#only cost me an arm and a leg and a few organs
stayatsam · 29 days
yay my new computer came! they got rid of the butterfly keyboard on the new model thank god, the mac butterfly keyboard was a nightmare
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craisinsensation1029 · 3 months
Suguru Geto
i love geto thats it
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fem reader, established relationship, semi public sex ig???, cockwarming<33
~900 words
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Geto loves it when you sit in his lap.
No matter the time, no matter the season, there’s no practical use for a chair when Geto is in your presence.
In the height of summer? Of course he watches as your little sundress or mini skirt rides up as the back of your thighs nestle onto the top of his own.
In the dead of winter? Even in your big, puffy jacket and legs clad in sweatpants, he’s still urging your ass to take refuge on his crotch. 
At a party? Where else would you be sitting but in his lap, his arms snaking around your midsection, his broad chest pressing against your back. Don’t let musical chairs be played at this party, he’ll drag your ass down into his seat with him whether or not it costs him the game.
He’s always so shameless, shifting just so you can feel his cock hardening beneath your ass, thrusting his hips up so subtly it cuts you off as you speak. When you’d whip your head around he would just have an innocent smile on his face, arms curling around you tighter and ask, “Everything alright?”
And don’t even get started on when you guys go to the movies. Very early on you noticed he had a particular preference, two actually.
First, he only liked going a few weeks after the hype died down and second, he always liked to sit in the back row.
Today is no different as you walk hand in hand into the nearly empty theater. A few people are sitting in the front rows, but you and Geto make your way towards your seats in the back.
“C’mon,” Geto urges quietly with a hand on your thigh as darkness begins to shroud the theater. “Sit with me.”
“Suguru…” you murmur back. It already looks like it’s going to be another thirty dollars of movie tickets down the drain. “When we get home.”
“Just for a little.” Even in the darkness you can tell that he has that pout on his face, the one that makes your knees buckle and give into anything he pleases. “Please?”
So you stand, shifting from your seat to his, wriggling down and getting comfortable. It’s such a perfect fit, his muscular thighs cradling the plushness of your ass and thighs.
Not even five minutes into the movie you start to feel his cock thickening beneath you, throbbing against your ass as his hands lazily drum against the top of your thighs. 
Focusing on the movie might as well be rocket science, the only sensory organ of yours seeming to be in working order is touch, body buzzing with arousal and his hands start to inch up higher and higher. His hands are now kneading the upper portion of your thighs having found their way beneath your skirt, thumbs dangerously close to your heat, cock still pulsing beneath your ass. 
“Suguru.” It’s hard to discern what you’re asking for. A plea for more? A request for him to stop? No, you never want him to stop.
“Hm?” His voice sends a shiver down your spine, making you writhe slightly in his lap. “Oh, stay still, baby. Won’t be able to watch the movie if you’re going to move around like that.”
With the way one of his thumbs is now ghosting over your clit that's throbbing in your panties and his hips lazily moving upward, you’re pretty sure he isn’t watching this damn movie. But you entertain him, looking straight ahead though you might as well be staring at static on a television.
The ghosting over your bud turns into a firm press as he registers your thighs pressing tightly together, chuckling when a soft moan escapes your lips. “Gotta stay quiet,” he teases. “Don’t think anyone else will be able to enjoy the movie if you’re too loud.”
Another choked moan breaks free from your lips as his thumb starts to rub circles around your clit, two fingers nudging aside the crotch of your underwear as he feels the slickness starting to make a mess between your legs. 
He only groans, cock steadily pulsing against your ass as he continues to apply pressure against your clit, just letting his fingers collect your arousal. He doesn’t make a motion to soothe your now quivering hole, just enjoying the weight and warmth against his crotch as you let your body rest against his chest.
“You know,” he begins, silky voice right in your ear. “There’s an even better way you can sit with me.”
There’s not a moment to respond before the pressure against your clit is gone. A soft whine breaks free from your lips but then you feel it, a hot and heavy thickness against your back. “What do you say?”
He’s crazy, but what does that make you for agreeing? Insane, probably.
He holds his cock steady as your teeth sinks into your bottom lip, holding back a guttural moan as your heat begins to envelop him inch by inch.“Shit,” he hisses once your ass meets his skin, your cunt instantly clenching around his length. “You got the best seat in the house baby, just sit back and relax.”
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ladystarksneedle · 7 months
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The eye of awe
Aemond x maid reader
Summary: A maid at the Keep relishes in the sweetness of gratitude.
Word count: 1.2k
Dividers by @saradika
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She hears the familiar clang of steel as she passes through the courtyard, wicker basket in hand daring to glance at the flash of silver dancing in the sun. He moves with the fluidity of men from myth, of childhood tales told by mothers of the Realm willing their meddlesome children to bed. Stories of agile and fearsome warriors fighting to save kingdoms of might and maidens of beauty, slender and graceful with their arms and legs, dancing to tunes of mystery. She finds him to have both, equal parts grace and ferocity as he dodges another blow before his blade lands against his opponent's throat. As the crowd erupts in applause she ducks under the archway leading indoors. Just like her childhood, her escape for the day is at its end and her eyes wide open to the life ahead.
Work at the Red Keep is equal parts arduous as it is rewarding. Despite her young age, she's been promoted from a scullery maid to working in service to the one eyed prince himself. She assists him daily, organizing his clothes, tidying his chambers, ordering his baths, serving his meals and above all making sure the order he has in place is never disrupted.
“Chaos is only tackled well on the battlefield” he'd said to her when she was brought to him “I do not expect an ounce near me. Should I find you lacking, you'll be sent away before you can make your apologies.”
His return to his chambers is angrier than usual. His bath lies ready at his disposal, his clothes laid out meticulously on the bed. A linen tunic, leather surcoat and coat, linen breeches, trousers of wool and two leather belts lined with gold are arranged in that order, all in shades of ivory, black and brown, adorned with the familiar three headed dragon glinting in gold ready to greet him once he finishes. The only piece of cloth that remains askew is his eyepatch discarded on the dresser in haste, as she stands waiting outside, unwilling to initiate change.
It is the only one he wears rather religiously despite its condition. It is whispered by the maids in passing, that it was Princess Helaena who made it for him, ever since he lost his eye at ten, the dreaded incident never spoken of lest one incur his wrath. It is said that the wound itself was inflicted by a lad of eight, his own nephew, for a purpose widely disputed by all she's heard from. She finds the whole thing rather nasty, a cruel punishment or perhaps an unfair trial from the Gods. The others think it rather fitting for a man so cruel to be felled in such a way, yet she finds it akin to being cursed, for him to be so beautiful yet troubled. Despite his harshness and cold gaze, he's been nothing but courteous to her which is the most she can expect from any master she serves and is far better than one with grabby hands and wayward eyes. He's expectant and demanding, yet acknowledges a task well done. Perhaps it is his look of quiet praise on a hard day that carries her to the markets at noon, skipping her meal with ease. The leather she requires has been borrowed from scraps cleaned at the dressmaker’s, earning her a bewildered gaze and an equally prompt dismissal. The clasp she looks for however, costs a silver dragon. It is a lot, nearly half of her earnings yet she parts with them willingly. The gold ornament burns her palms as she heads back in time to resume her duties, a thrilled smile on her face.
She's been taught how to sew since she was a child, enough to be able to fix a hole, a gape or tear in both tunic and chemise alike.
She has fixed her father's breeches after a hard day's work and her brothers’ after they'd torn theirs running through the crowded streets of King's landing. Even stitching a wound comes easy to her now, having learned how to do so, after a shoddy job a few moons back, when coin had run dry to turn to the local healer. She smiles to herself as she pulls the threads through the leather at hand. It is brown enough to hide the gaps in her work and though it isn't as fine as the embroidery of a lady she's satisfied with it nonetheless. She stares at her little contraption in awe as she finishes in time. It has a single strap running across its breath held together by a gold button she'd found lying on the floor. On its side she's opted for a sturdier one with the golden clasp holding it all together behind, a single flame for the prince she serves, the closest she'll ever come to the might of the dragon.
There's a feast to be held tonight, in honor of his nameday. Guests from all over the Realm have arrived and as the Keep buzzes with excitement of the festivities at dusk and she finds it hard to contain her own delight. There is much work to be done before she can part with her surprise. She tends to him soon, dressing him for dinner in leathers of green and black, clasping the familiar worn out strap as he leaves grumbling. It is hours later when she sees him again as she's summoned by the familiar ring of the bell in her quarters. She creeps to his room in trepidation, hands clasped behind her back as she greets and readies him for bed, her gift heavy in her pocket. As he turns to dismiss her she looks at him shyly
“If you don't mind me saying, I'd like to wish you a happy nameday my prince”
He nods in response, humming as he makes his way to the fireplace, seating himself as he stares ahead.
“I have something for you” she continues moving towards him as he looks up “It isn't much but a mere token of my gratitude” she says extending her hand. “Thank you, for everything” she continues, stopping as she looks at him. He takes the leather in his hand, turning it over in silence.
When she was a child her mother had taken her to see her aunt. It was the first trip she'd taken outside the capital to visit a dying woman and provide her comfort. As they'd returned she'd shown her the sky, full of stars at night, bright and beautiful away from the haze of the city.
“Your aunt's up there now girl, watching over you just as I'll be someday” she'd said pointing to the drops of light adorning the skies.
His eye runs over the gold in hand, flame fitting into his palm like it belongs, shining like the stars of a forgotten past.
“Come, help me wear it” he remarks as he leans back.
As she clasps it in place and curtsies, she’s lost to dreams of silver chased with a flame of gold.
Clashes of steel greet her the next morn, a flame of gold glinting in the sun. Her dreams don't end with the battle at hand anymore, for the mighty warrior now carries a part of the maiden with him and she's content to hold his gaze just a little longer.
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Taglist: @witheredoffherwitch @arcielee @chompchompluke @barbieaemond @watercolorskyy
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walli3darl1ng · 1 year
Okay hear me out!?
Shapeshifter reader????
Like they can shapeshift into whatever animal, person, puppet. Oh oh! And reader loves to prank the welcome home crew, like one second there wally the next there Barnaby! 'Buying' apples from howdy!
I just love the ideas the morning gives me so here we are lol
From: a new friend 🌜
To: you!💖
BRO reader is such a prankster! Like not to the point of annoyance ( you don’t do it everyday) but to the point that everyone is just cautious and fearful of each other.
I see them having code words or phrases with each other to make sure it’s not you like:
Wally Sees Barnaby
“Hey, Buddy. What’s in apple pie?”
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You have a unique ability, a gift some say. But you can change forms to who ever and whatever you’ve seen with your own eyes. Sadly, no you can’t change into a mermaid or dragon.
If you physically seen the living organisms or object you can turn into it!
You’re been living at the Welcome Home neighborhood for a while now, you remember the time you first got here.
First terrorizing the neighborhood as the iconic black cat; dubbed ‘the neighborhood’s chaos’ or just ‘Chaos’.
scaring Eddie when he would open up the mailboxes to deliver mail.
“Ah!- Chaos! Off you go!”
Scare the butterflies away when Frank would try and catch them. Using the poor guy as a stepping still to get to them.
“No, Chaos!”
Take Julie’s dolls and hide them.
“No, no, Chaos! Not Mr. Wiggins!”
Steal merchandise from Howdy’s.
“What was that noise? Chaos! You better not be taking the jalapeños!”
Scaring Barnaby…just to scare him.
“Good, good, chaos…Ah!!”
“Barnaby, they haven’t noticed us yet..”
Never leaving Sally alone.
“Chaos, stop, no don’t scratch that!”
And with Wally…well let’s say it’s a love-hate relationship. You’ll mess up his painting, splash around the pant and make Home dirty. Yet, he can’t stay mad at the adorable, big eyed cat face.
“Chaos, you know not to mess with my paints…”
Now you’re not all bad. No you’re misunderstood. You just wanted attention and stumbled about the neighborhood filled with new friends! Poppy’s the only one to see that, she’ll always keep a bowl of good and water for you and will sometimes have you around while she bakes.
Now it’s a big misunderstanding how you manage to join the neighborhood and let’s say it cost you your leg.
You still have it by the way, don’t worry.
They had a meeting about your mischievous ways. And traps were set, one caught you and injured your leg. And to get a better look you changed back to your form but that was the same time they check the traps and saw you.
“Yeah-well-I..it’s actually Y/n.”
And that was a few months ago and you’re all healed up. Wally was strolling down the street when he sees you skipping along. And well if you’re you, he doesn’t need to worry.
“Hey, neighbor!”
“Oh! Hi, cutie. Are you going to Howdy’s for an apple? I’m getting a jalapeño.” You smile. You always give the neighborhood nickname and treat them with love because well, that’s how you are! And because you feel bad for terrorizing then for so long.
“Mhm! But I need a favor.”
You walk inside with a chime from the bell above the door and greet Howdy. “Hi, Big Brother!”
“Good afternoon, sweetheart! Are you here for a jalapeño?” He muses with a smile and shuffles your hair.
You nod and hold you arms out with your palms up to receive your treat and then asked him for an apple. For extra sweetness? Regardless he gave it to you.
Next was Wally, who only gets one for obvious reasons.
Then, Barnaby, what’s with everyone wanting apples?
Then it was poppy getting her supply for baking sweets and when he saw that her feathers were a little discolored he knew it was you, but how can he prove it?
“Apples for apple pie, poppy?”
“Well, yeah, of course-“
“Y/n i know it’s you.”
“How?!” You didn’t have time! Run! “Wally! He’s onto us!”
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This is the best I could do while listening to this lecture🫠
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1-800-lauritt · 1 year
Sell yourself to me
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Pair(s) : Kokonoi Hajime x F!Reader
Warning(s) : hinted bribing , unhealthy behavior , hinted age-gap , oral ( male receiving ) , pet names , teasing , prostitution , dark themes , manipulation , gangs/criminal organization , fingering , other warnings might not be added atm .
Word Count : 700+
Prompt : A struggling prostitute in need of money to feed her family is given the chance to earn money, but at a cost. 
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Had she never been told to sell her body for money, she would be rotting in the streets along with her only family. While she knew better than to throw herself at the devil's door, this said devil could keep a roof over her and her family's heads.
( Name ) had been warned by other co-workers of Bonten's latest visits to the brothel. Wary of criminals, she remained far from anything associated with them. But with money on the line, she had no other choice but to accept.
Kokonoi sat comfortably on the couch while moaning and choking noises filled the room.
A young girl, not any older than 20, sat at his feet. Her outmost attention to the work at hand. She massaged and stroked his veiny length with her smooth hands, whilst her mouth did all the other work to pleasure him.
" Ah uhm.. Just like that.. "
He let out a whimper, leaning his head back and pushing his hips up, letting his length hit the corner of her cum-filled throat.
The sudden sensation of fresh cum dripping down her throat startled her. She pulled her head away, she held no delight in choking on his hardened cock.
Kokonoi watched with a smirk as she choked on his cum. In a quick thought, he grasped her arm and pulled her up on the couch with him.
She sat beside him, her knees feeling like jello beside him. He took up his hand and began to caress her cheek. " You did amazing, princess. " ( name ) was taken back by the sudden nickname. She felt like royalty.
Kokonoi pushed her onto the couch, her back making a harsh slap at the contact of the leather. Startled by the sudden push, she attempted to pull herself up just for her to get pushed back down. He grasped her throat at that moment, leaning down to her ear.
"Hush, just relax and stay still. You worked hard enough, let me take care of you, princess. " He whispered, letting go after he saw no more signs of panic.
He took no time to undress her out of her soaking underwear. Yanking and throwing them across the room. Kokonoi dropped his head on the crook of her neck, taking an exasperated breather of her perfume.
As though time felt quicker than usual, he wasted no time, stuffing her soaked heat with his fingers. He quickly pumped his finger in and out, observing every inch of her reactions.
Out of breath from all the exhilarating emotions, ( name )'s mouth hung wide, low whimpers escaping every time he pumped deeper into her.
Kokonoi pulls out his fingers from the overbearing heat. His fingers were covered to the brim with her lavish juices. He stuck his tongue out, licking clean his fingers.
"Don't do that!" She yelps, embarrassed by his sudden action. "Divine, just as i expected." He praises, pulling his pants completely down, leaving nothing but his bare skin.
He returns to your side, this time, having their chests touch one another. Kokonoi positions his cock to your entrance.
( name ) had a moment to think, she felt nervous. Of course, he wasn't as big as the other men she slept with. However, someone with this power can take her life just by the wrong sound or movement.
With a shake of her head, all those thoughts vanished. He began slowly, taking his time as he entered your entrance. Not long after, a few seconds later, he began to speed up.
( name ) wrapped her legs around his figure while he gripped on her hips. " Ah, baby girl, tight! All mine, only mine " he chants at every slam of his hips to hers.
Unable to respond rationally, ( name ) moaned at every little movement she or he made. She observed him as his mouth moved, though all the words he had spoken just then had been drowned out by her moans.
He took no break, continuously pounding and fucking her dumb.
Not long after, Kokonoi took one last slam of his cock into her, taking no time to ejaculate at her. He let out an exhausted groan at him, filling her up. His knuckles turned white from the grip he had on her waste.
He slid his body onto hers, pressing his lips against hers. As an instinct, she wrapped her arms around Kokonoi's neck, pressing her own body further against him. His lips formed a cunning smirk, his hands moving down and gripping her bum.
" Absolute gorgeous— " He mutters in between sensual oral contact. " —And all mine to own. " Alarms blared in her head at his word choices, but she was far too tired to do anything.
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I'll be honest, this was a quick thing. I don't have much skill at writing these types of fics, so I do apologize. I hope you enjoyed it. 
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youmenotyummy · 1 year
Converse High – P.SH [박성훈]{CH. 16}
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Synopsis: Shin Y/N was given the task to deliver her best friend's love letter to the shoe locker of Park Sunghan, the president of the broadcasting club. It just so happened to be that Park Sunghan's shoe box is situated right next to the shoe box of Park Sunghoon, a boy whose name had a one-syllable difference.
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TUESDAY, 12:27 p.m. — Janitor's Closet, Decelis Academy
Y/N picked at pieces of lint on the sleeves of her cardigan as she sat in the janitor's closet. The smell of cleaning supplies and air freshener wafted in the air of the enclosed space. Her back was leaning against the wall, and her legs were pulled in, allowing the girl to rest her chin on top of her knees. This wasn't the best place to be, but it allowed her to have alone time where she could organize her thoughts and avoid the possibility of breaking down if anyone were to ask if she were okay. Thank goodness nobody comes to this hallway—
"Y/N? Are you in there?" Damn. Before the person could open the door, Y/N reached for the lock on the doorknob in attempt to keep them from coming into the closet; this mission, however, failed. The smack of a broomstick falling to the ground could be heard. Y/N cursed her arm for bumping into the cleaning tool and making it fall.
"Curse you, broom."
"Yup, you're definitely in there."
The doorknob twisted, and the door was pulled open. Temporarily blinded by the light that shone through, Y/N took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust before seeing Sunghoon tower over her. Sunghoon stepped inside of the closet and over the fallen broom, then he sat down across from the girl after closing the door.
"What are you doing..?"
"Sitting down." Sunghoon sat criss-crossed and scooted backwards until his back touched the cardboard boxes behind him. "So, wanna tell me why you're in a dark closet instead of with Chaewon and Sunoo in your classroom? Sunoo bought you your favorite drink, you know."
Y/N let out a small, breathy, humorless laugh through her nose. "Just don't feel like having lunch with them today, is all."
"Is that really the reason?" A short silence followed Sunghoon's question. Y/N sighed before shaking her head.
"I can't be with Chaewon today. I feel like a criminal."
"Woah there, what exactly did you do to make you feel like that? Crash her car? Step on her foot? Drown her fish?"
"Fish can't drown, Sunghoon."
"I knew that!" The boy quickly tried to cover himself up. At the cost of his embarrassment, he was able to elicit a small laugh out of the girl across from him.
"It's just..." Y/N looked back down at her sleeves and continued picking at the balls of lint. "Chaewon has someone she really likes, except that person confessed to me not too long ago. He's also a good friend of mine too, so you can imagine how awkward it kind of is, haha." Y/N gave up on her sleeves and instead hugged her legs closer to her with her arms resting on top of her knees. She leaned her head back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling of the closet.
"This isn't the first time this happened."
"Oh?" Sunghoon's attention was piqued. "What do you mean by that?"
"In junior high, there was this guy Chaewon has been crushing on since, what, third grade of primary school? I really thought they would finally get together, and I even tried playing cupid by being Chaewon's wingwoman. My initial plan was to help her ask that guy to our school's dance, and if he said no then I would be the one to take her. But not even before I had the chance to tell her my plan, he asked me to be his date to the dance."
"Was Chaewon there?"
"Oh yeah. She was right next to me."
"Right? The worst part is that she ran away after she heard him. We were only thirteen or fourteen around this time, and obviously I've never known what true heartbreak felt like, but when I saw her try to get as far away as possible from me, I felt like my world came crashing down. I was so scared that I was going to lose my best friend. Luckily for me, she's the kindest girl in the world, and she forgave me the next day, haha."
Y/N dropped her head and buried them in her arms. "But what if I really lose her this time?"
"Hey, hey, don't say that." Sunghoon leaned forward and reached out to gently rub Y/N's head. He oh so badly wanted to hug her right now. Prior to meeting her, Sunghoon had almost no experience with comforting a friend. The best he was able to do was give Jake a thumbs up after getting dumped in front of all of their friends. With little to no experience, Sunghoon internally panicked and desperately wished he could use WikiHow and search up 'what to do when a friend is about to burst into tears'.
"What if I told you I got into a fight with Heeseung because of a love letter I got one time."
"Heeseung?" Y/N looked up. "The really tall guy on the rugby team?"
"We're only three centimeters apart, mind you... but yes." Sunghoon shifted his seating position just as he shifted the topic of the conversation. "Anyways, he punched me in the stomach because I rejected a girl that confessed to me. Well, attempted to reject her. The thing with me is that I can't reject someone to their face even if I tried. I'd spend days trying to figure out how to put the other person down nicely, but the right words never come to me, so I end up not responding at all.
He'd get annoyed and call me prissy every time I got confessed to and didn't respond, but he punched me this one time because I didn't give that specific girl the closure she needed."
"Why specifically that girl?"
"Because she's his first love. He's had a crush on her since first grade."
"Oh wow. I don't know if I should say that that punch was deserved."
"I'd totally get it if you did." Sunghoon laughed. "But the point is, feelings are inevitable, and we can't control the feelings of other people. Yeah, Chaewon might just sock you like Heeseung did to me, but just know that negative feelings don't last forever. If Heeseung and I are still friends to this day, there's no way you and Chaewon can't last. Plus, you care about her so much. It'd be a waste to let go of someone that loves me just as much as you love her."
"Geez Sunghoon, way to make a girl get emotional." Y/N patted her eyes with the fabric of her sleeves. She looked up at the boy and smiled; exhaustion was still evident on her face. "But thank you. I really appreciated that. I don't know why, but every time I'm with you, it always ends up as a therapy session," she laughs.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Nope," Y/N lightly jabs Sunghoon's arm. "Thank you for always healing me, Dr. Park." If she kept that up, Sunghoon might change his career plans just as quickly as his heart was beating. If it meant getting daily praise and thanks from her, Sunghoon didn't mind working as a therapist.
"So will you talk to Chaewon later today?" There was a brief silence before Y/N spoke up.
"I don't know... I'm still kind of scared."
"Y/N," Sunghoon called out. "If things don't go well, I'm always here for you. We'll find a way to get you two back to normal even if it takes all year, okay?" A sweet, genuine smile painted itself on the girl's face as she looked at him with glassy eyes.
"If I try talking to Chaewon today, will you try to properly formulate responses to the love letters you get?"
Sunghoon sighed, "Deal." A small smile tugged at his lips.
"Good. Now let's get out of here, Ice Prince."
"Oh my gosh, please don't call me that. You sound like Sunoo."
"Why not? It's cute."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Y/N Bond."
"Now see, I actually don't mind that one."
"You are so weird," Yet so endearing, Sunghoon thought.
Extra #15! Peeking into the Film-Making Club / Basketball Club Collab...🕵️‍♀️🎥🏀⛹️
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Taglist: @luvistqrzzz @svnghoonsonly @aernx @thesassy-mia @ak-aaa-li @yumilovesloona @loveleejn @shinrjj @miercerise @jiaant11 @sngvhs
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onyourhyuck · 2 years
Darling, Venom. | Lee Jeno (M) Part 1.
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Synopsis: In the billionaire world there is only one rule to follow. Trust no one. Heo Yuri returns to South Korea from the States after five years to develop her rising business, on the way she rekindles with old faces, one being Lee Jeno.
Warnings: Smut, Mature content/Language, Millionaire’s world, Arranged Marriage, Enemies To Lovers, Childhood Enemies, Expect lots of slow burn. Yuri is petty and Jeno is a dick.
Everyone has a purpose when living right?
Living organisms on earth all have their niche on this residing planet. Such as Animals surviving together in the economy, wanting to breed and hunt for food to live another hellish day. It is exactly the same in a billionaire’s world.
Heo Yuri views this living as a game. She is the queen and everyone is the pawn to her decisions on the battlefield.
The strutting woman with a daring face steps out the black limousine once the chauffeur has made its destination by the sidewalk, underneath the red carpet leading right up to the modern three level flooring mansion, possibly costing millions. By the side the young woman was attentive to her heavy luggages and bags.
Coming from the states to Korea was a rough journey , wouldn’t want the boss’ daughter get tired right? Yuri knew this. She smirks simply, no words needed. No thank yous, nothing.
The moment the footsteps belonging to Yuri were heard as well as her expensive dress and classy hair tied in a low slick bun came into view to other workers and servants, they greet her but gain no response from the girl. People can’t help but whisper how cruel and cold she is.
Not wasting time, Yuri barges in the front door. “Father!” She shouts across, intense eye contact glaring right in those brown wrinkles ahead. The man leans back in the chair sighing leisurely, as if he didn’t just know why his daughter returned to korea in the first place. “Ah, Yuri-ah, sit sit.” He commends.
The woman scoffing loudly, pushing the door roughly to slam, a big wind shushing the silence in the office-like room. Mr Heo watches silently, awaiting as he demands. He won’t tell her once. Yuri knew better but to sit down, cross legs with her upset long face.
“Don’t play the nice active father when you have always been absent in my life.” Yuri throws, Mr Heo laughing. “Of course I won’t, I would rather end myself than deal with you.”
The girl cheeks a nasty glare, gritting the teeth on the inside of the tongue. “Why have you sent me back to Korea. I know you have an alternative motive.” Yuri grimly tells.
Mr Heo shrugs, surely hiding a secret that is yet to be unfold. Yuri stared blankly at the older man in the office chair, she felt her hands clench the chairs arms on the side in anger. The man wasn’t breaking down to tell her the truth, it boils the blood warm.
Yuri inhales sharply. “I’m going back to the states if this was for nothing.” He hears her say. Yuri un-crosses the legs and then stands up, walking to the door she only slammed few minutes ago. Mr Heo stands up roughly grabbing a hold of Yuri’s wrist.
“Heo Yuri!” Mr Heo yelled, pulling the daughter to face him forcefully. She glared back, snatching the wrist off his tight gran. “What, father!” Yuri shouts.
“You’re not leaving back to states until you join me for dinner tonight and that is an order.” He adds under the Breathe. “It is an order on the Heo family.”
Yuri looks away, biting the bottom lip in fuming anger. The family have an order that every Heo family have to follow, essentially meaning if it helps the business of the family to get richer beneficially— they have to do it without a word question.
“Only because it’s business.” Yuri replies later, turning out of the room and leaving Mr Heo alone. He sighs as he turns around, met eyes with an older grey-haired woman. “Miss Yoon, please prep my daughter for tonight’s dinner.”
“Yes master Heo.”
The dinner was truly a mystery, it was killing Heo Yuri inside and out but something else burned, supposedly curiosity erects within her. If it was merely business, he should deal with it himself. Why does Yuri have to come from the states back to the motherland, just to have business dinner with some old men like she always does in the states?
What makes it so different? Yuri couldn’t understand it other than something else being the reason for Yuri being there.
Either way, she will find out tonight. It wasn’t a good feeling though. The car drive to the V.I.P restaurant was a decently average timing, enough for Yuri and Mr Heo to not kill each other in the car. Their relationship was never good and it only deformed badly once her mother died.
“Mr Heo and Miss Heo, welcome.” The restaurant owner greets when helping both heavy influences in the economy of where people live. Mr Heo smiles greeting back, but Miss Heo wasn’t so willing to be nice. She gives a small nod with a resting face.
The food place owner gets caught off guard by the cold dry response introduction. Mr Heo noticing he directs the attention back to the building ahead. “Mind chumming us to our table? We have guests waiting.”
“Yes sir! I did not forget that.” The man replies, nervously smiling where he now brings both inside the building. It was a fancy classical five star restaurant. Yuri wasn’t used to these Korean food places, in fact she forgot the taste of her own cultural food. The most she has ate was pizza and western dishes in America. Not that she was complaining, she loves pizza.
The father and so-called daughter were met with a younger man surrounding by two older people around Mr Who’s age or even older. Yuri wide eyes turns to her father stopping midway by grabbing the hem of the suit.
He turns around looking at the hand grabbing him by the edge softly. “Yuri, behave.” Mr Heo pleads angrily. She bites her tongue harshly, speaking through the teeth when the three people approach forward. “What is He doing here, father.”
“Be quiet and sit down already.” Mr Heo said dismissing her completely. Yuri joins the man down on the chair, greeting the Lee family.
Jeno side eyes Yuri with emotionless eyes as he then greets Mr Heo with respect but when it came to the girl he simply gives a hand forward catching the girl off guard. Yuri scoffing but shaking it.
The parents catch themselves amongst a convo leaving the children out. Jeno whispering with a mocking expression. “Well well well, if it isn’t Heo Yuri back in Korea? What happened to I’m never coming back? Guess Haechan was right.”
Yuri growls snatching the hand away from him quietly so the others wouldn’t notice such negative behaviour. “What did Haechan say huh? As if I care.”
Jeno lightly smirks condescendingly. “That you’re a bane of existence Heo Yuri.” Yuri crosses arms together but turning to Mr and Mrs Lee. She turns to look at Jeno. “Why are we having dinner?”
Mr Heo pulls Yuri up from. “Oh right, I should reveal it right Mr Lee?” He laughs and the other man chuckles darkly sitting down on the chair. “Actually, Jeno already knows.”
The younger boy sits down and Yuri turns to Jeno with wide eyes . “He knows? What am I missing out on.” Yuri grasps the situation but barely, when the words ring out. The ears hearing it but somehow a large pop and the noise blocks out.
It was as if the situation paused and exploded. Yuri couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Why was her father keeping this to himself and why would he force her in this situation in the first place?
“You’re marrying Lee Jeno, Yuri.”
@onyourhyuck Please Refer from plagiarising, copyrighting and translating my work thank you!
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
Okay here's
Persona 5 Mech au
Okay so let me start off with some world building I guess.
The 2020's have been real shitty so far, but you know what would make it a lot worse? If giant monsters came from somewhere (space or something I guess) and rampaged all over. It's Kaiju time babee
Anyways to fight them humanity made big robots using the souls of the defeated creatures. Only certain people could pilot them, and the first models were so big they needed 2 pilots
However they found that the pilots kept dying. Most would have nearly half their bodies replaced with machine parts by the time they reached 25, and none had made it to age 30. A different plan was needed
Synthetic humans! They started off with two, born from, again, the souls of the defeated creatures. They were compatible with every robot, and could work well with any teammate. They recruited the best pilots to work alongside them, and turned the tide of the fight
Then they did it again, but with one synthetic pilot. This group were sent to the remote Antarctica, along with a the failed synthetic double, unit T3DD-13, a "companion" for the team
So, once monsters started getting too close to the main city, they did it again. Another synthetic human, another team of young pilots. However, not everything worked out this time around. The first chosen pilot was horribly injured in the rest fight with the Special Pilot. To save the pilot, Chief of Operations Wakaba gave him a blood transfusion, using the blood of the synthetic
Wiping the memory of the whole team, they say back and hoped this wouldn't spell the end of humanity
Anyways. Joker is a synthetic pilot who doesn't know he's not human, and Akechi now has synthetic blood in his system and it's, doing things to him. Things that aren't so great
Oh and there are solo pilot mechs. They're smaller and personalized, but they still have a few dual pilot ones for the third team
Everyone else are pilots! Through the time they've served they've had, parts replaced. I'll go over each of em under the read more, don't wanna make this too long
Real quick; replacement parts are like, super high-tech substitutes for missing or destroyed body parts. Like prosthetics but. Made to look real. Some parts work better than others
Joker! He's all synthetic. But, he does have a biological twin that looks like a cat because. Science. That's M0N-A, team 3's companion
Ryuji! During his final exam mission he and his copilot were nearly burned alive in their mech. Ryuji lost his right leg right up to the hip bone, so now he's got a replacement part
Ann! She was Ryuji's copilot, and her left arm to the elbow has been replaced. She is married to Shiho! Shiho retired after the final exam mission, where she lost both legs below the knees
Yusuke! He was the first to pilot a solo pilot mech, and he's pretty much still complete. Oh, but he did have his left eye replaced. This wasn't a mech injury he just sneezed and a paintbrush went. Into his eye.
Makoto! In the fight that cost her copilot Eiko her life, Makoto lost her heart. She's one of 22 people to have a replacement organ and live, but she's not sure if it's a good thing or not. Sometimes she feels, hollow
Futaba! For her it's the spine. It's reinforced too, but that doesn't stop her from slouching like no ones business. Hers was an accident when trying out a new method to sync pilot and mech
Haru! She's complete. Yup, she's a-okay. Her copilot quit when they passed the exam, though. She's a long distance bomber type, where injuries aren't as common
Goro! His blood is, changed. It's messing with him. Other than that, he's all clear
Sumire! Her right side. It's completely replaced, from her leg to her arm plus a few ribs and a chunk of hip. That accident was the one that took her sister too
Oh and Hifumi is also a pilot. She volunteered for a mind alteration, and has a chip in her brain that. Improves her strategy abilities. Also her left foot was replaced
Some more things I can say are the ages? Recruitment classes run every 3 years so the ages are a little more spread out
Makoto, Akechi - 25
Haru - 24
Yusuke, Shiho - 23
Joker, Ann, Ryuji - 22
Hifumi - 21
Futaba - 19
Sumire - 18
Planned ships for this are my beloved Haru and Makoto, Ann and Shiho as I said above, Joker and Akechi for the drama, with Futaba and Sumire for fun
Got some more info but I'll leave it at this for now
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gendervapor14 · 9 months
two fights for freedom ~ chapter four: warm welcome
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With a rigid nod, Rosinante knocked again, trying to keep it friendly. How did one knock in a friendly fashion? “Uh, hey!” He spoke up in a chipper tone. “I, I don’t know if anyone’s home, but uh…my name is Dante.” Rosinante eyed around, like he was paranoid of anyone eavesdropping. “I’m new around here. I’m not a fishman. I uh, I talked to Genzo? And he said you might be looking for some help. Brought a friend too, we’re both willing to pitch in if you need anything.”
No response. Rosinante leaned away from the door and glanced down to Law with a shrug. He returned the gesture.
“Sounded good to me. Maybe she’s not home.” Law decided.
Cora turned around and peered across the orchard in the distance. “Yeah, but where else could she be? He said she was crippled. Can she even leave the house?”
“Yeah, crippled is…kind of a broad term.” Law agreed quietly. “If it’s a broken leg or spine, she might not even be able to move.”
Both men startled when the door creaked open, but only a sliver. Rosinante pivoted around, catching the eye of the woman inside. She was small, to Rosinante’s standards. Taller than Law though, about the same height as Genzo, so maybe by her village’s average, she was tall. A gray, bloodshot eye stared into his fiercely.
“Get off my property.”
“H-Hey…” Rosinante spoke in a soft, easy tone, “It’s nice to meet you. Sorry for the fright, we’re not going–”
“I’m giving you ten seconds before I get my gun and blow your brains out.”
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i keep forgetting to post these!! anyway, chapter four was posted a few hours ago! the fated meeting!! slowing down in terms of progress as i go back and do some editing, but i'll keep you posted if i have to slow the once a week schedule 👍
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title: two fights for freedom rating: M category: F/M, gen content warnings: graphic depictions of violence status: incomplete, four chapters, 13,460 words relationship: rosinante/bell-mere, cora & law, rosinante & hatchan, bell-mere & rosinante & law & nami & nojiko, rosinante & genzo, bell-mere & genzo characters: rosinante, bell-mere, law, nami, nojiko, genzo, nako, hatchan, arlong, arlong pirates additional tags: canon divergent, fix-it, everybody lives, pre-arlong park, angst with a happy ending, angst and feels, fluff and humor, hurt/comfort, scheming, suggestive themes, sexual tension, limes (yes i'm bringing limes back), eventual smut, romance, slow burn, arguing, financial issues, broken bones, references to depression, referenced alcoholism, mental health issues, canon backstory, mentioned doflamingo, non-canon backstory (giving bell-mere a backstory), found family, medical inaccuracies, blood and injury, trafalgar d. water law is a little shit, developing friendships, more tags to be added later (?) summary: freedom for one means adventure. exploring all the world has to offer, while avoiding the occasional haunting. freedom for another almost costs an arm and two daughters. a home, a village. perhaps freedom is best sought back-to-back. {a cora and bell-mère lives au}
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ashes-writing · 2 years
wild one pt three | stranger things ; g.emerson
tag list || req rules + fandoms/characters ; reqs open! || got a req or a ? || masterlist
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one + two can be found by clicking. stranger things masterlist can be found here.
This story it uh... kind of has me in a chokehold, idk. Anyway, this part came to me and I thought that it'd be interesting to write out (flirting / poolside vibes ftw) so here it is, I guess?
You guys make my day for even taking the time to read my bullshit/put up with it. You have no idea how much I enjoy the interaction and how much it keeps me going more than any of you realize. Huuuuge hugs and lots of love to everyone, no matter if you're just reading, or if you comment / reblog or reblog with tags or even just turn the heart red. It really means so much to me, I mean this.
-- cheerleaders and drummers don't mix... or do they?
aka reader is a cheerleader -and a bit of a bad girl sort, and catches the attention of a certain Corroded Coffin drummer. Hilarity + other stuff chaos, i mean chaos and maybe l-o-v-e ensues.
Gareth Emerson x Fem!Reader ; reader is a cheerleader with female organs / born female. No other physical descriptors given aside from clothes and personality traits / interests.
jocks.. they are the warning. Andy -the jock, being creepy with the way he attempts to get readers attention. bloody nose/blood, swearing, vaguest hint of self esteem / body issues. A lil awkward kinda flirty / caring moment too.
@untitledarea are the only people currently on my stranger things taglist. if you'd like to be added, please click the link at top of post.
Set in S4 but Upside Down + Vecna and the deaths do not occur, nor have they ever occurred. Starcourt still exists, nobody dies. This is slice of life / summer romance turned relationship type stuff, fyi. Gareth has been aged up to 18 for this, so everybody is of age.
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The last place he wants to be is Hawkins pool, but here he is. If it weren’t for his little sisters, he’d avoid this place at all costs because it’s just one of quite a few places that he feels the most insecure about himself. He’d never say it, of course, but the fact remains.
Despite telling himself not to at least a thousand times, he’s scanning the area. You’re nowhere to be seen and he relaxes a little. If you’re not here, there’s no way he can make a bad situation worse, right?
But then he hears the squeak of the chain link gate over by the entrance and he hears the all-too familiar sound of your loud laughter. If he didn’t already know it by heart, his sister’s comment about the girl with pretty boots as she laughs and claps her hands together would’ve been enough to know you’re now present at the pool too.
You flop down into a lounge chair and throw your arm across your face dramatically.
“My legs, oh my god.” you whine out.
“Well, I mean.. You did try to maul Caroline Owens during practice, what’d you think would happen? You got laps.” Emma’s shaking her head as she starts to rub herself down with the suntan oil she’s brought along to tan. You hold up a middle finger wordlessly.
Emma notices Gareth in the kiddie end of the pool with his sisters again and nudges you. “Hey, it’s your drummer.”
“Em, he’s not my drummer. Stop. People don’t belong to other people.” you mumble the words with a wistful sigh, biting your lip as you watch him duck beneath the water and emerge, shaking his hair at his sisters, darting towards one and then the other, grabbing them both.
You tug off the oversized black t-shirt you’re wearing over your swimsuit and let it settle on the hot concrete.
There’s a neon pink float in the pool. “C’mon, Em.” you stand. She turns her nose up. “You can go right ahead. I came here to sit.”
“Fine. Sit up here and roast to death. I’m going up on the high dive. Then I’m gonna float in the water.”
“Are you sure about that? What happened to woe is me, if I’m within a foot of him I’ll make an ass of myself.”
“It’s too fucking hot to care today, alright? Besides.. If I’m floating,” you nod to the float, “there’s not much of a chance of that.”
And Emma could’ve pointed out several scenarios, but she keeps quiet. You slink over to the high dive and start to climb. Emma happens to gaze over at the shallow end just in time to see Gareth staring up at you as you go into a handstand.
“Okay, show off. Dive already.” Emma calls up to you, rolling her eyes when you go into a split before standing right side up again. You dive off the board, tucking your knees. Sending up a big enough splash of water that it soaks Emma who flips you off when you pull yourself up off the side of the pool to shake your wet hair at her and get her even wetter. “You looked like you needed a cool down.”
“I’m shoving your ass into that water.” Emma stands, a playful gleam in her eyes. You wink at her and lower yourself back down into the water, grabbing the forgotten neon pink float as you pull yourself onto it, sprawling lazily. 
Gareth is trying not to stare, he really is, but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t stop himself. The sun glints off of a necklace around your neck and he squints to get a closer look. Chuckling to himself when he sees that the pendant on the chain around your neck is a little knife.
His sister scrambles up onto his back and he dunks her in the water.
You’re floating all around the pool, having dozed off. Andy and Jason make their way in with Patrick in tow. Patrick makes a beeline for Emma and takes the lounge chair you’ve vacated.
But Andy’s sitting on the edge of the pool when you happen to float past, inching towards the deep end. The end you avoid whenever you’re in the pool because you’re not a very strong swimmer and you hate water over your head.
He reaches out and touches your leg and this is what has you scrambling to sit which dumps you off the cheap plastic float. And you shriek when your toes don’t touch.
Before he really stops to think about it, while Andy’s too busy making a show out of taking off his shirt and yelling at you to stay calm and stay put, Gareth swims out, grabbing you by the hips. You wind up pressed against him and he wades back over to the middle of the pool where your toes touch.
Your brain doesn’t compute that maybe it’s a good idea to let go of your death grip on Gareth’s neck or maybe untangle your legs from his waist until you’ve calmed down and you immediately do that. Swallowing down a lump in your throat as you hurry to climb the ladder and get out of the pool, wrapping that red towel with the white Playboy logo around yourself.
“I’m sorry, I..” Andy’s apologizing but there’s a gleam in his eyes that indicates he clearly doesn’t mean the apology. So you shrug it off and when Andy’s standing right beside the edge, you reach out and shove him in. A mocked apologetic smile playing at your lips as you call out, “So sorry! I didn’t mean to do that, I swear.”
“Bitch.” Andy swears to himself, but Gareth hears.
“You’re the asshole that just tried to drown her...” Gareth mutters, assuming it’s to himself and not counting on Andy hearing it.
Andy stands taller, trying to make him tower over Gareth but they’re almost the same height so he just looks like an ass when he tries it. Gareth stares him down, arms folded over his chest. “Do it again, asshole.” Andy steps up and chuckles quietly, “What are you gonna do, freak? Huh? C’mon, pussy.”
Gareth just smirks. “Try and see.” and there’s something about the deathly calm when he says it that has Andy doing a double take. Gareth lunges just a little and Andy steps back. “Don’t think you want your little sisters to see you get your ass beaten, Emerson.”
“You’re lucky they’re here right now.” Gareth responds. Andy shoves at him and smirks. “She’s gonna end up with me.”
“She hasn’t yet.” Gareth replies, shrugging. “She hates you. Kind of amusing you think so.”
Andy’s just about to grab Gareth but you happen to look up and over just in time to see what’s going on.
You grumble to yourself and pick up the foam football discarded by either Andy or Jason when they first got to the pool earlier and you don’t think, you just aim. Straight for Andy’s face. The purple foam ball spirals off your hands easily, and you smirk the instant it makes contact with Andy’s nose. Your only regret is that it’s not an actual football, so it doesn’t pack the sting you’d have liked. 
“Fuck off, Andy. I’m not kidding. Leave ‘im alone.” you call out, a hand on your hip before you reach down and tug the oversized black shirt on. “Next time it’s not gonna be your nose, shitbird..” you say it to Andy with the sweetest smile, a hand in your hair before storming away.
Emma’s glaring back at Andy in disbelief  as she catches up to you when you make your way over to the vending machine. “That stupid prick, what’d he think? He’d save you and you’d repay him with a roll in the backseat? And then he’s too busy with theatrics to actually follow through?Fucking caveman.”
You glance back to see Andy glaring daggers at Gareth across the pool and you nudge Emma who follows your gaze. “Look at the pathetic asshole. He literally just tried to drown me to get my attention like… how the hell did he think that would work anyway?” you roll your eyes and flip Andy off when he catches sight of you and is quick to back away like you didn’t just see him glaring a hole through Gareth Emerson’s turned back, you shake your head, “What he doesn’t realize is that I’d literally pick Gareth Emerson any day of the week before Andy ever even gets within an inch of me.” you’re ranting and Emma’s laughing, “I mean that. The only thing that stops me from going for it is the fact that literally if I even breathe near the man I somehow manage to fuck something up and annoy him worse.” you go quiet after saying it.
What you don’t realize is that this has just been overheard by Jeff, who happens to walk through the gate nearby, out of sight but within earshot.
Andy’s holding his t-shirt to his nose and Jeff’s trying to figure out what’s going on when he hears you admit to Emma what he kind of figured all along. And he’s tempted to tell Gareth, he’ll probably try to later, but he knows that nine out of ten, Gareth Emerson won’t believe him. So instead, he files it away. And he makes his way over, nodding to Andy who is fuming out loud to anybody who will listen about you being a bitch.
“What happened, Gare?” Jeff asks, glancing at Andy, who is holding his t-shirt to his bleeding nose.
“Andy tried to drown her, that’s what. He flipped her off that float in the water. In the deep end.” Gareth’s hand is clenched into a fist as he keeps a close eye on his little sisters who are still out in the kiddie end of the pool. “Then the fucking idiot was too busy making a show out of it to grab her. I did though.”
Jeff chuckles. “How’d his nose get busted then?”
Gareth is quick to tell him, “Wasn’t me, man. Not this time. My sisters are here.” and he nods in your direction. “She threw a football straight into it.”
Jeff snickers. “Yeah, I can’t say I blame her.”
You walk back, right past the chairs taken up by Jeff and Gareth and you flop down into the one just down from Gareth’s. Emma sits down beside you and dangles her legs in the pool water as she looks back at you. “You’re gonna burn.” she’s biting her lip, gazing at your already angry red skin in friendly concern.
“I’ll live.” you wave it off.
“You’re already red as your swimsuit, trouble.”
“Mhm.” you answer, eyes fluttering shut as you raise an arm and let it settle over your eyes.
You manage to doze off when Emma leaves with Patrick, only to be tapped gingerly on the shoulder and you wince at the jab. You raise your head and find yourself looking right up at Gareth through a curtain of dampened hair. “Sorry.. About earlier.” you mumble the words in this sleepy little  voice that has him fighting to breathe and goes straight to his cock. He shrugs. “Wasn’t gonna let you drown.”
“Yeah, you’re a good person, unlike some assholes who think attempted murder is flirting, apparently.” your gaze flits to Andy as you say it and you catch him watching you both like a hawk. Jeff is out in the water with Gareth’s little sisters playing. You roll your eyes at Andy and grumble quietly, “If he keeps staring over here I’m going to choke him.”
Gareth clears his throat.
He’s about half talked himself out of the reason why he walked over to begin with and all he’s doing right now is staring. He can’t help it, he can’t stop himself because he’s tried and failed too many times to count.
“You’re really burnt.” he nods to your shoulders and you look at them and cringe. “Emma did try to warn me.”
“Do you, uh..” Gareth fumbles for his words, “Do you have sunblock?”
You can’t stop staring at his lips like an idiot. So he repeats the question and you feel yourself heat up all over as you reach down and pick up the bottle of sunblock, holding it out.
He freezes and you assume it’s so you’ll sit up, so you pull yourself to a sitting position, back facing him as you move damp hair away from your back. Blue eyes flit over the scattered freckles and moles against your skin and he takes a deep breath, rubbing his hand over his face to pull himself together. Then he squeezes the bottle and rubs his hands together.
You gasp when the liquid makes contact with your back because it’s cooler than you expected. You don’t mean to but the more Gareth’s hands work over your shoulders and down your back, the more you find yourself melting. It’s not long til you have to grip the handle on the lounge chair. He reaches around and holds the bottle out to you and you take it, forced to take  a few seconds before you can turn around to face him.
You’re surprised he’s still sitting on the lounge chair near you.
Gareth is frozen in place. Brain telling him he should be getting up and walking away now, but he just can’t.
Jeff wanders up, clearing his throat and he almost feels bad about it when you both jump and spring apart, but he didn’t want Gareth to freak out when he looked over and figured out Jeff and his sisters weren’t in the pool anymore.
“I’m gonna take your sisters to get ice cream.”
Gareth stands. “Hang on.”
Jeff nods to you while you’re fumbling with the black Walkman in your hands and Gareth shakes his head firmly, standing. As soon as they’re both out of the gate, Jeff looks at him and shakes his head. “I was doing that for you, idiot.”
“Why though?” Gareth is gazing at him with a hand in his hair, tugging at drying curls. “All I was doing was keepin her from getting third degree burned.”
“Mhm. Right.” Jeff taunts him and Gareth grumbles, flipping him off.
“Y’know nothing’s ever gonna come of it, Jeff.” Gareth grumbles again and Jeff chuckles, remembering what he overheard you say out of your own mouth to your best friend Emma when he arrived at the pool earlier.
But he  doesn’t say it because Gareth won’t ever believe him.
Guy has himself convinced that you two wouldn’t ever work out or that somehow, you’d never pick him on your own. And honestly, Jeff wants to choke some sense into his best friend for it.
But, he can look at Gareth and tell that it’s getting harder to stay away. So he thinks that maybe if he just steps back and lets things happen on their own, maybe it’ll be better that way.
“Nothin, buddy. Do you want anything? I got paid earlier. You bought it last time, it’s my turn.” Jeff replies.
Gareth is distracted though, because you’re walking through the parking lot, heading over to your car with a Tootsie pop in your mouth.
The rumble of the engine fills the afternoon and the car takes off, screeching tires and Metallica playing loud enough to deafen a person and Jeff glances at Gareth, who is watching your car as it disappears into the street and then he laughs.
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dimorphodon-x · 11 months
Twisted Monster
Charodon recalls his first encounter with Cutlass.
I won’t claim to be a saint. I know I am not a good person, and I am alright with that.
Despite my many wrongdoings, there is one thing I am not. I am cruel, viscous, a criminal, a murderer.
I am not a monster.
I know what a monster is. I’ve seen one. I’ve fought one. I’ve survived facing one.
Our first encounter was the most frightening. I was still new to the territory, I only had a few members in my gang. We weren’t very organized yet. We were rookies.
We did not know we stumbled into the territory of Cutlass. An honest mistake, yet it cost the life of one of my friends.
I could only watch as she ripped my friend apart. She started small, tearing his fingers off digit by digit. Then his hands. His feet. His forearms and lower legs, then upper arms and thighs.
She finished by ripping his head off. Slowly. She smiled the whole time, her golden tooth flashing, and her eyes bright with excitement.
Apparently she was feeling generous, because she then offered me a deal. An easy one. It should have also been impossible.
“Fight me,” she said, bright pink eyes upturned in her wide grin, “if you last for half an hour, I’ll let you and the remainder of your crew go.”
I did not need her to tell me what would happen if I lost. I accepted the deal.
Cutlass was a brutal fighter. Despite a rather unimpressive physique, she was unnaturally strong and agile. She had no claws, she clearly had no need for them. Brute strength was more than enough to nearly rip my jaw off. The seawater surrounding us quickly turned pink.
She was wild, attacking and attacking and laughing and laughing. She maintained eye contact with me, and I could see something horrid behind the glass. Something unnatural, dark, and hungry. A twisting of sinister thoughts and dreams writhing grotesquely with the desire to see them through.
I clawed at her face in desperation to make her stop looking at me, yet that barely seemed to deter her. She barely reacted to any pain I inflicted, and it terrified me. It took all I had to just keep her at bay.
To this day, I don’t know how I survived those horrible thirty minutes. I think I impressed her. She still has the scars on her face.
I’ve gotten stronger after that first fight, my group has grown and we’re smarter now. I’m strong enough to actually pose some kind of threat. My scars are proof that I survived facing Cutlass multiple times.
I fought a monster. One day, I think I’m going to have to kill her, if she doesn’t kill me first.
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jambison · 2 years
MHA Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Izuku and Y/n are 20+ within this story
Further parts will contain limes and lemons so 18+ only for part 2 and 3 
Your quirk was commonly mistaken for nature manipulation since you can grow trees and vines and other plants anywhere you wanted (as long as they already existed there) as a shield, trap, or attack. But you also have a healing ability where you can pull life energy from plants, people, or yourself and heal people’s mortal injuries and give them a boost of power. It‘s kind of a secret since it’s super powerful and you’d be forced to treat the sick and wounded all the time. The only catch with this healing ability is you have to kiss someone on the lips for them to receive this life energy (think of CPR). 
POV change
Izuku and I were fighting an extremely tough enemy and as I was trying to restrain the villain, he broke free and sent me flying. The battle zone was completely reduced to rubble and there were barely any flora I could use to help restrain or fight him anymore. It was looking grim. I tried to get back up and winced as I realized my ankle was broken. “Deku! I’m out of ammo but there’s one more thing I have that might work.” I called to him as he retreated back to me. “Oh my gosh y/n your ankle’s broken.” “Says you, both of your arms are toast.” I chuckled at him. “What do you have that can help us win?” “It’s an ability of mine that no one knows about. Just trust me on this.” 
I felt nerves creeping up my spine as I realized I was about to kiss the guy I’ve been in love with for years. “Y-Y/n what are you-“ I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. I deepened the kiss as I felt my remaining energy and power pour out of me and into Izuku. I pulled back from the kiss and looked into his eyes. “I have a healing ability that fixed your arms and boosted your power. It only works if I kiss the receiving party though.” “Th-Thank you I-I don’t know what to say.” “Don’t sweat it Deku.” I tried to muster together a laugh but I felt myself losing consciousness as I coughed up blood but hid it well from him. “Go beat ‘em for me, for all of us.” I smiled at him. He gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. “I won’t let you down Y/n!” And as he turned to face the villain I blacked out. 
I woke up to a bright white hospital room and a mop of green and black hair resting on my leg. I groaned as all of my pain from the battle caught up with me. The said mop of hair shot up and revealed Izuku’s handsome face. “I-Oh my god. You’re awake. I-I’ll call the doctor.” He got up and sprinted out of the room. I was completely confused as to why Izuku was even there and why I was in the hospital. After a few moments, a doctor and Deku walked in along with All-Might and Aizawa, our old teachers from UA.
 “Hey guys! Didn’t expect a greeting party or even a hospital stay, what’s up?” I laughed but was cut short by the pain. “Y/n you saved the day by transferring your power to young Midoriya. But at what cost?” All Might questioned me. “You saw that?” I felt my face get hot. “A video of the fight came out online and a lot of people ended up seeing it before we took it down.” Aizawa chimed in. “Well yeah, okay, so what I have a super secret super powerful healing ability?” I huffed. “You almost killed yourself in the process Y/n, you’ve been in a coma for a week! I-I was so scared you’d never wake up again.” I felt my anger and defensiveness melt as I looked into Izuku’s eyes. “I’m sorry I worried you so much.” I looked down and a moment of silence passed. The doctor cleared his throat. “Well Y/n you do have some serious injuries, most of which are internal but nothing that can’t be healed with abilities or time. I’d recommend you let your body heal normally so you don’t strain any of your organs anymore than they already are. But with that, we can send you home later on today after your neurological exam and a few exit tests.” He sighed and put down my chart after signing it and he left the room. “See Y/n? You can’t do that again! Your organs almost exploded!” Izuku cried. “Quit whining so much, I’m fine! And besides, we won right?” “You did but I’m afraid you’re going to be out of commission for the next few months while you gain your strength back.” Aizawa lamented. “Also you’re going to have to stay with somebody since you’re going to be on crutches and you can’t do much by yourself in this state right now.” 
“Mr. Aizawa, I’m completely fine as is. If I can take down super villains on a daily basis I can trudge to my kitchen and heat up some ramen for myself.” I threw off the blankets from my legs and made a move to stand up. “See? I’ll be just fi-“ I cried out in pain and fell before Izuku caught me by my arms. “Y/n I think you should stay with young Midoriya for a while, at least until you can walk.” All Might said. “Y-Yeah, I think you should.” Izuku said as he helped me back onto the bed. “Alright alright I will, but only until I’m better, I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” “You could stay forever ya’know.” Izuku blurred out, which was quickly followed by him blushing fiercely and panicking. “I guess that’s our cue, the hero agency will be in contact with you by the end of the day.” Aizawa sighed. All Might changed into his superhero form. “Ahahaha! Young love is a tricky thing! Good luck to you Lady Y/n and young Midoriya! Make sure to always use protection and-“ He was cut short by Aizawa erasing his ability and dragging him out of the room with his scarves. 
And with that we were left alone. “So uhhh thanks for letting me crash at your place.” I said awkwardly. “Also thanks for beating the villain and saving my life.” “I-it’s nothing don’t worry about it.” Deku reached and scratched his neck, obviously still embarrassed. I decided to fill the awkward silence by turning on the news. The first thing that popped up was a hero gossip show and it was a screenshot of Deku and I kissing, presumably taken from the video. The headline read: “Deku and New Leaf in a Relationship?” The show host went on to say, “during last week’s ultimate showdown between New Leaf, Deku, and (insert villain name here) two of our favorite heroes shared a steamy moment on the battlefield before going on to destroy the villain once and for all! The photo shown here was taken from a video that mysteriously disappeared off the internet. And folks take a look at this!” The photo went on to take up the whole screen. “Guys it is a steamy one! I think I can sense the hero association’s next new hottest couple!” The other host chimed in. 
I groaned in embarrassment. “God it’s everywhere isn’t it?” I threw my hands up to cover my face. “H-Hey it could be worse, the media isn’t aware of your secret ability, they’re just concerned about the…k-k-“ “Kiss? Yeah. I know that. It’s just mortifying that that’s the only thing they’re focused on.” I mumbled out through my hands. “Was it really that bad?” Deku asked quietly. I froze and my breath caught in my throat. “I-I’m sorry I know it was bad but you were just doing it to save me and everyone else and-“ 
“Izuku!” I uncovered my beet red face and looked directly at him. “It wasn’t bad at all. It’s because it was good. That’s why I’m embarrassed. I didn’t want my first kiss with you to be put on blast like that, I wanted it to be in a private more intimate setting. Just the two of us, you know? I pictured us going out to get Korean Barbecue or seeing a movie and then hiking up to a viewpoint and then it happening there and then after you’d ask me to be your girlfriend and it’d be perfect. But obviously that’s not what happened.” I rambled on, and only realized what I’d said after the fact. In an attempt to save myself I stumbled over my words. “I mean- um theoretically and everything-“ 
Izuku cut me off by lacing his fingers through my hair and gently placing his lips on mine. After what seemed like an eon of true bliss he pulled back, with a blush across his cheeks. “Like that you mean?” 
“Y-Yeah. Like that.” I said, breathlessly. 
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"None of the other daughterworld creators would help me, you are a GREAT TEAM thanks guys. So I did the only thing I could actually pull of. With the help of Sinouku we convened the tech guys to create me an entire stasis machine. It cost me an arm and a leg but whats that cost vs a whole universe to make for it.
The machine that was made is an incredible hunk of metal. It can preserve a soul for an indefinite amount of time, aswell as having minimal consequences for the (my) body. This means I can go anywhere without my soul, and survive fine. But the real feat is what I used the thing for.
In order to give my protagonist life, I split my soul in half.
One half is my own, preserved in the machine, and the other theirs.
I had to completely disconnect the entity from myself. Not gonna start on how PAINFUL and COMPLECATED that was. Good thing I have some science nerds in my reach (no thanks to you, they where my owN GUYS. Besides Ast, they are the one damn useful person here.) Now that my creation is totally separate from me, if I was to want the rest of my soul back, like if I happened to leave this organization, I'd have to end their existence (kill them.) But I doubt that would ever come into consideration, it's just a little side effect of my decision.
The procedure was successful. And I have implanted my creation into their world, with all the necessary memories and such. I will be watching them for the next few days to see how it all goes.
End log."
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kevinkoosk · 5 months
Random thoughts 2024-01-17
On Revising My Opinion
A client asked for my opinion, and to draft an agreement based on that. I did so.
The client's client had a different opinion, and opined a different position at law was the proper position.
Based on the client's client's feedback, I'm now being asked to revise my opinion.
If anything goes wrong, I'm responsible because it will be my opinion.
So I think I won't change my opinion.
The client is free to engage another lawyer to give a new opinion that support's the client's client's opinion.
I've already made up my mind and there is no need to change my opinion.
On promising tokens
I have been interested in some very new L1 tokens.
Some of these include Fuse and Root.
(I can't afford the tokens which cost an arm and a leg. Best to get them when they're still early.)
Unfortunately I'm kinda broke and I can't afford to get in on them, but I'm very sure that they will moon in the next few months.
Maybe I'll find a way.
On exhibiting my art
On a whim, I decided to submit my art to a call for art.
The organizers promptly accepted my submission and asked for payment of 120 GBP.
I did the calculations, and found that I would be badly broke if I went for it.
It's more than MYR 700... half of the minimum wage in my country.
Still thinking about it, how to get the cash.
Looking back at my posts over the past year, I feel like my main self-motivation has been to "get things done".
So yesterday I came up with an acronym called "D-I-U-I-D".
It means "Do It Until It's Done".
I guess you could shorten it to "Do Until Done", but then it'd be a "DUD".
Maybe DUID - Do Until It's Done - could be an alternative.
For almost 8 years I was enrolled in a doctorate program.
I didn't make it very far because people around me kept asking what was taking me so long.
So eventually I gave up.
That was when I was already halfway through the thesis writing, so, it was at an advanced stage.
I should have just hacked my way through it and gotten it done.
Good or bad, "Done" is more satisfying than "It's great but it's incomplete".
Sloppy but done. Still done.
Ugly but done. Still done.
Half finished but goddamn beautiful. Not done.
Some film producers die and others finish the movie for them.
Some authors die and people finish the book for them.
That's possible only because they died.
Ever seen a half-abandoned book finished by another author?
Or a half-abandoned movie finished by another director?
Maybe it's workable, and they'd call it an anthology.
"I did the first part and he did the second part. Collaboration is awesome!"
In actual fact, people get tired of what they are doing.
The best thing when doing something that makes you tired is to rush through it quickly and get it done.
Doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it is acceptable and workable.
Then come back and clean it up and upgrade everything!
The UK film producer Gareth Evans made Raid 1 and Raid 2 in Indonesia on a shoestring budget.
His method was to rehearse and film everything in the gym.
Camera angles, fight choreography, poses, dialogue - everything was rehearsed and shot in the gym.
Then they did the shooting for real.
By the time they were actually shooting, the film producer could take the actual movie footage and compare it with their gym-rehearsed footage.
"Oh, we missed a shot there. Let's redo it."
You know what, that saved them a lot of time.
Done is done. A message I give myself today.
Don't waste time with time wasters. Another message I give myself.
Because time wasters love nothing better than to waste their time - and wasting yours is a bonus.
Somebody said once that misery loves company, but in some circumstances, it's better to be alone.
Especially when you're sorting things out.
Have a nice day!
0 notes
winteristired · 9 months
ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀᴛᴇ ɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛᴇ | ᴅᴀʙɪʜᴀᴡᴋꜱ ᴀʙᴏ | ᴘʀᴇʟᴜᴅᴇ ɴᴏ.8: ʟᴀ ꜰɪʟʟᴇ ᴀᴜx ᴄʜᴇᴠᴇᴜx ᴅᴇ ʟɪɴ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: 2/?
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5,926
ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ: ᴇxᴘʟɪᴄɪᴛ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ᴅᴀʙɪ/ʜᴀᴡᴋꜱ, ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ/ɪᴢᴜᴋᴜ ᴍɪᴅᴏʀɪʏᴀ
ᴛᴀɢꜱ: ᴀʙᴏ, ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇꜱ, ʀᴏʏᴀʟ, ꜱʟᴏᴡ ʙᴜʀɴ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ
“I have no idea how I’ll be able to convince him. This would be my first deal to strike up with someone, and with the reputation he built for us, I’d be terrified of messing it up.”
“Aw, don’t worry Deku! I think you’ll be able to convince him! You’ll just need to have some patience. You’re sixteen now, he has to start cutting you some slack eventually!”
“Ochako’s right! You’ve been studying communication and language for years now! The biggest thing you have to worry about is convincing him, because if you can convince him you can convince anybody!”
“God will you shut your mouth, shitty hair! Just because he’s been studying it doesn’t mean he’s good at it. There’s a reason All Might is constantly equipping him with more language arts books and is refusing to let up. He’d suck at doing it properly and Keigo has every reason to not trust him.”
“Ooh, sounds like Spiky is mad.”
“Shut the fuck up and don’t call me that!”
Kirishima only chuckled to himself, Ochako sweating slightly as the blond next to her sparked with anger. Izuku on the other hand merely let out a breath, rubbing at the back of his neck as his thoughts swirled in his head. Keigo had broken his back for the past ten years for them, especially for Izuku. When he was only given scraps to eat his older brother never took a bite, instead always handing it over to the four of them. When his stomach would growl he’d mask it with a joke. When he struggled to stand with his exhausted body he would tell stories of sailors with two peg legs before “mimicking” their walk. When it was time to sleep and they were on the road, even with bags pulling down his cheeks Keigo would remain awake to watch over them.
He learned how to become a blacksmith. Learned how to re-enforce the steel with prayer. He created the world's strongest armor, and sealed his importance through alliances that he gained all on his own. Despite his lineage or presentation, his stature or manner of speaking, he put every ounce of effort at every corner their pack turned down. He ensured each and every one of their success at the cost of his livelihood. Faking smiles and bowing politely. Exposing his neck, ever so slightly, either out of respect or to escape a tricky situation.
Somehow, amazingly, his persona never once faltered. Not once was a drop of sweat out of place, or a joke over the line. Never was there a smile too big, or his voice too soft. He was always Hawks. Always showcased himself as such.
But it was when he was Keigo that it truly mattered to Izuku. Because in those moments during quiet nights, through hushed voices and pinched brows the teen could see a reflection of the others true self. Something vulnerable, constantly worried, and genuinely lonely. His arms would wrap themselves tightly around the boy when he was younger and the pair were on the road. Izuku would be on the verge of sleep, asking if the other would get some rest that night. Hawks would say yes, but Keigo would look at him with a downturned smile and say that Izuku shouldn’t worry over such things. Or the visits to Aldonia, and Izuku could see the hidden fear behind his brother's eyes when All Might would ask if Izuku wants to stay with him this time.
He knows his brother is afraid to be alone again.
Keigo hardly ever discusses what happened in the House of Shadows, but a few guesses could be made. Luckily, time has seemed to slowly break the hold this fear has had. The first time their small family regrouped as a pack, explaining the new journeys and paths they have all gone down, he finally let them call him by his name. The importance of their presence for him became recognized in full. As time had gone on the more of himself he let show. The more human he became to them.
He was their older brother. He always knew what to do. They all trusted him; his judgment.
Izuku wanted to offer the same. He wanted to give something back to his family, for once. To be the one to bring in income for their pack, to be the one to offer support and stability. He wanted to be like his brother. More simply, he wanted to return the favor. Everyone else was succeeding in their goals, he was the only one falling behind.
Kirishima was rambling on about what Izuku could say. How to propose the idea, as well as how to word it properly. His attempts to help his packmate went unheard as Izuku was lost in his own thoughts. The red head was quick to take note of the silence and slowly his voice came to a fade, a smile forming before his head turned back towards Ochako and Bakugou. Izuku knew what he was doing. He always managed to pull through.
Soft footsteps padded down the stairwell, the sound drowned out by the chatter of three teens. A much younger girl stepped into the dining area, long silver hair framed the sides of her face, red eyes darting around the room to take in the view. Ochako was the first to take notice, offering her a good morning as the young girl walked to the table. Bakugou and Kirishima’s heads turned as well to greet her, the movement finally snapping Izuku out of his trance. Blinking back he looked up, offering his own smile, “Good morning Eri.”
Eri smiled back to him, “Good morning,” She sat down in the seat carefully, the chair still slightly too big for her, but that didn’t stop the girl from climbing onto it. After pressing a knee into the edge and pivoting herself around. A  huff fell past her lips, causing Ochako to chuckle softly at the adorable sight. Eri’s smile seemed to be short-lived, her bottom lip sticking out slightly, a curious look falling over her face as she looked to the teens in front of her, “I have a question.”
She stated the sentence with such conviction a snort nearly left Izuku. Instead he cleared his throat and straightened his posture to give her his attention, “Absolutely,” he responded, leaning forward across the table's edge, a bit curious what had suddenly stolen her thoughts, “Ask away.”
Taking in a deep breath her hands balled into fists in her lap, “What is a scentmate?”
Izuku’s face was quick to flush into a deep pink color, the others seeming to lean back into their seats. Kirishima rubbing the back of his head, Bakugo looking downward at the floorboards, Ochako contemplating on leaving the table entirely.
Scentmates were a strange thing to describe. They were an instinctual reaction. A connection based on physical compatibility. Typically scentmates were found between alphas and omegas, with the rare occurrence happening between other pair dynamics. Having a scentmate is never guaranteed, in fact it’s considered a miracle if they find each other. Some say it is only possible for those higher in society to have a scentmate, others say it’s a blessing from the Goddess of Fate, a type of soulmate, a string that Destiny tied to the fingers of two humans to find each other. It is said that when a pair finds their other half their scents combine into a complex array of aroma’s that mix together perfectly.
Though, the only thing that could ever be proven outside of speculation was the increased fertility in omegas when finding their scentmate. The oils of scent glands would then produce at a ridiculous rate, making it easier to attract their mate and entice the other into marital duties. Senses become sharper, heats and ruts more intense, and underlying secondary gendered behaviors become more prominent in everyday life.
Essentially it’s sexually driven biology. 
At least, it is at the core of what they know.
Eri took note of the sudden shift at the table, as those around her became noticeably uneasy. Her brows furrowed as she let out an unhappy whine, “Mrs. Recovery Girl was talking about them, and when I asked her she said to ask my pack!” The young girl was clearly displeased with the results of the question, wanting answers for the burning inquiry. Just because she was young didn’t mean everything had to be hidden from her.
Izuku was the one to stupidly mutter out, “Well, uh,” this only made the girls eyes zero in on him, wide with curiosity and a desperation to know, “Uhm, it’s a lot to explain.” His voice trailed on, extending the last syllable of the word, already trying to avoid the inevitable future he managed to seal. Mentally he was slapping himself for saying anything at all, even if it was mumbles that meant nothing. Pressing a finger into his temple he grit his teeth as he hummed along in thought.
“Uhh, well.”
More footsteps down the stairs. He was saved!
“Keigo can explain it to you!”
He could make eye contact with the blond from where he sat, golden eyes flickering between the group before landing on a curious Eri’s gaze. One of his own brows raised at the sight, “Ask me what?”
The young girl piped up, “What is a scentmate?”
This time both eyebrows jumped and Keigo remained quiet for just a moment, before slowly stepping into the kitchen, “Gosh, such a young age and you’re already looking for ways to leave your pack?” He playfully questioned Eri, causing her to gasp and shake her head quickly. A chuckle left the blond and he walked over to pour himself a cup of water and take a sip.
“Why would I want to try to leave you?” She asked, visibly concerned that her question might have real life consequences, curling in on herself at the thought.
“Well,” he hummed, setting down his cup before walking over to her, extending his arms out to her. She was quick to let herself be lifted up, resting on the side of his hip as she wrapped her legs around his torso. The arrangement lets them see eye to eye, “It’s the closest thing we have to a soulmate.”
“Well, what’s a soulmate?”
“A soulmate,” he started, shifting his weight between feet before moving to retrieve his cup once again, wings fanning out to help keep his balance with the extra weight on his side, “Is when two people are meant to be for each other. It’s when destiny creates two people, two pieces, that are meant to be together. Think of King Endeavor and Queen Rei. Fire and ice. He is strong willed and loud, and she is soft spoken and graceful. Their features, both physically and mentally, couldn’t be more different. But, they love each other so much that they are said to have been made for each other. Soulmates are like that.”
Taking a drink of his water, the young girl nodded, the others in the room relieved that their older brother was able to successfully explain the idea to her. Though, what else were they to expect? He’d always managed to pull through in moments like this.
“But then what’s the difference between a soulmate and a scentmate?”
Placing his cup back down Keigo adjusted his hold on Eri so she wouldn’t slip, “Well, a soulmate is between people who pair with each other on a spiritual level. Scentmates are able to be paired on a physical level, you know how I say I can smell what others scents are?” She nodded, “Well others can too, and if they have a scentmate it would be the best thing they would ever smell in the world, it lets them know that there is someone out there made for them. It’s the only physical indication at least.”
The head of silver hair only bobbed slightly as she nodded more through the explanation, “I think I get it.” She mumbled, the tension in the air easing as Keigo managed to avoid the gritty bits of truth that came with being scentmates. Such as the apparent rocky start between the royals after being pushed into an arranged marriage simply for their physical bond, nearly destroying the family name in the process.
“Do you have a scentmate?” She had asked innocently enough, head tilting to the side before a smile flourished on her face, “I hope you do! I want you to find your soulmate and be happy! Just like King Endeavor and Queen Rei.”
Keigo smiled sweetly in return, his face stretching as his cheeks formed dimples, pushing his cheekbones high enough to make his eyes squint, “I don’t, but the sentiment is greatly appreciated, little bird.”
Gently running a hand through her hair he pressed a gentle kiss to his little sister's hairline, a small giggle escaping her in return. Carefully he set her down on the ground, “Why don’t you go relax outside? Breakfast will take some time, and I’ll ring the bell when it’s ready alright?”
“Yeah!” With far more energy than any human should so early in the morning Eri leaned forward to tightly hug her brother, then turning on the balls of her feet to run to the table and poke each of her siblings in their upper arms. Finally the door was pushed open and the girl ran out, four pairs of teenage eyes following her. A sigh left them, save for Bakugou, happy that a much messier situation was skillfully avoided.
Though, despite the success, a heat could be felt behind them, a fit of deeply embedded rage fired on. Four swift and hardened feathers thwipped themselves on the back of each of the teens necks, a yelp being pulled from each of them. Kirishima turned, mouth open and ready to yell out at Keigo only to freeze in his tracks as he took in the view of the other. An anger so fiery the eldest seemed calm with a kind smile, a true killer facade, “Why on Earth did I have to explain to a six year old what scentmates are?”
Izuku held his hands over the back of his neck, the slash didn’t hurt by any means but it certainly did startle him, “It wasn’t us!” With a wobbly voice he was quick to plead for their case, “She said Mrs. Shuzenji brought it up! She tried asking us but none of us knew what to say!” 
A tense moment of silence engulfed the group; Izuku was sure that they’d face an end from such an innocently asked question. Luckily for the teens a sigh could be heard as the four feathers returned to their rightful spot, “Maybe, but you guys are taking over dishes for the rest of your stay for that.”
A huff came from Bakugou at the punishment by extension, but for once didn’t say anything. Instead he only eyed Izuku as Keigo grabbed an apple and water before taking a seat at the table with them. A sudden bubble of anxiety formed in his chest as he realized why he was being eyed and why no conversations were being started. Keigo seemed to catch on as well as golden iris jumped between the group, a knowing look forming on his expression, “Alright, whoever broke something come clean. I won’t be mad.”
All four of their faces darkened. A bold faced lie. Thankfully, that isn’t what was being stressed over between the group.
A sigh escaped the green haired teen, “Nothing is broken, honest! It’s just,” He slowly moved to stand on his feet, a strain forming in his chest as he grit his teeth, “I wanted to talk to you about something. Something important. I want you to listen first though. I know you have a tendency to make comments to keep things light hearted, but if I am rejected,” he paused, a crease forming between his brows as he thought for a moment if he really was sure that was how he wanted to start the conversation out, “If I am rejected I do not want it to be sugar coated.”
His eyes met his older brothers, a pondering gaze met his back, and as if he was devoid of any warmth the golden pair went cold, brows dropping far enough to cast shadows. Leaning back Keigo frowned, sharp eyes refusing to leave Izuku’s, “Go for it.” He knew whatever Izuku was about to present was going to be something on the more serious side. He’s noticed how the kid has been twitching for weeks now, something eating at him from the inside. It’s been a visible shift. One that’s worried him ever since he noticed it.
Gulping Izuku straightened his shoulders, taking in a deep breath as he closed his eyes, “I wanted to make the next deal.”
The statement was made with confidence, his arm bending upwards as he clenched his hand into a fist with a deep breath of conviction. A few beats of silence passed with no response. Carefully he cracked open his eyes only to see the other stare at him, obviously waiting for him to finish his thought. That’s right, he just asked him to not make comments.
Raising his fist to his mouth and then clearing his throat Izuku regained himself as he got ready to lead into his explanation, “I’m set to be All Might’s successor. I’ve been given lesson after lesson on how to act professionally and properly. I have gone through countless papers, essays, and articles on the art of human language, both physical and verbal. I have studied every book, scroll, and tablet that has been handed to me. I have analyzed them so thoroughly that I have impressed veteran scholars.
“I have been given everything to prepare myself for the future, save for one thing. That one thing is experience. There has never been a moment these past six years that I have stepped into a room as the main speaker. I have only ever observed and studied.” He was hardly focusing on his brother's expression, knowing the moment he did he would break. This sudden facade he unexpectedly applied worked undeniably well for him in this instance.
“I need to have that genuine, verbal experience with someone who doesn’t know who I am supposed to be so I can grow successfully. I need to be the one to make the deal. Yet, I also want to be the one to forge it. I know how to make this armor. I acknowledge that I would have to ask you to bless it, but I want to be the one to forge.” He faltered slightly, just for a moment through a brief pause.
“I’m sixteen. I am going to present soon, and we all know what I will present as. The moment I do my life will never be the same, and I have accepted that fact. To a certain extent that is.” His brows pushed together, casting shade over his eyes as he finally made full eye contact once again, “My entire life, despite all the travels, I have been trapped. I have followed instruction at every turn. I have never once decided where I am to go. It was to either follow you or All Might. I’ve always been confined out of protection or safety, so much so I feel as if I’ve never truly lived. I want to make this choice. Who to sell to, and then forge for.
“Most importantly though, I want to be like you. You've given us everything you’ve ever had in this lifetime. You’ve fought and provided for us at every instance, even if it hurt or was uncomfortable for you. You’ve listened to us cry throughout the nights, comforted us when times were hard, and constantly made us smile even if you were struggling to do so. I want to return the favor, on an equal basis, and I know I won’t be able to do that when my time comes. I want to make a deal and follow it through. I want it for the experience, for the choice being my own, for my limited time, and to help provide like everyone else here.”
Blinking back slightly, Izuku recomposed himself once again after such an intense moment, a breath escaped him as his brother came back into his conscious view. He was sitting just as coldly and still from when they had started, “I know you’re tired Keigo. You deserve a break. You’ve nearly killed yourself for us. Let me take some responsibility onto my shoulders for once. You deserve a domestic life with Eri while she is young. You deserve to enjoy your life rather than stress over us for even longer. You deserve to smile.”
He was met with silence.
Hawks’ gaze remained unwavered, his steel exterior as strong as ever. Cold eyes took in his brother's sight, thoughts turned in his head as he silently made his judgments. He was staring him down, but Izuku knew it was just a test to see if he would crumble. To see if he would back away like he always did. To see if he would bend his neck and once again acknowledge the others' authority over him.
Not this time though, he refused to let himself be bested by a gaze.
“You’ve put some serious thought into this, haven’t you?”
Izuku nodded, “I have. I know who I want to go to. How to say it. When to say it. Everything. I want to do something that has been decided by me completely. I’m tired of following orders, just as you are tired of merely surviving rather than living.”
Keigo nodded slowly at the response, taking a sip of his water, setting his cup down as the thoughts continued to churn along in his head, “A bird in a gilded cage.” He proposed quietly, though they all heard him, several interpretations of the line could have been made at that moment. His gaze finally softened after a few more moments of held breath passed, “You really want to do this?”
Straightening his head, Izuku firmly nodded once, “I do. I respect your opinion though, so before I did anything I wanted to ask you first.”
His brother tilted his head at him, a gentle hum rumbled behind his closed lips, “Do you think you can do it though?” After all that studying Izuku was determined to be able to do it, to succeed and be everything he wanted to be for his family.
“I do.”
A warming smile formed on his older brother's face, “Then I do believe you have your answer.”
Walking along the worn dirt path Keigo couldn’t help but smile to himself, just slightly. He had left their small home with the teens in charge of Eri, knowing that the four needed time together away from the watchful eye of their older brother. Keigo also wanted some time to himself, some space to think and just listen to the ambience of the world around him.
Not many people passed by him on this trail, it was a lonely and quiet place. With autumn quickly approaching the leaves above were softening into a golden yellow, others a deep red. Breeze swept through the drooping branches and rustled them together, the clinks of distant windchimes sang into the open air. An earthy smell of dirt and damp grass rested on his nose, reminding him of the previous night's rain. Despite the downing weather from the day before the sun shone brightly on the horizon today.
His shoes left their mark where he was walking from, wings catching on droplets that fell onto his feathers like blooming flowers. The view of the river ahead of him was in sight, the sun shining down as the water shone back its glistening reflection. The further he approached the more clearly he was able to make out the pebbles that lined the bottom, able to spot the small fish that inhabited the waters as its home. Moss rested along the rocks that stuck out alongside the river. Tiny stems clutching the stone as they weaved together.
There stood a bridge, rather proud of itself as it arched above the water, the stone slabs lining up with themselves evenly along the curve. When walking over to it and standing on the center point, Keigo was given a vast view of the river, curving far beyond where his eyes could follow with tall trees lining the edges of the water. It was quiet, save for the flock of birds chirping along in the skies, tweeting and calling to each other in the air. Wind whistles around him, as the water silently hits the rocks keeping it contained, and a golden sun behind him brightens the warm leaves that danced through the air.
While Aldonia was known for the immense greenery and wildflowers of their long Summers, Elyria was known for beautiful Autumns that looked as if they were the descriptions of a fantasy land in children's stories. A deep breath fell from the blond's lips, able to close his eyes and tilt his head back slightly to feel the wind brush past him that much more. Each strand of hair being pushed back only to settle once more.
It was so quiet and calm here, he was happy to have found such a beautiful and secluded spot.
As he stood there on the bridge with his eyes closed, simply enjoying the world around him, Keigo couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride swell inside of him. He had been raising Izuku for several years now, just about a decade. He has been there for every milestone and rough patch the boy has hit. They’ve done it all together. So to have the teen lay out his thoughts, expressing his feelings in such a manner, speaking with far more confidence than Keigo has seen him ever hold before; the conviction in Izuku’s tone surprised him. The determination on the other hand seemed to be completely in character for him.
Cracking open his eyes to look at the scenery in front of him, his chest began to ache, tears threatening to form along his waterlines. Swallowing the intense feeling, he merely shut his eyes again. If Izuku were to properly strike a deal there was the chance that he would need to relocate for the time. That he would need to temporarily fly from the nest to finish what he set out to do. It would be the first time in ten years the two would be separated, and even with Eri at his side he knows the persistent feeling wouldn’t dissipate. Just like it was for him when Ochako, Kirishima, and Bakugou left, even with Izuku still at his side. It would again bring him that feeling of losing a packmate, one that he hasn’t been separated from for ten years.
The tears that threatened him now took action, one falling, calling to the rest to follow. Keigo’s hands gripped the bridge's railing. His little brother is so grown up now. He’d excelled far faster than Keigo was able to watch. A deeper understanding of the truth that was to come of their future began to hit. He knows that Izuku had to leave at one point or another, that he had to be independent all on his own. Maybe Keigo was selfish, but he didn’t want to let another one of those teens go, yet he knew that they had to. They all had their own lives to live and it was Keigo’s duty to push them forward rather than pull them back. Even if it hurt him.
A strained inhale echoed in the air through grit teeth. He wished to live like how they all would. He wasn’t sure why he always felt the urge to hold himself back. Maybe it was the deeply instilled training from his time in the House of Shadows. Maybe he just didn’t think he was worthy to be as happy as he wanted them to be. It was a truth that remained unknown to him.
A soft laugh pushed past his lips as a hand came up to wipe the tears away. Taking in a soft breath Keigo cleared his throat, coughing into his hand before sniffling. He wouldn’t let those thoughts overcome him. He would simply have the time for himself and he could work through that. 
He would live a life that he would want for them.
A hint of well loved book pages graces his senses. It reminded him of his time in All Mights libraries. When he would run his fingers over soft paper, the dewey smell that always clung into the novels binds. Ink dried for decades, threatening to fade away with time. It reminded him of a ten year old Izuku, picking up his favorite story and running to Keigo to talk it over with him. Pointing at the words on the page as if they would come to life on command.
Keigo took a deep breath.
Mixed was the smell of freshly furnished wood. Sanded and polished. Like a new cabinet to use or table to sit around. It reminded him of their home, and all the small hands that worked together to build it. All before finally telling their new families of the project. Keigo had finished that house much quicker than anticipated because of that.
A hum.
Lastly, it was like burnt tea. Something elegant, yet tainted in a way. Though it didn’t mean it was unusable in any sense, or worthless. Just different. He had no connections to this smell in particular but it was comforting all the same. Like a soft blanket on a chilly night, or even a stuffed animal that a child refuses to let go of. It was warm and welcoming, calling out to him.
His chest fell inwards before he managed to resume breathing in again. Opening bleary eyes to gaze at the lake in front of him once more his brain seemed to stop working as his heart rate increased. Pressing a hand to his sternum Keigo blinked back as his body was overcome by a fuzzy feeling. It was strange, yet not entirely unwelcome. The suddenness caught him off guard, and for the cause he wasn’t able to pinpoint. It wasn’t any upcoming heat, and he wasn’t feeling unwell. So he was completely at a loss.
It was until the complex mixture of aroma’s grew in intensity that it finally hit Keigo that they weren’t randomly floating out in the world, but instead was another person's scent. It wasn’t dull like a beta’s, or calming like another omega, it was strong and fiery, filled to the brim with its own authority and certainty of its place. 
A cold realization hit that an alpha was approaching him far quicker than he wished for. More importantly to note, if the stranger was reacting to him as Keigo was reacting to them there was the chance that they were looking for the blond. Based on the quickness of the scents growing strength that conclusion seemed certain. It took far too long for his body to finally respond, because by the time he had finally turned around to get off of the bridge a cloaked figure was already in sight by the edge of the tree line. Only leaving a few yards between the two. They were hunched over, their head bent upwards to take in the view of him. The hood of their cloak hardly covered anything of their face, likely because it looked like he had been running. 
Keigo’s shoulders tensed all the way up to his ears, golden eyes meeting bright blue. The pupils of his eyes slimmed into dark slivers encased with yellow, an edging fear prevalent in his gaze. The stranger on the other hand, looked at him with dilated pupils as if Keigo was an oasis that would disappear if he wasn’t careful enough. It was hard to read what exactly the other was thinking, or what he planned on doing next. He wanted to fly away, yet another part of him screamed to stay where he was. To talk. To live.
What he wasn’t expecting was for the stranger to place a careful hand on the side of the tree he stood next to, straightening his back and moving his left hand to pull the hood of his cloak down. Black hair danced with the wind as those blue eyes refused to leave Keigo’s form, “Apologies,” the raspy voice sent chills down the blonds spine, his breath stopping in his throat as he did everything in his power to suppress the gasp that pushed to come out, “I didn’t mean to startle you in any way.”
In contrast to the rugged exterior he had a calm and almost elegantly practiced way of speaking. The man was a walking juxtaposition and Keigo had no idea how to respond. The two just seemed to stand in silence as they looked at each other. The shock never once really fading as realization slowly poured over him. 
It’s said that when scentmates find one another their scents overlap and swell into something abstract, in return the two mates would have a strong physical reaction to coming in contact for the first time. 
The longer Keigo stood on that bridge and stared at this stranger the more painful the realization set in and panic took over. Glancing to the setting sun he was quick to turn his head back to the other, “I uh, I have to go.” Keigo mumbled, just loud enough for the other to hear, and when he did the raven haired stranger seemed to deflate as his shoulders relaxed, his own understanding becoming visible on his features. He wanted to say something, but he bit it back, “I understand,” that raspy voice spoke after a few moments taking a step back towards the trail, “I’ll leave first so you can have your space.”
The kind offer pressed a small smile into Keigo's face, dimples forming as he looked to him, “No worries, I’ll be just fine. Thank you.” His wings were quick to extend and even quicker to take himself to the skies. He could feel the gaze follow him until he was out of sight. 
With a racing heart and a mind clouded by far too many thoughts Keigo knew who he just saw. He knew what the other was to him. He knew what he was to the other. A frustrated groan echoed out from him as he rubbed the palms of his hands across his face. How could he have been so stupid to think about wanting what he wanted for his siblings. Such fruitful thought would only be his downfall. Heat sweltered on his cheeks as he let out a huff.
Slamming open the front of the house door, cheeks still flushed from the chance encounter Keigo spotted the four teens at the table, meaning Eri was likely upstairs, “I don’t know which one of you little shits it was, but whoever jinxed me from this morning's conversation with Eri, your ass is grass.” 
As he stormed past the group there was a moment of silence before rushed chaos followed him the moment realization hit.
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daily-media · 10 months
A camp teaches Ukrainian soldiers who were blinded in combat to navigate the world again
Over several weeks, the men would learn to navigate the city of Rivne, prepare their own meals and use public transportation while travelling solo.
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RIVNE: Along a bustling street in a western Ukrainian city, Denys Abdulin takes his first independent strides since he was severely wounded and blinded while fighting invading Russian troops more than a year ago. The 34-year-old former soldier, wearing black glasses and gripping a white mobility cane, steps onto a more crowded stretch of sidewalk. His movements become tentative and tense. He accidentally blocks the path of a woman approaching an ATM to withdraw cash.
Like many other pedestrians, she responds with a compassionate smile and gracefully moves aside. Gradually, Abdulin covers 600 meters (almost 3/10 of a mile), guided by a trainer walking ahead of him with a bracelet of small metal bells.
Five other Ukrainian military veterans conquered similar challenges while attending a rehabilitation camp for ex-soldiers who lost their vision in combat. Over several weeks, the men would learn to navigate the city of Rivne, prepare their own meals and use public transportation while travelling solo.
Daily tasks they previously performed without thinking now demand focus, strength and dedication. “Everyone pays their price for freedom in Ukraine,” Abdulin, who spent months confined to a hospital bed and rarely takes off his dark shades, said.
The war Russia launched in Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, has killed tens of thousands of fighters on both sides. Countless others, both Ukrainian military personnel and civilians who took up arms to defend their country, have been maimed or suffered other injuries that irreversibly reshaped their lives.
No statistics currently exist for how many service members have lost their sight due to severe wounds sustained in the war, according to Olesia Perepechenko, executive director of Modern Sight, the non-governmental organization that puts on the camp. But demand for the program is growing as the war nears its year and a half point.
Over the course of several weeks, the veterans, accompanied by their families, reside at a rehabilitation centre outside of Rivne. Most receive their first canes here, take their first walks around urban and natural environments without assistance, and learn to operate sound-based programs using cell phones and computers.
“Our goal isn’t to retrain them, not to change them, but simply to give them a chance to become independent and self-reliant,” Perepechenko, who is herself blind, said.
Abdulin voluntarily joined the military when Russia invaded Ukraine nearly 18 months ago.
Completing the 600-meter walk marked a new phase in his recovery following the wounds he sustained when a mine detonated a few meters (yards) behind him in Sieverodontesk, a city in eastern Ukraine now occupied by Russians. “It seemed to me that a flame flew out of my eyes,” he said of that day in May 2022.
“I immediately realized that I had lost my eyes.”
“Of course, I expected everything, but becoming blind, I couldn’t even imagine,” Abdulin continued.
“I thought that I could lose an arm or a leg, and I didn’t want to die at all. I never even thought that I would become blind. Therefore, at first, it was very difficult.”
In 2014, when Russia unlawfully annexed Crimea and armed conflict erupted in Ukraine’s Donbas region, Perepechenko yearned to be on the front lines helping in some way. Her request to join the army was declined, so she decided to embrace a new mission: helping soldiers who lost their sight to reclaim a sense of autonomy.
Modern Sight held its first rehabilitation camp in 2019 and organized around 10 more since then. However, only two camps have taken place during the war. Although there is a waiting list of 30 people for the next session, the non-profit’s primary hurdle is funding: each camp costs about 15,000 euros ($16,400) to put on.
Abdulin spent almost a year receiving treatment for his injuries, which included a shattered jaw from the shrapnel that also stole his vision and left him with breathing and balance problems. His wife, Olesia Abdulina, returned with their two children from Lithuania, where the three of them sought refuge after Russia’s full-scale invasion.
“His eyes were still so swollen, with bandages over them, covered in cotton pads,” Abdulina said of seeing her husband at the hospital for the first time after their months of separation.
“The main thing is that you’re alive,” she said she responded when he told her he would never see her again. During the months after that, she fed him with a spoon and rarely left his side.
At the Modern Sight camp, the two of them were learning how to integrate his impairment into their family life. While Denys attended physiotherapy or cooking classes, Abdulina and other women with husbands or boyfriends in the program go through their own training exercises. One purpose of the camp is reminding the spouses they are not “nannies” but life partners to their men, Perepechenko said.
During one such session, Abdulina is blindfolded and given a long cane. She tentatively probes the floor while another participant holds her hand. The purpose of the exercise is to help the women better understand what their partners experience and need.
“We remain the same people. We have the same capabilities,” Ivan Soroka, 27, who joined the Ukrainian army on the day Russia invaded and was attending the camp for a second time. “We need to stand up, take control and work on improving ourselves.”
A projectile wounded Soroka near Bakhmut in August 2022, when the longest battle of the war so far was just beginning. Russian forces ended up taking the city in eastern Ukraine in May after more than eight months of intense combat.
“I lost my sight immediately, thrown by the blast wave. I felt that I was dying,” Soroka said. “I lay there for about two minutes. Then I realized that no, someone isn’t letting me go there.” As he recalls those moments, he implies it was his fiancee, Vlada, now sitting beside him, who kept him alive.
The couple met when Soroka was participating in the defence of the Kyiv region in the spring of last year. Their love blossomed swiftly against the backdrop of war. Prior to Soroka’s summer deployment to the Donetsk region, he proposed to Vlada. She agreed to marry him.
But soon after, the two were spending days and nights in a hospital instead of preparing for a wedding. The happy occasion that was postponed because of Soroka’s injury is now planned for early September; after months of rehabilitation, he feels both physically and psychologically strong.
“I’ve realized that unless I rise on my own and start doing something, nothing will change,” he said.
The men and their partners spend camp breaks and evenings in a gazebo on the rehabilitation centre’s grounds. An atmosphere of tranquillity prevails, occasionally interrupted by hearty laughter and jokes from their time as soldiers.
By the time they leave the centre, the men will know they have the tools to get around a city and gain something equally vital — a sense of community forged through shared experiences and common trauma.
One evening, when the day’s activities were completed, the camp participants gathered in a courtyard to celebrate Oleksandr Zhylchenko’s birthday. He lost his sight late last year, though did not share details about the circumstances.
“I’m drawing you into a circle, into your family’s circle. There are about 50 of us here,” Perepechenko said, handing Zhylchenko a heart-shaped balloon in the yellow and blue of Ukraine’s national flag. “This is our collective heart.”
The trainers and trainees stood in a circle and, one by one, shared their birthday wishes for the man of the moment. Careless days. A bright future. Patience, confidence, faithfulness. A peaceful sky. The final wish was for “victory for all of us and for Ukraine.”
Moved, Zhylchenko held the balloon a moment longer, silently conjuring his own wish. Then, he released it, without seeing it swiftly ascend into the sky.
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