#nah she rlly ate with this one
ariesrambles · 1 year
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bartythebabygorljr · 1 month
I’m Barty Crouch JR [this is an RP blog]
tag me in any stuff u want me to react to rahhh
I got this weird muggle website bc idk I was bored lmaooooo
it’s kinda cool but the MLP stuff looks like my nightmares came to life, ate one another and threw up again 😇
he/they ❤️‍🔥
student at Hogwarts rahhhh ⛓️
my dad suckssss but unlike ur mother last night he doesn’t swallow 😉
prolly mentally ill but nah 🔥
ultra black monster is my best friend 😈
My friends r cool and also on here bc everyone finds it impossible to say not to me bc im the coolest:
@evanmp3 - Evan - my darling Rosieeeee❤️ MY BOYFRIEND IM SO IN LOVE WITH
@reg-can-swim - Reggie - says I ‘forced him on here’ 🙄🙄🙄 [I love tjat little depressed victorian boy]
@panda-is-pan - Dora💖 - cool ass witch and objectively one of the best people ever
@cas0meadows - Dorcas <333, she scares me but I love her
@prongsieb0y James. Ugh. Yawn. BORING. Hot. Not saying I like him but if it was a party and he asked to kiss me I’d probably fold like a deckchair 🧍
@remus-john-mo0ny-lupin - Remus. HOTTEST MARSAJFER BU FSR U GUYS
@siriuslyhotterthanyou - Sirius 😍😍😍 lowkey enemies 2 lovers - bitchkiller 4 life
@the-one-and-only-lily-evans - Lilyyyyy - I think she’s really cool :D
@mar-lean-into-me - MARLSSSS - chaotic platonic loml
@peterpeterthepumpkineater - Pete - chill chess boy
@maryhadalittlemaggic - MARY ! She seems rlly cool
(OOC: feel free to drop asks in my inbox and ill answer them in character :D also if u wanna join w a character we don’t have yet then DM me <3)
(OOC again: main blog is @thedvilsinthedetails my personality is…the exact same as on here LMAO)
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arminsesposa · 10 months
Birthday Boy (Female Reader x Miles Morales)
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It’s Miles birthday today 🧘🏽‍♀️ Happy Birthday to our Favorite superhero. rlly short fic for him. 🫡
As Miles spent his whole day taking care of Brooklyn, despite it being his birthday he decided to spend some alone time at the rooftop taking in the glistening sunset before he had to head home. As he took off his mask and was in the process of changing back into his regular clothes. He reflected back on his “special day” today. He started his day off by being tackled into the tightest hug and mountains of kisses by his mom, as he shared a quiet moment with his dad and hugged him tightly, before he got ready to leave for work. As Miles got ready for breakfast he saw that his mom had made him some cafe con leche with Pan de Mallorca which he ate with no hesitation. He noticed that his parents were quiet as they watched the news. “They must be planning something right?” Miles thought to himself as he ate his breakfast. As he checked his phone, he saw that you had sent him a good morning message and nothing else. Miles frowned a bit. “Did she really forget about today?” Miles thought to himself before snapping back to reality seeing the news about a bank robbery and quickly leaving his house.
As he reflected on his day, Miles hadn’t heard anything from you. He tried sending messages about him going on patrol only to be met by your blunt “ok”. It killed miles as he wasn’t sure whether you were joking. Did you actually forget about his birthday? Nah there’s no way… right? Miles didn’t want to ask about his own birthday surprise so he continued to sit down on the edge of the roof. As he saw the beautiful sunset he took a deep breath. For him he had a very chaotic year, filled with being a student, a son and Brooklyn’s superhero and most of all your boyfriend. He went through his messages in which some people wished him a good day, in much to his dismay he just wanted to be with you. He looked at his camera roll and smiled at all the photos he had of you. The ones of you sticking your tongue out at him, at the nearest bodega holding your favorite candy, and a selfie of you two at the park, both of you guys smiling wide. Miles chuckled a bit realizing how grateful and lucky he was to have you in his life. You were always by his side, even when you found out he was Spiderman and despite that, you guys became even stronger then ever. As he stared at the sun as the sky got dark his phone rang.
Miles glanced at the contact and hoped it was you, but to his disappointment it was his mom. He sighed disappointed thinking you really did forget about his birthday as he answered the call. “Que paso mami?” Miles asked his mom in a slight sad tone as his mom asked him to come home immediately. Miles heart dropped hearing the angry tone his mom had as he started to question everything he has done that must’ve made her upset. As he quickly used his webs to swing back home, He rushed to his house, almost in a state of panic as he got to his door and opened it. “Surprise!” Rio and Jeff both exclaimed wearing party hats as they had decorated their entire apartment. Miles smiled wide as he saw how happy his parents were, miles stood at the doorframe catching his breath. “Thanks you guys” he said as he went to hug his parents tightly. Despite still having to hide the fact he was Spiderman to his parents and constantly lie to their faces, His parents were always there to support him. As he smiled and his parents let him go, Rio patted his jacket down as she cupped his cheek. “My baby’s so big, go change Mijo” she said in a loving tone as Miles smiled at her. “Okay mom” Miles said as he headed over to his room. As he entered his room and turned on the lights he heard a voice. “Surprise!”
Miles stood there shocked as he saw you pop a confetti canon over his head as the confetti gently fell over him. He was stunned to see his room even more decorative filled with fairy lights and balloons, and a giant happy birthday tapestry. The multiple gifts on his bed wrapped neatly and perfectly with a bow on each and the multiple balloons that filled his ceiling as he looked at you. “I’m sorry for being so dry” you managed to speak up. “Believe it or not this was really hard to plan without you finding out” you said with a smile as you walked towards him. As Miles put everything all together, from you not answering his messages, canceling plans and always being “busy” Miles grinned widely as he went to hug you tightly. Deep down he knew you were planning something and was beyond excited to see what you planned for him. You were stunned as you felt Miles place his head in the crook of your neck. “You’re the best. I love you so much. You mean the world to me” he said softly as you returned the hug tighter. “Happy Birthday, birthday boy” you teased him softly in his ear as he chuckled. Rio and Jeff watching side to side near the doorframe, knowing how happy Miles is. As miles sat outside the dining table, with his birthday cake in front of him, he looked up at his parents and his amazing girlfriend singing to him. He remembered his alone time on the rooftop as he realized how grateful he was for everything. His life as Spider-Man, being a son, and most importantly being able to date you. He smiled as they finished singing to him as he blew out his candles; grateful for another year.
Bonus scene:
As Miles sat on his bed, you gave him his final gift for him to open. He had on the other side of him a growing pile of new markers, sketchbooks, t-shirts, new hoodies as he shook the gift gently about to open his last gift. “(Y/N) I’ll make sure Miles goes all out for your birthday mija,” Río said with a smile as Miles began to open his gift. “No way…” miles said as he opened the box to reveal the new pair of Jordan’s that he’s been wanting, along was a tiny Spiderman keychain that he held up. “A Spiderman keychain?” Jeff asked confused as Rio nudged him. You chuckled before speaking up. “He really is the best” you said with a smile before miles wrapped his arm around you with a smile.
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harcove · 2 years
Hii could u write for billy x reader where reader is part of the hellfire club? Like she's a metalhead and plays dnd and stuff, i rlly can't see how billy would end up with someone like that
A/N: sorry this took a bit, I've been going btwn writing multiple things and ya aaaa I hope this is okay love! Honestly, I personally think Billy could find himself being with most anyone- it all depends!
Pairing: Billy x Hellfire!reader
Length: 2.3k
Warnings: nah, but I'll keep saying OOC Billy so no one tells me my characterization of him is wrong 🤡
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(Not So) Polar Opposites
Billy hated having to be back at the school after hours; the sun had set and there were only a few cars in the lot besides his Camaro. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have been there.
Billy always picked you up Thursday nights from the school. It was Hellfire Club night, DnD night, the night where you wouldn't drive home with him from school because you were staying back to help prepare for the DnD campaign you were part of.
Hellfire Club wasn't something Billy gave a shit about. It was your thing, a thing that you'd been in before he even arrived in Hawkins. And sadly, it was something that dictated your social standing as being something of a 'freak.'
It didn't stop Billy Hargrove from setting his sights on you however.
Billy was at the top of the social hierarchy that engulfed Hawkins High. What he did, what he said, people ate it up. People like Carol and Tommy. Did they have things to say about you and the Hellfire Club when he showed an interest in you? Yeah. Did he give a fuck? No. And he was sure to let them know that their opinions in his life didn't matter. And to keep your name out of their mouths.
And by proxy, the Hellfire Clubs name. At least when he was around to hear it.
Sure, he didn't get it. He didn't get the whole deal with Dungeons and Dragons. Didn't get what the point of the game was and definitely didn't fucking get what the hell you wrote on those sheets of paper you'd sometimes work on at his house. 'Character sheets,' is what you'd say whenever he asked what the fuck they were.
It went right over his head.
But you enjoyed it. You had fun going to those DnD nights in the school, and enjoyed spending time with the members of Hellfire Club. You especially enjoyed it because your best friend, Eddie Munson, was the head of the club.
Billy knew Eddie Munson.
Not that he spoke to him in school; Billy rarely ever stayed at the school during lunch periods to see you at the table with the other Hellfire members, and he never had reason to just speak to them or him. Most of his time spent with you was outside of or after school.  Save for the fact Eddie was the drug dealer he dealt with. If he wanted weed, it was Eddie Munson he'd get it from.
So, they were on an even groundwork there.
No matter how bizarre it seemed to anyone else that Billy Hargrove was dating you, it didn't matter to him. He wasn't scared of losing his status as the top dog. The guy who scared others, who was the Keg King. He had worse things in his life to worry about. And perhaps, the fact that he didn't care so much is what kept him right where he was.
He liked it.
Where the two of you differed vastly in your free time activity (him enjoying going to a party, you enjoying the fantastical game of DnD) you also had similarities that bound you together as tight as your opposite interests.
You enjoyed metal music; Billy also enjoyed metal music. It was nice to find that he didn't need to change the radio station because you hated the loud music he wanted to play, because you wanted to hear it too. And aside from partying, Billy actually did enjoy simpler things, particularly sitting in his room on his bed reading something. It wasn't something people expected, but when had Billy ever been predictable? You happened to like a good book as well.
So as bizarre as the two of you may have seemed on the outside, you actually clicked quite well together- like two pieces of a puzzle.
But you were taking a real long time finishing up your session, and it grinded on Billy's gears. He just hated being in that school more than he actually had to, even if it was for you. He wasn't mad at you. Maybe mad at the school for even existing in front of him. And for DnD for cutting into time he could be pulling you close.
Fingers tapping on the wheel of his car, Billy let's out an annoyed sigh. Scorpians playing from his cars radio, he moves his body slightly, making the leather of the seat squeak. It's twenty minutes past when you usually finish your session and come outside.
Usually you're quick to come out and greet him. There have been times where you've run a little over time, but those times Billy wasn't as in much of a mood as he was then. And usually it didn't take you more than 10 minutes.
He'd just have to go in there and get you himself. That's what he concluded. He knew you sometimes lost sense of time especially when you were having a good time. It was like wrangling his sister sometimes; but he was pretty sure Max sometimes liked to conveniently "forget the time" because it would annoy him. You never did that.
At least, he was pretty sure you didn't.
With another heavy sigh, albeit this one sounded more annoyed than the last, Billy pulls the key out of the ignition shutting the his car off, stepping out with one feet heavy on the gravel taking a few moments before pulling the rest of his body out; like he's being forced against his will to do this.
No one could force him to do this. But that didn't mean he wasn't allowed to still feel a bit ticked off.
He knows the room you have your sessions in. It's a drama classroom, with a small stage (compared to an actual stage) in a bigger than average classroom. It didn't have a bunch of chairs and desks because, well, it was a drama room. Most of the activities in their didn't require students to sit for an hour.
So it isn't hard for him to reach it in a matter of minutes. The door is slightly ajar and he can hear the lot of you inside, laughing and shouting.
"I can't believe you rolled that at the end," he recognized your voice, it sounded like you were on the edge of a laugh, one of happiness and disbelief, "like, seriously."
"What can I say, but you're welcome for saving the day."
Billy doesn't recognize the voice fully, he doesn't even really care to figure it out; he never spoke to any of the Hellfire members aside from you and and Eddie Munson (barely).
Instead, Billy chooses to wait a few moments as you laugh, continuing your banter. He's not going to knock on the slighy ajar door, that's stupid. So after a few more moments, he's pushing against the door to open it fully. It creaks when he does, announcing him before his own presence is noticed.
"Billy!" You notice him first, before anyone else really does. You always notice him, "what are you doing here?"
In your hands is one of his jean jackets, one you borrowed that morning; the fall weather had been more bitter than you realized that morning. He took it off and gave it to you with the most dramatic eyeroll he could muster. You rush towards him. Being close is all you want.
Billy looks at you, then looks at the watch on his wrist, as if he was really reading it; it was more for the dramatics.
"Just thought I'd see if the school was doing good tonight, y'know?" He's being sarcastic clearly, "I just... Love it here."
You turn your head to look at the clock in the room, noting the time; twenty minutes past when you were supposed to meet him outside.
Awkwardly, you wince and shoot him an apologetic look, smiling at him. You can see it in his eyes; he's not actually too angry with you.
He finds it hard to look at you, happy, enjoying yourself and smiling how you do, and be angry. Annoyed maybe for the wait, but that too slowly dissipates when he looks at you.
Not completely, but just enough.
You act as some sort of balm for his emotions, the bad ones, and an irritant (meant in the best way possible of coutse) for the good ones, amplifying them by just being near.
"I'm sorry," you offer up, genuinely sorry. You don't like keeping Billy waiting, not because you're scared of him or you're doing things on his time- but because you know his father. And you know the times he comes home can set his father off.
And he did this without you asking.
"Mmm... Next time you can walk."
He says it but he doesn't mean it, he wouldn't let you walk home alone late. His voice gives him away too. But maybe it's only obvious to you.
Rather than giving him a response you only smile at him, closing the distance fully between the two of you and wrapping your arms around his torso.
"Ah, Hargrove," Eddie Munson makes his presence known; he always seemed to be bright in a room- he knew how to get people to look hid way.
So did Billy.
"To what do we owe the pleasure?" Eddie bows dramatically. His face plastered with a smirk as he looks between you and Billy who now has a single arm across your shoulders as you keep your arms wrapped around him.
"Munson," his fingers are pressing into your shoulder and his cologne (which you had been privy to all day anyways because of the jean jacket) just smells so much nicer on the man himself than just on his jean jacket, "the pleasure is hers actually."
There's a deeper meaning to that, you know it. A sexual one, most likely. Especially based on the way Eddie cocks an eyebrow when he stands up fully, his smirk widening only slightly
"If he gives you trouble, let me know Lady Ironbark," Eddie uses your Dungeons and Dragons characters last name as he moves around the table to pick up some things, "not sure what I can do against the beast bit, it's the thought that counts."
Billy doesn't take him seriously and you're glad for that. Because if he decided to, you weren't sure you'd like the outcome.
Initially things had been more tense between the two. One being your best friend and the other being Hawkins High schools king after taking it from Steve. Billy was in the perfect spot to beat Eddie down, bully him and the other members like yourself of Hellfire. But he didn't.
Surprisingly, Billy didn't go around bullying people just to have fun. Or just because he could. In reality, Billy avoided interaction people, needless interaction he cared little about the people in Hawkins. But if they just so chose to cross his path or do something to set him off? Well, that would do it. It wasn't like he actively went out of his way to say words to random kids in the hallway.
"...Lady Ironbark?"
Billy says it flat. And really it sounds kind of funny coming out of his lips.But he does recognize the name; how could he not, when he's sat there before and just let you run off about your character for the current campaign.
"My character for this campaign," you respond- thinking he has forgotten about it, but he really hasn't.
It seems like a lot of times the information you give him sometimes just goes in one ear and out the other. It's just how Billy seems. Like he's not listening, but in reality, he retains all of the things you tell him inside his head. And it will be at moments where you least expect it that he will say the things you think hes forgotten.
"I know," he says, unhooking his arm from around you and pulling away to take a cigarette from his jacket pocket, placing it between his lips, "and you can tell me all about them again, in the car, on the way home."
Billy is itching to leave the school; again, the less time he needed to spend there the better.
"Okay," you smile, a genuine and big smile, turning to look at Eddie and the few straggler members from Hellfire finishing packing things up, "I'll see you guys at lunch tomorrow!"
A chorus of see you tomorrow and good nights come from the boys, and you turn to follow Billy out of the room.
"Put that on," he's already lighting the cigarette in his mouth before the two of you have even exited the school; his chin juts towards his jean jacket in your arms, "It's bitter as fuck out. And you're not getting two of my fuckin' jackets in one day babe, no matter how good you look in them."
Giggling, you pull the jacket on, Billy taking your bag lazily and throwing it over his back in one hand, not caring about being gentle with it. He keeps walking.
"I'm sorry again by the way," he pushes the door open with his hip to exit the school, you hot on his tail, "about being late. I'll make it up to you by letting you play your favourite music in the car on the way to my place."
It's funny because, one, you think you're going to dictate what he plays in his car (sometimes you do but its his car) and two, because you literally like the same kind of music. So it's not really making anything up.
You know he's got a small tilt to his lips. And you know he's not mad. You know he's going to keep picking you up even if its annoying sometimes. And you know he loves you and you love him.
Even if you're (not so) polar opposites.
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subskz · 10 months
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when this mf showed up i lost it for a sec bcuz i thought he might be chan,,, then i thought it was y/n’s ex nd i was like AW HELL NAH BROTHER 😐 then you hit me wit the “it’s raining” nd i was like LEE NAURRRR THE FUCKEN BB1 CALLBACK?!?! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU ACTUALLY
i fr think that if anyone else wrote that makeup scene i woulda still been mad asl at minho but of course,,, you nd yr rinnie magic,,, I WANTED 2 B SO PISSED AT HIM BUT YOU ALWAYS MAKE ME FALL FOR THIS MF IT’S SICK!!! bro thought he was putting 2 and 2 together but he was rlly putting 5 and 7 together bcuz it dozen add up 💀 and i #love that he was still so minho about it like annoying nd cheeky and he didn’t say he was sorry but he still admits he was wrong…… dawg. alr lee know you ate that one thing
y/n missing binnie and him trying 2 reach out to her got me so bad btw like,,, idk friendship breakups hurt just as much nd u captured that saur perfectly 🥲 i was boutta cry right wit her wanting her bestie back
LOCAL CATBOY SAVES EVERYTHING!!! i’m losing my mind over this image i love it so much 😭😭😭 i keep every edit u make in a lil treasurebox i hope u know!
HAHAHA i intentionally didnt say lino’s name until later in the scene for that reason >:) but naturally u caught on right away i’m so delighted u remembered his first line in the story! i thought it’d be a nice lil parallel…the first time the reader finds lino he’s drenched from the rain, then we come full circle to him finding her like that!
that’s so sweet of you to say thank you 💔 it makes me really happy that you liked how their conversation was written! i wanted to keep it true to lino’s slight awkwardness when it comes to opening up while also making it clear that he knew he was in the wrong…but yes hehe his pride wasn’t completely fizzled out for him to say the dreaded s word. ALSO “bro thought he was putting 2 and 2 together but he was rlly putting 5 and 7 together bcuz it dozen add up” i NEED you to know how badly this sent me LMFAOO HOW DO U COME UP W THIS STUFF??? 😭😭😭 there are near tears in my eyes from laughing it’s so clever
ur exactly right abt friendship breakups, they can hurt even more sometimes esp in a case like this where the reader realizes she’s uprooted everything good that had come into her life over the past year ㅠ i’m so glad you felt it was depicted properly, you always cheer me on so much i can’t thank u enough my dear! <3
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citrusitonit · 6 months
my little sister was like "you know u couldve given me the small candy n u couldve gotten the onigiri for urself if this was the last one in the store"
but i didnt wanna tell her that its because i rlly rlly love that onigiri flavor and that even though it was the last in the store i bought it for her in mind because whenever i pick her up she always says shes hungry and gets a little disappointed when i say i have no money so today i bought it because eating yummy food makes me really happy so i thought it would make her really really happy too and i thought that maybe this one thing was worth sacrificing my money for everyday if it meant she wouldnt be forced to lose her little kid appetite and have to scrape by with cheap chips from her small allowance just to fill her stomach so she doesnt know that from now on i plan to buy her many things like steamed buns and fresh wrapped shawarmas and little candies for her friends every day after school just so no one feels left out and so that she doesnt have to eat the cold canned food at home every day for nutrition and with this i hope that she'll find a safe place and a place of support in me for her to rely on when she doesnt want to sacrifice so much anymore so i tell her 'fine you can also buy that' or 'okay ill get you that. but take really good care of it' because shes a kid and i think its okay to be selfish or to want more because i remember when i was little having to split a bowl of noodles for breakfast once but i was still so hungry that i tried to get my moms portion only to be scolded and yelled at so now when i make dinner for her i tell my little sister 'okay you can get the extra' or 'alright you get the last piece' because i think it is alright if she wants more than what little she has and that its okay if she accidentally eats my meal because ill tell her 'i can cook something else anyway' and i will not yell at her or call her selfish because i think she just wanted to feel full and thats okay because she deserves to be so and now my only reply to her statement was "nah i already ate one in the morning. just enjoy it bro cuz it takes a long time b4 they restock again."
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http-alexademie · 2 years
your jack harlow post was really good! can you do another of him and another singer
i love jack so i had to do this again😫 also tysm<3
and if anyone wants to see something particular just send me and request and i’ll be happy to do it!!
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liked by tylerthecreatorfan9 and 3,902 others
y/nupdates y/n opening for Tyler The Creators call me if you get lost concert last night in phoenix,arizona 😫
view all 627 comments
y/nfan0 last night was crazy
y/nfan46 she looked sooooo hot last night
tylerfan6 i ship y/n and tyler so hard
y/nfan1 pretty sure she’s dating jack harlow, but idk
y/nfan72 okay i’m ngl the chemistry her and tyler have is unreal
y/nfan29 wish i was there so bad 🙄
tylerthecreatorfan129 never listend to y/n in my life until now and let me just say…she changed my life for the better
tylerfan5 i was bricked up the whole time she was on
y/nfan39 oh lord-
y/i/nfan69 that’s our mommy y’all 🙌
tylerfan20 godamm jack harlow is so lucky
randomfan5 they together?
tylerfan20 yuh pretty sure
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liked by badgalriri and 2,159,515 others
y/i/n call me if you get lost hoe
view all 11,158 comments
y/nfan62 ur dog fine asf
y/nfan you and tyler make me horny
tylerfan729 why does no one have a filter these days
y/nfan729 if any of y’all saw her live last night, i’m praying on your downfall
jackmanfan509 wonder if jack was there last night?
y/i/nfan728 I WANT HER SO BAD
tylerfan672 r her and tyler together cus all they do is post eachother
y/nfan109 nah she’s with jack harlow
feliciathegoat love u mf
y/i/n love u too bitch
jackfan60 she’s so beautiful, i’m obsessed with her 😫
tyler&y/n09 i love them
y/nfan2728 last night was a fever dream
jackharlow your doggy looks so cool
y/i/n takes after his daddy
jackharlow added to their story!
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liked by jackharlow and 21,691 others
vanityfair y/f/n is quickly becoming 2022’s MVP. Going from 2021s top 5 singer of the year to being Diors number one icon, how much more iconic can this girl get!
view all 349 comments
y/nfan728 happy to say i’m her fan
randomfan790 why don’t we also acknowledge that she’s dating jack fucking harlow
y/nfan5 ikr u can’t beat that
y/nfan075 she’s all i wanna be in life
jackfan50 she rlly ate
jackmanfan2782 she’s a fucking dream
y/nfan49 fr i’m jealous of jack😭
jackmanfan190 only person i like with jack
y/i/nfan789 omg i literally met her in this dog park yesterday, hands down best moment of my whole life
y/nfan10 omg rlly was she with jack
y/i/nfan789 yea and OMG there both so nice😭😭😭
randomfan03 idek her yet she still gives me life
y/nfan38 idk what just happened but my back started to arch
y/nfan628 my eyes be blessed
*liked by jackharlow
y/i/n added to their story!
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softholand · 3 years
trick or kisses | tom holland
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pairing: tom holland x youtuber!reader
summary: you and tom visit a haunted house for your channel’s halloween special
warnings: cursing, horror stuff, gore (fake blood and body parts), clowns, serial killers
words: 2.6k
a/n: my first ever halloween fic is here!! it takes place in the same youtuber!reader au but it can also be read on its own (: anyways, i rlly hope you guys like it, pls remember to reblog and leave your feedback, it’s very much appreciated !! stay safe, and happy halloween 🎃🕯🍁
You had started your vlog that morning when you woke up, filming yourself making two cups of hot tea before taking them to bed, where you and Tom slowly sipped on it like you did most mornings before getting up.
Then, you greeted your followers, explaining what the plans for the day were and things you had to get done before leaving the house. After that, Tom left to go to the gym and you took the opportunity to tidy up a little bit since there were clothes and just stuff everywhere. When that was out of the way, you took a long shower, washed your hair, shaved, scrubbed, and moisturized your body, feeling like a new person after.
When Tom got back, you had just made yourself some toast with roasted tomatoes and garlic, something you loved to have as a late breakfast, taking the opportunity to show your followers how to do it since they had been asking for the recipe. After taking a quick shower, Tom joined you by the table and you ate together, something you also loved to do when he stayed at your house.
Once the kitchen was tidied, Tom went to a meeting in the city and you got into full work mode, sitting on your desk and editing videos until he was back and then it was time to get ready. You got out of your bedroom in some black tights, a plaid skirt, a warm sweater, and a long coat, making Tom playfully whistle as soon as he saw you. “Damn, babe! You look good!” Your brunette exclaimed, making heat rush to your face. “Thanks! You’re pretty cute too!” With that, it was your boyfriend’s time to blush, his cheeks turning a bright shade of red.
He really was looking good though, wearing his trusty cuffed jeans, a hoodie, and a denim jacket, which perfectly complemented the look. “Thanks! You’re ready to go?” You nodded and after putting your shoes on, you both got into Tom’s car, choosing a playlist to listen to while you got to the address.
Taking your camera out of your bag, you used the time to let your followers know that you were currently on your way since the last thing you recorded was a clip of you showing your outfit. “Are you nervous?” You asked your boyfriend, turning the camera to him.
As a good driver, he kept his gaze on the road but his expression told you he had heard you. “I wasn’t until you asked me this question! Are you… planning something?” Tom said, taking a quick peek at you before adding “Like murdering me?” His question made you laugh, but you felt like you could keep playing this game. “Nah, your fans and Sony would be at my ass if I did.” You shrugged your shoulders, making him burst out laughing.
After about half an hour on the road, you and Tom finally arrived at the haunted house location. The place was huge, all decorated with pumpkins, skeletons, scarecrows, spiderwebs, fog machines, and many other scary stuff, making you quickly take out your camera and record everything for your vlog. A few minutes later, a lady dressed as Morticia Addams welcomed you and your boyfriend, saying it was a pleasure to have you guys there.
Later you found out that she was actually the one you talked to on the phone to schedule your visit, her name was Alice and she was a very nice older woman. She instructed you through some of the rules, saying that you could stop at any point, in case you felt too scared or even a little overwhelmed, all you had to do was say the safe word, which in that case, was corn.
After that, two very real-looking zombies escorted you and Tom to the inside of the house, where the “real fun was about to start”, as one of them grumbled in your boyfriend’s ear, making him jump. “Already?” You asked, laughing at his face. “Shut up!” Tom flipped you off, your laughter dying when you heard a deep mechanical voice saying you could finally enter the house.
The first thing you saw upon entering was fog, so much that you couldn’t even make out what part of the house you currently were in. You were just about to ask Tom if he could see anything when a guy dressed as Michael Myers jumped in front of you, holding a knife dangerously close to your and Tom’s faces, which caused you to let out a scream in surprise.
“Fuck!” You yelled, holding Tom’s hand as your life depended on it, forgetting that you were supposed to be recording this for your vlog. “You okay?” Tom asked, almost laughing at you. “For fucks sake, where did he come from? I almost peed my pants! Why are you not scared?” You asked, trying to adjust your camera. “Well, I knew something was about to jump out so I just prepared myself.” He shrugged. “But that was so sudden though.” You pouted, making your boyfriend laugh, leaving a quick peck on your lips.
When you recovered from the scare of your life, you followed Tom to what looked like to be the living room, also decorated with everything a haunted house asked for, spider webs, tombstones, jars filled with some gross looking substances, skeletons, mummies, and again, a lot of fog.
“Remember me, why are we doing this again?” Your boyfriend asked, while you passed the living room and went into the kitchen, which looked even more disgusting. “For my followers' pleasure, of course! They seem to love watching us suffer.” You answered, to which Tom responded, “Yeah, I still remember that spicy challenge we made.”
As you pointed your camera to the open refrigerator, you saw some very real-looking limbs stored in plastic bags, some of them covered in blood, even a few fake flies were placed on top of them. “Oh no, that’s disgusting!” You exclaimed, practically gagging, which caused your boyfriend to do the same. It was when you got a little closer to inspect the fridge that one of the supposed fake arms started to shake uncontrollably, making both you and your boyfriend yelp in surprise. “Fucking hell!” Tom let it out, instantly backing off, practically dragging you with him.
“I did not expect that!” You said to your camera, even though it was so dark in there you could barely see if you were actually in focus. “It was quite clever though, I have to say that,” Tom said and you had to agree with him that, even though scary, it was a really good idea.
You kept walking and eventually got out of the kitchen, where a hallway filled with doors on both sides and a terrifying-looking clown at the end of it welcomed you and your boyfriend, who clutched your hand knowing how much you disliked the circus creature. “Oh, fuck me!” You sighed, feeling your heart race. “You wanna stop?” Tom asked, his voice filled with concern. “No, it’s fine! Let’s keep going!” You stated, taking a deep breath before adjusting your vlogging camera. “That’s my tough girl!” Tom smirked, bringing your hand to his lips, depositions a kiss on each of your knuckles. “I don’t think he’s even real.” Your brunette commented, before leading the way, hand still clutched to yours.
Taking a closer look at the doors, you could see they had writings on them, writing made with (fake) blood, mind you. The first one said “NOT THIS ONE”, while the second had “TRY THIS ONE” written in bold letters. The third and fourth had “NOT THIS ONE EITHER” and “OPEN THIS ONE” written consecutively on them.
“What do we do now?” You asked Tom, who shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe they’re trying to trick us like in the movie IT. I think we should go for the first one.” His words made no sense in your head but since the first door was the furthest away from the clown, you agreed with him. “Okay, but you open.” You let it out, making your boyfriend glare at you. “Thanks love!” He gave you a fake smile, making you stick your tongue out.
As soon as Tom opened the door, you knew you had made the wrong choice, screams started to come out of the speakers, while a cloud of fog engulfed you both. You felt Tom hold your hand but you couldn’t see him, what you could see though was the body parts that scattered the room when you suddenly tripped on a dismembered leg, covered in blood.
Suddenly, a guy dressed as Leatherface came running towards you, chainsaw in hand, making you let out a scream, before dragging you and your boyfriend out of there. “What were you saying?” You asked Tom as soon as you closed the door. “Nevermind.” Your brunette let it out, making you laugh at both of your faces.
After much consideration, you concluded that most likely every door had something behind it, so you decided to just skip the others and go to the end of the hallway, but to do that, you’d have to pass the clown, a task you were not very fond of doing. “C’mon, stay behind me, don’t look at him. It’ll be quick!” Tom assured you, to which you nodded, hiding your face on his back, holding his arms with as much force as you had.
Everything seemed to be going well, you passed the second door, then the third and the last one, where the clown was, only a couple of steps away. Tom’s body did a great job of shielding you, but what neither of you expected was for the clown, that by this point you were sure was just a dummy, to fucking move and scare the shit out of you and your boyfriend. The clown’s evil laugh echoed through your head, making you cover your ears with both hands, forgetting about Tom and your vlog.
You were so scared you didn’t even realize you had passed the stupid clown and was now in a room full of mirrors with Tom looking worried at you. “Hey y/n, it’s me! You okay?” He asked, carefully taking your hands from your ears. Tom seemed terrified for you and it broke your heart to see him like that. “I’m sorry, I… I just…” you tried, but couldn’t form a sentence. “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. That was terrifying, even for me and I don’t even care about clowns, I can only imagine how it was for you.” Tom murmured, cradling your face in his hands.
“It was horrible!” You groaned, hiding in your boyfriend’s chest. “It’s okay! We can stop and go home, what do you think?” Your brunette asked but all you did was shake your head. “No, we’re almost done, and I have to finish the vlog.” You said, making Tom furrow his brows. “You don’t have to keep doing this if you’re scared, y/n!” He stated but you assured him you were okay and that you could keep going.
Thankfully, after the whole clown fiasco, there wasn’t anything major that scared you for the remainder of the house tour, maybe the crew realized you almost had a heart attack and decided to play it cool, if so, you were very grateful for that. Nothing jumped out at you in the room with the mirrors, the only thing scary about it was that you couldn’t tell if the masked faces were real or not, but thankfully, none of them seemed to be.
After that, you passed another corridor filled with fake animal heads, blood dripping from the walls, making your shoes squeak with each step you took. At the end of it, another actor dressed as a butcher worked on a “freshly killed body”, cutting off its parts, not even sparing you and Tom a look. Right before exiting the house, a loud thud could be heard from inside, making you and your boyfriend turn back to try and find the source of the sound. That ended up not being the smartest idea ‘cause a man wearing a creepy mask tried to chase you, making you both run until you finally made it out.
Alice was waiting for you at the end, with two medals which said “I survived!” on them. You and Tom both laughed but accepted the prize nonetheless. “I mean, one more scare, and I wouldn’t have survived but yeah, I’ll take this.” You murmured while putting the medal around your neck, making them laugh.
As expected, both Alice and some of the actors wanted to take some photos with Tom, which of course, your brunette happily agreed to. Once everyone was content, Alice let you know they had a photo booth in case you wanted to take some photos to remember this day forever, as she excitedly exclaimed. You and Tom agreed and a few minutes later you were getting out of the booth with the pictures, some of them funny and some sweet like the one where Tom kissed your cheek while you smiled at the camera.
After saying goodbye and thanking everyone for their time, you and Tom got into the car, making your way back to your apartment. “That was fun!” You exclaimed to your vlogging camera once you were settled inside your boyfriend’s car. “Taking the part that you almost died, yeah, you can say it was fun!” Tom playfully said, making you smack his arm. “Shut up! I could see you were terrified of that clown too.” You pouted and your boyfriend couldn’t help but laugh.
Before getting home, Tom stopped at one of your favorite restaurants to pick something for you to eat since it was starting to get dark and you hadn’t even had lunch yet. Now, with two bags filled with food, you finally made your way to your apartment, where you sprawled everything on your coffee table for you to share while you watched an episode of a tv show you were currently watching together.
You decided to also take the opportunity to end your vlog since you’d most likely forget to do it later like it had already happened so many times before. “We’re home!” You exclaimed to your camera, pointing it at your tired face. “And we just finished eating too much Thai food so now we’re about to pass out at any minute.” With that, your boyfriend laughed, shaking his head. “Anyways, I don’t even know how much footage from the house I got, since I was hiding behind Tom most of the time but whatever, I hope you guys enjoyed seeing us both being terrified for our lives. I’m gonna end this vlog here now, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. I love you guys so much, and I’ll see you soon. Bye! Say bye, Tom.” You said, before flipping the camera to him. “Bye everyone, thanks for watching!” With one last little wave, you stopped recording, leaving editing for the next day, since you were too tired to even look at the footage now.
Later that night, you were cuddled up in your bed with Tom, your head resting on his chest, while he played with your hair, making it hard for you not to fall asleep. Once you checked your phone, you realized it was already past midnight, which only meant one thing. “Hey, it’s past midnight. Happy Halloween!” You whispered, getting his attention. “Yeah? Well, then Happy Halloween, baby!” He exclaimed, pecking your lips. “Hey, one more question.” You said, to which he furrowed his brows. “What?” Tom asked, slightly confused with your sudden excitement, since you were about to fall asleep only seconds ago. Smiling, you asked your boyfriend the silly joke you had come up with earlier, “Trick or kisses?” to which, laughing, Tom quickly answered “Kisses, definitely kisses!” before colliding his lips to yours.
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tagging some of my lovely mutuals ~ @venomsilk @missnxthingg @duskholland @hazofmyheart @wazzupmrstark @lauras-collection @mrs-hollandstan @stuckonspidey @tomhollandd @t-lostinworlds @uglypastels @screamholland @veryholland @cali-holland @annathesillyfriend @reawritesthings
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liliesoftherain · 4 years
Okay but chill s/o with the no biggie attitude was so cute like bakugo is rlly this dramatic lil boi who excepts ppl to do the most for his love n I’m here for it can I have a head canon for them or 2?
Title: No Biggie P.2
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Part 1: Chill S/O
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Bakugou Katsuki!:
First Date:
At first your classmates didn’t notice a difference between you two
You didn’t really act any different and neither did Bakugou
He was always a little nicer to you anyways
Considering you were best friends there was no reason to think any differently about it
You two weren’t trying to make it known,
However, you guys weren’t trying to hide it either
You two did the same things you normally did
Hung out together, studied together, trained together
Anything together, you name it
But Katsuki felt as if he wasn’t doing enough for you,
Or what he said was,
“You think I’m hot, Katsuki~?”
And so you two made a plan to spend the day together that weekend
And it honestly was the least stressful thing ever
You know how people get those first date jitters?
Nah, none of that here
Even though Katsuki knew that this was a big deal,
He knew you were the person he trusted the most,
So why would he be nervous?
If there was anything you did/didn’t want to do,
He knew you’d be vocal about it
In a non-condesending way
(Because baby boy cannot handle that rejection yo)
So the day came and he took you out,
And lo and behold he had the best time of his life
He didn’t do the usual,
‘Let’s eat at a fancy place and watch a movie’
Nah, this guy is a little wild,
Kinda crazy if anyone would ask you,
So you guys did a bunch of things most people would consider training,
He took you both to this park he knew
Beautiful area with trees and hiking trails,
And actually wanted to mountain climb with you,
“You ready to lose, Katsuki?”
“Let’s fucking go!”
At the top was this really pretty spot,
You totally thought this is the spot he wanted to show you,
“Nah, we gotta go farther, just hikin’ this time.”
You just shrugged,
Grabbing his hand with a lazy smirk,
“well then you gotta hold my hand.”
“It’s my prize for winning, duh.”
“I fucking won, what are you talking about!”
“Well, what do you want as a prize then?”
“…shut up.”
He squeezed your hand and started to drag you up
Took you on the scenic route all the way
Once at the top-top, he whipped out a nice little picnic lunch he made
You thought it was the sweetest thing
He made a bunch of your shared favorites
You guys talked about everything while you ate
Hero studies, class, plans after graduation
You had never felt more happy
And Katsuki swears he’s never seen you more stunning 
Especially that you have that favorite lazy smile of his on your face
You guys packed up after a while,
And you tapped him with your famous lazy smirk,
“Race you to the bottom, hotshot.”
He never ran so fast
You won,
But he “let” you, of course…
You two walked around the city for a while after you climbed down 
At one point you were caught rambling,
and when you looked at Katsuki your breath hitched in your throat at the look he was giving you
He was staring, a smile and serene smile on his face
It wasn’t anything over the top,
but it was a true smile
He noticed the dazed look in your eyes and couldn’t help the blush over his cheeks
So, if you’re asking
What was the perfect way to end this perfect date with your perfect man?
With a perfect kiss of course.
When Class 1-A Figures it out:
As stated,
Your classmates didn’t notice anything different at first
You two had just seemed,
Well normal
As normal as a nice Bakugou could be
But it all clicked for them during the last sports festival
You were watching from the stands along with the others,
Having gotten out during the first rounds of battle
But you were enjoying watching from the sidelines,
Getting to watch your mans move his way up the ranks just like his first year
Y’all don’t talk about second year…
But now you were watching the last match before the final two were to battle,
And Katsuki was going against a tough opponent
Tougher than you thought, seeing as they were keeping him on his toes
You knew he could handle himself,
It was never a big deal when anything would happen
If he lost a practice battle or spar you’d just give him a smile,
“No biggie Katsuki, we’ll kick ass even harder next time, yea?”
People would say it was a miracle how you could calm him down with something so simple
But you  knew it was because you were just telling him the truth
SUre, he didn’t win but next time?
Oh he’d kick ass.
He knew you weren’t messing with him and he appreciated you
He may give a fake frown and a playful eye-roll, but he’s always agree
That’s how you were with everything he did though,
You shrugged it off,
Even when girls or guys would try to flirt on him,
What reason was there to get upset?
You knew who you were, 
He knew who he was,
So what did it matter if someone thought something else?
But this time you felt a strange tightening in your chest as you watched this chick land punch after punch 
She must of had some type of strength enhancement quirk because holy hell
She was kicking ass.
You had winced,
When she punched him and you saw Katsuki get slammed back and skid across the cement
A few of your classmates saw how emotional your facial expressions were,
And they were a little nerved
If you were worried, 
Then what the hell was happening???
You weren’t worried per say but-
Ah, she was flirting with him now??
You watched how she blew a kiss as Katsuki stood up, 
Pushing her breast together as she fawned over how manly he was being
Yea, like that made sense.
“Wowie Katsuki-kun, you’re so amazing. I’d love to see some more!”
the way she eye-raped him made your chest tighten even more
“Some more huh!? I’ll show you some more”
The lick of his lips had something in your snap,
And you were out of your chair before you could even register what the hell you were doing
You’ve never felt this way,
A burning feeling in your chest as you saw green,
This wasn’t no biggie,
This felt like a big deal to you.
Your shout startled everyone,
You literally made Deku jump out of his seat at the gruff and barking tone,
you NEVER raised your voice,
even during training when you were calling for backup, medic supplies, or commands, 
It was always just loud enough,
to be heard and respected
But never like this!
You were glaring harshly,
Gripping the railing tight as you did,
You saw your boyfriends attention immediately snap to you,
Like he swore his neck broke at how fast he looked at you,
mouth to the floor and eyes open wide,
who were you??
You didn’t bother to stare at his rare flustered face,
grinding your teeth as you looked at the girl instead
“Has (y/n) ever talked like that?”
“Why are they talking like Kaachan??”
“Is (y/n)-chan jealous?”
“…There has to be a reason, kero.”
“(y/n)-san???? EMOTIONS??? Besides nonchalant? No way…”
After the battle,
That Katsuki pulled off like you knew he would,
They had a lot of questions…
You waved them off with a lazy shurg,
Your chill persona there as if it never left in the first place
“Idk what you guys are talkin’ about. You’re being pretty noisy though.”
You stood up and started to make your way out the seating area,
Just to see Katsuki sprinting towards you
You stared up at him with lazy eyes as he came to an abrupt halt,
Not even flinching when he almost crashed into you
“Yo, good match-”
He caught you off guard with a kiss.
It was rough, 
a little sloppy and frantic,
but damn if it wasn't romantic,
“what was that for?”
“You’re just the best, you know that?”
“If you say so?”
The shocked sounds of your classmates pulled you both from your own little world,
You gave a lazy smile while watching Katsuki blow up on them all
But you saw that little blush along his cheeks,
Who knew Katsuki liked to be shown off?
Sure, you knew he wanted you to do the most for his love,
Or whatever he had called it,
But you didn’t realize just how much he needed it.
Needed someone to put him first,
To prove to him that he was worth it.
Right then you decided that no matter what,
You would do your best to prove to this boy he was the most.
That his life was the most valuable, most worthy thing you could ever hope to be apart of,
and that was no biggie,
Unlike Katsuki Bakugou,
Who was very much a big deal.
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thatshankcallednewt · 4 years
TMR High School AU - Newt: Ice Cream Kisses
As requested by @scribblestarsonthecuffsofurjeans​, where the reader and newt have mutual friends so they meet and the reader is really confident and outspoken and newt is rlly drawn to that so they become really good friends and it kind of just develops into something more? if not that’s okay but thank you anyway !! :)
A/N: I hope you like, I was a little unsure how to do it so I just went with my gut!
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Newt knew he liked you the moment he saw you. Or heard you, in fact. Maybe it was the way you yelled at the football match when the opposing team scored points, maybe it was the way you laughed so carefree, tipping your head back and closing your eyes, or maybe it was the way you would smile and laugh after saying his name when he’d done something so amusing.
It was probably all three.
“Newt?” you asked, as you braked at the intersection, waiting for the red light to change.
“Yeah?” he said, somewhat distant, as he broke away from his own spiral of thoughts. He glanced at you, lazily, his brown eyes tired.
“I was saying—” you suddenly took off as the light turned green, but as you were about to continue your sentence, the car beside you sped up and cut you off, without indicating or any warning sign. Your jaw dropped and you gripped the steering wheel, tight, and rolled down your window.
“Y/N—” Newt said, eyes wide. He knew what you were about to do.
“Fucking wanker!” you yelled, sticking your finger out the window. The driver quickly vanished around a corner, taking a hard left, the tires squealing with sudden change in direction. You eyed the car before it disappeared completely with venom, a frown set upon your lips.
Newt stared at you, and you caught his eyes. He blinked. “You sure are scary when you want to be.”
You laughed at this, “Newt!” You hit the radio on, turning the volume up as you squinted out the windscreen again. You glanced in the mirrors as you changed lanes. The music was loud, the air was warm, and you were craving an ice cream cone.
“Anyway—” he mumbled, his cheeks a little pink. “What were you saying?”
You smiled, “Ice cream! At the beach!”
“What about it?”
You rolled your eyes, “Ice cream. At the beach,” you repeated. You turned a corner a little too harshly and Newt reached out for the side of the car and held on for dear life. You laughed. “Need I say more?”
He sighed, but there was a small smile on his lips. “You want to go get ice cream at the beach?”
“Yep,” you confirmed, with a nod of your head.
It’d been a long day, but he wasn’t about to decline spending more time with you. Ever since he met you, he felt like the circle of friends was complete. He’d always been good friends with Tommy and Minho, of course, but his friendship with you was different.
“Should I text the others?” he suggested, reaching for his phone.
“Nah,” you said, and the tips of your ears pinkened. You were suddenly thankful for the sunglasses you had on, otherwise he might see the nerves in your eyes. You weren’t easily shaken but when it concerned Newt…
Newt slipped his phone back into his pocket. The drive to the beach wasn’t far, and soon, you managed to park the car without cussing out the whole street. Newt always found your urge to swear very amusing, if not completely terrifying.
You greeted the warm, salty air with glee, and this made Newt smile. He watched as you danced over the hot asphalt of the road and onto the footpath, trying to slip your shoes back on without burning the soles of your feet or tripping over.
The path would lead down to the beachfront and soon, to your favorite ice cream place. It was a little breezy, which meant he could smell the salt in the air more than usual, but he enjoyed the warmth of the sun. He watched you as you paused in the middle of the footpath, trying to tie up your hair so it wouldn’t flail crazily in the breeze.
He came up behind you and swiftly pulled your hair out of your face with ease. His fingers brushed against the sides of your face as he scooped it up. He was used to doing this, you never quite managed to catch all the hair in one go. And you weren’t the most graceful human on the planet, but that was something he loved about you.
“Ah, my knight in shining armor,” you mumbled, the hair tie still in between your teeth. You pulled it from your mouth and grabbed your hair, your fingers touching his. You tied it up and he let go, taking a step back.
You turned to him, “Voila!” The breeze had shifted his blond curls slightly, and in the golden glow of the sun, he looked very attractive. Especially his eyes.
“Where would you be without me?”
“Bald, probably,” you giggled, and he smiled, shaking his head.
You both walked along the footpath, chatting about school and homework and your friends when you reached the small shop. The doors were opened up fully and there was only a short line waiting to order. You got in line quickly, and Newt stood beside you. You peered up at the menu board, though you were pretty sure you knew what you wanted.
But before you could order your ice cream, Newt stepped forward and recited your favorite ice cream flavor and his order, too. Then he paid for them both and he drifted inside to wait, watching as the girl behind the counter started scooping.
You watched him from where you stood, almost dumbfounded. You frowned, and quickly moved out of the line when you realized you were taking up space. You eyed him but he wouldn’t look at you, instead, his brown eyes were firmly planted on the hands making your ice creams.
You always paid separately. It’s just what you did. You were good friends, sure, but there was always this… prospect of it being more than that, almost like a pressure from outsiders’ expectations that you couldn’t explain, so to combat that, you’d always pay separately. Always invite the others to hang out with you. Always made everything strictly friend and not date. You even split money when it came to buying snacks from the supermarket—
“Why are you staring at me?” he murmured, watching the girl as she lifted the cones up onto the counter. Before you could answer, he stepped forward and grabbed them from their holders. He smiled and then passed your cone to you. He walked out of the ice cream shop and you followed, as if on autopilot.
He neared the sand and sat down on a concrete ledge that bordered the footpath and the beach. The breeze played with his curls and his shirt. He looked over his shoulder at you, ice cream on his lips, “Y/N?”
You sat down beside him in silence. You ate your ice cream, pondering the thoughts in your head.
“You’ve never been this quiet for this long, what’s up?” he licked the dripping ice cream off his fingers. His own sunglasses were still sitting on top of his head, propped up in his golden hair. He glanced at you when you didn’t answer him straight away.
“Y-you—” you stopped yourself, frowning. Newt watched you with curious eyes, practically forgetting about his ice cream. He’d never seen you stumble over your words or hesitate. “You… paid for my ice cream?”
Newt blinked. He glanced at his ice cream and he swallowed, “Yeah.”
“I like you,” he said, straight to the point. But he couldn’t seem to lift his eyes to yours. But he didn’t wait for a response. “I’ve been thinkin’ about it,” he started, his voice both urgent and soft at the same time, somehow, “a lot. It’s been on a mind so often, I couldn’t just… ignore it.” He licked his lips, “I remembered the time you threw your popcorn bucket at the cinema, that time that we met, when we all went to see Avengers: Infinity War. You were so mad. And the bucket landed right on my head—”
You laughed, shaking your head, you remembered it too. You were so embarrassed; you’d never been embarrassed about something like that before. You knew you were loud, confident and a little crazy sometimes but that was who you were. And when you caught eyes with Newt, having just thrown your bucket right into his head, and he had turned in his seat to look over his shoulder up at you, hand on his head, he smiled so widely that your cheeks must have glowed red. It was like a shock to the system. This boy and everything about him.
He laughed, too, “And I thought, who is this girl?” he announced, with such enthusiasm, it made your heart flutter. He looked at you, eyes softening. “I liked you then, and ever since. I can’t ignore it anymore.”
You leaned over and kissed him, right on the lips, without warning, without second thought. He almost jumped out of his skin, not expecting you to feel the same way. But when the initial shock was over, he kissed you back. He blindly lifted the sunglasses from your nose, the things almost catching in your hair, and he set them down on the ledge. You tasted chocolate fudge ice cream on his lips. His free hand cupped your jaw, moved to your cheek, as he fumbled with his lips, messily pressing them to yours with a kind of urgency, a kind of confidence he wanted you to know about him. And then his hand drifted to your free hand and held it.
Your ice creams melted in your fingers, long forgotten.
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ongsasun · 3 years
thanks for the tag tay and cass @teh-ohaew @wavelovespang !! sorry it took me so long 😅 i did most of it already, just had a few questions left
tagging: @yibobibo @morksuns and whoever else wants, i always feel like i’m annoying ppl with tags lol
2. NAME A FOOD YOU NEVER EAT. sushi (dni)
3. ARE YOU TYPICALLY TOO WARM OR TOO COLD? too warm! i'm told i'm like a space heater lol, plus my hands heat up sometimes
4. WHAT WERE YOU DOING 45 MINUTES AGO? waking up from this 8 hour nap coma
5. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE CANDY BAR? p basic, twix (full-size, the mini stuff is NOT it) snickers or dairy milk
6. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A PROFESSIONAL SPORTS GAME? nope i'm allergic LMAO (edit: so i got my bloodwork results and turns out i AM allergic adjvfdsnc but not to sports)
7. WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU SAID OUT LOUD? "can you wake me up in an hour and a half" 🤡
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ICE CREAM? idk abt favorite but my go-to is cookies and cream, never fails
9. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU HAD TO DRINK? milk from my cereal
10. DO YOU LIKE YOUR WALLET? yeah!! it's chunky and looks like a PS1 console :) it's rlly dumb now for my big age but i got it sooo many years ago and it has yet to break
11. WHAT IS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? cereal for lunch (soulmates @ tay!!)
12. DID YOU BUY ANY NEW CLOTHES LAST WEEKEND? nothing much, like 3 shirts
15. WHO IS THE LAST PERSON YOU SENT A TEXT MESSAGE TO? one of my best friends, he sent me a tiktok
16. EVER BEEN CAMPING? nah. i think it was hasan minhaj? or trevor noah? maybe both? who once was talking about camping re: the homeland, basically like "nah that was my life, you know how hard i worked to never go camping again?" that sums up my parents' mindset LMAO so i never went growing up. and adult me is far from outdoorsy rip
17. DO YOU TAKE VITAMINS? i should but i forgot to refill them a while ago and just never did :) (edit: i got my refill guys✊🏼)
19. DO YOU HAVE A TAN? nope, she hasn't seen the sun in ages :))
20. DO YOU PREFER CHINESE OR PIZZA? uhhhhhh pizza? just bc it's way faster to get pizza than good halal chinese around here
22. WHAT COLOR SOCKS DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? black with random colors on them, i love mixing them i have a million funky pairs 🥺
24. WHAT TERRIFIES YOU? i just woke up can we NOT
25. LOOK TO YOUR LEFT, WHAT DO YOU SEE? the door to my room
26. WHAT CHORE DO YOU HATE MOST? organizing my room, there's just too much SHIT between me and my sister plus i'm a pack rat 
27. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU HEAR AN AUSTRALIAN ACCENT? my brain automatically starts copying lolol same with british accents
28. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE SODA? coke or ginger ale
29. DO YOU GO IN A FAST FOOD PLACE OR JUST HIT THE DRIVE THRU? drive-thru. if we're already in the car might as well make it a shorter trip asdfghjkl
31. WHO’S THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO? my sister just woke up and asked me what time it is
32. FAVORITE MEAT? chicken
33. LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? freaky girls- megan thee stallion feat. SZA
34. LAST BOOK YOU READ? been looking into a lot of 4th grade level books for work
35. FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK? friday night
37. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR COFFEE? don't drink it often, but even then its the sugary shit. like if someone's making a dunkin run then I'll ask for a medium caramel iced latte w/ whipped cream
38. FAVORITE PAIR OF SHOES? i got this pair of combat boots and they are so 😩😩
39. TIME YOU NORMALLY GET UP? sometimes 8ish but mostly 11:30ish. i'm so grateful for sleeping in this semester
40. WHAT DO YOU PREFER, SUNRISE OR SUNSETS? i never get to see either my room doesn't have a window rip
41. HOW MANY BLANKETS ON YOUR BED? there's no central heating/cooling in my room & it's ESPECIALLY cold this year so i currently have THREE ethnic blankets asdfghjkl
42. DESCRIBE YOUR KITCHEN PLATES. @ desi diaspora kids, you know the white ones with the blue design around the edges? yeah THOSE.
43. DESCRIBE YOUR KITCHEN AT THE MOMENT. i took a break from these Qs & went down for water earlier, it looks fine? a couple dishes in the sink but w/e
45. DO YOU PLAY CARDS? as a kid but not anymore, i've learned how to play Uno a good 4-5 times at this point but i just forget :) every time :)
48. YOUR FAVORITE STATE OR PROVINCE? unironically? punjab 💪🏼
49. FAVORITE JOB YOU’VE HAD? don't have one, they’ve all been okay
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first of all, ily!!!!!! ok second like do u have any hcs for peter harley and morgan acting like siblings and or maybe even calling themselves siblings (bc it's easier to explain) thx!!!! i love ur blog!!!
omg ily too anon :) this is cute!! there are a lot of levels to siblings:
being mean to each other
• there are a lot of wholesome aspects to acting like siblings, but most of the time? being siblings just means being mean to each other. they prank each other. they steal each other’s leftovers from the fridge. they push each other into the lake. they are never safe from the monstrosity that is themselves.
peter: has anyone seen my leftovers from last night? I put my name on them and everything
harley: *eating said leftovers*
harley, sliding the dirty plate under his placemat: nah I got no idea where your leftovers went
• morgan is sitting in the corner eating the leftover dessert, too. peter probably mopes, but then eats harley’s leftovers in revenge
• sometimes, tony is the one to eat the leftovers and he just watches as the kids all blame each other like
peter: oh, come ON harley! you are ALWAYS the one who ate my leftovers!
morgan: well it wasn’t me either
peter: harley those leftovers were gonna be sO GOOD AND YOU—
harley: it wasn’t ME!
peter: I’m gonna STRANGLE you—
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• tony thrives off of their arguing. pepper, however, does not
the wholesome part
• what rlly unifies harley and peter is their shared love/protectiveness over morgan. like? sure they’re arguing but like the SECOND someone comes for morgan, they’re both like
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• like if she’s being bullied, they’re both gonna show up at her school and just give the bullies the look until they stop. like that blank, “imma kick ur ass if u don’t watch it home slice,” look.
• this dedication to morgan, however, does not always work in their favor
harley: peter, you are such a nerd. like. you actually do your hw?? why??? cuz you’re a LOSER, that’s why!
peter: caring about my grades doesn’t make me a loser harley. failing pre algebra like YOU would make me a loser :)
harley: it’s not my fault the teacher hated me! I’m not a teacher’s pet like you—
harley: NO WAY LOSER—
morgan, walking in: *crying* I had a nightmare
peter and harley, at the speed of light: a whAT? it’ll be ok cmere we’ll help you
morgan, who only pretended to have a nightmare to get them to shut up:
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• also whenever one of them does something wrong, the others are like “LMAO that was so DUMB” until pepper or tony tries to scold them for it. at that point they’re all immediately on the side of Team Kids. “peter snuck out for late night patrols last night?? no, no, I’m certain I heard him snoring, tony! there’s no way he snuck out!! :)” “but I caught him on camera—” “no way!! must be a glitch!! :)”
• anyway in short they’re all kinda ride or die
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horrorshws-blog · 5 years
&& ramblin’ : hugo 
hugo kinda?? tends to round up other supernatural creatures by sheer circumstance but one of the most significant is probably ?? this werewolf gal named juniper who he found just fuckin nearly beefed morning after a full moon so he heaved her over his shoulder ( a little awkward bc he was technically buck ass nude given he had also just shifted ) && brought her back 2 fix her up. 
turns out she was 3 things: a self described “nomad” ( she was living from hotel to airbnb or whatever, said it was some self exploration ), she like ate 3 chickens, && she was probably the crunchiest fuckin woman he had met in his life. she was abt five yrs younger. 
obviously the next fuckin week he introduces her 2 magnus who’s like, well hey new daughter && hugos like, nah old man this is ur fuckin granddaughter i adopted her first. juniper doesn’t rlly care either way she just wants 2 lay in dirt && have somewhere to crash occasionally. so like if u go to hugo’s && there’s a whole ass hippie on the couch snoozin that’s why. he also has a pic of his family in his wallet send tweet.
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fanciful-follies · 5 years
-yeeeaaahh the entire gang is back together and everyone is (kind of) ok (at least they're all alive) -hhhhhh Aaron is so hurt 😭 -THEO NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE A CAPTAIN -"However, I have no desire to see anyone else die on this voyage" oh hell yeah!! don't let anyone die!! -looool John and Lafayette aren't being subtle at ALL ("John flicks his eyes up and down the Android, a smirk slowly making its way across his mouth" i mean,, they could at least TRY) (1/?)
-nooooOO Aaron isn't just hurt physically, but emotionally too :( -the talk™ bc Theo has no idea what's going on, rip -and again the question 'why tf does Alex trust Aaron so much?' (... bc he loves him!!) -"'Because he protects me,' Alex shouts" !!!! that's so cute (and true) i loved that part so much!! ❤️ -yeeaaah!! Theo believes/trusts him!! -"'They’ll be hung' 'I’m sorry' she says softly a few moments later.'But there is no other way'" OUCH THAT HURT ME SO MUCH (2/?)
-'And if you ever need a recommendation' it's what he deserves 🙏 -HELL YEAH THEO!!! LET ALEX SAVE THEM!!! 😍😍 - "What happened?" "Jefferson beat the shit out of me, that’s what" yikes, have I ever mentioned that Jefferson is a piece of shit? 🤔 -"I’m sure he wouldn’t refuse a check up by Doctor Laurens ;)" love that they're all feeling good enough again to make jokes (and make fun of John for liking Lafayette lol) -HE CALLS HIM GIL THAT'S SO CUTE (3/?)
-"I can’t hate him. I just can’t" 😭😭 -the friendship between Eliza and Alex is so cute 😍 -I'm glad Alex let Herc know that they're all going to be ok :') -"What makes you think I want you to stay behind? I told you already, I don’t want you to die. I’m not...you really think I’m that awful?” stop!! hurting!! them!!! (and me) [but also this part was sooo well written i lov it] -"But I wouldn’t have traded you for it" :'( -HE KNEW ALL THIS TIME?? (4/?)
-Aaron thinks he's exactly like the people that have hurt him the most wtf 😭😭 -ok just,,, the entire conversation between them was so good and sad and?? i loved it so much they rlly needed to talk to each other -“Hell, I’d let you kiss me now” he'd always let Aaron kiss him tbh lol -"So I just...I need you to trust me, too. I think I deserve that" uuuh of COURSE HE DESERVES THAT!! (5/8)
-Aaron finally apologized for the things he actually should apologize for :') -YEEAAAHHH HE ACTUALLY TOOK SOME GOLD WITH HIM!!! -Bellamy says goodbye for Herc and Maria has to make sure they don't take hours, but Aaron is just saying goodbye to Alex all alone? Like... they'll take even longer lol -THE BOOK!!! I'M ACTUALLY YELLING WTF HE HAD THAT ALL THIS TIME?? (6/8)
-yeah they're kissing!!!!! ❤️💕 -Alex wants to go with him but he can't 😭😭😭 noooo -they're kissing again!! ❤️💕 -"what are you doing?" "trying to get you to change your mind" THAT WAS SO CUTE AND SAD WTF :( - “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. Aaron.” stop making me cry smh (7/8)
-"This isn’t…we’ll meet again, right?" if they never meet each other again I'll just cry forever -LOL Bellamy and Maria must have been waiting for a long time (like I said, they took longer than Bell & Herc lmao) -Maria!!! 💕💕 -"Alex is left to stare at nothing but the open sky beneath him" hm. this is the saddest thing I've ever read and I'm dying. (8/8) OK THIS IS IT, THE LAST COMMENT!!
- AT LEAST THEY’RE ALIVE lol that is the mood for this chapter. - Yeaahh he is not doing well. - And lolll I know, such bad timing. - Theo does care she’s just pissed. - John doesn’t know how to be subtle lmao
- He is REALLY not doing well. - The theme of this whole fic is that no one has any idea what’s going on lmao. - He really does tho. - Alex is going to reflect more on why he cares about Aaron in the next chapter but y e s this was a big moment. - Tbh Theo is v impressed by Alex. - I KNOW RIGHT
- IT IS WHAT HE DESERVES. - And lollll Theo is in a tough spot, but she def doesn’t want to be responsible for Aaron, Bell, and Maria dying. - Jefferson is the WORST. - And lmaaoooo they are all just so relieved to be done with everything and on the way back home. - It is v cute,
- :D - They are best pals and I love them. - And yessss he had to let Herc know. Otherwise Herc would probably try to break them out, too lol. - Aaahhh thank you!!! I loved writing that part. -
- Aaron is going to have A LOT to deal with after this whole thing. - THANK YOU. And yes, they needed to have that talk. And, well, no spoilers, but need to talk things through even more if they get the chance ;p - And lmaaooo that’s so true. - HE DESERVES SO MUCH MORE. ALEX HAS GROWN SO MUCH.
- I KNOW HE FINALLY GOT THERE. - And lolllll right, at least someone did. - And lololol Aaron really just wanted to be alone with Alex ;p. - AARON IS ALWAYS KEEPING SO MANY SECRETS
- Had to throw in a goodbye kiss lmao. - And gah I was so torn with that. Like when I was initially drafting this fic I was gonna have Alex go with him but then I was like wait wait nah Aaron still lied to him and kind of manipulated him and Alex has his friends and his mom he wouldn’t be able to just leave them behind. - Lots of kisses x - I LOVED THAT LINE TOO lol. - Oh man, that scene was my favorite.
- You’ll find ooouuuttt :D - Bellamy was definitely eavesdropping that whole time. -  Maria is a gem. - I KNOW AND I’M SORRY.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for these comments (and for sending them again when tumblr ate them lol)
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jiilys · 6 years
ooooooohh i hope "my sort of thing" is less than 500 words too bc its brilliant
i think its way more than 500 words but!! math is nothing!!! thank u for asking me abt this!!
heres the fic btw its them on social media and i took the title from ernest hemingway bc u know what? bitch deserves it 
Remus Lupin to Sirius Black: turn down gasolina
tribute 2 bonnie’s best thought as is required by law
Lily Evans to Sirius Black: tell potter to stop trying to engage me with fruit based wordplay
Sirius Black: he’ll be gutted
Sirius Black: also how did u get this number
Lily Evans: its written in the girls bathroom with TWAT over it
Sirius Black: and u assumed it was me
Lily Evans: well potter doesnt have an 021 number
okay so two things: when i was first was writing this there was a bit above it where james was in the group chat and said smth like ‘christ just saw lil and asked if she was peachy keen’ and then peter said something and it like wasnt??great?? and i sent it to el and she was like ‘cut it its funnier without the context’ anf she was right as always 
also in the tags someone was like ‘021 number spot the new zealander’ and i have never Felt So Known
lily rear ending james orginally was like More Of A Thing but it turns out its funnier if there are 0 details like i like to imagine she full on hits him while trying to park sits in her car for a full ten minutes trying to decide whether to drive off before leaving a note on his car bc u know....... she gotta
Sirius Black to James Potter: im in the assembly hall replacing all the trophies with vodka bottles
James Potter: no ur not
James Potter: cause im in the assembly hall replacing the curtains with glad wrap
Sirius Black: nah im in dumstrams assembly hall
James Potter: we dont go to dumstram
the image of james like.... looking around the completely empty assembly hall.... confused.. next to a garbage bag of vodka bottles...... Priceless 
i was SO WORRIED everyone would think this was a typo but like full offence... they 1000% called that school dumbstrum and then it just got shortened to dumstram over the years and now like no one can remember what the real name is 
James Potter to can giraffes get ripped: if evans asks I dont know who coldplay is
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: potter loves coldplay and went to their concert in 2011
Peter Pettigrew to Lily Evans: james’ favourite coldplay song is charlie brown
Remus Lupin to Lily Evans: if u play ‘fix you’ once james has had one (1) beer he will tear up and pretend its hay fever  
James Potter to can giraffes get ripped: no one here has any fucking loyalty
this is another bonnie tribute cause orginially i had his favourite as like waterfalls or smth?? and bonnie was like. no. make it charlie brown. and i was like. as u wish bc everything, really, is about the princess bride 
Peter Pettigrew to it should be pengu not pingu: sirius u ate all the humus and now mums pissed
Sirius Black: did u tell liz it was me
Sirius Black: say it was lupin
Remus Lupin: do not
group chat name is an andy reference love u dream girl 
also ‘do not’ is Peak Remus like he rlly would be that bitch and sirius rlly is, at heart, a basic fucking white chick so ofc hes all over hummus 
Unknown: so long dickweed im going underground
James Potter: does this mean ur missing bake off
Unknown: no obvsly ill go after bake off im not an animal
would this reference be outdated now whats happening in britain would i now have to talk about love island in new zealand the go to is always like shortland street bc its so stupid that its always in the news so you dont have to watch it to keep up 
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: u want me and james 2 punch avery 4 the calling u poor thing
Lily Evans: no
Lily Evans: do not do that
Sirius Black: wish youd sent this earlier
he fully sent this like right after doing it what a shit 
hes the best 
Sirius Black to Remus Lupin: u look awful did u sleep last night
Sirius Black: go home
Remus Lupin: i cant miss bio
Sirius Black: ill go for u
Remus Lupin: u dont take bio
Sirius Black: irrelevant
this is peak sirius being like Chaotic Good 4 only the ppl he gives a shit abt 
Remus Lupin to Peter Pettigrew: tell sirius his bag is open
Peter Pettigrew: why don’t u tell him
Remus Lupin: im not speaking to him bc he said james glasses’ made me look like a wombat
this is my favourite bit and like no one else ever comments on it but like..... hes so hurt theyre not even speaking............. petty doesnt even cover it 
Sirius Black: it would be THE HONOUR OF YOUR LIFE to get blown by me u fucking heathen
this is everyones favourite bit and i think thats cool im going 2 try and get ‘heathen’ back in the vernacular 
Lily Evans to James Potter: sirius just said i look pretty and didnt ask to borrow gas money after
sirius black yet again being the king of Chaotic Good. also this: 
James Potter: if i said u looked pretty every time you did id never say anything else
hes so gone 4 her its embarassing 
Sirius Black to Lily Evans: heard ur dying
Sirius Black: can i have ur nice waterbottle
i have been funny exactly 4 times and that bit above is like at least two of them 
The Fish Joke was so weird when i first thought of it but i needed a james/peter bit and i was like u know what........ Its Happening Lads
Remus Lupin: this isnt about you do you know what lily said to peter abt james
Remus Lupin: peter was bein all dramatic and said ‘hes dying’
Remus Lupin: and lily said ‘dont be ridiculous he would never do that to me’
Sirius Black: when are they going to fuck
Remus Lupin: yeah i thought it was rather romantic myself
tbh shouldve saved this line for a like live action fic cause i dont think it works as well over text 
Lily Evans to James Potter: at the risk of sounding like a tit im rlly tired of not kissing you
Lily Evans: as in i would really very much like to kiss you now and often
Lily Evans: its so late and i like you so much
Lily Evans: you always know how to make me laugh
like that stuff?? those are the kind of lines that only work over text bc a normal human person would never say all that at once in person but over text there is this whole gulf between you and that person so its just lily in her room saying all the stupid romantic shit bc she knows hes the real deal 
anyway thanks for this!!! this fic isnt actually too bad so!! looking over it again was fun im sorry i took so long 2 answer i hope this!! was what u wanted!
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yoongspd · 6 years
yo i’ve been tagged by @orb1tch to do this, tysm dear <3 
it said i should be tagging 20 people sooo im choosing some new and old mutuals for this. if you wanna do this go ahead, and if you don’t want to or already have dont mind this it’s okk !!! hi @syubah, @kimnamtaejin, @mangplushie, @lovehobs, @gukster, @mozartae, @bangpdofficial, @kyut-tea, @jinhits, @yeontaen, @jintroduction, @min-jesus, @justinsgf, @napmon, @bbyjoonbug, @hoshikio, @cypheryg, @dykescult im tagging yall.
- drink: water
- call: my mom
- text: my mom lmao
- song u listened to: rn im listening to home by brockhampton
- time u cried: yesterday morning but it wasn’t sad crying
have u ever
- dated someone twice: nope never punch me in the face if i do
- kissed someone & regretted it: no
- been cheated on: yes.
- lost someone special: yes
- been depressed: i haven’t been checked by a doctor but yeap and it comes in waves
- gotten drunk & thrown up: yeap lmao it wasnt a good experience
favorite colors
1. beige
2. white
3. blue
in the last year have u
- made any new friends: yes
- fallen out of love: no
- laughed so hard that u cried: yes !!
- found out someone was talking abt u: i guess yeah but i dont remember but it probably happened
- found out who ur friends were: yep
- kissed someone on ur fb friends list: no
- how many ppl from ur fb friends do u know irl: 300+ ?? idk maybe more cb these are usually school people and relatives so it’s a lot
- do u have any pets: no T_______T
- do u want to change ur name: nah
- what did u do for ur birthday last year: we probably ate outside i think and my friends and i went out too
- what were u doing last night at midnight: i was asleep !
- what time did u wake up today: 5:30 am
- what is something u can’t wait for: im pretty patient nowadays, ya know enjoying the present but hmm the first thing on my mind when i force this question wld be living a stable life and giving back to my family
- have u ever talked to a person named tom: yeap and i had a huge crush on him
- something that gets on ur nerves: the philippine government !!! cronies are taking over and pulling my country back in the dumps !!!!
- most visited website: tumblr ??
- hair color: it’s colored medium brown rn but it’s naturally dark brown
- short hair or long hair: short
- do u have a crush on someone: yeap, realizing it yesterday was what made me cry
- what do u like abt urself: my mind probably and how looking back i see ive gotten through so many things already :)
- want any piercings: yeap !!1 but i have sensitive ears so i havent had any since i was 12 :///
- blood type: B
- nicknames: chesca/ches but people close to me irl call me chikay, and my family has these nicknames for me: kay/king/chi
- relationship status: single
- zodiac sign: scorpio
- pronouns: she/her
- fave tv shows: i dont rlly watch tv :(((( but the last ones ive seen were friends and stranger things. i like them but i dont think about them much
- tattoos: nope
- right handed or left handed: right
- ever had surgery: yep. i don’t have an appendix now hnfgjsfgks
- sport: im one of the least athletic people you’ll ever meet but i know some softball because i’ve written a sports article on the championship game for our intramurals lmaoooooooo
- vacation: dream vacation ?? any place w rich culture and history. but if this is asking what i did on vacation aside from staying home, we went to Mactan, Cebu last summer. It was beautiful :)
- trainers: ?? hmm i love wearing them bc theyre comfy and i need them bc my feet easily tire
more general:
- eating: i last ate a breakfast meal at mcdonalds w my roomies
- drinking: water
- i’m about to watch: blue is the warmest color tomorrow (i wasnt planning to watch a film actually but this made me think and aaah ok i need to watch this tomorrow while i have nothing to do)
- waiting for: classes to start
- want: a 4.0 GPA at least once and nothing below 3.5 this college
- get married: when im financially stable
- career: i wanna be a corporate lawyer
which is better:
- hugs or kisses: tight hugs !!!
- lips or eyes: eyes :>
- shorter or taller: a taller boii but if we’re talking about girls hmm a petite smol one wld be so cute (im definitely talking about someone here) :(((((((((((
- older or younger: older
- nice arms or stomach: arms
- hookup or relationship: rn i rlly dont need a relationship so id settle for a hookup if i get needy hhhh
- troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker (bc i am one, not intentionally just bc im A Fool)
have you ever:
- kissed a stranger: no
- drank hard liquor: yeap
- lost glasses: yeap all my glasses except the one im wearing rn and the last one i used bc i broke it
- turned someone down: i didn’t have a chance to
- sex on first date: no
- broken someone’s heart: people said so
- had your heart broken: yes
- been arrested: no
-  cried when someone died: yes
- fallen for a friend: yes :/
do you believe in:
- yourself: now i do !!
- miracles: maybe
- love at first sight: no
- santa claus: no
- kiss on first date: it depends
- angels: yeap
- best friend’s name: june (so like i hardly use the nickname joon when i go hard bc that’s just Weird, man)
- eye colour: brown
- fave movie: kimi no nawa :///// or dead poets society
- fave actor: ... i dont watch films much :( ask me about books instead
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