#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol
arolesbianism · 1 month
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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cubesugarss · 11 months
twitter broken so i'm going to introduce an ALKALOID-centric soccer AU i've had in my head for a while!
This AU includes every character in ES. The teams are split up by agency! ALKALOID are the newest members of Starmaker Production's team, and they are.. quite a bunch!
An extremely talented player with incredible willpower, despite being a complete newbie to soccer. Starpro is his first time playing on a team.
Lacks in game sense and technique but makes it up with his explosive speed and physical strength. He has a very reckless playing style; oftentimes, upon receiving the ball, he does not pass to anyone else and instead dribbles directly towards the goal, no matter where he is on the field (it works sometimes).
Has a surprisingly accurate & dangerous shot.
Despite being a first-year player on starpro, he improves so quickly that he becomes a starting player by their first game of the season (which makes Aira feel all sorts of things).
Starpro top 3 goal scorer. A good chunk of them are from Mayoi's assists. They work very well together
His teammates say he is very easy to work with because he has a very loud voice.
An average player who has been playing since middle school but could never manage to stand out.
Was initially very wary about joining the team, as he did not particularly want to continue the sport into high school due to past experiences, but something held him back from quitting. He gives Starpro a chance in hopes that it will change his mindset for the better.
Lacks in physical strength and technique but has good endurance and game sense. A very careful player who lacks assertiveness, which is his downfall.
The only member of ALKALOID who does not become a starting player by their first game. His teammates tell him that he has time to improve since he's the youngest on the team, but it doesn't sit right with him.
Has a very intense girl rivalry with Hiiro.
A mysterious but incredibly skilled player who, like Hiiro, has never played on a team before Starpro.
A very versatile player who can play any position besides goalkeeper, but excels as a wing midfielder due to his speed. He also has very strong technique and makes very smart plays.
Almost all of his experience came from watching recordings of professional players. He is very talented and passionate about the sport, but never had the opportunity to play with an actual team.
Often gets very nervous before games, being unable to think about anything else several hours or even days before they happen. However, once he steps on the field, his teammates often say that he becomes a completely different person.
He and Hiiro are often grouped together as Starpro's "golden newbies".
Likes to braid ALKALOID's hair before games. He buys them matching accessories.
Reimei Academy's former star player. He previously had given up on playing after sustaining a serious leg injury. His return as part of ALKALOID came as a surprise to many
Became Starpro's starting goalkeeper after Eichi Tenshouin became unable to play for an extended period of time. He has very big shoes to fill, but is able to shoulder his responsibility (most of the time).
Incredible game sense, technique and physical strength. He can punt longer than 50 yards very easily. His strongest quality is his ability to remain level-headed in any situation.
Wears a sleeve over his injured leg; it occasionally flares up in pains. He has a bad habit of playing through these pains, which will come back to bite him in the future.
Their jersey numbers are based on the enstars 7th anniversary playing cards merch!
Like in !! main story, ALKALOID are initially accepted into Starpro as an opportunity for them to prove themselves as soccer players & to make their mark as quickly as possible to avoid being kicked off the team. Good luck soldiers
I hope to post more about this AU once I have actual jersey designs! Thank u for reading <3
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writerdream22 · 2 years
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requested by: @winterxisxcomingx , I sincerely hope you like this ✨🌻💛
pairings: Jonathan Byers x reader, Joyce Byers x reader, etc.
warnings: none, except for a few curse words
feedbacks are always appreciated!
You and Jonathan were kind of the weirdos of Hawkins High. The oldest of the Byers children spent most of his time on photography-related matters, while you loved writing and taking inspiration on whichever thing happened to be in your field of view.
The both of you weren't that sociable; however, you had managed to become friends while you were in elementary school and were inseparable ever since.
You had a couple other friends, of course, but Jonathan was your best friend. He knew everything about you, just like your brother or your mother did, and you knew everything about him.
After so many years of knowing one another Joyce considered you to be a children of hers as you often went over to the Byers house, and your mother did the same with Jonathan.
Once in a while you organised sleepovers, either after a tiring week of school or on the weekdays (if you didn't have any important tests to revise for). That time, it was Jonathan who invited you over to watch scary movies and bake something together; you loved cooking, so you accepted immediately.
School had been particularly tiring that day, so you needed a good rest. After your last class, you hopped on your best friend's car and drove to the Byers house. Afterwards, you put your things into Jonathan's room and walked to the kitchen; he followed soon after.
“What do you want to make today?”
“Uhm... what about a cheescake?”
“Yes! I love cheescakes! I'll bring some to Dustin tomorrow, he'll love it for sure!”
You immediately started gathering the ingredients, and soon enough you were preparing the dessert. You were too busy trying not to make a mess to notice that Jonathan wasn't helping you out like always.
“Hey, Jo, get your ass back in here! I need help, you know? Or else I'll eat this cake all by myself!”
“Oh, I'm sure you will, y/n”
“Are you mocking me now?”
“I would never”
“Hey, don't— are you taking photos of me?”
“Uhm... yes?”
“Well, let me strike a pose, or else I won't look good at all!”
With that, Jonathan burst out laughing as you started making the strangest poses.
While others found this passion of his a bit creepy, taking photos of people without them noticing, you found it sweet. He liked observing people, just like you did; it was just his was of expressing his curiosity that was different.
Not long after, Jonathan put his camera away and started actively helping you. Unfortunately, it took you double the time needed to make the cheescake because you laughed at everything and were distracted by even the smallest things.
Suddenly, the phone started ringing. It wasn't Jonathan who went to answer, though; strangely enough, you picked up.
“Hi, this is the Henderson residence, how may I— no wait, this is the Byers residence. How may I help?”
“Y/n, it's me”
“Oh! Joyce, is everything ok?”
“Yes, yes. I just wanted to ley you know that I won't be home this evening. Bob Newby asked me to try this new restaurant and— I think I'll go”
“Well that's great! Do I need to pick Will up from Mike's?”
“Oh no, I'm going to take care of that. I'll be home by 10.30, ok? There's some leftovers in the fridge if you want anything to eat”
“Okay. I'll see you soon then— and good luck on your date!”
“Thank you, y/n. Say hi to Jonathan for me”
“I will!”
While you conversed with Joyce, you watched Jonathan. He was carefully mixing the last of the needed ingredients, and when you hung up he turned around; and he did notice you were observing him, but he didn't mind.
“All right. I think the cheescake is finished. Just need to put it in the fridge and we're done”
“Great. What do we do now?”
“We could watch a movie or two, just like we said”
You chose to watch Motel Hell and The Funhouse, which you'd watched plenty of times already, and Jonathan also made some popcorn just to have a snack.
Even though sleep was threatening to take over, you tried to stay awake and enjoy the time with your best friend.
“You're tired, uh?”
“Not at all”
“Your yawning says otherwise”
“I just never sleep that well, you know? And I'm exhausted at the end of the week”
“I understand... Well, we can go to sleep right know if you want to.”
“Thank you, Jo. You're the best”
“I know y/n”
He was just like that with you. Sarcastic, funny and witty. You were grateful that he felt comfortable enough to show this side of his.
You fell asleep almost immediately on Jonathan's bed; you always thought that the mattress was extremely soft, and that the bedsheets smelled amazing. You didn't know the exact reason why,but you felt at ease sleeping there.
You expected Jonathan to come in at one moment or another, but he didn't. Instead, you were woken up by a knock on the door.
“Come in”
“Oh, hey sleeping beauty”
“Hello prince charming”
“You slept quite a while, you know? It's almost 9.30pm .I didn't want to wake you up, but I made something to eat”
“What is it?”
“It's pasta. With tomato sauce and basil. Just how you like it”
“Thank you, Jo! I'll get up, I just— I have to brush my hair. It looks like I fought with a stray cat”
“Your hair is beautiful, y/n. Now eat, then we can taste that amazing cheescake”
The pasta was absolutely delicious, and so was the cheescake. Nonetheless, you thought the Graham cracker crust needed some more butter; it felt too dry.
After you ate everything you and Jonathan sat on the couch again and started watching The Funhouse, your second movie of the day. You found it to be quite scary, hence the fact that you held your hands on your face for most of the time. Jonathan, on the other hand, held his left arm around your shoulders while his right arm held yet another bowl of freshly made popcorn.
“Why can't we watch something else? I mean, why does it always have to be horror movies?”
“Oh, shush! Horror movies are the best!”
When Joyce and Will got back, they found out that the two of you had fallen asleep; Jonathan was sitting normally, while you had unconsciously put your head on his chest.
“Does this mean they're together, mom?”
“I don't know, honey”
You suddenly woke up in the middle of the night; after checking the clock on the wall, along with your wristwatch, you noted that it was 4am. You weren't that used to falling asleep before midnight, and you figured out that that was the reason why you had woken up so early.
Almost immediately you acknowledged the position you were in; practically holding your best friend like he was your favourite stuffed toy. It wasn't the first time you'd fallen asleep like that, but this time it felt different. It strangely felt more intimate. Needless to say, you were surprised and your heartbeat quickened.
You tried countless times to fall asleep, but you just couldn't. Your mind was flooded by thoughts regarding Jonathan and the relationship between the two of you. Was it just friendship or was there something more brewing? You really didn't know.
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missmungoe · 2 years
ok first of all, i love your writing. the way you write shanks and makino together and sepertaley is amazing and i have read all of your fics like three times now and i love them. I especially love the friendship between makino and ben beckman. I was wondering if you're gonna do any more one shots with makino and ben's friendship??
(This has been in my inbox forever, but I’ve been working on a follow-up chapter to Tethered to Kinder Shores and while writing this scene, I remembered it, so here’s a little something with Makino and Ben!)
She occupied a special place in their crew.
For their youngest members, she was a presence some of them had been without growing up, meeting them with a kindness and empathy that allowed them to be boys, even if the sea had long since taken that from them. For their older veterans, she was a reminder of the good still in the world, but more importantly, the good still in themselves, which the sea had come for after it had taken the last of their boyhood.
For their captain, she was everything. And for all of them, she was an anchor, to people they’d once been and that they sometimes needed reminding they still were, and to the future they hoped was still there for them, in the new era, however long and hard the voyage would be getting there. And she loved them all, veterans and newbies alike, and didn’t have favourites, at least aside from the obvious, but other than their captain, there was one who stood out, and no matter how many things had changed over the past ten years, his hair being only the most visually apparent, Ben was glad their friendship had remained the same.
Of course, some things were different. Back then, she hadn’t known half of it; not the truth of who they were, or the place they occupied in the world balance, but her role was different now, and not just in terms of who she was to their captain.
“And these are the ones he broke out of Impel Down?”
Ben nodded, observing as she perused the list, along with the accompanying wanted posters. “Bounties are recently updated.”
Down the street from the porch where they were sitting, their ship lay docked in the harbour, a sleeping dragon in a cove of gold as the evening sun sank like an anchor through the deepening sky, the sails of the windmills casting long shadows across the rolling fields further inland.
She had her ledger in her lap, perched atop the pregnant curve of her belly, a pen tucked between her fingers as she made notes, her eyes moving between Ben’s own ledgers where they lay around her, and the wanted posters bearing the faces of Blackbeard’s commanders.
The late sunlight brought out the freckles on the tops of her shoulders, bared by the delicately flaring sleeves of her ivory sundress. It hugged her belly, and her feet were bare, her apron discarded in a tender heap, all of her a study in gentleness, and if he hadn’t known better, he might have thought she was poring over her usual work, only these weren’t her lists of inventory or shipments from her distilleries, but she’d approached them with the same meticulous care, categorising all the information he’d shared with her, names and bounties and affiliations. She had her own system, different from his, but Ben didn’t question it, observing instead as she catalogued the information, classified things even the navy brass didn’t know, some of it he wagered the World Government would have paid a pretty penny for, and not something he would have given just anyone, but it said something about her importance that he shared it with her.
And it said something about her, and the sharp, meticulous mind behind those deceptively gentle features. But then even if she’d never been off the docks, she was more cunning than people realised, and he would have been a fool if he’d believed all she’d been doing for ten years had been the newspaper crossword puzzles. The stack of clippings and notes she’d shown him hadn’t been a surprise; at least not to Ben.
Tucking the pen into her kerchief, she leafed through the wanted posters, before she paused, the slender hand hovering over the one bearing Blackbeard’s grinning face, before she slid it from between the others.
She considered it, her brow furrowed gently, unmarred but for the silver line bisecting one of her eyebrows, but he saw their captain’s scars in her eyes as they lifted from the wanted poster to his.
“Are you strong enough to defeat him?” Makino asked.
Those eyes took no prisoners. And he’d stared down death more times than he could count without breaking a sweat, and yet somehow, being at the centre of that gentle scrutiny made him feel stripped of all his guards.
He didn’t sugarcoat it, but then he’d never done that with her. “We’ll have to be.”
“And if you aren’t?” she pressed, even as the gentle lilt of her voice didn’t change. Her eyes hadn’t dropped his, and didn’t give him allowance to do the same.
He chose his next words with care, although didn’t mince them, but then she of all people deserved the truth, for all she’d given them.
“If we’re not strong enough to defeat him,” Ben said, “there won’t be a second chance.”
“So it’s defeat him or die trying,” Makino said.
Ben nodded.
The setting sun had come to rest on the horizon’s collar, the warm light filtered through the rigging of their ship. In the shade of the porch, her eyes looked bottomless, but Ben only met them calmly.
Then that soft mouth firmed, and shutting her ledger, “No,” Makino said.
His brows lifted, but then there were few on this sea who could catch him off guard. The only other person who’d ever succeeded was currently inside the bar behind them, tapping drinks for their crew. “No?”
Putting the ledger away, Makino didn’t yield, her chin lifted where she stared him down, tiny and pregnant and having none of it as she repeated, “No.”
When had she become so bold? There was no trace of the girl who’d once quailed at confrontations, and who’d been unwilling to demand even what she was owed. The woman sitting in her place now didn’t even flinch, as Makino told him, “I don’t accept that.”
His breath left him in a gust, his startled smile compelled entirely in spite of himself, lifting his toothpick as Ben said, “I don’t make the rules, Makino.”
“Maybe not,” Makino said. “But that doesn’t stop you from bending them when it pleases you.”
“This is a little different than the betting pools,” Ben reminded her, with a glance at the ledger that lay a little ways off from the rest.
“Fine,” Makino countered, prim. “Then I’ll make an official bet.”
His look softened, but then it was hard to withstand that gentle force. “On?”
The eyes that met his held nothing back, but then when it came to betting on them, she’d always gone all in. “On a safe return,” Makino said.
He heard what she didn’t say, and saw that she knew when her eyes lowered to her belly where his godchild slept, cupped beneath her hand.
Her eyes turned to the harbour, and their ship, and smoothing her fingers over the curve of her belly, Ben saw how they shook, as Makino said, “I’m thinking of staying. The next time you leave.”
He said nothing, allowing the words instead to settle between them, with the weight of a heavy truth that had been carried for a while. And he didn’t have to wonder if she’d told Shanks yet, finding it in her eyes, but even if this was her first time speaking it, he knew his captain, a shrewder man than most even without his wife’s face failing to keep her secrets, and doubted he’d missed it.
“I know you’re always telling me,” Makino continued, as her eyes lifted from her belly to his, “that I’m a pirate, and that I’m one of you. But even if I am, I’m still just a barmaid.”
Ben didn’t disagree, even if he might have told her that she’d never been just that, but knew this wasn’t about technicalities or personal feelings, which was why she was telling him.
“I don’t want to be a burden,” Makino said, and before he could object, “If you remove all feelings from the equation, and if I ask you to make the most practical decision…”
She didn’t finish, but then she didn’t need to. Because while they’d all changed, so had the sea, and it wasn’t the same as when their captain had asked her to come with them ten years ago.
And he knew what the practical choice was, even if he wondered if she knew that as far as she was concerned, none of them could have given less of a shit about what was practical.
But she had asked him, and with a sigh, “Staying would be safer,” Ben conceded. Given where they were headed, and their enemies…
And yet, even if it was a fact, for once, he felt recklessly inclined to ignore it.
But they’d always given her the choice, and no matter what she chose, it didn’t change who she was, if she was with them or in Fuschia. And as theirs, she was theirs to protect, in any way they could.
She didn’t smile, her spine straight where she sat on the steps of her bar, and in that moment she had never looked more like what she was, regal in her gentle conviction, dressed in soft linen and the last of the sunlight and with the horizon behind her.
“Then it’s decided,” Makino said, cupping her belly. “When you go back to the New World, we’re staying.”
Ben only nodded, but then an order was an order, although he did wonder at her influence, that for all his loyalty, he wanted to object.
“And you’ll come back to me alive,” Makino said, this time with a look. “All of you. That’s the only alternative I accept.”
His startled grin was as helpless as his hope, for all that he was rarely inclined towards the feeling, as he chuckled, “Aye, ma’am.”
Reaching for her ledger, the front of which bore a cheerful sticker of a sunflower, she opened it, this time on a different page, well-thumbed by the look of it, and the leather-bound spine cracking open naturally, as though it had been opened here many times.
The wanted poster that appeared looked worn but carefully kept, Shanks’ serious features printed above the obscene row of numbers and the bold black letters that declared him what he was. Wanted, dead or alive.
Behind it were more posters, so many Ben wondered how she’d gotten her hands on all of them, and if Garp had had a hand in it.
“Anything new to share?” Makino asked, smiling. “I like to stay up to date.”
“Captain’s found a few more grey hairs,” Ben said. “He’s taking it as well as could be expected.”
“Meaning with unflappable grace?”
Grinning around his toothpick, Ben deadpanned, “A master of aplomb and self-control, that guy.”
Her adoring smile betrayed her teasing, before her eyes softened, and this time she asked him, gentler, “But aside from the usual melodrama, he’s doing well?”
His look told her she knew that better than they did, but he knew she wasn’t asking about his physical health, and so, “Some days are harder than others,” Ben said, and saw her eyes softening. And then, because it was her, “He misses you.”
Her flustered smile looked like it couldn’t be helped, but, “Thank you,” she said, meeting his eyes. “For taking care of him.”
His mouth jutted, as Ben said wryly, “It’s a team effort.”
“Hmm, well he’s a bit of a handful.”
His grin hurt, but then it had been a while since he’d felt freed enough of his usual burdens to indulge.
He watched as she considered the wanted poster, before Makino asked him, “Any weaknesses to report? All I’ve noted here is kimchi fried rice and single malt whiskey. As his first mate, you would know.”
Ben just looked at her, and saw she’d caught on when she huffed softly. “I’m not writing myself down,” Makino said.
“You would if you’d seen him wax about you after a few drinks,” Ben said.
He doubted she could have concealed her gratified grin if she’d tried her hardest, but lowering her eyes to Shanks’ wanted poster, it faltered a bit as Makino told him, “I don’t want to be a weakness.”
A different man might have offered her reassurance, but he wasn’t about to start coddling her now. “You don’t choose what you are to someone,” Ben said. “But weakness doesn’t mean liability. It just means he has something to lose.”
Brown eyes lifted from the wanted poster to his, but then for all her importance, her humility cheerfully defied it.
A small smile pursed her mouth then, and, “What about you?” Makino asked. “What’s your weakness?”
His pointed look answered, but then it was the same answer for all of them who’d ever known her, and he saw her flustered smile breaking her composure, but then they were always trying their hardest to remind her.
Still, because she had asked, “I like intelligent conversation and a dry sense of humour,” Ben said. “A little cleavage doesn’t hurt.”
“So wits and tits?” Makino asked demurely, as a barking laugh ripped from him, as startled as any he’d ever made, and he heard the conversation stilling inside the bar behind them.
Looking at her where she sat, the picture of angelic innocence with that smile on her face, Ben shook his head. “They’d never believe me if I relayed this conversation verbatim,” he told her. Shanks would be the only one. “But you’re not wrong.”
“And you’re still breaking hearts in every port?”
His brows furrowed, but then she was terrible at hiding when she was fishing for something. “What did Yasopp tell you?”
She shrugged daintily. “Nothing. Just something about a recent incident.” A beat passed, and he knew what was coming even before her grin broke and she blurted, “A princess, Ben?”
“I didn’t know she was a princess until after the fact,” Ben said. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“How?” Makino asked. “With my eyes?”
When she just continued to look at him, he sighed. “I made it very clear to her that it was just going to be a one-time thing.”
“Shanks said the king threatened to have you executed.”
“Believe it or not, it’s not my first time,” Ben said.
Her look told him she did believe it, before she asked, “Was it at least worth it?”
Ben looked at her, and the wide brown eyes that were so easy to enthrall. And he didn’t kiss and tell, no matter how relentlessly his crew tried to get it out of him, but she was different, and so, “She made me laugh,” Ben said, and when her whole face brightened with delight, surprised himself by adding, “And she was very generously blessed.”
“And the conversation?”
“Let’s just say it was a good thing we didn’t need to do a lot of talking.”
“Oof,” she said. “But hey, two out of three?”
“I’m not complaining,” Ben said.
“Even though you’re now banned from ever setting foot in her country?”
“I’ll live.”
“As long as you never go there, at least,” Makino shot back, before her grin eased. “So no thoughts of settling down yet?”
“I thought that was a given,” Ben said, with a look. “Or did you ask me to be godfather and expect me to take off?”
Her grin had no shame, but it was too delighted to be anything but earnest. “I’m sure you’ll still be able to find someone to provide intellectual conversation,” Makino said, before quipping, demure, “and other things.”
Grinning, “The order isn’t important,” Ben deadpanned, although didn’t say that as far as his future was concerned, there were more important things than who warmed his bed at night.
As though in response to the thought, her hand flew to her belly, her features contorting a bit, before she breathed out through her mouth.
“Is it kicking?” Ben asked.
Makino nodded, her hand moving over the taut curve, seeking it. “Want to feel it?”
It was a permission she granted freely, but unlike the rest of their crew who had no qualms about infringing on her person, including cooing at her belly whenever the opportunity presented itself, Ben respected her privacy, although reaching out his hand, Makino didn’t hesitate, as gentle fingers guided it towards where the kicking was strongest, his hand big where it spanned her belly, and weathered in a way he hadn’t really noticed before now, all his years and deeds marked in the scars along the back of it.
Then he felt the movement under his palm, and every single thought in his mind proceeded to leave it.
And he’d been wrong, earlier. There was one more who could catch him off guard.
Her hands moved it lower, and catching his look, her own was wry, as Makino said, “Since you all came back, I no longer have a concept of personal space.”
She didn’t sound particularly upset about this, the smile in her eyes recalling the eager hands always touching her belly, or singing to it, as they’d taken to doing, their captain in particular.
Still, they were both private creatures, and, “Try being stuck on a ship with them,” Ben said, although immediately regretted it when her smile faltered, her earlier decision recalled with brutal swiftness.
But, “One day,” Makino said, with a hope he might have called idealistic, had it been anyone else, as she murmured, smiling, “I did promise him.”
As though on cue, a loud laugh reached them through the bat-wing doors, and Ben saw how it drew her eyes. Under his palm, the baby gave another kick.
“Getting close now,” he said, the jut of his mouth lifting his toothpick, but his usual craving was nowhere to be found. “Is he ready?”
“Are any of you?” Makino countered smoothly.
His grin was his answer, as Ben told her honestly, “Not in the least.”
She hummed. “Then it’s a good thing you have me at the helm.”
Ben silently agreed, although kept himself from saying he’d trust her at the actual helm, if it came down to it.
From atop her belly, his hand looked back. And he knew the things it had done, and would do without hesitation, and anyone else might have paused before trusting him with something as fragile as their unborn child, but there was no hesitation in the eyes that had looked at him and seen, and more than even Ben had told her, for all his painful honesty. But while he carried no shame for the things he’d done, it was still humbling, faced with the life you’d lived and the choices you’d made, in the presence of one that hadn’t yet begun.
Footsteps on the gravel drew his eyes up from her belly to an unfamiliar man, having stopped before the porch, his eyes lifted to Party’s sign, before they lowered to the two of them where they sat on the steps.
Ben saw him glance towards the harbour, his gaze lingering a moment longer on Red Force, before he asked them, “Is this Fuschia village?”
Not an islander, or he wouldn’t have asked, but he must have come from Goa. Dadan usually kept abreast of anyone passing through the forest, but Ben’s Den Den Mushi hadn’t rung, which meant he must have slipped her notice.
“It is,” Makino said, with a benign smile. “Can I help you?”
It was offered with her usual hospitality, and a gentle authority that belonged to more than just the proprietor of the local bar, but then anyone who’d ever set foot in this village knew it wasn’t the mayor who held the highest seat.
The stranger looked her up and down, a glimmer brightening his eyes that had Ben’s brows furrowing. He wore a simple shirt and breeches under a leather coat, and wasn’t armed from what Ben could see, but he knew people, and a weapon was just a weapon. There were other, more telling details for those who knew where to look.
Pirate, he thought, and there was a straightness to his shoulders that said former navy, although whatever rank or title he held, there was only one designation that mattered, marked in his mind like the notes in his ledgers.
Placing his hand on his flintlock, Ben saw how it drew her gaze, and the stranger’s from where he’d been watching her. But if he was threatened by the display, he didn’t let on.
“You the one who owns this place?” he asked Ben, but before he could answer,
“I am,” Makino said, a firmness in her voice now, dragging the stranger’s eyes back to her, and Ben watched as they lowered to her belly, cupped under her hand.
Rising from his seat, Ben saw her look up, but the stranger didn’t move, only looked at him where he’d put himself in front of her, his flintlock in his hand.
“We’re full,” Ben said.
He got a snort for that, as the stranger looked him up and down. “What are you, her bouncer?”
“Yes,” Ben said, unfazed. “So bounce.”
Shifting his weight, “No,” he said. “I’d like a drink. This is a bar, right? Where’s the smalltown hospitality I keep hearing about?”
“You’re looking at it,” Ben said.
When he didn’t move, “I’ll count to three,” Ben said. “You choose what to do with those seconds. How’s that for hospitality?”
“And if I decide to use them to take you out?” the stranger asked.
“Ben,” Makino said, a gentle warning, although he wondered for whose sake. But from how warily she was watching the stranger, he didn’t need to wonder what she’d deduced, although the fact that she hadn’t offered him a drink said enough.
He considered his options. He didn’t want to bloody the threshold of her bar, but the way the guy was watching her said he wasn’t about to be talked into leaving.
He’d only need a few seconds, and usually, he wouldn’t have hesitated, although knew why he did, aware of the eyes on his back that had only ever looked at him with trust, never with fear.
He thought of the movements under his hand, wrapped around the cold metal of his flintlock.
The doors behind them sang then, and Makino started, her eyes flying up where Shanks had appeared, his fingers reaching to brush her jaw gently. “Did I hear someone asking for a drink?”
His voice was amicable, even if Ben didn’t miss the slight edge in it, and wondered if Makino heard it, as Shanks came to a stop, angled slightly in front of her. Smiling, he told the stranger, “We’re a bit short-staffed today but I’m sure we could find room.”
He wasn’t wearing his cloak or his sword, in his shirtsleeves and with his missing arm apparent, an apron slung low on his hips and a towel draped over his shoulder, but while anyone else could have been mistaken for a barkeep, the way he held himself left little room for misinterpretation, like the telling shiver in the air, but then even in its mildest form, his conqueror’s haki was enough to make the planks beneath them creak forebodingly, the foundation of her bar trembling, sending the glasses and bottles on the shelves within chiming softly.
It was a rare show of aggression for a man who laughed off most threats, but then he’d seen the same thing Ben had, a fact that was only confirmed when the stranger’s eyes widened, his face blanching as he staggered back, his wide eyes fixed on Shanks.
The doors swung open again, this time with a little more force, before the rest of their crew were there, filling her porch as Makino’s eyes widened, her head lifting from where she was still sitting on the steps, until they’d surrounded her.
“A customer?” Limejuice asked. From his rolled-up shirtsleeves, he’d been in the middle of doing the dishes.
Grinning, “Our lady doesn’t turn away patrons,” Lucky said, from where he’d come to loom behind her. “Right, Ma-chan?”
“A parting glass before he’s on his way,” Yasopp agreed, his arms crossed where he leaned against one of the supports. “Or what do you say, Boss?”
Shanks said nothing, his scars furrowed with his brow, but whatever he might have told him, the stranger didn’t seem inclined to listen, as he stumbled back, his former confidence shucked as he turned and bolted in the direction he’d come, down the road where it wound between the windmills towards the forest.
Watching him run, “Do you think he’ll be a problem?” Makino asked, with a glance up at Shanks. “He recognised you.”
“One guy flapping his gums?” Hongou asked. “I doubt it.”
“And who’s gonna believe him?” Bonk Punch asked, as Monstar chittered in agreement. “That an Emperor’s docked in a little village in East Blue?”
Their laughter agreed, but Makino wasn’t smiling. She was looking in the direction of the windmills, her hand cupped over her belly.
Touching the bare curve of her shoulder, Shanks smiled when she started. “Gab wants a drink but refuses to let me mix it. Claims I don’t have your touch. I know you’re supposed to be taking it easy…”
“The reason you don’t have my touch is because you measure the components with blind luck and your eyes closed,” Makino pointed out primly, placing her hand in his where Shanks held it out, before allowing him to help her to her feet, his head bent to kiss the parting of her hair as his knuckles grazed the curve of her belly tenderly.
“No heavy lifting,” he warned. “And glasses from the bottom shelf only. Lucky?”
“On it, Boss!”
“I’m not a deck hand,” Makino said, her neck craned to look up at him, tiny but undaunted by the height he had on her. “You can’t captain me around my own bar.”
His innocent look was met with faltering resistance, and a grin she didn’t succeed in stifling, before she huffed her surrender, and his laughter followed her as she turned to walk inside, her walk a little awkward with the weight of her belly. She didn’t look in the direction the stranger had gone.
They all stepped aside to let her pass, lining the entrance to her bar, beaming where they held the bat-wing doors open for her, before following her inside, blocking the path to her, the protective display missed, like the looks they cast over their shoulders.
Shanks didn’t meet them, waiting instead until they were all inside, and it was just the two of them left on the porch.
“Affiliation?” he asked Ben, his voice pitched a little lower. From within the bar, their voices drifted out, chased by her laughter.
“Unknown,” Ben said, his gaze trained in the direction of the windmills. “He’s not in my ledgers.”
His eyes fleeted down to the one she’d left, the cheerful sticker on the front surrendering no clues of its contents, its unassuming nature a fitting reflection of its owner, and this whole place, which made it only more important that it remained that way.
Shanks nodded. “Take care of it,” he said simply, before turning to follow Makino, the doors left swinging in his wake.
“Aye, Captain.”
Lighting himself a cigarette now that Makino was out of rage, Ben shifted his grip on his flintlock, letting out a curl of smoke before he set off down the road in the direction of the turning windmills.
He’d always been painfully pragmatic―a peddler of difficult decisions, made with unflinching conviction. He didn’t always show mercy, not like her, but then he had his own role in this crew, and this family.
And to keep them safe, the choice would always be painfully simple.
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mrnostalgic3 · 2 years
Video-Game Coaching: A Reference To Help Beginners
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If you're only beginning to engage in games, any assistance is appreciated. This refers to the transfer of experience and knowledge from those who play much longer than you. If you've ever wondered about what csgo coaching is, we are sure you've figured it out. It doesn't mean you're not a good player, it just means that you are working on your skills. This way, you will become an expert in a very short time, and that is the dream of every game enthusiast.
This is a guaranteed way to make it to the top as coaches will teach you everything you need to become one. Additionally, you will be provided with various suggestions. You'll be able to look at things from a different viewpoint. This way you will improve as a player and be able to achieve your goals more quickly.
A new perspective
It is true, fortnite coach. The industry is in its prime and billions of dollars are being invested in it, so there's huge potential. It is expected that in the future there will be an increase in the number of professional athletes and coaches. A lot of people pick this field with care to earn money. So don't look at this as something strange since it's not. This is an opportunity for you to see the game from a fresh perspective. Like basketball, baseball or any other sport, a coach provides you with both physical and spiritual preparation.
The ability to improve will increase over time. You are not only more efficient in motor abilities and sharpening your senses but you also have the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. This is precisely the point of armor league of legends. This is the perfect method for those who are new to gaming, and may not understand gaming due to a lack of confidence, experience and skills. Whether you want to make this a career or just improve your skills to have more fun gaming, video couching is actually a thing.
There are many ways to enhance your skills in the absence of a coach. This is by watching videos on Youtube. This is a great method to gain knowledge of new strategies, methods, and other important factors that will help improve your game. But there's one small problem. This won't be enough to allow everyone to become an improved player. It is important to have someone who can guide you to better methods or correct your mistakes.
The acquisition of knowledge and the practice of it are two methods to develop skills. An experienced coach will be able to provide you with both theory and practice. It's a winning combination that will help you become a professional player. In the event that you fail, you'll need to test yourself a lot in order to make some decisions on your own. This is an especially lengthy time for newbies as they first need to learn about the fundamental basics and only then it is time to set some serious goals.
All your questions answered
If you're just starting out in gaming and are trying to make it a career, we are sure you've got a lot of questions and want answers to them. This is great news, because it means you're curious and eager to improve. But, you can only get to a higher level if you get satisfactory answers. That means the answers you come across must be accurate and useful. The result will be a an endless loop of incorrect answers and questions which will lead to more confusion and anger.
Your coach will provide you with details about the business. Your coach will not just assist you in acquiring your own capabilities, but also share information about the industry. Because it is always changing and growing, a lot of information is too much for anyone who is just starting out. The coach will help you choose what is most important and will guide you through the steps to success. He will do much more for you. We're sure his knowledge is extensive in the field if they have had many years of experience.
Competition planning
When we mention tournaments, we must add something to them. You'll not only gain valuable experience but also great understanding. First, you must create a competition that makes this possible. You should look for tournaments that offer prizes or high popularity. The coach will guide you to the best tournaments in which you can count on the best. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow. Keep your cool in order to apply everything you've learned, and to win over the audience in this contest.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 2 years
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🔝 Referenced on today's briefing ⬇️.
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Hey Arthur I wanted to give you first 📴 much praise & encouragement. Your openness with your struggle and your obvious victories so far are inspiring! Thank you for your loving response to the Lord.
I also had some food for thought: my friend's dad was diagnosed with cancer, and he ultimately decided to go vegan instead of doing chemo and... it has reduced his cancer to undetectable. Blows my mind. You talk about difficulties with diet, but there are so many delicious vegan recipes, and you end up feeling great. Don't let your flesh win this battle! Kill those cravings for (processed) sugar. Eat fruit, whatever is natural and sweet and tasty. Just not skittles or milk chocolate, haha. I'd even encourage you to eat bread, I don't think carbs are your enemy like many say, just eat complex carbs like you talked about, and natural carbs, not processed or white carbs. Whole wheat, etc, but I'm no expert on the carb thing that's just my personal experience.
Also, fasting kills cancer. If you fast for 7 days your body starves cancer cells. Fasting can reduce a persons cancer likelihood by 70% if they fast for one week, only water. Since you already have cancer I believe, it is also very effective to fast before starting chemo, it causes drastic changes in effectiveness of chemo therapy if you fast for a few days before starting. Your cancer cells literally live off the food you eat so when you fast they are one of the first things to starve to death.
Now, I know you have diabetes so you may not be able to fast yet, but the vegan diet can reduce your A1C levels till you are no longer diabetic (if you're type 2) and then you can fast! .... I think🤔.
Anyway, I wanted to encourage you with those tidbits, and to dare you to start eating vegan. You will live longer, which we all want you to, and you will not dread your vegan existence like you may think you will, you get used to it eventually, and enjoy it!
I want you to live long brother, though I barely know you. No more mr nice guy on your flesh, put it into submission, you can do it- I promise! Just do what you can. It'll be easy once you get going.
Anyway, no pressure honestly, I just WANTED TO MAKE THOSE EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS SO YOU CAN LOOK INTO THEM FOR YOURSELF because they're unbelievable until I looked into them for myself. I really see a reality where you and God easily beat your flesh problem and you go on in peace here on earth for many more years. I come against all the stuff fogging your mind making you think you need candy and all the other sugar poison- you will look back and think wow I was trapped mentally in a lie and didn't even know it.
You aren't doing this alone, reach out to your community and see if anyone you know is vegan and start talking with them! If you want maybe I can ask my friend for her Dad's phone number and you can get in touch and listen to his story too!! --Austin, from beach Ministry.
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Viewership is reaching out‼️
Out of the clear blue on 9/21, concerned Brethren made contact. Austin and Ricky BOTH took a good amount of time out of their day, to find out how I was doing after my recent overnight 🏥 ER stay.
Ricky suggested we meet at a sports concept, featuring slow-drip ☕ Joe and ⚾. We talked for about 90 minutes and I was super-blessed.
I purchased this baseball card, THERE, particularly because Blake was the starting ⚾ pitcher for the San Diego Padres, tonight.
Veteran Christians need to be MORE mindful of their 👺 intake, than newbies.
Sin lurks, waiting for God's OWN to let our guard down.
As part of our conversation, we discussed the current week-long thread of THIS devotional: running 🧼 clean.
Catching a sporting event would be a personal reward that does a person no harm.
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What other signals are 🇺🇸 lawful residents NOT being made aware of?
Foreigners deciding elections in the United States 🗳️🗳️?
Ask georgie 💩 soros ⬆️😑.
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🤡🤡🤡🤡x👿= LUNACY.
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Existential sins of 2022 look like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Parents are ALLOWING their kids to be 🔪 MUTILATED, leading to increase in suicide.
Collective BLOOD supply is worsening. Cleanse YOURS.
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⚕️👿👹🏥🩻 ✝️🛐🧼
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👺👺 demo-🐀🐀 rats, to Christians and conservatives: IF YOU DON'T take care of yourselves, nobody else is going to give a rat's ass.
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MUST 👁️👁️ SEE ‼️
What were you made FOR?
0 notes
finddoctor0 · 2 years
Clover Cube - The Conspriracy
Thunderclap V1 has very quick turning speed nevertheless it also has easy turning really feel which turned out to be an amazing mix in this speedcube. Valk3 is a speedcube which has a great steadiness of speed and stability. Moyu Guoguan Yuexiao 3x3 Black Magic Cube 3x3x3 Speed Cube Puzzle GuoGuan is a division of MoYu and the YueXiao is their first cube. First off the Gan 354 M is one of the smallest cubes you could find today at 54mm which is an enormous difference when compared to the 56mm of the Gan Air. MoYu is one in all the most important speedcubes manufacturers at the moment. QiYi is a kind of brands that are trying to decrease the value for the value of the product which is one thing I like. Valk 3 is manufactured by QiYi and carries the title of among the finest speedoslvers, Mats Valk, and he used this cube to set the pervious world report of 4.74s. This cube additionally held the 3rd fastest single solve of 4.69s by Patrick Ponce. QiYi Thunderclap is used by many big cubers as their main. It's utilized by many world class cubers.
This cube was used by SeungBeom Cho to break the world document for a single solve of 4.Fifty nine seconds.59 seconds. Negi Rubik’s cube not solely promotes nice rotation perform, however it additionally has smoother turning. Choose a Rubik’s cube with stickers which have sturdy adhesive properties and don't fall off simply or shortly. The effortless turning will have you ever fixing without getting your arms tired. However, corner reducing will usually not interfere together with your solving apart from the sound of it. However, this required a big quantity of handbook tuning and a tight iteration loop between randomization design in simulation and validation on a robotic. There are, nonetheless, a number of notable variations from the Rubik’s Square case. Listed here are some issues you possibly can consider before shopping for a Rubik’s cube. This makes it a perfect reward for someone who is a beginner and also if you are a beginner. Making it an ideal selection for a newbie. Making https://3dmetalpuzzles.com in case you have smaller arms. This is a very good cube for its price. This 3×3 may be very quick nevertheless it gives you a good amount of management over the cube providing you with a slight smoothness between the layers.
If you are a rough and fast cuber the GuoGuan YueXiao tends to overshoot and misalign because of the lack of control. Reduces overshooting to minimum even when you're a tough cuber. These guides are available via QR codes within the cubes package. 4. Tension: Most Rubik’s cubes have an adjustable tension feature to ensure clean movement of the cube. Achieving the “full” threshold is equivalent to solving the Rubik’s cube since going from solved to scrambled is as troublesome as going from scrambled to solved.151515With the exception of the absolutely solved configuration being slightly easier for the imaginative and prescient mannequin to track. The above checklist of the most effective Rubik’s cubes ensure high-high quality performance while solving. 5. Stickers: Some Rubik’s cube have colour stickers, whereas some are made from colored blocks. Over the years, rumors have persisted that Brisker was killed whereas fighting as a mercenary for Idi Amin, or that he was murdered after operating afoul of the Ugandan dictator, who had an excellent worse imply streak than Brisker did.
Turn the piece of paper over so that the folds are going through down. Cut a 21x21/2-inch piece of sizzling-pink felt, and glue round backside edge of hat as a hatband. Cut a small semicircle out of back of field for child's physique. To make ankle ruffles, repeat directions for sleeve cuffs, however reduce two 20x7-inch pieces of white felt for each cuff. As a baseline, we compare DeepCube towards two different solvers. DeepCube (McAleer et al., 2018) reported a median resolve length of 30 moves over 640 random cubes. The choice Transformer (Chen et al., 2021), the first work to propose the usage of transformers in reinforcement leanrnig, also makes use of the GPT-three structure. The magnets help rather a lot with the management however still for the freshmen it is probably finest to go with the non-magnetic cubes at first. 44 years. The primary trickle of latest Ford F-one hundred fifty Lightning trucks is due in 2022, too. Johnson, Daniel. "Ayrton Senna's legacy is still saving lives 20 years after tragedy of Imola." The Telegraph. M2 but it is still highly appreciated cube loved by many.
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merakiaes · 3 years
Captain Jealous - William Lennox
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Pairing: William Lennox x reader
Requested: By @neemonroe​
Prompts: #20, #41, #42 from the smut-list. 
Warnings/notes: Takes place before Transformers. Not proofread so sorry in advance for any mistakes. Might be a little bit OOC but I still hope you’ll enjoy it. Please reblog and comment, it would make my day <3 
Wordcount: 3806
Summary: Flirting with Will only seems to result in annoyance, but when you finally turn your attention elsewhere, he’s not very pleased. 
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To most, you were one of the strongest and most admirable women they’d ever gotten the pleasure of meeting, but to others… well, let’s just say that you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
You were absolutely relentless when you put your mind to something and one of the many people who had fallen victim to that stubbornness was William Lennox.
Having enrolled in the army around the same time and being equally as good at what you did both back in training and in the field, the two of you had always respected each other and rather than being competitive, tried your best to lift each other up.
If one of you took control of a situation and started shouting out orders, the other didn’t question it, not even when Will eventually passed you in ranks. Because your minds worked in the exact same ways and so it didn’t really matter who gave the orders since the orders would be the same in the end, anyway, no matter whose lips they passed.
But you did differ in the way that Will much preferred to keep his personal life separated from his professional life, while you had a habit of letting them merge together, which inevitably resulted in you bringing the obvious attraction you felt for him with you out on the field.
Will was one of the people who thought you had taken your mother’s advice a bit too literally. That was what he told you on a daily basis as a response to your endless flirting, at least. But you knew better; you knew that he, at least to some extent, reciprocated your attractions, thanks to the few moments you had shared back in training.
“It was all fun and games back then”. He liked to say in that stern, military voice he had picked up the second he was promoted to Captain. “But this is the real deal. This is serious, and this, this thing you’re doing, is unprofessional.”
Ever the workaholic soldier, he was, at this point basically having dedicated his entire life to the job with no time to spare for fun. But no matter how hard he tried denying it, you knew that the two of you shared something, and so did every other member of your squad.
The only ones who seemed completely clueless to this were the newbies and as you gradually lost hope that your stubborn captain would ever admit and give in to his feelings, you found it to be a breath of fresh air to be able to spend time with people who weren’t constantly making suggestive remarks and fueling the attraction from your side.
One, in particular, caught your eye; tall, dark and handsome. He had yet to gain more muscle than the bare minimum and was, admittedly, kind of lanky. He was one year younger than you which was way too young seeing as you’d otherwise not even go for guys the same age as you, but he had banter and shared your flirty, dirty, cheeky sense of humor which, most definitely, made up for what he lacked in life-experience.
Will had smugly watched all of the newbies try to make a move on you only to be shot down quicker than your enemies, but then the last of the soldiers had swept up by your side, put a long, lean arm over your shoulders, and hit you with the cheesiest pick-up line he had ever heard. 
“How you doing, mama? You must be a parking ticket, ‘cuz you got fiiine written all over you.”
While Epps, Fig and the rest of the team broke out into laughter at the man’s poor technique, Will’s face transformed from smug to stone-cold murderer. 
Why? Because he knew that you didn’t want a man to tell you the stars reflected in your eyes or that you took their breath away with your beauty.
What you wanted was someone who could make you laugh, and when you threw your head back and joined in on the seemingly endless laughing fit, he was overtaken by a feeling so strong that he didn’t quite know what to do with himself.
And you noticed the change of demeanor immediately. The long, hard stares were only the tip of the iceberg, as was the way he would move closer to you and find a way to touch you as much as he possibly could without making it inappropriate or suspicious. 
The most extreme part of his change in behavior was how hard and strict he suddenly became with the rookie, who had quickly earned himself the reputation of your very own lapdog. 
He got scolded even for the most insignificant of mistakes, always got put on parade as the “example” in exercises in which he was usually thrown to the ground by Will himself and totally and completely humiliated.
Of course, those moments were just poor thinking on Will’s part seeing as you, besides being incredibly flirty and witty, also happened to be one of the most caring members of the team. 
Not only did he have to watch you laugh until your stomach hurt at the rookie’s bad jokes, but he also had to watch you comfort and reassure him after his one-on-one’s with the Captain.
And still, Will couldn’t stop himself from making the same mistake again and again, the consequences every time being that he was stuck watching you fuss over the younger soldier, because no matter how much it vexed him, he knew that you knew why he was acting the way he was. 
It was all a game to you and he played along because he wanted to keep showing you that he was the better option. Unluckily for the rookie, though, Will’s method of showing dominance was through physical contact.
You knew what Will was doing, how he was trying to punish the rookie, mildly and legally, of course, while simultaneously trying to show you that he was displeased with what was going on; that he wanted it to stop.
To a start, you only showed interest in the rookie to fuck with Will, but you quickly realized that he was actually a fun guy to hang around.
You enjoyed spending time with him. Not a second with him went without laughter and it was nice to be able to have fun like that for a change, and soon enough, you’d more or less forgotten about the silent war between the two of you.
You probably knew that it wasn’t a real interest, judging by the way you didn’t even care enough to remember his name, but it was fun to have another banter-buddy.
You’d had an identical friendship with Epps since the start, but two people could only keep the creativity up for so long; after a while, you just couldn’t come up with witty remarks and sarcastic jokes, anymore.
Up until then, Will had still kept his disapproval about the whole thing lowkey, because as long as you were only doing what you were doing to make him jealous, you were still interested. 
But when you started making moves on the rookie with genuine interest, without looking over at Will while doing it, it was no longer a game. 
While already on the topic of games, you were completely useless when it came to cards. It didn’t matter what game you played; you’d always end up as the loser. And although you enjoyed the banter that followed the teasing of your poor card-playing abilities, your patience wasn’t endless.
“Alright, I’m calling it.” You chuckled after losing the fifth game of the evening, dropping your thick deck of cards onto the table in front of you.
“Really? But it was going so good for you.” Epps wasted no time in firing back with feign-surprise, to which all you did was deliver a sharp slap to his head.
The table broke out into laughter. “You had that coming.” Fig shook his head, successfully starting a metaphorical war. 
You chuckled at their antics and pushed back your chair, getting to your feet and stretching your arms above your head.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You said, and wasted no time in starting to collect your things.
The rookie’s attention was instantly piqued, and so was Will’s, who had been playing in silence nearly the entire time you’d been there.
“You know, I need to shower, too.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk. “So, I should probably join you. You know, save water. Provide some extra heat.”
“Oh, yeah?” You raised a playful eyebrow and chuckled. “Tempting offer, but I’ll have to take a raincheck on that. Glad to know I have options, though. Maybe next time.”
Without waiting for his reply, you snatched your jacket from a nearby stool and playfully flicked his forehead, before turning around and walking away, completely oblivious of the pairs of eyes that kept watching you from the table you had just left.
You went about your shower routine like you always did; get undressed, wash hair, wash body, turn off the water in-between washes, get dried and get dressed again. Sharing the water with so many people could be hard, so you couldn’t really take the long, thoughtful showers you did when at home.
You were out again as quickly as you had gotten in and took your time getting lotioned and dressed, getting as much self-care into your night as you possibly could when at a military base.
“What are you doing with the new kid?”
You should’ve been significantly more aware of your surroundings as a soldier but in your defense, everyone dropped their guard to some extent when in a safe environment, so the scream that came out of your mouth at the sudden sound of a voice was completely justified.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You swore as you jumped around, hastily reaching for your damp towel to cover your bare chest.
Coming face to face with a furious-looking Will, you glared. “Knock much?”
He didn’t look amused in the slightest, crossing his arms over his chest. “Knock, knock. Answer my question.”
Your mouth snapped shut at the dominance behind his voice and your eyes instinctively flickered to his biceps, veins and muscle more defined than ever in the way he had positioned his arms.
You were, however, proud to say that you were quick to come back to your senses, your eyes snapping back to meet his.
“Do you, maybe, oh, I don’t know, want to turn around?” You asked sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.
If you wanted him to turn around to gain privacy for yourself or simply because you couldn’t stop glancing at his bulging biceps, you didn’t know, but no matter the reason behind your wish, he didn’t move an inch.
“Answer the question.” Was all that he said, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m just having a bit of fun.”
“Do you like him?” His questions kept shooting out as quickly as bullets and, again, you couldn’t refrain from rolling your eyes.
“He’s fun to be around.” You said simply, giving him a slightly annoyed glare before turning around and dropping the towel to continue getting dressed.
Will didn’t even try to cover the fact that he was checking you out, eyes shamelessly traveling your form and taking his sweet time to remember all the details his eyes could reach. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time one of you saw the other only partly clothed – you know, it was kind of inevitable for all of you to catch a glimpse of each other’s birthday suits once every blue moon - so once the shock of his sudden appearance had melted off, the nervousness followed.
“But do you like-like him?”
At the sound of that question in particular, you couldn’t help but snort.
“What is this? Third grade?” You threw him an amused look over your shoulder. “Say that I do like-like him, do you think I should ask Epps if he can give him a note asking him to check yes or no on whether or not he’d like to be my boyfriend?” You gave him a sarcastic pout.
At this point, Will was completely fed up with your inability to take anything seriously and spun you around by your arm. 
Luckily, you had just finished hooking your bra behind your back, said bra thankfully covering your chest from his view.
“Can you not make a joke about everything?” He asked, your wrist firmly held in his hand. “You have to realize how bad this looks to our superiors. First me, and now him. You can’t go around flirting with everyone. It makes you look unprofessional and uncommitted and that, in turn, makes it look like I can’t do my job.”  
“Is that really what’s got your big-soldier-boy panties in a twist, though?” You narrowed your eyes challengingly, and slowly fought your wrist out of his grip to, instead, grab a hold of his hand.
Further proving your point, he did nothing to protest, the glare remaining in his eyes, but the rest of his face being overtaken by exasperation.
“I just don’t get it.” He said. “You spend all this time pushing my buttons, being completely insufferable with your never-ending flirting, and now you’re suddenly interested in someone else?”
“I think the real question here is why you’re suddenly interested when I’ve spent so much time trying to get your attention to no avail and now, what? You suddenly want me because I might be interested in someone else?” You raised an eyebrow, and couldn’t deny the flash of heat going through your body when he lowly growled.
“I’ve never not wanted you.” He objected. “And you’re not interested in the rookie.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I know you.”
“So what you’re saying is, basically, that you can’t be with me, but I also can’t be interested in anyone else.”
“We both know that relationships in this work are highly frowned upon and-“
“Highly frowned upon, but not forbidden. You’ve still had the option to choose, and you actively chose not to act on it. Just making that clear.”
“I haven’t acted on it because it’s wrong.”
“If it’s so wrong…” You started, a sharp shiver going down your spine as your bare back hit the cold, wet tiles. “Then why did you just corner me in the shower?”
During that short minute of back-and-forth arguing, he had done just that, the two of you now standing chest against chest in the darkest corner of the room.
Your face was pulled into a determined glare, as was his, and the tension and intensity behind your shared stare was enough to have all of the previously discussed issues forgotten in less than a microsecond.  
The proximity between you in combination with the fact that you were at an obvious disadvantage in height and size made you feel both hot and cold at the same time. You felt like prey under his stare. You found yourself liking it all the while you were hating the feeling of being so powerless, and your inner conflict only added to the tension.
“You have no idea how much willpower it’s taken me to keep resisting you, to keep turning you down.” He spoke slowly, and lowly. “Each of my thoughts about you are improper and you put all of those thoughts into my head every day, pulling my strings, pushing my buttons, just walking around being… you.”
In one smooth motion, he intertwined his fingers with yours, and your eyes automatically flickered down to watch your now joined-together digits; rough and calloused meeting even rougher and more calloused.
“I like you. I care about you. More than I should.” He continued, prompting you to look back up with an eyebrow raised.
“What do you want me to say?” He asked, exasperated and impatient. “Do you want me to say that I want to be with you? Because I do. I. Want. To. Be. With. You.”
You snickered at his over-dramatic emphasizing, finding it nothing short of amusing that he’d been protesting and telling you how wrong it was only seconds before, and now he was more or less proclaiming his love for you. That, more than anything, just showed how stubborn he was.
“Took you long enough.” You mused, leaning your head back into the wall and smirking, all while looking him straight in the eye. “It’s just too bad that I’ve grown so fond of the rookie. You know, he’s quite-“
Before you could finish your sentence, you were interrupted by Will’s lips crashing into yours, roughly and urgently. In the process, you were pushed even further into the wall behind you, and as the sudden force threw you off balance, you instinctively reacted by moving your arms up to his neck to hold yourself in place.
In return, his hands moved to each side of your waist, big, warm hands squeezing down on the flesh that had long ago turned cold from being bare in the nippy air for so long.
You had always imagined what it would feel like to be touched by him like this, but not even your wildest imagination could compare to the intensity of the tingles that spread through your stomach and chest.
Your hands slowly sneaked up the back of his neck, your body reacting automatically, but just as you were about to tousle your fingers in his hair, the moment ended when he pulled away.
Both of you were left panting in silence, the only sounds available for your ears to hear being your ragged breaths and the rhythmic dripping of the shower beside you.
“Wow, Captain.” You were the first one to speak. “I knew you were hot for me, but try to keep it in your pants. That was hardly professional.”
Just like that, your sarcastic persona returned as if it had never left in the first place, your eyes opening after having been closed up until then and meeting his with a playful grin.
A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest. “I’m pretty sure you threw professional straight out the window the first time we met.” He pointed out and much to your dismay, stepped back. “Are you going to stop encouraging the rookie, now?”
Getting straight to the point, okay.
“I don’t know…” You shrugged casually, bringing your hand up to your face to inspect your nails and peeking up at him through your lashes with a devilish smirk. “Jealousy looks kinda good on you.”
“I’m not jealous!” He exclaimed quickly, and you immediately raised an eyebrow as a way to say ‘really?’
“I’m not jealous.” He repeated, this time in a lower, calmer tone. “It’s just, you’re mine.”
Those two words alone were enough to make you inwardly groan, like one would when eating that first scoop of ice cream after not having been able to eat any in a week. Or a day.
But in a brave attempt to not make a fool of yourself, you remained in your teasing element, raising your eyebrows and hitting him back with a feign-uncaring: “Is that so?”
To that, he stepped closer to you once again, brought his hands up to cradle your cheeks, and playfully glared.
“Stop flirting with the rookie.” He repeated.
“Is that an order?” You asked.
“I’m asking politely.” He lied.
“Hmmm….” You hummed, pretending to think only for a moment, before flashing him a shit-eating grin. “No. I’m having way too much fun watching you squirm.”
Still leaning against the wall, you carefully pushed yourself up, pushed your chest against his and watched in success as his eyes flickered down.
Taking your sweet time, you brought your hands up to his chest with agonizingly slow movements and leaned your head up to his.
His breath shook as you brushed your lips over his and whispered against them lowly. 
“You’re hot when you’re mad.”
Will pushed his head forward with obvious intentions, but before he could press his lips against yours, you slid out of the tight corner, resulting in him having to catch himself on the wall left behind.
With a proud smile, you walked over to the bench by which you had previously been working on getting dressed and snatched your shirt where it laid.
“You’ll drive me crazy before all this is over, you know that?” Will spoke from behind you, which only made your smile widen.
Quickly pulling on your shirt and collecting the rest of your things, you turned around and walked back up to him where he still stood in the shower.
“That’s always been the plan.” You replied simply, placing a quick peck to the corner of his mouth before once again turning around and walking away, this time leaving him completely alone in the room.
He had to take a few moments to collect himself and regain his composure, and by the time he walked back out, you were nowhere in sight. 
With only you on his mind, he headed back to the table where the rest of the team were still playing cards, and sat down in the chair he had occupied before leaving.
“So, now that it’s just us here, I could use some advice on-“ The rookie wasted no time, but didn’t get to finish.
“You couldn’t handle her even if she came with instructions, kid.” Will interrupted without even looking at him, reading his mind without struggle since the person of his interest was one they had in common.
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To some, this was an admirable quality while, to others, you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
When it came to Will? Well, he just had nothing bad to say about you. You might’ve gotten on his nerves ninety-nine percent of the time, and been completely and utterly insufferable, but God did he love it.
Taglist: let me know if you want to be tagged in any future Will Lennox fics!
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I’m On Fire [Chapter 1]
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Summary: With her sister’s wedding fast approaching and her Mom hounding her about finding a date, Y/N makes a terrible decision that lands her and her least favorite genius in a confusing situation.
A/N:  This is the first part in a series, I’ve written the first few chapters already so I’m hoping to update pretty regularly! I hope you guys enjoy, and any feedback is always appreciated! ❤️
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Reader
Category: Fake Dating, Enemies to Lovers, (Eventual) Smut, Fluff, Angst, it’s a Slow Burn Baby
Warnings: None really for this chapter, cursing? Mean-ish Spencer
Word Count: 6.5k
Next Chapter
Series Masterlist
I wasn’t at the BAU long before it started to feel like home. The team became my family, pure and simple.
Having been recruited by Hotch at only 22 I'd sort of fallen into the roll of the little sister to the team without really meaning to. It's not that I was naive, or particularly sheltered even. I know I'm good at my job, and I'd want to be, given how my life's revolved around it almost entirely. But the team seemed to adopt a protective mindset over me right off the bat.
When I first joined the FBI everything was terrifying. I worked so hard for my PhD, trying to get into the unit, but there's almost nothing that can actually prepare you for the real thing. Being out in action in the field, working the cases out in real time. Sometimes they had a smooth, easy conclusion followed by loud obnoxious drinks together. Then there were the others, the ones that kept me up for days after and felt as though they owned little pieces of my heart still.
It was JJ that helped the most on those horrible flights back on the jet. Noticing my anxious ticks and uneasy disposition after that first case that had ended badly. JJ had been through it all before, taking too many cases home with her. Seeing her son's little faces in the kids that we couldn't help. If I was the baby of the team JJ was the big sister, looking out for everyone.
Morgan on the other hand was the outrageously cool older brother, the one you just wanted to be. Early on he'd helped my weak self with the ruthless fitness regimen the FBI required, he offered to pull some strings and get the test written off. But I couldn't accept that, there was something in me that just wanted to impress Morgan, and honestly still does. Like somehow if he thought you were cool, then it became true. So I passed the exam, but getting up a flight of stairs was near impossible for a week after.
Emily was probably the fun aunt. The one that would sneak you booze at the family gathering, or take you to your first concert. Emily was actually the one who'd found me, digging around colleges for potential recruits she'd had me picked out for a while I later found out. Insisting that Hotch give me a shot. It was reassuring to know I had someone who would stick up for me from day one.
I was an tech analyst, among other things, sort of a counterpart for Garcia in the field. So it was no surprise to anyone when the two of us hit it off as though we'd known each other forever. We weren't the same by any means though. Penelope was bold, and bright, and confident beyond measure, where I've typically felt like more of a blend into the background type. I've always thought of myself that way, despite my achievements. I'd also always believed I was fairly inoffensive, no one I'd met had ever had a huge problem with me, 'till I got to the BAU that is.
Every rose has its thorn I suppose.
That thorn in my side was Dr. Spencer Reid.
It wasn't that Dr. Reid was a bad agent, or even a bad person. I hadn't actually met him before that first day in the conference room, but I'd known who he was for a long time. Before I came along he'd held the mantle of 'youngest ever recruit' in the unit, while I was studying I'd read any of his work I could get my hands on because of that fact.
I figured it must've been some sort of hazing when he looked me up and down that first day I was introduced, and then proceeded to blank me entirely for a full week. Up until I'd wrapped my first case.
The whole team went straight from the jet to the bar. Proceeding to get far too drunk. Spencer joined, which the rest of the team found unusual, and I probably should've taken as a sign of things to come.
That case went well, and everyone was in high spirits but Reid had a sour disposition, at least it seemed that way every time he looked at me. After a few too many drinks I went outside in an attempt to sober up in the cold air, unfortunately Reid must've snuck outside not long before.
"Ugh" was all he said when he first caught my silhouette approaching him. The night was unusually cold so it had been deserted outside the bar that evening. I wasn't really sure why it made me nervous to be alone with him like this, the two of us leaning back against the same small area of brick wall, looking out at the cold night.
"Nice to see you too doctor" was all I could muster, I was drunk enough that I let my sarcastic tone leap out, "you can relax, I'm just trying to get some fresh air, it's too stuffy in there, and loud. I'm not here to talk to you or anything."
"Well aren't you a sensitive thing" he responds in kind, at that point I wasn't really sure if it was a coincidence or if he'd been genuinely avoiding me, but things were starting to clear up.
"I'm sensitive, that's a fun take on things" I joke, taking a long sip of cold water from my glass.
"And what's that supposed to mean, newbie?" his emphasis on the last word all but confirms my suspicions.
"Fuck man, what's your problem with me? Is it because I'm new, or because I beat your stupid record?" I quip. hoping that at the very least it might coax him out of his shell. Dr. Spencer Reid getting angry at me could honestly be better than the nothing I'd been experiencing from him until now.
"What stupid record?" he sounds genuinely confused
"I'm the youngest BAU recruit now?" I didn't know why else he could be so sour. He'd never met me before last week, and since he'd ignored me that first day I'd done all I could not to step on his toes. So if he had a reason to hate me this much, it wasn't something I'd done on purpose.
He takes a few moments to respond, raising his eyebrows and considering the information. He chuckles. He fucking chuckles.
"That's funny." he says, his voice leveling out, "I didn't peg you as funny newbie" that word sets something off in me again. Something about it is dismissive, or belittling. Before I could fight back he starts to move, maneuvering around me and heading back inside. A little too tipsy to think of anything constructive to say, I just mutter "Fuck you Spencer."
He swings open the door, as he walks inside he just says "See you Monday, Newbie" without even looking at me.
And that was only the beginning.
"You know I'm just trying to make sure you get enough rest sweetheart. There's no need to get so defensive!" it was far too early in the morning to be dealing with this call. Since joining the BAU a few years ago this was a standard call from my Mom. Equal parts well meaning and over-bearing, and generally asking far too many questions.
"I'm not getting defensive Mom, I get plenty of rest, my job is just very important to me and you know that." I knew she was right to be at least a little worried, this job was consuming, and in all honesty I wasn't sure how people like JJ were married and still here. It seemed like an impossible feat.
"Fine sweetie, how are your co-workers doing then? How's Penelope? Give her my love" she loved Penelope, I think she thought that Penelope tethered me to the normal world, and in a way she was right. She kept me sane, and fun, and made me eat pizza and do face masks once a week at least. Even when I didn't think I wanted to.
"Pen's great Mom, everyone's good. Well, the usual ones get on my nerves, but I'm fine." As I say it I glance across at Dr. Reid, the only person who's also in as early as I am most days. I'm not sure if he can hear me but he's tapping his pen so loud on his desk that it takes all of my energy not to walk across the bullpen and stab him with it.
"Y'know what Mom, I'm actually just after getting to work and it's a busy day so can I call you back later?" I chance, getting her off the phone is always an ordeal.
"Fine, fine, I'll let you go. But wait one last thing!"
I knew what was coming. It was always coming.
"Are you seeing anyone, Margot's been wondering too, just thought I'd check in?"
Pinching the bridge of my nose and trying not to scream down the line, I just sigh out the frustration instead.
"No Mom, believe it or not, I've made no progress on that front since you asked me all of 3 days ago."
"See you are being defensive!" she snaps
"I gotta go, bye Mom. Love you!" I say, hanging up quickly before dropping my head down into my arms on my desk, resting like that for a few moments in silence.
Hearing Garica chuckle behind my ear I perk up and spin around. She's holding a small paper cup of coffee and hands it to me. I look at it confused, "Sorry about the paper, I couldn't find your mug in the cabinet" she apologizes, looking over at Dr. Reid and rolling her eyes. Now I know he can hear me from his seat, he takes that moment to sip from my mug and place it gently back on his desk.
It hadn't taken long for him to start toying with me. It was always stupid childish things. Things I couldn't get genuinely annoyed at, that would give him far too much satisfaction, knowing he was getting to me in any real way. This was one trick he liked to play if he got into the office before me, he'd take my mug and make his coffee in it, just to spite me I guess.
"Why does he even do that, it's so stale" she said, just a little louder than normal to make sure he could hear. Garcia and Reid were still good friends and team-mates but she liked to stand up for me when she could. He liked to avoid me as much as possible so he'd usually go to Garcia before me if he needed help with something. Even when the two of us were out in the field together. Which was obnoxious but it was just another thing I'd gotten used to over time. And as long as it didn’t interfere with the case I just forced myself to let it go.
"I know it's such low grade bullying isn't it?" I shot back with a chuckle.
"So I'll take it that was Mommy dearest" Penelope gestures to my phone. She knew my Mom, and she knew about her general overbearing energy. I let out a groan thinking about the call again, and the calls that were to come.
"Isn't it always Mommy dearest?" I joke
"So she's still on your ass about the wedding then?" I'm sure Penelope was almost as sick of hearing about it as I was,
"Margot's getting married in like 4 months now, and every time Mom calls there’s just some new hometown loser she wants to set me up with Pen. It's fucking exhausting" I take a sip of the coffee she made me, savoring the bitter taste. She sits down on my desk for a moment, leaning in.
"Honey, did you ever think that if you got out there and found someone, she wouldn't be on your ass at all?" I don't want to think about that, about how she's completely right. All I can do is let out another small groan and lean back down onto my desk.
"Too early Pen" I say, it's muffled by the desk but she gets the message. Hopping up and heading to her own office as some more people start to arrive for the morning.
Leaving me alone to make a start on my paperwork that had built up throughout the week. Fridays were usually slow like this, giving me a little too much time to think. I couldn't shake the thought that my Mom and Penelope were actually right. Maybe I was a bit too invested in the job, and maybe that was a pretty big factor in why my last relationship imploded but I wasn't about to admit that to anyone.
After that the day crawls by, thankfully no cases pop up so the weekend might actually be free. Trying to make sure I clear up all of my paperwork takes a little longer than I'd hoped and leaves me alone in the bullpen. It seems like everyone's gone home by the time I've packed up and I'm ready to leave. Which wasn't as out of the ordinary as I'd like it to be really. Everyone else seemed to have somewhere to be on a Friday night.
Waiting for the elevator to arrive my phone started to ring, I could see my Mom's caller ID on the screen. If I just let it go I know she'll call back later, may as well get it out of the way. I take a deep breath in anticipation before I answer.
"Hey what's up?" I answer, stepping inside the elevator as the doors ping open.
"Hi sweetie, I've got good news! Do you remember David? That lovely boy, he helped out your Father that summer in high school?" I know what's coming and rub my temple, trying to stifle the headache I know is coming. As I answer a hand slides between the elevator doors, popping them open again.
Dr. Fucking Reid walks in, and he looks about as happy to see me as I am to see him. I make eye contact and look away just as fast, willing him away with my mind. "Yes Mom, I remember him, why are you telling me this?" I already know the answer but I'm fed up, she still sounds excited when she responds.
"Well you won't believe it! I ran into him at the market this morning and I thought you'd like it if I passed on your phone number to him, maybe for the weddi-" it took all I had not to shout into the receiver, and maybe I would've had the elevator been empty.
"Mom! Jesus!" I have to reign myself in, but I have a bad idea, "You know what, I'm actually sorted. I've got a date lined up now" I'm not sure why I said it with no real plan in place. She sounds even more excited than I've ever heard her.
"Oh my, that's amazing sweetie! That was fast, I can't believe you found one since this morning, it's someone from work so?" she assumes, and I'm just not thinking fast enough to correct her.
"Mmhmm, yeah" I'll figure out the logistics later I rationalize.
"Oh! Is it that boy you're always on about, the one who teases you?" she asks, and her voice is full of joy, and it makes me feel horrible that I'm lying already, and that I'm going to let her down.
"Yup, that's the one, look Mom I gotta go, I'll talk to you later! Night" I blurt out so fast it has to be obvious I'm nervous.
I can hear a stifled chuckle behind me. Fuck. How loud is my phone speaker. Could he hear that. Surely not. But this elevator was completely silent. The doors open and I have to stop myself from running to my car at top speed. Instead I walk out just a little faster than normal, turning around to shoot him a small wave goodbye. And he's got this devious smirk on his face that makes my stomach turn.
Sitting into my car I pull out my phone to text Garcia immediately.
I'm on my way to yours right now. It's urgent.
Traffic's light so it takes maybe 10 minutes before I arrive at Garcia's place. My mind's racing and my body takes me there on autopilot. Why did I say any of that, why did I even answer the damn phone. Why did I wave goodbye to Spencer, I never usually did that. Maybe that's why he had that look on his face. Maybe he was just thinking of something funny that happened earlier and it had nothing to do with me at all. That was something he'd do to mess with me for sure.
How was I going to walk this back with my Mom, she was just gonna have more questions that I couldn't answer. Fuck.
Garcia buzzed me up and her door was open for me by the time I got up the stairs. This little purple apartment had become my second home. It was where I spent most of my evenings off, laughing on the same sofa I was collapsing face first into right now. Garcia nestles in beside me and runs her hand over my hair, "Hey sweet pea, what's happening? I don't want to sound too concerned but you're not giving me much to go off? Are you dying, is there drama? You're going to have to tell me what's so urgent before I burst a blood vessel?"
I let out a muffled, "is drahmuh" into the pillow, Garcia shakes my shoulders.
"Sit up babe, damn!" I have to heave myself out of the pillows, sitting upright on the sofa beside her, clutching one of the pillows in my arms.
"It's drama" I repeat,
"Well, out with it then, you know I'll take all the drama I can get! Spill, spill" she rushes me along. I'm already apprehensive, Reid's her coworker too, but if anyone would understand why this was such an issue it was gonna be her.
"Okay, I'm after doing something stupid and I think I really need your advice" I cringe already, thinking back to the elevator, throwing out my words faster, I continue the story, mostly trying to get it over with, "my Mom called again when I was on the way out tonight and she was trying to set me up with this guy, and Reid was there, and I got all flustered, and I told her I had a date already" I throw my head down into the pillow again.
"Wait why was Reid there?" she looks like she's trying to fit puzzle pieces together and she's getting nowhere, "And what's the drama?"
"Shit Garcia, it was in the elevator and it was all quiet, and maybe he heard the call, maybe he didn't but he had this fuckin' look on his stupid face" I can't shake the smug little smirk, it's burned inside my eyelids. Garcia's face falls in what looks like disappointment.
"Ugh Y/N! That's nothing chill out, why does it matter if he heard your call? I know you guys are all weird but none of that is any of his business anyway!" she shoo's her hand in the air, dismissing the whole situation.
"No Garcia, it is his business now" I have to close my eyes when I say it, I can't look at her "I told my Mom that he was my date, well, I didn't say his name or anything, she assumed it was someone from work and so I just agreed, and then she suggested that it was him and then I fucking panicked Pen, I fucked up so bad. What do I do?"
I finally opened my eyes to look up at Garcia. She was sitting in pure silence, pursing her lips in what seemed like contemplation. The puzzle pieces finally slotting together. It's as though a light bulb goes off behind her eyes and she bursts out in fits of laughter. Doubling over on herself before finally taking a few breaths to calm herself down. I'm honestly not sure why she finds the whole thing so funny, she know's how needlessly annoying he's made my life, she's seen it first hand and heard me talk about it over and over again in this very apartment over pizza.
"Garcia, this is not fucking funny! This is serious!" I try to calm her down, I need advice not whatever this is.
"I'm so sorry Y/N, I love you dearly. But this isn't funny, this is hilarious. It's like you're Sandra Bullock in some mid-90's rom com. I love it" I don't love it, in fact I hate it. I nearly snap at her but pull myself back.
"Pen, come on, help me out. What do I do with this, how do I fix it?" I plead.
She stops laughing and pulls out her phone, "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm going to order us a pizza, and we're gonna sort this thing out together, sound good?" I just nod and collapse back into the sofa. I think I feel better now that I've gotten it out in the open.
Penelope makes us tea while we wait for the pizza, she keeps lemon & ginger in her cabinet for me, just like I keep mint for her. The warm mug and the steam calm me down. After a few minutes alone to think about it I start to figure it out a little better. I figure I can just lie to my Mom for a while, it might suck but I can pretend for a bit and then make up some excuse as to why he can't come closer to the time. Then I can just bring Garcia instead and everyone's happy. I'm about to float my plan to her there's a knock on her door. I was so caught up that I hadn't really noticed quite how starving I'd gotten. Leaping up of the sofa to grab the door.
I swing it open but it's not the pizza guy. Somehow it's the opposite of the pizza guy, my worst nightmare is on the other side of the door. He must notice my eyes blow completely wide. "Y/N!" he says, more of a statement than a question really, like he's telling himself that he's actually seeing me in the doorway. I'm not as gentle.
"What the fuck are you doing here Reid?!" I can't even disguise my anger. He seems a little flustered, like he's got absolutely no idea how to proceed.
"Um, uh, is Garcia here? I can, um, I can just come back later?" he swallows hard and shakes his head, before I can agree and tell him to get lost Penelope races to the door, pulling it wide open.
"Nope, that won't be necessary Doctor! Come on in, you're right on time sweetheart" she waves him in and he walks past me, his demeanor changing almost instantly. He's smug, like he's won whatever battle this was. And I hate it. Though he's still as confused as me despite the newfound attitude. Reid sits down on the sofa, right where I had been sitting. I bite my tongue and sit on the opposite end.
"Are you okay Garcia?" he asks with a genuine concern, "What's going on, what was the emergency?". He's not stupid, he knows she's not in danger now that he's here. But he wants answers. I don't know that I've ever seen him this confrontational with anyone, well anyone but me. The entire time I’m staring her down as she sits in the armchair opposite the two of us. My keys are in my pocket and my car's right outside. I could just jump up and make a break for it. Escape.
"You know what Doc, you won't believe it but I'm not actually the one with the emergency" she takes a beat, and I'm starting to think that I might understand why people murder other people after all these years, "Y/N has something urgent she needs to talk to you about" she's silent for another moment, and she almost looks giddy, "Actually Spencer, you might already know a little something about the matter already, now that I think about it" she smirks, and it's pure joy.
My keys are in my hand ready to bolt when the doorbell chimes again. "Oh, that'll actually be the pizza this time, if you two will excuse me" she hops up out of the armchair and races to the door, leaving the two of us alone in a horrible silence. The tension is almost too much, I want to speak but I really have no idea what to say, or how to even start saying it. But he starts.
"Y/N what's going on, I feel like I'm out of the loop here? What am I missing?" he asks, and there's something uncharacteristically genuine about the way he says it, but he can't turn to look at me as he speaks. I almost want to let my guard down and just have a conversation but I can’t force myself to do it. "Shut up Reid." is all I mutter, folding my arms across my chest.
He turns sharply on the sofa to face me. "Hey Y/N. Believe it or not I'm about as happy as you with whatever kind of Parent Trap situation Garcia's got going on here. But from what I'm picking up on you've got a problem and I'm supposed to be able to help with it. So do you want to tell me what's going on or not? I can just go?" I can see that there's an anger bubbling right below the surface, threatening to burst. I know I shouldn't but I let him stew in silence for a little too long and he jumps up off the sofa.
"Y'know what, typical" he mutters, rolling his eyes as he says it, "this is all about you." he throws his bag over his shoulders and begins to walk towards the door. Something in me just snaps.
"All about me?! Are you fucking kidding? I've been tip-toeing around you for years, ever since I joined this damn unit!" I shout as Garcia comes back into the room, pizza box and plates in her hands.
"So, who's hungry?" Garcia asks, trying to break the tension, or pretending there's no tension at all. Reid shakes his head in disbelief and rubs his temple before he speaks again, "Actually I was just gonna head out" he gestures to the door, "I'm clearly not wanted here so I'm gonna leave you guys to it." Spencer makes a move to leave but Garcia grabs the strap of his shoulder bag, yanking him back ever so slightly before he really has the chance to escape.
"You are going absolutely nowhere kid" She points back to the sofa, "get back there" she glances to me, staring with far too much intensity. "You too, sit." Her voice is more stern than I've ever heard it, even while we were on a case. I can't help but obey her command and I sit back down on the sofa in silence. Followed by Reid, clearly processing the same uneasy feeling of a serious Penelope.
She sits opposite the two of us again. "Y/N, Spencer, I love the two of you with all of my heart, albeit separately, and I would die for either one of you. But you've got to chill the hell out!" she says it like she's had it bottled up forever. The tension that releases from her as she says it looks euphoric.
She opens up the pizza box and lays it on the coffee table and takes out a slice for herself. Taking a bite she leaves the two of us in stunned silence. Once she finishes the mouthful she turns to me specifically, "Y/N you tell him, or I will." dead serious. And the feeling in my belly is like I've just fallen down an elevator shaft.
My stomach is in knots as I turn to Spencer on the sofa next to me. His face is puzzled and I think I might be able to make out pure terror in his expression. I don't know that I've ever been looked at like this before and my stomach screws up tighter. I have to take a deep breath and I can't believe I'm about to say it. "Fuck it" I have to take another breath almost immediately so I just have to force the rest out, "I don't know if you heard the call I was on while we were in the elevator earlier?" I look up to gauge his reaction and I can see his face relax, and worse than that, one corner of his mouth lifts into a sort of smile. It's a look of pure smug satisfaction and I think I might scream. I have to close my eyes because I really don't think I can look at that face as I say the next part.
"My sister is getting married in a few months and my Mom's been on my ass to find a date for the wedding and she keeps trying to set me up with these losers, so I fucking panicked, and I told her you were my date." by the time the sentence is out my eyes have screwed up so tight it feels like I have to pry them open.
He sits in silence for too long. Thinking, maybe?
"So I'm the boy who teases you then?" he grins. So he did hear. And he did laugh. He looks far too self satisfied. Now he knows he's right. He knows I've talked to my Mom about him, that he's gotten in my head. I can tell from his smile that he's savoring the moment. Mostly because I can't slap the smug smile off his face I drop my head into my hands. In an effort to disappear I guess.
"So," he says, taking a moment, "is that all you wanted to say then?" he asks, lighthearted and obnoxious, back to his usual self. I snap back to reality, shooting my head back up.
"What do you mean is that all?" I throw back genuinely shocked,
"Is that all you had to say Y/N? Can I go now? It's a long bus ride home y'know" he smirks but makes no effort to move. He can't possibly be making me do this.
"Well no, obviously!" I stutter, "I mean, are you, will you, uh?" I can't bring myself to say it out loud. He leans in on the sofa looking directly at me, refusing to break eye contact.
"Did you have something you wanted to ask me Y/N?" I just want to smack that fucking look off his face,
"Fuck you Spencer Reid" I almost whisper under my breath, but Garcia snaps me back to reality.
"Hey!" she looks at me, stern again, "Ask him." it's not a question, or a suggestion, it's a command.
"Fine okay" I scrunch my eyes up again, "Will you come to my sisters wedding with me as my fake boyfriend?" I curl up into myself as I say it, I can almost feel the bile rising up from my stomach. Like I'm having a biological reaction to the whole thing.
Reid crosses his arms and sinks back on the sofa, like he's performing the act of thinking. He's considering my offer to make me squirm.
When he finally speaks he says "Well I would Y/N, but I really fail to see what's in it for me" he's after getting cocky now.
Garcia pipes up, excited, "Oh, Oh! I know! I have an idea!" she interjects, "Spencer remember how a while ago, back after your apartment flooded you were all all worried about your antique books and prints and stuff?" he nods, "Well Y/N could digitize the collection for you as a back up? I know you're a technophobe? C'mon Y/N, you know you could do that no sweat, and it would take you a lifetime alone Spencer?" I really don't want to admit it but she's right. Even I knew Reid was adverse to any technology that wasn't vital, but it was your specialty. And maybe that was a good trade off, a job like that would be near impossible for him to pull off without help. I take a glance over at Reid and he seems to have had the same train of thought as me. He lets out an exaggerated sigh and relaxes his posture.
"Fine, I guess that's a fair trade. I'm in." he resigns and I almost can't believe it. I'm barely processing the whole conversation as he sticks his hand out to me, I'm confused for a second before I grab it and shake it firmly. Condemning myself to whatever's about to happen. And it's not the time to be thinking about it but maybe this is the first time Spencer and I have ever touched? But I shove that thought away.
Garcia's positively beaming and she's not even trying to hide it. "Now it's like you're both in a Sandra Bullock movie, oh, but you're Hugh Grant maybe?" she points to Reid.
"Don't push it" I shoot in her direction, taking a slice of pizza, now that my anxiety stomach has sort of passed.
Once the pizza's been eaten in near completely awkward silence Spencer stands up off the sofa. His unsure demeanor has returned and he looks nervous. "I actually should get going this time" he says but Garcia pipes up to protest,
"No, it's not even late!"
"It takes me a while to get back home, thank you though Pen. For... this?" he gestures to the whole living room, "Night" he waves. He's almost made it to the door before I stand up out of my seat. I'm not really sure what comes over me, maybe it's gratitude, maybe it's guilt, or maybe I'm just exhausted.
"Wait Spencer. Let me give you a ride home?" I ask and it's like it's not even me saying it .
"Thanks, but I think I can make it home just fine" he dismisses, and there’s an antagonizing tone in his voice that snaps me right back to our usual rapport.
"I'm trying to do a nice thing here, fuck! Just let me do something nice!" I snap, and he throws his arms up in surrender.
"Fine alright, if it'll make you feel better"
"Fuck you Reid" I mutter under my breath and I sort of hope that he does hear me really. If he's gonna be hostile about this I can be too. I give Garcia a hug goodbye but I'm going to scold her for this whole thing later.
I lead the way outside and climb into my car, Spencer hops into the passenger seat and it feels as strange as always to be alone with him. Especially because it's not an accident, and it's not in work. Maybe this was a horrible idea. He seems like he's unwilling to break the silence, so I just get it over with.
"Where the hell do you live man? I'm gonna need directions." I say, as deadpan as I can muster, which probably isn't all that intimidating.
"Sorry, yeah, so you're gonna want to turn on the ignition" he teases. I definitely wasn't intimidating enough.
"Don't push it" I say, turning to give him a cruel stare, he just reacts with a smirk, that same one from the elevator earlier.
"Oh, I'm pushing it?" he asks, feigning disbelief
"I'll kick you out of this damn car" is all I can think to say. He barely responds, he just lets out a soft chuckle. I want to ask 'what's so funny' but he speaks before I can get the words out.
"I can't believe you talk to your Mom about me" he continues to laugh. That's enough.
"You know what Reid, of course I have! I work with actual murderers on a daily basis and somehow you've been the only real source of friction in my life since I joined the BAU!" He stops giggling a little, but not entirely, he looks like he's making an effort to contain himself.
"I'm sorry. I guess I just never knew I got to you like that" he still finds the whole thing amusing, but I sure as hell don't.
"Directions, now" I demand, looking straight out the front windshield.
"Fine, keep going straight on this road for a while and I'll tell you when to turn" he says, finally playing nice.
The two of us drive silently for most of the journey, the radio playing softly in the background. Eventually we arrive outside his building, and it's nicer than I thought it would be. But I have no idea what I was really basing that on. For some reason it hadn't occurred to me that Dr. Reid lived in an actual home, I had pictured him sleeping upside down in a cave maybe, or in a cryogenic chamber with all the other life-like genius robots.
"So," he says, breaking the silence, "When is this wedding?"
"4 months from now, in and around" I respond, matter of factly. Spencer nods, taking it in.
"Alright, so I've got 4 months, in and around, to learn enough to convincingly pass as your loving boyfriend. Doesn't sound so difficult." he jokes, his tone harsh and sarcastic.
"Look Spencer, I know this is insane and honestly kind of stupid. But in all seriousness, you can back out right now if you're not on board with whatever this is. I'm telling you this is the last exit ramp." I try to say it with sincerity, giving him a genuine out if he's not comfortable with the weird set-up that Penelope pulled on us both. He thinks on it for a moment and shakes his head.
"So how are we gonna do this?" he asks, and I really thought he was going to back out. So I don't have an actual answer.
"Well, I uh, I haven't really given a plan much thought. How about I come over and start working on some of the stuff you want digitized like Garcia mentioned and I can use the time to give you the footnotes on my life?" I suggest, at least that would make it easier to knock things out all at once. Rather than having to spend even more of my free time with Reid than necessary. He looks content with the improvised plan.
"Alright, sounds good." he undoes his seatbelt and opens the door to hop out of the car before turning back to me, "Are you coming inside or what?"
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Next Chapter
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yandere-sins · 4 years
There is a serious lack of the yandere dragon shifter content! (Especially the bakugou dragon shifter if you can...) So is it possible to have a rich like this where the reader is a mage or magician in search of ingredients and meet a dragon who becomes infuriated with her (or them if you are more comfortable)
You shall get what you ask for, if you want she-pronouns so be it there’s no being more or less comfortable about pronouns. The only time I need some more directions is if you want a gender neutral darling do the dirty with the yan, then it helps to know what to expect down below, you get it? Otherwise, if you want to request a female darling then be proud and request that. Also I am mostly writing x reader anyway, and for that it doesn’t really matter most of the time. Enjoy your scenario!
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You were no newbie to the forest. Ever since you were a child, you wandered the dark greens with your grandfather, and later on, with your teacher. Over all these years, you had grown into a respectable mage yourself, people came to your door for help, and you could summon the darkest threats there were; make them follow your instructions! But going into the forest on your own was a necessity, despite always presenting you with something unexpected.
The reason you had to go into the forest was simple: Your potions needed ingredients. Sure, you could have just magically made them appear in your laboratory, however, many did not know that ingredients that were made by magic had almost none of their substances needed for spells. It was easier to explain with self-grown plants in a garden; the one from the convenient market were good to eat, but those you harvested and collected yourself would always be better.
So you set out on your own. You didn’t have an apprentice in a while after the last one had an unfortunate accident with snake poison. Thus, it was on you to make sure your shelves were filled with everything you needed to make your potions and provide people with. To be honest, you found it quite pleasant to get out of your dark, filled-to-the-brim with junk and necessities home, scouting the thicket and breathing in the refreshing forest air.
Carefully you decided where to set your foot. You still remembered the few instances you accidentally ran into a fairy or almost got drowned by a mermaid while picking algae from the lake. Those things happened, but they were no pleasant occurrences, and you preferred to not run into them. However, with a calm mind, you wandered around, picking what you needed. Never more than you actually needed, making sure the forest would be able to reproduce it on their own. That was a law for magicians like you, and you were more than happy to follow it.
“Let’s see,” you mumbled as you brought up your notebook where you had written down the things needed for a very potent sleeping potion for one of your customers. You were almost done gathering everything, aside from one more flower which petals had a sweet smell, soothing even raging minds. As such, it most commonly grew in places where wild beasts lived, but much to your relief, this forest had long been abandoned by those, only leaving the occasional fairy or gnome behind.
There was no way you’d have a run-in with something worse like a werewolf or a dragon.
At least, you were quite sure of it until you managed to reach the clearing where the flower grew. You were so sure of it, you ignored the roaring snoring filling the air as you drew closer to the flower’s whereabouts, merrily humming a little song and focusing on your steps. That was, until you reached out for the flower, finally knowing how the earth around it... breathed.
You just stood there, not moving a muscle. There was no immediate sight of anything, but you knew it. You knew that beneath your feet, a monster laid, as big as the clearing itself, as dangerous as snake poison. The only ones possible of laying down in a field of flowers, resting for so long that their magical energy would make the flowers start growing around and on them, were dragons. Despite really not wanting this thought to be right, you knew that there was nothing in comparison.
For a mage like you were, it wasn’t anything to take on easily. Dragons were wild, untamable, and, most of the time, grumpy. The age, you assumed. They tended to be very territorial and get butt-hurt over every little thing... like you, picking one of their flowers. The worst, however, was that even if you retreated now if you were to be noticed, the dragon surely would hunt after you, and you’d lead it back to your little village.
So all that was left as an option was to retreat quietly and make sure you wouldn’t be noticed. For a moment, you got upset that you would have to find another, less convenient flower spot now or do the potion without it. For at least three years, no monster had closed in on that clearing, and yet, now that you needed the flower, you had run into such trouble retrieving it.
Backing away slowly, you walked a while backwards, eyeing the creature still hidden beneath the field of flowers. You were just about to spin around and make a dash for it, hide somewhere in the dark corners of the forest when your foot got caught ever so slightly. Nothing that made you lose your footing, but widened your eyes nonetheless, the shining silver of a claw revealing after you got stuck on it.
The next few moments happened fast, too fast for your human eyes. A flinch, then a growl, and suddenly, the earth broke loose as something erupted from beneath it, a tall, slim body, covered in scales and shining brilliantly in the sunlight.
For a moment, you were mesmerized by it, absolutely awestruck. Seeing a real dragon definitely was better than any portrait painter could put them on a canvas. You realized quickly that it wasn’t just wondering about the creature before you that kept you in place. More so, it was fear. Even when it’s snout came dangerously close to your face, you couldn’t turn and run away.
“Look at you, a smelly little human thief,” it snarked; the perks of being an intelligent creature was it’s ability to speak. “Did you think my flowers were free to take?”
“Where does it say those are yours? Can’t be helped if you sleep on them.” Perhaps, you should have tried a friendlier approach, but it wasn’t like this creature was full of manners either. Against your expectations, though, it only looked at you before suddenly erupting into deep, growling laughter. There was no way to discern if it was actually amused or if it was laughing to mock you, but you took your chance to turn and run, not waiting for a comeback.
“Where are you going?” you heard behind you as you reached the border of the clearing. That suddenly sweet and luring voice made something in you snap. Without thinking, you stopped to look back, the earth around the clearing still torn up, but instead of a dragon, a man stood at the clearing, arms wide open. “You got some nerves, fucking waking me to tell me the flowers aren’t mine and then run away without even taking any. Takes some guts. Here.”
Sweeping down, he picked up one of the few flowers that hadn’t been destroyed by his dragon form, holding it out to you. Aside from the way he spoke, everything suddenly was so tempting. You hadn’t noticed before that the dragon was a shifter, which automatically gave him natural sympathy from you as a human. Their dangerous skill that even a mage like you couldn’t deny.
They were terrible, and you knew it. Everyone told you about how bad shifters were, only ever turning into a human to do bad things. They naturally looked so much better than your average human, too beautiful, too perfect. Their voices were so lovely that they could lull you to sleep, and they emitted the feeling of security that many men and women sought after, making them perfect targets to be kidnapped and, in the worst case, bred or eaten.
But here you were, the little town mage who had never seen a shifter before. The flower in his hand was calling to you to take it back with you, and his voice lured you. Despite resisting, you did have the urge to throw yourself into his arms, like a good, willing target.
Instead, you kept eye contact, holding out your hand for the flower as you approached. His eyes were the only thing reminding you what a beast he was, wild and dangerous, fire burning in them like you could only see in dragons. Yes, you should have just left, but you felt like he actually... accepted your retort. As if it hadn’t been so bad to stand your ground, and that feeling made you confident. Confident that you could handle this situation.
When your finger finally reached around the stem of the flower, he let it go, and immediately, you felt something sharp and painful drill into your forearm. Shocked, you could watch long sharp claws catching a blood-red color as he dragged them down your arm, your body instinctively moving forward to stop the pain.
And that’s when he snapped for you, lifting you up from the ground as if your weight was a joke for him. Throwing you over his shoulder, you were confronted with the feeling of a strong arm pinning your legs to his chest. “Fuck, I hate humans like you. Always talking back, thinking they are in the right.” Giving your rear a rough slap, you yelped before trying to kick your legs unsuccessfully.
He began to move, his shoulder pushing into your stomach so harshly, you felt like throwing up. But before you could complain or say something, you had to watch as the ground before you slowly distanced itself from you, the peaks of the trees soon what came into view. Your still ‘okay’ arm, clutched desperately between the bleeding one and the shifter’s body, trying to find something to hold onto.
“What- Where! Let me down! How dare you!”
“Your really want to be let down now?” Pulling you forward, you landed on his hands under your arms, noticing how your legs struggled in the air without any halt. Finally, you could see his wings and slowly realized what was going on, gulping as you felt helpless in his grasp. “S-Stop this madness! Get me down on earth again!”
“No,” was his simple answer, your cheeks suddenly squishing against his chest as he tugged you in and wrapped you in his arms. Convenient to carry you, yet not helping your problem of feeling helpless. “Not until you learn how to properly behave, Human.”
“I’m not an ordinary human!” you complained, hearing a mocking, “Oh?” rumbling from his chest.
“I’m a mage--”
“And I am so scared. Mage’s are my favorite breakfast.”
A loud laugh erupted all around you, and this time you were sure he was mocking you. “How dare you, you are so rude!” Pounding your hands against his chest, he only laughed more. “That’s it, bare your teeth, little Mage. I love it when my food resists.”
That’s bad, you thought. That’s really, really bad. Magic wouldn’t help against a magical being as he was, and you looked down, seeing the forest, and then your village pass by as he dragged you off. Not like there was anyone who could have helped you in this situation.
“What’s your name, Mage?” he asked, ten minutes into you struggling against him with his arms never tiring. “Why would you want to know?!” you hissed back, and he grunted in response.
“My mother taught me to know the name of the things I put in my mouth; the fuck you care?!” Stretching out your neck, you tried to see his face, but his expression was denied to your gaze by his chin. All you could see were his ears. They seemed unusually red, but you hadn’t looked at them before to compare if that wasn’t normal for a red dragon.
“Just so you know, but the person eating you am I. Katsuki Bakugou. You better speak your last prayers now, Human. And make them good.”
“Well, to say it in your words: Fuck you, Dragon!” Being defiant had helped before. Maybe it would do it again, you hoped.
This time, the rumble in his chest was short as he laughed, different from the ones before. “You’re gonna be my favorite to crush,” he announced, the grip around you tightening until you gasped in pain. Your struggles ceased as you passed out while he carried you off to the no-mans-land that was his home.
He hated to admit it, but the tactic of his friend of simply laying in a bed of flowers and waiting had really paid off, and he was more than overjoyed to have caught someone like you. Having you keep his lair warm would be more than he expected from his endeavor. Katsuki simply loved a bit of a feistiness in the humans he captured, ensuring that you’d give him a good time playing with you before the end of your little togetherness would draw near.
He would make sure to enjoy every second of it.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««   
After-writing-comment: Well, this sounded better in my head than it turned out to be. Maybe I will rewrite it sometimes from his POV but we’ll see. It’s 2k words long so it would be a shame to just trash it, so I decided on posting it anyway. Sorry if it isn’t what you had in mind either anon!
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tothemeadow · 3 years
‘the doctor’ / Midoriya x Reader
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Uwu, this is the first official post that hasn’t been imported from the other blog     ( ´ ω ` ) Also, this has been sitting around on my computer for the past two months, so enjoy these crumbs while I strive to finish up the semester!
warnings: NSFW, doctor/patient relationship, grinding, heavy petting, fascination for hybrids?, y’all fuck but I didn’t write the whole thing
words: 3,752
(a/n): hehehehehe add this to the list of taboo relationship works I’ve done
“The doctor will see you now.”
The secretary sitting behind the desk flashes you a smile as you pass by her. The two of you are already on a first name basis, considering that you have biweekly checkups. With a quirk like yours, it can be detrimental to your health if it goes unchecked for too long. You have enough meds in your system to possibly knock out a small child, but you’ve long since grown used to it.
Still, as you pass from the waiting room and into the hall leading to numerous checkup rooms, your palms feel impossibly clammy. Your previous doctor recently retired after spending so many years in the field, and now you were supposed to meet your new doctor. Granted, your previous one told you many great things about this new kid, about how he’ll take great care of you. You’re not too confident in the sudden change, but it can’t be helped. Unless you wanted to suffer horribly, you had to seek some type of help.
Shuffling to room number six, you silently close the door behind you and take a deep breath. Your intestines feel unusually tight, ache with an indescribable force. Despite your quirk being a relatively simple one – doggification, which essentially means you have the characteristics and properties of a dog – your body could never get quite a grasp on it. Despite looking entirely like a human, your telltale features are the ears and tail protruding from your body. Even now, you can tell your ears are flat against your head and your tail is tucked between your legs.
Gently, you sit on the table, the parchment paper crinkling under your weight. Wringing your hands, you will your breathing to ease, your mind to relax. It’s only the doctor’s office, nothing more, nothing less. You’ve been here practically all your life, so what gives? Oh, that’s right – a new doctor who you’ve never met before.
A few minutes pass; nothing happens besides the tick tock tick tock of the lone clock hanging from the wall, the slight hum from the lightbulbs. Your nerves feel raw, your heart frantic, your breathing irregular. You constantly remind yourself that you’re fine, you’re just nervous. You’re here for a reason, after all. If you want to continue living healthily, you need this treatment. There’s no point in chickening out now.
Just then, the door swings open; you jump in your place as you snap back to reality. Pulse quickening, you’re left wide-eyed as the doctor comes in. He’s nothing like you were expecting – instead of some elderly gentleman like your previous doctor, this new guy is young. He’s ridiculously cute, a mess of green curls piled on his head and a burst of freckles adorning his skin. For a doctor, he surprisingly has an athletic build, so you’re left wondering if he exercises regularly or played a sport in school. But oh, the way his scrubs cling to his meaty arms, stretch over his thick thighs. It’s almost ridiculous how baby-faced he is, especially compared to his Adonis-like body.
Without you knowing, your ears and tail stand to attention, curious about this newcomer.
The doctor flashes you a pearly smile as he reaches a hand towards you. “(y/n)? I’m Doctor Midoriya. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Doctor Midoriya.
Yeah, you like the sound of that. And the way your name rolls off your tongue? Perfection.
Hesitantly, you reach out a hand and grasp onto his for a handshake. His hand is large, fingers long and spindly, and his grip is strong. They’re actually pretty, dotted with freckles and striped with scars. Interesting, you muse, wondering just exactly what he did to get scars like that.
“So,” Doctor Midoriya starts, pulling away and planting himself on the stool stationed by the counter, “doggification, huh? You have a typical hybrid quirk, so it seems.” Pausing for a moment, he glances at his notes attached to his clipboard. “But, since you’re part Doberman pinscher, you suffer from dilated cardiomyopathy. The breed usually has problems regarding that, right?”
You nod in confirmation. “Yeah. Apparently, many owners don’t know their dogs have it until they collapse on the ground. I uh, I’ve been dealing with this my whole life, so….”
You really, really like the gentle expression Doctor Midoriya gives you. His cheeks look squishy despite his sharp jawline, lips a delicate shade of dusty rose… Shit, he’s beautiful yet he chose to become a doctor.
“Doctor Torino left his previous files, and I’ve been studying them before he retired,” he explains, drawing himself to a stand. “He was great, wasn’t he? I’m sorry if I don’t own up to your expectations.” Crossing over to the table, he unloops the stethoscope from around his neck and sticks the buds in his ears. “I need you to breathe in and out for me, nice and slow,” he tells you, pressing the cool metal to your chest.
You go through the usual routines, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Doctor Midoriya hums in which you assume is a good way; you can feel your skin heating up whenever large green eyes flick to your face, digging in right to your soul.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” he says, voice low. The deep rumble sets your nerves alight, your insides pulsing. Dare you say it, but you’re disappointed when he pulls away, looping the stethoscope back around his neck. He scribbles something onto his clipboard, his lips pursed in thought. You take the opportunity to study his side profile, the dainty curve of his nose, the angle of his jaw. How big is this guy, anyway? He’s huge for a doctor.
“I’m six-three, if that’s what you’re wondering,” he chirps, tossing down his pencil. He laughs at the startled expression playing on your face. “Sorry, sorry… A uh, a lot of people ask me that, you know? And I typically get a good read on what people are thinking, so… Yeah! Some people used to call me tree in med school! You know, because of the green hair and all…” Clearing his throat awkwardly, he walks back over to where you sit. “How have you been feeling since your last visit?”
Subconsciously rubbing at your chest, you send him a mere shrug. “I’ve been better, I’ve been worse. I’m just bummed Doctor Torino left on such short notice.”
“That makes two of us,” Doctor Midoriya admits, rubbing the back of his neck with a hand. “He’s such a great mentor and all, don’t get me wrong, but it sucks that his time is up.”
Cocking your head, your ears twitch with interest. “Mentor?”
At that, Doctor Midoriya’s face lights up. “Oh! Yeah! I had my internship with Doctor Torino, and he taught me so much!”
“Internship…? Really? I don’t remember seeing you around whenever I had appointments with him.”
“Nah, I don’t think so. I would’ve remembered seeing someone like you!” He giggles – giggles – at his own words, but then it quickly dies down as realization crosses his features. “Wait, wait!” he says frantically, waving his hands before him. “I didn’t mean to sound creepy or anything like that! It’s just that you don’t see hybrids very often, and you’re a dog, and I happen to really like dogs, and I-“ His yammering turns into an incoherent mumble, then, as he awkwardly wrings his hands together.
Heh. He’s pretty cute.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” you say, shooting his own words back at him. “You’re a newbie, right? You’re awfully young for a doctor.”
To your pleasant surprise, Doctor Midoriya blushes. Instinctively, he claps a hand over his mouth and looks away. Again, he clears his throat. “I graduated last year, actually. So yeah, I’m still new to this whole thing, but I want to help as much as I can!” Turning back to you, his flustered expression melts into a determined one. “And since you’re my first serious patient, you can rely on me. I promise to take real good care of you, mark my words.”
You smile. “I look forward to it, Doctor. I expect you to keep that promise.”
Three months. Three solid months.
Hypothetically, you should be thrilled being in Doctor Midoriya’s presence so often. Realistically, it’s pure torture.
How this guy doesn’t realize he’s easily the hottest person in the room is beyond you, plus his personality is downright adorable. It’s funny, really, how you’re the one with the dog quirk yet he’s the one who acts more like one. He gets excited over the simplest of things, and you were quick to realize that he’s a giant nerd. It’s clear that he’s got a brain in that skull of his – and, if you’re being entirely honest, it makes Doctor Midoriya that much more attractive.
His constant murmuring and chippering never fail to put a smile on your face. With every appointment you have with him, you purposefully bring up a topic he’s bound to show some interest in just to hear him talk. So yeah, you might be infatuated with your insanely hot doctor, but who can blame you? He’s kindhearted, smart, good-looking, has a good job…. Okay, and maybe he’s packing down south. It’s not your fault that his scrubs clung to his body that one time. You just happened to notice it.
You doubt he’s doing these kind of things on accident. Hell, Doctor Midoriya blatantly flirts with you, for crying out loud. Well, it’s actually more subtle than that, but the point still stands.
“(y/n)?” Doctor Midoriya calls out as he enters the room, the door sliding shut behind him. Warmth floods your chest as your tail sets off in a slow wag. He laughs at your reaction, that toothy smile of his forming on his face. Just like every other time he shows it, you fall a little bit deeper for him.
“Doctor Midoriya,” you greet. Your fingers dig into the table as you bite down on your bottom lip. He looks good, dark blue scrubs shaping his figure nicely. You, on the other hand, stick to a simple pair of gym shorts and t-shirt. It’s a hot day outside, after all.
As Doctor Midoriya scribbles something down on his handy clipboard, you slowly spread your legs further apart. It’s a slight bit, nothing more, but the movement seems to catch his attention. Setting down his pencil, you notice how his eyes linger on your bared thighs for a moment longer than what’s considered appropriate. Slipping the stethoscope from around his neck, he gets up from his stool and crosses to wear you sit.
“Any problems lately?” he asks, voice as professional as always. Sneaky bastard, trying to pretend like he wasn’t just staring at your thighs.
“Besides the weather, not really. The heat makes things a bit easier, though,” you tell him.
Doctor Midoriya hums. Pressing the end of the stethoscope to your chest, he tells you to breathe in and out, nice and deep. “I’m not hearing any abnormalities in your breathing,” he says simply, switching to your back instead. “Besides the DCM, you’re in wonderful health.”
“That’s a relief,” you mutter.
He continues to go through the regular routine of your biweekly checkup. Soon enough, he’s looking through a scope at your dog ears, checking for any signs of an incoming infection. Try as you might, but you enjoy the way he caresses your ear, leaning into his touch as your tail takes off wagging. Doctor Midoriya chuckles, indulging in your wants and giving your ears a proper scratch.
“You really are like a dog,” he points out, his tone lighthearted. “A cute little puppy.” And there he goes, blessing your ears with his giggle. As you glance at him, you see the pretty blush adorning his cheeks, the gleam of mirth in his large eyes.
For some ungodly reason, you really like the way it sounds coming from his mouth.
“You shouldn’t be referring to your patients with a pet name, Doctor,” you drawl.
The blush on his face darkens. In true fashion, he hastily looks away and awkwardly coughs into his fist. “My apologies,” he murmurs. “If… If it’s any consolation, your ears are really soft…”
A small smile pulls at the corners of your lips. “I’m only teasing,” you reassure.
He flinches.
“Besides, you said you really like dogs, right? I think puppy is cute.”
Doctor Midoriya looks back to you. “…Really?”
You nod. “I do.”
For a moment, neither one of you say anything. The look in Doctor Midoriya’s eyes is unreadable; whether that’s a good thing or not, you’re not entirely too sure. He’s usually easy to get a read on, but like this… It’s nearly impossible.
“Do you mind if we check your flexibility? It’s just touching your toes, nothing more. If your back is out, I’ll recommend some chiropractors.”
Okay, strange. You figure he wants to change the subject – you know, and do his job – so you do as he says, hopping down from the table and stepping away. As you bend over, your fingertips skimming the toes of your sneakers, large hands splay out on your back. You jolt from the contact, your breath catching in your throat. Their movements are calculated, feeling along your spine for any sort of abnormality. You can practically feel Doctor Midoriya’s eyes boring into you; the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck come a stand as you wait for him to do something, anything.
“Your spine feels fine,” he tells you. “You feel a bit tense, though. Do you bend over a lot?”
Excuse me?
You scoff. “I’m bending over right now, aren’t I?”
Doctor Midoriya makes some weird choking sound. “No, no, that’s not what I meant! I meant when you sit or something like that…!”
“I’m teasing, Doctor. Relax.” You wiggle underneath his touch. “Am I allowed to stand straight now?”
You can practically feel the tension radiating off him. “I… Not yet. I need to check one last thing, okay?” Again, he uses that low, husky pitch, the one that reverberates deep in his chest. This is only the second time you’re hearing it, but fuck does it make your insides squeeze and your breath hitch.
Before your mind can completely register it, Doctor Midoriya’s large hands are on your ass, kneading the ample flesh through your shorts. A slight groan slips from your mouth at the unexpected contact. Shit, his hands are even larger than you originally thought, his grip rough and demanding.
“Does it hurt?” he continues, his voice staying as it is, making your brain turn delirious.
“N-no,” you stutter. You immediately cuss yourself out internally. A sharp gasp breaks from your throat as one of his hands grips the base of your tail and gives it a slight tug.
“How about now?”
You wince as he does it again. “Yes, okay?” you seethe through clenched teeth. “Just don’t… Don’t tug on my tail like that.”
“So, your ears and tail are sensitive,” Doctor Midoriya mumbles to himself. “Interesting.”
“Doctor, what are you even going on about-“
At that very moment, those strong hands of his yank you backwards, your ass colliding with his pelvis. Heart leaping to your throat, you’re left scrambling for a shred of reality. Doctor Midoriya leans over you, his muscular chest pressing into your back. He’s so warm, and he oddly smells like mint, but it’s not like you’re going to complain anytime soon.
“This is such a bad idea,” he confesses into your ear, “but you’re just so cute, puppy. You like it when I call you that, right?”
“Tell me to stop,” he continues, a frantic edge to his voice now, “tell me I’m a disgusting pervert. I shouldn’t be doing this, but shit… I’ve been fantasizing about holding you this close.” Subconsciously, he rocks his hips into you, his engorged cock grinding into your ass.
Shit, shit, is this really happening? Your doctor has just fessed up to fantasizing about you, and, to be quite frank, you’re a bit too happy to hear that. It’s not like he’s the only one feeling this way; you’ve had your fair share of dreams over the months, most of them with him in between your legs in some fashion.
Straightening up, you reach back and grab him by the back of the neck, balancing yourself in his grip. A breathless noise fills your ear as you grind back against him, your nails scratching into his nape.
“O-oh,” he says, the sound delightfully raspy as it fills your ear.
“You aren’t the only one who’s been thinking of things,” you confess, your voice sounding equally as strained. Again, some unholy noise slips from his dusty lips, the grip on your hips tightening ever so slightly.
“Puppy… Don’t say things like that.”
You bark out a laugh. “Don’t tell me you’re going soft, Doctor. Acting like you’re in charge one moment and then like a scared little bunny the next. A big boy like you should choose one and stick with it.”
Now you’ve done it. Like merely flicking a switch, Doctor Midoriya moans into your ear as he spins you around and stumbles backwards, ass landing on the examination table with you in tow. You squeak in surprise as he easily drags you into his lap, lifting you up as though you weighed next to nothing. The lustful haze in his eyes is evident, the blush adorning his face making his freckles pop.
“Shit,” you curse, eyelids fluttering as his cock rubs frantically against your ass. Again, another surprised noise escapes your mouth as he bounces you in his lap, his clothed erection grinding against your ass and sex. A sliver of tongue peeks from between his teeth, the gleam in his eyes nothing short of determination.
“This is so wrong,” Doctor Midoriya murmurs, his fingertips digging harshly into your ass. “But you like it, right? Right, puppy? You want me to fuck you, right? Right?”
“Yes,” you grit, fingers clutching at his broad shoulders while your tail impatiently smacks against his thighs. “Come on, Doc, treat me like the good little puppy I am.”
You should’ve expected this, really. An almost animalistic whimper bursts from the back of his throat as he surges forward, shoving his tongue into your mouth. He tastes like cherry lip balm and the lingering sweetness of a cough drop – it’s an odd mixture, but not one that you dislike. Months of built-up tension are finally breaking free from the dam, desperate movements and slurred words quickly taking over your mind. Doctor Midoriya is somewhat sloppy with his kisses, but the way he sucks on your tongue and grinds his cock into you is heavenly.
Fingers skimming over the swell of his pecs and the rigid lines of his abs, Doctor Midoriya shudders at your fluttering touch. You swallow his moan as your hands drift under the shirt of his scrubs, heated skin and a fine trail of hair greeting your fingertips.
Pulling away, Doctor Midoriya pants heavily as you continue to pet his lower abdomen, his cock twitching beneath you. “Wait, wait,” he breathes, hands inching around towards your front, “can we – Can we touch each other?”
“As long as you keep quiet,” you murmur, tongue flicking across your lower lip. “Don’t want the others to know that Doctor Midoriya is a bad boy, hmm?” At that, a high-pitched groan emits from his chest as you shove your hand under the band of his underwear, hand circling around the base of his cock.
“Fuck, puppy, that feels good…”
Quickly following your lead, he slips a hand into your undies; his strong fingers immediately seek out the sensitive spot of your sex, causing your back to arch into his touch. A low, drawn out curse seeps from your mouth as you feel your arousal starting to coat his fingers.
“I guess being a doctor has its benefits, huh?” Doctor Midoriya mutters, tone dropping into that husky pitch once more. Even more of your arousal practically gushes over his fingers, your insides tightening around nothing. Two can play at this game, dammit.
Soon, the two of you are heavily petting each other, wrists flicking and fingers digging into sensitive flesh perfectly. Both your ears and tail lay flat as you pant into his neck, your thighs beginning to quiver with want. Doctor Midoriya isn’t fairing any better, his cock weeping precum as he mumbles incoherently. Maybe it’s the enticing little pants breaking through his puffy lips, or maybe it’s the sinful schlick schlick of your hand around his fat cock, but fuck do you want him inside of you, fucking you stupid.
“Doctor,” you purr, pushing yourself up onto your knees. “Have I been a good puppy? Will you fuck me with your cock and make me yours?” You nearly smile as he twitches in your hand at your filthy words.
Feebly nodding, Doctor Midoriya reluctantly pulls his hands away from you, opting to yank down his bottoms and underwear so they’re stretched around his meaty thighs instead. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of his cock – darker than the rest of his skin and veiny like his hands, he’s just as big as you expected, maybe even bigger. Still, you hastily yank down your own offensive clothing and slip back onto his lap, hovering over his twitching cock.
Doctor Midoriya thickly swallows. “I’m… I’m clean. You don’t have to worry- Fuck, oh my god!” Slapping a hand over his mouth, he groans deeply as you sheathe yourself on him, eyes nearly rolling towards the back of your head at the stretch. Yeah, he’s definitely huge.
For a moment, you allow yourself to grow used to the feeling of him inside. This is really happening; all caution is being thrown to the wind, repercussions be damned. He’s finally in your grasp, and you don’t plan on letting him go any time soon. “You said you wanted to fuck me, Doctor,” you mutter into his ear, your hips beginning to swivel. “Do it like you mean it.”
Again, that determined expression crosses his features. “With a challenge like that, who I am to decline?” Adjusting his grip on your ass, he easily lifts you up and drops you back on his cock, eliciting a breathy moan to fall from your swollen lips. “Don’t worry, puppy – as your doctor, I’m going to take real good care of you…"
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If you google someone and you find out that their only job is "girlfriend" over 300 years and dragged my feet wife, you really should ask yourself what this person really does for living. Especially if you stopped working approximately 10 years ago even though you're this highly educated producer, co-producer, tv journalist, actress, director, musician or whatever nonsense your IMBd page says you are.
I think she’s spent many years believing fake it til you make it.
On her many job titles you can say you do something, but it doesn’t actually mean you do. To my knowledge the last time she appeared to have a real salaried job was with f/ox and she was let go on the heels of g/Lee ending, which speaks volumes as to her actual purpose which was to make D look as straight as possible. You think she’d have been in demand and kept based on all the fo/x shows she was supposed to have worked on.
The newbies that were not here pre pandemic should do their research. She’s claimed credit for things others have done.
So many jobs have come from D or her connection to him. The shoe ad was RR’s wife. Ben the roomie of 3 years did a video in the bar with her. LBL which she claimed credit for but stans hardly saw her on the day of filming.
And then we have tsg. The place she only ever appeared to work at if D was there.
Every opportunity given to her has come to nothing, because she doesn’t follow through.
The bar I think was introduced to make it look like she had something for herself because she looked jobless. It was sold as ‘her dream’ and she stopped really working there once the novelty wore off.
The bar wasn’t doing well pre pandemic. It only got packed when D was there and she just stopped turning up. Her bands weren’t particularly successful and the one that looked like it might succeed she quite due to her hectic schedule and she hasn’t been able to draw up interest in her as a performer partly due to her wrecking her voice.
The only thing I’ve seen her stick to religiously is D. She has dropped everything else in her life to do it. When D said they were their own people in that zoom I don’t see it in the respect of their careers. She literally has none.
Her work ethic appears to be in complete contrast to D’s who quite frankly works his ass off.
Most cv’s will show growth and development and hopefully advancement in a chosen career field. Hers does not.
I know fans will argue she’s a freelancer, to me her career list reads like the scene from A/CS in the club when A is asked what he does and he lists a ton fake jobs.
I think this is because her main role since 2012 has been bearding and she’s not been great at that either.
Part of the reason I believe they are fake is because she wasn’t particularly good at it.
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Live The Lincoln Log Lifestyle
Over the weekend, my Dad let me know that he found my old children’s toy of Lincoln Logs. If you do not know what this toy is, it is notched bits of wood that enables kids to make American Pioneer style log homes. I have no idea what made my Dad hold on to them all these years but it is nice to have this bit of childhood nostalgia, especially as I am inching closer to turning another year older. This toy caused me to think about the process of building a toy log home or a real modern-day home and how there is a process of steps that have to be followed to make a home that will last. This thought caused my mind to wander over to lifestyle relationships and how so many are built haphazardly and/or without blueprints which cause the walls as well as the relationship to come crashing down.
We indeed live in a world where every day, everyone is in a rush to get here or there and no one has the time to be bottled up in a rush-hour traffic jam. The problem I have seen over and over within the lifestyle community is there is a rush to jump into a relationship. People meet and there is that spark of meeting someone new, exciting, and people, just like in vanilla land, find themselves wanting more and more of this dynamic new person.
The problem with rushing into a relationship, especially when the lifestyle is involved is that there is so much more to connect with, unlike vanilla relationships. The foundation, I believe, of any relationship, kink or vanilla, is trust. Now there are people that we extend trust to right from day one but to build a successful D/S relationship that trust must be built and cultivated. The best example I can think of how trust is built is of a farmer. The farmer plants their crop, nurtures it but no matter how hard they work at it, they are unable to speed along the growing process. Sometimes it grows quickly because all the conditions are just right, other times the harvest is delayed because of weather or pestilence and sadly at times, nature conspires to destroy the entire crop. Building the trust needed is just like the farmer in their fields, it is unable to be rushed, harvested early, and sometimes even when everything looks favorable the crop can be destroyed. Building the trust needed for a lifestyle relationship takes time and while it can be very tempting to try to speed the trust process along, just like nature, it will take the right amount of time to be ready and all rushing it along will do, is lead to failure.
The other common misstep I see with relationships is like the child building their Lincoln Log house, is the priorities of what to build first can get twisted. While it can be great to imagine how a decorative roof will be built or how the interior will be decorated. It is great to dream, plan, and think about these things, the foundation must be made solid and then each level of logs will need to be placed together until the roof goes on and then the interior work can begin. So often people in the lifestyle rush to put the kinky pieces of the homebuilding puzzle together first and then try to patch in the vanilla side of things that every relationship (even kinky ones) needs to grow, thrive, and survive the test of time. Many lifestyle people seem to set aside the “old-fashioned” notion of dating and jump right into a relationship. As it is with building a home there is no way to get to the good stuff without putting in the time and effort of the heavy lifting first.
Once a house is built, it is also like a relationship. A house will not stand for eternity if it is not maintained and a relationship is the same way. Relationship maintenance is not all hard work but at times it can be. So often partnerships get overwhelmed in the daily grind of life that they forget to make time to continue to date, stay connected, and work to keep growing together. The upkeep of a partnership requires commitment, dedication, and hard work. The fires of passion and love that were once stoked may have cooled inside the home’s new fireplace. While it is true the flame of love can burn, it is imperative to keep that fire burning, even during times when life is trying to drench it with a deluge of challenges.
When it comes to failed lifestyle relationships, I have seen many place blame on submissives for the rushing and thus the failure of a relationship because of sub-frenzy. While I do believe sub frenzy is a real phenomenon, the submissive can not receive any more of the blame than a dominant because the d-type is the one who leads and controls the relationship. The dominant must recognize the need to slow the pace of relationship construction so attention to detail is not lost. So as with sub frenzy, there is the counter side of dom frenzy but since the d-type has the keys to the speed of the relationship, it is vitally important dominants be able to pump the brakes and express to a submissive why they need to slow the pace down. These frenzied states are often linked to newbies in the community, however, the ability to lose control in pursuit of what a person wants is a very human experience and this human condition can afflict the experienced as well as the lesser experienced.
When building a lifestyle relationship, please remember that it is still a relationship that must be built. There are no shortcuts on the road to success and it will take time, commitment, and dedication to create things plus devotion to keep the relationship strong once it is built. The frenzied state of wanting amazing right this instant can drive the experienced as well as the lesser seasoned to attempt to rush the process but rushing construction will only lead to failure later. Make sure to always take time, attend to the details and build the relationship of your dreams.
As with all of my writings, please see this disclaimer.
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secret-engima · 3 years
So, in the Raven-verse bits you’ve posted, Ravens frenemy-ship with Ironwood was mentioned, as was his subordinates reactions, with a line about them leaving before she decides to ‘play’ with them too. Which implies there is at least one poor traumatized underling who Raven hauled into shenanigans. Sooo.... what do typical Ironwood-Branwen shenanigans look like? (And do newbies get a special handbook for Raven-protocols? ...Are there Raven specific protocols, actually?)
-Yes, Raven has dragged more than one underling into the shenanigans, though she would argue that they volunteered by shooting at her. Ironwood always points out that they think she’s trying to kill him, to which she says if “that” was their rescue attempt than Atlas needs to step up their training because that was pathetic.
-The underling is usually too busy wheezing on the floor to protest.
-The first underlings she ever did this too was the Spec Ops, which is why they’ve learned their lesson. But there have been others, like Winter, who also got involved and run circles around.
-Typical Ironwood-Branwen shenanigans usually fall into one of a few different categories:
-Raven opens a portal to him with no warning and tackles him to the ground for a spar without caring what he’s doing, usually because he missed one too many of their *scheduled* spars
-Raven kicking open a portal and kidnapping him for a family dinner or some other event with her little chaos clan because he looked too stressed and sleep deprived over the last vid-call with Ozpin and clearly needs a break.
-Raven kicking open a portal and hauling Ironwood off for a face to face meeting with Oz for something, at which point the only way back to Atlas in any good speed is for her to kick open another portal to Clover afterward. Ironwood makes a point to text Clover when he gets kidnapped for these just so the poor man isn’t in the shower or something when Raven trundles in with his superior officer.
-Raven opens a portal, announces that everyone back home is *busy* and since Ironwood is capable, has minions for backup, and has a ton of paperwork to keep him off the field, he can look after these for a hours. *These*, of course, being hers and Summer’s kids. The first time she did this, Ruby was like- one or two and Yang was three or four. Ironwood *panicked* the entire time, but managed to keep everyone happy and untraumatized and not riding a sugar high. As her kids have increased in number and age, Ironwood has started to yeet them at his school for the day as Phys Ed TA’s because nothing motivates a bunch of teenagers like a pack of ten year olds casually running rings around them on the obstacle courses and in sparring. Tbh Raven’s (and Summer’s by extension) kids ADORE getting babysat by Uncle James because he always comes up with Cool Things for them to do in an effort to keep them from accidentally setting his paperwork on fire.
-Yes there is a handbook for How To Deal With Raven and the Branwen-Rose-Xiao-Long Clan. It was printed out mostly as a joke by Spec Ops at first, but now they give it to all the rookies most likely to encounter Raven’s Chaos as they climb the ranks. By this point there are also Raven protocols, but all of them are unofficial and mostly boil down to “don’t try to contain it, she’s going to do what she wants anyway, and don’t let the kids get lost”.
-There are also a ton of rumors about where all the kids come from among the lower ranks. The upper ranks know that Raven is an old work associate who has too much fun tormenting Ironwood now that he’s “big and important”, but more than a few rookies and civvies connected to the military think that Ironwood’s wife needs to stop bugging her husband during work hours. Ironwood just about died the first time he heard the rumor that Raven was his WIFE.
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polar534 · 4 years
Hockey AU
Hi! I wrote an AU... that's not really an AU. Just a bunch of things and scenarios I think would happen in the future for Lumity revolving around one central idea:
Amity in a hockey jersey. (The Feral Brain though that started it all)
Sooooooooooo. Here we go. This first post is mostly about the Hockey Portion of the AU but like I said, it's ended up being alot of different scenarios. It is equally a (short term) future AU as it is a sport AU. I do eventually plan on making all of this into a chapter by chapter fic on Ao3, but if this gets some good reception I'll keep posting updates on here. I've already got multiple scenarios summarized and 4 fully written chapters.
ok but enough of that. Here goes:
Facts and World Building:
- This is about a year and half after the events of the show. (The girls be about 15-16)
- These girls are just dating. There's no drama. They are incredibly happy together. Which they deserve.
- Amity and Luz are living in the human world with Camilla.
- They spend weekends with Eda at the palace.
- Lilith and Eda are currently trying to restructure the entire Boiling Isles coven system. They have overthrown and taken down Belos and the Clawethorn sisters were named to lead in his stead. To the majority of The Owl Fam's surprise.
- Luz and Amity help them in their free time going around and helping everyone adjust and heal from the tyrants rule.
- The portal remains in the castle under protection. The Owl Fam and friends of The Owl Fam are welcome to use it, but any others must go through Luz. (Eda's decree)
- They attend Hexside during the day and homeschool themselves on human subjects before they go to bed.
Hockey Overview:
- Firstly. Amity's team is called the Otter's. She specifically chose that team because she knew the name would make Luz happy.
- Secondly. The entire team adores Luz. She's at almost every practice and is there for every game. So although she's useless on the ice, she is just considered a member of the team.
- Thirdly. Amity is extremely careful to stay within the rules of the game, but she doesn't hold back. Her role on the team is mostly defense. Her job (which she mostly assigned herself) is to keep the path clear for her teammate with the puck. If that means absolutely bodying anyone who comes near, then she does just that. (I mean, let's be honest she played heavy support in the grudgeby match we saw her participate in.) Amity has to really struggle with keeping her competitive/perfectionist side under control and not wrestling the puck away from the strikers every chance she sees an opening that others don't. It's a left over from her time playing Grudgeby.
- Fourthly and most importantly: Amity has tried to teach Luz to skate. Many times. Luz cannot skate. Luz cannot even operate on ice. If she is on the ice, she is clinging to Amity.
Summary/Timeline Thingy (under a read more cut because... oh my god I have a problem):
At first when Luz starts going (purely because she wants to support Amity), she's pretty silent. Just working on either school work, her glyphs or making a meal plan for both Eda and her mother because both are too busy/crazy to seem to take care of themselves. The team doesn't mind, and finds it pretty sweet actually. Especially when Luz will randomly look up and compliment one of them on a shot. Or how the girl seems to just stop mid-work to stare transfixed as the new blood is practicing.
Now that's just cute. Nobody can deny that.
Or that the newbie completely changes demeanor from stone cold and calculating to absolutely flustered and soft as soon as her girlfriend slides clumsily onto the ice to greet her at breaks and after practice.
Also. Cute.
All that slowly changes though because Luz is like... SUPER excited about Amity being on a sports team. Especially Hockey. She stays mostly quiet during practice because this is Amity's thing and she wants to respect that, but as soon as they get off the rink together Luz is excitedly discussing new plays and strategies or the best ways to hit the other players so they stay down longer. It's Amity's favorite way to wind down after practice. She's usually too tired to keep up with Luz's energy but she listens and relaxes into just how excited her girlfriend is.
Amity always takes into account her girlfriend's post practice discussions and will often put them into play at the next practice or game. It's extremely noticeable. Despite being new to the sport, and frankly seemingly still surprised by alot of "normal" customs and rules, Amity is getting really good. Not only is she skilled and strong but she's also catching on to strategies and plays that even the coach doesn't seem to always get. (Rec league because official coaches and team games sound boring honestly)
She starts to get approached by her teammates, asking her for advice or tips. While she can answer some of them, she normally just yells up at Luz (sitting on the bleachers) out of nowhere asking for her opinon, to which Luz somehow always has an immediate response prepared. Most often not even looking up from whatever she was doing to answer it.
Whenever someone asks her about they know so much about sports. Amity usually shrugs and just replies, "We're a team." Sometimes with a quip about how Luz makes them watch too many movies or something about Azura. That's when the team starts approaching Luz equally about stuff, and insist she start sitting on the sidelines with the team rather then the bleachers. Whenever they ask Luz why her and Amity know so much, Luz just gets a huge shit eating grin and waves her hands in front of her face as she says: "It's magic~".
Since keeping Amity's witchiness a secret is one of their biggest priorities, this always makes Amity really nervous. Not to mention she knows Luz is also referring to their relationship as magic which makes her get immediately flustered as well.
Its a win-win for Noceda. She gets to have fun with a secret only they know, and gush about Amity at the same time.
Soon enough, while Luz never actually goes out onto the ice, she's just a part of the team. Amity gets voted team captain, much to the current team captain's relief and while Amity keeps a monitor as to how her team is doing on the ice, Luz keeps a monitor as to how their plays are doing from the sidelines. They work together to switch members out at perfect moments and the Otter's go from a very basic team to being one of the top teams of the area.
Random Facts (read: I have no category for this stuff but it's important):
- Luz will often steal Amity's jersey, because its really baggy and comfortable and because it's Amity's. Amity has a STRUGGLE every time it happens. 1. It's way too cute. And 2. "Luz, I need that." "You going to come and take it Blight?"
- Regardless of how bad she is on the ice, Luz is really good with the hockey stick and surprisingly accurate with her shots. Her and Amity will often practice together in a field, and, when they're sure no one's watching/visiting Eda, they'll add their own magical twist to the game and have a 1v1 witches hockey duel.
- Luz loves it when Amity checks the shit out of players on the ice. She is one of THOSE hockey fans. And her girlfriend is brutal.
- King and Amity have a really good relationship in Hockey AU. They are both vent buddies. While Amity is in much healthier place and doesn't put as much pressure on herself anymore, she still gets easily frustrated. King, being the little dude he is, is also easily frustrated. Every week they get together for a vent session in which they chill out and watch a stupid movie in the background and complain about it to get the night going. It always ends up that they pause the movie before it's over because they're too busy going off about other things bothering them.
- Lilith and Eda share mentoring roles for both girls. It's not an, Eda for purely Luz and Lilith for purely Amity situation.
- Camilla is incredibly proud of her two girls and is incredibly supportive as well... but she can no longer go to any games or practices. The first time Amity got hard checked by an opposing player during a game, Camilla nearly stopped the entire match demanding she go down and look her over and make sure she didn't have any injuries. When Luz and Amity approached her that night, after she was asked to leave the game, she was grateful for the excuse. "You know I love and support you both, but I cannot watch... that. With good conscious. You'll just have to make sure you come to me if you're actually hurt. Ok?" She'll still come to Amity's big games, despite her anxiety.
- Amity has a scar from an injury she received in her first season's Semi-Final game. (I have ALOT of notes on this... it is one of the 'scenarios' I listed at the top.)
85 notes · View notes
lunaticpuppetmaster · 3 years
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  My contribute for Konoha Simps server collab! 
Trying to do both drabble and an art was a poor decidion as i am a lil bit late. 
Special Thanks to @pfreadsandwrites who beta-readed this drabble!
Title: Lost and Found.
Pairing: Kiba Inuzuka x OC (Tsubasa Yuki)
Summary: Everyone knows that everything you lose will end up in your soulmates possesions. Some people go crazy trying to find their destined one with practically no information. Tsubasa was never interested in finding hers and there is a chance she would never be able to.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, hurt/comfort
Word count: 6907
   When the first symptoms of the family curse appeared, Tsubasa already knew she was doomed. The sickness was rare and there wasn’t much information about it in the Yuki clan library even before the genocide, while after it…  well, no information survived. To be honest she did not have much hope at the beginning when her ice-natured chakra just only started to act like a parasite, eating her body and breaking thin bones.
But her sensei had. Mei had always been protective of her pupils, acting like a big sister even after the trio passed the chunin exam. So, when the worst happened, she used all her resources in order to save one of them. Unfortunately, even Kirigakure medics famous for their body knowledge were unsuccessful. The only hope was the best medic alive, Tsunade-hime herself.
Tsubasa did not know how she convinced Tsunade to help or what she promised to her (probably rare Kiri herbs), but the sannin agreed to work on her case. She didn’t promise a cure. To the girl’s pleasure, unlike her sensei, the 5th hokage was rational and she stated right from the start that the chances of recovery were very low and more likely she would just extend the Yuki girl’s agony. It was hurtful, but honest. Tsubasa always respected honesty… and her sensei. She had no other choice, but to promise Mei that she will fight till the end even though she did not want to.
“Maybe you will find your soulmate there,”- said Mei before her departure.
Mei was one of those people who always wanted to find their soulmate, however that was not the reason why she said it. She appreciated different manifestations of love: between friends, parental, sisterly and etc. She also knew that Tsubasa was a pessimist and even the love of people who were close to her was not enough to restore her will to live. At least if she were deeply in love with her soulmate, Mei hoped that Tsubasa could finally find the strength to fight.
Soulmates were always a bone of contention between different social groups: commoners, nobility and shinobi. Especially the last one. Missions and loyalty towards the village must be a number one priority for a ninja. But with soulmates everything became much harder.
Still even the biggest soulmate deniers tried their best to ‘lose things’. Even though little was known about soulmates nature, over the years people were able to learn a couple of useful things:
1 - Every item you lose will end up in your soulmate’s possessions.
2 - You cannot send a letter or any kind of writing this way.
3 - You cannot just throw away a random thing in the air or leave it intentionally on a park bench. So, you must really lose the thing to make it reach your soulmate.
The world was never peaceful. Neither for commoners nor shinobi, so desire to help for so called “true one” was understandable. People tried to tie various useful items with slim strings to their clothes like meds and water. When it came to shinobi they usually tied small scrolls to their bags or jackets hoping that during fights the thread would be cut or ripped and the item lost. Such scrolls were usually filled with food, kunais or ninja pills. Supplies that suddenly appeared managed to save some shinobi on the verge of death more than once. So even soulmate deniers had an opinion that it was practical to help the soulmate and very rude to ignore it. Help for help, life for life, nothing more. Tsubasa was one such person.
Of course, every skilled shinobi could tell from which village the lost item appeared.
Yuki’s soulmate for example was from Konoha. Her teammate Hiroto recognized a specific plant in a found ninja pill. So, she had some chances to run into him during her stay.
But Tsubasa did not want a soulmate. She did not need some stranger. She wanted to stay in Kiri and spend her last days with people she loved with all her heart and soul. Hadn’t she suffered enough? It didn’t look like it.
This was how she ended up in Konoha; or rather in a spare room of Yamanaka-hime’s house. Although Tsunade made efforts, in Yuki’s opinion, she clearly did not have an intention to heal her, but to collect information about how the disease proceeds under various factors, in order to save other unfortunate ones… Tsubasa could tell it from her students. Tsunade put her under the care of somewhat inexperienced newbies, ones who could crawl into her head and feel the patient’s condition themselves. Tsubasa did not blame her for that. She would be happy if her death could help someone. The girl rather felt sorry for distracting Ino from her more important patients. The hime herself was cheerful and sunny person, but in moments that required professionalism she could turn cold and focused with the flick of a finger. “She would be a perfect clan leader one day,” Tsubasa thought.
To be honest Yamanaka’s jutsu was useful for more than just therapy. When they first met, Yuki just simply let Ino read her mind and see her past. It was much faster and easier, plus all the secret information she knew as an ANBU was sealed. In order to get it, they would have had to use much stronger and more traumatic jutsu (and of course torture). Moreover, she was going to die soon, so did it really matter how many people knew her story?
Though when Tsubasa saw the girl’s blank face after reading her mind, she felt guilty. The blonde stayed silent for a few seconds before giving her a hug. She did not need words to say that she will do her best.
    Ino was easy to befriend. She also was good at distracting from negative thoughts. Between her regular Tsunade checkups and preparations for missions (It was important to monitor the development of the disease in the field, and all missions would be related to information gathering about the Yuki clan) they were chatting, watching movies and sometimes working in the flower shop. Thanks to Tsubasa’s honey-coloured hair most people mistook her as a distant relative of Yamanaka, so no one asked questions.
Once they ended up talking about soulmates. It started when Ino found some spilled ink on her carpet one day. Hime did not know much about her soulmate except he was really… an artistic type. Through the years she collected various brushes, pencils, erasers and doodles. Once she even found a whole sketchbook (unfortunately half torn)! But there was one thing that made her upset. He never “lost” anything to help her like the majority did.
“Maybe he is from a strict ninja family or a specific ANBU team”, she said with a sad smile.
If Ino’s soulmate was artistic, Tsubasa’s was… quite “special”. Because only a “special” person would end up losing a 6-kilo bag of dog food. Even now, after seven years Tsubasa sometimes wondered ‘how?’.. It was not a pen or a trinket which could be easily left on an academy desk, but a giant bag of dog food! No, he was a good soulmate who was “losing” supplies for her (that once saved her teammate’s life) unlike Ino’s, but still… Even when the blonde heard about it, she could not believe it and then started to laugh hysterically. After such silly small talks Tsubasa felt like she wasn’t fully alone in this foreign village. It almost felt like she had found a friend.
Unlike the other forced teammate.
Every village had a system of having at least 3 people in a team. Moreover, Tsubasa was suffering from her disease and Ino concentrated on helping her. They needed another member.
Tsubasa did not like him from the start. He was loud, narcissistic, clingy and insolent. The kunoichi was easily fed up with his behaviour. She spat out what exactly she thought of him to his face before going back to the Yamanaka estate. Only when she was alone in her room, she understood all her stupidity. She shouldn’t have acted so idiotic and lose her cool. It was essential for a ninja. She also understood why he was chosen among all of the shinobi. As a member of the Inuzuka clan he had a ninken who was already big enough to carry a man. It would be useful in case she became unconscious due to the illness. But she could not help it. A lot of bad things were going on in her life. She felt useless and helpless since she was banned from using her ice chakra. Mei also banned her from using anything that would hide her emotions. She thought that Tsubasa finally needed to learn how to speak and deal with new people. Babysitting was not helpful, so she wanted to try something more radical. Tsubasa understood, but understanding wasn’t enough to cope with the stress. Now she was sitting in the corner of her room shivering. Usually, she would take her father’s mask – the only thing left after his death- and put the cold material close to her forehead thinking what he would say or do. She couldn’t do it any longer. Some of her belongings and a mask were lost during a powerful chakra release at the beginning of the disease.
A few minutes passed before she started to feel better. A sudden knock on the door took her out of thoughts. Tsubasa went to open it thinking it would be Ino. Unfortunately, it was him. The cause for today’s bad mood and their third teammate – Kiba Inuzuka himself. She sighed and looked at him through the door, hiding most of her body behind it. The young man in front of her hesitated and looked a little bit strange or uncertain.
”Listen, I came here to apologise.“
Tsubasa raised her brow. Surely she should have been the one to apologise?. Plus, the boy looked like someone who would rather make a bunch of excuses and snap back than accept he was wrong.
“Well, I shouldn’t have invaded your personal space in the first place.” He scratched the back of his head and looked away. Judging by his behavior, the girl started to understand what actually made his behavior change.“And …uhm, Ino told me about your case so…”
“Showed you,” said Yuki her guess as a statement.
”She d-did not show me much!”
”That’s okay. I don’t mind and Ino knows that.”
“Anyway, I want to start on a clean slate. Here, take it. It’s a half mask and a bottle of blue paint so you can customize it with your clan symbol.”
“I know that you are not allowed to use anything to hide your emotions, but it is a half mask and I made the holes for eyes bigger so your emotions will be perfectly visible. This is not technically breaking the rule and you will definitely feel better due to your um… well, habit. Just enjoy it, okay? I have to go now, bye!
“W-wait! I cannot…”
But the boy already left, forcing the girl to accept.
After that, though the relationship between the trio smoothed out, it was far from perfect. Tsubasa preferred to act more as a solo player despite her health condition, Kiba was still too loud and tried to act like the leader he never was and Ino … Ino tried not to go crazy in this whole mess called a team. However, overall, their missions were rather calm. Perhaps the three of them needed time to get used to each other before they could accept the others’ faults and learn to compromise. The tension completely disappeared at rest time, when tired teenagers passed time by talking to each other. Often they talked about soulmates. Someone was consulting with others about what would be more useful to seal in a tie-down scroll, the other one was looking through a travel bag for new supplies (or accidentally dropped useless things), another was thinking about loud who their soulmate might be. On one of such days, all of a sudden Tsubasa discovered earrings in a sealed scroll. They were simple and consisted of three deep blue feathers each. The girl looked at them in surprise, not knowing how to react. But, on the contrary, Ino reacted too happily.
“These are so cute! And they match your eye color! Quite a nice present for a soulmate that has never seen you.”
“This must have been a mistake.”
“It was in a scroll. How could this be a mistake? Looks like your soulmate really wishes to meet you and…”
“I don’t need a soulmate, Ino! Like, I don’t believe in perfect matches made by spiritual forces or some sort. I never wanted to have him in the first place! I have a dream to achieve, a family in Kiri. No way if I survive, I will leave it all behind because of some questionable romance! That’s ridiculous!”
Ino sighed and Kiba remained silent. The conversation came to an end. But not the attention from Tsubasa’s soulmate or their mission.
One of those days, when all sorts of cute things and sweets instead of standard ammunition began to show up in Tsubasa’s scrolls more and more, their group stumbled upon really strong opponents. The longer the battle continued the more obvious it became that they were not going to win. Unless Tsubasa broke the rule and used her clan’s abilities. Mei’s order, both as sensei and as Mizukage, always stood above many moral principles for Yuki, but now it was a completely different case. Neither Ino nor Kiba with the sweetest and bravest Akamaru should have been involved in this from the very beginning. They were not supposed to die or risk their lives because of some terminally ill girl from another village and a questionable contract between their Kages. They must live, survive and Tsubasa made up her mind. At first, she managed to eliminate a couple of ninjas and slightly injure the rest using the element of surprise. She was incredibly lucky, because the disoriented opponents were much easier to finish off for Kiba and Ino. Tsubasa by this moment had already lost her eyesight from the tension and saw the battlefield only as a set of white and light gray colors. She lost her breath and her strength to stand upright. But it was nothing compared to the pain that washed over her seconds later.
     The kunoichi screamed in pain as she felt blood filling her mouth and an ice crust covering her internal organs. She fell on the cold dusty ground, heart-rendering screams leaving her lips with the blood pulsing her temples, ice needles tearing the muscles of her arms and legs. It seemed like nothing existed except for the all-consuming pain. Through the wall of never-ending white noise, she heard the sounds of Ino’s commands and Akamaru’s frightened barking. This was the last thing she felt before passing out.
Tsubasa woke up with a heavy head and pain all over her body. She listened to her senses before opening her eyes… and it would have been better not to listen to them. Someone brazenly pressed her close to their body and sniffed into the ear. When she opened her eyes the girl immediately screamed. In general, it was a completely normal reaction when you find yourself half-dressed in the arms of an equally half-dressed man. Of course, given that she was half-asleep, her only response was a stream of unpleasant curses and swearing. At first Kiba, who was still sleepy, was happy that the girl woke up, but soon joined the exchange of curses until a joyful, but terribly tired Ino ran up to them, immediately trying to interrupt the catfight and change the topic. Kiba waved his hand resentfully and went off in an unknown direction. Ino stayed with Tsubasa alone.
“Sit down and drink this.”
“Okay, but can I ask you a question first? What the hell happened here?”
”Your disease went out of control. I could barely suppress it. This time it was… too strong. Not like before. When I was finally able to improve your condition, you were still unconscious, your temperature dropped to terribly low levels, and some ice crystals did not disappear. We didn’t risk taking you back to the village in such poor condition. At first, we tried to wrap you up warm, but that didn’t help. Your clothes were quickly soaked by the cold coming from you and it only aggravated your condition. Then we decided that we would warm you one by one with the heat of our bodies. Well, Akamaru too.
Tsubasa howled in embarrassment and Ino sighed.
“Don’t worry. I think Kiba understands what the situation looked like for you. Or he will understand. He is a hot-head, you know, and he needs some time to calm down. But he will.”
”Still, that doesn’t change the fact that I snapped at him twice for literally nothing, especially the last time when I should have said ‘thank you for trying to save my dumb ass’. I feel terrible.”
The blonde girl patted her dejected friend on the shoulder and then said, “ Drink the medicine or, I swear to God, you will regret that you woke up.
The group’s return journey took place in silence. Despite the fact that Tsubasa apologized to Kiba and he accepted the apology, the kunoichi was still tormented by her conscience. She needed to apologize to him properly. Stealing a glance at the still visible ice crystals on her hand, a thought flashed through her: “While I can still do it.”
Night is definitely a wonderful and mysterious time of the day. Too bad that not everyone can enjoy its beauty, but there are also some who would be glad to miss it. For example, some unfortunate souls from the Inuzuka clan. It just so happened that a heightened sense of smell was not the only animal trait some clan members shared. Heightened hearing, too. In battle it was somewhat useful while in everyday life - irritating. During the day, in a mixture of noises, it did not cause much discomfort, but at night, when all the sounds disappeared, a can kicked by a drunk felt like a hit in the head. It is not surprising that such “lucky” clan members often suffered from insomnia and generally lived in the rhythm of night owls, which was very difficult for the shinobi world, where everyone was entirely early birds.
So was Kiba. However, tonight it felt different. His day was active and the sounds on the street did not disturb him, still he could not sleep. It seemed that the whole atmosphere of the house became more and more oppressive with every second spent inside, and the inner desire to walk through the village at night became stronger with every minute. He just wanted to go outside and run. He did not know where, but somewhere, where it was important for him to be now. In the end, when he accepted the fact that he obviously would not sleep today, the young man called his faithful dog and quietly left the house. The night was calm and fresh from the recent rain. Perhaps even too much, but it did not bother Kiba. He gladly wandered through old village streets, breathing in deeply the cold night air until he found himself near the playground. Or better to say, found someone.
Tsubasa sat on the swing all hunched up, almost motionless like a statue, and although this time her face wasn’t hidden by a mask, but her honey hair, Kiba knew that the girl was clearly not radiating joy.
“May I sit?,” he asked. Tsubasa didn’t even flinch.
Kiba looked at the girl. When they first met, she was strong, cold and impenetrable. A true warrior. But now things were different. As a shinobi, he was not afraid to die on the battlefield, surrounded by dead and, possibly, even rotting bodies. But seeing a person fade like this, when they were unable to do anything about their state, when they burned out like a candle, turning with every second into a pale copy of their former self is what really scared him. At first, he didn’t care much what would happen to Yuki, but now, when her life glimmered on a candle stub, saving her was important. Either she will survive, and he will get rid of animal all-consuming fear, or her pale face, disfigured by illness, in the tongues of the funeral flame will haunt him till the end of his days.
Akamaru rested his head on Tsubasa’s lap. Still lost in her heavy thoughts, Yuki let her hands go of the swing chain and started to mechanically stroke and scratch the ninken behind the ears.
”Hey Tsu, I know that you are that type of shinobi who tries to follow the code perfectly. But we are not made of steel. You are not made of steel. You are feeling bad and tired. It’s unlikely that I will hear something that Ino did not show me or did not hear from you. Sharing pain as a shinobi is hard, but it’s even harder to keep your cool when you are on the verge of being broken by your own emotions. Even though I talk too much, anything you tell me tonight will stay here, I promise. So, tell me what’s eating you.
”You’re right. I am tired. I am weak, although I’ve tried to prove myself otherwise for my whole goddamn life. Even when I felt bad and thought that everything was lost, I clung to a few good things that I had. What does not kill makes us stronger, and the world, even drowning in war and blood, is still too beautiful to give up, especially the little things that everyone forgets. That’s what my father taught me. My path has never been covered with rose petals. Well.., for most people, actually. Still, I didn’t stop fighting for the people I love. Only when the clan curse showed itself… I was really scared. I felt completely helpless. And after the recent events… Fuck all my experience, knowledge and even more ranks. I am useless. I… I must accept the truth. I will die soon Kiba and I do not want to die here.”
Her previously smooth and still voice started to crack. Her shoulders shivered slightly.
“You, Ino and your friends are wonderful people and in general I like Konoha, but it will never be my home, and you will never replace my family. I hate to break promises, but I really don’t want to keep the one I gave to sensei and friends. I just want to give up and go back to Kiri. I miss them so much and want to see them one last time. Besides there is also one thing that bothers me…”
Mei was not that wrong when she said that Tsubasa might fall in love in Konoha. She actually did, but not with the soulmate destined by the stars. She fell in love with an eccentric, slightly arrogant and silly boy who may have not really known her, but still tried to help. Simply because he did not lose faith in her or their team, because he acted friendly with her and could cheer her up even in her darkest moments. For the fact that he could knock on the window at one in the morning and invite her into the forest to look at the fireflies. Just like that. It wasn’t like love at first sight, or a long courtship. With each passing day her feelings grew stronger washing over her like waves. Unfortunately, there were few “BUTs” that Tsubasa could not ignore:
She was from another village and even though there were many bad things in the hidden Mist, she was not going to betray it or move anywhere. She promised herself to help Sensei make the village a better place, and she was not going to give up on her dream either. Kiba was also too loyal to his family and friends. He would never leave them for some Kirigakure girl.
Moreover, Tsubasa felt guilty about her soulmate. Yes, she never saw him, but that did not stop him from taking care of her and obviously dreaming about their meeting. It would be wrong just not to care about his feelings.
Most importantly, that applied to both Kiba and the unknown “true one” - she was dying. She was a weak sick girl who had a month left to live at best. Of course, she could confess her feelings to the boy next to her right now, feel loved and die with a drop of happiness… But was it fair for Kiba who would have to live with this burden until the end of his days? Definitely not. She couldn’t do that to him. That’s why she would rather stay silent, burn out from her feelings, because at least she would not let him suffer.
“I just don’t know what to do… I feel lost.”
She lifted her head, blue feathers of her earnings blowing in the wind. Her face was emotionless and her body calm, yet uncontrollable tears were streaming down her face.
The boy took her freezing hand and pulled her into a hug. Tsubasa bit her lip, burying her face in his shoulder and soaking his jacket with tears.
”You lost only because you gave up right away as soon as you found out about your diagnosis! Stop thinking about the fucking disease! Focus on something else! Not on the loved ones, since it causes you so much pain. Focus on your dreams! On your soulmate!”
“Why are you so obsessed with the idea of soulmates?”
“Why are you so disgusted with the idea itself?”
She let his hand go and exhaled. There was no trace of her emotional outburst except for her bloodshot eyes. Tsubasa grabbed the swing chains, thinking for a second.
“I do not believe in fairy tales about gods, who loved each other and were separated, that blessed all mortal couples with a secret connection, in revenge to the rest of the pantheon. Why did everyone suddenly start to think that it was a love connection? What if that bond means a strong friendship? And how can finding lost things help my soulmate find me or specifically, my body? The only variant I see is where you tattoo the coordinates on your hand and lose it in battle. An ‘excellent’ plan! Moreover, where are the guarantees that soulmate couples will be happy? Give me one example.”
”Ino’s parents are soulmates.”
Both of them suddenly turned silent.
”As far as I know, Mrs. Yamanaka did not even know our language when she arrived here. She was from another country, with completely different customs, still she risked going into the unknown. And I don’t know any stronger couple.”
“The way you talk about it… Your parents aren’t soulmates either, are they?”
He nodded.
”Don’t get me wrong, I love my mother. In fact, my father left when I was one year old, so she and my sister raised me. But… My mother is a very difficult person. As far as I can remember, it was always important for her to be the first and she never cared about the feelings of others. This is good for a warrior, but not for a family member. She could easily say things that will hurt you, including the ones she said on purpose, as a joke in order to please her ego. When you tried to talk to her about this and ask her to tone it down a little, she pretended to listen at first, but soon forgot about it. As for my father, he was not from our clan, not even from our village. He was a stranger and ended up being at the very bottom of the clan’s hierarchy. My sister said that he could stand a lot of things, but not the betrayal and disregard towards him from his once loved one. Of course, this was not the only reason he left. After that, looking at how Ino’s parents perfectly understand each other and always try to find a compromise, on how strong their union is… I want the same kind of family. Yes, I can act like my mother, be short tempered and impulsive. I think you noticed it when we first met. I admit I behaved horribly, but with people close to me, whom I don’t want to lose, I try to control myself and work on it.”
“That’s… amazing Kiba. And despite the fact that you mostly act like a jerk -” he snorted and a small smile formed on her lips- “I have to admit that after knowing you better, I have respect for you. You don’t try to please everyone. You give all of yourself and your warmth only to the ones that are close to you. Only to those who, in your opinion, deserve it, disregarding the rest. This is right. I share the same point of view. But since you really want to find your soulmate, have you ever thought that you might end up being the one to leave your home? Are you ready for such a sacrifice yourself?”
Kiba fell silent. At first it seemed that he was deep in thought, but in reality, everything was different. He was frightened and listened to the silence of the night trying to find out if someone was eavesdropping on them. For a moment, the girl even thought that he used ninjutsu to sniff out strangers and make sure that there were no one near them.
As white as a sheet, he took her hand and ‘wrote’ his answer on the inside of her palm with a finger:
She glanced at him. His actions spoke louder than words.
“Your father is dead, isn’t he?”
”Were you born in a clan or joined it later, you cannot leave it.”
”I understand. After all, in Kiri, a lot is happening inside our clans too.”
They both sat in uncomfortable silence.
“When you said that my parents are not soulmates, you also said “either”. So..?”
“You heard right. You know that before Terumi-sama, Kirigakure was overflowing with nepotism and bribery? Well, people were willing to do anything to move up the career ladder. My mother really wanted a higher position in ANBU, so she made my father fall in love with her and convinced him that she was his soulmate. As you understand, it was also important for my father to find ‘the true one’ but when he realized that he was fooled it was already too late. He comforted himself with the fact that he seemed to love my mother even without that spiritual bond, plus he loved me with all his heart and soul. But in fact, the love between my parents was one-sided… and because of the special treatment to the Yuki clan, my father was never at home. So… when you start looking for your destined one, please be careful, okay? I do not want the same fate for you or for anyone else.”
Okay, let’s change the topic” - he waved his hands in a playful defensive gesture “You mentioned that you have a dream. So, what kind of dream?”
“Well, you chose a bad one to distract me, because my dream is deeply connected with my family. You know about the genocide of the Yuki clan?”
“Mmm, sorry, to be honest, not really. Only that when the Uchiha clan was massacred, the elders whispered with each other that it could be the same case as it was with your clan, where it was the Kage’s order or some sort.”
“The Yuki clan was once considered to be one of the most powerful clans in the village of the Hidden Mist. And of course, quite dangerous, especially for the past Mizukage, or rather, for the one who controlled him. So, one night, the entire main branch was killed and the clan’s library burned down. The Yuki clan was officially made part of a lower caste. Some clan members managed to escape, while others were often sent on dangerous and suicidal missions. Now from the once large clan, only 30-40 people remain in Kiri, and most of them are elders and children. For comparison, grandfather Naoki had four children, the same age as my father, and only one daughter remained alive. As you know, my frightened and repressed clan avoided communicating with each other. In fact, in my childhood, it was as if the clan did not exist at all. Childhood in Kiri was not easy, but the other children at least had a clan, a large family that stood up for them. I wanted it too. I wanted to be a part of a clan and before my illness I dreamed of reviving the Yuki clan, regaining lost knowledge and finding all the relatives lost around the world, whom, as far as I heard, were not liked by both ninjas and civilians. But now after that illness… I must find every single Yuki alive to make sure that no one will be alone while fighting the family curse and that no one will go through the same pain as me, giving them a chance to be cured. And I will do it, no matter what… If I survive, of course…”
“It’s … A great dream to achieve-,” he scratched his head not knowing what to say- “And I am sure you will! Just don’t be so pessimistic! “
”I am realistic.”
“OK, OK!” he chuckled.“Looks like only realists like you, who talk about how bad and terrible everything will be, turn out to be chuunins.”
“What? Kiba, I don’t… urgh forget it! Arguing with you on any topic is simply useless when you are stubborn as a mule.”
“Said another mule!”
She laughed. Warmly and sincerely, for the first time this evening, and perhaps since they returned from that ill-fated mission.
”By the way, if your life in the hidden mist was so bad why do you hate the idea of moving to another place? Like here, to Konoha?”
“First of all, my life in Kiri is perfect now. Secondly, when people will learn that I am from the hidden mist they will hate me. The only thing that saves me now is that commoners think I am a distant relative of Ino.”
“Why do you think that?”
“You never heard why Kiri women are hated so much?”
“Well let me tell you,” she grinned sinisterly. “One year, in our village, due to hunger, disease and war, there were practically no men left. Then the women decided to fill this gap by stealing men from other villages. But then they questioned themselves, how to transport healthy and adult shinobi without harming them? This is how the world-famous art of Kirigakure ANBU was born, thanks to which we can immobilize even the most powerful warrior,” she chuckled as a senbon she used in some missions appeared from nowhere, - “With the combination of many factors, but still. Well, those poor souls who ended up in Kiri … they essentially had no choice, but to marry ladies there if they wanted to live.”
“Are you joking?!”
“I’m not! In fact, my great-grandfather was kidnapped from the village hidden in the Stone. So, be careful Inuzuka Kiba! Who knows, maybe my illness is just a part of a secret mission and I’m actually here to pick up suitable candidates… And you might end up being one of them! You may turn out to be a good third husband for me, you know?”
He laughed.
“Oh really? Well, I would die to see how you would try to steal me with such an amazing guard as Akamaru!”
“Oh darling,” she grinned and hugged the huge white dog,” I would find a way to make that adorable boy my partner in crime! “
Akamaru happily barked in agreement and both teenagers burst into laughter, almost falling off the swing.
“By the way,” she said after a small pause, “I have to admit that fireflies are much more beautiful in Konoha. Thank you for letting me enjoy such beauty…”
He bit his lip and took her hand in his. The Ice crystals were still showing from her bandage returned them both to the dreadful reality.
“You will survive Tsu, I promise you, and you will see many more fireflies. Not only these.”
She looked at him with a faded, crooked smile. A smile that only gravely ill and very tired people have. Kiba returned her a look and his heart squeezed painfully in his chest, skipping a beat.
“Don’t make a promise that you can’t keep.”
”I’ll keep it! You will see. We are close to finding the ancient temple of the Yuki clan, and there definitely should be information on how to cure you. And after the next mission is completed, we will go to a grill bar! In the land of water there are only sea creatures and practically no normal beef. I cannot let you go back to Kiri without letting you know all the delights of good meat.”
She chuckled.
“If you say so.”
But there would be no grill bar or any next time. They found information about the temple location, but at the cost of everything else. The disease turned out to be unstoppable at this point. Luckily, they managed to reach it in time and save Tsubasa’s life.
Three months had passed since her miraculous recovery. Representatives of the Mist village appeared in Konoha the next day and took the girl with them, not allowing her even to say goodbye to her new friends. Still, their paths will cross in the future.
Upon returning to Kiri, Tsubasa began to communicate a lot with Ino through letters, which made the Mizukage almost ecstatic. She hoped that friendship with the clan princess would turn into a possible strong political tie in the future. One way or another, Mei was going to make her children, if not a future Mizukage, then those on whom the village could rely. Sometimes Mei was so happy about the benefits that Tsubasa had a feeling that her illness and departure to Konoha were part of Sensei’s plan to improve relationships with the village from the very beginning. However, she thought it was too weird and silly to be true.
She also sent letters to Kiba. Feelings for him that suddenly flared up in her heart were not planning to disappear, but she still had no intention of getting into his personal life. He wanted to find his soulmate, and she respected that wish. This was the least she could do for him. “Besides,” she thought while drinking peach tea in the evenings and remembering how he was trying to warm her drastically freezing body on their trip to the temple, “it is unlikely that we would have succeeded even if there would be no soulmate. We are too loyal and attached to our villages and clans. None of us would move to another village for the sake of other. Only a soulmate had such privilege.“
Therefore, she was happy to be his friend at least, send the boxes of tangerines and dried seafood snacks on special occasions, help with advice on everyday problems that all teenagers went through, regardless of which shinobi village they were born in, and just talk about all sorts of nonsense.
At six am, there was a loud knock on the door. Tsubasa was just getting ready for the training and she had no idea who would need to see her at such an early hour (her teammates were waiting for her at the training field, so it could not be them).
A familiar figure was standing outside of the door. Tired from the road, a little nervous, but smiling. Holding a medium-sized flat box under his arm.
“Kiba? What are you doing here, especially this early?!”
“There were reasons,” he said giving her a box, “may i come in?”
“Of course, you can, I’ll make you some tea and something to eat for you two.”
The girl moved away to the side, letting the boy and his dog into the apartment. Akamaru immediately stretched and laid himself on the carpet of the living room, while Kiba took a seat in the kitchen.
“So, what’s the reason you came here?”
“Open the box,” he said with a smile.
Tsubasa raised her eyebrows skeptically. She put the box on the table, thin fingers gripping the blue lid and pulling it up. Her father’s mask with its cold material was staring right into the girl from the inside. Frozen in complete shock, looking at the once-lost thing dear to her heart, she did not notice how Kiba approached her from behind.
“I just felt lost,” he said in a soft voice, while tucking a loose strand behind her ear. Their faces were only a few inches apart, “And desperately wanted to be found.”
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