#ok I’m done too tired to put more tags
jexnkookie · 3 months
BTS: In the Secret (Idol! Jungkook x Reader) [Chapter 5]
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Summary: Big Hit announces a new season of In the Soop with a twist; one lucky Army is going to join the members for an entire summer of filming, picked by a random poll. You were selected, and ready to have an amazing summer. But what happens when you win something else that's a bit more complicated; the heart of the group's maknae?
Rating: M (18+)
Chapter Warnings: None.
Tag List: @cassies-cookies @hoeinthehouse @jjeonjjk7 @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @leetha43 @rrosiitas @whoa-jo @1-in-abillion 
While you were sleeping, Jungkook did what he did best when he needed to clear his head; he boxed. After slipping on his gloves and getting into position, he let it all out on a punching bag. Again, his thoughts settled on you; how you felt in his arms, how you gazed at his lips like he gazed at yours, giving him a glimmer of hope that just maybe you wanted to kiss him, too. He needed to get you alone again, and away from the cameras. 
It was something he had thought about while working out. All the cameras on the property were filming every move the members made. Of course, that’s what everyone signed up for. No surprise there. But that means everything will be up to view soon, and Jungkook didn’t know what would be aired, and what wouldn’t. Would their short-lived game of truth or dare, where you gave Taehyung a quick kiss, be seen by fans? Or your movie day together? What about him carrying you to bed? He hoped not, knowing how some fans react to just a dating rumor. He didn’t want you to be on the receiving end of one of those storms. Whatever heat he got, he could take it, and would take it, if it meant protecting you. 
So he continued thinking; how can he get you away from the other members, and away from the cameras, to have privacy with you? How can he keep this a secret, while still properly confessing? A grin came to his face as he hatched an idea, but he’d need a little time to think through the details. That wouldn’t be now, however, as you walked into the door of the gym. 
“Hey.” You greeted him with a wave. “I’m so sorry I fell asleep. That was so embarrassing, and I feel awful.” 
“Don’t, it’s ok.” He said, his voice going soft once again, as became a habit around you. “You were tired.” 
“And um…thank you, for bringing me to my bedroom.” You blushed, walking closer to him as he had paused his workout. “That was really sweet of you.” 
“Any time.” He smiled.
Figuring out where to move the conversation to, because you didn’t want to stop talking to him, you glanced to his boxing gloves. 
“Y’know, I’ve never boxed before.” You smiled. “It looks fun, though.” 
“I can show you.” He grinned, always ready to play. Jungkook began removing his gloves, before raising his sparkling eyes to yours. “Here, put these on. They’ll probably be too big but it’ll work for now.” 
Standing very close to you, he helped you put them on, as you had never done so before. You felt as though you couldn’t breathe, and like your heart had paused in your chest. How is it even possible for someone be that beautiful? He stood tall over you, and you wanted him to put his arms around you so badly. Little did you know, he wanted to, as well. He focused solely on your gloves, but being so close to you and feeling your eyes on him made him more nervous than he’d care to admit. He wanted to lean down just enough to kiss you, but he knew it wasn’t the right time. 
Not yet. Not in front of the cameras, and not on the property. 
He had an idea, and he wanted to stick to it. 
“Ok!” He smiled. “I’ll show you how to throw a punch, then you’ll hit me.” 
“I don’t wanna hurt you!” You laughed. 
“I really doubt you’re going to hurt me.” He teased, smirking at you. 
“We’ll see. I can be mean!” 
“I seriously doubt that.” Jungkook giggled. “Let’s get it, c’mon!” 
You threw punch after punch, while Jungkook blended teasing words with encouragement. He loved your competitiveness and playfulness, as it matched him so well. He thought to himself, as he was laughing with you, how easy it is just to be with you. Although you were a fan, that’s why you were selected, you treated him like a normal person. Someone to joke with, someone to just hang out with. He felt like he never had to try around you, and he appreciated that you didn’t seem to try hard to impress him, either. Everything just felt so natural. 
“Alright, Kookie, I’m taking you down this round.” You giggled through deep breaths, collecting yourself. 
“Yeah?” He grinned. “You’re confident?” 
“Mhm.” You hummed. “Watch.” 
With that, you went back in with a fierceness, making him smile and coo to himself, watching how you were trying so hard but still couldn’t even knock him back. Moving in closer to him, you both began laughing as it was clear that this was going nowhere for you. Jungkook “fought” back, moving forward towards you, making you back up despite your cute complaints. (“No fair, you’re bigger! I’m punching above my weight!”) Without paying too much attention, caught up in the fun you were having together, you were backed against the wall, trapped by Jungkook. 
“Fine! You win!” You laugh, throwing your head back to the wall. 
Jungkook was somehow even closer than he was before, with your body resting against the wall. While you both caught your breath, grinning over your silliness, Jungkook’s hand instinctively came up to brush strands of hair away from your face as your eyes were gazing into his. 
You stared at each other for what felt like hours, just enjoying being close. The moment felt fragile, as though if either person moved too quickly, it would shatter. 
“Hi.” He whispered, breaking the silence. 
“I…” Jungkook started without really understanding what it was he needed to say. “That was fun.” 
“Yeah.” You smiled warmly, biting your lip nervously before adding, “I like hanging out with you.” 
“Yeah?” He grinned. “I like hanging out with you, too.”  
And just like that, it was present again; another fragile moment. Eyes glued to each other, butterflies in his stomach, and a racing heart in your chest. Words that you both weren’t quite sure how to say, or if you should say them, lingering in the air, making the room feel heavy. The  attraction was immediate, but now the spark is glowing, as well. It was something you both knew, but didn’t understand how to approach it. 
“I, uh, think we may need a shower.” Jungkook said softly. “Before Yoongi-hyung finishes dinner.” 
“You’re probably right.” You smiled, sighing internally that the moment couldn’t last. 
“You go first. I’ll clean up here, and meet you later, ok?” 
“Ok.” You replied. You looked over his features one more time before leaving for your guesthouse. 
Jungkook was grinning uncontrollably, feeling electric from the interaction. He knew he couldn’t mess this up with you, but he needed to tell you how he felt. There was something between you two that was almost magnetic, drawing him to you in ways that felt unreal. He understood he needed to act, but it needed to be private and personal, and just right. 
He quickly reached for his phone, and looked for the answer to one question; 
How long until a lake clears after a flood? 
A week passed, and it seemed to fly by. You had discussed your favorite records with Yoongi, painted a bit with Taehyung, beaten Jin at Mario Kart (much to his dismay), and gossiped over drinks with Jimin. The latter of which you increasingly became closer with, thanking multiple glasses of wine and late night conversations for that. 
“Are you single?” Jimin asked. It was 4 a.m., and the cameras were turned off for the night, allowing you to speak more freely. 
“I am.” You responded. “Honestly, I wouldn’t have come if I wasn’t. Spending a summer with 7 men alone… I don’t think a boyfriend would appreciate that, you know? What about you?” 
“That’s true… And, me too.” He said. “The last one, I don’t know… we just didn’t work out.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” 
“It’s ok. It’s in the past now.” Jimin smiled kindly. “Can I ask about you?” 
“My last boyfriend?” You rolled your eyes at the memory. “I broke up with him. We just never had any fun together, you know? It grew stale very quickly, like we were stuck in this routine, and he took himself too seriously to try anything new.” 
“He doesn’t sound like your type.”
“Yeah?” You grinned at his response, pouring more wine. “What do you think my type is?” 
“I think you like someone you can have fun with.” He stated, leaning back into the couch, a mischievous look gracing his features as if holding in a secret. “I think you’d like someone who can make you laugh and who will play with you, but he can also be sensitive and take care of you.” 
“You almost sound like you have someone in mind for me.” You giggled. 
“Not really.” Jimin smiled, looking down at his glass. “Just guessing.” 
At the end of the week, Jungkook had come to your bedroom door, knocking to wake you. It was late; late enough where the cameras were turned off and the other members were sleeping. You furrowed your brow wondering who would be coming to get you at this time, and why. 
“Jungkook?” You whispered. “What are you doing?” 
“Y/N, I have a surprise for you,” He whispers, his eyes somehow dazzling in the dark. “Should you choose to accept it.” 
“You make it sound like a video game side quest, Kookie.” You giggle. “I accept. What is it?” 
“Put on some shoes, and come with me.” He responded with a boyish grin. “I have something to show you.” 
You did as you were told, and Jungkook led you though the dark to the ATV on the property. Attached to it, somehow, was a bottle from Yoongi’s whiskey stash and a blanket. You were suddenly thankful for the cover of the night, because you could feel your cheeks blushing as you gathered what he could be up to. 
“Get on, and hold on tight to me, ok?” He explained. “I found something I think you’ll like.” 
After getting onto the back of the ATV, you got comfortable and hugged him tightly from the back. Jungkook smiled at the feeling of your arms, and he hoped it was the first of many times he’d feel you wrapped around him. He took off, checking to make sure the members and the staff weren’t paying attention, and took you down the road. The drive was short, and you wondered what Jungkook could’ve possibly found, as you were in the woods. 
But as he drove up to what seemed to be a perfect, private oasis, your eyes grew wide. Tucked in a cleared spot, there was a lake with the moonlight reflecting off the cool water. It was peaceful and serene, with only the occasional sound of crickets breaking the silence. 
“It’s the lake that the staff members mentioned may flood.” Jungkook explained as he helped you off the ATV. “I wanted to bring you here for a few days, but it needed to clear first.” 
“This is so pretty.” You said.  
“Come on, let’s go sit down.” He said, carrying the blanket and the wine. 
“I feel like a teenager.” You laughed as Jungkook spread the blanket on the ground. “Sneaking out of the house late with a boy, stealing alcohol from the kitchen.” 
“We’re rebels.” Jungkook laughed. You sat next to him, and he popped open the bottle of wine. “Meaning we drink from the bottle, too…and totally not because I forgot to grab glasses.” 
“I love this.” You giggled. “Thank you for bringing me out here. This is nice.” 
“Anytime.” He replied softly. “I’ve been thinking… this could be our place, y’know? If we need to get away from the cameras, from the set, we can just come here.” 
“That sounds amazing.” You said. Jungkook looked over at you, admiring your features and how they glowed in the moonlight. “Oh, look! We can see stars so clearly here.” You laid down on the blanket, and Jungkook followed. 
“I can see… the moon.” Jungkook joked, making you laugh. “I don’t know much about stars.” 
“Tell me your zodiac, and I’ll show you where it is.” You smiled. 
You began pointing out to Jungkook where his corner of the sky was, and where yours was alongside it. While you spoke about stars, Jungkook had some of his own in his eyes, hanging on every word you said. The atmosphere of the lake, the red wine buzz you both felt, and your sweet voice right next to him made him so, unbelievably happy. You spoke about his corner of the sky, but he felt like this little place he found was meant for both of you. Your little corner of the world. 
“Hey.” He whispered, cutting you off softly. 
“Hey.” You whispered back. 
“I…” A brief pause, but unlike that day in the gym, he knew what he needed to say. “I just want to tell you, that I meant what I said. The day I met you, I said you were so pretty. It’s true… I think you’re beautiful.” 
“T-Thank you.” You stuttered, blushing profusely at his gaze and attention.  
“Can…Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.” 
“The day we were watching a movie, and the day we were boxing… I felt something.” Jungkook explained nervously. “I felt a.. I don’t know, a spark or something, if that makes sense. Did you… Do you…” 
“Yeah.” You smiled warmly. “Yeah, I feel it, too.” 
Once again, a fragile moment appearing. The warm, summer air feels heavy once again, and a rush of vulnerability passes through. The quiet part weighs on you both now that it’s been said out loud; he feels something for you, and you feel it to. Not love, not yet. Not enough to dive in head first. But enough to be a promise of something, or the hope of an exciting possibility. 
“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook asked, gazing down at your lips. You nodded your consent, and he slowly brought his hands to your waist, pulling you in closer to cuddle with him on the blanket. He brushed a strand of hair out of your face, just as he had done back at the main house, but the action felt different this time. More real, knowing its intention. 
He smiled, as did you, at the tension of the moment. 
Then, he leans in, eyes closed. You closed yours as well, anticipating the touch. He lingers nearby, nerves taking over, but Jungkook wouldn’t miss his chance. His lips grazed yours, before connecting fully. Your hands came up to touch his chest softly, encouraging him to go just a bit further. So he did, deepening the kiss and savoring how your lips locked with his for the first time. 
After spending some time together, feeling high off of whatever this connection was, you both knew you needed to get back before the members and staff realized you were missing. Jungkook packed up and drove you back, but noticing the time and knowing the cameras hadn’t turned back on quite yet, he took your hand in his to walk you back to your bedroom. 
“Please get some rest, ok?” He whispered, leaning in close again, not able to get enough. “I’m sorry I kept you out so late.” 
“It’s ok.” You smiled, reaching up to wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
“Y/N, listen.” He whispered, his tone more serious as he placed his hands on your hips. “I don’t want either of us to feel pressured by anyone about this… about us. I don’t want anyone jumping to their own conclusions about us before we even know for sure what we are. I just want us to spend time together, y’know? So when the cameras are on, and the members are around, let’s keep it between us.” 
“Ok.” You said, your voice a bit sad. 
“Hey, Y/N, c’mon.” Jungkook cooed, pulling you in close to hold you. “Trust me, I want everyone to know about this, but just not yet. I’m not hiding you, I’m protecting you. I promise. Please, just trust me.” 
He looked down at you, giving you a soft, slow kiss and feeling relieved when he felt your smile. 
“Goodnight.” You whispered, before turning towards the door. 
“Goodnight.” He replied. Jungkook struggled to let you go, wanting to hold you in his arms longer, now that he actually has you. 
You reached for his sweatshirt that night, wearing it to bed like you had done so many nights before. But somehow, it felt softer than ever. 
Next Chapter Coming Soon...Thank you! x
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an1meslvt · 1 year
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|keep it down baby|
tag: dom!riri x blackfemreader
warning: smut (18+), pussy eating, fingering, dom!riri, sub!reader, slight daddy kink, fluff at the end:)
summary: you’re a bit needy and you can’t wait til everyone is asleep:) (very short)
“baby chill! it’s only 30 more minutes until lights out, then we can do whatever we want.” riri tried to sound stern, but the way you straddled her lap and kissed her neck made her sharp tone falter. “mm mm daddy, can’t wait. need you now.” you moaned slightly as the friction from your humping was getting stronger.
“fuck ma. everyone will hear.” she tried so hard to say no, but you felt so good. “then let them hear baby. so they can know who fucks me good every day and night.” that’s all riri needed. “shit. lay on yo back ma.” she flipped you both over, her body in between your legs.
“i’ll give you what you want, but you have to be quiet.” she began to kiss down your neck, to your breast, to your stomach, all the way to your leaking pussy. “you wet from a lil kissin mami? you leaking through yo shorts.” she pulled your shorts down your legs, throwing them carelessly.
“keep your fucking legs open, don’t run, and don’t make too much noise. you break these rules…you don’t cum. you understand?” she said sternly, causing you to nod timidly. “good.” she didn’t waste no time, diving into your cunt, slurping and sucking like a starved animal.
“fuck, daddy! put your tongue in it.” you whined, causing her to slap your thigh. “i told you to be quiet! do i need to gag you?” you quickly shook your head. she looked at you one last time before diving back into your pussy.
“i want this pussy to cream for me. can you do that mama? can you cream for daddy?” she taunted, entering two fingers. your body shook as her fingers hit your g-spot. “yes daddy! i’m gonna cream for you.” you said as quietly as possible, holding on to her free hand for support.
finally you came undone, creaming all over her fingers as you promised. riri mumbled a quick “good girl.” before take out her fingers to taste you. “mmmm baby, you taste so sweet. you wanna do sum else or you done?” she asked you sweetly. “maybe later, i’m a lil tired now.” you said snuggling into her. she smiled and kissed your cheek. “ok baby.”
author: this was really fun to write. thanks to @prettymuchboodup for requesting this! make sure to leave more request guys! 🫶🏾💕
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thesecondbatgirl · 2 years
This is not as positive as you think it is
It’s still Rosh Hashanah, and I’m going to post part of those 17 essays I swore I would never write. Starting off the year as I mean to go on? Or something. I originally had this as the first thing on my list of essays that I would never write but would absolutely get me kicked out of Star Wars fandom but I am tired and cranky and I am going to explain why tagging fics where the Jedi Order reform and start allowing attachment as *Jedi Positive* piss me off so much. 
First, let me make this clear. If you hate the Jedi Order and want to write those, go ahead. If you have issues with the Jedi and want to write those fics, go ahead. Nobody is stopping you. What I’m asking instead is to stop tagging them Pro-Jedi or Jedi positive. Use Jedi critical! Or not Jedi friendly! Please use those tags instead! Yes even if you think its Pro-Jedi! If you are saying that the Order needs to reform to be *good* then it is not Jedi friendly!
I mean, look, if you are writing those things then I have issues with the way you’re interrogating the text and will think that you’re *wrong* and also that you’re using some super problematic (and from my point of view, anti-semitic) tropes but if my 21+ years in fandom have taught me anything its that you are never going to get anyone to agree on anything, but tagging will at least allow us to have our own spaces? Like, you wouldn’t have gone into a [pairing of your choice] positive archive and post a fic where [pairing] break up because the one who isn’t your blorbo is abusive so your blorbo runs to *YOUR* OTP, because that wouldn’t fit the theme of the archive! So if your fic is saying that the old rules for the prequel Jedi are bad and need to be changed to be good, don’t put it with Jedi positive content! 
So first. Attachment. Other people have talked about it better than I have, but have some links about what attachment means in the GFFA and no it really does not mean love.
(Listen I am not going to bother to rewrite the meta when Lumi has already done the work for me)
…. Honestly just have the entire attachment tag ok:
So. Having done your reading, for the purposes of the GFFA, attachment is greed/possession and *very very bad* for psychic space monks. It is not a thing that the Jedi can just suddenly *allow*. Letting Jedi start allowing attachments, which is the big thing I start seeing whenever people start *reforming* the Jedi is, to me, a Jew who lives in the US South, the equivalent of Jews for Jesus.
Whoa, TSB, you say. You’re going too far.
Not really. Let’s go with a central belief of Judaism. The messiah has not come, Jesus is not the messiah. For the Jedi, attachment is not allowed is one of the central core beliefs. So saying that the way the Jedi need to reform by changing one of their core beliefs hits me like the person who told me “oh honey, we don’t care how you worship, as long as you accept Christ” did. (Right after I was introduced as being Jewish!) If you’re changing the *core* of who the Jedi are, you’re making them no longer Jedi. It’s not just changing one thing, it’s changing *everything.* 
And, while the Jedi are much more Buddhist then they are Jewish, they still hit me very much in my Jewish feels. Gee, I wonder *why* I could possibly resonate with a minority religious group who were hunted down and murdered and who get accused of a bunch of anti-semitic tropes including baby stealing and secretly running the government???? There are no parallels, clearly.
So look. Every single time I get hit with a fic that’s tagged Pro-Jedi and then its “we changed our rules about attachment and that stopped us from being murdered” what I hear is “the Jews accepted Jesus so we avoided pogroms/The Holocaust.” Or, as another friend pointed out "the Sikhs cut their hair, converted, and so the Mughal Empire let them live.”
Obviously I don’t speak for every Jew, and I certainly don’t speak for any Sikhs, so not everyone is going to agree with my take. But there are people that relate to Jedi and there is a reason why people are uncomfortable with Jedi reform and allowing attachment. 
But if you’re going to write fic about the Prequel Jedi and have them reform, before you tag it pro-Jedi or Jedi-Positive, please consider if “well they have to change who they are to be good” is as positive as you think it is. Tags help people curate their fannish experience. I very much follow the philosophies of YKINMKATO and don’t like, don’t read. The backbutton is my friend! But when I think I’m getting positive fic and then it isn’t? That sucks. Please tag accurately.
…. And well, since I’ve broken my rule about not writing these essays I guess look forward to my future essays of “No the Jedi are not Catholic” and “Actually they don’t have any political power” and “please stop judging the Jedi Order by some middle grade books” and finally “Galidraan was not the Jedi’s fault oh my god Jango shot first” Shana tova, everyone. Let’s try to do better this year.
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
Ok but how cute would it be for Eddie to plait his daughter's hair with reader's guidance? 🥰
ty for the request my love this was the cutest thing ever!!
1.1k words
just a reminder that reblogs are seriously appreciated as it helps my work get seen by more people! <3
@eddie-darling @vintageobx @m1vfs @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @simplymurdock @mayyvh @parasadic-blog join my tag list
Eddie grunted at the small body that collided with him as soon as he walked through the door, two small arms that had worked themselves underneath his jacket so that they could hug him properly and tightly. With a bag in both hands, he had no choice but to drop them in order to wrap his arms around his daughter instead. He hoped that there had been nothing breakable in the bottom of the bags.
“Hey pretty girl,” she let out a fit of giggles as he lifted her up into his arms – at six she was almost too big to pick her up with ease, but he made it work with an arm wedged underneath her butt as she tucked her knees either side of his waist to keep her held against him. “Did you have a good day baby?”
As she tucked her head against his shoulder whilst she nodded her hair pressed against his chin, noticeably damp, and when he took in a deep inhale all he could smell was her strawberry shampoo.
“You hairs all wet,” he told her, along with a poke to her ribs that left her wriggling and giggling in his arms. “Did it start raining in the house?”
“No daddy,” she told him like he was stupid, and leaned back to look at him with a toothy smile. “Mommy let me use one of the special bath bubbles.”
“Oh did she?” Eddie asked, and his smile grew twice as large when said mommy appeared around the corner. “Is that why you smell so nice? So nice I could eat you up?”
Another fit of laughter bounced off of the walls as Eddie pretended to eat the wriggling hand in front of him before he let her down once she had enough, his smile just as wide as hers. Coming home was always something he looked forward to when he left the house, whether that was for hours or just ten minutes didn’t matter.
“I just convinced her to let me braid her hair then she bolted to the door when she heard you pulling up.” Y/N pouted as his hands found her hips, but she wasn’t really annoyed. He caught her all the time watching him with their daughter, she found it as sweet as he did watching his two girls.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” Eddie apologised, all dramatic without an ounce of sincerity as he tugged her closer. “Want me to go back out?”
She rolled her eyes but relaxed into his grip when he kissed her, and held either side of his neck delicately. Eddie smiled pretty boyishly against her lips, and even still once she had pulled away, squeezing her hips before he let her go.
“Honey?” She looked over at their daughter, who had parked herself beside the shoe rack, where she was playing with the straps of one of her sandals. “I still need to braid your hair, come on.”
Her nose scrunched up in an expression he often heard was so much like her daddy, and she all but flung herself at his leg with a surprisingly tight grip. Some days he had to peel her off before he could do anything. “I want daddy to do it.”
Eddie looked down at her with a small laugh, and gently ran his fingers through her wet hair. It was partially dry, her hair was curling up slightly at the ends like his did after a shower. She had his curls. “Baby I don’t know how to do it, mommy does it best.” The extent of his hairstyling was a bun that he put his in when it was too hot to have his hair on his neck. He had done her hair a few times, but Y/N hadn't been overly happy when she saw him using their vacuum to put her hair into a ponytail. He thought it was genius.
“Mommy can teach you.” She told him, an annoyed obviousness in her tone that made him snicker.
Y/N sighed dramatically. She knew that she wasn’t winning a fight with her daughter, especially when she was already so tired. “Alright, why don’t you go grab the hair tie and brush from your room baby?”
She nodded excitedly and ran so fast up the stairs that they could hear her footsteps all the way up.
When she came back downstairs Eddie sat with his back to the sofa and sat her in his lap, and Y/N sat on the sofa to reach around and show him. He was tired enough to have just rested his head against her thighs and fell asleep. But instead he gently took the princess themed hairbrush out of his daughter’s hand and delicately ran it through her hair, careful not to tug. She was wriggling in his lap, unable to sit still, and his smile grew slightly.
“Split her hair into three parts,” Y/N spoke softly over his shoulder and Eddie did as he was told – which took a moment, granted – until he had three even parts of her hair. “Take the left one and pull it over into the middle, then do it with the right one, and take it in turns. Easy peasy.”
Turns out it was not easy peasy.
It took him a minute before he even held all three strands without dropping or mixing them, and then it took another couple times of explaining from Y/N, but he eventually got the hang of it, even though by that point her hair was mostly dry. Her hair – which was beautifully long – was soft as it slipped through his fingers, and all he could smell was strawberries. She never stopped wriggling about so the braid wasn’t perfectly straight, but he was happy with it. He was happy that she was happy.
Y/N reached over his shoulders to put the hair tie in the end when he finished, and he pressed a kiss to her wrist before she pulled her arms back.
“How’s that, princess?”
She reached her hand back and touched the braid, before she turned back to face Eddie with a huge smile. “It’s beautiful daddy!” She turned on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, and Eddie chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Not as beautiful as you,” he told her and kissed her ear, which left her giggling against his shoulder. “Or mommy.” He added with a grin, and tipped his head back against the sofa to look at Y/N, who leaned down to give him a quick kiss.
“Thank you daddy.” The small voice mumbled into his neck, tired.
“You’re welcome my angel.” He told her, palm spread out across her back, ready to put her to bed. Tonight he was supposed to read her the first chapter of The Magic Faraway Tree.
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stardustbarbarians · 1 year
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Hooked On His Flesh
A Daniel Wagner / Samuel Kiszka fic
Summary: Warning signs become increasingly harder to ignore.
Tags: vampires, blood, health issues, dramaaaaaaaaa
Trigger warnings: mentions of addiction
A/N: Once again, I dedicate this vampire fic to @ofthecaravel as she was the inspiration for this fic with her edits/art. This also goes out to @t00turnttrauma bc I love you <3. Title taken from Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier. As always, enjoy <3.
Words: 4.3 k
He knew what that tone meant. 
Samuel looked over at his partner, seeing the desperation in those dark eyes of Daniel’s. He knew that look all too well. Like clockwork, every night without fail Daniel would gaze upon Sam with those pleading eyes. And every night without fail, Sam would give in. 
Taking his fingers off the keys, Sam swung his legs around the bench to sit with his back to the piano. Daniel was lurking in the doorway, a pathetic look on his face that would often surface at this hour of the night. Sam couldn’t really tell from this distance, but he’d bet that Daniel’s eyes had gone black. 
With a laugh that bordered on amused and flirtatious, Sam rolled the hair tie off his wrist. Danny approached as Sam put his hair up into a bun, exposing his neck. 
“Pick your poison, angel face.” 
Sam tilted his head slightly to the side, hinting to the vampire that he wanted Daniel to bite his neck. However, frustratingly and just like Sam knew he would, Daniel grabbed his wrist. 
No matter how many times they had done this, Sam still winced at the initial sensation of Daniel’s fangs piercing his flesh. To be fair, it was hard not to elicit a reaction when an honest to god predator was feeding on you. Just like that feeling of the bite, one thing Sam would never get used to was the euphoria of having his blood drank. And by Daniel Robert Wagner, no less. 
Almost as quickly as it had started, Daniel was detaching from Samuel’s wrist. He had to swallow down a whimper as he watched a dribble of his blood slowly drip down Danny’s bottom lip. 
“Always a messy eater,” Sam breathily commented, feeling as if he had just sprinted a mile with how out of breath he was. 
Daniel, without thinking it seemed, darted his tongue out to catch the spare blood. “Such wretched manners, I have.” 
Sam, blaming his blood loss, laughed extra hard at that line. He also began giggling at the sensation of Daniel licking at his bite mark to heal up Sam’s skin. 
“Alright, let's get you to bed,” Danny instructed, effortlessly cradling Sam in his arms as he carried him off to the bedroom. 
“I’m not tired,” Sammy whined, throwing his head back in an act of petulance. 
Daniel, to his credit, simply continued on with his task. However, he did shoot Sammy a look that was amused. When he laid Sam down on the bed, he instructed Sam not to move save for getting into more comfortable clothes. 
Sam did as he was told and changed into his pajamas. He didn’t want to admit it, but he really was feeling fatigued. It wasn’t like he could blame Daniel for this tiredness; this was the first time he’d felt particularly drained after Daniel had fed on him. No pun intended. 
“Drink up, Prince Sammy. We can’t have your hemoglobin getting too low on us,” Danny stated after setting a large glass of orange juice on the nightstand next to Sam, placing a kiss on Sam’s cheek as he did. Sam would be lying if he said he didn’t blush at the action. Glancing over at his partner, Sam took notice of the ruby color of Daniel’s irises. That meant he was satiated and Sam had done his job. 
Slamming down his OJ, Sam let his fatigue take over and drifted asleep. 
For a moment, Sam didn’t know if he was dreaming or not. He knew Danny was calling for him, but the question was whether or not it was real. He decided just to ignore it for the time being. 
“Sammy, baby…” 
Ok, definitely not a dream. Groggily, Sam blinked open his eyes, being met with the pitch black of night. He groaned sleepily, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. 
“What’s wrong?” Normally, Daniel never woke Sam up unless it was something important. 
“I… nothing’s wrong, I promise.” 
His brain still sleep-soaked, Sam was unable to pick up on the nuance of Daniel’s tone of voice. Reaching over to the lamp on his nightstand, Sam flipped it on. He tried not to wince too hard at the offensive amount of light now assaulting and burning his pupils. 
That’s when he saw how dark Daniel’s eyes were. No longer were they their ruby red but obsidian black. 
The vampire glanced away, his fingers nervously fiddling with the sheets. He was chewing on his lip, Sam wondering how he wasn’t slicing it open. 
“Are you… hungry?” 
Looking down at his fidgeting fingers, Daniel slowly nodded his head. 
“But, how is that possible? You just…” Sam didn’t finish his thought. He found that he was too tired to really dig into the why and how of the situation. In his defense, it was four in the morning. So he deserves a pass. 
With that mentality, Sam simply flipped onto his side and pulled his hair off his neck. He braced for the stinging pain of his flesh being ripped open, wincing as the vampire sank his fangs into his skin for the second time that day. With a sharp gasp leaving Sam’s lips after being bitten, he began to hear Daniel sucking on his neck. This would have been a red flag for Sam had his brain not been still soaked in sleep. Daniel hardly drank blood this intensely; the only time Sam could recall such vigor from the vampire was one time while touring overseas, they had trouble getting blood and Daniel had to go a week without feeding. 
Sammy wasn’t sure how long exactly Daniel had been feeding off him, but he began to get worried when he saw black spots dotting his vision. With each slurp from Danny, Samuel could feel himself become weaker and weaker. And with each drop of strength leaving his body, Samuel became more and more alarmed. If it hadn’t been Daniel being the one draining him, Sam would go so far as to say he was afraid of what fate might befall him. He waited and waited for the vampire to detach from his neck, trusting his life-long best friend and new lover, but that moment never came. Sam finally decided that he needed to intervene when he felt his eyelids become so heavy that he had to fight to keep them open. His brain capacity might’ve been significantly reduced with the lack of blood flow to the vital organ, but he knew that wasn’t a good sign at all. 
“Daniel,” Sam whispered, weakly grabbing at any part of his boyfriend he could. This seemed to snap Daniel out of whatever terrifying trance had befallen him; like a fog clouding his brain. 
Breathing heavily, Sam heard the vampire swallow thickly as Sam’s blood traveled down his throat. With what little strength he had, the human turned to face his lover. He was greeted not by the man he loved, but by the monster that Bram Stoker had terrified the general public with for centuries. Crimson messily coated Daniel’s entire mouth, the blood dripping thickly down his chin and threatening to fall onto Sam. There was a wild look in his still black eyes, almost feral-like. They seemed to glint with an insatiable hunger unlike one Sam has ever witnessed in his lifetime. 
“Sammy….” Daniel breathed out his name as if it were a sacred prayer. Swallowing once more, Daniel pinched his eyes closed and seemed to try and gather himself. Still with his eyes closed, he darted out his tongue to clean his lips of Samuel’s blood, using one of his fingers to gather what had fallen down his chin and slipping the appendage into his mouth. 
When he finally gathered himself, Danny opened his eyes once more. They were still as black as the void of space, however that primal hunger had vanished from them. The concern that thrummed through Samuel dissipated as the vampire gently caressed his cheek with a deeply concerned look on his face. 
“Oh, angel… what did I do to you?” 
Without thinking much, Sam grabbed his boyfriend’s wrist and guided it down from his cheek to the open wound in his neck that was still spitting blood. When he felt the gash, Daniel was quick to act and sealed it up with his tongue. 
Sam smiled gratefully. Well, he tried to, anyway. He even tried to speak as well, but his sentences made no sense at all. For some reason, Daniel checked his pulse, commenting that it was “really low” in a concerned voice. 
Daniel looked Sammy in the eyes for a moment as he seemed to make a choice. When he made his decision, he was fast to act. He ordered Sam to “stay right there” before leaving the room. When he disappeared from sight, Sam felt alone, missing the vampire almost instantly. He wasn’t gone for long, however, returning with yet another glass of orange juice and a pill bottle. This glass of OJ was in the largest glass they owned, the marmalade colored liquid filled all the way to the brim and threatening to spill over the side with each step Daniel took. It wasn’t until he set the pill bottle down on the nightstand by Sam’s head that he even realized what they were: iron tablets. 
“C’mon, baby, sit up,” Daniel gently commanded, assisting Sam in doing so. Once his back was against the headboard, Danny took his hands off Sam and grabbed the iron tablet bottle, shaking out a few pills in his hand. He took his lover’s hand in his, turning up the human’s palm to place the pills in it. 
“Swallow these, Sangria.” The glass of juice was placed in Sam’s other hand, Danny gently pushing both closer to the human in the hopes he’d get the message. 
Sangria… that’s a new nickname…
Doing as he was told, Sammy took the allotted pills and washed them down with his glass of juice. As he was gulping down the liquid, he felt strong arms slither down his torso, locking into place around his stomach. Daniel rested his face in the crook of Sam’s neck, burying it inside the chestnut locks of hair and squeezing his arms tight around his lover. 
“I’m sorry…” It was so quiet. Sam wasn’t entirely sure it was meant for his ears. In fact, if Daniel hadn’t been in the crook of his neck, Sam wouldn’t have heard it at all. 
The human was too exhausted and loopy to really understand why Danny was apologizing or what would even cause him to. Instead, he just leaned into the embrace. It wasn’t long until he was sleeping once again; and this time, there were no interruptions. Sam dreamed of medieval castles, wolves, cemeteries, crucifixes and wooden stakes. 
“I can’t believe you let me sleep that long. We’re so late for practice!” Sam shouted as he frantically sped down the freeway. 
“You had a rough night last night and I wasn’t about to-” 
“So you keep telling me,” Sam interjected, cutting off Daniel’s explanation. A stiff silence laced the air in the car, Danny with his lips pursed. “I don’t even remember being awake last night!” 
If Sammy wasn’t focused on trying to swerve between slower vehicles, he might’ve noticed the perturbed and nervous look the vampire shot him after that comment. 
As the two pulled up to the recording studio, Sam was still aggravated. 
“I’ll never hear the fucking end of this…” Sam spat under his breath, throwing off his seatbelt and ripping open the car door. 
You see, Dan and Sam prided themselves on showing up at least almost on time to their scheduled events - such as practice - and would often rag on their older brothers for it. But now that he was over an hour late, Sam knew the twins would have a field day. With a grimace that hadn’t left his face since he woke up, Sam snatched his bass from the back seat and trudged inside without even waiting for Danny to follow him. With a sigh, Danny simply locked the car and followed his boyfriend into the studio. He hated to admit it, but his ire was growing at Sam’s childish behavior. 
“Look who FINALLY decided to show, huh?” Josh yelled vivaciously, a teasing smile on his face. Sam, already fed up with Josh after one sentence, shot his brother the dirtiest look. 
Josh, taken aback by his little brother’s attitude although used to it, just looked over at Daniel a little confused, but shrugging it off. 
“What the fuck is your problem?” Jake bravely asked, one eyebrow peeking up over his sunglasses. He was already hooked into the amp and tuning his guitar, melodic scales flowing with ease from his fingers at a lightning pace. 
Sam stopped dead in his tracks, his rage boiling over at the question. Taking a deep breath, Sam gently set down the case for his bass and silently flipped open the latches. Without a word he pulled the surf green instrument and threw the strap over his neck. He refused to look any of them in the eye or even acknowledge anything they had to say unless it was productive to their music. 
“Hello? I asked you a question, Sam,” Jake continued. Either he was purposely trying to make him angrier or he truly was ignorant to the wrath wafting off of the bassist. 
With a look capable of killing a thousand men, Sam glared at Jake for a moment before starting the process of warming up his bass. Jake, just as confused as his twin, looked to Daniel for any explanation. When the drummer saw both sets of eyes from the older Kiszka brothers pointed at him, his irritation spiked. 
“Shut the fuck up and play.” 
Clicking his sticks together, for tempo, Daniel warmed up by playing Built By Nations, pounding on his kit so hard he made the ground shake. The twins shared a confused look. It was one thing for Sam to be in a bitchy mood, but Danny acting pissy? That just didn’t happen. 
As practice continued, Sam felt himself get calmer and calmer with each passing minute. He was doing what he loved, playing the instruments he loved, all with the people he loved most. He couldn’t even really remember why he had been in such a foul mood when he entered the studio. 
Though it seemed as Sammy’s mood improved, Daniel’s got worse. He kept speeding up the tempo on everyone and cursing acridly when he messed up. At one point, he threw his drumstick at the wall so hard he actually cracked the drywall. When that happened, it left all three Kiszkas in complete shock. None of them would ever admit it, but they all were truly afraid of Daniel for the first time since they’d known him. 
Sam flinched as Danny roared at him. For some reason, he was reminded of his dream last night. The dream where Daniel nearly drank all the blood from his body. That feral and starving look in his eyes he harbored in those black eyes last night, a hunger Sam knew could never be quenched or satiated no matter how much of his blood he gave to the vampire. 
The pair stared at one another for a moment, the air dead silent as the tension rose between them. A pin could drop and you could hear it. 
Like the snap of a rubber band, Daniel surged up and grabbed Sam, yanking him up from his seat at the piano with more force than was strictly necessary. Sam wouldn’t be surprised if Daniel was about to leave bruises on him with the amount of force he was employing on his flesh. Sam knew that, despite the amount of strength he was using, Danny was still restraining himself significantly. 
The human heard one of his brothers call after him as Daniel led him away and down the hallway. However, neither of them made any effort to answer or even look back. It wasn’t until Danny ripped open a door to an empty recording room and shoved Sammy in that he let go of Sam’s wrist. However, he didn’t want for Danny’s touch for long. Just as soon as the door was slammed shut, the vampire was pinning him against the wall. Sam barely gasped in surprise before he felt fangs puncturing the pulsing skin of his carotid. Sam, a little startled by his boyfriend’s behavior, yelped in surprise at the pain. However, he didn’t say or do anything more. He noticed how jet black Daniel’s eyes had been since this morning. He thought about offering up his neck or wrist to Danny earlier, but he was too pissed off. 
While Sam had seen Danny’s eyes black before and understood that meant he was virtually starving, he didn’t quite grasp what that meant exactly. For as Daniel fervently slurped down his lover’s blood, he kept making guttural noises. Growls and moans slipped out of his teeth between gulps of blood and frankly, if Sam hadn’t been so turned on by this behavior, it would’ve worried him. 
However, Sam really could not ignore when Daniel actually hissed at Josh. 
“Sam? Are you-” 
Sam would be utterly lying if he said that a stab of fear didn’t lance through his heart like an arrow wound. Not only had Daniel actually hissed at his best friend and brother, but he had also put himself between his food and his enemy and caged Sam in with his arms. 
Josh stood rigid in the doorway, the light from the hall spilling into the dim room and backlighting him. There was a look of utter bewilderment on his face as he tried to process what Danny had just done and truthfully, Sam couldn’t blame him. Because honestly, what the fuck just happened. 
“Daniel, what the hell are you doing?!” Sam shrieked at him, warm blood still dripping down his neck and onto his shirt collar. All of the sudden, he began to feel very light-headed. If the room weren’t almost pitch black, he might’ve seen the spotting in his vision. However, he was able to feel his vertigo before he collapsed onto the floor. 
The last thing he heard before completely losing consciousness was Josh screaming his name right after he hit the ground. 
When Sam woke up in the ER hours later, “pissed” was not even close to how angry he was. Not only had Daniel put him in the hospital, he allegedly tried to keep the twins and paramedics from even coming anywhere near Sam. Eventually, some of the stronger paramedics managed to wrestle Danny away and sedate him. 
The twins had filled him in while he was laying in the hospital. It took Sam all of five seconds to begin demanding that he see Daniel and get some answers, but the staff wouldn’t let him leave. Apparently, he had suffered from severe blood loss to the point where, if he hadn’t gotten help when he did, he would’ve bled to death. So, after begrudgingly finishing his blood transfusion, Sam left against medical advice and forced the twins to take him to see Daniel. 
That was how he found himself standing in the jailhouse, watching his boyfriend pace back and forth behind bars like a caged animal. Sam had it all planned out. He was going to look Danny straight in the eyes and demand that he tell Sam what today was all about and yell at him for putting not only Sam in danger, but the twins and those paramedics as well. 
It didn’t go as planned. 
It was as if he could just sense that Sam had entered the building, Sam watching as he spun around in Sam’s direction immediately as he entered the threshold of the holding cells. He ran to the bars, his fingers wrapping around the iron as he gripped it tight. “Sam!” There was a bright yet concerned smile on his face, one that made the human’s heart ache in his chest. 
Sam had difficulty making it to Daniel, his head feeling dizzy after standing up for too long. He propped himself up against the wall, leaning on his outstretched arm as he tried to let his blood flow catch up with his movement. 
“Sammy?” Danny’s voice was so soft and low. It was just above a whisper. It was also one Samm heard from Daniel between the sheets, and Sam wasn’t too happy that he decided to use that tone at that particular moment. But, it did cause him to open his eyes. 
Sam was treated to a very disheveled Danny. His curls were wildly flying out of his bun, his bangs seemingly stuck to his forehead with the amount of sweat glistening off his skin. His clothes were wrinkled with his shirt somehow torn. Suddenly, Sam was able to picture a deranged Daniel fighting viciously against anyone who tried to get anywhere near Sam. He was able to imagine that insatiable and wild look of hunger in his eyes as he slashed at anyone who attempted to take Sam away from him. Sam wasn’t sure who the person standing in front of him was anymore. 
When he blinked, that terrifying look in Daniel’s eyes that made him feel like prey vanished from his mind’s eye, but his body wasn’t so quick to forget the feeling of absolute terror that look inspired within his sinews. However, his heart was forcing him to only see the soft smile Danny was wearing. It was a broken one, one that knew he did wrong and begged for forgiveness. It was the one Danny wore when Sam first pieced together that Danny wasn’t human; begging Sam to forgive the monster he was. It was the one he flashed when he accidentally broke a mug that he dropped on the floor. And it was the one he was wearing now, begging Sammy to forgive him for drinking too much from him and harming his brothers. And just like all those other times, Sam was buckling like a house of cards under a soft breeze. 
“Daniel…what happened back there?” 
The vampire’s smile faded. He had to have known that Sam had questions, but he apparently was not prepared for that one.
“I… I don’t know. Something just… just came over me and… I don’t know. The only thing in my mind was that I needed to protect you… you were the only thing that mattered to me and everyone else just… I don’t know…” His hands had slid down the bars, now on level with his chest instead of his face. He couldn’t look Sam in the eyes, his head hung as the floor suddenly became the most interesting thing to him. 
“You attacked the twins, Daniel. They have claw marks on their skin that you left on them.” Sam’s words were laced with an underlying rage, one that was threatening to break out from under his skin at any moment. 
Daniel didn’t respond to that, only retreated further into himself. 
“You nearly killed me!!” 
That one seemed to really strike at Daniel’s heart. He flinched as if Sam’s voice had physically slapped him across the face. He finally looked into his boyfriend’s eyes, his ruby red eyes glittering with unshed tears. 
“You know exactly what’s going on and you need to tell me now.” 
With a great sigh, Daniel nodded his head. “I didn’t want it to be true…” 
Sam, cursing Danny’s theatrics, waited for him to continue. His head was spinning from standing up, his heart pounding in his ears as he tried to breathe deeply to fend off the black bordering his vision from gaining any more ground. 
“I’ve only seen it once in my entire 600 years. It’s… It’s very rare considering vampires don’t typically- uh… ‘mate’ with humans. But, if a vampire feeds off of one human for too long, they sort of become… addicted… to that human. It… It can drive us insane. Make us go feral…” 
Sam, dazed over the fact that he finally learned Daniel’s age, but mostly over the fact that Daniel never thought to mention this to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Danny glanced down at the floor. 
“Because I didn’t want it to be true,” Daniel whispered. It was so quiet… so ashamed. 
Sam truly did not know what to do. Not only had he just been hit with the realization of just how old Daniel really was, but now he was grappling with the fact that his blood had driven his boyfriend to madness. Sam stumbled back a step or two, and this time he couldn’t blame his blood loss. His head was spinning so aggressively he thought he was going to collapse. 
The only thing that pulled him out of his maelstrom of dizzying thoughts was Daniel’s voice. 
Sam gazed over at his boyfriend. He knew what that tone meant. 
The human slowly straightened his spine; steeling himself. 
“No. No, I’m done,” Sam started, cursing the small crack on his first word, “and until you get yourself straightened out, we’re done.”
“No, Sam, please…” The utter pain in Daniel’s eyes was too much. His tone was so desperate, pleading for Sam to stay. 
“It’s for your own good,” Sam added, tears falling from his eyes. “I’m moving in with my brothers. I don’t want to see you again until you’re clean.” What he didn’t say was that he was too much of a temptation to Daniel to be near him. He also didn’t tell Daniel that it was killing him to do this. 
“Sangria, please. Don’t. I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll get clean, please don’t leave me,” Daniel begged, nothing but desperation in his coal black eyes. 
With a deep, but shaky breath, Samuel turned away from his lover. 
“Goodbye, Daniel.” 
“Sam, please! Just one more time, then I’ll quit. I promise! Come back, please! Sammy!” 
Sam couldn’t help the tears cascading down his cheeks. He knew that his decision was truly for the best for everyone involved, but that didn’t make it any easier. He just prayed his decision would help Daniel. 
I'm so sorry, Ru.
@doodle417 @sammykiszkasunusedshoes @jmks-housewife @ageoferin @alwayssotiredbutneverofyou @etoilesnoor @ascendingtostardust @godlygreta @s0livagant @gretavanflowerpower @morganic-goods @dannythedog @baguettejuliette @fan-girl-97 @gaby-gvf @age-of-nyahh @mzbrightside @myownparadise96 @xserenax-13 @sammysvanfeet @loofypoofy @chalametpwk @seventieswhore @razorbladekiszka @capturethechaos @unfortunatelykristin @welightthefire @gretavanfleas @sammiejane22 @satanplayshisfluteforhim @starsasone @mintysammykiszka @writingcold @tearsofbri @gretasmokerising @streamofstardust @lunaindigoraven @jakeydoesit @tripthelightfandomtastic @sunfl0wer-power @wingedgardener2000 @gretavanbitches @teddiie @gardensGateDaisy @sparrowofthedawnsworld @angelbabyyy99 @sammysprincess @whollyfreeamongststars @gretaswhore28 @l0rdoffli3s @kay-jordan @lightmyloverry @kenzie18 @gotavansleep @roosterbbradley @freckled-wonderland
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yourangel137 · 10 months
Bloodstains on the curtain / chapter 2
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Here is chapter two! I hope you all like it<3 tagging: @pix-stuff as promised.
Pairings: yandere/murderer!Childe x GN!reader
Warnings: stress/anxiety
Genre: mostly fluff
Type: Series
Word count: 1123 words
Summary: Is it truly him? Is he truly the killer? He can't be.. he's just too kind, right?
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It’s hard to figure out how you’re supposed to feel after such an event, your stomach still twists and feels sick upon remembering the scene you saw just a week ago. After the police had safely brought you home, you haven’t been able to rest. Nightmares upon nightmares happen, no matter how many hours you decide to sleep. Your parent decided to call a therapist for you, someone who is able to help you let go of your trauma. Yet nobody knows what truly bothers you.
Why does the killer have the exact same keychain as Tartaglia?
Your best friend, Tartaglia, might be hiding more than you thought at first. Your best friend, the person you fell so hard for that it hurts knowing he might be a killer. It must be a coincidence right?
A knock can be heard on your door, your eyes immediately darting towards your bedroom door before it opens up and your mother enters your bedroom. “I made you some dinner, do you want to eat it here or with me downstairs?” She asks you, her worry still clearly present in her voice.
“Here, if you don’t mind. I just need a moment for myself..”
“Okay, I get it. Times are very tough right now but just know I’m here for you ok? I’ll bring you a plate.” And there she went again, going downstairs to get you a plate before going back up with it and putting it on your desk.
“Thank you. I really appreciate it..” Your mother’s smile is enough of an answer to your gratitude before she leaves you alone again.
A coincidence... It must’ve been a coincidence... A bright yellow star keychain, the same keychain you gave to Tartaglia as a little token of appreciation towards all he’d done for you. You still remember where you bought it, how it was the last one in stock and how happy Tartaglia got from such a small gift.
It has to be a coincidence.
You slowly begin eating the food your mother made for you, brain still pondering who the killer could possibly be. Your phone lights up and you see a message from your best friend, but for now you decide to ignore it.
‘If Tartaglia really is the killer? Would I be able to tell the police?’ You think to yourself. How could you possibly send your best friend of 10 years to jail? Someone you managed to develop such strong feelings for? Is it normal to doubt yourself?
Your phone lights up again, this time ringing fills your ears, breaking your trail of thoughts and worries. Quickly you swallow the last bit of food down before picking up the phone. “Heeeeey, my star, it’s Tartaglia~ Are you feeling a bit better today? Did I scare you again by calling randomly? You didn’t check my messages so.. I hope you don’t mind me simply calling you~” The corners of your mouth lift up, cheeks flushing slightly, all while your heart skips beats of happiness.
‘Nah, he can’t be the killer.’
“No I don’t mind you calling me, not at all actually! I was just eating dinner so I couldn’t reply immediately, sorry about that. I feel a bit better today, I’m just very tired.. How are you feeling today?”
His happy giggles melt your heart before he answers back: “I’m glad you don’t mind me calling, I’m just worried about you, ya know? I’m doing great now I hear your voice again~” His random flirting immediately gets to you and your cheeks flush once more. “Are you still getting nightmares? I hope they are gone.. but then again, I can’t imagine how horrible that scene must’ve looked..”
“It’s getting better, but I still get them frequently. I’m sure it’ll go away eventually, right?” you reply with a positive tone in your voice.
“I do hope so.. But hey! Now that girl won’t bother you anymore right? With the bullying? Isn’t that something positive at least?”
Your words get stuck in your throat, saliva building up while you remain silent. Tartaglia coughs up a forced chuckle and softly states it’s a stupid joke he shouldn’t have made.
“You’re right though.. She won’t bully me anymore.. I just don’t know how to feel about why she won’t bully me anymore. Do people genuinely deserve to die because they hurt another person?”
The other line stays quiet this time, yet the air turns thick and the silence makes you so uncomfortable. After a few minutes you hear his voice speak out again:
“Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. At least you’re safe, right Y/N? That’s all I care about, your safety.”
“Anyways~! Do you have plans tomorrow? School is still closed so we could hang out if you’d like? We could go out and shop for new clothes or just get some ice cream or lunch? What do you think?”
Before you know it, a tear drops down your cheek, worry filling your heart again. You clutch onto your sweatshirt while you hold back the urge to cry. “I almost died back then Tartaglia..”
“You won’t die, nobody will hurt you, my star. You got me, right? I’ll keep you safe even if it’ll cost me my life. Nobody will hurt you, nobody will. I’ll make sure of it, okay Y/N? Can you believe me and trust me with that?”
You hum softly while nodding, wiping away the tear that rolled down your cheek. “Please.. Keep me safe.. I’m scared the killer saw me and I’m next on the list..”
You hear a soft sad sigh from the other line before you hear his softer and more gentle voice speak out once again: “I promise, I’ll keep you safe. How about tomorrow I’ll come pick you up and I’ll hold your hand the whole time while we shop together, hm? I’m sure that’ll make you feel a lot safer right?” He ends the sentence with a cute chuckle.
“Alright.. I’d like some fresh air actually.. Text me the time you’ll be here then, okay? I’ll stop calling now.. I’m getting very tired.” Not even 10 seconds later you already see his message appear with the time, making you chuckle slightly from his enthusiasm.
“There you go! I hope you sleep well tonight. Dream of me instead! I’ll even protect you in your dreams~”
You sigh and face palm your forehead softly from his very obvious flirting. “Alright dumbass, I’ll dream of you instead.” You hear his gasp on the other line and can’t help but laugh. “Goodnight to you too.. Thank you by the way. Byee byee~”
I guess tomorrow will be your first time going outside after the incident, how is that going to go?
Hope u have a lovely day<3
Much love,
Last updated: 07-08-2023
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it’s always rainy in Singapore, pt 2 — one shot
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The MC88 Series Masterlist
mini summary: seb’s last dance under the lights of singapore didn’t end too badly … basically the smut that didn’t make it into the first part
word count: 3.0k
tags/warnings: aston martin ¡driver! original character x sebastian vettel, fluff, smut, teammate-cest, mature
part one / part three
It was no longer Sunday night. It was the early hours of Monday morning. She had finally made it back to her hotel room and had just passed out. The day finally catching up with her. Her body falling easily into a deep sleep. It had been an adrenaline-fuelled day, all day long. The conditions of the track and the weather has been extra strenuous on her and it had taken all of her to not fall asleep on the drive back tot the hotel room. 
She heard her phone buzz waking her up from her sleep momentarily. She knew who it was. She knew what the text said said. She didn’t even bother to check it. She just closed her eyes once more. Waiting for him to knock on her door. 
A mere few minutes passed before she heard a quiet knock to her door. 
“Hey,” she said softly as she opened the door to find her teammate leant against the wall, 
“you ok?” he asked receiving a nod from her in response as she stepped back to let him in. His eyes never leaving her as she closed the door behind them. They knew they had to be careful. No one could ever find out. It would ruin both of them. She was one of the few women racing in F1 and it couldn’t be tarnished by the press finding out that she was fucking her teammate. Her married and four time world champion teammate. But it was almost as if their team made it as hard as possible. The team always put them as far away from each other as possible. Different floors. Different hotels. Opposite ends of the same floor if they really had too. It was almost like they knew. 
“I’m just tired,” she said leaning back on the door, looking at her feet before glancing to him, 
“did you manage to get some sleep?” 
“a little,” she nodded, “you?” 
“no,” he said with a shake of his head. He hadn’t slept. He would sleep later. 
She didn’t ask why he hadn’t. She knew. She knew what he had been doing and she didn’t want to think about it. Him telling his wife he loved her. That he missed her. Telling his kids that he loved them, that he couldn’t wait to be home, and getting them to tell their mother that he loved her. Telling them to give her a kiss from him. Then, moments later, texting her, telling her that he would be there in five minutes. 
It made her sick to her stomach what they were doing. It went against everything she stood for. Everything she hated about her own father. Everything that ruined her childhood she was now doing to another little girl. 
They never spoke about it. Never spoke about what they were doing. Maybe because they knew it was wrong. 
“Do you just want to sleep?” he asked looking to her. Her eyes heavy and longing for sleep. She just gave him a nod of her head in response. 
He held his arm out to her pulling her into his embrace as she stepped into him. No matter how strong she was, no matter how many times she told herself she shouldn’t, she still crumbled in his arms. It was almost as if in that moment nothing mattered. Nothing apart from the two of them in that moment mattered. She forgot about everything. Everything that was causing her grief. Everything that was stressing her out. Nothing mattered. She just focused on his heartbeat, matching hers to his. He rubbed her back holding her close. Resting his head against hers as she rested her’s into the crook of his neck. 
He whispered to her between kisses to her forehead, to her cheek. Telling her how well she had done that day. That he was proud of her. That she should be proud of herself too. She couldn’t reply. She wanted to but the words didn't come out. Her mind and her body still overcome by sleep so she just held him tighter never wanting to let go. 
It was moments like this that she wanted to tell him that she loved him, but she didn’t love him, she wouldn’t allow herself to love him. Those three words would ruin everything. 
He placed another kiss to her forehead resting his chin upon her head. 
“Let’s go to bed,” he said taking her hand squeezing her hand gently as they made it over to the bed in her hotel room. 
He let her hand go. His own falling to his side as he watched her get into bed and lie down right where she had been sleeping before. He watched her for a moment. She was beautiful to put it in the simplest terms. She took his breath away every time he laid eyes upon her. But he couldn’t have her. That’s what he loved. He loved the risk. The desire. The longing for something that he couldn’t have, something that he wasn’t allowed to have. 
But he did.
She held her arm out to him asking him to join her. 
He could never say no to her. He would never say no to her. 
He laid down beside her letting her lie against him. The thin sheet just about covering them. It was still hot, still humid, but it didn’t matter, she wanted him to hold her as she slept. He placed his arm around her shoulder holding her close as she rested head in the crook of his shoulder. 
He placed another kiss to her temple wishing her sweet dreams. The words just falling from his lips. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help it. She wasn’t his wife. She wasn’t the woman he loved. She wasn’t the woman that had given him his two daughters; his whole world. She was just his teammate. His teammate that he had fucked because he was drunk because he had had a bad race. But he still said it. He still meant it and that he thought was more wrong than anything else. He cared for her. He loved her even though he would never admit it and that was something that his wife would never forgive him for. She would never forgive him for the feelings he felt for his teammate. 
They could’ve laid like that forever. Just the two of them. All that mattered in that moment was them. Just them. 
Mia was hoping she would have just fallen asleep. But she couldn’t. She was sure tired enough, but her mind wouldn’t let her. She was still half asleep for god’s sake but no matter how much she tried she couldn’t drift off. Her mind wasn’t even racing. She wasn’t really thinking of anything apart from perhaps one thing. Ever since he told her he was retiring she had been dreading Abu Dhabi. The f1 world would be loosing a great, a legend. But, selfishly, couldn’t help but not want that day to come. She didn’t want him to retire because who else would fuck her mercilessly after a bad day at track? Fernando definitely would not be. 
There wasn’t many more moments left. They had five races left and maybe that was why she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t want this to end. She didn’t want to have to let him go. She wanted to be in his arms forever. 
She placed a gentle kiss to his chest as she run her hand across his stomach. Her fingers dancing across his shirt. “Mia,” Seb said, his voice deep and raspy. She ignored him and started placing tiny kisses along the collar of his shirt. Her lips brushing gently against his skin. 
His skin warm at every touch. His skin so soft. She couldn't help herself. This could have been one of the last times. 
Her hand dipped under his shirt. Brushing her fingers across his bare skin.
She could feel his heartbeat start to race. 
“Mia, you can't do this to me,”  
“i’m not doing anything,” she hummed placing a kiss in the crook of his neck. She felt his heart skip a beat as a small moan escaped his lips. 
“Don’t play with me, Mia,” he warned. 
She just let out a small giggle. She could feel him getting turned on. 
“I thought you wanted to sleep?” he asked taking her hand in his stopping her momentarily from teasing him,
“not anymore,” she hummed. 
He caught her eye. He held her gaze. Looking at her. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, but he could see the desire. 
In a matter of moments he was above her. Looking down at her. With one of his knees either side of her. She let out a gasp. He had her wrists in his hands pinned above her head. She could feel her chest rising. She could feel him getting hard, pressing against her. 
She writhed under his hold. The feeling in her belly growing. The insides of her thighs tingling from anticipation. 
“You want me to fuck you?” he asked. He was brazen. His accent stronger as it always was when he aroused. She could see the lust in his eyes. 
She just nodded. 
He leant down pressing a rough kiss to her lips, 
“Say it,” he almost growled into her ear. 
She let a small laugh escape her lips. She wiggled against his hold. His hands wrapped around her wrists. His knees, thighs, his bodyweight keeping her still. 
She leant forward. “Gently,” she murmured into his ear placing a chaste kiss to his cheek before her head fell back to the pillow. She was too tired anything for else. But she wanted him. She needed him. 
He leant down. His eyes never leaving hers. They were dark. Lustful. Full of longing, full of desire. His eyes always failed him. Always betrayed him. They were too easy to read. To know exactly what he was thinking, exactly what he wanted. 
And in that moment he wanted her. He was going to have her. 
“I am always gentle with you,” he said with a grin appearing on his lips,
“no your not, Seb,” she said only just above a whisper as she tried to stop her lips curling into a grin. She felt almost intoxicated. She wasn’t sure if it was from the lack of sleep or if it were him. But she had never felt so happy, so content. She felt loved. She felt on top of the world. 
She pressed her lips together trying to stop the laugh from falling from her lips. She held his gaze. Looking at him looking at her. 
She paused for a second and he took that moment to kiss her. Crashing his lips against hers. She let a moan slip from her lips. She couldn’t help it. He kissed her with so much passion. With so much desire. It wasn’t just a kiss. It was so much more than just that. 
He let her hands go. Immediately one was pulling at the hem of shirt. The other lost in his hair. She felt that her heart might just burst out of her chest it was beating so fast. No one had ever kissed her so good. Made her feel the way he did and maybe that’s why she kept coming back.
He sat back on his heels. Pulling his shirt off over his head. 
She just stared. Her eyes full of hunger. Desire. 
He ran his hands down her body. Toying at the hem of her shirt. Their team shirt. The green against her toned tanned stomach. He pulled it up and off over her head. She leant forward to help him. 
He pressed a chaste kiss against her lips before pushing her back against the bed. He looked at her. Running his eyes over every part of her body. Memorising her body, every part of it, as if it were the last time he would ever see it, because maybe it was. Maybe it was the last time he would ever see her like this. Laying underneath him completely at his mercy, giving all of herself just for him. He wanted this moment to last forever. He never wanted to forget this, never wanted to lose this. 
She was perfect. Every part of her was perfect and she was all his. For this moment time she was all his. 
He moved, kicking off his shorts followed by his pants before kneeling back at the end of the bed. Running his hands down her legs causing a shiver to run down her spin. “Seb,” she said as a small moan left her lips. He smirked to himself pressing a kiss to the inside of her thigh before hooking his fingers under her pants and pulling them off. 
He parted her knees, settling himself between them. He ran his hands up her thighs towards her knees. The wrong way. She could feel herself growing more and more restless. She was too tired for his games. For his teasing. For all of his little touches. She was ready. She was wet.
“Seb, c’mon,” she groaned gripping the bed sheets beneath her as he placed kiss after kiss to the inside of her thighs. Her knuckles forming into fists. He watched her. A smirk on his lips. He loved watching her squirm. He loved watching her beg, but he wouldn’t tonight. She was too tired and he was growing restless himself. 
He leant down pressing his lips to hers. A sloppy kiss as their tongues danced as she moaned against him. As she tried pushing her body against his trying a relieve some of the pressure that was building between her thighs. 
He dug his fingers into her hips pushing her back down against the bed. “Seb,” she cried as he dropped his hand to her cunt. Rubbing his thumb over her clit. “Please.” 
He nodded drawing his lips to hers again as he positioned himself against her entrance. 
She let out a gasp as he pushed inside her. “Fuck, Seb,” she moaned as he paused momentarily letting her adjust to him. All of him. 
She was never ready. No matter how many times they fucked it always felt like the first time again. 
“Good girl,” he murmured under his breath as he placed a messy kiss to her forehead. He could taste the sweat that had started to bead along her hair line. It was hot and he could feel himself sweating as he started to thrust in and out of her. Long thrusts so far he almost pulled out before pushing back into her deeply and slowly.
“Seb, fuck,” she hummed as he pushed into her again. There was no feeling quite like it. She couldn’t explain it, god, she couldn’t even control herself. 
He took his time making sure that every thrust counted. That every single one felt like her world was collapsing. Every time he pulled back she almost cried. The feeling that he was about to pull out completely, tearing her apart. Sometimes he would pull out completely and he would kiss her as a cry left her lips. Then he pushed back in so slowly that there was so much pleasure that it almost felt painful. 
The feeling in her belly continuously growing. Pushing her closer and closer to the edge. 
He rested his forehead against her. His sweaty curls against hers. Groans escaping his lips as he closed his eyes. Thrusting in and out of her. She could finish just by the sounds that left his lips. The short little grunts he made every time he pushed inside her. They were almost animalistic, but they made something deep inside of her set alight.
A few mere minutes passed before they were both reaching their highs. They were both exhausted from the day so it didn’t take much to push them over the edge. 
“Seb,” she cried as he thrusted into her once more. She clenched around him as the feelings inside of her erupted. She felt him cuming inside of her too. The feeling of him ejaculating. It made her feel complete. It made her feel whole. As if some part of her before had been missing but now it was filled. She felt a shiver running across her body as she bucked her hips up into him. She heard him moan against her shoulder. Swearing her name as he bit down into her shoulder, riding the last of their highs as he thrusted into her for a final time. 
He almost collapsed on top of her. His arms were shaking. He looked down at her placing one last messy kiss to her kips. 
She smiled into the kiss. She had never been happier. Never felt so good. She could’ve cried.
He pulled out of her before falling down beside her. She hummed, letting out a little giggle as she moved her head to look at him. She watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took, as did hers. She was still struggling to catch he breathe, as was he. He never looked so beautiful. She loved it when he looked like a complete mess. His sweaty curls starting to stick to his forehead. 
“Happy?” he asked turning to look at her as he ran his hand through his hair, 
“yes,” she nodded with a smile on her lips before placing a kiss to his chest. He watched her. Watched her every movement. He still couldn't grasp it. He didn’t understand how he had managed it. How something so beautiful so pure was all his in that moment. That she had chosen him just like had chosen her. That she had chosen him to witness her at her most vulnerable state.  
He could have said it right at that moment. That he loved her. 
But he didn’t. 
He bit down on his lip stopping himself. Wanting to completely forget the thought. 
He didn’t love her. 
“Stay, please,” she murmured. Her words breaking his thoughts. He just nodded wrapping his arm around her. Pulling her closer. 
He never had any intention of leaving.
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noforkingclue · 2 years
Hi, how are you doing today ?
I hope that you are well.
I was wondering if I could please request something ?
Prompt ~ " What more do you want from me, huh?! You took, my freedom, my life, my happiness! I'm tired! I don't have anything else to give you!"
Details ~ After reader says this prompt to dark!Zemo months after kidnapping them. And then reader just shuts down and is completely depressed/catatonic. Zemo evens offers them " freedom " or " letting them go" to see if they are faking but that doesn't even work. And then he starts to feel a little guilty about what they said.
Thank you ! Have a good day
~ ☄️ anon
Yeah, I'm ok. Did my back in over the weekend so that's fucking killing me. Apart from that, I'm alright!
Title: Fixing You
Warnings: dark fic
Marvel tag list: @geocookie21, @greeneyedblondie44, @purebloodwitch, @sessa23, @mxacegrey
Everything tag list: @greenrevolutionary, @byebyebreezywrites, @spngingerbread21, @layazul, @lov3vivian, @simonsbluee
It was your fire that first drove Zemo towards you. The fact that you’d never back away from confronting him about what he had done to you and your friends. He wanted that for himself. For that anger and hatred to turn into a fiery passion. The wo of you would be beautiful together and Zemo was patient enough to wait for you to see that.
But while you might’ve argued with Zemo you were never violent. In fact, Zemo had never seen you fight anyone. Well, until today. You had slammed him against the wall, fists curled against the lapels of his coat. You were breathing heavily, your nose just brushing against his as you hissed out,
“What more do you want from me, huh?! You took, my freedom, my life, my happiness! I'm tired! I don't have anything else to give you!”
Zemo remained silent as you shook him.
“Well?” you spat, “Don’t you have an answer for me?”
Slowly Zemo raised his hands and curled them around your wrists. You frowned slightly as he squeezed them before wincing as he increased the pressure and let go of him. Slowly Zemo started backing you up. You stumbled when the back of your knees hit the bed and Zemo said quietly,
“You know what I want from you. To accept this.”
It was your fire that Zemo loved and it was him the extinguished it. Even since your encounter about a week ago all you had done was look out of the window. Zemo watched you from the doorway of your room. You were sitting in a high backed armchair, legs pulled up against your chest, as you looked out of the window. As soon as he had saw you retreat inside yourself he had immediately taken you back to your home city.
“Liebling.” he said
Nothing. You didn’t even turn around to acknowledge him. Zemo exhaled deeply as he approached you. Previously he would make sure to lock the door behind him. There had been too many times where you had tried to run passed him that he had learnt his lesson. Originally he found these to be irritating, although he managed to mask his irritation well. But now he would do anything to see that reaction from you. Just any acknowledgement that you were still there.
“Y/n,” he put his hands on your shoulders, “Can you hear me?”
Still you didn’t move. Zemo bent down and pressed his lips against the top of your head. He looked up and wrapped his arms around you, joining you in observing the city.
“I’m going to be out for most of the day,” he said, even though he knew you wouldn’t reply, “I’ll be back this evening. I’ll leave your door unlock so you can explore the city.”
He stood up and cupped your chin and gently forced your head back to look up at him. You stared up with unseeing eyes as he leant down and pressed a kiss against your lips. You didn’t kiss back and Zemo pulled away feeling emptier than when he entered your room.
He had unintentionally broken you and he would do everything in his power to fix you. He wanted you back.
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daddyy333 · 2 years
His hardworking girl | Steve Harrington x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 0.8k
warnings: ?
summary: Steve takes care his hard working girlfriend
“Hey, beautiful. Oh, look at you, see you tired?” He said as you walked into his house, finding him making a grilled cheese in the kitchen. You nodded and he turned the stove off, walking over and pulling you into a hug.
He smiled and kissed your head. You worked as a waitress downtown, and it paid pretty well actually but you weren’t treated the best. Your manager wasn’t the nicest, customers were pretty rude sometimes and you only had your lunch break to relax which was just 15 minutes. You were on your feet all day long, and your back hurt tons from the lack of rest your body got.
You worked quite a bit too, but that’s just who you were. Steve was proud of that, proud of his hardworking girl. However, he wasn’t the biggest fan of you coming home drained of all your energy, driving home really late at night sometimes, and all the pain and stress it put your body through.
“Let’s get upstairs so you can into some comfy clothes and relax, babe” he said and kissed your head again. You nodded and pulled away, heading up stairs. You groaned softly, your feet extra sore today. He sat you down and slipped your heels off, massaging your feet gently.
“Ahh! Mmmh…ooh, right there Steve- there there there yes oh my god,” you said and he chuckled. He continued massaging your feet for a few minutes. He then washed his hands and changed you into just your panties and one of his big t-shirts knowing that was your favorite kind of outfit.
“Ok, let’s get this makeup off,” he said, coming back from the bathroom with your makeup remover and your bag of moisturizers and serums and all your skin care stuff. He got your makeup off and then you helped put on all your skin stuff in order, which made you really happy because you never thought you’d find a boyfriend who wanted to do this kind of stuff for you.
He kissed you softly when he was done and then unbuttoned your work shirt, sliding that off and standing you up to pull your shorts off. He left you to shower and you smiled, thanking him.
He was always so sweet and took care of you really well when you got home from work, knowing you needed it. When you came out you could’ve sworn you brought yourself a towel but it wasn’t there so you called Steve to bring you one.
“Sorry, I put it in the drier so it’d be warm” he said and you smiled. You thanked him and dried off, coming out and putting on a clean pair of panties and one of Steve’s t-shirts. You went downstairs and he handed you a grilled cheese and went to heat his up.
He put your favorite movie in the VHS player and a few minutes later came back and cuddled up with you. “How was work?” He asked and you sighed. You shrugged and said “it was okay I guess. There was this baby that wouldn’t stop crying and the mom wasn’t doing a single thing about it and it eventually gave me a headache which I still have, but other than that it was fine”
“I’m sorry, bub. After dinner when you’re full I’ll get you some medicine for it” he said and you smiled. You took another bite and then said “how about you? How was work?” “Pretty slow. The kids came by and hung out for a bit but me and Robin had practically nothing to do all day. Made me miss you even more” he said and you chuckled.
You two finished dinner, he got you medicine and then started rubbing your back for you. “Mmh, babe…” you said and he hummed, finding that particularly sore spot you’d always had in your lower back cause he’d done this so many times for you already.
“That's good?” He asked and you nodded, squeezing his thigh a little and arching your back just slightly. He chuckled a little, pressing a little harder. You took a deep breath and whimpered a little, biting your lip.
“Mmh…why are you being super nice?” You asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. He continued the heavenly work on your lower back and said “what do you mean? Am I not always this nice?” “Yea but…feels extra today” you said and he moved a little higher.
He sighed and said “well you deserve it. You work hard, babe, way harder than I do” “that’s not true” you said, wincing. He kissed your head and said “it 100% is. Don’t try to deny it” You groaned and then got up.
You pushed him down on the couch and said “ok, cuddle time” He laughed and opened his arms, letting you settle into them. He kissed your temple and said “do you have work again tomorrow?” “No” you mumbled into his chest.
He smiled and said “good. No alarms tomorrow, and breakfast in bed and a bath with your nice smelling oils and all the love for you, okay?” “Okay,” you said and chuckled. Boy, did he love taking care of you.
As of now I’m writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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marune2 · 5 months
Tag Faust
Discordia is @lyranova oc
Mention of josele she is @loosesodamarble oc
As Tag whas 23 year’s old
Discordia whas in clover again too meet Tag the actual head of the Faust family there he is only in clover all other are death or missing
As fare she know Tag is a criminal not a bad crime person but still a criminal
She is at Tags home it’s hidden but big a friendly mate get her to Tag
What she see is Tag wo put Ida’s puppet in a shear
Tag: oh hey darling Long time no see I hope my people were friendly to you“smile
Discordia smile: they take well care dear cousin well I see you have still Ida’s puppet“ as she say it see she how close he is to the puppet as the puppet move out of nowhere
Tag: oh yes of curse she is anyway my sister isn’t it?“smile
Discordia isn’t sure if Tag mean Ida or the creepy puppet
As then the Puppe talk’s
Sebastian: Master It’s to mush again I’m not your sister……..and hello dear lady I’m Sebastian Tag’s devil…….
Discordia is shocked at this did. Tag really trapped a devil in Ida’s puppet plus Tag is creasy now……
Discordia :well Tag let go of the devil……
Tag:No…..I’m fast done sister needs help
Sebastian: I’m a devil Not you sister Master I looking fine enuf…..
Discordia: Tag well let’s sitting and have tee……
Tag: oh yes Darling
After they get Tee and after Tag let’s go of he’s devil
Discordia: you looking bad I assume it’s going mush on?
Tag: yes just some trashy evil magic knight are going araund and I searching after Ida and the other you know“ laughing tired
Discordia: Tag I think you should take more care of you not this you end like Nacht or worse Morgan…..
Tag Stare at her : well I take care of my and why should I?
Discordia: I think you have josele to take care of she needs you help“smile
Tag: No she can take care of her self“looking mad and smile
Discordia?:dear cousin I believe she did nothing do to you to be that mad „smile
Tag just Stare at her for some sec as he laughing
Tag: nothing? NOTHING?! Oh dear Cousin I believe we have definitely not the same wive! Got ya!
Discorda: what do you mean? Josele is nobody wo like to hurt other I know she did adored you“glare at him questioning
Tag: oh you don’t need to take care abaut this let’s just talk about something else ok? I have no power right now ya? How is it whit you darling?
Discordia: well if you mean dear I will dropping it for now….we’ll I doing better…
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notasapleasure · 1 year
a meme!
Thanks for tagging me, @grimm-lynn :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
I think the intention was to name me after my dad's mum (who died when he was very little), but to spell it in a more modern way. Inadvertantly, it's also a portmanteau of my parents' first names.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I was very sick and very tired and very frustrated when the removal guys broke it to me midway through emptying the house that they absolutely couldn't take any of my garden plants over the Irish Sea because of fucking BREXIT. I was also very angry with my husband, who was meant to have checked this. In the end, we managed to palm the plants off on friends and family and we'll try to bring them over later, once we've looked at the paperwork involved.
3. Do you have kids?
No!! I have known for a very long time that I never wanted them and do not have even an iota of maternal interest let along instinct.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
It has its uses.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
My weekend hobbies as a kid were horse-riding and karate, and I played field hockey at school, did long jump and 200m sprint. But then, y’know. Everyone else got taller and I didn’t really. I dabbled in rowing at uni, because it was kind of expected that you'd try it, but my late-night carousing rather interfered with the early mornings. Also, as mentioned, I am short. Since then I haven't really done anything regularly except about a year where I got into weights. I'd like to get back into picking up heavy things and putting them down again, but I resent the cost of gyms and I need to have a structured class where someone tells me what to do, I don't have the willpower or imagination for solo training.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Hm, it's tough to describe (my mum would say 'their energy') but like...whether they're engaging with me, like really with me and curious about what we're talking about, or if there's that feeling that you're on the clock to prove you're interesting or whatever before they get bored.
7. What’s your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Weird things to compare?? But uh. Happy endings probably? Not in my scary movies though. I like scary movies with bittersweet endings. Though the more I think about this choice the more confused I get.
9. Any special talents?
I'm so bad at answering these things, my mind just goes blank and I'm like 'oh pffff I don't do anything special, there's always going to be someone who's better than I am'. Assigned Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. There are lots of things I like to do and I try to do them well. I guess I will say that you probably want me around in a stressful situation - I'm calm and I love coming up with solutions to things.
10. Where were you born?
In a county hospital in a large and rural county of England.
11. What are your hobbies?
Ok, well. Writing, obvs. Fic and poetry now and again. There's an original idea that's been rattling round my head for a few years that I keep saying *this* NaNoWriMo I'll do it! And then don't. Art used to be much higher up the list but I'm so rusty. I haven't painted in years (...has it been over a decade?). Gardening (I miss my garden so much SO MUCH rn). Baking and cooking. I go through phases of manic knitting interspersed with a little crochet, but I want to improve my sewing - I have my granny-in-law's sewing machine I need to learn how to use. If we get this amazing house we’re looking at I’m going to have to get good at DIY, too.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two greyhounds and six (yes. six.) ferrets.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Art and English lit.
15. Dream job?
Not to be all 'I don't dream of labour' but I for sure don't dream of working for other people/companies. As you can see from the hobbies section, I like to DO stuff and be busy, but I like to work on my own terms and I like project work. So my freelance editing and proofing stuff suits me fairly well right now, though I dream more of a UBI that would let me do more with my time that wasn't just about earning, but could encompass more volunteering and community stuff. Being on furlough during lockdown suited me so well - I did so much and recovered so much energy that I was much more willing to engage with strangers as well as friends through video chat etc.
Tag fifteen mutuals - FIFTEEN?! huh ok, I’m tagging y’all but no obligation, right? And Idk who’s already been tagged, sorry if you’ve done this already and I didn’t see! @stripedroseandsketchpads @notfromcold @erinaceina @bellaroles @batri-jopa @donnaimmaculata @notabuddhist @kheldara @blxcksqvadron @boogerwookiesugarcookie @elwenyere @thatonelemontreeiforgorabout @jimtheviking @weirdsociology @rapidashmascot
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illwynd · 1 year
tag game, tagged by @gorgeousgalatea. ty bb! :D
favorite colour(s): green, black, marigold
currently reading: Understanding Wood: A craftsman’s guide to wood technology. And also doing a reread of The Hobbit and just got to Beorn’s place.
last song listened to: Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags by Amon Amarth.
last movie watched: conan the barbarian. for some reason.
last series watched: y’know, it’s been so long i’m actually not sure.
currently craving: hmm, well i just got home from a looooooong day of dancing (morris performance followed by trying out contra) and just (at almost midnight) had dinner of tikka masala, and now i have a beer in hand. so craving better knees, more hours in the day, and more days in the weekend.
currently working on: I’m scrambling to finally make three new sets of AoA Loki armor for me and my cosplay group and get them ready by SDCC. And also refinishing my buddy’s guitar but that is almost done, just need one or two more topcoats and then polishing (though, u guize, you have no idea how good it came out I am so happy. it is a Loki guitar if I ever saw one. it looks black in the shade, but there is a metallic green glitter i managed to embed in the topcoat that turns it VIVID SPARKLY GREEN when the light hits it). And making some stuff to throw on the consignment table at this year’s Viking Fest. I have too many hobbies and I refuse to put any back.
tea or coffee?: i require coffee to wake up but once i’m awake, i like a good tea.
tagging: oh, if you wanna do it, just say i tagged you, OK? I am le tired.
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mirajane-strauss · 2 years
How I would have written Gruvia
Disclaimer: if you are passionate about the ship you may not like some criticisms of the canon, but it made no sense to use the anti gruvia tag since I’m talking about the ship, its potential and the things I like. Read at your discretion.
Intro is perfect, Juvia having a crush on Gray at first sight despite being her enemy is funny, and her falling in love with him when Gray shows her the sun for the first time is really touching, so yeah, perfect.
Juvia trying to get closer to Gray was good. While I understand that some people might be bothered by Juvia's "stalker", I also think they misunderstand her. I recognize that Juvia has questionable behaviors, but this is not one of them. It's not about her spying on Gray, it's about her trying to get close to Gray, but due to her insecurity she can't. It makes sense for her to do this since she was an enemy of Fairy Tail. And their second meeting at the tower of heaven is perfect. Finally, she can talk with him, Gray is glad to hear that she will join Fairy Tail, and Juvia saves him. I also think Juvia’s jealousy of Lucy isn’t bad, but it would have been more interesting to see the inner conflict of Juvia who on the one hand wants to get close to Fairy Tail and be accepted by everyone, and on the other she’s jealous of Lucy. Also, I would have avoided the scene of her shrinking Lucy's bubble, not for a matter of 'Juvia is a bitch' (objectively if Juvia wanted to hurt Lucy, she would have done it without difficulty) more because that scene sounded OOC, given that Juvia wanted to get into Fairy Tail at any cost, it would have made more sense for her to do anything to please them. But it doesn't matter.
Juvia finally entering Fairy Tail and approaching Gray is so good, the little initial moments between them are super cute, they eating together and starting to go on a mission together were nice panels, even if they are small and few moments, I think that here we are at the most beautiful point of Gruvia.
Tenrou Arc. Here Juvia started acting weird, I find it a bit demeaning that she wanted to leave the S-class promotion trial just for Gray. She is a powerful wizard, she must have been happy to have that position, as if she had extra recognition from her guildmates. It's okay that she was worried about fighting Gray, but not so worried as to abandon the evidence. Luckily it was a cheap comedy scene.
GMG. Ok here there are many things that bothered me.
One, what is that naval battle, Juvia should have won or not take part in it.
Two, what is the triangle Lyon Gray and Juvia. It doesn't make any sense.
Three, what is that ridiculous battle between Juvia and Chelia.
Four, what is that scene where Gray dies because Juvia is distracted during a battle (look, I usually ignore comic scenes, because they're usually just blatantly OOC for the writer's amusement. But in this case, I can't, since it had an effect on the plot).
Five, above all, what the fuck is that ridiculous version of Juvia at the ball and Gray rejecting her.
Okay, I would have done:
Juvia does not participate in the naval battle at all. So, we avoid that ridiculous scene that debases Juvia. Then, during the Juvia vs Chelia battle, Juvia fights and wins. That’s all, there’s nothing else. She just wins. And after, in case, we can see her already tired fighting against Lyon (who doesn't have a crush on her), and Juvia is in trouble because she has already fought against Chelia. Gray arrives and they do a great teamwork.
Then, during the battle against the dragons, ok, let's put in that scene that pisses me off. Juvia gets distracted and Gray dies. AFTER that scene it would have been nice to see a change in Juvia, and a decrease in her comic scenes. It would have been nice to see her feel guilty, even though Gray is still alive. It would have been nice to see Juvia grow, she realizing that her adoration of Gray has gone too far. Instead of that ridiculous scene at the ball, Juvia should have been worried about Gray, and he should have assured her that it wasn't her fault. And Juvia should have said that she doesn't deserve Gray's love and that she won't bother him anymore. And here instead of that rejection from Gray (which made no sense at all and made it seem like he really wasn't interested in her), it would have been nice to see him wrestling with his words to tell her that she didn't annoy him. Juvia thus realizes that Gray likes her but that he’s not yet ready to reciprocate her feelings, and in the end, things remain the same (with fewer comic scenes and with zero jealousy because now Juvia is sure of Gray's feelings, and so also Juvia would have a character growth).
(Oh, and let's eliminate that Juvia scene full of Gray puppets, as I said the comic scenes are mostly OOC but there is a limit to everything. Honestly, a poster was enough).
Tartaros. So much potential misused. Juvia fighting Keyes? Yes! Juvia having an inner struggle about killing the necromancer or not? Yes! Gray using Iced Shell and seeing Juvia? Yes! Final scene of Gray and Juvia meeting at their father's grave? Yes, But. The scene was sweet, I liked the fact that Juvia was ready to give up everything permanently, but I would have liked to have seen it developed better. Like, Juvia who seriously turns away from Gray thinking she doesn't deserve him, Juvia who at the same time cares about him and wants to help him, and therefore she has contradictory behaviors. Gray sees that she is acting weird and tells her he needs her (because he's not fine of course), and Juvia says that's not what he wants, since she's the one who killed her father. So, she finally admits it, and here is the sweet moment of the manga.
Avatar and Alvarez. At this point, my versions of Gray and Juvia would be different. The two here would already have a kind of unspoken relationship, they would constantly take care of each other, they would both have matured. Gray would have understood that he deserves to be loved, Juvia would have learned not to behave like a fan anymore.
Basically, I mainly want Juvia with more personality and growth, since what I see of her is just 'she simp around Gray', which in the long run is boring and heavy, and very static for her character. I also want to see that Gray shows before Alvarez that he romantically cares about her. The scene on the terrace where Gray tells her that after the battle he will tell her how he feels didn't even make sense, especially since Gray didn't do it afterwards. It would have been better to see him telling her that he loved her (in a more or less subtle way) and that after the battle he would finally give her the love story she deserves. In this way, even the impact of her death would have been greater.
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Ok so!! This is more of an art related thing rather than OC related but I will ask some OC related questions later (if you won't mind ofc!) But !! I have been struggling with art a lot lately and I think asking my favourite artist for advice may help-
How did you get better with posing?
How did you understand perspective and anatomy distortion in order to add perspective?
How do you stop the anatomy from looking wonky?
Do you use guidelines?
You are really good at shading and rendering!! How did you learn those? Do you have any tips?
I'm really sorry about the massive question, I hope it's not annoying or anything.
Yeah that’s okay!! I’m always down to talk about arts and ocs(huehuehue-) so here’s wall of texts.
1. ppl usually advised to make lots of practices and i agree, but i also think it’s important to just make time to just. stare at arts and literally do nothing else. I usually do it on bus rides and before bed. Just stare at arts of my favorite characters and figured it out
I don’t draw a lot on hiatuses but I do browsed fandoms’s log on pixivs (-there’s lot of dubious drawing there so i don’t recommend if you don’t know how to block tags-) or twitter and find myself staring at a drawing for a long time, and when i came back from my hiatuses my understanding just got a teeny bit better since ive done nothing but stare at arts. This advice prob won’t work on everyone but at least i’m putting it out here
2. Also always looked up references whenever the pose looks wonky, always! Don’t be lazy!! google, justsketchme, or just taking a photo of yourself and traced! Tracing are actually a valid way to learn if you do it right btw (-there’s teaching abt this on youtube-), once you traced yourself enough, you’ll start getting it right firsthand! (because it’s too tiring to pose again when you’d understood how it works right?)
3. Anatomy distortion is it’s own thing ig. personally i’d say to just fuck it and draw. It’s important to be realistic but if the exaggeration was cooler than just pick the cool one i don’t think people care to check. Do what pleased ur eyes!! it’s distorted for a reason but maybe this is a bad advice oops-
4. I don’t have advices for colouring and rendering, i blackouted and colour appear before me. Filmgrab are cool tho, and pinterest. I actually have a folder in google drive where i saved all the screenshot of whatever cool thing or drawing inspired me and i open this folder when i’m desperated. It helped
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(you don’t need to use the same system i did here but having a private insp album with stolen arts helped, it’s fine as long as you don’t share them tbh)
Woe, learning be upon ye
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joonismyheart · 2 years
It's Always Been You
Park Jimin has been in love with Jeon Jungkook for years, probably most of his adult life. He doesn't even know when it all started or when he first realized it, but what he does know is that he's alone in his feelings. Now that BTS has retired and everyone is working on solo projects, he can get some distance between himself and Jungkook. At least he thought so, except that JK is a mega star and his face is literally everywhere. Jimin is doing amazingly in his own career but fans are constantly asking for him to collab with JK and all he wants to do is avoid him at all costs. Things were never the same after his private journals were made public after Heron's servers were hacked.
How was Jimin ever going to survive this? Worse, how was he ever going to get over the love of his life?
Come check out the first 8 Chapters here on Ao3! Updates each Wednesday if not before. Sneak Preview of Chapter 1 below.
Jikook with SOPE and TaeJin side pairings. Joon x OFC as well.
Rated Explicit with the following tags.
Emotional Hurt/Comfort Gay Panic Unrequited Love Mutual Pining public shaming - nonsexual First Time Blow Jobs Porn Watching Angst and Porn Angst and Feels Park Jimin is a Mess Jeon Jungkook is a Panicked Gay
eatingdisorder (CW used so it can be avoided)
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Park Jimin had been just fine living his life alone. Tired of the cavernous ache in his chest he’d spent the last year conditioning himself to not want anything more than that. It had been six years since he’d been anywhere near Jeon JungKook and a decade since BTS finally went their separate ways. Since then, he’d done pretty well with his solo career. Even at 36, he still had rabid fans who loved him and loved his music - what else could he possibly need?
Persistent knocking pulled him out of his exhausted haze. “Jimin-ah…are you in there? Let your hyung in!” 
He jumped at the sound of Hoseok’s voice. Looking back at him in the mirror of his dressing room was an empty man, no matter how much he tried to ignore it, he knew it was true. He couldn’t show Hobi that side of him though. No one saw that. He put on a warm smile and went to let his old friend in. Hobi flailed his way through the door, hugging Jimin’s neck as soon as he could get his hands on him.
“Ah, Jimin, I’ve missed you! The show was AMAZING! You continue to blow everyone away! How do you do it?!” Hobi’s wide smile radiated sunshine but he didn’t miss the flash of concern in Hoseok’s eyes.
“Talent, Hyung!” He struck a confident pose and then threw his head back with a laugh when his friend raised a skeptical eyebrow. Jimin pulled Hobi in tight once more then slapped him on the back and motioned for him to take a seat on the couch while he sat himself back in his makeup chair. “Just let me take all this makeup off while we talk, ok? It’s suffocating.”
“Jimin-ah, since when do you complain about makeup? You used to wear it on your days off!” He teased his friend, but the complaint only heightened his sense that something wasn’t right. His Jiminie wasn’t happy, and he was trying to hide it. JImin didn’t hide emotion unless something was very wrong.
“I’m just a bit tired of it, I think. I’ve gotten lazy in my old age.” He winked at his hyung in the mirror while Hoseok feigned offense.
“How dare you! I’m older than you are and we’re NOT OLD.” He stood from the couch to wrap his arms around Jimin’s shoulders. Resting his chin on top of Jimin’s head he looked into his friend’s eyes in the mirror. Jimin bit his lip to stop a wobble and looked away. “Jimin-ssi…you know you can tell your hyung anything. Always. I love you.”
“Ah, I love you too. I’m just tired, I promise.” A pasted-on smile covered his face, he even made sure it reached his eyes. A valiant effort but Hobi wasn’t buying it.
“Alright, if you say so. I have to go though, Yoongi is waiting at home, and he's been extra needy lately but don’t tell him I said that.” His conspiratorial wink made Jimin laugh. Sope, the pairing name Army had given Yoongi and Hoseok years ago, had been more true than their fans realized, and now that they were out and proud Jimin found his heart ached for something similar. 
“Tell him hello and that I said he’s the worst hyung ever for not coming to see me.” Jimin’s pout was intense, but Hoseok knew he was teasing. He kissed the top of Jimin’s silver mop of hair and smiled that warm smile that always warmed his friend’s heart.
“Don’t worry Mochi, Yoongi and Tae will both be here tomorrow. I think Joon is coming too. Jin Hyung is still in New York trying to get that silly american woman to love him, but you know how he is. He’ll be back with a sob story and then it’s on to the next girl. The fansites love it and you know Jin loves the chase.” That got a genuine laugh out of Jimin and made Hobi feel a bit better about leaving him. 
“I can’t believe Namjoonie might come. I haven’t seen him in ages.” A wistful smile crossed Jimin’s face as he thought about the last time, he’d seen Joon. He’d been off on some adventure with his wife, Lenae. Sri Lanka? He couldn’t remember but he’d dropped both of them at the airport. That was a couple years ago, and the couple had just returned to Seoul last week.
“I always look forward to his stories.” Hobi smiled from the doorway, one last attempt to cheer his friend. “See you Friday for dinner at our place? Tae’s coming too, of course.”
“Of course, Hyung, you know I wouldn’t miss it. Love you.” Jimin wiped away the last bit of eyeliner as he spoke. Hobi nodded, closed the door, and once again Jimin was alone with his thoughts. Always alone.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 12 days
ok so you asked which parts were my favourite.. toooo many omg (ok out of context this one is really 🤨🤨) but “Please disrespect me until the word disrespect has no meaning, and then do with me what you will.” ???!!??? LIKE?? AND
“You,” he affirmed. “Only you. Always you. You, and you, and you, until you grow tired of feeling my gaze so constantly.” “I would never grow tired of it,” you said. “Always I will want for you to be looking at me.”
that whole scene of her getting upset after seeing him dance with someone else then them having their first kiss ugh, and the time they fell asleep together while stargazing 😭😭 just ugh they are too much for me.. i think asftd moved at a much slower pace so it would take longer to get to the yearning but it definitely has so much potential if it ever makes a comeback 🤞🏼
i have loved your fics so much like i swear in almost every single era you have had i have been here for it!!!;!2:!1 i read tgp (though only briefly) and peregrine too (which i am caught up on), i literally loved peregrine even if i know nothing about bllk lol like i am just a sucker for those kinds of fics.. not to mention seabird?? it was only a one-parter but i giggled and kicked my feet i loved it like YES i do not know who itoshi sae is but🤚🏼
and yes about specific kinds of love, you just nail the whole crush sort of thing and like the yearning and the whole intensity of it that’s why i always love your fics whenever you put something out😭
i cannot wait for more peregrine honestly (if that’s what you think you’ll continue to work on) and as an og i will forever be nostalgic and hoping for sith and asftd to make a pomegranate ink type comeback😔 but even if not hey it’s a win anyway so🤷🏻‍♀️
I’M SOBBING THE FIRST ONE WITHOUT CONTEXT MAKES MEGUMI SOUND SO HEINOUS 😭😭😭 but omg i do love that whole scene hehehe their first kiss was so 💖💖💖 actually royal guard megumi invented romance #real he’s so full of yearning and pining and devotion it’s insane. i do agree that asftd is a much slower story than icoamd but that just means the yearning in it will be that much more intense (if i ever write it)!!! although actually funny story in asftd the king of yearning is actually yuji not megumi 🤫🤫🤫 like i think one of the tags/warnings for asftd is literally obsession and that is because yuji is actually insane in that fic omg like i cannot begin to describe it he is the most tragically mournfully in love character i have ever thought to write
awww wait i’m crying it’s so sweet of you to read everything like that!! SEABIRD WAS ACTUALLY SM FUN TBH I LOVED WRITING THAT STORY sae actually became one of my favs just because of it i literally did not even care about him before but he’s so funny and romantic and dumb in seabird that he grew on me heavily 😫 but peregrine actually is everything to me atm which is insane considering i typically hate stories set in modern times…i think the nonlinear set up is one of my fav parts about it because now that we’re finally getting to the chapters about them in high school it will be so much worse knowing how they will inevitably end up. like it’s a story you cannot change no matter how hard you root for them yk??? UGH
AHAHA OMG YAYYYY i’m so glad you think that!! i really feel like i’m so much better at writing the parts before a relationship than the actual relationship…re: yuta literally dipping from pomegranate ink after he and y/n became a couple 😭 yearning and intensity and strife are my favorite tropes to write that is why i will STAY a forbidden love stan idc if people get bored of it 🥱
YESS i’m planning on trying to get some more requests posted and then i will update peregrine i think!! the next chapter is like halfway done but i’m not letting myself write any more for it until i do some requests because i feel bad keeping people waiting 😔 and honestly anything is possible HFSKSJSJ i never thought pomegranate ink would make the comeback it did but somehow i went from not updating in a year to finishing it in a month 🤷🏻‍♀️ never say never yk
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