#draconic chart
harmoonix · 3 months
Describing the Draconic Chart with ONE PHOTO 😍 in astrology!!
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Also this can work for the ascendant persona chart!!😍🤍
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Draconic charts - meaning & how to read (past life personality)
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Draconic charts are perfect for seeing the patterns of our Soul - until now. Therefore, this chart helps us to know our personality in past lives.
You can calculate your Draconic chart here.
The Draconic chart is there to remind us of the path our Soul has traveled - or still needs to travel - to evolve.
No Soul of an incarnated being is perfect. Don't be surprised if, when looking at your Draconic chart, you find many excesses, points that may not even manifest in this life… in my view, the Draconic chart is a snapshot of the points we have chosen to evolve in our Soul, points that we have worked on improving in this current life or in some recent ones.
This is because the Draconic chart, in the end, is directly related to the natal chart. The Draconic chart changes as we reincarnate. "But if it represents the Soul, why does it change?" Soul is not fixed, static, frozen in time.
I have an experience to share regarding a Draconic chart that can help better understand what I want to say above.
I know a person who, in this current life, has a chart somewhat opposite to what they have in the Draconic chart - literally opposite.
In the Draconic chart (which represents the condition of our Soul in most recent lives, accumulated patterns, what we have been, the truths we possess), we see a lot of Scorpio, and in the current natal chart, the person is Venusian, with Taurus in various aspects of personality. By the way, this person feels extremely comfortable with Taurus energy, so if she brought this aspect into this life, it's because her Soul has already taken some steps and integrated this point - that doesn't appear in Draconic chart.
This is because we are not born with the natal chart we have by "the force of the universe". The universe doesn't force anything. We don't have a natal chart that was given to us - instead, we define it. Our natal chart is a reflection of our current personality, and the Draconic chart is a reflection of past life patterns, the primary essence that a person possessed. This primary essence doesn't go away, you feel it there, but it evolves, no longer being just what it was on page 1.
Therefore, I see the Draconic chart as the gateway to understanding the past, but not to becoming imprisoned in it. Many end up imprisoning themselves in the past when trying to understand it. The past is past for a reason, and you have certainly changed. Well, you need to change.
"Paty, but does everything change?" Of course not. Only the necessary. And always according to our own efforts. We talk about this below, when explaining the aspects in Draconic charts.
Exactly for this reason, if the person in the example, who has a lot of Scorpio in their Draconic chart, in this current life integrates exactly the opposite sign very easily, we can conclude that this person has made significant progress in relation to their Soul's patterns. And, of course, there is still more to go.
You see, the Draconic chart is not a chart to focus all the time. This is because it represents the past, what we have accumulated in the Soul from past lives.
Every time a life ends, the lessons that make sense are integrated into the Soul; therefore, the Soul changes with each life. The Draconic chart is not a chart to be focused because if it symbolizes the past, which is merely a foundation for the present, and if we are in evolution, we are not here to look back, but to understand what we have from the past to be used in the current moment and what we still have to change, improve because it's not good yet.
Literally, my intention is to convey the idea that the Draconic chart is not a fixed chart that will not change in other lives. This chart represents the higher state in which your Soul was BEFORE you incarnated, came to this earthly experience.
The Draconic chart represents your patterns before you came here, patterns that may be being repeated or changed, issues that may have become only present or still repeat difficulties. The answer to these questions lies in the relationship between the Natal Chart x the Draconic chart.
And since the Draconic chart is not a goal but rather an awareness of what our Soul has been up to this point, the focus must truly be on the relationship between the current personality we assume and the Draconic chart. It is from these two that we see our evolution… and what state we are in relation to that.
We are beings capable of constantly evolving, and understanding this is to move forward and break the monotony of life. It is letting go of the need to be one thing forever, releasing fixed patterns and attachments to your own way of being, to understand that there is something much greater for you to achieve - to achieve from YOURSELF, always.
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I invite you to focus on reading from the following perspective:
Natal x Draconic
-> the lessons we commit to learning in this lifetime IN RELATION to our Soul's constant dynamics, urges, and patterns. <-
The HOUSES in the Draconic and natal charts are always the same because they represent the karmic contract we made with ourselves (karmic not in a derogatory sense, but in terms of lessons and experiences we agreed to undergo for our evolution, the journey we agreed to embark on).
In this contract, these are the areas we are working very hard to master, refine, evolve. In our lives, we are experiencing different perspectives of the same area until we understand that there don't need to be extremes, but rather integration to become broader and more complete.
✨ ASPECTS in the Draconic chart x natal chart ✨
Oppositions - Lessons through discomfort, learning from the opposite side. If there are oppositions, it appears that the necessary lessons have been developed by you in that area involving both planets. This is because the natal chart, on one hand, represents your current personality, the set of traits developed up to the PRESENT. The Draconic chart, on the other hand, represents your Soul's quests in relation to past lives, accumulated patterns that may need improvement and evolution.
Squares - Squares represent points of tension. To understand a square aspect, we can think of the signs that naturally form this aspect. An example is Taurus and Aquarius. While the former prefers things in an earthly, practical, objective manner, aiming for energy conservation, is solid, consistent, seeks comfort and security; the latter often wanders, prefers a more mental approach rather than practical, seeks reason, mental life rather than sensation, pleasure, tactile experience as Taurus does. They are distinct languages in many ways. The same goes for Aries and Capricorn. They are very different signs. Aries is instinctive, fast, immediate, impulsive, assertive, independent, often prefers something new; Capricorn is traditional, closed, melancholic, restrictive, limiting, conservative, practical, and planning. In the relationship between these signs, many things need to be adjusted or even sacrificed (which is not always good) to achieve harmony. Given all this, when reading the Draconic chart x natal chart, if you see squares, they may represent the greatest opportunity of all to learn, evolve. It will be difficult, yes, but these lessons will take you out of your comfort zone, require effort, awareness, and discipline. The keyword for squares is conflict that generates change, learning that generates growth.
Conjunctions - The joining of forces and efforts. Here, we have a tremendous opportunity for a person to be INCREASING, GROWING, and EXPANDING that point in their Soul's personality that already existed (after all, conjunctions represent the union of forces and energies that are very similar, almost identical, because they involve the same sign). It's important to examine, through an analysis of the natal chart as a whole, whether the person is 1) reaching new levels in that aspect of the personality, evolving, or 2) if the person is in a comfort zone. Conjunctions can represent points of evolution in an issue that has been repeating, meaning that you are getting better and better at what your Soul already possesses (level 1, level 2, level 3, only analogy), or it can, on the other hand, indicate a comfort zone.
Sextile - Aspects of your Soul that you are manifesting very easily in the current life, through action. Observe, through astrological analysis and your intuition, if these aspects of ease in your personality are beneficial. Is it something that represents a strong point, a force, or is it something to be improved, worked on, or even transcended? For our evolution, we cannot continue with the same old patterns if they don't lead us on a good path. If it's something that harms you more than it helps (e.g., a pride pattern), it's something you haven't evolved, learned yet, something to be improved. If the aspect represents a strength, something good (e.g., communication skills), it means a point your Soul doesn't need to evolve, and it's perfectly fine to integrate it into this current life.
Trine - The same applies here. With the difference that with trines, you see points of your Soul that you are manifesting very easily in the current life, without effort. Observe, even more in trines, also through astrological analysis and your intuition, if these aspects of your personality are beneficial. Is it something that represents a strong point, a force, or is it something to be improved, worked on, or even transcended? For our evolution, we cannot continue with the same old patterns if they don't lead us on a good path. If it's something that harms you more than it helps (e.g., a pride pattern), it's something you haven't evolved, learned yet, something to be improved. If the trine aspect represents a strength, something good (e.g., communication skills), it means a point your Soul doesn't need to evolve and it's perfectly fine to integrate it into this current life.
✨✏️ NOTES AND Q&A (some) ✨✏️
You can observe that in the Draconic chart, the cusps of the houses (Ascendant to the 12th house) are, as a rule (we have exceptions, for example, natal Libra Rising, draconic Taurus or Cancer Rising, because of degrees), in the same elements as these 12 houses in the natal chart. For example:
Natal chart: Ascendant in Taurus. Draconic chart: Ascendant in Capricorn.
"Does the draconic chart symbolize what we need to achieve?".
No. The draconic chart symbolizes the patterns of our Soul and what we were before we got here. Soul missions can be seen with the Draconic chart being put together with the natal chart.
To have a better vision of life purposes, missions, what you are here to do, you can calmly focus on your North Node and Midheaven.
And what if I don't understand and don't resonate with my personality in the natal chart but much more with the personality in the Draconic chart?
It indicates spiritual issues of disconnection from the present moment, from your process of evolution, and a focus on the past. The Draconic chart is a chart of the past, past lives, the pattern of your Soul before you incarnated. You need to honor your present a lot and not just the past, because the past serves as a lesson, a foundation, but not as a focus for life because life is movement. The great news is that you are aligned with your Soul (Draconic chart), and that means you need to learn to look at what you are now and accept that you are changing, growing, improving.
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astrologged · 1 year
The Draconic chart
The Draconic chart is often associated with past lives and karma. It is calculated using the Moon's North Node and South Node, which are points that represent the intersection of the Moon's orbit with the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The Draconic chart is believed to represent the soul's evolutionary journey and can provide insight into past lives and karmic patterns.
It is considered to be a more spiritual and karmic chart, as it shows the underlying energies and patterns that are operating beneath the surface of the natal chart.
The Draconic chart can provide information about the soul's purpose in this lifetime, based on the lessons and experiences from past lives. The planets and aspects in the Draconic chart can give clues about unresolved issues and challenges from past lives that need to be addressed in this lifetime.
For example, if someone has a prominent placement of Mars in their Draconic chart, it may indicate that they have a karmic pattern of aggression or violence that needs to be transformed in this lifetime. Alternatively, if someone has a prominent placement of Venus in their Draconic chart, it indicates that they have a karmic pattern of seeking harmony and balance in relationships.
The Moon in the Draconic chart represents the emotional and instinctual nature of the individual, and a strongly aspected Moon can indicate a deep soul mission or purpose that the person is meant to fulfill in this lifetime.
Planets conjunct the Ascendant or Midheaven in the Draconic chart can represent energies that are particularly prominent and visible to others in the individual's life. These planets may also indicate areas where the individual is meant to develop and grow over the course of their lifetime.
A stellium in the Draconic chart indicates an area of focus or intensity in the individual's life. This may be a particular area of interest, a life purpose or mission, or an area of challenge or difficulty that the person is meant to overcome.
Aspects to the Draconic Sun can indicate areas of growth and development for the individual, as well as potential challenges or obstacles that they may need to overcome in order to fully realize their potential.
It is important to note that the Draconic chart should not be used in isolation, but rather in conjunction with the natal chart to provide a more complete picture of the individual's astrological profile and potential karmic patterns.
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funky-astrologer · 29 days
Another year around the sun…today is my birthday and to honor this, let’s talk about the Solar Return Chart☀️
forget a new year’s resolution, a solar return chart tells you what’s up
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💫What is it? The solar return is a chart cast each year around your birthday (mine was technically the day before my birthday due to natural celestial shifts) when the Sun returns to the exact position it was when you were born into existence.
💫How does it help? The solar return chart helps to understand key themes of your year ahead. It details energies that will be important and prominent.
💫When to cast a solar return? You can cast your solar return chart either on your birthday or 3 months prior as many astrologers believe the aspects and energies take affect some time before your actual birthday. You can look at your solar return at any point in time to receive insights. Especially alongside transits
💫Why is it important? Solar return charts are important because they provide essential information to help us to navigate through our lives with awareness and foresight. Looking at a solar return next to your birth chart, a transit chart and a progressed chart is something that will provide extra insight for you to understand the way the cosmos are exerting their influence in your life. It can go deep and I recommend this reading each year to get extra insight into one’s life journey.
I’m offering 8 different kinds of astrology readings for all your needs - including the solar return chart.
Order your reading now to receive an exclusive 50% off your next one!🤗
Love? Career Path? Relocating? Unsure of your birth time? Interested in travel? Yeah there’s a special reading for that.
Link below 😇
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freyjalumiere · 2 months
The magical love of the twin flames
The spiritual world is far more interesting that what we might probably think.
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We heard a lot about the concept of soulmates, those souls who are always in our journey and can be from our parents, siblings, friends and even our pets. A soulmate is not just one soulmate who shares a bond with us but in fact the number of soulmates we have is difficult to know.
The twin flame on the other hand is our other half with an intense soul connection. Is the opposite of our soul but with the same essence. Let's make the example by this: we have a pizza. There are not other pizza made in such way and the ingredients are so unique. In the moment we cut it in two pieces, the ingredients are still unique but each left with different proportions of those ingredients. The two pieces are different but still the same.
The two parts go in different paths and journey but belong to each other. Both pieces can't stop but trying to find away to return back to the other.
I was a helpless in love about love even if I was always single and I remember always dreaming about the moment I could find that other half of me. I am alway very receptive when I go to sleep and is in the dream realm where I get most of my prophetic dreams. One night asking about that other part of me, I had a dream. My Twin Flame was with me, he was giving me the strongest hug that it felt even after I woke up. I couldn't see his face, only that was a very tall and strong shadow.
Where one can find our Twin Flame in Astrology?
As i am on my big journey in this amazing study of astrology I believe the information about our Twin Flame can be found in the Draconic Chart but we have to understand something and not everyone have a Twin Flame. That is because some souls haven't the experience yet of the separation. In those cases the Draconic Chart, depending of the individual, represents a past life or the soul journey.
That is because there are some souls who doesn't have a past life and they have their first time coming on earth. Just like in my case while using the Norns asteroids of the past, present and future. My past and my present is the same, showing me that this is my first time here. Also why my dominant planet in my birth chart is Pluto, I am having a non stop transformation (as if my soul is trying to catch up with the old souls who have more reincarnations).
Having your Twin Flame in the Draconic Chart also doesn't mean the person will have to go and search for the meeting, that is because sometimes one of the half can be on earth (material world) while the other can be on the spiritual world. Sometimes the life purpose is to learn and develop independently on earth.
The only important here about the Twin Flames is the unique and strong love of the two souls.
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onceinnamon · 6 months
Okay guys I just found out about draconic synastry thanks to @crystalsenergy
Idk about draconic that much but I think it's about our soul??
Anw, I just calculate my draconic synastry with this guy and my sun conjunct his moon in 2⁰ degree, my juno conjunct his jupiter in 2⁰ degree, also my juno conjunct his south node in 0⁰ degree.
I literally freaked out does this mean something??
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astroartmuse · 8 months
Reading my draconic chart (your intuitive identity before it incarnates a body)
26 Cancer Sun Contentment and happiness in luxury, people reading on davenports. Keywords: self-indulgence, success, a luxurious life, pleasures, repose, holidays, intellectual occupation.
24 Libra Rising A third wing on the left side of a butterfly. Keywords: illimitable potentiality, distinctiveness, originality.
27 Taurus moon a Squaw selling beads. Keywords: tradition, old spiritual values, ancestry, detachment, the relations between the old values and new ones can be harmonious, wisdom, an invitation to learn from the past.
Aries 1 NN A woman rises out of water, a seal rises and embraces her. Keywords: initiative, courage, connection with the unconscious realm, androgyny, receptivity, emotions, harmony, peace, feminine qualities.
Libra 1 SN A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it. Keywords: self-expression, art, perfection, durability, a valuable creation which won’t lose her value in time, harmony.
Virgo 27 Mars Grande dames at tea. Keywords: Social recognition, to succeed in career, to respect the social rules, experience, maturity, to enjoy life at a high level, a sophisticated person.
Cancer 1 Mercury A furled and an unfurled flag displayed from a vessel. Keywords: adaptability, uncertainty, duality.
Virgo 8 Venus First dancing instruction. Keywords: to learn, to develop a skill, talent, art, to teach, to assist, a friendly attitude, to establish relations, to cooperate
Virgo 13 Jupiter A strong hand supplanting political hysteria. Keywords: personality, powerful social position, the ability to bring order even in an anarchic society, an organised person, leadership, a decision maker.
Aries 14 Saturn A serpent coiling near a man and a woman. Keywords: revelation, temptation, sin, self-discipline, being aware of both good and evil.
Pisces 21 Uranus A little white lamb, a child and a Chinese servant. Keywords: diversity, friendship, innocence, diffusion.
Pisces 24 Neptune An inhabited island. Keywords: unfriendly, alien, expansion, opportunity, independence, a new beginning, seclusion, privacy, solitude.
Capricorn 26 Pluto A water sprite. Keywords: opportunity, ideals, success, spontaneity.
Pisces 9 Lilith A jockey. Keywords: competition, ambition, agility, perspicacity, skill, elegance.
Leo 25 Fortune A large camel crossing the desert. Keywords: strength, courage, persuasion, persistence, the power to resist a long time in a difficult situation, to overcome from an impossible situation, to have reserves, a good character, an example.
Draconic Pluto is closely conj Pluto transit and Uranus and Neptune conjunct natal Moon conj transit Neptune
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ariesjupiter · 1 year
hi, i hope you are doing well!!!! could i ask what's the difference between draconic and birth charts? i still don't get it no matter how many articles i read
hi, same for you!!
this is a good question, I’m really interested in draconic charts but admittedly I don’t know too much yet.
however, i can say that both charts seem fairly similar, and actually your draconic chart is your birth chart but the difference has to do with how it’s calculated. the draconic chart’s starting point is the north node in Aries at 0°, rather than a birth chart’s starting place at sun in Aries at 0°. the draconic chart your house placements and aspects will stay the same, the signs won’t.
according to astro.com, many astrologers recommended looking at draconic charts in conjunction with your natal tropical chart. for example, they say to look at where your draconic ascendant falls in your natal chart and vice versa to gain more insight about your motivations and how you perceive the world. according to @thenatalchart conjunctions between your draconic and natal chart play a part in your destiny. a draconic chart can be interpreted as more of your internal, emotional self. from what i’ve read, it’s your soul personality without environmental influences.
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astroseeks · 6 months
What is a draconic transit chart?
A Draconic Transit Chart is a variation of an astrological chart used in astrology to gain insights into your life's spiritual and karmic influences. It is based on the position of the North Node in your birth chart and its transits over time. To understand what a Draconic Transit Chart is, you first need to know about the Draconic Chart and the North Node.
Draconic Chart: The Draconic Chart, also known as the "North Node Chart," is created by shifting the North Node of the Moon from its position in your natal (birth) chart to 0 degrees Aries. In other words, it recalibrates your entire astrological chart as if your life's journey began at a different starting point, represented by 0 degrees Aries. This chart is believed to reveal your soul's purpose and spiritual growth potential.
North Node: In astrology, the North Node and the South Node are points associated with your life's path and karma. The North Node represents your soul's intended growth and evolution in this lifetime. Its position in your natal chart signifies the lessons you're meant to learn and the qualities you should develop in your life.
A Draconic Transit Chart combines the concept of the Draconic Chart with the idea of transits. Transits are movements of celestial bodies (like planets) in the sky as they form aspects (angular relationships) with the positions in your natal chart. These transits can influence your life and experiences.
A Draconic Transit Chart, therefore, shows how the transiting North Node (in the recalibrated Draconic Chart) interacts with the positions in your natal Draconic Chart. This can provide insights into spiritual and karmic influences and how you are currently evolving in terms of your soul's journey.
Interpreting Draconic Transit Charts can be a bit more esoteric and less commonly used than regular transit charts. It is typically used by astrologers who specialize in karmic or spiritual astrology to provide a deeper perspective on one's life path and personal growth.
In summary, a Draconic Transit Chart focuses on the movement of the North Node in your recalibrated Draconic Chart, providing insights into your spiritual and karmic evolution as influenced by celestial transits. It can be a tool for those interested in exploring their deeper life purpose and soul's journey in the context of astrology.
Check: https://astrology-seek.com/astrology-tools/draconic-chart/
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harmoonix · 1 year
Draconic Chart - The most misterious chart ever
Do you ever found yourself relating to the Draconic chart? That type of chart holds so much power and is aswell so interesting
The houses in your draconic chart are showing how your soul evolved into every step before coming to earth is so interesting 🌎👄🌎
Did you know that if you have more feminine Elements {water, earth} in this chart can tell you that you soul is a feminine source while having masculine elements {fire, air} can tell you that your soul is a male source 🌎👄🌎 i need more information about it im exploding 😭
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crystalsenergy · 6 months
Draconic synastry 🔐🌌💗
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Draconic Synastry chart calculator here.
Draconic charts are perfect for understanding some fragments of our Superior personality, our Soul, even because the Soul is in constant evolution and, despite this, as we evolve very slowly (as a rule), the draconic chart defines our Soul's recent personality and experiences that the Soul has accumulated so far, that form who it is. Yes, Souls have personalities! After all, our Soul is who we are.
The draconic chart is extremely relevant for connecting with our Essence and reaching a higher level of self-awareness, which can even help us understand how deep and beautiful we are in essence.
In today's post, I bring you a little about the draconic synastry chart, which is a beautiful and very interesting chart to look at. Because it is a synastry, we are facing 2 different people.
The draconic synastry chart is used to see past dynamics of interpersonal relationships such as friendships, partnerships, relationships between parents and children, lovers, relatives, enemies...
It helps us understand how our Soul feels in relation to the Soul of another - in this life (natal chart) and in a past, deeper sense too (draconic chart).
Below are some tips on how to read:
First of all, pay attention only to aspects that have a very close angle, as the Draconic synastry chart generally has different aspects, but many may not be understood by your current consciousness so easily, and may not manifest themselves intensely. Therefore, focus on exact aspects and orbit of a maximum of 1 DEGREE.
Tips for understanding the relationship between Draconic Chart x Natal Chart:
Draconic A x Draconic B: Soul to Soul (Soul contracts, Soul experiences, how people know each other and relate to each other on a Soul level)
Draconic A x Natal chart B: Soul to Consciousness of this life (How A's Soul feels about the current experience with person B in this life)
Natal chart A x Draconic B: Consciousness of this life to Soul (How B's Soul feels about the current experience with person A in this life)
Natal Chart A x Natal Chart B: Consciousness to consciousness. (that Synastry chart that we use to look at)
Planets in the Draconic Synastry Chart
(my perspective, which is a contribution, not an absolute truth):
Sun - Basic personality. Ego. Center of consciousness. Pride. Central traits of someone's personality. Personal brilliance.
Moon - The emotional life. Emotional connection. Emotional openness. Empathy. Family. Emotions. Roots. Sensitivity. Inner connection. Inner insight. Imagination. Emotional nutrition. Mother. Intuition. Home. Emotional home. Affections.
Mercury - Thought patterns. Solutions. Rationalizations. Issues involving communication, learning, mind, intellect.
Venus - Harmony. Love. Exchanges. Money. Pleasure. Stability. Relationship. Personality. Self-value. Self-appreciation. Balance. Give and receive. Feeling of worthiness.
Mars - Assertiveness. Action. Reaction. Control. Physical energy. Defense. Attack. Defense or attack mechanisms. Independence.
Jupiter – Belief systems. Faith. Optimism. Opportunities for growth. The optimism that can arise from this relationship. A connection through trust systems. The trips you take together - mentally or physically.
Saturn - Structure. Maturity. Responsibility. Restrictions. Slow growth. Harvest well-planted fruits. Authorities. Fears. Rigidity. Limiting beliefs.
Uranus – Originality. Innovation. Interruption. Quick changes. Thoughts. Mind. Unpredictability. Creativity. Dreams. Independence.
Neptune - Past. Dreams. Intuition. Connection. Spirituality. Psyche. Escape. Unconscious matters. Personal unconscious. Collective unconscious. Faith. Religion. Illusions.
Pluto - Deep Connection. Personal unconscious. Connection. Intensity. Deep internal issues. Taboos. Sex. Standards being transformed. Power. Control. Fear. Traumas. Regeneration. Rebirth. Transformation potential. Deeper patterns that are brought to the surface.
The aspects in Draconic synastry chart
Oppositions - Lessons being learned through discomfort, from learning through the opposite side. If there are oppositions, it appears that the necessary lessons may be in the process of being developed by both individuals in the areas that involve both planets. However, it has not been fully integrated yet because there is conflict. It's important to realize that conflict only exists to bring about awareness and evolution.
Squares - Squares in a Draconic synastry chart represent the souls' quest to learn together, even though they are aware that it will bring various tensions. It will indeed be challenging, but these are lessons that will push you to grow, require effort, awareness, and discipline. The keyword for squares is conflict that generates change, learning that promotes growth. Squares represent points of clash and tension. To understand a square aspect, you can think of the signs that naturally form this aspect. For example, Aries and Capricorn. These signs are very different. Aries is instinctive, fast, impulsive, assertive, independent, often preferring something new. Capricorn is traditional, closed-off, melancholic, restrictive, limiting, conservative, practical, and planned. In the relationship between these signs, many things need to be adjusted or even sacrificed (which is not always good) in order to achieve harmony. So, when reading a Draconic synastry chart, if you see squares, they can signify a significant opportunity for you to learn and evolve within a relationship. Obviously, always seeking to learn in calmer ways, as we don't necessarily need chaos to evolve.
Conjunctions - In a Draconic synastry chart, a conjunction represents that your souls feel connected because they share common points. It's a union of forces and efforts. Here, there's a significant possibility that people in this life are experiencing, expanding, and increasing the significance of points that already existed in their souls (points that involve the aspected planets). Conjunctions can represent points of evolution in an issue that has been repeating, meaning you are getting better and better at what your souls have in common and already possess, OR they can indicate a comfort zone, OR a boost of energy to be channeled in good ways. It all depends on the individuals involved, their choices, and the rest of the chart!
Sextiles - In a Draconic synastry chart, sextiles, in my view, represent points where your souls feel very comfortable together, points of harmony and mutual effort. Sextile aspects in the Draconic chart bring a sense of ease, something that is easily achieved through action. Here, we observe in which areas the two individuals involved have a facility to navigate those topics that involve the planets in the aspect.
Trines - Trines in the Draconic synastry chart symbolize even more ease in topics involving the planets of the aspect. These are points where your souls communicate very well, speaking practically the same language (the same element).
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funky-astrologer · 1 month
Hi all
I’d love for you to check out this quick overview of my astrology services⭐️
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You can book a reading through my Etsy to speed up the process, or you can inquire through email as well!
Link for the readings through Etsy is below!
*Tarot readings are up on my Etsy as well :)
Happy spring equinox✨
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astroismypassion · 1 year
I have a question about a specific type of chart but if you dont do western astrology much that's okay! I have been looking at my draconic chart the last couple days and I was wondering, could I read the aspects and stuff from a natal perspective and then just shift it to what my soul is actually wanting to do/be.
Thank you!
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waterbendingwaves · 2 years
are there not planets in astro sign descriptions for draconic chart or is it the same as natal placement just in a diff chart?
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prettypansyprince · 7 months
My natal chart (Placidus and whole signs) & Draconic (Placidus)
My goal for my 30s was to get more into astrology, here I am! 😁
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