#neurodivergent musicians
nugothrhythms · 1 year
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@dustofeve​ The big three neurodivergent 80s post-punk/new wave dudes people usually think of are Gary Numan (autistic), David Byrne of the Talking Heads (also autistic), and Danny Elfman of Oingo Boingo/film composer  (ADHD/OCD combo). Blixa Bargeld of Einstürzende Neubauten (more industrial, but it’s technically an offshoot of post-punk and gets associated a lot with goth) and of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds up until 2003 is synesthesic.
As for modern bands, I know that the lead guy in Urban Heat mentioned something about being some kind of neurodivergent in an interview. The lead singer of Male Tears is pretty public about being autistic, as is one of the guys in Deceits.
There are more, but those are the ones I can remember right now.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Hank Green
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 5 May 1980  
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Youtuber, influencer, writer, entrepreneur, singer, songwriter, musician, podcaster
Note: Has ulcerative colitis and most likely has ADHD
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sometimes I think about how likely it is for me to become a wiggle I mean, actor/singer, neurodivergent (learning opportunity) and I can play multiple instruments,
I’ve pretty much excepted the fact that I could be a wiggle but idk how to feel about it
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franklyimissparis · 1 month
i think it’s funny how when some people talk abt alex turner’s potential drug usage it’ll either be like “he has a major drug and alcohol problem it’s so obvious!!!” or “i don’t think he’s the type to have ever even tried a hard drug” as if there isn’t a ton of middle ground between those two extremes
like the man who wrote “why’d you only ever call me when you’re high” and has been a touring musician since he was 19 has obviously fucking been high - and not just with weed - but that also doesn’t mean he’s completely off his head in every interview he’s ever done 😭😭
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chronicially-parker · 8 months
Heyyy I love your work and I just wanted to know if you could do Spencer Reid x Reader who’s in a professional marching band ( color guard or an instrument (trombone if possible!) ) ? If not that’s totally okay ! Have a wonderful day/night!💙
☆ spencer reid x marching!band!reader ☆
authors note: hi anon! i love this idea so much!! this was super interesting to write, i had to do some research so i hope you dont mind if i got some stuff wrong! i was so excited when i got your ask and i hope you send more ♡
-spencer seems like he would love jazz, no idea how to explain it but like you season 4 spencer slow dancing in the living room while eidelweiss plays in the background omg
-whenever youre practicing your trombone he would 100% admire you, analysing your features trying to engrave them in his mind
-he comes to every single performance/show you do with no hesitation no debate
-he will definitely clear out his entire schedule to watch you play even if it means cancelling plans with the team
-if your uniform ever needs to be dry cleaned or washed, consider it taken care of!
-he's like a proud mum if that makes sense? like sunglasses on, phone directly in front of him recording literally everything
-he is absolutely cheering the loudest in the crowd when you finish, prove me wrong
-"woohoo! that sounded amazing!"
-he would try and kiss you like every 20 seconds while practicing because hes clingy and absolutely smitten for you
-"spence, i have to practice my lovely"
-he loves telling you facts and statistics
-"did you know that oldest American college marching band, is the University of Notre Dame Band of the Fighting Irish, was founded in 1845 and first performed at a football game in 1887."
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kingrosalani · 4 months
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Acting too much for you culture? Keep going. You belong in your cultures.
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kominion-worlds · 1 year
hey everyone.
i’m kominion and i make electronic music. i’m not sure how to define it, as i’m notoriously bad with genres (and hashtags, & many other things). but if you like porter robinson, jai wolf, madeon, or certain vocaloid producers, i might just be your new fav. if not, i hope to talk to you anyway.
for the longest time, i tried to be sound like every other artist i idolized. porter robinson specifically, because he makes beautiful music that touches something in my soul, and honestly, i can relate 1000% to his mental health struggles. but i can only be me, and porter is someone whose work inspired me to be as open and honest as i can with my own music.
which brings me to artifact, an album that is at least 7 years in the making. what began as a sci-fi concept album first conceived while listening to porter & madeon’s shelter became an intensely personal journey through my childhood trauma, something i wasn’t even aware that i had until it was brought up in therapy and i began to process it as an adult.
and against all odds, artifact would thankfully not leave me alone. even through my adhd habits, periods of procrastination, depression, a short stint in alcoholism, a toxic relationship, my notorious inability to finish most things i start, and the death of my prior laptop. it kept calling my back.
now, i’m thankful to say that in just one day’s time, it will be here. i hope you keep an open mind and heart and give it a chance, but more than that, i hope you give yourselves a chance.
you’re worthy. you’re beautiful. your emotions, experiences, and identities are valid. know that the one thing you’ll always have to fight hardest against in this world is yourself and your own perceived limitations. you’re more than you might think you are, and most importantly, you’re enough. remember that. 💜  
you can check out my music & socials below ;]
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aveblr · 6 months
hi! i am ave. i'm a 19-year-old neurodivergent latin american artist, musician, writer, and poet. i will be using this tumblr blog to keep my projects and ideas in one place, and possibly reaching an audience, as other platforms have not been as helpful.
the posts in this blog will be about my everyday artistic activity, ranging from low-fidelity ms paint doodles to a more ambitious creative vision.
my goal as an artist and storyteller is to share my vision and experience with a public and speak on the importance of art in education and overall human growth. in a social system where mindless productivity is valued over inventiveness, i believe artistic education is vital for the development of not only sensitivity, but critical thinking and abstraction skills.
this is what you might see in this blog on the upcoming days:
doodles and drawings
animation (don't count on it.)
media rants/reviews (unrated.)
music sharing
ongoing projects
miscellaneous ideas
overall pseudo-intellectualism
with that being said, i invite you to follow my blog and join me as i do what i can with what i got. :D
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kayrambles · 7 months
I like playing classical music while doing things. It gives my over-wandering mind something to periodically dance on, helping me feel more focused
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brynna · 1 year
I submitted my song "Okay" for NPR's Tiny Desk Contest, and I wanted to share the video. Maybe it's silly to Blaze it. I dunno!
I hope you like it.
In case you want to find the song elsewhere:
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Ethel Cain
Gender: Transgender woman
Sexuality: Bisexual
DOB: 24 March 1998  
Ethnicity: White - American
Occupation: Singer, songwriter, musician, artist, music producer
Note: Is autistic
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edge-oftheworld · 3 months
you know i don't really talk about it on this acc much, but i find myself in a lot of various neurodivergent spaces. hearing stories of people desperately trying to communicate their needs, being invalidated, or forced to jump through hurdles they're unable to in order to get help they need. thinking about how as humans we have so many differences in communication, yet so many people are silenced when using theirs, struggling and invisible, blamed for their own difficulties, for not measuring up. people's experiences being pitted against finite resources, victimised by systems many of us can't thrive in, burdened with more than some can keep up with, it's the nature of being disabled, unable to empower themselves. and there's only so much legislation and that can do, as good as it is. good systems need to be put in place, but those systems need to be backed by the support of people--not just those who are vulnerable but a whole tribe of us in solidarity. we need that love, and to build it, we need connection and understanding that simply being told 'these are people with needs' isn't going to evoke.
and for that reason i really love writers and artists. i think as humanity we owe a lot to them. i love a talented writer who can get into someone's head, be they real (with consent) or a fictional amalgamation of the characteristics of people, and share their writing far and wide, so people can feel and learn something from it and be a little more understanding. you don't need buckets of empathy necessarily, just a perspective, that window into how someone or a group of people experience life. and to use that new information to choose to be an ally. i love you, fanfic writers, for doing this and building the skill to take beyond fanfic if you choose. i love artists who create art that give us insights into perspectives, that capture moments and feelings and really make us question how we do things. it's very punk. artists of all kinds, i love you.
and this is a music blog. i have to mention songwriters especially. because i've spent my life looking for songs that convey experience in the most real way possible. i've chased perspectives and representations of my own in artists' music. you can learn to see things a thousand, a billion ways through music, both in the lyrics when they are present, and in every musical element put together. it all creates a picture. it presents something. it communicates on a much more primal and validating way than just using words, facts, demands. it allows us to see much more intimately and intricately ourselves and each other. it is absolutely necessary in our activism for vulnerable people, invisible for one reason or another, disabled, neurodivergent--you name it. and it is a really beautiful statistic for me to see, that so many songwriters are neurodivergent. this allows a kind of communication that might be difficult to have otherwise. it is something people of all neurotypes accept. we all, to some degree, love music. and we can (and do, often without realising) use it to do just this! to communicate, as songwriters, our own experiences or those of whoever inspires us. we see souls and we see lives through it. and music has no real categories and labels, just a new piece for us to connect with, maybe deeply, or maybe just witness for a moment, and see something we usually wouldn't.
and so i have a dream. a dream where we can channel the often accidental (but also, often so purposeful) activism of music into the causes we care about, thinking about which voices are centred, and making sure whoever is sidelined gets a chance to be heard sometimes. a dream where we don't just have lists of how to be better allies and legislations we vote yes or no to, but we can educate ourselves on all these diverse and different experiences through music as well as specific, measurable, often emotionless data. because i've spent the last six years trying to figure out how i exist in the world. why i am the way that I am. if that sounds familiar. i've come across an encyclopedia's worth of knowledge on diversity. on neurodivergence. that I had to sift through to see what fits me. but in the process i can see the experiences of so many people, all of whom I see a little bit of myself in, and I've learned how accommodations work and sensory profiles and how there is so much injustice in the world most of us aren't even aware of because people's pain is invisible. and they're often not given the tools, the labels, the words to use to describe it because people simply don't think about it. they don't know. they don't know how to see it in someone until they're told. until that person has nowhere else to go, if they're lucky they'll find the blueprint for their life and their brain before living without it destroys them. and work back from there.
isn't it good that scientists and those experiencing these things have put together categories of human for the kinds of specific blueprints we might need? yes I know there is problematic history of exclusion and many other things--that still influence stigma today and why we don't ever think of neurodivergence or disability when someone is what we class as successful--but we've figured some things out!! we can help people with them!! we can combine our winnings!! science and labels and lists of accommodations that come with them, with personal art about experience from people who are in some of these categories, people who aren't, every kind of unique experience you can think of. imagine it. a world of people with so many resources they need to feel better. some of them make art. some of them enact legislation. all of this goes back to helping each other!!
i could probably look at every artist i know well and have a guess at how their brain and nervous system would be categorised. i have the confidence by now to say that i would for the most part, be right. or at least very close. if i had the chance to do this i could tell them i love them and i desperately want them to be okay and of the impact of their art. i could be part of distributing that validating or experientially educational art to those who most need it. I already do that, to the extent I am able at the moment. and i try to be a good activist. i've seen a lot more awareness of things i've been talking about over the last 2-3 years. we're getting better. but sometimes I do feel like i'm posting bits and pieces of information through the entire internet with part of my goal being hopes that this person i care about whose art i've consumed and loved and benefitted so much from, might put the pieces together and figure these things out for themselves. we're getting better. i still feel helpless when i encounter some content some artists i love put out.
i don't think it's respectful to be like 'i hc this person as this' all over the internet, so i'm not gonna do that, and i ask that you also think of the implications of what you theorise as well--99% of the time it's fine. i know that. but i also know the stigma around neurodivergence that exists still is there, and also what labels people use publicly are their own choice and this should never be taken away from them. but we don't have to be detectives without filters to simply talk about our own experiences with neurodivergence, with whatever things we struggle with, to each other in the fandom, and build a culture of creating awareness. we can do that. without taking away anyone's autonomy or anything like that. so talk to me about this stuff!! please. always. i always want to hear it. and i wanna hear what songs you relate to because of it!! that's what i'm here in the fandom for. i love you guys. i'm being vague on purpose but if you catch what triggered this spiel (and it's a recurring pattern. every time something new comes out) i salute you. we can bond over it. please bond over it with me. i try to be an activist, yes, but really, i need connection and validation of my experience just like I think all of us do, and deserve to have. small conversations are part of creating this vision <3
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wanderingmind867 · 11 months
Well, Tony Bennett died. Not like I care too much, I never liked his voice at all. There's dozens of better people in his genre (Sinatra, for one). I'm being rude, but I do feel bad that he's dead. I hope his family (if he had one) is doing okay.
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gothicmelodies · 8 months
It feels like I haven't been on here in forever... but, you know... sure a lot of us came back after all that mess on the other website. Community seems nicer here anyway. Here's hoping it'll actually be better, especially as a trans person.
I'm a musician on hiatus, game dev and modder with some secret projects and a hyperfixation on video games and the industry. Nice to meet you all!
....also love my fursona. Always love my fursona. I'd tag the artist but they aren't on here as far as I'm aware!
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snakesong · 4 months
Do any other autistics have a massive collection of headphones, with each one reserved for a specific set of uses/situations? I feel like I can't be alone on this one...
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kingrosalani · 5 months
Poor Rebecca. What game should i make a mini song to next?
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