#or at least get some fucking ice or something stop repeatedly asking me & use your eyes
freesomebodybyluna · 11 months
today has been so evil so far if you go to sbux today you're going to hell
#for like 2 hrs straight i was up to my neck is mobile/cafe/delivery orders & everyone was up to their neck in their positions too#and at one pt our shift was on lunch so it was only 3 of us on the floor & bc my coworker was so swamped with food & front orders#the drip coffee wasnt being brewed & so i had to brew asap for a lady who had been waiting for a mobile order for a while#and so i was trying to do that asap and got the grinds in the filter at one pt so i had to regrind#and my coworker doing drive drinks was like 'whos doing cafe?? youre supposed to be on cafe???'#and im like first of all I'm technically only customer support but ive been planted at this station helping YOU out#which i did say all of that but ne ways shes all like '(our shift) told me you were on cafe I'm gonna have to talk to her about that' and i#was like dude im doing cafe but i had to rebrew our drip bc we're out of all of them!!! like listen to me!!!! and shes like im not mad at#blah blah like idgaf if you are im fucking clarifying the situation for you so you can shut the fuck up & let me do what i need to do i#fucking know ppl are waiting on their cafe orders that's literally what im working on if you just got youre fucking head out of your ass#you're pissing me off!!! i already hate working with your ass and you're making it worse#and whenever shed catch a break shed have the audacity to ask if i needed help seeing that i literally had a shit ton of#tickets on my machine like just fucking help me#or at least get some fucking ice or something stop repeatedly asking me & use your eyes#luckily the shift got back eventually & restocked stuff & just as i finally caught up it was my lunch time like......#fuck my stupid baka life as if yesterday afternoon with my whole car issue wasnt enough#also go to hell if you stand at the pick up station breathing down my neck for your order & cont to triple check drinks that are very#obviously not yours if the name is anything to go by!!!!#dl
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inevitablypazzi · 3 days
Can I Be Him — A Pazzi Fic
Wherein Paige Bueckers, UConn’s prolific point guard, has been in love with Azzi Fudd, her longtime best friend and current teammate for the longest time. The persistence in scouting the girl to the huskies was not for nothing. But of course, Paige kept this fact to herself. Yet, even after all these years, behind the basketball star’s confident and cocky-like attitude, lies insecurities for seemingly not being enough for Azzi.  Azzi constantly reminding Paige of the reality that she may never have feelings for the girl the same way the girl has for her when she repeatedly talks to Paige about her boy problems, deflates the latter’s self-esteem, while Azzi remains unaware. With the next season around the corner and Paige’s newfound courage to move on from Azzi, what would become of their relationship?
word count: 1548
Chapter 1
“You have got to stop pacing around, Az. If it’s not making you dizzy, it definitely is making me.” Ice annoyingly tells off Azzi and goes back to munching on her popcorn while watching a TV show from the bed.
Azzi flops herself back first on the bed, covers her face with both hands and screams.
Ice flinches causing some of her popcorn to fall to the bed, “Girl what is wrong with you?!”
The girl gets back up and goes back to pacing, earning a ‘what the fuck’ look from her roommate who is considering calling 911 at the sight she’s currently witnessing.
“I messed up. I messed up. I messed up. I messe–” Azzi chanted while pacing before being held and stopped by Ice who was forced to now stand alongside her if she wanted her much wanted peace and quiet.
“What did you do?” Ice sternly asks her as if she was an interrogator trying to get the truth out from a criminal, which in this case was Azzi.
“I swear I didn’t mean to do it–” Azzi found herself avoiding the topic altogether.
Ice grew impatient, tightening her grip on Azzi’s arms, “Spill or none of us are gonna shit done here.”
It was Azzi’s turn to hold on to Ice’s arms as if it was a call for help, “I called Paige stupid and reckless.”
The two stayed in the same position for quite some time while keeping their eye contact intact.
A laugh from Ice breaks the silence between them and Azzi whines, “Ice, this is not funny!”
“It might not be for you but it for sure is for me.” Ice’s laughter grows louder as she further thinks about the situation.
Ice’s laughter fades slowly as she lets out a question, “Were the insults justified at least? To be fair knowing Paige, she can definitely be stupid and reckless sometimes.”
Azzi stomps her feet in regret as she recalls what she did, “That’s the thing, Ice. I think I definitely went too far with what I said.”
“Alright alright, let’s sit down first and get the whole picture. For sure you had your reasons. Now, tell me. What happened that led up to you saying those words to Paige?” Ice sits down and taps on the bed, signaling Azzi to sit down with her.
Ice knew Azzi had the tendency to be extremely sensitive to the people around her, making her confused as to why the girl could have uttered such insensitive words to someone, let alone to her best friend Paige. 
Heck, at times when opponents would say even the slightest dirt to the girl, Azzi would take it personal, as if she was the one talked trash to, immediately doing her best to distract Paige. Usually it didn’t take much for Azzi to get Paige to smile. Paige needed as little as Azzi looking at her with concern to make her smile from ear to ear.
Something didn’t add up. Seeing how stressed Azzi currently is, Ice knew there was more than meets the eye and she was determined to get whatever this is out of Azzi’s system.
Azzi was hesitant and Ice realized this, caressing the girl’s shoulder as a means of assurance that whatever is said in the room stays in the room, getting her trust and getting her to finally talk, “I don’t know what got to me. I saw Nika and Paige playing King of The Court. Even by then I was already pissed at Paige and I don’t even know why myself. My anger elevated the moment Nika got hurt. Then I saw Paige taking care of Nika. Then the words just slipped out my mouth and I just…” Azzi covered her face with her hands once again but this time in relief that she finally got that out her chest.
“So let me get this straight…” Even though there was nothing straight about what Azzi just told her. Ice thought. “Nika and Paige were just playing King of The Court, you were mad at Paige for no apparent reason. When Nika got hurt and you saw Paige taking care of her you got even more angry and let your emotions talk. Am I right?”
Azzi nodded, now looking at Ice with puppy eyes, desperately looking for advice. 
“Yeah, uhm. Have you maybe thought of the fact that you could be jealous of Paige being with Nika?” Ice suggests, eliciting quite a violent reaction from Azzi.
“What?! That’s insane! Why would I be?!” Ms. Curly Hair becomes defensive.
“Hey hey, calm down. When I say you’re jealous, I don’t mean romantically. Maybe you could be jealous your best friend is caring for someone other than you. You know, the platonic kind of jealousy.” Ice explains herself, earning an “oh” from Azzi.
“Unless…” Ice teased. It obviously worked on Azzi as she playfully hits Ice’s arm.
Azzi stands up with an enlightened face, realizing Ice is probably right. She rushes out the room, eager to fix things between her and Paige, “Thank you, Ice! I owe you one big time! Love you!”
Ice shakes her head and sighs, “At this rate they’re gonna hurt each other immensely before realizing.”
Azzi had no idea where Paige currently was. The girl had gone radio silent. Not a single annoying text and random call popped up from the blonde on Azzi’s phone. But despite this, she thinks she knows her best friend enough to trust her instincts. Paige, when not preoccupied in bothering Azzi, always turned to basketball. She’s also had enough fights with Paige to know she beats herself up with practice right after their fights.
Azzi’s guess was proven right while she was walking down the UCONN gym hallways. The sound she heard coming from a single person’s shoes was enough to confirm it. She knew Paige doesn’t like practicing with other people when she was getting her personal practices in. Of course team practices were a different story. Maybe that’s why the sight of Nika practicing with Paige a while ago bothered Azzi? She brushes this thought away and proceeds to enter the indoor court.
A sweaty and out of breath Paige is what Azzi met the second she entered. But despite Paige looking like she just finished a triathlon, the UConn point guard still showed no signs of stopping. The girl was doing everything. Shooting from everywhere on the court, grabbing her own rebounds, then running up and down the court whenever she failed to make a shot.
Paige was so locked in she didn’t even notice Azzi’s presence on the court and Azzi couldn’t help but feel even more guilty as she recalled a memory of her and high school Paige.
“Why are you so worked up in these personal practices of yours for the past few weeks?” High school Azzi innocently asks the hard-working senior from Hopkins.
Paige looked at her with a vulnerable expression, something only reserved for Azzi, “If I can’t get you to commit to UConn, that must mean I’m not good enough as a player for you to trust me.”
Azzi connects the dots, “So you’re working extra hard so you’ll earn my trust and hopefully play for UConn?”
“I care about what you think.” Paige sincerely says in a soft tone, making Azzi’s heart beat slightly faster, “So if me being good enough is what it takes to earn your trust, I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”
So if me being good enough is what it takes to earn your trust, I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Paige’s words repeat in Azzi’s mind like a tape loop, affecting her after seeing Paige go back to doubting her capabilities because of her.
Azzi slowly makes her way near Paige who was currently attempting a three from the top of the key. Paige’s shot attempt clanked at the rim and went straight to Azzi’s direction, forcing her to catch the ball.
As Paige turned around to try and retrieve the ball, she was met with the shorter, curly haired girl, and brown eyed girl she was so desperately trying to run away from, mentally and physically.
“You’re doing it again.” Azzi worriedly says, receiving a weak chuckle from Paige.
“In a heartbeat.” Paige gets closer and Azzi swears she stopped breathing the moment the first step was made.
“I’m sorry.” Azzi apologizes, waiting for Paige’s reaction or response, but once she said those two words, Paige stopped getting closer.
“If that’s all, you can go now. I’ve already forgiven you since you said those words.” Paige says, slowly grabbing the ball from Azzi’s hands.
Azzi feels a pang in her chest when Paige seemingly wants to scoot her away, “You know you can just say you want me to stay away from you, Paige.”
“But I don’t, Azzi.” Paige says, “I don’t want you to leave me here but I’m assuming you’re the one who doesn’t want to see me and is just forcing yourself to apologize to me and I just don’t know what to do–” She addedly rambled but then gets cut off by Azzi suddenly hugging her.
“I fucked up, P.” Azzi tightens her embrace around the older girl, “Let me make it up to you.”
a/n: here's chapter two for everyone! hopefully the pacing and understandability's still alright by this point. suggestions and feedbacks are highly appreciated. please do know that english is not my first language and the chapters are mostly not proofread, so any part of the story that may need revisions, kindly tell me. thank you! hoping everyone's having a great day so far! much love. <3
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“Friends, students…” you call to their attention, “-and Sukuna.“ you added a moment later. “Today, I lost my dear friend Gojo Satoru.”
“Quit telling everyone I’m dead, (Y/N).”
Ignoring the voice coming from behind, you adorned a frown on your face. “Sometimes, I can still hear his voice.”
“I’m not dead!”
“He was many things: a teacher, a friend, a confidant. Now, was he good at these things? The answer is no.”
“But we must not speak ill of those who are not with us anymore.” you continued.
Most of the Tokyo students nod their heads in agreement, while some of the Kyoto students kept glancing from you to a figure behind.
“It’s as if he’s in the room with us, right now.” You bring a hand to your mouth to prevent a sob (laugh) from escaping, at the sound of Gojo’s whines. “But as you all may know, curses like to act like those who we miss, so we mustn’t be tricked. Therefore, if for whatever reason you happen to see something that resembles Gojo Satoru, please exorcise it with your fullest ability, so that we may all one day move on and allow time to heal our hearts.”
One of the Kyoto students, Miwa Kasumi, blinked in confusion, unable to understand what was going on. You were standing in front of everyone participating in the sister school exchange event, mourning over Gojo Satoru’s death- while the said jujutsu sorcerer was standing behind you, tugging on your arms to get you to look in his direction.
“Am I the only one who sees Gojo-sensei alive?” she whispered to a nearby Tokyo student sitting next to her, who happened to be Maki Zenin.
Maki shook her head. “If (Y/N)-sensei says that the idiot is dead, then he is.”
“Tuna-mayo.” Inumaki agreed, nodding his head.
“Best if you just go with it.” Panda whispered back to the still confused girl. 
It seemed as though everyone else from the Kyoto branch had no complaints, accepting your words as the truth with a nod of their heads.
“(Y/N)!!” Gojo whined, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I said I was sorry.”
Your patience with the tall man-child had finally reached its max.
“Sorry?!” You flicked his forehead off of you, and pushed his face away. “I leave for one week, and you basically bulldoze half the campus forest to prevent a special-grade curse from running away, who might I add, was able to run away again! And then, I find out you were the one who ate my food that I had been saving in the freezer.”
Gojo merely shrugged at your accusations. “I was on a time crunch with the first one. And as for the second thing, it’s not my fault someone should’ve wrote their name on their mochi ice cream if they didn’t want someone else eating it.”
“I did write my name on the box, and I know you fucking ate it!” 
“There in lies your mistake, sweetheart. You should’ve written your name on the mochi itself. How was I supposed to know it was yours once I threw away the box?”
“Because my name was on the box, you motherfu-“
“Shouldn’t we trying to stop them from killing each other?” Yuuji whispered to Megumi, who was watching their teachers bicker with a straight face.
“Yaga-sensei will eventually stop them.” Megumi replied nonchalantly, as the boys overheard you screaming at Gojo.
“I told you the last time you ate my stuff, you would be dead to me!”
“You can’t just kill me off, (Y/N).”
“We’ll never know unless we try, now will we?” you argued.
And just as Megumi had said, Principle Yaga grabbed Gojo by his collar to prevent you from choking the man to death.
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Yaga ordered, making you weaken the strangling grip you held on Gojo’s neck. “We should go ahead and start the baseball game.”
The hostility on your face quickly morphed into a smile, at your sensei’s words.
“Sensei, don’t you think we should give the students a demonstration beforehand?”
“Is that really necessary?” Gojo complained, massaging his neck in pain.
“Of course it is! After all, you were the one who suggested the game, you should be the one to show them how to properly hit a ball.”
Yaga just sighed, nodding his head to your suggestion.
“Just try not to kill him please, (Y/N).”
Your smile grew wider, causing a shiver to run down Gojo’s back. 
“Can’t make any promises, sensei.”
Yuuji looked out from the sidelines onto the baseball field, watching Gojo stare appreciatively at the sight of you stretching on the pitcher’s mound.
“Don’t we all know how to play baseball?” he wondered aloud.
“Did you just figure that out, dummy?” Nobara retorted.
“Then why the need for the demonstration?” 
“Because we all want to see Gojo-sensei get pummeled by (Y/N)-sensei.” Maki responded.
“But isn’t he just going to use his technique?”
“Her technique basically cancels his out.”
“Huh? How?” 
“Gojo-sensei’s techniques deal with infinite time, and (Y/N)-sensei’s technique deals with manipulating time.”
“But no matter how fast you speed time up, you can never reach infinity, right?” Yuuji tried to reason, thinking back on the lectures he slept through in his math classes.
“In that case, yes.” Panda answered. “Infinity requires time to function. But if time were to stop, infinity would be cancelled out, because having an infinite number of nothing would still leave you with nothing.” 
“Not to mention (Y/N)-sensei has a wicked throw.” Maki added.
And shortly, a few moments later, a cry of pain was heard from the batter’s box.
Gojo pouted as you returned to him with a bag of ice, placing it gently on his cheek.
“Ow!” he whined from the sudden coldness. “You could’ve gone a little softer with that pitch, sweetheart.” 
“Please, you deserved it.” you said, rolling your eyes.
But seeing the light bruise formed on the side of his face, you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty. 
Lifting the ice bag momentarily, you placed a soft kiss on his bruised cheek, immediately silencing him. 
“Does it feel better now?” you asked.
He nodded quickly. “But, you missed a spot. I got hit here too.” he said, pointing to his puckered lips.
You rolled your eyes, seeing right through his play; but gave in to his request, nonetheless. As you motioned to step back from the kiss, Gojo snaked his arms around your waist, bringing your body flush against his with your lips still attached to his.
He finally let you breathe a long minute later, after you hit his chest repeatedly for air.
“Now I feel a bit better.” he sighed, contentedly, before adding, “But I do think I’m going to need more intensive care tonight in my room.”
“Hmmm, is that so.” you thought, placing a hand on his other, non bruised cheek with a smile. 
Gojo burrowed his face into your palm, with a playful smirk. 
A quiet second later, right when he least expected it, you lightly slapped his cheek, quickly squirming out of his grasp. You dodged his grabby hands, a laugh escaping your lips when a pout made its way back onto his face. 
“I’ll be sure to ask Yaga-sensei to stop by your room tonight then.” you smiled, furthering the distance between you two.
“No, (Y/N)!” Gojo whined, quickly chasing after you.
*(A/N): i’m in a love/hate relationship with gojo satoru  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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stuck with you ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2102
request?: yes!
“Ooh how about an enemies to lovers fic where Colson and the reader get stuck in an elevator together please”
description: it’s hard to keep up a petty beef when you’re stuck in an elevator with your supposed sworn enemy
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, claustrophobia, panic attack
masterlist (one, two)
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I don’t even know how the fight between Colson and I ever started, but I knew it was extremely prevalent even though we were forced to go on tour together.
The first big gig my band and I had ever gotten was to go on a massive tour with a bunch of other popular and legendary alt rock acts. It was sort of like Warped Tour, but under a different name. We were touring with the likes of All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, etc. We were relatively unknown, so to be given this opportunity was such a big deal for all of us.
My feud with Colson had started before that. Again, I have no idea how it started. I don’t know Colson even knew. All we knew was that we hated one another, or rather we thought that we did. So when the full line up for the tour was announced, and none other than Machine Gun Kelly was on the list, I instantly regretted my decision.
“You won’t even be in contact with him,” my drummer told me after we found out the lineup. “It’s a massive tour, we have our own bus, and the likeliness that you’ll run into him in the hotel or even backstage is so small.”
“You also need to get over this stupid fight,” my bassist added. “You guys barley know one another, how can you be in a feud?”
“That’s the thing, he barley knows me and he’s ragged on me in interviews. Do you realize how much that could effect the reputation of the band?”
“You won’t even run into him,” my drummer repeated. “Just remember that.”
Well, I wish he was right, because I happened to run into Colson on our first night.
The four of us were staying in one hotel room, and in true fashion of a band on their first big tour, we bought enough alcohol to make sure we wouldn’t remember anything the next morning. I offered to go grab ice from the floor above us so we could keep everything cold, and decided taking the elevator was the best idea. The minute the doors opened, I wished I had taken the stairs.
Colson raised an eyebrow at me, glancing down at the ice bucket in my hand.
“I didn’t realize the house keeping went to get ice for the rooms,” he said.
“That wasn’t even clever. You’re starting to fall off Colson,” I said. “I’ll just take the stairs.”
“The floor is literally just one up, it won’t kill us to be in an elevator together for five seconds.”
I glared at him as I realized he was right. I let out an exaggerated sigh and stepped into the elevator, making sure to put a lot of distance between the two of us. Colson hit the button for the next floor up and the elevator doors closed.
It didn’t move.
I looked over at Colson in confusion, wondering if he was also feeling what I was. The look on his face mirrored mine, which was enough to answer my question.
He hit the floor button again, although it was already lit up. Nothing happened. He hit it again, and again, then furiously started jabbing it repeatedly.
“Stop, that’s obviously not doing anything,” I said to him.
“What else am I supposed to do?” he asked.
“I don’t know, see if the doors will open?”
He pressed the button to make the doors open, but again there was nothing. He started jabbing that one too, which resulted in me snapping at him to stop again. He opened his mouth to retort, but before he could the elevator jolted suddenly and a loud alarm rang out.
“Oh fuck,” Colson breathed. “Must be stuck.”
“Wait like...like we’re stuck in here?” I asked.
“That’s what stuck means, yes.”
I felt panic starting to rise in me. I dropped the ice bucket and started clawing at the doors, hoping to somehow pull them open. Colson put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me away.
“Hey, that’s not gonna work!” he said. “For one, you’re literally the size of a toothpick, and two, if the elevator is stuck we can’t open the doors. We’ll just have to press the help button and wait for something to happen.”
My breathing became heavier and I started to hyperventilate. I pressed my back against the back of the elevator and slid down till I was sat on the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to come down from my panic attack before it even started, but I knew it was no use. The feeling of the confined space in the elevator was baring down on me, I needed to get out of there somehow.
Colson knelt next to me and put a hand on my arm. I looked up at him but I was having a hard time focusing because of how violently I was shaking. Through my somewhat blurry vision though I could see a concerned look on his face.
“Hey,” he said, this time softer than before, “look at me. Are you claustrophobic?”
I felt like I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded instead. Colson’s eyes widened and he quickly turned back to the help button. He started jabbing at it the way he had the other buttons earlier. I was panicking too much to really care at this point. I felt like I was going to throw up, which made it lucky that the ice bucket was right next to me I guess.
“I don’t know if anyone can hear us,” Colson called, “but we’re fucking stuck in an elevator and one of us is having a panic attack! Someone get us the fuck out of here!”
I buried my head in my knees, trying to calm myself down. I tried to imagine that I wasn’t stuck in an elevator, that I was back in my hotel room with my bandmates. Unfortunately I was too far into my panic attack to calm myself down that way. My only hope was getting out of the elevator.
Colson came to sit next to me. I could feel his body close and, even though we were constantly fighting, there was just something comforting about knowing he was there with me. We sat in silence for a little bit, besides the sounds of my hyperventilating. I felt Colson’s arm move next to me, then a gentle tap on my arm. When I raised my head he was holding his phone out to me, showing me a picture of a young girl.
“That’s my daughter,” he told me. “Her name is Casie. She’s my entire world.”
“She’s beautiful,” I said, my voice very shaky.
“I don’t know what I’d do without her,” he said. “Whenever I’m having a bad mental health day, or I’m having an anxiety attack, I just think about the next time I’ll be able to see her and it helps me to calm down.”
“I didn’t even know you had a daughter,” I admitted.
“We don’t know a lot about each other.”
I nodded. “I know, I say that all the time.”
He smirked at me. “You talk about me, huh?”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course I do. We hate each other, so naturally I have to talk shit about you all the time.”
His face softened then, which shocked me a little. I had never seen him look so...well...just nice. When I wasn’t looking at him through a haze of anger from our stupid feud, he really did look...handsome.
“I don’t hate you,” he said.
“What? Of course you do. You always say shit about me, you even mentioned me in one of your songs recently in a negative way.”
“Yeah, cause I thought you hated me.”
“I don’t hate you.”
And in that moment I realized that I really didn’t. My dislike towards Colson was purely under the idea that he hated me too. I thought that was the way I was supposed to feel towards him, not the way I actually felt.
“Wait,” I said, uncurling myself from the ball I was in. “Are you telling me we’ve been fighting and having this stupid feud...and we don’t even hate each other?”
Colson awkwardly chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I guess that’s exactly what happened.”
I tried to laugh too, but the elevator suddenly jolted again, which immediately brought back my panicked state. Colson wrapped his arms around me and held me against his chest, running his fingers through my hair and trying to calm me back down. Surprisingly, it worked at least a little bit.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while, actually,” Colson admitted. When I looked up at him, even he seemed shocked by this. “I always thought you were beautiful and I wanted to get to meet you in person. But when all this fighting started, I tried to push those feelings aside and pretend like they never existed, but they’ve always been there. I think that’s why I’ve said some extra harsh things towards you, just to try and make myself believe that I really didn’t like you.”
The silence in the elevator was deafening. I pulled away from Colson to look up at him. He averted his gaze to his lap, refusing to look at me at all. I could see red creeping up his neck, embarrassment rising within him no doubt.
I had a brief moment of courage build within me, and I decided to act on it. I cupped Colson’s face in my hands and forced him to look up at me. Before I could lose my courage, I pressed my lips against his.
He hesitated at first, like he couldn’t believe this was happening, but it didn’t take him long to melt into the kiss. His hands found their way to my hips, holding them gently as our kiss became deeper and more passionate. With little effort, he lifted me from the floor onto his lap so that I was straddling him. I ran my hands through his messy blonde hair, curling my fingers into the stands at the back of his head and pulling slightly. The noise I earned from this was definitely a moan, although Colson was adamant that it wasn’t.
Before we could go much further, the elevator suddenly rattled back to life and started moving. When the doors opened again, I nearly sobbed with relief. The two of us quickly untangled from one another and stumbled out into the hallway. The air felt so fresh and my chest, which I hadn’t even realized was so tight, felt like it was opening again.
“Thank fuck,” I breathed. “I’m taking the fucking stairs.”
Colson chuckled. “Can I walk you down to your floor?”
“Aren’t you upstairs?”
“Yeah, like two floors above you I think. But I’d like to spend more time with you before we part ways.”
I smiled and agreed. We walked down the stairs together in silence, but it was a much more comfortable silence. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, and neither could Colson.
He walked me all the way to my hotel room door. We faced each other for another moment, just smiling at one another. It felt weird to not be fighting with him in that moment, but a good weird.
“I should get up to my room I guess,” he finally said. “I have to be up pretty early tomorrow for soundcheck.”
“Me too.”
“Maybe...we could meet up there and continue what we started in the elevator.”
Somehow my smile got even bigger. “Okay, I’d like that.”
He nodded, his face bright with excitement. He said goodnight and headed back towards the stairs. I leaned against my hotel room door, feeling like a lovesick teenager all over again.
That’s when I realized I wasn’t carrying the ice bucket. I had definitely left it in the elevator, but there was no way in hell I was going back for it. I was prepared to explain the entire story to my bandmates, who I was sure had heard the last of mine and Colson’s conversation through the door. I was expecting so many questions about why I was gone so long, why they had heard Colson outside with me, and why I was smiling like such an idiot.
But instead, they looked at me for a moment and my drummer asked, “Where’s the ice?”
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How about a request for batsis getting hurt during a mission and batboys exaggerate 😈 thank u!
Also I’m assuming you want a reaction! If you want otherwise do let me know! So let’s get started!
Batsis!Reader Gets Injured in a Mission and the Batboys are the Only Ones Home
No Specified AU
TW: Language
Genre: Fluff, Light Comedy
[DC Masterlist]
Word Count: 1.3K
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You skid to a stop on your motorcycle, leaving tire tracks behind you in the batcave. You could clean that later when you weren’t bleeding out. You stumbled off of the vehicle, your hand still clutching on to the bloodied towel that kept your uniform from getting dirty and took your helmet off. You had a rather dirty run in with a few lowtime criminals who some how got their hands on alien tech, how that happened you’d have to ask Star Labs later, but either way despite your many encounters with villains who were much worse, the sudden blast from a laser shocked you just enough for them to get at least a cut in. Regardless you took care of them quickly and took the weapons back, which were now pathetically hanging off the side of your motorcycle.
You rolled your shoulders back and began you ascent up the stairs to get back into the manor, it would be best if you cleaned this up as soon as you could because god were you tired. You opened the door quietly.
“Please may no one be home,” you said to yourself repeatedly. Your brothers had a knack for getting rather loud when you came back with cuts and bruises, but you couldn’t blame them with all of their unresolved trauma and the fact that you, miraculously, happen to be the one Bat that hasn’t either died and came back or gotten beaten nearly to death, which you constantly held over them because damn in this business that’s more than just an achievement.
You successfully made it to the bathroom and pulled out the small medical kit and started working on the shallow wound, and right as you finished the shower curtain pulled back.
“Ahh!” You jumped back.
“Ahh!” Tim got into a defensive stance.
“What the hell are you doing in the shower?!"
"What the hell are you doing without a shirt?"
"I asked first!"
"You don't just sit in the shower to think?" You do, but you lock the door when you decide to do that. "Oh my god, did you get injured?!"
"No," you grabbed your shirt and hid the bandages that wrapped around your torso. You both stared at each other for a moment before Tim darted out of the bathroom. "Don't you fucking dare tell anyone, Drake!" You followed him out and ran into the worst possible person.
"Whoa, careful there, (Y/N), when did you get home?" Dick asks. Then he notices your bandages. "What happened? Who did you fight? Why didn't you call for backup? Where were you?"
"Oh my god, I'm fine, Dick," you walked past him and he caught up with you.
"Fine? Fine? You didn't even wrap that right, (Y/N)," Dick begins his lecture and you begin to tune him out right as you walked into your room and shut the door. Dick, knowing his boundaries, stood outside still lecturing you, and you walked out with a new shirt on and continued to ignore him while he shot you rapid fire questions. "At least answer my first questions, (Y/N)." You sighed, and without turning to him, said,
"Got grazed with a knife. Ran into some burglars that for some reason had alien tech. Didn't need it. Downtown," you answered his questions in succession while entering the kitchen, waving to Jason, who was getting a snack, and Tim, who was probably telling Jason about your predicament.
"Alien tech? And they didn't use it?" Tim asks.
"Exactly, they probably didn't know how to. But it doesn't matter, because I am very clearly fine," you reached past Jason into the refrigerator and pulled out a fruit cup.
"You're bleeding through your shirt," Jason points out. You look down and he was right. You let out another loud sigh and tear off a few paper towels from the sink and placed them under your shirt. "At least dress it right or you'll die from bleeding out rather than actually getting stabbed."
"Well, to be fair, if Tim didn't spontaneously pop out of the shower maybe I would have," you complained.
"You didn't lock the door?" Jason turns to him.
"There are ten bathrooms in this mansion, I didn't think anyone would go in!" Tim defends. "But that's besides the point! (Y/N), I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. If they had alien tech then that knife could have been laced with something."
"Are you implying that I could have alien eggs in me?"
"Why's everyone screaming?" The youngest Wayne entered the kitchen. "I can hear you all from my room."
"Tim thinks (Y/N) got eggs implanted in her," Dick says quickly.
"No, no I don't. Besides, that's not how alien fertilization works."
"You know how alien fertilization works?" You couldn't help the contorted face you made at the thought of how he knew.
"You always do this when we call you out, (Y/N), the point is you could very likely have some kind of alien virus or bacteria inside of you that could quite possibly kill you!"
"Tim, I'm pretty sure it was a normal knife," you walked over to the pantry and took out a bag of potato chips.
"But, if what Grayson just told me was right," Damien cuts in. "How stupid could you be? Letting something as simple as a knife get to you?" He mocks.
"If you weren't a kid I would've punted you by now," you pointed at him with a potato chip and ate it. "Do I have to remind you about last week?"
"No," he scoffs. "But that's not the point. You're trained well enough to avoid bullets and you let a knife get close to you? How out of it were you?"
"I will admit that the alien guns that also shot Bruce did distract me a little."
"And you let them go free?!" Jason finally grasped the gravity of the situation. "What if they come back to find you because they're pissed?"
"Relax, I have them in the batcave," you waved him off.
"You could've been killed," Jason argues.
"Oh stop being so dramatic, Todd, I'm obviously standing here right now, aren't I?"
"One shot from any of those and you could've either been disintegrated or catapulted into another dimension," Tim adds.
"Or worse, completely debilitated and decommissioned," Dick continues.
"You could be dying right now and you wouldn't know it because of how dense you are, (L/N)," Damien was next. You continued eating your chips while they started to talk over each other, then you finally spoke up.
"Okay, I get it, I'll be more careful from now on," you spoke in a steady voice. "Now, I'm gonna go clean this up because I was so rudely interrupted by someone, and when I come back, this discussion will be over," you held your hand up to silence Jason, who was about to retaliate. Then you walked over to the kitchen door and pulled it off of its hinges.
You stood there for a good few seconds, staring at the door in your hands, and the ruined door frame. Then you looked back at the other boys, who essentially all had their jaws on the ground.
"Could she do that before?" Jason asked Dick.
"No..." the other shook his head.
"Alfred's going to kill me..." you laid the door against the wall. You reached for the water bottle on the side of the table and opened it, intending to chug the whole thing down to calm your nerves, but none of the water came out, instead the whole thing was iced over. "Uh..."
The kitchen was silent. You ran back to the bathroom and took your shirt off then the bandages, seeing that the wound had turned blue and had completely frosted over. The other boys followed you, their heads sticking through the door.
"I was right?!" Tim's voice echoed throughout the manor and you slammed your head on the wall behind you.
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kurosstuff · 3 years
A/N: so here's a donna x reader thing I thought of!! Also the reader is a maiden a head maid to be more exact- made the header with the only pic that DIDN'T come out terribly??? Idk how the fuck to make them?? Its- technically first pov but isnt exactly written that way idk man I'm dumb
Warning(s): blood, angie swears because I say so. Goes into slight depth of a small injury. FEMALE READER, panic attack(s) SPOILERS!! AND ANGST- this isnt a nice fic. It's not even close haha(but I changed some stuff around to make more sense so fuck you♡)
Donna Beneviento x F!reader: Right place. Wrong time
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Parties sucked. Being a handmaid was fun and all but the biggest downside is you have to attend these.. events? You weren't entirely sure what they were but Lady Dimitrescu was very clear on you attending to assist her and the other lords during this time
"I swear if it weren't for Mother Miranda" Lady Dimitrescu spat out at the drunken fool-no her brother? You weren't actually sure what he was to her but they acted like siblings. Mother Miranda help anyone who asks- last person who did landed in the cellar "I would have kicked you out." Taking a drag from her cigarette. Leaning down and blowing into his face making the man start yelling as Moreau hide behind the table yet again-unless he wished to be dragged into the fight as well as he usually did during this time
If it weren't for two things happening with you. You'd probably laugh. But with how many villagers there are-the ones who hurt you. Your anxiety was racing. Even worse when the lord-no the women you were very interested in was here as well. The mysterious women dressed in all black as usual, Donna Beneviento and her doll companion, Angie by her side looking around frantically at all the new people. Jumping up and down excitedly
Deep breath...
Deep.. breath..
Turning you started out the door. Thankfully being the head maid you wouldn't exactly get in trouble with an extent of course(also helped the fact the lady and her daughters were well aware of your anxiety and were surprisingly kind about it?). As you moved you were unaware of a pair of painted eyes glancing at you before turning to another
The cool breeze in the air calmed you as you roamed around the garden. If it weren't for the weather it would have been such a beautiful sight. Well more then it was. Dispite the chilly air as winter was just rolling around the corner. The indication of it creeping up a bit closer with the speaks of ice and snow arounding around and on the flowers. Personally decorating then with their own weather, the crunch under your feet became louder as you got farther away from everyone
"So this is where you went?" A voice called out behind you, stiffening in response you could only hope for the best as you turned-half expecting one of the sisters, but you knew better then to assume that-if it was they'd have bitten you gently-as they could-before dragging you off somewhere
Turning around your assumption was proven correct. Standing infront of you was a small porcelain doll, odd colors painted on but overall handled with such care-you stared in awe before remembering yourself. Kneeling down a bit infront of the doll you smiled
"Why, hello Lady Angie" you started with a smile-watching the mock of a shock on her face, her mouth a gap more then it was before "would you like something?" Speaking softly to ensure not upsetting the doll if you even could? You weren't sure but you've heard that she had a temper of sorts on her
With a mock scuff Angie threw her hands in the air happily "ooo! 'Lady'? Can't remember the last person to call me that seriously" with a scratchy giggle she bounced around you happily. Almost intrigued with you "and what do I want? Hmm" she stopped infront of you again crossing her wooden arms in thought
"Walk with me"
She spoke suddenly after a moment rushing off you in tow- before her foot caught the long dress of hers. Almost sending her falling if you didn't grab her hoisting her up in your arms suddenly. Standing frozen for a second before placing her down gently
"Sorry Lady Angie." Looking her over you nodding in note of no injuries seen on the poor doll "rude to not ask but I'm glad your alright" before looking around her again to ensure you didn't miss anything.
Angie stood head titled to her side interested, holding her arms up to you she made grabby hands like a toddler would when wanting up. "Pick me up" she ordered with a giggle, kneeling down you gently grabbed her. Picking her up you held her against her hip, almost like a mom holding a baby or a toddler it seemed to be the best choice-her reaction was a happy laugh. Pointing off to a room she nodded her head towards there
"Off we go then Lady Angie" you said, walking to the door across the wintered garden. Opening the room to show the indoor version. After all Bela-the eldest likes to do some research on them every now and again-and some of the gardening things held vegetables for the other maidens to keep them "fresh" as they said.
The greenish room should more of the vibrant colors of the objects then the snowy wind from outside. Catching your attention was the chorus of 'down's' repeatedly from the doll-who in turn was put down on the floor gently. Rushing off she called for you to join her. Following close by you couldn't help but smile at her child like nature-dispite her crazy nature, it was very enduring
Turning the corner you didn't expect to see her maker-the lady of the Beneviento house. Donna Beneviento also the same one who caught your attention from seeing her for the first time. Growing a bit flustered you bowed your head towards her-gaining a snicker from Angie who whispered-or at least seemed like it- to the veiled women. Of what? You weren't sure but it must have been something if she suddenly jolted up almost nervous like
"Hello Lady Beneviento" you responded carefully. It was obvious to anyone who sees the Lady- she seems to not be be used to being social with others, "its nice to meet you, My lady" speaking formally as you've been taught-and reprimanded for repeatedly in the past. Thankfully now it stuck
Nothing but silence filled the room. No talking. No movement even from Angie who just stared at the Lord. Your anxiety crept up even faster now, did you say something wrong?
"..WELL!" Angie suddenly jumping up bringing her wooden hand onto your pant leg pulling you forward- with such strength for such a small doll. "Come on" she tugged again annoyed like a child would if their toy was taken from them
"Give me attention!" Smiling you followed her to the smaller table you've seen before- when you first entered you never knew why the Lady would want such a small table. Now with Angie you knew why. Sitting down infront of the doll you leaned forward awkwardly in the seat
"Thank you Lady Angie" smiling at the doll like child who held a cup of 'tea' flavored air towards you with a cackle and nod-unaware of the gaze on you both from the veiled women who underneath smiled slightly at the sight
After a couple moments of playing tea, Angie's attention was stolen from a butterfly getting up and chasing after it with a yell of- profanities which you could have only assumed she learned from the other Lords. Movement was heard behind you-aware of the other women you pretended not to hear as to not scare her off
A flower crowded your vision for a moment before you took it gently. Fingers grazing across the other women's gently-ignoring the way she flinched away almost like you burned her somehow "thank you Lady Beneviento" you replayed glancing over at the veiled women who moved to sit beside you-almost so still you would has mistaken her for a statue-if not for her breathing hitching softly as a smile crossed your face. You didn't want to scare her off as she finally started to relax around you, slightly but enough
Holding the flower you looked down admiring it with a soft smile- which if you remember correctly Bela-during her studies-called it a Calla lilies. Whatever it was, it was a beautiful flower. While looking at the flower you failed to notice the one who gave it to you watched intently. Almost like she was flustered- but it was hard to talk with her veil to anyone. Anyone but Angie-who giggled behind you. Ditching the Butterfly for the scene before her. It was not only surprising that Lady Beneviento gave it to you but it also confused you as to why. Twirling it in your fingers gently you glanced up to the black veiled women "Thank you Lady Beneviento" smiling before remembering you already thanking the women-you grew slightly embarrassed from the lack of response-unsurpising as it was.
Laughing that scratchy tone-almost like a disk being scratched you drew your attention to the doll clinging to your pant leg once more "oohh~" Angie started in a tease "Donna thinks your pretty~ I can see it I guess" Angie giggled pulling at your pants for attention-if it weren't for what she said you'd compare her to Daniela for her need of almost constant attention
"What?" Was all the response you gave as the veiled women yet again stiffened in response-before abruptly standing up. Looking up at her smiling getting up as well. Angie curling herself around your leg like that of a cat against their scratching post, the Lady before you stopped almost as if debating something before turning and leaving hurriedly. A groan was heard as Angie unwrapped herself from you and chased after Lady Beneviento'
"Aww why can't we keep them?" Was all that you heard before they left the room. A smile grazed your face at the comment. It wouldn't be all that bad to be a maid for the two Ladies. You looked at the flower in your hand unaware of the glowing yellow eyes watching with a knowing smile.
A loud call of your name rang through the building loudly- the same way it was usually used for a certain sister. Gulping the lump down you straightened your outfit as best you could to be at least somewhat presentable, the flower safely in the pocket of your front shirt poking out.
Rushing down the hallway hastily while making sure not to make it seem like your running. Getting to the lady of the castle while running from one of her daughters? Yeah not that fun. The memory of the incident where you did accidentally set one of then off thinking you were trying to run away. Rubbing the scar on your wrist shivering at the thought.
Yeah. Not again.
Rounding the corner to the front of the manor your Lady and Lady Beneviento stood almost like they were waiting for something, or someone. A loud snicker brought your attention to Angie who stated up at you, bowing your head at them respectfully-thankfully remember the first rule anyone would know
Rule 1- don't look at any of the Lord's until they gave you some sort of signal(you technically broke it? But they either didnt care or mind)
Lady Dimitrescu placed a single hand on your shoulder sending a tingle of fright and anticipation through you "I will be giving you my own head maid, Donna dear" she started nodding in your direction giving you a odd smile-almost knowing? Of something "to help around your home" with that decided-it was clear she would not be changing her mind. Not that you'd want her to either
"Oo! We get the pretty lady?" Angie giggled loudly making her run around you in circles chanting something along the lines of "Pretty!" And "tea partner" smiling softly at her, Beneviento tensed up in embarrassment at the thought of you in her home. But accepted none the less
Calling out your name as you all got ready to finally leave. You turned to your former Lord "Now" she started giving you a stern look "be on your best behavior. Treat her right." Placing a hand on your arm her nails slowly turning to claws before turning back to normal. Like a warning
Entering Beneviento's home you noted how.. homie it really was. Like a normal house minus the dolls around. Some on shelves others on random chests or just sprawled on the floor.
Smiling like a little kid on Christmas you let a small "woah" as you glanced around the Lady of the house watching you intently as you neared one of her dolls, a defensive one who attacked if an unknown/violent person enters in her home on instinct without her command. Nibbling her lip nervously under her veil she hoped you would grow uninterested in the doll.
She was wrong
"This is so cool!" You escalated getting way to close for everyone in the room. The other dolls stared worry surrounding them from their Mothers nerves being shot. The doll sprung to life-a sharp intake from Beneviento, Angie moved to get you away, She slammed her eye shut. Awaiting the scream of pain to come out. The blood. But nothing came. Slowly she opened to see what could only be a silent but swift kill.
Her mouth opened in shock. You held the doll gently in your hands-it didn't even try to harm you just stared curiously at you, "I'm assuming you made this as well m'lady?" With a tilt of your head you sent a smile her way. Shock and disbelief was all she felt-even Angie was stumped about this.
"W.." for the first time since she first learned to talk. Angie was at a lose for words. "Well of course you dummy!" She just as quickly regained her ability. With a nod of your head you placed the doll where it leapt from gently smoothing out its outfit and you moved back. Hands on your hips before turning to face the two once again
"Well I think its cute!" The dolls around the surrounding area chattered excitedly, their mother stood yet again stumped. They obviously liked you-and she had no idea what to do about it.
She ignored the giggle of Angie who stared at her knowingly.
That started your new routine.
Everyday you woke up, changed. Accompany Angie around to clean as she entertained(teased) you. Everynow and again one of the Dollmakers dolls that are capable of walking yet have no speak or full will of their own like Angie would pop up and just stare at you. Or follow you. But if you looked at then they'd run off
So that made you have another rule.
Rule 2- if one of her dolls pop up don't look at them depending on who they are, and if you see them politely smile and wave. Do not engage unless they do.
It seemed like almost everyone in the house liked you to some extent. Almost everyone. You knew the Lady Beneviento at least somewhat liked you even during the small times of seeing her.
Yet during the last couple of weeks you barely saw the Lady of the house herself. Just at breakfast through Dinner. When you bring the food in she brought the tea. She refused to let you make it- Angie said something about how that's her favorite thing(and only thing) she cooked. All the other times you assumed she had little to no interest in you.
That all changed when one day you drew her attention to you even more then you unknownly had.
While cutting the bread you glanced up watching Angie as she ran around the small room, in awe about how life like she was, even after the amount of times you've seen it and heard it- she acted like a child- it was heartwarming but it was still a surprise. "Fuck" you hissed moving your hand away from the knife, in your obviousness you accidentally cut your thumb. Some specks of blood. Looking up from the deafening silence Angie was frozen in the middle of the room staring at you mouth agape. As usual you imagined if she was truly alive you wondered if she'd outright laugh
Which she did. And to your horror mimicked you
"Fuck" Angie copied gleefully. 'Oh no' was all you could think of as you rushed to her "FUCK!!" She yelled out louder then the last
"No no Lady Angie please" you attempted to calm her. What if Lady Beneviento heard? Would she be mad? Or find this funny? You were almost scared to find out "don't say that word please" at that she froze before slowly turning her attention to you
If this was anyone else. Like for example the daughters you served at your time in the Dimitrescu castle you'd be dead right about now. That's when it finally settled in. You just gave an order. To one of the lords. And if not the most unpredictable one at that considering how out of the ordinary she is. They all were in their own sense but Angie is arguably a very very unpredictable doll. If you weren't already worried out of your mind, you are now
"Um-" you started before she floated close to your face frozen. It was a couple minutes. Long painful silence. If it weren't for this situation that was happening admiring the work done on the doll would have been something you would have been doing
"Fuck" she giggled making a deep sigh of breath you held in this moment. "Hehe~" laughing that weird laugh of hers rushing off leaving you alone in the living room. Around dolls that seemed to pierce daggers into you much harsher then usual. Like Donna knew what you just taught Angie that. Like she saw
But.. she couldn't have. She's in the basement.. right?
That night Angie still said the word and laughed like the 9 year old? You guessed? She was, but never said it infront of her mom. Thank god for that. But.. that didn't last long either
"Motherfucker" was the first thing you heard leaving your room. Looking at the small doll in question who just giggled at your shocked expression "you are a motherfucker" before rushing off laughing
"WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?" you yelled after Angie who in turn laughed even harder in horror you tried to wrap your mind around it. Did you say that? No. You're 50% sure you didn't say that word yet. At least not here
Standing in the hallway for a moment. Someone was behind you watching frozen not at you telling but at the young dolls profanity. Turning around you saw the one person you hoped wouldn't see or HEAR anything.
"L-Lady Beneviento!" You exclaimed bowing your head down harshly, "sorry about that I don't know where she heard that from" hoping to Mother Miranda she wasn't mad.
A ear piercing silence surrounded you both in the hallway before the sound of a chuckle-then a deep soft laugh escaped the veiled women in front of you. Bringing her hand under her veil to probably whip away tears she probably had escape from how hard she laughed. Standing in shock at the scene infront of you-growing flustered before a smile crept on your face.
You could only hope you'd hear that lovely sound again.
"...thank you" a hoarse voice so soft you had to hold your breath to hear it clearly. It was even more apparent that she hardly spoke to anyone if it was that hoarse. But it was still the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. A smile crept up your face as your heart swelled in happiness. "Donna." She interpreted your thoughts making you blink in confusion
"Call me Donna"
After a couple of months you and the two Ladies of the house got closer. Angie followed you around like a duck yelling profanities or teasing you about your crush on her mom- that she somehow figured out. Just like now.
"Donna and Y/N sitting in a tree" Angie sang, dancing around the coffee table. Donna sitting next to you drinking a cup of tea under her veil "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Angie spoke making the veiled women spit the tea out onto the table and the surrounding area.
"ANGIE" You yelled flustered but chuckling at the exaggerated reaction from Donna who was frantically whipping the spilled tea off of herself. Leaning over with a napkin you helped a bit
Silence filled the room when Angie ran out laughing the only slight of sound was the tick from the clock which sat above the door to the living room. Tapping the table you glanced at the time, realizing what the time was you jumped up catching Donna off guard
"Oh! Donna I have to see the Duke" you spoke looking away unaware of frozen panicked state. You hadn't left the house since the day you moved in, so you weren't aware of the jar, unaware of the village's state. Unaware of everything. With a gulp behind the veil the one thing that mostly plagued her mind.
What if you left?
What if you saw what she helped do and left her? Forever?
She couldn't deal with another lose- especially not you. Looking back you smiled at her gently, grabbing her hands gently rubbing the too with the palm of your thumb "I'll be back. I promise. I won't ever leave you or Angie, Donna I swear it"
Taking a deep shaky breath Donna nodded her head. "Alright. Just... don't be gone too long ok?" Donna begged-Hopeing it wouldn't seem too desperate- if it was you'd never comment on it.
"Of course" you promised.
The trip to the Duke wasn't easy nor was it too hard, bumps and bruises here and there. But in the end it will be worth it.
"Ah, the young helper from Lady Beneviento's correct?" The Duke spoke allowed rolling out of no where- you'd never figure out how he could do that. Or how the single horse could pull such a big guy either. A large grin appeared on your face
"Duke! Hey what's up?" Going over towards his shop you looked around a bit "it's been a bit quiet hasn't it?" The Duke froze turning towards you looking as you gushed over some of his items. A smile suddenly came onto his face
"Ah yes" he cleared his throat "I believe their planning on some..celebration of some sort for the Lords. And Mother Miranda of course" he concluded
"Ah, that makes sense!" Before you would say anything else something caught your attention. A single flower. A rose. If you could remember from the many books-and studies with Angie it means "Love" pointing to the rose "I would like to buy that one please" you spoke the Duke following your gaze and smiled softly
"Ah, a beautiful rose for a beautiful lord, my dear. Perfect choice" pulling out a couple more then just the single you assumed he'd pick he held them out to you gently, before you could pull your coin pouch out he held a hand to stop. "It's on the house, dear. You don't owe me anything"
"Oh! Well.. thank you Duke" smiling you took the Rose's gently in your hand turning and rushing off, rubbing the scar on your wrist in nervousness. The Duke watched in silence- he could only hope you'd stay safe looking back in his shop at the three statues he concluded- life isn't that fair nor kind to anyone.
Holding the flowers tightly so you wouldn't drop them yet gently so it wouldn't break, you smiled gently, today is the day, you were finally going to tell Donna how you felt. How much she meant to you.
Rushing up the trail to the house you couldn't help but shiver, a slightly unnerving shiver-almost cold. Obviously worried about the whole confessing thing. With a rub of your wrist you gulped deeply, biting your lip slightly-Donna would never cast you away for how you felt-she wasn't like that...
The closer you got to the door as it came into view, the more worried you became, walking around the sprawled out dolls around you took a deep breath and opened the door
"Donna. Angie I'm back!" You called out
Nothing came back. No quick pitter patter from the wooded feet of Angie sprinting towards you. Gulping down the lump in your throat you clutched the flowers a bit tighter still being mindful of how much strength you put in it.
The doll room! That must be were they are, walking around the couch you started down the hall before you froze everything happened in slow motion. The flowers falling, the white red speaks appearing in your eyes.
The scream that pierced out of your throat in horror. Anguish and grief. The bloodied body of Donna laid on the floor Angie beside her. Blood pooled around them, it was obviously Donna's and by the looks of it- it stopped pouring out. Dropping to your knees with a heavy thonk-you ignored the pain in then. The static in your ears as blood rushed from your face. Bringing Donna's head onto your lap. You shook her gently
"Donna" you started tears rushing down harsh against your cheeks-all you saw was the blurrier vison of the women you loved "wake up" you begged shaking her yet again. Trying desperately to ignore the painfully obvious dull in her eye as her veil moved slightly, before you on instinct moved it to cover her whole face.
"Don't leave me" sobbing harshly you brought her closer as you shook. "I" gulping down the sob from your horse throat "I love you, please don't leave me alone"
"Please. Come back"
All you got was silence
Then another scream
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
Unintended Consequences
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Cover by: @hyeincovers​
Rated: Smut, Slow burn (very slow), Strangers to lovers
Pairing: JohnnyxReader
Summary: When you took a week off of work for one of your best friend’s wedding— a week off that was incredibly tough to even acquire from your demanding job— there were things you were expecting: lots of drinking, seeing your friends after a long time, the warm beaches of the island your friend decided to tie the knot on. What you did not expect boiled down to exactly two things: an absolutely embarrassing encounter in the depths of intoxication, and the person who was at the cause of said encounter. Neither were you prepared for the unintended consequences that came from your public mortification.
Word Count: 40K (Genuine oops for this.)
(A/N): The elevator thing actually happened to me a year ago at a wedding. I absolutely had to say that and add that everything after that is pure fiction. No Johnny’s walking around casually at any wedding I’ve been to. I also deeply miss beaches. There’s also a playlist I can’t link on this because tumblr is difficult.
Miscellaneous Masterlist 
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Day 1
“I’m very happy for you.” (Y/N) said as she took another sip of her drink, holding the glass close to her chest as a last line of defense, “I just don’t understand why you’d have a week long wedding.” She shrugged a little, wincing when she saw her friend’s face fall. “I mean don’t get me wrong. I think this place is something else, I can hear the waves everywhere. But I had to coax and threaten my boss for the days off. She’s also in general just not happy about the concept of weddings, so you can imagine the mental gymnastics I had to pull.” She took another sip of her drink, frowning down at the now empty glass when she realised that the bottom of the glass was mostly the remains of the melting ice cube.
“That’s because your boss is a frigid bitch, (Y/N).” Sooyoung rolled her eyes, making (Y/N) giggle. “I’m one of your best friends? Plus!” She pointed a finger dramatically, clearly a little drunk, “We both know your boss isn’t going to fire your workaholic, competent ass. She’s practically grooming you to be her. So just be happy for me okay?” She pouted at her.
“I am happy for you.” (Y/N) smiled for emphasis but Sooyoung just rolled her eyes.
“And enjoy you time? Go get a tan on the beach or something, swim a little. This is your first vacation in what? Three years? Consider it my gift to you.” She waved her hand like a fairy godmother.
“Two years.” She stuck her tongue out and Sooyoung stuck hers right back. “I am saving up for a new apartment, you know that.” 
Sooyoung gave her a wide tight-lipped smile, “Hence the gift part. You work too hard and you were going to die of a Vitamin D deficiency if I didn’t save you and whisk you away.” Sooyoung picked up two glasses from a server passing by and handed her one glass. (Y/N) scrunched her nose, usually particular about her drinks, but it was Sooyoung’s wedding week. So she drank it anyway.
“You could have spared me the work day by letting me booking an evening flight at the very least, you know. Your Groom isn’t even here yet! Taking a week off is too much to ask from my boss.” She continued defending herself, more out of jest now.
“He’s coming later tonight. It was a flight problem. Plus he insisted he come with all his groomsmen.” She rolled her eyes like it was a dumb idea.
“So exactly like you did?” (Y/N) raised a brow and Sooyoung smiled slyly. “So Doyoung and you are made for each other.” She scoffed but her friend expertly ignored the sarcasm.
“We are, aren’t we?” She made a small noise of excitement. (Y/N) made a face that made Sooyoung laugh.
(Y/N) groaned, “I’m going to go look for Joohyun, you’re being too in love. It’s disgusting.” She stuck her tongue out again and Sooyoung mirrored it.
On her quest to look for Joohyun, she managed to pick up a drink for herself. Looking around the crowd to find her easily lost friend. 
“Oh (Y/N), just the person I was looking for.” She turned as Jungwoo grabbed her arm. The other hand holding two glasses, the logistics of the balance momentarily caught her off guard. He pushed the glass into her hand, “Come on, let’s drink.” He gave her a wide grin.
She sighed as she looked at the small glass, “You could have at least had the dignity of getting a slice of lemon.” She frowned but he bought the glass up to his own lips, ignoring her. Unwillingly, she did the same, the liquid burning all way down to her stomach. She needed to eat some food.
“This is why I love you.” He spoke after he finished grimacing, “Let’s go get more shots.” His grin never left. (Y/N) laughed at his child-like excitement over the presence of the open bar.
“Sooyoung will be livid if the hotel staff has to peel us off the floor. Plus I’m looking for Joohyun.” She shifted on her feet as the heat of the alcohol spread in her belly, she hated shots.
“That’s an excellent idea. Let’s go find Joohyun and we can all do shots!” He laughed at his own idea like it was the best idea he had. She rubbed her forehead, frustrated with the conversation coming back to the same outcome.
“Can we at least get one of those canapes?” She bargained, pointing to a waiter passing by.
“Later.” Jungwoo slipped his arm into hers and waved his hands, “Joohyun!” He said, making her frown. How did he find her so easily when she’d been looking for so long?
She wasn’t sure what the time was when she got on the elevator. She kept her eyes on the floor, trying to stop her head spinning. In the distance the music still thumped, the bass of it vibrating in the cramped space. 
“Why did we leave so soon?” Jungwoo pouted at her.
“Because you puked in a cactus hedge and the hotel staff told you off for ruining the rock bed.” She glared at the floor, hoping her tone filled in her displeasure.
“This elevator is going down?” Wendy murmured. (Y/N) looked up to find her squinting at the buttons— the one to their floor was definitely pressed. But like Wendy said, the elevator was on it’s way down.
“You guys.” Yeri whispered, “I once watched a movie where this happened.” She said with a voice too full of dread.
“Where what happened?” Jungwoo asked nervously.
“The elevator went to the basement. And this witch stood there, her hair floating around her face.” She pulled her hair across her face for emphasis.
(Y/N) snorted, pushing her own suddenly uneasy nerves down.  (Y/N) blamed the alcohol and the tone of Yeri’s voice for the dread she felt. She tried to shake it off, “Are you talking about Inception?” She scoffed louder.
“Am I?” She looked at the floor, trying to recall.
The elevator dinged open in the basement and despite herself, (Y/N) looked out while her friends debated whether Inception deserved an Oscar. A figure emerged from the shadows in all black. Before she could help it, (Y/N) screamed and covered her face. Everybody in the elevator jumped in horror as the man walked into the elevator with wide eyes. She sank to the floor quickly, keeping her face covered with her hands. Her friends all burst out laughing and the sound that came from her lips were a mix of laughter and mortification. Her face felt so hot from embarrassment that it felt sticky.
“What happened?” A voice she didn’t know asked with concern. She stayed in place, crouched with her face covered. She did not need to see his face and she was glad he would not see hers.
“My friend thought you were a hairy witch.” Seulgi spoke, everybody burst into laughter again. If the ground opened up in the moment, she would jump in before it had a chance to swallow her.
“I like to believe I’m well groomed.” The other voice spoke again, laced with amusement. Earning himself another round of laughter, joining in himself.
(Y/N) stayed planted on the floor firmly with her identity masked till the elevator dinged.
“He’s gone now.” Yeri announced with a chuckle and finally she stood up, still mortified.
“That was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Jungwoo said with a clap.
“I just want to go to bed.” She murmured.
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Day 2
(Y/N) wasn’t sure when she actually fell asleep. After spending more than an hour in the shower to wash away her mortification and intoxication and tossing and turning in bed to fight reliving the incident in her head repeatedly she reminded herself that it was just a stranger— someone she would never see again and who had never seen her face. With that reassurance she finally managed to get a few odd hours of sleep.
At the moment she sat at a table in the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Her face felt so swollen from the alcohol and lack of sufficient sleep that her eyes pressed into her forehead— or maybe that was the hangover that was currently raging inside her skull, she couldn’t decide. Jungwoo scrapped his fork against his plate and she groaned, putting her head in her hands.
“Please. Have mercy.” She begged him and he apologised with a surprising amount of earnestness.
“Aren’t you going to eat something?” Joohyun pointed her knife at her.
“At some point. Since you so rudely woke me up.” She frowned at Joohyun, her current roommate.
“Nobody asked you to drink your weight in alcohol last night. You need to eat or you would miss the yacht party in the afternoon.” Joohyun reminded, unhelpfully. 
“Fuck that’s today.” She groaned, this time Wendy and Jungwoo joined her. She sighed to herself, looking back and forth till her eyes focused on the table with the juice canisters displayed on it. She focused on the large glass containers, frosted with the promise of ice cold juice and got out of her chair with a mission.
After roughly seven glasses, she felt partially human again. Giving into the rising growl in her stomach, she got up to find some food.
With a plate of eggs and sausages in her hand, she stood in front of the coffee machine, looking at the contraption with distrust. She missed her french press already but sighed and pushed the needed buttons.
“Four shots of espresso in one cup?” A voice spoke from behind her. She squinted, pretty sure she had heard it somewhere. But the person that came to stand beside her wasn’t anybody she had met.
“I like the elevated heartbeat it gives me. Like an adrenaline sport but without the immediate threat to my life.” She replied wryly, earning a chuckle.
“That’s quite ambitious.” He tapped his chin, making her look up at him.
“My mom says the same thing. I just like to consider myself a run-of-the-mill addict.” She shrugged, really not in the mood to make conversation while half her body was still shut from dehydration. It didn’t help that this man was attractive and this morning she looked like the claim she made of being an addict might hold some water. She frowned, the man seemed to straighten up.
He snorted and she noted his sudden discomfort with amusement, “No judgement from a fellow addict himself.” He shrugged and she smiled at the coffee machine. The machine squirted out it’s second espresso and she tapped her foot on the floor.
“Sorry for keeping you.” She said sheepishly.
“No rush, we’re all here for breakfast anyway.” He crossed his arms in front of his chest. In a better state she’d give his muscles a better look over. Instead she kept tapping her foot on the floor.
“You seem to be in a rush though.” He looked down to her feet. She stopped her tapping, not knowing how to explain that her nature was impatience. 
Eventually the last espresso successfully reached her cup and she picked it up, considering the idea of using the kettle of hot water beside the machine more convenient than the rising anxiety she felt for holding someone up. He looked like he wanted to be out of here, and she wanted to currently cease existing because of her headache.
“Sorry for the wait.” She said quickly as she poured herself the water to fill the cup the rest of the way.
“And you drink it black.” He sounded pleased and she gave him a distracted nod and a concluding smile, walking away before he finished his thought. 
If it wasn’t nine am, she’d have better manners.
(Y/N) realised, rather unwillingly, that Joohyun was right. After the breakfast and a shower, she felt more prepared for the afternoon’s festivities. 
At the moment she stood in front of the mirror, putting on her mascara. As someone who constantly survived on questionable hours of sleep, the bar wasn’t set too high; nonetheless, she was impressed by her efforts to look presentable.
“I can’t believe our Sooyoung is getting married.” Joohyun spoke with a small gasp of surprise.
“Me neither. You’re all starting to leave me behind one by one.” (Y/N) joked, pleased when it worked to get Joohyun out of her reflective melancholy.
“You’ll get married one day too. And that day i’ll actually not believe it.” She chuckled to herself while folding a dress.
(Y/N) chuckled cynically, “There’s a long time till that day I can promise you that. I have to watch you go through your married life and at least a pregnancy first. Just to know that I am aware of what I will get into.” Joohyun blushed, throwing a towel on the bed at her back.
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(Y/N) stood toward the back of the yacht, the stern, an over chatty guest had helpfully informed her a while back. She closed her eyes to feel the salty breeze on her face, enjoying the quick moment of quiet. Her phone was somewhere deep in her purse and her purse was somewhere deep below deck. There was no cellphone reception this far out and she settled her agitation by reminding herself that she was in fact on vacation. So she relaxed and breathe in the smell of the ocean around her. 
After her moment of peace, she decided to go back towards the party— mostly to get herself a glass of champagne and the fried chicken that Yeri promised her was the best part of the afternoon.
“(Y/N)!” Sooyoung gestured to come towards her eagerly just as (Y/N) encountered a tray filled with champagne flutes. She raised her glass to Sooyoung with a chuckle and walked towards her.
“I was looking for you!” Sooyoung said with a wide, happy smile. “You are yet to meet Doyoung’s friends, come on.” She put her arms through (Y/N)’s and pulled her towards a group of men chatting with each other. Sooyoung let her arm go only to put her elbow on Doyoung’s shoulder, who affectionately put his arm on her waist. 
“You’ve met my Doie, of course.” She grinned. The first time (Y/N) met Doyoung, he was embarrassed of Sooyoung using that nickname in front of others. Today he just smiled through his growing blush.
“How have you been, (Y/N)?” He asked her, “How’s work?” He tried to make conversation.
“Don’t ask her about work please.” Sooyoung swatted him making the others laugh, “She’s going to go off looking for that dreaded phone of hers again.” She chastised him and he apologised.
“Don’t scold your future husband. He’s just trying to be polite. He would ask me about my hobbies if we had more chances to talk about that.” She scolded Sooyoung back but she just gave her an unconvinced shrug. Doyoung gave her a grateful smile though.
“These are my friends, (Y/N).” Doyoung turned to the other people. “You’ve met some of them.” He said, while he introduced her to them. (Y/N) smiled at them, her eyes stopping on the man she recognised from the coffee machine.
“I’m Johnny.” He extended his hand to her, giving her a teasing smile. “If you didn’t walk away quite so fast in the morning I would have told you that.” His smile grew wider. She returned his smile, noting the Patek Philippe watch around his wrist.
“You’ve met?” Both Doyoung and Sooyoung asked at the same time.
“In the morning, while we both waited for our caffeine fix.” Johnny informed, making Sooyoung smile wide enough to make (Y/N) suspicious.
“You both live in New York, you know.” Sooyoung said eagerly. (Y/N) nodded at her, unsure of where she was going with this.
Johnny seemed to consider the information, smiling with intent. “Sooyoung, it seems you’ve been hiding your friend from me.” Johnny jabbed lightly and she laughed in response.
“Me? I haven’t seen (Y/N) for a year before the wedding. How do you get to meet her?” Sooyoung teased him back and Johnny laughed.
“It’s not my fault you moved to San Francisco.” (Y/N) reminded Sooyoung. She just waved the accusation away, making (Y/N) smile.
“(Y/N)!” Jungwoo’s voice almost filled her with relief. She had started to feel a little out of place among people she didn’t know that well. She turned to where he spoke from, giving him a pleading gaze in hope that he would take her away. “Have you tried the fried chicken yet?” He spoke as he approached, stopping halfway to look at somebody else.
“You!” Jungwoo said, suddenly laughing. “Oh my god, you’re Doyoung’s friend?” He clapped his hands together in delight. She looked back at Johnny, confused by Jungwoo’s acknowledgement.
“How’s your friend?” Johnny spoke, a smirk settling on his face, “I hope I didn’t give her too much of a fright.” Jungwoo opened his mouth, before turning to (Y/N). 
“Why don’t you ask her yourself?” He giggled, straightening up when she glared at him.
(Y/N) turned to face Johnny so slowly, almost too aware of how suddenly everybody around her had their eyes on her. She knew his voice sounded familiar in the morning. He was also too monstrously tall for there to be more than one. She bit her lips like it would somehow stop the blood from pooling into her cheeks.
“Oh?” Johnny raised a brow, an intrigued smile on his face.
“Who else did you think was small enough to crouch down so efficiently into a ball on command.” Jungwoo clapped her back with acknowledgement, unaware of how she was resisting the urge to push him into the sea. Johnny looked her up and down, as if realising that she was in fact too short. To her horror, his smile only grew wider. It didn’t help that he was the tallest one around.
“What’s going on?” One of the men, Ten she remembered, asked out loud.
“I was wondering the same thing.” Sooyoung mumbled.
“Let’s go try that fried chicken yeah?.” (Y/N) pulled Jungwoo away quickly, pinching his arm when he tried to protest.
“Why would you do that?” (Y/N) hissed when they both reached a respectable distance. She shoved him towards the railing to satisfy part of her urge to shove him off-board. Jungwoo looked at her with his best innocent face. “He didn’t see me, you know? I could have gone this entire week without this humiliation.” She whined.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Jungwoo rolled his eyes, swallowing a choked cough when she glared daggers at him, “I mean, does it matter?” He laughed nervously. “Just some light fun that you’ll laugh about in a few years I’m sure.” He chuckled by himself, “(Y/N) please.” He blew air from between his lips dismissively to emphasize his point.
“Maybe we should tell people about your incident in the cactus bush.” She narrowed her gaze at him, taking the smile from his face.
Jungwoo laughed nervously and looked around before jumping up and pointing to the crowd, “He’s coming here, (Y/N)! Elevator guy.” Jungwoo whispered. She straightened up and grabbed Jungwoo again, walking away into the crowd. When she turned back, her eyes met Johnny’s for a brief moment. She turned away, not lingering on his smile.
Jungwoo pulled his arm out from her hold once they were two decks below, “You can’t exactly escape him on a boat. Vastly limited escape routes.” He said it like she somehow didn’t understand that.
“I can at least try. You put me in this situation,” She pointed an accusatory finger. “So humour me, Kim Jungwoo.” She groaned.
Jungwoo pouted at her, “We didn’t even get to have the chicken.” He whined earning an incredulous glare.
“We’ll get it on the way out.” She sighed in defeat.
“Or we can just get it when they cut the cake.” Jungwoo shrugged with excitement. When she frowned Jungwoo laughed, “Excuse you, Sooyoung is up to her forehead with wedding nerves. She will skin us both alive if we aren’t in the pictures. You’re usually the one I’d be more scared of, but bridezilla wins any fight.” Jungwoo scoffed. (Y/N) was at a loss, of course she couldn’t miss that. Sooyoung would be devastated. She slumped her shoulders in defeat, giving him a nod.
(Y/N) was too aware of the eyes from across the crowd that were singled in on her, but Johnny didn’t move from his spot. She stood across the cake, taking a small amount of pleasure in a victory that was short-lived. In a week long wedding, she would inevitably have to see the man countless times, especially considering he was one of the groomsmen. At the moment though, she kept her eyes on Sooyoung who looked content as she and Doyoung cut a small cake that Wendy assured her was only that size to not outshine her actual wedding cake. She thought of what Joohyun said earlier in the day as she turned to find her trying her best to hold back her tears. Sooyoung really was getting married and (Y/N) was happy for her.
As the sun set beyond the horizon, the festivities of the day seemed to slow down. The music dropped to a slower tempo above her as (Y/N) tried to dig through the coats and bags below deck to find hers. Why someone would bring a coat to a tropical retreat was beyond her. She sighed with relief when she finally spotted her bag, pulling it out eagerly. Now that they were steering back towards the coast, the reception was bound to return.
“Oh, I didn’t realise someone was–” She jumped, caught off guard. She turned to find Johnny watching her, the same amused smirk on his face— maybe that was just what his face looked like. 
“Are you usually this jumpy?” He asked, tilting his head to the side, studying her.
“I was just looking for my bag.” She held up the object, like it was evidence.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you, I just needed to make a call. I was hoping the reception would be back already.” He laughed effortlessly, running his fingers through his hair— ruining the hold of whatever product there was in it. Infuriatingly, it still looked really good. 
(Y/N) blinked, realising that she was staring at him. He smirked at her again, looking her over again. Her mouth felt a little dry at the scrutiny, and she resisted the urge to lick her lips. Instead he licked his, preparing to say something. Her phone rang loudly in her bag as he opened his mouth. She yelped and he let out a laugh at her response.
“I guess the reception is back.” She laughed awkwardly, looking away to rummage through her bag and holding up her phone to her ear. “Hello?” She spoke into the object, turning away from him with a surge of relief.
As the yacht finally docked at shore, (Y/N) was sure there was some altar she needed to leave some offerings at out of gratitude for the sheer luck she had today: avoiding Johnny all day. On the other hand, one of her clients had urgently gotten in touch and given her work that she was sure would occupy the rest of her evening. Her assistant called as she walked down the deck towards the resort, a hand on her shoulder stopping her.
“We’re going for a drink at the hotel bar with Doyoung’s friends, join us.” Sooyoung said, her smiling fading when (Y/N) gave her a sheepish one in return.
“I promised my boss I’d be available remotely. A client needs something urgently, if I don’t do it now I won’t be free tomorrow.” (Y/N) said apologetically. Sooyoung sighed but put on a smile. “It’s fine, it’s just a drink anyway.” She tried to mask her disappointment, “Go before I change my mind!” She pushed her playfully.
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With years of experience and immense help from her assistant, (Y/N) managed to finish her work just short of midnight. Realising that she wasn’t tired enough to sleep, she called the reception; they helpfully informed her that the pool and gym were open 24/7 on account of the wedding party.
After a round on the treadmill, (Y/N) was in the pool. She sighed as she floated around, relishing it. She loved swimming, and with a sigh she realised that she had been here for two days now and it was her first time visiting the pool. She lifted from the surface, the sound of the crashing waves returning the moment the water dripped out of her ears. She looked out towards the ocean— the moon and lighting across the property making it visible. A sigh that was meant to be wistful came out melancholic as she turned away, taking a dip under the surface of the water. 
The second time she emerged, her eyes fell towards the glass wall that made the gym overlook the pool. Behind the glass, Johnny sat on a stationary bike.
Her breath caught in her throat.
 It was fairly obvious that he was watching her; not bothering to look away when their eyes met. She felt her cheeks heat under his gaze, realising that it wasn’t from embarrassment this time but the look in his eyes. Heat pooled in her stomach despite the cold water she was surrounded by and he still made no effort to look away. She stood frozen, her feet far from the ground this close to the deep end but she tried her best to keep her face up. She realised that her heart was beating very fast. 
Johnny was an attractive man no doubt, but as his eyes bored into her and he licked his lips, she was suddenly too aware of how attractive he was. His lips parted into a smile, the same one he seemed to always have for her— like they both shared a secret. (Y/N)’s toes felt cold, like all her blood was rushing away from the extremes of her body.
All too quickly, his lips turned down. 
He frowned and lifted away from the bike handles, sitting up straight and tapping on his ear. When he looked away and looked like he spoke, she realised he answered a phone call. She was about to turn away when he gave her one last glance, a passing expression of apology and impatience in them. Then he got up and left the gym.
(Y/N) let out a breath she had held on for a moment too long. What was wrong with her? She shook her head and got out of the pool, reprimanding herself all the way to her room. When she got on the elevator, a pained laugh left her lips.
“You’re stupid and the fact that your friend is getting married is getting to you, (Y/N).” She mumbled to herself as she dried her hair with a towel.
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Day 3
It was a vile six in the morning when (Y/N) waited in the lobby with her friends for the rest of the party to show up so they could go visit the town nearby and buy trinkets at the market. Jungwoo walked in after a few minutes with a croissant sandwich in his hands making Yeri frown at him.
“What? I wasn’t going to skip breakfast.” He spoke with his mouth stuffed.
“How are you eating that so early in the morning.” Yeri wrinkled her nose and he stuffed the sandwich under her nose in response, making her shriek and swat him away.
“You’re too loud.” Joohyun scolded them with both her index fingers inside her ears. 
Sooyoung and Doyoung walked in amidst the chaos, with Sooyoung laughing at Yeri’s annoyed expression.
“You aren’t allowed to look this perfect at this ungodly hour.” Yeri groaned, making Sooyoung flick her hair in response.
“It’s the honeymoon glow.” Seulgi nodded, while eating a croissant sandwich Jungwoo carried along for her on her request.
“They aren’t married yet.” (Y/N) looked at Seulgi like she was being ridiculous.
“Look around you. This is a honeymoon.” Jungwoo scoffed and they had to all agree with a thoughtful hum.
Sooyoung turned to Doyoung, “Yes, they’re always like this. Welcome to the family.” She patted his back sympathetically.
Doyoung scoffed, “They aren’t as insane as the boys, don’t worry.” He laughed, “I think you guys are charming.” He smiled affectionately.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that was sarcastic.” Jungwoo whispered to Yeri who sighed in response.
“Everybody can hear you. Shut up.” She said back in the same volume, making Doyoung laugh.
Doyoung’s friends walked in a moment later, laughing amongst themselves about something.
“Why are all of Doyoung’s friends so good looking?” Wendy leaned over to whisper to (Y/N)— an actual whisper compared to Jungwoo. She turned to Wendy, raising an eyebrow at her and making her blush. “What? I know you’ve thought about it too. Don’t judge me.” She sputtered, making (Y/N) smile at her.
“Good for you, you’ve got an entire week to explore that thought.” (Y/N) winked at her with encouragement, “Plus I’m sure Sooyoung will be more than glad to set you up.” She suppressed a laugh as her words seemed to make Wendy look away with a shy shake of her head.
“Where’s Johnny?” Doyoung’s voice caught her attention, making her turn to the group of men, noticing the missing one.
“Something about an important buy-out.” Mark spoke up, “I’ll be honest I wasn’t paying a lot of attention, but he was up all night and he’s still working on it.” Mark shrugged. 
(Y/N) looked away, feeling dumb for the disappointment that gently nudged at her chest. She was avoiding him, because she was embarrassed to be around him. She shouldn’t be that fickle, especially over a single moment from across a pool and a glass wall.
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By the time the sun was above their head, most of them were loaded with shopping bags. Ten and Yuta offered to carry their bags if it got too heavy and (Y/N) was sure they regretted the offer with just Yeri’s freight. Doyoung insisted on carrying Sooyoung’s bags, but she was kind enough to share the burden.
At the moment, the rest of them looked for a restaurant to eat at while Mark and (Y/N) went in search of a brass bowl. 
“Hey (Y/N), I think I found it!” Mark announced as he pointed at a small shop where sure enough, she could see the bowls she had been in search of. While they looked around the shop, Mark’s phone rang.
“Hey dude!” He stretched the last word with a giggle. Whatever came in response seemed to surprise him because he made a very audible sound implying the same, before stepping outside and squinting at the name of the shop. He seemed to focus on it for a long time before probably realising that it wasn’t in a language he understood. (Y/N) tried to bite back a smile as he walked back into the shop with a defeated sigh.
“Hey (Y/N).” He sounded unsure as he spoke, “Do you know where we are?” He scratched his head. When she nodded his eyes lit up, going wide. “Wait (Y/N) knows!” He smiled at her, giving her a thumbs up that she felt compelled to return. She gave him the name of the market and he tried his best to reiterate the name to whoever was on the phone.
Mark paused mid-sentence, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “Yeah just call Doyoung, the restaurant will probably be easier to find.” He let out an awkward laugh, “Sorry dude.” He chuckled awkwardly. This time she snorted, finding Mark’s disposition hilariously animated. When Mark hung up the phone, he didn’t seem annoyed by her laugh. In fact he seemed amused himself.
“Thanks dude.” Mark said before stuttering and correcting himself, “I mean, (Y/N).” He put his palm to his face,groaning. “Thanks (Y/N).” He winced at himself.
(Y/N) shook her head at him, eyes glittering with humour, “You can call me dude.” She chuckled. “I don’t mind.” 
They left the shop with two bowls wrapped in newspaper. Mark asked twice if she needed help carrying her things but she insisted they weren’t heavy.
“Mark!” A voice came from behind them, making them both turn.
Johnny waved at Mark, walking towards them with quick strides that looked effortless with his long legs. He wore black cargo pants with a sleeveless white t-shirt that made his biceps very visible as he walked closer. A pair of sunglasses sat perched on his nose which made it hard to tell if he noticed her. Yet when his lips bloomed into his signature smile, the sunglasses made no difference. That was the smile he gave her, it was her smile. 
The thought made unsolicited butterflies rise up her stomach and move around her chest.
“Hi.” He greeted her casually, making his lopsided grin look effortless. She gave him a wave, mentally slapping herself for not having something better to say.
“I can’t believe you actually came dude!” Mark gave him a fist bump, “I thought you’d crash after staying up all night.” 
Johnny just shrugged at his words. “I can sleep later.” He took off his sunglasses, slipping it into his collar. “So, what are we doing?” He smiled at both of them.
“Well, (Y/N) and I bought these brass bowls she was talking about on the ride here. They’re really nice.” Mark lifted the one in his hand. Johnny let his mouth hang, looking at Mark mockingly, “Did you want one?” Mark laughed.
“I can’t believe you forgot about me, Dude. I thought we were friends.” Johnny huffed and Mark nudged his shoulder.
“The shop is right there. Come on we can get you one.” Mark giggled at the end of the sentence, laughing at Johnny’s ridiculous indignation. On her part, she watched the exchange, thoroughly amused. The Johnny that stood in front of her right now was so different from the one she had, however briefly, encountered so far.
“You have to buy it for me.” Johnny crossed his arms in front of him and huffed. 
Mark nodded with another giggle, pushing him towards the shop. “You’re embarrassing yourself in front of (Y/N), you big dork!” 
Johnny didn’t deter, turning to her with his grin, “We’re fine with a little embarrassment between us aren’t we, (Y/N)?” He winked, laughing when she gave him a flustered nod.
That was the first time her name rolled off his tongue and for a moment that was all she could think about. 
Johnny entered a few more shops, each time playfully asking Mark if he would buy him what he wanted this time. Each time he ended up paying for it himself. What an odd guy, she thought. She realised that maybe, Johnny just liked to tease people. He sure did enjoy flustering her quite a bit. 
(Y/N) toyed with the carving of a frog. The green of the lacquer used on the bronze sculpture was so beautiful that she enjoyed looking at it for a moment.
“Do you like it?” Johnny’s voice softly brushed against her ear. She hummed in response, failing to notice the way his eyes lit up, “Well, you aren’t jumping in my presence anymore. I consider that progress.” 
She chuckled at the words, looking up at him and shrugging. “I guess you aren’t a hairy witch after all.” Amusement glinted in his eyes, mirroring the glint in hers.
“I told you. I’m a decently groomed man.” He huffed. At his words, her eyes glanced over to his arms, looking over the contours and noting the slightest glint of perspiration from the humidity. Before she could give it a thought, she swallowed; her eyes travelling up to his clavicle till it came back to his face. In response, Johnny licked his lips and for a moment she was sure she felt it in the pit of her stomach. Her lips parted, taking in a breath that betrayed her by shaking. The space between them was suddenly too close and not close enough. The fact that they were inside a shop that overlooked the street was tucked in the corner of her mind for a second.
“(Y/N).” His voice was a respectable inch short of an outright growl. He took the smallest step closer and his shadow completely covered her, he looked down at her with a gleam in his eyes that looked so irresistibly cautious— making her want to know what exactly he was holding back.
“Johnny?” She was almost impressed by how level her voice sounded. How she managed to sound so confident under the gaze he was giving her was not something she could ponder over in the moment without losing that small thread of confidence entirely. 
This time he took in an inhale, a shallow and choked one much to her satisfaction. At least they stood on equal ground now, the idea only made her yearn to have the upper hand. She stood in place like her feet were embedded into the slate floor, willing him silently to take just a few more steps.
“Guys we’re late!” Mark shrieked.
She saw the smallest flash of annoyance in Johnny’s eyes before he took a deep breath, combing his fingers through his hair.
“Did you get anything?” Johnny turned to Mark, no hint of what she witnessed moments before in his voice. She swallowed, realising that it only made her find him more attractive.
Mark nodded to Johnny in response to his question, holding up the bag in his hand as proof.
“Alright, head out then. I’ll just pay for the things I want and catch up.” He gave them both a smile.
Johnny caught up with them soon enough, coming to stand beside (Y/N) so she stood between him and Mark. He smiled as he looked up at the sky, their collective shopping bags rustling as they walked towards the restaurant they were meant to be at a while back.
“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Johnny sighed as he looked up at the sky. She followed his gaze. 
He was right, it was a beautiful day. The sky was a saturated blue, with thick white clouds that moved against it leisurely. The sun was warm on her face but the cool marine breeze soothed it’s tinge. It was a perfect day. One she tried to focus on even as Johnny’s eyes fell on her face and she tried to act like she didn’t notice.
“So what do you do, Mark?” She turned away from the sky and Johnny’s gaze.
“I work in publishing.”
“Oh so you live in New York too?” The thought made her smile.
Mark turned to her, eyes lost, before something clicked into place. “Oh that’s right! You live in New York!” Mark laughed and Johnny laughed behind her, at what she assumed was Mark’s excitement. “We should totally meet sometime.” He paused to take a quick breath, “And I’m not just saying that, okay? It’s hard to make friends in such a big city. I mean, I’m from Canada!” He added like it was an adequate explanation.
“Yeah, if they don’t smile and someone once a day, they get kidnapped in the night by a moose.” Johnny leaned in close to inform her, making her snort at the image.
“And you can’t tell me you’re busy like him.” Mark pointed an accusatory finger at Johnny, making him put a hand on his chest in mock affront. “He tells me he has so much work that he doesn’t have time to eat, and then we end up drinking at his apartment.” Another thought made his eyes widen further than she even thought possible. Mark clapped his hands together, “You should join us. We’re fun, aren’t we Johnny?” He asked Johnny eagerly.
“Come now, (Y/N) doesn’t need to witness the intoxicated recitations of your poetry.” Johnny said, his words making Mark’s face go red.
Before she could answer Johnny tugged at the bags in her hands, “Do you want me to carry those?” He asked casually.
“No, I’m fine.” She responded politely.
“They seem heavy.” He looked down, “Plus they keep hitting your knee.” He squinted at the realisation, no doubt finding it odd.
(Y/N) laughed, “That’s because I’m short, not much space between the arms and knees.” She lifted the bags for emphasis. Whatever thought passed Johnny’s mind, he kept it to himself, swallowing his smirk and nodding.
“I’m just saying, it’s not that big a deal to let me carry it.” He shrugged.
“You have your own bags. Otherwise I just might have taken up on your offer.” She chuckled, readjusting her grip on the bags. He looked down at the motion. “Plus,” She added before he insisted again, “We’re already here.” She looked ahead, making him follow her eyes. He smiled when he saw Doyoung waving at them from an open terrace above.
“Where were you? I thought Mark got you lost or something.” Doyoung asked as they approached the table.
“Excuse me? Is this how little you think of me? (Y/N) and I went to get something we both wanted and then Johnny Suh appeared out of thin air with a desire for retail therapy.” Mark pointed his head to the stuff in Johnny’s hands. Doyoung’s other friends cheered when they noticed Johnny— an odd gesture but nonetheless she had come to understand that Doyoung’s friends were a loud bunch.
“I guess you took my advice after all,” Yuta turned in his chair towards Johnny.
“What advice?” Doyoung asked.
“To enjoy his goddamn vacation.” Yuta chuckled when the table laughed.
“You know, that’s exactly what I told (Y/N).” Sooyoung spoke into her water glass, taking a sip when (Y/N) turned to glare at her.
“We do have two busy bodies amongst us don’t we.” Doyoung spoke while nibbling the stem of his sunglasses, looking at the both of them.
“Who here isn’t busy.” (Y/N) chuckled.
“Yeah but you both like it.” Sooyoung shuddered at the thought.
“That’s why (Y/N) was scared out of wits that night?” Jungwoo hid his smile behind his palm.
“She saw her own reflection?” Yeri added, making Jungwoo laugh in agreement as they both high-fived.
“Nevermind this.” Taeyong spoke up, “Stop ganging up on our friends. You haven’t even let them sit down.” He chastised.
“Here.” Jungwoo raised his hand, “We saved you seats.” He pointed at the empty chairs beside him.
Before (Y/N) reached her chair, Johnny pulled it out for her. She raised a brow at him but he just gave her a light hearted smile, one she felt compelled to return. Across the table, Sooyoung raised her brow at Doyoung, both of them watching the interaction before looking towards each other, a silent communication passing between them.
“Did you really buy matching bowls with the Mark Lee fellow?” Jungwoo leaned towards (Y/N) and asked after a moment, jutting his chin towards Mark as he sat down opposite them.
She turned to him, not answering him. Just staring till he got unnerved.
“Just remember that we’re best friends! Just because he lives in the same city as you doesn’t mean I can be replaced.” Jungwoo huffed, taking a sip of his juice.
“Right now I’m dangerously close to considering it.” She shrugged, holding back a smile when he slid his juice towards her.
“It’s pineapple. I know you like it.” He nudged it again. 
She pushed it back towards him, “The waiter will show up, I can just order one for myself.” She gave him a close mouthed smile.
“Look, (Y/N)!” Jungwoo jabbed a finger at her arm, making her wince, “He said he wants watermelon juice.” He can’t possibly be your best friend.” Jungwoo scoffed, blowing air from between his lips rather dramatically.
(Y/N) laughed this time, “What are you even talking about?” She laughed again. “I love watermelons.” She ruffled Jungwoo’s hair. “And for the record, all of you are my best friends. But if we were keeping score, Sooyoung is the closest to the title.” She laughed again.
“That’s right.” Sooyoung spoke across the table, making Jungwoo turn to her to find her narrowing her gaze at him.
“Shit I was loud again, wasn’t I?” Jungwoo bit his tongue visibly and she laughed again, both amused and done with his antics.
“What about me?” Wendy asked (Y/N) with indignation.
Sooyoung scoffed,“Please, we all know you and Seulgi are stuck by the hip. Don’t try to take her away from me.” She turned to her. Beside Wendy, Seulgi nodded in admittance.
“I love watermelons.” Mark said softly, giving Jungwoo a soft look, “But I like pineapples too.” He said hopefully. Jungwoo looked up, a smile forming on his lips. He pointed at him with a pleased smile.
“We can get along.” He announced, making Mark’s face brighten up.
(Y/N) laughed, turning to Johnny to find him watching her. The smile he had was a new one. She rested her chin on her shoulder, squinting at him.
“What?” She chuckled when he didn’t look away. Johnny just shook his head, resting his cheek in his palm, keeping his eyes on her.
“So.” Seulgi started, “What do you do, Johnny?” She toyed with a piece of tissue, her gaze on him. He peeled his gaze away from (Y/N) with leisure, sitting up straight when he faced Seulgi.
“I’m an investment banker.” He shrugged, not holding her eye contact.
“That explains the watch.” Yeri murmured, making (Y/N) and Sooyoung turn to her with horror. Wendy nodded in agreement with Yeri. “What?” She said defensively when she noticed the glares, “You told me that the best way to judge a man was his watch.” She pointed at (Y/N), making her put her hand on her temple.
“Yeri!” Joohyun coaxed her with her eyes to stop talking, but it was too late. (Y/N) just stayed in her position, turning to give Johnny a nervous laugh.
“She’s right.” Johnny shrugged, “Shoes too.” He nodded in agreement.
“That’s exactly what she said!” Yeri spoke up in excitement.
“Fuck me.”(Y/N) groaned, the embarrassment just piling on.
“Here?” Johnny clicked his tongue, catching her off guard. Before she could process, he moved on. “You’ve got taste, (Y/N). I didn’t know you liked watches.” He flicked his wrist and raised the dial. “What do you think about this one?” He asked curiously. 
She looked at the Piguet on his wrist, giving him an appreciative nod, “I like it better than what you wore yesterday. Though that’s just personal preference.” She added tapping her own wrist, Johnny’s eyes going to the watch, the same maker as his. Johnny smiled, pleased with that, it gave her the confidence to ask her next question, “What is your favourite?”
“It’s a Vacheron I got myself after an important IPO.” He said, like it wasn’t a big deal.
“So you’re basically a collector.” She gave him her own pleased smile.
“Is that good?” He asked.
“It’s better than buying one just because it’s the most expensive.” She shrugged.
“Can we order food?” Haechan’s voice snapped, both their gaze fluttering away towards him, “I’m very happy for you Johnny but it’s one in the afternoon and I haven’t eaten breakfast.” Haechan groaned.
On the way back, (Y/N) watched the scenery pass by outside the window. She tried to stay still as Joohyun slept on her shoulder, and Yeri on hers. Sooyoung turned back from one of the front seats, waving to get her attention. (Y/N) raised both her brows at her when she acquired it.
“You aren’t allowed to skip dinner tonight. If any of your clients have something to say, tell them that the glass ceiling is bad enough without them encroaching on your free time.” She warned in earnest. (Y/N)’s eyes danced with mirth as she nodded at her.
“I’m going to go back and go to the gym for a bit, okay?” She bit her lip. “Then I’m going to be at dinner.” Her eyes edged to the back of Johnny’s head that peaked from on top of his seat. She wondered if he was asleep, whether he heard her words. Sooyoung gave her a thumbs up before turning back to Doyoung to say something, letting (Y/N) settle back into her view watching.
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(Y/N) took a deep breath as she lifted herself off the floor, music blaring in her ears to distract her from the burn in her muscles. She relished in the way her lungs burned, her mind clearing up in the way it did when she focused on physical activity. 
She thought about Johnny, failing to ignore the way her insides clenched at the idea. There was nothing wrong with flirting with an attractive man, she reassured herself. Yet, a better part of her knew that she was messing with a person. She fell back on the floor with a huff, breathing rapidly as her lungs adjusted to the rest. She chastised herself again, he was also Doyoung’s friend. 
She took another shallow breath. She tried not to entertain the idea of something more than casual flirting. He was clearly also preoccupied with his job, there would be no need for her to even consider more. A better person would just cut it out, spare the man the means to an end.
She felt the reverberations of footsteps on the wooden floor, lifting her head to see Johnny walk into the gym. She rested her head back on the floor to stare at the ceiling lights, a smile playing at the edge of her lips— so he was awake in the van after all.
He came and stood above her as her slowly steadying breath picked up again. He was so incredibly attractive that it was hard to be a better person. He parted his lips, saying something she couldn’t hear over her music. She lifted a finger at him, taking a bud out of her ear.
“Yes?” She asked, Johnny bit back a smile.
“Need help?” He raised a brow. She bit her lip and his eyes drifted down to them.
She could try to be a better person when she was back home.
“Do I look like I need help?” She feigned confusion. Johnny crossed his arms in front of his chest, she took note of the black sleeveless shirt that hung from his shoulders.
“No.” He paused, his frame still silhouetted under the lights, and she sat up on the mat to get a better look at him. “But I’d like to anyway.” He grinned when she nodded. 
He sat down at her feet, putting his arms around her shin. She was grateful for her already shallow breath and flushed face in the moment. She put her palms flat on the floor behind her, watching him for a moment, enjoying the sight of him with his arms around her legs and staring up at her. Her breath quickened a little, lips parting to take in a breath. On his part, he looked like he was enjoying her attention; no visible effects of anything on his face.
“Well?” He raised a brow at her. 
Bastard, she thought with a smirk, lying back down to continue her crunches.
“So,” Johnny spoke up as she got a few crunches in, “What do you do for fun?” He asked in a conversational tone.
“I have a personal goal of finding the best restaurants in New York,” She sat up, meeting his eyes, “Categorised according to cuisines of course.”
“That’s an interesting hobby.” He grinned, she shrugged at him, trying to think of other things one would consider a hobby.
“I cook sometimes," She added, "Trying to become really good at it actually.” She huffed as she fell back. 
Johnny hummed, “As someone who is a terrible cook, how does one get better?” He questioned when her eyes lifted to meet his gaze.
“You make something.” He laughed at the simple answer as she fell back, “And then when you fuck up, you consider all the things that possibly went wrong.” Their eyes met again.
“Is everything a competition to you?” There was no judgement in his eyes, only curiosity. 
She stopped to laugh, “When you put it like that,” She chuckled again, thinking over his statement. “I think I just like to do whatever I do, thoroughly.” She seemed satisfied by that self-assessment. “I’m not good at a whole lot of things. But the ones I do, I want to do as well as I’m capable of doing.” She added, an odd smile lifting her lips. That was the first time she truly verbalised that about herself.
“So you’re a perfectionist?” He asked, (Y/N) scoffed at the simplification, going back to her crunches.
“Perfection is a myth.” She sat back up, “I don’t strive for unattainable things.” 
Johnny’s arms tightened around her calves, stuttering her movements.
“Interesting.” He mumbled.
She laughed, “What is?” Her head lifted from the floor.
“You are.” He smiled as their eyes met, “And what do you do for a profession?” He moved on from his previous line of thought too quickly.
“I work in grassroots organisation. Policy.” She was going back down but paused when he made a face.
“So you’re a lobbyist?” He squinted with humour. 
She shoved his shoulder with a laugh, “You’re an investment banker!” He grinned at that, “What right do you have to judge me?” They laughed together. He let her legs go and she crossed them to mirror his position.
“Nothing, I guess there’s just implicit bias when that word is involved.” Johnny shrugged, laughing again as he ran his fingers through his hair, the dark strands falling on his forehead. She hummed skeptically at his words.
“My boss works for a Women’s organisation. I lobby for equal rights.” He nodded at her skeptically and she rolled her eyes, “Someone has to do it you know? Otherwise it’s just the oil and gun lobby running around.” He considered her words.
“So you’re an equalizing force?” He asked and she snorted.
“I wouldn’t give myself that much credit, but on the organisational level yeah, I guess.” She affirmed.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate, “I’m passionate about it. And it matters to me.” She searched his eyes for some giveaway, he gave her a smile.
“I can understand why you work hard then.”
“What about you? What makes you get out of bed?”
“I’m passionate about making money.” He grinned, laughing when she laughed out at his confession. “Not as noble as you though, I suppose. He shrugged.
“Hey!” She shoved his shoulder again, “Nothing wrong with liking money. Money can’t buy you happiness but it sure makes misery comfortable.” She scoffed, making him laugh.
“I guess I just like living a comfortable life. I like nice things: good wine, a nice view from my bedroom window,” He paused to lick his lips. “Beautiful women.” His eyes bored into hers with the last words and she hoped her blush wasn’t too dreadfully obvious.
“Nothing wrong with that.” Her voice was more afflicted than she would like. 
Johnny let out a strained laugh, “I didn’t think I would be as relieved as I feel to hear someone say that.” He pushed back his hair again, his eyes fluttering away from hers.
“Everybody wants to be comfortable.” Her brows creased, not understanding his frustration. “And if you work as hard as I assume you do. You have the right to do whatever you want.” She added, trying to get across that she understood.
“You don’t think it’s shallow?” There was an odd vulnerability in his eyes that passed too soon.
“No.” Her brows creased, “I think it’s admirable.” 
Johnny scoffed like he didn’t believe her.
“I’m serious.” She laughed, hitting his shoulder again. This time his eyes followed the movement. “You know exactly what you want out of life. How many of us can say that?” He looked up at her when she said that, the look in his eyes he had at the restaurant in the morning, the one she couldn’t yet decipher.
“I never thought about it like that. Though it’s not entirely true.” He added. When she parted her lips to ask him to elaborate, he sat back, “We’ll be late for the dinner, (Y/N).” He pointed at the clock on the wall. She nodded at him, deciding not to push.
Johnny stood up, giving her a hand. She snorted but took it, unprepared for the way he pulled her up, steadying her balance with a hand on her waist. There was a respectable distance between them, one that she silently felt disappointed about. He seemed to enjoy lowering his gaze to meet hers though, his eyes glinting. She lifted her arm to push him away playfully, but he grabbed it when it met his shoulder.
“You aren’t that strong, you know? You keep doing that like you know I’ll give in and move to humour you.” His voice dropped to a sinful octave.
“I didn’t realise you were humouring me. Should I use more strength?” Her words were brazen despite her weak tone.
“Try.” He dared her. She bit her lip, her bluff caught too quick. 
She had no chance to overpower the man in front of her. Still pride was a compelling motivator and she tried her best. Pushing his chest with a little more force than she hoped. He didn’t budge, moving closer to her to rub it in.
“Do it again.” He commanded. A ragged exhale left her. She added more force, he put his hand over hers, coming even closer and holding her palm on his chest.
“Johnny.” The way the word came out as a whine made her bite down on her tongue. She felt the vibration of the groan that left his throat before she heard it. She wanted to hear it again.
He leaned down closer to her face, lips brushing against her forehead. “The things I want to do to you.” He moved again, his lips brushed her temples. “Slow and agonizing.” His lips moved against her skin. If he wasn’t holding her so securely, her legs would have given out. She took in another breath, silently willing him to just kiss her. She wanted to grab him and do it herself, but she wanted him to give in first.
“Tell me.” She said instead, more to distract herself. His fingers squeezed her palm on his chest, his hand engulfing it to the extent that it wasn't visible. 
His lips brushed against her eyes. “Oh you are terrible.” He groaned again, “Winding me up like there aren’t going to be any consequences.” She heard herself sigh, so aroused that it felt insane to think that he hadn’t done anything but speak. 
When he let her waist go, the whine that left her lips was more lewd than she thought she was capable of making. He looked down at her like she had slapped him. Yet, she was the one who felt absolutely knocked out within an inch of her life.
“You.” His voice came out breathy and strained. He paused, a distressed laugh escaping his lips. He ran his fingers through his hair again, she resisted the urge to do it for him. “We’re late.” His voice was low, reprimanding her. It made her toes curl.
“Okay.” She said, her eyes focused despite the squeak of her voice.
(Y/N) stood under the freezing water of her shower, her skin too hot and her mind too clouded. All she could imagine was his eyes, his fingers wrapped around her hands; his large hands, his long fingers. She took a deep breath, focusing the sensation of the water running down her body instead. Her mind betrayed her again, drifting to imagine what his hands would feel like on her body, around her throat. She clenched her thighs so tight that the muscles protested. She thought about his voice, the gentle but firm authority with which he scolded her. 
She squeezed her eyes tight, suddenly very annoyed that she didn’t have enough time to get off. Though, a part of her guessed that maybe for the first time in years, that wouldn’t feel enough. She felt like a teenager.
“This is what happens when you don’t get laid for too long.” She mumbled.
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(Y/N) stood in front of her suitcase for so long that Joohyun had started giving her glances. She stared at the dress tucked into the corner of her suitcase. She was supposed to wear it for the rehearsal dinner, she had planned her outfits according to the events. The black dress she had decided for tonight lay on top of all her other clothes, but her eyes remained fixed on the other one.
Eventually, Joohyun came and stood beside her, peering into the suitcase to find whatever her friend was glaring at.
“Which one do you want to wear?” She asked her. (Y/N) pointed at the dress in question, letting out a huff.
“Just wear it then!” She knocked her shoulder against hers, “They’re all nice dresses. You can wear the one you wanted to wear tonight on the day you were planning to wear the other one. That way your stupid schedule isn’t too shaken up.” Joohyun sighed.
(Y/N) turned to her with a serious gaze, “You know me too well. It’s a little concerning.” She stated. Joohyun just hummed, tired of this conversation already.
“Can you please get ready? You already came back late!” She grumbled, pulling out the dress and putting it in her arms before pushing her towards the bathroom.
There was a knock on the room’s door, making both Joohyun and (Y/N) turn. Joohyun got up and walked over to it.
“Who is it?” She asked.
“Is (Y/N) ready?” Jungwoo knocked again, making them both roll their eyes.
Joohyun opened the door, “Yeah. Why?” She asked with a sigh. Jungwoo peeked from behind her to look at her before turning back to Joohyun as they both came back towards the room.
“Would you call her dress red or more of a maroon?” He pointed at (Y/N) with scrutiny. Joohyun turned to assess it herself.
“I think it’s more of a purple?” She said, unsure. 
Jungwoo huffed at her, “Bae Joohyun, where are you glasses? That is not purple!” He sounded exasperated.
“I’m literally standing right here.” (Y/N) put her hands on her hips.
Jungwoo hummed, “Well?” He questioned her impatiently, “Which is it then?”
“Why?” She shot back.
“I’m learning colour theory.” He didn’t flinch.
“Red.” She sighed, not having the patience for Jungwoo’s eccentricities at the moment. He hummed again, lifting up his phone to type something as he left.
Both of them watched him walk out the room, closing the door behind him, “Why is he so weird?” Joohyun mumbled.
“If you find out, let me know.”
“My god.” Wendy whistled as (Y/N) and Joohyun left the room, “Look at you!” She said, glancing up and down (Y/N)’s body.
She looked down, a little embarrassed, “What?” She chuckled.
“You look like a fever dream. I’m almost feeling protective thinking about how many people are going to be eyeing you up tonight.” Wendy laughed.
(Y/N) smiled at her gratefully, “We all look great. Don’t single me out like this.” Her face felt a little hot.
“Yeah, Wendy.” Joohyun giggled, “You’re making (Y/N) shy.” She winked at her.
“You have no right to be shy in that!” Wendy gestured up and down her frame, “Act like the absolute vixen you look.” She nodded in appreciation.
“Can we stop this?” She groaned, “Where are the rest?” She changed the topic.
“Downstairs already. I can never decide what to wear so I was delayed.” She shrugged, threading her arm through both Joohyun and (Y/N)’s, “It paid off though, I’m about to walk into the room with two hot women and be the envy of the ball.” She sighed dramatically.
“Are you drunk already?” Joohyun asked, making (Y/N) snort.
(Y/N) was walking around in search of Jungwoo when she bumped in Mark quite literally.
“Oh.” He jumped back before looking back up at her, “Oh hey it is red.” Mark smiled looking at her dress. Straightened up a second too late, “I mean, nice dress (Y/N).” He laughed nervously.
“Thanks Mark.” She furrowed her brows but he was already waddling away.
The next unexplainable encounter she had was when Haechan walked up to her, “You look very nice, (Y/N).” He smiled at her brightly, “Sorry, I haven’t really had the chance to introduce myself to you properly so I wanted to do that.”
“Oh, yeah. I guess I’m guilty of that.” She laughed, “I’m terrible with meeting new people.” She shrugged guiltily.
“You know.” He bought his glass up to his face, tapping his chin with his index finger, “I would have never guessed that.” He chuckled to himself.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“Ignore him.” A voice breathed close to her ear, catching her off-guard and making her jump. Johnny came and stood beside her, "I really did start to miss that." He smirked, implying her surprise.
"And why exactly do I deserve to be ignored?" Haechan crossed his arms in front of his chest. Johnny's reply was a noncommittal shrug.
“Do you want something to drink?” Johnny looked to her, his wandering eyes making blood pool into her cheeks. She looked away from his eyes, noticing his tie— red like her dress.
Haechan scoffed, “What are you doing to your voice, dude?” His voice an inch short of an outright laugh. “You sound like you swallowed something wrong.” This time he laughed. (Y/N) curled her lips in to stop her smile.
“What are you talking about?” Johnny coughed, giving him a pointed look.
“Please.” Haechan snorted, turning to (Y/N), “I’ve sat beside him while we watched Lion King and he cried till his nose was double, and his eyes half its size. Don’t fall for this nonsense.” He snorted again.
Johnny gave Haechan a tight smile, standing beside him and putting an arm around his shoulder, “Isn’t he adorable?” He told her. Haechan gasped, hitting Johnny’s arm but she could see it flex, tightening around the younger boy’s neck.
“Okay, okay.” Haechan’s voice came out strained, “You’ve made your point.” He tapped on his arm twice and Johnny let go. “Nice tie.” He pointed at it, walking away before Johnny could grab him again.
There was a moment’s silence. (Y/N) watched Johnny’s face turn red as his eyes looked to each side. It gave her more pleasure than she would have initially estimated to watch Johnny get flustered. She made a mental note to thank Haechan for it at some point. He opened his mouth before closing it, before opening it again.
“Everybody cries during Lion King.” She put him out of his misery. The laugh that left his lips was an embarrassed one. With intimate glee she realised that she finally had the smallest upper hand. “Nice tie.” She pointed at it, letting her smile bloom this time.
Johnny hummed, “It matches your dress.” He said like he just noticed.
“It does.” Her lips twitched, “Almost like it was planned.” She speculated. 
Johnny’s eyes widened the slightest bit before he sighed, “I should have known. Subtlety isn’t Mark’s language.” He ran his fingers through the tie.
“If it helps,” She leaned towards him, “It’s not one of Jungwoo’s linguistic abilities either.” Johnny laughed out loud at that, the sound rich and deep. His laugh was an unique one, each sound disjointed in a way that would sound a little sarcastic if it didn’t accompany the way his eyes upturned and his cheeks stretched up. It made her smile.
“How about that drink then?” She questioned and he nodded, his usual smirk back on his lips.
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Sooyoung stood beside a table of snacks, with her eyes on (Y/N) and Johnny. She skewered a piece of potato on her plate without looking at it, not noticing Doyoung and Haechan walking towards her.
“Your wife is intimidating.” Haechan pointed out, earning a glare from Doyoung.
“What are you looking at?” Doyoung asked, following her gaze to find it’s source. (Y/N) looked like he laughed at something Johnny said as they both sat down on two chairs tucked away in a corner.
“Johnny’s tie matches (Y/N)’s dress.” She put the potato into her mouth, pulling it from the skewer with her teeth slowly. Haechan visibly shivered.
“It was Johnny’s brilliant idea, he even put Mark up to finding out what she was wearing. I don’t know how Mark Lee, of all people, managed to find out. But it worked.” Haechan shrugged.
“Isn’t that a little too much?” Doyoung winced.
Haechan scoffed, “You know he’s a romantic at heart, always making gestures. Plus,” Haechan sniggered, “That isn’t even the worst part.” He put his hand beside his mouth like he was ready to spill some gossip.
Sooyoung snapped her neck towards him, making Haechan’s eyes go wide. “Continue.” She all but demanded.
“Umm,” Sooyoung’s gaze made him nervous, “He’s trying to act all cool and badass.” Haechan clapped his hands laughing with a shrill delight as he recalled it, “Raising his eyebrows all broody.” He tried to imitate, wiggling his eyebrows and puckering his lips. Doyoung snorted, thinking about his friend— he was nothing if not thorough.
Sooyoung turned to frown at Doyoung, “If your friend hurts (Y/N) I’m going to chop those long limbs off him.” She narrowed her eyes, “You can imagine what I will do to you.” She skewered another potato and brought it to her lips. Both Haechan and Doyoung gulped.
“He isn’t like that, Sooyoung.” Doyoung pouted, “Johnny’s the most sentimental one out of all of us, he just looks all big and bad.” He reassured her. “Just ask Mark.” He grabbed the boy as he passed by, putting him between him and his fiance as a makeshift shield.
“Ask me what?” He squinted, before he noticed Sooyoung’s intimidating gaze. He tried to pry out of Doyoung’s hold but he held him in a death grip.
“Tell Sooyoung about how you and Johnny drink together and cry about your mutual lack of romance.” Doyoung nudged.
Mark’s face turned red, “Hey, that was a secret.” He whined, going still when Sooyoung came closer, pointing her skewer at him.
“What are Johnny’s intentions with (Y/N)?” She narrowed her eyes at him, Mark swallowed.
“He likes her. He, like, really likes her.” Mark lowered his voice. “He made me find out what colour her dress was to match his tie. That’s too cheesy even for Johnny.” Mark cringed. “I mean he promised to get me the Xbox if I did, so I did it anyway.” Mark smiled as he thought about that, “Pretty sweet.” He looked pleased, shaking his head when Sooyoung glared at him.
“He’s not a bad guy, Sooyoung.” Mark said, “He’s the ‘settle down with two kids’ kind of guy.” He smiled before quickly adding, “That doesn’t mean he’s going to do that already. Johnny’s quiet guarded about most things. He’s mostly resigned to his overloaded lifestyle and only talks about these things when he’s really really drunk. He won’t overwhelm (Y/N), he’s very understanding.” Mark blurted out his monologue, pausing when he realised that his need to defend his best friend made him say too much.
“Sooyoung.” Doyoung sighed, coming out from behind Mark and taking her hand in his, “You’re the one who was trying to set them up,” He sighed, “Of course I noticed.” He added when she tried to speak up.
Sooyoung chewed on her lip for a second before sighing. “Look at her, Doyoung.” Sooyoung turned to look at them across the room, still talking to each other in their corner. “(Y/N) isn’t the casual type. She hasn’t even dated anyone since the first year of university! I thought I would encourage her so she’d ease into the idea again. I know she’s a workaholic, so I thought she’d find something in common with Johnny.” Sooyoung sighed, her eyes filled with familial concern, “But look at her!” She pointed, “She looks infatuated.” As if on cue, (Y/N) laughed at something Johnny said. She hit his shoulder playfully, looking away when Johnny’s face turned to her hand, her lips tugging with a smile.
“They look like they’re getting comfortable to the idea of each other.” Doyoung smiled, so did Sooyoung.
“Do we have anything planned for tomorrow?” She turned to Doyoung.
“Not particularly. We have to go pick up our parents at the airport and meet the hotel chef to finalise our menu.” He waited for her to tell him what she was thinking. 
Sooyoung frowned. 
“Why?” Doyoung furrowed his brows.
“I thought we could bring them with us somewhere. So they could get to know each other.” She chewed on her lip, turning her frown to the boys when they all simultaneously laughed.
“I can assure you,” Doyoung pinched Sooyoung’s cheeks, “You don’t have to help Johnny with that.”
Jungwoo and Seulgi caught sight of the circle, intently discussing something. Jungwoo marched straight towards them, Seulgi following behind him.
“What are we talking about?” Jungwoo asked, making Mark squeal.
“Nothing.” Sooyoung said.
“Setting up Johnny and (Y/N) up.” Mark said at the same time.
“Pimping our friends out.” Haechan said too, making everyone give him a disgusted face. “What? It’s the same thing.” He scoffed.
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At some point, the both of them had started walking, somehow ending up outside the ballroom. The warm sea breeze balmy against her skin. Johnny was telling her about his top three favourite wines and the merits of each and they compared their preferences.
"Don't get me wrong." She explained, "A Bordeaux is in no way a bad wine."
"But?" Johnny nudged her.
"But." She shrugged, "Don't you think it's too sour? Considering that it's meant to be one of, if not the, best wine."
"That just means you had a set of heavy expectations when you met your first bottle." Johnny pointed out, "And then left disappointed when it didn't meet them all." He shrugged. "It's a fine wine." He chuckled.
"For 900 dollars a bottle, you'd think all expectations would be met and surpassed. Why else would you buy it?" She wiggled her brows at him.
"Because you can." He stated simply, "It's just one of those things that doesn't really make sense." He grinned at her skeptical expression.
"Think about it this way," He continued. "It's an industry, it employs people and as far as the process goes, it's mostly human operated. So if you can afford to buy one without making a dent in your financial situation." He shrugged again like he made his point. "Everything has a market."
"Spoken like a true Wall Street man." She joked, "It's a unique perspective, I'll give you that. Spending is important for economies."
"Exactly!" He grinned, pleased to communicate his point. "I still think we must give to charity. But doing things like paying a respectable wage and utilising resources that employ other people is also an important part of fiscal responsibility."
"You're right." Her eyes lit up as she thought about that.
"My favourite words to hear." He grinned, earning a nudge to his shoulder instinctually before she could stop herself. He let himself be shoved, giving her a meaningful smile.
"I don't understand you." (Y/N) blamed the three glasses of alcohol currently churning in her belly for making her blurt that question out. Johnny gave her a quizzical smile. "On one hand you're a tease." She bit her lip, not sure she formed that sentence the way she had intended when she went over it in her head. Yet, she continued, "On the other you try to match outfits." She bit back a smile at the thought.
"Was it a bit too much?" Johnny winced, halting his steps to turn to her. 
"No." She added too quickly, "It's very sweet. I'm not saying I mind any of this." She paused, knowing that she had a point to this. "I'm just trying to figure you out." She remembered.
"I like making gestures." Johnny shrugged. He ran his fingers through his tie with a smile, "This was a gesture."
"Of what?" Again she blamed the alcohol for the sudden courage.
He looked up at her eyes, his smile replaced by an intense stare. "Do you prefer to be alone because it's too tedious with work?" She felt taken aback by the sudden question.
She realised that they were in one of the manicured gardens scattered across the property, surrounded by dense tropical shrubs and the gentle fragrance of orchids in bloom. She could hear the waves crashing against the beach nearby, her hair brushing against her clavicle in the breeze.
"I guess." She said, unsure of where the conversation was going. "I mean, I don't expect someone to wait for me to text them back because I opened it and then got a call from my boss which made me forget. I also don't expect someone to be okay with me cancelling dates because something came up. I just don't think it's fair." She paused, trying to find the right words. "Plus, you can't really build a meaningful relationship like that, can you?" She gave him a weak smile, certain now that this conversation was an end before anything ever had the chance to bloom.
"So what do you do?" He turned to face her, his eyes burning into her. The gas lamp behind them illuminated his features, she traced them with her eyes. When she felt satisfied that she would remember it she looked down at her palm.
"You choose between the two." She smiled sadly at her hands, "At this point in my life, I would choose my career over a relationship. Will I change my mind later? Maybe." She took a deep breath, a slow vulnerability seeping into her, "Will it be too late when I do? Who knows." She took another steady breath, looking up at him. "But I've worked too hard to get where I am, either way I won't regret it." She wondered if he had his answer.
"Would you choose to be with someone who also doesn't have the time, but wants to try and see if he can have both?" One corner of his lips lifted. 
She stared at him for a second, not expecting that at all. She was ready for him to accept whatever could have been between them as a dead-end and she would agree with him and go their own ways. She prepared herself for that inevitability, coaxing her disappointment with rationale. Instead he said something that she didn't dare to consider. When the shock of it subsided she thought about his words.
"You don't have to answer that now. In fact I would want you to take you time. I just hope we can be on the same page." He toyed with his fingers, biting his upper lip as he pondered over something.
"What does the page look like?" Her voice was small, afraid she might be letting hope pick up a message he wasn't giving.
He looked up at her, "I really like you, (Y/N)." The way he said it, like it was almost inevitable, made her heart flutter, "When we met on the yacht, even before that at breakfast.” He laughed to himself, “Before Jungwoo even had the chance to mention our previous encounter," He bit back a smile, "I thought you were attractive." He paused to sigh, combing his hand through his hair.
She wondered why he bothered styling it so well if he would just do that. She wondered how her fingers would feel in his hair, combing through it like that.
"And as I get to know you more." He paused, wincing like he was bracing himself. "I think you're a real catch. I think we understand each other." She saw the blood rush to his cheeks as he fluttered his gaze away. "I don't want to smother you with all this, though. All this is just a way to say that we have this week to learn about each other. Time is a luxury I hardly have." He paused again, looking back at her with a soft conviction in his eyes, "But I would give you whatever I can afford if it meant we could explore this beyond a 'what if'." His gaze was an affectionate one.
Her heart pounding so loud in her chest that her voice came out winded, "Okay." She said, "I want that too. Everything you just said." The sound of her blood rushing echoed in her ears.
Johnny gave her what she categorised as the most dazzling smile yet, one full of affection and warmth.
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Day 4
“Guys.” Jungwoo spoke as all of them walked towards the restaurant for breakfast, “There’s something up with (Y/N).” He dipped his head to look at her face better. “She’s smiling to herself.” He gasped.
He earned the displeased frown she gave him. Wendy put her arm around her shoulder, shielding her from him.
“Leave (Y/N) alone. She hasn’t had her cup of coffee yet, she’ll smack you.” Wendy warned, making Seulgi snort.
“Ugh that reminds me.” Jungwoo groaned, “I have a hangover. (Y/N) I want a cup of whatever nightmare coffee you drink. I have a conference call to attend.” He made a face. She gave him a sympathetic nod. “Why do you look so tired though?” He questioned, “I would have assumed that you’d at least get sleep on holiday.” Jungwoo sighed.
“(Y/N) came back at 1 am last night.” Joohyun added with a secretive smile. (Y/N) turned to her with wide eyes, shushing her.
“Excuse me?” Yeri squealed, “Where were you?” She tried to be firm.
“I was just walking around the compound.” She murmured, trying to walk faster.
“Alone?” Seulgi grabbed her arm.
(Y/N) paused, not exactly ready to talk about this, but not comfortable lying either. “No.” She said slowly.
“We’re here.” Jungwoo pointed at the glass doors of the restaurant. “Come on (Y/N), you promised me a cup of hell coffee.” He nudged her forward. She couldn’t be sure, but she was thankful for his interruption anyway.
“Two espresso shots?” Jungwoo stared at the machine incredulously as she tapped it in.
“I thought you wanted a cup from hell?” She reminded him, “That’s half of what i’m getting for myself. She laughed at the look he gave her.
“You’re going to die young, (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” He shook his head, picking up his finished cup.
“Burn bright and fizzle quick, that’s always fun.” She replied wryly as he placed a cup for herself, earning a snort.
“So.” Jungwoo said as they waited, his face changing.
(Y/N) sighed, waiting for this for a while. “Later. Just give me some time to process things.” She promised and to her relief, he nodded.
“Not to press this topic.” Jungwoo said with a grin, “But Johnny is looking at you.” He glanced behind her.
“Oh.” She said, trying not to look too shy when she heard those words.
“And he’s coming here.” He added. “Thanks for the nightmare coffee.” He gave her a salute.
“Sounds delicious.” Johnny spoke behind her. He had a habit of doing that, she noted. Jungwoo scrunched his nose, shaking his head furiously.
“This is a necessity, I have work to do.” He added as he walked away.
“Hi.” Johnny said after he left.
“Hi yourself.” She lifted her cup from the machine, suddenly feeling too shy to meet his eyes.
“A little birdie tells me that you are quite the connoisseur of coffee.” He leaned against the table after placing his cup under the machine’s sprout. Her eyes wandered down his legs, seemingly endless.
She looked up at him, ignoring the blush that rose up her neck when their eyes met. Johnny stood with his elbows propped on the table, clad in black sweatpants and a red t-shirt that clung to his shoulders in a way that forced her to remind herself that it was early in the morning. He looked so good that (Y/N) wanted to groan— no one should look that good at 8 am. 
“Which bird is it?” She asked. Johnny pointed his chin across the room. When she followed it, she found Yeri waving at them. Johnny waved back with a smile.
“I wouldn’t call myself a connoisseur.” She turned back to him.
“To be fair, no self respecting person would.” His words made her laugh.
“I do like the merits of variation in coffee depending on where it’s from though.” She admitted. Johnny’s coffee sat ready and he didn’t touch it.
“I hoped you’d say that.”
“Why?” She inquired.
Johnny slid his phone out of his pocket, tapping it open and standing up from his perch on the table. “You know the island is famous for its coffee beans right?” He came up beside her, showing her his screen. “There’s this roastery I wanted to visit but felt weird about travelling an hour just to go alone.” He looked at her hopefully.
“Yes.” She said, his eyes lighting up. 
“Great.” He smiled to himself, “We’ll leave after breakfast?” He asked and she nodded. “Good.” He sounded pleased.
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Johnny was on his phone when she walked into the lobby. Shamelessly, she took the moment to appreciate his frame, slowing her steps. He wore a simple black button up with faded jeans, looking every bit worth her appreciation. At some point she would give herself the freedom to wonder just how this breathtaking specimen of a man was interested in her. At the moment, a smile grew on her lips when he looked up from his phone to catch her eyes. He leaned back on the sofa he was sitting on, putting his arm on it’s headrest and watching her walk up to him with an appreciative smile of his own.
“Like what you see?” She decided to tease him this time. 
His eyes sparked with delight at her words, “Absolutely.” His grin grew into a toothy smile. She blushed at his words.
“I took the liberty of asking for a car sans chauffeur. Don’t worry, I am allowed to drive here.” He added thoughtfully.
“I wasn’t.” Her laugh was breathy, “You travel a lot?” She asked.
He nodded, “Mostly for work, so it helps to have an international license.” He explained and she nodded back at him.
“Let’s go then shall we?”
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(Y/N) wanted to appreciate the scenery, she really did. The highway they were on was sparse, only the occasional car whizzing by beside theirs. On either side of the road, the view went from dense trees, the sea, terraced paddy fields and even a volcano. She took all of it in with the sort of awe that only nature could give you. 
Johnny played the kind of music that sounded like it was made for a moment like this, it made her chest stir. But even though that, the larger part of her attention remained centered on the man beside her.
At some point, Yeri had firmly planted in her head that there was something inexplicably attractive about a man driving a car. Emphasizing that it was more so when he did that driving with one hand. Sitting here, she made a mental note to confess to Yeri one day that she finally got her point. She tried not to stare at him too long, trying to distract herself with the astonishing view outside the car rather than the stunning one inside it. She passed the ride in the same agonizing way, eventually falling into her own thoughts.
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They walked into what the webpage had categorised as a cafe. Yet standing there, it looked like a fine dining restaurant. The interior was a rich cream beige, the gentle hum of music in the background. Tourists mostly occupied the seats, standing out because of their casual beach attire and sun burns. An entire wall made of glass overlooked a large outdoor seating area.
“Do you want to sit outside?” Johnny asked her. She nodded eagerly, catching a look of the sky that was slowly getting cloudy, making the outside look like something out of a dream.
Johnny placed his sunglasses on the table as the waiter approached their table, picking up the menu. “I personally prefer a modest black coffee.” He said like he already knew what we wanted.
“Me too.” Johnny’s lips bloomed into a smile at the answer.
The waiter scribbled into his notepad, “How would you like your coffee to be made?” He asked.
“French Press.” They answered in tandem, laughing at the coincidence.
“Anything to eat?” Johnny asked her.
“Whatever you like.” She shrugged, “We’ll see to what extent our tastes match.” She bit her cheek.
“Is this a test?” He raised a brow.
She clicked her tongue, “It’s an opportunity.” She corrected.
He licked his lips, “You’re slick with your words. I’ll keep that in mind.” Something dangerous sparked in his eyes, gone too soon as he turned back to the waiter, “We’ll get a cinnamon roll each for now, please.” He handed the menu with a polite smile.
“Do I pass?” He tilted his head, toying with his own fingers as he looked at her expectantly and earning her attention.
“I have exactly two sweet pastries I like.” She dragged her eyes away from his fingers before she got ahead of herself, “almond croissants,” She paused to chuckle, “And cinnamon rolls.”
“You don’t like cake?” He questioned.
“I don’t mind it. But I absolutely will not eat one with frosting on it.” She scrunched her nose before considering something, “Unless it’s cream cheese frosting.” She pondered that for a second, thinking about the last time she had it and then nodding to her own statement.
“Specific.” Johnny noted.
“I can be. Once I come to the conclusion that I like or dislike something, It’s usually hard to deter me.” She stated.
“I, myself, am open to all possibilities. But I’m someone who goes after something I want with a sort of reckless abandon.” His eyes sparked with meaning, boring into her.
“I see.” She shied away from his gaze.
“And you?” He kept the conversation rolling rather expertly.
“I’m usually over-cautious about everything I do.” She admitted sheepishly.
An airy laugh came from Johnny, “Seems like we have just enough differences to make this interesting.” His eyes crinkled in the corner. She liked the perspective.
The waiter came back with their order as she explained to Johnny how tedious policy could be. The waiter placed their pastries on the table, followed by two individual sized french presses and two digital timers. She was suddenly really grateful to have found this place.
“Enjoy your afternoon.” He said after and walked away.
(Y/N) picked up one of the timers, fiddling with it and then putting it down after an adjustment. Johnny gave her a quizzical look.
“What?” She laughed, “I don’t brew it for three minutes.” She shrugged.
“I brew it for four.” Johnny said like he absolutely understood where she was going with this, making her laugh again.
She pressed her knuckles on her cheeks, an unsuccessful attempt to curb the smile on her face. 
He was cute, she concluded. 
“I follow this very particular method, which as a whole is nine minutes.”
Johnny looked petrified at the notion, “Isn’t that too much? Your coffee must taste like coal.” He put his hand on his cheek, resting his elbow on the table and musing out loud.
“Don’t knock it till you try it. I swear by this brewing method.” She defended.
Johnny raised both his hands in surrender with a breathy chuckle, “I’m just teasing.”
“That is your favourite thing to do, I am starting to realise.” She scoffed.
“You have no idea, (Y/N).” He gave her a secretive smile that had no right to affect her the way it did. She just stared at him for a moment, wondering how they arrived here while talking about her very precise routines. 
She was thoroughly intrigued by the man who sat in front of her, she realised with a start. It was the most unlikely moment to come to that conclusion, but it sat in front of her as unapologetically as he did. It was mesmerizing in a way that would terrify her if she didn’t know his intentions already. 
If he thought she was a catch, she thought he was captivating. They both watched each other silently, and just for that moment she would give anything to know what he was thinking. 
The sound of their collective timers going off jolted them out of the moment.
“I thought you said nine.” Johnny teased and she gave him a pointed look. He picked up his press to push the grounds down; she opened hers and stirred it before closing it again, readjusting her timer. When she looked up, he was assessing the task.
“We’ll try each other’s and see which works better.” She poked her tongue out at him and he laughed.
“I guess you like a light roast if you keep it for that long.” Johnny deducted.
“Medium roast.” She corrected him, “Light is flimsy, dark makes you taste that roast part more than the coffee part.”
“Dark roast is perfectly fine if you aren’t letting it seep for ten whole minutes.” He scoffed.
“Nine.” She tried to hold back her smile to sound more offended than she felt.
“Okay.” He sounded unconvinced, making her bite her lip to stop herself from verbalising her indignation further.
When her timer went off again, she eagerly poured herself the coffee.
“What is the point of a french press if you aren’t pressing it down?” He pointed, noting the way she just used the filter more as a strainer, than a press. She ignored him, filling up her cup till the top and pushing it towards him.
“Try it.” She ordered. There was that spark in his eyes again, she ignored it in the face of her pride. “Now.” She pushed.
He picked it up, bringing the cup to his lips. He swirled it around his mouth gently, swallowing it slowly and having a look of deep concentration on his face the entire time. 
He was so hot that it punched out the air from her lungs.
“It’s good.” He admitted, pushing his cup towards her, “Now you.” The real authority in his voice was milder than her feigned one.
“It’s fine.” She said after her sip. 
A humorous huff left Johnny’s lips but he didn’t say anything.
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They left the cafe with a bag of coffee beans each, freshly roasted and to their personal preferences. 
“Thank you for bringing me here.” She told him as they reached the car, “I really enjoyed myself and I really liked the coffee. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my day .” Her smile was a satisfied one, Johnny mirrored it.
“Me neither.” He said, “Your company was greatly appreciated.” He looked away, fumbling with the keys as they reached their vehicle. “I’ll remember today very fondly.”
“So will I.” She added without hesitation.
The ride back was relaxed. Johnny told her about the time he took Doyoung to the Vessel in New York and made him climb the stairs, something Doyoung did not enjoy too much. She learned that Johnny’s favourite restaurant was on fifth avenue and that she had never heard of it, something he was shocked to learn. He was also shocked to learn that she hadn’t been to the Vessel yet.
“Living in New York isn’t as exciting as being a tourist in New York, I’ve realised.” She told him. 
Johnny thought over her words for a second before turning to her, “You know, I think you have a point.” His voice laced with his epiphany. “We only went because Doyoung wanted to visit the Vessel.” She hummed.
“If you live somewhere, there’s never a hurry. When I was younger, I wanted to see all the places in the city. So far I’ve been to the Rockefeller centre. And that was only because I had work at the United Nations building.” She sighed to herself. “The park doesn’t count because it’s near everybody’s office.” She huffed a laugh and he agreed.
There was a silence that settled between them, comfortable and unforced. She enjoyed the view, distantly considering visiting that farmer’s market her assistant always got her jam from. When Johnny’s warm palm touched her thigh, a jolt went right down her spine. She turned to him, exercising a mammoth of self control to not look at his hand.
“We’ve stopped.” She seemed to realise, Johnny hummed in response.
“I just thought we could saviour the view.” He looked out through the windshield, she followed his gaze, a small gasp leaving her lips. She pulled closer to the edge of her seat to get a better view. 
There was a cavern in front of them, covered so thoroughly with plants that it was hard to assess how deep it was. On the other side of the gorge, a stream flowed down from the edge of the precipice, a small waterfall. She could hear the gurgle of it as it fell, the mist from it’s fall blurring whatever was below. Far behind the gorge was the volcano, so high that the tip was covered in clouds. Her eyes drank in the surroundings, willing her mind to burn it into memory. She turned to him, rendered speechless and eyes wide in wonder.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” He chuckled, she gave him a nod.
“It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen.” She whispered, her eyes going back to the view. She looked around, surprised at the empty side of the highway. A view like this, she assumed, would have a flock of tourists.
 They sat for a moment in silence, the splendour in front of them making words feel futile. Johnny pushed his seat back, reclining it so he could relax. She curled up in the seat, tucking her legs underneath her. 
Her movement made him turn to look at her. She turned to him, “What?” She asked. He looked conflicted as he thought about something before shaking his head at her.
“Oh come on.” She laughed, “Tell me!” She insisted. She turned in the seat to face him, bringing her knees up to her chest and leaning her head to the side to rest on the seat. There was a small flash of something in his eyes, suddenly the air between them felt thicker. His eyes traced her frame, his lips parting as his eyes came back to hers. Suddenly she felt very aware of how the tropical humidity settled on her skin, making her feel a little stuffy despite the air conditioning. 
He reached out, taking a hand in his. He looked at her palm carefully, ran his index finger over her digits before he wrapped her hand completely in his, biting down on his lip. She didn’t think such an otherwise rudimentary act would light her entire body on fire.
His eyes fluttered up to hers again, blown out till they looked black. “You’re so small.” The words weren’t anything beyond a simple observation. But the way he said it, struggled and breathless made her sit up in place. “You would fit so perfectly.” He stopped, using his other hand to comb through his hair, laughing whatever trance he was in off. “We should be heading back.” He said, looking back outside through the windshield. 
There was a disappointment that settled into her chest, “Fit where?” She asked, tucking her legs under her and sitting up on them, coming closer to him.
“(Y/N).” His voice was that tone that was meant to be cautious but sounded like an admonishment. She wanted to tell him that doing that wasn’t helping anything.
She took a deep breath, “Johnny.” What she wanted to sound firm came out breathless and needy.
“God, fuck.” He groaned, turning to pick her up like she was a paper doll. She sat in his lap, stunned by his effortless strength. He raised a brow at her and it finally sunk in— she fit in his lap.
“You like it.” She looked up, searching his eyes for an answer, “Being the big strong one.” She placed her palm flat at the centre of his chest, thrilled by the mix of it’s hard muscles and his rapid heartbeat. His fingers squeezed into her waist, giving her his answer in the best way. “You like that you could crush me till I cease to exist.” She rubbed her thighs together as she said that. He noticed, his breathing as shallow as hers. Something about that gave her the last push she needed, she swung a leg over till both her knees dug into the seat. This close, she could smell his cologne, a mix of clean citrus and light spice that made her lick her lips.
Her frame was nothing compared to his. Her eyes went down to his chest, tracing her eyes over it’s expanse. She bit down on her lip, daring to inch closer to it.
“(Y/N)” His voice was a weak protest.
“Johnny?” She looked back up at him, pleased to finally hear the admonishment in her voice. She ran her palm down his chest, feeling the muscles clench under her chest. Feeling every defined crevice, her eyes fixed on the buttons that looked strained.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, baby.” The way the pet name left his lips, she was sure she would cease to exist without him even touching her. His hands stayed beside him, balled into fists but stationary. “I’m trying to be a decent man.” His eyes held no decency in them as they drank her in with intense hunger.
“Okay.” She brought her eyes back on his. She ran her fingers up his arm, thick and strong, dragging her nails against the warm skin. “You be decent.” Her fingers came to his neck, running a finger along the vein that strained against the thin skin, “I want to touch you.” Her eyes watched the vein pulse, a thought occurring to her,  “If you don’t mind.” She dropped her hand, realising that she was probably pushing him.
He threw his head back with a defeated groan, “Why would I mind?” His laugh was deep and throaty, resonating in her chest. When he looked back at her, his eyes were darker than before. “I wanted to take you out on a date. I wanted to sweep you off your feet.” He sighed, his fingers coming up to cup his face, sweeping the pad of his thumb lightly against her lip once. “I wanted to court you.” His eyes peeled away from her mouth to meet her eyes. The combination of his words and the affection in his eyes made a fresh wave of heat pool between her legs.
“This is a date.” She felt herself blush. She would have been embarrassed of how needy she was being if it was anybody else. “You can court me while you touch me. Please.” She whined, loud and unabashed. She felt like a mess, a puddle of pure nerves that was being held up by a mix of sheer will and his secure arms.
Johnny put his other hand on her back, the heat radiating off it penetrating through the thin cotton of her dress. His thumb traced the edge of the elastic of her bra, making her insane.
“One day,” He spoke inches away from her lips, “In the near future.” His eyes held a promise, “I’m going to make you pay for winding up like this. For taking advantage of my weakness for you.” His breath fanned her face, a pleasing smell of coffee and cinnamon. “I’m going to enjoy punishing you so much baby.” She whined at the name, fisting his shirt. When his lips met hers, she completely melted into his chest. His lips were as soft as they had looked, patiently molding over hers.
He was right, she fit perfectly. 
He ran his tongue over her lower lip and she gladly opened her mouth. When his tongue lapped at hers she saw stars behind her eyes. The hand he had on her cheek going down to her waist, wrapping around it completely. She moaned into his mouth when he bit her tongue gently. He pressed the palm on her back firmly, in one swift motion pulling her in and sitting up.
This close, she could feel how hard he was, pulsing against the flesh of her thigh. She moaned again, grinding her hips down on his pelvis like an animal in heat. His thighs tightened under her, flexing in retaliation. His hand slid up from her back to the base of her neck, where it met her back. He wrapped his fingers around it, gently tugging her head back.
“You’re so fucking wet, (Y/N).” He spat the words out, his fingers instinctually tightening around her neck making her roll her hips. “Are you that eager for me to be inside you?” She gasped at his words. “Well?” He added when she didn’t respond, freeing her neck from his hold.
She gave him a hasty nod and his lips curled up deviously. 
“Use your words, (Y/N). You’re so good with them after all.” He ordered, wrapping a strand of her hair around his finger, “You were so verbose moments ago.” He cooed.
“Yes.” She breathed out. His lip twitched in the corner but he remained silent, raising a brow at her like he wanted more. She bit her lip, her chest and face turning red. “Want you inside me.” The words came out as a soft murmur. He hitched her dress up with a single finger, moving agonizingly slow as he dragged it up her thigh. When her dress was drawn all the way to her waist, he ran a finger along the cloth of her underwear, keeping his eyes locked with hers. He pushed the elastic aside, his finger slipping into her folds, the smirk on his face faltering. She shivered at how cold it felt inside her warm folds, he pressed the finger against her clit and she fell forward, hand going to his shoulder to steady herself.
“Do you feel that?” He rubbed circles around her clit, “How wet your cunt is for me?” He looked dangerous in that moment: his voice impossibly low, tongue impossibly filthy. She nodded, afraid he’d pull his finger away if she didn’t respond. 
He dragged his finger down, grazing around her hole with an outrageously light touch. “Is that what you want? Hmm?” His voice was rough.
“Yes, please.” She gasped
“Such an obedient girl.” He praised, slipping his finger in till just the first joint. She wanted to slap his smug face, she equally wanted to kiss it. When she tried to ease her own hips down he stilled her with his grip on her waist. “Patience.” He reprimanded, making her pout, “Aren’t you a good girl, mmh?” He chastised further and she nodded. “Then behave.” He kept his finger so impossibly still. The sound of her blood rushing and their breathing were together echoing in her mind, so loud that she wondered how she even heard his soft voice with the clarity she did.
“I’ll behave.” She repeated, her nails digging into her shoulder in retaliation despite the polite surrender of her voice.
“You will, won’t you?” He pressed his finger the ghost of an inch further. Sweat beaded on her forehead, making her hair stick to her neck and her dress stick everywhere. “You’d let me hold you within an inch of your sanity.” She nodded at his words, her pussy clenching at his words.
He groaned at her compliance, finally pushing his finger all the way in. She dropped her forehead to his shoulder, the feeling of being filled so far in with a single finger too much for her to think about. 
She thought about how small her hand had looked in his large one, clenching around his finger again. He pulled his finger out so slow, the wet sound of it moving against her wet walls making her moan. He dragged the nails of his other hand up the back of her scalp, making her skin erupt in gooseflesh. Every single nerve in her body felt battered by his ministrations.
When his finger was out till the first joint, he slammed it back with force. Her lips parted in a gasp, she attached it to the base of his throat to silence her moan.
He took a ragged breath, "Fuck (Y/N) you're so tight." He growled the words out, “Move your hips, baby.” She obeyed, matching his rhythm with a feverish pace. He left lazy kisses on her forehead, temples, eyes and shoulder; a stark contrast to the brutal way his finger rammed into her. When he added a second her back arched, her lips going up to his ear, biting down on his lobe. His wince vibrated in her belly.
“God.” She groaned in his ear, “That feels so good.” Her hand slid down his chest, the other now wrapped around his shoulder. He stroked her hair, tugging the strands gently. She clenched around his fingers again from the sensation
Johnny chuckled, “Your body talks for you.” He murmured against her cheek, pulling her hair with a bit more force and making her look at him. “You’re enjoying that aren’t you?” She gave him a nod, eyes rolling back into her skull. His lips brushed against her throat, humming against it. “Tell me, (Y/N). What feels good?” His lips brushed against the skin on her chest at the edge of the neckline of her dress, never going lower.
“You.” She choked on the word, “Everything about you.” She gasped as he curled his fingers inside her. Her back arched, her chest pressing into his. 
She felt her orgasm approaching, her fingers tightening against his shoulder blade. “Johnny.” She sounded almost on the verge of tears. He gently caressed her hair, shushing her softly.
“Are you going to cum for me?” He cooed at her. She gave him a rushed nod and he quickened pace, turning her neck to face him. “I want to see you.” He said.
She rested her forehead on his, his hand letting go of her neck to caress her shoulders. He coaxed her closer to her edge with words of encouragement and praise, his eyes studying her tightly closed eyes and parted lips. 
Every nerve from the top of her head to her toes fired together as her orgasm crashed through her. She moaned his name out, her body shivering with the waves that rippled to her, leaving her legs wobbly.
They stayed like that for a moment as she slowly came back to reality, her breathing slowly adjusting. Johnny lifted his head, kissing her temples, eye and the corner of her lips. She pulled his shoulder, kissing his lips. He smiled against her lips, cupping her cheeks to angle her face to deepen the kiss.
He kissed down her jaw slowly, “You.” He hummed under her ear, “Are pulling me apart by the seams.” He left a chaste kiss on the soft skin.
“You say that like you didn’t just finger my soul into a different dimension.” She let out a choked scoff. Johnny threw his head back and laughed breathlessly. She noticed the sheen of sweat on his forehead, the way his hair stuck to it.
He looked back at her, kissing her forehead affectionately. “You’re absolutely magnificent, you know that?” He held her face in his hands, “And so cute.” He squished her cheeks together, making her eyebrows crease. “You’re also so breathtakingly sexy.” He sighed, dragging his fingers through her hair, making her nuzzle into his palm. “It’s hard to keep myself in check around you.” He gave her a smile that made her grin. “I don’t want to scare you off.” He joked.
“Like you wouldn’t pin me in place by the neck if I did?” She teased him, biting her lip when his smile faltered.
“I’m sorry if I came on too strong.” He sat up, keeping her steady on his lap with his arm. “I didn’t mean to manhandle you.” He looked away from her.
She blinked, “I liked it. Manhandle me again.” She teased. He looked up at her, eyes a little wide. She blushed, looking down to toy with his fingers, her blush only growing when she noticed that they were still sticky from being inside her. “I think I liked it a lot.” She said meekly.
A thought occurred to her, making her eyes flutter to his jeans, “Though you—” her voice trailed off, he followed her gaze to where she was staring, his erection still pressing against his jeans. He tugged her dress, kissing her with a fervour, leaving her aroused and breathless again.
“When I fuck you for the first time, It isn’t going to be cramped up in a car.” He mumbled into her mouth making her shiver. “Don’t worry about me.” He reassured.
By the time they arrived back at the resort, the sun had already set.
“See you at dinner.” She smiled at him.
“No gym for you today?” His voice was the viscosity of dripping honey.
“I think it’s safe to say that I have completed my cardio quota for the day.” She bit her cheek. Johnny stilled, opening his mouth and then closing it. His cheeks going red as he let out a laugh. 
He fumbled with the keys and she was hit with the realisation that this was the same man who was knuckles deep in her, sitting in the same place he was when he did. And just like that, they were both blushing and fumbling.
“Dinner. Right.” He said. He paused, running his fingers through his hair, “Sorry.” He breathed out the word, “I just wasn’t expecting you to say that. I’m not like, pretending it didn’t happen.” He gave her an apologetic look. Her eyebrows knit together.
“I didn’t think you were. But now I’m concerned.” She joked.
“I’m not.” He added too quickly, “When I like someone I mean it.” He explained.
“Good. So do I.” She added, the glint returning to his eyes.
She got out of the car before she did something that would make them both late for dinner. When she entered her room, she was taken aback to see everyone in her room. To her surprise, Sooyoung was there as well.
“How was it?” Sooyoung sat up on her knees on the bed. Yeri giggled from under the comforter.
“What?” (Y/N) shuffled her feet.
“Oh stop. Mark told Doyoung and Doyoung told me. You went on a date.” She grinned harder. 
“It wasn’t a date.” She blushed.
Sooyoung threw the pillow she hugged to her chest at her feet, “He drove you halfway across the island for a cup of coffee. What else was it?” (Y/N) didn’t have an answer to that.
“Why are you being so secretive? We’re your friends!” Wendy laughed.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, “Because,” She paused, eyes locking with Sooyoung, “I don’t want you to get too involved with this and worry too much. He’s nice, I like him. But I don’t want you to feel responsible for anything because he’s your future husband’s friend.” She came up to Sooyoung, sitting down on the bed in front of her.
“(Y/N)–” Sooyoung sat up.
“I know you’re always worried about me. Plus,” She paused, forming the next thought with labour, “I didn’t want to talk about something till I knew there was something to even talk about. Don’t be mad, all of you are my friends and you are the first people I’d tell anything.”
Sooyoung came forward and hugged her, “I’m not mad. I just want you to be happy. Whatever or whoever that is, that’s yours to have.” She comfortably reassured her.
“So,” Jungwoo interrupted. “Does this mean there is something now? If you’re telling us, that is?” He looked at the ceiling in case she glared at him. Sooyoung pulled back from the embrace, holding at arm's length, silently asking her to answer Jungwoo’s question.
“Maybe.” She toyed with her fingers, her face going hot, making her look down.
This time Joohyun squealed, “Oh my god. You really like him, don’t you?” She squealed again, this time her other friends joined in.
“Depends how much you can really like someone in four days.” She reminded them.
“Oh stop!” Seulgi sat up and swatted at her, “Just enjoy it without trying to be practical. You can think about the logistics after you’re back home.”
“Home where Johnny also lives.” Wendy grinned making (Y/N) groan.
“I’m going to go take a shower. When I come back, my room better be empty. Don’t you guys have to get ready?”
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Jungwoo disappeared for the third time, coming back with another pair of glasses.
“For fuck’s sake, Jungwoo.” She groaned.
“Aw come on. You’re my partner in crime. Don’t hold back just because you have a man now.” He pouted.
“That’s not–” She paused, her cheeks heating up. “God!” She groaned, “Just give me that fucking glass you imbecile.” Jungwoo grinned, handing it to her.
“I even got you a lemon slice.” He gestured to the space between his ring and middle finger, where he gripped the slice while holding the glasses. She snorted, pulling it out carefully.
More guests had started flying in for the wedding, making the dinners feel more like parties now. (Y/N) picked a comfortable corner table and stayed there, occasionally coaxing Jungwoo or Wendy to get her something to eat. She didn't need to coax Jungwoo to get her alcohol though, and soon enough she started to feel it heating her stomach and the tips of her limbs.
“Oh my god, (Y/N).” Jungwoo sat down, whisper-shouting at her as he placed another glass in front of her. “Look!” He turned to look behind her, “Two of Sooyoung’s college sorority friends are trying to flirt with your Johnny!” He gasped like he was personally offended.
“He’s not my Johnny.” She furrowed her eyebrows at him. She turned, following his gaze to spot him through the crowd. Sure enough, two girls stood laughing at something Johnny said. She turned back, lifting the glass Jungwoo got her to her lips.
“Well?” Jungwoo asked with urgency.
“What?” She gave him a confused look.
“Aren’t you going to do something?” He pressed.
“No?” She said incredulously. “He’s talking to someone, Jungwoo. People are allowed to do that. You don’t know if they’re flirting.” She paused, taking another sip of her drink. “And even if they are. That’s his problem to deal with, not mine.” She shrugged, taking another sip and realising that she no longer felt the burn of it going down her throat. It was time to stop drinking.
“Aren’t you worried?” He frowned this time.
She took a deep breath, “Because.” She gave him a pointed look, “If he likes me he won’t flirt back and I have nothing to worry about.” She raised a brow at him, “And if he does flirt back then he’s not worth worrying about.” She scoffed, “I appreciate the concern though.”
“Wow. You’re so cool!” He clapped his hand on her shoulder, making her stumble in her seat. She frowned— she was drunk. “If I was you I would have gone right up to them.”
“It comes with age.” She smiled when he scoffed.
“You say that like you’re so much older than me.” 
“Plus.” She paused a moment, “Johnny isn’t like that.”
“Oh?” Jungwoo’s voice rose in pitch, “We already know what he’s like, do we?” He smiled.
“I’m an excellent judge of character.” She shrugged again. A giggle bubbling up her lips at the look Jungwoo gave her.
“Come on.” He said, coaxing her to get up. “One more drink and I’ll stop bothering you.” He tugged her arm. “Plus, you need to leave this corner so Johnny can see how good you look in that dress. Just to be sure.” He winked, making her laugh again.
The last drink was a mistake. 
The music had shifted to a slow bass and the lights had dimmed, making her feel more intoxicated than she did earlier. She stood with her arms threaded in Joohyun’s, firmly in place. 
Joohyun had only stopped scolding her for drinking too much, a scowl still on her face. Jungwoo had ran away halfway through the lecture they were both meant to share. Joohyun passed her another bottle of water she slipped out of her bag, something (Y/N) was too grateful for.
“What would I do without you.” (Y/N) cooed.
“Get alcohol poisoning. Now drink.” She glared. (Y/N) nodded and tipped the bottle down her throat, finishing the whole thing in one go, too occupied by the feeling of the cool liquid sliding down her throat to notice that she did.
The song changed to a groovy one, making her sway her hips a little. She thought about how ridiculous she must look, having to hold back a giggle before it erupted. Ten points for self-control, she congratulated herself.
“Uhh,” Joohyun spoke up suddenly, turning to look behind her before looking back quickly. “Are you a horny drunk?” 
(Y/N) took a physical step back at the sudden question, “No!” She sounded scandalised.
“Good.” Joohyun said too quickly, in time for an arm to slide around (Y/N)’s waist.
His cologne announced him before he did, the spicy citrus that made her want to lick his skin.
“Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all night.” He leaned towards her head.
“Getting hammered.” Joohyun deadpanned. “I’m starting to believe it’s a problem.” She gave (Y/N) another glare.
“Jungwoo said I can handle it. Obviously, I had to prove myself.” She whined, making Joohyun put her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose.
“Can you look after her? I need to go find Jungwoo and Yeri. Last I saw them, he was getting her drunk.” Joohyun frowned. 
“Maybe he’s the one with the problem.” (Y/N) mumbled mockingly., earning Joohyun’s glare.
“Take her back to our room?” Joohyun added. Johnny gave her a dutiful nod. Joohyun gave her a last glare before walking away, leaving her alone with Johnny.
When she turned to him, he was grinning at her, his arm holding her waist tightly.
“So you’ve been having fun.” Johnny laughed.
“Don’t laugh at me.” She warned, and to his credit he tried: biting down on his lip. She stared at it too long. 
There was a small petty part of her, one that she hardly met save for when she was lacking inhibitions as bad as she did right now. She dragged her eyes back to his eyes, “I heard you found some admirers.” She teased. Johnny gave her such a delicious smile that she felt her stomach do an olympic flip. 
So, apparently, she was a horny drunk after all.
“Are you feeling jealous?” He teased right back.
“No. I’m not the jealous type.” She paused, the liquid courage aside, she also felt the liquid ability to spill the truth. “I am the possessive type, though.” She warned.
In answer, he pulled her closer. “Really?” He sounded delighted. She gave him an affirmative hum. “It's a good thing then." He paused and licked his lips, "That I’m all yours.” His tongue sweeped over his lips, she wished he’d do that to her lips instead.
Definitely a horny drunk.
“I thought so.” She smiled to herself.
“Oh?” He smiled.
“Are you the jealous type?” She changed the topic.
“No. Anyone I’m with, I trust. You don’t feel that way if you trust someone.” He made a lot of sense, he did. But she was in the mood to be a little shit.
“It helps that you look like that.” She gave him a look over, he laughed.
“Like what?” He raised a brow and she scoffed.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t take advantage of a drunk, helpless girl.”
He laughed at that, but seemingly conceded.
“Do you want to sit down?” He asked after a moment, probably realising that she wasn’t steady enough to be upright for so long.
“No, I want you to kiss me.” There was a pause, she bit her tongue. On one hand, she was mortified. 
(Y/N) had a rule to avoid drunken embarrassment: she just asked herself if she would say what she wanted to say if she was sober. If the answer was a no then she kept silent. She reluctantly took away the ten points she had previously given herself.
Yet, on the other hand, Johnny looked like sin on legs.
“You’re drunk.” He scolded. Somehow, when he did it, it was so sexy that she wondered if there was something wrong with her.
“So?” She could hear the stubborn persistence in voice, almost like she wanted to be told off again.
“Didn’t you just ask me not to take advantage of you while you’re drunk and helpless?” He clicked his tongue.
She wriggled in his hold, grabbing his arm when he tried to tighten in around her waist to keep her still. She turned to look at him. From this close she had to crane her neck a lot to get a good look at him. She fit into his arms snugly, coming up to his shoulders.
Johnny let out a shaky exhale.
She bit down impossibly hard on her cheek to stop her smile, “I was stone cold sober in the afternoon.” He took another deep breath. “I’ll be sober tomorrow and still want to kiss you.” She realised her own breath was shallow, her core throbbing.
“You’re driving me fucking crazy, (Y/N). You know that?” He pushed a hand through his hair, a low growl imitating from his throat.
“Prove it.”
He led her out of the banquet hall, holding her hand tightly in his as he guided her god knows where. There was a grin of victory on her face, one she aimed to the back of his head. 
He stopped in the middle of some corridor, pushing her to the wall and locking his lips to hers.
She knew for a fact that alcohol numbs your senses, freeing you from pain and sensation for however long it held its effects. 
But, being kissed by Johnny at the moment, she felt everything to an impossible extent. Her hands fisted his hair, making him groan into her mouth. His hair was soft in her palms, the ends poking into them occasionally and tickling the soft skin. 
She felt the warmth of his palm as it roamed her body, there was nothing slow about them. Whatever restraint he had in the afternoon seemed to have disappeared and she was more than happy about that. She didn’t want his restraint, she wanted his untapped desire.
When he bit down on her tongue, she thought she would cum right there; shamefully, like a teenager with their hormones unstable and directing every action. She mewled against his lips and he ran his hands up her arms, pinning them against the wall and deepening the kiss.
On fire. 
That’s how her body felt in his grasp. She felt mad with desire. Like it fogged her brain and befuddled her body. He kissed down her jaw, her head falling back to catch a much needed breath.
“You left me a little gift today.” He mumbled against her neck, “I thought I’d return the favour.” He poked his tongue, licking a soft circle around the skin before biting down. 
Her moan echoed against the tight walls of the corridor. If someone heard, then she'd worry about it if they came to inquire. He sucked on the skin harshly, no doubt leaving a clear mark. She thought back to when she managed to give him a hickey, her mind too cloaked my lust to focus on anything else.
“Now we both have a matching pair.” He lapped the raw flesh to soothe it. She could only groan in response. She rolled her hips into his, making him shiver. She did it again just because of his response.
He let her hands go to grab her waist, pushing her back into the wall.
“If you do that, I just might fuck you right here.” He warned. She pouted at him, gasping when he bit the flesh inside her lower lip. “Don’t be petulant.” He admonished.
“You seem to like it.” Her voice was, in fact, petulant despite how breathless she felt. The look he gave her made her toes curl.
He dropped his head to her clavicle, licking it slowly before sucking down on the skin. Her fingers went back to his hair, dragging her nails through his scalp. She placed her other palm flat on the wall beside her hip, needing it to keep her grounded. 
He finished her work, looking back up to face her, “That was for the scratches you left on my shoulder.” He reminded her, sliding a hand down from her waist. “This.” His voice dripped into her ear, his hot breath fanning her earlobe. He smacked her ass lightly, playfully. Still her eyes went wide, not expecting that. “Is for being a brat.” He kissed the corner of her lips.
“You’re going to make me lose my mind.” She breathed out, laughing at her own confession.
“Good.” His finger traced lightly against the skin of her thigh, “Then we’ll be on the same boat.” He pushed back, giving her a kiss on her temples. “Come on, let’s get you back to your room. I promised Joohyun I would.” His voice shifted back to it’s friendly ease effortlessly. 
When she woke up the next morning, her head throbbed. But the cold sweat on the back of her neck and the uncomfortable heat between her legs let her know what she dreamed about. She realised that she had been woken up, looking up to see Joohyun standing over her bed. Her arms crossed like she was disappointed in her. (Y/N) thought about last night, rubbing her face with her palm. Joohyun was justified in her disappointment.
“Please tell me you didn’t do anything you would regret under the sun.” Joohyun pushed the covers off her.
“No.” She croaked, pausing and then reforming her statement. “Nothing I wouldn’t do sober.” She smirked to herself at that. Joohyun let out a snort, closing her eyes and turning away, trying to curb her smile.
“Come on.” She poked her shoulder, “I’m not letting you skip breakfast.” (Y/N) whined but obeyed, getting out of bed.
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Day 5
Joohyun and her walked to the restaurant together, the others already there according to Joohyun. They had turned a corner when they heard a voice call her name out. They both looked right to find Mark waving, Johnny walking beside him. He had his hands in his pocket, wearing a white t-shirt with simple terracotta shorts.
It occurred to (Y/N) that while she didn't believe in perfection, Johnny Suh was probably the closest anyone could come to it. 
"I didn't see you all day yesterday!" Mark commented as they came closer, her eyes drifting to Johnny at the remark. He looked at her like he was fine with letting her answer that all by herself.
"Yeah. Sorry about that." Was all she could bring herself to say. 
When they finally reached, Johnny came up in front of her with an evil glint in his eyes that didn't match the soft smile on his face. She was only just raising a suspicious eyebrow at him when he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a kiss. 
She stood frozen for a moment, her heart hammering in her chest and her face turning hot, both of which she was sure he could feel. Her hands came up to his chest and she hesitated for a second, dangerously tempted to pull him close. He smelled faintly like a different cologne, like bitter oranges and spice— a signature that would now arouse her simply from association. Instead, she pushed him gently. He moved back without any resistance, a pout forming on his lips.
"What are you doing?" Her voice sounded like something between a whimper and sheer horror.
"Kissing you." He said the words like it was something he did all the time and she was the one who was weird for asking. It also made butterflies erupt in her stomach because he gave her a soft smile while he said it.
He started to lean back again when she pushed back, bending her back to get her face away from him. From the corner of her eye she could see Joohyun and Mark, frozen in place and watching them.
"What's gotten into you?" She glared at him. Embarrassed and incredibly turned on by his brazen claim.
"What?" He pouted. "You promised last night, remember? He tightened his arm on her waist, pushing a strand of hair that fell out of her hasty ponytail behind her ear. "You said you'd kiss me when you're sober tomorrow. That's why we–" With a teasing smirk growing on his lips, he started to remind her. She quickly reached up to put her hand on his mouth.
"Okay," She hissed, "Okay." She levelled her voice, "You've made your point. Now stop." She begged, wriggling in his hold but he made no move to budge, his eyes turning up in glee. When she let go of his mouth he whined; the three of them looked at him like he was insane.
"But you promised." He huffed.
"Maybe we should go?" Mark turned to Joohyun who gave him a quick nod.
"No!" She snapped at them, "We're also going. Johnny's just being exasperating." She turned back to give him a glare.
"You seem to like it." He repeated the words she said to him last night, making her cheeks feel impossibly hot. He let go of his hold on her waist after that, tucking his hands back into his pocket. She moved away from him immediately, straightening herself and avoiding eye contact with the two people who were witness to his retribution.
"Breakfast." She reminded them and more importantly herself, "I'm not in the mood to be messed with before I drink my morning cup of coffee." She mumbled, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards their destination forcefully.
"Can I mess you up after it then?" His choice of words were deliberate. She took a sharp inhale, ignoring him completely.
Johnny slipped his fingers through hers at some point during the rest of the short walk. She tried not to think too much about it, but her heart pounded against her chest anyway. He was pulling her towards the coffee machine predictably when a voice called out to her. She turned to see Sooyoung’s mom beckon her over. She turned around to Johnny rather apologetically, not wanting to let go of his hand. 
She felt sick with infatuation. 
He looked up at Sooyoung’s mom, before back at her. “Sit with me today?” He questioned and she gave him a nod, a smile spreading on her lips. He let go with a satisfied nod, letting her hand go, she slowly walked away to Sooyoung’s parents.
“It’s been so long.” Mrs. Park hugged (Y/N). “Sooyoung is always bragging about you to us.” She laughed, pulling back and holding her at arm’s length. “You’ve grown into a beautiful, independent woman, (Y/N).” Something about that made (Y/N)’s lips quiver.
Mrs. Park was a special person to (Y/N). She never doted over Sooyoung for how beautiful she was— and Sooyoung was, by all accounts, stunning. Instead she raised her daughter to be opinionated and strong-willed. When (Y/N) first met Mrs. Park, the woman took it upon herself to impart the same wisdom on her. Whenever (Y/N) was at their house, she was no different from her daughters and through the years, Mr. and Mrs. Park had become like her parents. The compliment coming from Mrs. Park felt like she had finally made it in life. She hugged her again.
“I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to visit. I missed you.” Her voice wavered and Mrs. Park laughed and patted her back.
“Sooyoung calls you our little busy body.” She laughed, patting her head with motherly affection. “Come home and I’ll feed you okay? You look like you need to take better care of yourself.” She looked down at her, clicking her tongue in disapproval. “Look at the bags under your eyes.” She cooed.
(Y/N) scoffed gently, “You and mom would have a field trip if you came together.” Her words made Mrs. Park laugh.
“I haven’t seen her in so long as well, wow!” She paused, “You kids really grew up.” She said wistfully.
“I insisted that she travel a little. With us siblings occupied with work, she’s bound to be lonely by herself. She’s currently in Australia visiting a friend, nearby actually.” She laughed.
“Does she visit you?” Mrs. Park asked.
“Sometimes, yeah. I feel bad about her flying all the way just to spend most of the time in the apartment by herself. She doesn’t even know anybody in New York.” She smiled, trying to mask her sadness at her own words. It was fine, she told herself. She grew up wanting what she had now, the consequences were just a part of that.
“Come visit okay? Take some days off once in a while. I’m a shorter flight away.” She scolded her and she nodded with a laugh. “Go eat now! That man has been waiting for you all this time!” She laughed pushing her. (Y/N) turned away, giving her hand a final squeeze.
Johnny was waiting for her like Mrs. Park said. Leaning against a pillar and watching her carefully.
“Are you okay?” His voice was laced with concern, forehead creased. Something stirred deep inside her chest.
“Yeah.” She felt her lips grow into a smile, “I think I really am.” It was a rare instance where the words felt true.
He gave her a questioning look but didn’t press, “Let’s eat?” She nodded.
They were all walking back towards their rooms together when Haechan spoke up.
“Let’s go to the beach, you guys! The wedding's the day after and we’re yet to take a dip in the sea!” He whined, pulling Mark’s arm.
“Don’t you dare.” Doyoung glared, “If any of you get sick, Sooyoung will pop a vein. The whole thing was too meticulously planned.” Sooyoung looked at Doyoung, looking like she didn’t know whether to be offended or proud.
“Fine. We’ll just go and walk on the beach. Come on!” He pushed, “I had a whole scenario in mind when I heard you were having a beach wedding. So far I’ve had a slice of pineapple and that’s it.” He groaned.
“Fine.” Doyoung huffed. Haechan gave him a thumbs up.
It was too hot this early in the day, suddenly nobody liked the idea of being on the beach anymore. Haechan insisted on standing at the edge of the water, clearly flushing from the heat but pretending he was enjoying himself for the sake of his pride. The rest of them found spots of shade to shield themselves. At some point, Haechan managed to drag Mark and currently chased him around the hot sand.
“Johnny!” Haechan shouted across the beach at some point. Johnny lifted his head from the lounging chair he was lying on to look at the boy, moving his sunglasses up to his head. “Help me drag Mark into the water!” He said with a loud giggle, the corner of Johnny’s lips tugged.
“Why would I do that?” He shouted back.
“Because it’s fun to tease Mark.” Haechan replied. Johnny sat up with a laugh, giving into that. Mark looked over, shaking his head at Johnny.
“Why are you bothering the poor boy.” She told Johnny off.
“Just a little bit.” Johnny winked, making her laugh.
He caught up to Mark easily, yet instead of picking him up, he stopped in front of Haechan with a grin, lifting him up and walking towards the sea. Haechan’s shrieks were a mix of horror and surprised delight as he beat his fists on Johnny’s back, the action not seeming to make a difference. As they just about reached the edge, Johnny swung him once before placing him back on his feet. Haechan gave Johnny a surprised hug like he saved his life making Johnny laugh and ruffle his hair.
He came back with an easy smile on his lips, perching his sunglasses back on his eyes. Lying back down on the chair and putting his arms behind his head, he took a deep sigh. “I could get used to this.” He mostly spoke to himself.
She turned to him, staring at his profile. The sun illuminated his face below the nose, the rest covered by the large umbrella above them. She traced her eyes on his chin, his lips illuminated under the soft rays of the sun.
“Enjoying the view?” His voice came out a sleepy murmur. He shifted, turning to face her, taking the shades off his eyes and putting an arm under his head. 
She gave him a hum, shifting to mirror his posture.
“Do you ever feel lonely?” His voice was soft.
“Of course.” She smiled, “Everyone does.” She sighed herself. His leisure influencing her too.
“What do you do when you do?” He questioned.
“I call my friends, ask them about their day.” He shifted closer on his chair, “We video call each other, complaining about work and life.” She smiled affectionately.
“That sounds nice.” He hummed softly, “There’s a comfort in knowing your struggles are understood. More than your achievements sometimes. Though,” He paused, a breathy chuckle coming from him, “That’s also its own kind of nice.” He admitted, making her chuckle too.
A figure approached, blocking the sun and making them turn. Yuta stood with Ten beside him.
“We have to go, dude. The bachelor party still needs execution.” Yuta flung his arm at Johnny’s back. Johnny turned over, squinting when the sun fell on his eyes. After a moment he sighed, sitting up and giving him a nod.
“How cute. They have matching hickeys.” Yuta jabbed his elbow at Ten’s ribs, making him wince first and look later.
“She has two.” Ten smiled, “Johnny my bro!” Ten sniggered.
“We’re leaving.” Johnny warned them, whatever look he turned to give them making them stop. He turned back to her, a lazy smile on his face. “I’ll see you tonight.” He promised, “Don’t pay attention to them.” He pointed to his friends, “This is how we treat people we’re close to.”
Johnny sucked in his lower lip, grazing his teeth over it before he opened his mouth again, “And.” He put his shades back on his nose, “Don’t drink.” A smile danced at the edge of his lips.
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It was Doyoung’s idea to have their respective bachelor parties before dinner. He needed his sleep, he had told Sooyoung. When he reminded her that she would get dark circles, she conceded.
As they were sitting at the table for dinner, (Y/N) could tell that both of them were regretting that decision. They sat side by side, clearly still drunk out of their minds— their cheeks flushed and eyes heavy. Both of them kept their eyes glued to the table, furrowed in concentration. She bit back a laugh. She glanced around the table. Most of the boys and, even her friends, all in various stages in intoxication. A gentle pout formed on her lips. While she did thoroughly enjoy the afternoon watching her friend’s antics, she felt a little left out suddenly. 
As she scanned across the table, her eyes met Johnny’s. To his credit, he looked sober too. She raised her glass of water with a mocking smile, watching his lips part for a laugh. He raised his too, as if to reaffirm that they were together in their sobriety. She looked away from him, pleased with the idea.
Taeyong, Doyoung’s best man, expertly forfeited his speech by claiming that he would rather give time to anybody else since he has one for the wedding day. The way he spoke slowly to avoid tangling his words together told her that was only half of the reason.
Jungwoo swayed so clearly in his seat that Sooyoung’s dad flashed him a concerned glance. When he looked up to give him a thumbs up, it did the opposite of reassure him. Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling too bad about being sober anymore. 
They caught each other’s eyes a few more times during the meal. 
At some point, Mark even convinced Johnny to give a little speech. Johnny spoke about the time Doyoung flew down to New York without hesitation because Johnny admitted to him that his new apartment felt isolating. Doyoung came, helped Johnny pick out furniture that felt comfortable and baked cookies so the apartment would feel more homely. Johnny assured the crowd that in a weekend's time, the place did feel like home because he had memories in them. 
Doyoung looked embarrassed, but looked at Johnny with love in his eyes. Mark added that Doyoung made better cookies than his mom, but his mom wasn’t a good baker anyway. The crowd laughed and Doyoung wiped a tear away quickly.
When Johnny came back, Doyoung got up to give him a hug— burying his face in his chest and making Johnny pat his back affectionately. The whole ordeal left her feeling warm and soft in a way that felt new.
It had been more than an hour, she somehow ended up in a corner listening to Jungwoo’s unsolicited opinion on the possibility of alien life when she saw Johnny walking towards them. Jungwoo clicked his fingers in front of her eyes to get her attention, leaning further on his chair.
“If you think about it. Like really think about it.” Jungwoo whispered, shushing her mid sentence even though she was silent the whole time. “They’re just waiting for us to get technologically advanced enough to fight in a war with them.” He concentrated on the floor.
“Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to attack before we get there?” Despite herself, she indulged him. Too infuriated by the flaw in logic to not question it.
Jungwoo pondered over the words for a second before shaking his head, “No I’m definitely the one making sense.” He wiggled his index finger in front of her face, “Syria, (Y/N). Think about what happened in Syria.” He urged as Johnny finally came and stood in front of them, peering down at Jungwoo.
“Save me.” She mouthed at Johnny, then not sure if he wouldn’t just to enjoy her suffering.
“You know, I think what he’s saying has its merits.” Johnny pointed the glass in his hand to Jungwoo. He brightened up at those words.
“See? Johnny knows space Syria is legit.” Jungwoo gloated. Johnny snorted to himself and she felt tired, just humming at the drunk boy.
“Want to take a walk with me on the beach?” Johnny asked her after a moment. At first, she thought she would refuse just to spite him.
“And don’t even get me started on Y2K–” Jungwoo began. She stood up.
“Yes beach.” She said too eagerly, before something occurred to her. She turned back to the very drunk Jungwoo with concern.
“I can ask Taeil to drop him back to his room, if you want. He told me he’s going to leave anyway.” Johnny offered and she gave him a very grateful smile.
After they found Taeil, he helped Jungwoo out and reassured he’d get the drunk fool back to his room. Johnny led her out of the banquet hall. They passed the corridor they were in the day before, both of their eyes lingering on the wall.
When they got on the elevator, she felt her cheeks heat up. There was a moment's pause before Johnny burst out laughing, she was compelled to join in.
"You know why I was in the basement the other day?" He questioned with an indulgent grin. She looked up at him, still a little flustered and not yet willing to speak.
"I was the only one who could drive here. So I got the boys pizza." He snorted, "I was so close to saying no." He ran his fingers through his hair, a smile forming on his lips. "I was on a flight for 20 hours with a 5 hour layover after a whole day's work. I was tempted to just order them room service so I could sleep." He fell into some thought, spacing out slightly.
"Oh." She said when the silence dragged for a moment.
"Taeil and Haechan begged. To think that I was so close to missing the way we met." He snorted.
"We would have still met, I mean our best friends are getting married." She didn't know why her voice sounded so intimate. Johnny laced his fingers through hers, watching as he toyed with the digits.
"Yeah." He looked up, "But that's a better story to have, isn't it?" Glee gleamed in his eyes.
Johnny took a few steps closer, "Plus," His eyes traced her face. "How else would I have known how impossibly cute you are when you're flustered?" He clicked his tongue. "I'll have to get Taeil and Haechan pizza anytime they ask now." He lamented.
"Because you now have an elaborate scheme to meet more women?" She laughed. 
He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her palm and making her breathing shallow again. "To thank them. I don't think I'd have the balls to pursue you otherwise." He hummed against her palm.
She scoffed, "Right." She lifted a brow at him.
"See? When you do that you look like you'd break my knees if I bothered you. It's kind of hot." He hummed against her wrist.
"You spoke to me at breakfast!" She tried to counter, her voice meek.
"And you looked like you were in no mood to engage in conversation. You rushed away too." He tugged her arm to pull her closer, pouting his lips. "I was a little intimidated." He mumbled, moving his hands to her hips.
She felt a little dumbstruck. 
Johnny. The Johnny that stood in front of her right now with his dark hair tossed over; in a suit that fitted so well that it had to be custom tailored. The Johnny who currently towered over her frame and looked at her with eyes that bore into hers. This Johnny was intimidated by her?
"Don't be ridiculous." She sounded dazed, before a perplexed laugh came from her lips. "You're just teasing."
"I swear it." He smiled, coming closer to kiss her temples. "When you realised I was the same person from the elevator, you looked so flustered." He chuckled against her ear. "I thought to myself, 'I'd risk getting my knees kicked in just to get a few words in with you'. I was really hoping my charms would work." She lifted her neck as lips went towards her throat. Her mind was foggy while she tried to process everything he just said.
The elevator dinged as it reached the main floor. Reluctantly Johnny let her go, keeping her hand in hers as they walked over to the beach.
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"So you really can't think of anything that you would like as a romantic gesture?" Johnny craned his neck towards her, his elbows dug into the towel they picked up at the pool as he propped his upper body up on them, leaving a dent in the sand.
She shook her head at him again, resting her head on her knees. Johnny looked up at the sky, chewing his lips trying to think of something.
She wrinkled her nose, "I dislike the concept of giving or buying flowers." At this Johnny sat up further, his eyes furrowed in confusion.
"Why?" His bewildered tone made her smile.
"It seems like a waste to me. Cutting beautiful flowers just so you can bring them home and display it." She thought about it, "To me it says, 'Have this tender thing that I essentially killed for you!’.” She frowned, “Not flowers." She confirmed.
"Damn." Johnny said softly, "You have a point." To that she laughed.
"What about gifts?" He tried.
"I can buy anything I want by myself."
Johnny whined, "That's not the point, (Y/N). It's a gesture, it says: 'I thought of you when I saw this.' or, 'I want you to think of me when you see this'." He held his hands out like he was holding something in them.
"Okay." She conceded, "I guess it depends on the intentions but when you say it like that it sounds kind of nice." She shrugged.
Johnny lay back down on the towel again, laughing in the disjointed way he did when he found something genuinely delightful. 
She smacked his chest, "Don't laugh at me." She mumbled.
"I'm not laughing at you." He rolled over to face her, putting his palm under his head.
Johnny chewed on his bottom lip for a second, "You aren't a romantic, are you?" He didn't sound accusatory, merely curious. She thought about that, coming short of an answer. 
"I don't know actually." She looked up at the moon, "I've never really thought about it."
"How are you like in a relationship?" He readjusted his arm again, bringing the forearm down to rest in front of him and propping himself on a single elbow, toying with his other hand.
She hesitated for a moment, the sound of the waves crashing on the sand and the whistle of the sea breeze in her ears. Her hair tossed in the wind and she took a deep breath. If it was someone else she would have dodged the question. She looked back towards Johnny, patiently watching. Johnny, who was patient and considerate. To the point where she felt so comfortable around him that it felt strange to think that till a week ago she didn't know who he was.
Her eyes drifted away from his, looking over to a hole in the sand— one that a crab had burrowed into it. 
"I've dated twice in my entire life." She breathed out. She thought about the creature that lay somewhere under the warm sand, snug in its shell and lonely in it's comfortable burrow. "Both times were short. More curiosity about how it would feel rather than wanting to be with the person." When she turned her eyes back to Johnny he was watching her with a deeply contemplative face.
She looked back at the horizon where the sea seemed to meet the sky, the line currently blurred in the dark.
"The first time I was young and stupid. He wasn't unkind, he was just the first person who ever asked me out. It was before university and I went for it." Her eyes drifted up the horizon, the sea turning into an ocean of stars. "A month later he told me he wanted to be with me even when we went to Universities on opposite sides of the country." She took a shaky breath, "In hindsight, I was cruel. But I freaked out and just left without saying anything." She took another long breath, finally turning to look at him. 
Johnny still didn't say anything, still looking at her with those same eyes.
She willed herself on, "I had my life ahead of me, you know? I wanted to see things, see the world." She laughed at the words, thinking about her old self— naive and hopeful. "I didn't want to go off to University already committed to a guy that I hardly knew. A guy I didn't even like." She took another breath.
Her eyes drifted back to the waves again, the moonlight making the sea foam look like it was glowing. She sighed. She had started now, she might as well finish.
"I ended up not dating the rest of University." She shrugged, "I realised that I didn't even like casual sex." She paused, turning to him quickly. "That isn't to say that I have a problem with it. It's just not something that worked for me." Johnny finally gave her a nod, the small reassuring smile on his lips making her feel like she could finally breathe. "I did a lot of stupid shit that I regret now." She groaned, pushing her hair back from her face.
"You were young." He mumbled. Hearing his voice after the long silence felt a little jarring. "We all did stupid shit when we were young. That's what it's about anyway." He shifted again, sitting up and crossing his legs, "Trial and error." He said thoughtfully, his eyes roaming her face.
"So." She sighed, "I didn't date anyone after that. I didn't care about it anyway, I wanted to be someone more than be with someone." She paused, laughing. "That sounds so stupid when I say it out loud." She scoffed.
"No." Johnny spoke, eyes furrowed. "That's one of the most important things I've heard anybody say." He looked resolute. "Being someone is the most important thing we can do. It’s why we have this head,” He tapped against his, “With its desires and opinions and voice." She looked at him as he spoke, putting something she could not really pin down, into words. Tangible, with nowhere to hide from them. "It's important to be someone real, not just what you think you are for people." His voice dropped low, like he was afraid of breaking something.
"Yes." She breathed out, "When you know who you are, you can allow yourself to be understood." Johnny smiled at that.
A tender silence fell between them, one of contemplation. The waves came close as the tide rose. She released her knees to sit back, feeling cramped from the position. She sighed, relaxing into the night.
"And the second?" Johnny asked after a while. She turned to him, the context lost on her. "The second guy you dated." He clarified. Her eyes lit up with the epiphany before she looked back down, tracing the geometric patterns on the towel under them with her eyes.
"It was someone I met when I had only just started working." She picked at the piece of lint that disrupted the flow of the patterns. "It was fine till he thought I never had time for him." She smiled sadly to herself, looking back up at Johnny once she pulled the thread out. "I didn't mind when he broke it off. There was nothing I could do. He wanted a girl who would take care of him— I hardly take care of myself most of the time. We just weren't a good match." She didn't feel regretful.
"How long ago was that?" He tried to sound casual, she knew that. But the anxiety in his eyes gave him away.
"Four years." She didn't hesitate.
"You haven't been with someone for four years?" He coughed the moment he realised that he sounded too shocked. She smiled at his careful efforts.
"No." She shrugged, "I let myself get busy with work. I found myself enjoying a walk in the park by myself or a late night movie alone. It was little things at first, and then I realised." She gave him a smile, "I genuinely enjoy my own company." She chuckled as the long held thought manifested into words.
"That life sounds good." He chuckled. Johnny looked down at the towel, finding his own piece of lint to fiddle with.
"It is." She assured him. She paused, taking a breath as a thought that had been scratching against the edges of her mind inched closer.
Her eyes fluttered over his features; the full pucker of his lips, the soft curve high curve of his nose. He focused on the way his hair rested on his forehead and his eyelashes framed his lids, brushing against his cheeks as his eyes stayed on the towel.
She thought about the red tie he wore at dinner and the way he kissed her in front of both their friends just to prove a point. She remembered the way he smiled at his friends, and the way he playfully teased Mark. She pictured him, alone in a new apartment for the first time, wanting home
She took a small breath, something clicking into place inside her, "And then I met you." Johnny stopped fidgeting with the towel, looking up with a look so vulnerable that a conditioned panic rose up her throat. She quelled it, deciding that she didn't need the reflex. "And I think for the first time I realised that life could also be content." Her breathing picked up, the vulnerability she suddenly felt no doubt reflected in her eyes. "And I think I also just found an answer to your question." A smile played on her lips. 
He furrowed his brows at her, tilting his head like he didn't know what she was talking about. 
"I like gestures." Her lips grew wider, "I want someone to show how they feel about me. I find action romantic." She paused again, closing her eyes and ignoring the burn on her cheeks as she spoke the next sentence, "Gestures that would seemingly go unnoticed, small acts that aren't meant to prove anything other than just being." She raised her palm, gently touching his face, "That's what swept me off my feet."
She finished her confession, waiting for him to say something. Johnny searched her eyes, still looking for something.
"You haven't been with anyone in four years." He assessed the words, "You've only been with two people in your entire life." He repeated her words. 
She gave him a nervous nod, unsure of where this was going. After the high of her confession started to fade, she realised that there was a possibility that he didn't want all the things she did.
"Do you want to be with me?" His eyebrows knit to impossibly close together.
She tried to hide her nerves with a jab, "I was sure I was speaking to you just now." She joked. Johnny put a finger under her chin, lifting it and staring at her with a serious expression.
"(Y/N). He pleaded softly.
"Without a shadow of a doubt." She felt a weight lift off her chest when Johnny's eyes finally lit up.
"I will cherish this like the privilege it is." He promised, "Cherish you." He pulled in closer, finally kissing her. She put her palm on his chest and pushed gently, Johnny sat back willingly. He wrapped his arms under her knees, bringing her closer to him. He kept his hands in place as she slowly explored his body with her hands. He kept still as she explored his mouth with her tongue.
With a slowly building resolution, she brought her fingers up to his neck, tugging him to her, trying to get that much closer. He finally moved his hands, grabbing her waist and pulling her into his. She sighed in relief, surrounded by his warmth and scent. Her hand slipped to his shoulder, pulling him closer. His chest pressing against hers as she pressed her tongue against his. Her other hand landed on his thigh and when she dragged her nails on the trousers his hips bucked up. She smiled against his lips, feeling victorious she ground her hips into his. She heard him groan, his arms moving up her waist. She did it again. He slipped his arms to her thighs, before stroking back up again— silent encouragement. 
She sat up a little further, arching her back till she was impossibly close to him. Her fingers went into his hair for leverage and she rolled her hips again. Johnny pulled back from the kiss with a stutter.
“(Y/N).” He growled his warning, she took the chance to kiss down his jaw. He raised his head to give her access, groaning. “I’m going to cum into my pants like a teenager.” He tried to warn her off. A soft whine left her lips the moment she thought about that, only rolling her hips with more purpose. Johnny laughed, a deep throaty laugh that made his adam’s apple bob as her lips brushed against it. She licked the skin gently. When he said her name then, it was a defeated whine.
He was so hot like this. So hot that it felt like she wouldn’t be able to stop even if she wanted. She slipped a hand down his chest, brushing it against the strained bulge in his pants. He grabbed her wrist, making her laugh softly against his shoulder blade.
“Please.” She whispered, his fingers loosened their grip but stayed around her wrist. She lay her palm flat on his cock, rubbing it up and down. He let her hand go with a defeated huff, putting both his hands behind him to lean back. She watched his face, the anguished crease of his forehead, the way his lips parted and then closed when he swallowed, his eyes squeezed shut. 
She slowed down her pace. Johnny opened his eyes to look down at her. Despite the situation, it was her breathing that picked up under his gaze.
“Do you want to cum?” She asked him, she felt him twitch under her palm. For a second he didn’t respond, only watching her with those eyes— like he would devour her if given the opportunity. Both their rapid breaths became the only sound between them, he raised a brow at her. She bit down on her lower lip. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t move. All he did was watch her, waiting. 
Finally she took the liberty, moving her hand again. He inhaled sharply, eyes fixed on her. She increased her pace.
He threw his head back after a moment, his throat bobbing, “(Y/N), fuck.” He groaned as his hips bucked again, his cock twitching. Then she felt it, the spreading heat.
“You came in your pants.” Her voice was a mix of surprise and pride. He sat back, his eyes impossibly dark, his brows still furrowed. He grabbed the back to her neck, bringing his lips to hers. He devoured her like his eyes had promised, kissing her with fervent urgency.
He pulled away too soon, getting up from the ground. She watched as he adjusted his pants, his jaw setting hard when his fingers brushed against the wet patch on the front of his pants. He gave her his hand after he finished, hoisting her up.
“I’m going to return the favour.” He warned, “Let’s go.” He pulled her away.
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Johnny tapped his index finger against the reception desk, the pace of it increasing with each passing moment. She felt apologetic towards the man who stood on the other side of the desk, staring at the computer screen in front of him.
“I’m sorry, sir.” He looked up, repeated exactly what he said moments ago. “All our rooms are booked up. Between the wedding and seasonal crowds, there is nothing. I can’t even see rooms that are currently on hold.” His voice was of professional regret.
Johnny ran his fingers through his hair, the frown on his features growing. She felt herself rub her thighs together.
“You don’t have a single empty room in this entire place?” He was trying to be polite, she knew that. He kept his voice leveled and tried to sound more like he was coaxing than demanding. But the frustration that was all over his face was justifiably intimidating. The man tapped his pen against a notepad.
“We have the pool villas on the other side of the property–” He started.
“I’ll take it.” Johnny reached for his pocket, taking his wallet out.
“Wait,” She tugged his arm, “This isn’t necessary. Johnny.” She felt the guilt rack over her. He gave her the smallest smirk.
“Don’t back off now. You started this.” He exhaled through his teeth, handing the card to the man behind the desk with his eyes on her.
A thought occurred to him, making him turn back to the man at the front desk, “Just make sure it’s as far away from the one booked for the wedding couple.” Johnny gave the guy a meaningful look. He nodded at him, a smile forming on his lips when he turned to swipe the card.
The walk was an excruciatingly long one. They took the beach to keep the route as swift as possible. (Y/N) held her heels in her hand and his jacket around her shoulders. Despite her insistence that she couldn’t possibly feel cold by the beach, he wrapped her in it anyway, a smirk on his lips. It currently brushed against her thigh, somehow longer than her dress.
“I can’t believe you did that.” She groaned when she couldn’t hold it in any longer. “An entire villa.” She groaned again.
“Do you want this?” He stopped walking suddenly, turning to her with soft eyes. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want. I’m fine with just talking to you, I love talking to you. I know you haven’t had sex in a while. Don’t feel like you have to because of this.” He shook the keycard in front of him.
“Of course I want to do this.” She spoke before he finished. “Have I not made that abundantly obvious?”
“Then don’t worry about the place, it doesn’t mean anything.” He reassured her, turning to start walking again.
“I just feel like I forced you into this.” She grimaced. He took her hand in his squeezing like he was silently telling her off for thinking that.
“If I don’t fuck you right now I’m going to go crazy.” He said it casually, missing her hitched inhale, “I know you feel the same. Kneading into me on the beach under the open skies. I told you, don’t back out now.” He turned to burn his heated gaze into her, “I’ve spent days losing sleep over imagining how you look naked under me. I just didn’t want to do it anywhere. You deserve better than that.”
A tortured noise came from her throat, reluctantly she let the matter of the villa go. It was the most reckless and illogical thing he could do. But everything about this week felt so quixotic that this might as well have happened too.
Her heart started picking up when Johnny pulled into the steps of one of the villas on the row of them that stretched across the beach, walking up the stairs with her hand still firmly in his. The door beeped when he tapped the card on the handle and then they were inside a dark room that looked too big. She dropped her heels on the floor. Johnny flicked a light switch by the door, illuminating the entrance. 
Stairs went up a few feet in front of them, the seating area in front of them leading to french doors on the other side that spanned the entire expanse of the back wall. 
Johnny leaned down to brush his lips against her temples, her eyes fluttering shut. "How about a dip in the pool?" His voice was liquid velvet. At his words, she noticed the reflection of a pool outside the glass. She wanted to say no, pull him upstairs instead. "Ever since I saw you swimming the other day, I haven't been able to get the image of it out of my mind." He chuckled into her hair.
She turned to him, "You have very specific fantasies." She noted mockingly.
"I like to think of it as an extension of knowing exactly what I want." His fingers slid down hers, "Plus," His lips brushed over her eyes. "I promised, remember? When I finally get the chance, I would take my time with you. I promised to be slow and agonising." His other hand pushed her hair back, light fingers skimming against her shoulder and making her shiver.
"Johnny." She whined in protest, earning a chaste kiss on her forehead.
"You have some much needed retribution in store." The words filled her with dread and anticipation.
"Can't you just punish me later?" She gave him wide eyes and a soft pout.
"You think that helps your cause.” He chuckled, “But you're only making things worse for yourself." He warned, "You made me ruin my suit." He reprimanded.
"You seemed to like it." She mumbled, looking down at the floor. 
He slipped a finger on her chin, making her look up at him, "And you will like what I am going to do to you as well." He coaxed, a look of devious vow in his eyes.
Then his eyes turned darker, furrowing his brows. "So take off your dress. Let's go enjoy the most of this place I was forced to take because of your lack of self control." 
"You told me not to worry about that!" She smacked his shoulder in indignation, making him laugh.
"You don't need to worry about it. You just need to know that you willingly pushed me off the edge of my self control." He wrapped his arm around her waist and he walked away, guiding her to the doors on the opposite side of the building.
Johnny took off his suit slower than she’d like, in retaliation she didn’t touch her dress till he was done. She watched intently the whole time, watching as he took off his tie; then very slowly unbuttoned his shirt— something she urged to do herself. She dug her feet in place instead, eyes tracing his chest. She had seen his arms before, felt his chest under her palm a few times, she knew she was well built. But, as he peeled the shirt off his shoulder, nothing she could picture in her head could do justice to the man who stood in front of her. She swallowed, realising after that, yes, she was literally drooling while staring at his body. 
After he took the shirt off, he looked up to her face. She snapped her eyes up to his face like she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t. Amusement danced in Johnny’s eyes but he didn’t speak. She kept her eyes fixed on his face as she heard the rattle of his belt. She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, pulling out every inch of free will she had to keep her eyes in place as his pants fell to the floor. He stepped out of them, keeping his gaze fixed in hers as well. Then he frowned, bending down to pick up his pants.
 He neatly placed his clothes on a chair, pointing an accusatory finger at her clothed body after. “Why is that still on you?” His voice brushed against her skin even from the distance.
She willed herself to keep her eyes glued to his face. “I’m considering your constructive criticism. Trying to exercise more self control.” She kept her voice surprisingly steady, metally patting herself on the back.
“Oh?” He stepped closer to her, “And you think now is the time for you to learn that?” He tilted his head, his gait predatory.
She raised her chin in defiance, giving him a nod.
“Where was this self control when you had my fingers deep inside you in a car on the highway, hmm? Or when you needed me to kiss you right outside a gathering of people we both know?” He came and stood in front of her, brushing his fingers where her dress met her thighs. She focused on the wild look in his eyes, trying to ignore the chill his fingers sent down her spine.
“I told you,” Her voice came out throaty. “I’m learning.” Johnny smirked.
“Alright.” He hummed, pushing her arms up. She didn’t resist. She didn’t resist when he peeled her dress off either. She tried to ignore the heat that rose up from her chest to her face when he looked at her body, resisting the urge to bury her face in her hands. Johnny took his time drinking in her frame. She bit her lip. When he looked up, his eyes looked bored. “We’ll see how long it lasts, hmm baby?” Her toes curled at the purr in his voice.
“I want to kiss you.” Johnny said from the other side of the pool. She hummed. He narrowed his eyes, “Come here.” He wasn’t asking. She moved across the water, her bra sticking uncomfortably to her chest. He pulled her close to him, “Do you want me to touch you?” She hummed again. He held her chin in his hands, “Words.” His voice licked up her spine.
“Yes.” She breathed out.
Johnny took a sharp breath, tongue running across his lips. Her eyes drifted to the movement, looking back up seconds later.
“But?” He narrowed his eyes, suspicious of her intention.
She smirked, “I won’t touch you. Not till you ask.”
“Wretched girl.” He gave her a wicked smile, “Where have you been all my life?” He sighed, reaching his lips down to her neck. He licked a strip up her neck and she gasped out loud, her head falling back. He looked back to grin at her, before turning her around and going back to her neck. She rested her head back against his chest, jumping with a yelp when he grazed his teeth on the skin behind her neck. She felt him smile against her skin.
“As someone who claimed that time is their luxury, you sure are generous with it.” She winched when he bit down on her shoulder, soothing the skin with his tongue.
“I’m a very generous person.” He whispered, brushing his tongue on the shell of her ear.
She hummed, “So I see. Though I wish you were more generous about certain things over others.” He bit her earlobe, she mewled.
“I thought you wanted to learn self control?” He kissed behind her ear.
“Yes, but you seem like a man thoroughly well read in the subject.” She whined, “You can be exempt from this lesson.” She tried to keep up with his words while his mouth kept up its persistence.
“I would prefer to lead by example.” He bit the back of her neck, she clenched impossibly hard.
“And I would prefer you inside me.” She groaned. He laughed into her hair, kissing her spine lazily. 
She pulled away from him with a frown, turning to look at him, “Johnny Suh, I swear to god!” She huffed, he shifted to kiss her lips. She huffed against his lips, both annoyed and aroused by his incessant antics. He was seemingly an expert at it, bringing her just to the brink of irritation before driving her wild with need. She kept her hands firmly at her side, the urge to touch him making her light-headed.
In the meantime, his hands touched her bare skin. Her back, stomach, waist. He brushed his fingers on her abdomen, where the elastic of her bra dug into her skin, the thing felt like a hindrance. 
He pulled away from the kiss, a pleased look in his eyes. “Not even a little graze. You’re a diligent student.” He lifted his now swollen lips. 
Anger flared inside her, only making her want him more. “You’re a dick.” She pulled away from him, but he touched her arm and drew her back till her back was on his chest again.
“You deserve a reward for your tenacity.” He put his hand flat on her stomach, circling around her navel with his thumb. 
Then he slowly took his hand lower.
Every nerve in her body fired up in anticipation. She shivered when his thumb grazed the skin just above the elastic of her underwear, she huffed. She felt his other hand sneak between them, unbuckling the clasp of her bra. She sighed very audibly when it slid down her arms, too busy feeling the relief of it’s removal to feel shy at the moment.
“This,” His voice barely a breath. His palm grazed one of her breasts. “I’ve been waiting to do for a while.” He rolled her nipple between his fingers, she bucked up closer to his touch. His other hand brushed over her underwear, she dropped her head back to his shoulder. He slipped his fingers in to graze a finger up her slit, then down— his touch featherlight. She felt like she could weep. He parted her folds, the cold water around them touching her warm clit, making her grasp and also reminding her where she was.
“Johnny.” She said through gritted teeth. “Please.” Her voice dissolved into a moan when he pressed his finger against her clit hard.
Every nerve in her body felt like they had been lit on fire deliberately. He drew slow circles around the bundle of nerves. She lifted her hands instinctively, remembering her claim and putting it over her mouth instead.
“Touch me, (Y/N).” He whispered in her ear, the sound akin to a plea as he plunged a finger inside her. She didn’t have the sense to hesitate, threading her fingers through his hair.
She would have cum in moments, had he not been so distressingly slow. This slow, she felt every graze, every joint and every curl. When he added another finger, he remained loyal to his pace. The pressure between her legs felt unbearable.
“You’re so tight.” He groaned against her temples, “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. I’ll make your long wait worth it.” He parted his fingers inside her, opening and closing till she felt her walls ease under his efforts. “I’ll make sure you feel good.” He kissed her temple, his thumb pressing into her clit, flicking the hood with his blunt nails.
Her orgasm built up slowly, so slow that she felt every twitch and every muscle tightening. She moaned out his name and he connected his lips to her, rubbing a thumb on her nipple which the other continued it’s ministrations on her clit. All of that combined with his fingers pumping slowly inside her felt too much. She felt moisture prickle on the corner of her eyes— tears of relief as her legs shook and her orgasm crashing through her body in multiple waves. She squirmed in his hold, grabbing his wrist to make him stop. He obeyed, bringing both his hands to her waist, turning her back to face him.
“How do we feel?” His face one of concern, his eyes soft, all traces of the menace he was moments ago tucked away. She gave him a smile.
“Good.” She confirmed, “Great.” She sighed.
Johnny gazed at her face for a second, “You’re so beautiful.” He stated. His brazen ease leaving her cheeks hot.
“So are you.” She laughed to herself.
“I think I’m rather handsome actually.” He grinned, “And sexy.” He winked.
“So sexy.” She was compelled to agree, closing her eyes and knitting her brows. Like the idea was too much. Johnny grinned a little more.
“Want to go upstairs?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“I genuinely thought you would never ask.” She frowned at him. He took her chin in his fingers to give her a chaste kiss, before lifting her in her arms.
“I can walk!” She looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I am aware.” Was all he said as he got out of the water.
“So put me down!” She felt herself blush.
“No. I know you can walk, I want to carry you anyway. It’s for my benefit. I want to enjoy the view.” He winked. She groaned and put her hands on her face, burying it in his chest and mumbling something. “What was that?” His voice was cocky.
“You like embarrassing people. It’s a deplorable habit.” She lifted her head to repeat herself and then hid her face again. Johnny just laughed.
He dropped her on the bed, an eager grin on his face as he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed. He raked his eyes over her body, like he was trying to memorise her features.
“Can I eat you out?” When he looked back at her face, his playful grin was replaced with an intent gaze. Johnny sat down on his knees on the floor at the edge of the bed. She sat up and scooted closer to the edge, placing her feet on the floor and giving him a meaningful look.
“Johnny.” She looked at him seriously, “Listen to me. You’re absolutely without a doubt the most considerate lover I’ve ever encountered.” She put her palm on his cheek, he nuzzled into the touch and she mirrored the content smile that spread on his lips. “You’re very sweet and very charming.” She rubbed her thumb on his cheek. “But, I swear to god.” She laughed, “If you don’t put your penis inside my vagina right now, I’m going to slap you silly.”
“Is that a promise?” He raised his brows, trying to tease despite the blood that rushed into his face.
He laughed, “Alright, alright. I’ll give you this considerate dick.” She groaned at the words, rolling her eyes. “But there’s something I want to ask you first.” His eyes moved away from her face to look around the room.
“What?” She swallowed.
“I have to be in Hong Kong after this trip. It’s part of the reason why I got the week off.” He paused, shaking his head. “That’s irrelevant.” He scoffed, running his hand through his hair and taking her hands into his. “I’ll be there for a month. But when I come back.” He paused, releasing a nervous exhale and looking at her with soft eyes, “I want to see you again. I want to take you to my favourite restaurant, and then I want you to see you some more.” They both blinked at each other, the silent contemplations of vulnerability.
Johnny sat back, “I was going to wait to say this. But I don’t think I can, I think I’m a little whipped for you. Especially when you tell me to put my penis into your vagina.” She shoved his shoulder, a sound coming from her lips that were a mix of a groan and a laugh. 
Johnny laughed too. “I told you,” He spoke after their giggles died down. “I want to court you. And I meant it.” He smiled at her.
“You’re such a romantic aren’t you?” She smiled, feeling somewhere between the hope and dread that she had heard came with real feelings for a person. “One condition.” She looked at him.
“If you make me walk up the Vessel I will leave you there.”
The smile he gave her made her shiver, “Deal.” He gave her a lopsided grin, pushing back from her.
He stood up, motioning her to go up to the pillows with his index finger. She complied with a victorious smile. He put his knees on the mattress, crawling up to cage her body. He looked down at her with a smirk, searching her face.
“Ready?” He murmured. She nodded shyly, the boldness from moments ago already dissipating under his gaze. “When I saw you at the gym the other day, the unsolicited thought that plagued me was what you’d look like under me.” He smiled down at her, his words making her heart pick up it’s pace. He dropped his arm to his elbow, using the other to hold her cheek and kiss her. It was a brief kiss, but one that felt so impossibly intimate that her toes curled and goosebumps erupted all over her skin.
He kissed down her neck, taking a nipple in between his lips as his finger looped around the edge of her underwear, her fingers combed into his soft hair. He dragged the piece of fabric down till her shin and she kicked it off. When his hips ground into hers she gasped his name. He shifted his focus to her other breast, grinding his hips into her again and making curse words stumble out her lips, she wanted him to take his off too. His fingers parted her folds, teasing her hole with his thumb. She fisted his hair, her back lifting off the mattress. He stopped suddenly, pulling away and sitting back on his knees. She was already forming her annoyed response when he spoke.
“I need to go get my wallet.” He spoke like he remembered something. 
She sat up with an incredulous expression, both their faces flushed and breathing shallow. “What?” He breathed out, a little too dazed to keep up with him.
“I took condoms from the gift bag we gave Doyoung today. They’re in my wallet.” He ran his hands through his hair, still breathing fast.
“Oh.” She blushed, “Go.”
She sat in silence for a second, the air conditioning making her skin prickle. As her breathing calmed down, a smile spread across her face, then a soft laugh. There was something so incredibly thrilling and comfortable at the same time about Johnny. She remembered his face when he realised he didn’t have his wallet, covering her mouth to muffle her laugh.
When she heard footsteps come up the stairs she bit down on her lips too hard.
“What’s so funny?” He walked into the room, wearing just his briefs and looking so utterly irresistible.
“You.” Her laugh escaped her lips.
“I don’t know how to feel about you laughing at me while we stand here, very naked.” Even while he joked, his eyes explored her body with hunger.
“You aren’t naked yet.” She pointed at the piece of clothing that had overstayed its welcome.
“We can change that.” He tossed his wallet on the bed, leaning over to honour her request. “Will you take the condom out?” He said absentmindedly as he kicked his briefs off.
She turned to the square of black leather, swallowing and looking back up, “I don’t think I should touch your wallet.” A nervous laugh came out in the form of a huff. 
Johnny gave her a look of amusement, “I ask you to be my girlfriend and you think touching my wallet is going too far?”
For the shortest moment, she was too distracted by the view of his naked body; his dick spring up to his waist— angry red and too big. The next moment, his words seemed to register in her head.
She looked up at him, looking lost. “You want me to be your girlfriend?”
The laugh that left Johnny’s lips was of incredulous frustration, “Yes.” He said patiently, “I thought I was transparent but I guess something got lost in translation.” He teased with sarcasm. He gave her an endearing smile, “(Y/N) I think you’re fucking incredible and I want you to be my girlfriend.” He came closer towards the bed, “Now will you please take that pesky condom out so I can show you a very compelling reason why saying yes is in your best interests?” 
She scrambled to grab the wallet, opening it to search for what he wanted.
“The pocket in the middle.” He pointed, close enough to do it himself but still standing still. She was very aware that he was absolutely naked— she was too, but between the two bodies, his was the one she wasn’t used to seeing. It took her longer than she was proud of to finally produce a string of foil packets, at least five.
“You came prepared.” She stared at them for a second before tearing one off.
“I’m an optimist.” The words made her laugh, throwing her head back. She handed him the packet, holding it in her hand firmly even after he grabbed it. He looked up at her in question.
“I do,” She inhaled, “for the record.” She felt a little dizzy.
“What?” He furrowed his brows, looking down at her.
“Want to be your girlfriend.” His eyes grew slightly, before he smirked.
“Are you sure you don’t at least want a demo first?” A smile tugged at his lips.
“No, I think I’ll take it. Something tells me the parts work fine.”
“I appreciate the vote of confidence.” He leaned into her, kissing the corner of her mouth before pushing back to look at her again. He smiled, kissing her in earnest after that.
“Up.” He spoke against her lips, standing back up and lifting the foil packet. She scooted up to the pillow. A frown fell over Johnny’s features for a moment as he thought about something.
“This could be a bit uncomfortable. You haven’t done this in a while and I’m a little–” He paused then laughed, a little embarrassed. “I’m not trying to be cocky. I just don’t want to hurt you.” He explained. 
Her eyes drifted to his dick. She swallowed a lump forming in her throat, as her eyes wandered over the thick veins on his shaft, the red tip— he was big. It seemed to twitch under her scrutiny, despite herself she thought she could feel her mouth water a little. Johnny stood and waited patiently. She dragged her eyes back up to his face.
“Just go slow.” She requested.
“Of course.” He nodded, tearing the packet open.
She lay back on her elbows, watching him sheath his cock. She rubbed her thighs together. When his knees dipped the mattress, she looked up at his darkening eyes.
“Now. Where were we?” His predatory gaze zeroed in on her face as he managed to cage her under him again. 
He kissed her deeper this time, she craned her neck to facilitate his endeavour. One elbow propped him up while the other caressed her side, making her shiver and reach out to grab his shoulders. Everything about him in the moment felt too perfect for her fragile mind to completely grasp. The way his back flexed under her touch, his smooth skin, his intoxicating smell and his soft, plush lips all made her feel like she was bursting from the seams.
He pulled away from her lips, a pout falling on her face at the sudden lack of his lips on hers. He laughed, kissing the corner of her mouth and plunging two fingers inside her easily. Her eyes fluttered shut as her lips parted softly.
“Relax a little for me baby.” He urged her, his voice a low hum. She wanted to tell him that it would be unfathomable to even ask her that when he looked at her like there was currently no one else in the world. But she gave him a quick nod and exhaled softly, easing her muscles into the bed. He popped his fingers out, plunging them in faster.
“That feels good.” She mewled as her words made him pick up pace.
“I can’t wait to feel what it's like to be inside you.” He added under finger, her legs twitching from the sensation. “Do you want to cum like this?” He asked. The vigorous shake of her head she gave him made him laugh, she wanted him inside her. “Alright.” He pulled his fingers out and despite it being her request she whined, her eyes fluttering open. He brought his fingers to his lips and she was sure that she was about to go insane as his tongue poked out to lick them.
He entered her slowly, his eyes cemented on her face. She willed her eyes to stay open as he entered her, she wanted to see him. The feeling of being filled this excruciatingly slow made her toes curl, Johnny bit his bottom lip. She could feel him fill her so completely, every little crevice slowly brimming with the sensation of him. Her fingers dug into his back. Johnny’s eyebrows furrowed, his lips parting softly. He stopped, searching her face for an answer to a silent question. When she nodded a choked sigh left his lips, slowly he went deeper. Her back arched as she felt him so deep inside her, her body dissolving into pure nerves and sensation.
“Just a little more.” His voice was strained, the veins on his neck tight. She gave him a nod, her eyes fluttering closed when she finally felt him balls deep. Johnny sighed, falling closer to her body, littering kisses all over her face, her neck. “Such a good baby. Taking me so well.” He licked her clavicle. “You’re so tight, (Y/N).” He whined against her neck, “I think I’m going to lose my mind.” He sighed, staying in place and giving her the time she needed.
She wanted to remember this feeling forever, of feeling so full. Sex hadn’t been something that felt intimate to her before, it was an impersonal act of pleasure when people became creatures of basic instincts.
Yet, everything about this moment felt more intimate than anything she could recall. The soft look in his eyes, the patience of his movement, the feeling of him inside her. She wanted to weep into her shoulders and hold him in her arms.
“Move.” She whispered in his ears, kissing the lobe softly. He whined again, shaking his head forcefully. 
As he pulled out, they both gasped. His next thrust was smoother, the one after that even more sure. Her hand dropped to the sheet from his shoulder, fisting it till she felt pinpricks on her knuckles. He pulled back, balancing his frame of a single elbow, the other grabbing her waist. His thrusts got harder as he maintained his slow pace.
“Fuck.” She gasped, forehead gathering in focus.
“I’m trying, baby believe me.” He groaned. She opened her eyes, a mix of a chuckle and a whimper leaving her lips at the grin on his face.
“I like when you call me that.” She admitted, “Baby.” She whined as he seemed to find an angle that hit the right spot inside her, her eyes fluttering shut.
“Yeah?” He groaned, “You like being my baby?” 
She nodded.
“I’m going to take such good care of you baby. Now and for as long as you let me.” He kissed her neck, his dick twitching inside from his own words. She moaned his name softly.
“I think I’m going to.” Her face twisted.
“Look at me, (Y/N). Touch me please.” He growled.
She forced her eyes open, “I don’t want to scratch your skin.” She pouted, he snapped his hips and she gasped.
“Yes you do, and do I. Hold me.” He cooed, bringing his arm up to brush her hair away from her face. She obeyed, his hand going to his back— her nails digging into his skin. 
Johnny moaned her name. “Can I go faster?” His brows creased further, the words a plea.
“Yes.” She gasped out, “Please.”
She clenched around his as her orgasm shattered through her body. Johnny’s face fell into her neck, gasping as her walls clenched around him repeatedly. His thrusts got sloppier and quicker as he reached his own high, her name a repeated symphony on his lips.
His body relaxed on top of her for a moment, the weight thrusting the air out of her lungs even though she was certain it wasn’t the full extent of it. He left a string of sloppy kisses on her cheek and neck till a giggle bubbled to her throat, his own chuckle was a throaty one.
When he pushed off her, she was starkly aware of his absence. The next moment, he put his arm around her waist and dragged her close to him. She suddenly felt shy, her eyes focused on his chest, tracing her fingers. He laughed his breathy disjointed laugh she was coming to adore, embracing her closer to his chest. He kissed her forehead, his thumb caressing her back.
“What is your go-to meal after a bad day?” He hummed against her hair.
She looked up at him, a quizzical grin on her face. “That’s the first thing you say?” She scoffed.
He laughed again, “Well I already took a giant leap of faith before sleeping with you and asked you to date me after knowing you exactly five day.” He squeezed her frame, “So I thought I’d lighten up the pillow talk.” She scoffed again, but her cheeks tinted red.
“Anything that takes me over an hour to make would do.” She answered his question after a moment’s thought. The look he gave her made her laugh, “Here me out. I usually listen to music, or maybe a podcast. It’s an hour or more of not thinking about anything other than the task at hand, and in the end there’s physical evidence of your labour. Evidence that is also delicious.” 
Understanding seeped into Johnny’s eyes. He smiled at her with a nod, “I think I get it.” She kissed his chin.
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Day 6
Johnny stirred awake with a tug on his shoulder, squinting as the morning light first illuminated his view. (Y/N) smiled down at his sleepy face, standing over him.
“Why are you already out of bed?” His voice was a sleepy groan of protest, pouting his lower lip.
“We’ll be late for breakfast.” She explained.
Johnny gave her a relaxed smile, “Who cares? Come back in bed.” He turned over to grab at the air between them. 
She breathed out a light laugh at his antics.
“Come on! Don’t you want a cup of coffee?” She tempted him.
“I want you more.” 
She cursed her heart for picking up at something so cheesy, a humorous groan coming from her as she cringed at his words. Johnny rolled over to lay on his back and laughed.
“Okay fine.” He surrendered, sitting up and letting the sheet fall to his waist, “But on the condition we come back and get right back.” He patted the mattress.
Her eyes roamed his chest, wondering just how this man was currently naked in front of her. Then she registered his words, “You want to keep the villa?” She blinked.
“Yeah. How else am I going to do the things I want to you?” He asked like it was obvious. 
Her breath stuttered, “Fine. But you let me pay half of whatever fortune this place costs.” She gestured to the room with her arm.
“No.” He rubbed his sleepy face.
“Johnny.” She tried to reason.
“Please,” He whined. “I want to take care of you.”
She chuckled, sitting on the bed beside him and putting her fingers on his cheek. “You can do that in other ways. In ways that matter more. I can afford to pay for it, that’s something I’m immensely proud of. So let me?”
He chewed on his lips for a second but nodded at her, her smile growing wider.
Breakfast was a mistake.
She had made it a point to text Joohyun about where she was last night. It was to ensure that her friends weren’t under the assumption that she drowned in the ocean. Upon entering the restaurant, she suddenly wished she had drowned. 
A chorus of claps with a few cheers came from a set of tables in the corner of the room. A few other guests and Doyoung and Sooyoung’s parents turned towards the commotion with confusion.
“You were right.” She grabbed Johnny’s arm, “Let’s just go back now.” Johnny laughed at her reddening cheeks.
“Let’s go get some coffee.” He reminded her. She wanted to groan.
It was with a lot of reluctance that she walked up to the corner where their collective friends sat together, grinning at the both of them. She tried to hide behind Johnny, but he just put his arms on her shoulder. 
At the moment, she hated him.
“Well well, look who decided to finally show up.” Yeri laughed. (Y/N) turned to bury her face in Johnny’s shoulders.
“We were all making bets about whether you would show up or not.” Yuta sniggered.
“I didn’t want to.” Johnny shrugged, “(Y/N) insisted we come for the coffee.” He raised the hand in which he carried his cup.
“Wow, this must be serious if Johnny Suh wanted to skip his morning caffeine.” Taeil poked at Haechan who nodded with mock surprise.
“Guys.” Johnny frowned before he changed it to a grin, “Don’t tease my girlfriend.” 
“Girlfriend?!” Seulgi and Jungwoo shrieked together. The rest also had surprise etched all over their face.
“Kill me.” She groaned, trying to get Johnny’s arm off her shoulder but he didn’t budge.
Johnny just shrugged, no sign of hesitation or regret on his face. “When I know, I know.” It oddly comforted her.
“Alright, we’re going to go find something to eat.” Johnny waved at them.
“You will come back right here so Joohyun and I can grill you, understood?” Sooyoung’s threat was meaningful. “You have another thing coming if you think I’ll let you dazzle our best friend into this without a thorough interview. Okay?” (Y/N) had to admit, even she felt intimidated by the expression Sooyoung had on her face. Johnny swallowed, turning to give (Y/N) a look that begged for help.
She just gave him a shrug, “You brought this upon yourself. Also, they have the standing authority on this, I can’t do anything about it.”
“You don’t think it’s too soon to be her boyfriend?” Sooyoung spoke after she took a sip of her juice, “And don’t turn to her with every question.” She snapped, Johnny jerked his head back to face Sooyoung. “(Y/N) is very capable but she isn’t all that experienced with dating.”
“Sooyoung.” (Y/N) sighed.
“I don’t intend to overwhelm, (Y/N). I just think we’d be good together.” He shrugged.
“Don’t you think it’s a little soon to be so sure of that?” Joohyun’s tone was softer, but the question was no less blunt.
“No, not for me. If she decides later that it was then it’ll be an honest effort on both out parts. I was merely honest about my feelings.” He dropped his cutlery and looked up at them both confidently. (Y/N) lifted her hand to squeeze his.
“Damn.” Jungwoo mumbled, “He’s good.”
“Will you choose her over work?” Sooyoung followed.
“Sooyoung.” (Y/N) warned.
“What? You should know these things!” Sooyoung huffed.
“He doesn’t need to pick anything. These things can exist in tandem, I’m not going to ask anybody to pick me over something they’ve built for years, that’s unfair.” She furrowed her brows.
“(Y/N)–” Johnny turned to her.
“No. Don’t answer that. If you asked me the same question I’d kick you.” She was still frowning, Johnny’s lips turned up in amusement.
“Fine.” Sooyoung surrendered.
“I’ll never do anything that hurts her.” Johnny said softly, giving Sooyoung a reassuring smile.
“He really wouldn’t” Doyoung urged Sooyoung, “Johnny doesn’t have an inconsiderate bone in his body. He gave up a very important merger to come for our wedding. Something he has to go to Hong Kong to fix.”
“He once cancelled on a big client because I broke my arm and didn’t have anyone to drive me to the hospital.” Mark added.
“Guys.” Johnny mumbled, clearly embarrassed.
“She’s slandering you, dude. Let them say it.” Haechan chimed in.
“It’s not slander.” Johnny sighed.
“She is my wife.” Doyoung glared at Haechan.
“I see that we’ve decided to attack me now.” Haechan slinked away.
“I know what I’m doing, Sooyoung.” (Y/N) reassured her friend, a gentle smile on her face.
“Good. Because if he hurts you I’ll kill him, but I’ll also break your bones.” Sooyoung said with a smile.
Doyoung gave Johnny an apologetic look. 
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“That could have gone better.” Johnny finally spoke when they left the restaurant.
“She’s just a little protective. Don’t mind her, she’s always been the one who worries about me the most, when I moved for University, I’d spend all my holidays at their house because going back home was too expensive. Her mother is like a mother to me.” She stumbled over her words.
“I want her to like me.” Johnny’s smile was a little sad.
“She will.” She reassures, “She does. Sooyoung’s just being all business to intimidate you.” She scoffed. If Johnny wasn’t convinced, he didn’t push.
“See you in a bit?” He smiled at her instead.
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She entered the room she shared with Joohyun to pack her bag. She found Joohyun sitting at the small table across the room, when she saw her she stood up.
“I’ve come to take my stuff.” (Y/N) paused, blushing. “I– , uhh, we’re sharing a room.” She looked to the floor. She didn’t know why it felt so strange to talk about this. Her friends knew her completely, her secrets, embarrassments and her insecurities.
(Y/N) sighed, “Sorry. Talking about these things, about a guy. It’s still very new to me.” She laughed.
Joohyun came up to her, “Are you leaving because you’re mad? I swear Sooyoung didn’t mean to come on so strong. You know her, she knows you’re smart and that you won’t do anything unless you haven’t thought it over. But she thinks you’ll be hurt and go back to avoiding relationships. We all want you to be happy, that’s all.” Joohyun let the torrent of words out.
(Y/N) gave her a smile, feeling very touched, “I know that. I’m not angry at all, that’s not why I’m going. I like him, I really do. I don’t avoid relationships because I’m scared of getting hurt, I just wanted to find someone who I can be in a relationship with.” She hugged Joohyun, “I love you guys, and I’m so glad that I have people who worry about me this much.
“I like him.” Joohyun grinned when they pulled away, “I think you make a good pair. Enjoy your youth, (Y/N).” She squeezed her shoulders making (Y/N) snort.
“Alright, mom. You guys are acting like you’re losing me. Don’t worry, you’ll still be number one for me.” She grinned.
“He makes you happy?” Joohyun questioned. 
(Y/N) thought about that for a moment: Johnny’s effortless attitude, his unapologetic honesty and unabashed intimacy. She thought about his teasing and his affection.
“He does.” There was confidence in (Y/N)’s voice.
“Then you have all of our blessings.”
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When (Y/N) walked into the villa, Johnny was sitting in the sitting room, crouched over and deep in some thought. He turned to look up at her, giving her a soft smile and patting the space beside him.
“Should I be worried?” She joked as she put her suitcase to the side and sat down.
“I don’t think it was right to rush you,” He breathed in. “In hindsight.”
She huffed and sat back, “Do you also believe that I’m not capable of making a decision that works for me?” Her back deflated.
“No that isn’t what–” He looked away.
“You asked me. I considered it, and I realised that I like the idea. Asking isn’t rushing. Sooyoung wasn’t there so I can let it go. You were.” She turned to face him.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve just been thinking about it.” He groaned, pushing a hand through his hair before stopping to consider a thought. He took a glance at her, “For sometime now, I’ve been very aware of the fact that something’s been missing in my life. I try not to ponder over it because it felt futile. But getting to know you,” A smile tugged at his lips, one he pushed back. “You seem like someone who belongs in the crevices of my life.” He looked down at the couch, “But that isn’t fair to you. You aren’t a clog, you’re a person.”
“Johnny–” Her voice was soft.
 “The idea of what you can be for me is not something I am allowed to impart on you.” He sighed.
“Look at me.” She brushed her fingers on his cheek. He fluttered his eyes up, devastatingly vulnerable in the way he looked at her. “We’ll figure it out. You aren’t wrong for doing anything, we just need to try so we can replace ideas with who we actually are. Hmm?” Her voice was warm.
“I just feel like, I’m giving you something you don’t need. You seem like you’re absolutely fine the way you are.” His smile was sad.
“People shouldn’t need other people. They should want them.” She furrowed her brows, “I think that’s why I like you so much.” Her cheeks dusted pink at the confession. “You’re your own person, and you happened to want someone in your life. Not because you feel empty, but because life can be fuller than it is now.”
“You don’t think that’s unfair?” He questioned, eyes widening.
“No. I think it’s perfect.” She laughed effervescently, taking his hands into hers. “We complete ourselves, another person can only compliment us. A person can be whole in their own right, but life feels better when you have that whole to share with others.”
There was a silence between them for a moment that didn’t press down to stifle. They watched each other, slow and deliberate. 
“I’m a dumbass.” Johnny said suddenly, the words after the long silence making her laugh out loud, “And you’re officially the smartest person I know.”  Johnny came closer, his nose brushing against hers.
“Smarter than you isn’t smartest.” She joked. His jaw fell open, sarcastic shock on his face. She smacked his shoulder, he laughed.
“You know.” His voice was suddenly deeper, eyes darker. “If my inferior brain is recalling correctly.” She giggled at his words, “I think I have an overdue task from last night.” He hummed.
She squinted her eyes, giving him a questioning side eye.
“I said I’d eat you out.” He licked his lips.
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Johnny lay on his side, looking up at her. She lay on her stomach, propping her abdomen up on her elbows. Johnny’s fingers brushed up and down her bare back in a slow rhythm she was getting used to.
“I once worked on a policy for two and a half years, only to have it tabled.” She smiled without humour, still bitter at the memory.
Johnny winced, “Okay that’s definitely worse that mine.” He confessed. “My worst experience at work was when I flew to Sydney for an emergency in under an hour of the phone call, only to have the IPO delayed. I didn’t even end up getting the client.” 
She grimaced, both of them laughing.
“Sucks doesn’t it? When you realise that you break yourself repeatedly for things that end up not mattering in the larger scheme of things.” She sighed.
“What you do matters.” Johnny sounded indignant, “You just can’t see it in front of you because the kind of change that has any real consequence is slow.”
She snorted, “You know the majority of the time I do things that are purely performative? So companies can pretend they’re more progressive than they are?” She snorted again, looking away from his eyes to the sheets under her. “It pays better to have no morals apparently.” She scoffed.
“You’re saying that to an investment banker.” He sighed, turning over to face the ceiling. He snaked his hand under her, pressing her flush against his side, “I really started working thinking I’d be different, that I’d help new companies get the genuine backing they deserve. Now everytime I liquidate a failed business, I get one step further from the person I wanted to be.” His eyes drifted to somewhere distant. The air conditioner whirring back to start automatically filling the silence of the room. 
She watched his throat bob, traced the lines of his face with her eyes. “Growing up sucked.” She whispered. Johnny smiled, giving her a distracted nod. “But it’s a part of it. You have to liquidate, cut their losses. It’s the burden of being in the position of making the tough calls.” She tried to comfort him, knowing too well how the disappointment of not living up to your expectations felt. He held her tighter, squeezing the non-existent space between them.
“You too.” He gave her a look, “Just because companies are performative doesn’t make you so.” She gave him a look of genuine gratitude.
A phone call had cut their moment of bliss short. Johnny apologised profusely for some work that was thrust on him. Repeated assurances later, she told him that she’d get some left over work done too. That seemed to reassure him, both of them spending the rest of the day in bed with the sound of laptops clicking in tandem. His presence was as comforting as it was reassuring, it was never easier to be busy in company.
A little after noon, her phone rang.
“Yeah?” She asked Jungwoo.
“Don’t you want to have lunch? I get that you must be busy, but at least store up on some food for the gymnastics you’re no doubt pulling.” She could practically picture him wiggling his eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes, “No, we’re busy.” She stated.
“Yes, that’s what I said-” Jungwoo clicked his tongue.
“With work. Office work.” She added the last part to avoid any room for confusion. Jungwoo seemed at a loss for a moment, uncharacteristically silent. A snort left her lips despite herself.
“Is this some kind of very specific foreplay?” He finally managed to say.
“I’m hanging up on you now.” She deadpanned.
“Have fun.” His voice was sing-song to annoy her.
“Who was that?” Johnny looked up from his screen to ask.
“Jungwoo.” She scoffed, “Want to order some lunch?” She asked and he gave her an affirmative nod.
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Day 7
Sooyoung looked like she was going to break down into tears. Both Doyoung and (Y/N) juggled between words of reassurances for her and glaring at Johnny.
“(Y/N) was supposed to walk down the aisle with Haechan. You were paired with Seulgi.” She gave Johnny a defeated look. Sooyoung stood at the edge of the balcony of her room, in a hotel robe. The makeup artist was running late and Johnny’s simple request to accompany (Y/N) down the aisle sent the nervous bride off the edge.
“I will walk with Haechan, Sooyoung.” (Y/N) urged her, really not wanting this to be the thing that ruined the morning of her wedding.
“No.” Sooyoung blurted, pausing to tug at the skin around her thumb with her teeth. Seulgi got up from the bed to tug her hand away— something Sooyoung had made her promise to do to save her manicure. “We can do this.” Sooyoung looked up, light filling into her eyes. “You aren’t the best man or maid of honour. It’s fine, it’s completely fine.” She sounded too cheerful. “Taeyong will still walk down with my sister first.” Taeyong gave him a quick nod.
“Sooyoung–” Doyoung’s voice faded, a little concerned.
“Are you sure?” (Y/N) winced.
“Yes.” Sooyoung smiled, before laughing. “It’s my wedding day. Irrespective of who walks with who. I’m walking out with the love of my life.” She laughed again. Doyoung stuttered, looking away as his cheeks flushed red.
“Fine. I’m giving you what you want.” Sooyoung turned to Johnny, who gave her a grateful smile, “Consider it an apology for threatening you yesterday.” Johnny grinned, giving her a nod.
“Now go.” She turned back to Doyoung, “This is bad luck.” She stated.
The next time (Y/N) saw Johnny, she was ready to tell him off for the stunt he pulled in the morning. But, and she absolutely blamed the setting they were in, when she finally saw him she couldn’t bring herself to do anything but give him a shy smile.
It was a perfect afternoon despite it’s hold ups. The tide was higher than anticipated so they had to shift the aisle to a flower garden that overlooked the beach instead of the sand. The blooms of many colours complimenting the blue and white motif Sooyoung had chosen better than the initial beach. 
Soft music played as Johnny walked up to her, giving her his elbow to put her arm into.
“You look beautiful.” Johnny whispered into her ear.
“You too.” She said, making him laugh.
Even as they reached the end of the aisle and went to opposite ends, he kept his eyes on her. They held their gazes until the music changed, announcing the bride’s arrival. (Y/N) looked down the aisle to her best friend, her face lit with abundant happiness and looking more beautiful than a goddess in her wedding dress.
She turned back to glance at Doyoung, a weight lifting off her chest when she saw his eyes rimmed red. She knew Sooyoung deserved no less. The sight was one of hope, of the possibilities of a future, of contentment. When she turned back to Johnny, he was staring at her still. The chairs shuffled as Sooyoung reached the end of the aisle, everybody sat back in place for the ceremony to begin. 
Johnny’s lips spread into a slow smile when their eyes met.
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(Y/N) walked into her office on an early fall morning, a month after coming back from the wedding, to find what looked like an arrangement of candy.
“What is this?” She asked her assistant who looked up and then beamed at her.
“You tell me. It’s for you!” She sounded excited.
(Y/N) came closer to the thing, too large and too well arranged. She picked up the card tucked under a box of strawberries covered in chocolates.
‘Because you don’t like flowers, chocolates were the next cheesy thing I could think of. I’m back and I realised on my way to the airport I didn’t take your number. Dinner? - Your maybe boyfriend, Johnny.’
Her lips tugged as she tried not to smile too much. Her assistant’s phone rang, making her turn away rather reluctantly.
“Hello?” She looked up at her boss, pointing the phone at her. “It’s for you.” She walked up to the receiver, taking it from her assistant.
“Hello?” She asked.
A small groan whispered from the other end, “I’ve missed your voice.” She had to grab the desk. “They told me the gift was delivered so I thought I’d call. Your assistant told me you come in after nine.”
She felt a little at loss, “How did you get this number?” She questioned.
“My assistant did actually, very kind of him. He found your organisation and then your office.” He sounded proud. “I had to do something since I didn’t even remember to take your phone number.” He huffed.
“You could have just asked Sooyoung.” She laughed, avoiding her assistant’s face as her eyes lit up. She pointed at the arrangement before pointing at the phone, mouthing something that she assumed was a question. (Y/N) gave her a nod.
Johnny clicked his tongue, “I wanted you to give me your number. Incase you had second thoughts.” He paused, “So?” He questioned.
“So what?”
Johnny sighed, “Dinner, (Y/N). You and me.” He broke down the sentence, she grinned.
“Yes.” She didn’t hesitate. 
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It was an early spring night when (Y/N) had gotten home from work. She took off her shoes and dropped her bag to the floor with unfocused motions. As she reached across the sitting room, her phone rang. She had to go all the way back for it.
“Hmm?” She spoke into the device, a little surprised herself by the fatigue in her own voice.
“That bad huh?” Johnny chuckled.
“They tabled it again.” She sighed, trying to level the shake in her voice and blink away the tears that threatened to spill. There was a silence on his end, she heard the echoes of his walking cease. 
Then his steps picked up again, “I just got off work.” He said casually. “I’m coming over to eat whatever you’re going to make.” She laughed at his words.
“I can’t believe you remember that.” She grinned.
“I’m a good listener.” She should practically hear him shrug, “And an excellent boyfriend.” He reminded her, she heard the smile in his voice for real this time.
When (Y/N) answered the door, Johnny gave her a smile. Lifting the box he was carrying.
“You liked the cake from this bakery, so I thought I’d pick one up. It’s cream cheese. I got an almond croissant just in case you didn’t.” He gave her a peck on the lips as he walked into her home. “It smells amazing.” He beamed.
She smiled at him, unsaid words of gratitude on her face that he seemed to understand. He shrugged off his coat, hanging it beside hers and then loosened the tie around his neck.
“It’ll take an hour for it to finish cooking. I’m done with it otherwise.” She announced. 
Johnny took a few steps closer, arm snaking around her waist, “I can think of a few things we can do till then.” His lips brushed her ears.
It was an afternoon in late autumn. Johnny picked up a box of cookies from an aisle, looking it over for a second before putting it into the cart.
“A year I’ve known you, and I still can’t get used to how you will pick up literally anything while shopping.” She poked his ribs. Johnny put his arm around her shoulders, shrugging.
“It looked nice.” He mumbled.
“What if you don’t like it?” She questioned.
“I won’t know unless I try it, will I?” He hummed.
Her huff was a silent yield.
“Do you think I should get the liquid detergent or the powder one?” She questioned, eyes focused on the bottom aisle with the culprits in question in her line of sight.
“What’s the difference?” Johnny sounded confused, standing beside her and following her gaze like it would help answer his question.
“Liquid feels nicer, and is generally easier to use. Powder lasts longer.” She explained.
Johnny hummed thoughtfully, “Liquid sounds like the better bet to me.” He answered like the choice was an obvious one.
She huffed, “You act so spoiled sometimes.” She said incredulously. “I’ll have to get two if I get the liquid because I won’t have the time if I run out of detergent mid-week.” She stomped her foot slightly. An amused smile spread on Johnny’s face. “Two is heavier.”
“It’s just cloth soap. Get two if you have to, I’m going to carry it to your apartment anyway.” He snorted when she gave him an unconvinced frown, “And since it’s obvious to me by now, take the powder since that’s what you would have taken away.”
(Y/N) seemed pleased, turning to pick up the packet of powder detergent.
Johnny huffed, “Brat.”
She placed the bag in the trolley, turning to him with a raised eyebrow, “Excuse me?”
Johnny scoffed, “That doesn’t work on me. Save your intimidating gazes for work and the people who get too close on the subway.” He raised his brow back. 
Her lower lip stuck out as she looked a little flustered on being called out like that. Johnny laughed stepping closer to her.
“Brat.” He reaffirmed.
“Shut up.” She tried to hold back the whine as her cheeks heated up, “I am not!” She nudged him with her elbow.
“Don’t deny it.” He reprimanded, grabbing the string of the hoodie she wore to draw her closer, his hoodie. “You’re cute. But a brat nonetheless.”
“Oh my god.” She groaned with embarrassment. “This is why Mark refuses to go out in public with you anymore, do you know that?.” She pushed him away.
“See?” Johnny chuckled, pointing to her actions as proof of his statement.
She laughed, “Fine!” She sounded exasperated, “I am then. What will you do? Spank me?” She scoffed. She expected him to drop it, instead something shifted in his gaze.
“(Y/N).” His voice dropped lower than her stomach at his voice.
“Yes?” She intended to sound casual, instead her words came out a squeak.
“Would you like me to spank you?” He put a hand on her waist.
Fuck. She thought. The buzz of the lights above them and the occasional voice over the speakers along with the murmur of people made her very aware that they were inside a supermarket.
“Would you like to spank me?” She deflected his statement.
He squeezed the hand on her waist, making her jump slightly. They were in a supermarket on a Saturday afternoon.
“That’s not what I asked.” He snapped softly. She bit her lip at the authority in his voice. “Would you like it?” His eyes burned into hers.
Slowly, she nodded at him. Chewing her lips, she decided that now was a better time than ever to test a suspicion she had for a few months. “I’d love it, I think.” She paused, her heart beating and her cheeks burning with a mix of excitement and mortification. “Daddy.”
She wanted the ground to swallow her. Instead Johnny groaned with such delicious desperation that her stomach flipped.
“You.” He took a slow breath, taking another dangerous look at her. “Are going to pay for that.” The words struggled their way out. “Fuck, (Y/N). I can’t believe you just said that.” He combed his fingers through his hair, the words were somewhere between a growl and a gasp.
“Me neither.” She squeezed her eyes, groaning at her own horror.
“Let’s go home.” He huffed, “I want.” He paused, “I need to go home.” He slipped his hand to hers, holding it and giving it a squeeze.
She almost said yes, her breathing too shallow for her brain to have the adequate oxygen for coherent thoughts. But she sighed, shaking her head like she was trying to shake away the fog.
“You know I don’t have a costco card. I need to finish shopping. Otherwise I’m going to run out of dish soap mid-week” She begged, disappointed at her own conscientious response. To her surprise and Johnny’s credit, he nodded. Taking a step back, Johnny ran a hand through his hair, fixing his denim jacket and then giving her a soft smile like nothing ever happened.
She stared at the aisle out of her reach, the box of tea she was looking for on a shelf beyond her reach. She glanced back to find Johnny looking intently at a label. She scoffed. The only time he was particular about what he purchased was coffee and wine.
She glanced back at the aisle, deciding to risk the attempt at stretching up to get it while he was occupied. She didn’t want to hear the teasing at the moment. She was just out of reach when his arm wrapped around her, lifting up to assist her effort. She looked at him when he placed her back on her feet, bracing herself for the smirk. But his eyes were still glued to whatever coffee he was trying to scrutinise. She frowned.
“Are you seriously thinking of getting grocery store coffee?” She asked him.
He looked up at her with curiosity on his face, “I don’t remember the last time I had some.” The disgusted face she gave him made him laugh. “It says it’s decaf, so I thought i’d get it to try.” Her expression twisted further.
“Please you’re breaking my heart right now. It’s pre ground as well.” She looked affronted. Johnny laughed, putting the bag back where he found it.
“This is why I love you.” He chuckled, walking towards the trolley.
“You what?”
 She wanted to slap herself. He said it so casually, like it wasn’t the first time he had said that; while she felt like every single inch of her was firing up.
Johnny sighed, like he sensed her panic. Coming closer towards her and taking her hand in his. “I don’t expect you to say it back immediately, say when you mean it. When you know you feel it too.” He paused, “Or don’t. Either way, I had to let you know how I feel.” 
She had to kiss him, grocery store with a weekend crowd be damned. It was a reassurance, telling him that if he was already there, she was on the way.
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It was late in the night in the middle of winter. It snowed outside while they sat wrapped in a huge blanket in front of Johnny’s fireplace. He kissed the back of her neck, her head tilting to the side for his benefit. Their skin was warm against each other and it was easy to forget that it was the coldest night of the year.
“I have to be in the capital next week.” She said as his lips started their journey down her spine. She shifted, turning to him. “I wouldn’t have gone, but I have a meeting with someone and I think I can get an education bill squeezed in.” She put a hand on her chest.
“Okay.” He gave her a smile, too generous.
“I’m going to miss your birthday.” Her eyes drifted, pained.
Johnny’s smile didn’t falter, his arms tightening around her waist and raising her higher on his lap. “I can fly in for the day. You can take me to that chilli place you claim is the best you’ve had. I still think the place in Chicago is better, but we can wait for you to have that.” He chuckled, before his eyes turned to something more tender, “I don’t care where I am or what we do, I just want to spend it with you.” He stated.
She kissed him with such sudden urgency that he almost fell over, an arm quickly going behind him to keep them both steady. 
She pushed back, a wide grin on her face, “I love you, you know that?”
“Of course.” He hummed, unfazed seemingly by the confession. 
She understood why, there were times when words truly were unnecessary in the face of other things. She kissed him again, arms wrapping around his neck to tug him closer to her.
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It was an early summer morning when (Y/N) rolled over in bed. Johnny’s arms pulled her closer wordlessly, a small huff leaving her at the sudden movement.
She rolled back to face him, “I can’t believe it's already Monday.” She sighed, pushing the hair out of his face. Johnny sighed, as the words slowly registered in his sleepy head.
“Don’t go.” His voice was a soft huff.
She chuckled, “I have to go to work.” She brushed her knuckles against his cheek, a small pout forming on her face nonetheless.
“No.” He paused, looking at her carefully for a moment, “I mean don’t go back to your apartment. Move in with me.” He turned over to lie on his side, still looking at her.
“What?” She felt caught off-guard.
“It’s closer to your work. I have that costco card you covet so much.” He grinned. “And you know what a fabric conditioner is.” She snorted at his words, making him grin. “Plus, I have a coffee grinder.” He said like it was a grand prize— and he was right.
His hand went to her face, thumb brushing her upper lip and his grin turning into something softer. “We both know time is a luxury for us. I want to spend each moment I can with you. I want to come home to you and wake up to your face every morning.” His eyes traced over her face.
“Every morning?” She smiled.
Johnny hummed with affirmation, “Every morning. Someday I’m going to bite the bullet and ask you to spend the rest of your life with me.” A lopsided grin formed on his face when her breathing hitched, “But for now. Just move in with me.” He questioned.
She felt a little winded, his confessions always as effortless as his very disposition. But with him she had learned something, love was supposed to be exactly that— effortless.
“Okay.” She nodded, “To the moving in.” She added, “The rest we can discuss at a better time.” Johnny smiled, giving her a nod and pulling her back into his arms.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Not As It Seems 1/2 (Vincenzo)
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Summary: Y/N and Vincenzo grew up in the Mafia. You owed him for saving your ass on a mission gone wrong. It's always been that way between you two. You save his hide, he saves yours. He wants you to stay undercover and find your way into Babel Pharmaceuticals as an extra pair of eyes to find out who the CEO of Babel was. But as normal, mission does not go as planned.
Pairings: Vincenzo x reader (platonic), Joon woo (romantic)
Given, you Vincenzo did save your ass big time the last mission you were on but the magnitude of this favor was worth three small ones. Regardless, you are a woman of my word. You were about a month in you cover when you caught the eye of Jang Han seo.
You started as a tech at his floor but once he found out that you loved to play ice hockey and spicy foods, he fell head first in love with you. It did not take much for him to fall for you, which was actually heart breaking. You treated him with respect and kindness, something that he wasn't used to by anyone.
The first date was at a spicy ramen shop where you talked all night until the shop was closed. The second date was at his condo where we watched the live ice hockey game while you ate spicy kimchi. By the third date, you were comfortable being around one another. You ended the date with a long, much needed hug.
In the Mafia, you weren't used to affection and Jang Han seok was verbally and physically abused by his mother and brother. You held each other for at least a minute straight. You can still remember him burying his face into your neck as you wrap your arms around his medium build.
His hands rested respectfully on your upper back and shoulder blades. When you finally pulled away, you both bowed and said thank you. You bowed at the same time, hitting each other in the head.
You chuckle in rememberance of that date. Jang Han seo was truly a good guy. He wasn't capable of doing the horrific things Cassano was telling me about. He didn't have the heart for it, so there has to be someone else calling the shots. Someone close enough to be whispering commands into Han seo's ear. You just have to figure out who.
You knock on the door and wait for a while, winging you purse side to side as you waited. You furrowed your brows when you Han seo doesn't open the door. "Han seo?" You call from outside and still no answer. It wasn't until you heard a gun shot that you kicked the door down and tumbled inside.
You take out your knife and round the corner until you saw Han seo crouching down on the floor in front of his gun. You look around for the threat but didnt see any. "Han seo?" You say, tucking away your knife. You kneel down next to him and his body jolts upwards. "What!" "Honey, what happened?"
"I ca- I can't tell you." "Why not?" "Because I can't! You're an outsider and he'll kill me." "Who?" "He ruins everything he touches." He says, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry, but we can't see each other anymore. " "What? What is this about? Who says we can't be together?"
"Me, I say I can't. Just go!" He yells, making you wince. His eyes were red and puffy, he's clearly been cryibg. You hold his face in your hands and press a warm kiss to his forehead. "You know where to find me." You say before silently stand up and leaving. Closing the door, you let out a shaky breath.
You knew this was bound to happen but you got too caught up in the moments with Han seo. But at least now you can distance yourself and find a different approach on finding who the real CEO is. You walk towards your car and say to yourself to keep it together but as you as you hop in, tears fell on your cheeks.
"Damn it, Y/N. Pull yourself together." You say between sobs. You turn on the car and throw it into drive before pulling out of his driveway. You always made fun of those who fell in love while they were undercover, and now you feel like a hipocrite. You pull into your driveway to see Joon woo with a crate of rice wine.
You roll your eyes and tried your best to dry your tears but your eyes still gave it away. "How did you hear so fast?" You ask, getting out of your car. "My brother and I are close, and he really cared about you." "Well he sure has a way of showing it," you say, wiping away more tears.
"Come on, let's drink away our sorrows." He says and you genty take the crate into your hands. "Awe, where's yours?" You tease. He chuckles whole heatedly and says, "That's cute." "You can wait in the living room. I have to take a shower first." "Sure thing,"
Later that week, Joon woo has been stopping over your house every Friday night to check in on you. You were actually starting to get used to it. Today was Friday and he didn't come. You waited until 11 pm to go over his house and check in on him. You knock on the door and Joon woo opens it with a towel wrapped around his waist.
You fix your eyes on his face but there was a deep temptation to look elsewhere. "Y/N, hi," "Have you no manners? If you make plans with someone and can't make it, you can at least call." "I didn't know that it would urk you this bad. I'm sorry." You cross your arms and roll your eyes. "I was in the middle of shower, did you want to join me?"
"Excuse me?" "You seem a little tense." He leans his body arm against the door frame and his towel dips a little. "What if I am?" "Oh, I have a few things in mind." He says, his eyes slowly scanning your body. He leans forward and lift your chin up to plant a firm, possessive kiss on your lips.
You collapse onto his chest and he pulls you inside his loft. He closes the door before pushing you against it, his hands attached to your waist as he kisses your neck. Leaning you head against the door, he dips his head into your breasts and slides his hand into your shorts.
You gasp softly as he curls his fingers into your folds. Slowly pumping his fingers, you can feel his gaze on you. "Such a pretty girl. Can't wait for feel you clenching around my dick." He says, making you whimper.
"Move faster, please." You beg and it took him less than a second to speed up his movements. You dig your nails into his back and you spread you legs to give him more access.
He pulls his fingers out and sucks some of your juices off. "What happened?" You say breathlessly. "You're not loud enough." He kneels down on the ground and pulls down you shorts to your ankles.
You step out of them and he says, "Look at that beautiful pussy of yours, baby." You two lock eyes as he lifts one of your legs over his shoulder and slowly licks the stripe.
Your hands find his hair and tug on it softly as he sinks his tongue and pumps it in out of your pussy. You moan loudly when he pumps two fingers in you and applies pressure to your clit with his tongue.
The more he rolls his tongue, the stronger the build up in your stomach was. Your clit grew sensitive under his touch and your tried to pull away from him.
He scratch your thighs harshly and you yelp out. His fingers curl into a g spot and you slam your hand against the door. "Oh God," you chant until your felt apart under his tongue. He continued to lick and suck at your sensitive clit, making your breaths turn heavy.
"Joon, please! I'm so close!" You yell out. He rolls tongue against you and softly sucked repeatedly. Soon after, you fell apart again and you legs bucked. You fell to the ground and he catches your abdomen. He cups your cheeks and pressed a firm kiss on your lips. Your juices rubbed from his lips to yours as he invades your mouth.
You were breathless as he pulls away from your lips. He lifts you into his arms and stands up effortlessly. He lips were attached to yours the entire trip up the stairs and to his bedroom. You pull away to take off your shirt and unclip your bra.
You hear his towel drop and you buck your hips in anticipation. He lowers your body and slowly pushes his member into you.
You throw you head back and he sucks on the base of your neck. He bucks his hips and your wraps your legs around his waist to pulls him further into you. Rolling your hips to match his thrusts, he says, "Fuck, Y/N." Still buried inside of you, he lays you on the bed. He brings your legs over his shoulder and yells escape your lips with his heavy thrusts.
He lifts his hand and you links your fingers with his as he rails you into the bed. Your eyes are snapped shut as your walls flutter around his member. You bury you face into his shoulder as your rub your throat raw from yelling. "Look at me, " he commands.
You pull away from his shoulder and look into his eyes. "There's my pretty girl." He leans his forehead against yours as he slows his thrusts to chase his euphoria. You reach yours soon after and he pulls out of you. "Top me," "What?" You look at him through hooded eyes.
"I want you to see how beautiful you look on top," "I don't have enough strength for that, Joon." "Yes you do. Just one more time and I'll let you rest for the rest of the night." He lays on his back and you instruct him to sit up against the bed frame. He does so and doesn't break eye contact.
You softly pump his member in your hand until he's fully erected and sink yourself on him. You plant your foot on either side of his lap and rock your hips back and forth. His moans makes your pussy wet and sink further on him. You lean forward and bite on his lower lip. "Fuck, you keep doing that and I'll have my way with you for the entire night."
He arches his back as you scratch up his back. You roll your hips a little faster and his body goes rigid as his second wave of euphoria washed over him. You slide off of his lap and lay down on your stomach. You tuck your arms under the pillow as you lay on it. Joon lays on his side and draws circles on your back.
He waits until you were asleep but you were quite unconscious when he says, "I knew it was the right call to make Han seo break up with you."
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lisinfleur · 3 years
The Perfect Date
The request:
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Author’s Notes | It seems the family has more than one genius. Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Modern Age AU, requested by anon for 5CW Ivar II. Posted for HTGI Event. Words | 1857 ⁑ Warnings: Some self-ableism from Ivar, cursing.
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It was more than time for you to move on over that childish passion.
You had been cultivating that hidden love for so long that you couldn't even remember when it was the first time you'd looked at Ivar and thought he was the owner of your heart.
But it was past the time to be over with that and move on with your life.
You were his friend.
You weren't his kind of girl. You mean... Look at Freydis! She was completely different from you, right? And Margrethe before her...
It is ok that Margrethe got the record of banging four of the five Lothbrok brothers, but Ivar was on her list, and you weren't like her.
At least, you never felt pretty like the two of them.
At least...
At least, Ivar never looked at you with those flickering eyes he had for them here or there in the story of your lives.
So, when Hvitserk told you he'd settled a date for you with someone he was sure was perfect to be with you, you've decided to give him a chance. He also knew you pretty well, and if he was saying someone could conquer your heart, then probably this person could have a chance to really do it.
So, at the date he settled, you got yourself prepared. Your best dress, soft makeup. Gods, you even made your hair in a saloon to feel prettier for that night!
However, the last person you thought you would find in that restaurant was Ivar: sitting at one of the tables, he seemed to be as prepared as you were but waiting for someone who dared to get late for whatever they had settled together.
Oh, great.
Your past and your feelings would be right there while you would be trying to surpass them.
At first, you tried to dodge his presence, sitting on a table that was a little away from his.
But, as the minutes passed, your heart shrunk by seeing he was becoming angrier as the person he was waiting for didn't show up. And your "perfect date" was also getting late...
Did Hvitserk lose his good finger? He knew how much you hated people who weren't punctual!
When you noticed, your date was about ten minutes late! And Ivar's angry grunt reached your ears as your friend seemed to be frustratedly threatening to get out of the restaurant.
You could almost read Ivar's thoughts.
Another failure.
OF COURSE, she wouldn't come! Nobody wants to date the crippled.
And that whole ableist bullshit you knew he would be thinking throughout days, maybe months after that failed date.
Fuck the perfect guy! You got up and walked towards Ivar's table, pretending you had just arrived and taking a seat right beside him - just to avoid taking the place his date would be taking in front of him if she was ever to come anyway.
"Ivar! What a coincidence!" you tried to start as if you didn't see each other there.
But Ivar's surprised blues told you your dodging skills were better than you thought: he didn't really have seen you before.
Or the thing with the dress and makeup had really gone right somehow...
"Whoa... You're pretty, Y/N".
Your cheeks burned hot! Did he have any idea of what was that simple sentence doing to you?
"T... thanks," you answered. "You look great too. Occupied?"
His eyes looked at the empty chair in front of his table, and he sighed.
"I guess I'm not. Want some fries?"
Your favorites!
Ivar knew everything about you. And you, about him.
"And ribs!"
His favorites... Ivar couldn't avoid smiling.
One hour of conversation and the two of you had completely forgotten the late dates that never came.
Two hours and Ivar was betting you would be drunk with half of a quarter he was able to drink!
When the two of you took notice, five hours had passed from the time settled for your dates, and no one had come through those doors searching for you guys.
Nevertheless, that was the best night the two of you shared together. You had gotten rid of your heels under the table, he had left the fancy coat on the back of his chair, and the two of you were now side by side on the table, playing with each other at the cellphones with an interesting application he had found to play hnefatafl against you online.
"That's not fair! You always win!" you complained after losing the tenth match for a proud Ivar smiling beside you.
But his smile had a different tone. A gentle tone.
"Thank you," he mumbled, confusing you.
"For what? For repeatedly losing ​to you in this complicated game?" you tried.
"For making this shit of a night something good for me to remember," he answered, impressing a serious tone to the conversation you'd started.
"Ivar," you mumbled.
"No, Y/N. This would've been a disaster if you weren't here to make this night perfect!" he completed, looking at you. "I'll never listen to Hvitserk ever again, but I cannot say I regret coming to this date he settled for me. You were here. And it was amazing to be with you tonight."
"Wait..." you said, looking at him. "Hvitserk settled a date for you  here?"
"Today, at..." he started.
"...eight." you finished, and your eyes became large. "Oh, my gods..."
"Y/N, what happened?" Ivar asked.
For the first time since you knew him, not being the one able to figure out the whole picture.
"Your date didn't come, did she?" you asked.
"No. The 'girl that would be perfect to me' doesn't exist, and I got Hvitserk's stupid pun."
Oh, no. He got it wrong...
"That's not the actual pun, Ivar," you mumbled, feeling your cheeks burning hot once again.
"What do you mean?" Ivar asked, already annoyed things were happening faster than his mind could understand.
"My date didn't come either," you said, looking at him. "I had a date today, here, at eight... Hvitserk said it would be the perfect guy to conquer my heart..."
"The motherfucker decided to make the same stupid prank with the two of us!"
Oh, how charming... There was a detail you always thought was cute about your brilliant best friend: he would always become dumb when he was too angry to think properly.
"Indeed, he pranked us, Ivar. But..."
Why was it always so hard to tell him the truth?
"I'll punch his face for hurting you like this!" Ivar said, disposed to defend you with all his strength, but you held his hand, looking at him in the eyes.
"It is you, Ivar," you said, breaking his focus and causing him to look at you, confused.
It took him a second to figure out what you were talking about. And then another ten seconds for his face to frown in complete disbelief.
"Excuse me, what?" he asked, looking at you. "Are you telling me Hvitserk settled us on a date in the same place and at the same time trying us to..." he stopped.
His brain was finally making the right math this time.
"He was trying for us to date each other," you mumbled.
Already feeling, by his reaction, that he would somehow burst into laughs and say his brother was completely insane.
That you could never be perfect in any way to conquer his heart.
However, his head leaned, and he looked at you with a surprised expression.
"Sometimes I think there is a genius inside my brother's mind that he drowns every day with the amount of different alcoholic shit he drinks," he said.
Causing you to burst into laughing the way you would always laugh at his jokes.
Only you were able to understand his jokes, no matter how deep they were. And you would always think they were funny.
You would always be there for him, by his side, making his worst days better and his better days the best.
How come he'd never noticed this?
You were still laughing when Ivar's fingers touched your chin, catching your eyes.
"Hvitserk was right... You are the perfect woman to conquer my heart."
You froze.
And it was your time to frown and look at him, taken aback.
"Excuse me? What?" you mumbled, causing him to smile.
"Unexpected, but predictable," he mumbled, looking at you with a larger smile. "You know me better than anyone else. You like the same things I do. And you make me happy... You're prettier than any other woman I know... And by the way you're shocked by these conclusions now, I can almost say I finally discovered what's the only secret you've always kept from me..."
Fuck fuck fuck a thousand times!
You'd always told him that: there was only one thing about you he would never discover. And it was that he was the love you had hidden in your heart as deep as you could to keep your secret safe.
"And... What would be this secret, if you're so smart, Mr. Smartass?" you said.
Trying to keep your pose until the moment he approached, sealing his lips on yours all of a sudden, surprising you with the most delicious stolen kiss you had ever tasted in your life.
You melted in his hands, sighing against his mouth.
As his hands landed on your waist, yours embraced his neck and it was almost as if the two of you had been made to embrace each other like that.
The kiss didn't last too long, but it was enough to feel like an era for you. And Ivar smiled against your lips, fully cocky about his next words.
"I'm the one who has your heart," he said, revealing the only secret of yours he'd never laid hands on. "It's mine... You're mine. How could it be different?”
His fingers caressed your face and you noticed he was genuinely happy with that discovery
"I didn't want to lose our friendship," You mumbled, justifying your silence for so long beside him.
"We didn't lose it," he said, "It just evolved to a better level," he completed.
"And it was about time!" Hvitserk's voice sounded from the restaurant's door.
"You motherfucker!" You grunted at him.
"You little asshole!" Ivar growled.
And Hvitserk burst into laughter: his plan was a success and he smiled, throwing the car keys to Ivar who caught them.
"Mother told me to take you home, but I don't want to bother the love doves..." he joked just to receive a pair of fries from you and a cube of ice from Ivar's cup against his head. "Fuck, stop it!" he laughed. "You should be thanking me!"
"We're throwing food on you! Count it as gratitude!" Ivar joked back causing you to laugh out loud.
Hvitserk crossed his arms, smiling at the two of you.
"'Take care of each other," he said.
You would remember to prepare his favorite Damascus pie as a reward for being the perfect friend.
You couldn't be happier with the date he chose for you.
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kireimarkeu · 4 years
Day 1 ◑; l.mk
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summary; what its like to have mark lee as your college boyfriend for a whole month :3
5k words
+Day 1, Monday, 6:00 AM
You let out a whine when you hear the alarm ring from Mark's phone. You hit his chest repeatedly, eyes still closed, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. 
"Switch it off~" you whine, cuddling closer to his chest, pulling his arm around you to cover your ears from the blaring sound. 
Mark opened his eyes but soon squinted at the bright light. He rubbed his eyes harshly, leaning up a little to turn off the noisy sound. 
He looked down at you, a lazy smile plastered on his lips. Quickly, Mark leaned down to press his lips against your forehead. 
"I'll go shower first, I’ll wake you up when I’m done, okay?" 
You didn't reply, instead, you turn around to continue sleeping, hugging the pillows this time. Mark couldn't help but laugh at how cute you were. Shaking his head, he removed the arm that you were holding and got up to get ready for the first day of the final year in college. 
Almost an hour later, you were seated down on the chair, facing the mirror as you applied make up on your face.  
Once Mark saw you place the mascara back in place, "done?"
You nodded at your boyfriend and grabbed your bag that was laying on the bed.  
"Let's go," you mouthed, reaching out to hold Mark's hand. 
You thanked god every day that college was only walking distance from your place. You didn't need to wake up too early and you won't be too late if you overslept. 
 +Day 2, Tuesday, 12:59 PM
You stared at your lecturer, your cheeks resting against your palm. You gave up on taking down notes– you had the whole lecture recorded anyways. 
Finally, after 2 hours of non-stop accounting, the lecturer dismissed the class. 
You fished out your phone after packing all your things quickly. 
You: babe
You: are you done?
Usually, your boyfriend would reply to you instantly, but this time, he was taking some time. You pouted a little but continued to leave class. 
Once you walked through the door, you saw Mark leaning against the locker, waiting for you. When he finally saw you, a grin spread across his lips. 
"Mark!" you squealed, running up to your cute boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his torso, mark squeezed you against his chest.
"Hi, babe," he leaned down to press his lips on your cold cheeks. Mark reached to grab your hand in his, he was surprised at how cold your hand were. "Your hands are so cold!" he gasped, his hands rubbing over yours to warm yours up.
"I just got out of an air-conditioned room, dummy," you giggled. You tugged at his hand, "Lets goooo~" you whined, "I’m hungry."
Mark and you met a little more than a year ago through mutual friends. The first time both of you met, you barely noticed Mark. He was so quiet. Too quiet. 
But Mark noticed you ever since you walked through the cafe's door. He was usually a noisy guy– someone who enjoyed laughing and smiling at everything. But once he saw you, he didn't want to embarrass himself and opted to be silent the whole night.
You were so pretty. So kind, and so carefree. He liked you. The next day, he forced Jaehyun to give him your number. 
Ever since then, both of you instantly clicked and he finally asked you to be his girlfriend– something he's so thankful for. He wouldn't know what he would be doing without you. 
Ever since, 5 months ago, Mark has never failed to always meet you before lunch. It wasn't always, though. The both of you were taking different courses, hence both your timetable are different. But there were times where both of you would have lunch at the same time.
Luckily, this year, both of you have 3 lunch breaks together out of 5 days.
"What do you feel like eating?" Mark asks you, scanning the noisy room. 
It was 1 PM, so there weren't so many people in the canteen. It was usually only at noon then, both of you would have trouble trying to find seats.
You hummed, "Chinese?" 
 +Day 3, Wednesday, 5:08 PM
A grin formed on your lips when you saw Mark waiting for you after your last class. 
Running up to him, “Hiiiii~ Mark,” you giggled. 
Mark simply chuckled at you, his hands going up to your hair to pat your head softly.
“Did you wait long?” you asked as the both of you started walking home. 
He shook his head no. “Ah right!” Mark exclaimed as you looked at him with raised eyebrows. He suddenly pulled a black hair tie from his wrist, “you forgot to take this from me after lunch,” he told you, passing you your hair tie.
“Oh,” you grabbed your hair tie from him, thanking him by pressing your lips on his cheek. 
 +Day 4, Thursday, 8:34 AM
"Mark, I swear to god, it's only 4 days in–" you stop in your tracks to shut the door before turning around to face your boyfriend, "and I’m late." 
It was that day. The day where Mark started class late that day but you started at 8 but ended when his class started. 
Mark would occasionally wake up early just to send you to class. It was the least he could do for his favourite person.
Mark chuckled at how you were struggling to carry your bag. He reached out to grab your bag from you, and swing it over his shoulders as you mumbled out an incoherent 'thank you'.
"Well, thank god, you have me," Mark joked, as he started walking, you following soon after. You laughed at his words, but soon choked on the bread you were munching on. Mark patted your back, "Jeez, eat slowly, girl." 
You let out a loud cough then cleared your throat. "Fourth day in, and I almost died."
+Day 7, Friday, 3:07 PM 
“IT’S FRIDAY, BABY!” you yelled out with all your might, eyes closed, both arms stretched out.
Mark laughed at you but quickly covered your mouth with his hand, still giggling at you. “Stop! You’re embarrassing the both of us!” he laughed, grabbing your hand to drag you from the annoyed stares people were giving you. 
+Day 6, Saturday, 10:05 AM
You woke up at 10 am, no blaring sounds of the alarm clock. A small satisfied small formed on your lips. You turned in Mark's arms, hand going up to his warm cheek. 
"Markkk~" you murmured. "wake up..." 
Your boyfriend let out a soft whine, shifting with you in his arms. A huff left your lips when he squeezed you tighter in his arms and pulled you upon his chest. 
"Ah, Mark! Come on, wake upppp you poopoo head~" you squeezed his cheek softly. "We can't waste the day!!"
Mark whined and pulled away from you, turning away from you to lie on the other side, facing the window. You huffed, getting up to a sitting position, squeezing mark’s squishy arm, tugging on it multiple times. 
“Baaabe~ 5 more minutes, okay?” the cute boy mumbled into his pillow, pulling his arm away from your hold. 
You squint your eyes at your boyfriend. Letting out a long exhale, you got out of bed to make breakfast for the both of you. “I’m making breakfast so meet me in the kitchen in 15, okay?” you told mark, who simply hummed at your words. 
Honestly, you weren’t a very good cook, but for the sake of survival, you could make a simple toast and eggs. You quickly made toast and cook the eggs, then filling the table with Nutella, butter and strawberry jam. 
20 minutes later, Mark came in the kitchen with tousled hair, round gold glasses perched on his nose, eyes barely open and his pants hanging low on his hips. 
“Hi,” he mumbled, yawning quickly after.
Your right hand was holding a plate filled with toasts, while your left was holding a plate of scrambled eggs. You look up at your boyfriend, smiling at him, you quickly pressed your lips to his jaw before going to the small table to place your food. 
“Come, Mark! Breakfast’s ready.”
+Day 7, Sunday, 9:58 PM
Mark and you could be different at times. Mark was the hardworking type. He would finish whatever homework his lecturer gave, he would go through his notes that he had written down during lecture and would usually spend his Sunday studying. 
Meanwhile, you preferred not to do any homework because you think it was the biggest waste of time. It’s one day before the weekday, why would you study when you will be studying the following day anyway?
“Hey, Mark?” you called from the couch you were sitting on. 
Mark hummed, however, his eyes were glued onto his messy notes. 
“Will you follow me go get ice cream?” you asked your boyfriend, a glint of hope in your eyes because you could predict his answer whenever you ask a simple question. 
“I’m busy, sweet,” you mouthed the exact time when he said those words. You rolled your eyes. 
“But, Mark, I’m seriously craving for ice cream right now,” you whined with a pout. 
When he didn’t reply, you got down from the couch to sit next to the boy, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your cheek on his shoulder. 
“Please, Mark~~”
The reason you were so clingy was because Mark didn’t spare you a glance the whole day, which upsets you a little because you forgot how he was like every Sunday.
“we’ll go after I’m done with this, okay baby?” he whispered, pressing his lips near your ear, still not looking at you. 
Let’s just say you’re not getting your ice cream today.
+Day 8, Monday, 7:15 AM 
“I am going to fucking kill myself,” you mumbled to yourself as you put on mascara. 
Mark could only chuckle at you from the bed. 
+Day 9, Tuesday, 7:04 PM
Mark and you were lying on your shared bed, holding hands in the middle of the bed as Mark talked about his day.  You laughed when he told a funny story that happened in class earlier
It was moments like this where you realise you loved Mark the most. Simply talking about things that happened throughout the day. 
“What happened today, babe?” Mark asked after he finished telling you everything he wanted to tell you. 
“Well, we have a project to do,” you sighed, “something I forgot we had in college,” you said sarcastically with a roll of your eyes.
“Group project?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed, “I’m partnered with Jaemin. It’s a duo project.”
“I see.” 
Silence suddenly filled the air. Comfortable silence. Both of you appreciating each other’s presence. 
“Do you wanna know something?” he asked you, turning his head to look at you. 
“A girl confessed to me today.”
Your heartbeat started to pick up. 
“Who?” you asked.
You had thoughts that Mark would leave you for someone else before. Maybe not Mark, but you leaving him for someone else and that scared you a lot. You loved Mark with your whole heart and you have never thought of him being with someone that isn’t you. 
“You don’t know her,” he mumbled, “she’s from my class.”
You felt him squeeze your hand.
You pursed your lips, “What did she say?”
“She told me she liked me.”
You pulled your hand away from your boyfriend’s hold and turned to face him, “And what did you tell her?”
“I had a girlfriend and I wasn’t interested,” he explained with wide eyes. 
+Day 10, Wednesday, 3:38 PM 
You: hi b
You: I’m coming back late tody! 
You: don’t wait for me 
Mark Pee: okok
Mark Pee: where are you going?
You: jaemin’s place ): for project
Mark Pee: okk
Mark Pee: do you want me to fetch you from his place?
You: yes, please! 
You: I’ll text you when I’m done! Love u
+Day 11, Thursday, 11:02 AM 
“Ah, fuck!” you cursed, biting your lips in annoyance. You turned to look at your boyfriend, “Mark, I’m not getting lunch today.” 
He raised his eyebrows in confusion at you. The both of you were already queuing up for food, and now you’re not eating?
“I forgot to bring my money today,” you explained with a pout.
When you got home from Jaemin’s place yesterday, you immediately passed out after taking a cold shower. You forgot to grab some cash from your piggy bank today, where you usually kept some cash.
Mark quickly fished out his wallet and pulled out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to you. 
You pushed his hand away, “Mark, it’s fine.”
He shook his head, “its fine, you’re hungry, right?”
You tip-toed to press your lips against his cheek, “I owe you frozen yoghurt after school.”
+Day 12, Friday, 2:34 PM
Marker: where r u?
You: oh shit I forgot to tell you
You: I’m with jae again!! 
You: for the project
Marker: oh 
Marker: why didn’t you tell me earlier haha
You: sorry ):
You: were you waiting for me?
Marker: yeah haha but it’s okay, I’m going home now
You: oh, sorry Markie ): I’ll come back early to make it up to you okay?
Marker: I’ll wait for you (: 
+Day 13, Saturday, 11:18 AM
Mark continued to ignore you, despite the way you were hanging around him, trying to hold his hand to stop him from moving around, but it didn’t work. 
Yesterday when you had come home really late, despite the promise you made with Mark. When Jaemin and you finished the project yesterday, Jaemin had asked you to stay a little longer at his place to Mario Kart. Forgetting that you had promise Mark just a few hours ago, you stayed at his place until almost midnight and never told Mark. 
He was furious when you came back home. 
Once you walked through the door with a grin on your face, Mark quickly lashed out at you. 
“What happened to coming home early, y/n?” Mark asked angrily, hands crossed against his chest.
Mark only called you by your name when he was being completely serious. 
“It’s almost midnight and you’re only coming back home now?” he questioned you again with his hands placed on his hips this time. You could only keep quiet and keep your head down. “Do you know how dangerous it is for a girl to go home alone at this timing?”
You bit your lips, looking down at your feet, “I didn’t walk home alone… Jaemin sent me…”
Mark could feel his heart shatter when you spoke his name. It hurt him.
“Right,” he mumbled, turning around to go back to bed. 
You followed your boyfriend to your shared room, putting your bag on the chair, quickly changing to his clothes then slipping next to Mark who had his back face you. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your front against his back. “Mark.” You kissed his bare shoulder, “Are you mad?”
You let out a sigh when he ignored you, “I love you.” You whispered, pressing a long kiss on his shoulder then another on his neck. “I really do.”
When you woke up this morning, you were shocked to see your boyfriend giving you the silent treatment. 
You sent him a pout when he sat down on the couch without uttering a single word. You waddled up to your boyfriend, quickly sitting on what’s yours— his lap. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you brought your face closer to his, noticing his flushed cheeks.
“Are you still angry at me?” you asked him, you leaned closer, nose touching, “hm?” this time you quickly pressed your lips on his, “are you?”
Mark parted his lips, hands going up to hold your hips, “don’t tease.”
+Day 14, Sunday, 8:07 AM
“Who’s that?” Mark groan at the non-stop vibrations of your phone. 
You turned around in Mark’s arms, grabbing your phone to see who was texting you this morning. 
“It’s Jaemin,” you replied, voice still hoarse. “He wants to meet me to finish up the project.”
“No,” Mark immediately replied, pulling you back into his chest, chin resting on the top of your head. “You can meet him tomorrow, I wanna spend time with my baby.”
You closed your eyes as you smile against Mark’s chest, “I like that.”
+Day 15, Monday, 7.39 AM
“Babe!” Mark whispered harshly, shaking you by your arm, “wake up!”
You turned around, pushing his hand away, “I don’t have class today.”
Mark raised his eyebrows, confused, “you don’t?”
You shook your head, opening your eyes a little, hands going up to hold Mark’s cheeks against your hand, “I don’t. My lecturer cancelled class today.”
He sent you a sweet smile, “Okay. Go back to sleep, babe.”
Mark leaned down to kiss your head quickly before standing up to leave, but you reached out to hold his wrist, stopping him from leaving you. 
“What time do you end class today?” 
“4 pm.” 
When Mark walked down the steps, he was surprised to see you waiting for him outside of school, sitting on the bench with a pout on your lips, waiting for your boyfriend. 
Mark speed up his pace to go to you.
“Babe!” he called, “what are you doing here?” a huge grin plastered on his face. 
“You’re always waiting for me, so I decided to do the same!” you told your boyfriend. 
Mark cooed at you, placing his water bottle under his armpits as he reached out to squish your cheeks between his fingers, “you’re so cute y/n.”
You let out a whine, pulling away from his harsh grip, “let’s go.”
Before you could walk away, Mark holds you back by gripping your hand. You raised your eyebrows at your boyfriend.
“I’m craving for ice cream,” he told you cheekily.
+Day 16, Tuesday, 4:35 PM
You dip your spoon into the mango flavoured ice-cream, bringing it into your mouth, savouring the sweet taste. 
“Mark, it’s your third time we’ve eaten ice cream after class this week. Are you not tired of it?” you asked the boy who was sitting opposite of you. 
“Nope,” he shook his head with a small smile as he looked up at you, “never with my favourite girl.”
Blushing, you scoop some ice cream into your spoon and forcefully pushed it between Mark’s lips as his eyes glistened with happiness.
+Day 17, Wednesday, 11:18 AM
Mark had his laptop perched on his lap, his round glasses sitting on his nose while his eyes were trained on the computer. 
Meanwhile, you were sitting on the floor, laptop on your right while papers filled the coffee table. Your hair was tied into a messy bun—a very ugly messy bun. You scratched your hair in frustration and let out a long exhausted sigh. 
Mark had his eyes on you for a while now, he noticed how frustrated you were. And there were times where things like this happen—where you get too stressed over school and would overthink. 
“You okay there, babe?” Mark asked quietly, leaning a little towards you. He hesitated on placing his hand on your shoulder—he opted not to. 
You turn around to look at your boyfriend, tears brimming your eyes, nose rosy. You quickly shook your head no. 
“Oh, honey.”
Mark quickly put his laptop away and took a seat next to you, immediately pulling you into his arms. Once you snuggled against his neck, tears started pouring out of your eyes. Mark wasn’t very good at comforting and you knew that.
He simply patted your back softly, placing soft kisses on your hair repeatedly. 
Once you pulled away from his neck with a sniffle, Mark smiled at you, “better?”
You nodded, rubbing your nose, you looked up at him with a teary gaze, “can you help me with this?” 
Despite both of you learning different things in school, that didn’t stop both of you from helping each other.
“Of course, angel.”
And Mark explained to you what you didn’t understand. It took you some time to understand him, but Mark was always patient with you. 
Once you finally got it, he pressed a kiss on your temple, “you’re so smart, babe.”
+Day 18, Thursday, 4:34 PM
You waited for Mark outside of school, excited to tell him about how well you did for your presentation earlier. But Mark hasn’t come out after an hour.
The both of you were supposed to end at the same time today, but why isn’t he coming?
You fished out your phone to send your boyfriend a text, 
You: helo where are you ):
You: im waiting for you outside 
Unfortunately for you, he didn’t reply. To make things worse, it started raining heavily from where you were. Luckily you were waiting for him under a shelter.
With a sigh, you decided to scroll through Instagram while waiting for your boyfriend. Your eyes widened in curiosity when you noticed Mark had posted something on his Insta Story. Curious, you clicked on his profile to see a video of a girl sitting in front of him in a café. 
You were pissed. Mark could’ve told you that he would be out with someone else that day—but he didn’t. 
You thought of replying to his story but you didn’t, wanting to be the mature one in the relationship. 
Just as you were about to leave, you heard someone call your name. Turning around, your eyes widened and a smile appeared on your lips when you noticed Jaemin running towards you. 
“What are you doing here?” Jaemin asked you, “do you have an umbrella?”
You shook your head while jutting your lips out.
“Come. I’ll send you home,” he told you with a sweet smile. You opened your mouth, ready to reject his offer, but before you could, Jaemin had already held your hand, pulling you under the umbrella with him.
On the way home, Jaemin and you couldn’t stop laughing at each other’s jokes. The both of you were so bright on a gloomy day. Jaemin suggested the both of you stayed indoors for a while, which you agreed to. 
Both of you stayed in a café that Jaemin had suggested. Both of you spent hours in the café laughing at jokes and trying different cakes. 
When you reached home with Jaemin, you were ready to put your key in the hole, the door was opened by Mark. An angry Mark. 
“What are you doing here?” Mark asked Jaemin with a sharp glare, pulling you towards his side. 
“Ah, Mark, Jaemin sent me home because it was raining,” you explained, looking up at Mark.
Mark turned to you angrily, “why didn’t you—”
“Anyways, Jaemin, thank you for sending me home. I owe you one,” you quickly hugged Jaemin. 
Jaemin chuckled, “anything for you, y/n.”
+Day 19, Friday, 12:48 PM
“Are you really going to fucking act this way?” you asked Mark angrily, hands placed on your hips. 
Mark rolled his eyes as he walked away from you, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You followed him, annoyed at how he was avoiding you, “stop walking around when I’m talking to you!” 
He stopped in his tracks and faced you, frustration spread all across his face. 
“Why are you acting this way, Mark?” you asked him again, “you act like this every time I hang out with Jaemin.”
Mark took a deep breath, looking at anything but you, “maybe I don’t like you hanging out with Jaemin.”
You scoffed at your boyfriend’s words, “you know, yesterday wouldn’t have happened if you told me you were going out with someone.”
He kept quiet this time, he wasn’t sure what to say. Mark looked at you before walking away from you again. 
“Fine! Just leave like at times like this! Just like you always do!” you yelled out at him, “so childish,” you mumbled under your breath. 
+Day 20, Saturday, 8:56 PM
“Fucking Mark Lee,” you cursed, “always being childish over something small,” you rambled on, throwing the pan in the sink loudly, “why is he even my fucking boyfriend? Why did I even accept him?”
When you woke up today, Mark was gone. You didn’t think much about it, but when Mark wasn’t home after 3 pm, you started getting annoyed. You woke up at 8 am today, meaning he had left even before you had woken up. 
The moment you checked his Insta Story, he had left to hang out with the same girl 2 days ago. 
“Did he think I would get jealous over that dumb girl?” you scoffed, scrubbing the dishes roughly, “he thought wrong.”
At first, you didn’t think much about it, but after a few hours, you started stalking the girl’s account and constantly checked if Mark had uploaded anything on his Insta Story. 
“I hate Mark. He’s so good at making me feel like shit.”
Just as you said that, you heard the front door slam. You took a deep breath before approaching Mark. 
You went up to him, stopping him with your small figure, “Where were you?” you asked. 
“What are you? My mom?” he rolled his eyes. “I was with someone.”
Mark walked past you but you stopped him again as he let out an annoyed sigh. 
He turned around in exasperation, “Naeun.”
You crossed your arms, “since when did you both get close, huh?” you asked. 
“Since she told me she liked me.”
+Day 21, Sunday, 10:09 PM
Today, Mark didn’t go out. You didn’t either. 
You couldn’t stop thinking about what Mark had said yesterday. So mark went out with someone who had feelings for him.
Does she know Mark has a girlfriend? Will Mark like her back? Will Mark leave you? Has Mark fallen out of love?
You broke out of a daze when you felt something nudge your hand. You looked up at Mark who was looking down at you. 
“Huh?” you asked, stunned. 
He nodded his chin towards the bowl he was holding, “Eat,” he told you. You raised your eyebrows at him. He looked away, clearing his throat, “you haven’t eaten anything the whole day.”
You looked down at the bowl. Mark had made fried rice with a messy egg laid on top. A small smile spread across your lips.
He still cares. 
You gripped the bowl in your hand, “thank you.”
+Day 22, Monday, 7:37 PM
“Hey,” Mark nudged your shoulder, “do you want anything?” 
“What are you getting?” you asked, however, your eyes were fixed on your laptop as your lips bit on the string of your—Mark’s hoodie. 
You frown, shaking your head, “No, I’m good.”
The smell of fish & chips hit your nose, as you immediately looked up to see where the smell was coming from. Your eyes landed on Mark who had his plate of food sited on his lap. 
You lick your lips at the sight and smell of the delicious food. Mark squint his eyes mischievously at you. 
“Mark,” you called, “can I have some?” you asked, looking up at your boyfriend with a glint of hope in your eyes. 
Your boyfriend didn’t hesitate to cut up a piece and dip it in the sauce and feed you. You looked up at your boyfriend with a cute smile while munching on the delicious food as you went back to focus on your work. 
20 minutes later, instead of Mark eating, he was feeding you instead. 
“I thought you didn’t want any,” Mark grumbled while placing the fork between your lips. 
You looked up at Mark playfully, sending him a cheeky smile, “it’s really good.”
“Really?” Mark feigned confusion, “I never tried it,” he said plainly with a straight face. 
You pursed your lips and grabbed the cutleries from his hold, cutting a piece of the fish and bringing up to his lips. Mark's hands went up to your wrist to help you feed him as he ate with gusto. 
+Day 23, Tuesday, 5:17 PM
“Babe, I’m gonna meet Naeun, are you going to be okay?” Mark asked you, taking off his top, searching for a clean shirt. 
You bit your lip. Naeun was the reason both of you had a big fight the other day. Why is Mark still going out with her? Furthermore, she had a crush on your boyfriend, you were afraid if she would steal your man away from you. 
Mark jumped on the bed as he leaned towards you, “you okay?”
You looked down at him and sent him a fake smile. “I’m fine. What time are you coming back?” you asked softly, looking at away from Mark and directing your attention to your phone.
Mark suddenly grabbed your hands, pressing a kiss against it, as you looked at him in shock. “Baby,” he said, “if you don’t like me hanging out with Naeun, you can tell me,” he told you. 
You kept quiet. 
“Do you like me going out with Naeun?” he asked once more. 
Both of you have never gotten jealous before, and you didn’t want to break that. 
You shook your head, “you can go out with her,” you told him with a nod, your attention going back to your phone. 
Whatever you said was the opposite of what you were feeling. You didn’t want Mark to go out with her at all. You didn’t like the idea of someone else going out with your person. 
Mark sighed, “Don’t lie to me.”
You finally put your phone down and faced your boyfriend, “fine.” You sighed, “I don’t like the both of you going out together.”
“Why not?” he questioned, holding back a smile. 
You wanted to roll your eyes. He was doing this on purpose. 
“I…I don’t want you to fall out of love with me,” you whispered, “I don’t want to see you leave me and love someone else.”
Mark sent you a sweet smile, “you don’t have to worry because that will never happen.” 
+Day 24, Wednesday, 1:55 PM
“Done?” Mark questions, you nodded. “Let’s go.”
He passed you your bag, while he grabs his own. “I’ll send you to class.” 
You raised your eyebrows at his words, “isn’t your class at the other end of the building?”
Both of you shared your timetable with each other at the start of the year, and you knew where his class were at. 
“It’s okay,” he sent you a sweet smile, “I’ll make it in time.”
+Day 25, Thursday, 11:08 AM
“Hi, Mark,” Naeun waved at Mark sending him a flirty smile while tucking her hair behind her ear. “Who is this?” she asked, looking at you. 
You wanted to roll your eyes at the glare she was sending you. 
“She’s my girlfriend. I told you about her,” Mark stated, his arms wrapping around your waist protectively. 
“Ah,” Naeun gasped softly. “well, um, I was thinking if you want to go out today? I got an extra ticket for—” 
Mark frowned, “I can’t, I’m hanging out with my girl today. Sorry, Naeun!” 
Right after saying that, both you and Mark walked away, with you giggling next to him. 
+Day 26, Friday, 10:00 AM
You: Markie!!!!!
Markie Pooh: what do you want bitch ass
You: rude!!
You: I need to borrow your sweater ;;
Markie Pooh: ): why
Markie Pooh: it’s my fav sweater babey ):
You: its so cold in this room ):
You: I’m literally freezing rn
Markie Pooh: argh fine
Markie Pooh: you’re so spoiled wtf
Markie Pooh: what room r u in bby
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Nets and Bandaids | pt 3 (final)
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Summary: They were the strongest members in their respective teams and everyone looked up to them. Except, they could never seem to get along. One day when an incident happened during the seasonal championship, that changed everything between them.
Theme: University au, volleyball players au, enemies to lovers
Genre: fluff
WC: 2.6k
Pairing: Lee Minho x Reader
Part 1 || Part 2
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The next day came and it was a Thursday morning. Y/N entered her morning class in which she happened to share with Seungmin. She took a seat beside him and had just taken out her laptop when both her phone and his, dinged at the same time. It was their group chat.
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Just as she was about to reply in the group chat, she received a text from Minho privately. She opened his chat only to see him ask if she was going to the said party. With that being said, she texted him a response.
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And then 5 seconds later, the group chat started sounding again.
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With that, you couldn’t help but smile as you closed the chat when your lecturer walked in.
That weekend came in a flash as Chan, Changbin, Jisung, Mina and Yeri had met up earlier in the day to prepare the pool party at Chan’s family home. Mina and Jisung went to buy a lot of buffet cuisines while Yeri went to get snacks with Changbin.
Chan tidied the house and prepared some games they could play in the pool and also in the house such as water volleyball, board games, card games etc.
The rest of them either came on their own or together in a bunch. Y/N needed to run errands before heading off to Chan’s house so she was alone. When she arrived at the house, 12 out of 15 people were already there excluding herself. Those who still have yet to arrive were Jihyo, Hyunjin and Minho.
Y/N was still in her sweatpants and crop top as she stood by the snacks counter only to grab herself the big bottle of green tea and a plastic cup. However, she realized there were no ice cubes so she turned around just in time for Chan to top up the chips right beside her.
“Chan ah, do you have ice?” She asked.
“Oh, yeah. They’re in the freezer. The kitchen is down the hall to the left.” He said, pointing towards the right side of the house where there was a hallway.
She thanked him, proceeding to excuse herself. She entered his beautiful house, mindlessly admiring the interior of his family home only to make it in the big kitchen. She went over to the fridge only to open the freezer.
She was just letting the ice cubes plop into the cup when she flinched upon hearing a familiar voice coming from behind the freezer door.
“Hoarding the ice?” A soft chuckle accompanied his speech as she peeked past the door, only to see Minho walking closer to her with a very soft smile on his face.
“Was planning to until you mentioned it. Want some?” She asked, seeing him nod while stretching his hand out where he was holding a cup of lemon tea in his hand. After they were done, she was about to go back to join the others when Minho grabbed a hold of her wrist gently.
“How’s your lower abdomen? Does it still hurt?” He asked genuinely concerned.
“Occasionally it still does but it’s not a terrible pain.”
Minho slowly nodded as the room fell silent, both suddenly shy from the small little cuddle they had that night in the bus. Ever since that day, neither of them really acknowledged it properly even though the rest of them already knew about it since the 5 kids couldn’t keep their mouth shut. 
But even so, both of them weren’t bothered by the fact that their friends saw it. They just didn't know how to acknowledge the situation to each other. With that being said, he decided to break the ice first.
“We should probably head back before those minions start to have weird ass thoughts.” 
“Yeah, we really should…” She said with a light giggle. They both made their way back to the backyard. Jihyo, Mina, Jisoo and Jennie unfortunately couldn’t join them in the pool due to their monthly mother nature calls. Yeri, Lisa and Chungha were already in the pool along with the rest of the guys while Y/N was still seated with the rest of the girls.
“Y/N! Are you on your red light?” Yeri asked with a small pout. The others were now focused on her.
“Umm, n-no?”
“Then what are you doing there? Come here with us!”
Mina beckoned from the other side of the pool as Y/N told her she would join them in a minute. Just then, before she could resume talking to the rest of the girls, she saw Changbin quickly get out of the pool only for Y/N to start running away.
“Seo Changbin! Wait! Let me change at least for God's sake!” Y/N yelled, desperately running around the pool. Changbin however was a tad bit faster as he wrapped his arms around her waist, making her all wet. A shriek left her lips when he lifted her bridal style and soon walked towards the pool.
“Bin ah! Bin ah, wait! Put me down!” She screamed, slapping his chest repeatedly only for the boy to smirk as he stuck his tongue out at her.
“Too late.”
With that, he plunged into the pool with her in his arms, soaking her from head to toe. They resurfaced to gasp for air as she pushed her hair out of her face. She splashed a good amount of water on him in annoyance.
“Seo Changbin! I’m gonna kill you!”
“Hey, I got you in here, noona.”
“I didn’t bring any extra clothes with me, you idiot!”
That’s when his face fell when he realised he fucked up, only for him to apologize as she sighed, knowing she could never be mad at them for too long.
“Oh shit, noona I’m so sorry…” Changbin apologized. She shook her head and told him it was fine before she left the pool.
Minho was silently watching her walk to her bag. She quietly took out her towel and wrapped it around her lower body before she asked Chan where his bathroom was. She took off her sweatpants and squeezed it to get rid of the excess water before hanging it over one of the chairs.
About 15 minutes later, she came back out with a two piece swimsuit and a white see through shirt over it to cover her body since she wasn’t really comfortable with showing her skin openly and a pair of thin shorts.
She hung her wet shirt and towel on the chair before walking over to the pool while tying her hair in a low bun.
“Y/N! Whose team do you wanna join?” Jisung asked as she stared at both sides of the pool.
“Are you guys in your teams already?”
“Not yet but Changbin and Lisa are the captains.” Jisung giggled, making her turn to Lisa with a smile.
“Lalisa? Captain? Wow. I’m impressed.” Y/N teased, earning a laugh from Lisa.
“You can be the captain if you want.” Lisa said, only for Y/N to shake her head.
“No thanks, I’d love to take a break for once.” Y/N said.
Just then, she glanced over only to lock eyes with Minho who was leaning against the wall on the other side of the pool from where she was standing. He had his arms resting on the edge of the pool as he gave her a soft smile, which made her heart pound against her chest. 
This feeling was still foreign to her because she would definitely not feel this way if it was a few months back.
“So, have you made up your mind or should we drag you to one side?” Hyunjin asked with a smirk while Changbin spoke up.
“Well, if that’s the case, I’m taking noona and Minho hyung first.” A smirk appeared on his face as Jisung grabbed Y/N’s hands who was just squatting down on the edge of the pool, dragging her in.
Once she was standing up straight, she couldn’t help but slap Jisung’s chest out of annoyance.
“Can you people stop pulling me in like that? Geez.” She scoffed as she swam past him to go towards the middle while  they started to divide into two teams of 6. Lisa, Mina, Yeri, Jeongin, Chan and Seungmin on one side and Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Hyunjin, Felix and Y/N on the other side.
The game started with them trying their best to move around but the water was making it impossible for them. Y/N’s team was leading with 5 points.
Minho passed the ball to Hyunjin who then passed it behind him where Y/N was and with one swift motion, she launched herself in the air only to dump the ball on their side, earning a solid win.
Her team cheered as Hyunjin and Jisung attacked her with hugs, causing her to submerge underwater. They resurfaced only for Changbin to dive under and soon slot his head in between her legs before he stood up, lifting her on his shoulders. 
A scream escaped her lips as she desperately cling onto Changbin’s hands that were on her thighs.
“Seo Changbin! Put me down!” She screamed. She watched as he tilted his head up with a playful smile dancing on his lips.
“Not yet.” Changbin said.
With that being said, he began to walk around the pool with her on his shoulder before he suggested a game of wrestling.
“Changbin ah, I’m scared…” Y/N whined as he reassured her saying that she’ll be fine and that he won’t make her injured. The game soon started with Yeri on Chan’s shoulder.
“Unnie… I’m sorry.” Yeri said in between laughs as she began to violently push Y/N off Changbin’s shoulders.
“Kim Yerim!” Y/N squeaked when the younger girl pushed her. In less than 5 minutes, Y/N was down. For what she thought would be a harsh impact, a strong pair of arms wrapped itself around her waist as she crashed into someone’s chest. Because of this, her head didn’t get submerged in the water.
Changbin turned around after Yeri’s team was cheering excitedly for winning, only for Changbin to ask.
“Noona, are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Y/N giggled while Changbin and the other guys got ready for another round of competition. However, she realized that the arms around her waist were still there so she carefully turned her head only to be met with Minho’s.
They got quiet for a bit as he couldn’t help but glance down at her lips. Just then, Minho whispered teasingly to avoid the others from hearing.
“Should we give them something to talk about?” A smirk danced on his lips. She glanced back to see them still focused on the game. With that being said, she turned back to Minho with a giggle.
He was already leaning against the wall as she pressed her body against his in the water for support before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She gently leaned forward to let her lips brush his own before she whispered.
“Are you sure that’s all you want?” Her eyes travelled back to his only for him to shake his head.
“Definitely not.” He said with a smile tugged on his lips. Soon enough, he gently pressed his lips on hers, earning a soft gasp. His hands tightened around her waist as she tangled her fingers in his damp hair, only to hear the rest of them get excited in the back.
“Oh God bless! Fucking finally!” Changbin yelled in excitement while the rest yelled happily.
She couldn’t help but pull away from Minho, hiding her face in his neck while he smiled proudly to his friends.
“Just how long had y’all been waiting for this?” Minho asked curiously as some of them responded in unison.
“Ever since the beginning of your fights!” 
With that, Y/N whipped her head around only to raise her eyebrows at them. She couldn’t believe what she heard. They shrugged, saying they could tell that this day would come sooner or later. Just then, she turned back to Minho, making him steal a quick kiss. This was enough to make her blush.
“Yeah, I started liking you a few months back to be honest. I just didn’t know why at that time so I just continued sort of ‘hating’ you…” He suddenly confessed, making her flustered.
“Oh wow. And you still continued to act like a total jerk? Smooth move Captain.” She teased as he chuckled, sliding his hands up her sides underneath her shirt underwater only to stop just below her swimsuit line.
“Don’t you think you’re being a bit brave now?” She asked. He smirked smugly, feeling him snake his arms around her frame. He kissed her jaw as the noises behind them from their friends busy playing games seemed to be muffled in their ears.
“You can tell me to stop if this weirds you out. I don’t mind.” His voice low in her ear as he kissed the skin beneath her earlobe.
“I’d tell you to keep going but our friends are here.” With that, he pulled away from her neck only to cup her face in one hand before he spoke up.
“Then come over to my place later and we can spend the night all to ourselves.” He whispered as he brushed his lips against hers. “What made you like me?” She suddenly asked, seeing him stare at her with such a soft look.
“I respect the way you lead your teammates. You’re such a good volleyball player and to be honest, I really look up to you.” His voice was laced with nothing but honesty.
“Wait… Really?” She asked, slightly confused.
“Yeah. I know I might seem like I always think I’m better than everyone else. But I actually get really scared that people might compare me to you so I hated it. And I guess I made a mistake of hating you for it. I’m sorry.” He apologized.
With that, she smiled as she cupped both sides of his face before he locked eyes with her very soft gentle ones.
“We’re all human and we have every right to feel however we want to. So I don’t blame you for feeling like that towards me.” She reassured him by kissing him again, only for him to deepen the kiss. He pulled her against him, softly caressing her wet skin making her pull away with a giggle.
“We should probably join them cause I can foresee that they won’t let us live after today.” She said. Minho could only nod in response knowing that was true.
As expected, their friends didn’t have an end to teasing their team captains as they literally teased them almost every 5 seconds. After the pool party, Y/N ended up going over to Minho’s apartment to hang out with him in which they eventually ended up cuddling in each other’s arms in which she fell asleep at his place.
A few days later, Y/N and Seungmin were running late yet again for their volleyball training as she texted in the group chat again for them to tell the coach. But the response she got was slightly unexpected.
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They got through training without a single fight between Minho and Y/N, which definitely shocked their coach but Jisung was witty with his reply.
“Let’s just say, the championship changed them Coach.”
With that being said, Coach Kwon simply smiled as he asked them to gather around so that he could give them some new tips and pointers. Ever since then, the two Team Captains had stopped whatever fights they always had during training and Minho even changed the way he supervised his teammates.
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tatooedlaura-blog · 3 years
a ‘momentary’ follow-up ... of sorts ...
Our Moments: Chapter 1: Five Words (post-Leonard Betts) Chapter 2: Sidebar Nonsense (post-Memento Mori) Chapter 3: Interim (floating somewhere around Unrequited) Chapter 4: Max 2.0 (post-Tempus Fugit/Max) Chapter 5: Shadowed Grey Eyes Chapter 6: The Warmest Thing I Own Chapter 7: Fancy Paper Napkins Chapter 8: End of the Road (post-Redux/Redux 2) Chapter 9: Post-Moments
First thing back was her sense of smell. It took nearly a week but suddenly, as she walked, unannounced but never unwelcome into his apartment, she stopped, the look of surprise on her face made him immediately laugh, then tilt his head, “you shouldn’t be that surprised to see me here. It’s my apartment.”
Ignoring his statement, she quick-stepped his way, burying her face first in his shirt, then, pulling him to her level, into his neck, sniffing like a bloodhound on the trail of some erstwhile criminal with a bag of treats. So taken aback by the invasion, he simply stood there, letting her take several deep inhales before finally reaching for her shoulders, “you keep breathing like that and you’ll pass out.”
Twisting her head, she gave him a quick kiss, then dropped back flat-footed, forcing him to once again look down at her while she looked up, “I haven’t been able to smell you since day 12 of ‘IT’ so I’m making up for lost time.”
She’d told him, finally, after he’d repeatedly offered her tempting foods to try to coax some weight back on her bony frame, that she hadn’t been able to smell anything, and therefore, taste anything, for awhile but she’d never stated the exact day until now and standing there, already changed into jeans and a t-shirt, an epiphany of sorts smacked him hard upside the head, “what? Day 12?” Ignorant idiocy settling in, “Shit. You sat through a steak, my famous garlic mushrooms, six tubs of ice cream, and all those M&Ms I kept feeding you and you couldn’t taste a thing? The amount of money I could have saved during those months I tempted you with anything I could find while, really, it all tasted like sawdust.” Feigning irritation but failing miserably as he scooted closer, kissing her forehead, “what a crock of shit.”
“I got …” being generous for his sake, “hints of flavor.”
“Fuck, woman, we’re having a steak and ice cream orgy tonight. I’m going shopping.”
She stopped his movements with hands on arms, “hey, let me go taste something and see if that came back as well before you waste all your money on cow foods.”
Following her to his kitchen, “both things really do involve cows. That’s rather unnerving, actually.”
With a grin, she found a cookie, then, tasting it, she shook her head, “I’d save the cow for another day.”
Mulder, wondering if his earlier suggestion of Mexican for dinner was still appropriate, he decided ‘no’, then, “well, how about we taking a smelling tour of DC and eat toast for dinner?”
He got a well-deserved backhand to his chest, “we are eating at Papadapoulous’ House of Salsa tonight because you’ve been talking about that place ad nauseum all week. Get your coat.” When he didn’t move, she nodded, giving him a smile, “we can do the smelling tour after, okay?”
Taste came back ten days later. Just as Mulder came out of her bathroom, about to announce that no one should go in there for 35 to 45 minutes, Scully took a sip of his ice tea and spit it right back out, soaking her shirt and the floor in front of her. Mulder forgot his comment and flew over to her, socks sliding on the polished wood floor, “what happened?”
Feeling like a complete and utter moron, she first retrieved a towel to mop both herself and the floor, then looked at her partner, “I stole some of your ice tea and I could taste it and it scared me, if you can believe it. I wasn’t expecting anything and suddenly there was something and my first reaction,” beginning to laugh at the whole situation, “I spit it out. I didn’t even think to swallow it.”
Mulder shook his head, “are you sure we’re still talking about ice tea and not dirty things?”
He could almost hear her brain suddenly shift gears, brakes squeaking, mind two steps behind, “what?”
It was his turn to laugh, pulling her into a hug, soaking wet shirt and all, “I’ll give you two minutes to think about it, then I’ll explain if necessary.”
It took almost four seconds before, “I’ve never been a spitter, Mulder.”
That worked entirely too well for him and dismissing all but his hairy-moled, make-up caked fourth-grade teacher from his mind, he held her another minute then moved back, calmed down again, “you should go change your shirt.”
“No wet t-shirt comments?” Her sassy retort told him both that she knew what her swallowing comment had done to him and what the wet t-shirt mention would. She was evil. She knew it. He knew it. He loved it.
“Just go change. Tonight, we shop for steak.”
Loving him to pieces, she reached for his elbow, playing with the sharp bent end, “so, I know we just had Mexican a few days back but now that I can taste things, I desperately want salsa and a Margarita.”
“The biggest one they fucking sell, pardon my French.”
Their kiss was much longer this time, Scully’s fingers firmly twirled in his shirt by the time they were done, Mulder’s hands curled around her ass, “then can I make you mushrooms this weekend?”
“Pounds of them. Extra garlic and butter,” suddenly swallowing, “yeah, we need to go eat.”
“Lead the way.”
His arrival at her house that Friday night with grocery bags was, oddly, the first time her body reacted to him. They’d been making out, to use the juvenile-y appropriate term, but nothing more, Scully still recovering, Mulder still nervous about 12000 things between and surrounding them both.
But seeing him standing there, in her door, goofy smile and slipping bottle of wine in hand, she felt something. It was a fast twinge but it was familiar but surprising and her widening eyes told him something but he wasn’t sure what and he didn’t ask.
Had he asked, he may have gotten an answer that would have necessitated bringing fourth-grade teacher back … but instead, he walked in, setting bags on counter before turning, “hungry?”
For the first time in months, she appreciated the underlying double-meaning he hadn’t intended, “yes. Very much so. How long do the mushrooms take to cook?”
“At least a few hours.” Pulling things from bags, “but I bought appetizers and,” holding up several National Enquirers, “reading material. Let’s see if we can find a case somewhere in the tropics. I could use a ‘vacation’.”
Only Mulder.
Mushrooms cleaned and slow-cooking, they nibbled their way through eight different kinds of cheeses, each one a symphony to Scully’s previously deadened tongue. She may have let slip a ‘hhhmmm’ that could have possibly been interpreted as a moan by one Fox Mulder but he didn’t comment and she kept doing it.
He was glad he wore the looser jeans tonight.
They chuckled and argued in tandem while thumbing through the papers Mulder brought: telling stories, tossing theories, debunking nonsense. Finishing the first bottle of wine slowly, Mulder offered a second but Scully shook her head, “save it for dinner.”
Agreeing, he moved to stir the crockpot, then returned, towel over his shoulder, licking his fingers from the buttery sample he’d eaten in the kitchen, “They’re getting there.”
Second twinge, this one longer, had her lower abdomen contracting in a tickling giggle kind of way. The shiver up her spine caused her to visibly vibrate for a moment but Mulder, luckily or unluckily, not noticing, sat back down, returning to the ‘Owl that carried off a family of four in their camper van’ story on page 26.
What the hell.
Then again, he was licking his fingers.
The third zing when she returned to this thought was not as strong as the second but made her smile nonetheless, which Mulder actually did notice, “what?”
She pinked-up instantly, having forgotten the heat of a blush across her skin, and hands to cheeks suddenly, “just … a little too much wine.”
He moved his hand to her pulled up knee, squeezing it, “we don’t have to open the second one. It’ll keep.”
“No. No. I, uh, I, … I’m fine. I … I’m fine.”
Gibbering idiot more like it but whatever.
If sex were food, Scully decided, it would be that steak. Mulder went for broke, filet and strip, buttery smooth, medium rare, warm, pink, juicy, perfect blend of garlic and butter, rosemary and pepper. Between the taste; the sight of Mulder across the table; the smell of wine and smoke; the look of him, messy-haired and smiling, relaxed three feet from her; the feel of impending summer breezes through the window, she tipped into sensory overload, eyes shutting as she tried to bring herself back to some kind of alignment.
Then, eyes still closed, she heard his voice, “hey, you. Ya’llright?”
The tinging vibration hit her full-force, arm hair standing on end, neck flushing, nipples tightening, a thousand images of him and her, himandher, flashing through her mind, driving the feeling shooting from stomach to clit to soul in speed of light, circuitous fashion, “yeah. Yeah. Just enjoying.”
Her voice was all over the damn map with those four words and Mulder, knowing her better than he knew himself, tilted his head, finally understanding exactly what was happening, “I can see that.”
Quaking quieting somewhat, she shifted in her chair, hoping to relieve some of the pressure she was feeling, pressing down on the cushion like she was seventeen and at the movie theater with her boyfriend, begging silently for him to touch her and simultaneously thinking about touching herself when she got home. Not able to look him in the eye, however, she cut another piece of her steak, praying she wouldn’t choke.
Shifting himself as well, watching her hips search for a good spot against the chair, he kept any comment to himself. He hadn’t pushed anything these last weeks, knowing she was recovering, finding herself again, situating ‘us’ and ‘we’ into a previously accepted solitary status quo of ‘I’ and ‘me’.
But, fuck, he had been tempted and tonight, seeing her like this, pushed his resolve to the breaking point. If she made one more sound in her throat, he truly believed he’d explode under the table, a quiet yet uncontrollable manifestation of four years and infinite wishes. “More wine?”
“Yes, please.”
She fought herself the rest of the meal, making stilted, dinner time conversation that they both saw through, both breathed through, both suffered through.
Dish cleanup and pajama changing quieted her down, her mind focused on other things for a little while but once they’d sat down on the couch, lights off, movie in, ice cream waiting in the freezer for later, she became acutely aware of his proximity to her. He’d offered her half the afghan, shifted the coffee table a little closer for her feet to rest on if she wanted, kissed the top of her head just as the opening credits began. She, in turn, had to keep reminding herself how to breathe evenly.
Sensory overload was kicking in again, the smell of him, his radiating heat, his voice as he contributed oft-placed comments on police procedurals happening on the TV. Her hand found its way to his thigh, fingers playing with the inside seam of his cut-off sweats. His own landed on her flannel pants, roughly same distance between allowable knee and forbidden juncture.
Her voice surprised her, “Mulder?”
“What’s your stance on third base?”
Slowly, he found the remote and paused before swinging his gaze in her direction, “Yankees or something else?”
Her inhale shuddered, “not the Yankees.”
His hand immediately slid from allowable to not-so-forbidden now, caught between viced thighs, “this third base?”
Confession tumbled from her lips, “I haven’t done anything or felt anything, really, in months and suddenly you walked in today with grocery bags and that stupid grin of yours and you smell fantastic and something kicked in and,” wiggling out of necessity to attempt to … whatever …, “I don’t recall the last time I was this …”
Mulder finished her sentence with a grin, “horny?”
Somehow, he lifted her bodily onto his lap, his chest to her back, hand sliding effortlessly down the front of her pajamas, finding the sweet spot before she had time to so much as offer the feeble word of ‘bed’.
Then she didn’t care.
At all.
Focusing mainly on his fingers, warm, quick, unexperienced but willing to learn. Instead of following, she led, whispering once to move a little to the left, whispering again to go harder, arching her back as she came in under a minute, body shuddering, twitching, before settling back down.
Over her shoulder, his husky voice sounded in her ear, “can I be next?”
It took all of nine seconds to stand up, drop her clothes to the floor, order him to lift up, pull his pants off, then climb on, already wet, already slick, already taking him inside with a slip and a slide.
Her giggles made him smile, her rosy cheeks made him happy, her warm skin within lips reach made him dizzy but above all else, her panting breath against his neck made him ecstatic, knowing she was alive and well and would be for the foreseeable future. When she finally calmed down, knees digging into the couch springs, skin glued to skin, she pulled herself back, sweat running down Mulder’s chest where they had been pressed together moments earlier, “I had planned for that to be a little … less …” waving her hands around in wordless definition, “that.”
“Was perfect to me.”
Kissing him lightly, then resting forehead to his, “one day, this will all be organized and we’ll make it to the bedroom.”
Hands back on her bare ass, “highly doubt that but it’s nice to have a plan.”
Sitting back, she reached out to him, lightly running her fingers along his hairline, feather-touch making his eyes shut, “I think we should do that again later.”
About to ask why not now, he had an epiphany of sorts and looking at her, square and jokingly judging, “you want ice cream, don’t you?”
This time, her nose scrunched up when she smiled, nodding with enthusiasm, “kind of. But I promise, you’ll always beat out ice cream after today … mostly.”
Pulling her down for a kiss, he then squeezed her thighs to nudge her off him, “come on, woman. Let’s go clean up so we can have dessert.”
“I love you, Mulder.”
“You just love my Rocky Road.”
“That, too.”
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radiorenjun · 3 years
 I Don't Need It
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• Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader
• Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
• Na Jaemin despised the idea of soulmates, he wanted to fight against fate for choosing his soulmate for him. Even if it means his stubborn childhood best friend wouldn’t stop trying to make him accept about the similar tattoos on their wrists.
• Warnings: mental breakdowns, heartbreak, rejection, major angst, arguments, flashbacks, physical injuries, fighting, underaged drinking, panic attacks, slight mentions of death. things are going to get much better from this chapter on. Or is it?
• Wordcount : 9.2k
• Masterlist here!
• Chapters: XV, XVI
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“Oh dear Lord. Na Jaemin once listened to What Is Love by Twice and took it way to heart,” Hyuck tsked, shaking his head in disappointment, earning a few threatening glares from his older friends as they watch the lovesick boy sulk in his seat on the lunch table. “What? Am I wrong?” he asked, lifting a brow at them with an innocent shrug. 
“Fuck off, Hyuck,” Jaemin groaned, waving his friend off as he stared back at his phone screen with an empty expression. “Damn, Captain out here using the government name. What’s up with him?” Younghoon asked, walking up to the sulking boy with a towel over his shoulder, passing the cloth to Jeno. “He got into a huge argument with y/n the other day at the library,” Donghyuck explained, sighing as he patted his friend’s back sympathetically. 
“Yikes, I take it that it didn’t go so well?” Jihoon asked, wincing as he examined Jaemin’s seemingly lifeless state. The boy in question currently resembled a kicked puppy, his eyes held no emotion other than sorrow and heartbreak. Jaemin looked so ‘down in the dumps’ (as their coach had said before giving him a small time out) you could see his soul slowly leaving his body.
“No shit, dude. She told him to fuck off,” Hyuck hissed, wincing at the thought of his own soulmate telling him to get out of his life. “Ouch, for real?” Younghoon scrunched his nose, looking down at his captain who’s expression darkened as he looked down at his dirty sneakers. “I didn’t know Y/n could say that to the Na Jaemin, himself. Are you sure you aren’t just hallucinating things, Capt?” he asked once again, looking down at the boy before him. 
“He had it coming, really. Have you seen the awkward moments we had to go through because of how they keep pulling and pushing each other away? Damn, it was like I was watching a shitty anime adaptation on netflix,” Hyuck shook his head, tutting under his breath. Jaemin slowly raised his head up at the two boys towering over him, staring daggers into their souls. 
“I would very much appreciate it if you guys could stop gossiping about me like I’m not listening right in front of you and fuck off. Let me mourn for the rest of my life in peace, please,” Jaemin rolled his eyes, leaning the side of his face against his knuckles as he propped his elbow up on the table. “He’s got it bad, huh?” Chani commented, walking up to the boys and leaning his arm over Hyuck’s shoulder. 
“Definitely,” Hyuck agreed, nodding. 
“Lee Haechan, you’re not helping either,” Jeno rolled his eyes, crossing his arms against his chest. “Well what am I supposed to do, man? I gave him advice and all he did was just talk and do little things. Jaemin, listen, to win a girl’s heart you gotta go big or go home,” Hyuck advised with an enthusiastic tone, receiving nothing else but a heavy sigh from the said boy. 
Jeno gave out an annoyed groan, snapping his head around to look at his best friend. “So what are you going to do now? Are you really going to leave her alone?” he asked hesitantly, watching Jaemin’s sulking state carefully. Jaemin hummed, shrugging nonchalantly, pursing his lips in thought. “Well, if that’s what she wants then, I guess I have no choice,” he mumbled.
“What? Really?” 
“Look, what do you want me to do? I fucked up. I tried to fix things by small actions and waited for her to be more comfortable with me and I still fucked that up because I couldn’t be patient and time is running out. We’re graduating soon, I tried to talk things out and I still lost control of my emotions and somehow managed to fuck it up without the slightest bit of effort,” Jaemin snapped, running a hand through his hair and tugging on the roots out of frustration. 
“I get it, I fucked up. I don’t need to be constantly reminded that I lost my soulmate and I’m going to be alone forever,” he raised his hands up in defeat, groaning. “The least I can do right now is to leave her alone to have some time to herself. Maybe if I do that she won’t hate me as much.”
Jaemin was really hopeless at this point. He didn’t know what to do. He knew he had to do something to try and make things better, but he fucked up too much this time. He believed that the relationship you two have now is unrepairable. He screwed up his chances of making it up to you once again, and now he’s just going to sulk around until he gets over it. 
Jeno and Hyuck exchanged similar glances of sympathy, sighing heavily. “You can’t just give up like that, dude. You just gotta try a bit harder,” Younghoon slung an arm over the younger boy’s shoulders, giving him an encouraging smile. Jaemin pursed his lips, hanging his head with his doe eyes staring holes into his shoes before shaking his head ‘no’. 
“I can’t. I really fucked up this one, you don’t even know,” Jaemin felt his heart ache at the memory of your exhausted expression that was now engraved into his skull. The way your eyes no longer held the adoration you had for him for so long. He internally wondered why he didn’t notice the sparkles in your eyes had faded whenever he came into your line of vision. Moreover, he regretted the fact that he didn’t cherish the moments when he could gaze into the adoration you held for him in your heart. 
“I made her turn into the old me. God, I fucked up bad,” he groaned, rubbing his face with his hand in distress. Younghoon sucked in his lips, gazing up at the two boys, widening his eyes and nodding at the distressed boy beside him, gesturing for them to help him comfort him. Jeno clicked his tongue, crossing his arms against his chest as he shook his head in disappointment.
“Are you really going to give up just because of that?” Jeno deadpanned, furrowing his brows. “What do you want me to do man?” Jaemin peered up at his best friend, letting out a puff of breath. “I really don’t know what to do anymore, at this point I should just fucking give up. She won’t even give me a chance, anyway. What’s the point anymore?” Jaemin claimed, his eyes half-lidded.
He felt tired. He just wanted to go back home and sleep until his problems go away. But he knew he couldn’t. He had to do something to fix this, he wanted to do something to fix this. But he was at loss, he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He was already on thin ice, if he fucked up one more time, he wouldn’t know what’s going to happen next. And frankly he didn’t want to think or risk it. 
“No shit, sherlock.” Jeno scoffed, rolling his eyes incredulously. 
“You repeatedly hurt her for two years straight, asshole. I wouldn’t forgive you if I were her either,” he added with a heavy sigh, shaking his head at the younger boy who just gave him a glare in return. “Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious. What else do you want me to do, huh? Climb the Eiffel tower?” Jaemin groaned, slumping against his seat. 
 “Then stop fucking sulking,” Jeno scolded. “You know very well sulking about your problems isn’t going to make anything better. You know that better than anyone, captain.” 
“Don’t use the ‘captain’ bullshit on me now, Jeno. I’m not in the mood,” Jaemin looked away from his friend, his eyes scanning the lockers in front of him. “Well, you better be in the mood sooner or later. The final game’s coming up, you better get your head straight before Coach actually gets serious and kicks you off the team.” Jeno scoffed, earning glares from Hyuck and Renjun. 
That finally put Jaemin back into his rightful state of mind. He had been working for the position all throughout his sophomore and junior year, he knew he wasn’t in the best state to focus on anything right now but he couldn’t give up the position he had been working oh-so-very hard for the past two years. ‘God. What the fuck am I suppose to do?’
Younghoon sighed, placing a hand on his friend’s knee, patting it. “The two of you are literally hopeless. But I’m happy that Y/n rejected your dumb ass,” he commented with a tight-lipped smile. Jaemin turned to his friend slowly, who wiggled his eyebrows at him in an attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m being serious, by the way.” Younghoon added, retracting his hand. 
“Gee, thank you for expressing your thoughts, Mr. Huang,” Hyuck chuckled, slinging an arm around the boy’s shoulders. “Hey, hear me out first!” Younghoon exclaimed, pushing his arm off of his shoulders with a roll of his eyes. “Listen, I’m happy she rejected you because it would be pretty stupid for her to just forgive you all of a sudden despite the fact that you haven’t learned from your mistakes.” He explained. 
Jaemin furrowed his brows in confusion at the boy’s words, “what’s that supposed to mean?” he retorted in an almost offended tone. “I don’t know if you realise this yet, Jaemin. But it seems that you truly haven’t learned from your stupid mistakes. She told you countless times she doesn’t want you to bother her and you did the exact opposite. You didn’t give her any time to slowly let you back into her life,” Jihoon shrugged simply, finally gathering the courage to speak up. 
“So what you’re saying is that it’s okay for her to barge into my life doing all that soulmate crap for the past two years and I’m not allowed to do the same?” Jaemin asked, raising a brow at him as a scowl stretched across his lips. Jeno groaned in frustration, raising a hand to rub his temples to keep himself from snapping at the oblivious boy. 
“See! He doesn’t even get it!” Jeno exclaimed, rubbing his forehead as he stared hopelessly at the boy sitting down in front of him. “Dude, you can’t just walk into someone’s life after hurting her twenty-four seven for two years straight, thinking that you would be forgiven in an instant. Hell, if we were Y/n we wouldn’t even want to look at you,” Jeno elaborated, taking a step back and crossing his arms against his chest. 
“You can’t blame the poor girl for being cautious. You’re supposed to be her soulmate, the one who’s supposed to make her happy. You’re doing a shitty job at doing so, if I say so myself. If anything I’m proud of her for saying no to you so kindly, if I were her I would tell you to get out of my life permanently. You’re making her lose her trust in you even more as time goes on. Get that through your thick skull, you asshole.” Jeno spat, his eyes narrowing at the younger boy with rage glossing over his pupils. 
Jaemin’s friends always considered you as their sister, they always cared about you and they always try to defend you and Jaemin whenever they can. But they knew this was getting a little bit too far. Your graduation ceremony was coming up soon. Prom was coming up. The final game is coming up. Not to mention the finals afterwards. 
Everyone was more than beyond stressed in their own problems. And the fact that Jaemin was sulking about his problems instead of doing something about it was pissing them off to no end. The fact that the two of you were visibly hurting because of it was pissing them off. They wanted things to go back to the way they used to. But they knew things can’t end that way. Not anymore. 
The least they can do now was to try and get Jaemin’s mind to think straight again. 
“By the way you’re acting got me thinking, are you actually doing this because you’re starting to like y/n or is it because you just want to hurt her even more?” Jeno asked (almost growled), his tone lowering as he glared daggers into Jaemin’s figure. 
“Jeno, wait, you’re-”
Jaemin shot up from his seat, standing up in front of his best friend with his eyes wide in shock. “What the fuck Jeno? You know very well I would never hurt y/n. At least on fucking purpose, you know that better than anyone. Why the hell are you even saying that?” Jaemin shot back, his eyes wide in shock at Jeno’s false assumption. Jeno’s gaze remained unwavering, taking a deep breath before continuing to speak again. 
“Are you sure about that Jaemin? Because it seems to me all you’ve done so far is hurting y/n. And by what you said about Y/n not forgiving you made it sound like you’re purposely doing this because you wanted revenge against Y/n for ‘bothering’ you the past two years. Tell me, Jaemin. Are you doing this because you feel bad? Are you doing this because you actually like her? Or are you doing this because you want pay back?” 
Every word that spilled out of Jeno’s mouth was like a slap from reality. Of course Jaemin likes you! Of course he feels bad! He just said those things because he was just furious with himself. Right? He was just frustrated that things haven’t been going very well lately with your relationship that he couldn’t help but make it sound like he was only doing this for revenge. 
“Of course I fucking like her,” Jaemin shot back rather hesitantly, the anger in his eyes dissipating. Instead, sadness and confusion had taken place across his features. Truth be told, he was quite confused about his own feelings. He longed for your presence. He wanted to talk to you again. He wanted to give you soft cuddles again. He wanted to shower you with his love just like he always did back when the two of you were still kids. 
But yet again, he has been hurting you alot. No, scratch that, he’s been hurting you with every selfish step he made. Does he really feel something for you or is this his way of getting you a taste of your own medicine? He can’t possibly-
“Get your shit together, Jaemin. If all you’re going to do is hurt her, you might as well just leave her life the same way she left yours months ago. And if you want things to be on good terms again, you might want to think a bit more,” Jeno spat, walking away to his locker, leaving the boy lost in his thoughts. 
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“Well, that was surely something unexpected.” 
“I know!” you groaned, spreading your arms out on the table with a frustrated groan, covering your face with your hands in embarrassment. “I don’t know what got into me. I was on the brink of crying that day. In a library too! Thank god it was empty, oh god.” you rambled, a look of pure horror spread across your features. 
“Okay, okay. Calm down, just- repeat what you said to him just one more time,” Hyunjin coaxed, showing you his index finger. “I refuse to repeat myself, I rather bask in the cringe of my own previous words. Good day,” you gave Hyunjin a bittersweet smile before frowning abruptly and leaned your chin on your arm, jutting out your bottom as you recalled your conversation with Jaemin last week. 
Speaking of Jaemin, he hasn’t made any efforts to talk to you again since then. He stopped sending you random chocolates in your lockers and small pebbles with small doodles drawn sloppily with a posca marker. He stopped trying to make small talk with you. And considering you were now avoiding him even more than you already are, you haven’t seen him much unless you pass by the school field to go to the teacher’s office to get something. 
Were you a bit too harsh with your words? This is what you wanted right? You wanted him to leave your relationship as it is before anything bad happens to ruin it even more than it already has. But yet again, what was the point? Your relationship with Jaemin now is almost as non-existent. And you didn’t know what to feel about it.
You tugged the sleeve of your sweater down to take a peek of your hidden tattoo, a small frown on your lips as your eyes scan the small drawing that lead to all of this mess. Did you make the right choice when you rejected him? Was yelling at him a bit too far? He is your soulmate after all, maybe you should’ve given him a chance?
“Stop it,” Renjun chuckled, reaching from across the table to flick your forehead 
You grimaced, looking up at your group of friends with a perplexed expression. “I’m literally just breathing right now,” you deadpanned, rubbing the spot he flicked with a small pout. “We can hear the gears inside your head, you’re thinking way too loud, y/n.” Yeeun commented with an amused smile, wrapping her arm around yours.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about Jaemin,” you sighed, giving her a half-hearted smile. “As usual,” your friend chuckled, rolling their eyes at you. You pursed your lips, “shut up. I kind of feel guilty for what happened back at the library now.” You pulled your arm away from Yeeun’s hold with a small pout on your face. 
“Why the hell would you feel guilty? You should feel proud of yourself,” Renjun furrowed his brows, opening the milk carton he bought earlier before school had started. “I don’t know, I just feel guilty? I never really snapped at Jaemin like that before. Or anyone else,” you shrugged, picking off the chocolate from Hyunjin’s dessert box with the spoon beside you. 
“Hey! Get your own!” Hyunjin exclaimed, slapping your spoon away from his box with his own. “Stealing from a friend tastes way better, sorry not sorry,” you grinned, shoving the spoon inside your mouth with a small hum. “We’re kinda proud of you for standing up for yourself like that though,” Renjun mumbled under his breath. 
You felt your heart ache slightly at the thought. “I mean,” you pulled the spoon out of your mouth and clicked your tongue in thought. “I’m not one to back out of confrontation, so I’m kind of proud of myself for saying no as well. But I just really feel guilty for doing so, is it because he’s my soulmate?” you frowned, leaning close to take another bite of Hyunjin’s dessert.
“It’s normal to feel bad. It shows that despite everything he’s done, you still like him. Whether it’d be because of the soulmate system or because of your own feelings, you still like him. It’s normal to be angry at someone and feel like shit about it afterwards. We’re here for you,” Yeeun leaned her head against your shoulder and rubbed your back affectionately. 
You looked up, watching as your friends gave you encouraging smiles, showing you that they’re here to back you up no matter what. “We won’t be mad either even if you did say yes. Because, let’s be real. If my soulmate finally realised they’re being a piece of shit, I would snap at them and forgive them when I’m ready,” Renjun chuckled, continuing on munching down his salad. “We’ll always be here to back you up, even if it doesn’t seem like it,” Hyunjin nodded in agreement. 
“Thanks guys, I really appreciate it,” you sighed, mustering up the strength to give them a genuine smile. But alas, the empty feeling in your chest didn’t disappear. Not even a bit. But it made you feel a bit at ease knowing you have someone to turn to whenever you need it. 
You missed him. It wasn’t a secret among you and your friends. You missed Jaemin even if you didn’t want to. You missed the happiness bubbling up inside of you whenever he comes into your line of vision, you missed the butterflies swarming in your stomach whenever you hear his voice. You missed how he would complain about how his tummy hurts when he accidentally drank milk at the most random of moments. 
You missed how despite how he found your affections and small antics extremely bothersome, he never failed to do the littlest things to show that he still cared about you. You couldn’t even count how many times you would fall asleep to the scent of his hoodie whenever he accidentally left it in your room. You couldn’t count how many times you wrote small love letters at the back of your notebook whenever he pops up in your head. 
You couldn’t count how many times you would crack a small smile whenever you caught a small glimpse of his. 
It hurts to think that you lost your chance of ever feeling the same happiness you did before. At least, not in real life considering you’ve been having too many dreams of Jaemin. You’d wake up all happy and hyper then in a minute your mood will spiral down like a toilet bowl when reality hits you smack on the face. Though, you knew very well that you should just move on considering college was just around the corner.
You didn’t want to think about this anymore. 
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“Hey y/n, you got a minute?” 
Your head shot up from your phone, eyes wide in surprise to see none other than Lee Jeno himself. “Jeno?” you leaned your head to the side a bit, wondering why he was standing right in front of you when he was supposed to be in practice right now with Jaemin and the others. “Shouldn’t you be at practice?” you asked, pulling the strap of your bag that was slipping off your shoulder. 
“Coach cancelled today to cool us all off before the game next week,” Jeno shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets with a small shrug. “Right, the game! Good luck with that, by the way,” you beamed, eyes wide in realization when you realized that the last game for the guys was next week before exams starts. “You’re not coming?” he asked, leaning his head to the side in confusion. 
You wanted to. You really really do. You always had a front row seat so you can see Jaemin play at a close view. You remembered how you always cheered enthusiastically for him, Jeno and Hyuck back then, handing them cool water bottles afterwards. Putting up a bright smile as you watched Jaemin stare back at you with annoyance, his eyes showing how much he didn’t want you there. You remembered pretending to be oblivious to the sympathetic looks Jeno and Hyuck would always share whenever you attempted to make small talk with him. 
“Oh nope, I’m not. I’ll probably be napping or studying since finals are only a month away,” you lied, shaking your head with a small soft smile. You, knowing yourself, you’re probably going to watch one of your friend’s lives during the game and cheer in your room so you don’t have to see Jaemin in real life after the argument that went down last weekend. 
“You know you don’t need to lie right? I can’t count how many times you complain about how you studied a day before your exams,” Jeno chuckled, rolling his eyes as he nudged your shoulder with his teasingly. “Shut up, I spend most of my time doing last minute homework. I need breaks too sometimes, you know,” you scoffed, pushing on his arm with a dramatic huff. 
“Look at the bright side, no matter how little you study, you magically ace it without effort,” Jeno joked as you walked towards the vending machine in front of your school lobby. “There’s this thing called praying. Or satanic rituals a day before the exams,” you snickered, pulling your wallet out as you examined the food displayed through the transparent glass. 
“You want anything? I’ll pay,” you asked, turning to your taller friend with a soft smile, who shook his head ‘no’ at you. You shrugged as if to say ‘your loss’ before taking out a small bill and pushing it through the tiny slot. “So, what did you want to talk about, Lee Jeno?” you asked with a rather teasing tone. “You never talk to me in private unless there’s something you want,” you commented with a small snicker, pressing on the small button on the side of the machine. 
“Well, I hope you don’t mind me talking about this. It’s about Jaemin?” Jeno asked in a rather hesitant tone, sucking in his bottom lip nervously. 
You both heard the can drop into the opening slot at the bottom of the machine with a loud ‘clank!’ When he finished your sentence, you swore it sounded way too similar to how your heart dropped into your stomach at the mention of the brown boy. “Oh,” you replied almost inaudibly, kneeling down to grab your drink out of the slot. 
‘Say no. Are you seriously going to talk about the guy you just rejected after 2 years of pining for him to his best friend?’
You gulped silently, grabbing your drink as you took a deep breath to compose yourself. You stood up and gave him a weak smile, “what about him?” you asked, wincing internally at how weak your voice became at the thought of talking about the boy you were so whipped about. “You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Jeno must’ve noticed how uncomfortable you felt when he brought him up as he cleared his throat. 
“No, no. It’s fine, I’m okay. I’m okay with talking about him. It’s just Jaemin,” you shrugged, trying to appear as nonchalant as you possibly could. “You sure?”Jeno asked, furrowing his brows as he stuck his hands in his pockets nervously. “It’s really okay if you don’t want to talk about it,” Jeno gave you a kind smile, one that almost made you take back what you said, however your pride got the best of you.
“It’s fine, really,” you nodded, giving him a reassuring smile as you internally yelled at yourself for not being honest to your dear friend. 
“I don’t want to invade on your personal issues with Jaemin or anything, but-” Jeno paused, furrowing his brows as he attempted to think of a nicer way to express his statement. “It’s pretty obvious that the two of you are in a rough patch and I don’t know if you noticed but Jaemin is pretty stressed out about this,” he grimaced as he realised that his words were leading to literally nowhere. 
“I’m sure you’re pretty stressed out as well, it’s pretty evident considering the tension between the two of you is way more than obvious and-”
“Jeno, where are you going with this?” your tone turned emotionless as you let out a heavy sigh, looking down at your shoes before looking up at your friend with eyes void of emotion, rubbing them with the palm of your hand. “I’m sure whatever you want to say is important but if you can’t tell I just want to go home and sleep until I have to get up,” you explained with a small smile. 
Jeno’s eyes widened a bit, surprised at how your bright demeanor vanished in a few minutes without leaving a single trace. ‘So Mrs. Dong was right about soulmates unrequited love being emotionally and mentally draining, then.’ Jeno thought to himself as he sucked his lips in to think of a way to express his thoughts without causing you to run off. 
‘Fuck it.’
“I know you probably don’t trust him anymore or you’re probably afraid of getting hurt after everything he’s done. But if- As if to say that Jaemin were to try woo-ing you over one more time, without fucking up that is, would you give him another chance?” he asked, his tone turning serious as his eyes hardened and stared into yours as if to spot any trace of you lying. 
‘Oh, so this is what this is about.’ you thought. 
“Did Jaemin put you up to this?” you asked, rubbing your palm against your temple as you felt the emptiness in your chest being replaced by non-other than the dull ache that is heartache. “Did he not get the message to leave our relationship, whatever’s left of it anyway, alone before it gets worse?” you sighed, chuckling slightly at the thought of Jaemin’s stubborn ass asking Jeno for a favor. Grimacing at how mean you sounded.
“No- no! Not at all, I asked you on my own accords. Jaemin has nothing to do with me asking you this-hell! He doesn’t even know that I’m here talking to you right now, trust me,” Jeno exclaimed, raising his hand up and using the other to cross his heart, symbolizing that he promised you that he was telling you the truth. You smiled a bit at this. 
“Why are you the one asking? Not to be rude, Jeno, but this doesn’t concern you,” you raised your brow, taking a step back as you twisted your drink open with curiosity. “I know, it’s none of my concern but honestly watching the two of you go on trying to solve this by yourselves is like watching the Twilight series except there’s no weird fantasy creatures and a werewolf falling in love with an infant child,” Jeno blurted out, scratching the back of his head, chuckling at his own little joke. 
“Oh,” you replied, letting out a small chuckle at his joke before your smile faltered. “Well what do you suggest I do? So far I’ve only been receiving advice from people that have heard only my side of the story. Considering you’ve heard Jaemin’s side of the story, what do you actually suggest I do?” you asked, stuffing your thumb in your pocket as you sipped your drink, lowering your gaze to your shoes nervously. 
“I suggest you follow my advice earlier. If Jaemin ever decides to try again and not fuck it up, I would advise you to consider giving him a chance,” Jeno shrugged. “I’m not saying that all the things he did were okay. Hell no, if I were you I would totally kick his ass for taking your kindness and affection for granted, I assure you. But Jaemin has been... trying really hard,” Jeno explained, sadness flashing against his eyes. 
“Trying hard?” you asked in a whispered tone, looking up at your friend with slight confusion. “Yeah!” he replied with a small bright smile. “You may not know this but Jaemin spends his time now wondering about what small cheesy things he could do to make you smile. Ever since you ghosted him, he’s been thinking about you alot. It was almost annoying.” he giggled, remembering the countless times Jaemin’s face would flush red whenever he realised he was thinking about you back when he was still in denial. 
“You may not notice it considering he always does this whenever you aren’t around. Despite the fact that Jaemin was always an asshole to you, he’s always think of you twenty four seven. It’s always ‘y/n would’ve liked this’, ‘this is something y/n would hate’, ‘y/n would’ve done this’, y/n this and y/n that. The idiot was whipped as hell but his stubborn ass didn’t realise how much he actually cares for you until now.” 
“Remember how you would leave him small letters in his locker or give it to him straight up before running off because you forgot to do your homework and you needed to do it before the bell rings? I swear, he always had this lovesick smile on his face when he watched you sprinting down the hall yelling at people to get out of the way,” Jeno chuckled, recalling the moments when he and Hyuck would spot Jaemin smiling to himself in front of his locker as he read the letters you send him every time you passed his locker. 
“That’s not- I don’t believe that,” you shook your head, not believing your ears. This couldn’t be the Jaemin you knew. You remembered vividly of how his eyes held no love whatsoever whenever you came into his line of vision, the way the happiness evaporated from his pupils the moment he turned his head at your figure. The angry glares he would give you whenever you do something small yet cheesy.
“Don’t you remember? When I gave one of my letters to him in person, he threw it away without a second thought. You saw it with your own eyes, Jeno. You can’t lie like that to me, that hurts, dude,” you frowned, clenching your fists as you recalled how he gave you the sweetest smile he could muster when you gave your small letter to him at one moment. And the next moment, you saw him crumpling it up in his hands and throwing it to the nearest trash can at the corner of your eyes. 
“Well, that was kind of our fault,” Jeno frowned, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “We swear, we didn’t know he would act like that in front of you. I swear he would have those wide smiles whenever he read your letters and occasionally Hyuck and I would tease the hell out of him. Usually he would just shove the letters back in his locker or something, we didn’t expect him to throw it out in front of you,” Jeno looked down, his expression filled with guilt as he gripped the saddle of his bag. 
“If we hadn’t teased him like that in front of you, maybe he wouldn’t have done that,” he mumbled under his breath. You stared at him in disbelief, it was like you were hearing about a completely different version of Jaemin. Yet you couldn’t be sure if Jeno was telling the truth. Jeno wasn’t one to tell lies, he was always the mature one in complicated situations. But you knew sometimes he would lie for the best. 
“I’m sorry, I find it very hard to believe you right now,” you bit your lip nervously, a dull ache appearing in your heart as you realised how sad you sounded. ‘Why is it so hard to believe that Jaemin would do something that nice? Why can’t I believe it? Jeno can’t be lying, right?’ you thought to yourself, feeling your heart sink at the fact that you couldn’t bring yourself to the fact that Jaemin could actually harbor feelings for you deep down even though he doesn’t realise it. 
“Hyuck took this picture a couple of months ago, that was before you stopped giving him letters, I think,” Jeno clicked his tongue, pulling out his phone and unlocking it before opening his chats with Donghyuck, scrolling up until he found the picture he sent before handing his phone to you. You furrowed your brows, holding his phone in your hand as you read their messages closely. 
It was indeed two months ago. Donghyuck had sent Jeno a picture of Jaemin’s locker. You zoomed in on the picture, spotting a stack of letters made from the pages of your notebook with dates on them at the corner of his messy locker. You could see a few were slightly crumpled as if the textbooks had something to do with it, but you could recognize that posca yellow marker anywhere. 
Your eyes widened slightly as you felt your heartbeat pick up its pace inside of your chest. “That’s pretty nice of him,” you mumbled, you didn’t have the strength to keep up your emotionless facade as you couldn’t help but crack up a small smile. Handing Jeno back his phone, you gave him a tight-lipped smile, leaning your head to the side in curiosity. “Why are you trying so hard to convince me to give him a chance, exactly?” you asked, letting out a small puff of breath. 
Jeno shrugged, giving you the same tight lipped smile as he shoved his phone in his pockets. “As I said before, I’m tired of watching this whole story slowly leading to an end where the two of you end up being miserable simps for the rest of your lives,” he joked, scratching the back of his head as he gave you one of his iconic eye smiles. You let out a small sad chuckle, looking down at your shoes in thought for a small moment before looking back up at your friend. 
“I’ll think about it. How about that?” you nodded sadly, you weren’t lying. You really did need time to think about all this. “Of course, I guess I’ll see you later?” Jeno nodded, sucking in his bottom lip as you waved him goodbye. “I’ll see you around, yeah,” you gave him a polite smile before walking away from the taller boy to the bus stop. Completely oblivious to the fact that Jeno had kept his fingers crossed behind his back while biting his lip, wishing desperately for Jaemin to not screw things up this time.
‘Well that’s definitely uncalled for,’ you thought as you fished your phone out of your bag to check the time. You didn’t know what to feel, you didn’t know what to think of this situation. You were confused to say the least.  If the y/n from two years ago was listening to this conversation right now, you know for a fact that she’d either be over the moon or she wouldn’t believe her own ears. But at this moment, you didn’t know what to think of this. 
Maybe, just maybe, if Jeno had told you this ages ago, maybe you would’ve still kept on going. Though, if he had told you this ages ago, would you still be willing to keep up your bright demeanor just so that Jaemin can step on you a lot longer? If you still kept going back then, if you just pretended that the fight between you and Jaemin didn’t happen like you always do, would things turn out differently? Would Jaemin agree to give you a chance? 
You didn’t know. Frankly you don’t want to. It’s best that some things are just left the way they are. 
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“Honey, Jaemin’s outside of the door. He said he wants to talk to you,” your mom called you out from the front door. Your jaw dropped as you quickly placed the spoon back into your plate of your mom’s famous pasta, abruptly getting up from the couch and placing your plate on the coffee table before dusting any weird crumbs off of your clothes. 
Clearing your throat, you yelled out a quick ‘be right there!’ as you made sure to tidy yourself up to ensure that you look presentable enough to look humane and not like a body that just got pulled out of the river. Your heartbeat increased with every step you take towards the front door, your clammy hands tightened into balls of fists as your anxiety crept up inside of you. 
‘Jaemin? Why is he here? He hasn’t spoken to you ever since the fight you two had at the library. More importantly, does his parents know about said argument? The Na’s aren’t ones who would shove their noses up into other people’s business but oh dear god, what if Jaemin told his parents and his parents told yours? 
Safe to say you had a really terrible feeling about this. 
Feeling your heart ache at the memory of your argument, you felt your heart growing empty and cold. Shaking the thoughts out of your head, you took a deep breath before poking your head into the room where your mom was smiling up at a seemingly exhausted Na Jaemin. You grimaced at his appearance, feeling your heart ache even more by how much of a mess he looked right at that moment. 
His hair was messy and disheveled, as if he had been tossing and turning in his for hours. There were heavy dark bags under his eyes, signifying his recent lack of sleep. He was in his casual attire: his iconic black nike’s sweatpants and a plain baggy white shirt and some random slippers that were probably a hand-me-down from his dad. 
Nonetheless, he looked really cozy. His appearance never failed to make your heart flutter in your chest, the small smile on his lips doing things to your stomach. You couldn’t help but dart your eyes down to the small (assumingly recycled) paper bag from Starbucks in his hand, furrowing your brows at this you attempted to walk towards them as casually as you can. 
“Mom?” you gulped, walking up towards her as you gripped your fists tightly behind you to hide your nerves. “Y/n, sweetie, look! Jaemin came to pay you a visit,” your mom exclaimed, smiling widely. It’s obvious that she’s using this opportunity to make the two of you finally talk face to face, clearly as she didn’t know anything that had happened after the dinner party your families had a couple months ago. 
Jaemin gave you an awkward smile, raising his free hand to give you a small wave, in which you returned with a small awkward wave of your own. “I’ll leave the two of you to catch up,” your mother nudged your arm and gave Jaemin a kind smile before walking back to the kitchen to give you two some privacy. Sucking in your bottom lip nervously, you watched your mom walk around the corner before looking back at the boy standing before you. 
“Hey,” he greeted in an attempt to make small talk. 
“Hi,” you responded breathily, putting your hands behind your back so he wouldn’t see you clenching your fists nervously. 
“I-Can we talk? Outside?” Jaemin spoke softly, biting his bottom lip nervously, nodding towards your front porch. Oh how those three words brought you so many unpleasant memories. Is this the same anxiety people in relationships feel? The two of you aren’t even together and you’ve gotten into so many fights in the past two years, it’s almost ironic. 
Before you could open your mouth to say something, Jaemin had already beat you to it. “I know you probably don’t want to, but I swear it won’t take much more than at least two minutes. But if you don’t want to it’s-” Jaemin spluttered out, stumbling over his own words as he looked down at his shoes to calm himself down. “Okay,” you agreed in a soft tone, nodding slightly at the older boy. 
“Are you sure?” Jaemin asked, looking up at you in slight surprise, relief evidently surging through his veins as you gave him a reassuring nod. He really did thought that you’d say no to him after your fight last weekend. “Yeah, it’s fine. Let’s talk outside,” you nodded, opening the front door, gesturing for him to walk out first. 
Kissing his teeth, Jaemin walked out of the door, watching you follow him and close the door behind you quietly before leaning your back against it. “I see you got a car?” Jaemin asked all of a sudden. Your gaze shot up from your feet to the brown headed boy in surprise, letting out a small ‘huh?’ in response, only to see that Jaemin was looking at your new white car. “Oh, yeah. I got my driver’s license recently and my aunt gifted me one to celebrate,” you nodded.
“Oh, that’s nice,” Jaemin nodded, sucking his lips in nervously. There was a pregnant pause between the two of you as your thoughts jumbled up to think about what to say next.  
“I’m sorry.” 
Your eyes went wide at him, your breathing hitched as Jaemin looked down with eyes filled with guilt and sorrow. “What?” you blurted out, confused at his sudden apology. “Look, I know you probably don’t want to see me right now and I know you told me you don’t want to see me anymore. But I can’t help it but try at least one more time. I promise I won’t waste your time anymore than I already have,” Jaemin ran a hand through his hair in distress, taking a deep breath before looking back up at you with eyes filled with regret and guilt, taking you aback by his sudden bold statement. 
“I’m sorry. About everything. The fight at the library, the dinner party with our parents, the music box, the gifts, everything I’ve ever done to hurt you. You didn’t deserve to be treated like shit by someone like me. You didn’t deserve to go through the mean bullshit I put you through the past two years, and you don’t have to forgive me for it. Because frankly, if I were you I won’t even bother forgiving myself either,” Jaemin started, letting all of his words pour out of his mouth from the heart. 
“I’m sorry for constantly embarrassing you in front of our friends and families whenever you show the slightest bit of affection towards me. I’m so sorry for throwing your gifts away right in front of you whenever our friends tease us a bit too much, that was a dick move of me and you didn’t deserve to have your efforts thrown into literal waste,” he grimace at the mention of throwing your heartfelt letters in the trash right in front of your eyes in front of his friends almost a year ago. 
He tightened his grip on the strings of the paper bag, biting this lip nervously  before continuing with his apology. “I swear I’m not making up any excuses for myself. I really do feel terrible for everything I did, I didn’t realize that I was hurting your feelings this bad for two whole years. You just wanted your soulmate to like you back, I should’ve at least tried to try,” he felt his heart getting even more heavier with every second that passed. 
“You really don’t have to forgive me and here’s something to make up for all the gifts I broke or threw away,” Jaemin outstretched his arm to hand you the paper bag, looking straight into your eyes with a small sad smile as you wordlessly grab the bag from him. “I-I don’t want to pressure you or anything but I would really like it if you come to the game next week, your usual spot feels empty without you there,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I promise I’ll leave you alone for real if you really want me to. I know I probably don’t deserve it, but if you’re willing to give me a second chance, I would take it in a heartbeat and I would be willing to make everything up to you. You don’t have to go and you don’t have to decide right now. I just came to give you that- God, why am I so awkward,” he buried his red face in his hands for a brief moment before looking up at you with a flustered expression. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at his embarrassed state. ‘So this is what it feels like when you’re not the one embarrassing your ass off to give a gift to your crush, huh?’ you thought to yourself with a small smile. ‘How ironic,’ you sucked in your lips slightly before looking back at Jaemin with a genuine expression. “I’ll see you later,” Jaemin waved, turning quickly as to not fuck things up anymore than he already has. 
You gave him a small wave, turning around and entering your house to walk back to your couch and finish your pasta, placing the paper bag on the coffee table as you took a large bite of your pasta and pulled the tape that sealed the bag shut. As you were thinking everything over as you mindlessly chewed on your food, you pulled the bag and leaned it over towards you to examine its contents. 
Inside were a couple bars of your favorite chocolate bar, a note folded in half, a big packet of honey flavored chips, a small gift wrapped in notebook paper tied with a red string and a small decorative box with Jaemin’s name attached to it. You bit your lip, pulling out the note first and unfolding it as you pulled out the small wrapped gift, reading it as you unpackaged whatever Jaemin had gifted you. 
‘Hey Y/n. I don’t know if you’re going to be reading this or not. But if you do, I just want to say hi just in case you didn’t want to talk face to face I would at least ask your mom to give you this so the letter could convey my apologies way better than I actually would in real life.’
You pulled the red string off slowly, placing it carefully on the table as you slowly peeled the paper away to reveal a small familiar porcelain figure that was no bigger than the size of your palm. Your eyebrows raised in surprise at this, this porcelain figure was the same figure that came along with the music box your grandmother gave you before she passed away. You turned it around to inspect it even more, spotting the same crack on the edge to conclude that it was indeed the porcelain from your old music box. 
‘I know you might be wondering how the small doll was still intact considering I broke the whole music box to the point it was unrepairable, but trust me, I was hella surprised to see that this little thing was still intact. Maybe my carpet floor had softened the impact? I don’t know it was still very pretty and I wanted to give you back something that was previously yours. I know, you gave it to me but I really want you to have a piece of your grandma left with you, so don’t fight with me on this one, y/n >:(’
You couldn’t help but grin at the small smiley face he drew on the edge of the paragraph, letting out a small giggle as you placed the porcelain doll gently on the table beside your plate, taking a spoonful of your food before digging your hand back in the paper bag to fish out the decorated box. It was quite heavy considering you had to use two hands to pull it out. 
With a small huff, you place the box on the couch beside you. Crossing your legs over the other and placing the letter on your lap, you pulled the lid off of the box and placed it beside the paper bag before looking back inside the box, shock coursing through your veins. You felt your heart warm up at the contents of the box, feeling your stomach do somersaults in your body as you slowly picked up the contents one by one. 
The box was filled with nothing but your childhood polaroids the two of you took throughout your whole youth, some aesthetic pictures Jaemin took of you without your knowledge or consent during your freshman and sophomore year of middle school and high school (hell you didn’t even know he still took pictures of you). There were a few polaroids decorated with small doodles and hearts with sharpie markers. You spotted a few old post-it notes you had used to give Jaemin cheesy pick up lines, but this time they had small responses. 
‘Hey Jaemin, are you a camera? Because every time I look at you I smile. :D’
‘Hey Y/n. You better check the mirror, you’re the reason why I’m smiling right now :D’
‘If I had a genie that could grant me three wish, I would use them all just so you can be with me’
‘Well I’m here now, what are you going to do with the other two wishes?’
‘Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you, Jaemin :D’
‘My heart feels heavy, can you hold it for me?’
Your grin grew inevitably wider with every pick up line he wrote, heart fluttering as your stomach swarmed with butterflies. Rubbing your face to keep yourself from combusting as you dug your hand through the box to see the old letters Jeno had been talking about. You opened one of the dirty letters which was covered in small stickers and doodles. (which you assume was Jaemin’s doing, considering he has a clear eye for aesthetics)
‘I knew you liked really cheesy romance stuff and considering I watch a lot of k-dramas and shows in my free time, you know very much I’m going to put my romantic expertise into good use. It felt nice being the one giving gifts, no wonder you like giving me stuff so much, this is actually fun. I hope this isn’t too much for you. I know this probably isn’t going to make up for all the damage I’ve done in the past two years but at least I tried my best.’ 
You liked to write the dates on your letters just in case things like this happen and you would have the opportunity to look back and cringe at your own cheesiness and mediocre writing. You honestly couldn’t believe your eyes or Jeno when he said Jaemin had kept your letters in his messy void of a locker. But now that you had a living proof that he actually cherished your letters. You couldn’t help but feel some sort of comforting hope in your chest.
Your heart no longer felt empty or void of emotions, it felt full again. Though, not completely filled, it was better than feeling complete nothingness. You were still very much scared of trusting Jaemin with your own heart again, you were still very much scared of getting hurt again. But there was something inside you that was begging you to trust Jaemin again and let him back in your life. It has been telling you to do so ever since you saw how genuine he was being. 
‘I probably didn’t tell you this when we were talking but believe it or not, I actually really really like you. And I really want to try where this all can lead to, and if you’re willing to trust me again I would try my best not to fuck it up this time. I don’t expect you to say yes or anything to me. If you decide not to come to the game, I totally understand and I’ll leave you alone just like you asked. I missed hanging out with you, Y/n. I missed my best friend. I miss having my soulmate around, and I’m sorry that it took me this long to realise how important you truly are to me’
He really isn’t giving up is he? Well, if he hasn’t given you up like you did with him. Are you willing to repeat his previous actions and stop listening to your head and start listening to your heart again? Are you willing to give him up again? 
I’m sure you know the answer to that already.
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I feel like the end is quite rushed. i’m so sorry if so. I’ve been working on this for two weeks lmfao and it’s currently two am right now so Imma go to bed hehe. This series has like... what three chapters left? DAMN ITS BEEN A WHOLE YEAR SINCE I MADE THIS SERIES. DW I HAVE A HYUCK SERIES COMING UP SOONER OR LATER LMFAO.
T A G L I S T : @candiednickles @itlittlefangirl @cherrym4rk @gotoartistprofile @d-nghyck @kingjvngins @aconeptun @chaeshii @lixseu @morks-watermelon @12am-musings @cherrystay @lowkeyviv @btm-taeyong @gothmingguk @luvlyjaemin @cowward @smileyyuta @cakelyn @uncovermenow666 @comically-sleep-deprived @wtfhaechan @xcherrybbyx @wishing--butterfly​ @wordsgodeep @astroboy-lele @sweetmoonlight9 @chwenchew @stuckwithhyuck @yunoelea @angelrenjunie @dae-chan @jenseoull @marklexleaf @yasmini24 @cloudreads @sptegami​ @mango-bear​ @dumplingley​  @bereavedswallow​ @etherealbyeol​ @247byun​
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jmblyajones · 3 years
Eagles: Date Night 3x4
*Check out my (long 😇) analysis/review and peep my OTH comparisons lol
1. Mats is literally falling apart at the seams. He looks a wreck. Is this his rock bottom?
2. Can you imagine playing hockey? I wouldn’t even be able to catch myself on rollerblades. I would fall on my ass repeatedly….
OMG DATE IDEA: Amie and Elias go ice skating/rollerblading! He teaches her how to skate?!! Ooo or a karaoke date!
@ Carl and Stefan
3. Felicia is posted up having last night regrets…Chile, we’d all hope this was enough to stop whatever is coming. That makes me sound like a fortune teller but I just don’t think this is the episode she decides she will become clean and sober.
4. I feel really bad for Ludde. I don’t know if he will ever be close to what he was… You know what this reminded me of, Lucas Scott when he found out about his heart condition. If you’ve watched OTH you know he eventually moved on to writing novels. Ludde likes to write music….very left field me talking about this I know but it just had me thinking
Update: “Hockey isn’t everything” well well well. I guess I’m not far off. The OTH blueprint still lives!!
5. Elias is so damn cocky lmao just like Nathan. lol
6. I am just waiting for Mats’s huge “this team is special” speech. I have faith it will come.
7. Retro in Swedish is so extra and expressive, I love it!
Oh this is fucking awkward. Ok well she’s smiling so, that’s a good sign. Things seemed to be squashed since the funeral? Am I reaching with that conclusion? Ludde looks like he’s about to choke too tf 😂……..
Ludde looking at Elias and Amie, oh my gosh 😂😂 yup, you picked up the vibes too huh? BIIIIITCH! Look at Ludde hooking a brotha UP!
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Elias is acting so anxious about asking Amie out and Amie is just chillin’! Icing on the cake if he were to turn around and bump into the beetle. But I guess he’s too suave for that 🙄😂 Definitely ‘boy likes girl more’ trope on LOCK!…
Ugh YES! Amie and Ludde are back to being friends (somewhat of that Haley and Lucas friendship)!! I liked them working on music together. I’m excited to see what they come up with. OOOOR when Amie goes back to music full time, she hires Ludde to be her collaborator and songwriter (if there is a chance Ludde doesn’t get in to the London school)?!
9. WAIT? Why didn’t I catch this earlier??? Sam is Andres’s boyfriend? I really missed that last episode? 😂…
Aw shit… why is Andreas coughing up a lung now??
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10. I need this mother/daughter relationship repaired! Y’all hate to see it but I’m siding with Petra. Idk how the laws work over there with minor’s signing contracts without legal guardian’s consent but putting my self in petra’s position, I would feel some kind of way if my child just left without a moments notice and the only times I heard about how she was was on the radio when she indirectly disses me. I am all for Amie following her dreams but not at the cost of loosing her mother.
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What prior relationship was Amie in? tf??
“We don’t need to talk to each other” Girl what the hell is going on? I’m at a cross between being irritated and being hella sad. I must have missed something because this don’t make no kinda sense…
11. Aw, look at Felicia being all romantic… I know that food is cold but at least your man showed up lmao
12. Why the hell is this girl talking about her funeral AGAIN?? This is the second time DAMMIT!! Y’all think I’m playing and kiki-ing but there is really something wrong with Felicia. Something is going to happen and I don’t think we are ready for it.
13. Amie… you really thought this was a group thing? AAAAHAHAHA! Elias said “probably just us” boy is trying to play this shit off so WEAK 😭😭 If y’all don’t stop playing… y’all know this is a date *raises eyebrows*.
Elias is so nervous, i LOVE IT! If anybody has ever been to the movie theaters, you know that the snacks always cost more, good bye 💀
Elias asked her to pick out candy he’d like? Are we serious?? Of course Amie knew what he’d like 🤪 soulmates usually do.
Holy shit, Elias is asking if Amie has a boyfriend. Guys my heart right now… CREEPER BO WAS AMIE’S BOYFRIEND?!?! (makes sense why she was playing with his fingers) THAT MAN HAD TO BE IN HIS 30’S WTF?!? The name Creeper Bo remains.
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Amie did not just call Klara the biggest bitch in their city bro SHUT UP! She ain’t wrong but my gosh girl 😂😂 I am getting my LIFE RN! She really has that “everyone can get the smoke” energy (even for her mom :((.. petty me is stopping lol) I love Amie’s character so much. she is very well rounded. she definitely has room to grow and mature but you can see she is still a good person and never wants to maliciously hurt anyone. Even calling Klara a bitch, which we all know she is, Amie still says she sees good in her.
Elias is just straight flirting with my girl oh my gosh 😭 i’m so happy.
14. Ok, great! We are getting into Felicia’s whole mindset with this social media gig. Cuz a girl has been wanting to know! Ok, i’m teetering on the line of Felicia telling Ludde, she just wants them to not have plans and dreams and stay in their town forever as selfish but honest. Only because us as the audience knows ludde actually has dreams. this all depends on her reaction when she finds out which by the tell of this current convo, her ass is definitely finding out unintentionally. she might hear an admissions voicemail, read an email or peep a submission packet. ludde’s ass is definitely not saying a damn thing.
Ludde says he doesn’t want to be a sugar baby anymore. Felicia just completely shuts down during any argument when she is being contested.
15. I’m like, nervous watching Amie and Elias on this stroll right now 😭 You see his body language. He is literally turned to her while they are walking forward. Love to see it.
16. Clearly Felicia is depressed and she turns to drugs. Sometimes a simple “promise” doesn’t help someone actually get clean.
Hold up hold up hold up… I think Ludde and Felicia are both right and conveniently none of them were thinking about the other.
Now…. if you forgive someone, you don’t bring up their past and rub it in when it suits you. Either forgive him or don’t be with him again. Felicia just copped to doing drugs and she turns it around to talk about Ludde and Amie… the deflection is wild
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17. Oh another thing Amie and Elias have in common, they both moved back home. Wowowow. Oh he is down BAAAAAAAAAAD!
18. Okay……… I had a feeling Amie’s dad might be brought up. Oh gosh 🤦🏾‍♀️ 1. We gotta verify because that voice sounded a bit off, sorry. 2. of course when we see him in person, Petra has to verify! What I think might happen is, dearest daddy is really back, with petra and amie fighting (or more, amie fighting petra) amie might stay with her dad which would be horrible. i can see it now, he would definitely play that “your mom wouldn’t let me see you” card and he would help drive the wedge further and further away. I can definitely see Petra putting things to the side with the Kroon’s and asking Elias to bring Amie back home to her. Elias could possibly see that Amie’s dad could be using her for her name and fame. Or I could just be all wrong here…
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* also, amie and elias’s first kiss better be as enthusiastic and passionate as they did with other folks prior, js (what if their first kiss is really in the rain yall..)
Tell what y’all think?! What are y’all’s predictions?
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desertofsnowflakes · 3 years
Incorrect Order Chapter 4 (Nessian AU)
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A/N: I know I haven't been able to update as fast as you'd want me to but I'll try to fix that. Your comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. Do inform me if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist! If you happen to find my storyline similar to another fic or one of yours, I'm extremely sorry, I might've just not known. All characters belong to the author Sarah J. Mass. Enjoy!
Summary: Don't first impressions always affect the way you see someone? Well, what more with the Nesta Archeron? Nesta meets Cassian at few unexpected places and to say it didn't go well was a major understatement. Certain circumstances make them become enemies to tolerable company to friends to lovers.
Trigger Warnings: None really
1652words | Incorrect Order Masterlist | Read on AO3
The best way to keep whatever problems one has out of their mind was to do something they liked. That was the only way Cassian kept from spiraling. Since sending the woman to her own house, Cassian had more than a few moments when he wanted to repeatedly slam his head against a wall. That’s why he spent most of his time sparring with Azriel. He won’t admit he was simping for that woman in his free time too. Or maybe that was always.
Now, sprawled on a couch in front of the TV, with nothing to do but stare at a blank screen, Cassian led his thoughts to the box he kept all unwanted thoughts locked in. He thought about Tomas, her ex-boyfriend. Funny, he thought. I know her ex's name but not hers.
It took him a little too long the other day to realise they didn't exchange names. Again. He once thought that maybe she was purposely not giving him her name. That maybe, for her, he was just a random stranger who happened to save her life. He snorted. Surely anyone would know the name of the person they saved or was saved by— stranger or not. He supposed he'll have to make do with pronouns for now.
After she left his home, it took every scrap of self-restraint not to beat this Tomas dude to pulp and let him rot in the same alley he had the misfortune of meeting him in. He may or may not have been the cause for some extra injuries. Cassian appreciated the woman’s attempt at mercy. He, however, didn’t trust Tomas at all. He was dubious about just handing him over to the police. Who’s to know he won’t frame him and the woman for absurd things? Anyway, he left a note in Tomas’s house saying something like “Step out of line, lose your favourite part of anatomy. Name it and have it for your meal.” He made sure he printed so that no one would recognise his writing. Yet, all this didn’t calm his nerves one bit. He presumed he’ll have to stay on guard for some time now.
Now, back to the girl. He sighed. He didn’t dare change the sheets in his guest bedroom. He didn’t even let Mor use the room when she came over last weekend— which he could bet created suspicion. No, that room was only open when he craved her scent. He even realised one of his shirts was missing. He shrugged it off thinking he would've left it somewhere and just couldn't find it. Once she came to his house, he was constantly thinking about her. So much that now he started pinching himself often. It was the only way he could stop thinking about her— by creating physical pain.
Cassian glanced at the clock on the wall. 2.30 in the afternoon. He walked to the refrigerator and checked his freezer compartment. Huh. No ice-cream. He sighed, grabbed his jacket and keys and headed to the mall to get an ice-cream with a pout. He’ll have to leave for Rhys and Feyre’s first anniversary only around 5.30 to prepare everything. He has enough time to get an ice-cream and probably hang out for some time. Good enough to stop thinking about her. Or so he thought.
Nesta wasn’t sore anymore. Her headache was gone almost a week after the incident. Her nose didn’t hurt anymore. Okay, maybe a little bit. It didn’t hurt unless she bumped her nose against something. Today, her nose was dully throbbing because she hit her nose against a pillow yesterday. A very, very soft pillow and yet it hurt this much.
The man’s first-aid and medicines were really helpful.
It really wasn’t fair that he excelled at basic first aid too. It wasn’t fair that he looked so good. With black tattoos swirling over generously muscled arms and shoulder-length dark hair curling at the edges and gloriously tanned skin and hazel eyes with minute flecks of green and brown when taken a closer look at and dimples and—
A quiet “Who is it?” snapped Nesta out of her moping. She looked up to see Gwyn walking to her.
“Who is what?” she asked, feigning nonchalance. Gwyn's pursed lips and glare conveyed that her act wasn't enough.
“Who are you thinking about?” Gwyn clarified.
“What makes you think I'm thinking about someone?” Nesta retorted.
Gwyn sat on the chair next to her and started assisting with classifying the unceremonious heap of books on the table to be kept back in its correct positions on its own rack.
“Nesta,” Gwyn sighed, “Clotho assigned you this stack almost an hour ago. And you've barely finished a third of the stack. Normally, you'd finish stacks bigger than this in an hour. So there's clearly something.”
“It wasn't anyone,” Nesta mumbled.
As usual, Gwyn saw through her lie. “You were twirling your hair,” she said flatly.
Heat inched up her neck. “I was not!”
Gwyn murmured a “uh-huh” and they lapsed into an easy silence till they were almost over.
Gwyn's eyes lit up as it normally did whenever she got an idea. “Is it him? The guy you came with that day?”
Nesta scowled, “How do you know…” she broke off when she realised which 'that day' Gwyn was talking about. Nesta fought back a blush. “No, no, this isn't about him. We don't know each other. Much. Like, we've seen each other a number of times? That's it. Nothing else.” Cauldron, the first part was a complete lie. But at least the rest are true. Will Gwyn happen to know his name? Maybe I ought to ask her. Or maybe I shouldn't.
She should, she decided. She cleared her throat. “Uh, Gwyn? Do you happen to know his name?”
Gwyn frowned and asked, “He hasn't told you yet?”
Nesta shook her head and answered, “No, we, uh, forgot. I guess. We haven't really exchanged names.”
Gwyn nodded and smiled. “Well, he is—”
“Gwyn!” a voice called. “You can't expect me to come over to you and beg for you to help me. Help me only if you want to or don't work under me.”
Gwyn’s eyes widened. She abruptly stood up and mouthed, “Merrill. I gotta go. I’m so sorry.” She all but ran to Merrill, the very strict librarian Gwyn was working under.
Nesta sighed and continued her work. There wasn’t much left so she was able to finish fast. She picked her things and left the library with a word to Clotho, heading to the mall.
The best way to keep whatever problems one has out of their mind was to also eat something they liked. So, ice-cream it was. After having his ice-cream, Cassian was aimlessly walking around the mall. Here, not more than a month ago, he met her for the first time. Almost a month ago. He huffed out a breath. The fact that he was pining for her this long blew his mind off. He—
“This is your fault— not mine. I’m not taking the blame for this,” he told her. They bumped into each other. Again.
Her lips quirked up. “It is kind of my fault. But blame this—,” she poked his chest, “— for making my nose hurt again.”
Just like that, his mood sobered. “How are you?” he asked.
She pointed at the cafe to her left. “Coffee?”
He nodded. Who was he to say no to her?
So they ordered coffee and talked about everything and nothing. He grinned and she laughed. He laughed and she smirked. He wouldn’t say he knew her well but he’d never seen her so carefree. Her laugh was like nectar for a starving man. Her eyes bright and welling up with tears from laughing.
“I don’t think I’ve laughed this much,” she said.
Cassian put a hand on his heart dramatically and said, “I know, I know. I’m very funny.”
Her lips kicked up a notch. She straightened as if she just realised something. He was about to ask when she drawled, “So I just realised that we still haven’t exchanged names.”
Oh. Right. Of course. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Usually, when people meet, they start with introductions but in our case we’ve literally bumped into each other three times and still we don’t know each other.” He shook his head and extended his hand. “Well, hello there. I’m—”
His phone rang in his pocket. Fuck. He was going to kill whoever was calling him now. He was so close to knowing her name. He pulled out his phone to see an incoming call from Azriel. He apologetically looked up at her and said, “I’m sorry. I wish I could choose not to take this call and instead kill this idiot but I can’t. Just give me a moment, okay?”
She nodded and he picked up his call.
“What do you want?” he hissed.
“It’s 5.30 already, you idiot. We’ve got to get the things ready for the party. Mor already went to get the cake and you’re not even at home. Where on all earth and hell are you?” came Az’s faint voice.
“15 minutes only? Mother above, I’m coming.” he said.
Az’s “make it fast” was the last thing he heard before hanging up. “I wish we could stay here and talk forever,” he said to her, “but I have something up in a short while and I totally didn’t realise time was passing this fast. I’m so sorry. It was nice talking to you. Really. And I wish we could meet again. Though without the bumping part.”
He grinned when she smiled and said, “Bye. Have a nice day.”
“You too,” he called back. He didn’t want to think he imagined the subtle look of disappointment on her face because hell, he was a walking epitome of disappointment right now.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Summary: Obedient – dream on alpha…
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Characters: Carson Brady, Bobby Singer, Sam Winchester
Warnings: angst, misogynism, language, collars, demons, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, Dean being a douche for a second, smut, unprotected and half-clothed sex, biting, marking, claiming, knotting, enemies to lovers trope (kinda, you’ll see)
A/N: This is an AU. Brady is not possessed by a demon, only an asshole and never met Sam. The Winchesters are still hunters, just like the reader.
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The room is crowded and stinks like desperation. Your eyes scan the people, always searching for the one person you are looking for.
“Well, there you are my love.” Snickering Brady moves his hand to your back, possessively stroking your back and you need to hold back the bile. A deep breath, a faked smile and you can pretend you don’t want to ram a knife into his guts.
“Of course, alpha. You said I shall wait here for you.” Brady admires the collar he put around your neck, a dark smirk on his lips as another alpha steps closer. “Be thankful for the collar.”
“I am…” You snap and Brady’s features darken when he fists the collar to force you to look at him. “Thank you…”
“Well, aren’t you an obedient little bitch.” The alpha smirks while you struggle in Brady’s hold. It’s too early to blow your cover so you smile, nod, and swallow your pride for a moment.
“She will be after tonight. I thought about branding her. An omega like her needs a strong hand and a good knot.”
Your eyes narrow when the other alpha chuckles but there is something in his eyes telling you he feels as disgusted as you close to Brady and his friends.
“Maybe I can buy her for one night? I’d like to test her limits.” The alpha steps closer to brush his fingertips along your mating gland. “How much?”
“For you, half of the price the others would pay. Be my guest, have fun but do not damage the goods…at least let her live.” Your hands balled into fists you feel the hand of the alpha curl around your neck to bring you closer to him.
“Come with me, sweetheart. I’ll give you the ride of your life…”
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“I am warning you…” Knife in your hand, eyes narrowed you want to kill the alpha bringing you to a bedroom. “Obedient my ass! I’ll kill you all!”
“Son of a bitch would you calm down? I am Dean Winchester, my brother Sam sent me for back-up. Jesus, you are a handful.” Dean pants while he shields his body with a pillow. “I will not hurt you, sweetheart.”
“Shut up and do not move! How shall I know you are not an imposter?” Blinking a few times Dean recalls what Sam told him.
“I know! Sam said you love to dunk fries into ice cream.” A minute ticks by before you lower the knife to slide it back into your garter. “Can we now talk about bringing down the demons selling omegas or do you want to wrestle for dominance first?”
Cockily Dean steps closer to intimidate you with his size but you puff your chest, not giving in at all. “I can handle this. I got no clue why you are here. To make this room stink like an alpha?”
“I take it back, you are not an obedient bitch, only a bitch.” Pushing against his chest you glare at the tall alpha who is busy to look at the collar around your neck. “I could just make you obedient…”
“You could have my foot in your ass before you can even blink, Winchester.” He steps closer still a smirk on his lips before pushes you to the ground to cover you with his body. “What the fuck!”
“Shhh…make noises like a good omega. Mewl or something. Brady is outside, looking into the room.” Dean pants against your neck and you don’t know if he tries to trick you. “I swear he’s there. Just make…”
“Oh-god…alpha. You are so hard.” Giggling you hide your face in Dean’s neck. “You make me feel so good. Harder. Fuck…please make me yours. I want to feel your knot…please…”
“You’ll get what I give you. Be good for me…” Dean purrs, against your skin, and for a split-second, you are turned on. “Damn, you are so soft against me.” He whines and the moment is gone.
“Can you just not press your dick against my thigh?” Shushing the words you hear someone groan outside the windows. “Harder! Please fuck me harder, alpha!”
“Such a good girl,” Dean adds and you snicker silently as it sounds as if Brady jerks off outside the room. “So tight and warm…”
“Yes…that’s…fuck…” An odd noise followed by a gunshot catches your attention. Dean rolls off you, already aiming his gun toward the man entering the room.
“Dude! Why don’t you answer your phone! Bobby and I…” Sam’s eyes rake over your bunched up dress and his eyes narrow. “Did you try to hit on Y/N? I told you to keep your cock in your pants for once!”
“Guys, I am right here and he didn’t take his tiny noodle out. Now back to the case or do you want to fight some more?” Sam needs to hold back a smirk when his brother glares at you, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Fine, follow us, and be good.” Dean is gone before you can get up so Sam holds out his hand, silently apologizing for his brother's behavior.
“Fuck you too, Winchester…”
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“Perfect ending…” Watching the paramedics take care of the scared omegas Dean leans against his car while your eyes drift toward Brady on the ground.
He snarls as one of the ‘omega protectors’, the special unit to protect unmated omegas handcuffs him. “That guy was the head of another cell, Sammy.”
“We cut one head off only for another to grow. It’s a never-ending cycle, Dean.” Sam sits on the hood, running one hand over his face.
“You always have to kill the mood. Can you not, for once, be happy we freed fifteen omegas and a bitch?” Meeting Dean’s gaze you give him a dirty look.
“Alpha scum…”
“Useless knothead…”
“I’ll lock you into our dungeon and…”
“Guys, seriously get a room and release the tension or stop fighting. Bobby and I are going to get a drink and some well-deserved rest.”
Sam shakes his head before he hurries toward Bobby’s truck. “Don’t come back before you talked things out.”
Dean follows his brother with his eyes while you lazily stretch your body. “Got a ride?” Dean asks and you shake your head. “Pity. You will have to walk to town…”
“You’re such an asshole! I can’t believe Sam is related to you as he’s a gentleman and good alpha.” Dean smirks, opens the door to the driver's seat.
For a heartbeat, you believe he’ll offer you a ride but he starts the engine, slams the door shut, and drives away.
“Fucking asshole, that’s so lame…” You kick a stone, weigh your options before you start walking toward the road. There was a bus station not too far away, so you’ll try your luck. “Can’t believe he left me here, in the middle of nowhere.”
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The bus station in sight you sigh. It started to rain. Now you are soaked, freeze, and are beyond pissed. “Should’ve asked the cops to give me a ride.”
Hurrying toward the bus station you wrap your arms around your body. It’s getting colder per minute and you don’t need a cold.
“Look at this. A wet angry kitten at a bus station.” Dean muses. He opens the door to the passenger seat, a dirty grin on his lips. “Did you learn your lesson?”
“Yeah, Dean Winchester is an asshole who leaves a fellow hunter in the middle of nowhere not caring if there are still demons around.
I thought you are better than one of those monsters in the mansion buying omegas.” Your eyes are cold when you sit on the bench, ignoring the hunter.
“All alphas are the same. If you do not obey, they call you a freak of nature. Go and fuck yourself…”
“Come on, Y/N. It’s cold and the rain won’t let up. I didn’t know you would walk, okay. I drove back and you were gone. Get into the car before you get a cold and Sammy kills me, sweetheart.” Dean gets out of the car when you do not get up.
Yelping you fight the hunter as he picks you up to carry you toward his car. “Let me down! Hey! Help!”
“Shut up, brat or someone will get arrested!”
“No, you…brat! Now get into the car and shut up for a moment.”
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“What the fuck, Winchester. Let go of me. Hey! I am talking to you.” Dean drags you toward an odd building while you scream and shout. He wanted to drop you at your motel room, instead, he drove to this building without an explanation.
While he drags you into the building not caring you bite him repeatedly Dean smirks. “Are you done, sweetheart?”
“No.” Snarling you attack his neck when he dares to look at you in his arms. “Let me down! I am warning you one last time before I bite your head off.”
“I want to watch you bite my head off.” Blinking a few times, you grit your teeth before you sink them into his neck, almost piercing his mating gland.
“You can fight me as much as you want. Sam said I shall bring you to the bunker and I did. Now be silent and obey for once.”
“Asshole…I’ll bite you and…” Nibbling at Dean’s neck you cup the back of his head to get better access. “Mark you…”
“You’re such a needy bitch. I bet when I have a look at your panties, they are soaked for me.” Humming you let Dean carry you toward his room. “I’ve missed you.”
“Then you should finally have the guts to tell your brother you are railing his best friend.” Placed onto your feet you smirk before you cup the back of Dean’s head to crush your lips onto his.
Mirroring your action Dean smirks when you slide your free over his back up to his shoulder to grip him tightly.
“I love it when you get mad.” Snickering against your lips Dean grips your ass while you fumble his belt open. “Why didn’t you wait? I had to be sure Sammy is gone and you just started to walk away.”
“Maybe as you acted like a douche too well? The demons were gone and you pulled the dominant alpha shit.” Your fingers deftly unbutton his pants to get access to his cock. “One day, I’ll bite you hard enough to hurt.”
“One day I’ll mark this neck as mine! Now be good…” Dean tries but you already push against his chest to make him stumble and end on his bed. Smirk on your lips you crawl into his lap to shamelessly grind against the growing bulge.
“Hmm…look at you, Dean. If you can prove you can tame me, I’ll let you mark me, alpha…” Purring Dean looks up at you.
His pupils’ lust-blown, lips parted he just watches you rip his flannel open. Your hands greedily slide over his chest, before you start grinding against his crotch.
“Fuck me, Dean…” In a blink you are flipped to your back, hands pinned above your head, panting as Dean smirks down at you.
“I mean it, Y/N.” Husking the words against your lips Dean dips one hand between your bodies to tug harshly at your panties. “You’re mine…”
“Yeah? Don’t see a mark at my neck. I don’t know…” A cry leaves your lips when he presses the tip in. “Fuck, it’s been a while…”
“Three fucking weeks, sweetheart. Damnit, you’re so fucking tight every time.” Dean’s serious look, the way he furrows his brows in concentration when he sinks into you let your toes curl.
“You could’ve at least gotten rid of your pants, Winchester.” Not sorry at all Dean buries his face into your neck to inhale your scent deeply. He loves just feeling your warmth sucking him in. “Dean…”
“I’ll mark this neck, fill you up and make you round tonight.” Stubbornly insisting on his mark at your neck Dean starts to roll his hips. “Tomorrow, you’ll move in. I got enough of sneaking around.”
“My brave…a fuck me…little hunter…” Giggling you grip his shoulders to dig your nails into his flesh. “If you can make me cum, I’ll give in…”
Determined to earn his mark at your neck Dean grips the headboard, digs his knees into the mattress before he looks down at you, a dirty grin on his lips.
“Hold tight, this is going to be a wild ride.”
“Promises…” Challenging the alpha on top of you was a mistake as he starts to slam his hips against yours. He’s growling low in his throat and you swear, for a split-second, you saw the alpha, the animal in Dean’s eyes. “Fuck…Dean…”
“What did you say?” He’s gripping your thighs, spreads you wide before he bends your knees to get better access. You are a begging mess after a few more thrusts.
The way he looks at you, his moans, and the knot swelling inside of you are too much to handle.
“I…” A strangled cry leaves your lips when the coil winds up. You try to warn Dean but it’s too late to stop the high rippling through your body.
Dean drops your legs, fists your hair to force you to crane your neck. He’s panting heavily jerks his hips a few more times before his teeth sink into your mating gland.
Cum floats your belly when his knot locks you together but all you can feel are Dean’s teeth not letting go of your neck. “Mine…”
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“So…what was that thing with the knife? Sweetheart?” Dean looks at you snuggled into his pillow not caring about a thing while he runs his hand up and down your back.
“I knew Brady is outside, looking into the room. I could smell him and thought I’ll give him a good show.”
“You could’ve warned me! I almost got cut when you wielded your toothpick of a knife in front of my chest.” Giggling you look at Dean who lifts the blanket covering you to have a look at your ass. “Fucking perfect.”
“Gosh, can you just stop staring! It’s been three weeks, not years.”
“I don’t care. Tomorrow I’ll tell Sammy we like to have sex…” Now you burst into laughter, bite the pillow while little snorts leave your lips.
“God…don’t say it like that.”
“I’ll say you’re mine then…”
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“Do you think she will move into the bunker?” Bobby sips at his beer, a smug grin on his lips when Sam chokes on air. “I am old, not blind, Sam. I know Dean and your friend are a thing.”
“Can you believe they sneak around for months behind my back believing I am too blind to see the hickeys and bite marks. I am not a kid.” Sam chortles.
“I mean, last time they made such noises I had to leave the motel room next to Dean’s…”
“We could make it hard for them...”
“Nah, I think Y/N will rile Dean up for a lifetime. Even I am scared when she’s angry. The rage in her eyes...scary as shit...”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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