#medicine problems
larjb3 · 10 months
Something I don't think people realize is that I had to actually relearn how to walk. I also have a medicine where if I use too much of it, I forget how legs work. I think those two things kind of go hand in hand, where I'm going back to my pre-walking age and forgetting how to walk, and need to remember how to walk, and what pressure is appropriate to put on my legs, eithout falling over.
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salt-baby · 6 months
yes, doctors suck, but also "the medical ethics and patient interaction training doctors receive reinforces ableism" and "the hyper competitive medical school application process roots out the poor, the disabled, and those who would diversify the field" and "anti-establishment sentiment gets applications rejected and promotions requests denied, weeding out the doctors on our side" and "the gruesome nature of the job and the complete lack of mental health support for medical practitioners breeds apathy towards patients" and "insurance companies often define treatment solely on a cost-analysis basis" and "doctors take on such overwhelming student loan debt they have no choice but to pursue high paying jobs at the expense of their morals" are all also true
none of this absolves doctors of the truly horrendous things they say and do to patients, but it's important to acknowledge that rather than every doctor being coincidentally a bad person, there is something specific about this field and career path that gives rise to such high prevalence of ableist attitudes
and I WILL elaborate happily
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i-amusemyself · 12 days
me: peer review is an essential part of the scientific process and helps maintain trust in and integrity of the research we publish
also me, the second anyone suggests an edit to my work:
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youthsbandana · 1 year
Having ADHD is just like:
I'm sorry.
I know it's inconvenient.
I'm sorry.
I know it's annoying.
I'm sorry.
I know it's selfish.
I'm sorry...
I know I shouldn't say sorry because an apology without change is manipulation.
I'm sorry.
I know I can't change my behavior; I've tried.
I'm sorry
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puppyeared · 2 months
adhd is when you shoot for the moon but you forgot the rocket fuel and by the time you realize it everyones already on the moon and then you panic and crash into the sun and it explodes
#my meds stopped working and i didnt know thats something that can fucking happen apparently???#like i knew eventually my body can get used to medicine that the effect kind of dulls but for some reason this time around i thought#that my body just decided to become lazier since the meds were already working anyway. cuz thats the thing as soon as smth is made#easier for me even if its the thing thats supposed to make the disability less disabling i get too relaxed and end up fucking up anyway#so i assumed my fucking cells worked the same way LMAO. they still technically work like i can feel my energy spike when it kicks in#but everything else like focus and memory went down and i thought oh so its just a me problem then. my habits are getting worse#even though ive been doing everything the same like setting reminders checking my schedule. hell ive been setting MORE reminders#to make up for the memory thing and i didnt even realize i just knew i had to compensate since it feels like my memory is getting#worse again. and i only figured this out bc my brother showed me an icecreamsandwich video with him talking about the EXACT FUCKING#THING IM GOING THRU WORD FOR WORD#i have to bring this up with my doctor next week so maybe i have to take different meds. i wonder if this will be a recurring thing#i guess one thing that hasnt changed is that im still slow as hell and stuff only comes to me 5 hours after the fact#its 6 in the morning and i only JUST realized that the word froyo is probably short for frozen yogurt#yapping#adhd
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spacedocmom · 2 months
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom Your era's obsession with the unscientific nonsense called "sleep hygiene" comes from a capitalistic work ethic, not actual sleep science. Sleep problems associated with chronic illness can't be so easily managed away and are not "all in your head". emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 3:49 PM · Mar 26, 2024
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anonymocha · 2 months
can u PLEASE draw more medblue i need more yuri beyond my comprehension
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Baby Blue and Medicine Coquette just for you 💗🎀 Thank you anon you get me
Inspo^^ Re99 requests still open btw!
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bishopony · 2 months
Uuggoffggh today's the first day of my self-injection 😔 wish me luck
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onceinawhilemoon · 12 days
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suairceagsionadh · 2 months
i don't care how good your herbal remedies are, they should never be used as an alternative for professional medical care. they should be used, if anything, alongside hospitals and doctors, not as a replacement. and if you are taking herbal cures alongside prescribed medication, please check that they don't fuck with each other
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mildlysedat3d · 2 months
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transmutationisms · 6 months
also a problem i think marks a lot of 'alternative medicine' in a specific way is the heavy reliance on mechanistic theories of disease and the deriving of treatment protocols from the practitioner's knowledge of physiology / anatomy / organic chemistry. it creates a situation where you go and you look at these people's theories and it's like well sure i can understand the argument you're making and if your premises are all correct and comprehensive, then it does seem like this treatment would work to solve the problem you describe. however it usually turns out the human body is more complicated or variable than a diagram in an anatomy textbook and these people back themselves into corners where they don't want to admit their idea didn't pan out in practice because they often have few and weak institutional links as a result of having marketed themselves as daring, heterodox, and counter-hegemonic, and now their livelihood is staked on what can best be described as "overpromising" and is often more accurately described as "lying".
orthodox medicine does ofc have the same fundamental problem with mechanistic theory failing to produce actual results (something like 1 in 27 drugs that ever gain any clinical trial will be approved for use in humans, and some of those really shouldn't even be, and that figure excludes everything that didn't even make it past the earliest stages of exploration) but there is a marginal degree of protection that is sometimes generated when dealing with pharmacological interventions approved by regulatory agencies (ie, not 'supplements'), plus prestigious medical institutions and practitioner groups tend to be sclerotic in a way not conducive to claims marketing themselves as radical and new, and instead generally favourable to treatment modalities the state likes, such as gaslighting patients and funnelling them into cbt over investigating biomarkers or pathological anatomy. noticeably different though equally insidious issues imo.
anyway i think this dynamic with alternative practices is particularly infuriating in that it drives a lot of people to dedicate significant amounts of time and energy to these particular mechanistic theories, like you will see people very admirably getting deep into the weeds on specific cellular pathways or metabolic processes or whatever else, and there's little check or context provided that would make clear the extent to which most of these ideas simply will never pan out in any appreciable way for people's quality of life. like you're told you need to, basically, become an expert in your own disease, you can solve it and fix your life if only you can gain the skills to wade through this 9999th paper on whatever it is! only what happens when it turns out the published research does not have a full grasp of whatever biological processes you're trying to understand?
in a certain way this whole dynamic just serves the interests of the medical establishment anyway: the promise is always that the knowledge is out there (or, it will be any day now) and it leaves little room for political or philosophical critique of WHAT knowledge, exactly, is out there and how it's produced and what these methods accomplish and whom they serve. yknow, you just need to find the next dizzyingly complicated overlabelled chemical flowchart made by a maligned secret genius doctor that will explain exactly how it all works. and then the body will for sure obey that. because THIS person is the one who has finally learned all the rules, and THIS time they'll work in practice exactly like they do on paper. we prommy
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dizzybevvie · 10 months
No bc Warrior Cats genuinely couldve done something with Starclan and generational trauma and romanticising "old times" and the warrior code because Starclan arent deities theyre just dead people but instead we get another 6 books of Will They/Wont They with a TigerStar clone
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venacoeurva · 11 months
Pagan/Wiccan/occultism/similar spaces even for people just into the historical side of it and not practicing are such a mess with bigotry you need to scope people out so hard, it’s like [approaching you very quickly] Hi are you normal about women and not reducing them to uteruses and fertility, how do you feel about gay and trans and disabled people, also how you do you feel about nonwhite people and nonwhite religions, and also how do you feel about closed religions and their rituals and items not being for you, but especially Indigenous Americans’. answer quickly now
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
Working in the medical field I question human intelligence regularly but the stupidity award currently goes to the woman who, when I was trying to extricate her medication script from the jammed printer, asked me seriously: "Doctor is something wrong with my meds? Is that why the printer jammed? Should I not be taking these meds?"
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tumble-tv · 2 months
I was looking through your page after finding a post of yours on my explore page. I saw that you suffer from chronic pain and are working as an EMT. That's really cool! But I'm curious, how does that work for you? I imagine an EMT has to move a fair bit.
(I want to clarify that I am in no way saying you can't do it, I am just curious how it works for you. I think it's awesome that you are able to do something like that. I am disabled myself, physically and mentally, so hearing about someone with chronic pain doing a job like that gives me hope for myself)
It's hard, but I do it!
I wear heavy-duty joint braces on my knees and ankles to help with the pain, but I also know what's safe for me to do and what's not. We do move around a lot on scene, but in between calls, I spend my time recovering and preparing for the next one. Of course there's times where we have 5 back to back calls and I don't have that privilege to relax for a few moments, but that just means that u can do it at home later.
I'm a small guy and most of my coworkers are larger than me, so I can leave most of the heavy lifting to them to keep myself safe. I of course help with transferring patients to and from the stretcher, unloading and loading the stretcher into the ambulance, carrying bags and monitors, all of that, but there are also times where all I can do is carry one bag and hold a patients hand depending on the situation.
My hips, knees, shoulders, and ankles like to dislocate on scene, which is an inconvenience, but I just put them back in place and continue with whatever I was doing.
I almost quit a few months ago. My pain has gotten worse and I'm scared of hurting a patient by dropping them, but I'm counteracting that fear by lifting weights and making sure I'm strong enough to reduce the chance of that by a lot.
It's a lot of knowing my limits and taking care of myself. Myself and my crew come before the patient, as awful as that sounds, but that's how it is. I can't take care of my patient if I can't take care of myself.
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