shikharsoni-blog · 4 years
Super Affiliate System Review (2020) by a real member
There’s a chance you’re here because you just read John Crestani’s New Book, “Work at Home Secrets & Scams” and you’re looking for information on the Super Affiliate System he’s recommending.
Super Affiliate System has been around since 2015 or so, and when it first came out, I was BLOWN AWAY by some of the stuff John was teaching.
I’ve been making a living online for quite a few years now, and John’s course is one of a few I can honestly say I’ve learned quite a bit from.
Super Affiliate System is one of a handful of online training programs that I recommend to people learning to make a living online, just as long as they understand some work is required.
At any rate, I’ll quit my yapping now and get to the reason you’re here!
What IS The Super Affiliate System?
(I got it, so I can show you)..
Super Affiliate System 2020 Updates
As I said before, the Super Affiliate System program first came out in 2015 (for $5,000, now you can get it for MUCH, much less!), and John has worked his butt off to keep the content and training fresh
In 2020, you DON’T have to worry about getting out-dated training and methods that no longer work. Each year, Super Affiliate System is 100% ReShot from the Ground up and I think you’re really going to like it!
Who’s it for?
I’d say the Super Affiliate System is great for those who haven’t made their first dollar online, but it’s also a great program for those who may be making a few hundred dollars a day, or a week, and want to up their game signifigantly.
The Super Affiliate System is very much “newbie friendly”, and John does a great job at making it easy to follow, whether you’re 19 or 90!
What’s It Teach?
Super Affiliate System provides an easy-to-follow course helping people become successful affiliate marketers in just 6 weeks.
You’ll be learning how to master things such as:
Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Native Ads
youtube Ads
and much more!
Don’t let that scare you, you’ll start off with a VERY small ad spend ($5.00 a day or so), and scale up ONLY once that’s profitable!
John breaks things down in a VERY easy to follow ‘step-by-step’ way that even the newest newbie can follow.
He ALSO provides you with templates of audiences, ads, AND landing pages to use in your promotions.
The training takes students through 6 weeks and over 50 hours worth of videos explaining the affiliate marketing process from start to finish.
The FIRST two weeks of the course involve basics such as giving you a complete understanding of the business model, the mentality required, how to set up tracking software and domains, AND how to create landing pages for offers you want to promote.
The NEXT couple of weeks of the course go over how to USE the major traffic sources:
Native Advertising
YouTube Ads
The LAST few weeks of the course go over-optimization, scaling affiliate campaigns to tens of thousands of dollars per DAY, and ways to outsource & hire labor.
My Super Affiliate System Review
Honestly, the super affiliate system is EXTENSIVE.
When they say there are 6 weeks of training they are NOT kidding.
You’re going to want to set aside about 2 hours a day for your training. Treat this as education and plan on doing 1 hour of studying, and 1 hour of practice/implementing per day.
Having said that, this course is AMAZING. While I have not had time yet to go through the entire (new, 2019) updated version, I’ve already learned A-LOT from it and am already using what I’m learning to get a positive ROI on my Facebook Ads.
My Honest Advice:
Join here: Super Affiliate System AND quit being that person who’s always dreaming, and be that person that takes action and starts doing.
Click Here To Join Now
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shikharsoni-blog · 4 years
Tube Mastery and Monetization Review- How to earn from YouTube?
hello, and welcome to my Tube Mastery And Monetization Review.
Have you always wanted to make money with YouTube?
Perhaps you’ve run across Matt Par’s YouTube Course “Tube Mastery And Monetization,” and it has piqued your interest?
It’s great to have you here today.
Within the following Tube Mastery And Monetization Review, I’ll be providing you guys with an unbiased, honest, and truthful review.
Furthermore, I’ll also be going into detail about what this product is, how it works, and ultimately how much of your hard-earned money it will cost you.
I’ll be answering questions like, What Is Tube Mastery And Monetization?
What Will I Learn using this system?
Who Is Matt Par?
What training will I receive if I decide to join?
I plan on answering these questions and more within the context of this review.
If you have ever wanted to start a YT channel but wasn’t sure where to start, you’ll want to stick around and continue reading.
I invite you to follow along, ask questions, and engage with me as I break this information down for you guys.
Without further ado, let’s jump right into things today.
Are you guys ready?
Tube Mastery And Monetization Review
Product Name: Tube Mastery And Monetization (TMM)
Owner: Matt Par
Type Of Product: YouTube Training
Price: $597 or 3 secure payments of $266
Recommended: Yes
YouTube is an excellent way to make money online in 2020.
However, most people find it difficult to set everything up and optimize it correctly.
Matt Par has considered these things and has been hard at work, creating a course that eliminates these issues.
Tube Mastery And Monetization walks you through everything from choosing a niche and creating content to launching your channel.
This complete 7 module course contains everything you need to finally make that dream come true of becoming the next YouTube rockstar.
>> Get Tube Mastery Here <<
Tube Mastery and Monetization is a complete step by step training course that shows you how to make money on YouTube.
However, what makes this YouTube course unique from any other YT course out there is you won’t need to show your face on video.
You won’t even need to record the videos yourself (If you don’t want to).
Tube Mastery will show you how to outsource everything and keep 100% of the profits.
When Matt created this course, he designed it with newbies in mind.
Therefore, you shouldn’t have any questions or feel lost when starting the training.
Launched in April 2020, TMM has already broken previous sales records set by some pretty big names in the industry.
Matt has put his heart and soul into recording these videos.
Therefore these videos are of the highest quality.
Furthermore, I found them to be highly informative, engaging, and easy to follow.
Now that you have an idea of what this program is about, let’s learn about who the owner is.
Sound good?
Who Is Matt Par?
Matt Par is a 19-year-old entrepreneur that lives in sunny Florida.
He currently runs nine different YouTube channels and makes over $30,000 a month in ad revenue alone.
Since the tender age of 14, he has been making money with YouTube.
Furthermore, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Disrupt, and Market Watch has written an article about him and featured him on their website.
Before becoming successful with Youtube, he used to upload silly videos to YT with his high school buddies.
After one of his videos went viral and received over 100,000 views in one week, this motivated him to take this seriously.
He currently runs nine channels that cover a broad spectrum of niches within the online space.
Here are a few topics covered below.
Top ten lists
Several personal brands
Top ten lists
Several personal brands
Matt has received the gold play button from YouTube for reaching one million subscribers.
Also, he’s received multiple silver play buttons for reaching 100,000 subscribers.
When it comes to YouTube, Matt is an expert.
He is on a mission to help as many people as he can become a success with YouTube.
Are you willing to accept his help?
Here’s What I Liked About It
A complete roadmap to making money with YouTube
Fairly inexpensive start-up costs
Comes with a 60-day risk-free guarantee
Offers a secure monthly payment plan
Training is step by step and easy to follow
Ideal for newbies or experienced marketers
Here’s What I Didn’t Like About It
Training could be more detailed.
Training And Tools At A Glance
As I said earlier, the training consists of seven modules that cover a wide range of tasks.
Furthermore, there is also a wide assortment of videos you’ll need to watch as well before moving forward in training.
Here is everything you’ll gain access to when you take the plunge and become a TMM member.
Module 1- The three stages of YouTube
Beta Phase- Choosing a niche and planning your content schedule
Intermediate Phase- Upload 33 videos
Scaling Phase- Outsource your videos
Module 2- Choosing A Niche
Best ways to become successful with YouTube
Best high CPM niches
How to do market research
Bonus training: List of 100+ lucrative niches
Module 3- Setting Your Channel Up To Be Successful
The 33 rule- What it is and how to use it
The best and only YouTube tool you need
Secret SEO keyword process revealed
Planning your content strategy
Module 4 How To Upload Videos
Anatomy of a viral video
How to systemize your videos
How to discover free content
Cost-free video editing solutions
How to create high CTR thumbnails
Module 5 The Growth Module
Understanding Analytics and Algorithms
How to go viral on YouTube
Best time of day to upload
Module 6- Monetization
How to make more than most Youtubers
Various monetization methods and techniques
Matt’s favorite way to make money with YouTube
Module 7- Scaling And Taking Things To The Next Level
Hiring one person for the content creation
Crafting a video creation assembly line
Bonus fill in the blank hiring template
As you see above, there is a massive amount of information contained in these seven training modules.
Depending on how you consume this content will determine how long it will take you to complete this course.
>>Click Here To Access Tube Mastery<<
Price To Join Tube Mastery And Monetization?
You might be wondering how much you’ll need to pay for such a fantastic and extensive course on making money on YouTube.
Well, there are two payment options available to you.
They are as follows
One time payment $597 (Most popular) Save over $200
Three secure and easy payments of $266 each ($798 total)
Let’s break down the actual value you’ll get from each of the training components you see listed below.
As you can see from the screenshot above, the value of TMM is nearly $1,800.
You’re paying less than 1/3 of that by taking the one-time payment option of $597.
Also, where else can you join a mastermind group for under $1,000?
I’ve joined several mastermind groups over the years and NEVER paid less than $2,000 to get inside the group.
So, as you see, you’re getting a ton of value for the ridiculously low price of $597.
Do you feel me?
Here are a few additional payment options available at your fingertips
Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover)
Secure wire transfer
>>Get Tube Mastery Here<<
Support At Tube Mastery And Monetization
What good is a fantastic training program going to do you if there is NO help and support?
It would be worthless.
Support is the backbone of any successful training program.
Without it, you might as well throw in the towel right now.
The help and support at TMM come in the form of a Facebook group.
Once you join, you’ll gain exclusive access to this private group.
You can bump heads with other successful YouTubers as well as Matt himself.
Ask questions, get support, hear about other people’s experiences, and interact with six and seven-figure income earners in the industry.
My Tube Mastery AND Monetization Review Conclusion
If you have ever wanted to launch a YouTube channel but lacked the information and knowledge to do so, TMM was created just for you.
Due to Matt’s extensive experience and success with YouTube, you won’t find a better teacher anywhere in the online space.
While some people may feel like this course is expensive, it’s not.
Instead of looking at this as an expense, look at it as an investment in your future.
If someone offered to teach you how to make a million dollars on YouTube, how much would that be worth to you?
Let that sink in for a minute.
Having a mindset like this is imperative if you want to have any long term success online.
Without learning the right mindset hacks, you won’t get far in this industry.
If you’ve yearned for your 15 minutes of fame, you can now claim it on YouTube.
With an ever-growing platform, YouTube is the most popular video-sharing social media site of the web.
The site itself receives millions of traffic daily from all across the globe.
If you could tap into just 3% of this, you’d be earning more than a full-time income each month.
>>Get Access Now<<
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