#my brain is struggling to form complete sentences but needed to get this out of my system because the contrast
defeateddetectives · 8 months
it's so narratively sexy that midorikawa yuki had to wait until the 100th chapter to give us an arc like homura and i love that in the volume notes she specifies why
not only would it have been impossible to execute earlier but it hits so much harder now that these characters had to reach this point both individually and in their dynamics with one another where this arc felt earned and believable and for them have these varying degrees of interlocked trust in one another!
i'm trying to picture early manga era natsume being confronted with one matoba seiji enthusiastically on his way to getting himself killed in pursuit of More Power and (at least internally) he would be like OK BYE (though he is a sweetheart and too kind for his good and maybe would have begrudgingly helped save him but not been anywhere as near as sympathetic about it considering the multiple times madara offered to eat him and natsume was like i Suppose you shouldn't 🙄)
and then!!! the joint horrible exorcism slay that still makes me lightheaded!! when contrasted with early manga natori @ natsume going: for the love of all that is holy please stay away from this dude he will not hesitate to turn everything in his path into cannon fodder!!! ~started from conducting mail theft and now we're dragging the horrible ex by his collar out of his fancy boardroom meeting to save our local reckless teenager and also thwart plans of a faction that threatens the political standing of said ex!!! what a time to be ALIVE
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multifandomwhore-003 · 8 months
Random Hazel Callahan headcanons that have been rotting my brain for the past couple of days:
Pairing: Hazel Callahan x female! reader
Summary: Not needed
Genre(s): a little angsty at first, after that's it's just pure fluff
Warnings: mentions of trauma and maladaptive daydreaming
A/N: I'M GONNA WRITE MORE FOR HER BECAUSE I NEED IT SO STAY TUNED, also I listened to False God by Taylor Swift the entire time I wrote this.
Taglist: @aemonds-holy-milk , join tag list here
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• She has horrible listening skills, usually her house has been a pretty noisy and chaotic place, even before her parents divorced, so she's learned to mute the outside world.
• It tends to annoy pretty much everyone else outside the fight club, the only exception being PJ, she perhaps got annoyed more than anyone.
• When you first noticed you had to repeat yourself at least five times whenever she was around, you tried to come up with different ways for her to keep up, like texting her as you spoke so she could read it as much as she needed to.
• Later on you found out it wasn't just about losing track of a conversation, as you asked to borrow one of her headphones one time, you were shocked her ears weren't bleeding right then and there.
"Fucking hell, Hazel! Are you trying to break your ears or something?" your ears hurt for a second.
"It's not loud at all" She placed them on her neck.
"Baby, I can hear the music coming out of those things like a concert speaker,"
• You decided to invite her over to your house as often as possible, demanding a no-headphones rule.
"Why not?!" she complained.
"Because you're gonna be completely deaf at the age of 40!"
"And you'll be there to teach me sign language, right?" she hugged your waist.
"You're saying you prefer not hearing my voice for the rest of our lives?" you lifted a brow.
• The realazation dawned on her.
• To this day she hasn't worn headphones a single day in her life.
• Maladaptive daydreaming is also something she struggles with, not as much now as she used to in middle school and the first two years of high school, but it still happens sometimes.
• You found out when you decided to surprise her by coming to her house one day
• Mrs. Callahan said she couldn't get in contact with Hazel, for whatever reason.
• Most likely her phone turned off since it was out of battery.
• So she texted you she was gonna be missing all night, permitted you to stay the night, and told you to take care of Hazel.
• You found her in the kitchen yelling, it sounded as if she was yelling at someone.
"Are you ever gonna choose me over a booty call?! How is it that Jeff's dick is more important than me?! Your daughter! You fucking pushed me out and you still can't even ask me how my grades are doing and shit!"
• Your first thought was —Her mom's plans must've been canceled—
• As you approached the room as quietly as possible, you looked through the rim of the entrance, there was no one.
"Hazel," you spoke quietly through her screams.
A shiver went down her spine, he face turned white, she blinked a couple of times before turnind her head, "How much of that did you hear?" she avoided your eyes.
"I've never heard you like that," was all you could mutter as you approached her slowly and then embraced her in a hug, "I know you're not insane by the way," you whispered in her hair.
She began to cry.
• She didn't want to talk about it for the next few days
• When she did, she stumbled upon her words, talked too fast, and teared up every once in a sentence.
"Call me first," you cupped her face, "I'll never judge you for whatever you have to say,"
• She wanted to kiss you right then and there, but just rested her forehead on yours, an act of ultimate intimacy.
• I could get into the divorced parents' trauma for hours because same
• But for now I'll move on to the happy part
• Physical touch is the absolute most pure form of love she can give
• If she's not hugging your waist at all times, she's holding your hand, resting her head on your chest, shoulders, legs, etc. pretty much everywhere she can
• If you have long or medium hair she'll attempt to braid your hair, keyword attempt
• If you have short hair she'll buy little elastic ponytails to tie them around your head everywhere she can
• Her reasoning behind this is that her favorite plants are cactuses
• That's it, that's all the reasons she needs
• If you happen to be bald she'll rub your head while singing the chorus to Diamonds by Rihanna
• She plays ukelele
• She knows how to make a few origami figures and if she tries a new one, as crumbled and sweaty as it is she gives it to you
• You have a whole shelf in your room dedicated to every piece of folded paper she's ever done for you
• If you're more of a fem! girl, she'll try something of yours whenever she comes over and stare at her reflection for hours
"Good thing, god didn't make me straight, she knew I would be a menace,"
• You can only roll your eyes and laugh at her twirling and pretending to dance ballet in your dresses and skirts
• If she happens to go shopping without you, she'll try something you'll like and send you the photo after
"If it looks this good on me, imagine how AMAZING it'll look on you,"
• She once asked you to put makeup on her, she'll say she was just curious how she'd look
• She wasn't lying, but she also didn't mention she just wanted to recreate this picture:
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• If you happen to be more of a masc! girl, you'll trade clothes as often as you can think
• More than once you have arrived at school with something she likes and just drags you to the bathroom to for you to make the exchange
• It's not her clothes and your clothes anymore, everything you own is hers and vice versa
• More often than not you're no longer sure what used to be only yours
• This goes for accessories and shoes as well, even if they don't fit her, she'll fill them up with toilet paper until they fit just fine
• You'll match AT LEAST once a week, as per her request of course
• She tries all kinds of chips (or crisps for my British luvs) she has tried every flavor and seasoning, but her favorites and the flaming hot ones, even if she ends up chugging your waterbottle after finishing the bag
• Although her parents are rich and taught her from a young age to be a precise wine taster, she's a tequila and vodka girl
• She hates gloomy and rainy days because they bring down her mood, but spending the day binge-watching cheesy movies and stuffing her stomach with all the snacks o her house makes it up
• She's ABSOLUTE SHIT at Karaoke, but my god does she have the spirit
• Her go-to song is Lies by Fleetwood Mac, but if she's drunk enough to gain confidence she'll request Easy On Me by Adele
•  If she insists for long enough and you decide to sing with her, she 100% will try to recreate the following musical numbers:
• Lay all you love on me -Mamma Mia
• Every duet there is in Teen Beach Movie, her favorite childhood movie
• The cellblock tango -Chicago and Ex-Wives -from Six, if the rest of the fight club joins as well
• Popular from Wicked, strangely enough, she's Glinda
• Seventeen -Heathers
• Candy Store -Heathers featuring Isabel as Heather Mc Namara, Josie as Martha Dunnstock, and PJ as Veronica (She was heavily forced to after Brittany suggested it)
• Smooth Criminal -The Glee cast cover
• If you're a good singer, or at least a decent one, at the end of the song she'll hype you up more than anyone in the crowd, even carry you (this also applies to my plus size! lovelies, DON'T YOU WORRY, she has muscles)
• If you're a bad singer, then you'll be shit together, the worse your voices sound, the better you'll enjoy it
• Onto the kissing and overall more stereotypical relationship stuff, aka the not-so-comfortable part of my asexual-spectrum girlies.
• As previously shown in the original material
• Kissing is slow and passionate, she likes to enjoy your lips as much as possible, taking in every movement, taste, and breath
• Hands on your jaw  and neck EVERY FUCKING TIME
• The first few times you offered her some chapstick or lipstick, or lipgloss, or lip oil, or anything, she would kiss you making you chuckle in surprise
• Now you don't even need to ask, she'll just be like
"Hey, your lips look beautiful," and peck you on the lips
• If you're alone it definitely turns into a whole makeout session
• She just claims it tastes too good not to do it
• Every once in a while she'll hug you from behind and aggressively kiss your cheek
• Good luck kisses before every test
• Her favorite kind of dates are picnic dates
• She takes pictures of the sky whenever she feels it matches your vibe
• She takes A LOT of pictures of you ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, she even went as far as to buy a film camera because they make everything more magical
• She reads A LOT
• She obviously knows too much about social injustices and everything regarding that realm, but she likes other things as well
• Avid fantasy reader, I DON'T MAKE THE RULES,
• Going back to this need for escapism, she was heavily raised by George R.R. Martin and Leigh Bardugo
• Definitely screamed, jumped, and overall looked like she was in a sugar rush when both Game of Thrones and Shadow and Bone came out
• She wasn't exactly allowed to watch Game of Thrones at the time it came out, so she watched when she was 16 instead
• Shadow and Bone, however, oh boy, it was whole event
• She cosplayed Sturmhond and made you cosplay as Zoya
That's it for now children, if I come up with anything else I'll do a part two or even better write something more complete
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yanyanobsessed · 1 month
continuing on my yan! cult leader concept cuz ive been having brainrot...
• During sermons, on more than one occasion they have stuttered and forgotten their words mid-sentence because they noticed you in the crowd, looking up at them with full attention.
• When another worshipper starts getting too friendly with you, their love-sickness is overcome by their need to 'keep you safe' and they approach the two of you to inform the unfortunate soul that they seem to be in need of 'extra care', as the result of some form of divine insight- They direct the worshipper to one of the tents on the other side of the camp, and its only once the worshipper leaves and you strike up a conversation with them that they find themselves tongue tied and struggling to breathe again.
• They do their best to respond casually to you, and yet its still painfully obvious to any outside observer that they are certainly not taking the situation casually- Be it their flushed cheeks, or the way they fidget with their rings, struggling to make eye contact with you for long.
• One night, you unconsciously corner them, enacting a simple conversation with them while they were in their quarters. They struggled to make out a sentence, completely flushed at the sight of you blocking their doorway. Such a pretty lamb, your hood highlighted on the edges by the light of the campfire outside, your eyes full of wonder as you were unaware of the effect you had on them.
• They weren't sure what about you was so addictive to them- You confused them, immensely so. They didn't know what to make of you, unable to think much at all when it came to you- Their brain tends to simply empty out when you come around, any notions of prayer or divinity overcome by your presence and the way its warmth melts their cognition into putty.
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as a former gifted kid who just realised that they're not as "gifted" as they were told they were, who had to rely on their "natural" ability to understanding lessons, which in turn led to them never forming actual study habits, who is barely hanging by a thread with their academics and is honestly just completely lost and don't know what the hell they're doing most of the time..... please spare us some advice sloot on how you were able to learn how to properly study and recover from the burnout 😭 (if that' okay with you. Hope you enjoyed ur day today and tomorrow!!)
Well I think it depends on what you're studying and struggling with, but I'll give you the advice that helped me
Apps/programs like Anki help you remember and incorporate frequency training, so you don't learn everything at once and overwhelm yourself. I use flashcards for the bulk of my language studies.
For Japanese, I use Bunpro because I love its grammar lesson setup and again, it incorporates frequency training. I use Anki for Kanji and sentences in Russian and Japanese and I'm doing a little Italian for funsies.
For languages in particular, immerse yourself as much as possible in the language. Films, podcasts, YouTubers, tv shows, music, as long as it's in the language and ideally without subtitles if you want to be based and challenge yourself. Babies and kids learn fast because their brains are still forming connections, but ALSO because they hear the language constantly. Also, THINK in your target language. First you'll think smth in your native language, and then if you can, try to convert it to your target language. It'll be slow at first but the more you do it, the better you'll get.
For grammar, drills are inevitable. They're boring as fuck but translation and grammar practice are impossible to memorize any other way imo.
For math...get a tutor and drill the fuck out of your formulas, or find someone who specializes in math bc I don't lmao.
Instead of studying with multiple choice examples, to really learn turn it into a freeform question. Because multiple choice and testing well does not equal learning, and if you're in college you are there ideally bc you want to LEARN. You can combine flashcards to memorize important key bits. For example, let's say you need to study for an intro psychology exam. Your flashcards for psychoanalysis can have questions like: why is psychoanalysis a significant subject in the history of psychology? (with the answer card having bullet points like: laid foundation for modern therapy, emphasized subconscious's role in the mind, trauma, psychosexual relationship, id/ego/superego as "map" of the mind). If you can answer and bring up at least two or three of these points, you have a good understanding of the material.
Pretend you're teaching someone else the subject you're studying. I swear to god, I would pretend I was tutoring my f/os and I would even talk to the babies at my daycare job about what I was studying in Japanese that week. I would teach my dogs and my fish and my snails. As long as you're talking out loud, you're making yourself summarize the thing you're studying and realize what you need to work on. If you can explain it in simple terms to someone who knows nothing about it, you've studied it enough.
Use a Pomodoro timer to give yourself small breaks. Also it's nice to use apps like Forest or just an Excel sheet to track how much you study each day. Like I wanted to track how much I study languages, so I made an Excel sheet to track how many minutes I study since there are some general estimates of how many hours of studying it takes to reach higher levels of fluency in certain languages. Plus it helps me stay motivated to see how much I've studied each month.
On that note, ten minutes of studying is better than zero minutes. Instead of beating yourself up for not studying an hour or more, or even thirty minutes, make time to do small study sessions frequently.
If you're studying Japanese in particular or another language with a writing system you need to memorize like kanji, you NEED to divide your study time writing or else you will get overwhelmed. Like grab a kanji workbook, and pick one to work on. Write it a few times on a practice sheet or the practice spaces in the workbook, then go do something else for ten or twenty minutes. Then go back and do more kanji. The whole point is to frequently write the character so that you develop muscle memory and can remember the basic stroke order.
Don't make your notes pretty, make them useful. I love color coding so much but you need it to work to your advantage. Like I personally do blue for titles, red for important key info (usually just underlining in red or adding a little red star).
Don't be afraid to get stupid, because stupid silliness helps you remember. You know I know the Russian word for fish (it's рыба, or "reeba")? Because in my flashcards for beginner Russian, I made a shitty Microsoft Paint edit of Reba Mcentire's head on a stock photo of a fish. If it helps you remember, it helps you remember.
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Robin goes to Nancy for help trying to date Vickie but she ends up falling for her along the way.
Practise kisses, dances etc and maybe sneak in some Nancy jealousy because that’s always fun!
thank u for the prompt, beautiful anon!! i am terribly sorry for the wait.
eternally complete (2,801 words)
“You didn’t tell me Vickie worked here.”
Nancy was proud she managed to bite down the scalding remark burning at the back of her throat, leveling the side of Robin’s lovesick face with a glare instead. Robin, of course, took no notice. Even blocked by her chunky pink sunglasses Nancy knew her eyes were laser-focused. 
“I didn’t know,” Steve retorted absently from Robin’s other side, sprawled out on his stomach for proper tanning. His eyes were screwed shut against a heady Hawkins sun. 
“You work here,” Robin said, and there were hints of accusation in her tone. 
“I would’ve told you if I knew,” Steve said, placatingly, and he reached out a lackluster hand to bat at her elbow for emphasis. Robin seemed satisfied by this.
The girl in question - Vickie Matthews, Hawkins senior and brass section leader - was meandering her way up the lifeguard ladder on the opposite end of the pool. She swung pale legs over each rung, red hair dripping down the base of her neck. Some part of Nancy’s brain she refused to associate with helpfully remarked that she looked a bit like a wet rat climbing out of the pool like that. Nancy blamed that particular thought on the heat, as well as the one that came after it.
Robin had turned on her side to face her, stricken with a sudden anxiety she never seemed to completely get rid of. The sun caught on the bridge of her freckled nose, in between the lighter strands of light-brownish-red hair, and it made her look halo-esque. Nancy’s mouth, suddenly, went desert dry.
“You have to help me,” Robin said. Nancy blinked.
“With what?”
Robin gestured unhelpfully with her head back towards the general vicinity of Vickie, shaking her hair out like a dog. Nancy pushed her sunglasses up into her hair. Her forehead appreciated the respite from her sweaty bangs, strung out and drying incorrectly from going in the pool earlier that morning. When Robin refused to elaborate further, Nancy gestured with her own hands in a circular motion. She felt a little silly, but then again - it was difficult not to feel silly doing something stupid in front of Robin. 
“With Vickie,” Robin said at last, and then furtively glanced around them, as if speaking her name aloud was some crime against nature. In the sticky, sulfuric heat, Nancy’s patience wore thin quickly. She bit back another harsh reply as a whistle sounded out through the pool. Steve jolted awake.
Vickie let the whistle drop back down to the crest of her collarbone, gesturing and shouting something inaudible at two boys who had been running by the side of the pool. When Nancy returned to Robin, she grimaced at the hazy expression on her face. Her mouth was practically hanging open.
Nancy wasn’t sure what to ask first.
“Why?” She decided on. Robin lifted her own sunglasses in a need to be taken seriously, and it made her hair stick up as if electrocuted behind the large shades. Nancy fought the urge to reach over and pat the strands down. Robin seemed on the verge of exploding as she struggled to form proper sentences. She rested a hand against her mouth, but that did nothing to block the blush from quickly spreading across her face. Realization hit Nancy like a freight train. The sick feeling in her stomach, surely, was just a product of rotting out in the sun for too long. “Robin. Do you like Vickie? Like-like her?”
“Shout it, why don’t you,” Robin muttered furiously, her blush quickly approaching firetruck-red territory. “I don’t think the whole pool heard you the first time.”
“And you want my help with, what - asking her out?” Nancy asked. She glanced over Robin’s shoulder, half-hoping Steve would be sitting up and staring back with a similarly incredulous expression. Unfortunately, he’d gone back to sleep. 
“Nancy Wheeler, investigative journalist,” Robin said, voice deepening an octave as she took on gruff, Film Noir undertones. “She attacks the case just like she attacks demo dogs - with brute force.”
“Why do you think I’ll be any help?” At this, Robin had the decency to look abashed. She dropped her hand from her mouth and let it fall limply into her lap. 
“Out of the three of us, you’re the only one with any real relationship experience,” Robin said. At Steve’s offended snort/snore, she was quick to amend with: “Or - positive relationship experience.” Nancy felt a little sorry Robin was so easy bashing her previous relationship with Steve, but she didn’t feel sorry enough to correct her on it.
“I don’t know how to talk to women,” Nancy said. 
“You are one,” Robin pointed out helpfully. Nancy opened her mouth and then closed it. Sometimes, it was just better to go along with it.
“Okay, well. First lesson: don’t curl up into the fetal position when you’re trying to impress her,” Nancy said, pointedly looking down at the way Robin had pulled all her gangly limbs in close. Robin looked as if she had only just realized she had turned her entire body mass toward Nancy. Slowly, she unfurled her legs and stretched them out onto the patio chair. Nancy swallowed and forced herself to look back up at Vickie instead, whose face was shrouded by the umbrella over the lifeguard chair. “See? Now she’s actually got something to look at.”
“You think she’s looking at me?” Robin asked, and Nancy’s stomach performed another impressive somersault at the hope in her voice.
“I can’t see very well,” Nancy said, flopping back onto her own lounge chair and sliding her sunglasses back down. Robin shifted again in her chair, attempting to prop herself up like she was practicing for the centerfold. Nancy squeezed her eyes shut tight - it was too early in the summer to deal with that.
About two weeks of tortuous conversations with Robin about Vickie (because that was all she talked about) later, Nancy had finally found a bit of peace in the midst of a post-party breakfast. She padded around her kitchen in her mother’s slippers, pretending not to watch Robin take tentative sips of her milk-addled coffee as she poured cereal for the both of them. Often, they slept over at Nancy’s house after Steve had them over - if his couch was taken up by the kids. Sleepovers were often, actually, without the excuse of a hangover. Or a nightmare. Sometimes Nancy just liked having Robin over so that, in the middle of a shockingly cold night, she could crack open her eyes and see how Robin’s eyelashes fluttered against her cheekbones as she slept.
“So - what’re we doing today?” Nancy asked as she slid over a bowl for Robin and plopped down beside her at the counter. It took a few seconds for her to notice Robin’s lack of a reply. The other girl was stirring her Lucky Charms absently, though there was a guilty look on her face. “What’s-”
“Vickie and I are hanging out today,” Robin said all in one go, a big rush of words that, had Nancy not been so experienced in the art of Communication With Robin, would’ve been completely unintelligible. 
“Oh,” Nancy said, wincing inwardly at how obvious her disappointment was. She felt a little silly about it, anyway. It wasn’t as if they had to spend all their time with each other. Just most of it. All Nancy asked for was for Robin to be at her side every second of the day - not that big of a deal. Especially in the summertime, when there was nothing better to do but lay on the kitchen floor and waste away. “Oh. That’s good.”
“I asked her the last time she came into Family Video,” Robin explained through a mouthful of marshmallow, “and you and Steve were out fixing your car. Remember - last Monday, when it broke down.”
“She just kept talking about how badly she wanted to see Aliens, and you know I loved the first one, so - I asked her if she wanted to go.”
“I’m proud of you,” Nancy said, but the words tasted like ash. At that praise, Robin’s face lit up like a switchboard. It only added to Nancy’s churning stomach. Suddenly, she wasn’t that hungry. Her spoon dropped listlessly into the cereal bowl below her.
“But I have no idea what to do,” Robin said, gripping the counter with a sudden intensity. “I’ve never - I mean, I haven’t - I don’t even know if it’s a date. But if it is - I have no fucking idea how to go on a date. I’ve never been on one. Obviously.”
“Obviously?” Nancy parrotted. Robin snorted self-deprecatingly and took another spoonful of cereal.
“I mean, look at me.” She gestured down her front. Nancy’s eyes traced the glimpse of shoulder bone at the edge of her baggy sleep shirt, her cracking fingers. 
“Robin, you-” Nancy stopped herself, shaking her head. It was getting a little difficult to speak. “You’ll be fine.”
“You don’t know that,” Robin groaned dramatically, folding in on the counter and hitting her forehead against the granite top with a soft thwap. “Fuck, ow.”
“What are you worried about?” Nancy asked, shrugging. “You’ll just sit next to each other in the theater. Maybe brush hands with her in the popcorn bowl. Kick her foot with yours. It’s not that hard.”
“Don’t movie dates come with the implication that you’ll be-” Robin cut herself off, glancing over at Nancy with wide eyes. Her next words were whispered. “Like, making out? ‘Cause it’s dark.” Nancy’s face went up in a flush. She pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, attempting to forcefully push out all mental images that particular sentence conjured up.
“You’ll be fine,” Nancy repeated in a daze. 
“I’ve never kissed anybody before.” If Nancy wasn’t so tuned in to Robin’s every minute move, she would’ve missed that.
“Seriously?” Nancy asked, immediately feeling terrible for the way it made Robin’s face drop exponentially. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just - surprised.” Clearly, Robin didn’t share the sentiment.
“What if I’m a terrible kisser?” Robin asked, all shaking nerves and moving hands. The cereal threatened to escape the bowl and run onto the countertop. “What if my mouth smells like fish? What if I use too much tongue and she thinks I’m trying to eat her? What if I don’t use enough tongue and I’m boring? I don’t want to kiss like a Mormon, Nance, I’m better than that. I’m trying to impress her. Vickie’s had a boyfriend, she’s experienced - I’m going to be terrible and fuck it all up and everything’ll fall apart before it’s even begun.”
Nancy held up a gentle hand to stop her, and the words were coming out of her mouth before she even knew what she was saying.
“I’ll teach you. How to kiss, I mean.” Robin’s mouth promptly snapped shut. She turned back to her cereal and took a fast bite, face a confusing red color.
“You will?” Robin asked after a moment, muffled by marshmallow. “You’d do that for me?” I’d do anything for you. Nancy shocked herself with the intensity of that tidal wave thought, which crashed over her in a devastating mass of Robin, Robin, Robin. If just thinking about kissing her made her feel like this - what would it feel like to actually do it?
Outwardly, Nancy shrugged.
“Sure.” Inwardly, she was screaming. There seemed to be something crackling between them, before Robin looked back up from her cereal through her bangs and smiled hesitantly. 
“She’s picking me up at three,” Robin said, the implication clear. Nancy nodded, took a deep breath, and got up.
They didn’t speak as they headed up the stairs back to Nancy’s bedroom, where the messy bed (proof of their co-existence) and clothes strewn across the floor (a mixture of Robin’s and Nancy’s) stood out like blaring, blinking red lights. As Nancy sat down on the end of her bed on autopilot, a worry began to uncover itself. If Robin sensed something - if she could tell Nancy’s feelings - through this kiss - what would happen? 
She felt the mattress sink with Robin’s weight. A tentative hand against hers on the comforter, contact that had become second nature suddenly unfamiliar.
“You don’t have to,” Robin said. Nancy looked up, saw her stark blue eyes. God, she was gone. 
“It’s fine,” Nancy said, managing a hesitant smile. “Don’t want you to kiss like a fish.” Robin laughed, all high-pitched and nervous. 
Nancy glanced down at Robin’s lips. She was biting her bottom one anxiously, a silly expression that, somehow, tightened the iron-fist grip in Nancy’s stomach. She leaned forward. Seconds before impact, she felt rather than heard Robin’s sharp intake of anticipatory breath. Robin smelled like dew and milk and shower and Nancy was tumbling through the Upside-Down.
Her lips were soft, slightly chapped from absent neglect. They pressed, inexperienced, at Nancy’s own, until Nancy reached up with both hands to tilt Robin’s face. Their noses pressed together as suddenly something in Robin’s mind clicked. Her hands came up to rest against Nancy’s, holding them in place. Holding them together. Nancy tugged lightly on Robin’s bottom lip - she’d spent too much time watching Robin bite and wanting, desperately, to do the same. Robin took another sharp breath through her nose, adorably overwhelmed. She was like a furnace underneath Nancy’s fingertips, burning harshly through her skin and melting her to nothingness. If Nancy pulled back and found herself a puddle on the ground, she would’ve been happy it had been Robin. She would happy it was Robin, in any case.
When she pulled back, Robin’s eyes were a little glazed. She kept her hands clasped to Nancy’s as if forgetting they were there in the first place. The air turned tensely awkward.
“That’s why Steve’s such a bitch when he isn’t getting any,” Robin whispered, and it was so stupid and such a Robin thing to say Nancy couldn’t help but laugh. It was, strangely, on the verge of harsh tears. 
“I think you’re ready,” Nancy said, clearing her throat. When she wiggled her fingers purposefully, Robin seemed to snap back to focus. She let Nancy drop her hands into her lap, rubbing palms together and trying to prolong the feeling of Robin’s warm cheeks for as long as possible.
“You’re very good,” Robin said, still as glazed over as before. Nancy was thankful she seemed so disoriented - maybe it made her blush less noticeable.
“...thank you?” Robin reached up with two fingers to press on her lips. Those blue eyes swung to meet hers, glaze clearing out and something new, unidentifiable, replacing it.
“Um. She’s picking you up at three, right?” Nancy said, shifting over to glance at her bedside clock. “If you wanna borrow something to wear - I mean. I know you don’t particularly like my closet.”
“You wear it all better than me,” Robin agreed. Nancy cut herself off. She flopped face-first onto her comforter, hoping to fake tiredness so she wouldn’t have to show her smitten face. “You really think I’m ready?”
“Yes.” Nancy’s reply was muffled. 
“So - you don’t think we should, um. Do it again?” Robin asked tentatively. “Just to make sure?”
Nancy froze, hands clenching the comforter.
“Am I misreading this?” Robin spoke again, significantly more nervous than before. “Um. If I am, don’t say anything. Or do. Do whatever you want, I don’t want to - I mean. I’m sorry. I’m being stupid.”
“Robin, you’re-” Nancy sprung to life, returning to her place on the side of the bed and at Robin’s side. “You’re never stupid.” Robin let out a little breath.
“Oh.” It sounded revelatory. “I, um. Can I borrow your phone?” Nancy furrowed her eyebrows, confused.
“Um. Sure. Why?” Nancy asked, sickly worried Robin was about to say to ask Steve for a ride or to call Vickie to get her here earlier. Robin smiled a nervous, toothy smile. It was brighter than the sun.
“To cancel,” Robin said. “And, um. Completely unrelated to that, I’ve got two tickets to Aliens this afternoon - if you’ve got nothing to do.” At first, Nancy just blinked. Then, a tentative grin spread across her face. She laughed, surprised.
“I did really like the first one,” Nancy said. “But, uh. You know the implication that comes with a movie date, yeah?” 
Robin’s eyes twinkled. Her smile spilt her face in two. Nancy wanted nothing more than to kiss that mouth again. And again, and again…
“Yeah,” Robin said, aiming for casual and landing somewhere in the ‘giddy’ zone. “Yeah, I know.”
“Good,” Nancy said, leaning forward at the same time Robin was. They’d always been on the same wavelength, anyway. “Me too.”
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courtforshort15 · 2 years
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A Discussion of Choices
Pairing: Matt Murdock x AFAB Reader
Summary: you're not quite sure what to do about this new development, but Matt will be there, regardless of the choice
Trigger warning: conversation about abortion
Inspired by the overturning of Roe v Wade
Matt would 100000% support a person's right to choose and to make their own decisions regarding their own healthcare.
Maybe he'd feel a certain way about abortion, have his own personal beliefs regarding the topic, but ultimately I think he'd support a pregnant individual making the right choice for themselves.
Sorry about any typos, literally wrote this on my phone.
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You weren't sure when you started crying.
At first, you had been too shocked to feel much of anything, really. Just absolutely numb to everything around you as the two pink lines grew bolder on the stick laid out on your bathroom counter. The timer hadn't even finished ticking down before the results were splayed out in front of you, your future staring you in the face.
The word bounced across every corner, ledge, and crevice in your brain, speeding up and growing in noise with every pass.
It wasn't long before the breath in your chest struggled to get out, the panic ensnaring your body so completely that breathing was now out of the question. Your heart pounded so hard it felt like it was going to burst out of your chest, the thump-thump roaring so harshly in your ears that you vaguely wondered how Matt could ever stand hearing multiple heartbeats at once.
The thought of him caused your body to jolt, the full body twitch imploring you to take a seat on the edge of the bathtub. You forcibly pushed down the bile rising from your stomach, rejecting the idea of losing the contents of your stomach to the toilet for the third time today.
Stumbling, you took the three steps to the bathtub, vision already swimming. Once sat, you buried your head in your hands, a wave of hot, downright miserable tears immediately rushing down your face as you hiccupped.
At first you tried to muffle the cries, biting your lip so hard it bled, but thirty seconds in and sobs wrenched themselves so brutally past your lips that silence wasn't even close to a possibility.
Under any other circumstance, you might have been embarrassed at how suddenly your face had turned a horrid mess of smeared mascara and blotchy skin. You allowed yourself a pass, just this once, as the word pregnant continued to torment your terrified mind.
This wasn't
This wasn't how this was supposed to happen.
The world sped back up around you as you cried, body curling in on itself as best as it could from where you sat.
You knew it wasn't the end of the world. You knew that. But it didn't stop you from feeling this heavy weight suddenly being shoved on to your shoulders, one you had always known was a possibility, but had actively chosen to ignore, relying on the pill and condoms to keep you protected from an unwanted pregnancy.
You didn't want kids. Or at least, you didn't want them right now. And Matt....well, you didn't know what he wanted.
You sobbed harder as ideas and thoughts and emotions ran through your head, unable to organize and form a coherent sentence, as if your own mind was on strike against you. You frantically sifted through all the different pieces of information you now needed to consider, trying to gain some sort of an upperhand on a situation that was very rapidly spiraling out of control.
What health insurance did you have? Where was their plan information? Was abortion covered?
Did you have enough money to pay for it?
Where did you need to set up an appointment? Was this something your normal doctor could help you with, or did you need to go somewhere else?
What was your current PTO balance? Did you have enough time off saved for the appointment?
How far along were you? Would it even be considered legal at this point?
What was Matt going to think?
You hated to admit it to yourself, but you couldn't decide if his feelings on the matter were the most important part of the equation, or the least.
You hadn't discussed your thoughts and needs and wishes on the matter. Five months had seemed too soon for such a topic, the two of you just enjoying your time together and seeing what could come of it, but children hadn't yet come up. Maybe it should have.
Your phone rang.
Startled, you reached over to grab it off of the counter, flinching when you saw his name flashing across the screen, as if he had known you were thinking of him. You toyed with the idea of rejecting the call, but grimaced when you realized he'd already called twice and you had failed to notice it. Your beautiful, passionate, stubborn boyfriend was your first thought in the morning and the last one at night, and suddenly he was the last person you wanted to talk to at the moment.
You knew he'd pick up on the fact that was something was wrong, and while you usually loved how perceptive he was and how he always knew what you needed before you did, right now you hated it. And even while you hated it, you were loathe to reject him, to deny him.
You often tried to tell yourself that you weren't as far gone on him as you were, but you failed. Repeatedly. Flat out crashed and burned every time.
Taking a deep breath, you accepted the call and put all of your effort into trying to sound as normal as possible, if only to avoid Matt Murdock's voice of concern that you often found yourself on the receiving end of. You knew he'd had a long day at the courthouse, and he deserved a night of peace, or at least a few hours of peace before throwing himself into the underworld that was Hell's Kitchen after dusk.
Luckily it was only 7pm and in the middle of summer, so he had a few hours left before the neighborhood's criminals truly came out to play.
"Hey, Matt."
"Hey, sweetheart," his voice floated up from the phone in your hand. "What are you up to?"
"Uh," you froze, trying to think up an excuse that didn't include sobbing in your bathroom. You ran a clumsy hand through your hair, ignoring the pain as it forced its way through the tangles that seemed ever-present on your head. "Just finished eating dinner."
"Oh, perfect," you could practically hear him grin. "We were just gonna hop over to Josie's for a few beers. You want to come join us?"
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. Under any other circumstances, you would have loved to go hang out with your boyfriend and his friends. "I'm not...I'm not feeling super great. I'm just gonna go to bed."
Matt was quiet for a second, and you cringed. You almost always accepted their invitations. To decline now would send him a signal that something was very much off, and before he even spoke, you knew what he was going to suggest. "Are you ok? Look, I'll just head your way instead. I was with Foggy and Karen all day, I can hang out with them another time."
"No!" You choked out. "No, I'm fine, really. I just need to sleep it off."
He was quiet again, and when we spoke, his voice was a little more firm. "I'll be there in ten minutes. Can I bring you anything from the store?"
"No. I'm ok, I don't need anything. I'll leave the door unlocked, you can just come straight in." It was pointless arguing with the man once he had his mind set on something.
Thirteen minutes later you had managed to change into pajamas and were curled up on the couch, waiting on the man who had so abruptly changed your life, even before this unexpected equation was thrown into the mix. If you hadn't been nauseous earlier, you certainly were now.
There was a gentle knock on your front door before it opened, revealing the Concerned Face of Matt Murdock (TM) as he pushed his way into your apartment. His cane was folded up and placed on to the table you had next to the front door, and he took his red glasses off as he shut the door behind him. His unfocused eyes were aimed in your direction, a soft smile on his face.
He couldn't see you, but he saw you, in more ways than you had ever imagined a partner would be able to, would want to.
He had a grocery bag in his hand and you could spot the bright yellow color of your favorite flavor of Gatorade peaking out. For a man with so little concern for his own wellbeing, he sure had every little piece of information stored in his head regarding the things that you found comfort in when you weren't feeling well. If you hadn't been so nervous, you would have basked in how sweet the Devil of Hell's Kitchen was with you while simultaneously spending so much time bloodying his fists night after night.
"How are you feeling?" Matt asked as he made his way over to your couch. He got down on his knees in front of where you were laying, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. His calloused hand found itself on your cheek as he pushed hair behind your ear. "You don't feel warm."
"I'm fine," you told him tiredly. "Just an awful headache." It technically wasn't a lie at that point. Dehydration had set in as a result of your crying episode earlier, and now your head was downright throbbing.
He hmmmd quietly in reply, his fingers toying with the lobe of your ear. "Did you take a Tylenol? I bought you some, wasn't sure if you had picked up another bottle after I depleted your stash."
You smirked slightly. "I'm surprised you don't have liver damage with how much Tylenol you take on a daily basis."
"Shh," he hushed you in good humor. "I'm trying to be a supportive boyfriend here. Don't call me out like that."
"A real supportive boyfriend would let me do what I needed to help numb my pain."
He grinned. "I draw the line at being insulted while trying to take care of you. My ego is fragile and it deserves the same care and affection I am giving you."
You rolled your eyes fondly. "Maybe you shouldn't be such a baby."
The word slipped out so suddenly that you couldn't stop your body from having the reaction it did.
Utter panic.
The reaction was so intense that it instantly (and unexpectedly) put Matt on edge. He froze, his focus on you sharpening, and God, you could practically see the hair on his skin rising.
"What is it?" He all but demanded. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you choked out, chest still tight. "It's nothing." You halfheartedly tried to push him away as he crowded further into your space.
"I've never felt you react like that," he stated fiecerly. "That wasn't nothing."
He pretty much growled out your name, effectively cutting you off. "Your heart is pounding, I can feel you struggling to breathe. Tell me what that was."
"Alright, alright," you forced out, trying to rotate on to your back, but his sudden hand on your shoulder stopped you.
Sighing, steeling yourself against the possible fall out of this revelation, you mummbled, "I'm pregnant."
Matt froze, unseeing eyes widening. His posture was still stiff, but you seemed to have knocked him off his feet, so to speak. He cleared his throat loudly. "What?"
"You heard me, Matt," you whispered, sitting up slowly, grateful when he finally let you move as he swayed slightly on his knees. "Pregnant."
Matt licked his lips, as he often did when he was nervous. "You're...you're sure?"
"Yup. Took the test three times. To be honest, I'm surprised you can't hear a heartbeat. Must not be that far along," you said faintly, playing with the hem on your sleep shorts. With every breath he didn't say something, your panic grew, until he placed a gentle, yet shaking hand over yours and rose up from his spot on the floor to sit beside you on the couch.
"And...how are you feeling about it?" He asked cautiously. You laughed, trying not to sound bitter, knowing he didn't deserve it.
"Not great," you told him honestly, almost flinching at your own words. "I, uh...we haven't had this talk yet, have we?"
"The sex talk? Bit too late for that," he deadpanned, though his lips caught a quick smirk at the end. A sudden laugh burst out from your chest, this time one that was more genuine.
"No," you shook your head, smile fading. "The...baby talk. As in, do you want babies? In a general sense, I guess."
Matt hmmmd again, though this time he did so as he leaned back against your couch, settling in for what you both knew would be a heavy conversation. You brought your hand up to your mouth to pick at the hang nail on your thumb. It was one of your major tells for any sort of anxiety you were feeling, and Matt quickly caught on to it, pulling your hand into his before it could make its way to your mouth. It was extremely settling, and you wanted to cry at his display of casual yet intentional comfort he offered you.
"No, we haven't," he agreed, briefly kissing the back of the hand he now held in his, before sliding his fingers through yours and bringing it down to his lap. "I guess we're getting that opportunity now."
"Seems so," you replied, fighting hard not to fold in on yourself in prepartion of what you were about to say. This conversation with him needed to be open and honest, and you didn't want him to think you were holding yourself back from him, even while the topic was difficult. "So...I can start first. I don't think I want kids. Especially not now."
"Okay," Matt said easily and without pause. "That's okay."
You were almost taken aback at how simple he made that acceptance sound. Swallowing, you soldiered on.
"And you?"
"To be completely honest, I haven't really thought about it."
"Yeah," he shrugged. "Most of my life has been about reacting to what's going on in front of me, not what was super far down the line. I had to pass a class, had to prep for a case, had to fight a man mugging an old woman, had to seduce the pretty, citrus-scented girl Foggy introduced to me." He gave you a smirk at that last one, reminding you of the night you had met five months ago when Foggy had been playing Matt's wingman at a bar in midtown. "But those were all things that were short-term goals, nothing long term."
"Oh, I'm just short term?"
Matt barked out a laugh, pulling you to lean against him as his other hand settled across your shoulder from over the couch. "That's not how I meant that."
"You're doing great at this baby talk, Matt," you told him. "You've made this super simple. No need having the baby talk with a man who was never planning on sticking around long enough anyway."
"Shut up," he you told you affectionately, placing a kiss on to the top of your head. "Can I finish?"
"You did finish. That's why we're here and having this conversation."
"Jesus." He was still laughing, and you found yourself grinning in return, unable to deny yourself, and him, this moment of happiness in an otherwise serious conversation. "As I was saying...I haven't really ever though of kids. If the person I was with wanted them, I'd be open to discussing it. And if the person I was with didn't want them, then I'd be very happy to enjoy our lives, just the two of us."
You were silent as your absorbed his words, brain trying to keep up.
"That's you, by the way," he said when you didn't respond right away. "The person I'm with...I'm hoping it's always you."
"It's only been five months," was all you said. The objection sounded weak, even to your own ears.
"I knew after one." Matt squeezed your hand, another kiss placed to the top of your head. "But even if...even if our situation was different, even if I really wanted kids, or even if this was short term, I'd still want you to do what's best for you."
"But this involves you, too," you said. "I know that I'm the one who makes the final decision, but your opinion matters, too."
"I know. And I'm not sure how I would have reacted if you'd done something without telling me, knowing what we are to each other, but this is your call. I support you either way."
"Ok," you nodded, taking a deep breath, finding a sense of relief in what he had said, but unable to completely squash down your anxiety. "But are you sure? I know how you feel about...killing. Is that what you think this would be?"
"No," he said adamantly.
"But you're Catholic."
"Doesn't matter." He was still shaking his head. "This a medical procedure. It is a personal decision. This, what's growing inside you, has the potential to be more, of course it does. But that's not where we're at right now."
"Some people believe life begins at conception."
"Maybe it does. Maybe it doesn't," Matt shrugged. "But your life matters, too, and I want you to be happy in it. I need you to be happy in it. And if this is what you need to be happy, then I support that choice."
You were crying again. You tried to take your hand from his to cover your face, but he wouldn't let you. Instead, he rejected the idea of you hiding yourself from him so completely that he pulled you fully into his lap.
"It's so hard," you mumbled into his neck. "It's a really hard decision to make."
"I know, sweetheart," he soothed quietly, playing with the ends of your hair.
"I don't want this," you all but whimpered. "Not yet. And maybe not ever."
"Okay. That's okay." He shifted to pull you closer. "What do you need from me?"
"I need you to come with me. Please?"
"Of course. You don't even have to ask." Matt lifted your joined hands to kiss the back of yours again. "And maybe, while we're there, we can ask about something that might help us not to have to make this decision again. Maybe something that might...be an option for me?"
You picked up on what he was saying and made a noise of disagreement. "I can't ask you to do that."
"You're not, I'm offering. If we change our minds in a few years, there's usually success with a procedure that will reverse it."
"I...just don't make the decision lightly, please," you said, fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt. "Not yet, not for me."
"For us, then."
You sniffed loudly.
"...okay," you settled more fully against him, and he responded by squeezing you to him tighter. You didn't know what you'd done to deserve this man. "For us."
You held each other for a few moments of silence before you spoke again. The weight of the pregnancy was still heavy on your shoulders, but Matt was willingly sharing that burden with you, and you found that it didn't seem so awful to bear.
"Thank you," you said quietly. "Thank you for understanding."
"No need to thank me, sweetheart," Matt whispered, pulling back far enough to touch his forehead to yours. "I'll always be in your corner, no matter what."
And you believed him.
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If you're planning on leaving a negative comment, please don't. A lot people are hurting over this. The point of this isn't to offend or start arguments, just to highlight the struggles that many AFAB indivduals, and their loved ones, are faced with, regardless of their circumstances.
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starhvney · 2 months
any tips for us beginner writers? :3
honestly this sounds super cliche, but practice! i’ve improved in my writing skills just from a few weeks ago because i’ve been posting so much. writing is a skill kind of like art.
although that’s cliche, here’s a few resources i use to improve my writing:
☆ pinterest | i have a board full of character descriptions, prompts, word substitutions, world building tips for realism, etc. that i reference all. the. time. look up writing tips on pinterest and you’ll find millions of suggestions. i’ve scrolled for hours on there.
☆ plan | have a general idea of where you want the story to go, even if it’s for a short story. if you don’t know that you want your character to end up from point A to point B by the end of the story (because you don’t even know what point B is), then you’re writing can become drawn out and pointless.
☆ online dictionary/thesaurus | sometimes i end up reusing a word too many times, but still want to convey the same idea. look up that same word and find a synonym for it that works!
☆ grammarly | sometimes checking my own spelling is too time consuming and i don’t want to do it. gradually it’s useful for pointing out places with spell checks (but don’t always take its advice if it wants to shorten or reword a sentence, it’s not always right for creative writing)
☆ walk away | if you feel like you’re just not in the creative headspace and you’re getting frustrated, or you’re not sure of what you wrote is good, get up and do something else for a bit! once you’ve cleared your mind, come back to it and look at your work with fresh eyes to correct any mistakes or think of new ideas.
☆ listen to music, ambience, or even asmr | i do this a lot! i find a playlist of mine that fits the vibe of what i’m trying to write, and it helps me focus on the story. for instance, if i want to write a scary scene i listen to film soundtracks that are intense and eery, or listen to an ambience from a horror game. if i want to write something peaceful, i listen to soft music or a spring morning ambience. this really helps if you struggle to get in the writing zone like i do.
☆ shut off your left brain | sometimes when we write or draw, our focus and thoughts become too critical of our work, and we stunt ourselves or get frustrated and completely give up. you have to switch over into the creative side of your brain, and not care if you make mistakes as you write! you can edit it later, but just focus on getting the story and thought out of your head. i do this by daydreaming the situation first, and then writing it out while listening to music.
☆ study other artists! | similar to art, you need to study others works to develop your own style. look at the works of a fan fiction writer who’s really good, or a popular book that made it big. when do they break off their paragraphs? how do they change scenes? how do they form their sentences and describe the scenery and characters?
i’ll also say that i did grow up with an english teacher mom and much older sisters who also became teachers and had an extensive vocabulary, so writing came easier to me than others because of that. BUT! even still my writing was awful a couple of years ago. it took a lot of practice and trashing my old work to get to this point.
i’m not that great of a teacher myself, but i hope this advice helps! best of luck to anyone who wants to try writing, don’t be scared to start!!! i believe in you :)
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polygamousstan · 1 year
Soulmate Pt1- Shikamaru Nara
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Prompt: You wake up the day of your 18th birthday with a strange tattoo... 
(Hey guys, I know I haven’t written anything in a long time and I want to be honest and say that I’ve been having an enourmous amount of writer’s block, like no inspo but I’ll try my best and hope you guys enjoy this)
My eyes stare at the ceiling of my room, my mind going over the day, my 18th birthday.
Wait, you guys don’t know what i’m talking about.
Let’s go back to this morning.
I woke up with a smile, beautiful and warm weather and I’m greeted by my cat, Suki.
She purrs while rubbing herself to me, her fur as soft as a teddy bear.
I pick her up and go to the living room, the smell of food making my stomach rumble:
“Happy birthday my love” my mother sneaks up behind me, hugging me, Suki landing by my feet:
“Thank you mum” I hug her back. She came back from her mission last night, her eyes dark with circles underneath them, her knuckles bruised, her arm in a cast:
“You don’t have to do anything too big for me, mum. You need to rest after your mission and didn’t Sakura say that you had to rest ?” I say, watching my mother struggle with the cooking.
I slightly push her away as she understands the message, she sits down, replying:
“But it’s your 18th birthday, we need to celebrate” she comments 
“I would rather celebrate it when you are back to health and feeling better, don’t worry about me” I answer.
I hear my mother sigh, her fingers playing with the surface of the table when I hear:
“Oh Y/N, you’ve got it !”
“Got what ?” I reply 
“Your tattoo !” 
I completely forgot about that.
Basically the day of your 18th birthday, you get a tattoo of the first thing that your soulmate will ever say to you, even if you know them.
“I can’t read it, what does it say ?” of course mine had to be behind my arm.
My mum lifts my arm and says:
“What a drag”
“I know it’s really annoying that it’s behind my arm, I can’t read it”
“No, honey, it says ‘what a drag’“ she finishes her sentence, a smile on her face as she lets out a small laugh
“Seriously, that is not funny” I huff, wondering who would say that kind of thing
“This guy must complain a lot, just like your father” she laughs, my face showing discontent, my brain almost boiling wondering who would say that.
I scoff down my breakfest, kissing my mum and yell goodbye as I’m running out of the house, my mother nodding, her good hand holding her head as she watches me leave.
I start running through Konoha, a few people wishing me happy birthday as I shout thank you.
I arrive at the meeting point, Sakura and Naruto waiting for me, their hands crossed while their feet are hitting the ground, seemingly annoyed:
“I’m so sorry I’m late” I pant out, having the impression that the air in my lungs has disappeared:
“Y/N you are always late” Naruto says.
I stare at him quizzically, Sakura rubbing her eyes as she nods:
“You have some gall saying that” I reply staring at him
“I was supposed to say it, you idiot” Sakura sighs, Naruto rubbing his neck
“Oh yeah, hehe” 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N” I turn around, letting out a scream, to find Kakashi and the other teams.
“Happy birthday Y/N” Hinata apporaches me, a chocolat cake in her hand
“Oh Hina, thank you” I say, tears forming in my eyes
“Come on Y/N, let’s celebrate!” Naruto shouts, wrapping his arm around me as we head out.
We spend the day in the park, the teams all together with their senseis:
“Your mum asked us if we could plan this knowing that she just came back from a mission, she asked me when she came to get checked out yesterday” Sakura says, putting a big piece of cake in her mouth.
I look around, seeing everyone laughing and smiling warming me up, although I have noticed that Shikamaru has been very quiet:
“Is Shikamaru okay ?” I ask Ino, who was sitting next to me
“Oh, you know him, Y/N, he’s a grump and not very social” 
I observe him still, worried about him.
He and I have never had long conversations and we have never hung out alone but there’s something different about him, I don’t know how to explain it.
I see Kiba approaching him, the two boys start having a conversation:
“Shikamaru, we have to leave for a mission tomorrow”
Shikamaru puts his head in his hands:
“What a drag”
My eyes widen and the air is kicked out of my gut, his words echoing as I  remember the tattoo that I have on me.
I start shaking my head, my brain processing the information:
“Y/N, are you okay ?” asks Sakura, her hands on my forehead 
“Yeah, I think I’m starting to feel tired, I think i’m gonna go”
I start getting up, Sakura and Naruto seemingly concerned get up as well
“Thank you guys for everything, I had the most amazing day” I say.
I look at Sakura and Naruto, reassuring them that I could go alone.
As I’m walking in Konoha, my mind wanders, I mean, Shikamaru, how could this be ? 
I always thought that it worked on a level of affinity or something.
I arrive home, my mother asleep on the couch.
I wrap her in a blanket and head to my room, pacing around.
He’s leaving on a mission tomorrow, I don’t know what could happen.
I have to tell him...
Okay, I know I’m rusty but I hope you guys enjoyed this, part 2 will be up very soon !
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gfxced · 2 years
I don’t understand shit about notes in music, that’s my ADHD. Chords and shit, It’s all boring and tedious to learn, so I never learned and never will. It’s like learning how to code with computers. It’s something I should do / have done by can’t. I’m Plug’n’Play for life, baby.
But I understand music to a different level, I vibrate with it, I feel intensely thanks to it and I also understand the rhythms. (I became a drummer because it’s both fun and learning to read is simple and could be achieved in one day). I also understand the layering effortlessly. I can hear the subtle details, isolate them, enhance them as I listen to a piece. I can listen to the whole and the parts simultaneously.
Sometimes I listen to the music I created — without knowing anything else than rhythms — and I’m impressed by myself.
Music can provide me pleasures that are unmatched (yes even you know what doesn’t tickle my brain in this way). Thrills up and down the spine, release of chemicals like a dam breaking up. It works with anything too, from classical to metal to EDM, all types of music can give me these thrills and music is an integral part of the ingredients needed for me to escape, to recharge my batteries.
I also found out after being diagnosed with ADHD that music is a great tool to get shit done and that my love for EDM and beats that feel “primal”, “tribal” anything trance-inducing really, will be to my brain what the drummer used to be on a trireme. It’s pretty cool to just find the right kind of music for the right kind of task.
Without the presence of the outside life, I would listen to music almost 24/7 and I before I got a family that needs attention, that’s what I did. I think it was a form of subconscious self-treatment. I did it because I knew that somehow it is something I needed, but I didn’t realise how normal people don’t work that way at all. This last sentence can be applied to a lot of things actually.
ADHD is pretty insidious and because the struggles are the same as neurotypical people, but on a whole other level, it can go completely undetected and destroy your self-confidence and self-esteem in the process. Needless to say, that last part has vastly improved in the last few years.
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queerautism · 2 years
(This is a vent, feel free to delete if you don't want to deal with it. I just don't know anyone else who might understand)
Cw: medical stuff, ableism, and gaslighting
I have chronic pain and I'm so sick of abled people acting like it's impossible to mask pain if it's really bad. Like I've seen people say it's impossible to appear calm if your pain is at a 10 on a scale of 1-10. It makes me so mad because that exact kind of thing has been used to invalidate and dismiss my pain. I've been gaslit by family and doctors into feeling like my pain is actually just me being lazy, and so I constantly push through horrible pain. I've also been abused a lot so I feel like I have to hide anything that might bother other people, I feel like I have to always be easy going and happy. Even when I'm in so much pain that my legs give out the moment I try to stand and I can't form coherent sentences without great difficulty, I can still make myself smile and act like nothing's wrong. If you're at a 10/10 pain wise for days or even months and then eventually you might just start to dissociate. My body and mind has given up on crying or trying to get sympathy or help, it just ends up getting me hurt even more. But now ableds act like that means my pain isn't that bad. There's just no winning. If I act the way ableds expect from someone in a ton of pain then I'm being annoying and overdramatic and probably just faking for attention/to get out of work, but if I don't act the way they expect then my pain must not be that bad and I'm just an idiot who doesn't know what it's like to actually be in pain. I recently had surgery and the recovery wasn't even as bad as some of my bad pain days. I've had tendon scrapings while fully conscious and those aren't as bad as a bad day. I just want ableds to acknowledge that they don't understand what chronic pain is like. They can't even imagine what it's like. I'm literally unable to even imagine what life without pain is like because it's such a constant in my life. When people talk about afterlives, immortality, or reincarnation I find the idea horrible because I can't imagine what it's like to exist without pain. My brain interprets every kind of stimulus as pain. Slight pressure=pain, holding a glass of ice water=pain, having a fan blow air on my skin=pain, eating something with a strong flavor=pain, wearing stiff fabric clothes=pain. It's horrible and exhausting and ableds acting like I'm faking or overstating it just makes it worse. The only time I'm not in pain is when I'm asleep, and even then I sometimes have pain in my dreams.
But ableds will still act like they know what real pain is better than I do because they broke their arm as a kid. (I'm not saying they haven't had real pain or anything, it's just frustrating that they can't understand the difference between needing to deal with a temporary injury/illness and just existing in a constant state of agony)
Sorry to dump all of this on you. I'm just so tired of ableds. I know this might make me sound suicidal, but I'm really not. I know I can still enjoy life despite all my pain, I just want the people around me to understand what I'm dealing with so they might be more sympathetic to my struggles. I want people to understand that after a certain point, expressing how much you're suffering can just be exhausting. If you're in so much pain that you cry then it can be cathartic, but if that pain keeps going then eventually you're going to run out of tears and the energy to cry. And if your main method of coping is dissociation, then crying or even acknowledging the pain can just bring your attention back to it and make it feel even worse.
I want people to understand that some of us are just in horrible pain all the time and it completely changes the way we live. I don't even need sympathy I just want people to understand that so they stop acting like I'm lazy or a liar. But I always just get met with "umm you can't be calm when you're at 10/10 pain bc that's the worst pain u can imagine" if I'm in so much pain that I literally can't imagine being in any more or any less pain because it's so overwhelming it feels literally inescapable and never ending then I think I'm allowed to call that a 10/10, and when that happens my brain basically shuts down and I don't show any emotion.
It doesn't help that I'm autistic and I don't show a lot of natural facial expression. I feel like I have to act out my own emotions to communicate them*, and doing that with pain just does more harm that good.
(*idk if this is common thing. I just tend to feel like I'm an actor in a play. I'm not pretending to feel things I don't feel. But when I'm happy I don't naturally look happy, I feel like I have to tell myself to act happy if I want people to know I'm happy)
Sorry this went on so long. I just needed somewhere to vent and I felt like you would be understanding of this kind of thing.
I absolutely 100% understand. Chronic pain is fucking awful to deal with and so many people are just fucking assholes about it. I'm in so much pain all of the time.
Also I do the acting out emotions thing too, otherwise I'm very flat / seem angry? I call it doing cartoon emotions lol
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dilfartist · 2 years
aaa can i play the yandere game?
sooo i like art in all forms and i love creating art and writing. i don’t do well with physical activities but i love the sea and swimming. i tend to baby people around me, like i am the mother of the friend group. i am a very caring person but this sometimes feels draining as i push my needs and emotions away to help people with theirs. i sometimes struggle with paranoia, feeling like something bad i going to happen and i need to check stuff or do something.
i know yandere is not romance but somewhere in my mentally ill brain it’s like “wow they love me so much and i am so precious to them. and they will never get sick of me or abandon me” :/ so what i want would be someone who holds and treats me like i am made of porcelain
i think meeting your soulmate in your dreams is a cool idea!
sorry if i made mistakes english is not my first language. and THANK YOU SO MUCH (^。^)
“Your soulmate is...” the fortune-teller stops mid-sentence. A piece of paper is pushed out of a small slit next to the palm reader.
Bruno bucciarati
It started on the night of your 12th birthday. As soon as drifted off to sleep, you had a dream of your soulmate's memories. At first, the dreams were enjoyable; your soulmate usually spent his days fishing and talking with his father. However, the good memories came to an end when your soulmate’s father was attacked by two men. You watched through your soulmate's eyes as he killed the two men. The dreams grew worse by the days until you needed medication to avoid having dreams.
After four years of therapy, you had forgotten about your soulmate completely. You moved to Italy and started looking for men to date. While, yes, soulmates are meant for each other, no one knows their soulmate until they connect the dots. After all, fate works in mysterious ways. You ended up meeting a man named Bruno at a popular cafe. You and he talked for a couple of months until he asked you out then you became a couple.
Your relationship was healthy. You moved into Bruno's home and you were even engaged. But that all ended when you went to retrieve an item from the basement. While looking for this item, you came across a picture of Bruno as a young boy. As you examined the photo, you noticed Bruno’s father almost immediately. You ran out of the house and tried to run away.
Unfortunately, Bruno managed to find you.
When he found you, he locked you inside of the house. You would never attempt to leave him again. Bruno needs to keep you safe because you are like a fragile porcelain doll. One mistake will cause you to become broken.
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390r43 · 1 month
Even writing this right now I feel stuck.
It feels like my brain is filled with mud, and all of the things I need to say are stuck in this mud and it takes a while to get out of it...
I'm struggling to form thoughts. To start living my life. Everyday I try to start my routine but I'm already overwhelmed and don't know how to start.
Sometime within the past year I was completing my tasks by writing checklists. And even though I really wouldn't complete the checklists I managed to finish some tasks within it.
But right now...I'm struggling to even write down a checklist. Even writing a sentence down on my notebook overwhelms me to the point of frustration.
I don't want this to continue; I want to get out of this... whatever "this" is.
I've always had problems starting tasks and going through with them. If someone asks me for a favor it completely slips my mind and I forget about it until it's to late.
It makes me feel like a burden, useless, and lazy.
I don't want to be lazy I want to just get up and do something.
I know I need help... Maybe a counselor/therapist.
I've been researching online about therapists and the cost. The problem is that I'm unemployed and I don't have insurance.
So for the time being, I'm still here stuck in this mud.
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randomaccessmike · 1 year
The Best Books to Help You Get Through Grad School in 2023
Photo by energepic.com on Pexels.com This post contains Amazon affiliate links I'm sure when many professionals look back on their grad school experience, there are a few things they'd tell their past selves. "Slow down." "Pace yourself." "Take care of yourself." Face it, grad school requires a ton of time and effort. And many grade students are working full-time while they're in school, adding to the pressure and lack of time to complete school work. Yes, there's lots to do in grad school, but taking time for yourself is still important. Doing well in grad school is important, too, but if you don't take care of yourself, your accomplishments in school are for naught. So, let's get back to your reading habit. Reading books can help you develop new habits, stay motivated, and increase your energy levels. And reading keeps your brain engaged more than binging 17 seasons of your favorite shows on Netflix (although, sometimes, you need a binge). Reading for Leisure I have lots of reading to do in my studies. Let's face it: most reading for grad school is NOT fun. It may be interesting and, hopefully, informs your work, but it's not stirring anything deep in your soul. Should you read for pleasure when you're in grad school? OF COURSE! Even if you get in just a few hours a week of reading your favorite genre, you will benefit. Don't overlook the benefits of jumping into another world for a few hours and forget about the pressures of grad school. Let's take a look at some books to help you in your grad school journey. These books cover the writing process, productivity, self-care, and some fun reads. Books to Improve Your Writing Skills How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing by Paul Silvia If you're having trouble making headway with your writing, you might want to check out "How to Write a Lot" by Paul Silvia. It's not going to turn you into Shakespeare or anything, but it can help you build good writing habits and make it easier to separate your writing time from your personal time. The book breaks the writing process down into bite-sized chunks, making it easier to tackle and giving you plenty of opportunities to celebrate your progress. Definitely worth a shot - you might be surprised at how much you can get done. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott This book is a total classic, and it's all about how to write and how to get over writer's block and all those pesky mental roadblocks that get in the way of writing. It's not specifically about grad school or academia, but it's on this list because it's basically the bee's knees when it comes to writing advice. The title comes from a story the author wrote when she was a kid about writing a paper about birds. Like "How to Write a Lot," this is all about taking it slow and steady, tackling one small task at a time. Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Klinkenborg A unique book that can help snap you out of typical academic writing mode “…thus the present findings elucidate a novel method for exploring the behavior and interactions of…” Almost poetic. Almost rhythmic. Straight to the point. The author explains in free form the fallacies and illusions of forming sentences and getting them onto the page. This will force you to re-think your mental process resulting in better sentences and better papers. The end of the book covers examples of common sentences and calls out the superfluous wording, re-writing it with only the essentials. Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: A Guide toStarting, Revising, and Finishing Your Doctoral Thesis by Joan Bolker If you’re lacking motivation, struggling to get started every day, orare completely overwhelmed by the massive task at hand, give this book a look. It doesn’t offer any real advice on the details of a dissertationbut instead aims to instill confidence in the reader. The author guidesyou through setting daily page goals, storing ideas, and gettingsomething--anything--down on the page each day. Essentially a personalconfidence coach for writing, applicable to more than just adissertation. The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success by Lawrence Machi Starting your literature review is the hardest part. It feels like adaunting task without a clear path to success. This book helps breakdown each step in the process into achievable goals supplemented bystrategies for efficiently and effectively approaching each one. The fewhours spent reading this book will be paid back to you in saving timeresearching and writing later.  It will help save your sanity and reduceanxiety approaching your first literature review. Books to Increase Your Productivity and Focus The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod This book has been instrumental in maintaining my sanity. Hal Elrod's book shares his technique of six popular morning routine practices: exercise, reading, journaling, visualization, affirmations, and meditation. He started doing all of them every morning after a near-fatal car accident left him physically and mentally impaired. He refined the timing and intentions around each practice and shared it with friends, which exploded by word-of-mouth. Eventually, he wrote a book to share the technique with the world. This book is highly recommended for anyone with a self-driven and self-structured workday, like a typical grad student. Read it soon to see how it can greatly impact your life. Getting Things Done by David Allen In my mind, this book is the bible of productivity. "The Getting Things Done (GTD) program is designed to help you do the things you have to do with less time, energy, and effort so you can do more of the things you want to do. The crux of the GTD system is to store every task, reminder, and note bouncing around your brain in an external organization system to free up your mental energy to actually focus on the task at hand. Your brain is great at creating and processing things but not at remembering them, so trying to keep track of everything in your head saps your brainpower from doing what your mind does best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aD8WG49PY4 For more great books for grad students, check my ever-growing list right here. Read the full article
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4dtk · 3 years
hello, i hope you’re doing well! can I request holding hands 13, hugs 34, kiss 7 & 31, and touching 38 with johnny? the plot could revolve them finally deciding that it’s time they’re ready to try for kids since they just moved into a new place! thank you <
got carried away. enjoy LMAO
hand-holding, 13: linking hands together during sex
hugs, 34: hugging while grabbing butt
kisses, 7 & 31: passionate kisses, gentle stroking of cheeks
touching, 38: stroking their leg
warnings/tags: dom!johnny, sub!reader, fem!reader, breeding/impregnation kink, daddy kink, brief cockwarming, cunnilingus/oral (f receiving), fingering, missionary, mating press, vaginal penetration
"how’d you like the place, mrs. suh?" you can’t help but let out a smile at the honorific, leaning into his side at the stunning place you’d manage to get. taking inspiration from pinterest, the array of options for you was blinding, but soon you settled on a style that you could both agree on along with the carefully crafted furnishings you’ve chosen.
"it’s so sexy," you whisper with a laugh, looking around at the pristine kitchen counters and overhead lighting. you’re saying it half as invitation, and you smile knowingly when johnny turns it around to compliment you.
"ya know what else is sexy?" rolling your eyes, you turn to face him to see a lazy smirk stretch across his face. johnny says nothing more and leans in gently, taking your lips with his in a sensual kiss that shows no matter how cheeky he is with you, the love that’s gotten him wrapped around your finger is undeniably unconditional. in a way, it was literal, too where the silver band wraps around your fourth finger as a reminder of your shared love.
your husband pulls away just for a second, "for how many times i’ve came in you, i was sure i would’ve knocked you up by now." johnny has the pleasure to witness the malfunction of your brain, unable to form any words at the casual sentence he drops about fucking impregnating you. he coos and lets out a giggle when you try to pull away from him in embarrassment.
"you-! you’re really not shy saying those kinds of things?!" playfully you push him away, ignoring the turn in your stomach when he had murmured with a low voice. his apology came in the form of kisses along your forehead right up to your lips where you melt once again into his chilling embrace, fingertips as cold as the arctic while his body emanated warmth. you never understood his body temperature, but you couldn’t care much when his touches leave traces of electricity along your skin.
johnny walks you back, feeling around for the kitchen counter that he accidentally bumps you against. with a muttered apology said in haste, your lover captures your lips with his even more hungrily, using the strength in him to prop you up onto the counter. reluctantly, he pulls away again.
"aren’t you an eager one?" his hand strokes the legs that accommodate him, spread to hold him as close to you while his forehead rests on yours.
"how can i not? you’re so tempting without even knowing it…"
you sigh affectionately, "is it also as tempting as kids running around in our new house?"
johnny jerks back in surprise. "you… you want to try, now?"
with a hesitant smile, you reply, "i mean, why not?" you’re afraid you’ve said the wrong thing when johnny’s surprised look doesn’t let up, but soon you’re met with his contagious laugh, looking at you like you were the only thing to exist in his world. his heart’s never felt so warm before looking at you as it does right now and he has to hold himself back from taking you then and there.
"now who’s the eager one?"
you fail to shove him away, a grin plastered on your face as your cheeks flare up completely now, "bitch, you were the one who made the lewd joke!"
"it was a fact," you roll your eyes for the second time that night, pulling him in anyway to smash your lips with his. you're needy, unable to keep your hands off of him even when your skin is stinging from the cold temperature of the marble counters. johnny groans softly into your mouth, pushing onto your hips more and more to feel any form of friction with you.
he picks you off the counters effortlessly with a tight arm wound around your middle and lazy pecks placed onto your neck.
"do you think we'll get a noise complaint tomorrow?"
pursing your lips and shrugging was your answer, impatient with the countless questions and quips johnny liked to do during your sessions. "okay, okay, i'll shut up." johnny knows you like the back of his hand. it's an obvious feat, certainly, since you decided to say yes to his private proposal on the top of an observatory. under the stars, where they had given their blessing.
johnny knows you like the back of his hand in that way, too. and you forgot how fucking skilful he could be when duty calls.
you find your brows furrowed and your hand clutching onto the sheets for dear life while johnny's tongue relentlessly flicks against your clit. he eats like it's his last meal, both hands holding your thighs open. the warmth of his tongue makes you shiver, already feeling your slick leaking in between your cheeks.
obscene noises bounce off the walls of the new place, sheets already messy from your constant thrashing although everything else — the cupboards, the bedside table, the vanity — looked untouched. at least now you know this innerspring mattress was a good choice.
"you- fuck, johnny!" your moans only fuel your lover more, who settles into a more comfortable position, suctioning your bud into his mouth. your body twitches so much that you can feel the tightening of his grasp on your thighs, stilling you into a thrilling sensation of oversensitivity even before he's got himself buried in you.
"argh- fuck, fuuuck, mhnh-!" johnny swears his eyes roll back at the way you groan out multiple please's, which merges with the whimpers for him to go faster and deeper just as he sticks a finger in. your cunt clasps around the digit easily, mouth now speechless from how deep he reaches into you. "oh my god, j-johnny!"
johnny slips in a second finger, and a second later, a third which you easily welcome with your sopping pussy. he pumps all three into you at an agonisingly slow pace, half focusing on the lewd noises coming from below him and half licking up the arousal that lingers around his lips.
the hooded lids of his eyes stare up at you like prey, lowering his tongue back onto your clit. the combination makes you unravel, little mewls escaping your lips that contribute to the heat of the room.
"johnny- please fuck- please- can you fuck me now? c-can't-"
he shuts you up by sucking harder, causing your thighs to close in around his head. your pleas is not lost to him, but you're more focused now on chasing your high selfishly with how fucking good he's working his tongue despite the slow speed of his fingers.
"impatient." lick. "little." lick. "bitch." lick. he's loving every second where he doesn't give into you. "plus, you're gonna have to do more than that, honey."
"i-i need your cock, please, johnny!"
tut tut. "wrong name, baby." you whimper when his fingers slowly slip out, teasing your gummy walls by rubbing at your hole. you hardly can form any words, but you try your best anyway.
"c-cock, daddy- want your cock so fucking bad-"
sinking further into the delirious feeling of pleasure, you're willing to let go of any dignity just to have him deep in you, shooting loads and loads of his seed where there's no room for you to not get pregnant. "ah- d-daddy, please- i need your cock to split me open!"
"n-need your cum." the fingers halt, johnny's eyes are filled with you splitting your legs wider and wider. your hole is begging for him, clenching around nothing as it leaks more and more.
he hardly can contain his excitement, pants shimmied down to reveal his tight boxers. it's straining against his already hardened length, and he sighs in relief when he finally pulls the last remaining fabric down showing his tip that's angrily red, aching to be in you just by a few pumps of his hand. "all for you, pretty girl."
the name elicits a bashful smile from you, "need a suck, daddy?"
johnny caresses your sensitive sex gently, "'s okay, just wanna be deep in you. ain't that right, babygirl?"
you can taste him on your lips as he kisses you softly, a hand reaching up to stroke your cheek with a ghost of a touch. his eyes soften just a little before he nudges it into you, playing with your cunt just a little that deliciously clasps around the intrusion. a long groan leaves his lips when he finally gets deep into you, bottoming out in no time. smoothly, he slips an arm around your waist, supporting your arching back that grinds to feel more of him.
"that's right, baby, just like that. moan for me." his thrusts start out slow and you want to cum just from those few movements, his shaft brushing up against your walls so obscenely. your moans are like music to him, lips occasionally lingering at his ears where your repeated calls of daddy, daddy makes his thighs shake and his hips stutter.
you're certain you're drooling by now, trapping the man with your legs. his hips move quicker now, muttering praises that has your pussy fluttering around him and arms curling more around his neck. the line blurs more and more and all that's residing in your head is how good he feels in you paired with the wet pap, pap, pap of his hips meeting your cunt. gradually, the knot deep in your tummy tights like a coil, aching for release.
"god! j-johnny... you're so fucking deeep... hah-" with a tongue lolled out, you can only mumble short sentences, sometimes choked out in a sad attempt to call out to your lover. "ah- i am, a-aren't i? can't wait to- fuck- pump you full of my cum. want you filled to the brim, you'd like that, yeah?"
like a broken record, there's a chorus of yes's that leave you, at the thought of seeing your pussy struggling to take the many loads of johnny's seed as you whine and thrash at the way he'd push it back into you. and that's exactly what he plans to do.
he grunts when you tighten around him, jerking and transitioning into shorter, quicker strokes, desperate for release until he finally bursts. head buried in your neck, hot breaths littering your skin. you're not far behind, toes curling at the immense pleasure you're experiencing that when it comes, you shiver at the way you come undone, relishing in the way johnny spurts the warm liquid into you.
you're left to rest for a minute, his cock still buried in you. he can't get enough of you, he can never get enough of you. that's why he finds himself fucking into you again, the amount of rest not doing much for your sensitive body. it overwhelms you so much that you can't help but let your wanton moans fill the room, riddled with not a single thought.
"you feel so good around me, baby." johnny takes your legs, lifting them up from the previous missionary position. his cock delves deeper the same time he presses them into your chest, eliciting a shameless cry from you, begging him to move. "just to be certain, hm? gotta be sure that you're full of my cum — so i'd have the pleasure of seeing your belly swell up with my baby, your boobs full with milk."
"plus, i'm gonna need to be sure that i'm gonna become a daddy." using an arm to hold your legs down, the free hand grasps onto yours that's holding onto the headboard. he misses the first time, but catches your fingers in time with his thrusts.
"daddy... hah- please, you're filling me up so g-- so good!"
johnny groans, impaling you with his dick with a speed faster by the thousands compared to the previous round. with your legs tucked snugly to your chest, you can do nothing but plead with your eyes for any sort of relief.
"cum- cumming! cumming! jo- johnnyyy..." with a scream of his name, you're gushing around his length, head making a terrible indent into the softness of your pillows. your mouth grows lax, drool leaking from all sides of your mouth before the other's thrusts falter bit by bit. you take his cock to the hilt, balls twitching from releasing into you.
"fuck, baby, take it- take all of it in your pussy." he shoots another load deep into your cunt and you feel sticky all of a sudden, coming down from the intense high of the dizzying state you were always put in whenever johnny was in you. with a kiss to your twined hands, johnny murmurs out i love you to your fingers, planting another kiss on the silver ring that you donned.
weakly, you reply. "love you too, so much." although, you're confused when the other doesn't pull out.
"it's a plug. so i don't have to worry about you not getting a positive on that pregnancy test." you giggle at that. giving into him even when your legs return to their natural state. tenderly, johnny manoeuvres you onto your side, his still hard length resting in you and his hands move to your ass, squeezing it that makes you squeal softly. "it's a win-win. i get a baby, and you won't have to clean the sheets."
"oh my god," your words are littered with laughter, exchanging small talk with the slowly darkening sky with the promise of a little one and a lifetime with johnny suh, the man who'd given you the stars and the moon if you'd asked.
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vanillanaps · 2 years
A drabble of virgin!Steve getting horny from the most simple things you do (like baking a cake or something) 😂
Hello anon, you sent me this in November and I’m just now doing it 🙂 I love you so much, thank you for your patience. I hope you’re still here to enjoy
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Kinda nsfw, still 18+
The night Steve walked you home from your failed date, changed everything. The nature of your friendship shifted. The two of you hung out more, grew closer and you finally got to know the side of Steve that wasn’t so nervous around you. He became your best friend.
But to Steve, you were more than that. You were everything he could ever want in a girl. You were smart, confident, loyal, didn’t give a shit about what anyone had to say and most of all, you were the most beautiful girl he had laid eyes on. From your head down to your toes. Whenever you were in the room, he could never take his eyes off you. His concentration was stuck on you, like tonight, when you convinced him to bake a cake.
“Come on steveee, neither of us have work in the morning and my sweet tooth is going crazy right now.” You playfully groaned, trying to pull the 200 pound man up from the couch.
“It’s two in the morning.” He laughed, taking humor in watching you struggle to pull him up.
You huffed, plopping down on the couch next to him, “Pleaseeeee,” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes, “I promise after it’s finished cooking and I eat a slice or two, we’ll go to bed.”
It was Steve’s turn to groan and shake his head, “Fine, come on.” Those damn eyes.
His heart fluttered at the sound of your excited giggle as you jumped up and ran towards the kitchen with him following behind you.
Steve stood off to the side as he watched you mix together all the ingredients of the cake into the bowl. His eyes scanning over your concentrated face, lips turning up into a smile at the tip of your tongue being stuck out of the side of your mouth as you stirred the wooden spoon.
His gaze over you was always meant to be innocent, but when it came to you, the simplest things were a turn on for him. Like now as you dipped your finger into the cake mix, bringing it up to your mouth and sucking it off
“Mmmm, s’good.” You moaned delightfully, “You’ve gotta try it.” Dipping your finger back into the bowl, you held it up to Steve’s mouth. He cocked an eyebrow at you and you cocked one back in return, “Just try it!” Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth to wrap his lips around your finger, sucking the vanilla cake mix off. His soul nearly left his body as you bit your lip at him, “It’s good, yeah?”
His brain couldn’t function, the words wouldn’t form completely sentences for him to speak. He was on the verge of cumming in his pants right in front of you. How can something so innocent and light hearted be so goddamn sinful and sexy at the same time, “I-I gotta—use the bathroom.”
Your face turned to concerned as you watched him basically run down the hallway, “Are you okay??”
“Yup, I’m fine! Just need to use the bathroom!” He shouted back before slamming the door shut. He sighed, letting his head fall back against the door. Steve didn’t need to look to know that he had a raging hard on, he could only hope you wouldn’t hear what he was about to do, “Fuck me.” He muttered, unbuckling his pants.
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Letters and Fights
Request by : @aliendoggo
Paring : Baji x Female Reader.
Synopsis: You kick Baji and then help him write a letter to make up for it
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Baji has had enough! He huffed as he walked along a path which led him to a quiet place a bit out of school campus which had an area covered with bushes and trees. I'll write my letter here.
Chifuyu always helped Baji when he wrote his letters but yesterday the former ended up laughing at the way Baji made an error on his letter which was so not cool of him. Baji thought.
Now Baji was walking to this quiet area where he was sure not many people would come and interrupt him.
So he pulled out his pen placing a paper on top of a book and started writing.
Deer Kazutora,
Recently I have been studying queet a lot, I even brought glasses.
Mickey and Draken said people who wear glasses are more intilijent.
Baji was going to continue more when-. "Meow~" His ears perked at the tiny sound and he started looking around.From the corner of his eyes, he saw movement in the bushes so he started making his way.
A small kitten popped its head out and looked at him,meowing. Baji laughed to himself making him extend his hand and gently starts petting it. "Hey there."
The kitten leaned into his touching making Baji melt on the spot. Upon hearing the kitten still meowing, he smiled. "I'll bring you some food later- URK!"
Baji was sent flying. He cursed as he pulled himself up. That kick was probably as strong as Mikey's. He thought as spit out the blood he had formed in his mouth.
"You're the one who did that to Mayo aren't you?" The person started pointing at him.
"The hell?" Baji whispered in confusion as to why a girl popped out of blue,kicked him several feet away and now was shouting at him. Plus why is this girl so strong?!
"I can't believe people like you exist?! What did the Mayo even do to you?" The girl shook her head.
Baji snapped. "Who the hell are you and Who the hell is Mayo? I was just writing a letter when you suddenly came here and kicked the shit outta me!"
The person's expression flattered. "You're not the one... Ehh?" The person trailed her eyes to indeed see some stationaries lying around.
The girl suddenly did a deep bow. "I'm sorry! Recently someone has been harassing the kitten over there and even taped her mouth so that she couldn't eat." They explained. "I came up here and saw you near the kitten and thought it was you who did those."
"My name is Y/N and the kitten over there is Mayo..." You introduced yourself.
"My name is Baji Keisuke." Baji sighed, his anger dissipating. I mean... They were just looking after the cat.
"By the way I just peaked into your letter and..." You nervously played with your hand. "You have a lot of spelling errors over there."
"Wait really?" Baji approached you and picked up the letter as he leaned towards you. "Which part?"
You picked up the pen which was on the ground and pointed at the errors. "Here and here... this part too."
You suddenly beamed,clapping your hands together in realization. "How about I help you proof read your letter as a way of apologizing for the kick earlier?"
Baji beamed at the suggestion. "You will? Thanks!"
This meeting continued even after Baji finished writing his letter. Y/N said she'll always be there to help him with his studies so it became a sort of regular meeting between Y/N, Baji and Mayo.
When Baji would write his letters, you will be playing with Mayo but when you started proof reading Baji would be the one playing with Mayo instead. Baji enjoyed these moments a lot.
The way you would patiently explain where he made mistakes, the way you scrunched your nose figuring out his handwriting, the way you made baby voices when talking to Mayo. All of these made Baji feel happy? Relaxed? Content? He wondered what word could be used to describe what he was feeling.
Baji walked to their usual spot but instead of you,he saw a group of boy. There were six students and from their uniforms he could guess that they were High School Students.
A sharp cry of a cat was heard followed by laughters. On a closer look one of the boys had Mayo held whereas the poor kitten was obviously struggling. Your words on how Mayo had tape stuck on her mouth flashed into his brain.
"Damn,this cat won't stop struggling." One of the boys said. "Maybe we should tape it's limbs this time."
Suddenly a large impact was felt on his face making him drop the kitten. "What the hell?!"
"What were you doing with Mayo?!"
Baji went into crazy mode as he jumped on the boy and punching him until he passed out. The remaining boys also joins the fight.
Don't get me wrong. Baji is strong but right now he was heavily outnumbered and his opponents were high school students. They were physically bigger putting Baji in a disadvantage since Baji was only in middle school.
"Shit..." Baji huffed as his vision start to blur. He managed to beat two more of the high schooler but then three more still remained. One of him hit Baji hard making him fall onto the ground.
"You need some help?" Why the hell was he seeing you face? Just when Baji was about to pass out your face suddenly came into view.
"Go away, little girl~" The high school said in a mocking tone. Baji confirmed that you were indeed here and that he wasn't imagining anything.
"Guess you're the guys who were tormenting Mayo..."
"Mayo? Who the hell is Mayo-"
Before the boy could complete his sentence, you jumped at him,punching his face in. Before others could react you quickly turned to the other dude and kicked him,making him stumble.
The last high schooler ,taking advantage that your back was facing him was about to punch you when a suddenly blow was dealt. You turned to see a smirking Baji. "Y/N,are you a gorilla or something? Why are you so strong?"
You gasped at him. "Why would you ever call a girl gorilla?" You asked as you started punching a guy who was bout to stand up making Baji laugh loudly.
Both you and Baji huffed as you sat side by side after you finally beat the shit out of high schoolers. You turned to look at Baji. “Gonna write a letter to Kazutora-san again?”
Baji smirked and nodded. “I’m going to write everything that’s happening around so that when he comes back he wouldn’t need to try and catch up. It’ll be as if he never left in the first place!”
You smiled as you started rubbing you hand on Mayo’s head. “You’re a nice friend, Baji...”
After that both you and Baji did your usual thing.
Dear Kazutora,
I’ve made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
And get this! She is super strong. Just now we beat the shit out of six HIGH SCHOOLERS.
I can’t wait to introduce her to you when you come back.
Y/N loves animals a lot too. Right now she is taking care of a stray cat but then she is sad since she can’t take the cat home because her mother doesn’t like them.
She is very fun to be with and smiles a lot!
Baji left a weight on his shoulder to see that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Mayo on your lap had fallen asleep too. Your lips were slightly open making you look adorable.
Right now she is totally passed out. Hopefully she doesn’t drool on my shoulder. Do you think she would get angry if I drew a beard on her?
Her mouth is slightly open and I think she looks cute.
Although she fights scary, Y/N is quite pretty. When ever she smiles, she closes her eyes making her look kinda adorable-
“Are you done, Baji?”
Baji flinched as he quickly stood up making you almost fall since your support stood up. “What the hell? Why did you get you so suddenly?!” You complained.
Baji quickly crumbled the paper he had written on and laughed nervously looking at you. “I did a self check and found too many errors. So I’m going to write it again.”
You noticed that his ears were rather red.
“Hanaemiya Kazutora. A letter arrived for you...”
Dear Kazutora,
I made a new friend. Her name is Y/N.
She fights like a gorilla and looks like one as well. Living up to that nickname ,she is quite strong.
With love,
Baji Keisuke.
Kazutora tilted his head,confused as to why his friend had suddenly written about a girl and keeps calling her a gorilla.
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