#not many girls come here because i get friend-zoned so frequently
hewwopumpkin · 5 months
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
I Wish You Would
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eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: [2.7K] I did my best to proof read
warnings: warnings: no use of y/n, miscommunication, reader and eddie have been broken up, missing each other, stupid teenagers too scared to act upon their emotions, a lot of remembering, mirrored emotions, fluff at end. REBLOGS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED <3
summary: when you're back in your hometown for winter break, you anticipated crossing paths with your ex-boyfriend eddie, but you just never expected it to be from seeing his headlights in your window and him seeing your bedroom lights on. there was so many things you and eddie wished you'd done differently...so now here you two were at 2am...would stop wishing and finally do it?
He drove through this neighborhood on a daily basis, frequently to pick up and drop off the little twerps of Hellfire that lived on this street and other times to do deals with Steve, who lived on the next street over. But Eddie used to drive down here for another reason…
The girl who he had fallen for living just a few houses down from Dustin Henderson. Her bedroom window facing the street where she’d always be on the lookout waiting for her favorite metal head to come skirting down the street and parking in the driveway before making his dramatic entrance by climbing up the roof like her real life Romeo and laying a tender kiss on her lips. 
But that was the past. The last time he had been down this side of town to see you was last summer before you headed off to college, and that was before he lost you. Now the only thing that connected Eddie and you were the roads traveled, but paths never crossed again. 
Tonight, however, was the first time in the last year that the light in your bedroom had been on. He had driven down this street countless amount of times since the two of you had broken up, but that light always stayed off because of your absence due to school. Still, he always turned his head as he passed by, just to check if you’d be there. 
Half of your body out of the widow, arm waving excitedly, shouting his name like it was the first time all over again. 
But you weren’t. 
He knew you were back home for winter break not only because Nancy and Jonathan were back in town also, but because Dustin and Lucas had told him the second they let themselves into Eddie’s trailer. The kids were always rooting for the two of you to get back together, but Eddie knew better. 
You hated him. Or at least that what he would feel if he were in your shoes. 
It was a stupid argument over the phone that caused it all. He was trying to rip the bandaid off before you had the chance to, knowing it would probably add to your stress of traveling to a new state, leaving behind your family, friends, and especially him. Eddie just didn’t want to be a burden to you. The last thing he wanted was for you to worry about him while you two were in different time zones with only a call connecting keeping you together. Maybe he could’ve gone about it differently, like talking in person instead of resorting to a five-minute phone call that ended a year's relationship. 
However, a good chunk of him couldn’t bear saying it to your face because, in reality, he didn’t want you and him to go your separate ways at all. It was the absolute last thing that he wanted. The love he had for you was out of this world and if anything, he pictured you two together against the universe, leaving Hawkins in the rearview and starting a life of your own together somewhere in the city like you guys always wanted. 
The broken cries that echoed through his receiver was the tune that replayed in his mind over and over again. You were puzzled, trying to piece together what Eddie was saying, let alone thinking. He tried telling you, explaining to you his stupid selfish reasons, but you kept sobbing the same phrases that had his heart ripped up into little pieces.
“What are you saying?”, “Do you not love me anymore?”, “I don’t understand.” 
Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve. It was far too late to change what happened a year ago, so he drove past your house, with his window down, trying to shake the memories that were starting to play in his head. His knuckles were stiffening against the steering wheel and he clenched his jaw, keeping his sights set ahead where he would ride off into the night alone. A part of him wishing you were in his passenger seat or him in your bedroom. 
But most of all, wishing he never made that call. 
Being back in your childhood bedroom shouldn’t have felt so strange. After all, you grew up here and created a good deal of memories within these four walls. There was something in the air this time of year that made it feel lonelier—it was too quiet and the full-sized bed felt smaller than usual. The holidays should’ve made you feel a sort of nostalgia that had you yearning to be home with your family and friends, yet you felt like a never ending pit of hopelessness.
You had tried to distract yourself from this overwhelming feeling, going through your closet to get rid of old things, but that only seemed to make you feel worse than before.
Old band tees, oversized pullovers, and club t-shirts that didn’t belong to you filled a corner of your wardrobe, the same pile which you used to find yourself grabbing from on a daily basis. Now they all just sat untouched, with the memories embedded in every fiber and thread as its rightful owner and favorite borrower lived different lives now. 
For the last three nights since you’ve been home, you’d slept in the living room, falling asleep to reruns of sitcoms until your mother would wake you, offering help to walk you up to your room. You just couldn’t handle the loneliness in there, surrounding you like some sort of punishment, but it was about time you faced reality and gave your parents their couch back. 
You laid awake on your side, watching the curtain pull in and out with the wind while the moon played peek-a-boo. At this hour, you should’ve been hopping out of bed, flinging your curtains wide open and staring down at the metal head parking in the driveway and make his way up the side of your house and clumsily into your bedroom without trying to cause a ruckus but failing miserably. 
But that was the past. There were no more comical Romeo and Juliet reenactments in the middle of the night, just you halfway across the states with your nose buried in a textbook and the memories of Eddie buried in the back of your mind. 
However, tonight, the familiar yellow glow of brightness that cascaded your room through the thin drapes passed by for the first time since your return. You knew who it was driving that beat-up van at a speed that should’ve gotten him pulled over, but never did. No matter how much time you had spent away from your hometown, you’d always recognize his lights and the way he drove. So you waited, watching to see if he’d turn in with those high beams before finally shutting them off. 
The jingle of his keys and chains hanging from his jeans while he shut the car door, cursing at himself for wearing the wrong shoes to get up the siding, and taking an overdramatic deep breath once he finally made his way up to his Juliet like the first time. 
But he didn’t. 
You imagined that you’d run into Eddie, eventually. After all, you two did share the same small town, but you didn’t expect it to be from the confines of your home without even seeing his face or hearing his voice. Maybe you had expected to see him at Steve’s annual Christmas party or maybe at the Wheelers for New Year’s Eve, but even then you wouldn’t know what to say or even how to feel. 
You didn’t hate him. You never could. 
There were so many things left unsaid between the both of you, which always led you to wonder what would’ve happened if either of you picked back up the phone that day and called one another back. But Eddie’s actions came out of nowhere, just days before you were leaving for college and you were in a complete state of shock. There were so many thoughts running through your mind once you realized what Eddie was trying to say without actually saying it.
You didn’t understand where all of this was coming from because in your mind, you and Eddie were happily in love and he was accepting of the fact that you would be away from home a couple of months out of the year. He even made proposals to take his first plane ride ever just to come spend a week or two out of the semester at your dorm and explore the city. 
Clearly, Eddie was having a challenging time over the phone, trying to piece together his words in a way that didn’t seem too harsh or sad, because this never was supposed to end like this. If anything, it was more like a suggestion to you, asking if you were going to be ok while in school and dorming. That he didn’t want to invade this new chapter in your life and that he would understand if you wanted to branch out and saw what was out there. 
“I know you’ll probably be busy—studying and making new friends are gonna take up a lot of your time. I just…I don’t want you to feel like I’m holding you back or feel like you need to miss out on opportunities for me. I—I understand if you want to end things.” 
You were a mess, utterly beside yourself as you sobbed into the phone, asking him why this was happening and if you had done something wrong for him to say something like this. This wasn’t the turn you were expecting to face right before your first day of college, and if anything he was the person you wanted to call the morning of initial instruction, to give you the encouraging words you needed to get through the day. And tonight a part of you wished he was climbing through your bedroom window and filling the empty space beside you. 
But most of all, wishing you never hung up the phone like you did.
Eddie didn’t know why he was stalling at the stop sign when he should’ve been turning right, exiting the neighborhood, and making his way back to his trailer. But his eyes were glued to his side mirror, the window to your room just a few houses behind with that annoying flickering light from your ceiling fan pushing past the cream draperies that he always wanted you to replace because they were so thin. 
He should’ve just hightailed it out of there without giving it a second thought, but he just took a deep breath, drawing a moment to shut his eyes tightly in an attempt to shake the everlasting image of that familiar bedroom window where his favorite girl would be waiting. 
It was a crooked love now—simply winding in two different directions. 
How you found yourself up out of bed and standing directly in front of the window was beyond your every thought. You don’t know why you were here, pushing aside the flimsy curtain and sticking your head out to the other side of the street where his van was stopped longer than legally required. Eddie had a thing for driving off, but not when it came to parting ways with you. Every time he had to leave your parents’ house, he’d stall at this stop sign, turning his head back with a whistle as he hollered an “I love you!” before finally driving off because the car behind him honked noisily. 
Your feet should’ve been taking you back to bed where you’d find solace under the covers and pretend none of this was even happening, but yet you lingered in place. Imagining the scenario in your head, as you shouted back out an, “I love you, too!” with one hand clasping over your butterfly swarmed heart and the other hysterically waving see you later, while you watched him drive off with his left arm flipping off the impatient car behind him. 
But the love was never broken—there was still a straight line down from here. 
When Eddie opened his eyes, fully prepared to run and hide without a second thought, his breath caught in his throat as if he was winded. His insides felt like they were tangling themselves together. And his heartbeat felt like it was echoing in his ears. The loud “thudthudthudthud” getting stronger with every second he spent gawking at your figure watching his car. 
Your legs were trembling beneath you as a bated breath left your mouth in urgency. His eyes were set on you now, and you could feel them practically boring into you, the same way you were doing it to him. The sweat began beading across your forehead and forming among the palms of your hands while the antagonizing seconds ticked by like torture. 
He wanted to turn right back around. 
His fingers convulsed violently as they maneuvered themselves over and under the wheel, turning it like it was the last thing he’d ever do while his foot pushed the gas, thinking he’d be too late. 
You wanted him to hear what you never said. 
Your fingers abandoned the drape, feet thudding vociferously against the floorboards as soon as you pulled your bedroom door open and sprinted down the stairs like he’d get away. 
Both of you wanted to remember what you were fighting for. 
He was hyperventilating, trying to stabilize his breath when he shoved the car in park, grasping that he had found his way to the acquainted driveway in a sudden blur. 
Both of you missed each other too much to be mad anymore. 
You were trying to hold back tears, with your jaw wobbling uncontrollably, hands just barely twisting the knob of the front door. 
There he was. 
The man who gave you everything. All the love you could’ve asked for and the whole world if he could give it to you. Then again, he was the same man who gave you nothing…no phone call back, no further explanation, no communication. 
There you were. 
The girl who gave him everything. Every ounce of your love and all the dreams that he never would’ve imagined for himself. But you were the same girl who gave him nothing…no phone call back, no further explanation, no communication. 
Each of you knowing how to push each other’s buttons, but that time the wrong ones. 
There was a reason why you two stood where you were right now, because at the end of the day, there was more to you and Eddie. It wasn’t about who was right or wrong anymore. There were no such things as sides in this situation because it was nothing but a losing game when the two of you were apart. This love was rushing with electricity too strong for any of you to fight and history too rich for you to forget. 
You saw his face before you heard his voice.
The head of unruly hair still bouncing from his footsteps and his chest rising up and down rapidly. He still wore the leather jacket you gifted him for his birthday. The patch of your initials in an arrow heart remained stitched across the chest. And the shiny silver ring that was a promise still adorned on his finger. 
He heard your voice for the first time in a year, staying still in the dark.
Tears swelled down your cheeks the second you two made eye contact and whimpers left your lips. You were wearing his favorite band tee, the one he had bought at his first metal concert and forever let you keep the first time you stayed overnight at his trailer. And the matching silver ring dangled down your chest with his red guitar pick strung onto the beaded chain.
Right now everything was all good…no other words needed to be spoken in this moment where the both of you just stared. Taking in the sight of one another after being deprived of stolen glances and adorning eyes for way too long. That is before you and Eddie walked into each other’s arms, holding each other with a touch and feeling that neither of you would be able to forget, as long as you lived.  
The both of you wished you could back in time to change the past, but there was no more room for blame, just promising that you and Eddie would do it differently now. 
A/N: I had this idea come to me in the middle of the night while listening to 1989…. I think this song beautifully encapsulates what it would feel like if Eddie and the reader went through something like this. There’s the painstakingly obvious idea that they should’ve communicated better before reader went off to college, but we can all admit that sometimes in the heat of the moment there are things we regret saying and regrets of things left unsaid. I wanted this little fic to focus on the idea that Eddie and reader still love and care for each other despite their time away, but neither of them had the guts to make that phone call back because they were both terrified of what was going to happen. Each of them feeling different yet similar emotions to one another until finally something just as simple as seeing his headlights through your window pane and him driving past your street and seeing your bedroom light on sets something off in the both of you. Now there’s no more wishing, just doing things the way you always wanted to.
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Jax: Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers.
Wally: This isn't really tilted or a tower...
Jax: Well, you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here cuz I get friendzoned so frequently. But that's okay.
Wally: I'd like to be in the friend zone. I like friends.
Jax: It's not as pleasant as you'd think. They don't treat you like a friend. They treat you like an item.
Jax: Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect.
Wally: Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me?
Jax: That just makes you a beta cuck.
Wally: Σ (◉ ◡ ◉ )
Jax: That's- That's the difference between you and I, Wally Darling. I'm a— I'm a alpha gamer— *breaks down laughing*
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incorrectquoteslobby · 9 months
Ashfur, at the Moonpool: Not many girls come in here because I get friend-zoned so frequently...
Shadowpaw: I'd like to be in the friend zone! I like friends!
Ashfur: It's not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women... but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect
Shadowpaw: Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me
Ashfur: ... That just makes you a beta cuck. That's the difference between you and I, Shadowpaw of ShadowClan. I'm an alpha gamer
Ashfur: Anyway, who we exiling boys
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ariel-s-awesome · 1 year
Hater: Welcome to my humble abode. As you can see I have knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers.
Wander: Well this isn't really titled or a tower.
Hater: Well you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here because I get friend zoned so frequently. But that's ok.
Sylvia: [loudly and judgementally slurps her slushie]
Wander: I'd like to be in the friend zone! I like friends!
Hater: It's not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women. But unfortunately, as a gamer I dont get respect.
Sylvia: [snickers as she tries not to lose it]
Wander: Well I'm not a gamer, so maybe they will respect me!
Hater: That just makes you a normie. That's the difference between you and I, Wander. I'm an alpha gamer!
Sylvia: AHAHAHAHA!!! Oh... oh MAN Hatey! And here I thought I heard it all!
Sylvia: That's what makes it so funny!
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 11 months
007 Fest: Scavenger Hunt #9 (1/5)
Boris Grishenko: "Well you see, it's a gamer pad! Not many girls come in here because I get friend zoned so frequently, but that's ok."
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It's 3 AM and I needed a break from late night fic writing so I drew this.
Source: SnapCube's Sonic 06 Fandub (Specifically, this clip) This is my gamer pad! [Sonic 06] - YouTube
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ask-the-face-man · 2 years
Hahaha, one! 🤣
"Welcome to my house, as you can see I've knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers~
Well, this isn't really tilted or a tower.
Well you see, it's my gamer pad. Not many girls come here because I get friend zoned so frequently. But that's okay-
Well I'm not a gamer so maybe they'll respect me!
That just makes you a beta cuck, that's the difference between you and I, Silver the hedgehog. I'm an alpha male gamer."
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feeshies · 10 months
Captain Nemo: Well, this isn't a normal submarine. Well you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here because I get friend-zoned so frequently. But that's okay.
Professor Aronnax: I'd like to be in the friend zone! I like friends!
Captain Nemo: It's not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend. They treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women. But unfortunately, as a gamer I don't get respect.
Professor Aronnax: Well I'm not a gamer, so maybe they will respet me!
Captain Nemo: That just makes you a beta cuck. That's the difference between you and I, Professor Pierre Aronnax. I'm an alpha gamer!
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calciumcryptid · 11 months
Saber: Not many girls come in here because I get friend zoned quite frequently.
Wallaby: I'd like to be in the friend zone! I'd like friends!
Saber: It is not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately as a gym goer I don't get respect.
Wallaby: Well I'm not a gym goer, so maybe they'll respect me.
Saber: ...That just makes you a beta cuck.
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dokiyeom · 1 year
THE TAG IS SO SO CUTE ILL END IT 💥💥 u should send me more asks & ill give u an emoji hihi 🫶🫶 IM EXCITED TOO YAY i have so many fic & smau ideas so im glad i can work on them then! (maybe i should tell u a few of them 🤭 ....)
that sounds so nice!! i think i recently ate sukiyaki (?) && it was so so good! baking and mahjong 💔💔💔 im glad u had so much fun because i also completely get what u mean?? i don't have any family here nor do i have any cousins/family members of my age + the distance is just 👎 so im not in contact with any yk
im still . flabbergasted like i want to go 2 japan too hello 😭 tbh at first i thought u lived in maybe japan or IDK but then u said u would show ur friends ur motherlands? so i was like ??? and also I WANNA KNOW UR TIMEZONE PLSPLS pleaseee yes im dutch & french but was born in the netherlands and lived there for 10ish years before moving to France!!
OK I WILL WATCH AN EPISODE SOON THEN!! pls this is so funny YES ik jay + me = twins hihi i hope so too!! that would be really cool but im just waiting impatiently for the official announcement rn so that i can mark it on my calendar, BOOM! ill also go to a big city just before my bday so maybe MAYBE if I have some pocket money i could buy myself a cute dress for the party and or an album teehee YA I HOPE U FIND IT IN JAPAN OMG im curious do u alr have some albums or like merch
i LOVE sudoku omg ,, it's so cool that ur using photoshop like u made ur carrd thingy with that right? it's so pretty i will never not say that. im sure ur gonna do v well hihi 🫶
i will !!! try to drop by ur ask box more frequently !!! unfortunately i’m,, a tiny bit awful at coming up w ideas on what to say but i will try !!!! and hello yes ??? u should 100% tell me abt ur smau ideas !!! or fic ideas in general && in return,, i’ll share some of my horribly messy notes app full of fic ideas w u <3
aagg i’m so happy u enjoyed sukiyaki !! if u get the chance,, i highly rec kansai style sukiyaki unless eating a bit of semi raw egg feels unnatural or intimidating !! i feel like i should b more loyal to kanto style bc i’m from the kanto area,, but kansai sukiyaki is just. wow. && aagg yea i feel u :(( i think it allows for u to b a lot closer a family friends bc they end up sorta being a proxy,, but it does kinda suck not being close or in contact w extended family <//3
i hope ur able to go someday !!! && my time zone is pacific standard time !! or pacific time atm bc of daylight savings,, but i did live in japan for a while &’& am considering moving back there after uni !! and woa hello u live in france ?? that is so cool omg,, i def want to visit france at some point for the fashion museums and exhibitions wraaaa :0 also fun fact,,, i took a plants/human welfare course last yr && the only thing i really rmbr from that was tulip’s apparently caused an economic recession in the netherlands during the early 1600s :D
EXCITED FOR U TO WATCH !! and omg what if the cb announcement is after woozis done posting all the album pics on his instagram :00 but oo what sort of dress would u get ? lw i’m so insanely picky w dresses that for prom i’ve just decided to get a lower costing plain dress && alter it + sew on an egregious amount of accessories
&& yes i have albums !! for merch i have a candy bong && moa bong that i got for the twice n txt concert i went to,, but unfortunately i stood in like for like an hr and a half at the svt concert mercy line only to reach sort of the front area && hear a staff member at the truck yell that carat bongs were completely sold out <//3 i do have. a pc binder that both brings me sm joy && shame for realizing how much money i’ve spent on. silly little pieces of paper w people taking silly little selfies tho. what abt u :0
RIGHT SUDOKU IS SO <3 but it’s also caused me like. sm headaches omg. and thank uu <3 i did make it on photoshop !! but i’m considering making a new one w more of a powerpuff girls/ diff take on a retro cyber theme :D
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incorrectdnb · 1 year
Bombu: Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so Tilted at the Towers.
Bamburg: This isn't really tilted or a tower...
Bombu: Well, you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here cbecause I get friend-zoned so frequently. But that's okay.
Bamburg: I'd like to be in the friend zone. I'd like friends.
Bombu: It's not as pleasant as you'd think.
Bombu: They don't treat you like a friend. They treat you like an item.
Bombu: Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect.
Bamburg: Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me!
Bombu: That just makes you a beta cuck.
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rogue-of-light · 2 years
"Well you see, it's a gamer pad. not many girls come in here because i get friend zoned so frequently, but that's ok."
"I'd like to be in the friend zone! I like friends!"
"It's not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women. But unfortunately, as a gamer I dont get respect."
thats it. thats wisper and nekane /hj
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Super-Pac: Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers.
HB Blinky: This isn't really tilted or a tower...
Super-Pac: Well, you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here cuz I get friendzoned so frequently. But that's okay.
HB Blinky: I'd like to be in the friend zone. I'd like friends.
Super-Pac: It's not as pleasant as you'd think. They don't treat you like a friend. They treat you like an item. Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect.
HB Blinky: Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me!
Super-Pac: That just makes you a beta cuck.
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byeolhyesisi · 2 years
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troublemaker!lee donghyuck x reader
The school's troublemaker, Donghyuck, realizes that the reason why he can't bring himself to be an asshole to you is because he likes you.
genre: fluff, slight crack????, oneshot, short fic, highschool au
warnings: use of profanity ><, not proofread!!!, things may be too fast, flow may be off, might not be a good fic so im sorry in advance:(
words: 1.2k+
tags: @angel-hyuckie @joker0705 @bbjisungg @mmarrie @jwoos-colored @deysii @trashlord-007 @intokook @neotechhsworld @kjpmin @i-aecrysture @je4nsv @whatsa-bi-as @daegall
a/n: hello this is my entry for the @ficscafe trope event! the trope i chose is angel x asshole that's mean to everybody except angel BUT i feel like i didn't pull it off because haechan isn't technically mean here i guess? but i hope y'all still enjoy it >< + special part two here!
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How do we put this in a clear way.
Lee Donghyuck is an asshole. Hands down. More like a jackass but you probably get the point. He'll annoy the shit out of you and if you think getting angry at him would make him stop oh no no no, it won't. He'd actually enjoy it more (his friend Renjun can confirm that). It was like his sole purpose in this world is to irritate everyone he feels like irritating. He's not a bully, he really just like getting on other people's nerves.
Yes, he does have limits and lines he wouldn't cross but it is a universally known fact that he's the student that just wanted to cause mischief, a frequent visitor of the detention room because of all the pranks and tricks up his sleeves.
Donghyuck has some exceptions though when it comes to the people he'd target. The list consists of people he's wise enough not to bother; most likely adults, certain teachers and maybe some relatives as well (not his siblings though lmao poor kids). However, there was an odd addition to his list of exceptions and it was you. Donghyuck doesn't know why he can't bring himself to mess with you. There was this invisible forcefield that was stopping him and it renders him confused. He attempted so many times but in the end, he just couldn't do it that's why he just gave up and left you alone. Donghyuck didn't want to think much about it but alas, he thought about it day and night.
What made you so special that the angel on his shoulder is stopping the devil from the other to cause trouble when it comes to you?
He tried to look back to when you were just a new student who transferred from a small town. He remembered that he felt giddy because there's a new person he can annoy the shit out of but the way you politely approached him made him have mixed feelings about his plans. The first time he attempted to provoke you he "accidentally" spilled water on your notes, knowing that you always wanted everything to be clean and perfect as possible however all you said was "It's alright don't worry, Hyuck. You didn't mean it." and you even said it with a smile instead of retorting at him. It took him aback because of the absence of the emotions he was expecting you to at least have. The boy felt guilty afterwards, eventually buying you a juice box and and a bag of chips from the vending machine to make up for it despite your protests.
The next set of attempts followed the same sequence: he'd do something that is supposed to be annoying, you don't react the way he expected you to react and then he feels guilty resulting to him making it up to you.
It was a cycle. It just had the same results that's why he just decided to stop.
It was lunch time and Donghyuck was conversing with his friend, Mark, when he saw you walked in the cafeteria and he eventually zoned out halfway through the conversation. Allured by the way you seemed like a girl who was modelled to be perfectly kind and pure. Almost innocent, even. You were such a sweetheart how can someone even be like that? "Hey are you even listening to me, dude?" The sound of Mark's voice slowly became clear to Donghyuck. He blinked repeatedly before looking back at the boy in front of him. "Yeah I am." He answered nonchalantly. "Oh really?" Mark crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. "What did I say then?" He questioned Donghyuck. "Uh... That you look like chicken little?—" He replied, pursing his lips afterwards. A sigh escaped from the older boy. Mark adjusted his glasses into place, eventually saying, "No. I was informing you that you're in trouble. You can't just fill the school's pool with thousands of orbeez!" "Why not? It was fun. Plus it's not like they'll know it was me. How am I in trouble." Donghyuck cockily stated, but that cockiness quickly faded away just like how he quickly acquired it when he saw the look on Mark's face. "You do realize the school has cameras, right?" Mark mentioned with this matter-of-fact tone and with that, Donghyuck knew he fucked up with the small mistake of forgetting to disable the cameras. So that's why I felt like I forgot to do something. He thought.
The troublemaker already had a plan to avoid detention since it was already his third one this week and he was getting tired of the boring hours he would have to spend. Donghyuck was ready to sprint off the classroom and get out of the campus, the only thing he was waiting for was his cue which was the bell to finally ring. He waited impatiently, staring at the wall clock hanging on the wall at the front; he was wishing for time to go faster. Until it finally happened, the bell rang and it was his cue. Hastily he stood up and bolted out of the classroom, sprinting towards the exit when an impact made him fall to the ground with a grunt. Donghyuck heard a quiet groan and he cursed under his breath as the hall was slowly getting filled by students. He looked at the person he supposedly crashed into with a glare but his deadly gaze soon melted and softened.
"(Y/N)? Oh god, are you ok?" He brought himself closer to your figure, a concerned expression enveloped his face. The polite smile you always flashed is now plastered on, "Yeah I'm good." You responded. Donghyuck stood up, offering his hand to help you get up on your feet; You hesitated at first but you still reached your hand out to his. There was a sting on your elbow, wincing slightly when Donghyuck pulled you up. He noticed the small movement and saw that your elbow was bleeding faintly which was the result of the sudden friction when your elbow made contact with the floor. "Let's get you to the clinic—" "Lee Donghyuck." A stern voice called out. He clicked his tongue before facing the direction where the voice came from. "Yeah yeah detention I know." The boy spoke with a snarky tone. "Can you just wait for a minute, thanks." Donghyuck told the faculty member to which the faculty member raised an eyebrow on. He pulled out his wallet, opening it to find a certain thing. A small "aha" escaped from Donghyuck's lips when he found what he was looking for.
"Here take this. I'm really sorry, I hope you weren't too hurt..." He said apologetically before handing you a bandaid that had cute bears as its design. He approached the faculty member and is now being escorted to the detention room. He glanced over his shoulder to see a bewildered (Y/N) seemingly looking at the bandaid with a smile. Your soft smile was contagious and soon enough there was a grin on his face that he didn't notice spread throughout his lips.
Then it hit him. It hit Donghyuck hard while he was cleaning the detention room as punishment. He likes you. He literally almost fell down the table while he was dusting the ceiling when he realized it.
"OH MY GOD I LIKE HER." Donghyuck exclaimed upon comprehension.
You're an exception to all his troublesome extravaganzas because he has feelings for you and maybe you like him too.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hello! I love reading your works but can i have request?
If it's not too much i request for a mikey, draken, mitsuya,angry,smiley,ran and rindou (sorry if it's too much, i love them all i can't pick) with a s/o bakugou katsuki? But the s/o is a bit calmer since she have a angry management but when she snaps she became the explosive queen?(lmao) and called someone extras,nerd,shitty and when fight she keeps saying "DIEEE!"
Oh God! I love this idea so much!
And of course I can write for all of them! I really don't have that much of a limit on how many characters I'm willing to write about in one request 😅 I'm also really glad you enjoy my other writings :)
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy it!!
Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Smiley, Angry, Ran, Rindo with a fem!Bakugo Katsuki!reader
TW: mentions of language, anger management, violence, name calling
Just like Mikey, you would like to give others nicknames rather than call them by their actual name. However, while the blond would simply add '-chin' at the end of names or change the way it's said, you would create these nicknames by either how annoying they were to you or if you were friends, by their features.
You were like a firecracker. Short fuse and when it was lit, you were explosive in both your words and actions. Many of Toman had learnt this the hard way. Especially poor Baji. He had made a comment that had set you off, next thing he knew he was facing the sky as Draken and Mikey were holding you back. Never again did he make the mistake of saying something that would upset you.
While you were usually OK if not provoked, there were times when you couldn't hold back. This was especially true when it came down to fights. Even the Invincible Mikey knew to not get too close during these moments. After all, he had witnessed what happened to those that had.
You would be the loudest and most explosive on that entire battlefield. It was intimidating for the rival gang when you had gotten into the zone. Yells of you telling all those 'extras' to get out of your way, with each punch you would scream out for them to 'die'. Yep, the others are going to get as far away from you as possible.
Would be back to your calm self after letting all your frustrations out. This is what surprises your boyfriend the most. You could be yelling at people to die as you punched them only to become sweet and innocent afterwards. It did remind him to never provoke you to the point of you losing it.
No one could understand how Draken had ended up with someone as arrogant as you. You made it no secret that you believed in your skills as a fighter, even looking down on others you deemed too weak.
However, this was mainly to make sure others knew that you should be taken seriously. Being a girl in a gang, especially the girlfriend of the Vice Captain, had others looking down on you all the time. You were strong on your own merits. You didn't need to be dating Draken to get people to notice this.
Most of the time, you were pretty calm and people felt they could approach you without any harm coming towards them. After all, you were actually a nice person under all that harsh exterior. But they still made sure to watch what they said around you, remembering how short your fuse was.
When you snapped, the person who got you to that point best start praying for their life or running as far away as they could. You were known to be quite agile when it came to fights and this would be no exception. A swift punch to their face followed by you yelling for them to 'die you shitty extra'!
Ken would never admit it but you terrified him when you got like this. After all, he was the Vice Captain to one of the strongest delinquent gangs in Tokyo. He shouldn't be scared of a girl that was shorter than him. People reminded him that he could stop you by picking you up. Draken knew this wouldn't do anyone any good.
"Ken-ny, you not going to stop her?" Mikey asked, appearing at the side of the taller blond while munching on his dorayaki. Draken just sighed before explaining that he couldn't. In fact, he doesn't even believe that Mikey could stop you when you got like this. The best course of action was to just let you have your fill so you could calm down.
The poor boy who had lit your fuse was now lying black and blue on the ground, blood pouring out of his now-broken nose. You simply blew a strand of hair from your face before making your way to your boyfriend, not wanting to talk about the incident.
Being a pacifist, Mitsuya didn't agree with how fast you would turn to violence when you lost your patience with somebody. After all, he was a firm believer in that most situations can be sorted by talking it through. So people were really shocked when it came to light you were dating.
You were both the complete opposites of each other in how you dealt with overwhelming stress. However, you both did make a great couple when it came to other aspects in the relationship. It's just people hardly saw that. And nobody seemed to remember that you were actually quite a calm person who just so happened to have a short fuse.
What seemed to set your fuse of the most is when others looked down on you or your boyfriend. People seemed to think that because he didn't actively fight those he had a disagreement with.
So when someone dared to talk smack about your beloved Takashi, you were not going to take it. And so, that is how Mitsuya was trying his best to hold you back as you were shouting and trying to kick out at the person that had made you angry.
"Let go of me, Takashi! I'm gonna rip that shitty nerd's arms off, that's all!" You may have been trying to convince your boyfriend to let you go but the threat of removing the arms of the boy was keeping him from doing so. Even the boy who had annoyed you had begun to feel scared for his safety and so chose this moment to walk away.
"Oi! Get back here you damn extra! I'll kill you!"
Mitsuya simply held you until you calmed down, softly shushing you as you yelled out more threats. But when you finally had calmed down enough, that was when Mitsuya would begin to lecture you on how violence and threats were uncalled for in situations like that. Although he would express his gratitude that you stood up for him.
You both would get on so well together. Same energy and love for violence and threatening people. in fact, you both would tell each other "I'll kill you" (affectionately of course) when the other was being annoying. The best type of relationship.
You would definitely give Smiley a nickname that only you would call him. And Nahoya would reciprocate with his own nicknames he had for you. They would definitely just be affectionate insults.
When you would be on dates, Smiley would love how you muttered under your breath about all the extras and nerds that were getting in your way. Sometimes you may actually call them that to their face if it was a particularly bad day, scaring the poor souls at how aggressive you seemed.
Nahoya would ride his bike with you clinging to his back. You would both ride around Shibuya, speeding around corners just to feel that adrenaline high you both would crave. Sometimes you would both find yourselves in a fight against people that made fun of you both.
Smiley loved watching how intense you became. It was like a switch flipped in your mind, turning you into a small ball of pure rage. Shouts of 'DIE' could be heard throughout the streets of Shibuya as you delivered blow after blow against your opponent. This was when he knew you were perfect for each other.
You would remind Souya of a female Nahoya, just without the constant smile. No, instead you would usually appear unapproachable with your resting bitch face.
Angry would be the sweeter of the two brothers and so would do anything to keep you safe. But that was easier said than done. As you were a lot like Nahoya, you would get annoyed easily and quickly resort to violence.
The main reasons why you ended up In fights was to protect your cute boyfriend. One comment on how he looked stupid with his angry expression and the person was seeing stars. There was no way you could let someone get away with making stupid comments about Souya! These damn extras needed to learn their place in the world!
Your anger made your vision red. The word 'die' seemed to become a lot more frequent, to the point where your victim was beginning to genuinely fear for their life.
Souya had to grab your arm to get you to stop. He was scared that you could end up getting hurt or worse, you could end up going through with your threat. He didn't know what he would do if you ended up in juvenile detention. Especially if you could be there for 10 years.
"Please stop Y/N!" The fact his voice was so teary is what had snapped you from this rage-filled trance. Turning your attention to the blue haired Kawata, you got off the now unconscious boy and decided it would be best to continue your hang out in an attempt to calm down.
He would love how you had two sides to you. One side was calm yet arrogant, similar to his own, while the other side happened to be his favourite. You would explode and takedown a handful of gang members on your own.
Ran wouldn't admit it out loud to anyone but you, but he found the second side so hot. Maybe it was how you moved so elegantly as you dodged each punch before dealing your own? Or maybe it was the strength you used behind each throw you aimed towards your opponent? Either way, he thought you were a damn work of art.
It really didn't take a lot to get you to switch. However, you made sure not to explode when Ran or Rindo was testing your patience. You may have agility and strength but you were nothing against their combo. However, Ran would never hurt you and Rindo would only gently restrain your limbs. It would definitely be just to show you that you were not on their level.
You often followed the brothers when they were going to deal with gangs that tried to muscle in on Roppongi. That could not be forgiven. After all, Roppongi belongs to the Haitani brothers.
While the brothers were busy with the leaders, you would be left to take out the others. It would be a struggle but you could manage most of them.
"You damn extras need to learn not to take what doesn't belong to you!" Another one had fallen. This continued until Ran and Rindo finally dealt with the leaders. It was an obvious victory for the brothers.
"You look so hot splattered with blood, baby," he would whisper in your ear before leaning back and sending a wink. You rolled your eyes before starting the journey back to their home.
You were like his own personal guard dog. Not that he needed one but he did appreciate how you were always there for him. In fact, he loved that you didn't view him as the weaker brother and instead saw his amazing combat strength. You had to keep reminding him that Ran couldn't actually use his baton as efficiently without Rindo locking them down.
He had yet to really see you in action as the 'explosive princess' people knew you as. It did bother him a little but he never did express this disappointment outwardly. After all, he was a Haitani brother and so had to keep up appearances. Especially if he wanted to be viewed as an equal with Ran.
It was as he was on a date with you one day that he saw the mysterious explosive side of you. And he totally wasn't prepared for it.
It started when a high schooler had approached you both, telling you how you should ditch a weakling like Rindo to be with him. Rindo was about to kill this boy for even trying to get you to leave him as well as to prove that he wasn't weak.
However, he was left speechless when you had thrown a punch into the boy's stomach, causing him to double over and drop to his knees. You used your boot to push him onto his back before starting your assault on his face.
'Who do you think you are, you shitty extra! My Rindo is a hell of a lot stronger than your weak ass! Now do me a favour and die already!" Even as you were talking, fists smashing into his face as blood exploded from his nose and lips.
Rindo could only watch, not knowing whether to be terrified of you or to find this whole display extremely hot. The blood that covered your fists was a sight he wished he could see more often.
Once you were satisfied that the lesson had been learnt, you stood up and dusted your clothes. "Let's continue our date babe!" And now you were back to being the calm and sweet girl Rindo knew best.
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fnaf-a-palooza · 2 years
I wanted to do a FNAF characters as Snapcube Sonic Fandub quotes post, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do this beforehand—
Toy Freddy: Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers.
Mangle: This isn't really tilted or a tower...
Toy Freddy: Well, you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here cuz I get friendzoned so frequently. But that's okay.
Mangle: I'd like to be in the friend zone. I'd like friends.
Toy Freddy: It's not as pleasant as you'd think. They don't treat you like a friend. They treat you like an item.
Toy Freddy: Sometimes I wish I could be more than just an accessory to these women, but unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect.
Mangle: Well, I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me!
Toy Freddy: That just makes you a beta cuck. That's- That's the difference between you and I, Mangle. I'm a— I'm a alpha gamer—
Toy Freddy: Anyway... where we— where we droppin', boys?
Toy Chica: Have you ever actually interacted with a woman in your life, Freddy?
Toy Freddy: That doesn't matter.
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