#like fkr writing
azullumi · 2 months
hear me out- bladeruner aventurine
omg i havent watched bladerunner yet (its in my list) and i am now plagued with thoughts of it 👹 (i dont have much knowledge on the film so i cant really say much but i do know some things)
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marblebagcollective · 2 months
one day i will have all the words 2 explain why the ctommy "finale" (its not canon in my heart like at all ive never considered it canon) was so horribly harmful
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mitski-slope · 6 months
“Look!” Hailey pushes herself upright, enraptured. Lia doesn’t even bother to look at the sky until she realises that they’re no longer holding hands. A comet, Northern-Lights-green and streaking carbon, soars through the air, more like a bird taking flight than a compound of heat and rock. A pretty kind of destruction. Decay, made an art. It’s a stroke of fire. Hailey gasps. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She isn’t looking at the comet. “Yeah. It is.”
Hailey, Lia, and everything in-between.
[for @inwayovermyhead (HAPPY BDAY ILYSM <3333333) & beta'd by @cosmozzzz]
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
i am like. chewing on ur shadowpeach. /pos i rly rly love it, im aro and it just makes me SO HAPPY cause they remind me of me and my qpp, but like, if we DIDNT work things out in middle school. they r us but worse fr.
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summerendroll · 2 months
whats harder being a trigun fan who doesnt care about vashwood or a dungeon meshi fan who doesnt care abt. well any of the yaois. nvm its trigun fan
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most-ment · 2 years
Prompt: A poem about a friend
Letter of Apology
She's the one who's always been,
The perfect Yang to my Yin
And somehow I've let that go
Without feeling empty in my soul.
She's fun, kind and understanding,
We both had an understanding.
Yet somehow I didn't trust her enough,
To not drift away when things got tough.
She's a lot,
Like me.
We have the same thoughts,
Had the same dreams.
She's done nothing wrong,
Nothing at all.
I'm the one in the wrong,
For declining her calls.
She's been soo perfect,
I'm not worth it.
But it's not the same way we connect,
If I'm being honest.
It's not her,
It's me.
She deserves the stars,
But all l can give her is an apology.
"I'm sorry..."
"I know."
Note: hello my darlings, guess who's in an exam class now! I'll have longer extra classes and might not post as much. Please still do send asks, ill get to them a little later but it'll light up my mood.
Word of the day: Eramnesia
Thee realisation of being born in the wrong time period and wishing to live in another
Does this remind u of someone? @jayrealgf
An apology letter to my tag list: @jordynhaiku @think-through-pen
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silkhorse · 10 months
Raelzaroth "Reuben" - Former Deity of Chaos + Shadows
Art TW: Slight mutilation+nudity and implied sh
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[Set in the same universe as Myrrh, but it is set a couple centuries after — before this, Raelzaroth was only known as such and had been the Deity of Chaos since the beginning]
A Look Into The Design:
Two Sets of Arms — Little to say. It separates him from most of the other deities and eventually attributes to his title and identification of "Chaos".
Wings — Based on a hooded crow just because. I don't really have a reason for this.
Paws — Irish Wolfhoundish, though I mainly just (can't draw feet), want to include more animalistic features.
Tabitha and Miriam — Who doesn't love a pair of cute little Irish Wolfhounds they are so cute, and I love them. They inspired a lot of Raelzaroth's design.
A Look Into the Lore:
After making a couple of his creations — werewolves, vampires, hybrids, etc — his title of Chaos began to become more prominent as they went against Order(humans).
Cores in deities are similar to hearts in mortals, though it is not their living source. When removed, it removes their 'deity air/aura' and their powers. Cores can not be interchanged between deities, but they can be placed back into their original owner.
Demotion of status includes half a century of isolation, cutting of hair, removal of core, and banishment to the mortal realm. None of this is lethal but served as a humiliation tactic.
Before he was deemed as Chaos, he was considered the deity of Hunting and Stealth, which later bled into his title of 'Shadow'. The changing of his status was partially due to the 'rivalry' with Order.
About Him:
Raelzaroth changed his name to Reuben when he was exile because mortals were not a fan of him. He willingly changed his identity, though there was not much he could do to how he was treated due to his animalistic anatomy and extra pair of arms.
He most likely will not be able to see Tabitha and Miriam again as they were left in the deity realm. He still thinks about his loyal, two-headed companion all of the time.
As Reuben was banished to the human realm, it had started to, basically, crumble. Without Chaos, there was nothing to keep Order in check and the balance was not balancing. Reuben is looking to all but crawl back to the deity realm and get his core back before Order ducks everything up.
He is standoffish and broody, and he used to get into a lot of arguments with the other deities before he was exiled. Now, however, he has mellowed out and is a bit more reserved.
Reuben has spent a lot of his time in the mortal realm working, something that wasn't valued in the deity realm as it was seen as unnecessary. He found that he enjoys physical labor and hunting — unironically.
He avoids Sun and Order worshippers like the plague for good reason.
Please forgive me for any spelling mistakes, as it is very late at night. Feel free to send asks if you have any questions in general — Reuben, the universe, deities, whatevs^^ I am open to sharing
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ars-argury · 1 year
Also idk if ive said this but lobanov sometimes emits shocks if he hasnt touched a person in a while because of zekroms atrack. Dude accidentally makes electricity like a pokemon than a regular human . He also has a tendency to like seclude himself if he feels bad so he shocks people alot ... roxie and hilbert the most methinks
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this-should-do · 2 years
*is trying to write/write about alyx* *immediately thinks about alyx in lazarus taxons and quantum suicide 9to5* ah yes this is how to write her
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hecvenwept · 2 years
Big Oof.
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xkinktasticx · 9 days
Yall. I watched that Ashley Madison thing on Netflix the other day and I can’t stop thinking about if my husband put that he was looking for someone kind, young, fun- I’d be like that’s fair I can be selfish, I’m getting old and I am a fun sucker, ok then whatever
If he put he wanted someone that was funny and kinky or open minded tho… I would stab him. I would never forgive him. I am fucking hilarious, I will fuck you like a porn star and make it feel like making love and what do I need to be more open minded about? I am the devils advocate. But funny. That one really bothered me. Like I’m angry at an imaginary man using Ashley Madison to find someone “funny”. Go on then. Piece of shit asshole. I am a constant fucking delight, thank you very much
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sunnebeam · 8 months
bonus: holly's walk.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, holly meets a new friend
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: in case u didn't know, i'm still currently on my aug-oct vacation (see details in pinned post!) and this post was scheduled in advance :> also i'd just like to emphasize that flashbacks & bonuses in the househusband au are gonna be shorter than the usual drabbles (bc i can't write long fics fkr the life of me). and w/o further ado, enjoy reading & share ur thoughts ^^
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One fine Wednesday while his hooman is out buying groceries, Holly takes a walk.
Holly usually takes this as an opportunity to get to know the city, familiarize the neighborhood, and get some exercise in.
He's walking down the sidewalk a couple of blocks from the apartment when he sees something peculiar.
"What's wrong?" he barks at the big Doberman stuck in a tangle of its own leash.
"I was trying to chase a butterfly," the Doberman barks in response, "but now I'm stuck."
"Let me help," Holly barks reassuringly. "Just follow my lead."
So the poodle tries to retrace the tangled knots of the leash and barks out instructions to the Doberman on where to walk, which direction to go, and whether he's doing it right.
He's not. He's far from right.
Because the Doberman just got even more entangled with the leash, if that was even possible.
"I'm sorry," Holly barks in apology. "I think I messed up."
"Don't worry," the Doberman barks as a response. "Besides, my hooman's coming back home soon."
"Are you sure?" Holly hesitates.
"Yeah, you should head home now, too. It's getting late," the Doberman assures. "I'm Bam, by the way!"
"I'm Holly!"
Their tails wag as an alternative to a handshake (or paw-shake?).
"Well, if you're sure," Holly barks, "I'll head home now. Bye Bam!"
Bam barks in goodbye and Holly heads home with a promise to return someday to play, preferably when the Doberman isn't stuck in a leash anymore.
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cloudninetonine · 11 months
What would legend do if he accidentally made the player cry. you writing the player shruging it off like, no big deal but I would start sobbing any time someone even thought about glaring at me.
I am very weak and sensitive. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。
Me too, Anon, honestly, would have been at my limit if one of my favourite video game characters was mean to me NFNENFNEND
I feel at first he'd think Player's just tryna manipulate him. "You think your tears will sway me? I know you're a witch, a monster just waiting to hurt us when we least expect it."
When he realises they're real tears? He's first confused because why would a monster like you be crying at something as weak as an insult? Come on, seriously? He gets awkward them has to try and stop them, ampying up the sincerity in his words the longer he realises how badly he actually affected them.
If he sees Hyrule stomping over he goes into maximum overdrive with the apologises tho because the traveller and the champion will have his head fkr making Player cry.
"Please stop crying, I'll let you hit me back." FJKEKCMEKDK
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Hi there! Do you happen to know any good ttrpgs that can be run with 3 people (gm included if there's a gm) virtually and is light on math/crunch? Bonus points if it's scifi or fantasy. Double bonus points if there's minimal prep
THEME: Light 3-player Games
Hello friend, I’ve got a number of fantasy-themed games that you might like to check out. If you want some non-fantasy options, check out the bottom of this post!
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Wickedness, by Nightling Bug. 
Wickedness is a peculiar tabletop game written for exactly three players and one tarot deck, with no dice and no GM.  Together, you'll form a coven between three mystical archetypes (the innocent and gentle Pure Heart, the volatile, revelrous Wild Spirit, and the uptight, scholarly Old Soul) and try to keep your world of magic and mystery in balance with the mundane world, in spite of its ignorance, poverty and violence.
This game uses tarot cards and draws a lot of inspiration from Belonging Outside Belonging Games, so there should be little to no math or crunch required. As a GM-less game, you might want one person to read the book ahed of time, but character generation and setting are figured out at the table, at the beginning of the session. I like the fact that the author provides pick-lists to choose from: it means that players will have a quick list of options to choose from rather than writing a bunch of abilities out of thin air.
The playtest in the game page shows three people playing it virtually, possibly on Roll20, so it looks like running it online is totally doable!
What’s So Evil About Necromancy? By Tyler Magruder.
Take the role as the product of necromancy (undead), the practitioner of necromancy (necromancer), and the guide (GM) and trade roles multiple times over the course of play.
What’s So Cool… games are pretty rules-light most of the time: you write down a few details and descriptions for your character, and roll 2d6 whenever you want to do something risky. You get +1 for advantages, and -1 for disadvantages. 8 or higher? That’s a success!
What’s So Evil About Necromancy? builds on this framework and adds bits and pieces that allow players to switch roles throughout the course of play. The game is meant to be expandable, so if you want to write lore or expand upon the rules, there’s room for that! The game is pretty light so running it online should be easy, especially since there’s very little character maintenance as written.
 If you want more ideas about how to play with necromancy, or if you want to flesh out a setting to play in where necromancy is rampant, you could flip through In Play Issue 2: Necromancy, by FKR Collective, for ideas. 
QuestFellows, by Penflower Ink. 
QuestFellows is a GM-less collaborative story-telling and role-playing game for 2 or more players, based on the Four Points RPG System. QuestFellows combines the atmosphere and themes of classic high fantasy adventure, with a narrative, player-driven and fully cooperative role-playing experience.
This game is what you want if you’re looking for a classic fantasy game. It’s GM-less, so like other GM-less games, it should expect the group to learn how to play together, which usually lend themselves to little prep beforehand. It also provides you with form-fillable character sheets and game instructions that allow for online dice-rollers. This is an excellent option for folks who want an setting akin to the stereotypical fantasy world but who don’t want to give one person the burden of being a GM.
POWER | WISDOM | COURAGE, by UnabashedlyRose.
POWER|WISDOM|COURAGE is a GMless game for three players about being chosen by the Light to face off against the Shadows and save your home from destruction. 
It's also a game about defying expectations and resisting the control of any of these so-called gods. 
This game pulls greatly from the themes of Legend of Zelda, with a focus on a trio of heroes and reincarnation, as well as going to fight against a devastating Darkness. The three characters are provided with predetermined stats according to the virtue they most embody, as well as a series of pick-lists to determine their motivation and background. The setting feels pretty abstract, so you can decide the details of it by yourselves, or perhaps with a world-building game to accompany you, such as Questlandia 2nd Edition, by turtle bun.  If you want a game that is epic in scope, this might be the game for you!
Games I’ve Recommended Before
Poutine: Deep Dish Nine, by The Kinematic Cafe.
Anyone Can Wear The Mask, by Jeff Stormer.
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psychrolutidae · 2 months
Restless legs syndrome is prbably my least favorite knee sensation. Heres some childhood stuff that also makes my cpu overclock (reddit rant#2)
Man i wish i coud just do an audio message on here but im not doxxing myself im a [probably] autistic highschool girl who gets mass downvoted every few weeks. Anyway ive been thinking 🤔 I've been thinking 😁 idk how the Yakuza works and idc to learn cause thats a little too #real yanno so if I'm off the mark here i dont give a dam. But theres two ways the whole school thing can go: they go to whatever school together and probably don't speak to anyone other than each other (kai out of disgust, sickness etc, hari out of "ok that's what kais doing and i dont really have the desire to do anything else so I'll just follow him around [thats actually a pretty succinct chronostasis character analysis in general]"). i imagine kai would struggle with germs and stuff and hari would stand guard casually outside of broom closets and bathroom stalls while he had breakdowns in there (lost kitten by metric moments! listen to it now When you come undone i cover you uuuuppp) and then kai would just come back out not really looking any better and say Okay lets go.
And the other angle is the two of them confined to the hideout, the youngest in the building so having next to no one to ask for help with questions from the textbooks tht were requested to be procured by pops . This one Low Key makes me insane cause it completely recontextualizes them. Like wdym you two literally only had each other through your entire childhood and now you just say shit like "sorry 4 the wait i was trying to keep our trail clear" "thanks" likw HUH HUH
even the idea of them going to school together does that to me cause i doubt they ever talked to anyone but each other so. A little more socially adapted but still very isolated situation.
This would create The most insane codependency youve ever seen. Literally only having one other person your age who completely understands your living situation would drive you insane. The more i think about them the less likely i feel like it is to ever do deep character analyses on either of them without coming to the conclusion that they Cannot survive without each other. And that's gay as hell.
One more thing. Is the idea that they knew what their roles as adults were going to be. At a certain age they would cease to be friends and become boss and employee. And. They knew thjs the whole time. Allll the training chrono did tk become a marksman was done with the knowledge in mind that he was going to directly serve kai. How do u liveeee with ur best friend knowing ur gonna be directly subordinate to him indefinitely.&."!&!&!"!*!_!&! What did this knowledge do to their baby psyches. (It made them more codependent).
So non e of this stuff about them growing up in the organization together is evr confirmed but like ... if chrono was friends w kai as a child and then joined the shie hassaikai later in life i kinda doubt he would have as much admiration fkr what kai does for ut bc chrono does show a devotion for the SH. Hes like This is 4 the gang!!! And gets stabbed its like that vine with the guy shooting a basketball and saying This one is to end racism and then missing the shot. So to me this is my canon just cause it makes sense. And if it came out that chronos joining the sh was a "quit yr job" "why" "join my emo band" scenario well I'm gonna be really upset
Anyway just to be clear the potential autism isnt the reason i talk weird i just think its funny and Freeing to use weird diction and go off on tangents. The potential autism is definitely the reason i spend half an hour writing these things though. Love you all (no one is reading this) 💖
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Please do a part two of the guys meeting a pregnant stranger, it was so cute. Maybe Atsumu, Sugawara, Diachi and Suna?
I can!! I’ve never written for Daichi though so it’ll be my first time writing for him hopefully it’ll turn out right!(also I’m taking out the saving the reader because I’m not to good at writing there confrontation sorry😭)
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Atsumu(I think I head cannon Atsumu as like a very whipped s/o😭😭)
When he’d met you all he could do was stare in wonder, you were the prettiest person he’d ever seen,
Immediately he was asking if you were ok, you simply raised an eyebrow, “you’re the one who bumped into the table silly” you giggled lightly when he let out a quiet oh yea.
“Well uhmmmm is this seat taken?”You shake your head lightly and he plopped himself down beside you.
“And that’s how we met!” He tells the interviewer proudly as he’s sat behind Yoh on the couch hands around your very pregnant belly.
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He met you through Hinata who set the two of you up together for a date at a little cafe.
The first thing you’d told him was about your pregnancy. He told you that wasn’t really a deal breaker fkr him, besides how much different could it be than the kids he worked with?
He found it much different the more and more serious the two of you became the more and more devoted he was to helping you raise your precious baby girl.
The more that everytime he saw little families out and about or saw the kids being picked up by their parents the more excited it was for that to be you and him with your daughter.
And that’s how he found himself literally crying his eyes out to Hinata about how great full he is to be able to meet you and how excited he is to finally be able to hold the baby when she’s born.
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He’d met you while he was on the job, you’d asked him about where the little library was, and he’d given you the directions but you still looked up at him confused.
Quickly he checked his watch, “I uh get off in ten minutes I can show you than.
So you sat on the side walk next to Daichi waiting for him to get off work and lead you to the library which he was sweet enough to even help you fill out the paper work to get a library card, even giving you a sticky note with his number on it!
Which you gladly texted, eventually becoming friends with you and going to your appointments with you when you’d told him about not having friends to go with you to them.
And before Daichi knows it, he’s chatting with his coworkers about how excited he is to be a dad.
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It wasn’t like he didn’t expect it, he knew who you were, you were his niece’s teacher, he just didn’t expect to be like attracted to you or anything.
So when five months down the road you’re laying against Suna while he’s got one hand on your belly, the other scrolling through Pinterest, neither of you are too suprised when he faces the phone to you and shows you a cute little outfit before following the link to buy it.
“Suna you’re gonna spoil her” you say lightly
“So she’s like my baby. I can do that” he says bringing his arm up to hug you as he kisses your head.
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Anywho let me know if you want me to write anything else bc I love requests so much!!
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