#maybe because it still hurts to see so much potential go to waste
moonlit-imagines · 2 days
Broken Curse
Peter Parker x reader
a/n: idk this was supposed to be an entirely different fic when i started but now its very different
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Peter always held himself back. Everyone could see it. Everyone except him.
All those wasted opportunities because of those powers, but that’s all he thought he was good for now. He could have been so much more if he didn’t dedicate himself to Spider-Man. Right now he could be in college or working a job ehere he could make a real difference. But instead, he was living all on his lonesome in some run-down apartment, a ghost of his former self.
So now no one saw him. No one saw how much he held himself back because no one ever noticed him. In his new life, he kept to himself. No people to disappoint with his lost potential, no one noticed him anymore and maybe that was for the best.
You were in his thoughts, though. Mourned daily and nightly in regret of his mistakes. He sat there connecting all those things that went wrong. From becoming Spider-Man to an Avenger, trusting people he shouldn’t have, taking shortcuts and wasting precious time. He lost you and everyone he ever loved.
What hurt him most was seeing you from time to time, but as luck would have it, you’d managed to move into his building. A fate worse than death for Peter.
“Y/N?” He asked in the hallway without realizing. A stranger had just called to you.
“I…I’m sorry, do I know you?” You chuckled, which Peter knew was a nervous habit and you were a bit uncomfortable.
“N-No. Sorry.” He paused. “I was guessing. Not guessing your name, that’d be weird. The landlord told me about a new neighbor, I haven’t seen you yet so I was assuming that was you. Y/N, right?” Peter rambled out a reasonable lie to convince you he wasn’t a stalker. Maybe he was, he didn’t know if it counted when magic spells were involved.
“Oh. I guess that makes more sense.” You shrugged. “Yes, I’m y/n…and you are..?”
“Peter. Peter Parker.” He gave an awkward introduction. “Apartment 20.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peter.” You told him. “I hate to cut this short, but I have to do some unpacking.” You began to walk away, but Peter was desperate to keep this going. He hadn’t spoken to you in months, and although you may not know who he is in this moment, he was the boy you fell in love with and he still loved you with all his heart.
“If, uh, you need some help moving anything, I’ll be here.” He timidly offered. You stopped in your tracks and took a moment to think.
“Actually, I could use some help with some furniture. The movers just left everything in my living room.” You explained and he smiled. “What?”
“You have a living room?” He laughed and you joined in, catching that his apartment was probably a bit smaller than your own. “I can definitely help you with all that, lead the way.” He was a bit disappointed you’d accept help from a stranger so easily, but he didn’t know that something felt familiar about him. You just felt he was trustworthy and genuine. That was it.
You’d initiated some small talk while moving the couch to the correct wall, the bed frame and mattress to the bedroom, and some shelves and tables wherever they might go, maneuvering around heaps of boxes labeled with all sorts of goofy writing. He liked the “BEDROOM BULLSHIT” box the most. But as he moved around your relatively nicer apartment, he noticed a stuffed animal that had fallen on the floor. A stuffed animal he had actually gotten for you several years ago. “Hey,” he picked the little bear up, “this was just laying on the floor. Cute.” Peter commented in some unsuspecting way.
“Oh, yeah, I can’t even remember where I got that thing. I’ve had it forever, can’t bring myself to get rid of it. It’s too cute to get rid of anyways, look at him.” You reached for the bear in his hand and when your hand connected with its soft fur, you felt an overwhelming sensation, this sickness inside as your head began spinning.
“Are you okay? Y/N?” Peter urgently asked, hesitant to make any startling movements. Your gaze jolted back to him and there was a much different look in your eyes than in the moments before. Softer.
“This can’t be real.” You mumbled. “It was you all along.”
“What?” He had no idea how to respond.
“Peter Benjamin Parker.” You spoke his full name. “I love you.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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macsimagines · 8 months
👉👈 I know you mentioned getting asks with similar themes but I can’t help but ask for more because god damn is the angst just… -chefs kiss-
Can the girlies (and by girlies I mean me 😔) get that Kanto!Mikey, Shion, and baby boy Shinichiro headcanons about their s/o trying to leave them because their s/o doesn’t feel good enough?
I swear I’ll give you a better idea someday 😭😭😭.
I did Mikey in a seperate post because his got out of a hand and waaaaaaaaay to big sorry I didn't give these two as much love.
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Yandere!Shion Madarame
He knows you're insecure, and he loves you, he really does, but he uses it to his advantage. Shion is more worried you're going to be scared and try to run, not like he'll ever let you, but still is very worried about what you might try so he does attempt to play into your worries to make you stay.
"I mean, ya, you can be a pain, but I still like you," he tells you after listening to you fret over how maybe he shouldn't be with someone so weak. What he doesn't say is that he wants to protect you, to guard you and love you because you're just too precious to let go.
But then you go and pull some bullshit. You actually try to break it off... "I-I can't do it anymore, Shion. I just know you need someone who can do more for you and I'm not that person..." and you actually walk out on him like that.
Now Shion would sooner tear out his own eyes than ever hurt you, but your 'breakup' isn't sitting well with him. You figured as much when you see him watching staring at you from your apartment window. He even waves.
And it gets worse from there, because now there always seems to be beatings where ever you go. The nice clerk at the corner store you visit regularly ends up being robbed and thrown out of a window, the jogger you pass by and smile to in your neighborhood ends up being jumped with his kneecaps broken, and even your coworker that always brings you coffee has somehow ended up in accident... People are dropping like flys...
Shion pays you a visit one day. He's actually sitting in your apartment when you get off one night. You're already not happy because you just heard an old friend from high school had somehow ended up with a cracked skull...
But you find Shion just sitting at the foot of your bed... With hands caked in drying blood, smiling at you like you just told him he had won a million dollars.
"How many more?" he asks you, "Wh-what? Shion what're you-" "How many more people are in our way, Y/N? Tell me so I can take care of 'em."
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Yandere!Shinichiro Sano
Oh how much this one loves you could bring all the greatest of romantics to shame. Too bad he's such a goofball. And honestly, that suits you fine. You two are perfect for each other like that.
You're both playful, a little silly, and you two have fun together. But then you see it. The importance of Shinichiro Sano. Men, powerful men, come to him for guidance and respect his own authority.
That makes you feel so small. You actually can't believe how many influential people he has at his beck and call, the ones that call him a leader. And where could someone, who's a little bit goofy and a lot of bit awkward possibly fit into his world.
You tell him as much and it almost brings him to tears. "You're just... you're so much more than I am-!" "I am nothing without you! How could you even think that!?"
And you two argue like that all the time, back and forth, about how you know he's too important to waste his time, and how you're too important to loose. But boy does he feel like he's loosing you....
"I gave it all up. I don't need that if I don't have you." "You had it before me, you can't just stop being so important." But he isn't important, you make him feel important...
Once, you tried to mention that maybe he could do better and he reached hysterics. It honestly terrified you, not because he was violent but because you saw that he had the potential to be.
Grabbing your arms in his hands with a crushing grip, one you knew could break bones if they really wanted to, and holding you so tight that you couldn't even budge if you wanted to.
"I don't want anyone else!" he had hissed, "I don't need anyone else! This is it! For you and me!" its no longer comforting words but demands of submission now. Like he needs you to top bringing the topic up altogether.
And you do. Not because you want to or because you're suddenly convinced. But because you're too scared now. You've noticed eyes on your everywhere you go, you even tell Shinichiro about it.
"Oh? Him? He worked under me back in the day. Told him to keep an eye out for you." "Wh-what!? Why!?" "Keep you safe. Keep you from doing something stupid."
You figured you're not the only insecure one....
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lihhelsing · 7 months
Final Part - Catfish Steddie
You can also read it on Ao3!
When Steve walks into his apartment after a long shift at the coffee shop, it takes him almost a full five minutes to notice there’s someone else in there with him. 
He’s been so tired lately he probably wouldn’t have noticed if the person, a petite strawberry blonde, hadn’t cleared her throat while looking at him. 
“Uh. Hello?” 
Had he walked into the wrong apartment? He couldn’t remember using his key but he’s pretty sure he did. 
“Hi,” the girl smiles as she places a Vogue Magazine on the coffee table. Steve looks around and he knows this coffee table. He knows this apartament. He’s definitely in the right place. 
Still doesn’t explain the girl. 
“Who are you?” 
She laughs as if he’s being funny but once she understands he’s serious, her smile falters a little. 
“Chrissy. I’m Robin’s -“
“Girlfriend. Yeah. She’s not here.” 
Chrissy nods. “I know. I’m here for you.” 
Either she’s going to murder him or try to convince him to forgive Robin and Steve’s not sure which one is worse right now. 
“Then you wasted your time. You can go now. Or stay, I don’t care.” 
Chrissy clicks her tongue. “Robin did a shitty thing.” 
“Yeah. You don’t say.” 
“She’s not a bad person, though.” 
Steve shrugs. “It doesn’t matter, does it? She still hurt people.” 
She hurt me is what Steve means. He doesn’t say it out loud but he has the feeling Chrissy sees right through him. 
“I was so mad when she told me. It was such a fucked up thing to do.” 
Steve nods, doesn’t see the point in expanding this conversation. 
“Look,” Chrissy says eventually. “She’s not a bad person, she just… sometimes she gets obsessed with things and she doesn’t know when it’s too much. This was too much. It was crazy and hurtful. I thought about… breaking up. But I know her and I know this was just a mistake.” 
Steve doesn’t know why Chrissy is saying all those things to him. He shrugs. Maybe if he doesn’t engage she will leave him alone. 
“I know it’s not good enough. But she’s really sorry.”
“She would love a chance to try and fix things.” 
Steve shakes his head. “No thanks. I asked her to leave me alone.” 
"Robin's not the best at boundaries if you haven't noticed," Chrissy says and it honestly annoys the hell out of Steve. He's pretty aware of his roommate's problems. He had been looking for another place to live ever since his talk with Robin but it seems luck isn't on his side, at least not with the budget he has right now. 
"Oh, I noticed it alright," Steve replies dryly but that also doesn't seem to faze Chrissy. "Like I said, the best she can do right now is leave me alone and not send her girlfriend to, what? Guilt trip me into forgiving her? Not happening."
Chrissy seems a little ashamed at that, but Steve doesn't care. He doesn't! The people pleaser inside of him is definitely not cringing at himself right now. 
"Listen. She did send me here, but all she wants is another chance at fixing things. She knows she fucked up bad but like I said, Robin's not a bad person. She was pretty nervous when you two first talked about this and she thinks she can explain herself better. I know it sounds like bullshit but I told her I would try to convince you to go talk to her and if you said no, we both would respect your decision."
Steve is about to say no. He wants to say no. He wants Robin to suffer for messing with his life and Eddie's and for fucking up something that could've been so good. But Eddie's not really answering his calls right now, Steve is about to flunk one of his classes because he's been so stressed about the whole thing. He's been stressing about getting a new place too, and finding a roommate that's not a total psycho and also someone who won't potentially try to sell his organs on the internet. He definitely needs a place that he can afford and for a second he considers it. 
And then, he has an idea. 
"Ok, I'll go."
Chrissy's whole face lightens up. She must really care about Robin to react like that just by Steve agreeing to go talk to her. He's not going to forgive her, just hear her out one more time because honestly? It can't get worse than it already is. 
"Yeah. But I have one condition."
"Of course, anything," Chrissy says, nodding enthusiastically. 
"I'll go and I'll hear her out. If she's just bullshitting me again, I get the apartment."
Chrissy frowns at him. "The apartment?"
"Yeah. I don't intend on keeping living with her but it's hard to find a place half decent that I can afford. And I can afford this and it's a pretty good place. So she'll keep paying her half until I find someone new to share. Then she'll be gone from my life."
Steve crosses his arms. Either way, he's going to win. He's going to get what he wants, no matter what, even if that's still not Eddie. Steve's been making peace with the fact that he's not going to get Eddie, after all. 
Chrissy nods even though she doesn't seem sure. 
"Shouldn't you check with Robin about this? I can wait."
She bites her lower lip but shakes her head. "No, it's fine. It's a deal."
Steve doesn't know exactly what to think but maybe Chrissy and Robin should work on their communication. 
Chrissy waits as Steve gets ready. He honestly didn't feel like changing but she said he should take a shower and relax just a bit, so he wouldn't be all defensive when it was time to talk to Robin. 
Steve sighs but he ends up agreeing because a nice, hot shower sounds good. His shift was proper hell today and he was looking forward to relaxing a bit, maybe watching something or even calling Dustin to catch up. 
When he's ready, Chrissy announces she will be driving them and Steve shrugs but accepts  anyway. He expects her to take him to her place or something so when she stops at a weird-looking parking lot Steve thinks maybe Chrissy is the one about to sell his organs on the internet. 
"Go on," she nudges him softly and Steve raises an eyebrow. "C'mon, it's not that bad."
"I should've known looking for roommates on Craigslist would have consequences," he says as a joke. Mostly. 
Chrissy chuckles. "It's not that bad."
It is that bad and she knows it. From what Steve can gather they are outside a dive bar in all its glory. Steve is not opposed to dive bars in general, but this was definitely not how he expected his Friday night to go. 
"Fine, I'm going, but just so you know my parents will come for you if something happens to me." 
"Robin says you don't talk to your parents," Chrissy grins at Steve and he shrugs.
"It was worth a shot," and then he's out of the car and into the quiet cold night. 
The bar isn't as bad as Steve imagined, even if it's called Hellfire. Not a very inviting name but then again, it's absolutely packed and Steve is kind of shocked. There are old-looking guys who Steve would bet have come to this same bar every day for the last twenty years and then some twenty-somethings grouped everywhere, with cheap-ass beers in their hands and loud voices. 
What surprises Steve the most is how both groups seem to get along pretty well, as long as they stay on their side of the bar. 
Steve takes a look around trying to see Robin's mess of mousy-brown hair but she's nowhere to be found. For a second he thinks maybe Chrissy tricked him for some reason but when his eyes inspect the place once again he finds what he was looking for. 
And it's not Robin. 
Eddie is sitting in a booth in the far corner of the bar, with no one around him. Steve might not be the brightest person on earth but in that same second, he understands Eddie is there to meet him, for some reason. 
He clenches his hands closed and walks toward him, trying not to think too hard about seeing Eddie again, otherwise he feels like he'd puke. 
"Hey," Steve says as soon as he's close enough and Eddie rips his eyes from his bottle to look at Steve. There are too many feelings there for Steve to figure out so he nods to the empty seat in front of him. "Mind if I join you?"
Eddie shakes his head and Steve thinks he looks adorable. 
"Interesting choice of place," Steve says to try and make things less awkward. 
Eddie laughs and the sound is delicious and Steve feels like he's winning, somehow. 
"I work here," Eddie admits, but he has a secret smile on his lips as if he knows exactly why Steve said what he said. As if they are connected in a way Steve had never felt with anyone else. 
As if a minute had passed since the last time they talked and not weeks. 
"Good to know," Steve says and he thinks he's flirting even though he should be apologizing but Eddie doesn't seem mad that he's flirting because he's flirting back. Or so Steve hopes he is. 
"Robin said it was a safe choice," Eddie says and Steve can feel her name souring his mood a little. "Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned her."
Maybe Steve needs to get this over with. 
"It's ok. I just really needed to say I'm sorry again. I hate that you got caught up in something so awful and fucked up and I'm sorry I didn't try harder to explain myself and-"
Steve does because he's been rejected by Eddie once and he's afraid he's getting rejected again. He thinks - no, he knows - he wouldn't survive it. 
"Robin might've ambushed me at work and forced me to listen to her explanations and her weird apology."
Steve clicks his tongue. He rests one of his hands on top of the table and feels the pull towards Eddie. If this was any other date he would reach out and grab his hand but he's not even sure this is a date. 
"I'm sorry for that too. Chrissy told me she has a hard time understanding boundaries."
Eddie shrugs as if it doesn't matter. "Yeah, well. That was clear from the start."
At that, they both laugh and it feels so right it hurts. Steve had accepted the fact that he wouldn't get this, not with Eddie, and now. 
Now he might. 
"I'm really sorry, Eddie," Steve's not looking at him when he says it but then he feels a warm, calloused hand on his and he looks up. Eddie is smiling softly at him as if they were all alone in the whole world. 
"You don't need to apologize. Robin explained everything and she said you had nothing to do with it. I'm sorry my insecurities got the best of me. I should've let you explain yourself. I should've believed you."
Eddie's hand feels good around his and Steve moves until their fingers are intertwined. Eddie has a couple of tattoos on his fingers which contrast with Steve's blank ones in a way that feels absolutely right. 
"I'm still sorry. I hate that you got caught up in this," Steve answers easily. 
"Me too," Eddie says. His thumb starts drawing circles on Steve's hand. "But in a fucked up way it brought me to you, here. So maybe I don't hate it all that much."
Steve smiles. He doesn't hate it either. 
Talking to Eddie is as easy as the first day and Steve feels amazed by it. 
They keep their hands securely clasped together as they sip their beers and talk about everything. Steve tells Eddie about his talk with Robin right after he left and how angry and upset he was. Eddie tells him about his talk with Robin and how… Numb he felt. 
He explains he spent so much time thinking he had Steve all figured out that it was really hard for him to see he didn't. To see Steve was telling the truth and to see Steve, for some weird reason, really wanted Eddie. 
Steve feels his cheeks burning hot at that and his skin tingles in the places it meets Eddie's. 
After an hour they drift off to other subjects as if this is nothing more than a typical Friday night date for them. As if they are just picking up right where they left off. 
It's almost 3 in the morning when a shorter guy with curly hair approaches their table and announces it's the last round - and it's on the house. 
"Thanks, Gareth," Eddie says but he doesn't make eye contact with the guy. And the guy actually looks like he's glaring at Steve. 
Steve furrows his brows and Eddie squeezes his hand softly.
"It's complicated, he's just like, overprotective. I'll tell you all about it later."
It gives Steve hope. 
Later looks like the empty alley behind the bar at almost 4 am. 
Not for any Gareth stuff, but for… Other stuff. 
Steve lets Eddie push him up against the wall and kiss him like the world is ending. 
Steve kisses him right back as if they could fix the world with it. 
Eddie feels warm and soft pressed against him and Steve can't contain the small sounds leaving his mouth. Eddie swallows every single one of them, hands finding their way underneath Steve's polo shirt.
Skin touching skin as Eddie's fingers explore him, squeezing and moving around, drawing circles that drive Steve crazy because he wants more. He wants more and more. Eddie lets his fingers brush on Steve's nipple and he can't help but moan, even if they are still in public. 
"Come home with me," Steve pleads, face buried in Eddie's neck as he drowns in his scent. Eddie smells warm and sweet and so good Steve wants to stay there forever. "Please, baby. Come home with me."
Eddie nods against his skin as his mouth nips at whatever he can find and Steve thinks he can come undone right here if Eddie keeps that up. He doesn't want to stop but he does it anyway because he also wants to take his time. 
He and Eddie never rushed into anything and they are not rushing into this. Eddie smiles that gorgeous smile of his and Steve feels like he could die right now and he would still be the happiest guy on earth. 
"Lead the way," Eddie whispers and Steve does, pulling him away from the wall before it's too late and he loses all his strength. He keeps their hands wrapped up together because he knows that's how it's supposed to be. 
He brings Eddie home again, and that tonight they take their time with each other. They talk and laugh and kiss and smile. They take pieces of clothing off and they spread their fingers everywhere. They touch and squeeze and scratch. 
They take each other apart knowing they won't ever be apart again. It's a silent promise in between kisses and laughter. It's a spoken promise when they are all sweaty and tangled up in each other, hands still clasped together, with no space in between their bodies. 
Eddie kisses him again and again and again and Steve feels like he's floating. 
Steve kisses him again and again and again and he hopes he gets to do it forever. 
They wake up to a buzzing sound that tells Steve someone is there but when he opens the door there's only this big breakfast basket. He doesn't need to open the note to know it comes from Robin (and Chrissy, he finds out later). 
There are all kinds of foods and a fancy sparkling wine that Eddie immediately opens and pours a glass saying you can only fight a hangover drinking more and Steve wants to drop everything and lock Eddie in his room with just the wine. 
There's also a key Steve recognizes as their front door key. He hums as he looks at it and Eddie pushes the wine in his hand as he grabs a piece of bread from the basket. 
"Are you going to forgive her, you think?"
His question isn't loaded with anything other than curiosity. Steve gets the feeling Eddie wouldn't judge him either way and still, he doesn't know the answer. He shrugs and feels Eddie hugging him from behind. 
"That's ok. There's no right answer here," Eddie says, placing kisses on his shoulder and neck as if he's chasing every single one of Steve's moles. Maybe he is. 
"I don't really know what to do," Steve admits it out loud. Eddie's hand feels so solid around his waist and he feels grounded for the first time in a long time. Maybe ever. 
"Her professor is getting his license revoked," Eddie says and Steve feels a strange satisfaction at that. "She's getting suspended and is probably going to lose the whole semester."
Steve doesn't know if it's too much or not enough. There are too many feelings inside his chest right now. 
"I'm just saying. It's not only up to you to punish her. And you should, you know. Punish her. However you want. Just don't punish yourself in the process, ok?"
Steve's not sure what this means but he knows he's going to figure it out. Robin already gave up the apartment and she's getting held back in school, and Eddie is here and maybe Steve believes nothing else matters right now. 
"You're too smart for your own good," Steve says as he turns in Eddie's arms and finds his mouth so he can kiss him again. 
He tastes like sparks flying and Steve kisses him like he could love him. 
Eddie kisses him back as if he already loves him. 
For now, it feels like enough. 
Previous | Read it on Ao3 and leave kudos!
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thetraumaking · 29 days
The Accursed Crown
Other Chapters
Chapter 7: Role Model and Vices
Princess Azula is a mischievous little girl with great potential. Who seized her father’s attention the moment she was born. She was surrounded by wealth anyone could ever dream of. Even at the tender age of 5, she was getting the best education and training in the nation.
All those material things are nice but eventually, anyone could acquire them at some point. All bet not all at the same time.
But not anyone can have.
Her amazing guardian, trainer, mentor, and the person she adores the most. While others had their boring old–one-trick– mothers. She had you.
You, who is strong, beautiful, honored, brave, respected, and even feared.
Mothers tend to be old and boring, but you were anything but. You had the best training imaginable, a master fire bender, all that, and still so young and in your prime.
It’s a given, the best for the best. Azula nodded to herself.
Her life was truly great.
But recently, while the norm was having you by her side all day every day, her father and grandfather had been requesting you to be present at the war counseling.
And during your absence, she is left alone in the company of her mother and older brother.
As she’s sitting by the pond, lazily swinging her leg, she ponders when you will be picking her up. Her brother and mother feeding the turtle ducks, talking about the most random things.
The day was being wasted.
Groaning, she looks up at the sky. At least tries to, the sun was at its highest point. Trying to keep a staring contest was more eventful than indulging in whatever the topic of their conversation was. The light was blinding, she could see blobs of blue and pink swirling around within the giant ball in the sky. How do such colors appear within the sun?
She made a mental note to ask you about it later.
“Azula, don’t stare at the sun, you’ll go blind.” She heard her mother say.
Hmm, so she cares. She looks away from the sun and at the two that looked at her.
With a smile, Ursa rips the loaf of bread in half and hands one half to her. “Come, join us. Let’s feed the turtle ducks together.”
Staring at the offered loaf, she nods. As she was about to rip a small piece off, she noticed something. Her mother always has her hand on her brother. Either holding his hand, carrying him, or letting him lay on her lap. Like he was helpless or something, maybe he was.
Maybe he was overly dependent on those around him. She lets out a humm, her eyes dead set on her laughing brother. He doesn’t look dependable, maybe that’s why mother pays so much attention to him because he can’t handle himself. So, between the two of them, since she has more potential it's only natural as to why she’s under your care.
Especially since her mother is a non-bender, what benefit would be there if she stayed with her? She might have ended up weak like her brother.
Looking over, she watched as her brother, Zuko, was seated on their mother’s lap. Their mother rips the bread into smaller pieces and hands them to him as he throws the pieces in.
Such fools, wasting their time.
During her quick observation, something began to stir inside of her. She’s not sure what it is but there’s a certain tightness in her chest. The feeling reminded her of whenever you would leave her for meetings. The longer your absence the more her chest hurts, she recalled.
A plan began to brew in her head.
If she pretended to not know how to feed these little creatures, would her mother treat her the same as she does her brother? Would this sudden feeling of longing subside?
Internally groaning, she decided to continue on with her plan.
She squeezed the loaf in her hand before throwing it overhead. Hitting the turtle duck her mother and Zuko were feeding. Triumphant with her perfect hit, she expected a praise at least.
But nothing of the sort came.
“Azula, that is unbecoming of a princess!” Ursa chastises, her hands still on her son. “Go sit by the stairs, think about what you did.” She didn’t yell out but her voice was stern, eyes hard.
She was surprised by her tone. No one has ever spoken to her like that. Not even you.
“Hadn’t 6 taught you better?”
Her fist clenched.
That was an unnecessary comment.
She has already wasted enough time with these imbeciles. Growling, she ran. She doesn’t need to deal with this. She doesn’t need to deal with Ursa, that supposed mother of hers.
Ignoring the woman’s call, Azula simply ran. She ran towards the place she was handed off to. She got to the war room, where every important person within the palace gathered to discuss strategies and brief about tactics. Once there, she didn’t knock, she’s not an idiot.
She’s not like Zuko.
Instead, she sat behind one of the many pillars. Her back against the cool red, she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged herself. She needs you. Her chin propped up on her knees, she missed you.
Her mother was stupid.
And blind as it seemed.
Sniffling, her shoulders tensed. Her emotions swirled inside her: anger, hurt, confusion, and… clarity?
Out of all that, her anger was the most prominent. Her jaw clenched and her emotions grew.
The torches around her started to flicker but she paid them no mind. Taking a deep breath, she drops her hands from her knees. Hand motionlessly falling on the floor, palms facing up. When she breathed out, she felt warmth spreading from her palms.
Peeking to the side, her eyes widened. Her previous damp mood quickly switched into excitement. Excitedly, she brought her hands up closer. Examining her fire with a smile.
You’d be so proud of her.
Fortunately, she didn’t have to wait for too long.
The large double doors cracked open as all the council members poured out. She quickly and quietly stood up, keeping her fire close to her chest.
Once she made sure all the unnecessary onlookers were gone, she stepped out from behind the pillar. Her eyes searching for you.
When she found you, her smile broadened. She saw you bow to her grandfather and father before closing the large metal doors behind you. You had let out a sigh, your fist clenching once before loosening. Something you tend to do when tired.
Once the coast was clear, she ran towards you.
“6! Look what I can do!”
She presented her fire to you. Her eyes bright and expecting, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waited for your reaction. “Well? Am I great or what?”
She felt heat spread from her heart to her cheeks. You don’t smile often and when you do, it’s the best.
“Yes, you are. You’re amazing, Azula.”
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art3misg33k · 3 months
i see ur most recent post and obviously i have to ask abt trent
My favorite character right out the gate lets go!!
(Ok wow this got sooo long I am sorry)
Starting with my personal takes & headcanons Trent is so nonbinary to me. They give such vibes of being like “idk man I’m just existing” as well as at first thinking they just really didn’t care about gendered stuff bc society is stupid about it but then realized just how deep those feelings were. I also love just any headcanon of Trent not being cis in general. The gender queer vibes are so strong with that one. In terms of sexuality I’m really not sure? I think they’re to multiple genders but idk in what way. Bi, Pan, and Unlabeled are the ones I’m stuck between.
On a slightly more analytical note in I think in Island they are well showcased as a nice chill person but also having the capacity to stand their ground and be intimidating (that one scene with Cody).
I don’t think they’re really good with social queues and may be a bit gullible seeing how things went down with Heather. On the outside has that mysterious energy but can be a real goober when you get to know them. Insane silliness potential that was wasted in my opinion.
Crossing into the semi-headcanon but also canon implied type stuff is their neurodivergence. In TDA it’s obvious that Trent has some neurodivergent tendencies. I personally think OCD and autism. I hate the way it was handled, not because they gave Trent these traits in the first place but how they framed them as a crazy person. That treatment was definitely very damaging to Trent and most likely made them go to heavily masking, even more so than before. Being pitied so much also felt incredibly frustrating to them.
The way that Trent was launched into fame right after a messy breakup on international television definitely made things worse. They seemed like they were thriving while the band was together but in reality they were only being seen for their music and not who they really are, pointedly ignoring their neurodivergence, flaws or any wrongdoing on their part. It hurt seeing how they were treated so horribly when it came to their mental health but as soon as they started singing they were suddenly this sweet, emotional, amazing guy.
And in terms of my headcanon they were also dealing with a ton of dysphoria being seen a guy in the Drama Brothers because they were closeted. I personally think that they had only found out a couple of months before Island so they weren’t comfortable telling anybody yet. They felt like they could tell someone close like Gwen eventually but didn’t want to come out on tv so they said nothing. I think in the days between the finale and TDA Trent became afraid again not wanting to ruin things with Gwen in fear of her being upset that they wouldn’t be the cool talented boyfriend that she expected. On the Aftermath they didn’t really have anyone truly there for them only having those who pitied them or who thought they were an awful person, leaving them isolated not just about dysphoria but just their existence in general.
I do believe that between TDA and WT as well as onwards that Trent was able to build a genuine friendship with Justin, Harold, and Cody despite how messy things got with the band at times. Unintentionally they started unmasking a bit around them closer to when WT started and when they weren’t met with judgement (maybe a bit that was just genuine misunderstanding that got corrected but still) Trent was starting to more and more feel like they could be themself. (Back to more headcanony for a sec) After WT Trent came out to the three of them and was met with acceptance! From there Trent is able to progressively come out more and more from their shell and from the closet to more people!
Also hopefully patching things up and becoming friends with Gwen eventually but that’s just like a wish I have
I think I just unintentionally typed out a whole outline of what I think their life is instead of just my opinion on them in general but yeah.
Some random headcanons!!:
- (Stolen from Courtney-deserved-better) A lot of people think that Trent looks so cool and mysterious but in actuality they are usually just zoned out
- Biggest sensory issues are with sound. They’d go insane without headphones/earbuds bc the music is nice and their noise as opposed to how horribly loud life can be (Kinda projecting on this one but it makes sense for them so shhh)
- Listens to most genres but especially the ones within the general indie/alternative umbrella. A good amount of ppl think that they only listen to mainstream pop type stuff so when they’re with Trent and some darker/depressing type shit like CSH comes on from one of Trent’s playlists they are so surprised.
- Likes some of what the Drama Brothers made but a lot of their brand was pushed into them by producers and the whole band kinda hated how fake things felt at times. After WT they manage to get away from that company and the band gets a lot more creative freedom making what they want. (Also changing the band name eventually bc of Trent if we’re talking in a world with my nb headcanon. Not sure when or if Trent would publicly come out but if not before the name change then they all just make something up about rebranding)
About ships! - I personally love tons of td ships being a massive multi shipper, especially with characters that are my faves (With an exception of Raj I don’t rlly see him with anyone but Bowie). Gwent was the first ship I ever got into with Total Drama and it has a special place in my heart. It’s not my absolute favorite but I still love seeing them together and au’s where they actually work things out healthily during Action or where Action and or TD didn’t happen. I love a lot of other ones too like Trustin and Trody and a lot more! I think my favorite Trent ship may actually be Trenoah, it’s really my favorite rare pair. Ik they didn’t really interact but the POTENTIAL!! They would play off of each other so well and ahhh dude I think I’d need to make a separate post just taking about those two
And that’s the basics of my thoughts on Trent! (well maybe not the basics but trust me it’s not all that I have to say about them).
I think in the future I’ll make a post about what I think their potential backstory is bc I got carried away and didn’t rlly cover that here. @ashyjingles if you want me to @ you in that just let me know!
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dreamypqulson · 1 year
— and i know we got some potential, cause that look you gave me was so gentle
summary: cordelia tutors you when you fall behind in your herbal class unbeknownst to her that the reason your so lost is because you can't take your mind off of her.
pairing: cordelia goode x reader
word count: 1200
a/n: i know i haven’t posted in awhile and i have requests that i have to write but this was just a little scrap that i’m deciding to post so nobody forgets about me! :)
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It was awful, really. And you felt bad for it. For wasting her time. This is not going to help. If you needed some extra help in your herbal class, then you need assistance from Zoe, or Queenie, or Myrtle, someone who is not this woman.
It was comical, and you almost laughed right in her face when she ask you if you wanted her to tutor you later in the evening. You didn't need help. You were a smart and powerful which. You just needed her out of you head. There was too much of her to even pay attention to the task at hand.
And it hurt too. There was no denying that. With the many obvious signs that she was helplessly in love with you, you ignored them all. She's the supreme for god sakes. She was so close yet felt so out of your reach.
You were just wasting time in this goddamn greenhouse. Every minute with her counts, but right now, you were just staring straight at the wall behind her, daydreaming of what you could be doing instead. What— no, who you could be kissing and showing you truth to.
You hear her snapping and it pulls you out of your deep trances. It's honey brown eyes and hair golden in the moonlight that's shining through the roof window that you notice first. "Are you even listening?" She doesn't sound annoyed, but she's clearly had enough of this. All this. What even is this?
"I'm sorry, Miss Cordelia. I am, I just—"
"You don't have to call me that, ya know." It hurts too much to not call you it. If you call her Cordelia then it seems to real. She's not your mentor, not your supreme, she's Cordelia. And so you stand behind that Miss Cordelia barrier that you build. The one that Cordelia tries so hard to break down.
"I know." As you stare into her eyes so warm that you feel as though your melting, as they soften as they stare back at you, she cups you heated cheeks. You know that she feels how hot they are, you know that she knows what is going on with you, but still, she asks,
"What's really going on? You're one of my strongest witches, sweetie."
You truly want to tell her that she's so distracting because you've unwillingly fell in love with her. Because, then, maybe you'll be able to pay better attention in class. But instead you tell her, "I just haven't been sleeping right," sugarcoating your love for her and letting it melt in your mouth.
It's not a complete lie; because you cannot sleep when she walks by your room to assure that you are safe in bed. You cannot sleep when you've see her only an hour before your rest in a simple pajama slip. Milky silk and see-through if it were any thinner.
"We should make you a sleeping potion then." She knows your lying, but she is not going to force you to be honest. That's not what she is here for. She just wants you to be ready. She would wait forever for you to tell her how you feel.
And then she's gathering the ingredients. Patting around the greenhouse as soft as a spring day, and you have to look to see if she is even walking. Look to see that she's not flying around instead of walking like an angel that you could mistake her to be.
She stands behind you and her arms are locking you in between the table and her body. She's wearing a nightgown like every other night and you can feel her breasts press against your back. Your breath hitches and you think she notices because she asks if you're okay. You nod, because you cannot speak, you cannot do anything besides stand there as if you were built with cement.
Her blonde hair falls against your shoulder and you get a strong whiff of her lavender shampoo. She smells so sweet and you feel like you are being embraced by a fresh pastry.
"Do you remember one of the key ingredients for our sleeping potion?" She tests you, because she knows that the day she taught this, her shirt seemed to be just a little shorter cut than usual. She knows you weren't paying attention to sleep and potions and herbs that day.
"Um...," you feel so pathetic for not knowing. So useless. "No, not really."
She smiles still. You can hear it in her voice, "That's just alright. Chamomile is one of the main ingredients." She speaks softly and begins grinding the chamomile into the mixture. Her freckled arms rub against yours with each movement. Bare skin against bare, and you yearn for more.
These emotions are too strong for your body to handle. They cannot fit as you are too much already filled with Cordelia. You are going to explode if you don't let it out somehow. And so you stand there and permit silent tears to roll down your face.
You assume that Cordelia won't notice, but a warm tear ends up landing on her hand and she cannot stand there and pretend that it didn't happen. She doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, but the only way she knows to make everything better is to be upfront and loving.
She grabs your waist, gently, and turns your body so your facing her now. It's so close; you can feel her soft breath against your face and her legs are practically intertwined with yours. "I don't want you to lie to me anymore," she doesn't sound angry still, just so desperate. And you know you look a mess right now but she thinks you're so pretty.
"I don't think I know how to not do that," more tears fall down. You are so afraid because you know that it's too far this time. There is no going back to what you once were with Cordelia just an hour before this.
"Show me?"
Your trembling hands cup her cheeks this time, smooth beneath your palm. You don't want to pull her forward, you need her to show you that she isn't the supreme right now. You always need her.
"It's okay," she merely whispers, nods, and smiles softly. And you forget about you fears, about the sugarcoated emotions on your tongue. You lean forward and everything's so fuzzy and blurry around you; like a fever dream, but it's oh so real.
She moans into your mouth. She sounds so pretty against you. It's the perfect combination of her vanilla chapstick and your strawberry one to create the sweetest taste.
Her hands are still on your waist and she pulls back, but only her lips so she can rest her forehead against yours. "Not so scary, right?"
"Well i'm scared that I just fucked everything up."
She shakes her head and smiles delicately at you. "You didn't fuck anything up. I would've been out the door by now." Your laugh and hers are a soft melody that echo against the four walls of the greenhouse. She grabs your hands and tangles her slim fingers with yours. "I. love. you."
"Promise me that it's what you want." You still can't believe it. But you can't have it if it's not real.
"It's what I always wanted. What I wanted when I met you. What I want, still, now."
"Then you should know that I always wanted it. I love you too. So much."
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah @goodeday2u @lanawinters-ily @strawberryshorttcakkee @sapphicforsarahh @ahsfan05 @stayevildarling @isle-of-earle @cordithatgurl @mistysswampmud @billiedeansbitch @billiedeanspearls @cigaretteology @favoriteredhead @lovingsarah @cordeliass @citizenoftheworld-stuff-blog @multi-royalty-main
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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ira-hydrangea · 1 year
My mind has gone through some phase right now where I kinda need a little break... So it's just decided to pop out a new story 🙂. So... Here we go...
The Forgotten
Yuu realized that after Malleus overblot, something weird happen to them. They see shadows and heard a voice coming from the darkness.
In horror and confusion, they talk with Micket through the mirror. Mickey knows what happens to them and explains it to them.
So, when facing overblot, the blot has also accumulated and it almost reaches it power when the phantom or the blot manages to get into Idia and escape from S.T.Y.X
It regains its almost full power with Malleus overblot. Now, the phantom cannot exist without a vessel. At first, the one that they choose is Grim but then noticed that Yuu are far better than anyone. They come with no magic but have endless growth potential. The phantom also starts to notice Yuu's body adjustment to Twisted Wonderland magic. And what makes the phantom more sure about making Yuu into their precious vessel or puppet?
The hope and despair that Yuu has. Who knows maybe after witnessing Yuu facing so many of his overblot forms, it's also started to have some fondness towards Yuu. (Almost similar to Mother Gothel).
Learning all this from Mickey, Yuu can only stare at the mirror in shock, and at the same time, the silhouette of the phantom starts to emerge in the form of a man. Smiling wickedly toward Yuu before said "Soon..."
As day turned to week, the encounter between Yuu and the phantom becomes a daily routine and Yuu even feel that sometimes, their consciousness start to seep away.
"I... I can't do this anymore, Mickey! I-I don't want to wake up only to see that I have hurt my friends! Please! You got to help me." plead Yuu as Mickey watch with sadness.
"I'm sorry but... Even I don't know how to get rid of them. The most I can do is find a way to seal him. But with that power, I don't think I can do it..."
"No way..."
As Yuu's silent cry fills the room, they then start to think of something.
"In that case... Do you know a way for me to... Seal myself away?"
"If I can't find a way to make the phantom leave then... I can seal it away along with myself. That way I would not hurt anyone."
"Please, Mickey! I rather choose this than hurt my friends! Please, Mickey..."
"I.... Ugh, fine...."
And so, with the help of Mickey, Yuu starts to prepare a place and spell that will seal them along with their consciousness into a deep slumber. Mickey still thinks about Yuu's safety and suggests that they do it with the help of the Artifact or items. It a more safe path for Yuu to use so they agree.
Mickey proposes that they need to choose some people that will be trustworthy enough to hold the artifact or items. Someone that not only act as a holder but also as a guardian or knight. That why a few people from RSA pop up in Yuu mind.
(Let's just say that is a gender-bent from the Disney Princess version)
There are a total of seven artifacts that will be used to seal Yuu away. The Seven Knights of RSA or the guardian are also chosen because Yuu manages to build trust and a relationship with them. For example, Neige or maybe Rollo? (shocking, I know).
And the last preparation is a spell. A spell that can make anyone besides the artifact holder or the guardian forgot the existence of Yuu. This will make everything more bearable for Yuu so that their friends won't waste so much time searching for them.
On the promised day, Yuu spends all their time before with all their friends doing whatever they want. In the last week, they smiled before entering the place with a mirror along with their guardians.
The place that the magic mirror helped to find is an abandoned palace with beautiful scenery. The Magic Mirror respected Yuu's wish and decide to assist. So unless someone holds the key, they cannot teleport to Yuu's place.
(How I imagine the place. So Yuu will sleep in the throne as soon as the spell and the artifact is activated)
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Walking towards the throne with a solemn look as their cape blow gently behind them. You look at the pictures of every single of his friends before letting them fly away into the distance. As they sit in the throne looking at their RSA friends -no... They should call them, the guardian.
With a nod, the guardian start to activate the items and the magic soon start to engulf and make a barrier around Yuu before slowly, Yuu close their eyes and fall into a slumber.
At the same time, the magic in Twisted Wonderland starts to activate too and no one will remember the existence of Yuu. Only a few ones that still remember. The guardian, Mickey, The mirror, and somehow... The little feline, Grim.
Maybe there is a mishap in the spell?
I plan to make this into a series. Depending on me, maybe it will be here or on Wattpad. But so far, this is the scenario I manage to think of. So, What do you guys think? Feel free to add your all own thoughts in the ask section or comment section.
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sucrows · 1 year
This ask game might not be about breeding kink but if i try hard enough with my request i can make it so 😤🖐️(/j)
Nazuna, Madara, and Rei for C, I, and R?
(please and thank you! ❤️❤️)
It (breeding kink) haunts me. damn siren call...
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[C] CUM:
God, he loves coming inside. Inside him or inside you, he wants it. For him, there’s something about feeling so warm and wet inside, and knowing it’s not from his doing but rather his partners... he loves feeling claimed. When he does it to someone else though, he tends to feel a bit sentimental. You trust him enough to allow this? Unprotected sex always has a level of risk, even if small but you still want him to? He also loves it when others cum on him. Over his face, his back, his stomach, anywhere. Once again, feeling sinfully claimed in such a way makes him so excited. 
He definitely defaults to a more casual, sweet vibe to sex. He can absolutely get very passionate or soft, but overall he aims for smooth, pleasurable sailing. He has a tendency for praise so there's always a level of sweetness to it. That is unless he’s getting railed. Then all bets are off and he’s willing to be a begging mess. 
He has some hard limits. While he can be convinced to at least try a lot of kinks and BDSM related action, things more along the lines of RACK rather than SSC are too much for him. He doesn’t want to hurt his partner in any way. In terms of unprotected sex, he’s very willing to finish inside his partner, but less willing to let his partner cum into him if he can get pregnant. He wants children one day so it’s not the end of the world to him if you have them early, he just doesn’t want it to interrupt his studies or idol work just yet. For things more along the lines of public sex, he’ll outright refuse to do so if there’s any chance of getting caught. While he does love the idea and is more than willing to roleplay it, he can’t risk Ra*bits reputation like that.  
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[C] CUM:
Also a big fan of coming inside. For him it’s pure breeding kink, just instinct that makes him crave his partner so desperately he can’t help it. He almost feels like he’s wasting resources when coming outside. Oral sex is pretty much the same for him too. Cumplay and spitting are just not it for him. He wants to see his partner open their pretty mouth to show off his cum, then swallow it. He’s also perfectly into returning the favor without question. 
He tries to keep it light and almost playful, but sometimes a ferocity overtakes him that he can’t resist. His go to is to tease and praise you, coaxing you into fun. As sex goes on though, he’s more than prone to just giving in and wrecking you, likely singing praises the whole time. He rather likes it when his partner feels perfectly relaxed in his arms. 
Ok, as nice as he is, he is very horny and very willing to give almost anything a shot. He’s a bit intimidated by things such as intense impact play and choking and extremely hesitant about any type of weapon play, but otherwise he’s willing to give almost everything a shot no problem. Public sex isn’t his go to but if the opportunity arrives, he gets way too excited for it lmao. With unprotected sex it’s extremely iffy. With a long-term partner? Maybe, but only maybe. Unless you’re fully committed to each other he doesn’t want to risk it, it’s not that he doesn’t trust you to be a potentially good parent, but rather, he doesn’t trust himself. 
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[C] CUM:
Honestly? He’s not too against sex where he doesn’t orgasm. He’s much more interested in watching his partner fall apart than pursuing his own pleasure. He doesn’t have a preference for inside or outside, though when his partner comes inside him, he loves being plugged up. There’s something about feeling so full of them and feeling used by them that he adores. He is also into plugging his partner, but that’s just more because he wants the moment to rest after finishing and because it gives him an excuse to hold you close and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. 
He’s typically pretty sensual! Sometimes it’s more romantic, sometimes it’s sultrier. He puts his partner above him and wants them in the mood above all else. He likes to do everything he can to rile them up and if he has to pull out the stops he absolutely will. His usual is mostly teasing you while occasionally being a brat himself to tempt you.  
Very experimental! He’s often on the lookout for things to spice up your sex lives in terms of toys and people but he’s also very willing to give most new kinks a shot. The only thing he’s actually fully not into in my eyes is being a sadist. While he loves seeing his partner fall apart, something about inflicting pain- even if they’re begging for it- makes him cringe. He can tolerate some light painplay on his partner, but he will shy away from anything beyond some regular rough sex in terms of potential pain. Also, as much as I want to say he would, realistically it's a big no on fully unprotected sex. He's very concerned with his family's condition being passed down so the prospect of his own children is one that requires a lot of discussion beforehand. Maybe one day, when you are both ready... but not yet.
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
For "your court of owls batfam" au , how would Bruce react if Cobb ever got seriously hurt to the point of maybe having to be replaced? Also how do Dick and Jason feel about Cobb? Do they get along or is it strictly professional?
Okay so Talon lore is that very little can keep a Talon down permanently. They can even regrow limbs if given enough time! So that’s neat. But basically replacing Talons isn’t a practice often exercised.
I know the Court canonically tried getting rid of Cobb in the Court of Owls saga because he got defeated by Batman and they didn’t think he’d “recover from the shame of being so thoroughly deafeated”.
It therefore stands to reason that he’s aware that he’s easily replaceable (there is always more than one Talon at any given time, although stored away in cryo usually) if he doesn’t perform to the Court’s expectations. Cobb is the best, been the best, Talon for over a century (?) now, but that means nothing if he fails to fulfill his missions.
So let’s say Cobb gets heavily injured by something that shouldn’t have been much of a challenge for a Talon. Let’s say his inattention/hubris/whatever nearly gets Bruce killed—-
That would be scandalous.
For one, his injuries will take several weeks to heal. Weeks in which the Voice will be virtually defenseless without their Talon. This is unacceptable.
And Two, some regular two bit criminals should have never been able to best a Talon in such a way. It’s a disgrace to the Court.
No, no, a new Talon must take Cobb’s place now. He has become obsolete. His services have been appreciated, but, “oh, you understand dear Talon, don’t you? The weak must be culled from the flock”.
And Cobb understands. He does. He’d thought- he thought he’d have more time, though. Time to convince Bruce to let him train the boy after all, to make sure his Voice is protected even after Cobb is gone. That the Court’s machinations will not see Bruce dead before the year is done because the new Talon will not know that Bruce is the best thing to have happened to the Court in a century. They will end up killing Bruce, killing Dick— (he shouldn’t care- he doesn’t care. He doesn’t. He doesn’t. He doesn’t-)
But then Bruce storms into the labs like the onset of a hurricane, all righteous fury and indignation, Dick hot on his heels (wide eyed and still too little with not enough training to hold out against the new Talon long enough to at least escape) demanding what the fuck is going on and why his Talon isn’t back by his side yet.
And he doesn’t accept the scientists’ reasonings that Cobb has done his duty; has become “outdated”. Doesn’t accept the reassurances of the “new one” being just as good— no, better, than the previous one. Doesn’t accept that a new Talon is supposed to protect him now. (“Him or none,” Bruce says, tone colder than the permafrost of the arctic, and at his side Dick’s eyes flash with unvoiced threat. “Now get out of my way.”)
As to the relationship between Cobb and the kids, well. His and Dick’s relationship is tense at first. Cobb has no interest being anything of a family to him despite their blood relations. He only sees Dick as a potential new (and perfect) Talon that could keep Bruce safe if he himself is deemed “outdated”. He’s not happy about all the potential “going to waste” by Dick being made Bruce’s ward, being allowed to live a sort of normal life. But once Dick approaches him for some training in physical combat… well. Sorry, Cobb tried. He really did. But Dick Grayson invented charisma, and even Cobb isn’t immune. He grudgingly starts liking the kid but will deny that until he’s blue in the face. Dick ends up being the Gray Son of Gotham, the highest ranking court member after Bruce with the training of a Talon.
With Jason it’s more straight forward. At first Cobb is pissed at Bruce for taking in a “street rat” and intending to adopt him, but… well, Jason grows on him “like fungus” (a direct quote). At first Cobb doesn’t really know what to make of Jason. The kid is loud and aggressive, but shrinks away like a wilting flower at the first signs of someone raising their voice. (He’s soft, Cobb thinks. The Court will eat him alive.)
But Jason’s also got a spine of steel as he clearly demonstrates when he jumps Cobb with a knife after an unfortunate misunderstanding where he assumed Bruce was in danger of him, and that kind of loyalty at least he can work with. (The kid’s still soft inside as all get out, but he’s excellent at covering it up with violence and bravado, and his charm is that he’s honest in a way so utterly foreign to the Court that it endears him to all the trustworthy members within a few months).
Jason becomes The Heart of the Court, the morality that Bruce was starting to have trouble clinging to; keeping them all on the right path towards a better future. A better Gotham.
(Cobb absolutely loves the children as much as Bruce does. It just takes him a bit longer to get there. And Jason is his favorite sorry I don’t make the rules. COUGH.)
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zoeykallus · 28 days
How do you feel abt the finale? Will you be writing again?🤍
I will be writing again, in fact I'm working on it right now. I still have a lot of catching up to do in the request section, as well as continuing my fics. How do I feel about the TBB finale...? Oh gosh... Well, I can tell you, as much as I love them, as much as I would have loved to see more seasons, the ending of season three was such a disappointment to me. There was so much wasted/unused potential that it downright hurt/frustrated me. Some things felt more like fillers than plot relevant. And as much as I loved to see certain things going on, some just simply angered me.
The following is just my perception, my opinion. It's totally fine if anyone, reading this, thinks and feels different about it. To each their own... I'm usually not that critical about TBB, never have been. But this was the ending, the goodbye, the part where everything comes to a close.
There was such a build up and hints for Tech to be CX 2, partly. Maybe a lot of it was wishful thinking by the viewer, but still. They could have made them reveal, after he was killed, that it was Tech, for example, or reveal it first and still make them fight, leaving them no choice but to kill. There was so much missed potential right there, for real emotion and Drama, that wasn't used. But that's just one thing. Well, yeah the Zillo Beast was kinda cool I guess... But why was it there in the first place? What for, what use did it have? We don't get any kind of info about that... it's just there, for Omega to use it and wreak havoc. *shrugs* wasn't really impressed or happy with that part to be honest. As cool as the destruction was, it was just that, nothing more. It felt like a filler, just put there for Omega to use, without any further explanation before or after. Rampart suddenly wanting to steal the Data instead of getting out of there right away and saving his ass?! Did he really think he could blackmail his way back into the empire? Plain stupid, sorry. Even if the empire did agree, as soon as they had their hands on the data, Rampart would be executed or thrown back in his cell. At least that's what I would do as the empire. He worked for those people long enough to know that. That was just a facepalm Moment for me. Honestly, as much as I despised that guy, I'd rather would have seen a redemption arch about him than Nala Se sacrificing herself to destroy the data and kill Rampart in the process, in a forced scene to make her look badass and make us feel something. ....Oh my god we lost her, but she went out like a badass... gosh I couldn't care less, she died because Rampart is suddenly a total dimwit, if this scene made me feel anything, well, it's anger. He was a Vice Admiral before, can any airhead become that high ranking now? Anyway...
The way Hemlock died was, well, interesting. I did like the little call back with Crosshair steadying his Shot on Hunter's shoulder, like he used to do with Tech, but the rest of it felt... rushed. The intensity buildup was pretty good in parts, but the things mentioned above, ruined it for me. I did love to see all the other clones to get freed though, I was moved to hear/see them ready for one more fight, not leaving TBB on their own. One more time, fighting with and for their brothers, for their freedom and most of all, fighting for something they chose, not for something anyone else ordered them to fight and die for. That part I smiled at with a little tear in my eye.
And the very last scene, with Omega and Hunter. I loved to see them this way, him grown old, her grown up. But I felt miffed about Crosshair and Wrecker not being there. Would Omega really just sneak away and leave them? Maybe she didn't really want to say goodbye or arguing with them about leaving, but on the other hand, I feel like they owed it to each other to say goodbye, to wish Omega luck and have a more emotional moment. Besides, I might be just miffed about the fact that we didn't see old Wrecker and old Crosshair as well.
I guess, after all, it's a Disney show.
All in all, I'm not entirely happy with how things ended. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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sunshine-zenith · 9 months
Also let’s talk about how the crown affected Farmworld Finn and the Winter King
Finn Mertens isn’t the warm(get it), happy guy we’re used to. He’s still protective and badass, but he stays out of trouble. Some of it is clearly just the world he lives in — the Farmworld isn’t the safest place overall — but he shuts down at the mention of the crown. The opening scene of Destiny shows the “Snowman” attack a family, including a baby, potentially killing them — even if he doesn’t really remember that (like Simon only has fuzzy memories of being Ice King), the knowledge alone is enough to haunt someone for the rest of their life
Winter King, meanwhile, was clearly living in denial — he redirects attention to all the gifts he could give than focus on his time as Ice King, he refuses to admit the awful thing he did to his Princess Bubblegum, and he claims not to remember Betty before suggesting Simon replace her with magic. This last bit, he tries to play it off as a joke and calls it unethical, but we see an Ice Marcy in the castle — he’s aware that the shit he pulls is messed up and he’s fine with hiding it.
The thing is, he lived with the curse for like 900-ish years before finding a way to offload most of the curse onto another person. Candy Queen is a danger to him, and even if she isn’t he clearly doesn’t enjoy her being around him. But he’s choosing to let her keep existing — he’s chosen for years to let someone else suffer the way he suffered, because he’d rather face inconvenience/danger/the knowledge of how fucked up his actions are than go back to the crown
Let’s look at how these two compare to Simon — while he’s overall been more alright with talking about the way the crown affected him than Finn Mertens, he’s also willing to go back to it. Sure, Ice King doesn’t have the weight of fairly recent human murders on his back, but the guy was technically a villain and did hurt people. On the other hand, neither of them are coping with the crown’s aftermath well. Finn and Simon both seem to have unhealthy relationships with alcohol to cope with the crown — Simon’s shown binge drinking and seems to be a regular at the bar. Finn on the other hand has children and is clearly doing his best to provide to them, so I doubt he gets wasted often, and the one time Jay said he did, it seemed like an accident, but it’s notable that the only time he was willing to talk about his trauma was after he had gotten drunk
That lack of warmth (get it lol get it) I mentioned earlier is something they both share as well. Finn still has his Jake and clearly loves his dog, but he pulls his daughter away from Jake to have her do chores, even though Jake was clearly itchy and very much doesn’t have the strength or flexibility to properly scratch the itch. Finn’s children are well cared for, but quiet. They clearly don’t expect much affection from their father, and seem pretty used to him being unhappy/short with them. Simon, meanwhile, shows remorse for making Astrid cry but doesn’t make up for it when she returns. He isn’t reaching out to Marceline, even though she’s basically his daughter and would totally welcome him around (plus Bubblegum seems pretty happy to hear from him as well). It had only called back later or something, they could’ve talked about how he was trying, he clearly was, but he still needs help.
They also share an aversion to cold it seems — Simon’s reaction to the ice in his drink, all the times Finn Mertens stares into open fire (though maybe there’s a chance his wife could’ve been the Farmworld’s equipment of Flame Princess, but you gotta admit this series is really leaning into Finn/Huntress Wizard). It’s notable that, after wheedling ice magic as a teenager, the adult Finn Mertens builds a flamethrower into his prosthetic arm
Simon and Winter King, meanwhile, have some interesting parallels in how they treat Fionna and others. Simon’s so at the end of his rope and not coping that he’s willing to return to mental hell, essentially go though with magical suicide, under the guise of helping Fionna and Cake. Sure, his desire to help them is genuine, but his self sacrifice here is deeply unhealthy. Winter King is meanwhile behaving horrifyingly selfish, but with equally desperate motivations (the PB/CQ situation), and he’s hiding behind it by giving out presents and entertainment. He’s genuinely fulfilling Cake and Fionna’s wishes, and is sincerely trying to fulfill’s Simon’s “need” for a new crown. He’s gleefully giving them tours and playing games and inviting Simon into his lab. Shoot, he doesn’t have to use magic to give Cake Wi-Fi but he does anyway
The difference is that Simon is doing something self destructive with his need to help Fionna, while Winter King is distracting from how destructive his actions are by giving Fionna what she wants
Then there’s their respective Bettys. Simon’s not coping with losing Betty, like, at all. She either doesn’t exist anymore or she’s more or less become a god. He’s trying to summon a way to her instead of living his life. Winter King meanwhile is acting like Betty meant nothing to him. Sure, he’s had at least a hundred years to properly work through her death, but like. He’s a Simon. And he seems to have even less of a support system than our Simon — his only friends are a couple of ice people he made. Dude totally hasn’t sat down with his grief to work through it. He clearly isn’t letting the past go even though he’s acting like it doesn’t matter to him (the Ice Marcy thing)
I don’t have a conclusion, other than like. Ya know. The crown hurts people. And clearly the multiverse doesn’t have a therapist that specializes in helping people working through that pain
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engie-ivy · 2 years
(Early for @wolfstarmicrofic! That's new for me! Wolfstar Get-Together Fluff! That's not new for me😋)
4th: Tumbling
It was a right person at the wrong time situation. Now, time has changed, but, as Sirius points out, the person hasn't.
Literally Right Here
Remus steps outside, hoping that the cool air will calm him down a bit. He feels frustrated and annoyed. Also a little hurt. And okay, admittedly, jealous.
Prewett eyeing Sirius up all night. Dearborn buying him drinks with his endless stream of flirtatious comments. Fenwick touching Sirius’ arm constantly and so very unnecessarily.
“Rem? You okay?”
Remus takes a deep breath and turns around. “Yeah, alright. I’m just... frustrated.” He wasn’t really planning to elaborate much, but maybe the frustration is just too strong, because the words keep tumbling out. “With the whole situation. I mean, I don’t regret it. I made the only decision I could’ve made, I know I did. But sometimes I just wish I didn’t have to make that decision, you know?”
“...not really,” Sirius says slowly.
Remus sighs and looks away. “I guess I just hate that I’ve missed my chance.”
“Chance at what?”
Sirius chuckles. “Remus, what are you talking about? Of course you haven’t missed your chance at dating! You’re only twenty-two, for god’s sake. You’re smart and handsome, and everybody adores you. You still got plenty of opportunity to date.”
“Dating you, I mean.”
A couple of years ago, Remus was in a bad place.
He’s had a lonely childhood, living off somewhere remote with only his parents, being home-schooled. He only got into contact with kids his age when he went to high school, and that went... poorly. Remus wasn’t used to social situations, plus he looked different because of the scars on his body from an accident when he was six years old, and he quickly learned how cruel kid his age can be.
When Remus started college, he met Sirius, James, Peter, Lily, Marlene and Mary, who were kind to him and wanted him around, and Remus... did not take it well. He felt like a fraud. Like he was fooling them into thinking he was a person worth having around, misleading them by making them believe he deserved their friendship, and it would only be a matter of time until they found out he really didn’t.
Then, things got even worse when an uncharacteristically nervous Sirius confessed that he had an interest in Remus that went beyond friendship, and asked him out on a date.
Remus completely panicked. Just the idea of dating Sirius filled him with dread. He’d only be waiting for Sirius to realise that he could do way better than him, and consequently blaming Remus for wasting his time. Although Remus didn’t know much about dating, he did know that panic and dread aren’t what you’re supposed to feel when thinking about going out with someone, so Remus did the only thing he could do and rejected Sirius.
In the next two years, thanks to an amazing professor, Ms McGonagall, who saw the potential in Remus and helped him see that potential himself, talks with a psychologist, and the continued love and support of his friends, including Sirius, who wasn’t resentful and decided that if a friend was all he could be to Remus, he was going to be the best friend ever, Remus got better. Sure, he still has his insecurities and anxieties, but overall, he now knows he is a worthwhile person who has something to offer.
So no, Remus wouldn’t change what he did. He just wishes it hadn’t been necessary to do it. Especially when he thinks about Sirius’ eyes, or Sirius’ smile, or Sirius’ kindness, or, well, anything about Sirius really. When he sees everyone vying for Sirius’ attention, and he realizes that, under different circumstances, Sirius Black could’ve been his.
Because Remus knows by now that it had only been the timing that was wrong, not the person. He is, in fact, hopelessly in love with Sirius.
Sirius stiffens. “Dating me? You’ve never wanted to date me.”
“I’ve never been able to date you,” Remus corrects. “I wasn’t able to date anyone back then, wasn’t in any position to be dating, not with how insecure I was. I would’ve freaked out about everything, to the point where you would finally be fed up and leave, ruining our friendship in the process.”
Sirius opens his mouth to protest, but Remus continues.
“I don’t regret that I rejected you, I just regret that I was in a place where I had to reject you. But it was never about you, you know? I actually kinda really like you.”
Sirius just looks at him for a while, and then he says “You’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, aren’t you, Remus?”
“Excuse me?”
“Have you ever considered,” Sirius asks. “If you are ready to date and are interested in me, to just ask me out?”
Remus stares at him. “Assume you’d still want to date me? After I already rejected you? Wouldn’t that be a bit presumptuous?”
“If you would’ve come up to me and said ‘Okay, Sirius. Thank you for waiting. I took my time, and now I do want to date you, so let’s go’, then yes, I would’ve thought ‘Huh, that’s a bit presumptuous’,” Sirius says. “But if you said ‘Hey, I’m in a much better place than I used to be, and I know it’s been a while, but if you’re perhaps still interested, would you consider going out with me?’ that would’ve been fine! More than fine. That would’ve been pretty great, actually.”
Remus still stares at him.
“You’re regretting what you’ve lost, but you fail to see that the thing you think you’ve lost, is actually right here.” Sirius waves his arms. “Like literally right here!”
Remus continues to stare at him.
Sirius sighs. “I don’t think I can make it any more clear. Just think about it.” He turns and walks back into the pub.
Remus keeps staring at the door for a while, then he reaches a conclusion and marches inside.
Sirius is at the bar chatting to James. Remus walks up to them and taps Sirius on the shoulder. As Sirius turns around Remus immediately speaks. “Hey, I’m in a much better place than I used to be, and I know it’s been a while, but if you’re perhaps still interested, would you consider going out with me?”
“Fucking finally”, James mutters, while Sirius grins. “Why, Remus, what a wonderful suggestion! Come to think of it, I might still be interested, yeah.”
He then throws his arms around Remus, pulling him into a hug, and as he does so, he whispers in his ear “Always have been, always will be.”
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heliianth · 6 months
actually bc im never gonna shut up abt it while im still on this im gonna ramble abt botw and totk and maybe how i wouldve written a sequel . & i will pay u money to listen i promise
my favoritest of totks ideas are what it expands from botw. botws whole atmosphere is drowned in quiet mourning. something bad has happened but it was a long time ago. it still hurts but theres nothing to be done now but move forward. something is still missing but all you can do is find something else. nobody has resources to rebuild and you can hear deafening echoes of better times but the alternative is giving up. you are in this frozen state of not quite moving on and not quite in despair. like the numbness stage of grief. and the pivotal element of all of that is that link is alone. like, oppressively alone. its the primary vehicle of conveying this mood. and its interesting because this can be read not only as what link is experiencing through the player but what zelda is feeling as she holds back ganon. its an interesting contrast to have zelda mature faster than link in the flashbacks, only for link to pull her the rest of the way by growing himself
and the reason why i so strongly adore the light dragon aspect of the plot is because it shows how attached to everything zelda has gotten. arguably, zelda held back ganon in botw because she loved link. in totk, she becomes the light dragon because she loves hyrule, which had previously been so unimaginably cruel to her. the crux of her character is learning that attachment is good. loving is good. you deserve to leave an imprint on the world in a shape of Your choosing instead of being another factory print on a paper. on a surface level, shes making the same choice, but the motivation and growth behind it is really powerful
i could waffle for literally ever about all that and the point is that totk takes these ideas and implements them really well through in-game worldbuilding and specifically zelda turning into the light dragon. i would occasionally get extremely emotional just seeing how things have expanded because it feels like the world is finally moving on. theres a catharsis in seeing hyrule finally heal after knowing its desolation so intimately, especially because the state of the land itself is such a strong parallel to the arcs of the two main characters, so you get the sense that not only can people move on, link and zelda specifically have started to as well. thats my favorite part
thats why i think its an odd choice that they decided on a time travel plot. if zelda HAS to be the one getting saved, if she cant be a companion in some way either via sheikah facetime or spirit tracks shenanigans or whatever, there are lots of ways to do this without her being magic fruit snacked ten bajillion years into the past. why spend all this effort intertwining her and link with the land, only to remove her from the equation and have no further growth? in botw its understandable that hyrule is stagnant and only changes when link does because zelda is stagnant and link is doing the one changing during the game. in totk its the opposite. there are lots of ways to do this with out Having to play as zelda (though honestly that would be the way id go about it)
also a lot of my own ideas have to do with the wasted potential of a place like the depths???? what the hell do you mean theres this mind bogglingly big cavern underneath the entirety of hyrule which mysterious people used to live in and it has almost no story relevance beside being a cool setpiece???????? I FEEL INSANE?!?!??!?!? there are so many good ideas in totk that never get expanded dude FUCK
i think no matter how much i speculate and draft my own preferences of how i wouldve liked totk to elaborate on the things it introduces i cant ever bring myself to present them like they couldve realistically happened and gotten thru the nintendo writing room simply bc of the games format. if it were up to me doing certain story missions would radically change the open world as events happened in real time and thats not the MO of the game's design philosophy. honestly totk's biggest enemy is the memory system and i need to kill it with fire
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itskeej · 3 months
draw the vampire squad I need to see them noW
(fun fact I'm that one anon that asked for ur OC lore cuz I don't have toyhouse lmao I still don't)
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well. there they are. some info that i do got about each under the cut:
The eldest physically, but the youngest vampire.
Ex-priest. He's perpetually pissed off at Luciano for turning him, as he can no longer step foot inside of a church without it hurting him gravely.
Very bitter about the fact his soul was (probably) saved yet he still exists like this. The entire vampire bit is a struggle for him, to put it mildly...
He has totally prayed before a meal of blood only to accidentally bless it, essentially poisoning himself. He has never done it again since.
He is also the reason Luciano has his cross-shaped scar on his forehead! The first time they met, Victor freaked out and smacked him in the forehead with it. It was night time, dark, and his glowing eyes scared the shit out of Victor. It was the first thing he thought of—
Often tries to avoid hunting until the last possible second, right before his hunger-induced bloodlust kicks in. He hates being a vampire that deeply, so he puts it off as much as he can.
Somehow, he's the strongest vampire of the bunch, much to Jacyn's dismay. It feels like Victor has wasted potential. While the others get moody and a little more violent when starved, Victor turns into a whole other man entirely. You'd think that'd be enough convincing for him to keep himself fed on time, but apparently not...
The eldest vampire. He's been around the longest. It shows in his skin with how sickly it appears. Luciano likes to bug him about it.
Definitely let himself get turned thinking immortality would solve some problems of his (it did not). What problems? I've yet to work that one out.
Very much wants power. He's sort of "asserted" himself as the head of their dysfunctional house, it sporting his last name. None of them really care, so it wasn't much of a fight.
Believes humans to be beneath immortal beings. Their mortality places them a step below someone like him. This was not the belief he held before wanting to turn, though.
Much more violent than the other three solely due to not being afraid of getting his hands dirty. He likes to play to his natural strengths, and blood-drinkers... well, they have inhuman levels of natural strength.
Second youngest vampire.
As probably very evident by now, he's quite the pest. He's always poking his nose into other people's business or making playful (or what he believes to be playful, at least) jabs at the others. He's quite fond of Victor, while Victor... it's complicated. He hates him, but he feels like he needs to get used to him being around.
Vain... his appearance physically is one of the most important things to him. Dirty his clothes and he'll kill you. Maybe even literally, depending on the garment. Arguably his biggest downfall—he's cried to Hellena about a torn cloak before, to paint a better picture.
Very care-free attitude. He's often out mingling with the night-life of their town.
He views humans like fodder, often referring to them as such and treating them the same way a human would speak about animals.
Drank the blood of someone on drugs once... never again. Not because he'd mind doing it again, but because none of the house knew how to handle a high vampire.
Second eldest vampire and second eldest physically.
The easiest tolerated by Victor. The two of them will sometimes sit and talk.
LITERALLY THE MOST SANE IN THIS GODFORSAKEN HOUSE. Between Victor's constant self-loathing, Jacyn's desire for violence, and Luciano... being Luciano, she's so incredibly normal about things.
Drinks her blood though fancy cups! Instead of feeding all at once, she spaces it out. She just prefers it that way, hehe.
She's not sure what she's going to do with her eternity... it's depressing to her, the time she has set out before her. So, quietly, she's trying to find a sense of purpose, a personal journey that's been going on for many, many years.
Sometimes she feels like she's parenting the rest of them. It's exhausting... but, admittedly, humerous. If anything else, she's content to make sure the other three don't somehow manage to kill themselves.
Despite her appearance, she's not that worried about things like ruining her clothes. Possessions and the like are easily replaced and fixed.
Smokes cigarettes. Her lungs don't suffer. She used to as a human and that habit carried over.
As you can see, Victor is definitely the most fleshed out so far LMAO, he's the first one I made and the first I've done rp with among friends, so I've got more knowledge about him. u_u
The others, I'll have more detailed info for in time! >:)
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sepublic · 3 months
Tbh I hated the whole prison-cop subplot in Crystalized and found it deeply frustrating, especially after sitting through the one we got in Skybound. I think way too much screentime was wasted on it, instead of properly fleshing out the actual villains, exploring/resolving other dynamics, addressing the Ninjas' feelings about certain events. But amidst all of the other wasted potential, I really think they should've replaced Hounddog McBrag (probably my least favorite character) with the snake warriors from the sets released earlier that year, as part of Ninjago's CORE line. Because unlike Hounddog, the snake warriors, at the time, were actual sets, and Crystalized later even brought the 4-in-1 mech into the story!
As for what they are, c'mon, it's obvious; They're Constrictai. They're black and orange Serpentine. One of them even has the short minifigure legs the Constrictai exclusively used. And it feels like them and the Fangpyre have gotten kinda forgotten in these newer years, with Ninjago usually defaulting to the Hypnobrai, and admittedly the Venomari in Legacy, when bringing back the Serpentine. So bringing back this tribe into the spotlight would be nice.
Just say these guys are Constrictai bounty hunters hired by the city to capture the ninja; Maybe they have a past vendetta towards them, related to the events of S1 and the Serpentine's failed plot to take over Ninjago with the Great Devourer. Maybe they haven't fully let go of old pains. With a lot of the setting at this point being in the desert, this also makes the tunneling Constrictai more of a threat because there's no structures to climb up, think Tremors. It makes a river an even more fitting way to escape them, if they're bad at swimming.
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Instead of a whole army consisting of variants, just downsize them (for the sake of animation budget) into individual characters; Cobra Mechanic, Boa Destructor, Viper Flyer, Python Dynamite, and maybe Sneaky Snake. You could still retain the cowboy motif for one of them, given snakes are usually associated with cowboys anyway. You could even link Cobra Mechanic’s dual flamethrowers to Miss Demeanor by revealing they supplied her!
Have the snake warriors harass the ninja in the desert for a bit, and then they disappear when the Crystal King properly enters the plot. Then when they return, it makes more sense because they're not general keepers of the law, just bounty hunters hired for this specific mission, who already have a grudge against Lloyd and Garmadon and thus aren't really worried about maintaining the peace.
And when Lloyd does make peace with them, it's in the sewers where several crystalized Serpentine are; Seeing Lloyd and Garmadon spare these crystalized Serpentine gives the Constrictai bounty hunters more reason to pause and reevaluate their motives, especially when someone else is hurting their kind and not just humanity. And then maybe they can show up at the end to help against the Crystal King and with rebuilding the Monastery, I dunno. This could play into a larger theme of letting go of revenge, which is relevant to Harumi's story, and could play into Lloyd not wanting to embrace his anger as an Oni (plus the Overlord's return being fueled by hatred).
Dragons Rising still managed to acknowledge the CORE sets of its year with the Greenbone Warriors, who actually show up and play very brief, yet nevertheless antagonistic, roles. If we're not going to focus on the actual Crystalized villains even though these episodes are already airing during their set wave's release, you may as well allocate screentime to antagonists from actual sets instead of making up another generic human cop character.
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bistaxx · 16 days
Actually I don't think I'm gonna publish that post afterall, half cuz I don't wanna rewrite it and half cuz judging by the posts I've seen a lot of people have already said what I was going to anyway- so here's a condensed version- and this is mostly just me getting some stuff out of my system tbh lol
I still really do not get why the server didn't close down for longer/do a hiatus, it just genuinely seemed like the most logical solution from every angle: a financial one, a burn-out one, a reconstruction one, and to strengthen credibility and trust- instead they just kept things going again as soon as they could and it just felt so careless and so cruel to the employees who'd been let go with no explanation or those left in limbo unsure if they still even had a job or not. It also was just not fun at all watching a server that felt like a soulless zombie-shell of it's former self.
I get needing to let go of the egg admins- I'd much rather say goodbye then have them strung along underpaid/not paid at all solely because fan loves them and they rake in views.
That said I wish the goodbye streams were better planned and it's a bitter feeling knowing some of the eggs won't ever get to say goodbye
Somewhat related to above, what Cherry (Em's admin) said on stream REALLY does not give me any hope that this new team will be any better then the last- At the very least I'm glad Cherry has the other former admins and Bagi there to support her.
same goes for the twitter translators who were canned and replaced with AI- like I can get those teams being cut because those roles were imo a LOT to ask out of an employee and not sustainable- it's the way they went about it that leaves an extremely sour taste in my mouth and makes me worry that there could be more fired employees who were treated similarly.
I still really do not know how to feel about the reset especially since we don't know anything about it- Common thought seems to be it is happening on the 24th which like...first of all why is this happening so soon why are you so obsessed with rushing back into things stop it- second of all... I just don't know if I feel comfortable sticking around for it cuz like I said above right now I don't feel like I can trust this new team not to repeat the same shit the past one did (and I'll most likely miss it anyway since I work that day of fucking course LOL)
I don't hate this project, I don't want to root for it's failure, I don't want it all to fall apart- I wanted it to get better- I'm critical of it because I wanted it to be better for everyone. I'm beyond devastated with how this turned out, all the wasted potential from every angle just eats me up inside, I truly thought things were going to get better. A naive hurt part of me is always gonna wish that things do get better and maybe somehow the stories I loved so dearly will somehow come back... but that is such copium lmao
I'm probably still gonna lurk around because I love the community on here and because I am morbidly curious to see what they're gonna do with this project next... I don't think I'll watch personally, but I'll keep up with the liveblogs. I stopped my queue awhile back cuz I felt so bad about the server and everything, but I'm gonna reopen it soon. Even though I still feel too bitter rn to look back on it all fondly I still want to support a talented resilient community that deserved better.
I wish I could feel better about it all, but I'm not gonna waste time getting my hopes up.
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