#look me in the eyes and tell me it doesnt go hard as hell
kichikichiko · 1 day
Hi! Can you write the demon brothers with little sister reader? The reader is the 8th of the family. It must be so cute since all the brothers will care so much for their only little sister.
Our little Angel in Hell
This is so cute wtf 😭 Sorry for being so late anon Ive been busy with stuff and only got the motivation do write it now! Hope you enjoy ❤️ Synopsis: HC of the 7 demon brothers with their only sister after Lilith (who's younger than them all) Pairing: PLATONIC OLDER BROTHER! Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Satan, Beelzebub and Belphegor & lil sister! reader Note: Nicknames (Dove : lucy | Goldie: Mammon | Shellfish: Levi | Angel: Asmo | Rose: Satan | Hamster: Beel | Moonshine : Belphie ) CW: I PUT A LIL CAMEO OF MY OBEY ME OC "Kojika" (Asmodeus' part only) IN HERE FOR FUNSIES BUT SHE DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT TO THE STORY AT ALL 🤠 Platonic siblinghood, fluff, hc, not proofread, nothing else!! 𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘
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Your brothers love you DEARLY. At this rate, "Love" is already an understatement. They would do anything for you and spoil you rotten. You want plushies? Food? Books? Make up? A sacrifical human for a ritual (/j) they'd to it all for YOU.
After losing Lilith, not only did you take it hard but they did as well. Not wanting to lose their only remaining sister, they've become more over protective.
♤ As the eldest sibling and the head of the family, it is to no surprise that he holds the most composure out of the brothers.
♤ Around his other brothers he appears as "harsh" (but they all know he just cares for them) but around you, he doesnt even try to look stern. Everytime he looks at you his gaze softens and he smiles slightly
♤ "Mammon I'm taking away your credit card privellages" Lucifer sighs while taking away Mammon's credit card for the 5th time this month.
"Give it back Lucifer! An auction for this awesome gold car figure is coming out TOMORROW I NEED IT!" The white hair demon groaned.
You walked into the scene with a smile "Hi Lucy, is it okay if I get this thing on sale tomorrow? Ive been waiting for it to come out for a while now."
Lucifer's frowned expression turned soft in an instant and he gave you a nod "of course, just don't spend too much."
"OH FUCK YOU LUCIFER" Mammon screamed.
♤ If hypothetically he doesnt allow you to get something, instead of giving you a glare, he pats your head and shakes his head a little "Sorry Dove, but not today. We can get it another time okay?"
◇ Mammon is the greediest among his 7 siblings. He is the embodiment of the deadly sin, greed anyways.
◇ He HATES sharing and he doesnt hide that, but with you? He is more lenient.
◇ Don't get me wrong, he hesitates and tells you no sometimes, but other times if not most times, he is more willing to give you something or lend you something, albeit with his snarky/ stuck up personality 😭.
◇ youve been staring at a certain display case everytime you and Mammon pass by, and the yellowed eye demon couldnt help but notice it.
◇ At first he wanted to ignore it, but seeing at your longing/ awed gaze he folded.
◇ "Oi Goldie, you want that?" He pointed to the item on the display case, his hand on his hip trying to act tough and unbothered.
"Uhm.. yes but I don't have any mo-"
Mammon cut you off and walks into the store. "C'mon let's go get it."
♧ Levi loves games, he's always cooped up in his room and rarely comes out.
♧ When he plays a multiplayer game, everyone knows how competitive this demon can get
♧ So to spare themselves from the death glares and the not so PG 13 name calling, they avoid playing him... well unless they truly wanna pick a fight with him.
♧ When you play games with him though, he's a completely different person.
♧ He's patient and kind when teaching you the basics
♧ During your first few games, he'd allow himself to take the loss
♧ He wont admit it, but he loves to see the way your eyes shine and how youre mpre determined
♧ This way, you'll play the game longer and spend more time with Levi
Your eyes shine and you smiled widely "YAY I WON! Beat that Levi! I just started the game and I won against you on. The. First. Try!"
Levi rolled his eyes and smirked "Don't get too cocky Shellfish, I might just beat your ass in the next round"
"Bring it on big bro" You grinned, holding the controller tightly.
♡ He's aware you've lost the only female influence in your life (Lilith)
♡ you being surrounded by so many masculine energy worries Asmo
♡ Not wanting you to lose your feminine side, he decided to take on the role of being your main "female influence" in your life.
♡ He is the perfect man for the job
♡ He will take you out for shopping, to the salon, kareoke, photo booths, manicures and pedicures, spas. You name it he'll do it
♡ He's even be the one you go to for sex ed/ advice bc.. well come on
♡ If youre into none of that that's fine too, he'll be your irl diary and listen to whatever you have to say... even hot boiling tea you cant keep to yourself😁
♡ "Asmo!! Are you free?" You opened the door to his room with a smile
Your brother looks at you through his mirror as he was doing his skincare "Yes sort of. Why?"
Your smile turned into a grin as you closed the door behind him and jumped onto his bed "I've got delicious tea"
Seeing your hands on your cheeks and your facial expression made Asmodeus return the grin "Oh yeah? Is it piping hot tea?" Finally facing you as he asked
"Piping.HOT!" You responded unable to contain your excitement "Miss Kojika was finally caught going out with Simeon"
"No way you better not be kidding Angel. Wasn't she just complaining about not liking Angels before?"
"Yeah but you see the way her cheeks turn pink at the MENTION of the Angel Simeon" you made sure to remind him.
♡ The conversation went on for hours, and both you and your brother are happy to have someone to talk to like this.
□ Somewhat simillar to his older brother Levi. He gets impatient and is angry quite often, especially at the mention of Lucifer.
□ His way of escape is through his love of cats OR his abode, his sanctuary: his personal library.
□ During the times he disappears, it's a sign that he does not want to be bothered by anyone. And the only one who can bother him is you.
□ He wont exactly call it "bothering" when it comes to you, because he knows you have good intentions and only want to help him.
□ Especially if he just came out of Lucifers office after a heated argument
□ You were in the kitchen when you heard the door to Lucifer's office being slammed shut, followed along with heavy footsteps stomping away. You knew instantly that it was Satan's footstep.
Without wasting another second, you finished up the dishes and went straight to the hallway leading to his abode.
"Satan?" You knocked. "It's me, (name)"
After a few seconds, you heard a muffled "come in" and you twisted the door knob open. "I heard you walking out of Lucifer's office before."
Both you and Satan knows that he didnt "walk out" but you both decided to not correct it.
"Just another fight" he answered quickly while reading a book. "Same as always."
Slowly walking towards him, you took a seat beside him and smiled softly "Dont listen to him. You know he can make no sense sometimes... most of the times" you shruged. "Besides Im here for you. Whaddya say we do something fun?"
Satan's stern face turned soft, and when he made eye contact with you, he smiled "Sure. Thank you, Little Rose."
□ You've got his back, and he's got yours.
♤ the hungriest brother. He just never stops eating.
♤ Whenever anyone catches Beel, he's always got something in his hands to munch on.
♤ And sometimes he's not willing to share his food.
♤ Whenever you ask though he's willing to give you a bite or 2. Hell maybe even give you the whole darn thing if he sees you TRULY enjoying the food.
♤ "Wow you seem to REALLY like the snack more than I do, Hamster..." he'd joke, mouth still full.
♤ Whenever youre feeling hungry he'd take the time out of his day to cook you (and him) some food.
♤ When he's feeling experimental and want to try a new recepie, he'd call you down to try his food and if you like it he smiles earnestly.
♤ Nothing makes Beel more happy (other than food) than seeing you enjoy his cooking.
♤ Even if you ask for it or not, he starts cooking for you more often. It's his love language and you dont seem to mind it. Cooking is a tedious job indeed and you appreciate your brother's efforts to keep your tummy full and happy.
♤ VICE VERSA! You love to bake and cook for your brothers.
♤ If you dont have the talent for either, Beel will be the first gobble up your food and give you a big thumbs up in approval. While the rest of your brothers have a hard time even swallowing the first bite
♤ Beel appreciates your effort and doesnt want you to become disheartened.
♤ But next time he'll supervise you in the kitchen and give you some tips and tricks
♧ You and Belphie are both the younger siblings (Beel as well but hes regarded as older than Belphie)
♧ And Youngest tend to stick together!
♧ You like having sleepovers, even though its a little bit of a silly ideas because you already live in the same estate as your brothers.
♧ Theyre usually busy so whenever you want this specific want of yours to be endulged you always go to Belphie.
♧ and he never says no to sleeping.
♧ With Belphie you both like to build tent fords together and watch movies together while eating popcord (that you both made sure Beel does not see nor smell because he'll pounce on the both of you before you have the chance to walk out of the kitchen)
♧ Other times you both would go online to buy matching onsies for your sleepover
♧ You both do this so often you end up having a closet full of matching onsies together.
♧ Sleeping with Belphie is indeed very relaxing. And Belphie likes having you around especially
♧ Usually the avatar of sloth put on a pair of Pyjamas and goes to sleep instantly, however with you around, he'll make the effort to put on essential oils, ambiance (if you'd like) and night lights 🤍🤍
♧ "Wow Belphie you put a lot of effort for the sleepover today!" You smiled looking at his room in awe
Belphie smiled and yawned "Of course, anything for you Moonshine. I want you to be as comfortable as possible."
♧ Safe to say you both will sleep in to the point your other brothers will have to drag you both out of bed to start the day
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romsabombs · 2 days
GUYS the new malevolent is insane so i just thought i'd drop my notes in here✍️ ENJOY it's a lot
freaky ahh cavern
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!
the man is bathed in darkness👹 john thats racist
mf literally been crucified this is so arthurs religious trauma
that is not what bones sound like i think
shes so me awful posture
me at 4am in the kitchen looking for a snack
WAIT oh yuck :/
car accident thats so season 1
this is kind of like a hat in time maybe
omgg a witch :3
arthur survives the wildest shit but i think a mcdonalds sprite would kill him
cant we only do allat to corpses
omg spit it out john
omggg thats so janey :33
hes bein puppeted by the maggots thats crazy
omgg kaynes dagger <33
how can this mf be helpful
this is so tmp a bit
rotten flesh mentioned minecraft ref
the maggots be like i have your fucking eyes👹👹👹👹
OMG WHAT THE HELL zombie arc
claustrophobia again
imagine harlan recording this
omg that's so sexy 🔥🔥 decapitated his ass
LMAO john stop saying things
YES JOHN it WOULD have been helpful to know this guy didnt have any eyes
"this isnt new york anymore" thank god amiright
his head between our legs🤨
its so funny how he calls it a pinky. didnt someone on tumblr say john wouldnt know finger names
im surprised arthur still has a shirt
the flesh feels stiff😟
this guy is still alive😦 or. dead. i guess
arthur is like weirdly normal about this guy being a zombie. i know hes seen shit (no he hasnt) but come on
faroes song ☹️
oh what😐 the prince🙄
what did he sayy
oh gross come on guys😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 at this point just put it in your own mouth
"id like to think this is the most insane thing we've ever done" 💀
teehee they dont wanna seperate :3
"everyone we've ever loved" weak. also john doesnt care about anyone but you
"we cant afford to not use every resource anymore" HAHA this is so funny because didnt you throw away everything youve ever owned last episode
yippee welcome back vanguard :3
nothing😟 WAIT YIPPEE :3
omg names mentioned
wait. yorick? llorick? thats the thing arthur said
its not lorick that was the guy from the dreamlands
hey what the fuck did that mean😀
omg what. rumpelstiltskin
HAHA hes so loser
OMG wait they said stanzyck right
ofcourse anna is dead bruh we were never gonna meet her
arthur and john both being "kings"😟
this tooth is so silly🥰
everyones walking over arthur today💀
they're so miscommunication <3
hey😀 hey whats that sound
DONT SAY IT ugh the prince
"ahh yes :3"
this guy is so kayne. and a bit autistic
wait r we just carrying around this skull
bro arthur sounds so tired
ooo this would go hard as a cosplay
i cant believe he has a belt
ooo the black stone perchance?
ok i guess not
omg god forbid a girl has hobbies🙄
"im not saying its not risky. what im saying is, it might be worth the risk" that line goes hard
arthur agreeing to this is like a dad saying "okay fine we'll go to mcdonalds🙄"
no reward without risk✊💥
"we're in the lion's den already" "it is a hag's womb👹" HEHEHE
oooohh johnn 😶‍🌫️
OH 😦 ohhh 😀 u have his memories
clever girl
"thanks yorick😐" "you too my king🤗" "shut up🙄👹"
yorick is so me absolutely no sense of social cues
ofcourse we'd encounter a witch here it was so obvious
"try to keep straight" pff
did john say im serving
hey yeah maybe dont go towards the light😀
when is the jumpscare happening
i have no idea what he's saying
"too much to make out" MAKE OUT?🤭
LMAO he doesnt know
pregnant meat☹️⁉️
hey i thought asking the vanguard questions would have a price🤨😀
imagine if he just crushed that zombies skull like its a good thing we just decapitated him
hes literally describing my room
you're my eyes☹️
they're acting as if the lighter would give us much light
omgg shes a little interior decorator
tapestry lore!!💪
five minutes left whats gonna happen
wuh ohhh somethings gonna happen
ur literally in her home leave her alone
his ass is panicking
this is so part 18 the madness
we're trapped :( :(
"ingenious decision king🤓" "SHUT UP👹"
SPRINT!!!!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃
OH???? 😦😦😦😦 WHAT
omggg he got marcy'd
i saw fanart of this but i lowkey couldnt tell if it was a spoiler or not💀
hot take but if he got bitten by that zombie he could prolly survive this
HUHHH bro this is like part 27 the roots. he was less dramatic about it this time tho
bro yorick finally shut up💀
sooo where did he get impaled. like if in the heart hes cooked😬
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scramble-crossing · 10 months
If I had a nickel for every time my favourite boss battle in a video game featured a cat being possessed by an otherworldly power with the final form of a firebird I would have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice
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teddynottss · 13 days
Hi can you please do one where him and Yn are arguing so she walks off and sits on another man's lap in spite and he gets so mad he fucks her hard and face fucks her?He also makes sure to praise and degraded her and tells her he loves her afterwards.
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PAIRING(S): theodore nott x fem reader
WARNING(S): smut, swearing, dirty talk, praising
SUMMARY: its a request
A/N: sorry this is rushed bc i have school, i might rewrite it again later, school is done in a few weeks so I’ll probably write more freely then.
You and your boyfriend theo tried your best to attend every slytherin party there is, and this one was no different. You got to the party and met up with some of your friends.
After a while, you went to check up on your boyfriend only to find him and blaise standing on the kitchen counter, drinking and dancing. They were clearly drunk as hell and when you tried to call theo a few times to help him get down, he wasn’t answering you.
Mattheo then noticed you struggling and therefore called theo, “theo, look your girl is tryna talk to you.” Theo then looks down at you “get down here are you crazy, you look so stupid standing up there” you chuckled. Theo however, didn’t find that very funny and got mad at you “fuck off you bitch”.
A loud gasp left mattheo’s mouth as blaise spoke “hey man thats not cool” to which theo just scoffed. Without saying a word, you stormed off angrily to find your friends again when you found them sat with a group of guys. “you okay y/n?” daphne asked.
you nodded your head and then felt someone grab your arm. “hey beautiful” cedric diggory, sat down next to pansy spoke. you could feel theo’s eyes on you, perfect timing, payback bitch. “hii” you exclaimed taking his hand and sitting on his lap, slightly straddling it.
theo’s eyes filled with rage and anger, he got down from the table and came your way. he could hear you giggling at diggory’s lame jokes. He approached you, grabbed you by the arm and threw you over his shoulders. He placed his hand on your ass, hiding your skirt from revealing what was under and he left the party house.
“Put me down, now!! Nott i swear to god..” you were now walking on the street, clearly on your way to his dorm. “.. why wont you answer me? so you got mad when i was talking to another guy but you told me to fuck off and called me a bitch?!?”
All this and he doesnt say a word, when you get to his dorm, he lets you down and before you get a chance to speak, he pins you to the wall, kissing you hungrily. He grabs your face deepening the kiss, allowing his tongue to slip in, claiming dominance.
He then worked on removing his pants and when you tried to take your skirt off, he stopped you. “i wanna fuck you with your clothes on” him all stripped and you remaining in your clothes, he led you into the shower and turned the hot water on.
“So you wanna be a slut huh? then act like it” you got on your knees, between him and took his hard length in your hands. You pumped it a few times before you introduced your tongue, licking his tip then taking him in your mouth.
Sucking and licking, you grab onto his thighs, which will probably leave marks later, as the hot water drenches the both of you. He grabs your hair, creating a makeshift ponytail, guiding you. “You fucking slut, immediately ran to another man huh?” you moaned onto him without using any words.
“fuckkk.. you’re going to prove to me that that pretty little mouth of yours doesnt just argue” you try to take more of him which makes you gag hard on his cock, leading to him coming in your mouth without any warning whatsoever. “Good girl, now swallow, principessa” you swallow everything, licking him clean then sticking your tongue out to show him you swallowed.
Then, he carries you up, holding you with one hand, removing your panties with the other. Once he got rid of your lace green panties, he slowly lowered you on his cock. Giving you no time to adjust at all, he begins thrusting in and out of you. “such a fucking whore” he says kissing your neck. He thrusts deeper making you whimper as you throw your head back.
He kisses you, biting your lip making you arch your back. “youre my little slut, my whore, my girl, my principessa, understand?” you nod your head. “words cara mia” “yess” you moan. “good girl, now do you wanna cum?” “yess theo please” “because you said please”.
his thrusts are now deeper and faster, you practically bouncing on him as your eyes roll back then close in pleasure. “you wouldnt have bounced on his cock like this would you” you moan a quick no as the grabs the shower head pointing it at you clit. He begins biting on your neck, abusing the skin. You scream his name as you cum clean on his cock.
“amore mio.. you are so fucking beautiful like this” he says putting you down, yet making sure he supports you so that u dont fall. “I love you so fucking much, no words are enough” “i love you too theo” “and im sorry for what i did earlier i was so drunk and wasted..” he apologized. “its okay as long as you promise to not do it again” “promise, now lets get you all cleaned, maybe we can watch a movie afterwards.”
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luna0713hunter · 8 months
hello! may I request for a opla zoro x reader with the action/scenario being the kissing passionately against a wall? maybe zoro was feeling really protective over reader cause someone was hitting on her and after he beats their ass/threatens them he kisses reader? Preferably female reader please! Thank you!!
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Author's note : hello dear!!such a cute request! I'll be happy to write it!!! Hope you enjoy it (◕દ◕)
"passionate kissing,pressured up against a wall"
Based on this prompt
Zoro Roronoa x fem!reader
Warnings : reader getting hit on,idiot stranger not knowing who's he's messing with, protective Zoro
"Alright then, I'll go with Sanji to help him with the ingredients he wants!"
"i appreciate it but i very much rathered you didnt..."
"I'm going to look for new maps."
"and I'll stay to guard the ship, y'know,in case of an attack."
You wave everyone goodbye as you watch their retreating figures with a promise of meeting in three hours by The Going Merry.
You look beside you to the stoic man who has his arms crosses and smile.
"so,what should we do?"
Zoro looks around and suddenly he takes your hand and starts walking.
"where are we going?"
"to the bar."
You snort and walk through the doors of a small bar. When you take a sit behind the counter,you stare as Zoro orders two drinks for both of you.
"its not even evening and you're already drinking?"
"the lunch didnt set well with me."
"cause Sanji didnt let you drink."
Zoro only huffs and rolls his eyes before taking a sip of his drink,and upon a taste he downs the whole glass and motions for the bartender to refill it.
"you should really start drinking less." You tell him as you nurse your own glass and taking tiny sips.
Zoro ignores you in favor of drinking his alcohol.
You grin;used to his antics and not taking offense. Zoro is just so easy to tease,that you find yourself always annoying the hell out of him.
You start drinking and looking around the bar;its mainly empty except a small group of marines sitting in the far corner. They're young,and when you look at them,you see one of them is already starting back at you.
In fear of getting recognized and having to fight or run,you immediately turn back and stare down at your drink. And apparently,the guy staring at you takes that as an act of shyness and invitation.
"hey there," and when a smooth voice greets you from your other side,you raise your head and smile nervously at the young Marine man.
Act cool. Please dont notice we're pirates. Smile,and greet him politely.
"hello," you say as you fidget in your sit, "how,uh,how may i help you?"
"for starters,you can help by letting me buy you a drink?"
You raise your drink to show him your half empty glass, "I'm good actually,thanks."
The man grins and rests his hand on the counter, "playing hard to get,huh." Then his hand moves on top of yours;and the action has you swallowing around your dry throat, "then how about dinner? I'll take you to a nice restaurant."
"no really, I'm fine, actually I'm with my-"
"i insist -"
"hey,hotshot," the sound of Zoro's voice has you shivering, "she said she's not interested. So back the fuck off."
The Marine raises to his full height,and his stare hardens, "and who the hell are you?"
Zoro smiles and downs his drink. Before you can even protest,he moves so close to the other guy,and places a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm her boyfriend."
The guy doesnt have time to react before suddenly,in a high speed that gives you whiplash ,slams the head of the marine to the counter.
The sickening sound of bone cracking twists your stomach,but the look on Zoro's face is much more terrifying.
The bar suddenly grows quiet,and when you rush to Zoro's side to grab his hand, suddenly the Marines are running after you two.
Zoro is not a man to runaway from any fights,so he stops to fight ten times harder than the marines. He manages to knock out three more (maybe even killed them?!you didnt stop to check.) Before you grab his hand and particularly yank him toward the exit.
You two run as fast as you can,before ducking in some alley. You peek from the corner of the wall and when see no more Marines in sight,you let out a sigh of relief and turn around toward the very cool Zoro and frown at him.
"was that really necessary? You know we cant get recognized!!"
"do you think i really care about that?" He walks closer, forcing your back to hit the wall behind you "he was hitting on you. He's lucky I didn't kill him."
You only stare at the man in front of you, noting how tense his whole body seems.
You stomach flutters with so much love and adoration for him that has you weak in knees.
So before Zoro can talk more,you pull him down by his collar and press your lips to his.
The kiss becomes heated fairly quick;as Zoro presses you up against the wall even more and this hands wonder around your hips and your own carding through his hair. You dont know how much time has past,not until you have to pull away from lack of oxygen.
He presses his forehead against yours as you both try to regain your normal breathing.
"so," you say as you can breath normally once again, "are you still jealous?"
And from the scowl he wears, you're sure he still is.
So you laugh and pull him down again.
A little reassuring never hurts after all.
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bigassmoonchild · 8 months
i like to think ghost have a partner that expresses love by biting { totally not me i wouldnt even think of chomping} but hes so used to it that he doesnt have a reaction when his wife is in nibble mode
everyone else loses their complete shit thinkin that a random person just bit ghost { i also love the idea that ghost doesnt tell soap shit jus to fuck with him }
i absolutely adore this bc i definitely do this 💀 (i've had this in my drafts for a few days now, but just finally figured out how i wanted it to go)
simon would sit in the mess hall, not just to show face but also to be with the rest of his squad. price had to push him to join, but now he came of his own choice. it was something he did, not too often, but often enough.
on this particular day, you had gotten back from a mission all but a few hours ago. simon had been gone for a few weeks prior to you leaving, so you hadn't seen him in nearly a month and a half.
you walked into the mess hall, simon could see you from where he was sitting. you grabbed your tray of food and looked around to find where you were going to sit. he saw you move towards your squad before spotting him, sitting in front of soap and gaz.
so you made your way over, shuffling between people who were standing around and having to take a few different routes to get to them. dropping your tray down, you sat next to simon.
soap went to snag some food off of your tray and you smacked his hand, giving him a face as you did so. the three of you were talking, about what simon wasn't entirely sure of. he was trying to look at you while not completely giving himself away.
god, he loved you. more than you'd possibly ever know. catching his eye, you gave him a slightly confused face and you could see his eyes slightly squint with a little smile.
smiling back, you dove back into your conversation with soap and gaz. '...didn't realize that was something he did,' you said as simon came back into the conversation.
soap gave a little laugh, rolling his eyes. 'oh, gaz is a real charmer. spilled his pint o' beer on a lady once in a bar. you remember that, right ghost?' and simon nodded, giving a little grunt as he did so.
he still watched you, the light shining in your eye and the color slowly returning to your face as everything began to go back to your normal. he knew how much you missed this during missions, and even with the bags under your eyes he still thought you were as beautiful as ever.
the conversation waned, soap and gaz beginning to argue a little. your knee pressed against his, allowing your legs to touch. the only bit of pda he would allow with other soldiers around. with his mask on.
even though gaz and price knew, he kept it a secret from the loud mouthed scot. he knew, as much as he (unwillingly) cared for soap, word would spread fast if he knew it.
and the two of you spoke often about possibly bringing him in on the secret. possibly even just coming out as a couple at the nearest milball.
as much as the conversations happened, that was two milballs ago. three years you had been together, and just six months ago he had popped you the question. he knew exactly where that ring lay, on a long chain sitting just on your sternum.
some nights, he would kiss it. long and hard as he prayed to whatever being would listen that the two of you returned safe from the mission you were next on. other times, he tugged on it to pull you in for kisses.
there would even be a few nights that he would just play with it, feeling the heat of the metal from where it would rest against your skin. he loved that you kept it so close to your heart, and kenw that once the two of you married you wedding band would sit just there.
his own would sit against his heart, as soon as he got it.
a sharp pain from his bicep pulled him from his thoughts, looking down at where you bit him. clenching your teeth a little harder, you finally released him.
'what the hell was that,' soap sputtered out. looking between you, then simon and gaz. gaz gave him a little shrug, looking away as you leaned for another bite.
simon pushed your head away from his arm. 'don't bite me, you little mosquito,' he huffed at you. you gave him a cheeky little smile, winking at him before digging back into your food.
soap gestured wildly. 'no, i want to know what's going on. what the hell. why the hell?'and you gave soap a little laugh.
pulling the chain from under your shirt, you dangled the ring and chain in front of him. 'technically, we are still planning the wedding,' and you grunted as soap kicked you.
'and why wasn't i told?' he hissed at the two of you. you gave a faint shrug, playing with some of the food on your plate. you faught like hell to tell soap, but respected simons decision.
'you've got a loud mouth,'
'i do not!' soap nearly shouted. 'i absolutely do not,' he then whispered. you laughed and tapped your knee against simons.
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underoossss · 9 months
idk if this fit ur blurb request but can i request a first bf steve with reader. they have a fight and reader thinks theyre over but steve and them talk through it bc he doesnt want to break up?
thank you for your request! I love this, miscommunication + idiots in love 💕
You close your eyes as you lean you head on the cold tile of the shower. The warm spray of water falls on the nape of your neck and down your back much like the tears that cascade down your eyes. You squeeze them shut when your heart pangs with pain once more. Steve and you are over, the stupid fight you had earlier in the afternoon triggering the breakup. How funny is it that your first ever fight is also your last?
Stepping out of the shower, you go through the motions of getting dressed and ready for bed. Your eyes are tired from crying, but the tears don’t stop as you recall the end of your conversation earlier.
Can we just leave it? I’m done. Steve said, running a hand through his hair and motioning for you to get in his car.
He wasn’t there to pick you up today, leaving you stranded in the rain. He claimed you didn’t tell him you worked until 4pm instead of 5 today so he showed up an hour late for you but on time for him. You told him you’d mentioned it yesterday and the arguing had started then. Granted, you had an awful day at work, and from the tension on Steve’s shoulders he had a bad day too. Or as it seemed maybe he was already planning on breaking up with you, and the fight gave him his chance.
The drive back to your house was silent and tense, as you held your breath to avoid crying in front of him and all but ran to the front door as soon as he parked. You didn’t take off your rain soaked clothes for another hour, too heartbroken and busy crying your eyes out to mind. It was only when you started to shiver that you went upstairs and took a long hot shower. It didn’t soothe the ache on your chest one bit.
Hair towel-dry and brushed you leave the bathroom and head to the kitchen to have some water when the doorbell rings. There’s still a light drizzle outside, and you know you didn’t order any takeout so you’re more than confused about who could be ringing your doorbell. Leaving the glass of water on the kitchen counter and pretending you don’t look a puffy mess from crying, you cross the living room to the front door.
Steve stands on the other side, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a plastic bag with unknown contents inside. His hair has some droplets of rainwater clinging to the ends and so do his eyelashes. He wears a dark blue sweatshirt and jeans, and a face so pretty your heart aches at what you lost.
“Steve? What are you doing here?” You ask, eyebrows meeting in the middle as you furrow them in confusion.
“I wanted to talk to you, I don’t like how we left things earlier?” The hand that was in his pocket scratches his chin, his eyes wide and vulnerable as they look at you.
You twist your lips to keep yourself from crying. “You want to break up officially then? Ok, do it.” You wraps your arms around your chest, protecting yourself from what will come next.
“Break up?” Steve’s eyebrows raise towards his hairline comically, mouth falling open in shock at your words. “Babe, what the hell?”
“Don’t be mean, Steve.” You shake your head and press your lips together as a tear falls down your cheek like a small traitor. “You already said ‘I’m done’, I got it.”
Steve, wonderful and beautiful Steve takes a step closer to you, face a mixture of confusion and pain. “Baby, you think we broke up? Just from that fight?”
“What else am I supposed to think Stevie?” You whisper, looking away from his sweet brown eyes and swallowing hard the knot in your throat.
“Honey, I drove you home. I would’ve hugged you goodbye but you ran out of the car before I could.” Steve shakes his head. “I thought your were pissed at me, not that you thought we broke up. Can we talk?”
You blink a few times at him as your mind tries to catch up. Steve’s always been a gentleman, of course you’d think it was normal for him to drive you home even if he broke up with you; the rest, well, you didn’t stay in his car for him to say anything else did you. Nodding and stepping back from the door, you let Steve in and close the door behind you.
Now in the warm light of the living room, Steve has a clear look at your red-rimmed eyes and the way his face falls brings fresh tears to blur your vision. “Oh, baby.” Steve frowns and pulls you to his chest, hugging you flush against him as you let yourself cry. “I’m sorry, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”
“We were both so angry, when you said ‘I’m done’ I assumed—” You take a step back and look at him, his face pained from seeing you in pain.
Steve’s hands hold your face gently, the kiss he presses on your forehead is just as soft. “I meant I’m done fighting, not that I’m done with us. You’re the best thing in my life, you know that.”
Your boyfriend —you can’t believe you thought you’d have to say ex before it— leads both of you to the couch, where you sit down facing each other. Steve takes you hands in his as you lean your face on the headrest, embarrassed, happy but still hurt from the heartbreak you put yourself through hours before. “I’m sorry, we were both under a lot of stress, I forgot you said 4pm and I shouldn’t have let it start a fight between us.”
You shake your head, “I shouldn’t have gotten mad either, I was already annoyed from work and let it get the best of me. I’m sorry too, Stevie.”
“No, I’m sorry.” Steve shakes his head, “I know you like clarity, and I was very vague earlier. I should’ve said I wanted to stop fighting, instead of saying I’m done. I mean it baby, I wanted to end our fight not our relationship.”
You nod, “I shouldn’t have assumed, but I was scared to ask. I thought you found an excuse to dump me.”
“And be an idiot who lost the most perfect girl in the world?” Steve shakes his head and you give him a small smile. “It was our first fight, that’s all, it doesn’t mean my feelings for you changed.”
“I’ll call you to remind you next time my schedule changes.” You whisper, shifting closer to Steve, “I should’ve done that today.”
“And I’ll write it down, somewhere I won’t forget.” Steve’s hands find your hips and pull you closer until your legs are thrown over his and he’s looking down at you, an adoring look in his eyes. “I love you.”
You hold his cheek and smile, “I love you so much.”
Steve closes the gap between the two of you, his lips capturing yours in a soft but passionate kiss. His arms wrap around you as he leans closer, humming against your mouth when you run your fingers through his hair. He kisses you until you’re breathless and his lips place scattered pecks on your cheek, your chin and one more on your nose. It makes you laugh and the smile Steve gives you in return could power up all of Hawkins.
Rewinding to the memory of him standing in your doorway makes you pause. “What was in that bag you brought?”
Steve’s smile turns sheepish as he leans in to kiss you again, a sweet thing that gives you butterflies. “Well, I uh– thought you were pissed at me so I brought some snacks and a movie so you could forgive me.”
You smile widely at him, stomach flipping incessantly and heart beating loudly with affection. This man really does own your heart, no wonder thinking about losing him wrecked you. “You are the best thing in my life, you know? You don’t need snacks to get me to forgive you but they’re appreciated.”
Steve chuckles and wraps you up in his arms, face pressed to your neck. “Sorry I made you cry.”
“It’s okay.” You smile, soaking in his warmth and breathing in his familiar scent; feeling at ease, and safe. “We really need to communicate better though.”
Steve’s laugh is a beautiful sound next to your ear.
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cheshsblog · 10 months
After the first time seeing you without a bra on, you mustered up the courage to tell Chan about one of your insecurities, namely your chest. He had listened to you without interrupting, thinking about how he could make you feel better and make you see the beauty of your body. After you had finished talking he took your hands in his and asked if you trusted him. With a positive answer as validation he stood up and lightly nudged you in the direction of your bedroom. Chan made you sit on the bed while he closed the door. You watched him, unsure as to why he brought you here. "If any of this is too much for you just say stop and we will immediately stoo, yeah?" He looked directly into your eyes, honesty in his own. You nodded, still a bit confused. "Stand up please, darling." He instructed you. You did as he asked of you, gerting up from your place on the bed. Chan guided you to stand directly in front of the full-body lengthed mirror that was placed in your room. He was standing behind you, big warm hands on your waist. "Look at yourself baby." He told you, resting his head on your shoulder. "May I touch you?" You approved. His hands moved from your waste to the hem of your shirt, pushing it upwards until your chest was on full display, naked and exposed. "So pretty, look at you. Your perky nipples, already hard, hm?" He whispered into your ear and afterwards pressing a kiss to your neck, hot and soft. His hands started to massage your chest, sometimes grazing them with his nails, making you squirm a bit. "Does that feel good baby?" You nodded but mumbled something he couldnt understand despite pressing his face to your neck. "What was that, my love? Can you repeat that for me?" He pressed another kiss to the underside of your jaw. "T-they are m-more sensitive with the shirt on." "Yeah? Then lets try that." He pulled your shirt down again and began to massage your chest again befor moving to the centers. The moment Chan starts rubbing over your nipples you feel heat pool in your gut. "Hm-hgn." "Does that feel good sweetheart?" You whimpered in response. "Do this make you wet, yeah?" And hell it did. You were pressing your legs together, trying to somehow get away but also move more into Chan's touch. He chuckeled lowly into your ear. "Does daddy make you feel good, yeah?" When you let out moan at his title, he cooed at you, rutting his hips slowly into your ass. "You make daddy feel good too baby. So perfect for me, only me, yeah?" He started to pick up the pace while one of his hands made its way down to your pants. He pulled them, alongside you underwear, down far enough to touch you on your most sensitive spot. Chan starts muttering into your ear. "You feel amazing, I can w-wait to feel you around my cock. You'll be so perfect-ah fuck. I love you so much baby." You can only whimper and moan at his words, the movement on your chest and core syncing up now to bring you to your climax. You can already feel the tension building, the delicious sparks and the preassure taking over. "Hgn-Channie please!" You call out for him. "You wanna cum? Cum for daddy? Hmmm-ugh go ahead baby, make a mess for me." That was the last drop you needed. With a high pitched whine you cum on his hand and yourself. After that it doesnt take Chan long to cum in his own boxers, his orgasm punching a growl out of him. "You did amazing, my precious angel and you are beautiful, I hope you'll be able to see that. I love you."
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We’re not saying goodbye, not today, okay?
Summary: You and Dustin get Eddie out of the upside down. Eddie x reader
Authors note: a lot of you asked for something where Eddie survives, so I figured to give you a little something. This was really quickly written, I promise to put more work into something even better along these lines soon! All of the works I’ve posted on here so far have been first drafts, so please don’t be too harsh🤧 
“Eddie!!” you scream, following Dustin out of the upside down trailer and racing towards your lover. God no, please, please no. When the demobats fall, you and Dustin run to Eddie. Placing his head in your lap, you inspect him to see the damage. “Oh god,” Dustin cries. “Bad, huh?” Eddie says, looking up at the two of you. “Hey, hey its gonna be okay. Stay with me Eddie, stay right here. Come on, you’re going to get up, and we are going to get you out of here,” you reassure him. He shakes his head, he can feel that he is really not okay. “It’s gonna be okay,” he tells you. “Please baby, were not saying goodbye. Not today, okay?” you plead with him. “Look, we just gotta get you to a hospital. Okay? Y/n help me get him up!” Dustin yells desperately.
Eddie hooks one arm around Dustin’s neck and the other around yours, and together, you’re able to walk him all the way back to the trailer. “Son of a bitch… how are we going to get him up there?” you think out loud, tears streaming continually down your face as the love of your life nears death in your grasp. The sound of him struggling to breathe clouds your already racing mind. You cant lose him, not today, not here, not like this.
“Okay, okay Eddie stay calm, were gonna get you out of here,” Dustin scans the room, trying so hard not to let panic set in. “Okay, i think were gonna have to lift him. But from the ground… it’s too low.” He grabs the table sitting next to the front door, and slides it right under the gate. “I don’t think this can hold all of our weight,” you say, concerned. “Do you have a better idea? It’s worth a shot, and right now its the only one we have,” Dustin yells.
You nod, helping eddie stand up on the barely stable table, you getting up there with him. You bend down on one knee, and use your hands as a stepping stool. ”Okay Eds, just try to reach it, you can do this baby, please, just reach.” You can hear how much pain he is in as he reaches, blood still spilling from his wounds. It shatters your heart to listen to it but you just need to get him back. Then everything will be okay.
The next day-
Eddie has been really quiet since yesterday. You cant blame him, it was traumatic. Hell, this whole damn week has been traumatic for him, for all of you. He hadn’t been able to shower last night because of how weak he was after losing all of that blood, but you had made sure to clean and wrap all of his wounds before the two of you went to bed. You were just glad he was safe, alive. You were so close to losing him.
“Eddie, do you want to try to take a shower?” you ask him, brushing your thumb across his cheek. His eyes close, feeling safety and love from your touch. God, how he loved your touch. How he loved you. He wishes he could say something, anything. But he doesnt know what to say. Maybe he’s just still in shock, and a shower would help him feel a bit better. He nods, accepting your request. He stands up and follows you to the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. “It’s okay, you're okay now. Nothing can hurt you right now, okay?” you say softly as you move towards him, placing a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek. He closes his eyes as your lips make contact with his cheek. He wants so bad to be with you here, in this present moment. But every second of the last week is running through his mind on a loop. The events of last night, the pain, the fear, all of it.
You place another gentle kiss on his jawline, then his neck. After helping him take his shirt off, you begin to undress his wounds. They look really bad, but not half as bad as they did… Eddie lets out a wince when the bandages peel away from his skin, sending waves of pain through his whole body. “Im sorry..” you tell him. “It’s okay, its okay. Y/n i love you so much. So fucking much do you know that? God, thank you for everything,” he says all at once, tears now streaming down his cheeks. “Thank you for saving me.”
“Don’t thank me, i wasn’t going to let you martyr yourself. As beautiful a display of sacrifice and bravery as it would have been, i couldn’t lose you. And it wouldn’t have been worth it. I’m just glad your here, with me.” You take his face in your hands and kiss his lips carefully, missing the feeling of his lips on yours. Eddie smiles down at you as you remove the rest of his clothes, then yours. He has no idea how he got so lucky, but you are the best part of his life.
You find a nice warm but not too hot temperature for the water before getting in, eddie right behind you. He lets you under the water first, wetting your hair and your body. Your beautiful body. “You look like a fucking goddess you know that?” he says in an almost monotone voice as his eyes gaze upon every inch of you. Your cheeks heat up at his comment and you lean in, kissing his chest and leaving a trail of kisses all along his arms and chest, avoiding any wounded areas, before switching spots with him.
Eddie is under the water now, his hair quickly soaking. You watch as beads of water roll down his pale skin. He is such a beautiful man. A literal work of art. Moving closer, you are now both under the water to some extent. Your bodies so close, yet not quite touching to be careful not to hurt him. “I don’t know what I would have done, had we not been able to…” you start to say, quickly earning a ‘shh” from Eddie, and a finger held up to his lips.
“But you did. You and Dustin, you guys saved my life. I’m right here y/n, right here. Okay baby? You’re not going to lose me. I promise I’m going to be a pain in your ass for a really long time. You got that?” Eddie takes your face in his hands now, forcing you to make eye contact with him. “I love you. I’m not going anywhere, its all okay now. We don’t need to worry right now, okay? Let this moment just be us, together, no crazy monsters or nasty shit or dark wizards. Just you, and me.” 
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jeon-ify · 5 months
request from @sanspuppet !!
8. wanna fuck you in the back seat
21. atta girl, taking it so deep on your stomach
deep in the back seat- keeho
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“my god keeho, you never wanna go on road trips! its only 4 hours its not like-“ he sighed. he never likes driving. ever. and if he ever did drive, it’ll only be around the city, or to go on dates— but never for over 30 minutes.
lately, you’ve been wanting to go to another state. road trips are so much fun, but only with keeho. he made everything so much more fun and elevated. he listens to the same music, he raps the same verses you do, and he just gets it.
“ok, yeah we’ll go. but don’t expect me to drive the entire way there, baby. at least drive half way.” he argues. he’s wearing a white tee that hugs his neck so perfectly, and black baggy sweatpants. he’s wearing the chain you got him for his birthday, and the cologne you bought him for christmas. it’s his favorite.
you can’t stop staring no matter how hard you tried. he likes arguing with you just to argue with you. it turns him on. but at things like this, its kinda hard to tell if he’s serious or not.
“kee, are you serious..” you drop your eyes and lose all recollection of whatever he just said.
“kee, i’ll drive wherever, baby. just go with me. we’ll have so much fun,” you beg, and you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes drop to your lips.
“i’ll come with you, pookie. but you gotta play my song. promise me baby.”
keeho LOVES dirty music. his favorite was ‘friends’ by chase atlantic.
“yesss, i’ll play it!!” you laugh.
the drive out of state is so much more fun with keeho. he’s still in the same clothes he was in at home, but you’re wearing a crop and his black sweats. he wasnt any smaller or bigger than you, but his clothes are gonna be a tad bit baggier.
“AND WHAT THE HELL WERE WE?? TELL ME WE WERENT JUST FRIENDS!!! THIS DOESNT MAKE MUCH SENSE NO” you’re both screaming with the windows down, your hand in your boyfriend’s face, and his chain shining in the sun.
the song comes to an end and you and him take a deep breath. “my god, never gets old.” he says. he looks at you in a way you feel butterflies in your stomach.
“baby, pull over.” he asks, making all the eye contact possible.
“wait what? we’re literally almost there. relax, kee.” he wants to fuck you.
“if you dont pull over in the next 10 minutes, y/n.” he threatens. you don’t wanna push his buttons so you speed up and find an empty parking lot.
“okay!! god, i’m pulling over stop fucking yelling!” you argue. you really really want him to fuck you.
“get in the back. wanna fuck you in the back seat, pretty girl.” he groans and stares at your ass while you move to the back. he takes his shirt off while youre switching seats, and he follows you. he sits in the middle, manspreading and his cock hard the entire ride. you see it twitch just a little bit and you shift your eyes to his collarbone.
“kee, what’s gotten you so worked up, hm?” you ask, your doe eyes staring straight into his sharp almond eyes. you run your fingers up his collarbones and to his neck.
“you look too pretty, baby. couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you right here. want you on my cock ‘til youre screaming.” he moans. he moans.
his voice sends a thrill to your pussy and he grabs your hair and pushes you deeper into his kiss. he owns you, he owns your body and you willingly gave into him. the kiss is all tongue and teeth, he’s deep in your mouth and he tastes like the sweetest candy. “kee, please. please touch me.” you moan. he moves his hand to your throat and applies pressure right below your jaw, and he watches the way your eyes roll back.
“get on top of me baby, don’t even need to prep you, you’re soaking my fuckin’ pants.” he puts his middle and ring finger in your mouth and fucks your throat with his hand. “there you go, baby. get me soaked, all over baby. fuckkkk.” his eyes roll back and you feel him twitch again under you.
he moves his hand from your mouth and runs them under your pants just to feel that you were already fucking soaked since before you left the house 2 hours ago. “keeho, fucking do something please, j-just want you- mmmm.” you moan , as if he fucked you stupid already.
“need to stretch you out before i fuck you, can you even handle me?” he asks, his eyebrows furrow in faux concern and that alone makes you cum. he pushes his soaked fingers into your hole at an ungodly pace, the heel of his hand pushing against your clit. the rush sends you squirting all over his abs and his lower stomach. “fuck, kee, ‘m sorry baby, i’ll clean you up.” you apologize and he shows no emotion, yet he just wants to fuck you and get it over with. he’s rock hard. he needs you.
“take your pants off. take your top off. don’t say a fucking word.” he grabs your neck yet again. he licks your lips like you were a popsicle, and he kisses your chin and brings you to a deeper haze, by applying more pressure.
you take off your top and he squeezes your left tit and sucks on the right one. you feel him pressing into you but you can’t make a sound. he feels you clenching around him already.
“i feel you squeezing my dick, pretty. feels like heaven.” he groans, he’s fucking up into you and your head is muzzled in his neck. you suck the spot right below his ear and he sighs. the more you suck on it, the deeper his thrusts get.
“mmm, kee, please fuck.” you moan. you’re so loud and he’s so deep, you see his dick literally right above your belly button pumping you full.
“fuck baby, look at that. see it in my stomach you’re so fucking big.” you grab his hand and put it on the spot he keeps hitting.
“atta girl, look at you taking it so deep in your stomach. so fucking pretty. my beautiful whore.” he kisses your nipple and sucks. hard.
“kee! fuck i’m cumming!” you stutter. his hips speed up and you cum all over his cock.
“there you go baby, keep fucking cumming on me. so messy baby. love you like this.” he groans and grabs your hair and pulls your head up so he licks a stripe right up your neck.
“fuck baby, fucking squeezing me. cum again with me baby. need to fill you up.” his hips speed up and thumb strums your clit and your entire body twitches.
he reaches his orgasm and a layer of sweat coat his face and neck.
“my god baby, we need to go on more road trips together.” he laughs.
“told you, dumbass.”
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moongoopy · 23 days
Sukuna with a lover who's insecure about herself and so he takes her in front of the mirror and kisses her while telling her what he lives about her.
Could lead to mirror sex of you're comfortable with that
no matter what
c/w: intimacy, a bit nsfw but implied sex, slight violence, sukuna calls you my love and dear
a/n: i forgot i could write nsfw woah but this is implied so sorry for ermmmm leaving you high and dry! also reader is not gender specified, i think you can grab chests??? even with how small they are??? like idk cupping a breast implant, those are tiny right...
sorry if short!
c: sukuna x gen!reader
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he thinks you're quite silly, well all humans were especially when you try to shrink and pull away from him if he fondles your body a bit and your face tries to hide that useless fear of how a body is supposed to look like.
he had you where he wanted, body nude and reflecting back onto the mirror with his arms around your waist, his hand playing with the skin of your leg. the fingers you love so much tracing down to the inside of your thighs and a soft growl that run down his lips as he traced them on the shell of your ear.
first, he holds your head up, guiding it to meet his eyes in the mirror.
"why so crestfallen, my love?"
your arms do little to hide your own body when his arms easily pulled them away and he nuzzles his face into your neck to breathe in your scent that makes for an entertaining reaction, a lovely shiver down your spine.
your chest, he traces his hands over and kisses up your nape. his fingers palms them and felt up your skin.
there was your heart, it beats so hard for him. humans are such a fickle thing, he holds the spot of your body where he can feel it beating hard for him and he chuckles. whether it was fear to submit or excitement for how close he was, he loves all the times an organ reacts so quickly to him.
he smooths down to your waist and holds your hips, patting them slightly. you swore he got harder just from nudging into your ass.
he loves your hips when you walk. his eyes subtly watching you walk away from him as you fulfill your duties or work he set out for you or simply to walk to him. his eyes trail down your legs and he gave it a big squeeze which made you whimper. these legs were a treat for him, he had you adorn shorter garments just to see them more. if you don't speak up and say that your outfit posed any problems, he would continue feigning idiocy and continue to peep at them everytime you're around him.
he dares you to call him a perv but he just has taste for this part of you, well one of the parts he adored so much.
his hand then rises back up top and caresses your back, giving it kisses and a groan. your back muscles flexing from his hands was an intriguing sight, it was attractive. one of his eyes watched your hand hold him, tracing your thumb against his fingers.
"i'm sorry, i just don't feel right."
he made sure you felt his hot breath near your ear.
"you dont need to feel like you should be something either when you're with me."
there was his favourite rhythm that starts when he catches you offguard with such praise and he laughs lowly. he felt you shift, wanting to speak up surely but a pinch to your wrist stopped you.
but he was right.
you could feel right or wrong, ugly and flawed when you're with him. he admires the worst in things and that was 'you'. though it was debatable because everything wrong with you never felt out of place either. he doesnt go back on his praise. he doesnt seek out these flaws a lot like you do when he could use his time better by appreciating them.
like your hands which he press his lips onto next, they did so much for him and to him. they went through hell and back to reach to this position with him. they fit around him so nicely and makes something burn in him so badly.
he'd seen how they've been cut off, burnt, bruised and he was there at all times to hold and heal them. uraume couldn't even reach you fast enough because sukuna was the first. he'd heal back those pretty hands that held his during the night and to entertain your fascination with his hands, squeezing the warmth into his and silently sighing.
his eyes flickered back to mirror where he sees you looking at your wrist and he smiles to how your eyes aimlessly worry.
ah, those eyes. the eyes that dare look at him for the first time you met him.
"you haven't answered me, dear."
ones that challenge others and him, that drastically softens to his voice and widens to his actions. he tilts your head back to the mirror to make you look at him again.
rapidly blinking up to him, another apology slips from your lips and there he strokes them with his thumb.
and such a mouth that swiftly answers him when panicked or shuts down his arguments. he pulls you back to kiss your lips and meets your tongue. you always tasted so enticing and saccharine, the second best thing he puts in his mouth (other than whats between your legs) as he kisses you deeply.
before he gets too carried away for the night, he pulls away and grinned to your eager lips that chase after him.
he grunted when your hand went and pumped his cock but he holds your hand tenderly.
"cease from doing that for tonight. this time.."
you moan softly as his fingers slide down your body.
"i'll be the one serving you."
he'd plan to tell you all the things he loved about you with the slow tease of his hands, he'll sing praise like a little song bird as long as that gets his lover to desist their worrying.
why should you when you're so perfect to him?
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honeeslust · 2 months
Toji whose a menace and a killer and has the emotional availability of a potato. but that doesnt mean he doesn't know when he's got something good.
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Toji who really didn't know what the fuck were you even talking about. Some shit about how he's incapable of love and affection. That was the dumbest shit he ever heard. He was absolutely sure of the exact moment he knew he'd never let you go. From the moment gushy lil cunt sucked him in deep until he could feel himself knocking you're Mirena loose, he knew for sure he could never let a pussy as sublime as yours get away.
Toji who's not accepting what you're saying to him. You don't love me Toji…clearly, you need reminding that you're his. Doesn't matter if he can't give you what you're asking for. You're the only pretty little thing he wants wrapped around his cock. Isn't that enough?
Toji who gets in your face and reminds you why you put up with his shit. His dick game changes the way you walk and you love it.
Toji who needs to give you a dose of that act right so he fucks you until you’re too swollen and abused to move. Not that you needed any strength to do so. Because it's...
Toji who handles yo thick ass easily. tossing your body to the mattress so he can mount you like the beast his is.
Toji who forces your legs so far back to the bed until your chubby stomach is hunched in behind your thick thighs. The position hinders your ability to breath... Which is perfect because now you're so completely fucked out of your mind that you’re incapable of spewing all that bullshit about how you’re not sure he’s the right one for you.
Toji who thinks Fuck that shit. When he slide his tongue over that fat wet mound between your parted legs. Savoring the taste of your attitude melting away with every flick of his tongue.
Toji who bullies his cock back into you. Making your teeth gnash and your voice change while you groan like a feral cat….Yet another orgasm tearing you in half as he taunts you.
Toji who’s pissed youd ever even thing of trying to take that pussy away from him.
Toji who’s driving that heavy cock in and out of you with such purpose. Your pleaful whines for him to slow down only making him meaner. He has something to prove. Toji who’s shutting you up with his lips on yours. Pulling away only to look you in the eye and sneer at you… Dont you fucking move… Oh you want me slow down princes?? Hmm. Too fuckin bad. Shut up and let me fix you… You don't really wanna go anywhere, you just needed daddys dick…
Toji who’s going feral as he drags his hips back, snapping them tight against yours. His composure slipping with every thrust, a throaty rendition of your name spilling from his lips along with his I love the way you take this dick or I love the way you squeeze me like that. Everything but what you wanted to hear.
Toji who loves how your pussy wrings so tight around his cock that he almost says it. Those three little words that wouldn't change a damn thing. Three little words that hold no meaning compared to the way he feels about you. Love isn't strong enough a word. Even if its all you need to hear to know your not just some girl who fucks into oblivion on the regular. he’s him so instead of just coming out and telling you he loves you hell knudge his dick into that spot. torturing you with how easily he can ruin you. Reveling in the wake of your undoing.
Toji who’s digging deep in that gushy lil pussy. Bottoming out just to see the way you whine when yoi feel him filling you with his seed.
Toji who won't pull out. He needs his cum to stay right where it is.
Toji who grabs your thighs and wraps then around his hips. A brute through and through, shifting his hips to drive his dick so deep you squeal.
Toji who kisses you hard. Sucking your lower lip into his mouth and cleaning up the drool that ran down your cheek with his tongue.
Toji who‘s barely satiated. Grinning down at your fucked out expression. He clutches your pretty face, his thick fingers digging into your cheek, his dick still embebedded in your warm embrace when he tells you to quit ya worryin lil mama. You're my obsession. And that kind of love never fades. Do you hear me?
Yea… I think that's the best you're getting outta him lol. What you think?
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Haven't tagged anyone in a while…🥴
Hey yall☺️
@littlemochabunni @blkkizzat @biscuitsngravie @ryomens-vixen @i-literally-cant-with-this @thecookiebratz @residentfromnowhere @crescentmoontsuki
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Part Two
It doesn't happen again for weeks.
Actual fucking weeks.
Steve hates that ever since the last time, when Eddie completely gave him the slip (sneaky fucker) he's been actively looking for him. Scanning the hall during lunch, listening out for any sign of Eddie's voice.
Looking for him.
With zero fucking results because Eddie just skipped school for a week apparently. Steve's never known anyone to do that. No matter how bad shit is, you go to school.
But that first week, Eddie's just absent in Steve's periphery. Gone.
And the world is duller for it.
School is almost unbearable in comparison to the times before when Steve could at least look forward to lunch because he'd grab Eddie, fake some bullshit and then drag him away.
Fuck him wherever was nearest, flimsy excuses disintegrating beneath the heat of a desire that was never quelled with indulgence, but galvanised.
Eddie's back in school the following week but he doesn't meet Steve's gaze once. Avoids him entirely. Steve doesn't stage anything, he doesn't even try to get near him but he burns to. He aches to run into Eddie and smash this distance between them.
He's angry. Confused.
Irrationally horny.
But most of all, he's sad. Guilty. Knows he fucked up and even if he can't understand the degree of it, he knows he did something he shouldn't have. Crossed a boundary.
Steve can't stop thinking about him.
And Eddie's made it clear this thing between them is done, to stay away.
He's respecting it.
He's respecting is so well the day it all goes to hell.
It happens in the parking lot, as most scuffles do. Steve's on his way to the Beemer, a weekend of drinking and moping ahead of him when he hears the unmistakable sounds of male violence and he turns to see a bunch complete wannabees kicking Eddie while he's down.
The jacket, the hair, his high tops. He'd know him anywhere and Steve is running before he knows what he's even gonna do and then it's just happening.
There are five of them and Steve doesn't think (never does, it's not his style) he just swings his best right hook and it lands so well, the guy goes right down, knocks into a station wagon. Steve is going fucking wild, he hasnt felt anger like this in years. Swinging, smacking, punching.
They don't fight back, they scatter and throw their stupid fucking hands up.
'Whoa, Steve, STEVE!'
With no one near Eddie now, Steve crouches low, hands on his shoulders. Eddie flinches. 'Hey, you're OK, it's me, it's Steve. You're OK.'
Eddie unfurls slowly, doesn't look at Steve but he nods.
The first guy Steve hit gets to his feet.
'The fuck, Harrington?' he demands breathlessly. 'He's not even-'
Steve draws himself to full height, invades the other boys space and them slaps him. Hard, demeaning, it hurts more than a punch, Steve knows.
The guy, Alex, closes his eyes, cheek red.
Doesnt fight back.
Wouldn't dare.
Rare days that Steve throws his weight around but today, oh he's happy to be King fucking Steve today.
'He's my dealer,' Steve tells Alex Carver, voice low and deceptively soft. He grips the lapels of Alex's shirt, expensive polo that Steve then uses all his strength to rip, to tear right down the V of the collar. Exposed, messed up. 'You don't touch him, understand?'
Alex endures Steve ripping his shirt open to the naval, eyes closed. He nods.
Steve then rearranges his collar so it's neat, brushes his shoulders off. 'You want a fight, come to me next time, you fuckin' pussy. I'll smack you silly and send you home to your Mommy looking like you got rolled again and that's a mercy. Now say sorry.'
Alex's jaw tightens. 'Sorry, Steve.'
'No, to him.'
Ugly blue eyes open, brow furrowed. 'He's trailer tr--'
Steve slaps him again, harder, uses the other hand so he doesn't see it coming. Both cheeks red and ruddy.
'Now you look like you got fucked up by a bitch you tried to ask out, huh? What's your Daddy gonna say if I piss on your sneakers? Think he'll be proud? Apologise to him, now.'
Alex shoots a venomous glare at Eddie, who's leaning against a car to stand. 'Sorry, Munson.'
Steve really wants to press, he wants to stay in this sickly space and make Alex regret it even more. Fuck him up, teach them all a lesson. No one touches Eddie ever again.
But Eddie touches Steve. Hand on his arm, like he can tell what he's about to do.
Steve jerks his chin at the others, giving them leave to scurry away and spread the word. Alex goes last, backs away like he's scared to turn his back on Steve and yeah, too fucking right, bitch.
When they're gone, Steve turns all his attention on Eddie and the anger melts like French vanilla ice cream during that one unbearable week in August.
'Fuck, that looks bad,' he says, hands hovering over Eddie's face. 'Split lip too, OK. Come on, I've got a first aid kit at home.'
Eddie eyes him warily. 'What?'
'Or straight to hospital? What about your ribs? Let me--'
'Steve,' Eddie says, tone stern. 'What the fuck are you doing?'
'You're hurt,' Steve says like that should explain absolutely everything. He blinks, maybe it's a little slower than it should be but he feels alert, feels powerful.
'Yeah, so?' Eddie looks like he's about to unload all these reasons Steve shouldn't care.
Steve rolls his eyes. 'Don't be a brat. Come on, I'll drive.'
Eddie's silent the entire way there.
Steve too.
He's thinking of what injuries he saw, which ones looked the worst. If Eddie's needs butterfly stitches, maybe.
'Your folks home?' Eddie's asks warily when they're outside the house.
Steve snorts. 'No. They're never here. Come on.'
Inside, Eddie lets Steve sit him down and clean the worst of the injuries. It's only when Eddie takes careful hold of Steve's wrists, seeks out and holds Steve's gaze that Steve even realises Eddie was talking to him.
'You're shaking,' Eddie says, voice low, eyes moving between Steve's own. 'Steve, you're shaking.'
'Am I?'
'Is it like...?' Eddie licks his lips nervously. 'Adrenaline?'
Steve looks down at his own hands, sees Eddie is completely right. He feels weird too, like he's seeing through a tunnel and there is only Eddie at the end.
'I uh... I don't know,' he laughs, vaguely astonished when he blinks tears down his face. 'Feel kinda fucked up, actually.'
Eddie's all drawn in shades of concern, of unreadable thoughts in those dark eyes and his lip is still bleeding a little. Steve wants to kiss it better, kiss it worse.
'Why did you do that?'
Steve's teeth are chattering slightly, but he manages a smile. 'Do what?'
'What you did.'
Steve wraps a light bandage around Eddie's knuckles, evidence he fought back hard enough to split skin. 'What, with Alex? Anyone would have done that.'
Eddie says, 'No one did. No one ever does.'
'Yeah, well. I guess that's changed now.'
'You made it sound like we were fucking.'
'I don't care, so long as he doesn't touch you again.'
'Why do you care who touches me?'
Steve can't take it a second long, leans in like he's falling and softly presses his lips against Eddie's; against the split, still wet with iron ore and red salt from the flesh vessel that contains Eddie Munson.
Eddie isn't rigid, he doesn't push away, but when he kisses Steve back, he makes this sound like maybe he's gonna cry.
He doesn't, though.
And Steve keeps the kiss gentle, soft and wet, devouring the red to keep what little of Eddie he can inside himself, where it's safer.
'I care. Isn't that enough?'
'Too much, Harrington,' Eddie whispers in a trembling exhale. 'You're too fucking much.'
Steve pulls away, swallows thickly, Eddie's blood and spit go down with his vague hopes and painfully specific desires.
'Yeah, I know. I'm sor--'
Eddie kisses his hard, knots his fingers in Steve's hair to tight it hurts, pulling him close and keeping him there.
'Lucky for you I'm a greedy motherfucker, huh?' he gasps, licking deep and dirty. 'God, you're fucking crazy, you know that? They call me freak, but what you to did to Carver-'
'Don't say his name while we're making out.'
Eddie laughs, low rumble offset by the way he sucks on Steve's tongue. 'Don't want him muddying the waters?'
'Can't believe he even touched you,' Steve pants, kneels in front of Eddie, goes for his belt buckle. 'Need to kiss you clean, all over.'
'Oh my god,' Eddie grits out. 'Steve, we shouldn't--'
'Then you can fuck me, yeah?' Steve leans up, kisses him again, mind spinning, heart cranking like a cog. Fucked up, feral, he'll never forget how small Eddie looked curled up like that. 'Take my virginity?'
Continued next Saturday...
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Hello! Merry Chirtmas ! İ just love your blog and can't stop thinking about it ! So, how would tadc react to a female kid reader ? That little girl is cheerful elegant little lady and wear nice Pink dress with bows! She comforted Gangle by saying "don't be sad ! İ love you !" And put some sticker on her mask ! Oh and saying i love you to them before leaving. When Jax is doing something bad she says "Don't be mean! you silly rabbit!"
Caine, Gangle, Zooble, Pomni w/ sweet!kid!reader (platonic)
doing these characters since the wheel chose it (ominously) not sure how much i'll write today but i got a little more in the inbox compared to these past few days so i plan on working that down
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basically treats you like his own kid but hes never been a dad before so hes still learning; torn between him being over protective of you or thinking you're indestructible (which... technically you are as long as youre in the digital world). i think he finds your sweetness adorable, though if theres someone in the circus being mean to you (surprisingly i dont think jax would be too mean. a little bit of a butt? yeah but its not much different than an older brother picking on their younger sibling) i think he would pipe up and not shut up until you get an apology. starts watching IHAs more now that you're here, both to see how youre doing but also to make sure its not too crazy for you.. cant help but let the big scary monster/trial pass when you run up to it being nice. literally just snaps the thing out of existence/away/wherever. loves seeing the look of triumph on your face afterwards
nice towards you and probably over time keeps a closer eye on you but in the beginning i think its more like. you following her like a duckling since shes busy trying to find an exit. honestly i think pomni would have a hard time when it sinks in that theres a little kid here in the circus. how did you get here? when did you get here? i think thats what would prompt her in trying to connect with you, thus you gain another guardian figure! sticking true my idea of pomni being uneasy around kids because they can be gross and have no filter and be unpredictable i think at first she would be a little... tense around you, but overtime becomes more comfortable when she realizes youre not like that. definitely going to take a while, though.. shrugs
definitely finds you sweet, lets you hang around in her room and mess with her art supplies. probably cries harder when you try to make her feel better after jax does something, usually something that leaves her with a broken comedy mask. i dont think she would let you confront jax about it, though... she appreciates the sentiment but shes not about to make it look like she sent a little kid to defend her, thats only going to give jax even more ammo even if you stood up for her on your own. sometimes lets you put stickers on her mask or glitter... ponders.. i think she reads stories to you too, every night
i think ive already said this before but zooble gives off such older sibling energy, and i cant really explain it other than its just the personality and looks... but i guess that doesnt explain much. shrugs. sweet younger sibling, cool but indifferent older sibling. or at least you think theyre cool. and you tell them every chance you guy. i think they would just give a weird "thaaanks.." the first few times before fully leaning into the older sibling role. dont get me wrong like before they wouldnt just leave you wandering around alone during an IHA, hell i dont think they would there wasnt one going on.. but they wouldnt go out of their way to hang out with you.. but eventually they just kind of keep a closer eye on you. check in on you. ask what youre up to. theyre not attached to you by the hip but theyre definitely present in your life as a role model. tries to make you be less nice, gives you the talk that not everyone is nice and sometimes some people fake being nice in order to get what they want. but in kid terms, obviously... well not little kid terms i still think zooble would be blunt but they wouldnt be harsh
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eddieswh0r · 1 year
I was wanting to request a fic where eddie and femreader! are best friends and roommates, eddie is in love with her but is too afraid to tell her in case it ruins things and she doesn't feel the same. so he naturally is quite jealous when he sees her with other guys, but what he doesnt know is reader feels the same way about him. one day eddie was meant to be at band practice all day but it finished early as gareth got sick, so eddie comes home and he walks by readers room and all he hears his her making sll sorts of moans and groans, and the door is open just a little so he can see her touching herself but she also is moaning his name. maybe he walks in or she sees him either way it could end up with some sex and a confession maybe?
let's get back into it with a smutty slow burner? 😉
'Best Friends Lend a Hand'
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"Y/n, c'mon. Really? He's stood outside like he's taking you to fuckin' prom" peeking through the blinds that were being held open with a thumb and index finger, just enough to see down onto the street below, Eddie stifled his laughter "Look at him, he's got a fucking flower on his blazer. Wait.. Wait.. There's not even a button hole. It's just pinned on man.. No, stop it. Wait. Is that fucking sticky tape?" The curly haired metal head threw himself back down onto the sofa, holding his stomach as he erupted into fits of roaring laughter.
"You really need to stop calling it sticky tape Eddie, you're 24 and let me guess, you'd turn up on a date in a raggedy pair of jeans and your battle vest?" with a peek through the blinds yourself, your eyes widened. A short man who looked a little older than 25 like you'd been previously told and yes, as plain as day there was a wilted flower stuck to his blazer with the so-called 'sticky tape' attaching it.
"I'm so gonna get Harrington back for this." grabbing your bag off the arm of the sofa you pointed an outstretched finger at Eddie with narrowed eyes "You too!! you're both gonna pay so fuckin' bad for this!" with a slam of the door behind you, you lingered on the stairwell for a moment then sloped off to meet the blind date. The fucking horrible idea Harrington had concocted because he just wanted you to shut the fuck up about the lack of touch you so badly wanted. The few previous dates you'd been on were ok, nothing to write home about, there was no spark, they weren't thrilling, they weren't Eddie.
"Yeah man, she left about twenty minutes ago - ish and she did NOT look happy" passing Steve a beer Eddie leant his hip on the kitchen counter "..We're gonna pay for this, she insisted on it actually. 'You're gonna pay so fuckin' bad'" mimicking your voice in a high pitched tone he laughed taking a big gulp from the cold bottle.
"You can fuck right off Munson if you think she's getting me back for this as well. I was doing alright, firing out the best people i knew for these dates. You.. You picked this one, who the fuck is this man?"
"Michael, you remember him right? few years older than us, his brother Tommy was in Robins science classes"
"MICHAEL? MICHAEL COOPER? Eddie he's at least 30 now. A few years older? Jesus CHRIST. She's gonna go mental. How did you even ask him?
"Saw him in the 7-Eleven parking lot"
Eddie knew what he was doing though, he wasn't just being a prick to his roommate, his best friend of 20 years for no reason. Seeing Steve organize all these dates for you and watching you go off with the jock looking buff boys made Eddies insides twist. 20 years is a hell of a long time to be crushing hard on someone right? But from the age of 4, you and Eddie had been completely inseparable. Kindergarten, first school, middle, high, college, work, roommates, the full lot, together. So let's be honest a crush for 20 years? No. That boy was completely in love with you but he'd never tell you. No way. But you wouldn't tell him either, he'd never know you felt the same, fuck he could never know. Ever.
"I swear Eddie that date was traumatizing, you and Steve are in for it, just you wait. I don't mind an older man but 30 and already balding? You're both assholes for that" placing your cereal bowl in the sink you frowned crossing your arms, the previous events from last night whirling around in your head making you cringe. Pulling on his trainers Eddie hid the smirk that spread across his face as you told him all about the disastrous date.
"So lemme get this right, the sticky tape fell off and the flower fell riiiight into his soup?"
"Eddie i was so embarrassed, he was speaking so loud and people were staring and.. and then.. he fucking ate the flower swimming round in his soup, i wanted to die" slumping down into the sofa you looked over toward Eddie who was now chuckling to himself. God, if only the man who was stood in front of you would take you on a date.
"Wait.. Where you going anyway? I thought we had a movie marathon planned?" he better not be blowing you off for a date you thought, he did that once before and it didn't end well. You didn't speak to him for days and he did a bit too much groveling after that.
"Corroded Coffin rehearsal sweetheart, fuck. I thought i told you?" Grabbing his keys off the side, he looked at you with his big ol' puppy dog eyes "I'll make it up to you, i promise.. i gotta go"
Eddie swung the door open and glanced back to you "Laters princess" flashing his teeth with a grin and finishing with a wink.
Fuuuck. If only he knew what those simple words did to you. That knot in your stomach tightened.
Hey, Doc! we better back up.
We don't have enough roads to get up to 88.
Where we're going we don't need no roads.
"I will never get tired of that film" pressing the off button on the remote you sighed happily. You'd taken yourself to bed and curled up in your covers to watch yours and Eddies favorite film, even though he'd ditched you for band practice. The smell of his cologne wafted up to your nostrils from his band tee you wore. It's not like it was unusual for you to wear one of his t-shirts, in fact, it was more unusual for you not to be wearing one.
Boredom took over. The apartment was relatively clean, the laundry was done and you'd already picked at snacks throughout the film.
16:27 flashed on your alarm clock, Eddie had been gone for hours and he'd probably be gone a few more. Resting your hand on your stomach you tore your stare away from your ceiling toward your nightstand. A photo of you and Eddie from 2 years prior. Nancy had suggested a walk which sounded like a good idea at the time but it was a cold autumn morning and Steve did absolutely nothing but complain about the temperature the whole time. Nancy had bought her camera with her and caught the exact moment Eddie threw a big pile of golden orange and yellow leaves at you, he had his head thrown back laughing while the leaves fell around you. So as grumpy as you looked it was developed and placed in a frame for your 22nd birthday.
God, you were so in love with him. His hair, eyes, smile, neck, the dip in his chest, down towards his toned stomach which had his little trail leading towards.. towards..
"Mmm, fuck." your hand had found itself tucked inside your thin cotton panties, your finger drawing circles around what was now a wet pulsing bud of nerves as you thought about your best friend, the best friend you were absolutely madly in love with.
Closing your eyes and tilting your head back you slipped a second finger and applied more pressure wishing it was Eddie that was taking care of you, making you feel good.
Placing his keys on the small table next to the door Eddie scanned his eyes around the living room searching for you but nothing, he thought that you'd probably gone out to meet Nancy. He'd come back much earlier than expected, Gareth wasn't feeling great so they decided to call it a day.
"Oh Eddie."
His gaze quickly turned towards your bedroom door, faint squeaks and mewls coming from inside. Eddie gingerly made his way closer to the door, the faint orange hum of light from the bedside lamp shining through the slight crack of where it was left open.
"Feels so good, Eddie"
Hearing his name a second time he peeped one eye through the ajar door, eyes widening at what he could see in front of him. Sprawled on your bed with the covers no longer on you and Eddies tee bunched up just above your chest, one hand in your panties and the other caressing your breast with your hard, sensitive nipple rolling between your finger and thumb, your back arching every time you went a little faster. Eddie automatically palmed his now painfully hard erection through his jeans. Should he be doing this? This is wrong, that's my best friend he thought to himself but another moan of his name from your lips stopped that thought abruptly. He watched you gather your own slick on your index and middle finger letting your legs fall to the side and giving him a very clear view of what he wanted needed so bad, slowly sliding your fingers into your aching cunt a moan dragged from your throat which made Eddies breath hitch and palm his erection faster.
Eddie couldn't take it any longer, watching you take care of yourself like this, he needed to help. He needed to take care of you himself.
"Need a hand sweetheart?" gently pushing your bedroom door open his eyes darkened with want as he took a slow pace towards the end of your bed. You stopped what you were doing, you weren't nervous or even embarrassed. Looking up at him with big doe eyes you gave a simple nod and that was more than enough for him. Eddie walked round to the side of your bed while unfastening his belt, letting his jeans fall down to his ankles, followed by his boxers. Your eyes widened as his hard dick slapped against his stomach on release. Holy fuck he was gifted.
"I'm gonna take care of you now, 'kay? Just relax baby. M'gonna make you feel so good" Eddie climbed on top of you, pushing your legs apart with his knees. Nuzzling his way into your neck his teeth nipped at your skin, grazing down to your collarbone. You watched his every move not wanting to miss his perfect fucking face making its way over your torso.
"You miss me princess?" his voice muffled as his mouth enveloped around your nipple, the connection rapidly sending your hands to his mass of curly hair with a soft moan flowing from your lips, Eddie pinched your nipple between his teeth as he dragged a hand across your thigh, gripping the inside. Letting your nipple go from his mouth with a pop he gave you the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen.
"I’ll take that as a yes?" Taking his bottom lip between his teeth he edged down toward the end of the bed, hooking his arms under your knees, pulling you towards him.
“Eddie, wait!!” You called, Eddie let go of your legs in a panic, you watched his face drop as you knew every kind of thought would be running through his head.
“I don’t think it’s fair Eddie” you pouted your lips, dropping your head ever so slightly
“W-we can stop? If that’s what you want princess? We don’t have to do this, I don’t wanna ruin our friendship”
“Well.. I just kinda mean.. like.. you still have your top on” it was your turn to wear the shit-eating grin now and watch the relief wash over Eddies face. In a flash he removed his top and flung it over to the side. His toned body in all its glory, right there in front of you, begging to be touched, every single part of it, you wanted to cover with your lips.
“Is that what you wanted, Sweetheart? Is that better now?” A breath you didn’t know you were holding escaped and Eddie leaned forward and pushed his lips on yours, snapping you from your stare. Slow, wet kisses at first switched on what felt like lightening dancing in your stomach which quickly turned to messy, open-mouthed kisses, tongues circling in unison, trying to find each other at every opportunity. Eddie pulled away breathless, leaving nothing but a string of saliva between you. Sitting up he resumed his position and hooked his arms under your legs pulling you closer. You bit your bottom lip in arousal and anticipation as Eddie looked down at you giving you a quick nod and the most beautiful smile, you nod back confirming the go ahead and be didn’t hesitate.
“Just relax sweetheart, if you wanna stop.. tell me.. ‘Kay?” He slowly pressed against your soaking wet opening with the tip of his dick, rubbing up and down gathering your wetness on his end.
“Oh f-fuck, you’re fuckin’..” cutting himself off from his own sentence he slipped inside of you, feeling your gummy walls clench around his length almost immediately. Your head threw back and a moan of his name left your lips pronto.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Eddie” gripping the sheets and throwing your head back at the bliss. Eddie pushed in to the hilt and picked up a pace rather quickly which earned groans from his direction.
“Sweetheart, you’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted this”
“Eddie, shut up and fuck me” you giggled breathless. Deep and hard, faster and faster. The fire in your stomach was unbearable and the taste of sweet release was moments away.
“Eddie. I- I’m gonna..”
“Cum for me, there’s a good girl.” Those words tipped you over the fuckin edge, as you clenched your walls around him waves of euphoria washed over you, knuckles turning white from the sheets in your grasp, your mouth hung open but no sound was audible. Your body shook as your reached your ultimate high.
“There it is, fuck. Such a good girl for me” Eddie praised as he reached his own high, burying his warm seed deep inside you. Your name and curses rolling off his tongue.
What felt like hours passed and somehow the covers had found their way onto you both, Eddies arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest while it gently rose and fell with every breath. You didn’t know what was to happen next only that you both didn’t want this to end, you and Eddie had waited for this moment and no one was going to take it away. Your eyes slowly closed as tiredness took over as it did for Eddie.
“I love you, Sweetheart”
Oh please I’ve been fucking working on this for months and the last few paras are SO fuckin rushed because it was just sitting in my drafts.
Love you all😩🥰
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rinsuniverse · 11 months
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imagining woozi annoying you!
no matter how understanding or straightforward he is, if you're really dating him, he's gonna annoy the shit out of you sometimes
when you're crying laughing at something he said, he'd be pointing at you, mocking your laughing sobs and then laughing himself
on your period, he'd make fun of your suffering over the phone since hes so busy (he finds other's inconveniences HILARIOUS), but still would take care of you by keeping ibuprofens and advils in stock at his studio and your home or texting you periodically to take another dose or check on you
side-note: he'd def keep a box of feminine belongings, painkillers, your extra clothes, and stuff hidden in his studio for when you visit, but def gatekeep that information from you annoyingly (type to be like "oh, you need a pad? that really sucks. i guess i can look around in case you left one at some point" "jihoon i dont just leave shit around like that" "wow, would you look at that, here's a couple i just found.")
imagine you're at an award show of his and your formal shoes are literally KILLING you
the show's already ended and you're backstage with seventeen, awkwardly shifting your weight on each foot to relieve the pain
woozi's taking his sweet time, not in a rush to go home or anything
after talking with vernon and soonyoung for a bit, he turns to you and notices you shifting your weight
he's holding back a laugh as he says "are you good there?"
"yeah, my feet just hurt"
he's laughing at you right now bffr
"jihoon, don't laugh at my pain!!!" you say, laughing with him
"should i take my shoes off??"
"i mean, yeah sure," he says, but he's not done annoying you. "everyone's gonna see your toes."
"jihoon, what the hell?!"
he's still laughing so hard
when you do take off your shoes, he takes a picture
and you insist you'll just wear the shoes and suffer because of that
but he does settle down and tell everyone he's heading home early
he'll let you walk barefoot
if you continue to be upset about your bare feet, he'll take off his socks and give them to you, wearing his shoes without socks even tho he doesnt like to do that
holding onto your shoes for you and guiding you to where you need to be so you dont step on anything
one last scenario of jihoon being adorably annoying to you
you're at his studio, insisting you'll stay up late so you can go home together
but it'd like 3am and your eyes are feeling heavy
"you better not be falling asleep, y/n"
"what? me? never."
"if you do, i'm not waking you up. you're sleeping here."
"come onnn, you wouldn't leave me"
"you never know"
after a minute, he hears soft snores coming from the couch, and he's laughing to himself, finding it very funny
he takes multiple pics of you
he def has a private album in his phone of embarrassing/funny pictures of you
but besides that, he does end up putting a blanket over you before quickly finishing up his work
he does wake you up and supports you physically as you sleepily head home with him
he loves you so much, but with that love comes his seemingly endless teasing! 🤍
(p.s. requests are now open! ς(>‿<.))
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