#planets in the 12th house
astroloverblog · 1 year
Your Planets in your partner’s 12th House
Your Ascendant in your partner’s 12th house - this indicates a strong karmic link between the two of you based on past life associations. It can also indicate a psychic-telepathic or intuitive-empathic link.
Your Sun in partner’s your 12th house - You can help your partner to be more outgoing and realize their true potential. You may sir up negative emotions from their past. Your partner’s intuitive perception can give you insights to a more effective means of self-expression. There can be mutual interest in the occult. There is a strong possibility that the two of you have a karmic relationship to work out with each other.
Your Moon in your partner’s 12th house - this combination makes for a very strong emotional and intuitive link. You both will be intensely aware of the subconscious needs and emotional state of the other. This makes for sympathetic understanding between you two, and empathy & compassion. You two may even share a psychic linkage that influences each others thoughts and ideas. This usually indicates a karmic connection between the two people. That means that most likely, you have been together before, and in some way been tested and failed. You are having another chance now to correct this mistakes from your memories to help them understand the situation today, and they in turn can awaken you to deeper levels of your intuitive awareness.
Your Mercury in your partner’s 12th house - You can help them gain insight into the mechanism and habit patterns of their subconscious mind. You can stimulate each other‘s creative imagination. There can be mutual interest in subjects such as art, music, psychology, mysticism, and approaches to religion. They can bring out your intuitive perceptions, which in turn, can help them, to understand and make practical use of their imagination and intuitive insights. You both tend to stimulate the other‘s interest in the areas of psychic awareness.
Your Venus in your partner‘s 12th house - this position indicates a close psychic and emotional link between the two of you creating a psychic awareness of each other‘s moods & feelings. You will both be sympathetic and compassionate toward the other.
Your Mars in your partner‘s 12th house - may indicate group involvement in secret or behind-the-scenes activities. You like to stir up their subconscious mind, in a way that they may learn from the results.
Your Jupiter in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates a mutual interest in meditation, spirituality, and development of intuitive powers. You will be able to share everything with each other, no matter how sensitive the subject. You can help them understand and overcome their subconscious emotional hang-ups.
Your Saturn in your partner‘s 12th house - the two of you will have serious interactions involving psychic and occult pursuits, or psychological investigation of the subconscious mind. You can help them to exercise discipline in understanding and overcoming conditional behaviours, stemming from painful memories in the past. They can help you gain intuitive insight into professional matters.
Your Uranus in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates mutual interest in mystical, intuitive, and occult activities. You can put them in touch with their neurotic and habitual patterns that are unproductive for them, by introducing new concepts and alternative ideas into their thinking. You will both be concerned with reincarnation, past lives, and your individual and combined spiritual quest for this lifecycle.
Your Neptune in your partner‘s 12th house - indicates that you both are very involved with each other‘s subconscious minds and intuitive faculties. You both have strong mutual interest in psychology and probing the deeper level of human consciousness.
Your Pluto in your partner’s 12th house - this arrangement indicates a mutual interest in investigating and regenerating the unconscious mind involving in-depth psychology, spirituality, parapsychology, and reincarnation. You may want to help them understand and reform their subconscious tendencies that interfere with their growth. You may consider some of their ideas as being a dream world and try to get them to deal with reality as you see it.
Your Chiron in your partner‘s 12th house - As a child your partner suffered psychological pain from their intense sensitivity to others, and mystical experience in their childhood that may have scared him, or left them feeling uneasy about their self. They are deeply intuitive and sensitive to their environment, and as child they may have been overloaded with the emotions and thoughts of others. They may have been forced to deny or bury their talents in their unconscious, because of their family, cultural, or environment, You can help them to safety bring out those abilities in their life now, and use their gifts for the intended purposes in their life. Through your help and acceptance, they will be able to heal themselves and apply their talents to helping others.
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
🐚Creativity and Focus💿
🌙5th house & 12th house are considered houses of creativity. Only for the 5th house, it shows itself through hobbies, visibility, activity, impulsiveness, fun, joy, passion, and the 12th house through the deeper art with which we show our emotions and our imagination.
🦋Pluto in the 5th might confer the gift of writing a good detective novel; being creative in other ways, can be an all-consuming and transformative experience, giving rise to a deep and unassailable power within yourself. 🌱Uranus here might suggest that creative ideas fall like heavenly sparks, trying to find a place to land and take root. You have potential for genuine creative originality, although your challenge might be to allow it to land and take form, because each idea is rapidly superseded by the next. You can create something very unique and different. These people usually have very interesting and unique talents.
🪐Saturn in 5th house-maybe you find creativity through the lessons of life (everything you've learned). Real creativity can come later in life and so can the inspiration you find. Saturn in the 5th house brings a strong desire for fame, recognition, and success but may result in delays and disappointments in love life and artistic creations. Your chosen pastime might be chess or something equally strategic. Creative work can become a honed skill, from event planning to sculpture or pottery.
🧜🏼‍♀️💫Neptune in 5th house- your creativity shows through your imagination, which is limitless. Many times people do not understand the creativity and hobbies that these people have - because it can be something completely different, mystical. They have a vivid imagination and often surprise others with it. You find a lot of your inspiration or creativity by the sea or places that are more emotional. Music or poetry might appeal to you, and you may find it easy to lose yourself in artistic activities. These can bring a sense of emotional and spiritual fulfilment.
❤️‍🔥Jupiter in 5th house- traveling is your passion and you can also do something that involves traveling. You can find hobbies everywhere. These people are many times famous abroad. You might opt to have a large family or just enjoy indulging in holidays and recreation. Taking time out to play can be rejuvenating.
⚡️Mars in 5th house-For you, sexual potency might well be a form of self-expression. Games are competitive and having children could bring your fighting spirit to life. You can show your creativity through sports, especially more dangerous sports or sports that require a lot of energy. You like things that give you an adrenaline rush.
🩷Venus in 5th house-Romance needs to be at the heart of a relationship for you, a sense that your worth and attractiveness are admired. Creative skills might involve design or fashion. You can also show creativity through the love or feelings you have for someone.
🎄Mercury in 5th house- Your creative impulse might involve words and communication - inventive writing or storytelling. You seek praise for this, since this is a side of you that can shine. You can have many mental abilities. People may see you as a person who can solve a lot or a person who can compete well in words.
🌙Moon in 5th house- Attuned to the playful world of children, you have an easy creativity and fun-loving side. You might also want your personal needs to be placed centre stage. You feed your mind through different learnings and attaining knowledge. You are likely to have a strong desire for creative self-expression.
☀️Sun in 5th house- You can be a natural performer or creative artist, happy to take a place in the spotlight or put your heart into your creative work. You seek attention and praise. You need to give yourself permission to be who you really are. You are gifted with the ability to remind others about the importance of creativity and fun. You can have a very beautiful childlike energy.
🎞️Chiron in 5th house- Perhaps adoption or surrogate children are part of your experience. Any form of play can help to nurture the wounded child within, both in yourself and in others. It suggests that you are a creative and unique person but sharing your gifts with others is not always easy for you. You remind people how important it is to be you and express yourself.
🌟12th house energy. This is a place where you can conjure images and connect to non-ordinary worlds.
🥑Mercury here you might be interested in myths and fairy tales, or be attracted to symbolic languages (such as astrology!). You might be curious about the spiritual or intangible dimensions of life, including myths and symbols. Imaginative story telling allows your voice to be heard Or with Venus here, perhaps art or photography appeal to you, or losing yourself in a romantic novel (or writing one). The perfect lover probably does not exist - but hold the image in your head and you might then recognize it as a projection of your own beauty or gifts. Even Saturn enters into the spirit in this house - Saturn here might serve you well if you are a designer, a composer, or the manager of an art gallery, giving form and substance to imaginative conceptions. Remembering you are not responsible for the world's suffering can help you to focus your dedication around truly worthy causes. You have a gift for bringing order to chaos.
🩵Mars in 12th house- On your own you might feel as though your efforts do not hit home - yet you can fight effectively and courageously on behalf of those who are weaker or less fortunate. You find your creativity through passion, energy, actions - you can have many hobbies and you are very good at many things. You have many hidden talents. You can also express art through anger. When you're angry and you doing things you do things better. Mars here suggests that you can solve problems in a unique and creative way. You can use your planet here for making art, writing, or in any creative way. The 12th house is the house of fantasies, illusions, music, acting―with placements here, you can easily tap into the ocean of the unconscious and turn into something unique and beautiful.
🌛Moon in 12th house- Care work might appeal. Focusing your compassionate efforts in this way can be more fruitful than trying to care for the whole world. You find yourself emotionally connected to people and understand their emotions on a subconscious level.
🌞Sun in 12th house- many times you show your art through things that others cannot see. You want to show what people can't see.To go into the unknown and unconscious. With your artistic expression, you often inspire other people and people can find you as someone who helped them a lot through (music, writing, dance...) whatever you do, you do it to inspire others. You can talk a lot about mental health or how to find the light. Your identity and purpose can emerge from a life dedicated to service. You may shine as a performer or actor, easily shifting into character.
🔥Jupiter in 12th house- Bliss might be the perfect trip abroad or time spent celebrating in jovial company. For as much as you give generously, you might also feel blessings magically arrive. You can bring happiness to the people around you. You can do a lot of things that are fun, optimistic and inspire a lot of people with your work.
🫧Neptune in 12th house- Perhaps you give everything to the cause, leaving nothing for yourself - but you can be a beacon of compassion in a troubled world. These people express their art through the most spititually imaginative things. They have their own imagination. They live in their own fantasy world and many people find their work very interesting.
🪁Uranus in 12th house- Perhaps you hide your unconventionality so as to fit in - reclaiming this can heip set you free. Your radar for collective trends can put you ahead of your time. You often have a unique and unconventional personality. People with this placement usually try to avoid being in the spotlight.
🏹Pluto in 12th house- If you do not accept your own power (or feelings of powerlessness) you can undermine your efforts. You have the capacity to probe the psychology of the collective mind. You can leave a mark with your work. Many powerful people hold this position. ( Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Lopez, Katy Perry, Lana Del Rey, Tom Hanks..)
🛼Chiron in 12th house- This suggests a desire to heal the collective and show compassion to all. Perhaps you have had to conceal your own suffering, making you sensitive to others' hidden pain. You have the potential to become a remarkable psychologist for others. By overcoming your fear of self-exploration, you can understand the mechanisms of healing and utilize them to heal others with subconscious wounds.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
If you're a writer take a look at your Mercury placement for inspiration 🖋️
1st House: Baby you're the inspiration! Dig deep into your identity and practice introspection for your work.
2nd House: What do you value? What will you work hard for, protect, collect? Use that for your inspiration! Maybe take inspiration from the material world or nature as well.
3rd House: Pay attention to your community and family (especially siblings, extended family, and family arguments or rivalry) for inspiration. Knowledge and research may be your best friend as a writer. Speak your mind and explore your emotions through writing, journaling, or blogging.
4th House: Family, home, your private life, or maybe your own inner world of coping, emotional sensitivity, and depth are your muse!
5th House: Having fun with your words and stories may be a good starting point! This is the house of creativity, joy, and celebration. Here creativity should stem from passion, discovery, and maybe romance. Be brave and even dramatic or ridiculous in how you write and how you get inspiration.
6th House: The house of routine, health, and work may not sound very inspiring but things like daily writing exercises or challenges may be very helpful for you. Time management and aiming to reach goals with your writing is going to be highly productive. Inspiration for you may come from ideas around altruism and what makes you feel like you're making a difference.
7th House: Take your inspiration from your relationships, fights, competition, rivalry, deals, and romance. Seek inspiration in others. Find a true muse.
8th House: The skeletons in your closet may be the best inspiration. Your fears, secrets, pain, depth, and vulnerability.
9th House: Your beliefs can be a major source for inspiration/creativity. Taking inspiration from other works, research, and knowledge may be your style too. Diving into a subject like history, sociology, psychology, religion, laws, journalism, politics, etc. can be very motivating.
10th House: Rely on your sense of purpose to give you inspiration. Reflecting on society or authority can give insight too.
11th House: Look to your friends for inspiration and friendship dynamics! Zooming out to collective trends and feelings can be a powerful tool as well for your writings. Tap into your aspirations and highest dreams too.
12th House: Using writing as a tool to explore your subconscious may be useful. Taking inspiration from your dreams, imagination, and even the darkest parts of you may be key for you as a writer.
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sapionic · 2 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus falls in someone's house. Houses 1-7.
When your Venus falls in someone's 1st house, you are likely attracted to them or you are likely to be very hands on with them. Same with the 2nd house, but they would provide you with valuable things and even money. They are the house person which means they are providing you something. Your venus being in their 2nd house can make it easy for them to do things for you and they can even enjoy doing things for you.
When your Venus falls in someone's 3rd house, they are someone you are comfortable with. They may always have things to share with you socially and in other ways as well. This can be a person you value having close.
When your Venus falls in someone's 4th house, this can be someone likely to have a familiar connection with. This can result in partnerships of any kind that feels safe.
When your Venus falls in someone's 5th house, they are probably a good romantic partner towards you on a romantic tip. As a friend, they provide you with fun experiences. This could be a good person to party with. You are likely to enjoy this person.
When your Venus falls in someone's 6th house, they can be someone you wouldn't mind doing everyday things with. You probably would enjoy seeing them everyday. Could be someone you like running around with in general. They can be very supportive/helpful towards you. Very good synastry for family.
When your Venus falls in someone's 7th house, they are a partner you see value and longevity with. They likely embody certain qualities you love. Your Venus being in their 7th house makes them ideal or close to ideal for you whether romantically or generally. You likely enjoy their company.
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harmoonix · 20 hours
🎀 Astro Placements with the most AURA 🎀
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🎀 Scorpio/Capricorn/Sagittarius Mars
🎀 Pluto/Sun 1H
🎀 Mars conjuct Venus
🎀 Capricorn Saturn
🎀 12H Sun
🎀 Neptune aspecting Ascendant
🎀 Jupiter aspecting the Ascendant
🎀 Pluto aspecting Moon
🎀 12H Neptune or Uranus
🎀 Mercury 1H
🎀 8H Sun/Moon
🎀 4H Moon/Cancer Moon
🎀 Sun in Leo
🎀 6H Saturn
🎀 Gemini/Virgo Mercury
🎀 Venus in Pisces/12H
🎀 Moon in Sagittarius/Moon in the 9H
🎀 Mercury aspecting Pluto
🎀 Uranus in the 1H
🎀 Aquarius Venus/11H Venus
🎀 Scorpio Venus/8H Venus
Do you have any of these placements?
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youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
Astro observations p4🪄
🪄People with their Mercury in cancer have such a sweetness to their voices. It’s usually very soft and distinctive
🪄I find that I get along right away with people who’s sun is in my 1st house and that we also share similar views
🪄Saturn in the 7th house individuals need to be extra cautious when it comes to making promises. The 7th house talks about commitments and compromising and marriage obviously is a huge commitment that’s basically a promise. So essentially if they break any sort of promise they made they take on extra karmic baggage for it since they didn’t stay “committed” to the promise they made
🪄12th housers need isolation solely to find who they are again
🪄12th housers are the type of people who were late to school every single morning. This is because the 12th house rules bed pleasures so we find it extra hard to leave our bed compared to like the average person😭
🪄If you know someone with their personal planets in their 12th house (sun, moon, or merc) or with Pisces placements, chances are, you don’t 🤭
🪄8th house ruler in the 12th house experiences the most transformation in their lives when they are alone or maybe through a significant dream they had
🪄7th house ruler in the 1st house means that your future spouse is going to have a major impact on either your physical appearance, your world views, or your overall demeanor. I feel like this is the placement you see in people in relationships online that either gain or lose a bunch of weight with their significant other
🪄When a planet is retrograde, it means that planets’ energy is internalized meaning is repressed and that planet doesn’t help you out in which ever house its in. For example, people with Saturn retrograde in the 5th or 7th house may have a harder time instilling discipline and setting boundaries in their relationships. Some may get attached to others to quickly, not know their worth before getting into a relationship, are prone to love bombing their person, or lack the emotional maturity needed for a healthy relationship
Thanks for reading!!! Lmk what I should talk about next :)
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safiredreams · 1 year
An Unaspected Planet can be difficult since it has no other outlet for the energy to be channeled through, often the energy of that planet can feel archaic in its expression as it is completely and purely that planetary archetype that the person is living out.
Sun conjunct Pluto people may go to extreme lengths to keep their privacy. They are perhaps some of the most mysterious people you may come across. 
12th House Synastry can lead to the house person being deceived by the planet person, you should watch out for buying into illusions that are not there.
4th house could show us what kind of food makes us feel nurtured, what reminds us of our childhood. Perhaps how we nurture others though food. Soul food house.
12th House Planet energy may come out during a deep state of meditation, Uranus may bring sudden images or ideas into ones consciousness like lightning bolts.
Pluto in the 4th House people often seem to have serious issues with their father.
7th House Sun people rely heavily on others to understand themselves. They tend to use people as mirrors.
Pisces Mars people need to feel like whatever they are doing in life is going to help others in some shape or form or else they have a really hard time getting out of bed and following their ambitions. 
Libra Mars people will try to be very diplomatic when dealing with arguments, they are especially good at helping others see the other persons side, they are great mediators.
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horoscope1726 · 2 months
How do Saturn and Venus affect each house in astrology?
Saturn and Venus are two very different planets in astrology, each with its own set of qualities and influences. Their effects on each house in a birth chart can vary depending on the specific placements, aspects, and individual dynamics of the chart. Here's a general overview of how Saturn and Venus might influence each house:
First House (Ascendant):Saturn: Can bring a sense of seriousness, responsibility, and self-discipline to the personality. Individuals may appear reserved, cautious, or mature beyond their years .Venus: Enhances charm, attractiveness, and a love of beauty. Individuals may be diplomatic, socially graceful, and have a strong sense of aesthetics.
Second House: Saturn: Emphasizes financial stability, discipline in money matters, and a cautious approach to earning and saving. Can indicate delays or challenges in financial matters. Venus: Enhances material comfort, enjoyment of luxury, and artistic talents related to wealth accumulation. Can indicate a love of beautiful possessions and a talent for making money through artistic pursuits or diplomacy.
Third House: Saturn: Brings a serious and methodical approach to communication, learning, and intellectual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in early education or relationships with siblings. Venus: Enhances social communication, charm, and artistic expression in writing or speech. Can indicate harmonious relationships with siblings and a love of learning through artistic or cultural activities.
Fourth House (IC):Saturn: Emphasizes a need for security, stability, and tradition in the home and family life. Can indicate responsibilities or challenges related to parental authority or the family legacy. Venus: Enhances domestic harmony, love of beauty in the home environment, and a strong emotional connection to family. Can indicate artistic talents or a love of cooking and entertaining at home.
Fifth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression. Can indicate delays or challenges in matters related to children, hobbies, or romantic relationships. Venus: Enhances creativity, romantic charm, and a love of pleasure and leisure activities. Can indicate a talent for the arts, a love of romance and dating, and a desire for enjoyment and fun.
Sixth House: Saturn: Emphasizes discipline, hard work, and responsibility in matters of health, routine, and service to others. Can indicate challenges or delays in health matters or difficulties in the workplace. Venus: Enhances cooperation, harmony, and aesthetic appreciation in daily work routines and relationships with colleagues. Can indicate a love of service to others, artistic talents in healing or therapy, and a desire for balance and beauty in the workplace.
Seventh House (Descendant):Saturn: Brings a sense of seriousness, commitment, and responsibility to relationships and partnerships. Can indicate delays or challenges in forming partnerships or difficulties in marriage. Venus: Enhances harmony, cooperation, and a love of beauty in relationships. Can indicate a desire for romance, partnership, and artistic collaboration, as well as a strong appreciation for beauty and aesthetics in others.
Eighth House: Saturn: Emphasizes a need for control, discipline, and security in matters of joint resources, intimacy, and transformation. Can indicate challenges or delays in matters related to inheritance, taxes, or shared assets. Venus: Enhances sensuality, intimacy, and a love of luxury in matters of shared resources and transformation. Can indicate a desire for deep emotional connections, financial partnerships, and a love of luxury and sensual pleasures.
Ninth House: Saturn: Brings a serious and disciplined approach to higher education, philosophy, and spiritual pursuits. Can indicate challenges or delays in long-distance travel, higher learning, or philosophical beliefs. Venus: Enhances cultural appreciation, artistic expression, and a love of beauty in matters of travel, higher education, and philosophical exploration. Can indicate a love of foreign cultures, a talent for languages or the arts, and a desire for beauty and harmony in one's belief system.
Tenth House (Midheaven):Saturn: Emphasizes ambition, responsibility, and a serious attitude toward career and public reputation. Can indicate challenges or delays in career advancement or difficulties with authority figures. Venus: Enhances charm, social grace, and artistic talents in matters of career and public image. Can indicate success in artistic or creative professions, a love of beauty and luxury, and a desire for public recognition and admiration.
Eleventh House: Saturn: Brings a sense of responsibility, discipline, and structure to friendships, group activities, and long-term goals. Can indicate challenges or delays in achieving social or humanitarian objectives. Venus: Enhances social charm, cooperation, and a love of beauty in friendships and group activities. Can indicate harmonious relationships with friends and social groups, a talent for networking or diplomacy, and a desire for shared aesthetic experiences.
Twelfth House: Saturn: Emphasizes solitude, introspection, and discipline in matters of spirituality, hidden strengths, and subconscious patterns. Can indicate challenges or delays in spiritual growth or difficulties with hidden enemies. Venus: Enhances compassion, sensitivity, and a love of beauty in matters of spirituality and hidden strengths. Can indicate a desire for spiritual connection, a love of beauty in seclusion or meditation, and a talent for expressing beauty through charitable or humanitarian activities.
These interpretations provide a general overview of how Saturn and Venus can affect each house in astrology. However, it is necessary to consider the entire birth chart and the individual's specific circumstances to understand how these planetary positions manifest in their life. The aspects, planetary dignities and overall configuration of the chart will also play an important role in shaping the experiences and personality traits of the individual. For more information you can take help of Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. which can give you a good information
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triangular-eye · 2 months
[ 4 ] astrology observations 💚🧩🍀
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- virgo risings benefit more from not being in charge as they like to follow things
- jupiter 1st house natives feel suppressed by rules/regulations/common following of philosophies
- uranus rebels to the following of ideals, jupiter rebels to the said ideals
- new best friends come in during the zodiac representing the 7th house (ex: aquarius rising: in leo season)
- venus conjunct lilith causes the native to be unable to differentiate between love & lust.
- people in your life fall in your house where their rising sign is (ex: an aquarius rising would fall into the 5th house of a libra rising & inspire/deplete their creativity or affect their children).
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- libra risings & late virgo risings (15° onwards) live by organising & decluttering their psyche (because virgo 12h)
- natives with uranus retrograde in their chart long for the acceptance of change but get horrified & run away from it the moment it manifests.
- natives with sun opposite moon feel afflicted when faced their own character; am i too emotional or too logical? which side of me is the real one?
- the 12th house rules over our memories, not short term everyday ones that is mercury/3H; but in depth memories or visual/photographic ones.
- the sign ruling your 12th house shows how you can interpret your rem dreams: virgo 12H by organising the details of the dreams, aquarius 12H by finding what to innovate in your life through the dreams, sagittarius 12H by gathering a philosophical perspective like what is the lesson i am teaching myself through my unconscious?
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plutonian-moon · 1 year
random astro
observations p6 !! ☆° ✩࿐
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take what resonates leave what doesn't!!
▪2H aqua/cap (both saturn ruled) can have bad self esteem !!tw : ed!! : they can even struggling with food & body image !!end of tw!! ☆
▪we 12th housers need alone time to process thoughts and feelings ! ☆
▪4H gemini/IC-mercury/4H mercury can mean that u r oversharing family issues that u have or ur childhood trauma ☆
▪mutable dominants can changing their personality alot even without meaning this its just comes naturally to them !! ☆
▪u cant change minds peoples who r fixed dominants lmao ☆
▪3H uranus/aquarius mercury/mercury-uranus have very chaotic minds ☆
▪3H moons/gemini moons wants venting 2 someone when feeling bad about how they r feeling or just about this situation 2 feel better or u maybe like writing ur feelings alot bc this can help u ! ☆
▪3H placements (esp venus) + gemini placements in big 6 have pretty hands ☆
▪4H saturns/4H cap have parents that never allow u to have fun bc they were very strict :-( ☆
▪pisces placemets/stelliums can have artistic gifts ! ☆
▪5H is telling u about ur hobbies so here r some examples which hobbies u can have based of ur 5H placement/s , 5H cusp + 5H ruler :
5H pisces/5H neptune - drawing, spirituality/occultism, paranormal things, psychology, music, astrology, numerology ☆
5H gemini/5H virgo/5H mercury - writing, literature, history, sociology, mbti (u can like finding who u r bc u can struggle with this or just 4 fun) also with 5H virgo im thing of health relating topics like u can b very interested in reading about mental health issues for example also u can b very picky about ur hobby hmm with 5H gemini u can change ur hobby alot or have many hobby at once lolol and u can be very open 2 new hobbies ! ☆
5H scorpio/5H pluto - occultism, psychology, criminology, taboo topics (traumas etc), astrology, mbti, horror movies/games, with this placement u can b secretive about ur hobbies or only small group of peoples close 2 u know about them yea ☆
5H libra/5H taurus/5H venus - fashion, designing clothes, makeup, drawing ☆
5H sagittarius/5H jupiter - learnings new languages, others countries/cultures, philosophy and u can also b very open to trying new hobbies i think its just mutable signs energy lol ☆
5H aquarius/5H uranus - games, astrology, mbti, hmm im thinking of some unique hobby with aquarius energy like ur hobbies can be very different from others peoples ☆
▪aquarius placements/dominants can makes that u will fighting for lgbt+ rights etc u just cant stand homophobic, racism etc !
▪6H uranus + 10H uranus can changing their jobs alot ☆
▪u can relate to ur draconic chart more if u dont relate to ur natal chart ☆
▪persona charts can tell u alot more about specific placement than looking ONLY in this placement in ur natal chart ☆
▪12th house rules hidden enemies .. when u r like me 12th houser then u need to b careful with peoples bc they can b ur hidden enemies hmm (esp when u have 12h sun, 12h mercury, 12h venus, 12h lilith, 12h pluto, 12h mars) ..
when u have for example ☆ :
mercury in 12h then ur hidden enemies can be peoples that r "friends" with u .. they will b just faking that they like u but .. they will b secretly hate u and talk shit about u .. ☆
▪when u r 12th houser then peoples energy can draining u alot .. so thats why its important 2 have alone time ! ☆
▪chiron in 1h, 4h, 7h and 10h can makes that others easly see ur pain (this can apply also 2 asc-chiron and sun-chiron peoples (esp. conjunctions) ☆
▪virgo 2h/aquarius 2h r picky when it comes 2 eating food ☆
▪3h also rules school hmm ur 3h sign + 3h ruler sign and house + aspects can give u how u r in school, how others see u in school !! ALSO CHECK 3H PLANETS IF U HAVE ANY ! ☆
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grisastro · 1 year
Astro Observations 4 (+ placements I find Attractive at the bottom)
- [ ] Mars-Venus Conjunction (or at least in the same sign) indicates popularity? In my observations, they are a YouTubers, Influencers, content Creators, Insta Models.
- [ ] Sun-Uranus people I’ve met, most of them are LGBTQ, also me (is it a coincidence??)
- [ ] Also Aquarius Risings I know, most of them are LGBTQ
- [ ] Have you ever attracted enemies or people who hated you for no reasons? Do you have any planets in your 12th house??
- [ ] Your chart ruler should never be overlooked. Its position and aspects tell a lot about you. I found one website that really accurate 👉🏻 https://teaandrosemary.com/
- [ ] Is it only me? Who find Aries Rising Men have a ton of sex appeal.. it’s like there’s a fire in their eyes, a warrior eyes, very sexy, very firery. I know one friend who is Aries Rising and also Mars Square Rising together. I wanna F him😂
- [ ] Are Gemini stellium a gossiper?
- [ ] You tend to be attracted to people who share the same Moon sign or at least find them interesting and wanna know more about them.
- [ ] From my observations, People with Venus Conjunct Mars are always in a relationship. They don’t stay single for too long. When they break up with someone, not too long and they will be in the next relationship. Maybe because it’s not so difficult for them to attract love interest since they are really attractive and easy to be around.
- [ ] Is it true for Venus in 12th house native that you just know what it feels like to be heart broken even if your heart never been broken before? Or you just know what it feels like to fall deeply in love or beloved by someone even if it’s never happened before? They said that Venus in 12th house has learned every lessons about love (1-11 houses) from the past lives.
- [ ] I have interacted with 2 persons in my life who has interceptions in their charts, and it felt like there’s an imbalance in their personality, lack of something I can’t pinpoint, I dunno, something missing in their personalities. ( both of them are unaware and not into astrology tho, and I believe that if they were , they would fill the hole by working on something)
- [ ] I think that the Sun sign that easiest to spot is Aquarius Sun. They are everything but generic.
- [ ] In my opinion, I think the most egotistical placement if undeveloped is sun in the 1st house.
- [ ] Also, sun in the 1st house natives, most likely to have the same sign as their rising. People with This placement give off the Main Character energy. Strong character, and people see you as a leader, and of course you have a great leadership skill.
- [ ] There’s always some people in your workplace or school who seen as different and unique. Check if they have Uranus in the 1st house. And if it’s happen to make a Major aspect to the their Sun, their uniqueness is even amplified and more apparent. It may not be so obvious but people will have an idea that they are not like others.
- [ ] Also look at the house that the Sun and Uranus sit in may give you more insight. For example: if they have Uranus in the 1st house and Sun in the 10th house ( which squaring each other), their work could be unique and offbeat. Very outstanding!
- [ ] Not only Scorpio IC that have a tough and traumatic childhood, but Also Aries. ( need to see the whole chart though)
- [ ] Gemini Risings look young and got bright eyes like a child.
Lastly, what BIG 3 combination you find most attractive and/or what placement in a birthchart you find irresistible and why? Share with me 😊
Placements I find charismatic
- [ ] Venus in Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Aries
- [ ] Mars in Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini
- [ ] Moon in Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
- [ ] Sun in Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces, Libra
- [ ] Mercury in Libra, Virgo, Pisces
- [ ] Fixed Risings (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus), Sag and Cappy!
- [ ] Venus-Uranus, Venus-Pluto, Mars-Pluto, Sun-Uranus, Moon-Pluto, Moon-Uranus
- [ ] Venus/Sun/Mars/Moon in 8th house
- [ ] Mars/Uranus in 1st house
- [ ] Uranus in 5th house
- [ ] 11th house Stellium, 8th house Stellium, 5th house Stellium
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astrologylife1 · 6 months
Mars in 12th observation 🔥❤️‍🔥
- this placement can wake up mentally but physically can’t make it out of bed. The 12th house is bed pleasures and represents losses. Well with mars being here our physical body tends to loss its agility and strength for no reason at all.
-idk if it’s just me but I don’t have a problem with conflict or aggression. But something I do have with this placement is “fear” of looking angry. When I see the expression of real anger of passion or rage I almost scare myself. Lol I don’t want to be seen as “evil” and that is something I relate to anger. So most imes I keep it cool as much as possible.
-mars being in the 12h of ethereal vision, godlike energy and unconditional love is it wrong to associate the negative energy with “evilness”?
-this placement we like to make moves unexpectedly or sudden.
-when it comes to sex it can be amazing with these natives but notice again the physical agility dies down after orgasm..
Let me know your thoughts!!
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astrolovecosmos · 8 months
Aries/Scorpio/Mars in 12th House: Assertion and self-awareness
Taurus/Libra/Venus in the 12th House: Self-love and using the power of attraction
Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 12th House: The true power of knowledge
Cancer/Moon in the 12th House: Inner security and nurturing
Leo/Sun in the 12th House: Pride and empowerment
Scorpio/Pluto in the 12th House: Self-mastery and willpower
Sagittarius/Pisces/Jupiter in the 12th House: Personal truth and meaning
Capricorn/Aquarius/Saturn in the 12th House: Structure vs. chaos, self-reliance, self-authority, and accountability
Aquarius/Uranus in the 12th House: Rebellion vs. conformity, inner adaptability, embracing change, true independence and/or freedom
Pisces/Neptune in the 12th House: Empathy and protection or boundaries, spiritual awareness and/or healing
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sapionic · 2 months
Venus Synastry ASTROLOGY
When your Venus is in someone's house 8-12
Having your Venus in someone's 8th house makes them someone that comes through for you time after time. Depending on the particular zodiac sign in the 8th house will determine in what ways, but overall this is likely someone that has the capability of being loyal or consistent. They likely provide you with a strong sense of merging. Things with this person is likely passionate, intense, and interesting.
Having your Venus in someone's 9th house in a good sense is that this person brings adventure to your life. They may even propel you into a state of independence that you didn't have at first. This person is likely to show you things you have yet to discover. Whatever they show you can be something that sticks with you even after the connection dissolves because VENUS is value. Good synastry placement for tour guides.
Having your Venus in someone's 10th house makes them provide you with the ultimate stable dynamic, especially romantically. They have everything you need and want romantically. This would probably be more enjoyable to you than the 7th house synastry as the 10th house provides more and has more value to offer and bask in than the 7th house. You may enjoy how this person looks physically. They could have a lot going for themselves or they simply provide you with a lot. Good placement for family.
Having your Venus in someone's 11th house means that they could have came to you. The connection could have started unexpectedly or in some type of spontaneous way. They provide you with support and a different style of doing things. They could bring forth experiences you didn't expect to experience. Internet friends would be idea for this synastry.
Having your Venus in someone's 12th house could have resulted in something between you two happening late in the day or the attraction was last minute, private, or with hidden intentions. It could take a while for them to vlaue you or understand if there is a connection here. Better suited for long distant connections or connections where there are no intentions on meeting. For instance, a webcam model and a viewer on her stream would be better fit for this synastry.
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astrolocherry · 8 months
"People with planets in the 12th House are given to overt or covert feelings of having an affinity with spirit, and desires to leave this life and return to Spirit which they see is their true heritage."
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sngii1726 · 3 months
Is every planet in the 6th, 8th or 12th house bad?
No, not necessarily. While the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are traditionally considered to be more challenging or "malefic" in Vedic astrology, it's important to understand that the interpretation of a planet's placement in these houses is not solely determined by the house itself, but also by factors such as the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and any aspects or conjunctions it forms with other planets.
Here's a more nuanced perspective on each of these houses:
6th House: Often associated with health, conflicts, enemies, and service, the 6th house can indicate challenges and obstacles in life. However, planets placed here can also signify strengths and opportunities. For example, benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 6th house can indicate success in overcoming obstacles, good health, and positive relationships with coworkers or subordinates. Malefic planets like Mars or Saturn in the 6th house may indicate health issues, conflicts, or struggles with enemies, but they can also provide the determination and resilience needed to overcome challenges.
8th House: This house is associated with transformation, sudden changes, secrets, inheritance, and occult matters. Planets in the 8th house can indicate deep psychological insights, spiritual growth, or unexpected events. While malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 8th house can bring difficulties such as delays, losses, or upheavals, they can also foster inner strength, discipline, and the ability to navigate through transformative experiences. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 8th house can bring blessings through inheritance, spiritual growth, and a deep understanding of life's mysteries.
12th House: Associated with losses, isolation, spirituality, and hidden enemies, the 12th house can indicate challenges related to confinement, sacrifice, or letting go of attachments. However, planets in the 12th house can also signify spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, and connection with higher realms. Malefic planets like Saturn or Mars in the 12th house may indicate feelings of isolation, subconscious fears, or hidden enemies, but they can also foster discipline, introspection, and a sense of detachment from worldly desires. Benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus in the 12th house can bring spiritual insights, divine protection, and a sense of inner fulfillment.
Ultimately, the interpretation of a planet's position in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house depends on a variety of factors, including the specific characteristics of the planet, its strength in the chart, and its interactions with other planets. A holistic view of the entire birth chart
To do this you can use Kundli Chakra Professional 2022 software. Which can give you accurate information. You can also contact us 8595675042 for more information.
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