#momo x reader x shouto
anathemaspeaks · 2 months
dandelion wishes
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character(s): shoto todoroki synopsis: always the bridesmaid, never the bride - isn't that how the saying goes? my name is momo yaoyorozu, and in my case, it's true. word count: 1.3k warning(s): none a/n: not my best work, but here you go anon :) likes, follows, and reblogs are appreciated <3 this is all from momo's point of view.
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it happened at my birthday party, a day after i turned 16.
kaminari managed to somehow smuggle booze into the house. still teenagers and drunk off the excitement more than the liquor, someone suggested we play 7 minutes in heaven. everyone cheered in agreement - except bakugou, of course. he opted to stay sober and make sure we don't have too much fun.
after a few uneventful rounds, it was finally my turn to spin the bottle. i wished it would land on shoto. this was my chance to tell him how i feel about him. maybe he'd say something back? well, a girl can dream...right?
my heart hammered in my chest as i gripped the bottle, spinning it on the polished wooden floor. every spin felt like an eternity until it finally landed with a decisive click. i traced the path of the neck, breath catching in my throat as i saw it pointed directly at todoroki. this was it. this was my chance.
we awkwardly shuffled towards the closet, the door creaking shut behind us, the dim light casting shadows on the wall. before i could calm my nerves and speak, todoroki blurted
"listen, about the spin…" his voice was uncharacteristically soft, almost hesitant.
"yeah?" i forced a nonchalant reply, inhaling to try and calm my nerves. he ran a hand through his dual-colored hair, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
"actually, there's someone i... well, someone i kind of like." a sheepish grin tugged at the corner of his lips. it felt like the wind got knocked out of my lungs. my eyes darted around the cramped space, landing on a crumpled magazine lying forgotten on the floor.
"oh, cool," i choked out, my voice barely above a whisper, "who is it?"
"y/n" he mumbled, a shy smile on his lips. the name rang in my ears, shattering my painted dreams of a chance with shoto. i forced a smile. maybe y/n wouldn't have walked out of this closet with a shattered heart hidden behind a forced smile.
of course it was her. her smile could light up a whole room, kindness radiating from her like sunshine. she was effortlessly beautiful. she was everything i couldn't be. pretty, funny, and kind - how could i ever compete with that? a pang of jealousy, sharp and unwanted, twisted in my gut.
my gaze flickered to shoto's shy smile, and the way his eyes seemed to light up just at the mere mention of her. a hollow ache settled in my chest, envy so deep it felt like a barbed wire wrapped around my heart.
shoto's turn. when the bottle stopped spinning, it landed on y/n. because of course it did.
they emerged from the closet looking like a tornado had hit them. clothes askew, hair a mess, and faces flushed with a kind of unspoken ecstasy that left little to guess.
the next day, they walked into class hand-in-hand. it was official.
today marks 2 years since that day.
over this period, they became the textbook definition of the perfect couple. they were disgustingly cute. sneaky, affectionate glances in the middle of lectures, whispered jokes that erupted in shared laughter, their hands seemingly glued together.
shoto ever-stoic todoroki, weak for y/n. he'd wrap his arm casually around her waist, brush stray hairs from her face with a lingering touch, and steal kisses during training breaks. it was a side of him no one had ever seen - a shoto who wore his heart on his sleeve. for her.
here i was, stuck watching their picture-perfect love story unfold, a constant reminder of the confession that will forever remain trapped on my tongue.
we were sprawled across mina's living room floor, empty pizza boxes scattered around like confetti, and a half-eaten bag of chips resting precariously on a mountain of rom-comes. the topic, just like a normal beginning to a girls' night, was boys.
"boys are the worst!" mina declared, prompting a chorus of agreement from everyone.
"mine just left his gym socks under the bed again. seriously, how hard is it to use a laundry basket?" uraraka chimed in.
just then, y/n came in from the kitchen with a bag of marshmallows and sat down next to us. well, she wouldn't be participating in the complaining.
"look who finally decided to grace us with her presence," i teased, nudging her playfully.
"so, how are things going with the ice king, anyways?" asked jirou.
she blushed a bit. "oh, the usual. he's amazing, and he's surprisingly..." she trailed off, a sly smile on her face.
"surprisingly...?" mina prompted.
"let's just say his quirk isn't the only thing that's hot and cold."
the room erupted in laughter and whoops for her. i forced a smile, feeling an all too familiar pang in my stomach.
the conversation continued, everyone chiming in with their recent stories about boys. including y/n. every detail felt like a knife to my heart. 'that should've been me' i thought. i pushed it away. i wouldn't let my jealousy get the best of me.
they all seemed so happy, while i was stuck on the sidelines, yearning to feel their joy. we all fell asleep in that room while watching movies and gossiping, a smile on everyone's faces. i still couldn't help but feel a little bitter.
now we all have finally graduated. we decided to still meet up every saturday for dinner, and this week, it was at todoroki's. the familiar buzz of anticipation and excitement filled the house as we all talked about our first week after graduating.
then, shoto and y/n walked in hand-in-hand.
"hi everyone!" greeted y/n, smile so bright she was contagious.
"sit wherever you're comfortable, dinner will be ready soon" announced shoto.
"but before that, there's something we have to tell you." she was practically shaking in eagerness.
todoroki cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck. "we, uh, well…" he fumbled for words, a rare sight for the usually composed half-and-half king. she squeezed his hand reassuringly.
"we got married!" she blurted out, a wide grin splitting her face.
the air crackled with shock. wide eyes, dropped jaws, and a silence followed the announcement.
"wait, married?!" kaminari finally found his voice, his eyes wide with surprise. "but you guys are only eighteen!"
todoroki chuckled, a sound rarely heard before y/n. "we know," he admitted, a hint of shyness lingering in his voice. "but we knew what we wanted, and well, here we are!"
and then, as if a dam had broken, the group erupted. mina squealed, launching herself at y/n in a bone-crushing hug. kirishima gave todoroki a hearty back slap, nearly knocking him over. uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, showered them both with congratulations.
"dumb brats, you're gonna regret this!" yelled bakugou. but i saw him turn away and wipe away a falling tear. both y/n and shoto engulfed him in a hug. he threatened to burn their arms off if they did it again.
congratulations continued, hugs going all around. the surprise announcement had cast a whole new light on their evening. it was a celebration not just of friendship and graduation, but of a love story that had blossomed within the very walls of U.A.
married. at eighteen. the words echoed in the hollow space where my confession had died. cheers rained down on them, a cruel confetti shower on my silent tears. my wish for him was as futile as willing a dandelion's wispy white petals not to fly away with the wind.
they were a love story written in stolen glances and secret touches, a masterpiece i could only watch unfold from the sidelines - a happy ever after that couldn't be mine.
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to the anon who requested this, i know you wanted it to be more angsty so i tried to make it as vengeful as i could, i hope you like it! <3 (i accidentally deleted the ask I'M SO SORRY)
please send in requests everyone 🫶
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nanaosaki3940 · 1 month
Watched MHA S7 Ep02 just now and I can't stop crying over Star's death. As a manga reader, her death didn't make me sad that much when I read the manga but after watching the anime I couldn't stop bawling my eyes out... 😭😭😭💔💔💔
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Touya is back, baby!! And we're seeing him again in the next episode!!
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And also with season 7 airing now, I wanna promote my ongoing MHA Touya X OC X Shoto fanfic "The Crimson Butterfly" from Quotev and Wattpad -
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kylelovskii · 12 days
okay i know i have like one million requests that i haven’t answered but i NEED some my hero academia requests (preferably tenya iida)
TRUST your requests will be answered soon..i’m just…hyperfixated and i need to write about mha.
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stinmybubs · 1 month
"Jewelry Box." Fantasy AU Pt.1
AN: A lil somethin somethin! Will be the only series I will work on rn! Summary: Fighting to succeed to the throne, you do everything in your power to become the next ruler of the Caataeta Empire. Even if meant cursing yourself with a power that secures your throne. You wish for no lover, just people you can help you chip away the curse that's killing you, and to secure your empire. You need husbands, wives. A Jewelry Box.
AFAB! Reader x a series of characters.
LGBTQ+ female readers ! There will be WLW in this!
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Your body convulsed in pain. You could feel your lungs begin to burn and your eyes begun to sting. Tears slipping through your eyes as your body tried it’s best to recover from the curse. You let gasps and pants as you collapsed to the concrete floor of the castle dungeon.
“Ack-!” Blood beginning to flood out your mouth. You begin to feel a tinge of regret. Why did you curse yourself? Why..? Then as you remembered your reason in the first place, you picked yourself back up, desiring a greater power, your desire to succeed to the throne was greater than any pain.
You can take it. You can show them all, you can show them just how strong you can be.
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“The Nasty Truth.” Pt.1
You stared at the floor of the throne room, bowing your head to your father. The great father staring at his two children, choosing the successor was obvious. Oh had he wished his son wasn’t so snobby and immature.
And he wished you weren’t a girl.
You always had grace in your step, taking after the empress. Your mother. Your mother was the most beautiful women in all of Caataeta, she was the definition of nobility and was the perfect empress.
If only your brother took after her as well. The empress had passed a year after your little brother was born, he was born when you were the age of 6 years old. He hadn’t had much time with your mother, or else he wouldn’t have turned out the way he was.
He was a playboy, your average stuck up noble clearly not fit to rule. But. He was a male, men can only truly succeed to the throne. A stupid rule, you thought, anger filling your mind and jealousy.
You had everything your brother didn’t have. You were ready to rule. You deserved to rule. Your face scrunched up in anger as you stared at the floor, quickly composing yourself realizing your mistake.
“You may lift your heads.” Your fathers booming voice echoed throughout the large room.
“Father may I excuse myself.” You keep your head lowered. Your father simply nodding you off. As soon as those doors closed you couldn’t help but scrunch you face up once more, jealousy overshadowing any reason.
The clicking of heels could be heard throughout the halls, being escorted by your personal guard and lady in waiting.
“Your highness. May I ask what’s the matter?” The familiar voice of your lady in waiting, Momo Yaoyorozu. She was the daughter of the grand duchy the house of Yoayorozu.
“Momo you are a higher status than me…no need for formalities…especially now.” You stated as you sat down in front of your vanity, ashamed of your womanly appearance.
“But I am your lady in waiting now. That puts me under you.” Momo spoke informally, happily taking your hair down from the tight bun it was in. “Oh how beautiful you look with your hair down your high-“ you quickly cut her off, loving her touch and slightly leaning into it.
“Call me (Y/n). Momo.” You grab her hand, looking back at her, placing her hand against your cheek to lean further into her warm touch. A tint of red flushed the black haired girls face. “Oh- oh my.” Momo said very flushed, not even trying to retreat her hand from you.
“Momo…why does it have to be a man to succeed the throne? Why not me..? Don’t I have everything a ruler should have?” You state, closing your eyes as you let her caress your cheek.
“Yes (Y/n). You have everything and more than the crown prince has…but this is a man’s world. Sadly.” Momo’s eyes darken, remembering if she hadn’t gotten this job as lady in waiting she would’ve been married off to some sleazy old man.
“Your highness…I must tell you how-“ Momo was interrupted by the door suddenly opening, she quickly retreated her hand. Stepping aside for you to see who it is. You were angered by this, looking at the door with a glare to see your brother standing there with the biggest smirk on his face.
“Why so angry sister!? I’ve only come to reliever good news!” He strutted into your room, collapsing onto one of the couches you had surrounding your tea table.
“Not only was I appointed crown prince, my coronation will be within the week!” He cheered. “Oh and not to mention your engagement to the hellfire kingdom! Their land will be ours!” He closed his eyes. This comment alarming you and making you shoot ip from your seat.
“What did you just say? Father would never marry me off!” You shout, quickly walking over to your arrogant brother. “Well it’s true. Go ask yourself.” He chuckled, lifting himself from wear he lie and waltzed out your door.
“Momo! Get me ready for an audience with the king immediately.” You should sitting yourself back down in your vanity seat, anger filling your body.
“But your majesty- I-…dinner is almost ready how about we wait till then? I think you should maybe take this time to think about this.” Momo could feel her heart breaking. She couldn’t bare to see you marry. It took everything in her not to beg you to leave with her. Run. Run away and never look back.
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The dinner was quiet. Usually your brother would be talking on and on about his day, but for some reason he was oddly quiet.
“Daughter. You will be engaged with prince Todoroki Shouto of the hellfire kingdom.” The imperial father spoke. Ah, that’s why. You glare at your brother briefly before answering your father.
“Father! I assure you there is no need to marry me off to such a small kingdom! Surely I -“ you were cut off by a loud booming yell of the imperial father “SILENCE. You will do as your told and marry the prince. Honestly I expected more out of you then to talk back to your father in such a way.” He shouted. His voice immediately filling your body with fear, you stayed silent for a minute before finally answering your father with a semi- shaken voice.
“Yes father.” You lower your head in shame.
“Honestly sister you should know your place as a women. Simple, this connection to the hellfire kingdom will help expand our empire!” He laughed, clearly enjoying this.
“Father may I be excused.” You don’t entertain your foul brother.
“You may.” With that you sat up, Momo following behind. Your face turning into a scowl as you left the dinning hall. Thinking how stupid you are for thinking you can change his mind.
This is a man’s world, after all.
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AN: I hope you all enjoy this! I figured that this was a long part so you we’ll get more to the action in the second <3 thank you all so much for reading and giving my posts so much love. Xoxo Stinmybubs.
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backseatbnha · 2 months
a Beauty and the Beast setting. You're a writer, and you enjoy publishing books in your local rundown library, owned by your friend Shinsou.
The town's man hunk, Bakugou, loves tormenting Shinsou. Everyone admires him for his strength, his intelligence, his beauty. He slays beasts that threaten the peace of your town. He's everything BUT nice. Truth be told, he likes you - he would never admit it, and instead resorts to picking on Shinsou.
One day, you notice that Shinsou's been gone for days now, and find out from rumors around the town that he's ventured out into the old, abandoned castle not too far away from town.
You set out to go look for him, and end up in trouble yourself. You're caught by Tokoyami Fumikage, the beast everyone had told you stories about when you were a kid.
You beg him to let Shinsou go, in return you would stay here forever. After much contemplation, Tokoyami agrees, and lets Shinsou go.
Over the next few weeks, you learn more about the bird-headed man. He's quite cold, but he's definitely got a soft side to him. Over time your bond grew. He takes care of you, and you take care of him.
You learn more about him through his friends - a bunch of talking furniture. A candelabra, whose name is Midoriya. A porcelain teacup, Eri. A tea pot, Ochaco. A vintage clock, Iida.
And more. Momo the fancy wardrobe. Todoroki the refrigerator.. the list goes on.
You learned from them that Tokoyami, and all of them, were bound to a curse. They were to never leave this castle until Tokoyami found true love. And they believe that you're the one.
So they all set you two up for a night of ballroom magic. You were prettied up nicely by Momo the wardrobe. She did the same for Tokoyami afterwards.
Then you both danced the night away, and for the first time in ten years, Tokoyami felt home in this castle he calls a prison.
One day, you see orange lights outside the kingdom. It wasn't the sunrise, it was a horde of townsfolk, raising torches. They've come to rescue you. You see Bakugou in charge at the front. His trusty sidekick, Kirishima, at his side to cheer him on.
Shinsou must have called them.. You hear them scream your name. They're looking for you. And they want Tokoyami's head on a pike.
Tokoyami faces Bakugou in a battle of swords, but alas, Bakugou always gets what he wants, even if it isn't fair, and shoots him right in the heart with his crossbow.
You scream in terror as you watch Tokoyami crumple up, arms over his chest. He glances at you one last time, before he falls to the ground.
While the town celebrated their victory, you scrambled over to Tokoyami's side. You needed to take him to a healer, but with all of this blood gushing out.. you think it's too late.
You sob, a loud scream rips from your throat as Tokoyami lays quiet in your arms. You hold him close, wishing you told him how you felt before all of this happened. You cry and cry for hours on end, praying for a miracle.
And like all fairytales do, something miraculous happened. The castle around you transformed.
Dirty vines turned into pretty flowers. Cracked floors turned into shiny marble floors. The broken walls repaired themselves. The whole castle transformed to look new, and elegant as it should have always been.
You see your furniture friends transform back into their human selves. They all embrace each other happily, in tears.
Your eyes land back on Tokoyami, and his red eyes are staring right back.
He smiles, and you engulf him in the tightest embrace. You cry tears of joy, and he hugs you back with just as much feeling.
You all celebrate for breaking the curse. Everyone's dancing, having a wonderful time. The happiest everyone's been in ten years.
Tokoyami, and all his friends, are eternally grateful, and promise to make you the happiest, just like you did for them.
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AKA me wishing someone will write a Beauty and the Beast AU of BNHA,,, a Tokoyami x Reader especially
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kuramassss · 30 days
Hi! So, for those who asked for a fic of Mha, relax im gonna write, i just...got a little problem, since this is the first time i use the Ask from here, my dumb self didint know that when you awnser a ask they just dissapear from the message box, so if you want me to write a fic, i gently ask to you comment your request in that post, im so sorry to be this dumb ;- (BUT IM GONNA WRITE I SWEAR
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herofics · 2 years
Hey when you have the time, Literally any mha character with a reader (platonic or romantic) who just quotes vines on the daily in any situation. if you don’t like the idea that’s fine, i hope you are taking care of yourself, remember to drink some water today :>
This seemed like an easy one to write so I just did it. Also I’m so thankful you said vines because I could not quote a single tiktok. Also vine just has that freaking energy I haven’t really seen on any of the tiktoks I’ve come across. I just did some of the class so it’s platonic, and it’s more like the whole class with vines, rather than just the reader
•Mina is the one that gets every reference, like literally none of them get past her
•Also the two of you just make the rest of the class groan constantly, because while most of them also get a lott of the references but it’s just so constant they’re like “please, enough already”
•You and Mina were presenting one your your pair projects and there was graph on it, so of course you decided to play the freaking “look at this graph” bit, because why the hell not
•Honestly most of the class finds it just a tad irritating, but it doesn’t stop you from doing it
•There are some who appreciate it though, like Kaminari, Jirou and Midoriya
•Those three, Mina and you are a bit of a pain sometimes, because you can just talk almost fully while quoting vines and it’s like a secret freaking language to some of the others 
•Then there’s Momo, Todoroki and Iida, who do not get it at all, like you will have to show them the vine and they’re still like “huh?” because they just don’t really get it
•You must educate them on the vine culture because they are clueless
•You took a picture of Tokoyami and some pigeons, and send it to the class group chat with the caption “look at all those chickens”
•You got permission from Tokoyami before doing that, because he found it funny as well
•Jirou’s room is just a freaking gold mine, because instrument, and there are so many music related vines
•When the class was prepping for the cultural festival, you were one of the dancers but using your amazing musical prowess (/s), you of course played/sang some of the classics like “I love you bitch, I ain’t gonna never stop loving bitch” and “Go suck a dick, suck a dick, suck mothafuckin dick…” etc
•Kaminari joined you in the singing these wholeheartedly
•Bakugou knows a ton of vines as well, but he refuses to partake in the whole thing, unless it’s to one up Midoriya or just use a vine as an insult in some way
•If there’s one thing the whole class can agree is that “they were roommates” when talking about the whole dorm situation
•Aizawa is going fucking crazy because he knows very little about the whole thing but some of it is also very funny to him, but he can’t really laugh about it, because you’re sometimes distrubing the class and he doesn’t want to encourage you or the others
•He often looks up the references he doesn’t get though because he wants to know
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jujutsukgojo · 2 years
Master list
Some of the masterlist will take you to AO3 and some on tumblr. Some of these are a WIP that has yet to come out.
my tumblr and AO3 are the only accounts i have!
*-means favorites or the ones i'm most proud of
Rules/about me
Bakugo x Jirou
Jukebox (Fluff)
What once was mine (Fluff and angst)
Champion of Kings (Angst) (Sequel to What once was mine)
The Less You Know, The Better (Mob Shouto)
Heat of the Island Chapter One, Chapter two , Chapter three , Chapter Four
Blinded (Fuyumi & Shigaraki)
Blue Fire (Yandere)
Kaminari x Momo
It was that night (Fluff) *
Heat of the Island Chapter One, Chapter two , Chapter three, Chapter four
Prayed for the lambs (Angst) *
Prayed For the lambs chapter 2 (WIP)
All for one:
How all for one came to be (origin story) (Angst) *
Country Gecko (Angst, origin story) (Villains won the war)
Shinso x Ashido
Coffee Stain ( Fluff)
Mr. Compress
Magic Man (Angst, origin story)
Jujutsu Kaisen:
Sukuna chap 1, 2, 3 (origin story, x reader) (Angst) *
Halloween Night (Sukuna, Yuuji & reader) (Horror)
The boy in art (gangster Sukuna x reader)
pt 2 The boy on the throne (angst, slight gore)
Sweet Moments (fluff, slight angst, high school au)
TO BE TITLED (Modern High school au, WIP, multi ship, angst & fluff)
Valentines Day (Modern College Au, sequel to High School au, gojo x reader, fluff tiny angst)
The Bell Tolls for Me (angst)
From The Tree (slight angst)
The Fourth Leg (Yandere Chrollo, angst) *
The Fourth Leg Chapter 2 (WIP)
My gifts to you (fluff, light angst, slight yandere(?) *
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
Planet: My Hero Academia
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Luna's Star Chart
🔪- Angst
🌹 - Fluff
🌕 - Headcanons / Drabbles
🌑 - one-shots
🌓 - One-shots and headcanons
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Kissing Underneath the Stars With:
Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou and Todoroki Boyfriend headcanons 🌹 🌕
Midoriya Izuku
To be seen
Todoroki Shoto
Bakugou and Todoroki Boyfriend headcanons 🌹 🌕
Uraraka Ochako
To be seen
Yoayorozu Momo
To be seen
Monoma Neito
To be seen
Shinsou Hitoshi
To be seen
Aizawa Shouta
To be seen
Toshinori Yagi
To be seen
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Laying Under the Stars With:
To Be Seen
To add more characters just request!
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tooruswhre · 2 years
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click this to return back to my work discography. :)
have anything you would like me to write about, feel free to inbox me, lovelies.
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22:28 - end of the day conversations
touch starved - [ coming soon. ]
21:49 - katsuki knows how sometimes his words affect you.
11:11AM - waking up with him in the morning.
weekly movie nights
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domestic shoto - shoto todoroki
first time boyfriend - katsuki bakugo
cute things they’ll do - part one, two
when you wipe off their kisses - midoriya, bakugo, todoroki
they love making teasing you if your height - haikyuu included
positions they sleep in - multifandom [ coming soon ]
types of husbands to - jujutsu kaisen included
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thanks for the flowers when they didnt send them - midoriya, todoroki, kaminari, katsuki
i need a pad - mina, ochaco, yaoyorozu
text inserts ⌗ OO1 ⌗ OO2
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★ 𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗪𝗛𝗥𝗘 — © ²⁰²⁴ all contents and its rights belong to me. do not alter, copy, or translate my works outside of the tumblr app without permission
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goldessia · 3 months
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.ᐟ the symbols [**] mean nsfw! minors do not interact.
bakugo katsuki
bf!katsuki x incineration quirk!reader headcannons ( mdni )
his little four eyed girlfriend (mdni, thirst)
ruined reputation | part 2
juggling with my heart (or, katsuki is a bad boyfriend)
clingy katsuki
midoriya izuku
coming soon . . .
toya todoroki ( DABI )
coming soon . . .
himiko toga
coming soon . . .
momo yayarozou
coming soon . . .
tenya iida
coming soon . . .
eijiro kirishima
coming soon . . .
— - multi HEAD-CANNONS
coming soon . . .
— - multi DRABBLES
coming soon . . .
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stinmybubs · 1 month
Short tales of “Jewelry Box.”
How the reader meets her husbands and wives in order!!
AN: i am not sure if I will continue the series anymore! So here are some short tales!
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T. Shouto the Prince of the Hellfire kingdom
The young prince, told he was to marry the princess of the imperial family.
The young prince wished to protest, but knew he couldn’t sue to his fathers cruel ways.
The young prince thought nothing of her, just as a simple price for his families power.
Until the night of the engagement ball. The princess herself hosting it, not even a day before she had become crown princess.
The prince was surprised by the now crown princesses beauty, she walked with her head high and always stood tall.
A familiar sense of loneliness in the girls eyes drew the prince to her.
He was surprised, she spoke with grace and sympathy. Catching his heart within seconds.
His father demanded the prince try harder to marry the young girl, now that is they were to marry he would be emperor.
He wished to marry her for love not for power.
The girl did not refuse him, allowing the boy to marry her. He felt happy, at peace.
But something told him she did not feel the same.
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Y. Momo, Daughter of the Grand Duchy.
The young maiden, disheartened by her young engagement. She was only 16. She wished not to marry and old man.
A position in the imperial family was offered, to be the lady in waiting of the young princess. She took the offer with great humility.
Grateful for a way out, she stood by the princesses side throughout the years.
Her heart skipped, her heart jumped, it soared everytime the princess spoke to the maiden.
How in love she was. Proud to stand by the princesses side, unconditionally and always.
Oh how heartbreaking it was watching the girl she loved spiral into a women she feared.
“She is not my Y/n.”
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M. Izuku “The Hero.”
The young traveler, leaving his home. Told of tales and battles he must fight.
Traveling through the great Empire, he stumbles into trouble which he gets captured and taken to the Empress.
Pleading and begging the beautiful Empress, he had a quest he must take. A journey to save the world.
This intrigued the Empress, she helped supplied the man, telling him she wishes to travel with him.
The hero was shocked at this request and didn’t refuse her company.
The journeys the two went on was glorious, he felt as if he was showing her the world.
How he longed to live in a small home with her, longed for her touch.
But something felt wrong, with every word she spoke to others.
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AN: That’s the first three! Hope you all enjoyed. The 2nd part is almost done for this series and the third part should be where we meet Izuku but idk if this series will be up anymore. I feel like the first parts were too scattered. Maybe continue it on Wattpad? Not sure
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
fingerprints | 9 | todoroki x reader
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pairing: Todoroki Shouto / Reader
length: 3.9k of 38k words | 9th of 9 chapters
summary: When you’re outed as pro hero Shouto’s soulmate on national television, there are really only two sensible things for you to do: blame someone else and run.  
tags/warnings: romance, soulmate au, fluff, pining, not actually unrequited love, aged up characters, eventual smut
fic masterlist
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“Momo!” An enthusiastic cry went up from the Class A table.
You watched, a tiny thrill of anticipation zinging down your spine, as Momo smiled and approached your hightop. She was even prettier in person, her dark hair shiny and her features so prim and pert. Even her movements were charismatic and sure.
Mina shoved over to make room between herself and Jirou, and Momo gracefully perched on the stool, accepting the drink Jirou had apparently had waiting for her. Like Shouto, Momo was also treated to a round of fist-bumps which she returned with a soft smile and perfectly manicured hands.
Chatter quickly resumed all around you, Kaminari seizing your attention to show you a trick where he opened his beer with his forearm, looking pleased with himself. Then Shouto wanted to try, and your heart rate ticked up as he shrugged off his sweater in favor of the gray tee shirt beneath, his biceps cording with the movement.
You swallowed your own drink wrong, and Mina had to pat you on the back as you coughed, smirking knowingly. Your eyes briefly met Momo’s as you looked back, and she waved, a dainty little swoop of her fingers.
It took a few minutes for Shouto to learn the trick, as he didn’t seem to have enough fat on his forearm to manage it neatly, and had to push the bottle against the muscle a little more firmly. Once he had managed the cap twist perfectly, however, he presented you with the beer proudly, and you grinned at him.
Those mismatched eyes glittered in the dim light of the bar, dipping to your mouth as you took a sip. Heat pooled low in your stomach as he leaned in, watching you carefully.
You were somewhat startled to notice that his gaze was fixed solely on you, as though he had no thought for anyone else in the room. You realized, quite belatedly, that other than a nod at Momo as she approached, Shouto hadn’t shown any specific reaction.
In fact, come to think of it, no one had seemed to assume that Momo’s place would be by Shouto’s side when she came in. And Shouto had gone right back to opening a beer bottle for you, watching you drink it, looking like he wanted some reaction from you.
You again had the thought that he was unlike anyone else–so watchful, so kind, so unbelievably good down to his core. So unbelievably good to you, down to the smallest thing. He was your soulmate—yours, and he had tried so hard to keep you in his life ever since you had first met. Had dedicated so much of his time and attention to you since then, had made you feel so precious, special, cherished.
Despite all the shit people were saying on twitter, despite the fact that the entire world was on the verge of finding you out for sure. He had never cared. There was only one person he had ever made you feel like he cared for—
And suddenly, just like that, in a tiny, nothing moment, with Shouto’s eyes on you in a dimly lit dive bar–you realized.
Shouto had never been Momo’s.
Shouto had never been anyone else’s. Not in the permanent sense.
Shouto had chased after you. Shouto had been spending all his time with you. Shouto had bought you an entire animal rescue, and was even now sponsoring its refurbishment with miles and miles of security apparatus.
Todoroki Shouto had always, always been yours. And the reaction of his skin to your touch proved it, more definitively than anything.
And you had been so fucking stupid this whole time.
“Are you alright, love?” Shouto asked in his low, soft tone, and you blinked up at him, realizing you’d paused over your next sip.
His face was so stupidly perfect up close, his lashes so long and pretty, his mouth so soft and full. In the dim light, the edges of his scar were softened, a dusky pink against the rest of his skin. You’d always wondered if that part of him would react to your touch too. Before you even realized what you were doing, you reached up and gently pressed your thumb just under his eye.
Color bloomed under the pad of your finger, and Shouto blinked curiously, his fingers coming up to take your hand. Color blossomed under his touch too, staining your skin like watercolor.
You could have leaned in and kissed him right then, but something held you in place.
When you chose him, for the first time, you wanted it to be just between you two. Just for a few moments. Because the entire world would find out as soon as the Todoroki Agency made its statement, only a few days from now.
But you wanted this one thing to be just yours at first–the way Shouto was. No one else’s but yours.
You shot Shouto a grin and finished the beer he’d given you, telling him it tasted better for the cool factor his trick had put into it. You stifled a laugh as he tried not to look smug, and wondered how you could have ever, even for a minute, doubted Shouto’s feelings for you.
The rest of the evening was a blur, a haze of rowdy chatter and a rapidly escalating competition of drinking tricks. Pro heroes could apparently put away a ton of alcohol, and couldn’t resist showboating as they did so. You felt yourself grinning ear to ear, and then found those ears flushing with heat when Shouto’s hand found your hip as he watched his classmates get sillier alongside you.
Fetching your final drink of the evening–just regular soda water, considering you wanted to be clear headed enough to talk to Shouto when you got home–you ran into Momo at the bar.
She leaned in immediately, pulling you into a hug that felt like cashmere and smelled like some light, expensive perfume.
“I’ve been wanting to meet you ever since Shouto first showed up at our agency looking for you,” she said, a little bit of a flush on her cheeks. “I know we haven’t met formally but I feel like I know so much about you already.”
You smiled up at her. “Same to you. Shouto’s told me a lot.” Then you paused, curious about what she’d just meant. “Wait, he showed up at your agency looking for me?”
Momo blinked, then looked embarrassed. “Oh! Yes. Um, I hope you don’t mind. Jirou and I run our own agency and her quirk has to do with sound, you know.”
You nodded, curious where this was going. “Well, she’s excellent at long-range intel gathering and we’ve shaped the agency largely around that. We have a lot of heroes with quirks useful for that kind of thing, and civilian employees who specialize in data-gathering techniques as well,” Momo said. She sounded a little proud. “Um, so when Shouto needed to find you…well…”
A smile crept across your mouth. You remembered all those months ago when Shouto had neatly dodged the question of how he’d found you. “A friend ran video footage,” he’d said evasively.
So Momo had been a friend–the friend–all along.
He must have gone straight to her after the rescue, considering he’d shown up in your animal shelter the very next day. And that itself was a dead giveaway.
God, how could you have ever believed he didn’t want you?
“I will never be able to convey how grateful I am that you helped him find me,” you told Momo sincerely. “But, um, I’d love to buy you a drink as a symbol of my thanks.”
She flushed prettily again, but accepted, and you managed to obtain her drink of choice–an unexpectedly no-frills whiskey on the rocks. You would have to remember that for future nights out. There would never be any amount of drinks that could truly give back to her what she’d helped give you, but you could at least try.
After a little more idle chatter, Jirou came looking for Momo, and you thought you understood things even more clearly when you saw Jirou’s tiny, fine-boned hand slide possessively around Momo’s waist. And then you felt a much larger hand touch yours, and you turned to find Shouto lingering over you, watching you carefully.
And you knew, right then, that you couldn’t wait to tell him any longer.
“Hey,” you said in greeting, feeling pleased and bold and shivery with nerves all at once. “Wanna get out of here? I have something I wanna tell you when we get back.”
Shouto blinked, clearly mystified, but murmured his assent. You collected your coats and bade goodbye to everyone and then started the trek back to Shouto’s place, the night air cool on your skin.
“I like your friends,” you told him as you walked. “They’re good people.”
Shouto’s smile was small and pleased and toe-curlingly charming. “I have no doubt they liked you as well.”
“They just like that I made an idiot of myself on national television,” you said. “They like that I gave you a hard time.”
Shouto politely did not mention how prolonged that hard time had been, given that you’d actually been misunderstanding him for months. He told you instead about all the times Class A had made idiots of themselves on national television too, murmuring stories about their first sports festival in his hypnotically low voice as if to calm and reassure you.
You liked him so much.
When you finally made it through Shouto’s door, and Shouto had replenished Princess’s food and water, you knew it was time to tell him for real.
You drew in a nervous breath, then stepped close to him. “I think…I have decided what I want the Todoroki Agency statement to be,” you said.
Shouto’s mismatched eyes went wide, and you watched as he schooled his features into that classically blank expression, as if he did not want to influence you.
He was so, so, so unbearably good.
You had planned to say more but all of it was lost in that moment as you watched him wait for you, watched him try not to push you. It was what he’d been doing this entire time, you realized. Making his intentions clear, giving you everything he possibly could of himself, but never, ever pushing you into something you did not think you were ready for. Like he’d waited for you that day outside your apartment, holding still, letting you make the final move.
You were finally feeling bold enough to do it.
You leaned up, and, heart in your throat, you pressed your mouth to his.
And it was like the entire world snapped into alignment.
You didn’t know how else to describe it. As soon as your mouth met his, it felt like everything was finally right, a wave of something like relief washing over you. Shouto shuddered like he felt it too, and then his hand came up to catch your chin, cradling your cheek.
He kissed you back fervently–scorching one moment and tender the next. He tasted like the sweet fruit and soft tang of his drinks, sugary and delicious. An electric warmth lit you up inside, roiling in your stomach, every single one of your nerves buzzing.
His other arm came around you, gathering you against him, pressing you tightly to him. You clung to him, desperate.
It was a long time before he let you go, and you clutched the collar of his jacket, feeling a little weak-kneed.
“I hope–” Shouto started, sounding a little dazed. He blinked down at you, then tried again. “I hope that was not a farewell…”
You shook your head, gripping his coat even tighter. “No. No–Shouto, I am in love with you. I’m sorry it took so long for me to get my head out of my butt. I have had the most insane crush on you since the second I met you, and I’ve only fallen deeper the more I’ve gotten to know you. I could never, ever give you up for anything—not my privacy–nothing. I choose you.”
The most stunningly gorgeous smile you had ever seen broke out across Shouto’s mouth, luminous in its delight. “You choose me,” he echoed quietly, as if to himself.
Your heart did a weird flip in your chest at how utterly and insensibly handsome he was in his happiness.
You smiled back, feeling giddy. “Yeah. You’re my soulmate.”
Shouto’s fingers tightened on your chin, and then he was tilting your face back up to his and slotting his mouth against yours once more. It quieted every single word in your head, all the months of self-doubt, the stupid shit people had been saying about you online, the worry about what people would say in the future. All you knew, all you could think of, all you could feel was Shouto’s body pressed against yours, Shouto’s mouth over yours, Shouto’s breath filling your lungs–Shouto, Shouto, Shouto.
His thumb traced over your cheek, and Shouto pulled back, watching the motion of the pad across your skin, doubtlessly tracking the streak of color left behind. “Mine,” he said, more than a little smugly.
It startled a laugh out of you, the childish straightforwardness of it. You supposed he was allowed now, considering he’d behaved so carefully, so gentlemanly all throughout the previous months.
“All yours,” you promised.
Shouto seemed to like the sound of that very much. You heard your jacket being unzipped and suddenly it was being tugged off of you.
Shouto’s mouth found its way to your throat, and his fingers crept up under the hem of your shirt, sliding over the bare skin of your waist. “Y/N,” he breathed. “I almost thought I might never have this. I want to see you, all of you…” All of what’s mine, went unsaid.
You nodded, dizzy with the feeling of his mouth in the hollow of your neck. “Yes–I–me too—want to see you…”
You barely managed to scrape together enough brain cells to successfully pull your shirt off, and Shouto let out a low, appreciative groan, guiding you back to the wall with his hands. You watched as he stared at you, dragging his hands over you. Shivers wracked you at the sight of his dilated pupils following the streaks of color left by his fingers, like he could barely control himself over the thought that you were his.
He really, really wanted you.
Shouto’s mouth back on yours distracted you from thinking much more. Your fingers tangled in his hair as he pressed himself against you, shuddering when you felt his hardness press against your stomach.
His hands came under your thighs, boosting you up against him, and then that hardness was slotting right between your thighs, exactly where you wanted him. Your head made a dull thud against the wall as you threw it back, Shouto’s hips hitching to grind himself harder against you. His breath came harsh in your mouth, and you realized you were no better, letting out little puffs of air, squirming against him.
“Shouto,” you managed between kissed, “Shouto, I want—I want—”
“Yes, love,” Shouto said, even as his hand pressed down against your hip, grinding you harder into him. He let out a shuddering breath, eyes fluttering closed.
“I want you, please—” You gasped, accidentally digging your nails into the meat of his shoulder as another cant of his hips pressed him firmly but indirectly to your clit through the fabric of your pants. “Shouto, Shouto, please—more—”
“Anything you want, love,” he said. “I will give you everything.” And then suddenly he was stepping back, and you mourned the loss of heat against you, frowning.
Before you could get a word in, however, he was dropping to his knees, in front of you, tugging down your pants. Your hands seized his shoulders as he took one of your calves in hand, gently helping you step out of them, pulling your leg over one broad shoulder. He pressed a fluttering kiss to your stomach, and then your hip, and then lower, and lower, and lower, until his fingers were pulling aside your panties, and his mouth pressed directly to you.
Your head made another dull thunk against the wall as you threw it back. This is not what you had meant—!
“Fuck–oh my god—Sho–!”
Shouto groaned deeply, then licked over you more firmly. “Yes, pet?” he murmured, before doing it again.
You produced an embarrassing little squealing noise in place of words. You could feel his mouth shift into a smile against you, which was so weirdly hot, and then he went back to work on you, murmuring his appreciation.
His grip on you was firm, holding you in place as you shook with each delicate suck, each curl and swipe of his tongue. When you finally managed to look down at him, those heterochromatic eyes were staring back, drinking you in carefully, sliding over every spot his fingerprints had left his mark on you. The sight of him so wrapped up in you pushed you right over the edge, and he licked you right through your first orgasm, looking so utterly wrecked himself.
You didn’t have a single second to recover before Shouto was surging up, covering your mouth with his again. He caught you by the waist, and herded you urgently towards the couch, his mouth never leaving yours for a second.
You spilled over the side of it, Shouto’s heavy weight bearing you down to the cushions. You practically tore your panties off and fumbled with his belt, desperate to get Shouto inside you. He seemed to know instinctively what you wanted, slotting himself between your thighs.
His cock was predictably just as gorgeous as the rest of him, long and full, and he slid inside you with a low groan, fisting the cushion beside your head.
“Fuck, love,” he uttered, those long, pretty eyelashes fluttering. The sight of him so instantly undone–the furrow of his brow, and the almost-pained twist to his mouth–almost sent you right over the edge again.
He bucked his hips again, burying himself deeper inside you, and launched into an almost desperate pace, like he couldn’t bear to slow down now that he had you. You didn’t know what it was–if it was the fact that he was your soulmate, or if it was just the fact that he was Shouto–but he fit so right within you that you thought you might be driven insane with the feeling.
He held himself up over you with one hand, and the other dragged over every part of you, cupping your face, thumb sliding across your mouth, then slipping down to circle a nipple. You could see the fingerprints left all across your skin, and Shouto’s eyes seemed torn between your face and those bold streaks of color.
Shouto’s mouth only added to things–he was keeping up a stream of praise in that low tone, rough with feeling. “Fuck, love—that’s it. So good, you’re so perfect. Made for me, like we were made for each other. Mine, you’re mine.”
You could only pant out his name in return, writhing underneath him with every expert twist of his hips. “Yes, Shouto, please–!”
“Wanted you–from the very first minute I saw you—” he groaned. “Want you forever—”
The praise, coupled with the slap of his hips against you, the slide of him inside you immediately became too much.
Something inside you seized up, and you were thrown straight back over the edge, biting off a shout into the muscle of Shouto’s shoulder. The clenching of you around him made him groan, and he picked up, his thrusts became faster and looser, like he was losing control. He reached up, pressing his hand high on your chest, leaving a full set of fingerprints on you like a brand over your heart.
And then he was cumming too, flooding your insides, his hips jerking against yours uncontrollably.
You clung to him, sweaty and flushed and so unbearably full of love for him. He smiled down at you, that charming, half-moon grin, looking so incredibly smug and deeply pleased all at once.
“Did you really want me from the first minute you saw me?” you asked curiously, unable to help yourself now that everything was finally, finally on the table.
Shouto nodded, his hair falling into his eyes as he adjusted himself over you, leaning back on his haunches, pulling himself out of you. “Even before you left your fingerprints on me,” he said. “When I saw you–even though you were less injured than the others, it was like all I could focus on was getting you out of there. I had to force myself to prioritize the way I was trained.”
You blinked, feeling strangely flustered. “Really?”
His smile went charmingly crooked. “Like that, do you, love?”
You could practically feel your face fill with heat thermometer-style, like a cartoon character. “I just–to think we could have had this sooner, if I hadn’t been so stupid.”
“Yes,” Shouto agreed, and you tried not to pout.
“In fairness, you never made any moves on me!” you said.
Shouto’s eyes flickered over you assessingly, and he smoothed back some of your hair away from your face. “I was waiting for you to choose me,” he said calmly. “I know what it is to be the family of a pro hero–what it is to not have a choice about being publicly known.”
You warmed at the mention of family. “I’d pick you whatever the circumstances, Shouto,” you said, giddy with the boldness of actually voicing it out loud.
He leaned back in and took your mouth again, a kiss which grew rapidly more interested as Shouto laid himself out over you once more, his fingers sliding into your hair.
Except, as he did, there was a slight rush of air over you, and a light patter along the top of the couch.
You peeked an eye open to see Princess looming over the two of you, looking extremely put out with the goings on in her domain. You sputtered out a laugh as Shouto looked up too, his expression embarrassed and fond at all once.
“We’ve disturbed her majesty,” you said.
Shouto huffed out a small laugh, then gathered you up his arms. You suppressed a squeal, watching as Princess suddenly grew much farther away.
“We will have to take this elsewhere,” Shouto said, carrying you into his bedroom and shouldering the door closed. “As I’m not finished with you yet, love. We have many months to make up for, as you’ve said.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that left you as he deposited you onto his sheets, climbing over you once again, looking so handsome and mischievous and perfectly yours.
“I’m going to leave my fingerprints all over you,” you promised, leaning up and kissing him again.
“I have wanted nothing more,” Shouto said, smiling into your mouth.
And then you did—you marked him so thoroughly as your soulmate, the way you should have done from that very first day.
And Shouto let you, looking pleased—yours, as he always had been.
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myballsyourballs · 2 years
F!Reader & Momo are best friends since they were babies, but reader fucks her bf Todoroki every night. One night while she was riding him, Momo calls her and Shoto forces her to answer. Momo tells her that she notices Todoroki acting weird n is worried that he will break up with her, reader assures her that Shoto would never do that, telling how lucky he is to have her. Momo thanks her n tells that she is the lucky one to have her as bff n asks if she's alright cause she sounds a little exalted.
on mute
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todoroki x f! reader
genre: smut
warnings/tags: slight overstimulation, semi-public sex (you're on a phone call), slightly mean! todo, cheating
notes: this fic is AWFUL i am so sorry i didn't do this req justice
edit: guys i don’t condone cheating at all. it’s fiction. please stop commenting shit😭😭
masterlist | make a request
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“Answer it.”
“What? Ah-- Shouto?”
“I said,” he accentuated his words with a harsh thrust into your cunt, one that trailed a reverberating heat down to the base of your spine, “Answer it,” his voice dropped into a low whisper.
You obeyed, picking up the buzzing phone that flashed with your best-friend's name. “M-Momo?”
“Hi, [Y/N],” Momo sounded unsure — and slightly somber. You guess you would be too if you thought someone was fucking your boyfriend.
Harshly, but not harsh enough to make a sound, Shouto rolled his hips into you. His lips quirked into a smile at your pathetic attempts to cover your mouth.
“What’s…” you exhaled shakily, “…up?”
“I just…” you heard a sigh from her end, “Shouto has been acting strange with me. I am afraid he might break up with me…”
Shouto moved his hand to rub at your puffy clit in figure-8’s, flicking it occasionally for variation. You ground into his palm, lips parting in silent pleasure and eyes squeezing shut. He began thrusting, gentle cocks of his hips into yours. Feeling a moan rise up your throat, you hurriedly halted his movements.
“Stop,” you said, staring straight at Todoroki. He raised an eyebrow. Realising your mistake, you back-pedalled. “Stop—ah— selling yourself short, Momo. I'm lucky to have you as my best friend, and Shouto is lucky to have you as his girlfriend. You're perfect.”
Shouto continued his hand movements. The phone was silent for a few seconds, and for a fleeting moment you worried if Momo had figured out what was happening. “…You really think so?”
Todoroki leaned forward, hot breath fanning over the shell of your ear. "Are you seriously getting off on this?" he whispered, biting the skin of your neck. His lips curled into a cruel smirk.
"Yes—! Yes, d-definitely," you cursed at yourself for stuttering. At this point you had no idea how you hadn't been found out.
"[Y/N]? Are you alright? You sound a bit fatigued."
Todoroki chuckled lightly into your ear, moving his mouth down to sloppily bite at your neck.
"Mmm-- yeah. Yeah. I'm good," you paused, trying to think of a good excuse whilst swallowing down your whimpers. "Yes, I was working out. Before. Not that long-- ah-- ago. Sore. I'm still sore."
"Oh. That's not good..." Momo lapsed into an awkward silence. Whilst you had the chance, you quickly muted the mic and began gyrating your hips swiftly, Todoroki fastening his hands around your waist, bouncing you up and down gently. He let out small groans, that of which were muffled by the skin of your neck. You babbled out unintelligible words, moaning into the open air.
Momo's voice cut through once again.
"Do you think I should take Shouto out? I have read before that quality time helps mend relationships."
Halting Shouto by placing a hand on his chest, you unmuted the mic. "Maybe? Where does he like to go?"
Shouto's hands began travelling down once more. Gently, you slapped them away. His eyes narrowed. I'm already close, you mouthed.
"Oh no... I'm not sure. Perhaps a restaurant? Maybe something traditional? Or... maybe something modern? I'm not sure what cuisines he likes. Japanese of course..."
As Momo rambled on, you slapped a palm over your mouth. Shouto had started to thrust again whilst circling your clit with his fingers. "Be quiet," he murmured, scraping his teeth over your neck.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you rolled your hips onto him, desperately trying to contain your moans. Tears welled into your eyes and your back arched desperately as you climaxed on top of him.
He didn't stop.
He continued to stimulate you, even when it became too much. The fact that he was groaning breathy versions of your name into your ear did not help, either.
Shouto twitched inside you, that being the only warning you got before he painted your insides with white. You let out a sob as you shook against him, humiliation settling in your stomach as you let out a loud, whorish moan.
Shouto chuckled at you, rubbing your clit faster and bringing you quickly to your second orgasm.
Now that your high was over, the embarrassment came in full force. You just moaned on a call with your best friend. The fucking her boyfriend part you didn't mind, but you just moaned. Shouto was far too quiet to be heard -- surely. So she must think you're insane. Probably.
"[Y/N]," Shouto mumbled, still panting slightly. You glanced at him. He was waving around the phone, which was still on call with Momo.
And the mic was muted.
Todoroki moved his thumb to the volume button, slowly turning it up.
"...Then there was this ice skating rink that my Mother and Father once brought me to..." Momo's voice rang out, elegant as ever.
"You fucker," you murmured, "you so did that on purpose."
"Maybe," Shouto smiled, leaning forward and kissing you on the cheek.
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herofics · 2 years
Today's my 17th birthday, may I please request a small birthday party with class 1-A, or a small bday with the LoV please and thank you, have a wonderful day
I did HCs with class A and I tried to do a lot of the characters, even though I didn't do all. It's easier to do HCs when I've got so many characters so that's what I did. I just wrote this right away so it was on time. Happy bday!
•You’d mentioned that your birthday was coming up, but you didn’t really think the class would throw you surprise party 
•You kinda figured out that something was going on with the class, but it also felt like they were excluding you because they were trying to keep the whole party thing a secret, which you didn’t know at the time
•Bakugou and Sato were supposed to bake together but since that didn’t go too well, you got two birthday cakes, both were exquisite
•Uraraka and Asui also wanted to bake something, so they made like a metric ton of cookies, a few different kinds
•Midoriya, Kirishima, Kaminari and Mina decorated the common room, while you, Jirou, Momo and Todoroki were doing homework
•You were pretty curious about what was going on, but they somehow managed to keep you in your dorm room with a plethora of excuses 
•There was a lot of noise coming from downstairs in the common room and from the hallway, and you were getting super curious, but Momo and the others just wouldn’t let you leave the room
•But when it finally hit 5 in the afternoon, they were all like, “Hey, how about we go downstairs?”
•When you turned the corner from the elevator, there was just a very loud “Surprise!” from the whole class
•Everyone came to congratulate you and you got a lot of hugs too
•There were a lot of sweets and snacks and stuff, and soda and juice
•Everyone had gotten you gifts, some on their own and some in groups
•Midoriya got you a cool keychain and an All Might birthday card
•Some of the class gave you gift cards of sorts, things like “a trip to a trampoline park with these classmates” self made gift cards basically, some of them had some really silly stuff on them too
•Bakugou just told you that if you ever wanted, he could “teach you to cook or whatever”
•Mina and Kaminari had also made a powerpoint of “(Name)’s best moments with class A” and it had a ton of pictures of all your shenanigans with the class and some dump jokes and funny stuff you’d said to each other
•You and everyone else thought it was super funny
•Momo also gifted you a picture of you and the rest of the class together, she’d also put it in a fancy frame and written the date on the back of the picture of when it was taken
•It was an incredibly fun evening and you got so many great memories
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restwellsoon · 5 months
Off Tangent
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Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x F!Reader x Kirishima Eijiro, minor Todoroki Shouto x Kirishima Eijirou
Summary: Girl math is thinking that you can take pro heroes Shouto and Red Riot at once when you can hardly take two fingers. Luckily for you, having a good romp doesn’t have to be as mind-boggling as algebra.
/ While Kirishima explored you with wonder over the new and unknown, to Shouto, he knew you well enough, knowing every place that made you ache. The redhead’s excitement was a reminder that though he shared you tonight, you were his tomorrow and the next.
Warnings: Double penetration (double vaginal), threesome, sexualizing their Quirks, light degradation, dom/sub undertones, temp play, praise kink, humor, fluff, established relationship, alcohol
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Minors and blank blogs DNI!
Even if things weren’t adding up, you could hardly complain about your situation. The wet sounds of skin on skin and murmurs of praise made it all too easy to get lost in sensation. There shouldn’t have been anything more pressing to think about, only things to feel, and yet your mind still wandered, even if it was just for a moment. 
Tonight was unusual, no, maybe special was a better word for the occasion. Getting drinks with Shouto’s friends wasn’t outside of the norm. The bar beside your apartment was known for its discrete treatment of superpowered patrons, making it an easy choice for meet ups. You were used to seeing Momo and Midoriya, but they weren’t there tonight; both were tasked with the night patrol in their designated precincts. Instead, there was Bakugou who finally warmed up to you, and Kirishima who you hardly, if ever, saw. It was a rare occasion to see him with the group. Similar to Iida, his patrol route and schedule were often opposite of Shouto’s, so the redhead usually wasn’t present. At least Camie was there to fill the lull in any conversations.
“Hey beautiful!” She beckoned, drawing a few looks, mostly from an annoyed Bakugou. She slapped on the vinyl seat beside her–a special spot reserved for you.
Kirishima shot up, pulled out the chair, and even took care to push you in. You swore you felt a calloused sweep of fingertips across your shoulders, but Shouto’s lack of reaction convinced you that it was nothing. 
“A gentleman, isn’t he?” Camie commented before glancing at the blond to her side. “Unlike some people.” He grunted in response. It seemed that Camie was still bitter about their team-up a few months back. An allegedly careless Bakugou blasted too close to her scene, ruining her illusion, but more importantly her fresh blowout.
And it was nothing other than good food, good drinks, and good conversation until Bakugou was the first to go.
He smirked at Shouto before tugging a mask loop behind his ear–a sorry excuse of a disguise, really, since his trademark red eyes and blond hair were still visible.
“Moving up in the ranks just means that I’ll be busier. Might be awhile before I see you extras again.”
You winced at his cringiness. You still weren’t used to his manner of speaking, but Shouto wasn’t phased.
“I suppose that means that Midoriya will be busier than all of us.”
Stifling a laugh behind your hand, Camie and Kirishima diffused the situation with exaggerated ‘oohs’ and teasing.
“Luckily for you,” the redhead slapped his friend’s back, “Shou’s got ice for that sick burn.”
“Oof! Just take the L, Bakubro, and don’t say anything,” Camie sniggered, hooking her arm through his. “And to help you walk outta here with some dignity left, I’ll even walk with ya to the train station.” 
She flashed you a peace sign, “Gotta wake up early for a podcast interview overseas. Later, girlie!”
With only you, Shouto, and Kirishima left, you expected him to say his goodbyes as well, but instead he ruffled the back of his head before shoving his fists in his pockets, looking at you both with puppy dog eyes. “Well, shit, I didn’t expect the night to end this soon, unless…?”
You felt bad. Kirishima was just griping about how his precinct being understaffed due to some injuries. He’s been working overtime for three months now.
“It’s not like we have any plans for tomorrow,” you started, waiting for Shouto’s agreement. He nodded.
“Come over. Our place is right there anyway.”
Kirishima followed behind you, practically bouncing the entire way.
It was a dumb question yet you couldn’t help but feel flustered otherwise. Drawing the duvet up to your nose, you wondered why your boyfriend didn’t automatically know your answer. Daring to look at him, Shouto waited for your answer patiently. There wasn’t any way you could avoid this.
Swallowing nervously, you answered before trying to hide back into the blanket, “Obviously, it’s you.”
Tutting, he undid your work to push back a strand of hair that got in your face—a flimsy shield from his questioning. His movement pushed back the blanket too, and gooseflesh prickled your skin.
“You didn’t even know who I was when we met.” The corners of his mouth twitched upwards as he looked down at you with thick lashes. There wasn’t any offense in his voice, only amusement.
You argued back, “Did too. I just pretended not to know you. How could I act normal when one of Japan’s most eligible bachelors was approaching me?”
That heated hand strayed from your ear to the side of your neck, settling along its curve. “That’s a conversation for another time.” And you knew that your little comment wouldn’t be forgotten. “But really, who’s your hero crush? Everyone has at least one.”
Embarrassment and shyness crept up your chest and towards your cheeks, and you hoped that he couldn’t feel the difference. He could, he’d later tell you.
“Red Riot,” you finally admitted, before adding “it’s not like I’m a fan girl though!”
How could you ignore him when he was plastered all over your social media feeds? It’s not like you actively sought out all those posts about Red Riot either. Apparently the algorithm thought you hung out with thirsty motherfuckers–and it was true for the most part; officer workers needed some sort of eye candy to help them through the day–and decided to share their horniess with you.
Satisfied with your answer, he settled back into his spot beside you. “Maybe you have a thing for redheads,” he mused before asking if he should dye all his hair that color.
“Absolutely not!” You sat up in bed to prove your point, nearly knocking Shouto out in the process. “That’s part of your appeal! It’s like two different looks depending on the angle.”
Shouto didn’t need to hear anymore about how opposites attract and how his looks were the perfect embodiment of that, but if he kept teasing you like this, you were willing to steer the conversation in that direction.
His lips curved upwards, turning into an actual smile, the playfulness practically spilling from his mouth. It took you months into the relationship to recognize the slightest tells of his teasing. 
“Oh, so it’s like you have two boyfriends depending on which side you’re on?”
Your index finger dug into his chest. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it!”
Playtime was over. Your show was starting soon, and you’d prefer to be at ease in his arms instead of squirming for his amusement.
It was hard to take Camie seriously in general but even more so when she wagged her index finger around like a mother who knew best, pointing at the cushioned space between you and Mina.
“The best way to go about it is to find two randos to bone.” Finally her manicured nail landed on you as she advised that couples should hook up with someone they knew but weren’t close to. You weren’t sure why she looked at you with those eyes of certainty, as if they were silently begging you to know some secret. “If it sucks–in a bad way obvi–you probs won’t care if you tell  your third to get the bird.” She made a crude gesture with her hand.
Bottomless mimosas made sure that whatever arithmetic skills you had were gone for the day. What was the point of making things make sense when you were having fun?  The conversation kept ping ponging from couples to threesomes to the abysmal sex your friends were having while single. You laughed as Mina divulged in her latest date.
“Are you talking about the latest hero team ups?” Shouto’s voice called from the entry way before the door shut behind him.
His hair was damp, meaning that he must have showered at the agency. The occasional droplets that fell from his hair were enough to distract you from the conversation.
“Yeah,” Mina laughed, “somethin’ like that, Icy Hot.”
From the way you were eyeing him, it was clear that it was time for your friends to leave. She reached over to Camie, pulling her up, but the honey blonde wasn’t ready to leave until Mina gave her an obvious nudge. 
“Well, girly pop, we’ll leave you lovebirds alone for now!” She leaned in for a quick hug, “And don’t forget what we talked about!”
Shouto waited for them by the door to say a quick goodbye, making a comment about Midoriya keeping everyone updated on the latest duos and teams. It was informative, he told them,  encouraging them to sign up for the mailing list if they wanted to know more.
“Those ain’t the double teams we’re interested in, bub.” Camie giggled. “Thanks though. Alright–one last goodbye. TTFN, babes!”
As the click of their heels faded down the hall, you rounded on Shouto. Now that the initial stun of his good looks were gone, you were bold enough to tell him to drop the  oblivious act now that your friends were gone.
“What do you mean?” He smiled, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
You gave him a hard look, and he stretched out his arms in return.
With a huff, you went into his arms. It’d be easier to scold him up close anyway.
“Your PR manager can make you act as oblivious as you want in public, but I know that you heard everything we were talking about Shou.”
One of his hands slipped from your waist to play underneath your shirt. He might as well have gotten underneath your skin with the tone he was speaking in.
“Why were you talking about that anyway? Do you want to bring someone into our bed?”
Luckily for you, your bra unhooked while you answered, giving you a plausible reason for the hitch in your voice. “No–well, uh, yes, but um, Mina was the one to bring it up first! You know that she’s been single for a while, and Camie well, you know how she is…”
His pause was long as his fingers trailed up your spine. He hummed. “Well, alright. We can talk about this again when you’re less embarrassed.”
“You little shit,” you groused, “you’re not as innocent as you pretend to be.”
“Aren’t you happy that I’m only this way with you?” He leaned down.
Any intentions of acting out begrudgingly faded as the kiss led to more clothes on the floor and  urged steps towards the bedroom.
You were happy to have the help of alcohol to keep the conversation going. Shouto’s hand was heavy whenever he poured drinks, the habit worsened when he was even the slightest bit buzzed. They weren’t enough to send you over the edge, but you were in that sweet spot where everything tingled and had a pleasant haze. 
“Seriously!” Kirishima laughed. “You don’t have to be so formal with me.” It was probably the alcohol that was making your heart flutter when he said your name. “Kirishima is what my manager calls me when I’m in trouble. You can just call me Kiri.”
“Alright, Kiri,” you acquiesced, staring at your drink. At the time, you didn’t know that you’d be calling out that name all night.
You still couldn’t remember what sparked the conversation. Maybe a comment, a look, a laugh. All that really stuck out was a playful peck on the cheek that turned into a heated kiss with wandering hands. Kirishima’s red gaze was on you, but you didn’t mind it at that moment. 
His words stuck out as oddly shy from his usual manner of speaking. “Did you really mean that?”
The smoothness and confidence in Shouto’s voice surprised you and Kirishima too. “Don’t feel pressured if you don’t want to.”
When he said that he might not make it back to his place, Kirishima didn’t think you’d take his comment so seriously. “You can stay here tonight then,” you told him, only looking back at Shouto to see if it was okay after the offer. When he told him that he could stay in your bed too, Kirishima thought it was a classic case of Shouto being overly polite. He practically choked when he clarified that he meant in bed with both of you.
Never in his wildest dreams would he peg Shouto to be interested in something like this, but when he saw that nervous yet hopeful look in your eyes, he realized he was doing it for you. And maybe it was drunk logic, but what kind of friend would he be if he couldn’t help a friend in need?
“So what exactly do you want me to do?”
Shouto looked at you for the answer. Having both of their eyes on you made everything feel so real to the point that it was nearly sobering. You felt self-conscious as you rambled out your list of wants. Your glass was still half-full; it was difficult to look at either of them directly.
“I want both of you at once.”
“Where?” Kirishima asked.
Your pause clued Shouto in to what you wanted, and you swore you felt the pride swell in his chest when he told Kirishima that he’d show him where.
“I just want to feel good. I want to feel pretty and used but cherished. Does that make sense? Seriously Shou, don’t give me that look. This is embarrassing enough as it is. Is there anything you want?”
Shouto was straight-forward and simple as always. “Make her cum.”
To ease your nerves, he kissed you with sweetness, ending it with an affectionate peck on the lips and that softness in his eyes that always made you swoon.
You worked on removing each other’s clothes, and now with a groan of frustration and need, you realized that your liquid courage hadn’t left you completely. Your hands kept fiddling with Shouto’s pants.
“Need some help, sweetheart?” Kirishima asked from behind. Your heart nearly lept into your throat as his body pressed into yours. His desire brushed behind your thigh as his hand took your shaking one, guiding it in one smooth motion to pull down Shouto’s zipper, the last of his clothes finally falling to the floor.
“Thanks Kiri.”
“No prob, gorgeous.” 
You were close enough to hear the pull of his lips twist up into a smile, to feel his heated breath against your neck. Again, your hands stalled, awkwardly skimming Shouto’s chiseled hip.
“It’s okay to be nervous,” your boyfriend reassured you as he guided you onto your back. Shouto’s voice was an anchor, smoothly giving you commands. The couch was comfortable and felt familiar beneath your fingertips. He was right. It was okay to relax too. “Because we’re going to take care of you,” he promised. “We’ll make you feel good.”
It wasn’t difficult to admire either of them, but seeing them together was nearly too much stimulation for your eyes. Embarrassingly, you spent more time looking at Kirishima. Shouto’s body was familiar with his long, lean muscles and smooth skin. Kirishima was noticeably wider and thick with more fat padding the muscles beneath it. You didn’t dare to look at Shouto’s eyes. You both knew that you were staring.
Feeling a cold touch on your knee, your eyes finally met his. “I’m telling you to do this for us, love, not asking you.” His hand pushed your knee outwards. He wanted you to spread your legs. And you did, the change in Shouto’s tone making your heart flutter. 
When you were finally spread, you fought the urge to close them once more. Both men looked at your center intently. 
“I told you, didn’t I?” Shouto spoke to Kirishima. It was as if you weren’t there or couldn’t hear them. “Look at how pretty her pussy looks?” 
He nodded in agreement, saying that he couldn’t wait to taste you. Though he and Shouto had a similar directness in their speech, you felt shy towards his enthusiasm.
His tongue already lapped at your clit before licking a stripe downwards, sucking and tasting all of your wetness. The thick index finger he added earned another yelp, followed by a moan. After a minute of gentle prodding, he added a second finger.
“Nothing beats a wet and wanting cunt,” he pulled back to tell Shouto. The way he smiled at him was shameless, his lower lip and chin covered in saliva and your sweetness. Kirishima even demonstrated his point, moving his thick body aside so Shouto could see you. He scissored your hole, gave it a pump, and pulled out as quick as he could. The sounds were lewd as he fingered you lazily.
And the sounds didn’t go unnoticed by Shouto. He peered over Kirishima’s shoulder, leaning over to look as if he hadn’t seen your body before, as if he hadn’t felt it, before giving a pleased smile. While Kirishima explored you with wonder over the new and unknown, to Shouto, he knew you well enough, knowing every place that made you ache. The redhead’s excitement was a reminder that though he shared you tonight, you were his tomorrow and the next.
His eyes trailed up your hips, lingering at your heaving chest, before finally meeting your eyes. “So noisy,” he commented–whether it was about your pussy or your whimpers, you weren’t sure. Kirishima’s fingers were thicker and calloused from his training and Quirk. 
“She’s greedy,” he told Kirishima, “look how she keeps on whining for more.”
“Love,” he addressed you, “you can hardly take two fingers, but now you want three?” He smirked. “Soon you’ll be asking for two cocks at once.” Heat rose up your body, or was it the effect of Shouto’s hand on your thigh? He cocked his head at your embarrassment, using that tone you hated. “What? Isn’t that what you were asking for last night? Begging to have your pretty little pussy stretched by my cock and your toy?”
Kirishima perked up from his place between your legs, making a show of the wetness he wiped from his mouth. “Oh yeah? You took them both?” 
He didn’t know the size of your toy, but like everything else on Shouto, his cock was impressive–good proportions, cut, and a nice thick head that was drooling with pre-cum. His trimmed pubes and pink sack only highlighted it more.
“And she took them so well,” Shouto cooed.
Giving himself a quick pump to provide his cock some relief, Kirishima took Shouto’s words as a sign to add in a third finger. It already felt so tight, but the extra digit made you wetter as he continued his pace, this time slower because of the cramped space.
“Your boyfriend’s right, sweetheart,” he said. “You really know how to take it.”
If you just focused on the pleasure, it would be enough to send you over the edge. Kirishima kept bumping and nudging all the spots that made you jump, but it was Shouto’s soft coaching and Kirishima’s praise that would be the ones to push you over. Your toes curled as your breathing hitched, going and going and going until emptiness made you whine.
There were no fingers or Shouto’s hands on your thighs. The boys were talking to each other.
“Mind if I get her ready for us?”
“Be our guest.”
Maybe you were just sensitive or maybe you were annoyed, but the sound of Kirishima spitting was loud, as if it were some display of masculinity. The saliva pooled on the middle of his shaft and he made a show of rubbing it in.
His cock was thick like the rest of his body, not quite the length of Shouto’s but impressive nonetheless. What caught your eye in the haze of your edging were three rows of black beads, one on either end, sitting horizontally beneath his head. You wondered what needle was sharp enough to pierce his skin, then thought he did it without Quirk activation.
Red eyes followed yours before he gave you a wink. “Ribbed for your pleasure,” he joked. “You’ll get what I mean in a second.”
When he entered, your breath was stolen and held in your throat, holding it still until you felt his entirety inside you. Shouto moved to his spot behind Kirishima again, watching you take his cock. Kindly, Kirishima gave you a chance to breathe, pressing your legs back until they touched your shoulders. You thought he’d be positioning you for your comfort, but instead you felt every inch of him. The slightest readjustment made you feel the drag and pressure of his piercings.
“Don’t you look so pretty taking another man’s cock?” Shouto teased you from somewhere in the room. You couldn’t keep your eyes open, breathing focused so you wouldn’t cum just yet. You wanted to feel him fuck you, but the dark tone in Shouto’s voice was making you melt. You had to get a grip on yourself, but it was easier for both men to see that you were losing it.
“Play with her tits, Kiri,” Shouto told him. “Her nipples are sensitive.”
As masculine as Kirishima presented, it was surprising how well he obeyed. His weight pressed into you and the couch as he bent down to suck on your tits. Up close, he lingered for a brief second to watch their sway with the movement before starting with the left, then the right. 
The attention he gave them was nice, more than that, it was delicate as he sucked and nibbled on them. Perhaps you were too used to Shouto’s amusement as he used his Quirk to harden them, giving them a rough pinch to help you cum. It was clear that multi-tasking wasn’t his forte though. His thrusts were shallow. 
“I need to cum,” you finally whined. Between his body and yours, you were able to sneak a hand to your clit, rubbing to get what you were owed.
“You heard her, didn’t you?”
Kirishima’s will power was always one of his more noteworthy traits. It was something your co-workers swooned over. You were learning just how strong it was in a different way though. His movements were rough and shaking the couch. You made a note to yourself that you’d later forget: realign it with the rug. 
The man was talking more to himself than you or Shouto, mumbling about your tightness. His words were clearer when you came. His cock was out–a smart move or else he would have joined you. Continuing to rub it, it was sleek with your juices. “I can’t wait to feel how tight you are when Shouto and I are fucking you.”
Like a rag doll, you let them reposition you as they pleased, still chasing the waves of your orgasm. They buried your face in the cushions as Kirishima pulled your hips up and behind. Your pussy felt tighter when he entered you again. This time your breath was still with you.
“We need to make sure you’re prepped for us.” Shouto’s voice was disembodied and distant again.
Kirishima’s voice was distant too. You were sure if his voice was heavier from the work he was doing or his need to cum. “I’m gonna add a few fingers in, okay? If it’s too much, just tell me. If it’s not enough, beg for more.”
He was true to his word, adding in the first and second digits slowly. “It feels good,” you reassured him.
“Not good enough,” he huffed. He felt your pussy fluttering around his cock and fingers, but you weren’t quite where he wanted you. Kirishima wanted to hear you cry out his and Shouto’s names. He wanted you cock-dumb and slutty where you could only speak in whines.
When you were cumming for the second time tonight, Shouto decided you were ready. Again, they moved you around since you were useless.
“Do you want me to suck your cock?” You asked your boyfriend. Everything was hazy, this time from sex instead of alcohol.
“Nah, I got him,” Kirishima said. That will power of his kept his cock hard and begging for a break. You were surprised he didn’t cum inside you.
His fingers were glossy from their time inside you, and he used that wetness–your wetness–to slick up Shouto’s cock. It was a couple of skilled jerks that slid up Shouto’s length, his large hand wrapping around his girth. He palmed whatever residual was left around his head, and Shouto closed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh.
You weren’t expecting Kirishima to suck your boyfriend off before they fucked you, but you also weren’t expecting him to handle him so casually. He did it with such ease, and even Shouto looked comfortable. It was surprising how turned on you were from watching someone else play with Shouto’s cock. A part of you thought they’d look so pretty rubbing against each other, both sleek from spit and cum, but that could be a fantasy for another time.
Facing Shouto, he pushed into you, and you felt the familiar press of his cock. When he was fully seated, he pulled you close–a moment of tenderness throughout this debauchery. “Miss me?” You nodded. He gave you a kiss in return.
His lips caught your gasp as your nails dug into his shoulders as Kirishima positioned himself from behind. At first, he could only fit his head. Shouto’s hand trailed the length of your spine before settling on your hip. His Quirk warmed your tense muscles, and with a groan, both cocks were in.
It felt like minutes where there wasn’t any movement, for fear of cumming first. Kirishima finally broke the sounds of heavy breathing. “A pretty cunt and a nice cock to rub against? Seriously, are you two trying to make me cum first?”
“You can if you want to,” Shouto told him. If he left it at that, you would have laughed. “Our poor girl’s cunt will get messy regardless.” You held onto his unspoken promise of multiple creampies.
As if to encourage him, Shouto even took the lead, moving his hips in long, slow strokes. Your sighs were caught in his collarbones as you buried your head there. The intimacy was almost enough to make Kirishima cum then and there.
“Does it feel good too?” You couldn’t help but ask. “Kiri’s cock, I mean.”
The question earned a low rumble from the man behind you. Shouto paused, before saying an almost embarrassed yes. The tightness, the heat, his cock. It was almost overwhelming in the best possible way. Shouto had never had such an experience. “The piercings are… a nice touch.”
“Nice enough to make you cum?”
Kirishima didn’t care much about hero rankings but the thought of beating a Top Ten hero this way would give him a different sort of pride. 
“We have all night to find out,” Shouto told him.
His statement pulled out something primal and competitive inside them as each man started moving at once. You were so greedy to think that you could handle more; you couldn’t. All you could do was whimper and let yourself give in to the pleasure. Was it really so bad to cum first? Their cocks gave you a fullness that you couldn’t even comprehend as each showered you–and each other–in praise. Their hands were needy and wandering as they searched for the spots that would set you off–your tits, your clit, your neck.
Maybe your mind wandered or maybe this orgasm was finally too much. There were stars in your eyes and that familiar tingling that ran from your toes to your spine as your body shook from Shouto and Kirishima’s touch. Everything felt hot and sensitive after that moment.
But you had little time to wonder what happened exactly as a voice sweetly mocked you. “Exhausted already? But we’ve just begun.”
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Rest's Main Masterlist / Todoroki Masterlist
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