#mostly headcanons and then just some dynamic rambling
simmonsized · 2 years
Oh my god!! That was just great and I loved every second of reading that. Had to reread the post a couple times because I was so excited by the notification. The connections between Bro and The Handmaid you made are phenomenal! That’s exactly why I’m obsessed with them interacting and honestly, Bro interacting with people is kinda funny to me. Bro is funny without trying.
Don’t worry about how much you talk, I’m very much into reading long posts! I’m asking because I just want to hear another persons point of view and reasoning. No need to hold back.
Mom and Bro… sigh, I love them a lot :(
Their interactions in The Run and Go either make me laugh or pity them. Either way, it’s great. Sometimes I like having fun with them and exchanging conversations about them with a mutual of mine. How much would you say Dirk & Roxy are in their dynamic?
Sorry for the delay, I went to bed early last night haha!
Honestly I have many things to say about Mom and Bro, all the time! They're just so fun! I like writing them in RNG (the run and go) specifically because I love the concept of dealing with After, of dealing with things that came before, but already happened, and can't be prevented, and the guardians just happen to fulfill that desire pretty much to a T!
Warning most of this is just like. Fun headcanon stuff so sorry!
For me, I like to imagine that Bro and Mom knew each other when they were "kids", because it's implied in [I'd rather not talk about Hussie's awful Skaianet lore but it just sits in the back of my mind] that Jake Harley was their benefactor/sponsor, so I always imagine that they grew up separately until they were somewhere between 10 and 13, and then the beta guardians kind of like. Collected them I guess, at least temporarily. They met, became friends, stayed in contact when they separated, and then (once again all fake headcanons) Bro started to become more like how he is now, and after 16 he kinda walked out of Nanna and Grandpa's lives, and Mom became Grandpa's protege (more implied about Hiveswap which isn't entirely canon but sometimes I think about it anyway) . I like to think they still called and maybe emailed (cringes in 90s communication format) and stuff, but Bro was preparing for Dave at this point, and Mom was preparing for Rose. They grew apart, things kept happening u know, as they do, and they just! Stopped talking. Probably mostly Bro's fault lol
Anyway so all that being said, since they are to a point Roxy and Dirk, I think that there maybe have been a time before Bro was cruel, when he was Dirk, was still just a kid who cared a lot about what his friends thought of him, who maybe was a little awkward and only had one fucking friend, in Mom. He's a weird dude, for sure, but Roxy (Mom) likes weird, and they're both very smart, and very funny. I think they would have something in common, in the way that they both had a predestiny, in the way that their lives were already being carved out for them before they even had the chance to decide for themselves (i already said this about bro but it does extend to mom too lol). Much like Roxy and Dirk were the only two people who knew what it was like in a future without humans, I imagine that Bro and Mom probably felt, to a point, that they were the only two people in the world who had the kind of raw fucking deal they were dealt. I imagine they were shitty to each other, in that playful way that two very sarcastic people can be, because I always imagine the guardians as being a little bit sharper around the edges than their kid counterparts, even at the same age.
I think a lot about the fact that aside from being Ectobiological creations, they were still kids, who still grew up in “our” world, who had a bunch of fucking like. Genuine life experience and interaction with the outside world. We often see the homestuck kids as isolated in their own little worlds, for a variety of reasons, but it’s more interesting to me, to think of the guardians as being more connected to the outside world, in part because of the mystery in their upbringing, and also just. 30+ years life on earth!
I don't think Bro is a good enough person to actually stop Mom from drinking, but I imagine it probably "annoyed" him in a way, u know Cal influence etc etc but I do think he'd tolerate her, if only out of a kind of weird obligation mixed with genuine affection he'd probably never admit to. I do think Mom genuinely loved him, and though I headcanon the guardians as always knowing they had an obligation, I think she probably would have been happier, if they had been able to stay together. I like to think of the guardians as the worst reflection of the kids' inner selves, Roxy's addiction, Dirk's tendency towards calculation and manipulation, but they are still people, and it never stops being interesting, the concept of reconnecting with someone who you loved, who you failed, who failed you. Yeah!
Some of my favorite things Dirk has ever said about Roxy, for context, which influences a lot of how I write Bro and Mom's relationship:
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phefics · 4 months
congrats my darling!! you deserve it 🥺
🍪 could i request a nsfw alphabet with robin? 💖
𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚’𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 // omg tysm love, of course u can!!! i have answered a few of these questions about her so i just copy-n-pasted my previous answers for some xoxo
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a: aftercare (what they’re like after sex) very cuddly, rambles a lot about how much fun it was and how hot you are, giggles at the messy sheets, and probably wants to stay up talking after.
b: body part (their favourite body part of theirs/their partner’s) to quote steve harrington, "you like boobies" ... robin likes boobies but also thighs.
c: cum (anything to do with cum basically) robin gets really wet, which she initially thought was a bad thing until you assure her that it's a really good thing.
d: dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs) the obvious answer would just be her liking girls but if you’re fucking her, you already know that, sooo i’d say its maybe her inexperience - robin prides herself on her intelligence and ability to get shit done regardless of her nerves, but admitting that she has never even kissed anyone is something she would be embarrassed to do, especially if she’s trying to impress you
e: experience (how experienced are they?) she is completely inexperienced, like, has never even kissed a girl before you!
f: favorite position (this goes without saying) robin likes to have you sit on her face, or to just lay between your thighs. if a strap is involved, she likes to fuck with whoever's being penetrated on top.
g: goofy (are they more serious/humorous?) tries to be serious but ends up giggling and being silly
h: hair (how well groomed are they are, etc.) robin isn't big on shaving but she does definitely keep herself trimmed.
i: intimacy (how they are during the moment) robin is giggly, talkative, and completely lovestruck.
j: jack off (masturbation headcanons) robin really doesn't masturbate?? she's inexperienced and a little behind when it comes to sexual awakenings - she figured out she was a lesbian like two years ago, ok?? and she doesn't really understand...how...and would probably need to read it in a book or have it demonstrated on her.
k: kink (one or more of their kinks) personally, i don’t see robin as super kinky, or at least, she’s not super experienced/informed and therefore wouldn’t know much about what she’s into. however, i can see her being into dom/sub dynamics (i think she’s more of a sub) and some of the more common things like edging and praise. i also think she has a tickle kink but that is just me projecting ajdkdjkdf...
l: location (favorite places to do it) robin would never risk getting caught in public, for many reasons, so her favorite place to do it is in bed - classic, comfortable, intimate, and safe from prying eyes
m: motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?) robin is turned on by just about everything you do, but she is motivated by the idea of pleasuring you, like, getting down on her knees to go down on you like a woman starved. she has a people-pleasing tendancy that definitely extends to the bedroom.
n: no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) robin doesn't like behind restrained or hurt in the bedroom, mostly because of the whole russian spy thing, but even without the added trauma, it just really isn't her thing.
o: oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) robin loves oral sex from both ends. she prefers it to fingering and before getting more sexually involved, i feel like she didn't really consider that straps were a thing and assumed oral was the best-case scenario.
p: pace (are they fast and rough/slow and sensual?) robin likes to take things slow. when she's nervous, her instinct is to be frenzied, so she prefers to calm herself and do everything slow to savor it.
q: quickie (their opinions on quickies) robin prefers to just have sex in a more typical, vanilla way. in bed, take things slow, lots of kisses...so nah, quickies aren't her thing.
r: risk (are they game to experiment?) robin is down to experiment with most things, but she prefers to stay in her comfort zone most of the time, since sex is still new and intimdating for her.
s: stamina (how many rounds can they go for/long do they last?) robin is able to go for a long time, and can have multiple orgasms like most vagina-owners can - she can keep at it for a while.
t: toy (do they own toys/use them? on a partner/themselves?) robin is rlly into toys!! she loves strap-ons, whether that’s being fucked by one or fucking someone else. vibrators are also great, she has a tiny one of her own that she masturbates with, but using it with a partner would unlock a whole new world of fun!!
u: unfair (how much they like to tease) robin isn't good at trying to be a tease, because she will likely give in before her partner, lol.
v: volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) robin is loud and talks a lot, she can’t help it - it’s sometimes nervous rambling and sometimes mindless babbling from pleasure
w: wild card (a random headcanon) self-indulgent one here, apologies - robin is super ticklish and often will accidentally laugh and twitch during sex when you touch her too gently or in a senstive spot. luckily, that isn't a turn-off for her, it just flusters her, so if you didn't mind, it could be something fun to play with...
x: x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants) robin has a pretty bush, it's dark and doesn't match the curtains yknow?? her pussy is a dark pink and gets wet so easily, she's almost always glistening by the time her pants are off and you can spread her lips...
y: yearning (how high is their sex drive?) robin has been yearning for a relationship for so long, when she finally has it, she wants to fuck whenever humanly possible. it's not even that her sex drive is high, it's more like trying to make up for lost time.
z: zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) robin is pretty hyper and struggles to sleep most nights anyway, and sex doesn't really tire her out as much as it probably should, so she'll be down to stay up and hang out afterwards.
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zbase1 · 10 months
smth spicy w the legal line pls literally anything LOL
i felt that LMAO also i wrote about random scenarios/headcanons for the hyung line, i really hope you like it !!
warnings: MINORS DNI. not smut, but highly suggestive. implied sex in all of them. jiwoong is a teacher, matthew is drunk, angst in taerae's part, there is swearing as always
— okay so i can definitely see jiwoong being a graduate ta (teacher's assisstant) for college
— grad ta!jiwoong gives you several concerned looks from the front of the room (literally 6 ft away from where you were)
— today was a bad day to sit in the front row of the classroom, because you were all hot and bothered
— behind the desk, your legs pressed together, trying to supress any unwanted, inappropriate thoughts about your hot teacher while he talked about the sternocleidomastoid muscle
— you definitely weren't supposed to be thinking about getting railed in your 9am anatomy recitation, yet here you were
— unfortunately for you, it didn't go unnoticed by jiwoong
— after he ended the class, you knew you had to get out of there as soon as possible
— as you're gathering up your supplies and getting ready to go to your next class, you see jiwoong approach you, crossing his arms across his chest
— "are you okay, y/n? you seemed a bit distracted today"
— his eyes show some concern, but mostly a teasing glance
— he KNOWS what he's doing to you
— "um yeah i'm okay, i was just a bit distracted by y- i mean by the temperature in the room i mean it's so hot in here today?? wait i mean-"
— before you could help it, you started rambling on and revealing more than you should
— an amused smile appears on his stupidly handsome face
— "y/n, why don't you stay a bit longer today? i can help you review for the test next week"
— all signs of flusteredness leaves your body at the tantilizing offer
— "well shit okay jiwoong. i'm a hands-on learner by the way" 😳
zhang hao
— you were in the music building of your college campus, fingers flying away on the piano in front of you in the practice room
— being a music major was not an easy task, but it was so rewarding to see your hard work pay off after a performance, and you loved every part about it
— the music department had decided to randomly pair the music students other for the first performance of the year
— out of all the people you could've been paired with, you happened to get assigned to zhang hao. your literal crush.
— it was pretty well-known around the music department that you and zhang hao had the hots for each other, but both of you were too preoccupied with your studies to make a move
— so you and fellow music major!zhang hao had been practicing for hours for the past week, trying to perfect the dynamics and details of the piece you guys were working on
— it was a bit embarrassing at times, since you specialized in the piano only, but zhang hao (who is undoubtedly a professional violinist but also somehow an exceptional pianist as well) would correct your techniques and skills
— you felt a bit belittled, but deep down you know zhang hao was genuinely kind-hearted and didn't have any bad intentions by trying to help you
— it also really didn't help that you had a huge crush on him, because it made you even more flustered and prone to making mistakes
— after working on a section for 20 minutes with no improvement, zhang hao sets his violin down and sits next to you on the piano bench, his body lightly brushing against yours
— as zhang hao places his hands on the piano keys to demonstrate, you try not to think about how pretty his hands are and how long his fingers are, and what they would feel like inside you
— "what did you just say y/n?"
— oh fuck. did you really just say your lewd thoughts out loud?
— you turn around to see a blushing zhang hao, his eyes not meeting yours and his hand awkwardly touching the back of his neck while chuckling
— "i'm really sorry if i made you umcomfortable hao i didn't mean-"
— zhang hao eventually holds a finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up
— he leans in closer until you feel his hot breath against your ear
— "you know, y/n, i can show you a different kind of fingering technique, if you know what i mean"
— you and your boyfriend!hanbin had only been dating for three weeks
— it was still very early in your relationship, so when he invited you over to his place for the night, you were ecstatic
— understandably, since it was a milestone in the relationship
— hanbin is such a considerate and thoughtful guy
— he would keep asking you if you were comfortable staying over
— when you arrive at his door, he excitedly greets you and grabs your hand to pull you inside
— "y/n you're here ! i wanna show you everything !!"
— you return a smile and follow hanbin around
— he was so cute when he got excited, eyes sparkling and everything
— he gives you a full tour of the small but cozy apartment
— after the tour, homemade dinner, and cuddling while watching a movie on the sofa, it gets late
— "i dont know about you hanbin but i'm eepy"
— hanbin laughs and agrees, pulling you in for a kiss on the top of your head
— "oh hanbin, where do you want me to sleep?"
— "you can sleep in my bed y/n. we are dating after all."
— he must've seen the gears turning in your head
— "y/n, we don't have to do anything at all, please don't feel pressured to. i won't do anything until you're 100% ready, i promise. you can sleep on the sofa if that makes you feel more comfortable i can get you extra blankets-"
— "hanbin, what if i want to... do something?"
— he stops his sentence and smiles, reaching out to hold both of your hands
— "are you sure y/n?"
— "yes hanbin i want to."
— "you know.... my roommate matthew won't be home until tomorrow morning"
— frat boy!matthew was five and a half drinks in and starting to feel the alcohol kick in
— maybe it was the vodka cran coursing through his veins, but matthew was feeling bold tonight
— matthew didn't usually do hook ups with strangers, but you were an exception he knew he couldn't pass up on
— his best friend hanbin from besides him, notices how matthew kept looking at you from across the room
— "dude, go talk to them"
— sober matthew would have never even thought about it, but this wasn't sober matthew right now
— you were only two drinks in, fully aware of your surroundings and decisions, and felt your heart rate pick up as you saw the cute boy approach you with a charming smile on his face
— matthew shamelessly eyes you up and down the whole time you guys were talking
— the next thing you know, you're up against a wall in a corner of the frat house's upstairs, secluded from the rest of the drunk, sweaty college students
— matthew has you pinned up against the wall, his hands tangled in your hair while the two of you make out, eventually stumbling into a nearby bedroom
— having a special relationship with fwb!taerae had its perks but also its limits
— one of the limits being, you couldn't wear his clothes like you would if you had a real, committed s/o
— you know it was silly thing to be sad about, since this was what you signed up for, but it still hurt your heart whenever you think about how real couples share clothes
— it's 6:30am when you wake up in taerae's bed, naked, groggy, and disoriented
— you look over to see taerae soundly asleep, his hair messy and a serene expression on his face
— you knew you probably shouldn't stay any longer, so you quietly get out of bed, pick up your discarded clothes on the floor, and dress yourself
— for some reason you found your shorts and shirt, but couldn't find where your underwear went
— you think about grabbing a thin, white long-sleeved button-up out of taerae's closet to cover yourself up more, but decide against it since you know it was wrong to take something without asking
— "y/n, wait"
— looks like he already woke up
— although his hair is disheleved, he looks as cute as ever
— "i wanna give you something"
— you feel a rush of excitement at his words
— was he gonna give you one of his shirts???
— to your dismay, he hands you your crumpled up underwear from last night, mumbling a half-assed sorry
— "you don't want to keep it, taerae?"
— "no, it's fine y/n. also you don't need to wear underwear next time."
— your face heats up at his words and you nod your head in agreement
— there would for sure be a next time for a night of fun, but he'll never see you as someone he can be in a committed relationship with
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rikuami · 2 months
Hihi ^^ can I request some Kaoru headcanons in a relationship with a reader that has an opposite personality to him yet are still compatible? (Introverted, the cold and silent type but still caring, probably easily drained out in crowds) And perhaps they have like the typical golden retriever x black cat or sun x moon dynamic or something like that.
Have a great day <3
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opposites attract — kaoru hakaze cw: fluff, kinda ooc kaoru (?) a/n: thank you for requesting! i'm not the proudest of this since i'm not good at writing for kaoru, but i still hope you enjoy this nonetheless!
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— They say opposites attract, and that can be said with you and your boyfriend, Kaoru.
— A lot of people (cough, undead) weren’t sure how you two started dating but were happy for you nevertheless.
— When the two of you met, he was drawn to you out of curiosity. You usually do everything in your power to avoid being in the center of attention. Avoiding crowds, mostly kept to yourself, and sometimes were a bit cold to others.
— But the part Kaoru was drawn to the most was that even though you did everything to avoid people, you were still caring and oftentimes worried about others around you.
— When you two first started dating, he made it a mental note to not try to make you uncomfortable and had a tendency to overthink if he was doing everything right.
— You thought it was endearing that he was trying, but you also told him that he didn’t have to change who he was for you. 
— It took some time, but you two eventually made it work.
— You both try to incorporate the things you want to do.
— He wants to go on a date at a cafe? Sure, but you two sit in a more quiet area to prevent you from getting drained as easily. 
— In your relationship, he’s more the talker, and you’re the listener. Not that you don’t mind speaking to him; you just find it very cute that he can hold conversations and oftentimes ramble about whatever he can think of.
— He once offered to buy you DVDs of his performances, knowing that it would easily stress you out attending the actual live performance, but you wanted to see him perform in real time. 
— Kaoru finds it very endearing that you do attend his performances, but he still worries about you. Though all thoughts wash away when he sees that you're having a nice time.
— He was very excited for you to meet his group-mates, but wanted you to do it within your own time.
— Kaoru does warn them over and over about how they should act, but you were actually very open to meeting them and didn't shy away from talking.
— Overall, you two make this relationship work. You don’t change anything about one another since that’s the reason why you two fell in love.
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©2024 rikuami do not re-upload, translate, copy, modify, or claim as your own
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findafight · 10 months
Can interest you in a potentially controversial Stobin headcanon in what sounds like a trying time?
If so; Steve and Robin share girlfriend at some point.
Not in the “turns out that time we were both dating girls named Crystal? We were in fact dating one girl named Crystal. Who *somehow* never put it together that my Steve and the Steve she was two-timing me with were in fact the person!”
(This does in fact happen - I’m thinking when Robin’s in college and has met like, three different Crystals (one of whom has parents that lived in the same commune as Robin’s! Such a shame girls named Crystal have been *ruined forever*).
It’s a pretty surreal break up for Crystal; not only are her boyfriend and girlfriend turn out to be actually best friends (in her defence, Robin has taken to calling him “Stevie” at this point and the way she talks about him really conjures the image of a standard preppy bitch who’s been Robin’s best friend since kindergarten, and Steve (in retaliation) tends to use “Rob” and “Robbie”, leading Crystal to believe his Robin is male), and seem almost as angry about this as they are about the infidelity.
Crystal’s attempts at explaining herself and apologising result in Steve retorting that he’s not even mad that she’d want to date Robin - Robin’s fucking amazing! If Crystal had just told him that was what he wanted, he probably would have been okay with it - which Crystal takes as Steve being a bitch, but is something Robin will point later as her realising that this is something she might be okay with.)
Anyway, I figure this is something that would happen when they’re in their 20s and/or their 50s. They’re either approached by a woman who thinks they’re a couple (“does it make our marriage more or less of a sham if we’re sharing a mistress?”) or they approach someone they both have a crush on a la Troy & Abed asking out the librarian.
I don’t think either of them would identify as poly, per se - it’s very much “if it’s you, it’s okay”, and if the girlfriend breaks up with one of them, it’s assumed she’s breaking up with both of them.
I just kind of like the combination of Robin and Steve as Platonic Life Partners, trying to figure out polyamory and just how absolutely Buckwild (Robin’s Wrestler name!) it would be for their [potential] girlfriends and anyone on the outside of the situation. Jon and Eddie just sat there, listening to Steve ramble about the situation bc it’s Robin’s date night and just…bluescreening. Argyle smiling and nodding “happy for you, man. I mean, sucks you’re off the market, but glad you’ve found something that works”.
one yes always interested in controversial takes tbh. two. omg yes exactly you are so smart anon
The Crystal situation!! so true this is absolutely something that would happen to stobin (also true I know a few queer women called crystal). bad luck in love that's them!!
I think Steve is like. mostly monogamous...unless his gf/partner is also dating Robin. like it would make sense to him I think. He'd be like well. this way we don't have to worry you things being weird about my Very Normal Friendship With Robin That Some People Thing Is Weird!
I think I've mentioned before the funny scenario of stobin going "hey me and my platonic life partner saw you across the bar and liked your vibes" and I stand by that.
But also funny is that Steve or Robin's girlfriend being absorbed into their dynamic and realizing that she is..... sort of dating both of them? And her being the one to bring up dating the other and Robin and steve going well how would that change things? and everyone realizing that it would probably only change the amount of kisses gf gets and going well that sounds cool let's try it!
Maybe in their 20s it doesn't work out but they try again in their 50s and they go wow! this was a great idea we were just young and it just didn't work out.
that's so fun. I want them to have crazy dating stories. I want Jonathan and Eddie to sit there going what the hell are these two doing? because the complexities of stobin's dating lives have always confused them even before the poly V started, and argyle just vibing listening to the double date night shenanigans he's being told.
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cracked-rose-lenses · 12 days
Sherlock Holmes x GN! Reader Headcanons
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a/n: just finished watching enola holmes 2 and HNNNNN 🦋🦋
warnings: none!
look, it’s Sherlock Holmes
he’s a detective! he doesn’t have time for romance!
the very idea is simply preposterous…
…and deep, deep down, rather intriguing
you two most likely met through Enola forcing Sherlock to get a roommate so he doesn’t drown in his own “organized chaos”
you make him small snacks and tea when he’s stressing over a case which he appreciates more than he lets on
and overtime, it goes from small snacks, to making him breakfast, to brushing his hair, to holding him at night, and finally to a gentle kiss pressed to his lips to hush his rambling
i feel like your relationship dynamic would likely be the grumpy introvert (him) and the cheery extrovert (you)
but on the flipside, if you’re a fellow introvert, he’s be sooooo grateful when you show him love yet respect his space unlike SOME OTHER PEOPLE
*cough* Enola *cough*
he’s super warm but his hands are FREEZING (he definitely chuckles when you yelp at his hands sliding under your shirt-)
big spoon mostly, but definitely has his little moments (don’t we all bro)
some days (especially when he’s hungover) he gets c l i n g y, im talking pressing small kisses aimed for your lips that miss, limbs LOCKED around you, and gives LETHAL puppy eyes if you try to leave
his hair is so floofy after a shower and smells like wine and old books
probably not a fan of PDA, not just for his professional image but also for you two getting harassed by some jerk
that’s not to say he’ll object to you holding his arm, of course!
will melt if he finds you wearing his clothes, whether they’re big or small on you!
him swinging the door open and just collapsing in your arms because he’s a tired bby :c
if he’s rushing and can’t give you a kiss, he’ll just press his nose to yours, murmur a “love you, be safe” and leave
and then brings you your favorite flowers on his way back
such a gentleman in general, will make time for you even when he’s swamped with work 🩷
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Since u are doing romantic stuff for more character can u do romantic hcs for Jeff and Nina
Dating Jeff and Nina headcanons
I wasnt sure if you wanted them separate or not so! Separate just to be safe!
Notes: Reader is GN
CWs: Canon typical violence
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Affection is.. still something new to him, at least with giving- he mostly shows that he cares through actions.. whether it be putting a knife in someone who's giving you hassle or picking something up for you
Just don't mention it because hes going to get defensive about it... hes not getting soft!
Fairly possessive and prone to jealousy, and can react immaturely... definitely going to have to work on it
A little.. very.. not used to touch and may or may not have an aversion so it's going to take some time to warm up to it
VERY forgetful, or admittedly sometimes hes just not listening.. he doesnt mean to he just struggle to focus on things that dont capture his attention immediately
Definitely working on it, though! For you, actually.. wont admit it, though
Definitely teaches you how to throw knives... unfortunately you now have a brand new mark in your wall where you guys were practicing.. sighs.. better go outside and use a tree next time
Shes your number 1 fan, constantly hyping you up and making sure you know your worth
Loves doing your makeup and hair, shes willing to comply to your personal style but she tends to add her own touch
Makes you necklaces and bracelets made with little knickknacks shes found or collected
"Never back down never what" "never give up.." dynamic if you tend to be low energy
Not judgemental at all, open to just about anything so you know theres always going to be a safe space
Oh you guys definitely make ocs to ship with each other
Nina definitely does self shipping and- well you're on this blog so you likely do the same or do oc x canon! You guys can ramble about your f/o's for hooooours
Building off of that but she genuinely attempts to get into your interests so the two of you can go insane over it together
Looooves physical touch, always hugging you and peppering your face with kisses- you often have marks on your face from her lipstick
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kaliido-s · 9 months
Well, the kaiju ship I ship most is Mothollante, but everyone’s already given their thoughts on that so yeah. Has a lot of the pros of Mothzilla with few of the cons, as well as the wonderful aesthetic of a genetically-engineered abomination and a goddess of nature. There’s also the obligatory puns about flowers and butterflies, and Mothra-based hurt/comfort and fluff which is one of my favorite kaiju fan plots.
Mothzilla’s… alright when handled in a certain way, but it’s a “the ship is fine but why is it everywhere” type of thing. And with the MonsterVerse especially, their relationship is better if it’s platonic. All in all, I don’t really ship it, unless a particular person’s take leans to the “humanity’s sins and nature’s virtues” aspect of both of them.
Gong’s pretty good. Tired old men being tired together.
Rodorah’s pure arson and anarchy and I value it for that, but no way is that dynamic anything approaching healthy. I ship it for the lolz.
I’ve jokingly shipped Legion from Gamera and Destroyah together before. Two big buff arthropod ladies.
Angzilla has the same benefits as Gong, really, but with more Showa craziness. I find Kongzillra to be a funny threesome, esp. because GvK would have been over in ten minutes if Mothra was there to slap some sense into Goji, to calm Kong down, and to alert the humans to Mechagoji/Ghidorah.
2MUTO is the kaiju ship I like second most, it gets points for being the only canon kaiju couple I can think of outside of the two OG Rodans, and also because I just love the MUTOs in general. Fr though, those two bugs were so sweet together, and I do think they had as much if not more chemistry than the human leads. Anyone who says that Femuto would have committed mate cannibalism on Hokmuto can face my wrath. MUTOs are clearly designed to fight, hunt, and live in pairs (therefore it makes no sense for her to kill and eat him), and it’s entirely possible they’re like crocodilians (i.e. female raises the kids and protects the nest, male brings her and the wittle babies food. Babies stay with the parents for several years until they can live on their own, and may stay within the parents’ territory for several more years. But now I’m going on one of my MUTO ecology headcanon rambles again…)
That’s all I can think of for now, have fun with these and have a nice day!
ooh this is a long one
- I think the funny thing about the hurt/comfort fluff is I only really like it with the Heisei Mothra. For some reason, maybe because she starts out as a larva, she always seemed a bit less like a goddess to me and more like a really caring person just fighting for what they love. While I read other Mothras as more closed off and unsure in social situations because of their attachment to world peace, Heisei Mothra feels more sociable and peppy, and thus capable of committed relationships
- continuing that, Mothzilla I have never really been a fan of, and I think Goji and Mothra being friends is far more interesting. They care so much and mean so much to each other, but it’s because they value their friendship, and neither of them have really had a relationship like that before. They started off as a business relationship and got closer over time, and I think their friendship is very sweet.
- Kongzilla is (usually) very relaxed old man yaoi and I like that a lot
- If you read my other previous ask about Rodorah, you’ll know how I feel about it. Very wacky very goofy very arson.
- Y’know what, I totally think Legion could get it. She’s pulled tons of arthropod ladies before.
- Again, relaxed old man yaoi, I like that a lot. For them it’s way more like, they’ve been friends for so long and have only gotten closer over time, and everyone’s wondering whether they’re official or not, and maybe they won’t say it out loud cause they don’t want the attention, but they are.
- I had a pretty brief Kongzillra phase and that was pretty fun. Mostly used for laughs and silly shipping dynamics where there’s no bad blood. They’re a power throuple.
- The MUTOs are so cute to me, the part where they meet each other in Chinatown, call to each other, nuzzle, and sync up their vocalizations when they kiss lives in my head rent free. It’s too bad Godzilla hates straight romance, because they were a very adorable and committed couple. (I also would be super into any MUTO ecology posts if you’re offering)
(this clip. this clip right here. the sound design, the cuteness, chefs kiss.)
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plusvanity · 1 year
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Alright so, I wouldn't have finished this so soon but some of you showed interest in my silly ramblings sooooo... here are some of my headcanons for Larry's 'aloof' personality.
Asperger Syndrome
-Since he was a small child, there were a few behavioral differences between him and the rest of the children.
He never really knew how to properly communicate. That might be very common in children BUT he literally had struggles trying to explain anything. Sentences like: 'I want that' or 'can I have that?' were never on his tongue and lots of time he'd get upset at himself/ people around him for not being able to read his mind and take care of his demands. This kind of behavior crosses a bit into 'anti-social' tenancies. (Hard time to communicate, preferred playing alone, very poor social skills, etc) Shortly, his 'forever-upset' personality resulted in children excluding/ isolating him from their games and plays.
-Larry didn't know why nobody wanted to play with him, why everybody avoided him like plague and gave him dubious looks. Throughout his kindergarten and early-school years he never made friends, never had any significant relationships except with his parents.
Why did nobody see these signs and act accordingly?
We're in the late 90's. There's no such thing as ‘diagnosing kids with mental illness’ unless they've got some kind of schizophrenia that really makes them act out. Parents had little to no information about mental health, let alone autism and how it manifests in children. Rough times but that's how they were.
-Growing up lonely, Larry found his refuge in drawing and writing silly little cartoon stories. Solo hobbies are extremely common in the autistic spectrum, especially when they come in package with die-hard fixations/ obsessions.
-Sensorial sensibility: he can’t stand bright lights in his basement. That’s why he always keeps a small desk lamp on and nothing else to see around him.
-In school, he did poorly. The motto was: it’s either you’re the only one who gets it and nobody else does OR everybody else gets it and you’re the only one who doesn’t. No way in between these two.
-The internal struggle of 'Why am I like this? Why do they hate me? What's wrong with me?' never left his brain. Now, communication was absolutely required no matter if he liked it or not. That's school, you're supposed to answer stuff, use your brains to solve problems and get through the day.
-Firstly, he did what his autistic mind told him to do.. he went fully fucking honest and blunt. With every occasion when he got asked about something, he innocently pointed out everything that bothered him/ seemed wrong or annoying without any fucking filter whatsoever. Needless to say, his true-nature approach didn’t escape punishment. His mother was called, the teachers complained that he’s ‘too mean and arrogant’ , ‘never focused’ , ‘too lazy and selfish’ etc. Everything while Larry looked like a fucking deer in the highlights telling his mom that he didn't do nothing wrong.
-When he finally understood that ‘being honest’ wasn't the key for normal human-communication, that's when his mind began searching for other ways to go by.
Masking was the second option.
-He watched, heard, studied, learned and taught himself the Fine Arts of mimicking normal human response in social situations. Now, that's how he mostly made it work.
-As a chill but tragically misunderstood child, he had finally learned how to make friends. It started with Ash and Maple (alternative music and general outcasts) and later in middle-school, Ash presented him to Todd. (Now, I'd rant about Rob and their 'brother from another mother' dynamic and friendship but that's for another long post if any of you are interested)
-When his father abruptly disappeared from the family frame, it just.... made everything ten thousand times worse for Larry (This is gonna be another post if you're interested)
-All in all, now with a select group of friends he’s still aloof, weird, too loud or too quiet sometimes BUT at least he’s not alone and miserable anymore.
Normally, he's a laid back dude, a stoner (autism and substance abuse is another headache of a post..) a metalhead and maybe just a little delinquent sometimes after 8 pm because of teenage rebellion and all that stuff.
-His ‘masking act’ falls sometimes when he talks about painting, video games, music and basically everything that interests him. Asperger in boys is a lot different than in girls. Girls tend to keep their ‘masking act’ better than boys as boys often don't realize when they slip and start talking miles and miles about their favorite hobbies/ subjects without noticing if the person they're talking to completely loses their interest or gets angry for being talked over and interrupted all the time.
His friends find him a bit annoying at times cause… fuck, who like being talked over? but they’re so used to him that it’s just common and gets easily forgotten.
-When the sudden chronic-insomnia hit him, the fatigue and lethargy didn't go unnoticed by Lisa. Finally, she managed to drag him to a doctor that surprisingly or not, completely missed to diagnose him with autism. The shrink blamed his insomnia on weed (another rant here) and …. ADHD?. Larry took the classic DSM-4 test (oh boy, gotta love the 90′s..) it came back negative on symptoms, confirming everybody that he didn't have ADHD. (Now, I know that the two behavioral illnesses often came in package but with Larry it wasn't the case) After that, nobody did anything.
-Now, he lives freely his teenage years hanging out with Sal, regularly smoking weed, getting deeply offended by the un-true belief that he might have ADHD, still trying to figure out what's actually wrong with him that no shrink or DSM could tell and ultimately enjoying his hobbies and little shenanigans him and his best amigo do.
-The ‘masking act’ has long become an automatic behavior, an unconscious switch for normal social situations so, now he’s most definitely not aware that he’s doing it. 
Sal highly suspects him of being autistic due to the fact that he had far more contacts with doctors and psychiatrists in his entire life that he knows VERY WELL the red flags or autistic behaviors. That and because of their first interaction when Larry was like ‘Sup, you like metal? You GOTTA like metal!’ it screams autism from a fucking mile.
This post is embarrassingly LONG and useless.. and I'll shut the fuck up now for real. BUT If anyone feels like asking questions or going deeper down this rabbit hole, feel free to text me <3 as I love waffling about psychology and pretty much anything lol.
Sorry for my bad English, I did my best in trying to explain all that's written above. These are just some of my little silly headcanons and possibly?? more in-depth explanations for some of the things that go on in my SF fanfic.
Ko-fi l  DeviantArt
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acemakes-art143 · 8 months
Uhhh I may have accidentally clicked unfollow because I thought it said follow like a sleep deprived dumbass.
Please, I request of thee, infodump about this ship named Suntan. I know very little. And I wish to know more.
EEEEEEEEEEEEE YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY SUNTAN!!!!!!!!!! also it's fine no worries it happens lol
OK SO idk how much I can say about them without spoilers for omori BUT I will ramble about how much I love these little gays hehehehehe
First, I guess, is talk about the characters individually
Kel. This guy:
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he is an absolute ball of sunshine, silly little guy, love him. Tall boi. This guy's TALL. He plays basketball. Does he have ADHD? Most likely! Is he a little stupid? Absolutely! And I love him for it. He just silly. He is the kind of person who would accidentally burn the water while cooking, haha! This is also my favorite character in omori btw I love him he's so silly and goofy and I love him!!
LGBTQ+ Headcanons: panromantic asexual trans boy (he/him but he probably would be completely chill with they/them if someone used it)
Next up: sunny. That's him:
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This guy. He doesn't really like to talk much (in other posts I've talked about a headcanon I have for him but basically I think he has a notepad or smth that he carries around to write things instead of verbally talking). VERY traumatized. Definitely needs therapy. Does he get it? Nope! He has his tall sunshine boyfriend instead :)
Now, you may also see him shown with an eye patch on one eye, or a scarred eye, or something similar. This, without saying too much because it would be spoilers, is because his eye got hurt towards the very end of the game, so people (the fandom) gave him the scar/eye patch for post-game fanart/fan animations/comics/etc.
LGBTQ+ Headcanons: demi-biromantic asexual maybe demiboy? (he/they)
Now the main event: SUNTAN!!!!!!!!!
The name: sun(ny) + tan (kel)
Other names that I hear commonly are sunkel (just sunny + kel) and CapriSun.
Think: sweet happy extroverted ball of sunshine character x sad also sweet introverted and very traumatized/unstable character
Such a good dynamic I love them so much and they're so cute and AAAAA I can't talk about their relationship in the game at all because I don't know how much I can say before I reach spoiler territory and I want you my lovely mutual to go into the game 100% blind (or at least 90% blind) so yeah uh BUT they do interact a lot and i mean they're bestfriends so let them be boyfriends right?
Hehehe ok that's all I can think of to say about them here have some of the Suntan fanart I've found that I love a lot
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This one was done by me while watching a movie! It's a little old, but it still looks so cute! Maybe I'll redraw it and make it even better! My shading style has definitely improved since this one, if nothing else.
And yeah! That's my Suntan ramble/infodump that mostly consisted of talking about the characters individually because I really really REALLY don't want to accidentally spoil anything even minor things because it's so so so good if you just go into the game fully blindly so hope you get the game soon and enjoy my funny rambles :D
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hi! I want to know more about the Water wife, I´ve a really small understanding of this take on Penelope and i wANT TO KNOW MORE!!!!
Thanks for being so kind! 💙
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(understand that these are just headcanons/my ideas and I'm very silly)
Go through the tag of #my headcanons if you want more stuff though honestly, as...I write a LOT about her.
Not gonna lie, this is a LOT of rambling. Also certain things I won't say as I DO plan to someday write Odypen's courting and I want the readers to "fall in love" with her ALONGSIDE Odysseus. We already know him. But the Odyssey kind of keeps a lot of her intentions/sneakiness hidden on purpose because she's just as much of an enigma to Odysseus as the Narrator in a way. (it's one of the things I love so much about her). I hope to write her in a way that "reveals" HER as well.
Honestly I'll try and tag all my stuff with her with Water Wife (maybe without tm because...that was just for the silly and it's sometimes annoying to dig up the emoji thing on computer)
I take a lot of liberties with everything "nonmortal" (demigods, nymphs, etc.) because honestly it's just genuinely fun to write about plus I'm neurodivergent :P also have chronic pain, so I like writing SOME of my gals doing athletics. Mostly just Penelope and Helen being SUPER into it while other women have some activities they like. Ctimene for example, likes running and Anticlea woodcarving (who Odysseus learned it from)
Also silly thing, but one thing I always try to keep in mind is the idea of "A lot of people write women just reacting and not affecting" and I feel like people think Homer and other Ancient Greek Authors do that when...No. They write very dynamic and complex women. Penelope isn't JUST "sobbing" when the suitors are there. If it weren't for her schemes, she'd be married already. BUT NO!!! She's so cunning and held them off WITHOUT physical force!!!
"She should've killed them-" YEs! BUT there are also the political implications of that and xenia to consider!!! Literally at the end of the Odyssey, Athena has to calm everybody down!!! She couldn't do that without even more angry people coming at her!!! rtdyfugh ANYWAYS
I also take "likeminded" and sprint with it. For every shitty/wonderful thing Odysseus has done, she's rooting for it or would do something similar. They're as full of love as they are full of hate.
These two are that "evil couple" sometimes. She's sitting in his lap and they just humiliated someone publically and laugh at them and then they start nuzzling noses, giggling.
She's prideful in many ways as well and she's not against throwing someone under the bus if she needs to and WILL blackmail. You're afraid of snakes and she doesn't like you? "Oh my gosh! What do you think of my new snake necklace?"
She's pretty reckless often in her youth (Her and Odysseus both got that Adhd swag). For example, in my one fic's first chapter, it mentions how she ate a catfish that is making her sick. She rushed in and wasn't even thinking about "...Hey, isn't this one kind of weird?" She was pretending she was fine at first when she clearly wasn't as she doesn't like showing "weakness" (plus adrenaline). Also as she just gave birth like, 8-9 months before, she's in a weird funk of feeling strange about how her body has changed a bit despite recovering very well (water helps!). She's soooo happy she took the "beast" down. While sick, she knew she was reckless and mad at herself.
She's actually closest with Helen probably. Her siblings are a bit older than her and as she was born in a creek and quite smaller because of it (Naiads being affected by the waters they were born in) she got teased by some other naiads for quite a while. Helen is also, a little shit, in her own way so these two loved doing silly shit often. (Penelope, Helen, Menelaus, Castor, and Pollux, were this very strange little squad of kiddos who just...did random shit. They each have scars and knicks from their silliness (except Helen and Pollux))
Some of the scales she has on her arms and one shoulder, dry out quicker, from one of the times older naiads got a hold of her and kind of ripped at them :'D "Puddle girl"
It's something she carries with her in a way and when her water breaks with Telemachus, she hides it at first being like "Hey, let's head towards the caves!!!" until Odysseus realizes and he's so frustrated and upset with her has to scoop her up. (her stubbornness and recklessness) He scolds her after everything calms down like two weeks later.
Funny enough, I've had this idea for a LONG time even before I watched the 90's Odyssey. Odysseus just gives that vibe of "I'm not fucking leaving." don't he?
Odysseus: I can't believe you did that. The Canals were closer, Penelope- Penelope: I know but he'd be so much stronger if he were born in the caves and he is. AND I'm fine!!! I'm actually doing very well.
She hates bracelets. She usually ends up breaking them from messing with them too much.
Athena technically spoke with her first before Odysseus but Athena was WATCHING Odysseus for a longer time.
She's really close with her parents because her eldest sister got married quite young and her brothers are in the military. She goes running with dad often (let me have this) and she enjoys swimming (ofc), running, and pankration (Idk why I think it's really neat but I do)
She's got a scar on her temple that is kind of hidden by her hair from when she got washed away once when she was little (the scars she DOES have are because of her own novice attempts at healing, otherwise she doesn't have really any) and she's got a little crook in her nose, something she's self-conscious about as it was one of her first times "setting bone" with water and so it didn't end up perfect. It's not too noticeable but of course, you notice your own flaws more than others. (When she finally allows Odysseus to kiss her face, he immediately places a little kiss on her nose.)
There's...SO many more but yeah. a lot of basics.
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steelycunt · 1 year
helloooo ridi. I have been thinking about young r/s a lot and I know that you describe them (especially s) as being "strange" about the other before they ever talked about their feelings and I wanted to ask if you had any examples that come to mind
hiiii love!! yah absolutely!! predicting my own too-long rambling response 2 this by adding a cut straight away but. i do have thoughts :^)
obviously usual disclaimer that this is. speculation this is my headcanon and in answering im probably going to take for granted a lot of insights into the general mwpp dynamic that other people might (and are free to) disagree with xx but for me personally!! i am one for them always sensing that their feelings towards each other r a little strange compared to their other friendships within the group long before they manage to identify romantic feelings from platonic ones or just generally understand what it is they feel for each other. n im going to go mostly with s here because i think a good way of laying it out is by contrasting it with the way i view his dynamic with j, although for the record i definitely imagine r to always feel a little strange towards s too.
i do genuinely think s loved j in a way that is perhaps. pointless to label as either platonic or romantic but in a way that was very different to the way he felt about r and i think. that difference at first is all he's aware of. he meets j and they are a double-act they're a two-headed monster they're each other's phantom limb they're thick as thieves they're more than brothers but i think immediately his dynamic and his closeness with r are very different and thus strange to him. they are not a double-act. he does not always know what r is thinking (although he wants to). their intimacy feels strange because it is not intimacy as a product of like. familiarity or similarity the way his intimacy with james is (horribly clumsy way of wording that but hopefully you can make some sense of it). i wouldn't necessarily go as far as to call them opposites because i think in a lot of ways they aren't, at all, but to me it is the difference between sitting next to someone at a table (j) and sitting across from them (r).
and i think the uncertainty when it comes 2 his relationship with r and his feelings about r mean that he sort of craves it more yknow (especially because he. unconsciously thinks a close relationship with r is infinitely worth earning). he seeks it out. r can make him uncomfortable and he likes that. i think he would go out of his way to make r laugh i think he would get a certain sense of triumph out of accomplishing it that he wouldnt look for/need with james. r's general aura of strange wistfulness and melancholy also contributes to this (and this is partly why i hesitate to position them as opposites) because although their experiences are so so different there is an understanding of. suffering? trauma? whatever you would like to call it that s can get from r that james (although he is very loving) just cannot provide because he has not experienced that. the discussions he has with r are not the same ones he has with j. the fact that r is more difficult to get close 2 and to make smile etc makes s want to try harder to accomplish it. and he wouldnt necessarily recognise that in himself but i do think if he tells a joke and everyone laughs he is conscious of the fact that he gets the most reward from having made r laugh. and not only that but he wants the person who makes r laugh to be him.
i do also think he is just. softer about r. whether or not he realizes it or whether he thinks his softness is just a result of r seeming more melancholy to him than the others/post-lycanthropy discovery just feeling the need (rightly or wrongly) to be more protective over him. like they are twelve n s will playfight and roughhouse j all day for fun but with r he will only ever. pretend to do it or mime doing it or do it very gently not just because r is generally in worse health but also because the idea of accidentally actually hurting r is genuinely very distressing to him. also touching him a lot probably also make s' stomach hurt and makes him go all sweaty and light-headed for reasons he doesn't want to explore. idk i am sure this has gotten far too long by now but i think. the strangeness is best felt by both of them when comparing how they feel about each other with how they feel about their other friends. its an intimacy that does not even resemble anything brotherly or familial and at their young age that is what they think it means to be friends with someone. it is not comparable with anyone else it is not as easily labelled it is full of hesitations and private moments and give and take and it trembles and it shapeshifts and it doesn't let anyone else in. there is essentially a private joke between them, except neither of them are in on it.
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honey-dandelion · 5 months
Hello everyone !! My name is AD, 19 and my pronouns are she/her!! I am a multi muse, filipino roleplayer/writer!!
I am quite new to the rp community in tumblr so please understand that I'm inexperienced. This blog is mostly to find more reigen rp partners who can giggle and ramble with me about Ron Weasley!
Currently, i am into Harry Potter!! I’d like to preface and say I do NOT support anything JK Rowling has said (as I am bi myself) and any transphobic statements she’s made is something I will never agree with.
My current hyperfixation character as of the moment is actually Ron Weasley! He’s my favorite character by far and I can go on and on about rambling towards him :3 though he doesn’t have to be my main actually! Im looking for any Ron role players :D as long as I get to write ships or just in general, sweet stories about him.
I have a few set of rules i would also like to make as a seperate post but as of right now, i will be writing them here so please take the time to read them in case you ever want to write or just simply chat with me about anything!!
* Main muses are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy! I can also do the Weasley family and can even do Ron as well if preferred!
* usually write on discord and prefer to have a server for all the rps. I draw, write and speed out ideas a LOT btw so please be warned. I'm a rambler and I really love Ron a lot and want to interact with people who love it or just generally love Ron as much as I do!
* I am a big romance shipper but I also love writing platonic relationships between characters! Like family found dynamics and such. I am also a rare shipper kind of gal- like shipping Draco and Ron sometimes LOL
* I write mostly romance for aged up/adult characters
* I can word vomit and write long replies a lot- it's how I usually write so please don't feel pressured to write the same length as me!!
* Via discord rp; PLEASE tell me if I write something that ever makes you uncomfortable- I can edit it out and such, I don't mind as long as everyone feels safe.
* I'm really biased with Ron. I can be ooc with him a bit so please do not attack me if you have any problems with my mischaracterization of him. I am only here to have fun and write, to indulge myself with people. I don’t mind ooc
* I have school and responsibilities from my parents so if I don't answer, I'm probs asleep, working or @ college
* Lasty; Dont be shy with interacting with me! I am always happy to make mutuals and friends around here! I would love to answer any questions- either in character or just questions you would want to know about me!! So please dont be shy :D
• I usually just write doms/tops and I can get pretty hardcore with smut writing — please tell me if there is any kinks or stuff in smut you don't want to read! I also like dark topics but absolutely no adult/kid. That shit is not allowed in my rp blog. I'm very into some dark content and such but if that's not your cup of tea, please avoid the " DARK TOPIC // " tag.
• I only write nsfw of adult characters and ocs; cant do erp via me. I will only do them via discord as I am way too shy to write them publicly. PLEASE NOTE THOUGH that i will not just write on a whim. I will be able to make headcanons and such but i need to get to know you and feel comfortable enough to write it. I do write suggestive content here and there so my tags here will be " NSFW // " in case you ever want to avoid it.
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nutamused · 5 months
Some htf dynamics that I think are very sillay
Warning: mostly just rambles lol
Handy and toothy- THEY TOTALLY HAVE A SIBLING DYNAMIC!! I don’t think they’re actually related, but I think they just act like siblings and get along well despite their differences. Toothy would be like the younger brother and handy is older, and toothy would probably just be annoying asf to handy and handy just deals with it. Toothy also probably goes to handy for advice, and handy doesn’t rly care so he just says some bs so toothy can leave him alone
Flippy and lammy- I think these two silly heads would be sweet friends, and both also connect cause of their mental illnesses. I haven’t gone too into it, but I think lammy would be the “less stable” one of the two cause she’s younger and doesn’t rly know how to deal with her issues like flippy does. Flippy would try to help Lammy sometimes, and they would have tea together. I’d like to think that he tells her about his past, as she’s one of the younger tree friends who could actually understand his problems.
Toothy and sniffles- they are nerd loser besties!! They would totally geek over nerd stuff like those Splendid comics and anime or smthing else nerdy. Even tho they’re both nerds, toothy is the bigger loser cause he’s more of a wimp and just kind of a pushover (I’m trying to give him SOMEWHAT of a personality 😭), while sniffles doesn’t take shit and and be a bitch (also they are lovers, you can’t convince me otherwise ☺️)
Lammy and handy- they have a “normal person and crazy ass person” dynamic. I headcanon that it’s still pretty ambiguous whether lammy actually murders people or not, but she still helps with hiding bodies and cleaning up the messes that Mr. Pickels makes. Lammy usually tries to kill off anyone who catches her and Mr pickels cause she doesn’t want to go back to jail, but she trusts handy cause he just doesn’t care. He doesn’t mind lammy or Mr Pickels killing anyone, just as long as it doesn’t get in the way of his work. He is kinda put off by her creepy demeanor, but still tries his best to be respectful to her
Russell and cuddles- ENEMIES TO LOVERS!! I find it funny that many people put them against each other cause they both want giggles, but I wanna put a spin on that and make it so that they want EACHOTHER. (Also I hc giggles is a lesbian so she doesn’t give a shit abt them) Cuddles and Russell first act like they hate each other cause they both dated giggles, but secretly they want each other but are both too dumb to realize it. (Toothy and lumpy are the only ones that know abt it, but both cuddles and Russell are too dumb to listen to them)
That’s all I can think of for now but I will def have more later
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aboutyoutoo · 2 months
Question: rudolf's top 5 neuroses in your subjective opinion (can either be the ones that plague him the most or the ones you find most fun or interesting to think or write about) (can be in a particular order or not). Can be historical, fictional or headcanon 😌 the man is your oyster,,,,
ough this is a good question !! I'll probably base it on elisabeth!Rudolf and also whatever fictional version exists in my head because I don't feel like I can psychoanalyse the real one xD
also this was hard because I feel like in my head so many of his neuroses are linked together... or like it's a bunch of minor neuroses that are actually all just the same major one if you pull back the layers enough ajdhs but anyway in no particular order (under a cut because it ended up being a bit rambly):
Abandonment issues
Yeah this is an obvious one cuz it's a major plot point in elisabeth... it also makes for a really fun dynamic with Tod i think because then Rudolf gets to be obsessive and needy and clingy etc, and lets Tod kind of get away with anything because Rudolf just neeeeds to be wanted so he'll do anything to keep Tod around, and will keep going back even though Tod makes him feel like shit lol.
This one is based in elisabeth canon for obvious reasons xD (although I don't think the real one had a healthy relationship with sexuality either but for different reasons...)
But yeah my todolf fics I think will always have an element of Rudolf being Weird about his sexuality, both because I need some sense of historical accuracy always and also because I think it's just really fun to have a character be ashamed and insecure and weird about being gay ajsh sorry... this guy will be full of repressed gay Catholic guilt forever <3
Feelings of inadequacy
This one is mostly my headcanon I think but yeah....his terrible upbringing + abandonment issues + his father not liking him very much all just giving him a constant feeling of never really being Enough for anyone and also having a ton of imposter syndrome about his role as a political thinker and a scientist and a future leader etc etc. I like giving him a lot of insecurities because it means a lot of things for Tod to be mean to him about jshs. I also like the thought of his constant feelings of inadequacy being the cause of his humiliation kink akdjs... he needs therapy but he can't get that so he'll cope by sexualising the feeling of being Lesser.
Unstable grip on reality
This is something I kind of alluded to in my first todolf fic because I really like the idea of Tod just.. messing with Rudolf's head and having him constantly doubting what's real. Rudolf already has to deal with the cognitive dissonance of being so grounded and scientific whilst also having an imaginary metaphysical boyfriend, and I really like the idea of Tod pushing the limits of that. Appearing to Rudolf in a dreamlike way so he doesn't trust his own memories being real.... Rudolf seeing the Todesengels everywhere and thinking that it's Tod and then being all confused when it isn't him and then he starts doubting himself... yeah basically I just like the idea of Tod having Rudolf in a constant state of confusion and not knowing what to believe, fuck up his brain <33
Feeling hopeless
In more than one way. In the sense of looking at the world and knowing that he can't fix it and just being powerless and miserable. But also in the sense of feeling hopeless about himself. Like he knows that he's going to give himself willingly to Tod one day, he knows that he's going to kill himself and he's resigned himself to that inevitability, so he sees himself as a lost cause... yeah I like that.
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bcbdrums · 5 months
Given the fact that we were talking about our perceptions of certain kinds of ships in regards to Stein and how they suit or do not suit his character, how do you feel about smut/the relationship dynamics within Stein x character smut fics?
All righty then...! Here comes a very long rambling of my headcanons about Stein, his two primary relationships, and his relationship with those deeper intimacies. This takes some turns before it gets to the main point but well, I love talking about this man. Extremely long post under the cut.
Also - there are two blogs I tag at the very end of this post - you two feel free to ignore all my ramblings, just know I praise you both at the end and I still re-read your Soul Eater stories VERY regularly.
I'm truthfully still trying to reorganize my thoughts on this specific topic because 1) I have listened to many a headcanon from others on the subject and I always try to give validity to their thoughts even when they differ from mine, and 2) I've also read tons of smut fic with Stein out of sheer desperation for...well, Stein fic. (Come on Stein fandom where you at? Write me some gen fic too, lol)
I have not read too many fics of him with Marie cuz those always contain manga spoilers so I'm skipping those for now until I finish reading (exactly halfway through!). So what I've read is mostly Stein/Spirit smuts and just a couple with Marie, and I want to say….almost zero?? I think zero of those fics (and boy I've read plenty) have "hit the spot" in terms of what I would want for a Stein smut. They're good stories, in some cases great stories, well-written and thoughtfully conceived, but they're not fitting my headcanons and interpretations of who I see onscreen (and who I see in the manga so far).
All that said now… Some of my own relevant headcanons for him, and then I'll get more into fic of others.
I go back and forth toying with the idea that Stein experimented with intimacy just a little as a teen. He's not immune to puberty and hormones; he's human whether he likes it or not, which isn't to say mind over matter doesn't work for him. (Clearly it does, in staving off madness among other things.) But he's a scientist. He's curious. And I can see him justifying an experiment or two in his teen years. But they would in fact be just that, experiments. It's still a big maybe. I can't say for certain he would, it's the sort of thing like…if all the dots line up just right, he'd attempt it. If not, he wouldn't. And it would only be with those two people: Marie and/or Spirit. He doesn't trust anyone else enough. (Yes, I'm on board with the popular fanon that Marie was one of his other weapon partners after Spirit.)
Another teen headcanon... I can also easily see a sort of angsty distraction possibility for him. When he loses Spirit to Kami, I can see him getting into a "romantic" relationship with Marie as sheer distraction, and even misguided retaliation. Spirit "cheated" on him with another meister and abandoned him, so why shouldn't he do the same with another weapon? Which sucks for Marie but well she's not healthy about relationships any more than Stein or Spirit are. But this is just another sort of maybe-thought; another situation where all the dots would have to line up just right for him to go for it. But I can see it, no question, just like the prior thought.
As for Stein as an adult, at the point we see him in the show… While I think relationally he and Spirit have the most interesting dynamic to explore, the one he shows more openness toward is Marie. It's clear that he cares for her. And he doesn't fully understand that either. Now I don't think he wants to get into bed with her, or marry her, or anything traditional to a romance. But I also don't think Marie is going anywhere. Thinking post-anime now…. Unless he gives her a sign that there is nothing between them, I think she's staying put. But sadly for her, I think there is something between them... Sadly because, Stein doesn't know what it is, and it's not "love" the way that Marie wants it. It's just something he's unfamiliar with. Meanwhile she's devoted to him, poor woman.
Now, end of the anime… Let's talk about this…. Marie helps him back to sanity with her healing wavelength. But…then he's just "okay"? No he isn't. Look at that man. His dark circles are darker, his eyes are more haunted. That man has been living off madness and cigarettes for weeks. When is the last time he ate anything? Showered? Legitimately got any sleep?? How he's even standing up let alone fighting Medusa is beyond me, and then he performs freaking major surgery and then waltzes into the death room afterward like he's fine. Because...that's who Stein is.
Stein will fight until he is incapable of fighting anymore, to serve those he loves. Yes I said loves. And it is agonizing how much he strives to show his love for others, and it's something he doesn't even realize he has within him. He thinks he can't understand love? It's because he feels it so deeply and passionately it's beyond definition. Part of this however I'm also certain is motivated from his deep desire for purpose as an adult. The manga shows that aspect of his character even more-so than the anime (in what I've read so far). That man is desperate for purpose and to belong somewhere, with someone. He can't escape his human nature even if he doesn't understand it, can't define it, and even though it drives him crazy all on its own…
So bringing this back to Marie… End of the anime. I don't think Marie is leaving. She's gonna stay, help nurse Stein back to health and sanity despite his pretending he's fine (or perhaps even sheer ignorance of his condition), and Stein…is gonna be confused the whole dang time about his feelings for Marie. He knows he feels something but he has no idea what it is or how to process it. But "love" in the romantic sense he doesn't possibly consider, because well...his conceptions of that sort of thing aren't based in anything healthy (see: Spirit's relationships).
So yeah… She's not leaving. He won't reject her attentions because he does care about her, just not in a way he understands and also not in the way she wants. And as she starts to realize that he has some kind of feeling for her, I think she'd turn up the romance and she'd make a move on him. OR…she'd play the extremely...long...patient game, and wait for him to make a move on her, when it's within his comfort zone. And let me be clear… This man still does not know what love is in this traditional sense, does not understand love. He knows what physical attraction and hormones are and darn him he can't shake those either, but as an adult he wouldn't act impulsively on them nor would he confuse them with love. Stein is the ultimate master of mind over matter. If he were to sleep with her, it would be a choice; a decision he makes consciously and deliberately. I see this within the realms of possibility. But if he chooses it himself, if he's the one who makes that decision simply out of his wanting to…it would be a long, long time that that woman is waiting for him. But I do think it possible. The question is simply, how long will she wait. And she's also the type to try to stir things up (see: her behavior toward Joe in the manga). So who knows when they may end up in bed together... These dots are more complicated to align than those of his teenage years. And if Marie made the move first...I think he'd accept it. Because, see again, his wanting to belong with someone, and he knows he feels something different with Marie.
As for Spirit, well... Stein sees that Spirit likes women. And Stein sees that Spirit can't commit. I think Stein "loves" Spirit more than he loves Marie. First love, young love... Spirit is the relationship of his life, even though that's yet another thing he cannot possibly understand. I think that while part of him, the mad obsessive part, and the curious part, does want to be close to Spirit in the intimate way…it's not out of a healthy desire or even typical motivations. It would come from a desire to possess, from his deeply human but inexplicable yearning to be closer to the one he loves even though it's not the right type of love for that type of intimacy. Not really sure Spirit would be all-in if Stein were to make the move... I think Spirit would take persuading. It's another circumstance where all the dots have to line up just right, and in this case probably more while caught up in madness than in sanity. Because as previously mentioned… In his right mind, Stein knows that Spirit likes women and more importantly that Spirit cannot commit. And he's ironically smart enough to know not to attempt a traditional human romance with someone who cannot commit. I don't think Stein would himself attempt intimacy with Spirit in his right mind at all, unless something happened to make him utterly desperate not to lose the man... Another instance of, all those dots have to connect.
But ugh, the angst. Spirit abandoned him after five years... Stein is not going to willingly subject himself to possible heartbreak again. Plus, he does not think Spirit has forgiven him for the "experiments." I think he thinks Spirit only hangs around him now as an adult as his handler, despite desperately wanting his friendship again. But I think he figures it's a lost cause so he just takes what is offered and never pursues more.
Okay but before I digress further into my endless thoughts about Stein's and Spirit's relationship (I'll do another post for that maybe), back to the point of your question.
I am really not one for labels, partially because I don't understand them but also because I think the spectrum is just so deep and too much defies definition. But if I were to label him, I guess I'd go with...gray ace with demi leanings…?
The man is driven only by curiosity, about anything and everything. But the level of intimacy we're talking about is more than he ever wants to trust anyone with. It's always gotta be on his terms, and more often than not…his terms would be unhealthy.
So let's talk about what shows up in fanfic, since that was what the original question was about. And once again, I like to lend validity to everyone's interpretation. Just because it isn't mine doesn't mean it's wrong or shouldn't exist. But you did ask about MY thoughts, so that's what I'm sharing here.
Once again, I've barely touched Stein/Marie fic because I'm avoiding manga spoilers. In the one or two I've seen, he comes across as not connecting emotionally in the typical way, but knowing that there is indeed something different about being with her. He knows she cares about him, and he cares in return. But it doesn't come across as anything intimate on his side of it. This isn't a characterization I particularly like, because Stein as an adult... As I said, I think he'd choose that intimacy if and when he wants it. In the stories, it comes across more as him just doing her a favor, just going along. It doesn't sit right. But like I said, that's only two stories. For other Stein/Marie, I reserve opinion for later.
Stein/Spirit... Okay. I've noticed a great many commonalities in the fics I've read. And this isn't a taste or preference thing; like I said I have devoured almost every smut fic just in desperation for any fanfic of them. Would prefer more gen fic less smut personally, but anyway.
Most fics have Stein in the dominant role, Spirit in the submissive role. I understand that interpretation but it's not how I see them. I see them as equals if they were to get into that type of intimacy. There is often a lot of bloodplay, frequently madness on Stein's part, major instances of non-con, pet play, BDSM, sometimes light cannibalism... It all suggests an impersonal and unhealthy relationship most of the time, which again...is not at all how I see them if they were to become a couple. Could such things come about? Unhealthily, possibly. But darn me and my desire for happy endings.
These two men are so broken, that if they were to become a healthy couple...I feel like it would be slow, cautious...extremely hesitant. There is extreme distrust on both sides, and also misconceptions about how the other feels. Which...I will save that analysis for later. Focusing back on smut fic.
I have seen only a few that touch on the give and take in a trusting relationship (all by the same author) that come closest to what I feel is accurate to the characters onscreen as I see them, but still the emphasis is too much on lust. It still isn't hitting the spot for me due to a lack of that relational development... Make no mistake, the stories are great, but I personally am hoping for something much deeper.
In my view, Stein just does not seek out physical intimacy in that way. I don't think he can fully escape the innate human need for touch, but in terms of a drive to get into bed with anyone... I think the occasional human desire for it crops up, and he easily ignores it/packs it away because it's not useful to him. It doesn't bother him. He doesn't think about it.
So this is where that...gray-ace, demi vibe comes into play for my view of him. Talking about Stein here as an adult and in control of himself, not consumed by madness... This is I supposed a bit of a summation of my thoughts.
If he did get into a relationship with anyone (and again I think his only choices are Spirit and Marie), it would not be based on the physical at all. I also don't think he would rush into any relationship. It would be a long process before he trusted the person enough to consider them a romantic partner. And really, we could get away from the word romance entirely... Life-partner is a better word, in Stein's case. If the person wanted physical intimacies, I think he would be responsive to that. The other person would be in the lead, but in no way dominating. It would have to be an equal trust thing or else Stein would nope out hard. Stein would gradually learn what it is he likes physically, and how to give his partner what they want. He can come to enjoy it because this is his life-partner, the one he belongs with, the one who needs him and is part of his purpose. But again...the physical is not something that drives him at all. Not in how I see him portrayed onscreen or in the manga.
So, overall, in my point of view nearly all smut fics miss the mark. Now...the stories I've seen where I think the physical intimacy is nailed don't even get to smut. Those are the stories by @asymmetryestablished (AO3 NothingSoDivine) and their characterizations of Stein and Spirit defy description in any words I have. The other author who nails it is @wispforever (same on AO3) and the closest to physical intimacy they get is dancing, but my gosh still the characterizations are utter perfection. I will be re-reading y'all's Stein/Spirit stories forever.
I hope I did in fact answer your question, but overall, I was delighted to just spill out so many of my thoughts about Stein even if in summary form. Yes this was a summary... Okay. I'm done. Thanks.
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