. I love you so much.” Then you kiss him, let your tongue explore inside him, and it’s when he tightens his hold on your body that you know he’s reached it.
You feel the spurts of his essence inside you, hot and thick as he keeps going. He slows down his thrusts as he comes down, breathing heavily.
“I love you,” he whispers, meeting your eyes. There’s all the love and adoration and care that you’ve missed. 
“Say it again, please,” you whisper back.
“I love you.”
“I love you. So much.”
You hold his gaze before you ask for the last time. “Again.”
He searches your eyes briefly before he answers once more, slowly this time. “I love you.”
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You find yourself in Jungkook’s arms once again. He’d just cleaned you up and he pulled you close to him right after lying back in bed. For the past weeks of barely kissing you, he’s making up for it now, as he pecks your lips every few seconds, as if he wants to fall asleep doing exactly that. 
He cradles your face in his hand, his thumb caressing your cheek and you, smiling as you savor his touch. 
You’re so beautiful like this, he thinks to himself, when there’s just love and adoration in your eyes. He doesn’t think he fully deserves it after the way he’s treated you, but honesty and forgiveness are so powerful, he’s realized now. It’s how you got to face each other again; it’s how you got to bare yourselves once more and show how much you love each other way more than words. 
But the way you told him to say he loves you sticks with him. So he asks. 
“Did what happened make you doubt how much I love you?” He whispers. “Did I do that?”
“No, Kook,” you smile. “I just wanted to hear it. It’s been a while.”
“I’m sorry,” he pouts. “I wasn’t sure I could say it wholeheartedly when I was still upset.”
“It’s okay,” you assure him. 
“No, it’s not. That’s when you need to hear it the most,” he says dejectedly. “When we aren’t in a good place, that’s when I need to tell you. That even if I’m upset and hurt, I still love you. Because I do. I know that now. And I’m sorry.”
“Okay,” you say softly. “We have to learn how to talk and say what we feel, ask space respectfully if we want it. And assure each other all the time.”
“We will,” he hums. “I… I don’t ever want to make you feel like I don’t want you. I’m so sorry for that, baby. I promise you, I won’t do that ever again.”
You nod, falling short of words. So you kiss him deeply to let him know that it’s okay, that you forgive him, and that you’ll both be alright again.
It’s a kiss that says so much more, and Jungkook knows this. He returns it just as passionately, until the moans come and both your hands travel to places, mapping out each other’s bodies once more. Your lips draw patterns on his chest, on his torso, leaving marks all over his neck. 
Jungkook takes you again, much gentler this time, with nothing but soft moans and your heaving breaths echoing in your moonlit bedroom. You both keep your eyes open as you meet each other’s thrusts. You hope he sees in your eyes all the adoration and forgiveness and promises that you see in his. 
Jungkook’s eyes are the prettiest you’ve ever seen. 
And everyday you thank the universe that it allowed you to live long enough to see them gaze at you with so much love. 
“Baby,” he calls out after settling down from both your highs. “I know you’re tired but… would you like to go to Busan with me tomorrow? It’s a long drive for a lunch meeting and I want to be with you as much as possible.”
“That sounds nice, honey,” you perk up. “I think lunch by the beach is what I need. I’ve missed the ocean so much.”
“Okay, then. We need to leave early, though. Let’s pass by your favorite cafe for take out breakfast,” he smiles.
“Okay,” you say, kissing him. “Goodnight, Kook.”
“Goodnight, baby. I love you.”
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Busan at this time of the year is beautiful. There’s something about the cold air and chilly breeze from the ocean that oddly makes it feel warmer for you. It reminds you a lot about growing up - hanging by the beach while you watch the other kids play, smelling the flowers that you see, drinking warm drinks while the seagulls call out to each other. 
You rarely come home but when you do, it’s nostalgic, especially as you recall a little Kookie running around, restless and always looking for something to do. 
You lean against Jungkook’s chest as he sits behind you, watching the mid-afternoon sun over the water. You walked here after he dropped you off at a nearby cafe, and you’ve been glued to your book since then. Your husband had just finished his meeting and he came here right away.
“I missed home,” you say, closing your eyes to savor the surroundings. “Everything almost looks the same but we’ve changed. It’s nice to be back here.”
Jungkook hums and gets lost in his thoughts. He remembers growing up and running around the beaches, playing all the water sports he can, getting lost in the side streets, and rollerblading through the alleys. 
He remembers avoiding you, although he admits the few times that he tried to get your attention secretly, quietly. It was weird then, he thinks now. You broke his heart at 4 years old when you rejected his offer to play at the playground and he thought of stopping trying to be your friend. He succeeded most of the time, but a small part of him still wanted you around somehow; a part of him wanted your attention, wanted you to know what he was doing, what he was good at - whether it’s drawing, playing soccer, or making friends. 
It’s funny to think that over a decade after moving away, he’s back here as your husband. And you’re right. Not much has changed but both of you have. It’d be nice to revisit all those places of your childhood. You did mention wanting to create new memories, after all.
“We should spend a week here, then. What do you think?” He says. “I’ll negotiate with Father. Maybe spend a day or a half at the office, get some work done from home while you’re painting or something, but we can visit our grandparents, our school, the places we used to go to. What do you think?”
“Ah, I like that, Kook,” you turn to him with a smile. “Let’s come back here and make new memories.”
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist:@sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @preciouschimine @gukssunshine @nch327 @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @main-bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader​ @petalsofink
Series Taglist: @apolluke​​ @koremis​​ @daydreambrliever​​ @moonchild1​ @loolylily​​ @topanga27​ @ppeachyttae​​ @bbtsficrecs​​ @lilyflowerguk​​ @drumsofheaven​​ @mrcleanheichou​ @princessswan​
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headkiss · 2 years
hi anna! could you do this prompt from this list with eddie? could be at school, fighting monsters, his trailer park — whatever you want!
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
hiii idk if this is exactly what u wanted (aka there’s like no angst at all it’s really just fluff) but i hope u enjoy!!! | 0.6k words 
You were on your way to Eddie’s trailer, sat in the passenger seat of his van listening to his music and you’ve heard it enough that you're able to sing along to some parts with him.
Though, sometimes you prefer to stay quiet, just to hear his voice.
You’ve been dating for a couple of weeks and it’s been a dream. He’s eccentric and teasing, caring and has a soft side that he only shows around you. He’s the sun, the moon, and the stars, all wrapped up in one.
He plays air guitar during the songs, and he does it accurately because he actually plays guitar. It makes you laugh nonetheless, and he knows it. That’s why he turns his performance up as much as he can while still driving: to hear you laugh. Melodic and airy.
When he pulls up to the trailer and parks, you’re excited to go inside. Though you’ve seen it before, you’ve never stayed over and that was the plan for tonight. Movies, snacks, kisses, and cuddling to sleep.
There are some kids from the trailer park playing soccer nearby, kicking and laughing. The sun is in the sky and it makes the fall feel warmer. The colors of the leaves brighter than when it’s dreary. There’s a breeze and it’s one that makes your skin cold to the touch, hands kept warm by your coat pockets, and sometimes Eddie’s, too.
He gets out of the van, rounds the front to open your door and let you out like he always does. He likes to make it dramatic, to bow as if you’re royalty. In his mind, you sort of are.
Though, when neither of you are looking, something hits your head. The soccer ball that the kids were using. It wasn’t the hardest hit ever, not enough to cause actual damage, but enough to knock you out for a minute. Eddie catches you easily, his arms locked tight around you to keep you upright.
One of the players comes for the ball, apologizes for making you faint, and runs back to his friends.
Eddie’s too focused on you and making sure you’re alright. He knows it’s nothing fatal, he also knows you’re prone to fainting, but he worries all the same. He checks your pulse before cradling the back of your head in one of his hands, hoping you’ll come back to him soon.
You do, not even a full two minutes later.
“Ow,” you groan, eyes shut.
“Yeah, I know. You okay?” He makes sure you’re able to stand before moving both of his hands to hold your face.
“Yeah. Thanks for catching me.”
“Well, you fainted straight into my arms,” he states. “You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“Eddie,” his name comes out in a huffy laugh, slapping his shoulder lightly in jest. The laughing hurts your head, though and he can see it when you wince a little, “ouch.”
“Poor baby,” he frowns at you, then kisses your forehead. “Let’s go put some ice on that pretty head, huh? Let doctor Eddie take care of you.”
He does exactly that, leading you inside and making sure you lay down in his bed, where he promises to join you shortly. He brings you an ice pack, a glass of water, and most importantly, comfort.
He holds you, your head on his chest and legs tangled, and tells you, “it’s been proven that cuddles from a Munson take away pain.”
And right there, in his messy but charming room, under his blankets with his hand running up and down your back, you believe it.
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holocene-sims · 4 months
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next // previous
august 16, 2021 11:00 p.m. grandma ong's house
there’s a strangeness to a quiet enclave in a bustling metropolis, unexpected in the same manner as grant and henry’s long, unbroken brotherhood. nothing about the baseline rustle of neighbors carrying in paper grocery sacks and kids kicking a soccer ball resembles the eternal merry-go-round of life–max-capacity subway cars, clueless and loud tourists, and locals who drift through their day–just down the road. and yet above this neighborhood–and the entire sprawling city–hangs a common thread, a bluish hazy night sky.
“that was wild,” henry says, suppressed laughter bursting forth from deep in his chest, “all day everyone’s defaulted to speaking english because, well, look at you, and you even had me fooled. i actually forgot you kind of speak basic korean."
“the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.”
henry rolls his eyes dramatically but in the same split second, throws an arm around grant’s shoulders.
“i was afraid that soup was going to fly out of your mouth.” grant returns the gesture, though it requires him to lean down so as to not smother henry’s face instead. “too close for comfort.”
“well, in my defense, i was not expecting you to reply to my grandma asking me, “daehyun, i haven’t seen your friend since your wedding. how did you meet again?”
grant shrugs. “we met on a playground twenty-four years ago.”
“on my very first weekend as a resident of the semi-good ol’ US of A. in the opposite situation. i remember being so pissed that my parents made me go out to ‘make friends’ that weekend. not moving, mind you, but making friends. i guess they were psychics, though, because apparently, it didn’t bother you that i didn’t speak your language for at least a couple weeks.”
“people say i could talk to a wall.”
henry laughs again. “you could. you’re very chatty.”
“did it bother you that i wrote you some really, really, really shitty letters in korean in the early days based on online translations i found?”
“no, that was sweet.” no question about it–the joy in henry’s eyes is determined. “they were definitely horrendous, but it’s the thought that counted. you could do better now. oh, and i think i still have all those letters. i should. i did box them up when i moved out of my parents’ house.”
they were, all things considered, never very much alike, beyond the fact they both liked cats but weren’t allowed to have any. henry’s mom was allergic, but grant’s parents despised pets. otherwise, they were polar opposites. grant always liked math and science, wanted to work with airplanes, and preferred to spend his free time with others playing tabletop RPGs and computer games; henry always liked art and history, wanted to be a photographer, and preferred to be left alone to his vintage film camera and pottery. grant’s parents raged when he selected aviation over medicine; henry’s parents and grandparents, all artists, were delighted by his dreams of photography. moreover, grant selectively speaks his mind, while henry rarely minces words.
and still–
the shrill honk of a car off in the distance disturbs grant’s thoughts.
“you really could talk to a wall, but hey, why did you approach me on the swing set that day? you were already busy hanging out with your sisters. and your cousins. why me?”
and still, the two have fused into one. the world turned upside down; grant paints these days, henry has long been a willing dungeons and dragons player, and separation from one another is like losing half your body. if henry walked away now–ended this messy half-hug early–grant would turn to ash.
“well,” grant begins, drawing out the suspense with an exaggerated sigh, “first of all...”
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
KWF Day 9: Rick Flag x F!Reader
Main Master List KWF Master List
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 808
Day 9: Stripping / Tossing and Turning / Game Day (sports)
“I can’t fucking believe he chose soccer.” Rick sulks in the driver seat as you look back to your 7 year old, game ready in his uniform and oblivious to his father’s irritation about the chosen sport. “I mean I was playing football at his age!”
“Now, now Richard, your father made you play football and you resented it. Didn’t you?”
Rick huffs but hangs his head in shame because you’re right, his father made him do many things, most of which he regrets doing. But still, “why soccer out of the rest? Why not baseball?”
You tug your teeth between your lips as you stifle a giggle at your husband’s antics because what the former Special Ops officer doesn’t know is that you managed to subconsciously point your son into the direction of soccer, whether that being by telling stories of soccer players like Messi or Ronaldo, or even sitting your son on your lap while you watched the world cup. Either way, Rick is none the wiser to your scheme. 
The closer the three of you get to the soccer field, the more you could feel the excitement bouncing off your seven year old, iPad and headphones long forgotten as he stares out the window with wide hazel eyes. “I hope we win!” You and Rick share a glance with each other before you look back at your son, a smile on your face. 
“I’m sure you will honey. I’m sure you will.”
“We’re here.”
Now Rick would never say it outloud, but he had always fantasized about getting up on Saturday mornings, getting his kids dressed for their games and spending the better part of a day outside in the fall weather. But the real deal far surpasses all his fantasies. 
“COME ON REF, THAT WAS A FOUL!” Rick jumps up from his lawn chair and screams at the top of his lungs, gathering the attention of everybody on and off the field.
“Rick, sit your ass down!” You yank his arm down as he scoffs and crosses his arms before looking at you.
“That was obviously offside!” You roll your eyes in amusement but bring his knuckles to your lips and press a gentle kiss to them causing him to blush underneath the brim of his baseball cap. 
“Rickie, they’re only 7 years old. Fouls aren’t really a thing. Besides, that’s not what offside means.”
“Well they should be.” You lightly punch his arm and turn your focus back to the game just in time for the opposing team to put the ball in the net. “Oh come on, that’s bullshit!” 
“Watch your language mister, there’s children present!” Some lady comments as the ref jogs over to you and Rick, causing you to sink further into the chair.
“Listen, sir, you need to watch your voice and calm down. This is a warning.” Rick nods his head and takes a seat back down as the game continues. 
“This is such bullshit, that team should’ve never gotten a goal.”
“Babe, it’s just a junior league game. It’s okay.”
“Sure it’s just a ‘junior league game’ but I want our son to win. I know I didn’t raise a loser.” You roll your eyes in response to his demeanor.
“Our kid would never be a loser. Winning/losing doesn’t matter, what matters is if he has fun.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Rick pouts, hazel eyes training on the field as he spots a mop of blonde hair supporting a blue jersey running with a ball between their feet. “Holy shit, look it’s our kid!”
You surge forward out of your seat and clutch onto Rick’s hand because yes, it is your son running toward the goal with the ball at his feet. “Go! Go! Go baby!”
“Come on, come on,” Rick utters underneath his breath before the ball goes into the net. “GOOOOOAAAAALLLLLL! THAT’S MY BOY!” Rick shoots up out of his chair as the rest of the team’s parents cheer in unison but your son tunes the rest out, only focused on his mom and dad cheering him on from the side lines.
“I can’t believe we won!” You son comments from the top of Rick’s broad shoulders, swinging his short legs as he holds onto his father via Rick’s ash blonde locks. 
“You did really well, kiddo. Knew you’d win.” 
“We’re very proud of you, honey. You did so well!” 
“I overheard some other parents say that daddy was being mean. Is that true?”
“Daddy just got a little excited,” Rick comments with a smirk as you roll your eyes. Never did you think Rick would be more into the game than you are but he still proves you wrong on the daily. “Because you won, how about you, mommy and I go get some ice cream? How does that sound?”
“Yayyy ice cream!” 
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid @himbovillain-anon @babblydrabbly @a-reader-and-a-writer @fairchildflag @infatuatedjanes @niki-xie
Joel Related Tag List: @aestheticallywinchester @loverhymeswith @xoxabs88xox @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o @witchygagirl @the1redrose @ratcatcher2world @green-socks @weallhaveadestiny @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992 @a-girl-who-loves-disney @knivesareout @bubblegloopswampwitch @waspswidows @burntghoost @mattymurdocksbitch @katjnordstrom96 @11thstreetvigilante @yespolkadotkitty @heresathreebee @madkovacs @wxr-zxne @wtfobiwan @alieninoklahoma @sociiallydiisoriiented @violetmuses
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neyxmessi · 1 year
Umm what was your first reaction when Leo joined PSG? How you felt when ney left Barca back then?
Btw i just love ur blog so much<3😩. After my hectic day, i feel so relaxed when I see neymessi photos and videos, their small interactions that u post everyday. I wonder how u manage to find such things. Lots of love 💕
Hey anon! I have to be honest… I was very late to joining the fandom. I never was into soccer/football as a kid! It was like the one sport my dad never really liked, and I could not kick a ball for my life so I had no interest in it. Of course I knew of Messi, Neymar, and Ronaldo though. I even distinctly remember at lunch some of the boys at my school debating on whether Messi or Neymar was better. Yes! Not Messi or Ronaldo. Messi or Neymar. So I literally thought they were rivals as a kid. 😭
I remember one day watching a stream where someone was debating whether Messi or Ronaldo was better, and I decided to decide for myself (I had always assumed Messi was the better player over the years but never really looked into him because I had no interest in soccer/football). I clicked on a YouTube compilation video that compared their skills, and literally Leo made me fall in love with the sport. Sure Ronaldo was good at scoring, but Leo had it all in my eyes. His dribbling was absolutely insane, and for about a week after that I was obsessed with him. At this time he was playing for PSG (which I was confused about because I had never heard of PSG before and knew for a fact he had played for Barcelona). Regardless, I decided I wanted to watch some games to see him play. Only problem was that they didn’t (and still don’t) stream Ligue 1 on regular cable television (which I thought they did bc I didn’t understand the different leagues in soccer and every other American sport is always on cable to watch). So then my obsession kinda fell off from there because I had no idea how to watch him play (now I do lol).
Then the WC comes around, and I swear I was talking to one of my friends about what my ideal “guy” would look like, and Neymar pops up on my fyp. And oh my goodness. He looked so good. And like I knew it was Neymar but also didn’t know it was Neymar? Like I feel like maybe I had remembered the version of him from like 2015 but at the time I couldn't even remember what I had thought he looked like, cause in this particular video he looked absolutely gorgeous LMFAO.
Anyways, after liking that one edit, 10,000 more edits of him pop up on my fyp and now I’m like obsessed with him. And then…. I see a neymessi edit pop up on my fyp. And I literally was like “Messi?? Literally my favorite player ever? Played with Neymar? My new celebrity crush?” And I essentially fell into the rabbit hole of them. So shout out to whoever made that Tik tok edit of them!! This account wouldn’t be possible without them lol!!
So I do my little deep dive, and I just figure that at some point they left the club and then managed to play in the same club again. But then when I found out Neymar left Barca first... for PSG. I was so mad I'm sorry LMAOOOO. I didn't really understand at first what would've prompted him to leave, and ofc the first stories I saw were that he left because he wanted to get out of Messi's shadow (or for the money). So my initial reaction was feeling a bit blindsided, simply because it had seemed like he was gonna stay with the club forever.
Anyways the whole situation bothered me for like a few days (not to a large extent, it just nagged in the back of my mind), but then I found out about the whole Messi photo situation and the reason why he left (or at least why I think he did) made more sense to me. I mean I still do think about the "what if he never left" part, but that's a little too taxing on my brain so I'm just trying to appreciate what I have now LOLLLLLL.
Anyways... that's my story! I am not an OG neymessi girlie unfortunately, but I am glad to be able to revive their old moments for other new people who are joining the fandom!!
So glad you appreciate my blog anon <3. Words like this mean the absolute world to me :)
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choco-lory · 2 years
New Pele who never reached his dream: Freddy Adu
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Back in 2003, nearly 20 years ago, soccer fans might be familiar with the name of Freddie Adu, an American wonderkid who signed his first professional contract at just 14 years old. He is on his  บาคาร่า  way to becoming a real star in football in the next few years.
Back then, if you were to ask yourself what Adu would look like on his 33rd anniversary, the answer might be something like: with the normal affairs of famous stars in general
He may be enjoying a downturn at one of the top clubs moving to the team. and is preparing to enter the field in the World Cup to the United States for success
Of course, you would never guess that. He hasn't played in any country's top game for over seven years.
One of the highlights of the career path of a young star player. It was his debut at a major national major tournament at the Under-17 World Cup in 2003, alongside stars such as David Silva, Joao Moutinho and John. Obi Mikel, two years later, featured in the FIFA World Youth Championship, where he faced Lionel Messi and Sergio Aguero.
By 2022, he doesn't have a bright career like many others who have emerged in the football industry of his age. And have to pack the bags to move to many countries, including Finland, Brazil, Turkey, including playing at various levels of football in their home country
Back in November 2003, Adu agreed a contract with the Major League Soccer club, which was news big enough to be on the cover of the New York Times at the time that it was a big deal. Although football in the country of Uncle Sam is not as popular as today. but with his age and profile Make a big surprise
"This is the biggest signing in the league's history," said MLS director Don Garber at the time. While the US media hit the big news that “Freddy is one of the top-class youth players in the world. He decided to play in his own country. And it will motivate other young players to look more towards MLS.”
Even at such a young age He also played in professional games, but Adu was a regular starter for his hometown team, D.C. United before the age of 15 and scored his first professional goal in April 2004.
Adu is an important part of the DC team. He was always there and was called up to his first senior team in early 2006, or at just 16. He made his debut for the national team and played alongside stars Landon Donovan and Josh Voll. Foff, who was playing at the Bruce Arena World Cup outfit at the end of the same year, but Adu did not travel to Germany at the time.
In 2006, his prominence led him to travel to test his pace with Manchester United, the world's football team. Most of him practiced with the under-23 team rather than going up to Sir Alex Ferguson to tutor football. But he also had the opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the stars who turned out to be greats like Cristiano Ronaldo and Wayne Rooney at the club.
“For me (Ferguson) is more than perfection,” Adu recalled in 2021. You don't look at it the same way you were a kid, but you see, “I'm a good player. I'm ready to go now.” You didn't think about your own development. but the adults Or the coach on the team? is someone who is very important
“I've come across some coaches who don't give many young players many opportunities. I'm not going to the station myself, I'm just developing my pace. And there is no pressure to be the “next Pele” or where it is not properly assisted.
Adu's character He bowed down to admit that he made a mistake in transferring the team as a child that hindered his development. At least one time he thought he was making a mistake was in 2008 when he left DC United for Real Salt Lake, then Benfica. In the end, he chose to join Monaco on loan.
“The biggest mistake I made in my career was moving from Benfica to Monaco on loan,” Adu said. It is one of those decisions that If I have another chance I wouldn't make that decision.”
“At Benfica, I changed three coaches in one year, the club was in an unusual period. which I just wanted to move away from there. Go somewhere else as quickly as possible. But it turned out to be the worst decision ever.”
“I came to the club around the same time as Angel Di Maria, in the first year I was better than him. I play better than him But I decided to move to Monaco on loan and Di Maria stayed at Benfica. Guess what? He had the opportunity to play with the next coach. and become a real team player.”
Monaco is just one of four on-loan transfers. "Falcon Lisbon", which has never been successful at any time. At that time, the fate of the American footballer. start to shake But he regained his chance when moving back to his hometown with the Philadelphia Union.
The move brings him back to manager Peter Novak, who he worked with most of his time in Washington. The ex-Poland international has given Adu some stability in his career, however, when Novak leaves and John Hackworth replaces, his chances have been reversed.
The 173cm striker later moved to Brazil, Serbia and Finland where no league clicked on him. Adu was just 25 when he returned to Lung Sam once again to join Tam. Aunt Bey Rowdy, but the truth is that he wasn't playing in the MLS at the time.
Tampa gave him the opportunity to work with former US national team coach Thomas Rongen. Under-20s, while Adu has spoken of his destiny in several decisions, Ronken, who previously worked with American Samoa, has his own theory.
“I don't think he is prepared for the intense demands of a professional club all the time. which is difficult to fix It is where players compete for positions all the time. It is sad that Americans It is not yet seen as an important nation in football. You have to prove yourself every day. And the physical condition is very brutal.” The coach was born in Holland. ever commented
“Perhaps in the places he used to go, he fell. And kill all of Freddy's gameplay, it has to be understood. The teammates have to understand that we're going to have to work a little harder to help Adu's defensive game. we will be awesome because this kid can play.”
Despite being in his mid-20s, his career and expectations are at the lowest point. Even going down to play at the North American Soccer League level
Before long, a young player like him was replaced by someone else. The person who has played in the country of football all his life is England international Joe Cole. who moved into the team and kicked off the former Wonderkid Let Louie leave the club.
Adu had to travel again to Las Vegas, the club where he scored his last professional goal, but also the first pass for the Las Vegas Lights in the club's history. The goal is as important as two bounces. Because it was the first football club to settle in Nevada City.
Although it can produce some results on the field and is important in the dressing room. But it appears he hasn't met the expectations of the players in his late 20s.
“Played with him but not only that Off the pitch we are friends,” teammate Zach Drake told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “Getting a little advice from him because he travels the world. and has a lot of knowledge.”
That's not the end There is still time for another team transfer. And that was in Sweden, where Adu made a brief switch to Osterlane FA, where his time now focuses more on coaching than on the pitch. He signed a one-year contract with a third-tier team without playing a minute.
“We agreed with him that he would have the opportunity to show himself,” said vice president Philip Lindgren. We can hardly see that he will be able to compete. He has innate football skills. But the physical and mental condition It's what's missing.”
“Obviously he was disappointed. He is good in everything. I believe he can be a great player. But he didn't have the physical condition he wanted. We were quite surprised that he didn't prepare anything when he arrived.”
Take a look at Adu's social media. Today we see a man heartbroken from football. But he was still doing some coaching. along with introducing the secrets of success to the children who came to give him training
This might be the role he played in football as a famous ex-player. A person who sets an example for children that if you have enough talent But lacking in physical condition can be difficult, especially in football where there is no room for minor mistakes. both on and off the field
At least during Adu's career It's a reminder for young players to learn, and at 33 he continues to write new chapters…but outside of football.
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omitea · 3 months
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. ft. gojo, geto, nanami, choso, higuruma & toji.
. content. these men and their babies, pregnancy mention in nanami’s.
. note. decided to make one for the jjk men, how could i not?? nanami would be such a good dad oh my.
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gojo is a menace and everyone knows that. and to your luck, your son is the exact same copy of his father. from the looks, down to the characteristics. yes, he may have some of your features but that’s it. you swear you’re starting to think if he made that kid all on his own. he truly loves his son death, but when it comes to you— he definitely forgets it’s his own blood that he’s keeping at an arm length from reaching you. always cracks jokes about wanting a whole soccer team, but you’re quick to shut those off. ten little gremlins with blue eyes staring at you in the dark? no thank you.
geto loves playing dress-up with his little girls. playing along with a small tiara placed on his messy hair— full of butterfly clips and two plastic heels that only manages to fit both of his big toes. he’d rather not play the princess, but seeing two pair of wide smiles with missing teeth being sent his way makes him forget the uncomfortable ache in his back from sitting at the small pink table. the sound of joyful giggles that erupts whenever he blows at the tiny ceramic cup, always makes his chest swell full with love and adoration.
nanami always makes sure to make up for the time you had countless of sleepless nights during your pregnancy. whenever he hears the little cries of his little one, he doesn’t waste a second to make his way towards the nursery. carefully taking her into his arms and placing her on his broad chest. the skin-to-skin contact soothing them both as he rubs warm delicate circles on the small of her back. he could stay with her for hours and hours, not giving a care in the world if he had to do this all over again with the other ones to come.
☆— 𝐂. 𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐎
choso is absolutely so precious with his twins. he definitely would have one girl and one boy. he makes sure to let them know that not everything has to be a competition. he treats them equally and it always makes his chest hurt and feel tight whenever they fight. might shed a tear or two as he tries his hardest to make them get along— which they do. but having arguments here and there is very common amongst siblings. but according to him that fact doesn’t hurt any less.
higuruma may come over as uninterested in certain things, but he can never say no to his son. his slender fingers tying the smaller tie around his son’s neck as he looks at his father with excitement in his eyes. how could he look at the miniature version of you and him and have the heart to deny him of playing attorney in his home-office. he is more than happy to teach his son all the types of law to make this cruel world full of justice.
toji doesn’t bother to give child support. how do you expect him to give that when he can’t even support himself.
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©𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐀. please refrain from stealing my works !
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juvederm · 3 months
yapping abt family hcs for ud
starting w the washingtons bc whatever . i think josh's dad is widely interpreted to be kind of a shitty dad, and honestly i do write that a lot, like i don't go against it ever. but i like the idea of the dad being cool, crafty and humorous. i should write that more Tbh . however i expanded more on the first interpretation i mentioned. i give josh's dad a lot of issues, like he's got his own problems going on (won't go into it bc im afraid of ppl looking at me sideways, not that the hcs are weird but idk) for the mom, she's kinda always been the same for me; she values academics, ethics, and wants the best for her kids. as soon as josh and the twins were able to work she was like, apply for jobs. as soon as they were able to get their permits she was like. ur getting that damn permit. she wasn't That strict but like her kids didn't have to be told twice. like they just listened bc her tone was firm enough (i hc for the mom that shes been like working all her life, she's a very determined woman)
now onto jess- i give her a step dad, her bio dad kinda dipped before jess could really remember him. jess is veryyyt much like her mom. her mom is like an energetic person, i imagine she's like short asf, had a party phase in college, and wants jess to seek out experiences that feel good to her. and she's very supportive. her step dad is a chill, mellow kind of guy too, he's not as energetic and outspoken but he's supportive too. jess also mentions in game how her parents do throw money away to replace her phones, i think her parents are like Girl how the fuck do you keep losing / breaking your phones. so they give her warnings, hence why jess dramatizes it and is like "my parents Will Kill me :[" also jess's mom is that mom that everyone loves. like even emily is like "i love that bitch". i think jess has a little sister, like a baby sister, who constantly makes messes that jess has to clean up after.
speaking of emily, both of her parents are business people. classy, no nonsense (except her dad can be kinda jokey). her mom is much like josh's where she wants emily to excel in academics, get shit done and be successful. so emily works toward that, 4.0 bitch. her parents do trust her a lot too, they're usually away on business trips, so they allow her to invite friends over, but they can also be very punishing like if they come back and the house is fucked up, emily has to clean it and she doesn't get off scott free even if she does that. but generally they're pretty lenient with her and they don't hassle her. i think emily has a younger teenage brother, who's ur average annoying gamer. he's not left off the hook tho, he still has to keep his shit together, sometimes emily helps him study
ashley has both of her parents in the picture. her dad looks like he jumped out of a 70s sitcom. like plaid shirts, giant glasses, he tries to be stern and strict abt things like curfew but sucks at enforcing it. so like cady heron's dad lfkdnsbs. id say ashleys mom js like cadys too, but ashleys mom has more whimsy to her. her mom collects and is a painter, likes sewing from time to time (she sewed ashleys first day of hs clothes) ashley has a baby brother to me, but hes not as messy as jess's little sister. ashley's parents are also aware of ashley's crush on chris, and even they're like ... Do you Liiiike him? and they tease her abt it often.
sam's parents are surprisingly stern. i like the idea of them being kinda chill and shit but idk. i often write her parents being strict with her academics and stuff, but it's mainly only wanting her to pass her classes. they're both sports people also, so they stress that sam works out and does a sport. sam to me seems like she did a lot of sports and didn't stick to one, but she's good at a lot of them too. she's good at tennis (but always lost to hannah 😭), she played for the girls soccer team, she did baseball but didn't like it as much, she tried cheer and also didn't like it (jess wanted her to join). her parents don't lack any fun tho, they often go out and take sam along. i view sam as an only child too, so it's just her and her parents at some fancy restaurant. maybe it's awkward, maybe it's not. her parents also focus on healthy foods and shit. her dad studied anatomy and physiology in college and always drops some random ass health facts
matt's parents are probably the most supportive people ever. his dad is the definition of "he's a little confused but he's got the spirit" bc his dad is so uninformed about sports. like he'll cheer for the wrong team at the game with Confidence... his dad is also crazy abt video games, he used to work at as a game journalist at one point. he has like old video game discs in this thick ass binder that holds all of them (my dad literally does this). the mom is just as nerdy as him tbh, they're like Thee couple. she's often the one arranging outings and stuff like that, and if she asks her husband to do it... that shit never happening. he usually forgets lol, but it ain't all cookies and cream like... they do want matt to succeed and get his scholarship. they ask about his grades a lot. matt also has three younger brothers, chaotic little trio they are. they're like LARPers in the backyard, always playing a new game with each other.
mike also has parents that are very business savvy. his dad is a mayor, previously worked in real estate. he's worked at a lot of construction sites for the town that they live in. he's a big name, maybe not as big as bob washington, but definitely well known . his mom is a nurse, but mainly works from home or if she's at work, she's usually in her office. mike to me has an older brother . like one that he's not really close to but when the guy visits, they have an ok time. his older brother like moved out forever ago and is 4 years older than him. mike at first seems like an only child but no. his parents are much like the others where they did stress academic success, so when mike was class president they were like so proud of him. but they can be kind of neglectful as well... often leaving for days at a time, or not being home until dark. but mike doesn't mind bc he just invites people over or throws a party when he can. his parents are also aware of how much he hops between girlfriends but they never keep up or seem interested in actually knowing the girl. besides emily. she made them get to know her bc she wasn't about to visit and have them not respect her lool
and chris . he's one that i've talked at length about so this might be nothing new. i gave chris a packed backstory so just keep that in mind. heads up for like abuse and stuff like that. his dad is an asshole full stop. and yeah the guy has his issues too. i hc his dad as this hard ass, former military sargeant. he's not in it anymore, but his experiences in it impacted him immensely. however, he's always been strict and no nonsense. he always asks chris if he's thinking about getting a girlfriend, he wants chris to be a man in charge . chris kinda doesn't want to be like his father. chris is a mommas boy to me, and speaking of his mom, she was so unlike her husband it's crazy. she was a very chill woman, very interested in gardens and anything botanical. she wanted chris to just do what he liked, but his dad would oppose that. i think chris ended up losing his mom at a young age, and could be an explanation for why he tends to shut down in emotional situations. his dad didn't cope well with losing his wife, along with being very verbally degrading, it would sometimes get physical when they'd argue. needless to say i don't give chris a good home life . his step mom is okay, she's not as mean as his dad, but it's not enough for chris to want to stay at home . chris is also the most only child i've ever seen in a video game
anyways there you have it. these are the headcanons i operate under when writing :]
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nonominchan · 2 years
How the JJK men would be as dads
Warnings: sickeningly domestic. kids obviously lol you can imagine them as adopted or biological whatever works for you. Toji is shady here too (big surprise I know). I do write with fem!reader in mind but tried to make this as gender neutral as possible. I’m an 18+ only blog, and please don’t repost my work or share it on TikTok.
Gojo Satoru
-Will actually not be as horrible as everyone thought he’d be?
-he had what he called a “test run” with Megumi and Tsumiki (Megumi punched him when he heard him call it that). But it’s like how he’s a surprisingly effective teacher. Seemingly lackadaisical but actually quite perceptive as a parent to their child’s emotions.
-That being said, he still accidentally makes his kid(s) cry.
-Will offer them the last mochi by dangling it in front of them, and as they’re about to reach for it he quickly drops it into his own mouth.
-his child bursts into tears bc gojo literally stole sweets from a baby.
-quickly says “oh shit” and tries to bribe them into not telling their other parent.
-doesn’t work.
-drops by the PTA once in a blue moon but nobody ever forgets him because everyone is terrified of him.
-packed a lunch for his kid one time and one time only. Why was it only once? Because the one time he did, he literally just packed them a whole ass cake from an expensive bakery.
-kids are kind of embarrassed bc he’s so extra and barges into their rooms while they have their friends over bc he secretly feels sad that they’re growing up so fast wants attention.
Getou Suguru
-but like, only to his kids.
-he can channel the rage of a red blooded Karen in 0.01 seconds flat if he feels like someone is upsetting his kids, do not try him.
-really enthusiastic but not like gojo, his kids actually think he’s cool even when they become angsty adolescents because he doesn’t seem as desperate as gojo to be the “cool dad”.
-rules over the PTA with an iron fist.
-has a minivan on the ready for any soccer matches or dance recitals, offers to drive other kids whose parents are busy, always on time and somehow manages to make bento boxes for his children while also managing a job and spending time daily with his children.
-doesn’t spoil his children, encourages them to be the best they can be, but he doesn’t pressure them either.
-somehow knows how to do intricate hairstyles?? Like wtf? Is a hit at sleepovers bc he can do a million different braid styles for everyone.
-is also cool with kids playing with his hair and braiding it. Always compliments them even if the braids are lopsided and messy.
Nanami Kento
-soft for his child but doesn’t spoil them.
-always makes sure to listen to their feelings and encourage them.
-has a grumpy face that may scare most children so when he drops off his child at daycare after he leaves, the other kids are like “isn’t your dad scary?? He looks mad.” And his kid is like “huh? Oh he’s not. He’s really nice! He makes me bentos every day!”
-speaking of which he insists on making intricate bentos for his child everyday. Like, nutritionally balanced and hearty food. He even learns how to make cute shapes of characters his kid is interested in (and subsequently spends like 40 minutes trying to cut out seaweed to the shape of a tiny circle to make the eyes of a pikachu riceball with his big hands and curses under his breath).
-unfortunately his little kid still has the undeveloped palate of, yknow, a little kid, so when Nanami sees them enjoying both his cauliflower and broccoli sea salt crusted seared patties and day old McNuggets equally it breaks his heart.
-he’s not the most expressive but makes sure his child still understands that he loves them, and makes sure they feel loved. He shows it through meaningful actions. Always remembers every little thing his child tells him. If his kid mentions thinking penguins are cute, the next day they’ll find a stack of books about penguins in their room.
-never yells at his child. Disapproves in general of the idea of raising your voice at a child (remember the drama cd of the resurrection dolls??). Instead, when they do something wrong, he gently helps them work out what they did wrong and how they can improve. May or may not include a long winded and stern lecture.
-when his child paints his nails/does his hair, he compliments them on their “discipline and customer service skills” with a completely serious face.
-insists on lecturing his toddler child on “responsibility”—soon, you find him trying to teach them about interest rates and saving up for an early retirement (because work is dumb but necessary, he teaches his child) in the future.
-PTA keeps trying to get him to join so he can spill his bento making secrets, but he refuses on principle because he doesn’t believe in “exerting any more effort into non mandatory extracurricular activities”.
Toji Fushiguro
-a bad influence (Megumi and Tsumiki can attest to this).
-literally the parent that, when brought to the principal’s office when their kid is in trouble, just asks them, “well, did you win?”
-his child will know more curse words than actual words by the age of 4.
-is banned from the PTA for trying to seduce his way out of contributing to every school event.
-really go with the flow tbh? Like his kid won’t worry about getting in trouble for getting a low score on an exam.
-trains his kid to hold the tv remote for him when they’re little as “bonding time”.
-tries his best though (assuming he tries to redeem himself from canon events). Spent 2 hours trying to make a bento, it was a hot mess. He was genuinely bummed out because he actually tried. But his kid genuinely likes it and eats it so that makes him warm inside.
-extorts Megumi and Tsumiki into babysitting all the time.
-uses his worm thing as an impromptu baby carriage, does not see any issue with this.
-ruffles his child’s hair as a sign of affection (he can’t express himself verbally that well but he’s trying to show in his own way that he cares).
-sometimes gets too enthusiastic. Crashed a golf cart into the bleachers after his child won a soccer match. Just be glad it wasn’t an actual car. Doesn’t know where he found that golf cart.
-makes his friend/colleague Siwoo/Shiu (translations use both spellings) his child’s godfather despite the fact that the man, like everyone else who Toji associates with, is shady af and chainsmokes. Toji sees no issue with this and just makes him a godfather so that he can use him for free babysitting. This never works, and Siwoo always demands payment. Toji always says he’ll pay him soon. Toji owes him upwards of 100,000 yen in babysitting payments alone.
-cried when his child called him a “poopyhead” as a joke.
-is banned from the PTA for challenging a mom to a fight because she insinuated that her child had better grades than his child.
-is good with hair like Getou, but instead of girly braids, can also do intricate hairstyles.
-child will be a fashionista. Will look like they’re in fashion week street photo shoots. Other people are free to dress their children like shit, but his child? Only the best.
-Doesn’t like to punish his kid. When they’re really bad though, he is capable of being stern.
-likes squishing their cheeks.
-is a super competitive soccer mom, like who would have thought??
-uncle yuuji is the designated babysitter
-really good at cooking. Not a refined connoisseur like Nanami but he’s good at making filling, hearty food (took him a while tho bc he didn’t know abt the concept of food due to being a womb for 200+ years).
-Is cool with his kids hanging out with friends late but they MUST call him when he checks up on them. Will freak out if they don’t and track them down even if it’s not a big deal and their phone just died.
-tells his children all stories about his brothers, to the point that they know them all by heart. It comes to the point that they know all about late Uncle Eso’s thong collection. Is it objectively weird? Yes. But let’s be honest, anyone who ends up being part of his family will be weird. Anyways, his kids can recognize the sentimentality of it and can see that Choso is very emotional and loves his brothers dearly so they always listen.
-Nobara dotes over Nanami’s daughter because “us girls have to stick together!”
-Nanami regrets this when his daughter comes back from a play date with her and immediately tells him that his tie is tacky.
-Gojo teaches his child how to annoy Megumi. It doesn’t always work though because Megumi says that his child is “slightly less annoying” than Satoru.
-Gojo’s child has also inherited his insane sweet tooth.
-Nanami’s child loves Yuuji. Given Kento’s luck, he was probably at work while his child was born/adopted. So Yuuji has known them for a long time. He’s called “Ooji” by the child because they didn’t know how to pronounce his name when they were younger, and the nickname stuck.
-toji’s child’s first word was “fuck”. It happened at daycare. When his child’s teacher informed Toji about this, concerned, Toji was bursting with pride and asked if they were able to get it on film.
-Choso’s child would tug on his pigtails when being carried on his shoulders.
A/N: sorry for being MIA. I’ve been interviewing and I finally got a job! It pays like shit but I’m a liberal arts major so that’s kind of the norm ^
Also, yes, I did google to see if the PTA (or any Japanese equivalent) is a thing in Japan, and IT IS!! It’s called the PTA there too, according to the articles I’ve read.
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augustinewrites · 2 years
bokuto’s son looks EXACTLY like him. acts like him too; theyre both a little groggy in the morning, so they both hunch over their food during breakfast, have the same drop of drool climbing down the side of their mouth as they sleep, grin the same way when they talk about something that makes them happy, pout the same way when they get annoyed.
unlike him, his son gets into football—which makes bokuto emo. he gets SO depressed when his boy talks about messi and ronaldo like they’re gods because son why what about your daddy 🥺 and your son goes “but you’re my daddy!” and it takes him a while to figure out that daddies are MUCH cooler than football players ☺️
when i read this i pictured it so clearly bcs it’s so accurate 😭
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your senses tingle with apprehension as you eye the alarm on your nightstand. it’s 8:19am on a weekend, and at least one of your children should have crawled into bed to wake you and your husband by now.
no household with a five year old and two toddlers should be this quiet, but for some reason it is, and it makes you instantly worried.
when you roll over to tell bokuto this, he’s nowhere to be seen. you sit up, throroughly confused.
“kou?” you call, in case he’s in the bathroom.
no answer.
you throw the duvet aside, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and heading out the bedroom door and into the hall. you peek into your children’s rooms, anxiety spiking when you find them all empty.
you’re halfway to a full on meltdown when you hear the giggling coming from downstairs. it’s followed by bokuto’s shushing, and you instantly relax. you pad lightly down the stairs, interested to see what your boys are trying to get away with now.
well, nothing looks broken, but the shoes in the genkan are haphazardly thrown around, as if they’d been slipped off in a hurry. you peek into the kitchen, where a box of pastries from the bakery in town sit on the counter, along with a small bouquet of lillies. there’s a steaming cup of coffee waiting for you, in the mug your son had decorated with his handprints at school.
how he managed to herd all three children out the door this early without waking you is a mystery. the man’s never known quiet a day in his life.
just out in the backyard, you hear more laughter. your children are still in their pajama’s, bokuto changed into a simple tee and joggers. he’s got both your toddlers latched onto his back, and is trying to use a soccer ball like a volleyball. much to the chagrin of your five year old, whose room is outfitted with posters of messi and ronaldo.
“daddy,” he laughs, when bokuto encourages him to set the ball. your son’s already registered in the local kid’s league, but that hasn’t stopped your husband from trying to exchange soccer cleats for knee pads (don’t get him wrong, he’s at every game, always cheering the loudest). “soccer balls are for kicking!”
you pick up your mug and the box of pastries, carrying them towards the sliding door to catch the tail end of their conversation.
“but don’t you wanna play volleyball like your dad?” the grown man pouts, kids still clinging to his neck. “don’t you wanna spike volleyballs like me?”
akaashi’s daughter has taken a liking to volleyball, and maybe he’s a little, teeny tiny bit jealous. your husband and oldest son are the most alike, from the way they style their hair to the way they hunch groggily over breakfast, but return home with an endless supply of energy.
but apparently they don’t share everything.
“okay you four,” you grin, waving them over to the sun-soaked deck before things get a little too emotional. “come have some breakfast.”
four faces light up when they see you, one of your toddlers squirming off of bokuto’s back and waddling into your waiting arms. he props the other up on his hip, striding over to you and lightly gripping the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss.
“quite the morning you four had,” you chuckle, watching your son dig into the pastry box. “i’m surprised you wrangled them all out the door without me.”
“yeah, well, we wanted to treat you,” bokuto says with a lopsided grin, nodding towards your oldest. “him especially. i guess you’re the cool parent, and he’d rather have messi or ronaldo as a daddy,” he sighs dramatically, catching your son’s attention.
he immediately shakes his head, mouth stuffed with pastry as he exclaims, “no, you’re my daddy, and daddies are cooler than soccer players!”
“kou,” you murmur when your husband falls silent, wrapping an arm around his waist. “please don’t cry, because if you cry, i’m going to cry—”
“‘m not crying,” he sniffles. “i swear!”
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