#mandalorian x black!reader
moonlitdesertdreams · 2 months
Too Sweet
A/N: Hi friends. I haven't written anything in a while, as I've been tussling with my mental health and raging SAD from the weather near me. Please accept this Mandalorian drabble? Rambling? Takes place between the end of season two and Din's appearance in the Book of Boba Fett. Tags: The Mandalorian, Mandalorian x Reader, Din Djarin x Reader, Mandalorian x F!Reader, Apostate!Din WARNINGS: None Summary: You've been a safe place for Din Djarin for years. He comes to you at his most vulnerable, but always has to leave before you're ready. Title inspired by the Hozier song of the same name.
Word count: 1.6k+
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Hours later, you’re still in shock.
Din Djarin is in bed next to you, sans helmet.
It wasn’t unusual for him to be in your home- hell, it would be more unusual for him not to be there between jobs. Your Mandalorian had spent years visiting, hovering somewhere in between a lover and a partner. He shows up in the afternoon one day, and is gone early in the morning before you wake. When he returns, beaten and bruised, you chastise him for leaving without saying goodbye. The routine was comfortable. Familiar. 
Except every other time he had been there, you had never seen his face. 
It feels like a dance each time he comes. You tend to his wounds quickly but gently, lathering cuts and bruises in bacta before wrapping bandages or slings where necessary to let the medication heal. Once you’ve played nurse, Din secludes himself to your study to eat dinner. And each time, without fail, he leads you to the bedroom to extinguish the fireplace and blow out your candles. His hands find your body, and he ravishes you in the darkness. 
Key word being darkness.
Today was the same song and dance. He’d limped into your cabin without greeting, shaking snow from his armored body and settling himself into a kitchen chair while you fussed. A tube of bacta and half a roll of bandages later, he silently trudged away to eat in the study. There was a distinct lack of little green child with him today, which was a major concern after the past year. You suspected it had something to do with the oppressive sense of sorrow following him through the house. So you carried on with your usual routine, asking little to no questions. It wasn’t until he’d crowded you up against the sink, bowl still in your grip as you rinsed it, that he spoke. 
Strong arms wrapped themselves around your waist, and you leaned back into an unarmored chest. In hindsight, you chastised yourself for not noticing the words lacked the electrical buzz of a vocoder. 
“Din.” You returned.
He only grunts, right hand gliding up your side. It grips your shoulder, and presses until you turn to face him, bowl still gripped in your damp fingers. 
“You know, words are- Din!”
The porcelain bowl shattered as it collided with the kitchen floor. You’d dropped it out of pure instinct, hands flying up to cover your eyes. As much as you’d tried to forget what you saw, it was burned into your brain. Wavy hair, long nose with a scar crossing the bridge of it. Big, brown eyes that couldn’t possibly belong to someone so stern and ruthless. It flashes across your mind, and you almost tear up at the thought of Din breaking his Creed after all these years. 
But he’d pulled your hands away and explained - while your eyes are still pinched closed- that he was an apostate. The Child was returned to his own people, but at the cost of Din’s Creed. It had taken minutes of coaxing and reassurance, but you’d opened your eyes and cursed the universe for being so cruel as to hide such a face. From the set of his brow to the nervous biting of his lip, you basked in seeing so much bare skin. It took less time for him to attach his lips to yours and lead you out of the kitchen.
He’d taken you to bed, and now here you sit. 
Your room isn’t anything special. Quaint and cozy if nothing else, with two small windows that face out over the mountain’s edge. A fireplace flickers opposite the bed, its warmth trickling out to the sheets and heating your toes. Two bookshelves border either side of your headboard, with a nightstand tucked on Din’s side of the bed. On it, the usually extinguished candles burn bright. 
The firelight flickers against Din’s tan skin, highlighting each bead of sweat and curled tendril of hair where it sticks to his forehead. He’s naked, back propped against the headboard and covered in a maroon sheet from the waist down. You’ve donned a short silk robe, black and bordered with laces where it plunges between your breasts. You lay between his legs above the sheets, head on his chest. One of his large hands caresses your scalp and trails to the ends of your hair. The other hand is occupied by a half-full glass of old Corellian whiskey. 
You trace a line of yellow bruises on his hip where they extend below the sheet on his lap. 
“What happened to you?”
His chest rumbles. “I fought an Imperial Moff. And Imperial battle droids.”
Your eyes widen, and you sit up. Din’s hand leaves your hair to grasp at your waist, pulling you to face him.
“Stars, Din.” You reach out to touch a patch of black and blue skin over his collarbone. “No wonder you’re so beat up. I’ll get you some more bacta before we go to sleep.”
He lifts your fingers from his collarbone to his mouth, kissing each fingertip. “You’re too good to me, cyar’ika.”
“You deserve it.” Is your instant reply. 
If there was anything you knew about Din, it was that he never quite comprehended the good he brought to the world. 
The Mandalorian brings the whiskey to his lips and takes a swig. You opt to push an errant curl behind his ear. 
“I’m not a good man,” Your name falls off his tongue like honey. “Spent my whole life as kyramud.” 
You tilt your head at the Mando’a. He’d called you some pet names for years- mesh’la, cyar’ika. But this… kyramud was new. Without his helmet, hearing anything out of his mouth was like a drug. But Mando’a warmed you to the core, building off Din’s comfort and fondness when he spoke the ancient tongue. You yearned to know more. 
“Teach me Mando’a.” You kiss him gently, tasting the whiskey where it lingers on his lips. “So I can tell you why you deserve every bit of kindness.”
Din adjusts your legs so you’re sitting square between his, rear end on the bed and legs straddling his waist. He props you up with the ridiculous amount of pillows lying around. 
“I’ll teach you anything you want.” Din strokes your knee. “Where do I start?”
You chew on your bottom lip. “What am I to you?”
“Ner cyare.” He pauses, debating. The whiskey makes another appearance, and you’re distracted by his Adam's apple bobbing deliciously in the column of his throat. “Naysol uj par ni. Each day I see you is aay’han.”
“What does that mean?”
Din tilts your chin up. “My beloved. Too sweet for me.”
You blush. “What about the end? Ay-hen?”
“Aay’han. Mourning and joy. At the same time.” He finishes the whiskey. “I mourn when I leave you here.”
Much to your annoyance, tears prick your eyes at the reminder that when you closed them, he would be gone before you woke. “Don’t remind me. Please.”
Din leans forward to capture your lips with his. The sensation only serves to make the stinging behind your eyes worse, and a single tear drips down your cheek. He’s quick to kiss it away, large hand curling into your hair. You climb all the way into his lap, suddenly desperate for closeness. His skin is hot and damp, and you’ve never felt anything better. 
“Ni ceta. I never meant to hurt you.”
You sniffle against his neck. “Just promise me you’ll say goodbye from now on.”
He wets two fingers with his tongue and extinguishes the candles before cradling you in strong arms. Two words are murmured into your hair, quiet but sound.  
“I promise.”
You grip him tighter than ever, warmth sadly fading as the dread of morning envelopes you. 
The reflection of daylight off snow-covered ground wakes you. 
It bounces in your windows, bathing the room in cool white light. You blink slowly, a heaviness settled on all of your limbs. It’s a familiar soreness that aches from your shoulders to between your legs, dredging up memories of the night before. Din’s bare face, and all the sweet words in Mando’a that he tried to teach you before you remembered he can never stay as long as you’d like. You sigh, letting one of your arms dangle off the edge of the bed. The thought of turning over and seeing the candles, thinking about him blowing them out on each visit was too fresh. It’s easier to lay and stew in your sadness, watching fluffy flakes of snow fall. The clock on your wall reads ‘1457’, another unintentional reminder of your late-night escapades.
You hate to admit that the feeling makes you tear up again. So you lay in bed, curled beneath a thick comforter while the fireplace crackles its last few breaths towards your feet. It’s easier to stare at the snow than it is to close your eyes and think about Din. 
“Damn it.” You breathe. 
“What are you damning?”
You swear that you stop breathing for a moment. Despite the fact that he had already spoken, you ask aloud, “Din?”
The sounds of bare feet padding across the floor nears, and the Mandalorian appears in your vision. Barefoot and clad only in a pair of loose gray lounge pants that tighten at his ankles. His abdomen is without cover, displaying an array of healing bruises and deep scars. You sit up, letting your feet hang off the bed. 
“You’re still here?” You look at the clock again. “At 1500?”
Din smiles, kneeling in front of you. He presses a mug of steaming Caf into your hands and a kiss to your forehead. 
“If it’s alright with you… I might be for a while.”
It’s your turn to smile as he smoothes away your bedhead. 
“No arguments.” You sip at the warm mug. “I’ll keep taking my Caf in bed, though.”
As always, if you enjoy please like/reblog and check out my links for more :)
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- Rigor Mortis - college roommate!Miguel O'Hara x reader
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summary: Relationships end. People die. You move on, and Miguel does too.
warnings: angst, slow burn, smut, friends with benefits, mentions of depression, child death (not explicit), grief. 18+
- Just to kiss me - Finnick Odair x Reader
summary: You meet Finnick at a gala. He's not what you expect.
warnings: angst, strangers to lovers, mentions of depression and suicide, emotional hurt/comfort, canon level violence.
- Meet the Millers, part one, part two, part three - neighbourhood dilf!Joel Miller x reader
summary: Your neighbour, Joel Miller has always caught your eye. After a perfect storm of events, you end up in his house. Or more accurately, in his bed. 
warnings: pwp, fingering, grinding, squirting, dirty talk, eventual fwb, reader and Joel are oblivious asf, a bit of angst . 18+
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spacecowboyhotch · 7 months
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summary: he knows your scent— he knows your heart and now he knows your people.
pairing: din djarin x fem!black!reader
contents: longing, pining, fluff, cultural differences
wc: 2.5k
an: this has been a longggggg time coming but this one's for you @cptn-nash and for all of the black women who feel left out of fandom. there’s always space for you.
pedro characters masterlist
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The crest always smells like citrus with a hint of cinnamon these days. If Din closes his eyes he can imagine himself standing in an orchard with you by his side.
The warm, fresh smell is all thanks to you— to your hair, your people, and your culture. All things that you hold close to your heart and in turn, Din tries to respect. But, it is not lost on you that he cannot understand the importance of hair to you and your culture completely, not when his is hidden inside of a helmet day in and day out.
What he does know is how much he enjoys yours— watching the way your curls move when you walk, how they pile into the crown when you tie them up, how a bit of them spill out of the silk scarf you wear at night when Grogu refuses to sleep without you and the two of you take over his bed. He has to tear himself away from the sight of you—dark skin lit up in the moonlight and his foundling in his arms— slinking off to your bunk. But there is a reward when he gets there— the sweet, concentrated scent of you rests on the fabric of your pillow.
In the deepest recesses of his mind, there’s a place where there’s just the three of you. Din holds to his creed, unwaveringly so, but here there is no worry of exile. No worry that you or Grogu will be taken away from him on one of your adventures through the galaxy. There is just you, holding his son, curls blowing in some light evening breeze. There is just him, wrapping his arms around the both of you, his nose pressed into the crown of your head as he is able to succumb freely to your scent. He doesn’t let himself go there often, not when he is so unsure that he will ever have it.
The two of you are charted for a bounty when you ask him to make a detour that is quite out of the way— you need something for your hair. And while he’s more than happy to make sure your needs are met, he has to ask.
He glances back at you, his voice soft and not unkind as he asks, “Could you not use my things?”
If you didn’t share the fresher with him you doubt he even had things. He does, though they aren’t as intricate as yours. There are worse things than smelling like the Mandalorian, yes but proper hair care is sacred to you and your people.
You smile at him, shaking your head, “No, it doesn’t work like that. There are specifics, rituals, ingredients.”
“And it is…strict? Necessary?” You can practically hear the confusion in his voice, his lack of understanding.
“As necessary as this,” You murmur, leaning forward and raising a hand to cup the cheek of his helmet.
He blushes within the space of his helmet, unable to bite away the grin that spreads across his face. You and Din teeter on the edge of more— never explicitly naming or acknowledging any of the affection that passes between you, but undoubtedly knowing that the other is devoted. There’s something particularly sweet about his dedication without words. There is no doubt in your mind that he cares for you, but with this lifestyle, with his creed, neither of you make any move to change your relationship.
This is enough. It has to be.
When the silence sits thick between you for a beat too long, you start to ramble, “Like I told you before, hair is integral to our culture, it helps build every facet of relationships in my village. It sounds silly, but it's the basis of community. We would not be nearly as devoted to each other without hair at the center.”
He hums, delicately taking one of your curls in between his fingers. He studies it closely through the dark t of his visor, noticing the intricate way that it spirals. You let out a soft, shaky breath– feeling his eyes on you is something you’ve become used to, but the effect it has on you never dissipates.
“I could show you,” You murmur shyly, feeling the fascination in his gaze.
“Show me?” He repeats cautiously.
“Show you how my momma taught me to take care of it,” You suggest. After a moment of hesitation, you add, “Show you my home as you’ve shown me yours.”
The two of you have gone to Mandalore—just once, to show Grogu what should be his home and collect water from the sacred waters. You’ve always tried not to put too much stock in Din letting you tag along— where else were you meant to go if you’re his travel partner?
His helmet tilts, shock in his sandy voice, “You would take me to your home?”
You gaze with the black void of his visor breaks for a moment before you look up at him through your lashes, “Of course I would, so that you could see where I come from, how I’ve become who I am. You let me see yours. Would you like to see?”
He nods, finally releasing the curl that he was still holding between his fingers.
“Chart the course and then I will show you why I take so long in the fresher,” You say, backing out of the cockpit.
He meets you there just as you finish turning everything the correct way, labels up. You keep it all in a bin that you take to and from the fresher, not wanting to take up too much space.
You can’t see his shock but you can hear it in voice, in the way he tilts his helmet as he says, “This is…a lot.”
You laugh softly, before explaining, pointing at various bottles as you do, “There are different products for different times of year, holidays, special occasions.”
“Special occasions?”
“For one’s birthday or wedding. Even for a funeral. All milestones in life, from beginning to end.”
“And you must have all of it at all times?”
“You are to be prepared for all of the days of your and your neighbor’s life. If we were to meet someone from home during our travel and they were in need of something, then its my duty to help. It is our custom. Our way so to speak.”
Din hums in understanding. He understands living life a certain way more than anyone you’ve ever known. He starts to understand the importance— but this is just the beginning. He wants to know everything about your people, to fuse the two of your cultures into something loving and uniquely your own.
It takes the night to make it to your home, allowing you to arrive in the morning. You’d sent a communication to your mother as soon as Din had agreed, and she had excitedly responded, eager to see you after such a long stint away. Eager to meet Din, though you’d given her no indication that things had progressed romantically between the two of you.
When you wake in the morning, you find Din a little nervous to have the conversation that made you toss and turn most of the night. You know that he’s quite fond of Grogu, that he loves him with all his heart. You feel the same way, happy to take care of the little creature in any way that you can. It’s a bit confusing, raising a child with Din despite not knowing explicitly what you are. But, you love Grogu. Though you don’t let yourself think about it much, you love Din. You’d do whatever you could to make things easier for the two of them.
But what would your mother think about such an arrangement?
Din tilts his head at you in concern when you inhale a nervous breath, fingers twisting in your lap. He reaches for your hands, steadying them. “What’s wrong? Have you changed your mind?”
You gaze down at his gloved hand that covers nearly both of yours before you shake your head, assuring him quickly, “No, no, I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Then what is it?” He asks gently.
“I know that Grogu is yours, and I’m not ashamed or embarrassed. But, I think it best he stays on the ship while we visit my mother. I don’t want her to assume anything that would make you uncomfortable.”
He’s quiet for a moment, but you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. “You were nervous to ask me this.”
You snort, “He’s your son, Din, of course I was nervous.”
“I understand,” He says, squeezing your hand in reassurance. “The next visit, we can introduce him to your mother.”
The next visit. He plans to make this habitual?
“You’re sure?”
“It’s your home. I’m sure if you’re sure,” He declares with a shrug. As if the decision is that easy for him.
“Thank you, Din.”
He simply squeezes your hand again before clearing his throat, saying that he needs to make sure Grogu is taken care of before you two land.
When the ship door opens, you and Din are met with a plethora of people, headed up by your mother. Din can’t help but notice how much of her is in you— the same rich color of your skin, the curls though they are greying. Some of your beauty comes from her, and some of it is uniquely you.
She gathers you into her arms immediately, hugging you tightly. She guides your curls back so that her lips are at the shell of your ear, “We’ve missed you. I’ve missed you.”
“I know, mama. I’ve missed you too,” You whisper back, pulling back to give you a watery smile.
She turns her curious gaze to Din, looking him up and down. “This is who you’ve been traveling with. A Mandalorian who will keep you safe.”
Din nods his head, and you about melt with embarrassment at the way she’s sizing him up.
“Yes, mama, this is Mando. He is my—“ You start to say but Din cuts you off smoothly, extending his hand to your mother.
“Her partner. Din, Din is my name,” He murmurs, taking her hands into his.
The smile on your mother’s face matches your own— wide, flustered and accompanied by warmth that spreads through your entire body. He may be encased in metal but he can always make a woman swoon.
“Din. Thank you for taking care of my daughter.”
“Mama,” You scold, giving Din a nervous smile.
“It’s a pleasure,” He murmurs to her, his voice just as sandy and nonchalant as ever.
Your mother starts to guide you towards the villages, and Din offers you his arm which you take readily. You’re happy to walk in silence as your mother catches you up on all the happenings— who’s married, given birth, changed professions, or died. All of it goes in one ear and out the other as you try to digest what’s just happened.
He gave her his name. What more is to come?
Eventually, the two of you are sequestered in a corner of your mother’s house as she helps another woman with her hair when Din turns to look at you. You raise a brow at him in question.
He leans closer to you, speaking in a hushed voice, “One day you will teach me to care for my own appropriately.”
“What do you mean?” You whisper back.
You feel his gaze meet yours through his helmet as he says, “When you are truly mine and I am truly yours.”
Your heart skips a beat before pounding rapidly in your chest. You stare into the dark t of his visor, mouth open in shock. He’s full of declarations today, ones that you had hoped would be true but never got your hopes up for. He simply nods his head at you, one of his gloved hands coming to tangle with your own.
Meeting your mother has clearly changed things— all that’s been left unsaid is now cleared up with just a single sentence from him.
His hand doesn’t leave yours as your mother shows him around the village, introducing him as your partner to everyone she can get to speak to her. Din feels a little sheepish, heat creeping into his cheeks by your mothers candidness, by the curious stares of those she speaks to. You keep him close, answering any questions and doing all of the talking if anyone is curious enough to bypass your mother and speak to the two of you.
You don’t even let go to hug those you recognize, holding onto his hand firmly as you wrap an arm around a few of those you encounter. At this, Din’s flush deepens, butterflies in his stomach.
You make him feel like just a man— the most ordinary man in the best way— like he isn’t bound to his creed or this life of hunting. You make him feel like he’s just your Din. A man so desperately in love with a woman that he’d do anything she asked and then some.
Your mother sends you home with droves of oils and butters and soaps. Some of them are for you, but by the labeling and color you can tell that many of them are for Din. There’s a variety, as with the helmet she couldn’t properly see the texture of his hair and gather the corresponding products. It’s your mother’s way of telling you she approves and you hold her tight, murmuring a soft thank you as you bid her goodbye.
The two of you unpack Din’s things, setting the bottles and containers up in a perfect line. You even fetch your own, adding more clutter that both of you are immediately quite fond of. It means more than Din could know, but he’s starting to learn.
He invites you into his bed that night and unlike all of the previous times he stays, gathering you into his arms in the pitch-black space. For the first time, you feel him. He buries his nose into your hair the way he’s always dreamed about.
That night once you’re asleep, Din heads to the fresher, curious about all of the things your mother had sent off with the both of you. You spent a lot of time here earlier— even more than usual. As soon as he’s inside, he sees why. You’ve labeled everything step by step and added his name to the products that are his.
He spends an ungodly amount of time under the water, closing his eyes as he succumbs to the sweet smells. And though they all smell wonderful, he finds himself reaching for your things. He wants to be surrounded by your scent.
When he slides under the covers beside you later, he smells like citrus— that telltale hint of cinnamon. He smells like you. One day, he’ll let you bury your nose in his hair so that you can smell him too. Until then, his helmet is filled with the scent of you and he will have it no other way.
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aphrcdites · 1 year
no better feeling than imagining your favorite fictional character doing domestic things with you. you’re at the mall shopping for new clothes??? they’re right there next to you helping you choose & being your best hype person. you’re cooking dinner??? they’re right there next to you, singing and humming along to the music you’re playing. you’re reading a book??? they’re laying on your lap enjoying the peacefulness of the evening.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 11 months
let’s go to a greek island because three men are in love with us and celebrate 5k
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thank you all so so so much for 5000 followers! that is a super crazy number. like, wow. thank you all so much for being here, for reading my silly little stories and for always being so kind. I am unbelievably grateful for you all. this time will be a tiny bit different. not only will I hold a regular, fun celebration (this time in a mamma mia theme because why not? it's summer, it's fun) but I also just so happen to finish writing a story that I've been actively working on since january and thought that since I put so much love and time into it, it seemed fitting to share it as a part of this amazing celebration. here is a little schedule of when I'll be posting them, they are long and one hell of a read, I really hope you all like them ♡
friday (14/07) at 18:00 (CEST) - the murder at evergreen university
sunday (16/07) at 18:00 (CEST) - sour summer (an evergreen prequel)
this celebration will run from now till the 16 of july. anyone can participate and you can send in as many asks as you’d like, there is no limit.
if you need some prompts as Inspo for the request options, then try and click around on my sideblog @prompt-heaven where I keep a bunch of prompt lists very organised.
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fernando - games! (cast your mutuals, fuck marry kill, would you rather…)
lay all your love on me - tell me a random fact about yourself and I’ll say who I ship you with!
super trouper - i’ll give you an abba song that has your vibe!
angel eyes - send me a sfw request!
kisses of fire - send me a nsfw request!
when I kissed the teacher - request a moodboard! (it can be for a character, a prompt, word, name, colour or ask me to make one that fits the vibe of your blog) 
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moots: @ddejavvu @oncasette @fightingdragonswithwho @angelulls @fxllfaiiry @prettyboyeddiemunson @cosmal @creelteeth @spencersfunkysocks @reidslovely @happyheidi @wonderlandhatter @spideyheart @appocalipse @skullrock @starlit-moonlight @chvoswxtch @lone-nyctophile @autumneverleigh @lanadelreyscokewhor3 @bruisedboys @midniteluv @solarluvs @ghostlyfleur @bcyhoods @vhagarlovebot @bradshawed @mystcldydrms @songs4themoon @katyswrites @strrawberrryjam @inkluvs
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Star Wars Incorrect Quote
(Previously on 'Reader who has no knowledge of The Mandalorian)
Din:*Removes his helmet*
( Upon arriving on Plazir-15)
Y/N, internally:Just going on an adventure with Bo-Katan Kryze, Pedro Pascal and a Baby Yoda, because that's what my life has become.
*Y/N sees Captain Bombardier*
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ramen-flavored · 1 month
some of yall wanna know qualifiers, the fighters have whatever weapons/skills the character is known to have
Ex: Geralt has his swords/potions, Bucky has his knives/guns, Bruce has his Batgear, etc.
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apricityxoxo · 6 months
Din Djarin x fem!reader
about 1.4k words
Summary: He must hate you. That has to be why he has such a large aura of hesitance when he's around you. You know for a fact that he does not want to leave his child with you. That has to be why you always get this feeling of uncertainty whenever he's around.
Helloooooo! This is my first ever drabble so kinda nervous but I'm very excited.
Info/Warnings: A bit of fluff and angst. Takes place between seasons one and two but Mando still has loner season one vibes. Canon divergence. It may not be obvious in this drabble but I will always write with POC in mind, especially black women. There is a part with attempted sexual assault but not from Mando and it's very short and has no details. I think that's all but lmk if I missed anything.
You can feel his hesitance, it’s basically oozing off of him. It’s like a dark, scary aura of uncertainty that’s exuding off of him. He does not want to leave his child with you. He’s a large man, tall with large shoulders, a wide back, huge arms and legs, whole body covered in beskar. He’s large in size and mass, you try to stop yourself from wondering what he looks like under the armor, try and stop yourself from thoughts that might disrespect his creed. He towers over everyone, including yourself. You feel like he’s always looking down on everyone, physically and mentally. 
Usually, he exudes confidence, power, and strength and he has every right to. He’s very well known on Nevarro, even before “the incident” with the “Empire”. He’s always had a reputation, you heard that he usually wouldn’t start fights, but he would always end them. Gaining a reputation for being merciless and brutal. 
You’ve heard the rumors but realized how true they were when you saw him fight a man, you’re actually the reason for the fight. Walking a student home because their parents were too high on spice to remember to pick her up. She showed you a “shortcut” that she takes with her low-life father, and because you were so concerned with getting her home before the sun went down you didn’t ask any questions. Oh, how foolish you were, she’s such a kind and sweet girl, and you still don’t think she realizes why her father takes her down that “shortcut”. 
There were many different types of people, spice-heads, dealers, and people dressed in questionable attire, but mainly many men trying to sell something special to you and some went as far as to ask for something special from you. 
You were almost out of the shortcut and onto the main road when someone grabbed your arm and pulled you by your waist to turn you toward him before slamming your back into the wall. You don’t think you’ve ever been that scared, not for yourself but for the young Rodian girl that you’ve come to know during your time teaching her. You’re quick to push the girl behind yourself so she can’t see the man. It's dark and you can’t make out his face and you don’t have time to get a closer look when he puts his face in your neck and his hands are rising up your midsection, uttering threats under his breath. 
Tears start to form in your eyes and you feel like you can’t breathe, “Stop…please” you say breathily and you think it’s the last thing you will be able to say. 
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” you scream to yourself but your body does nothing. You begin to close your eyes, giving up against the large vile, and disgusting man, but before you do you see a flash of rusting silver out of your peripheral.
Before anything happens, to your relief, the man is quickly removed. Your eyes bulge open and in a matter of seconds, you see the man basically fighting for his life against the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian and the other man were fighting for no more than a couple seconds, punches being thrown left and right. Then the man is on the ground with the Mandalorian on top of him. The man stopped moving a while ago but the Mandalorian didn’t stop. 
Only did he stop when he heard the cries of the young Rodian girl and your sweet soft voice trying your best to comfort her and yourself. You can physically see him come back to reality, he stands and when he does you immediately push the girl behind you, trying your best to put on a brave face. 
You see that he looks you up and down to check for injuries, you hope. “Are you okay?” he asks out of breath and modulated, looking at both of you. You nod and wipe the tears off of your face before quietly saying a quiet “yes.” He takes a step forward looking down on you and it makes you so nervous that you begin to look down. 
“Look at me,” he says in a deep and stern voice, obediently you look up at him staring at the “T” shape of the visor. 
“Never… ever, take the back streets again, do you understand?” he says. “Yes” you reply immediately and he takes a step back. You take the girl's hand and quickly make your way out of the alley, but before you leave you make eye contact with the Mandalorian, your opinion of him starting to change.
You think back to that memory often, especially now as he is staring you down as you show him around the small school. Show him where the Kid will be spending time during the day, showing him the activities that the Child can do and what he can learn. You show him where he can eat lunch and play with the other children. You that he’s only here because somehow Karga convinced him to consider leaving the Child here with you. Karga told him it would be better than to take the Child with him on a hunt to a dangerous planet, for an even more dangerous bounty. 
You think Karga might’ve praised you too highly when you asked what he told the Mandalorian. He said that you were kind, good with children, and “extremely responsible, maybe the most responsible person on the planet.” You were absolutely dumbfounded, so dumbfounded that you put Karga in his place before ultimately agreeing to watch the Child if the Mandalorian agrees.
You try to show him how responsible you are with the kids, show him that you’re fully capable of taking care of one more. Now when it’s time to show him your home that’s on the second floor of the school, you get a bit more nervous. Your home was older and you show him every single room, feeling a bit embarrassed when he looks at all the collectibles and photos you have lying around, memories that you’ve collected.  
You show the room where the child can sleep and before the Mandalorian has the chance to ask about some form of supervision at night, you show him the old baby monitor you had lying around. Any question that he might’ve had regarding the safety of his child you answered, he had no rebuttal or excuse. 
Karga looked at him with a smug look “I told you! Who else to watch your child but this young woman? You have no excuse now Mando” Karga says with a chuckle at the end. Mando looked at Karga, then at the Child in the floating pram (who was only interested in the trinkets you had lying around), and then finally he looked at you. 
Even though you can’t see his face, you know he’s looking at you with a face full of uncertainty. He doesn’t trust you and with all the crazy things that happened to him and his child, you can completely understand why. 
“C’mon Mando, the hunt will be more dangerous if you bring the kid along. Make the hunt and your life easier.” Karga says with enthusiasm. 
“I don’t want to intrude, if this works out after the hunt, I can pay you…generously,” says the Mandalorian. 
“It’s the least I can do for you, after what you did for Nevarro.” You say quickly. “I don’t mind watching him either, I love taking care of children, especially one this cute” You walk over to your shelf of trinkets and pick up the one that you noticed caught the kid’s eye. You show the kid the blue, fuzzy, toy and begin to play with him while his father is thinking it over. 
“I’ll let you know tomorrow morning, and t-thank you for your …hospitality,” he says the last part with a bit of uncertainty, you assume it’s because it’s been a while since someone invited him into their home. 
You follow behind Karga and the Mandalorian down the stairs and out the front door. You’re walking down the old steep stoop to the main street when the Mandalorian turns around to hold your hand and help you down an especially steep step. He helps you to the street but he doesn’t let go. Instead, he looks you in the eyes and gives a quiet “thank you” before letting go, flexing the hand that held yours. He was off into the busy main street with Karga and the baby in the pram following behind. You watch him leave, staring at him with feelings of uncertainty and a tight feeling blooming in your chest.
(yall peep the pride and prejudiced reference lol)
roma ✦
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moonlight-prose · 2 years
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a/n: it's been a minute since i wrote anything for this man, but you know what he deserves a spot in kinktober. and this is a fic i've held onto for so long so i'm just shoving it into this list. i hope you enjoy! (p.s. to the black velvet lovers....chapter eleven is coming soon)
day two - breeding kink | kinktober 2022
summary: Finally the image you had of your future with him was beginning to form and to you…it was beautiful.
word count: 2.5k+
pairing: 1980s!din djarin x f!reader
warnings: MINORS DNI, cussing, slight rough sex, breeding kink, female masturbation, biting.
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This whiskey should have been the cause for this situation. Fuck you so badly wanted to blame it on that amber liquid, but there was not even a drop of it in your veins. No lasting effect of alcohol to explain this. You were in a drunken haze, watching as he stood at the foot of the bed, curling his hand around your bare ankle. Leaning back on your elbows, you tried to steady the erratic beating of your heart to appease the blinding need in your body.
You wouldn’t survive him. You knew that the second you laid eyes on him, but oh what a glorious death it would be. Killed by the look of love that seared into your skin, by the tender way he held your body and the even softer words he called you.
“Sweetheart,” he called to you gently, his thumb rubbing into the skin of your calf.
“Yes?” The word was a breath of air exhaled on your lips. You weren’t even sure he heard you clearly.
The flash of lust in his eyes confirmed that he did—that he liked how quickly he was able to rile you up. You had half a mind to leave him hanging, but his palm sliding up your bare leg froze your thoughts. He stopped at the very edge of your skirt, never moving an inch more. It was maddening. He was maddening.
“Did I tell you how beautiful you are tonight?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest. Just when you think he couldn’t make you fall in love with him anymore, he goes and says something like that.
“I don’t think you did,” you teased, stretching your leg out even further until your foot dangled off his shoulder. “How will you make it up to me Romeo?”
A devilish smile crossed his lips, his eyes darkening even further as his palm slid up underneath your skirt. His fingertips tracing right below the very edge of the black lace underwear he’d seen you slip on earlier. There was no weight to his touch. Nothing that you could hopefully push yourself onto and that unnerved you more than his smile did. He kissed your ankle, mouthing at it and sharply biting down, causing you to shudder. You knew he liked toying with you. That was part of the reason why you became so pliant when he held you like this.
“Don’t tease,” you said.
He wanted to play his game of seduction—like always—then you’d one up him at his own game. You’d done it before. Always finding ways to make him snap. It’s like he took pleasure in making himself wait, in allowing you to take what you wanted until he said no more.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Oh…so he really wanted to play. Smiling sweetly at him, you reached for the hem of your skirt and yanked it upwards until the entire piece of fabric was wrapped around your waist. You never gained satisfaction quite like watching Din falter when you gained the upper hand on him. Was he really expecting you to lay on this bed fully clothed? 
The sight of your glistening pussy was on complete display for him, your slick practically dripping down your inner thighs, and you audibly heard him take in a shuddered breath. Yeah…there was nothing quite like this. His eyes were a near pitch black, the grip on your leg was nearing the point of pain, and you had never been more content in your life. He wanted to play. So…you played. From the looks of his demeanor, you ultimately won in the end, but he was just getting started.
“When did you take them off?” he demanded. His tongue peeked out to lick at his bottom lip as if he was already relishing in the taste of you before he got to the real thing. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had it committed to memory by now.
You smirked, reaching down and spreading yourself for him with two fingers. “Remember when you threatened to take me upstairs and bend me over the kitchen table after seeing this skirt?”
He exhaled a shuddered breath. “The bar wasn’t even open yet.”
“Yeah,” you sighed, sliding a finger along your pussy, gathering enough slick and dragging it back up to your clit where you circled it lightly, moaning at the tingles that spread up your spine. “I know.”
Din let you touch yourself for as long as he could handle it. His eyes trained on the steady rhythm of your fingers, but you could see his control break off piece by piece with every moan you let out. You never understood why the fuck he wanted to torture himself this much. You just never chose to question him. However he found pleasure in you, with you, because of you, did not matter to you. As long as he dragged you off that precipice of pleasure right along with him.
“Do you want a taste?” you asked breathlessly, pressing one finger into your pussy, groaning at the relief that flooded your body.
“Yes.” His voice was rough, fingers gripping your calf so tight you would absolutely be tender there tomorrow.
Smiling, you locked eyes with him, bringing up your now shiny wet fingers to your lips. “Too bad.”
You were sure if you listened hard enough you would be able to hear his control sever in two the second you sucked your fingers into your mouth, groaning at the taste of yourself. But you were so focused on prolonging his torture that you didn’t see him reach for the buckle of his best. He yanked your other leg up over his shoulder and a gasp tore from your throat as you scrambled to grab a hold of him.
“You’re a goddamn tease,” he muttered, helping you drag the shirt and bra from your body, your hands clamoring to rip his shirt off as well. “Wearing this skirt to rile me up and going bare underneath it.”
“Din.” You were whimpering at this point, digging your nails into his shoulders. Fuck, you didn’t even care that you sounded cockdrunk before he even slid inside you. You didn’t give a single shit, because he was caging you against the bed, nearly bending you in half as he slid his cock through the lips of your pussy.
“I should have bent you over that fucking table.” The head of his cock bumped against your clit, causing a pathetic noise to fall from your lips. “You’d have looked so pretty leaking my cum all night.”
“Fuck!” you cried, digging your hands into his hair and yanking him forward until his lips slotted against yours. “Please fuck me. Please Din.”
He groaned, his tongue sliding against yours hotly and tasting the tangy flavor of you off your own tongue. “I’ve got you sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
Both of you gasped into each other’s mouths as his cock slid into you with ease. You were practically dripping onto the bed sheets. He grunted when your walls fluttered, clamping around his cock so tight he had to bite against your neck to stop himself from coming undone. Meanwhile you fared no better. You’d been on edge all night, imagining the different ways you’d finally get to have him once the last customer left the bar. It got to a point where even a slight brush of his hand against yours riled you up.
Except now he was finally inside of you, slowly rocking his hips and testing to see if you were ready for him to move. You were ready five fucking minutes ago. Hell you were ready the second you saw him tonight. Cupping his cheek, you dragged his lips back to yours, your saccharine moan being swallowed by his tongue delving into your mouth.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, pulling away and running a thumb along your bottom lip—spreading your combined spit along the already smudged lipstick you wore.
You smiled, taking his thumb into your mouth and swirling your tongue around it until you released it with a pop. “So are you Romeo.”
“I like you like this.”
You hummed, your walls contracting around his cock, dragging a grunt from him. “Like what?”
“Filthy for me.”
Even with your legs up on his shoulders and his cock buried so deep you swore you’d feel him for days, he still managed to make your entire being buzz with something stronger than pleasure. You never could quite figure out what that feeling was, but you never complained. For fear of one day losing it.
“Only for you,” you emphasized, pressing your own thumb into his mouth and sighing as he mimicked your actions from before.
Pulling away, he dug one hand into the sheets beside your head, the other gripping onto your upper thigh. He began to move. Not in the soft reverent way he usually made love to you, nor in the heated passionate way. No, this was different. This was depraved, desperate. He thrusted into you with enough force to almost shove you up the bed and you begged him for more. Crying into his mouth, you raked your nails down his chest as he rammed his cock into you, searching for that perfect angle that would break you into pieces.
“Only for me?” he panted, cupping your breast in one hand and thumbing at your hardened nipple. “You’re mine.”
You nodded, keening when the head of his cock hit right where you needed. He flashed a smile your way, pressing into your more and somehow sliding in an inch deeper. You could feel him everywhere and yet it still wasn’t enough. Gasping, you tried to form coherent words to tell him that you wanted it faster, harder, but he understood you well enough. Snapping his hips forward, he watched your mouth drop open, spit trailing down the side of your cheek as you cried out his name.
“My good girl.” Another sharp thrust against your g-spot tore a wail from your chest. You wouldn’t have been able to speak, you knew that now. “‘M gonna fuck a baby into you.” His words were slurred, the pleasure numbing his brain, but you felt your walls bear down on him, your body going taut.
“Oh fuck,” you managed to choke out, your eyes meeting his as the realization clicked in both your brains. Neither of you were upset with what he just said.
“Yeah?” he breathed. “You want that?” He sped up, the pleasure mounting in your body to an indescribable amount. “You want me to give you a baby sweetheart?”
Without hesitation, he slid his hand between your bodies, swirling his thumb around your clit with practiced ease. Your eyes rolled back, body arching as the white-hot bliss you’d been craving began to seep through your veins. You were right here. He knew you would break at any moment if the way he sped up his thrusts were anything to go by. 
Sobbing his name, you dug your nails into his wrist, keeping his fingers where they were. Tears trailed down your temple and it caused a growl to echo around the room.
“Please!” You knew it wasn’t possible, knew that you were taking birth control consistently, but just the thought of him breeding you sent you into a dizzying high you’d never experienced before.
“Shit,” he groaned, forehead pressing against yours. “Fuck baby I need you to cum.” Din always made sure that you finished long before he did, but you saw the way he was straining against finally letting go. He was fighting his own pleasure to give you yours and that sent what felt like a bolt of lightning up your spine.
Once, twice, three times he circled your clit with enough pressure to snap the pressure in your body in two, causing a flood of mind numbing bliss to spread through you. The sound of your slick, of his cock and the slap of skin against skin was drowned out as a humming took over your ears. He fell over you with a broken moan, your legs shaking and head digging into the pillow beneath you. It was too much. You couldn’t think, speak, let alone move, because you were trapped in the waves of never ending bliss.
His thrusts became erratic as he chased his own release. It took you a few moments for you to realize that you were chanting his name—crying it out like a damn prayer.
Twisting your fingers into his hair, you caught his lips in a kiss, pleading with him to finally let go, for him to fill you up. 
“Give it to me baby.” He gasped against your lips, his eyes opening to meet yours. “I’ll keep it in me until it takes,” you breathed, biting at his bottom lip and sucking it into your mouth.
“Fuck. Oh fuck sweetheart.”
He shattered with a cry of your name, his head falling into the crook of your neck—teeth digging into the skin there. It would be tender later, but for now you relished in the feeling of his cock spurting into you, filling you up until it leaked out and around his cock. Clenching your walls, you stimulated him even more, dragging him underneath the waves of pleasure and watching him fall apart further.
You weren’t sure how long you laid there catching your breath, but eventually he moved. Dropping your legs off his shoulders with a kiss, he pulled out you gently, hissing at the feel of your walls trying to keep him inside. You longed for the press of his warmth against your body. Only you couldn’t speak let alone move. You felt sluggish, unable to do anything more than lie there, waiting for him to return.
Which he did. A glass of water was placed on the nightstand, your skirt was taken off fully, and a pillow was shoved underneath your hips, propping you up. That made your eyes fly open.
“What are you doing?” you asked with a fucked out smile.
Din dropped onto the bed, curling around your body. “Making sure it takes.”
Your stomach fluttered at the thought. “You were serious?”
“I want to have a family with you sweetheart.” Fuck, you had never wanted to go again so fast in your life. “I’ll wait as long as you want, but I’m letting you know now.”
“Okay,” you whispered.
Nodding, you pressed your lips to his in a kiss so tender it made your toes curl. “I want that too. A family…with you.”
He smiled. So bright that you could feel your chest seize up from the joy that ran through you. You hadn’t seen him smile this big since Liv’s wedding day—the same day you finally answered a question he never thought he’d ask anyone. You knew you wanted this with him more than anything else. 
Finally the image you had of your future with him was beginning to form and to you…it was beautiful.
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benedictscanvas · 4 months
requests = open!
just to see if they spark anything in me!! i’m not sure how many i’ll write, so please don’t think it’s anything to do with you if i don’t write your request! just trying to shift my writing momentum into a more positive place so i’m grateful to anyone who decides to help :)
brief rules:
i’m going to exclusively become a fluff writer. it was only a matter of time! happy to do some light hurt/comfort but please do not send in heavy/triggering topics as i am not in a position to want to write these <3
i don’t write smut but i do love to heavily imply it lmao
characters available for request:
din djarin (the mandalorian)
astarion (baldur’s gate 3)
gale (bg3)
wyll (bg3)
halsin (bg3)
remus lupin
sirius black
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
for those who have been patiently waiting for more ted lasso content - i’m sorry! it’s really not sparking anything in me currently but i’m sure i’ll be due a rewatch soon and it’ll all come flooding back. much love <3
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soft-persephone · 8 months
Scattered Promises 3
Din Djarin x Fem!OriginalCharacter
Rating: Mature // MDNI // WC: 1.2k // warnings: violence, fighting, sexual tension // masterlist // AN: I always write with black women in mind, but remember! Anyone can read it!! // Ch.2. // Ch.4. //
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Amiyra hadn’t seen much of Din after her arrival. She stayed one night at the palace until Paz came and opened up his home to her. It had more to do with Penny asking if Amiyra knew any better, but she wasn’t going to bring it up because it would definitely cause another fight, so she only told them it was temporary until she was settled and found a place just for her and the kids. 
Sammy went to some sort of community child group. She called it a daycare, but that got her several hard stairs and a firm, ‘ it isn’t”. 
She made sure not to make that mistake again. 
Jasmine was much older, so she was doing so many things. . .violent things.
She tried no to think about it.
Different cultures have different customs, different rituals, different beliefs and religions, and violence was a part of theirs. Or is it rooted in a love for armor and weaponry? Perhaps an origin of a warrior people. 
All of the above most likely. She listened to the history, but she’d rather just read about it. She knows the people they have teaching her throughout the day get tired of her constant questioning and berating  context. It got so bad that they had Din sent somethign from inside the wall. 
She trekked to the clearing in the deep forest past the willow tree and up the hill. She did not expect a ring of dirt formed through years of use from the many fights held in this area by the Mandalorians in training. There were a few wooden sheds that were worn with age but sturdy to last all these years for equipment as well a small one that served as a med bay, but it did not seem to get much use if anyone asked her about it. 
Mandalorians wouldn’t admit it, but Amiyra found them to be a proud people. They did not ask for much help and tended to push or persevere their way through everything, or at least that was the impression she got from the ones that lived in the village. She hadn’t met many within the city walls, but it was clear that they were different. 
“Change of plans,’ The mandalorian she was being trained by said, “it's not like you’ve never fought before in your life. It is clear you are a survivor.”
She nodded respectfully at his comment. Jamor was not a man of many words.
“Today we have a special warrior who has taken a personal interest in your ability to fight like all Mandalorians. He is brutal, but he comes from a time where we were at our worst as a people. We did not have our home as freely as we do now, and that meant we were in a constant war wherever we were.” he paused. “Children were raised to join that war as soon as possible.”
“I understand.”
He nodded. 
She did not need him to say anymore, and she respected his usual silence to ask him to stop. 
The last children of the great war were to be respected. It was one of the first rules she had learned in her new life in the village. 
She took her position in the center.
More people were here than usual. Most likely to see the new guest Jamor spoke of. He had to be the one who stood closest to the ring. He had an armor that was worn with time but taken care of, it was brown and slightly rusted. In some places it might have been painted over to hide the rust spots that were too bad.
The rest of the warriors gave him a respectful distance, but they stayed as close as possible, looking at the clearing. Still and silent.
It was the most excitable crowd of Mandalorians she had ever seen. 
“READY!” Jamor called out, he paused for a moment before crying out, ‘HUH!” 
Amiyra went low as usual.
Most people who were taller than her always attacked from above, using their size and strength against her so she tends to opt for speed and agility. She dashed and dogged her opponent's advances, lunging to the side, and jumping back.
Sliding past them at a moment's notice, she got the other woman off guard, letting Amiyra strike her at the neck with all her might causing her to lose her balance and fall. She scrambled upon her back and held her down with a knee refusing to let her up. 
Everyone looked at the Mandalorian of honor. 
He stared at her for a moment. His helmet did not reveal anything  nor did his body language change. 
“Again.” he called out. 
And Amiyra fought another warrior, and then another, and then another. 
She was about to face her final opponent, but he stopped them, pulling them back by their shoulder. 
“I’ll do it.” he said through his modulator, grating her ears.
Most of her opponents were tall and strong today, but he was not as tall as they were. However, he was  still very big.
She wouldn’t underestimate him. 
As soon as Jamor called out the beginning of the battle, he was immediately upon her. 
She had no time to dodge, and had to immediately attack back. She was not as intimidated by his size, so she opted for a more offensive approach. 
He hit her ribcage, her shoulder, and barely missed her head. His kicks wee just as swift if not faster. After kicking her in the leg it took all her energy to lunge away from a swipe that had enough force to knock her off her feet. Each blow left a throbbing ache in her body.  If he could get one hit in, there were two more that followed it. She could not follow them, so she started to leave herself open on one side to take advantage of small moments to hit him back. 
She knew how insane it looked. But if she had to take a beating just for a sliver chance to fight back in any capacity, she would take it.
She heard him scoff and before she could react she was on the ground. 
Apparently he was holding back. The last blow was stronger than the rest, knocking her into the ground
He pounced on top of her. Rolling his hips with enough force to bounce her head onto the ground. Her teeth clattering with the impact.
Wrapping his hand around her neck, he brought his face closer to hers, “You favor fighting defensively, and it leaves you at a disadvantage. Learn to attack more, be active. ”
She made a choking sound in response and he tightened his grip. 
After a heartbeat, he let her go and walked away.
The crowd parted and watched him go.
Jamor grasped her arm, helping her up. 
He nodded at her. 
Jamor was one of the few mandalorians that still wore the traditional armor, but what she could gather from his body language she could tell he was proud.
She bowed back and made her way to make the same exit. 
Everyone gave her the same nod or even bowed at her. 
What the actual fuck.
She got her ass handed to her, and they were praising her for it. 
What a world.
“And I thought you couldn't get any stupider.”
“Paz!” Penny warned. “He’s still your king.”
“And who gives a shit when he spends his time doing this dumbassery! He could be using it to better our people!” He banged his fist on the table and stood up.
“We have to gather resources to settle the brewing civil war between two tribes before it reeks irreparable damage on our society all in the midst of preparing for an even bigger attack on our entire planet, but our king,”  he mocks, “decides to spend that time pining over a girl he just met!”
Din’s eye twitched for the second time this month alone. 
And without a word, he swiftly stood and gave Paz the hardest punch to the face with every fiber of strength in his body.
It was a low fucking blow, but when is it not when Paz is the receiver of such a hit.
He was annoying. 
Hed be surprised to discover Paz had ever had the grace to receive a hit that wasn’t.
It caught him off guard and he ran right into the wall.
“Don’t you two start this osik in my house!” Penny hissed before continuing in her worst slew of curses in Mandoa.
Neither apologized, but reluctantly stopped for her benefit. 
Din wanted to pounce on him until he bled, but he’ll wait. There was always time to beat the shit out a Paz. 
“Now Din, there are better ways to get the attention of a girl you like.”
Penny softly switched their newest born into her other arm, gently lifting her breast to let her eat. As their baby daughter closed her little eyes before letting out a coo and sucking on her breast with tiny content noises, she continued.
“And usually has the decency to be honest.”
Din ignored her scolding.
Amiyra had no idea she was the king of their people. She simply thought he worked for him like Paz.
He did not have the heart to tell her. Especially after she told him in confidence that she was not ready to face any higher authority of this planet after her talk with the Armorer which raised another issue.
What had they talked about? Why did the conversation leave her in such a state of distress?
“Amiyra. . .doesn't want anyone like that in her life. Putting on my old armor means I can get to know her without adding unneeded pressure to her life.”
Penny’s shoulders fell, pushed back, and dropped just slightly. 
“I’m in no position to tell you what to do,” she said thinly, “but I don’t think this  is going to end as well as you hope it will.” She sighed. 
“Honesty is always the best option but you’re grown man and how you handle this is your business.” 
“I’ll think about it.” 
Din may be stubborn but he wasn’t foolish. However, no one was taking into consideration how this was the best option for his sake. 
He didn’t need the whole court coming down on her and wreaking havoc in his life because he’s taking interest in her. Knowing them, they’d tried to usher them into marriage before the next moon cycle.
Amiyra’s life was in a delicate state.
She and her family are transitioning into a new way of life, and he was going to make sure it happened as naturally and peacefully as possible, and he wouldn’t be so selfish to let the personal stressors of his life get in the way of that. 
Why did no one else see that? 
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loganlermanstanaccount · 11 months
6K Followers Event - PRESS PLAY
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Thank you all for 6k subs! It means the world to me that people enjoy my fics enough to give such consistent support - I really, really couldn't have done it without y'all ❤️❤️
To celebrate 6k, I will be taking requests (for fics/ drabbles based on songs! cuz it's fun lmfao) and writing a part 2 to at least one of my oneshots. This event will be in two parts: Requests and Voting!
(Main Masterlist) (Event Masterlist)
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- Send me a request based on a song!
Tape 1, Side A: love, love, love,
(listen here)
my favourite straight-up love songs
track 01: My Kind of Woman // Mac DeMarco
track 02: Daze // Steve Lacy
track 03: We Might Even Be Falling in Love // Victoria Monet
track 04: Romanticist // Yves Tumor
track 05: Amor Prohibido // Selena
track 06: Crush On You // Lil' Kim
track 07: Baby, This Love I Have // Minnie Riperton
track 08: Seaforth // King Krule
track 09: Fraulein // Chuck Berry
track 10: Pilot Jones // Frank Ocean
track 11: La Ciruela // Nico Play
Tape 1, Side B: ...and other stories.
(listen here)
angsty, heart-wrenching; songs that tell a different story about love.
track 01: Lover, You Should've Come Over // Jeff Buckley
track 02: Baby Blue // King Krule
track 03: King // Dreamer Isioma
track 04: Shot My Baby // Daniel Caesar
track 05: Mojo Pin // Jeff Buckley
track 06: Jonny // Faye Webster
track 07: Seigfried // Frank Ocean
track 08: Carry Me Out // Mitski
track 09: No Me Queda Mas // Selena
track 10: Show You A Body // Haley Henderickx
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Rules for Requests:
- You must: send in a song, from the tracklist or otherwise. I'm happy to take song requests and add to the tracklist - all I ask is that it fits the "vibe" of either Side A or Side B.
- You must: Specify which tape side, A or B. To clarify: Side A: fluff, mild angst with a happy ending, all about love! Side B: heavy angst, hurt / comfort, happy ending or otherwise.
I tried to pick songs with potential for different stories - so give my playlists a listen to understand the "vibes" and also cuz I spent so so long creating them, I'm begging y'all 😭
- You must: Provide an x reader pairing! I mainly write for Miguel O'Hara, Joel Miller and Finnick Odair, but I'm more than happy to write other pairings - check tags for the fandoms I'll write.
- Other than that, be as specific or vague as you'd like. Give me a specific line from the song, a trope / prompt, etc etc. or don't! go crazy lmfao.
- NSFW is allowed for either category, please specify, but as always: 18+ for those kind of requests.
- Most of these will be drabbles, around 500 words or so; but I tend to get carried away with prompts so no promises 🤞
- I will write as many that catch my eye, with a few of my own ideas as well :)
(i am still taking other requests, but prioritising the ones for this follower event for the time being)
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Please vote for a oneshot of mine that you'd like to see a part 2 of! This does not mean I won't write a second part for the other fics at all, it just tells me what to prioritise.
(Main Masterlist) (Event Masterlist)
I already have some stuff planned, but please give me some time to write all of this up – unfortunately, I am a slow writer with a whole ass job. This will be an ongoing event, just a little project I will chip away at.
Reblogs are appreciated, thanks everyone!
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spacecowboyhotch · 6 months
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DISCLAIMERS: * indicates 18+/NSFW content. all readers are described as having dark/darker skin than the character they are shipped with. reader is also described as having curly hair, braids or locs depending on the fic.
One More Time
Sprite (black!nymph!oc)*
Mosaic Whispers (black!fem!oc)*
Tied Together*
Criminal Minds
Moon River*
The Mandalorian
Triple Frontier
The Dead Horse (santi garcia)
30 notes · View notes
im-poe-dameron · 1 year
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a/n: so......it hasn't been that long since chapter ten has it? i swear i meant to pop the last four chapters out before my last semester ended. But between the chaos in my life growing each month, and my last year of college I kind of forgot about this story altogether. To be entirely honest i didn't intend on finishing it. Except here I am now on winter break and ready to finish! I swear. I won't vanish again. I have plotted out the remainder of this story and am writing chapter twelve as i post this. So the story will have an end. I swear.
I just want to say a big ass fucking THANK YOU to those who left comments on the last chapter. I literally have so many of them screenshotted and saved on my phone to re-read on bad days and that's why I'm finishing this fic. Cause i love you guys.
Also a massive thank you to @apascalrascal who beta read this chapter and to @caesaryoulater who also read it through and told me she loved it. And a special thanks to @themarcusmoreno who continues to be my enabler for everything and anything. This series included. I couldn't have done it without you guys. I think that's it! So without further ado, please enjoy this tension filled chapter of a dinner with friends.
summary: "come to dinner" poe said, "it'll be great" poe said. what a fucking liar.
word count: 10.3k+
pairing: 1980s!din djarin x fem!reader
warnings: slightly explicit (we'll get there guys), cussing, angst, fluff, lots of apologies, alcohol consumption, dry humping, poe dameron losing his will to live, poe dameron's sanity being tested, sexual tension, yelling, and some horrible attempts at comedy.
previous chapter | next chapter | series masterlist
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You knew he was there before even fully waking up. The warmth of his arm was pressed into your waist, his breath hitting the back of your neck and causing the hair to stand up. At one point in the night the covers had been pushed down to the end of the bed—his body being the one thing that kept you warm. Yup…you knew he was there alright. So, why didn’t you get up? Why did you burrow further into his hold—smiling slightly as he pulled you closer, his nose pressing into your hair?
There was a term used for this kind of behavior and while you’d call it self inflicted torture, someone like Liv would have used something much stronger. It’s not like you didn’t want this. You did. Fuck, you wanted more than this. But the memories from last night were still fresh in your mind, playing on a twisted loop to remind you of what he did.
What you chose.
Except you could still feel the pressure of his lips against yours, the way he’d made your head spin…just like before. You wished you could simply forget. Yes, that would make things easier—in fact it would make you feel better. You would be able to look over everything he said to you, all the pain you were put through only to come to one conclusion. Living a life without Din Djarin, was not a life you wanted. Shit, it didn’t even seem like a life you could have. So, why couldn’t you forget?
The real reason was…you knew why. You were just too fucking afraid to say it out loud.
“I can hear you thinking,” he mumbled—the sound of his voice scaring you out of your worried state.
“How long have you been awake?”
A puff of air hit your neck, his raspy chuckle following it. “Long enough to know you’re panicking.”
“I’m not…panicking.” That was a lie—you were absolutely panicking.
Between his bar being turned into literal ash, his wounded state, and the fact that you had yet to discuss what you were, you felt as if your brain was halfway through running a 5k and you were barely at the starting line. What you really needed was time to breathe. Except the thought of leaving him again splintered what was left of your already broken heart. You were connected to him—beyond what the both of you could comprehend and that’s why you stayed.
You wanted to be there.
Turning, you kept your eyes shut until you felt his arm settle back over your waist. If you didn’t look at him maybe things would be better. Maybe you wouldn’t feel like your entire world was shattered and put back together in only a manner of weeks. Maybe…you’d figure out how to finally let him back in. They were all things you had trouble with—aspects of your life you wished you could forget about. Only you couldn’t. Letting Din back in meant forgiving everything that happened and for the life of you…you couldn’t do it. You didn’t know why.
“Are you going to open your eyes for me sweetheart?”
No. The word rang in your head like an alarm bell, because you knew what would happen if you opened your eyes. You’d fall in love with him again and it would be easier than breathing; a fact that both excited you and left a thrill of fear streaking down your spine. You were terrified of letting him in again—terrified of what he’d do.
“I want to,” you whispered, eyes still squeezed shut as he ran a finger down your cheek, making you shiver. “Fuck I want you.”
“You have me.”
You felt like you were going to cry the longer you lay there wallowing in your own pain, but you needed this. More than he did. He dealt with his own pain by leaving and it took you until now to realize you never truly dealt with yours. You only shoved it to the side in the hopes that it would one day disappear like everything else you harbored. All the grief William put you through somehow amounted to all the pain Din put you through. Until one day…it combined and you could no longer discern who broke what piece of your heart.
“Do I?”
His hand cupped your cheek, tilting your head back until his nose was brushed against yours. “Sweetheart I’m yours till the day I die.”
Scoffing, you felt a tear fall down your cheek towards your nose. He caught it in time. “You shouldn’t joke about something that literally almost happened.”
“Too soon?”
You shoved his shoulder. “You think Romeo?”
“Fuck…I missed that,” he breathed, pressing his nose against your cheek, lips brushing against yours.
“I thought you hated that?” It was maddening to be so close to what you wanted, centimeters apart, and still so far away—lost to the labyrinth of your mind.
“I don’t care what you call me sweetheart. As long as it’s you who’s calling me it.”
There it was. The truth that had yet to be fully untangled from the web of your messy pasts and feelings. You’d love him through all of this; through all of the pain, because he would do the same. He’d love you until the stars died in the sky, until you were buried beneath the ground side by side—just as it was always meant to go. Fate had a funny way of twisting two people together and you were fucking glad it chose Din Djarin to be that person.
“Din,” you whispered, finally opening your eyes and meeting the brown eyes you couldn’t forget even if you tried. “Kiss me.”
The words were barely audible, a mere brush of air across his chin, but you knew he heard them as if they were shouted in his ear. Closing the gap, he pressed his lips against yours in a messy but overdue kiss. Last night didn’t count. Not when you were both in shock from what happened. No, this…this right here is what you’d call your reunion—a choice you both made in the early morning hours of the day.
You moaned softly into his mouth as his tongue slid against yours, hand digging into his hair to keep him close while his went to your hip. If there’s one conclusion you could come to after all of this it was this. Din Djarin kissed like he was running out of time. He devoured you like you’d be gone in a few seconds, forever lost to the ravages of time and knowing your reputation of the past month…he had good reason to. While he still tasted the same, you felt the difference in his hold and really everything about him.
This wasn’t him kissing you because you asked him.
This was him apologizing one more time, because when it came to Din…he’d never be able to say sorry enough times to feel okay with what his past amounted to.
So, you took all the pain and reflected it back to him. You moaned into the kiss—proving to him that this, him, is what you wanted. There wouldn’t be another choice for you; that much you were entirely sure of. His arm circled, your waist, tugging you closer and rolling onto his back dragging you with him. You still kissed him; still leaned further into his touch and licked fervently into his mouth. He shuddered as your nails dug into the nape of his neck; his hips bucking up into yours, bringing a smile to your lips.
“Eager,” you teased.
He pulled back, mouth opening to shoot back what would no doubt be an eviscerating comment, but all that came out was a deep broken groan. His head falling back into the pillow as you dropped your hips fully onto his—grinding your cunt along his clothed cock. Sex was off the table. The both of you knew this. But riling Din up drew a different kind of pleasure to your body, until you felt like you were floating as you watched him lose his mind.
“Fuck,” he rasped, eyes opening to reveal his once brown eyes now turned dark. “You’re going to kill me sweetheart.”
You shook your head, dragging your hips forward and gasping at the pressure. “Not exactly—oh—”
His hands splayed on your hips, guiding your movements as if you were actually riding him. If you imagined hard enough you could remember what it felt like to have him inside you—the stretch of him filling you completely until you were gasping for breath. Part of you wanted to have it back, beg him to fuck you into the mattress like he used to. But last night still happened and you weren’t so keen to forget about it. So, with a stuttered jolt of your hips, you stopped, shifting forward to kiss him languidly instead.
A soft moan was swallowed by him, his hand coming up to clutch the back of your neck gently—kissing you back. Only with him every kiss felt just as filthy as fucking him did. What started off slow and sweet became a mixture of spit, teeth, and tongues licking hotly into each other’s mouths, driving one another insane. You were shaking as he ran his hands down your back, the warmth of his palms seeping into your t-shirt covered skin. Fuck, you wanted more than just kissing him. You wanted all of it. The romance, the love, the sex.
You wanted him.
Except the tiny—almost minuscule—amount of doubt continued to ring in the back of your head.
The door to your bedroom opened swiftly and you jolted back, nipping sharply at his bottom lip enough to draw a small amount of blood.
“Breakfast is ready if you two are done fucking,” Liv said rushing down the hall before the pillow you threw could actually hit her in the face.
Din fell back onto the bed, his hands still on your hips as you remained on his lap. If you could locate your camera, you’d take a picture of this sight—placing it right beside the polaroid of him in the record shop. But after your breakup you gave it to Poe to keep, making sure that you didn’t have it around to break when you broke down again. The sunlight broke through your half opened curtains, casting a glow along his face, causing him to look ethereal. It was a wonder he truly didn’t see what you did—always shying away from the compliments you gave him.
“Are you hungry?” you asked, shifting to clamber—rather ungracefully—off his lap.
You didn’t catch the way his eyes opened, taking in your half bare form, his erection still pressing painfully along the tight confines of his jeans. “Yeah,” he murmured, the taste of you mixed with copper still stuck on his tongue.
“Liv makes some good pancakes.” You grabbed your own jeans, shoving them on to look at least semi-presentable.
When in reality you would much rather lock the door and ride your ex-boyfriend until he couldn’t think straight. Shaking your head you attempted to rid yourself of those thoughts. Liv would see them a mile away and you refused to give her the satisfaction of knowing you were so in love it hurt. You willed away the spark of heat that began to stir in your stomach that only seemed to grow the longer he stared at you from where he was sitting—half naked with dark eyes that kept you frozen in place. He looked at you like you were the most beautiful version of yourself. When merely you were sporting a messy look as you fought against the arousal burning low.
None of that mattered to him though.
You’d known that the second you finally set your heart on letting him in. He only wanted you—in whatever form you took, whatever way you looked—he would take it in a heartbeat.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you said, glancing away as he stood to his full height, moving forward to cup your chin. “It’s distracting.”
“Good,” he replied.
A swift kiss was pressed to your lips; a broken sound leaving your throat as he cemented the arousal in your mind—reminded you of what it felt like in the early days of being with him. It was hard to believe so much time had passed between the two of you. When in reality it felt like years had gone by in a blink of an eye. Leaning forward you pressed against his bare chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your palms as he continued to kiss you slowly…deeply.
“We have to…” Your eyes fluttered open to see him sporting a small smile on his face.
“Yes,” you breathed. “Yes we have to do that.”
“C’mon sweetheart.” He slipped his singed shirt back on, his eyes glancing at the burned spot on the corner of it.
You knew it would take time to recover from what happened for the both of you. His bar was his home; the one place he felt completely safe, and now it was gone in the blink of an eye. Going back to it would be a difficult feat in itself. One you’d done before him, and one you’d be glad to help him in accomplishing.
The kitchen smelled like pancakes and coffee; the scent filling your nose when you walked out. Liv was pouring a cup of coffee as surprisingly Poe cooked eggs with Finn watching over his shoulder—most likely to make sure he didn’t burn them. You hadn’t expected them to show up here, but knowing the debacle from last night, they probably had nowhere else to go. The door swung open, Paz traipsing in behind the woman you recognized as his girlfriend. He carried a grocery bag overflowing with food, her hands holding onto a different paper bag.
“Djarin!” he exclaimed, dropping the groceries unceremoniously on the counter, not bothering to see if they stayed upright. “We stopped by the bar.”
Just the mere mention of it caused Din to sit up a little straighter from where he was at the table, a cup of black coffee in front of him. “The damage?”
“Extreme.” Paz snatched a pancake off the plate in front of Liv. “The bottom half is burned to a crisp, but we managed to carefully get inside and your apartment didn’t take the brunt of the damage.”
“So all his stuff is still there?” you asked. If his place wasn’t burned entirely that means he still had his belongings, at least half of a home. You figured that was ten times better than no home at all.
The woman nodded. “Well…for the most part. The kitchen took the majority of the damage.”
“I can live with that,” Din said, glancing at you.
“This is Thyra by the way,” Paz replied, gesturing at her. “She’s been a part of us since the beginning.”
All the times you’d been to the bar and seen there, you couldn’t believe you’d never officially met her before. She was beautiful, standing tall in her heeled boots and long dark hair that draped over her shoulder in a braid. The symbol on her leather jacket was one you’d seen before; the sign of a Mandalorian—or at least that’s what Din told you before everything happened. Smiling, you stuck out your hand. If she was a part of the family that Din made for himself then you would welcome her with open arms.
“I’ve seen you before at the bar,” you said.
She nodded, her dark eyes practically sparkling. “It’s nice to finally meet you…sweetheart.”
Heat spread up your neck and into your cheeks, the hot coffee not helping even as you sipped at it. Had Din introduced you that way to everyone? Or was that merely the name they heard the most when it came to you? Her smile told you it was the latter, but her eyes told you something else and you weren’t sure what to believe. You felt his arm snake around your waist, the weight of it pressing lightly into your stomach as he pulled you closer to where he was sitting. Just that movement alone calmed the slight embarrassment that filled your veins. However, it did nothing to cease the racing of your heart. Thyra’s eyes flicked to him, a smile stretching across her lips as she no doubt teased him as well.
“Do me a favor,” she said, pointing her words at Din. “Don’t fuck it up or'dinii.”
Paz snorted. “You can’t expect that Thyra. Kaysh mirsh solus.”
“Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?” Din retorted, his eyes narrowing.
You’d never heard him speak his language other than the few words he let slip here and there, but now it seemed he was more open in letting those he cared about see this side of him. A part that only his family saw. You wondered if this officially made you his family now, and that thought alone made your lips twist upwards into a small grin. Paz roared with laughter, his own retort missing you completely as he tried to rile Din up enough to fully go through with his words. Except you had no clue what they were saying.
“What does that mean?” you asked softly, bringing his gaze back to you.
He shook his head, turning so you stood between his spread legs. “He called me an idiot.”
Your eyebrows raised. “And what exactly did you say?”
“An old phrase.”
“Which is…”
Thyra was the one to answer your question as she took a seat, a plate of pancakes in her hand. “Basically saying: are you looking for a smack in the face.”
“All in good nature,” Paz said.
“No fighting in my kitchen please,” Liv finally spoke up, her expression still in disbelief at the sight of several bikers taking up space in the already small apartment.
Poe and Finn were having their own conversation, leaning against the counter as they ate—unfazed by the talk of Mandalorians in front of them. This is what you missed. Sure, you ached to be back in the bar—back behind the counter—but this…the gathering of friends and family was what you missed the most. It seemed that even without the bar you could make yourselves at home anywhere; only needing one another to make that new place your new home.
The smile on your face widened, a sigh leaving your body as Din nudged you slightly to bring your attention back to him. It didn’t take him long to see it. The contentment in your stance, the joy in your eyes, and his own lips were turning up slightly. The sight of you happy enough to elicit that same emotion from him. You had him with you again. Him and all that came with him and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I missed this,” you said quietly enough for only Din to hear you.
“I missed you,” he replied, his hands pressing into your lower back.
Yeah…this just the way it is was perfect.
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An hour later and you were helping Liv with the dishes as Din went through the bag Thyra brought from his apartment. Some clothes that didn’t take any damage, two extra pairs of boots, and what looked like a few picture frames that were hung up in the bar awhile ago. He must have moved them to his apartment before everything happened and you were about to ask him why when the door burst open again. Paz and Thyra had gone back to the bar to see what else they could salvage, leaving Poe and Finn to head back to their places.
Only to wind up back here.
Poe led in Finn, Rey, and Elora. He held a box in his hands, which he dropped by the couch beside Din.
“All the stuff you left at my place,” he said, snatching whatever was on the top before heading towards you. “And this.”
You smiled at the sight of the camera. “You took care of it.”
“Like you asked me to,” he replied. “I figured you’d want it back to take some more pictures.”
One look at Din searching through the box and you knew that you could take a million pictures of him, but it would never be enough to finally sear him into your mind. You weren’t even sure what it would take. But that wouldn’t stop you from trying—from capturing him on polaroid after polaroid, because now…you finally could. As if he could sense the way your eyes burned into his skin, he glanced up, his lips pulling up into a small grin. That apparently was enough to send your heart fluttering madly in your chest like a flurry of butterflies was passing through you.
“Thank you,” you said softly, pulling Poe into a hug. “I don’t know what I can do to repay you for how you’ve looked out for me after…everything.”
He shrugged. “You don’t have to pay me.”
“I feel like I should, given all the emotional distress.”
He’d been there from the start; watched you and Din grow as a couple only to see it fall to pieces. You and Din inadvertently tore apart a family that relied on the two of you to be together—a family you now called your own. Things still had to be resolved between the two of you; emotions had to be cleared and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time Din and you fought. But the heartbreak would be different then. All of it would be different, because you knew deep down that one way or another you’d find your way back to one another.
Just as the stars intended.
“Elora and I are hosting a dinner tonight,” Rey said. “Nothing big, but we’d like you and Din to come.”
You smiled, feeling another layer of anguish lift from your heart. “We’re there,” you replied. It may take some convincing to get Din there—only even you knew he would never truly say no to you. He never had before.
“It’s at Poe’s place.”
“Unfortunately,” he grumbled, reaching for the plate of cookies Elora had brought. “I don’t know why you couldn’t do it at your place.”
Elora came up behind Rey, resting her chin on her shoulder. “You’re the one with the bigger apartment flyboy.”
“That’s not my fault.”
Elora smiled. “Oh so it’s not your fault you only got it cause the previous tenant had a crush on you?”
“Technically happened before I even moved here.”
“Still counts.”
“You can’t blame me for being pretty sunflower.”
 She rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms loosely around Rey’s waist. “I’m not, because you are not the prettiest sunflower here.”
You  couldn’t stop the giggle from leaving your mouth, the moment of playful irritation between them now lost. You wondered when they met, how they met—all of them—in order to become the way they were now. Sure, they were friends. Anybody could see that. Except there was something between them—something you couldn’t quite discern—that made them family. An unbreakable bond that had been tested again and again only to finally realize at the end of the day that it couldn’t be broken; no matter how hard someone tried to destroy it.
“What time?” you asked.
“7:30,” Elora responded. “We’re cooking and for the recipe I’ve got planned it’s going to take some time.”
“Well if it’s anything like your cookies, it’s going to be delicious.” You couldn’t lie. If no one (including Din) were here, you’d have demolished those cookies in a fucking heartbeat and you could see by the look in her eyes—she knew it.
The conversation continued; their arguments never ceasing and you turned, catching Din’s eye as he shuffled through the box. A picture frame of him and his son sat on his lap—the smile on his face similar to that of Din from the past. You remembered the first time you saw him smile—truly smile—and the sight never left your mind. It stuck to you like glue, tattooing itself onto your skin, because even though he refused to believe it, Din Djarin was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. You knew it the moment you walked into the bar and saw him for the first time and you absolutely knew it now.
Heading over to him, you plopped down onto the couch, leaning your head against his shoulder as he rested his chin against your head. It was comfortable having him here in your home like this. Merely sitting beside one another. Sure, the tension still remained and you were eighty percent certain that if no one was here you’d be riding him on the couch, but just doing this was nice too. In fact…you enjoyed it more. He didn’t say anything. You didn’t say anything. And all finally felt right in the world.
Sighing softly, you shut your eyes for a few brief moments, listening to the conversation in the apartment. It all sounded eerily similar to the bar and if you focused hard enough you may be able to smell the familiar scent of liquor, motor oil, and cigarettes. Fuck, you missed his place. You yearned to be back there, serving drinks and catching his gaze across the room as he stood behind the bartop. Eventually everything would end up back there—back where it all began—but now you were simply content to be here.
His fingers trailed along the back of your hand, twinging with your own as the cold press of his rings caused a shiver to go down your spine.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, rubbing his thumb along yours. “For everything.”
You didn’t have to stop yourself from smiling this time. “Careful Romeo. You keep apologizing and I won’t be able to get mad at you the next time we fight.”
He huffed, pressing his lips to your temple as they curved upwards. “That’s the idea sweetheart.”
“Yeah right.” Part of you knew the words you said were right. Except you could still feel the slight sting as a certain memory came back to your mind; forcing you to relive what should have been forgotten by now.
After all, he finally said it. He said he loved you. So why wasn’t that enough? Why were you still wracked with pain every time you wanted to finally give in and love him just as freely as you’d done before? Why…after all this time…were you terrified of being broken again? You knew he wasn’t William—far from it—but that didn’t stop the emotions from rising to the surface. Twisting your heart painfully in your chest as you contemplated what loving him again actually meant to the both of you.
“We’re going to dinner at Poe’s place tonight by the way.”
He shifted back, brown eyes meeting yours and as always your heart fluttered in your chest. “I don’t feel like—”
Pulling him down, you cut him off with a kiss. The conversations ceased to exist, the problems came to a stop, because it was just you and him in your little bubble. He sighed into your mouth, cupping the back of your neck and sliding his tongue along your bottom lip. Things couldn’t go further than this, you knew that, but it still felt euphoric to feel his lips against yours. To kiss him until the air rushed out your lungs and the taste of him was seared on your tongue.
“It wasn’t a question Romeo,” you breathed, slightly dizzy as he pulled away. Your eyes fluttered open and you swore you saw the brown of his pupils grow darker—lust clouding his expression.
“What time do we go?” he asked, relenting swiftly as his eyes zeroed in on you sucking your bottom lip into your mouth.
He nodded, glancing at the old clock you’d bought at a thrift store in Massachusetts. The both of you had three hours to kill with nothing to do. Showing up to a friend’s dinner empty handed always turned out to be a bad idea in your opinion and it’s not like you could simply grab a bottle from the bar and bring it with you. The cooking abilities you had were limited to breakfast and possibly a nice one serving dinner.
“What’s going on in there?” He tapped your temple lightly, dragging your attention back to him.
While you had grown to read him like a book, he’d always been able to flip through the pages that made up who you were. You felt the faint beginnings of a smile form on your lips as you leaned back against him, your thoughts still spinning with what was happening. Everything occurred so fast you could barely keep up. Shit, you could barely keep up regardless, but with the fire and the feelings—you were trying to keep your head above water while navigating in the dark. You wondered if he could see that. Or if he even felt the same way.
“How’s your cooking skills Romeo?”
“Barely there.” Bringing your hand up to his mouth, he brushed his lips along your wrist. “Should I ask why?”
“It’s rude not to bring food when you’re invited somewhere.”
He chuckled, the sound burrowing deep in your chest, spreading towards the molten heat in your stomach. The control you had on yourself was wavering by the second and he wasn’t helping you in the slightest. Still…you didn’t pull your hand away. You let him press featherlight kisses to your wrist, down your forearm until he reached the juncture of your elbow and worked his way back. It felt nice—as if he was attempting to calm the thoughts in your mind without words.
When it came to Romeo, actions were his go to.
“I don’t think that applies to us, sweetheart.”
“Well it would be nice regardless,” you huffed.
Glancing at him you saw his eyebrows raise. “And who’s going to cook it?”
“I could—”
“My cooking is not that bad.”
Another kiss was pressed to your wrist; this one firm. “I didn’t say that.”
“You implied it.”
He breathed out a laugh that was barely audible. “I did.”
“Djarin I swear—”
His teeth nipping sharply at your skin cut you off as you winced. “Don’t call me that.” He had shifted until his lips were pressed against your ear; the warmth of his breath caressing your cheek.
“Call you what?” You weren’t an idiot. You knew he heard the slight waver in your voice and you also knew…he liked it.
“Djarin,” he replied slowly. The bite in his tone wasn’t meant or even meant to scare you; it was rather to prove that he knew how your insides twisted at the sound and how your walls clenched around nothing. He was toying with you just as he had done before. “Everyone else calls me Djarin. You don’t.”
You smirked, tilting your head until his lips brushed against your cheek. “And here I thought you hated the name Romeo.”
“I never said that sweetheart.” If you moved another inch, his lips would be on yours again, and you never longed for something so much. “I’ll happily let you call me that.” He turned your head for you, the heat of his gaze digging into yours. “As long as you say Din when you scream.”
They were words whispered against your lips; barely audible to even you, but you heard them nonetheless. He was truly trying to fuck with you. Your eyes widened as the words settled into your mind—flashes of that very thing happening over and over again playing through your head. If he looked closely enough, he’d be able to see you reliving each one, and by the slight grin on his face…he knew. You opened your mouth, hoping to come up with a retort hot enough to have him squirming, but he’d officially done it. He’d fried your brain past the point of words let alone coherent thoughts.
“See you tonight lovebirds,” Elora’s voice broke the spell Din had you in, giving you a chance to gather yourself.
Din stood up before you were able to say anything back, saying a polite goodbye to Elora and heading to the kitchen. Still you remained on the couch, his words echoing in your mind as he went through your fridge. Really there was nothing in it—the thought of grocery shopping was further from your mind than it should have been. You could count on one hand what you bought this week and none of it could be used to cook anything.
“What do I cook?” you asked, walking into the kitchen to see him shut the door on a sparse fridge.
“Look I can—” Him grabbing his jacket and the keys to his car cut you off. “Leaving me already Romeo?”
The phrase was meant to be harmless—a joke, but seeing him tense, his hand clutching at his keys, made you want to take it back. Fuck. Things were still on edge between the two of you and while he’d apologized through the night, more times than you could count, that didn’t stop the restlessness in your body. It didn’t cease the ache in your chest that refused to fade.
“Bad choice of words,” you said, starting to ramble. “I’m sorry I should have said can I come with you…” Why the fuck were you still talking? He must have known it was a joke…right? He turned around as you apologized for the second time, his eyes bright and yet twisted with a grief he couldn’t yet share with you.
“Sweetheart.” You clamped your mouth shut. “I love you.”
Those words…they would never cease to make your heart flutter, to make you heat up from head to toe until you were sure you’d melt onto the floor.
Smiling, you felt the worries lift off your chest, giving you a chance to breathe again. “I love you too Romeo.”
He stepped forward, gripping your chin lightly and pressed a chaste kiss to your lips before backing away towards the door. You didn’t ask him where he was going, didn’t need to, because he’d come back eventually. So, you busied yourself with cleaning up the kitchen—hoping it would throw off your mind from flooding with every manner of filthy thoughts. All of them with Din as the star of the show.
Sure, the words were carved into your skin like a wound that was taking it’s fucking time healing, but that didn’t stop you from wanting him. Only…wanting him is what got you into this mess. You two rushed into a relationship of sorts faster than you should have and before you got to know one another. Now you were doing things the right way. Which continually left you feeling like you’d combust if he looked at you too long.
“Fuck,” you muttered, nearly slicing your finger open on the soapy butter knife. “I need to get laid.”
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“Where did you get this?” you asked, eyeing the wooden box that sat in the middle of your living room.
Din walked in an hour after you finished the dishes, carrying a box that looked eerily similar to the ones you used to see at the bar. Only the bar and all the alcohol that remained was burned. Which left you wondering who he paid off to get him this stuff. He cracked it open, pulling out a bottle of whiskey that was immediately familiar to you. The same one that sat empty on the shelf in your bedroom—now a piece of decor—the very same one that still held those charred bills the both of you refused to touch.
“Supplier,” he replied. “He owed me a favor.”
You nodded, knowing it was better not to question his methods. “Tell him thank you from me.”
Handing off the bottle to you, he watched as you placed it on the bookshelf near the television. Right beside a framed picture of you and him that Liv sneaked one night when she visited the bar for the first time. It was two months ago and even in the image you could see how much Din cared for you. The glint in his eye transferred to the glossy paper. You were standing behind the bar, a bottle in your hand as you poured gin into a glass; he leaned next to you, watching you with a smile on his face. You didn’t see her take the picture, never even saw the flash go off, but you thanked her for it every time you glanced in its direction.
“How many bottles are we taking?”
He lifted two out of the crate, setting it down next to the brownies you managed not to burn. “Think that will be enough?”
The way your friends drank, the two bottles would be gone before dinner was even served. Still you nodded, heading towards the bedroom to throw on the sundress you laid out earlier. The weather was becoming warm again; the cold was now vanishing slowly and while you were going to miss it—that didn’t deter you from wearing the oversized leather jacket that was thrown on the chair.
“Thankfully Rey and Elora are cooking,” you called, trying not to trip as you attempted to latch the platform sandals closed. “Poe’s good at making drinks, but I’ve seen him cook and I can definitely say I am bett…”
You trailed off as you walked back to where Din stood, catching the heady look in his eyes. They trailed down your body past the skirt of your dress all the way down to your feet, dragging upwards just as slowly. All the time you spent shoving down the burning heat that built up in your stomach vanished. It rushed through your veins, turning your skin warm as he simply watched you. Before everything, before the pain, he would have simply stated you weren’t going, taking you to bed without any complaints. But now…he waited, held his stance and breathed heavily as his gaze settled on yours.
He knew you weren’t ready for that and this was him respecting that wish. He wouldn’t touch you. Not until you were absolutely sure about him again; until you could finally open your heart to him.
For some unknown fucking reason, that made you want him even more.
Fuck your hormones. They waged a war within your body—turning you into a wilting mess even though he had yet to lay a finger on you.
“Do you like the dress?” you asked.
He grunted in response, turning back to the box, his hands clenching as you walked past him.
Poe’s place was thankfully not far from your own apartment. In a way, you were thankful for the short amount of time you’d have to spend in Romeo’s car, alone with him. You figured it was better that you keep your distance from each other, given how your reputation for holding off on jumping one another was all but disappointing. The next two weeks would be ruthless. What with you helping Liv with the last minute details of the wedding. Thankfully it would keep you busy.
You had yet to confront that one nagging question in the back of your mind. One you were truthfully terrified to even go near, because the answer would determine how you’d feel the next few weeks.
The silence felt comfortable with him—the radio playing the latest songs and the windows rolled down as he took the streets to Poe’s place. People milled about on the streets outside. The city night life came back as the sun dipped beneath the skyline of buildings. You could recall being a part of this crowd, of bar hopping night after night; a time when you were the most lost with no way of finding yourself home. Somehow in the end it brought you to him; stuck you in the center of something beautiful and told you to remain where you were.
It didn’t take you long to figure out that that’s where you belonged in the first place.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” he asked softly. The question was asked more frequently since he’d come back into your life—as if he was terrified of what your answer would be.
You were scared shitless of his own answer.
“I keep thinking…”
You noticed him stiffen in his seat, his left hand tightening on the wheel slightly until his knuckles turned white. He promised he wouldn’t lie to you, wouldn’t keep any secrets from you, and this was one of them. It’s not like he was trying hard to hide it. For the first time, Din was fucking terrified of what you’d say, and somehow it felt nice to come to that realization. Proof that you weren’t entirely alone in this situation.
“Nothing bad I hope,” he said, forcing a smile. But you saw the trepidation in his eyes, the waver in his voice.
He was worried you’d leave again.
That made your heart clench in your chest.
“Liv’s wedding is in two weeks,” you replied, keeping your eyes solely on his, finally reading his reactions as clearly as he read yours. 
He’d given you an insight into his mind, told you all his fears, his past, and somehow that opened him up to you in a whole new way. Before, you struggled to even figure out what he was thinking, but now…you knew. You could see it so clearly on his face he didn’t even bother to school his expressions anymore.
“I saw your calendar.” Ah, the one that was hanging up on your wall—Liv’s wedding date marked with a big red circle. “Are you worried about it?”
You shook your head. “I’m actually really excited. It’s been a long time coming and I know that she’s ready to finally get married. But I was thinking…” He sucked in a breath, the leather steering wheel crackling under his grip. You only had a small amount of time to get this question out in the open before heading up to Poe’s for dinner. “I was actually hoping…”
“Sweetheart you’re killing me here,” he groaned, eyes flashing with agony.
A smile crossed your lips as you leaned in closer. “Would you still like to be my date?”
The car fell silent, his eyes turning back to the road as he pulled up to Poe’s apartment building. Your heart lurched in your chest, fear filling your veins as you realized you might have made a mistake. Fuck, you knew you should have waited. All of it was too soon; that damn question was too soon and you let out a shaky breath, turning your head away from him as you blinked quickly to get rid of the oncoming tears. 
Please put me out of my misery Romeo, you thought in your head, desperate for him to say something—anything.
“Do you still want me as your date?” he asked.
Your head snapped back to his direction and you finally took in the utter defeat on his face. The pain in his eyes that he pushed away constantly, but you still saw it under the surface—saw how he fought against it. He hadn’t admitted it yet, but you saw it there in his face, heard it in his words loud and clear. He was afraid you still didn’t want him—that one day you’d wake up ready to run out the door and leave him behind.
“Of course I do,” you whispered. “Do you still want to…be with me?”
The question was a double edged sword and you were both dangerously walking on either side, trying to keep it balanced for the first time in a long time.
Did he want you beyond the heartbreak? Did he want to push past what you went through and find your equilibrium again—find the place you called home in this relationship.
His face fell as he took in your eyes glossy with unshed tears. “I want to be with you until the day I stop breathing sweetheart.”
But he wasn’t done. Far from it.
Leaning closer, he cupped your face, twisting in his seat to finally bring his lips close to yours. “Yes I want to be your date to Liv’s wedding. Nothing would have stopped me from going. And yes…I want to be with you in any way you choose to have me. I’m yours baby. Till the end.”
You felt as if the weight pressing down on your chest was suddenly lifted; air filling your lungs with so much air it stung on the way down. Either way you relished in it, because you finally got your answer. Din wanted to be with you. He wanted you. Rather than kiss you on the lips, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, sending a shiver down your spine. While the doubts from before began to fade the longer you were with him, you still knew that the both of you had a lot left to work through.
He still had a lot to tell you about who he was before he met you.
“Should we go get yelled at by Poe now?”
You laughed, nodding your head. “Yeah. I think we should.”
He opened his door after one more kiss to your forehead, and walked around to your side, swinging open your door and reaching for your hand. The both of you weren’t prepared for this dinner, but you didn’t really care. Not when Romeo’s hand fit perfectly in yours, his body pressing close to yours as he led you up the stairs of the building. You’d never actually been here before, but seeing how comfortable Din was with maneuvering through the halls, him being here before was in fact true.
The thought of him suffering through heartbreak here surrounded by people who actually cared about him made you feel even lighter.
He had a family that surrounded him—he just needed a good shake to make him realize that.
“This is him,” he said, stopping at a beige colored door with a gold number eight hanging on it.
You could faintly hear music coming from the inside, the echo of voices filtering through the obviously thin door. “No turning back Romeo.”
A grin pulled his lips upward. “Me? Never.”
“Yeah right.”
He leaned over nipping sharply at your ear and eliciting a yelp from you that was no doubt heard from inside. You were about halfway to shoving your fist into his shoulder when the door opened revealing Poe. Of course he had to catch you and Din in yet another slightly compromising position. Din’s lips were attached to your neck, your hand now pressing against his shoulder to steady yourself and you felt the heat creep up the back of your neck. For fucks sake you couldn’t catch a break.
“Please don’t taint my hallway,” Poe said, smirking at the sight of you trying to mask your obvious embarrassed expression.
“Shut up Dameron,” Din replied, his fingers trailing up your back.
Poe’s mouth dropped. “Listen if you’re going to be a dick I’m not even going to consider letting you back in—”
The door was pushed open even wider, revealing Elora in a stunning yellow floor length sundress. “Please. Come in. We just finished cooking.”
You ducked under Poe’s arm, leaving the two men to finish their standoff—the smell of delicious food calling your name. Placing one bottle of whiskey on the table, you took in Poe’s apartment. There was only one bedroom, a small enough kitchen, and a plant on the windowsill—the leaves slightly brown. Overall you’d say it was cozy. A home you could see Poe staying in for quite some time. 
Din came up behind you, his arms wrapping around your waist, chin dropping to your shoulder as he placed the second bottle right beside yours.
“It’s a nice place,” you said softly, seeing the living room that consisted of a black couch, a green chair, and a multicolored rug.
He hummed in agreement. “Would you like to live in a place like this?”
Just like in the car, your heart stopped at his words. “I would…one day,” you replied slowly. You weren’t stupid. You knew what he was asking of you, and that caused your insides to melt until you were sure you were a puddle on the floor.
“Hey lovebirds,” Poe called from where he sat at the table in the kitchen. “Dinner’s ready.”
You pulled away, heading towards the chair beside Finn who greeted you with a hug and a promise to talk later. You and him hadn’t really interacted much with him working nonstop at the record shop, but you wanted to get to know him just as much as Poe. Would he like to go out and get some coffee one of these days? Maybe you could invite Rey and Elora as well.
Din took the chair across from you, a small smile on his lips. You were partly grateful that he was seated with enough distance to keep your mind in order, but knowing him…he’d make sitting like this even worse for you. Here you could see his eyes. You still weren’t sure it was a good thing you could read him so clearly, because right now you knew what he was thinking of and none of it made for appropriate dinner party conversation.
“This smells delicious,” you said, eyeing the roast in the center of the table.
Elora smiled. “Thank you. It’s my dad’s recipe.”
The next few minutes were filled with a comfortable silence as each of you passed dishes around, filling up your plates and glasses with enough to satiate the hunger in your stomachs. You shifted in your seat as Din poured you a glass of whiskey, winking at you as he sucked off whatever fell onto his thumb. Fuck, he was truly trying to ruin you right here in the middle of dinner.
You refused to let him get the upper hand.
“So, how is the store going?” you asked Rey, sipping at the whiskey and avoiding Din’s gaze. Even as it burned into the side of your face.
“It’s going well. Lot’s of busy days with all the new music coming out.”
Finn turned to you, sipping on his own glass. “I managed to ask around and some music labels are willing to give us first take of most newer records coming out.”
“Really?” you asked. “That’s amazing!” Din’s foot brushed against yours, but you willed yourself to keep looking at Finn. “Do you work solely at the store or?”
“No, not anymore. I used to, but now it’s part time.”
Poe jumped in. “Don’t be humble man. Finn’s working his way up in the producer world. He’s got a real talent for it.”
“Ah well I’m trying to at least. I’m no you flyboy.” Finn said, smiling as Poe rolled his eyes.
“You never did tell me about your time as a pilot,” you said. “Were you there long?”
“There’s nothing special to tell sweetheart.” Something thumped under the table, causing Poe to wince. You turned to Din, seeing him swallow his whiskey innocently as he set his fork down, watching you with a glint in his eyes that had you shifting in your chair.
“Are you okay?” you asked, returning your attention to Poe.
You would not lose to Din. You’d won before and you could do it again.
“Yeah,” he bit out, shooting a glare Din’s way. “Just hit my knee against the table.”
That was bullshit—you didn’t miss the way Din’s lips quirked into a grin as he winked at you again. You had half a mind to drag him out into the hallway simply to ring his neck and the longer he toyed with you—sending you looks that no doubt had you dripping in your underwear—the closer you were to actually doing it. You knew what this was, why he was acting this way.
What you finally revealed in the car had opened the door even wider on the prospect of a relationship again and Din was doing his best to kick it the rest of the way down.
He was proving to you how much he wanted you.
Conversation continued around you as both you and Din held your very own silent talk. He smiled, leaning his elbows against the table and placing a piece of meat in his mouth—eyes flicking down to the cleavage your dress showed. Not one to be outdone at a game you’d mastered with him, you leaned forward yourself, reaching for the bowl of vegetables.
He swallowed so hard he started to cough.
“Are you okay?” you asked, innocently. Really you were preening under his heated gaze; his eyes narrowed at you as Poe thumped on his back.
“Yeah,” he croaked.
Grabbing the glass of water in front of him, he retained eye contact as he swallowed, your eyes glancing down to his throat. Suddenly you were reminded how much you loved the sight of it—how much you loved to mark it up with your teeth and lips. He set the glass down with enough force to shake the table slightly, his eyes burning a hole into your face with a need that you felt in the very marrow of your bones.
Fuck how would you two make it long enough to talk out your issues when neither of you could control your impulses?
In your small staring contest, you didn’t seem to notice the others had stopped talking, their attention solely on you. Poe dropping his silverware and giving you a glare snapped you out of your reverie. He coughed, downing his glass of whiskey and pouring another one—laughing to himself about something. Seeing him this way slightly scared you in all honesty. What had you and Din done wrong? You felt like you were about to be reprimanded by your parents for doing something bad at the dinner table.
This wasn’t entirely far from the truth though.
“Poe?” you asked hesitantly.
“Dameron,” Din said a little harshly, even you winced.
“Don’t you Dameron me you dick.” Poe downed the second glass of whiskey. “You promised me that you’d fix it, that things would change once you got her back.”
You reared back, your eyes no doubt as wide as saucers. “What is he talking about Din?”
“I’m not going to explain myself to you,” Din replied smoothly, setting his glass down as Poe continued to glare at him with enough anger that you were sure Din would be six feet under had Poe been holding a weapon.
You had half a mind to take away the knife beside his right hand.
“No?” Poe began to laugh, his expression scaring the absolute shit out of you. So much so that you started to reach for him only to have Finn stop you. “You don’t want to explain yourself when I let you stay here? When it was me and Finn and Rey and Elora who made sure you didn’t kill yourself with alcohol poisoning?” You winced, feeling your heart twist violently in your chest, but Poe was far from being done. “I can’t believe you two haven’t figured out your issues yet and that you’re still playing this cat and mouse game.”
“Poe—” you started.
“And you.” He averted his glare to you. “I know you’re scared of being with him again, but fucking hell sweetheart—” He turned to Din. “You kick me again for calling her that and I’m going to put my knife in your foot.” Once again his eyes were back on you. “You are so in love with him it’s actually sickening to see it with my own two eyes. I swear if you don’t figure out your shit, the next time I see you I’m locking you two in a room together.”
“Don’t Poe me. I’ve had to endure listening to you two fuck in so many different places I have actual nightmares about it now, but you know what. I will sacrifice myself one more time and risk hearing you two get it on if it means you will stop eye fucking each other at my table while I’m trying to eat.”
With a final glare in both your directions, he resumed eating his dinner as if nothing interesting happened. As if he hadn’t just shook you and Din so hard with his words that it jarred you out of your fearful states. Were you inevitably going to end up with Din? Yes. You knew this with everything in your being. What you didn’t know was why you were stalling to get to your happily ever after.
Why were you two so hesitant to jump in like you’d done before?
It wasn’t the heartbreak, because if anything that simply made the both of you stronger. So what kept you back? You tried to wrack your brain for any type of answer and could only come up with one that sounded the most reasonable. You were both so terrified of being hurt again that you held off on actually experiencing that happiness you once had again. Maybe that’s what hurt the most. Neither of you could remember what that feeling of pure bliss in a relationship felt like.
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Your apartment door shut with a resounded thud, shutting out the rest of the world until it was just you and Din standing in your kitchen. The dinner had gone smoothly enough after Poe’s reprimanding. You laughed until you couldn’t breathe, reminisced on times at the bar, and felt like you gained three new friends. Poe had calmed down after his third glass of whiskey, but his words still rang loudly in your head.
“That was some night huh,” you said, pulling your heels off and settling on the couch.
He collapsed beside you with a sigh. “I feel like I just got yelled at by a teacher.”
“I’m glad I’m not the only one.” Din’s hand reached for yours, his fingers intertwining with your own. “He was right, you know,” you said softly.
“He shouldn’t have yelled at you.”
“No,” you smiled. “I mean he was right about us.” Din froze, his eyes holding you in a gaze you had no intention of running from. Not this time. “I think we were so lost in our own pain and so focused on finding a way back to each other, that we never figured out a way to find our way back to ourselves.”
He lifted your hand, kissing the back of it just as he had done earlier in the day. A small sign of reassurance—a way to calm your aching heart—and it worked like a charm. You knew without a doubt in your mind, you wanted to be with Din, but you also knew…you had no idea who you were without him. The memory of you being single, being happy and free, had vanished to the very back of your mind.
“So where does that leave us?” he asked, brown eyes delving into yours.
Exhaling, you felt your heart twist. “Maybe…” Fuck you didn’t want to do this. “Maybe we should take these two weeks to try and remember who we are.”
“I’m not leaving you.” He said the words quicker than he could take a breath. Just hearing that managed to calm the racing of your heart, the worries that plagued your mind.
“I don’t want you to.”
“But I don’t want you to forget who Din is, who you used to be before me. The bartender who I fell in love with. And I don’t want to forget who I was. I went from one relationship right into the next without ever figuring out who I had shaped up to be. I’d like to meet her.”
He nodded, leaning his forehead against yours. “I’ll do whatever you want sweetheart. I’d do anything to make this work.”
“There’s going to be some ground rules,” you said with a smile, enjoying the slight shift of annoyance on his face.
“No kissing.” His lips slotted over yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. “Din,” you gasped, pulling away.
He sighed. “You really are trying to kill me.”
“Listen Romeo. You and I both know we can barely keep our hands to ourselves long enough to actually talk and I think we need to start agreeing to be friends before we jump back into a long term relationship.” You tried to maintain your composure, the seriousness in your voice bringing a smile to his face. What did you say that was funny? “And you’re smiling because…”
“You’re hot when you’re bossy.”
“Fuck you Din.” You shoved his shoulder.
“I’m listening,” he replied, pressing his nose to your cheek. “I swear. What are the other rules?”
“What happened tonight at dinner will not be happening again. No teasing okay? We have to at least try.”
“I can’t promise that.”
You huffed. “Din.”
“I’ll do it…for you.” He pressed another kiss to your hand. “Two weeks?”
Nodding, you figured the timeline matched up perfectly. Liv’s wedding would just be the time to hit reboot on your relationship. For two weeks you’d be friends again and begin to formulate a relationship that wasn’t based solely on need and sex. No, this one would be based on love—something you were looking forward to.
“Two weeks,” you responded, reaching your hand out to shake on it.
He dragged you forward by the nape of your neck instead, pressing his lips to yours and licking into your parted mouth as you gasped. He tasted like whiskey and you sighed into the kiss, digging a hand into his hair in order to keep him closer. Sure, it was going against the already set rules, but if you were going two weeks cold turkey…you needed a quick reminder of what you were working towards again. You moaned when he nipped at your lip, licking along it to soothe the ache before pulling away entirely—a flushed look on his face.
“Deal,” he breathed, standing up from the couch with one last look, leaving you there to sit on the couch.
Two weeks…of being friends with Din.
You were fucked.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
meet me for coffee at luke’s and celebrate 3.5k
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iiiiihhh 3500! thank you all so so much! as chosen by all of you wonderful people, we will be celebrating this milestone as well, so let's have some fun! I've had one of those months where gilmore girls has been constantly going in the background, so naturally, this celebration is a cosy little gilmore girls theme ♡
this celebration will run from now till the 28th of april. anyone can participate and you can send in as many asks as you’d like, there is no limit.
navigation | masterlist | request guidelines
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people are particularly stupid today - games! (cast your mutuals, fuck marry kill, would you rather…)
gnome-kicking says a lot about a man's character - tell me a random fact about yourself and I’ll say who I ship you with!
I’m fine. I’m just being dramatic. It’s what I do - i'll give you a cosy song that has your vibe!
And if eating cake is wrong, I don’t want to be right - send me a sfw request! (if you need some inspo, here are some prompts)
try a plum, they’re better then sex - send me a nsfw request! (if you need some inspo, here are some prompts)
I need coffee in an IV - request a moodboard! (it can be for a character, a prompt, song, colour or ask me to make one that fits the vibe of your blog) 
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moots: @sw34terw34ther @midniteluv @bruisedboys @autumneverleigh @lone-nyctophile @chvoswxtch @luveline @wanturvideo @fightingdragonswithwho @starlit-moonlight @skullrock @appocalipse @lovetaints @wonderlandhatter @happyheidi @reidslovely @creelteeth @cosmal @prettyboyeddiemunson @gaelic-symphony @deeplywornletters @magicchai @fxllfaiiry @angelulls @fleurfairie @oncasette @ddejavvu
150 notes · View notes
marvelthottie · 1 year
Marvel Thottie’s Masterlist
Started 3/26/2023
 New Rules
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Final Part
New Set
Competitive Streak
Part 1 Part 2 Final Part
Sunflowers & Roses
The Mandalorian
Simple Life Pleasures
Part 1
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