#never meet your idols eh
thirstyvampyr · 4 months
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I traveled all this way, I traveled all this way. If I’d be normal, can I stay? Can I? If I'd be nor- If, If I’d be normal, can I stay?
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sleepybbie · 1 year
#TRENDING ! | nagi x reader
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summary: your and nagi’s name seemed to be in the main headline of hashtags on twitter when you woke up one day…
proplayer!nagi x idol!fem!reader
warning! mentions of threats and hate comments,
a/n: this fic is based on episode 9 of season 2 of aggretsuko on netflix when they found out retsuko and tadano were dating TwT
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it really wasn’t tensional.
you were feeling lonely, and so did he. nagi followed what you told him. he thought if he were to hide through his identity with a cap, mask, and some glasses, then he wouldn’t be easily recognized by the public, and then he would be able to meet up with you in secret with no one to disturb you two. go at his place, exchange kisses and words of affirmation, cuddle and have your time together.
the pro football player, going out with one of the most beautiful known idols in japan. basically you. it was a death sentence at just that.
ever since your manager, sara, allowed you to date someone after the success of your first solo album to be released, you had never been more happy to tell nagi the news, in which he too was delighted, kissing the temple of your head after. finally, you don’t have to hide your phone every time she checks.
your manager says that if this information were ever to be turned in public, there’s a chance that your career would have a turn for the worse, and that you have to keep it private.
fans are crazy, she says. and she wasn’t wrong.
you received a couple of threats from letters you thought were fan letters, and even some during your concerts, in which they were gladly taken away by security and were banned from ever attending to your concerts. being famous is scary, but nagi had became your comfort after all of that. that’s why you dated him. surprisingly, you two have already been dating for 3 years, in secret from your manager even. only his best friend reo knows about your relationship and so as your two closest friends. they were amazing at keeping secrets.
you promised your manager that you would try your best to keep a low profile when going out, using the same method every famous people do when walking outside in public—which is wearing a disguise.
since the two of you were famous, you told nagi that the best disguise is just a simple cap, mask, sunglasses and an attire that would look plain. nagi took these suggestions in mind, and used them one day during a rest day. you were used to wearing disguises, so you had a usual waiting for you in your hotel room. you had finished doing a song rehearsal, and nagi messaged to you if you wanted to go out on a date for your free day.
without thinking, you said ‘yes.’
maybe you should always take your manager’s words in your head all the time. and the thing is, she had no idea you were dating him.
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wednesday, 11:02am
sara sat down on the computer chair as she slammed the finished documents over her desk, stretching her arms up in the air along with a tired sigh escaping her lips. she just finished her paperwork for your album, talking to various producers who’ll help you out and such, making schedules and plans afterwards.
thank goodness it was a rest day, you were probably busy anyways and she doesn’t want to do anymore work for she only messaged to you about the upcoming rehearsal you were having on friday and to prepare. and that was that. the stress she was having at the moment irked her.
“it’s like seeing my old self…ugh, my back hurts..”
without saying anything more, she opened her computer, google, then checked out the latest news. maybe a little drama could spice up her boring day..
“new trial; kiinomori, says not guilty,” boring.
“a car crash happening after a cos event, yesterday,” do car crashes always happen now?
“japan’s new technology shocks the tokyo community,” eh, not interested
“wanted: extra line artist,” why are you even looking for help here on the news website??!
‘even the news are starting to become uninteresting…well at least the crime rates aren’t going up any sooner..’ she thoughts to herself, clicking on the mouse to see if there were any particular headlines that might catch her interest. maybe about you would be nice.
however, something stopped her from scrolling.
“photo of japan’s football genius and japan’s most beloved idol’s lovey-dovey date.”
her eyes widen a little. no, that was impossible. you wouldn’t find a boyfriend that soon, right? and a football player? no, far too impossible..it just might be another idol, yeah. maybe even a colleague? yeah, that must be it.
steadily, her mouse clicked on the news page, and in an instant it opened.
“are the two going out as friends? or something more?” was what the article stated in the first sentence. sara took a good look on the photos, and all she could see was what she recognized to be the genius nagi seishiro’s back, his white hair flowing out of the cap on his head, holding a lemon tea drink in his hand, and the other in his pockets. nagi seishiro, the proclaimed genius football player who participated in the blue lock project? dating? sara barely knew anything about him, but woah.
beside nagi, was a girl smaller than him. sara couldn’t see her face, so she went forward to scroll down for more pictures.
that moment when she continues to scroll down on her computer, eyes intensely trying to take a good look on the photos took by the secret paparazzi, they kept only taking shots of nagi’s face, not even bothering to let the viewer look at who he’s with. her patience was almost running out…
that was until…she finally identified who the footballer was with.
time pauses, the tranquil silence was eerie, and sara felt her heart stop at the moment. jaw dropped, eyes wide, and the cup of coffee she bought at starbucks almost fell to the ground, a drip of the coffee falling on her desk.
then the whole public went on fire.
“FOR REAL?????”
the article, with now over 2 million views, ended the statement with, “will the two get married soon??”
“a-aha..ahaha..they’re joking right?? y/n with t-that guy..? ahaha..ahaha..” one was on the verge of insanity from astonishment.
the number one trending hashtag on twitter, over 400 brand new tweets not long after the news broke out in public. your closest friends, saw the article. and not long after they tried their best to contact you to no avail.
“you’ve seen the article?”
“yes, i have. have you seen the way y/n’s instagram has been popping up after?” one of your friends showed the other on her phone screen, your verified instagram page. it seems your followers had multiplied after the article was posted online. from 30k to now 70k followers. your friends were able to read the newly added comments from your last post. the other comments are mostly from the good fans, showing their support for you and nagi’s relationship, and some were mostly from those nagi fangirls in which they despise the most..
‘found her lol.’
‘nagi could do better lmao.’
‘she’s not even that good looking.’
‘she’s just attention seeking lol.’
yeah, they definitely despise them. since not long, the two were preparing their bot accounts, about to fight them back.
even the team blue lock members’ were able to read the article, jaws dropped on the floor in surprise. how did the lazy genius managed to pull a famous idol like you?
“wha…what is…what’s this..?”
“holy crap, so this is why they’re trending?”
“i…i’m shocked.”
“woah! nagichi is actually dating y/n? how lucky, aha! they’re trending!”
“is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“so this is what that guy’s keeping away from us, huh?!”
“i didn’t even know he was dating someone. better yet, someone famous.”
“is this also why he’s late for practice?”
“it’s almost 3 million views now, they really are taking over the headlines.”
“wait, since they’re dating can i ask nagi if i can get an autograph from her??”
“shut up, igaguri.”
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your friends were almost screaming at the end of the line when you answered their call, curled up over your bed and a little shaking, covering your naked body in the blankets with a sleepy nagi next to you. this wasn’t intentional, it really wasn’t. you didn’t know, you didn’t know that there was a secret paparazzi nearby. now you’re scared of what your manager might say to you after this. will she force you two to break up? or never see each other again? make you say you’re just friends with him? no, no, anything but that.
you thought the morning routine for this day would be blissful, with yesterday’s love making was comforting and full of passion, and now you’re awoken with news about you and nagi’s relationship now being in public.
“y-yeah, i know..” your voice was hush, like a whisper. you felt afraid of what might happen.
“y/n, are you alright over there? we can come over if you want. is nagi there with you right now?”
“n-no, you guys don’t have to..and yeah, he’s with me right now...’s just asleep..” you replied.
“it’s insane. it hasn’t even been hours and you two are—
your other friend’s voice has been cut off quick, “you don’t have to remind that to her..! listen, y/n, don’t be scared ok? i know it’s scary, but stay strong. trust me, that’ll get over soon.”
their voices are a little muffled on the end of the line, probably fighting over the phone.
the moment you felt movement beside you, you were quick to turn your head to see nagi already waking up from his sleep. great, now how are you going to tell him?
“guys, i’ll call you back later. i have to talk to sei about it. bye now.” then the call dropped. when you looked back over to nagi, his eyes were half lidded, white locks covering his right eye as he rubbed them awake.
“ah…morning, sei…uh..” you nervously avoided eye contact, fingers padding through your phone to look for the article about you and your now public boyfriend that went viral online. nagi tried to pull your figure close to him, arms wrapping over your stomach with a mumble, “it’s so early…hey y/n…go back to sleep with me..”
“it’s 11am now, sei..don’t you have practice today..?”
“ah, you’re right…what a bother..too tired from last night..” fuck, how are you supposed to tell him now? it’s now or never.
“hey, sei…i think you should see this..”
passing your phone over to your boyfriend, you anxiously played with your fingers as you can spot his pupils reading the article displayed over the screen, lazily. it took him some time to finish, his thumb scrolling down to continue reading before nagi lays the phone down between the both of you and groans. “ahh…what a pain. how did they even manage to recognize us? ‘thought my disguise was good..”
“paparazzis are terrifying..” was what you replied. in a few moments, you sighed, covering your face with both of your palms, letting go of the blanket that was covering your upper chest. “what should we do? this is bad…if sara sees this then we’re done for…how did this happen?? oh please, i don’t wanna leave you, sei..”
“didn’t she say you’re allowed to be in a relationship?”
“yeah, as long as i keep it private..!” you say, almost yelling at him. nagi stares at you, hugging the pillow he’s laying underneath. realization hits you, then you covered your mouth, embarrassed. “ah, sorry…i didn’t mean to yell at you..”
“ts fine…” he responds. you hid your face beneath your palms again, expression filled with nothing but worry and little fear. your insta’s been popping up, more followers were added and even more comments popping at your last post. and when you looked over to twitter to see your name trending over the hashtags, the whole world fell down over your shoulders.
“hey, y/n…look at me.”
you couldn’t.
“y/n. hey, let me see you..” nagi who was now sitting up, grabbed both of your hands off of your face to make you look at him.
pretty, you were so pretty. so pretty for him. “it’s gonna be alright..”
“no, no—easy for you to say but…my..my manager..she’ll..” then you looked down over the blanket again, breath hitching as you struggled to breathe a little. nagi had to hold you close to him in order to calm you down, hands brushing your hair, voice hushing your small whimpers. “shh, hey, hey..take deep breaths…c’mon…calm down..”
he always did that when you had panic attacks. most of the time after your concerts or handshakes with your fans. nagi holds you close, then stays quiet. maybe you’re overreacting a little bit…yet at the same time, it’s going to be scary facing the public afterwards.
nagi stayed with you for a while until you could face him calmly, with steady breaths and a peaceful heart. he could see the notifs popping up on his phone.
99+ new messages.
38 missed calls from reo
17 missed calls from isagi and the rest ongoing. his phone too was exploding this morning. but first he has to make sure you’re ok.
when you finally managed to calm down, nagi continues to brush your hair back, looking straight to your eyes. “feel a little better?”
you nodded. “just…just still a bit scared of sara..”
“yeah? well i’ll make sure to apologize. i was the one who dragged you out after all.”
“n-no, sei! you don’t have to i—that’ll make it more worse i’ll be the one to talk to her.” nagi shakes his head, not approving of your idea. “it would be a hassle if you had to go through that alone…at least let me talk to her too..” your boyfriend caressingly rubs your hand together with his, he could still spot the small bruises he left on your neck..a loving gaze pictured over his face.
“it wouldn’t be so much work unlike practice. i’ll come with you…wherever you are. sometimes i wish we were cats so we can spend 9 lives together, y’know?”
you couldn’t say anything much for this dork, except pull nagi for another hug. you prayed to whatever existed that you don’t ever get pulled away from him, your beloved. you sometimes wished things don’t turn out to be in a bad way, after all, you’re an idol of love and kindness. however sometimes, maybe the entertainment industry should be less strict on their idols, including you. nagi was the only one that made you feel alive from them. from all the negativity you’ve been feeling because of what you do.
you love nagi seishiro. and nagi seishiro loves you. that’s there to it.
in the end, you and nagi managed to talk to sara about the whole relationship situation going on, and the only thing she was mad about was that fact you didn’t tell her you were dating, better yet a pro player. she just gave you a warning and then head straight to ask permission to your company about your relationship.
then not long after too, the situation calmly fainted down, and everything went back to normal. maybe except about some of your fans who are quite upset that you’re in a relationship.
still, you were glad the company was kind enough to let you two stay together. maybe it’s because you’re with someone famous, too, but it didn’t really matter.
yeah, maybe you were overreacting.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
pls can i request a ficlet/blurb: your supporting less in australia for the world cup on her days off you meet her at her hotel and walk for hours around the cities you’re in, both adamant on bringing zel with you since her family is not there and being her “siblings she never had” anyway your brother his wife and your niece fly over to support lessi aswell, both of your families obviously being close but since you only speak to your brother, only he is around. watching less score the winner in the semi finals was a dream for all of you, listening to your niece ramble incoherent words about how ‘auntie lessless’ is her idol. when she comes up after the game to see you all and greeting your brother, her family gives her a minute to soak it all up in your arms, with you whispering sweet nothing in your ear then finally your niece comes rushing up to her and gives lessi a hug just cute moments with the fam 🥲
favorite aunty II a.russo
"are we there now?" your niece asked for the one hundreth time as you withheld a groan and alessia hid her smile behind her hand, chin resting on her fist.
"not yet lilah, i promise i will tell you when we are. look you're missing out on the view!" you turned her head to continue to look out the window.
"look lilah theres a pretty bird!" katie clapped for your nieces attention, pointing out the window as the five year old ooh'd and you caught zel's eye as she glanced over the seat mouthing a thank you.
"we're here!" you winced a few minutes as the girl screamed seeing the sign for the zoo and wriggled around eagerly in her seat. "inside voice lilah." you sighed with a smile, ruffling her hair as she leaned into your side.
"if you weren't already the favourite aunty i think this will secure it for you quite nicely." your girlfriend leaned forward and whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek.
"by blood i'm her only aunty, there isn't much competition." you rolled your eyes playfully and helped your niece out of her seat belt, hoisting her up onto your hip as you patiently awaited the rest of the girls and their families to file out.
"can i go with zelly?" delilah asked hopefully pointing to your girlfriends teammate who beamed making your face soften. "you can. but hold her hand the entire time and no running off yeah lilah?" you warned sternly, the blonde nodding eagerly as you passed her over the seat and she filed off the bus chattering away to the older woman.
"looks like that competition for favourite auntys heating up eh? i'd like to throw my hat in the ring!" ella grined as her and alessia followed you off the bus. "you wish tooney she can barely understand you!" you teased, ducking away as the brunette reached out to hit you.
"hands to yourself if you want to keep them tooney." alessia warned, the taller girl throwing her arm over your shoulder as you pulled a face at her best friend who drew her finger over her throat playfully.
given the semi finals were coming up quickly and the girls hadn't had much down time the last week the staff had organised for the team and some of their families and partners to spend the day at the zoo.
having been with your girlfriend just over two and a half years now you'd leapt at the opportunity to come support her in australia, having been right by her side as she received sarina's phone call confirming her selection for the world cup squad.
you knew what it meant to her and with all the stress placed on her shoulders from her transfer you were relieved that at least there was one less thing for her to worry over now.
never having been close with your own family bar your older brother you were welcomed into alessia's with open arms from the get go. her parents already thought of you as another daughter and her brothers teased you as if they'd known you their entire life, it was a comfort not known to you in your youth.
given how things were growing up for you to be welcomed in so lovingly and so sincerely from people who at the time hardly knew you meant the world.
then once things became even more serious with you and alessia she'd organised for your brother, his wife and his daughter delilah to join all of you for a meal, her family of course falling in love with the little blonde bundle of energy that was your niece.
so when it became public knowledge that alessia had been selected your brother booked some time off and flew over with delilah to support your girlfriend which made the strikers heart absolutely melt.
"aunty lessless!" the blonde turned away from her conversation with ella, bending down and opening her arms with a grin as your niece crash tackled into her. "names so nice she insists on saying it twice." you teased playfully at your nieces choice of nickname for your girlfriend.
"hey lilah who do you love more? aunty n/n or aunty lessless?" ella smirked as the four of you wandered around the zoo, the rest of the girls all scattered and looking at things at their own pace, mary and katie trailing not far behind the four of you deep in their own conversation.
you watched through narrowed eyes as your girlfriend whispered something in your nieces ear causing her to grin. "aunty lessless!" delilah announced happily as alessia smirked smugly and your jaw dropped.
"delilah!" you huffed, pouting and crossing your arms over your chest as your girlfriend tickled the five year olds sides and ran off with her towards the elephants. "looks like we know the winner of the favourite aunty competition is, tough luck kid." ella patted your back with a mocking pout as you shoved her away.
"she will have promised her something for that answer, you know you're her favourite." katie pulled you into a hug seeing the frown etched into your features as ella stepped on the back of marys trainer, the keeper charging off after her.
"i'm sorry your family couldn't come zel." you smiled sympathetically as the two of you wandered over to where alessia was stood with your niece. "its alright, i know they would if they could." the older girl brushed it off but you knew it saddened her as you squeezed her tightly.
"you know i love you like a sister, if that helps." you smiled sincerely, quite close with the majority of your girlfriends united team mates. "yeah and ya annoy me like one too." katie sighed before grinning as you rolled your eyes.
"aunty n/n!" you looked over to where your niece sat happily in alessia's arms, wildly gesturing you over with her arms. "that one looks like you." the five year old grinned pointing to one of the elephants as you gasped in mock offence.
"right, no more hugs for that. bye lilah!" you crossed your arms and pretended to storm off, your niece yelling out after you and wiggling as alessia placed her down on her feet.
"hug me!" delilah demanded running toward you as you dodged her, repeatedly moving away from her much to the little blondes growing annoyance.
"quick lilah get her!" you stumbled a little as your girlfriends strong arms wrapped around you, holding you in place as your niece slammed into your leg, hugging you tightly. "caught you!" delilah grinned happily, smacking your leg and sprinting off toward katie and mary.
"lilah be careful!" you called out with a frown as she stuck a thumbs up your way and was scooped up by katie. "smile would you grumpy." your girlfriend pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek as you winced and elbowed her off.
"no get off! you turned her against me." you glared at the taller girl accusingly who laughed at your annoyance, once again wrapping herself tightly round you.
"better get used to it baby, as the favourite aunty now i'll make sure we keep teaming up against you." alessia teased with a smile as you tried to wrench yourself away from her.
you settled instantly the moment her lips pressed against yours, the taller girl stealing a kiss and tugging you a little more out of sight, pressing you against a large fake rock.
"already teaching her about bribery are we?" you raised an eyebrow knowingly as the striker pulled away, your arms now looped round her shoulders as you played fondly with the baby hairs on the nape of her neck.
"no idea what you mean love." alessia grinned innocently making you roll your eyes, the few of you exchanging a few sweet kisses, soaking up the brief moment of peace together.
"so what did you say you'd give her to secure the favourite aunty position then?" "that i'd score a goal for her next game." "oh thats so unfair baby, i can't compete with that!"
and boy oh boy did the striker follow through on her promise.
the stadium errupted as alessia netted the winner, your heart swelling so much with pride you thought it might burst as you screamed loudly.
pulled into a tight hug by her brother gio you watched the blonde lift her arms up and run toward the away end, her eyes finding yours as she pointed right up at you before she was tackled to the ground by her team mates.
"aunty lessless did it!" you scooped up your niece as she clambered over luca's lap to get to you, sending the boy an apologetic smile as he winked and turned back to his conversation with your brother.
"she did! she promised you she would right? she scored that for you lilah." you smiled softly, gio leaning over to tickle the five year old who squealed and smacked at his large hands. "lilah!" you laughed as the girl climbed practically on top of you, reaching out for alessia's mum carol whose face lit up from where she sat in the row behind yours.
"go on then, little wriggle monster." you chuckled, lifting her over into carols arms as she tightly hugged the older woman, babbling away about her aunty lessless and recounting her she had promised delilah a goal yesterday at the zoo.
when the final whistle blew your face ached from how wide a grin was plastered on your face, screaming and cheering till your throat was red raw, jumping around and hugging everyone.
alessia's body was exhausted after playing what was a gruelling match, and she groaned quietly as she started the climb up toward where everyones families were waiting, the rest of the stadium having cleared out as the team had celebrated and changed together.
though any shred of fatigue was washed away the moment her eyes landed on you, lips curling into a smile as you threw your head back and laughed at something your brother said, alessias heart melting at how her dad wrapped you in a tight hug just as he would hug her growing up.
"here she is then, the winning goal scorer!" gio spotted her first, yelling out loudly with a whistle causing everyones families to explode into a round of applause, alessia's cheeks blushing as her team mates jostled her around.
everything finally dying down and everyones attention focused in on their own families once again alessia reached hers, your brother pulling her into a tight hug and kissing her head.
you were next, stood the row of chairs above where she stood you were for once the taller of the two of you, alessia normally having a good foot or two on you.
you couldn't keep the grin off your face as your girlfriends head settled on your chest, long arms winding around your torso as your own looped around her neck. "your hairs all wet." you giggled into her shoulder as she teasingly rubbed her damp head against you.
"i am so incredibly proud of you lessi baby, i don't even have the words to express it." you whispered to her softly, rubbing her back as she squeezed you tightly, hiding her flushed cheeks in your shoulder.
her mum watched on with a fond smile, wrestling to keep the five year old tucked away in her arms at bay, wanting to give the two of you a moment to yourselves before she let delilah loose.
you murmered sweet nothings into alessia's hair as your hand continued to rub soothingly at her back, the striker peppering a few soft kisses against your neck and jaw before her lips found your own for a fleeting second. "my stargirl." you'd whispered adoringly as her hand reached up to rest on your cheek, both of your eyes locked lovingly for a moment, alessia gently forcing herself to pull away from you.
though no sooner had her arms unwrapped from your waist had two new little ones clung onto her leg, delilah chattering away a million miles an hour as alessia squatted down to her height allowing your niece to throw her arms around her neck in a tight hug.
"aunty lessless you did it! was that for me? like you said at the zoo?" delilah asked excitedly as alessia stood, picking up the five year old with her and resting her on her hip. "of course it was, just for you!" alessia poked at the girls nose causing her to scrunch it up adorably.
"kiss again!" your niece suddenly demanded, her small fist reaching out toward you and tugging on your top making your girlfriend laugh. "you heard her babe." alessia grinned, craning her head over as you pecked her lips and delilah giggled.
"again!" the five year old clapped as you rolled your eyes but pecked alessia's lips again much to your nieces delight, the demands nothing new.
neither you or your girlfriend could figure out why but there wasn't anything that seemed to amuse delilah more than making the two of you kiss, an amusingly common occurrence when you'd babysit, not that alessia would ever complain.
you were quick to take your niece from the footballer much to the five year olds protests, allowing your girlfriend to spend some quality time with the rest of her family as you distracted delilah, carting her around to chatter to several of the other lionesses and their families.
it seemed the excitement had worn her down and as everyone started to depart the stadium delilah was slumped in your arms dead asleep, chin resting on your shoulder as her soft snores sounded in your ear.
"must run in the family." alessia teased, appearing beside you as you smacked at her with your free hand, the blonde sneaking a kiss and fondly moving a few loose strands of hair out of delilahs face.
intertwining your free hands the two of you walked toward the busses in a comfortable silence, and unbeknownst to you the thoughts flying through alessia's head were this scenario in the future.
only this time, with your own child.
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wooahaes · 21 days
late night chats
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pairing: non-idol!bang chan x fem!reader
genre: fluff. silly lil fluff.
warnings: food. its just a silly lil fic abt making plans w chris. mentions of past panic attacks and a not great ex-best friend.
word count: ~1.2k
daisy's notes: oh to go see the tigers with someone i love......
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Chris turned over to wish you a happy birthday right at midnight, for once in bed… Only to find that you weren’t there.
He pushed the blankets off, stretching as he sat up before slipping into his house slippers. For once, he was half-asleep (the things he did for you), and pushed himself up. With a slight sway, he rubbed at his eyes before groping around for where he’d thrown his hoodie… Only to find that it was missing, too. No doubt your doing. Not that it bothered him: you liked stealing his hoodies. You told him once that you liked the smell of his cologne, and hugging or draping his hoodies around your shoulders often made you feel closer to him. Sure, sometimes you’d wear his larger ones, but you liked draping them over your shoulders the same way he would sometimes while you were working. 
Easily enough, he found you in the kitchen, standing over a pot of ramen, a pan sitting next to it with nothing in it at the moment. You had tied the sleeves of his hoodie so that it hung around your shoulders, some video essay playing off of your phone. The carton of eggs sat next to you, and you reached over to pop it open.
“Birthday ramen?” He said, trying to make a joke out of it. Except you jerked back, a sharp gasp escaping you as you turned to face Chris.
Instantly, you were relieved, even though you likely knew how silly it was to be startled by him. “You can go back to sleep, Chris,” you said after a moment, turning back to your ramen. “I’m just hungry.”
“Nah.” He made his way over, leaning against the counter. “I’m not tired.” He paused, glancing down at your ramen. “... Do you wanna share?”
With a sigh of relief, you bumped your shoulder against his. “I don’t think I could finish this alone. You want an egg?”
Chris then watched as you cracked a few eggs into the pan—one for him, one for yourself—before changing the topic. “So… Any plans for the day?”
You shrugged. “I dunno. Bare minimum was taking the day off, and since I did get it…” You chewed at the inside of your cheek for a moment. “Didn’t think ahead past a vague ‘enjoy freedom.’”
He nodded along, arms folded across his chest. “We could… go to the aquarium.” 
“We went a few weeks ago,” you said. “With Felix and Jeongin.”
Ah. Right. It’d been your idea to invite the two. Chris hummed to himself. “Amusement park?”
“Oh.” He looked at you again, “Right, you don’t like roller coasters.”
“It’s not that I don’t like them—”
He shook his head. “No, I remember the story you told me. High school best friend forced you onto a ride you didn’t want to go on, and you had a panic attack afterward.” Chris frowned at the thought. You’d laughed off the story when you first told it to him, but it was half-hearted. He’d held your hand and promised he’d never push you into anything you were completely sure you didn’t want to do (and he’d keep holding your hand if you decided you wanted to try something). “Still can’t believe she fucking laughed at you.”
You shrugged it off, not meeting his gaze as you pressed your lips together for a minute. A few seconds later, you forced a smile. “Eh. It is what it is.” 
Except you deserved better than that, he wanted to say. Sometimes Chris imagined how different certain situations in your life could have gone if he had been there to hold your hand and speak up where you were too afraid to. He would have told her that it wasn’t funny. He would have split a funnel cake with you and called you cute. Maybe next time some of his friends wanted to go, he’d get you to go with him and he’d split one with you there and keep you company when they wanted to go on rides you didn’t like. 
Something stuck out in his mind, though. “... Zoo?”
Immediately, your head jerked up. “Hm?” But he could see the look in your eyes, a new idea planted right then and there in your brain. 
He giggled. “You’re like Berry when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk.”
With a snort, you rolled your eyes and turned back to the ramen. “Still…”
“If you wanna go to the zoo, we can go to the zoo.” He smiled to himself, already planning out the trail the two of you could take. He knew one of them was called the tiger trail, and, well… If the tiger plushies that littered your bedroom weren’t proof enough of your love of the big cat, everything he knew about you did. He shimmied his shoulders playfully as he moved his way over to you, “We could see the tiiigers—”
In the tiniest voice, you spoke up shyly, “... Could we?”
He just pulled you into his arms with a laugh. “If that’s what you wanna do! It’s your birthday,” he kissed the side of your neck before nuzzling his nose against it. “If you wanna see the tigers, we’ll go see the tigers.” Chris could feel the way your skin warmed up, and he just giggled again at how flustered you’d become. “Baby?” He turned you around to face him, caging you in between himself and the oven. “Say it.”
You buried your face into your hands. “You’re embarrassing.”
“I’m not gonna make fun of you,” he said, poking your sides just to see you jolt. “I just wanna hear you say it.”
Even after dating him for this long, you were still so shy sometimes. “Chris?” You peeked at him from between your fingers. “I wanna go see the tigers.”
He pulled your hands away from your face all too easily, peppering your face with kisses. “Then we’ll go see the tigers!” He held your face in his hands. “You’re so cute.”
You averted your gaze, and then finally spoke up after a few seconds, “takes one to know one.”
Fine. He’d let you get that one for today. Other days, he’d deny it and try to paint you as the cutest one in this relationship (truly, there was no competition in his eyes), but for today? He’d let you win. He just kissed you, warm and sweet, before drawing back. “Happy birthday,” he said. And then he pinched your cheeks one last time. “Gonna go see the tigers with my baby…”
You finally let out a groan, yet it was clear how much you still loved him. He might be a dorky mess of a partner, but he was yours. “We can go see your family, too, y’know,” you turned back to the stovetop to make sure nothing had stuck over overcooked. “There’s kangaroos.”
He just laughed, wrapping his arms around you. “Whatever you wanna do,” he said. “I’ll be right there with you.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @jinnie-ret @cheesemonky
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beebee18 · 2 days
Ramen & Confessions
Lee Know x Reader
Genre; fluff, frenemies to lovers, feel good.
Characters; Minho, Y/n, Felix Brief mention- Changbin, Han, Chan & Hyunjin
Word count; 7k
Summary; You and Minho never were the best of friends however his worry when you finally attend movie night after being mia for a week seems to give way for his seemingly cool confession.
Warnings; Extremely cliche, slight insecurities, tall reader (like 5'7 and more), like one bad word.
Main masterlist skz masterlist
(I made a post long time ago about a Minho ff and you guys asked to be tagged. I would like to apologize for it not being a complete ff but I hope you enjoy this oneshot of cheesiness.) @antisocial-socialbutterfly @lixxpix @kaiyaba
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Your thoughts lingered on Minho when you remembered him staring at you in the doorway, and after your talk with Felix. Even if you didn't like each other, not that you didn't, he was handsome and caring & sweet. It would be impossible to not crush on the guy, you owed him an apology.
So you moved to sit closer to him. He was surprised, to say the least, when you tapped his thigh to get his attention.
Turning to face you was not a good idea, you were so close, a mere jerk of his head and your lips would meet his, with the tv lights flashing at you, your brown eyes framed by those cute little glasses, slightly dishevelled curly hair framing your face oh so beautifully, and that smile with your barely there dimples (you insisted you had), you were a sight.
This was the closest and calmest you had been with each other in a while and it seemed to stop time for a second. He looked so pretty, his bedhead, sweats and no makeup on, shiny brown eyes looking into yours, the mole on his nose so cute you want to just boop it and that look of surprise mixed with concern on his face could melt you into a puddle if physically possible.
"I'm sorry I disappeared without saying anything." You started in a hushed voice, so as to not disturb the others. "I should have told you guys why earlier."
A snarky remark or comment would've been better cause what he did next made your heart skip a beat.
"It's okay y/n, I'm not gonna lie I was concerned, especially with Felix reminding everyone every minute that you could've 'died'. I am glad you're back." He nudged your arm with his and went back to the tv screen.
You stared at Minho side, small smile on your face, for a few seconds before Han coughed from behind the man, smirking at you, making you blush, you quickly turned to the screen to distract yourself.
Nearing the end of the movie people were asleep, mainly Felix, Han, Changbin and Hyunjin and somehow in a pile... Chan took off a few minutes ago to the studio leaving you and Minho the only ones awake.
After the movie ended you both looked around the find the human pile of idols making you giggle and Minho shake his head to stifle a laugh.
"Are you gonna put them to bed? How would that even work?" You ask standing up to help clean the remnants of the night.
"Eh just let them be, they'll separate when they want to. Are you leaving?" He asks as you start collecting your stuff, his expression slightly glum.
"I'll just move my stuff aside so I can help you clean, don't want you to do all this alone." You smiled at him putting your bag away and offering him a hand.
Minho swore he could scream in that moment.
He did take your hand and stood up facing you. You both just stood there for a few seconds, hands in each others before he cleared his throat.
You looked down and started gathering wrappers, bowls and edible food that just fell to take to the kitchen, so did Minho. And that's how he ended up making you both ramen.
He'd asked if you were hungry and you replied yes, after that no words were spoken. You went out to check on the boys, switch off electronics and when you came back there were two packs of cup noodles in front of Minho on the counter as he waited for the water to boil.
"Minho what... " You trailed off a questioning look on your face.
"You said you were hungry so..." He shrugs, smiling sheepishly, making the butterflies in your stomach go crazy.
You went and stood next to him, shoulders brushing the others, as he poured water in the cups and looked at you for a second, you grin at him in return which makes him chuckle, effectively hiding the cute that slipped his lips.
"Why are you laughing?" You ask him, giggling a little yourself, leaning on the counter adjacent to him. He was so cute and pure like this, you wanted to crush him in a hug so bad.
Once he was done with his fit of laughter he turns to you, coming closer, closer than ever. The proximity burned you, you guys weren't even on speaking terms 2 weeks ago and now...
"Wha-what are you doing?" You ask not wanting to embarrass yourself but you were flustered beyond belief and he was being nice?? To you??
"How come you don't hate me?" He asked staring into your eyes, he wanted a genuine answer, there was no point in lying to him, he seemed impatient.
"Well, you being mean isn't a reason for me to hate you. I knew not every one of Felix's friends would like me, it was okay. I was coping just well by being mean back. There was never any hate from my side. Unfortunately for me, the one I like, doesn't like me back...." The look of shock on your face as you slapped your hand over your mouth made Minho throw his head back in laughter.
People often said you rambled or spoke a lot. You agree now.
The embarrassment slowly creeping up on you. You made a move to slip away but Minho put his hands down by your hips on the counter and laugh slowly dissipating into a small smile, looking at your blushed face now.
"I'm sorry for being mean to you, truth is, I like you a lot. I've liked you since you visited us at dance practice for the first time and brought everyone homemade cookies. I was shy, I still am but your flustered state gives me confidence." He says, wanting to kiss the small pout from your face.
"Why didn't you say anything?" You asked, finally processing his words.
He liked you?? He still likes you?!
"I couldn't at the time, you were bestfriends with Felix, I didn't want the dynamic to shift plus there was a high possibility you liked any of the other 7 dudes in the group." He finishes scratching the back of his neck, looking down ears going red.
"And you?"
"Oh, I-I just, I didn't think someone like you would fancy someone like me." You hesitated gesturing to yourself, the insecurities finally creeping up.
Great way to ruin the moment brain.
"Someone like me?" He questioned, raising one of his eyebrows, tonguing his cheek as if he knew what was coming.
"Come on Min, look at you, your life, the people around you. I don't fit in, like a friend great but not as anything more. I know I sound dumb after we've both basically confessed but still..." You finish hesitantly.
"Y/n you'd fit right in. You fit amazing right now, that would just be a few more steps, it would work if we wanted it to." He says comforting you, his heart pacing at the nickname.
"Also I'm not your type, remember Han Sora, the girl you dated when I first met you guys, she was so pretty and petite, her clothes and shit. I admired her so much. She's your type, not me." You finish, eyes dropping to his chest to avoid his piercing gaze, that's all the argument you had.
"First of all, she was a publicity stunt and an obsessed trainee who was fired after I complained." He says, placing his right hand on your jaw, making you look him in the eyes. "Secondly, you're beautiful, kind, funny, smart, mature and well dressed. Being taller than the national average of a country you don't belong to is nothing to be insecure of, and let's be honest..." He lips tug up into a smile, hand falling to your hip from your jaw "...those thighs, are to die for." He says slowly with a wink, making you widen your eyes with shock and blushing like crazy.
"You wanna know who my type is?" He asks, searching for uncertainty in your eyes.
His lips came close to yours, an inch of a distance between them. He wanted you to make the final move, being careful so you'd have nothing to regret.
Your lips met, his hands on your hips, yours around his shoulders. Months of silently crushing on each other, finally being able to express it.
When he angled his face to deepen the kiss and your noses bumped, you separated, a giggle leaving you. He smiled softly, complete adoration in his eyes.
"Now what?" You asked, a warm feeling spreading through you.
"You wanna have ramen with me?" He asks, smirking, gesturing to the cups that have been sitting out for the past 15 minutes.
You scrunched your nose at the implication, your stomach saying other things "But like, I'm actually hungry." A small pout appearing on your face.
He quickly kissed it away taking your hand in his, walking into the living room to collect his things and yours, and now towards the door.
"Where are we going?"
"Our first date, the convenience store across the street. Great ramen!" He winks at you before pulling you closer into his chest, smiling wide at you, you couldn't help but reciprocate.
Texting; ( Y/n, Felix )
Felix: Did you leave already?
Felix: Where's Minho? Is he dropping you off?
Felix: He is, isn't he? 😏
Felix: Told you he had a thing for you.
Felix: Oh yeah ignore Lix when he's right, sure sure, I get it.
Texting; ( Minho, Felix )
Felix: Don't fbck this up.
Minho: Never Lix, never.
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chrysbibi · 1 year
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Pairing: Park Jihoon x fem!Reader
Genre: Non!Idol AU, friends to fwb(??), smut, fluff
Summary: Park Jihoon is notorious for his gift-giving and this Christmas you are unlucky enough to have him as your Secret Santa! What you don't expect is that he has something more in store for you than just presents!
Word count: 6.8k
Warnings: explicit sexual content, swearing, kissing without asking for consent, fingering, dirty talking
A/N: This was supposed to be posted on Christmas day, but better late than never! Happy New Year!
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This is wrong on so many levels!
You stare at Jihoon's perplexed expression as he holds the door to his apartment open. He is standing right in front of the doorway, blocking your way in, but you are not really there to hang out.
"H-Hey…" you fail to hide your nervousness as you stutter, but you quickly clear your throat and straighten your head, "Is Junkyu here?" you ask, eyes glancing behind Jihoon's figure and inside the apartment as if trying to find the brunette yourself.
You know Junkyu is not in their apartment. You asked his whereabouts with an innocent-looking text to be sure he was out before you made your way to their flat. It never hurt anybody to double check though!
Jihoon's furrowed eyebrows relax a bit, "Eh, no. You actually just missed him." realizing your unannounced visit was meant for his flatmate, he loosens up and leans against the door; the confused look on his face completely gone, "Are you here to see him?"
This is it!
You brace yourself for what you are about to do; taking a deep breath before meeting Jihoon's mischievous eyes.
"No." you reply and Jihoon raises one eyebrow, "I am here to see you."
Before he can do or say anything, you raise yourself on your tiptoes and grab his face with both hands, crashing your lips on his.
You firmly press your lips against his for a few seconds before you pull away. Jihoon is looking at you wide eyed, his lips parting as he tries to collect his thoughts on what just happened.
Your hands release his cheeks, fingers slightly brushing his jaw in the process before they fall back to your sides. You stare at him blankly and readjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder.
You seriously want to cry!
He is staring at you with that stupid moonstruck expression on his face and you can't look at him after what you just did. Which you did for the stupidest reason ever! You want to take the kiss back so bad. So fucking bad, but you can't! You can't!
So, you just turn your back on him and start walking -almost jogging- toward the stairs.
Jihoon's eyes become even wider upon seeing your actions, "Wait!" he shouts after you but you are already running down the stairs, not even thinking of trying the elevator in case you have to wait for it and then have to face the consequences of the kiss!
You reach the ground floor in record time and bang the central door behind you as you exit the building. You continue running, till you are a few blocks away and then lean against a wall to catch your breath.
You haven't run so fast before in your lifetime!
As your lungs oxugenate and your brain starts functioning again all you can think about is what have you done?!
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"Y/n!" Junkyu's gummy smile is what greets you when he opens the door to his and Jihoon's flat.
You wrap yours arms around him and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, "Nice to see you too!" you smile at him as you step back to look at him properly.
Oh, you are so glad it was him who opened the door!
"Is Yoshi already here?"
Junkyu smiles at you as he lets you come in the apartment, "You are the last one again!"
"Yoshi is always super early!" you defend yourself as you remove your coat and shoes and arrange them on and under the coat rack, "And it's your apartment! There is nobody else to come!"
"So many excuses." Junkyu teases and you playfully shoot him a dirty look as you finally settle your things.
Junkyu's eyes spark as they fall on the two bags beside you on the floor and he tries to take a peak inside of them. You catch him looking and you grab the bags, bringing them to your chest, "No cheating!"
Junkyu huffs, puffing his cheeks and that only makes you laugh, "Has anyone told you you look more like a puffer fish than a koala?"
"Hey!" he pouts, his cheeks never failing to stay chubby.
You chuckle and give him the smaller bag, "I made cookies!"
His eyes go round and his mouth forms an O as he opens the bag and stares at the transparent box of ginger cookies. He looks at you excited before looking back at the cookies and you laugh at his enthusiasm.
"Let's put them in the kitchen!" he declares as he raises the bag over his head, like he wants to showcase the importance of the backage.
You follow behind him, but as soon as you step into the kitchen your smile drops.
Jihoon has his back turned to you as he prepares the beef for bulgogi, but as Junkyu bounces in with the cookies, shouting "Y/n is here and she brought cookies!", Jihoon turns to look at you.
You lock eyes for a second, which feels like an aeon, before you avert your gaze to look at the floor. When you look back up, Jihoon has already turned his attention to the food.
"Then dessert is covered!" Jihoon smirks, still having his back turned to you and you find yourself lightly scowling.
Junkyu gets your cookies out of their box and places them into a plate, looking overly pleased with himself. He turns to you and puts his hands on his waist, a smug smile on his face.
"Jihoon made dinner." he tells you and with the corner of your eye you see Jihoon nodding his head as his efforts are getting recognized, "And for once it is something that people can actually eat!"
Jihoon, who is in the middle of tasting the sweet potato noodles in the pot, chokes on a noodle and coughs violently, grabbing the kitchen counter for dear life. Junkyu laughs at him and you can't help but bite your bottom lip to prevent laughing and causing the wrath of Jihoon.
Once Jihoon recovers he sends you and Junkyu a dirty look, apparently having noticed you choking on your laughter. He places the beef and noodles on the counter and straightens his apron.
"Next time I will let you cook the food and see how that goes." Jihoon has his scary look on, but the mischief is still there in his eyes.
"No please!" you plea and Junkyu's goggles at Jihoon in horror.
"That's right!" Jihoon crosses his ams, playing the stern card, "Maybe you should appreciate what you have!" he says and you gulp when he briefly locks eyes with you.
Oh no, was that one aimed at you?!
You shut your mouth and try to clear your head from all the anxious thoughts that start clouding it. Even if it was a remark for you, it doesn't matter! What is done, is done. Just continue acting like everything is normal!
Jihoon gives Junkyu the pot with the beef, his behavior back to normal, "Make yourself useful and take this to the living room."
"Okay!" Junkyu complies without protesting and exits the kitchen as he gives you one last gummy smile.
You are dwelling on following after him because if you don't, you will be left alone with Jihoon in the kitchen. And in no way you would like to be alone with Jihoon anywhere right now!
Not after what you did...
But, you hesitate enough that when you make up your mind on going after him, it is too late and your brain convinces you that if you leave now, you will only appear awkward. Well, more awkward than now!
Jihoon however prepares quietly the noodles, kimchi and the bulgogi ingredients with his back again turned to you. You watch as he acts like you are not even there and take a step back, closer to the door. Maybe he won't notice if you leave quietly!
However, Jihoon turns to face you at that exact moment and you stop on your tracks abruptly, making your intentions rather obvious. He chooses to ignore it, asking you a question instead, "Can you take the noodles to the living room?"
His tone is softer than the one he used with Junkyu and you feel your heart flutter inside your chest. You resist the urge to place a hand over it and slowly nod, walking to him to get the pot.
You find yourself standing really close to him, shoulders almost touching as you get the sweet potato noodles' pot. The handles are really hot and you hiss under your breath. But, with the small distance between you and Jihoon, he picks up the sound and looks at you.
You don't notice he has turned his attention to you till his larger hands cover yours and you snap your head upwards to stare at him wide eyed. Jihoon meets your gaze, hands staying over yours on the handles as he stares back at you intensely.
Jihoon hands gently remove yours before you can continue talking and place a potholder over the loop handles, so you can grab the pot without burning yourself.
"Thank you." your voice comes out quiet again, but you can't bring yourself to speak louder when your face is centimeters away from Jihoon's and he has a look in his eyes that you have never seen before in all your three years of friendship.
His eyelids move downwards and you realize he is now looking at your lips. You both stay still for a second before he starts leaning closer to you, his eyes never leaving your lips.
And that's the moment you panic! The alarm goes off in your head and you stumble backwards as he keeps leaning forward, his lips parting, going for a kiss.
"Ehh! Uhh…I-" you stagger backwards along with the pot, "I am going to the living room! Before it get's cold!"
You practically run out of the room with the noodles in your hands, your brain trying to make the sting in your heart disappear after you saw the disappointment in Jihoon's eyes.
"The noodles have arrived!" you yell as you enter with full force into the living room, where Junkyu and Yoshi are sitting.
You mimic the iconic scene from 'The Lion King', raising the pot of noodles over your head for your crowd -Yoshi and Junkyu- to admire. Junkyu and Yoshi are kind enough to grin and clap at your antics as you try to erase what just almost happened in the kitchen.
You set the pot of noodles on the coffee table next to the beef and a lot of bottles of soju. Jihoon should be bringing the rest of the food any time now and then your Christmas dinner would be complete!
You shake your head in an attempt to stop thinking about Jihoon in any way or form and plop down on the couch between Yoshi and Junkyu. This makes your chances of Jihoon sitting next to you a round zero! And you couldn't be happier!
The living room is decorated with colorful Christmas lights and the small Christmas tree in the corner of the room is heavy with various ornaments. Even the plushies thrown on the floor to make room in the couch for you are wearing santa hats! You must admit that Junkyu and Jihoon tried extra hard this year to create an ideal Christmas atmosphere for your annual celebration!
Junkyu is wearing his favourite Supreme black hoodie with matching black sweatpants while Yoshi is in a black and white stripped blouse and baggy black pants. His mismatched stripped socks are ever so distinctive of him.
"Why do we need all this soju for?!"
"It's Christmas!" Yoshi laughs and leans back on the couch. You wiggle your nose at him and pull your tongue out and Yoshi shows you his own tongue.
"Yoshi is just trying to find an excuse to drink more!" Junkyu teases and Yoshi throws him a pillow, making the younger man screech in terror.
"I am an adult! I don't need an excuse to drink!" he defends himself, crossing his arms over his chest playfully.
You chuckle and grab Yoshi's cheek, tugging at the soft flesh while he whines, "Look at this big baby!" you say, grabbing his other cheek and stretching his face.
Jihoon arrives at that moment in the room, balancing four plates of rice, kimchi, lettuce and cookies on his arms. Yoshi immediately jumps up to help him place them on the coffee table, finding the perfect excuse to escape your hold. Despite Yoshi's swift reaction, Jihoon catches a glimpse of you and Yoshi on the sofa and his eyes narrow. You and Junkyu remain sitted; Junkyu too busy picking his ear and you too busy staying as far away from Jihoon as possible.
"Thanks for the help!" Jihoon snorts when everything is settled and Junkyu responds with a simple shrug of his shoulders.
Jihoon rolls his eyes and seeing the empty space on your left, he heads for it. With Yoshi standing up to help him, the seat was freed, making one of your worst fears for the night come close to realization.
Your eyes widen and in an act of desperation you jump and grab Yoshi's arm, pulling him back next to you on the couch. Jihoon is left dumbfounded as he stares at you hugging Yoshi's arm with all your life force. Yoshi is taken aback too by your sudden actions and as you feel three pair of eyes burning holes through you, you nuzzle your face in Yoshi's side.
"The seat is taken!"
Jihoon's mouth hangs open before he jaw clenching as he moves back and sits on the armchair on the left side of the sofa; his gaze lingering on you. You try to ignore him and continue acting as if nothing is going on.
"Yoshi I haven't seen you for so long! I have to catch up on all the gossip!" you say as you keep leaning on him.
Yoshi, who is familiar with your aggressive snuggling, smiles and pats you in the head, "You didn't miss a lot!"
"Mm…I missed you!" you say truthfully, but the emphasis you put on it, makes Jihoon eye you suspiciously.
Yoshi laughs softly and pats your head again, leaning on you too as Junkyu, who grew tired of your sicky sweet interraction, presses start on the 'Tokyo Godfathers' movie. It had taken you about a week to decide on which film you would watch on Christmas, finally agreeing on Yoshi's pick as some of you had grew tired of rewatching Home Alone or How the Grinch Stole Christmas every holiday season!
Everything goes back to normal while you watch the movie, meaning you all chat while the movie is playing, making clever remarks at each other, arguing on how great the plot is and laughing at whoever sheds some tears first -spoiler, it's Yoshi- before you tear up yourselves. The food disappears pretty quickly, leaving you bellies full and only some crumps on the plates. You take it easier with the soju though, drinking less than a bottle each.
As the movie ends and Jihoon turns off the TV, you know the moment you have all been waiting for is near!
The moment you have been dreading…
"Bring out the gifts!" Junkyu shouts and with a flamboyant move, his reaches under the couch and pulls out a present.
Jihoon chuckles and reveals his own wrapped package, hidden behind the curtain. Yoshi and you run back to the entrance of the flat, getting your gifts from beside the coat stand and return to the living room.
This is your 3rd year doing your Secret Santa tradition with the '00 liners. Ever since you begun university and you moved to Seoul, away from your family, you found out the hard way that getting back home for the Christmas holidays is very fucking expensive. And thus you spent a tremendous amount of money to visit your family in your first year.
Hanging out with the group of friends you made in university though, you accidentaly found out that the rest of the boys in your age also had difficulties visiting their families at this time of the year. The airplane tickets for Japan would always skyrocket around the Christmas dates for Yoshi while the same would happen to the train ticket prices to Busan for Jihoon. The train tickets for Chungju would be a bit more expensive too for Junkyu, but as the rest of you '00 liners came to the realization it would be cheaper and equally fun to spend Christmas together in Seoul, Junkyu decided to join you. Therefore, saving some of his money too!
And so this Secret Santa tradition begun for the four of you! Every year for the past three years, you would gather to Jihoon's and Junkyu's apartment and trade gifts with each other, as your financial state as college students could only afford the expenses of one gift.
Unfortunately, what you also learned the hard way, was that Jihoon must be the worst gifter ever! His victim on your first year of your Secret Santa tradition had been Junkyu. The poor man could only smell the Eucalyptus Jihoon had given him and make funny faces as his brain was trying to comprehend the situation and what his reaction should be. Jihoon didn't seem bothered by how obvious Junkyu wasn't fond of his gift; he just sat back amused and watched, having the time of his life.
Yoshi was his victim on the second year of your tradition and he had had it even worse, as Jihoon honored him with a whole, uncooked chicken! You would never forget the look of utter disbelief on Yoshi's innocent face as he looked at Jihoon and then at the chicken and then back at Jihoon. The only explanation you or anyone could give was that Yoshi was really into fried chicken that period and Jihoon had been…inspired!
This year, you were the unlucky one...
You look at Jihoon as he takes a seat opposite from you on the carpet. You all sit in a circle in the middle of the living room, as to be more personal when gift-giving and hold the presents on your laps. Jihoon raises his head and catches your staring, instantly giving you a smirk. You roll your eyes and look at Junkyu next to you, who is excitedly bouncing up and down.
Junkyu never lasted long under pressure and this year you had broken him! Two weeks before Christmas you had tricked him into revealing to you who he had picked for Secret Santa. Spoiler alert; it was Jihoon!
Yoshi's pick wasn't hard to figure out when you bumped into him exiting the skateboard shop ten days before Christmas. Only him and Jihoon were skateboarding among you four and you already knew Jihoon was Junkyu's pick. Yoshi's terrible lying confirmed your suspicions that he was indeed choosing his Secret Santa present and that the receiver would obviously be himself!
You came to the horrible realization that there was none other than yourself to be Jihoon's pick for Secret Santa, as you had picked Junkyu's name out of the name bag! You had feared this might happen, but you had never thought of what course of action you would take if your worst nightmare became reality!
Who could have guessed that you would choose to go along with the worst possible idea you could have; kissing Jihoon out of the fucking blue!
For a strange, unknown reason, you were convinced that this would make it hard for Jihoon to pick a crappy gift for you in case of hurting your feelings. Your feelings for him, which were none other than platonic ones of course! Of course!
But, Jihoon needn't know that!
At least not until you exchanged gifts!
You would let him believe the kiss was intentional; a showcase of your romantic feelings in the midst of the holiday excitement. Then you would just come clean to him and confess that the kiss was just a trick for receiving a nice gift and then you would laugh about it!
Because there was no harm in such a stupid prank like that. Yours and Jihoon's relationship is purely platonic and that's the way it is going to stay because Jihoon isn't attracted to you and you definitely aren't attracted to Jihoon!
But, as Yoshi opens his Christmas gift from himself and laughs shyly at Jihoon's and Junkyu's teasing, your eyes are glued to Jihoon's form. Why does this feel so wrong?
Jihoon raises his gaze as he has Yoshi on a chokehold and ruffles his dyed orange hair and your eyes meet. You crack a smile, but it doesn't reach your eyes. Why do his stares feel so much different?
With the corner of your eye you see Junkyu throw Jihoon his own gift, which he grabs, but before he rips it open, he glances at you, making you look down on your lap. Why do you feel so tense around him?
Jihoon awes at the pair of headphones that Junkyu got him, trying them on and you catch yourself focusing on his face as he smiles brightly. Why doesn't this feel more than a stupid prank?
Distracted by your thoughts, you are caught by surprise when a plushie lands straight in your face. You yelp as you fall back; your survival instict failing at saving you! You can hear the boys laughing at your clumpsy fall and you narrow your eyes at Junkyu besides you as you pull yourself back into a sitting position.
Jihoon wears a smug expression on his stupidly handsome face, not bothering of hiding his identity as your assaulter. You throw the plushie back at him with force, but he catches it nevertheless, laughing at your annoyed face.
"Are you back with us?"
"I never left in the first place!" you speak between your teeth, still annoyed at his squishy attack.
You know he hears it and you know he smirks, but you refuse to look at him as you grab the big bag you were carrying from the beginning and pass it to Junkyu with a soft smile. Junkyu smiles back and opens it excitedly, pulling out a yellow hoodie. His mouth opens wide as he hugs the hoodie to his chest and grins at you.
"Thank you!"
"Wow! Another hoodie to his collection!" Jihoon teases, "Now you can wear a different color every day of the week!"
Junkyu pouts and hugs the hoodie tighter as if protecting it from Jihoon's jokes, "Don't worry Y/n, I love it! Thank you so much!" he reassures you, "I will wear it every day!"
"Or just twice before switching back to your usual black hoodie!"
"Hey!" Junkyu grabs a pillow from beside him and throws it at Jihoon, who protects his face at the last minute by raising his arms over his face. "Don't trash talk my precious, new hoodie!"
Jihoon laughs at Junkyu's growing pout and Junkyu throws another pillow at him, which he deflects again.
"You are just jealous my gift is better than yours!"
"But you got me my gift!"
Junkyu opens his mouth to reply to that before realization hits him and his mouth twists into a horrified expression. Yoshi falls back from laughter, hugging a pillow to his chest and Jihoon raises his eyebrows, challenging Junkyu to go on.
"Whatever! Let's see what great gift you picked for Christmas!" Junkyu changes the subject, too ashamed to face defeat head on.
Your smile drops and you turn to look at Jihoon, who still wears that same smug expression as he turnsmeets your gaze. His smirk widens as he grabs the package he hid behind his back and presents it to you.
Your heart drums against your ribcage, but you keep a cool facade on as you take the gift from his hands, fingers barely brushing against his. Colorful wrapping paper conceals the content of the package and as you rip it open in anticipation, you are left stupefied.
You raise the red dog bowl you found inside your package to take a better look at it and make sure your eyes are not tricking you. Junkyu and Yoshi start laughing loudly; Junkyu going as far as grabbing Jihoon's arm to hold himself from falling back while throwing his head back. Yoshi claps his hands and Jihoon just watches you carefully as you inspect your present.
Honestly? You were expecting something else!
This falls in the same category as Junkyu's and Yoshi's shitty presents from the previous years! At least you didn't get the raw chicken...
You sigh, dissapointed and emotionally exhausted; you went through all that trouble for absolutely no fucking reason!
You turn to Jihoon and give him an unimpressed look, "Really? A dog bowl?"
Your question somehow makes Junkyu burst into a new fit of laughter; his high pitched cackle echoing in the room.
Jihoon bites his bottom lip, barely holding himself back from laughing at your face, "You don't like it?"
"No, no, you are right. It is perfect! Except I don't have a dog!" you smile at him and flutter mockingly your eyelashes at him.
Jihoon bites his lip even harder and you just sigh and rub your forehead, "Thanks for the gift asshole!"
"You are welcome!" his eyes glimmer with mischief, but at least he has suppressed his laughter.
"Hey! Last year I got raw chicken!" Yoshi butts in, "Don't complain for a dog bowl! At least, it's kind of useful."
"Yes. Right. I can use it for my morning cereal. Thanks Jihoon!" you give him your fakest smile and he reciprocates by biting his lips again. This time though he isn't holding back his laugh and though there is mischief in his eyes, it's not the same one as before.
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"Goodnight!" you shout as you close the door to Jihoon's room behind you.
A muffled 'goodnight' comes from the side of the living room, where Yoshi is sleeping, whereas a high pitched whine comes as an answer from Junkyu's bedroom. You chuckle as you jump into the bed next to Jihoon's and he tunrs off the lights.
And then... silence.
The silence would be welcoming in any other situation, but right now the silence makes you even more nervous than you already are. You wish you didn't have to sleep in the same room as Jihoon, but this is how you have been sleeping for the past three years whenever you and Yoshi slept over in the boys' flat.
Yoshi had insisted on sleeping on the couch, being the gentleman that he is, while you took the only other bed in the house, which was a pull-out bed under Jihoon's. Junkyu hadn't invested in a trundle bed like Jihoon, leaving limited sleeping places for guests.
So, here you are now, forced to sleep in the same room as Jihoon; who could as well be considered a victim of your poor choices. Although, one could argue you were also a victim of his stupid gift giving, but who is counting?
You sigh as you try to clear your mind of any thoughts, but it comes out louder than you intended it to be.
"Is it so bad that you had to share the room with me?" you hear Jihoon ask from the bed next to yours and he sounds almost sincere.
"Yes!" you quickly respond and when no answer comes from his side you realize that you might have been a bit harsh, "Maybe think more next time you get someone a gift rather than just trying to be funny!" this is still a bit harsh, but at least you clear that you are talking about the Secret Santa and not something else!
"Are you sure that's what's on your mind?" Jihoon asks and you hear him shifting in his bed sheets.
You are relieved that the room is dark and that he can't see you right now because you feel your face slowly warming up. You shift your weight in the bed, pulling the covers closer to your face in case he has the bright idea of turning on the lights.
"What else would there be?" you go on defense because that's the only option in your mind right now. You are not talking about that!
You stay stiff as you wait for his reply, but it never comes.
You hold your breath, thinking for a moment that he maybe fell asleep in the middle of the conversation and that you managed to avoid doing the talk. His breathing is indeed stable and after a minute or two has passed without an answer, you allow yourself to relax. You turn your back to his apparently sleeping form and close your own eyes, trying to catch some sleep.
You hear the springs under his bed creak as he changes position, but you pay them no attention when suddenly you feel your mattress dip at the edge. Before your mind can catch up to the situation, you feel the warmth of Jihoon's body in your back as a hand is placed in front of your face.
Your eyes open wide and you inhale sharply as you feel Jihoon's breath next to your ear. You stay as still as possible, hoping that you could maybe disappear, but your wish stays unfulfilled.
It takes him a moment before he finally whispers in your ear, "I think you know what I am talking about." his voice is steady and composed and unlike you he seems like he knows what he is doing.
"I don't." your voice comes out small and phoney compared to his and you can hear him smirk next to your ear, "If you are refering to the kiss, then you should know that I just did that to get a better present from you." you add, this time a bit louder, trying to throw him off.
"You don't really believe that."
You hate how your words don't seem to affect him at total!
"I do. And yet after all that trouble your gift still sucked!" you are meaner than usual, but he has cornered you and has left you no other choice.
For a moment, Jihoon stays silent and you actually start to worry if you maybe were a bit too harsh.
"Jihoon I-"
Your breath catches in your throat as the hand that he had on the pillow next to your head, retreats to his side before snaking around your waist, pulling you flat against his chest. He nuzzles his face in your nape, not minding your hair that tickle his nose and cheeks.
You are not new to the famous Jihoon back hug -especially when it's bed time- but the cuddle feels off considering its timing. Suddenly, you feel like it's hard to breath, his scent filling your nostrils; it's almost intoxicating. Did he always smell that good?
"If it means nothing, then you don't mind cuddling before sleep, right?"
You gulp, "No."
You are way too stiff to match your answer, but Jihoon doesn't pay mind to that as he tightens his grip over you.
"I am so glad the kiss didn't mean anything." he says, but you feel his hand creeping lower, "I was afraid that it would make things awkward between us, considering how you were acting today." his hand passes your stomach and reaches the beginning of you pajama pants, where it stops.
You want to tell him that your behavior was perfectly normal today and you were anything but awkward around him, but not only your words are stuck in your throat, but you also lean on his touch. His hand radiates heat so close to your core and your ass involuntarily presses against his pelvis.
"I would say that if I didn't get the impression that you were lying through your teeth!"
He presses his hand a bit more firmly in your lower stomach and you feel wetness pooling between your legs. You try to control your breathing by inhaling through your nose but it doesn't make your chest heave less intensely.
"I also have the impression you would rather have my hand somewhere else." he whispers in your ear, warm breath sending shivers down your spine as his hand starts moving in circles over your lower stomach.
And then he moves down, cupping your pussy over your pajama pants. Your breath hitches in your throat before a quiet moan escapes your lips. Jihoon chuckles next to your ear, his teeth grazing your skin behind the ear and you struggle to restrain yourself from moaning his name.
Now that it came to this, you guess there is no point in denying it any more!
Your hand flies down to your legs, grabbing his hand and pulling it upwards. Jihoon's eyes widen as for a second he thinks he misjudged you and that he acted hurriedly when you shock him by pushing his hand under your pajama pants. In your hurry, you place his hand over your underwear, but Jihoon's lets out a quiet groan, feeling the wet patch on your panties.
He pushes two fingers against the thin fabric of your underwear, exactly over your vagina, making you jerk your hips. His fingers move in circles; the wet fabric being the only thing seperating them from your cunt. His free hand slips under your body and gets a hold of your right breast; again over your pajama top.
He kneads your boob, fingers digging into it over the fabric and you whine as you arch your back against his body. The lack of contact with your skin is making you beyond frustrated.
"Jihoon!" you cry, "Please!"
You know your cries are effective when both of his hands stop moving and only his grip tightens. You whimper as he clenches harder at your breast and you hear his breathing becoming frantic.
"Look at you, begging already!" he breaths out and his right hand slides under your blouse, "How can I say no when you are being such a good girl?" he hums as his fingers wrap around your breast, finally digging into soft skin.
You gasp and push your hips back, waiting for his other hand to slip under your underwear and enter your tight hole. When his hand doesn't badge, you push your ass against his crotch once more, but he still doesn't move.
He laughs quietly at your desperation and his hand squeezes your boob, index finger brushing against your nipple, "You want my fingers that bad?"
You nod frantically and he bites his bottom lip as the corners of his mouth stretch into a grin, "Such a greedy girl! And to imagine that a few hours ago you didn't even want my lips!"
You feel the caress of his lips on your ear helix and your mouth falls open, but no sounds come out.
"N-No!" you manage to blurt out, stuttering as he twists your nipple between his fingers.
"Hm? What was that?" he smirks and presses his thumb over your clit.
You squirm, squeezing your legs tighter together for some much needed friction, "I want your lips!"
You whine as he still refuses to touch you properly, moving your hips back and hoping that maybe you can push him over the edge before he pushes you. You can feel his erection rubbing your backside; his pajama pants doing nothing to conceal it.
He grabs your hip and steadies your movements, his voice lowering in volume, "Where?!"
You are close to crying at this point, too embarrassed to say the word, yet too aroused to continue the banter with Jihoon.
"Here." you hiccup as you point at your cunt.
"Ah, here? Why didn't you say so?" he asks you innocently and as you are about to curse him for teasing you so much, he pushes your panties aside and enters two fingers in your vagina.
A broken moan leaves your lips as you finally -finally- feel some relief on you aching pussy. Jihoon shoves his fingers knuckles deep inside you and then curls them, finding your sweet spot and aiming at it every time.
"You take my fingers so good though. Are you sure you want my lips too?" he speaks in a hoarse whisper, "Aren't my fingers enough for you?" he asks as he thrusts his fingers roughly inside, making your whole body jolt with every shove.
"I love your fingers!" you moan as his thumb sweeps over your clit.
He synchronizes his monements, curling his fingers inside your tight walls while his thumb strokes your clit. You shudder when his nail scrapes your sensitive bud and Jihoon repeats the motion, only to have you shivering beside him.
"Ah, Jihoon!" you cry out loud, feeling a familiar knot forming in the pit of your stomach as you become more sensitive by each passing second.
"Shh! You don't want the others to hear, do you?" he reminds you as he catches your hard nipple between his fingers and twists it roughly, "You seemed so concerned they would find out something had happened between us. Tch, you even went as far as denying my kiss in the kitchen!"
You are not oblivious to the meaning of his words, but as he presses his hard-on on your ass and fucks you with his fingers, you find yourself too weak to form a coherent response. You only bite your lip and shut your eyes, in a hopeless attempt to stay quiet. You don't last for long as he slides a third finger in your cunt.
Jihoon removes his hand from under your pajama top and slaps it over your mouth. His pace quickens and he fingers your ruthlessly, making you bite on his palm to contain your moans. You are surprised he doesn't even hiss as your teeth dig into his skin. Rather, you feel his dick twitch under his clothes and he jerks his hips forward, to dry hump you.
Your eyes water and a few tears land on the sheets as your walls clamp around him and you feel like you are about to burst from arousal.
"Are you gonna cum?" he asks breathless and you nod your head, a sob catching in the back of your throat.
You shut your eyes, ready to embrace your orgasm when suddenly you feel empty. You clench around nothing and your pussy throbs at the abrupt lack of friction. A sound between a whine and a cry abandons your lips and you realize that there is no hand to cover your moans any more.
The mattress shifts behind you and you turn around to see Jihoon crawl back to his bed, like nothing had happened. You watch him wide eyed as he lies down and even pulls the bedcovers up. The moment he brings the blankets to his chin, you snap out of it and jump up.
You sit on his lap over the covers, a shiver traveling up your spine as your pussy comes in contact with his still erected dick even under all those layers.
"Jihoon!" you whine, exasperated fisting the blankets.
"You want to cum?" he asks you bluntly as he moves his hand to rest behind his head.
His question takes you off guard before you feel your arousal slide down your thighs and are reminded of the orgasm you never had, "Y-Yes! So bad!"
"Then use your fingers!"
You look at him dumpfounded, not believing a word he just said. But, when he doesn't move, you whine and crawl towards him. You sit on his belly and lean closer to his face, ready to do anything if it means you can feel him again.
Your hand ghosts over his crotch and your mouth almost waters even at the thought of jerking him off. There is no way he can continue playing hard to get if you have your hands or mouth wrapped around him!
"Jihoon, please!" you beg, but this time it doesn't seem to work.
Jihoon raises himself on his elbows, his eyes gleaming with mischief as removes your hand from his election. He grips your chin between two fingers and pulls your face closer to his, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
"If you want to cum…" he speaks in a velvety voice, "Then use your fingers. I am not helping you!"
You lips tremble as you hear his words, a pout forming on them. Jihoon smiles smugly and pecks your lips before closing the distance between you again, grabbing your bottom lip that sticks out between his teeth and pulling it slightly.
"Next time be a good girl and leave the pranks to me baby!"
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seangelfish · 3 months
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Ritsu Sakuma x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, established relationship, casual romance, really wholesome, INTRO IS REALLY LONG, SORRY!, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 2,215 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the Meowsketeers scout story in which this card is featured in. I've been trying to read the scout stories since I never read them, and I thought that this one would be cute to add the reader in! Please note that this fic does not stay true to the story, but it has taken bits from it. A/N: There needs to be more Ritsu x reader fics.
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Drenched in sweat, Ritsu slowly woke up from his nap in the ES gardens. His mind was still filled with thoughts of what happened the other day when Tsukasa confronted and withdrew some of the new members of Knights.
Ritsu pitied them, but what was said was the mere truth. That's the way Knights operated, it was never a unit to have fun with as an idol. But seeing those tearful faces did take a toll on him.
At that moment, Ritsu felt something heavy weighing on him. It wasn't what happened that day, but something physical that he could feel near his stomach.
'Who is it? Am I being attacked? It's not those pranks Tsukipi set up, right?' he thought tiredly. Unless it's (Y/N)...? No... she said she'd be busy today–
Ritsu was getting annoyed. "Hold on. You don't disturb people when they're sleeping!" he groaned. "Now I'm in a bad mood... Don't mess with me– Huh?"
Eyes wide open, Ritsu found that on his stomach was a black cat.
"Ugh, so it was this guy!" he fumed. "Get off! You're heavy and it's too hot...!"
Yet the cat wouldn't budge. It stayed lying on Ritsu's stomach as if he were a pillow. Ritsu wasn't having any of it though, no one dares disturb his sleep even if they were a cat! Getting angrier by the second, he decided to fight it off him.
"Hey! Ow! Don't dig your claws in me!"
"That Suo, he's late!" exclaimed Leo. "What a troublesome guy! I came early today since he gets angry at me when I come late."
"Unbelievable! He's wasting my precious time!" Izumi chided. "This is so annoying. Did your wanderlust infect Kasa-kun?"
Leo laughed. "Eh? What, what? Wahaha, that's funny, Sena! I suppose it's fate that Knights' leader is to be cursed by wanderlust!"
Frantic footsteps could be heard as Tsukasa barged into the studio panting. He apologised, mentioning to his seniors that he got involved in a little incident with Ritsu. That was when Ritsu entered the room, still arguing with the black cat he encountered outside.
"I told you to let go of me, didn't I?! Why can't you understand me, you stupid cat?!" Ritsu growled. "Do my clothes smell like catnip or something...?"
"A stray cat got attached to Ritsu-senpai and it won't let go of him," stated Tsukasa.
"Unbelievable. This was why you were late?" said Izumi. "There's got to be some way to pull it off. Just grab it by the neck like how a parent cat carries a kitchen– Owah! This guy tried to scratch me! If you were human, I'd have you pay compensation!"
Arashi suggested that they all calm down and get started on the retrospective – the reason why they were holding a meeting in the first place. If they ignore the cat, perhaps it would let Ritsu go!
But as Arashi started playing the video of their live, Leo noticed something. In the video, Leo pointed out the front row seats where beside a fan's feet, a black cat was seen.
"This guy, it saw Ritsu at Knights' live and came to meet him!" said Leo excitedly.
"Hah...? No way! That sounds so unrealistic," Ritsu replied before turning to the cat which started showing him affection. "Owah, what? Don't start licking my cheek!"
"Given its reaction, it probably did come to meet Knights," said Tsukasa. "Isn't it just the cutest? It probably fell in love with Ritsu-senpai's brave figure at the live!"
"What?! Don't say things so nonchalantly!"
But the other members of Knights had agreed to let the cat do what it wanted despite Ritsu's comments on how much of a disaster this was.
The cat didn't let go of him even during the retrospective. It lay sound asleep on Ritsu's lap. Knights had come up with a name for the cat too, 'd'Artagnyan', their 'newest knight that was drawn in by Knights.'
Ritsu didn't like this idea at all. He didn't see any resemblance between him and the cat that his fellow members were constantly pointing out too. Though, he didn't want to just kick it out. He wanted it to leave on its own volition.
"It clings to you like how you cling onto (Y/N)," stated Arashi causing Ritsu to erupt into a steam of embarrassment. "Maybe it finds your scent comforting~? If so, it might be satisfied with something that has Ritsu-chan's scent on it..."
"Something with my scent?" Ritsu repeated. "Ah, I just came to an unpleasant conclusion..."
He was talking about his favourite blanket – the only thing in this studio that had his scent on it. But there was no way that Ritsu wanted to give this unlucky cat his favourite blanket!
"Ah, wait! Don't suddenly pounce for my blanket, you idiot cat!" huffed Ritsu as he tried to yank the blanket away. He was now on the floor fighting with the cat. "Give it back! I don't want such an unlucky cat to use my blanket! Guys, please help me out here!"
"Oi, oi. There's no need to get so worked up over something like this, right, Ritsu?" said Leo. "I know it's annoying, but it'll be dangerous if you get violent in here, no?"
"But I really like this blanket! I won't allow it to use it! Ah, don't scratch it–"
"Please calm down, Ritsu-senpai...!" sputtered Tsukasa.
But before Izumi could assert himself to scold Ritsu, you had rushed into the studio. Arashi had texted you about the situation before they started their retrospective, hoping that you'd come to solve the issue at hand. After all, you solved a lot of their problems before, it became customary to ask you for help.
"Ritsu, are you okay?" you asked worriedly, bending down. "Hey, what's wrong? You're not usually like this."
"(Y-Y/N)?!" Ritsu blurted, perplexed at your sudden appearance. "W-What are you doing here?"
You answered that even though you were busy with your own assignments today, you couldn't just ignore what was happening with Knights, with him.
"Is this what's bothering you?" You tried picking up the cat, but it immediately started hissing at you. "Ah! Okay, I'm not going to pick you up then...! Anyway, Arashi texted me all the details already. Why don't you just give up the blanket, Ritsu?"
"N-No!" he cried. "I can't!"
"I don't understand why you like that blanket so much," said Izumi. "I'll buy you a new one if that makes you happy–"
"That's not it! (Y/N) bought me this one!"
Everyone had gone silent over that fact.
"Then I'll buy you a new one," you offered.
"No!" Ritsu protested. "You got this for me when we were first years! I can't just let that go!"
Ritsu usually wasn't this worked up, so you knew he was upset about something other than his blanket. But you also knew that he was a very sentimental person too, so you couldn't just force him to give up something that he truly loved. It was sweet that he had kept this blanket up until now though. It showed how much he loved you.
"I have an idea," you suddenly said. You rummaged through your bag and pulled out a white sweater. "This also has Ritsu's scent on it."
"Wait," Ritsu began. "That's my sweater."
"Mhm, my favourite one too!" you giggled. "If we give the cat this, then it'll give up on the blanket!"
"B-But (Y/N), you love that sweater...!" he said.
"I do, but you love that blanket too, right? I'll give this up so you can have your blanket back!"
With how selfless and thoughtful you were being, Ritsu had finally cooled down.
"N-No, it's fine," he said sadly. "I'll let it keep the blanket, you keep the sweater, okay? I'm sorry, everyone, I went overboard. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."
He picked up his blanket with the cat still attached to it and left the building quietly. The meeting with Knights had come to an end. You sighed, apologised and thanked Knights for putting up with your boyfriend before following after him.
Ritsu was situated on one of the tables at the ES gardens, his head laid on his arms as he watched the black cat sleep in his blanket.
"It's my fault that Knights ended up fighting again... If only this cat hadn't been there. No, I should've been calmer..." he murmured. "It would've been better if I had analysed the situation calmly like I usually do, and brought it to a positive conclusion..."
"Ritsu~" you called out.
With the sound of your voice, his eyes immediately gravitated towards you. He didn't lift his head though, he was too tired for that.
"Here," you said, pressing a cold can of soda to his cheek. He cried at the coldness but quickly covered his mouth from being too loud. He didn't want to wake up the cat despite how annoying it was today.
"Ah, thank you..." he said, taking the can from you. He laid it in front of him, not opening it. "(Y/N), I'm really sorry about earlier. You were busy, and Nacchan had to call you over to deal with something so small."
"Eh, it's okay~," you said. From behind, you wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. "I'm nearly finished with my assignments anyway. But Ritsu, are you really okay?"
Ritsu strained a smile, but he held your arm in a way to comfort himself. "I'm fine now. I'm going to sit here and reflect on my actions until this stupid cat wakes up. If I ignored the cat in the studio and it gets restless, it might be even more troublesome."
You laughed. "It's so cute when it's sleeping. It reminds me of you."
"Eeehhh? Why does everyone keep saying that?" he asked.
"Well, it's cute and you're cute! Also, it takes naps just like you, hehe~"
Ritsu sighed but laughed along. "Ah, you're wearing the sweater," he said, finally noticing the baggy look on you.
"Yep! I'm glad I didn't need to give it up in the end, but I do feel sad that you had to give your favourite blanket away," you said.
"It's fine. Maybe it'll let it go later..." he started. "Well, I hope it does anyway. I really do like that blanket..."
He chuckled, reminiscing the time you first got him the blanket. The two of you met just before entering Yumenosaki. You were Mao's friend initially, but he had introduced you to Ritsu during the time he had to repeat his first year. Ritsu had treated you coldly at first, but when you spotted him sleeping in the gardens, coming to know of his illness, you had decided to gift him a blanket for him to use.
It was a blanket you had bought at a shop in town, nothing special, but Ritsu thought the world of it. Even when he treated you so poorly, you were still so nice to him – to accommodate him in this way. He grew fond of the blanket, but he mostly grew fond of you.
After that day, he stuck to you just like the cat he was watching now.
"You know, I'm surprised it's still kept in good condition after all these years," you pointed out. "We're in our third year now... and it still looks brand new."
"I take good care of my things, (Y/N)~," he said. "And I'll be keeping that blanket for as long as I can."
You smiled and gave him a peck on the back of his head. "Anyway, aren't you going to tell me what got you so riled up? It can't just be because of the cat, right?"
"Ah, right..." he said. He opened the can that you gave him and began to drink the contents of it. "So, this is what happened..."
He explained everything to you, recalling what happened that day when they had to withdraw some of the new Knights members. He was honest with his feelings, how bad he felt when he saw those tearful faces, how bad he felt when he knew that those dreams were being crushed.
But after some reassurance from you, Ritsu felt a lot better. That's when Tsukasa showed up to check up on him too. A suggestion of finding foster parents for the cat was brought up which Ritsu agreed to.
By time, he grew fond of the cat albeit he still wanted it gone. But things had resolved themselves, and Ritsu was back to his calm, analytical self again.
You had come to say goodbye to the cat, d'Artagnyan, too. This time, it had let you hold it.
"Hehe, it really does remind me of you," you told Ritsu who immediately turned red. "Don't miss Ritsu too much, you hear me~? I hope you live a comfortable life."
Watching you be so gentle with the cat like that had Ritsu feeling some sort of way. He smiled gently to himself, appreciating that you were there with him, that you were there to console him and to listen to every word he had to say. There was nothing better in this world – even his favourite blanket – that would compare to you.
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deus-ex-mona · 16 days
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just a tl of lxl's tv guide interview~
Q1: First off, please introduce yourselves!
Aizo: It’s nice to meet you guys! I’m Aizo.
Yujiro: And I’m Yujiro! The two of us make up the idol unit of LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We sing with all we’ve got to bring happiness to our listeners.
Yujiro: We’ve released many MVs as well, so please check them out as well.
Aizo: We also give it our all when we’re shooting our MVs, so you’ll be able to see us being all cool in them!
Yujiro: That sure is a lot of “all”s that we’ve given, Aizo.
Aizo: That’s cuz I really give it my all in everything we do. You do the same, right?
Yujiro: Of course I do. There isn’t a single day when I’m not giving it my all.
Aizo: See? You look calm and composed most of the time, but you’re actually a pretty passionate guy, huh?
Yujiro: It’s because you’re always giving it your all that I feel like I can’t lose either.
Aizo: There it is, your tendency of hating to lose.
Yujiro: Well, we both hate to lose, don’t we?
Aizo: But, Yujiro, you’re able to do everything so easily without seeming bothered by the thought of falling behind, which never fails to surprise me every time.
Yujiro: I guess you’re the opposite of me in that regard, Aizo. You’re a straightforward open book. I think that any onlooker will be able to tell how much you love singing and how much fun you’re having at work.
Aizo: Eh? Do I really look like I’m having that much fun?
Yujiro: You’re always excited when we’re on site. But, Aizo, you’re actually surprisingly calm and even more observant of your surroundings than I am of mine. Even when I’m distressed, you’re the one who notices it faster than anyone else, Aizo…
Aizo: I’ve told you that you should ask for help when you’re troubled, but you really can’t be honest, huh? (laughs)
Yujiro: …Right now, I’m troubled by you and the way you’re smirking at me, Aizo.
Q2: What was the response to your 2nd Album “Be Grateful You Were Born!” like?
Aizo: Since this was our first album in a long time, we have received a lot of responses from our Julieta (what they call their fans) who have been anticipating its release. We’re really happy that it brought joy to them.
Yujiro: We had performed “White Day Kiss” live, so there were many Julieta who were looking forward to its album release too.
Aizo: Also, Narumi (Sena) who starred in the MV for “Julieta”, the sequel to “Romeo” from our previous album, congratulated us too. She said that she’ll recommend the album to her friends as well, which I appreciate!
Yujiro: I will be really happy if people who don’t know of us yet can get to know and support us through this album.
Aizo: We’ll continue to work hard as LIPxLIP with all we’ve got, so please root for us!
Q3: What were the challenges that you faced with this album?
Aizo: Well, it’s more like we faced so many new challenges that I don’t know where to start. (laughs)
Yujiro: In terms of the mood of the songs, I think “Meoto” with its Japanese taste and the Arabian-esque “A.B.Secret” have a very new feel to them compared to our other songs as LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We changed the way we sang to suit each and every song too, so I think we were able to show you new sides of us. For “Meoto”, I was conscious of the way I sang to fit the role I played in the setting of the song, and for “A.B.Secret”, there was that rap-like dialogue.
Yujiro: You may be surprised by the difference in intensity if you listen to “Oshi no Mahou” and “Yurushite Santa-san” after those songs. (laughs)
Aizo: With the “LOVE chu chu”s and the “Please, Santa-san”s, right? I’ll be thrilled if you can feel not just our coolness, but also our cuteness as idols! But… even though I was the one who said all that I’m starting to feel embarrassed.
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Q4: The album has songs that would be a hit at live concerts, such as “Oshi no Mahou”, with its fun call-and-response bits.
Aizo: It goes without say that I definitely want to do the call and response with our Julieta!
Yujiro: Same here. I’ll be happy if everyone memorised it and came to watch us perform when that day comes.
Aizo: It’ll be super fun, right?! I’m looking forward to hyping up the venue and making it echo with all our voices.
Yujiro: Is there anything else that you’d like to do during the performance?
Aizo: Hmm, well… Maybe we’ll make a Möbius loop together with the audience… wait, the ideas won’t stop flowing if we carry on like this. (laughs)
Yujiro: Yeah, you’re right. (laughs) Let’s leave the details of the performance as something that our audience can look forward to when the time comes.
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Q5: Tell us the secret stories behind the shootings of your MVs!
Aizo: I had a feeling when I heard Yujiro sing “Anata” in his lines in “Meoto”... But I was still surprised when I found out that Yujiro was dressed up in the role of a girl during the MV shooting. But, y’know, it suited you amazingly~. The air your makeup gave off was also different from how it’s like during our usual jacket photoshoots and live concerts, so I was a little charmed by you (laughs).
Yujiro: Thanks. Although I played the role of a woman this time, the costume I wore was a fantastical gorgeous kimono, within a unique setting, so it was easy for me to get into my role without feeling uncomfortable.
Aizo: I really didn’t feel uncomfortable at all either.
Yujiro: You looked good in your bewitching horned costume yourself, Aizo. It brought out your coolness, and you looked strong too.
Aizo: Right?! I was really pumped with all of the manly accessories like the horns, the mask, and the patterns drawn on my body.
Yujiro: Your long sharp nails suited you too. And in the MV, there’s a scene where the pair, played by me and Aizo, open their hearts to each other and hold hands while standing shoulder to shoulder. Be sure to pay attention to the contrast between our hands, okay?
Aizo: Speaking of the shooting, when I was hugging Yujiro during the filming of that shoulder to shoulder scene, I could smell a wonderful fragrance coming off of him. I was really surprised at the time, y’know? (laughs) “He smells so good!” I thought.
Yujiro: The staff had prepared some perfume for me. Although the fragrance can’t be conveyed through the screen, they had hoped to enhance the vividness of the setting for the viewers by having me wear the perfume as we filmed. I thought that it was a wonderful idea, so I had the staff apply the perfume to my costume. 
Aizo: For “A.B.Secret”, we filmed a live concert called “Arabian Nights in the Dunes”, which was yet another tough day. (laughs)
Yujiro: To be honest, we got lost on the way to the venue, so we had to cross several dunes.
Aizo: We may look all nonchalant in the MV, but we’d used quite a lot of our stamina. I’m just glad that we were able to make it to the venue in one piece…
Yujiro: But we were treated to a lot of wonderful food after our performance, so I’d say that it had been a very satisfying day.
Q6: Since this is a TV guide… What TV programmes do the two of you tend to watch?
Yujiro: I watch all kinds of shows, but I tend to watch talk shows often. I think that it’s great that I’m able to learn about current events from all over the world in the form of an entertaining programme, no less.
Aizo: You don’t just check the news or something? You sure are a diligent one, Yujiro.
Yujiro: I watch talk shows just because they’re interesting. If I just want to know the news, I wouldn’t particularly watch a talk show for it.
Aizo: I watch them every so often myself, but I only watch the segments that introduce restaurants that serve good food or amusement park events.
Yujiro: I see. You watch TV too, Aizo? I had the impression that you’d be often off running outside or something instead.
Aizo: Well, I do watch TV, y’know? I like watching programmes hosted by their namesake comedians. And I check out singing programmes without fail.
Yujiro: Yeah, I watch music programmes often too.
Aizo: It goes without say that I check out my favourite bands and artistes too, but I have to know what the current trends are on the rankings! As idols, we can’t afford to lose to others and all.
Yujiro: Though, I do occasionally get hooked on particular trends just from checking them out. (laughs)
Q7: Going off the name of your album, please express your gratitude for each other and your Julieta!
Yujiro: Do you even have anything to be grateful to me for…?
Aizo: Yeah. I’m grateful to always have you as a nice wall for a rival.
Yujiro: A nice wall? Is that supposed to be a compliment?
Aizo: Yes, it’s a compliment. For example, I do pretty well in my studies and sports at school, but when I look at you, Yujiro, I find myself thinking that I can’t be satisfied with the way things are yet. I’m able to grow steadily because I have you as my literal worthy opponent.
Yujiro: You’re really grateful to me, huh?
Aizo: Well, since we have the opportunity now, why not? How about you? You’re not gonna say that you have nothing, are you?
Yujiro: Yeah. I have something too.
Aizo: Ooh, what is it, what is it? 
Yujiro: There has been a lot of pollen in the air lately. So, when I sneezed, you immediately gave me some pocket tissue, the soft kind. You really saved me back then, so I’m grateful to you.
Aizo: Is that simple thing all you’re grateful for…?
Yujiro: Sorry, I was just kidding. (laughs) As I had touched on in an earlier question, whenever I’m depressed or distressed, you’re the first one to notice, Aizo. I tend to overthink all kinds of things, but you always make my worries disappear. So I’m always grateful to you for that, Aizo.
Aizo: Huh, so you do have a proper one after all.
Yujiro: It’s embarrassing to be this honest, so let’s keep this between us, okay?
Aizo: It’d be nice if you could be honest all the time, though.
Yujiro: More importantly, we have to honestly express our gratitude for our Julieta.
Aizo: Yeah. We’re more grateful to our Julieta than anything.
Yujiro: Thank you so much for cheering us on, Julieta.
Aizo: We were only able to release our new album thanks to your support, Julieta. We are able to continue on as LIPxLIP thanks to every one of you who listens to our songs, buys our albums, and sends us your thoughts and cheers.
Yujiro: Julieta, I’m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I’d like to express my gratitude that you were born in this era and that you and us were able to meet like this.
Aizo: We will continue to do our very best so that we can return the love that we have received from you, Julieta, many times over.
Both: Please cheer us on!
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Q8: What was your first trip together like?
Aizo: There were some pranks, and there were times when I felt exasperated, but it was truly a ton of fun!
Yujiro: We haven’t had many opportunities to go on a trip till now, so it was a really great experience for us. 
Aizo: We got to see many places, plus thanks to the fact that we were in charge of the voiceover for the Izumo guided tour, we had a good knowledge about the places of interest and we were able to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.
Yujiro: I especially liked the footbaths. When I dipped my feet into the footbath after a tiring walk, I was truly impressed by how much it helped to relieve my fatigue.
Aizo: It’s amazing how it completely warmed your feet up, huh?
Yujiro: Yeah, its healing properties are amazing.
Aizo: No, y’see, your feet were flushed pink from the warmth of the water in the footbath after soaking in it for a while. When you took your feet out of the hot water, saying “It’s hot.”, it looked like you were wearing pink socks, which I found rather funny.
Yujiro: …If you want to bring that up, should I release that video of you scooting around on your butt to grab a towel with your legs raised up in the air because you had nowhere to put your wet feet?
Aizo: When did you even take that video…?
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captcoups · 1 year
[🐶] mr. clumsy (k.m)
✤ kim mingyu x reader / idol!svt / non.idol!you / established relationship / 703 words / fluff, silly 🌸🤡 ✤ in which mingyu is an accident waiting to happen (that sometimes doesn’t happen whenever you’re here). [masterlist ⛵️]
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it’s no secret that mingyu has butter fingers... or sometimes, his whole body is butter. not in a sexy way, either. the clumsy kind that either makes him lose his footing, land the wrong way, grab the wrong end; an accumulated deadly combinations that makes you wonder how kim mingyu is still alive.
then again, given that he’s working on his body, building that strength, maybe he’s able to combat his unluckiness with–”ah!” a yelp that cuts through the group’s murmurs and chatters is what captures your attention. in the midst of helping others with their life vests, apparently you hadn’t kept your eye on the one you should’ve been the whole time. it was a group trip of coming out to the beach with water activities scheduled and really, you should’ve kept kim mingyu on the agenda the whole time.
letting your feet thread past the sand to get to him, he’s already a pouty mess when you stand in front of him with an amused smile. his hands smoothen over your waist despite being strapped in and you see the way he’s tangled up in the straps.
“how are you so smart but so dumb at the same time?” you mutter under your breath, shaking your head as you begin undoing his previous attempts at trying to be safe. he huffs and blows the fringe from his face, “not my fault you left me unsupervised,”
you scoff and make your way through the knots he’s mindlessly made, “this isn’t the way you’re supposed to fasten the vest,” 
the silence that greets you makes you peek up to him and see how he presses his lips to a thin line, looking away, “...i was trying to be creative.”
“a life vest isn’t something to be creative about,” you mumble, now fixing his mistakes to strap him in properly. when you check a couple of times to make sure it’s on him right, you sigh when you meet with mingyu’s puppy eyes. it’s a wonder how a man with his frame and physique could still feel small under your gaze. his strong arms sliding around your waist are a reminder of how he’s able to protect you but it’s in the moments like these, mingyu feels safe with you.
“maybe it’s a sign,” he grins, leaning his forehead on yours.
“what sign?” you chuckle, hands resting on his shoulders.
“a sign that you should be by my side all the time.”
“what’s in it for me?”
“we’ll trade. your brains for my brawn,” he gives your body a squeeze, “and because i’m nice, i’ll throw in love and affection, too.”
“guess i can’t reject such a good offer,” you smile, allowing a hand go through his hair and he nuzzles into your touch so sweetly that it doesn’t reflect the words he’s saying: “it was never up for rejection,” he squints his eyes at you, “you’re stuck with me.”
well, not like you were planning on leaving, anyway.
((on the boat, already mingyu’s fussing on where to hold for support that he reaches up to hold the ceiling. wordlessly, you reach up to peel his hand from the ceiling to place it on the railing behind the both of you, earning yourself a kiss to the cheek as he murmurs a soft thank you.
jeonghan chuckles and shakes his head, leaning against chan, “that was an accident waiting to happen.”
chan bites his tongue to say something but when he meets mingyu’s gaze, he can’t help himself–”hyung, might as well you strap yourself to the top of the boat, yeah?”
mingyu blinks a few times, then sinking in his mind that chan was taking a jab at seeing him trying to keep himself balanced by pressing his palm to the ceiling.
“eh, i mean, if y/n’s up for it, i don’t mind.”
you scoff a laugh and turn to meet chan’s eyes, “you can go first. then we’ll follow suit.”
that gets chan to lean back and cough a sorry.
mingyu snuggles against you with a shit-eating-grin on his face, poking his tongue at chan who already pins in his mind to push mingyu into the water at least three times after this.))
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phenomenalgirl9 · 6 months
Bestie!BTS x Reader: Enlisting
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Summary: Just a random inspiration, where BTS are your best friends and they are enlisting. (Creative scenario of the current situation)
W/c: 390
Warnings: alcohol and being drunk (?)
You sat and took another swing of the alcohol in your hand and laughed at the face Taehyung made as he did the same. “You still don't like the taste. Do you?” You asked, “Not really, but then again, who drinks for the taste?” He asked in his deep voice that's laced with drunkenness.
Namjoon suddenly started giggling as Jimin ran his hand to his still blonde hair, “he's drunk” he said, looking still fine. “I'll never know how you handle your liquor so well” you said. “For that tiny size” Jungkook added and received a kick as a reply from the older boy, who was also giggling. And you shook your head, “I! Am not drunk!” Namjoon declared as he sat up randomly. And all of you rolled in laughter. “Gosh! I miss Hobi” you said reminiscing, remembering the goofball of your friends group. “I miss Jin hyung” Jungkook said and Jimin added how he missed Yoongi, even though he can be met with anytime.
“I miss all of them” you said as well. “And I will miss all of you guys!” You said, hugging Jimin, the closest one to you. “We all will miss you too, and each other as a matter of fact” Jimin said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly, making you feel warm. Jungkook joined in followed by Taehyung who pulled Namjoon in as well. “Don't be saud Y/nie, we'll meet you soon, and Jin hyungie will be back before you know it” Jungkook murmured and you nodded, as you sniffed loudly. “Don't cry you idiot! Or we'll cry too” Jimin said, drawing soothing circles on your back as the other held you tighter. “We're always with you okay!” Namjoon reassured you.
“We'll text you whenever we can okay!” Jungkook said as he lay on your lap, Namjoon and Tae Half asleep and Jimin was still sitting straight. A very drunk Namjoon placed an arm on your shoulder. “Joon, your arm is heavy, oh Lord! How much more beefy will you guys get?!” you said wondering. Jungkook chuckled “You'll see, when we return, so be patient, eh” with a shit eating grin.
“I will, I will always wait for you guys, see you all soon” you said.
See you guys soon, I'll try not to cry and be at my best as much as I can. You guys aren't just my idols you're my best friends and inspiration. Lets see each other soon.
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starscara · 2 years
stage fright! (kaeya, diluc, tartaglia, itto, thoma)
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001. even hardworking idols deserve a well needed break.
002. idol!au, oral sex (f giving + receiving), boobjob, photo taking, threesome, facefucking, mirror sex, semi-public sex, breeding, mentions of pregnancy, dry humping, light dom/sub
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❝ THE VISUAL ❞ — kaeya
As the visual of the group, Kaeya also manages to be the most popular member amongst male and female fans alike. His charms are what bring the group any type of publicity and his looks alone have landed him numerous brand deals, taking the promotion of the group worldwide. His looks also managed to pull you in; a very willing fangirl who would give anything to him without a second thought.
“That’s it, good girl.” Kaeya’s fingers run through your hair, guiding your head up and down his throbbing shaft. Your tongue wraps around his girth and obscene slurping sounds echo around the dressing room.
You look up at Kaeya, meeting his hooded eyes as you run your small hand up and down his much larger cock, occasionally twisting or running your finger across his slit. He audibly gulps as he watches you pull down the top of your shirt, allowing your plump chests to spill out.
Pushing yourself upwards, you slip each of your boobs around Kaeya, moving them up and down slowly whilst never once breaking eye contact with him. His chest heaves when your perked nipples rub against his flaring tip.
When he cums, it’s messy; translucent white strings of his release hang between the valley of your breast and your tongue sticks out as you try to catch some, instead having it land on your nose and on your cheeks.
“Look up for me, love,” comes Kaeya’s voice and you obey, looking right into the camera he has trained on your face with the lewdest look you could muster. You hear his phone camera click once, twice, three times until he puts it away in his pocket and reaches for the box of tissues on the tables next to him.
❝ THE VOCALISTS ❞ — thoma + itto
Both Thoma and Itto have differing vocal ranges. Thoma’s voice is soft and soothing, best fit for slow ballads or emotional bridges. Itto’s voice is more on the rough side, with deep undertones that are great for adlibs or more upbeat, noisy songs. Despite their differences in vocal range, Thoma and Itto are considered the best vocalists in the group, managing to secure themselves major lines in title tracks and b-sides alike. They also have one more thing in common; they use the same method of vocal training.
“Itto! If you aren’t careful, you’ll break her.” Thoma sounds concerned but is anything but, enjoying the show Itto is currently putting on in between your legs. Each of your ankles are bruised in his grip as his tongue drags along your leaky slit again, making your back arch into the couch.
“She’ll be fine,” he growls into your twitching cunt, the vibrations causing you to let out a pornstar-worthy whine. “See? You’re having the time of your life up there, aren’t cha?”
You nod deliriously, making eye contact with Thoma as he runs his fingers up and down his throbbing shaft. Precum leaks generously from the tip and drips down onto your chest, forming a small puddle as he straddles your stomach.
“Open up, princess,” he whispers, tapping the tip of his cock onto your closed lips. You open your mouth and let him in, your throat immediately constricting as he presses his crotch to your nose. Thoma can only watch as you grip onto his thighs, holding on as he slowly begins to rock into your mouth.
“Who’s the one breaking her now, eh?” Itto kneels in between your open legs, lining his own cock up with your clenching hole. His tip alone has your eyes finding the back of your head, and you feel deliciously full as he continues to press in, burying himself to the hilt.
Thoma guides your hands to the base of his cock, prompting you to jerk it along with the movements of his hips. Itto is suddenly ravaging your poor cunt, his hips slamming violently into your own as he grips onto your waist like a man gone insane.
With one final thrust Itto unloads inside of you, his thick cream spurting into your sore pussy and spilling out onto the couch. When Thoma approaches his high he pulls out of your mouth, jerking himself off until he shoots rope after rope onto your awaiting tongue.
All that can be heard in the studio is your combined pants and the sound of clothes rustling, until Itto breaks the silence.
“So,” he says, tucking himself back into his jeans. “Same time tomorrow?”
❝ THE DANCER ❞ — tartaglia
Undoubtedly, Tartaglia (Stage Name ; Childe) is the best dancer of his generation. His dance skills and his flawless ability to freestyle got him into the group immediately and he usually takes the centre in most of the groups performances. It’s no secret; the man is gifted. But even killer dancers like him have their own warm up routines.
“Baby, why don’t you look at yourself?” Childe coos into your ear, pulling you flush against his chest and forcing you to look at yourself in the floor-length dance studio mirror. “You look so pretty when I fuck your brains out.”
The tip of cock bruises your cervix over and over again with his shallow thrusts, each move sending pleasuring waves along your spine. Tear filled eyes meet ocean blue ones in the mirror and a smirk paints his face as he watches your mascara run down your cheeks.
“You’ve only got yourself to blame, girlie,” he says, eyes trained on the connection between your hole and his cock. “Coming into my studio all dolled up whilst I’m doing my warmup - practically begging to get fucked.” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth at the heavy drag of him in your cunt and your eyes roll back as he slams you forward into the mirror.
“Don’t go all mushy brained on me, darling,” he drawls, pushing your face onto the glass. “And don’t go getting your pretty tears on my mirror either, or our secret practice won’t be so secret anymore, will it?” He smiles to himself as he feels you clench down hard, making it hard for him to move.
“Can’t come yet, baby,” he groans into your neck. “If I do, I’ll end up knocking you up.” You whine again at the mention of him filling you to the brim with his sweet liquid. “Unless you want to have my babies, hey girlie?”
❝ THE LEADER ❞ — diluc
As the leader of the group, Diluc automatically gets the most public attention. He needs to make sure all of his fellow members are in line and that his presentation is picture perfect; one step out of line risks his and the others’ future with the entertainment agency. It really shouldn’t be that deep; disbandment would really anger fans everywhere and bring shame to the company name. In order to prevent that from happening, he needs to stay perfect in front of the cameras. Behind the cameras… now that’s a different story.
“Diluc, they’re outside …” you whimper, hands pressed against his chest as he nips needily at your neck. “They’ll find us … the company-” You’re cut off when his knee presses in between your legs, spreading your thighs apart and hoisting you up against the wall.
“You’re thinkin’ too much,” he grumbles, licking along the crook of your neck. “The company won’t know if we don’t get caught.” He slots his clothed erection between your legs and bucks upwards, groaning deeply at the friction.
Diluc’s rough hand cages your smaller ones above your head and he continues to press up into you, groans turning into more residual moans as he nears closer and closer to his release. “Fuck,” he whispers into your neck, “you’re gonna ruin my pants.”
And that’s exactly what you do, fluids from your soaked underwear running down your thighs and staining Diluc’s crotch. His hands find purchase on your hips as his ruts become more and more desperate.
“Fu-uck,” he stutters, cumming in his pants one final thrust. You eyes roll back as you climax with him, juices dripping down your thighs and onto the floor. The silence of the darkened corridor roars in your ears as you climb down from your high.
“Don’t go telling the cameras about us, alright doll?” Diluc says gruffly, gripping your chin in his palm. You nod shakily, pressing your thighs together as heat begins to reform in your stomach.
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© starscara 2022 — all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission.
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ohii-san · 3 months
Mitsuru: Mm? Tomo-chan, I don’t see anyone who could’ve called us~?
Tomoya: Eh. That’s strange. We came here because we were called for a briefing about our next job…
Excuse me. Can I just ask you…[1]
—Ah, you’re leaving for your break now? Will you be back soon? If that’s the case, I’ll wait, it’s okay. Thank you!
Mitsuru. Looks like they’ll be back soon, so let’s just wait.
Mitsuru: Mhm!
Tomoya: Having said that, though, it’d be a waste of time to just wait around like this. Plus, you look out of place just standing there near the entrance.
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Mitsuru: Tomo-chan. There’s lots of posters put up around here! Why don’t we look at them?
Tomoya: Ehh, like which ones?
I never really took a good look at it until now, but there’s lots of posters here with idols belonging to our agency, aren’t there?
Oh, looks like Hasumi-senpai’s drama will start next year. I’ve gotta watch it~!
—Ah. A poster for our new album’s been put up, too.
It’s really moving to see it like this. Makes me feel like I really am an idol.
Ehehe, I still haven’t gotten used to seeing my face on posters though.
Mitsuru: Hey, hey, Tomo-chan! Look at this~☆
Tomoya: Hm? What’s up, Mitsuru?
Mitsuru: I’m copying Ado-chan-senpai’s pose!
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Mitsuru: How is it, how is it? Do you think I look like “Mitsuru Tenma; Rebellious and Wicked Idol”?
Tomoya: Ahaha. It kinda suits you~. Otogari-senpai in the poster behind you looks cool, but it feels like you’re trying too hard, Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: You don’t have to laugh that much! Tomo-chan is so cruel!
Tomoya: Sorry, sorry. My bad. But as expected, it’s impossible for us to act like UNDEAD, right?
Mitsuru: But we’ll grow up and be as cool as we can be– we won't lose to Ado-chan-senpai!
Tomoya: You know, Otogari-senpai and Mitsuru are only one year apart…
Nn? Was that my phone ringing?
Mitsuru: Mhm. I know that sound. Tomo–chan must have received a message from someone, right?
Tomoya: You’ve got pretty good hearing, Mitsuru~. Let’s see…?
Ah. It’s true. Looks like Anzu-san has been messaging me.
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Mitsuru: Eh. From Anzu nee-chan?
That’s nice~, Tomo-chan! What’s Anzu nee-chan saying?
Tomoya: Look here~.It’s not really a playful message or anything like that, so there’s nothing to envy. What’s the matter… What?
Ehh!? There was a mistake in yesterday’s “Shuffle Unit” project announcement…!? I’m a member of another unit!? 
No way… What is this... I was really looking forward to it!
Mitsuru: Eh? What’s this, what do you mean?
Tomoya: The members of Hajime’s “Shuffle Unit” are Hajime, Himemiya, Harukawa and Shiratori, seems like I was included by mistake…
I’m part of a different “Shuffle Unit”.
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Mitsuru: Hmm. You were so happy to be with Hajime-chan, it’s really too bad, Tomo-chan~.
Tomoya: That’s true… I really thought I’d be a member of such a peaceful and awesome “Shuffle Unit”.
Nn? And there’s more– They’ve scheduled a meeting for right now!?
What do I do… I’ll let Anzu know I’ll be a bit late…
Mitsuru: Tomo-chan. Leave this to me, you can go to the meeting.
Tomoya: Eh? Are you sure…?
Mitsuru: Of course! After all, I can help with this, but the “Shuffle Unit” is something only Tomo-chan can handle. 
At times like this we need to support each other. So don’t worry about it!
Tomoya: I’m sorry. Thank you, Mitsuru. See you, I’m off!
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Mitsuru: Mhm! Take care!
Tomoya: Hurry~ hurry~!
(I think I can actually make it in time even if I don’t hurry!)
(Since this will be our first time together, I’d like to get there as early as possible~. I don’t know who the members are yet…)
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Tomoya: (—That reminds me. Anzu didn’t mention anything about the “Shuffle Unit” members in the message.)
(I wonder who’s in that unit with me?)
(Well, I’ll do my best no matter who’s in it. But the members in Hajime’s were so ideal.)
(… And– No, no! If I think like this I’m being rude to the members I’m about to meet!)
(Mm. I’m sure my shuffle’s real members will be able to work together to make the project a success! I'm sure of it!)
( The first impression is the most important part of a meeting. O~kay. Smile, smile… ☆ )
Excu~se me!
Yuzuru: Oh?
Rinne: Hah?
Ibara: …
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Tomoya: …
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Tomoya: … ‘scuse me, sorry~!
Rinne: Oi, why are you leaving? Come back here!
[1] tomoya is just talking to a faceless npc with no dialogue here . i don't know if this needs to be specified but just in case !
big thank you as always to my co-translator/proofreader @misuzuh, and @yume-fanfare for helping make sure rabits' dialogue doesn't sound too stiff !! i changed my formatting ever so slightly this time around- i'll change old posts to reflect that, later !
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mcytblr-archive · 3 months
Early MCYTblr Interviews: ilyuqi
today's interviewee is ilyuqi, who joined both MCYTblr and dreamlying after quitting twitter. below, under the cut, is a transcript of their audio messages responding to the questions.
Q: You were on Twitter before you moved to Tumblr– was there a specific reason for that change?
A: Yes! I got canceled! (Haha, very funny). Yeah, that’s kind of the crux of it, I got canceled pretty hard (to a point where, even though I might have had a chance to maybe regain my reputation and continue using my stan account, I just didn’t want to at that point.) I’d already been in so much drama before that (some warranted, some unwarranted), for example one of the things that people got on me for was that I wasn’t Sapnap-focused enough on my twitter account, and there was just an element of responsibility I felt, harboring a stan account with that many followers, as pretentious as that sounds. 
It was just no longer fun for me anymore. And now people were creating these multi-thousand-liked cancel threads against me citing my friendships with other people, and then also harboring real-life kind of things on me, for example, like, someone was accusing me of mlm fetishizing, and although I don’t think that’s the most serious accusation (Within the realm of internet discourse. Over the internet specifically, that’s a pretty “eh” thing to get canceled for), I just felt like – I was like, I didn’t do that, though! But I felt like my words were purposefully twisted and misinterpreted just because y’know, a lot of people also didn’t like me on that platform. So I just found it easier to go “yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and quit twitter, this isn’t fun for me anymore, the point of having a stan account is that, you know, I want to feel a part of a community” and I just didn’t feel that anymore, so I found it reasonable to just go ahead and like. Quit being a stan account. 
I think I might've privately stanned them on, you know, private accounts for a while, but then I one day ended up randomly answering someone’s question about dreamlying on tumblr, and then that spiraled into me actually becoming a critblr account. I never really intended that to happen, I thought it would be a fun thing of answering a couple of asks, but then suddenly it was, like, hundreds of asks and I was just like “woah!”. If you scroll back far enough on my tumblr, you’ll see that this really was never supposed to be a critblr. Like, I think you can still find my essays about, like, y’know, Girl Meets World from 2017? 2018? I have no idea, there’s no concept of time. But what I’m getting at is that, you know, the shift– the getting off twitter was definitely intentional, but the shift to tumblr, it was kind of just events. Y’know? It just kind of happened, but the main reason I left twitter was because of the cancellation, and I guess it just ended up transitioning into me moving onto tumblr.
Q: What was your experience being in the “fringe” of MCYTblr? 
A: My experience being on the fringe of Minecraft Youtube tumblr– I guess I should say that I didn’t really feel, like, a difference in my experience, which is illogical– I am perfectly aware of the fact that my blog and the community I participated in was very different from the minecraft youtube tumblr community as a whole. 
But I guess because I was never a part of the [larger] minecraft youtube tumblr community in the first place, I didn't really feel that lack. So for me, being on critblr was just– for me, that was minecraft youtube tumblr, you know? And I think that’s a very unique experience. I think many critblr blogs had the experience of being on minecraft youtube tumblr and then transitioning into being critblr, but for me, it was just immediately critblr. I never had the “idolizing my content creators” stan period while I was on Tumblr– I say that in heavy quotes– I never had that on Tumblr, I had already done that on Twitter. So I think it resulted in me not feeling a difference, I was just like. “Yeah this is– critblr is minecraft youtube tumblr for me, this is the only context in which I would want to talk about minecraft youtube on tumblr”. 
So I guess for me, my experience was just being on tumblr. I enjoyed answering the asks, I enjoyed making jokes, I was perfectly awake that sometimes I was saying crazy things, but for me it was just fun, so I just did it anyway. It should be noted that, for the majority of the time I had my blog, I think I was like sixteen, seventeen? So that might explain a lot of the stuff I said. But for me, again, it was normal. I did not feel a lack from being on critblr. For me, that was minecraft youtube tumblr. 
Q: Were you ever harassed for being part of critblr? 
A: I would say no. I never really felt harassed for being on critblr. At that point, I wasn't– like, my friends, they were all aware that I was on critblr, and none of them really had anything mean to say about it. At the time, those were the only opinions that mattered to me, so it was just kind of like. Eh. 
I think if I received any harassment ever, I– I don’t even think I can count it as harassment, it was just people who disagreed with my opinions, and were like, “this is crazy of you to say”. And in hindsight, I'm sure I deserved some of it. But harassment? No. While I was on twitter, I had adults attempting to cyberstalk me, doxx me, create these insane cancel threads on me (all while I was like fifteen years old), and to me, that was harassment. I would see familiar faces popping up in my dms to send me gore, send me death threats. I never experienced anything like that on tumblr. I think probably the craziest thing that ever happened to me on tumblr was some friend of mine sending an ask littered with slurs because they were mad at a critblr opinion that i had. That's probably the craziest thing I've ever had happen to me. I’m not friends with that person anymore. But harassment? No. I don't think I ever really, you know, got harassment. I think I had people who definitely didn’t like me, but I don't think I would count that as harassment.
Q: Do you remember any specific discourse/drama from that time?
A: I will say that a majority of the really really old discourse stuff, I experienced through twitter, not tumblr. So for example, the “Dream Native American war cry” situation, the “r slur” stuff, the spreadsheet, those all came through twitter for me. I experienced those while being active on twitter. 
The ones that I remember that I experienced through tumblr were specifically the “Dream kkk edit”, and then there was also an internal critblr affair where this account called mctruther or mcyttruth (I can’t remember, one of the two) made this giant callout post dedicated mostly towards Jason lmanburg. I remember this pretty vividly mainly because I wrote a callout, like, a response to the callout post, and uh, personally I found the post to be very silly. They were criticizing Jason and other people for using stuff like kiwifarms and being a part of ebblr, I think, and it was just very odd, and I didn't vibe with it. So I made a callout post, and I was just like “I don't agree with what you’re saying”. 
But yeah, no, so personally the Dream kkk edit  is what kind of made me go “okay, I don’t think I want to talk about Dream discourse anymore”. Because before this, for me, my critblr account was mostly dedicated to talking about the relationships that Dream had with his family, and George, and Sapnap, and other content creators, the internet in general– sometimes, I talked about Ranboo, and y’know like, what I thought his fans were doing for his face reveal? As in, y’know, they were hyping him up too much and he was getting visibly more and more insecure. But for Dream, you know, I think I was able to always maintain like, “yeah, I think he’s done a lot of shitty stuff in the past, but I think he’s perfectly capable of growth and learning, because he’s always owned up to his mistakes”, but the Dream kkk edit was one where he gave lies so quickly to try and cover his ass, and then gave this halfhearted apology in which he really rubbed me the wrong way. 
I obviously had no problem saying this, obviously I’m going to find a kkk edit pretty despicable, but I had people in my inbox arguing with me whether or not a kkk edit is really a mark of someone being antisemitic, or racist. They even debated whether or not the edit itself was racist or not, and I just kind of had to take a step back cause I’m like, “C’mon guys, like, I think if this happened in real life, y’know, this would Not be the conversation occurring right now, but you guys are giving so much leeway to this, like, random white guy over the internet.’ Like, I don’t want to have to debate with people whether or not racism is real. I wanna talk about GeorgeNotFound’s visa, and I wanna talk about Ranboo’s face reveal! I don’t want to talk about like– I don’t want to try and convince you that racism is real, that is not what I want to do. That is very exhausting, honestly. Cause, like– I don’t know, it was just very disheartening to see this community go down that route. And I was just kinda like “Okay, no,” and I think I made a big post that was just like “Hey. I’m no longer going to address Dream’s controversies, because they seem to be going down a route where I'm going to have to defend things that I know to be true, basic things I know to be true, and I have to defend them like I'm already wrong. And I don’t wanna do that, that’s too much for me.'' So yeah, that’s kind of the biggest discourse that I remember from critblr from when I joined it. 
Of course there were other things too, from the very very beginning. Like, I don’t know if any one of your interviews has talked about it, but misogynap was one of my favorite things on tumblr in 2020. Because like, I fully agreed, I was like yeah! Sapnap does give off misogynistic vibes! It’s really weird! And I vibed with that– but you could never say that on twitter. 
I think what made me the angriest about this whole thing– there were tons of things that made me angry, y’know, I didn’t vibe with the argument that he was, like, 15 years old therefore he was a dumb fifteen-year-old. I was like okay, I've been fifteen, I've never done anything like that before. But what definitely pissed me off was the fact that he immediately tried to deny it, and I was like dude, c’mon. Like, these are some pretty serious allegations and accusations, and you just decided to deny them, and you’re like “Augh! It’s just my stupid antis!” and it’s like, no, you made that edit!
And then when he owned up to it, he basically said something along the lines of “some people grow up with kindness surrounding them… I was not, and I grew up with hate… and therefore, this is the byproduct of that :(“ and I– I dunno. I don’t wanna say I get what he’s saying, but I think that is an incredibly, incredibly privileged take, to be able to say that. Like, I grew up with hate, therefore I also started hating. There are plenty of people in this world surrounded by hate all the time, and they don’t grow up to do that kind of stuff. And the fact that Dream’s stans took that and they were like, “oh my god he’s such a good person, I love that he apologized so well!” I was just kinda like guys. Come on, like this is a white guy being like “It’s just not my fault, it’s not my fault that I was so freakin racist as a kid! It’s just not my fault!”. Like, we’re all capable of making choices. Sorry. Sorry, does that sound too harsh? I’m sorry.
But that definitely was kind of my breaking point, to be like “Yup! I’m not gonna be debating dream controversies anymore, because if this is the kind of person he is, this isn’t someone I want to playfully speculate on. This is some serious stuff, this is not my forte, no.”
Q: How do you feel that the overall culture and in-jokes of critblr differed from “main” MCYTblr?
A: Like I've said before, I don't know if I'm the best person to make the differentiation between main mcytblr and critblr, only because I never felt the difference because I jumped right into critblr. Even before, in like 2020 when I was a lurker, I was lurking on georgeeehd’s blog, wormweeb’s blog, etc etc. I never really interacted with normal minecraft youtube tumblr. I guess maybe the closest I might've gotten to that is endercores? But we actually ended up meeting over twitter, and that’s where we became friends, we never really interacted on tumblr. So honestly, I don't know if I'm the best person to ask that question.
I just kind of would say that, going off of vibes alone, it’s that critblr was a lot more okay with poking fun at content creators for their jokes and making jokes at their expense, while main mcytblr jokes definitely lined up with more traditional stan culture, praising and uplifting their CCs. That’s kind of the most basic generalization I can give, but I personally would have no interactions to give you in main mcytblr.
Q: Similarly, how do you think the culture of MCYT tumblr differed from MCYT twitter?
A: So this is something I can definitely give you a lot on, the difference between minecraft twitter and tumblr. I think that the main difference between the jokes and the culture, honestly, between twitter and tumblr, was in direct correlation with the fact that the content creators being discussed were on twitter, but weren’t on tumblr. 
On twitter, you were faced with the possibility that these men might respond to your tweets at any time. You might make a harmless joke, but they might come after you for it. You might give valid criticism that’s meant to be shared amongst stans as kind of like a thinkpiece, you know, like “what do we think of this?” and you could get the men themselves in your replies, and completely change the trajectory of how that post was supposed to be taken. I have direct experience with this, so I can tell you firsthand, there were times where I made tweets and I had people kind of going like “Yeah, I do agree with you, I do agree with that!’ and then Dream (or whoever) replies, and they immediately go “oh, that’s so true Dream! Good job Dream! Yeah, yeah, yeah!” and I’m like guys, c’mon. Come on. You know? It was like that for me. 
But on tumblr, you really didn’t have to fear that! You knew that your post was going to remain in stan circles. Back then, I barely remember anyone screenshotting from tumblr to take onto twitter– I don’t remember that happening very often. I know it happened, just not very often. So you could really say whatever you wanted on tumblr, and not be absolutely crucified for it. For example, misogynap! Like, people were just calling Sapnap a casual misogynist on tumblr, and no one got in trouble for it. But, on twitter, Sapnap got super offended at someone saying “Eh, I think Sapnap might smell like cheetos and weed!” and he actually went through the process of making sure all of his friends blocked that one specific person, just because they said “Eh, I think Sapnap smells like cheetos and weed.”
So there was a very very different culture. They kind of made it so that twitter had to have that stan, like, idolization going for them, because if you didn’t, if you made jokes at their expense, they would come for you and they would get their stans on you, and you had to just pray that they also see what you said as a joke, otherwise they’re gonna pounce on you, too. I don’t know. I think that’s probably the biggest difference, the fact that the content creators were on twitter and not tumblr changed a lot of how you could make jokes and how you could act on those platforms. I don’t know, you can take that however you’d like.
Q: Looking back, a large amount of 2021 critblr culture revolved around doxxing and sharing personal information– what was that like? What’s your current perspective on it, looking back?
A: So, doxxing. Very interesting topic. I guess what I first want to start out with is: do I want to call it doxxing? No, probably not. I don’t think what anyone (or at least, what I saw anyone doing) was doxxing, or would be ever considered doxxing. I think if you really wanted to put a label on it, you could say “being invasive”. But is that illegal, or a crime? No, it’s not. Everything that I know that  people found was just, you know, public information on the internet, and it wasn’t obtained via illegal means, no one was hacking into bank records, no one was– [laughs] I don't know, stealing house papers? This was all just stuff that was online, available for the public to see. You just had to know how to find it. 
I would say for a while there– this was not on tumblr, this was on twitter– there was almost a competitive aspect to it, to see who could find what, but this was very strictly on twitter. This was– or, at least in my experience, this was on twitter. But on tumblr, it was just kind of like “Eh, if you know, you know”. Y’know? Like, it’s not like anyone’s making these blogs, and they’re like, uploading bios of Dream, George, and Sapnap, and have their addresses, and like their parents’ names and everything, it was just kind of like “if you know, you know”. 
I guess the big thing is like, do you regret it, how do you see it looking back. And while I can say “Y’know, probably not the best thing for a bunch of teenagers to be doing in their spare time”, I cannot say that I fully regret it, because these are men who are known to take the fact, like– known to take people’s lack of information and twist it and try to use that lack of information in their best interests. 
To kind of give you a feel of what I’m trying to say, think about Manatreed, right? That was a straight up abuser that Dream was housing and trying to platform onto the dream smp, which is a fandom composed of mostly minors and mostly teenage girls. Dream tried to do that! Dream might have gotten away with it, if people did not dig into his life and figure out who Manatreed was, and therefore figure out what this guy had done in the past, and then been able to put pressure on Dream for it. I cannot see something like that and say “Ooh, but being invasive is bad!” Like, I don’t know, I don’t wanna say they brought it upon themselves, because that’s a bit much, but at the same time, what would have happened if people hadn’t doxxed them? Manatreed would have just been on the SMP forever, like, no one would have known that! That’s kind of scary to think about. Like, in a way, yeah, sometimes things like that are important. And you know, again, everything was found through perfectly legal means, nothing was done illegally, and at the end of the day, the Dream SMP was free of an abuser. (In the end, considering recent events, does that really matter? Since half of the Dream SMP were all, like, abusers or allowed abuse to continue? Whatever– we’re not gonna talk about that.) 
But you get what I'm saying. I can’t look at a situation like that and say “Yeah, I regret like, doxxing or being a part of that community”. Cause at the end of the day, these men were hiding a lot of things, and they would have gotten away with a lot more if people weren’t so… I don't wanna say vigilant, but you know what I mean? I feel like you understand what I’m trying to say here. There was definitely an element of necessity, when it came to situations like those.
Q: Which criticisms do you think hold up? Which didn’t?
A: There is one criticism that I think has held up very very well, and it’s the fact that I believe that Dream is no longer going to change his behavior or make any real efforts to become a better person from his last mistake, because he has no real reason to. Because he now has stans that will enable and back him up through basically anything. There have been– I mean, I stand by that. I totally stand by that. He is able to basically do anything and kind of be untouchable for it. 
Even when the grooming accusations were going on, and the Gumball beef was going on, and most of the internet hated him, he still had stans backing him up. And those exact stans are the reason he was able to come back onto twitter, and now has his platform again, and people praise him and say like “Yeah, yada yada, Dream made a response video,” when that response video really did nothing! It was genuinely nothing, it was just a bunch of– like, he just talked into the mic for two hours. He didn’t prove or disprove anything for me. For me, it was just like, okay? You’ve given me nothing here. The thing is, though, his stans will take it, they will enable him basically through anything. And when you have people that, even at your worst, still see you as being the best, why would you want to change? Why would you feel the need to put in the effort to change your behavior if the people that give you your money don’t care about that, you know?
So that’s something I still stand by, that Dream isn’t going to change anymore, even if he says that he is, it’s going to be very disingenuous. Because at the end of the day, he knows he has stans backing him up. He has no personal gain in changing, and therefore, he won’t. 
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add, or have archived on the blog?
A: I’ll say that I joined dreamlying in August of 2020, so a few months after it was created. I would say that it’s definitely insane to me that dreamlying has managed to keep its infamous status in the minecraft youtube sphere, just because we are all so vastly different from when it first began. So to see people still refer to us that way is just a little insane. I don’t even know if I’m really included in the “us” cause again, I joined a little bit late, but to me– that’s the thing, though! I think when other people think of dream lying, they think of these massive critblr blogs, but when I think of dreamlying I’m like, “these are the guys that I do movie night with”. Like, “haha these are my best friends”. You know? 
That’s another thing, I think people were genuinely surprised to find out that we were a friend group. Like, yes? [laughs] These are people that I genuinely love spending time with, and not in the context of minecraft youtuber-ing, it’s just like– yeah, these are my friends, and I love them dearly! And I don’t wanna get all like [various noises conveying sappiness] but these are my friends, that’s kind of how I see them. My experience as a member, like, boils down to “these are my friends! I did stuff with them that I would do with any other of my friends!” And I think it’s like a weird concept to people, because again, they view dreamlying as this kind of– they regard dreamlying with a lot of mystique, but then me, it’s just “friends :D”. “My friends, awesome friends”. I don’t know, I don’t think I’m very good at being articulate about, like, being perceived and how people perceive other people, but I guess the only word I could really use is just “insane”, that dreamlying has continued to keep its reputation, even after four years.
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yyumemika · 3 months
The Thrill That Emerges: Episode 2
Characters: Shu, Tsumugi
Season: Winter
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Shu: —You don’t need to apologise so much. I understand the situation well.
If you feel sorry for me, end the call now, return to the site and make an effort to solve the problem.
Yes. That's fine. Well, I'll be waiting at the usual café.
(More than anything, it's hard to believe that problems would arise at work for a small girl only on the day that we're making arrangements for the feature live.)
(Oh well, if I read a book, the time will pass quickly.)
(Moreover, I haven't been to that café in a while and I'm looking forward to eating the soft bread.)
(Although the patronage has changed after the shuffle unit project, I just hope that it doesn't become so noisy.)
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Tsumugi: ...
Huh? Is that Shu-kun?
Shu: ...
Tsumugi: It's Shu-kun isn't it? Why are you ignoring me?
Shu: ...
Tsumugi: H-Huh? Can you really not hear me? Shu-kun, it's me! It's Tsumugi Aoba~!
Shu: ...I don't want you raising your voice so close to my ear, Aoba.
Tsumugi: Ah, you finally noticed me...! Thank goodness.
Shu: I'm not good at all... I never thought I'd bump into you in the middle of town like this.
Tsumugi: Fufu. I was surprised too. Even though I knew you wanted to return to Japan.
Are you going to ES from here? Or is it something else?
Shu: I'm on the way to the café from when we were in a shuffle unit together.
Tsumugi: Aah, it was promoted as BLEND+...
But... I thought for certain that café was closed today?
Shu: ...What? I thought that café was only supposed to be closed during national holidays?
Tsumugi: Yes. That was originally true but...
Because the café now has a reputation for being familiar with ES rookie idols, the business structure has changed a little bit.
But, it very rarely has days off. I remembered it's closed today because it's so rare.
Shu: Ha. The café is closed and there's trouble at the girl's work... Today must be my unlucky day.
Tsumugi: Is Anzu-chan in trouble?
Shu: Ah, you don't need to worry. The problem isn't as big as it seems.
But... She did just contact me to inform me we she wouldn't make it in time for the feature live briefing.
Tsumugi: I see. I guess it's Shu-kun's turn next.
Does that mean the bag you're holding is a present for Anzu-chan? And my souvenir... I don't expect you got me anything?
Shu: You know very well. Of course not.
Tsumugi: Uh. I thought so but, you say it so bluntly...
Shu: I question why you thought I would give you something in the first place. I have no intention of gifting you something as though we're friends.
Tsumugi: Eh~ I though we'd become close after forming the shuffle unit together...
I'm shocked, Shu-kun.
Shu: You're being awfully troublesome today.
Haa... If you really want a souvenir, feel free to have some of the pastries I left in the Starmony Hall shared room.
Tsumugi: Are they a souvenir for everyone at Starmony? How strange, for Shu-kun to do such a thing.
Shu: I suppose. Since I return to Japan to often, if I bought souvenirs every time there would never be an end to it.
...However, I once had someone help me pick a souvenir for a friend in Paris.
It's late but, I just thought I should show my gratitude.
Tsumugi: ...♪
Shu: ...What. I don't want to see that disgusting look on your face.
Tsumugi: I just think Shu-kun really has changed♪
No, you were always like that, but it's started to come through recently.
In any case, take my word that I'll be very thankful when I go back to Starmony Hall.
Shu: Hmph. Do as you wish.
Tsumugi: In that case, I'll be on my way. I'm looking forward to Shu-kun's feature live♪
Shu: You really haven't changed, Aoba...
(Right, I'd better inform the girl we can't use the usual café for our meeting.)
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Shu: Over here, girl.
I've had enough apologies. I've heard all about the situation and it's no fault of yours.
Then I won't blame you for this matter.
...Aside from that, I'm more concerned about your appearance.
It's a meeting, but it's also work. Although we're familiar from our school days, it's not good to lack manners.
...Of course. I know that you hurried over to not keep me waiting.
I'll give you time to adjust your garments a little... Hm?
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Shu: You're curious about what's on the table?
This is a gift for you. It seems to be new product released by a popular pastry shop in Paris.
I purchased this on the recommendation of a friend in Paris. I'm not sure if it will suit your taste but...
"Is it okay if I have some"?
I bought it for you. Rather, what are you holding back for.
You've been looking after Kagehira. Take it as an everyday courtesy.
Also, I have one more thing for you.
It's an art book. It summarises every piece that has caught my eye in the past year.
...Although the feature live is my solo live, I'll need your cooperation to build that stage.
I appreciate your ability, but that doesn't mean you fully understand the art that I create.
That's why I've gifted you this art book.
By knowing about the works that I feel comfortable with, perhaps you can get closer to my point of view.
If you do that, we can come to an understanding about what my ideal performance is, can we not?
We can both envisage the same perfect form.
That is very important in a collaborative production.
Although, you can't come to understand the world of art in only a day.
At the very least, I hope it helps you expand your perspective.
You seem to enjoy it... Yes, give me your best effort.
However, you're eating more than I expected. Well, if you're happy don't feel bad.
Right, lets begin the meeting for the feature live right away.
Hm? You're asking what we should do about the pamphlet photography?
...That being said, what do you think about a photoshoot in Paris.
Although I return to Japan occasionally, my current working location is Paris.
In that case, it would make sense to take the off-shots in Paris, and above all, that would allow Shu Itsuki to demonstrate his strengths as an artist.
"I'll check my schedule"?
...You can come to my group exhibitions sneakily with Kagehira, but you can't just reply to my invitation?
Don't worry, I'll act as your guide.
There's no lie in the words that we will create a stage together. This time you'll accompany me until the end.
In order to strike the world as the artist, Shu Itsuki.
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twisted-tales-of-all · 5 months
Exceeding Expectations
Summary: A chance meeting at the market leads to a relationship you never imagined. Pairing: Seo Changbin x afab!reader Genre: PG-13 (deeper topics that may not be suitable for young readers), mostly fluff, one-shot, event Tropes: royal!AU, duchess!reader, earl!idol, himbo!idol, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, hidden relationship Word Count: 2.2K Contains: anxiety over titles, sneaking out, naive (?) reader doesn't understand signs, very occasional use of pet names (princess), Changbin flirts a lot (literal heart-eyes man), one kiss on the cheek, multiple deep hugs A/N: Happy Holidays, as part of the CoDN Secret Santa event! This came later than planned, but I fell in love with the concept more than expected! I actually might write a part 2 to this one if I have the time because I would love to flesh out the relationship! I hope you enjoy your gift, @staytinyville !! As usual, credit to @cafekitsune for the divider<3
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He's never been one to stay in his home. Unlike the rest of the esteemed Seo family, Changbin refuses to let life pass him by. After years of sneaking out, his parents assigned a bodyguard to tail him, but he quickly learned to lose his guard, too. All he wants is to explore how others live their lives, and he can't understand why being an earl should stop him from doing so.
Today, he's out on another exploration. Many young lords have mentioned the seasonal market, so he finally decided to check it out. Between the stalls of fresh fruit and fancy trinkets, something catches his eye - or, rather, someone. Although you try not to stand out, his eyes fall upon you quickly. A beauty beyond his comprehension, examining the apples for bruising, stands a few feet in front of him. You give the stall manager a bright smile, and Changbin feels himself melt. Is it okay to fall for a total stranger? In his eyes, this means he must talk to you at least once. As you purchase a few apples and make your way to an artist's stall, he follows. He picks up a pendant that resembles the colors of his family seal and makes an effort to ask the merchant about it. You listen to the story and laugh when the merchant adds a deal at the end.
"Buy two for the price of one, eh? But this one fits so well." The stranger turns to you to ask, "Did you want one? I'll use the deal to get you one, if you'd like."
Concerned about his intentions, you ask, "Me? Now why would you do something like that for a total stranger?" 
"It'd be a shame to waste such a pleasant offer, and being able to gift something to someone as gorgeous as yourself is always a blessing."
You roll your eyes at his clear flirts, but your heart flutters a bit. As a duchess, people don't dare talk to you so casually or openly, but you snuck out in casual clothing to see what others might experience, so you didn't know what to expect. You look over the trinkets and pick up one resembling your favorite flower.
"If you're offering, I'll take this one. I'd also like to request some more of your time so I can pay you back somehow."
Even the merchant can see your interest in one another as clear as the sky above. He sells the trinkets and watches with a smile as you both walk towards the edge of the market. Anyone you pass sneaks a glance at the two of you, assuming you to be a couple, but neither of you notice the attention you draw. As Changbin celebrates his victory in getting to talk with you, you use the opportunity to learn how forming relationships outside of the formal noble circles works.
"What would you like in return? I don't want to accept a gift without returning the gesture, especially with a stranger."
He holds out his hand as he introduces himself, "My name is Changbin, and we don't have to remain strangers if you think of it as a burden."
"Shall we become friends, then?" You shake his hand as you continue, "Nice to make your acquaintance, Changbin. My name is Y/N."
Even without your royal garb, you radiate royal energy. The way you walk and talk resembles training through the fae. Although Changbin picks up on your airy way of speaking and the soft footsteps that give the illusion that you float around, he refuses to bring it up. He might be greedy for it, but he doesn't want to risk the chance of having a relationship with you. If you rank higher than a lady, you will likely deal with an arrangement for your family status; if you reside within the dozen or so families rivaling the Seo family, you'd instantly have to cut off contact. There are far too many variables, but he can simply ignore them all if rank never comes into the conversation. In his mind, ignorance is bliss.
"The pleasure is mine, Y/N, truly. Now that we are friends, I hope you do not feel the need to repat me. Sales help everyone involved, and friends help one another, so, surely, it's fine."
"I'd still like to repay you. Even if it's simply in terms of keeping company, I'd like to repay the kindness."
As he agrees that company seems like a fair trade for kindness, Changbin leads you to a small, quiet clearing to avoid the bustling crowd. Seeing the patches of flowers and tall grass surrounding a small stone bench, you feel your body lighten. Any nerves or tenseness from earlier fades as you step out into the silent sanctuary. With even the birdsong faint, you wonder how one could find this space in the first place.
"I roam a lot. I found this a few months ago and made a promise with myself to only show it to someone who matches its beauty."
"You're such a philanderer, Changbin. You know all the words to make one's heart flutter. Or maybe, are you a poet?"
He laughs and shakes his head, insisting that he only speaks the truth, "Maybe I'm a romantic at heart; it all comes naturally as I look at you. You must be amuse for plenty of artists."
Avoiding the compliment, you ask him why he roams. The more words leave his lips, the more you find yourself eager to learn more. However, time continues to move, and the dimming sky calls you both to return home. As you say your goodbyes, he asks you to come back here whenever you have some free time. Although there's no telling when his free time will line up with yours, you promise to meet each other again soon.
Despite having responsibilities at home, Changbin manages to sneak away to the clearing every day. You, on the other hand, don't manage the time again until nearly a week later. When you arrive, the field is empty, but Changbin joins you after only a couple of minutes of silence.
"Well, hello there. It's been a few days. Welcome back."
"Hi, Changbin. How have you been these days?"
"Pretty alright. My parents have been pestering me a lot lately, but that's usual, too."
"Oh, really? My dad's been breathing down my neck this week, telling me to focus hard on my duties. He insists I'll be taking over properly soon."
"Taking over? Does your father own a business or something?"
Realizing that you've given some telling information, you try to backpedal by shrugging off his question, "Yeah, something like that."
Although he catches each hint, he doesn't mention it. Instead, he slyly switches the topic without issue, and you accept the new topic with open arms. Once again, you stay there together for quite a while. He seems to prefer learning about you, but he's not secretive about his life either, so you have a hard time figuring out his intentions. Despite this, you ask him to show you some fun places the next time you meet, and he perks up in excitement at being able to show you some of his favorite places.
"Okay, then. When will you be free next, Bin?"
"Bin?" He laughs at the nickname but moves past it quickly, "What kind of places do you want to see? Somewhere quiet? Popular? Unusual?"
"I don't go out much, so how about some more popular places first? I'm free every Thursday around noon, so anywhere that fits into that timeframe sounds good to me."
"I should be able to finish by then - or at worst a bit later. I'll come up with some places to visit. Are you okay with meeting up here on Thursday then?"
"Sure, sounds like a date!" You beam, not putting any consideration towards your words.
His eyes widen as he hears you call the meeting a date. His heartbeat quickens, but he does his best not to show it.
"A date?"
"Ah, we don't have to call it that if it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry if it bugs you."
"No, no! That's okay! I was just a bit baffled. I'd love for it to be a date, actually."
Now, you turn wide-eyed. Suddenly, everything clicks into place - his interest in learning about you, eagerness to answer your questions, and excitement to show you around. Clearly, he's been showing interest in you. As you replay the past few hours as well as the first day, you're disappointed in yourself for not noticing sooner. However, you find that this situation gives you an advantage in your mission to learn the lives of others. He stays civil, and he wants to spend time with you, so this is the perfect opportunity. Plus, you don't dislike him, so it can't be too bad to date a bit, even if you'll likely have to marry a high-ranking nobleman later in life.
As you say goodbye, the hug feels deeper than usual. Maybe you only now notice, or maybe Changbin stopped holding back, but it feels much more intimate and comforting. So much so that you feel an urge to kiss him. Although you can't pinpoint why you had the compulsion, his reaction satisfies you enough to disregard the lack of reason.
As you walk away, promising to see him on Thursday, he stumbles back to the bench and places his hand on his cheek. Still in disbelief, he sits there in silence for a solid ten extra minutes. The kiss occupies your mind just as long. After the intense emotions, you both find yourselves debating whether to reveal your proper title to the other.
"Should I tell them?"
He settles on a choice quicker than you. By midday Wednesday, he's already practicing exactly what he wants to say when he comes clean. On the other hand, you find yourself pacing in your room as night falls that night, debating heavily. As a duchess, it's hard to think about revealing your title. At best, people put up boundaries and treat you differently. At worst, they block you out without so much as a farewell.
Even as you walk over to your meeting area, you doubt that your choice to tell him will end well. Thanks to your anxiety, you arrived earlier than planned. Leaving your home at noon, you originally wanted to take your time on the walk, but the thoughts on your mind made your feet match their pace. As you anxiously wait, you decide to accept whatever outcome happens after telling him your title.
"Whatever happens, today's the day."
"The day for what, princess?"
You jump up and turn in the direction of the voice, causing him to start laughing.
"Changbin! Don't scare me like that!"
As his laughter begins to calm, he apologizes, "Apologizes, Y/N. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. But what was it you were referencing?"
With a deep breath, you ask him to take a seat, "I have something to confess. I've debated revealing this, but I feel like I'll eventually have to come clean with it. If you feel any way after learning this, simply promise me that you'll admit it to me straight."
"Of course, I will. After you say your piece, I also have something to say as well."
"Okay, so..." You pause for a quick mental review of all of your talking points. "As you already know, my name is Y/N. However, to properly introduce myself, I must add that I am the duchess of the Sage Court. My parents lead the group, and I have been receiving training to take over within the next few years. I was given the duchess title last year after my parents properly announced their plans publicly."
"Duchess of Sage Court... So you ARE a princess!"
"I'm not a princess, Bin. I'm a duchess. Now, tell me your thoughts on the matter before I lose my mind, please."
"What thoughts are there to have? So, you're a duchess. So what? I could tell you were high ranking. You even walk like a noble. You're still Y/N to me, and I'd love to continue our relationship, even if you eventually face an arrangement that keeps us apart. Or, if I face one first. Because I'm also a noble. Not quite Duke level, but my father is Marquis Seo."
Although you didn't expect him to be high-ranking, it didn't surprise you nearly as much as his completely unchanging attitude towards you. For him to admit so frankly that you are still you despite your title, your heart skips a beat.
"It doesn't matter to you that I'm ranked higher than you?"
"Not in the slightest. I am attracted to you as a person, and your title has no basis on that in my eyes. Plus, I could ask my father to send an attempt at marriage to yours, and I believe he would be all for moving the family rank up."
You can't help but smile at his joke, especially after knowing that he's likely talking from his heart. Due to the unexpected turn of events, you pull him in for a tight hug. As you relax in his arms, you find yourself falling for him and his unusual ways.
"Maybe I'll ask my father to consider it."
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
[Translation] A Curious Step Forward
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From Kohaku’s “Stepping into the World” 4*! Written by: Chitose Umeda! Featuring: Kohaku and Nagisa! Season: Autumn!
Brief Synopsis: After receiving a mysterious letter from someone telling him to meet him in front of the museum to discuss something important, Kohaku is surprised to see Nagisa was the sender...
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Kohaku: Looks like they're not here yet.
Kohaku: (This all started out with a letter...I got it out of the blue a couple of days ago. All it said was "I have something important to tell you" and to meet in front of the museum today. The chances of this all being a prank aren't impossible, but it's weird that I'm the only person being called here to this museum.)
Kohaku: I've got no clue who it is, but if I've come all the way out here I'd like to see who--
???: Ah, I found you.
Kohaku: Eh?
Nagisa: --Ya-ho, Kohaku-kun. Thank you for coming today.
Kohaku: N-Nagisa-han? If you're calling for me, then the one that invited me here....
Nagisa: ...Was me.
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Nagisa: ....There's a special exhibit for ores and fossils happening in the museum now. I was looking for someone to accompany me...while I was thinking of who, I decided you'd be best since I've shared rocks with you before[1].
Kohaku: Thanks a lot for that. But Nagisa-han, I'm not the only one that's gotten rocks from you before right? Bon also said he's gotten one from you.
Nagisa: ...I suppose. However your schedule is also the easiest to follow. I can just ask Ibara.
Kohaku: Well, that's the Vice President for you. But then, what's the "important thing" you wanted...?
Nagisa:...I'd like you to accompany me in understanding how this ancient earth works through ores and fossils.
Kohaku: ? Why?
Nagisa: ...I believe it'd be easier to see the exhibit than to explain. Let's go inside, shall we?
Kohaku: S-sure.
Kohaku: (I haven't got the slightest clue how to respond! Is it really okay to be following him like this...?!)
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Kohaku: ...Wh-what in the world? There are huge bones hanging from the ceiling...!
Nagisa: ...What's wrong? Could it be that the skeletal display surprised you?
Kohaku: Isn't being surprised a normal reaction when something this big is dangling in front of you?! Th-those...aren't real bones right?
Nagisa: ...Well it's a replica, so not really. However these displays' shapes and sizes are meant to get as close as possible to the real thing...same for the colors. Paint is used to show the texture.
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Kohaku: Waaa, it's well made. Everywhere I look there's strange things I haven't seen before...I can't even think of what this is used for.
Nagisa: ....Kohaku-kun, is this your first time visiting a museum?
Kohaku: Yeah, I've never had connections to this kind of place. I remember you mentioned before how the "Antique Market" was kinda like a museum[2]. I think that was just limited to telling the history of idols.
Nagisa: ...That's right, but that carries its own value. This here is what a real museum is like...The lineage of Earth and humanity's history and art is all collected, kept, and displayed openly for the public to see...It's with these exhibits that we learn about the evolution of mankind and the earth...Of course, coming for fun is acceptable as well. Kohaku-kun, is there anything you wanted to see?
Kohaku: I wanted to see?
Nagisa: ...While I was talking to you, I noticed you seemed to be looking around you more. So I was wondering if something had caught your eye.
Kohaku: Umm. Not really, how do I put this. I...feel like I'm lost in a strange world. So I'm just looking around me because I don't know where else to look. It's kinda like being lost in a place where you don't understand a single thing around you...?
Nagisa: ...This museum, it's probably completely unfamiliar to you isn't it Kohaku-kun?
Kohaku: Like I was saying, I haven't got any connections to this place. I never did much studying[3], so I don't really get what the meaning of all this history is...When I ran out into the world and became an idol, I thought my worldview had gotten just a bit bigger.
Kohaku: But when it comes to going to a specific place, I'm lost all over again. I know learning is a part of life, but I know that whatever I've learned is still only a little bit.
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Nagisa:...You're the same as me, Kohaku-kun. I personally grow by absorbing knowledge and information everyday. But, there's also some fun to be had when tackling things that are unknown to you. Recently for me, it's been cooking.
Kohaku: Cooking? Nagisa-han?
Nagisa: ....Yes. Once I learned how to buy ingredients, my worldview broadened. I found more fun and interesting things...Kohaku-kun, I think your worldview will continue to widen.
Kohaku: My worldview...
Nagisa: ...As of now, your vision is only partially open. With a desire to dive in, chase, and push forward--that tenacity will bring to you an unseen future.
Kohaku: I guess you're right...I still don't know about idol culture or sense, and I still don't know my left from my right...but as long as there's the freedom to, then I might just meet something like that just like you said, Nagisa-han~
Nagisa: ...Fufu. Then, shall we see what you want to see and follow your sense of interest?
Kohaku: Eh, why? I thought you wanted to come here for the special exhibit?
Nagisa: Finding something you're interested in and gaining some new insight today would be the biggest reason for coming to the museum. Fortunately, the special exhibit is still open for a longer period of time, so I can come again another time.
Kohaku: Are you sure? But, when I look at the map I can't tell anything...
Nagisa: ...Then how about we go to the exhibit in the basement? There's space for even bigger skeletal and biological conservation models down there.
Kohaku: Really? They've got bones that are bigger than that? Uuuummm, now that you've said it, I am kind of curious. First we can start with that exhibit room so that we can learn the history and eras.
Nagisa: ...It's just around the corner down the stairs.
Kohaku: Got it. Let's get going...~
[1]: Referring to Kohaku's FS1 story which I've tled here! Nagisa gives Kohaku some amber! [2]: Referring to the conversation Kohaku and Nagisa had in one of the middle chapters of Antique Legend. [3]: Meaning "I never [had schooling/went to school]", but I didn't want to stray from the dialogue
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