astrologged · 2 months
Haumea (136108) represents transformation, regeneration, and renewal. Named after the Hawaiian goddess of childbirth and fertility, Haumea's influence in a birth chart indicate areas of life where profound change and growth are likely to occur. It encourages people to embrace evolution, both internally and externally, and to navigate through periods of transition with resilience and adaptability. Haumea's placement in the chart focus on where and how someone's likely to experience transformational processes and where renewal and regeneration are needed.
1st house: personal transformation and renewal, indicating a strong focus on self-improvement and identity evolution.
2nd house: transformation and regeneration in areas related to finances, values, and possessions. There's a need to reassess your material resources and security.
3rd house: transformation and renewal in communication, learning, and local environment. There's a talent for transforming ideas and sharing knowledge.
4th house: transformation and regeneration within the home, family, and emotional foundation. There's a deep connection to your roots and a desire for emotional healing within the family dynamics.
5th house: transformation and renewal in creativity, self-expression, and romance. There's a desire for self-discovery through creative pursuits and passionate relationships.
6th house: transformation and regeneration in health, daily routines, and work environment. There's a need for healing and renewal in your physical and mental well-being.
7th house: transformation and renewal within partnerships, relationships, and collaborations. This placement may suggest a focus on healing and growth through intimate connections with others.
8th house: transformation and regeneration in areas related to shared resources, intimacy, and psychological depth. There's a profound interest in exploring the mysteries of life and death.
9th house: transformation and renewal through higher learning, travel, and philosophical exploration. There's a desire for spiritual growth and expansion of your worldview.
10th house: transformation and regeneration in career, public image, and life goals. There's a strong drive for success and recognition, with a focus on making a meaningful impact in the world.
11th house: transformation and renewal within social circles, community involvement, and long-term goals. There's a desire for progressive change and collective empowerment.
12th house: transformation and regeneration in spirituality, subconscious patterns, and inner healing. There's a deep connection to the collective unconscious and a need for spiritual transcendence. Deep rooted traumas.
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astrologged · 4 months
Orcus in the signs
Orcus (90482), named after the Roman god of the underworld. Its placement in a natal chart can give insight into an individual’s relationship with power, control, and transformation. A minor planet that represents the energy of consequence and karma.
Orcus in Aries: A desire for power and control in personal relationships, as well as a need to be seen as a leader or pioneer in one’s field. A person’s past actions and decisions have led them to a point where they need to learn to balance their assertiveness with consideration for others, and to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions. They may also be required to work on developing a stronger sense of self and individuality, and to learn how to use their personal power in a positive and constructive way. Orcus in Aries may indicate a need for personal growth and the development of leadership skills.
Orcus in Taurus: A strong desire for material security and stability, as well as a need for control over one’s possessions and resources. They have a strong attachment to material things and may feel as if they are owed something in life. They have a tendency to hold onto grudges and not forgive easily, which can lead to karmic debt in the future. On the other hand, they may be able to work hard and accumulate wealth, but they need to be careful not to become too greedy.
Orcus in Gemini: A desire for mental control and manipulation, as well as a need for intellectual dominance or influence. There’s a focus on communication, information, and intellectual pursuits when it comes to issues of justice and karmic consequences. There’s a need for clear and precise communication in legal or ethical matters. Alternatively, there may be a tendency to be intellectually cunning or deceptive in order to avoid consequences or manipulate situations. It’s a good idea to consider different sides of an issue before passing judgment or taking action.
Orcus in Cancer: A desire for emotional control and manipulation, as well as a need for security and protection in personal relationships. There are karmic issues related to the persons family and home life. This placement indicates a need to transform or heal past wounds related to their upbringing, and to confront any unresolved emotional issues. There’s also a need to address any issues related to nurturing and taking care of oneself and others. This placement indicates a strong connection to one’s ancestral roots and a sense of duty towards family and the home.
Orcus in Leo: A desire for recognition and fame, as well as a need for control over one’s public image and reputation. These themes are expressed in a way that is focused on personal identity, self-expression, creativity, and leadership. There’s a strong drive to take responsibility for one’s own actions and to make a positive impact on the world. There can be a tendency to become overly attached to one’s own ego, which could lead to conflicts with others or a sense of isolation. The challenge with Orcus in Leo is to balance a strong sense of self with a willingness to work collaboratively and to consider the needs of others.
Orcus in Virgo: A need for control over one’s health and daily routines, as well as a desire for perfection and order in all aspects of life. There’s a focus on justice and fairness. Virgo’s tendency to be analytical and critical may also amplify the themes of Orcus, causing an person to be particularly hard on themselves or others when it comes to issues of right and wrong. The analytical abilities of Virgo may also help the person to be more adept at detecting and addressing imbalances or injustices. They have a strong sense of duty and responsibility to make sure things are “right,” and work tirelessly to achieve this goal. They need to be careful not to become overly critical or perfectionistic in their quest for justice.
Orcus in Libra: A need for control over one’s relationships and partnerships, as well as a desire for social harmony and balance. There’s an emphasis on issues related to relationships, partnerships, and fairness. People with this placement may be particularly focused on achieving balance and harmony in their lives and relationships. They’re driven to seek justice and fairness in all aspects of life, and have a strong sense of what is right and wrong. They also struggle with indecision or difficulty making choices, as they see all sides of a situation and want to consider everyone’s needs and perspectives. There’s a strong desire for balance and fairness in all areas of life, particularly in relationships and partnerships.
Orcus in Scorpio: A desire for power and control in all areas of life, as well as a need for transformation and regeneration. There’s a deep fascination with the hidden and taboo, as well as an interest in power and control. This brings intense and transformative experiences related to sexuality, death, and the occult. It also creates a tendency towards obsessive or compulsive behavior, as well as a potential for hidden or repressed anger. With self-awareness and emotional maturity, this placement can lead to a profound understanding of the mysteries of life and death, and a powerful capacity for transformation and regeneration.
Orcus in Sagittarius: A desire for control over one’s beliefs and ideologies, as well as a need for spiritual growth and exploration. The person with this placement is concerned with seeking truth and justice in their life. They have a strong sense of morality and ethics, and feel compelled to follow their beliefs and convictions, even if it means going against societal norms or expectations. They also have a keen interest in philosophy, religion, or higher education, and might pursue these areas of study as a way to gain greater understanding and wisdom. At times, they struggle with dogmatism, rigid thinking, or a sense of self-righteousness, which may alienate them from others or create conflicts. When they are able to maintain an open mind and a sense of humility, they can use their strong moral compass to inspire and guide others towards greater understanding and justice.
Orcus in Capricorn: A desire for power and control in professional and social settings, as well as a need for structure and discipline.  There’s a strong drive to succeed in their careers and they feel a sense of responsibility to uphold the status quo. They’re also more attuned to the darker aspects of power dynamics and may be able to see through superficial displays of authority or tradition. In relationships there’s need for respect and authority. They prefer relationships that have a clear structure and defined roles. They must be wary of partners who try to exert control or manipulate them in hidden ways.
Orcus in Aquarius: A desire for control over one’s social and political ideals, as well as a need for innovation and progress. There’s a need to reform or revolutionize societal structures and systems that are oppressive or limiting. There’s a strong sense of justice and equality for all, and a desire to bring about change through unconventional or innovative means. This placement indicates a fear of losing individuality or personal freedom in the face of conformity or authority, and a need to assert independence in unconventional ways. There’s a focus on group dynamics and the greater good, as well as a desire to break free from tradition and embrace new ideas and perspectives.
Orcus in Pisces: A desire for control over one’s spiritual and emotional experiences, as well as a need for transcendence and enlightenment. There’s a need to face subconscious fears and spiritual issues related to endings, loss, and surrender. Pisces is a sign associated with the collective unconscious, imagination, and sensitivity, and Orcus here may emphasize the need to let go of old patterns or illusions that hinder spiritual growth. It also suggests a connection to hidden or taboo subjects, or a need to confront issues related to sacrifice or martyrdom.
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astrologged · 6 months
Lilith in Gemini in the houses
Lilith in Gemini in the 1st House: Makes you highly curious and adaptable, with a natural gift for communication. You have a rebellious streak in your personality and are not afraid to assert your independence. You struggle with issues of self-identity and may be drawn to unconventional ways of presenting yourself to the world.
Lilith in Gemini in the 2nd House: Brings issues related to finances and values. You have an unconventional approach to money and material possessions, which could lead to financial fluctuations. It's important to be cautious about impulsiveness in financial matters.
Lilith in Gemini in the 3rd House: With Lilith in the house of communication, you may have a strong desire to express yourself and share your ideas with others. You have a rebellious or unconventional way of thinking and communicating. Siblings and neighbors may play a significant role in your life. You like to speak.
Lilith in Gemini in the 4th House: Family and home life may be a source of rebellion and conflict for you. You have a strong desire for independence and may not conform to traditional family roles or expectations. There could be a tendency to seek unconventional living arrangements.
Lilith in Gemini in the 5th House: Creates a sense of playfulness and curiosity in your approach to creativity, romance, and self-expression. You have unconventional or rebellious ways of seeking pleasure and expressing love. Your children, if you have them, might also be non-conformist or independent.
Lilith in Gemini in the 6th House: Your work life and daily routines may be a source of rebellion or struggle. You might have a desire for independence in your job or have unconventional work habits. Health-related issues could also be a concern, and you could even be drawn to alternative or holistic healing methods.
Lilith in Gemini in the 7th House: Relationships and partnerships may be a source of tension and rebellion. You're attracted to unconventional or non-traditional partners, and your relationships may be marked by a strong need for intellectual connection. There could be challenges in finding the right balance between independence and commitment. Don't be too judgemental.
Lilith in Gemini in the 8th House: Brings unconventional and intense experiences related to shared resources, transformation, and intimacy. You're drawn to taboo subjects or unconventional approaches to sexuality and power dynamics.
Lilith in Gemini in the 9th House: Your beliefs and quest for knowledge take on a rebellious or unconventional tone. You're drawn to non-traditional philosophies or have a desire to explore different cultures and belief systems. Travel and higher education are areas of interest.
Lilith in Gemini in the 10th House: Career and public image are a source of tension and rebellion. You have an unconventional approach to your professional life and may resist conforming to traditional career paths. Your public image is marked by a sense of independence and non-conformity.
Lilith in Gemini in the 11th House: In the house of friendships and social networks, you have unconventional and eclectic social circles. You're attracted to like-minded rebels and activists, and your friendships are marked by a sense of intellectual independence.
Lilith in Gemini in the 12th House: This placement suggests that your unconscious mind and spirituality have a non-traditional or rebellious quality. You have an unconventional approach to exploring your inner world and seeking spiritual or mystical experiences.
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astrologged · 6 months
Lilith in Taurus in the houses
Lilith in Taurus in the 1st House: You express your sense of independence and sensuality through your physical appearance and self-identity. There's a strong desire for self-sufficiency and a resistance to being controlled by others.
Lilith in Taurus in the 2nd House: Issues of self-worth, possessions, and personal values could be particularly significant. You grapple with the desire for material security and independence, even if it means breaking societal norms.
Lilith in Taurus in the 3rd House: Communication and learning might be where you experience a strong need for independence. You resist conventional thinking and be drawn to unconventional or taboo subjects.
Lilith in Taurus in the 4th House: Issues related to home, family, and emotional security may be significant. There could be a strong desire for independence from family influences, and you seek unconventional ways of finding comfort and nurturing.
Lilith in Taurus in the 5th House: Your desires for pleasure, creativity, and self-expression are highlighted. You resist societal norms when it comes to love, romance, and personal creativity.
Lilith in Taurus in the 6th House: Work and health-related issues may be where you experience a strong need for independence. You resist conforming to traditional work roles and may seek unconventional ways of maintaining physical well-being.
Lilith in Taurus in the 7th House: Independence in relationships is a key theme. You resist traditional partnership dynamics and be drawn to unconventional or even taboo relationships.
Lilith in Taurus in the 8th House: Intense desires and transformational experiences are prominent. You resist societal norms regarding shared resources, power dynamics, and even issues of life and death.
Lilith in Taurus in the 9th House: Independence in matters of philosophy, travel, and higher education is a central theme. You resist traditional belief systems and seek unconventional forms of spiritual or intellectual exploration.
Lilith in Taurus in the 10th House: Your career and public image are areas where independence and rebellion manifest. You resist conforming to societal expectations regarding your career path and public standing.
Lilith in Taurus in the 11th House: In your social and group interactions, you resist societal norms and seek unconventional or non-traditional affiliations. Independence within your social network is essential.
Lilith in Taurus in the 12th House: This placement can bring up issues related to the unconscious and spiritual matters. You resist traditional spiritual beliefs and explore unconventional or even taboo spiritual practices.
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astrologged · 6 months
Lilith in Aries in the houses
Lilith in Aries in the 1st House: This placement makes you fiercely independent, assertive, and competitive. You may struggle with issues related to self-identity and self-expression, often rebelling against conventional norms.
Lilith in Aries in the 2nd House: Your sense of self-worth and values are strongly influenced by a desire for material independence and self-sufficiency. You may grapple with issues related to money, possessions, and personal resources.
Lilith in Aries in the 3rd House: You could be quite outspoken and direct in your communication. Issues related to siblings, education, or local community are usually areas of tension. You are attracted to unconventional or controversial subjects.
Lilith in Aries in the 4th House: Family dynamics and issues related to home and roots are areas where you assert your independence. You might have a challenging relationship with your parents or your sense of home and security.
Lilith in Aries in the 5th House: Your creative expression and desire for romance is unconventional and marked by a strong sense of independence. You might struggle with issues of ego and self-expression in your hobbies and relationships.
Lilith in Aries in the 6th House: You have a strong desire for independence in your work and daily routines. This can lead to issues related to authority or power struggles in the workplace. Health and physical well-being may also be areas of concern.
Lilith in Aries in the 7th House: Relationships and partnerships are marked by assertiveness and a need for independence. You might grapple with power struggles or issues of dominance in your close relationships.
Lilith in Aries in the 8th House: Matters related to transformation, shared resources, and intimacy are possibly areas of tension. You have a strong desire for control in these areas, which can lead to issues with trust and power dynamics.
Lilith in Aries in the 9th House: You're drawn to unconventional belief systems and philosophies, often rebelling against established traditions. Issues related to higher education, travel, and cultural exploration may be prominent.
Lilith in Aries in the 10th House: Your approach to career and public life is marked by a strong desire for independence and recognition. You could struggle with authority figures or societal norms in your professional life.
Lilith in Aries in the 11th House: In your social circles and group activities, you have a need for independencae and a desire to break free from conformity. This can lead to issues related to friendships and group dynamics.
Lilith in Aries in the 12th House: Your unconscious desires and issues related to the spiritual and subconscious realms are marked by independence and a sense of rebellion. You could have a challenging relationship with solitude and hidden aspects of your life.
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astrologged · 7 months
Hi! Hope your having a good night or day! Thoughts on asteroid Cupid conjunct MC?
There's a strong focus on matters related to love, romance, and relationships in your public or professional life. The Midheaven represents your career, public image, and aspirations, so when it's influenced by Cupid, it may indicate that love and partnership play a significant role in your career or how you are perceived by the public.
Your public image may be intertwined with your romantic relationships or partnerships. You may be known for your high-profile relationships or your reputation as a romantic.
You're driven by your passions and desires, and you're willing to pursue career paths that align with your heart's desires.
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astrologged · 7 months
Full Moon in Aries
This is a time of increased assertiveness, potential conflicts, or a desire to take the lead in various aspects of life. Emotions may run high, and people feel more impulsive or driven to assert their individuality. It's a good time for initiating projects, but it's also important to be mindful of not being overly aggressive or confrontational during this period.
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astrologged · 7 months
synastry* :')
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astrologged · 7 months
One sided-attraction in Synastry
In synastry, certain planetary placements can suggest a one-sided attraction or an uneven dynamic between two people.
Unrequited Aspects: When one person's planets make significant aspects (conjunctions, squares, oppositions) to another person's planets, but the aspects are not reciprocated. For example, if Person A's Mars conjuncts Person B's Venus, but Person B's Mars doesn't form any aspect to Person A's Venus, it can create a situation where Person A is more attracted or assertive in the relationship.
Stelliums: If one person has a stellium (a concentration of three or more planets) in a particular sign or house in their birth chart, and this stellium strongly aspects planets in the other person's chart, it can create an imbalanced attraction. The person with the stellium may feel more drawn or affected by the other person than vice versa.
Lopsided Aspects: When one person's planets heavily aspect the other person's chart, but the reverse is not true. This creates a situation where one person is more invested or interested in the relationship than the other.
Strong Outer Planet Contacts: Contacts involving outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) can indicate a more transformative or one-sided attraction. For example, if one person's Pluto aspects the other person's personal planets (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars) without reciprocation, it can suggest a compelling and intense attraction on one side.
Composite Chart Aspects: When analyzing the composite chart, look for aspects that indicate an unequal dynamic. For instance, if the composite Sun is conjunct one person's Venus but squares the other person's Saturn, it can suggest that one person is more drawn to the relationship than the other, and there may be challenges to overcome.
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astrologged · 7 months
Vesta Aspects
Vesta - Sun
Vesta Trine/Sextile Sun: There's strong sense of dedication to one's self-expression and identity. The person possesses unwavering confidence and commitment to their goals and aspirations. They can easily concentrate their energy and passion into personal projects and creative endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Sun: There may be conflicts between personal ambitions and devotion to a particular cause or focus. Balancing self-expression and dedication to a specific goal can be challenging.
Vesta Conjunct Sun: This alignment can make a person extremely dedicated to their self-expression, career, or personal goals. They have a strong sense of purpose and are willing to make sacrifices to achieve their ambitions.
Vesta - Moon
Vesta Trine/Sextile Moon: There's a deep emotional connection to one's home and family life. The person is exceptionally devoted to their loved ones, creating a warm and nurturing domestic environment. Emotional security and stability are essential, and they find comfort in routines and traditions.
Vesta Square/Opposite Moon: Conflicts between emotional needs and a sense of devotion or service. The person may grapple with finding emotional fulfillment while also feeling the need to dedicate themselves to a specific cause or practice.
Vesta Conjunct Moon: Vesta's influence on the Moon makes someone deeply committed to their emotional well-being and domestic life. They prioritize creating a harmonious and nurturing home environment.
Vesta - Mercury
Vesta Trine/Sextile Mercury: There's a strong focus on intellectual pursuits and communication. These people are deeply committed to their studies, writing, or teaching. They have a keen ability to concentrate their thoughts and communicate effectively, making them excellent at conveying their ideas.
Vesta Square/Opposite Mercury: There are challenges related to communication and concentration. The person might find it difficult to focus their mind on tasks or to express their ideas clearly and succinctly.
Vesta Conjunct Mercury: With this conjunction, a person is intensely focused on communication and mental pursuits. They excel in fields that require precision and concentration, such as research or writing.
Vesta - Venus
Vesta Trine/Sextile Venus: Have a deep commitment to their relationships and values. They are very devoted to their loved ones, seeking to create harmonious and loving connections. They also have a strong appreciation for art and beauty, dedicating themselves to creative endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Venus: This aspect creates tension between the desire for romantic or aesthetic pleasures and the need for dedication and purity. There may be conflicts between personal relationships and a sense of devotion or service.
Vesta Conjunct Venus: This alignment intensifies one's dedication to relationships and the pursuit of beauty and harmony. They are especially devoted to creating and maintaining loving partnerships.
Vesta - Mars
Vesta Trine/Sextile Mars: A dedicated and disciplined approach to achieving one's desires and taking action. The person focusses their energy and passion effectively, making them persistent and determined in their pursuits. They excel in physical activities and sports.
Vesta Square/Opposite Mars: Tension between someone's assertive and competitive drives and the desire for dedicated, disciplined action. The person struggles with finding a balance between assertiveness and devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Mars: People with this conjunction channel their energy and assertiveness into specific causes or projects. They have a determined and disciplined approach to pursuing their desires and passions.
Vesta - Jupiter
Vesta Trine/Sextile Jupiter: Have a strong commitment to personal growth and expansion. They are optimistic and enthusiastic, dedicating themselves to broadening their horizons through education, travel, or spiritual pursuits.
Vesta Square/Opposite Jupiter: Challenges related to expanding one's horizons and maintaining a dedicated focus with this aspect. The person might have a tendency to overcommit or take on too much, leading to a conflict between their ideals and practical efforts.
Vesta Conjunct Jupiter: Vesta's commitment to growth and expansion combines with Jupiter's optimism. These people are devoted to their spiritual or philosophical beliefs and have a strong sense of faith and purpose.
Vesta - Saturn
Vesta Trine/Sextile Saturn: A disciplined and dedicated approach to responsibilities and goals. These people are committed to their long-term ambitions and can persevere through challenges. They excel in structured and organized endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Saturn: Conflicts between responsibilities, limitations, and the desire for purity and dedication. There's a sense of duty that conflicts with the need for focused devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Saturn: There's a strong sense of responsibility and discipline. These people are dedicated to their long-term goals and excel in fields that require patience and endurance.
Vesta - Uranus
Vesta Trine/Sextile Uranus: A unique and innovative approach to personal devotion and commitment. The person is dedicated to unconventional or progressive causes and may find their sense of focus in unexpected places. They're inventive and open to change.
Vesta Square/Opposite Uranus: There's tension between the need for stability and routine and the desire for innovation and independence. The individual struggles to balance their need for structure with a desire for freedom and change.
Vesta Conjunct Uranus: With this alignment, a person's commitment to innovation and individuality is intensified. They're dedicated to progressive or unconventional causes.
Vesta - Neptune
Vesta Trine/Sextile Neptune: There's a deep spiritual or artistic commitment. These people may be devoted to their creative or mystical pursuits, seeking to transcend ordinary reality. They have a profound connection to their inner world and imagination.
Vesta Square/Opposite Neptune: Creates conflicts between the desire for spiritual or idealistic pursuits and the need for dedicated, disciplined action. The person might find it challenging to maintain clarity and focus in their spiritual practices.
Vesta Conjunct Neptune: These people have a deep devotion to artistic or spiritual pursuits.
Vesta - Pluto
Vesta Trine/Sextile Pluto: Have a powerful and transformative sense of dedication. They are committed to deep and profound change, whether in personal growth or in their work. They focus their intensity and passion effectively.
Vesta Square/Opposite Pluto: Intense power struggles and conflicts between deep transformational forces and the desire for purity and dedication. There's a need to confront and transform obsessions or compulsions that interfere with one's devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Pluto: This conjunction intensifies one's dedication to transformation and empowerment. These people are deeply committed to uncovering hidden truths or pursuing intense personal growth.
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astrologged · 7 months
synastry* :')
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astrologged · 7 months
Vesta in the signs
Vesta in the houses
Vesta aspects
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astrologged · 7 months
Progressed Mars in the signs
As Mars progresses through the signs in your birth chart over time, it affects how you use your energy, express your assertiveness, and pursue your goals. This progression can shape your actions, ambitions, and how you handle different aspects of your life.
Progressed Mars in Aries: You become more assertive, independent, and self-motivated. You'll be eager to take the initiative and pursue your goals with enthusiasm.
Progressed Mars in Taurus: You'll become more patient, determined, and focused on your material and financial security. Your actions are steady and deliberate.
Progressed Mars in Gemini: Can make you more curious, communicative, and versatile. You become more interested in learning, networking, and pursuing intellectual interests.
Progressed Mars in Cancer: Mars in Cancer brings out your nurturing and protective instincts. You become more focused on family matters and emotional well-being.
Progressed Mars in Leo: You'll become more confident, bold, and expressive. Your actions are driven by a desire for recognition and applause.
Progressed Mars in Virgo: Makes you more detail-oriented, analytical, and focused on health and self-improvement. You become more diligent in your actions.
Progressed Mars in Libra: May encourage you to seek harmony, balance, and cooperation in your actions. You become more diplomatic and relationship-oriented.
Progressed Mars in Scorpio: Will make you more intense, passionate, and determined. You become more interested in psychological and transformational pursuits.
Progressed Mars in Sagittarius: You'll become more adventurous, optimistic, and interested in expanding your horizons. You'll take more risks and explore new territories.
Progressed Mars in Capricorn: Progressed Mars in Capricorn makes you more disciplined, ambitious, and focused on long-term goals. You become more career-oriented.
Progressed Mars in Aquarius: Mars in Aquarius encourages you to become more innovative, open-minded, and interested in social causes. You'll take unconventional actions and seek to reform existing structures.
Progressed Mars in Pisces: You'll become more compassionate, intuitive, and sensitive to others' needs. Your actions are guided by a desire to help and support.
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astrologged · 7 months
Retrograde Planets
Retrograde Asteroids
Retrograde Eros & Psysche
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astrologged · 7 months
Retrograde asteroids in the birth chart
Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Eris aren't planets, they're asteroids. When they go retrograde in someone's birth chart, they can offer extra information about that person's character and life events.
Ceres Retrograde: Ceres is associated with nurturing, motherhood, and the cycle of life and death. When Ceres is retrograde, they have experienced challenges or difficulties related to nurturing, either in their early upbringing or as a parent themselves. They need to work on issues related to self-care and providing care to others.
Pallas Retrograde: Pallas is associated with wisdom, strategy, and problem-solving. In retrograde, Pallas indicates that someone's analytical and strategic abilities are turned inward. They might struggle with decision-making or find it challenging to express their wisdom to others. Self-reflection and introspection can help them access their inner wisdom.
Juno Retrograde: Juno represents partnership and commitment, particularly in marriage. When Juno is retrograde, someone faces challenges related to forming and maintaining partnerships. They have a more internalized approach to their relationships, making it essential for them to work on understanding their own needs and expectations in partnerships.
Vesta Retrograde: Vesta is associated with devotion, focus, and commitment to a particular cause or mission. In retrograde, someone struggles with finding a sense of purpose or may have difficulty fully committing to a specific path. They need to explore their inner motivations and passions more deeply.
Eris Retrograde: Eris is associated with discord, chaos, and transformation. In retrograde, someone's experiences of conflict or disruption are more internalized. They struggle with their own inner demons or hidden conflicts, and the process of transformation is more personal and introspective.
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astrologged · 7 months
Retrograde planets in the birth chart
Retrograde planets in a birth chart point to difficulties and obstacles a person has to deal with in their life. These planets aren't necessarily bad; they just show places where a person might have unique experiences and chances to grow.
Mercury Retrograde: They face difficulties in communication and might struggle with expressing themselves clearly, which can lead to misunderstandings. It's important for them to work on improving their communication skills and learning to be more concise.
Venus Retrograde: Can encounter challenges in their romantic and social lives and have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships or they could possibly experience unconventional relationship patterns. Learning to appreciate their unique approach to love and relationships is key.
Mars Retrograde: Experience frustration when it comes to asserting themselves and taking action and have a more internalized approach to handling conflicts, they need to work on finding constructive outlets for their energy.
Jupiter Retrograde: Struggle with issues related to personal growth and expansion. They may find it challenging to tap into their potential for success and may need to work on self-confidence and optimism.
Saturn Retrograde: Often feel an internal sense of responsibility and discipline. They have difficulty conforming to external structures and authority figures and they need to learn to define their own boundaries and goals.
Uranus Retrograde: Find it hard to embrace change and innovation and resist unconventional ideas. They need to learn to be more adaptable and open-minded.
Neptune Retrograde: Struggle with maintaining clear boundaries and distinguishing reality from illusion. They need to work on grounding themselves and avoiding escapism.
Pluto Retrograde: Have a deep inner transformation process. They may struggle with issues related to power and control, needing to learn how to use their personal power constructively.
Chiron Retrograde: Chiron represents the "wounded healer," and when retrograde, individuals have a harder time addressing and healing their inner wounds. They're more introspective about their pain but could benefit from seeking healing and guidance.
You can determine which planets are retrograde in your natal chart by looking for an "r.
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astrologged · 7 months
Eros & Psyche Retrograde
Eros and Psyche are two asteroids, and like any other celestial bodies, they can go retrograde in your birth chart.
Eros Retrograde: Eros represents erotic and romantic attraction, as well as our passionate desires. When Eros is retrograde, it suggests that a person's approach to love and passion is more internalized or introspective. They experience their desires in a more profound and personal way, possibly hidden from others. It can indicate a need to explore their own sexual and romantic nature on a deeper level. They might have a complex relationship with their desires and could benefit from self-reflection to understand their inner erotic drives better. They feel a need to understand their own desires on a deeper level before expressing them outwardly, which could be mistaken for prudeness.
Psyche Retrograde: Psyche is associated with the soul, psychological growth, and the journey toward self discovery. When Psyche is retrograde in the birth chart, the person is deeply reflective and has an innate ability to delve into the complexities of their own psyche. They might also be drawn to psychology, therapy, or spiritual practices that help them explore their inner world. They've faced deeper introspection and self-analysis throughout their lives, possibly struggling with issues related to self-worth and self-acceptance. This placement encourages them to explore their inner psyche and delve into their subconscious to uncover hidden aspects of themselves.
When Eros and/or Psyche go retrograde, it doesn't mean it's all negative. It just suggests a different, more personal way of dealing with love, desire, and self-discovery.
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