#i had pretty much accepted that buddie would only exist in fanon but then abc gave us bi buck and catholic guilt eddie
buckleys9-1-1 · 30 days
once eddie realises he is queer and has feelings for buck (if that’s where the story is going which i feel like it is) i want eddie to come out to buck last.
because buck will be understandably upset as to why his best friend in the whole world wouldn’t be comfortable coming out to him. then we get this whole angsty episode before buck snaps and confronts eddie.
buck: i just don’t understand why you told everyone but me, do you not trust me? have i done something to upset you?
eddie: no that’s not it
buck: you’re my best friend, there’s no one i trust more in this world then you
eddie: *shouting* no! you’ve got it wrong
buck: *shouting back* then what is it?!
eddie: I LOVE YOU
buck: *in shock*
eddie: i love you so much it hurts
anyways i’m not a screenwriter so apologies if it’s shit, but something like that.
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