#overwhelming ....
nobeerreviews · 1 month
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Life can be magnificent and overwhelming - that is the whole tragedy. Without beauty, love, or danger it would almost be easy to live.
-- Albert Camus
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hooked-on-elvis · 2 months
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iuqueenlei · 23 days
A New Dawn: The Birth of Harry Potter
James Potter paced nervously outside the small, cozy room in their cottage at Godric's Hollow. The house, usually filled with laughter and mischief, now felt thick with tension and anticipation. He could hear the muffled sounds of Lily’s labor, every gasp and cry sending a wave of anxiety and excitement through him.
Sirius Black, his best friend and honorary uncle to the soon-to-be-born child, stood by the window, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "Prongs, mate, you need to sit down before you wear a hole in the floor."
James shot him a look of mock irritation. "Pads, I can't just sit. Lily's in there, and any moment now—"
"Any moment now, you'll be a father," Sirius finished with a grin, his grey eyes sparkling with genuine excitement. "And I'll be the coolest godfather ever."
James chuckled despite his nerves. "Just don't teach him all your bad habits, alright? One troublemaker in the family is enough."
"Hey, I promise nothing," Sirius said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "But I do promise to love that kid more than anything."
A door creaked open, and both men turned to see a tired but smiling healer stepping out. "Mr. Potter, you can come in now. Congratulations, it's a boy."
James felt his heart leap into his throat. He exchanged a wide-eyed look with Sirius, who clapped him on the back. "Go on, Dad."
With shaking hands, James opened the door and stepped inside. The room was warm, filled with a soft, magical glow. Lily lay in bed, looking exhausted but radiant, her fiery hair a halo around her head. In her arms, wrapped in a soft blanket, was their newborn son.
"James," Lily whispered, her green eyes shining with tears of joy. "Meet Harry."
James approached the bed, his eyes fixed on the tiny bundle. He gently sat beside Lily and looked down at their son. Harry's eyes were closed, but his small hands twitched slightly as if feeling his parents' presence.
"He's perfect," James said, his voice choked with emotion. "Absolutely perfect."
Lily smiled, tears slipping down her cheeks. "He has your hair," she noted, running a finger through the tufts of dark hair on Harry's head.
"And your eyes," James added softly, imagining them opening to reveal the same brilliant green that had captured his heart years ago.
Sirius hovered at the door, unsure if he should intrude. Lily noticed him and beckoned him over. "Come meet your godson, Sirius."
With uncharacteristic hesitance, Sirius approached, peering at the baby with a mix of awe and tenderness. "Hey there, little Harry," he whispered, his voice unsteady. "I'm your Uncle Sirius. We're going to have so much fun together."
James laughed softly. "Remember, Pads, no bad habits."
"Only the best ones," Sirius promised, gently touching Harry's tiny hand. "Welcome to the world, kiddo. You're in for one hell of a ride."
As they sat together, the new family and their closest friend, a sense of peace and completeness settled over them. Despite the dark times ahead, in that moment, there was only love and the beginning of a new chapter filled with hope and possibilities.
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thegoodmorningman · 2 months
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Wishing you The Best possible Morning this and each Day!!!
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loveyourlovelysoul · 7 months
Maybe we are even more anxious and prone to spiralling because we were never allowed to speak about our fears and process them through communication with an outside source, someone we considered knowledgeable, trustworthy, and that would have kept us safe in any way (caregiver).
Maybe is this type of emotional neglect, of abandonment and gaslighting, of telling us "Ah, it's nothing/You're imagining stuff/You're being overdramatic/You're exaggerating things/You're too sensitive" (prolly used also to avoid thinking themselves about things they weren't sure about but felt responsible for) that only made us shut down our fears, have to deal with them alone without having the ability to, and let them rot inside in the dark instead of confronting, welcoming and understanding them so to let them free and feel free... Maybe all this is what is still blocking us. Keeping us in this anxious cycle.
This sensation of not feeling heard, seen or valued in our emotional and physical experience, of having our worries deemed as nothing and our ability of judgement, and our worth, been diminished. Of having our emotions and needs left unmet somewhere inside of us. They are probably what is crying and shouting from within us now. Through our fears and insecurities. Through our doubts and triggers. Let's talk more with oursleves and also let things out freely by confronting them when we feel okay to. Let's be more vulnerable, and even more let's talk with someone who has the right knowledge and can help us too in processing what is going on with us.
Even if we were taught so, we don't have to deal with everything alone cause others cannot be trusted or aren't able or willing to listen to us for whatever reason. There are people who can actually help us. Even just by listening to us. We're not too much, even when we're overthinking something that usually could be seen as nothing but in that moment feels like a humonguos weight. It's what happens when we're anxious, it's nothing we can easily control when overwhelmed. Let's be more compassionate with us too. We deserve love, respect, understanding and support whatever we're going through.
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minasvalentine · 8 months
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He looks so overwhelmed😭
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Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) "The Monk by the Sea" (1808-1810) Oil on canvas Romanticism Located in the Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin, Germany
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howifeltabouthim · 4 months
She felt isolated and trapped and smothered, but everything he was giving her was something she had always wanted; only, it was too concentrated, a lifetime of missing love and attention crammed into one long weekend.
Anna Biller, from Bluebeard's Castle
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autisticdreamdrop · 10 months
autism things 167
feeling an overflowing rage while feeling overstimulated
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People often mistake numbness for nothingness, but numbness isn't the absence of feelings; it's a response to being overwhelmed by too many feelings.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, by Lori Gottlieb
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momentsbeforemass · 5 months
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Sometimes life can be overwhelming.
Not just the obvious ways. When we’re in a crisis – dealing with the death of a loved one, illness, divorce, loss of our job. Something so big that anyone who’s paying attention (and even those who aren’t) can tell that the water is coming into the boat faster than we can bail it out.
Sometimes life can be overwhelming – even when it’s not obvious.
When everything we’re dealing with starts to add up. When all of the “little stuff” gangs up on us.
We’ve got tensions in our closest relationships. We’ve got a micro-manager for a boss. And there’s a co-worker who knows how to punch our buttons. We’ve got a car that won’t stay fixed for anything. Stuff we didn’t get done is coming back to bite us. We forgot to go to the store and now there’s nothing for dinner.
By themselves, none of them are earth-shattering. But it feels like they’re working together.
Somehow, they keep adding up. To wear us down. Until they’re just as overwhelming as a major crisis.
But no matter how we get overwhelmed, the best way to handle it is the same. And it’s hidden away in today’s Gospel. Here’s what I mean.
After all of the amazing things surrounding the birth of Jesus. There’s this odd line, “and Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.”
And you’re thinking, “hold on – how is that overwhelming?”
Think about everything leading up to this moment, everything that Mary has been through in the last year. Visits by angels, miraculous pregnancy, strain on her relationship with Joseph, road trip while 9 months pregnant, giving birth in a barn, angelic chorus, shepherds.
Overwhelming? Yes. Because even the good stuff, even miracles can be overwhelming.
In the face of that, look at what Mary is doing.
Mary is stopping. Just for a moment. Instead of letting an avalanche of events be overwhelming, Mary is reflecting.
Mary is stopping. She’s not letting herself be pushed by the non-stop flow of events. Which is how anything, even the good stuff, can overwhelm us.
Mary is stopping. Instead of simply reacting, she’s taking a moment to just be with God. So that she can be in God’s will. Before responding intentionally.
Mary is giving us a lived example of how to keep things from becoming overwhelming. And how to hit back when they do.
She’s doing it by stopping, by breaking the non-stop flow of events.
She’s doing it by reflecting, by quietly taking a moment just to be with God.
So that she can have God’s perspective on everything that’s going on in her life.
So that she can respond intentionally, from God’s perspective.
Not because doing it with God makes it all go away or become magically better (in a few weeks, Mary and Joseph will be fleeing for their lives into Egypt). But because doing it with God keeps her from being overwhelmed.
In this new year, things will try to overwhelm you. Don’t let them.
Follow Mary’s example. And stop. Break the non-stop flow of events.
Take the time to be quiet with God and to reflect.
Then respond intentionally, from God’s perspective.
Do it with God. Not just when it’s all too much. But every day.
Today’s Readings
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le-scenariste · 1 year
Okay but like...this week's ep was fuckin stressful. I mean, yeah sure there have been eps where things got a bit worrying. But there seemed to be this underlying crescendo of shit going wrong.
Shandy changing Bantr's tagline without permission
Rebecca being all "cheery" with Ted saying she believes in him
The team finding out the sign was ripped
Beard and Roy making the rash decision to show the team the security footage as motivation
The team finding out Nathan ripped the sign
The team absolutely self-destructing on the field
Keeley having to present a good first impression for her boss and kinda fucking it up because of all of the above
Rupert getting in the way of Nathan apologizing to Ted
There is sO MUCH happening it feels overwhelming. Yeah there were eps that felt a bit sad and down but i don't think i've felt stressed by an episode of Ted Lasso.
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random-xpressions · 7 months
I don't numb my feelings. I often let them cut me deep whenever they arrive. Its pointless trying to resist a storm when you're plainly in its path and there's no apparent safe cover to take...
Random Xpressions
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wiirocku · 1 year
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Romans 8:37 (NLT) - No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
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doriantomybasil · 11 months
i visited the pompeii archeological site a few days ago and honestly i was on the brink of tears the whole day, the fact that i was walking on streets that were made for and by people 2000 years ago because they lived there, they loved there, they cried there, they had people they care about there, i don’t know how i managed to not fall on my knees and weep on every corner i took
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