#life abroad
apolline-lucy · 1 month
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menu for a productive day:
- 1 hour walk ✔️
- finish reading Modern Divination ✔️
- write 1k words for my wip - ongoing
- post about my sapphic fantasy novel THE SILVER BIRDS ✔️
- journaling ✔️
- medical check up ✔️
how’s Monday treating you? 🤎
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stuckonpageone · 8 months
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Tower of the Sun, Expo '70 Commemorative Park in Osaka, Japan ~ 2018
This is probably my favorite sculpture ever. I remember going to this park when I visited Osaka during Halloween weekend and seeing this tall, looming thing by itself on a large, well kept lawn. It's just extraordinary. I think I stood there and just stared at it for 10 minutes. It doesn't feel like something you'd find on Earth -- like it was a gift from some other planet/species as a ambassadorial gift or something. Like an inter-galactic Eifel tower.
It was made by avant-garde artist Taro Okamoto and after a quick scan of his wiki page, it was inspired by pre-colombian imagery. I think it's one of those kinds of things you either like or dislike immediately. I loved it. The second picture is still my lock screen. There's just something so incredibly captivating. And I just love the idea of making something like this in a public park for the sake of it. For the pure, absurd joy of art. We need more of it.
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palacholic · 1 month
today it's exactly half a year since i moved to czechia and i need to sit and process that
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ivymaria · 1 year
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a symphony and drinks with the girlies💕
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mesmemos · 5 months
The Ugly Truth of Living Abroad as a Foreigner
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Όσα καλά και να έχει η ζωή στο εξωτερικό, οι προοπτικές, το βιοτικό επίπεδο, η νοοτροπία κλπ κανείς δεν σου λέει πόσο δύσκολο είναι να φεύγεις να ζήσεις στο εξωτερικό. Πόσο δύσκολο είναι να μένεις μακριά από την οικογένεια και τα άτομα που αγαπάς και πρέπει να τους δεις όλους μέσα σε μια - δύο βδομάδες όταν γυρνάς. Πότε περνάει ο χρόνος δεν καταλαβαίνεις και θέλεις και άλλο χρόνο, αλλά η μέρα που γυρνάς πίσω φτάνει και εσύ πρέπει να φύγεις. Νιώθεις άσχημα που δεν είδες τους παππούδες σου όσο θα έπρεπε και δεν ξέρεις πότε θα τους ξαναδείς ή ότι παραμέλησες την μητέρα σου. Και όπως ξεπακετάρισες την βαλίτσα σου, έτσι ήρθε η ώρα να την φτιάξεις από την αρχή. Και φτάνεις στο σημείο που βρίσκομαι εγώ τώρα να κλαις στις 4 το ξημέρωμα γιατί σου έχουν μείνει 4 μέρες στην Ελλάδα και μετά έρχεται η ώρα του αποχαιρετισμού.
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cozyfaee · 1 year
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Pretty moments from life recently. 🌿🪻🍃🌼
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nnmarudkar · 10 months
A Dream I 'Oversea'...
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Social media has laid a red carpet to most of your problems that web around your head. Every time I go on my social media account nowadays, I see one person leaving the country. Well done. Some or the other is settling outside giving me that FOMO. Get out without speaking. SSSHHHSSSHHH! I feel too far from this and jealous people. How does this happen? Hence I scroll down faster to ignore all this intentionally. But then that story or reel pops up. I may be jinxing it entirely for you for the good and for the worse. 😄 Well that does not mean I think bad of you. Jokes apart. Please have a great life and make good out of it. Change is not just constant but it is good and so empowering. Alone is wonderful at some intervals to revisit yourself. And being alone in a different country is splendid and rejuvenating. It is amazing without an elder who has 'seen more rains' or the 'world than you'. It is amazing how you make a shift and upgrade at all levels; personality, professionally, monetarily, psychologically and atmospherically. It is one of the milestones that suggest you have grown.
I miss doing all this. I think the ship sailed, the train left and the bus drove off. But…
Dear Friend,
You must be in good health and status there. I see a lot of beautiful pictures under happy skies on green lawns, cloudy cliffs and saintly serene rivers with exotic looking food across diverse cuisine. I surely want to know the experience. Experience of visiting a new location and meeting new people from various other countries. How does your friend list look? How does it feel to be on your own? Back home people look at you with utmost respect. Everybody is proud of you. Your family, relatives, neighbours, street, city, state, country, the sky, the moon, the sun and the universe. What is your heart's expression? Is it overwhelming or relaxing?
How does it feel to stay away from home? How is it to do everything on your own? I am sure it started hand to mouth but even that had a quality of life. Absolutely not easy, I understand. But isn’t it a ‘look I achieved it’ moment at times?
It has to be a great walk on clean roads, inhaling fresh air, walking past the well mannered population and having people not look at what you are wearing. They do not spit, cough and throw things just like that. It is a beautiful strolling experience. Refreshing or depressing after the first few days? Your people are curious to talk to you ‘What is happening there, what did you make, how do you travel, how easy are you now with the new place etc,. Motivational, right?
They are glowing here with your self made attitude there. They flaunt your city’s gifts here. I know you have had a ride to choose it for them. Did they expect it from you?
Isn't it still a beautiful feeling buying them souvenir? They take pride in telling people you stay in whichever country.
Here people do not expect much from us. We are now what they want us to be and do. We are in the ‘the sad generation with happy pictures’ zone here. We struggle on wet and gross roads, footpaths just not for a walk, AQI falling to new lows as low as the billboards and hoarding about to fall on our heads and the highlight is yet we say ‘I love this city.’. Because the fact is we have nowhere to go. Which is out of no choice. ‘We’ are not all of us. But some of us who just thought one day our futures will take us across the seas and give us a better life. How big fools were we. We were meant to see people spit and walk on that mucus. Because we were not as fabulous and courageous as you. We weren’t as intelligent and sharp as you. But above all we just failed to realise our fates. How typically our fate was written and unsupportive in lifting us up. We failed to understand us.
Tell me, do you feel lonely there? Sure you might be. We are lonesome here in the crowds. You have had your moments, definitely.
Do you love cooking or have transformed into lazy bone ordering or eating junk everyday. I am so certain that you have learnt cooking and enjoy it like therapy at times.
And do not give me that nonsensical debate of ‘it's not easy’, ‘we have had to go through a lot’, ‘worked hard to reach here’ etc. We know how it must have been for you. However, the grass is always green on the other side. And amongst all the happiness there is an urge to pretend discomfort. And yeah, this city definitely does not call your heart back, which is why you are enjoying it there. So do not tell us you have hard times. The country will run for you if you are in trouble and may give you a rose and special treatment when you come back. We will not see that ever. So today living our life here is not like it was when you left the country. We trade our respect in return for sanity and money. After all, we still have to deal with dirt and indiscipline.
Does the mind feel free and decluttered? Does it have a lot of other burdens or exploring a life at once?
I suppose be thankful enough that all those toxic energies are kept away from you by fate and your will. It is a roller coaster when your critic stands right beside you. They surprisingly become your well wishers when you are away. Stay away and stay enlightened.
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findinglifeinwords · 2 years
I am returning to a place that has become home. And the person I want to see the most won’t be there.
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Come diceva Banfi: Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio!"
porca puttanazza.
ho aspettato con ansia che i miei venissero a trovarmi dall'Italia, per aiutarmi un po'con l'infanta imperatrice i modo da farmi lavorare.
i tre mesi dall'acquisto del biglietto al loro arrivo sono stati INFINITI.
i due mesi e mezzo qui sono VOLATI.
una serie infinita di sfortunati eventi(oggi mi spreco in citazioni) si è messa in moto a partire dal loro viaggio che è stato cancellato dire volte e che li ha più visto bloccato per due notti in transito.
dopo il loro effettivo arrivo casa mia è diventato un Lazzaretto. per fortuna la più colpita da vari morbi sono stata io, seguita a ruota dall'infanta la quale ha concluso col botto passando l'ultima settimana all'ospedale.
inutile dire che io non solo non sono uscita con gli amici, chiesa di cui avevo veramente bisogno, ma non sono nemmeno riuscita a finire il lavoro arretrato!
oggi ripartono, io ho lo slpeen cosmico, il mio compagno è al settimo cielo, non credo l'infanta abbia capito che se ne vanno.
quando sono emigrata dall'altra parte del mondo, sapevo mi sarebbe mancata la mia famiglia, ma non avrei mai pensato sarebbe stata così dura senza di loro una volta diventata madre.
adesso i miei genitori sono anziani ed iniziano adv avere loro bisogno di me e io sono qui, così lontana. una figlia inutile.
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apolline-lucy · 1 year
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coffee time
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stuckonpageone · 8 months
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Shirogane Pond, Biel, Hokkaido, Japan ~ Summer 2021
Sometimes photo ops can just be as good as the hype (or better). In person, this was so much more impressive than the pictures can convey. Still, I wish I had invested in a wide angle lens. That might have been able to capture its essence a bit more.
They light this up at night, apparently. Might just be seasonal though. This was another stop on the bus tour, which in total was about $50. 100% worth it.
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sunkissis · 1 year
Our Life in Paris: 5 Years Abroad
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Lonely Thoughts of an International Student
In search of stability and belonging.
I doors ding open and I walk in, scanning for a seat. A window seat, by the corner, as I tend to like, was available. I sat down, pulled my phone out from my pocket and peeled off my coat. Every morning during my thirty minute commute to the campus, I listen to music and scroll through Instagram. It has only been three months since I last saw my family in Singapore but that feels like a lifetime away. I swipe through the endless Insta-stories of my family members, friends I have long lost contact with, and the many others in between. Every day, the same routine. Every day the longing to learn more about their lives beyond the glimpses of fifteen-second videos. 
Over the last five years living abroad, I have missed many births, dinners, laughs, movie nights, weddings, and concerts with the people I love. There is something very lonely about being an international student. In a constant state of transition and liminality, no personal connection or relationship ever feels concrete or permanent. I do have my lifelong friends, close family members, and my partner dear to my heart but the constant state of transition is something I find I don’t share, can’t share with many dear to me.
I swipe, and swipe, and swipe.  There, I saw the familiar silhouette of this girl I used to share a flat with in my first year living abroad. She’s dyed her hair and looks a little different, dressed a little differently, posed with her new boyfriend, sharing about their little vacation. I haven’t talked to her in years now. I think back to how close we used to feel to each other. Having most of our lunches, dinners, and party attendances together. Now she is nothing but a distant memory. I cannot tell you more than that she’s a lawyer and she has a new boyfriend. She looks happy though, and that’s nice to know. 
I continue swiping through more faces of people that have briefly encountered my life but permanently remained in the periphery of my mind, showing up every time I swipe through social media. 
A little video of my niece laughing and running down the mall’s corridor into her father’s arms shows up. The next video shows her having food and practicing using a fork. At least that’s what my cousin’s captions said. A wave of sadness and love comes over me. I have so much love for these people. Yet, they only exist in clips of videos. I have met her once. The last time I went back to Singapore at a family party. What even entitles me to say I love her? I miss my family. I hate that I watch them grow up online and learn about their likes and dislikes through captions curated by their parents. I have only ever seen them through the lens and perceptions of someone else as though I am looking at them through a piece of glass. Well, I mean, it’s not that far off.
A message notification pops up. It’s my partner telling me something about their day. 
They are flying over to Manchester to see me in a few days and I miss them all the time. I know they are proud of me but sometimes I wish they had told me to stay. To not pursue an academic career through a prestigious, well-funded doctoral program. But alas, they are a good partner and naturally they encouraged me to pursue what’s best for me and our future, even if it means we live apart for four years, shuttling between borders on cramped airplanes and excruciating lines at airport security. During the two years I lived in Vienna, I found a home in and with them. Even then, it felt temporal. Not the relationship. The feeling of stability in a locality. It constantly felt like I was in a state of movement. I found somewhere I felt comfortable to call home, with someone I called family, and again, I moved. We have talked about settling in together after I finish my doctorate programme, but a part of me cant shake the feeling of insecurity in not knowing where that meant and how long it might be before I have to move again.  Sure, I am very privileged that my constant state of liminality and transition is one of high prestige and comes with much economic and cultural capital benefit. But this sense of intense loneliness and disconnectedness I feel from the people I love can sometimes be very isolating. Sometimes, I fear making new friends, or deeper connections for the temporality of it all. Perhaps some might enjoy this temporality but in me, it induces deep feelings of loneliness. Some people see my life as ‘’glamourous’’ or ‘’admirable’’ but I don’t think I see it that way. At least not anymore. 
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bitsy-eleina · 1 year
hi! I make videos on YouTube and have always been a big fan of Tumblr. I don't know if this will reach people but I thought I'd share it here as well. 
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