#never mind i found the first fanfiction
azumasoroshi · 2 years
words cannot express how much i love vanlock like i got into it for the exes energy at first in dgs 1 and then it all spiralled from there and i started reading fanfiction (there's this one really good author i absolutely adore) bro dude i was there when there were 36 vanlock fics on ao3 and 18 of them were in chinese i have remained devoted and i will continue to remain devoted to these gayasses
most of my thoughts ive already posted about them, some of them i plan to make into fics once school stops kicking my ass with a vengeance and im writing one right now but lemme try to highlight everything i like about their dynamic uhhhh
there is so much potential post-dgs2 for their dynamic because found family and [cOUGHs in dgs2 spoilers] and literally how are they NOT gonna have to be in contact 24/7 they are going to be married in 10 years if iris has anything to say about it.
we dont know ANYTHING about their history even though they clearly have a history which is just a green flag for headcanons to go wild, i mean im already deadset on the idea that both of them at least minored in theater with how fuckin flamboyant they are so van zieks majored in law while herlock majored in either chemistry, engineering, or the art of driving everyone insane. or everything idk
they must have done a stage kiss at least once that was extremely fraught with actual romantic/sexual tension that everyone but them noticed and was extremely awkward about. benjamin/albert happens to be with van zieks when they both see herlock in the present and albert is like "oh hey i remember him you guys did that really awkward stage k-" and van zieks is like "please stop talking"
i said this in another post but it is so unclear what their relationship is that you could assign so many things to it. exes, divorcees, one night stand, several night stands, coworkers with benefits, secretly married, what are you i could write so much fanfiction about you there are so many potential complex emotions and conflicted feelings and regret and i live for that shit
i'm pretty sure herlock DOES trust van zieks to some extent and my memory is fuzzy but i don't think he's ever really indicated that he actually thought van zieks was The Reaper despite calling him shinigami-kun/reapy/mr. reaper and such?? correct me if im wrong but he seems to subtly guide ryuu into realizing that barok is not in fact a murderer
the london dlc case literally has me reeling like sholmes used his very questionable connections to find out van zieks' birthday and then both he and iris snuck into his office to do nice things for him what the fuck like this was a family project?? they straight up adopted him and he didnt notice
i read this one addition to my post where someone talked about how barok and sholmes are a lot nicer to each other in private and sholmes says "barok" instead of reapy and i havent seen much of 2-5 but i dont even care if it's true or not im making it canon in my head im so down bad for the enemies in public softer in private dynamic like shizaya or dabihawks
the way the public actively avoids both of them, one of them because he's annoying and the other because he's supposedly a murderer is good flavor i enjoy that and i enjoy people gawking at them being in public together interacting normally i read this one fic where barok was used to observing the thirteen foot distance between him and the crowd and then herlock joined him and he was like oh. it's fourteen feet now ahskdGSDGSHKkjhdsjh
gina iris and the apprentice teasing/exposing barok for his crush on herlock is also very fun, and vice versa
them being like "my masked apprentice is better" "no ryuunosuke is better"while said apprentices are making out
they qualify for my "teachers that have tried to kill each other at least once and are also probably married and students have no idea what their relationship is" au that i lovingly bestow on all my older people ships
there's probably more but i have to get back to work ahjdkGHJSJ anyway vanlock supremacy
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nervoushottee · 2 months
With Want | Paul Atreides x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Paul Atreides always had dreams. But from the very beginning, there was an invisible string pulling him to you.
Warnings: (MDNI 18+) Reader's secret name is Nuri, Set in Dune Part 2 , fingering, soulmate/destined pairing, shitty understanding of the Dune universe (only watched the first Dune move and only half of Dune part 2 whoopsie so I'm probably butchering some of the lore or whatever. Its fanfiction babes, I'm not writing this for accuracy),
Note: Hey hottees!! Y'all I'm not even finish watching Dune 2 and I started writing this. Timothee was doing something to me in this movieeee. Hope y'all enjoy!
*not edited at all babes*
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Paul Atreides had dreams. Both enchanting and horrifying dreams that would eat away at his mind and soul. And from the very beginning, he had always felt this small pull of a feeling. 
It was weirder than his dreams because even when he woke, he still felt it. Like it was a small tether, a light string in his heart and soul that hummed so softly. A light that was so dim that you would have to squint to see. 
After everything that happened with his father and being forced out of his home. The Fremen people found him and his mother. And that feeling grew stronger. He thought it was about the sayings of what his mother, the Bene Gesserit, would tell him but it felt more than that. 
It was odd, he could never see what it was in his dreams, or hear whispers of it like a name. But it was always that same enchanting feeling. So when Paul followed the Fremens, it continued to grow. By the time they walked deeper into the caves, it went from a strong pull to an overwhelming presence. 
And that’s when he saw you. 
“Who is she?” Paul asks Chani. The young woman already knew who Paul was asking for before she turned her head. A small smile engulfs on her face. “Nuri.”
Paul repeats your name to understand the feeling on his tongue. He hadn’t seen you before. Or maybe he did, he wasn’t too sure. The Fremen people covered their faces from the desert and a lot from what he was learning.
‘She moves like the wind.’ Paul says to himself as he watches you glide through the crowded room. Paul’s eyes meet yours briefly. Yours blue from your sclera to your irises. You stop moving through the crowd to stare at him. 
That feeling buzzed around him, stronger than ever within Paul as his eyes never leaving  yours. Your lips slowly turn up into a smile. Your eyes move towards Chani who still stands next to him, nodding in acknowledgement. Chani repeats the same gesture with a smile on her face, your gaze lingers back on Paul before a group of people walk in front of Paul’s view of you. By the time the people separate. You were gone. And the feeling suddenly fades from a sharp intensity to a dull buzz. 
“You should be careful around her Outworlder.” Chani says to him in a low tone as the common area starts to get a bit busy with people. The two of them sit down on a blanket as other where for food. 
“Was she with the group when you found me and my mother?” Paul asks, dodging the statement his acquaintance gave him. 
Chani shakes her head, chewing her food before speaking, “No. She doesn’t come with us all the time.”That intrigued Paul. He turns himself fully towards Chani, his bowl of food mixed with spice long forgotten . “So is she not a fighter?” 
“She is.” Chani says between chews, ”But she also walks with the Sayyadina.”
The Sayyadina. The Fremen’s Reverend Mother. 
“From what I’ve been told, her family was killed just after she was born. Stilgar took it upon himself to look after her. As she grew, the Sayyadina felt something within her. So Stilgar gave them the authority to let her walk with them. She is truly a great fighter, so when we need good fighters she will come with us when necessary. If not, she stays.” Chani continues. 
“A fighter and one that walks with the Sayyadina? Is that possible?” Paul questions. 
“To a nonbeliever? No. But to those who do? Yes. Stilgar believes in the old ways and in the faith. The Lisan al Gaib.” She says to him in a taunting tone which causes Paul to avert his eyes. The moment they came in, some shouted hatred towards him and his mother but others screamed in rejoice, calling him The Lisan al Gaib.
“Our people follow behind him, he is a good leader and his judgment is almost always right and trustworthy.” Chani finishes. 
Paul sits with the information he tells her, his hands slowly dipping in his bowl to start eating the food that was cold to touch but warm against his tongue. The heat of the spice warms his insides as it goes down his throat. “And what about you? What do you believe?”
”I don’t believe that you’re the Lisan al Gaib, that's for sure.” She chuckles. Paul feels his cheeks flush in embarrassment but urges her to continue. “I believe in our people. And she is a part of our people. And if she plays some part in whatever faith stories then so be it. But she has never faltered in training. She has never failed in the dessert and she is a good friend. She believes in our people as much as I do.”
After the words Chani said, Paul felt that she was over talking about you, more hungry and interested in the spice beneath her fingers. So Paul didn’t ask anymore. He ate his food in silence but his mind was racing with the thoughts of you. 
—— —— —— ——
The day had turned into night. Stilgar showed him and his mother the small room for them to sleep in for the time being until their fate was decided. A lot of them didn’t trust him and his mother, and for that Paul understood. 
His dreams woke him in the late night. Lifting his head from the makeshift pillow, he looks over to his mother who is still sound asleep. Her hand was placed on her lower stomach. 
‘Rest easy sister, I will be back.’ He says in his head before getting up and quietly leaving the room.
The caves are quiet at night. Besides from the guards that linger within the open spaces to protect those who rest. Paul doesn’t think it’s necessary but he avoids walking around where they are. Just in case to not stir any trouble. The people were calm at the moment since their fates were going to be decided soon enough. 
He walks to the small body of water his mother had told him about. The scared waters of the Fremens. The waters they would never touch. He sat there for a while. Enjoying the stilllness in the air and the calm look of the water. It reminded him of home. “I miss you father. I will take care of mother and sister.” He says to himself quietly. 
He wants to cry but reminds himself to save his water. “Don’t waste your tears on the dead” from what Stilgar told his mother. 
Paul sat still for a moment longer before he felt that pull again. That invisible string strong and tight as it pulls him to his feet. He absentmindedly walks into a dimly let hallway, his pulse quickening against his neck. His heat beating erratically against his chest as he turns the corner to see you. “You’re Nuri.” Paul states.
“You shouldn’t be out at night Paul Atriedes.” You say to him, your back towards him but he can hear the teasing smile within your words.
“I couldn’t sleep.” Paul explains to you simply, “And I made sure to walk where the guards can not see me.” The feeling nearly suffocates him as he walks toward you. 
“Ah.” You turn towards him, you’re dressed in almost the same comfortable linens as him. His a tan brown color and yours an off white. “You and your dreams.”
How did you know about that? He questions in his head, unconsciously taking another step towards you. You both now at arms length.
“I see you in my dreams.” Paul lies. 
“Do you?” You ask back, your tone sounds as if you know he’s lying. 
“No but I can feel you. In my dreams and out. And I don’t know what it is or what it means.” He explains. 
You hum in satisfaction as you slowly walk around him. Like a beast or a predator trapping its prey. “And what do you feel now?” 
He feels like his body is vibrating, His skin tingling and his veins jumping. His fingers buzzing as if he wants to reach out and touch you. He does what to touch you, he wants to feel your skin on his. “What do you feel?” Paul asks the question back to you.
You stop walking to stand behind him. The hairs on his neck stick out as he feels your body heat near him. Your lips slowly grazing his ear making his eyes flutter close. 
What the hell is happening to him?
“I feel like the spice on my tongue. I feel like the sand beneath my feet. I feel like the beauty you see in your dreams. I can feel you.” You whisper against him. 
Paul turns around to you, your bodies closer than ever. His lips inches towards yours as his flickers between your eyes and your lips. 
“You speak in tongues.” Paul whispers to you desperately.
“Shall I tell you in a way you understand?” You whisper against his lips. 
“Yes please.” he begs softly. 
And you don’t hesitate to put your lips on his. Paul moving quickly as his hands clasp softly against your cheeks. Moaning in the delight as he feels your hands glide against his chest, gripping his shirt. 
He feels you everywhere, but it isn’t overwhelming anymore. Now that he’s holding you and tasting you, your tongue glides against his. He feels a wave of warmth wash over him as his body and soul settle into the feeling of you. 
So warm and inviting. So enticing and serene. 
You push him towards a dark hidden spot in the hallway. Your bodies are engulfed in darkness but when you break apart for air, you can see him all the same. Paul moves you toward the wall, his body trapping you in as he kisses your neck. 
“I’ve dreamt of you, Paul Atreides. I’ve seen you in my dreams, felt you lingering in my mind, heart and soul.” You say to him breathly. Moaning quietly as you feel his tongue glide against your neck. Your guide his hand to touch your breast, causing Paul to move away from your neck and look into your eyes. 
‘So beautiful.’ Paul thought. He brings his other hand on your cheek and kisses you hungrily. Squeezing your breast, feeling the weight of it in the palm of his hand.His hand glides to let your nipple slip in between his fingers as he squeezes.“I want to dream of you. I want to see you in my dreams, want to hear your voice call my name.” he mutters to you in between kisses.
When you break away from his kiss, Paul starts to ask what’s wrong until he feels your hand on his and glides it up to your lips. You kiss his fingers individually as he stares at you in adoration and desire. You slowly slip his middle and ring finger into your mouth causing Paul to groan. His hips shifting upwards against you as he feels the wetness of your warm tongue glide against his fingers. He watches as you pull his fingers out of your mouth, his digits glistening wet. Your hands glide his now wet ones down and underneath your linen pants.
“Touch me and you will see me.” 
He lets his hand glide against you as is greeted by your wetness, causing you both to moan out in pleasure. You are sinking deeper into the wall and Paul sinking deeper into you. His fingers continue to glide there experimentally as you pull him back for a kiss. “Help me see.” Paul mutters desperately against you
Your hands reach down in your lines to move his hand into the position you need for him to make you feel good. You mimic a small circular rotation with your fingers on the back of his hand that was still against you. Once Paul understands, he begins to move his fingers in the motion you instructed, making you moan against his lips. 
He pulls away to watch you. You looked more ethereal than any other being or spirit that was believed in all of Arrakis. Your head back against the mountain wall, your lips slightly open as you moan. Your hips moving against his fingers as if you’re chasing for pressure. Paul dips his head in the corner of your neck and kisses it feverishly as he applies more pressure in his movements. Causing you to hold on to shoulder and call out his name. Oh how he wanted you to say his name again.
Feeling a little confident he glides his fingers down, but keeps his them pressed against your swollen bud. He pushes his middle finger inside of you causing you to gasp. You hold onto his shoulder gripping his shirt as you breathe heavily. You drag his head from your neck to kiss him. With his finger going in and out of you at an agonizing slow pace, you kiss him sloppily. But Paul doesn’t seem to mind, he enjoys it. Humming against you with a smile. 
When you feel his ring finger follow in for a second is when you lose it. “Paul!” you say loudly. 
His tongue mingles with yours as he silences your cries. With the slow circling of his thumb against your clit and the way he pushes his fingers into you makes you clench against him. “Fuck.” he moans. 
You whine as you feel your orgasm growing inside of you. The feeling you both shared with one another makes you feel even more on edge as you grip Paul in anyway you can. You rapidly as you feel yourself getting close. “Pau-Paul -” you begin to tell him as such but the building pleasure doesn’t get you far. Paul places his other hand against your cheek, tilting your head to look up at him. His eyes hooded and his cheeks flushed. You feel his thumb brush against your bottom lip. 
“Let me see you.” 
His words are the final push that sends you over the edge. Paul kissing you to silence your cries, you mewling against his lips as his fingers never stop their learned rhythm. You shiver against his fingers, your body tingly and warm. He kisses your face from your cheeks, to your eyelids and everywhere in between as he waits for you to come down from your high. He whispers your name, making you flutter your eyes open to see Paul stare at you with want. 
“Show me again.”
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karmavongrim · 5 months
Dear Father fanfic idea
DC x DP crossover fanfiction
Fanfic idea of Danny adopting everyone. He’s worse than Batman since he does it 200% deliberately with no age nor race restriction.
“Absolutely fucking not.”
Yeah, nope. No way in hell was he, John mother-fucking Constantine going to let this happen. Only over his dead body, which might actually be the case by the end of the bloody day if they couldn’t come up with something else other than that. And he wasn’t going to change his mind no matter how much the kid currently gallivanting as a demi-god whined. Wasn’t that a news when he found out several months ago.
“Come on Constans, we both know he wouldn’t mind. Besides what else can we do, we’ve tried everything.” Captain Marvel pleaded with the older man as he gestured their surroundings.
It couldn’t be described as anything else other than apocalyptic. A complete fucking shitshow.
Apparently a prophecy of some kind came to fruition right under their bloody noses and they were left grasping straws to try and stop the end of the world from happening. If only-
“Call him or I’ll call him John! Your choice.” Pressed Marvel who was getting fed up with the magician’s nonsense but he wasn’t bugging, no siree!
“Shut up, we don’t need his help! Just let me-” John yelled while buried head first in his spell book, desperately trying to find away that didn’t require him to relinquish the last few pits of his shabby dignity. Or what was left of it anyways. But Marvel was having non of it.
“Nope, that’s it! I’m making the call!” The red glad man shouted over the blonde brit and pulled out his personal phone which looked like it had been pulled strait out of a sci-fi movie.
This caused John to lunge at Marvel who in return floated away out of his reach.
“Are you daft? I’ll never hear the end of it so don’t even- Hey! Don’t you dare, I swear-!” They were quickly interrupted by a black looming silhouette quickly approaching them.
“I hope that you two have come up with something since you’re able to play around like this.” Batman demanded in gruff manner, man looking worse for wear just like the rest of them. Marvel swiftly positioned the dark one between him and his would-be assailant.
“Oh we did have a solution from the very start but someone thinks that we don’t need any help. His poor ego wouldn’t be able to handle it.” He told as he threw a look over his makeshift barrier’s shoulder.
“Shut your cakehole.” John hissed but was reluctantly put in place by a hard glare from mister darker and gloomier who turned to the floating magic-user.
“What is this solution exactly? Help from who or what?” At his inquiry the boy-man hero couldn’t help but beam when he began to explain what, or rather who he had in mind.
“Well I was thinking calling our-” But he was rudely cut in before he could get far.
“We aren’t calling anybody because we don’t need his help! We can take care of this on our own!” Batman turned back to the blond and was clearly at the end of his patience.
“We are running on borrowed time Constantine, if there is any chance to for us to stop this then we should take it since we don’t have any other options left.”
The two began to argue so heatedly that they didn’t pay attention to Marvel speed dialing the number he kept close to his heart. With a dopey grin he bounced on his heels while he waited for the other side to answer. After just two rings the line connected.
“Hi kid! What are you calling in for, did you get out of work already?” A jovial, baritone voice rang out which instantly relaxed the kid-not-kid hero. The all-composing feeling of warmth, protection and safety could almost be felt through the phone which never failed to make him feel comfortable and at peace.
“Hi dad! No, I’m still at work and we kinda shorta need your help. Badly.”
He could near feel the change in his father’s mood and he definitely heard it in his voice.
“What do you need? Where are you?” Came the rapid questioning. His smile never left as he thought how dad always went strait to business when it came to his family and friends. Always ready to help no matter what or why.
“Well, apparently the apocalypse is happening and we have no idea how to stop it… Can you help us? Please?” He tentatively asked as he glanced back at the bickering duo. Sometimes he asked himself if he really was the only secret child there.
“Ha ha, no need to beg, let alone ask. I’ll be there in a jiffy once I know where you guys are. Just try and hang in there kid.” Voice on the other side commented in lighter tone.
Marvel let out a sigh. He knew that everything would be okay after all.
“Thanks dad. We are currently stuck on Metropolis in it’s central, it’s a complete mess in here.”
“Everything will be fine. See you soon.” The voice chuckled and cut the call.
Yes, everything would be just fine. He turned to call out to the idiots who looked to be near ripping each other a new one.
“You two can stop now, he’s already on his way!”
He had to wince at the speed which the blonde turned his head to stare at him. Then came the familiar cursing.
“Fucking shite!”
He merely rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in irritation. He glared at the magician.
“Seriously, what’s your problem? It doesn’t have to be this difficult you know.”
Before John could comment, Batman pushed pass and stalked up to Marvel.
“Who did you call?”
He couldn’t say much before more of their fellow heroes started to trickle in. Flash no surprise being the first.
“Hope you got something up your utility belt Bats, we can’t take this much longer.” Pleaded the red speedster. He was joined by Green Lantern carrying injured Superman and ouch did he look roughened up.
“Have to agree with Flashpoint. Were running out of juice fast, and even Big Blue is out cold.”
Marvel looked at the others coming in. Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Wonder Woman, Black Canary and even Doctor Fate was there, none of them looking any better.
“Well, I’m glad to announce that help is on their way so we can all sit back and relax for a bit. This will be over in no time.” He declared brightly.
The others goggled at him like he made the most outlandish statement in all of history, minus Constantine who has decided to use this small window of calm to drown his headache in his flask while he still can.
“What the hell are you on about? What help? Who could possibly help with this!” Flash yelled out the question in everybodies mind.
“I would like to known this too finally.” Batman demanded this as well.
Seeing everybody hanging onto his up coming explanation he smirked at John who gave him oh-so-eloquently middle finder in retaliation. Well to bad, he would have to just deal with it, the big baby.
“Oh nobody too important, just the most powerful and influential being in all multiverse. Some of you might know him by his monikers like the First Champion, the Balancer, the High King and the Great One.” He said flippantly as he pretended to check his nails, trying his absolute best to hid his smug smile when he noticed Zatara and Fate going rigid and pale.
Zatara near stumbled thanks to his shaking knees. He took couple faltering steps towards the Champion of Magic. His expression mix of reverence and fear as started to whisper as if dreading that someone or something might hear him if he spoke too loudly.
“Y-You couldn’t possibly mean King-”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence for they all felt the change in the air, in the ground.
He has arrived.
Time came to a crawl, the world slowed it’s movements in face of approaching force. It quaked, it trembled, it slithered. Leak becoming a downpour, a tear in reality of sickly green opened above the group, high out of reach. What little light still had remained in the hellish landscape around them were drained as if all the world’s shadow congregated around the opening to greet its master like a deprived servant. Then a figure of black and white caped in light seemingly holy, descended from it. Even from afar they could distinguish their towering form who’s muscles failed to hide under its full-body armor. Their mountainous presence becomes more and more apparent the closer they came. What they thought as wings of pure and white was actually a cape of moving light.
Blazing green eyes as that of the tear gazed upon them from under their moonlight hair, which coupled with the iron grown of flames created figures of shadow dancing across their hardened features as if to praise their beholder’s glory.
Zatara had already collapsed on the ground in utter disbelieve. All the myths and legends were true all along.
“King Phantom.” He spoke in awe and bowed before the king as did equally shocked Doctor Fate.
“Hi dad!” Marvel yelled and dragged the laughing magician by his coat to greet their new arrival.
All of their associates looked between the clear powerhouse of a being and their red heavy hitter in utter incredulity at the revelation. Zatara and Fate near had a heart attack at the way their magical colleague addressed the mythical presence. Marvel had a father? And this horrifying existence was it? What sent them reeling even more was how the king’s responded.
With his arms stretched he lowered himself fully to gather the two smaller men in his embrace.
“Kids! Boy, when you said that you needed help bad I think you might have underestimated a tiny bit.” He joked with a toothy smile as he moved to get a better look at his more-or-less willing captees of his affection. His expression softened even more at the face of Constantine, not the others could see.
“John, it’s so good to see you as well.” He said softly and ruffled both of their hairs, eliciting a laugh from his youngest and indignant pout from his fourth oldest who tried to swat the offending hand away.
“Whatever.” John growled but Phantom didn’t mind since he could see the blush caking his scratched up cheeks.
Now this drew his attention, both of his boys were in horrendous shape and he would do something about it after his job was completed. Looking at the blood willed sky no longer colored by his green and the burning wreckage that is this dimensions earth, he knew he didn’t have much time.
“I suppose we should get this over with then. You two better get back to the Keep after this, understood.” He stated and then was gone just like that.
Now that the oppressive feeling of death and power has left along with the godly being, every single one of the heroes present turned to the two for explanation. Marvel send a pleading look towards his brother, but John pointedly turned away and began to nurse his briefly forgotten drink which was now empty, damn you dad.
Discreetly gulping his nerves down he twirled to face his peers.
“Okay, let’s start with one question at a time please.”
This caused the floodgates to open and Zatara practically jumped him in his feverishness.
“You are a son of King Phantom? The King Phantom? I thought he was nothing more than a myth! A legend told through out several histories!”
As Marvel was trying to dislodge the man he was approached by Doctor Fate.
“I too held the believe that he was nothing more than a story to strike fear onto the forces of evil and to aspire heroes of both old and new. To think he was real this entire time.” He mused, and before Marvel could say anything, Flash barged in as well.
“And what about you John? This might be the first time I’ve seen any otherworldly being be happy to see you.” He pointed at the man who chose to wisely stay far behind.
“Fuck you too!” Shouts the offended man from the back. Even if it’s true doesn’t make it any less rude. And oh look here comes Batman.
“Enough! Marvel, explain.” He demands as he moves effortlessly to the front of the pack.
“Well… you see-” Marvel stammers as he tries under the pressure to come up with something to say but was thankfully saved by the sky shifting again.
As quick as a snap the red sky was returned to its blue color, signaling the King’s victory over his enemy. Marvel smiled widely and even John couldn’t stop a heavy sigh of relieve from escaping his mouth. Good old dad, always up to any task he comes across.
“Incredible.” Wonder Woman gasped, even Lantern had to give an impressed eyebrow at the instant change in atmosphere. And while everyone was distracted by his dad’s handiwork, Marvel shimmied his way to the grumpy magician who was in progress of making his getaway.
“I think we should continue this some other time, there’s a lot of cleaning up to do and me and my bro need to do a little house call. So bye!” He called out with a wave as he was crabbed and transported to their destination before anyone could stop them.
Others could do more than blink as Batman stewed in his place. In Lantern’s arms Superman began to stir.
“H-huh, what did I miss?”
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hiramaris · 2 months
Kiss it Off Me
Chapter Summary:
"You were avoiding me." Haley finally said, and she commended her voice from not shaking. "You don't want to dance with me." "I..." You seemed taken aback by Haley's observation. "I wasn't..."
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: none i think?
The most awaited Flower Festival. Buckle up, simps.
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Spring 24
Four days.
Four freaking days since you had abruptly decided to avoid her.
And yes, she's definitely counting it. 
What she didn't get is why? Why the sudden aversion?
Haley had tried to rack her brain for any reason, just anything but she couldn't find any. She tried to recall the events that night.
Haley took you home from the saloon because your ass was so drunk you couldn't even stand on your own feet without tripping.
And then there's... that.
With a heavy sigh, Haley placed her white dress for the flower dance on her bed.
She should have been excitedly preparing for the upcoming dance, but the stupid farmer had been occupying her mind today.
Even yesterday.
And even the day before that, and the day after that. 
After your sudden declaration of 'feelings?' (yes, she's questioning because what the hell does that mean?), Haley had found herself speechless for the umpteenth time that night.
She couldn't find her voice, or rather, she didn't know how to respond to that. Fortunately, before she could, you shook your head as if you had said something silly.
Your moment of soberness dissipated completely as you slumped back to Haley. You had been a bit cooperative after that as both of you were able to go to your farm without any further hitch.
Haley was all but familiar with your farm. She had occasionally taken her pictures here when Old Railey was alive. She was fond of him.
He was kind and he kind of reminded her of her grandma. When he died, there was a large part of Haley that still grieves for him until now. Which is maybe why she was a bit apprehensive at you when she first came. At Haley's little time at Pelican town, she knew how much Old Railey sacrificed for the farm, to see it run down like that and be given to a complete stranger— a city girl no less, never mind you're his granddaughter.
But as she stood at the entrance of the farm, with the same farmer she loathed beside her, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as she saw the state of the farm for the first time since you moved here. 
The once-overgrown grass and unruly weeds that had taken over the farm were now perfectly tamed. A neatly constructed wooden path led towards what Haley assumed was your cabin.
Despite the darkness surrounding her, she could spot a variety of spring crops flourishing in the distance. Blue jazz, cauliflower, green beans, parsnips, and many others were thriving under your care. While there were still renovations to be done, Haley couldn't help but be impressed by how well you were doing. As if you're really meant for farming.  
The cabin looks freshly renovated, too. Last time she heard it was a bit crusty and on the verge of collapsing.
As Haley stepped into your home, she was greeted by a small ginger cat. The feline locked eyes with her for a moment, assessing her presence before realizing she meant no harm and had come with her owner.
Sensing Haley's intention, the cat let out a loud meow, leading her towards a closed door on the right, which she assumed to be your room.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Haley had managed to settle you on the bed and was ready to head home herself. However, it appeared that you had other plans.
You suddenly sat up straight and grabbed her hand as if sensing Haley was about to leave.
Haley looked at you, waiting expectantly.
And then it happened.
There's vomit.
It was everywhere—on Haley's pajamas, the blankets, and even your own shirt.
Haley wanted to scream in frustration, but worry had won over her disgust as she heard you have a coughing fit. She gently shook your shoulders, trying to get your attention.
"Are you okay?" she asked, concern lacing her words.
"I'm..." you coughed, voice strained, "my head hurts..."
And that's the sole reason Haley has to borrow some set of clothes from the farmer's wardrobe, change the bed sheets and blankets—
Change your clothes.
The memory made Haley's cheeks burn with embarrassment, but she had no other choice. There was no way she could sleep beside you with vomit-stained sheets, and you smelling like that.
Haley's face flushed with embarrassment as a sudden realization hit her like a ton of Emily's hippie rocks.
There's also one bed. You and her slept on the same bed.
So, it kinda makes sense now.
Why in Yoba's name has she just realized this now?
No wonder Emily had given her a funny look earlier when she had returned that morning wearing obviously your varsity shirt.
Haley had also completely missed the bright, bold letters spelling out "L/N" stitched on the back of the shirt, which is also why Penny couldn't look at her in the eyes when they crossed paths that morning when the redhead decided to visit you at the farm to check on you.
They must have thought that you and her had slept together.
And maybe you thought that, too as well.
The thought made Haley cringe and she facepalmed at the awkwardness of the situation.
It certainly didn't help that you couldn't remember anything from that night after your eighth bottle.
And to add to the mix-up, you had to wake up with a hangover and everything and seeing Haley casually cooking breakfast in your house while wearing your shirt.
It was practically a neon signboard pointing at her as if saying "hey, last night was an absolute blast, why don't I make you some breakfast while I'm here?" 
Just great.
This is an absolute disaster.
"Is she joining the dance?" Haley wondered aloud, her eyes fixed on you who was engaged in a conversation with Penny, Maru, and Harvey.
"Hmm?" Alex paused in his fidgeting, adjusting his suit that had somehow grown on him. He followed Haley's gaze and spotted you amidst the group. "Oh, you mean Old Mac? I don't think so."
Haley turned to him with furrowed eyebrows," Old Mac? What's with you and all these people calling her all sorts of names? Why can't you just call her Y/n and stick with it?"
"Whoa, slow down, cowgirl." Alex barked out a laugh at her sudden outburst. "What's got your panties in a twist?" 
"Nothing!" Haley replied, trying to brush off her frustration. Deep down, though, the different names people used for you bothered her more than she cared to admit.
And the worst of it all is she doesn't know why she's pissed.
She turned away as she began pacing back and forth in the middle of the performance area.
She needs to practice her moves. Despite being crowned the flower queen for five consecutive years and having the dance steps etched into her muscle memory, she didn't want to be so full of herself.
But in reality, she was just trying her absolute best to not let her eyes settle on someone who wasn't even looking her way. 
Which she have found to be a challenge.
You looked dashing, if Haley would dare admit that aloud.
Your hair is down too in its slick, natural wave, which you usually tied up in a messy ponytail.
You looked pretty similar to the way you looked when you first arrived in the town though you forgo the black slacks in exchange of a more brighter blue one, the same shade of the ridiculous suits the men wore for the dance which have made her assume you'll be dancing as well.
But with whom? 
Usually, there are already designated partners for the dance and it would be quite impossible for you to learn the steps in just a month. 
Maybe Penny? Leah? Or that weirdo that dyes her head blue all the time? She assumed you were close with her when you dominated all the eggs Abigail was after which earned the kids to win during the egg festival. 
Why would she care anyway? You weren't even looking in her direction. Not even noticing that Haley did her hair differently or that she had chosen to apply a more natural make-up because you told her she's pretty enough without them.
The sound of cry from Alex had made her dash towards his place in alarm.
Sam was immediate to his side, along with the other townspeople. "What happened?" she asked in urgent.
"Sorry, pal. I may have thrown it a bit too far." Sam scratched his neck in shame.
"Samson!" Jodi angrily admonished her son. "Look just what you did!"
"Ow..." Alex grunted as he tried to reach for his foot. "I think I broke my ankle." 
"Can you stand?" You questioned as you helped him up. "Why'd you even bring your grid ball here?"
"H-hah. I can but I don't think I can walk it off. Hey, gramps. Mind if I borrow your wheels?" He tried to joke it off.
"Alexander!" Evelyn wasn't pleased with ay all with his humor.
"Heh, I'll give you this if I could go back home and watch TV."
"George! Don't even encourage him."
"Ehem," Mayor Lewis cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the crowd. "The festival is about to begin in five minutes. Will you be able to dance, young man?"
"I don't think so." Alex immediately answered, causing Haley to snap her head towards him in disbelief.
"What do you mean you can't?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening. "How am I supposed to dance without a partner?"
She knew it was a selfish question but how can he be so stupid bringing his ball with him?!
A mischievous grin spread across Alex's lips as he pulled you closer, resting his hand on your shoulders. "Old Mac here can replace me. I already taught her the moves."
"What?" you choked, eyebrows raising so far it hid behind your bangs. "I don't..."
"You got this. There's no need to worry. In fact," he shrugged off his coat and handed it over to your shaking hands. "It doesn't fit me anymore. It'll probably suit you better."
"Wouldn't it be better if Sam takes your place since he's already familiar with the dance?" Penny tentatively suggested as she eyed Haley. "I know how much winning the crown means to you, Haley. It might be best for Sam to step in for Alex, considering it was his fault too." She glanced apologetically at Sam. "Sorry, Sam. I can dance with Y/n/n instead."
"Um, no," Alex dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. "Haley feels more comfortable dancing with Old Mac. That's more important." 
"W-wait a second," Haley finally found her voice, her gaze still avoiding the person standing beside her. She could feel your eyes on her, and Haley wasn't ready just yet to see the look of refusal from your eyes. "Can't we get a say in this?!" 
"Nope!" Alex chirped.
"Very well, then," Mayor Lewis interjected, clapping his hands together. "Let the festival begin!"
"You don't have to do this if you don't want to," Haley whispered, her hands trembling slightly as they held onto your neck. Her palms had grown clammy, and her racing heart seemed to drown out the lively rhythm of the music.
Your voice held a hint of confusion, drawing Haley's gaze away from the ground to meet a pair of captivating gray eyes. The faintest tinge of pink colored your cheeks and your eyes struggled to hold steady.
You looked... bashful.
It also did not miss her how the hands securely wrapped around her waist were shaking as well.
"You were avoiding me." Haley finally said, and she commended her voice for not squeaking. "You don't want to dance with me."
"I..." You seemed taken aback by Haley's observation. "I wasn't..."
"Could've fooled me," Haley muttered under her breath as you gracefully twirled her around and pulled her back into your arms.
Despite the thick tension between you two, it looked like you really did actually perfected your moves and were able to dance in sync with Haley's.
"You wanted to dance with Penny, don't you?" She almost sounded accusatory.
"I don't." Your answer was swift. "I don't want to dance with anyone but you. And I wasn't avoiding you."
Haley avoided your gaze. "Where were you then? I haven't seen you in days. You haven't visited us for breakfast." Her grip on your coat tightened as she looked up from the taller woman. "If it was because of what happened that day, nothing happened, okay?"
As you twirled her once more, your bodies drew closer, so close that she could also see bits of hazel from your gray eyes.
Your cheeks burned once more as you muttered, "It's not that."
"Tell me," Haley demanded.
"I was out mining." You admitted sheepishly. "And maybe I was kind of avoiding you..." Your eyes started cringing at the glare Haley was giving you. "I was embarrassed that I puked on you. Alex told me it was your self-care day and... I know I ruined it for you. And now I ruined your dance."
Haley's gaze softened drastically. "Idiot," she mutters, her arms finally relaxing against your shoulder. "You haven't ruined anything." She told you simply.
"Yet," you added, chuckling.
As the tension dissipates, you grow a little bolder as your hands relaxed around her waist, pulling Haley a little tighter against you. The warmth radiating from your palms gave Haley a profound sense of security, one she haven't felt for a long, long time.
"You know," Haley whispered against your neck, relaxing against your embrace. She didn't care if this wasn't part of the choreography. "You smell good today."
She felt you smiled against her hair, "Had to smell my best for my queen, right?"
Spring's finally over! Summer here we come! Question though. Is my pacing fast or slow?
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i4oba · 2 months
nct dream as… / fanfiction aus 𓈒✳︎🏡
[take the quiz here to see which one you get!]
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✰ MARK — childhood friends to lovers!au
ever since you've basically known your name, mark has been the boy next door. there was the cheeky, red letters of "lee" painted on the mailbox, the windows were adorned with the same coloured curtains, and the same doormat has been sitting in front of their door for ages. you have loved mark ever since you two have met. there wasn't a day where you wouldn't think of him, and there hasn't been a day when you haven't loved him. it was like a vicious circle which you couldn't get out of, because those stupid feelings would destroy the oh so precious friendship of yours, and you cannot let that happen, right? i mean, that's what you've thought for far too long, since this friendship meant more to you, than the fragile feeling of love - you didn't want it to get to the point where you would rather spit on each other, than talk it out. maybe that's why you pushed him away from yourself? maybe you just did that because you weren't too sure of your own peace of mind? no matter what, you knew the decision itself was wrong, only to realize it way too late. damaging the friendship and crying yourself to sleep was all your fault, after all, being way too proud and scared, stupid even; when you came back to the town where you two grew up, the least thing you wanted was to meet mark lee, mainly because you wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes after all these happened. but you had to, so soon you even got a little surprised. it's been a while since the last time you have been home, your bedroom seemed way too unfamiliar at that point, just like the vhs tape placed directly in the middle of your bed. one which you haven't seen yet. it didn't have a title, the white label completely empty as you picked it up. you were a little bit cautious when placing it in the system, waiting for it to play whatever is on it, not having such large imagination to expect anything. it was a home video montage, full of videos of you and mark: playing together, getting ready for the first day of school, going to the movies, the way you two got engaged in middle school as a joke, and the omnious day of prom... you got teary eyed, with one thing on your mind - you have to go and save whatever's left now. maybe you're not too late.
✰ RENJUN — soulmate!au
life had been pretty much grey and dreary until you found The One. the other half everyone had been so obsessed to find. you were never big on all this stuff, because you were convinced you'd be able to live as a single half for you whole life, and don't need anyone else to feel complete. deep inside you knew that all of this is bullshit, truly, and all that was coming out of you was true bitterness and constantly ongoing unsuccessful confessions, making you believe in your delusions. with every passing second, you had to see people find their other half, while you were left to deal with the grey world you were left in, not as a choice but as fate instead. you felt like a loser, a big zero, who doesn't even deserve a soulmate. you thought you were destined to die alone, maybe compensate with something of brilliance: be a composer or a singer, write or paint something extraordinary, lord knows what, just something of importance! you were looking for yourself in every corner of the world, not for a lover or a fling, not for an other half, fully ignoring the law of attraction. it might have been some reverse psychological trick, effecting it all. and this may have been the reason behind why you had to leave that horribly boring theatre play, sneaking out and bumping into The One, who handed back your accidentally dropped bag, slowly looking into your eyes. he might have worked at the theater as he was wearing a name tag on his elegant shirt - huang renjun, it said. but it doesn't even matter, because his eyes were brown! brown! not grey, brown! everything cleared up. you did find the half - with brown eyes and a smile so bright.
✰ JENO — coffee shop!au
it was pretty much bittersweet to step foot in your favourite café: it was getting dark out there, and although the rain has stopped pouring, you got absolutley soaked to the core along the way there, rain replacing the tears on your face by then. your hair was sticking to your forehead uncomfortably, your body trembling without stopping, as you entered. the bell placed above the entrance was ringing lightly, gathering everyone's attention to you, although there wasn't too much people there except for the baristas, maybe two wandering souls, working on their laptops or reading in a cozy corner. well, maybe if it wasn't for getting dumped literal minutes ago, you wouldn't be here either, but it was still the most reasonable choice compared to going to a club or a ruin bar, gettig incredibly drunk, Plus! a good espresso might be able to clear the fog in your head, which you were in need of during this stupidly stressing period of life. you expected hyuck to greet you by the coffee machine, grinning ear to ear, as he always does when you visit between two lectures, but there was a completely new face behind the counter. it's been a long time since you've last seen a new employee here. his smile was sweet and rather warm, eyes conveying a sense of concern as you took one step closer, rubbing your eyes while getting your purse out of your pocket - you discreetly looked at his name tag, right on his black apron: lee jeno. whatta name... by then, you were way to hopeless to try and guess how the day would go, but life had to surprise you, fate deciding funnily against all odds: next to your cup of coffee, there was a napkin, hiding a telephone number on it, messily written down with a short message as well: "would you go out on a date with me, darling? :)"
✰ HAECHAN — rivals to lovers!au
lee donghyuck's name rushed through the hallways of your music academy just as quietly as a whisper, and you never knew why was it all like that ever since you've stepped foot into the school. you couldn't even hide the way too obvious rolls of your eyes every time you heard it. lee donghyuck was one of the biggest prodigies at the academy, no one could even be considered as a rival for him, this is mainly why he was such a big living legend amongst the students - you couldn't even hide how annoyed this made you, especially because he made sure you knew this ever since you two were little. music played a huge part in both of your lives, and somehow, you two always seemed to be at each other's throat, the first place at being the best always changing between the two of you. you could never get rid of each other either; your dad, always being so positive, once said, on your way to the academy sometime between sophomore and junior year, that the only reason behind this is that you two are equally good at what you're doing. you were pretty much skeptic for the longest of time, and felt as if you were destined to be the forever second next to him. you've had enough of always bumping into walls, since hyuck was the one who could stand at the first place ever so proudly. in kindergarten, in middle school, and even in high school, every. god damn. time. and that infuriating smile was plastered all upon his face even when you two were asked to not perform alone on the annual charity gala of your academy - you two had to perform something phenomenal, putting the childish jarring aside, growing out of the silly phase of hating each other, which was all made up by you, and you only, pushing the poor boy away from you. the boy who had always been so obsessed with you, utterly and completely. he won this time again, isn't it right?
✰ JAEMIN — photographer!au
when jaemin brought up the idea of making the last parts of his portfolio with you (which basically means about you), you were a little bit skeptic at first. you loved jaemin dearly, since he was a really understanding friend, but... you were simply terrified of cameras. you didn't really like the idea of being captured at all, you hated looking back at yourself on pictures taken of you, and you couldn't even think about how high quality his pictures would be with that hyper super machine, focused on all the little flawed details of your face that you absolutely despised. no, you couldn't even bear the idea of this whole project, and you stood by this decision of yours, jaemin waiting patiently the whole time, not pushing it too hard. since he wanted to work with you no matter what, giving up on his plan wouldn't be too typical of him - the fight didn't last long but it was pretty heated, him highlighting so many known things that needed to be said finally: it's childish how you reflect on yourself, and your delusions stop you from way too many things. the way he said straight into your face how beautiful he thinks you are, inside and outside, and that he wants the whole world to know how ethereal you are, made you tear up a little - especially when he said his heart breaks every time you speak so lowly of yourself. he truly thinks you're the modern manifestation of aphrodite, that you are his own venus, the muse of him, someone he can adore... that he's way too in love with you to let go of this, and-; the kiss you gave him was short, yet gave him exact answers. answers to hundreds and thousand of unsaid questions he kept hidden in himself for years and years on end.
✰ CHENLE — blind date!au
you clearly didn’t brace yourself for this whole fiasco proposed by donghyuck himself, foolishly believing his reasonings behind how perfect of a matchmaker he is. of course you knew that what he way saying was partly stupid, plus you were like a seventy percent sure he wasn't even sober when he set up a blind date during that omnious frat party he wasn't invited to. you didn't have to worry or anything, that's just how you were - overly anxious of such things, even if you weren't meeting a psychopath. you were only a bit vary of the awkwardness this whole new experience would bring, both of you rushing home way too soon from the date, trying to forget about it as soon as possible. these misconceptions about how the night would go stayed straight until you stopped in front of the restaurant to wait for your - then late already - date. you were a little nervous he stood you up, and you got yourself into the most beautiful piece of clothing from you wardrobe for nothing, but it was worth it, looking back at it, as zhong chenle arrived and you two simply just... clicked? automatically? not to mention you two decided to leave the place after the hors d'oeuvre, since you both found the place a little too fancy at that moment, going to a simple ice cream parlor instead, taking a walk in the park after, talking about anything and everything that came to mind: family, politics, movies and the most embarrassing memories from your childhood came up too, as you couldn't help but laugh at how chenle dropped his ice cream cone on the ground, while he simultaneously promised you that he wouldn't drop the cone on the next date - and you smiled, so happily.
✰ JISUNG — secret admirer!au
you were head over heels for jisung and his undying love for dancing. but, thinking a bit deeper about it, while writing that foolish, teenager like love letter for him, forced into the role of his secret admirer, there were much more of those things that made you feel head over heels for the boy: he showed you what persistence was, he spent the whole of his youth with you, and he wasn't afraid to spend the rest of his life with you, helping you out anytime you're in need of it, since he couldn't not do that as you "best friend". he couldn't be evil with you, he was never able to leave you and he couldn't even envision a future in which you weren't by his side. but the border he made up between the two of you, was never crossed - you two were friends, not more, not less. you were so torn deep inside, as you were helpless, being in the never ending limbo you would rather push forward, but he kept on tugging it backwards; the idea of writing letters was originally from your mother, who had enough of your obvious agony. she was positive you would write every feeling of yours out, making it easier as time goes by. their number kept growing, however, one letter becoming a dozen soon enough, maybe even more in the meantime, while not writing a name on any of them, referring to yourself only as a mere secret admirer. they suddenly disappeared from the bottom of your drawer one day, though, realizing way too late that the ringing phone in your pocket was in fact park jisung, the picture of him taking up the screen of your mobile - did he know?
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kaznejis · 2 months
Make It Fun, Don't Trust Anyone- Erik Lehnsherr x Reader
“I can feel it.” He spoke, refusing to meet your eyes as he visibly failed to prevent his thoughts from spilling, “I could sense the metal as soon as we left the building; I could sense your necklace, the rims of your sunglasses, the iron in your blood, and that ring.”  His words turned to venom at the procurement of the final item, you watched as he grit his teeth; smoothing a hand over his head as his jaw clenched. Anger bloomed at the pits of your stomach in response, anger at his audacity to attempt to stake such ownership over you, “You were gone, Erik.” You spat, turning to him, anger blazing in your eyes; as reflected by the shock upon his face, “What? Did you expect me to wait around like a child? Wait for you to come back on the slim chance that it would happen?”
A/N: Hello! If anyone sees this, I hope you enjoy! If not, this is entirely self sufficing and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. Just to note, sorry if the scenes taken from the movie seem a little..rushed? If there's one thing I do not enjoy it's working out how to incorporate existing scenes into canon compliant fanfiction. The struggle.
Word Count: 6,692 / Read it on AO3!
If you'd like to see more from me about Erik- please feel free to send in any requests! :)
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The Cuban sunlight had acted as the perfect antithesis to your situation; the gaping hole that had formed and taken a residual spot within your ribcage as you knelt beside Charles, screaming and crying at the lack of feeling in his legs. 
But your eyes had not been upon him. 
You had stared up at Erik, stomach collapsing at his stoic gaze; only remnants of his grief were prevalent to yourself, the person that had known him most in the world. That wretched helmet had sat upon his head, his eyes empty with the melancholy of his own steadfast determination. 
“Join me.” He had whispered, his lower lip trembling as his eyes finally landed upon you; the first time since you had boarded the plane to Cuba. He had reached out then, his palm splayed towards you; hope swimming in his eyes as he beckoned you forward. 
You had simply shaken your head, lips tight and breaths heaving as you held his gaze. You watched as his heart broke, as his eyes glistened and bloodied hands trembled. You watched as he nodded and as he turned away from you. Turned away from the love that you had shared, choosing his own foolish endeavours of revenge over you. Allowing grief to swallow you, you had ducked your head; unable to watch as he walked away, unable to face Charles, writhing in the pain of your lovers’ actions. 
That had been it- you had returned to the school. Welcoming and accepting prospective students; working as an administrator and overseeing the school’s board. It had been good, amazing- supplying a necessary distraction to the heartbreak you had endured and a chance to improve your powers, learn from the experiences of others. There, in your reluctant state of happiness, you had met Adam. 
Adam, the school’s mutant psychology teacher; specialising in mind-based and largely telekinetic powers. Your curiosity regarding Erik’s powers had led you to him, sitting beside his desk; asking question after question. Questions soon turned into conversations and you soon found yourself being courted. All the traditional romances that had never crossed your mind when with Erik had become your reality; constant flowers, gifts, candle-lit dinners as your heels caressed his leg beneath the table. 
Your family had loved him, adored him. They had never met Erik, for obvious reasons, and whilst they were more supportive of your mutant gene than the average family; they had hoped that you would still be able to live the average life. Meaning, that you would acquire the average husband. Your family had practically demanded that you married him despite only being a year into the relationship, the pointed remarks about you being ‘unwedded at such an age’ a constant force at each gathering. 
So, you had. You had adorned the white dress, the large diamond ring, and Charles had granted his blessings by allowing you to host the wedding on the school’s grounds. Everyone and anyone that could have possibly been there had been in attendance, a day simply to forget about the wrongdoings of the past, the present and the future. 
On paper, everything was perfect. 
“Do you ever think about him?” Charles had asked, the night before your wedding, the two of you nursing a glass of scotch each within his office. 
You had exhaled through your nose, a lodge forming at the base of your throat, “No.” Despite the pronunciation of such a small, singular word; your voice had croaked, your chest trembling pathetically. 
Charles had simply nodded, his eyes flickering; his powers catching your obvious lie. “He’s in prison now, you know?” 
You nodded, humming affirmatively, your gut twisting at the reminder. 
“Are you sure you want to go through with tomorrow?” 
“I do.” You smirked, a failed attempt at humour as Charles had only looked back at you with sympathy, “I can’t sit here and say that Erik is never on my mind but… this is for the best.” 
Charles had only nodded, his face twisting as hair fell before his eyes, “He will never bother us again, I will make sure of that.” 
Whilst you had thanked him, smile wide and eyes crinkling as you both raised a glass; you couldn’t ignore the way your stomach had swooped in disappointment. The way your chest had heaved with unbridled pain, simply at the thought of never seeing Erik again. You would wrestle with it for the years to come- the guilt of constantly thinking of another man as you lay beside your husband. 
Your love with Erik had, to simply put it, been enigmatic; fuelled by passion- both by the mission at hand and the way you felt for each other. There had been awful, screaming fights on the worst days and entangled limbs with scratches lining his spine on the best. You had loved him with every ounce of your being, cared for him, yearned for him when he wasn’t there. Whilst you had endured the worst pains of your life with him, you had also been at your happiest. 
It had been toxic, ferocious, you had never known what would come next. 
You missed it every day. 
You passed the feeling off as pure delusion, your mutant gene playing cruel tricks on your mind as the years passed; as you grew bored. Bored of the same mundane life every day, bored of the simple forehead kisses, bored of that house. You and Adam remained within the dark confines of the manor instead of finding a place of your own following the fallout of the war in Vietnam; acting as support for Charles, who had steadfastly begun to dwindle in both his morality and his health. You had used this as an excuse every time Adam had attempted to introduce the necessary conversation of moving on, settling down. Children. You had deflected his attempts every time, claiming that you needed to be there for Charles, that you weren’t ready, that it wasn’t the right time. 
You knew for a fact that the reality lay within your inability to let Erik go, your inability to potentially miss the opportunity to catch a taste of his mere presence again. As the breadth of time since he left and the distance with Adam widened, you thought of Erik more and more. His serrating blue eyes and wicked charm haunted every moment, both awake and unconscious. You yearned for him, worried for him, hated him. You hated him for giving you up so easily, your lack of support in that specific moment signifying the end of everything, defining the status of the rest of your life. Sometimes, during the darkest of nights, the ones where you felt so alone, the nights where the wind howled and the trees drew vines and branches upon the walls- you imagined what it would have been like to join him, to have clasped his hand against yours and allowed him to lead you into the darkness.
Secretly, you knew that following Magneto would have led to your early demise, sometimes you pondered on whether that could have been a better end to your time together than your reality. 
But then, as Spring turned into Summer; as the grounds of the manour flourished in their unkempt state and the sun cast illuminations through the large windows- Logan arrived at your doorstep. A mission from the future, unbelievable if not for the pure conviction in his eyes. Unbelievable if not for the grief that haunted his strong features. 
You had been completely unprepared when Logan had stood from the chair you had offered him, yourself having been perched on the edge of Charles’ crumpled couch; your legs crossed and hands clasped with worry as he had detailed the horrors he had experienced, the horrors that he was there to prevent. He had paced the length of the table, surveying each resident of the room; you hadn’t missed the way his eyes had flickered between you and Adam; his forehead scrunching before his brows raised in amusement. 
“Ah…he warned me about this.” He grinned, flicking a finger between the two of you and scratching at the base of his head. “Kinda weird to see actually.” 
“Sorry?” You smiled politely, head swarmed with confusion, you looked over at Adam only to see he bore a similar expression, “He?” 
“We need to find Magneto,” Logan spoke determinedly, his gaze fierce, his voice taking a tone of finality. He was serious, conviction overtaking the air as the gravity of the situation dawned upon each resident.  
You knew that he was right. 
In that moment, you had been able to do nothing but stand and promptly leave the room; abandon the sound of Charles’ manic laughter that followed Logan’s words, Hank’s doubt that tended to suffocate a room. But most notably, you were abandoning your so-called husband’s silence.  
Somehow, you found yourself curled beneath your bed covers, arms crossed over your knees like a small child; your form shrunken in your fear and heartbreak and doubt, tremors racking your shoulders. As you attempted to steady your breathing, a knock sounded at your bedroom door. Expecting it to be Adam, you promptly rose from your position; scrubbing furiously at your swollen eyelids. 
But to your shock, Logan entered the room. 
“I’m sorry to barge in like this,” He held his hands out placantingly, slowly approaching you as if you were a timid animal, “I know you don’t know me, but I know you, Y/N, very well and… I wanted to check you were okay.” 
You nodded, crossing your arms and biting your lip as you mulled over the words he had spoken since his arrival, “It’s okay… I just- haven’t heard his name outside of my own head in a while.” 
You smiled, your heart blooming at his real name, the name you had known him by, “Yes… I’m assuming you know about us; I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve witnessed one of our messes for yourself,” He had smiled at that, his teeth glinting as he chuffed in amusement, though you could only stare at Logan, building the courage to ask what you desperately wanted to know, “When, you know, you were sent here… was Erik there?” 
“Yes.” Logan nodded. 
“Was I?” 
Logan nodded once again, though opted to do so silently this time. 
“What did he tell you about us?” 
Logan laughed properly then, a smile finally breaking across his face, “He told me not to meddle, that your situation is especially… sensitive, at this point.” He scratched a hand across his chin, his expression filled with nothing but pure mirth as he spoke, “Which I can see, seeing as though he’s locked one hundred feet underground and you’re married.” He finished that with a pointed look at your ring finger. 
You nodded, that you found yourself unable to match his amusement, unsure of exactly what it was he found funny, “I haven’t seen him in almost ten years.” You shrugged, “When I try to think about it, I don’t even know what he looks like anymore.” 
“But you still think about him?” 
You sighed, lowering your gaze to pick at the loose threads upon your old bed sheets; you had always been reluctant to get rid of them, the memories that they held with Erik remained too precious. Slowly and timidly, you spoke, “Every day.” 
Logan could only nod, an exhale sounding from his nose, “Well, if I can trust anything from my time knowing you; it’s your ability to give that man hell.” 
So, the following day; with an overly-energised, overly-excited teenage mutant in tow; Hank, Charles, and Logan had embarked en route for the Pentagon.
“Stay safe.” Adam had spoken as he leaned against the entrance to the house, having opted to stay behind; claiming that the house needed to be watched despite Logan being the first visitor in years. You had simply smiled at him, waving goodbye before turning towards the car; you didn’t miss the way the door had immediately slammed, Adam having chosen to waste no time in ensuring your safe departure. He had been quiet since Logan’s arrival, especially since the mention of Erik’s name and your obvious upset in response. 
You feared that despite his promise to protect the house, he would not be there upon your return. 
“I can’t believe you even married that guy.” Logan had mumbled, chuckling to himself and shaking his head as he slid into the car’s driver's seat; you could only manage a meager glare- your doubt regarding Adam had been clear even to yourself. 
Whilst the others performed the monumental task of attempting to free Erik; you had been tasked with organising the transport from the Pentagon and away, far away. You knew that Charles had orchestrated this purposefully, giving you the chance to see Erik as little as possible if necessary. You had accepted without a fight, you feared that if faced with Erik in a dire situation; you would act impulsively, irrationally. You feared that if faced with Erik, you would be able to do nothing but throw yourself into his arms. 
“Not appropriate.” You had mumbled to yourself at the thought, tapping a hand against the car’s wheel; dark aviators high upon your nose as you awaited. Your other hand hung from the drivers-side window, a dwindling cigarette balancing lazily between your fingers; it had been a nasty habit you had picked up in your adulthood, largely to Adam’s chagrin who had banned you from doing so indoors. You began to recognise that the stress of marriage had aged you significantly; the existence of service had overtaken your life in a way you hadn’t predicted. 
Just as you had begun to dwell upon your own disappointing life decisions; a loud bustle of noise exploded from the doors exiting the building’s kitchen; you only had a second to rescue your cigarette and balance it between your teeth before the group rushed to the car. Peter immediately sped ahead and claimed the passenger seat, grinning at you cheekily as he slid beside you; though this was quickly diminished when Logan slammed the car door back open, promptly gathering the teenager by the lapels of his jacket and ejecting him from the seat. You could only guffaw as he promptly plucked the cigarette from between your teeth, taking a hasty drag as the rest of the group piled into the back. 
You refused to glance at the rear mirror.
“Seriously Y/N?” Charles huffed exasperatedly from what you could assume was the seat directly behind you, the rustling of his jacket prevalent as he attempted to get comfortable in the tight squeeze of seats, “This may be a getaway car but it doesn’t mean you can abuse it to your will with your smoking.” 
You gritted your teeth, slamming your foot upon the pedal and pulling out onto the road; en route to the airport. Erik’s presence behind you plagued your mind, causing your fingers to tighten upon the wheel and your toes to curl within your shoes, every hair upon your neck stood ramrock straight as you waited, yearning for him to acknowledge you. 
This was what you had dreamed of, every night for years, and now you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him. 
A gleam caught your eyes as you drove, suddenly all too aware of your left hand rested on the steering wheel. Your wedding ring still adorned upon your finger, glistening obnoxiously in the afternoon sun. Risking a glance, you rose your eyes to the rearview mirror- only to immediately flick your eyes back to the road before you. 
There, in the middle seat, sat Erik- his cheeks sunken, hollow; the effects of years in confinement were prevalent in his every feature. His skin was pale, almost ghastly; his haircut was shaggy, uncaring. But what shocked you the most, what made you pull your eyes away from the man you loved so suddenly- was the way his eyes, those hauntingly blue eyes, stared straight at you, straight at the ring upon your finger. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from squeaking in response, the taste of blood plaguing your mouth as you willed yourself to focus on the road, focus on the mission at hand. 
You knew that Logan had witnessed every moment of that encounter, his dark eyes sunk into the side of your face as you determinedly stared forward, refusing to acknowledge any of the people around you. Alongside the stench of smoke, the air in the car was thick with tension- the aura of unspoken words choking every passenger. Even Peter, the usual chatterbox and the one who had spoken your ears off the entire way to the Pentagon had opted to stay silent; instead staring out of the window, his lips twisted in his own display of tension. 
As you drove in silence, you became all too aware of Erik’s presence; you found yourself pinpointing his specific breaths, the crinkle of his prisoner-assigned uniform, the shuffle of his legs against the side of your seat, the nervous tap of his finger against his knuckles. 
It was a miracle you managed to reach the airport. 
Upon saying goodbye to Peter, you determinedly pushed past the front-row seats of the private jet, opting to sit at the very rear of the plane alongside Logan, of which had simply raised an eyebrow and sighed as you lowered yourself before him, “You two are more pathetic than I expected.” He exhibited an air of nonchalance as he lit his cigar, despite the plane now very much being in the sky, and propped open a newspaper upon his lap- though it was prevalent that he found delight in watching the entire situation unfold. 
You raised your eyebrows, shrugging your shoulders stubbornly and sliding back against the base of the chair, “There’s no ‘us two’,” To which you complimented with the use of air quotes, “I am married, Logan.” 
Logan could only laugh at that, shaking his head, a habit he seemed to have picked up in his exasperation at what was unfolding before him, “You do realise I’m from the future right?” 
Scowling, you crossed your arms and opted to sulk at the back of the plane; still determinedly refusing to look Erik’s way- who was now engaging in a heated argument with Charles.
“Do I at least age well?” 
“Of course,” Logan smirked, holding his cigar up in a toast; though he was quickly interrupted by the creaking of metal as the foundations of the plane shook; Erik. Logan jumped forward and immediately threw the two of you to the ground- acting as a human shield as the plane began to tip sideways; Erik’s passion overtaking all rational thought as plates and glassware shattered beside you. 
“You abandoned us all.” He spoke with finality, Charles lay splayed across multiple seats, his hair a tangled mess as he gaped at Erik. You could only pull yourself back into your seat as Charles left for the cockpit, both you and Logan gasping at each other as you attempted to regain your stolen breath.
“So,” Logan grunted, fetching a new cigar and lighting it, “You were always an asshole then.” 
You could only scoff as Erik turned, facing you for the first time since boarding the plane; you noted the way his eyes landed upon anything, anywhere but you. 
“I bet we’re best buds in the future,” Erik smirked sardonically, his voice rough with the sudden severity of his outburst. 
Logan hummed, puffing on his cigar before offering you a puff, to which you politely declined, “Not like me and your old friend Y/N here are.” 
At the mention of your name, his hands spasmed at his sides; his fingers convulsing in a bodily reaction at the mere recognition of your existence. You would have felt excitement, love; if it weren’t for the way his eyes told a different story- cold and piercing as they landed upon you, his cheekbones twitching as he allowed himself a second of eye contact before he abruptly turned, returning to his seat across the plane. 
“Jesus,” Logan mumbled to himself, reclining in his seat and widening his eyes at you; you could only nod. Jesus.
With Erik and Charles opting to keep to themselves, the rest of the journey went swimmingly- immediately upon landing you wasted no time in departing from the suffocating air of the cabin; luxuriating in the deep breaths of fresh, evening air that greeted you. 
“We need to find somewhere to rest.” Charles spoke from behind you, “The drive to the next spot is too long and we’re all exhausted.” He glared pointedly at Erik then, who simply sighed; as you allowed yourself a glance at him, it was prevalent that he too was plagued by fatigue. His cheeks were more sunken than before, his eyes drooping as he visibly struggled to hold himself up. You yearned to reach out, place a hand on his spine and simply hold him, aid him as he wrestled with the weight of the world upon his back. But then, as his eyes turned towards yours, the weight of the wedding ring upon your finger prevailed once again; you could only turn away. 
Hank managed to find a group of last minute rooms at a nearby motel, though as he returned to the reception's waiting area, keys in hand, his nerves were ever-prevalent. “I only managed to get three rooms; two have two beds and another has one, I was thinking-” 
“I’m taking the solo room,” Logan ordered, snatching the key from Hank’s hand and sauntering down the hallway, though not without sending a wink over his shoulder at you. Bastard. 
“Oh-” Hank froze, the other keys dangling from his fingers- you could only watch as he winced, practically praying for you to forgive him with his eyes, “Charles, I doubt it would be safe for you to be with Erik, so I guess…” 
You could only sigh, electing every ounce of confidence you could embody before standing, cutting Hank off once again before retrieving a key from his hand, without turning you spoke, “Well, come on then, Erik.” 
You felt his presence behind you, each of you electing to say nothing as you unlocked the haggard wooden door; its hinges creaking as you pushed open the door. Before you stood two double beds, an only-just-comfortable distance between the two. Nodding to yourself, you entered the room, your fingers twirling the keys nervously as you surveyed the room; you felt the air thicken as the door slammed behind you- you felt like prey finally being cornered by the predator. 
Erik cleared his throat behind you, the sound thick and grating, “I’ll take the bed beside the door; would you like to use the bathroom first?” 
You turned towards him, shocked by his kindness; he could only stare back at you, his eyes heavy-lidded and exhaustion tinting his features. “I- Sure.” You could only croak, opting to briskly enter the bathroom; afraid of irrationality taking over your lovesick mind. Reaching behind the shower’s curtain, you turned on the water before stripping off your clothes, the sound of your ring clattering against the sink as you placed it down caused you to flinch, knowing that Erik would be all too aware of your every move from the other side of the door. 
You took your time in the shower, breathing in the warm steam and collecting yourself after the events of the day, collecting yourself in preparation for the events of the night that was to come. You could do this, even if it meant a sleepless night whilst Erik lay only feet away; whilst the object of all of your nightmares lay only feet away. It reminded you of a night, a night a long time ago; in a motel room just like the one you were in, his skin against yours; his breath hot against the base of your throat as he had slowly stripped you of your clothes, as he had kissed every inch of you. It reminded you of his pants as he pushed into you, his groans as he buried his sweat-coated forehead into the skin of your shoulder, biting and licking and sucking there as you became one. The way that he had moaned his love for you into the skin there, your responsive moans loud and uncaring as you had clawed at the skin of his back, gripped at the hair upon the base of his head- 
Stop; you shut off the hot water, stumbling from the shower as you panted, your cheeks and chest red with warmth as you desperately attempted to remove the memory from your mind. Gripping the porcelain of the sink, you eyed your pathetic reflection; willing, begging, yourself to let this go, let your silly daydreams go. This was reality, your reality. Getting through the night was the only necessity you needed to accomplish, then you could avoid Erik and promptly never see him again. 
You could go back to your husband, back to your life. 
Undeniably however, you couldn’t ignore the way Erik made you feel, the way his mere presence made you feel. Adam’s influence upon you paled entirely in comparison, your obligation to return to him simply one of duty, one to appease your family, one to live the ‘perfect’ life- be the perfect wife. But you craved more, you craved better; for years you had chased and yearned for the way Erik’s slightest touch had made you feel- the way that his love encompassed every molecule of your being; the way that he had branded you for life, rendered unable to ever feel the way you had felt with him again. Your thoughts of Erik made you all too aware of how long you had spent in the bathroom.
How long you had spent, very obviously, avoiding him. 
You emerged from the bathroom in nothing but the oversized shirt you had packed hastily to sleep in; swiping it from the bed due to the short notice you had received in regards to this trip. You felt bare, naked suddenly as you left the bathroom to Erik’s piercing gaze. He sat, fully clothed, lounging against the headrest; allowing a pen to swirl around his fingers, dancing from pointer to thumb as his wrist spun. Entrapped, you could only stand there and stare; stare at the beauty of his powers, at the beauty of him. 
“It feels good,” He spoke slowly, carefully, allowing the pen to drop onto the sheets beside him, “To use my powers again; to feel metal.” 
You nodded, smiling politely, unsure of exactly what to say in response. You opted to stay silent, allowing yourself to walk past him and into your own bed, the crinkle of the duvet loud in the silent room, loud within the silence that was swelling between you. 
“You aren’t wearing it,” Erik spoke suddenly, his voice slicing through the silence; to your shock. Once you recovered, you simply crooked an eyebrow at him, to which he spoke; swallowing his words audibly, “Your ring.” 
“Oh,” You shook your head, staring down at your empty finger, remembering that you had placed it on the sink, “I usually-” 
“I can feel it.” He spoke, refusing to meet your eyes as he failed to prevent his thoughts from spilling, “I could sense the metal as soon as we left the building; I could sense your necklace, the rims of your sunglasses, the iron in your blood, and that ring.” 
His words turned to venom at the procurement of the final item, you watched as he grit his teeth; smoothing a hand over his head as his jaw clenched. Anger bloomed at the pits of your stomach in response, anger at his audacity to attempt to stake such ownership over you, “You were gone, Erik.” You spat, turning to him, anger blazing in your eyes; as reflected by the shock upon his face, “What? Did you expect me to wait around like a child? Wait for you to come back on the slim chance that it would happen?” 
Slowly, at the pit of his lungs, he formed a laugh; his head shaking as his fingers trembled once again, “You think so lowly of me, Darling.” 
“You left me!” You were yelling now, rising from the tangled bed sheets as your chest heaved with anger, heaved with the heartbreak and sadness that had plagued you for the consequent years following his departure, “You left me.” 
“I gave you a choice, Y/N. You chose Charles, you were more than welcome to come with me.” 
You shook your head, scoffing, “Well… if I had gone with you; I would be dead by now.” Your tone held a sense of finality, as supported by your return to the bed as you promptly turned your back to him, curling up under the duvet and refusing to face his reaction to your words. His response followed in the slam of the bathroom door as he promptly left the room; leaving behind the stale air of your own regret. 
It felt like hours as you waited, wondered; hoped for him to come back. Hoped for the two of you to forget the words that had been said, to sleep comfortably in your separate beds and complete this mission as peacefully as possible; to go your separate ways and live your separate lives once again. 
In the depths of these daunting thoughts, you fell asleep; the exhaustion of the day’s tensions taking hold as your eyes slipped closed. You woke, hours later, to the moon’s rays spanning throughout the room; a ghostly glow hanging in the air as you rubbed at your eyes, glancing to your side, Erik was fast asleep; his sharp edges and soft hair illuminated in the scant light- you allowed yourself a moment, just that moment, to take him in. Drink in the features you hadn’t faced in almost a decade, the features you longed to reach out towards; to trail a finger down his jaw or scratch a nail upon his hair. His hair was wavy, a slightly damp smell filtered throughout the room told you that he too had taken the opportunity to shower. 
The thought of his broad shoulders and lean back illuminated by the spray of hot water did nothing to help the swarm of doubt swirling within your gut. Shaking your head, you reached into the bag beside your bed; fetching the box of cigarettes stashed within one of the inner pockets. 
Then, barefoot and in just a shirt, you shouldered open the room’s door, balancing a cigarette upon your lip as you did so before promptly lighting it, traversing the motel’s corridors silently before reaching the fire escape. Hoisting yourself upwards, you climbed up the ladders before finally reaching the building’s roof. The night was clear, quiet; the only sounds emerging from the distant highway and subsequent traffic- you listened out for any signs of disruption as you lowered yourself to the roof, allowing your legs to dangle from the side of the building. 
The silence of the night and the goosebumps prickling at your bare arms allowed the tears to emerge; it allowed them to pour down your cheeks, for snot to bubble at your nose and for your lips to tremble with unkempt sobs. You allowed for your hurt to take hold, for your hurt at Erik’s words and actions and simple presence to take hold. But then you allowed your hurt towards yourself to unfold; for allowing yourself to end up here, in this situation- living this life that you had manufactured for yourself. 
You couldn’t go back to that motel room, but most notably you couldn’t go back home. You couldn’t bear it anymore; the stresses of being within that barron manor were becoming too much to bear. If you couldn’t be with Erik, then you would rather be alone; somewhere far away, far away from here. You stewed upon this thought for a long time, as you lit your second, third and fourth cigarettes; it prevailed. 
Just as your fourth cigarette began to dwindle, the slam of a door sounded below you before hasty, alert footsteps lined the hallway. You rose, walking back towards the highest entrance of the fire exit before looking down; listening as the hurried steps continued, haggard breaths accompanying it. Opting to investigate, you lowered yourself onto the platform below before descending the stairs; entering the residential hallway of the hotel. There, at the end of the corridor stood Erik, the obvious source of the worried footsteps as his chest heaved; he was turning in place, visibly searching for something as he rushed down the hallway. 
“What-” You mumbled, slowly walking towards him as he had not yet spotted you. Finally, you decided to catch his attention; concerned as to whether there was some form of danger, “Erik?” You called, a hand shielding your eyes as you peered down the dark hallway. You watched as he froze at the sound of your words, his head snapping towards you as he drank in your presence, your appearance. 
“What the fuck-” He breathed, immediately shaking off his shock and advancing towards you, practically running as he reached you. Entirely unannounced, he swept you up into his arms; shaking as he lowered his head to your shoulder, practically breathing you in as he tightened his hold by the second. 
“Erik, what-” 
“What is your problem?” He pulled back almost as soon as it had begun, his breathing staggered as a blush covered his cheeks; he wore only the black tank top and sweatpants he had been asleep in, his hair a mess upon his head; as if he had just jumped from his bed, “I woke up and- and you were gone, your bed sheets were practically stale with how long you’ve been gone I-” 
“I’m fine.” You assured, catching his hands between your own as an attempt to calm him down; the worry he had been feeling now prevalent within the staggering of his chest and the blush at his cheeks, “I just went to have a smoke I- let’s get you back to the room.”
He nodded, his glassy eyes immediately beginning to droop as he allowed you to use your grasp on his hand to pull him down the hallway. Upon depositing him into his own bed, as you left to enter your own, a tight grip latched upon your wrist; you turned, only to be met with those blue eyes swarming with desperation, “Stay?”
You sighed, nodding reluctantly before crawling in beside him; allowing him to drape an arm over your waist, allowing him to rest his head upon yours. Before your departure, before the decision would be set; you could allow yourself this one thing, this one night of unplagued sleep as his comfort would ward away the nightmares that tended to tinge your nights. 
But, before you could fall asleep; Erik’s voice rumbled above you, “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You could only shrug, pressing your nose to his chest as you listened to his heartbeat, “Me too, Erik.” 
He moved backwards then, settling so that his face lay directly before yours; the tip of his nose rubbing against yours with each second breath. It seemed that he could only muster a whisper as he continued to speak, “You have nothing to be sorry for.” His eyes grew wet as he spoke, his head shaking slightly as he smiled sadly. 
“Erik.” You whispered, your voice soft with contempt as you raised a hand to his cheek; brushing away the tears that had begun to fall there. Feeling him swallow against your wrist, you could only watch as his eyes flickered downwards, just as your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. Before you could register, he had moved; his lips pressed to yours as your cheeks grew wet with his steadily falling tears. Your mind allowed nothing else but to kiss back, to shift your leg upwards and to caress his cheek with your thumb. He kissed you earnestly, slowly; as if approaching a terrified fawn, testing the waters as to what you would allow him. You could practically taste the desperation perspiring his tongue, as you assumed he could yours. You would take anything, trade any parts of your wretched souls if it meant that you could feel this forever; feel the warmth of his tongue sliding against yours for every waking moment that remained. 
Erik pulled back then, only to lower himself; his mouth hot and needy against your throat, his hands trailing patterns against the skin of your stomach; becoming exposed as your shirt had rode upwards. His ministrations rendered you only able to lay there and pant; to bask in the feeling of being needed, wanted. Truly, ferociously. 
As he began to paint a trail of kisses down your stomach, something changed; something shifted in his demeanour. His hands, beginning to pull your thighs upward, were shaking and whilst his lips were forming kisses, they were forming words too. As you raised yourself to rest against your elbows, you finally heard the words forming within his mouth, “Please don’t go back to him.” He was whispering, pairing the almost unspoken words with a gentle kiss to the nearest area of skin; he was crying again, his eyes glistening with fresh, unshed tears as he burrowed his face into your skin. It seemed as if he was afraid to let you go, practically burrowing himself into your being, with the hopes that you would stay. 
“Erik, Erik wait-” You spoke urgently, lowering your hand to his chin before pushing him away; he stared up at you through his glassy eyes; his hair ruffled and cheeks rosy. Confusion graced his features at first, though he soon registered the concern in your eyes and realisation visibly dawned upon him. 
He removed himself from you then, moving to sit at the end of the bed; the duvet splayed around his waist as he sat with his legs crossed. He seemed to take a moment to compose himself, wiping at his mouth and running a finger over his teary eyes, “I’m sorry Y/N, I- it’s not my place to tell you what to do.” 
Instantly, you crawled towards him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling yourself into the space between his legs; you felt his cheeks crinkle as you pressed kiss after kiss to his face, but you could still sense his confusion, his doubt. “I knew I would be leaving him the moment Logan mentioned your name, whether you were coming with me or not.” You stroked his hair as you spoke, caressing your fingers through the thin tendrils of oaky brown hair that adorned your lover's head. Erik grinned then; his teeth shining as he practically mooned up at you, he kissed you again then; pulling you in and deeper into his lap. 
Before you could push him onto his back, before you could lower yourself upon him and mobilise the groans that would fall from his mouth; he abruptly straightened up, untwining his hand from beneath your shirt and raising it in the air- your wedding ring flew towards the two of you, hanging in the air before Erik made a flicking motion with his fingers; you could only gape as the ring flew through the open window and into the darkness of the night. 
“Erik!” You squealed, hitting at his chest as he laughed loudly, unabashedly. Despite being secretly pleased, you couldn’t allow him to know that. “That was expensive!” 
“I can find you better,” Erik grumbled against your chest, burrowing his head into your shirt and inhaling unashamedly, “That one wasn’t you anyway, I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that ghastly thing on your finger.” 
The only response you could have mustered in that moment was to shove him back against the bed; silencing him with the warmth of your own mouth.
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berberriescorner · 26 days
How would rio and y/n react if marcus brings a girl home?
Okay, so my imagination ran wild with this one. It's a bit lengthy, but hopefully you’ll enjoy it nonetheless. I’m glad to finally have gotten a bit of a creative spark. Hopefully, I’m not rusty. Please excuse any grammatical errors. This isn't heavily edited and I went with the flow. It would be greatly appreciated if you all love, comment, and reblog. Please understand (I know some get tired of hearing it but it’s important) that writing fanfiction takes time and dedication. Then there is the fact that it’s free. Tapping the love button is cool, but it’s the reblogs that help writers. Try to keep that in mind 💓.
Word Count: 3,500+
Warnings: A bit of fluff, laughter, and a little *cough, a hefty piece of* spice.
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The aroma of garlic wafted through your newly renovated kitchen. It had been an early Mother's Day present from Rio and the babies. Your husband swaggered into the kitchen fresh out of the shower. He watched you stir the pasta and smiled as you made a mental note aloud to add more cream cheese. The deep timbre of your husband's voice startled you.
“Stay put mama. I'll grab some for you,” he rasped, lips brushing the side of your neck. His hand left a gentle squeeze on your hip.
“Damn it, Chris. Baby, I told you to stop sneaking up on me like that. I should've known your stealthy, fine ass was nearby. The scent of your cologne and body wash should've given you away.”
He stepped back over to the stove adding cheese. You shivered as his fingers danced up your spine, curling around to the front of you. You hummed as his hand lightly cupped your throat. As if your body knew exactly what he wanted, you tilted your head, angling it so he could gain access. Rio’s lips trailed light kisses up your neck, across the jawline.
“Food smells good, darling. When we eatin’?”
You chuckled, slapping at his hand as his finger dipped into the alfredo sauce.
“Boy! Get your fingers out of my pan.”
“Damn, ma! I can't get a little taste. Come on, mama. Daddy’s hungry,” he groaned.
“That's on you. Shouldn't have skipped lunch.”
Rio kissed his teeth, swatting your bottom playfully.
“You know I was handling business, sweetheart. Don't start,” he teased.
“Let that have been me not eating. You would've jumped in my shit.”
His head shook in disagreement, “Mm no. I would've just brought you some food and insisted you eat.”
“Last time I brought you lunch it turned into an argument.”
“Cause you don't listen. You know you weren't supposed to be anywhere near that warehouse. It was a matter of safety. Where that's concerned, you'll always come first, mama.”
You couldn't help but smile and roll your eyes at the sweet sentiment.
“Whatever, bossy ass. We’ll eat once the oldest baby boy gets here.”
“That's right it's our weekend,” he perked up.
Though there were times Rio wished he could see his son every day. He knew that Marcus was both his and Rhea’s pride and joy. Rio was thankful that they had a healthy co-parenting relationship. Joint custody had always been smooth with Rhea. She'd never dream of ever keeping their son away from his father. He was grateful that they both managed to move on. They both found love again, remarried, and everyone seemed to get along just fine. Rio loved that you and Rhea found friendship in one another. Your kids adored Rhea just as much as Marcus did you.
“Oh, you thought I was making this fire-ass pasta for you? Nope, Zaddy this for my oldest baby boy,” you teased Rio playfully.
“That’s fine! So long as I get to choose my dessert,” he rasped, his eyes scanning over your body.
Your eyes met, both nibbling at your bottom lip. Just as you were about to dive deeper into the topic, Alexa announced someone was at the front door. You tapped your phone screen, turning on the ring doorbell’s mic.
“Rhea, stop acting like you don’t have a key. Bring your beautiful self into this house.”
You smiled as she giggled her way through the front door.
“We’re in the kitchen,” Rio called out.
“Boy! Stop all that yelling. You wake that baby up and it’s your ass.”
Your husband kissed his teeth, “last I checked this was our house,” he mumbled, walking over to Marcus and pulling him into a bear hug. “What’s up, man?”
Marcus answered his question, immediately following with, “Can I go check on the baby? Where’s everybody else?”
“Rudeness. Are you forgetting something,” Rhea questioned her eager teenager.
She chuckled as he looked at her in confusion as she continued, “Your bonus mama is burning in this kitchen. Probably for you. Did you say hello? Or maybe thank you? Where is her loving,” Rhea jokingly scolded her son.
“Sorry, ma. He replied shyly, hugging you tightly and kissing your cheek. “Thank you for cooking my favorite food.”
“It’s cool handsome,” you started, pinching his cheek. “The kids are in the theater room and the baby is down for the night, but go on up and steal a little sugar.”
Just as he was about to excuse himself, Rhea interrupted him, “Not so fast young man. You’re not slick. Don’t you want to share the news?”
“Mami,” Marcus whined.
“That’s okay, I'll tell them. Go on, scaredy cat.”
Marcus made his escape as Rhea turned back to you and Rio. She bypassed him, linking her arm with yours.
“Come, chica. I’ve got some chisme for you.”
Your husband, the big baby he is, groaned, “Nice to see you too, Rhea. Why am I not included?”
“Are you not in the room? You are included, fool,” Rhea teased.
“Chris, baby. I love you, but hush. I'm trying to see some.”
Both women laughed at him as he rolled his eyes and went silent.
“ Marcus sat down with us sometime last week. Said he wanted to invite his lady friend over for dinner. Our baby has a girlfriend, sis.”
The two of you stared at one another, several seconds passed. As if he was expecting it, Rio sighed, running his hand down his face as the two of you started squealing like school girls.”
“Mama, Rhea, the baby,” he reminded the both of you.
You both clapped a hand over your mouths, silently giggling.
“What's her name? Have you met her? The parents?”
“Baby, chill,” Rio chuckled.
You looked at him, studying him for a moment. Head tilted, you questioned, “You already knew. Didn't you?”
He smirked, “You already know the answer to that, mama. You know I stay ten steps ahead.”
“He told you first,” Rhea questioned.
“Listen, he asked for advice on girls a while back. I suspected then he had his eye on somebody. I played it cool. If you ask too many questions, he’ll shut down. We had the talk. About a week after that. Marcus told me he was talking to someone.”
“The talk,” you and Rhea said in unison. “Should we be worried about where this is going?”
“Ladies relax. It's better to have it early. Just to be on the safe side.”
“You gave him condoms. Didn't you,” Rhea snarked.
“Are you ready to be a grandmother? I mean I’d be the coldest abuelo out here, but let's try to prevent that from happening.”
“He brought her home for dinner the other day. She's so sweet and shy. Her name is Isabella, but she goes by Isa. He's got his papi’s taste. She's Afrolatina, a beautiful young lady!”
“Okay! I see my boy! He found him a woman who embodies two of the most important women in his life,” Rio praised with pride.
“The mom seems to be well-rounded. Surely we don't have anything to worry about,” Rhea insisted.
“The both of you were sweet and shy when I first met you. Need I say more? Then there's those stories your mom told me about your teenage years,” he smirked toward you.
“Sneak one damn boy through your window and you never live it down. Kiss my ass, Christoper,” you cackled, flipping him the bird.
Rio puckered his lips, bending down, laughing as you mugged his forehead.
“Sis! Your ass was hot back in the day, huh?”
“Chill on my wife. Tell me, how old were you when we had Marcus?”
Rhea kissed her teeth, “He got a response for everything, huh,” she asked you. “Anyway! He wants you all to meet her. Can he invite her over for dinner tomorrow?”
Rio smiled at you bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“I take it our answer is yes, mama?”
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After a stressful Saturday afternoon, Rio stepped into the foyer of his home. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as he welcomed the delicious smell of lemon herbs, and the smell of your perfume wafted through the air. Sandals tapped across the wooden floor, Rio’s lashes fluttered open, dancing at the sight of you meeting him at the front door.
“Hey Papa,” you started, smile faltering. You could sense the heaviness of his day. “Long day, baby,” you questioned.
His head tilted to the side, an appreciative smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Rio’s hands cupped your side pulling you into a tight hug as he buried his head in your neck. Breathing you in again, his lips tickled the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“Shit was hectic, but I’m sure some kisses would make me feel better,” he whispered in a sultry tone.
Your hands brushed against his chest, as you tip-toed to reach his lips. He chuckled at your struggle to reach his lips, meeting you the rest of the way. Your lips danced together in soft, slow strokes. The sound of footsteps speeding down the steps interrupted the lip lock.
“Ma! Pops! You’re not going to be doing all that in front of Isa, are you? Why’s it so quiet around here?”
You giggled as Rio reared his head back. “I’m sorry son, I didn’t know you paid bills around here. Y’all be forgetting this my house…our house,” he corrected when you lightly cleared your throat.
“Your siblings can be a lot. We wanted to have time to focus on getting to know your girlfriend. I managed to arrange a night with Nana. They’ll be back tomorrow. She can meet everybody next time we have her over. Don’t worry, baby. Papi and I promise to be on our best behavior,” you teased Marcus.
“I ain’t promising nothin’. Listen, I’ll kiss my wife all I want, bro. Don’t be mad I’m the only one getting kisses around here,” he joked, giving Marcus a playful shove.”
“Pops, chill on me. Who said I ain’t got it like that?”
Rio cackled, dapping Marcus up. The laughter between the two stopped abruptly when they saw you standing straight-faced, head tilted, and arms crossed.
“I’m pretty sure I can speak for your mother when I say this. You better be acting accordingly with that young lady. Nothing short of being respectful is acceptable. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Your eyes landed on Rio, “Then I got you over here gassing him up.”
“My bad, mama. We’ll tighten up.”
“That’s what I thought,” you finished sauntering off to the kitchen.
 Rio turned back to Marcus and they both dapped each other up silently.
“It’s like that, son?”
“I learned from the best,” Marcus responded.
“My boy. Seriously though, not too much. Take things slowly. You have a lot of life to live. Don’t let thinking you're grown get you in trouble. You bring a baby home, and that’s ya ass. Papi can’t save you from the mama squad. If you can’t wait, do at least three things for me. Wrap it up, don’t do it in mine or your mom’s house, and don’t play with her feelings. You better plan on sticking around. Don’t be that guy, son. We’ve raised you better than that.”
“Yessir, I give you my word, pops.”
Rio embraced Marcus and gave his shoulders a firm squeeze as they pulled apart.
“You nervous,” Rio asked as the doorbell sounded.
“Just promise me you won’t let Ma pull out the photo albums.”
“Listen, I’m a man of many talents, but telling that woman not to do something almost always has the opposite effect. Ma listens when it counts,” he smirked, biting his lip.
“That’s information I honestly didn’t need to know, Dad.”
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The first twenty minutes had been hilarious. You, Isa, and her mother all silently laughed at the way Isa’s father stumbled over his words while making introductions with Rio.
Apparently Marcus nor his girlfriend had taken the liberty of giving the poor man a heads up. He had suspected that he was going to assert himself as an overprotective father. One look at Marcus’ father and his bravado and puffed-out chest had deflated. Christopher wasn’t about to be checked by anyone and little did they know, neither were you. 
Dinner had gone by smoothly. The two of you succeeded in not embarrassing your son, as did her parents. Isa was a sweet, shy, and intelligent girl. You both loved her for Marcus. The teens had asked permission to have a movie night in the family theatre room. All parents agreed that it would be okay so long as it wasn’t unattended. You had even offered for Isa’s parents to join. Her father needed to finish up some work at home, and Rio along with Marcus, offered to drop her home in a few hours. 
As the parents you opted, to sit in the back row of home theatre seats to give them some sort of privacy. You didn’t want to crowd them too much. That and you knew with certainty that Rio was going to get handsy as soon as the lights dimmed. Twenty minutes of screen time had barely passed before his hand started a soft, tingling trail up your thigh. You allowed his fingers to make it inches away from the place he desired before swatting at him. His heated gaze met yours and the left corner of his mouth tilted up as he mouthed the word, “Why?”
Your head cocked to the side as you looked at him as if he were crazy. You sucked your teeth, pointing a finger in the direction of the kids. Rio wrapped his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to whisper in your ear, “Oh you really thought I was cold. You know why I pulled this blanket out, mama.” He laughed as you rolled your eyes, shoving him away from you. 
“Do that again and I’m sitting in my own lounger,” you sassed.
“All this space and you want to sit by yourself. Don’t be like that, mama.”
You had glanced in the direction of the children to see if they had overheard, but froze as you saw their hands inching closer to one another. Your hand tapped the top of Rio’s repetitively to get him to look. The two of you shared a smile at the innocence of the situation. Marcus looked back as the two of you tried to focus your attention elsewhere. The teen shook his head as his hand shifted away some. The two of you kissed your teeth and the sound echoed off the theatre walls as Marcus shook his head and Isa giggled.
It felt as if you had ruined the moment, and Rio attempted to correct the situation. Clearing his throat he asked the room, “Anybody want chips? Popcorn? Something to drink?”
You caught on and joined in, “I could go for some ice water and we can share a snack babe. Let’s go round up some refreshments.”
The kids had started to decline, but the two of you left in a hurry.
Rio propped himself against the kitchen island with his hands clasped. You crept towards your husband smirking. Your arms wrapped around his neck and you asked, “How much time should we give them to be unsupervised?”
“That depends, mama. Are you trying to be a responsible parent or a laid-back one? Responsible would be in the realm of maybe five or ten minutes. Laidback–about twenty or so.”
Rio’s hands traveled the length of your back, down to your plush backside. With a gentle squeeze, he continued, “I’m leaning towards laidback, mama,” he rasped. “Maybe we can take that time alone to–connect ourselves.”
“You truly have a one-track mind. We are not about to do anything with a guest in the house. Do you know what teenagers can do in twenty or so minutes?”
“Mama, what’s the most that could happen?”
“Our last child happened in twenty minutes, Rio.”
“We were pressed for time, and I was down bad for you that night, mama.”
“You’re always down bad for me. Even at this moment, you are.”
“No lies told. If you know that, stop playing. C’mere, mama.”
Rio nibbled at your neck, even as you continued to protest, “Rio, seriously. We should head back soon.”
“C’mon, mama. Let that boy cook for a few minutes. I told him to take things slow and to never do anything like that under his mom’s or our roof.”
“Oh, and you think that’s gon’ stop him?”
“Why wouldn’t it?”
“This is coming from the man, that was giving me backshots under his grandmother’s roof last Christmas.”
“We’re married with a ton of children. Trust and believe, she knows you’re getting handed pipe left and right, mama.”
“You get on my damn nerves. Always got a response–.”
The sentence came to a halt as Rio’s hand slipped into the opening of your dress, tugging a nipple through the silk material of your bra.
“F-fuck, Rio, don’t.”
His lips hovered over yours. The minty freshness of his breath fanning across your bottom lip. He nipped at it before asking, “You really want me to stop, mama?”
“Pantry, now.”
With those two words, Rio picked you up, legs wrapping around his waist, as he carried you to the destination. The door softly clicked closed, as he pressed you against some of the shelving. Your lips collided, tongues stroking one another, battling for dominance. The hem of your dress shifted upward, bunching at your waist. Rio groaned as his tented dark wash jeans ground against your damp panties. A moan slipped from your lips and he shushed you.
“Gotta keep quiet baby,” he whispered as his lips moved to suck at your throat.
His lips continued to nip and suck at your flesh. His long muscular fingers tugged your panties to the side as two fingers massaged your folds before gliding in to slowly stretch you out. The delicious feeling turned you into a whimpering mess as your hips began to rock against his movements.
“Yeah, just like that, mama. Are you gonna be my good girl and come all over my fingers? Yeah, you are. Aren’t you?”
He leaned in, tucking into the side of your neck, and whispered, “Bite down on my shoulder if you need to, darling.”
One of your hands slipped under his shirt as your nails scratched at his skin. You leaned back and pleaded, “Choke me, Daddy. Keep me quiet.”
The minute his hand wrapped around your throat, Rio added a third finger, thrusting in quick, deep strokes. His lips pecked your lips as he groaned, “Come for me, mama. Make a mess all over my fingers.”
All you needed was one last stroke to send you over the edge, but everything came to a halt as you both heard footsteps coming toward the kitchen. The two of you broke apart, fixing your clothes at the speed of lightning. The moment the knob to the pantry door turned, Rio snatched it open, pulling it closed with a bag of chips and a case of soda under his arm.
Marcus eyed his father suspiciously before speaking, “Isa got thirsty and you two were taking forever. So I came to get her some fruit snacks and a soda.”
Rio handed him a soda and explained, “We were coming back. Your pops negotiated a little alone time for ya. Did anything interesting happen?”
Marcus blushed a bit and responded, “Pops, can’t we talk about this later? I don’t want to keep Isa waiting.”
“You right man. Here take this soda and I’ll bring the fruit snacks and the rest of the stuff. Ma and I will be right in. She had to take care of something right quick.”
“Alright, Pops. Thanks.”
Marcus made it a few steps out of the kitchen before ducking his head back around the corner. Rio had started to turn back toward the pantry as he spoke up, “Pops? Tell Ma she can come out of the pantry now. Next time aim for a place that doesn’t house the food we eat.”
“Yeah, okay, wiseass. You’ll understand when you get older and have your own meddlesome ass kids. Take your lady her beverage and mind your business. You just couldn’t let your daddy cook in peace. Could you son?”
You were mortified and could barely look your bonus son in the eye for days.
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Tagging some of my lovelies:
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114
@amorestevens @bisexuallyattractivebitch @1andonlytashae
@rio-reid-whoreee @lovedlover @astoldbychae @percosim
@ravennaortiz @sunshine-flower @novaniskye @alertyoulikeitsamber @realhotgurlshit @abcdestinyyyy @jannavaire
202 notes · View notes
sanspuppet · 7 months
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𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬 - 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
PAIRING: Yunho x fem!reader
RATING: smut (18+ MDNI)
W/T: colleagues to lovers, unprotected sex (do not), kinda rough sex, overstimulation, choking, mention of toys, creampie, pet names (doll, princess)
A/O: i want to thank @yuyusbunny for proofreading this fanfiction (i hope the next ones too) and helping me improving myself, lov u Laz 🫶🏻🫶🏻.
You were now walking down the street, your eyes clinging to your phone, searching for the nearest way to reach the bar that hired you the day before. You were messing with your left hand nervously, as you were trying to imagine your first day of work.
"It's very famous to be a bar, what if im not meant for it? Nah... they say the owner is very kind... i hope so."
Your best friend Jongho found this job for you, knowing that you were searching desperately for one, he was also a noticed costumer there, so when he mentioned you, it was almost like you were instantly accepted. Honestly you weren't into locals, that one was very well known in town, but you've never went there. A few minutes later, you were facing the entrance of the bar, the led writing with the name of it, as an attractor of attention. Flower, tiny trees and bonsais were decorating the outside, even if the local was recently open that morning, most of the tables were occupied by the people, drinking their coffees and eating something for breakfast.
"There it is..." you entered, hesitant, looking for your boss.
"Uhm... hello? Is there... a Jeong Yunho? Im y/n, the new employee." you asked at the bartender. He looked at you from head to toes, his smile making him look easily approachable.
"Oh, y/n! We finally meet, Jongho told me of you a few times. Wait a second, imma look for Yunho."
You leaned on your elbow on the counter, and tapped your fingers on the wood, while looking at the inside of the local. Soon after, you saw the figure of a tall man, heading towards you.
"Good morning."
you turned your head, looking at him. His low voice almost scared you for a second, despite his puppy eyes studying you. Meanwhile, you were already struggling to keep yourself composed:
"Shit, i didn't expect him to be this hot."
His black shirt, slightly unbottoned, was revealing his collarbones, and what it seemed the shadow of a tattoo.
"And he is supposed to be a barista??"
His cheekbones popped out when he smiled at you, revealing his sweet attitude.
"Im Yunho! Your boss, but i hope we'll get closer in the future, i'd like to be friends with my employees, if it doesn't bother you." You shaked your head, smiling back:
"Absolutely not! my name's y/n."
"My pleasure, come here, i'll teach you the work."
The day went great, the tasks were pretty easy, and you loved the chill mood created in that local, lounge bar music relaxing you and the costumers as they were waiting for you to serve their order. The only problem was that, everytime your boss was in your vicinity, checking you or just asking you to do something, your mind always blocked at his sight. No need to say because of his hotness, out of tune with his sweet personality, you'd say he's the perfect man.
"Y/n, can you come here?" you nodded and headed towards him, behind the counter.
"I need to teach you how to make coffee. You can't just be a waitress, right?" Yunho chuckled.
"Uhm... yeah, i think."
"Don't worry, it's pretty easy. We use instant coffee."
He turned, giving you his back, and took a few sticks containing the coffee mixture. Once he turned to look at you, he handed you one, smiling. Until that moment you didn't realize his hands, god his hands... slender, bony and veiny, his nails well taken care of. You shuddered when they made contact with yours, shivers running down your spine, fighting not to let yourself be carried away by your own thoughts, dirty thoughts.
"You have to pour the mixture in the cup." he gave you one, so you could copy his movements. You were quite slow in all you were doing, mind only focused on his long fingers, doing their job. You seemed... lost, or simply confused.
"y/n? you alright?" he asked, trying to figure out why you were so worked up from that easy tutorial. He then held the cup in front of your face, two fingers wrapped around the base of it. "You have to pour the boiled water slightly above two fingers, understand?"
"Wha- Oh, yes, yeah." you shook your head, trying to kick those pretty hands away from your mind.
"Then you keep stirring it until it looks good, easy right?"
Yunho grimaced, tilting his head to one side. He moved his hands on your shoulders, his fingers gripping at you. He then dragged them down your arms, slowly.
"You're so hot y/n." he whispered, his warm breath reaching your sensitive skin.
"W-what?" you felt your heartbeat accelerating from just that simple, innocent sentence. You looked at him, already panicking. He moved his right hand on your forehead, your mind was going to go on stend-by, from the feeling of him softly caressing it. You were surely developing the fattest crush you'd ever had, on him, your boss.
"You sure you're feeling good? i think you probably have a fever, your skin seems burning."
"Why does he have to be so handsome and adorable at the same time??" you said to yourself, unable to focus on his words, given his aphrodisiac beauty.
"Look at your cheeks, they're of a burning red." he caressed them, his thumb brushing the corner of your lips.
"It's because of you, dumbass." You moved your sight on his puppy eyes, probably unsuspecting the effects that his touch were giving to you.
"No, im okey." you murmured finally. Yunho moved his hands off of your body, and started to put away all of the stuff positioned on the counter.
"Uhm, anyways... the local is going to close soon, you can go for now if you want to."
You nodded, and made your way towards the door, almost forgetting it was made of glass... Well, not almost, because you bumped into it, making Yunho laugh.
The next days, and weeks, went similar: you simply did your new job. Went to work at late morning and got home at 7 p.m. You got used to that routine, you were well paid and had good company, perhaps the presence of your boss was what definitively convinced you to stay... hell ya, you were pretty sure he was the principal cause. Everyday he somehow found the way to touch you, making your insides fall apart in every single case: he'd move you away by grabbing your waist when he has to pass nearby, hold your hand when he'd accompany you to the back of the bar, or when you'd have your new nails done to get a closer sight, he also complimented your look every morning. In short: or he was the gentleman in person, or he was just clingy, or he also was infatuated by your simple existence. (No need to say that the last one was the one you hoped for so bad). At the end, you really became friends, after days of you joking and laughing together during work.
"y/n, i was wondering something." he broke the silence between you two, when he turned his head to face you, behind the counter where you were waiting for new costumers to come. You were quite nervous everytime you were alone with him: your foot kept beating on the floor.
"Uh-huh?" you murmured, focusing on the people sitting in front of you, both for not thinking of Yunho too much, and to make sure they were satisfied with your service.
"Today is Monday, right? So tomorrow we're open by the afternoon" his gaze glued to your pretty side profile.
"Yeah, i know" the feeling of his eyes sticking at you made your legs dizzy. "What's his purpose?" you thought.
"Wanna hang out later?"
"Oh no, he didn't-" you weren't mentally prepared to spend an entire evening with him, another touch from him and you were sure you'd fall on your knees for him, dick straight choking your throat. "Holy shit... and now?"
"Sure..." you couldn't deny, right? the worst thing that could have happened was that nothing would happen. In facts, you surely wanted him to just grab your hips and fuck you already. What? he couldn't just wear those skinny jeans and "accidentally" press his bulge against your ass, without expecting you to get horny. he was a freaking bastard in those moments, or he was dumb, or he liked the way you blushed and had your heart freaking out everytime he touched you, what a sadistic bastard. Yeah... you were definitely losing your mind, you craved for that man like a drugged craves for his drugs.
"Perfect! Give me your address, imma pick you up later, what about 8 p.m?" he took his phone, ready to take notes.
"shit, he's gonna enter my house"
"Uhm yeah, wait a second..."
A few hours later you were struggling to choose what to wear, still half naked from the shower you just took, hands grabbing dozens of dresses to look at them, trying to figure out which one to wear.
"if he told me at least where we're going..."
"should i wear just something cool?" "and if we go to a multi-star restaurant? i should be elegant..." "and if he takes me to his place?"
you suddenly heard the doorbell ringing, Yunho's voice speaking through the entryphone: "y/n? are you there?"
"duh... really??" you picked the first dress that caught your attention, wearing it while heading towards the principal door, you fixed your hair before opening it.
"Oh, here you are." he smiled at your presence.
"I need to do my make-up, it'll take a few minutes, come inside." you moved to one side, making him able to enter the house. He followed you till your bedroom, taking a look of the furniture, instead you entered the bathroom minding your own business. While you were putting on your mascara, you were staring at the reflection of Yunho through your mirror, and finally noticed how simply gorgeous Yunho looked: the smoking suit he was wearing fitted perfectly his slender body, the dark blue waist coat adhering to his chest. You lost yourself again inside your thoughts, your hands automatically moving and the figure of Yunho was only present in your mind. Once you got back to reality and exited your bathroom, you saw him sat on your bed, holding what seemed to be the buzzing toy you used to use during your desperate nights, and coincidentally, the night before was one of them. He was looking at it intensely, turning it around to see every detail. When he saw the small button he couldn't help but click it, making the vibrator starting to do what it was supposed to.
"Oh" a small whimper left his mouth as the toy he was holding started vibrating.
"No. nonono, fuck-" you ran towards him, intent on taking back what was yours.
"Give me that, Yunho." you took the vibration from his hands, holding it like it was your most intimate treasure.
"Uhm im sorry, i sat down and felt it under the blanket, didn't mean it." his innocent gaze turned quickly into a smirk, he leaned back on his elbows facing you while his body rested on the soft mattress of your bed, his legs open. "Didn't expect you to use that kind of stuff."
"I don't..." you tried to say, despite you perfectly knew that you sucked at lying.
"It's still wet." he chuckled, seeing your eyes widening, full of embarrassment, no wonder why your cheeks were of an intense red, and it surely wasn't because of your make-up. "Uhm-" you murmured, trying to think of a good lie this time.
"Don't lie to me, princess. You're a woman, it's normal to need some pleasure, right? Only thinking that looking at you, you'd easily get something way better than a vibrator."
You raised one eyebrow, asking again to yourself what were his wills: "What do you mean, huh?"
"Don't know, want me to prove it?" his smirk getting wider as he noticed you on the verge of your denial resistance.
"For now? No thanks im good with it."
"seriously? i had the chance to take him and i just wasted it? God, im so stupid." you wanted to slap your face right there, refusing yourself to believe what you just refused.
"Well, if you say so. Come on now, the restaurant is waiting for us."
He brought you to a famous italian restaurant, thank goodness that you were wearing an elegant dress, which as always Yunho complimented:
"You look so beautiful in that dress, the color matches your eyes perfectly." he said, when you both finished your dinner. The situation was quite embarrassing: you were constantly making eye contact, but not a single word leaving your mouth, expect a small murmur:
"Thank you, you're also very handsome..."
You didn't know if what happened at your house was only a joke, or his attempt to approach you, whatever it was, his previous proposal was now torturing your mind. After thinking of it a little too much you finally chose to just ignore it, and tried to enjoy some good time with Yunho.
"Oh God... he's drunk" you looked at his red face, chuckling while taking other sips of wine, his sight seemed fogged as he was trying hard to focus on your face when you talked:
"Yunho, you should stop drinking."
He laughed out loud, almost losing his balance, sat on his chair: "i can't! im so happy!"
"Why?" you asked, confused.
"Because i finally asked you to hang out with me!" he smiled, before standing up, already on the verge of falling, you stood up and immediately wrapped his arm around your waist, yours on his shoulder, helping him to walk straight. Your legs were shaking too, not because of the alcohol, but for the feeling of Yunho's finger gripping at your body, which drove you crazy. A smirk was continuously placed on his face, his head resting on the top of yours, as you were accompanying him to his car. You asked for its keys and sat in the driver's seat. You didn't know his address and because he was drunk he couldn't remember it, so you drove to your house. You were in your bathroom brushing your teeth and getting ready to go to sleep, once you got out, you found him already sleeping on you bed. You headed towards him, and knelt down to look at his tired face.
"He looks so cute... wait- and now? where do i sleep??"
You looked around, despite you hadn't another bed at your place, and there was no way you'd sleep on the floor, excluding your mini couch. You had no choice but to lay on your bed, staring at Yunho till collapsing from your tiredness.
The morning after, you woke up at the sunrise, when you turned your head to look for Yunho, you're heart almost stopped at the sight of his face a few inches from yours. His soft cheeks resting on the pillow made him look adorable. That moment felt perfect, until you moved your gaze down his body, and noticed his crotch pressing against the fabric of his pants, as if it wanted to escape from them, you widened your eyes, amazed:
"Jeez- he's pretty big..." you murmured, and suddenly frozen hearing Yunho yawning, having just woke up.
"what did you say, y/n? Wait... why am i laying on your bed?! W-what happened yesterday??" he immediately stood up, panick rushing inside his body.
"Nothing, you were drunk so i took you to my place."
He looked down at the feeling of his pants tightening, and gasped, knowing that you probably noticed it too, he moved his gaze at you nervously, then chuckled shyly:
"Uhm well... i should go now and take care of... the bar" he squeezed his eyes and sighed: "Yeah, the bar..."
The next weeks went as usual, just working and drooling secretly for your boss, handsome and kind as always. You were now sure that you loved him, what you kept asking to yourself was if he felt the same for you. And how could you prove that? Teasing him. Usually he was the one that "involuntarily" teased you in many ways. So you finally decided to test the waters, pretending to act normal as you were voluntarily driving him crazy. You actually acted like an annoying slut in his presence, rubbing yourself against him in every occasion, walking sensually, sure that his gaze was glued to your ass, sometimes you even vaguely flirted with cute costumers just to get him jealous. After only a week, you could tell that he was extremely on the verge of losing his patience.
It was late October, outside was raining hard and the bar was completely empty of people, just you and Yunho. He was looking intensely at you, while you were decorating a cupcake for fun, sometimes licking the cream off of your fingers joyfully. He sighed, arm crossed:
"Why you keep acting like this, huh?" he headed towards you, till he was just a few inches far from you.
"Like what?" you smirked at him.
"Like a slut, are you joking or just needy for cock? Tell me."
"Maybe both, don't know. Maybe i just need to get what im craving, don't you think?" Where did you even find that confidence all of a sudden? Was your whore side finally taking the control?
He got closer to you, the feeling of his heavy breath on your lips: "Uh-huh? And what do you crave so bad?"
you giggled, your heartbeat starting to accelerate: "Guess."
He sighed again, but this time a small smirk taking his way on his lips: "Come on doll, just stop joking around, i perfectly know you want me." he got closer, whispering at your right ear: "Just wondering why you didn't fuck me that night." You bit your lower lip, how many times you asked yourself the same question? "i don't even know, maybe you can ask me again to."
Yunho laughed, nodding. He took you in his arms, and make you sit on the counter, his hands on your sides to make you stay still. You could hear his heart pulsing quickly, yours was about to flutter, and the both of you inhaling deeply the air. He whispered again, his voice lower than ever:
"Wanna fuck, my beautiful?"
You chuckled: "who told you that im yours"
"Gonna mark you right now."
You whispered back: "Go on, then." Before he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him, kissing you passionately. Your tongues found their ways inside your mouths, his hands moving on every inch of your body, you could feel your skin burning under his touch. Thrill rushing in your blood as he sucked on your neck, leaving hickeys all over your sensitive skin, he was about to hike your t-shirt up when you stopped him:
"Yunho... the bar is open."
He rolled his eyes back and sighed: "Okey then, i'll bring you to my house, now." He took your hands, helping you to get down of the counter. He turned off the lights and the power of the place, you ran to his car while he was closing the bar. When you arrived, Yunho was already taking you in his arms, heading towards his bedroom. You giggled when he pinned you against the wall, him holding your wrist while you were stuck in a long, wet kiss. Small whimpers leaving your mouth, happy because you finally were trapped in his arms, horny because you were imagining what was coming next:
"Come on boss, teach me how to behave."
He groaned, looking intensely at your smirking face: "Oh fuck, i love when you call me that way" he sucked your earlobe, then murmured: "it gets me so hard, you can't even imagine." He gripped your waist, and throwed you onto the bed, leaving small kisses down your body, while he was dragging your clothes off of you, until you were completely naked. Shivers were running down your spine at the sudden cold feeling. He stood up, taking a complete look of your breathtaking body, his boner exposing his needs.
"God, you're soaking wet, all because of me." he chuckled, his chest expanding continuously as he was breathing heavily, while unbuttoning his shirt. Once he had only his boxers on, you were desperately begging him to go ahead: "please please please take them off..."
Yunho opened your legs, making room for himself. He pressed his bulge on your bare cunt, forcing you to whine annoyingly.
"You like when i tease you, don't you?"
"God im begging you please i need you inside me"
"Oh i see, should i give you what you want since you're acting so good for me?" he dragged down his underwear, his cock popping out, standing proudly: "Hmm?"
You kept nodding: "Yesyesyesyes-"
One hand held your thigh firmly as the other stroked his length a few times, preparing at the incoming pleasure he was about to feel. You arched your back when he finally pushed himself inside you, unbelievably hitting your g-spot with the first thrust:
"Fuck! Shit Yunho- s-so perfect..."
His hands were caressing your belly softly, unlike the way he was pumping in you roughly. He was too excited to finally have you, he couldn't contain himself and be gentle. No, he wanted to ruin your pretty hole so you would stop to seduce him and getting him hard during work.
"Now that you're so whiny, do you still wanna tease me?" he stopped, knowing that it would drive you crazy. He felt your walls clenching intensely, signaling him that you were "so close so close- please keep it in!"
"You're already reaching your orgasm, doll?" his cockhead rubbing against your clit, enough for you to roll your eyes back and suddenly creaming your folds. You moaned loudly, you're voice broken after only a few minutes. He leaned on you, his hands caressing your collarbones, feeling your chest widening under his palm.
"Too bad, because i haven't yet."
Yunho wrapped his fingers around your neck, squeezing it enough for you to breathe but not to groan. You looked at him with desperate eyes, feeling your soul almost leaving your body because of the overwhelming pleasure.
"i'll be forced to give you some days off, you're not going to walk for a week"
You wrapped both of your hands around his wrist, helping yourself to stay still while he was pressing you against the mattress. Every single thrust felt like heaven, there was no way he could be a virgin, he knew every spot where you needed to be touched. Yunho was also pretty loud during sex, your pussy fitted him perfectly, so much that he became addicted to it within the first minute. A mix of low and high moans were leaving his mouth constantly, he threw his head back once he felt his climax getting closer.
"Fuck you're so perfect for me, can't wait you to be mine."
Yunho took his hand off of your neck, and held your legs while he was pumping in you lastly. He bit his tongue forcefully, you were surely the best fuck he'd ever had. He didn't want to stop, despite the pleasure becoming too intense to be handled. Tears were falling across your face, feeling your pussy getting worshipped by his dick, too fucked out to even answer him:
"Want me to fill you with my seed, princess?"
You nodded slightly, biting your lower lip and rubbing away your ruined mascara from your eyes.
He pulled out and in, one time, rougher than ever.
"I want you to use your words when i speak."
You whined in reply: "Shit- yes boss, im begging you."
A few more thrust and he felt his orgasm hitting his body, releasing a big load, ropes of hot cum taking their way inside you, mixed with your own arousal. You both groaned at the addictive feeling. His cock was swirling once he finally slid out of you. Yunho headed towards the bathroom and brought you a towel, he caressed you inner thighs while cleaning you from the mess he made. He kissed your body repeatedly, getting closer to your face. He stopped at the sight of your surprised expression:
"Aftercare?" you asked.
"What? I might be a rough dom but im still a gentleman."
Yunho joined you on the bed, and wrapped his arms around your body in a warm hug. He moved your hair from your face leaving a small kiss on your forehead.
"Gotta make sure you'll never leave me."
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miranyx1337 · 4 months
Alastor x Reader
Tags: fluff (for now ) enemies to lovers, kissing, being protective, cuddles, sleeping problems, flirting, possesive reader is an angel, fem reader
so enjoy this angel y/n x Alastor fanfiction.
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The portal was just about to shout when I decided to pull my wrist away from my mother's gentle hand. The rush of my wings echoed through the abyss as I plummeted into the darkness. I closed my eyes. The desperate scream of my name immediately faded into nothingness as I came to hell just after lucifer daughter.
Dizziness enveloped me as I opened my eyes to a realm of strangers, their curious, disgusted, and unsettlingly smiling gazes fixed upon me. Only two faces seemed familiar, and a sinking realization of the dire situation I was in gripped my soul.
Alastor anticipated the return of two birds from heaven. Little did he expect that they would bring an unexpected guest. The thought of joking about a change in hotel profession crossed his mind. But the gravity of the moment silenced any trivial remarks.
As the clear blue eyes peered at him above shiny white hair, a sensation of swallowing saliva overcame him.
A true guest from heaven," he mused, his emotions were a complex blend of deep admiration and an unspoken desire to shatter this celestial beauty. The finest trophy he could ever possess.
He extended his hand towards the luminous figure
I ignored a demonic hand reaching out to me. With one swift movement of my wings, I found myself at the other end of the room. As I stood on my feet and the momentary adrenaline faded, sharp pain get through me. I landed on my knees, slightly dazed.
"My wing is broken."
Since childhood, I couldn't help but admire my six wings, always well-groomed and shining, my trademark. Now, the upper ones drooped, broken in half. Snowy-white feathers, wincing in pain as more of them fell off.
I won't lick my wounds quickly, which means I won't return home anytime soon.
The exiled daughter ran up to me, and I leaned on her shoulder. She and the white-haired one were probably the only ones I could trust.
"Listen, I don't know if they will come for me, but you need to know something."
I directed my gaze at the nearby onlookers, demons staring at me as if I were a freak, and creature of sin. Red, smiling eyes pierced through me, and I couldn't look away. The demon looked at his outstretched hand, then withdrew it behind him, seemingly surprised. Smiling nonchalantly, he spoke, "Don't worry. You can trust everyone in this room."
"No. Please, let's go to another room." I looked desperately at her, squeezing the forearm with my pale hands.
"Alright, then," she nodded, gripping my arm tighter. "And you guys, prepare a bandage, something to drink, and... call my father."
As soon as the door closed behind us, I began searching the room when I felt clawed fingers on my shoulders, instantly turning me around.
"Can you trust me, please?"
"Okay, FIRST, why did you do that? Did they make you spy?"
"Listen, Charlie," I said, now I'm the one holding her shoulders. "You're right. There is an evidence that souls can be redeemed."
Disbelief was painted at her angelic-demonic face. She analysed my words and sincerity. "Adam. He wasn't originally in heaven. I don't know how he got a pass, but I have undeniable evidence that he originally ended up here."
Suddenly, everything made sense, and the girl connected the dots. Still, with wide eyes, she stared at me.
"So, that's why," she stuttered.
"Yes, it would be a disaster if it turned out the first redeemed soul didn't deserve it. He'll try to hide the truth in every way, even if it means bringing hell down …. and killing me.
Tears welled up in my eyes. How did I get involved in this? I should never have ended up here, let alone conspiring against heaven. I was no longer safe there.
Tiny arms with the smell of sulfur and angelic musk embraced me. Exhausted, I let tears flow down my cheeks. It's a shame I didn't notice the nosy egg tucked under the bed and the radio demon standing right behind the door holding a sinful kiss on a small shiny feather
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trina864 · 9 months
Teases and Intercourse | J.JK
Summery: Jungkook and you makes a deal, that he gets to do whatever he wants, the next week. Monday he starts out slow. Paring: Jungkook x Brat!Reader Lyric: "Show you what devotion is..." Genre: Fanfiction, Romance | Smut, Fluff Word Count: 4.3K Chapter Guide: Monday Previous / Next Warnings: Female reader. Explicit words. Kissing. Making out. Shirtless Jungkook. Naked reader. f2l. Friends having oral sɛx. Fingering, f!receiving. Oral sɛx, f!receiving, m!receiving. 69. Face riding. Brat!Reader. Dirty talk. Deep throating. Jk kinda shoving readers head over his d!ck. Unprotected intercourse. Reader and Jungkook is not a couple. Taehyung is their friend. Parties at Tae's place. ‣ A/N: Frist one in the series. Seven is the best thing to ever happen, and I mean it. I love it so much, I got so inspired that I had to write. Let's see how this turned out, hope you like it!
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Jungkook's and your relationship is hard to put words on. You are not a couple, not friends with benefits, you are simply just Jungkook and Y/N.
Your mutual friends have asked each one of you when it's time to put a title on you, but neither of you can give a pleasing answer.
But there's a good reason to it being like this. A reason which makes it impossible for you to commit to a serious relationship with him. The both of you are really bad at commitment.
Even if you wanted to be in a relationship with him, you fear that you can't stay with only him, and you aren’t one for an open relationship.
You have kissed before, at Taehyung's parties. You have made out in front of all your friends at an dare which Jimin had given you. You flirted wherever you went.
And yet it has never evolved to more than that, not when you both like to keep the cards open.
This is why it surprises you as much as it does when one Sunday morning Jungkook comes knocking at your door.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" You ask with a miserable tone. The hungover from last nights party is still evident.
Jungkook walks past you, inviting himself in, and plumps himself down on your baby green couch.
"Well I came to see you." He answer and smile. "How are you after last night?"
"Great." You say with sarcasm overflowing your voice. "No, I'm totally hungover. What about you? You seem fine."
"I am, I held again with the drinks, I know I can't handle them, unlike others." He looks at you with a sly look.
"Yea yea, I know, I can't handle all those drinks, but seriously a girl my age has to enjoy and live life." You defend, you don’t know why you have the need to explain yourself, maybe it's simply because it's Jungkook.
"I know" says Jungkook, "But there's another reason for why I held again yesterday."
"And why is that?" You ask and plump down on the couch in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook hesitates a bit, biting his lips as he usually does. Your eyes stay on his lips longer than you want them to.
"Jungkook, what is it?" You ask again.
"I want to have sex with you." The smirk that is covered on Jungkooks face lets you believe at first that it's a joke, and you reply with a hysterical laughter.
"Ahhh... You're so funny Jungkook." You say as you calm down, but as you look over at Jungkook and see the dead serious expression on his face you shrink in on yourself.
"Wait what, you're for real?" "Of course I'm for real." Jungkook replies looking rather offended. You don't know what to say, your friend, who has been that since your college times is standing in your home and revealing that he wants to have sex with you.
It's not like it's a big shocker for you, you've always known that Jungkook and you has a weird friendship on the edge of being more. And you will never forget how much this boy loves sex. You've never known anyone with as big a dirty mind as Jungkook. But even so it surprises you, where he found the courage to make a stunt like this with you.
Silence follows after, and your thoughts are running wild. Not only are you questioning why he all of a sudden does this, you're also considering his words and imagining if you two really did have sex.
Would it be as good as you've always expected? Or would it just be weird to have sex with a friend?
It's Jungkooks groan that breaks the silence as he throws himself back into the couch.
"Alright let me try again, because this is kinda awkward." He says all flustered and gets up from his seat only to walk over to you.
He towers over you. "I have a proposal for you, Y/N. We know we both want to have sex with each other" You’re about to interrupt him, but he shushes you. "Don't try to lie to me, you clearly don't remember, but you ranted to me yesterday about how good i looked, and that you wanted to have me in your bed, and-" "Okay I got it." You say as you finally understand why he is doing all of this now.
It's your own fault. Your memory opens up for one particular memory that happened last night.
Jungkook has always looked good in black, but his outfit tonight is something else. You walk up to him and he smiles as he sees you. "Y/N! Hey what's up?" Your eyes are focused on his lips and Jungkook notices this right before you get on your tippy toes and pulls him into a heated kiss. He doesn't resists, to be honest he had hoped something like this would happen when Taehyung asked him to come to the party. "Want you Jungkook." Your drunk self whispers in his ear. It makes him shiver and if you weren't this drunk he would've taken you right now.
"What's the proposal?" You sigh and rub over your face. The embarrassment you feel is not invisible to Jungkook and he smirks as he proceeds,
"This next week, I get to do with you whatever I want. You know my kinks and turn ons better than anyone, and I know yours, I wont do anything which I know is uncomfortable to you. After the week we go back to what we are now." He says it like it's so simple, like it makes perfect sense to do something like this.
"So what? You want me to be your play toy for a week?" Jungkook shrugs, "If that's what you want to call it, I would say lover, but hey! That's just the romantic part in me speaking."
There is a look in Jungkooks eyes filled with all the different ideas he has for the week, a dark sinister look.
Your own body starts heating up thinking of all the things Jungkook could do with you. He was right when he said no one knows your kinks better than him, how many times haven't you talked with Jungkook about kinks and turn-ons.
It’s a miracle that you haven’t had sex yet.
Even with your thoughts flying, considering if it would be weird after, or if it would change everything between you and Jungkook, you know there is no other answer than yes.
But you won't give in that easily, the brat in you can't allow that.
"I don't know Jungkook, I'm not sure you could satisfy me." Jungkook catches the sarcasm in your voice, and he feels relieved that you are slowly agreeing to his crazy idea. He wasn't sure you would say yes, and even if he hide it well, the nervousness would not leave his body before now.
His eyes darkens at your comment, they're hypnotic to you whenever they do that. "Oh you don't think so?" He asks walking closer to you and taking your chin in a strong hold.
"No I really don't." You say. "I'll have to show you then."
He squats down in front of you only to take your lips in a heated powerful kiss. You moan into the kiss as his hands explores your thighs and hips, lastly finding their spot on your waist.
Your own hands tangles in his hair, and pushes him forward into you.
As fast as it starts as quickly it ends and Jungkook pulls back.
"Ah ah," He say as if scolding a little baby "The deal starts tomorrow, not today, I asked for a week so that's what I'll get."
You whine, but get an idea.
"Why don't you just stay here then?" You ask and you lean back on the couch.
"Stay here? What?" Jungkook takes his place beside you and swings an arm around you.
"Yeah, the deal starts tomorrow, and tomorrow starts at midnight. You could stay for dinner and movies, and then when midnight hits, we could finally start our deal." You say and hug Jungkooks arm closer to you.
"I don't see any problem with that, I don't have work tomorrow anyways, but what about your work?" He ask. "I work from home tomorrow."
And like that the deal is settled. The whole day you walk with butterflies in your stomach thinking about the deal. You and Jungkook uses most of the day binging series you've already watched and making food.
Taehyung came over shortly to drop off a coat you had forgotten the day before. To say that he was surprised as he saw Jungkook there was an understatement, but he didn't question it knowing that your relationship is impossible to understand.
As dinner is over and everything cleaned you two walk back to your room, talking about all and nothing, about the party, about your common interests.
You’re in the middle of conversing about drawing and which pencils you like to use the most when your alarm goes off and the clock hits midnight.
"You sat an alarm?" Jungkook laughs as you hurry to turn it off.
"Don't tease me! I just wanted to be sure when it was midnight." You say, but still Jungkook jokes about it. "Oh yea, eager much?"
"I'm not eager! I just wanted to be sure." You say and finally turn the alarm off.
"Mhm, and I just wanted to sit and do nothing when I made you that offer." He jokes a smug look on his face as he moves himself closer to you.
The air around you suddenly changes, there is no more laughter or sarcasm, instead the room fills with sexual desire.
Jungkook now moves very close to you. His tatted hand comes up to get a strand of hair out of your face.
His hand rests where your neck and jaw meets, and you feel yourself slowly turn into a puddle at the anticipation. "You and I would be the perfect couple y'know?" He says. "How so?" You ask with a hitched breath.
Jungkook pushes you softly back into the bed and slowly crawls up over your body. There he stays as he starts explaining himself.
"We both have the same interests, and we're similar in the way we joke around, yet we're not too much alike to bore each other. And of course there's the sexual aspect of it all." He say, smirking as his eyes scans over your face.
Jungkook moves down to kiss you which you happily agrees to, the kiss is not heated in the same way it had been earlier the day, it’s softer, slower.
"We're also both not into commitment." You say between kisses, "It would never work."
Jungkook smiles into the kiss, "Let's see about that."
None of you say anything after that, nothing is left to say. All that is left is the pleasure, the kisses, Jungkooks hands wandering all over you.
There is an eagerness over Jungkook which you can connect to the many times Jungkook has moved a little too close, a little too friendly compared to other friends.
This is his time to feel you, and you him.
He thrust down into you, soft and experimental. He tries again only to figure you out, how your body reacts, where you're most sensitive, all those things he still needs to learn about you. Third time he does it he hits something good enough to make you moan into his mouth.
He smiles succeeding into the kisses which are becoming rougher for every minute, and he thrusts again.
His hands wrap around your thighs, pulls you down aggressively and proceeds to wrap them around his own waist, all while the thrusts keeps going.
You whine as he breaks off the kisses and stops his movements down at your crotch. He looks at you with a smirk that you don’t like, and he says “We're gonna start out slow. No dick tonight."
You who can’t think straight makes a big fuss out of it. How can he rob you from that? How can he make you so flustered and then not give his cock to you?
"Ah, ah. No complaints." Jungkook says as his hand massage your thigh.
"But how am I gonna be satisfied if I can't get your dick tonight?" You sigh. Jungkook looks at you with a raised brow and a playful smile.
"I can make you scream for me to stop without using my dick. And that's a promise." You scuff.
You know he's right, but the brat in you will never admit to that.
"You don't believe me?" He ask. His eyes are filled with desire, his hand on your thigh goes lower and rougher.
"No, I don't" You say, and even though Jungkook can see right through you he jumps into the play.
"Well then I gotta prove it. Shirt and pants of, now." He commands as he lifts himself up from you. He watches with eyes that could be devastated as you lift your shirt off and button your pants down you are left in only underwear.
Jungkook attaches himself to your neck, kissing and sucking, the sounds he can make on your neck are sinful.
He helps you with the rest of your clothes, unclasping your bra, and pulling down your panties.
Only when you lay totally naked in front of him does he come of your neck to take a good look at you.
You're like a goddess to him, your body shines in front of him as if the sun is radiating off of you. The curves of your body and the rise of your chests are all like sweet pleasures in his eyes. Even though Jungkook had often wondered what you looked like this is nothing to compare to his imagines.
You shy in front of him, but he makes it his mission to make you comfortable when he crawls over your body and places himself between your legs, his hand goes through every curve and every dip, feeling them all up, feeling you up.
“You look so fucking alluring like this Y/N.” His lips trace the shell of your ear. Shivers goes down your spine, with how Jungkook makes you feel.
Your hands wander down to where his shirt tucks into his pants and you yank at the material nearly ripping it. He helps you slide the shirt off his body. As the shirt is off you nearly drool with red lustful eyes.
How was he this sexy, you knew Jungkook was trained and buff, but holy god, he's not just buff, it's the way his waist is formed, his shoulders broad and one covered in tattoos.
It's everything about him.
He uses the time of your admiration to slowly creep his hands up your thighs, and as he reach his desired destination he attacks it with skilled hands. Your mouth forms into an 'o' and your head falls back.
His long slim finger is circling around your clit, slow and easy, but the friction is enough to make you yelp into the arm you had thrown over your head. He lowers himself down to where his hands are, and you can only lay and feel as his breath fans over your throbbing pussy.
You were wet long before your clothes were off, but this only doubles the arousal and that is evident in the sounds it makes as his middle finger opens your folds and makes a long stripe down.
"Goddess, you're soaking, tell me it's all for me." He says and you shutter at the nickname. "Ah-! It's all for you Jungkook..." You manage to moan out and as you do his finger finally enters you.
The intrusion of his finger is unforgiving, and just a few pumps in and out later he adds another finger. He looks up at you while doing so and to say that you’re a hot mess is an understatement.
You’re grunting and begging, and the fact that you’re so fucked out only gives Jungkook more confidence as he curls his fingers inside you and hits your g-spot.
Why you are so obsessed already is a mystery, maybe it’s because you’re sex deprived, it had been months since your last hook up, or maybe it’s just because Jungkook is that good. To be fair you and Jungkook had build a sexual attention for years, now the bomb exploded.
You make eye contact with him. His eyes as lustful as your own. You can't think of anything else than the pleasure happening between your legs which only makes you messier in every movement you make.
Your hips curve against Jungkooks fingers and he adds a third finger. The stretch is perfect and you feel your orgasm move closer. "God! Jung- Jungkook please!" You yelp out and your hands yanks in the bed sheets. Jungkook smirks and the pace quickens as he feels your walls clench around his fingers. "What? You gonna cum?" He asks and blows onto your clit. "Mhm!" You whine out, you're not able to make any words in this moment.
"Need some help?" He asks and before you can even understand what he means his tongue attacks your clit. He laps at your clit swallowing all of your ambrosial juices, he moans when your hand intertwines with his hair and the friction makes your stomach clench.
As his teeth comes out to nip at your clit the water finally overflows and your body goes into overdrive, humping into his fingers and your legs practically locks around his head. Jungkook slurps all of your sweet arousal, every last drop he can get to and you have to peel him off you as it gets too much.
But as he looks up at you with an unsatisfied look, you know that he isn't done yet.
His hands grab onto your thighs hard, he turns you both around so he's lying on his back right under your cunt, and you're sitting on top of him.
"No Jungkook, it's too much." You say and sit lower on his stomach. "So you want me to stop?" Normally Jungkook would've backed away the minute you told him too, but he had made a promise, and he intended to keep it.
You remembered back to his words not too long ago, 'I can make you scream for me to stop and that's a promise.' and you know you can't stop now. You won't let him win this easily.
A daring expression covers your face and Jungkook doesn't hide his smirk. If there was one thing he had dreamed about doing with you it was face riding.
He wraps his hands around your thighs that are resting on either side of his head. The view of your cunt dripping with your previous arousal makes his dick grow in his pants and he knows he'll have to take care of it later.
It's Jungkook who yanks you down onto his face and before you can ask if he's okay, he's licking a big stripe over your entrance. You fall slightly back, your hands rests on his thighs and you lean on them to give Jungkook better access.
He takes his time licking and slurping, taking it slower this time than the first. You can already feel the overstimulation, your body is begging you to pull back, but you push it back and slowly a new pleasure overtakes.
"Fuck.. You taste like candy, I won't ever get tired of this." Jungkook mumbles into your cunt and you push down just a little with a smirk. "You like it that much, huh?" It's the first time Jungkook hears your voice normal after your high, and something in him gets turned on at your dirty talk.
Jungkooks dick grows enough to graze your arm on his thigh. You look back to see the bulge in his sweats, it's big and needy and you just have to turn your focus to it.
He chases your pussy as you get up. "What the fuck are you doing, get back onto my face." He says. You laugh at his comment, but also feel your walls clench. "Are you really this needy for my pussy?" You ask.
Before he can answer you turn around over his face, shifting spots between your right thigh and left thigh, and before he realizes what you're doing, you are again on top of his face.
He doesn't question the new position, he's too hungry for your honey like juices and his tongue does not take anything slow this time. His tongue goes in and out of you and his hands presses you further down to reach deeper into you. Every movement of yours halt at the familiar feeling of loosing every independent thought, you're lightheaded from the speed of Jungkooks tongue.
There is one thought that stays in your mind though, and you like a starved dog, rips Jungkooks sweats down and knead at his boxers where you feel his bulge.
He didn't expect it, he hadn't seen it coming when you turned around just moments before, but oh! He is not complaining. His eyes roll back and he thrust up into your hands. His tongue quickens the pace even more and he grunts as your pace too quickens.
This was not supposed to happen, you should have told him to stop by now, but he's so glad you didn't. This is better than anything he had planned for this night, and when you pull his boxers down and put his cock in your mouth Jungkook totally malfunctions.
Moaning and grunting into your pussy, mumbling something with "Ah- Fuck!", his tongue halts a bit, but never stops, and he actually can't believe that he are doing 69 with you right now. You can't either, but then again there is no thoughts going through your brain other than the pleasure.
You bob your head up and down as good and as precise as you can in this moment, but how good that is you have no idea. It's only cause of Jungkooks grunts and pleases that you think it's going well for you. But it's not enough for you, your head screams for you to take his cock deeper, so you do.
You deep throat him, pushing yourself onto him, and Jungkook looses it completely. His tongue stops the assaults at your pussy and instead he uses his energy to fuck into your mouth. "Oh Shit! Y/N, ye- yea like that." His hands come on top of your head and he pushes just slightly. Gagging around his cock, tears swell in your eyes, Jungkook would've stopped if it wasn't because he knows you like it.
You've always told him you like to be manhandled, to be pushed a bit further than others limits, and this is what you meant.
"Fuuuck, You take it so well, fuck yea! So good for me." He says and a drop of your arousal falls onto his mouth reminding him of what he had been doing before you so sneakily started sucking him off.
It's when Jungkooks tongue picks up where it left with the same pace that you falter. You hump onto his face while he fucks into yours. It's a cycle of pleasure going over you two, and it's just a matter of fact who cum first.
You're not in doubt that it is going to be you. You're already clenching and humping like a mad woman, and Jungkook has in some way regained his mind.
As Jungkooks fingers finds your clit your orgasm finally explodes. Jungkooks dick pops out of your mouth and slaps against your cheek as you fall forwards against his stomach. "Fuck! Jungkook, I'm cumming!" You yell and press yourself as deep onto him as you can. When your high is over Jungkook again insists on you staying, and he holds you over his face as his tongue keeps assaulting your pussy. You know it's still because of the promise, but you are too proud and too stubborn to give in, so instead you find another way to stop him.
Your head once again bobs up and down over his cock. You wrap your tongue around the head of his dick and lick up the precum. Your lips feels pillow soft against his dick, and as you had hoped Jungkook stops the lick at your pussy and instead chases his own high.
His cock twitch inside your mouth and you know it's a question of seconds. Your hands find his balls, you squeeze them softly and lick up the vein on his cock. And just like you Jungkooks orgasm starts. "Fuuuu- uuck." He moans and hammer into your mouth.
His cum coats the back of your throat, your tongue, the inside of your cheeks. It's salty, and sweet and you agree with yourself that you love the combo. As he finishes and finally collapse on the bed, you turn around and lay on top of him.
He is covered in your cum, but he doesn't seem to mind as he smiles up at you and moves a piece of hair from your face.
Jungkook watches as you open your mouth, his cum is everywhere. He gets surprised though when you close your mouth again and swallow with the dirty sound of a loud gulp.
An arm covers his face as he can't hide his smile. You are so good at making him shy.
"That was the best head I've ever had." Jungkook says as he finds the courage to look at you again.
You smile at the compliment. "Thank you, you weren't so bad yourself."
It's so weird to you that you're not feeling weird about what just happened. It's quite peaceful, and there's no awkwardness as there should be when two friends have sex. The only thing that does confuse you is what you and Jungkook are.
You're still not best friends, you're not a couple, you're not just a hook up or friends with benefits, so what the hell are you?
Right now it doesn't matter. Not when you lay beside Jungkook with his arms around you and feel this good. Maybe it'll matter tomorrow morning when you wake up beside Jungkook, but not now.
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l0vergrlll · 2 months
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: ̗̀ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞
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Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Inspo: Care by Sonder (good song, I <3 Sonder)
Summary: You come home on a Friday evening after a rough week of work, excited to finally have some time alone with your boyfriend, who plans on taking good care of you tonight.
Warnings: established relationship, bathing together, fluff, suggestive, no actual smut, just cuteness hehehe
Note: this is my first fanfiction EVER!! It's not the best but not the worst ig. I also wrote it at like 2am lol. Enjoy!
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It's been raining relentlessly this evening, and it seemed to show no signs of coming to an end any time soon. You don’t mind it, though. Frankly, you found the rain rather peaceful. You thought it was nature’s way of quieting the rest of the world’s unwavering commotion with its own serene ambience. The pleasant pitter-pattering of droplets against the car window served as a calm, subdued white noise for you as you rested your forehead against the cool glass. Your eyes subconsciously followed each passing car, each person scrambling in the downpour, eager to get home. You were itching to get back to the apartment as well, taking glances at the taxi driver’s GPS up front to get an idea of how much time remained. You relaxed back into the backseat, sighing as you returned your attention to the outside world, observing the cohorts of people flooding out of the revolving doors of various high rise buildings. 
It was definitely a taxing work week to say the least. You were overcome with relief as you let the idea of the oncoming weekend embrace you in a welcoming hug. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the thought of what was waiting for you back home. A chance to unwind, treat yourself, and indulge in the warm comforts of your weekend hobbies and activities. But what excited you most was the idea of him. 
The week had been a rigorous, almost never-ending series of projects, meetings, and all-nighters. And you were painfully aware of the lack of quality time spent with Matt. Even though you couldn’t help your harsh schedule, and he was endlessly understanding, you couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt which weighed on your heart. After a week of dull, rushed conversations with him as you were scrambling to get out of the door on time for work, you were experiencing what almost felt like withdrawals. When was the last time you allowed yourself to lay in his strong arms, comfortable in his secure embrace? When did you last feel the shivering sensation crawl up your spine and the warming of your cheeks as he whispered into your ears, his lips grazing your earlobe with every word? You craved the grit of his voice blessing your ears as he spoke to you, the way your heart fluttered as his pale blue eyes pierced into your own, slightly squinting as he spoke. The way you gasped and muffled your moans with the back of your hand as your back arched to his rhythmic, unforgiving thrusts. The way tears would fall down the sides of your face as you couldn’t contain your pleasurable screams, digging your nails into his biceps as he edged you closer to your climax, whilst simultaneously groaning in your ear. Close was never close enough. You missed that unyielding need for each other. 
Finally, the driver parked parallel to the entrance of your apartment building. You were swift to exit the car, thanking him in the process. The rain showed no mercy, prompting you to run inside the building whilst holding a hand above your head as a pathetic form of coverage. Once inside, you called for the elevator with the click of a button, squirming uneasily in your damp work clothes. You felt giddy with anticipation, undoubtedly excited to see Matt, to jump into his arms and inhale his scent. At long last, you were on your floor and facing your apartment door, fiddling in your purse for the keys. You tutted in annoyance as you struggled to dig them out in the jungle of items stuffed in your purse. 
You audibly groan with frustration, about to dump the entirety of the contents inside when you hear the door click. You look up to see it open fully, Matt looking down at you with disheveled hair and an almost childish grin of pure excitement. He leaned against the door frame, wearing a black long sleeve and gray sweats which were untied, loosely hanging low on his waist and revealing the brim of his boxers. You couldn’t help but return the smile, and laugh as he pulled you in by the arm, wrapping his own around your waist and burying his head in your damp hair. 
“God, remind me to clean out my purse, please,” you remarked, smiling as you snuggled your face into his chest, your hands gripping onto his shirt. 
Matt laughed silently as he pushed you away slightly, now able to look at you. 
“I’m glad you're home, baby. You have no idea how much I’ve been missing you,” He spoke softly, and god was the gruff sound of his voice elating. You smiled at him, and took his hand in yours as the two of you wandered into the kitchen, the smell of food engulfing your senses. 
“I think I might, Matty. I’ve really been missing you too. Thank God it’s finally Friday,” You exhaled with relief once again. Matt’s arms snaked around your body from behind you, and he pressed himself against your back. He’s taller than you, able to rest his jaw upon your head as you leaned back into him. You rested your head slightly on his shoulder as you looked up at him, really taking in the sight. Your handsome boyfriend, adorned by a freshly shaven complexion. You traced his sharp jawline with your finger, moving it upwards as you gently carved out the outline of his cheekbones. A smile crept across his face as he looked down at you. His arms tightened their hold around you and he lowered his head into your neck, inhaling deeply. 
“So I made you dinner…” He spoke softly, bringing his hands up from around your waist and onto your shoulder, gently pressing his fingers expertly as he massaged them. You exhale with your mouth open, clearly needing the relief of tension. He continued, “...But I think what you really need is a nice hot bath. What do you think, sweetheart?” His voice lowered, almost into a whisper as he spoke dangerously close to your ear. He continued to rub your shoulders, awaiting your response. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’d love a bath right now,” You turned slightly to face him.
“I thought you might, so I have one ready for you,” He smiled, his eyes squinting at the corners as he did so. You melted at the sight every time, never able to get enough of that pretty face. 
“Wow, you seem really proud of yourself,” You joked. He chuckled lightly, and suddenly moved away from behind you, taking your hand in his. He tugged you in the direction of the bathroom. Your smile never faded, your cheeks and ears warming at his sheer thoughtfulness. Upon entering the bathroom, he closed the door gently behind the two of you.
“You know I care about you, more than anything. Let me show you tonight just how much I do,” He dropped your hand as he spoke and walked over to the bathtub, lowering a hand into the water to check if the temperature was right. You noticed the thick layer of foamy bubbles sitting on top of the water. You breathed in, a strong aroma lingering in the room. It was eucalyptus, your favorite, meaning Matt used your favorite aromatic bubble bath. Two candles were lit, sitting on the corner of the tub. Matt had hung up two bathrobes upon the hooks which hung from the back of the bathroom door. Everything was laid out for you, your favorite body scrubs, creams, and hair care items. 
Matt smiled, pleased at himself as he watched you beam appreciatively at his efforts. 
“Hop in, beautiful,” He spoke as he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his bare torso. You stare with your mouth open at his nude upper body, admiring the slight curvature of his toned muscles. The way they descended into his v-line, lined down the center with a little hair. You watched as he slid his sweats down with his thumbs. He smirked playfully at your anticipation for his boxers to come off next, and instead of rewarding you with that display, he walked up to you and lifted the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head as you obediently lifted your arms in an effort to help. 
He whispered almost to himself, “Let me take care of you tonight..” repeating the promise he had previously mentioned. You let him pull your pants down, dragging your underwear down with them as you lifted each leg for him to fully remove the garments. You held onto his hair as he did so, and you smiled to yourself, unable to prevent the heat of blush which tainted your cheeks at the intimacy of it all. Once your bottoms were off, he ascended back up and moved onto the clasp of your bra, expertly unclipping it and slipping the fabric off forwards. Your breasts relaxed, perking upwards with taut nipples as he removed it, and you watched as his eyes observed them hungrily. He stepped back for a moment, appreciating the art in front of him. He sucked his bottom lip as he examined the beauty of your nudity. You laughed, and his gaze then lifted to your own. He leaned in, suddenly removing any space between you two.
“I haven’t even kissed those pretty lips yet,” He whispered, followed by his lips softly landing on yours. You brought your hands up around his neck as you hungrily moved your mouth against his, your body buzzing as his lips closed around yours repeatedly. He pulled away, and took your hand again, leading you to the tub. He let you keep holding his hand as you stepped into the tub, the hot water initially shocking your skin, making it deliciously difficult to delve the rest of your body within the water. You sighed as you lowered yourself, the comfort of the heat engulfing you. 
“Oh yeah… I really needed this,” You spoke breathily, your body relaxing. It’s clear that your body was wound up, and in desperate need for this physical consolation. You watched matt lower his boxers, revealing his large manhood. You bit your lip slightly at the sight, smirking as he maintained eye contact with you in the act. He flashed you with one of his signature sexy grins, and took his turn entering the tub. He groaned quietly at the shock of the heat, slowly lowering himself until he was opposite to you, his long legs meeting yours as his knees remained visible and bent above the water. For a while, the two of you remained in comfortable silence, staring at each other. You let the warmth cloud your conscience, freeing your mind of the unbreakable stress of the work week. Simply being with Matt at all was enough to ease your turmoil. But when the two of you took part in rare intimacies like this, just naked and in each other’s presence, you felt as if he was your haven, as if he was the physical embodiment of comfort and safety. 
He was still staring at you, the humidity causing his soft brown hair to flatten a bit, ever so slightly damp at the very edges. His alluring eyes devoured your physical being, his unbroken eye contact causing your heart to flutter. 
“What?” You asked shyly, slightly lowering further into the water as a way of hiding your vulnerability from his intimidating gaze.
“Come here,” He said with a smirk, holding out his strong, veiny arm in invitation. You crawled over to him in the water, careful to refrain from splashing outside the confines of the tub. As you made your way to his body, you turned your own so that your back faced him. He then wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in so your bare body is pressed against his. You giggled as you felt his hard dick prod at your lower back, but stayed leaning into him. This kind of closeness drove you crazy. You just wanted to bask in his comfort forever. You wanted to stay this way, naked and in eachothers arms, for it was the two of you in your most vulnerable state. The idea of it warmed your heart. And Matt felt equally as appreciative. The kind of love the two of you had, was a love which seemed to transcend the meaning of love itself. It felt as if you two were bound at the soul. It wasn’t only your bodies pressed against each other, but also your hearts, making love, entwined with one another and refusing to detach. 
“I need you like I need oxygen. Is that crazy to say?” He spoke suddenly, and then chased the lingering words with passionate kisses on your neck. You loved when he randomly spoke his mind, saying the most romantic things sometimes. He tightened his hold, wanting to pull you in beyond what was physically possible. You moaned softly at his hungry kisses, which slowly escalated into nibbles and sucking, leaving signature spots in the areas in which you loved for his mouth to be, and he loved to remain. 
“Of course it’s not crazy, baby.” You responded, your voice soft and flirtatious as he continued to kiss down your neck, his hips ever so slightly bucking upwards into your back. His hardness pressed against you, revealing his pure desire. 
“In fact, I think I need you more than that. I mean, what would I ever do without you?” You continued, bringing a hand up to wrap around his neck. “You take such good care of me, Matty. Thank you for this.”
“You're welcome, pretty girl. I love everything about you, care about everything you do,” He spoke into your neck. Without looking away from you, he palmed the shaving cream that was sitting on the other side of the tub, and with the same hand grabbed your razor which was sitting beside it. He lifted his head from neck and smiled as he gazed into your eyes. He brought the arm that was still around your waist up and held your tit, massaging it slightly to both of your pleasure. You giggled,  followed by a satisfied moan as he played with your nipple.
“Whatcha gonna do with that?” You gave him a quizzical look as he squirted some shaving cream into his hand. He gave you a light nudge back towards the other end of the tub.
“Can you move back to the other side and lift your leg up for me?” He smiled as the question left his lips. He had a way of asking questions like that with such a ravishing tone, his words alone made you want to moan in pleasure. Naturally, you obeyed, moving back to the other end of the tub and facing him again. You lifted your leg out of the water and he gripped it firmly, bringing your foot up to rest on his shoulder. He placed the cool white product on your leg, and began gently rubbing it so that it emulsified, covering the entirety of your shin. He did so while looking at you with lust tainting his eyes, accompanied with a tantalizing smirk. You watched him intently, fascinated by the way his hands roamed the surface of your skin, the muscles on his arms contracting slightly as he moved. His touch, his large hand holding your leg, it made your skin buzz with excitement. You were obsessed with the way he caressed you with such longing, as if he couldn’t survive without your touch, your warmth.
He let the hand covered in shaving cream drop into the water, rinsing it off. Then he picked up the razor and positioned it right at your ankle, close to his face. He slowly set the razor down onto your skin, and gently moved it up your leg while maintaining the slight pressure upon your skin. He moved his gaze from the razor to your face repeatedly, watching your reaction as he attentively shaved your leg. Something about the activity was so feverishly romantic. The way he maneuvered the razor with such care as to not leave behind any cuts or bumps. He went slow, and smiled at you yet again as you let your head lull to the side slightly, letting him groom you, take care of you. 
“How is it?” He asked, as if performing an act of intimacy out of which you had to be satisfied. Which for the two of you, it was, as he shaved your leg with precision, his breath tickling your feet from time to time as he worked. 
“You’re perfect,” You say. It was the only conclusion you were able to come to during the whole thing. He was simply perfect. He chuckled, lifting the razor as he did so as to not accidentally cut you.
“Well..” He trailed off, returning his attention to the job at hand. His other hand remained resting on the side of your ankle, his thumb moving up and down, gently rubbing your skin. He suddenly brought his lips to the skin on your inner ankle, placing a gentle peck of a kiss. He then brought his attention back to your face, pure passion projecting from his gaze. His lips were upturned in a tiny smile as he spoke.
“You know I care.”
a/n: smutty part 2??? maybe???
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recuira · 9 months
after hours
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after hours : a live action buggy x fem!reader fanfiction
for some odd reason, you have no idea who he is. and he fucking loved that.
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five
chapter six | drunk. drool. darkness.
her pov;
I felt like an idiot. Like a fool.
When I came downstairs the following morning, with a pounding headache nearly blinding my vision, I spotted my mother collapsed on the couch rather than in her own bed. The kitchen was surprisingly clean, as well as the dining room table. She definitely didn't tidy up after that disaster of a night, so who did?
I walked past the stairs and into the kitchen, attempting to search for any kind of medicine to hopefully soothe the aching headache I had. I sorted through a kitchen cabinet before finding a small bottle of painkillers my mother was prescribed when her illness was first diagnosed. I placed two tablets in my mouth and dipped my head underneath the sink faucet, pouring a bit of water into my mouth to swallow the pills. Stepping back, I grabbed a pot from the stove, glaring at my sleeping mother.
I dropped it on the tiled floor.
In a split second, she shot up awake, groaning. "What the hell was that?!" She spat, grabbing her head while also covering her eyes.
"Good morning," I said as I forced a smile. I placed the pot back atop of the stove. "What happened last night?"
"Why the fuck should I know?" She cursed, laying back down.
"Where'd Buggy go?"
I frowned. I wasn't going to get any answers from her.
I ventured back upstairs into my bedroom where I could let my eyes settle in the cold and darkness. I closed the door behind me and approached my bed but before I climbed on it, I noticed a small green blur in the corner of my vision. Turning my head, I found the small turtle stuffed animal laying on the floor.
I treated my stuffed animals like they were living. To let them touch the floor rather than my own bed would be a sin.
Why was it on the floor?
Then it hit me.
Buggy threw it there.
I sat on my bed, holding the plushie close to my person. Last night, after dinner, I stormed up to my bedroom to be alone and to calm down due to the big fight my mother and I had. Then he came into my room to console me. Then-
"Oh my god."
I couldn't believe it. I practically threw myself onto him. Then he turned me down and after that, my mind drew a blank. I recalled vague bits here and there but the most clear occurrence was that of him leaving. Did I kick him out? Or did he leave willingly?
I touched my mouth with the stuffed animal. The feeling of his lips on mine was something I couldn't forget. For such a rough and rugged man, his lips and touch were so soft. I smiled to myself before falling onto the bed, my eyes drifting to a close.
Before I thought more about all of this, I needed to get rid of this headache.
I felt so stupid. Like a clown.
As I remembered more about the event, the more my self-esteem dropped. I never, in a thousand years, would have ever imagined myself getting drunk on red wine and then throwing myself onto a man with a red, clown nose. I frowned. His nose wasn't the issue. I liked him. I really did. He was kind and thoughtful for someone who used to be a bloodthirsty pirate. He went out of his way to please me which no one has ever done before.
And how do I thank him?
By making out with him and then kicking him out after he didn't reciprocate. I invite him over for dinner then throw him out.
This is why I hated alcohol.
It made stupid people do stupid things.
I was completely embarrassed with myself- so embarrassed, in fact, that I didn't reach out to Buggy for an entire month. How could I possibly be able to face himself after such an incident? Would I not mention it? Do I shake his hand and apologize and ask him to never bring it up again? Or do I kiss him again and see if my effort will mean something to him this time?
No, I'm an idiot. I ruined such a great friendship due to a few too many glasses of cheap red wine.
I blamed my mother for this entirely- and myself, of course. But if it weren't for her selfish and conniving personality, Buggy wouldn't have been invited for dinner. He and I would still be talking. I would see him everyday like I had been.
I vowed to my mother that as soon as I made enough money, I was moving out and cutting all ties with her. She simply laughed at me.
And so, for the past month, I kept my promise and sought out to look for jobs. Nothing dirty, of course.
I landed a waitress gig at a small run-down pub that hardly housed any customers other than drunken pirates and businessmen. I've only been here a few times before and it was the same pub I met Buggy at. Ever since that night, I haven't returned until today. The owner told me that the blue-haired piratehardly inhabited this bar which I was thankful for. I still needed to properly digest everything and when I was ready to confront him, I would. I just hoped it would be soon.
I was surprised to see that he didn't reach out either.
Maybe I scared him off.
As I cleaned off one of the tables, I tried to ignore the loud yells from behind me. Surprisingly, there was a huge flood of new patrons. My boss told me there was a soccer game and that's why everyone decided to eat and drink at the same place.
I didn't mind it too much. It meant more tips.
The rest of the night went by fast and just as we neared closing, I sat by myself in a corner booth, counting the change and money I made in just a few hours. One hundred and twenty berries. I smiled to myself, recounting to see if my math was correct.
Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen-
The bell above the door jangled as someone walked inside. I kept my head low and proceeded to count before I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"We're not closed yet, Y/N. Go assist that customer, please." The man pointed at a booth. "Now."
I huffed and stood up, slipping the loose change into a pocket in my apron. I grabbed the notepad and a pen and started towards the booth.
With a closed-eye smile, I greeted the patron. "Hello, what can I get for you tonight?
I opened my eyes and there he sat. "Buggy," I whispered.
I nearly cringed.
His long blue hair was tied in a loose ponytail with the same striped bandanna wrapped around his scalp. His makeup was streaking down his sweaty face. The buttons of his striped vest were misaligned with the wrong slots. His blue-painted fingernails were chipped. And the worst of it, he wrank of liquor.
He was swaying in his seat, his arms resting across the table.
"H-Haven't-" hiccup! "-seen you in a while," He smirked. "You miss me?" His words slurred and his green eyes were nearly swollen shut. I frowned at this and took a seat beside him, nudging him to the other side of the booth. He giggled and his arm lifted before slinging over my shoulder.
"What's going on?" I whispered, hoping my boss wouldn't see me.
"What? Nothing!" He murmured.
"You're shitfaced. Why?"
"I dunno'. Got bored..." Buggy hummed and smiled up at me. His fingers began to mess with my hair. "Yer' working now?"
"Yeah, I am."
"Well, I wouldn't know! I haven't seen you in years..." He pouted.
"It's been a month."
"Whatever. Get me a beer, will ya?"
I laughed. "No! You're already too far gone. I'll get you a water." I pulled myself away from him and stood up, making my way behind the counter. Pouring him a glass of water, I watched as he proceeded to hiccup, playing into the drunkard stereotype all too well. Why was he like this? I've never seen this before. Why did he drink so much? As I approached him, he reached for me. I whacked his hand away and slid the cup toward him. This time, I sat across from him.
He glared at the drink before chugging it all, some water dripping down his stubbled chin. I crossed my arms and examined him. He was a complete and utter mess. It almost disgusted me to see him in this light. Someone I respected so much was now stooping to the same level as my mother.
"Buggs, what's happening here?"
"What?" He tilted his head. "Yer' supposed to be my waitress. You haven't taken my order yet," The pirate grumbled, reaching to grab at the paper menu. He squinted his eyes as he read it. "Get me a sandwich. With... uhm, oh! Meat, cheese, and lettuce." He met my gaze and smiled widely, exposing every single tooth.
"Not until you tell me what's going on," I demanded, pointing down at the table. "Is this some ploy to get back at me?"
"W-What? Back at you?" He snickered. "Yer' cute, kiddo."
"Don't call me that."
"Cute or kiddo?"
"What would you rather me say?" He smirked and leaned forward, gesturing his hand for me to get closer. I did, also leaning in. "Your- hehe, your tits look amazing in that top?"
I gasped and pushed him back. "Fuck you!"
"What?! Which would you rather me call you?" He pursed his red-stained lips together.
"By my fucking name, you idiot."
"Okay! Y/N," He started, letting out a soft burp. "Where's my sandwich?"
"You'll get it once you start talking."
"I've been talking! I can't win with you." His eyes rolled. "Women."
I hit him atop of the head this time and he yelped, immediately shrinking down as his arms hovered over his head.
"You're the one who kicked me out! Why are you still acting so mad... I'd think you'd be happy to see me again, but- but, I was wrong..."
"I am happy to see you but-"
"You are? Really?" The look on the clown's face broke my heart. He was so surprised, so shocked to find out that I missed his company. “I-I’m glad.” His head dropped for a moment and he looked down at his lap. “I’ve been, uh, g-going through a lot.”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want to talk about it.” He let out a loud hiccup then clutched his throat. “That one hurt.”
“Why can’t you tell me?”
His broad shoulders shrugged back. “Maybe I will. I just need something- uh, something to eat.”
Getting something in his stomach might help him sober up fast but my mom always told me that the only way to sober up was through time. “I’ll get you something to eat.”
“Yes, right now.”
I got up from the table and began to walk toward the kitchen but a floating hand grabbed at my wrist. It gave my arm a tight tug before I looked back at Buggy. I raised an eyebrow but he just gave me a toothy grin then let go. Venturing into the kitchen, I let the chef know that it was the last meal of the night. He was reluctant because it meant he needed to put out his cigarette but he gave me a firm nod and told me to wait a couple of minutes. I agreed with him then went to peek on the blue-haired clown. He rested his head on his hands, his eyes closed. His long eyelashes casted a dim shadow over his eyelids. His lips parted, a small drop of drool running down his chin. Was he asleep?
Before I could admire him any further, the chef tapped on my shoulder and handed me the tray of food. A sandwich sat upon the plate with potato salad to the right of it. I thanked him and brought the meal to Buggy. I set it in front of him then took a seat.
“Buggy?” I nudged his shoulder. “Your food is here.”
“I’m not hungry.”
What? “What? You just said you were.”
“I lied. I want to go home.”
“Then why did you come here?”
“Because the other bar kicked me out ‘cause I had too much to drink,” He mumbled into his arm. “I wanted to drink more but then I- I saw you. So I wanted to stop.”
“You stopped drinking because of me?”
“I was drinking because of you.”
I furrowed my eyebrows together. What was he babbling about now? Before I could protest, he reached forward, grabbing half of the sandwich with a severed hand. He raised his head and took a bite. He chewed for a few seconds then swallowed. He ate the half then slid me the plate. So much for not being hungry.
I smiled to myself and started to eat, taking the last sip of the glass of water I had brought to him. I finished eating then wiped my mouth with a napkin.
Taking a few bills out of my pocket, I placed it on the table to cover the meal.
But then it hit me.
I could pay him back.
“Buggy, I have great news,” I exclaimed with a wide grin and pulled the loose change out of the apron pocket, the various coins rocking against the table before falling flat. The pirate sat up, a yawn escaping his mouth.
“I can pay you back now! I have more than enough!”
“I don’t want you to,” He whispered, sliding it toward me. “I have more than enough. You’re the one who needs it, not me.”
“But you said I could pay you back. That was our deal.”
“Take the money, Buggy. Please.”
His green eyes met mine for a split second before he reluctantly gave in. He swiped the money toward him and folded the bills before hiding them away in his pocket. I smiled at him, taking the change he didn’t want to keep.
I looked at him, staying quiet. Was he already sobering up? He was talking normally now; he was hardly slurring his speech. “Can I walk you home?”
He cocked a grin. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that?”
“Yeah, sure. Alright.”
I clocked out of work and helped Buggy out of his seat. On the walk back to his abode, Buggy leaned against me. My arm wrapped around his shoulders as I guided him down the street. He stumbled with each step and if it weren't for me, I was sure he would've fallen. The man relied on me heavily.
The front door opened with a loud bang. A wave of cold air brushed over me and I shivered. The pirate buried his face into my neck. A red blush washed over my face before I helped him onto his bed. He giggled to himself and extended his foot. I raised an eyebrow.
"Take my shoes off, please." He whispered, his body falling back to lay flat on the bed with his leg still straight out.
I knelt down and slipped each of his boots off. I set them to the left of the nightstand. Standing up, I closed the front door and dropped my backpack beside it. I approached the man and took a seat upon the edge of the bed, turning to look down at him. His eyes were closed. "Buggy, I'm gonna get going now. We can talk tomorrow, okay? When you're sober," I spoke, my voice barely above a whisper. “Do you need anything before I go?” I was met with silence. I let out a small huff, my hand resting on his leg. I caressed it. I then pulled my hand away but before I could stand up, his hand took my wrist and he gripped it, tightly. I looked back at him. He was now sitting upward.
"Please, no. Please stay the night," He begged, lunging forward. His head fell into my lap and his arms wrapped around my waist. "Don't leave again. Please."
I froze. My eyes grew wide, my arms levitating above the man.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me. "Okay, okay." I dropped my hands to rest on his back, tenderly stroking the fabric of his vest. He let out a satisfied hum and remained completely silent. While it wasn't the most comfortable position, I stayed still because it was cozy for him.
I've never seen him in this mood before. I thought alcohol would make him an angry man, maybe rather devious or feisty, but no. It made him sad. It made him vulnerable. Alcohol took his rough exterior and melted it away, revealing a soft side I've never seen before.
His face nuzzled into my thigh.
I listened to his light breathing and brought my hands up to run through his thick blue hair. I was surprised his hair was so long. It was nice, though. It was silky smooth as well.
"Y/N," Buggy whispered into my leg.
"I'm sorry for disappointing you."
A frown stayed on my face. I felt my eyes and nose sting. "What?"
"I've done nothing but trouble you. I'm sorry. I didn't realize I would be this much of a burden in your life. I thought I could help but-"
"What are you going on about?"
His head raised and revealed a soaking wet face. A stream of tears ran down his face, his makeup smearing even more than before. I gasped. He sniffled and grimaced. "I look so stupid, don't I?"
"You don't, Buggers. I'm just trying to figure out why you're crying," I whispered, raising my head to cup his cheek. He leaned into my palm and gave me a small, sincere smile. This was hurting my heart.
"We haven't spoken in a month."
"I know, I know. It's my fault, I-"
"Did you just not want to see me anymore?"
I instantly shook my head. "No, no, no. That's not it at all." I wiped a few tears away with my thumb.
"I thought I fucked up so badly," He started, taking a deep breath. "When you came onto me like that, I felt time stop. Literally nothing else mattered to me in that moment other than you. I didn't even fucking care if my heart stopped beating. If being with you was my last moment alive, I'd die a happy man." I sucked in my lower lip, my eyes burning more. "But it felt wrong. You were drunk, p-probably for the first time in your life. I didn't want to take advantage of that. You weren't thinking straight at all. I-I didn't want you to-to regret it the next morning."
"You have no idea- no fucking idea how badly I've wanted that. Since the very moment I've laid my eyes on you, I realized there was nothing more I could ever want. You're perfect. A literal angel." I wanted to tell him he was wrong but he continued to speak, making my heart both ache and jump. "My life was so dark before you. I was blinded by greed and-and hatred. I was a cruel man. But seeing you smile, I forget what for, but your smile erupted something in me. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about anything else in life other than you. I did some fucked up shit and I feel like you have a right to know." He swallowed then turned his head, facing away from me.
"What do you mean?" Those words scared me.
"Look in the nightstand. There's a book, I think it's the second one. Open it and see for yourself." He sat up and pulled away from me, wiping his nose and eyes. "No more lies or secrets. I want to be completely open and honest with you about everything. If our friendship continues, then I want honesty. You deserve that."
"You're scaring me, Buggy," I murmured and leaned forward, reaching for the drawer. I yanked it open and sorted through the stack of novels. I grabbed the second one and set it in my lap. "Can I just say-"
"No, please look. I need your opinion on me after you see this."
I was horrified.
What was so revolting in this book that he felt the need to hide?
I looked at him, frowning, before dropping my head. I admired the cover of the novel before peeling it open. My eyes widened.
"Read it out loud," The man instructed as he toyed with his bottom lip. He stared at me, not even seeming to blink.
My thumb dragged over the paper to smooth out the crumpled words. “She has the kindest smile. Her generosity is beyond that of anyone I know. She makes me believe in the good of humanity again." I repeated as I read the sentences scattered on the small note of paper. I smiled to myself. "Did you write-"
"Read the next one."
"I've never wanted something so badly in my life. To say I yearned for her would be a complete understatement. I longed for her, I yearned, I desired- In simple terms, I wanted her. I mean, how could I not? She was an angel. She was a siren. I would purposely listen to her enchanting song, allowing my boat to crash, just if it meant I could be graced by her presence, by her beauty. I was obsessed with her. If she found out my thoughts, my desires, she would never let herself be seen with me. I wouldn't blame her, though. I was obsessive. It was unhealthy, I knew that. But I didn't care. I wouldn't say I loved her because I didn't know what that felt like. I've never experienced it. But perhaps I did love her. I didn't know, I couldn't tell. All I knew was that she was the only treasure I wanted. Not the One Piece, no. Not even that could match up to her alluring person. If I had to travel every sea in order to find her, battle every sea snake in order to touch her, I would. I would in a heartbeat." I felt my lower lip quiver as salty tears began to cloud my vision. I used my free hand to rub my eyes before I continued. "A-And she caused me to see the world in color. Everything was so bland and dry but the second I saw her, I could see the blue in the sky and the pink petals of cherry blossoms. I could see the light at the end of a tunnel. If I was drowning, I know she would be able to rescue me just from her words of encouragement."
"Do you get it now?" He asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"You like me?" I asked, hesitant.
"What? Really?" He said with a weak laugh. "Of course I do. But I've known you for so long, Y/N. Much longer than you knowing me. I've followed you before, s-stalked you."
I gasped. Oh. I didn't get that from the writings. "You did?"
"Yeah, I did. I've been scheming for months. Trying to figure out how to talk to you o-or get you to say hello to me. Then at the bar-"
"I said hello to you. Were you there because of me?"
"Yeah, it wasn't mere coincidence."
"Woah," I said in awe, my facial expression or tone of voice hiding how I was truly feeling. "That's- wow."
"If you want to leave, I understand. It's a lot, I know. But I promise I've never properly stalk- well, I-I don't know. I just saw you and I knew I needed to know you. I needed you in my life."
"When did you first see me?"
"A fish market. You were giving a kitten some of the scraps."
"I don't even remember that," I admitted with a light chuckle.
"I'm not a creeper pervert or anything, I swear. I've-"
"Buggy, stop panicking. I'm flattered, if anything. I don't hate you. I don't think differently of you either."
He leaned into me, his red nose touching the tip of my own. He wore a wide smile on his face. "Really?" I nodded my head and rested my hand atop of his.
"It's a lot to take in but I'm not creeped out. I just- I had no idea."
"There's a reason I still have a bounty,” He remarked.
I laughed softly. "Very true."
"Do you understand why I was so worried? I thought all of that progress was wasted. I did want to, I really did. God, I wanted to, but-" The man continued to ramble on before I pressed my palm to his red-painted mouth. He wiggled his eyebrows.
"I'm glad you didn't stay. Genuinely, I would have regretted it. Not because of you, but because I would want to remember a moment like that. I never want to drink again so I can be fully aware of everything we do together," I said as I removed my hand. "I didn't contact you because I was embarrassed with myself. I felt like an idiot. I thought I completely ruined everything. I also wanted to properly deal with my emotions. I wanted to figure out what I felt."
"And what do you feel?"
"The same as you do, though maybe not as extreme."
The pirate cracked a cheeky grin and nudged me.
"But I don't want to rush anything, please. If we do decide to do anything," I cleared my throat. "I want to take things slow. I moved too fast that night and look what happened."
"No, no, yeah. I feel the same way. No rush."
"Do we have a deal?" I extended my hand.
"A deal for what?"
"To do this but take things slow."
"To do what?"
"Buggy, you know what I mean."
"I want to hear you say it."
I huffed and pulled my hand back before he quickly grabbed it and gave it a firm shake. "We can go further with our relationship. How is that?" I smiled.
"Hmm, what do you mean? I'm a little slow, you'll need to spell it-" I kissed him for a split second then pulled back. The expression on his face was priceless. "That's pretty self-explanatory,” He hummed, grinning.
"Can I do it again, though?" His hand reached to cup my chin.
"Once," I whispered.
Buggy closed the gap, tilting his head to be able to kiss me properly. It was short but sweet. When he pulled away, he fell against me, his forehead resting on my shoulder. My arms enwrapped his figure and I pulled him close. "Are you tired?" I asked, playing with his ponytail.
"Mhm," He responded, a soft yawn parting from his lips. "You're still staying the night, right?"
"Yeah, I am."
The blue-haired man pulled away from me and swept his legs over the side of the bed "I'll sleep on the floor, I don't want you to be uncomfortable."
I grabbed his arm. "Nonsense, it's okay. I get the left side, though."
Buggy grinned, nodding his head. "Yes, ma'am."
I peeled my shoes off, setting them next to his as he began to unfold the sheets. He pulled the blankets back and climbed underneath them. I crawled beside, pushing my legs under the thin blankets. Turning to face Buggy, I tucked my arm under the pillow.
"I'm sorry for being like this, by the way. For being drunk."
"It's okay, just try to stop. If it's okay."
"It is," He whispered while stretching his arm out, slyly letting it sling over my waist. I smirked.
"You were kind of funny, though."
"How so?"
"Slurring your words, repeating yourself, tripping everywhere."
"What can I say? They don't call me a clown for nothing."
"I think the nose and makeup gave you that reputation."
"Nose?" He cocked an eyebrow upward.
"D-Did I say nose? I meant, uh, your hair!"
"Mhm, sure." Buggy tugged me toward him, my face coming into contact with his chest. He let out a groan as he made himself comfortable. "I hope this isn't moving too fast. I'm cold."
"No, this is perfect," I replied with a sheepish smile.
My eyes closed and I shrugged my shoulders back while exhaling a sigh. I was cold but the warmth of his body soothed my goosebumps. I rested my forehead against his abdomen and felt myself beginning to drift off. His chin plopped upon my head and his hand combed through my hair.
"What do you want to do tomorrow?" He whispered, his voice raspy as exhaustion took over.
"We'll figure that out when tomorrow arrives. For now, I need sleep."
"Do you work tomorrow?"
I shook my head, whispering a simple 'no'.
"Sorry, I'll let you sleep."
I smirked to myself and tucked myself closer into him.
"Sweet dreams, Y/N," He mumbled as he kissed atop my head.
With those words and the sound of his heartbeat and breathing, I found myself falling asleep. I ignored the stench of alcohol coming from his person and focused on everything else I enjoyed about him.
In one last resort to get comfortable, I turned over, pressing my back against his front. My legs entangled with his and his arm slipped underneath my own. He held my hand.
The last thing I remember was him placing a kiss on the back of my head and then I fell unconscious.
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
I’ve had this idea for so long and I feel like you’d do amazing at it….. Y/N reading Drew smut after him being away filming and Drew catches her and then tries to like do it like what she’s read
Like in the books you read
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Pairing- Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary- you left your fanfiction open on your laptop and Drew finds it.
Warnings- sex, foreplay, hair pulling, chocking, spanking, language. [18+]
A/n: thank you so much anon for thinking I would be good at writing your request! Please let me know how I did!?? Love you 🖤 also if anyone wants to be apart of my Taglist let me know xx
You had just run yourself a bath, glass of wine and vibrator ready to go. The room was dark with flickering orange light from the multiple candles on the bench beside the tub, you dropped your pink robe and stepped into the scolding water.
Letting your body adjust to the temperature before sinking into it, the bubbles swarmed your naked body. Your head the only thing visible if someone was to walk in.
You had been reading smut on your laptop, smut about your boyfriend that his fans had created. You were now hornier than ever, aching for his touch.
You had gone searching for his fan fiction, usually you read stuff about other celebrities, but your boyfriend had been on your mind for the past two months. You missed him, you missed his laugh, his smile and especially his hands.
You were aching to feel him inside of you again, two months being the longest either of you had been away from one another. But he had to fly away for work and unfortunately you couldn’t go as your little sister was unwell, you needed to be home for her.
You reached over for your vibrator, turning it on to the lowest setting first , you sunk it into the water. Spreading your legs and nudging the tip to your swollen clit. Gripping the edge of the tub with the other hand.
All the while you were enjoying yourself upstairs, Drew had gotten home. He noticed all the lights off so didn’t call out to you, unsure if you were sleeping or maybe at your parents.
He pushed his bag over the threshold and locked the door behind him, he began with taking his shoes off and then his jacket. Putting them in their rightful place.
He started walking towards the bedroom, he could hear soft sounds from what he assumed was your speaker. Excitement ran through him as he realised you were home, but instead of rushing through the doors he opened it slowly.
The room is dark except for the orange light seeping under the bathroom door, but his eyes fall on something else. Your laptop perched on the bed, he’s not sure why he steps towards the laptop before you.
He reaches down and grabs it, scanning over the words on the screen. “Well, well well” he mumbles, he’s found your reading material. He shocked at the writing, the way the person describes him and his actions.
He knew people wrote fan fiction but never to this extent, just as he’s about to scroll he hears your loud moans. Head snapping towards the bathroom door.
Had you been reading this and gotten aroused he thought, were your using one of your many toys you used while he was away. Picturing your face as you reached your orgasm.
His cock began to harden in his sweats, he turned his attention back to the laptop. He moved the mouse and scrolled to the top, he had just enough time to read the whole thing. Just enough time to get all the information he needed to then preform the acts on you. He wanted you satisfied, he wanted to experience your kinks with you.
Back in the bathroom, you’ve made yourself cum twice. Your fingers and toes had begun to prune, deciding it was best to get out of the tub now. You pulled the bath plug and let the water drain away, quickly giving yourself a rinse under the shower head.
You stepped out of the bath and continued with your nightly routine, oblivious to your boyfriend being on the other side of the door and reading on your laptop, reading all your dirty secrets you had hoped to keep from him.
Finally, after what seemed like hours you stepped out of the bathroom, the coolness from the bedroom hitting you in the face. Nipples pebbling from the sudden temperature change.
You let out a shriek when you noticed the body on your bed, gripping your robe and tightening it around your neck in shock. Your heart thumping against your chest, finally taking in the fact it was your boyfriend. “Jesus Christ Drew!” You yelped, bracing yourself against the vanity table.
“I’m sorry baby” he chuckled, he pulled himself from the bed and walked towards you. He reached for you, lacing his fingers into the back of your hair, and pulling you towards him by your neck.
He presses his lips to yours; you smile through the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck. His other hand grips your hip, pulling you as close to him as humanly possible. “Missed you so much pretty girl” he whispered against your lips, peppering kisses against your lips.
“Missed you more baby” you giggled, running your fingers through his freshly shaved head. His hand moved from the back of your neck to jaw, tracing your lips with his thumb and pushing your chin down to part your mouth a little wider.
“How much did you miss me?” He whispered; you could feel his hard cock against your pubic bone. Eyes glazed over in lust. You knew he had heard you in the bathroom, your eyes flickering over towards the bed to see your laptop closed. He must have seen what you were reading.
“So much” you breathed, his hand on your hip was now untying the bathrobe. Exposing your naked body to the coolness, his fingers skimming over your breast. Goosebumps littered your skin; he presses his lips to yours once again. Letting his tongue slip between your open mouth.
You’re aching all over again, chest heaving as you kiss one another. His hands are groping your breasts, thumbing your nipples. “Drew” You whine, you needed more from him. Your vibrator had done nothing to curb your arousal. Your pussy was drenched again, your mouth salivating at the taste and smell of your boyfriend. “Needy baby” He whispered.
His fingers smooth over your shoulders, dropping your robe to the floor. His eyes travel up and down your body, you reach out for his black shirt. Sliding your hands under the material and nudging it up his body. He lets you pull it over his head, your hands going straight back to his stomach.
Pressing open mouth kisses down his chest until you were on your knees in front of him, looking up at him you press a kiss just under his belly button. “Can I?” You whisper, slipping your pointer fingers into the waist band of his sweats, he nods in approval. You pull his pants down slowly, watching the way his cock springs up and hits his stomach and then stands tall.
Your mouth salivating at the sight of his cock, your wrap your hand around the base and begin to move in an up and down motion. Licking your lips you wrap them around his tip, the taste of pre cum fill your taste buds. You look up at him through your lashes as you take him in further, his tip nudging your uvula. You gag slightly as you hadn’t had him inside you for a while.
“Shit, pretty girl. You’re a fucking dream” He moans, his fingers grip your hair tightly. He begins thrusting his hips against your throat, tears well in your eyes as he assaults your mouth. You loved it though, knowing he had read the smut you had left on the laptop. He was doing exactly what you had been craving for the past two months. “Going to fuck you until you can’t walk princess”.
You moan against his cock, the vibrations travelling through Drew’s body. Your eyes flicker from his face to his arms, the veins protruding from his skin. You rub your thighs together to give yourself some friction, your pussy aching for his touch. “Gonna cum baby girl” He warned, you gripped his hips and moved faster against him. You could feel his cock twitching against your tongue and then his was filling your throat with his seed.
You swallowed him and let him pull his half hard cock out of you, using your thumb to wipe the spit from your chin. You sat back on your legs and looked up at him, he stared down at you for a moment. Taking in the very pretty sight of your body in front of him, he reached for you.
Fingers wrapping around your throat, he pulled you up and began walking you over to the vanity table. Pushing away the paper and pens that littered the grey desk, he nudged you against it and you took a seat. “I read your laptop” he states, his hands give your throat a little squeeze.
The apples of your cheek redden in embarrassment, he moves to prop your legs up onto the desk. Spreading you wide for him, his eyes drinking in the state of your pussy. Swollen and wet, his cock hardening just from the sight. “Did that writing get you this wet?” He questions, he drops to his knees in front of you. Eyes staring directly at your cunt, he presses a kiss to your inner thigh.
Your body shudders and you clench around air, his eyes darkening at the sight of your pussy throbbing. “Did your vibrator not help you baby girl?” He questions again, but your words are lost. You are unable to answer him, to fixated on him. You’re aching for him; you want him to touch you already. But you also love that he’s studying you, watching your pussy clench around nothing.
Your pussy was dripping now, running down into your ass cheeks. Your fingers tightened around the edge of the desk, desperately trying to stay still. Your instinct was to press your fingertips to your swollen clit but you knew better. “Need me to clean this mess up?” He asks, you watch in silence as his finger runs through your folds.
Your let out a sigh of relief, knocking your head back against the mirror. But your quick to look back down at him, he is being slow, appreciating every inch of your pussy. He pushes a finger inside of you, exploring your soft, pillow like walls. “Fuck” you breath, he pushes another finger inside and then another. Stretching you wide for him, you’re a moaning mess above him.
Trying so hard to keep your eyes on him, but the moment his hot tongue meets your clit your gone. Your eyes squeeze together and your back arches off the mirror, pushing your pussy closer to his face. He licks and sucks at your pussy as though it’s his last meal on earth, his fingers move in and out of you. Your walls pulsate around him, his fingertips nudging at your sweet spot.
Your arousal only gets messier, running down his hand as he continues to fuck you with him fingers. “Oh god Drew!” You cry out, grinding your cunt into his face. Your so close, you can feel it in your stomach. The familiar tingle of pleasure runs through from your clit down to your toes, curling them around the air. “Drew- I oh shit, I’m going to cum!” You yelp.
You clench around him, hoping to hold onto the moment. But instincts set in, and you give into the mind-blowing pleasure. Mind going blank as you cum around him, your body shakes with pleasure. You let out loud almost pornographic moans and shrieks, hoping to god that you closed the bedroom window earlier otherwise the neighbours where in for a treat.
“Holy shit Drew” you breathed, your chest heaves in an up and down motion. Your brain still buzzing from the euphoric orgasm you just went through, much better than the orgasm your vibrator had given you.
“I am not done with you yet” He states, he stands quickly and pulls you from the bench onto your feet. You wobble slightly but he holds you tightly. “Turn around” He orders, he watches you turn around. You look at him through the vanity mirror, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Put your elbows on the table and bend over pretty girl” He states, once again he doesn’t help you move and watches you intently. Studying your body as you bend over for him, he kicks his feet against your ankles. Nudging your legs open wide. "watch yourself".
He can see your pussy dripping once again, he looks up at you in the mirror momentarily. He takes in your messy hair and dazed look on your face, he raises his hand in the air and you know exactly what’s coming. Automatically clenching and flinching, waiting for the sting that accompanied his hand meeting your ass cheek. “Shit” You cry out, you never expected Drew to do this.
You never wanted to bring it up, he had always known you liked choking and did that all the time. But you had kept this kink to yourself, you had wished you hadn’t. The look of pure excitement on his face had you arching your back and pushing your ass into the air. “Want more?” He questions.
His lips press against the red skin and before you can answer his hand meets your ass again, he repeats this action multiple times on both cheeks until your sobbing for him to touch you. “Please Drew, I need you” You cry out, you’re aching for him all over again. Your pussy weeping for him cock.
“You’re crying for me, pathetic” He states, he grips your hair and points your head to the mirror. Both your eyes lock and then he’s pushing inside of you with no warning. You squeeze your eyes shut and cry out, his hips move in a fast and steady pace. “Open your eyes now!” He demands, pulling harder at your hair.
Your eyes spring open and land on his again, you pulsate around him. Pussy pulling him in as deep as possible. He lets go of your hair and grips your waist, digging his fingers into your flesh. “Fuck” He groans, his eyes don’t leave yours. He’s fascinated with the way your eyes are glazed over in pleasure, the way your mouth is parted as you gasp for air.
He can feel you getting closer as your pussy begins to tighten around him, he is quick to pull out of you. “Drew!” You whine, he pulls you by the waist over towards the bed. “Ride me” He breaths, laying back onto the mattress.
You look down at his cock that is drenched with your arousal, salivating at the sight. Your quick to straddle him, dropping down onto his length. You press your palms against his chest, circling your hips against him. “Oh god” You whine, your clit rubs against his pubic bone.
You feel him in your stomach, his hands are gripping your thighs. Eyes closed as he let’s you take control for a moment; you begin to move your hips in a different way. You had been reading about it and wanted to try it out, his eyes shoot open and he’s staring at you with complete lust. “Shit baby girl, what are you doing to me” He groans, his hands massage your breasts.
Pulling himself up onto his forearms, he takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks. “I need to cum Drew” You state, your body was shaking. You were so close, but you needed something more, he nodded his head.
Gripping your throat, he tightened his fingers; you began to move faster. The mix between his cock nudging your sweet spot and the lack of air had tipped you over the edge.
Your orgasm hit you fast and hard, once again the tingling sensation spread through your body. Your pussy pulsating around his cock, sucking him deeper until he was exploding under you. Burying his cum deep inside your walls, both your moans echo throughout the room.
Sweat dripping down your bodies and mixing where you met in the middle, you were gasping for air. Eyes screwed shut as little white dots invade your vision, your fingernails scratching down the length of his arm. “Shit baby” He moans out.
His body shudders underneath you and his hand falls from your throat to his chest, you lay yourself down against him for a moment. Listening to his erratic heartbeat, regaining both of your breaths.
You pull away from him a few minutes later and slide off him, the both of you sitting up next to each other. “I can’t believe you read my laptop” You laughed, hiding your face in embarrassment. He reaches for you and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t be embarrassed baby, it’s cute that you read fanfiction about me” He smiles, kissing your shoulder.
“I didn’t realise people went into so much detail, I mean that shit was hot” He states, fingertips running up and down your arm. You nod you head, turning your body to look at him. “Oh babe, these people are talented. There is so much more stuff out there” You state, you were happy to show him more if that meant you could both have hot sex.
“Well, we better eat something and make a list of your kinks” He chuckles, pulling you down onto him and giving you a long kiss.
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floras-imagination · 2 months
guitar hands 🎸✌️- matty healy x reader
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summary: You can no longer hide the longing obsession for your best friend matty's hands... word count: 3.8k warnings: 18+ smut, fingering authors note: It's been ages since I've written a fanfiction, so this one might be a bit rusty. I hope you enjoy it, though.❤️ Part 2
"I can't do this anymore!", you gasped as your best friend Matty opened the door.
You walked in quickly as he opened his mouth, to greet you, but you cut him off before he could say anything, leaving him standing in the doorway, staring at you in surprise.
"I will never date anyone ever again!", you turned around, looking at a very confused Matty who was still holding the doorknob in his hands.
You pointed your index finger in the air to emphasize your words, "And this time I really mean it, so don't you dare laughing!", you frowned furiously in his direction, in a way that Matty finds terribly cute. It's a facial expression you often make when you're mad and Matty can't ever hide his little smirk when he sees you like that. But this usually makes you even angrier, which Matty doesn't mind because, obviously, he loves it.
Sometimes he even teases you a little bit to see that fuming, adorable glance of yours. But he always chooses his words carefully to make sure he doesn't hurt you with anything he says.
You threw your black bag in the corner before plopping down on the couch in his living room, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Still frowning, you focused your eyes on the floor in front of you.
He closed the door and slowly made his way over to the couch. His hair was messy and a few strands of his curls hung over his forehead. He looked a bit drowsy, like he'd just woken up from a nap.
"Well... hello, love.", it was finally his turn to speak. His voice sounded low and sleepy.
He rubbed his left eye, before placing the palm of his hand on his cheek, "It's nice to see you...", he continued.
You didn't say anything.
He sat down beside you, admiring you with a big smirk on his face. Suddenly, he seemed less and less tired. You could literally see the sleepiness leaving his body as his smirk grew wider and wider. In his head, he counted down the seconds, well aware that his silly smile was going to drive you nuts in less than five seconds. One, two, three, four...
"What?" you spat at him, turning your head to your right to face him. "Can you please stop doing that?" you asked, finally relaxing the muscles of your forehead.
"Doing what?" he giggled back at you. The "what" sounded more like a "wha". You've always had a weakness for his strong British accent. Hearing Matty talk gave you a weird feeling inside your lower belly, a feeling you've been trying to ignore ever since you first noticed it.
Matty and you had been best friends since year 9. You met him on your first day of school, just a few days after you and your family had moved from New York to Manchester. After the teacher introduced you to the class, Matty offered to give you a tour of the school. You were extremely grateful to have such a friendly classmate as Matty, and the fear of spending every break alone promptly vanished as he never left your side during breaks, welcoming you into his circle of friends.
You must admit you found him attractive, and he became even more appealing over the years. But he never made any moves that could suggest he wanted more than friendship, so you kept convincing yourself that this wasn't what you wanted either. You somewhat accustomed yourself to the idea of never getting closer to him, which made it easier to live with your hidden feelings. It has been ten years now, and sometimes you were so adept at denying your feelings that you even started to believe the lies you told yourself. In the meantime, you also had a few boyfriends and situationships where you completely forgot about your feelings for Matty due to being preoccupied.
Sadly, each of your relationships turned out to be exceedingly toxic, which made it difficult for you to focus on anything else. You constantly worried about not being enough or being too much. Days without arguments and tears were extremely rare, but Matty was always there for you.
"Oh come on, you know what I mean"
He was about to say something again, but you didn't let him.
"Looking at me like that when I'm mad. It's not funny, Matty! This is a serious situation!"
"A serious situation? Oh, okay. Well, you already said that a few weeks ago, when you came home from your date with that other bloke... Wait, what was his name again?", he paused for a moment as he touched his chin, looking up at the ceiling, pretending to think. After two seconds he gave up, because he really didn't remember the boy's name.
About 10 months ago, your boyfriend of two years broke up with you. It was a tough time for you, but Matty had been incredibly supportive. He let you sleep at his place on nights when you didn't want to be alone, which was almost every night for about a month and a half after the breakup. You cried a lot, and your best friend held you throughout the entire night, calming you down and making sure you had someone to talk to. The two of you shared a few restless nights during which neither of you got much sleep. However, cuddling was nothing new or special since you've been doing this ever since you became close friends. Matty has always craved cuddles from you, especially during movie nights or casual hangouts. You didn't read too much into it, presuming it's a normal thing best mates tend to do, but little did you know that he's been hiding his feelings as well...
When you eventually started to feel a bit better, Matty encouraged you to download some dating apps because he said something like 'the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.' That's also how the singer tried to get over his crush on you. He hooked up with numerous girls over the past years, desperately trying to feel something similar to the affection he feels in your presence, yet each trial remained unsuccessful.
You decided to give his advice a shot, and it was actually an excellent way to distract yourself from your aching heart. Though you didn't have much luck with your dates, you were at least able to get over your ridiculous ex.
"Anyway," he shrugged, "It doesn't matter."
"I don't remember his name either," you said dryly, still not averting your gaze from his face. Matty immediately turned his head to the left, now looking into your eyes as both of you burst into heavy, heartfelt laughter.
"Come here, darling..." he laughed, raising his left arm to pull you into a lovingly sweet hug.
He loved having you around and spending intimate and funny moments like this one with you. Seeing you heartbroken and sad broke his heart into a million little pieces. Lately, he's been struggling a lot with his self-control, not knowing how much longer he'll be able to keep his longing feelings for you a secret.
As you lay in his embrace, head resting on his soft, comfy chest, he snuggled his nose into your freshly washed hair, which smelled like a huge field of spring flowers.
"You wanna tell me what happened?" he mumbled against your head.
You were now completely relaxed, feeling happy in the lovely arms of your friend. "The date was horrible," you laughed, starting to tell your story. "We met up for dinner, and he was talking about himself the whole time! How he goes to the gym every single day... and it was just gym, gym, gym... and then he asked me if I did any sports, and I said no, and then he was talking some kind of bullshit again... but I wasn't even listening anymore at this point," you tittered before continuing, "Then I wanted to order some ice cream for dessert, and then he told me how unhealthy sugar was..." you couldn't stop yourself from laughing.
"No, really?" Matty laughed, still holding you tight. "What did you say then?"
"Nothing. I just grabbed my bag and left."
Matty threw his head back, roaring in laughter. "This is my girl. I'm proud of you," he breathed heavily. "I have ice cream in the freezer. You want some?"
You immediately jumped up at his words. "Yes! Please!"
He got up from the couch, preparing you a bowl of ice cream in the kitchen.
He strolled back to the living room, carrying the cold bowl in his hands. You found yourself lost in your thoughts, admiring his large, delicate fingers. You called them guitar hands, since you've seen plenty of other guitarists having these kinds of hands, but Matty's have been your favourite. The mere thought of his agile fingers touching your neck or thighs caused shivers, leaving your whole body covered with goosebumps. In your dreams, you imagined them slowly unbuttoning your jeans, gently sliding into your panties to...
You briefly shook your head, forcing the end of this forbidden daydream, after staring at Matty like you've just seen a ghost.
"Are you alright?" he questioned, throwing a rather puzzled glance at you.
"Hm...what?" you uttered, shaking your head once again. "Yeah, yes, I'm fine. I was just... nevermind," a slight chuckle left your lips, masking the huge amount of shame you felt.
"Honestly, why was I even mad?" you snickered, trying to change the topic as he handed you your much-needed dessert. "This is just so hilarious. But anyway, I meant what I said earlier. I won't go on any more dates," you licked the spoon delightfully, "I'm done. From now on, I'm going to enjoy my single era alone."
For a very brief moment, a smutty thought crossed Matty's mind as he saw your tongue gliding over the back of the spoon you held in your small, soft hand. He pushed the thought away quickly.
"Whatever makes you happy, love. I'm just glad you're finally over your ex. You were too good for him. You deserve so much more than that," he declared, fantasizing about being the man by your side, knowing you well enough to meet all your unique needs.
"Yes, I know. I don't know what I saw in him," you agreed. "But let's just forget about it, please."
He smiled, pulling you into his arms to place a peck on the side of your head. The Netflix logo popped up on the big flat screen in front of you as Matty turned on the TV. "You wanna stay with me tonight?" he asked his best friend needily, in a romantic, cuddly mood. It had been a long time since your last sleepover, and he was desperate to have you near.
Your right cheek was already pressed against Matty's chest as you were sleepily nestled in his hug, mumbling your answer "Guess you already took that decision for me, didn't you?"
"Yep," he stated, resting his head on yours. Though he couldn't imagine anything better than lying there with the one person he loved, his gracious smile was tinged with melancholy, as he couldn't shake the doubt that you would never reciprocate the depth of his feelings.
You found yourself waking up alone in the soft embrace of Matty's bed, the night still cloaking the world outside. With a sleepy sigh, you shifted beneath the covers to get up. The door stood slightly ajar and the enchanting sound of a guitar drifted into the moonlit room.
You opened the door, following the echoing noise of music that came from the living room. Matty was sat on the couch with a guitar on his lap, wearing his blue nike sweater. His messy curls tangled all over his forehead, making him look so effortlessly handsome in the gloomy warm light of the fairy lights hanging from the bookshelf.
He was so deeply focused in playing, he didn't even notice you already stood in the living room. Seizing the moment, you took the opportunity to observe him, particularly captivated by the way his hands deftly fingered the chords on the guitar, moving with such grace as if they were dancing in silent harmony with the music.
He looked up to see you standing in front of him, adoring your dozy appearence as he stopped strumming the strings of the guitar.
"Morning, sleepyhead", he greeted you in the usual flirtatious way. "I couldn't sleep. Wanted to work a bit on that new song. Was it too loud?"
"No, it's fine. It sounds good. Can I listen?"
"Course you can. Sit down", he demanded with a grin on his face as he continued playing.
You loved the sound of Matty's new song and even though you tried your best to concentrate on the rythm of the music, you couldn't help yourself from staring at his hands again. The way his fingers nimbly glided over the fretboard, made you think about all the other things these supple hands could do to you. A sinking feeling of guiltful embarassement was spreading inside your stomach. You hated having these lustrous thoughts while sitting in front your best friend.
While you were still submerged in your shameful thoughts, Matty slowly emerged from the trance he typically falls into when he plays the guitar. His gaze drifted over to you, curious about what you were thinking about the new piece. He observed you for a moment until he realized you were absentmindedly fixated on his left hand.
Recalling a similar situation from earlier that day, he recognized the same expression on your face as when he had brought you the bowl of ice cream.
He stopped playing, causing you to look at his eyes as your consciousness returned. "Is anything wrong with my hands?"
"What? No, why?", you raised an eyebrow, snickering nervously. "What could be wrong with your hands?"
"You've been staring at my hands again!"
"I don't know what you're talking about. When did I stare at your hands?"
"Well, just now? And earlier when I gave you the ice-cream?"
"I haven't!"
"You have! And it's not the first time I caught you doing that..."
"I was just wondering which chords you used", you declared, visibly annoyed.
"You're such a bad liar."
"No, it's true!", you tried to defend yourself.
"Ah, so you were staring? "
"I wasn't!", your voice grew louder and louder. You weren't angry at him but at yourself for not being careful enough. What if he finds out about the feelings you'd been trying so hard to hide all these years? What if your friendship ended right now, right here, in this night? The enormous weight of fear and sadness settled like a lump in your throat, making it hard to swallow. You had to swallow though, since you already felt tears coming up that needed to be hidden at all cost. It was impossible for you to gulp without making a noise as the lump of woe was already way too big to be swallowed in secret.
"Gaslighting...", Matty teased in a lighthearted manner instead of being serious or mad. He knew he was right, especially now that you seemed so offended by his question.
"Okay, that's enough. I'll go home", without hesitation you bolted upright from the couch.
Matty immediately reacted by grabbing your wrist with his right hand, while still seated on the couch, holding the neck of the guitar with his left one. You turned around to face him as he was looking deep inside of your eyes. Contrary to your expectation he was still far from being furious. You caught a glimpse of him still holding the D chord as your eyes darted around. His thumb rested on the e string, tightly gripping the guitar's neck.
"It's quarter past midnight. You're not going anywhere", he stated with a slight chuckle, his playful demeanor both infuriating and comforting you. He endeavored to soothe your frayed nerves, but his touch and gaze left you feeling uncomfortably giddy, leaving you unable to think straight. You swallowed hard, meeting his piercing stare.
As Matty's intense gaze locked onto yours, he felt the floodgates of longing burst open within him. No longer did he bother to conceal his desire.
'Now or never', he thought to himself, 'do it, you muppet!'
With another firm grip on your wrist, he summoned up all his courage, guiding you towards him with a sudden movement as he finally crushed his lips onto yours. After years and years of dreaming about this exact moment, it now became reality. And it felt even better than both of you could have ever imagined. Setting the guitar aside, he placed it to his left on the couch, drawing you closer. Pressing you gently against the cushions, he positioned his body on top of yours, eagerly seeking your lips again.
In the next thirty minutes you were having your long awaited make out session, filled with lots of wet and fiery kisses along with tender, passionate touches.
No words required, Matty was overjoyed and now well aware of the fact that you returned what he felt for you. Even though Matty didn't mention a single word, you knew it too.
"I love you so much, baby", he confessed, right before he started to work his way down your neck, placing gentle kisses on your soft skin, "I've been meaning to do this for ages"
"I love you too, Matty", you whispered, still not knowing if you were awake or dreaming.
As he was passionately devouring you, he could feel your body trembling while lust was written all over your face.
"I didn't expect you to have such a dirty mind, though.", he smirked against your neck.
"What do you mean?", your voice was shaking.
"You haven't answered my question yet"
"Which question?"
"Why you're so obsessed with my hands...",
"Matty please...", you whined.
"What?", he asked as his lips were still clung to your neck, "Tell me what you want me to do with my hands"
You gulped as feelings of overwhelming embarrassment came flooding over you again.
He slowly moved his hand from your back over your chest, sliding it down your belly, causing you to shiver even more. He stopped at the button of your jeans, resting his hand on your waist as he peeked up to lock his gaze with yours. With fluttering eyes you glanced down at him, wondering why he stopped. The intense craving for having his fingers inside of you became unbearable.
While Matty was grinning from ear to ear, finding pleasure in torturing you with his teasing touches, he raised an eyebrow at you.
"Please, Matty... I...", you stuttered, still not being able to speak properly.
"Tell me, love"
"I...", your words came out as a faint whisper, "I need you. Matty, please..."
"Where?", he whispered back at you.
"Inside me...", you finally gave him the words he wanted to hear, not caring about another wave of shame that was crashing all over you.
Not waisting any more time, he unzipped your jeans, slowly making his way into your slip. By the time his soft fingers reached your clit, you closed your eyes, throwing your head back in deep pleasure. A heavy moan left your mouth, as you were electrified by his heavenly touch that you've been craving so desperately.
"No, no, no, no, no!", he complained, "I want you to look at me."
The inability to move made it impossible for you to follow his command.
He tightened the grip between your legs as he repeated his order, "I said look at me!"
Continuing his teasing game, Matty was about to pull his hand back out of your pants, due to your disobedience, but you immediately stopped him by grabbing his hand to keep it in place. "What are you doing?", you questioned, wanting him to continue what he started.
"Uhm.. pulling my hand out.", he answered casually with a shrug, pretending it wasn't part of his little game. His plan worked out immediately when you looked at him with that cute, furious frown on your face.
"No! Why?", you protested.
Matty leaned in close, his breath warm against your ear, sending shivers down your spine as he whispered "Because only good girls deserve to be fingered by Matty Healy."
"And you aren't one", he gently pecked the skin of your neck again.
"I am", you moaned in response to his soft kisses.
"Don't think so. If you were, you'd do what I say"
"Please Matty stop teasing me now! I can't take it any longer"
"Hmm... seems like someone's being really needy...", he kept on playing with you, "will you be a good girl for me now?"
"Yes, Matty. Yes, I will", you answered impatiently.
"Then look at me.", he said as he carefully put his hand back between your legs and this time you were following his command, being the good girl he asked you to be, though it was definitely not easy for you to keep eye contact with him.
"Now you are being a good girl. I want you to keep looking at me, okay? Will you do that for me, darling?"
You nodded in response, "Hm... yes."
All of a sudden he pushed his middlefinger inside you, causing a loud moan from you.
"That's what you were thinking about when you watched me play guitar, isn't it?", he gently whispered in your ear.
"Maybe...", you admitted between your lusty moans.
"I knew it.", he smirked, "Couldn't quite believe it though..."
"Hmm..", you hummed as he continued his skillful work with his fingers, beaming you into another dimension of reality.
While listening to your ravishing moans he kept on talking, "My best friend is a dirty slut. Unbelievable. But I'd be lying if I said i didn't think about you every time I wanked.", he winked at you with a dirty smile, roughly jabbing another finger inside your dripping wet pussy.
"Matty, I... I think I...", you stammered, having difficulties to breathe.
"Yes baby, cum for me, please", he permitted, but you were already collapsing in heated pleasure as you eventually broke the eye contact, letting your head fall onto his chest, gasping for air.
With his free arm, he hugged you, pressing your body tightly to his own. He gave you some time to calm down while you were catching your breath, before he slowly pulled out his fingers, bringing them up to your mouth, so you could lick them clean. "If that was part of your phantasies too...then...", he shook his head with a radiant smile on his face while you seemingly enjoyed sucking your juice from his elegant guitar hands, "...like... who are you? And what have you done to my best friend?"
"Shut up, Healy!", you laughed after letting go of his fingers, "and cuddle me!"
You snuggled yourself into his loving embrace, but Matty had other plans....
"Nah... later, love.", he told you with hungry eyes, "I'm not done with you yet."
Part 2
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crownedghostprince · 9 months
That’s My Emotional Support Wife!
Legolas x Female!Accident Prone!Reader
Fandom: The Hobbit
Legolas and (Y/N) had courted for about a decade before finally deciding to marry.  (Y/N) was the daughter of Lord Elrond, just slightly younger than Arwen, and after marriage she moved to Mirkwood to live with Legolas and her father-in-law the King, Thranduil.  Legolas didn’t mind how accident prone (Y/N) was, sometimes it was even sort of cute.  And now there are 13 dwarves in the cells of Mirkwood having to be dealt with whilst the Elves continue their parties, patrols and usual antics that the dwarves were unaware of until that day.
Requests: Closed. Requested: no.
Warning(s): None.
Note: This is sort of silly, so if you enjoy a fun fanfiction, this is the one to read! (Y/C) - stands for (Your Choice) and (Your Colour).
Word Count: 2,021
[Third Person Perspective]
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(I couldn’t find any attached link to this picture from Pinterest, but it was under the account name “The Facegirl” when I found it. They seem cool from what I checked out.)
The dwarves were not happy to be locked up in the cells of Mirkwood under King Thranduil’s rule.  The elves would just pass by here and there as if it was an ordinary path to take.  These cells weren’t in dungeons or anything like you might expect, for the bars of the cells were incredibly tough and strong.  Therefore, there was no need to put the cells in such an inconvenient spot and instead it was closer to the main area where most Wood Elves just wandered through.  (This was also best as the Woodland Realm almost never had prisoners to jail).
So, the dwarves were trapped in their cells, waiting for Thorin to join them (hopefully with good news).  They’d tried breaking out of the cell in whatever way they could think.  From slamming against the bars with their shoulders, to kicking them with their legs and shaking them with their hands.  But still the cell bars held strong.  Bofur was the first to actually observe the elves, rather than sneer and ignore them like the others.  The others didn’t wish to make eye-contact or even look in their general direction.
Bofur watched, as many elves walked through speaking elvish and looking graceful.  Some elves were so graceful when they walked it looked almost as if they were floating across the floor, not even touching the ground.  He struggled to tell who was male and who was female, but the sounds of their voices definitely helped - even if he couldn’t understand their language.
Eventually he saw a beautiful elf with (Y/C) hair and (Y/C) eyes.  His?  Her? Dress was a beautiful mixture of pink and purple that fell past their ankles and hid their feet.  Thus, they appeared to be floating as they walked.  Bofur smiled, appreciating how beautiful the elves could truly be.  How graceful and--and she walked into a wall.  This got the dwarves quietly chuckling from they cells.
Even Dwalin was hiding his snicker.  They would laugh more openly, but they were in foul moods and didn’t want to anger the elves when the elves had an advantage against them.  The elf maiden didn’t seem to mind - hearing their chuckles with her good hearing - and laughed with them.  A shadow crossed the floor and Legolas landed with perfection as he came to check on his wife.  The dwarves’ faces immediately molded into scowls at the sight of the rude elf that found them and cast them into their cells.
They continued to watch as Legolas checked his wife’s face for cuts and smiled when she was cleared to be okay.  He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and took her hand, walking her to the staircase to continue her on her path.  She was not halfway up the staircase when she tripped and fell.  Luckily, Legolas was used to this and simply caught her and gracefully carried her the rest of the way.  He set her back down on the marble floors, kissed the back of her hand and returned to his position up high, watching over the area.  She curtsied and although the dwarves could not hear - or understand it - she thanked him.  “Ni ‘lassui en, Legolas.”
An hour later, Thorin joined his company in the cells.  He simply explained how he had not taken any deal with King Thranduil and that all the Elves could...well...let’s not translate that now.  The dwarves were upset by this news, feeling like they’d be trapped forever.  But Thorin knew there was a Bilbo Baggins somewhere out there.  And he would help free them.  He was sure of it.  Bilbo was not so sure.  Every time he thought he had a clear path to descend to the cells, suddenly a bunch of elves walked by.  He was thankful the ring he found made him invisible.
Some were going to patrol outside, some were laughing and telling jokes in Elvish, some were carrying wine and food, or decorations and others were reading a lovely looking book as they walked by.  The thing is this: Bilbo didn’t have many openings to sneak past and not bump into someone.  So instead he decided to follow them for a brief moment and saw them setting up a sort of party.  With decorations and a clear view of the sky where Bilbo could see the tinges of orange and pink beginning to appear in the clouds.
There were tables lined with bottles of wine and kegs of wine and cups for the wine.  There were a few tables of food, but mostly it was wine.  With lots of seats, some elves already perched on the staircases and some elves sitting up high on ledges already getting drunk.  Many were singing and some were possibly telling poems?  Or stories?  Bilbo wasn’t quite sure but it was a merry gathering that was forming.
‘Well,’  Bilbo decided to himself, ‘Time to find those dwarves.’  And so he walked back the way he came, sneaking down corridors of marble and past beautiful pillars with beautiful, intricate carvings running down them.  Soon his eyes laid upon, a (Y/C) haired elf with a beautiful dress and stunning eyes.  She was reading a book as she walked absentmindedly.  He decided to follow her and see where he ended up.
They walked for almost half an hour when he heard the familiar, grumpy dwarves’ voices as they hushedly whispered to each other in Khuzdul.  ‘Finally,’ Bilbo thought excitedly, ‘I’ve found them!’  He waited behind the she-elf, watching where she was headed.  By the time he realized she was about to walk down a flight of stairs and possibly injure herself, a blond elf was by her side with an arm around her waist.  Legolas was so accustomed to stopping his wife from falling down stairs it was almost a daily thing to catch her and gently lead her away.
“A, Legolas.”  She smiled to her lover with such a soft gaze he felt sure to melt under it.  Although the dwarves did not know it, ‘A’ was Elvish for ‘Hi’.  However, they simply thought it was an exclamation like the English ‘Ah’ when one realizes they almost walked off the top step of a flight of stairs.
However, (Y/N) was so accident prone she was no longer surprised when someone stopped her from walking into a wall, or a door, or out a window and this case was no different.  Bruises and cuts from falling down stairs was common for our silly she-elf lady.  Legolas sighed fondly.  “Hiril vuin, please do fall down the stairs before a most wonderful celebration.”  ‘Hiril vuin’ was Elvish for ‘my lady’ and was a sweet and simple way for Legolas to remain caring, but serious, in front of the dwarvish prisoners.
Bofur spoke up with a chuckle from the cells below, “Is falling down the stairs a common occurrence?  I would love to see such a performance everyday!”  He joked.  The dwarves laughed in agreement except for Oin who could barely hear what Bofur said.
“What did he say?”  He asked Gloin who was in the cell beside him.  His question went unanswered as Gloin continued to loudly laugh.  Legolas glared down at the cells whilst (Y/N) simply laughed with the dwarves.  She had a wonderful sense of humour - she has two older and fun twin brothers after all - and she was also used to these jokes which made it even more fun in her opinion!
Once the laughter had settled down a bit (Y/N) chuckled out, “I knew I should’ve been the King’s jester!”  and the howls of laughter sprung back up again.  Their thunderous voices bounced of the walls and echoed through the building.  Even Legolas and Bilbo chuckled at (Y/N)’s joke.  As the dwarves continued to laugh, crack jokes and sometimes just rest in silence, Legolas decided to simply ignore them and inquire about his wife’s current book.  “Oh!  It’s a book of Elvish poems and short love stories.  I fell in love with it after reading the first couple of love poems.  It even has some poems specifically to be read just before you sleep.  Oh!  I’ll find one of my favourites for you!”
She began to carefully flip back through the previously read pages, keeping her bookmark on her current page as she did so.  Bilbo took this chance to quietly sneak past the couple and down the stairs to the cells in order to look for the keys.  Legolas smiled adoringly as his wife quietly muttered the poem titles until she found the one she was looking for.  Although the Elvish is truly beautiful and wonderful to read, here’s the English equivalent instead:
“ Your Divine Beauty,
The stars crown your head, As you rest peacefully in bed, And the moon bathes you in its’ light, Kissing you with all its’ might.
Such beauty even the sun bows down, So its’ colours may reflect onto your white gown. Pink, orange and gold, Dare not touch or enfold.
For they will not dare, To hide your beauty nor ensnare.”
Although Bilbo and the dwarves had no clue what she said as it was in Elvish, still they folded to the sound of her melodic voice when she read aloud her favourite poem.  Legolas gently kissed her forehead when she was finished and sighed wistfully.  “I adore that poem so much now.”  He smiled down as their foreheads rested together.
“I’m glad you liked it, dear.”  She grinned, returning his kiss with a giggle.  Only a moment had passed when they heard approaching footsteps.  Bilbo snuck back to a corner in case they should pass him and the dwarves returned to their original scowls as two Elven guards came to a stop in front of the couple.  The woman curtsied to the guards and they returned with a bow.
“We’re sorry to interrupt, but the celebrations are beginning.”  They explained, carefully watching Legolas’ eyes as he sighed.
“Very well.  Then I shall not keep you any longer, my dear.  Please, go enjoy yourself and do not wait up for me.  I will join you shortly after I have finished my patrol over the cells.”  Legolas kissed his wife’s hand with a tenderness and care you only hear and see in romance books.
“Thank-you, darling.  I shall join them, but I shall still wait for you.”  She grinned with a cheeky glint to her eyes.
“Why do I bother to tell you to not wait, you don’t listen anyway.”  He chuckled sweetly.  “Very well.  Now go, before my father is disappointed with both of us being absent.”
“Ah, yes, I should hurry then.  Take care, darling, and try not to roughen up the dwarves too much.”  She kissed him once more before leaving with the guards to the celebrations.  Legolas sighed wistfully once more and did not move until she was safe out of sight with the guards.  He trusted them to catch her if she should fall.
But even if she is injured, they have healers that are always pre-prepared for her anyway.  He turned back and before he could ascend back to his post, the dwarves spoke up.
“So she and you are...well...together, huh?”
“She’s my emotional support wife.”  Legolas grinned mischievously, knowing fully well she could still hear them with her excellent Elvish hearing.  A second later his ears heard her voice in the distance,
“I heard that!”  And he smiled hearing her voice once more.
“You’ll do well to not disrespect her whilst you’re here.”  Legolas stared the dwarves down as he finally returned to his post, just out of their line of sight above them.  The dwarves rolled their eyes and proceeded to taunt him with funny comments anyway.  All were harmless, but they were fishing for a reaction from Legolas so they did their best to make it sound almost like insults.  He didn’t care enough to hear though, he was ignoring them and mentally reciting his wife’s favourite poem so when she was having a bad sick day he’d know it off by heart.
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AITA for making a YouTuber feel uncomfortable? 
Here me out please, before you all make assumptions. 
A couple months ago, I(19F) began following a YouTuber that I quickly began to love. I won’t be saying the YouTuber’s name for the sake of protecting their privacy, obviously. I started to watch their videos(which were mainly about a story that she came up with, featuring her ocs) and enjoyed them all, enjoyed the ocs, too. This YouTuber is a relatively unpopular one, but not so unpopular that they’re obscure or completely unheard of, they’re just not one of the big names in the YouTuber community. I made a few amazing friends due to us being in the same fandom and both enjoying this YouTuber’s content. One day, I decided to write a fanfic for this person’s story featuring her ocs. I uploaded the fic to AO3 and made sure to credit the YouTuber with creating these amazing ocs. I then showed it to my few friends, who all loved the fanfic. However, one day I made the mistake of showing the fic to a mutual friend(now an ex-friend but that’s a topic for another discussion) that me and the YT both share, and she sent the fanfic to the YT without my permission. Now before y’all get up in arms, I didn’t mind at all that she had sent it to the YT, in fact, I actually wanted the YT to see. However I really wish that she had asked me first, because I would have been more than happy to show it to them! Unfortunately, a few days after I sent it to her, my other friend(let’s call her M) showed me an announcement the YT made on her Discord, in which she complained about people writing fanfictions of her ocs and “using” them in her stories without her permission. She also stated that she felt like she was losing control of her story when other people wrote fanfics of it, and that whoever wrote the fanfiction “didn’t understand boundaries”(even though she didn’t have this boundary before and also wrote in the announcement that she used to be okay with fanfics of her work, but now no longer is). I deleted the fanfic the moment I saw the post from my friend, but I was a bit disappointed since I never meant to make her feel uncomfortable and only wanted to show my love and appreciation for her story, and possibly get more people to check out her story as well. Still, I deleted the fanfic from AO3. 
Now, here’s where things get interesting. A while later, I joined the YouTuber’s Discord server, where I met many people that I got along quite well with and quickly befriended. I often engaged in conversations with them about the story, and often drew fanart of my favorite character and posted it to the art channel in the server(she’s okay with fanart of her ocs, just not fanfics). Now is probably a good time to mention that while I was in the Discord server(and even before that) I often talked about the story with my friend on Tumblr(not M, these are two separate friends) who did not have Discord but loved the story just as much as I did. We often talked about the story and how much we enjoyed it, and often came up with jokes and headcanons, basic stuff like that, that any fan would do. Anyway, back to the Discord, one of the rules of the server was not to be disrespectful or rude or malicious towards other people, and another was that if you received two warnings about your behavior in the server then you would be quickly banned from the server and no longer allowed to come back. I understood this and tried to conduct myself to the best of my ability. However, one day, I found myself mysteriously unable to access the server, and when I tried to rejoin, I was again unable to. I found out that the reason I couldn’t access the server was because I had been banned due to “disrespectful behavior”, “engaging in arguments”, and making the YouTuber(who ran the server) uncomfortable. I was confused, because I genuinely don’t remember ever engaging in rude behavior with anyone. The few instances(according to them) in which I had been allegedly rude or disrespectful to people were both genuine misunderstandings, and both times I had apologized for them and did not repeat the behavior. I also did not receive any form of warning before being banned, despite one of the rules being that you will receive two warnings before being banned from the server. Still, I apologized for my alleged hostility and asked if I could come back, however the YouTuber said no, and went on to add that not only was I rude to people in the server(which, again, were both genuine misunderstandings), but that she had seen my Tumblr conversations with my friends in which I talked about her story, and said that she was “wildly uncomfortable” with how “obsessive” I was with it as well as my favorite character in the story. This bewildered me to no end because the YouTuber did not have Tumblr and had never once ever mentioned being on or having access to Tumblr, so I did not expect her to see my posts(and even if she did, I did not expect to get banned for them as they do not violate the rules of the server). It made me wonder why she didn’t just talk to me and explain to me that she was uncomfortable with me posting about her work instead of just banning me altogether and not giving me a chance to defend myself. I ended up sadly and reluctantly deleting all of my posts relating to her story, and requesting my friend to do the same. I told M about this scenario, and she was enraged on my behalf, saying that the YouTuber probably was actually upset about my having written a fanfic for her ocs, and said that she didn’t understand me being called obsessive because I acted like a normal fan would(which I agree with). Some of my other friends have sided with me as well and told me that the YouTuber was acting petty, however some of my friends have taken a middle ground. None of them entirely condemned me, but that may just be because they are biased and don’t want to hurt my feelings. The mutual friend/now ex-friend(of course) merely told me to “self-reflect” and move on from the story. Regardless, the YouTuber now has me blocked, not just on Discord, but on Instagram as well, where I also reside. 
Reasons why I think I might be the asshole: I will admit that I have a tendency to really hyperfixate on things and get especially attached to fictional characters that I adore and resonate with, so I can see why that would make them uncomfortable. That being said… 
Reasons why I think I might not be the asshole: I genuinely wasn’t trying to make this wonderful YouTuber feel uncomfortable or be “obsessive” with the story. I merely wanted to show my appreciation for it in a way that I thought was normal for online fans, which included writing a fanfic, drawing fanart, and geeking out about the story with my friends(admittedly publicly). I had no idea that these actions would turn the YouTuber off, and merely wanted to show how much I enjoyed the story. I also was never rude to anyone in the server and apologized whenever a misunderstanding rose up. I never tried to be aggressive with anyone or cursed anybody out or tried to have arguments with people, so I have no idea where that came from. 
So, what say ye, oh wise people of Tumblr? Am I the asshole or not?
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