#literally unironically me
coveredinsun · 3 months
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tsunosagun · 4 months
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smoke and mirrors
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stuckinapril · 15 days
I genuinely love not having a crush like I’m not over here feeling physically sick over some mid guy being dry to me I’m literally chilling
#Spring semester of last year was so bad bc I was unironically into 3 guys at once and they were all#Being dry and cryptic to me#And then before that in 2022 I had my horrid situationship#I had a mini obsession arc in dec 2023 over someone but now there hasn’t been anyone since#And my palette is so cleansed#When a girl is like I miss having a crush I’m like you’re literally a masochist#There was very briefly a girl I thought I had a crush on when I realized I’m bicurious but#I haven’t put effort into talking to her bc the idea of pursuing anyone makes me wanna claw my eyes out#I’m pretty sure I ghosted her by like just not responding to her last messsge actually#Not on purpose but more so bc I realized I was feeling the same anxiety I felt whenever I had a crush so I was like#Yeah I’m dropping this for now#I’m also always the most present for my friends when I don’t have a crush so idk#Like I don’t wanna be consumed by anyone I just wanna chill#The solution to not having normal attraction to people is just to not be attracted to anyone at all#I fr cracked it#I always just crave the butterflies out of it and never an actual relationship anyway#But they’re so not worth it#Which is why I always get bored of guys who’re forthright like oh ok you actually WANT something…. U don’t wanna just have fun#Not for me#I think the guys I’m into and I typically diverge in the sense that neither of us wants a relationship but they just wanna fuck me#And I more so just want the butterflies experience / to playact couple for like a couple months but nothing too serious#Which is why it never works#Like it’s not that it doesn’t work bc either of us wants a relationship it’s more that what we want out of the situationship is different#So lame#Ok this was a lot but I literally came to this epiphany while writing these tags
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bonefall · 2 months
Heyyyy since there's talk of the Breezepelt Attacking Poppyfrost scene going around, I just wanna remind people that he explicitly does that because he was groomed by the Dark Forest. Jayfeather points it out on the page that Breezepelt's stated motivation doesn't make sense, because it's not actually a rational idea Breezy-P came up with. It's then shown that actual factual evil demons are exploiting the anger he has from being a victim of child abuse, to indoctrinate and manipulate him into radical violence
I wrote a little essay about this with citations and stuff. It wasn't "for no reason," and anyone who tries to use the scene as "evidence" of Breezepelt being Secretly Evil to justify the abuse he underwent as a kid either didn't read it, has bad reading comprehension skills, or is cherrypicking on purpose.
Crowfeather emotionally and physically abused his child, Breezepelt was socially alienated by WindClan as a result, which leads to this moment. That is what is on the page.
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mwagneto · 10 months
legit shaking crying i can't believe they're gay for real like they're gay for REAL like after all these years they're literally gay canonically like they kissed on screen on the mouth coz they're gay. like that really happened and there's no taking it back they're canonically gay in that scene and in every other scene also. when they're hanging out they're doing it gayly. when they're calling each other up they're doing it gayly. when they dress like that and act like that it's coz they're gay when crowley's trying to get aziraphale to run away with him it's coz he's in gay love and when aziraphale continuously puts himself in situations where crowley can feel useful it's coz he's in gay love literally everything they do is coz of gay love!!!!!! and that's mine forever!!!!!!!!! after i waited like half my life for it!!!!!!!!!!! oh my fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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obsessed with the idea of nico still being a practicing catholic. like they try to invite him somewhere on like a sunday and he's like "can't. gotta go to mass, sorry" and he shadow travels to the vatican
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 8 months
Kiddads headcanons: (Lark and Sparrow)
drinks red wine out of a coffee mug every morning.
Sometimes mixes in actual coffee with the wine (it's fucking disgusting and makes Lark gag)
Low-key kinda an alcoholic in the way that white upper-middle class suburban moms are
Still wears the friendship bracelet him and Lark made for each other as kids, along with a bunch of those beaded circle bracelets and the leather strappy ones.
Abso-fucking-LUTELY rockin' the 'Burks.
Still really likes art and painting but feels weirdly guilty about it so he only does it when everyone else is out of the house.
Has so many crystals it's a fire hazard. (Rocks rock!)
Keeps them right next to the Incense too.
Eats reeses peanut butter cups when he's really drunk and cries about how guilty he is cause they're not vegan as he is actively shoving them in his mouth. He never remembers this in the morning.
Actually, weirdly does not like weed. It makes him paranoid and he starts acting like Lark.
Took shrooms once as was convinced he had prophetic doodler dreams where he saw the end of the world.
He was convinced because it's true. That's literally exactly what happened.
Before he lost his love wolf powers, he got drunk and wandered around in wolf form until he got caught by the pound and Lark had to pay 30 bucks to get him back.
He read homestuck as a kid and LOVED jade but he grew up and ended up more like roses mom.
Both him and Lark watched gravity falls as kids and routinely argued over which twin they were.
Hero once told sparrow that his ponytail made him look like a dead anime mom and it mentally fucked him up for 2 day before he cut his hair down to his shoulders "just incase"
Sparrow doesn't have a favorite. he loves both his children equally. (its hero)
Sparrow believes in his heart that he's a bad father and thinks that Lark would do a better job than him (despite evidence to the contrary)
When Sparrow started doing yoga, both Lark and Henry had a heart attack cause he would do EXACTLY what barry did and start just yoga-ing mid-conversation.
Sparrow is still afraid of snakes.
Sparrow still has dreams about when Lark died in Oakvale, and it scares the shit out of him. Because of that moment, Sparrow is so afraid of Lark dying alone on a mission that it has gotten them into screaming matches because Lark refuses to stop going off on his own.
Sparrows favorite TV show actually IS the sunrise because it's been so long since he's seen it. He paints it a lot.
Sparrows second favorite TV show is gossip girl.
Sparrow thinks Harry Potter is stupid cause real spells are nothing like the Harry Potter ones.... but like.... he also owns a hufflepuff sweater.
If sparrow paints when he's blackout drunk he always ALWAYS paints the doodler. He burns the paintings cause they give him nightmares.
Sparrow feels like he, personally, is the reason the doodler was released. Because his drawing is what started the whole mess.
However, he feels like Henry is responsible for what Lark did.
Sparrow participated in heros training but he wasn't the main source of it. And he's the one who made Lark cut it off.
Sparrow has no idea if either of his kids are actually his. He asked both Rebecca and Lark if the timing lined up and they both just grimaced.
He played barbies with his kids when they were little and considered going to AA meetings after hero made the dad barbie get drunk at 3pm and fall asleep on the couch crying.
Sparrow has seen ALLLL the barbie movies #dadofadaughterthings
His favorite is Princess and the Pauper.
Sparrow was the one who set the school on fire. After he became a love wolf, he wrote a letter of "apology" to the school suggesting they make their classrooms less flammable.
Sparrows favorite kiddad (aside from lark) was Terry Jr. But he wasn't really all that close with him. it's like when you just observe someone from the outside and get invested. They still hung out tho. But both Lark and Sparrow are personally closest with Grant.
Sparrow is more afraid of Lark dying than he is of himself dying.
For the longest time, Lark had pretty short hair, especially in comparison to sparrow who grows his out. But after code purple Lark stopped really caring about cutting it.
Lark bitched about normal never washing his mascot costume but Larks bomber jacket hasn't been washed since before normal's birth.
He smells like cigarette smoke all the time.
Lark drinks black coffee like normal people drink water. he drinks it hot when he can, but he also drinks it cold out of a fucking flask like a psychopath.
His ass never sleeps, or when he does its like 4 hours a night. he's constantly running on 14 cups of coffee and a prayer.
like and share if both you and your twin have ADDICTION ISSUES.
speaking of addictive shit, lark does not drink. he's too fuckin on edge to allow himself to be in a vulnerable position. especially since he has to willingly put his mind at the mercy of the doodler shit.
he did, however, smoke weed a lot with nick as teenagers.
Lark didn't get that moment of being absoultely alone in the world like sparrow did when he watched lark die, so lark literally just doesn't comprehend how much it would effect other people if he died. so he's an insensitive asshole about it.
He cares if he dies, but only in the sense that he feels he's the most capable of the kiddads of fighting the doodler and keeping everyone alive, and dying would inconvenience that.
He got arrested for trying to sneak a gun into hero's 1st grade classroom, quote, "in case of emergencies. its fine. she knows how to use it." unquote.
shockingly, this arguments was not taken well by the police.
Lark lives with sparrow because both of them are a fucking wreck without each other and they need that other half to stabilize them.
Lark knows a shit ton about the rocks on old earth from henry and he HATES that its legitimately helpful knowledge on the plane where its really easy to loose your mind and forget where you are and knowing the geology of the terrain really helps navigation.
He wore his glasses one time. for his drivers test. and has never worn them since.
He's is a really really good driver. he doesn't follow any of the traffic laws, but he's never gotten pulled over, and he'll get you places 3 hours early. He knows how to parallel park too its insane.
during one of the "camping trips" with hero, Lark pretended to be a bear to "keep her on her toes" and got shot in the shoulder.
His ass has like three prepper bunkers.
Lark is no longer afraid of snakes. (lie)
he's not a vegan anymore, and he'd never admit it, but Lark actually still prefers a lot of the "vegan substitute meats" that he ate as a kid.
Larks hair is curlier than sparrows because sparrow brushes his and makes it fluffy rather than curly, but Lark hasn't brushed his hair a day in his life.
Lark definitely has a favorite. its hero.
Larks least favorite of Normal's spouses is Lincoln (he slapped him that one time)
When he was alive, Lark and Terry Jr. had that awkward relationship of like "our friends are friends, but I don't really like you"
The main reason Lark grew out his beard, doesn't wear glasses, is all in an effort to not look like Henry. It mostly works until it doesn't.
Sparrow doesn't make that effort to avoid looking like their dad, and sometimes, he looks just like Henry. Especially when he's being kind and fatherly to hero and normal. Lark feels really bittersweet about it.
Lark knows that the doodler is his fault.
Sparrow has walked in on Lark trying to wrap up actively bleeding wounds in the bathroom in the middle of the night so many fucking times they have a jar for it now.
This is extra annoying to sparrow because sparrow HAS HEALING SPELLS. there is NO REASON for Lark to be actively staining the carpets with blood on his tromp through the house.
Lark is the main one who was training hero, the training was much much more brutal when sparrow wasn't there.
He's deffo the one who made her kill a deer with her bare hands.
Lark got the idea from batman to make contingency plans for if any of his friends turn on him. They're all 10 pages long. Sparrow found his and Lark had to make a whole new plan cause now that one was compromised.
Lark was bribed into playing barbies with the kids and then got yelled at by sparrow when he made his barbie kill all the other barbies.
Grant got prescribed anxiety meds, and Lark made a huge deal about them dulling your senses and instincts so he doesn't take them.
Lark should be on anxiety meds.
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rwby-confess · 1 month
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Confession #75
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ecstasydemon · 2 years
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ermmm what the scallop
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not-poignant · 1 month
Me, reading this : "Like, my intention in amongst the hurt/comfort isn’t for things to feel easy or nice all the time, I am absolutely challenging the reader by introducing things that feel uncomfortable.". AH... I see. Here's Pia's dom personality XD Much love! Please keep challenging us forever!
Aha, it is weird sometimes to think that like, this is something that all writers are generally doing, and then it's like 'yeah no that's... introducing conflict means ideally you feel it too, that's... that's what makes the resolution feel so good' - like that's the job.
Tbh, this is why when folks are like 'omg I can't believe they KILLED that character' or 'I can't believe THIS HORRIBLE THING HAPPENED WHY' it's like well, they wanted you to feel this way. That's why. They did it on purpose. Outside of shitty tropes like 'burying your gays' etc. when folks are genuinely bemoaning why a show has made them miserable the answer is nearly 100% of the time - they wanted you to feel miserable.
They wanted you to have the awful experience of a tragic ending. They wanted you to feel the conflict at the end of a season so that you'd be driven to the catharsis of resolution in the next season. It's an intentional move to create emotional response, catharsis, expression, frustration and resonance, to lead you through a journey that is more than just cerebral.
And when it works, it's incredible, and it's my favourite part of storytelling.
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coockie8 · 6 months
It's so weird and funny to me when antis will be like "coping with taboo fiction is fine, but don't you understand you can't post it because people might get off to this!?!?"
Like what a stranger masturbates to is any of my business at all.
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black-and-yellow · 7 months
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Day 2 of Buggy posting :/
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superkitty21 · 6 months
Being a stan sounds so exhausting. Like being compelled to defend the honour of a billionaire who doesn't know you exist every time they say or do dumb shit sounds like the most miserable existence.
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blinkpen · 8 months
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i am Withering
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punkeropercyjackson · 25 days
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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sovaharbor · 8 months
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reyna, ily. neon bullying phoenix is so real. cypher canonically using that smirk emoji, i have no comment. phoenix is abt to lose his shit
also love how reyna neon and phoenix all have those cute chibi icons (who on base drew them, btw) and then cypher's just cypher
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