#not to mention he looks very defeated in the entire ed like he knows what hes gonna have to do
sigmashuffle · 2 years
!!!BSD Manga Spoilers!!!
Ending #2 and Chap 88 side by side...
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Okay here’s a whole post with my thoughts/theories about how the next two episodes and the finale are going to play out, using BTS footage, reviewer’s comments, and the promo. My attempt at piecing together an entire timeline for the rest of the season, basically. (Though pretty much focused on Ed + Stede’s plot)
Major spoilers, obviously, especially for the finale (though it’s mostly theory, but there’s some very spoilery BTS pictures)
So, starting with episode 6, we’ll be getting either a Pete/Lucius wedding or some kind of party. With the title being “Calypso’s birthday”, I think the party theme and the prior lupete proposal could be a red herring for a wedding, and it could be just a party for the sake of a party. Calypso could be wee John’s drag name, rather than a yet to be named character (and in that sense maybe it’s more along the lines of ‘the birth of calypso’ for the title) Who knows. Anyways. Some kind of party, that we then see interrupted by Ned Lowe, who begins to torture the crew for breaking his record of most ships hit in a day or what have you.
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Now from reviews we’ve been told that Blackbeard is not the one who ultimately saves the crew, and it is in fact stede who steps up and averts a crisis. I think this is what begins stede’s newfound infamy, defeating or at least stopping the torture of his crew from this famous pirate.
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With his open wound, it needs to be cauterized, hence this scene:
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Followed by these two hooking up, with stede having a confidence high, and them just completely giving into their horniness of averting a near-death situation:
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I mean, the wall slam, the next morning half nude bed scene, it’s a given. It’s happening. No doubt. 100% sure of it.
As far as how or why they end up at Spanish Jackie’s, for episode 7, “Man on Fire” I dunno. I think a review summary said they’re just chilling. Not really there with any intent. And with stede’s defeat of Ned and his other stories building him infamy, he has groupies and fans now.
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Which i think begins to build this divide between him and Ed. Being as Ed is probably looking at retiring from the pirate life, and stede is really just starting at it, I think they’re going to come to some kind of impasse by the finale.
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Regardless, before the season began all the reviewers had was up to the 7th episode, and everyone mentioned how it ended on a cliffhanger. And I think the cliffhanger will be this-
Based on the explosions, fire, and mass panic scenes that we have seen from here:
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And here:
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I think prince Ricky will be launching an all out attack on the republic of pirates, probably taking out several of zheng’s ships (likely with those suspicious ass clocks). Here is where stede and Ed will be separated, and the episode will leave us with them apart. (Possibly thinking the other is dead? Though we’ve had a LOT of near deaths this season so. Maybe not)
I think it could be a fight between the two about their diverging paths that separates them, leading to Ed back on the ship and Izzy’s “frowny face” line and him once again being a mediator for Ed and Stede’s relationship
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Part of why I think they’ll be separated is that it’s the only logical reason why they would have a reunion scene in the finale (which is called “Mermen” I believe?)
Where stede looks up to see Ed on the opposite side of the fight:
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Quite possibly this scene, of Ed emerging from the ocean:
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And they fight their way to each other:
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And embrace:
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And save Zheng:
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And team up with her
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Now I get murky on the rest here, but they probably come up with some kind of counter attack plan where they infiltrate Ricky’s/ the English army, and take it down from the inside.
See Ed here in what looks like English army clothes, as well as Frenchie and black Pete on the side in outfits as well, and the other shot of frenchie and Lucius.
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And from this plan, which I do believe succeeds in some regard, we get a ‼️‼️ major character death
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And I think (SPOILER SPOILER SPOLIER‼️) it’s Izzy. He’s the only one not pictured (except for wee john), Jim is giving some kind of eulogy:
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And everyone begins to walk away EXCEPT ed and stede, who remain looking down.
Unfortunately it narratively makes sense as well to have Izzy, who started as a purely selfish character, become someone who would sacrifice himself for his newfound family. PLUS it being a parallel to last season, where he gave them up to the English. I don’t like it, but it does make sense. It hits the hardest, too. And reviews of the finale have said it hits hard emotionally.
As far as how we’ll leave off, I have this feeling that Ed may stay behind and stede may go off to continue pirating. I just don’t see how they can stay together with their warring desires at the moment. But it’s not going to be an end to their relationship, I just think they’re going to try to both do their own thing. To have them choose to be apart yet together, instead of forcibly apart like where we ended last season, it just feels like something David would do. And it really would show them being secure in their relationship, allowing them to develop themselves outside of each other and come into their own on their own terms.
This scene in particular makes me feel like this is them talking about Ed staying, and possibly even fixing up this house for them while Stede goes out to pirate.
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Ed is stede’s lighthouse to come back to. I’m seeing fuckin parallels to pirates of the Caribbean with Elizabeth and will. Maybe we’ll get stede choosing Ed over piracy, especially with the end of the golden age of piracy looming, and his desire to build a life together instead of building his reputation but. That’s just my wishful thinking.
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luxyue · 2 months
knife boots — part iii.
xiao x reader, figure skating au
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➥ NEW VOCAB ❝ toe loop ❞ one of the easier jumps, a forward to backwards turn complete with picking your toe into the ice and landing on the same edge.
iii. facebook but for young people
[tw: minor mention of an ed in the middle of this chapter]
"you're so mean."
"i warned you."
"you're an absolutely, positively, awful person."
"yeah, well, you knew that already."
xiao had actually agreed to help with your training, much to your surprise, despite being reluctant. now....you regret ever making such a request. xiao is the devil reincarnated, and you'll swear by it until the day you die. he's been making you go back and forth around the rink for three whole hours, doing nothing but doubles. DOUBLES. if you didn't seriously need his help, you would've told him to fuck off sometime during the first thirty minutes.
"your technique is seriously fucked, did you know that?"
"mhm, the entire non-snezhnayan skating community loves to remind me," you grin. he's been attempting to correct you on pre-rotation, underrotation, and overrotation all throughout the past few hours.
"seriously, what did they teach you over there?" he says incredulously. he looks like he's on the verge of tearing his hair out. or eyes. or both.
"um, you know, the basics. jump, rotate, land. not much else," you reply honestly. you had built your skills up under the idea that landing jumps was always the most important thing. if you could do that, why bother with anything else? who wouldn’t choose that over falling?
he groans, before taking a deep breath, trying desperately to calm himself. he clearly wasn’t amused. "i really don’t know why i agreed to help you."
you shrug. "i'm asking the same question."
one excruciating session later, zhongli stops whatever he's been doing in his office for who knows how long (seriously though, he's been in there all day since you started working with xiao) and begins your training session.
saved from the devil at last.
"i know i say this a lot, but you actually look like shit right now."
"xingqiu, i swear to god—"
it's lunch time, and you're hanging out with xiangling, chongyun, and xingqiu in the kitchens. these three have basically roped you into their , and this has been your routine for the past few weeks. not that you mind—xiangling's cooking is too good to resist.
"...which god?" chongyun asks.
"hm?" you turn to look at him with confusion.
"you know, like there's morax, barba—" xingqiu starts.
you cut him off. "i know who the archons are, thank you very much." although, that did raise a good question—which nation had your allegiance now?
xiangling looks at you, unsure, before deciding to go through with her question. "do you like liyue better than snezhnaya?"
you raise an eyebrow at her....because there was no correct answer other than, yes, of fucking course.
"i would choose liyue over snezhnaya a million times over," you say with finality, leaving no room for doubt.
xiangling smiles back. "aw, well i'm glad you're here. ooh—food's ready! jade parcels for everyone!"
she dishes the food out, and your mouth literally starts watering.
"xiangling, i love you."
"hey! you're always annoyed with me, but she cooks some food and all of a sudden you love her?" xingqiu exclaims.
you laugh. "xiangling doesn't tell me i suck at skating."
"i would never!" she rushes to defend herself.
xingqiu accepts defeat, muttering "fair."
"i can't believe you guys have a whole kitchen here, actually. and it's stocked like crazy. and free to use."
"...did your old rink not have a kitchen?" chongyun wonders.
"i mean, it was a nice rink, and really big—but no, they would never have a kitchen."
"y/n, what did you mean by free to use?" xiangling wonders, still hung up on your words.
"um...well, we weren't exactly allowed to eat all the time, especially not before competition, so any food at the rink was locked away for the coaches only to access."
you're met with three blank stares.
then you're tackled by three very big hugs.
"that's awful, y/n. i don't know what i would do if i wasn't allowed to access food," xiangling says sympathetically.
these three are wayyy too nice. "you're gonna make me cry, guys."
"pfft, we love you too. to new beginnings!" xingqiu pulls out his phone and snaps a selfie of you four.
"chongyun, give me your phone, i'm gonna post this on your account since you have more followers.
okay, they're way too nice with the occasional exception for xingqiu.
childe is bored, plainly put. bored out of his mind.
imagine his surprise when he gets a notification that chongyun, that up and coming junior skater, (who never, ever, posts, by the way) has posted a picture of himself, another skater from liyue whose name he can't remember, a girl with dark hair cut in a bob.....and you.
fuck. fuckity fuck. fuck me.
when he receives a hastily written email from dottore, he briefly contemplates jumping out of a window.
he contemplates for too long. dottore sends him another email, yelling at him through the screen to get to his office.
well shit.
you've done it, darling. sentenced me to my imminent death.
the walk to dottore's office is a slow one. very slow.
childe takes the stairs instead of the elevator. he also makes sure to take the long route, going down every hallway possible before finally arriving at dottore's doorstep.
and fuck, he can't even knock on the door before it swings open. curse dottore and his stupid technology.
"childe. come in."
someone's in a mood.
"heyy, doctor! what can i do for—"
"explain this." dottore pulls up a screenshot of chongyun's post.
"it's an instagram post. like, you know, facebook, but for young—"
"i know what an instagram post is. what i want to know is why y/n l/n is in this particular instagram post. with chongyun and xingqiu. in liyue."
childe laughs nervously. "well...sounds like you know as much as i do, doctor."
dottore looks at childe, indignantly. "she was your responsibility. not only that, she seemed to think of you as a true friend. i'm sure you, of all people, would know why she is in this picutre, with the liyue skaters, at the liyue rink?"
childe blinks. time to play dumb. "....probably because she's in liyue?"
that was definitely not the right thing to say, because dottore seemed ready to snap. "childe. whether you were friends with this girl or not, she is a traitor now. an enemy. we cannot let her go on like this, one word and she could destroy our reputation. your loyalties lie with us. so, do tell me. what do you know about her being in liyue?"
"i don't know."
childe is a lot of things, but he's no snitch.
dottore's not dumb enough to believe him, of course, but he sighs.
"if you say so. however, i'm sure you know what will happen if that is proven otherwise."
"i know that, doctor. but in this case, i genuinely don't. have a good day."
y/n, please, please, please keep yourself out of trouble.
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doubledyke · 8 months
dissociatED ch. 2
the girls (edd and eddy) are no longer fighting
“Greetings! You’ve reached Eddward. Unfortunately, I’m unable to take your call at the moment. If you will, please leave a brief message with your name, and telephone number, and I’ll return your call as soon at my earliest convenience. Thank you!”
Eddy mocked the nasally voice under his breath after hanging up and tossing the phone onto the foot of his bed. It was bad enough that he would yet again be the one admitting defeat in another of their standoffs. Now he had to wait for a call back just to apologize? Restless with frustration, he hopped off his bed and paced around his bedroom as if to follow his train of thought.
He’s ignoring me. He’s gotta be! His phone’s literally attached to his hip with that tacky ass belt holster. He shuddered to think of the gauche accessory.
Maybe Ed’s sixth sense was wrong and he’d finally fucked it up for real this time. The only logical explanation was that Double Dee had reached his threshold for Eddy’s bullshit once and for all and would never forgive him. One dickish remark too many. And the last one was a doozy.
“So you’re not coming?” The breath hitched in Eddy’s throat released as a scoff.
“Eddy, if you'd-”
“Y'know, I only agreed to go cuz you looked like you were gonna fucking cry when I said I didn’t want to. Here I was, willing to embarrass myself for you and you’re gonna flake?” He scowled at the shiny plastic garment bag hanging from the frame of his closet.
Edd rolled his eyes at the guilt trip. He looked down at his notepad where ‘sorry’ was scrawled several times in a hodgepodge of print and cursive.
"Due to a… discrepancy in scheduling, I've had to make a few discommodious adjustments to a-accommodate an important - mandatory, in fact - meeting of the associated student body… Believe you me, if there was a way I could be there, I would.” Edd should have left his sputtering at that, but felt compelled to inject additional awkwardness. “Yessiree. Front row." His teeth scraped his lip while he hoped against hope that his lousy excuse would be accepted with minimal scrutiny.
"You lie like a cheap rug! If you cared so much, you'd find a way to be here."
Edd’s cheeks were burning. Though he considered himself to be fairly skilled in the art of prevarication, he should have known better than to think he’d get one over on Eddy “Spinner of Yarns” McGee.
"Y-You don't understand," he choked. Citing the enervating anxiety he felt about venturing back to Peach Creek sounded like even more of a cop out in his head than the nonexistent meeting. In all truth, the mere thought of taking in its familiar sights, sounds and smells for an entire day worsened his chronic shortness of breath. Not to mention the hours-long trip just to get there. Before he could find the words, a gruff voice interjected.
"Forget it, you're doin' me a favor. Just wish you'd told me before I rented the fuckin' robe." he bluffed, knowing full well his parents weren't going to let him skip commencement after they paid for his cap and gown. "And I don't get why you feel the need to lie. You know you suck at it.”
"Yes well," Edd cleared his throat before making another attempt to explain. "Your and Ed’s educational milestone is important to me, Eddy. Unfortunately, I have other obligations." His unintentionally stony tone prompted a softening of his next words. "I do hope you'll still attend. Earning a high school diploma is quite an achievement for you."
"For me? What the hell’s that s'posed to mean?!"
"I meant nothing by it! Though I'm sure you'd agree, things were a bit touch and go for a while there." Eddy remained silent during his friend's dramatic pause.
His trudge to the educational finish line had indeed been a struggle, which was why he was so hurt by Edd ditching. Their off and on tutoring sessions over the years were the only reason he maintained a solid 2.3 GPA. Apparently that all meant nothing now.
"I’m very proud of you, Eddy."
"Uh-huh. Not proud enough, apparently." The cantankerous little cad couldn't help it. If there was a snide remark to be made, his soul wouldn’t rest until he was the one to make it. "All that belly achin’ you do about your parents - now look at you! You’re acting just like ‘em."
Edd's wide eyes blinked incredulously at such an emotional sucker punch. They’d exchanged their fair share of injurious insults across years of tumultuous friendship, but their tacit agreement not to exploit certain vulnerabilities had never been breached. During even their worst tiffs, he wouldn’t have dreamed of such a low blow from someone who claimed to be his best friend.
Eddy's knee bounced furiously while he waited for a response to his odious words that hung like Ed’s B.O.. It was a shitty thing to say, sure, but what kind of jerk misses their buddy’s graduation? As far as he was concerned, he was the real victim here. So he doubled down.
“You can tell Ed too, cuz I’m not in the mood for the waterworks.”
Rustling was heard on the other line before the call disconnected.
Edd froze with his hand gripping the front door knob of his shared apartment. The deadbolt clicked with the turning key, then the door gave way to his weary shoulder. He was still adjusting to the culture shock of seeing how people lived when they didn’t have a pathological need for order. Living with strangers - living with anyone was taking Edd much longer to get used to than expected.
Indignation boiled his insides while he stood eyeing the open floor plan from the doormat. As he stepped inside, he kicked the folded corner of an area rug back, and picked up a couple of throw pillows from the middle of the floor. Loose filler paper spilled from the open pocket of a backpack tossed on the couch. He brought his hands up to his temples to serve as blinders to the squalor as he continued toward the hall.
Being the friendly folks they were, his roommates frequently reminded him that he was in fact allowed to come out of his room. Edd always politely declined, confounded by the concept of relaxing in a room that hadn’t been dusted in recent memory. At this point, it was clear that his colleagues were less than receptive to his sermons on the advantages of sanitization, organization and minimalism. Now he just did his best to ignore the unvacuumed floors, the sinkful of dishes and clutter collecting dust on every flat surface. It was just his luck to be housed with two people whose filth gave Ed a run for his money. A lineup of empty soda cans was swiped off the kitchen table by the messenger bag jutting from Edd’s hip as he zipped by. He startled at the noise, but stuck to his resolution to no longer clean up after capable adults.
The door of his austere refuge opened to cool, purified air, subtly scented with lavender from a reed diffuser. He entered just far enough to close the door and hang his bag and windbreaker from the hook on the back. The mattress protector and sheets crinkled as he plopped onto the twin bed and plucked his hat off for a vigorous massage of his tender scalp. As he folded over and tugged at his double knotted shoelaces, he glanced up and saw the phone he’d left on his desk all day.
He first realized it was missing during mid-morning breakfast with his ESL conversation partner. Mostly unbothered, since incoming phone calls were a rarity these days, it slipped his mind before he even finished his crepes. It wasn’t until early evening that he was reminded of its absence when his steel guitar tutee was ten, then twenty minutes late for their lesson. He attributed the absence to end-of-summer blues, but just in case, he tucked his shoes off to the side and grabbed the little nylon pouch. His heart sank when he flipped the screen up and saw that he’d missed six calls from one of the few numbers he had saved.
"Eddy? I-I'm so sorry, I… I was in a rush as usual and forgot my cell phone at home this morning. Is everything okay?" While waiting for an answer, he’d been recounting a list of worst case scenarios and going over the most logical reaction for each.
"Aye, Sockhead! Long time no talk?" He cringed at the poor attempt at sounding more composed than he felt. "Uh, how are ya?"
"I’m returning your call. Well, calls.” Edd’s concern quickly gave way to snark once he caught his friend's signature cheeky tone. "How are you?"
"Can't complain. Well I could, but who wants to hear it, amirite?"
Several seconds passed before Edd responded to the hackneyed quip.
"Seems I'm not the only one with a tendency to mirror their parents."
For once, didn't take long for Edd to get to the point. Eddy deflated like a balloon. At least with the elephant acknowledged he could cut the crap.
"Look, I didn't mean what I said, okay?" His voice was a low mumble. "I was just frustrated with the whole… thing. If it's any constellation, my folks made me go anyway."
"Oh yes, I feel quite consoled, Eddy." The corners of his mouth tightened. "I do appreciate the effort it must have taken you to form something adjacent to an apology.”
"Right…" Eddy responded, then waited for the "but".
"After some reflection, however, I realized that there may have been some merit to your callous comment." Edd recrossed his legs and leaned back in his ergonomic office chair. "I told you I'd be there cheering you on when you advanced this next phase of life. And I wasn't.” His ears tingled with imminent lacrimation. “For that, I sincerely apologize."
Eddy was used to his friend's frequent blubbering by now, but his chest still tightened when Edd’s voice cracked. Luckily, befriending a crybaby was great practice for offering comfort in moments like these.
"Hey, c'mon. You're nothin' like those tight asses. Not with the, like, important stuff." He still wasn’t very good at it. “'Sides, I still had Ed! Oh man, you shoulda seen it! He tripped over his own dumb feet twice on his way up to the stage." A hearty laugh cut through the tension. “I hope someone was recording! Fuckin’ idiot.”
"Yes, he told me as much.” Edd sniffled and let out a weak laugh. “In fact, he gave me quite the rundown for most of your past academic year. Including the so-called senior prank you hoped to pull." A sneaking smile accentuated his playful scorn.
"Me? A prank?" Eddy gasped and clutched his proverbial pearls. "It was a good one, huh?"
"Mmm, from what I could gather during his breathless retelling, you hoped to replace each student's photo in the yearbook with your own portrait?" Edd's smirk grew. "Sounds less like a prank and more a manifestation of unchecked narcissism."
"I thought it was funny. If that girlfriend of yours would’ve played along it would've been a scream." Eddy replied flatly. "I swear she used her piddly authority as head of the yearbook club to unfairly target me. What’d I ever do to her?” He gestured wildly alone in his room. “She wouldn't even approve my quote! Instead, she put some mealy-mouthed bullshit about the value of education. You need to get a handle on her.”
Edd momentarily ignored the bulk of the erroneous ravings and gave in to curiosity about what kind of trouble Eddy had been causing in his absence.
"Dare I ask just what vile excerpt you insisted be printed below your definitive school photo? The photo, mind you, that generations of our fellow alumni will undoubtedly come across?" Edd closed his eyes as innumerable offensive possibilities raced through his mind.
"It was gonna be that old Sinatra quote. Y’know, 'The best revenge is massive success.’ But oh no, little miss Steinem said it'd be a cold day in hell before a misogynist was commemorated in her precious book. Hell, I don't even care for the guy, but it's a good quote."
"That's it? Funny, I imagined something far more…blue. Although, she does have a point about the normalization of mid-century machismo. I'd think you of all people would be sympathetic to her cause."
Eddy paused to figure out what Edd meant.
"By the way, Nazz and I separated shortly before your class graduation. I was going to tell you when we last spoke but-"
"Woah, woah, woah, hang on! What’d she write ya a Dear John letter?"
A crackling laugh sent Edd recoiling from the phone’s speaker. Eddy made no effort to downplay his glee at the news he'd been waiting to hear for nearly a year.
"What happened, didja sprout a few chest hairs and scare her off?"
Edd held his matter-of-fact reply until the snickering ceased.
"The hardships of maintaining a long distance relationship proved too much to abide, I'm afraid. I think we had an inkling that our dalliance was doomed to dereliction, but it certainly was fun while it lasted."
"The fuck does that mean? You dumped her?"
"I like to think of it as mutual, Eddy. We came to realize that we were simply two ships passing in the night. Alas, separated by the briny tides of the vast ocean of inconstancy we call life."
"Yeah, she dumped ya. And now I see why, ew!"
"Oh, and I suppose women are just lining up to jump into that unmade bed of yours?" Edd snorted.
"Uh, duh! They’re linin’ the block just for the chance. Had to install a turnstile for chrissake!" He smiled when Edd's scoff morphed into a genuine laugh.
"Why, it’s a wonder you found the time to call me. I’m flattered.”
“Yeah well, even Lothario needs a breather from time to time.” Eddy flipped over on the bed to lay on his stomach. “What about you? How's the single life treatin' ya? You must be bumpin' uglies with a different chick every night, huh?"
Edd rolled his eyes at the notably accusatory tone and accompanying vulgar image.
"Please. If I didn't know any better, I’d think I had unwittingly signed a vow of celibacy along with the lease for my off-campus apartment." Edd stood from his chair and stretched with a drawn out groan, then took the three short steps back to his outgrown bed. "Not that I've had the time, nor energy for such extracurricular activities, given my shortsightedness in arranging my summer schedule."
Relief washed over Eddy.
"What, you mean to tell me you ain't goin' to the keggers at Alpha Beta Soup every weekend?" They both chuckled at the absurd idea.
"Tempting as it may be to attend a gathering of belligerent, red-faced bloviators, where the guest of honor is a barrel of Bud Light - I think I'll pass."
"You gotta make time for yourself or you'll go nuts, Dee. What've you been doing all break then?"
"Well, I just finished my final class of the summer… Oh, and I’ve started tutoring again.” Exhaustion stopped him from elaborating. “Now, I’m waffling.”
"About what?"
"Well, I'd really like to see you and Ed before classes commence in a few weeks. I'm just not sure…"
"Not sure?" Eddy's forehead scrunched. "I'm- er, Ed's practically dysfunctional without ya. More than usual, that is."
"Oh good lord, please tell me he's still employed?" Edd's subconscious foot shaking paused while awaiting an answer.
"Yeah, yeah he's still at the plant." Eddy heard a faint exclamation of relief from his friend. "Him and May are still mushy as ever, yadda yadda yadda. I can tell he's missin’ ya though."
"It's not that I don't want to see you! I'm just once again letting worry cloud my better judgment." Edd looked down at the throbbing, red thumb he'd been mindlessly picking at since before their call started. "I'm not even sure where I'd stay if I did come to visit."
There was a brief silence while Eddy's brain caught up to his friend's words. He'd been stuck on the irony of Edd worrying about Ed's job, when in reality he was the one who'd recently nearly wrecked his car looking for "Help Wanted" signs.
"Well, depending on when you wanna come, my folks are takin' their uh… 'couples' cruise' in like, a week. You could stay at my place."
Edd's face lit up at his friend's offer.
"Oh, Eddy, that would be fantastic! And what convenient timing… How long will they be away?"
"Mom said they're leaving for the airport Tuesday morning, but I'll have to find out when they're comin' back. It's usually like a week."
"Excellent!" Edd squeaked excitedly. "As soon as you find out I'll buy my bus ticket, and-"
"Bus?!" Eddy sat up. "You really think you'd survive a ride on the Freakshow Express? Get real! I'll drive it. Just gimme the address."
"Honestly, Eddy, the bus isn't that bad. I'm of the opinion that having to endure a few eccentrics is a small price to pay for ecologically sustainable transportation."
"I want to come get you." He was a little embarrassed by how intense he suddenly sounded. His heart rate picked up. An eyebrow arched beneath Edd's hat.
"Have you been adhering to your vehicle's maintenance schedule?"
"You can't help yourself, can you?" Eddy laughed and shook his head. "My car's fine. I just got the brake pads replaced, and I think they changed the oil. Might've been the wiper fluid... I dunno. How bout I bring ya the receipt and you can write your analysis on the way back?"
"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not jumping at the opportunity to be stranded on some rural back road with no phone service, and none of the tools required to correct whatever mechanical misfortune undoubtedly befalls us given our seemingly supernatural bad luck. Do you even have a roadside emergency kit? Preferably including road flares?"
"I still have the one you gave me! You act like we're goin' to Canada or something. It's a few hundred miles. I got cables, a spare, a jack, and I'll wear my cut offs in case we need to flag down some meathead to do the grunt work."
Edd's giggling tapered with a sigh.
"In that case, I look forward to seeing you, Eddy."
"I bet you do." He teased, making Edd redden. "Nah, I'm excited to see you too. Maybe we could, uh... get some lunch or somethin' while we're out there." It was a benign suggestion, but heightened excitement made it seem risky.
"I'd like that." Edd's calm voice masked the fact that he was screaming internally. No, he wouldn't read to much into his friend's words. He'd only end up hurt again. Instead, he read his watch. "I hate to cut our conversation short, Eddy, but I've got to start my nighttime routine."
As kids, they'd yap on the phone for hours with no lull until one or both of them fell asleep clutching the receiver. Eddy found himself grinning like an idiot at the not-so-distant memories. After such a long stretch of not speaking, it was difficult to say goodbye.
"Alright, have fun scrubbing your elbows or whatever it is you do."
"You know I will!"
"I'll let you know what my mom says. I'll text you!"
"Sounds great. Good-"
"Don't forget your phone!"
"I'll clip it to my belt tonight."
"'You better."
"Good night, Eddy."
"Night, Dee."
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 3,874
Warnings: ED Mention, Hospitals, Mentions of Death, Coming out via music analogies(?)
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: The calm before the storm... the fluff before the angst fest... dun dun dun...
Track Eighteen
Y/N thought about the laundry list of felonies and misdemeanors she's been a part of in the past week. Breaking and entering, drug possession, assault, tampering with a police investigation, destruction of police property, and now some more breaking and entering. It was a welcome distraction from the shit show she had to explain to everyone earlier, everything about Vecna's plans for Hawkins. She wasn't as terrified as she was before, now she was just angry. It was buzzing inside of her, and she felt as if she could take on Vecna with her own bare hands. Drive a stake through his disgusting chest, right into the heart she wasn't entirely sure was there in the first place.
Eddie, Steve, and Robin were hesitant about attacking Vecna directly, and not without reason. Hawkins' very own personal superhero Eleven wasn't with them. They couldn't rely on her powers to defeat the big bad this time. They were on their own. It was a sobering realization for the group, and Y/N wondered what David must have felt like when he went against Goliath. Was he scared? Did he feel brave? Was he filled with bitter rage like she was? The inferno was blazing so hot she thought she would explode at any moment. She knew she should focus on coming up with a plan to kill Vecna, but right now all she could do was stare daggers at Steve Harrington's head.
Eddie was going to tell her something. Something very important. Y/N had an idea of what it was, and if she was right, she might actually punch Harrington in the face for interrupting them. She thought about confessing her feelings to Eddie right then and there, but he made her a promise, and she desperately wanted him to keep it.
"That all sounds good in theory, but there is no pattern to Vecna's killings. At least not one I can decipher. We don't know when's going to attack next. We don't even know who he's going to attack." Robin babbled, Y/N was half paying attention, content with glaring at Steve.
"Yeah, we do." Max interrupted. That got her attention. They all turned to look at the redhead standing in the corner of the room. She looked nervous, arms holding herself in protection. "I can still feel him. I'm still marked. Cursed. I mean, Y/N do you feel anything?"
"No. The second I woke up I felt... normal? I guess? Nothing different from what I felt before." Scared shitless, frustrated, upset, relief, all normal emotions she's felt since Chrissy died. She didn't feel haunted, possessed. No deep rooted feeling that someone was watching her.
Max nodded, before she continued on, "I ditch Kate Bush, I draw his focus back to me."
"Max. You can't. He'll kill you." Lucas sounded like he was begging for her to be wrong, like her name was a prayer of salvation rather than a death sentence. Y/N stood and walked over to where Max was standing, heart beating rapidly in her chest.
"Lucas is right Max, you can't. No, it's not happening." Y/N was frantic, in that moment she didn't see her, she saw Chrissy. She saw how she used to do her sister's hair in twin braids before bed. She saw how young she was, younger than Chrissy, who was already too young to go when she did.
"I survived before. I can survive again." Max sounded so sure of herself, so confident that she was right. Y/N didn't care, because the image of Chrissy's broken face was plastered onto hers. She didn't tell the group about who she saw get hurt, who would die. She already regretted telling Eddie, like it was a self fulfilling prophecy, but she needed for her to know. Max needed to know what she was walking into.
"I saw Eddie die! I saw you die!" Y/N shouted, the blaze of hellfire coursing out of her, "I saw him torn to shreds! I saw blood pouring from your eyes! I saw corpses broken, bent, and bloody! I saw it all! I saw it over and over and over again! You just need to fucking listen to me Chrissy when I tell you you're going kill yourself!"
Christmas was normally a time for love and celebration, Y/N spent it fighting with her sister. She found Chrissy in the bathroom in the middle of the night, three days before the holiday. She was puking up red. Y/N rushed her to the emergency room right then and there. Fortunately, it was just dye from the red velvet cupcake they split just before their mother called them down for dinner that evening. It scared her half to death, she thought her sister was coughing up blood. On the drive home, she yelled at Chrissy for letting herself get as bad as she was. Full knowing she was a fucking hypocrite. She yelled those same words then, as she did now, scared, angry, and exhausted.
"I'm not Chrissy, Y/N." So simple of a sentence, and yet it nearly shattered the ground she stood on. She looked at Y/N like she understood something beyond the Upside Down and all its monsters. Max knew what she was feeling, she lost her sibling less than a year before. Y/N didn't know much about her relationship with Billy, but she knew it was complicated. Most familial relationships are, but both girls didn't have the normal complexities others did. Their's was darker, painful, a perfect calling card for Vecna's curse.
"I know... I know you're not. I just, I-" Y/N started before Max interrupted.
"It's okay Y/N, you don't have to explain. I know." They had a mutual understanding of each other. Agony, grief, guilt, all of them. Max was asking her to trust her judgement, knowing what could happen, knowing what they both saw when Vecna took them. Y/N didn't want to, she wanted to fight, crawl, scratch her way into finding some other way to stop him. But they both knew it was a fool's errand, so Y/N sighed in defeat, and took her seat next to Eddie. He opened his palm up for her to hold, and she took it without a second thought, like instinct.
It turns out grand theft auto was the next thing on Y/N's laundry list. They were all heading to The War Zone for weapons, something Y/N begrudgingly agreed to. Then Eddie came up with the idea of stealing his neighbor's Winnebago. So now they were sneaking around Forrest Hills, Eddie in an old Michael Myers mask, preparing to make another misdemeanor.
Eddie has found a window opening, but before he was about to jump in Y/N stopped him.
"Let me in first." She whispered, tightly gripping his leather jacket.
"What? Why?" Y/N couldn't see his face behind the rubber skin, but she knew that he had on his I'm-about-to-argue-with-you look.
"If there's somebody in there, they'll call the cops on me and you guys can still get away. If you get in there, we're fucked. So help me up buttercup, we're wasting time." She stood in front of the open window, reaching for both sides of the ledge. Then she felt two large hands on her waist, gently lifting her up so she could slide through the window. Y/N moved through the window with trained muscle memory, bending her body the same way she did as a flyer for Notre Dame. And if she flipped her skirt over to give the man below her a bit of a view as she did, that was between her and God.
She gave the group the all clear, and soon Eddie was following in after her. He rushed to the front seat, tool bag in hand. Steve ran up beside him to investigate, and Eddie was hot wiring the Winnebago like it was second nature. Y/N could see from her spot at the window, keeping a look out to see if the owners' were aware of their presence.
"Where'd you learn how to do this?" Steve asked over Eddie's shoulders.
"Well, when the other dads were teaching their kids how to fish or play ball, my old man was teaching me how to hot-wire, before he kicked my ass to the curb that is..." Eddie began, "Now, I swore to myself I wouldn't wind up like he did, but now I'm wanted for murder, and soon, grand theft auto. I'm really living up to that Munson name."
Y/N hated hearing him speak badly of himself, like he was just as bad as his parents were, that he was predestined to be. Eddie may have made a promise to himself to be better, but she made herself a promise too. When all of this was over, she'd do everything in her power to prove him how amazing he was.
"Eddie, I'm not sure I love the idea of you driving." Robin chimed in behind Steve. Y/N could see how close they were all huddled together, and the little green monster started whispering all sorts of things in her ear once again.
"Oh, I'm just starting this sucker. Harrington's got her." Eddie smirked, "Don't ya, big boy?" Y/N's jaw dropped. Big boy? Eddie? Steve? BIG BOY? The little green monster was screaming at her now.
She whipped her head back to the window as the Winnebago roared to life. Eddie moved in the passenger seat as Steve hopped in. Everything was chaos, Robin and Nancy ran to the middle seats, Y/N moved to the back with Dustin and Max. The road was bumpy as Steve sped off, everyone was screaming, but Y/N remained quiet. She couldn't help but think about what Eddie had said to Steve. It sounded like he was flirting with him. She saw the look on his face, that wasn't just friendly banter. Had she been blind this entire time? Was Eddie gay?
She would be disappointed sure, but it wouldn't have bothered her if he was. It wouldn't have been the first time she had feelings for a guy who turned out to be gay. She never went passed the kissing stage with her first college boyfriend Elton, and when she wanted to move on to the next step in their relationship he told her that he couldn't do it. Y/N was shocked at first, but they ended up being good friends after the fact. She wondered if that was that what Eddie wanted to tell her when they were in bed together? Were all those little moments alone blown out of proportion in her head? She'd have to figure out a way to ask him, before she let hope ruin her.
Eddie had his feet on the dash as Steve drove the Winnebago. He was navigating the backroads of Hawkins, telling him where to go to avoid police hiding spots.
"You're gonna stay on this road for a bit, in a mile or so you're gonna take a right." Eddie explained, revealing some more sage knowledge he possessed through the years of interacting with the underbelly of Hawkins. Steve and him had been chit chatting about nothing of importance since they started the drive, he thought Y/N would have moved up to the front once they got on the road, but she was sitting next to Erica in the back of the Winnebago.
"Alright," Steve began, "Ya know, it's silly... but I... I've actually, I always had this dream that I'd have this really... really big family. I'm talking like, uh, a full brood of Harringtons. Like, fix or six, kids."
"That doesn't surprise me at all, man." Eddie chuckled. From what Dustin told him, Steve was always the guy who took care of the kids of the group.
"Yea, six little nuggets. Three girls, and three boys.... Have you ever thought about kids?" Steve asked, and if he were being honest, he hadn't, not until recently. Eddie thought that if he didn't end up like his Dad, rotting in some prison, he'd probably be so busy working some measly job he wouldn't have time for kids. But when he did dream of his ideal future, one image came to mind.
"It depends, when I fantasized about it... I always wanted to find the Sharon to my Ozzy." Steve looked over to Eddie, clearly confused about what he meant. "Remember the bat guy?"
"Yea, bit the head off stage. Very metal, yada yada." Steve replied.
"Yea well, he's married to this woman Sharon Osbourne. She manages his music and goes on tour with him, total rock star soulmates. They have three kids together." Eddie closed his eyes, letting the vision run wild behind his eyes, "Maybe some day Corroded Coffin will gain some steam, us all going on tour making music and performing live. I can see myself with her, cheering me on while I'm on stage, late nights in the tour bus, or in some fancy hotel in a new city every week. Maybe further down the road we pop out some rug rats, one or two. Definitely not a full brood of Munsons." He could hear Steve chuckling from the driver's seat.
"Yea, it's a long shot, but ya know... most dreams are. What about you? What does the future entail for Harrington's small army?" Eddie tried to steer the conversation off of him, thinking about the future made him ache. Now more than ever, especially since the only girl he would imagine sharing his life with was sitting 8 ft away from him.
"I'd like to think that every summer, all of us Harringtons, we would pack into something like this and... just see the country." Steve began, "You know, the Rockies, Grand Canyon, maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beach town in California. Spend a week parked in the sand... Learn how to surf or something. Who knows, we could all see you on tour with your little monsters, man." Eddie could picture it. Somewhere out in California, just finishing up with a show the previous night. Steve ringing up the hotel they were staying in saying he was in town with his family. Eddie would look to Y/N, ask her if she wanted to bring the kids along for an outing. The ocean, sand, and sunshine all around them.
"Yea, sounds bitchin' man. Still not sure about the whole six kids thing, seems like a lot." Eddie looked in the rearview mirror, seeing everyone all together in the Winnebago. He had an idea where that number came from.
"If only I had some practice." Steve said as he pointed to the back of the vehicle. Yea, he definitely had an idea, and when Eddie made brief eye contact with Y/N in the mirror, all he could think about was making that idea a reality.
Steve eventually made it to the War Zone, Eddie tucked himself behind the driver's seat to remain out of site. Steve, Robin, Nancy, Max, and Erica left to go buy supplies. That left Y/N, Eddie, Dustin, and Lucas inside the Winnebago patiently waiting for their return. She had asked Robin to get her something to change out of, not thrilled about the idea of charging into battle in her cheer uniform. Eddie had made a brief noise in protest at her request, but she ignored it.
Y/N thought about how she was going to ask Eddie if he was gay, she knew it was something that had to be handled delicately, but she desperately needed to know.
"Hey Eddie, can I talk to you about something?" She began, fiddling with the end of her skirt.
"Uh, sure, sweetheart. What's up?" See that was what made her so confused, how could he say things like that to her so sincerely, and yet blatantly flirt with Steve? She couldn't wrap her head around it.
"Um, well." She wasn't sure how to go about this, especially not with Dustin and Lucas sitting within earshot. Then, an idea popped in her head.
"Well, I always just assumed you liked... metal, just the one genre of music." She began, "But earlier, it made me question whether or not you do like that one genre of music." Eddie was looking at her like she had three heads, but she continued on.
"You see, I had this boyfriend in college. When we first started dating I thought he liked the opposite genre of music I did, but turns out we liked the same. I didn't find out until later that he preferred Elton John, Madonna, and Cher over Bruce Springsteen. We broke up, but we're still friends! It didn't make me think of him less because of what genre of music he loved. So I was wondering, do you like the same genre? Or the opposite genre?" Y/N could see the gears slowly turn in Eddie's mind, right before it clicked. His eyes went wide, he looked shocked, Y/N could see his Adam's apple bob up in down from a nervous gulp.
"Well, you see..." Eddie stammered, "For me, it's less about the genre, and more about how the music, uh, makes me feel, I guess? I like Joan Jett and Siouxsie Sioux... but I also like Vince Neil and Rob Halford..." Eddie was refusing to look at her, his hands on his knees as he bounced his legs, a nervous habit of his. Y/N gently placed her hand on top of his, but he didn't take it.
"If I'm understanding you correctly... you like both types of artists?" Y/N asked, and Eddie slowly nodded. "Well, that's perfectly fine by me." He finally looked at her then, a shy and honest look on his face.
"Really...?" Eddie asked softly, and she offered him a smile in return.
"Yea, I mean... You don't choose what music, uh, speaks to you. I think it's stupid to judge someone based on what they love to listen to. It doesn't change how I think about you..." Eddie grabbed her hand then, and squeezed it twice.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Dustin interrupted. Eddie froze momentarily, but Y/N was quick to respond.
"Just music Dustin, it's usually what we talk about." He seemed to accept her answer, and returned to his conversation with Lucas. Eddie visibly deflated, all the nervous energy released from him. Y/N squeezed his hand twice in turn.
They had to make a hasty getaway from the War Zone, their trip cut short because of Jason Carver and his merry band of assholes skulking around the premises. Steve drove off in a hurry, with Nancy in the passenger seat navigating them to place where they could prepare for the fight uninterrupted. After awhile, the party found themselves in the middle of this open field surrounded by trees. It was quiet and secluded, leaving little risk of exposure. Nancy divided up roles for everyone, each group assigned to a different weapon construction task. Robin and Steve were by the Winnebago conjuring up Molotov cocktails, Eddie and Dustin were making some type of spiked shield, Max, Lucas, and Erica were working on handheld weapons, which left Nancy and Y/N on gun duty.
Y/N didn't know Nancy Wheeler very well, she was a lowerclassman when she was still in high school. She was in the middle of sawing off a shotgun, another felony to add to the list. Y/N chuckled to herself at the thought, getting Nancy's attention.
"What is it?" She asked as soon as the end of the barrel fell off.
"Nothing, just thinking about all of the illegal stuff I've been a part of in the past week. My mother would be sent to an early grave if she found out." Y/N didn't say she wished it was her mother in the grave over her sister, but she thought it.
"I'd like to say you get used to it, but you really don't..." Nancy paused, "I'm sorry about your sister, and that you and Eddie got roped into all of this."
"Thank you... You're a big sister too, right?" Y/N asked as she watched Nancy load the shotgun full of bullets.
"Yea, his name is Mike. He's in Hellfire with Eddie, right now he's in California visiting Eleven and the Byers... I was supposed to go too." Nancy let out a single shot into the distance, testing her work on the shotgun.
"Oh? Why?" Y/N couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she did go to California. Max would have been dead without her and Robin's intel from Victor Creel, she shivered at the thought.
"My boyfriend, Jonathan, is Will and Eleven's big brother. We talked about visiting each other over Spring Break... He said I should come there, I wanted him to come here... It's complicated." Nancy let out another shot, and Y/N couldn't help but be a bit impressed with how capable she was with a gun. She never would have guessed.
"Yea, I get that. Relationships are complicated." Y/N couldn't help but look over at Dustin and Eddie. Both boys were wrestling around with each other, laughing and smiling. He looked like he was having fun, and Y/N felt her lips pull up in a fond smile at the pair.
"Can I ask you something?" Nancy asked, interrupting her one sided staring contest.
"Sure, what is it?" Y/N replied.
"Why aren't you and Eddie together? I can see how close the both of you are, it seems like a no brainer." That certainly wasn't what she was expecting. Y/N could feel the heat rush to her face, was she that obvious with her feelings for Eddie?
"Like you said, complicated," Y/N began, "For years I denied my feelings for him. I wasn't... the most emotionally together person back then." Which was the understatement of the year. Nancy remained silent, waiting patiently for her to continue, shotgun still in hand.
"I knew Eddie was a great guy back then, still is. I used to tutor him, and not to sound like a total cliché, he wasn't like any of the other guys I hung out with." Y/N giggled to herself, "He has such a big heart and really listened to the things I had to say. Not about school, but other stuff. He's funny, charming, and has a way of making you feel like you belong... It also helps that he's like, stupid hot."
"So, what's the problem? Why don't you ask him out now?"
"In the middle of a war against some inter-dimensional asshat?" Y/N could imagine how well that would go. Hey, Eddie? I've been absolutely gone for you since high school, wanna go out? Freddie Krueger's bastard be damned? Like that would work out.
"That's fair," Nancy chuckled, "But what about when it's all over?"
Y/N thought about it a lot recently, what she was going to do when the battle was over. Would she go back to Notre Dame? Pretend like nothing happened? Would she stick to ignoring her parents? Would she completely change her life after it all? She didn't know the answers to any of those questions, but there was one thing she knew for sure.
"If I get my way, when everything is all over, I'm gonna jump Eddie's bones."
Tag list:
@imchangkyunned , @creativedogs , @nightless , @kik51199 , @thecraziestcrayon , @dabzzallday420  , @science--hoes , @efvyqrs , @justanotherkpopstanlol , @secretsicanthideanymore , @heartandhead2018 , @piperd06 , @kellysimagines , @writing-fanics , @munchabunch , @ultradangerouspie , @givemeeverything , @mrs-billyrussooo , @kikis-writing-world ,  @sweetpeapod , @cevans-winchester , @hopingforromanoff , @nativity-in-black , @mn2222222 , @mslunawinchester , @imnotsiriusyouare , @iwillduckyou-up , @coltonthekanima , @mcueveryday , @mvnsons-slvt , @esoltis280 , @bookworm3570 , @preciousbabypeter ,
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
very excited for the next tfs arc, hopefully maglor has time to recover from his many wounds in time to get more pincushion-ed. I love how maglor has the most and least plot armour simultaneously. Any pointed objects in a metre radius spontaneously attack him but he will. not. die. He persists.
Also, very funny that curufin is lost. You don't know where he is, he might not know where he is! He could be anywhere. He could be in your house! He could be in my house! If i see him i will let you know!
where did most of the feanorian soldiers go? If any of them are still loyal i imagine they could be useful later.
Anyway I'm looking forward to the return of everyone's favourite feral woodland princess!
Is thingol's fate going to change in this fic? The feanorions have even less political clout than they did in the silm so he's probably not going to be negotiated with without a really good argument. Without Celegorm and with Curufin missing/not going to do any more arguing and the lack of forces for them to use I don't know how a second kinslaying could happen but I am excited to find out!!
lol I think I’m going to give Maglor a little break from the pincushioning – he has Been Through It lately and now deserves a nice long rest in which to recover and get many hugs from Maedhros and prepare for his next character arc!
WHERE IS CURUFIN. WE DO NOT KNOW. tbh if he’s in anyone’s house it would be yours – he knows how much you love him!! Although I am now dying to see a giant wanted poster for Curufin. Or not even wanted in the criminal sense but more like a lost dog poster. Maedhros and Maglor can stick them up all over Hithlum like hi have you seen our lil brother he’s the absolute worst but we’d like to know where he is
Ok so I actually went down a rabbit hole here thinking about numbers. According to random websites whose sources I have not thoroughly checked, the average fatality rate in a medieval battle would have been about 10-15%, going up to maybe 25% for really bad ones. (Sadly the small sibling is away at university now so my usual source of military facts has disappeared.) Since the Nirnaeth was probably THE worst military defeat in the legendarium, and it involved Balrogs and dragons, we could put an upper limit of like 30% on fatality rates on the battles of Beleriand? Although Barahir somehow managed to get his entire fighting army presumably numbering at least a thousand down to thirteen guys so maybe that’s an underestimate! Also most fatalities taken by the losing side are apparently during the retreat, not the battle itself; and since Maglor managed to draw off the orc armies during the fall of Himring, let’s say that Maedhros lost… 15% of his people in the fight. So definitely a pretty bad defeat, but not awful. Then of the remaining 85%, let’s say 75% went south to Amon Ereb and the last 10% have decided to join up with Fingon instead. But Maedhros has explicitly renounced his command of them, so that lot aren’t really Fëanorian soldiers any more. Meanwhile Caranthir and Amras just received a LOT of reinforcements, not to mention some extremely confusing news about what’s been going on.
Anyway yessss I am SO excited to have our feral woodland princess back and causing trouble!! More than one person in the notes was wondering if she’d show up and stop either the execution or the fall of Himring as a whole and I felt really sad about not being able to do that, but the timelines just don’t work out. But she’s going to have Stuff to do (some of which I know about and some of it I only have very vague ideas about).
Ok so Thingol… I really need to do some thinking about him. What I can tell you is that the fall of Nargothrond, Húrin bringing the Nauglamír to Doriath, and the subsequent death via entirely preventable racism thing is not going to go down the same way in tfs as it does in canon (which isn’t to say none of those things will happen – but if they do happen, they’ll happen differently). So his fate is going to be different, but that doesn’t mean he’s going make it out okay necessarily! My instinct is to just make a bunch of people have conversations and see what conclusions they come to. The AU is going to get into some very uncharted territory soon, and I will absolutely be making everything up as I go.
Thank you for the ask ❤️❤️❤️
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hatchetblogging · 19 hours
Reddie fic: "Something you cherish the most"
The Losers Club get their hands on The Abominable Tome, an ancient book filled with spells and rituals that originated in a small town in Michigan but somehow ended up in Derry.
There was a ritual to hold court with the void, a way to summon entities with powers beyond human comprehension.
Entities that could help them defeat Pennywise.
Because the only thing that will ever defeat a monster is another monster.
They perform the ritual, hearing distant voices whispering to them, as they invoke the names..."Pokotho...Bliklotep.T'noy Karaxis......Nibblenephim. .. . Wiggog Y'rath" over and over again, their own voices mingling with the otherwordly whispers.
"Did it work?" Mike asks before everything goes dark.
Piercing through the darkness comes a voice that speaks, "Hello, Fwendy-wends" followed by a dazzling flash of pink, blue, green, yellow, and purple lights."
When the darkness lifts, The Losers Club are in the presence of the Lords in Black.
"Don't worry. We'll get rid of Penny-wenny for you, children." Wiggog Y'rath speaks in a sickingly child like manner. "we'll send him right down to Drowsy Town"
The Losers' Club had no idea how they knew who was speaking or how they managed to match the names with the faces; it's as if that information had already been embedded in their brains.
"Gobble up it's soul like it gobbled up all those kids!" Nibblenephim pipes up in a gleeful manner.
"But everything must come with a prize." Pokotho speaks, his voice almost melodic "We can't just help you for free!"
"We'll give you whatever you want!" Beverly's tone is desperate. "Just get rid of..of it."
"Whatever we want!!!" Wiggog Y'rath gasps exaggeratedly. "That's veeery generous!" He turns to his brothers, "did you hear that? We could have whatever we want!"
"This is gonna be so much fun!!!" T'noy Karaxis says in a menacingly cheery tone.
"Let me think, what do I want" Wiggog Y'rath says thoughtfully before a grin spreads on his face. "I know!" he turns to the Losers Club. "One of you has to give up the one thing they cherish the most!"
"The one thing we cherish the most?" Richie speaks. "Like..like my comic book collection? Is that what you want?! My comic book collection--"
"WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR COMIC BOOK COLLECTION!" the Lords in Black snap at Richie causing him and the other Losers to back away.
"We want something... important." Wiggog Y'rath explains in a controlled tone. "Something that you can't afford to lose."
"You're talking about people we love, right?" Stan speaks. "The one thing we cherish the most is the people we love."
At Stan's words Richie suddenly comes to a realisation. Richie's heart beats rapidly in his chest as he takes a glance at Eddie.
"But we all love each other." Stan continues. "We all cherish each other the most."
"Ah, but one of you has someone very special to them" Bliklotep speaks in an almost teasing manner. "Everyone can see it!"
Richie starts trembling and he swallows a lump in his throat.
One of you harbors a naughty little secret," Wiggog Y'rath sneers. "one of you has a favorite," he adds, tilting his head with each syllable. The Lord in Black steps closer to the children, extending his hand. "Isn't that right..."
Richie shuts his eyes tight, anticipating the hand to land on him. His breath quickens, shallow and frantic, as his mind races with terrifying possibilities.
"--Edward?" The mention of Eddie's name causes Richie's eyes to snap open and he quickly turns to look at the other boy sitting close to him.
Richie sees that Wiggog Y'rath's attention is on Eddie, "We know who has a hold on you." the green being speaks, a menacing look on his face. "We know who you cherish the most."
"Eds?" Richie finally finds his voice to ask. "What.. who's he talking about?"
"Who indeed, Eddie?" Wiggog Y'rath taunts "Are you willing to give him up?"
Eddie's entire body is trembling as tears stream down his face. He quickly grabs Richie's arm and murmurs "No," burying his face in Richie's shoulder in an attempt to hide from all that's happening.
"No?" Wiggog Y'rath sounds slightly affronted. "well aren't you selfish? It's just one person, and it's such a small price to pay for the lives of so many children." The green guy sneers. "But you always were a brat. Weren't you, Eddie-Spaghetti?"
Richie could feel Eddie's grip tighten on his arm, "I won't let them take you, Rich." Eddie whispers against the fabric of Richie's shirt, causing Richie's breath to hitch in his throat.
"If you want us to get rid of Pennywise, you have to give us what we want." Wiggog Y'rath speaks, his voice firm. "Pay the price...or fuck off!"
And with that The Lords in Black all disappear, leaving the Losers Club alone and feeling more hopeless than they did before.
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xamag-draws · 2 years
Ed’s fears
Just wanna talk about Ed's trust issues and fear of rejection and embarrassment for a bit. I’m sure a lot has been said about it already, but I need to release the pressure from my cranium.    
I love Ed because he’s simultaneously very confident and comfortable in his skin, with great people skills and open demeanor, but also has a lot of insecurities and feels lost in social situations he's not familiar with. He's up to any silly shit as long as others support it or find it cool, but if he thinks that people are starting to laugh at him instead of with him, he loses it.
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Ed says that fear is the most powerful emotion, and that Blackbeard feels no fear. But the real Ed's biggest fear is being ridiculed and undermined. He simultaneously dislikes the caricature of violence people assign to him, yet subconsciously Needs to be the scariest pirate out there, because if people are afraid of him, they won't laugh at him.
It parallels Stede in an interesting way, because Stede is very familiar with being seen as cringe by everyone around, but he just kinda accepted it at this point, and doesn't let it stop him anymore. He only has this one life to live, and he's gonna do it his way, silly libraries on board and all, which is what Ed admires about him. Stede doesn't need to be some tough shit pirate to be able to handle some shade and throw some back, without absolutely losing it. If Stede learned to be a little more unhinged about standing up for himself from Ed, I hope Ed can learn some composure from him, too.
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In the 5th episode, Ed is completely out of his element. These people have their own set of bizarre rules that are hard for him to follow, brilliant sailor or not. They don't know who he is, so his reputation and threats don't affect them. Not to mention him being a mixed person of color. His fear of being emotionally trampled was palpable in that shrimp scene, and he was about to resort to the only way he knows how to fix it: taking out his gun and maiming some bitches.
Ed's disturbed by the notion that thinly veiled insults exist as a form of emotional warfare, and that Stede obliterated an entire ship with politely delivered words alone. I think that moment of Stede's derangement was definitely respected and appreciated by Ed, but it also planted a seed of "he's capable of destroying me in ways I couldn't even fathom" in his mind.
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During Ed's stay on the ship, he and Stede come to feel comfortable enough around each other to open up and be themselves without worrying about how others see them. This requires trust in each other, the trust that if you show your belly you won't get stabbed in it.
I think Calico Jack was the first blow to Ed's newly acquired trust in that regard. The old Blackbeard would've been on his guard and suspicious of Jack from the start, but for the new trusting Ed it was enough to cry about a mutiny (which I imagine Jack normally wouldn’t do). Jack tricks him, then laughs in his face and mocks the idea that pirates could even have friends. On top of that, Ed finds out that Izzy gave them up, and Izzy has always been his most trustworthy person.
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Stede disappearing after their most vulnerable moment is obviously the biggest nail in the coffin. It's very telling that Ed didn't go back looking for Stede, in case he got himself into some trouble, but just kinda sat there in defeat, like deep down he expected it to go this way.
There’s a neat progression of his power dynamic with Stede. When they first met, Ed was obviously friendly and nice with Stede, but he had the upper hand there. Blackbeard is the legend of the seas, and Stede is a funny little guy who almost got killed for being stupid. Ed really enjoys casually revealing his identity to Stede, because he knows how much it'll awe him. "You're a lunatic and I like it" isn't an insult by any means, but it says “I know my shit, and you don’t (affectionate)”.
But then in the 5th episode, he learns that Stede is equally as knowledgeable and ruthless in other areas. In the 6th, Stede supports him through a moment of weakness and self-loathing. After that, Ed is no longer a cool menacing idol to a little incompetent goofball nobody; he fully comes to see Stede as an equal, hence them deciding to co-captain.
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And after they level it out, Ed almost seems like he's afraid to believe that Stede Actually Really likes him back. He's very moved that Stede is willing to look past his assassination attempt; he looks surprised when Lucius tells him Stede went out of his way to do something fun for him; when Jack appears and badly influences his behavior, Ed sheepishly argues this is the real him, and Stede wouldn't like it anyway, so leaving is the right option. The way he says "what makes Ed happy is...you" is with baited breath.
If Stede is his equal and knows his weaknesses, he could hurt Ed like no one before, but Ed probably wouldn’t have the heart to hurt him back. That’s quite a vulnerable and scary position for him, so Ed is ready to explode the bridges and run if anything went even slightly wrong.
So maybe Stede's upset reaction to his resigned state confused him. Or maybe he projected his own unstable unreliable nature onto Stede. Or maybe he thought that Stede wasn't ready to become a real outlaw, or would rather not involve himself with such a horrible person after all. Or that their entire relationship was some fucked up social experiment invented by the upper class weirdos. Either way, I'm sure that when Stede didn't show up, he felt like a fool.
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Ed convinced himself that there's no possible interpretation other than rejection and humiliation, and that's what he deserves. Sure, he could go back and check, but if he did and found Stede just chilling on his bunk bed like “oh sorry mate, I don’t actually want to gayly run off with you anymore, I hoped you’d just kind of go away“, that’d be fate worse than death. So it’s better to assume the unspoken, and get out.
Izzy's reaction back on the ship buried the rest of that coffin.
Izzy, Ivan and Fang strike me as very straight-forward with Ed. If Izzy doesn't like something, he's not gonna hold back or dance around the issue, he takes Ed aside and tells him how it is. And in turn, Ed is quite open to criticism, if it's delivered straight to his face. He might make scary eyes at you, but he's willing to try and make things better. In a way, they also talk it through like a crew, although they don't dig deeper for the roots of those issues.
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But when Izzy goes "waa waa namby pamby pining for his boyfriend", this is the biggest slap in Ed's face he could deliver. No one laughs at Blackbeard, especially not his trusty assistant, who previously looked up to him as a sea god of sorts, who was literally ready to leave for being disrespectful to Ed before. So Ed's reflexes kick back again, and he resorts to violence to stop the mockery as he's used to.
And then, when he's left alone, the crew starts calling out for him to perform another song. There's something haunting about this moment, how you can feel his paranoia flaring up again, shifting his perception towards the people he thought he could trust.
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He trusted Stede, he trusted Jack, he trusted Izzy, and all of them betrayed that trust one way or another. If the one person who allegedly cared about him so so much just left him hanging on a dock like an idiot, and his own right hand man feels okay with belittling him, then what about the rest of them? Who can he trust at this point? Who's not a fickle crowd?
Maybe all of them disliked him all along. Maybe they laugh at him behind his back. Maybe they're frivolously calling him Eddie and demanding another performance, because he's the ship clown. Maybe all of them need to be scared into their place again, with chopped toes and pointed guns.
I think this is confirmed by the way he looks at Lucius before throwing him overboard. Lucius comes to him talking about the talent show, and Ed gives him a bitter smile that says "I know what you're doing. I know exactly how you feel about me. I see it now, and I won't be made fun of anymore".
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The way he calls the crew "Bonnet's playthings" too, not only objectifying them back into their role of ship's workers, but also separating himself from ever being friendly with these people. They can't hurt him anymore if they're some insignificant belongings of another person he has no feelings towards.
And after he's back to being the Blackbeard, the man who's feared but feels no fear, no rejection and no embarrassment, he sobs uncontrollably, now with even less emotional outlets for his pain, frustration and confusion. Probably certain that he will never meet another person who could love someone like him, whom Ed could love and trust back.
I know we like, jokingly blame everything that happened on Izzy, but he’s not the only one who needs the Blackbeard’s image. Neither of them have the social leverage without it, and Ed would need sooo much therapy before he can fully stop relying on being the Blackbeard, like he wanted in ep 9.
All in all, Ed's already fragile trust in people is now fucked beyond belief, and if Stede really wants to convince him his love confessions still means shit, he'll have to work his ass off for it. And i'm excited to see how it goes.
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449 · 3 years
[ meet your match_peter parker ]
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prompt_trying to assemble 🇸🇪IKEA 🇸🇪 furniture together [...]
pairing_college!peter x college!female reader
word count_1.1k
warnings_fluff, peter being very dramatic about assembling furniture, possibly some typos and grammatical errors
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"so you can save the world on multiple different occasions, but you can't put together a simple yngvar?"
"wow. you two on a first name basis now? is that how it is?” peter glares at the unassembled pieces of furniture with resentment before bringing the crinkled, abused manual up to eye level. strained eyes try to make out the pronunciation of the bold letters printed across the front page with the taunting imagery of the final product.
“i looked up the pronunciation earlier just to spite you like this.”
“the lengths you go to make fun of me,” he huffs, flipping through the pages again.
“well it’s about time you noticed,” you coo. he shakes his head in disdain, but the smile on his lips tell you otherwise.
peter parker - the shy, brilliant kid at school, the beloved spider man - has never looked so helpless and defeated as he does right now. he sits across the small living room in the 1-bedroom you two had moved into a little over a week ago, his gaze boring into the pieces of anthracite-stained plastic and metal bolts littered around the carpeted floor in front of him. his eyebrows are tightly knit together in a mixture of concentration and perplexity, and the sight alone makes you want to go over to him and pepper little kisses across his face until they unwound again. but for now, he looks back at the cover of the instruction pamphlet pensively. he can't comprehend for the life of him how all that was supposed to turn into this.
the college dorm life for the past couple years had graciously allowed your boyfriend to stay as far away as possible from his personal nightmare: assembling ikea furniture. it was always the plan for the two of you to find a separate student residence somewhere between your college and mit and to live together for the final two years. but like any good, formidable enemy, the time had come, the battle couldn’t be avoided, and it was peter parker’s turn to step up.
or try to, at least.
“seriously y/n, this is so unnecessarily difficult,” he whines. “why do all the furniture pieces have names? who named them?? why are they so difficult to pronounce? and how come none of the bolts even fit in these holes??"
"pete, i've literally put together an entire table and sofa by myself in the time you origami-ed the manual a million different ways. this isn’t an impossible task.”
“that’s because i let you take the easier ones."
"denial isn’t a pretty color on you, baby,” you chuckle as you look across the room at him; but he’s too preoccupied with deciphering the task in front of him.
"i don’t care. i give up! i’ve been at this for hours now, i can't go any longer or my brain is literally going to start to cramp." he groans in defeat, falling back on the floor to stretch his limbs.
“you know what i don’t understand, is how the hell you built that self-sustaining robot for one of your electives last month. or any of your robots, actually.” you crane your neck to check under the coffee table you’d just built, making sure everything was in the right place.��“that’s hard to do. that is not something you can mass produce and sell in giant warehouses for other people to put together.”
"what, you mean jar jar? he was easy," he shrugs, as though he’d just told you he went across the street to buy a pint of ice cream. "i finished that project with ned in like, three days. ‘cus it was fun, you know? it made sense. but this... this ikea stuff is inhumane. it's setting you up for failure."
“how’s this different from your little lego projects?”
“that’s completely different. not to mention, lego does a much better job with the instructions. it’s so much more detailed and colorful and step by step. but ikea… i’m either missing pages or i got a defect manual because there’s no way step 5 is what comes after step 4,” he explains.
“well, last time i checked, 5 does come after 4…”
“you know what i mean.”
with a sigh, you stand up to trudge over to your despondent boyfriend. placing your feet on either side of him you look down, arms crossed in front of your chest. "has anyone ever told you that you're kinda dramatic?"
he hums as though seriously mulling over the question. "only my girlfriend. like every other day." his hands reach up, beckoning you to take them in yours.
"sounds like a very lovely person." you chuckle, uncrossing your arms to grab his hands and take a seat on his lap.
"she is. she keeps me humble. never let's the whole 'i'm-an-avenger' thing get too in my head."
you cup his face in your hands and lean forward to kiss the little wrinkle that’s been etched into his forehead. “good. someone’s got to.”
“guess so.”
you don't miss the way a little smirk begins to tug up a corner of his lips as he eyes you above him for a few seconds. he nuzzles into your touch, and turns his head to kiss the palm of your hand. "she also happens to be very kind, patient, selfless, crazy smart, generous, beautiful -"
“what are you trying to get at, parker?" you cut him off.
“nothing. absolutely nothing. why can’t i just take a moment to admire my selfless, generous, talented girlfriend?” he mumbles. the texture of his chapped lips tickles your skin.
“i don’t like how you keep repeating ‘selfless’,” you mumble, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “and i have a feeling i know what you’re about to ask me.”
a boyish grin blooms on his face, chestnut brown eyes twinkling with hope. “baby, would you please, please, please with a cherry on top, help me put together these stupid, evil little chairs?"
“oh, come on!”
“nope. i said no.” you pull back, crossing your arms over your chest again.
“i swear i’ll actually help!”
“you’re about as helpful as one of these instruction manuals and you know it.”
he gasps, his hand grasping at his sweater-clad chest. “that’s the meanest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“you’ll live.”
“will i, though? i wouldn’t be so sure.”
“is ‘chest pains caused by verbal teasing’ not part of your super-spidey insurance package?”
“no...” and his hands shift from his chest to the bottom of your thighs, slowly traveling up. “i have a separate insurance plan for things in that department.”
“what does that even mean?”
“i dunno, you started this whole insurance analogy.” he shakes his head as though to dismiss the subject. “’point is, i love you too, and i’ll take your half of dish-washing duties for the next two weeks?” and that grin you love so much paints across his lips once more.
hm. tempting. very tempting.
you pause, milking the silence just to make him squirm a little longer in anticipation. but you both knew he had offered you something you couldn’t resist. he wiggles his eyebrows as though that would somehow entice you, and you roll your eyes and slap his hands away from your legs.
“take my share of trash duties too and you have a deal.”
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EXT. The Roof (Winter) - Sunset
Not Just Attracted to Women!Peter Maximoff x Fem and Not Just Attracted to Men!Reader
Based off of a dream I recently had: Peter and Y/N have a conversation on the roof of Xavier's in mid-December. Peter accidentally lets it slip that he might not be straight, and he is afraid that Y/N will think less of him because of it because this is the 80s. Y/N reveals that she is also not straight, and is saddened by the fact that Peter could think that she could ever hate him- especially for that. She calls him wonderful. Feelings ensue. Also, a touch of Cherik at the end because I give the people what they want.
Warnings: Swearing, Peter cries, internalized homophobia (this is the 80s-ish and Peter uses the word 'queer' in a kind of incorrect and kind of offensive manner, but it was internalized homophobia and not actually intended to be mean to anyone but himself so I forgive him), a touch of angst but mostly fluff, Charles called you two "children" even though you are obviously not, Erik is happy that his son has someone that cares about him the way you do, Peter is insecure but not super blunt about it, Peter has been deprived of being adored his entire life, bad writing, I mention a serial killer twice, historical inaccuracy because the word queer was still a slur so yeah.
A/N: This is literally the first thing I have ever written so please be nice to me, I wrote this instead of an essay. I would love a comment of any kind, even if it's just a heart emoji or something, and constructive criticism would be highly appreciated. Also 'N/N' stands for nick-name.
(Ok, so, full discloser: the format is odd. The bullet points represent dialogue, and the only dialogue is between you two love birds. The first bullet point is Peter, the second is Y/N, the third is Peter, and so on.)
“I dunno, the whole ‘liking people’ thing has always been weird for me.”
“How do you mean?"
“Pppffftt- 'how do you mean,' what are you, Shakespeare or somethin’?”
“Yeah, because that’s the era when ‘how do you mean' would have been a popular term. Ok, what do you mean?”
“Just- when other people were liking people I never really was?”
He was gesturing wildly and avoiding eye contact, as always. He wasn't uncomfortable with eye contact, he just got bored easily in conversations, he needed to keep himself occupied. In this situation that meant staring at the red and green lights covering the rest of the roof, the snowy trees all over the yard, and a holly garland around the gate. Peter wasn't Christian, but man, did he love their Christmas decorations.
“Like… now? In school?”
“Well- yeah… but also when I was younger. And I never liked the right people? Or... liked them in the right way?”
“So you’ve never liked anyone.”
“No, no… I definitely have. It was just… weird! I don't-”
His hands dropped to his side in defeat.
“I don’t think it’s that out of the ordinary. I would tell you if it was. Also, if it was... 'weird', like you said, that wouldn’t mean it was necessarily bad.”
He hadn’t really heard what she said, he was too busy pondering what his next sentence would be. When she wasn't speaking, he was rambling.
"I had some of the normal crap… like in movies when they talk about the fluttery stomach junk. I've had that around a few girls I've been friends with, also that phase with the boy stuff, a-"
“Wait, what phase with the boy stuff?”
“Like- when you’re in middle school or whatever and you're gay for a second.”
His phrasing was a joke, but the statement as a whole was not.
“…‘Gay for a second’?”
"Is that- not-"
"I don't think that is... 'normal'... per-say..."
“Oh… Really?”
His heart sunk.
He suddenly looked almost embarrassed. He shifted his posture, seemingly trying to shrink into himself.
“Do you... wanna chat about it?”
Panic started to slowly rise in him.
“Um- forget I said anything.”
Something in him said to go on the "defense". He did not appear as calm as he was intending to.
“I’m not- gay! or anything. I like girls! I do!”
She put her hand on his arm.
“Hey- look at me for a second. We are not in court, and I never 'accused' you of being gay. That would be a very funny reality TV show, but not what is happening right now. Listen, theoretically if you were gay that wouldn’t be bad! And I wouldn’t be… whatever you.. think that I would be? I mean- however you are afraid I would act in a negative reaction to it? I would try to be here for you, and be as supportive as possible.”
He didn’t believe her.
“Ok, sure.”
“What? You’re going to tell me that you would honestly be friends with a queer person- be friends with me if I was... not... normal?”
She was taken aback by his tone, the word he had used, and the way he said it, felt like a weight dropping on her shoulders.
“Oh. would you… not?”
It was her turn to seem nervous.
“Would you- stop being friends with someone for liking someone that they… I don’t know… shouldn’t... would be the word I guess?”
Why, in this situation, was she nervous? Oh. His fear was replaced with guilt.
“So… are you… do you… why were you scared?”
“... Why were you?”
She expected a joke from him, something along the lines of “touché".
“Are you… gay?”
Yeah, he didn’t believe her.
“Really, I’m not. I’ve liked boys, but also... I've had feelings for girls. I’m not… straight. So I just want to let you know that it’s okay if you aren’t too.”
“I never s-“
She smiled at him with a bit of pity, she had been there. The self-loathing, the feeling of walking on minefields with so many people in your life.
“You are…”
She paused.
“I am… what?”
“Give me a second I’m trying to find the perfect word.”
“… Okay?”
That was not exactly the word he was expecting. Like, at all.
“That’s the word. Wait- let me start over. You gotta look me in my eyes as I say it, because it’s gonna be really poetic.”
“Uh… should I be scared?”
“No. Maybe a little. No.”
“… Okay.”
He looked at her.
“You are… wonderful.”
“Oh... Thanks?“
He looked away again, to be honest, he was a bit uncomfortable. He rarely received compliments, especially ones that seem so... genuine.
“I’m not finished, look back at me, just for a second. You are so wonderful- and I will support you as whatever you are! I want you to know that I can- I can barely even think of something you could do that would make me genuinely hate you- like… maybe if you Dahmer-ed people or like chopped up a-“
He found this was amusing, yet disturbing.
“Sorry- I just- the fact that you thought, even for a second, that I could hate you… is just-“
“I’m sorry”
“No! Stop it. Don’t be sorry.”
She stared at him expectantly.
“What do you want me to-“
“Take it back! The sorry!”
“Say you aren’t sorry”
“Ok. I’m, ya know, not sorry.”
“Good. You shouldn’t be”
“You’re weird.”
“Yuh-huh. Says the most likely, from the little information I've gathered, bisexual in denial who also happens to be the fastest boy on earth who had to slow down exponentially to interact with other people who also, also, happens sitting on a roof in the dead of winter with me.”
“What’s by smexual?”
Something about the way he attempted to repeat her words must have been hilarious, he thought, because here she was, sitting in front of him, in a fit of childish giggles. He would smile if he weren't so confused.
“No- that’s not- what I said- it’s… wait!”
“You’re tryna get me off topic!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!”
“Am not!”
“Are t- shit.”
“HAHA! Victory is a sweet dessert... wait is that even the saying? Still, I win you lose, nerd.”
“Ok, okay! go on.”
She was attempting to gather herself to give off a less jokey aura. It was half working, the "am not! are too!" argument a few moments ago made it hard for him to take her seriously, but he could tell it was important to her that he did, so he tried his best.
“You have to look at me again. just for a second.”
“I sw-”
“Just do it? Please?”
His attempt to put up a fight was thwarted by her small "please". He was pathetic.
He looked at her.
“Me… or- wait- I…”
“Are w-“
“Wonderful, yeah yeah. just get to the n-”
“… No?”
“When you say it it doesn’t encapsulate it. It sounds silly.”
“Ok little miss ‘you art thou wonderful’, how would you have me say it?”
“I am you wonderful?”
“You called me ‘little miss you are you wonderful’ what does that-“
“Ok! Would you just- shut up and call me wonderful one more time, please?”
She looked at him and blinked. That sentence surely came off as less ironic than intended.
“You are wonderful.”
She grabbed his face, in a half-joking manner. Her grab smushed his cheeks and she couldn't help but laugh a bit when she did it. Even though it was clearly a bit, he was still flustered.
She shook him a bit.
"Shut up 'cause I'm about to say some beautiful and true shit. You are wonderful. You are wonderful. You are wonderful. You are absolutely, unchangingly, and irrevocably wonderful and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, Maximoff.”
After saying what she would (in 40 years or so) recall as a painfully John Green-ish statement in her blunt and matter-of-fact manner, she let go of her semi-ironic hold on his pink cheeks. Were his cheeks pink because it was absolutely freezing, or because his heart was beating faster than he had ever (and would ever, mind you) run, you ask? No comment.
“Wow what.”
“You do say it better than I do.”
“Did you like how I stressed different parts of the sentence each time? I thought that was a nice detail.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Did his voice just... break a little?
“Uh- yeah?”
Was he a little... sniffle-y? She was now very concerned.
“Are you okay?!”
“Oh- um... yeah!”
No! No he was clearly not! He was sniffling!
“Really? 'Cause, you don't seem it.”
“It’s just- I just- wow.”
“Wow, what!?”
“That was just- uh-"
“Just what? It really wasn't that fancy, you seem much too impressed with me. Oh my God, was it terrible?”
“I mean it was really corny but w-“
“I swear to God if you say 'wow' one more time I may have to add ‘use of the word wow too much’ to the list of things that could make me hate you. Right next to the Dahmer stuff. That was a joke. Your use of the word wow is only mildly perturbing. Sorry."
She was panicking "just a bit".
“I’m sorry, I mean I’m not sorry. Sorry. Shit! sorry! I mean I’m not!”
And he was absolutely... full-on crying at this point.
He was looking down at his mittens. Not that this is important, but they were very pretty mittens.
“Look at me, you klepto.”
He didn’t.
“You know- I’ve been hearing a lot of that 'look at me' stuff from you today. I mean- the klepto part is new-“
He peaked up at her.
“Talk to me. Please, you're kinda scaring me, let me help.”
“I’m not sad!”
“You’re crying!”
“Yeah but not from the sads!”
“… The ‘sads’?”
“You know- when you get sad! It just means being sad! I don't- that’s what Wanda calls it, not me!"
He wiped his nose, tears still running down from his puffy eyes to his reddened cheeks.
“What are you crying from?”
“No one’s ever called me wonderful before.”
“I'm sorry! I did a few minutes ago and you didn’t cry!”
“No! You can't 'sorry' me if I can't 'sorry' you! And- yeah but that doesn’t count!”
“Because it only felt big when you said it the certain way!”
“What way!?”
“You look at me, you grab my cheeks-“
“I'm sorry about that by the way I was j-“
“No! It’s really ok! Do it whenever! I mean don’t do it whene- shut up!”
“I’m not even talking! You're the one talking!”
“You look at me, you grab my cheeks, and you go: you are wonderful.”
“No one ever called me that before!”
"Peter, I- well- they- they should! They should! More often! Then the amount that it happens now! I think. In my opinion."
"Or really looked at me like that!”
“Looked at you like what, Peter?”
“Like I was somethin’!”
“Well, you are… ‘somethin'! Whatever that means! And- I think you deserve to be looked at as such!”
“You just-“
A strangled sob escaped from his throat. He didn't know how to explain.
“Ew. I hate that nickname.”
He crossed his arms over his chest like a toddler, trying to completely ignore the fact that he was an emotional wreck.
She opened her arms and gestured for him to come closer. He was hesitant at first- but gave up all the reasons he shouldn't move to be closer to her in exchange for the promise of comfort she was offering him. He crawled over to her and curled up in her arms. The way she held him made him want to cry more. Who does she think she is- holding him like he was worth holding? With her chin sitting on top of his hair? Letting him do that gross cry sob with the spit and the snot into her only winter coat? Rocking him, and shushing him, and petting his stupid, silver hair? She was warm, too! The audacity of this woman.
When Erik brought Charles into his office to grab a chess set, they saw the two in the window. For a moment Charles considered telling Peter and Y/N to get off of the high platform, seeing as the two were the reasons the "no sitting on the roof" rule was enacted in the first place (neither of them were coordinated whatsoever). Charles quickly dropped this notion when he saw the look on Erik's face, Charles could tell it made him so happy to see Peter be held like that, cared for like that. Erik's expression made Charles want to both tell Erik that he is the most precious thing in the world, and make fun of him (look at Mr. Metal, gone completely soft). Possibly he could do both at the same time. But for now, he is just going to pretend he didn't see the two outside of the window, and have Erik grab them their game, go to the living room, and pretend not to have read Erik's mind when he inevitably asks him how he always manages to pick the white chess piece at "random".
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addictedtomanga · 3 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - love triangle
1.     Ao Haru Ride
While most girls desire popularity among boys, Futaba Yoshioka wants the exact opposite. After attracting many admirers back in middle school which resulted in her being shunned by her female classmates, she decided that high school will be her chance to revamp her image. Therefore, she starts acting unfeminine and indifferent to boys, allowing her to make some “friends” along the way.
Little does Futaba know, her life will take another drastic turn when her first love, Kou Mabuchi, returns after his sudden disappearance years ago in middle school. Despite his extended absence, the fond memories they shared together still linger in her mind, and she wishes to return to those days. But she realizes that the sweet, gentle boy of the past has completely vanished, and in his place stands someone cold and pessimistic. While he admits that her feelings for him back then were mutual, he warns that they can never go back to the past, as everything, including him, has changed.
2.     Beauty Pop
Although a truly gifted hairstylist, Kiri Koshiba has no interest in using her talent to pursue fame and fortune, unlike the three popular boys in the "Scissors Project" at school. Determined to become the best makeover team in Japan, they give showy makeovers to handpicked girls. As much as Kiri tries to shy away from the Scissors Project spotlight, she finds herself responding to beauty's call...
3.      Blue Sky Playground
On a cold day, Mirita finds discovers a hidden room with a kotatsu (a table that keeps one warm) inside. The kotatsu belongs to two of the most popular and handsome twin brothers in school. Both immediately kick Mirita out. However, Mirita becomes even more determined to get back into that room. What love triangle will commence?
4.    Boku kara Kimi ga Kienai  
Hotaru managed to get in the same high school where Haruna-sensei teaches to see him again! However, on her first day there, she meets a very unpleasant guy who looks just like her beloved sensei...?
5.      Dear!
Rei, Kazuma and Banri are close childhood friends. Rei, who's better than any guy, the cool and smart Kazuma and Banri who's mischievous and bright have the perfect balance. It's normal for the three of them to be together all the time and without thinking of themselves as men and woman they're just together. But something happens after which Rei starts to think of Banri as a "man", so the relation of the three changes...?!
6.       Faster than a Kiss
After losing their parents, Fumino and her brother hop from one relative to another. Getting tired of all those moves, she finally decides to quit school and work to support her brother on her own. As they sat on a park bench, her teacher appears in front of her and agrees to her demands of marrying and supporting both her and her brother!! Is he serious or just playing around...?!
7.      Haru Matsu Bokura
The timid and reserved Mitsuki Haruno seeks her dream sociable life at high school. But despite her best efforts, her ineptitude to speak her mind impedes her from befriending anyone. Nonetheless, while working at a cafe one day, she has a fateful encounter with her school's four idolized basketball players—Towa Asakura, Rui Miyamotoi, Ryuuji Tada, and Kyousuke Wakamiya. At first glance, these four heartthrobs come off as arrogant individuals, responsible for invading her cafe's safe haven. Soon after though, as they uphold their promise of keeping her workplace a secret, Mitsuki starts to see them in a new light.
Hence begins an improbable friendship between Mitsuki and the boys, as her days of solitude finally comes to an end. However, things aren't always so simple—with her heart waning toward Asakura and the female students green with envy, is there a chance this friendship could blossom into something more?
8.      Hirunaka no Ryuusei 
Suzume Yosano has spent the entire 15 years of her life in the countryside, so when her parents decide to move overseas for work and leave her with her uncle in Tokyo, she finds herself in a whole new environment. On the way to her uncle's house, however, she gets lost and faints.
Waking up safely at her uncle's house, she learns that a strange man had carried her there and that he happens to be an acquaintance of her uncle. Moreover, when Suzume goes to her new school for the first time, she discovers that the weird man in question, named Satsuki Shishio, is actually her homeroom teacher! Now, Suzume must adapt to her new school and make friends, since her blossoming high school life in the city has just begun!
9.    Hoshi to Kuzu - Don't Worry, Be Happy   
Anzu is poor but very ambitious and aims for a bright future. Her first step is to be student council president but that chance is destroyed by the equally ambitious and egocentric Yamabuki. She just has to settle for being the vice-president.
10.  Iya da Nante Iwasenai 
Anzu currently works part-time at a beach house however when it comes to serving male customers, she can't help but be cold and shy. When she accidentally spills a drink on one of them, a male co-worker saves her who ends up being her childhood friend Rei. Anzu is happy to reconnect with Rei, however, Rei might be after a bit more...?
11.   Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Seika High School was an all-boys school, but it has since turned co-ed. Misaki Ayuzawa is the first female student council president of the school, eventually earning the nickname of the "Demon President" due to her mastery of Aikido and imposed iron rule.
However, Misaki harbors an embarrassing secret—she has to work at a maid café to support her family. If anybody from her school was to find out, her reputation would be utterly destroyed. And after Takumi Usui—the most popular boy at school—discovers her secret, that might just happen.
12.  Kaoru-kun to Hana no Mori 
Kaoru is as kind as a prince towards girls. She would love to met men stronger than her! And then, two men appeared in front of her...
13.  Katakoi no Tsuki
Kurumi likes Souta-kun, but what happens when Kurumi witnesses Souta-Kun hugging one of her friends? Could Souta-kun already have someone he likes or is Kurumi misunderstanding? What can she do if that girl is her friend, too!?
14.  Katakoi Triangle
Sekiya-san of the cultural library has an unrequited love for Yuuki-kun. The one who cares about Sekiya-san is the popular Kasai-kun, who is also Yuuki-kun's friend! And, what's this? Yuuki-kun is rooting for Kasai-kun?! It seems that everyone's feelings are one-sided...or are they?
15.  Kimi to Koi no Tochuu 
Just when I thought it'd start with you, you disappeared; I would've never thought this... Yuna has lost trust in love after her first boyfriend Takumi broke up with her. Shiina-kun from her class has already confessed to her twice and now finally she approached onto love another time. But Takumi appears in front of her!! What will the swaying Yuna do!?
16.   Kyoudai Gokko
Growing up, Takara Rio has always wanted siblings. So when her parents decide to move overseas without her and tells her she will be living with two people around her age, she's cautiously optimistic. But they turn out to be brothers who fight like cats and dogs. Is this what having siblings is like?
17.  Last Game 
Nothing is beyond Naoto Yanagi, heir to the Yanagi business conglomerate. Idolized for his athletic and intellectual competence, looks and wealth, Naoto lived like a king during his elementary school days—then entered Mikoto Kujou, a plain, gloomy-looking transfer student.
Due to her low financial status, Naoto was initially apathetic towards Mikoto. But despite having just arrived at his school, she completely eclipsed him in everything by consistently scoring top marks in exams and placing first in athletic events. After a brief confrontation with her that left him shocked, Naoto vowed to outdo her no matter the cost.
Ten years later, they are now students attending the same college. Having failed to defeat Mikoto throughout middle and high school, Naoto decides they will have one last game: if he can make Mikoto fall in love with him and then break her heart, it will be his victory. However, he finds himself falling in love with her instead...
18.  Last Notes 
Haru and Aki are the masters of the branch store - an old-looking and very unusual shop. It sells only one thing: a special kind of incense that, when burned, allows the user to see and speak with the spirit of the dead person that appears in the smoke. Every customer has a different reason for calling up the dead, and how they use this unusual opportunity is up to them...
19.  Love Berrish 
15 year-old Yuya Fukushima has always wanted to live on her own, in an inn next to her school. This new dorm of hers, the Strawberry Tree Dorm, turns out to be a place with weird people -- a girl that touches her chest out of the blue, a guy with one of the shortest tempers ever. BUT the good thing is, there's a really handsome and nice guy that she fell in love with instantly! Also, not to mention a crazy cat who adores him (looks can be deceiving...). Yuya's life has just became much more interesting...
20.   Mata Ashita
Towa's always been shy around guys, despite being a total tomboy. This has crushed her chances of ever having a boyfriend, but a perhaps fateful encounter on the first day of high school might lead to love? But will it be with the surprisingly kind "angelic" delinquent, or the popular yet secretly "devilish" prince?!
21.  Momo Raba 
Chieri (Cherry) was living an ordinary life, until her sister Ichigo (Strawberry) suddenly left her child Momo (Peach) on Chieri's doorstep. Momo is an infant; how is Chieri supposed to take care of a baby while still in high school!? To make matters even more frustrating, two guys are fighting for Chieri's love...!
22.   Monokuro Shounen Shoujo
Kureha Mimachi, a 15-year-old girl, has just transferred into Shiritsu Kenhono High School. However, there is something weird about this school, it is actually a school where the Princes and Princesses of the beast-kind go to! Even though Kureha is human, she is there as a way to help the students lead their lives peacefully with humans and has the role as the "rabbit". Will she be able survive without being eaten by the students? Only time and her hidden bodyguards will be able to answer that...
23.   Ouran High School Host Club
At Ouran High School, an academy where only the children of the rich and powerful attend, there exists a club consisting of the most elite of the student body: the legendary Host Club. Within the club's room, six beautiful, bored boys spend their time entertaining equally beautiful and bored girls.
Haruhi Fujioka, a poor scholarship student, has no interest in the Host Club—until she breaks a valuable vase in their clubroom. After being mistaken for a boy, Haruhi is forced by Kyouya Ootori to work for the Host Club to repay her debt. Tamaki Suou, the princely leader of the club, eagerly takes her under his wing to teach her the ways of the host. Things, however, are never quite so simple with the Host Club around. Even the most mundane events can turn into huge spectacles with the likes of prankster twins Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, stoic Takashi Morinozuka, and sweet Mitsukuni "Hunny" Haninozuka. The crazy adventures of the Host Club are just beginning, and Haruhi must learn how to survive in the glitzy world of the hosts.
24.  Parfait Tic
Fuuko is a happy and cheerful girl. One day, two cousins, Daiya and Ichi, move into the apartment upstairs. Cold Ichi and mischievous Daiya gave a very bad first impression. All three are going to the same school as well. How will Fuuko's high school life turn out?
25.  Renren Zakari 
The day of her graduation, while she was lost and end up on the infirmary, a girl met by coincidence a good looking boy. But she was so panicked that the young man started to make fun of her...?
26.  Rockin Heaven 
Sawa applies to Heaven's Wing Academy, thinking she would look cute in the uniform. But she never expected the academy to be a previously all-boys' school! And the head honcho of the school, the class president himself doesn't seem to like her one bit and takes no pains to hide it. At first, adjusting to life at the academy is tough. Sawa is bullied and teased, and the boys in the class even throw her new shoes in the water. While attempting to retrieve her shoes, she falls into the water and is unexpectedly saved by Ran, who up until this point has made her life hell. The newfound gentleness in Ran intrigues her, and she finds herself falling for him. What will her days be like for the rest of her school life?
27. Saiouji Kyoudai ni Komarasareru no mo Warukunai  
Satou Fuuka is an orphan. Her aunt, who was her guardian, absconded in the night, leaving her with no money. Her parents wanted her to go to school, so she was looking for a job to cover her school expenses and rent (plus living expenses, though she didn't mention it). She goes to be interviewed for a part-time house helper job but is rejected before she can say anything, because the guy offering the job is the eldest for 4 brothers and it's an all-male household. She pours out her story, so he takes pity on her (even though he'd pointed out that she can't really take a part-time job if she doesn't have a guardian) and offers the job as a live-in position. However, he has one condition: she's supposed to disguise herself so his brothers don't take an interest in her. Her disguise: lots of towels around her body, so she looks fat; makeup so she looks old (39); plus her hair is all loose and she's wearing glasses.
28.   Sekirara ni Kiss
Chitose has always done well wearing her face like a mask: always smiling, always cute. She feels complete whenever she put it on because it's built to hide her unrefined self: no one hates her, and no one makes fun of her. But after meeting a cute boy who is instinctively more annoyed by her mask than her real self, can Chitose change and make people accept her for who she really is?
29.  Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume 
Uru is a very short girl and is constantly mistaken for an elementary school kid, but despite that, she is ridiculously strong and decides to live by herself after her mother gets remarried. She ends up working at a small cafe with two rather unique co-workers, Shindou, who acts gruff and intimidating, but who is really a nice guy who loves to make cakes and pies and the like, and Ichirou, who is really good-looking but who instantly falls asleep when he gets hungry and doesn't wake up again until he's force-fed something? What will the future bring to them?
30.  Stardust Wink 
I’m Anna. I’m 14 years old and I’ve just entered the ninth grade. Sou and Hinata, who live in the same apartment complex as me, are my childhood friends and we’re all the same age. I thought that from now on we’d become even closer friends, but then Sou suddenly did that to me…!!
31.  Strobe Edge 
Having no experience in romance, the vibrant Ninako curiously explores the meaning of what "love" really is, and is surprised to feel a colorful range of emotions as she grows closer to the school heartthrob, the quiet yet gentle Ren, who also happens to be involved in a longtime relationship. With every intention of keeping her head held high, Ninako prepares to face the mental pain of this one-sided love that she had allowed to take root, facing a series of trials that would either contribute to her growth as a headstrong woman, or break her as it did with other girls.
32.  Suki desu Suzuki-kun
Suzuki Hikaru, Hoshino Sayaka, Itou Chihiro and Suzuki Shinobu are all new students who have just entered the same middle school. Sayaka is a shy girl who secretly loves acting. Hikaru is an energetic boy who loves basketball. Incidentally, he shares the same last name with Shinobu, a popular rich boy who would be perfect if not for his rotten personality. Chihiro is Hikaru's childhood friend and has long had a crush on him. On the day of the opening ceremony, Hikaru happens to witness Sayaka acting out the lines of a drama on the rooftop and is instantly captivated. Upon seeing Hikaru getting along with Sayaka, Chihiro's chest begins to ache. When Shinobu sees this, he is overcome by a strange emotion and his heart starts beating faster... Unbeknownst to the four, this is the beginning of their magnificent love story; one that would last years to come.
33.  Taiyou no Ie 
After her mother abandoned her and her father remarried, high schooler Mao Motomiya is left feeling like she doesn't have a place where she belongs. One night, her childhood friend Hiro Nakamura finds her in a shrine eating cheap convenience store food and offers to take her to a restaurant. Their subsequent heart to heart leads to Hiro suggesting that Mao move in with him. To Hiro who has lived apart from his younger siblings all these years after their parents passed away, bringing his family back together in the once-lively Nakamura home begins with the first step of giving Mao a loving place to belong. When Mao reluctantly accepts his invitation, she is surprised at how easy it is to settle in with her longtime friend. Now she must deal not only with mending her relationship with her father and helping the oldest Nakamura brother attain his goal, but also her growing feelings for Hiro.
34.   The Maid at My House
Runako is studying hard to someday succeed as owner of her family's maid dispatching service company. One day, a request comes in from an entertainment production company and shockingly, it's for their super-popular star, Seirei Moroboshi! But could it be that the image he projects on the TV is far different than his true secret face...?!
35.  Tonari no Koigataki 
Hiro-kun and Icchan are both very important childhood friends to Akane. She thought they would always and forever be good friends, but...
36.  Tsubasa to Hotaru 
Tsubasa to Hotaru follows 15-year-old Tsubasa Sonokawa, a young student—and a renowned stalker? After one very romantic gesture by a popular upperclassman, she falls head over heels for who she believes to be her one true love. Unfortunately, love can be deceiving, as her feelings are soon proven to be one-sided; the upperclassman directly tells her that she's annoying and that she needs to stop bothering him. How's that for some tough love? Shortly after this horrific heartbreak, her good friend Yuri suffers from a sprained wrist, making it impossible for her to continue her position as the basketball team's manager. After some coaxing on Yuri's part, Tsubasa decides to take on the role in her place. This may be the perfect opportunity for Tsubasa to move on and forget about her unrequited love. On Tsubasa's first day as a manager, the team's shooting guard Aki Hidaka saves her from being hit by a ball. Is this another fateful encounter? Or just a random, meaningless event? One thing is for certain: Tsubasa's days will never be the same again.
37.   Uwasa no Midori-kun
Midori Yamate is a 15 year-old girl and is very much a tomboy. When she was young, Midori meets a boy called Tsukasa Hino, who came to the island she lives on for a holiday. He teaches her to play soccer and she falls in love with the sport. Midori is inspired by Tsukasa and continues to play soccer in hopes that they would meet again someday. When they do meet again Tsukasa does something unforgivable. Determined to defeat Tsukasa on the soccer field Midori enrolls in an all boy high school.
38.  Yagami-kun wa, Kyou mo Ijiwaru
 Just by talking to the famous Yagami-kun, Shizuku's high school life has become hard even from the start—!?
39.  Yumemiru Taiyou
While loitering in the park, Shimana Kameko, who intended to run away from home and skip school, meets a suspicious man in a kimono. This man, who had been locked out of his house, offers Shimana a place to stay. However, he requests she fulfill three conditions in exchange for her tenancy!?
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jackdaniel69nice · 3 years
Ninjago ATLA au Book 3: Earth
Books 1, Book 2
Harumi gathers her friends, Skylor and Vania to to help her find Lloyd
While in the swamp Lloyd learns from Bolobo about the connection between all living things and sees a bright flash of light and energy and two boys. He decides to follow the connection and arrives at the Walkers.
He meets Jay, an inventor and quite frankly a genius. He invites them to stay with them for awhile which is great because they’re firenation and fugitives and should stay out of big towns
When Lloyd mentions he’s searching for an earth bending master of course he points out Karlof, a strong man who’s said to be able to bend metal but his harsh treatment and cocky attitude don’t sit with Lloyd (or Kai) and Jay says he may know someone else.
They meet Cole at night. At first he’s off putting and cold (Jay said he would be, you just gotta warm up to him) and he’s suspicious of them but by Jay’s convincing he says he’ll “think about it”. Kai isn’t impressed and Cole puts him in the ground...literally.
They go into town to get supplies. They are quick to learn that the Walkers have a...reputation...here.
“Strange things go on out there girly don’t go associating with those people..”
“What do you mean?”
“Flashes of light, loud booms, quakes that shake the very mountain. It’s witchcraft.”
Unfortunately the attention had not escaped the local army and they tried to take them for “causing a public disturbance”. But Jay’s quick on his feet and leads them to a safe place, which just so happens to be Cole’s house.
Now they know Cole’s rich and dances competitively like his father, though he doesn’t seem to be happy about it. Cole takes them back through a tunnel, apparently the same one he had used yesterday to sneak out. The mysterious glowing lights guide them along. Cave of two lovers anyone ;)
They have a bit of fun talking, Cole really can be nice once he’s not so pent up. He says he’ll come by latter tonight. Jay say he wants to show them something. It’s an invention, he shows them the water wheel, a motor that generates electricity. It’s what made the lights in the tunnel and powers an assortment of other devices he has. Nya’s stoked (haha get it like to stoke the fire)
They are finished in a few days which is good because they have stayed in one place for a little to long and things are going to go sour. It turns out one of the people in the military was able to recognize Lloyd and sent for backup. An earth bending army is coming to capture them.
They meet nightly still. It’s mostly just chatting and relaxing. Of course the army ambushes them so Jay and Cole not only find out they are from the fire nation, but that Lloyd is the prince. There’s only a few moments to talk but even without much explanation Cole and Jay give them enough time to get to Ultra (is that a dragon!) and help them get away.
They have to make a decision, if they stay they’ll be arrested for treason, if they leave and go with them they will be leaving their families behind. Ed and Edna push for Jay to leave, only wanting his safety. Really they had already made their decision. They rejoin the others before they can get out of range.
It’s still not over yet though. Cole demands answers but they are able to get a hold of Ulta and start to bring them down. Cole tries his best to defend against the assailing rocks but is quickly overwhelmed. Lloyd can only watch as they fall into the arms of the earth nation army. When Cole gets injured it’s the last straw, his avatar state awakens and he decimates the army.
So now the earth nation, Cole, and Jay know the fire lord’s son is the avatar. They explain their past and struggles and how they need to defeat Garmadon before the solstice. Cole is still wary but understands their need for lying, more then they would know. Jay never really doubted them (in fact it’s really exciting, real life fire benders!) but he can’t help but wonder what’s going to become of his parents.
Other stuff happens like Morro and Wu’s traveling and the team facing off against Harumi. They meet a bunch of Pirates and Jay steals a lightning bending scroll from Captain Nadakhan (because Lloyd needs to learn duh! And maybe it will help me with some of my inventions... just a little) /
Cole’s mother died fighting in the war. They were very close and she taught him everything she knows about bending. It’s how he learns seismic-sense. Lilly always preached about about being one with the earth and nature and how important it it to give back to it just as much as you take.
Cole’s training is basically to climb a mountain and sit in a field of flowers and “listen to the earth”. They do this for days. Cole will tell stories and they’ll have a laugh. They bond a lot get to know each each other better.
But Lloyd is impatient, he doesn’t want to just sit around, people are dieing in this war and he needs to learn earth bending fast. They get in a fight. Lloyd says he doesn’t care about the stupid plants and needs to learn real earth bending. Cole decimated the entire field in an instant and leaves.
Lloyd is distraught, this place was where he got to know Cole and really become friends with him. He KNOWS this place deep down, right to his core. How it feels, how it moves, how it lives...but it’s all gone, buried under a mountain of rock and dirt. He cries and mourns, what has he done?
Jay talks to Cole who is just as upset and goes to talk to Lloyd, it’s almost night now and he still hasn’t come back. He tells Lloyd about Lilly. How the earth was something special he shared with her and was the only connection to her he has left. Cole wasn’t trying to teach him earth bending (I mean he was...), he was trying to connect to Lloyd, the same way he connected to his mother. Lloyd feels a lot worse after that but that wasn’t the point Jay was trying to make.
“If you felt that same connection he did, if you care about this place, then fix it”
So he does
He works all night to remove the rubble. The next morning Cole comes back because Lloyd still didn’t come home. He finds the field, different but still familiar, has returned and a sleeping lloyd in a pile of crushed flowers. Lloyd immediately tries to apologize but Cole just wraps him up in a hug and they go back down the mountain.
They are traveling again and hear about the The Lost City of Ouroboros, a place filled with all knowledge guarded by a serpentine spirit. Obviously they check it out and discover the solar eclipse, they have an invasion plan. But with a cruel twist of fate Ultra is stolen right out from under Cole and they have to get to Ba Sing Sei on foot. Lloyd is torn up, he’s stressed, all he really wants to do is go home, for everything to back to how it used to. When they find the people who took Ultra...they never stood a chance.
They get to Ba Sing Sei and find it under attack. Using his technical know-how Jay is able to take out the drill from the inside. They get Ultra back and are eventually able to have a meeting with the earth king despite General Kozu and the Stone Army’s interference. Earth King Dareth agrees to help with the invasion plan after some coaxing.
The team temporarily splits up. Now that they arnt criminals anymore Cole and Jay are able to visit their parents. Kai and Nya receive word from the northern water tribe about possible information on what happened to their parents, Kai decides to go to the South Pole and look for them. Lloyd tries to master the Avatar state. Nya is excited to reunite with Pixal but Harumi worms her way in under the disguise of a Samurai-X warrior and takes over the Stone Army for herself.
Meanwhile Wu and Morro had opened up their own tea shop Steep Wisdom and are living pretty peacefully until Harumi captures Morro. They return to Wu telling them about Morro and Nya’s capture, they go to the crystal catacombs and the fight begins.
Lloyd finds that while he has an arsenal of elements to his call he can’t match up with Harumi’s abilities and the Stone Army. His avatar state becomes blocked once she tells him Garmadon sent her to kill him, and she does so.
Morro makes the wrong choice and sides with Harumi. He attackes Cole and Jay while Kai and Nya are busy fighting Skylor and Vania. Wu tries to stop him but he still ends up hurting Cole and knocking him out.
Jay’s weapons are shot and it’s easy to tell they’re losing, soon they will be captured. It’s a hard choice but with his friends in danger he would do anything to protect them. He uses lightning, not some little invention, real lightning bending. Who knew! (Probably you)
It gives them the edge they need for Kai and Nya to break free, they grab Lloyd and Cole and run. Wu gives them time and Nya has to use the spirit water to revive Lloyd. The earth kingdom falls.
Book 4
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep18
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Was gonna post this days ago but I decided to do twewy-related stuff first lol.
Anyways, lots of pictures below again. At least 20, I think. Talks of ships below as well.
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The last time we saw them, Iruma had jumped in front of the beast preparing to shoot a blast of magic in front of Ronove. Everyone else is worried but don’t know what to do cause if they tried to help, they’d get blasted, too. It seems though that Iruma himself has a plan.
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Iruma plans to use Ali-san’s ability to swallow the huge amount of magic to eat the blast of it the beast is going to release saying he thought it was possible since Ali-san is the Ring of Gluttony. Arikured is surprised by this and complains at first but agrees he could do such a thing but Iruma's strength will be needed to succeed.
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Remember that spell Iruma learned before about changing the appearance of something? Iruma uses that magic spell to turn Ali-san into this... cat thing. Giant cat thing idk so it could swallow the magic. Ali-san swallows the entire beast and let it explode inside him. Once it was over, the sky clears up, too. The plan totally worked and Ali-san is full!
Does this mean Iruma could use the power that got eaten from the beasts?
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Trouble is over and Iruma gets together with his friends again. His friends were all worried about him though and Kalego-sensei came up to tell him he'd been reckless again. Iruma says he hasn't forgotten about what Kalego-sensei had said before at the home visit and that he had now finally understood what sensei meant. He was so used to danger due to almost always being in one himself that he never realized how bad such situations were until everyone else he cared about got affected. He adds that he gave it everything he's got even though he wasn't sure he'd even win because he wants to protect everyone and holding onto that ideal is part of his "desire".
I’m happy this arc helped some of them grow and show the growth of those who already have. Pretty cool.
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Random screenshot but I just wanna direct your attention to fluffy Kalego-sensei who is being adorable right now. I cannot take him seriously when he’s like this and even when he’s angry, this form makes it look adorable.
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Back to the story.
While all the mess is happening on the surface, Kiriwo-senpai has finally been found by the Six Fingers who are there to help him escape under the orders of Baal. The other escaping inmates are also in the area but still behind bars and Kiriwo-senpai tells them that he never planned to help them escape alongside him and never said he'd do such thing in the first place.
I kinda feel bad for them but they are also bad people so, eh.
Upon donning the same coat the Six Fingers' wear, one of the prisoners had the realization that unlike all of them there who are merely "bad", Kiriwo is actually "evil".
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One of the Six Fingers asked why they couldn't just let the prisoners escape, too as it'll help in causing chaos and Kiriwo-senpai answers that seeing the despair the prisoners are gonna be in when they realize they'd never be let out despite going this far will be fun to see. Plus, they're not strong enough and will be caught again anyways.
I missed seeing Kiriwo-senpai’s evil hairstyle. It’s been a while. I guess this answers the question I had back in season 1: Kiriwo-senpai chose to be evil. Sad but I should’ve seen it coming.
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Back on the surface, a parade starts and on the float are the heroes who saved Walter Park. While Iruma is properly mentioned, the owner, Rossevelt also shows off his son (Ronove does call him Legend-daddy as in the English word lol). The owner thanks Iruma for saving the park and calls him a hero.
They look alike except for the mustache and hair length. Anime genetics never fail. Does Legend-daddy also sing his own bgm?
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Unbeknownst to our heroes, Kiriwo-senpai is around the corner watching the parade. He's surprised to find out that not only was Iruma also at Walter Park at this time but Iruma is also the one to defeat the beast. Instead of being angry at another evil plan foiled, Kiriwo-senpai says that this must be destiny and was happy to see Iruma. He was gonna walk out into the crowd but snaps out of this happy state by a call from Baal.
Senpai really blurs the line between love and hate cause he acts similarly when it comes to Iruma. Congrats to the fans of this ship for getting this scene and also, I still don’t know the ship name for them. How do I tag this?
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Back to the phone call, Baal isn't happy that the park still stands. Walter Park is created to vent out demons' evil cycle after all and he has no need for that in his goals as he prefers that the demons go way beyond the evil cycle and just become ultimately evil. Unfortunately for him, the authorities are coming and they can't really do much else so he tells Kiriwo-senpai and the rest to escape already.
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After being told to escape, Kiriwo-senpai says that this isn’t the end and declares that he and Iruma will meet again as they are destined enemies.
I guess in Iruma’s harem, he’s the “enemies to lovers” love interest lol.
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Iruma looks at the direction where Kiriwo-senpai was but of course, he doesn’t see anything and he’s none the wiser.
Opera gives Iruma back his backpack at the float. As Iruma looks inside for his stuff, he finds the note his grandfather gave him of things he must do on his trip with the final one on the list being "Have fun with everyone!". Iruma looks at his smiling friends and thinks that even though a lot of scary things happened today, he still did have fun with them. Aww so cute!
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Iruma gets reunited with his worried grandpa who goes to the hotel to check on him. Iruma says he couldn't go home early as Ronove's dad let them stay at the hotel as thanks for saving the park. Ronove’s dad adds that they are also Sullivan's students so he's happy to give them such things. Iruma tells his grandpa that he's happy and okay and that the teachers and Opera protected them. Grandpa Sullivan decided that the three adults would be given the job of protecting Iruma from now on (and Kalego-sensei felt a chill down his spine elsewhere in the hotel lol).
These two adults are the same. They probably won’t stop talking about their kids if you’re around them. Reminds me of FMA’s Maes Hughes (thought still makes me sad).
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While the teachers are discussing information about the attacks, Kalego-sensei goes to his room to find his team on the bed making fun of the stuff he said earlier much to his annoyance. The boys said wanted to stay in the teachers' room as it's better than the room they got but Kalego-sensei quickly kicks them out.
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The girls also get rewards and are allowed to get any clothes they wanted which made them happy. Ronove’s dad is pretty generous, huh? Like, I know these guys deserve it for all their hard work but the guy looks so happy that he’d probably still be nice to them even without all the trouble happening.
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They are all also given an all-you-can-eat buffet. Iruma eats a ton of food obviously. Clara is having fun at the chocolate fountain thing and Ronove is trying to make Agares eat. Those two got close, huh? lol I wonder if Ronove’s doing this to try and make Agares unattractive or something. It’ll be cool if they became friends though with their very contrasting personalities and all.
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While everyone is having fun inside, Iruma leaves without anyone else realizing except for Ameri who decides to follow. They end up at the rooftop by themselves with Ameri trying to calm herself down as she's thinking of romantic stuff as it’s just the two of them. Iruma then reminds Ameri of the question she asked him before about his goal and tells her he finally found one: he wants have fun with everyone. He's willing to change in order to be able to protect that ideal of his. Ameri is happy to see Iruma has grown.
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Ameri decided that she also wants to give it her all for her own desires and ambitions. She then tries to tell Iruma something but sadly she gets cockblocked by Clara and Azz both appearing. Ameri gives up for now and tells Iruma to just go with his friends.
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Before leaving, Iruma asks Ameri a question - the same thing she was going to ask him earlier! He asks if they could hang out sometimes but just the two of them and she passes out from this lol.
Congratulations to Iruma x Ameri fans for getting a scene like this, too. I also don’t know the ship name for them. Anyways, why is it just the senpais getting a moment with Iruma? Ameri has been getting a lot of moments, too and it’s making me wonder if she’s endgame.
lol also, Ameri is worried about the other female rivals not realizing there’s another threat somewhere else.
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While all that teen drama is happening, both Romiere's dad and Iruma's grandpa are being interviewed on tv. The two men then tell everyone how their kids and those kids' friends are the heroes of Walter Park. Since Iruma's name had been specifically mentioned (with everyone knowing the heroes are "Iruma and friends"), there ends up being reporters outside the hotel wanting to see Iruma the next day. Iruma, of course, doesn't like this popularity. With the thought that there may also be reporters waiting at his home, Clara offers to let Iruma stay at her house.
Oooh... will we finally get Iruma x Clara and Iruma x Azz moments as well? Hehehe
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There's something new in the ED video by the way! This used to be for Kuromu but now it’s for these boys! Cute!
I’m guessing this is the end of this arc? I wonder what the last one will be since we only have like, what, 6 episodes more? What kind of arc will it be, I wonder cause this one had battles.
Okay, the end where the heroes are mentioned to be “Iruma and friends”, I’m happy and surprised that none of the others were bothered by this at all. No one complained about why Iruma is the only one specifically named. It didn’t cause a fight between the entire group unlike what would’ve happened if this was any other story. I get why Iruma got proper credit as he is the one to end the incident and saved everyone around from being fried but his friends did a lot of work, too and it’d have been better if they were all credited properly in the news. None of them were mad though and are happy that they won because they did their best.
Ronove calling his dad “Legend-daddy” will never not be cute and funny to me. His dad, despite being rich enough to own this entire park, isn’t an annoying, arrogant asshole and I like that. I’m happy that most characters in this show subvert my expectations and they make me like them more.
I’m sorry if I don’t tag ships in my mairuma posts but I don’t know any of the series’ ship names lol. Speaking of ships, as I mentioned before, Ameri’s been getting a lot of moments with Iruma or focus on her growing feelings for Iruma. Kiriwo-senpai only showed up a bit in this arc and got a bit for himself, too. Kuromu and Clara only had a bit when Iruma went evil cycle and I wonder if they’d get more, too. I personally ship him with Azz so I wish they’d gets some moments as well. Eiko gets hers mostly on the “Interval” segments.
So... is it possible to have a mairuma dating sim or not? Look at how many routes are available! XD
Anyways, focus next time is on Clara’s family probably with Iruma spending time there. I expect another Valac Family musical! XD
Thanks for reading!
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Author: Nat / @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​
Requested: Yes – Anonymous
Tagging: @zuucc​ because you’re writing a Mat thing so here is my Mat thing
Fandom: NHL  
Relationship: Pre-Established; Mat Barzal x Reader
Song: Dive by Ed Sheeran  
Summary: Mat isn’t sure where you and he stand, so he shuts you out. Everything comes to a head when you confront him at his apartment.
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Alcohol
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Relationships were not as black and white as Mat wanted them to be. They were a muddy grey and more times than not, he didn’t know where the two of you stood. Some days he was smiling brightly, pulling you to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. Other days he was clenching his jaw and wondering how any of this was happening.
Were the two of you together? Were you guys just ‘for fun’? Were you nothing more than friends pushing the boundaries of what it meant to be ‘just friends’? Mat didn’t know. And that not knowing absolutely killed him because he knew exactly what you were to him and exactly what he wanted the two of you to be.
The Isles eliminated the Rangers in the first round of the playoffs to advance to round two. And on home ice too. The whole team was just filled to the brim with adrenaline and excitement. Of course they ended up out on the town, at a club with a never ending supply of drinks. The girlfriends and wives without kids who wanted to be there were there, and you were tucked under Mat’s arm.
You, like the WAGs, were at the game. You had seen and cheered from the box as the Isles played and won, and when you saw Mat after the game, he pulled you into a tight hug.
But, you didn’t spend the whole night in Mat’s arms, much to his dismay. The drinks just kept coming. Mat did shots with Ross and Tito and you slipped away. He didn’t think anything of it. You were probably getting another drink or hanging with the girls.
Except, when Mat turned around to see where you were after Tito stepped away to go talk to Ebs, he saw that you were not getting another drink and you were not with the girls. Your ass was pressed into a guy who had his hands on your hips, one of your hands was up on his neck as you ground to the beat of the music.
Mat’s jaw clenched as he felt his stomach twist. He wanted to close his eyes, to look away, to take another shot and drink away whatever he was seeing in front of him, but all he could do was stare. His grip tightened on his beer glass and when he finally was able to pull his eyes off you, he ordered a pair of shots and downed both of them, ignoring the burn and taste with ease. Nothing could taste worse than looking at you grinding on another man.
“Are you okay?” Ross asked and Mat nodded, plastering a very fake smile on his lips.
“I’m fantastic. I love kicking Ranger ass.”
Ross spared him another look, but he let it go. Mat was right. They had just beat the Rangers, they were celebrating, there was no need to unpack feelings in the middle of a club in New York, especially when they were as drunk as they all were. That was something that could be handled at a later time.
The problem is is that Mat isn’t one to approach his feelings head on. So, he went full radio silent. You took an Uber home with Tito and Mat, which dropped you off at home before taking Tito and Mat to their apartment building. And then you didn’t hear from Mat again.
You would text Mat every day and you would hang out almost every day. Not to mention with the Isles advancing and the first round still being played, they had a couple days off. And Mat just didn’t answer your texts. Or your Snaps.
In the beginning you brushed it off. He was probably busy, be that with practice or the team off the ice, or maybe he was talking to his mom, maybe his family was going to fly in. Whatever it was, that was fine. Mat was busy, you didn’t need him to reply instantly. You just expected some sort of reply.
And you never got one.
You didn’t get a reply when you texted him asking how he felt about playing the Penguins in the second round and if he thought it would be more difficult since the Penguins would be out to avenge their first round sweep at the hands of the Isles the year before.
And he never texted you to ask if you wanted to go to the game like he normally did. You were never one to expect to be at a game, so you wouldn’t go if he didn’t ask. So, you watched the first game of the second round on your couch even though the game was happening not even fifteen minutes away from you.
But you drew the line at Mat not replying to you congratulating him on the game one victory. So, the next day you decided you were going to go over to his place and see what the hell was up with him and what exactly you had done to warrant radio silence from him.
You were calm all the way over to his apartment complex. You entered the code to the building and made your way to the elevator to go to his floor. As soon as you got to his floor, however, all the calm left your body and you were left with nothing but annoyance and rage.
You knocked on his door and waited. When he didn’t answer, you knocked again. You weren’t entirely sure he was even home, and if he wasn’t, you were going to camp out by his door until he showed up. Not that you needed to because a moment later Mat was opening his door.
His hair was a mess and he wore sweats with an Isles hoodie. But his jaw was clenched and if you were reading his eyes right, he wasn’t happy to see you. That made your anger even worse and you raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you going to let me in?”
He shrugged and stepped aside to let you in, closing the door behind you before walking back to the living room and plopping down on the couch. You followed him with your eyes and saw that he had Netflix on.
“It’s nice to see you too.” You said sarcastically, moving out of the entry into the kitchen to rest against the counter, keeping the island in between you and him. When Mat didn’t reply, you kept talking. “Are you going to talk to me? Like at all? At least tell me why you’re not talking to me?”
Mat shook his head with a shrug and turned to look at you. “I’ve just been busy.”
“Too busy to not answer any of my texts for the last five days?” You asked, trying your best to keep some of your bitterness out of your voice. You were mad but you also didn’t want to start a fight if you didn’t have too.
“Sorry.” Mat said with a shrug, but nothing about his tone said that he was sorry.
“What’s up with you?” You asked, shaking your head and uncrossing your arms. He shrugged again but didn’t say anything, so you continued. “Mat, you’re my friend. I’m here for you, talk to me. What’s going on?”
You’re my friend. Friend.
Mat rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Yeah, okay. Thanks for telling me what we are. I’ll do my best to keep things that way.” His tone was harsh and he turned away from you.
You jerked your head back and took a moment to process what he said and how you were going to answer him. You and Mat… You were close. Really close. More often than not you spent your time tucked under his arm or on his lap if there wasn’t room. And there had been a couple times when the two of you had kissed when you were both drunk.
But you were friends. You didn’t know that Mat thought differently or that he wanted things to be different. Honestly, it felt like the floor beneath you went from solid to shaky. You would be crazy to not think about Mat like that, but you had no idea that maybe, just maybe, Mat felt the same. Your heart skipped a beat at that possibility.
“What’s,” you started but your voice was a lot softer than you meant it to be so you cleared your throat before continuing. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Mat sighed and looked back at you. “It means I’m tired of the way things are with us. One night you’re in my arms and the next you’re grinding on the first guy you see. I just, I can’t keep doing this. So you have to tell me what you want from me because if we’re going to keep doing this, whatever this is, I can’t.” Mat paused before he added, his voice much softer. “I just can’t.”
If you thought your floor was shaky before, everything just got ripped out from beneath you. “I didn’t know you felt that way.” You whispered, stepping forwards, wanting to go to him.
“Don’t.” He warned, his voice more defeated than anything else.
“I honestly had no idea you felt that way.” You said again, stopping in your tracks at the edge of the kitchen.
He shook his head, turning away from you before he spoke with a crushed voice. “I don’t know how you couldn’t not know. It’s so fucking obvious. But I don’t know. I don’t know.”
“Matty…” You tried, but he cut you off.
“Don’t call me ‘Matty,’ and don’t take that pitiful tone with me. I get it loud and clear. You don’t feel the same. Note taken. You can leave now.”
“Who said I don’t feel the same?” You asked, sure in your voice and words for the first time since the carpet was ripped from under you.
It was Mat’s turn to be surprised and he looked at you, his face soft with surprise and hope. “Don’t give me hope if you don’t mean it.”
You took a brave step forwards and he didn’t stop you so you closed the distance between two of you until he was just an arm’s reach away from you. “Mat you are the most amazing guy I have ever met. You make me smile and laugh. Your heart is bigger than Manhattan. And you’re literally the hottest guy in the league. Everyone is crazy about you, myself included.”
Mat was quiet for a moment before he reached out to brush your hand with his. “You think I’m hot?”
Your lips twitched up into a smile and you sat down next to him on the couch. “I think you’re smoking hot. I mean your thighs…” You let your eyes run down his body to his thighs before returning them to his face where he was wearing a light blush.
“I think you’re really beautiful.” He said softly, taking your hand into his properly. “And I would really like to call you beautiful every day.”
“I would really like that, and I would really like to run my fingers through your hair and be in your arms. And kiss you properly.” You answered.
“I want all of that.” He whispered and shifted the way he was sitting so that he was able to face you properly and brush your hair back before cupping your jaw. “Can I kiss you?”
You didn’t answer him, instead you leaned forwards to kiss him. His lips were soft, just like the kiss, and you moved your hands up to cup his cheeks. You had kissed him a couple times before, but every time you had both of you were completely sloshed. Those kisses were messy, some too quick and some too long. But the kiss now was perfect. You pulled back after a moment and Mat chased your lips, kissing you deeper than before, moving his hand to your hair.
When Mat eventually pulled back, he kept his eyes closed for a moment before he opened them. You had seen Mat through a lot. He liked to keep up a confident exterior, but looking into his eyes at that moment you saw nothing but pure vulnerable Mat.
“Be mine?” You whispered, moving one of your hands to cover his on your cheek.
Mat’s lips twitched up into a smile. “I would love to.”
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mashounen2003 · 3 years
Sonic opinions - 4
Initially, the purpose of my fanfics was almost only to think of a possible continuation of the events of Sonic SatAM, adapting things from the Archie-Sonic comics (and taking some licenses in the process), and trying to better write Antoine's transition from his self in the cartoon to his self in the comics, give more importance to Tails and better portray his parents, Amadeus and Rosemary. But then I realized how abysmal the differences between the two versions of Antoine were, while it was also harder for me to think of a way to write Rosemary coherently.
In Antoine's case, lately, I came up with an alternative to make him develop and stop being what he was in the TV series:
Immediately after the original Robotnik has been defeated, Antoine leaves his team behind. He actually doesn't know how to fight, but he still has good marksmanship, so he becomes a hitman. However, he's eventually convinced to leave behind that life without honour, begins to train in real fighting skills and becomes a genuine Freedom Fighter once and for all. In any case, he develops an opinion of "the end justifies the means" and continues thinking it for the rest of the story, being critical of his former team; this, along with his lasting grudge against Sonic and Sally, leads him to fight against the Monarchy in the events of "Civil War".
As for Rosemary... I don't like to say it this way, but she was a total b**** in the comics. I came up with a way to show her in a better light, but in no way could it have worked with the comics' Rosemary as she was. I'll talk about it when I write my list of ideas for future fanfics.
I also addressed Politics in that fictional universe, trying to avoid the way this was done in the comics: there, Ian Flynn created the Council of Acorn and portrayed it as a bunch of stereotyped useless politicians obsessed with controlling the heroes and barely concerned with their country's security, and I think Flynn didn't do it to actually enrich the comics' universe or to add depth to the story or to communicate certain political ideas, but only to give readers someone to blame.
In the stories I wrote so far, I didn't go deep into what happened with my fictional universe's Council of Acorn after its creation; however, I did address its origin, and in doing so, I didn't make the Bems involved. Look... In the comics, Tails's parents were inspired by the Bems to try to establish a Democracy in Acorn, and this entails some inconvenience:
The Bems are terrible people. They roboticized Sonic and Tails to make them fight Robotnik and Snively, in order to verify the robots were better than flesh-and-blood beings (if things had happened differently, perhaps Mobius's Robians wouldn't have been de-roboticized); their society is entirely made of clones and almost lacks variety, not only in terms of the physical but also in terms of people's ideas; their judicial system is quite f***ed up (at least according to our standards), and... *sigh* they're just the worst. These traits of the Bems had been developed when Karl Bollers wrote the comics, and Flynn should have considered that they’re technically canon before having Tails's parents claim to have been inspired by those aliens.
Even if we cling to Moral Relativism with all our strength, claiming the Bems are just "different" and have different behaviour, mindset, psychology and culture, this keeps making things complicated: applying something in one society, solely because it succeeded in another, ain't exactly something smart to do.
And the craziest of all is that it could have been avoided very easily: Flynn could simply have said there were previous failed attempts to establish a Democracy in other countries of Mobius and Amadeus & Rosemary had always wanted a change in the government system, had learned about those historical events and knew (or believed they knew, at least) how to do it right this time. Moreover, Flynn could have said the decade spent by Tails's parents with the Bems gave them a clue about what they should not do when finally returning to their homeworld.
I tried, in my work, to use this idea of Amadeus & Rosemary wanting to establish a Democracy in an attempt to succeed in what others in other parts of Mobius had failed throughout History. It was based upon what happened in the French Revolution (more precisely, the Jacobin period), the years immediately after the Russian Revolution, and mainly the First English Revolution: in 1648, the Monarchy was overthrown in England; the change was violent and chaotic, the government that took the place of the King ended up being also a despotic tyranny, and the final result was just the return of a King to power in 1660 (although, anyway, the Glorious Revolution established in 1688 the British parliamentary system as we know it); Thomas Hobbes, while watching those events unfold, wrote his book Leviathan, where he justified the need for an Absolute Monarchy by arguing humans were violent, selfish, chaotic and brutal by nature, so they had signed a symbolic pact where they ceded all their rights and their power to a single person in charge of ruling with an iron fist, in order to prevent humanity from destroying itself. In my fanfics' universe, it was mentioned those attempts at democratization in Mobius led to civil wars, ended with those same peoples clinging to ideas similar to those of Hobbes, quickly restoring the Monarchy and promising themselves not to try and establish a Democracy ever again.
I also mentioned the recurring conflicts between the Acorn Kings and the Southern Barons in the comics, as well as the connection between the Kings and the infamous Source of All, among other things. I also had Amadeus do what he should have done in the comics when he explained why he wanted there to be Democracy: to present historical events, such as those conflicts, the Kings' cult of the Source of All and the technological and cultural backwardness to which the people were subjected by them, as concrete examples of how the Monarchy had never worked well.
There are several Sonic fans, including @toaarcan and @robotnik-mun, who argue Politics shouldn't have been addressed at all in Sonic stories. Also, the vast majority of Sonic fans claim each and every one of the attempts to make this series more serious were some of the worst things that could have happened, even the addition of more characters was nothing but a cancer, and everything should have remained "simple" or the Sonic franchise shouldn't have gone beyond what it was at the time of the classic Genesis games. I praise the stories written by @toaarcan, and I agree with many of the opinions of both him and @robotnik-mun, but with all due respect, I totally disagree on this particular point.
I've always believed that, if it's done right, any topic should be able to be addressed in any kind of fiction, and Politics is no exception; more exactly, I think an author has two options when writing a work aimed at children and young people: to write something super light and soft where no serious topic is addressed, or to "go all-in" and address all serious topics, leaving nothing out; this includes not only Politics, but also tragedies, the complexities of love, toxic interpersonal relationships (whether abusive or otherwise), bullying, mental illness, trauma (for example, that caused by war), societal issues, and so on. That's one of the many whys of my love for RWBY: there's nothing that web-series doesn't talk about. As for the proper and respectful LGBTQ+ representation, rather than a serious topic reserved for serious fictional works, it's a requirement every fictional work should meet, whether serious or not, especially in the middle of the 21st century (this is something I think my work didn't meet satisfactorily).
With Sonic SatAM and the comics, it looked like the second option could have worked in the Sonic franchise too, and the TV series did it right to some extent. Unfortunately, Archie-Sonic's writers almost never did things right in regards to relationships between characters: Ken Penders's work, in particular, is an example of how relationships should never be, and Flynn's attempt to talk about Politics was a complete disaster, not much better than Penders's heinous handling of political stuff, more similar to a very low-quality North-American political satire, even when the conflict portrayed wasn't of the "Right versus Left" kind but of the "Monarchy versus Republic" kind, which should have been much easier to do without ruining everything. The only ones who didn't fall into those same mistakes were Gallagher and Angelo DeCesare, the comics' first writers, but only because they chose the first option: to write stories that weren't serious at all... with the notable exception of "Growing Pains", the B-story of issues #28 and #29, a typical Shakespearean tragedy where they presented us Auto-Fiona, a robot replica of who would later be one of the most controversial characters in the comics.
This, coupled with the resounding failure of Sonic 2006, is the only reason why now almost everyone in the Sonic fandom prefers stories without anything serious and/or a return to the Classic Sonic era, with very underdeveloped characters who are turned into mere plot devices and are only a shadow of their former self or of what they could have been.
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gay-jesus-probably · 4 years
What's up fam does anyone want to hear my new theories on Paranatural JUST KIDDING YOU'RE GETTING THEM ANYWAYS
Okay so first things first: of all the medium's we've met so far, I think that Isaac and Johnny are the only normal ones. And also maybe Walker? Cause during the flashback at the start of Chapter 7 he uses his mute powers with his bare hands, and doesn't seem to use a tool to fight. It'd explain why his flashback aesthetic is so aggressively 70's even though the flashback is set in the early 00's and his usual style is 'cowboy' - makes sense if his flashback look is a symptom of possession.
...That's not the point. Flashback Walker being a medium is completely unrelated to this.
When Possessed Max was threatening Doorman in ch 3, the Doorman immediately identified it as 'a broken god'. Given that the spirit mentions it "didn't end up with the sense of humor", the broken part is probably very literal. Then later on while talking with Nin, Doorman says that Max is "unaware that he carries one of the s-". While the last word is cut off, my guess is it's the start of a number, and refers to how many pieces the Broken God is in.
So that leaves us with three major questions: 1. What is the Broken God and why is it broken? 2. Where are the fragments? 3. What do they want?
Under the read more, because this is 3k words and I’m not an animal.
What is the Broken God, and why is it broken?
While it was whole, the Broken God was a terrifyingly powerful entity with apocalyptic levels of power. It might have been a spirit all along, or it could have started as something else entirely. If that's the case, then the act of breaking might have 'killed' it, turning the fragments into spirits. Whether it was originally a spirit or not, it couldn't be destroyed completely, but being shattered left the fragments weakened and gave the rest of the world a chance against it. It's possible that it hadn't done anything to warrant being attacked, and it was just shattered out of fear of what something that powerful might do, but I think it's more likely it was a very active threat that needed to be brought down.
So who broke it?
Ron Swanson; it burned his hand so he punched it
Bad jokes aside, I think something that powerful would push the Godzilla threshold enough to make a lot of groups put aside their differences to bring it down. Judging by what we've heard about them so far, I assume that early versions of the Cousinhood of Man and Paranatural Activity Consortium were involved. The two organizations might have actually been founded in response to the crisis, or were originally a single group that had a schism after. I don't think it was just them, but I do think the Cousinhood and Consortium were major players in the whole mess.
Which brings us to...
Where are the fragments?
I can't say for sure how many pieces it's in, but judging by the Doorman's comment, my guess is it's a number that starts with S. That's a lot of options, but I'm guessing six or seven, because any higher numbers that start with an S would just be ridiculous - six or seven is manageable, but double digits or higher is way too much to keep track of, the story would never be able to give all of them the focus they deserve.
So we've got six or seven fragments of a broken god. Where are they?
Fragment One: Possessing Max, which is the only thing currently confirmed by canon. This is a very recent development, as Max isn't showing any physical symptoms, was able to cross the barrier to enter Mayview, and his spectral abilities didn't kick in until his first day of school. Given that Johnny starts seeing shades roughly twelve hours after his possession, that implies that Max was possessed the day he moved into Mayview.
I think Max's fragment was stuck outside of Mayview, and looking to get in. It came across the Puckett's heading towards Mayview, and hitched a ride by possessing Max. This is backed up by the fact that Max began to awaken as a spectral before having noticeably interacted with anything supernatural - on his first night, Max could hear Hissin' Pete, saw PJ as a shade, and PJ was able to physically interact with him. If we compare that to the timeline of Johnny being possessed around midnight and seeing his first shade by lunchtime the next day, Max would have been possessed at some point in the late morning of the day he moved to Mayview.
Max's fragment is not Scrapdragon. I think that Max is a little like Mr. Spender, in that he's a medium whose also wielding a tool. Max's fragment is very chatty, revealing itself to the Doorman with no prompting, speaking in long, eloquent sentences, and even talks at Isaac about the concept of school buses and his own morality. On the other hand, Scrapdragon's communicated only in angry screeching so far. Also, Scrapdragon is obviously the source of Max's magnet powers, and he can only channel them through the baseball bat that Scrapdragon's possessing. I don't think Scrapdragon likes the fragment either - despite being a grudge, it seems fairly neutral towards Max, and only gets angry when he accidentally hits it. I don't know if Scrapdragon is trying to oppose the fragment the same way Lucifer fights the Shadow, but I don't think Scrapdragon wants to hurt Max, and it might end up helping him.
Fragment Two: Alright so now we're getting into speculative territory. I'm not numbering these by order of introduction btw, from here on out I'm looking at this via connections.
Boss Leader is possessed by a wight that the Consortium's been studying for a very long time, and is fairly non-hostile. Although it can't communicate clearly, it can express its emotions to BL, and she seems to have a lot of trust in it. Despite Boss Leader's shenanigans, it's been repeatedly shown that she takes the safety of spectral kids very seriously - if she thought there was any chance her wight would be dangerous, she never would have introduced it to two teenagers and a toddler, especially not just to explain the concept of a wight. This is also backed up by the wight's actions during that conversation - it's clearly paying attention, but it doesn't show any hostility, and the only thing it says is "PLEASE DON'T BE SCARED". Hell, it even seems to be a little disappointed that nobody reacts to the wight/white pun.
Despite this, I believe that Sandman is a fragment of the broken god. Not so much because of how it acts, but because of its connection to other possible pieces.
Fragment Three: Dr. Gwen Burger and her husband got stuck inside the prison of an unknown Wight. It was imprisoned by the Consortium before the current Boss Leader took power, it's lonely, dangerous, and really wants out. If it escapes, the results probably won't be pretty, time works differently in its prison, and its dream is connected to Gwen's. I think that Gwen might be its medium, given how warped her appearance is in the dream world, and that the wights prison relies on it being bound to a medium.
Gwen's wight is seemingly hostile, given that it attacks the group at the first opportunity, but what it wants is hard to say - its only line so far is "LOOK AT ME", and it may have been responsible for the demise of Gwen's husband. It also looks very similar to Sandman, implying a connection between them. Given that it's already been established that a Broken God is out there, it only makes sense for Sandman and Gwen's wight to be more fragments.
And more importantly, they're both very clearly connected to another powerful spirit.
Fragment Four: The Shadow, which has been possessing Richard Spender for at least thirteen years now. It's obviously powerful, given how much it scares Spender and Lucifer, and how being its medium has affected Spender's reputation. Given how he reacts to Forge saying he 'defeated the strongest spirit', that likely refers to Mr. Spender's past experience with the Shadow, and the circumstances that led to his possession.
Apart from its power, the main reason I think the Shadow is a fragment of the Broken God is because of its connections to Sandman and Gwen's wight. With Sandman, they look incredibly similar - the Shadow's face resembles a sun and is noticeably missing an eye, while Sandman's face resembles a crescent moon, and its only clear feature is a single eye. This suggests that Sandman and the Shadow are directly related to each other. As for Gwen's wight, it's connection to the Shadow is made clear by Rick's reaction to being attacked by it - while everyone else reacts, Rick freezes up and starts shaking in terror, either recognizing it as being similar to the Shadow, or having a flashback to his obviously traumatic possession. Probably both.
There's also the reactions of Sandman and Gwen's wight. When the group is attacked by Gwen's wight, the framing of the scene heavily implies that it's reaching out to grab Spender - Boss Leader and Walker are moving to defend the others, Gwen's almost completely hidden behind Walker, Mina's reflexively shielding Rick and Ed, Ed's hidden behind Walker and Mina... and Rick is perfectly centered at the back of the group. Furthermore, the way the wight attack contrasts to Rick's flashback heavily implies that it's reaching for him specifically. Meanwhile when the kids are introduced to Sandman, while it's kinda hard to track its line of sight, it seems like it might be staring at Rick the whole time. What the two wights say could also be interpreted as them speaking directly to Rick - Gwen's wight wants him to look at it, while Sandman begs him not be scared. If the two wights are fragments of the Broken God, they might be able to recognize that Rick is the medium of another one, and react accordingly. Gwen's wight wants him look at it, possibly realizing that he's frozen in terror and wanting to keep him that way so that he's an easy target. Sandman also realizes that Rick is traumatized and keeps its distance, asking Rick not to be afraid, as it doesn't want to hurt him. The point is, the Shadow, Sandman, and Gwen's wight are obviously connected to each other, and the most likely reason is all three are fragments of the Broken God.
I believe the Shadow was imprisoned at the bottom of Mayview Lake, though not by the Consortium. Thirteen years before Max came to Mayview, its prison was somehow broken by group that wanted to free the Broken God, though they were widely disorganized. Somehow a young Rick Spender wound up in the lake as the Shadow got free, and it pulled him under before possessing him. Given that Spender dying would free the Shadow, it's possible that the Shadow needed to possess a medium to escape its prison, and was trying to drown Rick right away to free itself. Lucifer intervened, pulling Rick out of the lake, and the two of them have been imprisoning the Shadow in Mr. Spender ever since.
Fragment Five: The Angel of Mayview.
Yeah, I know, she's definitely an enemy of Max's fragment and seemingly means well, but hear me out. When she speaks with Nin and Doorman, she pretty much immediately says she doesn't deserve to be called master. She also seems invested in Forge getting a second chance, not just to advance her goals, but also just for his own sake. These two details give me the impression that she's done some seriously bad things in the past, and is actively trying to make amends for it. Being part of the seemingly evil Broken God would qualify.
My other evidence is what Max's fragment says in Chapter 3. It specifically says that it "didn't end up with the sense of humor", implying that it's unable to find things funny. And right after that, the fragment and Doorman have this exchange: Doorman: Your return changes nothing, schemer. My master does not fear broken gods. Fragment: She should. Would if she could. The comedy your ignorance breeds is wasted on my ears.
This suggests that the Angel isn't scared because she can't be scared. Like she didn't get the ability to fear things, because another fragment has it. Max's fragment also suggests that it knows more about the Angel than Doorman does, and that considering her an enemy of the Broken God is ridiculous. All of this heavily implies that the Angel herself is another fragment.
Fragments Six and Seven: At this point I'm mostly out of obvious suspects. There's really only two major players unaccounted for, and while I do think both are fragments, I think they might both be fragments I've already discussed.
The great power that sleeps in Mayview is heavily implied to be a Big Deal. That being said, I think we've seen it already - who do we know that's a suspected medium for a fragment of the Broken God, and is permanently asleep? Yeah, I think the sleeping power is referring to Boss Leader. Her physical body is comatose, making her completely defenseless in the real world, and if Sandman is a fragment, Boss Leader is obviously very powerful. If Boss Leader's real body is in Mayview, then she's definitely the sleeping power.
Alternatively, it might be referring to the Shadow being imprisoned in Mayview Lake. Forge hasn't been in Mayview in a long time, so it makes sense that he wouldn't know the great power he's seeking was released over a decade ago. His attempt to command the pixelhounds also makes it clear that he's not above using evil methods to try and do what he thinks is right, so it'd make sense that he'd be willing to try and take control of it to help the Angel. It'd also explain why Mr. Spender starts laughing when he hears that, despite the fact that he's literally being tortured - Forge doesn't realize that the power he's looking for is right there. Mr. Spender also calls Forge misinformed right after that, suggesting that he knows what the sleeping power really is. Could be that he knows it's Boss Leader, but it could also mean he knows it's him. Either way, Forge is looking in the wrong place, and Mr. Spender knows it.
As for the other unexplained mystery, we have Penny Spender and her white spectral energy. That's a trait unique to wights and their mediums, which suggests that Penny is the medium of a wight. And given that all wights seen so far are probably fragments of the Broken God, it's likely that her wight is as well... but I think her wight is the Angel. We know fragments can speak through their mediums if they want, and the Angel hasn't made any personal appearances yet, only speaking over the phone. And the reactions of Nin and Doorman imply that's normal for her. Penny's obviously hiding that she's a spectral, so the Angel might be hiding that she has a medium to protect them both. As for why the Angel is possessing Penny, well Richard and Penny are obviously siblings, and Rick first got possessed when he was thirteen. If Penny doesn't know there's something horribly wrong with her brother, I'd be very surprised. I imagine we'll find out more about her, but whether or not Penny's possessed by the Angel, I think she's somewhat aware of her brothers situation and is trying to save him. Whatever her situation is, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Penny Spender, and I really hope she appears at some point in Chapter 7.
So now that we've got a rough idea of where the fragments are and why, that brings us to our final question.
What do they want?
I don't think they all have the same goals. Max's fragment saying it didn't end up with the sense of humor is an extremely informative sentence if you think about it - it means that the different fragments got different aspects of the Broken God's personality, and therefor will want different things.
The Angel and Sandman both seem to be non-hostile (for now at least), and the Angel is actively opposing other fragments. She also seems to be trying to make amends for the Broken God's actions, and feels deep shame over her past, leading me to believe that the Angel has the Broken God's remorse. The other pieces don't feel bad about what they've done because they can't. Likewise, I think Sandman might have inherited its fear, as it almost looks like it's trying to hide itself under blankets, and putting its medium's in a coma allows it to hide from the waking world.
Given their actions, I think the Angel and Sandman are against the Broken God's original goals, and are fairly benevolent. They do not want to become whole again.
Meanwhile, the Shadow, Gwen's wight, and Max's fragment all seem to be hostile. I believe Gwen's wight definitely wants to rejoin with other fragments, given that it seemingly tries to grab Rick. Max's fragment is harder to judge; it's definitely opposed to the Angel, but the Doorman's words imply that it's not really a powerhouse like the others. Max's fragment is the manipulator, the schemer - not the fighter. If it's the weakest of the bunch, it makes sense that it would want to become whole again. As for the Shadow, given that it's first move upon getting free is to attack Max and Isabel, it's definitely an active problem. The fact that it's indirectly described as 'the strongest spirit' implies that it got the most raw power out of all the fragments. I don't have any evidence that it wants to become whole again, but something about it gives me the feeling that it does. Here's hoping Mr. Spender realizes Max is possessed before either of their fragments makes a move. And no, I don’t think the Shadow realizes Max has another fragment yet; he’s still in the early stage of possession, so I think the only way for Max’s fragment to get caught is if it exposes itself. But Max’s fragment definitely knows where the Shadow is after chapter 4, so that’s bound to turn into a nightmare at some point.
Also on a probably unrelated note, the Shadow is a spirit of darkness that chooses to look like a sun, and if you look closely at Rick's memory getting possessed, you can see the Shadow had a massive slasher smile as it reached up to grab him. So uh... I think I know which fragment got the sense of humor.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, I look forward to being proved wrong about all of this. But I also kinda really hope I’m right. Either way, if anyone writes fanfic using my theories, I will love you forever.
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