#plain as day but
fangpie · 7 months
i just started season 7 and i can already pretty much tell this is gonna be one of my least favorite seasons, the brothers and bobby fucked up with cas so bad. huge fuckin hypocrites considering they would end the world for each other and then castiel was trying to save it for THEM pretty much solely with them in mind. i wanted to shank them cuz where the fuck have they been ? punishing castiel for shit you would do in a heart beat for one single man, dean ? deserved their asses beat i do not care.
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britcision · 11 months
Hey when you move out on your own the most important food tip I can give you is “maybe you don’t hate x maybe your guardians just cooked it wrong”
The number of foods I have learned I really like if they’re Fucking Seasoned
The number of foods I’ve introduced friends to that they warned me they’d always hated til I let them try a piece of mine
Also marinade things for 24 hours the second you have your own fridge it is a GAME CHANGER you thought you knew food but you have never met her
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cartarg · 4 months
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kitty of some sort
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bulkhummus · 9 days
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so blessed to own a Tesla🙏 🙏
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kalihoffs · 1 year
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New travel posters for my recent obsession. 
Update: Now available on Redbubble and Etsy!
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inkskinned · 9 months
as we enter the start of a semester and the dreaded Hour of Making Friends us upon us... if ur ever at a loss for what to say in one of those weird social situations where you only vaguely-know people, one of my favorite questions to ask is "what is your favorite food crime." a food crime is like the food combination that you love that other people find revolting. press them to take it further than pineapple on pizza, that's rote. food crimes is a good topic that has many benefits as it turns out all people are degenerates and also it will give you some cool ideas to try out later in the privacy of your own degenerate kitchen
the other good thing to ask is "okay but has anyone here ever been someplace haunted" bc it turns out if you ask most people directly they don't believe in ghosts, but many people are like "oh yeah i lived in a haunted house. ghosts aren't real tho"
#my food crime is that i regularly make a “pasta and tuna” situation that has somehow gotten even more evil and degenerate over time.#it is a ''white wine reduction'' (it's just white wine and garlic powder & seasoning)#and tuna from a can.#and plain pasta.#if i have the spoons i will actually chop garlic for it but this tends to be my comfort food for a REALLY bad day#bc its super easy to make:#boil pasta. drain. put into bowl for later. into same pot u used for pasta.#put tuna (with oil/water from can). let fry a little for like 2-3 min. put in whatever amount of wine. season to taste.#the tuna will get a little crisp on it which is nice. important side note:#this began as a Bolognese sauce.#and one day i had to sub for tuna. i know. not ideal. i cried about it too.#somehow over time it is now its own little evil thing. i would never make someone else eat it. it is beautiful.#but yeah i don't even stir the pasta in afterwards i just slap pasta into serving bowl#slap this ''''''sauce'''''''' on top#molto bene#(i really can cook fairly well btw. this is a food crime. not a suggestion of skill or ability)#(i LOVE baking but when i cook for myself. the autism is obvious. bc i just don't understand the point of most of the steps)#(.... i can just eat the deli meat out of the bag. it is protein. i don't even have to like it. i just have to eat enough calories.)#(also i used to cook MUCH more before this apartment which is so small that i can stretch my arms out and overreach the counter length.)#(.... i'm 5.2. so.)
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buggachat · 1 year
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Chapter 11 is up of drowning (in plain sight)! and I suppose now is a good time to post this art I did, too
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bylrndgm · 6 months
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More than anything I was relieved that in my unfamiliar babbling-and-wanting-to-talk state I'd stopped myself from blurting the thing I'd never said, even though it was something we both knew well enough without me saying out loud to him in the street - which was, of course, I love you.
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arrowheadedbitch · 6 months
Somebody called Duke a mutant (as a slur) in front of Tim (or a different brother with a different mean/horrible name, it really doesn't matter) and the guy was "coincidentally" given an archaic lobotomy that night.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Clown to Equine communication failed; They are separate species.
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#This Is My New Favorite Parallel
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rui-drawsbox · 22 days
Day 4: AU🌈 @minthe-drawings
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comeee come get your 3 and half aus for the price of one📢
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ineed-to-sleep · 3 months
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Sometimes I have a man..... living in my brain...... who is so so beautiful................
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dvnieldraws · 8 months
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bg3-npc · 4 months
Extremely conflicted every time I see a response to the mistreatment of Wyll along the lines of "omg I didn't know this!?!"
Because like, I'm not about to scope out every blog that says this. I'm not about to see how deep they are in the game or if they're an outsider voicing support. However, one can assume if they're talking about BG3 related issues, they probably play and/or enjoy the game.
So seeing support and mutual anger is good! I'm glad you're now aware of these issues, hopefully you'll continue that awareness and continue to offer support! However.....
Why do so many of you have 0 knowledge of ANY of this? These issues become clear upon interacting with Wyll in any capacity. From just general approval, to romancing him, to playing his origin, all of this is obvious. Even more so when you interact with others along with Wyll. So for so many to have no idea about any of this, you have to have not interacted with Wyll at ALL.
For as important as Wyll should be to the story and game objective, you can easily play the entirety of it without Wyll. You have to be interested in him and be willing to initiate his story. Which means a majority of you just...haven't.
A majority of you have had no interest in the only black companion. You've had no desire to learn more about him, or have him in your party. While you can play without him, he is still vital to the story and you miss out on a lot by bypassing him. Yet many of you have been perfectly cool with that because of superficial reasons that are just excuses to be uncaring of a black protagonist.
Astarion doesn't matter to the story. Full stop. His story and quest is practically self contained and has nothing to do with the main objective. You lose nothing by not having him in your party. Yet so many of you have sought him out. Many of you have done little but interact with him alone. Many of you bought the game not because it appealed to you, but because Astarion was there. This shitty white dude with nothing to add to the game got you to spend money, but you're surprised to learn the single black protagonist has gotten fucked over?
I need all of you to be fucking for real with yourself. Think of something and someone besides yourself and consider why awful white men are the only people you're ever drawn towards.
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hopefulqueer · 4 months
Anyone have any tips on where to buy clothes that look like Ms Frizzle would wear them (for fat people)?
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