#myths unless u know someone
skelekins · 8 months
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Many surface monsters are regarded as faeries after the monsters below ground were forgotten and their connections lost. However they still dust on death, and their blood will dry to those same granules.
While some humans have found ways to prevent parts from dusting, the most common faerie-related commodity in the black markets is 'faerie dust'. Surface monsters tend to bleed in different colors, with their dust carrying traces of magic even in death.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
Who do you think is Apollo's favourite uncle, and favourite aunt, both in rr!verse and in general?
Ah yes, the long debated question. We know Apollo is everyone’s favorite, but who is his favorite? 👀
Favorite Uncle: Poseidon
I feel like this is true in mythology and the RRverse (unless Eclipse happens. Then it’s Hades. sorry Poseidon lol)
this was especially true during ancient times when the gods were a lot more interactive with each other. Not to mention Apollo and Poseidon had LOTS of myths where they interacted!
we have their time in Troy. Also that one time Poseidon was like “aight I need u to fight me, okay? But u have to start it because I’m supposed to be the responsible one since I’m older”
And Apollo was like “…🤨 no thanks ❤️”
I bet Poseidon chose Apollo because if he has to fight someone, he would like to duke it out with his favorite nephew lmao
And he DID get that fight in the Dionysica. Idk the details of it besides Hermes going “wtf” at Poseidon 😔 but one day I will…I just have a lot of books to get through first lmao
Favorite Aunt: Demeter
“but what about Hestia—”
sure, Apollo likes Hestia, but you’re gonna tell me that Apollo, god of light and averted of plague—which includes pests like locusts and mice—wouldn’t adore Demeter, goddess of agriculture???!!!
u are WRONG if u say no ❤️
and like imagine this: baby Apollo arrives on Olympus after his nine-year exile and is OVERWHELMED by it.
are you gonna tell me Demeter didn’t take one look at this wide-eyed lost child and go “I now have joint custody” and proceeded to mother hen him.
this would ALSO open the gateway to Apollo and Persephone becoming friends, because I LOVE to idea of Persephone being the Weird Big Sister :3
There’s Athena, the one who keeps them out of Major trouble. Artemis who provides a feedback loop for Persephone’s more wild side. Persephone who drags them around Greece for something to do. And Apollo, the baby brother who hangs with his sisters and loves them so much 💕💕
and they do each other’s hair because I say so ❤️
Demeter is also there so she also is the aunt who spent to most time with Apollo, further reenforcing the fact she’s the fav aunt :3 she also does their hair and put sunflowers in Apollo’s <3
and I think this ALSO goes for both mythology and RRverse! Seems kinda cool that light’s favorite family members are water and earth, two things combined with light to make…life.
I am so poetic <3
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foxglovepng · 1 month
Wittle request since I am very Mentally Eel (lol) but could u do some hcs of how do u think the Tweels, Azul and Lilia would react to like, meeting someone who is very into Moray Eels. Like, have plushies, use moray puns, memorized the entire Wikipedia article bout em, etc.
Have a great day, eat a meal, drink water, if u need take ur meds and sleep well!!
Characters: Tweels, Azul, Lilia
CW: not proofread (When do I ever proofread)
A/n: I am SO SORRY This request took so long I am going through requests now and doing them. They are getting done but not as fast as I would like. (Writer's block and loss of motivation go BRR)
Thank you also! I hope you have a great day as well and make sure to take care of yourself. If you have a cat tell them I said Pspsppss
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
He doesn't really find your interest bothersome just more of a "If you have any questions ask Jade." type of deal.
Although he'd be really thrown off if you suddenly wanted to start talking about Octopusses.
If you start ranting he would gladly listen to what information you have (and maybe make a contract so he can find information he doesn't have). He could also use this time to get blackmail unless it's something he already knows.
In a romantic sense, I feel he'd be a little upset and insecure if you talk about Moray Eels constantly. (SHOW HIM SOME LOVE TO SMH)
Overall is not really bothered but will exploit your information as blackmail.
He finds your interest in Moray eels adorable. He tries to answer any questions you may have he will tease you a little bit about your interest, but in return, you listen to him talk about mushrooms (Think of it as an information exchange). If you ask to see his eel form he'd be like "Oh? you wish to see my eel form?" he'd show you it since you asked nicely but would also give you a water-breathing potion so you can explore whatever body of water Octavinelle has.
I can imagine if you ask a myth about eels and he debunks It "Erm actually 🤓☝️" (joke)
Overall he'd be more helpful than Floyd would be
Depending on Floyd's mood he will either be impressed and intrigued or annoyed.
So it's a 50/50 if you wanna ask questions. (Very helpful Floyd)
Although when you do have questions he'd either send you to Jade or drag you to the Octavinelle equivalent of an ocean. If you complain about clothes getting wet or the water being cold he'd be like, "Whaat? You asked."
If he's in a bad mood he would probably shoo you away or make some lie up leaving you to go find Jade.
Floyd is just a silly guy fr
Lilia finds your interest amuzing. If he knows any information he'll give it to you if you ask nicely if he doesn't then he will help you get information by either going to Jade or reading about it via online or the library books.
He would gladly listen to your rants and whatever information you have to share he may even teach you a thing or two about Fae's.
Imagine him playing the Overwatch or Valorant equivalent (We are not a Fortnite household) clacking away on his keyboard while listening to you talk about how Moray Eels have poor eyesight so they need their nose (They have really good noses btw) to help them navigate.
And then it causes questions as to why Jade and Floyd aren't wearing glasses on land.
Thank you for reading. If you'd like to share your thoughts or make any corrections feel free to shoot me a message. Have a lovely day <3
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restinslices · 4 months
Could u write earthrealm guys with a vampire reader? And like sometimes she feeds on them 👀
*asks for vampire requests* *proceeds to procrastinate*
Johnny Cage 
Honestly it'd probably take him awhile to grasp how serious the situation is 
It's not that he wouldn't believe you, but he'd probably think you're joking at first 
Says something like “yeah and I'm a werewolf”
You insist that you're serious and something about the tone of your voice makes him realize you're being truthful 
He saw that crazy shit in Outworld so it's not completely unreasonable 
He's kinda jealous though 
You're gonna be young and hot forever? And you have powers? Sounds like bullshit to him 
He probably asks questions that have to do with your age and how long you've been alive 
I think he would weirdly find you drinking from him kinda hot, especially depending on when and where you drink from him 
Drinking from him shuts him up for awhile since he's all dazed, so it'd be understandable if you drank from him a lot 
I don't even think he'd cover up the marks. He treats him as if they're hickies 
He's probably told the other champions too because his mouth is big 
And knowing Johnny, he's thinking of all the movies you could be in since people love vampires 
Also knowing Johnny, if you can compel people, he'd use that for his benefit 
If all you have to do is say a couple words and his debt is forgiven, then he's definitely using that 
He sees how many pros there are and asks to be turned 
The thing is though, he's only looking at the pros
You have to continuously remind him of the cons but it goes in one ear and out the other 
He will not let it go at all. You don't have to turn him right away, but if you don't give him a specific date for when he'd be turned, he'd become insufferable 
Becomes Bella Swan lowkey-
Kenshi Takahashi
Probably also thinks you're joking 
Once it's clear you're not though, y'all can lowkey be a power couple 
Imagine it for a second 
You both cutting through the Yakuza and restoring his clan 
You being a vampire makes it a lot easier. He's fighting, you're eating. It's going great 
He's not too bothered by the whole vampire thing. There's a few quirks that may throw him off, but overall it's ok 
When it comes to feeding off him, uhhhh… he's a bit shaky about it 
I think that's a valid reaction too
You'd ask and he'd be like “um… do you have to?”
He'd occasionally offer you his wrist 
Otherwise he'd prefer if you didn't unless it's necessary 
Why do I get this vibe? I couldn't tell you 
I don't even think he'd really want to be a vampire 
It's not that he doesn't wanna be one. He just doesn't think about it 
He could be tempted if you said his eyes would heal and he'd have his normal vision back but that could depend on the day 
His sight is already restored but pretending to be blind may get annoying. Who knows
I still don’t understand how his sight works now. I gotta rewatch a play through
Being a vampire has its main perk which is living forever but idk if he’d want that. I can see Kenshi being someone who is both afraid of death but also is comforted by all life having a solid ending
Maybe his thoughts will change
I really don't think he'd be too bothered by you being a vampire though. Just don't make a mess on his carpet 
I think you having the ability to defend yourself would weirdly comfort him 
Not having to watch over you and make sure you're ok all the time is something he'd appreciate 
You're literally eating the opponents. This seems like a great deal 
Kung Lao
I wanna start this off by saying Kung Lao is the type of petty bitch to get mad at you and hold garlic to keep you away 
And he'll be in such shock if you walk over and slap it out his hand
You'll just be staring at each other in silence 
Kung Lao probably tests all sort of vampire myths on you 
“Get out the house then try and come back in” “Why?” “You can't come in if I don't invite you, right?” “This is our house though” “I don't get your point”
Prays over water then throws it at you 
Idek if Kung Lao is religious so idk why he thought that would work 
“Can I stake you through the heart?” “I'm gonna throw you out the window”
Puts a mirror in front of your face to see if you have a reflection. He’s upset either way
If you do, he’s like “wow. Another lie”
If you don’t he’s wondering how you manage to look decent still
It honestly can become obnoxious and I think he'd have the tendency to act as if he knows more about vampires than you 
Because surely all the movies he watched had to be somewhat right 
If you’re like a Twilight vampire and sparkle, he’s never letting you live it down
You can’t control this but he would find it comical. Out of all the vampires you’re similar to Edward Cullen?
When it comes to drinking from him, uhhh I don't really get a certain vibe 
Idk if he'd be down or against it. Maybe it depends on the day 
On the topic of feeding, I don't think he'd like seeing you eat people 
He knows it happens but doesn't wanna see you chomping on someone. It makes his skin crawl 
Overall, is he kinda obnoxious? Yeah. But he could've tried to kill you so a win is a win ig
As a side note, idk if he'd be interested in becoming a vampire 
It’s a thing he gotta weigh. On one hand he’d be in his best shape for the rest of his life. On the other hand he doesn’t wanna deal with all the inconveniences
He might be somewhat uncomfortable 
He doesn't think you'll harm him but he probably doesn't want you to eat others in front of him 
What evidence do I have for this? None. 
It's just what makes sense in my brain 
He asks a lot of questions though. A lot of them are cliche based but that's ok 
“So… Garlic?” “It smells funny but that's about it”
I could see him forgetting honestly. He won't be really involved when it comes to feeding. Like he won't help lure people or be around you when you're feeding from someone and since he doesn't see that, it just slips his mind 
Especially if you're one of those vampires that look normal until you're aggravated or feeding 
He's only reminded by almost killing you. He pulls the curtains back on a very sunny day and is like “oh shit” when you scream 
When it comes to feeding from him… no❤
Idk why but I just don't think he'd be down unless you were dying 
He doesn't like how it hurts and how dazed he feels after. Find someone else to do it 
And it’s kinda awkward. He’s just standing there as you’re sipping him like a juice box
Probably isn't really interested in becoming a vampire 
Him and Liu Kang are probably the least interested but for different reasons 
Raiden just doesn't particularly care about the whole living forever thing. Maybe that's because he's young so he's not worried about dying but that's just how he views it 
I think him and Kung Lao are the youngest in the group so they probably have the “I’m young so I’m not worried about anything!” mindset
Can he be killed still? Yeah. But so can vampires. It’s just harder. He’s at an age where he’s not thinking about old age
Plus the negative side effects push him away even further. I don't see him as the type to be totally ok with having to drink blood all the time and look out for hunters 
You can be a vampire and not hurt innocent people but it’s harder I would assume. And if he didn’t drink from humans he’d be hunting down animals and idk if he’d really like biting animals either
There’s blood bags but now he gotta be a thief? It’s a no for right now
Liu Kang
He knew 
I'm not saying Liu Kang watches every single person born intensely but he probably saw it 
Here's how it'd go;
A) He saw you be turned when he was watching humanity 
B) He picked up on the evidence 
C) You were a vampire in the previous timeline and either he didn't change it, or he knew there was a chance it'd happen again 
If the situation was like C, then he wouldn't really be weirded out by certain vampire things, like feeding
He'd be similar to Raiden in the sense that he's not the type to help lure people towards you 
Your food. Your responsibility 
As long as you're not feeding from totally innocent people, then I think he wouldn't have a problem 
If you were drinking from kids or a civilian that's super nice and helpful, then he'd have a problem 
He might suggest animals ngl 
Feeding from him? It's another situation where I don't know if he'd be for or against that 
He probably won't be as dazed as the others since he's a god and whatnot but who is tryna get bit all the time?
In the same breath though, I can see him offering his wrist if you were thirsty and there wasn't good prey around 
So maybe it depends on circumstances 
No if there’s plenty of options around. Yes if it’s a bit dry around
Like Kenshi, he's glad you have the power to defend yourself. Chaos, violence and smoke follows this man so you gotta be a fighter 
He doesn't know how he feels about you eating the competition but whatever 
And don't even bother offering to turn him. He's already a god. What more does he need?
It'd be way more negative for him. He has strength, powers and combat skills. Now he has the need for blood, has to avoid sunlight and whatever other bullshit vampires gotta deal with?
Hard pass 
He'll just watch and live through you 
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user-rui · 1 year
Dragon Shifter!Seme!Male!Reader x Human!Uke!Male!Insert
(U/n) = Uke name (Y/n) = Your name
Whoops, got busy, hehe. I hope you have a lovely day :).
This is a text that has you inserting yourself and another male of your choice. Put anyone you want maybe it'll work out (though I've written it with male x male in mind). I just like refering to my uke's as smaller, so sorry if your uke in mind is larger. Also cross posted on Ao3 right here.
-Narrator's POV-
In a land where both humans and mythical creatures co-exist, there lives a dragon, or more specifically, a dragon shifter. He can change from full dragon, to half dragon and half human, all the way to full human, or anything in between. He's quite powerful, which is why this dragon is being worshipped by the inhabitants of the lonely village. Everyone would think that a scary, fire breathing dragon would scare the crap out of everyone, but it turns out, that they were completely incorrect. Dragons are still scary and respected creatures just like the myths say, but unless something provokes it, they are calm enough to just ignore whatever's going on. Of course, it doesn't stop the inhabitants of the small village from worshipping the dragon.
Now, how did an all mighty dragon find it's way to this in the middle of nowhere village? All because of someone named (U/n) (Uke last name). This male apparently had gotten lost while going out for firewood. He had managed to wander from the forest all the way to the top of the mountain without getting severely hurt the entire way. The dragon had kindly brought the lost male back home, and had decided to stay in the village. The dragon, who's name is (Y/n), began to protect the village from the dark monsters that were living in the forest.
Ever since the dragon laid eyes on the small human male that had wandered into his territory, he had taken a liking towards him, and it was only a matter of time before the dragon had confessed. Not soon after they had begun to do some more things couples would do, like hugging, cuddling, going on flights, hunting, occasionally kissing, you know, stuff couples will do, another activity the couple enjoyed to do is mating. Which is exactly what the two are about to do. 
"(U/n).. Come on.. Let's do it.." The dragon shifter pleaded as he began to rub himself all over his lover. He was currently in his human form, as having out his dragon features could cut or scratch the smaller male unintentionally. 
"(Y/n), is it time for mating?" the (uke hair colour) haired male asked, using his hands to try and push the taller male away, but it wasn't really working. "Mmm.. Please.." He whined in a needy tone, pushing himself onto (U/n). As the two stumbled across the small room, they somehow ended up on the bed, with (Y/n) on top of his lover. (U/n) squealed as he fumbled to push off the taller male, but as you could assume, it wasn't working.
"(U/n).. I love you," (Y/n) whispered before connecting their lips together in a passionate kiss. The smaller male was humming sounds of protests into the kiss, pushing uselessly against the taller male's buff figure. Soon, the noises of protest had changed into noises of pleasure, as (U/n) moved his hands around the dragon shifter's neck, pulling the taller male closer to himself as he returned the kiss. "Clothes.." (Y/n) panted through the kiss.
His hands were already wandering all over the smaller male's body, roughly ripping away the articles of clothing around him. (U/n) whimpered as he felt his clothes disappear, and he was soon left naked underneath his lover. "(U/n).. How about now? Can we.. mate?" The smaller male looked so aroused, with his flushed pink cheeks and fidgeting body. "Mm.. Alright" he mumbled with flushed cheeks, successfully earning a happy noise from his lover. With lightning speed, he stripped himself, tossing his clothes to the side.
He looked at (U/n) hungrily, before leaning down to leave a large dark hickey on the side of (U/n)'s neck, where everyone would be able to see. (Y/n) hummed happily, leaving more hickey's all over, marking the smaller male as his territory. He could feel himself get more and more lustful as he began to rub his hand over his lover's stomach, soon going down to the other's semi hard member.
(U/n) let out a groan as he grinded his hips against (Y/n)'s hand, wanting to get more friction and pleasure. The smaller male whined loudly when he felt the hand get lifted. "(Y-y/n).. Hurry.. I want you.. now..." He said, rubbing himself all over the bed sheets and staring with lustful (uke eye colour) eyes. (Y/n) smirked and flipped his lover over, putting the smaller male on all fours. Without a warning, the taller male shoved an oiled finger into (U/n)'s ass, keeping it in there for a moment before wiggling it all around. The smaller male was rubbing his cock over the sheets, getting his sticky pre-cum all over it.
"More.. Faster.." (U/n) mumbled, shaking his hips to try and get the finger deeper. "So needy, want me to fuck your brains out?" (Y/n) asked with a sly tone as he thrusted another finger into his lover. The other male let out a shriek and jerked a little, before squeezing his ass tight. Soon another finger was added, leaving the smaller male panting and moaning. "J-just fuck me already.." (U/n) whispered, his face bright red as he held onto the sheets. "Hm~ So straightforward. Tell me," (Y/n) said, leaning over to talk into his lover's ear.
"Between gentle and rough, which do you prefer~?"
The dragon shifter complied, getting behind his lover and pulling his wet hole towards him, making the tip of his large member poke the entrance. (U/n) let out a surprised gasp, but didn't do anything to stop him. Instead, the smaller male encouraged his lover by leaning backwards and trying to get his large dick inside of his hole. He let out lots of needy sounds, gritting his teeth as he could feel the other's member slide past his entrance, but never enter. (Y/n) chuckled before helping out, shoving his member into (U/n) ass in one swift motion, immediately pushing into the deepest parts of his lover and making him scream. 
"The neighbours are going to hear if you don't lower it down," (Y/n) purred, slowly pulling his cock out to the tip before smashing it back in with a loud slapping sound. He did it a couple times, making the smaller male underneath him scream every single time. "I'm going to fuck you properly now.." the dragon shifter informed, grabbing onto (U/n)'s arms and holding him up. (Y/n) began to thrust now, hard and rough, just like his lover had asked.
"Ah! Ah~ Mmm~ (Y-y/n)..~ Harder!!" The smaller male was drooling all over himself, his hard on swinging from the force (Y/n) was using to fuck him. "T-there~ Right there~!" (U/n) suddenly cried, tossing his head up and tightening like crazy. The dragon shifter made a happy noise and groaned happily as he thrusted harder for his love. (Y/n) was huffing loudly every time he pounded in, his cock touching the deepest parts of (U/n) every time. 
"Shit~ Gonna cum~" The taller male groaned a he pounded even harder, feeling his orgasm come near. "M-me too~" (U/n) moaned, leaning backwards and cocking his head to the side. "K-kiss~" the smaller male mumbled as he opened his mouth. The dragon shifter complied and connected their mouths in a sloppy kiss, getting faster and faster as he could feel a knot form in his stomach. He began to purr into the kiss from feel over pleasure.
Soon, both (Y/n) and (U/n) couldn't hold back anymore, both of them cumming at the same time, with (Y/n) filling his lover up with all his thick semen and (U/n) spilling all over the covers. The taller male panted as he rode out his orgasm, his cum overflowing out of the smaller male. Both of them huffed as they collapsed onto the bed. "I love you.." (U/n) muttered, right before falling unconscious. The dragon shifter smiled softly and gently pecked his lover's cheek.
"I love you too, my mate."
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serenasoutherlyns · 4 months
simplicity and other myths - chapter two
“You basically just told her we’re fucking,” said Olivia. “Thanks, by the way.”
cabenovak. mature. ao3. chapter one.
Alex set about her morning how she usually did, how she did since she came back to the city. It wasn’t the same as what she did before she left, and it wasn’t the same as what she did while she was gone. When she was at her most pessimistic, it felt like she hadn’t really come back but but started completely over, like Alex Cabot was just another alias to live under. This was one of those mornings.
She took two pills: one prevented migraines, the other kept her anxiety in check. There were some scars that didn’t heal, and they weren’t all on her shoulder. Her tea was steeped, her toast was toast. Butter and cinnamon sugar, half and half and honey. She turned on the radio. She thought about Olivia. She wasn’t surprised, but couldn’t help the disappointment at her reaction to her resurfacing. It wasn’t like Alex hadn’t left her before, and she didn’t mean after… everything. She couldn’t expect Olivia to just welcome her back in with open arms. She’d missed Olivia all those years. And she missed Olivia desperately when she’d gotten back. This was just the reaction that had kept her from reaching out. She knew that just showing up wasn’t the best way to do it. She couldn’t change that it was how she did.
She wondered who Olivia was seeing. Was it someone from work? That was where Olivia met most people she knew, unless something had changed. Or maybe someone had set her up with their cousin. Maybe it was a reporter, or a doctor. Maybe it was a man, maybe it was a woman. What were they like? What did Olivia see in them?
Did Olivia still think about her the way she thought about Olivia? She couldn’t expect to be taken back, especially not so soon, not after so long. She still wished she could be.
Was that Casey Novak? A flash of red hair zipped past her on a bicycle and stopped at the racks in front of the courthouse. It appeared to be her. Alex had some time before she needed to be inside. She didn’t know whether to say hi or not. It might not be worth bringing up all that intensity right now. Maybe she didn’t need to be intense. She could say hello, and maybe it would sound something like thank you.
“Casey?” The redhead clipped her helmet to her u-lock and stood up. She did a double take at the sight of Alex.
“Alex, hey,” said Casey, catching her breath. She was certainly not dressed for court. “I heard you were back in town.”
“How?” said Alex, before thinking about it. Casey seemed to blush.
“The grapevine,” she said.
“What are you doing at the courthouse?” Alex asked.
“Good question,” laughed Casey. As far as Alex knew, through Serena, Casey was a consultant now. “Olivia left this at my apartment,” she said, gesturing to a sweatshirt in her hand. “I was over here meeting a client and figured I’d bring it over.”
Alex tried to contain her jealous surprise. After a long pause that saw Casey looking puzzled, she said, “Who’s the client?”
Casey waved her hand. “You don’t wanna hear about that, I promise. It’s nice to see you back, Alex.” With that, she gestured to the steps and was off. Alex gathered her thoughts and tucked them away for later. She went up the steps. Well, at least she could see what Olivia saw in her.
--- “One sec,” Casey called towards the door. She turned down the heat on the sauce on the stove. Olivia had a knack for showing up right when Casey was about to burn something.
“Hey,” she said when she opened the door. “You look nice,” she said with a little surprise. “Dress up for me?” Olivia was in a black dress that looked comfortable but clung nicely to her. Casey liked it.
“I am capable of it,” said Olivia. She kissed Casey. “Hi. It smells good in here.” Casey went back to the stove and Olivia put the wine on the counter.
“I went for steak and peppercorn sauce,” said Casey.
“Mm, thank you,” said Olivia. She marveled at Casey’s talents regularly. “How was your day?” She pulled the corkscrew out of the drawer. “Oh, thank you for my sweatshirt, it was so cold. They decided to turn off the heat at the precinct as soon as it hit 50.”
“They do that every year, Liv.”
“Be that as it may,” said Olivia, but didn’t finish. She poured two glasses of wine and they clinked them together.
“Oh,” said Casey, “I saw Alex yesterday.”
“Doing what?” said Olivia.
“Dropping off your sweatshirt,” said Casey. “She seemed really surprised by that. Changed the topic. She asked about my client.”
“Casey, you can’t be surprised by that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You basically just told her we’re fucking,” said Olivia. “Thanks, by the way.” Olivia was surprised she wasn’t too bothered, but she wasn’t. Alex knew she wasn’t exactly single, so what difference did it make if she knew who?
“I guess,” said Casey. “Are we doing the table or the couch?” Asked Casey, beginning to plate the meal.
“Couch,” said Olivia. “And can we watch a movie?”
“You want to commit to that? What if I’m asleep when it’s over?” She drew out the last words, carrying the plates to the coffee table.
“Fair point,” said Olivia, who always forgot how early Casey went to bed. “An episode of Buffy?”
Casey shook her head. “The new Santigold album, I’ve wanted to listen to it all week.” She pulled it out of her CD tower.
“Alright,” said Olivia, “if it’ll keep your energy up. Can’t have you falling asleep on me.”
“No, nobody wants that.” Casey smiled and winked. “How did drinks end up going?”
“Awkwardly,” said Olivia between bites. “I can understand where she was coming from, but being here for months and not reaching out… It just doesn’t sit right. She said she regretted how things ended the last time they did. I can’t help but feel like that’s not enough.”
“I don’t think it is,” said Casey. “But it doesn’t help that you had such a long time to get over it. And now she’s back in your life.”
“Exactly,” said Olivia. “I didn’t know if I would ever see her again after the trial.”
“When she was here for that,” said Casey, “and feel free not to answer, but did she apologize then?”
“No,” said Olivia. “She was so focused on the task at hand, and I understand that. She said, she wished she had given us a chance, back in the day.”
“No use regretting the past,” said Casey. “Just my two cents.”
“Yeah,” said Olivia, mopping up the last of the sauce on her plate with a piece of baguette. “God this is good, Case.”
Casey shook her head and turned it down. “It’s not my best work,” she said. “But thank you.”
“Do you still have feelings for her?” she asked when they were all done with dinner. Olivia thought she caught a wobble in her voice.
“I didn’t think so,” she said. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s okay if you do,” said Casey.
“I know,” said Olivia. She put the plates in the dishwasher. She took Casey’s hands and held them against the countertop. “But I don’t think I do.” There wasn’t much talking after that.
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cannabiscomrade · 10 months
silly question but he do u know if your stuff is laced or if it’s just sugar candy crystals
well I would just say if your weed has a crystal powder in it don't smoke it regardless, unless someone you know and trust put concentrate in it, and you know what concentrate looks like. and know what kiefy weed looks like.
this really isn't as common of a problem as people make it out to be, however I don't want to say it doesn't happen either. Just not on massive dealing scales.
and I'll just explain for transparency that I have been drugged by having my weed laced with heroin. I was smoking with my abuser and he put something on top that he said was concentrate, and I know now it didn't look like concentrate.
there aren't testing kits for weed (that I know of) like there are for other drugs, but in the case of fentanyl you don't even need to worry about weed laced with fentanyl because the temps needed to combust cannabinoids make the fentanyl ineffective. Fentanyl laced weed is a myth.
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purpledisastertwin900 · 8 months
And if you’re anything like me, you love spooky season but have an overactive imagination and continue to get scared witless bc of the spookies you see, read about or watch movies about. So! I compiled a list of all the rules that trick my brain into not being scared anymore, and I hope it helps!
1. Spookies cannot haunt in the daytime. Doesn’t matter if you’re inside or in the shade, or if the sun don’t come out. If it is daytime then they cannot spook. Its not included in their insurance so if it’s daytime, you’re automatically safe.
2. Spookies can only get at you if you are alone- if there’s at least one other person with you, you’re safe. The other persons energy mixed with yours creates a barrier of about a houses circumference that will prevent spookies from getting inside it. You’re good
3. If you are in bed and you have a pillow, the spooky cannot get within 3 feet of your bed. If your bed is up against two walls, that adds 6 feet. If you have a blanket that can cover your whole body, that’s another 3 feet. If you have multiple pillows, blankets, and sheets, they can’t even come in the room- the bedding emits a force field that is impenetrable. If someone is sleeping in the room with you, they cannot materialize anywhere near your room. Use protection lol
4. If you happen to be alone and walking at night, spookies cannot get you if you are happy. Theyre spookies, not savages. Look confident, look happy, they’ll leave you alone bc they’re looking for an easy target. Bonus points if ur listening to music or singing. Also, spookies cannot smell fear that is a common myth. They can only smell you if your shoes are untied.
5. All of these rules apply everywhere-however if you are in the woods, the spookies have an immunity built up so you’re screwed but why you tryna walk around at night alone in the woods??? That’s dangerous all year. That’s asking to be haunted. Don’t do that.
6. Spookies cannot gain control of u or gain the power to haunt you in a harmful or extra scary way unless you specifically say so. Don’t say so no probbles.
7. If you do come face to face with a spooky, just say “whaddup fam”. Most spookies are chill like that, they’re just tryna fill a quota so they can keep their jobs and make sure little Skelly has food on his plate at home.
Bonus: if you are swimming and worried about sharks, vests or water shoes create a 100 foot bubble and they can’t get at you.
I know this is incredibly silly, but it totally works for my brain and it’s kinda fun to make it into a list. Have a Spectacular Spooky Season and stay silly!
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pyrovilian · 1 year
She is just a regular seal <3 if u know her rlly well (like septimus) then u might be able to tell that something isn't quite right with this particular seal but unless u knew what u were looking for u wouldn't know what,, and septimus definitely doesn't know what he's looking for so when he comes home one day and there's just a seal chilling in front of the fire he's like WHAT. THE FUCK. I'm imagining her as being either a caspian seal or perhaps a ribbon seal. Bc they look cool <33
Magyk as a seal is. I imagine it's very limited andjfnfjrn,, it would have to be something that requires no use of ur hands or words so. I don't think marcia would be doing much magyk as a seal andjfnfjrn,, I also don't think the breath thing would work??? Idk why it just. Doesnt feel like it would. But things like the Unseen might
There ARE selkie communities!! They aren't underwater tho they're just like. Small coastal villages generally. They tend to be not very big and also rlly isolated bc while the selkie bride type stories are generally thought of as myths even within selkie communities it is still a distinct possibility,, by the time the series is set tho knowledge of selkies is like. Very rare to have. But yeah selkie communities exist!! Marcias parents were from different ones and they met while travelling and just. Kept travelling. They'd planned to go back after staying in the castle for a little while but marcia got rlly upset abt it every time it was brought up and they ended up staying until she moved out and then they left and marcia hasn't seen them since abdjfnjfnf
Selkies r quite rare so probably no one else in the series would be one but if I had to pick. Probably syrah tbh??? Maybe milo but more syrah than him,, idk I just think syrah who was suddenly snatched away on the queste too fast to even grab her skin,,, who had to call on dolphins to help her cross the ocean when she should've been able to traverse it herself,,,, who wakes up in the far distant future (from her pov) and suddenly doesn't know where her skin is anymore, whether it's lost or destroyed or hidden or what. Marcia and syrah recognise each other as fellow selkies immediately and marcia spends weeks helping syrah look for her sealskin bc julius says he hid it somewhere in the eow rooms but he can't remember exactly where and marcia is like 1 step away from tearing down the walls when they finally find it abdjfnfjbf
Omg RIBBON SEALS??? That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life oh my god. Love Marcia helping syrah find her skin giving us some good syrah Marcia bonding content it feels like they never interact in the books but I would love this for them. I agree with u on the Magyk being limited but idk I have the picture of a seal leaning over someone who’s almost drowned doing the pink mist thing. Maybe it is a selkie thing?? I know I’ve seen it discussed on here that we never see anyone else do it maybe that’s why it’s old selkie magyk ??
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Wait more selkie marcia au (under the cut bc I think it'll be long abdhdbdbd)
So. Marcias main concern isn't so much that she'll be found out as being a selkie (bc obviously shapeshifters r just like. A Thing) her concern is more that if anyone finds out she's a selkie they now know abt her one massive weakness and all they have to do to be able to win against her is find her sealskin
making up my own sep heap selkie lore here bc the myths don't seem to have any real reason for selkies always staying with whoever has their skin?? They just do? So I'm making it so like. A selkies sealskin can be used to control them (or. More like Very Very strongly compel them. Like if u tried to make them jump off a cliff it probably wouldn't work but most things it would) but just being in possession of a selkie skin doesn't do anything, you have to be touching it and you also have to actually know a) what it is and b) what it can do and Then u can control the selkie it belongs to. A selkie can technically live without their skin if they lose it/it gets stolen but then they always have the risk of someone finding it and using it against them bc they're not keeping track of it,, unless they've genuinely sworn off ever going back in the ocean again most selkies can Feel things that happen to their skin so most selkies if they're not actively keeping it on their person at all times have it tucked away somewhere safe and nice
So marcia isn't like. Worried she's going to lose respect for being a selkie or whatever she's worried abt the custodian/domdaniel/whoever managing to get ahold of smth that in the wrong hands can make her essentially powerless
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😊 Sit next to my muse - Kazemi
Nonverbal RP Starters
😊 Sit down next to my muse
It was Tuesday at Ryuutei high. Meaning, the middle school program kids could run around in the high school floors. How chaotic it was on every Tuesday. This also meant the kids could eat with the highschoolers in the cafeteria.
Aslan already didn't enjoy social interaction, plus having up to zero friends at his school and the kids picked on him a bit. He walked into the cafeteria immediately regretting his decision as the noise in here was so loud the building could break just from breathing. When he spotted the only empty table in the very back corner he ran over and sat down alone placing his notebook onto the table, but when he sat down he noticed that some people were leaving the table next to his to sit further away from him. He didn't mind in the slightest.
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When he was about to go into his bag to grab his noise canceling headphones, he stopped himself when he saw a girl sitting next to him. He looked in confusion putting his headphones around his next he realized it was the girl who scared off those boys who were picking on him.
He scooted over to let her seat herself and he just looked at her with this 'what are u doing' kind of look. He's never had someone openly sit down next to him before unless it was a dare.
"Who payed you? How much money did you get to sit with me, sorry to let you know but I'm only poisonness if you drink my blood not when your with me it's just a myth."
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{ @mermaid--bride }
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zishadragon · 2 years
FAQ for Yixing Teapots Part 1
"What is a "Yixing Teapot"?" It's a teapot made out of Yixing [Ih-sing] ore, which is an ore mined in the same named City in the prefecture of Southern Jiangsu. It has a unique composition which makes it unable to be wheel-thrown as other clays and requires Slab Building technique to make pottery out of. The clay itself also has to be stored and fermented for a couple years in order to gain plasticity. Since 2004 but also before, Yixing Ore/Clay has become more limited as most of the mines have been overmined and have been as of 2004 been closed by the Government, which skyrocketed the price of Yixing wares/clay/ore.
"I've heard you can only use one type of tea in an Yixing Teapot, so do I have to buy multiple?" No, that is a myth that might've been born out of mistranslation, misunderstanding or simply a story that some sellers might push to sell more teapots. you can essentially brew all tea types in your yixing teapot, it will only very faintly transfer notes from a previous session to the next (i.e. from fermented puerh tea to a very light green tea). However if you brew heavily roasted tea in your teapot, the roast can build a patina inside which can mute certain things in a tea in the future, but that can be cleaned and prevented. As long as you clean your teapot after each session with some clean water (and preferrably hot water to sterilize it further), hardly anything should transfer from one session to another.
"Where do i buy a good Yixing Teapot?" For someone new to teawares and especially Yixing, I recommend sticking to vendors that are suggested and purchased from, from users in the tea community. I would avoid buying from other sources because odds are it is not real yixing and/or it is quite dodgy and you have no idea what's in the clay or how it will affect your tea. Do not buy an Yixing teapot from Aliexpress for example. Refer to a previously made suggestion list of mine
If Yixing teapots are too much for your budget, I recommend looking into Jianshui (for bigger pots, 90-350ml), Nixing (70-400ml) or Chaozhou (40-160ml) Teapots.
I suggest to determine what size of vessel you need for how you usually brew (most likely 80-140ml), then determine the clay for the tea you brew, most likely it will be Zini or Zhuni/Hongni. Look around and see what catches your eye as the teapot u buy should appeal to you as you will use it for the years to come after all.
"How do I take care of my Yixing teapot so it will last me a long time?" First of, DO NOT BOIL IT, boiling it is not necessary at all (unless you've got a fake one from aliexpress that has god knows what inside). After receiving your Yixing Teapot you should rinse it under luke warm tap water and scrub the inside with your fingers in case there is some quartz powder (used in firing so the lid doesn't stick to the body) or other dirt. Then I suggest to gradually pre-heat it with a temperature controlled Kettle, pour in water in 10°c steps one after another until you've gotten to 100°, then it's ready to go! other people may suggest leaving it in a water bath for a day or overnight. Note that my method is very careful and at most, just fill with hot tap water, then boiling. For general usage afterwards for each new session, Preheat your pots! immediately pouring in boiling water puts thermal stress upon the dry clay and you risk getting hairlines that can develop into cracks and splits and you do not want that. there are various methods of preheating you can find out and develop your own, however as i'm writing this I will once again give my method: Pour in 50% vol. with 50°c Water, then add 70°c water up to 100% vol., pour back into the kettle back to 50% vol. and add 90°c water, then pour out! With modern pieces, zini, duanni and lvni teapot, it's good to go! for a vintage or antique or zhuni teapot i'd recommend giving it another step of pouring out back to 50% vol. then adding 100° water to 100%. After a session, obviously throw away the spent leaves and rinse with water, you can also rinse with hot tapwater, then with boiling to sterilize the inside (and make it dry faster).
"Zini, Zhuni, Hongi, Lvni, Duanni? what are these funny words magic woman?" These refer to the subcategory of Yixing clay the teapot is made out of, because depending on what layer the ore was mined, it has different properties and compounds, but what this means for you as a consumer is that generally speaking they refer to the color and porosity/affecting capabilities of the clay. They are named after the color of the clay or ore itself: Zini= Purple Clay, Zhuni=Vermillion Clay, Hongni=Red Clay, Lvni=Green Clay, Duanni=combined clay of a mix of zini and lvni or hongni and lvni. The affecting capabilities generally go parallel with the porosity of the clay and that is dictated per clay and how it is fired/quality of the clay, but a rule of thumb of porosity is this: Least affecting/porous: Zhuni > Hongni > Zini > Duanni > Lvni :Most affecting/porous. Here's a video of two 80s Mo Lvni teapot, one being higher fired (less porous) and the other being lower fired, you notice it in the sound and look.
"Muting? Enhancing? is that what they mean when they say Yixing Teapots make tea taste better?" Yes! but that's only half of what Yixing Teapots do. Since the clay is unglazed and porous it can do various things to tea, with enhancing/muting it is meant that it can reduce the taste of certain notes and increase other things in the tea, ultimately making it taste better. most notably undesirable notes such as bitterness or astringency are often reduced. However, Yixing Teapots act, to make a good analogy, like an equalizer acts to music, it can reduce but also give certain things, while it may not (or should not) give additional notes to a tea, it can make it so certain notes stick out, but it can also give or take things such as the body, thickness, aroma and aftertaste to the tea! This is not as easily understood or understandable and each teapot is unique in its "equalizer setting" but we can make some rule of thumbs that, for example, usually Zhuni is less neutral than Porcelain and gives more body to the tea than porcelain, or that Zini has a bigger effect and takes away more bitterness than zhuni does.
"So can a Yixing Teapot make tea taste phenomenal?" Yes, but the bottle cap is the tea itself, it is the base material you, as the composer of the brew, use to make the tea liquor. While Yixing teapots certainly can refine and make tea taste better you should also keep in mind that there are other factors that are just as important if not more important! Variables are the water you use (softer vs harder), the Temperature at which you brew, the ratio of tea leaves to water (10g to 100ml is stronger and more complex than 2g to 100ml) and the length at which you steep (longer=stronger and more extraction). In general I recommend tweaking the water you use with a Water Filter(softer water, better for most teas) and/or a Tetsubin (harsher water, better for Puerh) to control the extraction, as well as the ratio of leaf to water, the Temperature and the length of the steep first, if one mainly wants to get an Yixing teapot for the effect in the cup.
"So I've heard about other clay teapots like Nixing, Jianshui and Chaozhou, how do they differ from Yixing?" Well, simply said, it's clay from a different place in China altogether! While Nixing (similarly sounding to Yixing but far different from it!) and Jianshui Teapots are a fairly recent cultivation in their respective pottery culture, Chaozhou is known, besides Yixing, as another place that is known for its teapot culture with Chaozhou pots mainly being used for the Chaozhou Gong Fu brewing practice.
"Why are Yixing teapots so small? are they toys made for kids?" Good question! They are small since they are meant to be used with whole leaf high quality loose leaf, no tea bags or broken tealeaves (like assam blends and such). This allows the tea to swell up and the extraction of the tea compounds into the liquor has more longevity, i.e. you can make multiple steeps, so-called infusions. Due to the small size, it allows you to make bite-sized volumes of strong, complex tea liquor akin to espresso (which is used as a comparison often for Chaozhou Gongfu brewing). In China though, popular teapot sizes are a lot bigger than those we solo practitioners acquire and seek, as they usually brew not only for them but their whole family. There are many ways to make tea however and you can brew as you see fit, no need to limit yourself : ) (just don't put your teapot into the microwave, that would be pretty dangerous I reckon).
"A Laminar pour means its amazing quality and a bad pour means it's a bad quality teapot" Actually, quite the contrary. The Flow of the teapot is dictated by it's shape, size and how the spout is formed, but it is not much an indicator of the overall quality of the teapot itself. Old teapots usually have bad pours, but that doesn't mean they are of bad quality as they often have a lot better and more unadulterated clay quality compared to modern teapots (modern teapots often have barium¹ added to combat efforescence of the clay in firing, but that doesn't mean much to the performance). Similarly the Lidfit also does not mean a teapot is of better quality, Older pots, being lower fired than what we currently have access to (electric kiln, far better control, higher temps, etc.), usually had not that well fitting lids, especially Yixing Teapots from the 70's+ era of Factory 1. Arguably it is easier to machine/mold make/engineer a perfect pouring spout and a perfect lidfit with lower quality teapots than it is with half handmade or handmade yixing teapots.
¹: Barium in clay doesn't translate to any change in the cup and even if it were, it is so miniscule that it's negligible. It will probably also not leach to the amount that its concerning, the tea you drink will probably affect your health more than the Barium in a teapot. In fact Lvni naturally comes with about 1500 ppm Barium where as the highest dosage I've heard of was in a white label F1 (1988-1992) Hongni, over 1% Barium, 12,000 ppm. Barium is added to skip the step of manually having to massage the clay, this is to save time and energy and, according to an yixing artist, there is seemingly no difference in result between the handmassaged and barium added pots.
Go to Part 2 here
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lovelyisadora · 2 years
Undead sep au lore <33 uhhhh
Necromancy (bringing back the dead) has been around for forever but because of what I'm abt to start rambling about, people started assuming that necromancers had killed the people they brought back rather than resurrected them. This led to a misconception of necromancers (after many many years of rumours and myths getting twisted) as "magyk user who uses darke magyk and other people's souls to keep themself alive forever". Necromancy isn't darke magyk tho it's just. Magyk
Many real necromancy spells are very, very delicate and difficult and precise and have to be done exactly right or else there will be very bad consequences ranging from "it didn't work" to "shit we blew up a building and also nothing will grow here ever again" so it's a very skilled art that for obvious reasons can't really be self-taught
Necromancy brings people back from the dead (duh) and they're just. Themself again. No personality change or anything but it makes the person (or animal it works on animals) who's been brought back be..off. Like there's nothing Wrong with them on the surface level, logically there's no reason they'd be that way but they are and it's unnerving and scary. Normally it's at a very low level type thing like there's clearly something wrong here but u might be able to ignore it. The necromancer can't notice this even if they know its there
People aren't immortal after being brought back - their body works exactly the same as it did when they died (unless their corpse has been messed with), all the necromancy does is put their ghost back in its body. Necromancy gets less effective the older the body is, if its not in pristine or near-pristine condition then the person won't survive
Necromancy can, however, be done multiple times, infinite times really as long as the body is intact. The downside is that every time a person is brought back the sense of wrongness increases and the chance of something going wrong does too. Most necromancers consider 3 the most times someone can safely be revived - it's possible to do more but it's very ill advised for both parties since complications are more likely to arise and if the necromancy fails then the persons ghost can just disappear never to be seen again and the necromancer can die
Hiring a necromancer is very very expensive so it's mostly only royalty and nobility that use them. In parts of the world where this is common there's a culture that nobles don't show themselves to the public - always behind screens or in carriages. The castle is not one of these places
Marcias family have been necromancers forever and its part of why they moved around so much. Its only when her father tries to revive a king from a land of snow and it turns out his daughter had lied about how many times he'd been brought back does anything go wrong and the kings ghost disappears and the princess puts the blame on their family - they flee the kingdom with the common folk essentially waving pitchforks and torches behind them
When they reach the castle her parents immediately ban her from all magyk - including necromancy, and she refuses to listen and manages to get her father to teach her some things but her mother finds out and stops him before she can ever bring back a person. Her mother insists that necromancy nearly got them all killed and it'll only happen again if they carry on the tradition so she burns the books they have, all except the few that marcia has stashed in her room
That's all the stuff there needs to be I think,, I'm not so confident on some of it but i can always change it later <3
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dameronology · 2 years
wherever the wind takes us (jack sparrow)
summary: being a woman aboard the black pearl is hard. it's a good thing the captain has your back.
warnings: language, sexism
this is like...super basic. but i have literally never written for jack sparrow before and LET ME TELL U it was a fckn challenge lmaoooo
enjoy xx
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Jack Sparrow had never believed in the myth that women brought bad luck to ships.
Actually, he thought women were great. Enchanting, even. He had nothing but respect for them and their tight dresses, great butts and...what's that?
That was the sound of your voice in his head telling him to shit the fuck up and respect his superiors. I digress.
The captain had always had bad luck. Or maybe he was just a categorical moron - either way, he felt his fortunes had improved considerably since you'd stumbled onto the The Black Pearl. You were the voice of reason to his absurdity; the steady ship to the swirling, deathly maelstrom that encapsulated all that was Jack Sparrow. He would never deny that he'd been initially drawn in by your appearances; furthermore by how good of a swordsman you were, and then entirely and completely when you became the first, and seemingly only woman, to resist his charms. It was clear from the get go that you were what his crew needed: a person who wasn't completely fucking insane. It seemed like an entry requirement for the job and yet, not a single man aboard the Pearl seemed to meet it. They all had heart - no one could deny that - but what they lacked was brains.
And so, with a smoothly-spoken (but still slurred) speech from Jack, and a promise of a 50% cut of whatever their next win was, you boarded the The Black Pearl. There was a complete sense of uncertainty and a total lack of planning, but you felt that was what you needed at that point in your life. It had been so long since you'd had the thirst for adventure: even though you were still young, it was a feeling you hadn't chased since your late teens. The last few years had been riddled with near-death experiences and lost ships, so no one blamed you for assigning yourself to the nearest bar for a little while.
Not everyone had been as welcome as Jack vis-a-vis your presence on the ship. Joshamee Gibbs had, like always, blindly trusted Jack that you were worthy of the job, and it was nice to know you had him in your corner. Everyone else was a little...colder. Pintel and Ragetti had been little bitches ever since you'd stepped afoot the boat, but a quick glare from you and some seething words from Jack quickly shut them up.
You hadn't expected Jack Sparrow of all people to stick up for you. In the few weeks that you'd known him, he'd always seemed so...self-serving. Even his initial interest in you had been in an attempt to seek out someone for the night; that was an idea you had quickly shut down, even if you now found yourself giving him the occasional glance. Who could blame you? It was attractive to see a man who was so in control of his crew and his ship - even if most the time, Jack was anything but.
He'd grown on you. That was hard to deny. At first, it had been a reluctant alliance, but now you were undeniably friends. You were the kind of person he'd always needed: chaotic enough to keep up, but distanced enough from him to kick his back in line when it was needed. And Jack had never wanted that before: he'd never wanted someone to keep him in line. He found that he didn't mind so much with you. It seemed like he spent his entire life arguing with people but when it came to you, it felt like a conversation. A heated one - and intense more times than not - but a conversation nonetheless.
"My loyal men! And...my loyal woman," Jack leant over the upper deck of the Pearl, empty bottle of rum in hand. His dark eyes flickered to you, even just for a moment. "It is time for Uncle Jack to retire for the night. Do not wake me unless the ship is sinking, on fire, under attack or all three. Actually, don't. Just tell (name). I'm leaving her in charge."
"Ay, Cap'n," Gibbs gave him a faithful salute. "Have a good rest."
Jack took off his hat and tossed it in your direction. You caught it with a smile, before turning around to face your men. As always - and with definitely no relation to the captain's reckless actions - you were working with a limited crew. There were the usual four: Pintel, Ragetti, Cotton and Marty. They were good enough, even if they muttered shit about your gender under their breath. After them, came the new addition: Anderson. Jack had picked up him at the last port - an old friend of Gibb's, apparently. He hadn't given off a good first impression; he seemed like a shit person and an even worse pirate.
"We have a long night ahead, boys," you began. "We need to make it back to Tortuga before light. The wind is on our side so Gibbs, you can man the wheel. Marty, you're up in the crow's nest and Pintel and Ragetti, you can check the knots on the sails."
"What about me?" Anderson stood up and took a step towards you.
"You can mop the deck," you said with a forced smile. "Your little stint earlier at the port is the reason we're four hours behind schedule. Consider it punishment."
"This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed. "Who are you to be giving out orders? You're a woman-"
"- I'm wearing the hat, Anderson," you shot back. "Never question the power of the hat."
"I'm not questioning the power of the hat. I'm questioning the power of your gender-"
"- shut the fuck up!"
You pulled your sword from your belt, forcing the tip against Anderson's throat.
Oh, yeah. There was your temper too. Maybe that was another reason Jack trusted you to put his men in line.
"Say that again," you demanded and took a step towards him. Anderson began backing away, edge of your sword following him as he slowly inched towards the edge of the ship.
"You heard me, sweetheart," he spat.
"Don't call me that."
"You don't mind it when the Captain does it though, do you?"
"Watch your fucking mouth," you growled. "Don't have you have any respect for your superiors, Anderson? You're lucky that you're still on this ship at all."
"Same could be said for you," he spat back. "You wouldn't be here if Sparrow wasn't only keeping you around because you're pretty-"
Throwing you sword aside, you lifted up your boot and slammed it straight into Anderson's chest. He toppled backwards and straight over the edge of the Pearl - nothing but a drop in the ocean now. Obviously you weren't going to leave him for dead but what was the harm in letting him float in the cold for a little bit?
You leant over the side. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
Like I said.
A temper.
With that, you turned on your heel and marched away.
"Ma'am," Gibbs followed after, barely keeping up as you stormed across the bow of the ship. "Are we just going to leave him?"
"Give it a few minutes, Josh," you commanded. "Then you can throw him a rope."
"Minutes?" his eyebrows shot up. "Ma'am with all due respect, it's winter and he could freeze to death before-"
"- did I stutter?" you snapped. Stopping in your tracks, you spun around to face him. "Maybe then he'll learn his lesson, no?"
"I see where you're coming from. He overstepped, but you really won't want his death on your hands."
"Fine," you huffed. "PINTEL! RAGETTI! Drag him back up - but make sure you drop him a few times."
"Thank you, ma'am," Gibbs gave you a smile. "He's a family friend, you see."
"Yeah, whatever," you murmured. "Go man the wheel, please. I don't trust those buffoons up there on their own."
Exchanging goodbyes, you headed into the cabin. Those men got far too much, far too quick - it was funny that you could so easily with Jack, who was arguably a thousand times worse than the four of them combined. The only peace away from them was deep in the indoor section of the Pearl. Exactly where the rum was.
You hadn't noticed that someone was following you, not until you dunked your flask into one of the open barrels.
"Is the ship sinking, on fire, under attack, or all the above?"
You glanced over your shoulder at Jack. "None of those things. Don't worry."
"So why have I been woken up by all this inhumane clashing, clanging and screaming? Did I not give you one specific instruction? One that you have so magnificently failed in following?"
"You did," you replied, taking a swig of rum. "Anderson was annoying me so I pushed him overboard."
Jack's eyebrows shot up. "Anderson being an insufferable sycophant is a given but was he really that bad that it deemed interrupting my beauty sleep?"
"Oh, Jack," you gave him a soft smile, running a hand over his cheek. "No amount of beauty sleep will fix this mess-"
"- I don't like you," he grumbled and whacked your palm away. "Your new job is to keep those scrotes in line til I rouse again - naturally, and not because you're hurting their little pirate feelings. Savvy?"
You sniffed. "Savvy."
"Good," Jack grinned.
By the time the sun rose, you were the only one awake. The ship was anchored in calmer waters; thanks to the little incident with Anderson, you hadn't quite made it to Tortuga, but you weren't far off. It might have been a done job had the other four not fucked off to sleep before 4AM, but it had been a long night. More so for some than others - namely, Anderson, who had been shivering in a blanket since he'd been wrenched up from the waters.
You always took the early shift in the crow's nest; mostly because you were the only one awake, but also because it was peaceful. There was nothing but clear oceans for miles, fading into a war of pinks, blues and oranges in line with the rising sun. Tortuga was just off in the distance - a stark contrast to the tranquility you found yourself in right now. You loved it there, undeniably, but it was chaotic as fuck. Sometimes you needed a break away from all of that.
"Dare I approach you? Or will you push me overboard too?"
"Go away, Jack," you grumbled. "I'm not in the mood."
The pirate pulled himself up onto the crow's nest, shuffling to take a seat beside you. He reached forward and yanked his hat off of your head.
"Now that I am captain again, I must discuss a very pressing issue with you."
You thinned your eyes at him. "I've been getting shit all night from your men for belting Anderson. Can you at least give me a break before you join in?"
"I have no shit to give you. Rather the contrair, my dear," Jack replied and slung an arm over your shoulders. "It took a few moments of deciphering Ragetti's delirious recollection of the story but I have been made aware in no uncertain terms that Anderson, as always, has run his mouth a little too far."
"Yeah, no shit," you muttered. "Maybe he didn't deserve to be dunked, though."
"I would have left him to the mermaids. I cannot imagine them responding kindly to his sexist comments."
You snorted. "It was Gibbs that made me do it."
"Ah yes, ever the good man," Jack murmured. "Regardless of how his mummy loves Anderson, we shall dearly depart with our good man at the next port."
"Why?" you glanced at him. "He's said much worst to you, Jack. Gone against your orders much more than mine."
"But you see, you are not me," he shot back. "You have done nothing deserving of such treatment. And I'm not admitting that I have, but the likelihood of either one of us committing despicable acts lies ever so slightly more with me than it does with you."
"Right - thanks, Jack," you lowly chuckled. "But really, you don't have to do this-"
"- the deal is done," he cut you off. "Anderson shall be abandoned in Tortuga and you, my dear, shall continue to sail the seven seas on the finest ship known to man."
"I'm assuming that said ship is waiting for us at the port? Because there is no way in hell that you're talking about this one."
Jack let out a groan. "Why must you break my heart?"
"You don't have a heart, Jack Sparrow."
"Why do you think I have this magnificent compass, then?"
You gave him a smile. "Whatever works for you, cap'n."
Jack stood up, dusting off his trousers and sticking out a hand to help you up. The sun was breaking through now, signalling the start of the day. Tortuga was only an hour or two away and for everyone else on board, that meant being an hour or two away from the rum. A very pressing matter indeed.
"Where are we headed after Tortuga?" you asked.
He glanced down at his compass. It was pointed right at you.
"Wherever the wind takes us, love."
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miu-miiu · 4 years
♦ busting SYNASTRY MYTHS ♦
11th HOUSE SYNASTRY - THIS SYNASTRY DOESNT MEAN SOMEONE SEES YOU AS A FRIEND OR YOU ARE BETTER OFF AS FRIENDS, STOP REPEATING THIS SURFACE LEVEL SHIT YOU’VE BEEN EATING UP FROM MODERN ASTROLOGY POSTS. This is the house of wealth and gains, it’s the fullfillment of our desires and sudden profits. It’s an indicator of your sources of income and allies. So of course, you will have strong foundation with someone you have 11th house synastry with because it will be built on a ground of trust and support. Along with emotional connection, there’s also a mental connection that makes you share your secrets and ideas to them as you would do to a friend but that’s only one piece of the puzzle WHICH DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU WILL BE GOOD FRIENDS (you can’t make that comment for any type of relationship in this synastry because if 11h is afflicted by malefics that will most likely bring a negative result which can make you enemies or drain one another’s life force lmao). More than anything, especially if you have your 7th house lord in your partner’s 11th house you will gain so much from them in so many ways including oppurtunities and finances and helping you achieve your earthly desires. They will be your ally and support, supporting you in your pursuits and opinions. It’s like a debate team with financial support lol. It can also indicate you will go back to university and complete your education or get a new degree after you get together with this person. Most of this also goes for 3rd house synastry.
5th HOUSE SYNASTRY - “This indicates a fleeting romance” FUCK NO. That’s one of the most trumped-up interpretations i’ve heard. You CAN’T predict the longevity of a relationship based on house overlays. Ever heard of Davison charts? Anyway, prominent 5th house is anohter EXCELLENT synastry. It often donates a relationship where you can discuss ANYTHING - your wildest thoughts, plans and experiences. Someone you jump from topic to topic. Very often the planet person is the “childlike” one which the house person adores and takes inspiration from. Planet person becomes a ball of joy and energy that makes the house person destress and cheer up, thought it can feel like an ‘overdose’ sometimes. Both parties become some sort of an energy source for each other. You play games together, indulge in fun activities, create things (can even be an invention) together. Even doing nothing and just talking to each other feels fun and full of laughter (unless there are some other placements disturbing this synastry). This is the synastry of never-ending honeymoon. A couple with rahu/mars in 5th house might have a son as the first child. If venus is there with the nodes, it might be a son with venusian qualities. You can also get more popular or lucky if you are with someone you have 5h overlay with. The house person also pushes you to focus on your studies more.
12th HOUSE SYNASTRY - There’s a lot of stigma around his house (8h as well) and people often fear it. Weeeeeell...It IS a karmic house so people you have this synastry with are likely to be karmic partners. HOWEVER, don’t take this to oH NO this is not my TWIN FLAME this is a KaRmiC pErson shit. Literally almost everyone is a karmic partner lmfao, there’s a difference between good and bad karma. This synastry can play out good or bad depending on your own individual karma with this person and how you are managing your life. You can look to Rahu/ketu & saturn to get more info on the karma and to see how it’ll play out. Basically the planet person becomes your escape especially if their sun/moon falls into your 12h. They can end up being your savior. There’s an undeniable theme of profound change that this synastry brings. It often leads you to liberation, through a path of restriction. You need to overthrow the restrictions the other person brings to achieve total liberation. This is often a part of the soul’s karma. A couple with this overlay often keeps a secluded relationship from their relatives (maybe even ghost their families lol) and tend to travel together. They often open up to each other surprisingly quickly about their past and traumas, though there’s a really odd distrust within the couple.
6th HOUSE SYNASTRY - People have a very poor understanding of the 6th house, it’s often condensed to ‘service’. 6h synastry is similar to 12h synastry as they are the same axis anyway, but the difference is 12h’s effects are more abstract meanwhile 6h’s effects are much more physical and can be observed on a practical level. The theme with this house is “either serve or die” and has a karmic tone to it too. It’s not often this dramatic tho lol but usually a couple with 6h synastry feel a deep sense of responsibility towards each other which can make it hard to leave even if it turns toxic. Planet person often triggers the house person’s instincts to ‘serve’ the planet person in one way or another - the house person may do random gestures, buy lots of gifts, support them every way possible etc. so in this way it’s a very cute and beneficial synastry, because they are very much involved in each other’s lives and make a visible impact. They often make one another’s daily routines change, so they can spend time better. Though, one of them can treat the other like an assistant or in worse case scenario, a slave. Think I’m a slave 4 U by Britney Spears lol. They can begin constantly demanding things and get mad when the other doesn’t live up to their expectations. They can also become a disciplinarian for the other (this can also apply to 10h synastry) 
If you have a mutual mars overlay with someone in 10th house (your mars in their 10h, theirs in your 10h) your aggressive energy as a couple will most likely be public. Meaning you are prone to have public arguments or fights. Alternatively you can also do illegal business or outlaw activities together, often involving some sort of violence or marsian quality.
If someone’s rahu falls into your 4th house, they will feel peace in our presence but they might drain the peace out of you, meaning they can emotionally and physically drain you, bring conflict and chaos into your life. It may become addictive in some cases. Rahu person will keep wanting more. If at the same time your rahu falls into a water house in their chart (so if ur rahu falls into their 4h,8h,12h houses) you will keep giving more and also find it addictive and hard to get out of. It will push you to surrender.
Rahu in 7th overlay indicates a pre-destined marriage/partnership
Moon in 1st or 2nd house is a very common overlay between soulmates and married couples. Moon in 2h is especially a very auspicious placement in terms of material wealth. The planet person often spoils the house person and knows EXACTLY what to get to the house person as a gift, they have a natural understanding of what the planet person would like and their needs (unless afflicted or outweighed by other malefics placements)
[personal experience] Gemini moon men always try to make me talk about myself so they can gather and store information about me, all the while i’m a sagittarius moon (so sidereal scorpio and in opposition to their moon) and i never reveal anything important or “deep” about myself - i can make myself look like i’m being vulnerable and intimate but when the conversation is over, they realize i didn’t reveal to them anything that is actually valuable and important SHDAIWHJGJGKJG which is why after some time...like in about 2 days they even start trying harder. One of them literally begged me to talk about myself and i think this is a good example of the synastry between this axis
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rrasado · 3 years
AY welcome back! Hope your having a great day and staying healthy! May i request a headcannon for demon! mc but they aren't your normal demon they are 👑royalty👑 like diavolo
(This is twst request so how do the twst boys react?)
Hell’s Monarch Who?
We gonna hella free style this djdndn, I’m gonna go with the Vices so Le go!-
I’m writing this before I go to bed so please excuse any typos djdjdjdh, I never expected anyone to even want my writing so this request honestly caught me off guard
When you’re of demon royalty:
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Say that again but slowly
Oh you said it again- yoU ARE WHAT²?
Mans probably saw a lot already especially as a third year student of Heartslabyul. From flying table wear to gloating heads to a ritual party door mouse- but to think you are of Royal descent- no scratch that of deMONIC DESCENT-
Congrats this is the second time you’ve broke down his walls after Riddle’s Overblot.
He’s definitely gonna be a bit more precise with whatever food he makes for you from now on, probably discreetly console what type of extreme food you can even consume
Who knows? This might be a good learning experience for him in case a demon drops by the family bakery- yeah right he just got even more infatuated with you without even knowing.
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...so you rich rich- no no fr you have demonic dough on you huh-
OK OK- but in all seriousness he’s gonna be a bit- scratch that expect him to be around you more a lot, whether to chat or to find an opportunity to leach off of u- he’s gonna take that time and go.
You aren’t the first inhuman Royal he’s had to deal with. But you’re definitely the first demonus species he’s ever even encountered. Hey gotta roll with life am I right-
No it’s not life that’s rolling it Ruggie rolling over to you from across the courtyard on your way to lunch.
All in all he’s gonna be curious on the shiny aspect of your lineage. He’s already seen what Leona has but how are demon royalty different in such aspect-
Hey if you feel it he can jokes about getting a position in your court or something-/j...unless-
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And we all thought he couldn’t get anymore inquisitive.
You turn the hallway- oh hi Leech-senpai! You fall in line for an event- oh jade didn’t expect to see you here!
This man loves observing anything unusual to him. He hates anything predictable but seeing as he was from the depths of the sea a....you being of another realm and lineage is far from predictable in his book.
If Ruggie was always around then this man is always observing from afar. Unlike the hyena he takes a significantly more subtle approach when it comes to nitpicking someone as enigmatic as yourself.
Once the routine lengthens and he’s taken note of everything he can from afar, then and only then does he take a closer look.
He might invite you over to the lounge if the opportunity strikes him. Knowing jade he’ll make a way for said opportunity to come as naturally as you enticing him.
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His mind says no but his body says yes.
Before you cackle let me elaborate- the initial response in his mental flow is to stay as frckin far away from you as possible. But his physical instincts tell him to stay by you.
Maybe it was due to how many times Kalim was put in danger. But if he knew anything...it’s too observe whats out of the norm as much as you can and think of a counter.
Oh dear Jamil you complete and utter fool, he mistakes being enthralled by your unique biology for wanting to observe you out of obligation as a protector to his ‘master’
He wants to see the world right? What the world can offer him from beyond the walls of the mansions and elegant vicinities he’s had to serve in. You give him a taste of that ngl.
In short the man might be a tad bit more open the more you two share what you knew about the high way of life. From both perspectives of course... with you from the top and him from the side.
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And here we thought Ruggie and Jade were diligent.
This man redefined the word INTRIGUED- unlike jade he...never allows himself to be seen.
But also unlike jade he’s more lenient in approaching you, observing every single mannerism of your up close to nitpick whether your unique blood differentiates your etiquette to pure humans or whether your mannerisms are the result of only a royal’s poise.
The self proclaimed love hunter has always held Vil in high regard like the very Beautiful queen herself- but observing you gives him more of an idea of the difference between true royals and the acclaimed.
Everything you do everything you interact with- he finds an otherworldly sense in it, even just the way you converse with someone he senses that subdued aura of authority.
Beaut 100 all the way
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Hyper bb does analyzations on the spot-
Is that why you come off on his sensors? Like you look like the others minus this ethereal charm you’ve always had but other than that. Wow you slipped from under his view, literally.
The dear is more curious than intrigued, he wants to know more but in a more kid sense (?). Imagine talking to a kid who’s never explored the world before- ye that.
Like I mean it’s not wrong since the world is your world and not only that but just like his big brother you are tied to Nobel duties, except...amplified-
He remembers the many legends that hailed from the internet His brother. Which won’t take much to figure that they’re likely myths from the isle. Overall...pls be patient with him his reactors aren’t meant for royals from another realm.
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Not...surprised? No wait scratch that- he isn’t as caught off guard as the others.
Man is probably as old as the campus/j. He’s seen his fair share of mystical things that go beyond the average wizard’s scope of specialty- but to think he’d be in the presence of demonic royalty?
Are you an heir? In line for the throne? Do you have any royal duties in need of attending despite being here in NRC? No the better question is how old are you-
On a more serious note. Lilia would most likely be intrigued by whatever difference there is with the monarchy of hell to the monarchy of the valley of thorns.
He’s no stranger to insults and racial discrimination, even his own race have been called demons at one point in history, whether he detested it or not was a secret. So you being an actual demon...perhaps you can enlighten this old soul?
Overall...You’d feel a lot more at ease with him. You’d feel like you’re talking to the ol palace advisers rather than a curious human. Ah...that’s to be expected.
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