#people say that some of my fics are written like I'm truly in love with the character
romeoandromeo · 8 months
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industrations · 3 months
will you ever draw masc sirius? not to compare artists but recently i've just noticed masc sirius pics get more notes and ppl get more pissed off bc of fem sirius. it's ok if you draw fem wolfstar (fem sirius AND fem remus) but it's kinda weird you only draw remus masc. kinda heteronormative. when wolf is gay. plus canonically sirius was masc and remus was fem (sirius was the biker and remus was short.) it's ok you're more into fanon but canon is real so i'm just curious if you will ever draw masc sirius. if you will it'll be very cool and i'm sure you'll get more notes too.
This is the LAST time I'm going to be talking about this because I'm so TIRED of this debate.
Firstly, the "canon" you speak of is written by this person. So think before you start arguing anything about canon.
Then, since apparently some of you still cannot read. I DO NOT DRAW FOR YOU; I DRAW FOR ME. I could not care less about notes or likes or popularity. I'm just here to have fun and enjoy my time. That you are so concerned about notes is your own problem, not mine, but I suggest you change that because notes do not equal any sort of value, and this mindset is just going to be bad for anyone's mental health.
My favourite thing as a person whose gender is literally all over the place is getting to express that through the characters I draw. For ME, this mainly happens through Sirius because his "canon" is this very HETERONORMATIVE man. The freedom of him being able to step away from that and to be allowed to be whatever he wants to be on that day is just wonderful. Sirius, for me, is a reminder that no matter what you're born as or whatever people say you should be, it does not say anything about how you feel or express yourself.
Remus will forever keep evolving for me. He's also allowed to be whoever he wants to be. When I read fics he looks different in every single one. And if you actually paid attention to my art, you can see that he does not always look the same. For me, Remus is a comfort. He will always be a long, wet noodle with bad knees to me. He will always have his scars and his freckles, and those are what make him beautiful. I'm not sure why people immediately assume this is something that makes him "the man" or "the top". If that's what you're thinking when you see them, then there's something gone wrong on your side because you are deciding what a queer relationship is supposed to look like, when in fact you are the one being homophobic and heteronormative.
Also that my Sirius is shorter and more gender-y so to say, does not mean he can't kill a bitch on sight. He could break Remus in half in a second if he wanted to.
Anyway, I'm off to draw some dead gay wizards in whatever way I want to <3 love you guys. Truly the majority of you make me feel safe and seen, and I couldn't have wished for a more supportive community
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tsukimefuku · 2 months
old regrets and guilt ridden pasts (2) ꕥ higuruma hiromi
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part 1 → this part → part 3 (soon) | mdni!
summary: you get home, only to find that hiromi is there ready to talk after your failed attempt to open up about your past. he intends to confront you on that, among other things.
tags: +18!, non-explicit! sex scenes, implied smut, f!reader, established relationship higuruma x reader, little to no cursing, reader is kind of emotionally stunted, romance, mentions of death, grief, angst, fluff, hurt + comfort (a lot of comfort, this is healing).
wc: 1.8k
notes etc.: heavy spoilers for "sand and snow" readers. this might be the loveliest thing i've written to date. thank you so much @redlikerozez for betaing it 🧡 written to the sound of running up that hill (kate bush) and heart skipped a beat (the xx) - the second one is the song that inspired the main scene. as always, i write flawed characters that can (and will) sometimes be assholes, but they're trying their best.
ꕥ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist for fics listed in chronological order of events
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When you came inside your apartment, there were no lights on. However, from the open door to your bedroom, you could see that Hiromi was laying down on your bed, probably fast asleep by this point.
Defeated, you left your things on the table and silently got in the room, stepping inside the bathroom to wash away all the grime and dirt (and hurt) from a godawful day.
'Godawful day' is definitely a good name for having memories of people long gone stirred up and thrown at your face, reviving your grief all over again.
You were still feeling guilty for not having talked to Hiromi about it, unable to not shut him out, yet again.
Why do I keep doing this? I'm such a jerk.
Upon finishing your shower, you came back into the room, and slid yourself into comfortable clothing before laying down beside him. Hiromi had his back turned to you, but he must've felt you on the bed, because he didn't take long to roll himself on the mattress and look at you.
He seemed upset, and with good reason.
"You could have entrusted me with your pain too, you know," Hiromi began, not giving you much time to muster up anything to say. Not even a good night.
You exhaled slowly, trying to collect your thoughts around it all. This day was an absolute rollercoaster of emotions.
"For you to learn my pain, I’d have to explain it, and I just... It is hard to explain exactly what happened and remembering that day," you offered. "Aside from me, Nanami is the only one who also saw it happen."
Hiromi considered what you said for a moment, but you could see the resolute way in which he softly shook his head.
"Still. I can’t fight you every step of the way for you to let me in. I’m your boyfriend."
The word lingered in the atmosphere around you.
He was, in fact, your boyfriend. You had been dating for a while then.
"We’re supposed to share these kinds of things so that we can be there for each other," he stated, a chide with a plead for understanding, while his thumb came up to press softly against your chin.
"I… I know. I’m sorry."
And you were, truly and deeply sorry, for everything. For pushing him into going along with that stupid idea of letting you inside his domain to get rid of your cursed technique temporarily, for retreating back into yourself when things grew dire, and for not letting him in when he expressly asked you to.
"What are you so afraid of?" Hiromi asked, in earnest.
You took some time to think about his question.
What were you so afraid of, after all, that you couldn't let him in — or at least felt like it, many times? 
Then, you realized.
"I'm scared that… That you will leave me too," you began, "I'm terrified that I will have opened myself up, all vulnerable and shit, and then for some reason, I'm left alone again. That's a recurring theme in my life."
"My love, in case that ever happens, keeping me at arms length won’t make it hurt any less."
You chuckled bitterly.
"Funny you should say that. I said the same thing earlier today."
Hiromi edged himself closer softly under the covers, approaching you gently.
"It takes one to know one, right?" he offered, in a kind and loving voice.
"I guess it does," you answered with a minute smile on your face.
"So, will you let me in now?" he inquired, holding your gaze. "Please."
You knew he'd surely be aware of at least the gist of the story, due to the evidence inside the envelope he never got to open before you confessed to your brother's "murder".
Still, it was different. He had to hear you say it, tell him the whole story.
So, you inhaled deeply, ready to dive in the murky lake of your past, before proceeding.
"My brother. He was…" considering for a moment, there was no word that could really convey it. Not entirely. You settled for "everything."
A sigh.
"He was… The sun to my moon. My brother was the laughter, the joy, the silly jokes, the shoes thrown around the house, the noise, the annoyance, the smell of curry in the kitchen, the helping hand, the coming home to, no matter how dire things got."
"And then, in one night, there was… none of him anymore. Nothing, just his cold dead body laying on the ground."
A moment that felt like ten.
"I… We were twins, and a part of me, I guess… just died with him. I don’t think I’ll ever get it back. So here I am, still living with this hole inside me, where some piece used to be. His piece."
Hiromi stayed quiet for a second, pulling your knuckles kindly against his lips.
"My sun is gone, and I'm drifting, untethered. I…" You took a heavy huff of air inside your lungs. Yet, you were still breathless, the ache weighing on your thorax like a hydraulic press.
"This grief is like a tar pit, and no matter what I do, this faceless monster just keeps sucking me under." 
Your last words dropped to the drum of a eulogy, the one you never got to do.
His palm descended lightly on your cheek as the night breeze gently brushed over the window. The room was dark, dimly lit by moonlight and streetlamps bleeding through the curtain, but it became remarkably quiet. Silent.
Cotton filled ears while the world stopped moving for a second, waiting under a muted heartbeat.
One. Two. Three. Four beats.
His gaze softened — rather than darkened — as his lips approached, all pacify, and yearning, and empathy, and commiseration. Upon contact, your eyes fluttered into a deeper dimness, letting your mind drift around, away and back again, as he began his first attempt to tether you.
You may have lost your sun, but you wouldn't keep drifting away, not anymore.
He wouldn't let that happen.
My love…
Eyes on me.
One. Two. Three. Four beats.
Dexterous hands pulled you back to Earth, drawing you deeper into his orbit when they fit themselves securely and unfaltering against your waist.
Warm digits kneaded over the celestial wanderer drowned in the tar pit of painful remembrance.
Your senses thickened, your pupils grew wider, and your touch found the nape of his neck, seeking the halo of his comfort.
He was always so comfortable.
Just like coming home to.
He felt at home in you, too.
Another kiss. Gentler. Kinder.
The dark against your fluttered-shut eyelids didn't steal you away from him again, though. He had placed himself firmly around you, with an inevitable gravitational pull, all understanding, warm and welcoming, with the soft press of his entire body against yours.
Your senses heightened — you smelled him, touched him, heard him, felt him. The rhythm of his breath, now softly hitched. His chest, up and down, pulsing with longing. His skin, silvery glow under the moonlight. 
Hiromi smelled…
Well, he smelled like Hiromi.
The best smell there was.
Earthly bound, finally.
His mouth, teeth, lips, all made their way to slit themselves against the edge of your jaw.
May I?
One, two, three, four beats.
A sharp exhale leaves your lips as his teeth sink against the softness of your chin, crawling up to your mouth, hot breaths mixing with one another, two stardust clouds melting together.
He bit your bottom lip and let it go, then brushed his own mouth against yours. So feathery. So delicate.
Another kiss.
You lock against each other with little to no exploration — you've walked these paths before. You do so with the soft embrace of familiarity. The velvety reassurance of known lovers.
All to the gravitational beat that surrounded you both.
You grasped each other's hands against your clothes, and gentle as could be, the fabric slowly unraveled itself from your bodies, sliding their delicate way down the floor, forgotten.
Hiromi began nosing his way down your skin, but your hands cupped his jaw, pulling him back.
A pause.
Four heartbeats.
Eyes on me, remember?
A huff, almost a laugh, and the kindest peck.
Okay, my love.
His hand made its way under the duvet, all electric, and liquid, and cold, and hot, pressing the air out of your lungs. He was happy to inhale you in, open-mouthed and muddy, as you hitched and whimpered to his rhythm.
You were quick to fall apart, undoing to him, arching your entire body. Almost losing yourself.
But he pulled you back, the other hand resting over your shoulder blades, remembering you.
Eyes on me.
As you tried descending yourself, he held you back. 
This time, it would be all about you.
Gently pulling you under, his thumbs brushed against your shoulders with tenderness. His eyes flickered with trepidation and affection, as your foreheads pressed to one another. Hiromi pushed and sunk slowly into you, hooked nose snuggled beside yours.
To say he was making love to you wouldn’t be wrong, but paled in comparison to this.
He was loving you tenderly, honestly, just so you could take some of that love he poured into you and give it to yourself, filling the gaping hole left behind by an abrupt absence. The forever and always empty seat in the front row of your life.
He pleaded internally, please, may this be enough.
He was loving you so wholeheartedly, giving you all the warmth you offered to most people but yourself, that you could’ve wept — you probably did, the dampening on his cheek brushing against yours made that evident.
"Touch me." Love me.
"Yes." I do. I will.
Hiromi tried, kind and gentle, loving this grief into vanishing, willing it into non-existence. 
My love. My whole, entire love.
But he couldn't, it was engraved in black all over your flesh, your bones, and your soul.
Each kiss while he wrapped his arms around you, tucking you underneath him, was an attempt at chipping away on your armor of pain and loss.
As he rocked your hips gently, he imprinted on your skin every inch of affection you needed to soothe yourself, but you were finding it difficult to pick up these pieces and ensemble the puzzle.
You found it hard to let all your guilt go, after all. It was already an old companion of sorts.
Drinking your voice in as you tipped over the fall, he thought for a moment, could I steal her pain away?
He'd do it in a single heartbeat if he could, if only to repay you for saving him after he had gone past the point of no return.
Some days after that, coming back to this moment, you would finally understand other people's shortcomings from a deeply personal and subjective perspective.
It was hard, after all, being forgiven without forgiving yourself.
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Tag list (that I keep forgetting, sorry): @yammy-yammy-yama @g-kleran @otomesass
Reblog divider by @benkeibear
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chubsonthemoon · 1 year
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Last Binderary book is DONE!!!! This is the incredible Maybe sprout wings, by @moorishflower.
This post is going to be a doozy, so gonna just skip straight to the cut!
I really wanted to model this bind after my own copy of the Odyssey, (which is all highlighted and bookmarked and annotated to hell from my Great Text courses in undergrad ehe, so this bind was such a fun trip down memory lane!). But beyond just the cover/general aesthetic, I also wanted to give the book a similar feel to these kinds of editions of classics--there's usually an introduction, translation notes, and other supplementary materials, right? Like, a physical manifestation of the work of many, many people, all having conversations with one another across time and space.
So that's what I did! I wrote a short introduction (I will also probably post it to my AO3/my blog as well, in the name of preservation etc. etc.) and began reaching out to folks in the fandom who I knew had created art and meta for the fic. The result? 18k words of analysis, comments, and meta, and nearly twenty pages of art!
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And this is what I love most about this bind, I think! This book is the work of several people--truly a collaborative work by the fandom--all of whom I will now be shamelessly calling out below :D
First and foremost, this book would not be what it is without the gorgeous header art by @fancy-rock-dove! Thank you so much Dove for letting include your work, and for being so supportive and kind these past few weeks about this bind <3 You in particular have contributed so much to this book (which I will be getting more into in the next section ehe), and I'm so psyched I get to hold your art and words, too!
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This section was divided into four parts: Asks and Answers, Meta, Selected Comments, and Chapter Heading Art: Process
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For Asks and Answers, I trawled Heather's blog for meta she had written in response to questions and other meta about the fic. Asks came from @fancy-rock-dove, @quillingwords, @kulapti, and myself! (I THINK I got all of them--tumblr's search function is finnicky even on its best days, so so sorry if I missed something T_T) I first got hooked into reading this fic because of one of these asks, so I'm very fond of this section in particular :D
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For Meta, I included two wonderful essays written by @pastrypuppy (also known as @kulapti) about Hob as an author figure and the Disrupted Fisher King narrative in MSW. Her analyses were so fascinating and I just had to include them in the book! (And thank you as well for your permission, friend!) (also hello fellow Renegade comrade 🫡)
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For Selected Comments, I owe everything to (once again :3) @fancy-rock-dove, whose insights are the epitome of transformative fandom at work. I'd look for their comments after I read every chapter to see what their takes were on this or that element of the story, and every single time I would go "!!!!! I didn't even realize!!!" or "OOOOOOOH I hadn't thought of that!!" It was like being in a lecture hall and always whipping your head around when one of your classmates raised their hand, because you knew they were going to say something fascinating that you hadn't considered before.
Aside from one of my own comments, Dove's comments make up the entirety of this section (for which I owe you my life--your long-form responses to fics are a gift to this world) but GOSH was it also so much fun going through the comments section while typesetting and seeing all the keyboard smashing, yelling, and crying from the other commenters. Communal nature of storytelling and ongoing meaning-making of fanfiction, babey!
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And finally for Chapter Heading Art: Process: once again Dove coming in clutch with some wonderful insights into the design of each of the chapter heading art pieces! This kind of stuff is honestly my favorite: meta about art for a fic which is, in turn, a transformation of an existing story (not even to mention that The Sandman is its own kind of fanfiction of existing mythologies and histories)--I just!! Think it's all really, really neat :'D (for more coherent/polished thoughts on this pls see my introduction asjdfkls)
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The art gallery!!! A million thanks to @fishfingersandscarves, @honeyseller, @jazzpsych, @doctor-rainbowfoxey, and (HI AGAIN DOVE) @fancy-rock-dove for granting me permission to include all of your beautiful pieces!
As usual for artworks in my binds, I printed each piece out on specialty photo paper to really make the colors pop, then sewed each page separately to the text block! Behold, everyone's beautiful beautiful pieces!
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The art gallery also satisfies the certain "oooh shiny" part of my brain that always activates when I see pictures in a book, so am also very fond of this section :3
And now on to the nitty gritty stuff! I used the German Bradel binding technique again, my second time using it. Even though it's more complicated than the case bind, I really love how it gives you the full board space for the cover designs (~it's free real estate~). Keep it a secret but I kiiiiiiind of made a small goof in the last few steps (I did the turn-ins a step too early and so had to paste an extra sheet of cardstock to secure the spine to the boards, whoopsie), but it's a pretty small difference, aesthetically speaking, so it wasn't the end of the world XD
Edges are once again fake gilded, but this time I tried something new with the colors! I did two layers of acrylic paint--one watered down shade of red for the base, then one metallic gold on top of that. I really like the red/gold effect! I'll have to keep experimenting with this kind of layering:
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ALSO. Y'ALL! I think I'm finally getting the hang of endbands!!! Many thanks to the folks at Renegade who hosted all the endband workshops last month--I'm still working through them, but even the few sessions I've seen have been TREMENDOUSLY helpful. I learned that tension is Very Important, as well as thread thickness, so I tried doubling my thread and keeping a Very Close Eye on how I was holding the threads while doing the beads. And behold! I still have a ways to go (and one day I would LOVE to do the fancier designs), but I'm v happy with the progress I've made so far!
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And finally the covers!! ARCHIVAL MOD PODGE MY BELOVED. I printed on the same matte presentation paper that I used for the art, then did several coats of archival matte mod podge + a pass of gloss mod podge over the title strip to make it ~shiny~. Then once those had dried and I'd adhered them to the boards, I sprayed two layers of matte clear acrylic sealer (also mod podge!) to finish it off. I had some issues with the paper tearing when I handled it before it was fully dry, but luckily the blemishes were small enough that it was easy to do spot corrections with my black acrylic paint. And now I know to be more patient next time LOL
(some non-photoshoot shots that show the shine a little better!)
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I had a lot of thoughts while I was binding this book--about Sandman fandom, about Dreamling fandom, about the Odyssey, about storytelling, about fanbinding, about Binderary, about Renegade, about my friends--but really what came to mind the most was gratitude!
Simply put, I'm so grateful to everyone I've met both in this fandom and throughout the years I've been active online--this is SO fun, y'all. It's so much fun to love stories together--to talk about them, to write them, and of course to bind them! I hope I've adequately conveyed that gratitude.
But of course, this book would not exist without the wonderful words of @moorishflower. Heather, thank you so, SO much for sharing your stories, thoughts, and time with us--it is always a happier, better day when I get an email notif from you and when I see you on my dash. I love your work so much, and I'm so happy I finally get to put it on my shelf! So thank you so much again, for everything <3
and OKAY THAT'S IT FROM ME FOLKS!!!!! Binderary 2023 is officially a wrap! I had SUCH a blast--will probably write up a reflection post on it uhhhh after I take a very long nap ajslkdfjslk _(:3」∠)_
all my love! <3
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bedoballoons · 4 months
Hi again!
I loved what you did with my ask and I was wondering if I could get something else!
Do you think I could get genshin guys (Childe, Kaeya and Ayato because I always see this happening with them and you can add anyone else you seem fit if you want) with a reader who kinda just shuts off when degraded, as in they just hate being degraded in any way and just breakdown if they get called something like a slut or whore or something? I know I hate being called those things and get kind of cold towards people if they degrade me and it just rubs me the wrong way when I see it in fics so I wanted to see if you would like to take this!
Feel free to ignore this by all means!
And do you think I could be your little flower girl my lovely? You seemed to like the flowers last time so have some more from me💐
Hope you're having a lovely night/day and hope to talk soon! <3
Dkrnktjj I hope you don't think I've ignored this and of course you can be my flower girl! Though I'm not sure if you meant anon wise or not? I do enjoy the flowers though! Thank you and here have one in return 🪻
(P.s: I think the MOST common person who gets written with degrading is Wanderer, so I decided to add him as well for anyone who loves him and not the degrading <3)
─⊰💕𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤💕⊰─
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{༻~Cold from your words~༺}
CW: GN! Reader who doesn't like being degraded, slightly suggestive, cursing, slight angst to fluff!
(Includes: Wanderer, Childe, Ayato, and Kaeya!)
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"Wouldn't you like that, slut~"
You'd never fallen out of the mood so quickly...that word making your skin feel like ice. Of all the things he could have said...he choose to refer to you like you where a whore...
"What's wrong? I thought we were-"
"Yeah we were, then you called me a slut...and it bothered me. I'm sure there are people who like that, but I'm not one of them...call me baby, call me love but don't degrade me okay.." You moved away from him and looked at the floor, wondering if hed get upset with you. He was Wanderer after all and he could get a bit rough with his words..
"I..should have asked. I'm sorry, but let's not let it ruin our good time okay? I won't use degrading names again."
Your eyes widened in shock, since when had he been so understanding...and kind? Maybe all this time around other had softened his heart...or maybe you had.
"I could make you beg like a little bitch~"
You paused mid kiss and pulled away, feeling your whole body run cold at that word, "I'm not a bitch..."
"Of course you're not really, I just thought it be fun to experiment a little~" He leaned in to kiss you again and you moved away from him, catching him off guard.., "I didn't mean it literally-"
"Then don't say it...I don't mind experimenting, but not with that. I'm not a bitch so don't call me one.." You looked away from him, waiting to hear his response...but instead your felt his arms wrap around you tightly.
"I apologize, truly. I won't call you anything like that again...will you forgive me? Cause I was really enjoying that kiss of yours~"
"Oh but you've been acting like such a slut all day, how could I forgive that~"
Your smile faded almost instantly when those words left his lips, it didn't matter how attracted you were to him or how good of a kiss you were having, calling you that left you completely numb and awkward. "Ayato...please don't call me that."
He seemed a little taken aback at your response and he moved away from you, hoping to not make you any more uncomfortable then you already word. "My sincerest apologies, I will refrain from calling you that or anything similar in the future. I never wanted to make you feel uneasy. Please, is there any way I can make it up to you?"
"How about...we just eat some dessert instead?"
"Of course, I'll have Thoma fetch us something... again, I truly am sorry. I hope you can forgive me."
"Awe, but you're such a pretty little whore for me~"
"Wait what.." You pushed Kaeya away, suddenly feeling like the flustered moment you were having was all but gone. Mood ruined.. "What did you call me?"
"So sorry. I think I might have let my thoughts get the better of me, I was only trying to-"
"It's okay to try things, but let's talk about it first alright. I don't...I don't like being called a whore..." You crossed your arms over your chest, feeling uncomfortable, even a little upset by the whole thing.
"You're completely right...you know I don't truly think of you that way. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I did."
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ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Dusk to Dawn
Pairing: Ranch Hand!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky reflects on how far gone he is for you when he picks you up during a night out. Word Count: 1.56k Warnings: F/lirting, feels (it's me), dr/inking, pet name, implied s/mut, ranch hand!Bucky (he’s a warning, okay?) Graphic talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass , Divider - @firefly-graphics, Header - yours truly A/N: @rookthorne, this Sunbeam is for you. Also @sebastianstanbingo square: "I'm going to f-ucking ruin you."❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own! Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky put the truck in park once he arrived at the bar. It was a nice night, the air still warm enough that he had his window down on the drive over. He had to work a little later than usual and would’ve felt guilty missing dinner, but you had already made plans to go out with the girls. You still had a meal wrapped up and waiting for him once he finished out his day. Steve and the other boys were jealous of your home cooked meals and for good reason.
Always taking care of me, Sunbeam.
Now he had to take care of you.
The familiar sound of chatter and live country music greeted Bucky as he walked through the door. It was a slower night, but still crowded enough that he had to dodge a few people. Like many in the town, the two of you were regulars there and it was rare for you to be there without him. He tipped his hat when he made eye contact with Scott behind the bar, who nodded toward your usual table along the far wall.
"Bucky!" he heard you shout before he looked your way. "You're heeeeeeere!"
He wondered just how many drinks you had. Enough that you were feeling good, but not enough to get sick. You could hold your own.
"Now we can get the party started," he smirked.
What followed was a beautiful laugh as you stood up from your chair and he couldn't stop himself from staring. Your smile was like watching the sunrise and he felt lucky he was worthy enough to see it another day. You chose to wear one of his favorite sundresses and paired it with the perfect pair of boots, giving him a chance to appreciate your perfect body. He unconsciously licked his lips as he sauntered toward you and noticed you did the same.
"Seeeeeee, what did I tell you?" you asked the group at the table when he stopped a foot away from you. "I said I’d bag the hottest guy here tonight.”
"We know. We all know," Darcy playfully rolled her eyes at the other girls. "Bucky's hot and he has a big dick and you love him. Blah, blah, blah."
“I thought ladies didn't kiss and tell," Bucky smirked when you invaded his space.
"Oh, I stopped being a lady the moment you had your wicked way with me," you smiled sweetly. "You ruined me. Congratu-fucking-lations."
"Is that right?" he asked, knowing he'd never forget that night.
He'd also never forget to treat you like a lady.
He inhaled the sweet liquor on your breath when you framed his face and leaned in close. You didn’t quite kiss him, but you did smile when your lips ghosted against his. He yearned for more.
“It is right ‘cause I’m right. You’re hot and you do have a big dick you know it. You ruined me, mister,” you said, moving a hand to poke his firm chest. “And you're soooooooooooo cute. How’re you hot and cute? Explain.”
The laugh Bucky let out was enough to make your friends laugh along with him. You could be a sweet or feisty drunk depending on the mood. The last time you got feisty was when some out-of-towner tried to hit on him. You made sure to let her, and everyone else in the bar, know he was a taken man.
As if he could want anyone else when he had his Sunbeam.
“Just the way I'm made,” he smiled, placing his hands on your hips and lightly swaying you to the music. “Like I'm made to love you.”
You didn’t say “aww” along with your friends, but your gaze softened a bit more. He didn’t believe the bullshit that a man had to be silent or embarrassed about loving anyone. He loved you and he was going to say it as often as he could.
“Is that why you’re here tonight?” you asked, a dreamy smile on your face as you plucked his hat from his head and placed it on yours. The smile you gave him was one of his favorites. “'Cause you love me?
"Yeah, I am,” he smiled back, one reserved just for you. It was one of your favorites. “You called, so I came running."
Where you go, I go.
"Then it’s a good thing I'm ready to go home with you, handsome. But I'm warning you, I’m not planning on sleeping. Gonna keep me up from dusk to dawn," you said happily before a thoughtful look crossed your face. "Or is it dawn to dusk? Doesn't matter. You're fucking me. That's what matters."
"You know I gotta get up early tomorrow," he reminded you as he tried not to laugh.
He worked hard to keep the place running and so did you. The tasks wouldn't do themselves, but the enticing thought of your legs wrapped around him as he indulged in your wet heat was worth dragging a little tomorrow. He'd catch up on sleep later.
"Not the only thing that needs to get up," you said, smirking when the realization crossed his face. "Ohhhhhh. You picked up what I put down."
"Now you're just teasing me," he said.
You yanked him closer by his belt buckle. "Teasing you would be telling you I'm not wearing anything under this dress."
He groaned quietly, suddenly jealous of the chair you occupied before he showed up. "You want me to fuck you before we get home?"
He took pride in seeing a tremor wrack your frame. "You better, Bucky Barnes, otherwise I'm fucking myself."
Hot, but not tonight.
"Where?" he smirked.
"My pussy. That's where," you said without skipping a beat.
A random guy nearby drinking his beer might've heard the exchange since he began to cough. The two of you certainly had a way with words. He didn't care if the entire bar heard it.
"Oh, I'm fucking your pussy," he promised. It was a feat he didn't start to twitch in his jeans. "I meant where are we doing this."
You hummed as you contemplated. "Bathroom or truck bed."
The image of your pussy soaked and waiting for him to fill it took over his thoughts more and more. He wondered how much shit he'd get if he dragged you off to the bathroom. It wouldn't be the first time. Throwing inhibitions out the window was something he grew used to with you.
But the truck bed might be better. He could also least lay you down. Not the most romantic gesture, but also not the worst place two of you had fooled around.
The fun part would be deciding if it would be done in the parking lot or if he'd pull over on the way home.
"Truck it is," he announced as he pulled you away. "Say g'night, ladies."
"Yeah. Please, leave," Darcy teased.
You looked over your shoulder as the rest of your friends said their goodbyes. "G'night, ladies! I'm going home with that hottest guy in town. Don't come looking for me."
And I got the most beautiful, amazing girl in town.
"Take care of her!" Darcy yelled.
"He will! I'm his Sunbeam," you said proudly before you went out into the night air and leaned into him with a giggle. "Hey."
"Hey," he smiled back, keeping you against him.
"Did you hear me? I'm your Sunbeam," you whispered before you giggled. "I'm your girl! You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know that," he chuckled at your happiness.
What you didn't know was that he had a ring ready for you so he could make it official. It wasn't fancy or flashy, but it was bright and beautiful. Like the sun.
Like you.
"Forever your girl?"
"Forever my girl," he replied, his voice thick when he put a hand to the back of your neck. "You'll always be mine, Sunbeam."
Butterflies fluttering from a kiss isn't just something that happened with girls. Because the second he put his lips against yours, he felt like he'd float away if you didn't keep him on the ground. Even with your tipsy gaze when he pulled away, there was so much love in your eyes. It was brighter than all the stars above you. It was unconditional.
And he wanted to treat you like he was still trying to win you so he'd never lose you.
"Promise?" you asked so softly he almost missed it.
"Even if the sun stopped rising tomorrow, you'd still be mine and I'd be yours."
You were it for him.
"Good," you sighed in relief before you began to drag him to the truck. "Now get inside me," you ordered.
"Oh, I will," he promised, watching your hips sway.
You didn't stumble once as you found the truck, You were an impressive woman. And he was so far gone for you.
I'm going to fucking ruin you.
He heard your sharp inhale from the words he didn't realize he said out loud. "Told you, Bucky. You already ruined me, but you can do it again," you said, tapping the top of your head. "And I'm keeping your hat on."
"Yes, ma'am," he chuckled, knowing those two words would send more shivers up and down your spine.
And he'd do a lot more than that before the sun came up.
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Do we want more of them, lovelies? Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 months
Hi!! I absolutely love your fanfics. I was wondering if you could do a Gideon (Gordon) x reader fic that’s kinda angsty to fluff? Maybe the reader and him were close, but he ended up leaving because of how successful G-Man studios was. Then, when Matthew humbled him, he realized that he never should have left?
Awh thank you! For this one, Reader is just replacing Julia more or less
"Are you okay? That looked pretty rough.."
Blinking in surprise, Gordon gazed up at you for a brief moment, seeing the look of concern written all over your face. Yet he didn't have the courage to say anything, as he just sniffled and shook his head, trying to bite back tears.
He thought you were going to make fun of him..just like the rest of this stupid school did after he tried asking out one of the popular girls.
Finally, he had gotten such a burst of confidence, thinking his "fearless" nature was going to score him a date.
But that was all gone now.
He made a damn fool out of himself in front of everyone.
"I think this is yours, Gordon."
Looking back at you, he was shocked to see you kneeling down, the book dusted off and being handed over to him. He quickly snatched it back, cradling it to his chest. "Th-Thanks.." He mumbled. "I'm surprised you even know who I am in all honesty.."
"Well, we do share classes." You mentioned, smiling a little as you both stood up. "You know, they can laugh all they want. But I bet none of those jerks would have the balls to ask her out like you did. I'd say you're truly living up to the "fearless" title."
He was frozen in-place, unsure of what to say as you alluded to his shirt, which he bashfully covered with his oversized coat. When you footsteps walked past him, however, he spun around and saw you going to your locker.
He stumbled after you. "W-Wait!"
"You know my name, but I'm afraid yours has slipped by me. What was it again?"
"[Y/n]...well..thank you for the kind words, [y/n]. I wish more people in this stupid school were like you." He tried mustering a smile, although at the moment he seemed self-conscious about his braces. "Would you...l-like to come by my place to study for that test we have tomorrow?"
"...damn it's tomorrow? I was working on a whole flash card set but I kinda fell behind and-"
"Oh I have my own set, too! Maybe we can exchange them and quiz each other!"
"Sounds good." You chuckled, entering your lock combination to grab your notebook. Once you shut the door, you glanced at him, smiling. "I'll catch you after school then, G-Man."
Gordon blinked, jaw-dropped in disbelief as you walked away from him. He just stood there, watching you vanish into the crowd of students on their way to their next class.
A few people whispered and giggled at the way he was staring at you, some even calling him a weirdo or creep.
But this time, he didn't pay them any mind.
You just gave him the coolest nickname ever.
"Wait, the G-Man Empire has fallen, you said?"
"Yeah! Don't you ever watch the news? Apparently Matthew Patel is the new CEO!"
"...hah, I figured karma was gonna catch up to that son of a bitch sooner or later."
"Woah, [y/n]..that's kinda harsh. Didn't you go out with that guy and start on it together? I thought you'd be pissed off about it."
"Why would I be pissed off? He pushed me aside when it got successful and claimed he didn't have "time" for a relationship anymore. And it made me think "well shit, maybe it was never a real one to begin with...maybe he saw us as business partners and nothing more"."
"...damn, I didn't know all of that. My bad."
"No, it's..." Pausing, you held the phone away from your ear for a moment, taking a deep breath before you could get too upset. "Look, I'm over it. I'm not glazing over everything I might've done wrong..it was all him. He turned into a rich douchebag."
"Right, and now he's a broke douchebag." Your friend laughed. "Anyways, if I see him on the streets..I'll deck him in the face for ya, alright?"
"Thanks. Maybe I'll do that, too, if I happen to see him.." You joked as well, already feeling a bit better after ending the conversation, hanging up the phone.
With a small sigh, you turned back to the TV and put on some anime episode, relaxing as you focused more on the show and less on the rainstorm outside...
And Gideon.
But unfortunately for you, a name like that was hard to forget.
Especially as you once knew him as that aloof yet sweet nerd who used to hang out with you after school and on the weekends. Most of your days were spent either studying or watching anime while he explained every bit of lore under the sun.
Sure, highschool had its cringy moments, but other times it was great.
Gid--Gordon made up the best parts of it.
He was the first person you ever saw the Sparks(tm) with.
You two were close, graduating and going into college together, and ultimately helping him form the G-Man business from the ground up. He was inspired by that cool nickname you've given him in highschool, assuring you that you deserved all the credit.
At some point, however, he suddenly changed his name..apparently because he felt like "Gordon Goose" was dead to him.
You agreed that being addressed as "Mr. Goose" was one way to ensure he's never taken seriously, so you accepted his name-change to Gideon.
Then...even more about him began to change.
And soon you barely recognized the man you fell in love with.
As soon as he discovered something called "The Glow", his wealth skyrocketed, but he refused to let you in on what this little secret of his was. And he barely gave you his fair share of the earnings anymore.
It wasn't long before you got shoved aside, and he stayed up on his high horse alongside all the other millionaires and billionaires while you worked at your drastically lower-leveled job that was connected to his business empire.
Yep. His empire.
Not yours and his.
He didn't speak to you again unless it was through some random agent.
You were livid for the way he just left you in the dust, and right as you thought you couldn't hate him even more...
He went out with Ramona Flowers, got broken up with, and formed some bizarre group that apparently included her six other "evil" exes.
Oh, how furious you were.
Not at her, though. You felt terrible after she told you about how controlling he was, but it made you wish that you had a time machine so you could go back and warn her NOT to date that prick.
Or better yet..go back and stop him from turning into a prick.
Now according to your friend, Matthew Patel--Ramona's first ex--won the rights to all of Gideon's properties after a tough fight. But oddly enough nobody knew of his current whereabouts.
They emphasized the point that he was kicked out and not killed..
That made you wonder where he is and if he's-
'Wait..why do I suddenly feel sorry for him?' You blinked, before shaking your head and deciding to pause the episode, realizing you weren't even focusing on the story anymore.
Only that jerk.
Okay, so maybe a small part of you did miss him..and hoped that Gordon would come back. But you had a feeling things won't ever change nor return to what they used to be..
Deciding to clear your thoughts, you threw on your coat and opened the front door, stepping out onto your porch. You didn't go any further, as you simply wanted to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the rain.
Of course it was windy, too, making the air feel chillier than it actually was.
Through the downpour, however, you could make out a figure that was seemingly limping down the sidewalk.
They were barely lit by the streetlamps, but your heart sunk into your stomach the moment you realized who that was exactly..
Sure enough, it was him.
Gideon Graves. The rich asshole who now looked as though he was dragged through the mud several times in a row..completely disheveled with bruises on his face and tears in his usually pristine clothes.
Not to mention he seemed utterly defeated.
Upon hearing his name, he stopped and looked over, stunned to see that you were still living on this same street. "[Y/n].."
You scowled, the words you've exchanged with your friend from earlier coming back into your mind. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen."
"Please..don't remind me.." He rasped, his voice sounding so broken and tired.
"I think I will, actually. Now you know how I felt when you kicked me to the curb."
"...I'll admit it..that was a stupid thing for me to do. And I'm sorry.."
Blinking, you were surprised by his sudden apology. But your guard remained up, as you just huffed. "What? Just because you lost your big empire..you finally decide to grovel at my doorstep in the cold rain and apologize? Where was this last year? Two years ago?"
You sighed. As much as you despised seeing how sad and pathetic he was acting...it did tug on your heartstrings a little bit. You were starting to catch glimpses of that sweet kid you once knew..
He perked up. "Yes?"
"...I see. You haven't entirely killed your old self, then.." You quietly mused.
"You were right, [y/n]. I..I-I never should have left you." He took off his glasses as he sniffled and put them in his pocket, shivering. "I don't have any right coming here, but..I used the last of my money to catch a bus. Just to see the one person I still care about...and...hopefully cares for me, too.."
You blinked. "You...still care about me?"
"I know it didn't seem like it, but...I never stopped.." He mumbled. "I got greedy, ambitious...and lost sight of who really loved me. Now I'm back to where I was before.."
"And that is...?"
"..being a loser.." He was even quieter this time around. So much so, you barely heard him at all...although you knew what he said exactly.
"Sorry, what was that?"
"I said...I'm back to being a loser."
You smirked. "One more time?"
"I said I'm a LOSER!!" Gordon snapped, tears finally streaking down his sunken cheeks as he scowled at you. His shout was hoarse, yet pained at the same time. "I-I'm a loser, okay?! A loser who doesn't deserve to grovel at your doorstep like this. A loser who should just lay down and die-''
Then he heard your small laughter and stopped his pity party, sniffling as he stared at you. "Wh-What's so funny?"
"You are a real loser for leaving me...but I'm just as much of a loser for wanting to let you back into my life.." Sighing, you shook your head before you grabbed the umbrella beside your door, opening it and heading down the steps.
He stared at you, now seeing that you two were standing under the umbrella together, totally sheltered from the rain.
Why were you doing this?
You looked at him. "You know, I thought about decking you in the face earlier..but I'll take you admitting you're in the wrong any day. Now let's get out of this rain."
A small whimper left his lips as he shuddered, practically clinging to you while you wrapped an arm around him, leading him back into your house.
In that moment, sparks flew, and Gordon realized he was finally seeing them at their strongest.
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13tongues · 8 months
happy friday the thirteenth
hello, hello.
it's been a while.
let me start by apologizing for falling off the face of the internet over a year ago now. i wish i had a better explanation for y'all, but truthfully, i just felt burnt out and had personal issues to work through that greatly impacted my desire to write anything or even maintain some kind of internet presence.
i will say my life has changed significantly shortly after i stopped writing and i didn't have the time i used to to write. i returned to school and lost all of my free time.
he's a killer queen, the most widely read of my fics and the only one to be regularly updated, became scarier and scarier to write. i appreciate every single one of you who has read any of my works and enjoyed it or left me comments letting me know how you felt about it, and i deeply appreciated that all of you were so endlessly kind about my writing. at the same time, something i really enjoyed writing and imagining and updating became something of a burden. i didn't love how i wrote the second trial in the goblet of fire and rereading those chapters, i can see my own indecision and hesitation in deciding how to progress in that moment. i cared a lot that people liked my writing and worried about failing to meet people's expectations, and it became harder to write at all. especially as i approached fifth year, with umbridge, i struggled. i experienced the same feeling where i did not like how i was writing umbridge, but felt my own expectation of me to post forcing me to write her character anyway.
i still think about he's a killer queen and all of my unfinished works and think about how i had planned to wrap them up way back when. most of them also have final chapters outlined, although everything in between has been yet to be written.
beginning in january of this year, i knew october 13th would be a friday and i imagined it would be the perfect day to return to posting. and yet, my 29th chapter, titled "edward elric is back in black" is half-finished.
i cannot promise any firm deadlines moving forward, but i intend to be more active. i will be done with my degree in 2024 and once i'm back to working, i think i will have more brain power to be creative and get back into writing, which i truly love. i still write snippets of ed and the gang here and there, they're not forgotten.
i really hope to share my silly little stories with y'all again soon.
sincerely, hoye.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
DOM!Shouki no kami x SUB! lessor lord Reader
Trigger warning: non consensual, corruption?
lowkey filth in the smut part. 1.2k words
Scara fic list
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You we're no combatant. Fighting to your last breath alone in the joururi workshop. A bitter cold domain underground that made your hairs stand on end. Yet here you we're alone 1000+ feet in the air dangling by the grip of your celestial written weapon against a reformed god.
"Pathetic. now your a waste of space, as useless alive or dead. No wonder your the lessor lord." I can try to help you, even give you a real home. Real love. "I never mistook you as some sort of fool 'God of wisdom' everyone's abandoned me. You think I care or need your sympathy because your scared of your little green house of a nation being destroyed? That itll justify the selfishness of you GODS and those that betrayed me? Your no different then them."
"N-No that's not what I meant. I'm genially trying to help you. Sure i won't give you the revenge you want but-" he cut you off. "Then your useless. I will take revenge upon the Raiden shogun. No.. my creator. And Im starting with you, lessor lord Y/n. My mother always talked about how she admires your humility. I want to see you crumble in the face of a True God. Your era. Is coming to an end.
Fear. In that moment you we're truly scared for your life. You went into this fight hoping you would win, maybe to even convince the New god's mind. But You we're defenseless. Weapon in the hand of the enemy. Kunikuzushi laughed at your fear. "Look at how you tremble y/n. How does that feel? How does it feel to be nothing. To not have control of your own piece of shit life?" You we're brought up to the god within contact. He placed his cold hand around your neck. Rubbing slowly. Then pressing. A cold smirk emerged..along with a visible tent in his pants. Enjoying how your eyes tear and roll back. How your tight grip around his arms slowly lessen
"I..is this..what you wanted..? Your all strapped to-to tubes and electro energy like some sort of....of...puppet..." you choked out as he raised you against the internal walls of the no kami.
"I want you. Y/n. And I will, have you."
"F-fuck yeah.. Thats it y/n. suck my cock. Just like that. embrace it." Your hands we're tied via a electro binding he put on your neck, the trail of his energy flowed through your body. You couldnt do anything but make him feel good. nor save yourself. He gripped tighter on your hair. "Back and forth..backk..and..forthh" He chanted as you sucked the gods cock "ah~ this is how your going to celebrate my rebirth. Suck your gods cock just like that. Make your fucking pathetic self useful just f' me." Continuous tears poured down your eyes at how used your little throat felt. How useless you felt. "Ngh shit.. im gonna cum. F..fuck....FUCKK~" He grabbed your head hard and slammed his cock deep down your throat. You internally screamed and choked on his cum oozing down your throat. He pushed you back and you fell against the wall. tongue gaping out and breathing hard. "K-kuni.." you moaned. he liked that. "Say my name again." This sick fuck was getting off to you being helpless and begging for him to stop. "Say it. Say your gods name y\n"
You kept your mouth shut and looked away from his eyes. He grabbed you by your cape, holding your dendro vision and jerked you towards the floor. "Say. My. Fucking name y/n. Or ill make you say it." he stared at you. "Then make me you bastard." you said coldly and spat at his face. realizing what you did. you tried to make the most of your abused throat "y-you make me feel so f-fucking dirty. why- why would you do this to me. I wanted to help you." He laughed. "Because thats what you are y/n. My slut. your gonna make daddy feel good, thats how you'll make yourself useful to your people" He turned you around and wasted no time putting two of his fingers inside of you "AH~ K-KUNI. IT HURTS-" realizing you said his name you tried to cover your mouth, but got shocked by the electro seal for "Disobeying"
"its only two fingers y/n... if your like this then how are you going to take my load inside of you. how am i going to breed you." he sighed. "N-NO KUNI- I DONT WANT IT.. P-PLEASE AH~" suddenly his fingers pulled away and it was silent. You slowly turned your head to be greeted by his hand pressing you hard face down ass up on the floor of the no kami. His cock pushed deep inside of you making you see stars in an instant. "Im gonna make a pathetic archon like you, Drunk on my cock. Some god of wisdom you are~"
He thrusted inside of you slowly as your tight hole adjusted to his big length. "Kuni~~ P-Please.." Your tongue stuck out again at how his cock stretched you inside. "S-shit you feel so fucking warm y/n..How did you feel when i choked you? Did you get fucking wet for me? Was this your pathetic idea from the start? to fight me knowing you cant win just to get my cock shoved inside of you and make you my cum dumpster?" he slapped your ass. "Y-YES KUNI!!! i- mPh.. I wanna be your cuHm dumpster daddy." You started to loose hope and fall into the lustful feeling he gave you. It was wrong, but it felt so fucking good. The way you'd get shocked when moving too far with your arms. The way his cock filled you perfectly. Just imagine how his warm seed would feel inside of you. filling you up. "Mmm Daddy..K-Kuni.. Please. Please.. give me your cum. Ah~ I want it. I want it~" you moaned pathetically. "Fuck.. Submit to this cock Y/n. Beg for me. Beg for my seed. Like the fucking animal you archons are. Take your god, Your majesty. Your everythings cock. As you should. Beg for me to cum inside you."
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runningupthatvecna · 1 year
the law of seat partners
alrighty so ya gurl had a dream about eddie last night and here i am trying to use that to base the following something off of.
part 2
cw/tw: eddie munson being a slightly touchy precious bean. a slight bit of angst. feeling left out/mentions of feeling unwanted if you squint. otherwise, none that i could think of, just my silly brain fluff. if you find something else, please let me know yaaa. no mentions of y/n.
summary: you're going on a high school field trip with your friends. and thankfully, a long haired metalhead is also there to keep you company and ease the pain of being around obnoxious children.
side note: this is literally the first fic thing i've written in literal YEARS (also in English) and first ever time writing for Eddie, so bare with me here, i've gotten quite rusty i guess so i truly apologise if it's rather bad. don't mind me and please reblog/leave me comments if you did enjoy this pure fluff something!
It was the sunniest May morning the town of Hawkins had ever seen. The bluest sky above the forests and fields, downtown, the infamous trailer park and the parking lot of Hawkins High.
You sighed as you placed your car in parking mode before opening the door and sliding out, just so you could grab your belongings - a rather big bag filled with all sorts of items that you were certain you were going to need for surviving the next week - out from the backseat.
A field trip with students with an age range from bloody twelve to the wise years of nineteen, well, twenty to be specific, was on your agenda in the almost last month of your last year of high school, and thankfully you were not gonna be stuck in some forest next to Lake Superior alone by yourself.
Being forced to exist around screaming twelve year olds who were about to enter puberty was your least favourite part of the whole expedition, which made the presence of your group of best friends so much more valuable.
There was one person whose attendance you'd specifically been hoping for. And yes, of course you and your friends had been talking about the trip months ago so it would be clear who would join in the fun, but with Eddie's tendency to be flaky when it came to decisions like this, one could never be fully sure.
I mean yeah, certainly you were looking forward to spending this week by the lakeside with Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the younger kids in freshmen year, but nothing could make the thought of being stuck with a group of middle schoolers and teachers more bearable than being stuck there with the one guy who you - to put it frankly - had a thing for.
You couldn't really say that you were as close with him as you were with Steve or Robin, you never really spent time with him outside of the group hangouts. But that didn't mean that there was any weird distance between the two of you when the lucky occasion of hanging out did come around.
Eddie Munson was a metalhead. Through and through. Tough exterior, soft baby cow personality but could turn stone cold when necessary. When people tried to shame him for being different, for example.
You were also very certain that his love language was touch, based on the times he would throw his arm around you when casually walking you to your next class or the way he would playfully wrestle Dustin or Lucas in the cafeteria during lunch break to show he didn't hate them.
"Oh my god, I'm so glad you're here!"
Max had spotted you in line and apparently didn't feel too much guilt for cutting it just so she could hop on the bus together with you.
You mumbled the same thing back to her, wondering if you were the first or last ones of your party to go through Miss Kelley's check-in.
She greeted the both of you with a toothy smile before she turned her focus onto the sheet with students' names. Your eyes wandered over the rows of seat pairs, and since you had arrived at the parking lot, let's say not late but also not early either, most of them were already filled with loudly chatting kids.
"Hopefully the others saved us a seat", you heard Max say from in front of you. Unlike you, she already had a pre-determined seat buddy. "Oh please, it's obvious that Sinclair kept one for you", you quipped back, silently hoping you could potentially be sitting next to Steve or at least Robin.
And even if Eddie was going to join you, he'd probably be sitting with Chrissy. Or Gareth.
"That might be true, but I'm sure you'll be just fine with where you'll end up."
Max stepped further into the bus after she gave you a wink and a slight grin.
Did she know more than you?
Good boy Steve was rather easy for you to spot. With that amount of hair peeking out above the sea of headrests? No wonder. In fact, most of your friends were already seated further in the back of the one-story bus.
A slight hint of disappointment clouded your brain at the sight of Steve and Robin sharing a seat pair, with Nancy and Jonathan right behind them. Your fear of being the one left out and behind was creeping out from the back of your mind, acting up.
People had always been kind enough to endure you, but no one ever really chose you. Or at least made you feel like you belonged.
Lucas indeed had the seat next to him reserved for Max, to where she continued her strut down the aisle to plop down, while Dustin and Will had agreed to share theirs.
Surprising they made it out of bed this early.
You took a few more steps towards the back of the bus. A wide grinned Erica was seated amongst her friends in the center of the very back row, your eyes scanning the seats until they landed on the wild dark mane of a certain metalhead, who was occupying the pair of seats right behind the stairs down to the back door.
He was practically lying in the window seat. Head resting against the glass, staring out to observe the students who hadn't set foot onto the bus yet. Parents who were lecturing their kids one last time before letting them go.
Was he daydreaming? What could possibly be going on in that pretty head of his?
Your heart jumped and your stomach fluttered when he shifted his gaze to the aisle where you were standing. The widest smile spread over his face at the sight of you, and you hated to admit to yourself that it did not leave you unaffected.
The seat next to him was empty.
It took Eddie a few seconds to remember what his initial plan was. As if something in his brain clicked, as if a bolt of lightning had hit him, he straightened himself and got up.
"Uh hi there. I, uh, kept you a seat if, uh, in case you'd like to sit with me."
Eddie the freak Munson. Had thought of and would be willing to sharing seats for a 10 hour bus ride. With you, of all people?
In the light of the sunlight flooded bus, you could see his cheeks adjusting to the colour of your own. Flushed pink.
And you just couldn't help the wide grin that was pulling at the corners of your mouth.
Now both of you were standing in the aisle facing each other.
"I would love to, Munson."
Quickly you took out the essentials for the journey from your bag: headphones and your walkman, your tape collection that you wouldn't leave the house without, a novel, some water and a tote bag with your carefully selected snacks.
Eddie waited patiently for you to get comfortable, standing there in the aisle in his signature leather jacket and denim dio vest, while leaning against the backrest of his own seat, watching your every move.
Once you swung yourself around into your seat, Eddie plopped down next to you with an equally wide grin plastered across his face while pointing his ringed index finger at the snack bag.
"You know, you're gonna have to share those with me."
You turned your head around to face him, eyebrow raised.
His chocolate brown doe eyes were so so softly looking at you. If you didn't know better they'd melt you on the spot.
"Oh really, do I?"
"Yeah, it's the unspoken yet official law of seat partners, sweetheart."
You chuckled at his silliness and the pet name, the nervousness which you had gotten from the thought of him very obviously thinking of you when it came to the decision of who to sit next to, all gone.
He wanted to be physically close to you.
He wanted to spend that time on the bus around you.
He chose you.
After Steve, Robin and all the others from your group had acknowledged your presence as well with genuine smiles, and the last few kids had found their seats, it was time to leave Hawkins.
The bus hit the highway towards Chicago pretty soon after departure.
Eddie let you sit in the window seat, which eventually led to him conveniently using your shoulder as a pillow. And no, you didn't mind the weight. It was Eddie.
Hell, you were having a hard time keeping yourself from wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer.
"Does this also fall under the law of seat partners?", you asked curiously, placing a hand on Eddie's head and slightly scratching his scalp.
The only thing you got in return was a satisfied, sleepy "mhm" and a squeeze and rub of his warm hand over your thigh, but it was enough for your mind to drift off, wondering which other of Eddie's love languages and further details of his ridiculous seat partner law you'd come to discover on this trip.
tagged: my beloved ellen @josephfakingquinn <3
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live-laugh-lenney · 3 months
Hellur, how are uu!!! This is my first time in tumblr. And there are only a few of george clarke or arthurtv fics. Very thankful for one of the people who creates them🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
May i request a reaction for Arthur or George where all of their fans love their gf, especially she's just a normal beautiful gal 😍😍😍 what if their girl has dimplessss
hi lovely. welcome to tumblr, welcome to my blog, welcome to a safe place to come vent and chat all things arthurtv and chaos crew as well as youtube! lots of love! thank you for popping by - don't be a stranger, at all. i have so many thoughts for this :')))
everyone loves her.
he takes his time to introduce her publicly because she's isn't a girl who is known - she's not a youtuber, she's not a tiktoker, she's not an influencer so he wants to slowly wean her into the chaos of his life and shield her from twitter's hate and the tiktok comments that will be written about her.
because, of course, there will always be some people who dislike her - its part and parcel of being with him and she knows that.
those that love her, she loves back. she always keeps an eye on her social media, always checks in with them, replies to their tweets and she does little q and a's on her instagram story about herself... with the occasional question about her and george or anything to do with their relationship (without going into much detail - she leaves that for his podcast).
and he definitely has her on for an episode, alongside andrew, like a couple's podcast episode where they just spill the beans on what it's like to date max and george. from the horse's mouth comments from someone who is dating someone so loved and well-known in their industry line of work.
"i'm pretty sure everyone loves yn more than they love me."
"what can i say? you're not the only one with a pretty face., georgey boy."
"it's the dimples, i'm telling you."
and she will always tease him because she knows how loved she is in amongst his followers. always having pictures taken at events they see her at, taking cute and funny selfies, hugging those who want to give her a hug and george just loves to see it happen.
his followers speculate before arthur actually announces that they're in a relationship...
he's much more of a soft launcher with the two of them as opposed to completely introducing her - he never sees the point in posting her alongside her social tags because she's not someone known to many in the world.
he can't hide on social media; and that doesn't stop him from being a simp for her. people go digging once they see them together in public, people see that he likes her posts, they can see his comments and he doesn't see the problem because that's his girl and if he wants to show his love for her than he can. he just chooses not to launch her hard by giving her a dedicated post so people know who she is.
so when it's been long enough, and he sees that people love her and want to see more of her, he starts bringing her onto his channel.
that's how he properly and formerly introduces her.
"yn's here with me today."
"he needs the views, figured he may as well use me as clout."
"well- no, that's not- no-"
he gets so soft in the face, cheeks going red and he stutters and she loves that he still gets giddy over how she has such witty remarks back to him.
"i'm just messing, i'm here for my five minutes of fame."
"again, not what's happening."
and it's just sweet moments where people can truly see them for how they actually are together - so sickeningly in love with each other that it's almost too sweetly gross to witness.
and, my god, the edits that come out of it are something yn could sit and watch for days because it really captures just how they are as a couple. and she's no stranger to sharing them on her socials, saving them to her camera roll, showing them to arthur when they're sitting and aimlessly scrolling their accounts, commenting how she loves them and that it's so special to have their sweet and loving moments documented in such a way.
out in public, he's so soft with her and always stands close to her on their museum dates and they're always holding hands down the busy streets of london and he always holds her close to him on the tubes whenever they need to get public transports and he's always weary of her going over to meet those who had seen the two of them in the street... people take photos, they take videos, they share them all over the internet - they can't stop them from doing that. he knows she's just being kind but he always tells her that she can never been too careful. but she loves them just as much as he is thankful for them; and of course, he sits back and watches as they start showing off how much they adore her. xx
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rwrbficrecs · 8 months
September Faves
Enjoy these September recs from the team 🥰
Best Bar in The World by @pridepages (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: Well, I can now confirm that I'm 100% cerified a pridepages fan. The way she picks the themes of the original source and uses them in a different setting is just absolutely flawless, the same happens in Little Pages. It's gives you the same feelings of reading rwrb but also reading something new and different all at the same time.
My Brother’s Keeper by @indomitable-love (book-verse)
@janetical: Written in Philip’s POV, it tackles all the canon events in a frustrating yet heart-wrenching way. I knew what I was getting myself into when I noticed the POV, but I really did hate Philip less at the end of this fic. Everything is entailed in this little story: unresolved daddy issues and grief, internalized homophobia and Philip acknowledging Henry’s first time. It will make you cry, and it will end on a somewhat happy note.
For all the world to see by @everwitch-magiks (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This is a fic I couldn't put down! I'm always a fan of Henry being a writer in fics (so the description alone caught my eye), and the mix of cute moments with firstprince (and David) and plot twists had me hooked! It's also such an interesting look at the life of a writer and how difficult it is for them to have anonymity, which was especially interesting to me because of the writers strike in Hollywood.
he looks up grinning like the devil by @coffeecatsme (book-verse)
@read-and-write-: Also known as the frat boy AU, if you want some hurt/comfort that really does what it says on the tin. Don't be afraid because it is completely worth it!
written in the stars by @indomitable-love (book-verse)
@heybuddy-drabbles: This is just so beautiful. It's basically about Henry mostly. I didn't expect the "past" part would hit so hard but it did. I had to put it down a few times because it was truly heartbreaking but it has a happy ending. Don't be fooled like I was about it being all fluff. It's not, it's very nostalgic and they are apart for a long time but I still recommend it because, like I said, it's really beautiful.
Deep Blue by @myheartalivewrites (book-verse)
@thesleepyskipper: This was just a stunning piece of writing that does such a wonderful job of evoking images of the seaside cliffs, swimming in the cove and spending lazy days in the cottage above. At the same time, we get all that delicious pining and FWB to lovers fun within that beautiful setting. The spicy bits are beautifully done too! Highly recommend!
Rae of Sunshine! (series) by @three-drink-amy @indomitable-love @clottedcreamfudge @everwitch-magiks @the-amber-fox @villiageidiot @athousandrooms @welcometololaland @dustratcentral
@rmd-writes: I couldn't choose just one fic from this series gifted to me so I'm recommending them all, but every fic very much deserves the recommendation! Nine food-themed fics featuring everything from an exploration of Henry's life through food to chef!Henry to craft services trailer!Alex to matchmaker!Pez to the world's most cursed coffee habits from some of my favourite authors (and people)
What Do I Know? by @three-drink-amy (book-verse)
@babiemonk: The angst is so good I cried
Screw Your Courage to the Sticking Place (and forget macbeth is a fucking tragedy) by @celaestis1 (book-verse)
@babiemonk: So amazing, I didn’t want it to ever end. The angst was so good. The kidfic element was perfect. Possibly the perfect fic.
@dot524: I absolutely loved this one. Such a ride and I enjoyed every bit of it. I also really enjoyed the character of Alex’s daughter. Lots of complexity, great story arc.
God Save the Blessed American President Mom by @zipadeea (book-verse)
@babiemonk: This fucking broke me I cried for at least an entire day
@suseagull04: This is such an introspective look at Alex and Ellen's relationship (and Ellen as a character in general) and it's so good!
like father by rizcriz (movie-verse)
@indomitable-love: A really lovely and sensitively told conversation between Oscar & Henry, where Oscar catches Henry sneaking out of the lake house. This one got me right in my emotions. Very healing.
Bite Your Tongue On Purpose by Woodsarelovely (book-verse)
@darwinsfinchesx: Coffee Shop AU with a twist. This fic has some of the best dialogue I’ve ever read. It’s delightful, funny, and the characterization is on point. It leaves a big smile on my face every time I re-read it.
seldom what they seem by @jumpinginmuddypuddles (book-verse)
@gwiazdziarka: Sleeping beauty AU, where they don't need to fight with witches or dragons but there are... other problems. I love modern-day solutions to fairy-tale problems and here it actually just makes everything more complicated.
Mr. Bodypillow by @inexplicablymine (book-verse)
@gwiazdziarka: Yes, I recently recommended this one as wip, but now it's complete and I just need to bring it up again, because it deserves all the attention. Alex and Henry have the most amazing relationship here that goes outside of usual norms. It's also the warmest and the sweetest thing that I've read in a while. And it has great ace representation.
@read-and-write-: Is Ace!Alex very special to you? Do you want to feel like someone is wrapping you in a soft blanket? Then Mr. BodyPillow is for you! It's beautiful and will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside
come pick me up by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@suseagull04: This fic will both make you laugh and give you all the feels. An awkward first interaction when Henry requests an Uber ride leads to an instant connection and sizzling chemistry, all leading to a conclusion that, although satisfying, will leave you wanting more of this verse!
the winner takes it all by @dumbpeachjuice (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: A Tour de France, rivals cyclists AU! Keeping a lot of the book dynamics, Alex and Henry find themselves competing against each other on the Tour — and then falling into bed. This has everything: thrilling sports passages (even though I haven’t ever watched the Tour in my life!), romantic tension, a great read.
Love-Love by @smc-27 (book-verse)
@myheartalivewrites: a tennis AU set at Wimbledon, which obviously holds a special place in RWRB hearts. Alex and Henry as rival tennis players who’ve hooked up once, and then end up as doubles partners. A quick read that left me all warmed up from the inside.
a flicker, a spark by acastle (book/movie-verse)
@daisymae-12: Wow I don’t have the words to truly convey how much I loved this fic. It diverges from canon at Kensington and the events that follow are so beautifully written. This fic made me cry over an OC, made me feel seen when I recognized parts of my own cultural background woven into a story, made my heart ache for everything Alex and Henry have been through and made me tear up some more. This is one of the most heart-wrenching canon-divergence fics I’ve ever read and I know I’m going to be thinking about it for a long time.
Baby, All At Once (This Is Enough) by @iboatedhere (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: This fic is such a lovely look into Alex & Henry’s life post-canon and had me absolutely melting from the softness of it all.
Will You Brie Mine? by @cha-melodius (book-verse)
@daisymae-12: A fic featuring cheese and Henry being the one to sell it, what’s not to love? This was such a sweet fic and I loved the interactions between them! @cha-melodius always writes such amazing fics, and this was no exception.
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okay-babe · 2 months
Hiya Dot! Sorry for the random ask but I am so in love with your writing that it single-handedly got me into this accursed fandom, and now I'm wondering where to start with other authors. Do you happen to have any fic or author recs??
Hi there, anon! I'm so glad you asked because I definitely have some author/fic recs that I'm more than happy to share with you/anyone else who comes across this post!
Before we begin though, shout out to all of the people I mention below! I hope none of you mind being tagged/linked but let me know if you do and I'll remove everything asap :)
1. Starting off strong, we have the amazing @jyoongim! She's been my mutual since I think like day one or two of me creating this account, and I honestly cannot think of anyone more kind or welcoming. Plus, their writing is amazing! Like genuinely so good, I cannot recommend her highly enough. 2. Also, if you're into smut, I am always utterly baffled at the quality of @hazelfoureyes' work. Like, as someone on the ace spectrum, I can say very firmly that sometimes, I don't want to read smut, but even so, I will always read a new post from Hazel when I see it because they're just so well written that I simply cannot wait lol. Plus, their sense of humor is just *chef's kiss*. Love them, truly. (Note: I used they/them here because I don't know Hazel's pronouns, but if anyone does and they aren't gn feel free to let me know and I'll edit this post asap) 3. Additionally, if you like headcannon style writing @a-hazbin-reader is incredible. I've spent actual hours on her page just reading through some of the absolute art she posts there, and it is always a treat. Plus her interactions with her readers are usually either hilarious or incredibly sweet/kind, so it's a good time all around.
As for story/specific fic recommendations, I do have a few of those too!
1. The Deer Dolly series by @ohproserpine (Genuinely incredible writing and a killer story line). 2. You & Me for the worst eternity to come by Notafraidtosimp on AO3 (Definitely not your typical x reader series, but I love everything about it and would never forgive myself if I didn't use this opportunity to share it with everyone). 3. The Partners in Death... and Life series by @safination (This might just be my favorite Alastor series I have ever read, the writing is incredible and I simply cannot recommend it highly enough). 4. Even Death Can Never Part Us by JuliaRobHURTS on AO3 (This is an amazing ongoing long-fic that makes me gasp audibly every time I see that there's been an update. The way the characters are written is utter perfection every time).
I definitely forgot some amazing fics/authors here in my haste to get this posted before class, so everyone should feel more than welcome to comment some other recs if they want to! <3
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  Pricklywhicket/@messessentialist ! Prickleywhicket has four fics published to AO3 -- All in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by pricklywhicket:
so let's sneak in from the cheap seats, honey
it's supposed to be fun (turning twenty-one)
start by pulling him out of the fire
"Sadie is so super talented in the way she describes literally everything. She is so good at writing and it's a shame that she's flown under the radar because she's not the quickest at putting things out there." -- Anonymous
Below the cut, Pricklywhicket answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Why do any of us write anything? Because we want the story to exist in the world, and it doesn’t yet, so we gotta hike up our pants and do it ourselves!
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Hurt/Comfort. I’m always a sucker for the blorbos taking care of one another, in whatever form that takes. This has always been true, across a truly astronomical number of fandoms I’ve found myself dabbling in over the years.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
…actually, probably hurt/comfort! I just need to get those little dudes some validation and unconditional positive regard, okay?
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
I’m sure I won’t be the first one to say this, but: I HAVE TO PICK ONE????? Okay, alright. I can do this. I’m gonna say…Sanctuary by SpicedSage.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve only written canon or canon-adjacent fic so far, so I’m eager to work on something that’s completely AU. I think there’s a unique challenge to keeping characters recognizable as themselves in a world that might not have all the same contexts that made them into that person.
What is your writing process like?
I would love to say it’s super organized and well-planned, but the truth is it’s mostly about routine and responsibility. I set aside time to do it every day, even if I can only tap out a few sentences. I’m not very strict about writing in a straight line - I can stop a scene if it’s giving me trouble, write a note about what I think happens in some [brackets], and move on to something that I have more fully fleshed-out ideas for. Sometimes writing the next scene helps you know more about what needs to happen in the current one. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
I'm sure my betas would say yes 🙃 I tend to write a lot of dialogue - a lot of my revision process is going back through and realizing I have two pages of a conversation with no indication of what’s physically happening in the world around the speakers.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely when I’m finished. Prior to my ‘23 bang fic, I had never written anything chaptered. I knew going in that I could NOT start posting if it wasn’t finished, because I’ve been burned too many times by abandoned works. I didn’t want to do that to people reading my fic, and the best way to avoid it is to finish before you post.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Easily start by pulling him out of the fire. The biggest, most ambitious thing I’ve ever attempted - I still kind of can’t believe I wrote 85k.
How did you get the idea for start by pulling him out of the fire?
Like most terrible ideas, it was spawned in a fandom discord chat. We were discussing the tendency of Steddie fics to centralize the party at Steve’s house, because his parents are never there anyway. And then someone mentioned what if the parents came home and found their house occupied, and someone else mentioned Wayne being there, and it just sort of…spiraled out from there.
When writing start by pulling him out of the fire, what was something you didn’t expect?
I had no idea, going in, that I was going to write a comprehensive history of the Wayne and Eddie Munson relationship. I started writing it where I did to give some background on Wayne’s existing distaste for the elder Harrington, and then I just…kept writing. Over the course of a month or two I wrote 20k of WayneAndEddie that I had no idea was in me - it just kept coming.
What inspired it's supposed to be fun (turning twenty-one)?
@wynnyfryd. It was a gift for her birthday. We were talking about our mutual love of Letterkenny, and she mentioned that the episode was her favorite and wouldn’t it be funny if someone wrote… and the rest is history.
What was your favorite part to write from it's supposed to be fun (turning twenty-one)?
I had an unreasonable amount of fun with that one in general. But I think my favorite part was Eddie polling the party about what Steve means to them all. It was fun to sort of put myself in each character’s shoes and think about how they would answer. Plus y’know, any excuse to unironically love on Steve Harrington.
How do/did you feel writing so let's sneak in from the cheap seats, honey?
I believe my exact words upon deciding to write it were “jingles miserably to a blank google doc.” This was a classic case of saying “god I wish there was a fic where—” and having friends tell me that it was now my responsibility to write it. I’m glad I did, though. I love that story, and it proved to me that I could write sex and publish it and not burst into flames. I also just really, really love summer storms. And Wayne’s use of the singular ‘herpe.’
What was the most difficult part of writing so let's sneak in from the cheap seats honey?
Getting over the fear of publishing something E-rated. It was just something I hadn’t done, and I had a lot of anxiety that people were not going to respond well to it. I made three people individually review the sex scenes before I even asked anyone to beta the full fic. Of course I was worried for nothing, the reception for that fic was super lovely and gave me the confidence boost I needed to attempt start by pulling him out of the fire!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
This is like asking me to pick a favorite child. I’ll say this: most of my favorite lines in start by pulling him out of the fire were taken directly from conversations @wormdebut and I had about the fic. She’s my number one cheerleader and sounding board, and sometimes she’s so goddamn funny that I just have to include it. You have her to thank, for instance, for Steve quite literally dropping his croissant when he first sees Eddie in glasses.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I have a couple of irons in the fire, but nothing I’m ready to share just yet! I’ve been taking a breather from writing (blame baldur’s gate 3, okay) but my WIPs are still very much IP. Stay tuned!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Not that I can think of!
Thank you to our author, Pricklywhicket, and our anonymous nominator! See more of pricklywhicket's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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freedomfireflies · 10 months
July Fic Recs 🤍
Rabbit Rabbit!! I hope June was a beautiful month for you all! Filled with love, relaxation, and really good stories!!
I feel like this is one of the best places to be on the internet because I always meet so many kind, talented, and insanely creative people! The stories I've gotten to disappear into this month are some of my favs so, without further ado...
~ Not Another Time by @be-with-me-so-happily
Summary: Harry is used to things getting crazy on tour. What he wasn't ready for is how much he misses YN during the Latin American leg of his tour. But at the Rio de Janeiro show, he needs to expect the unexpected.
The sequel to Could We Not, and a beautiful depiction of Harry's love and fear for somebody he loves! It felt so realistic, and I could actually feel Harry's stress while I read 😭💞
~ One More by @harry-on-broadway
"It never failed to surprise you just how well you fit in his arms."
This was so cute, I'm actually still crying??? A sweet blurb about the show before the last show. I wished on every star to be able to crawl into this story and live in it. Sadly, it hasn't worked yet.
~ Been There All Along by @lonelycowgirls
Summary: Where Stella goes to Harry’s last night at Madison Square Garden and gets a call that could change everything.
If really Harry isn't somewhat like this...I'm suing. Honestly
~ Zipper by @1d1195
"Harry was a smart guy, but he truly hadn’t a clue as to why he was so mad at the prospect of liking her."
The cutest, the most beautifully written, the sweetest story IN. THE. WORLD. The title alone deserves every award ever, but the connection to the plot??????? I'm still thinking about it
~ Love Don't Cost A Thing by @justmystyles
Such a beautiful concept!! I like conversations and stories like this because they really do feel so real! It helps really immerse you in the every day life of a relationship with him. And the line, "It's an us thing," LIVES IN MY HEAD RENT FREE!!!
~ Mutually Beneficial by @cherryjuiceblues
Summary: Y/N finds life difficult and Harry just wants to make her feel good.
I mean...we all just want a man that wants to make us feel good as much as this one does...AM I WRONG???
~ Guilty by @jarofstyles
Best Friend's Dad!
Everything they write is perfection and this sexy ass age gap story is no different, I am actually still sweating and convulsing I AM A SIMP
~ I Want Forever by @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite
Summary- Harry and Y/N broke up early into Love On Tour. Harry struggled to truly move on, as did Y/N. With tour over, a lost soul shows up at Y/N’s door one night, ready for forever.
Straight perfection, let's be real! A ring, the final show, AND AN ANGSTY, FLUFFY HARRY?? *chefs kiss*
~ Eros (Cupid) Harry by @0nlythrowharrybeaux
Harry is Eros and he is absolutely smitten with a human.
Listen, he absolutely would be this cute and you BEST BELIEVE I'm so down bad for this man...I literally foam at the mouth when I think about it, AND HE'S FUNNY?? Dead on sight
~ Personal by @shawnxstyles
summary: you and harry are best friends who tell each other everything. or so you thought. when harry finds out you’ve barely done anything sexual, he offers to change that. and then things get a little… personal.
Best friend Harry helping you out. Need I say more?? I NEEDN'T
~ Scared by @adorebeaa
You and Harry have your first argument right before his final show in Italy, about his final show in Italy.
~ Y/N and Harry are expecting a baby, and they’re both very impatient by @tobesolonely
I mean...delicious honestly 😭 Just...wow
~ Sex Therapist by @tsumtsumrry
in which Harry helps you out a bit, and he’s not actually a sex therapist. (but he might as well be)
I am...scarily attracted to this man. And I am okay with that 😭💞
~ Brother's Best Friend by @helladirections
Summary: Harry is YN’s brother’s best friend and YN isn’t a little kid anymore. Featuring Italrry, teasing, and a sea view. 
He is....so hot. I genuinely have no other words to describe it honestly. It's...it's bad over here for me
~ Complicated Freak by @lukesaprince
Summary: Where you’ve been hooking up with your best friend’s dad and decide to tease him with a tiny bikini.
I think about this man once a week at least...okay fine, once a day. oKAY FINE I THINK ABOUT HIM ALL THE TIME and I'm okay with that
And a shout-out to @londonharry for providing us with all the gifs we've been needing to help us through our depression 🫶 You do the Lord's work, thank you!!
I hope you all find some amazing things to discover!! Cannot wait to see you again next month!! 💞
Previous Recs:
~ Fic Rec Number 1
~ Fic Rec Number 2
~ Fic Rec Number 3
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feefymo · 4 months
The Rorchach Effect - Part 1
Jimmy Darling x fem! reader - NSFW • MDNI word count: 2757 author's notes: it was like a multiple birth but here we are. This is my very first attempt of a fanfiction (and it's not written in my native language) but I worked a lot on it and I hope you enjoy it. I tried to keep It simple. After mulling it over I chose to divide the fic in two parts and yes: the smut is in the second part! It's not proofread because I'm a kamikaze, yes. Little curiosity: I was partly inspired by Saltburn and this soundtrack. What else? I'll leave you to read! Be kind, pleaseee! My hashtag is #ficfymo ! summary: Elsa threw a party for Jimmy's birthday but no one knows where he ended up. Fem! Reader POV. warnings: mention of violence, and blood. I think that's it, for now. https://open.spotify.com/intl-it/track/6Huqy9WdEE3rMazEQgajn2?si=2105621ac0044260
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Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome.
I'm the one they call the Rorschach Woman; my real name is not important.
Do any of you know what vitiligo is? Vitiligo is a disease but in the maternal arms of Elsa Mars, nothing is bad. None of her adopted children are sick: we all have a gift, don't we, Elsa? I had a boundless love for ballet, I was busily studying psychiatry, I was a "prodigy girl" or, at least, I thought I was. Then, the vitiligo showed up. What I thought was my downfall, according to Elsa, represented the true miracle. I gave up dancing; I gave up on my dream of becoming a researcher. I lost the support of my real parents because my appearance had changed but hey! Now I have my own number in Elsa Mars Freak Show. I'm here to enchant you. To let you read the spots on my face. I'm here to interpret your minds. This is my personal test of Rorschach, offered to you, kind audience. A few dollars and you can study me, myself every night but not every night are like this. Tonight I want to tell you a story 'cause today is my best friend's birthday. The brother I've chosen. Tonight, a big party was thrown for him but there's no trace of him. Where did you go, Jimmy Darling?
Let's take a step back.
I've never seen the camp so packed. Never. If all these people showed up for every show, each of us would be filthy rich. I don't understand how it is possible and yet, Elsa must have performed one of her magics. She says she consider Jimmy her blood, so she claimed to organize everything herself. She chose a party theme: "Normal People". She call it "satire", a mockery towards those who are truly considered normal. Some of us believed her, others adapted to avoid getting into trouble. The truth is that, by disguising ourselves according to the canons, we appear even less credible. Grotesque. Ridicolous. I couldn't resist a subtle provocation, so I made my complexion uniform but with the white of French mimes. Like a pierrot. Totally painted in white, I wander around in a champagne dress. I look like a crazy moth until I find the flame. That flame is Jimmy himself, surrounded by a myriad of strangers who urge him to blow out the candles.
- Happy birthday… uhm… -
- Happy birt… Joseph? -
- Jack? John? -
- I think it's Jimmy. -
- Jimmy? Are you sure? -
- JIMMY! -
The music does not cover the murmurs nor the embarrassment that comes down like a curtain. I try to push and elbow to reach my best friend but I can't. He's standing there, nerves to edge: he looks around, clenching his teeth. He seems lost while he's trying to put an unconvinced smile on his Peter Pan face. Once the candles have been blown out, Jimmy disappears in the general disinterest. Nobody cares, the party continues as if nothing had happened, fueling an atmosphere that has nothing normal about it. It's something like a mesmerizing nightmare in the suffused lights that Elsa had placed everywhere. A luminous design that even turns into a labyrinth in the wild meadow near the main event. It should be a modern fairy tale for the privileged who want to escape from the routine. For us, scum, it's an illusion. A utopia, a warning of what we will never achieve but I don't give a fucking damn. Sincerely. If I'm still here it's not because of Elsa nor because I truly appreciate her Cabinet Of Curiosities. I'm still here for my "acquired family" and for the boy who should be the protagonist of the evening which no one cares about.
Driven by the chaos, I search for familiar faces in the dim light until I come across Ethel; she shaved her chin. She is holding a plate with a slice of cake that she has prepared herself and she's standing in the dancing crowd, with a worried and resigned look. We both knows who the cake is for: Ethel has seen his son, maybe talked to him but she won't chase him. I prefer to not disturb her but I don't give up: retreating into a slit of darkness I collide with someone and jump perhaps exaggeratedly. Paul emerges from the darkness, rubbing his side with a grimace. He wears a hideous, gigantic suit to disguise his condition. It makes it look like a sad parallelepiped. Doctor Frankenstein's Creature.
-Paul, sorry! Did I hurt you?! -
-Nah, no biggies! What about you? You're nervous, what's happening? -
-Well, uh, I'm… have you seen Jimmy? I've been looking for him all night. -
- First I saw him with a brunette, she was dragging him towards El-'s tent… hey, that's the one over there! -
But the brunette is not in Jimmy's company: laughing rudely with her friends, she passes by me in a sweet-smelling cloud of glitters. She carries with her a kind of old oil lantern lit on a gesture that makes my blood run cold: cheeky, she twirls a battered glove on her head and, in one breath of Pink Lady, she's already too far away. Even though I would like to, I'm not going to confront her and complicate things because I prefer to follow her steps backwards. An alarm screams wildly inside me and I have to comply with it by launching myself out of the tent. The humidity of the night sticks to my skin, kneading the white paint that I thought was dry. I'm a mess inside and out but it doesn't matter at all.
- JIMMY! - I call, shout and run. I run, run, run like a fugitive. A voice whispers the worst to me and maybe I'm crazy but I can't help it. - JIMMY! - I keep repeating myself but he doesn't answer. The throat burns, the feet go by themselves, swaying dangerously on the heels. I didn't even realize I had ventured onto the lawn until I felt tickles on my ankles. Fräulain Elsa's illuminations invite me to follow their aura like drunken fireflies and I, disaffected, accept. I'm not afraid that Jimmy is dead but, worse, that he's gone. That he left me alone, leaving suddenly and without me. He promised me that if we ever succeeded, we would leave together and one suitcase would be enough to move to Europe. He always kept his promises, he…
I stop, crystallized in the heaviness of the evening. I hear noises scattered throughout the maze of light bulbs: they come from a specific point but they echo and bounce in the air. It sounds like the clumsy moan of an animal that it would be better not to get close to but I obstinately follow the source to the center of the maze. Once I reach my destination I jump somewhere between horror and relief, putting a hand to my mouth so as not to be discovered immediately. Sitting on the ground is Jimmy Darling. Hunched over, he turns his back to me and fiddles with something I don't understand. He is surrounded by objects, some of which I cannot distinguish. There are a few bottles including one of vermouth still sealed, half a lemon, a shirt reduced to a pile of wrinkles in Granada Green, the other glove specially sewn for the party. Some salt, perhaps? The worst aspect, the most dramatic touch, is a pinata hanging over his skull. A lobster-shaped pinata. As I try to figure out whether or not I'm awake, a low, deep growl forces its way into Jimmy's lungs, flaying them with increasing violence. The growl is quickly turning into the pained cry of an already wounded beast. I won't respect his privacy any longer, so I walk over to him and kneel before him.
- JIMMY! JIM, STOP IT! STOP, DAMMIT! - Jimmy was on the verge of cutting off his left hand with a rusty knife but my arrival ruined his plans. He doesn't recognize me right away and his immediate reaction is to turn against me. He is much, much stronger than me but, even if he vehemently chases me away, I attack again in what turns into a blind scuffle. The moment Jim realizes it's really me, he drops his guard groggily. He is no less upset, nor willing to suddenly change his mind but he grabs me by the elbows and pushes me away roughly so that I don't end up hurting myself. Crawling on the ground, he steps back before pulling himself up and staggering but he isn't drunk. He's been drinking but it's not the alcohol that shakes him like this: I recognize the difference, also because I've never seen him in this state. In his big good eyes there is no freshly roasted coffee but boiling petrolium. His expression, a cracked mask of hatred and at the same time authentic desperation, reduced to its core. He trembles in his sweat-soaked undershirt and makes a gesture that he has never deemed necessary in front of me. He hides his hands, trying in vain to put them in his back pockets, like a child caught red-handed. Does he feel reassured by my presence? Is he bothered by it? He's gasping.
Jimmy what… what are you doing? Why?! - I ask him in tears, advancing slowly on my knees. - NO! - he spits out a scream, trying to freeze me in place. - Please… Y/N, no. Enough. That's enough. - I shake my head, I'm confused and I rub my now soaked cheeks. Gray due to the white mixing with the black of the mascara.
- What are you talking about, pleas st-… -
He hates it when I call him James but that seems strangely to appease him. He stares at me like a madman and, in silence, seems to wonder how it is possible that I don't know the circumstances of his delirium but, gradually, lucidity returns and, at the same time, an atrocious sadness. - That… oh, fuck. She was one of the very few people to smile at me and make me sincere wishes. Did she really want to spend time with me… did I fall for it like an idiot? I do not know. It was her! She chose it, I warned her but… - while Jimmy tries to explain, he forgets to hide from me and gesticulates, so I notice a burn on the hand that he was seriously about to cut off. The living flesh fades from red to the paleness of the bladder. Grains of not completely dissolved salt outline the surface like grotesque lace. He must have poured it in. - She took off my glove, alluding to my skills as a pilot but then a heartbreaking scream and… and… I had to let it go. Instead, I tried to calm her down but she…how the fuck is that possible? How did she not know I'm a fucking freak? It was written all over the damn thing! But she knew it. She knew it very well. My attentions were the perfect excuse to defend herself. She called me a monster, a half-man, an abomination and so on, you know, what's new? But then… she burned me with her fucking lantern. You convince yourself that you have a zest, that you are used to it and yet it's not true. And, as with Meep, the day comes when insults are no longer enough. - he doesn't have the courage to look at me but what he says is intimate. Devastating. Shareable. - The bar of wickedness is raised. Of course! That girl wasn't defending herself. She squirted oil on me once, twice, three times. She was torturing me, only stopped because I raised my arms and… the fear came back. She's gone. -
I'm annihilated. Annihilated by what I see and hear, I undergo the hypnosis of Jimmy's pain which soon becomes mine too. His irises are diluted by a sea of ​​tears; suffering makes him unfairly wonderful. In the meantime I have reached him and, from the bottom of my position, I stare at him without embarrassment. I wrap one arm around his knees while the other grabs his good hand and places it on the back of my neck. He wants to take it away, he puts up a feeble resistance but he hears me sobbing and stops immediately. - Yes, Jimmy: her wish was to hurt you. This isn't a party, it's a visit to the slaughterhouse and we are the pigs. As always. - now I hold him with both arms, rubbing my face between his knees. The fabric of his trousers becomes stained white make-up until my skin is almost clean. I raise my head. My face's a palette used between stains that can be washed away and stains that my skin retains.
- Look at me. Are you looking at me? -
- I am. - he says, with the tone of someone who absolutely has to convince you. He hasn't noticed but he's stroking my hair. His eyebrows furrowed and his mouth turned down. -The kindness with which you caress me has never belonged to anyone among the few who have touched me. Not even my mother. - I'm deadly serious. I look at him with watery eyes but it's his tear that rains down my forehead. - Not even to myself. - because I mistreated myself, inflicted physical pain and consequent signatures but he… - If those are really claws, everyone should have them. Maybe they would learn what kindness is. - if I wasn't the one talking to him, he wouldn't believe me. He would mock me, it would be bitter and biting. Instead he fights with the truth that I offer him and stares at me dazed. Almost angry, hunted. The problem is that he believes me, so he picks me up and it's as if he's looking at me for the very first time. His forehead is damp with sweat, so I free his unruly curls before rummaging through my clutch bag. I make sure he follows my gestures and I take out a box of matches: I choose one and place it under the perfect curve of his nose. He flinches but stays as I light the end and, solemnly, set the piñata on fire. While the papier-mâché lobster is devoured by the flames, little by little, melted sweets and chocolate perish in the meadow. Neither of us needs to introduce what's about to happen: just as I stand on tiptoe, he lowers his disheveled head and the tips of our noses meet. It's the last chance to retract before the soft "m" of his upper lip meets my lower lip, dehydrated from makeup. In the first friction there is the disbelief of all the years in which we have not allowed ourselves and then, surrounded by the smell of burning, the kiss intensifies in an unstoppable crescendo. Jimmy wraps his bare arms around my body with the eagerness of someone who must survive. For my part, I let out a moan and cling to his shoulder blades: I realize what I wanted and how much I needed to be satisfied. Jimmy and I share the thrill of the kiss, so much so that he murmurs something incomprehensible against my teeth before parting them with his tongue and searching for mine. He holds my head as if I were water and he was drinking and he doesn't care about the cosmetic taste I have on; his lips turn pale. He slides down my neck without any self-control and I understand that he would take me here, right now. In the midst of the fire. - Wait. - I try to stop him with a deafening smooch. We are out of breath and the air is irrespirable but he stares at me with an imploring look. - How much longer? - he plead. I feel his blood vibrate under his golden skin, between the vertebrae of his broad back. - You have to trust me: I have an idea. - The smoke screen rises towards the sky and us. We… dissolve in the middle.
taglist: @taintandviolent @silverzoomies @doll3tt33 @wh0re43van @fear-is-truth + PLEASE, If you want to be added or I forgot someone, let me know!
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