#unaspected planet
safiredreams · 1 year
An Unaspected Planet can be difficult since it has no other outlet for the energy to be channeled through, often the energy of that planet can feel archaic in its expression as it is completely and purely that planetary archetype that the person is living out.
Sun conjunct Pluto people may go to extreme lengths to keep their privacy. They are perhaps some of the most mysterious people you may come across. 
12th House Synastry can lead to the house person being deceived by the planet person, you should watch out for buying into illusions that are not there.
4th house could show us what kind of food makes us feel nurtured, what reminds us of our childhood. Perhaps how we nurture others though food. Soul food house.
12th House Planet energy may come out during a deep state of meditation, Uranus may bring sudden images or ideas into ones consciousness like lightning bolts.
Pluto in the 4th House people often seem to have serious issues with their father.
7th House Sun people rely heavily on others to understand themselves. They tend to use people as mirrors.
Pisces Mars people need to feel like whatever they are doing in life is going to help others in some shape or form or else they have a really hard time getting out of bed and following their ambitions. 
Libra Mars people will try to be very diplomatic when dealing with arguments, they are especially good at helping others see the other persons side, they are great mediators.
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pallastrology · 4 months
FAQ: unaspected planets
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artwork by aurora mira mena
what is an unaspected planet? an unaspected planet is just that; when you look at your birth chart, most planets will have lines (aspects) connecting them to other planets and bodies in the chart. an unaspected planet, therefore, is a planet that has no connections.
what do unaspected planets mean in a chart? unaspected planets tend to behave quite unpredictably. sometimes they really shine through, almost like a north star of the chart, and guide you through life. the traits of the unaspected planet may be really clear to see, and you'd be forgiven for thinking the person was ruled by the unaspected planet (in fact, they can be, like with any other planet). on the other hand, the traits of the planet can be lost, and the person can really struggle to see or feel those traits in themselves. they might lack life experiences that correlate to the unaspected planet, or experience it all very internally, similarly to a planet in retrograde.
do i have unaspected planets? technically, nobody will really have unaspected planets, because if you add enough asteroids or points or other bodies into your chart, eventually everything will form aspects. some astrologers may also choose to count or not count aspects, in terms of orb (tightness of aspect), counting less-common aspects or not counting generational aspects. however, in my experience at least, unaspected planets are fairly uncommon, even in a 'standard' natal chart.
do transits/progressions impact unaspected planets? yes, they do, and often quite extremely compared to aspected planets. transits and progressions will bring the unaspected planet into connection with something, so they can be very strongly affected by them. because they aren't "naturally" connected to other bodies, you may find you feel kind of unaware of the planet generally, and these transits really jolt you into awareness of it; so it's often very useful to track your transits and progressions to see what's happening with your unaspected planet(s), if you have them.
are unaspected planets bad? no! they aren't something to worry about, but are something to look into, as in my experience, they point to deeper patterns and can be a source of much frustration without some understanding and work. please see below for a brief interpretation of unaspected planets...
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with the sun unaspected, the native may be insecure and unconfident in themselves. they may lack direction and a cohesive sense of who they are, feeling like they don't really know themselves. they are often very bright, generous individuals, despite their internal struggles. but speaking of internal, the traits of the sun can manifest a bit differently when unaspected, with the native being almost 'invisible' in public, only to be a vibrant, self-assured person on the inside. there can be a big disconnect between how they are perceived by others and how they perceive themselves.
with the moon unaspected, the native's emotions are turbulent and confusing to them. they may feel things rather deeply, but struggle to express their emotions effectively, leaving them feeling neglected by, or cut off from their loved ones. transiting planets will often have a strong impact on their emotions, and they can easily feel pushed and pulled around by external factors. their emotions might feel out of control at times, or conversely, they may feel quite flat and numb outside of external events, finding it hard to even feel their emotions, let alone express them. internally, they are kind, warm and caring individuals with a strong craving to be cared for, it's just that the signal gets mixed up somewhere along the way.
with mercury unaspected, the native has an unusual way of thinking. they may be quite abstract thinkers, whose best ideas come to them by eureka moments. planning and organisation may not be their greatest strength, with their best efforts often falling short, despite working hard. they are bright, but may struggle academically, especially in their younger years. the native is often quite creative and witty, but might find they communicate most effectively when they have time; so think email, text, letter... when it comes to a face-to-face conversation, they might find they stumble over their words or put their foot in their mouth. i think their brains go too fast for them to keep up sometimes!
with venus unaspected, the native has a lot of love to give. they are sweet and may be the type to dream about living in a house full of love from a young age. but all that love gets a bit choked up, and the native struggles to express it. they tend to be nervous around others, prone to self-comparison, especially when it comes to looks. they take relationships seriously and find casual dating stressful, as it takes them time to build trust and comfort around a person. they are creative, but tend to suffer from art block and again, self-comparison to others in their field. because of this, the native can be kind of gloomy, despite the influence venus has on them. they need to learn to appreciate themselves the way they do others, to help mitigate and work with, not against, their struggles.
with mars unaspected, the native is full of life and energy. they are bright, witty and determined. where they struggle is direction; channeling all that energy is really difficult for the native, who can easily feel pushed and pulled in all directions. they can be flighty and chaotic, finding it hard to focus and stick at things. this can lead to the native feeling burnt out and disempowered, leaving them lethargic, even depressed. they may feel quite inadequate and struggle to assert themselves too, eventually snapping and getting into conflict with others. all in all, this is a passionate, creative and driven person, who needs to learn to slow down, focus, breathe and direct themselves and all that energy.
with jupiter unaspected, the native tends to be kind and generous, with a deep imagination. they have incredible capacity for creativity and become very good at whatever they focus on. ironically, the natives can find it very difficult to focus; everything feels important and meaningful to them, and they don't quite know where to start. tasks and goals can seem to expand endlessly, and they struggle to break things down into manageable chunks. they can be full of self-doubt too, not seeing their positive traits and becoming quite pessimistic about themselves. they are very selfless, and may struggle with boundaries because of this, which can leave them feeling more unsure of themselves.
with saturn unaspected, the native is a powerhouse, just waiting to be activated. they are determined, studious and responsible, but there tend to be two things that can cause issues; either there is something stopping the native from being organised and confident enough in themselves to work towards their goals, or they become very preoccupied with things being 'right', to their detriment. the natives are often very clever but can struggle to channel their minds effectively, becoming anxious and almost religious about things being done a certain way. this need for control reflects how they are feeling internally, so when life gets stressful, they try to control themselves or their environment for comfort.
with uranus unaspected, the native is bright, cerebral and passionate. they are prone to moments of almost-unbearable awareness and awakening, which just further fuels their passion. they can be rash and hasty because of this; they can become blinkered and so focused on their goal that they miss details or pitfalls along the way. they can sometimes feel alienated from others too, whether because they feel very different to their peers, or because their morals and goals just really don't align. it can take time for them to find their people, and until then they are sort of an involuntary lone wolf. which is hard, because uranus is really all about connection.
with neptune unaspected, the native is soft. they are deeply loving individuals, with no hard edges anywhere; they're very permeable and may be quite emotionally delicate. sensitive, reflective and sometimes a bit timid, the native almost seems to have one foot in a different world. while this makes for a dreamy imagination and an ethereal essence, it can make it hard to see clearly. the native is prone to being the victim of delusion, both from themselves and others. their emotions can cloud their perception of a situation, and they may be naïve or too trusting. they also struggle to maintain healthy boundaries, letting people take advantage of their sweet nature. when feeling disempowered, they can take on the victim role as part of their identity, which is never healthy.
with pluto unaspected, the native is in possession of immense personal power. they are strong people, who feel deeply and have a knack for managing chaotic situations. they tend to be 'firefighters' who can tackle stress and discord well, keeping a calm exterior. where they tend to struggle is actually when things are going well. they are sometimes so used to life being a constant test that they don't know what to do with themselves when things calm down, and they become stressed and start to overthink. they're figuratively pacing around, waiting for the next thing to go wrong. they can actually feel powerless when things go well, because they've often had to fight for their successes... they wonder who they are without the struggle.
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saturnsbabyboii · 8 months
🐸Astro Observations Since School is About to Start🐸
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🐸 Taurus and Leo are indistinguishable from one another. They both love the finer things in life and value self care and a hedonistic style of living. Besides they both have that regal star quality (Think of Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball). The only difference is that Taurus takes the slow and steady route to attain such lifestyle and Leo prefers to take risks and a gamble. Anyways ✨OPULENCE✨
🐸 4th house Aquarius/9th house Cancer people might be out of place within their immediate families but find themselves at home among strangers or while traveling.
🐸 Lilith (h12, h13, or h21) Conjunct Chiron are strong indications of sexual exploitation (and possibly abuse). These natives could be taken advantage of by people in powerful positions. Even after displaying their truth, they would be faulted and persecuted while their abuser get celebrated. They could very will be victims turned villains.
🐸 An unaspected Juno suggest a lack of desire for marriage or committed relationships.
🐸 Pluto in the 1st house might have a distinctive scar or birth mark.
🐸 Although people dunk on harsh aspects, I personally view them favorably. These aspect are strong indications of perseverance, resilience, power, intelligence and grace. People with more Squares and/or Oppositions in their chart are capable and self aware, all the challenges they face early on bring them a better and higher understanding of the world, and not to mention, many rewards down the line.
🐸 With that being said, people with Ceres Opposite Moon might be particularly hard on themselves. Believing that they would be a burden and that they hold responsibility to keep it together for others, they don't ask for help nor do they accept it when it's offered. It's important for them to practice gratitude and self appreciation.
🐸 Vesta aspecting few personal planets suggests a person with a one track mind, or a very narrow view of their own life and purpose. However, someone with multiple aspects made between Vesta and personal planets suggests someone with turbulent and changing prospects.
🐸 Conversely, someone with no (or only one) aspects made to their Vesta might not care about the meaning of life or simply take an easy going point of view towards things.
🐸 Moon in a harsh aspect to a harmoniously aspected Venus and/or Mars are people that have all the qualities of a good partner but can't seem to commit or make up their mind regarding their relationships. This could also be an indication of being happier when single.
🐸 During the last Full Moon in Pisces, my sister that has a Pisces Moon ended up having surgery.
🐸 Placements in Water degrees (4°,8°,12°,16°,20°,24°,28°) suggest karma and karmic debt or relations in the theme of the placement.
🐸 The degree of Venus can also suggest when will you feel comfortable dating authentically. The higher the degree the later in life it'll be.
🐸 Continuing on the theme of degrees, take note of the following degrees in the chart (especially for natal, synastry and solar return). The degrees are
Creation/New beginnings: 0°,4°,21°
Critical: 13°,17°,26°
Destruction: 15°,22°,23°
Completion: 29°
🐸 Check asteroid Bakker (27425) to know more about the circumstances of when you lose your virginity. Bakker means virgin in Arabic. Regardless of your stance or idea regrading the concept of virginity, you might find insight into either your first sexual experience.
🐸 Asteroid Egeria (13) represents the knowledge we learn by giving service or sacrificing in return. The sign it's in represent the kind of information, the house and aspects represent the method, purpose and teacher of this knowledge. For example, I have a friend with Egeria in Aries in the 2nd house, in aspect to Jupiter and Uranus. She learned about money, finance, self esteem, and asset flow through a mentor (Jupiter) and the internet (Uranus). She in return had to manage her money flow and expenses realistically (Aries in the 2nd house).
🐸 Another friend of mine had the asteroid in Sagittarius in the 10th house, in aspect to the ascendant. She learned how her career, image and aspiration are tied to her appearance and approach to things through mirroring (Ascendant). She had to in return manage her authenticity and be careful of who and how she express her opinion publicly (Sagittarius in the 10th house).
🐸 It is no surprise that the most common Sun sign among Popes is Pisces followed by Sagittarius. Capricorn is the most common Moon sign. Aquarius is the most common Mercury. Gemini is the most common Saturn, and Pisces, Gemini and Leo share the same spot as the most common sign in Jupiter.
🐸 Saturn in the mutable houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) might inherit hereditary illnesses. The 3rd and the 9th suggests developmental setbacks, and issues in attachment and communication. The 6th house suggests physical effects while the 12th suggests mental. Even though the 6th house manifests into physical ailments, the 12th house implies hospitalization and chronic illness from a young age.
🐸 The placement of Pisces and Neptune in the houses along with the state of the 12th house and placement of it's ruler can tell many things about someones' dreams. For example, my friend has Pisces in the 2nd house, Neptune in the 1st house, Capricorn in the 12th and Saturn in the 3rd. (Pisces in the 2nd and Ruler of the 12th is in the 3rd house) She dreams a lot about school, even though she is 25, driving, walking around, buying things, talking to people, listening to music and walking around our city. (Capricorn in the 12th) Her nightmares usually have a state of humiliation and shame. She also finds herself in dream where she is feeling helpless. (Neptune in the 1st) She receives messages through a state of 'Deja Vu' and channels it through the prediction of things.
🐸 Moon Conjunct Chiron 🤝 Mommy issues
🐸 The first impression a rising sign leaves is due to the MC than the rising sign alone. The MC rules public image and reputation, as such it influences the way we're seen by people, regardless of whether we know them or not. For example, an Aquarius rising uniqueness and reputation is supported and diversified by its MC. Although in the whole sign system the MC is in Scorpio, using the Placidus system the MC can also fall in Libra and Sagittarius. This showcases how an Aquarius rising can be perceived as a humanitarian in reputation and ethereal in appearance (Libra MC), or as a provoking trailblazer with an edgy and dark appearance (Scorpio MC), or as an enthusiastic advocate with an alienlike appearance (Sagittarius MC).
🐸 North Node in Fire signs have that "main character" energy.
-Thank you for reading. Hope you it resonates and you enjoyed it.
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loveemagicpeace · 4 months
🌙☁️Astrology Life 🎸🍀
🌙The Ascendant, chart ruler, Sun, and Moon are important factors in your life. Ascendant and chart ruler- because they define your self-image and worldview, your heroic purpose (Sun), and your inner "soul life" (Moon).
💫An unaspected planet plays a key role too. It represents an inner drive that the person may find difficult to connect to or feel in control of.
🦋Home and family are ur 4th house. It represents the part of your life where you find your safe place and where you feel you belong. When u have Uranus in the 4th u seek freedom and change, but with Saturn (particularly in sensible Capricorn) seeks to feel grounded and safe. And then if you have IC in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter in the 9th, it is no wonder that somehow u desire to live abroad - but at times this may leave you feeling like a stranger, cut off from your roots (Uranus in 4th).
💘About relationships
If you have stellium in libra ->Relationships of all kinds are likely to be a consistent theme. And if you have descendant ruler in taurus this mean that this house is ruled by venus you might reach for a peaceful, loving, and affectionate relationship. But when you have venus aspects to independent Uranus you will always feel that you need freedom or something unique.
🌌North node and your purpose in life. If you have your north node in 3rd house you are meant to do something related to your communication skills. To share your thoughts with others. If you have north node in 5th house being creative, finding fun and being forever young is your purpose in this life. If you have north node in 8th house it means that in life you will always follow something deeper, mysterious. It will be important for you to find people and a partner whom you can trust and surrender to completely. Doing something related to astrology, psychology will bring you a lot of joy. If you have north node in aries it means that a large part of your life will be energy and focus on you. If you have north node in pisces your focus will always be on something that is more unknown, spiritual, isolated but also artistic.
🩵How u see yourself is your 1st house and how u see others is your 7th house. The Ascendant and the 1st house - also represent new chapters. And how you deal with them. With a Virgo Ascendant for instance, there might be a degree of anxiety about how things will unfold and a good strategy would be to make sure you have all the details of your new journey organized well ahead of time. By contrast, if you have a Pisces Ascendant, each new phase begins with an inner vision, to which you might need to hold fast until dry land appears. With Capricorn Ascendant you like to change things and jump into something, but you always think before taking a step. With Cancer Ascendant may be more difficult to accept something new and go outside the comfort zone.
🎸Jupiter is our place of vision and inspiration, our style of keeping the faith. Understanding your Jupiter allows you to manage risk in your own way. If your Jupiter is in Aries, faith is boldly expressed, which probably makes you a confident decision-maker. If your Jupiter is in Aquarius you will always think outside the box. Your faith will be in things that are more unique and in which not everyone believes.
🔥Fire offers natural buoyancy and the higher the fire content in your chart, the stronger your faith is likely to be that, no matter what the situation, you believe that somehow it will all be fine. If you lack fire though, the elements that are strongly represented will flow in to do the job.
🌬️Air If you have no fire but several planets in air, you might tackle the unknown by trying to articulate it - talk about it, mind-map it, write lists and plans of what you are going to do. If you don't have a lot of air, then you won't think or communicate as much.
🏔️With lots of planets in earth you might only feel safe with a contingency plan in place - you deal with uncertainty through savings plans and a good insurance policy. If you don’t have a lot of earth, then you will not be so practical and you will have a harder time dealing with reality.
🌊With several planets in water, uncertainty might centre around times of emotional crisis - having a good support network of friends and family makes all the difference. If you don’t have water, you will not be a very emotional person.
🧊Everyone deals with stress differently. It is usually shown through Mars (because it represents our energy). Scorpio mars may feel stressed when they are exposed too much or their privacy is threatened. Taurus feeling rushed can bring anxiety. Sagittarius stress comes from having to fit yourself into a pre-set plan. Pisces when they are surrounded by people they don't know or in a big crowd.
🥊Choosing a hobby or a sport is 5th house & mars. Both represent energy, joy, movement, work on yourself, enjoyment. For ex.: Saturn perhaps mountain-cimbing can be your thing. Mercury something related to mentality, social games. Neptune you might enjoy swimming, take photos. Venus makeup, clothes, listening to music. If you have mercury aspects with venus you can be good at writing.
🍀In friendships or when it comes to creating bond with people. It is your venus sign. Venus in Aquarius your friend group might be based on a belief of giving equal value to all. Your relationship will also be more friendly. Venus in Sagittarius your friendship it will be based on energy, interests and how fun and lively you will feel. Relationship will require a lot of passion, directness and sincerity. Venus in Leo they might not fully appreciate your tendency to treat everyone the same and begin to doubt your loyalty. They want relationship that have passion, loyalty.
🌴Fire signs tend to seek fun and adventure with friends. 🦦Air signs prefer intellectual and social connection. 🫧Water signs seek an emotional type of bond. 🫐Earth signs often conduct relationships at a slower pace than other signs.
🪐Saturn shows what you can achieve and in what way. It also shows where you look for respect and professionalism. It also shows where you perform best under pressure. Where is your concentration best. For ex.: Saturn in 1st house your energy is generally very calm. You have a very good reaction to everything that happens, and many times you are also calm. Saturn in 7th house you work very well in the courts and can keep your blood calm. You have a lot of patience in your relationship. Saturn in 8th house you work very well when it comes to things that are hidden, illegal or financial. Keeping a secret or doing something in secret is very easy for you. Saturn in 3rd house works very well in exams, driving a car, you can keep your mind very calm and you get concentration quickly.
💿Sun & 10th house show how you should shine and in what way. Sun is how u find light and inspiration. It shows your creativity and personality. 10th house shows career, public identity, what you can give to the world, authority. So having Sun in 9th house & MC in Scorpio means that you can teach people a lot and that you can give people a new perspective on the world with your deep view. People can learn a lot from you and see you as a powerful person. You can know a lot about life itself, places, theories, facts.
🏹How you experience the world, the invisibility of the world, spirituality, how creative your thoughts are is your 12th house. Having Sagittarius in 12th house -can mean that you see the world through imagination, illusion, dreaminess. They are interested in these things that are not seen on the outside. U like places that look like a dream and that have a soul.
☁️Imagine a place you really enjoy and find everything you've always wanted. You live exactly the way you wanted. And this place, thing, person or life that you imagine is represented by your 12th house and Neptune. In order to feel fulfilled in yourself, you should really live according to the sign, planets we have in the 12th house. For ex.: mars in 12th house in sagittarius -you should always live in such a way that you find optimism, light and happiness wherever you go and where you are. Always do something that makes your subconscious happy and gives you energy. A place which is beautiful, spiritual, by the ocean. Live in the moment. Leo in 12th house you should always live in a way that makes your inner child happy. Live to make a memory. Capricorn in 12th house you should live in such a way that you will always feel strong, successful and proud. Taurus in 12th house you should always live with music and carry it with you. Libra in 12th house you should always live with harmony, beauty forget about others and find beauty in yourself.
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heartlilith · 6 months
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🌸April Reading Specials🌸
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Drunk Astrology Thots 👹
Part 5
Venus Persona Chart
Rising Signs
Difficult Placements in the Natal Chart
Full Moon transiting the Houses
Color Theory and Venus Signs
What the Venus Signs Remind Me Of
Moon Sign & 2nd House - Use Your Abilities to Your Benefit
Venus/Mars - What Attracts Him
Venus Sign - What Makes You Attractive
Lilith in the Houses - Become Powerful
My Planets and How They Manifest
Sun x Moon
The Quincunx Aspect
Drunk Confessional
Mars Trine Neptune
Moon - Jupiter Aspects
Scorpio in the 3rd House
Leo in the 9th House
Unaspected Sun
The Power of Investing in Yourself
Sun in the Houses
Solar Return Observations
Solar Return Observations 2
Solar Return Observations 3
Solar Return Chart Indications
Interpreting My 2023-2024 Chart
POF conjunct Pluto (2nd House)
A Free Spirit
“Mommy”/“Daddy” Kink
That Indicate a Break Up
Synastry - Who is affected?
Hot Synastry Aspects
Mars conjunct Pluto
Eros conjunct Moon
Saturn conjunct Valentine (447)
Synastry Chart Observations
Synastry Chart Observations 2
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linnienin · 1 year
🌸 A s t r o ⁎ O b s e r v a t i o n s ⁎ 1 🌸
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Dear reader,
Disclaimer: i am not a professional astrologer, all i do is researching for fun and collecting data from personal experiences and the internet, i'd love to share with you my ideas and theories, please, be kind and i'd love it if you could leave a comment or repost this if you resonated with some observations or to give me constructive criticism in case i misinterpreted something.
Enjoy 🌸
⁕ Jupiter conjunct moon natives's energy is like a sunny day in the wintertime 💞. These people's energy lights up and soothes every place they walk in, other people are immediately drawn to them without knowing because they emanate a healing and nourishing essence and they appear totally harmless. If you have this placement please be wary of energy eaters, and build strong boundaries because you're way too precious🥺. These people are so pure i swear 😭
(p.s. i have noticed if you have this aspect in a fire sign you don't have filters, like, you are the most genuine of all the people, and you have a strong inner child that you express very easily without shame even in the adulthood and late years of your life)
⁕ Pisces moon men...your romantic,sweet and deep stares will hunt me forever, my heart is melting, i am WEAK 🧎‍♀️
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(Jacob Elordi, Elvis Presley, Timothee Chalamet all have pisces moon)
⁕ (This is just my PERSONAL THEORY, let me know what you think or if it resonates with you)
If you have a stellium in a certain house or sign you'll find that you enjoy that sign's month of the year much more than the others, or you could have the most transformative moments during that sign's month.
Example: if you have a 8th house/scorpio stellium you'll feel more comfortable with yourself during the months of October/November
These months could also be your favourites or be included in your favourite season of the year. (this is why sometimes we hate our birthday season, but love another season that might align with our stellium)
Example: if you have capricorn sun and you are a 5th house/leo stellium your favourite season might be summer and you could be neutral about/dislike wintertime, if you have a leo sun but have 10th house/capricorn stellium your favourite season might be winter and you might be neutral about/dislike summertime etc...
⁕ an unaspected moon in synastry can result in the unaspected moon person not feeling enough or not truly feel appreciated by the other party. They might feel unsatisfied in the relationship, maybe think it is too superficial for them, there's this feeling of not truly be able to dive deep into each other's emotions ( i personally think the moon is one of the most important planets to look at in synastry, and when it doesn't make any aspect i think makes the dynamic quite difficult on an emotional level)
⁕i have noticed natives with Pluto conjuncting the ascendant from the 12th house have pisces like features combined with the plutonian intensity, especially in their eyes and expression
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(Males with 12th house pluto conj. AC: Al Pacino, Justing Bieber, Keanu Reeves)
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(Females with 12th house pluto conj. AC: Kate Winslet, Sophie Marceau, Leah Remini)
The sign over your 6th house can give you an insight on what type of clothes you dislike.
Ok, this is veery specific, so you need to help me and let me know if this resonates or if i am just talking nonsense 😂
Example: If you have Taurus over your 6th house it could mean you dislike tight garments around your neck, they could be chockers, fitted turtlenecks or buttoned up collars that won't make you breathe, because taurus 6th house people tend to be very sensitive in the neck area
Another example could be if you have Virgo over your 6th house you might dislike crop tops or pieces that shows your belly button, even in the summer, because you are especially delicate in this area and it can take just a slight breeze to cause problems
⁕I swear, the song "Bet on it" from High School Musical 2 was made for Leo Mars.
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That Troy Bolton energy is exactly what Leo Mars people need when they got to take their anger off and motivate themselves
It is dramatic, it is intense and it has a choreography to dance to: it is perfection 😘
(Yes, i am a Leo mars, yes, i know the whole choreo step by step, yes, i dance in my tiny little room to it lmao, no i am not a 4 year old i swear...or i might be 🙃)
The diva walks and spins are killing me ngl 😂
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⁕ Virgo moons are very likely to be drawn to music as a hobby (or even a career) . Whether it is playing an instrument, singing, collecting vinils or producing music (i know two people that have this moon and music is their hobby no1, also, i have noticed quite a bit of celebs in the music industry have this placement, ex Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Zayn Malik, Lorde, Dolly Parton, Doja Cat, Suga of BTS...)
⁕ I read somewhere that if you have Aquarius/Pisces over the 3rd house or Uranus/Neptune there (enhanced if retrograde) you could just suck at driving, and idk who was the first that made this statement but BOOOY they were so right 😭 (at least in my case). However, i am not gonna give up, i need to overcome this fear , and i am trying to help myself looking at the aspects those planets make too, let's see if i can find a way out 🙏
⁕ Venus in 2nd... y'all need to stopppp being so insanely charismatic 😤😍, i swear, everything you do, you have that look and mannerism of a living masterpiece, your every single movement is art, you are the ones that seduce without even trying, please stoopp (or don't hehe) 😭
(beware of Narcissism tendencies tho if this placement is supported by other aspects in the chart, from personal experience i have seen Capricorn/Leo 's stelliums/dominants are prone to narcissism/megalomania/god's complex)
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(Leonardo di Caprio, Oscar Wilde, Brad Pitt have venus in 2nd)
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(Kelly Rowland, Zoe Kravitz, Scarlett Johansson have venus in 2nd)
And you'we reached the end! 🌸
Thank you so much for reading and let me know if you enjoyed this post! It was my first time writing something like this, it might not be perfect, or long enough, but i am so happy i wrote it, i find it so cool to be able to gather all my thoughts in posts with gifts/photos, it's like a little astrology diary that i'm sharing with you 💕
I want to also make other 2 disclaimers (yeah i know you're tired, but just in case😂)
First: please don't take personally all the 'bad' observations if you have a certain placement, we should always take into consideration the whole chart and not just few aspects
Second: english is not my first language, so please bare with me if i made some mistakes or if some sentences didn't make sense 😭, if you have doubts or further questions about something, let me know!✨
Also, i know i didn't include all the signs and placements and i swear i don't hate air signs😂, it's just i am not super familiar with them and for a first post i wanted to stay a bit in the comfort zone lol. Obv, these are just observations, so they're bits of bits, but if you like this format, i'm gonna do my best to include everyone in the future posts 💋
I wish you all a marvellous day! 🌸
Yours, Linnie 🌸
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P.S. (Yes, i now can't take out of my head 'Bet on it' and you can't either 😂)
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illicit-astrology · 8 months
Quick Synastry Note:
Read the natal too. Sometimes a great synastry doesn't manifest in reality because it's not that great for one of the people involved.
If someone's natal is weak in a planet/sign, a synastry aspect involving that planet/sign, won't be as influencing.
Say someone has a weak Pluto, or their Venus & moon are both dignified and unaspected by Pluto... Even the infamous 'Plutonian' synastry won't entice or attract them as you might think.
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ariesphysics · 11 months
3. my interest in astrology had been revived and now i’m going to spill my guts to probably 20 people on the internet :D
[TW: Mentions of ch1ld 4buse]
🦋 Dejanira in 4th house (Capricorn, 6°): It’s unaspected to all of my planets and to my Nessus in 5th house. Dejanira represents the areas of life where one is susceptible to abuse, either from external sources or due to themselves [1].
Coincidentally, I also have 4° degree Saturn and there had been interpretations that the degree your Saturn will tell you what age you had to mature [2] and around this age, I was physically and verbally abused in the house by a caretaker my parents hired because both of them were working and couldn’t really look after me, so it took a while for them to notice that I have been abused by my caretaker.
I have always felt a little neglected in my home because my parents were not really around and my grandmother definitely favored my cousins than me for some reason (I do feel my mom is her least favorite child, mommy issues run deep in this household, lmao.)
My home is comfortable but I do feel a sense of suffocation inside.
🦋 Anyways, from my constant observation of friend groups when I’m bored... I have noticed that the leader or someone who is the group’s core friend is a Libra moon. The link between the other people in the group.
(+) I find it cute when people become friends and they end up adapting each other’s habits, lol. Makes you know what friend group they belong to and the person they’re really close to.
🦋 I finally have my friend’s birth time (straight from the certificate). I might have an explanation as to why she’s the only person I feel comfortable with skinship (Taurus Moon close friend). She has her Mars in my 4th house as this house also represents intimacy and bonding, and with her Capricorn Mars there, I feel physically safe and comfortable when I’m with her.
🦋 Mars signs and body movement!
I came across this Lindaland forum about Mars signs and body movement, and for me, it is accurate (Link is in the last part).
    🌸 Gemini Mars: being restless, darting eyes, fast-paced walker, and clumsy af (keeps tripping and stubbing toes even on a flat surface)
🦋 Leo Moons really care and is meticulous about their physical appearance, how they present themselves, and how they appear to others. This might be even more emphasized if their Moon is in the 1st house, however this placement might lead caring for their looks to being obsessive about it.
🦋 Someone with Juno conjunct Saturn might marry after 29 (Saturn’s years of revolution), will only have one romantic relationship in their life, and is a monogamist. Marriage might come later in life but is long-lasting.
🦋 Other people with Venus sextile Pluto, do you also tend to be obsessive with your crushes to the point of limerence? I have it at 0° which probably explains why I will rarely be attracted to someone, but when I do, I go all in and become limerent. every. single. time. Oh, and I also get deeply jealous even with an Aquarius Venus.
(+) Also, we are talking about Aquarius which is described as somewhat aloof and detached but friendly and humanitarian. This is how my friendships are, I am fine with being alone for some time and okay with just meeting once every six months with my friends. Just like my crushes, my social circle is very limited and I make new friends rarely. However, with my Venus-Pluto aspect, I also tend to be obsessive with them, the thirst to know every piece of information about them, because you need to know your friends, right?
🦋 Piggybacking on the Aquarius discussion, Aquarius Moons tend to be the first person in a room to greet you and acquaint you with the group, they also tend to have a wide social circle. An Aquarius Moon classmate of mine will bump into a person they know in, literally everywhere.
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[1] https://moongoddessastrology.com/2022/06/08/dejanira-in-astrology/
[2] The Deep Way Saturn Degrees In Astrology Affect Your Life | YourTango  
[3] http://www.linda-goodman.com/ubb/Forum24/HTML/229929.html
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astrobiscuits · 3 months
What do you think about saturn and neptune retrograde in 6th house in sr? Does it indicate health issues?
⚕️Saturn and Neptune in 6th house in SR could indicate health issues, but it depends on your medical record. If you're already aware of having a certain health issue, one that has been bothering you for a longer time (for ex a chronic disease), it could get worser during this year. The causes are often unknown with Neptune sitting in this house, but you have to be aware of the fact that Neptune is a highly imaginative and spiritual planet, hence you might end up manifesting your deteriorating health unconsciously.
If you have problems regarding your nails, teeth or bones, they could get worser during this year, but it depends on the aspects Saturn makes to your SR planets and your natal planets. If Sun is aspecting Saturn positively (sextile or trine), you'll be able to overcome any health issues that might arise during the year. If Moon is aspecting Saturn negatively (opposition or square), you might get health scares during the year, which will result in a higher emotional sensitivity when it comes to doctors (you might be scared of doctors more than usual).
Make sure to drink enough water. If Neptune is aspecting your Sun or Moon positively, it would be a good idea to spend plenty of time around bodies of water. Water might calm your worries and bring this meditative state, which is good for the soul. Swimming might also be a good idea to enhance your health, as long as Neptune isn't afflicted.
You won't have to deal with any new health conditions during this year. At the end of the day, both Saturn and Neptune are slower moving planets, so their effect isn't as strong compared to having a personal planet in 6th house in SR. If they're also unaspected, their influence decreases even more.
I wish you good health and lots of care🫶
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astrojulia · 11 months
Could it be possible to have a small analysis of asteroid (4017) Disneya when looking at one’s chart? I do know it directly related to Disney, that’s for sure.
Asteroid Disneya (4017): Understanding its Signs, Houses and Aspects
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₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Warning: Did you come to my askbox for a short post? Sorry. This post is huge!
₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ About the Asteroid: Asteroid Disneya was discovered in 1980 and named after Walt Disney.Okay, dive with me on this asteroid. I FOUND NOTHING ABOUT IT, NOTHING! So I took a few paths to interpret. The first thing that is most often done by the astrology community in their studies is to get people's birth charts, see about the planet/asteroid and research the subject, I did that. But I also took the path of what Disney evokes in us. (I emphasize that this post is totally experimental, trying to find ways of interpretation).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Sources and inspirations:None, I guess.. but I’ve four main points: Imagination and creativity; Innocence and nostalgia; Entertainment and escapism and finally how Disney affected the native life. The signs are more about what the native likes about Disney and the houses where they show it and how they like it. And when I talk about the Eras, I am talking about this. Also, the image template in from minikyuns on deviantart.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Asteroid Disneya in famous people birth chart:
Walt Disney (co-founder of The Walt Disney Company): Disneya conjunct Mercury and sextile Venus indicates that the Disney legacy and the communication of its ideas were deeply intertwined for Walt Disney. This aspect suggests an ability to creatively and effectively convey the magical essence of Disney's storytelling. The sextile to Venus further emphasizes the charm and appeal of Disney's creations.
Demi Lovato (musical artist): With Disneya trine their Moon, Uranus, and Neptune, and conjunct their Venus and Jupiter, it suggests a strong affinity for the imaginative and creative realms. This aspect may indicate that Demi Lovato's emotional expression, individuality, and spirituality are deeply influenced by the themes associated with Disney and its magical world.
Selena Gomez (singer): Having an unaspected Disneya suggests a unique and individualistic expression of the Disney influence. This could manifest as an independent and unconventional approach to creativity and entertainment. It's possible that Selena Gomez's connection to the Disney legacy is less influenced by traditional or structured expressions and more open to personal interpretation.
Miley Cyrus (singer, songwriter): With Disneya square her Mars, it suggests that Miley Cyrus may have experienced some tensions or conflicts in expressing her personal drive, ambition, or assertiveness within the Disney context. This aspect could represent a struggle to reconcile her own individuality with the expectations or constraints imposed by the Disney image or brand.
Zac Efron (actor): Disneya sextile his Sun, trine his Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus indicates a harmonious integration of the Disney influence with Zac Efron's identity and personal growth. This aspect suggests that the Disney association has contributed positively to his self-expression, expansion, discipline, and ability to embrace change.
Les Clark (animator): Disneya opposing his Mercury, square Jupiter, and trine Uranus suggests a dynamic interplay between Les Clark's communication style, expansion, and innovative thinking influenced by the Disney legacy. This aspect may have contributed to his ability to bring new ideas and creative concepts to life within the Disney realm.
Floyd Gottfredson (cartoonist): Disneya trine his Venus and Uranus, opposing Saturn, and sextile Neptune indicates a harmonious blending of creativity, uniqueness, and visionary qualities influenced by Disney. This aspect suggests that Floyd Gottfredson's artistic expression and ability to capture the imagination of others were deeply connected to the Disney legacy, despite potential challenges or responsibilities represented by the Saturn opposition.
Abe Levitow (animator): Disneya square his Sun and Pluto, sextile Mars and Neptune, and opposing Jupiter suggests a complex interplay between personal power, transformation, artistic drive, and expansion influenced by Disney. This aspect may indicate that Abe Levitow's connection to the Disney archetype had profound transformative effects on his creative expression and sense of purpose.
Asteroid Disneya by Sign
✧. ┊ Aries: may indicate a strong sense of individuality and independence in expressing the Disney influence. The person may have a pioneering spirit and an assertive approach to creative endeavors influenced by Disney themes. This native may like more active Disney films like Mulan or think that everything Disney is too childish, too fanciful or just for the money. They may also have an affinity for The Wartime Era films. Disneya in Aries stimulates a dynamic and pioneering imagination, fueling the individual's creative endeavors with enthusiasm and boldness. They may excel in areas such as animation, writing adventurous stories, or expressing their creativity in an assertive manner.
✧. ┊ Taurus: could suggest a connection to the sensual and material aspects of the Disney world. The person may appreciate the beauty, craftsmanship, and tangible elements of Disney's creations. This person might like older Disney movies like Snow White and Fantasia. They might also be the type that likes the Disney aesthetic. Disneya in Taurus fosters a creative imagination with a focus on sensory experiences and tangible expressions. These individuals may be skilled in creating visually appealing artwork, designing themed environments, or engaging in practical forms of creative expression inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ Gemini: may signify a versatile and communicative expression of the Disney influence. This type of person may know all Disney movies and musics but not delve into any of them, or their favorite movies could be Disney-Pixar movies. Disneya in Gemini stimulates a versatile and intellectual imagination. These individuals may enjoy exploring different genres of Disney storytelling, engaging in animated conversations about Disney, or expressing their creativity through various forms of communication, such as writing, podcasting, or social media.
✧. ┊ Cancer: could indicate a deep emotional connection to Disney's themes of family, nostalgia, and home. The person may seek comfort and a sense of security through the enchanting and familiar elements of Disney. This native will like the movies they watched in their childhood and period, if childhood was in 00 it will be one type of movie, if it was in 2010 it will be another one. They might also like the Silver Age Era movies. Disneya in Cancer evokes a deep emotional connection to the world of Disney and a nurturing imagination. These individuals may excel in creating emotionally resonant art, evoking nostalgia through their creative work, or expressing their imaginative prowess within the realms of family and home.
✧. ┊ Leo: may highlight a strong creative flair and a desire to shine in the realm of entertainment influenced by Disney. The person may possess a natural ability to captivate and entertain others with their Disney-inspired expressions. This native may like Disney's most successful films like Frozen or the Golden Age Era films. Disneya in Leo ignites a vibrant and dramatic imagination. These individuals may shine in creative fields, seeking recognition for their Disney-inspired expressions. They may be drawn to performing arts, showmanship, or using their creativity to entertain and captivate others.
✧. ┊ Virgo: suggests a meticulous and analytical approach to the Disney influence. The person may pay attention to the details, craftsmanship, and practical aspects of Disney's creations. This is the type of person who might like Disney princess movies better, or who at least have a female lead. Also, they can be very interested in merchandise, especially official ones. Disneya in Virgo stimulates a meticulous and detail-oriented imagination. These individuals may have a keen eye for the intricacies of Disney's creations and may excel in the technical aspects of animation, visual effects, or craftsmanship related to Disney-inspired projects.
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✧. ┊ Libra: may emphasize a love for harmony, beauty, and the social aspects of Disney. The person may appreciate the aesthetics, relationships, and partnerships that arise from the Disney world. They might like Disney princess movies, or ones with two leads like Wreck-It Ralph. It could also be those people who have the most affinity for Revival Era Movies. Disneya in Libra encourages a harmonious and aesthetically focused imagination. These individuals may excel in creating visually appealing artwork, designing Disney-inspired fashion, or using their creative expression to foster balance and beauty in the world.
✧. ┊ Scorpio: may indicate a transformative and intense connection to the Disney influence. The person may delve into the depths of Disney's themes, exploring the darker or mysterious elements that lie beneath the surface. It's the native who likes little known movies like The Black Cauldron or who makes it clear that it's not just a cute movie like The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Disneya in Scorpio evokes an intense and transformative imagination. These individuals may express their creativity through exploring complex and psychologically rich themes within their artwork or creative pursuits.
✧. ┊ Sagittarius: could signify an expansive and adventurous approach to the Disney world. The person may enjoy exploring different cultures, traveling to Disney parks, or embracing the broader philosophical and spiritual messages within Disney's storytelling. This is the kind of native that likes Disney because everyone knows what Disney is, it's a universal conversation, you can ask anyone "Who is your favorite Disney princess?" or "What's your favorite song?" that the person will understand. Disneya in Sagittarius stimulates an adventurous and expansive imagination. These individuals may be inspired by Disney's tales of exploration and may express their creativity through travel, cross-cultural storytelling, or by incorporating themes of spirituality and philosophical insights into their work.
✧. ┊ Capricorn: suggests a practical and disciplined approach to expressing the Disney influence. The person may appreciate the business side of Disney, aiming for success and recognition within the industry. This native may like to know about Disney's work, about producers, artists, writers... It may also be that person who doesn't like Disney because it thinks it's too childish. As well as liking more the Live-Actions and series that Disney shows on its channel Disneya in Capricorn encourages a practical and disciplined imagination. These individuals may approach their creative pursuits with structure and ambition, seeking to manifest their Disney-inspired ideas into tangible achievements within the realms of business, management, or entrepreneurship.
✧. ┊ Aquarius: may highlight an innovative and unconventional approach to the Disney influence. The person may appreciate the progressive and futuristic elements of Disney's creations, and they may contribute to the evolution of Disney's legacy. This native can be that Disney fanatic, as it brings together generations, creativity, technology... practically everything that aquarius has an affinity for. They could also be the person who likes Post-Renaissance Era movies. Disneya in Aquarius stimulates an innovative and unconventional imagination. These individuals may think outside the box when it comes to expressing their creativity, bringing fresh and progressive perspectives to Disney-inspired art, technology, or social movements.
✧. ┊ Pisces: could indicate a deep connection to the imaginative and spiritual dimensions of the Disney world. The person may be highly intuitive, empathetic, and feel a profound resonance with the dreamlike qualities of Disney's storytelling. This native can spend hours listening to Disney music and have a greater appreciation for Renaissance Era movies. It is also one more for the list that has princess movies as a favorite. Disneya in Pisces evokes a dreamy and spiritually attuned imagination. These individuals may excel in creating ethereal and fantastical artwork, expressing their creativity through music, dance, or embodying the mystical essence of Disney's storytelling in their creative pursuits.
Asteroid Disneya by House
✧. ┊ 1st House: suggests that the Disney influence is a significant part of the individual's self-expression and identity. They may embody the magic of Disney in their personal presentation. This native may have been influenced by movies on how to dress, speak, and behave in the world, and be inspired by some characters. It is also the native that, when Disneya aspects the ascendant, they appear like a character. Disneya in the 1st house brings a strong sense of innocence and nostalgia to the individual's self-image and identity. They may have a youthful aura about them and carry a childlike wonder in their approach to life. Nostalgia may play a significant role in shaping their personality and how they express themselves to others. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through self-expression and personal image. They may enjoy adopting Disney-inspired personas or engaging in activities that allow them to escape from reality and embrace a sense of playfulness and joy.
✧. ┊ 2nd House: could indicate a connection between the Disney influence and personal values, finances, or possessions. The person may find value in Disney merchandise or have a talent for monetizing Disney-inspired ventures. This native may have learned life and moral lessons from some Disney movies, as well as taking inspiration from the melody and voice of the songs. Disneya in the 2nd house highlights a nostalgic connection to material possessions and personal values. These individuals may find comfort and a sense of security in collecting Disney memorabilia or investing in Disney-related ventures. They may have a sentimental attachment to items associated with Disney or seek to preserve the innocence and joy associated with childhood through their material acquisitions. This placement suggests that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through material possessions and financial resources. They may also invest in experiences that allow them to escape into the enchanting world of Disney and find pleasure in material indulgence associated with Disney themes.
✧. ┊ 3rd House: suggests that communication, learning, and short journeys may be influenced by the Disney world. The person may enjoy discussing Disney topics, writing about Disney, or engaging in Disney-themed educational activities. It's the native who will know a few more details about Disney (like the Eras... yes, I'm that native) and who will like how Disney uses elements other than just speech to communicate, like shapes and colors. Disneya in the 3rd house infuses the realm of communication and learning with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may have a fondness for storytelling and may enjoy sharing Disney-inspired tales or engaging in conversations that spark nostalgic memories. They may also have a nostalgic connection to their childhood education or early experiences with reading Disney books or watching Disney movies. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through communication, learning, and social interactions. They may enjoy discussing Disney-related topics, sharing their knowledge about Disney, or engaging in activities like Disney trivia nights, book clubs, or movie marathons with friends and acquaintances.
✧. ┊ 4th House: signifies a deep emotional connection to the Disney influence, especially within the family and home environment. The person may create a nurturing and magical atmosphere inspired by Disney within their living space. It's the native who likes stories that involve family like Lilo and Stitch and who can show more intimate messages using Disney narratives, as if using as an example "Oh, it's like that scene from Princess and the Frog that happens this, this, and that". These movies become a way of communicating what they want. Disneya in the 4th house deeply influences the individual's sense of home, family, and emotional foundations with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may create a nurturing and magical atmosphere within their home, surrounding themselves with Disney-related items or creating family traditions rooted in the innocence and joy of Disney's storytelling. Nostalgia may play a significant role in their family dynamics and upbringing. This placement suggests that the individual finds entertainment and escapism within the realms of home and family life. They may create a Disney-themed sanctuary at home, host Disney-inspired gatherings, or use Disney-related activities to bond with family members and create nostalgic memories.
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✧. ┊ 5th House: emphasizes creativity, self-expression, and joy derived from the Disney world. The person may find pleasure in artistic endeavors, entertainment, or working with children, drawing inspiration from Disney. It's the native who will watch the movies when the kids are watching and sing along to Disney songs. For them, music is a source of inspiration. Disneya in the 5th house accentuates the house of creativity, self-expression, and joy with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may find great pleasure in artistic endeavors inspired by Disney, such as drawing, painting, or performing in Disney-themed productions. They may seek out recreational activities that allow them to tap into the nostalgia and childlike wonder associated with Disney. This placement suggests highlights that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through creative self-expression and recreational activities. They may enjoy engaging in Disney-themed arts and crafts, performing in Disney-inspired shows or productions, or participating in activities that bring joy and a sense of playfulness inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ 6th House: suggests that daily routines, work, and service may be influenced by the Disney world. The person may find motivation and fulfillment by incorporating Disney elements into their professional life or daily tasks. It's that person whose work backpack has a huge Minnie, and at work celebrations and parties, everyone gives something from Minnie to this native. They’re also one of those natives who carry their favorite character into adulthood, not afraid to show that they still like Disney. These individuals may find joy and inspiration in jobs or volunteer work related to the Disney world, such as working at Disney parks or participating in Disney-themed events. They may infuse their daily tasks with a sense of innocence and nostalgia, seeking to create a magical experience for themselves and others. Disneya in the 6th house indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through work, routines, and service.They may find solace and joy in integrating Disney magic into their daily routines and responsibilities.
✧. ┊ 7th House: indicates that partnerships, relationships, and collaborations may be influenced by the Disney influence. The person may connect with others who share a love for Disney, and the Disney world may play a role in their romantic or business partnerships. It's the kind of person who wants to marry in Cinderella or Belle's dress and who daydreams to have a Disney-style relationship, whether that be romantic or professional. They may be attracted to partners who share their love for Disney or engage in relationships that have a nostalgic connection to their shared Disney experiences. They may seek out opportunities to create memorable Disney-inspired moments with their partners or collaborate on creative projects influenced by Disney themes. Disneya in the 7th house suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through partnerships and relationships. They may seek out partners who share their love for Disney or engage in activities that allow them to escape together into the world of Disney. They may also enjoy attending Disney-related events or traveling to Disney destinations with their partners.
✧. ┊ 8th House: suggests that the Disney influence may have a transformative and deep impact on the person's life, particularly in the realms of shared resources, intimacy, or psychological growth with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may have a deep emotional connection to the transformative power of Disney's storytelling and may seek solace or catharsis through Disney-related experiences. They may use the nostalgia associated with Disney as a form of emotional healing or as a way to connect with others on a profound level. This native may have a liking for the villains. Disneya in the 8th house indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism within the realms of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. They may use Disney-related experiences as a form of emotional release or engage in activities that allow them to explore the deeper, more transformative aspects of themselves through the lens of Disney's storytelling.
✧. ┊ 9th House: highlights the connection between the Disney world and higher education, philosophy, travel, or spirituality. The person may find inspiration in Disney's storytelling and themes as they explore these areas of life. Disneya in the 9th house expands the individual's quest for knowledge, spirituality, and travel with innocence and nostalgia. They may seek out spiritual or philosophical teachings rooted in Disney's themes or embark on journeys to Disney parks or destinations that hold nostalgic significance for them. They may also be inspired to pursue higher education or engage in storytelling that evokes a sense of innocent wonder. This placement suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through travel, higher education, and spiritual exploration. They may enjoy visiting Disney parks or destinations, studying Disney-related topics, or incorporating Disney-inspired elements into their spiritual practices and beliefs.
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✧. ┊ 10th House: suggests that the Disney influence may be prominent in the person's career, public image, or achievements. They may pursue professions related to entertainment, animation, or creative industries influenced by Disney. Disneya in the 10th house influences the individual's career, public image, and achievements with innocence and nostalgia. These individuals may pursue professions within the entertainment industry, animation, or creative fields that are directly influenced by Disney. They may be known for their ability to evoke a sense of innocence and nostalgia in their work, garnering recognition for their contributions to the magical world of Disney. This placement indicates that the individual finds entertainment and escapism through their career, public image, and achievements. They may pursue professions within the entertainment industry, animation, or creative fields that allow them to be involved with Disney-related projects. Their career success may be intertwined with their ability to provide entertainment and escapism to others through their work.
✧. ┊ 11th House: signifies a connection between the Disney influence and friendships, social networks, and community involvement. The person may find like-minded individuals who share their passion for Disney. Disneya in the 11th house connects the individual's friendships, social networks, and community involvement with innocence and nostalgia. They may find like-minded individuals who share their love for Disney, forming friendships based on a shared appreciation for the innocence and joy of Disney's storytelling. They may also participate in Disney-themed community events or engage in social activism related to Disney causes. This placement suggests that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism through friendships, social networks, and community involvement.
✧. ┊ 12th House: suggests a deep and hidden connection to the Disney world, possibly through dreams, subconscious influences, or spiritual experiences. The person may find solace and inspiration from the magical realm of Disney in their private moments. Disneya in the 12th house signifies a deep and hidden connection to the realms of dreams, subconscious influences, and spirituality. These individuals may find solace and inspiration from the magical world of Disney in their private moments or through dreams and subconscious experiences. They may use Disney-related imagery or narratives as a form of spiritual or emotional guidance. This placement indicates that the individual seeks entertainment and escapism in the realms of dreams, subconscious influences, spiritual experiences or are ashamed to accept that likes Disney. They may find solace and inspiration from Disney-related dreams, engage in activities that tap into the hidden realms of the subconscious, or seek spiritual meaning and guidance through Disney's storytelling and themes.
Asteroid Disneya Aspects
✧. ┊ Conjunction: When Disneya forms a conjunction with a planet, it intensifies and amplifies the energy of that planet. It can bring a strong focus on themes related to Disney, entertainment, and escapism in the areas of life represented by the planet. For example, a Disneya conjunction with the Sun may indicate a strong identification with Disney's magical world and a desire to express oneself creatively through Disney-inspired pursuits.
✧. ┊ Sextile and Trine: Disneya in harmonious aspects (sextile and trine) with a planet can bring opportunities and ease in incorporating Disney-related themes into the energies of that planet. It can enhance creativity, imagination, and a sense of joy associated with Disney. For instance, a Disneya sextile with Venus may indicate an effortless ability to find pleasure and enjoyment through Disney-related activities and a talent for creating art inspired by Disney.
✧. ┊ Square: A square aspect between Disneya and a planet creates tension and challenges. It may indicate a conflict between the energies represented by the planet and the desire for entertainment and escapism associated with Disney. For example, a Disneya square with Mars could suggest a struggle to balance assertiveness and taking action with a tendency to get lost in fantasies or distractions related to Disney.
✧. ┊ Opposition: An opposition aspect between Disneya and a planet represents a polarity and potential inner conflict. It may indicate a need to find a balance between the energies of the planet and the desire for entertainment and escapism associated with Disney. For instance, a Disneya opposition with Saturn could suggest a tension between the need for structure, discipline, and responsibility versus a desire to indulge in carefree and joyful experiences inspired by Disney.
Kisses from the Sea! 🪸
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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mercurytrinemoon · 11 months
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Just a few weeks ago I was hyped for their alleged relationship, despite having worries about the Mercury retrograde and how it'll affect it… and now the internet's telling me they've broken up? (not surprised). Let's look at their synastry either way.
Let's examine Taylor's chart first, because no synastry should be looked at without prior analyze of the people's natal charts.
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(I'm looking at the Scorpio rising chart as opposed to the old one that had Capricorn rising, as I feel like it's much more accurate - and the source seemed more eligible).
So the first thing that jumps forward is her Scorpio rising with a domicile Mars right on the ascendant. This shows someone who's direct but also jumps into situations quickly. Despite it being a rather cautious Scorpio (and she sure is, in regard to her career), she seems so dive head first into situations concerning personal life. This is highlighted by her being a Sagittarius Sun (yay for impulsive actions!) and, basically, a walking opposition - as you can tell from looking at her chart - that has a push and pull effect. Her Venus (which also rules her 7th house), is in Aquarius, generally unaspected, which can point to her not having any anchor point for her relationships nor her overall affections - any tangible attachments then may disappear into the aether, turning into ties that seem to be lacking in something, especially it being in airy Aquarius that can swing between being curious and fixed in feelings to being somewhere in the clouds, dreaming of a perfect romance that actually doesn't exist and the bubble suddenly bursts. Now, I said Venus is generally unaspected (by any ptolemaic aspect, that is) but I can't help but notice the exact quincunx to her Cancer Moon - weird romantic choices is what this screams (remember when she started dating Tom Hiddleston and people thought it was bizzare? Exactly). Pair it Moon opposite Uranus and Mercury and this can bring sudden changes in feelings that come from nowhere; not knowing what one wants or an overall feeling of emotional discomfort that stays unresolved for a long time (it's like you feel resentment but you don't really know why).
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Now let's look at Matty. His chart looks more "sharp-tongued sweetheart" to me than anything. We have a lovely Taurus rising with exalted Moon in the 1st as well as an exalted Aries Sun, smashed together with Mercury and Venus. Charming and a creative combo, although not only it is placed in the 12th house of doom and gloom but both of his benefics (Venus and Jupiter) are in their exiles, which can show struggles finding true happiness and inner fullfillment. His 7th house ruler, Mars, is in Gemini, rescued by an applying sextile with Sun and co-present with Jupiter, but generally speaking, it being placed in the 2nd house + having Venus in the 12th, it may bring issues with tangibility of his relationships (or the availability of them, if that makes sense). Lovely but a tormented soul, I'd say (like didn't Halsey write Colors about him? Makes sense).
Now with that in mind, let's look at their synastry, which btw, I LOVE.
Two main things that popped into my head when I first heard they're together were: a Sagittarius Sun with an Aries Sun and opposite rising signs. Perfect, the chemistry and the sense of a romantic adventure should be off the charts. Not that I'm biased but a Sagittarius and Aries are like a match made in heaven. Their Suns are actually making a 3° aspect but her Sun is also trining the rest of his Aries planets, which is lovely. Sun trine Venus is a very sweet and supportive energy - from now on your mental image of the aspect should be Matty (Venus) watching Taylor (Sun) on stage, admiring her and singing along to her songs. Her own Venus, on the other hand, not only compatible with his fire and air placements, but having a direct support from a trine to his Jupiter (!). Again, think of Jupiter as the cheerleader - uplifting Venus, bringing out the fluffy feelings. On top of that, they both have beautifully placed Moons, not only compatible with a sign-based sextile but one is exalted and the other is in its domicile. Now that's what I call a healthy mutual emotional fullfillment.
We also have that combo of Moon/ascendant opposite Mars/ascendant, which normally would bring out the passionate feelings and the "can't take my eyes and hands off of you" type of vibe.
BUT. POTENTIALLY that can also bring trouble.
Matty has a day chart, which means his out-of-sect malefic, the planet that will bring him more trouble, is Mars. She's putting her Mars on his angle and on top of that, it's the 7th house, which is the house of other people and open enemies. She triggered the hate coming from the outside towards him.
We also have Taylor's Jupiter making an opposition to his Saturn (which, she has that aspect natally so it highlights its effect) - this can bring roadblocks to happiness or even blame and judgment that comes from the public's scrutinity (which apparently did happen).
Sun opposite Mars can also bring out some longevity troubles. It's two strong planets butting heads, each trying to have its final say and each trying to be independent as both are kind of "look at me" type of scenario. Now, it doesn't have to mean there were some disputes but both could eventually pull in their own directions and break the tie out of exhaustion. It's because both Sun and Mars are very vibrant and energetic and with an opposition, the energy might've drop very fast. Magnetism is surely there with an aspect like this, but there's a high possibility that the romance battery can die quickly.
Unfortunately - and I was hoping this wouldn't affect them but it did - they allegedly started dating when Mercury was retrograde, co-present with Uranus and during an eclipse season - all in Taylor's 7th house and Matty's 1st house. So, it affected the area of her relationships and him overall, on a personal level. The 1st-7th axis work similarly in that manner as a new relationship often directly affects the person. Now, it doesn't have to be Venus retrograde to have a failed attempt at a relationship - you can as well have any other planet (mainly personal) retrograde in your 7th house and you get the same effect. So, as Mercury went direct, the lovey-dovey haze has evaporated, someone sobered up and the pair went their separate ways (or at least that's what they're making us believe).
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maddyshome · 1 year
Heeeey the biggest hater (me) is back. By no one’s demand (it was actually a person but I like being dramatic). This one is for you @merlinssassybeard​ and all Gojo Satoru fangirls. I’m here to make your dreams or nightmares come true. 
That’s right. I’m INVALIDATING or VALIDATING your headcanons with the help of my own cursed technique: astrology. Let’s start.
(for references here is this mf’s natal chart im including aspects this time cuz i dont wanna post the same img again. i have no time of birth for him and at this point i dont wanna think so if any of you have a suggestion i’m open for it)
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Damn...it’s ugly, right?
First things first. Gojo’s Venus is in Capricorn. His way of loving (venus) someone is much more mature than we might think. Combined with his Pisces Moon, it seems clear to me that he is not at all the type to have a different person in his bed every single night. In fact, hookups don’t seem his thing at all. If he does indulge, he is probably left unsatisfied with the encounter.
Gojo, like it or not, might need an emotional connection first. People that don’t arouse his feelings don’t really have a big impact so if he does hookups he is 100% going to forget about that partner.
His capricorn venus makes him kind of emotionally constipated. He needs an emotional connection, but he fails at expressing his own emotions. In fact this is very common with Pisces Moons, they live in a haze, they feel too many things at once until they don’t know what they feel. It’s better if his partner makes the first step. 
Normally a Cap Venus would like a mature, secure, calm and collected type of person. They are attracted to older partners. In this case I wouldn’t really say this is 100% correct. That’s because he has Scorpio Juno, Mars and Pisces Moon. Unless the capricorn partner has plenty of water in their personal planets it ain’t really gonna work. (Kinda see that with Geto) His Venus is mostly unaspected. Just two sextiles with Moon and Mars so that’s where we should look. Venus itself brings our attention to his Moon and Mars.
He has a trine between moon and mars so his emotional needs (moon) influence his sexual ones (mars). His scorpio mars conjunct scorpio pluto undoubtedly makes him prefer being the dominant partner. I don’t think that’s a surprise to literally anyone. Especially to all of you who read my last post lol. His scorpio juno tells me he likes passionate and deep people. Juno is the asteroid for marriage and commitment so his future spouse/lover should be a deep thinker.
Overall his ideal partner is simply someone that is a much better person than him (because he fucking SUCKSSS) So that would be someone that is spiritual, empathic, compassionate, caring. Someone that could make it safe for him to open up and express his own moon, his own emotional needs (that is struggling to SURVIVE). 
This is the better outcome. The worst outcome is him still being a egocentric bastard that will never move on from Geto’s betrayal, will never open up to other people and will always remain an emotionally constipated garbage that thinks no one has it worse than him. So that would mean a doormat partner will suit him well enough. 
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planetsstarsandmoons · 6 months
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hey!! can you help me figure out why we fell for each other after a week, then tried to take it slow, but got burned out after a month? intense chemistry and understanding, but now we don’t really talk even though i’m still so attached and thinking abt him constantly. is it mutual? should i stop longing for him?
Asc conjunct dsc is what immediately came to my attention. That’s quite a soulmate aspect. Moon exactly conjunct dsc too, venus conjunct vertex. A few things I don’t like are the unaspected venus and the fact that there aren’t many strong aspects. The strong aspects that are there are ones that typically create an immediate recognition of ‘yes. This is the one’. Moon conjunct dsc makes the dsc see the moon person as the ideal partner, and makes the moon person feel into that role. I think the venus is a good example of feelings burning out. His venus falls in the 8th house, obsessive passionate love, quick quick quick, and his venus isn’t really aspected by anything else in your chart. Your venus touches his vertex exactly, so he basically saw you as the one girl immediately. Love at first sight, BUT that is exactly a kind of aspect the other person doesn’t feel. The venus isn’t as much in touch with a vertex conjunction as the vertex is. You guys are romantically compatible, you want each other, but at the end of the finishline all that remains is that recognition, understanding and goodwill from the jupiter moon conjunction. Uranus and moon create that intense chemistry, but because uranus is not a personal planet, it’s also the kind that fizzles out and in a while burns again. It should not be the basis of a romantic relationship if you want it to last. It’s nice as an asset though.
You thinking about him constantly is his venus in your 8th house. Is this dynamic felt mutually? Astrology says in this specific dynamic, no. That obsessive romantic part is on your side. On his side exists a dream. Your moon in his twelfth, enlarged effect by his jupiter. He’s dreaming of you. Also a venus girl that touches his vertex like that is very hard to forget. He knows it didn’t work and he accepts it, undoes his fixation, but he still likes you a lot and knows how well you two fit together. He may still desire you sometimes, but more as a fond chapter of his life. But yeah you live in his head.
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loveemagicpeace · 8 months
Some Astrological Things
Your chart :
Upper half- having the majority of planets here suggests orientation twards the outside world and public life.
Lower half- having the majority of planets here suggests a life away from limelight in a more private life.
East- having the majority of planets here suggests a focus on the self.
West- having the majority of planets here suggests focus on relationships.
🫧Unaspected planets plays a key role too. It represents an inner drive that the person may find difficult to connect to or feel in control of. Aspect patterns reflect a complex inner pattern.
☀️☁️Neptune opposite Sun might reflect a sence of loss in connection to father and therefore a longing for masculine power.
🏝️Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus transits take at least one year from first to last "hit". They bring the most profound events and changes. Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron transits can also have deep impact but are shorter.
🥑Transit aspect: Venus - Uranus, it can give the feeling that we have fallen in love with someone but we don't know why. Because it happens in such a strange and unpredictable way. But when we fall in love under the transit of Venus - Pluto, we feel love very deeply and in a way that we have never experienced before - which can mean that the feelings last forever. Pluto transits is almost always very deep and then many times we come to some realization and transformation that changes our life.
If you have planets in Taurus, feeling rushed can bring anxiety, if planets in Sagittarius, stress comes from having to fit yourself into a pre-set plan.
💫Fire -Of the four elements, fire is the most naturally attuned to the idea of belief and the more planets you have in fire signs the more you might be comfortable with believing in something you cannot see. Air -On the other hand, air tends to be the cynic, needing a logical argument and trying to apply rationality to matters of faith. Earth is the pragmatist, perhaps more given I to living life in the here-and-now - or perhaps God is to be found in nature rather than floating on a cloud. Water is usually content with the unanswered questions that abound in religion; for a watery person, it does not need to be neatly worked out, as long as it makes sense inside.
🎸🍦The Sun and Jupiter - both have a celebratory feel to them - or at least, whatever signs and houses they occupy in your chart will say something about what, or who, brings out a sense of good will, generosity, and playfulness in you. Because these two planets are most inclined to where you find fun and light.
With the Sun in the 7th for instance, you can make other people feel special and golden. Sun in 4th house your family can give you a lot of support and light. Jupiter in Sagittarius or Leo might naturally lean towards joviality and good cheer - Jupiter in Capricorn or Virgo might be more circumspect but are more likely to keep the party budget under control.
Fire and air signs will show energy more outwardly and will be more ready to party. Water and earth signs tend to be more introverted.
🩷Childhood and Memories⛵️🧸
Water and fire signs are most connected to memories and to always renewing or remembering them. There is also a lot of connection with childhood. Most of the time, Leos are looking for childish energy and doing teenage things. They never really grow inside. Cancers often still like cartoons or toys that are related to their childhood.
7th & 8th house -These are the relationship houses, reflecting how you feel about emotional commitment. The 7th suggests a contract and a part of you encountered through the partners you choose. The 8th takes you into emotional entanglement on a soul level. If you have pluto here means you will always feel like you want to be in control of the relationship. With moon here you may feel that your emotions depend on your partner or you may quickly become attached to him
🍓Venus, which represents the relationships we have, also influences us by showing what we value most and what creates a problem in the relationship. Venus in Sagittarius wants a partner with a sense of adventure, passion, life, optimism. Venus in Capricorn values commitment. Venus in Pisces appreciates someone who expresses emotions, is spiritual. Venus in Gemini appreciate someone who talks a lot and has spontaneous energy.
🫧Astrology suggests we have choices - no matter how "fated" or beyond our control a situation may seem, it suggests we can alter our reality through a change of perspective, using imagination to re-vision our approach. Symbols do not tell us precisely what to do; instead they open our creative awareness and invite participation as co-creators of our own destiny.
✨Ig- bekylibra✨
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lunalilith19 · 1 year
Shoma Uno 12/17/97
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Shoma is a Sagittarius with moon in either Cancer or Leo. A lot of notable singles skaters are Sagittarius suns - Yuzuru Hanyu, Jason Brown, Ilia Malinin are a few - Sagittarius rules thighs and legs, maybe that's related. If Shoma has Cancer moon, it's a sensitive, idealistic combination that can tend to extremes - in his baby pictures he has a round moon face, which is typical with Cancer placements. If he has Leo moon, it's a more fiery combination that's steadier than a lot of Sag's and comfortable with attention.
Shoma has Sun conjunct Mercury: this is great for communication, but it's complicated by his Mercury being in detriment (in a sign where it doesn't express itself with ease) and retrograde, so this might be something he's had to work at but is becoming easier with time. he's bright but might be distractable. self expression and physical dexterity are strong points
Venus conjunct Uranus: you value friendship and sincerity in relationships and want to be inspired. Open-minded in many ways towards others, but you live by your own inner code and can be inflexible about following that. need freedom and space . Also Venus sextile Pluto: devoted and intense about who and what you love. drawn to the depths of things
Elite athletes often have a strong Mars, and his is in Capricorn where it's exalted, meaning Mars functions well through the traits of this hard working sign. Shoma has a number of placements which are both strong but challenging, and in this case, his Mars is at 29°, the anaretic or last degree of the sign, so it's like he has access to the wisdom of Capricorn (strategy, perseverance) but needs to learn to tame impulsiveness. Some astrologers say the energy here is tired or fluctuates. Shoma's Mars is conjunct Neptune: Mars is action and Neptune is sensitivity and artistry, so a lot of gifted performers have aspects between them- a conjunction blends the energies, so Shoma has a natural ease of expressiveness that flows from imagination into movement.
He has both Jupiter and Saturn unaspected - they don't make connections to the other planets in his chart. The placements might express as more purely themselves, but because they're like islands alone in the chart, sometimes you'll have trouble accessing that part of yourself. Shoma would find that people who connect to his Jupiter and Saturn might help him tap into or understand those parts of himself--
So i love this - Stéphane Lambiel has his Sun, Mercury and Venus in Aries all conjunct Shoma's Saturn. Saturn is work, discipline, long range goals, stability-- Stéphane just naturally connects to Shoma regarding these things in a way that helps him. Who Stéphane is, how he thinks and communicates, his artistry and taste all align with how Shoma wants to work and achieve. It's no wonder that Shoma seems to be thriving since he made the coaching change and is achieving more than ever. Saturn is a lot of good and grounded things, but it's not warm. But Sun in Aries is full of energy and enthusiasm and wanting to charge in and do things. Stéphane shines light on and gives encouragement to Shoma's whole work process, helps him achieve his goals.
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pallastrology · 8 months
FAQ 🪴 planets, signs, houses
hello friends :-) i’ve wanted to do this for a while now, write up some (hopefully) easy-to-understand FAQ type posts, going over both beginner and more advanced topics. starting at the start, tonight we’ll be looking at the roles the planets, signs and houses play in a chart. future posts will be covering aspects, transits, interceptions, unaspected planets, empty houses and more… any suggestions, drop me an ask! i hope you enjoy this post.
- kira xo
the planets in astrology are the what/who. they point to actions, experiences and traits. planets rule over certain signs and houses, and in doing so, impart some of their qualities onto them. some planets share rulership, or rule more than one sign/house. the signs in astrology are the how/why. they preside over certain energies and traits that roughly correlate with their ruling planet and its house, but when we look at the signs in the context of a chart, we are looking at the way the traits are expressed, more than the traits themselves. the houses in astrology are the where/when. they are ruled by a planet and its corresponding sign, and thy show us in what areas of life certain energies are active. they don’t really have “traits” in the way that planets and signs do, but are hugely important when reading a chart as they give so much context and can help pinpoint where certain issues lie.
for example: venus is the planet of love. named for the roman goddess, venus presides over beauty in all its forms, love and romance, social connection, leisure and pleasure. it is generally considered to be a benefic wherever it’s found in the chart, unless afflicted with difficult aspects, bringing harmony and good luck to the native in those areas. venus rules the signs of taurus and libra, and the second and seventh houses. taurus and libra show two different ways that the qualities of venus can manifest; in taurus, we see a nourishing, sensual sign, who is grounded into the physical world. a sign that is more introverted, more stoic, but still romantic and creative. they bond slowly and deeply, don’t tend to forgive or forget, and hold rim opinions. conversely, libra is cerebral and can be flighty at times. they are more social, more reflective and more energetic. they don’t attach as firmly, and can have identity issues as they take pieces of everyone they love with them. the second house rules over the home and immediate surroundings, and to a degree, childhood experiences, specifically security and nourishment in childhood. it rules over money and finances, value and worth, self-esteem and the physical body. the seventh house rules contracts and partnerships, romantic relationships, marriage partners and the concept of reflection and rejection.
when you lay it out like that, it gets easier to see how the planets, signs and houses are connected but not equivalent. next in the FAQ series, we’ll be looking at the differences between planets in a sign vs. in a house, and how that manifests when reading a chart. thank you, as always, for reading my work 💜
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