#And my palette is so cleansed
stuckinapril · 15 days
I genuinely love not having a crush like I’m not over here feeling physically sick over some mid guy being dry to me I’m literally chilling
#Spring semester of last year was so bad bc I was unironically into 3 guys at once and they were all#Being dry and cryptic to me#And then before that in 2022 I had my horrid situationship#I had a mini obsession arc in dec 2023 over someone but now there hasn’t been anyone since#And my palette is so cleansed#When a girl is like I miss having a crush I’m like you’re literally a masochist#There was very briefly a girl I thought I had a crush on when I realized I’m bicurious but#I haven’t put effort into talking to her bc the idea of pursuing anyone makes me wanna claw my eyes out#I’m pretty sure I ghosted her by like just not responding to her last messsge actually#Not on purpose but more so bc I realized I was feeling the same anxiety I felt whenever I had a crush so I was like#Yeah I’m dropping this for now#I’m also always the most present for my friends when I don’t have a crush so idk#Like I don’t wanna be consumed by anyone I just wanna chill#The solution to not having normal attraction to people is just to not be attracted to anyone at all#I fr cracked it#I always just crave the butterflies out of it and never an actual relationship anyway#But they’re so not worth it#Which is why I always get bored of guys who’re forthright like oh ok you actually WANT something…. U don’t wanna just have fun#Not for me#I think the guys I’m into and I typically diverge in the sense that neither of us wants a relationship but they just wanna fuck me#And I more so just want the butterflies experience / to playact couple for like a couple months but nothing too serious#Which is why it never works#Like it’s not that it doesn’t work bc either of us wants a relationship it’s more that what we want out of the situationship is different#So lame#Ok this was a lot but I literally came to this epiphany while writing these tags
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q-uzi · 2 months
is it, perchance, possible that you could have the ability to draw slingshot but with transmasc scars? pretty please!!! 🙏
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sure thing
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hawkinsunderground · 2 months
just watched eyewitness from start to finish for the first time in like at least five years and i forgot how much i liked it ahhh
Also the byler parallels omggggg and with the farm next season???? gonna be insane
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glassedplanets · 1 year
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we had one (1) week of warm weather and it changed on a dime right when i got extremely tired of it but it was so nice to see bright sunshine again after a very unusual winter 🌞
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covenofthearticulate · 11 months
*rattling tin can* spare loumand?….spare loumand thoughts???
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arkhavens2 · 8 months
im having a lot of fun with my current durge playthrough that im affectionately calling "how evil can i be while keeping as many companions for as long as possible?" and the answer is: 1-none of my party members have left even in act 3, AND! i recruited jaheira even after murdering isobel—and thus, all of last light inn—in cold blood:D
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this is the face of a maniac(affectionate)
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faerieorbitars · 4 months
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some light scripting
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safyresky · 8 months
Crystal Springs Chapter 19: Now on ao3!
See the aftermath of market day HERE!
Chapter 19: The Man with a Plan
With Jack and Winter's connection all fixed up, and an explanation found for the "magic-splosion" up North, Jacqueline finds herself in the hot seat as the subject of her blackouts are broached. Elsewhere, The Man has (some semblance of) a plan, and he's making it Kasper's problem.
Things are coming together! We're getting more and more answers! This chapter is a FUN ONE. We've got some VERY COZY FROST FAM MOMENTS! And we'll be popping off over to see What's Up with The Man 🤔🤔.
And now, your excerpt:
"I think I know where this is going," Jacqueline admitted. "They just want to help you, Jacqueline. And so do I," Jack said, placing his hand on the handle of Jacqueline's room door. "That's why I brought up the blackouts this morning. And that's part of the reason I was waiting up for you, too. I told Mom and Dad I would. Look, we have to—" "I know," Jacqueline cut him off, her palm flying up. "I know," she insisted with a tired smile. Fingers curling in, she dropped her palm. "I appreciate you covering my ass about them. And I know I snapped about them this morning," she glanced to the side, pushing hair off of her face. "It's just..." her eyes moved upwards as she searched for words, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's scary. I'm scared. I don't know what they are or why it was happening and I don't know anything about them. I'm a dead end in terms of figuring out what's happening to me, which is just super inconvenient. But," she held up a finger before Jack could interrupt. "Xander and I had a good chat. It's scary, yeah. But I know you guys just want to help and I—" she paused for a minute, taking a very deep breath. "—I'm willing to talk about them now." "Oh!" Jack said, pleasantly surprised and very relieved. "Oh, that's good." "Why do you sound so relieved?" Jacqueline questioned, as Jack pushed the handle down and opened the door. "Because I am. I was expecting you to put up more of a fight. You know, you really are stubborn." "A chip off the old block," Blaise spoke up. The two sprites screamed, jumping back. Jacqueline's bodice was once again hovering in front of the pair; Jack's icicle tie was hovering very threateningly in the air. "Calm down, it's just us," Winter said, beside Blaise. The pair of them were sitting comfortably on one of the sofa's in Jacqueline's room, trying very hard to bite back their laughter. "For the love of winter—" "I told you guys I'd handle this! I said, go to bed, I'll wait up for Jacqueline!" "You scared the SNOW out of me, this is way too many scares in one night—" "You were just downstairs!" "Am I pink? I feel like there's pink. Am I glowing? Is Rosehaven calling me?!" Jack eyed Jacqueline carefully, whooshing the icicle tie away. "No, you're good! You're good." "Thank HEAVENS."
I love Blinter. They're so funny.
Intrigued? Want to read more? Check out Chapter 19 HERE.
Want to start Crystal Springs from the top? Read the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfic dot net!
(tho ao3 is the most recent version of the fic! I'll catch ff dot net up in a bit. you know. when it cooperates 🙃🙃)
Story summary below the cut :)
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk.
Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family.
Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move?
Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
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Miraculous Ladybug is so fucking funny and is a joy for me to watch. Not because it has decent writing or anything - its funny and joyful because every episode always does something that contradicts information that came before it. Whether that be including pieces of lore that contradicts the other limited pieces of lore or just straight up character assassination for the sake of the plot. Its SUCH a fun ride!
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aria0fgold · 7 months
I've fully finished Mad Father! And time... for my final thoughts that I took awhile processing and I'm still in the process of processing it. The story is pretty good! The... entire family is messed up... Like, good on you Monika accepting the love of your life despite all his murderous crimes and then drawing the line at him harming your daughter and... adultery? (Monika can excuse murder but god forbid that man cheats on her. Monika is like: "I GIVE HIM MY EVERYTHING AND THAT'S WHAT I GET IN RETURN???" monika... the children please... the dude has been killing so many innocent people monika--)
Monika's a good mom, but as a person? Well, that's up for debate. I still like her though. Now the dad... At first I was like, okay, he murders people for whatever research he got going on, but at least he cares and loves his daughter. But that last part, yeah, nah... It was nice while it lasted though. And brooo... Aya are ya serious, Aya? Like are you fr rn??? Are you fr gurl???? Exasperated sigh but the signs were there and to be fair... if you're raised in a household with a dad that actively kills people and a mom that is 100% okay with that, chances are Aya is not gonna end up on Santa's good list.
It's just so sad cuz that blond kid had so much faith in her to Not go down the same path as her dad and I'm so sorry kid but that's unfortunately not possible. Also feeling bad for Maria cuz lady deserved a more "ordinary" life than being an assistant to more murders again. Like, Aya come on brrroooooo Whyyyyyyyy
ALSO as it turns out, the blond kid wasn't dead????? Like I went to check out the IF story in the gallery and that kid wasn't dead! Bruh Maria legit just nearly killed a kid and STEPPED ON HIM. Dude... Thanks Mr. Ogre for giving him that medicine even though you're most likely an evil guy but you're okay in my book. You were plenty helpful even though it's for selfish reasons, love the teleporting by the way (It helped a lot when going back to the portal area when I had to go aallll the way back to the entrance hall for the gems).
I love the last scene of the IF story cuz like aww... the blond kid so nice and I feel bad but that guy really gonna stop Aya if they met and Aya's on the same path as her dad (which she is). And like, aww kid, I'm so sorry (poor guy can't catch a break. Hope his eye injury heals well).
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stuckinapril · 14 days
I literally don’t think I’m gonna be over challengers for the next week I love it so much
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ohnostalgia · 11 months
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Hulk Comic #7 written by Steve Parkhouse, art by Paul Neary & John Stokes
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icterid-rubus · 11 months
Feeling really betrayed that no one thought to warn me the new Spiderverse is just part one.
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gigginox · 2 years
so you can date futaba, whos meant to have a Very Obvious sibling dynamic w the main character but Not akechi. okay
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wurm-food · 2 years
so help me I want to finish this Uta fic today so I can keep working on this Himeno fic and not feel bad about it
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putuponpercy · 2 years
Anyone got some wholesome or silly headcanons they wanna drop in my inbox?
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