#pisces 2024
reno-matago · 1 month
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A very “Pisces” day apparently. And my beautiful apatite, my Pisces gem 🤤
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astrosolutions · 7 days
Mars Transit In Pisces 2024: Boosting Creativity And Intuition
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Mars Transit in Pisces 2024: The fearless warrior planet Mars will transit over Pisces on April 23, 2024, at 8:19 a.m. Mars, the fiery planet of ambition, drive, and energy, makes an impact on the spiritual sign of Pisces during this transit. This prepares the ground for a change in focus toward spiritual activities and prayers. Pisces’s sympathetic and dreamy energy combines with Mars’ bravery to create a special blend.
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astrologiaxo · 2 months
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astrologers1030 · 3 months
Astro Tarot 2024: Navigating Pisces' Path in Love and Career
Immerse yourself in the realm of emotions with Pisces Tarot love 2024 - Discover the romantic tapestry that awaits you in the coming year through the lens of Tarot.
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pomegranatet · 4 months
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casa da comunicação, libra (equilíbrio), netuno (intuição), a chave, nobreza, doação, saturno (desafios), casa da saúde, urano (originalidade), flexibilidade, marte (ação), capricórnio (compromisso), fundo do barralho: criação.
Janeiro inicia como um perido para explorar sua comunicação e habilidades sociais, já que por meio dela você forma relações em diversos setores de sua vida. Em fevereiro depois de exploração seu meio social e interação, peixes vai passar o mês examinando e também examinando os outros, é hora de colocar tudo na balança e ver o que está desequilibrado e precisa ser reavaliado e para isso é preciso ter a mente calma e use a lógica, ou seja, verifique os fatos, mas caso evite esse processo, que é constante, tome muito cuidado porque ela virá de qualquer maneira através do outro, então não se assuste com críticas repentinas sobre você ou seus comportamentos! Março tende a ser um mês que o melhor a se fazer é seguir o fluxo, caso já tenha metas definidas, continue seguindo, mas não seja duro com consigo, pois o mês pode ser confuso e lento dependendo do ambiente, ótimo mês para meditação, espiritualidade e explorar a sua criatividade, também sentirá mais conectado com a espiritualidade (guias, mentores). Em abril a chave para perguntas que você se faz algum tempo pode ser encontradas, seja sobre segredos, seja sobre questões de trabalho (solução de un problema) até sobre si (comportamentos, inconsciente e afins). Seja lá o que for lhe trará consciência para ir para o próximo nível. Maio é um mês para você continuar seu caminho. Continue seguindo o que já planejou para este mês, não é aconselhável fazer mudanças, mas até o final do mês para o início de junho, não tenha medo de ser generoso consigo mesma, maio e junho tendem a ser tranquilos ou vocês estarão muito calmos. Junho é um mês para ser generoso consigo e com os outros, porém evite compartilhar apressadamente algo que você valoriza, pois algumas pessoas não serão tão gentis ou elas serão inflexíveis.
Julho pode ser o mês mais saturnino de 2024 para peixes, é um mês difícil, aqui pode ser sobre pessoas limitantes ou situações limitantes no cotidiano, rotina, serviço ou sobre você aprender a colocar limites nessa situação e/ou pessoas deste ambiente. É aconselhável reduzir as atividades. Há uma grande lição pois em agosto a energia é semelhante ao arcano Torre do tarô. Aqui pode ser mudança de emprego, ou rotina, até de casa. Você pode sentir certa dificuldade em seguir com planos já definidos, o melhor a fazer nesse momento é âncora na realidade e cuidar do que é prioridade, como contas, burocracia e afins. Setembro vai dar o ar da graça com a energia similar ao do louco (tarô), hora de um novo começo, meio inesperado, porém necessário, afinal aonde você estava era sufocante ou te fazia ser muito dependente, setembro é um mês para ser buscar ser independente, é aconselhável aproveitar este período, pois renderá a curto prazo! Outubro pedi flexibilidade e adaptabilidade principalmente para quem mudou de casa, bairro, cidade ou estado, deixe para trás as velhas experiências, vise adquirir novas habilidades e aprenda à fluir com o que é necessário. Novembro é um mês muito ativo, bom para fazer atividade física, pois você vai está com muita energia, principalmente para agir e realizar, também estará muito expressiva. Aliás o último mês pede que coloque aquilo que tem dentro de si para a fora, principalmente seus sonhos, hora de realiza-los, pois a estrutura para isso já existe, caso não, hora de modifica-lá pois tudo está à seu favor. 2024 é o ano 8, também é regido por saturno, muitas mudanças, transformações e aprendizados à caminho!
Missão 2024: estar ciente de nossos padrões de pensamento e da realidade que eles criam.
Afirmação: eu crio, dou vida e preservo aquilo que escolhi transformar em minha realidade.
// linda leitura peixes, não sejam inflexíveis, não faz parte da sua natureza! Abraços. //
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your-astro-mami · 22 days
Solar Eclipse 2024 and how it will affect YOU
Aries Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 1st house which could show major shifts in your approach to life. This is the time to take a new direction and start something you have wanted to do for a while. Main character energy - you are ready to gain more confidence in the things you do. This is a wonderful period to make changes connected to your personal presentation, self-image, how you appear.
Taurus Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 12th house so there could be drastic changes connected to your mental health and inner wellbeing. You may feel ready to overcome past struggles and focus on your healing journey. This is a good time to do activities that are more spiritual, meditate, visualize as it could be an intense and transformative time and help you find the inner strength needed to bring the change.
Gemini Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 11th house which will bring big changes connected to your friend circle, friendships, social life as well as your personal goals. If you want to receive support and attention for something you do, this is the time to put yourself out there and work towards your goals. There is an increase in opportunities so make sure to catch them.
Cancer Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 10th house so this time could bring big changes connected to your career and professional life. You may be more motivated to turns plans into action and pursue any future goals. This is the time to cultivate your image and make any changes in your image as they will be helpful in improving your reputation and other people's perception of you.
Leo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 9th house so you are entering a more adventurous period of your life. You are ready to do activities that will push you to go out of your comfort zone and do something new and different. This is a good time to focus on education, personal development and gain more knowledge. Travel is highly recommended.
Virgo Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 8th house so this period could be deeply transformative and help you gain more inner strength, courage. Financially it could show a period of growth and bigger opportunities for a financial change. You may have deep motivation to do things that will help you gain recognition.
Libra Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 7th house so this could be a transformative time for your relationships. The people in your life could have a large impact on your approach to life. You could experience a positive shift in your personal and professional relationships. Networking is recommended.
Scorpio Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 6th house so this is a good time to make any bigger changes in your lifestyle and start your health journey. You are more productive so this is a good time to focus on any important tasks and responsibilities. You may feel more motivated at work.
Sagittarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 5th house which could be positive for your inspiration and pursuing any creative projects. It could be a good time for socializing, expanding your circle and meeting more people. In your dating life it could be favorable for starting a new chapter.
Capricorn Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 4th house which could be a good time to make changes connected to your home, living location and environment. Take care of your emotional wellbeing and do activities that make you feel emotionally calmer. There could be big changes in your family and close relationships.
Aquarius Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 3rd house which could make this a wonderful time to make any major decisions and focus on plans. You may receive valuable information that will help you know what to do next. This is a good time for writing, journaling and sharing your thoughts with others.
Pisces Rising
The Solar eclipse will be in your 2nd house which could impact you financially and show a good time to seek new financial opportunities and sources of income. You may gain more confidence and security. You are likely to reevaluate your life and focus on what is important.
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vivmaek · 24 days
Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: Predictions
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✰ my masterlist This eclipse season is highlighting themes of forgiveness, both towards others and towards ourselves. It's time to turn a new leaf, and to take responsibility for mistakes made within the past. Doing this will allow a particular area within your life to transform. In October 2023 it may have felt like you lost something. Whether that was a friend group, a career opportunity, or a romantic relationship depends on your chart. However, because this solar eclipse is conjuncting the North Node, it will feel as though you have gained something. Issues from October 2023 will find a resolution.
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General predictions:
ꕥ Sudden/unexpected military action.
ꕥ The development and discovery of new weapons. (Specifically with bombs and explosives.)
ꕥ Veterans speaking out against the country they once served.
ꕥ World leaders unexpectedly stepping down from their positions.
- Many world leaders are going to be dealing with extremely poor health which will “eclipse’ their power.
ꕥ It's going be a hot summer, and the effects of climate change will become all the more obvious.
ꕥ Bad wildfire season.
ꕥ An increase in self-immolation as a form of protest.
ꕥ An increase in reckless driving, speeding, and road rage.
ꕥ An increase in violence against women, and people who are non-binary or transgender .
ꕥ Issues regarding gender will become even more polarizing.
- Women across the world will continue to assert their independence and will fight back against outdated standards.
- Women will become more willing to embrace the unknown. Many women will fully commit to the idea of never getting married or having children during this time frame, and they will do so with enthusiasm.
- Some women will choose not to get married or have children as a form of protest
ꕥ An increase in narcissistic behavior, as well as an increase in being able to recognize narcissistic behavior.
ꕥ Celebrities responding to public criticism with arrogance will witness a downfall.
ꕥ The Summer Olympics will be especially entertaining this year. This event will be explosive and dramatic. Some athletes will gain a significant amount of fame during this event.
ꕥ LOTS of new music. Artists are going to be pushing the boundaries of genres. Audiences are craving something completely new.
ꕥ People are DONE living in fear. This will result in widespread, collective action that will effectively make big changes. More protests, more boycotts, more strikes, more uprisings.
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Predictions for your Rising Sign:
Aries ♈︎
𖦹 Explosive relationship issues
𖦹 Facing “the final straw”
𖦹 Reuniting with yourself
𖦹 Making a significant change to your physical appearance
𖦹 Detaching yourself from others
𖦹 Making bold statements that shock people
𖦹 A boost in confidence
𖦹 Reconnecting with your desires
𖦹 Realizing that you’ve outgrown people
𖦹 Becoming easily frustrated
𖦹 Not recognizing the person you were two years ago
𖦹 Taking decisive action
𖦹 Being forced to defend your beliefs
𖦹 Heightened sense of physical energy
𖦹 Gaining a sense of control over your impulsivity
Taurus ♉︎
𖦹 Confronting fears of the unknown
𖦹 Showcasing a strong sense of perseverance
𖦹 Psychic dreams/ uptick in strange dreams
𖦹 Reflecting on the past
𖦹 Spending time alone
𖦹 Receiving some sort of news that shakes you up
𖦹 Building trust in your intuition
𖦹 Finding yourself zoning out all of time
𖦹 Turning towards food, drugs, and alcohol to find comfort
𖦹 Intense emotions coming forward
𖦹 Facing an uptick in stress and anxiety
𖦹 Rumors and lies being spread about you
𖦹 Secrets coming to the surface
𖦹 Feeling exhausted/needing more time for rest
𖦹 Developing a stronger connection to nature
Gemini ♊︎
𖦹 Heightened sense of compassion
𖦹 Giving out unsolicited advice
𖦹 Networking!
𖦹 Joining new social groups
𖦹 Finding a sense of belonging
𖦹 Engaging in volunteer work
𖦹 Developing new goals and dreams
𖦹 Interacting with lots of strangers
𖦹 Feeling in touch with the future
𖦹 Participating in interesting conversations on a daily basis
𖦹 Initiating and organizing group activities
𖦹 Developing new friendships at a fast pace
𖦹 Heightened sense of popularity
𖦹 Fearing commitment
𖦹 Heightened sense of conversational skills
Cancer ♋︎
𖦹 Stepping into a leadership position
𖦹 Learning how to balance your private life with work
𖦹 Becoming a stay-at-home parent
𖦹 Hard work paying off
𖦹 Facing competition within your career
𖦹 New responsibilities
𖦹 Challenges with authority figures
𖦹 Being forced to stand up for yourself
𖦹 Setting boundaries within your career
𖦹 Your reputation becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Becoming someone's caregiver
𖦹 Learning how to avoid burnout
𖦹 Becoming a source of motivation within your workplace
𖦹 Feeling extra sensitive towards criticism
𖦹 Working with a family member, or someone who feels like family
Leo ♌︎
𖦹 Being forced to look at the big picture
𖦹 Stepping out of the sidelines
𖦹 Deciding to expand your mind
𖦹 Traveling/ big journeys
𖦹 Coming across as overbearing within serious situations
𖦹 A change in long term plans/goals
𖦹 Becoming a teacher or mentor
𖦹 Beliefs being challenged
𖦹 Dominating discussions with other people
𖦹 Craving adventure
𖦹 Gaining a new perspective on life
𖦹 New opportunities in education
𖦹 Embracing a newfound sense of excitement
𖦹 Seeking out recognition
𖦹 Gaining wisdom through creative ventures
Virgo ♍︎
𖦹 Joint resources being brought into focus
𖦹 Seeking reciprocity within relationships
𖦹 Having a realistic approach to intimate relationships
𖦹 Realizing you give too much/too little
𖦹 The judgements you’ve made about other people being challenged
𖦹 Making investments
𖦹 Burning bridges
𖦹 Creating a new budget
𖦹 Resentments within relationships being brought to the surface
𖦹 Paying off debt
𖦹 Confronting your desire for profection
𖦹 Close relationships becoming a source of stress
𖦹 Healing intimacy and trust issues
𖦹 Seeking out deeply emotional connections
𖦹 Finally recognizing hidden patterns
Libra ♎︎
𖦹 Showing up more authentically
𖦹 Confronting communication issues
𖦹 Fixing a misunderstanding from the past
𖦹 Being honest about wants and needs
𖦹 Asking for help and receiving it
𖦹 Developing skills in diplomacy
𖦹 Placing your aspirations before a relationship
𖦹 Letting go of responsibilities that don’t serve you
𖦹 Ego and pride creating conflict within relationships
𖦹 Starting a collaborative project
𖦹 Holding yourself to the promises you’ve made
𖦹 Receiving some sort of justice
𖦹 Healing your fear of being alone
𖦹 Seeking out compromise
𖦹 Recognizing how indecision has held you back
Scorpio ♏︎
𖦹 Putting your dreams into action
𖦹 Experiencing tension within the body
𖦹 Confronting control issues
𖦹 Your sense of motivation being reawakened
𖦹 Implementing new routines
𖦹 Prioritizing health
𖦹 Finishing projects from the past
𖦹 Feeling more energized
𖦹 Lack of support from others
𖦹 Becoming more organized
𖦹 Stress becoming a cause for health issues
𖦹 Challenging your own self-criticism
𖦹 Developing a greater sense of concentration
𖦹 Exploring alternative treatment approaches
𖦹 Becoming a workaholic
Sagittarius ♐︎
𖦹 Starting a new hobby or project
𖦹 Newfound relationship needs/standards
𖦹 Taking relationships risks
𖦹 Seeking out pleasure
𖦹 Connecting with your inner child
𖦹 A spike in creativity
𖦹 Having fun with your sense of self expression
𖦹 Being able to forgo responsibility
𖦹 Joining the dating scene
𖦹 Starting a family
𖦹 Caught up within daydreams
𖦹 Developing a sense of contentment
𖦹 Pregnant and ready to give birth (this could be a literal child or a new idea)
𖦹 Taking initiative
𖦹 Everyday life becomes exciting
Capricorn ♑︎
𖦹 Possible career change
𖦹 Starting a garden/buying plants
𖦹 Gaining an understanding in generational trauma
𖦹 Moving at a slow pace
𖦹 New living situations
𖦹 Change in family dynamics
𖦹 Heightened sense of intuition
𖦹 Finding stability
𖦹 Tending to unhealed wounds
𖦹 Arguments with your parents
𖦹 Working remotely
𖦹 Reconnecting with your ancestors
𖦹 Seeking more time spent alone
𖦹 Home renovations
𖦹 A death or birth occurring within your family
Aquarius ♒︎
𖦹 Being more active on social media
𖦹 Speaking before thinking
𖦹 An uptick in the amount of texts/emails you receive
𖦹 Overactive mind/imagination
𖦹 Attending lots of social engagements
𖦹 Oversharing
𖦹 Challenging your negative thought patterns
𖦹 Creating some sort of content
𖦹 Busy schedule
𖦹 Buying a new vehicle/changing your commute to work
𖦹 Moving into an environment that's more stimulating
𖦹 Learning new skills
𖦹 Changing the way in which you communicate
𖦹 Chasing after the things that make you curious
𖦹 Spreading gossip
Pisces ♓︎
𖦹 Financial management
𖦹 Your foundations being tested
𖦹 A person in need taking advantage of you
𖦹 Developing security
𖦹 Redefining your values
𖦹 Losing or misplacing a valuable object
𖦹 Selling your impulsive purchases
𖦹 Overcoming insecurities
𖦹 Feeling more stubborn
𖦹 Strengthening your self-worth
𖦹 Building your savings
𖦹 Earning money from your artistry
𖦹 Cutting back on expenses
𖦹 Donating your money to charity
𖦹 Turning to spiritual practices to ground yourself
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moonastrogirl · 5 months
2024 Numerology
- Predictions/Tips
Credit @moonastrogirl
2024 is an 8 year. Karma will be served like no one has ever seen it. Power and money will be given to the right people who deserve it.
Number 8 is often associated with the infinity ♾️ symbol which means limitless, abundance but it’s wrong. It’s the symbol of the snake eating his own tail. It’s the symbol of karma which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on past actions and karma laws.
Number 0 is the true symbol of infinity. It’s wholeness. It’s love. It’s true bliss and abundance. It’s joy and surprise combined. Everything has to come in a full cercle. To receive abundance someone gotta give back too. That’s why lot of millionaires and billionaires donate to charity or do charity galas etc. They know to multiple their money and gains they have to give back and create the full cercle energy.
Those with a prominent Saturn or Saturn ruled placements in their chart/Saturn aspecting personal planets in their birth chart or with a prominent 8 energy in their numerology chart will understand what it truly means and how the smallest action can impact someone.
Power, connections and money will be taken away from abusive people who were using others, gossiping, spreading rumours, lying etc. Divine justice will be served. Honest , generous, loving people will receive their flowers and more.
The scales ⚖️ of divine justice are bringing back true equilibrium.
Those who went through it, true givers and generous people will receive if they are willing to receive. Takers will lose everything if they are not willing to give. People who were made fun of or put down by society for what they do even if they don’t harm anyone (prostitues for instance) will receive plenty and fast. Victims of circumstances, of violence, of abuse will also receive what they need.
Again it’s based on the willingness to receive and give back.
This energy is already being felt for weeks now : karma is here. She serves and delivers like no one. Already conspiring and bringing powerful people down (P Diddy - Cassie case).
Releasing bad karma, bad habits, lies (even white lies) is key 🔑 to receive blessings. It’s best to proactively go get yours blessings, they won’t just come to you. Work hard and smart.
Be willing to release and receive, give back and have faith.
Wishing you and myself peace, love, blessings and abundance for 2024 and may the scales of divine justice be in our favours 💫
Thank you for reading me and if this post resonates with you, please feel free to like, comment or reblog 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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mitchsmarners · 2 months
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OLIVIA RODRIGO via instagram (02-19-24)
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
lots of people are going to crack under pisces season for those still tryna hold onto facades. the spells are being broken. stay away from those that are clearly at war with themselves. they'll hinder you from experiencing your own integration process!
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callmebrycelee · 2 months
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calmwaterstarot · 4 months
What can we expect from 2024 dear!?? 😌
2024 has a lot going on; there are so many astrological transits happening that have a huge impact on all of us.
January 1, 2024: Mercury went direct after being in retrograde for several weeks. This means communication gets better, legal documents can be signed without issues, and anything related to speech is cleared up.
January 20 - September 1, 2024: Pluto enters Aquarius. This is going to be a wild ride. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was around the late 1700's, and during that time, the world underwent MASSIVE change. Both the American and French Revolutions occurred, coups happened with governments, royalty was dethroned, battles and wars were fought, the first wave of feminism began, etc. There's so much more than this. You should see the list. I'll include it here--start around 1777 and go through 1798. Pluto represents death, rebirth, and transformation, while Aquarius represents humanity and technology. When you pair these two, you're looking at major transformation socially, politically, economically, and technologically. There's a brief retrograde into Capricorn for one last time during our lifetime, and then Pluto will return to Aquarius for another 20 years. It's interesting to note that the rise and fall of empires throughout history is around 250 years. The cycle for Pluto is 245 years. Coincidence? I think not.
February 16, 2024: A stellium in Aquarius. A stellium occurs when three or more planets are in the same house/sign in an astrological chart. This Aquarius stellium will feature Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto. The last time this occurred was in February, 1962, and was commonly referred to as the "Age of Aquarius." This time period brought about major changes in the fields of technology, science, and aerospace. I'm afraid that during this time, though, there will be a strong focus on AI and its advancement. Pay attention to headlines regarding an upgrade in technology.
March 25, 2024: Lunar eclipse in Libra. Major historical events typically coincide with lunar eclipses, and since this one will be in Libra, I foresee society wishing for balance, harmony, peace, and justice. I believe this will be a time that humanity will call for us to take a deeper look at how we can end strife and get along with each other. Be ready for major calls for wars and upheaval to end (even though it's happening now, this will be on a much larger scale with this eclipse).
April 8, 2024: Solar eclipse in Aries. On the flip side of the lunar eclipse, we have the solar eclipse in Aries. This will be a time where we start anew and are ready to charge down a new path. Mars' energy represents war, destruction, violence, revenge, but also strength. This particular eclipse is warning us about war and destruction on a collective level because it'll be conjunct the North Node (the direction we're all going). I believe we're headed into a total collapse and rebirth when we add in the Pluto in Aquarius energy, but it's something that needs to happen for us to evolve as a civilization.
May 25, 2024: Jupiter in Gemini, which is actually in detriment. This means the energy is weaker in this sign for the planet. Expect changes in telecommunications (voice, data, and video) and social media, since Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication.
June 2, 2024: Neptune is anaretic. Anaretic means that a planet has entered the 29th degree, which holds a sense of finality because this planet has transited all 30 degrees (starting at 0). It's ready to move on and cut ties. What does this mean for Neptune? Well, the planet of illusions will lift its veil and a lot of what we've held onto in our beliefs will die out. Some people will still try to hold on (sunk-cost fallacy) because they're stubborn, but the majority of people will release, mourn, and deal with the fallout that's going to be super messy. Imagine the feeling of being betrayed by someone you love. That's what Neptune lifting it's veil is going to feel like for most. Again, collectively, we NEED this energy for healing and spiritual growth.
July 21, 2024: Full Moon in Capricorn. Most of the time, nothing major happens on full moons, but this one is interesting because it falls on an anaretic degree, just like Neptune. Capricorn represents structure, discipline, rigidity, and order (its ruler is Saturn), so we're going to see some upheaval in regards to these issues. The old way of doing things will no longer serve the same purpose. This is the equivalent of saying, "Out with the old, in with the new."
August 5, 2024 – August 28, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo and Leo. With Mercury rx in Virgo, this might be a time where you lose or misplace documents, feel irritated, have constant miscommunication, or face scrutiny from the general public. Remember to write down important deadlines and keep everything organized so you don't lose anything. With Mercury rx in Leo, I'm fully expecting some celebrity scandals during this time. Otherwise, it'll be a time of thinking about trying something new or wanting to get out and do something fun.
September 17, 2024: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. This will happen in the 25th degree (an Aries degree), so anyone with heavy Pisces placements will have creative breakthroughs during this time. We'll see a rise in great music, art, poetry and literature, as well as film and visual arts. This time period might feel very dreamy and whimsical on the art scene.
October 2, 2024: Solar Eclipse in Libra. We had the lunar eclipse in Libra in March, so now, the solar eclipse will bring justice and balance. Anyone with Libra placements in early degrees will feel the need to purge what's not working. Even though most Librans are peaceful, this will be a time of upheaval. Expect people to help the oppressed even more (seeking justice) in a world that needs to be more fair and balanced (Libra energy).
November 19, 2024: Pluto goes direct in Aquarius for twenty years, until March 8, 2043. Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy-but-necessary ride.
November 25, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. We all know what happens during Mercury rx, but what happens when it's in Sagittarius? Sagittarius represents higher education and learning, all things foreign and travel-related, religion, and spirituality. Expect religious or spiritual leaders, as well as educational leaders at universities, to have private documents leaked, misinformation stemming from foreign countries and media, as well as travel issues (delays, being rerouted, lots of crowds, etc.). This will not be a good time to travel.
December 6, 2024 – February 24, 2025: Mars Retrograde in Cancer and Leo. This is going to be...interesting. Mars hates being in Cancer; it's in detriment. Why? Cancer represents empathy and compassion, while Mars represents a more masculine energy that strives towards war, violence, and destruction. Cancer wants to provide a resolution to all of the conflict occurring, while Mars isn't having it. Expect masculine energies, especially men, to be more irritated and aggressive during this time. This duo can bring about discussion regarding balancing masculine and feminine energy, which we all have. Because Cancer is represented by the Moon, or the "mother" in astrology, expect some discussions about fertility and reproduction, birth rates (especially the low birth rates of some countries), marriage (or lack thereof), and any social dynamics with males and females. These discussions will carry over into 2025.
2024 is going to be a year that'll go down in history, that's for sure. One silver lining in all of this is that Venus does NOT retrograde this year, so we might see or hear about fewer breakups, and we might see or hear about more people entering into relationships and staying together.
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astrosolutions · 4 months
Pisces 2024 Annual Horoscope Predictions
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Pisces 2024: According to Vedic Astrology the water element sign is Pisces. The planet ruler of this sign is Jupiter. Pisces loves to follow discipline and are generous person. But sometimes extra ego works in them. Pisces can easily distinguish between good and bad. Their tendency is towards religion. They have a passion for traveling as well. Everyone wants to know how the new year will be. All these questions can be answered by judging the horoscope in astrology. All information related to the financial situation, family life, job, and business can be known through astrology calculation.
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airisu7425 · 3 days
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Nyan Koyomi - Natsume Yuuchinchou Desktop Calendar 2024 - March/Pisces
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ezukll · 5 days
𝗧𝗮𝘂𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 🌷
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During this time, an Aries native can expect to gain more confidence and self- assurance. There is a powerful energy during Taurus seasons that brings a sense of stability and structure that can positively impact the lives of Aries natives. This can also be a period of increased prosperity and success for many of them. It's an ideal time to focus on matters related to security, property, and investments. Taurus season also encourages the Aries native to slow down and take things one step at a time. It's not always about rushing headfirst into new situations or adventures.
An Aries native can also make the most out of the 2024 Taurus season by focusing on their inner world and finding ways to develop their self-awareness and emotional maturity. It's a great time to get to know themselves on a deeper level, reflecting on past experiences and learning from any mistakes or lessons that came up in the past. They can take small steps toward self-development, setting intentions and goals for themselves going forward. The Taurus season is also a great time to focus on creating stability and structure in their life, prioritizing matters of security and reliability.
Taurus natives can expect a lot of positive energy and prosperity during the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus is a sign of stability and reliability, and this season can enhance those aspects of their life. They can experience an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence, along with an overall feeling of well-being. Taurus natives may be more focused on their needs and priorities, making this an ideal time for setting intentions and goals. It is also a great time for self-care, reflecting on past experiences, and finding ways to become more comfortable and at ease with who they are.
Taurus natives can also make the most out of the 2024 Taurus season by focusing on their relationships, both familial and romantic. Taurus is a sign of stability and attachment, and this season can enhance those aspects of their life. They can take steps to strengthen their connections with others and focus on communication and compromise to make those relationships stronger and more solid. Taurus natives can also set intentions related to expanding their network and cultivating new relationships with others. It's an ideal time to focus on matters related to creativity and self-expression, cultivating their natural abilities and creativity.
For Gemini natives, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for finding stability, security, and structure in your life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing a sense of reliability and predictability that can be comforting to a sign like Gemini, who is known for being quick-witted and adaptable. Gemini natives can use this time to focus on matters of security and reliability while also fostering stability in their relationships. This can be a time of self- reflection for many Geminis, helping them to find a sense of inner peace and balance.
Gemini natives can also use the 2024 Taurus season to focus on finding stability and structure in their life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, giving Gemini natives an opportunity to find a sense of comfort and predictability. Gemini natives can develop new systems and routines that focus on their physical and emotional needs. It's a great time to prioritize self-care, finding activities that help them relax and recharge. They can also reflect on past experiences and learn from any mistakes or lessons that came up in the past. Additionally, Gemini natives can use this season to focus on financial matters.
For a Cancer native, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for focusing on their inner world and creating a sense of stability, structure, and security in their life. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting for Cancer natives, who often feel their emotions deeply and crave stability and security. This is a great time for Cancer natives to focus on matters of the heart and nurture their relationships with loved ones. They can explore what truly matters to them and set intentions related to their emotions, values, and relationships.
It helps to use this period to focus on inner growth and self-exploration. Cancer is a sign of emotion and sensitivity, so exploring and expressing their feelings can be beneficial during this time. They can take the opportunity to look within and explore their thoughts and emotions, cultivating self-awareness and self-compassion. Cancer natives can also focus on matters related to stability, safety, and security. It's an ideal time to prioritize self-sufficiency, fostering independence and resilience. Additionally, it's a great time to focus on their physical health.
𝗟𝗘𝗢 ♌︎
Leo natives can benefit from the stability and structure of the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, which can be beneficial for Leo natives. Taurus energy can help them to focus on matters of self-expression and creativity, expanding their horizons in those areas. It's a great time to take steps towards their goals and objectives, especially in creative and artistic pursuits. It's an ideal period for developing their self-confidence and taking risks. Leo natives can also make the most out of this time by connecting with their passion and nurturing their ambition.
Leo natives can also use the 2024 Taurus season to focus on building connections with others. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, which can provide a sense of comfort and security for the Leo native. During this period, they can take steps to fostering communication and cooperation, forming positive relationships with others. Additionally, this is an ideal time for prioritizing their health and physical fitness. Taurus energy encourages self-care and balance, which Leo natives can benefit from, especially in terms of their physical well-being. It's an optimal period to prioritize their needs and take care of themselves.
For Virgo natives, the 2024 Taurus season can be a time for focusing on their inner world and fostering a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing a sense of predictability and reliability that can be comforting for Virgo natives. During this time, they can set intentions related to self-development and creating new forms of security in their lives. It's an ideal period to nurture and value their uniqueness, finding ways to express themselves in creative and innovative ways. Additionally, they can focus on matters related to health and wellbeing.
For a Virgo native, the 2024 Taurus season can also be a period of opportunity for developing their inner world and fostering a sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting to Virgo natives. During this time, they can set intentions and goals related to self-development, taking steps toward their desires and objectives. Virgo natives can also focus on matters related to their health, wellbeing, and work/life balance. It's an ideal time for grounding themselves and prioritizing stability and security in their life.
Libra natives can benefit from the stable and secure energy of the 2024 Taurus season. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing consistency and predictability that can be comforting to Libra natives. During this time, they can focus on exploring their needs and desires, seeking out the things that truly matter to them. They can set intentions and goals related to matters of passion and creativity, fostering a new sense of confidence and self-expression. Libra natives can also focus on their interpersonal relationships and fostering harmony and connection.
Libra natives can also use the energy of the 2024 Taurus season to focus on their relationships both with others and themselves. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, creating a sense of stability and structure in their lives. During this time, they can take steps toward fostering harmony and connection in their relationships, taking the opportunity to communicate their needs and desires clearly and effectively. Libra natives can also take a deep look inwards and explore their inner world, nurturing their self-development and self-expression.
For a Scorpio native, the energy of the 2024 Taurus season can be a time to focus on their inner world and foster a sense of self-awareness. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progression, providing stability and consistency that can be comforting for Scorpios. During this time, they can take steps toward finding balance and harmony within their emotional and spiritual worlds, setting intentions related to self-exploration and personal growth. It's an ideal period to develop their innate creativity and nurture their sensitive side. Scorpios can also prioritize matters related to self-care during the Taurus season.
A Scorpio native can also take advantage of the stability and reliability of the 2024 Taurus season to focus on matters related to their inner world and personal growth. Taurus energy encourages slow and steady progress, providing a sense of stability that many Scorpios can benefit from. During this time, they can set intentions related to understanding and deepening their emotional and spiritual world. It's also an ideal time for fostering self-awareness and self-love. Scorpios can prioritize self-care and nurturing their own needs. They can also explore their creativity and foster their natural artistic inclinations.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Sagittarius natives can experience a shift toward slowing down their fast-paced way of life and focusing more on their emotional and spiritual needs. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of stability and ease for the sag, and this slower pace of development can be beneficial to them. During this period, they can reflect on their life path and set intentions towards personal growth and development. They can explore their deeper values and reflect on their passions. Additionally, they can prioritize matters related to family, friends, and close relationships.
For a Sagittarius native, the 2024 Taurus season can also be a time to explore their deeper feelings and values. Taurus energy encourages focusing on matters related to self-growth and development, and this can be beneficial for the optimistic and adventurous Sagittarius. They can take a deep look at their inner world and reflect on their thoughts, actions, and feelings. Taurus energy encourages setting intentions related to self-exploration and nurturing their deeper needs. It's also an optimal time to focus on their physical and emotional well-being.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Capricorns can shift their focus from external success and material gains to fostering self-confidence and inner development. Taurus energy encourages self-exploration and self-care, and this shift can help Capricorn natives grow and reach their full potential. They can set intentions related to their inner world, working on self-awareness and exploring parts of themselves that they have overlooked in the past. Capricorn natives can also take a look at their past experiences and learn from any lessons that came up during that time. It's an ideal period to prioritize their inner needs.
For a Capricorn native, the 2024 Taurus season is a great time to focus on self-exploration and personal growth. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and calmly, which can be beneficial for the disciplined and hardworking Capricorn. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their inner world and foster self- awareness. Capricorn natives can start by reflecting on their past experiences and taking steps towards self-acceptance. They can explore their innate sensitivities and nurturing side.
Aquarius natives can experience a shift towards focusing on their inner world and fostering self-growth during the 2024 Taurus season. Taures energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of security and reliability that can be comforting to the independent and adventurous Aquarius. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, working on self- development and nurturing their sensitive side. Aquarius natives can reflect on their past experiences and take steps towards self-awareness and self-acceptance. They can prioritize matters related to inner peace and self-expression.
The 2024 Taurus season is a great time to focus on self-awareness and fostering a sense of inner peace. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and steadily, providing a sense of stability and consistency that can be beneficial for Aquarius natives. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, working on self-development and nurturing their sensitive side. Aquarius natives can reflect on their past experiences and take steps towards self-awareness and self-acceptance. They can prioritize matters related to inner peace and self- expression.
During the 2024 Taurus season, Pisces natives can experience a shift in their focus towards fostering a sense of self-awareness and inner calm. Taurus energy encourages taking things slowly and patiently, providing a sense of stability and reliability that many Pisces natives can benefit from. During this time period, they can set intentions related to their emotional and spiritual needs, exploring their deeper feelings and honing their intuition. Pisces natives can focus on prioritizing matters involved in their inner worlds, reflecting on past experiences and learning from any lessons that came up during that time. And it's an excellent period for fostering self-care and nurturing their more sensitive side.
For a Pisces native, the 2024 Taurus season is a great opportunity to explore their emotions and harness their instinctive insights. Taurus energy encourages a slow and steady progression, providing a sense of comfort and predictability. pisces natives can set intentions related to their inner world, focusing on fostering self- awareness, emotional healing and spiritual development. During the Taurus season, they can make strides toward inner exploration, taking the time to listen to their feelings, intuition, and gut instincts. It's also an excellent period for focusing on their physical and emotional health and embracing positivity and joy.
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convosatmidnight · 2 months
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olivia rodrigo wearing a pisces princess tank top at the guts world tour... slay
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