#like i appreciate the doctor was honest enough to tell me they didn't know what the hell this is
krawdad · 2 months
Okay we've ruled out literally every other potential medical source of this rigidity can someone treat the injuries like I've asked since the very beginning years ago I can't walk anymore what am I supposed to do
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luvvyouforever · 2 months
harvey (sdv) - nsfw alphabet <3
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-> there is not nearly enough harvey content on tumblr for my liking. SO two harvey posts in a row, yes i do believe. and i do love reading an sfw/nsfw alphabet so of course i have to provide for our favorite nerdy doctor <3 i also want you to know that as i write this, i imagine harvey as a taller, bigger man. so like he's got some chub on him and he's got broad shoulders. idk idk it's my headcanon.
-> this is nsfw and dirty! like i really tried to get over my reservations about using descriptive language. with that being said, NSFW 18+ MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI MDNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
harvey is the sweetest, most gentlemanly partner after sex. he makes sure that you get cleaned up, that you protect yourself against any UTIs or other gross things, makes you some coffee or tea, and cuddles with you endlessly. harvey would need some extra reassurance that what he did was good, that you enjoyed it, or that you didn't get hurt. he'd get anxious and worry about it for the rest of the night if you didn't offer him some kind of honest discussion.
b = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
i think he appreciates his arms and hands! he knows that he has some strength and likes when you can grip on to his biceps in the heat of the moment. knows how to work his hands i mean, come on. he can do minor surgical interventions. if you hold onto his arm while you're walking in town, he'd get all blushy.
as for you, he truthfully loves every part of you. if you ever asked him "what part of me is your favorite?" he would actually stress over it and couldn't answer. however, if you really really wanted him to say, he would choose your eyes. there's nothing better to him than looking at them when he's giving you pleasure. sends him reeling, actually.
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i don't think harvey is particularly keen on making a mess, especially of the bed or another surface. he'd try to keep his cum inside of you, or at least contained to an easily wipeable surface (like your face). on the down low though, i truthfully think he'd surprisingly enjoy cumming on your face, mainly around your lips. messy oral? he's done for.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
meeting dr. harvey in his office for a confidential check-up? hmm. definitely not when you first start dating, but give him some time and you may just find yourself on his desk (never in the actual, sterile field) receiving a little extra attention wink wink nudge nudge
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he has plenty of knowledge about anatomy, trust me. he never struggles with finding your best spots. however, he struggles with foreplay and building intimacy and dirty talk, etc. he's a nerd! what can i say? tell him what you like, guide him, and help him and he'd be confident in no time. he's a quick learner.
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
so, i think there are two sides to harvey. he is either incredible slow, passionate, and earnest. this lends itself to something simple like missionary where he can stare into your eyes, kiss you, tell you sweet things, etc. his other side comes out later, when he's gotten more comfortable with you and with himself, and he can get a little rougher or faster or intense. he likes to be able to grip on to you so something like doggy, maybe riding?
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
harvey can't help but be clumsy sometimes. he learns to be able to giggle at himself when his hand misses the bed and he falls. he also can't help but giggle when hair gets caught in your mouth or some other silly thing. however, he likes to keep things intimate and prefers to have a serious moment with you in bed.
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
i don't think he fully shaves, he just doesn't strike me as that kinda guy with his mustache. but i do think he trims it, kinda manscapes it a little bit to tame everything down but he likes to have a little hair down there.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
loves making sex romantic. he doesn't do it often, but on special days like your anniversary or birthday, he will harvest some flowers from the farm and throw the petals around the room, open up some freshly made wine, and showers you in affection. as for every day sex, he still likes to make it special for you and never backs down on his pure, teeth-hurting sweetness.
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i think that he is the kinda guy that starts feeling guilty for masturbating after he gets into a relationship. prefers to just wait for you. however, before your relationship, he would masturbate every once in a while when he was stressed or horny. if he ever watched porn, which i feel like would be very rare for him, he wouldn't watch highly produced, fake porn. it would have to be something amateur. (harvey has a secret twitter account)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
okay so...i think harvey starts out vanilla. when you're getting to know him and for the first few times you have sex, he keeps it simple. mainly out of nervousness. however, i think he's kinkier than we might assume. i think he really enjoys being praised and praising you. i think, too, he likes feeling big and strong in that he gives in to his possessiveness sometimes, and he likes being able to manhandle you a little bit. also, i propose this everyone....bondage? nothing super strong! just with his tie or belt. and your hands. to the headboard.
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
your bedroom, mostly! he has a reputation that he needs to uphold so anything in public is nerve wracking. but with some convincing, like i said, his fancy office is not totally off limits.
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
seeing you do anything! especially if you're really determined to get something done and you're working hard at it! like, you've been working so damn hard on renovating and cleaning the farm and you come back proud of everything you've done, he will look at you with a glow in his face. kisses on the neck, too!
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don't think he'd ever hurt you. it's just not something he could ever see himself doing. he doesn't mind seeing like fingertip marks on you the day after but anything like choking, spanking, etc is out of the question. he also would find rudeness a turn off in a person. like he would hate to see anyone be rude to another person and it would take away from someone's attractiveness immediately! (that's not to say that he doesn't enjoy some town gossip here and there)
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
my first headcanon here is that harvey LOVES giving oral and on the days when he hasn't cleanly shaved his face, his stubble leaves marks around your thighs. okay, now that that's out of the way: harvey is such a pleaser and he'd do anything to make sure you feel good. he likes when you guide his head, mouth, or hands and he likes being told if you want more, or faster, or less. as for him receiving, i think he enjoys it but he gets so in his head that he can't really cum from it. it takes some extra praise and reassurance to get him to fully open up.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like every other answer here, it depends on his mood! he can get really fast when he's feeling extra needy or kinky. however, when he's trying to be romantic, he will take his sweet time and go nice and slow with his thrusts, movements, touches. however, i think he could also use slowness to his advantage and tease you.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
prefers to take his time but sometimes he likes to catch you before you wake up and start working on the farm and before he has to go to work. he enjoys these more than he will admit to himself though and he thinks it can be fun!!
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's down to try new things, don't get me wrong! if you wanna try something new, he'll let you to an extent but he won't do anything that comes with a dangerous outcome or health risk! like, sure, he might be down to try some new rope positions but he won't dare put chocolate sauce around his genitals. do you know the bacteria risks that can come with that??
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
i don't think he has very high stamina. it's not that he gets really sleepy after, but he can't go for multiple rounds. maybe two if it's been a long time since he's seen you. he can last a while though, i think. he won't cum the minute he engages in anything and with his anxiety, it may even take him a while to get to that point.
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn't mind bringing out a vibrator because he knows how good it could make you feel. he doesn't like them on himself though! he doesn't mind taking a trip out to zuzu and hitting up a sex shop to buy some new bondage-y toys. they will be thoroughly cleaned though. why would nipple clamps be any less clean than forceps?
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn't do it with malice in his heart, trust me. he just likes seeing you on edge, waiting for him of all people, begging for more pleasure. he experiments to see how long you can go for, or how far he can drag out oral. he definitely enjoys it more than he'd let on. oh, and, i leave you with this, imagine harvey offering fake pity and cooing at you:
"my poor flower...you must want it so bad!"
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
keeps quiet, mostly. some interjections of grunts and groans, especially when he cums. he uses his voice more for sweet talk! he loves hearing your noises, though, and it gives him more encouragement than anything.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
the first time you called him dr. harvey in a joking, yet somewhat flirtatious manner, he blushed and got incredibly flustered. then, you did it again, and it had the same effect. and then...oh lord. your hands were roaming his body and you, just testing the waters, called him dr. harvey and he could have finished right there.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he's big guys, i'm sorry. nerdy white men are always packing. i headcanon him as a big boy and it's only fitting that he's proportionate. more thickness than length. he was a little ashamed the first time you had sex but he realized just how good it feels and it makes him proud. big dick energy if you will.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think he has a fluctuating sex drive. during flu and cold season, he is so stressed and likes to come back and make dinner, cuddle, and go to bed. however, during the summer, when everyone is healthy and only needs some aloe vera gel for sunburns, he could go day after day with you. it just all depends on his mood and the time of the year.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he enjoys cuddling and talking after sex but give him an hour and the man is CONKED. he's the older bachelor so of course he's a sleepy man. cuddle up to his chest, open up the window to let fresh air or the sounds of rain float in, and he'll be like a baby.
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
I'm here for you (Lance Stroll)
When you finally let Lance help you, you quickly find out that doing things with his support makes them just that little bit better
Note: english is not my first language. I'm not a doctor, so there are probably some inaccurate informations here, but this is what I know both from reading and from experience. Everyone has different experiences and I wanted to be able to depict that in some way.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: mentions periods, blood, medical appointments, endometriosis, (in)fertility
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"How bad is it?", Lance asked you as you both laid down on the bed, "like a 7, but hopefully the meds will kick in soon", you mumbled, finding a comfortable position in your boyfriend's embrace. "Wake me up if you need anything, okay? I don't want you to be uncomfortable when I can help with something", he said, kissing the top of your head and cuddling you in.
Your period had been acting up again, and while you usually knew what to do and when, this time around all of the tricks you knew seemed lack the hability to soothe you, so to say you were feeling less than fine was an understatement.
Sleeping usually helped, but soon enough you ended up being woken up by a particular sharp pain on your lower belly and lower back, and despite his insistence, you tried your best to get up from the bed to grab something to relieve the pain without making too much noise, not wanting to wake Lance up. Your efforts seemed small, though, because as soon as you got up, It didn't take your boyfriend long before his hand palmed the area where you had been asleep on, "Y/N?", he called, "I just wanted to get something to ease the pain, go back to sleep, love", you whispered, seeing him get up instead.
"I'll get the machine, you just rest, okay?", he said in a both stern and soft way, making you lie back on the bed as he looked for the TENS machine. In one of your appointments, your doctor mentioned that if you had the possibility and the means, you could try the machine as it would help you deal with the pain, and so far it had helped you a great deal.
"Here, sweetheart", Lance helped you with your top and shorts, placing the small circles on either side of your tummy, "is that good?", he said as he regulated the level on the machine, "it's not doing much, if I'm honest", you whimpered, feeling bad because of how much effort your boyfriend was putting in hopes of making you feel better and how little it was working.
"Come here", he nudged you, cuddling you closer to him as his hands traced shapes on yout tummy, "does this hurt?", he asked, "no, you're okay", you mumbled, trying to distract yourself from the intense cramps, "thank you for being here", you kissed the skin near his clavicle, "I'll be here for you, always".
You were in and out of sleep for the whole night, seeing the light seep through the windows slowly as the cramps kept getting stronger again, keeping you up for most of the time.
"Hey you", Lance mumbled, "how are you feeling?", he asked, "I think they're a little bit softer now, or maybe I've become numb to them", you huffed, trying to find a better position when you felt the need to use the toilet, "I'll be back", you said, walking slowly to the bathroom.
The uncomfortable feeling in your underwear was justified by the amount of period blood that had been way heavier than usual this time around, taking you a while to clean up before going back to the bedroom and change your bottoms.
"Did any of it get in the bedding?", you asked Lance, seeing he was already up and looking for something, too, "no, I noticed when you got up and looked for any spots, but the bed is fine", he smiled sadly, "I was thinking we should call your doctor and tell her about this? I've seen really rough cycles you've had and none of them compare to this", Lance reasoned. You had been together for nearly four years and he never saw you in this much pain and discomfort, and adding the fact that you had a good pain threshold, it was concerning him even more.
"I'll send her a text to see if she thinks I need to go somewhere, or at least give me something, and maybe this will help the diagnosis", you mumbled, grabbing your phone and writing a small description of how you had been feeling.
The last set of exams you had got done were already because of some suspicions your doctor had because of how intense your cycles usually were and this may very well be another situation to help you get closer to understanding how your body was working.
"While we wait, I'm going to get us breakfast, okay? I know food is the last thing on your mind, but you'll need to eat", he nodded, kissing your forehead before going downstairs to prepare the food.
You were reading the text your doctor sent you back when Lance entered the room, a tray with tea and toast on it, "she texted me back", you began, "she says that these are all common symptoms and that there isn't much I can do, but that she can get me an appointment for tomorrow because this helps put things into perspective", you shrugged, setting your phone on your bedside table, "I'll go with you", Lance said, helping you sit up so you could eat, "I would usually say that I don't need it, that I can go on my own, but it's not like you would let me anyway, am I right?", you smiled, "but I will actually say that I'm thankful for that and that I love you very much. I'm very lucky to have you with me", you smiled honestly for the first time in a while, "I love you, too, sweetheart".
When the next morning rolled around, Lance drove you both to the appointment, his hand resting where your leg met your hip and rubbing circles. After checking in and grabbing your card so you could go to the lab and let them collect the samples they needed, you went back to the waiting area, Lance sitting in one of the sofas. "Was it okay?", he asked, "yes, the nurse just had to get a blood sample so the doctor can check if everything is fine with that, the scan os inside her office from what she told me", you replied. Just on time like the appointment was scheduled, your name was called and you both got up, Lance lacing his fingers in yours and squeezing it as you entered the office. Greeting you both, your doctor asked you to sit down, "Hello Y/N, Hi Lance, please take a seat", she said, "it seems your pain hasn't been getting any better", she added, letting you carry on.
"I've been managing it just fine like I told you in the last appointment, but this month it was unbearable, I don't think it ever got this bad. Especially around my lower back and lower tummy, definitely never felt like this", you explained.
"I'm just opening your lab results here on the computer", she said, "you remember the possibilities we talked about in our last appointment, and I think we have enough results here that would suggest one of them, which is endometriosis, so I'd like to do another scan to see if there is support to that hypothesis", she nodded to the table.
You set your bag on the chair you were sitting in, moving to lay on your back and lift your shirt up so she could place the gel on your skin, "it's cold, I'm sorry", she smiled apologetically as she grabbed the wand, looking at the screen and frowning. You had been her patient long enough to know her enough to gather that it wasn't good news. Question was: was it bad news because it supported the diagnosis or was it bad because you were back to square one with no idea about what symptoms to look for?
"Do you see these parts here? This is all endometrial tissue that's grown outside of your uterus, which is here", she pointed to the screen, "because you're about on the last day of your period, so your flow is smaller now", she checked and you nodded, "so this, like we spoke about, can be the cause of your symptoms, why you feel so much pain, why your cycles tend to be on the heavier side, also the tiredness, the nausea", the doctor added, now turning to Lance so he could also be involved in her explanation.
After cleaning you up, you sat back in the chair next to Lance, feeling his hand land on your thigh as your doctor typed the results on the computer, "having said this, I'm recommending you a few specialists in this area, so you'll have specific, specialised and personalised care", she offered, "I know this can be a scary moment, but I also want you to see the side where you're finally aware of what is happening in your body and now look for the answers that target it".
"Was there anything that could've prevented this? Are we doing something wrong?", Lance asked, "no, this isn't something you can prevent. Usually, endometriosis is hereditary, and since Y/N mentioned her aunt had some issues getting pregnant and her mother also showed these symptoms, it is most likely that is is genetics", she enlightened, seeing you nod as you squeezed Lance's hand back.
After she went over a few more tricks for your pain management, you and Lance thanked her and walked out to the car, getting inside and fastening your seat belts. "Are you okay, darling?", Lance wondered, not being able to read your expression, which wasn't usual.
"It may sound weird, but I think I've been expecting this. Like, I knew what I had wasn't normal, and after talking to my mother and my aunt, it started to make sense. And then I read things on Google, which I know it's not the best thing, but I did it carefully", you began, "so I was expecting it, I guess. Me and Dr. Marlin have been discussing the possibility, so it wasn't a shock. She was very direct because that's how it has always been and I appreciate her for it", you noted.
"I have to admit she was a bit forward", Lance chuckled lightly, his hand grabbing yours, "but it makes sense now. I want you to know, though, that I'll be here for everything that I can, I want to support you as much as possible", he added.
"It's still something to process, and it's only for sure whenever I go to the next appointments, so I'll just take it in", you answered honestly, smiling at Lance before kissing him, "thank you for always being here".
When you arrived home, you felt your body get even more tired as you changed into comfortable clothes, sensing that as soon as your head hit anything resembling a pillow or a mattress you would fall asleep.
While you slept on the big sofa, Lance was on his phone looking up the best specialists in the area, typing the phone number and email as well as their name in his notes app so you could both discuss it later once you woke up. Even though Dr. Marlin explained a few things about what her suspicions were and you had also told him about them from previous appointments, Lance had to admit he wasn't well-versed in the topic beyond what you had told him, so he did what he thought was best and looked it up on the Internet. Mindful of the websites he was reading, he came across a few ones that seemed legit and that had a simple language and didn't sound too alarming and rather only just wanting to spread knowledge about the topic. They all mentioned your symptoms, gave a brief explanation of what it was and the implications did catch his eye, smoothing his finger over the screen as he locked his phone, hearing you stir in the middle of your sleep.
"Hey, bub", you said, approaching him and craddling his arm, "are you feeling better?", he asked, pressing his lips on the top of your head, seeing you nod.
"I was looking up specialists, and I have a few contacts here, I made a little list", he began, "and I know we should've done this together, but I couldn't help myself, and I was looking up a bit more information because I didn't know about it", he scrambled out, "I was not taught this, I don't think anyone is, but I looked it up, and- yeah, there are doctors for these kinds of things and they seem to know what helps and what to do".
He looked so nervous that you felt you were the one to calm him down and reassure him, "hey, one thing at a time, yes?", you urged, grabbing his hand in yours in an attempt of calming him, "thank you for looking them up, I'll see the list and the ones that fit the situation best", you said.
"Fortunately, we have the means to do this and seek help to make you feel better, for all the options we have", your boyfriend continued, "I sort of fell in the spiral of what it would mean and I want to be with you every step of the way".
"As much as I think this is too much, I can't help but be grateful that we can do it, so I'll let you have this one", you smirked, "and like you said, we'll take it one step at a time".
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neonscandal · 3 months
Manga with Me: Sad SatoSugu Edition (Because That's Literally the Only Flavor There Is) Pt 2
Because I realized reblogging my initial post to keep the list going was super dumb if I want to keep gratuitously adding to it so... if you've already seen part 2, no you haven't. Especially since I had to add at least one other thing to the mix.
Part 1 | Part 2
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⚠️ Spoiler Warning: JJK 0 movie + season 2 though things may get out of chronological order as I just keep thinking in circles.
Buckle up:
How positively fucked it was that Kenjaku knew the ins and outs of Geto’s thoughts about Gojo upon his possession… and knew how Geto was the one thing that could trip Gojo up… but those idiots were completely unaware.
The fact that they were always cast at odds, cursed technique wise, nature vs nurture, attitude, ideology, etc. But they still found the common ground to respect and care for one another.
I kept saying how Geto only loses his cool when harm comes to Gojo but… the crux of it is the fact that Geto is the only person who loses his cool when harm comes to Gojo because no one else could fathom the possibility (until Yuta and Yuji came along). Gojo’s power damns him to be an infallible weapon just as much as it damns Geto to be a casualty.
In fact, Geto thanked him for his hard work during the Star Plasma Vessel mission. As if Gojo had a choice. But still, Geto expressed appreciation for what most everyone else probably took for granted.
How Geto was the one person who truly challenged and undid Gojo’s godlike power all because Gojo cared for him. *insert River Song’s tirade about the Doctor loving a mere human.*
The fact that Riko’s death and their subsequent failure is what catapulted Gojo back into the need to refine and perfect his godlike strength which brought him out of touch with Geto. The isolation which Gojo knew all too well is what destroyed Geto.
Not enough emphasis was given to the fact that Geto was actively spiraling, probably couldn’t bring a spoon to his own mouth BUT STILL WANTED TO TREAT GOJO.
Geto didn’t know the power he held over Gojo or, more likely, he never chose to use it because, if Gojo would just follow him, how would that not be just as bad as the position he was already forced into by the elders? Even so, Gojo was frenzied and showed such elevated emotion when Geto defected, when he confronted him. He was undone.
After Geto, we never have the same level of insight or clarity into Gojo either. So, in addition to no longer being vulnerable to threats, he’s no longer vulnerable to us, the readers, either.
This isn’t strictly a SatoSugu observation but.. the fact that Gojo’s strength damned him to face off against a person he cares most about not once… but twice?
Gojo cultivated a life surrounded by people who he protected, who he guided, who were indebted to him, even, and he still felt like Geto was his one and only, even after everything. Even as his dream came into fruition with his team of strong students, it was all for Geto and all for naught without him.
This face when Geto realizes what we’ve known all along. Gojo’s love was unconditional but unfathomable to Geto. Please, I’m sick about it.
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During the events of the JJK 0 movie, after 10 years apart, Gojo could still piece together Geto's plan just as well as Geto could figure out that Gojo sent Panda and Toge into battle to trigger Yuta's power up.
When Gojo retorts that “it’s called trust. People with beliefs like yours won’t kill a young sorcerer without reason.” having been figured out by Geto.
Even so, Geto receives that as personally as Gojo probably meant it, surprised to find that "[he] didn't realize [Gojo] still felt any connection with [him]."
When you consider that, even at the close of his life, couldn't be forthright and honest and simply tell Gojo that he never hated him.
Even when Gojo was the source of his most genuine smiles. Even bloody in an alley, death staring him in the face, claiming to not be able to smile with his whole heart and yet
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Points aggressively at the board. 👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾
Stay tuned for when I inevitably circle back to light novels, OP's, EP's and literally anything else that pops into my head as this dynamic continues to haunt me. ✨
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webbyghost · 2 months
are you still doing the touches writing thingy? if so can i request hand holding 33 with chainshipping?
33. bandaging the other's hand and not quite letting go
"You didn't actually have to punch that guy, you know."
Lawrence meets Adam's searching gaze with his own steadfast look, unwavering under the younger man's scrutiny. He only breaks when Adam dabs the cotton ball onto his split knuckles and the alcohol stings, the pain sharper than he'd expected. He hisses, and Adam grins sheepishly, pulling both his hands away.
"Sorry, Doc."
"No, no, it's alright. It needs to be disinfected, who knows what bacteria could have been in that man's mouth." He shudders, only half-joking. Adam laughs and dabs at Lawrence's bloody knuckles again, taking care not to press too hard this time. The sting is duller now, the worst seemingly over.
Or maybe it's that Lawrence's attention is more focused on the way Adam's tongue is poking out while he concentrates on cleaning up the dried blood that decorates Lawrence's hand.
"I mean, I know I'm awesome, but maybe you shouldn't be trying to emulate me, y'know I'm supposed to be the violent one, remember?" Always the chatterbox, always the jokester. Always the smartass, mouthing off and wearing that same smirk he's got on right now.
"I know I didn't have to," Lawrence murmurs, wrenching his eyes from Adam's mouth, feeling a peculiar stirring in his gut. "But he was so much bigger than you, and I-"
He falters. How to explain the rage that had boiled up so quickly upon seeing the stranger looming over Adam, how he had moved across the parking deck so quickly his leg was still sore from the effort. How his hand had moved before he'd realized it, balled into a fist and crashing into the stranger's face, the man's teeth cutting into his skin.
"I couldn't stand there and let you get hurt." Adam stops cold in the middle of opening a bandaid, for once seemingly at a loss for words. "Not if I could stop it."
"C'mon, Doc, I'm not- you don't owe me, man." He doesn't look up, continuing to put the little bandage on the open scrape of Lawrence's middle knuckle. "I mean, yeah, you shot me and I like to give you shit about it from time to time but like... You don't gotta make it up to me. You already did that when you got me out of the- that place."
Lawrence doesn't answer, the words he wants to say are... out of his grasp. All he can think about is how Adam's hands- both hands- are holding his own, cradling it gently while he inspects it for any further damage.
"I just think that... you've been hurt enough," he says, quietly, half-hoping Adam doesn't hear him. It's almost too honest, too close to admitting how much he's grown to care for the young man.
"And you haven't?" Adam demands, his grip tightening slightly. "Lawrence, if you hadn't broken his teeth, that dude would have beaten your ass!"
It's the first time since his rescue that Adam has used his actual name.
"I've been in fights before, Adam," he scoffs. "It may surprise you to know that I've even won a few in my time."
"Sure, old man, whatever you say," Adam rolls his eyes, then sighs, looking back down at Lawrence's hand, still clutched between his own. "Look. It's not that I don't appreciate that you've got my back, ok? But you can't go around stepping in every time I piss somebody off."
"You could try being less disrespectful to everyone who crosses your path," Lawrence says, dryly, and Adam looks back up at him, that smirk turning up the corners of his mouth.
"I think we both know how likely that is," he quips, and the smirk fades a little as he continues. "But I'm serious, don't go putting yourself in danger, not for me. I'm not the only one who- who needs you."
His fingers twitch and he grips Lawrence's hand a little bit tighter, though he avoids touching the doctor's bruised knuckles.
"I know," he replies, quietly, something clicking in his brain at Adam's words.
He knows now, why his hand flew on its own. He wants to say it, tell him that he put himself in harm's way because he needs Adam, too.
He wants to say it.
But he doesn't.
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miguelswifey04 · 10 months
Hi Angel, maybe this is a weird request, but could you read something with Miguel x Reader angst, fluff? I kinda need some comfort right now because I just went to the doctors and I have some pretty bad health issues apparently regarding a disease and I kinda need some comfort as I have no one around me write only if you want to.
awwwe i’m so sorry about that but remember you can talk to me if you’d like <33 you’re not alone!! you’re loved and you are appreciated !!
miguel o’hara x gn! reader
cw: angst/fluff & comfort
summary: there’s been some tensions between you and miguel in the relationship. you feel as if you’re not good enough for him anymore..but miguel tries to make you see that it isn’t true, will you listen to him or give up?
the tension between miguel and you had been growing steadily over the past few weeks, and neither of you could ignore it any longer. it felt like there was an invisible wall separating you, and it was taking a toll on your relationship.
one evening, as the sun began to set, miguel found the courage to address the mounting distance between the both of you. he approached you, his voice filled with both frustration and longing. “we can't keep ignoring this, love. we’ve been drifting apart, and it hurts. i miss the connection we used to have, the way we understood each other without words.”
your eyes filled with tears as you nodded, unable to find the words to express the pain you felt. you had noticed the growing distance too, but didn't know how to bridge the gap. “i don't want to lose what we have, miguel. i love you, and it hurts to see us drifting apart. i miss us.”
miguel came closer as he sat right next to you, pulling you close to his body. “i love you too, with all my heart. we can't let this divide consume us. we need to be honest with each other, to confront these emotions head-on. i want to understand what's been bothering you, what's been pulling us apart.”
you took a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest. you hadn't fully realized it yourselves, but as you spoke, the words poured out, a mixture of fear, frustration, and vulnerability. “sometimes, miguel, i feel like i’m not enough for you. the insecurities eat at me, whispering doubts that i can't silence. i see you, with your brilliance and strength, and i wonder if i can ever compare. i’m scared of losing you, scared that i’ll never be enough.”
miguel's heart ached at the raw honesty in your words. he reached out, gently cradling your face, wiping away your tears. “you are more than enough, my love. you are everything to me. your presence in my life brings light and joy, and i wouldn't trade that for anything. these insecurities, they're lies that your mind tells you. i am here to remind you of your worth, to show you just how much you mean to me.”
you leaned into miguel’s touch, your soul craving the assurance he offered. miguel pressed his forehead against yours, his voice filled with tenderness and determination. “let's promise each other, right now, that we won't let these doubts consume us. we’ll work through them together, supporting and loving each other through the challenges. i don't want to lose you, my love. i want us to fight for this, for us.”
your tears turned from ones of sadness to ones of relief and hope. you nodded, feeling the weight of your shared commitment and knowing that you were not alone in your struggles. “i promise, miguel. i’ll fight for us too. i’ll trust in your love and believe in myself. together, we can overcome anything.”and in that moment, you held each other tightly, finding solace in your shared vulnerability. you knew that your journey would still have its ups and downs, but armed with love and a renewed understanding, you were ready to face it all - together.
tags 🏷️!! @emiemiemiii @sabcandoit @astro1bloom @meeom @obi-mom-kenobi @kairiscorner
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bil-daddy · 7 months
Hi Bildad. I know this isn't at all what your Tumblr is for, but I don't have anyone IRL to talk to about this, and my husband reads AITA. If you want to just leave this in your inbox unanswered, that is ok.
Today during an argument, my husband told me that he has not been attracted to me since we got married (20 years ago!) Around that time I started on antidepressants and they caused me to gain some weight and then I gained some more weight. Currently I am 5'6" and 190lbs.
He has hinted at this a couple times over the course of our marriage and frequently turns me down for sex (one time we went a whole year without any sexual activity). He said that he has never been completely honest about this before because it would hurt my "fragile ego" and send me into an "emotional spiral".
When we were first married, he was in good shape, but about ten years ago, he started putting on weight, too. He is currently 6'0" and 260lbs. He says that he knows that it's not fair, but he's just being honest about how he feels.
Currently I'm considering getting bariatric surgery, vs trying to do my best to diet and exercise while working full time and raising three kids with him, vs calling it quits and trying to find someone who likes my body the way it is. I have a fairly high sex drive and I'm feeling very frustrated.
Again, sorry for venting here. Not something I'd be willing to admit to family or friends but just needed to get it off my chest and this seems like a safe space.
Hi, anon. Sorry you're going through this.
Now, to paraphrase AITA (and r/relationship_advice, and r/relationships) You don't have a weight problem. You have a husband problem.
It shouldn't take a midwife to know that bodies change after giving birth and it seems you've done that three times. And that's not even getting into the normal weight gain that comes with aging. Nobody looks the same as they looked 20 years ago (well, unless you're an immortal being--which I am definitely not by the way, 100% totally human shoemaker obstetrician right here)
Your husband knows this. He's aged and gained weight, too. And not to get all Freudian, but I'm betting his criticisms of you are actually projection of how he feels about himself. (Especially the "fragile ego" and "emotional spiral" part. Such classic projection it might as well be an old silent film.)
He probably didn't mean what he said about not being attracted to you for your entire twenty-year marriage, if you two were arguing when he said it. It was just something he knew he could say to hurt you in the moment.
That's not an excuse, by the way. Every relationship is gonna have fights (don't ask me how I know), but you shouldn't be fighting dirty against the person you love. Fuck nasty, sure. But not fight dirty.
Speaking of which, sex drives often wax and wane over the course of lifetimes, and relationships, and a group of two's respective shifts don't always line up. Still, if there's an ongoing mismatch then the couple should do their best to figure out a compromise that works for both of them.
Is your husband doing this?
Is he doing half the childcare so you have the free time to exercise?And relax, too, because you won't have the energy to exercise if you're too tired from work and childcare.
Is he doing half the grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking so your whole family can eat a healthy diet?
Is he trying to get back into shape and lose weight himself?
And finally, the hard (pun intended) one--is he cutting back on "pornography!" (to quote Sandalphon) so he can direct the majority of his sexual energy towards you? Has he checked with a doctor about his testosterone levels? Blood flow?
You don't have to tell me, but the answers to these questions might tell you whether your husband is putting enough effort into your marriage to make it worth saving, versus calling it quits and finding someone who will appreciate your body the way it is--and there are many people who will (just ask @mrazfellco about my obsession with his belly and thick thighs)
But the most important person who needs to appreciate your body the way it is isn't your husband or a hypothetical post-divorce boyfriend. The most important person who needs to appreciate your body is you.
And so you need to do whatever it is that will make you feel good about yourself. That might be diet and exercise. That might be bariatric surgery. That might just be losing 260 pounds of husband.
But whatever it is, it needs to be for you.
Hope this helps.
Good luck to you, and have an ox rib (platonic)
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hellowhisperingstars · 11 months
Chapter Nine: The Drop
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Summary: A night at the bar doesn’t go how you and Eddie thought it would and it ends with you getting punished. Eddie lets you in on some of the darker moments of his past that no one really knows about. 
Pairing: Rockstar/Bar Owner!Eddie Munson x Baker!Reader 
Words: 9K
Warnings: 18+, dom/sub dynamic, smut, spanking, vibrators, fingering, safe word used, sub drop, alcohol, mentions of drugs, jealousy, an almost bar fight, angst, cussing, overuse of pet names, Y/N used, talks of past jail time, the word whore is used a lot, mentions of canon character death by suicide. Please let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Hello! Gonna be honest this chapter was hard as hell to write. I had zero motivation and I ended up re-writing a part of it like three times. I'm sorry it's been so long since my last update but here is chapter nine! As always the girl in the gif does not represent what the reader looks like, I just needed the aesthetic of a pinky promise! Please tell me what you think! Also I've never experienced sub drop so I probably didn't portray it correctly please be nice about it!
Likes, comments, and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! <3
Please let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list! I will be double checking if you have your age in your bios! AGELESS OR BLANK BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED TO THE TAG LIST!
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They say that time heals all wounds and you knew that was what you needed for your heart to get back into shape. After taking a few days to grieve you easied your way back into work, knowing Nana wouldn’t want you to dwell on her passing and soon you found yourself back in the swing of things. The kitchen was a place where you could let your stress melt away, letting you focus on the task at hand; currently that was a cupcake cake in the shape of a dinosaur. You went about adjusting the cupcakes into the perfect spots before you were confident enough to start frosting it. Outlining the dino with white buttercream you then moved onto filling it in with the light green and blue buttercream for its skin and spots. Cartoonish. Cute. The kid will love it. 
“Y/N,” Emma said as she poked her head back into the kitchen. “Mrs. Reynolds is here for that dinosaur cake.”
“Just finished!” You smiled as you picked it up and placed it in a box for your customer. “I’ll bring it right out!”
“I’ll let her know!” Emma smiled as she moved back into the front of the shop. You heard her quiet. “It’ll be out in just a minute.”
Slapping the sticker on top you picked it up and maneuvered your way out of the kitchen into the shop towards the empty register. “Mrs. Reynolds?”
“That would be me!” The red-haired soccer mom said as she stood up from your cafe table and bounced over to you. She seemed more excited about this cake then her kid probably was.
“Your order is ready!” You smiled as you placed it on the counter pushing it towards her. “I hope the birthday boy likes it!”
“I’m sure he will!” She smiled as she touched the top of the box. “Can I look?”
“Be my guest!” 
You watched as she lifted the lid and did an excited little dance. “Oh my it’s perfect! I knew you wouldn’t let me down!”
“I’m so happy you like it!” You laughed in glee holding your hands to your chest. This. This reaction is why you decided to open the bakery in the first place.
She smiled brightly at you as she closed the lid on the box and pulled it carefully into her arms, gave you a little wave, and headed towards the door with a little bounce in her step. 
Grinning, you headed back into the kitchen to finish a few more orders until you had to leave. Tonight you were going to the bar for the first time in a few weeks. You hadn’t been ready to face a lot of people since the funeral but Eddie had convinced you to come out cause the boys were playing again and getting the chance to get out and listen to your favorite band with a few drinks with friends is just what the doctor - or in this case the Dom - ordered. Plus the band would be leaving for New York soon to work on a deal and a new album with their record company and Eddie wanted to spend as much time with you as he could before he had to hop on that plane out of state for a few weeks. 
Looking at the clock you nodded to yourself and got to work on a new order. Just a few more hours and you can see your boy.
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The bar was busy tonight as you pulled into an open space in the parking lot. Grabbing your purse you pull it over your shoulder and exit your car, bumping your hip against the door to close it after you locked it. It was nice out, the heat of the day had diminished enough that your sundress could be paired with a light jacket and you were comfortable. Walking up the steps to the patio you smiled as the sound of the bass rattled your bones before you even opened the door, pulling it open as you stepped inside. By the looks of it you were late to the party, Eddie was already on stage, singing his heart out into the mic with his guitar in his hands but once he saw you his face lit up like the fourth of July. Mid song he gestured for you to come over to the stage. He wanted his hello kiss. Didn’t matter to him that he was in the middle of a performance or that you haven't even sat your purse down yet. He tossed his guitar over his shoulder so it hung against his back before he pulled the mic from the stand and knelt down, holding his hand out to you which you gave as he sang. You laugh a little at the attention he was giving you and for a moment it's like he's singing just for you, completely forgetting the crowded bar behind you. 
Once the lyrics had momentarily stopped to allow for a good second guitar solo from Jeff, Eddie moved the mic away to pull you closer with your hand, placing a kiss on your lips before he pulled back his voice starting to get raspy from singing. “Hi baby.” 
“Hi.” You smile up at him, your sweaty rocker. “You look sexy up there.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs as he fakes shock before a smirk graces his plush lips.
“Yeah.” You nod before tapping his hand holding the mic with a little smirk of your own. “You have a song to finish. I'll be at the bar.” 
He nodded with a chuckle pulling you back in for one more kiss before he let you go with a wink and let out an over exaggerated groan as he stood up just to make you laugh. Puting the mic back on the stand he pulled his guitar back into place as he started to sing again.  
You mouthed the words along with him as you walked to the bar, knowing the song by heart since college, and a smile flashed on your face as you noticed Lizzy sitting with her back to you. Slowly you crept up behind her and placed your hands over her eyes laughing as she jumped in surprise. “Guess who?!”
Lizzy’s hands came up quickly to grab yours, her fingers feeling around for anything that would give away who it was. “Well the band’s still playing and these hands are way too soft to be Jeff’s. I was just talking to Robin so… it has to be… Y/N!”
You laughed as she pulled your hands away so she could turn on the stool to face you as you perched yourself on the stool next to her. “Hey!” 
“Hey! How have you been? Are you doing okay?” She asked with a low concerned voice, her hand rubbing up and down your arm. 
“I've been alright,” You smiled tilting your head a little with a small shrug. “Finally getting back to normal.”
“That's good. If you ever need to talk you know Robs and I are here for you.” Lizzy said as Robin slid you your usual drink order.
“Thank you.” You said for both the drink and her offer. It was nice to have friends like the ones you made here at the bar, you’ve missed them. “Where’s Steve? I thought he was working tonight.”
“Over there.” Robin said pointing behind you. 
Steve seemed almost back to his old self. He was always able to move on with things faster than you ever could, but Nana's passing took a toll on him, you could see it. His smile wasn’t as wide as it normally would have been but by the look of it he wasn’t doing too bad of a job flirting with a girl at a table by the stage. 
You smiled at your cousin when he looked up at you with his own little grin. Yeah. You guys would be okay. Moving your gaze back to the stage you watched as the band finished their last song on a strong note, Eddie always loved a big finish when it came to his performances on stage. He was sweaty and winded but smiling at the ceiling lights as the last note was played, he really loved what he did. Turning to Robin you ordered Eddie a water knowing that his throat would need it after all that singing.
The crowd went wild as the band moved off the stage to take a break and mingle with the patrons of the bar. Eddie stopped at a few tables on his way to the counter, to you, he was checking in on the crowd seeing if they were having a good time or needed anything else. A few people slapped him on the back making him laugh with a well placed joke or comment. Soon he was behind you, his arms going around your waist so his chin could lean on your shoulder. “There’s my beautiful girl.”
“Well hello handsome.” You smiled as you looked at him the best you could from the awkward angle he was forcing. “You sounded great tonight. Sorry I missed most of it.”
“It’s okay. We’re playing again another day.” Smiling he kissed the side of your neck before he pulled back with a fake little pout. “And are you saying I don’t sound great every other night?”
“Yeah…” You smirked, it was time to mess with him. “You were a little pitchy last time.”
“Pitchy?!” He gasped as he leaned back to look you in the eye, his eyes narrowed when he saw that little gleam of mischief in them. Tickling your side he pushed his nose into your hair so he could whisper in your ear. “Oh you are such a brat.”
Your laugh was interrupted as the small redhead from open mic night walked up to Eddie. She was back in her tight corset and short skirt.“You were great tonight Eddie!”
“Huh?” He asked as he pulled back a little to look at her. Misty. She was a nice girl but extremely pushy. There was no telling how many times he had turned her down. “Oh, thanks Misty.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” She asked, lifting her hand towards the bar, cocking her head to the side in a flirtatious manner.
“No thanks, Misty. I’m good.” Eddie said as you passed him the water that you had asked Robin for. “My girls got that taken care of. Thanks baby."
“You’re welcome.” You smiled as you looked over at her before you turned around to take a sip of your own drink. 
“Then maybe I can buy you dinner sometime?” She batted her eyelashes at him this time. She was laying it on thick, trying to get Eddie to fall for her in some way shape or form. 
This whole conversation was awkward to be in the middle of and you looked over at Lizzy and Robin with a wide eyed glance. Was this girl really trying to pick up your boyfriend right in front of you? Lizzy gave you a knowing look back while Robin just shrugged and went about making a new drink for another customer. She had seen this time and time before, she knew Eddie wouldn’t go for it.
Eddie sighed, leaning his head against the back of yours as he rolled his eyes and whispered into your hair so quietly that you barely heard him, “She doesn’t give up…” Before he lifted his head and looked over at her. “No, thank you. I’m not into cheating. The only girl I’m going out to dinner with is this pretty girl right here.”  
“So… You're dating someone?” She asked in shock as she looked you over behind your back. Her tone made you look over your shoulder at her. “You told me you weren't interested in dating anyone right now.” 
“And I wasn't. Then I met her and I changed my mind. As a fully functioning adult and human with free will I'm allowed to do that.” Eddie said as he set the cup down on the counter next to your drink after he took a gulp of it, one of his hands caressed the small of your back while his other one sat on his hip.
Misty's lips puckered like she just sucked on a lemon and her eyes narrowed. “I've been trying to get your attention for months and this chick walks in one night and you fall all over her?!”
“Look Misty,” Eddie sighed as he dropped his hand from his hip to your thigh rubbing it up and down. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. If you don’t like the fact that I’m dating someone you don’t have to come back.”
“But that’s not fair!” She snapped looking at you again with a glare. You didn’t look like the type of girl Eddie would go for. What could he see in you? “She’s not even your type!”
Eddie blinked at her before he turned to look over at you, he took in your hair, your eyes, the little smile you always gave him when you looked at him. “Nah, she’s definitely my type.”
All of Misty’s questions and arguments were starting to get to you. So what if you didn’t dress like her? Sure you didn't dress the way people thought Eddie would like, you weren’t a metalhead or even a punk but Eddie was your boyfriend, your dom. He likes you for you. Rolling your eyes a little you look back at your drink trying to ignore Misty the best you could. 
Taking a deep breath Misty straightened her shoulders and stomped away back to her spot at the other end of the bar. 
“Well she's pissed.” You mutter at Eddie as he invades your space again. “Does she bother you a lot?”
“Yeah. She started coming around for a few months before you did and I made the mistake of sleeping with her. She has not left me alone since.” He shrugged as he laid his chin back on your shoulder. “She'll find someone else to cling on to, that's kinda what she does. I feel bad for hurting her feelings but she won't take no for an answer.”
“My offer to fight her still stands, Eddie Bear.” Lizzy said as she took a drink looking a little too eager to fight the redhead.
“And while I appreciate it, I think Jeff would kill me if I let that pretty face get hurt.” Eddie said as he poked her nose before he leaned over giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for the offer though.” 
You and Eddie laughed as Lizzy put her fists up punching the air in front of her slightly. “Just say the word.” 
“Hey Eddie!” Someone shouted over the music getting his attention. The older man waved in a come here motion. 
“Be right back babe. Behave. Both of you.” He said kissing the side of your head and ruffling Lizzy's hair, cause he knows she hates it, as he went by to see what was up.
“One day that boy is going to learn the hard way about messing with a black woman's hair…” Lizzy snarked as she fixed her ponytail. 
“I would pay to see that!” You said raising your drink in her direction. 
Lizzy lifted her own drink and tapped your glass with hers. “And I will take your money!”
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After a while Gareth had taken up residence on the stool next to you, leaning over the bar to grab a lime slice to go with his tequila shot. “I have been looking forward to this shot all night!”
“Only one shot?” You asked as you watched him down it before he bit into the citrus in his hand.
“I promised my wife I wouldn’t drink a lot tonight.” He muttered around the slice. “She wants to have a serious conversation and being hung over is not an option.”
“Ooooh…” Lizzy smirked as Jeff wrapped his arms around her. “Trouble in paradise?”
“Maybe she’s pregnant…” You offered as you gave him a playful wide eyed look that made him nervous.
“Stop it.” Gareth quipped as he threw the rind at you. “I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
You and Lizzy laughed at him as you took the last sip of your drink. Putting the empty glass on the counter you smiled as Robin and Steve joined you both behind the counter passing out drinks and taking payments. Eddie flitted about the bar going in between loving on you, taking smoke breaks, and talking to the people who had come out to see them play. It was just like old times and exactly what you needed, well except for the glares of a certain redhead being thrown your way from across the bar, you could have done without that, but you just ignored her. She wasn’t your problem.  
One of the times that Eddie had found himself behind the bar you hopped off the stool you were perched on and went around the counter. Since you were the boss's girlfriend you were more than welcome behind the bar but you mainly stayed on your stool more than content to watch them mix and serve drinks, you didn’t like feeling like you were in the way. Tonight though you had a plan to mess with Eddie. You needed to make a little bit of trouble to get back into the swing of things so to speak in your dynamic with him. He’s been treating you like spun glass since Nana passed and while you were grateful you were ready to go back to your regularly scheduled program. 
Coming up behind Eddie you wrapped your arms around his waist as he leaned on the counter talking to an older gentleman you haven't met before. His hand dropped down to hold yours as he looked over his shoulder at you, “Hey sweetheart. Come here I wanna introduce you to someone.”
You let him pull you around so you were standing between him and the bar so you could see the older man. “Hi.”
“Hey kiddo,” He said in his gruff voice. He was balding and the little hair he did have was gray and white, scruff covered the lower half of his face. He had the same kind look in his eyes that Eddie did. 
“Y/N, this is my Uncle Wayne.” Eddie introduced as he smiled down at you. “Wayne, this is my girlfriend Y/N.”
“Nice to finally meet the girl that Ed doesn’t shut up about.” Wayne smiled as he held his hand out for you to shake.
You laughed as you shook his hand. “He’s told me so much about you too! Please tell me you have embarrassing stories?!”
Wayne laughed as he took a sip of his beer. “Oh you bet I do. That boy’s been an adventure since the moment he stepped foot in my house!”
“Fuck...” Eddie sighed leaning his head back towards the ceiling. “This was a terrible idea.” 
The three of you chatted for a while laughing as Wayne told you of the time a young Eddie tried and almost succeeded in befriending the raccoon that dug through their trash at night. “That animal bit his arms up real good. He’s lucky there was little to no scarring. We spent almost a full night at the ER making sure that boy didn't get rabies!”
Snorting into your water you looked up at Eddie as he rolled his eyes. “A raccoon really?”
“What?! They’re wearing masks! They look like cute little bandits! I thought I could teach him to help me steal snacks!” He laughed. “I went for an easier pet next time.”
“A possum.” Wayne laughed into his glass as he finished the last mouthful. “He kept a possum in his room for three days until I found it. Little bastard started hissing at me from under the bed.”
“I would have gotten away with it too if you didn’t go searching for cigarettes.” Eddie mumbled into his own beer.
You shook your head as you laughed. 
“Laugh it up babe,” Eddie smirked as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, making you bite your lip to hold back your smile. “We’ll see who gets the last laugh later.”
Wayne smiled at the two of you as he pushed his empty glass away and stood up from his stool. “Time for this old man to head home. This is enough excitement for me for one night. Moving from the night shift to the day shift has me all tired.”
“You know you can always retire.” Eddie said as he watched his father figure stretch his tired muscles. “I can pay your bills as you do whatever you want. Shit you could go fishing everyday for all I care.”
“Maybe next year. But you ain’t payin’ for shit, I got my money handled just fine.” Wayne said with a look at Eddie before he turned to you. “It was nice meeting you sweetheart. You and Ed should come by for dinner soon.”
“I would love that!” You smiled.
“You two have a goodnight. I’ll talk to you later, son.” He said, leaning over the counter to pat  Eddie on his shoulder. Taking his wallet from his back pocket he dropped a couple bucks on the counter for his beer and gave you both a little wave before he moved through the crowded bar towards the door.
“I like him.” You smile as you look up at Eddie as he grabs the money off the counter and puts it into the tip jar. He would never tell his uncle that his money was no good here. So no matter the amount Wayne left on the counter it went straight into the tip jar for Robin and Steve to divide up later.
“He likes you too.” He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. 
“You think so?”
“I know so.” Eddie nodded as he looked down at you. “He wouldn't have invited you to dinner if he didn’t.” 
The thought made you smile, you had somehow won over his uncle, that was a big step. But you had no time to sit in that moment because now it was time to put your plan into action. Slowly you slipped your hand into the pocket of your sundress and produced a shitty pair of plastic handcuffs. It was the type you would get in a childs police officer costume. A kid at the bakery insisted on trading them for a cookie, a free cookie, but hey a trade was a trade. They were easy to break and wouldn’t hurt Eddie but it would get the point across and that’s what mattered. Quickly you slapped the cheap cuff onto his wrist and the otherside onto the handle of one of the fridges that sat under the counter. 
Eddie raised his brows at you as you ducked away from him when he went to grab you, a little smirk on his lips. He jostled his wrist that the plastic was holding him hostage. “Really?”
Jeff and the other boys leaned on the counter to get a better look and laughed at Eddie's plight. Biting his lip Jeff chuckled at him. “Gonna be the sub tonight Ed?”
“Shut up.” He muttered as he pulled a little on the cuff before looking over at you. “You wanna play this game?”
“Maybe,” You shrugged, sticking your tongue out at him. You winked as you took a step back out of his reach when he lunged for you, the tiny fridge door opening as he moved. “Careful baby. Don’t want to hurt your wrist.”
“The only thing that’s going to hurt tonight is that cute little ass of yours.” He smiled as he took a step back to close the door and fiddle with the cuff until it fell off his wrist. Standing up straight he pointed to the ground in front of him. “Get over here.”
“Hmmm,” You hummed as you rocked back and forth in your converse. “No.”
“Child.” A scoff sounded from behind you. 
Turning you looked at Misty as she rolled her eyes at you. “Excuse me?”
“I said you’re a child.” She sneered as she propped her head on her palm. “Why would you embarrass him like that? In his own bar? In front of his band?”
“I wasn’t…” You shook your head. You were just playing. Your brows scrunched together as you stared at her, your hands balling into fists at your sides. It was just a prank.
“Misty.” Eddie said in warning as he came up behind you. “Don’t listen to her baby, you're fine. You didn’t embarrass me.”
“I don't know what he sees in you…” She said ignoring Eddie. “You’re nothing special.”
Your eyes narrowed slightly as you stared at her. 
“And you think you are?” Lizzy asked as she leaned on the counter to get a look at her from where she sat not too far away. Jeff put his hand on her shoulder in warning.
“I would be better for him than you will ever be.” Misty said as she leaned in towards you. “I wouldn’t embarrass him or act like a child. I would be the perfect submissive.”
“Enough.” Eddie warned as he put his hand on your shoulder. “Don't listen to her Y/N… Hey. Look at me.”
You turned and looked at him, he didn’t seem bothered by your prank, so instead of dwelling you took a deep breath and rolled your eyes at Eddie to show your frustrations and shook your head turning back to look at Misty. “I’m not having this conversation. I’m sorry you feel slighted but that’s not my fault. Have a goodnight.”
“Scared I’m right?” She called as you started to walk away.
“No,” You shook your head again at her. “I just think this conversation is stupid. You’re just mad that Eddie made a choice and it wasn’t you. Simple as that.”
“Come on baby.” Eddie said, pulling you away from Misty. He wanted to get you as far away from the bitter woman as quickly as possible.
“I bet he’s only putting up with you cause you put out like a cheap whore.” Misty snapped, throwing one more jab at you as you turned to walk away. 
Your steps faltered as you snapped your head around to face Misty. You were getting really tired of people who don’t know or care about you calling you a whore. “Wanna say that again?”
“I said. You’re. A. Cheap. Whore.” 
Eddie could see you were about to fly over the counter at her so he grabbed you around the waist pulling you back to him. Your back slamming against his chest. “Okay, calm down, feisty pants.” 
Looking at Misty he glared at her for a moment before he was distracted by you. You were fighting Eddie's hold on you not caring that your nails were digging into his arm as you tried to get at her but he wasn't having it. Leaning down so only you could hear he muttered in your ear. “Take it easy, she's not worth it.” 
“Eddie. Let me go!” You said as you tried to lunge for her, making her take a step back in shock she hadn't expected that. She had expected you to sulk like a child not try to fight her. The other patrons of the busy bar turned to see what the commotion was about. “I'm not going to hurt her, I'm just going to rip her hair out!” 
“No you won’t.” Eddie said sternly as you struggled in his arms.
“I’ll do it…” Lizzy said moving to get off the stool but Jeff pulled her back with a hand on the back of her neck. That shut her up quickly but she was still seething.
“Let me go Eddie!” 
“Nope.” Eddie announced and lifted you off the ground easily, carrying you out from behind the bar and over to the stairs. As he placed you back down on your feet he blocked you from getting back down the steps. His dom voice in full effect as he pointed at the ground “Stay here.” 
You tried to push past him but he wasn’t going to budge. Sometimes you forget how stupid strong your boyfriend is. You wouldn’t know it by looking at him but he wasn’t a pushover. With both hands on the railings as he took a step up so he could now tower over you. “Enough Y/N. Get upstairs. Now.”
Glaring at him you stomped your foot like the child Misty said you were. You hissed out his name before he gave you a stern look making you huff in anger before stomping up the stairs muttering the entire time.
He watched you go before turning around to look at Misty. The anger he felt in his chest for her was overpowering. He had never regretted sleeping with someone more than in this moment. She had put some weird claim on him and that was ending right now. He was never comfortable with the attention that Misty had lavished him with but he dealt with the photos and her slipping him her number, not wanting to look like some asshole rockstar but tonight he wasn’t having it. Enough was enough. You had finally felt okay enough to come back out and she had to open her big mouth. Dom voice still out to play he moved back to the counter glaring at her. “You need to leave.”
“She tried to attack me!”
“You provoked her.” Eddie said, trying to stay calm. “Everyone saw it.”
“But Eddie..” She muttered as she looked around. 
“No.” He said with a shake of his head. “I’m not interested in your excuses, Misty. Whether you like it or not, I have a girlfriend. So I won’t be having dinner or drinks with you tonight or ever. It’s time to let that idea go. You’re no longer welcomed here. Get out."
“You made a mistake picking her. You'll see.” Misty seethed for a moment before she flipped her hair over her shoulder and grabbed her purse muttering about not wanting to be in this shit bar anyway under her breath.
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Eddie yelled back at her. Watching her leave he sighed as he looked at his friends. “Make sure she doesn’t come back, yeah? I need to check on Y/N.”
“No problem..” Robin said with a nod. She was happy to see her go but watching that scene had ramped up her anxiety a little. She would not have pegged you for the fighting type.
“I'll make sure of it,” Steve said with a nod and a serious look on his face. It had been a long time since he's seen you like that and he hated every single second of it. Moving around the counter he followed Misty’s path and stood at the door watching as she got in her car and drove away. 
Nodding his thanks, Eddie walked through the crowd and up the steps to the top landing, moving around the walkway until he was at his door. He took a moment to calm himself a bit more before he opened the door. He needed to go in with a level head. Twisting the knob he pushed the door open slowly, he could hear you muttering to yourself and he had to duck the moment he walked through the door as a pillow sailed through the air towards his head hitting the wall next to him. Closing the door behind him, he grabbed it from the floor and tossed it back on the couch. “Easy babe."
“I'm… ugh!” You cried as you paced around the living room. “You should have let me hit her!”
“That wouldn’t have made the situation better.”
“It would have made me feel better!”
“Calm down sweetheart.” Eddie said, holding his hands up. “She’s gone anyway.”
“Tell me to calm down one more time.” You threaten glaring at him as he walks farther into the room. Huffing you watched him cross his arms again, his eyebrows disappearing under his bangs. 
“If you don't lose the tone I’m going to beat it out of you. Take a breath.” Stepping into your path he grabbed your shoulders rubbing his thumbs over your spaghetti strap covered shoulders. “Don't let her get to you like this. She’s not worth any of this.” 
“Did you hear what she said? She called me a whore. I'm so sick of being called a whore for no reason. First my dad and then that bitch! She was acting like we didn’t belong together. Just cause I don’t dress or act like her… like she’s so fucking special.” If the situation wasn’t so hostile Eddie would have said that angry look on your face was hot. But now was not the time and you were still ranting. Once you got started it was hard to stop. “You make me happy… and I make you happy right? So she has no place to talk about our relationship…”
“Yes baby you make me very happy and you're right she doesn't. But right now I'm very disappointed in how you handled that situation.” He said as he cupped your jaw in his big palms.
“What? Why?” You asked, your eyes wide with shock. It's not like you actually hit her. 
“Let's count. You handcuffed me to a fridge, almost started a fight in my bar, was a complete brat on the stairs, and then you threw something at me. If we count all those offenses up you owe me… five per offense… so twenty hits.” 
You whined at him with a pout wanting to protest. It wasn't your fault! “She started it, that's not fair Eddie!”
“Nope, nuh uh, not getting out of this. I understand you didn’t start it and that you were upset but you almost jumped someone. I've never seen you act like that, and as incredibly hot as that was, that’s not how good girls act is it? So..” He kissed your forehead before he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch making you face away from him. “Get undressed.”
“But Ed-Sir I-”
“No more buts. Strip and wait for me.” He said as he gave your ass a slap. “That doesn’t count as one.”
“Yes, Sir.” You mumbled as you started to pull your dress off your form. You listened as he moved around the room, the sound of a drawer opening caught your attention as you tossed your dress on the usual spot, the one chair he had in his living room, your panties soon joining it after you toed off your shoes and socks. You heard him walk back towards you, felt the heat of him against your back but he never touched you, not yet. You wanted so badly to look over your shoulder at him but you also wanted to hear him call you a good girl again so you had to listen. 
Eddie moved around you, setting down the items he had in his hand before he took a seat on the center cushion of the couch holding his hand out to you. “Come on baby. No more waiting.”
Sighing, you took his hand and let him pull you over his lap adjusting you to his preference, your ass on his lap and your chest on the cushion next to him. Then he started your punishment, by kneading the fat of your ass. You gasped and wiggled when he gave a couple of quick slaps to your sit spots. 
“Sit still.” He commanded as he continued his slaps breaking them up with more kneading. 
“Sorry Sir.” You whispered as you counted the slaps in your head when he went past twenty you glanced back at him. 
“This is just a warm up baby.” He said giving you one more powerful smack before kneading the spot. Once he was sure you were ready, the blood flowing to your bottom heating your skin, he grabbed the wooden paddle and showed it to you. “Twenty hits. Count them out for me, you can cry if you gotta. What’s your safeword?”
“Red, Sir.”
“Good. Deep breath.” He waited until you took your breath before he started, the sound of the paddle making a loud crack against your skin had you gasping and your eyes closed at the pain. He was starting out easy.
“Three.” You clenched your fists on the cushion. The hits were getting steadily harder as he hit you in quick succession. “Four, five, six.”
“Why are you being punished, baby?” He asked as he smacked you again.
“S-seven. I almost started a fight..” You muttered your eyes starting to tear up. This hurt so damn bad. “A-and I was a brat and threw a pillow at you.”
“And?” Another two smacks on your sit stops. 
“Eight! Nine! I handcuffed you to the fridge!” You cried as you tried to not focus on the pain when he smacked you again. Shame welled up in your chest making you feel terrible. “Ten!”
He took a break then, rubbing the small of your back as you tried to control your breathing tears falling down your cheeks. “Doing so good, baby. Ten more. You can do it.”
The last ten hurt so badly that you shoved your face in the cushion to hide your sobs as he hit harder and harder and you counted higher and higher. At one point you swung your arm back to try and stop him but he just grabbed your wrist and held it tightly at the small of your back. “Don’t do that. I could hurt you. A bruised ass is nothing compared to broken fingers.”
“I’m sorry, Sir!” 
The very last one was the worst, making you cry out into the room. “Twenty!”
“That’s it. All done. You did so good sweetheart. So good for me aren’t you, baby?” He said as he dropped the paddle on the cushion next to him out of your line of sight and pulled you up carefully to sit in his lap. Your flaming cheeks hitting his jeans made you hiss out in discomfort as he cuddled you. “Deep breaths. Good girl. My sweet girl.”
“I’m sorry,” You mumbled into his shoulder as you leaned into him. “I’m sorry, Sir.” 
“It’s okay baby. Water under the bridge right?”
“Y-yes Sir,” You nodded sniffling. That feeling of shame was still sitting heavy in your chest, this punishment didn’t make you feel better at all. How could you have been so thoughtless? Trying to fight that girl, you were just as ugly as she was. Nana would be disappointed in you. She taught you better than this. Whore.
He leaned back on the couch letting you get comfortable on his lap as he ran his hand up and down your arm, whispering sweet things to you as you settled down. “You okay? What's your color?”
You didn’t feel okay but you nodded anyway. Placing a kiss on the side of his neck you looked up at him as he maneuvered you to straddle his thighs with his hands on your hips. Sniffing you wiped under your eyes. “Green, Sir.”
“You sure?” He asked as he watched you. He searched your eyes trying to see if he needed to call it.
“I'm okay," You nodded. You felt heavy in a bad way but you continued to nod anyway. “I'm okay.”
“If you're sure, beautiful.” He mumbled as he looked into your red and mascara smudged eyes. “You gonna continue to be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded.
“Took your punishment so well. I think you deserve a reward.” A mischievous little grin grew on his face as he manhandled you so you were standing between his legs with your back to him as he brought your hands behind you and placed a pair of leather cuffs around your wrists. 
Usually this would have done something for you. Excitement would have burst through your veins but all you felt was a tightening on your chest and a sick feeling in your gut. You didn't want to do this. Your safeword was at the tip of your tongue but when he turned you around the smile he gave you made you swallow it. He looked so proud of you and happy to be doing something you usually both found fun and you had caused him so much trouble tonight. Could you really ruin his night even more? Giving him the best smile you could muster, you let him move you around so you were back on the couch, the fabric rubbing against your abused bottom as you laid down. You moved around until you found a comfortable position for your hands and watched down your body as Eddie picked up the vibrator from the same cushion the paddle sat on. 
You heard it before you felt it and jumped a little as the head of the vibrator hit your clit. Closing your eyes you tried to focus on that, just focus on how the vibrator made you feel. It felt good but you still couldn't get into the right headspace. You were thinking too much. Whore. Shame still bubbling inside you. He said you didn't but you couldn't stop thinking about how you had embarrassed Eddie in his own home, in front of his friends and patrons and fans. Tears bit at your eyes making them sting. Whore. You felt his fingers start to prod at your entrance but you weren't wet enough. This wasn't what you wanted. The tears you were holding back finally pushed through and you were sinking into the shame that was drowning you as you gasped out your safeword. “Red... Eddie red. Red.”
His eyes snapped up to you as he stopped immediately, you felt him move his hand away from you and heard as he tossed the vibe on the table. His hands came back towards you grabbing your shoulders gently and pulled you to him to lean on his chest as he reached around you to get the cuffs off. Tossing them to the side he pulled you into his lap again his arms holding you tight as if he could hold you together while you cried into his shoulder. “Shhh it's okay baby. You're okay.” 
“I'm sorry,” You repeated as you sobbed. “I'm sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry I didn't notice you weren't in the right headspace. I'm proud of you for using your safeword. Such a good girl.” He whispered into your hair as he rocked you, shushing you the whole time.
“I have to go. I need to leave.” You muttered as you tried to pull away, shaking your head. You needed to stop being a burden and hide away with your shame. You embarrassed him. You weren’t any better then Misty, and you brought shame to yourself and the memory of your grandmother. Was she watching you right now? Was her spirit mad at you for being so weak and letting Eddie do this to you? Did she think you were a whore too? Everyone else seemed to think you were. 
“No baby, no.” Eddie said, shaking his head. Leaning back so he could get a good look at your face he cupped your jaw gently, his big brown eyes searching yours as you cried. It was finally happening. You were dropping. “No sweetheart, you're not going anywhere. I got you. I'm right here. I’ll take care of you.” 
You shook your head but continued to let him hold you as he grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch. Pulling it over you to warm you, tucking it around your body, careful of your stinging ass. He simply held you for a long time. Knowing that after a scene you needed that closeness as he brought you back down but today the quiet did nothing to settle your racing thoughts but having him just holding you helped a little. You started to calm down and your tears were finally drying up. He moved, bundling you up more and laying you gently on the couch before he got up and went into the bathroom to get some lotion for your butt. You watched as he moved into the kitchen to get your aftercare snacks. He managed to juggle all the things in his hands as he came back over setting them down on the table. 
Handing you your water bottle he stroked your head calmly as he watched you take small sips before you handed it back and he gave you some fruit snacks. Placing your bottle on the floor next to you for when you needed it. He also had your favorite chocolate sitting there in case you wanted some. Holding up the bottle of lotion, he smiled at your little nod and helped you turn around lifting the blanket up and off your bare ass so he could rub some on. You hissed a few times but made no real objection to his gentle massage. The lotion was cool and it felt nice as you wiped your nose on the blanket.
“I saw that,” He chuckled as he finished rubbing the lotion into your skin. Pulling the blanket back down he set the lotion back on the table and helped you turn back around moving your head so he could sit down and you could use his thigh as a pillow. His hand is now sitting softly on your chest while the other stroked your hair some more. “Feeling better?”
“Not really.” You mumbled.
“Wanna talk about what happened?” He asked as he played with a lock of your hair. “You can tell me anything, you know that right?” 
“I know.” You hiccupped as you looked up at him. You thought for a moment and then you told him everything. All of your feelings, the shame you felt, how you were sure your Nana was angry with you, how you were starting to feel like everyone was right and maybe you are a whore. 
“No.” Eddie shook his head. “None of that is true. You have nothing to be ashamed of. You're not a whore, and your grandmother isn't mad at you.”
“It's not the first time someone's called me a whore you know? There was this guy in college. We had been fooling around for a while and I brought this up and he rejected it. Told me that this kind of stuff was for whores and he couldn’t be with a whore. I told him to fuck off. I don't know why it bothered me so much this time.” You sniffed, biting your lip.
“First of all, if you ever see that guy, point him out. I’ll punch him in his stupid face. Second, you've had a hard few weeks, baby. A lot has happened that’s thrown you for a loop.” He said as he dragged his finger over your forehead and down your nose. “Not to mention we rushed into this today. It was your first night playing in a while and I had to give you a punishment and not one of the fun ones you like. I misjudged that. I'm sorry.”
“It's not your fault.” You said taking your hand out of the blanket to reach for his face. You smiled a little when you felt him kiss your palm and hold it to his cheek. “I know I was being a brat. Are you okay? I didn’t upset you did I?”
“No baby you didn’t.” Eddie said as he shook his head. He was now only disappointed in himself for not seeing the signs but all he could do was make a note of it and do better next time. No one was perfect, not even him. He smiled down at you. “I'm fine. I could use some cuddles though. Wanna get in your Pj's and watch TV while we cuddle?”
“Yes please.” You nodded as you went to sit up, Eddie helping you with a little push on your back to help you. He followed you up not long after, watching as you walked to the bathroom to wash your face. He took a detour to his dresser to grab your Pj's.
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It's been about an hour since the start of your drop and you still weren't feeling like yourself. This is the first time you've ever dealt with it so you didn't even know how long it was supposed to last. Has Eddie ever dealt with this? Did it always feel like this? Sighing, you adjusted on the couch as you curled into Eddie as best you could. You both had been mindlessly watching some cartoons on the TV. You think it was Futurama, that's what Eddie said it was at least. 
“You okay baby?” He asked as he played with the back of your sleep shirt. The one you always wore here, the Iron Maiden one. Eddie tilted his head at you, his hair being mushed by the pillow under it. 
“Just thinking.” You said looking up at him. “You said you were a sub before you were a dom right?”
“Mhm.” He nodded. 
“Have you… dropped… before?” 
“Plenty of times.” He confirmed as he looked down at you, his hand still fiddling with your shirt. “I would hit a real low sometimes. I had a lot to work through at that time and the drops only made it worse. It felt really lonely.” 
“This doesn't feel like loneliness…” You give him a sad look. “How long does this usually last?”
“It’s different for everyone. It could be a few hours or a few days. All we can do is make sure you're feeling comfortable and safe. I'll be right here with you for as long as you need. I'm not letting you go through this alone.” 
You nodded looking back at the TV. You needed something else to distract you, the cartoon wasn't cutting it. “Tell me about your time as a sub? How did you get into all this?”
Eddie stared at you for a bit, like he was thinking of a way out of this conversation and for a moment you thought he was going to avoid it all together but instead he sighed and closed his eyes. “It's not a fun story and I'm not proud of it. I made mistakes when I was younger and I paid for them but I need you to understand that I'm not that kid anymore. I've grown up a lot. Can you listen with an open mind?”
You nodded your head. What could he possibly tell you that would make you think any differently? “I will. I promise.” 
“Okay.” He said as he took a breath trying to figure out how to start his sad tale. “Remember how that night on the porch when we talked about our parents, I told you I lived with Wayne until I was about twenty?”
“Yeah.” You nodded blinking up at him.
“When I was twenty I was still living with Wayne in that one bedroom trailer, I was in my third year as a high school senior, and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t find a job in that town to save my life. Everyone thought that I was no good. The town freak. Because I didn’t dress like the others, or listen to their shitty music, and I played D&D. I was the devil sent to corrupt their children and since I was doing so poorly in school I was seen as unreliable for the workforce so no one would hire me. Wayne was working long hours at the plant to keep us above water but money was tight so I did the only thing I could. I met up with the local dealer, Reefer Rick, and I started dealing for him. I was good at it. Jocks, cheerleaders, burnouts, nerds, desperate housewives, stuffy business men; you name them I gave them drugs. Weed mostly, a few pills here and there, but I never sold the hard stuff and I tried not to sell to minors.” Eddie always tried to be smart about who he sold to. He closed his eyes as if he could look back in time and see where it all went wrong. “There was this one girl that year, Chrissy, she was the Queen of Hawkins High. Popular, a cheerleader, always smiling but no one knew how terrible her home life was. She was stressed, had trouble sleeping, and just needed help. She asked to meet up after school for a deal and I tried to sell her weed but she needed something stronger, so I sold her Special K. Ketamine.”
You blinked at him completely enraptured by his story. He looked so sad. You had never seen him like this before, so you did your best to wrap your arms around him as he took a moment. Saying her name after all these years made his chest tighten and he took in a little stuttered breath, his hand stopped moving as he clenched your shirt in his fist. 
“What I didn’t know was that she had been stockpiling the pills. Her mother was hard on her, she always had to be perfect, and one day she just couldn’t do it anymore. She OD’d on the drugs I had sold her. If I had known this was her plan I would have never sold them to her. Her friends knew she was buying from me so when that happened they told the cops where she got them, they came and searched the trailer. Found my stash and I was arrested for possession and the selling of illegal substances. They tried to get me for her death but since I just sold the pills and didn’t force her to take them they couldn’t. I also got a lighter sentence because I ended up cutting a deal and giving them the name of my supplier. In the end I was sentenced to five years in prison.”
“Oh, baby.” You muttered as you hugged him. “Five years?”
“I only served three out of the five I was sentenced to. Got out early for good behavior with one year of probation.” He looked down at you now, that sadness was still pinching at his features. “Does that change how you see me? Knowing I was in jail on drug charges? Slightly responsible for the death of the one person in that fucking school who was ever nice to me?”
“It wasn’t your fault.” You said, shaking your head. “None of this changes how I feel about you.”
“Good.” He sighed in relief as he moved his hand to cup the back of your head. “I don’t want you to be scared of me or anything because of this.”
“I'm not scared of you.” You whispered, pressing your face into his chest. "Never could be."
“I’m glad.” He smiled at you a little. He took a moment to let you take in all the information before he continued with his story. “I got out just after my twenty-third birthday and I was… angry. Really angry. No one tells you about the shit you have to deal with when you’re on the inside of a prison and how it would make you feel once you’re out. I was so scared that Wayne was going to hate me, that all he was going to think was that I was just like my old man. But he didn't. He would visit every week and when I got out he welcomed me back home. I crashed on his couch until I was able to get a job as a mechanic with the help of my probation officer and saved up enough to get a shitty apartment in town. I was careful for that first year I was out, never did anything that would make it so I had to go back. But when that year was up… I spiraled. Hard. I’m talking about drinking, drugs, anything to make me forget and it was bad. I barely remember this but I was at a bar in Indianapolis one night and I was plastered apparently but I got into it with this biker guy, he almost murdered me, but some guy in a business suit stepped in and saved my ass. That guy was Daniel Christianson.”
“I’ve heard of him.” You spoke up then. “Seen his billboards on the highways and around town when I go into the city.”
“Big time lawyer man.” Eddie laughed a bit then. “Well mister big shot, don’t tell him I said that, took me to his place to sleep it off, said he didn’t trust me to make good decisions so he revoked my driving privileges. Stole my keys right out of my pocket. The next morning when I was more or less myself I wanted to leave but he didn’t let me, not until we talked about what happened that night. I was about ready to fight him but he put me on my ass. He saw that I was lost, and angry, and that I just didn’t care about what happened to me. He had been in this community for a while but hadn’t had a submissive for a few years. He brought it up carefully saying he could help me and gave me his number and time to think about it after he dropped me off at the bar so I could go home. I sat on it for a few days, BDSM was something I hadn’t really thought of before. I mean, I’m a guy, so yeah I’ve seen the porn, had a ridiculous amount of dirty mags that kinda leaned towards it, so I thought what the hell. I’ll give it a try and if I don’t like it I can leave. So I called him, we set up a meeting, and he became my Master. I stayed with him as his sub for about three or four years. He helped me get my head on straight and taught me a lot, he helped me let go and forgive Chrissy and myself. When I decided I wanted to try being a Dom he took over my training, everything I know is because of him. He was with me when Corroded Coffin got back together, when we got our first record deal, when we bought the bar, and everything else after that. He’s actually my lawyer.” He sighed as he played with a lock of your hair. “And that's the whole story.”
“Damn,” You muttered as you blinked. All of your issues seem so frivolous now. “You had a rough couple of years. I’m surprised none of this has gotten out before.”
“Dan looks through all our contracts and interview questions so no one can ask questions we don’t feel comfortable answering,” Eddie said, his fingers tugging at your hair. “It wouldn’t look good for the record company if my history got out so no one knows anything we don’t want them to. I told you because I trust you.”    
“I won't tell a soul.” You promised as you held up your pinky. A little giggle left you as he hooked his pinky with yours and pulled it to his lips dropping a kiss to your knuckles with a little grin. 
“Thank you sweetheart."
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Tag List:
@eddiesprincess86 @haylaansmi @micheledawn1975
45 notes · View notes
canary0 · 9 months
August 25th - Dracula 2023
Dr. Seward's Diary
The things I've heard lately hardly seem real, but at this point, it is difficult to discount it as flights of fancy. Jonathan Harker is as reasonable a man as I've met, and today I went to the hospital where the captain of the Demeter is recovering, and his own description - with Mr. Harker translating - has proven illuminating.
I asked for a copy of his log, as well, which Mrs. Harker has made copies of and integrated into our collective notes regarding this case. I've included a transcript of my interview here:
Captain Ionescu, good morning. I hope you are recovering well?
Recovering well enough, young man. Every morning I am alive feels like a gift from God himself, and more than any man could ask for.
It sounds like you went through quite an ordeal.
That is putting it very mildly. I do not know what we encountered, but my experiences seemed like they could only come from the Devil himself. I see the young man with you knows what I mean.
Indeed. It is an experience we're trying to make sure others don't have to repeat.
That will be quite a feat, but I hope you succeed. I will be happy to answer whatever I can if it helps.
I appreciate it. Thank you for allowing me to read your log, as well as your personal notes. There's a good deal about what happened to your crew, but not much about what your experience was. Could you tell me more about that?
I... I will do it. It is not easy to speak of it.
Please, take all the time you need. As important as it is, the last thing I want is to make things worse for you.
Thank you. The log contains most of it leading up to shutting myself in the bridge. I thought it was a simple serial killing at first. My first mate was agitated, and I will admit, I thought the disappearances were him at first. He seemed near on the verge of madness because of the crew's fear and caution, which seemed reasonable to me when people are disappearing. I thought, maybe he doesn't want their precautions to catch him out.
That wasn't it, though, Doctor. That wasn't it at all.
I am not sure you will believe what I did see.
My translator, Mr. Harker, had an encounter with what we believe is the same being that slaughtered your crew. You may be surprised. Please, just tell us what you experienced, as you experienced it.
Ah... My poor man. Then you know the horror of that being.
I will be honest... even being tormented by it for three days, I do not know what exactly it was. It tormented all of us - letting us get a glimpse... letting a few know that something was aboard with us, while letting others think they were mad. It is certainly a sophisticated monster, whatever it's nature may be, capable of mental torture and knowing men enough to turn them against one another.
I see you know. This must be part of its method, this torture. This terror it creates methodically.
I digress. I shall continue my story of my three days in the bridge.
We had much cargo, so I did not know where it was coming from, so uncovering it was not feasible and also survive. So I grabbed a bunk mattress and linens, food, water, everything I might need to survive until landfall. Then I got a few guns, ammunition, and every piece of anti-piracy equipment we had on hand. Anti-shatter reinforcement for the windows. doubled, since it didn't matter if I could see. Razor wire. Anti-traction foam. I even made some molotov cocktails. It really didn't like those. Heh heh.
Anyway, I finally saw it that first night. Not much of it. It was storming still, and I only saw it when lightning struck. It was just a silhouette, but it had crawled up over the window. All I saw was a glint off of its horrible teeth and blood red eyes. the silhouette was of a tall, thin man... or at least a human-like figure. I could feel it staring at me. It disappeared when the lightning flashed again.
then I began hearing noises. Scratching, pounding. It came from everywhere at once, or perhaps it moved so fast that it seemed so. I swear I heard it whispering, too. I knew after seeing what little I did and everything that was happening it was no serial killer. It was some true monster. A demon, maybe.
So, in the morning, I left briefly to do a couple more things. I admit... I went through the crew's belongings. I did not wish to, but they would not be needing them. I took any rosaries I could find, and hung them up in the windows of the doors. I made some holy water the way my grandmother taught me, as well. I swiped it over the door frame like the blood in Exodus.
I was not a very religious man before, Doctor, but I have seen a demon. I thought perhaps it could help.
The next night, it began to truly begin to torment me. It began seeking out the weak points in the bridge, testing them. It had inhuman strength! It tore apart the razor wire, though it made it bleed. It did not smash through the windows or the doors at first, though. That night, it tore at metal and broke the windows, but didn't come inside for me.
It got through the front window and stared at me, that second night. It said, "Are you ready?" I threw a molotov at it. Started a fire on the bridge, but it also screamed an inhuman scream at it and pulled back. It did not come back that night.
I did my best to prepare for the third night. I knew it would come for me. I had angered it, so it would not play anymore.
That thing... I don't know how I survived. Perhaps because we hit the shore only a few hours after sundown. It was too fast to keep up with, though I did my best to shoot it. It tore at me with its terrible teet and its long nails that were more like claws.
Then the ship groaned and I was thrown down, and I heard something break as I lost consciousness. It must have been the ship's crash.
That's all I remember before I woke up yesterday.
Did it look human when you saw more of it?
I... do not know, Doctor, I am sorry. It was always dark when I encountered it. The electricals were out, and it was always storming and foggy. The few glimpses I had were just... those teeth. Those eyes. Its skin was ghastly - strange and waxy where the light hit, but there was a... ruddiness that didn't seem natural on skin like a corpse.
I see... Thank you very much, Captain.
Of course, Doctor. Please excuse me, though. I must rest. My wounds still deal much harm to me.
Of course. Rest well, Captain.
Best of luck. If it is that monster, Doctor, you and Mr. Harker have you work cut out. It can be survived, though. We know, yes, Mr. Harker?
It was enlightening, but disturbing. We have more to think on, though. Professor van Helsing will be able to put together the pieces, though, I am certain of it.
(A/N: The beauty of being off the rails is that I can write whatever I need to for the story I'm telling at this point. :D )
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aliensunflower-fics · 11 months
'bad heart and knees' not to pry but are you disabled? is that why you have a donations thing on your blog? I know this might be personal so you dont need to answer im just curious ヽ(≧□≦)ノ
I'm not officially disabled. No doctor has ever told me as much but that's mostly because when I've gone to the doctor they focus only on my weight and ignore my concerns. I'm hoping to change that soon. The donation thing is actually something else. Anyway uhhh warning bit of a rant about my health read if you want??? I guess??? Also explanation about donation thing.
I damaged both my knees a lot growing up due to several accidents and incidents and even have some faded scars on them they have good days and bad the weather can effect them a lot somedays I wake up and they just ache due to the rain. So stairs and me don't get along much.
As for my heart I don't know WHAT is up with it exactly, its been kinda weird ever since I was a skinny child to now. And by weird I mean it HURTS when I'm suddenly forced to run or climb up lots of stairs (a single flight or two is fine but climbing up 7 like I have to do to get up to my apartment really takes it out of me). For years I just thought I was unhealthy but then I found out that its not suppose to like hurt when you run, wind you? yes. beat faster? yes. not pound so much it hurts. I also found out my heart does not appreciate planes much my first flight overseas I was struggling to breathe my heart was fluttering and I was light headed the whole time. A few people in the medical field have told me it might be a blood pressure thing? Or a weak heart. I hope to figure it out eventually when I find a doctor who will listen to me.
As for the donation thing, well its there due to my mental health actually. I got really badly depressed and stopped writing for years due to the fact I felt like my hobbies were 'useless' therefor not good enough to do or share. Eventually I was suggested adding a donation button not to make money per-say (though I will be honest it does help pay for things I'm not exactly rich) but in order to help my brain acknowledge there is value in hobbies and in creating. I don't need to write a book for writing to still have value and by having a donation button I force my own brain to acknowledge that I see this as a worthwhile thing to do. Honestly I didn't think it would work but surprisingly it did slowly being forced to add that donation link made me recognize that I see what I do as having worth even if no one ever donates and I make zero money its WORTH doing to me, and thats all it needs to be.
So uhh yeah that was longer then I thought. I don't mind telling yall more about me but its also odd your so curious about me im so boring.
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aao1024 · 2 years
Chapter 2
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Lee is never up this late unless he is stuck at the station with a stack of paperwork on his desk. Time seemed to go so slow yet fast as he lay in that bed. It wasn't comfortable, but it's a hospital, not a resort. Lee didn't have to wait long for y/n to return to his room. She had some papers in her hand and a slight smile. Lee could see the small bags under her eyes from her exhaustion. Even though she looked so tired, she still seemed to be so happy and content with her surroundings. Lee wished he could have as much energy and joy each day. Or at least had someone like that in his life to make him less of a grump on a daily basis. He needed a little more positivity in his life.
"How are you feeling Lee? Did you rest at all?"
"Not too bad. I think I might have slept for an hour, but nothing more than that."
"Well, let's get your x-ray done, and we can get you comfortable enough to sleep."
Lee gave her a small smile as she ensured the fluids she hung were secure before moving him. Y/n unlocked the brakes on the bed and began wheeling Lee down the hall to their destination. From there, they entered a relatively large room with a large machine in the middle of it. Y/n and the radiologist helped Lee slide onto the machine and quickly took the needed pictures. As Lee was settled back onto his bed, his pain worsened from all the movement. He didn't have to tell Y/n that he was in distress; his silence on the way back to his room told her that he wasn't feeling good. Once they were back in his room, Y/n prepared another dose of his pain medication and put it in his IV. Within ten to fifteen minutes, Lee was no longer in agony. She explained that they wouldn't have the results until the morning, so he had plenty of time to rest before seeing the doctor. 
"Are you sure you can't just stay here with me, darlin'?"
"As much as I'd love to Lee, I have other patients to see. But if you need me, just give me a shout. Try to get some rest, Lee. You need it."
And with that, Y/n walked out of his room with a small wave. He knew she couldn't stay with him, but it was worth a shot. With his new dose of pain meds, it did not take long for him to fall asleep. Lee woke up many hours later to see Y/n by his bedside checking his IV. 
"Good morning Lee; how are you feeling?"
"It could be worse, darlin'. I'm just a little nervous to talk to the doc."
"I'm sure what he says won't be too bad. He is only here to help you, Lee."
" I know; I never liked going to the doctors or being around them."
"Well, if I'm being honest with you, neither do I. '' She smiled at Lee as he gave her a very puzzled expression. "They tend to think that because I'm a nurse and a woman, I'm about as dumb as they can come." She says as she chuckles from how ridiculous it sounds out loud.
Lee didn't change his expression. He was confused as to why someone would think that Y/n is not intelligent and absolutely amazing at her job. He felt saddened that they were too blinded by their own egos to realize how much Y/n and the other nurses do. 
"Well, if they think that, darlin', they must not be very smart doctors. You seem to be a brilliant woman and have made my stay here better than I could have dreamed of." Lee was quite bothered that Y/n was not appreciated for something she is fantastic at doing. 
"Thank you, Lee; I'm glad to have helped as much as possible. I don't get too upset over it as much anymore. They will have their opinions of me, but as long as I do my job to the best of my ability, I'm happy." She gave him a small smile as she continued charting. " Lee, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, darlin', it's not like I'm going anywhere."
"Why have you been so sweet to me? I mean, you seem to be a very charismatic person, but you have given me more compliments in eight hours than I've gotten in years. I'm not saying that it makes me uncomfortable I'm just curious about-" Y/n realizes that she is rambling as Lee begins to chuckle. "-I'm going to stop talking now so you can actually answer my question." Y/n thought she had made a fool out of herself, but Lee felt quite the opposite. He found it cute that she was getting nervous and couldn't stop talking because of it.
"Darlin', I don't mind hearing you talk, and as for your question. I guess-" Lee was cut off as they heard a knock on the door and saw the doctor walk in.
"Good morning Mr. Bodecker; I'm Dr. Bradshaw. How are you feeling this morning?" He said as he walked over to shake Lee's hand.
"Good to meet you doc. I'm feeling pretty good, considering my circumstances. I have to give that credit to Y/n; she has been a big help." Lee made sure to mention her. She deserved to be acknowledged for her effort. 
"That's great. I looked at your x-rays, and I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your knee appears to have had a mild dislocation but has found its way back into place. However, you have sustained a large fracture to your femur. If it were smaller, we would throw you in a cast and send you home, but it is quite large and will require a small procedure. With surgery, we will make an incision from your hip to approximately mid-thigh, and from there, we will place a bracket and some screws to ensure that the bone grows back together correctly. Do you have any questions?"
"How long will I be down for? I don't exactly have the liberty of taking a vacation from work."
"Well, after surgery, you can go home the next day, but you will be under restrictions for four to six weeks. You will be on crutches for two or so weeks depending on how your recovery goes. After the six-week mark, you can return to work, but you need to be cautious of what you are doing to prevent the fracture from moving farther down the femur. It is in your best interest to have someone help you recover because of these restrictions."
Lee was overwhelmed. He didn't have anyone to help him and had no idea what he would do for six weeks. Lee is his job; he never really had any hobbies outside of that. He didn't go out with his coworkers and hadn't been on a proper date since he and Florence were married. He didn't have much choice, and it angered him that he had little control over the situation. Y/n could see that Lee was stressed. She figured by his lack of visitors that he didn't have many people to help him through this.
"I guess I don't have much of a choice. When can we do it?"
" I have some time this afternoon. I will inform the OR, and Y/n here will help get you prepped. I will see you in a little while." The doctor gave Lee a small wave before walking out the door.
"Are you okay Lee?"
"Uh, yeah, I'll be alright. Just nervous and overwhelmed. I have never had surgery before, and I don't know how I will be able to recover. I..uh, I don't really have anyone to help me. I have some friends, but I don't want to ask too much of them. It's just not the news I wanted to hear."
"I'm sorry Lee; hopefully, you are able to work something out. And as for the surgery, I will be with you along the way. I won't say that it will be painless, but I will try to make it a little less miserable." She rubbed the back of his hand as she promised to be there with him.
"Thank you darlin', I really appreciate it." He grabbed her hand and gave it a slight squeeze. He didn't know why she was being so good to him. She did not have to devote so much time to just one patient, but she did. 
Y/n made sure he was comfortable and went to take care of other patients. Lee was left to rest before his operation. It only increased his anxiety of what was to come after it. He whipped his head towards the door when he heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Sheriff, how are you feeling today?" It was his right-hand man and deputy Matthew Wilson. He had a small vase of flowers with a card attached.
"I'm doing alright; who are these for?"
"Oh yeah, these are for you. They are from everyone at the station.” Matt sat the vase by the window. “What's the plan?"
"Well, in a few hours, they are going to take me for an operation to fix my leg. I will be off work for six weeks. I don't know how I will do it, but I don't have much of an option."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Lee. And listen, don't hesitate to call me or the wife if you need anything. Don't worry about work; we will be okay for a few weeks while you recover."
"Thank you Matt, it means a lot."
As Lee thanks the deputy, Y/n walks in with some towels and other supplies.
"Oh, I apologize for interrupting. Just wanted to bring this stuff in. We will have to clean you up before your procedure, but I will give you some time." She quickly placed the stuff down on a table and exited the room. And as she walked out, Lee couldn't help but stare with a grin on his face.
"You wanna tell me why you look like a little boy on Christmas Eve?"
"That's Y/n; she's my nurse. She's been a big help and has been so sweet to me. Plus, she's quite gorgeous." Lee had started to blush when he talked about her. 
"Are you going to ask her out?"
"No, I can't do that. I don't want to be one of those perverted patients that hit on their nurses. I don't think she'd want an old man like me anyways."
"Alright, no need to get so wound up over it." The deputy threw his hands up in defense. "You never know what could happen. Well, I will get out of your hair and get back to work; call if you need anything. Will you need a ride home tomorrow?”
“Yeah, can you also bring some other clothes? Y/n had to cut my pants off of me.” He had said the last part a little quieter. “Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime Sheriff, good luck. Don’t give her too much of a hard time.” The deputy chuckled as he left. 
Y/n came back into his room a few minutes later. Lee was even more anxious than before. He didn’t know why he was so nervous. It could’ve been that he had never had surgery before or that after he left the hospital, he was basically on his own to recover. Even though friends had told him to call if he needed anything, he was not going to burden anyone if he could help.
“Lee, is it alright if I start getting you ready?”
“Yeah, darlin’, there’s no point in me stalling.”
“What’s going on in that head of yours? What happened to the macho tough sheriff act?”
“I think I’m just nervous about having surgery. I know it’s just a simple operation, but anything could happen. If I do make it out, I don’t know how I will get through recovery by myself. I mean, everyone says to reach out if I need something, but I don’t want to make my stupidity someone else’s problem. I can barely cook and clean as it is. What am I going to do for the next six weeks?” Lee stopped after feeling like he had let too much fly out of his mouth. He was never one to express his feelings. “I’m sorry, Y/n, I don’t know why I blurted all of that out.” Lee ran his calloused hands over his face in shame. He felt embarrassed that he had unloaded his issues onto her.
“Lee, it’s okay to be a little scared, but I can promise you that you will be okay. And when not if, when you come out of surgery, I will be here when you wake up. You are not a burden on anyone. If you need help, then you need help. No one expects you to do it alone. Let’s just take this one step at a time, okay?” Lee nodded in agreeance, “okay, let’s just get you cleaned up.”
Lee felt terrible for putting that stress on her but was thankful for her effort to help him relax. Lee still had some dirt on him from the previous evening and overall felt gross. Y/n filled up a basin with warm water and laid out soap, washcloths, a razor, toothpaste and a toothbrush for him for Lee to use on his bedside table. She got him a second smaller cup to rinse his mouth after brushing his teeth. She set towels at the end of the bed for the time being. She stood by and watched as he took a soapy rag to wash his face and neck. She untied his gown so he could wash his chest and arms. Lee felt quite exposed in front of Y/n but tried to remember that this was her job.
“Do you want some help doing your hair?”
“Sure, thank you.”
Y/n brought the bedside table closer to him so he could lean over it. She wrapped a towel around his shoulders to prevent a mess. After placing a small glob of shampoo in her hand, she ran it through his hair and used her fingertips to apply some pressure. Lee had never had someone wash his hair before, making him forget what was happening. He didn’t want it to become awkward, but Y/n’s touch was almost euphoric to him. Y/n took handfuls of the water to rinse his hair and used the towel around his shoulders to dry his neck. She gave him the towel to finish drying himself off. Now he just needed help with his lower half. Lee was not excited about this part by any means.
Y/n got the cloth soapy and handed it to him. She turned around in an effort to give him privacy. Lee quickly cleaned, dried, and covered himself. Lee told her that she was okay to turn around. He had a bright red blush across his cheeks. Y/n was closest to his non-injured leg and decided to start there. Lee could not clean his legs because the movement required would cause more pain than it was worth. Starting at his foot, she worked her way up his leg and quickly finished at his thigh to keep the awkward tension to a minimum. As she got to his injured leg, she took her time to be careful because anything too aggressive would hurt him. As she got to his knee, she let him clean his thigh so he could use the appropriate amount of pressure. She helped him dry off and covered him up. Lee then brushed his teeth and applied soap to his face in order to shave. Y/n told him that as much as he would hate it, she had to shave his thigh to keep the surgical field sterile. She let him apply the soap and quickly but gently cleared the hair from his thigh. 
“I feel like a brand new man, darlin’.”
“I’m glad you are feeling better.” She giggled
She sat with him and talked about anything she could to distract him. They spoke of where they each grew up and their common interests. As she checked her watch, she knew that the doctor would be coming in soon to take Lee to surgery. She didn’t know why, but she felt nervous as well. She knew Lee would be fine, but she truly cared about what was happening to him. 
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leogichidaa · 1 year
Psychoanalysis Sunday #36
Non-magical AU where Regulus is put in therapy with a psychoanalyst
Part 1 | Previous | Next
"How were your holidays?"
Regulus squirms in his chair under the analyst's gaze. It is an innocent enough question, but it sends shockwaves of anxiety through Regulus' chest. "Uneventful," he murmurs. "What about you?"
"Oh, I had a perfectly lovely holiday, thank you," Dr. Robertson replies.
"That's nice," Regulus says. "Do you have a family, doctor? Do you have children?"
"Why do you ask?"
Regulus scowls and rolls his eyes. "Never mind. I forgot it is against the rules to ask you questions."
"It is not against the rules to ask, Regulus."
"You just will not answer."
"Does it make a difference if I have children or not?"
"No. Forget it. I did not even care, I was asking to be polite," Regulus says, tapping his fingers against the arm of his chair in annoyance. "I have a secret."
"Yes." Regulus pauses and glances nervously around the room. "I saw Sirius sneak out halfway through Easter dinner and I think - I think I know where he went. He made a big fuss that morning about how 'unjust' it was to not invite Andromeda to dinner. Which is ridiculous, you know, I am sure she would not even want to come. It would cause an argument and everyone would be upset and Easter would be ruined. Ridiculous. But Sirius, of course, would have loved all the drama and so of course he wanted her there."
"You think he wanted her there to cause a scene."
"Yes. He takes great pleasure in ruining Easter, you know. I think he knows how much it means to mum. He ruined the cake last year, it was nearly a disaster. So of course he wanted to try to ruin things again this year and he spent the whole time sulking and then he snuck out! And," Regulus says, leaning forward and lowering his voice. "I think he went to see Andromeda."
"I see."
"Which has put me in a terrible position, hasn't it? It is dreadfully unfair. I ought to tell mother and father. It is the right thing to do. I don't know why I haven't already, if I'm honest."
"Interesting. If you had to guess, what would your guess be about why you haven't told your parents what you suspect?"
"Well...I thought it best not to tell them on Easter, so Sirius could not spoil the evening, you know? And then the next day I thought they might be cross with me for not telling them right away. And Sirius would obviously be upset with me for telling them. And everyone would be angry and maybe it was better if I didn't say anything at all. Plus my father heard me say something a bit...mean spirited about Sirius, and he told me I need to stop worrying about Sirius, so I thought he might not appreciate me saying anything about Sirius anyway."
"It sounds like you gave the matter quite a lot of thought."
Regulus let out a humorless chuckle. "I have been worried about it all week. Sirius, of course, thinks he got away with it and is not in the least bit bothered. And isn't that typical? He is running around with traitors and scum and I am the one who has to suffer for it. Tell me, doctor," Regulus says, giving the analyst a forlorn look. "Why is it that the world is so tragically unfair?"
"That is a certainly an interesting question," Dr. Robertson says, stifling an amused smile.
"Oh you are no help at all!" Regulus says, throwing his hands up in the air and leaning back in his chair.
"Have you talked to Sirius about this?"
"Constantly! I tell him all the time what an absolute nuisance he is and how difficult he makes everything for me and - "
"No," Dr. Robertson interrupts. "Did you ask him where he went on Easter? Did you talk to him about seeing your cousin?"
"Oh. Well. No."
"Might I suggest that you do?"
Regulus frowns. "You can suggest anything you like." He sighs. "I will think about it."
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waitformethistime · 6 months
The Star Beast review
I remember RTD getting announced to return and the fandom acting like he "saved" the show. Now mind you, I didn't love Chibnall's era (and had my complaints about Moffat too) but to act as if RTD was the sacred cow was just irritating.
That being said, lets get into his second debut.
We start with Ten- sorry I mean Fourteen running into Donna. Now Donna was always a favorite of mine so I'm relieved to see shes in top form here. She immediately roasts Fourteen upon seeing him (with a wink and a nod to Tennant no longer being 35 years old) and that's very On Brand for her.
Then we get [sigh] Rose. No, not Billie Piper. Rose Noble. Donna's 15 year old daughter. For starters, her age makes no sense. How can she be 15 if Donna only lost her memory 15 years ago? Did she get hitched and pregnant the very next day? You could hand wave this by saying shes a stepdaughter, but no. RTD wants to make it clear she is Donna's daughter. Her trans daughter to be exact. So let's get into that.
I love that shes trans and that shes played by an actual trans actress. The representation has been long overdue. I love that Donna is such a good and accepting mum and that even Sylvia (a character I previously didnt care for) redeems herself by being a good grandma to Rose, even if she slips up sometimes. Shes trying, which is more than she ever did for Donna.
That being said, Rose is little more than a plot device. Her only real purpose is to introduce our alien, the Meep, and then save the Doctor and Donna with her magical transgenderism (I'll get to that in a second), which is a shame because Yasmin Finney is lovely.
Now let's get into the metacrisis. I always thought this plotline was stupid and the way its resolved is even stupider. Turns out Donna won't actually die if she remembers The Doctor (duh!) because she transferred some of her "Doctor-ness" to Rose...somehow. Now I couldn't tell if RTD was saying that Rose was trans because of the metacrisis energy or if the reason the metacrisis didnt affect her is because shes trans, but either way, it didnt make much sense. How is she able to "remember" things that happened before she was even born? It was convoluted and reminded me a lot of River Songs origins in a bad way. Convoluted is Moffats thing. I don't need it from RTD too.
But wait it gets better. We still have to figure out what to do with the metacrisis energy right? So how do they get rid of it? They simply just "let it go" with their womanly superiority (no really). We get this corny exchange about how 14 is "Male-presenting" and therefore doesn't know how to let things go because of it. Excuse me what? Did RTD watch any of 13's era at all? She was an emotional trainwreck. Callous, dishonest, passive-aggressive and quite vengeful too. And she was a woman. You wanna know who was the Doctor that had to let things go? Literally his last line is "I let you go"? The one who had to let go of his companion because he was hurting both of them? The one who learned to forgive, not just the Master, but also Davros, of all people? It was 12, the old white guy. Swing and a miss, RTD. That was a corniness I would expect from his first era, with Jesus!Ten. I expected some kind of growth since then. I also just felt like I was being lectured and I got quite enough of that from the last era, thank you very much.
This sounds negative so far, so let's look at the positives!
Tennant + Tate are incredible together as usual. I like that 14 is more emotionally honest than any of his previous predecessors (and 13 was getting there at the end so it's a natural progression imo). Love the alien designs. The Meep is so cute. I saw the twist of it being evil a mile away, but it's cute so I'll let it slide. The Wrarth are also cool. Just dudes in suits as Doctor Who aliens should be lol.
Didn't appreciate the Donna death fakeout because I knew RTD wouldnt actually go through with it and it felt cheap, but the acting in the scene was top-notch.
The new opening is cool and I love the new Tardis. You can tell that's where all the budget went lol. It's like a beautiful mix of 11, 12, and the Classics and it looks huge. You can tell Tennant was having a blast with it.
The Doctor actually took the initiative to not regenerate in the tardis this time and it still gets blown up. Poor tardis...
Some other thoughts:
since when can the Sonic create forcefields? I don't care for that. And 14's non-reaction was weird. Shouldn't he be surprised his tool got an upgrade? Also the fact that his clothes regenerated too with no explanation is dumb. Were they too afraid to put Tennant in Whittaker's clothes? It's not like she was wearing a handmaiden dress.
Also they kept asking "why this face?" Which is valid but my theory for why the regeneration went all wonky in the first place is because the Master fucked it up somehow when he tried to steal them in Power of the Doctor. I'd like for RTD to bring that up but I'm not holding my breath. That would require actually acknowledging other eras besides his own exist.
Overall, this was kind of a mid-tier RTD episode and very underwhelming for an anniversary special. Heres hoping it gets better in the next 2.
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darkestprompts · 2 years
Ok I’ll straight up gonna ask for tea:
Give me your very honest opinions on popular pairings (and maybe another post, rare pairs). I am prepared for brutal honesty even towards the ships I’m super in love with.
Ha, I'm afraid I won't have any super hot takes for you, anon. The good thing about DD is that 99% of characters are unrelated adults hanging together and trauma bonding, so even if I dont ship something, generally I can tilt my head and squint and I'll be able to see what other people are getting at. Plus, I'm a multishipper, so i naturally accept multiple interpretations of relationships.
I suppose we have to start at Reymas. I'll admit, I have a suspicion of fandom flagships because often I find them dull or that it's just mashing the two main dudes together. So at first I didn't care much for it, but as I dug into lore and saw cool interpretations, I quickly changed my mind. It has interesting themes, the characters are unexpected foils, the idea that they have this whole journey of redemption that leads to the very end of the world is quality shipping material.
Just so I'm not completely boring, let me tell you a thing I dislike: I tend to find love-at-first-sight Reymas ooc and not very engaging. Physical attraction, yeah, I can see it, but they come from different enough backgrounds that I expect some build up, you know?
Leper is one of the most popular characters, and one that has a relative variety of ships, so I often see Lester and Leper/PD, but also Leper/Abom or Leper/HWM, and threesome variants thereof.
Of these, I prefer Lester. The dynamic of fallen king and regicide is just too juicy for me to pass up. Plus, Sarmenti getting close to someone kind and reliable after all he went through? But Baldwin is doomed to die? It can hit so many angles, comfort, drama, tragedy... it's about the *versatility*.
Leper/Abom made me scratch my head until I read a fic that played the old mechanic of religious heroes rejecting to join parties with Bigby being patched out as character development. It's a clever twist, I appreciate it, even though it's not a top ship or anything.
I never considered Leper/HWM either but I read What Happened to the Candlemaker's Apprentice in a fit of hunger for more Leper content and it was cute as fuck.
Leper/PD is all about that patient/doctor dynamic. I understand the appeal of good old sick fics and comfort fics, but at the same time, for me it's more of a turn off when it comes to long-term doctor-patient stuff (subjective experiences as a chronically ill person playing a role in my bias). Lately I found that I like it more as an OT3, with a third person offsetting the dynamic. Still sad though, because I love both Leper and PD.
Plaguerobber... when I first came to this fandom I was *starving* for a single wlw pairing to hold onto. Plaguerobber was my only sustenance. It was diffident at first, sort of "well, it's the only girl gays I get, even though I'm not super invested". With time and seeing a little bit more of shipping variety (for the love of the Light, people, please feed me wlw content), I softened into it. They are little shits who like their poison way too much and their dynamic can be very fun. Plus, visually they look great together.
...What else is even popular in this fandom? Reymas is so big I had difficulty coming up with anything else. Did you have other ships in mind, anon?
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lilahisntsadanymore · 2 years
If hospital is where Y/n ended up, it means her addiction got really bad. She decides to fix herself in the order to help Rafe, but will he appreciate that?
Part 1 here
The reader pronouns: she/her
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x kook!reader
Words count: 5k
Warnings: drugs, self destructive behavior, 'bad' words, a bit of violence and angst, not proofread
I did our girl Y/n dirty in the previous part so here I'm giving her a redemption arc. To be honest I think I did a good job with this fic, it might be my best work so far. I'm sorry, I'm really proud of it.
This fanfic contains spoilers of season 2, although the plot is just a background for this fic.
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His guardian angel part 2
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Y/n's life was in downward spiral. She almost died due to a cocaine overdose, but what was more important to her, she had lost Rafe. The police got him, which meant Barry must've betrayed him. Y/n blamed herself for it, she should have gone with them.
The girl sat up on the bed. Looking around, she could tell she was definitely in a hospital. The sun was shining so bright that day, Y/n had to squint her eyes. She tried to get up from the bed, but pain made it impossible. Starting with a headache, her whole body was in a flu-like pain.
Y/n's gaze suddenly shifted to the door when someone walked in. The doctor. She had long, brown hair tied up in a high ponytail. The glasses on her face made her look smart and experienced, but Y/n knew not to trust anybody in a situation like this, in a place like this.
"I see you're awake," the woman said, taking a seat on a chair next to the bed. "I'm doctor Katherine Riley. Do you know where you are?"
"A hospital." Y/n answered quietly.
"And what's your name?"
"Y/n Y/l/n."
"Do you realize why you're here?"
Y/n sat in silence, she didn't wanna speak, afraid of saying the wrong thing. Her (y/e/c) eyes kept observing the doctor.
"You overdosed," the woman continued, "and I would like you to tell me what drugs did you take."
With a shaky hand, Y/n moved a strand of her (y/h/c) hair behind her ear. "Coke. I did coke. Am I in trouble? Did you call the police?"
"No. There weren't any factors that would qualify you to be turned in to the hands of the police."
After Y/n nodded, the room went silent. Seeing that the girl had nothing to say, the doctor continued. "And now you have to tell me how did you come into the contact with the drugs."
Y/n thought before speaking. She didn't want to tell the truth. "I don't remember, I think I bought it at a party a while ago from a random dude. It was a one time thing, I just wanted to check it out." She lied.
Sure, telling the truth would mean Barry would be in trouble and Y/n would like that after he betrayed Rafe, but at the same time the truth would bring trouble to her. And Y/n had enough of problems already.
But the woman could see right through her. "Don't lie to me, Y/n. I know your parents, they told me you are addicted."
"Why do you ask then? And for your information, I am not addicted."
The woman gave a pitiful look at the girl. She felt truly sorry for her. Katherine knew that if it wasn't for Rafe, Y/n wouldn't have ever gotten into drugs. Although both of these young people were just really lost in life.
"I just hope you know that prolonged use of drugs can cause-"
"I am not addicted, goddamnit! Can I go home?!"
The doctor sighed. "Yes, I'll bring you a Discharge Against Medical Advice paper to sign. Wait a moment."
When the doctor left the room, Y/n was alone with her thoughts. She didn't even know what day was it, she didn't recall the woman mentioning it. How long was it since Rafe got arrested? There was no TV in the room and Y/n didn't seem to have her phone nearby.
Rafe. Rafe, Rafe, Rafe, that was all that Y/n's head seemed to be able to think about currently. The girl's thoughts were inadequate to the situation, she should worry about herself - she could have died.
And then the door of the room opened again, but it wasn't the doctor walking in. To Y/n's surprise, it was the boy she had been just thinking about.
"Rafe?" Y/n asked with a very noticeable relief in her voice. "You're not in jail."
Rafe's eyes were red, as if he was crying, but he managed to send Y/n a smile. When he was in jail for that very short period of time, he had a lot of time to think. And every thought he had seemed to lead to Y/n.
In his head, Rafe discussed the kiss him and Y/n had the last time they saw each other. Along memories of that moment, a strange feeling appeared in Rafe, something he hadn't known before. It wasn't his first kiss, but it was definitely the first time he had fallen in love.
"I'm not in jail." Rafe confirmed. He sounded tired, but not physically tried. Rather mentally drained.
The state Rafe was in worried Y/n. "What happened?"
Before speaking, Rafe sat down on Y/n's bed. He put his hand on the girl's knee and lightly squeezed it. "My dad is gone."
"Gone?" Y/n felt confused, gone had so many meanings. "Like, he took the blame and ran away?"
A sad frown was on Rafe's face as he shook his head. "No," he paused, "like he blew himself up on our boat and left a video of him taking the blame."
A gasp left the girl's mouth. She couldn't believe it the first few seconds. "I'm so sorry, you must feel awful right now."
Y/n put her arms around Rafe. The embrace wasn't tight, she was too weak for that, but feeling her closeness gave Rafe some sort of reassurance.
"That's not all." The boy continued. "Cameron Development is in debt. Huge debt."
Y/n pulled away. "Do you need help? My parents could lend you some money."
There were times when Rafe borrowed money from Y/n. It was usually because he owed Barry money for coke. Y/n didn't have a stable job, she used to steal from her parents and Rafe knew that by 'my parents could lend you some money' she meant 'I could steal it from them'.
"Y/n, the debt is 1.7 million dollars." Rafe admitted. "And we don't have much time to pay it off."
Y/n was speechless, it was really a huge debt. Thankfully the doctor walked into the room again before the silence got awkward.
The woman eyed Rafe. "Who let you in?"
"There was this one lady who...and she..." Rafe stuttered, trying to come up with a good explanation.
"I'm afraid you should go. She was just about to exit, you can wait for her outside."
Rafe nodded and walked out of the room, leaving Y/n with the doctor.
The woman passed a paper to Y/n. It was saying that she decides to leave the hospital and realizes she shouldn't have done that so early. Y/n signed that without hesitation and walked out after changing from hospital clothes to her normal clothes.
"Do you need a ride?" Rafe asked when him and Y/n were next to his car.
"That would be nice," the girl smiled, "thank you."
The both of them got into the car. It wasn't a long time ride, but that was more comfortable for Y/n than walking on her feet. The weather was beautiful, but too warm for her to walk in full sun after she had almost died.
"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave?"
The question surprised Y/n. She didn't think Rafe would care about it.
"Yeah, why would I wanna waste time in hospital? How much time have I even spent there?"
"Uhh, a day? Two days?" Rafe guessed as he wasn't sure, he slightly lost the track of time. "Kelce told me you overdosed the day I was arrested. They let me out yesterday morning, late morning. I wanted to sort out the whole debt thing with Rose before coming here."
"What are you gonna do now?" Y/n targeted the subject of the conversation at Rafe's problem. "With the debt, I mean."
A sigh left Rafe's mouth. "I don't know. We'll see about that."
Did he really not know? Or didn't he just wanna tell Y/n his plan? Maybe he just thought it's better for her if he keeps her out of this.
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Just as Y/n expected, her parents were furious. She came home and spent about an hour listening to them grumble about how much trouble Rafe put her in. They said her overdose is his fault, but of course she didn't want to believe it.
"You have to stop seeing him." Y/m/n stated.
Then Y/d/n added, "and you will."
But Y/n's stubbornness didn't let her agree to that rule. "I will keep seeing him. I don't care, I love him!"
Y/d/n scoffed angrily. He couldn't stand how blinded Y/n is. Whether she was blinded because she really loved Rafe or because he manipulated her, this had to have an end.
"You're going to rehab."
Those words echoed in the girl's ears. Her jaw dropped, she didn't want to believe it. They couldn't just send her to rehab.
"I'm an adult, I can decide for myself."
"Honey, it's either this," Y/m/n's voice was less angry now, "or we'll have to kick you out and disown you. It's your choice."
Y/n's jaw clenched, she was hesitating, she almost agreed. Her nervousness was visible. After a moment of silence, she spoke, "I have to think about it."
Y/d/n nodded. "You have time until evening."
Y/n shot her father a nervous stare. She stood up from a chair she was sitting on and walked to the door.
Y/m/n followed Y/n to the door. Sure, both of the parents were disappointed by Y/n, but it didn't change the fact that she was still their child.
"Really do think about it," Y/m/n whispered, "dad and I understand that if we want you to change, you have to want it too."
As Y/n stepped a foot outside the house, she looked at her mother. Maybe the woman wasn't lying, maybe they were truly concerned.
"Can I borrow your car?" Y/n asked, ignoring what her mother had just said.
"Don't crash it," the woman passed her car keys to the girl.
Y/m/n shook her head as she watched her daughter drive away.
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It wasn't very expected to have Y/n come over at the Cameron mansion, but neither was it unexpected.
Rafe at some point wished the girl would come over, but he didn't want to invite her as to not come off as needy. He just really missed her.
"Rafe told me what happened," Y/n said when Rose opened the door to let her in. "My condolences, I'm sorry for your loss."
Y/n cringed internally at her own words. She supposed that was what people usually say to women who lost their husbands, but it sounded weird to Y/n.
"Ward did what he thought was right." Rose wondered, rather to herself than to Y/n, and then added, "Rafe told me what happened with you."
This was embarrassing, knowing other people knew what happened. Y/n lowered her eyes.
"Yeah, it was kinda messed up," the girl admitted, "that's why I came here."
Rose raised her eyebrow. "Why did you come here? Of course I don't mind that, but...why?"
"My parents want me to go to rehab. I need to know what Rafe thinks about it."
A small scoff of amusement left Rose's mouth. "You're going to ask a drug addict whether you should go to rehab?" When Y/n didn't answer, the woman continued. "Y/n, we all notice your feelings for that boy, but your decisions can't depend on him."
Rose walked Y/n to the living room and gestured her to sit on the sofa. Y/n did it hesitantly, she didn't come there to talk to Rafe's stepmother.
The woman took a seat next to the girl. "You care about him. Until recently, I thought it's one-sided, but he freaked out when he found out you're in hospital."
A weird feeling appeared inside Y/n. Happiness? Relief? She wouldn't find the right words to describe it, but it was good to know Rafe cared about her.
Y/n didn't talk, letting Rose continue. The woman was getting somewhere with those words.
"What I'm trying to say is...go to rehab. For Rafe. Ward and I were telling him to quit drugs for so long, you might actually have an effect on him. If you quit, Rafe might as well."
Y/n didn't realize it could have been just another one of Rose's manipulation techniques. However, she did that with good intentions. This time.
"Fine, I'll do that. Where is Rafe?"
"He's in his room."
Y/n nodded and headed to the direction of the stairs. Before the girl even stepped her foot on the stairs, Rafe walked downstairs.
"Oh," Rafe said, "didn't expect you here."
He looked surprised, but happy at the same time. Y/n swore she could even see a very small smile on his face.
"I need to tell you something." Y/n announced.
She felt anxious, because she didn't know how will Rafe reacts. Or rather she did know how will he react and his possible reaction made the girl anxious.
Y/n took a deep breath and spoke as she exhaled, "I decided to go to rehab."
Rafe's mouth opened. What shall he say? Good for you? Congratulations? Or 'I don't want you to go'? Of course she would come back, but not very soon.
Y/n was Rafe's only real friend. She was more than a friend, but whoever she was to him - he had just her. Not Kelce, not Topper, not some random girls Rafe met at parties. Y/n, his Y/n. He didn't know if he would be okay if she left him, even if only for a few weeks.
So he asked, "what?"
Y/n frowned. What did he mean by 'what'? And why was the tone of his voice so dark out of a sudden? He sounded almost aggressive, as if he was upset with Y/n for wanting to get clean.
"I'll quit drugs," Y/n smiled.
"Why?" He didn't want to lose her. In his opinion, people who went to rehab were getting brainwashed there.
The girl's smile was replaced by an annoyed expression. "What do you mean why? Because I almost fucking died, Rafe!"
The boy scoffed. "So you're just going to leave me?"
Rose walked closer. She stood next to Y/n and told her, "don't let him manipulate you."
Y/n looked at the woman and nodded. Then, she turned her gaze back to Rafe. "I will come back."
"They'll brainwash you, you won't...you won't love me anymore." Rafe had been damaged a lot the past few days. Firstly, his father died and now Y/n was going to leave. "And I will still love you."
Y/n's jaw dropped. She gestured her hand in a random movement, not knowing what to say.
Rose decided to speak for Y/n. "If she gets clean, you will too. You'll do it for Y/n if you love her."
"Promise me that." Y/n added. It was all she managed to come up with. "Promise me if I get clean, you'll too."
Rafe gulped nervously, shifting his gaze from Y/n to Rose and then back to Y/n. Some kind of panic was visible in his eyes.
"I'm not promising you shit," he spat, "leave me the fuck alone."
Y/n felt million invisible knives stabbing her right in the heart. A minute earlier Rafe was afraid of her leaving him and now he told her to actually do that.
Rafe rushed to the door. Before he walked out of the house, he shouted, "fuck you, Rose! And fuck you, Y/n! And fuck all of your fucking mind games you play on me!"
Seeing how hurt Y/n looked, Rose reassuringly rubbed the girl's arm.
Y/n couldn't stand the pain, it was even worse compared to what she felt a few days before when the police caught Rafe.
He had just said he loved her, why would he act like this then? Why would he hurt Y/n if he loved her? It didn't make any sense to Y/n.
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It took Y/n 60 days. Y/n spent 60 long days in rehab, each day longer than the one before. At first it was hell, it even made Y/n ask herself why did she agree to that. God knows how many times she questioned if it was really a good idea.
But it was. Y/n realized that quitting cocaine was the best decision she could have made. The only downside of it was that she hadn't have any contact with Rafe nor any other of her friends. Despite that, Rafe's house wasn't the first place Y/n visited after coming back.
"I ain't seen you in a while, Bonnie. Your Clyde said you went to rehab."
Barry. The last time Y/n talked to him was the day Rafe got arrested. Also the day Y/n overdosed.
"That's true," Y/n confirmed, walking inside the trailer, "I've just got back."
"Seeing you here means they didn't do a great job, did they?" He laughed.
"Not here for the drugs." She had to stay strong. Knowing that she could just buy coke right now didn't help, but there was a reason why Y/n wanted to stay sober. Rafe.
"Country club ain't here either."
"Good," Y/n paused, "I don't want you to sell him anything anymore."
Barry raised his eyebrows and let out a quiet chuckle. "You're lucky I like you both. Rafe needs help and if you feel capable of getting him outta this shit, goodluck."
Y/n slightly opened her mouth, she was prepared to argue, because she was sure Barry wouldn't agree. The girl narrowed her eyes at the man.
"And you're okay with it?" A question came out of her mouth.
Barry leaned on the kitchen counter behind him, his hands on the edge of the surface. "You and Rafe aren't just people who buy, used to buy, shit from me, okay?" He hesitated to keep talking, but did it anyways, "I don't particularly dislike any of you, so even if it means losing two clients...I support your decisions."
Now this was a confession that left Y/n speechless. Barry was one of the last people she would expect to hear something like this from.
Since Y/n didn't talk, Barry continued, "and I hope you know that what I did, 'helping' Rafe get arrested, was for his own good."
Y/n nodded her head.
To be honest, Y/n used to not understand why would it be for Rafe's own good, she hated Barry for what he did. But during her stay in rehab, Y/n understood that was a way to help Rafe. Harsh one, but still.
Thankfully, now Y/n was there to help him. And she promised herself she would get him out of his addiction.
Barry walked closer to Y/n, "in that case, it was nice to make deals with you," he extended his hand to the girl.
She took his hand and shook it, "yeah. Let me know if Rafe comes here and tries to buy drugs from you."
"Will do."
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The moment Rafe saw Y/n at the doorstep of his house, he looked happier than Y/n had ever seen him. At first he didn't talk, he only put her in a tight embrace where she could hear how fast his heart was beating.
"I missed you," Rafe muttered as he placed a kiss on Y/n's head. "Don't ever leave me like this again."
When the lovers pulled away from each other, the girl hesitated to speak. Of course she wouldn't tell Rafe that she told Barry to not sell him anymore drugs. But there was a thing she had to tell Rafe and felt strong enough to do it.
"I missed you too," she smiled at him and paused for a few seconds, "but I will have to leave if you don't quit drugs."
Rafe scoffed, the expression on his face changed almost immediately. "I knew that, I knew they're gonna brainwash you."
"What? Rafe, I went there to stop taking drugs. All my effort will waste, I know I will start doing them again if I'm with you!" Y/n felt like a different person, a better person, who wasn't afraid to speak her mind. She wasn't afraid of raising her voice at Rafe anymore.
"I'm sure we can discuss it, yeah?" Rafe asked, gesturing Y/n to walk inside, "compromise?"
Y/n was walked by Rafe to the kitchen. The whole house was empty, they were the only ones there. They sat by the table.
Y/n spoke. "We have two options, Rafe. It's either you quit drugs...or I leave you. I really don't like the second option." She looked directly into the boy's eyes.
The boy thought about it. He put his hands on the table. "What if I'll do them when you're not around?"
It sounded like a joke, but it wasn't. Rafe meant it. He loved Y/n, he truly did, but he couldn't promise her to quit drugs. Rafe didn't want to make promises he couldn't keep.
"I don't want to be the witness of you ruining your health anymore." Y/n stated.
Rafe ran his hands through his hair nervously. He was very tense. "I need to think about it," he stood up, "wait a moment, I'll be back soon."
Y/n watched the boy she loved walk upstairs and then followed him. She knew what he was going to do and she didn't want to let him do it.
The girl walked quietly all the way to Rafe's room. The sun began to set, making his tall shadow peek out from the room to the hallway. Rafe crouched by his nightstand.
"I'm not letting you do this!"
Y/n ran up to him, grabbing his shoulders to pull him away. He stood up, being extremely close to her.
Rafe had anger in his eyes, so much anger Y/n thought it turned his eyes a darker shade. He was scary and unpredictable, but Y/n wasn't afraid of him.
Y/n looked at the white lines on the surface of the nightstand. With one quick move of a hand, the girl wiped the coke off of the nightstand, grabbing the ziplock bag with her other hand.
"Give it back!" Rafe demanded, trying to rip the little bag out of Y/n's grip. "Give it back, Y/n!"
Rafe grabbed Y/n's arm very tightly, the veins on his forearm were popping out.
"This fucking hurts, Rafe!" Y/n shouted.
Rafe only tightened his already tight grip, pulling Y/n closer to him. He looked into her eyes and ordered in a low whisper, "then be a good girl and give me back my drugs."
"Fine!" Y/n threw the bag somewhere on the floor and ripped her arm out of Rafe's hand. "Continue wasting your fucking life, but don't force me to watch it."
Something broke in Rafe when he saw Y/n's eyes water up to eventually let out a stream of tears.
"I fucking hate you, Rafe Cameron." Y/n spat with an enormous amount of pain in her voice.
Y/n gave Rafe one last look, one filled with disappointment and sadness. She wanted to avoid that, she wanted to avoid having to leave Rafe, but now it seemed to be necessary.
"No, wait, Y/n, please don't leave me," Rafe begged, trying to stop the girl.
"This can't work out if you won't wanna quit drugs, Rafe."
Y/n walked down the stairs, she didn't even try to stop crying, it was impossible for her. Rafe didn't follow her, he stayed in his room. He was angry, but not with Y/n. Rafe was angry with himself for letting her leave. He chose drugs over her, he really did.
On her way out Y/n almost bumped into Sarah. Y/n just really didn't look at where she walked, her eyes were on the floor. Sarah and Wheezie were just entering the house.
"Y/n!" Sarah exclaimed. "You're back! How was it?"
Sarah's expression changed quickly when Y/n looked at her. Wheezie was concerned as well. She had always liked Y/n and was always the first person to scold Rafe after he messed something up and made Y/n sad.
"It was okay," Y/n replied, "I'm two months clean," she chuckled. Or rather tried to.
"Why are you crying?" Wheezie asked. "I mean, what did Rafe do? Again..."
Just a second after she asked the question there were a loud, "fuck!" and a thud coming from upstairs. From Rafe's room, to be precise.
Y/n shook her head. "Let's say it's better if we stay out of each other's lives."
Not waiting for the girls to say anything, Y/n walked outside. It was colder, the weather was changing. To keep herself warm, Y/n wrapped her arms around her and walked home in a quick pace.
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Sadness overwhelmed Y/n. When she got back home, all she wanted to do was sit in her room and watch Netflix. Tears had dried, but a bruise was starting to form where Rafe's hand grabbed Y/n.
Y/m/n walked into Y/n's room with a cup of hot chocolate.
"Did you calm down?" The woman asked, passing the cup to her daughter.
Y/n nodded. "I guess. I still feel awful though."
"You did the right thing. If Rafe can't respect your decision, he should stay out of your life."
As Y/n took a sip from the cup, someone rang the doorbell. She and Y/m/n looked at each other, they didn't expect a guest and Y/d/n was away for work.
Y/m/n insisted she will go open the door, but Y/n followed her after turning off the TV. She stood in a place that allowed her to eavesdrop and not get caught.
Before the guest could say anything, Y/m/n spoke, "oh no, I don't want to see you here. You hurt Y/n, you're a bad influence. She spent so much energy on fixing herself, I can't let you ruin it."
So it was Rafe.
If Y/n peaked her head from around the wall, she would see that Y/m/n tried to close the door, but Rafe didn't let her, putting his foot between the door and the doorframe.
"I came here to apologize." He explained.
Hope once again filled Y/n's heart, sticking all the broken pieces back together like glue.
"I don't want to see you anywhere near my daughter. If you want a restraining order, I can make that happen."
"Please, just give me a chance."
"You had too many chances, Rafe. You never learnt from your mistakes."
Maybe he was truly sorry. Y/n wanted to believe he changed his mind. She decided to step in to the conversation.
"Mom, I wanna talk to him." She announced.
"Are you sure?" The woman asked. "You're too soft on him, he doesn't deserve you."
"I can handle a conversation."
Y/m/n walked away to a different room, leaving the two young people alone. Y/n took Rafe's hand and walked him to her room.
"So, what do you have to say?" She asked, closing the door.
Rafe sat on Y/n's bed. "I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. You know I didn't mean that."
Now, was he being honest, or was he trying to manipulate Y/n? Either way, Y/n sat next to him. She decided to have that conversation, so she had to face it.
"No, Rafe, you meant it all," she blinked a few times, feeling tears building up in her eyes again, "it's gonna be a really big bruise, you know?"
Rafe's harsh gaze seemed to soften up. He gently took Y/n's hands in his. "I will get clean, for you. I was planning it anyways."
"Do you promise that?" Y/n had a hopeful look in her eyes. She didn't feel like crying anymore.
"Yeah, yeah...I promise. I'll be better, I'll be a better man for you."
Y/n looked down at her lap where hers and Rafe's hands were. Rafe rubbed the girl's hands with his thumbs.
"I love you," he continued, "I would do anything for you, Y/n. I've never known a person stronger than you. You've been dealing with me for so long, I can quit coke for you."
Y/n shifted her eyes back to Rafe. "I love you too. We can go through this together, yeah?" Her eyes traveled to his lips.
The both of them were thinking about the same thing, so just as if they read each other's mind - their lips connected.
At first, the kiss consisted of soft and slow brushes, almost as if they were asking for each other's permission. Y/n slid her hands under Rafe's t-shirt, feeling his defined abs. A moment later Rafe rested his hands on Y/n's waist and that was when the kiss turned into more of a make out session. Now the kisses were deep, hungry. The lovers kissed as if they were trying to catch up for all the times they could've kissed in the past.
Suddenly, the make out session was interrupted by Y/m/n knocking on the door.
"Everything okay in there?" She asked. Her voice sounded worried, but she had reasons to worry. "You've been quiet for a while."
Y/n pulled away from Rafe with a smile on her face. "Yeah, perfectly okay!" She reassured.
Y/n didn't lie. Everything was sorted out, everything was perfectly okay and it was going to stay that way. Y/n would make sure Rafe quits his addiction, she wanted to support him in every step of this journey.
They were going to have ups and downs, but Y/n knew there is nothing they can't go through together. They went through a lot already, which only confirmed that belief. There was nothing that could separate them and as long Rafe had Y/n, he knew everything was going to be perfectly good.
At some point Rafe would regret all the trouble he caused Y/n, but maybe this was what fate had planned for them from the beginning. Maybe that was exactly what Rafe needed to realize Y/n truly was his guardian angel.
Being a guardian angel to someone like Rafe wasn't easy. Sometimes it was tough, but it was worth it. Nobody loved Y/n like Rafe, nobody understood her better than him. And there was no one better for Rafe than Y/n, as he himself thought. They completed each other.
Y/n was like an angel with a tiny bit of a devil in her, while Rafe was like a devil who deep down wanted to be good. And Y/n was there to bring the good in Rafe out to the surface.
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queerminalminds · 2 years
❶ spencer reid
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(my personal face claim for this but you may use whoever you please)
y/n's pov:
people always say that life gets better in the end, but for me, it never did... that is until i got a call about me being accepted into the bau. the bau stands for the behavior analysis unit, a fbi group located in quantico, which wasn't far from where i lived. i was shocked to say the least when i got the call, i felt like i was too young to join the fbi but my old boss recommended me to them.
when i exited out of the elevator i headed through the doors, a woman with black hair and bangs waved me over towards her, i assumed she was the boss around here. her name was emily prentiss, i learned.
"welcome to the bau y/n, im sure you'll fit in just right around here." emily told me and i smiled.
"thank you ma'am, i really appreciate it and im happy to be here." to be honest, i was nervous. very nervous in fact, i didn't wanna screw up and make a fool out of myself in front of my new boss.
"no need to call me ma'am it makes me feel old, call me emily or prentiss, either or." emily smiled.
"sorry emily, it's just im nervous about this whole thing." i admitted sheepishly.
"all of us had our first days and were nervous at some point." she said but i was too busy gazing out the glass window to see a group of people staring at us.
"don't mind them please, we rarely get any newbies." prentiss assured me as i nodded and we stood up and headed for the door. i followed her in suit as she left her office.
"guys stop with the staring, you're freaking our new agent out." emily quietly demanded towards them and they stopped staring.
"hey my name is luke alvez, it's a pleasure to meet you." a man came up to me and introduced himself, he was very handsome, but not my type.
"hi, my name is y/n l/n and i just came in from (college), this is all brand new to me and it's, it's amazing." i gazed around the room, luke smiled as the rest of the team introduced themselves to me. but there was one person in particular that caught my eye.
"hi there, my name is dr. spencer reid but im not a real doctor, people usually get confused by that part. im considered a doctor because i have 3 PHD's." reid then introduced himself to me. i didn't say anything, all i did was stare at him. eventually i heard someone cough from the sides of me and i snapped out of my trance.
the only words i have to say about this dr. spencer reid is that he was definitely the most attractive man i've ever seen in my entire lifetime, though that only being 25 years.
"h-hi my name is y/n..." i stuttered, my face immediately got red.
"pleasure to meet you y/n." reid replied and smiled at me.
i got settled in at my desk and got to know the others. there was david rossi, god i almost fan boyed when i met him because i've read all his books and im a huge fan. then there was tara lewis, she seemed pretty chill and i feel like she's a cool person to hang around with. jennifer jareau, or jj as her friends called her introduced herself to me, i liked her enough. matt simmons i awed at, especially his tattoo on his arm, i found it beautiful.
"hey matt?" i called out his way. he turned his head to look at me.
"yeah what's up y/n?" he replied.
"i really like your tattoo on your arm, it's very beautiful."
"thanks, that really means a lot, honestly." he grinned as he went back to whatever he was doing.
"omg newbie!!" a voice squealed from next to me. i looked up and saw a blonde woman dressed in many bright colors.
"omg hi my name is penelope garcia, it's so nice to meet someone new! don't tell the others but you're already my favorite here." she whispered the last part to me and i laughed.
"hi penelope, my name is y/n." i smiled wide and so did she. i then gazed over at reid who was reading through a book as fast as the flash himself.
"how is spencer reading that book that fast?!" i asked penelope.
"still don't know how he does it to be honest, but he can read 20,000 words per minute." she replied.
"is that even humanly possible?" 
"for reid it is, at least." 
through the tardis we go to a couple hours later... (only us doctor who fans will understand this refernece)
a couple hours passed by since ive been at the bau and most people have left to go home at this point but emily, spencer and i were still around. i saw spencer gathering his things and he was heading towards the doors to leave, i quickly jumped up and jogged after him.
"hey spence!" i called out and he turned around right away.
"only jj usually calls me spence..." he trails off and looked at the ground.
"oh im so sorry, ill stop if you want me too, shit."
"hey y/n i was just shocked, you can still call me spence if you want." he looked back up and made eye contact with me.
"anyways, what's up?" he asked.
"i-uhm was wondering if you want to, go out to dinner? maybe?" i asked and turned away waiting for the no answer.
"sure! when?" he replied happily and my head jerked back up.
"what really? i was expecting you to say no, i mean you literally just met me a few hours ago."
"y/n, i would love to go out to dinner with you." spencer admitted and i smiled.
"we can meet at cracker barrel at 7 pm tomorrow night?" i asked.
"sure, see you there y/n." spencer replied as he walked towards the elevators.
"holy shit, im going on a date with spencer reid..."
A/N: this is for the people and only for the people.
this is not edited btw.
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