#pardon the mistakes lmao
cedarsmoke4 · 5 months
Okay my writing brain is simultaneously extremely exhausted/borderline burnt-out and also working on several different ideas at once, so there’s a HOT chance I’ll never get to this concept, but I’m writing/rambling the (extended) idea here so it’s out there—
Consider: You’ve repeatedly had terrible luck with auto mechanics, to the point where you’re absolutely desperate for genuine help. You’re sick of having to fight through the hoards of lying salesmen who are trying to trick you into paying exorbitant prices just because they can tell you’re not car-savvy. You want someone who doesn’t even look at your face, someone who can just figure out what the fuck is going on with your vehicle and can fix it for a reasonable price. That’s it.
Cue your friend telling you that they’ve heard from a friend of a friend who’s heard of someone, a reliable source tho, that there’s a guy who can fix anything, and fix it fast. He’s just weird. And abrasive. And rude. He doesn’t sugar coat or extort, and he barely even pays attention to you if you bring him something. The problem is, he doesn’t have a phone, and he doesn’t work specific hours, or even specific days. Also, his shop is in the middle of nowhere. If you go there you’ll just have to hope you catch him, and if you don’t, sucks to be you.
So you take the address from your friend and drive your shitbox down increasingly abandoned looking country roads until you arrive at what looks like a very large, run down garage. Scrap metal litters the yard outside, everything from old iron bathtubs to what looks like the shell of an ancient military tank. Youre desperate enough at this point that you’re willing to risk the potential rabid serial killer who might live at such a place, and you knock on the door as instructed.
You’re in luck—someone grunts out a curse from inside and drops what sounds like a steel suitcase full of metal door knobs. More clattering, then you hear the mystery mechanic yell, “come in!” You contemplate turning back, but no such luck. Your car has been making the worst noises lately, and the entire last mile to this place it was screeching bloody murder.
So you go inside. It’s dark and there’s metal everywhere, including piled up on the wooden crates that look like they might be a makeshift front counter. The cash register balances precariously on top seems convincing enough.
You nervously say, “hello?” toward the darkness through the door in the ramshackle wall, but there’s no reply. Then, lights flick on in the back room, and you hear very heavy footsteps stomping toward you.
“Cash only,” a rasping voice snaps from behind a pile of scrap nearby. You flinch, but you came prepared, so you yank a wad of bills from your jacket and slap them down on the teetering crates. Be short and to the point, you remind yourself. He doesn’t like ramblers.
“My car is fucked,” you blurt out. “Heard you can fix it.”
Silence follows your words, then a figure emerges from behind the mountains of metal. It’s a man—an extremely tall and broad man with shaggy, disheveled gray hair. You’re struck for a moment by what he’s wearing, curious about the choices he’d made while picking out his work ensemble. Usually mechanics wore coveralls to keep the mess from staining their clothes, but this man is dressed in a plain white t-shirt and jeans, both carelessly smeared with oil, dirt, and rust. What really confuses you, though, is the pair of dark, round sunglasses settled on the bridge of his nose. How can he see in this shitty, dim lighting?
He really doesn’t look at you as he moves forward, his gaze apparently already trained on the part of your car that’s visible through the outside doorway. You’d forgotten to close the door. The man doesn’t seem to mind, though. He passes you without so much as a glance, then leans against the door frame and starts muttering to himself, still apparently focused on your vehicle.
“Haven’t seen you around before,” the man remarks suddenly, turning his shoulders slightly toward you without actually looking at you. You jump, having been convinced he’d forgotten you were standing there.
“I had no other choice,” you say, then you bite your lip. You’d been surprised into blunt honesty, something you would’ve preferred to avoid. Instead of seeming offended, however, the man lets out a raspy, barking laugh.
“Well aren’t you just the smartest little cookie that’s waltzed into my shop in ages,” he drawls, the words making you bristle with anger. He finally turns back toward you, taking a few steps closer, and—much to your rapidly rising displeasure—he looks you straight in the face. His gaze, while hidden behind the dark glasses, is almost tangible as it rakes over your features. Goosebumps ripple down your arms. You’re pinned under his invisible gaze, suddenly terrified. You really shouldn’t have come here.
The cash register behind you makes a very loud dinging sound, and you nearly start out of your skin.
“Alright. I’ll fix your car, little cookie crumb,” the man says, moving past you to pick up the stack of bills you’d put on the crate. “You can wait in here.” He doesn’t even count the money before shoving it into his back pocket. You’re frozen again, insulted beyond belief by the incredibly patronizing nickname he’s given you but relieved nearly to the point of tears that he’s willing to work on your vehicle. The man apparently doesn’t notice your conflicted state. He walks toward the back room, then pauses in the doorway to send you one final glance over his shoulder.
“Don’t bother me while I’m working,” he drawls, and you see a flash of a strangely silvery-green eye behind the dark glasses as he turns back around. “If you disrupt my process, you’ll regret it dearly.”
Cue shenanigans, you peek and see that he’s telekinetically manipulating metal, then he catches you and sexy shenanigans happen—extra plus if you’ve got a septum ring, which I do so I’m giving this reader one too lmao😂😂
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torrentofhermits · 8 months
What's up? I wanted to ask who is your favorite hermit to draw?
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my fav hermit to draw is etho, but, uh, i draw him a lot, and my actual fav hermit is xisuma, so i decided to draw them together to make things a bit more interesting :D
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zeldabecameaqueen · 3 months
hello qsmp enjoyers, here's my goodbye to a server that saved my days for a year now
i don't know what will happen with the qsmp in the future but i just can't put myself in it anymore
i feel disrespected by the choices Quackity's Studios made, as a french person, but also as someone who's been abused as a worker. I understand that the process may be long (every administrative stuff is hell) for the studio to solve the financial and hierarchical situation, and I believe Quackity did everything to solve the issue as fast as he could (it's a belief, at no point i'm saying this is the truth of course).
however, i do not agree with him being neglectful towards his own project, towards his own admins, towards the qsmp community, i do not agree with him being radio silent towards his employees/volunteers, not thanking them once they left, not communicating anything to them about their own future, i do not agree with him either being blind to their loudly expressed needs or purposely ignoring them, i do not agree with him telling everyone "stuff takes time" but also allowing new events to happen on the server, and i'm extremely disappointed in this whole situation, because it divides more than ever a community and a project that i, among a lot of other people, cherish since a year now, when simple mesures such as COMMUNICATION were ignored.
frankly i think that most of the people would have better understood and been patient if Quackity's Studios didn't keep on announcing new events like nothing was happening
the reason i'm not talking too much about the financial issue is that : 1. I believe finding a way to pay admins that are still in the qsmp is a priority to Quackity nowadays, along with firing those who mistreated the employees/volunteers ; 2. I believe they will find a solution regarding the incomes (merch actually being a means to pay the admins is one of them)
i'm writing this during qsmp awards, i know a lot of ccs will be there. i'm a little hurt and disappointed but at the same time, i know some of them have a personal relation to Quackity that we as viewers don't have, they have their reasons to trust Quackity, i just don't agree with them, but please, no hate towards them or to people who'll watch the future events
it's a goodbye even though no one knows me lmao (i spent hours and hours watching, filling the vods of timestamps, translating youtube clips, even drawing again since a long time, i filled in the qsmp fandoms, did presentation docs and put hours into spreadsheets of the ccs statistics), but know that being a part of this community was a life experience for me, in so many ways, i'm forever thankful for the people who made this project possible, i'll miss sharing my hyperfixation with you all
🎨 also, I saved a bunch of qsmp fanarts that I didn't want to rb because I didn't want to support in any way what was happening, i didn't want to make people feel like watching the streams was ok, instead, I wanted to let the most room for any info about the admins' situation
i realize now that it wasn't fair, their art comes from a place of love, and whatever their reason was to continue watching qsmp despite all that was happening is not my business. They did art, and good art, so i'll reblog the last qsmp fanarts and probably will continue to share some from time to time
🩵 big big thanks to the artists and the ccs for creating such an amazing universe, i hope you'll keep the spirit and maybe leave with good friends, and obviously i'm so proud of all the eggies (by that I mean their admins), who have spoken up and left a project despite their obvious love for it, thanks to Lea for starting all this, freeing admins from an unbearable situation they might have not even recognized as so at the time
i don't know if i'll be back, for now i need to step back, but if i see one day that the situation got all fixed and safe and that actual apologies were made, then maybe i'll come back to this unique qsmp (it'll certainly feel changed tho)
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Merry Munday!
What are your top five songs for this arc? This arc got me into Set It Off! :]
BRO I AM SO GLAD IT GOT YOU INTO SET IT OFF, THEY'RE SUCH A GOOD BAND AND ARE ALL REALLY COOL!!! I remember getting to meet them last April! A fan got them to sign and pose with a Trans flag!
Anyways, to answer the question:
The Darkest Star by ElysianSoul (CONTENT WARNING!: This song is about anorexia)
I Think I Hate Myself by Hot Milk
Teardrops by Bring Me The Horizon
Appetite of a People-Pleaser by Ghost and Pals (This song is also about eating disorders)
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy by Maria Mena (This song is also about eating disorders)
Honestly, a lot of songs that I have on Joule's playlist on Spotify are related to the arc, other songs are just vibes lol
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blindedguilt · 7 months
"WOW!" he cackles, practivally hyena-esque, "That was really something, cupcake! You really are a coward, aren't you?" (— @hyperionhandsome , from Jack, medieval Fantasy au?)
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The words had stung before Leonard could even realise he hadn't recognised the voice that spoke to him, though the way his expression had shifted had been miniscule in comparison - the way the hermit's head had turned away in both hurt and shame had been the most prominent, though there was the subtlest crease in his brows, the smallest tightening of his lips and the clutch of gloved hands on the hem of his coat which spoke volumes in the moment Leonard himself was unable to do much more than struggle for a response.
...Who was this man? The thought had just dawned on him as Leonard felt his heart pound with humiliation - he didn't sound like a faerie, though the laughter reminded him of his own pact-beast. He didn't even sound like anything inhuman, as a matter of fact, but still - remarkably cruel.
...Leonard supposed it didn't matter, though. If the goal was the simple task of sparking that sad flame of guilt within the hermit, it took only a glance to see his lowered head and the bitter pain on his face to tell this stranger had succeeded in their mission. A low mumble of response was the reward to inform this rather boisterous passerby of their victory.
"...You are right." Leonard acquiesced, bitterly. He couldn't fight or promise any improvement anymore. "I am nothing more than a fool."
How truly pathetic... Something in his stomach sank at the prospect that it would have only taken a glance to tell of his plight. Typically the harsh sting of such words would be curved hearing it from his pact-beast, or even the likes of Caim, but there was something about hearing it from someone like a stranger that served to dig especially deep into the hermit's skin. It seemed that all at once, the nightmare of the garrison, the failure of his brothers, the failure to his family, and the potential failure that had awaited Seere at each second, had come crashing down on his consciousness with those words. That reminder.
Coward... It was aptly fit.
Leonard's head dragged itself back up from where it had previously stared down at his lap, but averted itself slightly to the side - his blind gaze still couldn't bring itself to look towards the source of the voice where it stood.
"...Please, speak no longer." Leonard said, the softness of his tone in sharp contrast with the low rumble of his voice, "I know my sins well enough to bear on my own. So I beg of you... Show mercy."
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Black Widow
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Summary: How a Black Widow made it out of the Red Room, and onto the 141.
Warnings: there’s a lot of talk of trauma in this, explicit smut, threesomes, jealousy, spitroasting, etc, etc, weirdly long (5k)
Notes: the reader was raised (ish) in the red room but this fic is not at all a part of the mcu – it’s just supposed to be the story of a defector, and how she became a part of the 141
kind of felt guilty while writing this bc it made me feel like ghost was cheating on red fox from the fics by @charnelhouse lmao
feedback and comments are very much appreciated!!!
Masterlist | requests are OPEN! | hmu to be added to one of my taglists!
The first memory you have of an outsider is at eleven years old. You and the other girls are sleeping in the dormitory when Madam Ivanova bursts in and opens the handcuffs binding you all to your beds. She pulls the others from their cots, and you almost don’t notice the man that grabs you by the arm.
He’s wearing a hat you’ve never seen before, and that immediately scares you – you don’t recognize him.
“I’ve found the girls!” he shouts, and others pour in, armed to the teeth. Madam Ivanova is still guiding other girls out of the room, and you can see the fear in her eyes. She’s not a kind person, but she takes care of you. Nothing bad has ever happened to you when you were with her.
Nothing like this.
So you turn around, and punch the man square in the face. It takes him aback, and he stumbles backwards. It gives you just enough time to run from him.
Later, you learn that his name is Price, and that he is with the British. An enemy of the Red Room.
Seven years later, you come face to face with him again. You’re three years into active duty, serving the Red Room, and you look drastically different from what you looked like at eleven.
It’s a mistake from another girl that causes your capture. It’s his face that you see first when the hood is pulled off your face.
In the past few years, he’s been the face of your nightmares, so you stay silent. It surprises you when the British don’t torture you. Instead, they offer you a deal. Provide them with the intel they want, and be free of the Red Room.
It takes you three months to accept that deal, and one more to get Price and his colleague Laswell the things they want.
They give you your pardon, and you move to New Zealand, as far away from Russia and Great Britain as you can.
With a fake passport, fake birth certificate and fake story, you leave all of it behind.
You wake up early, shrieking out of your sleep from a nightmare. Your first thought is to call Sarina, an old colleague who also made it out, but you know that she’s still asleep – at least the people in her time zone are. Instead, your feet carry you outside to the lake.
You fish around in your jacket, finding a cigarette and lighter. There’s a nervous feeling in your gut, ever-present. Trained into you since you can remember. This country is the safest and most isolated you could manage, and yet, there’s always the imperative of looking over your shoulder.
You hear Price walking onto the gravelly beach before you see him.
“You know I moved here to be left alone, right?” you tell him, taking another draw from your cigarette.
“I’ve got a job for you.” Price says instead, and you shake your head.
“I’m done with contracting work.”
“So you live off of government support and the intel you sell on the dark web?” he asks.
“That’s my business.”
“It’s about the Red Room.”
You pause, glancing over at him. He looks sincere, but you can also see the earpiece he’s wearing.
“Laswell on the comms?” you asked. You still remember the woman, distrusting as fuck from the moment she met you.
“Yeah. She’s helping with coordinating the team.”
You snort with disdain. “I don’t work in teams. We aren’t trained to.”
“You’ll like them.” Price promises.
“I doubt it. I don’t like you very much.”
Price gives you a dry laugh, and you know he doesn’t take it as personally as you want him to.
“I know that this is personal to you. You got out at eighteen – that’s later than most. You know what they do.”
“Ask any other defector. Sarina, or Antonya. I’m not interested.” You tell him firmly.
“We’re not taking many prisoners from the Red Room.” Price begins again, and you’re about to cut him off. “You can kill the head. Get the girls safe, and you can do with Dreykov whatever you want.”
The offer is too tempting to turn down. To be able to kill the man that ruined your life? The man that ruined the lives of all those other girls?
“I’m in.” you say, and Price gives you a grim smile in return.
“Pack your things. You can meet the team in England.”
Price had said that he was going to New Zealand for business. He hadn’t realized that ‘business’ entailed a woman.
“That yer girlfriend?” Soap asked, and the woman gave him a look so mean that she almost compared to Ghost.
“I’d hope not.” Price replied. “I’d be dead before morning.”
The woman sat down at the end of the table silently. She looked around, before her hands grabbed a pack of cigarettes from her jacket, lighting it up again.
Ghost was quiet too, but fuck, he knew Ghost. This woman didn’t say a single fucking word, but Soap still knew that Price didn’t have any kind of power over her.
“What’s the mission?” he asked impatiently, and Price set down a stack of Manila folders onto the table.
Laswell pushed off from the wall she’d been leaning against, pulling one of the folders from the stack.
“To most special operatives, the Red Room is a myth. A story made up by the KGB, and nothing more. But the Red Room exists, and we’re going to take it down.”
The woman made a sound for the first time, and it was a disdainful laugh. The others turned to stare at her, but Laswell cleared her throat to redirect their attention back to the right person.
“Over the years, the US and Britain have worked together to take the Red Room down, but it’s evolved from a KGB branch to a human trafficking ring. They take young girls off the streets all over the world and turn them into trained killers, mostly targeting politicians. Taking down the Red Room would mean putting a stop to their ongoing crimes and potentially explain some of the most unclear assassinations of the past seventy years.” Laswell said.
Soap glanced over to the woman, who was watching Laswell with close to no emotion on her face. Stubbing her cigarette on the steel table she leaned back, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“And she’ll be a part of that?” Gaz asked, nodding to her.
Price nodded. “Her call sign is Black Widow.”
“Got a name too?” Soap asked, and she told him, quickly. Quietly.
“What do you do in the field?” Gaz asked her. Soap noticed that Ghost was watching her closely, as if he expected her to pull a gun on the team.
“Hand to hand combat, espionage, sexpionage. I can be a sniper if you want me to.” She answered quickly.
“She’s here to show you the way into the Red Room and make the girls there trust you enough to get them out.” Price added.
“What, don’t want to get punched by a kid again?” she said, and Price rolled his eyes. They knew each other, but they didn’t like each other at all.
When the meeting ended, the team began to file out of the room, but Soap stayed behind, hoping to catch her and introduce himself. Ghost shot him a warning look, that Soap chose to ignore.
“Welcome to the team.” He said.
“Thrilled.” She replied dryly.
“I’m John. Everyone here calls me Soap though.”
“I know. I read your file.” She deadpanned. She could have been funny if she hadn’t been constantly mean.
“Ya got access to that?” he asked.
“No.” she replied.
Of course she didn’t.
They’d tried to get into a smaller base of the Red Room first, to gather some more intel. None of the team had expected there to be any people, much less a bunch of teen girls armed to the teeth.
It didn’t end well.
Out of the thirty girls there, they’d managed to get seven out alive. The others had either died via cyanide pills or while fighting them.
Black Widow had explained that they were brainwashed, and that was why they’d immediately committed suicide when other options ran out. She didn’t seem to be affected too much by it. At least, she tried to pretend that it was that way.
He’d taken a bullet to the thigh, and it had been her to stitch him up in the safehouse before he could call the medic. She’d been grazed by something, and she took care of that herself as well.
They’d all managed to get some time under the shower, and now, they sat in the living room together. She was in the cargo pants she’d worn on the mission and a black tank top, and Ghost could see the tattoo on her right shoulder blade while her back was to him.
The square hourglass symbol, followed by a number.
He didn’t have to ask to know that she was the 1047th girl they’d taken. He wondered how many of them had died at his hands, while he didn’t know that he was fighting children.
Price was working on the radio they’d found in the safehouse, but finding an enjoyable station in the middle of Russia was proving to be harder than expected. Eventually, he landed on a classical music station.
She didn’t seem to mind, scraping her can of tortellini clean, until a new song played. Ghost did not recognize it, but he saw her hands curl around the can tightly, knuckles turning white.
“Change the station.” She said. Price looked up. It was the first thing anyone had said in a few hours.
“Just change the fucking station.” She snapped. “Please.”
Price nodded, turning it to something else. A Russian voice chattered into the room. Ghost could see that she was listening, probably understanding every single word.
“What are they saying?” Price asked.
“That there was a fire in the warehouse we were in.” she said.
“Nothing about us?”
She shook her head. “From what they’re saying, they don’t have a clue. The Red Room will know.”
“Why?” Ghost asked.
“They chipped us. They know the last location of the girls, and they know that seven of the chips moved without the rest. I had the medics take them out, but it took them a while to get here. By now, Dreykov will know that something is going on.”
It was the most she’d said in one go so far.
Ghost didn’t trust her, but he didn’t mind her either. Most of the team disliked her, and Price couldn’t seem to stand her. Soap had his mind set on talking to her. But Ghost… he didn’t know who she was, only that she was as quiet as he was.
He knew that Soap wanted to ask about the scars that littered her arms and what they could see of her back, and he knew that she would not answer.
Suddenly, there was a shout of frustration from Gaz.
“What happened?” Price asked, immediately on his feet.
“Heater’s out.”
Glancing outside, Ghost saw that it was snowing heavily. Black Widow got up from her spot in the room. Ghost could hear her shuffle inside one of the cabinets.
She returned with blankets, dumping them in the middle of the room before taking one for herself. Ghost said nothing as she sat down next to him, an arm length of space between them. The snow only got heavier, until it turned into an all-out blizzard.
“We’ll be snowed in tomorrow.” Soap noted.
“Let’s worry about freezing to death first.” Gaz said. He was chattering, despite the blanket around him. Black Widow had gotten herself a second already, and she still looked cold.
“Taking first watch.” Ghost muttered, sitting down by the window.
“I’ll join you.” Soap said. Ghost knew that Soap wanted to chatter about something idle to distract himself from the image of 23 dead fourteen-year-olds.
The others shuffled together for warmth, except for her. She stayed where she was, leaning against the counter of the small kitchen.
“Ya think she’s from the Red Room?” Soap asked under his breath.
“Course she is.” Ghost replied.
“I heard they take the girls when they’re three. Teach ‘em ballet and how to be all pretty while killing a man. Then they send them out when they’re fifteen.”
Ghost nodded, letting Soap know that he was listening.
“Ya think that’s why she wanted ta change the station?”
“They were playin’ sum ballet song.” Soap said. “Maybe she knows how to dance to it. “
“Doubt she does much dancing.” Ghost replied.
“Sight for sore eyes though. But after what she did today…” Soap mumbled.
Ghost still remembered it. How ruthlessly she’d fought against those girls. Wasn’t she supposed to know that they had no choice?
They had all obviously gone through the same combat training, but she was older and stronger. Those girls knew that. She knew that.
Ghost had watched her snap the neck of one with a twist of her hand. Something like that was so grotesque that even Ghost seldom did it, but with her it looked like the starter to a five-course-meal.
“She ain’t happy.” Soap said.
“No shit.”
“Ya think she’s a good person?”
“I doubt it.” Ghost replied.
“I think she could be. Maybe she’s an ass due to circumstance.”
Ghost snorted. Only Soap would say something like that. When he glanced over to her, he saw beady eyes glancing back in the darkness. He wondered if she’d listened in to their conversation.
She didn’t sleep for most of the time Ghost and Soap were on watch. A few hours in, she picked up her pack of cigarettes and lighter and offered them to take over watch.
Ghost nodded, about to get up and go back to bed, but Soap was hesitant.
“It’s fucking cold sleeping on tha ground.” He said.
“We can sleep close. For warmth.” Ghost replied.
“Nah. I’ll stay on my feet.” Soap said.
Ghost shook his head. What the fuck was going on with Soap?
You were back to square one, thanks to some wrong intel. On top of that, they all saw what you did to the other girls. You weren’t sure if their pity was worse or whatever they did now.
All of them except Soap, who still seemed determined to chew off your ear. Currently, he was telling you about his hometown in Scotland.
“You’re from New Zealand, aren’t ya?” he asked finally.
“I just lived there.”
“Then where are you from?” he asked. You shrugged in response. Russia was where you were raised, technically, but you did not know where you were taken from.
Soap smiled at you brightly, completely unguarded. It threw you off. He was a special ops, and yet, he sometimes behaved like anything but.
You didn’t need classes in the Red Room to know that he was attracted to you. Yet, you weren’t sure whether that would help or hinder you.
“Who raised ya? Masked soldiers?” he said, and you were sure he’d meant it as a joke.
“A woman called Madam Ivanova. She was in charge of us.”
“Was? Who killed her?”
“Price.” You replied curtly.
“I’m sorry.” He said quickly. You could see that he was regretting his words.
“Don’t be. She wasn’t a good person.”
“You say that as if she killed your friends.”
“She did.” You replied.
“If recruits aren’t good enough, you don’t let them into your ranks.” You shrugged.
“Recruits? Fucking hell, you were girls.”
“Yeah, at the beginning of the program. 1 in 20 makes it through.”
Soap didn’t say anything else that night.
You stayed on after taking down Dreykov. By going back into this industry, you’d given up New Zealand, and in your gut, you’d known that when you made that choice.
The team had grown to accept you, and even Price was alright with your company by now. In return, you tried to be less snappy towards them. It worked, most of the time.
The last mission had been a good one. No one innocent had died, you’d gotten the intel, and the bad guys were dead. It was like out of a story, and the group was celebrating.
Price had gotten an empty bar, and Soap was playing bartender, giving out drinks like there was no tomorrow, and chugging his own just as quickly. Ghost was in the corner, mask rolled up to drink whatever Soap handed him.
You could see a bit of blond stubble peek out, along with a small scar. You knew how he’d gotten it. It had been in the Red Room, the actual Red Room, and an eight-year-old girl had slashed at him with a sharpened letter opener.
Ghost hadn’t defended himself. You’d pried the girl off him, taking the weapon from her and making sure she wouldn’t jam it into his neck next.
“Here.” Soap said, handing you a shot of Tequila.
“I’ve had enough.” You replied. “If I drink any more, I’ll get tipsy.”
“That’s the point.” Soap said, firmly putting the shotglass down. “You’re lucky we’re not playing any drinking games.”
You snatched the glass from him, ignoring his smug smile as you downed it, holding out your ahnd for a lime wedge. Soap dropped it into your hand quickly.
You laughed at some stupid joke he said, ignoring the stares on your back from the rest of the team. You couldn’t deny the fact that Soap could make you feel less…
You weren’t sure, but when you were with Soap, your past faded into the background. It wasn’t as important anymore. All the blood and fucking gore of it.
He wasn’t sure why, but he hated that she was laughing at Soap’s idiot jokes. Somehow, he had convinced her to get tipsy, and it was a good look on her.
She was pretty when she smiled. Not that she wasn’t without, but it made her look careless. At some point, she walked over to him, another shot glass in hand.
“Soap insists you drink another. He wants to see you tipsy.”
Ghost took the glass from her, ignoring the fact that he enjoyed their hands touching.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. Ghost paused.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re quiet. You always are, but you’re like… quiet tonight.” She said. He wanted to scoff at her.
“You and Johnny fucking?” he asked. He wasn’t sure why.
“What?” she asked. “Where the fuck is that coming from?”
“Don’t want my team messed up.”
“Oh in that case, you don’t have to worry Lieutenant.” She spat. Her entire body language had shifted in a moment, and it was telling Ghost to fuck off. “I’m going for a smoke.”
Ghost watched her storm out, before glancing over to Soap. He’d stilled his movements, looking after her.
Ghost followed a few seconds after, leaving the bar. She stood outside, clicking on her lighter angrily.
“Don’t fucking say anything stupid.” She told him, throwing the lighter away with a frustrated movement. Suddenly, Ghost surged forward, grabbing her jaw softly. He had to lean down to look at her, even if she wasn’t short.
“Wha-“ she began
“I thought you learned about all of this.” Ghost mumbled, suddenly unsure what to do. Her hands surged forward, pulling the lower half of his mask up.
His hand moved the back of her neck, covering pretty much all of it. He could taste the sourness of limes on her lips. Her lips were so soft Ghost thought he might forget about everything else.
He ghosted over her jaw, and felt the tenseness in it. Carefully, Ghost broke contact.
“Relax.” He told her.
“I am.”
“This isn’t a mission.”
“I just- I haven’t done this just for the sake of it.”
Shit. Ghost felt terrible when she said that.
“Don’t stop now.” She whispered, and Ghost obliged, his lips meeting hers again. Her jaw wasn’t as tense as it had been, and her arms hung loosely around his neck. Slowly, he let one of his hands slide down to her waist, pulling her in closely.
She let down a quiet oof as she hit his vest, letting him guide her towards the wall of the bar. His other hand pillowed her head, making sure that she would not hurt herself.
He hated to admit that kissing her was everything he wanted in that moment.
It was so perfect, the taste of her lips, her small hands on his chest and his own encircling her waist. Their closeness.
And then, the illusion shattered.
She sprang back from him, looking towards the door of the bar.
“Soap?” she asked, voice hoarse.
He’d only come out of the bar to check on her and Ghost, expecting them to be at each other’s throats. They were, just not the way he’d thought.
“Soap?” she asked, surprise apparent on her face. Ghost’s hand was still on her waist, but she’d backed away from him as soon as she’d heard his steps.
His stomach dropped. He wanted her. Simon fucking knew that. He’d wanted to do that to her since he’d met her, and he’d told Simon. He’d told him about what he thought of her and he did this?
And from the look on her face, she knew how he felt as well.
“Fuck you, Riley.” He spat, turning back around. Ghost stayed where he was, but she followed him.
“Please don’t go.” She said. “It was- I didn’t mean to-“
“What? You looked like you were about to fuck him right there.” Soap replied. He knew his accent was thick due to anger, and he didn’t care. He didn’t expect her to push him like a petulant child though.
Soap barely stumbled, and that only seemed to enrage her more.
“It was a heat of the moment thing!” she finally said. “He got me angry, and it worked, okay?”
“I don’t know why you’re so upset.” He finally replied. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“But I like you.” She blurted out. Soap blinked dumbly.
“Don’t make me say it again. It makes me sound so childish.” She said. Behind her, Ghost moved.
“So why’d you make out with him?” Soap asked. She didn’t reply, but for the first time since he’d met her, she blushed. Furiously.
He glanced over to Ghost, who towered behind her. He saw it too. Their eyes met, and Soap saw the idea that was coming to his mind mirrored in Ghost’s.
They’d never even come close to something like that, but maybe…
Softly, he tipped up her chin, There were the beginnings of tears in her eyes, but her cheeks were still flushed from kissing Ghost and the Tequila she’d had. Her pupils were still dilated.
She was so fucking hot.
He could share with Ghost.
This wasn’t the first kiss Soap had imagined, but imagination be damned, it was still fucking amazing. Soap pulled her closer by the loops in her belt, feeling her body press against him. Her hands grabbed his neck, pulling him closer.
Soap could practically feel Ghost hover behind her, feel the impatience rolling off of him.
“Let’s get outta here, yeah?” Soap offered, and she nodded, grabbing him by the hand. Ghost followed, putting a hand on his shoulder.
He leaned in, whispering. “She’s never had sex for the sake of sex.”
Soap nodded. If she knew they were talking about her, she ignored it.
“I wasn’t planning on not focusing on her.” He replied.
They found a dingy motel, and Soap barely managed to scrape money out of his wallet before he was already sprinting up the stairs to their hotel. The woman behind the desk gave them a look that told Ghost she knew exactly what they were planning.
Not that he cared much.
He caught up with her, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder. Soap shook his head, unlocking the door to their room as quickly as he could.
Ghost let her down on the bed, crashing lips onto lips. She gave a surprised squeak that turned into a moan as his hand wandered to her tits, greedily squeezing.
Blindly, she pulled Soap onto the bed, causing it to groan from the weight.
“Might break it if we keep going.” Soap said.
“That’s the goal.” She replied, before kissing him. Ghost didn’t know why he didn’t feel jealous but he was glad. Carefully, he set to work on pulling off her jacket, and then, her shirt.
He paused when he saw a massive scar, running from under her left breast until her hipbone. Ghost ran a thumb over it carefully. There was another, low on her stomach. Ghost didn’t want to think of where they’d come from. Kissing up her breasts, she felt her hands tug at his vest.
He shrugged it off, watching as she wrapped her legs around Soap’s waist, flipping him onto his back.
From under her hair, he saw the tattoo. It disappeared again when she leaned forward to suck on Soap’s neck, softly biting his shoulder.
Soap groaned and Ghost suddenly felt his pants grow uncomfortably tight.
He moved to kneel behind her, feeling her grind against the bulge in Soap’s pants. His hand snaked onto her neck, and she turned to kiss him.
“Good?” she asked. Simon and John nodded at the same time. She’s the most naked out of all of them, bra and pants still on, and God, it’s not enough for him. He picked her up, knowing exactly that she knew this was nothing for him, and beginning to open her pants.
Soap sat up, looking almost offended at being left out but then, he leaned back, giving her an appreciative smile.
Simon had almost managed to not feel guilty for making out with her behind the bar despite what Soap had told him.
She’s a pretty lass. I think she’d kill me if I told her.
That was the first thing Soap had told him, and Simon had silently agreed. He’d had no idea that Soap’s simple attraction would turn into a full-blown crush, like that of a lovesick teen. He’d had no idea that he’d follow so closely behind.
It had happened to him after the mess with the Red Room. She’d come out of Dreykov’s office, covered in blood, slick with it, and collapsed at his feet. He’d picked her up and carried her to the medics, but not before he’d caught a glimpse of the office.
Dreykov’s body, scattered across the room, his bodyguards dead with him.
He’d seen her carnal violence, and she’d held his hand afterwards, as they stitched her back together. Three bullets and six stab wounds, and she’d squeezed his hand so hard he was sure it would fall off.
They never spoke of it afterwards, but there was something there then.
There’s a moment of awkward rustling where Soap and Widow pull off their clothes, and Simon stands off to the side, unsure whether he should take his off as well.
Instead, he lowers himself to the end of the bed, pulling her towards him until her cunt is in front of his face. She crosses her legs for a moment, and Simon begins to work on her thighs. It takes her a moment, and then she lets him touch her.
Soap is somewhere above him, making out with her so intensely that Simon can see her chest heave with each breath. He’s so hard in his pants it almost hurts.
But this is about her. For her.
The first moan he coaxes from her is muffled, almost swallowed by Soap’s kiss, but the second comes more loudly. Simon stays where he is, until her legs wrap around his head with a trained strength and he can barely breathe.
He’d die happy between her legs.
Everything that’s happening turns into an avalanche once her clothes are off. She’s still sweaty from the bar and walking to the motel, but he couldn’t care less. Her tits are in his face – he has no right to.
Ghost is somewhere, doing something, and he can barely concentrate on what he’s doing with the sounds that are coming from her mouth. She’s not fragile – he knows she isn’t. And yet, he feels like he has to hold her like she’ll break apart.
“I want…” she begins, but trails off again, into another moan. Johnny throws a look behind his shoulder and sees her legs wrapped around Ghost’s head, so tightly that he isn’t sure his friend is still alive.
“What do you want?” he demands from her. She could ask anything from him right now. He’d shoot his own brains out if she wanted him to.
“Please, I need you.” She begs, and he thinks he’s going to lose his mind in this shitty motel.
Slowly, she lets Ghost go, and he stands up, pulling his mask over his face again. He’s still wearing his clothes.
Soap lets her get on top. Ghost is somewhere, holding her somehow, but all he can focus on is the feeling of him inside her. It’s never-ending, golden, and Soap knows nothing has felt more right.
“Fuck.” She mumbles, her arms shaking as she tries to steady herself on his shoulders. Ghost had done a number on her, and it looked amazing.
When she began to move, the scar on her stomach stretched, pulling on her skin. Soap wanted to take her away from it all. Him and Ghost, they could protect her. Let her truly retire.
She was younger than both of them, and had worked this kind of stuff long before them. Only Price had more experience.
Suddenly, she leans forward, her lips grazing his ear.
“Ghost feels a little left out.”
“We don’t want that, do we now?” he replies.
“I have something that might work.” She says, and Johnny trusts her. She turns around, offering her cunt to him from behind, facing Ghost. He takes out his cock, stroking leisurely, and Soap wants to gulp with her.
It’s fucking massive. She wants to suck him off when he’s that big?
But then she’s practically begging him to fill her cunt again, and all thoughts of possible or not possible are gone when he’s inside her.
He watches, through a haze, as Ghost feeds her his cock. She gags on it, and Johnny can feel himself twitch inside her. She feels it too.
Ghost is careful with her at first, whispering praises.
Good girl. You’re doing so well.
And then, he kind of forgets all about that, slowly guiding her head. The enormity of him causes her to rock back against Soap, and he wishes he could see her face.
He feels himself growing close, and suddenly he panics – there’s no condoms.
So he pulls out of her, and both Ghost and her halt their movements.
“You on the pill?” Soap asks quickly.
“I can’t have kids.” She replies. He halts at that for a moment, but then, she and Ghost are back at it, and he doesn’t want to miss out.
His hand snakes down to her belly, finding her clit. It causes her to clench around him and it takes Soap all of his willpower not to come then and there.
He doesn’t know where to look. The perfect fucking curve of her back. Her ass. Her face in Ghost’s crotch, taking him as if that wasn’t a fucking challenge.
Soap barely manages to coax an orgasm out of her before he cums. He's so close his brain has turned to mush. She shudders against him, and he has to hold her up, feeling her pretty ass bump against him, always begging for more. He gives as much as he can, making her moan around Ghost’s cock so loudly that the woman behind the desk downstairs has definitely heard.
One last time, he grabs her hips tightly, cumming inside her, before he pulls out and leans back.
He gets to enjoy the view as she continues to suck off Ghost, his cum dribbling out of her cunt. His handprints are on her hips, already beginning to bruise. Ghost doesn’t take much longer before he comes too, holding her head down. Soap hears her choke, and it’s enough to make him hard again.
She collapses onto the bed next to him, sweatier than before and hair in tangles thanks to Ghost.
Soap takes the stringy towel Ghost gets him from the bathroom, wiping down her thighs and offering it to her for her face.
“No need.” She says with a proud smirk.
“God, stop. You’ll be in for another round otherwise.”
Ghost sits on the bed across from them before she waves him over. It’s barely enough space, but she manages to squeeze between them. Soap scratches her back carefully, and she purrs like a cat.
“Was that good for a first?” Soap finally asks.
“Oh no it was totally terrible.” She answers, her voice sarcastic. “It’s not like I came all over your dick.”
“Jesus.” Ghost manages, but Soap sees his massive hand already on her ass.
“Round two?” Soap asks, and she gives him an adoring smile. There’s a moment where he feels himself falling in love with her even more, and maybe even with Ghost, for taking care of his girl.
“Give me a moment.” She says finally. “But yeah, let’s go for a round two.”
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lemoonthetwink · 8 months
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I'm going crazy for him that's quite concerning lmao but look at his smoochable face!! Look at him! Isn't he a beautiful sight to look at?
Also I forgot his vest pardon my mistake hihi but he's not even wearing it so it's not my fault
Oh I might do something for spooky season with Last Legacy characters, but I still need to think of it hehe surprise
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0oolookitsme · 2 years
A Messy Day
Type- One-Shot
Verse- Singer!Harry xCeo!Y/n
Word Count- 2.5k
Warnings- I literally never write angst and I guess it might be showing in this fic lmao.
A/N- I just hope you don't absolutely hate this, I just don't have any idea what couples would fight about, what would be a big or small deal for them! I already beg your pardon hahah <3
She doesn't know what she did that made him feel like that. She just cares for him and is in love with him- is that where she went wrong? Because if yes, then this might be the only mistake which will have wounded her so badly that she won't even speak to another human ever again.
She was just helping him calm down before the show, telling him all the positive things that could happen while he was on the stage as he was brushing his teeth. She was just coming onto the point of making memories when he just spat out the toothpaste, rinsed his mouth and went away humming back at her in a dismissive response.
She was left dumbfounded sitting on the bathroom counter, but she brushed it off thinking maybe he was just feeling better now. It hit her in the heart when she saw him rambling to Mitch instead and as much as she tried to cover up her disappointment by thinking that he maybe wanted some relatability, she couldn't help but leave the space immediately to just forget this ever happened.
And she had. Sitting on a wooden chair, she chatted away with the cooking crew to selfishly keep her mind away from the way Harry had stirred-up shit in the over-thinking part of her brain. But she was also curious to know about how it felt to cook at somewhere which isn't the most usual space for cooking and chef-ing around.
She had even befriended the female chef; Charlotte was her name. Charlotte had told her about her nickname often being 'chocolate' to sweeten y/n's mood. Maybe she had just sensed that something was off ...women things? Y/n has no idea.
"Is my soup ready?" Harry's head peeked inside the kitchen area and every head turned towards him except for y/n's as she truly cannot afford tearing up in front of so many people.
One of them chimed in to tell him that it isn't yet but should be in around five more minutes. "Can you bring it to my room, love?" He asked and there's no doubt he's talking to his girlfriend.
"Sure," she mumbles quietly, her back still turned to him. Hearing him pad away without much care about her strange behaviour towards him, she looked up again while inhaling deeply, trying to keep her emotions in control when all she wanted to do was lock herself up in a bathroom and cry.
Only Harry had this much control over her feelings, only him. No one could make her want to just cry this much but Harry, she realized today. No one could pull as many emotions out of her as he could- she knew that since before though. But all she can think of right now is them separating- him leaving her all alone to be specific, and regrets of opening up to him and letting her walls down for him start to fill in.
"You wanna try this and tell me how it tastes? I'm sure you have a pretty good taste," Charlotte pats her shoulders, causing her to blink out of the void.
"Of course," she perks up at the sound of food, getting off the chair. Somewhere inside, she's a lot grateful for Char, so she brushes her hand on her back, trying to let her know without having to say it out loud.
Turning to face y/n, Char hands her a small tea plate while mumbling 'here'. The loose liquid is moving around with ease in the circular utensil, so y/n can tell that it's the soup and not the curry to a dinner they'll be packing for the crew.
She carefully slurps on it and the hot feeling of it against the back of her throat makes her rolls her eyes at the back of head. It brings her comfort. "Fuck, this shit is so very good," she opens her eyes to look at a grinning Charlotte. "You were on the Vogue Magazine labeled as the best chef for a reason, eh?" She compliments the blushing chef.
Just as Char mutters a small 'thank you' Y/n realizes that she might be giving out wrong indications, especially with how close she's standing to her. "Sorry," she clears her throat while backing away a few steps while waiting for Char to pour the soup in a bowl so that she can take it to- oh hell no.
She'll do anything to avoid him right now but seeing everyone busy in something, she has to somehow work up the courage to face him.
Charlotte hums for y/n to take ahold of the bowl and she takes it graciously to feel the heat of the utensil in her palms for a mere while. With the spoon already dipped inside, she moves towards the exit with caution as to not move with too much movement or some soup might end up on floor- and she really doesn't want to increase someone's work in this already hectic schedule.
Taking a turn towards the room of the one and only, she knocks lightly before opening the door and placing her first step inside through the small gap between the door and its frame. Instantly the door is hardly pushed back to close it and she feels the muscles of her foot squish so hard that a hissed-yell escapes her mouth.
Just as she curses though, the person inside opens the door with a frown on their face. "Couldn't you have waited for me to open the door or at least told me that it's you? I'm literally in my briefs!" He whisper yells at her and a sheen layer of salty water spreads across her sight, making everything look blurry.
Usually, they both would've laughed at their silliness but not right now- not when some shit has already been churned up. They can't even make themselves fake smile at each other.
"Fuckin' shit Harry, no! You tell me to bring you your damn soup and expect a ghost to bring it to you?" She lightly yells at him, letting him take ahold of the bowl now. Just as he turns around to place his bowl on the vanity with a strange face, she runs away. She runs to save herself the dignity she's got and slams the bathroom door once she's in there.
Maybe they could've talked through their fight as he'd slurp on his soup and y/n would chew on some cashews, but there's no way she's going back so instantly now.
He's only been making her feel ashamed of herself since the fucking morning today and she can't bring herself to be vulnerable in front of him anymore for the day- hopefully. Why is she getting so fucking sensitive ever since he has entered her life, she has no idea and it's driving her insane. Maybe it's just her periods approaching but she can't help but accept that it's her Harry, her boyfriend, love of her life and fucking best friend who's made her feel like shit all day.
She looks up, facing the ceiling so that her tears don't slip out.
It all started this morning when she was just feeling generous with affections and maybe he was feeling like an adult, not liking her 'child-like' behaviour. Yep, he had asked her "You're acting so childish today, everything Okay?" when all she wanted to do was make a fountain on the top of his head.
She had laughed it off in the moment, but she just gets it now.
Breathing in and out while her tears get soaked back in, she thinks about every fun memory she can and passes herself a sweet smile in the mirror, waiting till her nose returns back to its normal and she suddenly starts looking pretty.
She opens the door and moves towards his room again, the pain in her foot having been thought away as she knocks and waits for him to open the door.
When Harry does open the door wide enough for her to enter, she slides in quickly, skidding on her socks quickly towards the sofa and picks up her backpack.
"Where are you going?" He asks her in a not-so-sweet-tone when he notices her slipping out of the room quietly and exhales in annoyance when she doesn't reply. All he wants is a quiet-cuddle session with his girlfriend, but she just can't stop talking and acting like a child. He's been waiting all day for her to realize that he's feeling down and needy and wants her warmth. Key word: realize; for her to realize without him having told her anything, not even a damn hint.
He's an adult, he should just spit it out and set things straight in front of her, tell her what he wants but no- he feels like a child who just wants to feel understood, so when she tries to provide him some good company by simply providing him with her love, he decides that she's the one acting childish.
He has no idea why he wants to feel understood; he clearly is by the people who he loves. And that's when he realizes, he is just playing around by not telling what he wants and is getting grumpier when the person he wants doesn't read his mind.
He guesses he's the one on the bad side right now, but that doesn't make him go and run for y/n because he's in his egotistic maniac mindset right now.
So, because his girlfriend ignoring him stroke his ego really bad, he sits down on the couch and finishes the rest of the soup which seems to have gotten absolutely cold by now. But that doesn't mean it isn't affecting the weird sensation on his tongue, which had gotten burnt during the early slurps of the soup.
He starts mumbling incoherent things randomly, shit-talking about everyone else to make himself better.
When y/n's head bobs in through the door again, he's ready to not react to her dismissing him but when she silently picks up her laptop's charger and moves to exit the room again, he bursts.
"Can you not give me the silent-treatment? Maybe just act like the grownup you are and tell me what's wrong?" He picks on her, setting out the words clearly pointing towards him to refer to her. And boy does he shrink on the inside when she scoffs.
But his words continuously fall deaf on Y/n's ears, as they are flooded by the sound of her own heartbeat racing and blood pumping through her arteries while she vigorously scratches that part of her brain internally which is playing the words that spilled from his mouth accidently on repeat; to get them erased from where they seem to have also imprinted themselves.
"Just shut up, y/n!" He had shouted at her when she was in the midst of telling him about a joke on their way here- and it honestly didn't affect her as much as the words he muttered under his breath while turning away from her to face the window instead did. "Don't even know why I brought y' with me. All you've been doing is treat me like a damn child and act childish yourself."
Trust her, she was trying to keep her mind off these moments but this one just won't leave her alone.
"Harry, do you realize who the fuck is being a child right now? It's you! Cause if you really were acting like an adult, you wouldn't need me to tell you what the fuck's wrong."
But it's all a game of better comebacks now, and y/n is not going to back down.
"All you have done today is make my day shit when all I did was try to make yours better. You made me feel fucking ashamed of myself, H." She gritted out the last part, tears brimming up to her waterline again as she tries to blink them away but fails. And she can see the alarm on his face, in his eyes but she cannot give two fucks right now. Perhaps, he realized that he was being a bitch?
"Love- I... I'm so sorry." He gets up, hurrying towards y/n to enclose his arms around her and when she doesn't push him away but continues to tell him about everything he told her that hurt her, he feels a knife twisting in through his stomach. He's just disgusted by himself that he made her cry. The woman he swore to keep happy- he made her cry.
When he hugs her, y/n can't help but feel like this fight is slipping out of her fist and being pushed under the carpet because she just started crying. But maybe this actually isn't as much of a big deal she's making it out to be.
"I know I disrespected you, and I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm the one who didn't communicate properly and expected you to read my mind," he shushes her, rubbing her back as she wipes her tears away.
At least he set the things out for her to learn what's wrong after seeing her cry, so that's a win. But she shouldn't have to cry to get him to fucking set things out.
She chuckles dryly at this. "You seriously made me think that you were gonna leave me simply because you didn't feel comfortable enough to communicate with me... Also, is that supposed to make me feel better? Because it is clearly not." She says, pressing her forearms on his chest to push him away.
"Lovie- don't be so hard on me, I'm sorry! I didn't realize what I was doing and-and why would you think I'm gonna leave you? Baby that's never happening, you're seriously stuck with me now 'cause my clingy ass ain't gonna leave you, nah." He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Her eyes light up slightly at the affirmation but her face is still looking like a carved stone right now. A smile tugs at the corner of her lips but she settles it down by rolling her lips in. "I'm not going to forgive you so easily, H. I won't make a big deal out of this. You were feeling needy and felt that it'd be childish of you to just ask for what you wanted," she stopped to catch her breath. "I may have over-thought it all a little, but it still doesn't dismiss the feeling of me hurt. So, let's get it straight," she stops again to create some suspense as she makes a mischievous eye contact with him.
"First: I'm not scratching your scalp for a week. Second: No kisses till the next show is over. Third, dare you ask me to tell you jokes and lastly, I am not humming songs to you till you sleep because I'm a kid and well, it's adults who sing kids to sleep."
"You did not just make that third rule and say that!"
She giggles as she parts to move out of the room. "Could say the same for every time you opened your mouth in front of me today, Styles."
Going over all the rules in his head, Harry just knows that he indeed truly messed up today.
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evan4ever · 1 year
I wanted to request a fic for warren, one where maybe the reader and he are exes but the night before the heist he goes to see her one last time just incase the plan goes wrong and they get caught and pff jail time (pls make her fiesty and not fall for him immediately lmao)
If You Love Me
— Warren Lipka x reader
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Warnings: little bit of angst, heartbreak, talking about the heist so robbery/theft
a/n: thank you for your kind words!! 🥺 and for the request, I loved writing this!! Not proofread so pardon any mistakes. I hope this is what you were looking for!! 🤍
It’s been months since you’ve seen Warren, your ex. After a 3 year relationship and Warren becoming more and more danger driven, you couldn’t do it anymore. It led to constant fighting, constant worry, constant running from someone — cops included. It wasn’t what you signed up for and it was draining and eventually, you couldn’t do it anymore. So you ended things with him and for your own sake, you never looked back. Until tonight.
It was late, 11pm. You were in your usual sleepwear — large tshirt and shorts. Your hair up in a messy bun and makeup off revealing your natural face. You definitely weren’t expecting to see anyone tonight considering you were readying yourself for bed, but your plans quickly changed when you heard a knock at your door.
You glanced at the time on your phone and furrowed your brows together confused, but made your way to the door anyways. You didn’t have a peep hole and your window didn’t allow you to see who could be standing at your door, so you answered hesitantly after being sure you had something near you for defense just in case. Could never be too safe.
Though when you finally opened the door just enough to see who it was, you saw your ex. You could tell he was just as hesitant and maybe even a bit nervous. You squinted your eyes curiously to yourself before opening the door completely so you could stand before each other, crossing your arms in the process. You didn’t hold any ever anymore, but you weren’t ready to face him quite yet so this was a surprise.
“Hi. Hey. Just hear me out” he held his arms up in defense before you’d decide to close the door on him. You sighed and shook your head.
“What are you doing here Warren?” You questioned in a tired annoyance. “I was about to go to bed.”
“Sorry. It’s late I know. And I’m probably the last person you want to see —“
“What are you doing here” you cut him off, questioning him again not in the mood for his rambling.
He stayed silent for a moment, your eyes taking note of his obvious inability to stay, his nerves maybe? You could tell he was nervous but you weren’t sure what about. After another moment of silence, you sighed more loudly and stepped aside allowing him to enter your home, which he quickly obliged, walking past you and straight to your kitchen where he began pacing. You closed your door slowly and made your way into the kitchen, leaning against the counter while watching him.
“What’s going on?” You could tell something was wrong, not a surprise when it came to him, but he was obviously in panic mode and he was here for a reason and you quickly grew eager to know. “Warren.”
He stopped and turned towards you, an unreadable expression on his face which only concerned you further. You raised your eyebrows urging him to speak up.
“We’re going through with the heist tomorrow night.”
Your eyes widened in the bringing up of the heist, something you hadn’t heard for months. Warren and Spencer had mentioned it a few times but never went through with it, which you were grateful for. You had no idea they’d decide to go through with it eventually. The idea scared you, for his safety, for his freedom. There’d be no going back if they were to get caught, he’d go away for at least half of his life if not all of it.
“Okay.. why are you telling me this? You know how —“
“I know how you feel about it I get it and I’m not asking you to come along. I just… I had to see you before. I needed to.” You pressed your eyebrows together tightly as you thiught over what he had just said. It didn’t make sense, he didn’t owe you anything, you made it clear that you weren’t going to stop him but that you weren’t going to stay to watch him destroy his life. He owed you nothing and coming to you the night before he robbed a place of the most valuable books one could own just didn’t make sense. You honestly didn’t want to know, because you knew that you’d worry the entire time and once again be in the spot that you pride yourself from despite being so in love with the man in front of you. Your peace at mind was important and with Warren it was nonexistent.
“Why?” You whispered, your eyes closed at this point so you wouldn’t have to look at him. You already felt sick, and it led to an intense anger that he’d do this to you after you made yourself clear months ago. “Why would you do this to me again after I told you I wanted no part, including being informed of your reckless decisions?”
“Y/n I just had to see you, that’s all. In case things go bad, in case we get caught and I go away for life. I needed to see you one last time.” He spoke slowly, cautiously, but full of truth and sincerity. Your eyes were still closed and you didn’t dare open them knowing they were already full of tears that would shed if you did.
“You’re a fucking asshole Warren” you still spoke in a whisper, your anger seeping through with every word. Warrens looked down immediately, knowing coming to you would put you in a fit of rage. He couldn’t help himself, he was still so in love with you and so angry at himself for choosing his bad decisions and ideas over you, for choosing money and recklessness over you. He blamed himself entirely when you walked away, but he never fell out of love with you.
“It’s stupid.” You snapped, Warren looking up to meet your now open and angry eyes. “Your idea? It’s stupid. You value the wrong things in your life and you don’t even see it?” You spoke in disbelief and disgust. Warren pressed his lips together tightly deciding to let you speak without objection. “Did you think I was going to talk you out of it? Is that what you came here looking for? Because you’re wasting your time. I’m done trying to help you. I’m done trying to pull you away from the edge. If you want to fuck your life up, that’s on you.” You had made your way toward him at this point, ending your statement with a finger jab to his chest. Your eyes were on his, staring daggers into them. Angry ones. You showed no remorse, no sympathy, just anger.
He swallowed the lump in his throat but nodded. “I didn’t come here for you to talk me out of it. It’s a done deal, the decision was made. We’re going tomorrow night. Please, y/n.. I just needed to see you before.”
“So you could interrupt my peaceful life?!” You shouted and he quickly shook his head.
“No! That’s not what I was meaning to do.” He defended and you just shook your head with a scoff, still unbelieving. “I wanted..” he started and trailed off, you looking back at him and once again crossing your arms and raising your eyebrows waiting to hear what else he has to say. He’s already managed to piss you off, you were curious just what more he could possibly do. “Look. If things go good, if we don’t get caught, then I’m done, okay? I’m done with the risks and the danger. I’ll be ready to put all of it behind me.”
“And what? You want me to come back to you, trusting that you won’t fuck up some more?” You asked mockingly, but when he didn’t say anything, your face dropped more and your jaw clenched. “Are you kidding me?”
“We can try again! I’ll do it right this time, I’ll put you first and I’ll never put either of our lives at risk. I swear to you.” He pleaded, but you just shook your head and let out a huff. You just simply couldn’t believe him.
“I think you need to leave.” You said, not looking at him though his eyes scanned your face worriedly.
“No wait just, Jesus Christ, just hear me out y/n!” He raised his voice now in realizing you were standing your ground.
“I don’t want to hear you out Warren!” You screamed back. “I don’t fucking trust you? Since walking away from you, my life has been good! I’ve been good! I can’t believe you actually want me to even think about going back to that?!”
“It won’t be like that! That’s what I’m trying to say if you’d just listen to me!”
“I’m done listening to you. I want no part of this, I want no part of you. I’m trying so hard to heal the parts of my life that you managed to break! And here you are, telling me your about to rob a freaking school and wanting me to come running back to you IF you don’t get get caught. That’s a big if. You want me to sit here over the next 36 hours wondering whether your plan is going to work, waiting to hear whether you’re going to prison or not, and then come back to you IF you don’t fail. Do you hear how fucked up that sounds?”
Warren just stood there, realizing that it does sound crazy and that it’s a big ask. But he had to try. He felt he’d succeed with the heist if he knew he had you there ready for him to scoop up and take home after. It was like a motivation. He wanted you back so badly, and he hated himself for not being able to just choose you. He hated that that couldn’t be enough, and he was making that clear to you by asking you to take him back if he managed to succeed. It was fucked up.
“I don’t want this anymore Warren.” You started again slowly, much quieter than before. He glanced up at your eyes but stayed silent. “I don’t want you anymore.” He felt the air leave his lungs, as if he was unable to take a breath because your words robbed him of the ability. You watched his face turn as he looked away from you, eyebrows furrowed in hurt and anger now. How could you not want him when he wanted you so much? “I’m not risking my sanity for you. I don’t care how many times you tell me it won’t be like it was, I refuse to put myself back into that spot. And if you love me..” you sighed now looking down at your feet feeling the lump in your throat grow larger and clearing your throat to rid it, “if you love me, you’ll leave me alone.”
The words stung as they left your mouth, a taste of metallic burning your tongue and your mouth going dry. It fucking hurt you to be the bad guy here when you were so in love with him. You’ve been through this before. You thought it was done and that you’d never have to do it again, but here you were, repeating the same painful words, making the man you love walk out of your life this time, feeling your heart break all over again. But you just couldn’t do it.
You held your ground, though, not saying another word so you would stick to your previous ones. It was silent again. Warren just staring at you as you stared at the ground feeling his eyes burning into you as if you’d change your mind the longer they burned you. But you wouldn’t, and he realized it, finally looking away from you and allowing you to let out the breath you held.
“If that’s what you want—“
“It is.” You confirmed, his eyes flickering back to you before blinking away and nodding. He began for the door, slowly, each step sending a pain through your whole body but holding yourself to your word. You weren’t about to go back on them now and make yourself look weak.
When he reached your front door, you still standing in your kitchen but able to see him, he grabbed the knob and turned it, pulling the door open.
“Warren” you called out, his head turning to you with raised eyebrows. They weren’t hopeful, he knew you weren’t changing your mind, but he wanted to know what you had to say. “Be careful.”
He blinked a few more times surprised at your request. It hurt, still. It felt like someone squeezed his heart and it dropped into his stomach. But he gave you a tight lipped smile and a single nod, you returning it, before he turned back and walked out the door closing it behind him, leaving you alone in your home.
The second you were alone, you let out a muffled sob, your hand flying to your mouth and holding it in an attempt of quieting yourself or hold it in while your other arm hugged yourself tightly.
Your heart shattered once again, you wanted nothing more than to run into Warrens warm arms, feel him again, openly love him again. And it sent pains throughout your chest to have watched him walk out per your request. But he loved you, he proved that by leaving you alone. And you were grateful that he didn’t insist more, respecting your choice. But it still fucking hurt.
Tags: @evanpetersmood @witchsbitchestime @demxnicprxncess @yes-divine-ruler @shjjpm @evanpsrealwife @iruzias @jangsuzchap @quicksilversg1rl @submissiveforahsmen @angelmenace @lovelizzie-blog1 @justa19 @daylas-life @simp4petermaximoff @totta69
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sugarcanehoes · 7 days
i'm watching scar's pov of the mcc he played last year with tubbo antfrost and bekyamon and i'm gonna use this to note down Things That Made Me Feel Something (mostly fawning over scar and Tubscar Propaganda TM)
warning for a Very Long Post ahead bc i got carried away lmao
scar drinking water with a spoon
the whole "leaning over helps you swallow" bit
scar: no chat don't start with the 'sand daddy' / tubbo: sand daddy? i beg your pardon?
tubbo: can we- are we gonna talk about the social implications of the term Sand Daddy? / scar: you gotta live a little, tubbo
scar asking if tubbo has slept <3
everyone using 'they' pronouns for everybody else just. idk it makes me happy
parkour tag screams primal hunt play to me. i think there's something here.
tubbo praising scar for surviving the whole round ghh
also tubbo saying he always feels the need to pee when he's nervous??? There's Something Here.
tubbo yelling out an OH FUCK and then apologizing profusely and scar saying 'no no you're good no apologies allowed' HJSDJGHK pure gold. i love Them
tubbo's psychic services <3
scar: Expert Sand Daddy Here
scar: we made some mistakes / tubbo: it's alright scar (3x) you're a king (multiple times)
i don't understand a single thing they are saying about the games 🧍 ant talks sO FAST omg
scar: i got a kill!! ....myself...
tubbo: i'm saying that soMEONE WAS ACTUALLY FUCKING WITH ME oh sorry scar sorry sorry sorry
the whole slushy bit is too cute i am crying i love Them
OHHH SCAR'S ADVICE ABOUT WIGGLING THE TOES TO RELEASE STRESS!!!! omg it was over a year ago and tubbo still remembers it... gay
scar: the dyslexic duo (referring to him and tubbo)
scar not remembering one map of tgttos from tubbo's video... "what was i doing? i didn't see it".... oh mr goodtimes i know what you were doing and i know what you are.
everyone rooting for false at the end was so sweet aaa
not tubscar saying bye to beky and ant and IMMEDIATELY planning a date to smash their go xlr's in the forest together (which honestly just sounds like an euphemism)
whenever tubbo says something like "what about [xyz] scar? tell me about it" it's so sdfgfhshjk he's always so interested in what scar has to say
tubbo saying he's going back to the mcc lobby to say hi to scar... clingy
tubbo: scar has the BEST metagame strats
scar explaining the mattress store bit to tubbo is just hjshgjkgs and tubbo being like "you can say bull fighters i think it's easier to pronounce it"
scar being utterly amazed at tubbo's stream stamina
scar venting to tubbo is just. this shouldn't make me feel anything but i. i am thinking. and Thinking.
scar: oh i'm about to get nerdy / tubbo: [giggles]
scar telling tubbo all the Hermitcraft Shenanigans and tubbo being like wait what?. yeah tubbo me too
TUBBO IN HERMITCRAFT I AM CRYING that would be the bestest day of my life why didn't it happen I'M GONNA SCREAMmmMMM scar quit being an old man and remember your promises man. whitelist Tubbo_ NOW.
scar: tubbo is the nicest guy in the world, i always love hanging out with him <3
i have no fucking clue what scar is talking about (star wars) but i could listen to him talking 24/7. my man should have a podcast or an asmr channel or smth because his voice is just so. So. i love you mr goodtimes
scar: i'm such a nerd
scar is a disney adult but like. underground syndrome disney adult. i don't know if this is funny or terrible
scar ended the stream and raided tubbo!! they are too sweet i'm gonna cry <3
well that was 4 hours well spent! i'll be thinking about All Of This now.
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adambja · 7 months
It's a quit a long post so in sorry for that and I'm not a native English speaker so please pardon my mistakes......
Hey girl , I have a question and it's not related to aff tapes but I want to ask you this question to know your opinion and hope you give me a solution and guide me on this ..... So
To be very honest i manifest so many things in my life ,
I even shift one time ,
Enter in void state also by doing psych k method i think after 2 and half day ,
Even get results by practising living in the present moment ,
Even I get results from your free tapes.
I'm telling you to know I get results and not telling lie and things that i manifest , good friends to good grades to pass in exams or even allow to sit in exams even after not going clg entire year 😅 and for all this I have all my desires so smoothly even just my laptop have internet when whole hostel don't have and so many more fun things and all......
As for live in the present moment - In my check up I diagnosed diabetic but through live in the present moment I heal myself and when I do next day check up I'm completely healthy...
As for your tape come on girl ... There are so many , don't know where to start 🤣🤣🤣 ....anyways so many things
But my main problem is whenever I tell , share my success stories to anyone it stops happening 😭😭😭 I don't believe in it before but i shift and I tell a friend about it till now I don't shift , it's like 2 yrs now ....
Tell my void success story even just as an anon but still after that I didn't enter in void ....
After telling your aff tape success story I start having more doubts or even sometimes I can't even listen to your tape because people district me or start talking to me and want me to answer them but i prefer to listen to it calmly and be alone , all the symptoms i feel suddenly gone .....
After sharing my present moment success story I don't see any results till now .... Not even with the psych method....
At first i just thought that I don't do it properly or maybe I tell my success story to someone who is a negative person and can't understand all of this law and all so it's effect my process because I'm not perfect in it ( it's a wrong and limiting belief ) ...So i decided if i want to tell someone my success story or tell someone my journey I'll just tell it to people who is like me ... So in the community..... But even after telling people like me ( who believe in loa , manifestation and all ) I still get stuck ..... And I tell my success stories to people who help me and to help others but what now ...... Today i suddenly see all things .......
So what should I do to overcome ...😭😭😭
Thank you for taking your time to read ..... I'm sorry again...
I saw some people on here and twitter having the same issue lmao 😭😭
It's just you are making yourself stuck due to your self-concept you keep putting yourself in a maze and confusion due to your self-concept and it's not about my tape at all BUT I AM GLAD MY TAPES MADE YOU COME HERE AND ASK FOR A SOLUTION 😭!!! BECAUSE YOU KNOW NOW THERE IS A WEIRD THING HAPPENING AND THIS IS one of the benefits in the tape your subconscious mind literally lets you know what is the issue and the assumptions you have to change that's why some people experienced some negativity while listening to the tapes NOT EVERYONE THEY ARE LITERALLY 3 PEOPLE GUYS!!
Anyways let's get deeper into this!
So look you got that belief from someone as if it's like if you say your goals or your success stories they can be jinxed and whatever this is
THE FEELING YOU ARE DEALING WITH HERE IS "FEAR" YOU ARE JUST SCARED OF IT and it's okay your feelings are valid but jinxing isn't even real because nobody is real 😭😭 because THE REALITY ITSELF ISN'T REAL SO YOU ARE LITERALLY SAFE
How to solve this?
"I am safe"
"I am comfortable"
"I am safe saying my success stories to everyone"
"I am comfortable saying my success stories to everyone"
Also congrats on your success stories with my tapes hehehe 🤭🫶🏻 I know you will have more after this
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funfetticandle · 1 year
Tmnt reaction to fusing with the reader ——> plot || the reader and the turtle of chose are out at night on a roof date their favorite song starts playing and they start dancing with each other which leads them to fusing together || -🪱anon
hello! thanks for the request! I’m actually kind of biased whether or not I’m proud of this one, but oh well TvT I’m assuming you mean rise, so that’s what I’m going with (apologies if it wasn’t). I take that this was inspired by Steven Universe, which I haven’t watched in literal YEARS, so pardon any small mistakes lmao ;^;
Who: Rise!Tmnt x Gn! Reader
What: Going on a date night with your favourite turtle, you dance the night away… resulting in the two of you taking the phrase “dance together” a little too accurately.
When: after the events of the movie
Warnings: cursing, just basically the turtles being lovey dovey idiots (may be slightly ooc if you’re imagining it with Donnie)
Not proofread so bare with me here-
Dance The Night Away
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You let out a small laugh as you felt cool hands cover your eyes, your vision now tinted green. You were chilling in your apartment, your computer open in front of you as you tried to study, but as soon as you heard his voice in your ear, the need to do homework suddenly dissipated.
“Guess who,” he joked quietly. You let out a small hum, tilting your head to the side.
“No idea..” you smiled playfully. “I’m stumped on this one.”
Letting out a chuckle, he lifted his fingers from your face, the bright light of your apartment flooding into your vision. “Come on,” he said, opening your window.
Taking his hand, you stepped out of the small living space, letting the cool air hit your face as you balanced yourself on the small balcony. You watched as he hopped up onto your roof, a grin clear on his face as he stuck his hand out for you to take once again.
Once your fingers enveloped his, he pulled you up gently, causing a startled yelp to race out your throat. “Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, continuing to guide you up the roof.
“Listen, I’m all for figuring out mysteries on my own, but I might need a little help on this one,” you said, carefully walking across the roof. “Whaddya have in store for me today?”
“You’ll see,” he replied, his grip tight on your hand as he spared an excited look back your way. Confusion filled your senses, but as he stopped walking, moving to the left so you could see what he had prepared, you gasped in delight.
A small picnic blanket was draped over the hard surface of the roof, a pizza box open on it and a small lantern placed on the corner. His phone was set down on the blanket, it’s dark screen shining. The moons soft, baby blue light bathed over it all, creating the perfect, romantic illusion.
At your silence, he felt his nerves bundle. “Sorry, do you not like it? The pizza may have gotten cold, so-”
You shushed his rambling, a shy smile on your face as you looked at him. “It’s perfect,” you said softly. “Where did you find the time to do all of this?”
He shrugged, a timid smile on his face. “Just thought you deserved it. Here, come sit,” he said, putting a hand on your back as he plopped down onto the blanket, with you following suit soon after.
Grabbing a slice, you leaned into him, snuggling your head into his plastron. “I don’t think I deserve you,” you muttered softly.
“What utter nonsense,” he replied, leaning the side of his head onto yours. The cars honked as they sped by below you two, and a crowd was bustling with activity. Their words jumbled into each other, conversation mixing with conversation. The silence spread between you and him, creating a quiet atmosphere.
You paused, hearing the faint tune of music waft its way into your ears. You looked up at him, and saw his fingers on his phone, playing your favourite playlist, dedicated just to you.
You let joy flood your features as you recognized the lyrics and rhythm of Cherry Wine by grentperez, echoing in the air. Seeing your reaction, he laughed, standing up and leaning down dramatically, one hand behind his back and the other extended out to you. “May I have this dance?” He asked, cocking his head to one side.
“You may,” you snickered, standing up and grazing your fingers with his. At that, he snatched your wrist and spun you around, an action so sudden you let out a shriek, laughing at his antics.
You two swayed along to the music, happiness evident on both of your guy’s faces, joking and cackling when one of you stepped on each others feet. At one point, you accidentally kicked his shin, in which he squawked girlishly at. This earned a loud wheeze from you, stumbling back as you held your stomach, never ending laughter pouring out of your mouth.
Looking up (big mistake), you gasped playfully as he let out a war cry, charging at you, tackling you so you landed in his arms. He squeezed you tight, chuckling as he twirled around multiple times.
Shouts and giggles from you and him mixed into each other as a sudden, almost euphoric feeling overcame the two of you, your laughter becoming faint as his echoed in your ears. A burst of light took your vision, shaking your senses as strange feelings erupted in your brain. You didn’t quite black out, no, but as you felt your body on the cold, flat roof, you began to have a theory you did.
And why did you feel so sleepy? You groggily opened your eyes, and blinked as the midnight light hit you. As you stood up, you felt even more confused. Why were you barefoot? What was happening?
Turning to his phone, still on the mat, you picked it up and went to Camera.
You stared at your appearance.
Then, you screamed.
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He stared in disbelief at what was before him.
“(Name?)” he whispered in a voice that wasn’t quite his.
“Leo?” You shrieked, in the same voice.
Oh shitttttttt
Once the temporary shock wears off, this man is stoked tbh
This is cool! He actually looks human, without a cloaking brooch!
Your guys fusion is human, with your skin colour and hair colour, but with his features and marks. They aren’t red, obviously, but they’re a darker shade of (s/c) to look more natural.
You guys struggle a fuckton while trying to get up to walk
Leo is very used to having his usual gliding stride to walk around, so it’ll kind of look like one of your guy’s leg is having a spasm for a sec lmfao
Once y’all get the hang of it, he wants to have some fun first (take this sexually and I will bite you)
Come on! This is probably the one time he’ll get to fit in! Can you blame him?
You two go to any places that aren’t closed for the night
Luckily, there’s a mall nearby
Y’all steal stuff from there lmfao 💀
Since you don’t have money, nor does he
Anyway, afterwards you two go to Donnie for help back at the lair (after some convincing that you guys aren’t just some random human)
Overall, he had fun
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At first, this man refuses to believe it
Pinches himself to see if he’s dreaming
He has to be dreaming, he has to be dreaming-
“OW! Donnie, cut it out!”
Aw shit he isn’t :0
Your guy’s fusion is a turtle mutant, like Donnie
But they do have distinct marks like you do
Moles, birthmarks, etc.
Also the mask is the colour of your shirt
No eyebrows (much to Donnie’s dismay)
It did keep his battle shell, though
You kinda had a moment where u realized how strong Donnie must be to carry and fight with that on
Prepare yourself, because that shit is HEAVY
“You’ll get used to it, don’t worry”
He says as if it’s not your first time carrying fucking 30 pounds on your back
Because he is who he is, he immediately goes back to the lair to unfuse you guys
It takes some time, but it works
Afterwards, he looks into how the hell you two managed to fuse
No mystic magic was involved, so no to that
Maybe something he had on him in the moment-?
WaIt, MaYBe ThE PiZzA wAs pOisOnEd-
“Donnie. Calm down,” you have to remind him for the fourth time this week.
Overall, found it interesting.
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Unlike the others, he doesn’t go through that initial shock
this man is STOKED
you have to remind him to turn it down, because you can still hear his thoughts too
It’s just “oh mi gosh! This is so cool! Am I human or a mutant? Will people notice something’s wrong? OH MY GOD IM SO TALL-”
Mikey. Baby boy. Turn it down for christs sake
Your guys fusion is human, with freckles all around the body to represent his markings
Luckily, you guys didn’t get the short end of the straw, because u two turned out tall in the fusion
Thank god lmao (listen I love mikey but he is SO SHORT-)
He isn’t used to having such long legs, so he stumbles a bit but gets used to it (“wow, this must be what raph feels like-”)
Doesn’t exactly go places, just walks around for a bit
That’s really exciting for him too, because he isn’t used to being able to go in crowds
Loves the way you two’s fusion sounds like
Makes random noises to test it out and listen lmao-
Once you two get back to the lair, he wants to test out his skateboarding skills as a human before he sees Donnie
(Plot twist: u two sucked)
Once you and him unfuse, he’s kinda disappointed but knows it’s for the best
Overall, he didn’t mind the whole situation ;)
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This poor man is so freaked out
Doesn’t get used to it at. All.
Wants to get unfused right away lmao
Not that he doesn’t like being with you! It’s just a weird sensation to be in a body that isn’t exactly his
Your guys fusion is also human, but like, a really, really tall human
Like, 7’0
They have enlarged hands and feet, to represent Raphs size
But not too big it looks unnatural
Raph doesn’t wanna wander around— just wants to get home
When his brothers ask you two to explain, he’s just this blabbering mess of panic
“We were just on the roof, having fun, and then we both fell asleep, and then woke up in a body that wasn’t ours, then fell over, AND THEN-”
Eventually just hands the mic to you and gives up
While waiting for Donnie to unfuse you two, he kinda just. Sits there.
Let’s you have free reign with the body
Though, I’m not sure you could do much when two of your limbs are limp
Your guys voice is kinda weird
Like, it has your voice’s pitch, but his voice’s roughness
So if you have a really high pitched voice, you’ll just sound like a really threatening anime girl lmfao
Overall, he didn’t like it :/
“Wanna try it again?” — Y/N
“For educational purposes.”
“NO- I mean, no thanks, (name).”
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that-gay-jedi · 9 months
can i pls see ur necklace? it seems cool :)
Sure! (Pardon the immense amount of orange/white cat hair on black lmao) I assume most people who casually see me irl probably mistake Her for the virgin Mary and wonder why tf the least churchy person they've ever met would wear that but 'tis actually a depiction of Hestia (Vesta).
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panda-of-the-trash · 3 months
"I beg your fucking pardon?" I started to panic with cross like it was my mistake too. Made me wanna recount everything i did and see what all i had to apologise for. That got me searching for a reason why i said it and i wasnt even there X]
(Sorry if this is annoying im trying to draw fan art and hdty is all im thinking about rn)
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gendrie · 11 months
tyrion vii
is it wrong that i think tyrion poisoning cers is funny?
lancel is so dumb and he was turned so easily. he was one of cersei's biggest mistakes
"knighthood is nothing" true
tyrions like. i feel bad about playing the game but im gonna play it! he reflects - accurately imo - on why ned and jon both fell before him too.
"it is not what we do, so much as why we do it" hmm
tyrion is preoccupied with being "faithful" to shae. mess.
at least alayaya gets to take a nap
not tyrion hiring ugly gay guards
"concubine" ok............
well, he's in love
arya vii
arya is officially in her cinderella era
everyone: oohh the castle is haunted. / arya: its the wind dumbasses 
she even notes the direction that causes it and that its going thru the cracks in the stone where they broke from fire. observant af
"it was the living men she feared"
arya is already concerned that she will "forget" those on her list. which i think speaks to how she feels responsible to right the wrongs she’s witnessing while imprisoned. its such a heavy burden for her to carry tho 
harrenhal’s stable can hold 1000 horses and its great hall has 30+ hearths. everything is built to an "inhuman scale" so cool
the cooks spit in harys swyft's food lmao 
beric's resurrections are well known already
arya is one of the few povs? to be familiar with the dothraki before even stepping foot in essos
the show robbed us of zebras!
swyft’s squire got stabbed to death. nonstop Ls for this guy
“i'll kiss her and beg her pardons like a proper lady, she'll like that.” so sweet but it does bug me that theres absolutely nothing on sansa’s end to compare with this. 
alright we got 3 dozen northern captives in the house: freys, manderly, karstark, cerwyn
she thinks lord cerwyn would be "honor bound to help her" baby not every northern lord is like your dad
she also thinks about ned saying sellswords will betray anyone for enough gold. not untrue and good to keep in mind. she thinks a lot about ned’s lessons in this chapter. 
and lord cerwyn is dead. arya remembers she cant rely on anyone for help
wolf dream!
"i was always a girl" this line serves as meta commentary bc despite a certain level of non conformity and temporarily concealing her gender arya's arc is still defined by the experience of being female and furthermore-
i really think arya is going to end up in a similar situation in braavos with arya stealing from *the many faced god (*you can tell the FM were not that developed here with the red god reference)
chiswyck's story is truly one of the most disgusting things ive read in asoiaf......arya would be justified in ripping out these guys throats with her teeth
she refuses to talk to the soldiers and gets beaten bc of it
they didnt just rape a child but killed her brother and tormented a whole family. how do you process and cope with that (and the fact that it goes unpunished!) when its happening right in front of you? it would be weird if arya WASN’T angry about it 
and that night there was one less name to hate!!!!!!!! 
catelyn iii
brienne, melisandre, and catelyn in the SAME scene???? showstopping!
catelyn got the worst job in westeros: playing mommy to a couple of manbabies
baratheon bros couldnt just tolerate each other huh
trying to think of one sibling reunion in asoiaf that hasnt ended poorly? 
catelyn @ renly: you should pray.....that you grow a brain! renly decided to have gay sex instead. . 
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katyspersonal · 10 months
hello again, i'm the anon from the waifu/blorbo thing just checking in. it was quite surprising to see the ask i made when i was feeling sorta petty would spiral in all that lol
to answer why i stay anon, its because I'm just a "filthy lurker" tbh. im not really sociable or talented enough that i feel like interecting directly in the fandom, and i'd rather avoid the headaches that come from exposing myself to its more annoying parts lol. i understand its different for artists tho, you guys do us a great service
but Holy Shit your situation was quite bonkers. it is kind of funny that i might have helped you out with this apparently lmao. all it took was the right ask at the right time, crazy how that works
best of luck to you and thank you for being based lol. it isn't easy with such persistent haters but i hope you keep it up
Thank YOU for being based, the moment I read what you said I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about! And yes, it is a reliably stable way to piss that person off enough to 'act' by poking the holy dogma of "Maria is a masculine lesbian and everyone with a different interpretation is a bigot" with a stick in any way shape or form. Imagine being easily caught just because you can't stand bisexuals or women that can combine badassery and tenderness?
I'll have you know though, that fanart or fanfics are NOT a "rent" you have to pay to be considered a "valid" part of the fandom! You say you don't feel like you belong here... but you do, as long as you love BB and want to interact with other fans and support them. I am not the most fantastic artist either; my anatomy is still a long way to go and I finish my works very slowly, but it is my passion why I am here! :)
As for the annoying parts of the fandom,...
Tumblr media
Honestly, you don't need to worry, at least not on Tumblr. Redditbros tend to stay away in their own circles and all you have to do is to not go on Reddit for sharing things like headcanons, drawings, ships etc. As for the bullies (oh, pardon, the completely civil people that are not encouraging harassment but simply spread "awareness" in order to excile people they dislike from the safe wholesome fandom uwu); they will typically do you a favour if they drop your name as "yiiiikes this person is nasty for [reason] block them girlies!", since this way the fake ones will self-isolate from you as a result and YOU won't see THEIR bad takes! And toxic Maria fans usually function by one 'main' guy vs their simps that got easily influenced. Before the current guy (you know who by now) it was someone else spreading bad takes about "misogynist" Gehrman and "violated masculinity" of Maria, boasting about how they ignore all lore and (mis)translation evidence against their One True interpretation. That person matured though, and the simps they influenced dissolved and became nuanced. The current guy is chronically unable to mature, learn and admit mistakes; but at the same time, popular accounts popularised a "compromise" take that portrays Gehrman as missing the mark but having good intentions that get way more traction and toxicity is overshadowed by them 🤔
What I am saying is, you can avoid annoying parts reliably easily! You probably are seeing like same two people starting controversy every time from your "corner"... and it is BECAUSE there are not that many. They are just loud. If you are in the room with 20 people, 19 of which are adults minding their own business and 1 is a screaming baby, who will you pay more attention to? I'd love to see you make an account, tbh, but if you really don't want to.. Well, still feel free to send me asks, gripes or headcanons or questions or whatnot!
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