#oh yeahh! that's very nice actually!!
arabela25 · 1 year
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Power, Diljá - Söngvakeppnin | Iceland, Eurovision Song Contest 2023
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wonysugar · 2 months
she’s RICH. like i’m talking LOADEDD, it’s only natural she would wanna spend all of her money on her adorable girlfriend, even if you feel incredibly shy when it comes to anything financial. it’s her love language, she can’t help it aheheheh
“heyy wony i didn’t expect you to stop b— what is that.”
“it’s a cute little bag i saw while shopping!” and she’s smiling so innocently, “it reminded me of you, so i got it. do you like it?”
already aware of her compulsive buying tendencies, (and having acknowledged the very flamboyant, very visible chanel logo on the bag) you automatically ask, “wonyoung.. i love it i really do but— please.. how much was that..”
she stands there, trying to recall the estimate amount she spent on it (since she doesn’t even look at the pricetag before buying something lawl). “hm. around 5k i think? i would’ve gotten you something more expensive, but it was just so cute—“
“you spent five thousand dollars on me????”
oh please save me sugarmommy!wony i’m giggling… the way she would call her driver mid-date for you just so she can take you out to dinner in some expensive ass 5 star restaurant?? IT SOUNDS SO SPECIFIC BUT BARE WITH MEE
“i’m a bit hungry, aren’t you?” you asked, walking in the streets of downtown, holding onto her arm. “i know this burger place not far from here, we could g— wonyoung?” you ask.
“huh? oh sorry, i was just calling my driver to come get us.”
“isn’t he on break— why are you even calling him?”
and she looks at you puzzled, “??i thought you were hungry? also i’ll just pay him extra, his break can wait..”
“yeahh…? and where exactly are you planning to take us?”
her expression changes to a warm smile, “oh not that far.. do you remember that one restaurant i brought you to on our first date?”
you’re practically screaming at this point, “???the one that charged you 300 dollars for each of our meals???”
also kinda completely unrelated not really BUTTTT…. she’d buy you certain articles of clothing just because she thinks it looks good enough to rip it off of you later.. AHEHEH
heavy on lingerie btw. she’ll DRAGGG you to a random victoria’s secret just so you can try on the ones you think look nice! her evaluation criteria; ‘hmmm that one has free space on the sides so like if my calculations are correct i SHOULD be able to settle my hands on there and rip it off if i want to—‘
plus, who cares if she actually rips the lingerie apart? she can always buy you new ones :]
do i need her? yes. yes i do.
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I adore this entire conversation so much! I'm so happy to have Ramon back!
Ramon talking about his worries about Fit being alone
Fit talking about why he's hestiant to make more steps
FIT CONFESSING TO LIKING PAC (he actually said the words, I can't believe it)
Fit planning to get Pac a gift
Fit planning to go on a not-date with Pac! (thank you Ramon)
Fit: "Oh. W-well look, Ramon, okay, if- if this is about Pac, just be- be patient my child, you can't rush these things. You can't rush these things. And besides.. hold on, i just wanna make sure.. no one can hear us."
Ramon: 'I KNOW YOU'
Ramon: 'you took 5 months to learn create'
Fit: "5 months to learn create? Well, once i put my mind to it, it happened a lot quicker."
Ramon: 'and you learn most of it in days'
Ramon: 'lets be honest'
Fit: "Let's be- okay okay okay." to chat "Yeah stream chat, I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting absolutely cooked right now."
Ramon: 'sooo I guess Pac will be the same'
Fit sighs
Ramon: 'SOOOOOOOO i dont wanna risk it disappearing and not see the progress in person by any reason'
Fit: "We- well okay, yeah. Don't worry, Ramon. It's.. it's-it's just- it's just a little tricky, it's just a little tricky, cause.. um"
Ramon starts placing TNT
Fit: "Well, hold on, hold on! Ramon, Ramon, listen to me. Just remember, I- I'm on quesadilla island on very important business, and it's like, yeahh, I like Pac, but I-i.. I just, I don't want him to get caught up in all this, you feel me? Like, it could get- it could get dangerous. So I-i- I just- we just have to be careful!"
Ramon: 'dont you think a person that loves you would do anything for you? ANYTHING'
Fit: sigh "I mean.. you're not wrong, Ramon."
Ramon: 'I would do anything'
Fit: "I know, i would do anything for you Ramon!"
Ramon: 'i just dont want you to be alone forever'
Fit: "Aw Ramon.. Well, you know, I-i.. I have you, I-i have all of my wonderful friends here on the island, buy yeah, you're right. I mean, yeah.."
Ramon: 'well yeah but you have seen that we eggs are on oncurring [kidnappings] constantly'
[kidnappings was a language barrier]
Ramon: 'so it would be a relief to have someone to watch on you for me'
Fit: "Yeahh.. right. Y-yeah, you know, you're not wrong, Ramon, you're not wrong. Alright, you're not wrong. It-it's-"
Ramon lights up the TNT
Fit: "Oh god, oh god. OH GOD! DON'T MIND ME! JUST.. Right, okay. Fine. Well, you know what?" clap "I have an idea then, Ramon! I have an idea! Because we're all about baby steps, I.. I will get a nice gift for Pac, for the holidays. I will get him a nice gift that i think he will like. ... Right, like that-that's.. that's, like, a step in the right direction, right? Yeah, yeah! Which means, you like, you know, admire someone or care about them, yeah! ... I think- i think that'd be good!"
Ramon: 'or a date'
Fit: "Uh.. ye-yeah.. uhm- uh.. Yeah yeah, something though, yeah Ramon, something, something!"
Ramon: 'you don't need to put it as a "date"'
Fit: "Ye-yeah yeah! We could use a different word! Like, it'd be, like, it'd be like the s- kinda the same thing but just a different name for it, yeah!"
end transcription]
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gettinshiggywithit · 11 months
「"ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜɪᴍ?!"」
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Scenario:- “May I please. Have some headcanons of possessive bf atsushi”(@diagonal-queen)
Pairing(s):- Atsushi x gn! Reader (romantic) | akutagawa x gn!reader (platonic)
Genre:- fluff?/crack? Idrk….
Type:- oneshot
A/N:-HIYA! Here’s a little atsushi oneshot requested by our favorite queen @diagonal-queen!atsushi is a little ooc i think? And also i hc that aku would be a genuinely sweet person outside of the mafia🥲.sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!
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Hmm okay this is an interesting one.
First of all I don’t think atsushi would be possessive…he knows he doesn’t ‘own’ you and that youre ur own person.
Does he get insecure and ask for reassurance later? Very much so.
But there is one person I see him being possessive around.just one!
Can you guess who?
If you guessed our resident emo boy aquaduct,then you my friend are correct~
Let’s set the scene shall we~
For unspecified reasons,atsushi is told he has to partner up with akutagawa.okay fine.he’s used to the coat clad carpetmuncher so he knows he can handle it.
What makes him suddenly not want to go through with it is dazai telling him that you’d be accompanying them too-
“’Sushi it’s fine I don’t mi-”
“now now,y/n’s ability might be useful that’s the only reason we’re letting them accompany you.”
“BUT I-”
You place your hand on his arm and squeezy it lightly to reassure him that its okay.
He begrudgingly sighs and accepts that you’ll be hanging around akutagawa for the entirety of this mission
He’s actually nervous…
You were a naturally chatty and curious person…what if you triggered akutagawa to use rashoumon?! What if he hurt you???!!!
Noticing his glazed over eyes and nervous expression,you kiss him on his cheek to bring him out of his head and back to earth.
“’sushi,it’s fine.dont worry I’ll be fine.i can hold my own.i promise” you smile up at him (or down or directly at depending on ur height~)
And he relaxes.
You’ll be fine…it’s fine!
-skip to while youre on the actual mission-
He was wrong! He was SO wrong!
The moment he sees akutagawa he pushes you behind him and stands between you two.
But nothing could have prepared him for what came next-
*Cue shook and confused tiger boi*
“Oh yeahh I met his sister at the Laundromat the other day and we just became friends by default ig?”
“it’s not that difficult of an idea to comprehend,weretiger.are you truly that daft?”
“but y/n…he’s a criminal! HE’S FROM THE MAFIA!”
“I didn’t know that ‘sushi :’) I just thought they were two nice people….and honestly ryuu isn’t all that bad…”
“don’t be foolish weretiger.i would do no such thing,for unlike you,y/n is an actually tolerable human bein.now if it’s someone’s death you wish to witness I can gladly make arrangements. *cue the activation of rashoumon*”
You:- !!!!!
“umm no no.thats not what he meant ryuu…put rashoumon back…. Please?” you said, your hands on akutagawa’s chest trying to keep him as far away from atsushi as possible without actually using any force.
Atsushi :- o_0
No because what was that??? Why were you Touching him????!!
He was so confused tbhh
He was even more surprised when aku sighs,retracts rashoumon,gently takes your hands off of him and puts his hands in his pockets before turning on him heels and simply saying “fine.just come on.we have an objective to accomplish”
Atsushi’s jaw :- dropped
You:- skipping after the emo fella ,your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend’s.
Okay no why?what? huh????
He physically shakes his head to clear it from all his racing thoughts.
He took only one thing from that entire interaction; he could Not let akutagawa get anywhere Near you.at least not when he was around.and he most Certainly couldn’t let that man lay a single finger on you!
He stops walking causing you to do so too.
The ceasing of the sound of footsteps behind him causes akutagawa to also stop and turn back to face you.
“sushi? What’s wrong?”
He suddenly leans forward to kiss your nose,causing you to blush hard and simultaneously causing akutagawa to roll his eyes and keep walking.
  During the entire mission he keeps initiating little acts of pda,whether it was holding your hand,shoulder or wait or shielding you from whatever was around.atsushi did NOT let you be away from him for more than 5 milliseconds!
Akutagawa didn’t really care but when the time came where he needed to be beside you for even a second,maybe to say something or even if he had to move you away from an oncoming threat,atsushi would just spring in between the two of you and truth be told even you found it a little irritating…
Yes you loved your boyfriend and yes you would never cheat or leave him for someone,but this was getting ridiculous! You and akutagawa were just friends!
It really wasn’t as deep as atsushi felt it was…and besides,you were closest to gin…not ryunosuke!
So after the mission (thank God his little fit wasn’t detrimental to your overall success!) you pulled him aside and asked him what was up.
The look in your eyes was both pleading him to tell the truth and a little angry he wasn’t being honest outright.
And ofc,kitty boi caved.
How could he not?
He told you everything.how he felt weird for you knowing akutagawa and how close you seemed to be.
To which you sighed,cupped his cheek and told him clearly that you and he were nothing more than friends.and that you weren’t even that close to him.just his sister.
Atsushi exhaled at that and you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
Akutagawa immediately looked away.
And when you were done you took atsushi’s hand and were about to go on your way until-
“just one one thing,”
He pulled you in for a kiss,it was honestly perfect,and had it been a different time and place maybe things could have progressed but alas you were on a mission and not at home.
Nevertheless,as his lips captured yours,he pulled you in closer by the waist,and you leaned further into it.
About 5-10 seconds in akutagawa REALLY felt awkward and coughed….you were gonna miss your rendezvous point.
Once you both heard his cough,only you felt embarrassed,and when you tried to pull away he lightly bit your bottom,causing your eyes to widen.after which he released both you and your lip and just gave you a quick peck on the nose and his cute little smile.
You all ignored what had happened and even akutagawa didn’t seem to give a dam.
Atsushi actually looked kinda happy ngl,and ofc the entire way back he had his arm either around your waist or on the small of your back.
(when yall get home if he’s still feeling it mayhaps you end up with a little hickey two? Mayhaps😉)
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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girlboypersonthingy · 11 months
can I request a list of like green flags and red flags for each of the characters in voltron? btw I love your writing:)
Hello friendo, thank you sm! Thanks for the request, I adore this idea. Also…Sorry y’all, I was posting like every other day for two weeks and then I hopped off for like two months. Oof life is really life-ing rn. I honestly chose to write this prompt before a lot of other requests bc it seems like an easy and short thing to bust out quickly. I swear, I will get to the rest eventually 🩵 keep sending in requests if you’d like! And as always… ENJOY~
Red Flags 🚩
TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING. We all know Keith is stubborn and easily overwhelmed with a short temper. He doesn’t really know how to talk to people without getting angry. He feels that bc he has a hard time explaining exactly what he means, people never understand him and that makes him mad.
Bro isn’t scared of anything…and that low key scares everyone else. Like…who isn’t afraid of anything? The whole team has tried sooooo hard to figure out what will get Keith to jump out of his skin and scream like a child but to no avail… Boy just doesn’t flinch, doesn’t care, couldn’t care less about bugs and rodents and clowns and heights or anything like that.
Wears his gloves in the shower sometimes. Like wtf ???
Green Flags ✅
Also bc he is not afraid of anything, boy will protect his friends/family/partner SO HARD. He will verbally AND physically tear someone apart just for looking at you the wrong way. Very protective and caring but in a good way ya know?
Actually very selfless and not self-centered in the slightest. Keith is very giving and helpful, despite his tough exterior, he’s very caring, observant and considerate. He’ll give the shirt off his back to someone in need. He’s always down to help others. Ugh Sweet heart ❤️‍🔥
Has a sick ass space wolf that will also protect you like COSMO IS A MAJOR PLUS OKAY BIG GREEN FLAG DOGGO
Red Flags 🚩
Obvi his biggest red flag is how flirty he is. Boy will flirt with anything that breaths and that can get really annoying sometimes and affect the rest of the team.
Jealous AS FUCK. Like the petty jealous type. Lance is the kind of guy to pretend he has a partner back home just bc some alien girl he was flirting with said she had a partner already. He’s like “OH YEAH? Wow cool me too, same same, yeah….” But homie’s ego is a bit sore now…
Lies a lot. Lance just panics sometimes and tells a lie. He knows it’s wrong and he always feels guilty after lying to someone but it always just slips out. His mouth moves faster than his brain most the time.
Green Flags ✅
THE BEST HUGGER/CUDDLER OMFGGGGGG. Lance is the best hugger and cuddle buddy ever, period, end of story, try to change my mind. His long arms always stretch fully around the recipient’s torso and he squeezes tight enough to make you feel warm but not smothered. Usually will rest his chin on the other person’s head if they’re short enough (so Pidge obvi).
Very aware of other’s moods/body language/tone of voice. Everyone thinks Lance is “the dumb one” but he’s actually very in tune with what’s going on in the moment, what’s going on around him. I think he can tell how others feel the second he sees them. Good intuition kinda thing. An empath for sure.
Very considerate and often remembers the little things about people. Does he remember what he learned in class just a couple days ago? Pffft heck no! Does he remember everyone’s birthday, every year and get them a very thoughtful gift? HELL YEAHH I LOVE THIS SWEET BOY OMFG 🩵
Red Flags 🚩
Honestly…idfk Shiro is so perf. Perfect baby boy all the way
Maybe he could seem too nice at first…? Like when someone is nice but ur like “are you for real? Or are you fake and evil and you’re hiding something?” I think Shiro could be perceived as being fake nice at first.
Omg I feel like Shiro is one of those “ oh no, that looks delicious but I can’t. I’m watching my carbs.” YOU KNOW SHIRO IS A GYM DUDE WHO COUNTS HIS CALORIES PLZ
Green Flags ✅
ALSO AN A+ HUGGER. Imagine those big ass arms holding you so softly and so close to his big, warm body. Omg so comforting, so relaxing. Often gives a gently squeeze just before letting go and pulling away. Ugh 😩❤️‍🔥
Literally the most trustworthy man in the universe. Will defend his friends, loved ones, and planet until the end of time. Shiro would die before revealing any secrets you’ve asked him to keep. The best person to vent to bc he’ll never tell another soul about it. He’s like a personal diary
Shiro is sooooo patient. Definitely the most patient one on the team. He really does take his own advice…ya know, patience yields focus 😌 very sweet, calm man. We love Shiro
Red Flags 🚩
Lowkey kinda moody and can get snappy very easily. Pidge is a sweet heart and very smart and a good team player but she’s also stubborn and will yell to get her point across or make herself heard (she’s an Aries…what’d you expect?)
Sometimes very conceited and braggy about how smart she is. Like yeah Pidge, we know you’re a genius and you could code in your sleep. WE GET IT. UR SMART. GEEZ 😒
Green Flags ✅
Pidge is so baby. Yeah, she can get snappy and braggy sometimes but…SHES SO BABY PLZ FORGIVE HER. She’s just young and stressed okay? Give her a break. She’ll apologize eventually with puppy dog eyes and a soft voice and while she looks adorable, she is being sincere and really wants to resolve this.
Very loyal and determined. I mean look how hard she searched and fought for her dad and brother. She won’t stop for anything or anyone once she has her mind set. Pidge Will never leave you behind and will always turn back to help someone in need.
Androgynous royalty. Pidge is soooo chill about her gender and identity. We love a confident babe 🏳️‍🌈💚
Red Flags 🚩
Boy is too scared sometimes. I think Hunk has really bad anxiety and it’s not the anxiety that is the red flag, it’s how he copes with it…which he doesn’t. Hunk let’s his anxiety get the best if him sometimes…but he’s trying.
Honestly…does Hunk really have any other red flags??? Baby boy is so sweet idk 🤷🏻
Over eats to the point of getting sick sometimes…and never learns his lesson. (Me asf)
Green Flags ✅
Obvi his cooking skills!!! Can cook for any occasion, on any cooking surface, in any conditions. Can cook so many different dishes from so many rich cultures around the world! So talented. His food always hits.
THE ABSOLUTE BEST at cheering others up. Soooo funny and silly and kind and relatable. He tries so hard to brighten others’ days when they need it. Will stop what he’s doing just to go cheer up a friend or loved one and watch them smile again.
Red Flags 🚩
Interrupts A LOT. In any given conversation, he will interrupt and talk over someone else at least once every minute. Can get really annoying sometimes but in his defense, if he waits too long to speak up, he’ll just totally forget what he was gonna say.
Like Lance, I think Matt would be overly flirty and act like a Fuck boy sometimes. Like bro sit your nerd ass down, that person is SOOO out of your league plz chill.
Can not take anything seriously (unless it comes to his family or his or anyone else’s safety) but day to day, Matt makes so many dumb and inappropriate jokes at the worst times. Ugh 😒
Green Flags ✅
Very brotherly to everyone he considers a friend or family. Protective, constantly checking up on others, making sure they have eaten, asking if they need anything from him. He cares a lot. Bonus points bc he’s a very good brother to his actual sibling too. Aww Pidge and Matt are sibling goals. 🥹
HOT AS FUCK NO MATTER HIS HAIR STYLE/LENGTH. You can fight me on this. Matt is gorg and so is his hair at every single moment throughout the show.
Extremely accepting and open minded. Matt treats everyone he meets equally and never seems phased when he meets others so different from himself. He may ask some questions for the sake of his own curiosity, but would never pass judgment on another person.
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bolderfunkyman · 1 year
♡ Yandere Kaveh ♡
Alright.. But hear me out.. This man might get head over heals because he feels loved by you, as if he belongs and what not. So of course he wants to keep this feeling yes?.. Aaand A certain playlist gave me inspo to write this ehe
listing to the playlist while reading is quite a mood ngl.
Okay mentions of: Blood, NSFW, knifes, wounds, lovesick, not to clean useasge of words, NOT FRIENDLY FOR MINNORS!
I also used a lot of inspo of yandere simulator considering I have 0 sense of what is regular "yandere/possesive" behaviour.
also also, I will apologize for any spelling errors.
word count: 1k and i kept it as neutral as possible.
❝You have to be mine, no matter what.❞ || a yandere/obsessive #kaveh playlist
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Okay a little summary; You joined the Akademiya and you don't care for high grades. Just something high enough to pass would do. This leads to you being verry sochial because you don't need.. or rather you don't feel like studying 24/7. So people often find you at Puspa Café. And you once saw a particular handsome man with a feather in his hair. And tought would be fun to suprise him with a little drink since he seemed fairly tired.
So you were drinking coffee at Pupsa café, reading a light novel you got from Inazuma. Just enjoying the free time you have. Although the words seemed to kinda dance in your eyes. And you have started over several times. At this point you are just on the verge of giving up on reading and just observing people who are walking around in Sumeru. And maybe make little scenarios in your head about where they might go or whatever, just letting your mind go loose with it.
Until your gaze fell upon a person who seemed to be almost falling asleep on their work. ‘They might want a coffee as well’ is what you thought so.. You ordered him a coffee. And bring it up to him and introduce yourself to him. 
“You seem tired, would you like a coffee?” you said, giving an inviting smile to him.
 “Oh thank you, but you didn’t have to get me one” the blond man said.
“Oh please, If you would see yourself you also would walk up with a coffee, maybe even a pillow and a blanket” you answered with a slight giggle. 
“Very well then, I take the gesture of kindness. I’m Kaveh” he introduced himself. “You.. also study at the akademiya?” he asked. 
“Yeahh.. But I don’t plan on taking it too seriously tough” you answer.
“So that's why you aren't drained of energy, and neither are you studying right?” he said. 
“Yes. But I do study enough that I pass with a nice grade, I just don’t feel like being the top of the top you know?” you asked him.
“No.. I try to push myself as far as possible… I actually am doing that so this break is nice, I better not introduce you to my roommate then”' kaveh said.
Pff and why may that be?” you said again with a slight giggle.
“Well.. he. No nevermind him, I’m far more interested in you now. I have never met you or seen you before yet you are so kind to me to give me a coffee” He said.
Oh well it’s nothing really, what are you working on actually? Seems complicated.” you ask/said to him.
“Well I am an architect so it’s a work drawing or design rather for Port Ormos.” He answered.
Ah. I see, so you have a fine eye for detail and that is pretty right?” you asked him.
“Yes, that is why I am shocked to find out I never met you” he said it in a jokingly tone.
But you could feel your cheeks and tips of your eyes glowing and they were pretty red you thought.
You and kaveh proceed to hangout every now and then. And you hear all his complaints about his roommate, all the work he has to do. And how he is slightly going insane from not getting enough sleep.
You couldn’t help but be curious. You heard so much about his roommate. But he never introduced you to him. So you asked him if it would be possible to meet them.
“Meet him?! Are you out of your pretty head? HE IS THE WORST! Besides, why bother with him when you have me?” He seemed somewhat a bit more annoyed when you asked about his roommate. 
Okay, then. But agreed if I had to believe your stories you are indeed a lot more fun to hang around with kaveh” you told him. You saw a slight smile on his face before he continued on his drawings. 
With time you both start to hang out almost every day. You two really became very close. And people did in fact start to notice that wherever you might be kaveh is either at your side. Or not far away from you. Even his roommate started to notice he is a lot less at home. And not because he doesn’t have his key. No he is at your house, or you two are somewhere out watching the sunset or watching the starry night sky.
One day you fell asleep in the library of the akademiya, and woke up pretty late. It was already dark outside. You hurried to get your things and go home hoping kaveh didn’t wait for you at Pupsa cafe today.
While on your way home you encountered some eremites following you.
“Would you look at that, a scholar all alone.” one of them grabbed you by your shoulder. “Comon miss, don’t make it any harder for the both of us. If you just hand over all of your mora. We will be on our way. And you will be able to leave unscaved”
You quickly started to think what your chances are to get away if you just hit him in the face and made a run. But you calculated that it won’t work.
“Leave her alone already, or do I really need to risk my nails to hit you with my claymore?” 
You heard a very familiar voice. “Kaveh?!” 
“A architect? Right. What exactly will you be able to do?” one of the ermites said.
Before you knew it kaveh was up in their faces and indeed wielding his claymore.. Orwell wielding? It was circling around him. And the ermites figured this wasn't worth their trouble so they made a run for it.
“Would you look at that, I might have found my knight” you said to him with a smile
Thank you kaveh” you quickly added.
“Of Course! I was worried sick when you didn’t show up at pupsa. And here you are almost getting robbed!” He clearly sounded upset and worried.
I’m sorry I fell asleep in the library and I just woke up. How about I make you dinner to make it up to you huh?” you offered.
“I won’t say no to that, although I now have some other business to attend to if you don't mind.” 
Sure, I will bake some muffins then, we can eat those perhaps tomorrow while stargazing?” you told him.
“Sounds lovely, I will see you tomorrow then” and with that he quickly left you.
But something about his whole being just now didn’t seem right. But perhaps he has a deadline to finish or a meeting to attend to.
okay maybe a part 2 idk? please do let me know. I kept it like so so i can add a next part and make it somewhat of an actual story.
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
Hear me out... Boa hancock and transgirl sanji, rescued lil sister
Maybe hancock picked her up directly up from germas dungeon or maybe judge wqs a tad bit worse and after several months in the dungeon he sold sanji to the celestial dragons and is then rescued by hancock who sees her and is like 'yeahh no fuck this, lil kid is my sibling now
(sanji doesnt know she's a girl at that point) (also if lusan happend in this AU that would be so fucking funny thinking about it 😭😭)
Boa finding a kid in germas dungeon and just being like "Mine" and finding out Sanji's a boy back on Amazon Lily. Sanji looking at the women and girls and saying he wants to be pretty and oh. Ooohhhh. Boa still found a little girl she's just not herself yet. So Sanji is given dresses and skirts and blouses and told to try them on.
Like everyone is looking at this kid the Queen brought home and is fucking frightened when they find out she's the queen?? They ask her where she got them and she's like "The Germa Dungeon when I was visiting for delegation. This is Sanji. They're my baby now."
Sanji is just...there. Sanji goes through the motions of being royalty and it's never quite clarified if Sanji is a baby sibling or an adopted child but is baby. They are baby. That's the only consensus everyone comes to. Baby. They are well taken care of and as royalty, again, properly this time Sanji actually enjoys it. They enjoy going to events and being coddled and admired.
And being on Amazon Lily means Germa really won't come after them. Plus Boa is really nice and has clothes made for them just kind of at a whim because Sanji loves skirts and dresses but they fight with their feet so some sort of legging or very opaque tights would be nice.
Eventually Sanji comes out fully and is somehow swept up in the Strawhat madness as their cook and thanks Iva she's living her best life. Truly. She and Luffy probably start dating early on but it's not like anyone really talks about it. It's just how it is. And then when Luffy shows up on Amazon Lily and Marineford happens, Luffy doesn't even know Sanji is baby to Boa. Nor does he care to mention her because Ace and Boa is so infatuated she doesn't ask about Sanji.
After Marineford and when the crew reunites Boa is sad to see Luffy go but then remembers Sanji is on his crew so while at Sabaody when she's there to help send them off after her and Luffy finish up whatever see Sanji off officially this time.
Then Boa watches Luffy tackle Sanji and kiss her and Sanji laughing and holding him and kiss back. Boa is fuming and demands to know what's going on and Luffy is just "Oh, Sanji and I have been dating since Drum Island."
"Oh gods you're obsessed with Luffy, after no man was supposed to sway you!" Sanji starts cackling and pointing at Boa.
"I can't believe this, wow, the baby wounds me so." Boa growls.
"Baby as in baby sister or child?" Usopp asks. There is no answer given. Sanji is just baby.
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guiltycorp · 1 year
thoughts on this current quest! ! CARIBERT SPOILERS
good thing that we got a specific answer as to 'where was Khaenri’ah located' 
LOVED the tidbit about Kaeya trying to run away to Sumeru as a kid — as nice as living in the winery might have been, little Kaeya was still sentimental enough to risk that newly gained safety just to reconnect with his roots, very sad and revealing
...also, his absence caused a ruckus and Crepus personally went and took him back, which means either that he truly cared about his sworn son ...or that he had a yet unknown goal for him 👀
more confirmation for Kaeya being a little bit too much into alcohol since he tried every kind of liquor the tavern offered and appears to have a high tolerance (day-drinking even though he must have known that a difficult conversation with the Traveler and Dain was incoming)
on that topic, tbh im not sure if his excuse (learning about Sumeru’s alcohol industry and leading trade negotiations) was supposed to be just that, a lie that he came up with, or if genshin writers are this bad at writing excuses for characters to be places... like I guess 'alcohol import regulations' could be something that the Knights would do, but when Snezhnayan merchants wanted to import their firewater they went straight to Diluc, and overall this doesn’t seem like a worthy task for the Acting Grandmaster’s right-hand man
...unless it was supposed to be a vacation that Jean sent him on, but why would she want him to miss Windblume?
also apparently Diluc won’t be in Windblume either, so maybe this is something they coordinated on, idk
but yeah no, most probably Kaeya just lied and specifically went to Sumeru to find out more about Alberichs
anyway, he is as avoidant as ever, getting the small bit of info he wanted and immediately bailing on mc and Dainsleif (who seems like the type to reveal important secrets without meaning to, so it probably would have served him better to pry a bit more) 
i would have enjoyed it if they actually started arguing haha but alas
don't have a lot of thoughts on Dainsleif himself, his reaction to Kaeya makes sense considering his grudge against the Abyss Order
i still think that Kaeya might have ties not only to the Abyss Order (which he only confirmed for himself now), but also to the Fatui (which he might have known about all along), but that's all just theories
overall i really like that Kaeya doesn't seem to know that much about lore stuff — this gives him an opportunity to learn about it alongside us and have to actually grapple with his duties to either Mond or Khaenri'ah rather than it all happening in the backstory somewhere
also since we are told that Kaeya is Chlothar’s descendant that must mean: 1) Caribert was rid of his hilichurl curse somehow and later procreated  2) unless Kaeya is Caribert lmao but that would be too much?.. 3) in either case Kaeya has some Mondstadt blood in him too since Caribert’s mother was from there, tying the whole ‘bloodline’ issues together neatly
otherwise, yeahh, the usual unfortunate writing choices...
gasp did you just empathize with a character who stands against the current status quo? well, let's spend looots of time proving how unreasonable they are.. 
like it's not even a good play on the standard story of cults preying on vulnerable ppl, but who cares at this point
i guess it’s somewhat interesting when compared to Kaeya’s dad writing which made it sound as if Alberichs took over the responsibility of ruling over the survivors as soon as Khaenri’ah’s royal line was incapacitated, while this quest makes it seem as if Chlothar Alberich lived on his own with his cursed son for a while before he founded the Abyss Order 
which also means that they weren’t officially recognized as regents by the nation? hmm
oh and we didn't even get to see what's under a hilichurl's mask :/
we did learn a bit more about Khaenri’ah as a country, specifically that they had some serious divide between the ‘true’ Khaenri’ah bloodline ppl, the nobility, and the commoners, but im guessing this just leads to ‘it deserved to get nuked bc it sucked’
the gravity thing was fun, i liked it in Elden Ring and i like it here hehe, hope there's more of it in the future
but the dungeon seemed pretty cheap overall, especially that same reused statue prop lol Also man, imagine how fun it would be if the twins actually switched places and we played as the evil one for a bit. It would make the dialogues so much more interesting...  Because yeah, the writers should really stop making so much of the story revolve around the mc when they still don’t have much of a personality or specific motivations. At least our sibling has a goal in mind.  But yeah, no. Anyway!!
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fumifooms · 5 months
Hi I adored your chilchuck/marcille fanfic, "grind me down sweetly", that was so lovely!! i ate it up with like no hesitation! i was wondering if you were considering writing more of them? thank you so much for all your work and thank you for sharing it with us!
First of all thank you so so much!! Every nice word and kudos mean the world to me, and for rarepairs they're all the more cherished 💖 And yes anon, I absolutely do plan on making more for them! As much as I can manage, a library's worth if possible. They're my absolute Dungeon Meshi OTP and Dunmeshi’s been my obsession for like 10 months now, I'm a huge shipper & I love making fancontent and yeahh it's not stopping anytime soon. Though I am a slow writer... And I really should get around to finishing my older non-dunmeshi wips too 😫
I’ve talked about marchil fanfic prompts/wips a couple times on here, and very recently even about a sequel to Grind Me Down Sweetly actually! The fic’s a lot about having a familiar routine with someone and sort of growing used to that, to knowing someone like that and with sharing his days and his living space with someone again, about growing open to the idea that maybe just maybe he and Marcille could have something in the first place. And it’s kept pretty platonic due to that and whatnot, but I recently thought that, since the arc of him becoming more aware and open to the relationship got done in GMDS, doing a sequel where we actually see the relationship grow more romantic would be cute!! Warming up to the romantic nature of their relationship like settling down into a cozy couch. And this time rather than coffee it’ll be centered around what all the best cafes have… Cats!
Gonna summarize the concepts of some of my marchil fic wips under the cut, if you’d rather go in blind when they… Eventually get written, then you can just stop here and safely be assured that I am 100% planning on writing more for them! Oh, btw I also take prompts and requests, though I can’t promise anything.
Alright so GMDS sequel: I think in canon both Marcille and Chilchuck have a special dynamic with Izutsumi, where they care after her, not unlike Senshi but with more feelings attached. With her traveling around, I feel like every once in a while they’d talk about her, dealing with the worry and the uncertainty. Marcille is like "My fragile baby bird out into the world… She needs to at least live to be 100 years old 😭" while Chil knows how it’s like and just trusts her to be alright, like with Puckpatti. And so!! Every time she sees a stray cat while strolling out her heart pangs… There are many strays in Chilchuck’s neighborhood, and with her pushing for it they start leaving some food out for them. At one point she sees one standing out in the rain all pitifully in front of Chil’s shop and she invites it in (to Chilchuck’s despair), and from then on it’s still a stray but it has a home to go back to… Until Marcille officially adopts it. And it can showcase Marcille and Chil’s growing relationship alongside that metaphorically, where she sorta moves in and they grow more boldly affectionate, and it’s like… Domesticating love… 😌 Man didn’t want a cat, a cat daughter nor a new lover, but they took a liking to him and were stubborn about getting close to him and now there they all are. I like to say that post-canon despite Chil living alone in his shop he gets a second family of clingy asses, and this is exactly what I mean. Vibe wise I’d like it to have that cozy energy of spending a slow afternoon at a nice quiet cafe on a rainy day, but we’ll see how I manage it! It’s not the highest on my writing priorities currently though.
Other marchil fic ideas I’ve talked about are… Following them on that time pre-canon where they went to shop for a pouch together would be cute. I have a long post talking about them being sick and caring for each other would be like and that’d make a fun whump fic too. He gets sick and she dotes on him, she indulges herself and kisses him anyways, and then of course he passes it on to her right as he gets better so then it’s her turn getting taken care of hehe.
This one’s more convoluted, so either Marcille invites him to a fancy social event at the castle as her plus-one (aka emotional support) maybe already dating maybe on the verge of confessing, OR they’re already dating and then Marcille’s mom visits them and it’s very sweet and maybe marriage talks happens~, but in both cases Chilchuck is going through SO much stress. Just Chilchuck’s heart being on the absolute edge of giving out, going through the five stages of grief over the banquet not having his favorite kind of alcohol and Marcille not letting him be an ornamental plant in the corner of the room and doing the bare minimum. Or having to engage with her mom and seeming worthy of being her lover as his shit is only barely pulled together after they hurry to ready his house to host her as a guest. And I have a bunch of wips where I tackle them properly doing a confession or a proposal… I was planning on making a comic about it even. Here’s a lil taste of them talking about getting into a relationship together~
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And you know what, here are some new exclusive ones I hadn’t shared yet that I’d really like to get around to making
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In the meantime if you want I have a ton of analysis and headcanon posts about marchil on this blog, and fanarts here, and @fumiku is my fanfic blog with updates + for fanfic related asks (which rarely gets used rip).
I have non-marchil dunmeshi fanfics I want to prioritize too, but idk idk I’ll see what I end up getting around to… I like having a new vision to offer with each fic, so I tend to prioritize fics that take a new angle for the same ship or tackle different characters and themes, so I can see myself pushing myself to do other stuff before falling back into my marchil comfort zone.
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slytherinshua · 2 years
French (Fry) Kiss
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: kisses and jeongin being an adorable dork. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: jeongin x gn!reader ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: late night date with bf jeongin. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 550.
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“I’ve got the goods!” You shouted, running back to Jeongin’s car and getting into the driver's seat. You placed the bag full of food into his lap and he grinned, looking through the contents of the bag.
“Where to now?” He asked, already having taken out a bag of fries and started eating.
“Arcade’s closed, that’s a no-go. A walk? Meh. Unless-”
“Amusement park.” You said in unison, making eye contact a moment after.
You turned on the car again and started driving. Jeongin plugged in his phone to the aux and started some music.
“I know you’re gonna finish all those fries by yourself, at least give me some!” You called out, making him roll his eyes.
“Here.” He held out his hand and plopped the fry into your mouth.
“Yang Jeongin, that’s gotta be the smallest fry in existence-”
He giggled and held out his hand again, placing a larger fry in your mouth.
“Thank you, Mr. Menace.” You said while chewing, pulling up to the dark amusement park.
You got out, Jeongin still searching through the bag for more things to eat. You smacked him on the shoulder, “Wait for me, come on!”
“Who’s the menace again?” He laughed, but stopped acting as if he had been starved for the past several days.
You climbed up onto the fence and jumped back down. 
“I’ll throw you the bag, make sure you catch it, okay?” He said.
“Jeongin, just slide it under the fence!” You hissed.
“Oh, right.” 
You face palmed and he laughed as he carefully slid the precious food under the fence. He then scaled the fence smoothly, clearly trying to show off.
“Mhm, very impressive.” You rolled your eyes and started to walk off with the food.
Jeongin quickly caught up to you, “Come on, babe, you thought it was impressive.” He reasoned, making you laugh.
“Fine. I guess it was a little impressive.” You mused, catching his hand in yours as you walked. 
He blushed from the hand contact. You two had only been dating for a few months, and he still wasn’t used to actually being able to hold your hand, or hug you, or kiss you.
“Rooftop?” You suggested, looking at the easily climbable arcade building that stood in front of you.
“Yeahh~” Jeongin grinned and ran up to climb it. He stopped and helped you up as well, to which you blushed this time, not used to him being sweet. 
“I got burgers and so much candy, I don’t even remember what I got.” You laughed, reaching into the bag for a burger that was still warm from being wrapped in foil.
Jeongin placed his phone down and turned on music again, creating a nice ambiance for this “date”.
“Y/n, want a fry?” He asked, making you turn and then laugh. He had a fry between his teeth, waiting for you to also bite it. You obliged, biting the end of it until your lips connected. 
“Mmm, salty~” You teased, making you both laugh uncontrollably. “If this is your way of asking for kisses then you can just ask.” You smiled, making him blush yet again.
“Okay… Kiss me?” He asked shyly. 
You giggled, “You’re cute when you’re flustered.” You kissed him again, satisfying both him and you.
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sukugo · 3 months
Kinda want to ask about A because i love how you talk about sukugo but im very curious about C and D
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
SUKUGO. ofc haha. (im so happy to know u like my thoughts thank u!!!! 💖💓) i really don't know what to say about them, i feel i talk about them enough (well, in all honesty, no, i feel i need to talk about them more jhjfdhfd). yeahh i just love them a lot. sukugo has actually been my fave jjk ship since the beginning, but it's kinda funny how it's only now that i got back into jjk that i have really called it my otp. they're such a good ship and i think the fight has deepened their bond in a way that has left me no choice but go even crazier for them. love, LOVE they're in LOVE aside from sukugo, my main jjk ships u could say are tojigo, yuugo, sukuita, nanaita, tho lately ive mostly been gravitating to yuugo and itagofushi. oh! and sukugoyuu literally just allgojo tbh anon. i dont care who it is. im just interested in gojo getting fucked, and i think about everyone doing it. these last few days i was thinking about nobago. rikogojo strikes me every once in a while. allgo. yeah that's the ship i like
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
this.....is hard to say... i dont think there's any 🤔 im a lover of all ships hahah, i really dont tend to have notps. i think the only proper proper notp i had was gru//via (gray/juvia from fairy tail) but that was ages ago and i dont really keep my dislike towards them anymore (my hate was mostly bc i was team gratsu and annoyed by juvia lol) the only ships i can say i have neg feelings towards are probs sen//gen (senku/gen from dr stone) and sato//sugu, which i wouldnt even say i hate or call notps, im just kinda annoyed by them dfjdfdgfd. and well, i wouldnt say i'll never like them. i mean who knows? maybe i might warm up to them (i actually have liked both ships in the past so) (and now that im seeing the question is a ship i've never liked, so they dont even apply). so yeah. the answer is: none fdhfds im cool with anything and everything :D
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
hmmmm in line with the prev question, it's hard to say when i dont tend to dislike ships. i mean there's st//sg but it's not like i particularly wish i liked it, i really dont care jdffhjdss. if i did, it'd mostly be bc it's so popular and it'd be nice if i actually enjoyed seeing it Everywhere (like WHY is my personal instagram full of them. i dont want to See. i wamt SUKUGO)
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minecraft-sideblog-tm · 8 months
(this ended up being a very long post where I ramble about some lore in my solo world lol)
I added this right after bamboo wood was first added and I went around finding places I could add it to builds. Still lowkey one of my favorite little details in a build like Idk it just looks really nice to me lol
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(don't mind the mumbo jumbo video playing in the top corner lol) I also don't think I ever posted the bamboo farm/ancient plant room I added to the underground plant lab a while back. So here's that!
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Oh!! And I also don't remember if I ever posted the condemned sculk lab I made either! Actually I might have posted about it, but I don't think I really went into detail and it's been a while anyway lol, so here's that too.
This is really rambly, so- *inhales*
It's connected to a little hallway in the secret nether lab.
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The lore is like this person already had a secret lab to study nether plants and whatnot without the villagers knowing. (Like, the nether is public knowledge and avoided due to how dangerous it is, so they wanted to keep the extensive study a secret as to not freak out the villagers)
((the only reason it's "public knowledge" is a meta thing because I already have a very obvious nether portal room and couldn't fit that into the secret lab lore unless it was like Oh yeahh that place? so risky and SO dangerous, and we never go there......unless? 👀 lmao))
While exploring far away they discover sculk deep underground. It's vaguely plant-like, or at least it unsettlingly seems like it's alive, and their Whole Thing is studying plants so they decided to take samples to study.
The sculk must be as ancient as the city, obviously causing the city's decay. And while it was clearly still spreading through the ruins it was doing so VERY slowly. At least, that was the assumption based on how little of the city had been covered in the seemingly hundreds or thousands of years since it must have abandoned.
Foreshadowing is a literay device used to-
Back at home, they decide to add a small room to the existing secret lab. They connect it to a small hallway off the main hallway, rather than building directly off the main hallway, because they were afraid the heat from the nether plant grow rooms might be too much and inhibit the growth of the sculk. Putting a bit of distance between the heat source and the sculk lab might promote better growth and therefore better research!
Foreshadowing is a literary devic-
Anyway, turns out they were very, very wrong. The sculk is MUCH newer than the cities, only overtaking them long after they fell to ruin and, therefore, grows much faster than expected. Maybe even accelerated by the fresher air this high up (this lab is around Y-level 41), and the high heat from the nearby grow rooms.
The lab is quickly overtaken and subsequently sealed off (there are three doors with glass walls between the hall and the room itself). While the assumption is that no one else will ever find any of this secret lab, the sculk seems so dangerous that they had to put a warning on the hall. Should someone ever discover the lab, it wouldn't be right to let them unknowingly walk into the sculk.
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(that part was inspired by me watching a video that mentioned scientists having to think about how to label stuff like nuclear waste in such a way to convey the danger of opening it to people potentially FAR in the future when our languages may be long dead or certain icons might have entirely different/unknown meanings and I can't even remember the video now but oh my god that's just so fascinating and terrifying to me, *inhales* ANYWAY back to minecraft)
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Tried to use armor trims to make a weird hazmat-esque suit. I feel like it looks a little silly, but I like the concept so I kept it. Also since the compass over the door is always spinning I like to imagine it's some sort of Geiger counter for sculk
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Combo of empty chiseled bookshelves and placing normal ones around until I found the spots with neutral/empty texture variations in the texture pack I use to make it feel quickly abandoned.
Then I tried to make the room feel unfinished too. Like maybe they'd just barely gotten it built and created a seemingly safe containment area for the sculk first thing so they could observe it. Sculk starts to spread outside of the containment, they try and fail to stop it from doing so, and they take their notes and seal off the room before it's finished.
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I also wanted it to seem like the sculk was degrading the floor, causing it to sink. Maybe sculk just thrives further down so it's naturally growing that direction, maybe it's vaguely sentient and purposefully trying to bury itself deeper, maybe the floor material is just weaker and/or closer to where it broke out of the containment so it's just the most affected. You decide!
They've done there best to not let any of the dangerous research slip to the villagers they live with, as to not worry them when the situation is definitely totally contained. However, one day a path above ground collapses and reveals a small pond with a....strange ecosystem. They aren't sure the villagers will believe it's just algae if they ever see it....
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it was entirely unintentional but this pond is actually almost directly above the blue nether plant room, so that's neat! Also this pond was naturally here, and I had decorated it like this (minus the sculk) and added a broken path long before building the nether lab or before sculk was in the game. Then much later I had the idea for a condemned sculk lab and thought oh hey! New pond lore!
The original weird pond lore was that every time I harvested potatoes I'd throw the poisonous ones in there, so eventually the water just Did Things. And I still like that idea because it's silly so maybe it's just a mix of both now lol
Anyway that's enough rambling about my solo minecraft lore because I've been rotating it in my head for months and just needed someone else to know. If you read this long I hope you enjoyed it and also thanks lol
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ruthytwoshakes · 1 year
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Art licensing info and bio below.
Im RuthyTwoShakes, Ruth for short .nice ta meet tcha ! Previously known as Daffoduck or Daffysbrainrot. I draw war criminals and beautiful ladies. (most often they are both.) sometimes fluffy dog people n other stuff! nerodivergent furry dyke yuri-appreciator disabled transgerederr individual, your typical tf2 player basically . It/its. But beautiful babes can use whatever pronouns they want helllll yeahh
I like talking a lot and it looks and sounds strange, not very good at responding to anything, but I appreciate every comment I get :D ALSO HEY IF YOU HAVE A TF2 EVENT YOU WANT ARTISTS FOR OR A FUN ART COLLAB THING reach out!!, I do not bite except for when I do but I cannot bite you for you are in my phone. ASK BOX IS OPEN ALL THE TIME TOO GIVE ME IDEAS AND I MIGHT JUST FORGET ABOUT HTME!!!
Wanna Use my Art?
some rights reserved - CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed (Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International)
You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
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The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made . You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
This work by  RuthyTwoShakes is licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
if you’d like to make fanwork of my characters, redesigns, or stories, I’d be honored! Please send it to me so that I can see your wonderful creation :3
Current Projects:
• TF2 Horse Land (yeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeahyeah!!) sketches are done! Horses will come soon. not actual Horse land btw it was actually super racist https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/732184080892002304/sneak-peaks-at-a-new-project-teehee-turndeed-them#notes
• TF2 Class Swap - sketches are done! Just gotta figure out how to add a little more flair to their outfits. https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/722513284945805313/howdy-everyone-i-got-super-inspired-by
• MissFire AMV(s) - not even close to finishing whoopsies sorry lesbians https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731001880846729216/bonus-sketch-hehe
• Kid Fortress Au - hough. Got so many idea in brain. No time. So sad https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731960714323001344/think-i-forgot-to-post-this-before-but-boom-kid
• TF2 Face Studies - https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/731316033133150208/howdy-homos-heres-some-studys-i-started-back
• TF2 Girlmode - teehee my first ever project. Should really finish it. https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708138916429070336/hey-i-made-the-tf2-but-women-i-love-tf2-ggrgsgdg https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/711305702595018752/women-and-pyro-and-pauling-i-love
• Glider - my boys,, love both of them so much. (Oldest to newest order) https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/716061402526269440/everyone-alert-little-weird-man-alert https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/716224290162360320/jump-scare-jump-scare-1000-nightmares-forever-oh https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/730031866599669760/raaaaaa-thank-you-qucihee-male-living-space
Completed Projects:
• silly gay tf2 memes: Trans Fems https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708546538842030080/figured-i-should-make-one-for-trans-mascs-too https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708579375961030656/its-nonbinerey-time-when-the-non-binary-said-its https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708640313249513473/l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s-didnt-add-anything-else-because https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/708770670835892224/oh-yeaaah-mu-lu-mu-time-men-the https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/729823820963250176/sup-bro-your-pic-of-soldier-saluting-the
• TF2 Wrist Health Poster - https://daffysbrainrot.tumblr.com/post/730095606308208640/howdy-everybody-i-loved-captainhanyuus-wrist
Important tags:
daffys drawings - all my old art yay!!!!!!!!!!!!
ruths doodles - all my current art :3
Ruths Artfight - artfight hooray
Epic TF2 Projects
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wafflecat2 · 1 year
Rating every teacher + Miriam in scarlet and violet how well would I enjoy their classes:
No. 8 - Dendra
Eventho her classes are about pokemon battles/related to battling, I think she's also the PE teacher. I mean look at her.
Eventho I can see her very suportive towards her students, I still would die in them. Don't like PE AT ALL. My experiences with them weren't great so thats why she's last
No. 7 - Tyme
As sweet and supportive she is, there's now way I would actually enjoy her classes. I like her as a person, but because I suck at math and it gives me anxiety - Nah. Just Nah
Shes a good teacher, but I don't really know when she's gonna explode like she did to Clavell. So sorry Tyme.
No. 6 - Salvatore
Kinda same with Tyme. He's cool and all, but how he sometimes acts... eh don't really like it... I know it's meant as a encouragement and tries to make the classes more fun but sometimes it's kinda... pushy? You know?
He's kinda 50/50
No. 5 - Miriam
Eventho she is the school nurse and don't have a teaching license [yet], I think she could be nice heath-education-teacher-thinggy (don't know the right word)
I think she's nice, but just because I can't have nice things, probably wouldn't like her classes as much I hoped.
No. 4 - Saguaro
He's a fucking chad okay? He's my dad now. Im not really into cooking but would 100% enjoy my time there. He's so adorable and cute! I mean, so MANLY that he wears pink and has some embroidery in his apron. Also uses pokemon he likes and not what everyone expects him to have.
ALSO THE FUCKING SLOPOKE CUP 😭😭😭😭 It's just so damn cute
But yeah, would enjoy his cooking classes
No. 3 - Jacq [almost forgot him]
Man, do I like biology. Is it humans or animals give it to me. Don't really like the history aspect that much but still.
He's kinda clumsy and forgets lots of things. He's also chill too that he rather show us videos than actually teach. Also can see that students tends to lie him about having homework so he always kinda "huh, I thought I did give.... OH well it's not that important" and then Clavell hears that and stares at him and the Jacq's like "oh shit"
Yeah, he cool
No. 2 - Raifort
HISTORY, LET'S GOOOO!!! Give it to me!!
Love history. So cool and interesting to learn about the past. I want to study history and become historian too so heck yeahh!!
I can see her being strict but wouldn't probably mind that. She's cool
No. 1 - Hassel
Do I really need to explain?
This man right here. Love him.
So yeah. Im the art kid so anything related to art and crafts is really nice! Don't really like all the mediums but learning new things is cool.
Hassle can be strict too but in a good way. He definitely would give all his students the best grades, but he really can't do that.
I guess usually with art, the teachers don't actually rate the atrwork itself, rather the techniques and how well you used them in the said artwork. And also how you behave in the classes maybe can affect the grade too.
So thats why you may not have given the best grades but idk. Im not a teacher and don't really want to.
I know Clavell is the director, so he'll mostly do paperwork than teach, but it would be fun If he did!
When I was in school, the principal taught something sometimes. It usually was kinda easy and quick so they could have time to do the paperworks and staff.
Idk what Clavell would teach, but hell yeah, his classes would be fun. Would enjoy my time there!
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Human Tito x Human Ozzie pt. 12 (1/2) (Jerry and Arthur)
"Jerry Robert Willis, the main leader and attraction to this whole mess! Him and the rest of his gang escaped last month. 8 people total, all mentally ill. They even caused the death of Natalie Fine, a.k.a "Dr. Fine". Back at the asylum, there was a meeting going on. The main boss, an Enby, Dr. Xaven, shows a project on their plan. They switch the screen with 8 pictures, the Crazy 8. "We're planning to start a search party, looking for all 8 of these patients. Even though it's been a whole month, I know, but we're finally ready! So, any questions?" One person raises their hand, "Uhm, Dr. Xaven, where do you think, well believe, they went?" Dr. Xaven slowly shows a sinister smirk, "We think that they've went to Hayesville..." Everyone started talking to each other, wondering if it's a good plan. "Dr. Xaven, this'll be a good plan and search party!" One of them stands up, "When should we start?" Dr. Xaven laughs, "Today..."
A few hours later, back at the abandoned building, Tito and Ozzie were outside. "L-Look...Tito! A-A... bug!" Tito smiles, "Ooh, I see it! It's a ladybug! I heard that the amount of spots it has, that's how many children we'll have." They both counted the ladybug's spots. Tito blushed and turned red, "3... We're gonna have 3 niños." Ozzie laughs as she jumps, "3! 3! 3!" Tito threw the ladybug, "I don't think that's possible! I-I was just...joking!" In the back, Jerry was picking flowers. "And this one looks really nice! Ooh, you too! Can't miss that one! Haha, this plan was the best thing I've ever thought of! This'll-" He turned around and instantly turned red, "O-Oh...Arthur! H-Hey..." Arthur turned red, "H-Hey, Jerry..." They both looked down and blushed, not knowing what to do. "So," Jerry replied, "How's...your day been?" Arthur smiled, "Good. How about you?" Jerry smiled, "Very good, to be honest..." Jerry looked at the ground and found the perfect flower. He picked it out and gave it to Arthur, "I was just...picking flowers...and this one reminded me of you! Hehe..." Jerry blushed, "Wow, thank, Jerry...." He grabbed the flower and blushed.. Sara and Cammy were peaking out in the background, "Cammy, darling, you seem a little tired... You wanna lay down?" Sara asked Cammy, "N-No, it's fine..." Sara gasped, "By the way... I might've snuck out yesterday and went to a random store and bought...." Cammy looked at Sara's hand, "A pregnancy test?!' Sara nodded, "Don't you have to check on yourself after 2 weeks of unprotected sex?" Cammy nodded, "Yeah, I think so. Thank you, Sara." Cammy hugged and kissed Sara on the forehead. Sara smiled, "I love you-" Both of them unexpectedly heard Jerry outside say "W-Wait, I need to tell you something important! It's about my feelings!" Cammy and Sara smiled at each other and ran to the door, "Oh my god!" Sara got excited. As they both watched, Arthur turned around and looked at Jerry, "Huh?" Jerry sighed, "Look... Ever since I met you, it felt amazing! I've only been in that asylum for 3 months, and you've been there for over a year. Seeing you everyday just made me feel a lot better! At the same time, I felt a strong type if feeling, a...a l-love feeling...." Arthur gasped softly and walked towards Jerry, "Really?" He turned red and smiled, "Y-Yeah..." Jerry had said. Arthur then held Jerry's hands, "Y-You...also had the same feeling...f-for me?" Jerry nodded, "Yeah..." Sara and Cammy smiled, "Told you it'll work!" Sara had complained and exaggerated in a playful way. "Arthur, do you actually have the same feelings?" Arthur nodded, "I've always had..." Arthur then put his hand on Jerry's cheek and kissed. "Y'know..." Sara said, "They're going a little too fast..." Cammy laughed, "They're perfect, it's probably gonna go fast! This shit is faster than I fucking thought!" Sara then looked confused, "Does Arthur suck Jerry's dick or does Jerry suck Arthur's?" Cammy then looked confused also, "I think they can do both...."
(Pt. 12 (2/2) coming soon 😭🙏💅👌)
Sneak peak for Pt. 12 (2/2): Jerry and Arthur are now together, how would their relationship go? Would it be bad, good, healthy, average? Are they actually meant for each other?
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Not be screaming Insanely to you about strollonso again but I have thots. Thinkings. And yeah.
So like I love how everyone expected them to not get well w each other yk like people THOUGHT they would be on each others throats, and nando would commit warcrimes against lance etc etc(Especially after last years Austin incident yeahh....)WHILE they were actually ALREADY on good terms in 2021(the recent gifs that showed lance being like a teenager w crush ykyky)(plus I do remember photos of them interacting just casually) and before that yk when nando congratulated lance on his first podium in baku(which I'll never get out of my head gladly)
And like NOW they are also so well w each other ESPECIALLY now that they are teammates. And its NICE and they are COMFY plus WHAT HAPPENED IM BAHRAIN OFC. And now wih nando casually making lance photos..they are so comfortable. Like aughh.
Thats all I guess please add anything you have in mind aswell 😭😭
Well I think it's funny because, as you mentioned, one of the only pre-2023 moments of strollonso I remember distinctly is when they had the collision during the US gp 😭 and I feel like everyone saw that and were like "oh god Nando is gonna kill him when they're teammates", and then a similar situation kinda happened again at the very first gp when Lance hit the back of Nando but when Nando found out, he's just like "okay :)"
I wonder though sometimes what they'd be like if the AMR23 was like the prev one. Because I do think Nando does actually like Lance, but also I don't think you can deny that Nando's podiums are indeed a buffer. Kinda like him being like "anything you can do to me is literally nothing because I have a great car and I'm doing better than I have in years", like bro is on top of the world after so long, and it feels like he's gotten a second wind where nothing can really touch him or bother him.
I hate how everyone uses that "Lance is the owner's son, so of course Fernando will treat him nicely" argument. Like yeah that's a factor, but I feel like I see it more as Nando appreciating Lance bcs he factors into why Nando has a good car and a good team in the first place. I think tho my fav strollonso plot line is Nando being like "ugh ill put up w him I guess", but then he ends up having such a good car and finds out in the process that Lance is more than he ever considered(like in this fic ) And also the narrative of Nando being a very different, supportive teammate as compared to most other Lance has had. I like that they probably came into being teammates with certain assumptions, but now look at how comfy they are with each other!! Enough to tease each other is such public ways, like Lance saying certain things in interviews and Nando with his socmed. It's very fun!
BUT YEAH OH MY GOD THAT CLIP OF THEM WITH LANCE BEING SO TOUCHY AND SHOVEY WITH HIM!!!! people need to look back at older clips like that and the others you mentioned before they make assumptions about why they are the way they are >:(
#i mean they've gotten worse and worse(affectionate) but look at lance! he was already teasing nando at the launch!#i just think people think very badly about nando and cant get out of that mindset and consider that he is just having actual fun atm#like i do think that him kinda being top dog in amr factors into why he treats lance so well#but neither of them mind their roles in the team so i dont get why its a bad thing#nando has a good car and a teammate who will along w him and not take it for granted cough cough ocon#so of course hes gonna be having a lot of fun and will actually enjoy being w that teammate#he is just a very competitive guy which i think somewhat makes it hard for him to get along w other teammates#but lance is super chill and i think they suit each other because of that#both of them are menace4menace but at opposite ends of the scale#like that meme where the guy is holding the leash of the other guy vibrating could work either way for them ngl#but hehehe elle come talk to me anytime i fucking love them so much#I think people just act like extenuating circumstances make it a fake relationship or fake dynamic of whatever#but i think its just that theyre not the blueprint for what teammates are usually like in f1 and thats okay!!#they respect and appreciate each other's roles and strengths and dont try to walk all over the other#like people saying that the spain finish was patronising to lance#uhhh no beacuse lance has and will do the exact same shit for nando#but for some reason people think its mind games#but anyways its very nice how they suit each other and how they act with each other!!!#and elle also dont worry ablut ranting bcs ill just reply w like 10x what you wrote#catie.asks.#strollonso
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