#once upon a dream i knew how to draw ducks
ducktawes-uwu · 1 year
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self-indulgent AU based on vocaloid lesbians <3 and who says the old ways of fandom are dead?
so yea, Alluring Secret ~Black Vow~ :D isn’t it the fucken coolest???
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elitadream · 4 months
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"Of all the plants that grow and bloom in the Kingdom, Fire Flowers have always been my favorites," said Peach, as she looked down at the lively specimen she was delicately cradling in her hands. Her eyes were soft and her voice mellow, both filled with a mysterious affection that spoke of something lovely and seemed to make her lovelier still.
Beside her, Mario let out a quiet sigh, his gaze never once leaving her face. He was listening to her every word, curious and impossibly endeared, hoping the princess somehow knew just how much he cherished her company. His love for her deepened the longer he watched her, and his smile was adoring as Peach held the flower closer.
"They are very special and dear to me; Not because of their power or their notoriety, but because of their warmth," she went on, brushing her fingers against its petals in a gentle caress. "They bring an immediate sense of comfort to those around them, and can alleviate one's sadness with their soothing glow. They are said to guide those who are lost, and lift the spirits of those who are tired. They possess tremendous fiery strength, and yet… Unless needed, they are content to simply remain as they are, idle and calm, their inner spark bringing the world a unique and precious light."
She turned to him then, and Mario froze under her stare. The expression that she wore was one of indescribable fondness, sincere and true.
"They remind me of you," she murmured, before ducking her head shyly and averting her eyes again. She was biting her lower lip, her features illuminated by candid mirth, and Mario staggered where he stood despite the grip that he had on the balcony's railing. The dull ache in his chest flared abruptly, seizing him and making it hard to breathe. He felt as through he had just been struck by lightning, his entire body thrumming like a live wire. After a moment, he managed to look away and found his voice again.
"I have seen all the treasures of this land," he rasped. "I have witnessed magic in its purest form, and have been shown wonders I could never even have dreamed of… But none will ever compare to you."
Peach let out a small gasp, her cheeks turning bright pink. They shared another glance, this one longer than the last, and Mario wished the instant could last forever. He was the first one to falter however, and he cleared his throat as his nerves got the best of him.
"I'm… happy that you have kept the flower I've given you," he muttered bashfully, stumbling a bit on the adjective.
"I will never part with it," Peach answered earnestly. She shook her head to further demonstrate her sentiment, giving him a radiant smile as she did, and Mario inwardly winced; trying to rein in his wildly beating heart.
"Sei così bellissima," he whispered waveringly, unable to help himself.
Peach blinked, her usual surprise and delight upon hearing him speak Italian veiled by a cryptic sort of contentment and tenderness this time around. She couldn't understand him, not really, but something in his tone had seemingly given his thought away regardless. And for the first time in a very long time, Mario felt strangely at ease with this notion. If he couldn't bring himself to tell her how he felt, perhaps he could trust the truth to one day reveal itself and finally be freed.
In the meantime though, he would gladly honor all that she saw in him, and continue to be exactly that. A source of warmth and comfort. A tremendous privilege for him, and one that he was more than ready to fulfill.
As previously mentioned, I felt like writing a little something for Valentine's Day this year, but I couldn't resist adding a drawing as an afterthought! 🥰 Just a little scene that kept coming back to my mind and which I felt was appropriate for the occasion. Enjoy!^^ 💝
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pia-nor481 · 3 months
Lando tying your hand to the headboard and being super gentle about it bonus points if he does this before eating you out and you wanna hold his curls so bad but you can't omg my dream
“You broke the cuffs last time.” Lando complained looking at her with a pout adorning her face. It was no secret that Lando liked bondage, but most of the time she just couldn’t resist touching him. “But it’s not fair you get to touch me” She was beginning to whine now, but that didn’t stop him from running his hands over her thighs lightly. “That’s the rule, you know that.” Her hands were kept above the rest of her body, wrists held together by Lando’s hand. “Please.” She was resisting as much as possible, the urge to touch him taking her over, she could feel the heat of his hand on her thigh, before he pulled her underwear off. “Lando.” She continued to whine as his lips made contact with her cunt, she pushed her hips towards him. “Behave.” Lando groaned, out of breath and face covered in her. He could feel her tensing slightly as he sucked on her clit lightly, pulling a song of moans from her mouth.
Her eyes shot open when he pulled away. As his eyes met hers she realised her hand was clinging to his curls. Lando shook his head dramatically, knowing eventually he’d give her the pleasure she desired. “No. Please Lando.” She begged, sitting up quickly, becoming more obedient as time went on. “You didn’t listen.” He spoke, almost chastising her. Disappointment painted her face as she saw him stand up, walking away with his arms crossed. She huffed loudly upon hearing his footsteps, drawing his attention the best she could, hoping he wouldn’t punish her. But her thoughts were silenced when she saw what was in his grasp; his resistance bands from his home gym. Although Lando was a top athlete who could definitely hold her wrists together, he liked to have his hands exploring her body at any chance he could.
“Really? That’s your solution?” She pouted once again. Lando chose to ignore her remark as he made work of pulling her hands above her head once more, ensuring the bands were secure around her wrist. “These are pretty long, I could definitely still touch you.” He just laughed while ducking his head lower again, laying his tongue flat once again, his hands rested under her knees, keeping a tight grip, just to tease. He knew how desperate she was to feel him on her own accord, but he had to deny her. Moans were bouncing off of the walls the longer his lips made contact with her cunt. “Please Lando, need to feel you. Please….” She trailed off before gasping, the feeling on him become too much. Her hands her pulling on the bands as much as she possibly could, lust taking her over, she was stuggling to even get her hands far from the headboard. His name spilled from her mouth as she pulled, thrashing around in an attempt to get free. “Be good for me.” He reminds with a low voice, before shaking his head side to side, increasing her pleasure tenfold. Her hips pushed up, head empty from the ecstasy running through her body. Lando’s hands danced over her shaking legs in a gentle way to comfort her. “So good, such a good girl.”
A blissful smile adorned her face as Lando looked up again, reaching for her wrists, removing the bands as quick as possible. “They’re 40kgs. I’m sorry baby, but I had no other choice.” He huffed playfully, kissing her sweetly as he rubbed her wrists, making sure she was cared for. “You can touch me as much as you want now.” He whispered out, letting his hands slide over her waist, ensuring his cock was aligned with her cunt. Lando still insisted on teasing her, but rubbing the head over her clit a few times before pushing in. Her hands immediately met his hair, she pulled on his curls, basking in the feeling.
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introvertllux · 1 month
Chrono Heart (Future Trunks X Black!OC)
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Chapter 1: The Relic and the Reawakening
The remnants of Dr. Gero’s lab were a graveyard of twisted metal and shattered dreams, a monument to the hubris of a man who played god with circuits and steel. Hidden beneath this forsaken ruin, a capsule hissed open, and from its depths, a figure emerged—Axa. With skin like polished ebony, eyes that shimmered with the golden light of a thousand captured stars, and hair that cascaded down in an untamed torrent, she was a sight to behold—beauty crafted by ambition, innocence shaped by design.
She stood, hesitantly, in the dim light of her metallic tomb, a stark contrast to the vividness of her form. Her limbs moved with an elegance that was almost haunting, yet her expression held the innocence of a child looking out upon the world for the first time.
Unbidden, Axa's body propelled her through the labyrinth of the city, every calculation in her head leading her to an encounter she did not understand. It was as if an invisible hand guided her to a serene park, where the familiar silhouette of Android 18 stood, lost in the simplicity of feeding ducks at the pond—a moment of peace in a life so often marked by conflict.
Axa’s presence cast a shadow over the tranquility, and 18 turned, her eyes widening in shock and recognition. "Axa? Is it really you?" she gasped, the breadcrumbs slipping from her fingers.
Their reunion was explosive—a symphony of fists and flashes of shared history. As they sparred, 18, amidst parries and takedowns, called out to the essence of the girl she once knew.
"Remember when we sparred with 16 in the orchard, the cherry blossoms falling around us like snow?" she grunted, dodging a swift punch. "Or the time we snuck into the city, 17 dared us to ride the rollercoaster and you laughed until you cried?"
Each word struck Axa deeper than any physical blow could, unlocking the sealed doors of her memory. "And that night, the four of us lay in the grass, making shapes out of stars, dreaming of freedom," 18 continued, her voice laced with nostalgia, even as she blocked a kick. "But then you were gone. Gero said you were defective, but you were just... you were just Axa. You were just a little girl, and I... we, I should have done something."
Tears spilled from Axa's eyes, liquid diamonds trailing down her face, an alien sensation that stopped her cold. Her hands came up to her face, fingers trembling as she touched the moisture with wonder. "What... what is this?" she whispered, her voice breaking.
"It's crying, Axa," 18 replied with a bittersweet chuckle, the fight draining from her. "It happens when you're sad... or happy... or even when you laugh so hard, you can't stop. It means you're alive."
Axa's golden gaze, now dulled by confusion and sorrow, met 18's. "I don't... I don't understand," she said, a lost child wrapped in the shell of a machine.
"I know," 18 said, stepping forward to wrap an arm around her. "I forgot to search for you when I found my own life. But now I’m here, and I'll help you. Let me show you the life I've built. You’ll fit right in. Krillin, my husband, Marron, our daughter—they'll love you."
The promise of a family warmed something inside Axa, a spark of belonging that she didn't know she needed.
The scene shifted to the familial home, where the spark was met with a torrent of fear and misunderstanding.
The home that once held warmth and laughter was now a battlefield of words and emotions. The cozy living room, with its family photos and children's drawings, became the arena. Krillin's face was flushed with a mix of protective fear and incandescent rage. "18, how in the world could you think this was okay? Bringing her into our home without even a word to me?" His voice shook the very foundations of their sanctuary, a volume reserved for life-and-death battles, not familial disputes.
"You're not getting it, Krillin!" 18 shot back, her own voice a force to be reckoned with. "You think I can't see danger? I know danger. I've been danger. But she—" 18 jabbed a finger towards Axa, "—is just lost. We owe her this!"
Marron, with the blissful ignorance of childhood, had wandered over to Axa, offering a small stuffed dinosaur with a smile. "Do you wanna play with Mr. Dino?" she had asked, her voice a sing-song note in the dissonant symphony of the adults' conflict.
Krillin's eyes darted from Marron to Axa, and with a speed that betrayed his martial prowess, he scooped Marron into his arms. "Marron, sweetie, why don't you go play in your room, okay?" His words were gentle with his daughter, but when his gaze swung back to Axa, they were steel blades. "Stay away from her," he snapped at Axa. "We don't know you, what you're capable of—what if you're programmed to…to…"
His words trailed off, but the accusation hung heavily in the air, an invisible smog choking the room. Axa, who stood like a statue wrought from onyx, felt each word strike her. Her hands, which moments ago had explored the texture of the child's toy, now hung limply at her sides. The shine in her golden eyes dulled, a gloss of pain over the brightness.
"Krillin," 18's voice cracked like a whip, her anger transforming into something fierce and protective. "Listen to yourself! She’s not a threat! How can you judge her like this?"
The silence that followed was suffocating. Axa's soft, disbelieving sobs were the only sound, a heartbreaking melody that seemed to wrap around the room. She blinked rapidly, her human-like innocence clashing with her android perfection as she attempted to process the whirlwind of rejection and anger.
"I… I don't want to be a problem," Axa stammered out, her voice a mere whisper but slicing through the tension. "I didn't mean to cause trouble. I'm sorry."
Krillin, his face softening for a moment at Axa's words, struggled with the turmoil inside him. His duty to protect his family warring with the empathy he had learned from his wife. "18, I…," he started, but the words tangled, a mess of emotion and duty.
"No," 18 interrupted, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of frustration. "No, Krillin. She's not just some android. She's Axa. Remember that. She's not the past; she’s someone who needs us now."
In the quiet that followed, the trio stood, the balance of their world shifted, as they each considered the weight of what it meant to be family, to be human, or something akin to it. Axa, still caught in the eye of the storm, dared to hope for a harbor in this tempest—a place where she could anchor her heart.
The turmoil in the room reached a crescendo, a tidal wave of emotion that crashed over Axa with overwhelming force. As Krillin and Android 18's argument continued, Axa's mind began to fracture under the strain. She clutched at her temples, her golden eyes flickering erratically as memories—long suppressed—surged to the surface.
She was small again, diminutive and human, watching through the bars of a crib as giants in white coats and stern faces argued loudly above her. The cacophony of their voices was terrifying, a discordant symphony that crescendoed into an unbearable din. Words like "potential" and "failure" were thrown back and forth, volleying over her head like some high-stakes game she could not comprehend.
Her breath hitched, a robotic mimicry of a panic attack, and her body began to seize up. Her limbs locked in place, and the glow in her eyes sputtered like a dying star. "System… overload…" she managed to gasp out before collapsing like a puppet with its strings cut, her form going limp and unresponsive on the floor.
"18, we need to do something!" Krillin's voice was now tinged with fear for Axa, the protective instinct he felt for all living beings—especially those under his roof—kicking in.
18 knelt beside Axa, her fingers hovering over the android's inert body. Her heart, though not flesh and blood, ached with a mix of fear and protectiveness. "Dammit," she cursed softly, her usual composure fraying at the edges.
Krillin ran a hand through his hair, his eyes darting from his wife to the still figure on the floor. "Maybe… we should take her to see Bulma. She's dealt with… this kind of thing before."
Android 18's eyes narrowed at the suggestion. "Bulma has a good heart, but she's got that scientist's curiosity. She'll want to dissect every part of Axa's programming," she said, her voice a growl of resistance. "And Vegeta…" she trailed off, a scowl creasing her features at the thought of the Saiyan prince's unpredictable nature.
Krillin nodded slowly, understanding his wife's concerns. "We don't have to tell everyone, just Bulma. She'll know what to do," he insisted, his tone imploring. "Vegeta won't lay a finger on her—I'll deal with him if I have to."
The two locked eyes, a silent conversation passing between them. It was a gamble, but Axa needed help that they couldn't give. With a heavy heart, 18 agreed. "Fine. But we're not leaving her side. Not for a second."
Carefully, they gathered Axa's motionless form, her weight a testament to the gravity of their situation. Together, they stepped into the cool evening air, the weight of Axa's fate a heavy shroud upon their shoulders as they made their way to Capsule Corporation, and into the uncertain future that awaited them.
More on Axa (Pronounced: Axe-e-ah or Ahh-x-ah)
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*Apologies for inconsistent art styles. I utilized Art breeder. Unfortunately I don't see many resources to help create black!Ocs in consistent styles and diverse poses out there. If you know of any please let me know! As you continue reading the story imagine her in the DBZ art style. Thank you!*
@thejadetrios @shytothemaxx @variousfandom @konekomews @physicallyherementallysomewhere @ikittybakugou345 @jasxnoamii @enderempresss16 @elliethewitch @carzychameleon @feitanii @hollownight @dragonloverdrawer @moonlight445sblog @yelan-butterpeatea @ringsofpersonti @weeb-boy261 @jkr820 @somehowexist @scrumptiouss007 @emajohn40 @justicetheghost @thirstyhoebutbetteryehsjsg @rasaberrygray @etherialblackrose @random-insomnia15 @deviousmunchkin @galaxys-stuff @bluehibiscusgarden @kunoichis-world @x-bakudeku-x @spectoralstrudel @i-wanna-fuck-monsters @interobanginyourmom @twdhtgawm @kkeidawrites
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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
prompt: request was to write broad but to write something angsty
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: language, sexual content, angst
Harry always had issues with saying ‘no’ to people. He never quite grew out of his manners even when he should have.
He said ‘yes’ to way too many things- signing autographs for rude fans and paparazzi, and agreed to way too many things Jeff suggested.
Saying yes to everything didn’t make his life any easier is the thing. Especially when it came to his wife. She was usually left with the aftermath of him being too nice.
The media painted Y/N in a negative light occasionally and so did the fans because she would stand up for Harry and not let him say ‘yes’ to every single request.
She would tell disrespectful fans he’s not signing autographs because of the way they were screaming and interrupting his work.
Harry wished he could do it himself - admired that his wife didn’t give a fuck what people thought about her. He cared entirely too much what the world would think.
The couple didn’t fight about much - no, not really. Normal couple stuff for the most part. But this was the exception, this is where Y/N found most of their turmoil.
Every few months it would rear it’s ugly head and they’d find themselves in the same position over and over again.
This time - it was really fucking bad.
The couple had been staying in their Los Angeles home for the last few months whilst the singer finalized his album and began promotion.
It was boring meeting among boring lunch outings to get all their ducks in a row. Jeff - his manager the main orchestrator.
He was a great manager and a good friend, but it was also business too which Harry didn’t always comprehend.
At the end of the day, Harry was making Jeff millions upon millions of dollars. But Harry didn’t think that way.
Harry was in a stuffy conference room at the The Late Late Show to work on the script and ideas for the show. Promo had been nonstop.
He was a bit tired as it was nearly just hitting eight in the morning and he had been up late with you - having some late night loving in the hot tub.
“As for guest - Kendall Jenner,” James Corden’s producer states. All the men agree but Harry is taken aback.
“Why...why would we have my ex-girlfriend as one of my guests?” Harry interrupts, confusion knitting his brows.
Kendall and him didn’t end on a bad note - not at all. They hooked up a few times after their ‘break-up’ but once he’d met Y/N she was understanding when he cut it off.
Y/N wasn’t necessarily jealous of the model, but didn’t love when they’d run into each other at events. She was still overtly flirty with Harry without much shame. 
Harry also didn’t have an desire to see her or host her as a guest on the show. She was nice but he wasn’t interested in being friends with her. They didn’t have much in common and he was head over heels for his wife.
“The media will eat it up, dude. Harry Styles and Kendall Jenner reunited on a show after four years?” Jeff smiles, the others nodding in amicable agreement.
This is one of this times where Harry needs to say “no,” that it’s disrespectful to his significant other to use an old flame for promo for his album.
He already knows ‘hendall’ will be trending within minutes and he can’t imagine how that would make his parter feel.
“I just...this doesn’t seem like a good idea?” Harry begins hesitantly, making it sound more like a question than a statement. 
“Why not?” Eric, one of the writers asks.
“Y’know, I’m married. I don’t think m’missus would appreciate if I did somethin’ like that just for promotion,” he states, scratching at his jaw uncomfortably.
“Look Styles, we’re not asking you to fuck the girl. It just a interview, c’mon,” The executive producer gruffs - wanting those guaranteed views.
Harry swallows - looking at his manager and then at everyone else at the table looking at him for an affirmative answer.
“Uh-sure,” Harry fumbles, feeling anxiety rise into his throat. Fuck, he’s such a god damn pushover.
He’s trying to find his voice to go back on his agreement but the meeting wrapping up and people are leaving with final handshakes.
Harry doesn’t know how to tell Y/N what is going on. He’d been keeping in stored in the back of his mind, not ready to have a blowout.
He never found the perfect time to bring it up and now it was too late. It was the morning of the show and he was due to be at the rehearsals this afternoon.
Harry had finally decided he was going to tell her this morning over coffee but forgot that she had a girl’s day planned with a few friends.
She was already out to breakfast with them when he woke up. His phone had one text from you.
Hi baby. I’m out with the girls. See you at the show tonight. I’ll meet you there around six! Love you!
He was fucked royally and he had no one to blame but himself. Maybe it’d be okay, maybe she’d roll her eyes and tell him he’s an idiot.
Realistically he knew that was just a sweet dream at this point.
Harry was fidgety and kept mucking up his lines during rehearsal as it got closer to the showtime and his missus arriving.
Kendall had arrived for hair and makeup without seeing her ex-boyfriend yet. He dreaded seeing the model.
Kendall and Y/N had met a few times at different events. It was always cordial. Kendall was always casual - their relationship was never more than a couple fun dates and sex.
They were kind to each other when they met but he couldn’t deny how much harder his partner kissed him on the mouth afterwards.
Before he know it, his wife is hugging him from behind as he talks to a producer about which cameras to look at.
Y/N noticed the way he tensed up at first and thought about how unusual that was for him. Normally, he’d lean back into her with his full weight causing them both to stumble and laugh.
He slowly, cautiously turns around and his face  relaxes a little bit but not completely. “Hi baby,” he hums, leaning in for a kiss.
“You look so handsome,” she replies, admiring his brown pinstriped suit and her pearl necklace that he’d snagged awhile back. She thought it looked better on him anyways.
“You look even better, s’fuckin’ pretty, love,” he gushes, coming back in for another kiss - a little too sensual for the setting.
She was donned in a cropped white shirt, showing of the smooth expanse of her tummy. An oversized blazer of Harry’s, ripped jeans, and heels. 
Harry thought fleetingly he couldn’t wait to fuck her after the show. Then remembered that mostly wouldn’t happen.
Reggie, the musical lead, slides up to you two. He smiles wide at you, saying, “Can’t believe you agreed to the guest this evening.”
Her eyebrows furrow in confusion, Harry’s raise nearly to his forehead, but when she opens her mouth to ask him to explain they’re interrupted.
“Harry!” The leggy model trots over to the little group. Dressed in an interesting one-piece suit that has sewn in heels. She looked beautiful as ever, of course she was a model.
Both of them turn towards the oblivious girl, “Kendall,” Harry replies with a twinge of anxiety - eyes repeatedly looking at his significant other’s profile as multiple emotions flash.
“Hiya, you’re Y/N right?” Kendall smiles kindly, offering her manicured hand.
She accepts, “Yeah, uh-good to see you again.”
Harry knew she had connected the dots quickly in her head. The hurt, confusion, had hit her eyes before narrowing into full-blown rage at her partner.
“I promise I’ll go easy on him,” Kendall jokes before pinching at Harry’s cheek teasingly. The model was a natural flirt with everyone she got along with.
“Oh, sure,” she replies lamely, attempting to not let her feelings burst out in that moment with her husband . She knew it wasn’t Kendall’s fault.
“I’m going to go grab a bite to eat. I’m probably gonna puke when we do ‘spill or fill’. See you guys soon,” the model waves before trailing off with her assistant.
“Did you kn- of course you knew she was your guest,” Y/N seethes, turning to fully face the guilt-stricken-singer.
He rubs the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact, “I did.”
“How long have you known for?” She demands to know, keeping her voice at an angry whisper to not draw attention.
Harry wasn’t going to lie to his love, “About two weeks.”
Y/N replies with a laugh, “let me guess, you let Jeffrey talk you into this bullshit, again.”
His silence is all she needs to know it’s true.
“For Christ’s sake, of course,” She huffs bitterly, “what’s even worse is you didn’t fucking tell me. What the fuck?”
Harry bites his lip, not able to rasp out anything but a pathetic, “m’sorry, love.”
He wasn’t usually good at taking responsibility during a fight. He was stubborn at best but he couldn’t deny his way out of this.
“You will be, you-“
They were cut off by the staff, the audience was trailing in and Harry needed to get mic’d up now.
“This conversation isn’t over,” she points her finger at his chest before storming off to the side of the stage where she’d watch from.
Fucking shit.
Harry was a performer. It’s easy for him to push things to the back of his mind so he can entertain a enamored audience.
But tonight, he was struggling. Eyes flicking over to the teleprompter more than usual, his demeanor not as vivid and carefree.
Not when his wife was glaring daggers at him from stage right. Her hand constantly at her mouth, biting at her nails - a nervous tick of hers.
“Next up, the one, the only, the beautiful model and one of my good friends, Kendall Jenner!” Harry introduces when she walks out and waves at the crowd.
They hug and when they pull apart they step over to where they were playing the game. Either answer the question or eat a nasty food picked out by the other.
They weren’t allowed to see each other’s questions before the game started- both going on blind which put Harry more on edge.
“Okay, Kendall. Rank the members of One Direction on most to least attractive or you will be eating...” Harry spins the table, “Cow tongue.”
She flinched at the disgusting plate, smirking up at Harry before considering her course of action, “I think I can answer this one.”
He wasn’t looking forward to her answer. Neither was Y/N by the way she nearly shaking her foot off her leg.
“Okay, I got this. You - the most attractive, then uh- Zayn....Louis...Niall...Liam,” she laughs, “but all of you are hot!”
Harry fake laughs and acts like he’s impressed by her answer as the crowd roars and cheers. 
When Kendall picks up her notecard - she laughs in surprise at the question before looking at him with bright eyes.
“Okay, um, bull penis!” She giggles before starting the question, “I’m dying to know this answer. So...your first album HS1 was released four years ago, correct?”
He nods, apprehensive.
“Which songs were about me? Especially was only angel?” She laughs at Harry’s pale expression before without another thought he shovels the rancid food into his mouth.
Harry looks off to the side to see that his missus is no longer sitting there. Just Jeff - who gives him a thumbs up.
The first thing he did when the show ended and the lights dimmed was bolt off to Jeff - ignoring Kendall who was about to say something to him.
“Where’d Y/N go?”
He thought she might have went out to get a breathe of fresh air but for the next hour and a half he hasn’t seen her once.
“She said she wasn’t feeling very good. She told me to tell you she’d meet you at home,” Jeff shrugs unbothered.
“Damnit!” Harry curses loudly, ripping out of the microphone and the little pack in his back waistband.
“Harry,” Jeff scolds at his unprofessionalism that was abnormal for him.
“No! Don’t fucking ever ask me to do shit like this again. You fucking knew what questions were on those notecards and you said it wasn’t anything about our previous relationship.”
“Don’t fucking talk to me. You’re a real shit manager sometimes, you know that? Do not contact me tonight or tomorrow for that matter, you douchebag,” Harry barks before storming off towards the dressing rooms.
All the employees were standing around in shock, staring at the popstar as he ignored everyone around him.
Harry was famously known for being a kind, amicable guy. So it took everyone by surprise to hear him speak like that. Even Jeff was shaken up a little.
The house was pitch-black as Harry pulled up. The house’s first floor was lined with large, bay windows and not a single light was on.
He could find one room illuminated which was your bedroom. A dim side lamp must have been flicked on. He imagined her purposely turning off all the lights on the trek up the staircase.
Harry didn’t want to admit how much he was trembling with awful nerves and anticipation as he slowly turns the knob of the shared bedroom.
Y/N wasn’t laying in bed as he expected but found the bathroom door shut tightly. He noticed a little yellow bag with tissue paper off to the side by a dresser.
He knocks on the oak door, not daring to enter without permission.
“What do you want?” Y/N answers, tone flat and emotionless. 
“Can I come in, baby? Please...” He wasn’t ashamed to beg for forgiveness at this point. Hearing the emptiness in her tone scared him shitless.
“I really could care less,” She replies coldly from her spot in the scalding water decorated with bubbles.
Harry had never felt more unsure in his life as he enters the bathroom.  Y/N had gotten proper pissed at him or vice versa before - right before a concert, an award ceremony but she’d never left without him.
Her head was laying against the foam headrest and her body was covered by the soap water. She looked tired and her eyes were puffy from crying.
Harry kneels next to the tub, “look at me, please pet.”
 Y/N takes a moment before turning her head and opening her eyes. They were distant, disappointed in the man in front of her.
“I should have told you about Kendall. I should have put up more of a fight to get someone else on instead,” Harry admits, his hands desperately wanting to reach out for her.
She shakes her head with a heart-wrenching sniffle, “it’s not just tonight, Harry. We’ve had this conversation continuously for three and a half fucking years. You try to please everyone, despite them giving no fucks about you.”
“Are you that much of a pushover? You let your ex-girlfriend flirt with you in front of millions. Do you know how embarrassing and unfair that it to me?” She wipes at her eyes to stop the tears spilling over.
Harry hadn’t thought of it like that - to be honest. But he agrees, it wasn’t fair and downright cruel to do that to her.
What? All because he couldn’t say ‘no’ because he didn’t want people to be mad at him? It was pathetic and ridiculous.
“I-I won’t let it happen again, lovie. I mean it, I truly do,” Harry whimpers reaching over to cup her cheek and wants to cry when she pushes him away.
“You’re a broken record. You’ve said that a million times before but don’t change,”  Y/N points out, eyes boring furiously into his wife’s.
“I’m goi-“
She cuts him off with a sharp edge in her tone, “Just leave me alone, get out.”
The man’s face crumbles and for a second, she wants to just end the fight and makeup but then nothing would change.
“Get out!” She finally bellows, tears streaming down her face steadily.
He obliges, head hung in defeat as he closes the door behind him. He stands there’s blankly for a second before going to the walk-in closet.
He’s pulling out a fresh pair of cotton underwear and a large sleepshirt for his partner, laying them neatly on the bed.
Harry doesn’t know what to do with himself while he waits so he pulls out his phone to mindlessly scroll.
He throws it against the wall when he sees #hendallreunited is trending number one on Twitter at the moment.
The singer strips down to his briefs and sits with his back against the tufted headboard, staring blankly at the wall.
His eyes catch a neon pink pair of his swimshorts tossed carelessly on the decorative vase in the corner of the room from the night before .
“Fuck, baby - no need to rush,” Harry groans into Y/N ‘s mouth as she pushes him until he’s sat on the edge of their California king.
She reaches impatiently for the tie on his neon pink swimshorts and yanks them off his slim, peach-fuzz thighs before throwing them onto the vase without a care that it was worth over twenty-thousand pounds.
After edging her in the hot tub with his fingers and mouth, she wasn’t waiting any longer before clambering onto his lap, pulling her swim bottoms to the side, and sinking onto him.
He felt guilty when his cock twitched at the thought of it. But when reality set back in, the arousal with the memory evaporated.
It isn’t much longer until the door is pulled open and  Y/N’s padding into the room with a towel secured around her.
She looks at the clothes Harry set out for her and pointedly walks past them to pick out her own nightwear. 
That really shouldn’t make his eyes tear up as he watches her slide on a similar pair of panties and an oversized shirt. Spotting a purpling bruise on her upper in thigh from his mouth.
 Y/N silently walks past the bed and to the bedroom door, looking back before bleakly stating, “I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”
He frowns, wrinkles appearing on his forehead, “You can sleep in here, love. I’ll take the guest room.”
Harry doesn’t get a reply as she just shakes her head and closes the door loudly behind her. 
It’s just - he’s never seen her this upset. She was usually fantastic at communicating her feelings and hashing things out.
She wasn’t one for the silent treatment or ignoring the topic. It had his chest rising faster than usual with anxiety. The serious of it overwhelming him.
He states at the wall for a very long time without wiping the fat tears brimming over his trembling lips.
He couldn’t sleep - it was half past three and he hadn’t even laid down or clicked off the lamp.
Harry accepted sleep wasn’t coming so he begins to tidy the already clean room. He picks up the shorts and tossing them in the hamper.
He refolds some joggers he’d carelessly shoved in a drawer and when he went to move the little yellow bag - curiosity got the best of him.
There was no card and he wasn’t sure who it was for or if it had been a gift already give to Y/N that she had returned home with.
Harry really shouldn’t - but he does. Gently tugging out the paper and reaching in to feel fabric.
Pulling it out, it takes him a minute to identify what it is - two baby onesie. Who was having a baby?
He lays them in front of him, eyes widening in surprise as he reads what is printed across the black cotton.
The first one was the colors and font of his upcoming tour merch with the photo he used on his tour announcement with the heeled boot and white pants.
Love on Tour - Due Date: September 2025
With Special Guest Appearance from Baby Styles
The second one was simple and read across the chest:
I’m having your baby (and it is your business) with embroidered kiwis all of over it.
He frantically reached back into the bag to pull out a bundle of pregnancy tests tied with a silk bow.
They weren’t necessarily trying for a baby but they’re weren’t not trying either. Harry wanted a baby as soon as his missus was willing to give him one.
“No, no, don’t one,” she’d whined into his mouth when he’d reached over to grab a condom off the nightstand.
“Oh sweet thing, you want me bare? Fill you up?” He croons happily, coming back to grip at his thick base and tease at her entrance.
“Ye-yeah, H. Please,” (Y/N) whimpers, bucking her hips in the hope he’d slip inside her.
Harry hums, “Might give you a baby though, y’want me to knock you up?”
“Want it, wan-“
He cuts her off with a hard, blissful kiss as he thrusts all the way inside before pulling out to do it again. 
“Gonna give it to you, whatever you want, lovie,” he promises.
The two had never used protection afterwards. It had start about seven months ago and from his knowledge she’d still been getting her periods regularly.
Occasionally, he would palm at her flat tummy and pout, “Haven’t put a baby in you yet, ‘ave I?”
He was so ecstatic but disappointed in himself for ruining everything and pleasing everyone other than who he should be.
Harry needed to fix this. He didn’t want Y/N to lose the excitement of having their baby over a dumb choice of his.
The man’s out of the room and not knocking before entering their guest room. His now pregnant love is laying on-top of the covers.
One hand subconsciously on her belly - which she removes and places next to her when her wife walks in.
The television was on but the volume was low and Y/N wasn’t watching it in the first place anyways.
Harry sits on the edge of the bed, “I opened the yellow bag.”
She looks at him with wide eyes, a little taken aback. she was going to surprise him tonight and forgot to store it away for another time after the fight.
Harry has happy tears dribbling down his cheeks, “you’re having my baby?”
Y/N nods, running a slight hand through his curls. She still had a nasty knot of anger and uncertainty in the pit of her stomach.
It pains her, wanting to share this moment of excitement with Harry but she just couldn’t. The uncertainty of whether Harry would put everybody’s needs before his own baby.
“Come back to bed, want t’talk and celebrate. M’so bloody excited,” Harry murmurs, a large smile decorating his face as he smooths a palm over the expanse of her tummy.
His wife shakes her head and places a hand over his, feeling the cold metal of all of them. “I want to be left alone.”
The twinkle in Harry’s eye diminishes to devastation as he realizes that he’s fucked up so badly that she doesn’t even want to celebrate.
“Pet, can...we just forget about it tonight and be happy ‘bout the baby?” Harry asks selfishly, knowing it was unlikely she’d agree.
She didn’t, a firm expression on her face, “no, I have a lot to think about.”
“Like wha’?” He asks anxiously, unknowing of quite the reason she was so furious.
“Like how you say yes to everything and everyone. We talk and talk about how you need to say ‘no’ and do what’s best for you - for us. You agree to and never follow through”
She takes a shaky breath and continues, “it’s affected our relationship before when you’ve had to cancel our vacation away from all this for a charity concert you’d agree to perform at last minute, dinner reservations because you told your friend we’d be at their art showing they wanted you at.”
Harry knew she was right. He did those things. He wanted everyone to be happy with him - to a fault.
“Tonight was just icing on the cake, you allowed your manager to talk you into hosting your ex on that show. Out of all the people in the world - her. With flirty questions and jabs from her. You let that happen. You care about making everyone happy but in return you don’t care how it affects me. That’s pretty shitty.”
“I’m...I’m really fucking scared you’ll do that even when we have the baby. I need you to put them first and right now...I’m not sure if you’re going to. You can’t put the person you want to spend the rest of your life with first now, how do I know you’ll do it with the baby?”
Harry chokes out a sob as he presses his forehead against the bed, his broad shoulders shaking. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried this hard - years ago maybe. He felt like his wife didn’t have any faith in him and he was to blame.
He looks up at her with swollen eyes - at a loss for what to do or say. He loved her so much and was over the moon that they were going to have a baby.
“How do I fix this, darling? You’re right, I really fucked up. M’sorry,” Harry cries, grabbing at her hands and she allows it.
“Just saying you’re sorry won’t fix it,” Y/N replies flatly, letting Harry squeeze and kiss at the backs of her hands.
“Then what do I bloody do to fix this?” Harry raises his voice in frustration, staring in bewilderment at his wife. 
Y/N narrows her eyes at him, “Do not raise your voice at me, Harry. Actions speak louder than words.”
Harry swallows harshly, pressing one finally kiss to her hand. “Okay.”
“Okay?” She repeats.
“I love you, I’ll fix this,” he promises with conviction. He knew what he needed to do and do it tomorrow. So he and his wife could enjoy her new pregnancy.
“I need space tonight, I just...please”Y/N says quietly, rubbing at his shoulder.
It wasn’t the first time they’ve slept in separate rooms because they weren’t getting along but they normally found their way back to each other before sunrise.
Harry nods, lip still tremble with the residual anxiety of the conversation. She allows him to press a soft kiss to her mouth before leaving the room.
Cafe Habana was busy - but no one was paying much attention to Harry and Jeff. It was the morning after and Harry had demanded a meeting over breakfast with his manager.
“Y/N pregnant,” Harry states bluntly after their drinks arrive.
“Oh? Congratulations, dude. That’s exciting!” Jeff leans over to pat him on the shoulder, a big smile.
“The baby is due in September. My next tour starts in next July. The baby will be about nine months. I want to be at home with them for the first year.”
Jeff doesn’t look pleased, “what are you getting at Harry?”
“Reschedule the July and August tour dates. Tack them on to the end of the tour,” Harry lays out flat. 
He hadn’t talk to his wife about this but he knew this was how he could prove that he could say ‘no’ and not be a pushover.
“No Harry. Look I get you’re excited about the baby - but that will be such a fucking hassle,” Jeff frowns, sipping his mimosa.
“I’m not asking, Jeff. I’m telling you that’s what needs to happen,” Harry replies firmly, tone strong and unwavering.
Jeff is definitely taken aback by his client’s conviction. 
“While we’re on the topic, do not ever put me in a situation like you did yesterday. It affected my wife and I. And I will choose her over this career any day.”
The manager nods in surprise, “Harry, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not asking for an apology but if you ever pull something like then I’ll be looking for a new management team. Are we clear?” 
Jeff once again nods, unsure of where this is coming from but at the thought of losing his biggest client would be disastrous so he’d do whatever to accommodate him.
“Consider it done,” he tells Harry before clearing his throat in a slight panic.
Y/N woke up to an empty house. She was restless, she asked Harry to prove to her that he could be what she needed. However, it was a bit unfair because she didn’t know how he could do it.
It’s just…she had a baby to think about. They both needed to be put first and if it took a gnarly fight for Harry to realize it...so be it.
“Baby? Love, where are you?” She hears Harry echo through the whole house. She was sat in the kitchen, on a stool by the island, idly sorting through mail.
“In here!”
Harry jogs in, panting like he sprinted from the garage up to the kitchen. He comes to stand in front of the love of his life.
“I might have not completely fixed everything but...I tried,” Harry tells her, cradling her face in his large palms. “ I just got back from lunch with Jeff. I told him about the baby.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing, “I rescheduled tour dates so I can be with you guys at home in London for the first year. Then...maybe you guys can join me after?”
“Harry…” she’s at a loss for words.
“And I told Jeff that if he ever puts me in a situation like that again, I’m firing him.”
Y/N stares at him, in awe and admiration of the man she chose to marry and keep forever. His face was so sincere and vulnerable.
Harry didn’t know whether it would be enough. If it wasn’t he’d keep trying but all he could do was hope. He waited with bated breath as she processed his words.
“Baby, you-for me?” She murmurs as she stands up and crowds into his space. He instantly wraps her up into a tight hug, missing her touch.
“Of course, pet. I’d do anything for you, I mean it. I’d quit this whole career if you wanted tha’,” he tells her truthfully - lips brushing her forehead.
“I love you, so so much,” Y/N murmurs, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“We’re havin’ a baby,'' Harry sighs dreamily into her mouth, tongue sliding against hers. A large hand came to palm at her belly.
“Yeah, m‘having your baby,” She giggles as he begins to trail the kisses down her jaw and neck - pressing her into the marble countertop.
“Should we name it Kiwi?” Harry rasps as he slides the tank top strap off her shoulder so his lips can meet the cap of her warm shoulder.
“We are not going to be that celebrity couple who names their baby something weird,” Y/N groans as he grounds his hips into hers with intent.
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How about yandere TC meliodas but a soulmate au where him and the s/o( Fairy and goddess hybrid who fights for stigma) both share a connection to each other, from sharing emotion, to having vision of where they may meet for the first time. This seem like a nice concept, I imagine meliodas is use to constantly feeling pain from training all the way to fighting the war only to have a s/o who is yet to meet him but is willing to send over positive emotion and feeling to make him feel better. Im sucker for this kinds of things.
Oh hell yes, I love soulmate aus! Which is why it got a bit longer than what I normally write (and took so long lol)
Yandere TC Meliodas with soulmate darling
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For as long as you can remember there had been a second layer to your emotions that you couldn`t quite grasp, let alone influence. It was just barely there, almost unnoticeable.  Annoyance, nonchalance and a deep-rooted but hidden pain. After learning that those belonged to your soulmate, to the being your were destined to meet and love, you were baffled. Three emotions. A few feelings. Was that all they were capable of, or was that all they could allow themselves to? You mused that they felt your surprise and pity and hoped they wouldn`t connect the dots, they didn`t seem like the kind of person to appreciate such sentiments. Nonetheless you wanted to help. If they weren`t able to and didn`t have the opportunity to experience joy, wonder, excitement and a healthy amount of sadness and grief that one felt at ending a wonderful book with no continuation than you would have to do it for them. If they were hurt you could send them comfort and if they were bored you`d jump down a cliff if you must only to open your wings at the last second to send them a dose of mixed excitement and fear and laughter.
Meliodas had known of the concept of soulmates for as long as he could remember. Since then he had always been told that he wouldn`t need them, that demons barely needed their destined partner and only to allow any connection beyond the unavoidable should they be of the same race. He knew that something was wrong with that but in the end he didn`t care enough to do anything about that. So they felt what he did and at some point he`d know where you two would meet. Great. As long as they don`t get in his way and he can do what he must it`d be fine. 
He always knew that his range of sentiments were by far not the widest or the happiest but he would do. Meliodas had to. He had to be strong and cold and unfeeling. That did not seem to be the case for his soulmate, however. There were a mix of emotions constantly changing, most of them he hadn`t even experienced himself. They are a bother, he told himself and ignored it. He also ignored the twinge in his chest whenever they felt sad, ashamed or dispirited. Told himself that he was lucky that they weren`t sending feelings consciously, especially when he had to concentrate.
That changed. There was no warning, no prompting, nothing. Meliodas was about to go to sleep when they did it for the first time. They must have felt his exhaustion and either they thought he didn`t deserve to rest or wanted to spite him because the next thing he knew he felt adrenaline coursing through his veins and excitement erupting. Cursing he sat up, trying to calm his racing hearts and suppress that stuff. The emotions promptly calmed down and went into their normal, ignorable state though he could make out some guilt. For good measure he made his annoyance clear before flopping back down and closing his eyes. That didn`t stop a small and rather short lived smile from surfacing.
Was it your best idea? No. Did you think about what you were doing? No. You had felt your soulmate`s fatigue and seeing as it was the afternoon and they didn`t normally feel like that at this certain time you had assumed that they needed a bit of energy. Luckily, you had been sitting on a rather high branch and before you could think it through you had thrown yourself of from it. Upon their rejection though you had quickly stopped your little stunt and the idea that they had wanted to sleep crossed your mind. Ups. This had been the first time you had enforced an emotion and it had gone wrong. Hoping that their first impression of you could still be fixed you laid low for a bit. 
The next opportunity presented itself when you had discovered a beautiful small pond in the forest. It was surrounded by rich plant live and some ducks were swimming on it, the sunshine reflected and sparkled on the water’s surface. Deciding that now would be a good opportunity you checked on their emotions. There was no apparent change from normal so it should be fine. Carefully and a lot slower this time you let your admiration seep through to them and being encouraged by the response, which was nothing, you strengthened it, letting yourself enjoy the coolness of the water as you dipped your feet in. Sitting there you shared this feeling, the contrast of the warm light and the refreshing cold, the calmness of the forest, far away from the others and the silence only being broke by the wind and birds in the sky. With all the work you had been doing and the tense atmosphere of your partner the relaxation was welcomed with open arms. 
After this first successful interaction you continued, first about once a week and then once a day and soon simply whenever you felt like it. You were a bit disappointed that your soulmate never openly reacted but you had noticed that their feelings had calmed down and that was enough to keep you going. Having long ago realised that they were fighting in the same war, the suspicion and caution mixed with the occasional numbness, you assumed that they numbed their feelings in hopes of suppressing regret, you sent as much comfort as you could. It was gut wrenching whenever you noticed the impassivity but you did your best to help.
Meliodas grew used to it, over time. He even grew to like it, not that he`d ever admit it. Sensing your enforced emotions brought him joy and comfort, knowing that there was someone out there who cared. He sometimes felt guilty about not replying but what did he have to share? So he let the one sided communication continue. 
You always made sure to only strengthen positive emotions or small harmless sadness, just to let them know what you were feeling. This time however you feared that you had made a mistake. You were patrolling and you were careless. It was close to enemy territory but there hadn`t been an incident here and there was this beautiful flower in full bloom and you simply had to send your amazement. Doing just that you hovered over the flower, it`s sweet smell calming your mind. The next thing you knew was a sharp pain in your side as you moved away, away from whatever had slashed you. 
It was a small demon and you were quickly able to take care of it before healing your wound. Before you could investigate if there were any others you felt their worry. It was overwhelming. For the first time they openly enforced their feelings and it was intense enough that you couldn`t breathe for a moment. You noticed some anger interlaced, too, directed at what had harmed you, you noted. Quickly sending them your calmed frame of mind you searched for any other attackers and upon finding none you returned to report to one of the other goddesses.
Meliodas had been walking down a lonely hallway when you noticed the flower. Humming in acknowledgement he opened the door to his room and froze. Instead of admiration you seemed to be in pain. What had happened? Were you okay? His mind raced as he allowed himself to worry and let that worry reach you. The seconds were he felt your pain, surprise, resignation and caution were agony. After he was assured you were fine he sighed in relief. 
After the second time the demon decided that he should contact you more. After his initial worry had subsided he had become anxious. Not only could you be harmed at any time, he had no way of helping you, not without knowing who or where you were. He realised he didn`t know much of you. Was there someone who liked you beside him, someone you liked? He hoped not. You were his. You two were fated to be, no matter how stupid that sounded. However he had no real way of checking, so interacting with you like this had to be enough for now. He also grew more attentive of your passive emotions, not letting a single feeling pass his attention.
It is a well known fact that before you meet your destined other, you envision the place you will first meet. You had been waiting for that day for ages, knowing that soon after you`d finally meet them, your soulmate. They had been so much more communicative and their joy caused by interactions grew day by day. So when you opened your eyes in a supposedly dream and felt closer to them than ever before you knew that your encounter was drawing near.
The first thing you noticed were your surroundings which resembled a patch of woods just on the border to demon territory. It was cold and clouds hung deep over the sky, it was eerily silent. Not the most romantic, you decided, but whatever. Taking a closer look you noticed a figure approaching from the woods, across from you and the border. It was more of a shadow than anything, you could make out the rather small height but any other details didn`t quite seem to be comprehensive or noticeable. So this was them. You smiled, though you could guess that they wouldn`t see that with how they most likely perceived you in a similar way that you could view them. No words were spoken as you stood only meters apart, time seemingly frozen as all you could do was hope that you could stay like this for longer. Neither they nor you moved, fearing that otherwise the bubble would burst and the glass would shatter and you would wake up, more lonely than ever now that you were apart again. You couldn`t speak, somehow knowing that sounds would not travel far here, but you didn`t need to do that, as all you needed was your connection and bond as soulmates. Warmth, affection and joy swirled between you both and almost felt tangible, as if all you needed to do was reach out to drown in these emotions. 
When Meliodas found himself in a dream more realistic than any other he wondered what had happened. He wandered a bit before recognising the forest to be the one crossing the border that Stigma established and vehemently defended. Feeling a presence he followed the strange pull, coming across the figure hidden in shadows with wings that couldn`t have been a fairy`s or a goddess`s. Something else or something in between? He didn`t care. All that mattered was the sense of recognition. It was you. His partner. His destined other. His soulmate. His.
Only after waking up did he realise where exactly you both would meet. The verge on which enemies would meet to battle. Where blood was spilled in the constantly ongoing war. The perimeter seemed in tact though, so you at least wouldn`t meet directly on a battlefield. One thing he did know now, however. You stood on opposing sides, Demons against Stigma, darkness against light, him versus you. How cruel to put you so far away from him, Meliodas mused. But if he had to he knew who to betray and who to stay loyal to. 
You spend the next days searching for the exact place you two would meet, ignoring the suspicious stares and whispers about, oh, look, the hybrid is slacking of, no wonder. You wondered how they`d react to your soulmate who was undeniably on the opposite force of the conflict. You supposed one of you would have to switch sides and if you couldn`t convince them than you would have to do so. Though with how they ended up emotionally before you interacted you hoped they would agree with you. Even if the others were against it, the higher ups respected your hard work and if that didn`t work you`d ask Elizabeth, who always seemed hesitant about the war and disliked judging others no matter who they were, for help. 
Either way, you thought, being prepared wouldn`t hurt. After finally finding the place you hid a small bag full of important belongings and necessities in the trunk of the hollow tree along with a small gift you hoped your soulmate would appreciate. Following the thickening of your bond you had started to feel other and smaller sensations of them and while you were quite distressed with how often they seemed to fight, you couldn`t deny the feeling of joy when you drank a wine and instantly knew that they liked it, having had a faint taste of it. Hoping that this time you could enjoy it together you made sure the bottle was secure before heading of again.
Every time the weather was like the one in your vision, your and their hope grew and while you reached the place in no time, having memorised the way, they still hadn’t found it. Meliodas wished to fly over the forest but he had seen himself walking and knew that was the only way to get to you. So he wandered around, over and over and when he finally recognised a turn he followed the path eagerly. It took a bit to notice your presence, it being hidden seeing as anything else would be suicide so close to a hostile region. He rushed through the trees, his and yours excitement mixing and growing as you waited, peering through the woods in hopes of catching a glimpse, the first glimpse of the person you had grown to love.
The wind, his hearts and time itself stopped as he came to a halt in front of you. Your eyes were the first things he noticed, shining with a light that warmed him, overflowing with affection. You stared just as much, his black eyes turning into a beautiful shade of green as he lowered himself to the ground, his black wings disappearing from sight. You did the same, letting your feet touch the earth below you before moving one in front of the other. The grin on your face widened as he did the same and before you knew it he wrapped his arms around you.
“Hello“, you whispered. All former thoughts and ideas on your first words spoken to him seeming too far away to speak now, all you could do was great him. He was so warm, his arms protectively shielding you away from a world that was to cruel to a wonderful being like you, he decided, as he responded in the same manner. His hearts were finally beating again and were much faster now.  
“My name is Meliodas“, he added, chin comfortably resting on your shoulders, eyes closed and melting into your embrace. It felt so right to finally have you. You fitted perfectly into his grasp, his eyes fluttering open and a smile tugging on his lips as he heard your name. You were finally here, with him. Meliodas knew in this moment he could never let you go. He would follow you wherever you wanted to and destroy anyone that dared and try harm you, no matter the consequences, as long as he could be with you, the one who cared and comforted him, the one that was made for him and the one he was made for, his soulmate.
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theladyismyshepard · 3 years
I’m here to use your interests against you mwahahaha! Could you write something about a reader who like Cass, Dani, and Bela more than their mother, except Lady D. Likes the reader and wants them to herself.
You have me intrigued, anon, and I hope this is what you were looking forward to
Finally Throwing out the polyamorous relationship where the sisters pass you around 😍
Well This is Awkward
You awake easily this morning, and maybe it was because you had slept uninterrupted. The blackout curtains tucked away any sunlight that dared to peer through the windowpane. The natural chill of the castle had you burrowed into the blanket, falling and clinging to sleep. The screams that would haunt the hallways had even paused for the night.
You also supposed it made it easier to wake up when reality seemed better than your dreams. You glanced down at the arm thrown over you and the leg hooked around your own. Your eyes trailed up the body until your gaze connected with a wide grin framed by blazing red hair. You couldn’t help but to smile back.
“Good morning, Daniela,” you said, your voice thick with sleep.
“Finally,” jested Daniela, propping her head up on her hand. “It only took you eight hours to get up.”
Your smile turned lazy as you closed your eyes again. You felt two fingers tap your cheek sharply, and you couldn’t help but to find her clinginess endearing. She looked almost impatient when you opened them, but all you could focus on was the pout she was throwing your way.
“No more sleeping!” She exclaimed, shaking you by the shoulder. “It’s almost Cassandra’s turn!”
You shake your head at the absurdity of her statement. Daniela sounded damn near jealous of her sister, and you couldn’t have that... especially when you knew Daniela’s intense emotions tend to have drastic actions.
You tried to roll her over onto her back, but she resisted, instead choosing to push you down and straddling your hips while pinning your arms down by your side. She was wearing a smirk the whole time her face came closer to yours, her hair falling to curtain your faces from the outside world.
“I don’t like to be kept waiting.” whispered Daniela before she licked the shell of your ear.
“Then why did you let me sleep in?” You countered absently, your mind already occupied.
“Bela told me I had to.” pouted Daniela, sitting upright on your hips and crossing her arms. “She said something about “bags” under your eyes, but I like them!”
You smiled in amusement at both sisters. It made your heart swell that Bela was thoughtful about your sleeping routine and the effect it had on your body. It made you feel kinda special that Daniela enjoyed your company enough to want to disrupt your sleep, not giving a damn about your appearance if denied rest.
“Well, thank you, sweetie, I’m glad I look attractive when I look beat to hell.” you chuckled, grabbing ahold of her hips and drawing small circles there.
“You might be a mess, but you’re a hot mess at least.” she said cheekily, obviously enjoying the banter.
“I was thinking the same about you.” you teased back, unable to hold back a laugh. “What a couple we must make, huh?”
“We make the best couple.” growled Daniela, surging back down to grab either side of your face and pull you towards her mouth.
A sharp knock interrupted the kiss, and Daniela really growled this time, irritation written all over her face when she pulled back in the sitting position again.
“What?!” snapped Daniela, neck craned so she was facing the door, yet already knowing who it was.
“Don’t yell at me, Dani, it’s your fault you picked your turn during bedtime.” came Cassandra’s deadpan, almost sounding bored despite the venom spat right at her through the door.
“I’m sorry,” you couldn’t help but to say sheepishly, averting your eyes.
Daniela’s frustration was no longer evident as she begrudgingly peeled herself from your body. You could lie there all morning with how comfortable the bed was, but you were aware that Cassandra had took it upon herself to come and collect you, so you couldn’t keep her waiting. You sat up with every intention of hurrying, but you also couldn’t leave with Daniela feeling neglected in any sort of way.
“Sometimes having you for the night is my favorite.” said Daniela, giving you a wink to ease the nerves. “Come here and tell me ‘bye’ like you mean it.”
“There are no ‘goodbyes’, but I’ll give you a ‘see you later’.” you chuckled at her eye roll, but that didn’t stop her from leaning forward to meet you halfway.
When you felt her breath on your lips, your eyes fluttered shut of their own accord, and with that you didn’t see Daniela duck her head at the last moment. Your eyes flew open when you felt the sting of her teeth tearing through the top layer of skin on your throat. You hissed, but cradled the back of her neck, holding her still.
Daniela was always leaving you on your toes, unsure of what was to come with how rapid her thoughts skipped to the next. But that was what you loved about her: her spontaneity. She never allowed you to grow bored with her.
“Fuck, Daniela,” you stammered out when you began to feel lightheaded. “Too much, too much,”
Daniela pulled back with her signature crazed giggle, and it had you momentarily forgetting what you were supposed to be doing. Until the knocking on the door increased in volume.
“Hurry up, or it comes out of your next turn!” called Cassandra, and you knew she also was a sister that you couldn’t afford to piss off too much.
“I’d like to see her try,” said Daniela, still giggling at your dazed expression, but finally pulling away from you so you could get up, blood trickling down her lip. “She couldn’t keep me away from you.”
“I wouldn’t let her.” you assured, sending her an earnest smile while getting dressed quickly, and you were thoroughly surprised when you didn’t get a clipped response through the door.
“You’re just too sweet,” she drawled, wiping the corner of her lip with her finger and popping it into her mouth, slowly licking it clean. “You should be going now before Cassandra becomes angry.”
“I love you,”
After one last kiss, you ripped open the door, eyes searching for the brunette who you hoped wasn’t too impatient. The door clicked shut behind you as you observed Cassandra leaning back against the wall across from Daniela’s room. Her scowl morphed smoothly into a smirk that easily had you nervous in a good way.
“Good morning, babe,” you greeted brightly, reaching out for her hand.
“It is now,” Cassandra flirted easily, looking at you through narrowed eyes when she examined the already bruising flesh where Daniela had bit you. “Let’s go, I have plans for today.”
You let her guide you with no hesitation like you always did. Cassandra always had plans, different ones every day, never really asking you if you had any plans for your time together. She took full control but that was what you loved about her. Sometimes you liked to be submissive, and that was what Cassandra liked to prey on.
“What did you have in mind?” You asked as she took the many twists and turns that led you to the kitchens, and the reminder of food had your stomach growling.
“First, I knew Daniela wouldn’t think of breakfast, so I had one of the maids awoken early to prepare something beforehand so it wouldn’t waste our time.”
She spoke it so nonchalantly, as if it meant nothing at all really, but Cassandra showed her affection through ways of her own, and while it took some time to become familiar with her subtle love language, you knew she appreciated quality time together with no one else around to disrupt the two of you.
“Thank you, Cassandra,” You smiled, your eyes catching sight of the platter decorated quite nicely with fruits and cheeses and biscuits and different meats and you couldn’t help but to be touched by the extensiveness of it, to both Cassandra and to the maid who prepared it.
“I can’t have you falling out on us.” chuckled Cassandra, leading you to the table set up just for you.
“So what comes after this?” You questioned, sitting down and smiling when she pushed you in.
“Impatient are we?” Cassandra mused, looking proud with herself.
“Can’t have you wasting time, can we?” you quipped, smiling smugly at her snort.
“Shut it, your smart tongue is only keeping us here longer.”
“I thought you liked my smart tongue.” You countered, arching a brow as you stuck it out teasingly.
“There are many uses to it,” she agreed, shrugging. “But it also grates at my nerves, so I suggest you eat it up now, babe.”
You smirked, knowing you were keeping up quip for quip with Cassandra, and you also knew she couldn’t stand not having the last word in, even with you, so you took your victory before you lost it. You dug into your food quick as Cassandra watched you, nose wrinkling slightly. Did the smell of food disgust her as much as the smell of death disgusted you?
“Where to now?” You asked earnestly, once you were finished and pushed the platter away.
Cassandra giggled and reached over to pat your head, almost like a puppy, before cupping your cheek, her thumb stroking in small circles. You shuddered from the tingle that danced down your spine in response. Her lips were moving, but you had to blink away the haze to focus in.
“... into town,”
“What on earth for?” You questioned, brow furrowed. “The three of you only really go at night, and I don’t think-”
“Calm down,” Cassandra interrupted, standing up and holding a hand out to you. “All you need is a hood and let me do the talking... I can be quite alluring.”
You narrowed your eyes at her suspiciously. You knew she had her hooks in you, but what did she mean by that? She patted your cheek as she smiled at your expression.
“My sisters and I have many tricks up our sleeves.” she winked, explaining no more. “Come,”
You smirk to yourself and your dirty mind, and grabbed her hand, standing with her. As the two of you walk hand-in-hand through the castle towards her bedroom to collect a spare hood for you, you ran into Bela, and you couldn’t help the large smile that took over your face, your arm already up in a wave.
“Bela!” You called happily, also squeezing Cassandra’s hand to let her know her presence was still appreciated too.
Bela’s eyes were alight when she turned to look at you, smirking when she saw the two of you together.
“Hello, my love,” she said, her eyes crinkled by her widened smile when you reached out to grab her hand. “What are you two off doing today?”
“We’re going into town.” answered Cassandra calmly, and Bela’s eyebrows nearly disappeared into her hairline.
“Under an illusion, I presume?” started Bela cautiously, sighing when Cassandra rolled her eyes, bitch fit at the ready. “Of course, why did I even ask?”
“Why did you?” mocked Cassandra, reeling herself in when you squeezed her hand again, reminding her that you were here.
“Don’t be so quick to get defensive.” You scolded so gently that it came across as more of a plea. “We’re gonna have a good day, okay?”
Cassandra frowned deeply, but she refrained herself from spewing out another biting comment. The thumb of her hand that you were holding brushed along your fingers.
“Before you go running off, I think mother wanted to speak with you,” informed Bela, her eyes directed at you.
With me?
The concern was written so plainly all over your face, and you knew it from the two reassuring hands on your body. Cassandra had a hand rubbing soothingly up your back, and Bela was running her fingers through your hair.
“Would you like us to walk with you, my love?” pressed Bela, eyes boring into yours, and you couldn’t look away as you nodded.
“There’s no need to be scared, babe, we’re right here, and she wouldn’t hurt us by taking you away.” assured Cassandra, moving to hold your hand again.
“I know she wouldn’t hurt me.” You insisted... were you trying to assure yourself or them?
You felt the Lady’s eyes on you when she was in the room. She watched the dynamic you had formed with her daughters in interest, and you always wondered what her thoughts on the matter were. You had yet to be completely alone with their mother, but surely nothing too drastic would befall you without the safety of Bela, Cassandra, or Daniela’s presence.
All you could think about on the way to Lady Dimitrescu’s office was how intimidating she was, and how much of a coward you were acting in front of your girlfriends at the mere prospect of talking with their mother. You put on your brave face when you blinked and you were suddenly outside of the door.
“Let’s get this over with, and this doesn’t cut into my time, Bela!” said Cassandra, her voice suddenly taking on an edge.
“Whatever,” Bela rolled her eyes, moving to open the door.
“Wait,” you stopped them, grabbing each by the arm. “I think she wanted to talk alone.”
What are you doing? Of course you want them there!
Bela pursed her lips, but didn’t argue with you, instead leaning towards you to plant a kiss on your cheek. Cassandra was stoic, but the way she crossed her arms over her chest had you believing that she didn’t want to agree with you. They both took a step back to give you an open entrance.
“I’ll be right here, and we’ll go right after.” promised Cassandra, already leaning against the wall to make herself comfortable.
“It’s gonna be a good day, remember?” Bela reminded, giggling as she walked away down the hall.
You sighed, before straightening your shoulders, pumping yourself up. The door was heavy so you had to put some effort into swinging it open to grant yourself access. The loud creak had you cringing but you still pressed on into the room, your eyes falling onto the Lady.
She was seated at the rather large desk, her neck turned down to examine the paperwork before her... a lady never hunches of course. Her hat concealed her eyes from yours, but when she heard the door open, her neck snapped up, zeroing in on you.
You gulped as you were rooted to the spot beneath the heat of her gaze. Her nostrils flared enough for you to catch it, and the smirk that formed on her mouth crept slowly as she leaned back in her chair, her eyes raking over your body.
“Hello, my dear,” her voice was smooth and easy to listen to, and you wondered why you were so afraid.
“Hello, my Lady,” you greeted politely, hands held behind your back, almost as if you were striving to put on the manners.
“Please, call me Alcina,” the Lady insisted, reaching into one of the drawers of her desk.
She withdrew her tobacco smoking pipe and reached for the book of matches on the desktop. She set the tobacco ablaze, the flames dancing in her golden eyes as she stared into your soul it felt. Her cheeks sunk in a bit as she took a drag, blowing it out in your direction, thickening the room.
“Alcina,” you tried, feeling the way it rolled off your tongue. “You wished to speak with me?”
“Straight to the point, I admire that,” Alcina remarked, signaling with her hand for you to take a seat in one of the chairs before the desk.
“I could hardly keep your daughters waiting.” You joked, attempting to take a crack at humor, and deflated when her smile disappeared.
“You’ve found your way into each of my daughters’ hearts, I see.” she commented thoughtfully.
“I don’t know how I did it but... I’d like to think they care for me as much as I care for them, yes.” You supplied, fidgeting in place.
“You are something special, are you not?” Alcina whispered, eyes trailing over your form yet again, and it left you unsure.
“I hardly believe so,” you dismissed, shaking your head, and why were you arguing with this woman who could kill you with no thought whatsoever?
“I see it,” said Alcina, leaning forward, and what you could see was the way her breasts seemed to push forward almost invitingly, and you had to curse yourself for looking at the mother of your girlfriends in such a lewd manner.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand.” You said, dazed and confused by the way the conversation was going.
“I can smell something different about you, and it has left me intrigued.” Alcina asserted, the smoke swirling and almost obscuring her face from your vision, but those eyes always bore into you.
“What does that mean?” You whispered, almost afraid that too many questions would send her over the edge.
Lady Dimitrescu snuffed out the tobacco so she could tuck away the pipe once more. She then rested her elbows on the desk, her fingers hooking together before she rested her chin atop them. Her eyes glanced from you to the door behind you as she spoke her next words, almost as if she were speaking to Cassandra who was waiting for you in the hall.
“I regret to inform you that some changes are taking place, my dear, and it starts with the relationship you have with my daughters.”
Your face fell and there was no hiding it. You wished you had brought Bela and Cassandra along, and then you thought of Daniela, and how you awoke with her wrapped around your body.
“W-what about it?” You stammered, your chest tightening, and Alcina sighed ruefully, almost as if to show her regret.
“I’m going to have to take you away from them.” she explained, raising a hand to silence you when your mouth dropped open. “This is not a form of punishment and you are not to be harmed... but I must take you for myself.”
You couldn’t move. Here was this woman who left you feeling nervous and intimidated and so very small telling you that she was stealing you away from her own daughters for her own interests.
“What?” You weren’t sure if it was loud enough to even make a sound in your throat, but the clicking of her tongue confirmed it.
“Pay attention from now on, darling, I do not appreciate having to repeat myself.” Alcina warned, though it wasn’t as harsh as it could be.
“But-” were you really still arguing with her?
“Enough,” clipped Alcina, her frustration starting to rear its head. “I am already aware that I will have to fight with all three of my daughters, do not push me anymore.”
You couldn’t wrap your head around what was happening and you felt like you couldn’t keep up, and this wasn’t the place to get left behind in. You weren’t even sure if you were fully aware of what becoming Alcina’s lover entailed. You were happy where you were.
“Please,” you couldn’t help but to choke out, tears blurring your vision.
“I will be the one to inform my daughters of the new arrangements, you need not worry yourself with that.” assured Alcina, pushing up from the chair, and rounding the desk.
She paused at your side, and you looked up, your neck craning at her height. She chuckled before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead, taking the time to sniff the scent of your shampoo. Your tears spilled over.
“You remain here, my dear, I will come back to collect you myself, and we will have a discussion of what is to come later.” she said easily, as if she wasn’t switching up your entire life without even a thought.
Your mouth opened and closed, leaving you resembling a goldfish as she opened the door and ducked beneath the doorway. You felt frozen, unable to react to the sudden shouting outside of the door. You couldn’t even hear Cassandra going into her full blown tantrum, throwing things and all.
You stared down at your hands, your forehead still tingling from the cool lips that were just pressed there. What the hell was it that had an entire family of vampires juggling you around? Even the matriarch needed her taste.
You wanted the warmth of Bela, the alluring aura of Cassandra, the intensity of Daniela... Surely they would come for you... right? Surely they could go against their mother...
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mysmemissme · 3 years
Up the Rabbit Hole
Summary: You have a problem- you can't stop thinking about how good Barbatos looked in that bunny costume. It's interfering with your studies, duties, and even your friendship with him. With no clue what to do, you begin to avoid him.
Barbatos, however, is not fond of this fix, and when his patience runs thin, he offers you a more unorthodox solution.
Pairing: Barbatos/ Reader
Rating: Explicit
CW: Prostate massage, anal fingering, collars, slight master/pet
Read below the cut or on AO3 
A gift for my friend for Barbatos’ birthday! Enjoy!
It was all that bunny suit’s fault.
Ever since everyone was forced to don those dumb bunny costumes, you had been an utter wreck. You couldn’t focus on your studies, earning you an earful from Lucifer. You couldn’t focus when you were cooking, earning complaints about the pitiful state of dinner from everyone but Lucifer. You couldn’t focus on Mammon’s schemes, or Levi’s games, or Satan’s recommended books, or Asmo’s fashion advice, or Lucifer’s lectures, or Beel’s workouts, or even something as simple as napping with Belphie. You couldn’t focus on anything.
Except for the mental image of Barbatos in that bunny outfit.
Why it had enchanted you so much was a mystery. Maybe it was the change in wardrobe; the way the vest highlighted his slender waist and broad shoulders, the lime green tie bringing out the same shade in his eyes. Maybe it was the ears themselves and the charming tail that accompanied them; the ears revealing a cutesier side to the ever-serious butler, and the fluffy tail drawing attention to his rounded behind. Maybe it was watching him work in the suit, catering to guests as serious, as dedicated, as always, despite the circumstances. Maybe it was the way he wore it all with no shame, not embarrassed in the slightest at the large ears, rounded tail, and odd situation, retaining his confidence through it all…
Maybe it wasn’t a mystery why you liked it so much after all.
Either way, your thoughts and preoccupation with the memories of Bunny Barbatos were providing you with issues- the biggest of which being that you couldn’t even talk with Barbatos anymore. You couldn’t make eye contact with him without thinking about floppy ears and a firm build. You couldn’t listen to him speak without the deep timbre of his voice igniting fantasies mid-conversation that left you a stuttering mess. Even simply being near him caused your brain to derail, hands to sweat, and heart to pound.
In one moment of weakness, you bought a dark green collar you saw while browsing the web, one you knew would look amazing on Barbatos, especially paired with the cursed ears and tail. You hid it in your bedside table, refusing to acknowledge just how far gone you were, refusing to acknowledge the new images, fantasies, and dreams it sparked.
You, in embarrassment and for your sanity, started to avoid him.
You weren’t dumb enough to think this would solve the problem, especially with how sharp Barbatos was. What you had hoped was that Barbatos would tolerate your finicky behavior without prying just long enough for you to get this problem under wraps.
For a while, it worked- Barbatos allowed you to make your escape, sending any messages he needed to tell you through the brothers. He left sweets wrapped with notes attached on them for you to enjoy on your bed. If you ended up in the same hallway, he kindly ducked into a nearby corridor in order for you to pass unhindered.
This game continued for two weeks- you avoiding him, and Barbatos letting you. His patience was commendable, and it was just another thing you admired about him. He let you go, again and again, in an unusual game of cat and mouse.
But everyone’s patience runs out eventually.
It was on the fifteenth day of this arrangement that Lucifer handed you a note. It read:
Meet me in your bedroom tonight at eight ‘o’clock sharp. There is something we must discuss. No more running from me.
                               Your faithful servant, Barbatos
 You read over the note again with trepidation and glanced at the time on your D.D.D.- 4:01. You had four hours to prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation you knew was to come. Four hours to get yourself under control. Your stomach tied itself in knots.
Stupid bunny outfit.
Time flew, and before you knew it, eight was upon you.
You paced outside your door, fidgeting with your hands and hair. Your nerves were getting the best of you. What if he rejected you? What if he no longer even wanted to be friends with you? What if he called you a kinky freak and exposed you? What if he convinced Diavolo to send you back to the human world?
‘What if’ upon ‘what if’ piled up in your mind, each one more ridiculous and implausible than the last. It was agonizing, not knowing what was going to happen when you stepped through the door and faced Barbatos. You felt the seconds tick away, each pressing down on you more and more.
Finally, you couldn’t stand the pressure and anxiety anymore. You flung the door open and stepped into the dimly lit room. There, on your bed he sat with-
With bunny ears on and the suit to match. Suddenly, you felt like passing out.
When he saw you enter, he moved to stand, and a flash of light from his neck caught your eye. The bunny ears had distracted you from the rich, dark green velvet adorning his slender neck, the gold chain attached matching the golden detailing and swirls on the green.
It was the collar you had bought. He was wearing the collar you had bought and hid.
“That- that’s the- But I- How’d you- Why’re you-,” you stuttered. Your thoughts were a jumbled mess, and they all came rushing out in an incomprehensible mess you continued to stumble through, even as Barbatos glided towards you. He raised a gloved hand and caressed your face when he was near enough to. He shushed you.
“A few days ago, I came in here to drop off a slice of Devil food cake, and I intended to leave a note. However, I seemed to have forgotten a pen. I didn’t mean to pry, but I figured that one such as yourself would keep a pen near your bed, so I looked in your bedside table. While I certainly did find a pen to write with, I also found this charming collar hidden away. It seemed to match perfectly with a certain outfit I wore not too long ago. Care to explain?”
His facial expression never changed, but his eyes shown with a mischievous sheen, his voice filled with amusement, and there was a slight self-satisfied quirk to his smile. You could try and lie your way out of this one, but it was clear he had figured you out long ago. You sighed.
“I think you already know everything, jerk,” you grumbled, before continuing louder. “Fine. You were really hot in that bunny outfit, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I bought that collar because I thought it would look good on you, and I was right. I’ve been having inappropriate fantasies about you, which is why I’ve been avoiding you. There, happy?”
He chuckled. “Quite. Hearing such flattering words come from you is always welcomed. Since you were so honest with me, I believe you deserve a special treat.”
“What do you mean by ‘special treat?’ Like dessert?” He hummed, obviously amused.
“No, I believe something else is in order. You mentioned certain… fantasies pertaining to me, did you not?” You nodded dumbly. His lips twitched, and he reached for his tie, slowly loosening it. “Well then, since you were honest about having them, as a reward I’ll allow you to fulfill them.”
Your brain was running a mile a minute but still couldn’t seem to catch up. “Fulfill my fantasies?” you questioned.
He fully removed his tie, moving to lay it on the bed. He then began to undo the buttons on his vest and shirt, revealing inch-by-inch more of his pale skin. “Yes, fulfill your wishes. Touch me as you wish, direct me as you want. Command me, your humble servant.”
It was like his words had cast a spell on you, because suddenly all the desire and lust you had been repressing for the past weeks welled to the surface. Your hands itched to touch, your tongue to taste, and your eyes to look upon him below you.
“Lay down on the bed.”
He did as told, and you closed the distance in a second, straddling his body. His dark hair fanned out against the pillows, bunny ears tapping the headboard. His eyes practically glowed with a mix of satisfaction and interest. His shirt and vest were completely undone, hanging open. You swallowed.
You pushed the shirt and vest down his arms, and with his help, you removed them completely. Now that his upper body was completely visible, you couldn’t stop your hands from dancing along his shoulders, collarbones, and chest with frantic energy.
“You know,” you started, voice thick, “In my fantasies, I like to spoil the always-composed butler with attention and pleasure till he so overwhelmed that his mask breaks, and I get to see him beg. Spoiling someone who always works so hard, like they are my pet who did a good job, and this is their reward.”
“Then by all means, Master, reward me, your humble bunny.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You leaned down, pressing kisses along his flawless skin from his partially exposed neck, to his collarbones, to his nipples. Your lips latched onto one, sucking and tugging lightly with your teeth, while the other one was pinched with your eager hand. You heard him sigh, but that wasn’t enough- you wanted to hear him lose his composure completely.
You move to the other nipple, laving it with attention as well, till both nipples were hard and perky. Once you were satisfied with that, you continued your path downwards. You alternated dotting his skin with kisses and light nips, stopping to suck here and there. When you passed his belly button, getting ever so close to the waistband of his pants, you felt his stomach tighten in anticipation.
You reached for the button on his pants, undoing it and shoving them down to his ankles, stopping to admire the bulge in his boxer briefs before shoving those down, too. His cock now free and hard, it stood proudly towards his stomach, leaking precum.
You wrapped your hands around it, looking up at Barbatos’ face for any sign of change, but his expression was as placid as always. Using the precum dripping from the tip, you wet your hands, before setting a steady pace of jerking him off, slowing at the tip to rub your thumb against it.
You looked up at his face, yet his expression had not changed despite the pleasure.
You were going to have to up your game if you wanted him to melt beneath you.
You stopped your ministrations, leaning over Barbatos to reach into your beside table. You pulled out the lube you had stashed there, closing the drawer, and moving back down Barbatos’ body. You spread his legs and settled between them, popping the lube open. You poured a sizable amount onto your palm, then began rubbing your hands together to warm the liquid.
“This okay?” you asked, circling your middle finger around his tight hole, but not entering.
“Touch me as much as you want, wherever you want,” he said, voice husky. You rolled your eyes.
“Is that a yes? I need a clear one.”
“Then, yes.” He spread his legs even wider, giving you ample access.
Now that that was out of the way, you tentatively pushed your finger into his tight hole. With your free hand, you grabbed his cock once more, stroking it to make sure he felt good even while you stretched him.
You began to thrust your finger in and out, letting Barbatos adjust to the sensation. When you felt him relax and loosen slightly around you, you added a second finger. He hissed at the additional digit, and when you checked to make sure he was okay, his eyes were closed, eyebrows raised and furrowed.
You stopped moving. “Is this-,”
“Yes, it’s okay. Keep going,” he grunted out, wiggling his hips. You started thrusting your fingers again, and he sighed.
Oh, okay.
So, he was feeling it, but you still wanted more.
You replaced your random thrusting with rubbing against his inner walls, searching for what you knew would cause him to crumble. It took a few moments, but you knew the second you felt the bump that that was what you had been looking for.
You began to circle the small bump, applying steady pressure, causing Barbatos to arch off the bed. Proud that you had gotten such an obvious reaction out of him, you doubled down, circling faster and tightening your grip on his cock as you continued to jerk him off.
You then alternated between circling, tapping the bump, and rubbing it in a ‘come hither’ motion. Barbatos’ legs began to quiver, and when you glanced up, you saw he had become a mess- panting with his mouth open, sweat beading on his brow, and cheeks flushed pink. You stared in wonder, adoring his reactions.
And yet, it still wasn’t enough- he still hadn’t made any noise.
Desperate for him to moan or gasp or anything, you replaced your hand on his leaking cock with your lips, circling the tip with your tongue and licking the underside, before taking him in your mouth.
“Ah!” he gasped, bucking his hips, pushing his cock further into your mouth, the taste of his salty precum and his smell overwhelming your senses. As you took him deeper, you applied more pressure on his prostate, all while keeping your motions random.
It was then that Barbatos’ poise began to collapse completely. He started wiggling his hips, thrusting forward and backward like he was chasing both the warm heat of your mouth and the shocks of pleasure your hand was providing with his prostate. One of his gloved hands came down to rest on the back of your head, fingers wrapping your hair and holding you in place as he used your mouth. He moaned as he fucked your mouth roughly, cock touching the back of your throat.
Then, a loud moan he released caused you to look up once more, only to meet his hazy gaze as he stared down on you pleasuring him. Your eye contact seemed to add fuel to the fire as the grip on your hair tightened, and his thrusts became faster. From how he was biting his lips and arching his back, you could tell he was close, so you ground your fingers against his prostate, harder than before, right as his cock was fully sheathed in your mouth.
With the simultaneous overpowering sensations, he came, sighing long and low as he filled your throat with his cum. You managed to swallow most of it, though some slid down your chin. After a few seconds, when he was done basking in the afterglow of his orgasm, he pulled his softening cock from your mouth, and you moved back from between his legs so he could pull his pants up.
Once he was tucked back in and pants buttoned, you figured you were done and went to stand, only to end up flat on your back on the bed, Barbatos straddling you in a surprising role reversal of earlier. You gaped up at him. His face was already back to normalcy, but his lips were shiny with spit and his hair tousled.
He reached up, taking off his bunny ears and putting them on you. He leaned down, licking the cum off your chin before whispering against your ear.
“Now, it’s my turn.”
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wintersongstress · 4 years
Can I request a head canon for Arthur please?
With: 🌸💟
Of course! I did add a little bit of smut to this. I hope you like it! ♥
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Female Reader
Prompt: romantic headcanons
Tags: fluff, mild/implicit smut
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♡ — If Arthur is sweet on you, being the focus of his kindness and attention is endearing and impossible to resist. What begins as timid flirting between you blossoms into an inevitable relationship, and every chance he has to put a smile on your face, he takes.
♡ — In the beginning he indulges in doting on you. Showing you his affection starts as small gifts—wildflowers tucked behind your ear, drawings left in your coat pocket, chocolate bars in your saddlebag—until your little fling evolves into something more.
♡ — On the days you are too exhausted or in a bad mood, Arthur will do your camp chores for you without asking. He brushes down your horse and will take you into town for dinner, helping you onto and off your mount—fully knowing you can manage by yourself—and holding the door open for you as well.  
♡ — If men at the bar ogle you, Arthur is quick to put a stop to it. Not in a manner that is possessive or predicated on jealousy, but as response to demanding you be treated respectfully. He is not beyond squaring up to a rowdy cowhand, though, and will throw punches if his words are ineffective. Afterwards, when you kiss his cheek in gratitude and stroke your thumb across his hand tenderly, his coarse demeanor dissolves in a blush.
♡ — Speaking of physical touches, it takes Arthur time to warm up to receiving them. He tends not to focus on what he wants and puts others’ needs above his. Undoing his old habit of self-deprecation requires pulling out the roots of turmoil in his past, which will be heart-achingly painful, but it opens a new doorway of intimacy and leads him to be more amorous with you than before.
♡ — Soft and full of disbelief, your first kiss together is the product of a thousand dreams of doing so, with none of them able to compare. The way he melts into you, breathes in deep and pulls you in close by the hips leaves you breathless and dazed with bliss. At the perfect warmth of his embrace, you sigh and hold onto his jacket, the fur of his coat collar soft as a lamb’s ear to the touch. Upon departure he thumbs your chin, and those eyes of his open; soft as September skies, swaying with green, clouded with blue, dilating at the sight of you. In that moment, without him having to say it, you know how beautiful you are to him.
♡ — Arthur loves spending time with you. He makes good company on walks and likes to join you for mid-afternoon naps beneath the shade of an oak tree. Lying with his head in your lap, an hour can pass without a word as he sketches the landscape in his journal. You are more than happy to relax with a book, running your fingers through his hair until the heat of the day abates. Watching sunsets together also becomes a favorite pastime. He hugs you from behind and kisses your temple all the while, content to stay that way until long after the sun sinks beneath the horizon.
♡ — When he has to spend the day away working he makes sure to make it up to you, regardless of the reassurance of your understanding. He brings you coffee in bed, traces his knuckles along your cheek and kisses the tip of your nose to wake you. The sight of his handsome face and the longing in his expression is one you are loathe to see go, but you cup his stubbled cheek and needlessly remind him to be careful.
♡ — During his travels, Arthur comes across countless secluded and tranquil spots in nature. Creeks winding within aspen groves, meadows of wildflowers, hillsides patched with poppies and daisies, ponds ringed with water lilies and surveilled by herons—he finds so many places he wants to share with you.
♡ — Once in a while you get the chance to spend the night with him away from camp, having each other all to yourselves. Arthur will bring you to one of the placid places he has found: a lake nestled deep within a forest of silver spruces, where the cool waters glimmer with moonlit ripples and stars salt the clear sky. He builds a fire and pitches his tent, your bedrolls unfurled beside each other. Dinner consists of seasoned game meat and canned goods, and afterwards you share a bottle of gin to unwind. Childhood stories and your joining laughter fills the night, and before long you wheedle Arthur into dancing with you on the lakeshore.
♡ — With all that troubles him, the simple comfort of holding you in his arms and swaying to the tune of the nightfall chorus of wind and still waters sinks him into the deepest state of peace he has ever known. Closing his eyes, smelling the pine needles and the enchanting perfume of your skin, an overwhelming wish fills him to never leave—to take you away from the life you both lead. As he clenches his hands in your clothes and lays his cheek upon your head, he hopes you feel the same. By the sigh you hum against his chest, and the way you snuggle closer to him, his doubts vanish. The stars glisten in your eyes when he holds your head in his hands and you await the three words on his tongue. But you say them first.
♡ — He says your name in the gentlest way, and nothing else. What begins as sweet and reverent transforms into heated and hurried as you kiss, an urgent need swelling between you as you shuffle inside the tent. Always so gentle, Arthur’s hands are delicate as he lays you down, drifting over you as dreamily as the clouds in a silent summer heaven. Warm against your throat, his mouth seeks the fact of your pulse and presses against it indulgently, your sighs spurring him to venture farther. Downwards from your collarbone he trails, lips and touch, to the opening of your blouse, undoing the buttons with deft fingers. The dividing of your thighs around his hips lures his hands to your waist and brings his darkened eyes to yours, silently asking if you wanted him, this—truly.
♡ — All it takes is a nod. He thumbs the line of your smile, a tacit and an infinite implication of his gratitude, and descends, his mouth warm against the parting between your breasts. In the night your arms wrap tight around him, and all of the spaces between you fit together and fall into place harmoniously, like bits of colored glass in a kaleidoscope. Surrounding you, completing you, at the height of it all he tells you how beautiful of a dream you are to him and you are lost. The way he looks at you, sees you, feels like no one ever has before him.  
♡ — In the morning he wakes before you to the peace of birdsong and a turquoise sky. Lying beside you, he admires the softness of your sleeping figure, embedding the image of you in his memory. He leaves you to your rest and fishes for trout. The humming of a familiar tune and the stirring smell of breakfast in a pan draws you from your dreams, flitting your eyes open to the sight of Arthur squatting by the fire in his undershirt, his suspenders dangling. The shadows of the treetops fall over him and waver in the wind, the sunlight catching the glint of gold in his hair. Pine and wood smoke hangs in the air, and the surface of the lake ripples with the splashes of fish and a gliding string of ducks. What makes the picture perfect to you is Arthur, his posture relaxed and at ease. Never before had his face looked so young and carefree.
♡ — When you emerge from the tent flaps in his shirt, he greets you with a smile, handing you a plate and gesturing to the coffee. But you stoop down and tip his chin, melding your mouths in a long, lingering kiss lush with affection and ripe with a promise. His lashes blink at you dazedly as you pull away with a smirk, asking if he slept well. His response pulls your heartstrings tenderly, because as few as the words were, you knew how infinitely much they implied.
♡ — “I can’t tell which part of the night was the dream.”
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slashbitch2 · 3 years
Extra Complications PT3
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Previous Chapter
"Don't bother coming back into work tomorrow."
Her words had been replaying in your mind since the final encounter, bouncing round like a taunting echo. It'd only been a week since you'd stopped working at Alchemex, yet had felt like a lifetime of boredom and fatigue. With no job or persistent villain to chase after, if you could even call Liv a villain anymore, there was no reason to get out of bed in the morning, nothing to stop you from moping around your apartment. The days blended into what felt like one long sick day, disregarding the occasional break to rescue a cat stuck in a tree.
Although, your only sickness was of the mind. Whenever you attempted to get some rest, your thoughts would inevitably drift to Liv; the cold, distanced tone to her voice, the look of betrayal in her eyes, how empty the week had felt without her. By the third night plagued with insomnia, you were starting to accept that your feelings towards her may be more than a simple crush. On the eighth night, you decided you ought to do something about it and began to formulate a plan.
Entering the building like you were still an employee would be almost impossible since anyone who left their job was rarely welcomed back with open arms. It'd also be better to avoid the security and CCTV cameras, which you'd learnt used face recognition technology. And finally, locating a security card would pose a potential problem, as walking round the facility until you happened to stumble across a janitor to steal from was unfortunately no longer a possibility. So, what was the solution to all your problems? Vents.
Which is how you found yourself scouring over blueprints like a cliched protagonist from a bygone age movie, but at least the irony hadn't escaped you, and thankfully laboratories generally required a great deal of ventilation, so you had multiple routes memorised by the time the bus had arrived at Alchemex. You'd spent the entire journey on edge, fearful that any fellow passenger might accost you for looking so suspicious. But apparently an agitated figure buried beneath a pile of blueprints wearing a spider-suit underneath a jumper was normal enough to be ignored.
Nonetheless, stepping onto the concrete ground of the car park was a relief which inspired a tad more optimism. Moreover, leaving the burdening stacks of blueprints behind further alleviated some of your anxiety. It felt like a final confirmation that this was your one and only chance, and you weren't about to mess it up. Even as the building loomed over you casting a shadow of uncertainty, nothing could discourage your determination.
There was the remarkable sense that you didn't belong here, though it was a familiar sensation. One that persuaded you to tug the mask over your head before darting toward the edge of the car park. It was your belief that as long as you stuck to the outskirts of the facility, few would pay you any attention while you were out in the open. Therefore allowing you to manoeuvre into position and take the quickest passage straight to Liv's office. Which is exactly what you did.
The first stretch of the vent system was a straight drop, a narrow plunge that went on for longer than anticipated. Like a slide with no angle of inclination and a lot less fun. You hit the metal base with an ungraceful clang, certain that your legs would've buckled upon impact had it not been for the lack of space to do so. Overall an uncomfortable start. The remainder of the journey was a lot of crawling and muscle cramps, your only incentive being the occasional grate to peer down which reassured you that your destination was drawing nearer. Everything was going to plan.
Until you heard her.
Olivia's voice rung clear as if from a dream. It stood out from the general ruckus, initially leading you to believe you were hallucinating, that it was some kind of audible mirage. Yet you refocused your senses and it didn't go away. She was almost directly below you, separated simply by a thin layer of metal. With renewed ambition, you crawled toward the nearest grate as quickly and quietly as possible, frantically lowering your head to find the perfect angle, all just to catch a glimpse of her.
"What do you mean the program hasn't worked?" Liv pinched the bridge of her nose, her words laced with an an uncharacteristic anger. You'd never known her to be an irritable person, she loved her job and every challenge that came with it. Was she uptight? Sure. Passionate? Undeniably. But never angry.
"I've tried rerunning and rewriting parts of the code. And it just doesn't work!" Some poor employee (Mark, if you remembered correctly) was fighting for his dignity below. You could see he was flushing, wildly flailing his hands around as he tried to justify his mistake.
"You've rewritten part of it?!" She repeated, volume rising in frustration.
"I- I thought I knew how to fix it."
"I told you not to mess with my work." She growled, stepping closer.
"With all due respect," He didn't back down, clearly caught off guard and unsure how to deal with an irritated Liv. "it's actually Y/N's work."
Upon hearing your name, you ducked out of view as if you'd been seen. Although, it was evident that this was not the case, so slowly you edged forward to peer down at them once more.
Liv's face had dropped at the mention of your name. But by the time you'd settled back in place, anger was already seeping into her expression, then was suddenly smoothed into disturbingly sweet smile. "Well, Y/N isn't here anymore. So I suggest you keep your incompetent hands off of things you don't understand."
Judging by her vague wording, you guessed she hadn't told anyone the real reason you'd been fired. A fond appreciation flooded your mind. Despite everything that had happened, she still respected your secret enough to keep it. You begun to consider that maybe Liv cared about you as much as you did her. Why else would she lie on your behalf?
Mark muttered an ashamed. "Ok." Then left to try and atone for his mistake.
Liv stayed where she was for another minute before taking a deep breath, shaking off her annoyance, and setting a determined path. You assumed she was heading for her office and were about to follow, but then paused. Was this really the best time for a reunion? She obviously wasn't in the best mood, and if you had to guess, it was likely due to your betrayal. Was it too soon to reappear in her life? You'd arrived here with the intention to apologise and make amends, however, you had no idea how Liv would react or what would happen after. If there would even be an after. She could attack you on first sight for all you knew.
No. You'd come too far to turn around now. You continued along the vent before you could overthink the decision. It would be foolish to turn around now: the end was in sight, and rapidly growing closer.
Reaching the final grate, you were greeted with the familiar yet new aerial view of Liv's office. It'd remained mainly the same since your departure. She hadn't even bothered to remove your lab coat, which was still carelessly thrown over the chair you'd frequented everyday. And Liv herself hadn't changed much either, disregarding the seemingly permanent anger lines upon her face. She was sitting at her desk, head in hand, mindlessly flipping through a folder. It occurred to you at that moment that she didn't look irritated, rather sad. Another unexpected emotion for her to display.
After a minute, she sighed, tossing the papers to one side and bringing her other hand up to crash forward into. She looked defeated, seeing her this way felt wrong. You honestly preferred the anger because it showed she'd maintained at least some of her usual intensity.
You sighed. It was time to fix this. With unsteady hands you delicately unscrewed the bolts holding the grate in place, careful to make as little noise as possible. It was as you were removing the final screw that you realised something: you had no idea what to say to her. No planned speech or prepared apology, you'd resigned to hoping for a spontaneous burst of thoughtfulness in the moment. You sat there for a minute, fidgeting with one of the screws while attempting to come up with what you would say. Should you start by apologising for breaking in, or for lying to her, or for applying to the job in the first place? You had a lot of things to apologise for.
And unfortunately, the chance to think it through any further was taken from you as the screw slipped out of your hand. You gasped watching it fall, hitting the ground with an faint thud. Although quiet enough for most people to ignore, you knew Liv was too thorough to not investigate. And as expected, following your sharp intake of breath was the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, then footsteps gradually approaching.
Liv appeared below you, bending down to inspect the screw before glancing up. Her eyes locked with yours through the mask and widened in shock.
"Hey." The casual tone to your voice sounded forced and you grimaced. But rather than dwelling on it, you dropped from the exposed hiding place and pulled off your mask. You smiled awkwardly, eyes scanning and overanalysing her reaction.
Liv stepped back to lean on the desk for support. Her mouth was agape, but otherwise her face was worryingly blank.
"If this is a bad time I can come back later."
Still no response. The room was drowning in a tense silence.
"Well, actually I probably can't come back." With no social cues to interact with, you began to ramble aimlessly. "I'm guessing you'll find a way to patch that particular security breach." You gestured up to the gap in the ceiling and laughed lightly. "Sorry about that. I didn't know how else to-"
You're cut off as Liv moves impossibly fast, grabbing your shoulders and shoving you backwards against the wall. A thousand different thoughts run through your mind at once, all wondering what she's about to do. The majority are focused on the possibility that she's going to hurt you in some way, although, even if she did have the intention to cause harm, you wouldn't fight back. You were tired of conflict, especially when it involved Liv.
She was standing close, breathing heavily and saying nothing. You couldn't help but let your eyes flicker down to her lips, the temptation to kiss her becoming increasingly vehement. So instead you forced your attention up to her eyes, which held an air of confusion.
"What are you doing here?" Her voice was deep, full of unvoiced emotions.
You licked your lips, glancing at her mouth one last time. "I came here to apologise. I didn't mean for any of this to go so far."
"You're lying." She backed away slightly and you immediately missed the proximity.
"I'm not! I just-" You stuttered, then admitted in a quieter voice. "I never meant to hurt you."
She inhaled shakily and swallowed, your eyes tracing the movement of her throat. "And?"
"And because I care about you too much to let you think I did any of this on purpose." You lowered your head, her invasive glare becoming overwhelming.
Soft fingers firmly gripped your chin, compelling you to look up. Her eyes displayed distrust, confusion which you suddenly feel the need to wipe away. You wanted to make your affection for her clear, but found yourself annoyingly speechless. All the recurring thoughts and confined confessions that had been plaguing you for a week suddenly gone from your mind. You were infuriatingly at a loss for words. Although, the warmth of her fingers against your skin reminded you that actions speak louder than words.
You leant in slowly, giving her sufficient time to stop you. She didn't move so you kissed her lightly at first, searingly next. Your arm shifted to wrap around her back tentatively and she moaned faintly in response. Although, it wasn't until you allowed her to take control that any remaining anger dissipated. At that point the kiss became bruising, her hold on you tightening as a wave of shared desperation rolled over the both of you. Before the desperation could reach its peak, however, you separated from her.
Liv was almost panting, her cheeks tinged pink and hair a mess. She promptly attempted to kiss you again, though you dodged the advance and she whined. Her mouth latched onto your neck, sucking at the skin there.
Your head fell back against the wall, dizzy from lust. "Does this mean I can have my job back?" You quipped, running a hand through your hair.
"Depends." She murmured in between kisses. "Do you have anymore secrets?"
"None that I can think of." You smiled, the prospect of returning to what you'd come to consider as normality was an appealing one. Of course there were things you would need to work through with Liv, and many, many extra complications alongside having a relationship with your boss. But nothing easy was ever worthwhile, and Liv was living proof of that.
"Alright. You're hired."
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aurabird · 3 years
Haunted Dreams
Sausage just wants to sleep...but trauma weighs heavy on the mind.
Tw: Nightmares, blood/violence, brief disassociation
Also on Ao3
He walked through Mythland, a casual stroll through the streets of his empire to see it in all its restored glory now that he’d removed the corruption that had overun it. His citizens greeted him as he passed and he made a point to at least try and speak with as many of them as he could.
Then the sky grew dark, thunder echoing as lightning split the heavens and suddenly, the citizens around him were gone, as if they’d never been there to begin with.
Sausage knew what the storm meant and he ran; fear in his heart and panic in his mind. He needed to get away, he needed to hide. He was fooling himself, there was no hiding from the harbinger of the storm, no matter how much he wished there was.
He ducked into a building as he was inflicted with a blindness spell, cowering in a corner like a frightened animal. Maybe...maybe if he pretended they weren’t here like Joel did then they’d go away. Positive thinking right? That’s what Gem always told him.
“Hello, Sausage.” Xornoth said with a wicked grin as he came into view, “You and I have much to discuss.”
“No! G-Go away! I don’t work for you anymore!”
The demon laughed, “Oh Sausage, did you really think I’d leave you alone? You will never escape me!”
The next thing Sausage knew was been teleported, now on a netherbrick floor where familiar crimson tendrils were quick to bind him.
The blindness spell wore off and he felt his blood run cold. He knew where he was, he’d been here before when he was still under the influence of corruption. Even now he could almost hear the agonized cries and pleas of those he watched Xornoth torture...that he himself even tortured. Sausage could almost see Fwhip, Gem, and Kathrine bound and helpless, their blood still staining the ground.
“Its a new perspective isn’t it? Being on the receiving end of something you once enjoyed?” Xornoth questioned, twirling a dark, bloodied dagger in his hand as he walked “I cannot let your insolence go unpunished, Sausage.”
Suddenly, the demon was in front of him, its gaze meeting his own. “I wonder how easy you’ll be to break.”
  Sausage jolted upright with a cry, pain radiating in his right arm. He quickly looked at it in panic, expecting to see pulsating crimson veins. Instead, all he saw were the web-like scars where corruption had once been seared in his flesh. His gaze followed them from where they started at his wrist, and ended right over his heart.
He grimaced at the permanent reminders of what he’d done and averted his gaze to the room he was in. It wasn’t a dungeon where he would be tortured, it was his bedroom...in his keep...in Mythland.
There was no storm outside, moonlight shining brightly through the window and casting a gentle glow on the floor and walls.
A nightmare...that’s all it’d been. A remnant of the trauma he’d gone through. Still, there was no going back to sleep, not after that. Maybe...maybe he could go on a midnight walk to clear his head?
He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, going over to his wardrobe and grabbing a simple undershirt, pants, and a cloak. It was a casual attire, much different than what he would normally wear, but it’d work.
Once he was on the cobbled streets he began his walk. Mythland was stunning at night, lanterns lit the paths and fireflies flickered in the air. The sound of night wildlife was therapeutic as it was joined by his quiet footsteps.
The bleating of blood sheep made him smile, with the corruption tentacles gone the symbols of his empire’s culture had come out from hiding, no longer afraid.
All was fine until Sausage could have sworn he saw a shadow move in the darkness. When he turned to look, it was gone.
Just a nocturnal animal he told himself before continuing down the path towards one of the residential areas.
He’d helped design some of the houses here himself and the sight of them made him smile. Light shone dimly through closed windows, alerting him that the residents were safe.
Then, in one of the alleys, he caught sight of a shadow, but it disappeared seconds after he made eye contact with it. A stray dog or cat he thought, that was all, there was no one out on the streets at this hour other than him.
As he continued he noticed that the sounds of the night had gone quiet, his footsteps echoed by another set behind him. He turned, but saw no one, not even the particles of an invisibility potion.
He was tired, that was all. He was tired and just imagining things. He was alone out here...he should probably head back home to rest.
Countless times more on his way back did he swear he was hearing footsteps, close enough to be in earshot, yet far enough away to be unnerving. He also could have sworn the shadow he kept seeing was following him. He knew it was just paranoia, once he was back in bed he’d be fine.
Soon, his home came into view and he went inside, climbing the stairs back to his bedroom.
He discarded the cloak, hanging it on the railing to put away in the morning and made his way over to his bed, not even bothering to get undressed again.
As he passed the mirror by his wardrobe though he froze, the reflection in it drawing his attention out of the corner of his eye. The second he turned to look, he recoiled with a yelp.
In the glass was a man that looked like him, a man dressed in black and grey with piercing red eyes and black veins marring their skin that had a faint crimson light flickering underneath. A sinister grin crossed their face as their gaze met his own.
“Look at you.” his reflection began in a distorted version of his voice, “Pathetic and weak once more. You were so powerful Sausage, you were feared. Don’t you miss it? The strength flowing through your veins, the magic at your fingertips. You could have had so much more too, if you’d stayed.”
It clicked then who the reflection was, it was someone he never wanted to see again, someone that terrified him. “I’m not you. I’m not a puppet for someone to order around.”
His reflection vanished and for a moment, Sausage thought he’d beaten his subconscious. He’d been wrong as he felt a sword go through him, the blade dripping with ink black blood as it protruded from his chest.
“You’re right,” came the voice of his doppelganger once more, “Because I am what you should have been.”
The sword was yanked back out, and Sausage fell to the ground, hacking and sputtering as the life drained from his body. 
“All I have to do, is kill you and take your place.”
The black blade of a corrupted netherite axe tore through the flesh of his neck.
  Once more he awoke with a cry, his hands instantly flying up to his throat instinctively in panic. Once he realized that his head was still attached did he dare open his eyes.
Sunlight came through the window and lit up the room, birds sung outside and the wind rustled the leaves of trees. In the distance, he could hear the faint sounds of his people going about their lives.
Tears formed in his eyes and he began to cry, ugly sobs coming from his throat at what he’d witnessed in his nightmare.
Then it dawned on him...what if he was still asleep? What if he’d just passed into another part of the illusion his traumatized mind was inflicting upon him?!
What if...what if he wasn’t really in Mythland? What if he’d failed in the spirit realm and as punishment he was left to suffer a nightmare for eternity?!
Who was he? The King of Mythland? The servant of evil? The condemned spirit left to be forgotten by those he cared about?
The mental turmoil was maddening and Sausage clutched the sides of his head, “Stop...make it stop...” he pleaded quietly.
A knock on the door snapped him from his spiraling thoughts, bringing him back to what he hoped was reality.
“Sausage are you home? I know you said you wanted to rest but I’m worried about you.”
Gem’s voice was music to his ears and Sausage quickly regained his composure as best he could before heading down the stairs to open the door for her.
“Hey, Gem.” he said with what he hopped was a happy tone, he didn’t want to worry her any more.
The wizard’s smile faded, “Sausage you look horrible, I thought you said you were going to get some sleep and recover!”
“What are you talking about Gem? I feel perfectly fine!” he countered casually, “I’ve been resting like I said I would after all!.”
Gem wasn’t convinced, “Sausage, have you looked at yourself in the mirror?”
The question had been an innocent one, but the nightmare from the night before quickly flashed before him. “N-No, because I’m...I’m afraid of what I’ll see.” he admitted as he wrapped his arms around himself.
"What do you think you’ll see?”
Sausage grit his teeth, his body beginning to shake, “Him, Gem...the corrupted puppet of Xornoth...”
"He isn’t you, Sausage.”
“No...he’s not...” because he’s who I was supposed to be...
Gem broke the momentary silence that followed, “You’ve gone through a lot, Sausage and while I still don’t know if I can fully trust you yet, if you need to talk about anything then I’ll be right over alright?”
Sausage nodded and wrapped his arms around her just to make sure she was real and not another trick played by his mind, “Thank you.”
He had spent the next several days working, doing everything he could to keep himself from falling asleep, afraid of what would await him. He’d dozed off a few times and had found himself in several scenarios.
  Sometimes it’d been in the arena, the other rulers falling to his blade over-and-over again, bathing him in their blood while he smiled in sadistic pleasure.
Sometimes he’d be running from a shadow that would always catch him, its claws digging into his mind to puppet him around once more
Sometimes he’d see the wicked grin of his twisted doppelganger as they drove a blade through him, their words poisoning his thoughts and filling him with doubt and fear.
Sometimes he’d be laying helpless as Xornoth tortured him. Trying countless painful methods to ensure that this time the corruption taking over his body would be permanent.
  And when night fell he’d just lay in bed awake, guilt and trauma weighing heavy on his mind. The things he’d done were horrible and now that he was free, he would be hunted relentlessly by the one that had controlled him and the hybrid that still followed them.
Sausage was scared. He needed sleep...he needed help...
That had been the one word shakily scribbled onto the paper he’d tied around a raven’s leg before sending it to the Crystal Cliffs.
A knock on the door the following morning forced him to get out of bed and go to open it. Sausage’s movements were sluggish but he managed to succeed in his goal. Gem stood in the doorway, her expression morphing into a grimace once she saw the sorry sight he probably was. “Oh Sausage...what have you been doing to yourself...”
He collapsed into her, unable to hold back tears any longer, “I can’t sleep Gem! Every time I close my eyes the nightmares come, even if its just for a minute. Please Gem, sleeping potions...or even some kind of sleeping spell...just something, anything to help me fall asleep peacefully!”
Gem couldn’t think of any way to reply, only held the broken person in her arms.
“How about we get you inside? See what we can do?”
A distressed  but agreeing sound came from Sausage and Gem helped maneuver him upstairs and back into his bed. The Mythland king looked terrible, his clothes disheveled and his face pale enough that the dark circles forming beneath his eyes were extremely noticeable.
“Tell me everything, Sausage. Tell me about the nightmares and anything that is bothering you.”
So he did. Sausage spilled every detail about his nightmares and paranoia, about every little thing he feared and pondered. Gem listened intently as he spoke, never once interrupting, just letting him get his thoughts out.
By the time he finished Sausage felt as if a burden had been lifted from his shoulders, it was...nice.
The last of his energy had been sapped from his venting and the clutches of sleep tried to bring him into their hold.
Gem stroked his head, her sympathetic eyes meeting his own tired ones. “Go to sleep, Sausage.” he coaxed, “I’ll be here to wake you if I sense something is wrong.“
Sausage only gave a sigh, his eyelids slipping shut and lulling him into darkness.
But, for the first time in an unknown amount of days, the nightmares didn’t come. Sausage was at peace, finally able to rest.
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The duty of a Pearl is to serve their Diamond.
At least, that's what Tommy was taught anyway.
It had a millennia since he was first given to Green Diamond by Gold Diamond, but he would never forget the moment he laid eyes upon the white-masked ruler. Neon green arms caught the light of the room around them and gave Green a luminescent appearance, despite his body already being made of projected light. The space station almost seemed to freeze in time around the three. If he could, Tommy would have frozen time back then, when things were simpler.
Green had taken him back to his personal ship and given him the traditional title 'Pearl' before leaving to take care of Diamond matters. Despite an ingrained knowledge he should wait for orders, Pearl left the room and wandered the ship, a need to explore and see the world around him overriding his pearl nature. He meandered around, running into a few Rubies and Topazes along the way. Pearl knew that the bright green clothes Gold Diamond had given him let the other gems know his place, but he himself was unsure of his purpose, aside from basic servitude.
Hours passed and Pearlstill only saw a small portion of the ship. He stumbled into a large room with a neon green throne and a projected screen before it. Sitting in the chair was none other than Green Diamond himself. Pearl felt a strange pull towards him, an urge to remain in his presence unlike with the other gems around the ship. He crept up alongside the base of the throne, unnoticed by the powerful gem sitting in it. Green occasionally summoned various Quartzes and Peridots before assigning them duties. These gems occasionally glanced at Pearl with interest, but looked away when they noticed the colors he wore.
Eventually, Green asked one of the staring gems what was so interesting. When she answered with Pearl's presence on the floor next to the throne, Green peered down over the edge of the chair. Pearl waved up from the ground with a smile, a bit embarrassed at being caught but otherwise unperturbed. "Leave us." Green commanded the Aquamarine. The moment the two were alone, Green picked Pearl up by his collar. "I thought I left you in my chambers."
"Well yeah, but it was boring in there. Didn't know Diamonds know shit about interior design." Pearlshot back.
Green was silent for a moment before he released a sharp wheezing noise. Pearl startled, concerned he had actually caused some damage with his words, but realized quickly the high pitched whistling was only Green's laughter. As his laughter petered out, Green set Pearl down on the armrest of his chair, "It's been a while since I've laughed that hard." His smiling mask seemed to shine with an extra light. From that moment on, Pearl was never far from Green's side. He cracked jokes, mocked other gems (including Green sometimes), and handled simple tasks for his Diamond. In return, Green kept Pearl around him at all times. They were together on the ship, at planets when Green checked on his colonies, and even in meetings with the other Diamonds, though he had to hide in Green's pocket. Green picked a name for him: Tommy, and received a name in kind: Dream. All things considered, serving Green Diamond was a pretty good deal.
At least, it was until the revolt on Esempi.
It was just another visit to another one of Green's colonies, almost a century into Tommy's service. They had just touched down and Tommy was riding on Dream's shoulder just like normal when a shrieking whistle pierced through the air. A few of the Rubies in Dream's guard collapsed to the ground and their bodies disappeared, leaving only their gems behind. Tommy shook with the effort of keeping his light form intact, and he could tell even Dream was struggling a bit. They quickly found the source of the shriek and destroyed it, gathering all the gems responsible before Green Diamond for judgement.
"What did you hope to gain from this?" He asked.
"Freedom from your oppression!" Responded a bold Titanite.
"Well you can have it." Dream's mask glinted in the light of the planet's sun. Tommy stared up at his Diamond, confused as he pulled a long strand of neon green light from thin air. Dream flicked his wrist and the string whipped through the forms of every single revolting gem.
All of them, except the Titanite.
The yellow gem managed to dodge the attack in time to see his bretheren fall. His eyes filled with rage as he pulled a bow from the gem in his forehead. He pulled back on the string and aimed for Dream before letting loose a glowing yellow bolt directed at Tommy. The pearl barely had a moment to think before his gem, right in the middle of his chest, was struck. He toppled backwards, falling for the ground before being caught by two Aquamarines. Dream grabbed the Titanite and squeezed him to the point of his body dissipating, and even cracking his gem. Dream called his gems to his ship and took Tommy from the Aquamarines.
In the medical bay, Tommy received treatment for a small fracture in his gem. Easily fixed, but still painful. During the entire process, Dream was strangely distant, watching Tommy with enough neutrality that even he couldn't figure out what the Diamond was thinking. By the time he was completely healed, Dream had reverted back to his initial treatment of his pearl. Tommy trailed after him every day, but no longer did he sit on the Diamond's shoulder, no longer was he given the privilege of joining the Diamond in meetings, no longer did he elicit that wheeze of a laugh from the Diamond that he loved so much.
But a few months later and Dream finally looked at him. He stopped in the middle of a corridor and stared down at the Pearl, "Why won't you leave?!"
"What?" Tommy didn't understand.
"I've been ignoring you for months, why are you still following me?"
The Pearl was quick to respond, "Because I feel like it you prick." Dream had nothing else to say.
The very next day, after finishing a meeting with Gold Diamond and Blue Diamond Dream picked Tommy up for the first time since the incident on Esempi. He carried the Pearl through the halls of the ship without an entourage. They traveled to a large room that reached far above the Diamond's head, a size Tommy had yet to see until this point. Various weapons lined one wall and platforms of various size, height, and constructions littered the room. Next to the door was a panel with colorful buttons and a milky white quartz. Dream set Tommy down on the ground and tilted his head towards the quartz, who quickly saluted and left the room. Dream turned to his Pearl and started to shrink to his eye level.
Tommy was surprised to see the mask shrink along with the Diamond, and was even more surprised when Dream pulled a bright green axe from his gem. "Draw your weapon." He commanded. Tommy raised a hand to his Pearl and pulled, imagining a tool that would serve his Diamond. He felt something brush against his hand and his gem lit up as a red and white axe emerged from his chest. Tommy stared in awe at the weapon for a few moments before Dream's voice broke him out, "Let's start." Green Diamond walked to the panel and pressed a few buttons, producing several training dummies from the floor.
And so Tommy's training began.
The slow, arduous process was brutal. More days than not, Tommy would end up with a damaged form that required a trip into his gem to heal. Every day after Dream had completed a certain number of meetings they would return to the training room and spar, the Diamond teaching the Pearl how to wield his axe and how to avoid attacks from foreign gems. It wasn't all bad, there were moments where Dream would step back and voice his approval whenever Tommy proved especially evasive or aggressive. But every time Tommy received a severe injury requiring an end to the day's session, Dream would stop and stare, his mask hiding whatever thoughts running through his mind.
He was certainly stronger for all the training, Tommy couldn't deny this. Nor would he, his Diamond clearly cared for him, why else would he take the time to make sure Tommy could defend himself. Still, he wasn't permitted to sit on Dream's shoulder, though he was once again brought to meetings with the Diamonds. In public, Dream would act as thought Tommy had been reduced to his assistant, as all other Pearls were. When they were alone, however, be it in the training room or their chambers, or even Dream's command room on occasion, the Diamond would hold the Pearl close to his gem. Sometimes he held Tommy a bit too tight and the smaller gem was reminded that his Diamond could crush him at any moment. The injuries during training eventually grew in frequency and damage. Until it finally came to a head at the end of one session.
Dream always took care to avoid Tommy's gem, just as Tommy avoided Dream's. But this time, when Tommy ducked he wasn't quite fast enough to avoid the bit of the Diamond's axe. The sharp blade cut straight to the heart of Tommy's Pearl, destroying his light form and knocking the gem across the room. Green Diamond dropped his weapon and ran to it, holding the smooth stone in his shaking hands. That was how his attendants found him, begging Tommy to come back out, telling the gem it was only a small nick and that he would be fine. The Aquamarine guided Dream, refusing to release the damaged Pearl, to the medical bay where they placed the gem on a soft pillow. The Moonstone inside looked over the damaged Pearl and shook her head apologetically.
Every day after that, Dream would go to the medical bay before and after his duties and spend time talking to the gem. Sometimes he would mention events of the day, sometimes he would scream at the gem for being so soft, but most often he would beg Tommy to come back. Green Diamond went to The Reef and ordered the attendants to fix his Pearl but to no avail. The gem was cut to the core, leaving him nothing more than a decoration. They offered replacement Pearls, but Green Diamond refused them all, only wanting the return of his Tommy.
Green Diamond ordered his Peridots, Agates, and Sapphires to research gem reconstruction and spent the majority of his time assisting them. Gold, Blue, and Red Diamond all worried for him, offering time away and various projects and more gems to distract him from the loss of his Pearl, though he took none of them. A year passed, and Green Diamond began carrying his Pearl in a locket worn around his neck at all times.
Then he received a message: his team had found a solution.
Green Diamond left the meeting of the Diamonds in an instant, heading for the research compound where his Peridots, Agates, and Sapphires had worked tirelessly. He opened his locket and carefully laid the damaged gem on the operating table, watching his researchers for any hint of failure. The gems poured fluids and powders and shone lights on the Pearl, eventually filling the crevice with a neon green streak the color of Green's own gem. The gems explained that the Pearl would need time to readjust and reform, but the procedure had been successful.
So Dream waited. He waited days, weeks, and then a month passed by. Time felt slow, as though it were a sludging mud instead of a clean stream. But the waiting paid off the moment Tommy reformed around his gem. He was different, with a white streak in his normally golden hair, and his blue eyes had cracks of neon green through them, but he was alive. Dream shrunk down and embraced his Pearl, unwilling to risk crushing him in his hands as he had imagined so many times a year ago. Tommy did not embrace him back, however. His eyes darted around the room and his form shook endlessly. Dream didn't care though, he had his Pearl back.
And he wouldn't lose him again.
-Butterfly Anon Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
It has been a hot minute since I've written this much, hooo boyyyy. Ah, Primeboys my beloved, how you inspire me. This turned out to be less of a drabble and more of a full on story, my goodness. I've got a few ideas where to take the story from here, but I figured this was as good a place to end it as any.
Cast in case you didn't figure it out:
Green Diamond: Dream, Gold Diamond: Foolish, Pearl: Tommy, Titanite: Wilbur, Blue Diamond: Skeppy, Red Diamond: Badboyhalo
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themadlostgirl · 3 years
Abandoned (7)
*Peter’s turn to be a jealous walnut.*
Peter and I sat on the beach tangled together. The soft kisses we had shared turning ravenous and hungry. Peter was barely giving me time to breathe before pressing his mouth back against mine. His hands never stopped either. They went from resting on my face to tangled in my hair gliding up and down my body. Pushing and pulling us closer until the heat between us was unbearable.
“Peter,” I gasped, finally catching moment to breathe. “I need to--” My words broke off into incoherency as he started lavishing kisses along my neck and jaw.
“I’m still mad at you for giving away my dress you know.” I was finally able to blurt out. He sucked hard on my pulse in response.
“Then I suppose I’ll have to make it up to you.” I could feel him grinning against my neck and continued his assault on my throat. Little whines escaped me and it only spurned him on more.
“By the stars, you’re fantastic,” He breathed out, peppering kisses down lower. Shucking my collar open to kiss along my collarbone and shoulder. “So warm, so soft, and all mine.”
You’re so soft. Like a little kitten. A hoarse voiced doused me in cold water like a tidal wave sweeping me out to sea. Won’t you purr for me little kitten?
“My pearl,” Peter gazed at me. I had gone stiff in his arms and my breathing was shallow and rapid. “What’s wrong?”
“I--I--” My body was shaking. I closed my eyes. Get out! Get out of my head!
Peter said my name, gently pulling me down to rest against him. Hushing me and banishing my worries away. “What’s wrong, my pearl? What’s gotten you so worked up? Was I being too forceful?”
“I--” The words were caught in my throat. I didn’t know how to describe it. Where the voice had even come from. Thankfully I was saved from having to explain at the appearance of Wendy Darling once again. The only time I looked upon her in thanks.
“So sorry to intrude,” She said, her gaze sweeping between Peter and I. “I was worried after the both of you left camp. The boys said I shouldn’t follow unless I wanted to see a grisly sight but it only spurred me on more. I couldn’t bear the thought that she should be punished for something so silly as being angry over a dress. I see now though I needn’t worry about anything.”
“Indeed,” Peter said, “We just needed to have a private conversation. Isn’t that right, swordfish?”
He sighed when I didn’t speak. Still caught up too much in my own mind. “It’s been a stressful night.” He said. “My pet needs some rest now.”
“Of course,” Wendy sat a pile of blue velvet down on the ground. “I brought this back. I know you told me to keep it but I just couldn’t knowing it was never mine to take.”
“She’s so perfect it’s retching.” I muttered which made Peter chuckle.
“Would you like me to get rid of her?” Peter whispered. I nodded. “Anything my Lost Girl wants.”
I watched out of the corner of my eye as Peter’s shadow swooped down from the darkness and grabbed hold of Wendy Darling. She shrieked as she was suddenly lifted off the ground.
“What--” she kicked trying to get free, “What’s going on?”
“Apologies Wendy but you were only here for one reason and that reason is now fulfilled,” Peter squeezed me tighter. I gazed up at Wendy and saw something akin to disgust cross her perfect porcelain face. “What I need now though is a boy. One of your brothers will do quite nicely.”
“No!” Wendy screamed, “Not my brothers!” She became wild. Flailing about trying to get free but the shadow never stirred.
“Take her back.” Peter ordered. The shadow took off into the night with Wendy in her nightgown screaming after them like an angry bird flying through the sky.
“Better?” Peter asked after she had disappeared.
“Yes,” The world felt lighter. I let out a yawn and rested my head on Peter’s shoulder. “Tired though.”
“You should get some rest then.” Peter gently pushed me off his lap.
“Peter,” I grabbed his hand to keep him from leaving, “Can you stay with me tonight? Just until I fall asleep.”
He nodded and joined me inside my hut. I laid down and Peter laid down next to me. The both of us laid there stiff as boards staring up at the ceiling of my hut. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore and turned on my side, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close. Peter let out a sigh of relief and held me, smoothing my hair and humming in my ear. “Sleep now, precious.”
I did. I slept soundly. No dreams to plague me. No cold to chill me. Just Peter’s arms and his voice lulling me into peace. When I woke up the next morning he was still there. Face inches from mine. The world was so still around us. It was as if the island was waiting for it’s master to awaken before it did. I closed my eyes again and tucked my head under his chin.
I felt the soft press of lips to the top of my head. “Good morning, sleep well?” Peter’s voice was groggy and hushed.
“Very well,” I yawned, “You didn’t have to stay you know.”
“I had a pretty girl in my arms, I wasn’t about to leave that for a camp full of rowdy boys.” He chuckled low in his chest so that it rumbled against my cheek.
“I’m glad you stayed. Reminded me that what happened last night was real. It wasn’t just a dream.”
“Does that make me a dream come true, swordfish?” he teased.
“You’re bloody nightmare most of the time, to be honest. But you have your moments. Like last night and this morning isn’t too bad either. But I think I’m gonna continue to be pissed about how your grand plan to make me admit my feelings was to make me jealous. I am still pretty angry about that even if it did end up working out for you.”
“Good thing I have an eternity to make it up to you. Now that Wendy is gone I can focus all my attention on you.”
“Oh gods no,” I groaned, “I’m never gonna get you to leave me alone now, aren’t I?”
“Afraid not, swordfish. But if you truly want me to leave you alone then I’ll be on my way.” He moved to sit up but I grabbed him and pulled him back down. “Now who’s the clingy one?”
“Shut up.” I kissed his cheek, “I want to stay in the bubble a little longer.”
Peter and I didn’t move from my camp all day. None of the boys came across us which was nice. Judging by what Wendy said last night it sounded like the boys thought Peter had taken me away to maim me. Maybe they were avoiding this part of the beach so they didn’t have to see the ghastly sight of my mutilated body. Or maybe it was Peter’s magic that kept anyone from coming near us. Either way it was nice to just have this part of the island to ourselves. No places to be and nothing or no one to worry about.
Peter changed my dress back but I had lost my appeal for it after Wendy wore it. It looked as if it had been made for her when she had it on. “Then I suppose I should make it more suiting to your tastes. Pretty as this may be it doesn’t very much reflect you.”
“That’s kinda the point. It’s meant to be pretty.”
“And you are beautiful. It should be equally as beautiful.” He stood up and unfurled the dress. In a flash of green light my blue dress was gone replaced with one of blood red. “Well go on, try it on.”
I took the dress and ducked into my hut, drawing the little curtain in front of the doorway for privacy. “You better not peak!”
“No fun at all,” he muttered but complied. The dress was velvet as before but the lace was gone as well as the puffed sleeves. The straps hung off my shoulders leaving them bare. The only problem was that the back of the dress now had buttons and I was finding it extremely difficult to get them buttoned by myself.
I struggled for a few more minutes trying to get them but my fingers slipped of them as I couldn’t see what I was doing nor could my hands reach all of them. With a small sigh I exited the hut. Peter waited on the other side and his face lit up as he took me in. “Why such a dour face? I thought you’d like it.”
“I can’t get the back buttoned up,” I turned around, “Could you…”
“Of course,” He started slipping the buttons into the eyelets. When he was halfway up he planted a kiss between my shoulder blades that made my insides melt. He finished buttoning it and turned me around. “Perfect,”
I smoothed my hands along the skirt. “Now all I’m missing is a crown.” I joked. “It really is beautiful, Peter. Thank you.”
“Trust me, this is all for my viewing pleasure.” His gaze raked me up and down. “Now maybe I can finish that dance we started long ago.”
“I’d like that.” We fell into our dance and I laughed as Peter spun me around along the sand.
As night fell I knew that we couldn’t stay here forever. The boys were most likely wondering where Peter was and sooner or later would grow restless without him. Still I did not wish to let him go. I watched him disappear back into the jungle and sat down with a dreamy sigh. It had been a good day.
Out in the distance I noticed a speck of black moving across the dark blue sky. Peter’s shadow had returned and it had someone with him. My body tensed. I almost forgot that Peter had sent it back to take one of Wendy Darling’s brothers. The boy in its grasp struggled and fought until the shadow lost its grip and let the boy go. Down the boy plunged from the sky and into the water below.
Well that was a shame. Hope he can swim. I watched as the body flailed about in the water for a few minutes as they tried to make their way to shore. It wasn’t like they were all that far out. They could easily swim back. Then again they might not be a strong swimmer and the mermaids are another thing to worry about. Did they really deserve to die because they got scared? The shadow was swooping around in the air above the boy not bothering to get close again.
Damn me and my bleeding heart. I whistled and I could see the shadow’s bright eyes turn to me. I waved it over and is sped towards the shore. I could never quite get used to Peter’s shadow. It was an extension of himself so I hoped maybe it would listen to me. “Go pick up the boy,” I told it, “I know you can hold him. You dropped him in the water on purpose.”
The shadow got right in my face trying to intimidate me. I wasn’t its master. “I said, go!” I pointed out to the sea, “Do you think Peter will be happy that you let his newest recruit drown? Now fetch him!”
The shadow circled around me like a tornado before darting off back across the sea and grabbing the struggling boy. It dropped him unceremoniously on the ground by my camp and with another scathing look zipped off to its hollow. The boy was sputtering and coughing next to me.
“Pull yourself together, kid,” I nudged him lightly with my foot, “It was just a little dunk in the ocean, you’re fine.”
“Easy for you to say,” he fell into another fit of coughing, “It wasn’t you.”
“Please, I’ve fallen overboard plenty of times and in much rougher seas. Your little drop is nothing to be falling apart over.” I grabbed the back of his collar and hauled him up. “Now come on, we don’t have all night.”
“Get off me!” He shoved me away. “I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“Fine, get hunted down by Lost Boys. See if I care. If you go in that jungle you’re gonna get lost and end up killing yourself which I don’t think you want.”
“I’m resourceful,”
“Maybe where you’re from but this is Neverland. It’s a different kind of dangerous. So, you can either come with me or die.”
“What if I just stay here on the beach? You look like you’re not supposed to be here either or else you’d be with these Lost Boys you were talking about. Or is it that you’re not welcome cause you’re a girl?”
“That’s not it. I just don’t want to stay in a camp full of a bunch of loud, idiot boys. Reminds me too much of a place I left. You could stay on the beach, it is a lot safer, but I don’t think that’s much of an option for you.”
“Because Peter can sense when someone has either entered or left the realm. He already knows you’re here and he’ll come looking for you. If you don’t want to be caught by him then the beach is too open. So again your options are be hunted down or try to hide in the jungle where you will surely die by walking through a thicket of dreamshade. Your choice.”
“Who are you?”
“Who I am is irrelevant. Who are you?”
“Baelfire.” He answered.
“Hm,” I sat down and patted the sand next to me. “Sit Baelfire. It’ll be a while yet before Peter comes this way. Tell me about yourself.”
“I don’t think I should. You’re obviously not to be trusted.”
“Why? Because I’m telling you that your plans to run and hide are pointless? I’m only telling you from personal experience. I spent months trying to get off this island and avoid its inhabitants but it’s useless. Okay? There’s only one way out and I don’t think Peter is going to give that to you.”
“Peter Pan?” Baelfire asked.
“So you’ve heard of him. Did your sister tell you his name? Your perfect Wendy Darling?”
“She’s not my sister. She’s a friend. One who let me into her home when I had none.” Baelfire stared into the fire I had lit. “I left in her brother’s stead.”
“Ugh, you’re as annoyingly perfect as her.” I rolled my eyes.
“And no, I already know who that demon is. I met him a long time ago.”
“You did? Was it back when he was still doing his Pied Piper routine? I was still on the ship during those days but he told me about what he did. Now that I mention it, Peter did talk of a boy he wanted from back in those days. The son of someone powerful named Rumplestiltskin, better known as the Dark One. That wouldn’t happen to be you, would it?”
Baelfire remained silent. His body was tense as if he was ready to jump up and run at a moment’s notice.
“So you are,” A small snarl crackled in my throat. The Dark One, I don’t remember ever meeting him but I know that my father had a run in with him. I think the Dark One had killed my mother. I know he was the one that cut off my father’s hand. At least the man did one thing worthwhile.
“You have a grudge against my father as well?” Baelfire asked.
“Pretty sure he killed my mother and cut off my father’s hand.” I told him, “One thing I should hate him for and the other I should thank him for.”
“Do I want to know which is which?”
“If it was me I would have sliced out his heart instead of just his hand.”
“Seems we both have complicated father issues.”
“At least your father didn’t trade you away for freedom with absolutely no remorse.”
“You’d be surprised.” Baelfire gazed at me, “Papa chose his power over me and left me to fend for myself in a new world. That’s when the Darling’s took me in. So I can relate better than you think.”
“Fathers are the worst aren’t they?”
“They are.”
We shared a knowing look. It was the look of a pair of people who shared trauma. Betrayed by those that were supposed to protect us. Left to our own devices in a world we knew nothing about. It was uncomfortable how alike we were.
“I am going to regret this,” I huffed, “But you can stay here with me at my camp. It’s safe and the Lost Boys don’t come here. Peter will be by but you won’t have to go with him if I talk to him first. I promise.”
“Why the sudden charity?”
“Because you’ve obviously gone through a lot of shit and I’m in a really good mood. Tomorrow you’ll be on your own but the jungle is much less hazardous to trek in the day. You said you were resourceful and I believe you. You’ll find a place to hunker down just fine.”
“Thank you,”
“Don’t thank me yet. Peter still knows you’re here and I said I may be able to talk to him but that’s only considering that he’s in a good mood as well.”
“How right you are, Lost Girl.” Peter strode out of the jungle with the Lost Boys behind him. “But I’m afraid you miscalculated.”
“Peter--” I said but he held up a hand silencing me.
“I’ve waited a long time for this one,” Peter grinned devilishly, “You’re coming back to camp, Baelfire.”
“Over my dead body.” Baelfire spat at him.
“Boys! Enough!” I stood up between them. “I know you two have history but this isn’t a public affair. Send the boys back to camp.”
“You don’t give the order around here, spitfire.” he leaned in closer to whisper in my ear, “I think our day together made you forget who rules this island.”
“Well if you want me to keep being sweet on you then you’ll do as I say. Or else you’ll never get a taste of these lips or anything else ever again.” I whispered back.
“Big threats coming from the girl who practically begged me not to leave barely an hour ago.”
“But I can hold a grudge and I have no problem being by myself for days on end. You know that much.” I retorted. “Choose wisely, my dear.”
“Nasty girl,” Peter chuckled, “Seems you’ve cornered me this time.”
Peter stepped away and turned to the boys, ordering them to return to camp. Peter’s second in command was the only one who stayed. As easily as it was for Peter to get rid of the other boys it was much harder for him to excuse someone as loyal as Felix so I didn’t push it.
“He’s coming back to camp.” Peter said.
“No, he’s not. Not tonight at least.”
“Careful what you say, spitfire. My leniency only goes so far.”
“Twenty four hours,” I said, “You give him a twenty four hour period in which he can run and hide and only then can you and your boys go hunting for him. If you capture him then you can do what you want with him. Sound fair enough?”
“Now hold on!” Baelfire tried to cut in.
“Baelfire, I wouldn’t try that if I were you.” Peter glared at the boy, “So far her offer is sounding appealing and it is much more than you deserve. Are you trying to talk me out of it?”
Baelfire retreated, knowing it was pointless to try and argue for more. “Smart move,” Peter turned back to me, “This will be a new game for me and my boys to play. A few rules so everything’s fair. Rule number one, you can’t cover for him. He’s a big boy, he doesn’t need to go hiding behind your skirts. That also includes showing him around the island or giving him ideas on where to hide. Rule number two, if we do find him then you can’t object to any way that I treat him after he’s with us. Sound reasonable?”
“About as reasonable as I’m gonna get with you.” I sighed. “Fine.”
Peter nodded to Felix and the tall boy strode back into the jungle. Peter glanced at Baelfire then back at me. He looped an arm around me and steered me further away. “You’re coming back to camp with me.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t want him near you tonight. You’re staying with me.”
“He’s not gonna hurt me. I can take care of myself just fine, remember?” I patted the sword at my hip.
“Don’t care. You’re staying with me.” He growled, and tried to drag me with him.
“Hold on,” I stayed rooted in my spot, “Is it at all possible that you’re jealous?”
“What are you talking about? Of all the ridiculous--”
“You are! You’re not worried about Baelfire hurting me. You’re worried that he might like me.”
“I am not jealous. I don’t get jealous. I know there’s no way you’d choose an unworthy worm like him over me.”
“Spoken like a true jealous boy.”
“I am not!” Peter seethed. “I just don’t like the idea of him being so close to you while you’re sleeping. He may not be much but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to--”
“Peter,” I touched his face, “Look at me. Everything will be fine. You have nothing to worry about and you certainly have nothing to be jealous over. Understand?
“If that were true then why were you being so kind to him then? You’ve never been close to any of the Lost Boys before. Why this stranger?”
“I wouldn’t exactly call it kind. I’m just empathetic. We have shared trauma.” I shrugged, “Betrayed by horrible fathers and all that. I see a little bit of myself in him.”
“When you say stuff like that it doesn’t exactly put me at ease.”
“Does it make you feel better if I say that I don’t find him attractive at all? He may be cute in a boyish way but you are the only one I’d ever let kiss me. Only one I’d ever want to touch me. The only one I know that can make me buckle at the knees with a single smile.”
“Damn right,” He pressed his forehead to mine. “I trust you. If he does try anything though I’m not playing any games and will kill him on sight.”
“It won’t end like that but I appreciate the sentiment.” I walked back over to my camp. Baelfire sat tracing his finger in the sand. “Twenty four hours, Peter. Starting now. No touching him until then.”
“Yes, yes,” Peter rolled his eyes. He looked at Baelfire. “Be glad my Lost Girl was here. Your fate could have ended quite differently.”
Baelfire scowled.
“And as for you,” Peter held me firm and kissed me hard. I forgot myself for a moment and let him continue on devouring me before he pulled back. A smug smile on his face, “Good night, spitfire.”
“Yeah, good night.” I watched him leave and turned around to face my audience.
“So when you said that you could talk to Pan…”
“It’s a recent development.” That was all the more that was said on the issue. We stayed up for a while longer as I gave him a few tips about trekking the jungle. The only time I’d be allowed to do so after tonight. Stay away from dreamshade thickets, don’t eat the blue colored berries, there is a section of the jungle that is just as dangerous in the day that is at night. Make sure you do not get caught stuck there or else it will be your demise.
Finally my eyes were growing heavy and I knew Baelfire needed to get to sleep too. He would need his energy for tomorrow when Peter’s game began.
An old song from long ago quietly echoing in my head. A stubbly smile gleaming down on me as he sang.
My young love said to me, ‘My mother won't mind and my father won't slight you for your lack of kind. And she stepped away from me, and this she did say, ‘It will not be long love till our wedding day.’
It was no surprise that I woke up crying.
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inkformyblood · 3 years
Name Me Glory
Commander Cody Week Day 01 Bonds (posting just the writing this time cause tumblr) @commandercodyweek
Pairing: Cody & Rex, Cody & Alpha-17, Cody & Jango Fett (all platonic/sibling)
Summary: Cody doesn’t know when or how to quit, and he’ll keep pushing himself until he finds out. Set during training on Kaminoa
“Again.” CC-2224 spat the word out, blood trickling down his chin, thick and wet and blotting out everything else, as he pushed himself back onto his feet. The world tipped around him, the floor buckling beneath his feet as if the ever-present storm had finally broken into the building.
“Again?” Alpha-17’s eyes were wide and dark, and filled with something CC-2224 couldn’t name. Amusement, maybe? Regret? Whatever it was fled in an instant as Alpha-17 stepped forward, the sound of his feet muffled by the softer floor of the training mat, but it still reminded CC-2224 of the closing of a bulkhead door: final and resolute. “Step up then, shiny.”
When Alpha-17 put him down on the mat again, CC-2224 stayed down, the knee in his back a warning as the weight of the older clone pressed him further into the pad. The warning came as a whisper as Alpha-17 stood, cold fear curling down CC-2224’s spine: “Careful now, vod’ika. Mother’s watching.”
Alpha-17 left, each step calm and measured like the beating of a drum, the sound echoing back to CC-2224 as if it was a battalion marching away from him, but he didn’t move. Alpha-17’s warning twisted round his thoughts like a skipped track, slowly infecting everything else until CC-2224 felt a scream bubble up in his throat. Methodically, he bit his tongue, the steady pressure shifting into a wave of pain until the urge slowly ebbed away.
Carefully, he rolled his head to look towards the small observation deck set into one wall. The screen in front of it had once been fully reflective, showing the featureless metal walls and his steady, blank stare, but now the surface was pitted and tarnished. One of the corners had been shattered during a training exercise, the cracks slipping across the surface like a web. A flicker of movement in the broken, visible section betrayed the hiding place of the younger clone.
“Come out then, vod’ika!” CC-2224 called, his voice hoarse and cracked. Every movement felt like agony, his muscles having locked into place as the chill settled over the room now that the heavy electronic cameras — the Kaminoans’ eyes in the sky, almost always watching with their myriad blinking lights — had shut off for a moment. They would cycle back on eventually, a rhythm every clone had learned, but weren’t always manned. He knew he would have a moment of peace before he emerged out into the network of corridors, and was under their scrutiny once more.
The blonde hair wasn’t a surprise anymore, haloed around CT-7567’s face in tight curls as he scampered towards CC-2224. He could see the younger clone was in between growth cycles, his limbs compact but his cheeks were still rounded and flushed.
“Bacta?” CT-7567 mumbled around the edge of the nail he was chewing on, brow furrowed in intense concentration. He moved to flop onto CC-2224’s lap, but caught himself halfway, a wave of anguish flickering across his face.
“No, I’m fine.” CC-2224 reached up to him, and CT-7567 curled into him, his cheek resting against CC-2224’s chest. It ached, the smaller clone unintentionally pressing on the developing bruises that Alpha-17 left — all carefully in non-vital areas — but CC-2224 pulled him closer. “I have to keep pushing myself to be better.”
“You’re already the best,” CT-7567 argued with such perfect childish belief that CC-2224 was helpless to do anything other than let the laughter bubble up, curling forward to draw the other into Keldabe.
CC-2224 let out a steady breath, letting his eyes close, the constant weight he carried on his shoulders abating for a moment.
“Alpha-17 is just trying to follow what Jango taught him. So we can all be mandokarla.”
CT-7567 nodded sagely, but CC-2224 could sense the slight darting of his eyes and that he was chewing his lip as he mused it over, not fully understanding.
“Have you met Jango before?” His voice was hushed, almost reverent, and CC-2224 had to bite back a laugh. What were they teaching the shinies once they were decanted now? Jango Fett was their donor, and they were made in his image like the religions of long ago, but he was still just a man.
“No, I haven’t.” But he was lying.
CC-2224 met Jango Fett, the man rather than the deity who was both teacher and executioner, once.
The air of the corridor was cold and still, the heavy scent of salt lying thickly on the air, coating CC-2224’s tongue as he wept. He could still feel the pressure of the eyes of the other clones as the large door to the rec room opened, and only he walked through, bereft of his batchmates. The realisation that flickered over their faces was a reflection of his own horror upon awakening to the message on his datapad, before they quickly hid it behind blank professionalism. But the gentle tap of their fingers against their wrists, as light as a bird’s wing in the simulations, followed him like the ghost of a heartbeat.
He couldn’t get away from it then, the crushing weight that they had been ripped from him before they had truly become people, before they were able to be more than their numbers, so he ran and hid.
The plan descended on him, half-formed, as he squeezed through the small hatch that granted him access to the eyeless wiring channels and the ducts. They were Mando’a; that was the first thing they learned. They were Mando’a, no matter what anyone else told them.
But they would wear no beskar to paint, only plastoid armour, and CC-2224 had none of his own and had not inherited any. There were the carefully scavenged tins of paint, slipped from batch to batch and unit to unit, barely two steps ahead of the rolling tide of inspections inflicted upon them. Currently, the Alpha Batch retained them in the corridor outside their pods, their armour an explosion of colour in every hue they could squeeze out of the limited palette. They passed down the knowledge in whispers, mouths barely moving under the guise of inspections or during training, so he knew the colours held meaning.
CC-2224’s soul felt bathed in gold, so he slipped through the ductwork, his ribs scraping against the heated metal as wires sparked and snapped over his head, until he emerged, dust clinging to his hair and settling in his lungs. The metal rafters creaked beneath his feet as he slipped down from them, retrieving the paint from it’s hiding place behind a service panel and scrambling back up in an instant.
It clung to his fingers, the scent acrid in the air, and he carefully swiped it over his forearm, goosebumps rising in its wake. CC-2224 breathed out shakily, the grief for his lost brothers rising once more, and he set to work. Hours could have passed as he worked diligently, but he froze as voices echoed back along the corridor towards him.
The Kaminoans were instantly recognisable with their high, measured voices, but the other took him a moment before realisation sparked through him, almost knocking him from his perch.
During training, Jango’s accent was carefully modulated, locked beneath an iron-tight control into careful neutrality. But now it rose and fell like the sun, burning bright with anger.
“Hut’un!” The word was snapped, clear as day, and CC-2224 swayed on his precarious perch, eyes wide. Jango’s steps were a war-drum accompaniment to the Kamionan’s swaying stride as the pair passed beneath CC-2224.
“You go on,” Jango said, pausing just beneath CC-2224’s hiding place, causing his heart to leap into his throat, a cold sweat slipping down his spine as his heart ceased to beat in his chest. The Kaminoan inclined their head and continued without breaking stride, leaving Jango alone in the hallway. When he tipped his face back to meet CC-2224’s gaze, he thought he was going to die, bedecked in the gold of vengeance. But an almost unreadable expression passed over Jango’s face, a deep sorrow flickering like a leviathan passing just beneath the surface, before it was gone.
Wordlessly, he cracked the panel the paint was hidden behind and drew out the smaller tin of orange. He ducked his head to inspect it, and CC-2224 caught sight of a network of scars peeking out from the loose collar of his shirt and shrunk back further against the rafter. The metal groaned and protested with the movement, but Jango didn’t move.
“For Kote,” he said, finally, flashing CC-2224 a quick grin as he stretched up to offer the paint to the clone, who took it with unsteady hands, his eyes wide. Jango whistled as he walked away, something light that belayed the tension in the lines of his shoulders.
Orange for life. CC-2224 couldn’t guess at Prime’s motivations, but he felt the knot in his chest lessen, ever so slightly, as he drew the orange paint over the gold and finally let him cry.
“Back again so soon, vod’ika?” Alpha-17 called when CC-2224 stepped into the training room. A hush fell over the others, heads turning like reefs blown in a breeze to stare at him, silent and waiting.
CC-2224 merely nodded, taking his place in the line-up. That night’s sleep had been filled with coiling dreams and ran through with a thread of violent orange. He had to get better. He had to improve to keep his brothers safe, and — as Alpha-17 had roughly scrubbed the paint from his skin that night a few months ago, letting CC-2224 sob weakly onto his shoulder as he worked — the other clone knew it too.
“Always eager for glory.”
Alpha-17 paused in his pacing, head slowly turning towards CC-2224 like a big cat sizing up its prey. A chill ran down CC-2224’s spine, but he remained in place, despite the urge to run suddenly coiling in his gut.
“Kote.” Alpha-17 rolled the word around his tongue, catching CC-2224’s eye for the barest indicator of agreement. A name wasn’t something to take lightly, after all.
“Kote. Ni kyr’tayl gai sa’vod.”
“Alpha-17. Ni kyr’tayl gai sa’vod,” the newly named Kote echoed back at him.
Alpha-17 grinned, the same grin as Prime: fierce, righteous, protective rage and fury all honed to an edge, before he stepped away. Taking the pain with the pleasure was always his way of teaching, after all, the name acting as both a warning and reminder of his goal.
Kote grinned to himself. Kote, glory. It was a fitting name, after all.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
As One (Mandalorian x Reader)
A short little PG-13 Mandalorian x Reader stand-alone drabble based on a dream I had last week. (Warning: Pregnancy) 
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The fact that you knew his name should’ve been enough for you. But it wasn’t. You were pregnant with his child and yet you knew so little about the man that you loved. 
His skin was a golden brown — tanned despite the fact that it had been concealed for the better part of his life. But you only knew that from the little glimpses you got when you assisted him with injuries after quarries gone wrong or when an outreached hand revealed the skin at his wrist. 
You had felt the warmth of his skin against your own a dozen times over, but those moments were stolen under the cloak of darkness or with your back to his chest and your eyes clenched closed. 
Your eyes were fixed on his gloved hand as he lazily stroked it over the curve of your stomach. “Will you wear your gloves when our baby comes, Din?” You questioned, tilting your head to look back at his masked face. 
He hummed inquisitively, the sound obscured by the modulator. 
“Skin-to-skin contact is important for infants,” You said lightly, wishing you could read the impassive expression of his helmet. 
“Our child will have you.” He offered, his hand stilling against your stomach. “This is the way.” 
This is the way. 
‘The way’ was a bitter pill to swallow. Was it so wrong that you wanted more? 
You stiffened and started to pull away from him. “Am I allowed to look at our child?” You questioned, an edge of frustration dripping from your words. “Am I allowed to wonder which features they have are yours? Or does that go against your kriffing code?”
“Cyar'ika,” He started as you pulled away from him. “I made a vow to my people. A vow that you know I cannot break.” 
“Are we not your people, Din?” You questioned as you freed yourself from his grasp and climbed off the bunk. “I don’t understand how you can start a family with another being, but deny them the opportunity to truly know you.” 
The Mandalorian just stared at you, propped up against the durasteel wall without a flicker of emotion to read. 
“I’m going to go check on the child,” You told him, before you ducked out of your shared quarters. It was just an excuse to escape from him. 
You knew it wasn’t fair — that it wasn’t your place to make him break his sacred vow. But there was a part of him growing inside of you. The two of you had created a child together and… you wanted more. 
By the time you returned to bed Din had already removed the last of his beskar armor, as he did every night. You had no idea how he could stand sleeping in his helmet and yet every night he did. 
And he slept fully covered. The woolen garments he wore beneath the armor concealed every inch of skin. Except for a hint you could make out at his hip where the fabric had ridden up.
He was snoring. Quiet little sounds that were muffled by the helmet.
You couldn’t stay mad at him. You loved him too much to remain mad at him. But you were pregnant and frustrated. You didn’t want to raise a child who would never see their father. Who would know an emotionless mask as the other half of the pair that made them.
It was a lot to expect from you. That you should just be content to be the only warm pair of eyes and loving smile. 
Quietly you climbed into bed beside him, slipping beneath the covers and settling into his side. He woke, rolling over and capturing your waist with his arm. His hand wrapped around your stomach possessively. 
You would never regret giving him a child or falling in love with Din,  but you were certain you would always resent how things had to remain for this relationship to persist.
Why was it that the Mandalorians refused to show their faces to those closest to them? How were they supposed to maintain relationships when—
A distant memory wiggled it’s way from the back of your mind. Din had once offhandedly told you that it was rare for his Mandalorians to have relationships. Particularly those who sought bounties like he did. None of their children were born from them — they were foundlings like Din, like the little green child you adored. 
You rested your hand over his gloved one, slotting your fingers in between his. You would have to learn to be content with just this. 
You already had more than you were allowed. 
 You felt the warmth of his breath against the back of your neck as you started to come to. It tickled and without thinking you started to turn, catching the briefest glimpse of the man laying beside you. 
Your eyes greedily drinking in the sight of the dark hair that fell messily across his forehead. The pair of soft lips that just begged to be kissed.
His vow. 
He had removed his helmet at some point during the night and trusted that you would keep your back to him. 
How many times had you promised him during sex that you would keep your eyes closed for him? And now, the morning after you had voiced your frustrations about the helmet… you had failed to uphold that trust.
What would he think? Kriff. He’d think you did it on purpose. 
You were never the type to cry — life hadn’t given you the opportunity — but your pregnancy forced new emotions to rise to the surface daily. And the sinking sensation that you had caused Din to betray his most sacred vows made it feel like you had been stabbed straight through the heart. 
He would never trust you again. 
You kept your back to him as a quiet sob rose up in the back of your throat, tears spilling down your cheeks. You had failed him. He had trusted you and you had failed him.
How could you ever face him again? The guilt would eat you alive. 
Din stirred behind you, roused from his sleep by your sniffling. “Cyar'ika.” He drawled out, voice uninhibited by the helmet. It dripped like honey, warm and welcoming.
You could lie. Act as if you hadn’t seen him. But how could you do that? How could you lie to him and let him believe his vow remained intact? You couldn’t live with the guilt. 
“I’m so sorry.” You whispered, keeping your face turned away from him. 
“For what?” He questioned and you shivered as you felt bare hands against your bare arm. 
You hastily wiped at your eyes, trying to regather your composure. You couldn’t lie to him. If you truly loved him, as you claimed, you couldn’t lie to him about this. Regardless of the outcome. “I saw you.” You admitted quietly, your voice scarcely audible. “Without your helmet.”
“I know.” Din answered, his lips brushing over the curve of your covered shoulder, just above where his touch till burned. It wasn’t just his head that was uncovered you marveled as his bare hand slipped beneath the loose shirt you wore. 
“Din?” Your brows furrowed as you hesitantly started to turn. 
He was more handsome than you had expected him to be. You hadn’t know what to expect, yet somehow his voice matched his face so perfectly. “But your vow…”
“You were right,” He started, his dark gaze holding yours. You should’ve known he would have the kindest eyes. “You are my people.” 
Your heart leapt into your throat and you couldn’t help but surge forward and kissed him. You were certain your lips tasted like salty tears, but neither of you seemed to care. 
Din curled an arm around you securely, keeping you close as his lips wandered lazily from your mouth, along your jaw, before drawing back. “My vow… remains intact because you, our baby, the child… we are as one. That is the way.”
“Your sigil — the Mudhorn — it belongs to the four of us.” You whispered as you traced a line down his nose. “You’re beautiful, Din.”
He smiled crookedly, “Yours are the first eyes to set their sights upon my face since I was a boy.”
“I am honoured.” You cupped his cheeks as you kissed him again. Din kept a hand resting against the curve of your belly and you felt… complete at last. 
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krisdreaming · 4 years
May I ask scenarios (or headcanons, as you prefer) where Iwaizumi and Kuroo(separately) declare their love for the reader, but she is surprised and thinks he is joking because nobody has ever liked her and she thinks it's surreal for her crush to like her back? Thanks and have a nice day!
Scenarios coming up!! It’s been a minute since I’ve written for Kuroo I missed him ;-;
When you get paired up with Iwaizumi for your English presentation, you can’t tell whether the universe is smiling upon you, or just laughing at you. One thing is for sure, though: if ever there was a perfect opportunity to get to know him better, this is it.
Over the following weeks as you work on the project, you find yourself looking forward to the afternoons spent in the library. At first, you feel a little awkward, and you’re all too aware of how close his arm is to yours and the way your cheeks heat up when he grins at you. Before you know it, any traces of awkwardness are gone, and you even find yourself chattering easily with him, even when the topic has nothing to do with your project at all. Sometimes, you even find yourselves laughing together. The sound of his laughter settles warm in your middle, like you never knew what it was like to feel so happy before.
Normally, your circles rarely overlapped. Now, though, it seems you’re crossing paths more and more. In the halls, he always offers you a smile and a wave as he passes, even though he’s usually surrounded by his popular friends from the volleyball team who must surely wonder why he’s interacting with a loser like you. When you look back, Oikawa or Hanamaki always jabs him in the ribs, giving him a sly smile. You always wilt a bit inside at that. You don’t want to be the reason he’s mocked by his friends.
Finally, the day of your presentation comes. You knew it was going to end, but you can’t help but feel sad that your time with him is over. You know you’ll never be able to tell him how you feel, so you’ll have to be content with watching him from afar and settle for smiles that aren’t meant for you.
Leaving the classroom, you’re surprised to find that he’s hovering right beside you. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, and he gives you a small smile. There’s something shaky about it. You frown.
“Iwaizumi-kun, is everything alright?” You ask. Normally, he’d leave the classroom with Matsukawa, but his friend is nowhere in sight. You hope, with a cold feeling settling in your chest, that he doesn’t think you screwed up the presentation somehow.
“Everything’s fine.” He puts more effort into the smile, and it’s a little warmer now. You relax a bit. “I was just wondering. Do you have a few minutes before lunch?”
“Yeah. What’s up?” You try to keep your tone light. Fewer and fewer students are around you as everyone files into their classrooms for lunch. The hallway is nearly empty when he comes to a stop.
“I really enjoyed working on this project with you.” He begins, and you can’t help the smile that starts on your lips.
“So did I.” You admit.
“I’m really glad that it gave me a chance to get to know you, because I never realized that you were such a cool person.” You only nod, because right now there are no words left in your brain. You had a dream almost like this once. You’re probably having it again. Slowly, so he doesn’t notice, you pinch the inside of your forearm. You don’t wake up, because you’re not asleep. “So I was wondering if, even though the project is over now, maybe you’d like to hang out this weekend. I really like you, Y/N.” He finally says, and you’d never realized that acting was one of his many talents. With the expression on his face, you almost believe him.
A bubble of laughter bursts out. It’s the first reaction you can muster. Now, he just looks bemused. “Where’s Mattsun? Did he put you up to this?” You peer around him, but you don’t see anyone lurking around or hear any muffled chuckles. “Or was it Oikawa’s idea?” His face has completely fallen.
“It was my idea.” He says in a small voice. “Y/N…” At the way he says your name, your heart drops. “I really do like you. What would make you think-”
“Why would someone like you actually like someone like me?” You blurt out, and he clumsily reaches for your hand. You let him take it.
“Because you’re smart, and funny, and pretty.” His cheeks are starting to turn the slightest bit pink. “I would never say anything like this as a… as a joke. Please, I’m sorry for whatever I did that would make you think I would.”
“No, no.” You shake your head. “I’m sorry.” You’re still in disbelief, and the words are spilling out mostly on their own. “I guess I just figured you’d never even look twice at me. I don’t know why I laughed.” You hang your head, waiting for him to take back his confession. Instead, he gives your hand a squeeze. “Your friends don’t think I’m lame?” You finally peer back up at him, genuinely curious.
“No!”He reaches for the back of his neck. “Actually… my friends have been begging me to ask you out for weeks.” He admits.
“Oh.” You murmur. Slowly, you feel the smile returning to your face. “I’m sorry.” You whisper.
“Don’t be.” He pulls you just a little closer. “Just tell me you’ll go out with me this weekend.” He gives you an expectant half smile.
“Yes. I’d really, really love that.” Suddenly, you feel indescribably light. 
Ever since you became the manager of Nekoma’s volleyball team, you’ve been spending a lot more time with Kuroo. It’s to be expected seeing as he is the captain, but the unexpected side-effect is that you’ve begun to notice a lot of small things about him that you’ve never seen before. The way he treasures his friendship with Kenma. The way he works so hard to make the battle of the trash heap happen for coach Nekomata. The way he secretly cares so much for each member of the team, beneath his jabs and sly remarks. The way he smiles at you sometimes that makes your heart drop into your stomach.
You are so screwed. The more you learn about what an amazing person Kuroo is, the more you’re convinced he’d never possibly fall for someone as ordinary as you.
As nationals draw closer, the team practices more and more. You can’t help filling up with pride as you watch how hard they work, putting in so many hours to improve themselves even more. Kuroo comes up beside you after practice one day. The rest of the team has already left the gym, so it’s only the two of you.
“They’re really working hard.” He announces, startling you from the chart you’d been filling in. “I think we’ve really got a good shot this year.”
“I know you do.” You nod. “I’ve been watching you guys practice. There isn’t a better team out there.” You say confidently. He laughs.
“A bit biased, aren’t you?” He nudges your arm with his. You duck your head.
“Maybe.” You shrug, grinning back at him.
“We couldn’t have gotten here without you, you know.” He adds. “I know the guys don’t tell you enough, me included, but having you to help us out has made everything go so much smoother. You’re the reason we can practice as hard as we do.” You feel the tips of your ears start to burn at his praise, and you hide your smile behind your hand.
“I’m serious!” He says, probably interpreting your flustered reaction as disbelief. “You’re amazing. I really admire you, and I don’t tell you that enough.” His expression has grown serious, all of a sudden. You twist your fingers together in your lap.
“Um, actually.” He runs a hand through his hair, causing a few strands to change direction. “I think you’re really special, Y/N.” He isn’t quite meeting your gaze, and it’s obvious to you that he’s trying very hard to compliment you.His words sound a little too much like a confession, though he probably doesn’t realize it, and you can’t listen any longer.
“Stop.” You blurt out, and he does, lips slightly parted. For a few moments, a different expression flashes through his eyes. “You don’t have to say all that. I’m here because I want to be, no need to try to flatter me.” You offer him a weak smile. 
“Y/N.” He says it so firmly that you’re taken aback. “I’m not trying to flatter you. God.” He pauses, running a hand down his face. “I’m trying to tell you how much I like you.” He grabs for your hands, and in your shock, you let him take them. His grip is gentle. “Because I do. But if you don’t feel the same, then - just say the word.” He releases a single chuckle. “I can handle it.” He loosens his grip on your hands, and moves to pull them away. You grab ahold of them before he can.
It’s the plaintive expression on his face that allows you to finally open your mouth and speak. “Wait, I do. I do feel the same, Kuroo.” At that, he breaks into a smile. “I just didn’t think that you-”
“Well.” His laughter bubbles out in relief, and at the sound you smile a little bigger. “That makes two of us, then.” He gives your hands a squeeze. “I’m really glad.” He adds. “Otherwise, that could have been really awkward.”
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