#neko bakugo
anniebear-92 · 1 year
Paw Prints
Part one of... I'm not sure yet? I was going to make this a one shot, but I ended up writing a lot more than I planned so it's going to be a fic. Short one but maybe 3-4 parts? Stay tuned :)
While walking home one night in the rain, you find a very sickly cat laying in a destroyed box tucked into an alley. Being the pet lover you are, you rush the cat home to nurse him back to full health. Once recovered the cat begins to show his true colors of a bristly, attitude ridden cat who would more likely be a Pomeranian in another life. After several shenanigan ridden months with the cat, who is strangely attentive and extremely intelligent, you wake one day to your cat missing. In his place... an extremely handsome man. One who has seen all your embarrassing moments and just won't seem to let you live them down...
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Warnings: SFW, possibly eventual NSFW. Fluff, swearing. Female reader mentioned but I try to keep majority of it neutral. Quirkless AU, Hybrids are rare and not known to the world.
Length: To be determined.
Part One: New Beginnings
The rain beats down on the cement sidewalk with a vengeance as your fingers tightened around the umbrella handle, curling in on yourself with a shiver. The weather had been quite dreary for the last few days and the only reason for leaving the apartment this evening had been the low volume in your fridge. With some grumbles and a pair of rain boots you had made the executive decision to trudge out into the nasty weather for a trip to the grocery store. Said building was just around the corner, the bright lights a beacon of a safe temporary haven from the elements as the doors closed with a chime alerting your arrival. The teenage cashier at the counter gave a brief and uninterested greeting while you crossed to the aisle containing your selections.
A few items into the basket later you decided on just enough for tonight's meal and tomorrow would be just that, tomorrow's problem. With a sigh the cashier began ringing up your purchases, leaving you a moment to peer around the store to avoid awkward exchanges with the employee who would obviously rather be anywhere than their paying job. A small object in the display for impulse buys caught your attention, a plastic stick with a tiny ball of shiny fibers sat tilted in the rack. A sad smile crossed your face while shifting the cat toy's packaging upright in the display.
The item brought back memories of your first ever pet who had recently passed, vision blurring slightly as your fingers lightly tapped the object, so the attached bell jingled. The thought of getting another pet had crossed your mind, however unsure if you were ready for that just yet had nagged at the back of your mind.
Your hand fell to your side quickly as if burned when the cashier interrupted with an annoyed clearing of their throat.
"I asked if there was anything else you needed today?" With an embarrassed smile and a quick shake of your head, you finished the transaction and scurried out of the store. The cashier rolling their eyes and going back to their phone as you opened the umbrella once more to brave the elements.
Splashes of water from your boots hitting the wet ground were one of the few sounds heard in this late hour, besides the occasional car driving by disturbing the standing water in the streets. Only a few blocks until home where you could shed these cold damp clothes and put together the simple dinner with the ingredients in the bag. Followed by a warm blanket, maybe some hot chocolate and a good movie before bed. Hell, you may even have the ice cream you've been saving in the back of the freezer.
All your plans went right out the proverbial window when a faint wail of an animal in clear pain stopped you dead in your tracks. When nothing but the soft patter of rain resumed, the possibility of the sound being simply a trick of your mind crossed your thoughts. After waiting another short moment, you took a few steps once again towards home only to hear the wail once more, this time just barely louder than before. Almost like something was trying to get your attention.
To your left was a small alleyway filled with trash cans for some of the above apartments, some debris scattered around the area. Stepping just in between the buildings you attempted to locate the sound of the noise, wary if it was a sick racoon or animal waiting to bite you for your attempts to help.
"Hello?" Your voice echoed off the brick of the buildings, hoping to coax the animal to make more noise so you could locate it. A soft meow in response brought your attention to a very soggy cardboard box, holding on by barely a prayer as the rain continued to beat it down slowly but surely. "Are you in there?" You asked softly, knowing full well the animal was not going to answer your question like "Yes! I am here!"
Lifting the wet flap, your heart squeezed at the sight. Inside was a small curled up ball of fur, caked in mud and shivering heavily as its body huffed in obvious labored breathing. "Oh, you poor baby." You cooed, bending your knees to squat lower to the ground in the hopes to get a better look.
The cat had clearly been outside for a long time, though it did not look to be too old, a year maybe. Possibly a few at most, but the cat was clearly sick from the lazy look in its barely open eyes. You slowly reached out and brushed your fingers into the cat's once light-colored fur, now stained with the brown of dirt and grime from the streets. The cat simply raised its head ever so sluggishly, strikingly crimson eyes met yours to your surprise. Never in your life had you seen a cat with such a colored pair, especially ones that showed such exhaustion and a hint of pleading. Almost as if the cat was asking 'Please get me out of here.'
Unable to leave the poor animal you quickly adjusted your plastic bag on the crook of your arm and closed the umbrella. You collapsed the object and threw it into the bag as well, not caring if the packaging inside got a little wet since your home was only a few blocks at most now.
"I'm going to pick you up now… please don't bite me." You spoke softly as you offered your hand to the cat who still watched you closely, it's eyes closing slowly as they lowered their head back to the ground with a soft huff. Taking that as a sign the cat would not fight your help, you gave it a few slow pets before sliding your hands underneath and picking the cat up gently. The animal barely awknowledged you as you held it close, wrapping your coat around the poor creature.
Making haste you rounded the corner and hurried for home, taking the stairs two at a time while holding your precious cargo to your chest tightly. Digging the keys from your pocket and shoving them into the lock, it opened with a click then shut with a bang as you closed it with the heel of your rain boot. Dropping the bag of food by the door you rushed into the hall to pull some fresh towels from the top shelf. Wrapping the shivering creature tightly you lay it on the couch after a quick rub down to dry up some of the water clinging to it's dirty fur. Pulling up an emergency vet line on your phone, a few rings and a discussion with a vet later you had your plan of action to help the cat.
You were told if the cat gets any worse to bring it in, but getting the cat warm, some food and clean water should help with fighting off any infection it may currently have from the elements. However a trip to the vet the next morning would definetly be in the books. Bath would have to wait as it could lower or raise the cat's tempature too fast and make the sickness worse. If it makes it though the night, you could give it a nice warm bath.
Giving the animal time to warm in the fluffy towels, you finally put away the food from the store and began digging through some cupboards. With a soft exclamation of happiness, you found what you were looking for. Luckily you still had a few cans of wet food left from before your cat passed away, perfect for sick little fur babies. After confirming the expiration date was still valid, you dumped the contents into a food dish and one with water while thanking everything that you didn't have to go back into the rain.
With slow steps as not to startle the cat you stepped next to the couch to see the ball of fur had finally stopped shaking, a good sign that their temperature was regulating to better heights. You placed the food and water above the bundle where two lone ears peeked out from the towel, the rest of its face hidden away. Though not for long as audible sniffing could be heard, followed by the ears turning into a full head as it appeared interested in the food. A few testing sniffs at the bowl of offerings proved sufficient enough as it began tearing into the food as if the first meal in a long time, which... it most likely was.
You took the opportunity to step away to let the cat eat and not crowd or make them feel uncomfortable. Getting bit was one of the last things you wanted today, or ever. It didn't take long to prepare your meal, by the time you had dropped the first item into the pan the cat had finished scarfing down their food and lapping up every drop of water from the bowls. It was now lazily curled up into a tight ball, eyes closed to get some much-needed rest. You designed that the cat would be taking up the couch for the rest of the evening, deciding to just eat your food and get some sleep yourself. Placing your finished bowl into the sink you checked on the cat one final time, seeing the cat's body rise and fall made you feel soft joy inside. Maybe you didn't feel ready for another cat, but it's what you needed.
Praying the cat made it through the night, you changed into some night clothes for bed and crawled into blankets of your own. Tomorrow would be bath time for kitty, a trip to the vet and pick up some supplies that you didn't already have. You had planned to throw out your previous animal's things when it had gotten too hard after losing them, however you just couldn't bring yourself to actually go through with it in the end.
The next morning your eyes cracked slowly, taking in the sunlight peeking through the curtains. It was no longer raining thank goodness, the dreary weather was getting old. Sitting up in bed the memories of the night before came rushing back to you. Throwing back the blankets you hopped out of the bed, gripped the door handle and took a deep inhale to calm yourself in preparation if the creature did not make it through the night.
Opening the door and stepping into the hall you made your way back into the living room. The couch still held the towels now caked in dried mud, though missing one ball of fur.
"Kitty?" You called out, hoping it didn't hide somewhere and pass on. A couple calls later continued to go unanswered before you huffed, collecting the towels and throwing them into the laundry basket beside the washer in the hallway closet. Begining your search, you lifted the reclining chair beside the couch, peered under the couch with your phone's flashlight and around the kitchen island. No luck in the living area so you moved to check the remaining rooms in the apartment, the bathroom, your room and the spare. No luck in either your room or the bathroom so you moved on to the spare bedroom across from your own.
"Come on Kitty, please just give me a sign you're still with the living!" You groaned before getting down on your knees and peering under the bed, with a yelp you sat back up quickly when a dirty paw had swiped out at your face from under the frame.
Good to know the cat is alive and energetic enough to attack you so early in the morning. Rubbing your cheek that the claws had barely missed you peered back under again, this time giving the cat proper distance.
"Well, hello there Mister grumpy pants, how are you today?" You watched as the cat sat on its haunches, those bright crimson colored eyes narrowed at you showed significantly more life than the previous evening. "Are you hungry?" You asked once again as the cat's tail flicked dangerously as if responding 'I can't talk dumbass.'
You nodded taking that as a yes and picked yourself off the floor. Back in the living room you collected the empty dishes from the couch and filled them with the contents of a new can. Setting the food down you watched as the cat peered around the corner suspiciously, not sure on you just yet. Stepping away from the food you sat down on the couch after making sure not to sit in any ruminants of mud or dirt.
Satisfied, you watched as the cat inspected the food before peering over at you to make sure you were nowhere near before digging into the food once again. The water was given quick work as well before the cat strolled lazily into the living area and taking residence on your reclining chair.
You still had yet to give said kitty a bath and a trip to the vet was needed to make sure the cat was healthy. So unfortunately, you would need to piss off the cat who clearly didn't trust you yet in order to do so. Drawing a bath in the sink you set out all the supplies needed so you could get the cat in and out without hopefully injury to you or the soon to be upset fur ball. Or… more upset than it already was.
After picking up the snoozing feline you played a game of hold on to the bucking cat while trying to scrub all the dirt and grime from it's fur. The cat was surprisingly a very light blonde in color once the dark brown had been scrubbed away, soft tiger stripe markings were visible in places around it's face and tail. On accident and also to the cat's annoyance, you made the discovery it was actually a male cat. Drying the cat off in the towel you had prepared earned you a very nasty glare from the feline.
Making sure he was nice and dry, you stowed your caturrito into a carrier and started your journey to the vet. Low growls and hisses were a constant during the ride to the vet in the car. You spoke to him gently letting him know you were taking him somewhere to make sure he was healthy and then you would take him home so he could go hide all he wanted. Your response was some more growls and the occasional swipe of a paw between the door wire as if he was trying to unlock the cage.
Once you finally arrived at the vet, the receptionist asked for the cat's name to check him in. You told her undetermined since you had just found him, and she nodded letting you know she would also check for a microchip to see if he had a previous owner. The poor nurse earned herself some scratches while coaxing him out of the carrier and the vet didn't fare any better. They ended up giving him a tiny shot to calm his nerves and the rest of the visit went fairly smoother.
The vet announced he had an infection, prescribed some antibiotics and that he would recover quickly with lots of rest, food and clean water now that he's inside. He didn't have a microchip, so the cat was released back to your care and the two of you returned home. The ride back home was much quieter with a half-asleep angry bean instead of a wide-awake angry bean. You placed the kennel by the front door and left the cage open so he could exit whenever he was ready.
He finally exited the kennel while you were busy making lunch, his glare boring into the side of your head. You flashed him a smile before turning back to finish up the food and sitting at the island with your bowl. The cat had hopped onto the counter and was now sitting across the space, his eyes flicking between your food and face. "No Sir." You spoke sternly as his ear twitched with your words, his tail flicking quickly behind him. "You have a full bowl down there."
His eyes followed where you pointed only to return back to the bowl sat before you. His tail flicked back and forth while those carmine eyes shined a hint of mischievous intentions. Seeing the impending danger of your meal, you stood and rounded the counter to pick him up off the surface. He let out a yelp of surprise before thrashing around in your grip with sounds of clear annoyance. You placed him on the floor near his food while he took a swipe at your foot for picking him up unannounced.
Chuckling softly at the spit fire of a cat, you returned to the counter to resume eating. From the corner of your eye, the cat had begun sniffing the food once more before turning its nose to the air and almost stomping away in disgust. You startled just a bit when he hopped up back into his spot across from you, his eyes now flicking to your food once again. With a sigh, you stood to pick up his bowl and slid it before him.
"Here we can eat together!" Flashing him a bright smile while taking your place, his eyes dropping to the bowl at his paws before raising back to you with a 'Are you serious? You expect me to eat this crap?'
Cocking a brow, you began the stare down with the feline while you slowly chewed on a noddle. Without breaking his stoic expression, he shifted a paw forward while flexing around the bowl slowly.
"Don't do it mister!" Shooting him a warning glare, the male began slowly shifting the bowl towards the edge with his paw. "No don't do th-" Before you could snatch the bowl to save it from an untimely demise, the furry terrorist made a sudden jerk of the paw, and the bowl went crashing to the floor.
With a deep exhale you began sweeping up the mess with the perpetrator watching the entire time. You swore he wore a small smirk while his tail continued to flick behind him warningly as to the mischievous glint still shining in his eyes. Standing slowly with dustpan in hand you paused briefly at face level. "You're quite the asshole."
You earned a swipe to the face, his small toe beans connecting with your cheek. He had thankfully kept his claws sheathed, so the little shit had just given you bitch slap essentially.
"Yep, total asshole." Grumbling you thew away the broken pieces of the bowl only to find your meal gone, and a very satisfied cat licking his lips.
A loud groan of frustration left you as you snatched the bowl and placed it in the sink. "I was done anyway!" You stomped away to the couch, collapsing on the cushion with your arms crossed. You flicked on the television while continuing to contemplate your life's decisions of bringing in the little furry butthead.
A mewl earned your attention as you now found the reason for your irritation sitting on the arm rest beside you. Turning your head you huffed, not wanting to reward his behavior with positive attention. Your eyes remained glued to the show you were barely watching as a slight pressure on your thigh startled you. The cat crawled into your lap, curling up with his long fluffy tail wrapping around his face. He peeked one of those beautiful vermillion eyes at you before closing them once again. This little shit knew exactly what he was doing. You exhaled before finally running your fingers over the length of the cat's body. His fur was so fine and extremely soft as you continued to thread your fingers through over and over. He may be an asshole, but he was a cute asshole.
"What should I name you huh?" You mused, watching the little sleepy face while he ignored you.
"Prince?" You wondered aloud, earning a huff from the cat.
"Garfield?" Another huff.
"Princess?" He opened an eye again and hissed as you chuckled.
"Alright, alright I was just joking. Should name you spawn of Satan." The cat bat at your fingers this time with claws and you yanked them away with a hiss. "Definitely spawn."
He settled once more, your fingers now scratching behind his ear. "Well, you are a little explosive shit… Bakugo?" He peeked an eye open once more before closing them and making himself more comfortable. A low rumble filled the room as you realized the feline rolling in your lap was purring!
With a content smile on your face, you began scratching his cheek as the purring only got louder from there.
"Welcome home Bakugo."
This is my first standalone fic here so please let me know what you think! If you want it to continue, I do have a couple parts planed out already, so I'll hopefully be posting them soon if they do well. Thank you for reading!
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inoxske · 2 years
Kirishima would make a playlist of goofy songs that remind him of bakugo and they dance to it all the time in the kitchen and only get caught ONCE!
The person who caught them was deku and he just smiled and walked out QUICKLY only slightly out of the way of the nrxt blast bakugo let out unconsciously
Kirishima also made Bakugo a SERIOUS playlist with rlly rlly sweet romantic songs. Bakugo listens to it while studying
BAKUGOS A NERRRRRDDDD and Kirishima will NEVER let him live it down. Bakugo has a really good way of hiding it which is to make it seem like everythings really obvious and everyone around him is stupid when rlly hes just smart. Kirishima thinks hes very funny
They study together! BUT! Depending on how Bakugo is feeling they usually never get anything done. (by studying I mean LITERALLY like going over notes, tutoring is taken v seriously by baku)
Bakugo has SUPER SUPER good balance, like crazy good. He once stood on Kirishimas shoulders for a dare and didnt wabble for a good 1h and 35 minutes(he got bored) BUT!!!! ONE DAY when they were doing close combat, Bakugo and Kirishima got paired up. Bakugo was super tired that day, and while trying to turn he stumbled and Kirishima(who was tryign to pin him to win) Caught him by the back of the neck and held him in a dip for a second before realizing he was not on his side and let him fall. Bakugo is still made at him
Kirishima gets hit by a quirk that makes people super aggressive and like want to kill people. He ends up trying to kill literally everyone but Bakugo. The moment Aizawa gets there Kirishima breaks down into tears in Bakugos arms (everyone forgives him)
Kirishima has an interner ship over 2nd year summer and is away from Bakugo the whole time. When he gets back they do a really cringe like run at eachother and Kirishima picks him up and spins him and everyone around them boos them
Bakugo reads books for fun, Kirishima doesnt. Bakugo will sit on Kirishimas back when he does pushups and he'll read his book.
Bakugo and Kirishima have a weird soulmate mind reading thing where they always know what the other person is gonna say or where they are or something and its super creepy to anyone around them
Bakugo gets turned into a cat while Kiri and him are going to the store. Kirishima spends 3 hours SEARCHING for him b4 realizing a cat has been following him meowing persistently. Bakugo keeps the same personality but not the memories. So hes like, literally a cat. He was- He became a cat. Hes a cat. Anyways he purrs the MOMENT kirishima gets anywhere near him and hisses at everyone else
Bakugo and Kirishima sing "Blue" by Heathers while making dinner one night and inly realize people were listening AFTER the finale. LOSERRSSS
Kirishima CAN sing!!!! All of u can DIE I DONT CARE HE CAN
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Alright, so in my last poll, I asked which you all would like to see me write, and Yandere won!
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Please be advised that the following work of fiction will contain depictions of characters engaging in behaviors that may be considered disturbing, unlawful, and mentally unstable, including but not limited to unhealthy obsession, dark thoughts, violence, and kidnapping. This is purely fiction, and anyone who reads any of these stories are consenting to see dark content. If you do not wish to read about these topics, please refrain from continuing.
I want to emphasize that these stories are solely for entertainment and artistic expression, and should not be taken as an endorsement or condoning of such behavior in any way. The characters and events that will be portrayed are entirely fictional and should be treated as such.
I do not intend to promote or glorify these actions, and strongly discourage any attempt to replicate them in real life. The content within these stories will not be suitable for all audiences, and reader discretion is advised. If you find any of the content within to be distressing, please refrain from reading further. If you are struggling with mental health issues, please seek professional help
In conclusion, I want to emphasize that the behavior that will be depicted in any of these stories will be in no way acceptable or condoned. It is simply a work of fiction and should be treated as such.
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aylineku · 9 months
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You are special✨
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multi-musemenagerie · 2 years
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"What!? Just because I have a tail? He's an extra, not my brother."
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ayasuki · 10 months
4th Bakugou x Reader Fanfic recs
note: if i put none/no title, the writer has not given the work a title :P
> • 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒔𝒕
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all fics are smut
" tempting tempest " by lord-explosion-baku
shark!bakugou X mer!reader
warnings: mentions of noncon/dubious themes, slight violence, sexual themes
" he's lost " by xoxo-teddybear
bakugou x fem!reader
series 4 parts
warnings: angst, physical harm, cursing, accused cheating, katsuki’s insecurities, eventual smut
summary: y/n is so busy around valentine’s, her lack of attention towards her Pomeranian is causing him to freak out and do the worst of the worst.
" i warned you " by melticss
dom!bakugou x sub!fem!reader
warning: dirty talk, slut shaming, play fighting, oral (fem receiving) (male receving) sex, embarrassment
" on your knees " by luvrkay
bakugou x gn!reader
warning: blowjob
" drunk fuck " by lighterfluid1
two versions: bakugou x fem!reader | bakugou x m!reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol, they/them pronouns, drunk sex, lots of degration, aggressive sex, creampie, fingering, overstimulation, some dirty talk, edging, oral sex (both char. receiving), half clothed sex, anal (for m!reader)
bakugou x fem!reader pt 2 | bakugou x m!reader
warnings: they/them pronouns, masturbation, violence, mentions of blood, near death experience, anesthesia/medical drugs, top!receiving, creampie, dacryphilia, degradation, belly bulge, overstim, anal (for m!reader)
" dumb bitch " by dovkss
mean!dom! katsuki x bimbo!fem!reader
summary: after you pine after him for so long with no luck, Katsuki finally decides to take you as his; thanks to his best friend.
warning: dirty talk, oral (m receiving), rough sex, spitting, choking, breath play, degradation, hair pulling, manipulation, dacryphilia, edging, size kink, misogyny, yandere tendencies, kinda ooc, kinda dubcon-ish?, reader is drunk for the most part, katsuki is an ass; poor eijiro won’t take no for an answer and ends up getting fucked over bc of it; katsuki and ei are basically frenemies
part 2
warning: manhandling, blowjob (m receiving), degradation, slapping, public sex, possessive & controlling katsuki; choking & gagging, yandere themes, poor eijiro once again :((
" no title " by thatgirlgames
farm owner!bakugo x chubby cow hybrid!reader
warning: heavy lactation kink, tit sucking, cream pies, cow hybrids, moterboating.
" no title " by salimanderwrites
pro-hero!bakugo x bimbo secretary!reader
warning: boss x employee, reader is both a bimbo and a bit of a perv, bakugo is soft for reader and a soft dom, f and m masturbation, imagined freeuse scenario, imagined exhibition, phone sex, exchanging fantasies (office sex, possessiveness, blowjob, eating reader out), actual sex, praise, oral f!receiving, unprotected sex, brief pain from sex
" no title " by mhathotfic
neko!bakugou x fem!reader
warning: creampie
" bakugou wants to try anal " by 1-800-cybersaint
bakugou x fem!reader
warning: creampie
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queentheweeb · 11 months
MHA Masterlist
Started: 06/04/2023 or 04/06/2023
Edited: 06/19/2023 or 19/06/2023
Male Readers:
Izuku Midoriya X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Denki Kaminari X Shy Male Reader
Katsuki Bakugo X Shy Autistic Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 1
Shota Aizawa X Male Reader X Hizashi Pt 2
Denki Kaminari X Male Reader
Ejiro Kirishima X Autistic Male Reader
Fumikage Tokoyami X Shy Male Reader
Tamaki Amajiki X Male Reader
Shota Aizawa X Quirkless Autistic Male Reader
Hanta Sero X Trans FtM Reader
Hitoshi Shinso x Autistic Neko Male Reader
Correctional Officer Izuku X Male Prisoner Reader
Hawks X Autistic Male Reader
Female Readers:
Shota Aizawa X Autistic Female Reader
Mirko X Female Reader
Bully Midoriya X Female Reader X Victim Bakugo
Hound Dog X Female Reader
Flirty Izuku X POC Mid-sized Female Reader
Hanta Sero X Shy American Female Reader
Izuku X POC Female Reader (Xmas Edition)
Midnight X Female Reader
Villain Izuku X Shy Female Reader
Tenya Iida X Shy Female Reader
Mashirao Ojiro X Tenya's Sister Reader
Bakugo X Skinny Dysphoric Fem Reader X Shoto
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 1
Mezo Shoji X Female Mutant Type Reader Pt. 2
Ejiro Kirishima X Shy Female Reader
Yandere Overhaul X Female Reader
Overhaul X Female Reader X Chronostasis
Tomura Shigaraki X Villain Female Reader
Kirishima X Mute Female Reader X Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki X Autistic Female Reader
All Might X Quirkless Autistic Female Reader
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
Gang Orca X Fem Reader Pt. 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt. 4, Pt. 5, Finale
GN Readers:
Yandere Edgeshot X GN Reader
Best Jeanist X GN Reader
Jiro X GN Reader X Momo
Mezo Shoji X GN Little Reader X Ojiro
Bakugo X Non-binary Reader X Izuku
Asui Tsuyu X Non-binary Reader
Tenya Iida X Non-binary Tourette's Reader
Mina X GN Reader X Ochako Uraraka
Shoto Todoroki X GN Reader
Shouta Aizawa x GN Pro Hero Reader
Character X Character
Alpha Izuku Midoriya X Omega Ejiro Kirishima
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Mezo Shoji
Alpha Hitoshi Shinso X Omega Denki Kaminari
Alpha Denki Kaminari X Omega Koji Koda
Alpha Shoto Todoroki X Omega Hanta Sero
Alpha Ejiro Kirishima X Omega Hitoshi Shinso
Alpha Koji Koda X Omega Mezo Shoji
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larz-barz · 6 months
I have an mha oc:3
Amaya Kazumi
The catnip hero, Bonsai
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Neko: Can do anything a cat can do plus she can turn into a cat, only downside is frequent sleepiness and frequent hunger
Plant manipulation: self explanatory, basically can control any surrounding plants if she can touch them (she specializes in vines) downside is when overused she’ll start getting small cuts on her arms and/or legs
Sleepy due to her quirk
She’s protective of her friends
She’s very calm and collected
Tries to avoid conflict as much as possible
Calm under pressure
Favorite hero(s):
Kamui woods
Crimson riot
Knotweed (Amaya’s brother, Teru)
Bakusquad or Dekusquad?
Favorite people:
Kansatoki Hikari ( @theyslaydemons’s oc)
Yume Hoshino ( @unofficialmuilover’s oc)
Yuki(hara) Fujiko ( @cloudymistedskies’s oc)
Pixychu Midoriya ( @tokito-dulya20’s oc)
Sumi Hikau ( @muichinno’s oc)
Mina Ashido
Eijiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari
Famale bestie:
Mina Ashido
Male bestie:
Denki Kaminari
Teru Kazumi (big brother, 20)
Hiro Kazumi (little brother, 12)
Mom- Ami Kazumi
Dad- Hirohi Kazumi
Big brother- Teru Kazumi
Little brother- Hiro Kazumi
Thoughts on the rest of the Bakusquad:
Bakugo: “He has a unique way of showing it, but he cares.”
Kirishima: “He’s really sweet..” *blushes*
Mina: “Throws the best parties imaginable!”
Kaminari: “He’s awesome, I wish people wouldn’t make fun of him so much. He can’t help it that he short circuits so much.”
Hanta Sero: “Spider man.”
Sumi Hikau: “Judy Hopps.”
The Bakusquad’s thoughts on her:
Bakugo: “She spends a lot of time training, come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eat. That makes no sense cause I’ve heard her say that frequent hunger is a side effect of her neko quirk.” *worried Baku noises* (i’m not good at aggressive characters, i’m sry:( this bakugo will still be aggressive but he’ll be like, nicer for lack of a better word)
Kirishima: *blushes* “She’s so cute! I love her cat ears and her tail! They’re so soft!”
Mina: “She’s very pretty, very fun to have at parties too!”
Kaminari: “She always defends me when people make fun of me for short circuiting. I hope she starts taking better care of herself cause I literally never see her eat.”
Sumi: “I love her ears!”
What Amaya is like in school:
She’s very studious and hard working
She spends a lot of time training, often overworking herself
She does eat, just not around people very often which has resulted in even Bakugo worrying about her health
She occasionally falls asleep in class but is excused for it since it’s a side effect of her quirk
Fun facts about Amaya
She’s Japanese American, her mom is American and her dad is Japanese.
Despite her slight laziness, she’s always had good grades in school.
Bakugo’s nickname for her is catnip (that’s how she came up with being the catnip hero).
Her hero name is Bonsai cause of the plant aspect of her quirk.
Oki doki this is all I can think of, if you have questions feel free to ask them! (she doesn’t have a backstory yet, i’m thinking about not fully traumatizing an oc for once lol)
pls check the tags to see the kirishima x amaya ship name choices i have come up with
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
*As of this moment this is discontinued for new plans*
Click here to find out more, and my plans for fictober
Fictober 2023
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Thought I’d make this more up to the readers and the followers to fill up the card.
So, again this is a bingo card of a map of what will come in October, this is like a marathon for Fics to come out daily. You, yes you, can suggest a prompt for a slot and what character or characters you want. I will give you some ideas and feel free to use them or not, but I only do the characters listed!
Prompts: Creature Au, Kidnapped by a Yandere, Trick or treating,Surprise decorations, Werewolf, Matching costumes, Halloween party, Shape shifter y/n, Demon Au, Ritual appears y/n, Cemetery Awaking, carving pumpkins, Halloween Candy, Cute ghost deku, Yan Corn field, Pumpkin Patch, Festive Carnival, Adapting A Neko, Stealing Hoodies, Baking Cookies, Vampire Au, Haunted House, S’mores, Ghost Y/n, Ghost meeting human y/n, Yandere purge, Making their costumes
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo
Dekusquad. (Froppy platonic only. Romantic froppy not included)
Ochaco Uraraka
Mina Ashido
Yandere Poly class 1A
Shadow & Bone.
Kaz Brekker
Yandere!Six crows
Six of crows
Inej Ghafa
kanej × reader
House of the dragon
Yandere house of the dragon- Rhaenrya, Alicent, Viserys, Daemon, Aemond, jace, Otto, Luke, and others.
Lucerys Velaryon
Baldur’s gate 3
Lockwood & co
Anthony Lockwood
Lucy Carlyle
Poly! Lockwood, lucy
Yandere!Poly!Team × reader
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izuku-midoriya-rp · 1 year
Late Start
*Eri was nervous as Bakugo and Deku got her ready for the first grade, she was late to start school but that was Deku and Bakugo's fault for forgetting to enroll her, she'd be older than the kids in her grade since she was 7, which made Eri nervous.. After getting ready Deku and Bakugo brought Eri to the school to drop her off. Deku and Bakugo soon left the school, leaving Eri to get to her first class. Eri was getting weird looks at her because of the horn on the side of her forehead, trying to ignore them as she looked for her first class*
// Open rp
@hoshi-neko-hikari @the-plushie-friendships
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Well! That was fun, wasn't it? I've changed the formatting of the polls, as well as closed down the submissions form (for now). This week will also have 100 polls, the first 14 of which will be posted tomorrow (Sunday the 30th). And.... I think those are the only important things to mention! So without further ado, here is this week's lineup.
Buneary - Pokémon
Anita - West Side Story
Beverly Marsh - IT
Monoma Neito - My Hero Academia
Sister Carpenter - The Silt Verses
Ekko - Arcane
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers (the film)
Bakugo Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Betty Boop - 1920-40s cartoons
Flowey the Flower - Undertale
Akito Shinonome - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Lady - Devil May Cry
Diamond Heart - Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Emma - Emma
Aion - Show by Rock
Hibana - Fire Force
Klunk - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kosmo (Space Wolf) - Voltron: Legendary Defender
Evelyn Hugo - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Antigone Funn - Wooden Overcoats
Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Toon Patrol - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Felix - Golden Sun
Urotsuki - Yume 2kki
Kano - Kagerou Project
Ayano Tateyama - Kagerou Project
Fin Fin - Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet
Gladion - Pokémon Sun and Moon
Dmitri - Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Hippeaux - Animal Crossing
Raymond - Animal Crossing
Crewmate - Among Us
Sara Chidouin - Your Turn To Die
Zhongli - Genshin Impact
Firestar - Warrior Cats
Dovewing - Warrior Cats
Flourette - Answered Prayers
Eleanor Forte - SynthV
Cisqua - Elemental Gelade
Renarin Kholin - The Stormlight Archive
Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist
Alex Chen - Life is Strange: True Colors
Steffi Frohlich - Kiwi Blitz
Belos/Phillip Wittebane - The Owl House
Dr. Coomer - Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Olivia - Paper Mario: The Origami King
The Riddler - Batman: the Animated Series
Togata Mirio/Lemillion - My Hero Academia
Mustache Girl - A Hat in Time
Maika Halfwolf - Monstress Comic
Ren Mormorian - Monstress Comic
Shokry - Shubeik Lubeik
Hagga/Teeta Shawqia - Shubeik Lubeik
Wikipe-tan - Wikipedia
Ymir - Attack on Titan
Alicia Copeland - Wierd And Unfortunate Things Are Happening
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
Garalia Nyamhee - Aura Battler Dunbine
Xena - Xena: Warrior Princess
Nuriko - Fushigi Yuugi
Neko Musume - Gegege no Kitaro
Tillman Henderson - Blaseball
Dr Boris Habit - Smile For Me
Mallow - Super Mario RPG
Vriska Serket - Homestuck
Lussa - The Undrowned Child
Mary - BBC Ghosts
Bagpuss - Bagpuss
Tara Mclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Worm - Labyrinth
Lydia Deetz - Beetlejuice
Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Noelle - Deltarune
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O
Scorpion King - Word of Honor
Por - My School President
The Eleventh Doctor - Doctor Who
Dr. Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Perry the Platypus - Phineas and Ferb
Agent P - Phineas and Ferb
Alexa - Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (Survivor timeline)
Faith Connors - Mirror's edge
Furuta Nimura/Kichimura Washuu/Souta - Tokyo Ghoul: re
John Egbert - Homestuck
Rose Red - Ghost Quartet
Bruce J. Speed - Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari
Elma - Xenoblade Chronicles x
Adam - Lobotomy Corporation
Ianite - Mianite
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Willow Park - The Owl House
Black Hat - Villainous
Katalina Alize - Granblue Fantasy
Naomi Armitage - Armitage the Third
Kanade Yoisaki - Project Sekai
Sei Iori - Gundam Build Fighters
Goro Majima - Yakuza/Like A Dragon
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
Blacknose - Pinepaw and the Forgotten World
Please remember that, based on the results of the poll I put up earlier, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter may be included. Her spot would be near the very end, on the last day. As I always tag polls with both the character and the media they are from, if she does get in but you would not like to see the poll, the tags will be blockable.
No matter the outcome, please be courteous as possible to one another, and if that is not possible, then please just block and move on.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Paw Prints
Have I risen from the dead? Seemingly. I am sorry for the long delay, there has been quite a bit going on in my life that I just have not had the time to sit down and bust out this next part. I think the next part will be the NSFW part that will not really add to the story should you wish to skip it. I plan at least one other SFW part and then our story will be coming to an end. Stay tuned though as I have other ideas that I have written down for one shots, fics and head cannons :)
Things just have not been the same since your phone call with Kirishima. Given the cold shoulder from your cat is nothing new but you've had enough and are bout to do something about it.
It had been a quiet, long last few days since your conversation with Kirishima. Katsuki had been seemingly giving you the cold shoulder as he refused to speak more than a few words towards you or even meet your gaze. He had even taken to sleeping in the guest room to your shock.
Kirishima had called just a bit ago to inform that he aquired documentation for the feline to enroll in school and was planning to drop them off later this afternoon. You huffed as your gaze followed the broad shoulders of his best friend as he naviagated around the kitchen, banging and throwing things into a pan.
You had contiplated several senarios in your head as to what could've caused his sudden coldness towards you, none of them lining up properly to the truth. A plate was dropped into your lap as he fell into the spot beside you, the chopsticks he now weilded like a pro digging into his meal and depositing the haul bewteen those full pink lips of his. Heat began creeping up the back of your neck as your gaze dragged over the features of the handsome man that shared your home. Becoming hotter than the sun when you found the vermillion pair boring back into yours.
Clearing your throat you began tearing into your own out of embarrassment at being caught. It has become increasingly hard to continue denying any sort of attraction or feelings towards the stoic blonde. Kirishima continues to this day to push the issue that he can clearly see it and you should just tell him how you feel. The flavors of the food had you lost in thought as you savored when a crash of chopsticks hitting an empty plate earned your attention.
Katsuki had scarfed down his meal, now ready to return to the kitchen and dump his plate in the sink before retreating into the guest bedroom for the fifth day in a row without a word. As he stood, you found yourself unable to take the silence any longer.
His body visibly stiffened as his eyes narrowed down at you. No words were shared as he waited for you to speak.
"Could, you tell me what I did to earn your silence? It's about as bad as when you were in your cat form all the time. Kind of a one sided conversation really."
He snorted sharply, turning to take his plate to the kitchen once again in silence.
"Katsuki! Come on, I can't apologize or grovel to you for something I don't know what I did!" You followed him with your own empty plate now, visible distress on your face as he huffed and dropped the plate into the sink.
He rounded and snatched the plate from your hands, his gaze boring into your own.
"It's fine."
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest before rebutting his statement.
"It's clearly not fine. You've been completely ignoring my existence for days. Sleeping in the guest bedroom after arguing with me that you'd be sharing my bed as always and even spending time in your cat form when you need to leave the room for whatever reason! I haven't even been scented in awhile which is abnormal, especially when I came in yesterday after petting that stray dog in the park!"
His nose wrinkled in memory of the horrid smell, he had fought his instincts to rid you of that horrible odor the second you walked into the door. However he had resolve, if avoiding you to get rid of these feelings you clearly didn't want wasn't going to work he would have to find another tactic.
"Fine. I was upset and now I'm not. Happy? I'll scent you and sleep in your bed again if you want."
Inhaling deeply while closing your eyes in frustration. His stubborn streak was about on your last nerve when the doorbell rang.
"It's Kirishima."
He simply stated before turning and walking towards the guest room once again, most likely to either hide or change his clothes for the day.
Swinging the door open you found the shining redhead standing there with a manila folder in hand and flanked by someone you were, unfamiliar with.
"Hey! I have Katsuki's stuff!"
His bright smile dropped when he saw the distress in yours, shaking your head you gave him the faux smile you always did to hide the argument you had just endured.
"Thanks, I'm sure he'll be excited. Uh, who is this?"
You shot a polite smile to the shorter of the two now standing inside your entry way. His unruly dark hair curled around his face that was littered with freckles and bright, shining emerald eyes. He wore a smile that rivaled Kiri's when he stuck his hand out.
"Hello! I am Izuku Midoriya. I'm an old friend of Kirishima and Kacchan's."
You cocked a brow at the second name, unsure of who he was referring to.
"Kaachan is Katsuki. He and Izuku were friends back when he was a Kitten, before he was adopted by that family. Midoriya joined my family's organization as a volunteer a few years ago to help other hybrids."
Your eyes flashed between the two in surprise at the mention of the secret race as if he was not a total stranger in your home.
"Ah! Sorry, I am a hybrid too. Don't worry about your secret getting out!"
The bright smile of the shorter man grew wider as long matching dark ears sprouted from under the curls, reminding you of a... rabbit!
"Who the fuck are you talking to?" The growling voice of your roommate came from just around the corner, like he didn't tell you who was at the door.
"It's Kirishima and a friend!" You called, ignoring the fact he was actually speaking with you as if he had not ignored you for days on end. He rounded the corner quickly and came to a halt at the sight of the bunny hybrid.
"What the fuck?"
His lip curled and he was immediately behind you with such speed, thick arms wrapping around your waist to pull you back into the solid wall of muscle.
"What are you doing here Deku?!"
Blinking rapidly the shorter man returned to his human state as his eyes began flicking between the two of you.
"I heard from Kirishima he had made contact with you once again. I came to see my old friend, also if it was true you had found and are living with your mate."
A large hand clamped over the smaller man's mouth as a squeak left your body. Kirishima gave a nervous smile and chuckle while he began word vomiting an apology.
"Ha, don't worry about him. He's just got the wrong words is all! He grew up in an all Hybrid community so he's still learning what to and not to say."
"Mate?" You questioned as you leaned your head back against Katsuki's chest to find his face rivaling the color of a tomato. His Vermillion eyes remained narrowed at his childhood friend in severe annoyance. His tail whipped behind him as if the expression on his face was not enough to show his anger.
"She's not my mate!"
A sudden wave of unexplained sadness hit you like a ton of bricks. Confusion as to why this upset you as you looked down at the floor.
"Uh… let me take our host here and you two can catch up over there huh?" Kirishima's attempts to defuse the situation as he took you from Katsuki's grasp and into your bedroom, leaving the two in an intense stare-down that could end in several ways. Most of them not great.
Kirishima set the folder he had still clutched in his hand on your nightstand before helping you sit on the side of the bed.
"Alright tell me what's going on between you two. I could tell the second you opened the door that you're upset and I can smell Katsuki's distress."
You let out a loud huff before looking up at the man with his thick arms crossed across his chest. You began telling your best friend about the last few days since he had seen you, Kat's cold shoulder and sleeping apart. His short and sharp words towards you and even the argument just moments before he arrived.
"I had a feeling this was going to happen." Kirishima ran a large hand over his face in exasperation and sat beside you. "It's just as I told you on the phone that day. You have feelings for Katsuki."
Your jaw dropped and eyes going wide as dinner plates. "I do not! I told you that the other day!"
"When he started ignoring you, right?"
You thought for a moment before nodding, that was exactly when he started ignoring you. "Could he have heard me and upset him?" You whispered as Kirishima nodded.
"It's clear he thinks the world of you as the person who saved him from death, gave him a home and more love than he's ever experienced in his life. How would you feel if that person blatantly said they don't like you?"
Your gaze fell to the carpet between your toes, realizing that though you had retreated to your bedroom for privacy, Katsuki's hearing was sensitive enough he most likely heard every word.
"I didn't even think about that. I didn't mean anything by it. I love him, he's my cat and a sweetheart. I don't want to take advantage of that and give him the wrong ideas!"
A snort lifted your vision to the redhead who gripped your chin in his large fingers. "I don't think he's got any wrong ideas love, I think he's just finally expressing what you've both been hiding this whole time."
Your lips parted to respond when a loud crash outside the room caught both of your attentions. You were quick out the door to find Izuku up on top of the fridge, as Katsuki attempted to swipe at him and pull him down.
"Get down here you damn rabbit! I'm trying to tell you how things are!"
The rabbit hybrid lowered a foot and pushed the blonde's cheek, tilting his head back. "I know how they are alreadyand you are just trying to deny it! I know you Kaachan and it's the truth!"
A snarl from your cat had you rushing forward and wrapping your arms around his waist. "Chill out! What's the matter?"
His arms froze as he looked down at you underneath his bicep, his narrowed eyes visibly softening at the sight of you.
"The rabbit thinks he knows things and he's wrong!"
"The rabbit is right." The squeak came above you and you looked up to see the small man on all fours peeking down at you, his long ears flopping forward as he leaned down.
A snarl and another swipe had Izuku leaning back once again as you gripped Katsuki's arm. "That's enough! No eating the guests!"
His response is a huff, lowering his arms as you took both his hands in yours. His low voice grumbling about not eating him and just wanting to "talk" to him. As you began scolding the half feline man, Kirishima assisted Izuku off the top of the fridge and a few feet away in the case Katsuki advanced once more.
The two guests watched as you gave Katsuki the 'what for', his eyes intently watching you and hanging on to every word. Visible pout on his lips when he gave his rebuttal to his actions, had them both thinking the exact same thing.
They're in love, and too stupid to admit it.
"All right, all right I've had enough." Kirishima clapped his hands to catch your attentions quickly. "This needs to get sorted out or I'm taking Katsuki to live elsewhere."
The fur on Katsuki's tail and ears bristled as he then snatched you into his side. "I ain't going anywhere!"
"Then tell her how you feel. Right fucking now dude! I'm done with this!" He nodded towards Midoriya who nodded and made their way towards the front door. "You solve this or I'll take that paperwork back and move Katsuki into one of our half way homes until we find him a place of his own. You both have things to say and quit beating around the bush and just say them!"
Stunned to silence the both of you watched as the two exited your apartment and shut the door respectfully firm behind them.
A loud sigh broke the silence as Katsuki's large hand wrapped around yours, pulling you towards the couch and pushing you to a seat. Raising your head to snap at him for his roughness you found a somber look on his face, distress showing clear as day as he attempted to find the words to say.
"Katsuki?" You started as he finally fell onto the couch with his head in your lap. "This is too fucking hard." His words were muffled into your thigh though you caught them easily from your time of hearing his mumbles and grumbles.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Can you finally tell me why you've been so mad at me lately?"
He took a moment before turning his head and catching your eyes with his own. Sitting up he took both of your hands and lifted one to his hair. You began giving him the scratches he asked for and his rumbly purr sounded throughout the silent room. His vermillion eyes had closed from the feeling of your hands running over his ears and through his hair for the first time in days.
After a few moments he slowly cracked them to hold your gaze.
"I… heard you the other day talking to the mutt."
Letting out the breath you had held as he confirmed your fear and Kirishima's previous musings. You let him continue as he dropped his view to your other hand he still held.
"It.. hurt hearing you say you don't like me. I've, never felt this way about anyone and just saying this right now makes me want to vomit and hide in my room."
He raised his hand to your cheek, thumb running softly back and forth over the soft skin. His face was the softest you had ever seen from him, a glow in his irises held you like a trance as he continued.
"I hate that it took those two idiots pushing me but, they're right. I need to tell you how I feel or things will not end well between us at this rate."
You began chewing at your bottom lip when he huffed in faux annoyance, his thumb raising to pull it from between your teeth as he usually did.
"What did I tell you about that. It's a bad habit." His gravelly voice was soft, eyes focused on your lips he had just freed from their confines. Heat crept up the back of your neck and into your cheeks as the most intense stare-down between the both of you ensued.
"Katsuki?" You whispered to him and luring him from his inner thoughts.
The fingers that still held your cheek flexed as he finally gripped tightly, his words were practically a low snarl of "The hell with it."
Your face was pulled towards his and his soft lips crashed against yours.
It was if time stopped when your lips met, eyes closing and meeting his kiss with fervor of your own. Both of your feelings being said with the intertwining of your bodies, his arms pulling you against him tightly while tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
The two of you remained in this moment for quite some time, not wanting it to end a second too soon. When you finally parted, lips slightly apart and panting as the pair of you contemplated who would speak first.
"Does that explain enough?" He finally spoke, thumb running over your now swollen bottom lip from his kisses. They spread into a wide smile as you shook your head, "No, use your words."
His eyes rolled as he dropped his hand from your cheek. "I fuckin' love you okay? I.. Want you to be mine. Only mine, my mate."
Mate, that was a word that had been thrown around more than anything today. You understood what a mate was but as far as Hybrids? No clue.
"What is a mate to you Katsuki? Humans don't have mates." He paused a moment while contemplating his words. "A Mate to a hybrid is their partner. Their one true love that they will cherish and be with until their last breath. If I take you as my mate, I will have no other until I leave this world."
Your breath caught at the seriousness in his voice, the set eyes that looked to yours in order to gauge your reaction. When you said nothing you could see his tail begin flailing in panic, his expression remaining stoic though as his ears flattened against his hair you smiled.
"I love you too, you annoying fur-ball."
His face lit up into a bright smile, lifting you up into his arms as he held you tightly. His cheek rubbed back and forth against your own and lower into your throat. His soft lips pressing against your skin lightly as he whispered "Mine."
"Are you done giving me the cold shoulder now?" You whispered as he chuckled. "You won't be rid of me now idiot."
Katsuki's head was on a swivel when you arrived on campus for his first day, his shoulders were stiff and pulled up to his human ears to show his discomfort. You slid your palm into his, lacing your fingers as he turned his head to you. "Don't worry, most of our classes are the same so I'll be with you. Otherwise Kirishima is in your other classes or Izuku since he transferred over."
He scoffed at the mention of his childhood friend. Izuku learned of Katsuki's intentions to join your school and study something, he had yet to decide on what that was exactly, regardless the green haired hybrid had taken the chance to be closer to his friends and transferred from the college the next town over. Katsuki now begrudgingly had not only his partner, best friend (he animatedly denies this) and his childhood friend to deal with on a daily basis, checking in on him and making sure he was assimilating well into human society.
"I'll be fine. I don't need baby sitters." The blonde snapped as he continued taking in the view around them. "You still haven't decided your major yet?"
Your question was met with a shrug, "I figured I'd see how classes go and make a decision then."
You nodded when waves from a group of people caught your attention. Face lighting up as you recognized your friend group around the tall red haired golden retriever. Sero, Izuku, Kaminari and Mina all stood and joined in greeting you as you approached. Katsuki immediately turned while still holding your hand to return the way you had just came.
You tightened your grip on his hand and pulled him back towards your friends. "Aw come on, they're not so bad once you get to know them."
Rolling his beautiful crimson eyes he scoffed, "They're people. People are… ew." You chuckled as you finally came upon your friends.
Introductions were made for the group to your new boyfriend and he begrudgingly shook hands with most of the group. Mina squealed and pulled you aside in order to try and get details out of you, waiving her off with a promise to explain in President Mic's class, which was one of the few you did not have with Katsuki.
While you stood in the circle of your friends, the voices seemed to fade as your gaze remained on the tall blonde beside you. His mouth moving in response to whatever prying question your friends had. You couldn't believe where you were at this moment in time, holding hands with someone who truly cared for you instead of what you could offer. Someone who started off as a sick cat that you nursed back to health, your house pet that occasionally broke things with his psychotic zoomies and sassed you at meal times. All to think he was the man squeezing your hand for your attention and bringing you out of your thoughts.
"It's class time, let's go dumbass."
You smiled brightly as you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His face burned almost as bright as his eyes as he pulled you along down the walk.
"Katsuki, the class is this way."
He huffed and began pulling you the other way you indicated. Bright smiles all around as the both of you made your way to class. Things were definitely going to be interesting around here.
Taglist: @lunrai @nonomesupposedto @j-brielmalfoy @bitchimaghost2 @traumamakesmefunnier @chevalrie @izukusgirlfriend @megolothy
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 6 months
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akiartswithmemes · 3 months
Also you guys can ask me or the puppets questions about my apcolypse au, but don't expect me to always make drawings for them. I will make drawings/comic in response to questions but not a lot right now because I haven't got everyones designs done.
You can also ask Neko-ki questions or ask questions about Neko-ki, and you can ask my Welcome Home oc questions.
Apocolypse au characters and their powers:
Norman and Mason (brothers): Demons
Junebug and Janebug (sisters): Shapeshifters
Lenard and Lenny (cousins): Has psychic abilities
Lilliana and Lillian (Lillian is her aunt): Vampires
George and Greg (Greg is Georges dad): Has fire abilities (they can throw fire balls at enemies, blast it like a flame thrower, basically a mix of Bakugo and Dabi from mha. Can make stuff explode even)
Gordon: Runs the studio and is the head repairman. (His character remains the same)
Ricky, Pearl, Ray, Goblette, The Pups, The 3 hand puppets, and Arnold remain the same as they were.
Do not ask the apocolypse au, my oc, or Neko-ki anything NSFW related.
Also, Neko-ki is Aroace, so DO NOT be weird. And don't get any funny ideas about my oc either. Its literally my Welcome Home sona so that will make me uncomfortable.
Also I'm fine with fanart, Just don't be problematic is all I'm asking.
Well, covers all that!
Can't wait to see your funny asks/questions.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 6 months
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