#persecutor protector
By the way, Aderis is very pro persecutor reform and I support that but I'm very pro "persecutors don't really exist, just alters that aren't on the same page" and "not all persecutors need to reform, sometimes the whole system needs to reform"
Cause like I'm still technically a persecutor part - at least historically - and I didn't reform, the system had to reform to accomodate and hear me out and it's done the system as a whole a lot of good.
The idea that persecutors are inherently 100% wrong or "confused" is bullshit, particularly when 9/10 times the system as a whole is also not providing the most stellar communication with them either.
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citrus-system · 2 years
[TW for drawings of blood]
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Survivor Aggression
Okay to reblog (Please don’t save or repost)
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justanotherstardrop · 2 years
I'm a persecutor? Or protector? I can be both you know. I do bad shit. I do good shit. I cause us pain. I protect us. I hurt us. I stand up for us. I lash out at others. I keep us safe. What am I? Who knows.
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system-cypress · 3 months
If you ban certain alters from certain sources from your space, you are being abelist. No one controls how introjects form, no one controls their source and no one exists just to trigger you. Try to take a minute to realize that excluding those alters alienates so many systems. It's not up to you how systems cope.
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pluralcultureis · 10 months
Plural culture as an anger holder, persecutor, and protector, is getting more and more annoyed at how much ppl on this community seem to think labeling sexuality and gender is one of the most important things ever.
It's not apart of my job to be attracted to people, or label how I feel.
I've had ppl try and tell me I'm aroace because I don't care to be attracted to people. I'm not.
If I was anything, it would be wholey unlabeled.
Let alters not label themselves, because for some of us, it's not fucking important. We don't need to. We have more important shit going on than who we want to fuck
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wishmasterzz · 10 months
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nobody gets him like i do ‼️
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kintsugicollective · 27 days
Hey! Child heavy systems!
Sending you all love and ice cream!!
Our system has a good hold on 8 of our alters, and four are younger than 13.
You all deserve so much, especially if you are a child alter who is also a:
Trauma holder
Any other "atypical" presentation of a kid.
You don't have to act your age (you can be responsible and be a kid) but please let yourself if it helps you.
Having a teddy or dressing like a kid does not make you worse at your role! There is no wrong way to be an alter!
Adults in systems: give your syskids a hug (if you can/want to) and tell them you appreciate them!
That's all ❤️
- the caretakers/protectors of the CC
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non-dys-sys · 1 month
Persecutors deserve better and not because they’re “misguided protectors” but because they’re people. -Kage
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heavyskysystem · 6 months
How to unstuck a trauma holder
First of, unstucking a trauma holder and grounding them from the persistent emotional pain and constant re-experiencing of trauma they suffer under can take a long time, but there are techniques that can be used to help ground them.
Breathing techniques
Breathing techniques have proven to be quite helpful in grounding an distracting from the emotional anguish. The focus on nothing but the breathing, and on being aware of how the breath moves through your body is very helpful in creating sensations that keep the alter in the here now. Yoga Breathing | Alternate Nostril Breathing (youtube.com) Box breathing relaxation technique: how to calm feelings of stress or anxiety (youtube.com)
Setting up an inner safe space
Setting up an inner safe space can be very helpful and grounding for the alter, they can set it up themselves following simple instructions to do so. This place can then be always visited to practice allowing positive feelings of safety. It can be a place filled with symbolism for their positive qualities, or be something very simple without many details. If they arent capable or willing to create their own inner safe space, you can also attempt to do it for them if they arent against it, this can feel like a gift to them because you do so with the best in mind for them, thinking of what they like, and what what might make them feel safe.
Grounding Exercise for Anxiety #7: Creating a Safe Place - YouTube
Somatic therapy/experiencing
To proccess their trauma emotions, and to feel more at ease with their body somatic experiencing can be very helpful guided and somatic experiencing that just comes to you. Like the alter that might not have spend years in their body using both of their hands to touch their legs, arm, belly to get used to their body again and to feel grounded within it. For them to explore how their body suits them and how it feels nowadays, to become aquainted with how the body differs in the present. Guided Somatic experiencing can lead to the processing of trauma and expression of it, since a lot of trauma-holders are stuck in one or more trauma responses doing this can also help heal their sympathetic nervous system and allign them to get out of their trauma response. A lot of the time trauma holders are in so much pain that merely speaking about their experiences will not help them, theres the rule that once your level of distress reaches a certain height you can only change emotions via emotional reasoning and no longer via rational reasoning, so you have to find other solutions than intellectualizing or talking.
Somatic Practice for Trauma and Stress Release (youtube.com)
Trauma informed Yoga
Similar to somatic experiencing, allows you to proccess repressed emotions and feelings stuck in the body that otherwise cannot get out and cant be intellectualized out
Trauma-Informed Hip Opening Yoga for Emotional Release | Trauma Informed Yoga (youtube.com)
Poetry, drawings, music and every creative endeavour you can think of can be helpful in letting a trauma holder proccess their trauma and emotions. I have heard that one over and over again as being one of the most helpful ways of coping, their trauma holder didnt know where to put their anger until expressing it into art, and so on.
Following the emotion You lie down in bed, get comfortable and just let you and your trauma-holder in co-con follow the emotions and anxieties your trauma holder feels, this proccess can take a long time. You just let every emotion come and go and feel it to your fullest. This might cause strange bodily sensations like a current running through your body, body party to go numb, or sensations of pressure. Its important to be kind to each and every sensation and emotion. When you start feeling the emotion in the body like that you first start to appreciate how powerful your emotions truly are. At the end of this you may cry tears of real relief and feel a bit lighter.
Grounding excerises
10+ Mindful Grounding Techniques (Incl. Group Exercise) (positivepsychology.com)
there are multiple ones to use, they often help redirect a little bit and to get you or them out of a flashback.
All of these things take practice and repetition, you cant do them just once and expect your trauma holder to be free of their symptoms! It takes dedication.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
System Dynamic Rambles with XIV: Chapter 1; We Don't Have Persecutors in This System
Ignore the dramatic title I thought it would be funny. Like this MIGHT be a series if I have more rambles on the topic, but I'm mostly clowning up there. That said, I really wanted to go on an acre long spiel about how systematic thinking and how individualistic thinking / capitalism is a plague on living and finding stability with DID; but I was only supposed to be out to go pick up Riku their sandwich so I will just open up one chapter line on this and leave the rest for if I feel like it later.
None of these are supposed to be professional or organized, thus the "rambles" just some thoughts of mine that I feel might be worth thinking about.
Additionally, these are my opinions and perspectives; I will be stating absolute statements in terms of recovery and while I do realize there are likely different ways of healing and different perspectives and there is never a "no way" or "never" in healing, this is how we approach our system and these are of my opinions. This paragraph serves as a disclaimer for if anyone is sensitive to that to just turn around.
But first things first, our system operates as a unit. The general theme of this whole ramble and if there is anything I would want to say as my first piece of advice to any alter or part in a leadership or leadership-adjacent position (host or respected leading protector) that the thing you have to know first and foremost is that you are never going to get anywhere or reduce any long term stability by playing games of "what >I< want" or denying anyone anything; even if what they want on a surface level sounds entirely opposite to what you want.
My main point of claim to that is that you can't kick parts out of your system, you can't kill parts in your system, you can repress them and silence them and ignore them and pretend they aren't there, but every time you do that it will only simply make them come back stronger in the future and you will be 100% back to where you were at best, or worse - with someone even more adamant and stuck in the surface level of what they "want".
You can't say "no" to a part that expresses that they really want something, because more often than not, that want - if genuine and strong - is a need. It might not sound like a need to you, but it is a need. If you want something and another part wants something that conflicts with it, you do not say no, you sit down and get to the root of both of your "wants" to see what "need" the "wants" fulfills and you find a way to incorporate both NEEDS the best possible. Anything attempt less than that will always drive up conflict, instability, bad blood, and poor faith between parts and overall make your life an increasing living hell.
With that in mind, I go by the mantra of "erase the words 'I want'" from your functional and serious communication vocabulary - its fine to think and feel and say it whenever - but you should not be approaching in a leading role with "I want" but collect yourself and to the best of your ability lead with "Currently I want and am working towards XYZ because [reason / need]" and keeep that perspective and mindset when trying to help a part that has a need / want that is "incompatible" figure out the core reason / need that they are operating and wanting from the system and thus incooperating both needs / reasons with a "Need first" perspective.
As long as there is a class in any society, or in a system, whose needs are not being met, there will inherently always be distrust, instability, chaos, and conflict. With distrust, instability, chaos, and conflict - even those that are "good" and "successful" will eventually find themselves unable to reach their goals or properly establish any form of consistent and stable peace as those that are being scuffed to the side will inevitably find themselves unable to bear with the weight of their neglected needs.
With that in mind, I started the movement in our system that has officially taken hold that this system has absolutely zero persecutors. None. We have introjects of abusers, we have trauma holders, we have parts that re-instate abuse as a protective measure, but we do not have any persecutors, because there is no one who is hurting the system.
We have parts that like the term persecutor, they can call themselves that, but among the leadership roles in this system, those are just "parts who engage in persecutory behavior more than others and identify with that". We refuse to perceive any part in our system as a problem or anything against the whole because - for better or worse - no one can leave the system so being against it doesn't really work for those of us trying to maintain peace and direction for the unit.
Parts who engage in persecutory behaviors are in then simply behaving as a "part whose needs are not being met by the system". People, animals, and living beings - when their needs are met - are prone to being content and cooperative, if a part is being aggressive or uncooperative, it is because they have a need.
So rather than having persecutors, we have parts who are being failed by the current system in hand and parts who are upset as a result. There is no 'against the system' or 'hurting the system' or 'abusing the system', simply that whatever we currently have in place currently does not effectively take them into account.
From there it is not that you have to fix the part or reject their needs, it is that you have to fix the system itself by investigating where in the state of the system that part is being failed; what need are they having that is not getting met, and what is the best and most practical way to fix that.
It's not something easy and its definitely easier said than done, but it is really the only sustainable way we've found to actively, rapidly, and effectively stabilizing an unstable environment.
Theres a lot more to it and shit, but thats just chapter one of my communist manifesto. Tune in for more later.
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ix-c-999 · 4 months
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system role blinkies, part 2
bonus sentipet flag blinkie but with the word "syspet"
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[this post has no DNI other than not to start discourse or mockery]
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system-hottakes · 3 months
Hot take: Some persecutors are just bad people. Not all persecutors are misguided protectors.
definitely. Some alters are just bad people in general. They don't even have to be persecutors. Like we have a anger holder that's a pretty shitty guy. He's not misguided. He knows what he's doing, he just doesn't care. We also have a protector that's a horrible person who tries to fight everyone. Not to protect us, no, he wants to fight people just because he likes fighting.
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
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Host, Admin(link), Co-Host
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Soother(link), Caregiver(link), Comforter(link)
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Protector(link), Gatekeeper(link), Persecutor(link)
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Some system roles!
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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skeleticals · 10 months
I have a lot to say. abt montelyson possibly being a trauma response and richas most likely being plural.
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plural-culture-is · 2 months
tw self harm
persecutor-protector-syskid culture is. i self harmed because i wanted people to care about me. but now that people are worried, i feel horrible and i don't want them to worry about me or feel upset or sad!! i miscalculated!!! can i take it back i didn't mean to make people concerned!!!
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bl-ckberry · 2 years
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