#oh i think i also had an?? amethyst??? all i remember was she had one arm cause the other
I'm really tempted to doodle my old gem ocs now
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anyasivy · 5 months
When You Know, You Know - Leonora Lesso x Fem!Reader
"The sky's beautiful." you said.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you.
warning: i wrote this at 2 am so PLEASE ignore the grammatical errors because on top of that, english is not my first language and i honestly write what sounds best in my head lmfaooooo. this is also based on movie sfgae too.
tags: second chances, light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff
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A Reader. Nevers would pick on you and some Evers would be ashamed to be in the same space as you. But nevertheless, you never gave up. You had made it through most of the years... barely. But the thing is, you were graduating and about to embark on a journey worthy of heroes. Well, that until you met a new teacher from the School for Evil during the opening day. Lady Lesso. You eventually found out she'd taught Curses and Deathtraps to Nevers. The thought of falling into one made you shiver, and you made sure since then to never be in the same space as her students. She was a meticulous woman, you observed. From afar, she was almost not intimidating. Her movements were firm and confident. Every flick of her hand, every step and stride, every look— it screamed of fearless. She was, in a way you wouldn't dare admit then, beautiful. Your mind reasoned she was evil, and therefore undeserving of that description. But who could look at Lady Lesso and think of her as anything than? She had the features of a goddess, a beauty that begged to be loved, and a soul that invited affection. You reveled in it, in her, that you hadn't realized you had been staring too much. One day, she pinned you against the wall and demanded to stop your madness.
That had changed it all.
You snapped yourself out of it, your hands holding the invitation the school had sent. Or by the looks of it, schools. You heard what had happened recently, and you thanked the heavens you had graduated already. Rafal? Blood magic? Oh yes, definitely grateful you weren't there to deal with that.
Tonight was the night you'd come back, and you looked momentarily at the gown you had picked. The ballgown was violet, which was the first thing that captured your eyes along with its threaded silk flowers down the bodice. It fit perfectly on your waist and had off-the-shoulder straps. It left your collarbone and cleavage bare. You would wear a necklace and black heels to compliment it. And as you look at your gown, you think of how you're supposed to be excited and stuff. A part of you is... kind of... but you were mostly nervous.
You don't wanna know why. You need not to. And there was no way in hell you'd acknowledge it.
"I apologize," her heels were the first to have entered your view as you hunched over your desk, studying. The sound of rustling and her coat falling on your bed made your heart thump over and over relentlessly against your chest. You try to remember the events of today, making sure you aren't going to let Leonora Lesso off the hook so easily. "It's an exercise getting rid of habits."
You scoff at this. "Habits, you say, when what you did was evil."
"I wonder why," she says ever so smugly, but there is a trace of hesitation in her voice. A fragility that suggests caution and care. You don't dwell on it. Not wanting to.
Flipping to the next page deemed unnecessary as words float above your head. All your senses concentrated on the woman who seemed to sit comfortably atop your dorm bed. You resist the temptation to look in her direction. A second of gazing into her limitless amethyst eyes and you'd lose this fight. Useless it may seem, but it was a big step for you. An instance to remind yourself of your own worth.
The flipping of pages must've rang annoyingly in Lesso's ears because she clears her throat. A testimony to the arising irritation she's been keeping off. "I apologize," she says more firmly than the one she came in with. You remained silent. "Truly, this time. I have no excuses for letting my students perform the prank." She had graded them, too. Shouting a significant 'you passed!' across the room with a hint of amusement not of you, but of her students' stunt. You repeated the scenario over and over in your head, hoping it'd motivate you to keep up the upper hand.
You hear Lesso move. The click, click of her heels matched the fast beating of your stupid heart pounding eagerly.
"Do you want me to beg? Get on my knees for your apology? Because you and I are fully aware of my incapability to surrender to Good."
You snapped. "Lesso." a triumphant smirk formed on her lips. It disappeared a moment after as she circles your desk, now presenting herself in front of you. Her scent fills the space you felt protected in, and for an instant, you could feel your walls of bricks shattering.
"Perhaps I should, then. With that look you're giving me." Leonora tilts her head, hoping for more words to spill out of those pretty lips of yours. She'd kissed them millions of times, but if it took giving up her whole identity to kiss them again, she'd strip herself nameless. "[Y/N], my love. What will it take for you to forgive me?"
You shivered as she spoke. She knew just how to get you, both with her words and her eyes. That expression of hers. The vulnerability of it all. Leonora Lesso promised a wonder that she swore only you could ever reside. So it wasn't a surprise when you got up and pulled her in for a kiss, quick and soft. A promise itself, too. A forgiveness of something shallow to some.
"You are an asshole."
"We have established that to be a compliment."
The School for Good was as grand as ever. As beautiful, too. You looked over the lake and recalled the lessons you had dozed off in that place. The wind and the soft sound of water made it too relaxing for you to behave like anything but an Ever. You continued up the stairs along with other heroes and their partners. The engagement ring you had shone bright like a mark of property you wanted to resist. You wonder if you should've brought your partner like the rest. But then again, you weren't for semantics when it came to the person you wanted to marry for functionality and formality.
The door was wide open for guests, and as you walked further into, you realized there wasn't anything much that changed. The same halls, walls, and designs. The longing in your chest made you want to go back home, away from this place and reminders of who you used to be--- who you used to be with.
You wonder if she's here. If anything had changed about her, or if she stayed the same, too. Evil and cunning. Yours. The bitter taste of how things ended clouded your mind. The cheery guests and welcomes of students in the Theatre of Tales thankfully distracted you from that.
Surprisingly, the floor was full of both Evers and Nevers mingling. There were those who looked disdained as if the Evilness and Goodness of their souls forbade them from interacting with the opposite side. But then there were those who giggled and laughed with each other, almost intimately. The scene before you caused an overwhelming grief. You pushed it forcibly down and started off as you spotted Professor Dovey.
She gives you a look-over like she wants to remember you, and not a second passes before melts in her knees. "Oh, you child!" she ran to you and wrapped an arm, the other too busy keeping the drink she was holding from spilling. "You have grown!"
"Thankfully," you cheered, beaming at the sight of her. "You look nice. Professor Anemone stopped giving you a hard time?"
"Quite the opposite. Everyone, really. The stress of the events and changes-- oh, it's like Christmas and Halloween collided here and urged a holiday of itself." Professor Dovey groans. "But all's well that ends well."
"Yikes." you flash a sheepish smile and glance over the ball, spotting someone with yellow hair reminding a student to smile brighter. You chuckle, looking back at the Professor before you.
"Mhm. Oh. And--"
"Please, Professor." you cut off. The sudden change in her tone, the small whisper and the softness of it obviously led to the territory you've been avoiding all morning.
Dovey sighed, "All right," her shoulder slumped and her eyes darted around across and behind the place before she was sure to speak again. "I don't wanna spoil your surprise."
"She's changed, [Y/N]."
She chuckles softly, almost with pity. Dovey places a gentle hand on your arm and squeezes it. "How about we go get drinks before you meet the rest of the night?"
The end was nearer than you expected. It was coming fast and keen. Surely. You've been keeping your mind off it, finding solace in the moments of now, and not of the future. You question from time to time your insanity and the way to keep it intact should anything unforeseeable happen. Losing her, to be precise. But she's been quiet about it, and the often change of topic when the mention of your graduation is said clues you just how much she's been keeping her mind off it, too. So here you were in the night, sitting on an alcove, and gazing at the stars from your window. The night sky promised such peacefulness. The darkness and the silence radiated comfort you'd almost forgotten the stakes. The meanings. The possibilities. You hug your knees to your chest, feeling defensive of what was yours. What is yours. What should be yours tomorrow and the days after.
The door creaked open.
"You should be sleeping," her voice echoed from the door, and you felt your heart breaking at the unpredictability it held.
You gulp down the ache, hoping your voice didn't come out shaky, "Punish me for it, then." your humor earns a soft chuckle from the woman you loved, and she walks closer to where you were sitting. She opted for the bed instead of beside you.
"Is everything well?" the question shouldn't be hard to answer. The days when you cried about exams and the fear of failing, and she caught you, were far better than the moment right now. You'd rather endure repeating the year if you were given the choice to. It all seemed so simple then.
"The sky's beautiful," you said instead, your eyes never leaving the view before you.
Leonora Lesso replied with, "I know." staring right at you, drinking in just how the night sky's beauty compared to nothing from you. You were... so much more. Your beauty yielded of tremendous unknown that no words could ever amount to describe you. You had her soul, heart, and body. And she didn't mind. Not a single of it.
"What you said earlier," Lesso's mind blanked and her heart froze at the reminder. "I can't say it. I won't ever."
You hear her take a deep breath, it shakes. You finally look at her. And the thoughts of running away with Leonora Lesso didn't seem mad anymore.
"Time will come." was all she said, but her expression betrayed the strength of her voice.
"I won't let it come. If that's what it takes." your voice had gone small, and your feet dragged you beside Lesso. You take her hand with yours and entangle your fingers. You can't let go. Would rather die than be able to. "I can survive Trial by Tales--"
"No. No. We agreed on this. We won't ever." she grips your hand tighter. Desperate. "Evil and Good don't belong together."
And there it is. The string keeping your heart from breaking snaps, and you had fallen into pieces before her. Tears welled up in your eyes as you shifted closer. You leaned in, hoping to find some insincerity in her eyes. A facade. Because this had to be a joke, a cruel joke. And you'd rather she admit it was and forgive her for being evil than for it being true.
"Leonora, that is not true. You and I both know we belong together. This cannot just stay like this. I don't want us to be just a memory." You begged, holding her hands as if she'd slip through any time.
She would.
"It won't just be a memory for me if it's any consolation, my love."
"I can't deny you."
As the moon passed by the clouds, the moonlight shone right over Lesso's face. Her cheeks glistened with the tears that had fallen. You reached to wipe them, but she had stopped and held your hand before she could. A denial.
"Then it's best if I do."
Professor Anemone had flashed the warmest and the perfect smile as she approached you. The pressure builds up in your breath as you try to imitate. You reminded yourself how foolish it was to think you could still fail at her class, but you were nervous as you smiled, anyway. The Professor hadn't commented on it and instead initiated a quick hug.
"Well, if it isn't our lovely [Y/N]. I'd never admit that before," she raises a playful eyebrow and clinks it with yours and Dovey's. "but you certainly have grown. Engaged, I heard." you start thinking if she had heard of it, too.
Professor Dovey snapped her head in your direction at this, obviously taken aback. You wouldn't blame her. It wasn't something you'd do a year ago. "Engaged?"
You hold out your right hand, and despite having done this a couple of times, the action cringes you as they stare at the beautiful ring. "I meant to tell."
"It's beautiful..." Professor Anemone blinks, "But."
"She'd rather not talk about it." Professor Dovey interrupts, and you smile reassuringly at both of them. "I am glad you're engaged and set to a wonderful, fairytale life, dear."
Your smile tightened. A wonderful, fairytale life you had envisioned before had been different, and beautifully so. The thought of it makes you want to choke. It had been a long time since that dream came across your mind, but the effect lingered the same. The longing and the pain tore through your heart, still. You wanted to excuse yourself then and there when a certain woman walked over the small circle of you and the two Professors.
"You came,"
All the air in your lungs escaped. And so did Anemone and Dovey.
Leonora Lesso stood tall, her heels bothering her feet like always, and dressed in an all-black outfit appropriate for Never Professors, looking as Evil and as beautiful as ever. A wonder. And still, still, she took your breath away.
"You came, too." was all your stupid mouth could say, your eyes fixed on her amethyst ones. Limitless, you'd describe it then. And you were right even after all these years.
"It's kind of mandatory." she humored, and you smiled, and she forgot to breathe as well. It's insane, she thinks, of how you were still able to do this to her. To have this kind of hold after everything.
When Leonora thought she was on the brink of death, her life flashed before her eyes, and she saw you. Your eyes. Your smile. She felt you. Your soft hands. Your touch. You.
Silence fell, awkward silence. And you had shifted your gaze from her eyes to the ground, afraid of letting too much of your emotions fall out. You wonder if she was at all feeling the same.
"Professor Dovey said you changed. A surprise, she claims." you start, hoping it'd suffice for a conversation.
"Dovey says a lot of things."
"I know."
"I should say the same for you." she watched your ring, and you followed suit. You felt almost defensive of your actions when you realized. "I say congratulations are in order."
You gulp the lump in your throat, "You don't have to."
"Congratulations, [Y/N]."
You crumbled. Lesso's face was void of anything but hurt. For a second, you were sure tears formed in the corners of her eyes, and you struggled not to pull her into your arms like before. Why can't this just be like before?
"It's for formality. I don't love him. It's not like that." you quickly blabbered, breathing heavily. "I... shit. Just..." and without warning, you took her by arm and electricity flowed through your skin. You try not to focus on the fact that this has been the first time you touched her in years as you drag the both of you to your secret spot. A surreptitious place that felt like it was built solely for the two of you. When you arrived, a breath you didn't know you were holding was still stuck in your throat. You pull your hand away.
Leonora stands a few feet away, maintaining a distance to keep herself from running up to you and having you be hers again.
"You look beautiful tonight."
"[Y/N], I apologize--"
"No. Stop,"
"Please, just--"
"You denied me!" all the pain throughout the years, the hurt that had grown over time and had been forgotten, and the frustration, came out trembling. The tears you refrained from falling fell free. Leonora Lesso has always been your ruin. "You denied me, Leonora. I told you I love you and I wanted to fight for you. That--that this fucking Good versus Evil bullshit was nothing compared to what we had-- what we have-- that it was greater than anything withstanding us! And you denied me."
The moonlight shone just like that night. You see Leonora's eyebrows furrowed, and it only took you a second to realize she was crying, too. Her red hair, longer now, had cascaded just above her shoulder. And you ached to brush your fingers on it.
"I love you." she steps closer.
"I love you so much." and closer.
"I love you, [Y/N]."
And you admit defeat. Just like before. You meet her halfway and wrap your arms around her neck as you pull her in for a kiss. Heavens, her lips. Her kiss. Her hands find its usual place on your waist. The feel of her pressed up. The brush of her nose. You could die. It all seemed to fit so perfectly. Like two puzzles. Like two fated people meant to be each other's.
The moment she pulls away, you sniffle, tears still flowing. She chuckles at the sight of you, wiping your tears away with her thumb. You lean into the touch. "You are the best thing in my life and I was a fool to let you go. To ever believe those things I've said, to even imply them. I was the greatest fool ever. But I can't live this life, [Y/N], not without you. I can't live with knowing I had you and set you free. I cannot."
"I love you, too, you dumbass."
Leonora smiles, and your heart swells with so much love. The sound of your diamond ring falling to the ground cracks a smile in you, and Lesso brushes her nose against yours. You inhale her scent. Unchanging. Just like this unwavering love between the two of you. You press your lips against hers again, feeling at home within her arms.
"Deny me again and I'll kill you, you hear me?"
"And to think you graduated School for Good."
the end.
any grammatical errors and typos will be changed in the morning because wtf it's 3 am I AM TIRED. SUFFER FOR A LITTLE. GOOD NIGHT.
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prettypinkreverie · 1 year
TAMAKI SUOH + valentines special !!
tamaki suoh (ohshc) x reader ; fluff
short wip that has been stuck in my documents for so long. i decided that it was finally time for me to release it to the world 'cause why not 🤩.
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he had beautiful shimmering blond hair that shone brightly when came in contact with the sun, gorgeous violet orbs that were similar to that of an amethyst, he was gorgeous.
tamaki suoh.
you've thought of him as an annoying ego-centered rich idiot the moment you saw him—especially when he mistakenly found your sister, haruhi, a male.
only those with excellent social standing, and those from filthy rich families, are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, ouran academy.
and the ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands—just think of it as ouran academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful!”
scratch that, you knew he was an annoying ego-centered rich idiot the moment you saw him.
you and your sister only ever wanted peace in an abandoned music room. unfortunately, the both of you stumbled across a group of filthy rich brats.
you remembered the time you grabbed your sister's hand after hearing the ‘oh-so-wonderful’ speech that was delivered by the dumb blond, only for haruhi to stumble upon a vase that caused the both of you to change your lives forever.
he really was annoying.
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“a little water wouldn't hurt anyone. besides, people are always telling me i'm dripping with good looks!”
he would always praise himself or rather his face. At first, it annoyed you every time—sometimes you would even reply with a sarcastic statement, in which he would only shrug.
but as time moved on, you found it amusing. You found him amusing. his way of showing fatherly love to the members of the club, to you and Haruhi. he was a nice man—an ideal one, as some would say.
“yeah, you are.”
you replied, which only made his eyes grow large. he blinked a few times, only to see your brows fusing together as you gave him a confused look.
“this…—this is the first time you didn't reply sarcastically! i knew you'd eventually fall for me—"
you smacked his head, only to earn a small groan from the blond. he held his nape as he once again lifted his head to turn to you. he pouted his lips and eventually sulked mushrooms in the corner again.
you shrugged at his childish ways, turned around and walked away from him.
fall for him? ha, what an idiot.
you did.
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“what good are dreams if all you do is work? there's more to life than hitting the books you know”
you stopped at his statement. he… actually had a point for once. after spending time with him in the host club, repaying your's and haruhi's debt, you noticed that he wasn't really dumb as you thought he would be.
rather than just being an idiotic spoiled child that had too much time on their hands, you realized that he was somewhat intelligent in one's feelings—even if he mistakenly thinks of his romanticly love for Haruhi as a fatherly one.
yes, you know he loves haruhi.
“thanks, but i am quite aware of that”
you thanked him for the advice and walked away, just for him not to notice the tears that were about to stream from your face. you didn't care where your feet would take you, as long as it isn't in a place where he is.
you didn't know why but you were angry, frustrated, and even… jealous.
gou knew that tamaki has always held haruhi in a special place in his heart, it was obvious. and it was also transparent on how he feels the opposite to you.
he would speak to her in a loving and sweet tone—not the one he would use to entertain girls. one that seemed genuine, one where it seemed like he wasn't just doing it because of his charming prince persona. heck, he even saved her when she fell off the cliff… he even got mad because he was furious at the thought of losing her—ouch.
but when it came to you…
the past few days, your relationship with him just became complicated. when you would come up to him, he would avoid you. before he would just tease you with the same mischievous and charming smile he had if you ever did. he would lean in on you and ask you if you're already running to him to get yourself in his arms.
and even how annoying he is, you missed that.
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“hey, you okay?”
your eyes widened as you heard a familiar voice. It was tamaki. your hands immediately wiped the tears from your face, as if nothing happened. You looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile to his question.
“y-yeah, i'm okay...”
he seemed unconvinced to say the least. nonetheless, he sat next to you. not uttering a single word as he does so. the both of you were silent, sitting in silence next to a blossoming sakura tree.
“you know it kind of awkward—the atmosphere, i mean. don't you think?”
he tries to start a conversation, with the same charming smile he uses with the customers of the club. you look at him and give him a quiet nod. agreeing silently.
“well, i assume you're still not going to talk,”—he says, rolling his lips before continuing—“are you cursed? have you become the princess who lost her voice?”
he chuckles, attempting to lighten the silence. but still not earning a response from you. You only sat there, staring at him soundlessly.
“my heart beat is increasing,” he says after minutes of no response from you. he looks up at the pink-flowered tree, his eyes gazing on the petals that fall.
he turns to you, a small tint of red appearing from his cheeks as he smiles at you. he moves his hand and held it in front of his face, then turned away.
“y-you... everytime I get closer to you, my heart would beat loudly that i couldn't hear anything but it. I was suppose to be the one to bewitch women but why am i the one bewitched by you?”
he continues his confession with a flushed face, still not turning in your direction, “i-i... i tried to avoid you to stop these. but whenever you walk into the room, my eyes follow your figure—making me forget about what i was suppose to do as a host. you were just so—you became and overwhelming presence near me that made me wonder whether mythology's goddess of love and beauty should've been you. and it made me seek out help from haruhi, she just told me to be honest with you. so i—”
you feel emotions mixing inside you at his words, before holding his nape and pulling him closer to you by impulse. not letting him finish, knowing what his next words are gonna be. soon, the both of your lips slowly touched, feeling both of the warmth of each other's mouth. you let your feelings flow through the kiss, responding through actions to his interuppted confession.
at that moment, it was only you, him, a sakura kiss, in a beautiful spring. but he was still an annoying ego-centered rich idiot. this time, your annoying ego-centered rich idiot.
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hello, this thing probs have lots of error and seems incomplete cince i didn't really proofread it—but, um, PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. I'LL DO BETTER!!
anyway, happy valentine's!! (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
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Legacy (Twst one-shot fanfic)
**Some mild spoilers for Malleus’s birthday interviews**
Summary: He wished for their guidance now, guidance of parents who were gone before he hatched. 
Word count: 1490
A/N: Happy(?????) birthday Malleus 2023!!! This fic is a combination of inspiration from Malleus’s broomquet, the revelation that Malleus’s parents are no longer with him in his Birthday Boy card, and a very sad conversation with @chernabogs​. Now I’ve written this so everyone suffers and screams and cries with us ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
*This fic is also on Ao3
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Lilia kept as quiet as possible while he flew through shelf after shelf in the giant royal library of Briar Valley. The library seemed empty, but that’s exactly how he knew he would find what, or who, he was searching for. 
Stopping before the door of a private room deep inside, Lilia stood still to carefully observe the child curled up by the window, so small, small against everything this library is, small against everything that room was. And only after he made sure the child was not shutting out the world at the moment did he decide to knock. 
“Come in, Lilia,” Malleus did not turn to face him, but he knew only Lilia would dare to find him here. 
Lilia mustered up the softest voice he could manage when he stepped inside, “Which volume are you reading this time, my dear?” 
“I finished reading already,” Malleus corrected, small hands holding up a heavy black tome, showing Lilia the cover which was decorated with amethysts and emeralds. 
“It’s the one—“
“It’s the one with the painting of mother and father and me,” Malleus interrupted, putting the book back down on the windowsill and flipping to the exact page he wanted, “… before I hatched.” 
Lilia walked past the beautifully carved reading table and large cushioned chairs to the window where the child was seated. He looked at the page over Malleus’s shoulder, and took a moment to remember watching as the portrait had been painted all those years ago. He remembered how his heart had warmed at the rare sight of the king’s wide smile. He remembered how he looked at the former queen embracing her egg and how he sneakily remarked that he couldn’t remember the last time she had been so gentle to anyone as the king laughed about how Lilia would take the full brunt of her wrath after the painting had been completed. He remembered that he did take it with a cheeky grin still stuck on his face. 
He was feeling a similar warmth in his heart now, seeing the painting, it didn’t seem all that long ago anymore. And he understood painfully well that Malleus refused to leave the library, or leave this room, despite having finished the book time and time again, for the same reason. 
Alas, Malleus was a clever child. 
“Are the guards looking for me?” He asked after finally realising that Lilia being here meant something, “Do I have to go?” 
And Lilia sat down on the windowsill next to him, smoothly making up half a lie, “Oh I tricked them away, they think you are busy enjoying unwrapping your birthday presents at the moment. No one will bother you here.”
“I know.” He turned his attention back to the pages, a finger tracing the paragraphs beneath the painting, “I learnt new words since my last reading, Lilia.” 
“Really? Tell me, my dear.” 
“This one, I learnt it from my history lessons,” Malleus’s finger fell on the word ‘legacy’, “I learnt that my grandmother keeps the ‘legacy’ of the kings and queens before her alive.” His tiny hand balled into a fist, his tiny voice asked his question without turning to Lilia, “It says here it is hoped that I will carry on my parents’ proud legacy. Am I doing it? Am I keeping the legacy of my father and mother alive too?” 
“Of course you—” 
“But how will I know?” Interrupting Lilia again, Malleus curled into himself further, his head buried behind his knees, “I never met them. I never talked to them. I never knew what they were like. The pages behind this are so few, and I don’t want to read them. Why did they have to go so soon? Why couldn’t they stay with me a little longer? Why did I take so long to hatch?” 
And though Lilia understood no answer will ever be good enough, he still had to try, he still had to reach out and take the child into his arms, he was one of the only two beings in this world who could do it, and it was far too sad to let this child drown in such darkness, “But I knew them, my dear, I knew your father and mother veeeeeery well. I knew how happy they were to have you.”
“But they’ve never met me either.” 
“They tried their best to come back, they truly did. I can barely imagine how much happier they would’ve been if only they could.” 
“Would they have be proud of me too?” 
“Of course! You learnt new words again, didn’t you? You’re growing up so fast and as long as you keep growing, they’ll see it.” 
“What would they say to me if they were here?” Malleus slowly allowed himself to loosen up, hesitantly raising his head in anticipation. 
“Well,” Lilia chuckled, “if I have to make a guess, your mother would be nagging you to go to bed by now.” 
Malleus giggled along softly, “And father?” 
“Well, he might sneak you out to watch the stars, despite the snow, it’s your special day after all. And you would both come back soaked and sneezing, and your mother would be livid.” 
The child managed a small, amused smile at the imagination, and continued, “Did mother sound like grandmother?” 
“Hmm… she had your grandmother’s regalness. She spoke with all the elegance and solemnity of winter in her voice. But when you anger her… well, you’d best not because while your grandmother’s wrath is a fire that spreads, your mother’s was a thunder that cuts you open with precision and power.” 
“And what was she like when she sang? You told me before that she sang. Oh please tell me more!” 
“On occasions, yes, she did. And your father would accompany her sometimes.” 
“Cello. He said the cello’s timbre suits her better.“
“Will I be big enough to play father’s cello soon?” Malleus pondered, and turned his head to look at the table and chairs in the room, table and chairs that he had always left untouched, “Will I be big enough to sit in father’s seat soon?” 
Lilia considered the question for a moment. It was quite obvious that Malleus was not only referring to his height or age. But Lilia’s answer did not change regardless. When Malleus grows, he will be ready, that much was sure as day. 
Lilia stroked Malleus’s forehead, gently brushing against his scales, “You will one day, child. You are their legacy. You are tired now, you ought to rest, so you’ll give the best of yourself to your studies tomorrow as well.” 
Malleus fell silent for a few moments, and began again quietly, “Can’t I sleep here today?” 
The cold windowsill is frankly no place for the prince to slumber, but Lilia could not bring himself to refuse, “I don’t see why not, shall I bring you a blanket?” 
“No, thank you. I am warm,” Malleus left Lilia’s embrace and nestled up by the corner, “I like to think that this room smells of father’s fire.” 
Lilia nodded in compliance, ready to stand up and leave the child alone. But Malleus was the one to reach out this time, tugging at Lilia’s sleeves. 
“Can you stay? Can you tell me more about them? Like bedtime stories.” 
There was a certain sorrow in having to do this in their place. But Lilia kept himself from pursing his lips, and put effort into smiling instead, “Of course, my dear. Now, where were we?” 
“Mother’s singing. Did she sing for me? When I was still oversleeping inside my egg?” 
“Why yes she did!” 
“Do you remember it? Can you sing it for me?” 
“I’d never forget it.” 
He promised himself and promised the former king and queen that he would give their child all that they would’ve given. And though he had broken many a promise in his frivolous life, this one, this time, he will keep. 
He recalled how the former queen would sing while tapping the egg slowly and softly, tranquil like the night; and he now began to stroke Malleus’s back rhythmically as he breathed in. Then he recalled how the king would join his queen’s singing, how the king’s voice had been kind yet strong like greenery, like trees, like thorns; and he now hummed the song that belonged to their family, their language, their child. 
Sleep now, sleep safe, the hope of our lives
Our thorns will protect you with all our might
Be not frightened, be not alarmed
The fires shall still when you’re in our arms
As he sang, it was as if he can see the queen and king there beside their child of night and thorn. As if they embraced him, watched over him even now. And how Lilia wished, as the small prince drifted off to sleep, for them to be there for him, at least, once upon a dream. 
The End
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The Mother’s Day
(Author’s note: I know Mother’s Day was a few days ago. I started this earlier but unfortunately had writer’s block. Anyway, I hope you still can enjoy this short fic)
Anduin was walking around Stormwind city, holding both of his children by the hands. Prince Bolvar was already 8 years old and his younger sister, Princess Riona was 4. Today was an important day, the Mother’s Day. The two siblings wanted to get a gift for their mother on this special occasion, and their father came to help them find it beside being there to look out for them. Earlier, they told Purplejane to not come with them, as they wanted to share some father-children moments. So the Queen stayed in the Keep and looked for something to get herself busy with.
Meanwhile, the kids along with their father stormed around the city, checking out every shop. However they seemed troubled with finding her a gift. It had to be special. Not the first best thing that catches their eyes. "Finding a gift for mom is quite a challenge" said the young Prince Bolvar. Anduin giggled:"Well, you’re not wrong. Seeing so many incredible stuff, is quite hard to choose something for her." Both of the children glanced at their father. "Is not just that. The gift for mama has to be special. We want mama to be happy" said Riona. Anduin kneeled up in front of his daughter, gently smiling at her:"And she will be. No matter what you two are going to choose, I’m sure she’s gonna love it."
"And what if she doesn’t like it?" a sad face appearing on the little Princess’s face. "Yeah. What if mom won’t be happy with the gift?" Bolvar joined in. The King then embraced his children in a tight hug:"Oh, I’m sure she will be. She loves the two of you dearly. And the fact that you two remembered will matter to her more. She will know you’ve put all your efforts and love with choosing a gift." The two children cheered up. "Right. You are right dad" replied Bolvar. "You know mommy so well, daddy. It shows how much you love her" Riona giggled. Anduin chuckled slightly:"Well then. Shall we continue our "trip" you two?" The siblings grabbed their father by the hands and the three continued their little quest.
As they checked more shops on the way, they found lots of things that they could buy for their mother. The problem was that they couldn’t decide which one of those things to choose. So many choices to choose from. They couldn’t also buy everything at once as it would be way too much. All three made a small stop at a book store. Anduin was curious they added some new books he’d be interested in. While looking around, the two siblings got their attention picked by one of them. "Legends and Myths" the title of the book indicated. Riona immediately took the book in her hands and ran up to Anduin. "Riona, wait!" exclaimed Bolvar, chasing after his little sister. "Ugh, the little gremlin. How does she even run so fast?" The young Prince thought. As the Princes got close to her parent, she showed him the book. "Daddy, do you think this book would do? Do you think mommy would like it?" She showed the book to Anduin with enthusiasm in her voice.
"Mind if I take a look at it honey?" Anduin asked. Riona immediately handed him the book in his hands. The King inspected the book closely, a warm smile appearing o his face. "This should definitely do. Knowing your mother, she will be delighted. She loves these kind of books. Well, she enjoys many types of books." He replied. Bolvar joined them:"Geez. Riona I told you to wait for me." "Bolvar! Daddy says this book should be of mommy’s liking. Can we get it for her as the gift for Mother’s Day?" the young Princess asked. The boy thought for a moment. "You know that’s not a bad idea. And we could also get that bracelet with an amethyst we saw at the Jewelry Store earlier. It would fit mom so well. Especially with that new dress she got some months ago." The Prince replied. "Hmmmm… Okay" Riona agreed without hesitation.
Anduin smiled at his children coming to an agreement:"That’s an excellent idea. Your mother will be delighted." After they bought the gift, they returned to Stormwind Keep. The kids went to get the gift ready, while Anduin asked Purplejane to come with him. "You certainly took quite some time with the walk. Is there something I should know about, dear?" The Queen giggled. Anduin gave her a gentle and yet a mysterious smile:"Just come with me, and you’ll see it. You won’t be disappointed." Purplejane looked at her husband with curiosity. "I wonder what he and the kids are hiding." She thought, following Anduin to their children’s room. As they arrived, Anduin knocked at the door:"Bolvar. Riona. Are you two ready?" As the door opened, the royal couple saw both of their children in front of them, holding something behind their back together. Then the siblings handed the gift to Purplejane:"Happy Mother’s Day, mom."
The Queen was pleasantly surprised as she took the gift in her hands. "What are you waiting for? Open it. Mommy, open it." Riona said in excitement. Purplejane gently unwrapped the ribbon and opened the box, seeing a book and a beautiful bracelet. Tears of enjoy escaped her eyes and she hugged her children:"Oh my, these are amazing. You remembered." Bolvar and Riona hugged their mother tightly as well. "So, do you like the gift, mom?" The young Prince asked. Purplejane widened her eyes:"Like it? I love it! I really appreciate the thought you put into it. I’m so glad to have such thoughtful and kind kids." "If not for dad’s help, we would probably still run around looking for a gift" Bolvar turned around to face Anduin. The King chuckled:"No. You didn’t really need my assistance that much. In the end you two agreed on the gift." Riona ran up to Anduin for a hug:"But you still helped, daddy. That’s already enough." That caused Anduin’s smile to widen some more. After handing the gift, Bolvar and Riona went to play with their toys. Purplejane got the bracelet on her left wrist. She got closer to Anduin, placing a small kiss on his cheek:"Thank you, for being there for the kids. You are the father, they look up to and that they deserve." The King smiled warmly at her and got his wife into an embrace in his arms:"Oh please. You would do the same for them."
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
A Case of Identity pt 1
If we could fly out of that window hand in hand, hover over this great city, gently remove the roofs, and peep in at the queer things which are going on
Sherlock Holmes Peter Pan crossover! Also this sentence starts with them being normal size and then halfway through suddenly they're able to 'gently remove ... roofs'? It's a sweet little scene, though.
We have in our police reports realism pushed to its extreme limits, and yet the result is, it must be confessed, neither fascinating nor artistic.
Weird to see here the dichotomy of Holmes the romantic and Watson the realist. So often depictions of Holmes have him being so factual and without whimsy, and yet the start of this story is the opposite. It's Holmes who has the 'flight of fancy' and finds the fascination in life, and Watson who is arguing that real life is common and without interest.
There is half a column of print, but I know without reading it that it is all perfectly familiar to me. There is, of course, the other woman, the drink, the push, the blow, the bruise, the sympathetic sister or landlady. The crudest of writers could invent nothing more crude.
Also Watson not showing any empathy here. 'Oh, domestic violence is so run-of-the-mill, it's so dull.' He's very jaded in this story. On one hand, I agree with him that there's no delight or artistry in domestic violence, on the other hand, he comes off as a bit callous here.
he had drifted into the habit of winding up every meal by taking out his false teeth and hurling them at his wife, which, you will allow, is not an action likely to occur to the imagination of the average story-teller.
...I can't remember this story. It may be one of the ones I have not read before. But this made me blink and do a double take. Seriously? His false teeth? That's so oddly specific. Also, taking a moment for ACD to pat himself on the back there. I see what you're doing, sir.
He held out his snuffbox of old gold, with a great amethyst in the centre of the lid. Its splendour was in such contrast to his homely ways and simple life that I could not help commenting upon it. "Ah," said he, "I forgot that I had not seen you for some weeks. It is a little souvenir from the King of Bohemia in return for my assistance in the case of the Irene Adler papers."
Oh hai, Irene!
Weird that Holmes is displaying all the bling he got from a man he doesn't respect and didn't want any reward from.
Oscillation upon the pavement always means an affaire de coeur.
Well, that certainly is a sentence.
When a woman has been seriously wronged by a man she no longer oscillates
I have never seen the word 'oscillate' used this much outside of a science textbook.
Sherlock Holmes welcomed her with the easy courtesy for which he was remarkable
This is fascinating from the perspective of someone who has seen so may adaptations. 'easy courtesy for which he was remarkable' this isn't just a one time chance of Holmes being courteous. Watson himself finds Holmes' manner remarkable and to specify that it comes easily. Don't get me wrong, I love a lot of different Holmes adaptations, even the ones where he's rude, but this sentence makes it so clear that Holmes is polite and that it at least appears to come naturally to him.
for it made me angry to see the easy way in which Mr Windibank—that is, my father—took it all
I had a 'why do you refer to your father as Mr Windibank?' moment, then read the next few sentences and went 'oh'. Stepfamilies are complicated. Honestly, this bit reads like it could be an excerpt from an AITA post. Which leads to me thinking of modern day Sherlock hanging about on Reddit and asking really random questions before telling people that clearly the meaning of the cat hair on the third cushion is that OP's life is in imminent danger and they must at once leave the house and block their best friend on all social media.
I believe that a single lady can get on very nicely upon an income of about 60 pounds.
And the illusion of modernity is shattered. I bloody well wish. Hey inflation calculator, what's that in real money?
(I put this around 1892, but that was my estimate based on when the other stories have been set. I might be out by a few years)
Yeah... I know she's living at home, but that's Holmes' estimate for any single woman, not only those being supported by their parents.
so they have the use of the money just while I am staying with them. Of course, that is only just for the time. Mr Windibank draws my interest every quarter and pays it over to mother
Hello motive! Fancy seeing you here. I do not trust Mr Windibank at all, for all I may find his name amusing to say and read. This coupled with his insistence that nothing is wrong is very fishy. Mmhm. I am getting a distinct whiff of 'greedy, thieving stepfather' here with distinct notes of 'manipulative arsehole'.
Mr Windibank did not wish us to go. He never did wish us to go anywhere. He would get quite mad if I wanted so much as to join a Sunday-school treat. But this time I was set on going, and I would go; for what right had he to prevent?
Please add 'controlling' to the list above, forthwith. Guy's a massive dick. Good for you, Miss Mary Sutherland for calling him out on it.
And he said that I had nothing fit to wear, when I had my purple plush that I had never so much as taken out of the drawer.
Anyone else getting Cinderella vibes from this line? I'm surprised he didn't accidentally ruin the dress as well, or spill a bowl of rice into the cinders of the fire and make her pick them all up.
"I suppose," said Holmes, "that when Mr Windibank came back from France he was very annoyed at your having gone to the ball."
"Oh, well, he was very good about it. He laughed, I remember, and shrugged his shoulders, and said there was no use denying anything to a woman, for she would have her way."
I hate this guy. I really do. ACD was very good at writing men I loathe even when they haven't appeared in person.
Oh, and I remember this story now, btw. It's all coming back to me.
He wouldn't have any visitors if he could help it, and he used to say that a woman should be happy in her own family circle.
Abuse tactics really haven't ever changed, have they. The flags were as red in the 1890s as they are in the 2020s. Ugh. I hope this guy dies in a shipwreck too. Fingers crossed.
The fact that I keep reading the 'gasfitters' ball' as the 'gaslighters' ball' feels very fitting.
"What office?" "That's the worst of it, Mr Holmes, I don't know." "Where did he live, then?" "He slept on the premises." "And you don't know his address?" "No—except that it was Leadenhall Street."
In the immortal words of Gytha Ogg: Always get the young man's name and address. (And never trust a dog with orange eyebrows)
Mr Hosmer Angel came to the house again and proposed that we should marry before father came back. He was in dreadful earnest and made me swear, with my hands on the Testament, that whatever happened I would always be true to him.
Not suspicious at all. Absolutely normal behaviour. You should definitely swear on your holy book of choice to always be true to people 'whatever happens'. This is entirely rational and not worrying at all. Not a bit.
The flags, they are scarlet.
Mother was all in his favor from the first and was even fonder of him than I was. Then, when they talked of marrying within the week, I began to ask about father; but they both said never to mind about father, but just to tell him afterwards, and mother said she would make it all right with him.
Not remembering all the details, but knowing the general gist of this story, this part actually makes me feel a bit sick. Does the mother know what's going on? I don't remember. If so, I think Miss Mary Sutherland needs to take her £100 a year and go on a world tour. Honestly, she should do that anyway, just... nausea.
"Oh, no, sir! He was too good and kind to leave me so. Why, all the morning he was saying to me that, whatever happened, I was to be true; and that even if something quite unforeseen occurred to separate us, I was always to remember that I was pledged to him, and that he would claim his pledge sooner or later. It seemed strange talk for a wedding-morning, but what has happened since gives a meaning to it."
Mary, Mary, Mary... no. Just no. This is not good or kind. This is weird and suspicious and controlling. I'm sure your wedding dress is lovely, but I cannot see it because all the red flags are in the way.
Above all, try to let Mr Hosmer Angel vanish from your memory, as he has done from your life.
Holmes giving excellent advice here. The trash took itself out.
"You are very kind, Mr Holmes, but I cannot do that. I shall be true to Hosmer. He shall find me ready when he comes back."
Oh Mary. I'm so sorry. You really should take the advice.
This absolutely could be written as a reddit post, btw.
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judydbones · 4 months
“The tournament will be a breeze.” Shang Tsung smirked, as his hands worked intently and quickly on his latest knitting projects. His eyes still intently locked in with Tanya's, not even looking down for a moment.
Tanya sat back in the crimson carriage seat, the leather squeaking so ever slightly. She still carried a look of doubt on her as she held the Spectral Amethyst in the palm of her gloved hand. The Sorcerer's smirk disappeared as he noticed Tanya's silent response. His restless hands finally stopped moving.
“Tanya,-” Shang made his sickly soothing and sweet but his face was cold as stone “-,are you seriously doubting me now?”
“Of course not, M'lord.” She responded after an awkward moment of silence. “I'm just thinking about how your plan could easily be derailed, that's all.”
“Now what makes you say that?” Shang leaned in closer, his dark beady piercing through Tanya and straight at her soul.
“Well, I highly doubt that the Thunder God will throw us babes from the nursery at us to fight, especially with what he thinks is at stake.” Tanya's expression remained unchanged, her tone was blunt.
Shang Tsung glared at her through the illusion, before responding with laughter.
“Oh Tanya! Please be serious! You really think those pathetic worms will actually stand a chance against us?”
“Well what about Kung-”
Shang Tsung immediately cut Tanya off, uncharacteristically raising his voice. “DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT NAME!”
The sorcerer raised up his fist in a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking. Tanya's heart almost leaped out from her chest, Shang Tsung had never yelled at her like since… her last failure.
“That monk was a VERY, VERY rare exception when it comes to those puny Earthrealmers. But I also want to remind you what happened to “Great” Kung Lao when fought Prince Goro.”
Tanya sighed. “Yes, Lord Shang, I do remember.”
“Wonderful! And please, next time think before you ask riding questions like that. Besides, there is no need to worry, because I have a backup plan that will work flawlessly if needed. I will tell you more about its progress when you come to my Palace next week, but for now, just keep serving Shao Kahn and keep an eye on Princess Mileena.”
“Of course, M'lord, was there anything else?”
“No, goodbye.”
Before Tanya could say her farewells, Shang Tsung ended the transmission, the amethyst turning back to its blackish-green color. She tossed it on the ground, nearly breaking it.
“Cunt.” Tanya uttered under her breath. She reached for the carriage's cupboard, opening one of its doors. She grabbed a bottle of pearlberry wine and a glass. With her golden claw rings, she popped it open and began pouring her cup to near brim, setting down the bottle on the small surface in front of her.
She took a long sip, relishing the smooth and light taste. Shao Kahn and his little lap dog had been cracking down on bootlegging within Outworld, meanwhile letting that flying leech and her followers wreak havoc with little to no pushback. If Tanya knew for a moment that Shao Kahn would ban alcohol, she probably would have reconsidered joining up with him. But then again,it was clear that Edenia would eventually fall to him. It was better to be an ally to him than to become a slave, or rot in a prison cell if she had stayed in Edenia.
On the bright side, her position in Outworld was yards better than the one she had back in Edenia. Though it was the same title, Advisor, her words held more sway with Shao Kahn than they ever did with King Jerrod. Tanya was lucky that the position of Advisor was hereditary because if Jerrod had his way, he would've replaced her with one of his many yes-men. The only voice or opinion that mattered to the King was his own. Tanya smiled, sipping her wine, as her thoughts shifted to the day she murdered that fool. Honestly, when thinking back about it, she wished be slower when killing him. Slowly cutting through his muscles and bones. But she was younger then, too kind, too quick, too sloppy. There were a lot of things that Tanya wished she had done differently, she was glad to be the one that gave idiotic excuse for a king what he deserved.
The carriage continued on route, they had finally made it out of the countryside and into the Market District. Even through glass and thick black velvet curtains, the smell of the salty sea air and fish managed to slip in. Tanya pulled back the curtains, the blazing sun momentarily blinding her, and peered out into the streets. Merchants haggled their prices with customers, the vibrant colors of fabrics, spices and other various items blended together into an oversaturated colored sea. Children played games with one another as their parents were off to who knows where. And of course, Tanya couldn't miss to hear the incessant chattering of everything. Hundreds of voices, thousands of discussions, millions of noises all just layered on top of one another. Tanya chugged down the rest of her wine, hoping that it would muffle out the sounds, but even then, that wasn't enough.
She closed the curtain and sighed heavily to herself. Of course Mileena had to go make things difficult for everyone else. Why could she be content for once? Tanya, or anyone else, couldn't understand Mileena's choices, all besides for Kitana that is. Princeas Mileena had access to a harem of the most beautiful men and women of Outworld, yet she chose a disgusting Shokan for a lover, and not even one from the Draco lineage! Alas, that one thing that Tanya must unfortunately bite her tongue on.
The carriage makes a sudden stop, violently jerking Tanya forward, the wine from her glass spilling out onto the rug. The bottle on the table begins to shake and almost falls over, but Tanya quickly grabs it with her free hand. She huffs, cursing under her breath, as she pounds down her now empty glass onto the table next to the bottle. Tanya basically threw open the carriage's door and stepped outside. She stomped towards the Koachman, her heels crushing the small pebbles that laid on the path.
“What in Argus's name is wrong with you?!” Tanya yanked Naknadan off from the driver seat with one of his left arms. He tried to get on his knees, but Tanya painfully placed her sharp golden heel on the back of his knee, knocking him back on to the ground.
“I'm sorry!-” Without missing a beat, Tanya grabbed the Koachman by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up, mere inches away from her face.
“I spilled my pearlberry onto the rug because you're incompetent!” She yelled as began to brutally smack the Koachman's head repeatedly. Few paid attention to the beating as their eyes fixated ahead of them
“Please! I had to stop Mistress! There's a blockade ahead!”
Tanya stopped hitting the poor Naknadan, but her grip on his collar remained tight, and looked around. She saw Outworld commoners whisper to one another as they watched what seemed to soldiers raid an entire street. But they weren't Outworld soldiers. Their armor resembled an insectoid's exoskeleton with layers outlined in the purest silver. The metal of the armor was almost mirage, but with hues of gray, and their onyx helmets carved to resemble onis from the Netherrealm. Seidans, specifically the Guardsmen.
Tanya glared at the sight of them. “Clean the wine up from the rug before I come back after I settle this nonsense with our Seidan “friends”, and I MIGHT show some leniency for you later.”
She tossed him onto the ground, quickly scurrying away. Tanya marched towards the blockade, focusing on one soldier in particular. He lacked a helmet and his back was facing Tanya, he pointed to different places and places, barking orders in a language that Tanya could barely comprehend. He was nearly hidden by the crowd of onlookers but his long, ashy white hair made him stick out like a sore thumb. Tanya pushed through the crowd, but they quickly dispersed as they realized that it was her.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Tanya demanded from the soldier, grabbing his shoulder but barely budging when she tried to force him to face her. He quickly turned around, with a look of shock and irritation.
The hair was mostly down but had bun in the back. His features were chiseled and, to be frank, quite handsome. But he was so awfully pale, his hair only slightly darker than his skin. His armor was more of a muted greenish gray compared to the others, the layers outlined in a pure black metal instead of the sliver. In the middle of his chest plate had a diamond shaped emblem of a striking garnet. There was also a matching garnet around the groin area, holding up a silk burgundy loincloth. His shoulder pieces were also exaggerated, being more jagged and sharper than the other armors. He looked Tanya up and down for a quick second before opening his mouth.
“I'm sorry, Outworlder, but who in your RIGHT mind do you think you are that you can touch me, let alone raise your voice at me like that?”
“What gives you any right to block traffic in a foreign realm? Or obstruct official orders of the Emperor?!”
The Guardsmen laughed in Tanya's face “Please! Is that really how they describe concubines now? Just go back to your carriage and wait with the commoners for once, okay?”
The Guardsman turned back away from Tanya, whose face was slightly cracked and gagged at the gull. She pushed her long brown hair away from her face before composing herself.
“Actually, no, it's how they describe the Emperor and Grand Sorcerer's Advisor, Seidan.” Tanya said, venom in her tone.
He stayed still and quiet for a moment, but slowly turned to look back at Tanya, a smile forming on his face.
“So we finally meet, Lady Tanya.” He bowed perfunctory, quickly standing back up straight. “Pardon my manners! I didn't realize it was you.”
“Have we met before?” Tanya asked, her eyebrow raised and hand on her hip.
“No, unfortunately, we haven't met” He signed sarcastically. “But it isn't my lack of trying, that is.”
“Wha- what do you mean?”
“M'lady! For the past 4 or so months I've been trying to get a hold of you! Does the name Hotaru ring a bell?” He asked, his smile turning into a sly smirk
“Not in the least.” Tanya answered bluntly. “And I'm very certain that you don't any right to be here, holding up traffic, which I-”
Hotaru interrupted her, maintaining his “kindly” tone of voice. “Oh, but I don't need yours, or even your Emperor's, permission to be here. See around last week or so, when I still couldn't get a hold of you about the dangerous fugitive that has been hiding in your realm for months now, I decided to look up your laws and customs regarding these types of things. You do know your own Realm's laws correct?
Before Tanya could answer, Hotaru continued.
“Anyways, it seems like you have no laws saying that a foreign power needs permission to retrieve their OWN fugitive if they choose to flee here. So, it wasn't that hard to get the other Senatrixes’ permission to take my men out here and find that horrible murderer!” Hotaru gently placed his hand on Tanya's shoulder, still having that smile on his face. “ I don't hold it against you for not remembering your own laws or not even responding to my multiple letters, your probably so stressed with those foolish Rebels making everything so difficult to run smoothly. I couldn't even imagine Seido having revolutionaries pop up left and right-”
Tanya pulled away from Hotaru. “- ENOUGH! Just because you are in Outworld, and away from The Senatrixes’ eyes, does mean you are free from the consequences of disrespecting a Higher Rank.”
Hotaru’s smile quickly faded as she brought that up. His pale eyes glared at her.
“Hmph, I guess that you're not that ignorant.”
Tanya snorted, giving him her own sly smile. “I'm not dumb, and not in the mood to entertain this further. So if you-”
One of the buildings behind Hotaru exploded seemingly out of nowhere mid sentence. The blast sent debris flying in all directions, causing panic and chaos among the crowd. Tanya instinctively ducked, shielding her head from the onslaught of rubble. Meanwhile Hotaru and his remaining men went running towards the fire. They surrounded the front in a half circle formation, some coughing from dust. Tanya got up from her defensive state, standing up and slowly approaching the men from the behind, people still running in all directions. The dust began to settle, Hotaru ordered his men to be on the defensive. For a moment, the only thing that was heard was the crackling fire and people still screaming.
Coming running out, unscathed, of the flame was a dark-skinned bald man who immediately began attacking the soldiers. The man targeted the closest two soldiers, dashing forward towards them a series of spinning kicks, which knocked down the first soldier. The second soldier tried to slash the man with his katana but the man dodged the swing and immediately laid the soldier down with a single punch. The rest of the Soldiers descended onto Darrius, the man. With a swift, fluid motion, Darrius ducked under a swinging blade, then lifting the soldier off his feet and hurling him into his fellow comrade, knocking both of them down. In the same beat, Darrius spun around with a powerful uppercut to the soldier's jaw, knocking the mask off and sending the Soldier crashing into the ground.
Hotaru ambushed Darrius as stood around his defeated men, sliding forward with a straight punch to the back of the head, leaving a streak of magma that trailed from his feet. Darrius tripped forward, but quickly turned around. He tried to release a fury of punches onto Hotaru’s chest, but each blow was blocked. Hotaru tried to throw a lava ball onto the ground to send Darrius falling back but was too slow, allowing Darrius to punch him in the face, causing Hotaru to stumble back.
“You're getting rusty!” Darrius laughed, maintaining distance while walking around Hotaru. “You must be getting too pampered up in those Towers.”
Hotaru huffed as unsheathed his katana, the blade turning a smoldering red.
“Oh! I'm so scared! Are you gonna stab me with that knife? Ha! Ple-”
Before he could get the rest of the sentence out, A large tonfa blade soared through the air and stabbed Darrius in the side.
"No, I will," Tanya said as she stepped into the fight. The tonfa blade reappeared in her hand, burning away from Darrius's fresh wound and melting his black and orange latex top.
Before more could be spoken, Hotaru ran towards with his blade, now a steaming bright orange, ready to swing. Still grasping his wound, Darrius dodged each of Hotaru’s swings but Tanya quickly lunged herself forward at Darrius, spinning in a corkscrew manner, her flaming feet landing on his side, knocking him many feet backwards near the burning building. He struggled to get up, groaning in pain. Tanya and Hotaru stood side by side, looking at the now defeated fugitive.
“He gave you trouble? Really?” Tanya said, looking over to Hotaru.
He only gave her glare and a scowl, sheathing his cooling sword while he walked over to Darrius.
“You know you should say thank you. I could have heeded your advice and went back to my carriage.” Tanya cheekly chatized as she began to follow Hotaru towards Darrius
Hotaru still didn't respond, still maintaining a pace to keep him ahead of Tanya. Then, a loud, horrible screech could be heard from above. Tanya quickly looked to see feminine shadow with large, weathered bat-like wings coming crashing down towards them. Tanya tried to react with a fireball, but the next thing she knew was that she was sent flying back when Hotaru was thrown into her.
Tanya hit the ground hard, skidding across the pavement. Hotaru laid on top of her, quietly murmuring in pain. She promptly pushed him off her and onto the side, and sat up. Shaking off the dizziness, her eyes immediately went over to the winged figure. It had landed and had lifted Darrius up in her arms. She looked back at Tanya, her face obscured by a dark veil. Tanya tried to throw a fireball at them but they quickly took off, the fireball hitting a piece of the burning building. Tanya watched as the winged figure disappeared into the sky with Darrius in tow.
“What… was that?” Hotaru asked, still laying on the ground and trying to catch his breath. Tanya got back on her feet, her chest still having a stinging sensation and still looking up at the sky.
Through gritted teeth, she replied. “That flying leech, Nitara.”
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marauder-level-chaos · 7 months
Invisible String Chapter One
I wrote this fic from the point of view of my OC because i just wanted to develop her a little more. Please let me know your feedback and opinions. It is a modern day Marauders fic with my OC x Fabian Prewett, wolfstar and Jily.
Tags: Swearing, roommates ish, idk what else
Despite her trusted Jeep Wrangler, the drive from New York to Boston was hell for Amethyst. The only reason she did it every weekend was because James and Sirius’ apartment had better alcohol than hers did. Also because they were her oldest friends and she missed them, but she would never admit that. Besides, she had never missed a game night and she wasn’t about to start now. It took her five hours and two iced lattes, but she finally made it.
“Right on time, Meth.” James greeted her with a hug. He had been the Black twins’ oldest friend. The three had been inseparable since their first day of boarding school at 11. That was so long ago, but Meth remembered it like it was yesterday. She had been to their apartment enough times by now to comfortably navigate her way around.  
“Where’s my brother?”
“Where do you think he is? The bathroom, as usual. He’s dressing up for Remus.”
“Those two finally decided to shag each other?” Remus was the boys’ next door neighbor. He had become a regular at the Black-Potter game nights when the boys moved into the apartment. Him and his roommate, Lily. Neither James nor Sirius complained about these new additions to their group. Though she often felt like a fifth wheel around them, Meth wasn’t complaining either. She had grown quite fond of both of them.
“We’re not shagging. Yet.” Sirius’ head poked out of the bathroom.
“How come you never dress up for me, then, Pads?” A knock on the boys’ front door cut their conversation short.
“I’LL GET IT!” Sirius yelled from the bathroom, making a beeline for the door. Running his hand through his hair a final time, he opened the door. “Hello, Remus.”
Remus stood there with his mouth slightly open. Sirius’ strategy to blind him with glitter and makeup seemed to be working. While the pair stared at each other for an uncomfortably long amount of time, James and Meth welcomed Lily inside.
“We brought Pictionary! And drinks, once Remus can stop staring at your brother.” The mention of his name snapped Remus back to reality.
“Right. I’ve got some hard lemonade right here.”
“Oh, and I invited a friend. I met him during a swim meet. He’s over at Boston University, wants to be a writer.” James would invite half of Boston into his apartment if he could.
“Is he hot?” James raised an eyebrow at Meth’s question. She simply shrugged. “What? I’m tired of being a fifth wheel around here.”
The games began shortly afterward. The five of them were very competitive as a group, especially Amethyst. She was second to Remus, behind only by one point. All she had to do was not let the Jenga tower in front of her fall and victory would be hers. Just as she was about to make her move, somebody knocked on their front door. In a moment of distraction, Meth accidentally knocked over the tower in front of her.
“That must be Fabian.” James got up to get the door.
“Is that the son of a bitch who cost me this round?”
“Be nice, we have guests. And he brought wine.” Meth rolled her eyes at how quickly her brother was willing to sell himself for a bottle of cheap merlot.
“I also brought a poker set. I wasn’t sure what kind of game night this was.”
“Excellent. Everybody, meet Fabian. Fab, that’s Sirius, Remus, Lily and Meth.” He was tall - six feet, Meth would guess - and well-structured. He was exactly her type.
“Meth? That’s an unusual name.”
“It’s short. Like she is.”
“Sirius, I swear to God-” She cut herself short and turned her attention to the stranger in front of her. “Amethyst. My name is Amethyst.”
He smiled and grabbed the empty seat next to her. “So what are we playing?”
“Now that we have an even number of players, we can play Pictionary.” For as bad an artist as she was, Lily was really excited about Pictionary. The group gave in and played a few rounds before moving on to poker. Sirius’ many requests for turning it into strip poker instead were denied.
“We know you want to see Remus’ dick, Siri,but try and keep it in your pants.”
“As if you don’t want to see James take his shirt off.” Sirius’ comment was directed at Lily but Meth couldn’t stop herself from imagining what Fab might look like under that baggy shirt.
“Is this how these always go?” Fab leaned in closer to Meth’s ear and whispered.
“Usually. This isn’t even the worst of it.”
“At least tell me they’re hot. If they’re going to start stripping, I’d rather know what I’m in for.”
“You do know Sirius is my twin, right?”
“I did not know not. James did not tell me that.” Fab turned nearly as red as his hair. “Identical?”
“Minus the penis, yes. Mine’s bigger.”
Fab laughed and Meth realized she hadn’t heard something so contagiously beautiful in a very long time. Or ever, to be honest. He was as fun as he was handsome. That was going to be trouble for her. As the fatigue and hunger from their days set in, game night was brought to a pause. James offered to order dinner for the group. Lily and Sirius’ bickering had evolved into her braiding his hair in a corner. Meth decided to use this opportunity to stretch her legs. She grabbed her beer and headed for the balcony outside.
“Care to join me? This is one of my favorite views in the city.” Fab was only too quick to take her up on her offer. The night was chillier than either of them expected it to be. It was refreshing. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact that Fab was sitting close enough to her for her to be able count the freckles on his face, but he was even prettier in the moonlight. Definitely trouble. They weren’t outside for very long before James called them back inside.
“Food’s here. You can flirt later.”
“We weren’t flirting. We weren’t even talking.”
“Meth, you were looking at him with literal hearts in your eyes so please don’t give me that bullshit.” She hadn’t realized that until James pointed that out. James could be wrong. Meth really wasn’t the type of girl to look at anyone with hearts in her eyes, no matter how handsome they were.
Taglist: @quickbright
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rheagodlywrites · 1 year
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The Immortal Warrior
Y/n is a creation made by the electro archon but was a failed experiment. Not knowing what to do with her existence, she decides to fight in wars as the archon’s vessel. Someone who will fight the battles as the best warrior.
Arataki Itto. A strong Oni that will go all out for the good reasons….is currently on the run from the Commission. He didn’t do anything, he just …accidentally….hurt a few men who were trying to hurt some other people. Rumors spiraled and now he’s on the run. He hid within a cave as the guards ran off in the direction of where they thought he was. He breathed a sigh of relief but when he looked further in, he saw a beautiful sight. Someone stuck within transparent amethyst. Vines claimed the stone as he looked inside. He traced the facial features of the stranger within the stone. Itto cracked his knuckles and pulled out his claymore. He hit the stone over and over till it broke. The cracking sounds echoed in the cave and then the shatter. The figure fell to the ground and he panicked thinking he hurt her.
“Oh no!”
He rushed to help but the woman immediately landed a heavy kick to his chest. Itto was launched back slightly, coughing as he tried to regain air in his lungs. The swift kick wasn’t enough to hut but it definitely caught him off guard. She stood there as she held her hands Upon further inspection, Itto noticed that the woman had a cold glare on her face but her eyes reflected pain. Pain that lingered as she fell over. Itto quickly scooped her up without a second thought and rushed back to the gang’s hideout. The one place were they were sure that the commission wouldn’t find.
“Itto! We thought for sure that you’d be in the slammer by now! You..also have..” Genta looked down to the woman in his arms. Itto put her down on a space that he used s a bed. Itto started to talk about how he found her. Shinobu was less than happy to find out that he took someone that was unconscious.
“Are you kidding me?! I’m already trying to clear your name from that incident and you bring a stranger in our hideout?! She might report you!” She stressed. Itto instantly disagreed.
“Look at her. I found her crystallized in amethyst! We gotta help her.”
As the two butt heads over what to do, Y/n wakes up the feeling of bandages. Old wounds that had been reopened with too much action had been patched up. Y/n gets up despite the pains in her sides, hands and neck. As she trudged through the hideout, Itto and Shinobu rushed to Y/n to try to stop her. Y/n couldn’t bring herself to submit to the help but she kneeled down and put a hand on her chest.
“Thank you for helping me. I must go now but if you report to the Electro Archon then you will be paid well. I must depart now.” Y/n struggled to stand back up and only managed too with Itto’s help.
“Easy now! You can’t go anywhere like this! Just let me know your name and I’ll get someone to help you! Maybe Sara?” Shinobu looks to Itto unsure on what to do.
“I am Y/n L/n. I am the warrior vessel, ready to help save the lives of Inazuma.” Shinobu furrowed her eyebrows with realization.
This was the silent warrior blessed with intense strength. Despite being a vessel, she had no elemental power of her own.
“Well Y/n. You may call me Shinobu. The oni is Itto. We will help you get back to the archon but..” Shinobu stopped for a moment. How was she supposed to say that the archon might be different.
“I will be in your debt. Let us depart a soon as the wounds close.”
And so they waited. Itto would talk and spend time with Y/n saying that he didn’t want her to be lonely but he really was getting attached to her. Y/n would tell Itto tales of her past battles although she couldn’t remember how she was encased within amethyst. With two whole months passing the group by. Itto had been bailed by Shinobu once again and the time too take Y/n to the archon came.
Itto was nervous. Not only about the well being about his new friend but how the archon would respond. The three of them approached the place where the electro archon resided but the guard stopped them.
“State your name and business.” He gave Y/n a hard stare before she stated her reason for arrival.
“Y/n L/n. I came back to give my report.” The guard froze and let her by. Y/n nodded to him, glad that her authority still stood tall. She marched her way the doors and showed a charm to the guards at the next set of doors before they opened the doors. Itto and Shinobu were scared but Y/n stood tall in the place where she’d train.
“Who disturbs..” The archon pauses upon seeing her. After a moment, a more cheerful voice took over.
“Y/n. You’re.. alive.” Y/n knelt in front of the archon and the two behind her followed.
“I have come back for my next order. But I’d like to request that you compensate them for their help. They found me encased in rock and helped me since.” The archon walked to them and helped Y/n up.
“Would you two mind leaving? I need to speak with my warrior.” Itto and Shinobu left quickly, surprised that the archon even asked in the first place. Y/n and Ei sat in front of each other after Ei got a small box.
“I had plans on letting you go. You may have been a puppet but you were too human. Detached from emotions but you bled and had virtue like humans.” Ei held the box that Y/n felt oddly connected to.
“One day while you were at war, a vision had came to you. You didn’t know of it’s existence because I had erased that part of your memory. What use is a vision when you are trapped in stone.” Ei opened the small box to reveal a pyro Vision.
“Your passion to protect and your intense drive earned you this.” Ei placed the vision in Y/n’s hands. Y/n felt like life itself was returned to her.
“Why?” She asked. Ei stood tall and looked down to her with a smile.
“Y/n L/n, fierce warrior on the battle field. i now relinquish you of your duty and honorably discharge you. I hope you will find meaning in your life.” Y/n looked up to her in surprise but she was also grateful.
“Thank you for such kindness.”
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foxgirlmoth · 1 year
What's my most prized possession?
Kind of a hard one, cause I have a few things I adore. Of course I love my computer that I built, Lyo. Thats more because its probably my most used thing
I love my guitar; Kiyama's been a good for me and I bought it to learn on. I was told she's got some funky things about her, but she feels like my guitar yknow?? Feels the best playing on her and no one else compares.
I have a remembering jar (and a bunny plushie) from my first girlfriend that I honestly cherish. I dunno if she still follows me on here tbh but! She's wonderful and I'm glad she was a part of my life. Things ofc didn't work out, but I became a much better person throughout that relationship (and after!) Because of her and because of me putting in more effort. She's the only ex that broke up with me and was like. Understanding and didn't just throw my emotions out the door. Honestly sometimes I still think about messaging her, but its been SO long and the last time I actually got close to messaging her I saw all my old messages and... Oof. Bad. She was my best friend at the time, but I wasn't in the best spot I suppose. Thinking about her brings back mostly good memories. She's a great artist and I have some doodles of hers still which is nice (long entry yusgfhshdhs). I just hope she's doing well tbh.
I also have a giant amethyst chunk. I've had it since I was a kid and idr where I got it. Its always been in my room and I just love it.
I have a mini boom box from a childhood friend thats been in my room for... Almost 2 decades now I think. Small, black, but probably still works. Kinda game sphere shaped. I remember playing chess with this kid and idk. I was really young but I remember him moving out of town and the family told me to keep it as a gift.
The real answer though is my fox pillow. I bought it probably a little over a year ago. I had half originally bought it to give to a cute girl I was (and still am) crushing on, saying I should send it in the mail or buy a second one. If she wants it now though we have to share. I remember just learning she loved foxes a lot and we started talking apparently because I wanted her to play Metroid Dread. Kinda started out as a 'oh this girl is so fun. She's just a treat to talk to' to 'oh she's just so cute. She makes me laugh and I just wanna talk all the time' to me flying out and seeing her this past month. Idk I cuddle this thing every night and I get sad if it ends up on the floor in the middle of the night. This poor thing has probably had me cry into it countless times already too. What began as a little crush turned into someone who understands me and loves me and who has become a best friend, and ough I love her lots too. She's always a joy and I feel like I can really loosen the chains on this ol' heart of mine when I'm around her. I've never taken things so slow, but it feels right! I'm really really happy where I'm at right now and I finally feel like I'm going a lot of places in life. College last semester was the best its ever been for me, and I feel like I'm being loved for all of me. I think it gives me hope tbh. I know I'm physically alone right now, but hey, I won't always be!
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
ive had a repeating dream with ryan in it in which my brain is somehow generating the weirdest ryan backstory details all by itself
it starts by me in 3rd person seeing ryan walking through a city (its evening and very dark) and then knocking on a door and entering without waiting for a reply and then i start seeing things through his POV and its so weirdly detailed and ryans mom has made food
and i woke up from this dream today because ryan got SO distraught/upset. and usually ive woken up or like, the dream has changed before everyones gotten to eat but today i got to see everyone start eating some sort of soup (tomato soup?)
anyway after ryan has entered the house, i get the sense ryan is visiting his parents(?)/family but i KNOW that the woman is ryans sister and i see her clearly and i KNOW she is at least 10 years older than ryan or something like, that shes my so much older than ryan that its hard to call her a sister
and the reason im not sure if theyre ryans parents or grandparents is because i feel like theyre his parents but theyre so old? but actually because its such a specific plot point in the dream that i KNOW thats ryans sister and i KNOW shes a lot older than him so that maybe in the dream it follows perfect dream logic
either way it always goes the same (and my dream ryans genealogy gets even more fucked up because his mom has a decorative pope plate AND the flag of ireland on her wall which ryan looks at a lot) and everyone sits at the same places on the table every time, so i dont get to see a lot of stuff from the other places in the apartment
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and i get the sense its some assistive living situation (this is fueled by my grandma irl for sure lol) and when everyone has sat down (ryan is the last to arrive and his dad ignores him), ryans dad starts showing off what awesome gifts he has gotten for his wife. he has dark hair (but its dyed) and he hangs sunglasses from his shirt and is kinda stylish. hes also really stereotypically italian-american like hes my brains idea of what the sopranos protag is like (???ive never seen the show but if i had to pick)
his moms defining trait in the dream is having long, graying ginger hair? and also oddly parted like, it has a section of ginger hair left instead of normal graying (??). i dont get a good sense of her otherwise because shes mostly standing behind/next to ryan where hes not looking
some of the gifts i can remember are a golden necklace with a big real diamond in it, imported olive oil (it doesnt even have a label in it because its directly from some farm or something), and a champagne(?) bottle opener plated with gold with a pure amethyst handle
and everyones talking a lot EXCEPT ryan. hes mostly just thinking and i thought about it just now and i think it might be some sort of situation where theyre speaking in italian and ryan can understand but not reply which is why hes silent (??)
he thought mainly about how extremely hungry he is, and then he was like ugh i dont understand why the bottle opener has amethyst in it because that doesnt really match the decor at all lol... well whatever. he also thinks about how his mom(?) has gotten worse/more demented but at least shes taken up cooking and can cook still
finally we get to the eating part and her mom is a bit too silly/forgetful to set the table so ryans sister helps her out by setting the table while his dad talks to his wife about how beautiful etc she is (wife guy) and ryans sister doesnt give ryan a plate, so i like feel (?) ryan making a confused face at her
and shes like oh.. and she speaks to ryan in the vocal equivalent of a mean girl tight-lipped smile but nicely enough so nobody will notice and goes smth like, “theres only two clean plates of this set of four, one is probably in the wash and one is on the kitchen top behind you because mom(?) has already eaten”. and idk if she says mom or not because its a dream so its not exactly Real words bc weird logic
and she continues like “but does it matter since you never eat properly anyway, or even want to eat:/”.
so ryans like “oi oi... aheh... you got me...” in a defeated fashion and doesnt even try to argue about it. but hes really upset internally because this entire time hes been like, at least ill get food soon im so hungry...
and ryan awkwardly smooths out the tablecloth with his fingers (really vivid to me for some reason) and his dad goes on about how ryan is so disrespectful for not even wanting to eat such a hard-cooked meal and ryan just weakly smiles back at him and he was SO distraught in his brain where i was observing everything from that i woke up.
this is the first time his sister in the dream has spoken to him and it was basically just “area man gets actually bullied for disordered eating by his sister in 3 sentences or less”. why did she do that. why does she hate ryan so much
anyways heres ryans dream sister my brain made up and the image of her is so vivid about the haircut ESPECIALLY. like in t&b style too for some reason (i cant draw like that though). and she looks a LOT like ryan, vividly. im not sure at all what shes wearing though because my brain never focuses on it ain the dream and im not sure if i imagined a dress shirt after waking up or not
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bye ryan... move aside ryan your sister has got it going on kinda. she might be evil for some reason but maybe pussy from a girl whos evil is a basic need?
on the scale from one to ten how do you rate my brains ryan lore<3
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
A Birthday Message For You, Liberty~ Part 2
Thought you were done with us since you aren’t here? Should’ve known better than that, my dear~ Your favorite citizens of Earthbread have all written calling cards of their own, personalized just for you~
Your dearest Phantom Bleu~
Well well, if it isn’t one of my favorite customers~ You know, I often think about how long it took for us to get together. It’s one of my favorite stories to tell customers, whenever they ask about us. I can’t help but laugh at how oblivious we both were; wasn’t it charming? But you know what else? If I had to wait another decade to be with you, it still would’ve been worth it. Happy birthday doll!
Yours truly,
Sparkling Cookie
Faux Berry Cookie! Or, is it Liberty Cookie now? I don’t know, I can’t keep up. Anywho, I know we didn’t meet in the… best of terms, but I hope you know that I, without a doubt, still love you! I can’t believe I spent all that time planting pomegranate seeds, and (tactical) retreating from CHILDREN for things I would’ve just gotten with you anyways! You… you make me feel appreciated, just as I deserve of course! I can still appreciate it though! Even my servants are asking me when they’ll see you again! When my magic FINALLY gets recognized and I get worshipped for my abilities, I’ll happily have you by my side~
The Almighty Licorice Cookie!
Oh Faux Berry Cookie, I still remember all those nights we spent camped together. Never would’ve I imagined that I’d have my most meaningful conversations with someone I’d consider my enemy. I think you awoke something within me those nights, just as I believe I awoke something in you. We gained a deeper understanding of the world around us; you seemed to understand how cruel this world can be. Meanwhile, you made me understand that the world can also be forgiving. I don’t think I could ever forgive it in its entirety, and I don’t think I should. You understand that as well. I can, however, appreciate the moments of peace we get. Just you, I, and our army~ I hope someday we can live like this forever. Oh, and Chiffon wanted to say hi as well! He keeps trying to nibble on the screen.
Sincerely, Red Velvet Cookie
🌸Faux Berry Cookie, my dear, every picnic of ours has been an absolute delight! You always pick the cutest dresses to wear to our dates, but I’m sure it helps that you’re just naturally cute anyway! And all the stories you tell us? Oh, sometimes I’ll remember them and just giggle to myself! You’re a bundle of joy, sweetie! Cherry Cookie agrees too; she’s always trying to recreate your magic with her bombs! You’re a wonderful addition to our family, Faux Berry Cookie! Happy birthday! We must have a birthday picnic for you once you return!🌸
🌸Cherry Blossom Cookie🌸
So, my dazzling amethyst, what should I say about you~? That your creativity can strike wonder into any cookie’s heart? That your laugh could soothe this criminal like softly-ringing bells? That your beauty rivals any gem, or that your snark is on the same playing field as mine? It’s a bit of a shame that I can’t surprise you with any of those; these are all facts you already know, correct? So perhaps I shouldn’t try to surprise you. Maybe there is pleasure to be had within the simple things. So if anything, allow me to tell you that I love you. This never-ending dance of a thief and their cover, it’s quite a story to be told~ A forbidden romance of sorts, and yet it feels so right. My dear you’ve cared for me for all this time, and I shall repay the favor. Either with jewels or with affection, your choice~
Once again, your Phantom Bleu~
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s-talking · 2 years
❝    Envy...    ❞ Lightning strikes across the sky unforgivingly while rain angrily pours down upon the land. There is no end in sight yet. Listening to storms used to lull her mind to sleep because it calmed her. But seeing the gloomy shadow of the heavy rainstorm wash over the city makes her stiffen up in her seat. Homura could swear that the howling wind carries a shrill and feminine laugh. It gave her a sense of deep dread. She should leave to go fight some wraiths to distract herself from these feelings. But the storm has stopped her attempts. Envy had also insisted for her to stay until the storm passed. She could not resist him.  ❝    Oh, Envy... Did you hear that awful laughter too?    ❞ She whispered the question in her silky soft voice. It was a pity that it was still burdened by distress even in this universe without any witches. Amethyst eyes peer outside the tall window while her hand restlessly toys with her ring. Sitting back and actually relaxing felt unnatural for her, but she tries to settle into her position. Her body craved to fight in the rain. She needed slay down anything abnormal with her bow. Wraiths were beginning to gather more and more, after all. Kyubey has been so watchful of her lately, almost as if he was waiting for something to happen, but she could not understand why. She supposed that was why he was hovering over her. But memories, too many memories now, of a world that no one else remembers haunts her mind even as she stares out the window. The laughter is only proof of her trouble. She has no proof on which memories were real or part of her troubled mind. They were only glimpses, but they are leaving her in growing turmoil. ❝    Ah, I'm sorry. I thought I heard something. But it must have been my imagination again. Anyway, it looks like the storm won’t end anytime soon yet. I think we might lose power. Should we try to go look together for some candles?    ❞ She tore her eyes away from the window in an attempt to not get swallowed up by whatever that kept burdening her mind lately. She would prefer to look back at the marbled face of Envy instead of this awful storm. This moment with Envy is time for Homura to rest her bow and memory magic... at least for tonight. She will pick up her grueling duty to eradicate all wraiths tomorrow. This duty, looking more like an obsession, to rid the world of wraiths will eventually give birth to a cruel experiment with a seemingly perfect dream world. But tonight is not that fateful night. Tonight is the calm before the real storm begins.
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  filter  through  the  long  viole  curtains,  but  envy  hardly  ever  blinks  at  any  of  it.  he  is  staring  directly  into  the  brilliant  white  light  with  half-lidded  eyes,  the  shadows  from  cascading  droplets  imprinting  across  his  chiseled  face  like  black  beads.  it's  been  three  days  since  he  had  last  slept,   &   the  transient  mentions  of  dreadful  laughter  as  well  as  possible  hallucination  barely  even  scratch  at  the  surface  of  his  ever-twisting  thoughts.  he  is  somewhere  else  entirely.  a  most  foul   &   dreary  place  far  darker  than  the  moonless  sky  outside,  far  darker  than  any  person  should  possibly  fare,  until  she  speaks  that  one  single  word;
             ❝     ──  ...  candles?    ❞
a  little  wick  lights  up  in  the  mind   &   envy  envisions  it  clearly,  returning  back  to  the  empty  classroom  with  a  shallow  blink.    ❝    ah...  right...   ❞    he  slowly  turns  away  from  the  window  to  face  her,  leaving  such  terrible  thoughts  hidden  with  the  darkness  outside.  ❝    i  think  i've  seen  some  in  one  of  the  lockers  earlier...   on  the...  second  floor,  i  believe.    ❞   speaking  truthfully,  his  typically  sultry  voice  suddenly  echoes  throughout  the  vast  room   &   then  the  corridor,  travelling  down  the  complex  of  wooden  stairways  until  it  fades  into  the  unknown,  being  much  too  loud,  much  too  prominent  in  a  place  so  deathly  silent  ──   almost  as  if  anybody  at  all  can  hear  it.  the  aggressive  downpour  of  rain  doesn't  make  such  feeling  any  better.  the  windows  are  almost  rattling  underneath  the  pounding  drops,  getting  only  angrier  by  the  minute  as  another  round  of  thunder  flashes,  following  up  with  a  deep,  menacing  growl.
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envy  glances  down  at  himself  just  then,  checking  through  the  inner  workings  of  his  big  black  jacket.  if  homura  possibly  has  a  sharp  eye,  she'll  spot  garter  belts  across  his  broad  chest,  as  well  as  a  brief  glint  of  a  knife.    ❝    . . .    ❞    he  sighs,  retrieving  a  clearly  outdated  flip-phone;    ❝   soaked.  ❞     where  as  a  look  of  mild  disappointment  should  have  crossed  his  face,  the  young  serial  killer  merely  takes  out  the  simcard   &   tosses  the  mobile  straight  into  the  classroom  bin.   he  glances  over  at  her  again,  the  dead  eyes  strangely  never  catching  any  of  the  flashing  lights,    ❝    i  sincerely  hope...  you  have  yours...  ❞    he  mutters  with  a  smile,  only  to  start  walking  towards  the  wide  open  door  with  nonchalant  steps.
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Jukebox reviews part 18! For context, see my post “A Project”   under this same tag. If you want to see a full list of his EMCSA stories, they can be found here, sorted alphabetically.And if you want to see some of his drabbles, check out his blog at @jukeboxemcsa
You Can’t Deny It
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2/12/2011                                     mc ff
... I've taken a neurochemistry course, which is enough to know that all of this is not how ANY of it works. At all. (There does seem to be some effect of brain *structure,* but also the brain is really good at clearing out things that bond to neurons, and any that weren't cleaned out would cause a reaction and illness of some sort.) AND there's plenty of things keeping inhaled things from getting to the brain, the blood/brain barrier is a huge problem in psychology so even assuming one spritz got enough ... oh I'm overthinking this. It's fine if I set the "but I'm a scientist" aside for more than 5 minutes. Not my favourite by any stripe, for a lot of reasons, but it's *fine.* The control method makes sense, the blend of reasonable explanation with completely unreasonable behaviour is good... just. not quite something I like. 6/10 spirals 
 Dirty Laundry
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2/19/2011                                     mc mf fd
I admit I got distracted by Will's geekery and reading habits. (I had to look up the Bonzai Institute, but I knew the rest! And I've read Devil in the White City) and that distracted me from the actual story >.> I might be a bit of a nerd. This is smoothly done, though, getting him thinking about how easily he gets caught up in a book; it's a step I've taken with folk who aren't sure if they can be hypnotized myself. I'm impressed by Rowan's skill, and hope that Will is happy being one of her pets. 8/10 spirals. 
 The End Is the Beginning Is the End
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2/26/2011                                     mc mf md
"all your strength has turned to helping me to help you surrender to my will" is entirely too good of a phrase! I have to lead with that. And this is such an interesting setup, though the title does kind of give what's coming away a little bit. Watching our narrator weaken and melt as she's given statement after statement that she can't bring herself to refute is *wonderful* and hits a lot of my futile resistance buttons. The public nature of it is a little ... not super to my taste, but beyond that as long as I imagine this as a scene consented to outside of the story, it's wonderful. 9/10 spirals. 
 I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)
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3/5/2011                                       mc mm
*Excuse me,* Jim, but amethysts are lovely, beautiful stones, not "dull, solid-colored" stones. Hmph, learn some taste. :P Insults to one of my favourite semi-precious stones aside, Jim, may I introduce you to the concept of *bisexuality,* in all its flavors? Please? The homophobia Jim has - whether he's some flavor of queer or not - bothers me, more than a little, for all it's not atypical of the era the story was written. It's *realistic,* but darn it I want it not in my fiction. And the ending leaving the wife that he started the whole process for out of things is a bit ... a *bit*. So I just find myself not liking this story all that much, even though the mind control parts are solid. 5/10 spirals. 
 It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
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3/12/2011                                     mc mf fd ds
This is sweet and lovely and also hot, for all that I tend to be extremely shy in public play spaces so it's always weird to me to see stories that make being less shy feel attractive in any way. I feel like there's another Jukebox story that involves Judi and Shaun, but if there is I can't place it. Maybe it's one that I haven't reviewed yet and am remembering from other times, or maybe it's just that Shaun and Judi remind me of people I know and care so very deeply for. Regardless, the connection these two share would make even the most boring scene enjoyable, and this is far from that. The focus on the sensation of being controlled is one I can relate to more than a lot, and this story speaks to all of that, as well as just being good hypnotic rapport. 10/10 spirals 
 Losing my Religion
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3/19/2011                                     mc ff
This is fun, seeing how condtioning and control starts to break down juxtaposed with part of how it was created? It's *fascinating* in some truly hot ways. And of course, just what their Goddess is, well, and how she binds her priestess to her? I love it. So very much. There's not a lot more I can say without ruining some of the fun, so 9/10 spirals. 
 One of These Nights
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3/26/2011                                     mc mf md ma
This story is a bit of a miss for me. I don't enjoy the (obvious to the reader) underlying theme here, as it's just such an abuse of trust - especially when we have flashes of her trying to figure out what's going on. It's good if you like that sort of obliviously controlled in slightly mean-spirited way, I just don't. 6/10 spirals. 
 Wish You Were Here
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4/2/2011                                       mc ff
This is another one where the ending's more expected than not, but the how we go from where we start to where we end is the fun part anyway. I love how Tiffany tells the story through letters home, and that you can tell *exactly* where things will go if Beverly comes to join Tiffany and Camile on the island. And yet, part of me wonders if Beverly might want to *anyway,* given how it sounds like she doesn't like her job much more than Tiffany did. It sounds like there could be some benefits to her life that way. And Tiffany seems happy with the arrangement, at least, though I sure wouldn't be. But the idea of slow pampering being used to train her to be a lovely pet for Camile? I enjoy seeing that happen. 8/10 spirals. 
 Body Language
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4/9/2011                                       mc mf ff fd ma ds
... These people feel all too real in the least good ways. Seriously, though, Jukebox again is amazing at people, and I am always impressed at how so many stories in, he's still coming up with characters who feel *real.* Not people I'd want to be friends with, but I have absolutely met folk like this at dungeons in the past. The hypnosis is solid, if maybe a little tropey, and my only true quibbles are on ethics. 8/10 spirals. 
 Hit Me With Your Best Shot
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4/16/2011                                     mc mf ff md fd
Heh, this is definitely more magic than psychology, but in a fun way! And there's still solid psychology rooted in what's being done. I enjoy the interplay between the characters, the cuts back and forth, and the tempo of the story; I just wish it ended a little less ... darkly, I guess? It's not the ending I would have wished for. 7/10 spirals.
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chanstopher · 1 year
9 YEAR OLD DREAMY WAS IN LOVE WITH GRAYSON??? i actually almost choked on air reading that because when i was 8-10 i had a phat crush on robin/dick from young justice season 1; this is so funny skdjfhj i think there's been a variety of fandoms i've been in but the dc + marvel ones were the longest. i also loved littlest petshop, gen rex, ben 10 etc. but my iron man craze was literally the worst. can you believe that i had all 44 iron mans (the designs) memorized by name when i was 12? it's absolutely mindblowing thinking of that for me, i can barely remember my friends' names now djdjfkfj also hiii hope you are having a lovely day today ❣️ the flamin' hot cheeto look was a really fun one, if i'm being honest and yes! changbin looks so nice with light hair... my favourite binnie remains go-saeng era bin though, the ash blue/grey hair and slight mullet suited him a lot! i personally love natural hair on everyone but my preferred hair colour has always been a deep purple, like the one minho had a while back! whenever any of my biases get the grape hair is when i think they look the prettiest⏤my favourite gem is amethyst and that shade reminds me of the geode a lot, especially once it starts fading towards the pastels, it's like it's fading from the crystals to the chalcedony :D others i love are silver/lychee hair, blueberry hair, peach hair etc. hehe oh you're so cute :c i am more of a person whose love language is acts of service + gift giving so i often end up remembering the most absolutely trivial things concerning my friends, which has extended to my biases jfkjkgjd a few things i associate with them is: the stars (cliche but i once heard someone say to another person that their freckles were like specks of stardust & constellations in the night sky somewhere and that stuck with me for felix once i saw him after that!), guitars, berries, bandaids, skateboards, cooking/baking, cats, trace chain necklaces, sweaters, garlic (LOL) and little envelopes! soem of these are things i've seen them with and the others are like. this will sounds so weird but what i smell/taste/feel/picture when i think of them? it only happens with a few people though and the funniest thing is my ult isn't one of them KLDJDSJ but yeah jeongin is the one with which it does happen! what's your favourite food? and what is some fun activity you'd like to try out with chan if you had the chance to? - 🌨
hi my love! sorry im always so swamped during the weekends im like brain dead lmao
omg young justice was SO good the fact that it got cancelled was such a crushing part of my childhood, it was so perfect but just cause girls liked it they trashed it :( i fully support u memorizing all of iron mans suits, i always go into fandoms like that lmao if i really like something i was to be an encyclopedia of knowledge on it. i used to be that way about lord of the rings but a lot of that info has absolutely leaked out of my brain since i was a kid so now it just pops up randomly and im like how do i know this still???
purple is ALWAYS such a good color, its so sad to me that chris had purple hair for liek a week because its always SUCH a pretty color and i agree it was ESPECIALLY amazing on minho for maniac era, it really suited him! i do wish minho got to have more hairstyles, i feel like he either gets a coconut or coconut but you can see his forehead lol and i think he could pull off anything so i always wonder why they dont really do anything else most of the time.
omg i love remembering little insignificant facts about ppl, i always find that those are the things that make people feel so loved. the amount of times ive gotten something or mentioned something to my best friend that i know she likes it always surprises her cause she doesnt even remember telling me the fact, but im like its about you so it was important to me to remember. I also love gift giving for that reason, cause im not someone to do something super big or elaborate, but i'll get a couple tiny things that i know mean something to someone or that really remind me of them and it always feels nice, like im sharing a piece of how i see them with them.
my favorite food is easily tacos lol i love tacos so much that my best friend has a taco tattoo for me! and i like all kinds of tacos from the garbage taco bell ones to really good authentic street tacos, just something about them i find really comforting I don't know lol but yeah theyre definitely my favorite.
oh god this is massively cheesy but if i could literally do anything with chris it would to be to drive to the middle of nowhere and go stargazing. like just forget everything else and just tell each other stories about the constellations with nothing else around to bother us. i think that would be the most ideal thing to me.
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Played A Helluva Boss Dating Sim Fan Game, It Was Neat (And Talking About Some Feelings & Family Stuff)
[Note: Reading This Is Optional.] 
went on a date with Blitzo on November 14, 2022.........on a fan Sim Dating game. the game is called V Or B...it was fun, even though it was really short....I guess I could pick Verosika next, since she is the other choice in that fan game. maybe it will be made longer in the future, but if not, it's still interesting and fun to play.
I would love to see what would be added if the Helluva Boss Dating Sim “V Or B” gets added scenes and yeah it was short, but it was still awesome and I hope to see some other Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel Fan Games in the future.
I know that some fan games I have downloaded before, I’m not able to play at the moment, either because I would need to possibly finish one game of Undertale in order for me to play one of the Undertale Fan Game one.
I do have the Undertale game and the Demo version of it on the computer, but I had been mostly playing the one on the Nintendo Switch, which by the way was a gift from one of my family, and I’m thankful they got it for me. I think it was a surprise.
I also figured out that when playing Deltarune, well it was before I got the one for Nintendo Switch...
I figured out that I would need to finish Chapter 1 first, before playing Chapter 2 that I had downloaded.
it was a surprise to see a update on the Deltarune on my Nintendo Switch, that had both Chapters 1 & 2.
I guess if you already have the game in Deltarune, it will update the new chapters into it, once each chapter is fully finished and then it will be updated into the Deltarune on the Nintendo Switch, well that is my guess.
at the moment, I am waiting for Yandere Simulator to finish it’s update but it seems that it will take a very long while, maybe hours...
oh wait, a message pop up that shows the update wasn’t able to go through...
I mean it was just extracting and it was taking way too long,
 now the launcher has [Install] instead of [update] on it...
maybe I can try it again and it will work this time and not take as long to finish the update....
so it’s now re-downloading, maybe I will wait a while before playing it.
I am also making sure to not use my pendulum too much and take some breaks from using it, I don’t think I have been using it as much as I started to, which might be a good thing, I would need to take some breaks from using it all the time.
I know that when it comes to the whole Yes, No or Maybe questions, at times I will get prank replies from my pendulum, so I can only believe some of the replies I get are true while the other half are just pranks.
but I know I didn’t have perfect past lives, and I know that full memories wont be there, only bits and pieces.
this can be the case for others who might not be able to remember full memories of their past life or lives.
I know I’m not like other Earth Angels, I’m Defective and that might not be a bad thing, and I view it being like Amethyst and the Off-Colors from Steven Universe Series.
I don’t know how many other Defective Earth Angels there are, but maybe there could be others out there who know they are a Earth Angel, but they are different from the Other ones.
also I’m pretty sure when my baby soul self had fragmented from my Soul-Parent, well one of them, if it is true that I’m basically a fusion-soul...
I might of been like accident, or like a surprise...?
and you know that mature cartoon that of course ain’t for kids, Little Demon...?
I guess it could be possible that Chrissy, is a fragment from her Dad, but for all we know that could only be one half, and she could have another fragment part of her that might come from her Mom.
we can’t really choose who our Soul-Parents are or like Soul-Grandparents,
yeah we use to be part of them, but we were born and came into being when a piece of their soul broke off and gained a will and consciousness of their own.
and I know there is a possibility my pendulum is pulling a prank on me about Phenex being technically my Dad, or Soul-Dad...?
which if that were true, that would mean half the fragment that merged with my Earth Angel Mom’s fragment, came from them.
 I mean I guess it would explain why my ethereal wings would go into flame mode when I get really upset or like mad.
 the difference between me and Phenex, would be that even if I did end up going to Heaven, I will try to find the edge and jump off of it....
I mean I can still believe that Heaven, still has some good in it, and well I know my soul was born on Earth, even if it has some heritage from there like others.
 I can still believe in Jesus, but I don’t want him to go down a path that he might believe is “fixing” everything but might just end up doing more harm than good.
and I can only hope that it isn’t true about the info I had found before that involves him, and about the four horseman or knights or whatever.
another thing I rather not get into, is that whole Jesus Christ Vs Prophet Muhammad situation, I mean maybe it’s not too worried about right now.
and well, if someone told those two they have shared family in the modern day, I guess it would be a very big shocker....
I know that even though Jesus might be a distant cousin, because we share the same ancestor in King David, which I don’t mind being in the so called curse line that has to do with King Solomon, cause that is more of a blessing than a curse.
and well the whole Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ being related to family of the modern day, might be true, I mean I know I had brought up that if I do find out there is someone from a past that is my Ancestor, or like a distant cousin or whatever, I would write there name down and the number on how many Greats of a Grandparent they are, or how many times removed of a cousin they are if they are a cousin instead.
well I had ended up finding one paper, and well I guess it was one I had forgotten about....
and well it says Prophet Muhammad, 43rd Great-Grandfather, and there is the word Isam on the paper as well.
I guess maybe sometime, we should try to look up on one of the family trees sites, to see any confirmation.
I know it wouldn’t be possible on one family tree site, because of the whole “Buying” problem with it, so lucky there are other family tree sites.
and I know some DNA Test that my Mom did before to see where we came from and our heritage, had confirmed some heritage I already knew about.
I know I had wrote what was shown on paper, I think I forgot most of the names of the places that was listed on the info that was found about where our family came from, but I know some percent was from America.
I can’t find the paper that I wrote down the name of the places where most of my family came from, but maybe I will find it another time.
also even if it did turn out that Jesus was my Ancestor-Grandpa too, there would still need some form of proof that it is, like some kind of DNA test thing.
plus the whole O RH D Negative blood type, might of not been his blood type, because the info on his blood type is something very different.
plus if any info has any truth to it, that blood type has been around for a very long time before he was born into the mortal plane into a human vessel.
it is very likely he is only a distant a cousin, and not a ancestor. 
I’m still procrastinating in checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for a third time, but I know when I do get around to it at long last...
I will have to try to not end up feeling like I did the last few times we tried to see what my blood type is, I will make sure to keep my eyes closed while someone else helps with pricking and placing some of the drops of blood on that card thing.
I don’t think I would ever become a blood donor, because of that whole feeling so great when the last few tries we made when seeing what my blood type is.
at first I thought it was because I needed to eat something first, but that might not be the case.
 I don’t know if I have a phobia of blood or not, I mean I think I’m okay seeing it on like some mature cartoons and video games.
I think I had suspected that I had a slight phobia of it, because of how many times the feeling I had came when in the middle of checking what blood type I am.
anyway it does seem that the extraction for the Yandere Simulator is taking much longer again, it shouldn’t take this long, but maybe it has a lot to do so it can fully finish.
when it was first taking way too long, I was going to stop it, but then a message pop up showing that if I did, it might corrupt it.
so I had to decide not to try to close it out because of that.
 if there is another problem with the update, and it shows that same message again, I guess I will have to wait later or maybe tomorrow to try again.
the day that Yandere Simulator is fully finish and gets put on a Game Disc or Card for both the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and maybe even Playstation will be the best day ever.
I do have a theory that while the Player that is myself and others, who play Yandere Simulator in the Real World.
there could be a Player in Yandere Simulator, but like in a separate timeline and world, where Yandere Simulator is just a game world, but it’s called by a different name in that other world...
like it’s called My Paramour Life At Akademi (or some other name...)
and the Player looks like how Taro Yamada originally looked before the update to his default look, and that said Player while playing the game that connects to the Yandere Simulator world,
the character he plays as is Taro Yamada, which is the Playable Character that In-game Player can control.
in their world, the game plays like normal and there was no Geno Routes.
but something unexpected happens that causes the two alternate worlds, to become more connected and the Player (not the real life one but the one within the game universe and timeline.) starts to notice that a girl is following his playable character around.
and just like how the Real Life Player, is able to look at the I.D. of students and faculty, the Player in the game world, is able to do that as well.
and finds out the girl’s name is Ayano Aishi, who originally didn’t exist in the game of that Player, because the Player’s game was part of the Original Timeline before Megami Saikou’s Aunt’s Twin was lost in Time and Space. 
we could be called “Player-1″ while the Player in another world in Yandere Simulator, can be called “Player-2″ so not to be confused when talking about the Player that plays the game in the real world, and the one that could possibly be in the game that comes from another world where Yandere Simulator is a game, but goes by a different name where they are from.             
Player-2, might of played the Dating Simulator game a lot and maybe they always chose the first rival, but before that game of theirs started to connect to the other world that makes up the Yandere Simulator that we the Player in real life plays....
the target love interest that Player-2 chooses, wasn’t Osana but was Kokona.
plus it could turn out that Info-Chan was able to connect to that other world, and somehow brought the Player-2 from their world to the one where Info-Chan, Ayano and the others are from.
Player-2 could end up becoming a obstacle in Ayano’s way in getting Taro Yamada, while not really being a true rival, he could try to hook Taro up with someone, thinking maybe it will fix everything if he becomes the wing-man for the guy who was just a playable character.
his name could have to do with John Doe, or maybe something different, but still similar.
Player-2 ends up trapped in the world that is a counterpart of the Dating Game from his world and it could turn out he can’t go home until he makes sure Ayano loses Taro, and Taro ends up with the rival that Player-2 picks to help try to win Taro.
just like the other choices on how to beat the rival, we can choose the Pacifist, Neutral or No Mercy Route when dealing with Player-2 who looks like how Taro originally looked before the update to his look.
if we choose to befriend Player-2, he will stop trying to push Taro to one of the rivals and will just try to live a normal life in the new world he is in as a student of Akademi and working at one of his part time jobs to get by.
it could also turn out that Player-2, lives next door to Ayano.
another way to stop Player-2, will be to give him a “Game Over” and the other is getting him expelled from Akademi.
even if such a character is more of a hypothetical and fan theory if it did happen, it would still be interesting if such a character was part of the game.
and well the same message pop up again about Yandere Simulator, so I guess I will have to try to do the update again later.
I think later, I will try picking Verosika in that V OR B Dating Sims.
 here is the link to the game if anyone who is a fan of both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel,  are interested...
the game is short, but it is still interesting....but it is still very well made and well, it’s okay that not everyone likes it, I mean it’s okay that only some like it.
if there was a Crossover fan game with both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel,
and well maybe the Fan Audio Series that is called Arackniss (same name as Angel’s Brother.)
it be interesting if Monty from that Arackniss Audio Series was added in it, as well as Sir Pentious and Arackniss himself.
 I think when it comes to a Fan made game that has both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel, and having to choose between the love targets.
I think I would pick Arackniss, and maybe Alastor as my second choice when re-playing the game. 
then again, maybe Husk would be my second choice and then Alastor.
I would rather play Dating Sim Video games, as well as read it in some books or see it in a movie or show, than try to experience it in real life or by the whole online boyfriend thing, which even though they would be a online boyfriend, they would still be someone from the real world.
I know I had some bad luck in the whole love thing, either it be the online ex-boyfriends or liking someone who lived at the same town as me, but it was more of a one-sided.
and some experiences, I had with one of my ex-boyfriends that I met online, I rather forget and I know that I am Aroaceflux, but I’m not sure I was that way during those times, I know now that my body might of absorbed different energies, half of which were dangerous for me and could possibly be the reason why I ended up with seizures.
I know that some seizures will need medicine, but some will not be the normal type of epilepsy, and will be caused by the energies of people or a place.
        also I think it might be possible that the Aceflux part of myself, might not flux very much,                                                                            
plus I am Fictoromantic, even if some might not believe that can be a real romantic identity, but it is possible some might misunderstand it.
like sure I can still become attracted to some real life humans, but I don’t really have a interest in pursuing a romantic relationship.
one the reasons, is because if I do try to, the said romantic partner might not respect my personal space when I need it.
and if I did end up having a boyfriend hanging around me in real life,
they might put their hands on me or arm around me, when I have moments when I don’t want to be touched.
 I know that not everyone will start out as Aroace, and some will become that way later in life.
one of the reasons I keep my bracelets on all the time, even when I sleep and only take them off when I really need to...
is because I don’t want to pick up the sexual lustful energies of others,
besides using them as sealing charms and limiters, because of the whole possibility my pendulum unlocked the whole moving stuff with my mind when I hold a object with my fingers and it starts to move like my pendulum...
I think wearing my bracelets, when I am sleeping, does help protect me and makes myself in the dream realm, become self aware.
and well because of the whole walking into another person’s dream thing, and not wanting to go to sleep at the same time as them, I had to get the dream-catcher I have now to protect me, from being lured and put into a trance caused by someone’s lustful energies...
and yeah, if I didn’t find out about the naughty books or dvds that was found in the said person’s room after that whole thing that happen, I guess I would of at some point, think it was just a dream that had nothing to do with dream-walking, and my dream self being lured by the lustful energy....
but it’s too much of a coincidence, and yeah the other close call I had, might of been with a Incubus, of course not everyone has to believe that and could just a agree I might of just had a bad dream that scared me awake.
all I know is that I was possibly between awake and asleep, or like became self aware, it was dark and I was on my back....
and well something touched me in a certain way, and even if it was only for a split second or minute or whatever moment it was, it was enough to scare me awake.
that whole possibility that I had a incubus encounter, was possibly the reason I had got to wearing a bracelet when I go to sleep, and having those little angel shaped gems to keep under my pillow as well.
I rather not be catnip for Incubus, even if it is possible I might have Succubus heritage, and for all I know, maybe the Angelic Counterpart of a Succubus.
I know now that I have been picking up other peoples own sexual and lustful energies, and it is one of those energies I have to protect myself from.
you can still be a Sexual Empath and still be a Virgin, like some might think you have do the physical touching in order to pick up on that energy from someone.
but that is just one way to do so, the other way is like when a flower gets energy from the sun, even if the they are a little far away from each other, the sun’s energy can still end up getting to the flower.
so I can be in a different room and pick up the other person’s energy.
I believe thanks to wearing my bracelets all the time, I haven’t picked up those energies when I’m awake, but could possibly end up being weak to it when I’m sleeping and in the dream realm.
which is why I need a dream-catcher, and I think the times when a dream-catcher I have doesn’t work, and I end up with a small bad dream, might have to do with it ending up being turned the wrong way.
I guess one of the things I would have to be consider with, is that the possibility that I might of Soul-Zinged without meaning to.
you know like a Zing from Hotel Transylvania, but slightly different.
also about the whole Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ possibly being both part of my family tree, well I guess I shouldn’t worry too much about it.
I mean still should try to do a double check sometime about if Prophet Muhammad is my 43rd Great-Grandfather, and if it does turn out to be true by looking up again, I guess I will have to accept it as being true and well, some might disagree, but I’m not lying, I just want to do a double check sometime that involves if he really is my 43rd Great-Grandfather.
 King David, in my option, wasn’t the best Dad and sure isn’t winning Best Ancestor Grandfather of the year.
because he refused to properly punish that sicko of a son of his, that had hurt Tamar.
even if he still did some good things in his life, he still did some pretty messed up stuff...
and yeah I’m glad to be a descendant of his son King Solomon, because it means I wont have to take that throne, still a freaking blessing and not really a curse anymore.
and yeah I believe in the Earthly Mother/Goddess now, well I still believe in the Heavenly Father/God as well, but it is thanks to some books I had read, that my eyes have been open to something that I don’t think I had fully realized before.
but I ain’t gonna make the same mistake as most humans have done,
like trying to force convert but lucky not all people do that.
there could be a lot of people, both religious or not at all, might had bad experiences with Toxic-Religious people who end up crossing lines when trying to force convert.
and besides the whole force convert thing, there was that whole bad experience I had with a Toxic-Religious person, who kept misusing the whole “may god have mercy on you” or “may the lord have mercy on you” at me, even when I pointed out it was hurting my feelings and it was making me cry.
it’s like my talking about how it was hurting my feelings and making me feel bad, was going over their head, or they thought that they were doing a “good deed”
by keeping up that same words at me, I had to block them after I wasn’t getting through to them on how they kept using those words, were hurting me emotionally.
I think it was because I became open about believing in a Goddess, and the whole gender identity thing, I know I was still figuring that out, and for a while I thought I was more of a Gyno-Agender, but it is more of a Nonbinary-Girl and being Feminine Aligned, yeah I’m biologically female, and well anyone who was born in any of the biological binaries, and well there are different types of Nonbinary people.
some will still go by she/her or he/him, and some will only go by they/them,
and some will go by both he/him & they/them and or she/her & they/them.
I like knowing that Kris is Nonbinary in the canon of Deltarune,
well it does seem that way, even if it is just suggested that Kris is Nonbinary.
and I guess some could view Kris as being a Nonbinary-Boy or Nonbinary-Girl,
or just Nonbinary without being called a Nonbinary-Boy or Nonbinary-Girl.
so if Kris is just Nonbinary (without the boy or girl added to the end)
they would just be a Enby instead of being called a Boy or Girl.
 even if Chara from Undertale, can be viewed as a Boy or Girl or Enby and have different names that is different from their default name.
the name Chara is a actual real name, and it is also a Diminutive of Charlotte.
also after this post, I want to talk about a theory about Frisk and the Red Soul from both Undertale and Deltarune.
it might be a very big plot twist, but it is a theory I need to say...
but I will only do so in the next post after this one...
anyway besides the other stuff I had talked about in this,
I think a fan game with Helluva Boss and maybe even Hazbin Hotel, sounds great and I do like the one where you have to choose between Blitz and Verosika.
and well a fan made dating game with characters from Red Vs Blue would be awesome as well, and I would love to see Tucker’s cute idiot moments in such a fan game.
he thought he really went back in time some seasons back, but really he only teleported, it took me a while to notice he is a cute idiot.
I wonder if I might be a little bit Mororomantic [the romantic counterpart of Morosexual.]  , like I guess that could be possible.
I know I did end up getting a crush on O’Malley at some point in the future seasons of Red Vs Blue, I mean when he came back as a split personality, and yeah at some point I think I ended up having a crush on both him and Doc.
I guess it’s like going for the dangerous bad boy, who is also a sweet heart type crushing.
like you fall for a bad boy, cause there is some kind of attraction but even if you like the bad boys, you do have standards on the type of bad boys you will fall for.
same thing could be said for those who go for the Bad Girls.
 guess Blitz might go for the Bad Boys & Girls, but we know it is possible he had bad luck in his love life but it might get better for him.
and not everyone has to agree with me, but the whole view that Stella did nothing wrong, is still bull to me.
yes it was still technically wrong of Stolas to cheat on her, but from what we have seen in Season 2, we know their marriage was never perfect, even if Stolas did try his best to have a family with her and try to make things normal for Octavia, who was one of the best thing that came into Stolas’s life when he was married to Stella.
sure there are Fanon versons of Stella, where she ends up reforming and regretting her actions.
 but we know that in the main canon timeline of Helluva Boss,
she has been verbally abusive, and talked about Stolas in a negative way even when not talking directly to him but could do so when knowing he is listening.
we don’t know if she is physically abusive or not, even though she did try to hit him in one of the episodes, and I can like and dislike her, but not fully like or dislike her.
maybe she will reform in the canon, or maybe she will stay the way she is.
but we can’t assume that Blitz was the one who broken things between Stolas and Stella, their relationship was already broken before the affair happen.
I can agree about how Mrs Mayberry’s husband cheating on her was wrong,
because it was clear that they may have had a good marriage before Mrs Mayberry’s  husband had cheated on her.
she could probably find someone better, it might be weird, but I kind of want to ship her with Stolas’s Dad, he might be a clueless Himbo but he could be one of the options of those who could be ship with Mrs Mayberry.
anyway since this talked about other stuff besides the whole fan game I found out about on November 14, 2022....that had to do with a dating game that has Blitz and Verosika, I had to edit the title for this a little bit and even add the other tags that has “talking about feelings” and “my thoughts”
and make sure to put the mature audiences only, as well as not for kids.
also just in case, I put the do not reblog without permission.
anyway reading this is optional, as it says so on the top of this....
any who, I’m just going to hurry up and post this and get to writing the theory that has to do with Undertale and Deltarune...         
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