#moon conjunct pluto
mercurianchild · 22 hours
A lot of people romanticise Pluto stuff, until they experience Pluto stuff
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cosmicplexus · 2 months
Random Synastry Observations
🌸Mars conjunct Ascendant or Mars in 1st house can be one of those relationships where you aren't too sure if someone likes you genuinely or just for your looks.
🌸Venus in 5th house has an easy going atmosphere helped by a shared sense of humor and playfulness regardless of other aspects in synastry.
🌸It can be very difficult to end a relationship with someone with their Mars in your 8th house as they will persist to make sure the relationship continues.
🌸Having your natal Moon or Venus conjunct/opposite/square Pluto makes your relationships with people close to your age very intense for better or worse.
🌸People with Venus in 12th house synastry tend to dream about each other a lot.
🌸Relationships have a better chance of surviving if 4th house,5th house and 8th house synastry are all present.
🌸People with Venus in 10th house synastry most likely met or connected through work or school and tend to bond over career related matters.
🌸If Moon conjunct Mars synastry has no strong aspects to aid the relationship, the Mars person may view the Moon person as merely someone to procreate with, this is especially true if Mars is a man and Moon is a woman.
🌸Venus-Saturn strong aspects tend to be present in age-gap relationships.
🌸Strong uranus aspects to personal plantets in synastry may create an element of uncertainty or instability to the relationship
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myun-saidthoughts · 2 months
8th House Synastry Observations
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🍄 These types of connections (romantic or platonic) can't be lighthearted; if there is genuine care within the dynamic intensity is very likely.
🍄 You have to consciously tell yourself to "not react" in moments when the other person fails to meet your expectations.
🍄 Emotions flood within you before your brain can logically calm you down.
🍄 Upset facial expressions/elongated eye glances/staring oftentimes can occur when the other person is again *failing to meet expectations.*
🍄 You always will compare how *they* make you feel vs how other people make you feel.
🍄 With other intense synastry aspects (such as more 4h/12h, nodal, or vertex synastry) or genuine care, reading each other just by their eyes alone is extremely easy. Just by a look, you will know how they feel.
🍄 In these connections you may know what not to do, you logically will know that the long period of stares, the obvious dissatisfaction you feel is not really justified usually because of outside factors, the lack of foundation within the connection, or just by the fact there's been little to no communication on either end, and yet that doesn't change or minimize the pain or feelings you have towards them from their actions.
🍄 Even if one person doesn't have natal scorpio/pluto/8th house placements/aspects in their chart, if they care about the other person; they will also have intense expectations on the other person.
🍄 In a platonic opposite-gender connection where one party has a romantic partner, you might understand that their actions towards you should lessen, especially in respect towards their partner but despite that rational understanding, the pull of your connection with them often overrides. Even if a part of you wants to respect their relationship logically and consciously, the underlying need for their attention or care persists.
🍄 In romantic connections (especially with moon/venus in another's 8th house) their eyes (the planet person) tells you it's okay to let that vulnerable side of you that you've shunned out, and without words; that emotional closeness that you've always wished to feel is suddenly fulfilled and with ease.
🍄 8th house connections undertake more Plutonian energy. If you are un-healed, then their actions or lack thereof can ignite parts of your character that you don't even recognize.
🍄 If you struggle with BPD/BPD tendencies then connections that take on more 8th house/pluto synastry will feel enticing and familiar, you are more likely to be drawn to the intense high and lows that this connection brings.
🍄 The deep rooted attraction with these connections mainly lies in the fact that you can allow yourself to feel emotionally close and vulnerable to someone else, the more you crave expressing emotional vulnerability the more attractive they become to you. (especially with objective/attraction synastry aspects)
🍄 Once their actions or once certain consist factors/situations creates a severe emotional blockage between you and them; the less desirable they will feel to you (especially so if you struggle with polarizing emotions)
🍄 It could be months since you've spoken to them, months since their eyes have met yours and if you still struggle with emotional acceptance/self love/self worth/self value; then a longing for them might ignite in any abrupt moment (whether it be from a photo of them, running into a mutual friend, from reading a cathartic quote that reminds you of them) a spark that once persisted for so long will make it's self known, and the part of you that you thought you said good-bye too, might reappear again.
🍄 8th house connections consist of cycles and loops, it's a dilemma of letting go to longing, it's understandable to sometimes have these waves of wanting even if you logically know you shouldn't.
🍄 Longing for one another on both ends (all that needs to be present is sincere care) can occur.
🍄 The longing you feel if they do leave your presence is the part of you that craves emotional closeness and serenity.
🍄 Logically you may know and have objective expectations of how they should treat you because of other factors and yet certain expectations or desires you have within will persist.
🍄 Even if nothing substantial or foundational ever occurred between the two of you, the reactions within you might reenact as if the two of you dated for months, years even.
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💞 In these observations each individual has to be emotionally prepared and open to emotional closeness, if someone is emotionally and spiritually un-evolved then no matter how "open" you naturally feel with them, that should never justify reoccurring pain or abuse that the other party causes 💞
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zeldasnotes · 3 months
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝕬𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝕻𝖑𝖚𝖙𝖔 🦇
This post is mostly about the hard aspects(square, conjunct, opposition) but people with the soft aspects might relate too. Also keep in mind these are my personal observations so not everyone will agree.
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🌑 The need to be in control can sometimes be devastating to live with. It can even be felt physically when they are losing control or when they feel powerless. Feeling powerless can make them act in a very disturbing way.
🌒 People with this placement might be the black sheep of the family. There seem to often be something with them that differs from the rest of the family, especially physically. A lot of times they are darker than other family members since this placement can create darker features. But there seem to also be a huge difference in personality.
🌓 They have experienced women not liking them for no reason and later in life they often become like this themselves if they dont work on it. Often there is a theme of older women being mean to them and then they grow up to be the mean old woman who targets a young girl.
🌑 Ive also seen a theme of them having an evil stepmom and then they themselves meet a man when kids and treats their stepchildren just like their stepmother treated them.
🌒 There is a habit of writing people off or disliking someone based on a feeling they got from them that was actually just themselves projecting their own inner fear onto this person. Others get this feeling about them too and they are often themselves a victim of others disliking them for no reason.
🌓 It can be very hard for them to take a look in the mirror and see that they are causing a lot of the issues in their relationships themselves because they are so hyperfocused on what their partner is doing or might do.
🌑 A lot of times there was a grandmother who disliked them or were mean to them. So its not always the mother who was the worst, the issues can be with grandmothers and stepmothers too. For some reason they seem to have good aunts tho? Like their aunties seem to be the most normal in the family.
🌒 This can make someone extremely vengeful & they can resent someone for a lifetime.
🌓 People with this placement seem to often want to become popular or know a lot of people to feel like they have power. Or even want to be feared.
🌑 They seem to often be paranoid in the wrong situations but as soon as they let their guard down they get burned. Especially when it comes to women. This leads to a strong fear of letting the guard down and can make them push a lot of people away.
🌒 Eating disorders seem to be very common with these placements since eating disorders are often about control.
🌓 They fear anything that has to do with powerlessness. Being looked down on is also a huge fear here. This can make them social climbers and cloutchasers in some cases. Being a part of the ”bottom of society” is a huge fear here so they can be very drawn to important people, titles, status symbols and high power careers.
🌑 They might be very ashamed of their sensitive nature and therefore try to act as carefree as possible. Or even force themselves to become carefree and cold.
🌒 This coldness usuallt occurs in their teens until their early twenties where they shut down completely emotionally. This often makes them VERY problematic during their teens.
🌓 In the end of their teens or in their twenties they usually transform completely because of situations in their lives and experience a rebirth of their emotional selves. After this they often become beautiful souls. Not always tho. For a lot of them the bitterness stays forever because life just hasnt been fair to them.
🌑 Both women and men with this placement seems to be bothered by what women do and can be slutshamers. The kind of people to give the stankface to a woman walking by with a short skirt or ”too much” makeup, plastic surgery etc (these are things ive seen moon/pluto people react strongly too lol)
🌒 Men with this placement can have a very strong feminine energy and Ive noticed that a lot of them beef with women instead of beefing with other men and even hate on women they never met.
🌓 They do NOT like other sneaky people, unless its a man. A woman with this placement might for example refuse to talk to a woman who she gets bad vibes from but will love a man with shady vibes. Might hate a woman because ”shes fake and talks a lot of shit” but will be the first to be with a man who talks shit about people.
🌑 They pick up the psychological state of everyone extrememy fast and therefore can have strong reactions to others, especially people who remind them of themselves.
🌒 Sometimes there can be a fear of becoming like their mother. They might have a mother whos done a lot of mistakes and they are afraid of becoming like her. In some cases they can even have a feeling of disgust for their mother.
🌓 Punishment in their childhood might have been very harsh and involved stuff related to safety and nurture. Such as not getting food, being thrown out of the house.
🌑 Their mother might have liked to show her power by weird rules and ideas. If the child was freezing outside for example and wanted to come in the mother might be like ”You can come in when the clock is 5”. Or if the child was hungry ”You get food when you finished your homework.” Safety and nurture was not to be taken for granted like in normal households.
🌒 This can lead to very deep issues concerning these things and a feeling of never being safe. This can make them very fixated with food and control later in life.
🌓 The mother often had no respect for their private life or might have a hard time with boundaries. In extreme cases even being fixated on the Moon/Pluto childs sex life and relationships. The kind of mother to read their daughters diary or spy on their daughter/son when they are in their room with a romantic partner.
🌑 There is often a case of their mother figure being disgusted by them one minute and kind the next. They recieved very strong reactions from their mother figure and at times even extreme anger for nothing.
🌒 A strong fear of being controlled or used so much that they might need to rebel against what someone wants them to do to feel in control. Lets say its their friends birthday and their friends tells them that a pair of new headphones is on their wishlist. The Moon/Pluto will then buy anything but the headphones because that makes them feel used or ”what if shes telling me to buy headphones bc she knew i will run and do it, hmm i aint that easily used so i will buy something else instead to show I do what I want.” These kind of mindf*ckery is constantly going on in their head.
🌓 Betrayal by women can be a strong theme in their life. And a lot of times completely out of nowhere. Like women in their life might start disliking them for no reason without warning.
🌑 A lot of them might have experienced bullying in their childhood by a woman who was jealous of them. And might even had to change school. A lot of their issues seems to be from women envying them. And if they have asteroid Lilith or Medusa prominent this can be very extreme.
🌒 They are not only victims of others envy they can be very envious themselves too. They might not be easily jealous but WHEN they get jealous it will be extreme.
🌓 The relationship to the mother is very complicated because a lot of times the mother is the only one who understands them but at the same time the person who hurt them. Also the mother can sometimes be very similar to them. They might go long periods without talking to their mother and then a period where they hang out with her every day.
🌓 I know a lot of these observations might be negative but thats because some aspects come with more negative then positive. But these aspects can make someone extremely sensitive, loyal and kind since they understand human nature. And a lot of them make wonderful mothers/fathers.
🌑 I also want to say that these people experience issues with people with feminine energy not only women. So they will most likely have some issues with men who are feminine too, maybe even more because feminine men can be extra sensitive to this strong energy if the man is not comfortable with this energy himself.
🌒 They can feel more comfortable around ”bad” people and might not be able to hang with people who are too innocent. They can be real drama addicts.
🌓 People with this placement can be very breastfixated.
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paradoxicalrising · 1 year
Astrology Observations :)
preface: this is my first time doing this, these are all either my personal placements or I've had multiple experiences with a certain placement. none of this is absolute, pretty pls take it with a grain of salt, these are very general. Every single one of these placements depend on aspects in an individuals chart. WARNING: some 18+ topics. Enjoy :)
Mercury in the 8th house: naturally good at reading people, interested in psychology, religion, spirituality, astrology. chronic over thinkers + intrusive thoughts galore. could either really enjoy giving/ receiving head and/or dirty talk, reading smut.
Pisces Mars: sweethearts on the surface, usually soft-spoken or doesn’t talk much, spends more time observing or making up scenarios. also another overthinking placement. could also be someone who does drugs/ drinks alcohol. excels in the entertainment industries (film, theatre, music, art etc). either have a piss kink, foot fetish, or demisexual. 
Scorpio Venus: intense lovers. my ex had this placement and told me he’d die for me only knowing me 3 months. my sister also has this placement and will not eat dinner without her husband (could be the taurus opposition = not eating (taurus) until lover (Venus) is around), I think it’s a symbol of loyalty. once this placement finds value in someone, they are ride or die type loyal until you betray them. may stay in relationships longer than they should because it’s fixed emotion unless they finally see it themselves.
Cancer Moon (men specifically): I've had 3 cancer moon men take me to the beach on our first date. they’re always gassing themselves up on their cooking skills. their moms can be really restricting, especially those with Saturn in cancer as well. I've also seen their moms be really detached, cold, basically telling them to fend for themselves. highly intuitive but may get too caught up in the potential of a situation/ person and being disappointed when reality is different. hopeless romantics fr just throwing themselves into anyone they have a good feeling about without the physical proof.
Fixed Rising: the RBF (I love y’all). 
Vedic v. Tropical Astrology: honestly I think they’re both valid, and everyone should decide what placements resonate more with who they feel they are. Ex: I  have Venus, Jupiter, and my Sun in the 7th in Virgo (Tropical) but they’re in the 8th in Leo (Vedic). I feel more of the 8th house but in Virgo.
Pisces moons: I never feel like they’re listening to me if they aren’t looking at me because when they’re looking at me I can literally see them digesting the info w/ their dreamy eyes, but when they look away I just know they’re imagining some kind of fantasy that has nothing to do with the convo. 
Libra Moons: try to be soft and sweet but they have that fiery underside. I've noticed they’ll get all excited and sometimes aggressive and then apologize for it, like no girl look at you having a good time. they usually look aesthetically pleasing, you will never catch them not matching/ lookin raggedy in public, but they won’t judge others for it, Virgo and Taurus will haha.
Virgo + Libra: specifically rising + degrees, moon, or Venus combo usually have clear, healthy looking skin, especially after high school w/o all the teen acne hormones. 
Moon Conjunct Pluto: anyone else noticed the effect these placements have on their peers? it’s so weird but people are like magnetized to whatever house this placement is in. I guess cos it’s generational and yk it’s Pluto, but people around this placement can’t help but be enticed by these individuals. could be amazing actors if they can harness those dark emotions into a piece of work. these are the type of people to succeed out of spite of their trauma; very determined people. they can put such dark emotions into easy actions and words that others find hard to say out loud but they don’t shy away from dark stuff, they’ve dealt with darker topics since they were young.
Neptune in the 1st house: people constantly projecting onto these placements ! it’s important these people form a ground sense of self they can remind themselves of when they feel like someone is protecting on them. I have this placement and someone told me I was intoxicating to be around/ they felt intoxicated around me though they are sober. I fr think people get drunk off the illusion of this placement. These people are never what people say they are, if you want to get to know them I beg of you to please talk to them yourself instead of listening to others opinion of them. the women are cursed with the manic pixie dream girl trope. hella sex appeal bc of the blurred perceptions. make amazing actors/ musicians. very intuitive placement, but can doubt themselves.
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There’s a reason I keep my insights underground – outsiders mutilate them into misunderstandings.
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Scorpio Moon/8th House Observations: The Good, Bad, & The Ugly.
Scorpio Moons/8th House Moons are and interesting brand of individuals. As they are the most secretive in the group, they are also the ones who hide their hand a lot of the time.
Scorpio/8th House Moons have a tendency to leave their vulnerable state in the closet when around a certain crowd. This isn't always a bad thing, however the closer you get the more they'll put you through a test. This is unbeknownst to people most of the time. They dont like to tell you when their putting you through a test because wheres the fun in that? To prove your loyalty, you must already be ahead of the game. They hold a lot of secrets, and because they have to know who can go through this made up maze to get to the other side, you will be on the closed end of the hearts until you are close enough to be given the key.
8th house moons are capable of being vulnerable to the right individuals, however this may take a few years. You could know this person all your life and you still wouldn't know too much of them. I would say its because they don't trust you but its deeper than that. They dont trust themselves.
As scorpios can be a walking mirror, others are mirrors to them as well. They cannot hide their skeletons as much as they think they can, because its always staring back at them through others. Again, people do not realize they are doing this to them. Only scorpios moons can tell when something is showing it self through others on a psychological basis.
Scorpio Moons/8th house moons are 'mysterious' due to not expressing their emotions to people on a day to day basis. While everyone else is used to expressing their emotions (depending on the house) in a more open manner, these individuals are always controlling them. This gets to the point where this becomes unhealthy. Because later down the line, the energy thats hurling up inside of them eventually needs a release. & when its not.... it'll get poisonous. The venom starts shooting out in more ways then one, causing them to hurt people in the process.
They can have psychological warfares going on if they are not healing what is locked in those closets of theres, which is why its safe to say they must be more vulnerable as this is apart of the healing process.
Most won't ever go this far, though. Most times they feel the need to show this to romantic lovers and lovers alone. & This is when we see the heart attack. Because the lover is suppose to be the one that doesnt judge you so what happens when they do? They shut them and the rest of the world out. Scorpio moons/8th house moons already dont show to much to their family, because they grew up being on a different dimension then the rest of them and are often misunderstood. So if your lover or not even your friends can love you even in the state you hide the most.. who can?
So all those precious secrets, dreams, talents, skills and powerful emotions get locked away and to never be seen again. Sometimes they might show us a glimpse of what it is that they have going on in that beautiful world of theres but eventually hide back into their shell because how do they know if youre just saying that to be real? Or just trying to find a way to get into what's in their minds?
One thing I will say is that is a toxic trait is their ability of being a master manipulator and hiding their hand. When it suits them, they do this to get the other hand. Especially when they're trying to prove their 'point'. Because I have known many 8th house moons and scorpio moons personally (and have so for many, many years) there has never been a dull moment where this did not happen. To prove their point and to seem less guilty, they will only show you one side of the story. You need to know how to discern and listen out for the things they say or you'll be sitting in that loop of destruction and lies.
You have to be up on your game on how manipulation works to see how they could be doing it since they are already so good at it. If they only show you 'one side' and I mean if every time you guys talk or link up they are only showing you one version of their complex personality and thats it. You are not getting the full dose of who they are and thats okay. They might not be sure if they can show that side to you yet, or at all. And from what I've noticed, most dont see the reason too if they like you enough.
If you are very close to them though, at some point they arent able to hide these traits like they think they do. Because there were times where I pointed out the things that they do at times were wrong, selfish and manipulative and they would 'stop' doing it but later down the line you would realize they just found a better way to hide it and never really changed it. Not only that, they'll probably stop telling you certain things so you will look at them a certain way. And if that doesnt work? They will run & hide for the hills.
Its all about the control, and if their not able to control their inner reality from showing itself to you, then they will get you out of their outer reality. Works to keep that 'magician' persona alive.
Another thing I will express about them is that most times they are not fully aware of their darkness but are still coming into terms with it. So many childhood, woes, fears, and psychological traumas can come out through these placement holders because they are most likely the healers of their generation. Their family bloodlines are needed to be healed through them so these beings can go through a lot when its time to get through the trauma. Healing is not linear for them so at times this can look very crazy so they need someone who understand them in some way because they do not understand themselves most of the time.
They do have wonderful insight on the world around them and can see through anybody if given the green light (green light as in morphing into their surrounds and allowing information to come through them without trying to control it). I would be mindful with telling them certain stuff, people feel the need to tell them things because it feels easy to (like any water sign) but I'd hold back a bit if you know someone with those placements. Because although most can keep a secret some will lash out and may use them against you. This is the unevolved ones of course and sometimes most won't use it against you per say, will just use it or talk about it as if you didnt just share a vulnerable moment with them & act like its nothing.
I'll speak more on these individuals later, as this is a pretty heavy topic. And I wrote too much lol. If you enjoyed my insight on the placements let me know :) I like feedback.
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bxtxnx · 5 months
Your mom's Pluto conjoining your Moon 🤝 Her always needing to have the last word over you and convince you that what she thinks is right
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typologyastro · 1 year
Blackpink's Jennie's Astrological Placement Prediction
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Disclaimer: I'm not a professional astrologer. I just love learning astrology. I'm still an astrology beginner.
I have been contemplating Jennie's birth chart and saw a few posts guessing Jennie's ascendant. After reading one Tumblr post about her rising sign, which they think is Cancer and make Lilith Conjunction her Ascendant (I'm sorry to forget their Tumblr name), I'm sold. Here's what I think some of Jennie's placements are.
Cancer Rising
My first instinct would definitely be a Cancer Rising for Jennie. She has soft and round features, including her notorious chubby cheeks.
Lilith Conjunction Ascendant or/and Lilith in 1st house
Jennie definitely embodies this aspect. She doesn't look like the typical sweet and gentle Cancer Rising. She gives off bad bitch energy. She comes off sexy and fearless because of this aspect.
Aphrodite Conjunction North Node
This is the most fascinating aspect I found in her chart. Although she doesn't match the Korean beauty standard, her beauty is sought after in Korea. With Aphrodite Conjunction North Node, she's meant to become the new Korean beauty standard.
Moon and Pluto in 5th house
Jennie gives off a royal, luxurious, IT rich girl or main character vibe, which makes me think she may have had Leo influence somewhere. If she was a Cancer Rising, she may have Moon and Pluto in the 5th house, which is ruled by Sun. These placements would make her extremely creative and expressive. Jennie always loves to dance and sing. Her emotions and happiness would tie to her being able to express herself, have fun, and be creative. Jennie's always a child at heart with Moon in the 5th house. She immensely focuses on enjoying the present moments. With Moon Conjunction Pluto and Pluto in the 5th house, she has a passion for art and performance. She knew and followed her passion in her teenager. Pluto makes someone a leader and obsessed by the house it's in. She may want to be the best and a center of attention with Pluto in the 5th house.
Chart ruler in 5th house
Moon would be Jennie's chart ruler and in the 5th house. She likely becomes an artist with this placement. With Moon influence here, she may want to be a mother, and she told one time she'd make a cake for her children. Jennie's mother would have a big influence on her.
5th house lord in 5th house
Pluto would be her 5th house ruler in the 5th house. She'd be entirely obsessed by the 5th house topics. She'd have immense Leo influence with her chart ruler conjunct the 5th house ruler, and both in the 5th house.
Jupiter in 6th house
She would be very lucky at work. She may have supportive superiors and colleagues to guide her career and she also helps them greatly. She teaches Jisoo English and adores hers. We can see how loving Blackpink's members are to each other. Blackpink has been popular since they debuted. People and brands love working with her because she brings growth to every project she's in. She knows what to do for her work to succeed. She may gain weight easily, but overall, she has good health.
Saturn in 9th house
She may be stubborn in her beliefs and opinions and hard to change. Her higher education may have been postponed, which makes sense since she had to train to become a K-pop idol.
South Node in 10th house
With this placement, figuring out her career and becoming famous may have been easy for her. She is meant to be a super star.
Aries Midheaven
I found Aries Midheaven suit Jennie. She is known as a pioneering and rebellious leader in her career.
Last but not least, I'm not surprised if Jennie has an 8th house stellium.
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black-lake · 1 year
birth chart red flags?
who's red flags tho? my red flags can be someone’s green flags. I try to avoid answering these questions because for one I dislike putting people in a box and seeing things as either bad or good in astrology. It's always both. some of the perceived best aspects can be used in the worst ways and some of the labeled bad can be life changing and admirable.
thus I can only speak from personal experience, with ppl that I met, which isn't enough to make any conclusions at all because I also meet others with the same placement that embody the positive side of it, this is just when others use it in an immature way. also most of my red flags are related to lying cuz I'm a bs detector lol. 
birth chart red flags
there are some signs that I like in women but not men, like libra sun/moon, scorpio moon, and pisces moon men (can still apply to all). if they don't know their worth or how to deal with this energy they can be emotionally manipulative, liars and have weak egos, constantly looking for attention and validation even if it takes hurting someone or deceiving them. I get a bit wary of too much libra or venus aspects in men, unless they have earth or fire placements to balance it out. their masculine chasing approach contradicts the receiving feminine energy of venus and they may go about it in a toxic way.  
moon conjunct/opposite neptune especially if the moon is in an air or water sign. again, lying and faking things may be a habit here. I noticed they pick it up when young as a way to escape punishment and get validation from their mom or parental figure. moon and neptune conjoining clouds the native's vision, seeing themselves how they like or how others like, kinda delusional and low key believe their lies. they're easily deceived by others that show them fake love but ignore the ones that tell them the truth. they deny or refuse to take accountability for the mistakes they make and take the truth as a personal attack.
personal planets in the 7th house, (i see them as tarot cards reversed), especially sun/moon/mercury/mars, being too influenced by other people's opinions, putting on a mask and pleasing others too much. you don't know if they're genuine or talking shit behind your back. indecisiveness when making decisions and changing their minds too much. can be cheaters and manipulators because they're needy. they can be copycats doing what is wanted to be seen not what they themselves like.
chiron in the 1st, 3rd, 7th, 10th, 11th house. it's actually sad because it's a challenge for these people to express themselves. they have wounds relating to how others see them or judge them so they may hide and put on a mask. even though I have this, I become a bit hesitant when I see it in a chart because they can either be empowered healers or need to be healed first. 
moon conjunct/opposite mars, or in aries, especially in a fire or water sign. they may have anger issues, be explosive, aggressive and selfish. too stubborn to admit they're wrong. they may even use violence and impulsively hurt others.
moon conjunct/opposite pluto can be explosive too, hide their emotions, be jealous and vengeful, can hurt others if they act on their emotions and refuse to forgive and heal. pluto conjunct/opposite personal planets and ascendant are aspects I pay close attention to as well, can show behaviors like being too controlling, demanding, aggressive and manipulative. 
scorpio stelliums, even though one of my fav signs, you never know what you'll get with them. they're just too unpredictable and secretive so you gotta step up your analytical skills and figure out whether they care for you or are plotting against you. it's an adventure that can get you destroyed so gl. 
these are a few I remembered. but most importantly I never focus on one aspect that has been labeled bad and judge based on it. I look at the whole chart, take all those links between the planets, all that magic happening in the skies to form this unique chart, mix them together, see how they balance each other and what magical formula comes from it, that's the beauty of astrology. I just put my observations on the back of my mind and let the person present themselves, that's what gives me real life facts.
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vampirae · 11 months
Hi!!!! What is your astrological take on Moon Conjunction Pluto? What is significant about this Moon-Pluto aspect. I have this Moon-Pluto aspect myself. 🙃
Emotional Depth: the Moon-Pluto conjunction signifies that your emotions are profound. You have a powerful emotional transformation potential and may experience significant emotional ups and downs. You have strong feelings and are likely to be very aware and insightful in the emotional sphere.
Cognitive Depth: a thorough grasp of the human mind and a fascination with the subconscious might be indicated by this attribute. You could be fascinated by psychology, metaphysics, or other fields that investigate the hidden elements of the mind. Exploring and comprehending your own emotional depths may be a lifetime endeavor.
Relationship Power Dynamics: the Moon-Pluto conjunction may intensify your connections. You are drawn to meaningful friendships with the possibility for transformation. However, because you may crave intensity and challenge in emotional dynamics, power fights or concerns of control may occur in your relationships.
Emotional Fortitude: the capacity to deal with emotional crises and problems with strength and resilience. You have the ability to recover emotionally and to emerge from terrible experiences with increased strength and insight.
Healing and Metamorphosis: the Moon-Pluto conjunction indicates the possibility of profound emotional healing and transformation. You can achieve great personal development and transformation by confronting your own inner shadows and working through deep-seated habits.
Intuitive Sensitivity: the Moon's conjunction with Pluto might boost your intuitive and psychic talents. You may have a natural aptitude for uncovering hidden facts and delving into the subconscious. This element can give you a deep insight of the human psyche, allowing you to perceive and comprehend emotions and motives that others may not notice.
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mercurianchild · 2 months
hey love! what does a Plutonian chart look like? i'm not sure if I have one. how would that affect me?
Strong influence of Pluto…
What a strong Plutonian influence of Pluto in the chart could look like:
Pluto in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house
Pluto aspecting inner planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars)
Pluto strongly aspecting the moon and ascendant, especially tight orbs
TW: mentions of s*x and death!!
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Being Pluto dominant or having a strong influence of Pluto means that transformations, ego deaths, feelings of death and rebirth will accompany you for a life time. From my experience, this will be especially harsh in the childhood, youth and maybe in your early adult years. As time passes and as you get older, you might develop self care habits and safety mechanisms to protect yourself and your inner peace. Practising self love, meditation and mindfulness could be important to these individuals, as they could underestimate their beauty and their outstanding personality.
I’ve also seen that most traumatic events happen in the childhood, youth or early adulthood. But that’s just my observation.
Feelings of being deeply misunderstood rise while you are young and this feeling might follow you for years. Constantly searching for someone to understand your complex mind and depth of emotions. These people could benefit from searching for a valve to turn pain, bad experiences and any form of built up emotion into art. Be it writing, drawing, making music…
A reoccurring theme for Plutonians is sexuality. There may be blockages in regards of the own sexuality or experiencing it, but once they overcome this, they literally start to bloom in that area. This could turn into being hungry for power in general (or simply being turned on by overpowering the partner) or in being lascivious. They can be pretty much extreme and freaky in bed, actually. Being intimate never gets boring with them.
I know, this is what you read everywhere, but plutonic people are deeply magnetic and will catch your eye with their intense aura. Even if they are not seen as traditionally beautiful, these natives exude attractiveness and charisma. You just can’t ignore them and they will even stand out in a crowd. BUT! A lot of them don’t have the sex appeal like (for example) Megan Fox has. A lot of them have such an innocence to their appearance, but if you take a closer look you’ll see that they’re like fallen angels.
From my experience, plutonic people will have a deep connection to spirituality or the occult and a profound interest in psychology (for good and bad). They usually get into these things after really hard times in their life. They will attract jealousy and hate like flies, unfortunately and this could take a toll in their self esteem. Even strangers tend to be very competitive and mean to them in some way, because most people simply feel challenged by their presence.
Dear plutonic people,
you ALL are wonderful and you deserve so much more. I feel for every single one of you and I hope you will find true happiness and self acceptance. You’ve been through so much and you deserve the world for all that. I’m sending you all the love you might need right now or later! 🩶
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vivmaek · 1 year
Could you do one for moon conjunct pluto pls??
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People with this aspect have an incredibly turbulent emotional life. Their reactions are powerful and difficult to control. For some, it feels as if a sense of depression is constantly lingering. Their feelings run dark and they aren’t particularly joyful, they’re often caught up in a serious mood. It is common for these natives to have some sort of psychic ability, their intuition is incredibly strong. Their dreams are vivid and nightmares are common. They are trapped in a power struggle with their own subconscious. Fear and paranoia are feelings they struggle with frequently. To avoid being controlled by others, they will use manipulative tactics and might become controlling themselves. They are not comfortable taking a backseat role within life. 
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myun-saidthoughts · 6 days
Reasons Why Water House Synastry Is Karmic and Intense:
In this post, I want to address some reasons why water house (4th, 8th, and 12th) synastry can be very intense, very transformational and create/increase codependency.
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(the basis of this thread is the fact that there is attraction and desire within the romantic connection, and the depth of feeling will run more true if you share multiple other intense synastry aspects/past life connections. Friendships/family relations that have heavy 8th/12th house synastry overlays manifest *very* differently)
Each water house has one common factor, and that's with these type of synastry overlays; you will feel seen or accepted. In some way, some form, the severity of it depends (as usual), but if you struggle with:
4TH House:
Showing your true character to others without the fear of being judged.
Sharing your inner thoughts to others with ease and safeness.
The fact that you never felt/had a safe home, so now you long for that feeling (of being at ease/comfortable with someones presence).
Feeling ease and comfortability within your environment or within yourself, instead you experienced that those feelings came at a cost.
8TH House: If you struggle with:
Self acceptance.
Self worth.
Self love.
Self confidence.
Accepting/receiving love.
Having low respect for yourself (meaning how others treat you may be hurtful but because of lack of validation within, you allow or accept that behavior).
Having a pattern where the way others treat you either gives or takes away validation your inner wounds need.
Deeply craving emotional closeness yet fearing it at the same time.
Allowing yourself to desire love.
The fact you're emotionally unavailable; so you're unsure with how to deal with romance, and yet a part of you still deeply desires a partner.
These also may resonate if you have 8H, Pluto aspecting inner planets/Scorpio placements)
12TH House: If you struggle with:
Emotionally availability/allowing someone to see you, all of you.
Receiving tangible, stable, harmonious, love.
Having a habit to/find it easier to fix or save someone in hopes of changing their self destructive habits or mental health issues. This type of tendency creates an avoidance within yourself especially if you don't focus on your own needs or problems. (it's easier to focus on someone else's pain rather than your own)
Feeling safe with the idea of not being needed, instead you choose to be the giver or other woman since it subconsciously keeps you at a distance of being openly loved (which is something you subconsciously fear)
Holding the deep desire to feel seen past the physical 3D.
Allowing yourself to receive the type of love you're able to give/shower another.
Wanting to fix or heal someone's mental health wounds or problems, you find it safer to be their savior rather than have a true give and take partnership.
(These also may resonate if you have 12H, Neptune aspecting inner planets/Pisces placements)
These are a few examples of how intense these synastry overlays may manifest if you are struggling with the above statements. I briefly mentioned a few indicators, needless to say they are more and each synastry chart or even natal chart will always paint the picture better of how deep these relationships can manifest.
then 4th, 8th, and 12th house synastry will cause internal shift within, whether you want it to or not.
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4th House: With the 4th house and when someone walks into your life and they ignite your IC, the part of your character that you readily hide becomes unlocked. If you personally have struggled with being comfortable in your skin, or have struggled with feeling secure with who you are as you are, then this person to you will feel like a comfort blanket. Their presence will shift you into a mood where all you feel is safe, present, and in the moment. With them, you will feel complete in showcasing your inner world and your inner thoughts. Their presence will become this key that you didn't even knew you need. It'll feel easy with them, and there is no hesitation, confusion or worry. You can't feel worry, and it's not because they insistently tell you not to feel anxious, you just naturally won't. You guys will likely share the same humor or communication style, and if there is a Venus conjunct IC then the IC person will feel this romantic pull with showcasing their personality outwardly that they won't be able to shake towards the Venus person. Overall these feelings are especially true if you struggle with letting someone in, if it takes some time for you to allow someone else to see your personality or thoughts, then they will feel like a cure for allowing to let that side of you out and when you're next to them; you'll feel like you're finally home.
Example: you walk into a bar and they make eye contact with you, you instantly smile, they instantly smile, and the conversation that ignites feels as if you just spoke to them. It could be weeks, months even since you last saw them but the comfortability between the two of you oozes out in a way where it feels like they just came back home to you.
The reason why this type of connection can be hard to let go of is because their presence might cause or create a codependent need in you for them in order to feel "safe." All their presence is doing is igniting the secure feeling in you that you wish you had, you finally can look into another's eyes and feel that type of comfortability you've always been scared enough to unlock or accept. Your private thoughts and characteristics feel safe next to them, and because of that, they create this security within you won't know how to let go of. So, all they are doing is unleashing your wish of being your truest self without fearing the consequences of being seen for who you are.
In some cases, 4th house synastry may not run as intense, and some say it can be 'mundane' or boring, especially if you don't struggle with the listed wounds I stated, or if you don't share other intense or cute attraction synastry aspects with them; but in essence this individual will feel like a grounding force.
The bond you can form with them is tangible, it's secure, and it feels real. So, letting them go will feel as though you're letting go the one desire of ever revealing your private inner self with ease, especially if this is a part of you that you've been too afraid to openly show or even accept.
Songs That Relate
Look After You - The Fray
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Control - Zoe Wees
Hey Stranger - Billie Flynn
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8th House: With the 8th house, these type of connections are more intense, and naturally so. With this type of synastry, and if you struggle with self acceptance especially with self love or self worth, then letting go of this connection will feel near to impossible. It will feel like life or death if they walk away from you, and it will feel like a part of you dies every time they don't give you the reassurance or acknowledgment your soul wishes for. Their eyes alone, tell you it's time to let that wall down and without effort your wall crumbles. You know that if they leave, a part of you will leave with them but if your wound of wishing to be accepted runs so deep within, you can't help but take that risk. You're aware that the unavoidable low following their absence will cut deep, yet instead of walking away, you prepare yourself for its inevitable arrival.
You allow that pain to embody you because that pain hurts less than not feeling those moments of acceptance that they are able to give you, especially if it's what you've always reluctantly wished for.
With their presence that void of wanting emotional closeness that you've always longed for will feel like it has vanished, their eyes alleviate the long-ignored half-empty feeling, and so the part of you that wishes to been seen, the part of you that wishes to feel accepted, the part of you that wants to be vulnerable won't know how to let go.
You could run into them and it could be weeks, months even and if you still struggle with loving yourself in the way you wish they would, their presence will create this upheaval that will shake within you, this synastry holds cycles, loops, ups and down to the point of where if you don't hate them, a part of you will still want them.
This synastry creates a dynamic where this soul that entered your life is only igniting the parts of you that you, yourself don't accept, love or acknowledge. Their presence becomes this band-aid that somehow soothes the deepest parts of you that have been abandoned, and their presence soothes the part of you that you yourself believe you can't heal. This fear then creates a scarcity mindset that can cause you to become someone you're not, and even if you logically know what is objectively best to do in situations to not create more intensity within the connection; there's just a part of you that can't care.
The reason why this type of connection can be hard to let go of is because their presence might cause or create a codependent need in you to have them in order to feel "seen." Their presence gives you a sense of acceptance where you allow yourself to accept love in. If you struggle with emotional abandonment, or fear love, then their presence will feel like a "skip the line" pass with inner healing the parts of you that feel broken.
The reason why 8th house synastry is discussed so promptly and openly is because these feelings that persist (when dealing with inner wounds) become such catalysts of growth and ego deaths; but that is only because this connection allows in the hope for love you've been wishing for all your life. You want to be held, you want to be cared for and loved in a way that you've never received, and this person presences grants that sole wish. They bring you that one solace feeling that you've never felt and because of that, letting them go is letting go the one key that makes you feel worthy, seen, and accepted.
Their presence creates this codependent need within because they become this one "thing" that you think you need in order to fulfill that self love wound you keep repressing. You'll start to rely on them for emotional clarity or serenity, you'll start to "need them" in order to feel good, and you'll expect them to make you feel "better" emotionally and if they fail to meet those expectations, all you'd be faced with is the unwavering feeling of the lack of self love or worth you're too afraid to self develop.
The love you're so readily able to give them, is what your soul is asking you to give yourself.
*Those who have prominent natal Scorpio or 8th house placements as well as having Pluto aspecting harshly their inner planets or ascendant will feel these trials and errors more*
Songs That Relate:
Locksmith - Sadie Jean
Addicted - Kelly Clarkson
Im Yours/Haunted/Heartbeat - Isabel LaRose
Just a Little Bit of Your Heart - Ariana Grand
Heavenly - Cigarettes After Sex
Is There Somewhere - Halsey
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12th house: With the 12th house, this synastry unlocks so many different routes and experiences. Many factors influence how each individual can feel towards this ethereal connection. One way this synastry can manifest is through the tendency for the 12th house to cloud, confuse, and bring hesitancy into the connection. In some cases, Person A will feel as though they can read Person B in such a deep and subconscious way; this type of knowing may even be hidden from Person B to the extent that they are unaware of their own subconscious emotional needs, thoughts or feelings, and yet (especially if there's care or desire on their end) Person A can read Person B like a book. 12th house synastry can be so thought provoking because of the absolute depth and surreal feeling it can add into the connection. The planet person (or the person who has heavy Neptune/Pisces/12th house placements) will feel this innate drive to be with the house person (or the other partner who isn't as spiritual adept). It's as if one partner, driven by an innate need to give endlessly, is profusely tossing their sole bucket of water into the vast ocean of the other partner's needs. The giver (or the person who has heavy Neptune/Pisces/12th house placements) is so focused on giving that they overlook the importance of receiving, while the receiver remains oblivious.
If Person B remains unaware of the deep spiritual bond between them that can manifest, they may perceive Person A's actions as invasive or unnecessary. Person A, recognizing wounds in Person B that they may not be aware of can evoke a sense of fear in Person B, this has to deal with the issue of them not allowing or accepting a form of love that they believe (Person B) doesn't serve them.
If this scenario resonates with you, then this individual is provoking a wound within yourself that deals with the acceptance of receiving authentic love. This innate need to only give highlights your own fear of receiving real tangible love.
In this scenario where one party wants to save, fix, heal or give highlights that fearful nature in you where you allow to stay in shallow waters. You subconsciously know that you have such passionate love to give, but that thought of giving to someone who in turn might be willing to give back evokes fear and uncertainty within you.
This subconscious block holds more comfortability within you since it allows you to never accept a love where your soul will fully be fulfilled. It's self sabotaging and self written, you naturally already know how the story will end between you two, and so you subconsciously will find a character who perfectly embodies the story you yourself say you try to run from.
On the other hand this synastry (when desired and when is dealing with highly evolved individuals) can unlock such deep soulfulness between both partners. Between the two parties, it'll feel as if they have found someone that can finally understand them better than anyone ever has, it'll feel dreamy and mystical. Their body language writes stories that you could only read.
In a pure sense, one partner that desires the other very deeply and whole heartedly wants to make sure that their partner is seen, and understood. And this comes from a very sincere place and if the other receiving partner allows that kind of love in while being okay with giving that same love back, that is when this type of connection can be ideal.
Now in this scenario, this type of codependent nature deals with over emphasizing redemption with no boundaries. If there is solid exchangeable love, a part of you may believe there is always more good than bad within them or within the relationship, and so their wrongdoings or unacceptable behavior to you or to others somehow receives justification or more understanding than he or she should receive (especially if you also share 8th house synastry with them)
This type of dynamic receives interchanging parts, with the 12th house things can lack a solid foundation and lack crystal clear communication, some days you both won't deal with struggling dynamics, then one say Partner 1 acts out, to which Partner 2 cuirasses and holds, then a few weeks later Partner 2 acts out and Partner 1 comes to their aid.
Truly the amount of stories, experiences, how Person 1 will feel vs Person 2 is genuinely so intercomplicated and nuanced. Each story lies within the two parties involved, with this house they are just so many different routes and avenues it can uphold so in this particular post may not cover every ounce of information on 12th house synastry. If you are curious to learn more only about this synastry I have a long updated post titled "Understanding 12th House Synastry" and it's far more in-depth.
In essence, how the other partner receives this type of boundless understanding calls for them to be a very kind and open individual. It's important to understand and recognize red flags or self undoing patterns. Staying aware of the actual real situation instead of sitting in bed thinking of the "What if's" are key. Their posts may not be about you, that song on their story can be just a song, remember that. Especially if the individual lacks self awareness or care on their end.
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Finally, I don't believe water house synastry holds malicious energy or serves as a dictatorship with stating how the relationship will fail. Not every synastry overlay is set for such intense energy or uncomfortable experiences, each planet in a natal chart holds different themes. What truly matters at the end of the day are the two souls involved within the connection. Desire, care, love, and acceptance are all foundational keys for any relationship to last even those with or without water house synastry. Accepting yourself in the purest form when it comes each water house theme (4,8,12) is key.
Your natal chart when it comes to synastry serves as a mirror within yourself, everything you are feeling for someone else is already sitting within you.
Don't forget that.
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
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Destinn(6583) conjunct Moon
This one is hard to break off because you can feel from the start that you were meant to meet. You understand eachother in the deepest way. You feel like you absolutely need to be with eachother. This aspect is common between people who have a child together, especially when its the guys Destinn conjunct the womans Moon. Its a common aspect between couples where the woman gets pregnant the first time they sleep together. This aspect makes it feel like you are meant to start a family together. You feel so comfortable around the other. You make eachother feel like a warm cozy blanket on a cold winter night.
Valentine(447) conjunct Sun
The Valentine person feels like the Sun person is the love of their life. You both feel a need to help and sacrifice for eachother but especially the Valentine person. This is also a love at first sight placement. This aspect shows pure undying love and loyalty. The Valentine person looks at the Sun person with hearteyes.
Moon in the 8th house
This one can turn out very badly and can be seen in the synastry charts of enemies. But when its good its REALLY good. You will never get rid of eachother. The other will turn up in your life out of nowhere just like with Moon conjunct Pluto. In my experience the Moon person is the one most obsessed since its their feelings being affected here, but it depends on your natal charts. People who have natal planets in the 8th house handle this aspect better. The Moon person feels so strongly for the house person that it cant be explained.
Moon in the 1st house
This is my favorite synastry aspect its such a beautiful aspect. The house person feels so safe around the Moon person. You understand eachother but not in the probing investigative way like with the 8th house. This is pure acceptance of the other. You know eachothers sensitive spots and what topics to avoid. There is no get to know eachother phase you instantly know eachother from the first meeting. You are very protective over eachother. The Moon person views the house person as family even if not related.
Moon conjunct Pluto
Pluto sees the Moon persons sensitivities and wants to protect Moon. Moon feels safe in the arms of Pluto. This aspect is super intense and creates a psychic connection for the rest of your lives. You can feel what goes on in the others life. Ive noticed that this aspect can also make you feel when you are going to bump into eachother. You will both think about the other out of nowhere when you havent even seen eachother in 10 years and the next day you accidentally bump in to eachother at a store or some random place. This is the placement where you call eachother after you killed someone because you need help with hiding the body.
Vertex conjunct Venus
You see eachother and you instantly know its something special with the other. They look so beautiful and glamorous but its something more than that. You feel a sense of true love for eachother. You want to marry them NOW. I noticed that couples with this aspect usually match in some way physically, like they belong together. Like they were born to be beside eachother.
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astrolocherry · 9 months
Moon-Pluto aspects : Childhood lost?
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