#no but honestly the pacing was absolutely insane
evilminji · 2 days
Oh... oh no it's all coming together ( o.o)
Ya'll remember my Danny haunts Space Games post?
That but MORE SO. Harder. Like... ZONE GAME DEVELOPER PASSION PROJECT harder. Because? Special Interest chemicals go brrrrr~☆
And you KNOW... you absolutely FUCKING KNOW! That Danny was minding his business, going about his life, hyped as FUCK for the new Space Game 5 (a niche game but so what? It has REALISTIC physics! It's set on THE MOON!).
Has NOT stopped rambling on about it.
Been driving everyone insane, because it won't be out for MONTHS.
Youngblood, probably, goes "So what? That sound BORING. There barely anything to DO in that! Not like one of OUR Super Cool ZONE Video Games™. OURS are way better! And we gave LOADS more options then THAT! Now can we get back to-"
Freeze frame, record scratch.
Wait. WHAT!?
Danny is violently answers out of that eternal child faster then you can say "Dude! Chill!" Got them manic Obsession Eyes. Oops. Youngblood forgot Danny is Space Obsessed. But also PROTECTION Obsessed. Meaning he can't LEAVE where he is protecting.
You know.... FOR SPACE.
He needs a work around to feed his Obsession. Video games do it. Since he can go INTO them, but leave at a moments notice, if trouble happens. It's like being both IN SPACE but also AT HIS POST! Double Obsession Feeding! Happy chemicals! Mmmmm, content ecto-goo~
But now? NOW?! He's learning there is BETTER Space?!
WHERE IS THE BETTER SPACE?! *kicks open the portal*
It? Is a terrifying time for everybody. Thanks A LOT, Youngblood. It takes like... five Amazons and Pandora herself tackling the little menace, to get him still long enough to get a semi-coherent answer out of him. Stop him trying to shake down random ghosts for answers they can't GIVE.
Youngblood is grounded.
DANNY has an Obsession-crash headache, is really embarrassed, but honestly no one blames him. No one acts their best when they're Obsession gets suddenly triggered that hard. It was a poor man offered El Dorado, a scholar all the secrets in the world. He got swept up in it.
That SAID, yes, there IS a video game shop near here. There are, of course, countless such shops. It's the Zone. There are countless EVERYTHING. It's the nature of the Zone. Just don't harrass any of the developers and all will be well, Phantom. They're not afraid to put YOU in time out as well.
Deal! ( /☆.☆)/ *grabby hands*
There? Are so, SO many games. For systems Danny's never even HEARD off. Alien ones, new ones, long dead ones. Zone exclusives. It's less a shop and more a sprawling maze.
His grin is FERAL.
Space. Gaaaaaaames!!!
The more realistic the BETTER. Give him that living vicariously like an Astronaut DREAM. But fantasy maybe! Or in the future! Or deep space! Alien mayhaps! There are a few. The blended Obsessions that are kinda like his. Space and video-games instead of Space and Protection.
And? Oh~
Oh they are so SO realistic.
Impossible to play on any Earth computer, too. Not a single chance. Wouldn't even TRY and run. But! He is a Fenton! And he WILL have his Space Games! If his parents can make a portal in their basement? HE can make a Bank of Ectoplasmic Supercomputers in his spare room! Or Bedroom! Depends on renting prices!
He GUTS every landfill for MILES for usable parts.
"Liberates" parts from Rogues, left and right. Fuck their evil plans! He has computers to build! The Justice League? Baffled. Alarmed. Nooooot his problem!!!
He completes his works and? Oh~ the smile is both terrifying and fangy.
He starts College. On line, of course, he refuses to leave Amity. And Online can be done at his pace, at his hours. So? For once? He's actually doing WELL. Even BETTER? It helps him remember to leave them games every once and a while. Eat something. Be human.
But... well... it's like a slow flip of his Obsession starving. Now that he has all the Space he could ever want? He... suddenly finds Amity... peaceful? Which is GOOD! It's... it's GOOD.
.........just not for him.
He can almost physically FEEL him mind unclenching it's death grip on the town. Finger by finger. Hands releasing, letting go, as they... reach for something. As he starts taking NOTE of crime rates in major cities. Alien attacks and Rogues, Heros spread too thin, people getting HURT.
In need of PROTECTION.
He... he doesn't WANT to be that fickle. He LOVES Amity! It's his HOME. He wasn't protecting it just because he craved something to protect! In the end, he drags it out longer then he probably should, argues with himself, ignores the problem. Is STUBBORN.
It's only after Dani starts talking about coming back to Amity to stay with him, do the college thing like he did, that he realizes...
Amity's not his Haunt anymore.
They talk. She's excited to help him find a nice shit hole of a city to protect, but also worried because he looks really gaunt. He may LOVE Space... but...
It's the GHOST in him that loves Space. The Astronaut. The Kid who refused to die, who ate a PORTAL TO THE EVERYTHING and crawled out still exsistant, who told Death not only "not today" but "not EVER"? That kid had something to protect. Was and is and always will BE, protection. Himself, his friends, his family or the town. Doesn't matter WHAT it is.
He refused to go, so he could protect them.
The part that DID, though, was starlight. And yeah, he needs it. Feeds it desperately. But it... doesn't exactly support his human half, you know? Doesn't anchor him. Make him want to eat and sleep, be human and alive, connect with people.
Space makes him ghosty.
Dani ultimately convinces him, after spraying him down with a hose and shoving a cheeseburger down his face, to move to Metropolis with her. They get ALIENS! Have Aliens HEROS! BIG DESTRUCTIVE FIGHTS. With lots and LOTS of people who need help! Plus? Gotham is within a day trip!
And UNLIKE Gotham, the Ecto isn't RANK AF in Metropolis.
Seriously, it smells like a burst sewer pipe over there.
Danny agrees. Can totally afford a modest lil place thanks to some patents. Makes one HELL OF A SCENE moving in. With his giant, ominous, futuristic, weirdly day glow green glowing bank of super computers... in this, "we love our Alien Blorbo" Metropolis.
Cause Green and Glowing sure ain't welcome round these parts! No SIR! Somebody call the COPS!
Danny isn't even half way through, when Superman lightly touchs down, a forced grin plastered to his face. The "please, God, not another Rogue. Not a new one. Please!" all but RADIATING off him.
Danny... kiiiinda forgot not everyone was as "I see fuckin NOTHING, man" as Amity natives. Awkward. Welp! Fenton Oblivious Gene's, ACTIVATE!
"Oh, HIIIIIII~☆ Superman! What brings you round these parts? Gosh, it's an honor! Dani! Come meet SUPERMAN!"
Clark knows what he's doing. Danny knows, Clark knows what he's doing. They are both from the Midwest. They ain't gonna break first! You kidding? Clark still has to ask. Inserts himself by INSISTING on helping. A welcome to Metropolis! Ha ha! (How long we gonna lie for, kid? How long? I can do this all day.)
Clark? Learns that Danny has become ABSURDLY knowledgeable about terraforming, spacecraft, aerospace engineering and anything else related to Space Survival. Thanks to... his "games".
Which Clark is PRETTY sure? Are creatively set up, alien, training programs. Cause both of the Fentons are DEFINITELY at least partially non-human. But, eh. Who is he to judge? The "mad scientist" vibe, though... THAT is his to judge. Which he does.
Routine check ins!
And pasta bakes. Because good lord, Fenton, you are skin and bones! And? If it helps with both Watchtower maintenance AND some killer articles? Because Danny is a fountain of Space related knowledge who loves to share it? That's between Clark and the weird, semi-feral, gremlin he's adopted! (Yes, honey, he KNOWS Danny is a grown man. But I did it with BRUCE-)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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justplaggin · 1 year
Your thoughts on the new episode ??
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kaeyaphile · 1 year
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they let me pre-download it yesterday 🥲 😭 💗
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orcelito · 2 years
Chapter 16 of discacc was by far my least favorite chapter to write bc of several reasons & thus every time I reach it in my rereads I'm like "ughhh do I have to" bc rereading it just reminds me of that lol
Last reread tho I remember being like "ykno what this is actually pretty good" so maybe it won't be so bad
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
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‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ FEATURING ꒱ virgin!atsumu
‎♡‧₊˚ ꒰ CONTENTS ꒱ : MDNI !! virginity loss, unprotected sex, overstimulation, tsumu and reader fuck each other dumb oops
check out the others here !
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"what did ya do to me?” atsumu gasps out, resting his forehead onto yours before he starts moving again.
he can’t help erratically rutting into you, feeling your slick walls coat his cock, driving him further into insanity. the constant pulses your cunt emitted pulls him in a haze, fucking his cum further into you. the way you squeeze him so tightly was going straight to his head, clouding his vision until all he could feel was you.
he never knew it could feel this good. it honestly felt better than any win on the court, higher than any high he’s ever had. something was coursing through his veins, egging him on to push himself as deep as he could into your warm, welcoming cunt.
once you showed him where the clit was, it was game over. he had surprised you, he was a natural. but then again, he was always good at striving to be the best.
and you were being so good for him, laying there and taking it, guiding him with your legs wrapped around his waist. but what else would he expect from his cute manager. the one who had welcomed him to the team with a sweet smile and constant reassurance. he didn’t realize he had gotten any special treatment from you until bokuto commented on it. that’s when he knew you might’ve liked him. and that’s when he decided to make his clumsy move.
it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve cum or how he had already cum, he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. he kept spilling into you while simultaneously spilling out all the feelings he’s kept locked inside. it was like a dam breaking, once it started it couldn’t stop.
“cant believe i’m the one that gets to fuck ya.” he moans in your ear, hips stuttering against you before finding his pace again. the room was filled with the sound of your bodies slapping together, his balls feverishly clapping against your ass.
he knew he sounded whiny — but he didn’t care. not when every fiber of his being was on fire, the amount of pleasure was overwhelming. the overstimulation was starting to bite at him but there was no way he could stop, even if he wanted to. absolutely addicted to the way your body melded with his.
“shit-” you gasp out, clawing more into his back. the sensation of you drawing small scratches into him brought him back down to reality for a moment, letting out a deep groan.
his eyes quickly found yours as he tried to assess if you were feeling as good as he was feeling. but judging by the way those breathy moans and whimpers of his name were flowing out of your mouth, he hoped he was doing a good job. but he needed you to say it.
“does it feel good? when i fuck ya like this?” he pants, leaving open mouth kisses along your throat. his words were laced with insecurity despite his cocky question, absolutely desperate to know the answer.
“feels so good ‘tsumu.” your words slur together. the nickname caught him off guard and pride swells in his chest, driving him to drive into you harder, grabbing your legs and throwing them over his shoulders. the new position angled him deeper, and he knew he was a goner.
“fuck m’gonna cum again.” he panted out, driven by the need to fill you up more. he felt himself getting tired but he didn’t want to stop, not when you were babbling out for him. breathing wasn’t the priority right now, you were. tears pricked along his last line as his hips stuttered into you, trying to push himself all the way past your wall and lodge himself into your heart.
everything with blank for a moment, white filling his vision as he came in spurts, practically moaning out your name as he emptied himself into you. the way your walls were fluttering around him prolonged his orgasm and he could barely hold on, roughly gripping onto your waist as his lifeline.
but he wasn’t done.
after cumming twice already, overstimulation was ripping into him, the pain shooting directly into his tip. but the pleasure easily outweighed it. especially with the way your slick walls were clinging onto his cock, almost as desperate for him as he was for you. he knew he had another one left in him.
the two of you were drenched in sweat and who knows what else. but he had never seen you look more beautiful as you laid under him, pulling at him for more. his cock twitched at the sight, and he was more than ready to deliver what you both craved.
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lsuyia · 4 months
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A/N - ngl i literally pulled this out my ass at 11 am since i rlly needed to start posting on my tumblr more, pls request fic ideas!
relationship is established! also fem!reader
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satoru gojo, just seems like the the type of person to randomly be scrolling on instgram,— barely finding interesting and find a video of a baby.
The baby could be doing anything, laughing, giggling, saying its first word,—and like fucking magic will automatically text you about it, spam calling you
it all just started as one simple cute video that satoru saw, making his baby fever go through the roof.
One fucking video, was all it took.
You would get home from work, wanting to take a nap, oh but here he comes, bending you over on the kitchen table, making your legs tremble, just so he can try to get you pregnant.
“Spread wide open f’me, yeah?”
You started to wonder what was going on when one day he magically appeared when you were showering saying he wanted to shower with his beautiful girlfriend, which you knew he was lying straight through his teeth.
Few minutes later, he has you pinned against the shower wall, going at an ungodly pace bruising your cervix in the process with every thrust as he smiles seeing breathless, flustered face.— which some how always seemed to keep him hard.
“Just a little longer for daddy?”
You automatically knew when he said that something was going on, and you were going to get to the bottom of it.
For days straight, satoru would always have you bend over, legs up, on the floor,on the wall, in the bed, in the car fucking you dumb until he finally came inside you.
At this point you were getting concerned that you might actually get you pregnant.
So, you decided to finally open up about the whole dilemma, you couldnt keep going on like this.
“toru baby?” You called out to him after minutes thinking about if you should actually do this. “coming.” He said back as his light footsteps treaded across the living room before finally appearing in-front of you before he sat beside you. “yeah honeybun?” He softly spoke to you while his hand traveled to your thighs, squeezing at the plush.
“I wanted to talk to you about something..” You trailed off at the end, which in gojo’s eyes sounded pretty serious to him. His head immediately turned to look at you looking at you concerned. “Do you think we could like…—calm down with the sex?”
You spoke softly to him not even looking at him out of pure embarrassment of the situation. The silence was so loud after you spoke to him,— until he finally casually spoke back to you“yea baby thats fine, if you wanted to calm down you could’ve told me earlier.” He said with a shrug seeming like the situation didn’t affect him at all.
Oh but, it very much did.
In his eyes, It sounded like you didnt want to have a child with him, which drove him absolutely insane.
The constant sex ban worked for a full month until he was back at it again.
You couldn’t even take off your shoes without him touching your nipples through your clothes, just to turn you on and get you into bed with him.
One thing lead to another and you and him getting into a heated argument in your shared bedroom.
“Gojo, what is up with you? I cant even walk into the fucking house without you trying to finger me!” you exclaimed practically yelling at him. Your attitude towards him at him caught in a dumb daze. You were starting to get tired of the constant sex every day.
He was yelling back before but now he was silent as he stood in front of you not speaking, you rarely ever called him last name which let him know you were pretty serious about the whole ordeal.
He couldn’t keep his need for you under wraps for any longer.
“Honeybun, I want a baby.” He said to you, as his light blue eyes locked with yours.
You were honestly shocked at him, he wanted a baby? The only word you could even speak was
“honeybun, I want a baby with you.” He leaned towards you cupping your face as he planted tender kisses.
“I want to see you and me mixed together, I wanna see both of us go through mother and fatherhood, I want to see all of you honeybun.” He said grabbing your hands interlocking them with his. He was really genuine and heartfelt about the whole baby fever nonsense.
You were still in slight shock, but you had a small thought about the idea of you and satoru’s kid still fresh in your mind at the moment
Needless to say, you finally found out why gojo was acting crazy all those months ago
You sighed watching television with your pregnant belly while gojo had his arms wrapped around you and his head lightly resting on your stomach, careful not to hurt you at any point
“Their going to be so cute.”
he hummed giving your tummy a tender kiss.
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saiidahyunie · 1 month
say im ur luv 
son chaeyoung x f!reader 
synopsis: is it wrong to be in love with your best friend who’s a tattoo artist?
warnings: fluff ; smut ; friends to lovers ; tattoos
a/n: for @nr1chaedickrider, celebrating chae day early! so i hope you guys enjoy (idk how to feel ab the pacing in this one but lower the expectations, and then drop them again.)
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let’s ask the question again: is it wrong to be in love with your tattoo artist?
well, if it is chaeyoung then you’re completely, with no reassurance, fucked. 
chaeyoung has been your tattoo artist since the two of you were both eighteen fresh out of high school with no money to each other's names whatsoever. chaeyoung was actually an apprentice, shaky with her gun and worrying over whether she placed the stencil correctly. 
she was the one who did your first ever tattoo, and you were chase’s first solo tattoo ever. 
so there shouldn’t be any wonder if you were in love with her, something straight out of a romance novel or those corny, coming of age movies that could be easily replaced with something else. 
it’s only up until now that chaeyoung is the only person that’s ever allowed to ink your skin, the only individual that’s responsible for every design etched in skin and you’re in love with every single one of them. she’s a brilliant artist and you’d honestly never go to anyone else. 
but also, chaeyoung is insanely hot. like an absolute hit out of the ballpark in addition to being the sweetest person that you’ve ever met. you’d never expect it of her with a gorgeous tattoo on her lower back that you don’t even know what it is because she’s never actually made it clear herself. aside from all of the imitating and artistic ink, she has that sweet side, a calming presence while also being incredibly patient with her clients, kind nearly to a fault. to this day, chaeyoung barely changed her hourly rate, at least not for you. 
at first, it started to be relatively cheap when she was working towards her license. once she got it, her rate went up a bit, but capped out to a hundred an hour. you know from the online website that she charges far more now and despite that, chaeyoung never charged you any higher. you suspected that it was because you accidentally told her how long it took you to save up for a tattoo, back when med school was sucking the life out of you, draining every cell in your body to pay back those stupid student loans. 
chaeyoung asked you why you haven’t been coming in as often, and you being the idiot you were letting the reason spill out your mouth. you’d always tip her more than enough to cover the difference which resulted in her complaining about it after. she gave up, letting it be a normal thing between you and her, finding new and creative methods to force her to take the extra cash that you’re paying. last time that happened, you slipped it between one of her vinyls that she set off to the side before her session with you. 
the next thing you’d see on your phone were the string of curses about an hour later and it was clearly the highlight of your day. 
however, chaeyoung would also be snarky as hell and give you more than good when riled up. you know that all too well, it’s seen in the years of knowing her, all of the dollars and hours spent upon being stabbed by a needle, but you know you’ll be in good hands with chaeyoung better than any other client she’s been with. 
to backtrack, you are completely in love, and you think you sold yourself short because: 
1. chaeyoung is way out of your league.
2. chaeyoung doesn’t date her clients. 
the news itself was a tough pill to swallow when you foolishly told mina that she was your favorite tattoo artist and somi doubled down saying that you were totally in love with chaeyoung. of course, mina being always so forward with what she wanted took it upon herself to get her own tattoo from the said lovely tattoo artist and hopefully beat you to getting with her, just to piss you off even more. 
in all fairness, mina did it in retaliation for the new year’s kiss incident that was never really spoken about ever again, but still who in their right mind would go for something like that? 
blind arrogance and anger aside, you had gone with mina as support while also fending off any advances towards chaeyoung in the form of damage control. this effort would go up in flames and once chaeyoung had slipped her gloves on, mina kept her cool like she always does hitting on chaeyoung, making you stop cold in your tracks by fear that she would accept. 
a part of you was relieved to hear her flat out reject mina, by saying that she was a cool friend to have, but ultimately, “no thanks.” 
then the following sentence just sent your heart down into oblivion when you heard the words, “i don’t date clients.” come out of her mouth in record time. after that incident, it was a tough pill to swallow, but safeguarding all of these feelings for chaeyoung was locked away in a little box sunk to the bottom of the ocean. 
oddly enough, it hadn’t worked and yet here you were, another day with the tattoo appointment with the very focus of obsession the next day. there’s a lot of things going through your head–
regret was one of them.
second being hatred.
both of these things aren’t enough power to really cancel the appointment, but it’s fine. 
working the overnight shift down at the local hospital because there was an opening in your availability, so you took it. surprisingly enough, it was quiet for once. so just chatting on the seats along the hallway of the ER while your coworkers were getting some filing and charting done to kill the hours. thing’s are going great as they are. 
“y/n, weren’t you just here yesterday morning?” yuqi, one of the senior nurses asking across from the check-in desk opposite of you. 
“yeah,” you respond cheerfully, spinning the iced macchiato you saved in the break room to drink. this shit is aboslute dog piss, you’re thinking to yourself downing it, but it’s times like these where you’ve got to do anything to stay awake. 
yuqi frowns, disapproving and the gaze sends a shiver down your spine like she emulated your mom scolding you. “did you take a break by any chance?” 
“qi, my thirty was a little over an hour ago.” 
“when do you get off?” 
“about an hour and a half,” you tell her with a post-it note stack between your fingers. yuqi turns around for a moment, whispering numbers from the clipboard she’s skimming through next to the walkway before turning back, expression stern but prospective. 
“alright, we have more than enough people to last uss for the rest of the night, so why don’t you go ahead and get room 8 set up before heading out, i feel bad that you’re working here back to back.” 
it’s an offer you couldn’t say no to, practically keeping yourself awake with the singular functioning brain cell godforbid standing on two feet - and the appointment with chaeyoung is at nine-thirty, so getting those couple hours of sleep sounds a whole lot nicer rather than showing up looking vegetable dead the moring after. 
“bless your work, qi.” 
she reaches over the desk to lightly tap your forehead, keeping you awake with her cold fingers, “you’re one of my best people, can’t have you crashing on the floor like the other patients, right?” 
“you tell wendy that, and i’ll request another schedule change!” you chortle before swiping the chart from yuqi’s hand, stepping your way towards room 8. it was way too early for you to be this obnoxious, but hey, with three cans worth of red bull and two latte’s from nana’s coffee shop you bought before your shift this is the kind of energy you would have at 3 am. 
you’ve done well for yourself being popular with most of the nurses on your floor and you like to think it’s because you’re good at your job and not for the reason of being adopted as the surrogate baby despite being the youngest of the bunch. you’re not losing sleep over it, nor picky, but it’s better being loathed for incompetence like most of the other new nurses arriving here. 
looking down at the clipboard, you’re skimming through the charts while the brain is rapidly running through all of the symptoms considering the doctor’s potential diagnosis and how you should proceed. 
the name on the line says: son chaeyoung, 24, sprained ankle. 
quizzical, you remember the name somehow, but can’t quite place it where. not that you’d care though, almost out of here and with about two to three days off, the break from responsibilities was so close to tasting that you’re not putting any more thought into it. though, it could be because of the similar age and possibly the same university or whatever. 
a move of the curtain with the back of your hand while your leg pulls the rolling chair from behind for you to sit on without even looking up. 
“good morning ms. son. i’m not sure if the doctor has already told you, but i see here that you just have a small ankle sprain, so we’re just gonna wrap it up with a few bandages and you should be all set to leave.”
you still haven’t looked up to see ms. son just yet, instead of giving the usual tangent while getting yourself into the right position while getting some bandages from one of the drawers below. this was the fifth sprained ankle in this shift alone and you just wish that you can just say that there wasn’t any need to come to urgent care for all of this because, most people could just deal with wrapping this at home, but nothing wrong with going through the checks from a qualified professional, so you don’t say that. 
so that’s the funny part. the damn voice that makes your head snap up instantaneously to properly observe your patient becuase you know the sound of your name bouncing off the walls of her mouth and teeth. 
even at three in the freaking morning, she’s still pretty as ever with hair disheveled, wearing black sweats and a grey oversized hoodie. this was one of the few times that you could see barely any of her tattoos, the only ones that are visible are the small ones that were marked across different parts of her fingers, a small hyperfix you have for noticing and dreaming that you get to kiss them, along with–
ah ah ah, we’re on the clock here, remember?
“chae.” you breathe her name without really thinking about it and a smile lights up her face. “i’m not supposed to see you until nine.” 
she cracks a grin, and there’s the girl that you’re so familiar with, it never gets old. “i’m not complaining, though.” 
chaeyoung’s face blushes at this and you follow from the pretty hints of pink from the peak of her cheeks down to the elegant arch of her neck. you don’t know why you said those very words, rarely ever letting a remark with that caliber out in the terms of flirting because it’s never really something that’s to be said outside of the tattoo parlor - and also because you’re deathly afraid that she’s gonna turn you down, telling you that she doesn’t want to see you again, but you need to see more of that blush that’s burning her cheeks by the second. 
“i–uh, didn’t know that you were a nurse.” chaeyoung switches up the subject quickly, sounding shocked. you don’t take any offense to that however, let alone blame her. this career choice wouldn’t even be in the considerable options for the person that’s been tatted a few things on her left arm with a back tattoo also. 
“yeah, i’m actually fresh out of nursing school.” 
“ah.” she breathes out, lifing your gaze up to see her face. 
she’s so fucking cute. 
“right, now would you mind if i can take a look at that ankle, miss son?” you observe, grining while chaeyoung scrambles to swing her injured foot over the edge of the bed. 
“my–well, my roommate brought me in because i tripped on one of her shoes and then my ankle started to swell up. i know this is a bit of an overreaction, and i’m sorry.” she rambles nervously while you’re trying not to internally swear that you’re falling more and more in love every time you hear the sounds of happiness coming out of her mouth. 
chaeyoung, your best friend. a badass, slightly introverted tattoo artist who’s also hot, with her gun and showing off endless amounts of creamy skin on her upper body, drawn up with different designs, but chaeyoung swaddled up in loungewear and twisting over her words was also adorable. 
“nothing to worry about, this was the last thing i expected to happen on my shift tonight.” you acknowledge, bring up her foot gently to your lap so that you can start bandaging. sparing a quick look up to just be sure, and fair enough, the blush is still there, now even more apparent than a few moments ago, fighting back the grin.
she’s in your place of work today, so you can do as you please. 
it’s quick work really, and with the bandage wrapped with a few metal clips, it’s secured so that her foot doesn’t move too much before pulling away, satisfied with the work. 
“thanks.” chaeyoung tells you shyly and you’re fighting to not get over how cute she’s being today, my goodness. 
“no need, just elevate it when you get home and obviously don’t do anything to strenuous, or it could get worse.” 
“does this mean i have to cancel our appointment tomorrow then, you know i wouldn’t want to do anything strenuous.” chaeyoung asks teasingly. 
aside from all of the butterflies flying in your stomach, the urge to tell chaeyoung exactly what kind of strenuous activities she shouldn’t be doing like doing a stupid dance move or tripping on another shoe - because she’s the kind of person to do that again, and it will, so you’re shaking your head while the both of your laugh. 
“chae!” a voice interrupts you two and you see a girl standing behind the curtain with a water cup in her hand. 
“manda, what the hell did i tell you?! keep your voice down, this is a hospital.” 
the girl you assume to be manda does shut up, before not giving you a very thorough look over that makes you feel a little bit uncomfortable. 
“oh, y/n. this is manda, my overprotective roommate that brought me in because she’s impulsive. and manda this is y/n, she’s my best friend since wearing diapers and a regular at my shop.” chaeyoung introduces you, a cautious tone in her voice. 
you were going to exchange some niceties only to be stopped by a gasp from the sound of your name. 
“you’re telling me that this is the y/n? the day one that you’ve been gushing over about for god knows how—” chaeyoung’s quick to slap her hand over manda’s mouth, grinning weirdly while grabbing her socks and shoes while dragging manda away. 
“well, it’s been nice seeing you lovely. actually i’ll be seeing you tomorrow anyway, so this has been fun. i’ll make sure to keep my ankle in shape.” chaeyoung calls back to you, totally ignoring her own words as clearly puts weight on the said injured foot, towing her roomate away, hand over her mouth still. 
“wait!” you exclaim to her peeking out the doorway, “you have to sign the release form!” trying to tell her, but she’s already past the corner and into the main lobby of seats without even putting her shoes back on. the whole dilemma makes you laugh. 
maybe the chance of getting with your best friend is a lot more apparent than it seems. 
chaeyoung, on the other hand, wants to die. honest to god for the feeling of crawling into a cave to rot for eternity. 
she’s done a really great job for as long as she could not letting you know that she loves you, while also wanting nothing more than to just have a full-fledged confession scene occur out in the rain. it’s only this possible for her feeling this way for years now. 
unlike you, she’s had her fair share of slips-ups. as a matter of fact, she’s absolutely god awful at keeping things somewhat professional with you and if her brother jeonghoon found out how often she’s taken advantage of your trust as a tattoo artist, then she knew that things wouldn’t be pretty. 
admittingly, chaeyoung also hides the fact of the countless times your clothes were off in the shop. it didnt’ mean to start off like this, but any chance that she got, she wanted you to show as much skin as possible - you know, for stenciling purposes and whatnot. 
a simple tattoo on the arm? roll up the sleeve. 
a tattoo in between your breasts and under off to the side? you’re cupping your breasts for her on the bench. 
even a freaking ankle tattoo? you’d happily oblige with taking off your sweatpants when you didn’t even need to. 
it didn’t matter, whatever chaeyoung wanted for her hobby, she would get. 
all of that would be thrown under the bus because her roommate manda outed her which makes the whole act completely derailed, and she doesn’t know how she’s gonna face you in a few hours. 
chaeyoung has known you since that one random middle school event that was probably a halloween party for the class one day where you dressed up as coraline and she was emulating the early forms of her gothic, grunge core aesthetic. you took it upon yourself to compliment her appearance and ever since that interaction, you and her have been attached to the hip. 
it was some achievement that you’d be the first person chaeyoung would tattoo, but it meant a lot to her. marking you up to make her art was something that she appreciated along with being the first customer. 
your body for her was her own personal canvas, no one else has had the luxury to ink your skin except for her, and the thrill that comes with it is just amazing. in the design book, your tattoos are the ones that chaeyoung always showcases, because they are the epitome of perfection, and she makes sure of it. she’s been the person to point at for every single body modification on you up until now. 
it had been a little bit after the visit to the emergency room, and now she’s going to see you, cursing at the fact that her roommate manda and her big mouth. she groans once sitting up the bed, getting up with a hitch in her step because of her ankle - so much for dressing up, it’ll be a lazy outfit for today. 
even though it hadn’t been that long–considerably a while–-since chaeyoung had last seen you, completely forgetting the fact that you were a nurse, but that just made you hotter in chaeyoung’s eyes. it’s insane to even think about for your own good, a healthcare professional that saves lives on the regular, yeah you’re instantaneously hotter. 
a quick shower and dress up is how chaeyoung does on a typical workday to see her favorite client: a simple shirt that shows all of the tattoos she has on her arms. on the agenda for you was some backwork and knowing that you love to have your head laid onto the side, she hopes that it’ll be a good view to see all of the designs that are on chaeyoung’s arms. 
making her way to the kitchen, chaeyoung’s eyes were set on manda who looks to be making an apology breakfast for her. 
“chae, you’re up! how’s your ankle?” she asks. chaeyoung doesn’t respond, just sitting down and glaring at the back of her roommate's head. manda turns around, a frown marring her normal happy face and lets out a sigh of irritation. “i’m sorry! i don’t know why i said that but i’m sure that it’ll be okay! maybe y/n loves you back and this is just something you needed, consider this a favor!” 
chaeyoung swipes the jug of juice, pouring herself a glass before tossing the cap, clearly unhappy with this development of everything so far.
“hey! what the hell! i said i was sorry!
chaeyoung sighs, hanging her head while manda sets down a plate of waffles down, mumbling a sound of acceptance. “it’s fine, just please keep your big mouth shut about it, okay? don’t even think about coming by the shop, i’ll be tattooing her in a bit.’
“you got it.” manda says, nodding her head resolutely. 
as chaeyoung prepares to dig into her breakfast, manda sits across from her, looking like she wants to say a few more things and she figures that it’s better to get it all out on the table now rather than later. “just say it.”
“you’ve known your best friend for so many years now. why are you staying quiet about it? you’ve been her tattoo artist and you haven’t done a single move on her!”
“god, can you just–”
“you’re not taking advantage of it! for all i know maybe y/n feels the same way!” manda finally says before pondering to add anything else. instead, “okay, i’m done with my rant now.” 
chaeyoung considers her words, and she’s not wrong. the chemistry between you and her has always been crazy, just by being in the same room as you, it drives her up the wall in some cases. while manda might be saying is true, it also solidifies the fact that every tattoo that she put on you was an extension of her no matter how long it took or how it looked. 
she remembers you laughing at all the times of her taking forever, messing around with the size and placement of the stencil. you’d tell her every single time that it was fine, it was those kinds of appointments which turned into hangouts despite the difference in schedules between you two. 
“you’re right.” chaeyoung says, “because you told her that i like her, and now well something has to happen. i can’t ignore this anymore. 
manda simply giggles and chaeyoung puts on her glasses before getting ready to head out the door. she has a client to see soon after all. 
now in her own workspace, chaeyoung fiddles around with the different trinkets and equipment about several times because of her sheer nerves because what was she going to do? you know about her massive crush now and there’s nothing but nerves ever since. were you going to say anything about it? what would she do? how should she react to it?
she hates it here, it’s because she’s never been this nervous with you before. 
all of her thoughts would have to wait when they’re interrupted by you entering the room, wearing black baggy jeans and a simple black sweater that might be a little bit cropped that exposes your lower abs. in scrubs or in normal clothes, you looked way to good. 
“hey,” you snap her attention towards you with a bright smile. “your brother at the front just told me to come in, i figured that you were busy getting ready so–”
“that’s okay! i-i was just cleaning a bit, go ahead and sit down while i get the stencil ready.” 
chaeyoung can’t believe what she sounds like right now, she needs to get it together. 
“everything good with you chae?” you ask her while setting yourself on the bench.
chaeyoung is definitely not okay, at this point she wants to melt into slime on the floor, but you haven’t brought up manda’s big fumble so things might be fine. she hates how you say her nickname, it’s so natural, but why does it feel so different now?
“i’m good, even better now that you’re sitting down i’ll show you the sketch.”
you comply, eyes parting like saucers when chaeyoung shows you the sketch of the symbols that you were going to have on the right side of your back. chaeyoung herself hand picked the words and the meaning behind them so needless to say, “my god!? i love it!” 
“it’ll be somewhat similar to what i have on my back already, so i took a bit of inspiration to be honest.” 
“so, matching tattoos basically?” 
“best friends for so many years and we’ll finally have matching tattoos.”
the hum of the tattoo gun starts to buzz in the room and chaeyoung is blasting some music to help mask it, helps her get in the zone. 
your session was a little over two hours, the outlining was probably the most challenging part since chaeyoung wouldn’t stop drooling at your toned back at times for you to say her name in order to snap out of it. other than that, most of the work had been finished and the last thing was to get the shading in between the open spaces of the symbols. 
“i think we can have this finished by tomorrow.” she says to you, looking up when she has the mirror reflecting the almost completed project. “what do you think?” 
“you sure? i felt like we can have this done by today.” 
chaeyoung leans over to you sitting upright, wrapping your new ink on your shoulder while her face was extremely close to yours, face burning up when she feels your breath hot on her neck. “i’d love to keep you here so that we can catch up, but i do have another client in about thirty minutes.” 
“how does tomorrow sound?” 
“you might be in pain from today as it is.” 
“so? this is nothing new for the both of us.” you tell her, fingers waving forward and backward in the space below while maintaining eye contact. 
“you’re an idiot.” 
“but you love that don’t you?” 
chaeyoung giggles, and you’re putting back on your sweater before standing up on the way out of the door. “so i’ll see you soon then?” you ask, and chaeyoung just nods with a dimple peaking out while your back is turned to her, door closing behind leaving her alone. 
she’s definitely fucked, and it’s even worse when she can’t even speak to you properly anymore.
“stop moving.” 
you don’t move again in the next session the following day. chaeyoung props her elbow on the line of your lower back, catching on the corner of her eye when your upper back muscles tense up from the sudden pressure. she could get lost on how your body looks from the back and the front, but she loses the willpower to (god help her delusional mind when she finally sits back down on the chair)
eventually, she finally finishes the symbol design in a matter of an hour and to her honesty, it’s one of the best works that chaeyoung had on you for a while now. 
you look at it from the full body mirror on the door, but you’re not even paying single attention to the new design when chaeyoung sees your eyes not even looking at the tattoo, but at her. “you idiot! you’re not even looking!” 
“so, i already did.” you retort, and chaeyoung wants to smack you. 
“do you not like it?” 
“i do, it’s amazing, but this is not what i’m thinking about right now.” 
chaeyoung and her two functioning boba brain cells managed to connect the dots: you were talking about her. as cheesy as it sounds but she falls for it, and had already fallen for you. 
“so, are we gonna keep ignoring what’s happening between us, or do i have the chance to ask you out on a date?” 
“y/n, i know you’re one of my best friends for all time now, but you forget that i don’t date clients.” 
you laugh, stepping closer to her where the space suddenly gets small in the room. physical touches between friends had always been natural with chaeyoung. for some reason, chaeyoung can’t function properly when you’re grabbing her cheek with your slender fingers, imposing your eyes into her’s, staring into her soul.
“i think you can make an exception for me then.”
chaeyoung slaps your hand lightly away from her face, hiding her blush terribly with that same dimple under her cheek breaking through. you’ve already won. “i’ll come get you at 7:30, so be ready by then.” 
chaeyoung too, has also won, without having any role in this development at all.
despite being excited for the first date, that gets swept under the bus because once you were at the doorstep at her apartment, chaeyoung decides that it doesn’t matter if she eats or not (she’s gonna eat regardless). she wanted you and needed you now. 
outside of the hospital and tattoo parlor, chaeyoung has danced around the idea of hooking up with her best friend, and luckily the stars aligned when you felt the same way. the dinner was completely unnecessary for her to get you.
and, she motions you inside, following dutifully, taking off your shoes and sliding them into the rack nearby. “i made a reservation at that one place you always liked and after i thought we could just hit the roller rink after.”
chaeyoung ignores you, instead she grabs your arm to drag you to her room. “chae? what’s happening–” 
she shuts you up by kissing you, pressing you against the door. swiping her tongue across the opening of your mouth, letting out a moan once she finally achieves what she’s been building up to for so long. you’re quick to pick up on the message, i mean shit–you could let her do all the work for all you care, but that would take out some of the fun anyway. 
your tongue continues to fight for dominance against hers, hands sliding across her body, reaching down for her ass, grasping it that makes her let out a whine, grinding your knee into the space between her legs. chaeyoung is the first to pull away, resting her head on the front of your shoulder, “fuck–do you know how long i’ve–”
“we really doing this or what?” 
“i’m gonna lose my mind if you don’t get your fingers inside of me right now, so shut the fuck up.” 
her lips are quick to get on yours again, hands sliding underneath her dress and onto her ass, clutching it with everything in your grip enough to get bruises on them, and you will. chaeyoung slips off your aviator jacket, leaving you just in your shirt while it showcases the tattoos that she put on you across your arms. 
managing to reach the bed rather than just getting it down right on the floor, you sit while chaeyoung strips her white oversized sweater, revealing a lacy black bra underneath and all of the tattoos that were on her arms: the line of carrots, her birdcage, the heart and arrow on the side of her neck. everything about her was so alluring, and it’s making you crave for her more. 
she’s quick to straddle you, breathless, like she too is nervous for what’s about to happen. you laugh, “what?” she asks, letting herself nestle into the cushiony seat of your thighs, hands on her bra before it’s up in the air and out of the picture. 
“nothing,” you say, landing a feathery kiss onto her small, perky breast. “you’re so quick to jump on this like you’ve been wanting this to happen.” 
chaeyoung tries to respond, only to let out a moan when your mouth lands on her nipple, slicking it up with saliva while you massage the other one. she shivers at the lovingly touches you’re giving her, lightly playing with the back of your hair on your neck as you indulged in her tits. 
“god, you’re—so fucking–” she grips your head deeper into her chest. “please–y/n–i can’t–”
your eyes look up to hers, mouth still on her nipple, pulling away for a second to catch your breath. “you look so good for me, pretty–god–” chaeyoung pulls you up to her face for another kiss, groaning again for more need, and drowning in pure bliss. 
quick to elevate the next move, you flip her over, bedding being ruffled when her back hits the sheets, a laugh leaves her lips and your mouth is all over her neck. chaeyoung loves this, she’s been waiting for this fantasy to be fulfilled for the longest time now and it’s finally happening all at once. 
“i’m gonna make you feel good now. does that sound good?” 
“please.” chaeyoung stutters out. 
“anything for you, pretty.” 
you then start to trail down to her sweatpants, tugging them away, smiling in satisfaction when it’s a lacy red g string with a visible wet spot in the middle, her hips twitch when you press a finger lightly across the fabric. they’re the next article of clothing to go, kissing up her inner thighs and chaeyoung can’t bear to look at the action of the top of your head happening down to her core. 
“baby, you’re dripping for me.” 
“that’s fine, i like it when you’re excited for me. it’s cute.” 
not even giving her the luxury to speak after that, you latch your mouth onto her cunt and the sudden surge of pleasure makes her groan out loud that even catches you off guard. the surprise is also apparent when she places her feet on the small dips on your collar bones, giving you more area to work with as you’re lapping her pussy up. 
chaeyoung reaches for your hair the more you let your tongue dampen from the wetness of her slit, trying different ways to get new tones of moans out from her, this method works when you slip two fingers inside her and my god she’s soaked. 
“ngh–fuck y-y/n–baby, i—yes–yes, right there.”
she’s jerking and grasping for anything within arms reach, to keep her mind off from the spot inside her that’s being sucked away by you. it’s fucking her head when your tongue reaches deep, ass off the mattress before you restrain her down. 
“don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop–”
you hum into her core again, pulling away slightly over her swollen cunt, “you’re close are you?” 
“shit–why did you—” 
“i have an idea.” 
chaeyoung then sees you rise up from the edge of the bed, shifting her back more onto the mattress before slipping out of your pants and underwear, waddling through to chaeyoung’s head before turning around with your pussy hovering over. you then see chaeyoung lick her lips in anticipation of what you were doing, the eyes telling you how much she wanted you and you couldn’t complain about it. 
“don’t be shy, y/n. sit on me.” 
smiling at her command, you press your pussy onto her mouth, stifling a moan before you lean over to resume eating chaeyoung out. the sounds that fill up the room are sinful, reactions of approval with hands grabbing at skin, humming inside each other's core to edge out one over the next. chaeyoung is a quick learner when she returns the same treatment you gave her by slipping a finger against your folds, clutching the blanket next to you two while you feverishly grind your cunt over her tongue. 
two could play at that game, and you up the ante with licking up her folds, thumb tapping her clit once, then twice, then a third. she’s shaking into the bed, you’re trying to catch your breath - everything about this first time is euphoric - it’s amazing to relish in when you hook your hands underneath her thighs, finishing up the course that you’ve been craving over the planned dinner. then–
“fuck, baby. i’m so–so close.” 
chaeyoung is begging to cum, and you’re fighting the tightrope in your stomach to not cum before her, but you’re picking it up and she is preactially yelping at this point. eventually, she lets go, trembling when you clean up the arousal, that savory juice that is soaking your fingers and leaking out of her well-worked cunt. 
you’re quick to follow too, gripping her waist and forcing your hips down on her, nearly suffocating to the point before you also let loose from the swirling mouth and tongue eating you up from the inside. shaking once you lift your hips off of chaeyoung’s face, plopping down beside her and leaving sloppy kisses all over her face and neck, drunk on the scent from you and her. 
it might’ve been a few hours or the next morning, and the dinner reservation is out of speculation.
chaeyoung is the first to wake up and takes the time to observe her new piece of art in a more closer detail. it’s been a while since she had a chance to look at you like this, tracing along the slopes of your cheeks, the dunes across your chest and waist, down to your hips. she sees the ink all over your arm, especially the one in between your breasts - the inscribed saying under your right boob. everything about you was impressive, and the shading was spot on. 
“admiring the curation?” you ask her, voice labored while you peek down through your pretty lashes. 
“yeah, i’m good at what i do, i can see why you always came back to see me.”
“oh, trust me. you are, but that’s not why i come back to you.” you break a grin and chaeyoung blushes through the compliment,
“shut up.” she says, slapping your arm in retaliation. 
“i do like the one you just did on me recently, the symbol and everything. now cool that we match.” you say, showing the underside of your wrist, “i want this one to be filled in. something meaningful too by the way.” 
chaeyoung scowls. “it’ll be small, but what do you want?” 
“hmm,” you’re being pensive, staring up at the ceiling. “i dunno, something that’s already on you that can be put on me.” 
chaeyoung then shakes her head. “no.” 
you laugh, “would chae be sufficient for you instead of the tattoos you have already?” 
“okay, i’ll come by next week to get that taken care of.” 
“i’ll get one on me also.” 
you comb her hair, looking at her confused, “what do you mean?” raising a brow after. 
“you’ll see later.” she tells you. 
you find out later indeed, when you’re going down on her on the kitchen counter top, noticing the bandage that finds your name inked just over the small divot of her hip. 
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writingzen · 1 year
CRAZY ♡‧ ⁺彡
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✧ Pairing- Mark Lee x reader
✧ Summary- making out with mark lee
✧ Warnings- kissing, suggestive grabbing, hickies, all that jazz
✧ A/N- In honor of me being obsessed with mark. Hope you enjoy, if you have any questions or just wanna talk, you can always message me. Thank you!
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Lips moving against eachother, slowly melting and fitting into one, like pieces of a puzzle. Something about kissing you was always so addicting, intoxicating. The way you get to make all the decisions, take full control, choosing the pace and the emotions that follow behind.
Choosing to take your precious time at first, peppering small kisses against his lips so tenderly not yet alluring him into the wonders of what his mind dreams of causing a sense of neediness to take over him as the seconds that feel like hours pass by. Little by little taking the flow leisurely as he grows impatient before allowing him to some control choosing a more passionate route.
Marks lips rush into yours, sucking and parting, granting access for his tongue to wetly slide in, only at your command. Feeling deprived, he can’t help but yearn for more while yet feeling relaxed as his muscles finally take a break, a feeling no rest day can construct for him. He honestly feels like a puppet going by your orders only.
Waiting for the opening to take you in fully instead of those teasing kisses, you gift him with. Your lips part, immediately longing for eachother as the air hits against your lonely lips that once held his. He takes the chance to turn his head slightly, hoping to gain more permission as his hand runs to the back of your neck drawing you in while his other hand tightens around your waist, kneeding the skin ever so lightly. Your arms wrap tightly around Marks neck, pulling him more intently and closely as you want, bodies pressed against one another. Though you both are close as you can get, the need to get impossibly closer is almost overbearing.
You hold back a smirk that fights to show on your face. It’s cute really, how his actions take control of him leaving his thoughts lost somewhere in his head not thinking twice as his body grows more desperate for your touch.
You lean back teasingly, craving to kiss more than just his rose plush lips. The butterflies in his stomach do back flips as you continue to lay wet kisses down his neck, sucking the sensitive skin in your mouth, marking him. Not forgetting to show affection to the mole on his neck you love so dearly as you make your way to litter kisses across the skin of his collar bone. Feeling overwhelmed from pleasure, it all makes the breath in his throat hitch. He can’t help but fall in love all over again with the lustful feeling that builds in his stomach taking over his eager body as he bites his lips harshly holding back any noise hoping for escape, letting only a soft whimper leave.
When your lips find their way back to his, he kisses you with more urgency, shoving his glossy lips onto yours as he straightens up under you. The once slow and soft kiss now completely gone, lost in the deep and stimulating yet quick pace that possess you both, having you huffing into each other's mouths. A shiver runs up your spine as his hands starts to firmly cup your waist holding you in place, stopping any unwanted movement from you, growing tried of your teasing that played him like a game. And though with this much control he still finds himself growing more small as your hands start to roam his body, drawing figures on his delicate skin, every touch being so sensual, so deliberate.
But even with everything you are both receiving that comes like a nicely wrapped present, you find yourself feeling not yet satisfied with what you are gifted, not until you get exactly what you want and more. A feeling he finds himself greedily obsessing with over and over again till he goes absolutely insane.
A smirk takes up his face as he pulls back, breath hitting against your now plump bruised lips,
“God you drive me crazy”
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Can we have some headcanons on Gojo having his first time with his darling? Like both of them inexperienced and in their early 20s or something? 😊🙏
✧ ⎯⎯ 18+ minors dni. may i also offer this imagine from my dear anon too? 🤍
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Satoru's a bit clumsy but gentle during his first time with you. He needs to make sure you're ready and you want this too, and when you give him your consent he's beyond excited yet nervous where his cheeks a subtle pink and his hands shaky when he touches you. His sunglasses are long gone the moment your kisses deepens and become heated, and he's addicted and lightheaded from the way your tongue caresses his and how soft your lips are.
You and Satoru came to an understanding that he's going to be your first, and you're going to be his first and something about waiting until you both found each other feels incredibly special to him. He takes the lead by pulling his shirt off and you help him by tugging it over his head, your sweet gaze and shy smile makes his insides flutter as you discard your top after him. His pants goes and so does your bottoms until it's just the intimate wears left to unravel.
He's shameless with his staring when you're left in your matching bra and panties and it drives him a little insane because you look so beautiful and hot and sexy. Your lips meet again and he's touching you all over that feels sensual and playful, then he goes to unclasp your bra and ends up fussing over the metal hooks which elicits a soft giggle from you and you offer your assistance. You're so breathtaking to him, and you know he wants to feel so you take his hand to cup your breast. He blurts out that you're so perfect, absolutely perfect.
Satoru places kisses on your body where his lips never tasted before, his hands reaching areas that he didn't know could draw such lovely sounds from you. His fingers move in slow circles on your clit before sliding his digits inside you and mouth sucking and swirling his tongue around your nipple has pre-cum leaking from his tip. He's earnestly listening to every pretty moan and gasp that escapes you and feeling your body squirm at his ministrations. He only wants to make you feel so good and transcend you to the stars.
He takes his sweet time warming you up, with you coming on his fingers in the process and he's obsessed with your cute o-face that when he's slowly stretching you out with his cock, he brushes the strands away from your face because he wants to see you and all of you. Of course, Satoru asks you every now and again if you're okay and to let him know when it gets too much. After you adjust to his girth and length, his thrusts are shallow and slow so you can get used to the feeling. The initial pain quickly turns into pleasure for you.
Swollen lips finds yours again when you wrap your arms around him and he loses himself into you, his pace quickens and he buries his face into your neck as his pants grow heavy. He moans and softly utters your name in broken syllables against your ear about how you feel so amazing and you mean so much to him. He meets your gaze again and his hips stutter as he groans loudly when you clench around him, and he comes shortly after that and kisses you hard you when he does. His body growing slump against you.
Satoru carefully slips himself out of you and rolls onto his back, his hand searching for yours to hold and press kisses on your knuckles as he fondly looks at you while you both catch your breath. He has the most adorable and dopey grin that makes you smile too, and he can honestly say his first time was everything he imagined but better, and he has you to thank for it and for trusting him when you were at your most vulnerable. You both end up doing it four more times throughout the night.
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skzcre · 1 year
Skz stroke game…. Thoughts 👁️👄👁️
oh i’ve got some thoughts alright 😳
on team “slow, sensual and deep” we haaaave changbin, lino, hyunjin, lix n chan !! <333
it varies for each of them tbh, like. changbin and hyunjin are real romantics, they want to take their time to enjoy every single centimeter of your body. they want to watch your face twist in pleasure, they want you to grip tightly onto them.
binnie always has this self satisfied smirk on his face but pure love in his eyes, loves when you grab his biceps and arch into him when he goes particularly deep 🤧 still on board “changbin best stroke game in skz” hands down, we’ve seen the way he moves those pretty hips. you better believe he knows exactly what he’s doing.
hyune is just fully obsessed with you i’ve talked abt it like a million times and i can’t get over the thought of his jaw hanging in awe watching how you write underneath him. he kills me truly
now w lino, lix n chan; they’re just as romantic tbh. we all know lino has heaps and heaps of love to give and he also kind of loves having you at his “mercy”, he’s just a little bit more of a tease abt it compared to bin n hyun. he fucks you at a regular pace then stops to shove himself so deep in you you swear you’re seeing stars. then he coos at you, “mm, i know baby. it feels really good, yeah? you can take more for me, can’t you?”
lix n chan are still on the slow sensual spectrum but both of them … whew. catch them in a Certain mood and they’re just. i cant explain it in any other way than they’re just absolutely insane. they both have this duality, wanting to worship your body but also just loving the way you scream their name when they start pounding you >.< god chan in particular it’s like he’s curved perfectly to fit you, always hits that sweet spot that makes your toes curl.
on team “it varies but either way they have you basically crying by the end of the night” we have seungmo n imie <333 similar to lix n chan it just depends on the day, what kind of mood you catch them in.
both of them are absolutely meticulous in the way they practically pick you apart, pure teases through and through. both of them are highkey bullies, will get you completely riled up with their words alone then constantly bring you right to the edge of heaven before dropping you just to hear that desperate whine.
i cant decide who would be meaner honestly 😖 seungmo speaks in such a way that makes you feel tiny and helpless underneath him, his stroke game isn’t the best in comparison to the others (not saying he’s bad) but he more than makes up for it with his words, fingers and tongue <33
and imie .. an all rounder really. bullies tf out of you, can be ruthless as hell about it, trades between slow deep thrusts and pounding your lights out to keep you on your toes. that being said he can get rlly overwhelmed by just how good you feel so he has to pace himself or you’re getting fucked through the floor.
n then on team, “absolutely amazing but still a wildcard” we have bby han <33 he’s got the duality, he can be anything you need him to be. he can fuck you nice and slow, kiss you real sweet and tell you how much he loves you. he can be absolutely filthy, pull your hair and leave bites and bruises everywhere; call you his pretty little cumdump. as expected of the ace, we love a multifaceted boy.
so to summarize with a ranking, best to “not as good” (i don’t wanna say worst that sounds bad :p)
lino n hyun tied for second imo
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
dom wooyoung who makes you cum 8 times after you act bratty to make him jealous on purpose for fun, one for each letter in his name
wooyoung would have way too much fun with this. like sure, it’s kind of torture for you, but wooyoung is having the time of his life.
i feel like he does it over the course of a day, number one because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you too much, and number two because he likes the unpredictability.
so obviously orgasm no.1, no.2 and no.3 come the day after the jealousy incident, and it happens first thing in the morning. you wake up to his own low moans and you turn to him, only to finding him working on his cock. his hand is slicked with lube as he runs it slowly up and down his length.
“you’re awake then, honey,” he says when he spots you wide eyes and staring at his dick, “good. i was just about to wake you myself. it’s time for your punishment, baby…”
and obviously you’re confused because you’ve only just woke up, but wooyoung just pushes the quilt from your body and moves himself to sit between your legs. your sleep shorts are pulled to the side, revealing your quickly slickening pussy. and with no delay, his fingers are on you. they spread your juices around, allowing for him to slip his fingers inside with relative ease and spread you out for his dick. he knows exactly how to get you off, so he pulls out all the stops and brings you to your high in record time.
“that’s W,” he says and his hands grab your thighs and push them apart to allow his pelvis to press closely against yours, “you ready for O?”
and to say you’re now absolutely baffled by his words is an understatement, but before you can ask him what he’s on about, he pushes into you. this time, he takes it slower, rolling his hips in and out slowly in the way he know drives you insane. and not in a good way…
it doesn’t take long until you’re begging him to go quicker and harder, but he just laughs from his position above you and continues at his excruciating pace. you don’t get much solace from it until he places a finger on your clit yet again, grinding it down in circles until you tighten up around him and flop flaccidly against the bed. he cums pretty soon after and pulls out slowly.
and the plan was to leave it at that until later, but when he spots the cum, his cum, oozing out of you, he just goes feral. now, i am of the opinion that wooyoung likes things to be dirty and messy because i think it works so well with his meanness, so i don’t think he has any issue eating his own cum from your pussy. in fact, i’d argue that he finds it hot knowing that the concoction he’s swallowing down is actually just a mixture of the two of you. that’s where the second O and orgasm no.3 come from…
he cleans you up after that and after a little pushing from you, finally reveals his schemes.
“eight orgasms, baby,” he says from where he sits with his chest to your spine in the bath. the water is still warm, despite how long you two had been in there, “one for each letter of my name. you seemed to forget it’s me you belong to yesterday, and i just want to make sure it won’t happen again.”
you’re kind of astounded by his creativity, and honestly, a little turned on. you turn around to straddle him, only intending on a lazy make-out session in the bath.
you end up having orgasm Y and O right there…
Y happens when you get a little carried away and begin to grind your hips down against his lower stomach. you purposefully avoided his dick, wanting to tease him a little more to see whether or not you could get a rise out of him. you do, and that’s why orgasm O follows immediately afterwards, with you riding him the as rapidly cooling water splashes over the sides of the tub.
and then wooyoung has to leave you for a little while. something about work, although you try your hardest to get him to stay at home and finish his job. he tells you it’ll happen later, so you’re left to sit and wait on the edge for a while, not knowing when he’ll be home to finish the punishment. it sends a shiver down your spine, and you can’t help but wonder whether this anxiety is just another aspect of it all. knowing how evil he can be in bed, you wouldn’t be surprised.
it’s evening by the time he gets back, and everything is very much normal. you eat together, watch tv together, and then before you know it, it’s bedtime. you have yet to bring up the punishment, suspecting that he’ll bring it up when he’s ready to, but as you watch him put his pyjamas on and crawl into bed, you can’t help but think he’s forgotten about it.
you crawl in beside him, ready to just sleep and move on with tomorrow as if the unfinished punishment wouldn’t be living in the back of your mind for the next week, and then you feel his fingers on your core. he begins to rub circles over your shorts, much like he had in the morning, pulling a few surprised whines from you.
“didn’t think i’d forget, did you honey?” he asks, and when you nod, he coos, “i’m sorry, baby. i’d never forget about you, i just wanted to make you wait for it.”
you don’t reply as he slides a finger in and begins pumping it slowly. soon after another joins it, and together they begin to curl up into your walls. you gasp when they find your g-spot, and then carry on abusing the same area. they tease that one specific spot until your back in arching off the bed and you’re letting out breathy moans into the darkness of the bedroom. he works you through it, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips as you pant.
“that’s U, baby,” he says, “just two more, okay? but i want them on my tongue, baby. want to taste you when you cream on my face.”
this time he doesn’t bother tearing the covers back and just dips himself beneath them. he finds himself settled between your legs and once against shifts your shorts to the side to reveal his favourite meal. he dives right in, working you through one orgasm, and then straight into another. while the first one takes a while, the second comes hard and fast, clit too overstimulated for anything else to happen. your thighs squeeze around his head as he pushes you through it, and before you know it, it’s over, and he’s pulling away from you.
with a goodnight kiss from his sticky lips, he sends you off the sleep. you have to admit, it’s the best you’ve slept in weeks.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
a while back I mentioned The Muppets Sex and Violence pilot and seeing as most people haven't seen it I wanted to bullet point out some of the insanity in it for everyone
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This was the second pilot produced, with The Muppets Valentine Show being the first
The entire thing USED to be freely available on YouTube but Disney decided a pilot from 1975 that you can't watch on Disney+ anyway was losing them money so I had to cobble these notes together via memory and YouTube clips
The setup is a bit different from the actual show. There's no guest star (this idea was instead used for the aforementioned first pilot), there's very little backstage story and more focus on unconnected skits
There's no background music throughout most of it and pacing is sluggish at best, leaving periods of silence behind. about halfway through you WILL start to wonder if you're in Muppet Purgatory
Instead of Kermit the host is a guy named Nigel. I'll probably make a separate post on him later but for right now all you need to know is that he has the personality of wet cardboard and looks like he wants to lie down and take a nap 24/7 which like. same
For some reason the main three characters are Nigel, Sam the Eagle, and Floyd(???). Kermit shows up for like 30 seconds
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Crazy Harry is in. the ceiling??
Animal is there but he's literally so feral he's kept locked in a dungeon that they have in the conference room (as you do)
Janice has a line and sounds absolutely nothing like herself (as Fran Brill is her performer here instead of Richard Hunt)
There's a wiseman in the backstage area and nothing about him is ever explained. they're just like "oh and that's our wiseman"
The seven deadly sins are there. that sounds like a joke but it's not
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Their version of Lust is a Muppet made entirely of tongues that flirts with the female secretary then proceeds to say "love you, sweetheart" to Nigel after giving him a full-body look-over. To date this is unironically the best depiction of Lust I have ever seen
Actually a few of the sins have cool abstract designs. for example, Vanity is a literal vanity desk and Avarice is a cash register
Their proposal for an eight deadly sin is "wearing funny pants to a funeral"
at least one of the female Muppets that Kermit briefly dances with looks like This
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There's a sketch just called "Aggression" that's done entirely in gibberish and about halfway through I wondered if I was having a stroke
There's also a sketch involving living pencils and puns
The Electric Mayhem perform a song and it's just straight up 90% innuendo
Statler and Waldorf have a few scenes but they're just sitting in a room instead of heckling and come across like they're Literally Dying
at one point the grandfather clock in the background stops ticking and Statler just says "either that clock is stopped or we've just died" and that's the last we see of them
The Swedish Chef segment has Chinese subtitles under it and honestly that kind of makes it funnier
also at the end of the segment the Chef takes out a blunderbuss and shoots a sandwich with it
During the credits the camera pulls back to reveal all the Muppet performs running around. Disney would NEVER
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Sloth shows up fifteen minutes late with Starbucks
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 month
You write unhinged Leo so well, and I really like how you write him. I was wondering if you had tips on unhinged characters 😂, or do you just get inspro from existing characters 👀
aksdakjsdh thank you so much ;w;
And honestly???? I’m not totally sure how to give tips— but I love, love, love unhinged characters in media, so I’ll use them as examples
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(long rant below lol)
I’ve always been a big fan of silly, ‘crazy’ characters in animated movies and cartoons. I grew up on Batman the Animated Series and the original Teen Titans, which were full of silly, fun tragic characters.
Don’t get me wrong, i love a good edge-lord— but as a tot i thought the colorful, theatrical, insane bad guys were more fun to watch than the big scary serious ones (ESPECIALLY if they had a good villain song. A+ good shit)
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(From left to right: Ratigan from Great Mouse Detective, Joker from Batman the Animated Series, Mumbo Jumbo from Teen Titans, Martin from Secret of Nimh 2, Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls, and Spinel from the Steven Universe movie)
And not just bad guys!! There are a ton of unhinged good/neutral characters that i absolutely adore.
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(From left to right: King Bumi from ATLA, Clara from Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun, and, of course, our silly 2018 turtle boys)
((There are many more characters in both categories, but I’ll slide these examples in here for now))
My personal brand of “Unhinged” or “Crazy” characters definitely leans on comedy. That’s what i enjoy seeing and reading! I personally like it because it can help keep a story fresh and interesting. There’s an element of surprise and unpredictability with what a character might do, and i love that!!
I also really enjoy a touch of feral behavior in my unhinged characters. The lack of clarity and the danger that imposes can be a very fun tool to use, no matter the character’s moral compass. (I’m feral for feral behavior lol)
And impulses. Whether a character has a few screws loose or is generally a goober, they like to act on impulses. This often goes hand-in-hand with comedy, and that’s something I enjoy!! We get a lot of moments like that in Rise, and that was one of my favorite parts of that TMNT iteration.
But as far as writing goes, it’s been tricky for me. All of the characters I grew up or love have been visual— trying to find a good balance for reading has been a puzzle I’ve been figuring out as I go.
I read a lot manga (lol nerd) and comics, and I love how thoughts/dialog are depicted. Especially the really dramatic or impactful moments. (I’d add examples but I’m already at the Tumblr image limit LAME)
As strange as it sounds, I try to capture that “impactful visual” style in my writing. If I had ANY advice on writing unhinged characters, pay attention to pacing—
Short. Fast. A calculating thought. Perhaps a run on sentence that lacks punctuation to represent the rushing and disorganized thought process. A question? An answer with little thought. Is this moment amusing; describe how. Is it upsetting; describe how. Are the thoughts starting to scatter? M aybe s o…
Big moment statement.
Action or plan of next big move. Flow should never seem too uniform. Even in normal writing. Don’t be afraid of accentuating— but don’t overdo it. Remember, unhinged characters are impulsive. Have fun with that.
Just as a quick and dirty summary— when it comes to unhinged characters, I like to use comedy, feral behavior, and acting on impulses. I also like to keep it as visually appealing as possible for characters to give the eyes a little treat after reading walls of text. I like to use fun text formatting to help with the fun too (But don’t overdo it! Don’t make it feel like a chore to read) (<- says the girl who goes into way too much details sometimes lmao whoops)
But ultimately— have FUN!!! Unhinged characters are fun, so make sure you have fun writing/drawing/creating them!!
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batwritings · 8 months
Kinktober Day 7 - Voyeurism
Another operator that needs more love: Nikto! Enjoy!~
Nikto’s head had a million and one different voices buzzing back and forth after their last mission and it was starting to drive him a bit insane. “We shouldn’t have needed back up!” barked one voice. “We would’ve died otherwise Мудак!” screeched another. 
It was all starting to give Nikto a rather massive headache. “Let’s just get what we need from Y/N and be done with this,” the man grumbled. As he rounded the corner, both his footsteps and the voices of his system slowed. A sound was catching their attention and had the body rushing quicker towards your room.
They hadn't meant to see you, honestly they didn't. They had just been walking by your room to grab something from you for some debriefing. But when Nikto and his system saw you, on your back, a thick toy in your needy hole, and your hand eagerly pleasuring your sex? They were awestruck.
"Look how nice they look," one voice commented. "Perfect for us." said another.
"We shouldn't be watching," Nikto mumbled, unable to move his crystalline blue eyes from you form. Every movement had him mesmerized, captivated by just how good you looked.
The troubled soldier felt his arm moving of seemingly it's own accord, hand closing around their painfully erect member. “We should be enjoying ourselves with them,” A completely separate voice commented, sounding low and sultry. Nikto knew this one; they were responsible for a lot of the different messed up things that played through their mind when the doors were closed.
Well, messed up in Nikto’s eyes. None of them had your permission to act on their many urges and impulses they felt towards you. How it would feel to press their member inside you, to hear you cry out the body’s name, and to come undone, hole fluttering as it clenches and unclenches around them. 
The Russian man missed when his cock was pulled out, but couldn’t bring himself to care as he felt the pleasure start to blossom across his pelvic region.  “Tell me they wouldn’t look so lovely spread out underneath us though,” the same voice continued. “Sucking our cock back in every time we try to pull away. Ooh, what about that mouth around–”
“Hush!” Nikto hissed. “We should not be doing this in the first place! They…did not allow us to…see them so vulnerable and…Пиздец.” Despite his protest, the body’s hand still held firm on their cock, stroking slowly. 
“But they–” Just as the other voice, so low and alluring tried to speak, you took the words from their mouth.
“Mmh!” You whined loudly, free hand briefly flying up to cover your mouth. Your body stilled in it’s ministrations, chest heaving from your near orgasm. You were edging yourself and Nikto’s knees nearly buckled at how absolutely hot that was. 
“Come мышь don’t stop now,” the man mumbled, more to himself than anyone else. His hand had picked up in pace with it’s stroking, thumb rubbing over the head of their cock. He was desperately trying to get himself to where you were.
“Fuck,” you breathed, continuing to pleasure yourself, movements a lot more hasty now. Who knew how long you’d been getting yourself off, how many times you’d fallen from the precipice of pleasure. “Mmh…! N-Nikto, pl-lease…!”
At the sound of his name, Nikto nearly came undone himself. Of all the people in Kortac who could hold your attention, they were the ones to occupy your mind? All your filthy desires? The urge to barge into your room right here and now was borderline overwhelming, but the Russian system held their ground, content with watching.
Somewhere within the depths of their mind, another part of the system was cursing themselves for missing the signs. How the lot of them and you had become so close with one another yet didn’t notice. How many times had you offered affection or attention that showed your interest and they turned you down? 
“Later…” Nikto panted to the voice. “We can talk about it with them later…we’re close…and so are they.” And it wasn’t a lie; the whole body, for those who felt it, could sense the growing pleasure and oncoming orgasm quickly approaching. You too were writhing on your cot, the hand that had previously been covering your mouth now pumping that thick toy in and out of your greedy hole.
A series of moans of “fuck” mixed with other languages fell from your perfect lips before your toes curled into your sheets. “N-Nikto…!” came your cry as you began to come, hard. Your back arched up off the cot as you fucked yourself through your climax.
Widened blue eyes didn’t leave your body as Nikto came, trying so hard to get it more on his flight suit than on the floor outside your door. A shuttered groan was muffled behind the thickness of his mask as his eyes threatened to flutter close in pleasure. Thankfully, they only laid upon you as you collapsed in an exhausted mess to your sheets. 
The Russian man panted heavily as he regained his composure. He felt awful for intruding on you in such a vulnerable moment as he sighed, closing his eyes finally. Their entire body froze when they heard you speak. “You could always join me next time y’know,” you said with a soft laugh. 
Without even giving a second though to his state of undress, Nikto opened your door fully. “You knew we were here…?” The man asked sheepishly. You nodded, still smiling patiently as you offered him a washcloth. The Russian took it, brushing his fingers across yours while looking rather dumbfounded. “And you are not upset…?”
“Nikto, I’ve been interested in you for a while now,” you admitted, a light blush across your cheeks. “And that goes for all of you.” You watched while he cleaned up the mess he’d made before handing you back the soft cloth. You tossed it into your laundry hamper before getting up and stretching. “But before that, I know you came for this intel.” You offer the manilla folder to him and smile when he takes it with a soft “Спасибо…”
“Come back tonight and we can talk, okay?” You peck a soft kiss to the side of Nikto’s mask as a sort of promise. “Go on then, be safe.” Nikto doesn’t respond as you gentle nudge him out of your room. 
It all finally clicks in Nikto’s head, and a low grad panic sets in. “They like us?!” One voice screeches, a mixture of confusion and excitement. “They like us back!” Another screams in elation as the headspace becomes abuzz with life again.
“Learn something new everyday; who knew our lovely host was a voyeur.”
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jaeyunluvr · 3 months
love you, unconditionally (part 2) pt.1
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it has been almost a week since your gut-wrenching sobbing session over your long gone ex and your best friends stuck to you ever since that day. things like this don't happen often but when they do, sunghoon and jaeyun absolutely will do anything in their power to make it better.
actually, they did make it better. it wasn't as depressing when you thought of your ex, it didn't bother you as much either. it probably had been smothered by all the love these two have shown you for the past few days.
currently you were at sunghoon's place, waiting for the popcorn to be cooked as jaeyun picked the movie you were going to watch.
you just sat on the couch as jaeyun scrolled through netflix looking for a certain film, your thoughts began a journey into various topics pausing at none. over the past week you have thought of jaeyun's advice, of giving sunghoon a chance.
you did think sunghoon was a great guy, in fact he was perfect in every way possible. he had good grades, a kind personality, he had a face that any girl would fall for, not to mention the consideration he has for others. and not to mention, at some point of time in your friendship, you developed a little crush on sunghoon but your brain didn't let it bloom, because as best friends, it didn't feel right.
AND. first of all, it was hard to believe someone so perfect like sunghoon would like you romantically. second of all, you weren't sure if you would be able to meet his expectations while being his girlfriend. so you voiced your thoughts to jaeyun.
"i don't think i'd make a good girlfriend for hoon."
jaeyun could've quite literally facepalmed.
"yn you have no idea how insane that guy is. he's like down bad, so down bad. you just have to be there and he'll thank you for it. but for your sake, you would be a good girlfriend. just because your ex doesn't want you, it doesn't mean you're not good enough for him. it's his loss. to be honest, you were too good for him. you're literally an angel baby." he smiled.
"and i'll be honest you both would make such a hot couple, i really wouldn't mind third wheeling."
you laughed. "you'll regret saying that."
"what would he regret saying?" sunghoon emerged from behind the couch, walking into the living room. a white towel hung around his neck, as he picked one end of it to dry his hair, tilting his head to the side a little so he can dry the back of his head. grey shorts barely hanging onto his waist, and plain white tee on top, it's sleeves hugging his biceps.
he looked gorgeous was something you would say out loud. and also hot as fuck was something you wouldn't.
"i said you guys would make such a hot couple, i wouldn't mind third wheeling."
you were already a distracted by how fine sunghoon looked, fresh out of shower, and jaeyun just had to say that. you eyes widened at jaeyun's reply and you turned towards him with a 'why-would-you-say-that' look and he just shrugged, kinda feeling proud for what he did.
"i think that too." sunghoon said nonchalantly. your brain just went 'whaaaatttt' and you felt your heart running at a faster pace. you looked at sunghoon with the 'what-the-hell' look and he smiled, his fangs showing as he walked towards you. by this time jaeyun was already in the kitchen, filling a huge bowl with popcorn for you guys to enjoy while watching the movie.
"i honestly think we'd make a hot couple." this conversation was making you stressed. not in a bad way because you were just too flustered to say anything and sunghoon just chose to look extremely attractive today you couldn't even look him in the eye.
he plopped next to you one the couch, a hand draping around your shoulder, as he rested his head on yours. you could feel his wet hair damping your own, but you didn't mind. you sighed, all sorts of thoughts flooding your brain. give him a chance.
you turned your head a bit, to sneak a look at sunghoon. the way little strands of wet hair graced his forehead, his long eyelashes, his pale skin and the tiny bit of pink blush on his cheeks, his perfectly shaped and moist lips. his lips, they looked so kissable.
you wanted to kiss sunghoon. hold his face in between your palms as he looks at you with a sparkle in his eye–
"GUYS! the popcorn is ready!!!!"
you were getting frustrated as days passed by, your thoughts as unorganized and as confusing as ever. the feelings for your ex are long gone and the only thing in your head right now was sunghoon. you couldn't stop thinking about him, the way he spoke to you with consideration, the way he always bought you food when he visited you at your home, the little things he does for you like throwing out your trash or making you coffee when you're tired.
fuck your best friend for inducing the thought of another man into your head and fuck your other best friend for being that man who's nothing but desirable.
you found yourself down the rabbit hole in a few weeks and you had to admit it, you liked park sunghoon.
you wanted to confess to him, but you weren't sure if this was the right thing. a few days ago you were crying your heart out over your ex whom you thought was the only one for you, but now you just wanted to be with sunghoon and you knew he'd treat you so well. you didn't know if it was right to move on so soon, it messed with your head. and so you turned to jaeyun, who kept playing the decision maker of your life for the past few weeks.
"fucking finally yn." he said as he sighed. you had told him how you've finally come to terms with your feelings and have accepted that you liked sunghoon and wanted to be with him.
"go confess to him, no wait, skip all that slowburn, kiss him. i can't wait to third wheel y'all."
"more like you can't wait to stop your dumb best friends from being dumber than ever." you sighed.
jaeyun's place was the most comfortable out of you guys' homes mostly because he had the best couch, which was big enough to fit in three people (mainly because you guys squeeze into each other) and it made you feel as if you were sitting on clouds.
you sprawled out on the couch, while jaeyun was in his room, dressing up for some meet up with his other friends.
just then you heard the front door click open, sunghoon walked in casually, smiling.
oh gosh that fucking smile.
you heard jaeyun yell for sunghoon from his room. sunghoon flinched at his loud voice but giggled as he looked at you while you laughed back. he shook his head and walked over to his best friend's room from behind the couch, not forgetting to ruffle your hair as he swiftly walked by. your heart fluttered.
they walked back into the living room with jaeyun rushing to the front door, picking up his shoes and slipping them on hurriedly, trying to hold his balance by hopping around.
"alright guys i'm leaving have fun!" he winked at you and sunghoon, while giving both of you a short gaze as if he was conveying something using telepathy.
sunghoon closed the door and walked back to the couch, sitting next to you. a comfortable silence filled the air, while both of you pondered over this and that in your heads, but it was quite obvious you both were thinking about the same thing.
"you know i like you right?" sunghoon blurted the question out. it wasn't something he wanted to say, but the words just jumped out of the train of his thoughts.
it took you so off guard, you mentally panicked. "yes, i guess."
sunghoon let a gentle smile grace his lips. he pulled out his phone from his pocket, opening the music app. gentle acoustic music started playing as he lent his hand out to you. you raised your eyebrow at him in confusion.
"let's dance." he pulled you up from the couch, one hand holding yours and another hand on your waist. he held you so gently, as you placed your other hand, slightly pressed against his chest.
sunghoon couldn't take his eyes off you. the warm sunset lighting seeped into the living room, making you look just perfect under the dim scarlet lighting. the way strands of hair fell out of your ponytail, the baby hairs gracing your forehead. your eyes dazzled under the evening light, he could see the sparkle in them.
a little smile adorned your lips as you looked at him. you didn't know why you both ended up in this situation, but the way sunghoon looked at you, his eyes lovestruck just by looking at you, his smile which loved your existence, didn't make you want to question it. you could see he was in love with you. it made your heart swell.
the song filled the atmosphere, as you both swayed to the music. the moment felt like it was straight out of a fairytale. you wanted to get lost in it forever.
'Oh me I fall in love with you every single day'
sunghoon smiled upon hearing the lyric, extending his hand to twirl you. you giggled as you turned around, your eyes landing on his lively face once again. oh you were in love with him.
'I know you will still love me the same'
your eyes landed on his pretty lips. you wanted to kiss park sunghoon. so bad.
'I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways'
nothing mattered to you at this moment. you wanted to kiss him and show him you loved him back. and so you got a light grip of his collar, pulling him down as you tiptoed to press your lips softly against his.
'Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars'
sunghoon was taken aback. he couldn't process it at all. he quite literally froze and you were worried if he didn't like it. why wasn't he kissing you back? you pulled back slowly.
your eyes showed your disappointment and slight embarrassment but as soon as sunghoon realized what just happened, he slipped his hand behind your waist, holding you firmly against him, as he dipped his head down to capture lips in an oh so sweet kiss once again. you reciprocated the gesture as your chest fuzzed with a giddy feeling.
you both pulled apart, looking at each other completely and utterly lovestruck. a slight laugh erupted from your chest, followed by sunghoon's as he threw his head back, laughing contently. oh you were so in love with eachother.
"i love you, y/n." he breathed out.
"i love you too, park." you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against his chest.
'And we found love right where we are'
the song ended with sunghoon's heartbeat resonating through your ears, which you swore was the best sound ever. 
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Either way, Puss is losing a life here
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Puss In Boots: The Last Wish:
It has a very well done and mature depiction of serious topics (mortality) and mental health. My favourite scene is the depiction of Puss having a panic attack and Perrito comforting him. Also great animation and all the characters are amazing.
The trio of puss+kitty+ perrito was really fun and I loved Puss and Kitty’s relationship. The scenes with Death gave me chills when I saw it in theaters. The animation was gorgeous, the character arcs are very well done, every character is entertaining to watch and it's paced impressively well. Probably the best animated movie I saw in 2022
The animation, the characters, the details, the story, the comedy, the messages, the animation style, All OF IT!
I absolutely love the characterization, the fact that they managed to wrangle BLOOD into the movie was insane to me when I watched it in theaters. I was so entranced lol
It’s a fucking cinematic masterpiece. I nearly cried this film changed a part of my soul. The animation is incredibly stylised especially for the fight scenes, the locations are beautiful and the characters are all enjoyable in their own ways. The music is so good i recommended it to my music teacher on the basis of looking at it for leitmotifs. Genuinely one of the best films I’ve ever seen.
The opening scene is absolutely gorgeous + Kitty & pib's relationship is so important to me. they invented true love. <2
I've been fixated on this movie for five months now and it's not stopping; the animation is inventive and stunning, the characters are all in-depth and well-written, the antagonists are all a delight, the themes stay with you ages after you walk out of the theater, it has the most realistic depiction of a panic attack I've ever seen on the big screen in my entire life. It's all incredibly stylish, the music all goes hard, every single scene matters to the greater plotline, never is a character mocked by the narrative for their weakness or naïvete... I'm not a big movie person, but I've watched this over twenty times honestly, and it's impacted me for the rest of my life.
Shrek 2:
Shrek may be one of the biggest memes on the internet, but this movie legitimately SLAPS!!! This is the movie that most Shrek Conoisseurs agree is the best for the mostly great storyline and it's REALLY great comedy throughout. This is also the movie that introduced us to Puss in Boots! The ending is also INCREDIBLY iconic just saying. 10/10
"One of the greatest sequels of all time. Still holds up nearly 20 years later. It's got everything you could ask for. Diegetic music, a giant gingerbread man Godzilla parody, dancing, death/self-sacrifice, Puss in boots, and, most importantly, a banging song that mixes things up (Seriously, the cover slaps way harder than the original. The alternating highs and lows in terms of tempo and intensity really makes it).
Shrek is a good movie. But Shrek 2 is a great movie. It builds off of the world in the previous film, expands and make it more compelling, while still being a fairy-tale modern tale that critiques family relations. There's great jokes, like Shrek pretending to be from the union, the Fairy Godmother breaking her diet as a punishment for someone else, and a knight planting drugs on Puss in Boots. It's an absolutely iconic movie with THE BEST use of an existing song for a climax in any film (fight me) with the I Need a Hero scene, but also is able to slow down and perfectly capture the awkward first meal with disapproving parents.
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