#not me thinking about the old ones being kind to the trainees now and then - in their own blunt way
spielzeugkaiser · 1 year
Bear Jask's first Christmas as a witcher?
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[MASTERPOST] - There is no Christmas in the witcher universe but Jaskier basically tries to stay up so santa will take him home :')
Also Bearwitcher Quartermaster! He was also kind to Ciri (way later).
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nexusnyx · 4 months
who would've thought
#NightSkyChallenge: Prompt 9 —  The night you make a decision. [“You told me to think about it, and I did."] [1.5k]
SUMMARY: Growing older turned out to be fun. It turned out to be lascivious, and whimsical. All Bucky ever wanted was to find someone as crazy as him, and willing to live life with some good in it. Bucky has fun.
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“It smells good,” you announce.
The words prompt Bucky to inhale deeper than before, only to attest to the words. Inside the pot it looks good—the spices are turning the meat to a colorful red, sparkled in the green of herbs and the thickness of the sauce is as pleasing as the scents he registers. “It does,” he turns around to smile at you and catches your eyes already on him.
You support your head on your hand, elbow sitting on top of the table where your laptop is, filled with work. Every time Bucky catches the intensity in your gaze, his initial reaction is a type of nervous giddiness—he’s reluctant to say the word shy, but Bucky grew up and developed his mind in a time when women had to be brave to be as bold as you are, and the kind of eyes you give him sometimes makes him squirm.
“What?” you ask.
“Stop giving me eyes.”
You laugh at him. The audacity. “I’m only looking at you, Barnes.”
“No, no, you’re not.” He turns his attention back to the pot, feeling the tingle on his back. “See? I can feel it.”
“Feel what?”
He loves hearing your voice through laughter. “Your eyes on me.”
“Good, means your super senses and whatnot are still up to date despite the good old age.” This time he has to laugh with you. Most people in his daily life either have the utmost respect for him or fear Bucky somehow. Since day one all you do is look at him like he’s a guy—not just a guy, or any guy. Your guy, thank whatever god is looking. “Laugh all you want, I’ll look as much as I want.”
He turns for one more look, one that has a conversation of its own.
I like it when you look, my love,
I like looking, my love.
Preparing food turned out to be one of the parts he loved the most about routine. When Bucky started working again, everything felt different. Stranger.
It’s been decades since Bucky felt like a stranger in a strange land, but everything about this world made him feel that way.
All of it except for you.
When he’s cooking, you’re working.
Bucky returns from the Avenger Tower to meet you in your apartment almost every day. Casper, the doorman of your building, now opens the gates when Bucky passes with his bike and nods an “evening, Sargent!” and the words are starting to register as the beginning of what coming home feels like.
‘Evening, Sarge’ marks the start of Bucky cooking while you’re finishing up work, and you two talk about the day apart, sharing everything and updating one another on the lives of people sometimes the other one had never even met.
This evening, he saved on his phone a recipe for pasta Alfredo, and Bucky talked a lot about the trainees of agents as he prepared the sauces from scratch.
Every time he had to say important things nowadays, he felt what his therapist defined as the ‘most common aspects of anxiety’. Recognizing them made things easier not only here in his personal life—work and everything else benefited from understanding all the different layers with which his past and being deleted from existence did to him.
Bucky’s experiencing stomach tightness, the fogginess around the thoughts.
Your touches keep him grounded.
‘Grounding techniques are important, James.’
‘I just don’t see how touching grass makes a difference when I’m malfunctioning—’
‘Don’t call it that, you’re not a machine.’
‘‘Kay, when I’m frozen, and fuckin’ stuck, you’re telling me that doing stuff for my senses’s gonna help somehow?’
‘Try it. Ask for help.’
“I did it.”
“Did what?” you ask him.
Bucky serves both plates and enjoys the view of you bent over the table organizing the cutlery, and pouring wine into both of the glasses.
He needs a second before replying. “You told me to think about it, and I did it.”
There’s no need to further elaborate because there’s a direct link, Bucky discovered, in unfinished conversations between people who live together.
“You did?” you ask.
There are a few moments of silence as you two take the first sips of the wine and appreciate the food he’s cooked.
“I’m not sure if I’m ready,” your voice is only an octave above a whisper. “To listen to it.”
When you told him your job would make you move, Bucky’s mind spiraled into options long before you told him to think about it.
“Scared of what?” he asks.
You shrug. “‘m not sure.” Part of him is sure, but he keeps it to himself. You’re prone to shutting down and not finishing your thoughts if someone interrupts you. “It’s not like—we’re not breaking up. And—whether you decided to stay here in Manhattan or you’re coming to somewhere closer, we’re still us. I’m just—I never had to deal with… this before.”
‘This’ could be the decision to live together or something more—a partner to choose things with, perhaps. Even though you were in your early thirties, Bucky knew he was the first man who managed to properly keep your attention for longer than months, so he nods along, waiting for you to continue.
When he looks up to find your eyes waiting for his, Bucky pauses.
The fork stills, suspended in the path between his half-finished plate and his mouth, and Bucky’s lips part.
The way you look at him. It could tear him apart from limb to limb or sew him back together. It could put all of his dusty particles and glue them into something solid again.
“It was quite easy,” he admits. It had been. As easy as enrolling once was, a decision so simple and so factual. “Deciding to retire.”
This time it’s you who turns into stone.
Bucky’s heart pounds in his chest despite his certainty that his decision was a good thing. While your brain catches up with his words Bucky can feel the prickling in his neck, and your whisper of, “What?” is what pulls the strings on the corner of his lips.
His smile makes you come out of your stupor.
“Retirement. Not working anymore—well, I’d never lie to you and say I’ll never ever work for Fury again. I told him he could call for consults any time he’d like but since all he had to say was ‘sure thing, Barnes, if I need a tip on how to be broody or how to make a Captain America listen to me you’re the first one on my list’ I think those calls will come rarely. If ever.”
The clink of your fork dropping and your chair being pushed back is all the notice he has before Bucky has a lap full of you.
He laughs inside your hold—the hands that always cup his cheeks and thread through his now much shorter hair.
The strands of white in his hair now pull your look away from his eyes sometimes; you loved the white, as much as you loved Bucky’s everything, and that’s why it was so damn easy.
“I’m not sure what to say,” your voice trembles, so Bucky squeezes you.
“Hmm—‘thank god, it’s about damn time’?”
Making you laugh means his day was successful. “Bucky!”
“What? It’s what almost everyone said.”
“Well, I’m not everyone—”
“Clearly,” he makes a point of pushing you closer to his body, and gets some giggles in return.
“and… I—I wasn’t expecting that.” It softens him how you’re melting to the news. “I just…” your eyes pierce through his, diving deep into the blue. “Are you sure about this, James?”
Bucky could say he’s as sure of this as he is of the fact he wants to hear you say his name like that at an altar.
He could say he’s as sure as he is of the fact he loves you and he’s ready to live a life, not just fight for it, but that would make you cry, and truthfully, all Bucky wants is more of your smiles and perhaps you for dessert.
“Never been more sure.”
Growing older turned out to be fun. It turned out to be lascivious, and whimsical. It meant having dinner with the person he loved, sharing good news, and then ending the night by making the neighbors hear how well he eats what is good.
All Bucky ever wanted was to find someone as crazy as him, and willing to live life with some good in it.
He found even better—he found you.
So given the teachings he’s had over the past years, he decides to do something for himself before his time as James Barnes runs out— Bucky has fun.
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
So teach me - Sergio Perez x Trainee F1 Rookie! Reader
Plot: Sergio wants to take a year or two out leaving an open seat in Red Bull and who better for Christian Horner to get besides Red Bull is the Red Bull Trainee who was there reserve driver last year and has been training for this moment.
Credit to dancingmushu for the GIF
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"Sergio, are you serious?" Christian asks his second Red Bull member, Sergio had just come to him telling him he wouldn’t be renewing his contract with Red Bull and that he felt 2025 was a good time to take some earned leave from the sport. and not fully retire he had requested to be a mentor for the youth Red Bull drivers. Before he took time with his family, he knew he'd come back in a year or two, but as of now his family were where he needed to be at.
“Yes, I’m being serious. I want to spend more time with my family” he admits. It was getting draining, the travelling back and forth and not seeing his wife and children for weekends on end.
“Okay, but I’m putting you with the hardest piece of work you’ll ever meet in Motorsports, she’s driven to succeed and is a phenomenal driver but she has … well let’s just say she isn’t the easiest person to get along with and she’s put us all through hell. So if you are serious about this, that's who you have to mentor. She's quite frankly the only person I trust to take your place" Christian said, already thinking about how the hell they are going to announce the new line up for 2025.
It was lucky really, Audi were coming onto the scope in 2026, and there was talk that they were keen on giving you a seat since you were doing so well. So maybe this was actually a good thing, as it scared Christian more thinking of you in an Audi than Sergio out of a Red Bull.
"She's in the back, you can go meet her" he advises pointing a pen towards the garage where they stored different components and the spare wheels.
He walked through looking for someone that would potentially be this absolute piece of work that Christian had made you out to be. You from the way described were clearly on the younger agenda of the grid and he knew communicating with you may be hard because of that but what he didn't expect was a complete and utter lunatic.
He took one look at you and assumed you were basically feral, you had your helmet on, stereo in hand walking towards the garage where his and Max's cars were banging your head to the loud and aggressive music.
"Oh lord" Sergio breathes out looking at you, already knowing this would be a long 3 months of him training you.
"Y/N please turn that down! We're trying to work" one of the engineers working on the car complains as he puts the power drill down on the edge, not wanting to mess anything up.
"Arghhh fine Marcino, but you know you love my music" you grinned taking your helmet off. Your curly hair came falling out around it, in messy knots.
"Y/N?" Sergio calls out and looks over to you, he steps forward into the garage and smiles at you extending a hand. You shake it, clearly you had some kind of manners and decorum, he couldn't help but think.
"What's up old man?" you stifle a laugh trying to look as serious as possible.
"Old man? I'm only 34!" he exclaims looking at his hands to see if he could in fact pass himself off as an old man.
"Well, old to me" you smirk, picking up the bottle of squash you'd left on the workbench earlier, taking a quick swig from it.
"So, long story short. This old man is going on leave for a year or two and retire..." he starts trying to explain his situation to you.
"Oh so you are old old" you laugh giving him a pointed look.
"No- look let me finish, I'm retiring my car for a few seasons and for whatever reason Christian Horner wants you to take my seat, but before you do that I'm going to be training you" he offers and you place a hand on your hip, almost daring him to continue.
"And why may i ask do i need you to train me for this?" you asks, obviously you knew he was good at his job. It was Sergio Perez stood in front of you but that didn't mean your demeanor was up to slip and slide and make you look like an incompetent nobody.
"Come on, surly even you know that. I'm the only Red Bull in the last few years that has been able to keep up with Verstappen, you wanna give into the pressure like Gasly and Albon or do you want me to show you how to drive on par with the current world champion" he asks crossing his arms like a strict parent.
"God jheez alright. What do you want? You want me doing pressup's or neck training. Or time testing. Or you wanting me to show you how i can drive?" you ask looking at him.
"You think Christian flew you out to Abu Dhabi as a special guest? No your our test drive for tonight in free practice and you'll be driving my car with Verstappen"
"Oh its on" you say. The engineers step back observing the car.
"Go get into the suit Christian left for you, it'll be your first Red Bull racing suit" he says patting your back making you shrug off.
"Don't touch me bro" you say giving him the side eye before going and changing into your fireproofs and your suit. Navy blue looked good on you, you left with the Red Bull cap covering the face and walking back out to where Sergio had left you.
"You want some help getting in or?" Sergio asks awkwardly, looking at you as you walked round the car, a finger swiping around the halo as you got closer.
"Woah, I can drive the car I just cant get in it alone... that's really interesting how have i survived this long in motorsports its insane" you admit, looking over the car. One of the engineers hands you over your own helmet that someone had made look a little bit more like that off a Red Bull Driver.
"Alright enough with that sarcasm okay?" he frowns, he hands you the steering wheel and you place it in the car, you feel about getting familiar with it.
"Are you ready?" he asks slapping the visor down.
"Yeah" you smile, nodding at him.
You pull out onto the track, Verstappen pulled out after you which felt odd having a World Champion behind you on the track.
"Right, first lap do as normal get a lay for the track and what the car feels like. Then we can do a flying lap" the engineer advises.
You do as he says, testing the track. Your tires were good and the car felt powerful. You come around and some of the others pit, meaning its time for your flying lap.
"Push the car to the max without fucking it for Sergio okay?" the engineer offers, you chuckle a little into the radio finding it funny.
"Why put me in the damn car if you think im going to wreck it, no trust in me whatsoever" you frown, shaking you head a little before putting your foot down.
You were an amazing driver, however it seemed to most that you were fearless and a rather aggressive driver. Suitable to be able to match Max's driving style, however as a rookie you still had your mistakes and over or under judgements that in races would cost you places and potentially put you at risk.
You managed to complete two flying laps by the timer had run out for FP1.
"What are the positions?" you ask.
"Oscar in first, your in second and George in third" making you gasp in shock, you knew you'd drive quick but you didn't think it was top 3.
"Where did you learn to drive like that" Sergio asks you as you hopped out the car. You pull your helmet off and then your balaclava your hair falling around your face in a mess of tangled curls.
"Practice, by watching races? Why?" you say not really sure what else to say. You'd never had like a specific mentor, it was just the radio engineer and the team you were with giving you pointers in the debriefs on how to improve.
"You take angles that you shouldn't far to tight, making your tire management awful. Your aggressive and nearly took out Lando today, because he was slower on the straight. You have lots to learn" he admits crossing your arms. You got to argue back, having disagreed with the prior statements but you knew that would get you nowhere.
"So teach me..." you say leaning against his car.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @peachiicherries
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sourbinnie · 11 months
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☆ trying ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> heavy angst ; no happy ending ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> maknae line!skz + sibling!reader (gender neutral) ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> your brother failed you and now it was too late to redeem it. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
hyung line
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-> the scenario
remembering was hard to you, thinking about the old days just didn’t seem right. it was a different life, a different air and a different kind of worry you had. you enjoyed your brother’s company a lot when you were younger, he was your best friend even if he was older than you. you had a strong bond (or that’s what you thought), a connection that you didn’t find anywhere else and when he hugged you, you felt protected like nothing could hurt you.
growing up always leads to people changing through time. so when you started to drift away from him, you knew things weren’t going to go exactly how you wanted them to be. you really did try to keep the relationship you formed with him going but it was no use when it was all one sided. that still didn’t stop you from trying even if you would leave empty handed, you just wanted to tell him how much he meant to you and you wanted to keep on supporting him. it was safe to say that only brought out fights since he didn’t want you there in the first place and when you’re in your teenage years, you really don’t know how to solve things without fighting.
when he started being a trainee, it was worse. you could handle him not wanting you there and making a fuss about it, you couldn’t handle the silence though. you couldn’t handle the cold shoulder every time he saw you or the way he couldn’t even look at you. even worse was the fact that you barely saw him because of how much time he spent at the jyp building training and when he debuted, he never told you. he told the rest of your family of course but you had to find out through your mom. no message popped up on your phone, no phone call, nothing, it was radio silence and you were done.
it was easy to say that if he wasn’t gonna put in his part as your brother, then you were not gonna be his little brother/sister anymore. it was too late to fix anything, especially the mess he created in the first place. it was unfair and you didn’t feel like putting up a fight anymore.
jisung ✉
he still fondly remembers when he chased you around, when he read to you and when you took his toys away. now as an adult stepping into his old house, he felt like home wasn't where he belonged anymore just because he lost the connection he used to have with you. he loved his older brother to death and he still had contact with him yet he knew it would never be the same for the two of you.
even if he tried to redeem it now (which he wanted to of course), he felt lost in even knowing how to take the approach. how do you talk to someone who you haven't spoken to since you were teenagers? the last time he remembers having a proper conversation with you was so long ago and yet the memory still lives in his mind because that's where it all went down.
"(y/n) hey..." he said and that's all he could come up with when he saw you in the living room. his suitcase next to him at the entrance door as you looked at him up and down. it wasn't a judging stare, more like an "i don't care about you" look and if those eyes didn't hurt then he knew your words would.
"oh hi, i'll be leaving soon so don't mind me." you said and he did notice you were all dressed up to go out. he sighed since the least thing that he wanted right now was for you to leave but at the same time if you stayed it wouldn't be easy to talk. he missed the comfort atmosphere you two had and the way you would listen to each other.
"can we talk? when you get back of course." he asked and clarified which made you look at him confused. there was nothing to talk about from your part, you were done with seeing him and you were gonna try to avoid him for as long as he stayed.
"i don't think that would be good." you said as you got up to head out the door but jisung was right there and you couldn't pass. his big eyes looking at you, pleading you to just have one conversation with him but you weren't gonna give in at all. "please jisung, i am handling enough with just seeing you right now."
"why are you like this? i really wanna fix it and you're not helping. i wanna be your brother again, i'm done acting like we're strangers." he exclaimed frustrated and that only made you boil with anger because he clearly was only thinking about himself and how much he was the one trying but when you were the one trying to keep it alive, he ignored you.
"fuck off really. you were the one who started acting like we were nothing and now you want to be back in my life? i am good, thank you." you said, giving him a sarcastic smile as you moved him out of the way and went out. he could only stare at you as you walked away, it felt like you were walking away from his life forever and that only left the worst feeling on his chest.
felix ✉
he really did feel like he fucked everything up. he had the best relationship with his sisters, why didn't he have it with you? you were the closest to him at one point and now you were basically like a ghost in his life. he didn't call you, didn't text you, didn't see you and didn't even hear from you. his whole family knew about the situation you two were going through yet none of them made a move to help because they knew how stubborn you two were.
"why are you here?" you asked as you stepped out of work. his stubborn nature was still there but he wanted to put in the effort, he wanted to solve the tension and recover his sibling. that's all he needed in his life right now to be happy since everything was going so well but he couldn't feel like everything was good if he didn't have you.
"i thought i could come pick you up. i should've told you i'm back in australia for a couple of days but-" he tried to explain but you cut him off before he could finish.
"you forgot just like you forgot about me this entire time, yeah." you said and that made him almost run out of air because it took everything from him. he started to understand that you were not the stubborn one, that you were hurt by his actions and you wanted to stay away from him because of it. who was he to blame you? he left you in the dark and now he was facing the consequences.
"(y/n) i'm sorry. it's too late to apologize i know but i really wanna make things right now and i missed you like crazy. i'm now realizing that what i did was very wrong of me and i would take it back if i could." he said in between mumbles and it did make you feel like he was being honest. but like he said, it was really too late for apologies and for being sorry when you moved on. 
"you're now realizing? after so many years? i waited for you to call that day and you never did." you said with tears in your eyes that were spilling like waterfalls. he couldn't stand seeing you cry and he couldn't place when exactly you were expecting him to call which only made him feel like a worse brother. "i hope you'll be happy but it's not gonna be with me in your life."
he let you walk away because what else was he supposed to do? then he remembered what you were talking about. the day he debuted, he called his mom, his dad, his sisters and he didn't call you. he didn't feel pathetic for crying in a parking lot, he just felt broken.
seungmin ✉
he did try to see you, that's what he was thinking about right now. he told his parents and older sister to tell you to come to one of his concerts, he really wanted you there because it had been so long that he felt like this would be a good chance to reconnect. needless to say he didn't see you backstage when his parents came in with his sister but there was no presence of you up close.
at first he thought maybe you were just arriving late or something happened. but when he asked, he got the dreaded response from his sister that you had said no and decided to stay home. it hurt knowing that you weren't gonna be there when he needed your presence out there and you could say that made him a little mad. maybe he was being irrational but it felt like you were pushing him away when all he wanted was to fix things.
"(y/n) why aren't you here?" he asked over the phone when he was in his dressing room with little to no time left for him to be on stage. he should be rehearsing, resting his vocals but he was instead calling you because he needed an answer.
"why should i be? i'm not your sibling anymore." you said as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet and it only made him confused. okay yeah you had a period of time where you did not speak to each other (or he didn't speak to you to put in better words) but he would never stop considering you his sibling.
"what the fuck are you saying? of course you are. if this is about what happened when we were younger, we need to put it behind and let it go because i can't deal with that anymore." he said and he knew he chose his words in a harsh way but he was so done at the moment. he didn't know that by saying that, he only made you want to distance yourself from him even more.
"it's so easy for you to say that when you don't know what you put me through. i cared about you so much and i looked up to you but now i'm just so done with you and i don't want to see you ever again." you said as you hung up leaving a shocked seungmin that almost dropped his phone. it made him want to cry, to protest, to throw something at the wall.
he did ruin it for good this time, he should've never called and never invited you. not because he was angry but because he just made it worse every time, he dug himself deeper into a hole because he just would never be the brother you deserved.
jeongin ✉
when you're constantly being treated like you're the youngest, you sometimes forget you're the oldest in some contexts. he definitely knew he was a role model to his younger brother and that his older brother was proud of him but all he cared about nowadays as he thought more and more about it, was your opinion about him. you didn't see him with loving eyes anymore and the more time he stayed in his old house with his family, the more he wanted to leave. not because he didn't feel at home anymore but because he just couldn't take the tension.
"(y/n) i need to talk to you." he said as he walked in your room, he didn't even bother knocking on the door. he needed to get everything off his chest before he left and regretted not doing anything about your relationship. he hadn't spoken to you in so long that he almost stumbled on his words.
"i really don't wanna talk jeongin." there was no more innie and jeo, it was just his name out of your mouth like it didn't mean a thing. you weren't even looking at him and a sense of shame built up in him because he was just so sad, so embarrassed to have been the worst brother to you.
"i know but i'm gonna go tomorrow and i feel like i need to say this before i blow up." he expressed and now you were looking at him waiting for an answer. he thought ot the words on his head just like he processed lyrics so many times on stage and let them out. "i want to say that i'm sorry about everything. i failed you as a brother and as a friend, we were so close before and now i'm wondering if we could be close again. i miss spending time with you and i'm sad that we didn't get to talk all this time that i've been here."
"we can't." you said calmly and he looked at you confused. "we can't be close again because i am better off not waiting on you. even now i almost had hope that you would try to approach me sooner but you're doing this when you're leaving."
"i didn't want to upset you or make you feel uncomfortable." he tried to reason but you just shook your head. it was so obvious to you that if you did fix things now, you would be left in the dark again when he went back to his idol life again and would forget all about you.
"well it was the worst week so far. it reminded me of when you were training and you wouldn't even talk to me." you said and he remembers that all too well, it left a print on his mind as he tried not to think about it but knew it was all he would think about. "please get out jeongin, i would rather not talk to you anymore."
and he did as you asked, he got out of your room and out of your life. he would have to live with the guilt of never being able to repair the bond that he once formed with his little sibling.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
"I AM HERE" (Yandere Modern CEO! Alhaitham/Reader)
a/n: btw, the logo's made by Esther anon!!! ❤️ Thank you so much!!!! Ily!!!
Unreliable Synopsis: You got recruited as Alhaitham's assistant... But honestly? You'd rather be a damn idol producer.
Mother of Klee, Alice's note: We (Our cutie pie Lumine and I) just wanted you to know that it wasn't our idea to make you Alhaitham's assistant, ✾... That's all! I'll have Barbara pray for you every Sunday <3
Yandere Idol!1k event masterlist
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You didn't get the job.
Technically you did get to work for the company, but you still didn't get the job. It's a strange predicament, truly. It would be comparable to learning how to prepare fried eggs in a culinary class and then being informed that you must serve medium-rare steak with sauce for the test.
Yes. You didn't become an idol's producer.
But anyone can imagine the kind of stress you're under when you found out you were hired as the CEO's assistant.
"Ohohoho, a lost guest! It's always nice to see a new face around here! Can I get you something to drink? I promise you can trust me!" A man approached you with two bottles of iced coffee.
You raised an eyebrow, clumsily scratching your neck. 
The taller blonde man beside him sighed exasperatedly. "I don't think anyone in their right mind would accept drinks coming from..."
An idol wearing a weird bonnet? Yeah.
"Geez, trainee, what's with that look? I don't spike drinks. Is that sooo hard to believe?"
"You're Kaveh and you're Venti of 5wirl, aren't you?" It's clear to you who they were after that brief exchange.
"Yep yep!!!" He does a tiny little finger-gun gesture. "The one and only– wait a minute, that's Itto's line."
"S-Sorry to bother you, but I'm quite lost right now..." You stuttered. "If you could lead me to CEO Alhaitham's office, that would be fantastic."
"Aaaahh, so YOU'RE (Y/n)! We heard rumors that you're going to work as that idiot Alhaitham's assistant, is that true?"
Your nose scrunched. Sadly, that does seem to be the case based on TeyvatPro's employees' behavior towards you.
Venti gave you a look of pity, "maybe you'd have a good life if he wasn't the CEO and a cum laude Akademiyan graduate. Unfortunately for you, that guy is both."
But you're also an Akademiyan graduate...
"That bastard's an absolute numbers guy for a linguistics major, if I were you, I'd purposefully bomb that interview," Kaveh said.
Venti shrugged. "Do you even have to try? I'd crumble if I'm stuck with him in a room for more than an hour. He probably got that attitude from his seniors."
But based on the magazine you've read, you were a senior when Alhaitham was a freshman...
"Yeah, yeah, we get it. Enough slander, Venti." Kaveh scoffed. "Like, hello? I was Alhaitham's senior you prick!"
You perked up. "Oh? What did you major in?"
Kaveh gazes at you proudly. "Architecture."
You raised a hand and you shared a quick high-five. "Nice! I love to idle around St. Deshret's building back then--"
"Aaaaaaaalright nerds, we're here!!!"
Venti loudly announced, bowing in front of the door.
A closed door, huh? There are unspoken things about doors when it comes to superiors. It's a pseudo-science that when a superior's door is always open, they value employer-employee relationships and are willing to hear out inquiries. Considering how Sir Alhaitham's closed...
Well... You shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill.
A pink-haired lady opened the door.
"There you are, little one. Come, wait inside."
"We didn't expect someone like you to apply here. Your GPA is astoundingly high– what exactly made you want to apply here?"
The money and the location, but mostly the former. You had a similar salary before your old company faced bankruptcy, but the workplace here has some pretty decent coffee and a nice dental plan. Those standards may be low but at least they weren't nonexistent like your newbie self's preservation skills. 
Miss Miko smiled slyly.
"You know what, don't answer." She said. "The boss should emerge in 3... 2... 1..." 
You heard the door open, but you can't see who it was yet since a bookshelf was blocking your view. 
"Well then, I'll be taking my leave~." The ex-idol giggled. "Farewell, little one."
Of course, it was none other than the CEO himself. Alhaitham walked to his desk, ignoring Miss Miko as he sat down, which amplified your nervousness. He's known as a genius businessman for a good reason. With a demeanor imbued with confidence and wit, his face glows in a rather youthful light. 
"I'm certain you've deduced why I called you here."
You're wary of how his cologne smelled like money. He smells like he's trying to prove something to you. 
"Y-Yes, sir, but I don't think I'd be fit to be your assistant–"
"That's right. You're still incompetent." He deadpanned, "I'm only hiring you because you have neat handwriting, and based on Lumine's analysis, you're something of a realist. My criteria are usually stricter than that."
You know little regarding the full business Alhaitham conducts, but if his standards helped him stay as the CEO instead of Madam Alice, it must be a challenging one.
"But...?" You droned.
"W-Why me, then?"
Alhaitham scoffed, "there's no use explaining more than half of my reasonings to you. Let's just say I enjoy how you're something of an odd one out. Uniqueness as an asset is something I value, especially in this industry."
"If I'm not worthy, then may I propose that I'll only be a temporary assistant until you find a suitable idol for me? O-only if you'd allow it, of course."
He raised an eyebrow, not expecting those words from you.
"You're seriously determined to be an idol's producer?"
"I am."
"Even when being MY assistant provides better benefits?"
"Yes, sir."
"How stupidly honest. No, scratch that off the record: you're stupid AND honest." 
You laughed uncomfortably. You're not sure why you're so direct with the CEO. Being straightforward with your potential employer is quite a welcome change from your usual practice of masking your true thoughts with formalities. You usually keep your opinions to yourself, but his mere presence implores you to speak frankly.
"I know that look." He said. "You notice it too, right? We communicate rather naturally for an employer-employee relationship."
"Yes, sir. It's a bit strange."
"Hmm. If you look deep within your past, you wouldn't think it's strange at all."
What does he mean by that? 
Alhaitham reached his hand out. He smirked as you accepted his handshake.
His strong grip feels oddly familiar... You would think that you've known him from somewhere but you are still an Akademiya graduate. You need more evidence to support that gut feeling of yours.
"I like you. Let's get along for the next 5 years."
"Until you find a suitable idol for me." You answered without malice.
His face clenched slightly.
"Sure. Until you no longer need this company."
At that time, you should've noted that there's a difference between those two sentences.
"I AM HERE." Your phone spoke in an AI voice.
It's been a long time since you had your first encounter with Kaveh & Venti and that interview with Alhaitham. Nowadays, you work hard to please the latter. 
You opened your phone. TeyvatPro's app logo is a heart-shaped leaf, but it's anything but natural and comforting. It's corporate and cold. The AKASHA - Device Policy app served as a reminder that you've long abandoned your old job and entered a new business environment.
You miss your old boss. You miss your old colleagues.  
You looked around, unfazed. It's just one of many features the AKASHA app has; it allows Alhaitham to make your phone speak whenever he's searching for you. Since you're usually around wherever he is, this tracker sufficed.
The door opened. You committed the painful error of fulfilling his demands at an ungodly hour of the night, and now Alhaitham has sent you more tasks.
Alhaitham pocketed his phone after seeing you. He just used it to make your phone ring. The AKASHA app doesn't allow you to silence his calls. It'll only stop saying "I AM HERE" once your boss turns it off.
"Mx. (Y/n)."
"Here are the files, sir." 
Miffed at the exasperation in your boss's tone, you cast your eyes downwards as you passed his folder. However, you have to face him head on or he'll begin his streak of "professional" insults. 
You won't let him run his mouth just yet. "Would that be all?"
Alhaitham didn't look like he was in his best mood. As he looked through the folder, skimming through each page with hawk-like eyes, you noticed two strange papers on his desk.
Is that... your file?
"S-Sir, permission to speak?"
"Why is my resume on your desk?" You showed your best poker face because you knew that your next words aren't pleasant. 
"Am I fired?"
Alhaitham spoke immediately, not looking up to face you. "You're uncharacteristically confrontational. Is it because it's 2 in the morning?"
He's wrong about the hour– you're always begrudgingly bending your schedule for your bosses– but he's right about your "lack of spine." However, while you don't need another ulcer, you need this job.
Alhaitham continued, now sporting a more pronounced frown.
"How did you arrive at such a conclusion? I took you as my assistant for good reasons and your groundless inference shames this company."
"I... Pardon?" Rude.
"Perhaps it was wrong for me to assume that you possessed a greater aptitude for critical thinking," Alhaitham spoke sardonically. "Take a look at the desk again. The reason why your resume is there should be obvious."
"Is that right?..."
You glanced at his desk again, gaining unspoken permission to touch and move papers on your boss's desk. When you did, the underlying reason became apparent.
Kaveh's file is also on his desk.
With nowhere to turn, you came up with a single hypothesis.
"Does... Does this mean..." 
You beamed a wonderful smile at your boss, unable back your excitement. "Does this mean I'll be reassigned as Kaveh's producer?!"
He smirked.
Unbeknownst to you, Alhaitham was pleased as you started associating his motivations with another cause entirely. 
You grabbed Kaveh's resume, grinning from ear to ear as you fan your face. "Holy. Oh my God. I'll finally be an idol's producer!"
"Kaveh is still a trainee," Alhaitham replied but you didn't hear him.
There's no better fit for you to work with than someone as theatric as Kaveh. Visual kei, rock, disco– it makes virtually no difference what Kaveh's idol genre will be; you don't care as long as it sounds nice! In addition to being the only noisy members of the "ABC" or "Alhaitham Bashing Coalition," you both graduated from Akademiya, thus it's impossible for you two to not be close friends. 
"I've never seen a person this happy for getting a downgrade."
"Then clearly you don't know what it's like for people who abandoned their engineering careers to pursue art."
"No. No, I don't." Alhaitham said, picking up more folders in his drawer. "Send this to Miss Minci down the first floor and you'll be excused for the day."
As you should've been in the first place. Today was a Sunday.
"Of course! Thank you so much, sir Alhaitham!"
He nodded, uninterested.
"Don't forget to close the door on your way out." 
"I'm taking Kaveh off the list."
"No, it's nothing personal– never mind. Yes, it is. Alice, I can't tolerate it. If I could swap out Venti for Scaramouche on 5wirl, I would. They're too enmeshed with my assistant's business. They don't know (Y/n) any longer than I have, yet they act like they've been friends with them since they were young while they can barely recall who I am."
"I've looked at Kaveh's file and honestly, only an idiot would miss that he wants to join TeyvatProductions to spite me. He knows my history with (Y/n). He knows what I did to their old company."
"... Hah. Please. They're not going to resign. I listen to their phone calls– they're not going to leave until they pay off their student loans and other debts."
You swallowed dryly. By now you were supposed to be at home, but Miss Minci instructed you to return Alhaitham's folder with her revisions and now you can't help but listen while hiding behind the bookshelf in morbid curiosity.
Consequently, you are now hearing sounds that were not intended for your ears.
"... (Y/n)? A pet?"
Alhaitham laughed.
A pet...?
Your breath hitched as you recalled a conversation you had with Venti months prior.
"Haven't you ever wondered why the big boss never takes his earphone out?"
Whenever you two are alone together, Venti makes sure you turn off your phone when speaking to him. You never understood the reason why before this talk.
"Seriously?" Venti blew a raspberry. "Bullshit– ain't no way. You've never thought that, hmm, maybe he's listening to our conversations? Not even once?"
Alhaitham looks at you like an ant lining up in a row: with clear indifference and little regard, yet he is confident that you serve a purpose no matter how insignificant it may be. You noticed that the ability to exercise control matters to him. Alhaitham is obsessed with omniscience in the most subtle way. He is slightly despised by his people, therefore he used you as a subpar pawn to observe their behavior.
Deep down, you know he has no need for an assistant; you're only here to boost his pride. Hence, you tossed that hypothesis out the window.
"No, I doubt he has the time for that." You said after contemplating.
"Gosh, you're naive," Venti sighed. "You're book smart but not street smart, aren't you?"
"C'mon, just admit it, (Y/n)," the idol frowned.
"Isn't it obvious that Alhaitham's keeping you like a pet?"
So that's what you are.
Now that you overheard Alhaitham's phone call, everything pieced itself together and it terrifies you.
"They're not a pet to me. They were once my mentor–" Alhaitham muttered.
You took a step back.
He must've heard that.
You didn't mean to snoop around. You're not a bad person. You just wanted to drop a few more folders. You didn't mean to eavesdrop–
"... (Y/n), are you there?"
You didn't breathe as you continued hiding behind the bookshelf.
You can't handle this right now. Confrontations are something you do not trust yourself with. 
You stole a glance at Alhaitham as if seeing him for the first time. There sat a man with a veneer of calm. A man you've never met before.
"... Hmph."
Alhaitham pulled out his phone.
His face, his smirk, his breathing... they're now entirely alien to you.
Your phone rang.
Your blood froze.
Anxiety coursed through your veins, not to recede but to possess. Your reaction is almost immediate yet his impinged movements served to make your heart run faster. You propel your heels to the door in a noisy attempt to leave even while you heard his chair drag against the floor, making his way toward you effortlessly. 
Then his cold hand was clamped above yours, holding you and the doorknob with intense firmness.
You trembled.
His grip feels like deja vu.
"There you are. Why are you still here, my assistant?" 
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ANSYTEA: hehe thank you ✾ anon for joining the 1k event <333!!!
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stoically · 1 year
“Besides, your still a nun. Aren’t you?”
This line comes when Father Vincent attempts to join Beatrice and Ava in the van and Beatrice says no. Ava says she doesn’t trust him either but it’s better for their mission that he comes. Then she drops this line before reminding Beatrice that forgive is kind of her job. 
Proof that Ava’s salty over Beatrice turning down her ‘let’s run away’ plan. 
This season starts with Ava rearing to fight Adriel. She wants to get (back) into it. When one of Adriel’s cultists says she can’t run away from his light she shoves the guy so hard he goes flying. In public. That scene’s set up to show that Ava has changed. She’s no longer the irreverent civilian she was. She’s the Warrior Nun. In action not just in halo. So much so that she almost blows herself up when their initial plan to put the crown on Adriel fails. 
It’s not just Beatrice’s faith that was shaken by that fight. It was also Ava’s. She fell back into the old pattern of survival that she knew. Slightly different, though, because she wanted Bea to run with her. Which brings us to Beatrice’s faith (which is her business, as a nun). This whole season Beatrice’s character arc is figuring out how to be herself (how to live) without relying on the expectations of perfection in a role. Beatrice knows how to be perfect in a role. She’s way less certain how to be herself (and have that be enough for others and herself).
Except when they finally did return to the role that Beatrice can excel at, she fails. Epically. She (thinks she) gets her friend killed by her actions. Worse, the friend who was a trainee under her (Camila), who she was supposed to be looking out for. Along with Yasmine, who was not a Sister Warrior and Beatrice would assume she was also supposed to look out for. And she actively stopped the action that (might) have stopped Adriel. She failed so hard at being a Sister Warrior it was practically treason (in her mind). 
It wasn’t until that moment where her mission as a Sister Warrior was exactly opposite her feelings for Ava. With no time to think, Beatrice chose Ava. When she does have time to think, she regrets it. Not because she regrets saving Ava. Ava brings this up. Ava very pointedly says if Beatrice did what she ‘should’ have done to rescue Camila and Yasmine and the world, Ava would be dead. Beatrice ignores this. Doesn’t even go there. What Beatrice regrets is not being good enough to both do what she should have done (save everyone) and what she wanted to do (save Ava). This calls back to Bea’s first scene this season  and Ava saying “you know, you don’t have to be so perfect all the time”. In this moment, Beatrice’s greatest crisis of faith is between that part of her that hoped Ava was right and that part of her that feared Ava was wrong. Beatrice has no idea how to reconcile those parts. Other than doing what she’s always done, throw herself harder into the role given to her. No matter what it costs her. 
After the whole mind bending Crown of Thorns experience Ava appears a whole lot calmer about what she decided (did she though??). She approaches Beatrice in the van and makes a (kinda awkward) joke. “You look like you could Aikido someone into submission”. Only to get shot down with Beatrice’s “don’t test me then.”
Of course, Ava then proceeds to test Beatrice by saying Father Vincent (y’know, the guy who betrayed her and who directly killed one of Beatrice’s best friends and was tangentially responsible for the death of two others as well as releasing Adriel, that guy) was coming with them on their last ditch effort to save the world. NBD I guess. Beatrice immediately says no. Says she doesn’t trust him. Offers all the logical, mission centric reasons why this should not be allowed. Ava out logics her mission centric reasoning. Then proves she’s still salty (as much as she loves her nun wife) by practically saying “you want to be a nun? Then be a nun.” Very ‘you made your bed, now sleep in it.’ 
Ava very much wants to help Beatrice’s journey to loving herself, to being herself. And not just for the potential sexy times rewards. She thinks Beatrice is awesome and beautiful and wants Beatrice to think that too. She sometimes also gets very frustrated at how Beatrice hides behind duty to such a hypocritical degree (eg: becoming the boss after a month but Ava’s not allowed to blow their cover, being jealous of guys Ava talks to and calling it protection, pretending like she wouldn’t make the same call to save Ava). 
Which I think is why the scene where Ava’s dying after defeating Adriel is so important. Ava tells Beatrice to take the halo. Beatrice says no. Lilith offers a way to save Ava that means Earth looses the halo. Beatrice says yes. Beatrice has time to think (at least more than a split second reaction). She still chooses Ava. Living isn’t about Beatrice not fighting, it’s about Beatrice being true to herself. And the first step Beatrice took to that was choosing Ava.
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foxhopfics · 2 months
Jason Todd as a Fox instead of a Bat
Request for anon! I took a little bit to turn this over in my brain because the timeline for aftg is so tight and Jason's timelines are... All over the place. So for reference purposes, I'm calling this an AU where after coming back from the Lazarus pit, he was still trained by Ra's Al Ghul and Talia, however instead of returning to Gotham to become the Red Hood, he takes a detour, quits his life of crime, and signs up for exy. (It's a bit of a stretch but I think I make it work. This also lowkey made me end up shipping Kevin and Jason) I'm putting this under a readmore because it accidentally got SUPER long
Jason was first introduced to exy as a pastime sport the trainees from the league of assassins would play. It's good for endurance training, muscle building, etc. etc. and it seemed like a good outlet, so he gave it a shot
His portfolio, much like Neil's, came in the form of a video. He copied and stole the security camera footage from the court they used.
As he gets more into exy he also starts to learn about the teams that are out there and kind of realizes he's not doomed to a life of crime. He can escape this, if he's smart.
And the Foxes are an underdog team. Not many eyes will be on them, so it will be easier to remain hidden if anyone comes looking for him.
The next week, he gets an acceptance email from the school, and a "welcome to the team, see you in a month!" message from a man named David Wymack
(Little did Jason know David would become more of a father to him than Bruce ever was.)
Things aren't exactly rough when he gets there, but he's definitely lived in more pleasant places. The dorm rooms are just fine by him, but the other members of the exy team make him jumpy
Most of them ignore him at first, and he kindly reciprocates.
They get along well enough in practice, Jason preferring to use his larger stature to play a good, solid defense. He's great at planting himself in the way of the oncoming strikers, and they always underestimate his speed because of his size.
(He was always taught to defend and protect, after all...)
It's not until about the events of TFC when Neil starts to bring the team together that Jason really starts to get to know everyone. Kind of reluctantly, since he was happy being on his own with a provided cover story.
But Neil pushes and he gives like a broken dam. There's still that little kid somewhere stuck in there that wishes someone would just care for him.
Eventually he starts to open up on his own to the others, ending up really connecting with Kevin. Kevin and him were both raised by men who wanted the best from them, expected no less, and met disappointment with hard, frozen stairs.
Jason could count on his fingers the times Bruce had smiled at him or told him "good job". Kevin couldn't even name one time the Moriyamas ever did.
And as he opens up he begins to see his family in the faces of his new friends. He sees the bubbly positivity in Nicky that reminds him of Steph. He's hearing the same logical calculations that Tim would make come from Aaron's mouth instead. He sees Dick in every move Matt makes, both of them born for teamwork and support. He sees a flicker of Renee out of the corner of his eye and for a second can swear it's Cass.
While he tells him the things that have happened to them, they're met with stunned silence. But honestly, Jason is grateful for everyone to accept it and go, considering Neil's past is still chasing him. Jason's isn't, at least, not right now
It's not until after the first time Kevin and Jason end up in bed together and they're both shirtless that it really hits them both how fucked up they are. Both their bodies are littered with scars and old injuries.
But there is love and care in healing damaged things and Kevin traces his fingers along the angry lichtenberg scars left by the Lazarus pit.
Anyway they are shortly interrupted by the mob coming after Neil and Jason is basically like "jesus i could take care of this in 0.5 seconds but im not a murderer anymore and Matt has accidentally instilled a moral compass in me"
and then Neil gets fucking KIDNAPPED? and everyone gets roughed up by the crowed and gets taken to the hospital except for Jason who actually kept track of Neil during all this madness knowing there were literal people coming for him and his Vigilante Senses turned on.
NYWAY he tracks Neil to Nathan's hideout and he's basically the one who called it in because he's used to having to do such things from his time as Robin.
Basically Jason would take the place of Neil's uncle because where the fuck did HE even come from and this works better imo.
I decided I didn't want Jason to change much in the story because with his past and ESPECIALLY his time in the league of assassins, he could very easily become an OP Deus Ex Machina instead of a character in a story with ups and downs. But this also made me want to a) rewrite the whole series but i do NOT have time to do that. but also b) i may end up writing a more in depth fic about Jason and Kevin and if that accidentally evolves into a series then WHOOPS! Anyway hope you enjoyed!
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foodsies4me · 2 months
The Fearsome Four
Alright so it seems that more than one person wants a list so here we go with the first four trainees. (I will be splitting this up because like some people aptly remarked there are Too Many Trainees and writing them all down in one post is going to make for an infinitely long post. (Cries in, these were supposed to be one of characters that were just supposed to make the institute feel more lived-in. Not menaces that take over half of the story)
Maxwell Joseph Lightwood (He/Him, 9 years and a half - Not an OC though I HC him looking differently than in the series in my head)
Nicknames: Max, Maxie, Little Clover, Cricket, Little Caramel, Menace, Little Terror
Physical description: looks like a mini Alec – black hair, hazels eyes and mischief in his blood. He’s smaller than the other trainees his age, standing somewhere between 3ft 11 and 4ft (120,2 cm) Has three long gashes on his torso that span most of his chest as well as two smaller but just as thick scars on his right upper thigh, a thick scar on his left ankle and one on the inside of his right arm. (This only applies for AWG Max. Golden Words Alec is 4ft 3 (130,5 centimeters) and has no such scars.)
Personality: He’s the Menace Supreme what more do you want me to say? Culprit number 1 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: co- owner of Bubbles and has a batman backpack with cartoon characters and sharks on it
2. Arjun Jaskaran Bhasin (He/Him, 9 years old)
Nicknames: Arji, Jun-Jun, Marshmallow, Chotu (nickname only his older siblings call him)
Physical description: thick dark-brown hair that’s mostly straight, dark brown nearly black eyes. He’s about 4ft2 (128,5 centimeters) and the only one of the fearsome four that doesn’t look like a mess most of the time.
Personality and tidbits: He’s quieter than his three best friends, but no less of a menace for it. He’s the youngest in his family and is close with his parents/older siblings despite not living in the same institute. He loves everything dragons and, even though he misses his family a lot, he also loves being at the NYI. Now if only Alec could get the rest of his family to work there as well…Culprit Number 2 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: has a dragon backpack, yes the dragon can breathe fire.
3. Barika Fahari (He/Him, almost 10)
Nickname: Barii, Riri, Gumdrop
Physical description: short, black curly hair. Light brown eyes. 4ft 5 (134 cm) which makes him the tallest of the foursome fear.
Personality and tidbits: Barika was originally supposed to be a female character because I didn’t want Max to only have male best friends, but then Barika decided he was trans without any care as to what I had planned (hence the female name which he decided he was keeping). Like Max, he’s a menace and adores comics. His absolute BFF is Leo and those two will probably end up as parabatai in the future. Culprit number 3 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Has a The Flash backpack with a little Green Lantern keychain and ever-changing cartoon/Manga-characters on the sides. Robin, Batman and Cyborg logos are embroidered on the straps.
4. Leonard Benjamin Knightvale (He/him, two days older than Max and will never let him live it down)
Nickname: Leo, Lenny, corn chip, little lion
Physical description: light brown hair that tends to get in his eyes, green-brown eyes and 4ft3 (130 centimeters – yes, Golden Words Max teases him back for being older but shorter)
Personality and tidbits: If someone enabled Max to do one of his stunts, Leo is the most likely culprit. If nobody enabled Max to do one of his stunts than Leo was likely in a coma because he WILL enable Max’s shenanigans just to see the chaos happen. BFF’s with Barika and thinks Alec is the coolest person ever. He lacks any kind of impulse control and is currently in the lead in the “Get Ragnor to turn them into a frog” competition much to Max’s displeasure. He hates being called Leonard about as much as Max hates being called Maxwell. Culprit number 4 of the Mumbai Incident.
Extra info: Green Lantern backpack with a The Flash keychain, a Batman keychain as well as a Cyborg and Robin sticker. The Green Lantern logo in the middle lights up and can turn into different colors if Leo wants to.
Part two
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shanastoryteller · 2 years
Happiest of birthdays!
Could you write some more Asim? I’m so intrigued by his character and his relationship with Lucius (also my personal headcanon is that he’s Zaira’s soulmate).
Asim doesn't like Abraxas.
They're hardly required to like their donors, obviously, and as a trainee healer he's not really supposed to have opinions about anything.
But he's spent plenty of his life around the pretentious, spoiled upper crust of society. And while they're plenty ridiculous and exasperating, most of the time that's the worst of them.
Abraxas is so derisive of them, of the work they're doing that he supposedly supports, and even more so of the people they're trying to help.
Maybe he's just being honest about it while everyone else lies about their feelings, but if that's the case that he thinks he prefers the lies.
It's the middle of the night and he's just gotten off his shift, nearly on his way out the door, when the floo in the main hall erupts in green and out steps Idetta Malfoy.
Abraxas's wife is tall and thin and has never so much as looked twice at him. He would have bet money on her not knowing he even existed.
"Mister Jaspal," she snaps. "I require you assistance, if you'd be so kind."
He's off the clock, and even if he wasn't, he works for the hospital, not her.
But her husband is funding almost all of their experimental research and he's not important enough to keep around if he manages to piss off Abraxas's wife.
"Sure," he sighs, for now putting aside the thoughts of his not even that comfortable bed that he doesn't see enough.
He expects a comment about his attitude, but maybe it is important, because she just nods sharply and gestures him into the still green flames.
Asim steps in and startles when she steps in beside him, hanging onto his arm with a vice grip. "Malfoy Manor, third eastern parlor."
It's dangerous for two people to take the floo together, and he intends to tell her that but then there's a tug at his naval and they're careening through the floo system. It spits them out and he stumbles, but is saved from falling thanks to Idetta's grip on his arm.
"If you please, Mr. Jaspal," she says. "My son is such a clumsy boy."
He straightens and looks up, then freezes.
Twelve year old Lucius Malfoy is standing perfectly straight in the middle of the room, his face blank except for the way he's biting the inside of his cheek.
He has a bloody lip and swelling around his cheek and eye that's sure to bruise and his white shirt is sticking to him with blood.
"What happened?" he demands, striding forward, whipping out a diagnostic spell. "Who did this to you?"
"I fell off my broom," he says, voice raspy.
Asim pauses in looking over the results of the spell. "Excuse me?"
"I was flying," he continues, still in that voice like hasn't had a sip of water in years. Or he's been screaming. "I fell."
He doesn't say anything, just unbuttons Lucius's shirt with wave of his wand and carefully peels it off his shoulders. He has to pause and loosen it with water in several places where the blood has dried it in place.
There are nearly a dozen criss crossing lines across Lucius's back, all of bloody and swollen.
"He fell through some tree branches," Idetta says. "You know how they can be."
It turns out that he doesn't prefer lies, actually.
He's so furious he can't speak, but he keeps his touch gentle as he cleans and heals Lucius's wounds. He's only a trainee, but he's used to dealing with things weirder and more life threatening than this. For how terrible the circumstances are, the wounds are easy to heal, from the lacerations to the bruises to his split lip and even the place he can see Lucius has bitten into his cheek in his attempt to remain stoic.
"Thank you," Lucius says when he's done. "Apologies for the inconvenience. I will be more careful in the future."
"Get some sleep," he says, forcing his lips to form the words and not completely different ones. "The healing won't take as well if you don't get some rest."
Lucius looks towards his mother and doesn't leave until she nods at him.
"Thank you for your services," Idetta says, throwing a pinch of floo powder into the flames. "I'd appreciate you not spreading this around. My husband gets so embarrassed about Lucius's clumsiness."
Asim is going to break something in this very nice room.
"Okay," he says, because that's all he can manage.
He doesn't sleep that night.
When he tells his supervisor the next day, she's not even surprised.
"Whatever you're thinking, don't," she says. "Abraxas is powerful enough that even if his son was willing to speak against him, nothing would probably come of it. Trying to cause a fuss when Lucius will look an auror straight in the eye and claim all his injuries are his own fault won't do anyone any good. If you really want to help him, you'll heal him when you're asked and accept whatever explanation you're given. At least then you know he's getting healed, which I'm sure Idetta is doing without her husband's permission. She's more concerned with appearances than he is."
Asim hates this, but he does as she does, and over the years he's called to the Malfoy Manor several times to heal injuries no one will tell him the truth about.
He thought that would change when Abraxas died, but it doesn't.
He doesn't agree with what Lucius is doing. But he doesn't have proof and at the end of the day, it's not his job to find any. He just does what he always does. He heals him.
Decades later, he goes to heal Lucius and find what should have been mortal injuries already partially healed.
He stares in disbelief. "Pick up a new skill?"
Lucius's lips press together. Asim assumes that he's not going to get any answer at all, as usual, but then he says, "It seems as if my son is gifted at healing charms."
His son? His fourteen year old son?
Damn. If this is what he's capable of now, he'll have to keep an eye out for Draco Malfoy.
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mobiused · 9 months
as much as i agree with your analysis and the fact that ctdenm seems to be treating the girls better, a part of me can’t help but worry that similar things are happening behind the scenes, much like how bbc seemed to be a relatively healthy and positive working environment early on
The myth that bbc was healthy and positive early on simply isn't true, sadly. Even recently, Vivi talked on the radio show she did about predebut stories, about how she learnt Korean quickly by arguing with staff so she could eat what she wanted amongst fighting for her other rights - and this would've been back in late 2015 early 2016. When trainee line (Basically oec, 1/3 and yeojin) were in the company before joining loona officially, that was when they were on the infamous 1 apple 1 egg a day diet. Even though yyxy were the most open about their mistreatment, that it was the worst during love4eva filming, and bad during hi high era and butterfly era, it was still bad before yyxy girls joined - the other girls are just far less open about it. This might be because the yyxy girls had such a short trainee period and therefore weren't as adjusted/indoctrinated into the trainee lifestyle to accept strict dieting and verbal abuse, or it might be because it's simply not in their temperament to talk about these issues, or whatever reasons they might have to want to share less in comparison to the yyxy girls, though yeojin and vivi have been opening up more about the past. I'm curious, did you have a specific time period where you thought BBC was a healthy working environment for the girls in mind?
If youre thinking about old loona TVs, BBC has always had staff that were very kind to the girls, that the girls loved and treated them well. The current CTD CEO, Yoon Doyeon is an example, as well as Lee Jonghyun, their old Project Manager and current Superbell CEO. At the same time they had to endure verbal abuse from certain other staff (this doesn't mean Jaden, there were other staff who were horrible or even worse than him), strict dieting and torturous schedules amongst other mistreatment that went beyond ordinary idol strictness. The loona TVs always made a deceptive effort to show the girls eating well early on, laughing and having fun etc, but we know it's a complete misrepresentation compared to what was happening behind the scenes.
When we have the girls transparently telling us via Fromm and Fab that CTD do not control or care what they eat, that they are 100% deciding for themselves, that exercise is up to them, that CTD's CEO paid for almost everything in Hyunjin's new apartment including a super expensive humidifier just because she asked for one, that CTD involved them in the album despite how quickly the album needed to be turned out because CEO cares about their creative input, it inspires a lot more trust.
I genuinely believe Doyeon is a good man who wants to take care of our girls. He gave up his job and started a company to become CEO in a role he had never tried before solely to give the 5 members a place where they would be safe and happy with someone they trusted (instead of risking getting taken advantage of again at another company) and could continue their careers, and has been listening to everything both the members and fans have been asking of him. I know Hyeju has said that this album prep era has been her favourite of her career, and I believe her. Right now the girls are actually enjoying their time in the US, eating whatever they like, having enough time for rest, actually seeing the sights of America this time. It's only the first stop but hopefully they can keep this up and have this experience knock the previous tour out of the water.
We can't trust a company 100% of the time without being there and witnessing exactly what's happening, but compared to Modhaus where we had Jaden lie to us about Jinsoul being involved in production in literally their first interview, exercises and diets being enforced, and OEC being marketed to NFT bros and military men, I just feel so much more confident about CTD's ability to treat the girls right.
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hee0soo · 6 months
2 Kids Room Chan X Jisoo
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January 2022
It wasn´t often that Jisoo had the chance of filming with only one of her members so the decision that they were going to film 2 Kids Room made her very excited!
Chan was already sitting on the couch slurping on a drink when the girl entered!
“Ohh Celiiine!”
“Am I in trouble?”
Jisoo laughed when she heard the way Chan called her birth name.
“Why would you think that?”
“Cause you only call me Celine when you scold me! None of the others call me that!"
The leader snorted in amusement.
“You call me Christopher whenever you are bored so I think we are even! Now sit down, they prepared drinks for us!”
On the small coffee table was another beverage with a straw in it. The clear cup showing the dark red and yellow liquid inside. Jisoo took a took a sip, visibly enjoying the taste.
“What even is that?”
“It´s called KiBa. The yellow is banana and the red is cherry juice and it tastes amazing! Mama always made it for me when I was a child…”
The girl looked solemnly at her cup and started swirreling the straw around, effectively mixing the two colors together.
“Didn´t she make it for the members back in 2019 when we went to Germany?”
“Yes! That was when we had the I am… Tour! We were in Berlin back then, which is not even close to where I grew up but we still managed to visit them after the concert!”
“You were so happy when we told you that we could go there. I remember you crying so much because of it! You hadn´t been there for some years, even Felix and I would go more often to Sydney then you would go to germany!”
The leader had always felt bad back then and a small part of him still was if he was being honest. He knew how hard things could get and as child, alone I a country you don´t have a support system in, he felt like he should have made sure that Jisoo went home more!
“That´s right! Flying home was something I tried not to do because the tickets were so expensive and it was something we couldn´t afford to do as trainees. And after we debut there just was never enough time to actually visit them because of conflicting schedules, so it meant a lot to me!”
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About Chan x Jisoo
CB: Father and Daughter!
F: Right! He has adopted her unofficially.
SM: The members are his brothers but Jisoo is definitely his child.
CB: A few weeks ago we were in the studio and bambi was with me and Chan. She was napping on the couch and it was kind of cold that day so she was shivering and Hyung went to throw her blanket over her. Jisoo called him appa in her half asleep state and Chan-hyung didn´t even react! I think it´s their little thing when they are alone.
F: Cuuute!
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Jisoo had pulled her knees to her chest, looking at the older boy next to her.
“We haven´t really had the time to hang out in a while! You´re always so busy when I come to the studio…”
“I knoooow, I´m soooorry! Work has been crazy lately with preparing the new comeback!”  The boy whined cutely, trying to appeal to her soft side. Jisoo couldn´t hide the laugh bubbling up.
“Don´t I know that. Minho-oppa has been acting like a drill sergeant at practice with Hyune, Lix and me!"
“Right, practice as DanceRacha sometimes seems a lot less fun than group practice! But I wanted to take you to this café I found recently, they have these really colorful cakes and it looked so awesome!”
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About Chan x Jisoo
LK: They go easy on each other! It makes me crazy when Soo-ah ignores when hyung made a mistake!
H:Hyung does the same for her when we´re in the studio!
*Both looking at the other*
LK: You find it cute, don´t you?
H: And you don´t?
LK: I do…
I. N: *facepalm*
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"You weren't a fan of the split dorms, right?"
Chan was stirring the straw of his cup thoughtfully.  For a moment it was silent as Jisoo looked at the wall behind the leader, finding it very interesting all of a sudden.
"No, I wasn't. For so long all of us have lived together in the old dorm that the thought of splitting up scared me."
The boy hummed. He had noticed right away when management that the girl wasn't happy about that at all.
"Do you still feel like that?"
The dancer shook her head gently.
"I still don't like if i'm being honest. The dorm doesn't feel like home to me when you, Binnie Oppa, Hannie and Hyune go to your place. It feels to empty."
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About Chan x Jisoo
F: Soo-ah really had a hard time after the move.
SM: She still does sometimes. It's the times we wake up to a spotless dorm because Jisoo starts stress cleaning.
CB: Jisoo is a very emotional person and 2 out of her 3 comfort people ended up in another dorm, that really gave her a hard time! She even has her own space in hyung's room. Hyunjin was being dramatic for weeks when he found out.
SM: But we do have to clean less because of it!
* collective groans *
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"Is it true that you had planed to buy a leash so i won't get lost anymore?"
Jisoo meant it as a joke so the frantic head nod from the older buy left her shocked.
"YES! And it wasn't just a plan, the thing is still somewhere in my room ready to be used!" Chan yelled in all seriousness.
"But I'm an adult!"
"An adult who get's lost 8/10 times!"
*Cue, a sulking Jisoo*
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About Chan x Jisoo
LK: If one of the members is causing the most grey hair, it's Jisoo!
I. N: Cause Noona always wanders off!
H: The amount of heart attackes she probably already caused...
LK: Remember the leash you ordered Hyunjin-ah?
H: She can never know I was the one who bought it!
I. N: Are you scared of her hyung?
H: *nodding *
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Taglist: @amyysfics @smh-anon @andjeoidjavo @ninjaxoxo @sunghoonieee @stopeatread
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weak4skz · 1 year
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Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst, idol au
Summary: Han and y/n have been friends since before they remember. But what happens if their friendship is severed by an unfortunate situation and Han goes off to be an idol while y/n is in college. When they connect through a mutual friend, what happens then?
CHAPTER WARNINGS: self harm, suicide attempt, eating disorder, body dysmorphia, reader isn’t in the right mind, body insecurities, just a lot of feelings, insecurities in general, self consciousness (tell me if I missed anything)
A/N: chapter 2 is finally up!! If you couldn't tell, my life has been kind of a mess lately and I've been really busy with school as well as personal matters. But thank you for sticking around and being patient <3
want2besomeoneelse lixie-jisung-stan jisuperboard mentoslol i-dont-know-me-either mooncallerautumn poisonivy21
Going home my mind was working overtime but at the same time not working at all. My body went into auto-pilot while I was absolutely mentally wrecked. My biggest priority was to drive home without dying or having a mental breakdown; so I focused for the 15 minute drive home. As soon as I was safe inside my house I allowed myself to go numb. To have millions of thoughts but at the same time have no thoughts. It was a coping mechanism I developed over the years. 
I found out I could get into this little headspace after Jisung caught me cutting myself. Since I didn’t want to be caught doing something so embarrassing; I had to find another way to cope.
And to think I thought my night couldn’t POSSIBLY get worse 
I know I told myself I had gotten past this; but I really needed to feel something. So I went to the bathroom and picked up my blade and started cutting.
 It’s not enough
The pain wasn’t painful enough to fix my broken self so I cut deeper than I knew I should.
 Ah… sweet relief 
While relishing in the floaty feeling, I hear a quiet ping come from my phone. I pick it up, reading the text on my screen.
Hey y/n. I wanted to tell you that I passed that audition that I told you about and got accepted to become a trainee at JYP Entertainment. The only thing is that I have to leave tomorrow; but I promise I’ll keep in touch. Don’t die while I’m gone lol
I let out a humorless laugh before making one more cut on my left thigh; it was so deep it gushed out blood. I didn’t really mind though; I needed the pain, maybe even liked it. Or I at least preferred it over everything that had happened in the past couple hours. The bathroom started to blur and I started to see stars; I decided to close my eyes and let the darkness take over.
I walk into the cozy coffee spot trying to spot my friend. When I do; I rush over and give him a tight hug while he gently sways the both of us back and forth gently. He hugs me so tight I pull back from a lack of air.
Now, one might think that our greeting is a little much for not seeing each other for two days; but there is nothing dramatic enough for the man who saved my life
“Hey Y/n”
“Hey Chan” I say back breathlessly.
Chan, the 5’7 father of seven who is the reason I’m still here today FOUR YEARS AGO
After receiving the news of my mom’s death; I was devastated. She was at the hospital more than she was home; but when she was home we had so much fun. I could remember nights when we would stay up until 4 am surrounded by our favorite snacks. We would talk about anything and everything: me, her, the new episode of our favorite drama, Jisung.
He hasn’t contacted me since the night of that party two years ago. I kept my old phone and number, even when I got a new one, just in case he called. I even pay the ridiculous rent for my childhood home just in case he came by. But maybe he just forgot about me; I mean, I am pretty forgettable. Not much special about me when he is a musical genius. 
I look out onto the bridge I’m on; the city looks so pretty from up here. Then, I look down at the water and the reflection of the city on it. Honestly, I would rather be in that city than the one up here. So I walk a little closer to the edge; not to jump, just to look. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. When I get to the edge and lean over it a little, reaching for the city in the water; I feel arms pulling me back. I immediately tense in the man’s arms, trying to figure out what type of person he could be. I lower it down to three options
A pedophile
A man that thought I was gonna jump and is trying to save my life
A drunk guy
‘Hey’ the man says in a gentle voice. “You’re a little close to the edge; why don't we back up a bit, yeah?” the voice says, gently pulling me back to a safe distance from the edge of the bridge. While still in the mystery man’s arms, I begin to analyze him. He’s strong, definitely stronger than me, so I can’t fight him. He also seemed to have the accent of a native English speaker. Before I could finish my detailed analysis the mystery man turned me around. 
“Hi,” he starts. “I’m Chan, Bang Chan. And you are?” he asks, looking at me with expecting eyes. “Y/n,” I responded in a quiet voice. 
“You looked like you could use some company. Why don’t we walk around and talk for a bit, hm? We can grab some food if you’d like.” 
“Oh, I’m not that hungry” 
That is the dumbest lie I have ever told
The truth is I am hungry. I have had nothing but a protein shake every other day. I skipped at least two days a week for the times I would go get food with friends or go eat with my mom at the hospital. But, I couldn't stop now. I've finally started to look normal, maybe even pretty. 
“Y/n, when’s the last time you ate, and I mean a full meal.”
Y/n, are you really about to spill all of your emotional trauma to some random stranger you just met?
Yes, yes I am
“About a month ago” his eyes automatically widened. “Yeah I have an eating disorder that I developed from body dysmorphia,” now Chan is looking at me like I’m crazy. Which, at the moment, I probably am. “Yeah I know. My mom died last week.” now even I know I’ve gone insane. 
“I wanted to jump” this time, I’m a little quieter; the fact I wanted to end my life a little harder to admit. “I’ve been cutting for years but after she died, cutting wasn’t enough” 
That was when I realized I was crying. It 's the first time I had cried since I was at my mom’s deathbed. Not while I drove home; not while I was cutting myself on the bathroom floor, not even at the funeral. 
I expected Chan to walk away. To consider me another depressed college student and to move with his life. But instead; I feel his arms wrap around me and his hands stand to gently move up and down my back. In my estranged state, I’m confused as to why the man I just met is comforting me. What’s even more confusing is how loved and cherished I feel in his arms. So, as any normal person would do, I cry my heart out into the man’s arms. 
After my loud sobs turn into quiet sniffles, Chan pulls me back and looks at my face.
“No offense, but you look like a mess”
“You look worse,” I sniffled.
Now that I got a good look at him, he looked a mess. His hair was  in messy, tangled curls, he had really dark bags under his eyes, and he was wearing different shoes.
“We both look like shit. But why don’t we fix our shit together, yeah?’
“Sure, why not”
“Ok, hear me out,” Chan starts. “What would you think of meeting the kids and becoming our manager for our upcoming comeback?”
“Let me get this straight. You want me, a broke girl straight out of college with no experience; to manage you and your friends' world-wide popular band?”
“Yes?” he says, but it sounds more like a question. 
“I haven’t even met them yet. First let me meet your so-called kids then we can talk about me becoming one of your managers,” I negotiated. Chan talks very highly of his kids; but again he couldn’t say a bad thing about anyone. 
“Ok great! How about right now?” he asked with a smile. 
“WHAT?” Chan grimaced at my loudness. “Bang Chan I am not dressed to meet a bunch of world-famous kpop idols!” Truthfully, I wasn’t dressed that bad. I was wearing a white tank-top, maybe a little too tight for a girl like me to be wearing; under a dark blue zip-up with some black, wide leg cargo pants. 
“You look fine,” he said a little more seriously. “They are at my apartment, we don’t  have to go if you don’t want to.”
“No, I'll go. I’ve been wanting to meet them for a while, this is just a little more sudden than what I had imagined.” are the words I force out of my mouth. “Yea sorry about that. I just knew if I didn’t ask you to come over today you would put it off for weeks,” he responded with a small smile.
This man knows me too well
He knows how I panic when meeting new people. How I get anxious about everything from what I say to how dirty my shoes are. He knows that I worry myself into panic attacks when it comes to first impressions
I let out a choked laugh, as if I were trying to laugh at a lame joke.
Except I am the joke
I tell him I’ll go, even if I kind of don’t want to. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to meet everyone; it’s just they seem so perfect. They just had to look good in everything: serious pictures, funny pictures, music videos, interviews, you name it. 
Slightly against my own will; I begin to get up, expecting us to leave.
“Y/n, you’re forgetting something,” Chan reminded me. I look at the table to see if I left my phone or wallet on it, but I don’t spot anything that’s mine. “What am I forgetting?” I asked him confused. “Y/n you forgot your sandwich”
My brain is working at 500 mph trying to come up with a better lie than ‘I had a really big breakfast’ because Chan knows I ever eat in the morning. “Y/n, did you eat at all yesterday? And I mean real food.” Chan asked, or rather scolded.
The truth is I didn’t, but it’s justified because the day before yesterday I went out with my old college friend, Yeji, and we ate hot pot; 3750 calories if I calculated correctly. And that’s way above my daily intake for two whole days. So technically, I ate enough for two days in one day which means there was no need to eat yesterday.
“Y/n,” Chan sighed; “Can you at least take a couple bites? Please?
“I can’t eat when I’m nervous,” was my excuse of choice. I mean, it wasn’t the complete truth but he didn’t have to know. 
Chan seemed to accept my answer and stood up. “Fine, are you ready to go?” he asks.
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Taking care of a bedridden Collei?
Taking care of Collei when she’s sick
Characters: Collei x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: I don’t know if any of you noticed, but I think I might actually like Collei /hj
No, but seriously. I love Collei, I was really excited about her appearing in Sumeru since I loved her from the manga, so I can't wait to write more for her.
That being said, this is still one of the first times I wrote for her, so if I got something wrong I'm sorry.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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While the experience of being bedridden never was a pleasant one, for Collei it felt like her own circle of hell. Not only was she sick but considering how much time and effort you spent on taking care of her, she couldn’t help but feel bad about wasting your time.
But that somehow still wasn’t the worst part. Whenever Collei couldn’t keep herself busy for a long time, her mind would slowly but surely drift to old memories, one’s that weren’t exactly worthy to be called “nice” and being forced to lie in bed for the whole day gave her mind a lot of spare time.
“Is your forehead still burning?”, you softly asked Collei with a concerned look before handing her a bowl of soup. Normally, you’d be able to just check yourself, but considering her reaction the first time you touched her, having been used to do so around friends and family, you decided not to repeat the process. Just as you were about to repeat your question, worried that she might not have heard it, she slightly shook her head before speaking a silent “no”, causing you to immediately somewhat relax.
“That’s great to hear, but don’t hesitate to tell me if things get worse. Keeping silent about your illness got you where you are now, but it surely won’t get you out of it”, you followed up with a small smile, once again feeling slightly better after seeing her nod before silently eating the soup, her throat hurting too much for her to get more than one or two words out at a time. What followed was silence, and while you normally didn’t have anything against it, you suddenly began to silently panic when you noticed Collei’s expression, only to realise that it was the same she normally had whenever unpleasant memories flooded her mind, causing you to quickly think of a way to distract her.
“Hey Collei, did I ever tell you about the story with the raven and the fox?”, you asked, only to continue speaking when she shook her head, “It was my favourite story as a kid, would you be fine with me telling it to you?”
“Sure, go ahead”, she answered with a raspy voice, only to start coughing immediately afterwards, causing you to pass her something to drink in hopes it would help.
What followed was you improvising by telling her all kinds of stories. And while you hoped they didn’t bore Collei too much, it was fair to say that you nonetheless succeeded in your goal of distracting the forest ranger trainee, only stopping to talk once she was sound asleep.
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sourbinnie · 11 months
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☆ trying ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> heavy angst ; no happy ending ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> hyung line!skz + sibling!reader (gender neutral) ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> your brother failed you and now it was too late to redeem it. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
maknae line
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-> the scenario
remembering was hard to you, thinking about the old days just didn't seem right. it was a different life, a different air and a different kind of worry you had. you enjoyed your brother's company a lot when you were younger, he was your best friend even if he was older than you. you had a strong bond (or that's what you thought), a connection that you didn't find anywhere else and when he hugged you, you felt protected like nothing could hurt you.
growing up always leads to people changing through time. so when you started to drift away from him, you knew things weren't going to go exactly how you wanted them to be. you really did try to keep the relationship you formed with him going but it was no use when it was all one sided. that still didn't stop you from trying even if you would leave empty handed, you just wanted to tell him how much he meant to you and you wanted to keep on supporting him. it was safe to say that only brought out fights since he didn't want you there in the first place and when you're in your teenage years, you really don't know how to solve things without fighting.
when he started being a trainee, it was worse. you could handle him not wanting you there and making a fuss about it, you couldn't handle the silence though. you couldn't handle the cold shoulder every time he saw you or the way he couldn't even look at you. even worse was the fact that you barely saw him because of how much time he spent at the jyp building training and when he debuted, he never told you. he told the rest of your family of course but you had to find out through your mom. no message popped up on your phone, no phone call, nothing, it was radio silence and you were done.
it was easy to say that if he wasn't gonna put in his part as your brother, then you were not gonna be his little brother/sister anymore. it was too late to fix anything, especially the mess he created in the first place. it was unfair and you didn't feel like putting up a fight anymore. 
chan ✉
when he arrived at australia, he noticed someone from his family was missing. he sighed as he thought about you, how much he missed you and how much his heart ached every time he thought about you. he really wanted to be a good example to hannah and lucas, yet he failed you to even be a good brother. now as he got older, he knew he made a mistake in pushing you aside, you were his best friend when you were younger and now he doesn't even have a spot in your life.
as he got to his old family home, he noticed your room was empty. not only empty of your presence but empty of furniture and of the things that it once had. hannah explained to him that you moved out because you just didn't feel at home anymore and wanted to pursue your dreams. to say that he was in shock was less than what he was feeling, he felt a sense of anger and sadness invade him. how could you not tell him? i mean yeah, you lost contact over time but he expected to see you. he decided to call you and actually settle this once and for all, he was done with the silence.
"chris? what's up?" the distance in your voice was so unsettling but he wasn't expecting a warm welcome. he didn't know what to say for a minute, he realized he hadn't heard you in so long and it only made him feel guiltier.
"why didn't you tell me you moved out?" he asked as forward as he could be. he heard you take a deep breath and let it out, the tense atmosphere was there even if it was just a phone call.
"why do you care? we live in different countries anyways." you said frustrated as he was now trying to act like he cared. you didn't believe it for a second and you didn't want to have this conversation right now.
"because i am your brother? i don't care if we live in different countries, i wanna know what's going on!" he said and it was irrational that he was the one getting angry but he really wanted to try to make things better.
"so now you care? after all this time?" you said and let out a bitter laugh. "listen, i can't do this right now, i know lucas told me you were back and that i should come say hi but i couldn't because you hurt me so fucking much during all these years that i didn't have it in me to see you again. please don't call me again, okay?"
"(y/n) we can move past it. we can actually work this out please, i miss having you in my life and i need you here with me. i'm sorry that i fucked everything up, i'm sorry i wasn't the brother you needed but just give me a chance to show you that i changed." he said, almost begging because he was done with this feud and he actually did need you.
"i don't need you and i don't accept your apology. tell mom and dad i said hi and that i'm okay!" you said and hanged up. he closed his eyes as he tried to take your words in but he just couldn't, it felt like a stab in the heart but he knew he deserved it in the end. he probably made you feel way worse during this whole years and that's a thought he would have to deal with.
minho ✉
"you didn't show up." he said when he finally arrived at his old house. he saw you there sitting on a bench in the garden and felt a sense of sadness building up in his chest. it's been so long since he talked to you, let alone saw you in person so to see that you were okay was enough to relieve him but enough to make him realize that he needed you more than anyone. he was always by your side when you two were kids, as an only child when you get a sibling, it's almost impossible to separate them from their side. so now as he looked at you and realized he failed you as a brother because you couldn't even meet his stare, it was starting to get to him.
"i didn't. i hope mom and dad had a good time." you answered. you were invited to today's concert in your hometown, you had a ticket and everything was sent your way. he expected to see you there, in the crowd or backstage but he didn't get that opportunity because you weren't there. you still weren't looking at him as you tried to enjoy the scenery and relax a bit but of course if your brother was there, you could not do that. "okay what is it?"
"why aren't you looking at me?" he asked and you just shrugged, not knowing how to answer that. he felt a distant flare between the two of you and he didn't like it at all. he suddenly remembered all the times he got mad at your advances to keep your sibling bond alive, the ways you would support him, the notes you would leave him. "i miss you (y/n)."
"i'm literally right here." you said as if it was obvious but he just shook his head as you finally looked at him confusion invading your face. 
"no, i miss what we had. you are my only sibling and yet i feel like i barely know what you're up to, i only find out through mom and dad!" he expressed tired and defeated. he was not one to beg or to plead for someone but he would do it for you because he was exhausted. 
"maybe because you did me wrong and now i don't want you in my life anymore?" you said calmly and if that didn't break him completely than he didn't know what would. he felt like crying right then and there, and he fucking hated crying. "i'm sorry i didn't go but you should move on from this because i don't wanna be near you anymore." 
"did i really hurt you that bad?" he said as he grabbed your wrist before he could let you walk away and for the first time you looked him in the eye, nodding your head. letting you go as you entered your house again to go to your room and leaving a minho with tears in his eyes.
changbin ✉
he didn't really feel like he wanted to be back. he knew the atmosphere would be tense even if his sister was gonna be there and also his parents. he didn't want to leave you behind and as time passed he knew he made the wrong decision, nothing should've come first other than you. your support should've been enough, your love should've been priority yet he let it go way too soon when things started getting complicated.
now as he made his way towards his old room, he wanted to knock on your door and talk to you. ask you how you've been doing, ask you what you've been up to, ask you if you could give him a chance again to be the brother you deserved. before he could do it, you opened the door and were a bit taken back from seeing him, you knew he would be here you just didn't expect to see him right now. so many thoughts were floating through his head as he tried to think of what to say to you.
"can you please move?" you asked and even your voice sounded different. it didn't radiate the sweet and loving energy it used to, even your words were harsh and held no love towards him. he sighed and crossed his arms without letting you pass.
"is that how you're gonna receive me?" he asked, not disappointed but just surprised and a little hopeful that he might get a hug from you but you wouldn't move. you raised an eyebrow and looked at him, he didn't know how but it made him feel so small when you were looking at him like that.
"you want me to pretend like everything's okay or something?" you asked and when he moved, you took the opportunity to get away but to your dismay he followed you. "changbin i don't know what you want from me."
"i want you to talk to me, i want to listen to you, i just fucking need you goddamn it. i'm tired of doing this and i'm so done with being trapped in the past, i want to move on (y/n)." he said and waited for your answer. he didn't expect to see the tears in your eyes, but he knew you better than that, you didn't cry when you were sad but when you were angry.
"fuck you for real. you want to move on? move on without me because it's not just being stuck in the past, it's the fact that i tried everything to be close to you and you pushed me away. you're not the worst brother because you're not even my brother anymore to me." you said as you went downstairs leaving him shocked as he shook his head. 
he wasn't angry at you, he could never be anymore. he remembers the times where he was so cruel and so bitter, showed no mercy with his words and now as he stood there feeling so small and hopeless, he knew there was no turning back.
hyunjin ✉
it felt weird to him that he was alone on his birthday. usually he was thrilled to spend it with his parents or his members, especially if he was on a break like he was right now. it was night right now and it was about to be over, he sighed to himself and laughed. he felt pathetic, wasted even from how it all hurt within him and how much he was thinking about you. 
in the past you would've been the first one to call and also the last one. he used to hang up way too soon even when he wasn't busy because he felt like you were a bit too much for his liking. he would do anything to receive a call right now, you could yell at him all you want and he wouldn't care as long as he got to hear you again. he felt the tears building up as he knew he had been horrible, he had been unfair and treated you like you didn't deserve. it's like his hands found his way to his phone and looked for your contact, if you weren't gonna call then he was.
"hyunjin, it's late." that's the first thing you said to him and even if he was a bit drunk, he couldn't help but catch the monotone voice you were giving him. he was nervous to talk to you and it showed on his shaky hands even if you couldn't see him.
"why didn't you call?" hyunjin asked and that was confusing you even more as you tried to shake off the sleepiness. he knew he was direct with his question but he was tired of pretending and he needed to hear you say happy birthday to him, as childish as it was from his side being the older brother.
"why would i? oh right, happy birthday." even when you said it still wasn't enough because you just didn't have that same enthusiasm, the same spark that would light up his darkness. he smiled sadly as he let the tears roll down his face because all he needed was to see his little sibling right now yet he was stuck in a room that felt like a trap at this point. "hyunjin did you just call me because of that?"
"maybe, yeah. also because i fucking miss you." he said and you couldn't lie, you felt bad towards him but the sense of anger you've been building up for years was stronger. "i'm so sorry (y/n), if i could choose right now to change the past i would. i would literally spend all the time in the world with you and never would've let you go."
"but you did hyunjin, you did let me go. even when i held on to you and tried to make it work, you dropped me." you said and now your tears were building up, he could hear you sniffling and that broke his heart into a million pieces. "i wish i could tell you that we can make it work but i know i'm better off without you. sorry to say that on your birthday, wish you the best."
it was almost as if you knew that he was gonna start rambling so you hanged up at the right time. he felt like choking on his tears as his phone slipped from his hands, not caring to pick it up. he didn't lose his sibling, he lost his best friend and now he couldn't do anything to fix it.
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juneviews · 3 months
Why do you think cooking crush kinda flopped? OG are still pretty popular no? Or is it that the show is kinda basic, like something we’ve seen before? I also don’t remember seeing too much promotion but maybe I just missed it.
Also did u see off and gun saying they want to be doing what they’re doing now 10 years from now? I think that’s a good indicator that a “break up” isn’t on the way :)
I'm actually thinking of making a video on the topic on my channel lol, but to summarize I think there's so many elements:
1) cooking crush is a more basic show, and those tend to gather success only if they have a new ship attached to them that gathered attention (ex: 2gether, msp, etc.) also I think the trailers & promos did a bad job hooking people onto it.
2) the bl genre is now saturated. if cooking crush was released in 2019 or 2020 it would've been huge simply for having offgun's name attached to it. but now there's 100+ bl shows released every year, and statistically only like 5-10% will be a huge success.
3) offgun were never a "viral" ship. off mentioned it himself in an interview, and it's definitely what has kept them together for 8+ years, but it also means they've never had the kind of hype attached to them brightwin, fourthgemini or even kristsingto have had.
4) offgun are the oldest thai bl ship still together, so in this highly saturated bl market where there's a new ship popping up quite literally every week, they're likely seen as old & has-been by many. bc of their age they're also unlikely to touch new younger audiences of bl, which are the most outspoken & passionate types of fans. 14 years old are more likely to stan the 18/19 years old at gmmtv instead of the 30+ grown ass men for sure. also, even if that seems sad & mean to say, in this current bl economy, I feel like fans get tired of seeing the same faces for so long, which is why now the lasting of ships is shorter & shorter and just used to launch a solo career.
5) the marketing. imo the biggest issue is the show in itself that doesn't meet the demands of the bl fandom at the moment (either innovative or at least hypersexual shows, apart for the new ships having basic shows exception that I talked about (and that works only at gmmtv too)), but the marketing could've definitely helped. imo they should've added a lot more fanservice in the trailer to hook the fetishizing fans in if they wanted more viewers. the social media marketing was also quite poor but not the actual worst.
however, even though cooking crush "flopped" in terms of being a gmmtv show & an offgun show, imo it was successful in its own way. it still trended number 1 on X every week if that still means anything, and it was also a very good show. like... not every show can be life-changing, in fact romcoms very rarely are. the show did what it set out to do & was well executed until the end, which for me is a success in itself. so flop? maybe not. success? maybe not either lol.
and yes, off has been talking about babiis sticking with him for 30 more years back in 2019, so we still have a good few decades ahead :) what I do really want to see from offgun is a new innovative show from them bc atp this is the only thing that will be a success (and their age & experience will still likely be a baggage in our hyperconsumerist bl market). I'm even less confident that the trainee will even get as much attention as cooking crush did, so what I want to see is a show where offgun are dads navigating being queer parents, or as I said before a dark psychological thriller. not only could they pull it off, but they would absolutely BODY a more heavy show with more innovative aspects. bc atm cooking crush & the trainee are only catering to their fanbase, gmmtv's & the rare ones who enjoy more basic romcoms. they need something so uncommon & original it will rally the bl fandom behind them, bc sadly atp their name alone will not do it. however, I'm not confident in gmmtv at all, especially since they have 15 other ships they gotta give shows to. the dad show, though? if it ever happens, it NEEDS to be offgun 100000%!!!
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ambrosialdesire · 11 months
I saw your post about yandere Levi so I was wondering what your thoughts would be on yandere Jean? (I’m ngl I can’t really picture him as a yandere but he’s so fine.)
to this day, i think his s4 hair is still kinda goofy (pls don't come for me haha it's simply my opinion, maybe it's because i'm still used to his old hair lolol)
my thoughts on yandere jean are kinda standard. as of now, i can only see him as a yandere that's not going to have much changes to his personality, whether or not the reader is an enemy or on his side. yeah if you're an enemy, he's first going to be a little hesitant on making a move on you but regardless, his outcome/methods are the same. he's not my most favorite character but i do like him and his character. back in middle school, i used to be OBSESSED with reading eren x reader x jean because of the conflict LMAO
sorry this is kinda short compared to my levi post, guess i gotta write more yandere!jean if i want to get used to his character haha
again this is sorta written as a gender neutral reader but it's also slightly implied to be a fem reader.
tw: manipulation, inappropriate touching, possessive behavior, implied non-con, jealousy themes
anyways back to yandere jean explanation. for me, he's not the one that's going to strike first. he’s the one that’s gonna wait it out till the end, but he will have his influences in order to get what he wants. he's cunning and observant, using what he's seen and known so he can properly manipulate. to the untrained eye, it seems that he's just cocky about being able to do this but he's secretly nervous and doubtful in his abilities, constantly thinking if what he's doing is morally correct. he's still as temperamental as he was when he was a trainee but it now eats him on the inside; he doesn't express his anger that much anymore but his jealousy is at a consistent all time high.
to his friends and other soldiers, jean just seems like normal jean. sure, he's a little overprotective and tends to move you away from the others so it would be just the two of you. sure, he may tell you things about your friends that make you think twice on why you're still talking to them. sure, sometimes you can feel his hands wander a little more than you're used to. but that's only because he knows what's best for you, right? jean promises he's everything but a dishonest man, he's only looking out for you!
jean is also known to be quite the daydreamer too, imagining a homely life with you despite the circumstances going around in the world around him. he loves the thought of you and him being all domestic, a child on your hip while you waited for dinner to finish before he came home from work. sometimes the daydreams wander into something more steamy but it's always quickly cut short because of the others interrupting it. he swears to god that everyone has it out for him whenever he has a daydream about you, like it's some kind of sixth sense.
he's always going to be a little mean to you, always teasing you but he always means well (in his standards at least). i wouldn't say he's a complete tsundere about his feelings but he definitely flirts, feeling embarrassed in secret about it afterwards. remember, he may seem confident on the outside but he always feels a little doubtful internally. he's definitely a force to mess with whenever someone else tries to flirt with you, he has a bite behind his bark at all times.
but when jean gets jealous, it quite literally takes over him. it's always a sickly, crawling feeling that resonates in the pit of his stomach to the edges of his fingertips. his temper is ten times worse too and he gets super insecure, to the point where he'll just straight up grab you and pull you into somewhere that's seclude enough to fuck you raw. he always puts in jabs about if the other person is better than he is and if the kindness he gave to you meant nothing at all. the hate-fucking always leaves you a sobbing mess, begging for his forgiveness and blubbering about how you only wanted him. then and only then will he comfort you, kissing your tears away and quietly apologizing, again repeating that everything he does to you is for your own good.
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