#now i can see the hope again that fox took away from us
buckleys9-1-1 · 30 days
once eddie realises he is queer and has feelings for buck (if that’s where the story is going which i feel like it is) i want eddie to come out to buck last.
because buck will be understandably upset as to why his best friend in the whole world wouldn’t be comfortable coming out to him. then we get this whole angsty episode before buck snaps and confronts eddie.
buck: i just don’t understand why you told everyone but me, do you not trust me? have i done something to upset you?
eddie: no that’s not it
buck: you’re my best friend, there’s no one i trust more in this world then you
eddie: *shouting* no! you’ve got it wrong
buck: *shouting back* then what is it?!
eddie: I LOVE YOU
buck: *in shock*
eddie: i love you so much it hurts
anyways i’m not a screenwriter so apologies if it’s shit, but something like that.
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shadowandlightt · 5 months
Of Nightmares and Memories /two/ Azriel X Reader
Series Warnings: Kidnapping. Mistreatment. Cursing. Pining. Violence. Depression. Talks of suicide. Eventual smut
Part one Part Three
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You dream of the blue of his siphons. The hazel of his eyes. You see him every night, whether you’d like to or not. He seems to invade everyone of your senses, always. Even from miles away. Even if he was dead. But you swore you’d know if he perished when Amerantha took over. You felt as if you would’ve felt his loss deep within your gut. 
But there had been no word of Velaris, or the people inside it. Had your brother truly been able to hide it all of these years? He’d been stripped of so much of his power, but did he have enough to keep your beloved city safe? 
“He wants you in the dining room for dinner.”
“And if I say no?” You question the red haired fox. 
His eyes, one golden and mechanical, narrowed on you, “He’ll drag you down by your hair.”
“I’d like to see him try,” You bark out a laugh, knowing you could shred him in a moment if only you had use of your power. 
The faebane they kept you full of made sure you were just a sliver of who you once were. Your skin was dull and lifeless, gone was the wondrous glow of immortality. Because you might as well have been mortal, plain and easy to kill. But you still had the self defense that your brothers taught you. You still had the ability to fight back. You were weak now, yes, but you could still just as easily use one of the butter knives on Tamlin. 
“Please,” Lucien begged, “Don’t be difficult. It’s been a hard day.”
“He lost another, then?” I question, head cocking to the side. 
“Don’t bring it up or he’s likely to skin you alive,” Lucien warned you. 
“Again, I’d like to see him try.”
Lucien’s eyes seem tired as he looks at you. Your fight seemed to dissipate as you looked at him. You knew time was running out, far too fast. Soon enough Amarantha would take control over every Fae, no matter where they lived. Tamlin was the only one keeping her at bay, and his power was almost hers for the taking. Then what would become of you? When her goons came for Tamlin and ransacked the house, surely they’d find you and drag you before her. Then you’d just be a tool to further your brother’s pain. 
“Ah, I can see it now,” He sighed, “You’ve realized your fate, if this doesn’t work.”
“He’ll never convince a human to love him,” You shake your head, “No matter how charming  he can be.”
“For your sake, you best hope he does.”
You follow him from your room, or your cell, whatever seems to fit one day to the next. The manor house is quiet as you make your way through it, servants not sparing you a second glance. They all knew you were being held prisoner, yet they could do little to change it, without incurring the High Lord’s wrath. 
For once in your life, you were helpless, and had been since that day in the clearing.
“It would’ve been so much easier for him,” You mutter, “Had he just let them kill me that day. Instead he had them spare me and now I stay a constant headache.”
“More like a constant thorn in his side,” Lucien smiled slightly.
The thought brought a sly smile to my face. You prepared your stone mask as you grew closer to the dining room. Lucien was the only one you allowed to see a sliver of who you were. You allowed him to see more of yourself than you should, because he saw someone who was a little more delicate, a little more capable of love and sadness. Not the stone exterior of the Night Court that we worked so hard to maintain.
“Play nice with him tonight,” Was Lucien’s last warning before we reached the golden doors. 
You schooled your face into a bored mask, as if all of this was beneath you. For centuries you’d been playing this part. Without so much as a break from it. Only when you were sure you were alone in my rooms did you let the mask fall. Only then did you cry out for my family, for my home. 
“Glad you decided to join us,” Tamlin’s voice carried from the end of the table. 
Your eyes roll, “As if I had a choice.”
A snarl escapes from Tamlin, claws slowly growing. You smile sweetly at him for a moment, before throwing out what little power you had left to reach into his head. Just enough to let him know you were there, just enough to be a pest when you wanted. But it wasn’t without difficulty. Sweat beaded on your forehead as you strained against the confines of your power. 
“Enough,” He yelled, slamming his hands down against the table. 
You flinch back, seeing the beast start to emerge. For a moment you allowed yourself to feel the slight fear that crept in. You were weak now, unable to protect yourself as you used to. He’d taken your power, your freedom, and your strength away from you. Stripped it away as if it were nothing. He should have just killed you in the forest that day. 
“Where is the little human?” You question, sniffing the air, “Her…stench is hard to miss.” 
“She’s getting cleaned up,” Lucien spoke up, “Might be best if you eat before Alis is finished with her.”
I turn slowly to glare at him, before turning back to Tamlin, “Still keeping me as your dirty little secret then?”
“She doesn’t need to know about you.”
“You know, I hope you can charm this one,” You snarl, “Because time is running out. Soon enough we’ll all be-”
“Enough!” He roars, “I know how much time we have left. I should have killed you when I had the chance.”
“Oh, you still have the chance, but the second he finds out I’m still alive,” You can’t help but laugh as you shake your head, “Well… then you’ll really wish you allowed them to kill me.”
“If she finds out you're alive…” Lucien trailed off with a look from Tamlin. 
I flop down into a chair and scoop up a glass of wine, “Well, this is going to be a fun couple of months, then, won’t it?”
“Behave,” Lucien snaps. 
“I am behaving,” I reply sweetly. 
“Eat, before I lock you up and forget about you.”
“Now now,” I sigh, “It’s been centuries, surely we can be a little more civil than that,”
“You’re too much like your brother,” Tamlin sighs, leaning back into his chair. 
“You almost sound sad about that,” You note, “Regretting crossing him?”
You hum and drink your wine before tucking into the food before you. Despite knowing there was faebane in it, you couldn’t stop eating. You hardly ate anymore. Just enough to keep you alive, but today you were starving. 
“Slow down before you make yourself sick,” Lucien said slowly. 
You growl at him before slowly down slightly. If only your brother could see you now. See what you’d become. If only Az and Cas could see you, what would they think? Or Mor or Amren. You weren’t sure what they would say if they could see you now. How different you’d become. 
Time passed slowly. The weeks dragged on, as you were only allowed out of your room when Feyre, the human, wasn’t around. Tamlin was doing well with dancing around your existence. Firenight was quickly approaching, and you felt the excitement deep in your bones. If there was one night that you would beg to be released it was Calanmai. 
“You know you can’t.”
“Please Lucien,” You all but beg, “He’ll be there, I know it.”
“Which is why you can’t leave the manor,” He explains.”
“I just want to see him for myself,” You whine, “I need to see him, just once before the fifty years is up. Just once.”
“He’ll know.”
“Tamlin will be too caught up in the rite to notice,” I remind him, “And you can manage a convincing glamor.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Just this once,” You say softly, “I wouldn’t ask if time wasn’t running out.”
“I know.”
“Just, please.”
“You stay next to me the whole time,” He explains, “Running off could get you killed.”
“I know.”
“Thirty minutes, that’s all you’ll get.”
“It’s more than I thought I’d get.”
Your heart hammered in your chest with the prospect of seeing your brother again after centuries of being apart from him. You knew you wouldn’t be able to tell him who you were, you wouldn’t be able to leave with him. Or speak with him. But you’d be able to lay eyes on him, and know that in whatever capacity, he was okay. He was alive, even if he was a slave to the bitch under the mountain. He’s still alive. And that’s all you could ask. Even if the rest of your family was dead, at least he lived on.
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bedoballoons · 8 months
Yandere Lyney,Ferment,lynette and Neuvillette and there reaction to there dearest darlings friends from Sumaru coming for a surprise visit to Fontaine.. I'm starting to miss sumeru!! And all of the friends..Tighnari..Cyno..Nilou kaveh KAVEH!!😭 Al...well maybe not Alhaitham....but you get it😅
Yesss!! Jealousy is on high alert! Friends better be careful! Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~Yandere and friends~༺}
CW: Obsessive behaviour! Slight threats towards other characters, possessiveness, and jealousy! Heated make outs, established relationships! (Pet names: Lyney: Mon amour, Neuvillette: Dearest,
(Includes: Lyney, Lynette, Neuvillette, and Freminet! Honourable mentions: Tighnari, Kaveh, Nilou, and Cyno!)
𑁍༄Lyney: (Kaveh)
Lyney was putting on a performance as per usual, only this time it had nothing to do with magic or tricks of the mind, no this time it was a fake smile and calm facade, while he sat there... watching you laugh happily with another man beside you. It was driving him absolutely mad, his thoughts running wild with wanting to claim you as his and his alone, but he had to at least attempt to play nice, "Ahem, so Kaveh. What did you say you did for work again?"
Kaveh smiled nervously, "Well I'm a architect, but recently works been...frustrating to say the least. I feel like I have less and less inspiration, however visiting here has definitely helped." He glanced at you towards the end, giving silent indication that you were the reason behind his new ideas and Lyneys face turned red with anger, all the way to the tips of his ears.
"I am so unbelievably sorry, but I completely forgot we had somewhere to be. You'll have to excuse us, bye!" Lyney grabbed your wrist harshly, pulling you away from the blonde and down into the nearest alley so quickly you didn't even get to respond. He lifted you up, your back pushed roughly against the stone wall as his lips crashed into yours, his jealousy turning into possessiveness while he claimed your kiss for himself.
He only pulled away once you started gasping for air and even then he whispered hotly against your lips a warning, "Don't...talk to him again, or else."
𑁍༄Lynette: (Nilou)
"Nilou! What are you doing here? Oh my gosh!!" You hurried up to the beautiful dancer, arms wrapping around her tightly in a warm welcoming embrace. You couldn't even recall the last time you'd seen her since coming to Fontaine, but you did know it had been ages and you were more than happy about her surprise visit.
"I really wanted to show you some of my new dance moves, but I knew you were so far away...and then I came with the idea to come to you! I'll be here for a few days and I want to see everything! Oh I've missed you so much!" Her voice was sugary sweet and she smelled slightly of Sumeru flowers, which made you miss the forest. It really had been some time since you last visited.
"Ahem...who's...this?" Lynettes monotone voice pulled you out of your hug and you suddenly felt guilty for not introducing them to eachother sooner, "I'm so sorry! Lynette this is Nilou from Sumeru, she's a beautiful dancer and a really good friend of mine. Nilou this is Lynette,my girlfriend, she works as a assistant to a incredible magician!"
"Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Lynette." Nilou reached a hand out, ready to shake in greeting, but Lynette rejected it, in fact without a word she took your hand and lead you away, leaving you completely confused and Nilou wandering what had happened. "Lynette? What are you doing?"
"You're mine...and I'm not a fan of this dancer getting in the way of that. If she'd like to see Fontaine she can do so without you." Her voice was still flat, but now it held a tinge of anger...jealousy. It had your face blushing and heart racing, "I'm...yours?"
"All mine~"
𑁍༄Neuvillette: (Tighnari)
Neuvillette swirled the water in his cup, sharp lilac eyes glued to the fennec fox across from him, the poor man's tail swaying with anxiety as the Chief of justice stared him down. It truly wasn't Neuvillettes intention to make the other nervous, but now that he had started to he simply couldn't stop, maybe if the fox hadn't hugged you so tightly...,this wouldn't have happened.
"Well anyways...Tighnari what have you been up to? How's Collei?" You tried to break the rising tension, but it seemed it was of no use as Neuvillette stood up, gesturing for you to follow him, "My sincerest apologies, but it seems we've run out of time to chat for today. Dearest please accompany me."
You shot him a curious look, knowing full well neither of you had any plans during this time of day, but leaving with him was better than the two of them silently threatening eachother...so you followed after him. Your curiosity only growing as he walked into a nearby office, completely empty and unused by anyone, "Neuvillette...?"
He gently grabbed your waist, pulling your body close to his until you were flush against him, your face mere inches from his own and your cheeks blushing at his unusual forcefulness. "Pardon my forwardness, I just don't like people touching things that don't belong to them and he got far closer to you than he should have~"
𑁍༄Freminet: (Cyno)
Freminet sighed in annoyance, his eyes trained on your friend as he told you jokes...all of which weren't even that funny and he explained all of them afterwords, making it even less funny, but you were still laughing? Why? How was this man entertaining you so easily, speaking with no stutter while your boyfriend sat next to you, to shy to even say a word, but filled with anger and jealousy on the inside that made him want to scream.
You were his entire world...his everything, his obsession and he didn't like this suprise visitor threatening that. Suddenly a idea popped into his head, a small almost unnoticeable smirk playing on his lips as he leaned in closer to you, whispering into your ear with his face blushed and his heart racing, "Let's leave him, I-I want to make you mine. We can do whatever you'd like, p-please~"
His breath was hot against your ear and he sounded so desperate that your heart skipped a beat, "F-freminet-" His hand intertwined with yours, "S-sorry Cyno, but it seems they aren't feeling s-so well. Look at their face, I'm sure they will meet up with you later...m-maybe." With that he directed you away, excited to be alone with you and more than ready for whatever pleasure he could give you.
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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bruh-changbin · 10 months
patience is a virtue
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part 3 to invasion of privacy series
pairing: roommate!heeseung x afab reader
genre: smut, angst, minimal fluff (minors dni)
warnings: unprotected sex (be safe), use of the pull out method (do not do this), piv, tit sucking, nipple play, mutual masturbation, some indecent public acts, mentions of vomit, alcolohol consumption, heeseung is so bad at communicating it is actually physically painful, jake is still annoying and hoon is a film bro oh god
word count: 8.6k
a/n: pls don't gut me ik this took forever but i hope its worth it at least lawl enjoy yourselves (but not too much......) also someone needs to take ellipses away from me. also not proofread
read part 1 and part 2 first or else this won't make a ton of sense
[shithead]: you guys wanna come to the cave to play smash? i got some more of that indica and jay finally cleaned his bong 🙄
[grandfather]: come on dude it wasn’t even that dirty
[cullen tease]:..... no comment
[cullen tease]: but yea i’m down
[grandfather]: what about heeseung?
[shithead]: idk… it’s just been radio silence from him for like 3 days
[cullen tease]: yea what happened to him?
[grandfather]: well the last time we talked to him was right before he hung out with y/n sooo
[shithead]: no way
[shithead]: do you think she fucked him so hard he passed out for three whole days?
[cullen tease]: shut the fuck up jaeyun
[shithead]: i’m just saying!!! if i had a hot roommate like that i would gladly let her destroy me
[cullen tease]: that’s because you’re a man whore
[grandfather]: come on guys cut it out, you know how heeseung tends to get
[grandfather]: emotional
[cullen tease]: that’s the understatement of the year
[shithead]: wait what if…….
[shithead]: she killed him
[grandfather]: you’re an idiot
[shithead]: it’s a possibility! what if it’s like a jennifer’s body type situation
[cullen tease]: hold up, you’ve seen jennifer’s body?
[shithead]: duh… it has megan fox in it
[grandfather]: okay let's not stray from the situation at hand
[shithead]: wait hoon why is it so surprising that i’ve seen jennifer’s body?
[cullen tease]: i just didn’t peg you as the type of guy to enjoy films like that
[shithead]: what the fuck does that mean
[grandfather]: guys
[cullen tease]: dude come on, your favourite movie is grown ups 2
[shithead]: what’s wrong with grown ups 2? 
[cullen tease]: what’s wrong with it is that it’s trash
[shithead]: are you fr? it is a cinematic masterpiece and i don’t appreciate you acting all high and mighty because you’re a fucking film major who likes boring and sad movies like the godfather or whatever
[grandfather]: can you two shut the fuck up? we need to figure out what’s going on with hee
[adult virgin]: i’m not dead
[cullen tease]: heeseung!
[grandfather]: heeseung!
[shithead]: heeseung! you’re alive!!!
[grandfather]: how you doin’ buddy?
[shithead]: yea what went down with you and sexy roomie at the drive-in? i just know the two of you got up to some freaky shit
[grandfather]: jaeyun i swear to god
[adult virgin]: i don’t wanna talk about it
[cullen tease]: uh oh
[shithead]: oh shit
[grandfather]: oh jeez
[shithead]: jay you question why we call you grandfather when you say shit like ‘oh jeez’
[grandfather]: now’s not the time jake
[cullen tease]: come on heeseung, i’m sure it wasn’t that bad
[adult virgin]: i’m never going on a date again
[shithead]: wait i thought you said it wasn’t a date???
[grandfather]: jake you are one text away from getting kicked out of this group chat
[cullen tease]: i say we kick him out now
[adult virgin]: can you guys please stop blowing up my phone? 
[shithead]: no can do my friend
[shithead]: it’s time for an intervention
[adult virgin]: i’m good
[adult virgin]: the last thing i need right now is you guys screaming at me while i’m trying to cope
[shithead]: too late, jay’s already got the car running. i’m bringing weed!
[cullen tease]: i’ll bring the funyuns
[shithead]: see you soon hee!
[adult virgin]: guys fr i just wanna be alone
[adult virgin]: guys?
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bang bang bang!!!
heeseung recoils when he hears his friends banging on his front door a mere 11 minutes after they said they were coming; a mere 11 minutes after he explicitly told them not to. he recoils even more when he hears you open the door for them. 
“oh, hey y/n…” jay does nothing to try to hide his discontent when he sees you open the door and not his heartbroken friend. 
jake, who’s lowkey wanted to bang you since heeseung first moved in with you, pays no mind to his friend's wariness and envelops you in a rib-crushing hug whilst shouting “i haven’t seen you in forever!!!!!”
“hey guys!” you say with a soft smile before patting jake on the shoulder in an attempt to let him know that he’s stealing all of your oxygen, “come in, can i get you anything?”
jay just scoffs, “no thanks y/n, we don’t need anything from you.”
a somewhat puzzled look makes its way onto your face, “ok… well heeseungs in his room if that’s what you’re here for.” you nonchalantly motion down the hall before returning to the kitchen, leaving the three boys alone in the foyer. 
“damn jay, you could’ve been a little nicer. we still don’t know what even went down between them, remember?” sunghoon murmurs while leading the way to heeseungs bedroom. 
“i guess we’re about to find out,” jay holds his breath before tentatively knocking on heeseungs door before opening it and stepping inside.
when heeseung sees his friends open his door and step into his room, he rolls over so his back is facing them. he thought he was very clear that he is not in the mood to talk. nevertheless, the three of them stride into his room like a boy band and close the door behind them. heeseung hopes they pay no mind to the piles and piles of bunched up kleenex littering his room that are all shrivelled up from his tears.  
“heeeyyy buddy!” jay croons to his dishevelled friend as if he’s talking to a puppy or small child. 
“damnnnn hee, that must’ve been some good pussy if it’s got you acting like this!!!” jake exclaims, which earns him an elbow in the ribs. 
“didn’t i tell you guys not to come? i’m trying to latibulate in peace,” heeseung groans, his voice so monotonous and strained it sounds almost robotic.  
“come on, you didn’t seriously think we were gonna listen to you, right?” sunghoon says matter-of-factly, his ebony bangs covering his eyes and making him look eerily mysterious. 
heeseung just sighs. he feels his mattress shift underneath him and looks over to see that jay has taken a seat on the edge of his bed, his eyes full of what appears to be mostly concern, some disgust as he swipes a couple of dirty tissues onto the floor (he tries to cover this up with a crooked smile).
“sooo what happened?” jake breaks the silence and asks the question that’s sitting on the tip of everyone’s tongue. heeseung, now in a seated position, places his head between his knees and does his best to swallow his shame before retelling the event that took place a few days prior. 
“well, we went to the drive-in…” he starts, voice muffled due to his head hanging low, “and at first it was fine, but then… an… intimate scene came on.” 
sunghoon hangs his head at this, seemingly knowing where the story is going. 
heeseung can’t bare to look at his friends faces as he proceeds, his cheeks ablaze with embarrassment as he recounts his unintentional virginity reveal, the two of you freaking it whilst surrounded by other movie goers, and the painful, painful silence that enveloped him for the rest of the night. 
“and then she just… didn’t say anything. why the fuck didn’t she say anything???!!!!” he whines, his tone a complete 180 from what it was when he first spoke to his friends a short 3 minutes ago.
seemingly at a loss for words, jay just rests his hand on his friends shoulder, offering a gentle pat while sunghoon mumbles a quiet but heart-felt ‘beats me’ from where he’s leaning against heeseungs wall. 
“females are so difficult to understand.”
“don’t say females jake, it makes you sound like an incel,” sunghoon suspires, the frayed ends of his hair fluttering in the process, “maybe she just thought you wanted to get it over with? or that you wanted something casual?”
“i don’t do casual.”
“okay, and how the fuck is she supposed to know that?” sunghoon retorts, defending you since you’re unable to defend yourself - jake subtly nods in agreeance. 
“i don’t know! she’s way more emotionally intelligent than all of us combined so i thought that maybe she’d… pick up on it or something.” heeseung feels his energy depleting and he longs to simply curl up under his duvet and sleep the rest of the day away - or maybe the whole week actually. 
“heeseung,” jay sympathizes, “we know you like y/n… but maybe it's just not gonna work out.”
jake interjects, “yea, and if she can’t see what an absolute package you are right now then maybe she never will! it’s her loss really,” he nods enthusiastically while looking at jay and sunghoon, prompting them to do the same - they do.
heeseung, with swollen cheeks and a bruised heart, can only offer a quiet “thanks guys” while wishing for the tears threatening to spill from the corners of his eyes to go away. he knows that moving on from you, whilst being extremely difficult, is the best thing to do.
after heeseungs feeble thanks, the room falls silent. so silent only that the hum of the a/c is the only detectable sound - that, and the steady inhales and exhales of the 4 boys trapped in heeseungs stuffy bedroom. someone exhales before the shuffling of feet and the creaking of floorboards can be heard. heeseung hardly has any time to react before something (or someone?) is flying through the air and is on track to land directly on top of him.
“DOG PILE ON HEESEUNG!!!” jake shouts while full-on launching himself onto heeseungs body, effectively squashing him into his mattress. the weight of his friend knocks the wind out of him and heeseung barely manages to croak “jaeyun what the fuc-” before the weight is doubled, then tripled as sunghoon and jay follow suit.
it’s hard to tell whose limbs belong to who as heeseungs friends tussle his hair and squeeze his cheeks (and crush his rib cage, but that’s besides the point) in an attempt to get their glum, heartbroken friend to cheer up. and, for the first time in days, a smile appears on heeseungs face.
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order confirmed. you will be updated when your food is en route for delivery.
as if on cue, heeseung’s stomach lets out a cavernous growl. he pats it comfortingly as if to say ‘it’s ok, soon you’ll be filled to the brim with an ice cold baja blast and 2 crunch wrap supremes. just hold on a little longer.’
nothing quite like eating away all of your sorrows.
it’s easy to forget how pivotal a kitchen is in one’s everyday life until it’s stripped away from you like a baby from its mother. ok, maybe not stripped away. more like consciously avoiding it to make sure that you don’t have an awkward run in with your roommate who performed oral sex on you several days ago and is now sending you mixed signals. the thought of having to hold an actual conversation with you makes heeseungs skin crawl. 
he’s been successfully avoiding you for 4 days now, ensuring that he only leaves his room when absolutely necessary - and only doing so when he’s positive that you’re in your room or out of the house. before exiting his bedroom he spends minutes with his ear pressed up to his flimsy bedroom door, making sure the coast is clear before making a break for it.
one may think he’s being extra. just talk to her for crying out loud! but heeseung has managed to convince himself that you think he’s bottom of the barrel scum; the last piece of bread that always gets tossed; the mosquito on your wall that you whack with a rolled up newspaper as soon as you see it.
and so, he spends his days rotting away in his bedroom, his mattress now donning a permanent indent of the shape of his body; his trash can overflowing with wrappers from taco bell and mcdonalds; his laptop struggling to keep up with all of the mind-numbing streaming of shitty television he’s been doing. 
one time he gave into his hopeless romantic side and watched the notebook but it made him cry so hard he woke up with a migraine. another time he got an ad for top gun: maverick and he wanted to die. stupid top gun. stupid tom cruise. stupid miles teller with his stupid moustache. now, he sticks to scrolling through tik tok and watching reruns of below deck sailing yacht and survivor. 
he can feel his eyes starting to get heavy when a vibration from his phone jolts him back to reality, scrambling to find the device that he so mindlessly tossed underneath his comforter. his fingers finally come in contact with it, and he peers at the lit-up screen.
your food has been delivered. receipt/tip available.
yes! it feels as if his stomach has been quite literally eating itself for the past half hour, so heeseung leaps up at the prospect of soon having food in his belly. in fact he’s so excited at the idea of his taco bell order waiting for him that the thought of doing his ritualistic check to make sure he won’t have a run-in with you completely slips his mind.
so, when he swings open his door and bolts down the hallway, head filled with nothing but thoughts of chowing down on a tortilla filled with meat, lettuce and cheese, his heart practically falls to his stomach when instead he almost literally runs into you. you, holding a glass of water with your eyes wide like a fawn, taking in heeseungs dishevelled appearance after not seeing him for over half a week. 
this was not supposed to happen. 
“heeseung!” you say with enthusiasm (and a bit of concern).
it is in this very moment that heeseung fully understands what a deer must feel like when falling in front of the headlights of an oncoming vehicle - frozen.
“uh…. heeey y/n.” his throat feels like it’s about to close. is he having an allergic reaction to you? 
seeing as plan a (get his food and go back to his room while avoiding you all together) has fallen through, he attempts to resort to plan b: grab taco bell bag and run like hell back to the safety of his bedroom. 
unfortunately plan b also falls through, for once he worms himself to the front door and grabs the slightly warm paper bag and drink left on his porch he whips around only to see you standing in front of him, blocking his path to the safe haven that is his musty bedroom, (he’s reminded of admiral ackbar in episode vi of star wars - ‘it’s a trap!!!’).
“wait, can we talk?” your face is one of disquietude, “i feel like you’ve been… avoiding me.”
upon hearing your concerns, heeseung does what he’s best at - playing dumb. 
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
your face quickly changes, brows furrowed and eyes slightly squinted as if to say ‘are you shitting me?’. in a split second it seems as if you’re able to read heeseung like an open book, much to his dismay, before you open your mouth to speak again. 
“did… did what i do at the drive-in make you uncomfortable?”
“no…” more like what you didn’t do - profess your undying love and devotion to him with tears in your eyes while he reassures you that he feels the same way and the two of you ride off into the sunset on a horse and start a new life in venice or kyoto or somewhere romantic and secluded.  
“okay, so then why are you acting so weird?”
“i’m… stressed. sooo stressed. classes are killing me and i have a huge paper due soon.” liar. he’s excelling in all of his classes and doesn’t have anything due for another 5 days.
“oh, well what’s it about? maybe i can help you!” you offer while taking a step towards him. usually his heart would be leaping at the prospect of the two of you having some one on one time even if it is for a class, but right now that’s the last thing he needs. 
“it’s about….. shakespeare.”
“shakespeare? i thought you were an engineering major-”
“it’s an elective. i’m very interested in classical literature.” no he’s not. 
“oh, nice. hey why are you talking so weirdly? you sound like siri when i ask her a question.”
that’s it. he needs to get out of this conversation before he raises any more suspicion. 
“i’m way deep into the academic headspace. speaking of,” he motions towards his bedroom door with his index finger, “i need to get back to work.” more like he needs to wallow in his own self-pity. 
“wait, can we talk more? i still feel like you’re not telling me something,” you say while looking like a kicked puppy, and heeseung tries to not fall into your glassy, pleading gaze.
“it’s fine y/n, i get it.” he thinks you’re the light of his life and you think of him as your loser roommate who was all whiny about being a virgin so you did what you needed to do to shut him up. case closed. 
“get… what?”
heeseung doesn’t respond, doesn’t give you the time of day. he simply exits the kitchen and closes his bedroom door behind him. he spares no final glance behind him because he knows the sight of you standing there with a hurt and perplexed look on your face will have him crawling back to you on his hands and knees. 
instead, he shuffles into bed and tries to focus on whatever he was watching on his laptop prior to the most painful conversation he’s ever had in his entire life, his now tepid crunch wrap sitting in his limp grasp. 
salty crocodile tears start rolling down his cheeks for the nth time this week. 
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“i am gonna get sooo many bitches tonight.”
“you shouldn’t call women bitches jake, that’s rude.”
pre-gaming in the cave before going out is a must. the four guys play a couple rounds of pong and flip cup while jay and jake chug putrid pilsner’s and pabst blue ribbons while sunghoon and heeseung opt for a much more tame rum and coke. 
tonight he’s being dragged to a place he seldom ventures: a club.
heeseung doesn’t really like clubs.
he prefers bars where he can sit and drink and talk to his friends instead of clubs where he has to (attempt to) dance and drink and shout over the blasting music to communicate with anyone. alas, jake was adamant on going to this one particular place downtown where apparently he got with 3 different girls in one night (everyone knows that’s definitely not true, but they continue to humour him). 
furthermore, his friends have decided that the financial blow of cover fees and shots at a club is worth getting heeseung up and out of his frowsty bedroom that has somewhat turned into something you would see on an episode of hoarders, so tonight’s outing will be free (for him at least). 
“okay hee,” jake grabs his friend by the shoulders and shakes him aggressively, as if they’re two football players about to head onto the field, “gimme the game plan for tonight broski.”
“i’m gonna forget about y/n, and i’m gonna find a pretty girl,” heeseung says in the most sportsmanlike manner he can conjure up, “and i’m gonna fu…… i’m gonna make love to her.”
jake simply shakes his head in dismay, “no heeseung, you’re gonna fuck her. got it? go ahead, say it.”
“i’m gonna…” his neck feels like it’s flaring up, “i can’t say it, it feels rude and misogynistic.” 
“dude, girls like to get fucked. they think it’s hot!!! now say ‘fuck’,” jake attests before staring at heeseung expectantly. 
“okay………………. fuck.”
“hell yea bro! fuck!” jay joins in while clapping heeseung on the back in support. 
“yea, fuck!!!”
“FUCK!!!!!!” sunghoon joins as well. 
“FUUUUUUCK!!!” heeseung screams. the liquor in his bloodstream, while not copious, is making him feel fuzzy.
and finally, jake closes it out with, “LETS GO FUCK SHIT UP BROS!!!!!!” before storming out of the door with sunghoon following suit.
jay swings a beefy arm around heeseungs blocky shoulders and drags him along, the two of them soon catching up to hoon and jake who are whooping and hollering about god knows what. in the back of heeseungs mind he wonders what he’s gotten himself into.
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immediately upon arrival heeseung is reminded once again of his detestment for clubs. they’re too loud and ho, and impersonal.
the floors and walls are shaking with some throwback early 2000’s pop song and after about 10 seconds the soles of his shoes are already covered in sticky syrup from spilled drinks. he follows his friends into the sea of people trying to get drunk or trying to get laid or both.
in the midst of the crowd he brushes shoulders with a guy he swears he’s seen before, a tall brute guy with blonde hair tied into a man bun and a red flannel hugging his shoulders (who wears a flannel to a club?), but he can’t quite remember when and where they’ve crossed paths before. 
as sunghoon shoulders his way to the bar to order a round of tequila shots, heeseung stays planted to his spot on the floor, his eyes scanning his surroundings and taking everything in to the best of his abilities considering that purple and blue LED lights are painting everyone and everything within the establishment. 
his eyes make their way from the bar to the dance floor to a section of stand-up tables, where he finds a pretty girl in leather pants and a cheetah print corset top staring right back at him. when their gaze’s connect she flashes him a small smile, which he returns.
“jake,” heeseung smacks his friend’s shoulder, “that girl won’t stop staring at me.”
“see hee! we told you you’d pull someone.”
he smirks, then panics, “what should i do?”
“what’s going on?” sunghoon turns around with four shooters balanced between his spindly ple fingers, each one filled with a menacing clear liquor that will ultimately decide his fate this evening. you’re not you when you’re sober but you’re you when you’re drunk!
jake grabs a shot greedily, like a leprechaun stumbling upon a pot of gold, “some chick is ogling at hee.”
sunghoon’s lip curls upwards, “lets go dawg!” he cheers while passing heeseung a shot as if it's a reward for receiving attention from a woman. 
heeseung stares at the tequila in the glass he’s holding with his thumb and index finger; it stares back at him. in one swift move he downs it, then does the same with jake’s, jay’s, and finally sunghoon’s, who all stare at him in disbelief. he tries his best to not make a sour face, but he can’t hold back the deep cough that leaps out of him as the tequila burns his throat on its way down his esophagus and into his stomach.
“wow, okay.” jay says in astonishment, which prompts him to start laughing; everyone else begins to laugh as well, including heeseung. 
“go talk to her shithead!” jake exclaims while shoving heeseung towards the mystery girl and her friends with much more force than necessary, making him stumble over his own feet much like bambi attempting to walk for the first time. 
when he’s close enough he flashes her a toothy grin, his eyes trained on hers; her pupils look like deep pools of ink in the scarcity of good lighting. she just looks at him, a pretty smile painted on her face that pushes the apples of her cheeks to the sky. 
“i’m heeseung.”
“okay heeseung, wanna dance?”
“uh sure!” he exclaims, albeit maybe a little too much excitement in his inflection. 
the cheetah girl doesn’t say anything, just grabs his hand by the wrist (and thank god his wrist because his palms are embarrassingly sweaty) and drags him in the general direction of the dance floor. before he becomes completely swallowed by the mass of swaying bodies, he catches sunghoon and jay giving him a thumbs up from across the room - jake is too busy making out with someone to do the same. 
heeseung feels the fabric of his shirt sticking to his chest and lower back as he gets mixed up with the plethora of other sweaty bodies, trying to move in a sensual yet confident way that hopefully impresses the pretty girl he’s praying he’ll go home with. with his nose tucked into the crook of her neck he rocks his body against hers to the beat of the music, his pelvis bumping against her ass methodically.
“you’re so cute!” she squeals at his awkward attempt to grind up on her.
dear god. when oh when will he ever the patronizing, dehumanizing, emasculating label of ‘cute’? cute is what you say when you see a nest of baby bunnies, or an elderly couple on a date. heeseung is a grown man, he should be called handsome, statuesque, sexy even!!!
nevertheless, heeseung attempts to not let cheetah girl’s comment sour his mood. she’ll see how manly he really is, he’ll show her. in fact he’ll show her right now!
in this very moment he discovers why alcohol has been gifted the name of liquid courage since before he can even process what he’s doing he’s pulling cheetah girl out of the stuffy crowd of inebriated club goers, dragging her to an empty bathroom stall, and placing his tequila coated lips on hers. 
she immediately reciprocates, because why else would she be giving him bedroom eyes across a crowded club if she didn’t want something along this vein to occur? despite being a virgin (? does getting your dick suck count as a loss of virginity?), he has made out with multiple girls on multiple different occasions prior to this one, so he lets his mouth and tongue and hands act on their own accord. 
it feels as if his brain is swimming inside of his skull, making all of his senses blurred and fuzzy like tv static. he feels a pair of teeth sinking into his bottom teeth and he groans, his eyes squeezing shut impossibly tighter and his fingers digging into cheetah girl’s hips. she emits and airy moan in response, allowing heeseung to slot his tongue against hers - he tastes the vodka mixed with cranberry juice she was drinking when he approached her on the inside of her mouth.
the tip of his nose continuously bumps against hers as he sloppy sucks on her tongue and her teeth, his lips soon detaching to make their way across her jaw and down her neck. there he sinks his canines into her skin, causing her to hiss in both pleasure and pain before exhaling blissfully, her hot breath fanning across heeseung face as he reverts to kissing her on the mouth once again. 
from the dj booth he hears the intro of a song that has his eyes shooting open - baby one more time by britney spears. the song that you alway play when you’re getting ready to go out, the song he chose to play during the car ride to the drive-in. he feels a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he thinks about the way you touched him that night, the way you wrapped your hand and lips around his cock without a second thought. his jaw slacks and his hands fall to his sides as his brain starts to move at a million miles per hour.
a mouth that’s not yours is pressed against his while a tongue that’s not yours slips inside and traces his teeth. heeseung can hear his pulse in his ears beating faster than the bass that vibrates the floors and the walls and the ceiling of the club that he now so desperately wishes he wasn’t in. a hand that isn’t yours pops the button of his jeans and slips past the waistband of his underwear. all he can think is how this feels so not… right. none of this is right!
without properly thinking he somewhat shoves the pretty but unknown girl off of him, prompting her to shout “what the fuck asshole??!!?” before storming out of the stall and off to find her friends to undoubtedly complain about what a selfish prick he is. but honestly, he doesn’t care. all he can think about is you and your touch and everything you encompass. 
with a considerable amount of shoving heeseung makes his way outside, paying no mind to the select people that shoot him dirty looks after getting elbowed in the side. too inebriated to consider ordering an uber or calling a cab, he begins the 20 minute trek back to his apartment where he’s praying that you’re still residing, likely settled in your bed reading a book or watching season 2 of the bear. the cool night air stings his lungs as he trips and stumbles on the concrete with every other step he takes on his way back home, his way back to you. 
being outside does absolutely nothing to sober heeseung up (especially considering that he downed 4 tequila shots not so long ago), and when the familiar front door of your shared rental house comes into view he practically runs to it, swinging it open and letting it bang against the wall before calling your name and jogging down the hallway. his shoes clomp against the hardwood floors as he approaches your door, the soft yellow glow emanating from underneath it the only source of light in the dark hallway.  
“y/n?” heeseung barges into your bedroom, almost ripping your door off of its hinges in the process. once inside he sees you perched on your bed, your sheets pulled over your bent knees and a book with a splotchy blue cover in your grasp. 
“what are you doing?” he questions you breathlessly. 
your glance shifts from heeseung to the open book in your hands then back to heeseung, “reading?”
“oh, duh,” he pretends to facepalm while chuckling, your eyes still trained on his with a glint of scepticism. the gravity of his situation starts to dawn on him and he braces himself against your doorframe in an attempt to get the floor to stop spinning.
you furrow your brows and stare at heeseung pointedly, “are you drunk?”
“a little,” he hiccups, “actually a lot, but that’s besides the point.” finally he feels the courage he had 20 minutes ago at the club surge through him once more and he stumbles into your room, stopping at the corner of your bed and gazing down on you like you’re an ant.
“i have to tell you something.”
“...what do you wanna tell me?”
“oh, right.” come on heeseung, it’s now or never. he decides to take a seat on the edge of your bed so he’s looking directly at you, and he picks at the holes in his jeans as he ponders how to start. 
“uhh… i really like the way you fold the dish towels in the kitchen.”
a look of shock makes its way onto your face - you definitely weren’t expecting him to say that of all things. before you can utter a word, a sound even, heeseung starts to ramble.
“and you smell really nice. like, really nice. and i think you’re really pretty, e-even when you’re angry, like when i wake you up to ask for a ride to campus when i’ve missed the bus. and i like how you chew on the inside of your cheek when you’re focused, and how you ruffle my hair when i say something stupid… which is a lot.”
he pauses briefly to catch his breath, then continues on, “and i don’t let anyone eat my lucky charms except for you, n-not even my friends when they spend the night, because i know they remind you of being a kid and that you like to pick out the clover shaped marshmallows. and i like the way you draw smiley faces in the condensation on the mirror in the bathroom after you shower, and the way you exclusively listen to stevie nicks when you’re cleaning, an-”
“heeseung,” you interject, causing him to draw in a shaky inhale, “what are you trying to say?”
“what i’m trying to say is that i lo-” nope!!!!!! waaay too soon. luckily even drunk heeseung can recognize the damage an actual profession of love would cause. thank god he caught himself. 
“i really really like you, ok? and i feel like you just see me as a-” here come the waterworks, “as a looooserrrrrrrr,” try as he might, heeseung can’t stop the pathetic, drunken sobs that escape his trembling lips. 
“oh god, heeseung-” your feeble voice does little to drown out the wails emanating from the drunken boy perched on the corner of your bed, his hair a mess and his cheeks flushed pink; you’re unsure if it’s from the alcohol or the crying. 
half a week of pent up confusion and sadness and heartbreak escapes him in the form of reverberating howls, his shoulders shaking even after you place a comforting hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down. 
“and when you did… that at the drive-in, i thought that maybe meant that you liked me too.” he sniffles before wiping his nose with his sleeve; you reach over to your night stand and hand him a tissue. 
“oh jesus, i’m so sorry hee i didn’t mean to confuse you i just-” you take a second to collect your thoughts, your thumb still caressing heeseungs backs through his shirt, “the way you were talking just made it seem like you just wanted to get it over with,” your hand doesn’t leave his back, “like, no strings attached, you know?”
“no… not no strings attached. i want strings attached. i want exclusivity. i want you.” his tears roll down to his mouth and he can taste the salt on his tongue. 
“heeseung…” you all but whisper, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. 
he wants to say more, only when he tries to formulate his thoughts into words, he finds himself yaking all over your floor before passing out.
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the first thing heeseung feels when he wakes up is pain.
not mental pain, which is what he’s felt for the past 5 days, but physical pain. an aching headache that shoots up from the base of his skull and wraps around to his forehead and flares at the back of his eyeballs. it’s settled, he is never touching alcohol ever again.
an acidic burn tickles his throat, and soon the memories from last night come flooding back to him. the cheetah girl at the club, the solemn and unsobering walk home, the drunken confession, and lastly, the puking. 
he cracks his eyes open and immediately recoils, for the golden glow of the morning sun increases the aching in his head and behind his eyes tenfold. jesus, what time is it? a couple of blinks help his eyes adjust to the light, and he becomes aware of the figure sitting to the right of him. in a split second he soon realizes that he’s in your room, tucked under your sheets, inhaling the scent of your shampoo that’s become permanently woven into your pillows. 
oh? oh. oh god. did you two….?
heeseungs restlessness draws your attention, and soon you're gazing down at him with a soft expression that makes heeseung feel all soft like honey. 
“hey sleeping beauty.” you tease, your eyes still puffy with traces of sleep and the book you were reading before he oh so rudely interrupted you last night is in your hands again - a well-loved copy of murakami’s kafka on the shore, which you place on your nightstand for the sake of passing heeseung a tall glass of water and an advil. he downs both immediately. 
“please tell me that the image i have of myself puking on your floor is something my brain conjured up while i was sleeping and not something that actually happened,” he rasps, throat stinging and nose stuffy.
“hate to break it to ya buddy,” you tsk while nodding sympathetically, “but that actually happened.”
heeseung shoves his head into your pillow, his thumbs pressing against his closed eyelids both in an attempt to relieve the ache and as an act of shame. he groans aloud, “oh god y/n i am so sorry, i-”
“heeseung it’s o-kay,” you punctuate, “shit happens.” 
still unable to look at you, heeseung just nods, the friction from your silk pillowcase making a couple strands of his hair stand on end. 
“besides, it was mostly clear,” you look off into the distance, “mostly.”
a second of quiet, and then you ask him, “how much of last night do you remember?”
he rolls onto his back, index and middle fingers of his right hand pinching the bridge of his nose, “most of it, it guess. i remember going out with my friends, stumbling back here and… telling you that i like you…”
“actually i believe you said that you really, really like me.” your sleep swollen lips curve into a teasing smirk. 
“fuck off,” he jeers while playfully pushing your shoulder. 
“woah!!! lee heeseung drops f-bombs now eh?”
he just chuckles, his hands moving to pass through his frazzled hair. as he shifts under your poofy comforter he realizes he’s still donning the clothes he wore last night - spare for his shoes, which he’s assuming you took off of him and likely put them on the shoe rack by the front door. 
a silence settles over the two of you, but this time it’s comfortable. it’s not estranged or pointed, but hospitable. 
“i didn’t know you felt that way about me.” you state. it’s not a positive or negative statement, simply neutral; an admission. 
heeseung doesn’t say anything, just gazes at your side profile and admires the way your eyelashes grace the tops of your cheeks, the way your top lip converges at your cupids bow, the way your cheekbones are dotted with blemishes. 
“can i kiss you?” he asks, “please?” 
a plea.
and, in your secluded bedroom on this bright saturday morning, you answer him by pressing your lips to his. 
it’s strange, since heeseung can’t seem to discern any actual sensations, he just feels incredibly warm. warm and soft, like taffy that’s been left out and has melted in the glow of the sun. his heart is flipping inside of the cage that is his ribs as he pushes his pursed lips against yours in reciprocation.
you detach your lips from his for a second only to reattach them moments later in a deeper, more passionate kiss that heeseung exhales into, the tip of his nose gracing yours as he tilts his head to sink impossibly deeper into you. his curious hands make their way up to the back of your neck where he grabs ahold and pulls you against him so your torso is on top of his own, your heart beating against his. 
underneath the confines of your comforter heeseung feels your leg glide against his own, the sheets crinkling and tangling in the process. his mouth continues to dance against yours with his tongue experimentally poking out every so often before he pushes it past your lips and into your hot mouth. a whimper makes its way out of you and heeseung swears that if he were standing his knees surely would’ve given out from underneath him. 
“heeseung…” you whine before nipping at his cushiony bottom lip, sucking at it to soothe the sting - and to make heeseung swoon even more. ugh! he just can’t get enough of you and your sickeningly sweet demeanour.
as you continue to kiss and suck at heeseung pouty lips and perfect teeth you become more and more restless, your hands moving to smooth over the expanse of his chest and the tops of his shoulders where they come to rest. the palms of your hands are soft and delicate and they send a shiver down heeseung’s spine as he feels them grace his cloth covered skin that’s slightly damp with sweat. 
with (what seems like) some reluctance, you remove your mouth from heeseung’s with a wet smack. when he cracks open his eyes he finds you beholding him wistfully, your pupils dilated and lips swollen and glossy with lip gloss of his own making. 
“can you show me how you get yourself off?”
your voice is deep and slow; sultry, like a glass of oxblood coloured cabernet sauvignon. his breath hitches in his throat once he fully registers the request you just made. show you? on his own??? he does his best to swallow his nerves. 
“sure,” heeseung agrees bashfully, “if you can do the same.”
“okay.” you smile before tossing the blankets off of both of your hot bodies. a much welcomed gust of cool air causes heeseung to erupt in a fit of goosebumps (although he’s not quite sure if that’s from the change in temperature or his current predicament). 
unsure of what to do next, he waits to follow your lead. with hungry eyes he watches you pull of your pyjama bottoms before tossing them in a heap on the floor, leaving you in a pair of plain light blue panties and an oversized band tee. in somewhat of a rush heeseung fumbles with the hardware of his jeans, struggling to pop the button and tug down the copper zipper at the fault of his nerves. eventually he does so successfully, discarding his bottoms before becoming stuck in limbo.
with deft fingers you begin to drag the hem of your shirt upwards, exposing more and more of your torso before stopping once you reach your sternum. the soft underside of your breasts are just barely peeking out from underneath the fabric. 
heeseung watches with wide eyes and a painfully hard cock as you slip your hand underneath the waistband of your panties in one swift motion, a motion that he’s sure you’ve done hundreds of times before this. his brain swims as he thinks about all of the times you’ve touched yourself in this very room, in this very bed. 
your knuckles strain and push at the fabric of your underwear as you play with yourself, your chest rising and falling steadily but with slightly more erraticism than before. heeseung follows in your footsteps and reaches to the thick elastic waistband of his boxers, hesitating for only a second before pushing the garment down to his hips, allowing his hard cock to slap against his tense stomach. he spits in his palm before wrapping his hand around the base of his shaft, giving it a few tentative strokes and watching the way his stomach spasms. 
“i don’t think i said this before,” you purr, “but you have a really nice cock heeseung.”
your admittance has heeseung overheating, his cheeks and chest flushing a pretty shade of pink. his stomach twists and churns and he slowly starts to jerk himself knowing that you’re watching his every move, like a vulture stalking its pretty. to distract himself from his own ministrations heeseung looks at you, his gaze travelling from your hand in your panties to your chest to your face where he finds you staring back at him, causing him to quickly look away out of sheer embarrassment of being caught. 
“what do you think about when you touch yourself?”
you. obviously. 
but he doesn’t say that. 
he just remains quiet, his eyes darting from place to place  but of course, no answer does not satiate your appetite for knowledge, so you push further. 
“do you think about me?”
yes. obviously.
he nods steadily in response before realizing that that simply isn’t a satisfactory response. 
“always.” his voice is small yet unwavering. 
you smile at his admittance, eyes hazy with desire and your cheek squished against your pillow due to your head being turned towards him. breathy moans and pleas tumble past your lips as you finger yourself, your hips rolling into the heel of your palm. slick wet sounds can be heard both from you and from heeseung, whose precum is aiding in his ability to pump his dick at an increasing speed. the burning pit in his stomach slowly grows and grows and he moans aloud, jolting slightly when the outside of your thigh brushes against his own.
as he feels himself approaching the cusp of an orgasm, the familiar sensation looming closer and closer like a moth drawn to a flame, your hand grabs his arm prompting him to stop, your middle and ring fingers wet against where they’re wrapped around his forearm. 
in the next second you’re sitting up, hands grasping the hem of your shirt once again only to fully remove it this time, exposing your back back and tits to him rendering him speechless. you discard your panties as well, leaving you completely bare as you move to straddle heeseung’s tense thighs. all he does is look at you in astonishment, mouth slightly agape. 
without thinking heeseung reaches forward and envelops both of your breasts with his big hands, his palms rubbing against your hardened nipples while his fingers gently dig into the soft flesh. 
“your tits are perfect,” he rasps, hand moving in circular motions to massage your chest.
“really?” your eyes light up at the compliment.
he nods, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as he remains enamoured with your figure. your fingers tickle his sides before grasping at his shirt, tugging at it in a way that tells him you want it off; he sits up and removes the garment before you place a palm on his chest and push him back onto your mattress, the springs making a slight squeak at the force. your eyes rake over heeseung’s bare chest as he lays before you, a shaky exhale leaving him every few seconds or so.
“you’re so handsome lee heeseung.” you compliment. 
“even when i’m hungover?” 
“even when you’re hungover.”
you crawl over his body, just a little bit, so your hips are unbearably close to his aching cock, the tip an enraged red spilling pearly white beads of precum. heeseung tries his best to not shudder when you wrap your hands around his shaft, moving yourself to be perched directly above his dick. you drag his tip through your folds to be a tease, only when the boy beneath you begins to squirm do you line his cock up wit your dripping hole before sinking down on it ever so slowly, gauging heeseungs reaction with scrutiny. he looks quite pretty, with his eyes screwed shut and bottom lip tucked between his teeth, his forehead dotted with beads of sweat. once he’s fully inside of you you remain stagnant, hips flush against his own. 
heeseung feels like he’s gone limp, his limbs turned to mush and inoperable. he keeps his eyes tightly shut as he becomes accustomed to the feeling of being inside of you, for he knows if he sees you sitting on top of him he’s going to have heart palpitations. 
only once heeseungs face slowly starts to relax, his eyelids slowly fluttering open, do you begin to move, gyrating your pelvis against his at a leisurely pace. heeseung can’t help but whimper when he feels you grinding on top of him, his cock throbbing and sensitive inside the warmth of your pussy. 
your hands rest on heeseungs chest to help you stabilize yourself, your nails digging into the soft skin covering his pecs and leaving behind deep red marks. heeseungs hands move to grab at your hips and you arch your back in response, teasingly shoving your tits in his face - he takes this as an invitation and pulls you closer to him so he can wrap hips lips around your left nipple, sucking on it while palming the other. 
“oh my-, heeseung,” you moan as heeseung continues to play with your breasts eagerly. in response you increase the pace at which your hips are moving at, grinding against him in a fluid, persistent manner that makes heeseungs vision grow warped fuzzy. once again he feels the slow burn of an orgasm take flight in his stomach, slowly ebbing outwards as you work him towards his climax. 
the moans and groans leaving him come out muffled due to his mouth still being wrapped around your breast, only detaching once the need for oxygen becomes stronger and stronger and his heart beats faster and faster. your fingers feel hot against his skin as you fuck him raw, the sensation of your cunt constricting around his cock feeling so other worldly that heeseung believes that you and your pussy and your body the only things tethering to him reality. 
his name tumbles past your lips in the form of needy whines as your movements slowly become more and more erratic, your eyes rolled back into your skull as you chase your high. all heeseung can do is lie underneath you, his fingers back on your hips while the tantalizing promise of a mind blowing orgasm renders him almost immobile. sweat rolls off of his brows as he pants and groans, hips feebly bucking upwards in an attempt to make him cum faster.
“i’m so close y/n i-” is all he can manage to whimper to let you know that he’s about to finish, about to erupt into a thousand hot white stars. you moan an ‘i know’ in response before reaching down to play with your clit, your cunt tightening around heeseungs cock with each and every flick of your fingers. 
you orgasm with a desperate whine, brows furrowed and eyes shut as you keel over heeseung. your pussy flutters around his cock and you manage to pull yourself off of him right before he cums with a cry of your name, spilling his hot sticky seed all over the expanse of his stomach, which twitches and spasms every so often. 
the two of you lay side by side as you wait for your heart rates to lower, for your breathing to steady, for the aching in your lower abdomen to cease. there’s a slight ringing in heeseungs ears which slowly subsides overtime, allowing him to listen to the way your pants morph into heavy breathing. in his peripherals he can see your chest, see the way your eyes are heavy with pleasure. you move your hand just enough so that your knuckles trace across the back of heeseungs hand. 
the room comes to a standstill, with the sun peeking through the slats in your shades falling across his tainted stomach that rises and falls with each erratic inhale and exhale he takes. you shift to lie on your side so you’re facing heeseung, allowing your fingertips to dance over his clavicle, his neck, his jawline. 
a happy ending.
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a/n: and to think some of y'all didn't believe that i was gonna give you a happy ending.......... what do you have to say for yourselves now huh? HUH??????? here's you're happy ending i'm gonna go cry now bc i'm weirdly emotionally attached to this series.
patience is a virtue taglist: @hello-stranger24 @jainandan @yohanabanana @iamliacamila @nyanggk @chansmaze @beomgyusonlywife
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night-dazai · 4 months
Hi so this is my first time making a request so I hope it worked 🥲 I would really like to read a kitsune dazai x fem reader NSFW could you write one?
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Hey, Babe, your request has reached me
Well, I got too involved in this and made a change to the end where Dazai goes so rough on you that you end up crying hard and he clams you down.
Kitsune Dazai X Reader 
(fem reader, smut, established relationship, degradation +praise, teasing, Dazai being Dazai, mentions of heat ( mating period for animals ), throat fucking, slapping and overall just porn in words )
You forgot the most important detail Dazai told you when you guys started dating and you still did not recall what it was, if not for him rubbing his entire body on you while you were washing the dishes “Bella… it..hot”. I mean come on it's the middle of summer both of you home from work “Get off I need to finish then, maybe we can get ice cream after ?” you ask without turning and letting the bandaged man do whatever he wants “noo.. I need something else “ now it was getting steamy. His hands were groping you through the apron squeezing your breasts while his mouth left hot-mouthed kisses down your exposed neck “Samu..” you mumbled feeling brother now and it was a time you knew the fox would not settle down with this “Go “You said pull yourself apart as he whined “ sit “ you said making the fox sit on the bed. He was just in his sweats while his fluffy tail wagged in excitement like a dog “Cute “ you thought and kneeled between his legs. Seeing your moments Dazai shoved his cock eagerly at your face as you licked the tip and swirled your tongue on it “Ah…mhh.. Bella in, take it in please..” he begged. Honestly, this side of his is something you love very much just that the sink is filled with dishes “Dazai calm down, only one “ you said and took him in as he let out a shaky breath. For the first few minutes you kept taking him and out licking and sucking “Go..goona cum..” he said bucking his hips into your wet mouth. Drool and pre-cum leaked from your chin as you kept licking him when in a swift motion he stuffed his entire shaft in shooting his load. You tapped his thighs mentioning it hard to breathe, losing his grip on your hair he spoke still stuffing his dick and pushing his cum down your throat “It's heat love~” his voice filled with lust eyes eyeing your body like prey. That is when you remember and know it's gonna be a long long night. 
His fluffy soft chocolate brown tail was tickling your face as you held it for your dear life bouncing on his cock“Come on move faster ~” he mewled slapping your cunt and making you moan out louder. You wondered if the neighbours heard you? And that's when you recalled that this man would not let them disturb you guys again I mean come on, they are sure to get mad if you are loud every time “noise.. Door “ you blabbered. Chuckling the fox half got up holding your chin and forcing you to look at his chocolate orbs “ All locked and the walls are soundproof, but dear ..” his hips giving a hard thrust making you lose balance you collapsed on him “Now. I said look at me “ his voice got sharp and firm holding a fistful of your hair he pulled you back “I thought you should be thinking about my dick not some random guys who can hear your sluty voice. “. He smiled seeing your tear-strained face licking the new fresh hot tears he whispered into your ear “ this sluty body and your whore actions are only for me dear ..only for me “ he pushed on your back and thrust in the hardest way making sure to leave enough bruises. 
His deceivingly slender arms wrapped around your neck joined by his fluffy tail stroking your face “Eyes here, see how you behave on my cock cumming and cumming, how many times has it been “ he use his other free hand and pinched your nipple making you look away only to bring you back with a hard grip on your neck “plea..please  … I am tired …” you mumbled. You had how many times you came, you guys started sometime around 11 pm and you were sure you saw someone jogging out in the road as you rode him. His hands released your neck as his tail took over the job he slapped your cunt hard. Bringing fresh tears to your eyes “How many times did you cum ? “ his voice firm but you felt like he had more control of his actions now “ 7 ?” you mumbled still moaning like a bitch in heat making you confused as to who was in heat. Another harsh slap landed on your cunt making you tear up more “Wrong “ he said and did not stop till all you could do was pass out. 
It had been 2 years in your relationship and he told you that kitsune go into heat every twice a year. The first year of your relationship was nice other than the long long night but he was never this mean, you opened your eyes blinking some teasers and whimpiring as you sat “Hey dear one sec“ he said wearing his shirt. He turned smiling at your naked body with the sheets falling off “You look so pretty love “ he said sitting next to you wiping the tears away “Still crying ? “ he asked. Something in you snapped and you slapped him hard shocking the man so much he was sure all the hair in his tail stood up surprised, you sobbed into your hands hiding your face. Panic set into him” Hey..y/n ? “ he asked worried to touch you cause of your slap (it left a tiny red tint on his checks) but unable to watch your tint body shake and cry he wrapped his hands around your neck and back he pulled you in. Being prepared for another slap he loosened when he saw your tiny hands hold his shirt to hide your face into his chest, his tail covered the rest of your body like a protective cover “Please.. Tell me what happened did I do something ?” his voice laced with worry he lifted your face noticing your lose hold “ sorry.. sorry..” you mumbled looking at his face. It was mostly blurry through the tears still you kept mumbling sorry, the poor man felt his heartbreak, he had seen you cry during sex and other times but today felt like you were breaking and it broke him “Why dear, please tell me “ he asked but realised if he does not calm you its pointless “ okay, here” he pushed your head off his chest “breath in ..and out “ he guided till you calmed down fully to little sniffles. “Now tell me what happened ?” he asked rubbing your wet checkers while you played with his tail “It was..too much .. words and action . I never …felt so overwhelmed “ you mumbled hiding your face on his tail. Dazai just started at you “There's more I feel please tell me “ he said while his other hand rubbed your back “I am sorry, but you never… never said it felt good or anything, just that you wanted me to move more …” The room fell into heavy silence “No I mean forget it sorry, I am sorry ie never meant to make it awkward I thin-” your words were cut short when his hands flicked your forehead “What sorry, you worried me this is serious, and next time please tell me . Tell me to stop talking or tell me to stop my actions if you don't like it ?” okay ?” he asked pinching your cheeks “ and never be sorry this is not your fault this is mine, I am the one sorry “ he said bowing his head deep “ and I think its time to create a safe word, so such things do not happen when I am in a rut or not. Your pleasure is also important “ he said kissing your eyes now. Smiling you nodded back “And you cleaned me huh ?” you asked feeling all dry and clean “Yeah and I al-” “SHIT, OFFICE WE DID NOT INFORM ANYONE !” you shouted over his voice. Chuckling Dazai rubbed your back and pushed you back into the bed “I called Kunikida and Bella ~” Mischief filled his eyes and voice “You want to go out looking like this huh ?” he asked tracing your neck filled with hickeys  “Shut up “ you mumbled flushed making the brunette smile. Dazai still teasing you made a mental note not this mind “ got to train her or not go so hard and rough. well I am her second relationship and the first one was more of puppy love is what she …mhh “ he tickled you and scooped you into his arms and mumbled sorry as you drifted into sleep.
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salty-croissants · 5 months
can you make some headcanons and/or imagine of rayman/ramon with an adoptive human! sister s/o (who used to be from another dimension before moving away to cl world dimension somewhere which is an unaffected good nation that didn't got ruined when she was a kid with her family (her mom, younger biological sister, and one of her female cousins), her pets, and her bunch of friends) after the last episode from season 1 (few moments after killing the broad directors), getting an heart warming reunion before successfuly escaping go get bullfrog out and then flee to the hideout where she shares with her bunch of dear friends who also joined the rebellion ;
like she finally got the accurate precious information about where her brother (rayman/ramon) is, after dolph called her in her smartphone and told y/n where he is and where he is heading to because he also got the information about the heck her bro went through thanks to the virtual realm thing and stuff and he needs to share this information and he also told that after reuniting with her adoptive brother she and him must go get bullfrog, quickly explains his situation and to her end the call before her smartphone may end up getting infected with virus before fighting the bad guys,
so after hearing this she turns off her phone (thankfull didn't got infected), grabbed her weapons, gas mask (modified to look like a bunny rabbit, with the addion of other tech gadgets like walkie talkie like features, night vision, and extra protection, an gas mask she and some of her friends made for him (with the same features from the inside but in the outside made to look like an fox) ((yes all of her friends and pets/familiars are wearing gas masks like this for good reasons)); after she killed all of the other bad guys in the building she comes to where ramon/raymon is laying on the table and before he could do anything, she pulls down her hoodie and shows her face and ray/ramon reconizes her.
((it's based on the concept of my cl timeline self-insert, look at the concept to you have an idea and even use some stuff as reference, in the messages; sorry if it got long))
Thank you for the request !
I really hope I got everything right , there was quite a lot of information to keep track of with this one ;C;👍
This is also my first ever more platonic request , which is pretty neat ! :D
Details : use of female reader ; 
reader is Rayman’s adoptive sister ; 
presence of mild swearing and blood 
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< … did you get all that , y/n ? 
You better , cause I don’t have much time left to explain . > 
< Yeah yeah , I got it ! 
It’s just … I can’t believe I’m actually going to see him again … > 
< Stop . I need you to focus now .
You grab your brother , free Bullfrog and get the hell out of there immediately .
I won’t be able to be there with these assholes in the way , so you’re on your own from now … 
I’ll see you when this is all ov - > 
With that abrupt end to Dolph’s call , you remained completely alone 
You took a deep breath , your heart pounding in your chest as you walked forward in the corridor , leaving behind the bodies of the Eden security guards that were unfortunate enough to cross you .
It hadn’t been easy to get that far into the building the Board of Directors used as their headquarters , the many bruises that had cut through your clothes and gas mask were proof of that … 
However , it was all going to be worth it to be reunited with your long lost brother .
How many years had it been since you last got to talk to Rayman before they took him from you ? 
Four ? 
No , maybe even five …
The only way you could see him was when his show aired on tv , and while you were happy to see that he seemed to be alright , the fact that he had become the face of the very thing you and your friends were fighting so hard against broke your heart …
Did that mean that you were enemies now ? 
Was he even going to be happy to see you , or remember who you were … ? 
You shook your head , trying to keep those awful thoughts from tormenting your mind .
Even if Rayman were to regard you as a “terrorist” , you weren’t going to let the Directors or anyone else hurt him , and that was all that mattered .
It only took a few more steps to reach the door that lead to the Director’s room , the place where Rayman was supposed to be in from what Dolph had told you before the beginning of that mission , and when you finally found the courage to open it you found yourself staring at a rather grim sight : 
the all powerful Directors , the ones who had everyone’s lives in the palm of their hands for years , were all laying dead on the table and the floor , their blood painting the otherwise pristine room in a bright crimson , and …
Hang on , was there someone else laying down on that table ?
Could it really be … ? 
< Ray ? > 
As soon as he heard your voice , he immediately jolted up , his breathing heavy as he reached for his guns .
< Who … who the hell are you ? Don’t come any closer ! > 
You sounded strangely familiar to the now ex Eden star … but he knew that it wouldn’t be possible for that very special person to be there . 
It just … it couldn’t be . 
Your eyes widened when you took a better look at your brother : 
he looked so … different …
You had never seen that spark of fury in his eyes , and that was without mentioning his appearance .
Before things could escalate for the worst , you grabbed the mask you were wearing with shaky hands , slowly removing it and revealing your face .
A moment of shocked silence followed , before he jumped down from the table , his eyes never leaving yours as he approached … 
< y/n … ? > 
, he whispered , almost like he was afraid to even speak .
< Oh Ray , I missed you so much ! > 
When you leaned forward to hug him , giving him confirmation that you were actually real and not just a part of his imagination , it was the moment that he finally snapped :
He clutched you tightly , the weight of everything that he had been through that day mixing with the relief of having found you again , after years of not being able to even know if you were okay .
You could hear him sob next to your shoulder …
< I can’t believe … I can’t believe that it’s you , y/n … all this time , I thought … I thought  I’d never see you again … > 
After a few more minutes of much needed crying , the two of you finally pulled away from each other , so happy about being back together that you almost forgot the gravity of your current situation . 
< But … how did you get here ? > 
< It’s kind of a long story , but to cut it short I’ve been working against Eden with a few others , and when Dolph told me you were here I had to come Ray … I had to make sure you were okay . > 
You could see your brother trying to process everything he was hearing , that you were allies with Dolph Laserhawk one of the people he had considered a terrorist just a few days prior … but he visibly flinched a little as you mentioned his old name .
< I see , well it’s thanks to him if we got to reunite then … heh , today’s been one hell of a crazy day .
Though … I gotta ask you to call me Ramon now . 
I don’t wanna go by my old name anymore … reminds me of all the damage I’ve caused and the lies these bastards made me spread . > 
You nodded in response , your gaze softening as you wondered just how awful he probably felt when finding the truth about Eden …
It must’ve been a real hard time for him , which reminded you of the other reason you were there on that mission . 
< Okay , look … I know you’ve already been through a lot today , but I need to set Bullfrog free before they execute him , and I … can’t do it alone . > 
Before you could finish your sentence , Ramon had already begun to pick up his guns from were he left them without hesitation …
< I got your back y/n .
Bullfrog is the reason why I know what Eden has done … I gotta repay the favor . > 
When the both of you walked out of the room , ready for your rescue mission , you couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with joy at the thought of having your brother by your side :
this time , nothing was going to take him away from you … you would’ve made sure of that . 
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tyrant-tales · 6 months
Shut Up!
Hiiii! I wrote a little something. I kind of rushed it at the end, but here's some 4ggravate for yall. I didn't realize how much my lee cyno biased came out in this, so I hope you like lee Cyno!
I would put lee and ler buuut: Everybody is a switch in this.
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: nothing really, just tickles below the cut. If I need to add something, let me know.
Tighnari sat across the table, running his hand through his hair, "Why do I hang out with you both?"
Cyno, head in his hands, just laughed, "Because they force us"
"But they dont?"
"It feels like they do."
Tighnari sighed, and fought the urge to slap Alhaitham and Kaveh to the next planet over. He shook his head and continued his game of TCG with Cyno for the next couple minutes. Cyno, of course, won and Tighnari quickly got tired of rematches, as well as the insane amount of bickering between Alhaitham and Kaveh. Speaking of those two, Kaveh had his finger in Alhaithaims chest and was yelling at him for something. The scribe just watched without flinching.
"Seriously, what is your problem, Kaveh?" Alhaitham managed between said man's tangen.
"My problem is you!"
"What did I even do?"
"You took both keys yesterday, and I'm quite sure you would've again today had I not gone with you!"
"I would not have. You're being dramatic."
"I am not!"
"Oh my archon, can you both STOP?"
All heads shot to Tighnari, not expecting the sudden yelling from the usually quiet forest ranger.
"Sorry, excuse my yelling. Why do you live together if you fight so much?"
"We don't fight that much." Kaveh defended.
"Yes we do."
And so began more arguing.
Tighnari looked like he needed sleep, but he glanced towards Cyno.
"How do you think we could get them to shut up?" 
Cyno thought for a second, then he lit up brighter than the sun.
"Do you remember the method Candace uses on villagers when they get too worked up?"
"Oh you mean the one I use on you everytime you visit?"
"I was trying to avoid that example, but yes."
Cyno turned away, seemingly grown red. Tighnari thought about it for a second. It might work. He'd pay for it later, but it would work.
"Okay, you wanna help?"
Cyno nodded, a smirk growing on his face.
Kaveh was still talking at Alhaitham when Tighnari walked behind him. Alhaitham noticed, but didn't say anything, he just smiled as he realized what Nari was doing. Cyno, however, was not in Alhaithams vision, so that was scary. Before he could react to this, though, both Kaveh and him crumpled to the floor as Cyno and Tighnari took action.
"Whahahat?" Kaveh turned his head to see tighnaris grinning features, then he panicked further as he realized what was happening. Tighnari was scribbling the length of Kavehs torso, and it was unbearable. Tighnari made sure to linger at the blonde's hip bone longer than the rest. He looked at Alhaitham, only to find he was not in a better situation.
"C-cynoho…" He gritted his teeth, trying to avoid the laughter bubbling in his throat, because of the merciless fingers on his sides.
"Yes, Alhaitham?" Cynos smug smirk grew wider as he switched to digging into Alhaithams upper ribs. 
Tighnari had Kaveh sitting basically in his lap on the floor, and was attacking the blondes sides, switching between scribbling, squeezing, and poking.
"Whyhehe ahare yohohou soho cruhuhuel?" Kaveh squirmed, twisting left to right to try and escaped Tighnari and his cruel shut-up method.
"Why can't you stop arguing  with Haitham?"
"Behecause he suhuhucks!"
"Mhm. When you both promise to stop arguing, me and Cyno will stop our 'attack', until then, you can suffer like I did."
"Thahats nohot fahair!"
"Sure it is! Now I've heard enough talking from you, why don't you just laugh for me?"
That was the last thing Kaveh heard before the fox boy drilled into his hips without warning. This resulted in a high pitched scream, then drowning everything else out with his laugh. 
Cyno had heard Tighnari and Kavehs little conversation, and decided to let Alhaitham know the same thing. He was also partly afraid that Alhaitham would gain his strength back, so he quickly followed Nari's lead.
"Yknow, Nari is right. You argue too much. When you both apologized we'll let you go. Soooo you get to laugh for right now."
"Ihi dohohont stahart it! Kahaveh dohoes! Wait NOHO-!"
Alhaitham quickly shut up as Cyno targeted his underarms. Scribbling, clawing, massaging, drilling, anything it took to get him to shush. He all but screamed, then fell into his low laughter. He started to forget how this started. The only thing he remembers is letting Cyno take him down. He doesn't know why, but for some reason, he wanted this.
"Let's see…. Here? Or here? Maybe here?" Tighnari practically sang as he jumped around Kavehs torso. Ribs, side, stomach, hips, back to sides and all over again. Kaveh couldn't take it, he needed Alhaitham to apologize, but he remembered he hadn't done so either. So he tried.
"Tihihigh- TIGHNARI Ihim SOHOHORRY pleheahase!! I CAHAHANT!"
"Oho, one down, one to go. How about it, cyno? Did he apologize yet?
"Okay, you tease alot more under these circumstances."
"That is besides the point, dear."
"Fine. No. He's to stubborn for that."
"That is true. Oh well, Kaveh will just have to suffer."
"I suppose so."
Cyno shuddered, knowing all too well what Kaveh was dealing with. Cyno had fallen under Tighnari's mercy before, and he was mean when he wanted to be. And that's clearly what he wanted now, as he was not giving poor Kaveh the light of day. Nevertheless, Cyno took a breath and continued working on his end of the stick. 
"Now, Alhaitham, are you willing to apologize now that you know your dear ol' senior did?"
"Noho! Ihi dihidnt dohoho ahanything!"
"Suit yourself, then!" 
With that, Cyno did all he could to weaken the man he was Tickling. He was scared for when he and Kaveh decided to take revenge, but that was later Cynos' problem, not Cynos' current problem. Right now, he had to focus on keeping Alhaitham down and not fighting back.
But he didn't seem to be fighting either way.
Only a few minutes later did Cyno hear Alhaitham screaming apologies when he reached a particularly sensitive rib that had an also pretty sensitive muscle right next to it.
"Ohohoh my archohons, that was cruel." Kaveh complained as he mustered up the most adorable upset look Alhaitham knew all too well.
"Maybe if you didn't start arguments so much we wouldn't be in this situation."
"Both of you please stop talking before this starts all over again." Cyno and Tighnari rushed out in fear of more bickering.
"You know what, I think I have something we can agree on, Kaveh."
"And that is, Alhaitham?"
"Couldn't have said it better myself."
They both turned towards the two people behind them, Alhaitham to Cyno and Kaveh to Tighnari. Both of the ladders stepped back in wide-eye panic before Kaveh and Alhaitham pounced, tackling them to the ground.
"Waitwaitwaitwait hold on! We can talk about this! No need to do anything rash…" Tighnari panicked. Cyno followed his plea.
"Yeah! You don't need to do this! It was only to get you to stop arguing!"
"Ah, yes. Well, it worked, and we found something to agree on." Alhaitham had managed to fight Cyno to the ground and got his hands pinned under his knees. 
"Yes, and that something is revenge." Kaveh had seemed to follow Alhaithams lead, pinning Tighnari and his arms.
"Shush. Now what was it you said? Oh yes, I've heard enough talking from you, why don't you laugh for me?"
With that, Kaveh began scribbling across Tighnaris ribs, and laughing at the choked squeal from the man.
"Well said, Kaveh. Why don't you do the same, Cyno?"
Then Alhaitham also started his 'torment' by squeezing all around Cyno's stomach. He also chuckled at the uncharacteristic screech from the Matra.
"No need to be so loud, the entirety of Sumeru doesn't need to know that you're being tickled. Honestly, it's like you want them to know. Hm, I wonder what they'd think; the great Cyno, General Mahamatra, ticklish."
"Awe, can't you take a little teasing? Cute."
Tighnari really wasn't in a better position. In fact, it may have been worse.
"Hm, being a forest ranger is really dangerous." He paused to gasp dramatically, "What if you're missing ribs! I should count to make sure they're all still there!"
"NOHO Ihi hahave ahall of my rihihibs!"
"Oh, I don't know, Nari. I really should just make sure. Okay ready?"
He placed his hand under Tighnaris shirt and on his bottom rib.
"Okay, one… two… three… four…"
"Oh, you made me lose count! Be more quiet, and don't squirm as much! Okay, let's try again, one…"
"Five… six… wow you're doing really good. Oh what number was I at? Alhaitham, do you remember?"
"Hm… no I do not seem to recall. Ack! Cyno don't kick me!"
"Awe, you were counting too? You must enjoy this!"
"How do I know you're not lying though? May as well start over! One…"
Tighnari groaned through crazed laughter.
"Woah Cyno, how did I not know you were this ticklish? Honestly, isn't this dangerous? Especially when your outfit reveals so much. If any enemies ever figured this out you'd be done for!"
"That isn't very nice. How about you say sorry for that?"
"Fine then."
Alhaitham shot his hands up to Cynos' underarms, making sure to drag his uneven nails up the others torso on the way.
"Hmph. I'm still going to stay here for a bit."
"Nope. Still not moving."
"Ten… eleven… twelve… oh. You have all your ribs! Good!"
Kaveh slowed down and showed some remorse for the screaming fox under him. Once Tighnari caught his breath, Kaveh smiled.
"Alright, I think you've had enough."
And Kaveh rolled off him. Tighnari immediately curled into a ball, his tail thumping on and off the floor, and his breathy giggles slowing down.
"You okay?"
"Yeheah. Woah, you're mean."
"I know."
Alhaitham then noticed that Kaveh had stopped, so he figured he would too, deciding against slowing down, he went for a final blow instead.
"Alright Cyno, are you ready?"
"Fohor whahat?"
Alhaitham took a deep breath, and despite what you'd expect:
Cyno all but screeched, then he fell silent as he banged on the grey-haired man's head with his fist. When said man finally let up after blowing raspberry after raspberry, cyno fell limp and breathed heavily while the other 3 just watched him. When he calmed down, Alhaitham got off and sat in his chair at the abandoned table. Cyno just laid there. Tighnari eventually got up and offered a hand to him, which he took, and all four of them continued on. Except this time, there was no arguing. Just laughter, and possibly a little too much wine for Kaveh.
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hellsite-detective · 5 months
Heavy rain pours down, the droplets sliding down the glass windows. A crack of lightning comes up as a singular soul comes into the office, wearing a black cloak and clutching a piece of paper that's just as soaking wet as they are.
They shook their head, water droplets flying everywhere as their fox ears flicked and pink curls bounced before they suddenly stopped and walked over to the desk, shivering as they handed you the paper. A note.
"LOOKING FOR:: Post on how to draw sirens/mermaids. Cannot remember the poster, but do remember it had vague eldritch horror vibes and the idea was made by someone's kid who claimed that sirens/mermaids began growing inside regular fish like a parasite and slowly began emerging. The lower half of said siren is just a huge fish biting onto them, and they generally had green skin from what is remember. REWARD:: {scribbled out writing}"
"Thank you for the...he...help.." the person said hesitantly before pulling the hood of the cloak up and venturing back into the pouring rain, leaving the note behind.
^w^ thank you for any help !! i need this for a drawing project i've been working on. hope you didn't mind the little bit of story i placed, i just love the idea of a kinda roleplay, and love writing :3
this nervous fox-eared client walked into my office one night and handed me this request. now, this one was stumpin' me for quite some time. i didn't know where to start. and with the speed at which requests were pilin' up, i wasn't even sure WHEN i'd start. the days went by and this one continued to trouble me. but that's when the most shocking thing happened...
now, this next part is gonna reveal a shockin' truth that i wasn't gonna be revealin' just yet. but this story is so perfect i just had to let the cat outta the bag here.
see, i was just sittin' down to start my work when i got a notification. but shockingly, this wasn't a post case. no, this was on my second biggest blog. a notification... from @hellsite-hall-of-girlfriend. i took a look at the post i was tagged in, plannin' on rebloggin' it later. but that's when i saw it. the mermaids. the eldritch horror vibe. the green skin. i had just been tagged in the post that had been eludin' me for a long while. stunned, i quickly grabbed the post and filed it away before it could be lost to the oceanic depths once again.
here's your post! i wasn't sure if you wanted the extended segment with the horses, but if so, you can head on over to Madame Girlfriend's blog for that one! have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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tricks-n-illusions · 2 months
Rue: Having been out here previously, she looked over at the sounds of Silas struggling to squeeze through the hole in the fence. Given the noise he made upon pulling free, she hoped he didn't hurt himself...
She approached to speak, but not too close. "Are you alright? It didn't hurt to force yourself through there, did it?"
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Silas perked up at the sight of a Vulpix, a fellow fox? And a hybrid? Maybe they were a local from the area? Nonetheless, he looked excited to see her. So much so that he appeared to be completely enamoured with the color of her fur.
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"It is warm and nice," He happily sat up from his previous position, it seemed as if he almost wanted to wander over to greet her but he kept the distance between them. "You remind me of Winter. He is the oldest, he takes care of us when we are hurt. I think he would like you a lot, he said he used to have many tails, much like you. Then he misbehaved a lot... now he only has one." He gave a sudden head tilt puzzled by her height, were Vulpix normally this small? Even he was a good amount taller than Rue and he was considered the smallest Pokemon on his team. "Urr. But... You are much smaller than him."
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"That is why I got stuck... I dug that... A very, very long time ago." The fox's ears flattened further when his mind drifted back to the idea of evolution, he'd been avoiding it for years now. He had passed that evolution level a while ago, hadn't he? "I do not want to evolve but..."
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"I know the word in Pokemon but I cannot say it very well." He muttered, putting his paws down. "Mother wants me to evolve so she took it... but I do not want to..."
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"I cannot stop it." He sighed before looking away, he seemed sad once again. Thankfully, he was much more comfortable around Rue than he was the previous Pokemon. "Sorry... I am talking alot. It just means I can not get out of the fence very well anymore. It did not hurt... I would not have noticed anyway. A few scratches... is nothing... Mother does worse."
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internet-sadass · 6 months
I Can't Wait For You To Knock Me Up (Fox Mulder x female reader)
Blurb: In which Mulder discovers he has a breeding kink, all because you asked him to massage your stomach.
Warnings: smut, breeding kink.
A/N: not my finest work but certainly one of my horniest. I'm so ill about Mulder rn, he is rotting my brain. yes, the title is MSI lyrics. I may be cringe but at least I am free.
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You tossed over onto your side yet again, hoping that switching position yet again would relieve your pain. Even after taking a painkiller before getting into bed, you still felt the pain radiating from your lower belly all the way through to your back, making it feel like you'd pulled a muscle. It almost felt like something was inside your womb, clawing around, tearing at your sensitive walls.
"Hey, hey, what's the matter? You've been turning over and over for an hour now." Mulder's voice was gruff and slightly hoarse from waking suddenly. You felt his breath against your neck.
"Sorry I woke you." You mumbled, hoping he didn't enquire further about why you were tossing and turning. It was too early in the relationship, you felt, for you to be open about basic bodily functions. As much as you knew Mulder would probably be understanding and mature about it, you couldn't be absolutely sure. Other men you'd dated had recoiled when you mentioned the fact you were on your period, or had pretty much kept their hands off you until you'd finished your monthly bleed.
"Can't be nothing if you're still awake at this time." Mulder rubbed your arm, obviously more awake than you thought he was. Nothing was getting past him, even at 3:34 AM. 
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you worked up the courage to tell him.
"It's my period. I've got really bad cramps." You said, feeling like a pre-teen asking for a pad for the first time: totally embarrassed about your body doing what it was supposed to do.
There was a sigh from behind you and then a short chuckle.
"I guessed it might have been, but I didn't want to just ask you in case it seemed rude." 
It was your turn to sigh, this time in relief. You shifted yourself to press back against Mulder.
"Can I do anything to make it hurt less?" He asked, pressing a kiss against your shoulder.
"Could you...could you rub my stomach? That always seems to help." 
The warmth of Mulder's hand settled on your lower stomach, right above where your womb was ragging war on itself. He pushed the hem of your vest up and spread his palm across your womb, before starting to rub circles over your skin, applying just enough pressure to reach the cramping muscles.
"Is that good?" 
You gave a contented 'mm-hmm' as you felt the pain ease with each circle of his hand. Mulder took that as a yes.
Mulder kept on massaging your stomach, waiting until he was certain you had dropped off to sleep before he dared stop. He listened to your breathing slow and felt your body relax, all the tension leaking out of it. You were totally at peace. He, however, was not. 
He was achingly hard, the stiff length of his erection pressed against the small of your back, a light sheen of sweat across his forehead. It took all his willpower to not rut against you to relieve some of the tension. 
The cause of Mulder’s throbbing predicament was the thought of his seed filling up your womb, making it swell with his child, seeing your body soften and become even more irresistible to touch and play with. As he rubbed your stomach, he imagined it bulging out more than it was, feeling his child's tiny kicks and squirms underneath. He thought about how everyone would then know that you and him were together, that you were his girl and his girl alone. No more having to grin and bear other agents trying to chat you up. They'd know, and they'd keep away. 
The idea of getting you pregnant had never really crossed Mulder's mind, not even when he dutifully rolled a condom onto his length every time you two managed to have sex amid your busy schedules. He'd always use protection out of habit and because it was the right thing to do, as he didn't want to burden you with a child you didn't want. But now, as he felt precum collect on his crown and smear over your back, the desire to knock you up grew so strong he knew he had to see if you would let him pursue his fantasy. The idea of you begging him to fill you up, to put a baby in you, made him leave the warmth and comfort of the bed to pump his cock in the bathroom until he came over the same palm that had comforted your aching womb. 
"F-Fox - ah, slow down! - what's gotten into you?” You managed between the desperate, open-mouth kisses Mulder was giving you as he practically tore your blouse off and started attacking your skirt. Yanking your skirt off, he tore your tights and panties down in one swift motion, leaving you hobbling awkwardly as you tried to free yourself from the tights stuck at your feet.
"Mm, I just need you right now. Sick of looking at you all day and not being able to touch you properly." Mulder slurred out, as if he were intoxicated merely by kissing you. He steered you into your room, pushing you down on the bed and taking the chance to finally remove some of his own clothes, leaving his tie and his shirt on but open and loose. 
"I-I moved the condoms into the drawer, second one down." You mumbled as Mulder pressed your knees up to your chest, settling himself between your thighs. His tip was red and impatient, dribbling precum down his shaft. You'd never seen Mulder get this worked up about fucking you. He was normally all about taking things slow, drawing out the process of burying his length in you and working the pair of you to climax. 
"Can I please go without? I wanna feel you properly. Fill you up." Mulder said as he leaned over you, his face flushed and hair already a mess. 
You had to think for a minute about the fact that Mulder, who normally put a condom on unprompted, was asking if he could enter you entirely unprotected.
"You trying to knock me up, Agent Mulder?" You teased, sliding yourself down the bed ever so slightly so his tip caught on your slit.
"M-maybe." If his face could have gotten any redder, it would have at that point. "Can I?" 
Grabbing his tie, you pulled him down for a kiss. 
"Go ahead. I want you to fill me." 
Every overexcited thrust Mulder gave made your thighs strain, your legs propped over his shoulders. He was ploughing into you relentlessly, dragging his shaft in and out of your gummy walls, hitting up against your cervix. His thighs and hips collided with your ass, filling the room with loud slaps that you knew your neighbours would hear. He was mumbling praises and curses, telling you over and over how much he loved you and couldn’t wait to see you pregnant. You couldn't do much else but moan as he fucked you harder than he ever had before.
Mulder felt his end coming far quicker than he wanted, but he was in no position to slow his pace down to delay his climax. His balls tightened as his seed spurted out his slit in thick arcs, filling up your womb and then your cunt. You gave a soft moan as the heat spread throughout your insides, your body happily accepting your lover's offering. You felt some spend dribble out from your entrance despite his cock still plugging it up. Groaning, he withdrew, watching as his cum dripped out of your full and puffy lips. He flopped onto the bed next to you. 
You rolled over to look at a very exhausted yet content Mulder. He was smiling at the ceiling with his eyes closed, panting. 
"It'll probably take more than one time to get me pregnant. You know that, right?" 
Mulder opened his eyes and turned his head to face you, still smiling.
"I know that." He reached a hand down to rub circles on your lower stomach again. "We'll just have to keep trying until we succeed." 
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Redesigns of @keyunto's god characters!!! I designed their characters around 2021, and i redrew them so i can see how far ive come with my character designing skills!! suffice to say im really proud of myself >:]]
Design notes and old design comparisons below!
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I didnt change much with fox girl other than freckles ngl but i will say that i will always love drawing her spiky eyelashes <3 Shes my number one fav design to draw from everyone HAHA
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Now THIS design i had fun doing again!! first of all, made her hair MORE floofy and took away the kinda unneceasry braid on her hair. Also made her face more chubby because i think it fits a bunny goddess well!!
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now THIS was a big redesign. i practically. restructured her whole face HAHA but yeah i was just not feeling the og design, it was giving so much OOMPH and character so i tried to make her look more fierce and formidable, just how an actual lion is!
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now here i ULTRA LEVELED UP HER HAIR TO LOOK MORE RACOON LIKE LMAOO it was actually super fun drawing it!! no more the days of bland unspiky hair >B]
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i think her og design looks already super good!! BUT IM RLLY PROUD OF THIS REDESIGN SPECIFICALLY BCUS OF HOW THE HAIR FLOWS!!!! ITS GOIN SWOOPY SWOOPS!!!! and ofc had to use a feather earring because raven goddess etc gender etc <3
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honestly did not change her design that much EXCEPT for her face structure, and i think the lil pearl necklaces and crowns and beads are such a regal touch I LOVE IT
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Ohhh dog boy. ya i dont rlly like the og design that much DLKJSD so i had to rlly like. change almost everything abt him omg. but i rlly think this is a cute redesign!! i love the ruffly hiar 🥺
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TIGER MAN WOOOO I LOVE YOUUUU BUT YES I GAVE HIM MORE FACIAL HAIR AND EYEBROWS AND SPUNK >>B]]] og design looks like him in his 20s HAHA and NGL facial hair is hard to draw like especially beards, i dont get how it wraps around the face, but im DOIN MY BEST TO DRAW IT MORE
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his beard: pointy. his eyes: 🥺. the perfect redesign. Also i remmeber in that og design is that is when like the first time ive tried drawing hooked noses??
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it felt so wrong seeing a god based off a bear and Not even being fat??? A CRIME!!!!!!! SO YES TWAS IMPERATIVE HE BE A BIG BOY!!!
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I love this redesign so much HAHA like that hair is an UPGRADE and that FACIAL HAIOR MMMMMMMMM Like IM SO PROUD OF THIS OK LET ME HAVE THIS,,,,,,
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def didnt change much, as i rlly think the curly kind of long hair is SUCH a good hair for a love god HAHA and ofc i gave them the slutty ruffly poet shirt okay,,,,,😁hes the token twink of the group!!
but yeah all in all, im so proud of this!! i very much detwinkified almost all of them LMAOO and i think ive def imporved in terms of face shape, especially in noses and also fat! I hope i imporve more in the future and perhaps redesign this in the future years 👀
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slippinmickeys · 7 months
Proof of Life (7/8)
1. The phone trills from his pocket, startling him. He hasn’t yet received a call on it, and he hadn’t taken to carrying it with him until recently, when the urge to maybe move on again was starting to take root. Only one person has the number.
“Langly,” he says into the receiver. “Everything okay?”
“Are you near a television?” Langly asks him, dispensing with formalities.
Mulder turns on his heel, he’s on a street about a block from a hotel.
“I could be…” he says. The thought of going into a hotel again gives him the briefest pause.
“Turn on CNN,” Langly says. “Right now.” He disconnects.
Mulder trots to the hotel entrance and pushes quickly through the double doors, wonders what human tragedy is unfolding that Langly thought he needed to witness. Mulder could be on a plane in less than three hours — two if he needs to head to a region that’s relatively popular and not beset by turmoil. He’s almost feeling like himself again, and the thought of getting back to work, while holding less appeal than ever, would at least afford him something to focus on rather than the empty place he still feels deep in his chest.
Turning a corner and into the hotel’s bar, which is empty this time of morning, Mulder locks eyes with the bartender, who is polishing glassware. He asks if he minds turning on the TV that sits black and silent in the corner of the room. The bartender nods and pulls out a remote, switching the channel to the international feed of CNN when Mulder politely requests it.
The program is coming out of a commercial, and so Mulder lowers himself into a seat nearby, asking if the barkeep minds turning up the volume.
And when the program comes back on, there is not human atrocity on the screen, nor the eruption of a volcano, nor even a child stuck in a well. There is Dana Scully, thinner even than she was the last time he saw her, but real and true, her sharply cut face looking intently at Maureen Dunshee, who is sitting across from her as if they are both in en-garde. In the top corner of the screen, there is a tiny chyron that says “pre-recorded.”
“Did the picture give you hope?” Maureen asks. They are obviously mid-interview.
“Did it give me hope?”
“When they took the picture. The Proof of Life. Did you know then that we were trying to get you home? Did it give you hope?”
They cut briefly to a full-screen image of Scully holding the foreign newspaper, him standing behind her looking stunned. It’s the first time he’s seen it.
“He gave me hope,” she says quietly, looking down. Something inside Mulder blossoms.
“Fox Mulder?” Maureen asks her. “The other hostage?”
Scully nods, then looks away from Maureen to a place just off camera.
“Yes,” she says, sitting up straighter, speaking a little louder, more clearly. “The other hostage. We leaned on each other.”
Maureen leans forward eagerly. “Why don’t you tell me about that, Dana.”
Scully meets the other woman’s eye. “No,” she says. “I don’t think I will.”
The shock of seeing her has worn off, and suddenly, Mulder wants to cheer, to outright whoop. She has startled the interviewer, and you can see the woman glance ever so briefly at what Mulder assumes to be the segment’s producers on the other side of the room. Still, the woman tries to recover.
“Okay,” she says, a little bit of the kindness gone from her voice. “Then why don’t you tell me about him?”
“If you want to know about Fox Mulder,” Scully says. “You’ll have to ask him yourself.”
“We’ve tried,” the interviewer says, cocksure. “He’s a hard man to find.”
“Don’t I know it,” Scully says, giving as good as she gets.
Watching this is like reading a whodunnit and slowly figuring out the mystery, Mulder thinks, discovering that the character you suspected was innocent the whole time.
Maureen seems to realize she’s interviewing a hostile witness, but to Mulder, Scully seems to be unfolding, coming back to life before his eyes.
“Well,” Maureen says. “What can you tell us? What are you willing to share?”
Scully looks at Maureen appraisingly before answering.
“He saved my life,” she finally says. “In more ways than one. And I don’t know how, but some day I plan to return the favor.”
“Romantic,” Maureen says. Mulder can sense distaste in her voice.
“You can call it what you like.”
“Love?” There’s a gotcha tone if he’s ever heard one, but his heart leaps into his throat.
“Yes,” Scully says with conviction. “Like I’ve never known.”
Mulder stands from his chair so fast he knocks it over. He looks around for he’s not sure what—someone to talk to, someone to tell, someone to whom he can point at the TV and say “did you hear that?”
He doesn’t know what to do with himself, with his energy, so he runs for the door.
2. When he walks through the door of Langly’s Paris apartment, there is an extra person in the kitchen and an odd, buzzy feeling in the air.
Langly and Asuka are seated at the kitchen table, across from a person whose hands are wrapped around a chunky coffee mug. All three of them look up as if startled to see him standing there.
“Mulder,” Langly says, half-rising.
But Mulder connects eyes with the third person and walks up to them until their toes are practically touching.
“Mulder,” Frohike says, his eyes wary but hopeful.
“Frohike,” Mulder says, smiling. He’s genuinely happy and relieved to see him and clasps the little man’s elbow to pull him up into a hug.
“Where have you been, man?” Mulder asks.
He releases Frohike, smiling, but that’s when he notices the steaming mug at the empty fourth seat at the small table. Byers? he thinks. These three men have not been in the same room since he met them in 1989.
And then he smells it; sun-dried linen. Eucalyptus. His blood floods with euphoric hope and he turns, slowly, so slowly toward the parlor just beyond the kitchen.
Standing in the mouth of the hall, a little tentative and unsure, is Scully.
He opens his mouth, closes it. Not a sound comes out.
Then, in the span of one breath, they collide. The kiss is dizzying. Sibylline. It is the past and the future and all the terrible, terrible things in between.
Asuka rushes everyone out of the kitchen so quickly that the mugs are still steaming when they break apart and turn to find the table empty, both of them panting, lips swollen and wet.
“I’m so sorry—“ they both say at the same time, then chuckle shyly.
“Don’t be sorry—“ she says at the same moment Mulder says, “I thought you—“
Mulder reaches out, gently puts a finger over her lips.
“Come with me,” he says, like a fairy in a forest. He takes her hand.
3. They are standing in the room Asuka has made up for Mulder; robin’s egg blue, plaster detail on the tall ceiling fine as a Faberge egg. It is not large; there is a single bed in the corner, a small antique dresser next to the door, but it has a long window that opens to a not-quite balcony looking out over a Parisian street, which is as noisy and nostalgic as a stereotype—there could be a foley operator the next room over—a truncated horn, someone shouting in French, an accordion playing two streets over.
He feels suddenly shy, but also magnetized toward her like a compass seeking true north. He could never really keep his hands off her, and now is no exception.
He grips her hand tightly, holds it between both his palms. He’s a little afraid to let go.
“I saw the interview,” he says.
“I hoped you would.”
“I’m still spinning,” he admits breathlessly.
“Me too.”
She reaches forward, thumbs the mole on his cheek. The heat of her palm feels volcanic and he realizes a little clumsily that in all the time since they’ve seen each other, not a single person has really touched him, except for a quick, tight hug from Asuka in Charles de Gaulle. He leans into her touch.
“How did you find me?” he asks.
A dozen emotions sweep over her face before she answers.
“First I found Byers,” she finally says, dropping her hand from his face.
He raises his eyebrows at this.
“I went back to the naval base,” she explains. “I traced your phone calls.”
“That was months ago,” he says, impressed.
“I’m a reporter,” she says primly, “I have investigative skills.”
“I’ve got some game myself,” Mulder says, his voice a little bit in awe. “And coming up against the Navy is like… trying to sail a ship on land. Metaphorically.”
At this she finally looks a bit abashed.
“Perhaps less so when your father is a decorated Captain.”
Mulder smiles at her. “So you found Byers.”
“I found Byers. Then I found Frohike. Then we found Langly.”
Mulder stares at her blankly, impressed and a little scared. “Scully, these men are ghosts. To the world and to each other. If they don’t want to be found, you don’t find them. Full-stop.” He knows that Langly was absolutely a rock about protecting him.
“I beat them about the head and neck,” she goes on. Shrugs. “Metaphorically.”
He continues to stare at her, one of her hands still clasped in his own.
“Frohike noticed Langly was harder to find and being less forthcoming than usual,” she goes on. “So… Asuka.”
“Scully,” Mulder says, “if the guys are ghosts, Asuka is a god. There is no Asuka.”
Scully turns tender, reaches out once again to delicately run her fingers over the skin of his jaw. She has never seen him clean shaven before, and seems fascinated by it.
“Mulder,” she says, softly. “She found us. She’s worried for you. She said you were broken.”
He closes his eyes. “I am. I was,” he amends, and reaches out to pull her closer to him. “I’m not anymore.”
She sighs contentedly.
“What about you?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. He thinks of her coming back to life during the interview with Maureen Dunshee.
“I am,” she breathes, placing the softest kiss on his cheek. “I was.” Another kiss. “I’m not anymore.”
He leans down until his forehead is resting against hers.
“Maybe there’s hope,” he says.
“Maybe there is.”
They breathe each other in, the sounds on the street below quiet to near nothing, as if the universe is pausing to listen.
“Tell me,” he says then. “Tell me everything.” And she does.
Once they have tearfully covered the events immediately following their rescue—both apologizing profusely—Mulder tells her about his days in the Marché d'Aligre, and the pictures he’s taken, about his recent, secret desire to perhaps change careers.
They are sitting on the bed, as close as they can possibly be. And Scully does something he suspects she has maybe never done. She opens up. She tells Mulder about the weeks with Ethan, when everyone pretended she was the same person she’d always been. She tells him about Murray, about Mikey. About the baby. It all comes howling out of her.
He holds her through all of it, tries to process it all; the thought of a child, their child. He’d never wanted children before, but he’s sad for what might have been.
“If I had gotten to the base five minutes before, none of this would have…” She sniffs and swipes at her eyes, presses the back of her wrist to her streaming nose. She takes a deep breath, regaining some of her composure. “I can’t imagine what you must think of me.”
He stands and watches as a flicker of apprehension flits across her face, but he reaches down and grips her hand hard.
“Come with me,” he says again.
She stands in the little room, walking along very slowly, following the line of the wire that surrounds it, taking in each picture individually.
“I remember you taking them,” she says. “But I…”
He hopes she understands what this all is.
He has hung the pictures chronologically. From the first photo—her standing in her oversized Press jacket, dazed, stunned—to the picture of her in front of the window when they first heard the Chinooks coming. The intimacy grows with each picture, a long, burgeoning crescendo of the artist falling in love with his subject.
“This tells the story,” she says, dawning realization. “This tells the story of what happened.”
“This tells the story of us,” he says.
4. He takes her to the Louvre. Two pyramids on top of each other, covered in plate glass rhombi. Historians believe that ancient peoples erected pyramids as an expression of the universal desire to reunite with heaven, and something about that feels right.
All around them are tourists of every stripe and nationality, as interesting as the art on display. They’re all toting cameras, some are holding hands. He and Scully fit right in.
They are standing in front of Michaelangelo’s Prisoners, those unfinished statues forever trapped in the marble from which they will never be released. One, Rebellious, writhes, struggling to free himself. The other, more flexible and sensual, capitulates to his death, expressing peace, harmony.
Scully looks them over, her eyes roving over the sinewy tendons, the unfinished feet.
They were prisoners themselves, a block of stone where an arm should be, where a heart should be, struggling for freedom, eventually surrendering to the sensual.
“I had a few people,” she starts to say, her eyes still on the sculptures. “After the interview, try to tell me that what we feel for each other is just the social glue of trauma bonding. That the link that bonds us will eventually snap. That we can’t base an entire relationship on the fact that we were both victims of the same crime.” She finally turns to him. “ Are you afraid that’s what this is?”
He thinks it is both more simple and vastly more complicated than that.
“All I know,” Mulder says, “is that when I was down, you lifted me up. When I was weak, you made me strong. I don’t see why we shouldn’t be able to keep doing that for each other.”
She is a pattern that’s been inked on him like a tattoo. Deep. You’d have to cut her out to remove her.
“That’s what I think, too,” she says, turning away.
He grabs her hand and they move on, rejoining the current of the moving throng.
“What would you do,” she asks, “if you stopped photographing conflicts?”
There is a group of goth kids in front of them, their clothes and hair all black as a raven’s wing. Scully’s russet hair among them gives his spirit a quick pop of lightness.
“I don’t know,” he admits, swinging their arms a little. “I have a buddy who’s a wilderness photographer. He thinks I’d be good at it.”
“Sounds like it might be peaceful,” she says.
“Or boring,” he admits. “But I’d no longer be a slave to Newsweek.”
Suddenly, the crowd around them disappears, like a tide racing back out into the sea, and he and Scully are left standing alone against the backdrop of a gold-plated colonnade. Mulder, inspired, raises his camera and takes a picture. She could be a sculpture here, he thinks. She could be a painting.
She smiles at the floor shyly, and he steps into her space, his confidence of place by her side returning. He puts a finger under her chin and lowers his lips to hers.
“Didn’t I tell you,” he says. “You belong in the Louvre.”
She leans in for a kiss of her own. “Fuck Newsweek,” she mumbles into his lips.
5. He has his long heavy leg thrown over hers in the narrow bed. They are fully clothed, but tucked in toward one another like the lovers of Valdero. They can’t stop touching; the newness of being back together has yet to wear off.
“Do you think,” she starts, her fingers playing a modified thumb war with his. “We would have met if not for…”
“I’d like to think so,” he says, not letting her finish. “I’d like to think there’s a universe where nothing bad ever happens to us. Where we’re… I don’t know, FBI agents. Partners. Solving crimes by day, making love at night.”
“FBI agents?” she says dubiously, but laughing. “What would we investigate?”
“Bigfoot,” he says, invested in making her laugh again. “UFOs. Werewolves. Psychic photography.” With each suggestion, he kisses another part of her, working his way down her neck. She laughs under him, squirms in a thrilling, delicious way.
“Psychic photography?” Her dubiety reaches a level of sass he’d like to discipline out of her in a way he knows she likes.
“Yeah,” he says, canting himself up onto an elbow to look down at her. “Also known as Thoughtography. Practitioners possess an apparent ability to place images on film with their mind using psychic energy.”
She laughs. “Have you tried it?”
“I tried to imagine Penny Willmington’s breasts while in the high school dark room, once,” he says. “Didn’t work though.”
Her laugh settles into a pleasant, throaty hum.
His body responds, and he leans down to press a wet, lingering kiss into her lips.
She sighs, stretches luxuriously under him.
“I’ve missed this,” she says, a little shy.
They’ve been listing toward the inevitable for hours, and it’s not like they haven’t had sex twenty times before, but this time is different and they both know it.
Mulder puts a hand over the tight drum of her stomach, her shirt bunching slightly under his hand. The length of it, from pinky to thumb, practically spans the whole of her midriff.
“I missed it too,” he says, brushing her lightly with his thumb. “But we don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I want this,” she says, levering herself up towards him.
“I want—” he starts to speak but she slides her lips over his, her eager little tongue chasing his words away.
He wants. He has so many wants.
He wants her hot little mouth wrapped around him; he wants to lick the ambrosial seep from her core. But he also wants to read next to her in bed, wants to chop vegetables in her kitchen, clean her gutters, dig his thumb into the high, aching arch of her foot.
What he doesn’t want is to run anymore, not from her.
She’s slick and hot under him, the foxy muff of her center gripping him like nothing he’s ever known. Her nails are crimped in his back, her breath a tremulous pant in his ear, her kisses so earnest it brings tears to his eyes.
They rock into each other for hours, talking, laughing, gasping in the air. There isn’t a militant pacing outside their door, and the freedom gives them an exultant, adolescent vim, and it isn’t just sweet, it isn’t just fun, it’s clumsy and solemn and pure. It’s reconnection and passion and the looping buoyant feeling of a cartwheel in the summer.
They lock eyes and they never look away.
They deserve a happy ending. They’ll get one, he thinks.
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kingofthe-egirls · 10 months
Hello, its my first time requesting something so could I get some friendship Headcanons with the monster with a gn reader who can channel the powers of yokai?
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So I took a completely different approach with this, but I hope you like it! Also I used a lot of imagery from this fandom wiki article!
(cw: fight scene, slight violence, kitsune!luffy, fluff, food)
(a/n: i have no idea about japanese mythology, so all of this has been based off my cursory internet searches! i'm more familiar with faerie lore tbh)
Songs: "Starsick" by Maude Latour
"I'm booooored," your yōkai spirit friend sighs out, hopping up your back to drape himself dramatically across your shoulders. You nuzzle into his soft fur, letting his scarlet tails flick around you angrily.
"Well, I'm sorry, but we're not there yet, Luffy," you scratch the kitsune behind his ears. He's in fox form, having shapeshifted back to ride on your shoulders instead of walk. He paws at the diamond dangling from your earlobe. The scarlet fur scratches against your chin. You wave him away, "Stop it."
He groans. His little red paws start playing with your loose hair, instead. "Luffy!" You chide, and he groans again in agony, sliding off your shoulders to melt into his human form again.
Luffy is a kitsune, having gained a tail for each hundred years he's been alive: Luffy has eight. They say the wisest kitsunes have nine.
He stalks in front of you, hands in his pockets as he walks backwards. The dirt path is littered with rocks and stones, but he deftly avoids stepping on any tripping hazards. Stupid spirit magic.
"When are we getting there?" He asks again, whiny. You roll your eyes.
"Another three miles, Luffy. Keep walking."
"Uggghhhhh," he drags his feet, turning back around to face forward. His foxy grin catches you off-guard, and you stumble. Luffy snickers, surely aware of your stupid mortal crush on this spirit fox.
"We have to walk," you point out, catching up to him on the dirt path, "Because someone broke our only other means of transportation."
"Stupid rowboat," Luffy mutters, kicking a stone. Two of his tails flicker into existence, shortchanging his disguise from agitation.
"Stupid Luffy," you counter, flicking him in the forehead. He whines, frowning at you as he rubs the now slightly red spot. You sniff. "Besides, it should be good for you to stretch your legs. You've been fox-form for a while now, huh?"
Luffy nods, stepping in place beside you. He stares at the sky, sparkly eyes tracking clouds as they race across the sky. "Gonna rain soon," he says, ominously.
"How can ya tell?"
Luffy shrugs. "Dunno. Just can," he sharply glances behind you, and something aggressive flashes in his eyes. "Get behind me," he whispers, and you do. Your hand goes to the knife at your belt, but Luffy's already balled his hands into fists.
"Hey, asshole!" Your spirit guide calls, staring at the bushes along the side of the road. Something rustles from within them. You gasp slightly, stepping back. Your heel snaps a twig.
Suddenly, a red-gold blur lashes out at Luffy, startling him slightly as he stumbles backward. You give him room, now fully drawing your knife. Luffy curses, ripping at the thing that's now clawing at his face.
You surge forward, stabbing at the thing as it scrabbles around your friend's head, suffocating him. The thing cries, yelping in pain as it hops away from Luffy's now-scratched up face. Anger burns in his dark eyes. He stalks forward, holding up his fists.
"Bad foxy," he accuses, spitting on the ground. The thing, which you now see is another kitsune, hisses at him.
"What the fuck," you breathe, shuffling behind Luffy a bit more. He crouches down, staring at the fox as it hisses and spits into the ground. He tilts his head.
"Oh!" He apologizes, suddenly softer and more earnest. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realize! Who stole it?"
"Stole what?"
Luffy shakes his head. "His star ball," Luffy explains, as if that made any sense to you.
"Star ball?"
"Life force ball," he turns back to the kitsune, who only has one tail. "You're pretty young, huh?" He asks, holding out his hand.
The kitsune growls, but doesn't attack. Doesn't run away, either. You frown. "Does he need our help?"
Luffy grins.
"Of course."
The fox's name is Ember.
"Hi Ember," you say, sliding a tangerine slice his way. The kitsune yaps at you, but gobbles up the fruit without a second thought. You lean against the trunk of an oak tree, while Luffy translates the poor spirit's story. You grimace. "Sorry for stabbing you," you say, softly. The knife hadn't left more than a scratch, but you'd still offered to help patch it up. The fox had refused, but you hope the time spent together will let him change his mind. Luffy sits cross-legged in front of you, nodding seriously as the fox tilts his head back and forth, chewing on the squishy orange slice.
"So, a traveler stole it?" He repeats, flicking his eyes to you, "We're chasing a traveler right now, in fact. What did they look like?"
The fox flicks his ears in answer, and Luffy nods. "Sounds like the same guy. Long, sharp claws? Weird feet?"
The fox yaps, jumping up and down. He nods. "Y/N and I are gonna go kick his ass for ya, okay? We'll get your star ball back."
You slide another tangerine slice his way, but Luffy intercepts it. He chews the citrus loudly, with his mouth open. He tilts his own fox ears, now completely visible in his mortal form. They flick scarlet over fluffy black hair. You scan the length of Luffy's lithe form, bent forward as he starts playing with the younger kitsune.
"You're gonna have so many tails one day!" He's saying, giggling as he lets the kitsune play-fight with his fist. He loosely muzzles him, before letting him frisk away to snap his jaws and laugh. Foxes laugh, loudly. Luffy joins in. "You'll have as many as me!" He grins, crossing his arms with pride. He lets his eight, flickering tails pop into existence. They're white at the base before fading to dark red at the tips. His ears are red, too. His paws are red in fox form, but his hands are the same honey-tone as the rest of him as he is now. Half-boy, half-fox. All smiling and silly. His eyes crinkle up like crescent moons.
The child-fox gapes at his display, jumping around in excitement. You stand, having finished your tangerine. "Let's get started!" You suggest, tossing the orange rind off to the side. The smaller fox snaps forward, closing its jaws around the peel before you can stop him. He swallows it in one gulp. You roll your eyes.
"Luffy junior," you huff, sticking your hands in your pockets as you walk back to the road. Luffy follows after you, the junior in question now riding his shoulders. "Why doesn't he change shape?"
Luffy stares at him, while the kitsune chitters. "He's really only a teenager," Luffy explains, catching up to you. His shoulder bumps into yours, and a spark shoots through your stomach. You clear your throat.
"Can you not shapeshift til you're older?"
"Well, ya get better at it," Luffy smiles, meeting your curious gaze with mischief in his. His nose crinkles. "But everyone can shapeshift no matter how old they are. But ya can't," his face darkens, and the kitsune on his shoulder croons sadly. He scritches his soft-gold ears.
"Ya can't shapeshift without your star ball," Luffy continues, "It's like, your essence of life. And ya gotta keep some of your spirit safe while ya change shape. And now that someone has it, he can't safely turn back and forth. Plus! It's really hard to get your own star ball back yourself." Luffy's eyebrows pull down hard over his eyes.
He looks furious.
Luffy's voice turns dark, and raspy, "Because he now has to follow the orders of whoever stole his ball. He's completely under some human's control." Luffy spits this out like stones in the street. He clenches his hands into fists. You bump your shoulder into his. He meets your eyes, questioning; his jaw clenches.
"We're gonna kick that guy's ass," you smile. Luffy grins, beaming from your confidence in him, as well. Even the kitsune's ears perk up.
"We're gonna get your star ball back."
"Here," you hiss, crouching below a gnarled tree root. Luffy sneaks in behind you, rustling the bushes as he goes. You glare at him to be quiet, and he grins sheepishly.
You roll your eyes, but don't answer. You turn back to the scene in front of you: a man in a hooded green cloak, crossing his legs in front of a campfire. By the time you all had caught up to him, the sky had already darkened for night. The traveler throws back his hood, grinning at the small bauble in his hand.
A shiny white star glows in the center.
You gasp, softly, and Luffy growls. The kitsune huddles back against the tree root, waves of anger pouring off of him. You turn to meet his eyes, reassuring him with a slight grin. "Don't worry," you whisper, brandishing your dagger by your bent knee. "We'll get it back for you."
The kistune nods, and hides farther back in the undergrowth.
Luffy grunts, and springs forward.
You curse, but chase after him.
Luffy flies at the traveler, all fists and teeth, before you dive in to steal the traveler's bag for yourself. He had stolen your sketchbook, after all. Luffy snarls, half-feral, with arms and legs both stretching out to kitsune claws. His ears are flat against his head, and his tails are whirling around in anger. The traveler lets out one, loud cry, before falling to his knees. He slumps over, defeated.
Luffy grins, and bends to pick up the shiny star ball.
"We should get outta here," he says, sparkling, "Before he wakes up."
You head back home, kitsune safely rescued. The orange fox-spirit had taken his star ball back gladly, insisting he now owes you a favor, but Luffy waved him away.
"Just pay us for it next time!"
You wished Luffy had actually asked for some money, but oh well.
Now, you're both seated across from each other on your living room mat. You shift on the tatami, steaming bowl of rice held in both your hands. You breathe in: delicious.
Luffy devours his rice in one fell swoop, sighing heavily as he leans back. He scratches his hand through his hair. "Good job today, y/n! Thanks for helping me rescue that kit’s star ball.”
“Welcome,” you say, scraping the bottom of your bowl. And then, “Do you have a star ball?”
“Duh,” he says, fishing the glowing orb out of his pocket. Your eyebrows raise, but you say nothing. He twirls it deftly in one hand, tossing it up before catching it again. It glimmers gold in the lamplight.
Crickets chirp in the night, and you stand up to head to bed. “Cmon,” you say softly, leaning down to scoop a now-fox-form Luffy into your arms.
He purrs happily, wriggling around in your hold until you dump him unceremoniously onto the bed. He curls into a ball on the pillow, snoring immediately.
You curl in beside him, and let sleep take you.
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atths--twice · 8 months
I've Got You
A fall leads to a sweet discovery.
Fictober day 11. Prompt: Don't worry, I got you
Hope you enjoy. 💓
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February 2010
“Doctor Scully? Your phone was ringing. Normally I wouldn’t have noticed, but it kept ringing. I thought it must be important.”
“Oh, thank you, Shelley. I thought I left it in the office, but I haven’t had time to go back and get it.” 
Scully took the phone from her and looked at the screen. Five missed calls. Two from Mulder and three from an unknown number. 
And one voicemail. 
Panic filled her heart as she walked away from Shelley, her blood pounding in her ears. Breathing hard, she stepped into an empty room and listened to the voicemail. 
“Hello, this is Bryan Crook. I’m an EMT with station 254. We answered a call at 227700 Wallis Road for Fox Mulder. He asked us to call you. He’s had a fall. He is alert, but has most likely sustained a broken arm and possibly a concussion. We’ll be taking him to Mercy Hospital. It is… two fifteen right now. Goodbye.” 
Letting out a deep breath, not realizing she had been holding it, she looked at her watch. It was two thirty now. If she hurried, she might beat the ambulance to the hospital.  
Leaving the room, she took off her lab coat and hurried to her office to get her things. 
“Hello,” she said to the woman at the emergency room desk. “I’m here to see a patient.” 
“What’s your emergency?” 
“N… no. I don’t have an emergency, I’m here to see someone who has had one. He should be back there. I saw the ambulance out front.” 
“His name?” 
“Fox Mulder.” 
“Mulder… Mulder… no, I’m not seeing it here.” 
“It has to be,” Scully said, taking out her wallet. “I’m his partner. Dana Scully. Doctor Scully. I work at Our Lady of Sorrows. I was called by an EMT and told that Fox Mulder was being brought here. I saw the ambulance outside, and while I know there may have been more than one emergency today, I think it’s him. Can you just check again, please?” She handed the woman her drivers license and let out a deep breath. 
The woman took it, looked at it, and smiled gently as she typed into the computer. 
“Okay,” she said, nodding her head. “Yeah, I see it now. Arrived by ambulance. They have him in a room and…” She started to chuckle and then looked at Scully. Handing back her driver’s license, she cleared her throat. “It says here, when she arrives, send her straight back because he won’t stop asking for her.” She laughed again and Scully’s cheeks reddened. 
“I’m his… we’re…” 
“Oh honey, I get it. You find a man that loves you that hard, he asks for you under physical duress, he’s a keeper,” she said with a nod. “You go stand by that door over to the left and I’ll buzz you in. He’s in room eight.” 
“Thank you,” Scully said, putting her license back into her wallet and walking over to the door. When it buzzed, she opened it as she took a deep breath. 
Room eight was directly across from her and she hurriedly walked into it, sighing at the sight of Mulder in the bed. Putting her wallet into her bag, she set it onto the chair and approached the bed. 
“Oh, Mulder,” she whispered, running her fingers gently through his hair.
“Mmm,” he moaned, turning his head toward her, his eyes remaining closed. 
She looked at the splint on his left arm and she shook her head. 
“What happened?” she asked and he moaned again, his eyes struggling to open. 
“Heeeey Doc,” he said. “Fancy seeing you… Christ, my arm hurts. And my head.” 
“What were you doing? Did you slip on something?” 
“No. I just fell. Felt the pop of the bone… and my head.” 
“But what did you-”
“Hey there,” a man’s voice said and Scully turned her head. “I’m Doctor Evans. Heard you had a fall. Let’s see what’s going on. Get you in for some x-rays. Luckily it’s not too busy right now. Shouldn’t take too long.” He smiled at Scully. “Are you his wife?” 
“No,” she said, taking a step back to allow space for the exam.  
“I’ve asked, Doctor. Believe me,” Mulder said, his eyes closed. “You find a woman like her, you ASK.” 
“Mulder,” she whispered warningly, but the doctor only chuckled. 
“I agree. But however it works, is all that matters. Now let’s see what’s going on.” 
An hour later, Mulder was back in his room. He had been given some medicine for the pain of what was confirmed to be a broken wrist and he was breathing deeply as he lay in the bed. 
“Scully,” he said, his voice low and slurry. 
“Yes?” she asked, stepping closer to the bed. 
“We should get married. I think it would be nice.” 
“Mulder, we’re not going to talk about this when you’re doped up on painkillers.” 
“I think you would make a lovely bride,” he said, licking his lips. Rolling his eyes to look at her, it took him a second to focus on her face. “Hi. When did you get here?” 
“Mulder,” she said, shaking her head and laughing. 
“Are we at the hospital? Did something happen? Ohhh, I feel good.” He smiled and reached his right hand out, fingers moving slowly. “Scully, give me your hand.” 
She obliged him and placed her hand into his, holding his fingers gently. He hummed, running his thumb over her fingers. 
“Do you feel that? That humming sensation? I don’t know where it’s coming from, but it’s like I can’t stop hearing it.” He hummed again and she held back a laugh, stroking his hair and smiling. “It’s the universe, Scully. I think we’re holding it in our hands. Whoa… I always thought it would be bigger.” 
At that, she did laugh, though she kept it quiet, not wanting to disturb anyone else in the hospital.
“The universe, huh?” she asked, pressing her lips to his forehead. “I think some people might be interested to know we have it.” 
“Hmmm… have what?”
“Mulder,” she laughed, kissing his forehead again. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Doctor Evans said, stepping into the room. 
“You’re not,” Scully said, straightening up, still holding Mulder’s hand. 
“Hey, you’re a doctor,” Mulder said, forcing his eyes open. “Doc, meet Doc and then do the opposite. Doc, Doc, Doc. That sounds weird.”
“So he’s been given painkillers,” Doctor Evans said, chuckling quietly and Scully nodded.  
“He’s always had a low tolerance to the strong stuff.” 
“The bigger they are…” He smiled as they watched Mulder fall asleep, his mouth open. “Someone will be coming in soon to cast his arm. He doesn’t have a concussion, just a good sized bump. But as a doctor, I know you know the signs to watch for in the coming days. If anything changes, let us know. Aside from that, once his arm is casted, you’ll be free to go.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Whoa,” Mulder said as they walked carefully up their porch steps. Her left arm was around his waist, her right hand using the railing for leverage.
“Don’t worry, I got you,” she said and he hummed. 
“You always do, Scully.” 
“Yeah. Come on, one more step. You got it. Phew.” She paused, taking a second to catch her breath. “Alright, now inside and to the couch. You can sleep off the painkillers there and then it’s only ibuprofen from now on. You’re too hard to maneuver when you’re on anything stronger.” 
“That’s why you’re the doc, Doc. Doc… it still sounds weird.” 
“Mmhmm, come on.” 
She unlocked the door, helped him through it, and then guided him toward the couch. 
“What’s all this?” he asked and she ignored him as she helped him sit down slowly so as to not jostle his arm. “I love you, Scully.” 
She stopped and looked at him. He smiled, his eyes heavy. 
“That’s what I was doing. Why I fell. Ohhh…” He laughed, holding onto his arm, and she shook her head. “Why I fell. Emotionally, yes, but also literally today.” 
“Gaze upwards for the answer, Scully.” He tipped his head back and she did the same. 
“Mulder,” she breathed. “You idiot.” 
“Adorable idiot, I think you mean,” he said and she shook her head again. 
Hanging from the ceiling by clear string, were hearts made from printer paper. He had cut out strips of the paper and formed them back to make the heart shape. As she watched them, they spun around slowly. 
“You were doing this when you fell? Mulder…”
“I was getting off the ladder… wait, where’s the ladder?” 
“Maybe the firemen put it on the side of the house,” she said, watching the hearts moving. 
“I ran into some trouble, so there are only three,” he said. 
“But why did you do it?”
“It’s your birthday soon. And Valentine’s Day. It’s not something we do, but this year…” he said, his voice low and sleepy.
“I love it.” 
“I have more to make, but I’m gonna have to pass on it this year.” 
“Exactly what the doctor would suggest. But I still love it. And besides, it’s the thought that counts.” She turned to smile at him and saw that he was asleep. 
Laughing through her nose, she looked back at the three white hearts, thinking of all the worst case scenarios that could have happened as a result of him putting them up, and she shivered. 
Shaking her head, she took off his shoes and helped him to lie down comfortably, taking care to not touch his arm unless it was necessary.  Brushing her fingers over his casted hand, she sighed. 
Picking up the blanket on the back of the couch, she covered him and then kissed him softly. 
“I love you too, you adorable idiot.” 
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leegemma · 11 months
So happy you're starting to write for kpop!!!
Could i ask for 15, 6, 32 Lee!I.N ler!everyone? 😊
So I'm honestly not really proud of this one, It just turned out so random so I'm really sorry about that, I also realised that I forgot to add number 6 in there so I'm really really sorry. Hope you can still enjoy it and thank you for your request anon!
15 - "what did you just say to me?"
32 - “what’s with the bad mood? i think that may need to be remedied…”
I.N was tired. I.N was tired and overworked. I.N was feeling exhausted and numb. Both mentally, and physically. He was currently laying down on his bed, his hands covering his face while he tried not to cry.
He tried taking deep breathes and drinking from his water bottle bit by bit, he tried meditating away all his problems. But It felt like nothing was working. The boy felt worthless. Tears were now streaming down his face.
"I.N?" A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Are you in there?"
I.N sniffled and tried to wipe all his tears away, picking up his phone quickly and pretending to be on it. "I'm here, channie hyung!"
"We're all gonna watch a movie, you wanna join-" chan opened the door, immediately noticing something was up, so he walked slowly over to the bed and sat infront of Jeongin, opening his arms for him. "Hug?"
I.N thought for a second, then jumped into the older's arms, breaking down in tears again.
Chan sighed. "What's going on i*?"
"I don't deserve to be here with you guys..." I.N's voice broke in the middle of his sentence.
"What are you even talking about? How could you even think that?" Chan pulled back from the hug and held I.N' shoulders instead, forcing him to look him in the eye.
"I saw an article that said-" I.N tried to avoid Chan by looking at his bed sheets instead.
Chan rolled his eyes and let out a groan. "Hey, what did I say about reading that crap?"
"What. Did. I. Say?" Chan asked again, poking the boy's belly with every word.
I.N giggled and slapped his hands away. "Nehever listen to those."
"Because?" Another poke.
"Stohohop! Because they're just attention seekers."
Chan smiled at the cute boy infront of him and ruffled his hair. "That's right. Now, come and hangout with the rest of us in the living room please, we're all just relaxing and watching a movie."
I.N knew better than to protest, so he just took the hand chan offered him and followed his reliable leader to the living room.
With I.N's eyes still fluffy and red, and his hand holding Chan's, the rest of the group could see something happened, but decided to let it go and let the two take their seats on the couch, seeing as Chan had already cheered up their fox. Or so they thought.
Everyone was watching the movie quietly, when Hyunjin decided he was bored and needed to mess around a little bit. Being sat next to I.N, he decided to target him.
"Boop." Hyunjin said while poking I.N's side.
I.N jumped a bit but moved on fast and got back into the movie.
Little did he know, Hyunjin was now determined to interrupt the team's healing time just to satisfy his boredom.
"Jeongin~~" he squeezed his side. "Why are you ignoring me...?"
I.N squealed and grabbed Hyunjin's hands. "No! Stop bothering me, you asshole!"
As if on cue, all the boys gasped and turned to look at the pair.
Hyunjin, being the drama queen he is, gasped as well while holding his chest. "What did you just say to me?"
"I said stop bothering me, asshole." I.N practically growled.
"Woah, why so angry all of the sudden?" Questioned Felix, who was laying with his head in Chan's lap and his feet on Seungmin's.
"Yeah, what's with the bad mood? I think that may need to be remedied..." Han shook his head in fake disapproval and got up from the couch he was sitting on, mentioning for the others to follow. Which they did.
I.N tried not to show any signs of stress when the big group walked over to where he was now trapped between Hyunjin's legs, who was hugging him from the back tightly.
He was trying hard to to laugh or smile when they all gathered around him, just smirking at him evily.
"What should we do with him?" Changbin asked cheekily.
"We should teach him a lesson on how to properly treat his hyungs..." answered lee know.
"Anyone has an idea how we could do that?" Chan looked around at his boys.
They all pretended to think, though they all knew already exactly what was about to happen. And so did their poor victim...
"Guys, no!" He protested lightly. The truth is, he wanted this and he needed this, and the boys knew that of course. Which is why...
"I have an idea!" Seungmin's adorable and rare smiled showed.
"Yes, puppy?" Han smiled back.
"This little fox actually has a weakness... you're only really allowed to use that weakness when he needs to cheer up a bit. Allow me to demonstrate?" Seungmin waited for approval from Han, (which was fast to arrive.) Then started wiggling his fingers in front of Jeongin's face, causing the boy to break into giggles before they even started tickling him.
"Waihahait! Ihihm sohohory!" I.N tried to wiggle out of Hyunjin's arms, which was nowhere as easy as he thought it would be.
"Too late~~~" Hyunjin whispered In his ear, then started blowing air into them.
"GAH! nohohoho!!!"
"Guess that means go." Chan shrugged and climbed onto the couch next to the giggling kid and started tickling his sides and ribs.
Felix and Han sat on the floor and grabbed a leg each, working their magic from I.N's feet up to his thighs.
Seungmin dug into the neck, which was by far I.N's worst spot.
Lee know sat himself on the other side of Hyunjin and tried to wiggle his fingers in Jeongin's armpits.
Changbin noticed Hyunjin was struggling with holding the squirming I.N down, so he went behind the two over the couch and grabbed the arms of the youngest effortlessly, holding them above his head. Giving Hyunjin the opportunity to tickle the ears of the blushing one.
"Awww how come you're so cute, baby?" Teased Lee know
"SHUHUHT UHUHUP!" Jeongin screamed.
Felix gasped again, "well obviously we're not being mean enough."
The rest of the boys agreed and started tickling the boy faster, moving from one spot to another so fast he let out a frustrated scream. "IMIHIM SOHOHORY! IHHIHM SOHOHORY!"
"As you should be!" Han giggled.
"STOHOHHOP! I CAHAHAHNT BREATHEHEH!!" I.N was having the time of his life.
The group giggled at their cutie and stopped the torture, everyone finding a spot and cuddling I.N close.
"T- thank you." We're the words to leave his mouth first after his breathing went back to normal. "I needed that. Thank you."
The rest of the boys only smiled.
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"Thank you, I really hate it."
"Who's at your house right now?"
"The devil knows I tried."
Any for whoever you like! (Don't feel like you have to use all of them unless you want to!)
This took me a while to finally put some time together, but here we go! In honor of the season, I went with all Star Wars characters.
All prompts are taken from this list! Feel free to send me more!
"Thank you, I really hate it."
"So? What do you think?"
She looked so happy. So proud of the decorations she had somehow managed to string up around his office without him realizing. It was clear that she had worked hard on it. He didn't have it in him to tell her that it was completely out of place in a marshal commander's office.
"It looks... great," Fox finally answered.
Riyo laughed, the sound clear and clean and bright. It was probably his favorite sound. "You can be honest, Fox," she said, leaning forward to wrap her hands around his arm and lean her head on his shoulder. "I went overboard, didn't I?"
Fox started to shake his head no because he didn't have it in him to tell her that he didn't love anything she'd ever done. Because, as Thorn kept reminding him, he was entirely useless when it came to one Senator Riyo Chuchi.
Her hand caught the side of his face mid-motion. "It's okay," she said with a sweet smile, pressing her perfect lips against the corner of his mouth. "I don't even like it. It's too much."
Fox sighed. He ran a gloved hand through his hair. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I really hate it."
Riyo laughed again. "I know," she said, kissing him again. Then she pulled away, looking out at the display skeptically. She then turned toward him, wearing a hopeful grin. "So... help me take it down?"
"Who's at your house right now?"
"Bly," Aayla Secura said, rubbing her eyes. She checked the chronometer beside her bed to confirm that it was, in fact, the middle of the night. For some reason her commander had called her and his small holographic avatar was fully kitted in armor.
"Sorry for the late call, General," Bly said in his typical no-nonsense attitude. "We've received orders from the Jedi Temple. We're..." he trailed off, eyes going wide in surprise when an arm wrapped around Aayla's waist in her bed.
The clone trooper grinned like a man who had just caught his little sister out past curfew. "General," he said in a playfully reproachful tone, "there wouldn't happen to be someone in your quarters with you, would there?"
Aayla sighed tiredly, pinching the bridge of her nose. In spite of the awkwardness of the situation, she found her body instinctively snuggling into the warm figure behind her. "I'll... I'll be up to the bridge in a few minutes," she groaned, ignoring the commander's teasing question.
"Of course, Ma'am," Bly said, grinning like the Loth-cat that ate the Porg. He leaned forward to end the call but paused for just a moment. "Tell General Fisto I say 'hello,'" he added. Then he ended the call before she had a chance to protest.
Aayla twisted on her small bed to bring herself face-to-face with her companion. "You're ridiculous," she muttered, her tone gentle in spite of her terse words. She knew that Bly was never going to let her live it down.
It wasn't even like anything had happened... she and Kit had finally had an excuse to see each other. They stayed up late catching up, and she wasn't going to make him return to his own ship when he was half-asleep. It wasn't her fault that her quarters only had one viable option for sleep furniture.
It also wasn't her fault that her fellow Jedi's arms felt so right wrapped around her throughout the night.
"Sorry," Kit replied without even a hint of apology in his voice. He smiled - not his signature smile for which he was known, but a small, intimate grin that he reserved only for her - as she ran a finger along his jawline.
His deep, dark eyes fluttered open and caught hers, and for a moment she forgot what she had been annoyed about. Unfortunately for them, time was never something they had much of.
"Duty calls," she sighed, sadly pulling herself out of his grip. He playfully held onto her for just a moment, and she couldn't help imagining a different life - one in which they spent lazy mornings in bed, and she could allow herself to be drawn in by the almost irresistible pull of his warm arms indefinitely.
Then they both rolled out of bed and tried to make themselves look presentable. They had work to do.
"The devil knows I tried."
Derek "Hobbie" Klivian was a great pilot. He had flown through some of the most gripping battles of the Rebellion's short history, and was an Ace several times over. He was a member of the Rebellion's most decorated squadron, and that was by no accident.
Unfortunately, as good a pilot as Hobbie Klivian may be, he seemed to be even better at crashing.
This last time, though... he'd been almost sure that it was going to be his last. Rogue Squadron was running defense for the ground troops fleeing the Imperial walkers. It was a losing battle. They knew that going in... all that mattered was that the transports had made it out.
The soldiers on the ground weren't making it out fast enough. That lead walker was tearing them up. Hobbie's T-47 wasn't going to limp back to the staging area... it had taken too much damage already. But it could help them.
"Be ready to eject," Hobbie growled back to his gunner as he spun the speeder around. Ommis said something back, but Hobbie wasn't listening. He was lining up the perfect shot.
The lead AT-AT seemed to figure out what he was doing. He grinned smugly. You're too late. He jammed the throttle to maximum, the craft shaking as the walker turned its guns on them.
"Canopy, canopy, canopy!" Hobbie cried out, slapping the eject control. The cockpit canopy burst up and back, and then both he and Ommis were blasted into the air behind it. It was close... very close. Two seconds after they ejected, their crippled craft smashed through the cockpit of the walker.
Hobbie had only a moment to grin and enjoy his victory. Then a chunk of debris collided with his helmet, and everything went black.
The gentle whirs and beeps of a medbay were by now a familiar sound to Derek Klivian. They practically felt like home. Still, he was surprised when his eyes opened again.
"Welcome back to the land of the living," cried out the overly excited voice of his squadmate Wes Janson. "You gave us a scare on that one." The other pilot reached out and roughly shook Hobbie's shoulder.
"Let go of him, Wes," he heard another pilot say. "Your going to shake his brain loose... what's left of it, anyway." When Hobbie managed to focus his eyes he found Wedge Antilles grinning down at him. "Janson's right, though," the squadron leader said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You just about got yourself this time."
"Devil knows I tried," Hobbie replied, groaning as he forced himself into a sitting position. "How's Kesin?"
"Complaining, as usual," Wes laughed. "You should see the mileage he's getting out of the medical staff. He really thinks he's going to get one of them to fall in love with him this time."
Hobbie grinned in spite of the dull throbbing pain he felt in his... everything. "Can't blame a man for trying." He caught sight of one of the nurses walking by his door and grinned wider. "I might take a shot at it myself."
Wedge rolled his eyes. "Incorrigible. All of you," he said, shaking his head like a disappointed father. He couldn't keep the smirk off his lips as he turned to Wes. "Let's go, Janson," he sighed, throwing an arm around the other man's shoulders. "Looks like we need to give Hobbie a chance to speak with the locals."
As his squadmates left the room, Hobbie laid his head back. It was surreal, surviving yet another crash. He was beyond making a pastime out of it... the words 'crash' and 'Klivian' were practically synonyms at this point.
Still, he reasoned with a shrug, it could be worse. Besides... everybody's got to have a hobby.
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