#no beta we die like sukuna did hundreds of years ago lol
‘Til My Last Breath (3/3)
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“Today was our graduation,” you start with a small smile. “Gojo-sensei cried, believe it or not.” You laugh quietly. “But I think it was because he was imagining you being there with us.” The smile on your lips wavered, threatening to fall. “We all did.”
You trace your fingers against the engraving on the cold stone in front of you.
“I don’t know if they told you already, but Nobara wants the three of us to move in together once we leave school.” you add on, remembering. “Megumi said no, but I think he low-key wants to and is just holding out until we beg him to.”
The only response you receive is the thundering in the sky from behind, signaling the incoming storm.
“Umm,” you try to think of something else, trying to fill the silence. “Oh yeah, Jennifer Lawrence got married recently. I know you said you didn’t like her anymore, but in case you were having second thoughts. I thought you should know she’s really taken now.”
Intermittent drops of rain fall on the cold stone, wetting your fingertips.
A hand rests on your shoulder breaking you out of your trance. From behind Megumi gives you a worried look, an opened umbrella in his hand covering the both of you.
“It’s going to start pouring soon.”
Your eyes shift to the dark grey clouds above, realizing how dark the sky had become.
You nod with a small smile. “Go ahead. I’ll catch up with you guys in a second.”
He nods back, handing you the umbrella before walking away. He joins Nobara, who was giving you the same look of worry from under her umbrella. They exchange a few words, before she turns to you for confirmation. You give her a reassuring smile that convinces her to follow Megumi to the entrance where the car was waiting for them.
You turn back to the grave. “I have to go. Sensei’s treating us to wagyu and sushi for dinner.” you smile, remembering Yuuji’s love of food. As your finger finishes tracing the last character etched in the stone, you quietly stand up from the wet ground. “I’ll be sure to eat a lot for you too.” you joke, trying to keep up your smile- at least until you left.
The rain suddenly picked up, pouring down from above- to the point where it was hard to see in front of you.
“There’s no chance you’re gonna jump out of a box again like last time, right?” you shout over the heavy rain. Hoping.
But you knew there would be no response.
You could cry. Or scream his name, clutching his gravestone like how you acted the first time you came to see him. No one would hear you in the midst of the rain.
But you didn’t. You knew he wouldn’t be happy seeing you do that because of him. You couldn't rid of the thing he had worked hard to keep up on your face. So the smile remained on your lips, no matter how small it was- no matter how pained and forced it was.
“I’ll come see you again soon, okay?”
You take one last look, before walking away to the meet with the others waiting for you.
*(A/N):  i haven't kept up with the jjk manga, but i guess spoilers just in case? i have no clue what's happening right now, just imagining what would happen eventually? idk, just wanted to write some angst and finish this. it might not be good angst, but it's angst nevertheless haha
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Take Me Out (1/2)
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Human beings were the equivalent of bugs to the King of Curses. Every one of them an eyesore and fucking useless. For Sukuna, he needed no reason to kill them- the fact that he simply could was more than enough.
But after coming across you, never had he felt such conviction to kill someone than he did right then. If looks could kill, you would have dropped dead a long time ago.
Luckily for you, Sukuna’s one eye held no power other than glaring metaphorical daggers into your soul currently.
“Have you ever considered appearing on the back of Yuuji’s head?” you asked, desperately trying to hold in a laugh. “You guys could dress-up as Professor Quirrell and Voldemort for Halloween!” 
Sukuna’s mouth visibly seethed with rage. People were supposed to fear him, not doubled over on the floor in a laughing fit. 
“The minute I regain full control of this brat’s body, I’m taking you out first.” Sukuna spat from the unconscious Yuuji’s cheek. 
The threat seemed to elicit the desired effect, the sound of your laughter ceasing.
He became curious about the look on your face. Was it trembling with fear? Or even better, maybe you had fainted from shock at the thought of him coming for you. His satisfied sneer quickly dropped though when you reentered his sight. An unexpected questioning look was in your eyes instead of the fear he had hoped for. 
 “Are you asking me out on a date?”
The room fell silent again. 
You head tilted at his single eye staring blankly at you. 
A smile grew on your face at his heavily confused state.
“Your wanting to “take me out” on a date, right?” you repeated his words, giving him a knowing look. “I mean, it’s a bit unconventional way of asking me out, but I’ll accept it since it’s you.”
His mouth gaped open, and the side of the cheek he was on turned a noticeable shade of pink
“W-What is fucking wrong with you, woman?!” he screeched, clearly appalled at your question. “I meant I’m going to kill you first!”
“Oh,” you shrugged. “Well still, don’t take too long. A girl can only wait so much.” Smiling cheekily at him, you ended off the sentence with a wink in his direction.
But before he could offer you some more colorfully worded threats, Yuuji started to regain consciousness.
“You there, Sukuna?” 
Your finger gently poked the sleeping Yuuji’s cheek continuously, waiting for the King of Curses to grace you with his appearance.
“Anybody home?” you tapped again. “Hello?”
“What do you want, woman?” His mouth and single eye popped up.
“I’m just curious about something.” You took his responding silence as permission to continue. “I know you said you’re going to take me out, but what if I die before you regain your strength?”  
The curse scoffed at your question. “Don’t worry, woman. I’ll be the last thing you see before you die.” 
At the thought of you trembling beneath him begging him to have mercy on your life, he let out a series of cackles. He could already imagine the feeling of your sticky blood dripping down his hands, the familiar smell of iron invading the air. 
“Aww, Sukuna, I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” you cooed, breaking him away from his daydreaming. You raised a finger, gently patting his one eye with a smile. “I’ll be looking forward to our date then.”
He quickly scowled at your words. “What do you not fucking understand about me killing you, woman?!” 
The small mouth crunched its teeth in the air, attempting to bit your finger off. Amused, you brought a hand closer to him, wiggling your fingers back and forth, teasingly. Every time he thought he came close to chomping one off, you would pull back at the last second with a giggle. When he eventually let out a growl of frustration, you pushed your pointer finger against his lips, effectively shutting them. 
“Where are we going on our date by the way? Will this place have a dress code?”
Sukuna’s one eye bulges in anger, pure fury blazing in it. 
“You fucking bitch, I’m going to ki-“
“Yes, yes, that’s fine. You can’t wait to kill me.” You waved off his threat, undeterred by the repeated threat. “You’ve said that a hundred times now already. What I want to know is what I should wear on our first date.”
“It’s not a fucking da-“
“Oh, looks like Yuuji’s waking up from his nap.” 
The teenage boy’s eyes slowly blinked open, finally awaking from his afternoon nap. 
“Guess we’ll save the conversation for next time then.” 
And despite the threatening eyes you were met with, you waved him goodbye with a warm smile. A groan of disgust escaped Sukuna’s lips, before disappearing once again. 
You had noticed something was off the minute you entered the hallway. 
After successfully exorcising your designated half of curses, you searched around the building for your pink-haired kouhai, when suddenly the whole building was shrouded in darkness. The curse energy the domain gave off was too powerful for any of the curses residing in the building or Yuuji to conjure.
There was a slight shift behind you grabbing your attention. But before you could turn around to see what it was, hands suddenly snaked around your waist. 
“Since the last time we talked, I’ve been thinking about which way would be the most painful way to kill you.” a voice whispered in your ear, lips curling with glee. “All the scenarios ended the same way- with you crying beneath me, begging me for mercy.
With the free time Sukuna had acquired living inside Yuuji, he had infinite time to think about many things, you being among one of them. And after copious amounts of alone time to think to himself, he had come to the conclusion that he just needed to instill some fear into you.  The next you time were paired with the brat in an assignment, he would make sure to have you shaking in terror by the end of it.
“You were thinking about me? That’s so sweet.”
The cruel grin formed on his lips dropped.
“I’m going to kill y- never mind.” He brought a hand up to his forehead, massaging his temples. “Nothing I say is going to get through that fucking head of yours, is it?”
“Mmm, probably not.” you agreed. 
Sukuna now realized you were just stupid. You had to be to be talking to him like this.
You heard him let out a frustrated sigh, and when you turned around in his arms, you were met with a confused Yuuji staring back at you. 
“Senpai, why are we hugging?”
*(A/N): Sukuna’s hot. Nuff said.
It got too long to put it all in one post so part two coming soon to a tumblr near you. (probs tomorrow lol)
Part 2 here
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‘Til My Last Breath (2/3)
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Smiling was never a foreign concept to you. 
But the more time you spent with Yuuji, you were able to realize how much easier it had become to do so. 
Of course, it wasn’t always easy to keep the smile on your lips from turning downwards on some days. When you saw the looks your friends or teachers would give the pair of you from time to time. Or whenever you were witness to Yuuji swallowing another one of Sukuna’s fingers. It became especially hard to keep one on whenever you saw him stop himself in the middle of a conversation from readily agreeing to future plans; not knowing if he would still be alive then. 
You always made sure to hide those frowns away from him, though. Yuuji had enough to worry about that you didn’t want to add onto his burden. And you tried your hardest to keep any depressing thoughts away when you were with him- wanting to spend all the time you had making happy memories with him instead. 
So you smiled. For him. 
Until the day you couldn’t. 
“I love you so much.” 
Uneasiness settled into your lungs. Something felt wrong. 
“What’s going on?” you asked with worry filling your eyes. 
Noticing the way he kept staring at you with a sad smile and repeated the five words, you asked again.
“Yuuji,” you pleaded, “what’s wrong?” 
He looked at you with a teary smile.
“(Y/N), I love you.”
Your heart dropped. 
Yuuji pulled you into his arms and you immediately broke. 
“No…” you shook your head. “N-no, no, no.” you repeated, trying to convince yourself. “It’s too soon. W-we haven’t-,” you gasped through your cries, as the tears rolled uncontrollably down your cheeks. “-not all the fingers have been found yet. We need more time- they can’t do this!” you cried in his arms.
“I love you so much.” Yuuji repeated again.
“G-Gojo sensei can help, he’ll help us-“
He stopped you panicking by calling your name.
“Sensei already did everything he could to let me live this long. I’m already on borrowed time.” he reminded you. “And if I don’t go willingly, I don’t put it past them to try coming after you or anyone else I care about to convince me otherwise.” 
He was crying too, but still brushing away your tears with a smile nevertheless. 
“Let’s just run away then.” you begged weakly. “We can move to another country, even. It’ll be harder to find us then.”
But you both knew that couldn’t happen; they would eventually find you. 
Anything you could do would just be prolonging the inevitable. 
The only sounds heard that night in your room were the sound of your cries and the three words he whispered to you over and over again.
“I love you.”
*(A/N): not me crying every time I watch the ending scene of jjk where he’s remembering all his happy memories ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
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“Friends, students…” you call to their attention, “-and Sukuna.“ you added a moment later. “Today, I lost my dear friend Gojo Satoru.”
“Quit telling everyone I’m dead, (Y/N).”
Ignoring the voice coming from behind, you adorned a frown on your face. “Sometimes, I can still hear his voice.”
“I’m not dead!”
“He was many things: a teacher, a friend, a confidant. Now, was he good at these things? The answer is no.”
“But we must not speak ill of those who are not with us anymore.” you continued.
Most of the Tokyo students nod their heads in agreement, while some of the Kyoto students kept glancing from you to a figure behind.
“It’s as if he’s in the room with us, right now.” You bring a hand to your mouth to prevent a sob (laugh) from escaping, at the sound of Gojo’s whines. “But as you all may know, curses like to act like those who we miss, so we mustn’t be tricked. Therefore, if for whatever reason you happen to see something that resembles Gojo Satoru, please exorcise it with your fullest ability, so that we may all one day move on and allow time to heal our hearts.”
One of the Kyoto students, Miwa Kasumi, blinked in confusion, unable to understand what was going on. You were standing in front of everyone participating in the sister school exchange event, mourning over Gojo Satoru’s death- while the said jujutsu sorcerer was standing behind you, tugging on your arms to get you to look in his direction.
“Am I the only one who sees Gojo-sensei alive?” she whispered to a nearby Tokyo student sitting next to her, who happened to be Maki Zenin.
Maki shook her head. “If (Y/N)-sensei says that the idiot is dead, then he is.”
“Tuna-mayo.” Inumaki agreed, nodding his head.
“Best if you just go with it.” Panda whispered back to the still confused girl. 
It seemed as though everyone else from the Kyoto branch had no complaints, accepting your words as the truth with a nod of their heads.
“(Y/N)!!” Gojo whined, placing his chin on your shoulder. “I said I was sorry.”
Your patience with the tall man-child had finally reached its max.
“Sorry?!” You flicked his forehead off of you, and pushed his face away. “I leave for one week, and you basically bulldoze half the campus forest to prevent a special-grade curse from running away, who might I add, was able to run away again! And then, I find out you were the one who ate my food that I had been saving in the freezer.”
Gojo merely shrugged at your accusations. “I was on a time crunch with the first one. And as for the second thing, it’s not my fault someone should’ve wrote their name on their mochi ice cream if they didn’t want someone else eating it.”
“I did write my name on the box, and I know you fucking ate it!” 
“There in lies your mistake, sweetheart. You should’ve written your name on the mochi itself. How was I supposed to know it was yours once I threw away the box?”
“Because my name was on the box, you motherfu-“
“Shouldn’t we trying to stop them from killing each other?” Yuuji whispered to Megumi, who was watching their teachers bicker with a straight face.
“Yaga-sensei will eventually stop them.” Megumi replied nonchalantly, as the boys overheard you screaming at Gojo.
“I told you the last time you ate my stuff, you would be dead to me!”
“You can’t just kill me off, (Y/N).”
“We’ll never know unless we try, now will we?” you argued.
And just as Megumi had said, Principle Yaga grabbed Gojo by his collar to prevent you from choking the man to death.
“Alright, that’s enough you two.” Yaga ordered, making you weaken the strangling grip you held on Gojo’s neck. “We should go ahead and start the baseball game.”
The hostility on your face quickly morphed into a smile, at your sensei’s words.
“Sensei, don’t you think we should give the students a demonstration beforehand?”
“Is that really necessary?” Gojo complained, massaging his neck in pain.
“Of course it is! After all, you were the one who suggested the game, you should be the one to show them how to properly hit a ball.”
Yaga just sighed, nodding his head to your suggestion.
“Just try not to kill him please, (Y/N).”
Your smile grew wider, causing a shiver to run down Gojo’s back. 
“Can’t make any promises, sensei.”
Yuuji looked out from the sidelines onto the baseball field, watching Gojo stare appreciatively at the sight of you stretching on the pitcher’s mound.
“Don’t we all know how to play baseball?” he wondered aloud.
“Did you just figure that out, dummy?” Nobara retorted.
“Then why the need for the demonstration?” 
“Because we all want to see Gojo-sensei get pummeled by (Y/N)-sensei.” Maki responded.
“But isn’t he just going to use his technique?”
“Her technique basically cancels his out.”
“Huh? How?” 
“Gojo-sensei’s techniques deal with infinite time, and (Y/N)-sensei’s technique deals with manipulating time.”
“But no matter how fast you speed time up, you can never reach infinity, right?” Yuuji tried to reason, thinking back on the lectures he slept through in his math classes.
“In that case, yes.” Panda answered. “Infinity requires time to function. But if time were to stop, infinity would be cancelled out, because having an infinite number of nothing would still leave you with nothing.” 
“Not to mention (Y/N)-sensei has a wicked throw.” Maki added.
And shortly, a few moments later, a cry of pain was heard from the batter’s box.
Gojo pouted as you returned to him with a bag of ice, placing it gently on his cheek.
“Ow!” he whined from the sudden coldness. “You could’ve gone a little softer with that pitch, sweetheart.” 
“Please, you deserved it.” you said, rolling your eyes.
But seeing the light bruise formed on the side of his face, you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty. 
Lifting the ice bag momentarily, you placed a soft kiss on his bruised cheek, immediately silencing him. 
“Does it feel better now?” you asked.
He nodded quickly. “But, you missed a spot. I got hit here too.” he said, pointing to his puckered lips.
You rolled your eyes, seeing right through his play; but gave in to his request, nonetheless. As you motioned to step back from the kiss, Gojo snaked his arms around your waist, bringing your body flush against his with your lips still attached to his.
He finally let you breathe a long minute later, after you hit his chest repeatedly for air.
“Now I feel a bit better.” he sighed, contentedly, before adding, “But I do think I’m going to need more intensive care tonight in my room.”
“Hmmm, is that so.” you thought, placing a hand on his other, non bruised cheek with a smile. 
Gojo burrowed his face into your palm, with a playful smirk. 
A quiet second later, right when he least expected it, you lightly slapped his cheek, quickly squirming out of his grasp. You dodged his grabby hands, a laugh escaping your lips when a pout made its way back onto his face. 
“I’ll be sure to ask Yaga-sensei to stop by your room tonight then.” you smiled, furthering the distance between you two.
“No, (Y/N)!” Gojo whined, quickly chasing after you.
*(A/N): i’m in a love/hate relationship with gojo satoru  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Take Me Out (2/2)
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(A/N): ehem, this second part’s a little steamy (by my standards lol)
Part 1 here!
The next time you had found yourself in the king of curses’ domain, it was the first time you properly saw him in his physical form. 
“You could at least be a little nicer to me, Sukuna.” you expressed your disappointment of not being greeted warmly by the curse when you had made your way to the bottom of his throne of skulls. “I accepted your date even without seeing what you looked like first. The least you could do is say hi the first time we meet officially.”
Leaning on the side of the throne with his chin rested on his hand, he clicked his tongue at you.
“I should just kill you right now and get it over with.”
But you weren’t even listening, too distracted with staring at Sukuna’s appearance. Having always talked to the curse on Yuuji’s cheek, his physical form was unfamiliar to you. 
You unconsciously bit your bottom lip when your eyes trailed down his body, taking in every one of its features. Even though most of his torso was covered by the robe, anyone could tell he had a fit physique. Your appreciative stares seemed to further inflate his already large ego, prompting him to suddenly rip apart his white robe to properly showcasing his form.
Not that you were complaining. Not one bit.
Watching your still-dazed look with a pleased grin, he teleported down from his throne to where you were standing. 
“I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t think you were a pervert as well.” Sukuna smirked, smugly. 
Unknowingly, you swallowed at the sudden close proximity. It took everything in you not to reach out and touch his abs that were presented before you. 
After realizing you weren’t going to tear your eyes away from his chest anytime soon, Sukuna grabbed your chin with two fingers, pointing your face upward towards his.
“Eyes up here, woman.” he ordered you.
Meeting his eyes, you gulped at the look in them. And your breath hitched when his gaze flitted down to your lips.
A second later, his lips came down on yours.
Your eyes widened at the sensation of his mouth devouring yours, but it didn’t take long for you to adjust to the situation. You could feel him smirk when you returned the kiss with equal fervor. 
One of his hands wrapped around the back of your head, the other around your waist, pulling you in closer. Whatever space there was between the two of you was nonexistent now. Even when the two of you pulled apart in order for you to breathe, he didn’t let go of his hold on you. 
The room was filled with your heavy pants when the two of you finally broke away from each other. 
Sukuna observed your dazed look and swollen lips with a satisfied look on his face. It was the first time you were the flustered one, unable to say anything.
And when the strong force pulled at his consciousness, yanking him back to his designated resting corner in Yuuji’s brain, a devious plan brewed in his mind.
Unbeknownst to you, something had been brewing in Sukuna’s mind ever since your previous encounter with him. And on the next assignment you had with the brat, he was going to put the plan into action.
But when the opportunity came the following week, he was met with the sight of you laying on the ground, clutching your stomach in pain. A steady stream of blood was seeping through your fingers, while a smaller trail leaked from the corner of your mouth. Cackling from an unidentified curse was heard over your coughing of blood, the laughter mocking the current state your were in.
At the sight of your injuries and loss of blood, Sukuna’s brows furrowed. He didn’t comment on your situation, instead choosing to direct his attention to the curse that was celebrating your currently wounded state.
When the curse noticed Sukuna’s glare, it flinched under his gaze. 
Realizing who had just entered the room and knowing the obvious outcome if it stayed in the king of curses’ presence any longer, the weaker curse tried to make a run for it. But before it could it could take a step back, its body was slashed into large chunks- thick, black liquid pooling on the ground from the sudden dismemberment. The head of the curse, fully detached from its body, dropped to the floor; briefly rolling a few feet away before coming to a stop on the side of its cheek.
Sukuna grinned in satisfaction as he watched the curse’s dark blood spew out from the its mouth. He neared the now detached head, shoes scrunching from all the blood on the floor. 
“You touched what’s mine.” he stated, with a psychotic smile.
Now, unable to attempt any form of escape, the bloodshot eyes on the severed head widened in terror at the stronger curse in the room. 
Placing a foot on the dismembered head, Sukuna’s smile dropped. 
“Now you’ll die.” 
All of the dismembered body parts were suddenly engulfed in burning cursed flames- and despite being detached to the rest of it’s body, the curse was able to feel the pain of each lick of fire. 
The curse’s face scrunched in pain from the pressing on it’s head from Sukuna’s foot, An only watch as all its body parts were suddenly engulfed in burning red flames, feeling the pain of each lick of the fire despite being detached to the rest of its body. 
Once the fire dissipated after there was nothing left to burn, Sukuna pressed down heavily on the dismembered head; a series of crunches sounding from beneath his foot until nothing stood in the way between his shoe and the floor.
A cough brought Sukuna’s attention back to you.
You hadn’t moved from your original spot, still laying down on the floor; struggling to take in a breath without coughing. He teleported to where you were, the weak curse now out of the way.
A trail of red leaked from the hand you had used to cover your mouth with. And the bright liquid stained the shirt you wore, darkening the white fabric with each drop.
“I guess I’m not going to be able to make it to our date.” you chuckled weakly, staring up at him. Your lips were coated with a mix of dried and fresh blood.
“You’re not going to die.” Sukuna muttered. “I told you, I’m going to be the one who kills you.” 
Placing a hand out, he used the Reverse Cursed technique to direct his cursed energy into sealing up your gaping wounds. In an instant, you were healed. Well, for the most part. The pain from the previous wounds still lingered in your nerves and there was the fact that you had lost quite a good amount of blood, causing your head to spin when you tried to stand up.
Your whole body groaned in protest as you forced your legs to support the rest of your weight; swaying a bit before grabbing onto the nearest stable thing- which was Sukuna. He didn’t seem to mind too much being used as a substitute for a wall, seeing as you weren’t pushed back onto the ground by him.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” you said, clutching your spinning head with a moan. 
The overwhelming presence of iron from the blood on your lips left a bad taste in your mouth. You leaned further onto him for support, trying to avoid looking at spinning floor by closing your eyes.
“Don’t throw up on me, woman.”
You breathed in and out deeply, trying to ignore the pungent smell of blood filling your senses, instead focusing on the musky scent coming from the person in front of you. You wondered if the scent belong to him or Yuuji, since the body technically belonged to the latter of the two.
“Distract me, then.” you replied without thought. 
Expecting another monologue on ways he was going to murder you in cold blood, you mentally braced yourself. 
But to your surprise, he remained silent. Instead, he grabbed your chin, lifting it up to his face.
Your eyes opened blearily in an attempt to figure out what his plan was.  Focusing your blurry, spinning vision, your eyes fixated on the suspicious smirk on his face. Before you could deduce where you had seen the specific smirk- without warning, he enveloped your lips with his own. And when he finally let you breathe, your were sure your head was spinning for a different reason than before.
He held your gaze with dark eyes, making a show of licking some of your blood that had gotten on his bottom lip. The action should have disgusted you, but you could only react with a hard swallow.
You gave him a questioning look when the smirk on his face quickly morphed into a frown. It was when the black marks decorating his body began fading away, that you realized Yuuji was regaining control of his body again.
“(Y/N)-senpai, are you okay?” Yuuji’s face turned into worry after registering your current appearance. “Sukuna wasn’t the one who did this to you, was he?”
You shook your head, giving your kouhai a reassuring smile. 
“No, just the opposite actually.”
“That’s a relief!” Yuuji gave a sigh of relief, completely clueless of what had just happened.
It seemed Sukuna had finally come up with the best way to kill you off. 
The cause of your death; prolonged loss of breath due to kissing. Whether this method was going to be effective or not, Sukuna was definitely attempting to find out through a series of experimentations. 
The moment that Sukuna was able to take control of his host’s body, he would seek you out wherever you were on campus, and you somehow always ended up sandwiched between him and a couch, or a wall, or the floor, or a bed, etc. After a round of suffocating you with his lips, he would allow you to catch your breath for a brief moment, giving you the false hope that you could finally breathe like a normal person.  Once he deemed you had breathed enough to continue, he would attack your lips once again, repeating the cycle right until he was forced to hand the reigns of control back to Yuuji.
To say that you tried stopping him would be a blatant lie. Besides, if he was always locking lips with you during his time of control, it meant he wasn’t out somewhere on a killing spree or committing mass genocide of some kind. It was a difficult(?) sacrifice, yes, but one that you were very willing to take for the greater good.
“Mffm- Su-“ you words were again interrupted by his addicting lips. 
Before you could succumb to his temptation for the fifth time that hour, you placed your hands firmly against his cheeks, pulling them away from your face.
“Sukuna, I need to go or I’m going to miss my flight.” you tried to convince him.
But your words fell on deaf ears, as he swatted away your hands, trying to near your lips again.
“Miss it then,” he grumbled.
It took all of your willpower to back away out of his enticing reach.
“As much as we would both like me to stay,” you laughed at his scoff of denial, “my flight leaves in an hour.”
You couldn’t help but grin at him, his disgruntled look resembling somewhat of a childish pout.
“Fine then, get lost.” he griped, but didn’t make a move to get off of you.
“Is that really your parting words to me?” you jokingly frowned. “What if I die out there, Sukuna? This is your last chance to leave behind no regrets and finally confess your secret love for me.”
“I’m the one who’s going to kill you, woman. I’ll confess my undying love for you then.“ he said sarcastically.
“So you do love me.” 
“Tch.” Sukuna rolled his eyes at your cheekiness. “Just don’t get killed out there by some weak-ass curse, like last time.”
You patted his cheek gently with a grin. “Don’t worry, I won’t miss our date. I’m looking forward to it too much to die now.”
He sighed once again at your flirtation, now used to your teasing. He motioned to get off from you, but was stopped by a tug on his shirt. 
He raised a brow at your hand gripping down onto his clothing. “You just said you had to leave, woman. Make up your mind.”
“I guess I could catch one of the later flights.” you reasoned with a grin.
And this time you were the one reaching for his lips. 
*(A/N): hehe, this was supposed to be angsty but then somehow it ended up like this lol. anyways, thank you for reading~ ^^
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