#lords in black headcanons
shadowbrightshine · 2 months
My hc is that the Lords in Black didn't actually have these eldritch names originally and they actually were their short names, but one of them saw how much people liked Cthulu and they thought giving themselves these big names would be fun. Tinky went back to retroactively give them the names.
The reason Webby doesn't have one is because she wasn't with the brothers at that point so she never got the memo.
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amazingmsme · 6 months
Not sure if you’re open to the idea but since I ADORE the idea of tickle monsters and tickle magic just imagine what it’d be like if the Lords in Black would be lers in their own respective ways. 👀👀
I have some THOUGHTS about the lers in black, lemme tell you! Gonna go in order of the summoning
Putting this under the cut ‘cause it got LONG
He will dramatically laugh along with his victim lee
He’s such a verbal tease! Uses all the classics like kitchy kitchy coo & repeatedly saying The Word & uses a singsong voice to taunt you
LOVES the sound of laughter, literal music to his ears
Loves to build anticipation before actually striking
One of the “nicer” lords & has pity on you after the fact & will cuddle the lee once he’s done & shower them with compliments about how pretty their laugh is
Uses slow light tickles to drag things out even longer, slowly increasing the intensity the longer he tickles you & lowkey his attacks can be broken down into a “three act structure” (slow build up, REAL tickling, & the finale)
Usually teams up with Wiggly or Blinky to wreck his siblings if he’s in a particularly playful mood. If one of his usual partners in crime is his intended target, then Tinky is his next choice on account of his unhinged chaotic energy
The Watcher with a Thousand Eyes… of course they can see your tickle spots! You’re fucking stupid if you think otherwise not really tho
Before tickling you, he hovers his hands over the lee, wiggling fingers just inches over their skin just to watch & gauge their reactions so he knows what gets the best reaction (entirely unnecessary since they can legit just see where you’re most ticklish, but they wanna see which spots make the lee the most nervous when almost tickled & strike based on that)
Watches & takes note of every single reaction the lee makes & comments on it
He will absolutely notice if the lee likes it & hasn’t really asked for it to stop or try to get away. He’s very observant so he can just pick up on that sort of thing
When a tickle fight happens to break out amongst the lords in black, Blinky prefers to watch from the sidelines, staying quiet & enjoying the show. Eventually one of the others will notice & target him
T’Noy Karaxis
He’s such a chaotic & fun ler y’all have no idea
He wastes NO time & cuts right to the chase, making his lee burst into laughter as soon as he gets his hands on you
Likes to jump around from spot to spot to keep the lee guessing & on their toes
While Pokey will laugh along with his lee, Tinky will full on cackle alongside his victim. His laugh is loud & unhinged & very infectious, so it makes the lee laugh even more
Has more fun than the lee even if they’re having a blast, I promise you, he’s having more fun
He uses his goat horns to tickle the lee & it’s a similar feeling to a pencil or pen scraping over your skin
He likes to tease the lee about all the cute sounds they’re making & threatens to keep them in his time box so he can “do this forever”
This dude is SOOO babygirl I freaked tf out when I saw his human in The Summoning & I WILL be cosplaying him at some point but that is besides the point I just had to gush for a second
Nibbly loves to make the lee nervous because he says their anticipation & fear is “tasty”
Has long sharp claws nails & knows how to use them😈
For the most part tho, he likes to use mouth tickles because they have a brand to uphold. So expect lots of tickly kisses, nibbles & raspberries. & if he’s feeling particularly playful or ruthless, he’ll start licking
His teases mainly consist of a lot of nomming & gnoshing sounds & telling you how sweet you taste. It’s surprisingly flustering & very effective
Wiggog Y’Wrath
Mr. Tickle Me Wiggly himself, you’d think he’d be mostly lee but noooo he’s a full on switch maybe lee leaning but idk it might be a trap to lure you in
Despite being the most ticklish of the lib, he’s also the most ruthless ler so his siblings are cautious if they plan on targeting him
He’s one of the meanest teases you’ll ever meet ok? His main goal is to humiliate you, he is in it for the embarrassment & helplessness of these pathetic mortals because he’s just got so much power over them & he’s making them crumble without even using a fraction of his power. Look how helpless you are & he doesn’t even have to hurt you
Sorry I have THOUGHTS about him can you tell?
He’s slenderman in the onceler’s clothing (please I swear I have a point) he’s got tentacles & his over the top evil persona just gives me slenderman vibes. I just know he’d use his eldritch powers to his advantage in a tickle fight
Uses his dumb fuckin’ uwu speech to tease his lee & it flusters them as much as it pisses them off he’s just an obnoxious mf
His favorite spot to tickle is of course the belly well! (it’s so squishy!)
Ok I gotta stop myself before I start foaming at the mouth, this ask made me very Not Normal about these rainbow abominations
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littlesilentrebel · 6 months
what if each lib represented a part if the human body
nibbly and blinky are obvious (mouth/stomach and eyes respectively)
pokey could be the mind
@screwnames-ihatenames said wiggly could be hands
what about tinky?
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Back to Tinky yes absolutely I want to know how everyone tastes.
While waiting for a walk sign to blink on, T'noy Karaxis bounces on his toes.
Blinky tastes really sweet. Like, really~ sweet. He's also super soft, too. Or, he was when he had fur. Don't tell him that, because he doesn't like people knowing. Wiggly's fur tastes like copper sometimes, and it's scratchy. Though it tastes really bitter when he gets mad or after he's around Uncle Wiley for too long. But his tentacles taste like seafood! Nibbly always bites me before I can do it first, so you'll have to ask him. And I taste like a wet animal!
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adhdbisexualramblings · 4 months
Tinky (affection starved) wanting praise for every. SINGLE. Time he traps and tortures a Ted.
Wiggly would do the bare minimum: an uninterested “yes, Karaxis, wonderful job.” with a singular awkward head pat.
Blinky would just look at him weirdly like “uh…sure, I guess?” then go back to his theme park.
Pokey would shush him.
Nibbly is the only one, however, who gets excited along with him. He’s also the only one who actually enjoys the texture of his fur (somehow??) and therefore the only one Tinky can hug (not without getting bit). They discuss which potential or former Honey Queens Teddy Bear runs into across timelines and make a tally board for each one. When they’re in more human forms and Nibblenephim can’t see, Tinky points out things for him. T’noy Karaxis takes Nibbly’s suggestions for torturing Ted, even if most of them involve food.
Also pink and yellow just mesh well together. This is a twins Tinky and Nibbly post. They’re twins. I love them.
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s-aint-elmo · 4 months
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part 2 of my pining falin agenda aka I STAND WITH MARCILLE THAT DRESS WAS CUNT
part 1
(ID in alt text)
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Regulus has accidentally poisoned James before and then completely freaked out (going so far as to have a crisis of consciousness)
But what he forgets is that James is a Marauder and has ingested and lived through most if not all of the common and uncommon poisons in Europe and India, and he’s currently making his way through the rest of the world
Also james’ dad would occasionally forget which water glass or mug contained a rare potion so safe to say James is practically invincible (spoke too soon)
Anyway no one can convince me otherwise that this isn’t how regulus ended up admitting his feelings while believing James was straight up dying
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moosha-mushroom · 4 months
guys we need people to start drawing the Hatchetfield characters with incredibly cartoonish proportions to really indicate their personality. I WANNA SEE ART OF:
Solomon Lauter a twig of a man with a demonic vibe to him
Frank Pricely being a somewhat stout, dwarvish man with giant ass glasses
Sam Sweetly having a permanent smile and the glasses literally just being his eyes
Boy Jeri and Girl Jeri having thin statures yet Jeri having a heart shaped face and giant doe eyes
Paul being a crumbling mess with eyes that look they they could flood the world with their tears
Ziggy having the proportions of a Picasso drawing
Deb’s face being hidden by her beanie
Gary Goldstein being geometric AS FUCK.
ALL OF THE LORDS IN BLACK BEING SHAPES I SWEAR. Wiggly the malformed circle, Blinky the diamond, Tinky the b o x, Pokey the triangle, and Nibbly the oval(s)
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starlost-starkid · 2 months
How I imagine the Lords in Black
This is at times really abstract, sorry about that
Pokey: Although he often carries his cracked stone mask, it is not a part of him: It’s no more than a mask. Pokotho is the blue goo from TGWDLM, but he makes up his own form: He can be as big or small that he wants to be. I mostly associate him with bacteria or virus. He is an amalgamation of small parts, like a Portuguese man o’ war. He is microscopic blue mushroom spores that destroy your lungs once inhaled. He’s also utter alien. I envision minerals, rocks, strange fungi. But most of all: Pure emptiness. 
Blinky: Bliklotep is the least physical LiB to me. I see him as everything and nothing, just constantly observing. Every time you see eye-shaped holes or protrusions in a tree, the eye-like mimicry on butterfly wings, keyholes, or looking down a long spiral-staircase: that’s Blinky watching. 
Tinky: This case feels opposite to Blinky: T’noy Karaxis is inherently physical to me. His head is almost always a half-decayed skull of a goat, with its lower jaw missing. His goats horns are long, seeming to twist an impossible amount of times. A ticking sound seems to always emit from his head. His body however is relatively humanoid, but always wrong. The proportions are twisted and uncanny. The length of the torso and legs seem to shift, with fingers and goat-hooves twisting together. However he may appear he is always filthy, often bent over his toy box.
Nibbly: Apart from his once-a-year awakening on our physical plane, I find Nibblenephim difficult to place. Maybe because I find him sad. He is pure energy, a force of constant hunger and craving. He has no eyes or any discernible facial features apart from his mouth, which consists of rows upon rows of teeth. 
Wiggly: Wiggog Y’wrath is incomprehensibly large. If you were to look upon him, he would only seem to reach higher and higher- until you can’t see further. His tentacles reach from his face all the way to the ground. When not under water, moisture and humidity follow him, often with the occasional floating bubble (silly). 
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
reiner ‘I got a big dick and no clue that I know how to use it’ braun.
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a man that will quite literally rearrange your guts in alphabetical and numerical order, have you leaking like a faucet and shaking like a soda can but be completely unaware of what he’s done. This big goofy man fucking you into the mattress with his hand on your throat, making you come like four times concurrently and it doesn’t stop until he’s filled you up for like the third time. A complete, sopping mess and sore as hell. You don’t even think you can feel your goddamn legs at this point. Crying and breathing heavily from all the stimulation and he just leans down, kisses your forehead and tries to comfort you. “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong, you would tell me right?” Curse him and his big, dumb dick.
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motherfuckingmaneater · 6 months
Book Bellatrix is (part one):
Very tall. Taller than all three of the trio according to Harry when Hermione uses polyjuice to turn into her.
Quick. She’s able to stun four snatchers at once even when they’re in an uproar against her. They all ‘fell where they stood’ suggesting they didn’t even have time to stop her. Greyback is also restricted before he can even try to stop her and bound and kneeling at her feet.
Still very attractive after Azkaban again according to Harry despite that she makes his stomach lurch every time he looks at her.
Has ‘very long rippling black hair’ that’s not curly. It’s still rippling but now it’s become slightly coarse rather than silken and shiny like it was before Azkaban.
Bloodthirstier. She interrogates Griphook and when she’s satisfied with his answer she casually flicks her wand to cut him deep in the face then doesn’t even look back at him as he falls to his knees and screams in agony.
Thin. Not gaunt looking like she was right after her release from Azkaban but that’s part of why she’s so intimidating. She’s tall and thin.
Violent. She hit Ron across the face (just to get him to shut up) so hard his mouth was filled with blood and the sound was so loud it echoed around the room. She’s so violent it seems second nature.
Low (almost sultry) and disdainful in her baritone / voice. I always read her lines in Angelina’s Maleficent voice.
Not thin lipped! Just puts her lips into a line or purses her lips from time to time.
Feared and revered even amongst the goblins of gringots who ‘do not get involved in wizarding issues’.
Has an outright ‘malevolent aura’. So much so she’s never questioned or affronted. All along Diagon alley people were quickly stealing away from her to hide, too terrified of her to stick around.
Known to be closest to Voldemort even in public and non-pureblood circles.
Terrifying. She’s described as ‘frightening, mad’ when she’s screaming orders — so much so even her own sister who had been reluctant to do as she wants does so anyway. Even Fenrir Greyback is scared of her. When she finally releases him he ‘appeared too weary to approach her’ and would rather ‘prowl behind an armchair’ than get too close to Bellatrix.
Physically strong. Certainly strong enough to drag Hermione by her hair into the middle of the room. Strong enough to throw off Lucius’ attempt to grasp her and capture him herself in her grasp.
Ruthless. ‘If she dies under questioning, I’ll take you next. Blood traitor is next to mudblood in my book.’ Something she tells Ron after she’s hit him. She’s also incredibly calm when she’s being violent or hurting people. She doesn’t think twice on it.
A natural leader. She takes charge in most situations. She gives orders easily and she doesn’t care who she’s giving them to. She tells Draco to ‘move this scum outside. If you haven’t got the guts to finish them then leave them in the courtyard for me.’ When indicating to the snatchers she left unconscious.
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k0droid · 4 months
i'd like to think that megumi is a little scared of initiating pda rather than disliking it altogether. like, it's obvious to him that he wants to hold hands with you while you walk down a street but he's hesitant. you might think hes not too big on pda. megumi doesnt mean to come off that way he's just super shy :<
when he does hold your hand, i think he'd rub your knuckles and whatnot. he just seems like the type. maybe he uses it as a way to let you know hes still listening while you drone on about some interest you have. or maybe it's a way to get your attention
i also hc that megumi has rougher hands, and would DIE if you caressed his palms. place kisses to his callouses and trace the lines on his hands and watch him fall more in love with you with each action.
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amazingmsme · 6 months
your lib hcs were so good omg, do you have any for them as lees? i so need wiggly to be absolutely WRECKED, he’s so cocky and self important all the time, he needs to be taken down a peg fr. plus the fact that he made tickling his whole thing is so perfect for teasing.. “if you don’t enjoy this, why did you make it a part of your brand? it’s like you were thinking about it, like you wanted it!”
…we need the lee! Hcs now 👁👁 /j/nf
Do you have any lee headcanons for the Lords in Black?
Back by popular demand, it’s the lords lees in black! You’ve heard of tickle monsters, now get ready for tickled monsters! Again, this got p long so gonna put it under the cut
All the libs blush their respective colors
Based off the doll designs, all of their tummies are fuzzy & a different color than the rest of their fur, so they’re all pretty ticklish there, some more than others 😉
He’s one of the more fun & “chill” lords, so it’s not much of a surprise that he just kinda rolls over & lets his bros wreck his shit
He thinks it’s fun & enjoys the feeling itself as well as the feeling of laughing freely
He has deep, rich laugh that sounds like pure joy itself. If you get him really laughing it can legit shake the room
Because the hivemind is tuned in to him, they know exactly when he’s in a lee mood. They coordinate their attack & take turns tickling him & he lets it happen because he promised them happiness & world peace & if this is what they wanna do he won’t stop them!
His most ticklish spots are his neck & belly because those muscles are most associated with singing (vocal cords & diaphragm) & ribs since they cage the lungs. Oh, & ears. I may be tickle trash, but I try to have some kind of reasoning behind why I headcanon characters as being ticklish certain places
I think Tinky & Wiggly are the ones who tickle him the most because they both have bully energy
Funny how they just love watching other people get their shit wrecked but when it’s HIS turn he’s covering his face out of embarrassment
Arguably the most flustered, but Wiggly gives him a run for his money, he’s just more angy about it
Absolutely no idea why, but I’m getting ticklish hands vibes. Probably the long sleeves over the hands
Watcher with a thousand eyes=eyes in the back of his head=ticklish scalp? 👀👀👀
Has a really cute high pitched giggle that’s very bubbly
The shiny leggings & boots draw a lot of attention to the lower body, & it makes me think his worst spots are his hips, knees & feet. & the baggy hoodie makes me feel like his armpits are also up there
This unhinged goatman constantly has to be put in his place by his brothers & tickling is the best (& easiest) way to do so
He absolutely provokes them to wreck his shit because he thinks it’s so much fun & he loves to laugh & be silly & make. & he always feels so proud of himself to dragging the rest of them down to “his level” but then they immediately make him regret it… then he does it again an hour later
Very open about how much he loves it, but still gets embarrassed when his brothers tease him about it
He has hooves instead of feet, & if you were to try to buff them up or polish them he’d be such a giggly snorting mess
He has a shrill, hysterical cackle like how he laughs in The Summoning
He has a lil goat tail & if you scratch at the small of his back he arches away with the loudest screech you’ve ever heard
His most ticklish spots are his ears/neck, thighs & knees, & hooves if you use a rough enough touch
His ears are super soft & velvety & if you rub them between your fingers he can’t stop snorting between giggles
Tickling makes him so hyper & excited & his bros have to work extra hard to tide him out
Besides Tinky, he is the happiest & most playful of the lib & always has that classic wide grin plastered on his face. & he has a bright, joyous laugh to match!
Because he has such a big mouth, his laugh is really loud & bombastic. He also has a really cute giggle that’s sweet as honey
Gets really flustered if you use his own techniques & teases against him
Can’t stand tickle bites or raspberries despite how much he loves to dish them out
The fluffy arm sleeves really got me thinking about how it probably tickles him on accident when he moves, especially around his armpits
Even when he’s not tickled, he’s just very giggly
Since his whole thing is eating, his tummy is one of his worst spots. Also his thighs, sides & armpits
What you’ve all been waiting for tbh, am I right?
Biggest fucking lee out of all the lib but is in such hard denial mode. The Tickle Me Wiggly doll was the first step to acceptance & he keeps trying to make excuses for why he chose the name
Like it absolutely could’ve been just a Wiggly doll, no tickling required but he made his choice & stuck with it
Keeps insisting he had to make something unassuming & innocent & all his bros are just like mmmmhmmmm 😏
He’s sooo easy to fluster but be careful, he gets mad when he’s embarrassed. Not his usual scary levels of anger but def pissy
Even tho he loves it he will always try to run away. Gotta keep up appearances
His laugh is shrill & borders on cackling. Sometimes it’s giggly & bouncy & broken up by hiccups like in the middle of Made in America
A very jittery & nervous lee. He laughs in anticipation & curls in on himself & tries to talk himself out of the situation he absolutely put himself in
All of the lords wreck his shit on a regular basis because it’s the only way they can knock him down a peg
Most ticklish spots are of course his belly well, ribs, feet & knees, but he’s basically a walking tickle spot
Hands down the most ticklish out of all the lords in black
Swears up a storm & when tickled. Also some pretty severe sounding threats that he’d never actually carry out
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xo-katana · 9 months
May I please request headcanons for Hanzo, Erron, Fujin, and Liu Kang reacting to their girlfriend standing up to someone who’s bullying her and kicking major ass?
°•. ✿ .•°| MK Men React To S/O Who Stands Up For Themselves
Sorry it took so long, I’ve been so busy working lol
Includes: Hanzo Hasashi, Erron, Fujin, and Liu Kang
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Hanzo Hasashi
•Due to his stoic and fierce nature, he has mixed feelings about his S/O defending themselves
•He might admire his lovers strength and bravery
•He also may think that it’s his role to protect his lover and is unsure
•Will learn to trust your ability to defend and kick ass if needed
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•He might be a bit intimidated at first but it does start to turn him on eventually (LOL)
•He doesn’t understand why his S/O would want to defend themselves when he’s present
•Recognizes and values his lovers abilities and independence.
• “That’s my girl.”
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•Any aftermath injuries are already cleaned and covered
•He admires his S/O as he watches it go down
•Knows you’re defending yourself for a good reason and will tell you how proud he is
•“You did the right thing my love."
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Liu Kang
•He watches it with a smile on his face, a sense of pride on his face.
•After he watches his S/O kick ass, he has to kick them. (just incase)
•Because of his human nature, his hands are definitely roaming around his lovers body after everything calms down
•“You’re going to have to teach me that move you did earlier.”
•“I’m going to have to tell Kung Lao about this later.”
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marvelmaniac715 · 4 months
A little idea I had:
So, there is no sign of parents for the Lords in Black. Of course, someone or something had to create them and Webby, but it’s very possible that Wiggly ended up raising his siblings as the oldest sibling (at least I think he is) so here’s some ideas about that:
Imagine Wiggly holding Blinky close the first time his one thousand eyes burst open, shushing him and patting his back in his best attempt to comfort him
Imagine Wiggly trying to find the best ways to help Pokey when he complains about a dozen voices in his head, searching near and far to find something noise-cancelling, then feeling like a failure when he finds nothing that can adequately help a god
Imagine Wiggly helping his siblings learn how to use their powers - controlling colonies of ants with Pokey, watching an apple disintegrate and reform with Tinky whilst he learns to control time, playing games of I Spy with Blinky, exploring timelines with Webby, trying to find food that satisfies Nibbly but coming up short because his little brother is never full
Imagine Webby, Pokey, Tinky and Blinky starting to jokingly refer to Wiggly as ‘Mama Wiggly’, then Nibbly (who was always a little behind the others) genuinely and earnestly calling Wiggly ‘Mama’, never stopping even when their family falls apart - this one remnant of their closeness has too much value to destroy, so Wiggly never corrects him
Imagine Wiggly tucking his siblings into bed every night, only stopping the night after Webby is banished - out of muscle memory, he goes to Webby’s bed first, finds it empty, and for the last time, allows himself to be vulnerable, weeping over what he has lost
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adhdbisexualramblings · 4 months
Headcanon that Wiggly had to ask for Pokey's help for his toy jingle because Pokey's the musical prodigy.
"OK, I'm giving you my Sniggles and Wiley so you can teach them your musical bullshit. If you infect them with your blue shit I'll kill you."
"...Wiggly, these lyric drafts you gave me are really bad. Did you write these?"
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