shortlifelongart · 1 month
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stares directly into the camera
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lizzie-gains · 7 months
I've been struggling with my goals, so I'm breaking them down into weekly goals for the moment, to be more attainable. That said,
Weekly goals, 13th-19th November
Food and drink goals:
Take time to make a good breakfast in the morning - successful 6/7 days
Prepare lunch in the evening - eh... I had frozen meals for 2 work lunches, takeaway burritos for 2, and my meal delivery service meal for 1. Technically I prepared by having frozen meals?
Prepare some healthy/easy snack options for work, also some snacks/treats to nourish my emotions - successful, had fruits, granola bars, etc, plus some treats on hard days
Enjoy some of my variety of herbal teas, maybe in place of or alongside some of my coffees - successful, I've been enjoying my range of herbals, particularly turmeric and cinnamon tea each morning
Aim for 2L water/day, and consider playing around with fun additions to make it more interesting, like fruit or floral waters - only achieved this on a few days, wasn't tracking but I know I was dehydrated more days than I'd like
Movement goals:
Try to go for a walk 2x (treadmill or outside, depending on how I'm feeling + the weather) - not successful, 0/2 walks
Try to do some gentle movement like yoga 2x - 1/2 only
Utilise opportunities for incidental movement or adding movement to static activities - have been adding in extra movement when possible
Do my physio exercises 3x - also did not achieve this, 0/3
Self care goals:
Add meditation into my days; use short meditations to make this more attainable - successful, meditated at least 5 days this week
Practice mindfulness - sometimes, this is a work in progress
Allow myself time to complete my skin care routine - successful, have been reasonably consistent
Start reading a book on my to-read list - did not start reading anything yet
Practice journalling, or try writing therapy - have been journalling
Partake in a spiritual practice at least once this week - successful
Remember to listen to my body and be respectful of my needs, treating myself with kindness and love - I experienced fatigue and headaches for most of this week, which is why my movement goals in particular weren't achieved, so I'd say I listened to my body
This feels flexible and attainable for my current state (which is not great, but getting better).
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butterfly-system · 5 years
am I in a depressive episode or is it just the mercury retrograde?
- Lizzie
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lxzzxepxe · 5 years
hello! 💖💖
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lizziespeaks · 7 years
She doesn’t even go here
Hi Hi, 
Soooo, I usually have a Harry Potter dedicated blog on Tumblr. However, I have very few skills so I have never produced my own content, I mostly just appreciate other peoples aesthetics, fanfic, graphics, gifs, etc. 
I wanted an outlet for all the things I want to say in real life but either cannot find the correct words on the spot or have a platform to express myself. 
Anything personal to myself will be tagged #lizziespeakspersonal and all other posts will have the tag #lizziespeaks. 
I am obviously quite new at posting my own content on this site so bare with me and if anyone has any advice on how to boost my audience or any tips and tricks on lifestyle blogging please feel free to share! 
I hope you enjoy my content and please also note that ALL my topics are open to discussion and debate, and if you ever need to talk to someone who won’t judge my asks are open :) 
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angry-archer · 9 years
I just don't understand....is my advice not good enough to help?.....am I not good enough to help with issues?....do I just add to them?.....i don't understand......
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I think it’s really cool that fandoms can have smaller subfandoms for like Fanfiction authors and fanartist
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lizzie-gains · 6 months
I pushed myself too hard over the past few days and have no spoons now 🙃 and my partner is away so I just have to somehow manage, despite not being able to manage.
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lizzie-gains · 6 months
Weekly goals, 4th-10th December
wtf it's already December
Food and drink goals:
Take time to make a good breakfast in the morning
Utilise meal delivery meals for lunch or dinner
Prepare some healthy/easy snack options for work, also some snacks/treats to nourish my emotions
Enjoy some of my variety of herbal teas, maybe in place of or alongside some of my coffees
Aim for 2L water/day, and consider playing around with fun additions to make it more interesting, like fruit or floral waters
Movement goals:
Try to go for a walk 2x (treadmill or outside, depending on how I'm feeling + the weather)
Try to do some gentle movement like yoga 2x
Utilise opportunities for incidental movement or adding movement to static activities
Do my physio exercises 3x
Use EMS to assist with muscle recovery/gentle strengthening when I need it
Self care goals:
Add meditation into my days; use short meditations to make this more attainable
Practice mindfulness
Allow myself time to complete my skin care routine
Start reading a book on my to-read list
Practice journalling, or try writing therapy
Partake in a spiritual practice at least once this week
Remember to listen to my body and be respectful of my needs, treating myself with kindness and love
I have 2 days of training in Sydney this week so I'm sure it will be a busy week. I'll give myself lots of flexibility and forgiveness this week, while aiming to promote feeling good and comfortable in my body.
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lizzie-gains · 6 months
Weekly goals, 11-17 December
Survive the week honestly
Self care
Hydrate + nourish
Be gentle with myself
Revisit this when the flare up passes
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lizzie-gains · 1 year
So I have a favourite virtual yoga studio, Alchemystic Studio. They specifically are Indian teachers and teach a decolonised practice. I love every session I get the pleasure of attending, however I don't get to attend as many as I'd maybe like, because they're on the other side of the world and the time zones make it hard. Yoga is definitely the kind of movement I can, and want to, incorporate into my regular movement practice - especially to help with the pain and mobility. I do use videos and recordings to guide my practice, but sometimes a live class (even if it's virtual) can be really good, and once I've booked a class I have the motivation to attend it.
The past two days, I've gotten up for a 4am yoga class and honestly I think it was worth the interrupted sleep, I feel amazing now.
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But also I'm definitely going back to bed 😴
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lizzie-gains · 3 months
One of my very close friends has just had a 20+ day stay in hospital which has ended with her on some strong pain medication that her workplace has said she can't work while on (office job, so this is fucking wild to me), and unable to walk up the stairs to the place she was living, so she's currently jobless and homeless. She is working to get centrelink (aus government assistance/disability assistance) sorted, but that can take lots of time and doesn't help so much with the immediate.
I guess I am partially here just because it sucks and I wanted to speak to the void, but partially asking if there are any practical tips or ideas people could offer. I'm physically disabled and I've been poor before, but I've never been homeless.
I live a number of hours away from her and she doesn't want to move that far away from her whole life, her bf, etc, so moving her in with me is unfortunately out of the question. Other than winning the lotto, I'm just at a loss, and I want to be able to do more.
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lizzie-gains · 5 months
My only resolution for this year is to treat myself with love and kindness, to look after myself in all aspects, as well as I can. This is intentionally broad and flexible. I am not setting a goal that I either complete or fail. I'm setting the tone for my year, and allowing that to help me guide my choices, and however well I do is always going to be a win.
I do intend to continue setting myself goals through the year as usual, however these are practical life things, and are not my new years resolutions. Whether I complete or don't complete these goals, the important thing is that I'm treating myself well.
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lizzie-gains · 1 year
Looking for house cleaning/organisation tips and advice 🧹🧽
I have anxiety, childhood trauma, probably ADHD (undiagnosed because I haven't had the energy to start that process yet), and also a chronic illness that causes me pain and fatigue. My partner has anxiety and (diagnosed) ADHD. I work full time (and I love my job) but it does leave me with little spoons for housework. My partner usually does more of the housework but is starting an apprenticeship so will have less time and also be more tired.
Basically, I'm looking for advice on how to better manage and streamline housework tasks. I find organising and decluttering and cleaning quite overwhelming, and also struggle with pain and low spoons, so I figure if there are tricks to make it easier that would be great.
Specifically would like help with
But any housework advice will be super useful ✨️
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Thanks all!
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lizzie-gains · 4 months
I've completed all of my PT set workouts this week 😊 had to bribe Henry with a peanut butter lick mat today to keep him from disturbing me during floor work. I had a really low energy day yesterday when my last workout was scheduled, but I listened to my body, rested, and then had a great workout today.
I'm going out for dinner with Chris and his new(ish) work mates as a very overdue Christmas dinner. The pub we're going to used to have heaps of great veg options so I was really excited, but I downloaded the menu and it seems to have been cut down a lot. There's a spinach and ricotta ravioli, though, so I'm pretty sure that will be my top choice 🍝
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shortlifelongart · 1 year
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Got fed up chasing a bird for 5 years and took Potion of Painted Bunting and it worked!
(the previous day I only found girls (green forme)) 
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